#I love how it’s all a mystery and there are things to figure out and things yet to see
drchucktingle · 3 days
On your blog you've talked about dealing with chronic as a result from the stress of masking your autism.
It's a bit of a different situation, but my little sister (who we've begun to suspect has adhd) has been experiencing chronic pain in her arms and legs. I may be totally off base, but I was wondering if a similar stess might potentially be a factor in her pain.
If you're willing, would you mind talking about how your pain affected before you found a way to manage it (I tried searching your tumblr, but not much came up, so sorry if I'm asking a question that's already been answered)?
Thanks either way, I love your books. Love is real!
sure buckaroo GOOD QUESTION. i have had chronic pain in some form or another for LONG TIME in a number of STRESS RELATED WAYS. in past it has been cracking teeth from clenching dang jaws while i sleep and things like that, but a few years ago it was FULL ON BODY PAIN AND TIGHTNESS like every muscle was clenching up. went to the doctor over and over all kinds of dang specialists and it was very difficult to figure out what was going on. eventually landed on a sort of nebulous trot of STRESS but i can get more specific.
there are several things about me that you would never know just from looking or even talking to me for long times. i am a bi buckaroo, i am a non-dysphoric trans buckaroo, i am an autistic buckaroo. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE THINGS IS EITHER HIDDEN AUTOMATICALLY OR I AM SUCH AN EXPERT AT HIDING THAT IT IS SECOND NATURE
autism presents its trot in many ways, so my words do not apply to all, but my version is EXTREME ORGANIZATION AND ENDLESS WORK ETHIC. in way of freud (which is a silly way but sometimes good for symbolism talk) i have what you would call an OVERDEVELOPED SUPER EGO which is a double edged sword. i can write 100s of books at an incredible pace, but also feel like my body is constantly collapsing in on itself
this is not really something i consciously think about much, but eventually these health problems started creeping up. it was all from carrying this mystery tension in my body, because while it feels EASY for me to mask i believe all that tension goes somewhere and it stores up and stores up and stores up.
so i think the HEALTHY way that i have found to deal with this (i think of it as releasing the steam valve a bit so the boiler does not break down) is ART. this space where i am allowed to be CHUCK TINGLE and write without obsessing over the spelling or punctuation, or to loudly express my queerness, or explore gender, and to let my neurotypical mask down DIRECTLY RELIEVES my chronic pain because it literally makes my muscles relax.
when i started out this ARTISTIC TROT as chuck i used a LOT of metaphor to keep my privacy, with different words or different versions of people for different things, and buckaroos found this very funny. as a way to express myself artistically i also liked this metaphor trot a lot, but i have also found that the LESS metaphor i paint over my life as chuck, the better it is for my health. if you have noticed, i talk less about some of the parts of my life that were metaphors, or maybe you have seen that my voice has relaxed a bit in interviews, or that i carry myself a little differently over time, this is partially why. (there is another artistic reason that was a planned trot from the beginning and it has to do with my feelings as a young autistic buckaroo of not fitting in on this timeline, but we can dive into that later).
anyway, as PRACTICAL ADVICE i would say that FINDING A SPACE TO EXPRESS YOURSELF WITHOUT FEAR OR MASKING has been the number one trot for me. that can be a pink bag over your head writing hundreds of erotic shorts, or that can be just laying on the ground howling your heart out, or doing whatever stim you need to do.
i will also say that ONCE I REALIZED IT WAS MUSCLE TENSION getting a physical therapist helped a lot. because there are two sides, you have to start releasing steam from the steam valve, but at the same time youve also gotta start HEALING THE DAMAGE. so i think stretching and techniques like that can be very helpful.
hope that helps buckaroo LOVE IS REAL
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tarotphlow · 3 days
Astro Observations 9
A return to normalcy
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🎒Planets in the 7H can indicate the kind of partner you may have, example, having Mercury in the 7H may mean you have a witty partner!
🎒I’ve noticed that when there’s mercury 8H synastry with someone, it’s hard for to be open, it almost feels like something is keeping you quiet
🎒having your south node conjunct your ascendant can indicate having a hawt body🥵, I think this is because south node is a body without a head so there’s emphasis on physicality to a native that has this specific configuration
🎒that being said if you have the south node conjunction ascendant you could be a little clueless in life, you’d do well to get a therapist or a support system of some kind!
🎒if you have Saturn in the 6H you could have fears of picking up new habits and or hobbies, allow yourself to have fun with whatever you do, don’t be too hard on yourself and make baby steps in getting over your fears!
🎒 Did you know boredom is related to the 2H? Spend some time analyzing your 2H to see how to alleviate some of your boringgg boreeddddnesss
🎒you should be careful if your Martian dominant, I’ve noticed that people around you will likely try and control you or use you in some way shape or form, I’m not too keen on why this is cause Mars the planet is literally like dominant, but I feel it’s because of all of the raw power these natives have rocking in their system that people would want to use them for their own personal gain
🎒study your Mercury placement more if you want to understand how your charisma works, Mercury is related to things like conversation and communication skills, this is imperative to know when you want to impress!
🎒as someone who has experienced 12H synastry I want you to know that this is incredibly intense and mature energy to work with, one of the ways that a connection can fall apart is by doing nothing. If you do not make the effort to communicate intentions or talk about your feelings it’s a sure fire way to fall into a fog of confusion or uncertainty.
🎒8H synastry is also very mature and heavy energy, I’d say when you’re in a relationship like this be deliberate with your actions and make a point to explain yourself, 8H deals with mystery and vulnerability, relationships with this will do well by just explaining themselves not in a nagging way but rather in a caring way.
🎒while on relationships I just want to say I love earth venus placements for being so touchy and sweet, it kinda makes sense that one of these natives’ love language is physical touch but I just wanted to say that !
End of observations! It’s been a longgggg while since last I’ve made a post like this, I’ve been busy with life and trying to figure out things for myself, still haven’t found the answers I’m looking for but at least I’m getting closer to the answer I want yk?
Likes and reposts are appreciated 🩵
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theodorenmyth · 1 day
T.R. With a childhood sweetheart who’s kinda like him but different in many ways.
Shadows of Eternity
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Pairings : Tom Riddle x M! Reader
Summary : In the orphanage, you found a kindred spirit in Tom Riddle, both possessing mysterious abilities that set you apart. As your friendship deepened at Hogwarts, so did Tom's obsession with power. Amidst your love for each other, tragedy struck when Tom's pursuit of the Chamber of Secrets led to your untimely demise. His grief and guilt transformed him into Lord Voldemort, leaving behind a legacy of love and loss that haunted him forever. This is the story of a bond that transcended darkness, a tale etched in the annals of Hogwarts, where love proved to be the greatest magic of all.
A/n : ok let's be real, this is some angsty stuff, but I suggest you all listen to "slipping through my fingers" by ABBA and "angeleyes". Enjoy! (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠) (Also lets be fr Voldemort would never step into hogwarts again but whatever)
Warnings) : ANGST. literal angst, death, reader dying, tom releasing the basilisk, crying, grief, tom feeling guilty for not listening to the love of his life
Word count : 3k+
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The orphanage was your world. It had been for as long as you could remember. Days bled into one another with little to distinguish them—an endless cycle of chores, lessons, and the muted hum of children's voices. But it wasn't always bleak. Occasionally, something extraordinary happened. And one of those extraordinary things was meeting Tom Riddle.
You had noticed him for a while before you finally approached him. He was always alone, always distant. There was a quiet intensity about him that intrigued you. You couldn't understand why the other children avoided him. They whispered about him, said he was strange, that he did things. But you didn't care. You were curious.
One grey afternoon, you found him in the corner of the yard, sitting on a low wall, staring at nothing in particular. Summoning your courage, you walked up to him.
"Why are you always alone?" you asked, your voice breaking the heavy silence.
Tom looked up sharply, his dark eyes piercing into yours. For a moment, you thought he might tell you to go away, like he did with the others. But instead, he tilted his head slightly, studying you.
"The rest don't want to interact with me," he said finally. "I'm different than the other kids."
You nodded, feeling a strange connection with him. "Me too."
He raised an eyebrow, seemingly intrigued by your response. "How are you different?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.
You hesitated for a moment, wondering how much you should reveal. "Strange things happen around me," you said cautiously. "Things I can't explain. And when I get angry or scared... it's like I can make things happen."
Tom's eyes lit up with interest. "What kind of things?"
You glanced around to make sure no one was listening. "I can move things without touching them," you whispered. "And sometimes, I can feel what other people are thinking."
A slow smile spread across Tom's face. "We're more alike than you know," he said. "I can do things too. Things that scare the other kids."
You felt a thrill of excitement. For the first time, you had found someone who understood what it was like to be different. "Maybe we can figure it out together," you suggested.
Tom nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, I think we can."
From that day on, you and Tom were inseparable. You shared your secrets, your dreams, and your fears. You discovered that you were both different in ways that set you apart from the others. Strange things happened when you were angry or scared, things that couldn't be explained. Tom could move objects without touching them, make lights flicker and shadows dance. And you had your own abilities, equally mysterious and powerful.
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A year passed in a blur of shared adventures and whispered conversations. Then, one day, a man came to the orphanage. He was tall and thin, with half-moon spectacles and a long beard. There was something about him that commanded attention, an air of authority and wisdom.
Tom eyed him suspiciously as he entered the common room where you were both sitting. "You're the doctor, aren't you?" he said, his voice edged with distrust.
The man smiled kindly. "No, Tom, I am not a doctor. My name is Albus Dumbledore. I am here to talk to you both about a very special place."
You and Tom exchanged a glance, curiosity piqued. Dumbledore explained that you both had been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a place where you could learn to control and develop your abilities.
"I have seen what you can do," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement and pride. "You are both very gifted. I believe you will achieve great things."
You felt a thrill of excitement at the prospect of leaving the orphanage and discovering a new world. Tom, however, seemed more cautious, his eyes narrowing as he studied Dumbledore.
"What if we don't want to go?" Tom asked, his voice defiant.
Dumbledore's expression softened. "The choice is yours, of course. But I think you will find Hogwarts to be a place where you belong, a place where you can be yourselves without fear."
In the end, it was Tom who made the decision. "We'll go," he said, his tone firm. "But we'll do it our way."
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The castle was a labyrinth of wonders, filled with hidden rooms, moving staircases, and magical creatures. For the first time, you felt like you were part of something extraordinary, a world where you truly belonged.
Hogwarts was everything Dumbledore had promised and more. The castle's towering spires and sprawling grounds were a far cry from the bleak orphanage. As you and Tom stepped into the Great Hall for the first time, you couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and anticipation.
