#I love ya Bibs
whatsk-poppinhomies · 11 months
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Pairing : Lee Felix x F!Reader TW : reader is pregnant ; still extremely fluffy ; Word Count : 1.7k Request : nope! A/N : 11 work days later and I'm finally off!! YAY!!!
“Lix, baby…” You sweetly said his name, staggering back a little as you both walked through the store. He was going there to simply get new headphones for his computer and of course he wanted you to tag along with him, but you always got sidetracked when passing the baby aisle, and this time you weren’t longingly looking at the booties or the onesies… You had a tiny little plan forming in your head. 
“Hmm? What is it, angel?” He responded back just as sweet, his freckled cheeks lifting and his eyes squinting as he looked at you, his smile wide yet slightly bashful. “What’re ya doin?” He quizzed, eyeing you with full interest now as you held up two different pairs of newborn footie pajamas. 
“Which one do you like more? This one…?” You held up a green pair that was printed with frogs and little lily pads. “Or this one?” The other pair was a pale yellow with a small embroidered duck at the top. “Only three seconds to choose one though, come on!” You chimed, trying to make it more like a game so he wouldn’t get an idea of what was happening just yet. 
“Ahhhh…” His eyes wavered back and forth between the little sets before his finger shot forwards to point at the yellow outfit. “That one’s cuter, and it’s closer to Bokkari so, obviously I’m gonna choose the duck.” He explained, and you nodded along in agreement. “Look at this though, angel.” He said as he started walking again, not straying too far off as you hung the outfits back on the racks, making a mental note to remember where they were for when you came back to get them. 
“What is it?” You asked, walking over to where he stood in front of a nursery set that was duck themed, his eyes sparkling as he looked at it. “Oh… Oh that’s adorable.” You picked up the set, flipping it over to see the price on the back of the box before setting it back down again. “And completely ridiculous. $60 for a blanket and a bib? They’re charging for the packaging.” 
Felix snorted, wrapping his arm around your waist and leading you to the electronics section, his mind back on track once more. “It’s cute that you completely forget that I make a ridiculous amount of money doing what I do.” He teased, playfully squeezing your side and making you jump before you leaned into him. “Don’t worry, once we have a baby, they’ll be set for life. They’ll never want for nothing.” 
It was hard to fight back the urge to tell him right then and there, but you bit your lip, looping your arm around his and resting your head against his shoulder. “I love that you’re already planning on spoiling them…” You teasingly murmured, smiling softly up at him. “How will I ever compete with you?” 
He paused for a moment, and you assumed that he was just trying to think of an answer to your question, but his gaze that was laid upon you softened as he turned to stand in front of you. “It’ll never be a competition. Everything we do will be as a team. Whatever I get for them, even if you’re not there when I get it, it’ll be from the both of us.” The short moment of sweetness quickly changed to him teasing once again as he leaned in to kiss the tip of your nose. “What’s with all this baby talk? Hmm? You got something to tell me?” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, and you shook your head fast, hoping that he didn’t pick up on your nervous giggling. 
“I’m having baby fever again. You know how bad it gets when I walk through the baby aisles.” You reasoned, and thankfully, your explanation was good enough for him. He was used to you having the baby talk the whole way home after shopping trips, but your mind would usually trail off into something else as soon as you got home. You’d have to keep up with the pattern if you wanted to keep this a secret, at least long enough to get everything ready for the surprise. 
2 weeks, one secret doctors appointment, and a small shopping trip with Chan later, and you finally had the little gift box prepared to surprise Felix with. It took a lot to keep yourself from telling him before the two weeks was up, but you just kept it in the back of your mind that his reaction would be adorable, of course it would be, everything he did was adorable. 
The camera was set up, under the advice of Hyunjin who wanted so badly to be there to see it, but he also knew that if he was at the house when Felix got home it would raise some questions and might have spoiled the surprise. Everything was being recorded, and truthfully, this would be a moment that you’d love to look back on later on in life. 
“Angel…” Felix called out from the front door, and you heard his shoes tumble onto the floor and the quiet sound of his slippers sliding across the hard wood as he slipped them on. “You okay?” Of course, today was one of those days when the wonderful symptoms of carrying a child kicked in full force and had you leaning over the kitchen sink as you tried to hold back the nausea long enough to give him his surprise. 