The Sorting Hat, a tattered old relic, sat on a stool at the front of the hall. One by one, the new students were called up, the hat deciding their fates with a single proclamation. When it was Tom's turn, he strode forward with an air of confidence. The hat barely touched his head before shouting, "Slytherin!"
Tom smirked and made his way to the Slytherin table, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. Then it was your turn. As the hat was placed on your head, you felt a strange sensation, as if it were probing your thoughts.
"Interesting," the hat mused. "You have qualities that would suit both Gryffindor and Slytherin. A thirst for knowledge, a drive for power, and yet, a sense of loyalty and bravery. Where shall I place you?"
You glanced over at Tom, already seated among the Slytherins, his eyes locked on you. There was no question in your mind. "Slytherin," you whispered.
"Very well," the hat declared. "Slytherin!"
You joined Tom at the Slytherin table, feeling a sense of triumph and belonging. Together, you would navigate this new world, your bond growing stronger with each passing day.
You thrived in the challenging environment, excelling in your studies and discovering new depths to your abilities. Tom, however, seemed to possess a natural talent for magic that left even the teachers in awe. His ambition was relentless, and he quickly became a figure of admiration and fear among the students.
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As the years passed, your bond with Tom grew stronger. You were his confidant, his partner in all things. Together, you explored the darkest corners of the castle, uncovering secrets and testing the limits of your powers. Tom's fascination with the darker aspects of magic worried you at times, but you trusted him implicitly.
As you advanced through the years at Hogwarts, the darkness within Tom grew more pronounced. You began to notice subtle changes in his behavior—an increasing fascination with the forbidden, a relentless pursuit of knowledge and power.
One night, you found him in the Restricted Section of the library, a forbidden book open before him. "Tom, what are you doing?" you whispered urgently.
Tom looked up, his expression defiant. "Learning," he replied simply.
You glanced around nervously. "If we get caught—"
"We won't," Tom interrupted, his tone firm. "Besides, this is important. I need to understand this."
You hesitated, then sighed. "Just be careful," you said, your voice filled with concern. "I don't want to lose you."
Tom's expression softened, and he reached out to touch your cheek. "You won't," he promised. "I swear it."
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In your third year, everything changed. One crisp autumn evening, as you sat by the lake, Tom turned to you, his expression unusually serious.
"There's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice low. "I... I think I'm in love with you."
You stared at him, your heart pounding. You had always felt a deep connection with Tom, but you had never dared to hope that he might feel the same way.
"I love you too, Tom," you whispered, a smile spreading across your face.
From that moment on, your relationship took on a new dimension. You were no longer just friends; you were partners in every sense of the word. To symbolize your bond, you gave Tom a matching bracelet, a simple piece of braided leather imbued with a protection charm. He wore it every day, a constant reminder of your connection.
You and Tom navigated the maze of new experiences together, from your first flying lesson to your initial encounters with magical creatures in Care of Magical Creatures class.
One evening in the Great Hall, you sat across from Tom, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "Do you remember the first time you levitated something?" you asked, a smile playing on your lips.
Tom smirked, his eyes meeting yours. "How could I forget? It was the orphanage's piano. Mrs. Cole nearly had a heart attack."
You laughed, the sound echoing through the hall. "And she blamed it on poor Billy Stubbs. He was grounded for a week."
Tom's expression softened, a rare sight for anyone other than you. "Those days seem so far away now," he said quietly. "We've come a long way since then."
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As your time at Hogwarts continued, Tom's ambition grew more intense. He delved deeper into the study of the Dark Arts, seeking power and knowledge that many considered dangerous. You stood by him, though you couldn't shake the feeling that he was heading down a perilous path.
"Tom, are you sure about this?" you asked one evening, as he pored over a particularly dark tome in the library.
He looked up, his eyes blazing with determination. "Power is the only thing that matters," he said. "With it, we can change the world."
You wanted to believe him, but there was a coldness in his eyes that frightened you. Still, you stayed by his side, hoping that your love could keep him grounded.
But Tom's obsession with power continued to grow. He sought out forbidden knowledge, experimented with dangerous spells, and became increasingly secretive. You could see the darkness creeping into his soul, but you didn't know how to reach him.
One evening, as you sat together in the Slytherin common room, you tried to talk to him about your concerns. "Tom, I'm worried about you," you said, your voice soft. "You're changing. This path you're on... it's dangerous."
Tom looked at you, his expression unreadable. "I'm doing this for us," he said quietly. "For our future. Don't you see? With power, we can have anything we want. We can be unstoppable."
You shook your head, a lump forming in your throat. "But at what cost, Tom? What if we lose ourselves in the process?"
Tom's eyes softened for a moment, and he reached out to take your hand. "I won't lose you," he said firmly. "I promise."
Despite his words, the fear in your heart remained. You loved Tom deeply, but you couldn't ignore the growing darkness within him. You resolved to stand by him, hoping that your love could be a light in his darkness.
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In your sixth year, Tom's obsession with power reached a new level. He had discovered the existence of the Chamber of Secrets, a hidden room within Hogwarts said to be home to a fearsome creature. He became determined to find it, convinced that it held the key to unimaginable power.
"Tom, this is madness," you said, your voice filled with worry. "The Chamber of Secrets is just a legend."
Tom shook his head, his eyes alight with a dangerous fervor. "It's real, I know it. And I'm going to find it."
You tried to dissuade him, but his determination was unshakable. He spent countless hours researching the chamber, pouring over ancient texts and consulting with dark wizards. His obsession consumed him, and you could see the toll it was taking on him.
One night, as you lay in bed together, you tried to reason with him one last time. "Tom, please. Let's forget about the chamber. We can leave Hogwarts, start a new life together."
Tom turned to you, his expression conflicted. "I can't," he said quietly. "This is my destiny. Our destiny."
You felt tears welling up in your eyes. "But what about us? What about our future?"
Tom reached out to wipe away your tears, his touch gentle. "I love you," he said softly. "And I promise, once I find the chamber, everything will be different. We'll have everything we've ever wanted."
Despite your misgivings, you couldn't help but hope that he was right. You clung to the belief that your love could save him, even as you felt him slipping further and further away.
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The night Tom found the Chamber of Secrets was one you would never forget. He had been distant and secretive for days, barely speaking to you. You knew he was close to a breakthrough, and the tension between you was palpable.
"Stay here," he said abruptly as he prepared to leave the common room late one evening.
You frowned, sensing the danger in his voice. "Where are you going?"
Tom hesitated, then sighed. "I've found it," he said quietly. "The entrance to the chamber. I need to see it for myself."
Your heart sank. "Tom, please. Let me come with you."
He shook his head. "It's too dangerous. I need to do this alone."
Despite his words, you couldn't let him go without you. You waited until he had left, then followed him through the dark corridors of the castle. Your heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination.
You watched from the shadows as Tom approached the entrance to the chamber, a large stone wall with an intricate carving of a snake. He spoke a series of hissing words in Parseltongue, the language of snakes, and the wall began to move, revealing a hidden passage.
Tom stepped inside, and you hurried to follow him, keeping your distance. The passage led deep underground, into the heart of the castle. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and ancient stone.
Finally, you reached a large, dimly lit chamber. At the far end stood a massive stone statue of Salazar Slytherin, his eyes cold and menacing. Tom stood before it, his expression filled with awe and determination.
"Tom, be careful," you whispered, your voice barely audible in the cavernous space.
Tom glanced back at you, a mixture of surprise and anger in his eyes. "I told you to stay behind," he said sharply.
"I couldn't let you do this alone," you replied, stepping closer. "Please, Tom. Let's go back."
But Tom's attention was already on the statue. He spoke the words of Parseltongue again, and the statue's mouth began to open. From the darkness emerged a massive serpent—the Basilisk.
You tried to shield your eyes, but it was too late. The Basilisk's deadly gaze struck you, and you felt your body freeze, your vision darkening.
The last thing you saw was Tom's horrified face as he realized what had happened.
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Tom stood frozen, his eyes wide with shock and horror as he stared at your lifeless body. The Basilisk slithered back into the darkness, its task complete. Tom's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and disbelief coursing through him.
"No," he whispered, his voice trembling. "No, no, no!"
He rushed to your side, dropping to his knees and cradling your head in his hands. Your eyes were open but unseeing, your body cold and still. The reality of what had happened crashed down on him like a tidal wave.
"Please," he begged, his voice breaking. "Please come back. I didn't mean for this to happen."
But there was no response. You were gone.
Tom's friends found him hours later in the restrooms, still kneeling beside your body, his face streaked with tears. They tried to pull him away, but he resisted, his grief and guilt turning into a fierce determination.
"Tom we need to go, now." One of them said.
"Are you bloody mad?!" Tom screamed at them, his eyebrows creased. "I can't just leave him here.."
Another one then said "The professors are on their way here. Tom we need to go!"
"I don't care!" Tom shrieked, shaking his head.
But they wouldn't let him. They dragged him away, his screams echoing through the restroom as they took him back to the castle.
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The days that followed were a blur of pain and anger for Tom. He withdrew from everyone, consumed by his grief and guilt. He blamed himself for your death, for his reckless pursuit of power that had led to the tragedy.
He kept the bracelet you had given him, wearing it as a reminder of what he had lost. It became a symbol of his love for you, and of the darkness that had taken you from him.
Tom's descent into darkness accelerated after your death. He became more ruthless, more determined to achieve his goals at any cost. The boy who had once been your friend was gone, replaced by a man driven by a relentless need for power and control.
He took on a new name, one that would become feared throughout the wizarding world: Lord Voldemort.
But no matter how much power he gained, no matter how many followers he amassed, a part of him remained broken. He could never forget you, or the love you had shared. Your death haunted him, a constant reminder of the price he had paid for his ambition.
Years later, Voldemort stood in the Chamber of Secrets once more, his eyes scanning the dark, empty room. He had achieved everything he had set out to do, but it brought him no peace.
He approached the spot where you had fallen, his heart heavy with regret. He knelt down, placing a hand on the cold stone floor.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to lose you. I'll come see you soon, I promise."
But there was no answer, only the echo of his words in the empty chamber. He stayed there for a long time, mourning the loss of the one person who had ever truly understood him, the one person he had loved more than anything.
In the end, Voldemort rose to his feet, a look of steely determination in his eyes. He would continue his quest for power, but he would never forget the boy he had once been, or the love he had lost. The memory of you would remain with him always, a beacon of light in the darkness of his soul.
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Years passed, and the wizarding world changed. Voldemort's reign of terror came to an end, but the scars he left behind remained. Your story, however, lived on in the hearts of those who remembered you.
At Hogwarts, a small plaque was placed in the Chamber of Secrets, commemorating your bravery and the love you had shared with Tom. It read:
"In memory of a love that transcended darkness, and a light that will never fade."
Your legacy was one of love and sacrifice, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. And though Tom Riddle had become a symbol of fear and hatred, the memory of your love remained a testament to the boy he had once been, and the man he could have become.
In the end, it was your love that endured, a shining light in the darkness, guiding others towards a brighter future. And in that, you found a kind of immortality, your story etched into the very fabric of the wizarding world, a reminder that love, in all its forms, is the greatest magic of all.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 2 days
The Uisa's Daughter | Chapter 1v : Her Grief
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Pairing/s: Kim Taehyung X Reader, Jeon Jungkook X Reader
Genre: Medieval Korea AU, Mystery, Strangers to Lovers, Angst, Smut
Rating/s: 18+ Mature Themes
Warning/s: Grief and lots of it, King tries to sleep with her, the real Jungkook... And ofcourse, wouldn't be a nucleobangtan fic without shitty ass writing and really bad pacing.
Summary: In the 1700s, the Jeon Dynasty spread all across the Korean peninsula.  Happiness quadrupled with the founder Emperor's presence, or so it seemed. Secrets scattered over the palace in the capital city, Hanseong were known to none except a few.
Chapter Summary: Curiousity did not kill the cat. Atleast not yet.
A/N: Not proofread!!! Please leave comments, I would love to hear from you guys. Critique my writing and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, really appreciate it.
Series Masterlist
Teaser Prologue Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV
The morning sun rose, casting a gentle light on a world that felt colder without your lover. You sat quietly on the window sill, surrounded by memories, each one a bitter reminder of his absence.
The ache in your heart was painful, a silent testament to the love you shared and the deep void his death had left in your life. It had been exactly three weeks since your wedding day, but it felt like an eternity without him. Every day dragged on, the minutes stretching into hours.
You couldn't help but tear up. The syllables 'Taehyung' gave you flashbacks of your bloodied lover. The nights were sleepless and even if you did manage to close your eyes, the flashbacks didn't spare you.
Amidst everything, Yoongi's life was taken because he wanted to protect you. How you unapologetically wished it was your father who was slain.
The emptiness in your heart grew bigger and bigger with each passing moment. Every night, the King would visit your chambers. He hoped that you would give in to his demands, let him use you the way he had hungered for years.
But you never let him. You were always closed off and barely talked to him. He didn't wish to force you but you were surely making it difficult for him. King Jeon knew you never wanted him, but he never stopped pursuing.
"Why are you sad?" An endearing voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You smiled, wiping the tears on your cheeks.
"I just... I lost someone I loved." The little child climbed onto the window sill as well, sitting on your lap.
"I lost someone too, once. But I don't remember anything." He said, slightly frowning.
"Was it the Queen? Your mother?" You patted his fluffy, brown hair.
"How did you know, Y/n? Oh, I'm sorry! Father said I should call you my mother."
"We are barely 12 years apart. I'm more like your sister. You don't have to call me your mother if you don't wish to, Jungkook."
He giggled, "I love it when you call me that!"
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Call you what?"
"'Jungkook' of course!" He said, slightly jumping out of happiness in your lap.
You figured not everyone called him by his name, either addressing him as Prince or majesty.
"I'm more than happy to call you by your name, Jungkook."
"Yes! It's my name! I am the great warrior, Jeon Jungkook." You laughed slightly at his excitement. His innocent soul found delight in the littlest of things.
Over the past couple of weeks, little Jungkook had been your source of joy. He had a lot of energy, whenever you didn't feel like getting up, Jungkook forced you to play with him. Unknowingly, it helped you to handle the grief a lot better.
Ofcourse, he was a bit spoiled, being the Prince of an entire country does come with a lot of luxuries. But the kindness and bright nature overtook his spoiled attitude. The kid was the type to throw a tantrum when the chef didn't make his favorite food but then apologize for his behavior in the cutest way possible.
"Oh! I have a letter for you." He said, pulling out an envelope from his hanbok.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "A letter? Did you write it?"
"No, that person told me to give it to you. They got it from your friend." He said.
According to Jungkook, there was a person in the palace worried for your well-being. It was probably a maid who used to work for your father, you thought. You weren't allowed to leave your chambers, so letters were the only mode of communication.
You took the envelope in your hand and carefully opened it. You hoped it was who you thought it was: your childhood friend.
Dear Y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this two days after your wedding with the King. But I would imagine it will take a few days to reach you considering all the security. But I was promised by my friend that it'll reach you, no matter what happens, and I trust that.
I cannot fathom the pain that you are enduring. Losing two people in a single day, seeing them lose their light in front of you. I am sorry I couldn't be there. I understand why you hate the King. I am sorry for the times I shushed you when you were speaking ill about him. He isn't kind at all.
Yoongi was a great person and my friend as well. And about Taehyung... I am writing this letter to tell you what he wished you knew. He had kept this in the past but I am sure he meant to tell you this in the time to come.
He was no ordinary farmer. Taehyung used to be an assassin in the royal army. He climbed up ranks as soon as he joined the army. Ofcourse his identity was and is a secret to the mass. He was a brutal man, assassinating whoever wronged the King. He was loyal to the Jeon family.
There were also rumors that wives and women of aristocratic families paid him to sleep with them, and that is how he knew a lot of the secrets of the royals and high class families. The rumors were proved to be true and that made King Jeon furious. He was eventually removed from his position and was sent back.
This is all I know about the matter.
Y/n, how I wish I could be there for you. Your parents have no maids and servants now after what your father did. Although I am trying my best to get work back at the palace to be closer to you, the King is stubborn. He is not taking any chances and his trust in me has dwindled due to your father.
I believe in you. There are talks of a revolution inspired by Taehyung and Yoongi, talks to save you. Until then, I believe you will hold on. My friend at the palace will treat you well.
For now, all I can say is keep safe and do not let the King get to your head. You have seen worse now, have you not?
Do not lose hope.
Jung Hoseok
You read the letter slowly, each word sinking in. Hoseok’s message was a lifeline, a reminder that you were not alone. He was out there, fighting for you, and there was a glimmer of hope in the talk of revolution. You clutched the letter to your chest, drawing strength from his words.
Jungkook watched you with wide eyes, sensing the importance of the letter. "Is it good news?"
You smiled through your tears, nodding. "Yes, Jungkook. It's good news. Thank you for bringing it to me."
He beamed, his innocent joy a balm to your wounded heart. "I'm glad!"
As you tucked the letter away safely, you felt a renewed sense of determination. You would endure this, for Taehyung, for Yoongi, and for the future Hoseok envisioned. You would not let the King break you.
You remembered Taehyung fighting the palace guards masterfully, his moments were fluid and graceful. He was formidable until that soldier 'defeated' him on King's command.
You remembered Taehyung often telling you a thing or two about the aristocrats and high ranking officials. How the husbands were unfaithful and all the wives could do was sit there with a smile, because if they held any other expression, they would be beaten and bruised. He also mentioned the wives paying men for some satisfaction as their husbands found solace in anyone but them.
You remembered the way he held you whenever he made love to you. His movements reflected clear experience. You never asked him why it was.
He hated the nobility and the privileged yet he slept with wives. You couldn't help but wonder what made him go through with that. King Jeon, who had several affairs, would not remove Taehyung from his post simply because of what he did. There had to be more to that.
"Who is the letter from?" The patiently awaiting Jungkook asked.
"A friend of mine, Hobi. He is the sweetest person there is." You smiled, patting his head, "Thank you for delivering this to me."
"Will you play with me now?" He asked eagerly.
"Do you have a game in mind, little Prince?" You were more than delighted to have Jungkook. He kept you busy and didn't let you think much about the happenings.
"Hide and seek? But your chamber does not have places to hide." He pouted.
"That's alright. We can play something else."
"Can we go play in the courtyard? Father is visiting the kingdom. He won't know of it."
Knowing what the King can do, you didn't want to put Jungkook in trouble. Even if a single soul caught you outside of your chamber, you could face the King's wrath. But you could handle it, the 7 year old could not.
"Jungkook, you know I cannot. Let us play something else, yes?"
"I am the Prince, I promise you father would never know." He said haughtily.
"But you would get into big trouble." You sighed, trying to convince the little boy.
"I have people to protect me, do not worry."
"Against your father? I don't think so, Prince."
He shook his head, "I have people to protect me against anyone in this world."
"No! You are playing hide and seek with me and I won't hear anymore from you."
You held the Prince's shoulders, trying to stop him from throwing a tantrum, "What if the King hurts you? What will I do then?"
He laughed, "He will be killed before he touches me."
You furrow your eyebrows, who would be foolish enough to kill a man like that? But then again, Jungkook was the future of the Jeon Empire. He must definitely have loyal guards.
"Are you sure about this? If we get caught, you say nothing. I would take the blame on me, alright?"
He nodded, "Yes! I am more than sure."
"Then let us play in the courtyard for an hour or so."
He jumped off of your lap in excitement, almost stumbling and falling. But he caught himself just in time.
"Try and catch me." You said, getting up from the window sill and running outside your chamber.
You knew the palace well enough to navigate through the confusing corridors. Somehow, it was exactly like the recurring dream you have about the non-existent prince and his dog, Bam.
The two of you laughed as you ran through the hallways of the palace. Mindfulness was long forgotten as your voices echoed. Everyone who crossed your paths didn't bother you when they saw the Prince running with you.
"Alright, do you want to hide?" You asked as you both reached the courtyard.
"Yes, but promise you won't peek." He said, clearly having experienced dishonesty while playing this game before.
"I won't, do not worry. I will count to 50, that is enough time for you to hide." He nodded as you closed your eyes and faced a large tree.
Time passed and you played with the child for more than an hour, after which you retired back to your chamber.
You were tired to say the least. Following a bath, you cuddled up to a large cushion, your hair still slightly wet. And as per usual, thoughts flooded your mind. Thoughts which made you cry out in pain.
Every single one of them consisted of your lover. The image of his smile as King Jeon pushed the sword deeper was etched into your brain.
You regretted meeting Taehyung. It was his fault you learned how to dream. It was his fault you dreamt of a better life, a life with just him and you. But it was your fault you held him with you. You were curious what love was, so you held onto him with everything you had.
Love always leads to misfortune. You never believed it existed until you met him. But seeing how the two of you ended, proved to be a constant reminder that it shouldn't exist. Love seemed much better when you thought it was a myth.
Your thoughts were cut off by the sound of the door opening. You looked out the window, it was dark outside. You knew who it was and you were ready to do anything to stop him from doing as he wished.
"Today was really tiring." He said, closing the door. You didn't move at all and stayed facing away from him.
You felt the bed dip behind you but you still didn't move. But you did visibly flinch at his touch on your shoulder. His large hand rubbed against your upper arm.