“Mmhm…” You hummed, cupping a bit of cold water in your hand and sipping a bit of it before turning around to face him. “Think I just ate a bit too quickly.” You explained, giving him a smile when he came over to you, placing the back of his hand against your forehead. “I’m not sick, really. Come… I have something to tell you.” You said, and the sudden bout of sickness had your voice lacking the excitement that you had been hoping to convey. 
“Is… Is it bad?” He stammered, and you could almost see through his chest, visualizing his heart sinking at your words. He truly was too good for this world, he was far too sweet, and you immediately felt bad for even accidentally worrying him. “You’re not leaving me… Are you? Did I do something wrong?” 
“No!” You said, maybe a little too loudly, his eyes widening in shock at the sudden outburst. “Sorry… Sorry. I’m not leaving you. I just… I have a surprise for you and… I really want to show you.” You said the words a little too fast, and you hoped that he was able to catch all of them. He still seemed a little confused, but you were already grabbing his hand and leading him to the living room. “Sit… I have to run to the bedroom to grab something.” You motioned to the couch with your head, and once he was finally seated, you ran to the bedroom and grabbed the little box out of the top of the closet. 
“You’re not… proposing, are you? I wanted to be the one to do that…” He said, watching you with suspicious eyes as you walked back into the living room, your hands behind your back to hide the box from him. “What is that? What are you holding?” He inquired further, craning his neck to try to see behind you. 
“Shh.. Just close your eyes and hold out your hands.” You waited for him to do so before placing the little box in his upturned hands, and then you sat on the little seat across from him. “Open…” You whispered, and your heart was hammering in your chest now as you watched his eyes scan over the little box that had congratulations written across the lid. 
“What is it…?” He asked, and you motioned towards the box with his hand, silently telling him to open it. He carefully set it down on the coffee table before shimmying the lid off, and you heard him gasp softly when he saw the tiny teddy bear and the little note. “Appa…? Me? I’m… You’re… Really?” He questioned, and you hesitantly nodded your head in agreement, not able to fully gauge his reaction just yet. Then he lifted the note and on the backside you had carefully taped the ultrasound photo, it wasn’t much, but the little bean was there, and he could see it clearly. 
“Lix…” You nervously whispered his name as you watched his hand go to his mouth, and you could have sworn you heard a sigh… or maybe it was a sob… But you couldn’t really tell how he was feeling just yet. “Are you… okay? I’m sorry, I just-” 
His head shook, and when he finally looked at you, his hand falling to his lap, you could see he was smiling. “This is amazing…” He choked out, pushing himself up off the couch and striding over to you only to drop down to the floor in front of you, his hands moving to your stomach. “I’m so happy… I… I don’t even have words. This… We’re having a baby… We’re gonna have a family… Us… We are…” 
“We are…” You agreed, your own tears beginning to form and trickle down your cheeks. His hands moved up to cup your cheeks, his thumbs working quickly to wipe the tears before they had the chance to reach your chin, his smile never faltering as he looked up at you with eyes that sparkled and shined. “I love you, Felix…” 
He pushed himself up, kissing you gently, his lips tasted of salt from his tears and a slight hint of coffee. “I love you more, most, mostest, more than anything. Thank you… For giving me this gift, for loving me… For making me happy, for making me the luckiest man in the world.” He sighed, and then he started laughing, a soft laugh, a chuckle that came from his chest that seemed to vibrate through him. Your head tilted to the side questioningly, but he only shook his head. “I’m glad that wasn’t a proposal… Because I have to run to the bedroom real quick and grab something… Just make sure you say yes to my next question.” 