"All of my subjects adore me, tell me, why is it that you tremble at my touch? Perhaps the excitement?" He laughed.
"Stop being delusional." You whispered.
"What was that?" His aged ears did not pick up your words.
"I said, stop being delusional." You said in a firm tone, getting up from the bed and stepping away from it.
The King looked up at you and his laughter grew in volume. He was clearly entertained by your withdrawal.
His laughter seized and his gaze turned dark, "Delusional? My Queen, you are the one deluding yourself. You thought you could live a perfect life with that lad? He used you for money and pleasure."
"Get lost, I plead with you. Do not speak a single word about him. He never wanted me for my money. He was a real man, unlike you." You were agitated by his words. Your voice trembled with anger, yet you tried to keep a strong expression.
He got up from your bed and walked towards you, "You have not given me a chance to prove myself yet, have you now?"
"Leave." You gritted, hands clenched into fists.
His tall and wide frame towered above yours, "Oh, what if I don't, what if I..." He raised his hand to touch your cheek but you swatted it away.
"You are fucking disgusting."
The King turned his head to the side and let out a bitter chuckle. Without a word, he turned around and walked out of your chamber leaving you trembling with fear and anger all over.
Your labored breaths slowed down. You were supposed to hold on till someone rescued you, but he made it increasingly difficult to do so.
You laid on the cold bed. Hatred was boiling inside of you. How you wished Taehyung was there to comfort you, guide you through it all. You were tired but it seemed sleep evaded you.
On nights like these, you always imagined Taehyung was holding you tight and secure. You had never gotten a chance to sleep with him overnight, but your imagination proved to be a good companion.
You sighed, letting your tears fall once again, "I hate you so much for leaving." You whispered to your imaginary Taehyung.
You felt so broken, so cursed. Your own skin felt foreign.
"I suppose I have to hold on... for you."
"I am the undefeated Jeon Jungkook." The little child jumped around waving his wooden sword. His energy truly surprised you. Maybe you were just lazy but the boy played from sunrise to sunset and he still wished to play more.
You were sitting on a bench in the courtyard. The cherry blossom trees overhead provided enough shade for you to relax. Jungkook was fighting with the falling pink leaves.
It had been exactly 2 months since your wedding day. Spring had almost come to an end. The Korean Peninsula experienced a monsoon which seemed to be arriving soon considering the wind. You remembered when your father taught you about various seasons across the world. You didn't find the information interesting, always leaning more towards human anatomy and science.
You could see Jungkook's caretaker arriving in a hurry. You weren't afraid of being spotted by her outside of your room, she was the type to scold you for it but would never tell the King. The frail lady was Yoongi’s mother and you could see the resemblance in her cat-like eyes.
It wasn’t long ago when you had first met her. She had approached you with a stoic face, similar to that of Yoongi, but she was the sweetest woman you had met. She introduced herself as Mrs. Min, caretaker of the youngest child of the Jeon family.
Immediately you asked if she knew Yoongi, to which she hesitated to answer. After a bit of coercion, she admitted she was the mother of a traitor. She was ashamed of her son but knew he had his own reasons to rebel. You could tell she loved him dearly. She was taken aback when you embraced her and said that Yoongi was a brave person and fought for what he believed.
"My Prince, my Queen..." The old woman bowed.
You pressed your lips together and gave her a small nod in return, "What is it, Mrs. Min?"
"If I may, Eunuch Kang has requested the little Prince's presence." She said. Her small and wrinkly smile seemed the most trustworthy in the entire palace.
Eunuch Kang, though, always seemed a little too suspicious. Always keeping an eye on everything and everyone, supporting the Emperor's evil deeds and always advising him to do the cruelest thing possible.
"I shall be back Y/n, wait for me." Jungkook said, handing you his sword.
"You must not call her by her name, she is your mother." His caretaker gasped.
"Alright then, I shall be back, mother." Jungkook's tone made you silently laugh a little. He didn't want to call you his mother, but he had to in front of everyone.
You waved with a smile until Jungkook and Mrs.Min were out of sight.
It had been so long since you had been alone with nature. You decided to take a walk barefoot to feel the grass between your toes.
There were all kinds of flowers, trees and herbs in the garden. There was a tiny path amongst the herbs through which you decided to stroll.
You enjoyed the walk until you found yourself in an unfamiliar part of the garden. The palace grounds were vast and intricate, making it easy to lose your way. They were connected to various training areas, lakes and even a forest.
You had no intent to escape, though. Where would you escape to? All you knew was the capital city of Hanseong. Hypothetically, you would have to travel a distance of 150 km to escape the Jeon Empire. Even then, there was no guarantee that the border guards would let you pass.
Your eyes sparkled when you spotted a rare imported herb, saffron. These weren't naturally grown in your country, and this was the first time you saw a saffron plant. You squatted down to get a better look at the delicate flowers.
“You should get a better grip on the sword.” You heard a faint voice from a distance. The person was with someone else, you could tell. Your hands subconsciously touched the flowers as you heard their conversation. Maybe you could find some crucial information, you thought.
“How are you so good with the bow and not the sword, Jimin?” The same voice groaned.
The second person, supposedly Jimin seemed extremely annoyed, “I do not fucking care, I am leaving.”
You were so focused on the conversation, you failed to notice the increasingly clouded sky overhead. The clouds were already full and ready to pour.
You slowly walked to the direction of the voices, mindful not to step on dried leaves. As you drew closer, the figures came into view—a young man, possibly Jimin, and another whose face you couldn't quite see.
Quickly, you ducked behind a nearby tree, peering out cautiously. The branches provided a decent cover, allowing you to observe without being noticed.
Jimin was visibly frustrated, pacing back and forth, while the other person, a taller, stern-looking man, tried to reason with him. The wind picked up, rustling the leaves, but you remained perfectly still, straining to catch every word.
Your breath caught as the man turned around, revealing his face and his topless torso. His toned muscles glistened with sweat under the clouded sky. He held a sword with effortless grace, the weapon gleaming in the dim light.
You couldn't help but admire his chiseled features and strong arms, a testament to years of rigorous training. His strong jawline moved as he spoke to Jimin. His dark, obsidian hair fell in damp strands over his forehead, and his doe eyes, which reminded you of the little Prince, were focused on his comrade, a mix of frustration and concern evident in his gaze.
You tore your eyes away, feeling your cheeks warm. But curiosity killed the cat, and you were much like one. Your curiousity always led to trouble, you knew it. It was best to leave, you thought.
The downpour was relentless, you tried your best to see ahead. The smell of fresh rain filled your senses. The entire garden turned into a muddy mess not long after. You needed to find shelter, the trees weren't much help.
However, in your hurry, you slipped, and fell knee first on the ground, letting out a squeal. Not your best moments, you could say. Great, your hanbok was dirty, you were drenched and lost, and now you were probably bleeding.
“Fuck, what are you doing here?” A voice called out, concerned yet surprised. And now you were caught.
You looked up to see the topless soldier from earlier, his eyes wide with alarm. Before you could say anything, he swiftly picked you up, one hand under your knees and one around your back. You gasped, instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck for support.
“We need to get you out of this rain.” He yelled over the loud thrumming of rain. He carried you as if you weighed nothing. He moved quickly through the muddy garden, his steps confident and sure despite the slippery ground. Within moments, he reached a nearby stable.
He was barely panting as he let you down on your feet. You could sense him staring at you with his round eyes as you shivered due to the awfully cool climate. His presence, though casual, brought a strange sense of comfort amid the chaos.
"Who are you?" You looked at his drenched form, mirroring yours. The only thing that differed was his bare torso. A sudden realization made fear shoot through every nerve of your body. He seemed to be a commander of higher rank and you just made him save your clumsy self from the rain. What if he tells the emperor? You could be put to death for just being here.
"I am sorry but you need to be more aware of your surroundings." He said trying to sound nonchalant. He could see the fear in your eyes but chose to ignore it. Did he scare you?
"I-I'll keep that in mind." You bowed fervently.
"What?" You tilted your head in confusion.
"I am Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook." Prince Jungkook?
You chuckled, “Ofcourse you are.” You rubbed your arms briskly to generate some warmth.
He furrowed his eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
“You are not Prince Jungkook. But you do look like him, I must admit.” You removed the outer coat of your hanbok, the wet clothing being a bit too uncomfortable.
“Why do you think that, my Queen?” He was amused.
“Because, you are not Jungkook. He is the 7 year old Prince of the Jeon Empire.” You pressed.
His amusement reached new levels, “That little kid? You think he is Jeon Jungkook?”
“Yes! Are you jesting me?” You looked at his very, very familiar face. It was as if you had seen him a million times, but you hadn't. Keeping your eyes on him was dangerous territory, yet you couldn't help but continually glance at him.
“I need to have a talk with him.” He laughed.
You raised your eyebrows, “You sure do have some arrogance.” How could a soldier like him stand on equal grounds with the Prince?
“Why is it arrogant to have a talk with my baby brother?” He folded his arms over his chest, biceps flexing as he did so.
“B-Brother? He is surely not-” You had second thoughts, though. His eyes? “Oh, his cousin?” you asked.
He shook his head, “I hope not. We are siblings.”
Surely the man was lying. How did you not know about the existence of another Prince, who could be the heir to the Jeon Empire? But then again, you didn't know the younger Prince existed until a few weeks ago.
You cleared your throat, you were still the Queen, you had superiority, you needn't be afraid, “And your name is?”
“I was not lying when I said I was Jeon Jungkook.” The corner of his mouth lifted slightly.
“You are not Jungkook.” Your mind was processing a million things at the moment. If the man in front of you was Jungkook, who was the child you had befriended?
As if he could hear your thoughts, he answered, “I am the heir to the throne, Prince Jungkook. And the kid, he's my brother, Jeon Junghyun.”
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Me when The Walten Files:
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crescentfool · 11 months
never in my life did i think i need to makeout with a piece of software so badly but here we are i guess
#lizzy speaks#OK IM BEING OVERDRAMATIC AND I WOULD ELABORATE BUT I NEED TO SLEEP BUT#DO YOU EVER JUST#FUCK !!!!!!#IVE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY TO COME ACROSS A PIEC EOF SOFTWARE#i need to fiddle around with it some more but everything ive seen about it is MIND BLOWING to me#ive been waiting my entire life for this moment i think#i feel like it's funnier if i don't say what the software is. i wanna be mysterious so bad but i cannot shut the fuck up#literally been suffering through notetaking and organization softwares and im like ohh i think i finally found the one#this is the minecraft of sex i think its like wowza i can finally do all those writing projects i want to do#boys (me) don't want girls they want an organized database of notes that they can easily reference at anytime#sorry for being unhinged but like its like past midnight lol im sure i'll wake up in the morning and be like 'what the FUCK were you doing'#BUT!!! i think ill come back to this post to reblog it with like actual shit about the software when i figure out how i want to use it#i think everyone should experience joys in life. and sometimes that joy is having organized notes#bonus points if anyone can figure out what im talking about just from the tags alone i think this software will change my life#it has fucking tag functionality i literally love tags#sorry about the vocabulary but this rivals like. my love of spreadsheets. which are like. a wonderful thing i think but ANYWAY IM RAMBLING#anyways goodnight i wish you all on the dash a very lovely evening i just needed to share this because im so overjoyed right now o7#if you have a software that you really like thats changed you feel free to tell me in the tags or something :) i like learning new things
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yourcalamity · 10 months
im about to have such a potent opportunity to disappear into the woods forever it itches
#i wonder how long it would take anyone to figure it out lol#youre welcome future coldcase vloggers#but for the record if i do mysteriously vanish no its not because of my job#must be said because thats the easiest explanation people come up with yeah it would be convenient right#if i could just get a new job and suddenly everything in my life will be fixed and all of the other blatant issues clearly coming from other#sources will cease to exist#also therapy and meds will do the same thing. i might as well walk up to a stranger and ask them to snap their fingers and cure me#just as long as the hand i turn to for help points in another direction technically im being ‘helped’ right#life is just a fight and you have to keep fighting for yourself and others and hope one day someone is going to fight for you#and when people dont fight for you when you need them to it becomes clear that you dont even need to fight. it would be easier to lose#you already upset them by not fighting for yourself and instead of fighting for you now theyre fighting againt you. do you really want to#fight harder. do you really want to fight people you love. no one wants that#ive been so emotionally destroyed these past years and idk if i will ever recover or find worth in myself again#and if i got a new job tomorrow at the most comfortable high paying company in the world with a one day work week and unlimited pto#i would still feel worthless because of the experiences ive had and the way everyobe has brushed over them as if i cant feel emotion#i have been carrying so much hurt#now im going home to say goodbye to the remains of a stranger who wouldve disowned me had we ever spoken on even ground#but sure i will enjoy my trip
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captainadwen · 1 year
playing kingdom hearts for first time ever. its a cute game, but my big issues is that i give negative shits about a find the girl plotline when the girl in question has the character agency of a cardboard cutout
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akd as lucifer (the mysteries)
#as per virtually always coming from that nothingunrealistic research (finding these pics in their ig backlogs)#had seen that top pic via the Visible docuseries but naturally had no idea it was from the mysteries rehearsals...loved it already though#such a great portrait lol the quality of the Light (spotlight even. all the more pertinent when you're Lucifer though)#and then the way sure the figure is mostly in darkness but the Illumination is such as to provide defining features....#it's also what we're working with with most shots of ''pretty sure that's akd lucifer'' lmao like#if one didn't Know that was them up top i wouldn't be at all sure; such as the ''maybe?? probably?? possibly??'' status of other shots#and Another hairstyle lol longer but seeming less styled than any other rehearsal pics...hell yeah though#and then the much more identifiable straight on fully lit in costume / makeup / apparent final hairstyling having a snack break...#asia kate dillon#lucifer the mysteries#speaking of gender and literally theatrical performance looks. i wanna be the lucifer in the secular the mysteries performance....#inherently nonbinarily as hell even if that's not quite definitively known / out there yet....#there's only one problem (there's many problems) i know Nothing abt acting lol. i mean i know some things but i don't know how. boo#in that to hell with vibing through shit i need to learn Technical Things & Techniques....ppl aren't just vibing out here#but it was always fun to also just try to make up [how to act] while like 9 & who cares yknow#got taught the crucial technique of ''there's no mics so if you don't talk really loud nobody can hear you anyways'' first & foremost lol#literally so true...got a real kick out of our one half semester middle school theatre class but you know#a) didn't get much feedback but ''i mean that was also incoherent lmao what was going on'' having fun & being theatrical mainly#b) wasn't abt to join an extracurricular for several reasons or get into theatre stuff when older sibling was already on it lol#c) didn't have Experience to start trying it out in the next stage of things anyways but still had a tiny bit more opportunities to f around#always had like Tangential theatrical experiences & then just Being theatrical lol like oh yeah that annoying kid stuff was also shticks...#and now here we are today. but wherein now i Know who wouldn't wanna be a worm lucifer nonbinary secular the mysteries hellooo. iconique#but more than that? would be [so long as we're just making shit up] I Wanna See Akd Lucifer The Mysteries lmao like no kidding#or malcolm in the brewery performance. or malcolm in the broadway performance. or just whatever like. we're Looking; Listening; Absorbing
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ao3commentoftheday · 6 months
The thing about spoilers is, I don’t actually think they spoil things for me. That momentary feeling of surprise when the big reveal happens is fun, sure, and I like trying to figure out a mystery on my own.
But I also just really love foreshadowing? Knowing what’s coming up lets me look for all the signs that the creator is laying out for me. It’s a different kind of puzzle, and one that I get just as much satisfaction out of, if not more.
If I enjoy a story, I’ll still enjoy it even if I know how it ends. The most lasting stories we have, as humans, have been spoiled for all of us before we even hear them. Famous tales become a shorthand that we use in every day life. Learning the story of the Trojan Horse actually became more interesting as a result of understanding the phrase first.
There was a time in my life when I didn’t understand people who would flip to the back of a book to read the last page before they started the story, but I think I get it now. There’s a comfort in knowing how things end and an enjoyment in taking the journey regardless.
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bitterkarella · 1 month
Midnight Pals: Mothers day Meltdown
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: I was just thinking about how transs people should be eliminated from ssociety Jonathan Chait: whoa whoa whoa! joanne! Chait: you can't say it like THAT Chait: so uncouth Chait: you have to say it with your pinky finger extended
Elon Musk: si! issa no good! Musk: issa too mucha trans genocide Musk: you shoulda only post the right amount offa da trans geocide Musk: lookita me, i lika da trans genocide Musk: but i also like many other genocides Rowling: oh MY GOD Rowling: my empire is crumbling!
Chait: we're not saying you can't still be transphobic Chait: you just have to, you know, cool it a bit Chait: be genteel about it Jesse Singal: mommy mommy i have concerns mommy! Chait: see? just like that
Chait: maybe put a little disclaimer Chait: "this transphobia is for entertainment purposes only" Rowling: do you not know who I am?? I'm JK Rowling! Rowling: JK FUCKING ROWLING!!! Rowling: I MADE YOUR CHILDHOOD MAGICAL!
Rowling: no one tellss me to cool it! Rowling: i own the courtss! Chait: joanne Rowling: and another thing!!! Rowling: SSTOP CALLING ME JOANNE!
[midnight society] JK Rowling: hello children Barker: oh look who it is Barker: what are you doing here joanne? Barker: did your terfs tell you to cool it again? Rowling: Rowling: why doess everyone call me joanne
Rowling: i'm extremely mad about thiss transs football referee Barker: what? Rowling: this transs football referee Barker: Barker: what?
Rowling: there's a transs football referee and i'm really mad about it! Rowling: what, haven't you heard? Barker: joanne, why are you here Rowling: and another thing! Rowling: sstop calling me joanne!!
Rowling: people are alwayss all "joanne this" and joanne that! Rowling: wah wah wah joanne joanne joanne! Barker: do you not like your name Barker: you could change it Poe: clive Poe: just let her tire herself out Barker: no no I've got something here
Rowling: people are alwayss "oh wah wah wah joanne, how can you ssay that! your bookss are all about tolerance and love wah wah wah!" Rowling: bitch i think i know what my booksss are about! Rowling: i fuckin wrote them after all!
Rowling: blah blah blah ohh joanne Rowling: i hate when people call me joanne!! Rowling: they should fear to say my true name! Barker: oh damn look at that Barker: looks like we're having a good ol' fashioned mothers day meltdown Poe: clive don't encourage this
King: but joanne! how can you say that? King: after all the lessons of harry potter? King: you made our childhoods magical!
Rowling: people are all "blah blah blah joanne how can you like naziss now when you ssaid they were bad in harry potter" Rowling: first of all, harry potter iss fiction! Rowling: secondly, the death eaters are actually a ssinister coalition of evil transs, sspooniess, fat people, free masonss, and diane duane Rowling: always have been! Rowling: thiss iss NOT a retcon!
Rowling: that sshould be obviouss if you've read the book Rowling: UNLESSS Rowling: you're a fake potterhead, ssteve King: no of course not! i love harry potter
Rowling: DO YOU Rowling: perhaps then Rowling: you would be willing to take a blood oath to the dark lord Rowling: to belong to the dark lord body and ssoul Rowling: who is always correct King: i uh don't think i'm going to take that oath, sorry Rowling: UGH! Rowling: this is just like Radcliffe all over again!
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technicallyr43 · 2 months
How about a fic where the Fenton portal was opened in like the 90s and so Phantom was the literal First Known Hero. Which is why he was hunted and there wasn’t any law to stop the Anti-ecto acts. And when Phantom Planet happened, he just disappeared, or retired. He went to Gotham U for uni and meets Bruce Wayne there and they hit it off as good friends and later wild romance partners who slept around. And when they graduated they separated to do their own thing but Danny returns once in awhile to visit Bruce.
They also meet randomly when Bruce goes on work trips in random countries and cities. They never mention the kids and Danny doesn’t know about Batman. Bruce doesn’t know about Phantom. He just thinks Danny is an engineer that travels for work. Which he is, but he’s also mainly the Ling of the Infinite Realms and appears in other countries and cities bc that’s conveniently where natural portals are spawning.
What Danny doesn’t know is that since he’s taken up the mantle of king, the zone has changed to match him. So it’s much more welcoming and natural portals spawn where Bruce is bc he lowkey is in love with him and just doesn’t realize it. And vice versa, Bruce is lowkey in love with Danny and they fawn over each other when they meet up without realizing that’s what’s happening. But Alfred knows, he’s known for awhile. And so does Jazz.
So when one day, Alfred brings up that Danny is in town in Gotham and Bruce says to set a time for them to meet, one of the kids hear this and they wonder who this Danny is, bc they’ve never heard his name. It becomes a Wayne Mystery when that week, Bruce is out most nights and portions of the day and comes back looking happy and soft. Which freaks everyone out and they stalk Danny and realize they’re meeting each other and this man is someone Bruce cares about a lot. So they bring him up at dinner one day and Bruce is like, oh yea he’s an old friend of mine. And when pressed on why they haven’t heard or met him, Bruce just says that they’ve never brought it up and since Danny isn’t around a lot, and Bruce is a little self aware of himself at this point, doesn’t want this relationship to affect the kids since they aren’t exclusive or together really.