Perm. Taglist : @whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin @his-angell @if-spearb @yomomma104 @lanatheawesome @facelesswrittes @grannyindehouse @cutie-wooyo @felixmainacc @syuuji @jiisungllvr @yukichan67 @randomwimp @silentreadersthings @cutiespaghetti @furiousheartpoetry @its-hannjisung @lixpixstix @felixluvr915 @wordsofkpop @kayleigh-28 @szkstay @spnwinchestersd @fleatree @yehsehneeah @vampcharxter @iloveksmohsomuch @lvlnijiro @neteyamsmate4life @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic
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uc1wa · 10 months
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tags: fem reader, is called ‘mama’, you ‘n tsumu have a baby, fluff, suggestive, self indulgent i am having atsumu withdrawals
"who’s home?" you exclaim in a whisper to your wide-eyed baby who’s sat in your kitchen in front of you. her brows raise at the changed tone in your voice and the sound of the door. though she’s not of the age where words can fully be formulated, her eyes form small crescents as she reads over your face. small eyes matching your own and tiny baby teeth smiling as wide as yours.
the door opens and you hear a rustle of a backpack and coat, shoes making their way in before the door is locked with a click.
atsumu knew he wanted to have a baby with you. agreed to start trying after he’d won his first olympics, and a swollen belly became visible the first time you’d set down the pill and welcomed him with open legs.
"mmm," the blonde walks into the kitchen that’s lit up, smelling the food that you’d made and humming a satisfied moan. but he dramatically pauses in his tracks the second his daughter makes eye contact with him.
"who’s that?" he asks, face feigning innocence and curiosity. the same routine occurs every day, your baby knows it just as well. little legs flying to kick, accidentally hitting your arm, and small arms doing the same. a mixture of babbles following.
"is that…" he starts slowly, making his way to the high chair she’s sat at, arms extending towards his baby with a bib latched around her neck. "…my baby girl?" he finally exclaims, hands finding the underneath of her own, lifting her and bringing her to his broad chest—ignorant, or… he just doesn’t care about the baby food that smears from her bib to his practice jersey.
it’ll be washed anyways.
"you’re gonna make her throw up," you amuse, watching the way he holds her with a wide smile. the way he bounces her around when she hasn’t finished half of her food yet.
"‘s okay, mama. i’ll wash clothes tonight," he finally rests her against his chest, peering over her shoulder to you with a grin. "dinner smells good, what’d ya cook me, hm?" atsumu winks, taking a few steps to where you’re sat in front of a high chair, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head.
and then he stays there another beat. "give mama a kiss," he says in a silly baby voice, widening his eyes once more to match your baby’s. and maybe she understood those words, but it made you laugh the way her arms reached to grab either side of your head. pulling hair as he pushed her messy lips to your cheek.
"ya love mama? mhm, me too," atsumu chimes, standing back up with your baby, finding a chair that was sat beside you and taking a seat.
he sets her tiny form on the table for a few seconds, knowing that if she did make any quick movements, you’d grab her while he slung his msby backpack over his shoulder and to the floor. then his big hands found her again, tickling her belly while holding his hand out for you to place her food for him to feed her.
"gonna make our plates," you smile at the two of them and their interactions.
and just like every night, you both finish eating sitting side by side. atsumu throws some clothes into the wash as he lays your baby down to sleep. and somehow, some way, he’s pulling you into the shower with him, like always.
because he knows you take the best care of your sweet baby while he’s away at games and practice and work. "mama deserves to be taken care of too," he reminds you, hot water dripping from his lips to yours.
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abibliophobiaa · 11 months
Idea for ya: Reader and Eddie are in a competition to see if Elena's first word will be "mama" or "dada," with no success thus far. Uncle Steve comes over and picks her up, only to be greeted with an ecstatic: "TEEB!"
Elena's first word is Steve.
xoxo @munson-blurbs
a blurb from the daylight world.
dad!eddie munson x mom!reader.
It started around the time Elena began trying to form words. Granted, they were never full ones. Just the rounding of vowels, the formation of letters, all of which she seemed entirely enthused with.
And because of it, Eddie had started a sort of competition. Your ever competitive (now) husband thought you’d make a game of what Elena’s first would be. Which led to countless dinners spent with her little feet kicking in her high chair as you both took turns cooing, “Say Mama” and “Say Dada,” in voices that seemed out of place on your thoroughly tattooed rockstar.
But for her — for her he was always unabashed, ever doting, in love beyond words would ever come close to explaining. Those first months of tour, when you’d been unable to join him, he made true to his promise to call nearly every day. Trying his hardest to never go a night without telling you he loved you, nor a day without talking to his baby girl before she laid her head down to rest at night.