So the kids plot and get Danny to come to the Manor for dinner. They then realize during dinner, watching Bruce and Danny interact, that holy shit, this is their other dad. They’re so in sync that they don’t realize it and he’s so good with the kids too and Bruce is so happy when he’s around…
Cue the batfamily kids Parent Trapping the two, with the help of Alfred who is all for it bc he likes Danny.
In the end, Danny decides to stay at the Manor and the kids can now call him other dad, or pops, or some variation. But they all collectively don’t mention the vigilante side they have, since they all figured it out themselves. Their new dad can do so too. Which then spirals when all of the kids Omar’s out on Patrol, Alfred is on Vacay, and Danny is alone in the house when Talia comes a knocking, bc she knows that Danny has always had Bruce’s heart and wants him gone. She’s always been jealous of their relationship so she tries to kill him. The family realize what’s happened when Damian sees some League members watching them on patrol and they race back home to see Danny decimating the assassins and Talia. He sees the family in their costumes and thinks, oh wow this makes all the sense now.
And they see Danny as a ghost, which Bruce recognizes as Phantom, the first hero!!!! And they all sit down and talk about it.
There’s probs more too but that’s all I have rn.
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crystallinestars · 9 months
Just Confess Already!
A collection of drabbles about how your man's closest companions help him overcome his fears and finally confess his feelings for you.
Characters: Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Kaveh, Tighnari, Lyney, Itto, Childe, and Baizhu.
Now proofread.
🐺 Ever since Sigewinne saw you and Wriothesley in each other’s company, she instantly figured out you two liked each other. She knew you had feelings for the Duke because she has exceptional people-reading skills and could see right through you. You tried to hide your feelings from Wriothesley, but Sigewinne could tell how your heart raced when in his presence, the subtle heat in your cheeks and the secret glances you threw his way when you thought he wasn’t looking. Honestly, she might have thought you had a fever at first if these symptoms didn’t occur only when the Lord of the Fortress of Meropide was around. Since you hid your feelings, Sigewinne assumed that you weren’t certain if Wriothesley liked you back, to which the Fortress’s nurse could only shake her head because how can you not see he likes you?
🐺 Wriothesley knows your favorite tea blend like the back of his hand, and yet he constantly invites you to try out a new blend he made that he thinks you’ll like. Everyone knows how much the Duke loves tea, but surely you can tell that he uses the tea as an excuse to get you to stay longer and spend more time with him? Moreover, Wriothesley shows off more in front of you, trying to impress you with his extensive tea collection intellect, hospitality, physique—anything, really. Sigewinne could tell how his body language shifted to appear more confident, how his voice pitched a little lower to an almost sultry timbre, and yet despite his laidback smile, the micro-expressions on his face told her clear as day that he was nervous about interacting with you. Much like you, he hid his feelings because he wasn’t sure if you liked him. Even when Sigewinne tells him that you do like him back, the Duke doesn’t fully believe her, the idiot.
🐺 Once she gets fed up with watching the two of you pussyfoot around each other, Sigewinne comes up with a covert plan on how to get at least one of you to confess their feelings. She comes up with excuses to send you over to see Wriothesley (and as expected, he keeps you around longer than you intend), finds out what foods and flowers you like to pass that information to Wriothesley in a casual conversation (and suddenly you find your favorite snacks or flowers delivered to you from an unknown sender), and consistently eavesdrops on your pair to make sure things were going smoothly. As expected, her plan works like a charm and it doesn’t take long for Wriothesley to confess to you, much to the Melusine’s delight. Later on when she and the Duke have lunch together, she’ll congratulate him on his new relationship before smugly saying “I told you Y/N liked you too.”
⚖️ Neuvillette’s emotions were generally a mystery to most people, even to the Melusines working under him. However, all it took was for one Melusine to see the soft and tender look in the Chief Justice’s eyes when he gazed at you during one of your outings, and before long, every Melusine in Fontaine heard the news that their beloved Monsieur Neuvillette found a human to love. At first they were just rumors, but a few Melusines working at Palais Mermonia confirmed that the reclusive Iudex did indeed make time in his busy schedule to see you regularly. The evidence all pointed to the idea that Neuvillette and you must be lovers, because why else would the Chief Justice give you such special treatment compared to most other humans? Their assumption was almost correct. Neuvillette did indeed love you, but the two of you weren’t a couple.
⚖️ With this revelation, the Melusines begin approaching you more frequently than before, many of them greeting and congratulating you. When you ask them what they were congratulating you for, they only reply with “Why, on your engagement of course!” before skipping away to carry out their duties without giving you a chance to ask who you were supposedly engaged to. Your puzzlement persists until one day, when you were having your regular meeting with Neuvillette to relax over a cup of water tea, a Melusine approached your pair to congratulate you on your engagement to each other. You almost spat out your drink as the puzzle pieces fell into place, and could only watch with wide eyes as Neuvillette gently corrected the Melusine, telling her that you weren’t engaged before patting her head in comfort. Though he appeared his usual composed self, internally he was as flustered as you. Understanding her mistake, the Melusine sheepishly apologized before leaving to tell her sisters the truth behind your relationship.
⚖️ The news sadden the Melusines, but they figure that if the two of you aren’t together, then they can help you! In their eyes, both you and Neuvillette really liked each other based on how each of you behaved around the other. A few of them take it upon themselves to give you a little push by telling you all about how kind, gracious, just, and reliable Neuvillette is. He’s so amazing, surely you want to spend your life with a man like him by your side, right? As for Neuvillette, though Melusines aren’t experts on human courtship, they observed enough human couples to give the Iudex suggestions on how to court you. One Melusine recommends he give you flowers, and Neuvillette doesn’t have the heart to disappoint her, so one day he gifts you a bouquet of flowers while awkwardly avoiding your gaze. The process of getting you two together is a slow one, but once you finally become a couple after a long period of pining, the Melusines celebrate and congratulate you (this time for good reason), overjoyed to have helped bring your hearts together.
🍷 Mehrak may be an artificial life form, but it can tell that its owner likes you. Like, really likes you to the point of doodling your image in his sketchbook, saving up as much money as he can to take you out to eat, and taking a ridiculous amount of time getting ready when he has plans to meet up with you. He has to look perfect for you, or so Kaveh told Mehrak. Having seen how infatuated it’s owner is with you, and also seen the lovestruck gaze you give the architect every time you two meet, Mehrak concludes that Kaveh and you must be a loving couple with how you pine for one another. But as time passes, Mehrak realizes that you two aren’t holding hands, hugging, or kissing like the couples it has seen do, and the sentient suitcase becomes confused. In its mind, you two are already together, so why aren’t you being as affectionate as it knows you want to be? Perhaps you two need a little push to get closer, it thinks, before it comes up with things it could do to help.
🍷 From there, whenever Kaveh designs new buildings, Mehrak will do its best to incorporate design elements it knows you like into Kaveh’s sketches. Kaveh knows what you like too, and easily recognizes your favorite flowers in the garden blueprints, fountains in the courtyard (because you said you like them), as well as your favorite vases and rugs in the interior blueprints. They’re not what Kaveh was planning, and he scolds Mehrak for deviating from his vision, but the little suitcase doesn’t stop. When it sees items or foods you like on display in the street stalls, it will fly over to them and give a cheerful chirp as if signaling Kaveh to buy them to give you as a gift. But out of everything Mehrak does, what flusters Kaveh the most is when it drags him to you. When Mehrak spots you in the distance, it grows excited and flies over to greet you thereby yanking the poor architect with it who can do nothing but hold onto his creation for dear life.
🍷 Mehrak’s efforts eventually pay off because there comes a point where Kaveh can’t stop thinking about you. He already thought about you a lot as evident by his sketches of you in his private notebook, but Mehrak’s actions served to constantly remind the architect of you and made him fall even more in love with you. It’s at this point that Kaveh gathers up the courage to finally confess to you. Mehrak couldn’t be happier to see the two of you together once you accept Kaveh’s feelings, even doing a little happy dance in celebration of completing its mission.
🍄 Collei won’t know that her teacher likes you until one fateful evening when she heads toward Tighnari’s living quarters to ask him a question, and accidentally overhears him and Cyno talking about Tighnari’s romantic feelings for you. It comes as a surprise to her because she genuinely had no idea her teacher loved you. He didn’t seem to treat you any differently from anyone else, but that’s only because Tighnari does a really good job at keeping his feelings on the down low. Now that she knew, suddenly everything made sense. All the times Tighnari freed up his busy schedule to provide you help when you asked for it, the way he attentively listened to you and was the first to help if you got injured, his many gifts of various potions and plants that were good for your health, and even the fact that he frequently let you touch his ears and tail were all subtle signs of his affection for you!
🍄 With this new knowledge in hand, Collei schedules a day to hang out with you. Her main goal was to get your help with some of her reading materials since you often helped her when Tighnari was too busy, but her second reason was to ask you about your feelings for her teacher. When she works up the courage to breach the question, she gets the best answer she could have hoped for. You told her you really liked Tighnari, and Collei’s eyes practically sparkle in excitement. She respects your request to not tell Tighnari about your feelings, but unfortunately ends up breaking that promise, but not of her own free will.
🍄 When she tried subtly pushing Tighnari into courting you, she wasn’t as slick about it as she thought because her teacher is too perceptive, and Tighnari quickly found out what she was planning. The forest ranger confronted her about her strange behaviour, and Collei felt pressured to tell him everything. She tells him all about the conversation she overheard between him and Cyno, how his feelings for you were mutual, and about her good intentions to help you and him get together. Tighnari isn’t mad at her. If anything, he might thank her later for giving him this information, but not before giving her a talking-to about messing in other people’s business. Though her plans didn’t go as expected and she had to reveal your secret, in the end, things still worked out the way she hoped. After that fateful conversation, Tighnari sought you out to finally make his feelings for you clear, and Collei felt a sense of accomplishment at having done something good for the people she cared about.
🎩 Lynette knows pretty quickly when her brother develops a crush on you. The way he ekes out time out of his schedule to visit you regularly and his constant flirting are some of his tells. And if that wasn’t obvious enough, then the silly grin he wears while talking about you, and the magic tricks he designs and practices for hours on end just to impress you with are all Lynette needs to know that Lyney is down bad for you. Knowing about her brother’s romantic feelings, Lynette will tag along with him during some of his meetings with you to observe and get to know you better. She is pleasantly surprised to learn that you like Lyney back, and finds some amusement in watching the two of you grow flustered with each other’s flirting. Even so, she honestly would much rather not witness her brother flirting and trying to court the object of his affection since she finds it icky and feels like a third wheel.
🎩 Despite her reservations, Lynette does her best to support Lyney’s love life since she wants him to be happy. She watches Lyney’s feelings grow from a crush to full-fledged love over the passage of time, and the growing nervousness and anxiety that comes with it. Lyney spends a lot of time coming up with magic tricks to impress you with and practices them until they’re polished and come like second nature to him. Even so, he still gets really nervous about performing them for you, even doubting whether you’ll like them. That’s when Lynette comes in with words of encouragement and support to try and ease his nerves. If that doesn’t work, she tells Lyney point blank that you like him back. Had these words come from anyone else, Lyney wouldn’t have believed them. However, because it’s Lynette whom he knows is really good at reading people, Lyney believes her, albeit with a great deal of questions about how she can be so sure about her deduction.
🎩 Even now knowing you like him back, Lyney is still too nervous to confess, so Lynette changes tactics. She tries to give you hints about Lyney’s feelings for you, calling out his behaviour right in front of you by saying things like “You’ve never given me any Rainbow Roses, and yet give Y/N a whole bunch of them!” or “Lyney pulled a lot of all-nighters to try and perfect this trick just to show you”, much to Lyney’s dismay. Lynette does this in part because she likes to tease her brother, but also because she hopes you’ll get the hint and maybe confess your feelings first if Lyney won’t. Regardless of who confesses first, the end result will still be Lyney and you becoming lovers because Lynette can be a surprisingly good wingwoman. It brings a small smile to her lips to see the two of you happy in each other’s company now that your feelings are out in the open. All she wants is for her brother to be happy, and she’s glad that he can find that happiness with you.
🐂 The Arataki gang had long been aware of Itto’s feelings for you, what with how frequently Itto talks about you and how he turns into an awkward, blushing mess when you’re around. Genta, Mamoru, and Akira decide to team up to concoct a series of plans on how to finally get you and Itto together, and agree that first Itto should try to court you to win your heart. They recommend Itto a bunch of romantic and affordable gifts he could give you, street stalls to take you to for delicious (and cheap) food, as well as the type of compliments Itto should say to flatter you (though all Itto can manage is “You have, uh… really nice hair!”). It's a whole operation the gang affectionately calls Operation: Helping Boss win Y/N’s heart. Shinobu has to keep a watchful eye on the proceedings of said operation lest her friends get carried away and start planning an expensive wedding before you and Itto even become a couple.
🐂 When Itto feels like it’s time for him to confess his feelings to you, he invites you to meet under a large sakura tree. The Arataki gang come along with him and sit in the nearby bushes to spy on the two of you. You’ll hear hushed “You can do it, boss! We believe in you!” from the bushes as the gang members encourage Itto and give him thumbs up. As much as Itto appreciates his boys’ support, now is not the time, he thinks as he looks at you with flushed cheeks, flustered by his group’s antics. Shinobu facepalms off to the side before dragging Mamoru, Akira, and Genta away to give you and Itto some privacy, but silently wishes him luck with his confession before leaving.
🐂 The gang eagerly awaits the results of the confession, feeling just as nervous as Itto. However, they don’t have to wait long because Itto’s loud whoop of joy soon reverberates through the area, indicating that you accepted his feelings. A little while later, the boys will throw a party to celebrate the occasion, splurging on some tasty food and drink, and congratulate Itto on finding love. Though they want to find love themselves, they’re still incredibly proud of their boss because they know the effort it took him to get to this point. Even Shinobu offers Itto a couple of words of congratulations. From then on, the gang will work hard to welcome you into their group and give you as much respect as they give Itto due to your status as his lover.
🐋 From the way Childe talked about you in his letters, his younger siblings were convinced that you and him were already dating. Wanting to meet the person special to their big brother’s heart, they begged and pleaded with him to invite you over to introduce you to them. Once Ajax relents and brings you to meet his family, his younger siblings swarm you with questions about yourself and their brother, before Teucer enthusiastically asks when you’ll be marrying Ajax. You exchange awkward glances with Childe, and before the Harbinger can even attempt to resolve the misunderstanding, with a heavy heart you explain to Teucer that you and Ajax are not even dating (hearing that kind of hurts Childe, he won’t lie).
🐋 The expressions of shock and disappointment that Teucer and the rest of the younger siblings give you is honestly heart-wrenching and makes you feel a little guilty. “So, you don’t like big brother?” Teucer asks sadly. You correct him and admit that you do like Ajax, but you don’t specify exactly how. The children will pester you to tell them what kind of “like” you mean, but thankfully Ajax saves you from their badgering. Only Tonia figures out that your “like” is more of a “love”, but she is smart enough to not blab about your feelings to Teucer and Anton.
🐋 Despite their earlier disappointment, the children take a liking to you and constantly ask Ajax to bring you along on their family adventures or simply invite you to play games with them. During your hangouts, the children tell you about how Childe talks about you in his letters, basically ratting out his feelings for you much to Childe’s mortification. They also try to convince you to date their brother because, in their eyes, you two make a cute couple and Ajax looks really happy when next to you. The children won’t know if their words managed to convince you until the night when you and Childe were preparing dinner in their kitchen. Tonia and her brothers had a question they wanted to ask you, however as they approached the kitchen, Tonia overheard you and her older brother discussing your feelings for one another. With a smile, she quietly lead Anton and Teucer away to give you two some time to sort out your feelings, though she’s confident that by tomorrow you will be an honorary addition to their family, and perhaps a real member sometime in the near future.
🐍 Changsheng can easily tell that Baizhu likes you. The doctor is always polite and cordial, but with you he acts especially sweet and takes time to have a casual chat with you when you come to pick up your medicine. Fed up with constantly seeing him giving you pining glances, Changsheng asks why he won’t just confess to you and get this pining over with, to which Baizhu retorts that he’s too busy to manage a proper relationship. He worries he would be too busy to give those he loves enough time and attention, but he also fears that you don’t feel the same way. His response and stubbornness frustrate Changsheng.
🐍 Her frustration continues to grow when she observes you and notices that telltale nervous and bashful behaviour of yours whenever you talk to Baizhu. You don’t behave that way when talking to Qiqi or Gui, and you also inquire about Baizhu’s health often, clearly worried about him. Clearly, you like him more than just as your doctor. Changsheng feels like screaming when the three of you are in the same room together, forced to endure watching both Baizhu and you pining for one another, yet not making a move.
🐍 One day, after seeing yet another exchange between you and Baizhu that’s full of hidden longing yet leads nowhere, her patience finally snaps. “Ugh, I can’t take it anymore! Why won’t the two of you confess that you both love each other? It’s so obvious!” she exclaims and slithers out of the room with a huff to cool off her temper. She caught brief snippets of you asking Baizhu if what she said is true, before going out of earshot. She fumes for a little while, grumbling about how foolish you’re both behaving before making her way back. To her delight, she glimpses your rosy cheeks and happy grin, as well as Baizhu’s relieved expression from behind the doorway, and realizes you two finally confessed. At long last, after all this time she thinks and sighs in relief. Changsheng decides to extend her break and come back later, wanting to give you and Baizhu a chance to properly sort out your newfound relationship. She hopes Baizhu is prepared for the long talking-to shell give him about dragging out this situation for so long, but until then, she’ll guard the entrance to the room to make sure no one interrupts you.
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wttcsms · 2 months
proof of love;
physical traces that reveal just how much you truly mean to him
ft. tobio kageyama, kiyoomi sakusa, atsumu miya
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KAGEYAMA, your skincare routine in his bathroom — tobio lives in a stereotypical bachelor pad; you walk into his apartment and it's the very definition of bare-bones. thin, cotton navy sheets line his bed, with one single flat pillow. he doesn't own a dining table, and instead just stands near his kitchen counter to consume his meals. he blushes and tells you that he's just a minimalist. despite it all, though, after fun nights out, you find yourself heading back to his place with him, sleepy and drunk and pouty. you wake up, instantly regretting not washing off your face, moping because "i'm so gonna break out now, tobio!" when kags visits your place, he opens his notes app to get the names of all the skincare products lining your sink. the next night out, you're being carried into his apartment, mumbling drunk incoherencies. instead of setting you down on his bed (which now has two fluffy pillows and a fruit-print comforter that he bought for you), he guides you two to his bathroom where he places you on the counter and starts trying to figure out which steps to do first to help you remove your makeup. drunk-you guides him every step of the way, and the warmth you feel in your chest and cheeks isn't from the drinks — it's from the gentle care of your boyfriend rubbing in an oil cleanser to strip off your makeup.
SAKUSA, your lipstick stains on his water bottle — kiyoomi likes everything in his life to be neat and tidy. he carries a tide pen in his pocket that he ends up using on your clothes more often than his own. he's particular with how his belongings are treated, and you know better than to mess with anything of kiyoomi's. you respect his boundaries and find his oddities endearing, but you feel so much more secure in your relationship when you realize just how loose his boundaries are when it comes to you. on a road trip, you're thirsty and he offers you his water bottle. you don't think too much about it until you finish drinking and instantly widen your eyes at the sight of pink encasing the rim — remnants of your lipgloss. before you can say anything or try to wipe it off, he reaches over and takes a swig from it without a second thought. you try telling him not to drink yet, but he just glances over at you before focusing back on the road. "why would i be bothered by that? i kiss you all the time, don't i?" it's his subtle way of telling you that what's his is yours; you don't need to walk on eggshells with him.
MIYA, a cheap ring that came in a plastic egg — the proposal doesn't go as atsumu plans. things rarely ever go as atsumu plans, but this time — this is the one time he needs everything to go perfectly. and it does: the photographer is well hidden and on time, the decorations came out fantastic, and the ring! the ring is stunning. it's what's on everyone's pinterest boards. the only issue is that he put the ring box in the wrong pants pocket! with sweaty palms and a pink flush creeping from his neck to his cheeks to his ears, he gets down on one knee. he manages to stammer out his proposal speech to you, and you're listening with tears brimming in your eyes and a watery smile on your face, and then, those beautiful eyes of yours widen in surprise when you see, not a velvet ring box, but a plastic orb being revealed to you. he quickly explains that this is not your real ring (no duh), but that in typical atsumu fashion, he messed up. "it's just a placeholder!!! i'll buy you five diamond rings, just don't say no!" you're not marrying atsumu because of the ring, you remind him, but you allow him to slip on the cheesy ring. it's made out of plastic and it's one of those cheap prizes that are available in those weird machines outside the grocery store; the machines where you insert a quarter and twist the knob and a mysterious plastic ball surprises you with a prize. he tells you it took him a dozen tries to get a ring. you're laughing and saying it's meant to be since the ring manages to fit you perfectly. even after getting your real engagement ring, you still keep the cheesy ring to this day. it's evidence that no matter what happens, atsumu will always go the extra mile for you.