Tonight, however, happened to be one of those nights. Chrissy and Steve would be arriving soon, their newest baby girl, Brie, and Melody along with them. And given that your table would be expanded to fit from seating three to seven in mere moments, Eddie worked overtime.
He presently had his fingers curled around a waving fist, his lips smacking loudly into his giggly baby’s cheek as he repeated, “Dada” over and over again into a wrinkly neck. Repetition was his game, but you were relentless too. Distracted her with her dinner, which earned a pouted argument from Eddie, as you then reminded her “Mama” was the one who fed her from quite literally your own body for the first months of her short life, and still continued to do so now even as she’d moved onto more solid foods. And if you’d thrown strawberries onto her plate in a form of bribery she wouldn’t even understand, which you knew were her favorite, then so be it.
“She was close to saying it,” Eddie argued, watching Elena struggle a bit to force a piece of macaroni into her mouth, orange already mushing against her cheek.
“Technically the doctor says she’ll talk when she talks,” you told him, moving over to the kitchen to throw some final ingredients into the salad bowl you'd started. “And then she won’t stop after that. But I know how much it means to you, what with you being away so much.”
“I just don’t want to miss anything,” he exhaled, fingers running through his curly mane, “She'll be walking soon too.”
“I know, baby.” He leaned into your hip as you slid up to his side, fingers rubbing against his shoulder. “I know it weighs on you, but everyone always says how happy of a baby Elena is. A lot of that is thanks to her dad, you know?”
The edges of his smile spread across the palm that came up to stroke along his cheek, his fingers reaching up to tangle with your free hand. “I love you, Mrs. Munson.”
“Still with the Mrs. Munson, huh?” you teased, dropping a kiss to the top of his head, slinking back to the countertop.
“Until I get over the shock of calling you my wife, yeah,” he said, a pair of arms looping around your waist from behind, your body shuddering as lips pressed to the curve of your neck. “Which, by my estimation, will be till death do us part, and all of that romantic hub-bub.”
“You are a flirt, Eddie Munson.”
“I do what I can,” he chuckled, dropping another kiss to your temple, fingers edging along the hem of your jeans to dance along delicate skin, just as the doorbell rang out. “I got it.”
Said husband disappeared down the hall in a flash, voices filtering through the front door as you lifted Elena from her high chair, using her bib to wipe her dinner from her messy cheeks. The baby on your hip immediately bounced in attention as Chrissy called her name into the living room, Brie’s carrier clutched in one hand, with Melody rushing in ahead.
And then, the room fell into silence as Elena shrieked out, “TEEB.”
Oh no.
Your eyes darted to Eddie.
Then to Chrissy.
Lastly, to Steve, who only chuckled awkwardly, a hand curled around the back of his neck.
Eddie’s face reddened. “Oh, you’ve got to be f —”
Steve clapped a hand over Eddie’s mouth.
“Can’t believe Steve was her first word,” Eddie grumbled, head resting against your stomach, fingers curled around your hip.
“Technically it was ‘Teeb,’” you teased, laughter making Eddie’s head shake.
“Not helping.”
“How do you think I feel? I grew her in my body and pushed her out of it a few months later. I have the stretch marks to prove it.”
“Maybe we can start charging her rent,” Eddie murmured, squeezing your hip tighter. “Start charging her now, so when she’s older she can’t leave the house until she pays it off.”
“Fine, fine,” he groaned, rubbing a hand down his face. “I hope Harrington realizes I’m going to make sure Brie’s first word is Eddie. Only fair.”
Your reply was another laugh.
True to his word, that next weekend when you gathered around Steve’s living room, Eddie perched in front of baby Brie, repeating Eddie over and over again (careless to the fact she was quite literally a few weeks old).
“What is he doing?” Steve asked, appearing at your side in the kitchen, peering out at the sight together.
“He’s playing the long game of revenge,” you giggled, nose wrinkling humorously as Steve tipped his head to the side.
“I see,” Steve said in understanding, snorting.