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wrioluvr · 3 months
subby vampire x dom male reader
sorry for being inactive yall teehee just thought about this cute little idea and had to write it... also no sex just a little spicy lmk if yall want to see more of this guy 🤭
★ ; 🦇🍷. . ♱
you did not expect it to rain during your forest hike today. anticipation to dive into the lush green unknown was quickly turned into a wet mess as your scrambled to find shelter, unsure of where you were even going as the gps signal got weaker deeper into the forest you ventured. much to your surprise, you soon came upon a quaint winding road. following it lead to an ancient-looking manor straight out of the victorian era. despite your brain recounting that this was how every horror movie started, you were desperate to be out of the cold, and soon rushed to the grand door to seek warmth. luckily, someone answered the door. a tall, lanky, ghost of a man, who quickly invited you in and fretted over the prospect of you catching a cold. he was a little odd, speaking in such a proper, olden manner, but he was lovely.
despite your initial protests of overstaying your welcome, he managed to convince you to stay for a week. he invited you to join him for dinner everyday, and it was through these meals that you found out quite a lot about him. one, his name was kliff (you swore his face turned red when you said he had a handsome name), and that he was a vampire who was at least a hundred years old (he stopped counting after the 120th year). the way he revealed it was kind of adorable, he was so reluctant at first.
"sooooo, kliff. you're a vampire, right?"
"goodness, whatever gave you that idea? i most certainly am not." his face said otherwise as his eyes darted everywhere around the room but your gaze, and the tip of his ears turned red.
"and you're gay, right?"
"now THAT is an accusation!" he replied indignantly, now fully flustered. "i, a dignified gentleman, would never engage in such sinful acts."
"but i saw you peeking at me showering yesterday. pervert." you were having the time of your life teasing this poor fossil.
he stood up from the dinner table and paced around the room. "i did no such thing." he mumbled, face somehow steaming even more than you thought was humanly possible. wait, but he wasn't a human. nevermind.
you spent most of your week exploring his manor, poking around the various dusty bookshelves and artifacts of an era long bygone. if there was one thing you picked up from your exploration, it was that kliff was awfully lonely. and had been for a long time. he didn't seem to have had any romantic partners, probably due to his sexuality, nor any pets to keep him company. you could infer this from his clingy nature, he was constantly in the shadows observing you, blending in seamlessly using his powers. he thought he was being slick, but really, he was a rather clumsy vampire. whenever you caught him, he would always act oblivious, and give you a sheepish grin, before scurrying away. it was quite cute, really. another thing was the fact that he never asked to drink from you. "it is quite alright. i sustain myself well enough through other means." was all he said when you asked him about it. mysterious. almost like he didn't dare to taint your skin with his fangs. you decided not to tell him about the fact that you were aware he watched you when you were asleep in the guest room, sometimes even daring to climb into bed silently with you and bask in your presence. he was a lonely soul, you figured. you could let him be delusional for a bit. you would leave after this week, anyway.
but that week passed quick, and with each day, kliff seemed to grow even more on edge, getting nervous whenever he was around you but never daring to speak what was on his mind. brooding around the house, watching you silently as you attempted to grow something in his dying garden... oh it was bad for him. but this came all to a head on your last day, when you bid your goodbyes and were one foot out the door, and he suddenly gathered the courage to say something.
kliff threw himself at you in one final, desperate plea. "please... please don't go...." his tone was so pitiful, you stopped in your tracks and looked at the way he's grabbing your wrist so tightly. "i... i.... if i may, i have one final request."
"you want to drink from me? honestly, i'm surprised you didn't ask earlier."
"no, no... it's not that. it's the opposite, really. may i... may i humbly request that you..." he stops mid sentence and breaks eye contact to look at the ground, voice so soft you could barely hear him. "bite me instead..."
"i beg your pardon?"
"i would like for you to leave a mark on me. as a reminder of your presence." his tone is slightly more confident now as he meets your eyes, centuries-old desire rekindled and burning within them. he falters a bit as he notices your lack of response. "....please?" he mumbles pathetically.
oh, poor baby. he's wanted a man to love him all his life. luckily for him, you found his desperation cute. you drop your bag and take his hand in yours.
"want me to take the lead?" you squeeze his hand, and he nods shyly.
"i would like nothing more."
you gently, but firmly pin him to the nearest wall, the ancient manor creaking under the pressure. it's kind of poetic, kliff thinks, as he wilts under your touch, it sounds like my house is congratulating me. you start off by peppering fleeting kisses all across his neck, admiring the small noises of pleasure he made everytime your lips came into contact with his skin. the fleeting touches turned into harsher bites, as you nibbled at his delicate skin, so fragile and untouched. it was just like he fantasized, and he was in heaven. he gripped onto the wall for support as he gasped at the new sensation, writhing around as you marked him, but your strong hands on his waist kept him steadily in place, a feeling he quickly learnt to enjoy. all those years he spent in solitude seemed to culminate to this moment, he'd never felt more intimate with anyone in his life. you stepped back to look at your handiwork and he immediately collapsed into your arms, a dark purple hickey prominently showing on his neck. he stared up at you lovingly, unable to really form thoughts. "please don't go...." was all he could mutter as you slowly swayed him back and forth, soothing his cold, beating heart.
"guess i'll see you next week, hm?" he's never been happier to hear those words in his long life.
>ᵥᵥ< 💘
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ozzgin · 3 months
The Mean Girl Bully Reader x Nerd Loser Yandere story sparked another red flag reader idea I had 😈
Imagine a Bratty Female Reader x Well Mannered Wealthy Male Yandere. Unlike our favorite monster whore gal, and two-faced bully, this new reader insert is super vocal about her distaste in just about everything. Hardly anything is up to her “standards.” She not only complains, but whines too! 🥳
Then her poor beau weirdly loves her despite her horrid personality. I don’t know how, I’ll leave that part of imagining up to you, but there’s my request 🥺
I just like morally grey or blatant antagonistic readers. A lot of times, it’s more fun if the reader is attractive this way to a yandere, than having stereotypical good traits, like being compassionate or respectful 😔
So please, a Bratty Female Reader x Well Mannered Wealthy Male Yandere?
I was wondering if I should just incorporate this into the Yandere CEO draft I have, but I had this sudden idea for a downright shameless relationship between a beloved, well-respected politician and a perverted, needy brat of a Darling. (I don't like politicians but alas, I needed a high-stakes public profession for this)
Yandere! Politician x Bratty! Reader
Mr. Politician is a true rarity in his field of work: well-mannered, articulate, and most importantly, genuine in his dedication. He works tirelessly for change and improvement, earning the adoration of the people. There's only one exception to his loyalty: no country ever comes before his Darling. And what a demanding Darling you are...
Content: female reader, older yandere, NSFW, some exhibitionism
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Many would describe their interactions with Mr. Politician as follows: he's disciplined, confident and resourceful. A natural born leader, you can tell within seconds of meeting him that he is a man to rely on. He's spent many years in the game, and nothing can shake him out of his signature calmness. He keeps everything in pristine order, and nothing escapes his scrutiny.
There is, however, one quirk only few select people know about. A detail no one dares to discuss. It is common knowledge that Mr. Politician has a partner, yet the particularities of it are kept private. His beloved is a much younger girl, rotten to the core. It is unclear how this pairing came to be; the day Mr. Politician won his place in his prestigious office, he showed up with the mysterious feminine figure at his side.
What's certain and obvious to all witnesses is that his vocabulary quickly discards any meaning of refusal whenever he's dealing with you. It almost feels like the man worships you. He's never alluded to being religious, most likely because that role's been taken already. His eyes soften whenever directed at you, gleaming with raw adoration.
Splurging on expensive things is a given. Money has never been an issue for someone of his status. In fact, it's a handy and convenient tool he frequently uses to dampen the damage of your tantrums.
"Disgusting", you spit between your teeth, pushing the plate away and crossing your arms. The renowned chef of the Michelin star restaurant can only stare in horror before Mr. Politician intervenes with a chuckle. "Not feeling it today, huh?", he coos at you with loving strokes. "May I ask that you bring everything else from the menu?" he says in a sterner voice to the employee. "E-everything, Sir?" the waitstaff questions. "Well, naturally. I can't let my Darling starve."
"I'm bored. Let's leave now", you mention bluntly, standing in front of the heavily ornate table with a huff. "Are you sure, Darling? It's an important meeting for the country", Mr. Politician tries to plead. Around him, the other men sit baffled, observing the outrageous exchange. "Now!" you conclude louder. Before anyone can protest, your boyfriend stands up obediently and reaches out for your hand. "Then allow me to guide you, love."
A paradox. His earnest work is put to a halt if you require anything from him. Somehow, he has until now managed to juggle the two with little effort, and to his credit, there have been many instances requiring nerves of steel. Such as you paying him an unannounced visit to the office, and disliking the fact he was unavailable due to a meeting. So, you marched over to the window and promptly flashed your chest against the glass. Everyone else was focused on the opposing whiteboard; he was the only one who immediately noticed your arrival. "As you can see, the expected result is irresistible", he continued with a professional smile, tapping the graph with a marker.
Everyone knows Mr. Politician is fervently devoted to his principles. Take his last public speech, for example. Knuckles white from gripping the podium, he'd nearly choked during an eloquent -but passionate - conclusion. His face was red, his jaw tightened. He needed a moment to recollect himself, and the public waited with bated breaths, visibly emotional. Of course, they couldn't tell the outrageous truth: that you were shamelessly kneeling at his feet, pumping and teasing his erection until, at last, he let go all over your face.
"I wanted to see if you'd stumble on your words", you explain afterwards, wiping the sticky liquid off with a damp cloth. "That would've been unpleasant", he responds with a shiver. "It was live on national television."
He does not seem too bothered by the potential risk of being caught. Truly, his nonchalance knows no bounds when it comes to you. Or perhaps it is part of the charm. There's something quite depraved yet tempting about this perpetual contrast.
To return your daring favor, he gently places you onto his desk and spreads your legs, leaving trails of kisses along the inner surface of your thigh. A quick glance down confirms his suspicions: your bare bottom lays on top of confidential, rather important documents he dutifully signed hours ago. How thrilling of a feeling! He already smiles in anticipation, picturing himself as he hands over the folder to the oblivious party. He's not breaking any rules, now, is he? Nowhere in the book of etiquette does it state you mustn't fuck your beloved on top of official papers.
You gaze at the disheveled face underneath you. "One day I'll get you in trouble", you blurt out between whines. "Me? Oh, Darling. You know I always have everything under control." He lifts himself up and gives you a quick, desperate kiss. "Including you."
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