Elena didn’t learn any new words that week. Nor the next. Nor the one after it. But a month after the now dubbed ‘TEEB Travesty,’ Elena was settled on her bottom in the living room, crashing blocks together where they lay scattered around her on the floor. You sat behind her, her form tucked between the curve of your thighs, leaning in to receive a kiss when Eddie appeared.
“Dada!” Elena wailed, chuckling her block to the floor, arms elevated in front of her on the floor where she immediately began to whimper and whine for his attention.
And Eddie beamed — brighter than you’d ever seen before as he leaned down to grab her, and told his favorite girl he loved her more than anything else in this world.
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
First - Part I: Time
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: Part of my “first”-series with dilf!joel! 
Summary: You go to IKEA to buy a new bed, but after getting Joel to assemble your new piece of furniture. it somehow also ends up being the first time you have sex. 
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader/you (no y/n)
Tags: +18 Smut (MDNI!), Joel hates IKEA, reader is overthinking, domestic fluff, Joel is lovely, pussy eating, creampie, unprotected piv sex, cute sex!!! Fluff!!! Filth!!
Word count: 4.6k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48689506/chapters/123842593#workskin
First: Time
Since the kiss on your front porch, Joel has taken every opportunity to press his lips against yours when nobody has been around to see. Making out is so easy, uncomplicated in the sense that it isn’t hard to find out what the other likes, but there’s always something stirring beneath the surface when you feel Joel’s cock start to harden against your stomach. It makes you pull away and come up with excuses, and Joel takes it politely when you reject him.
You aren’t inexperienced, but for some reason, Joel Miller, certified hot neighbor, and possible boyfriend, makes you nervous. 
Even more so when he suggests joining you on an outing to buy you a new bed like he has a say in which one you’ll choose. Your old one barely made it across the country in the moving truck, the old bed frame creaking so loudly that you were scared that it would splinter and land you in a claim of compensation with the moving company.
Additionally, it’s simply terrible to sleep in, and when it had finally broken its last proper spring, you’d settled for a month on something that resembled a military cot. Not ideal for you back. Not ideal for inviting Joel Miller over.
“Sarah ain’t home anyway,” he had said, “And with how that stepladder turned out… You probably need someone to assemble it, so ya don’t end up on the floor, sweetheart.” 
Sweetheart. Sweetheart sweetheart sweetheart. What easier way was there to get you to say yes? 
And so you find yourself in an IKEA not long after. Joel wants to play the gentlemen, pushing your cart around the furniture store, but he seems tired of it when you keep adding unnecessary bibs and bobs as you are forced to walk down the fixed path design. You ignore his tiny grunts, knowing that he would be more suited for powering through the halls than stopping every goddamn second.
“Ain’t this cute?” You ask as you show him a kitchen container that’s shaped like a flower. 
“Very,” he replies without the same enthusiasm. 
“What about this? I should totally get these,” you go on as you reach the cutlery and glasses, showing him a set of brass coffee scoops. 
“Sure,” he answers, but he isn’t really listening. 
Eventually, you reach the section of pillows, blankets, and bedding. He wants to go straight to the rows of beds along the wall and surrounding the path on the floor, but you grab at the end of your cart to steer him towards the linens. 
“I feel like I should get some new bedding to go along with the new bed, don’t you think?” You scan the different patterns and colors. Joel hums beside you, clearly lost in his thoughts despite being the one who suggested coming along. 
“Yeah, I really think this lilac set would look fantastic against my skin when you fuck me,” you say without any suggestive tone to your voice, then wait.
“Sure wou—“ Joel takes a second, nearly snapping his neck as he quickly turns towards you to look at you. He splutters, “Wait, what?”
“What?” You smile too innocently, “I didn’t say anything. I just said that these would look fantastic with my bedroom walls. Honestly, Joel, you should listen more.”
Joel narrows his eyes at you, parking your shared cart that he has nothing of his own in. He walks towards you again and God, you want to kiss him as he smirks at you, “You’re playin’ with me.”
“Not at all,” you say with a soft giggle as he looks around for other people, who, luckily, are nowhere to be seen, before kissing you in the middle of the store. You wrap your arms around his neck as his own comes around your waist. 
It only takes a moment for him to pull back. You miss him the second that he is gone, though instead of going back to your cart again, he scans the room once more and then grabs at the hem of your jeans. 
“What’re you—?” You look down with surprise and a pulsating feeling between your legs. 
“I’m so fuckin’ bored, let’s just go do what we’re here for,” he yanks at the front of your jeans and steers you towards the row of beds. Your head swims and your legs try to follow wherever he tugs you. 
“O-okay, yes, alright,” you stutter. 
Joel only lets go when you choose the first bed to try out. You try to concentrate on the design as you run a hand over the material, but the grasp Joel has just had on your clothes makes you wonder if it translates into the bedroom. Fuck, you need a bed. 
Unfortunately, you are also very picky; too soft, too hard, bad design, bad bed frame design, made of plastic, not convincing enough to look like wood.
“How do you like this one?” You ask as you lay down on the millionth bed with Joel. It’s the first one that has some potential. You wiggle to get comfortable, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. 
“No,” he simply replies, turning onto his side to face you. You turn your head, not daring to mirror his position. 
“Right, let’s hear it, Mr. Miller, what’s the verdict of this possible contender?” You sigh dramatically. 
“First of all, ’m not the picky one here. We’ve had some fine contenders,” he points out and makes you smile, “But this one? Wouldn’ trust that bed frame, the headboard.”
“And what has the headboard done?” You roll your eyes.
“Nothing, but I’d for sure have you break it. We need somethin’ sturdier.”
Your breath catches in your throat and you’re sure that every drop of blood in your body goes down between your thighs. 
Eventually, you arrive home with a bed that has a name that you are unable to pronounce and a Joel who tells you not to disturb him as he assembles said bed with a difficult name. 
You try protesting against being left out of the project, but Joel reminds you of the stepladder massacre from the day that you had met, making you shut your mouth and pout prettily in your living room. 
He leaves your house briefly to get his power drill from his garage, and you practically froth around the mouth at the idea of him power drilling his way to fixing up a new bed for you. If only he’d allowed you to join him, so you could’ve at least silently watched and admired him from the other side of the room. The images that flood your mind are as relentless as Joel’s comment about your new bed’s headboard. 
When he eventually comes into the living room, he takes your hand and leads you through the house to show you his masterpiece.
“One new bed for the lady, even put the mattress on,” Joel says, stopping in the doorway to your bedroom. You look up at him with a smile and kiss him softly. He is warm, slightly sweaty after working in the August heat. 
“Thank you, Joel,” you say against his lips, and there it goes again. You wrap your arms around him and he cups your face, and then you kiss like your lives depend on it and stop just as things start to get heated. 
“No, don’t,“ Joel mutters quietly as you try to pull away, not letting you as he starts tugging a little at your hips, “Don’t run away from me again.”
“Mhmm… okay,” you hum and find his lips once more, but you pull away as soon as you can feel the hard bulge of his cock underneath his jeans. God, you want him, but he has no idea how much that scares you too. What if you lose him right after? What if you can’t be what he needs? Oh God, what if it’s bad? Nothing is better than disappointment. 
Joel furrows his brow in confusion and then takes a step back from you to look at you properly, “Is something wrong? Did I do something?” 
“What? No! No, of course not,” you run a hand over your forehead and through your hair, letting out a sigh that’s followed by an embarrassed chuckle, “I promise. It’s just...”
Joel has crossed his arms over his chest like he usually does when he is expecting bad news, probably a rejection in this case. You hate yourself for making him feel like he needs his guard up.
“I’m shitting my pants here, Miller, look at you,” you groan with brutal honesty at the tip of your tongue. He raises a brow at your choice of words, but doesn’t interrupt you, “Haven’t you ever wanted something so badly and then been afraid of getting it in case you’ve piled the expectations too high?” 
Joel shifts his weight from side to side for a moment. He doesn’t say anything to you for what seems like minutes but is, in reality, nothing more than ten seconds. 
“Can’t say I’m not jus’ a lil’ hurt that you think you’ll be disappointed by now,” he finally replies without looking at you, tapping his fingers on his arm.
“I just meant that I want it to be perfect and there’s no way I’m going to be perfect and then I’ll worry if I disappoint you,” you confess. 
You hear him scoff in disbelief at your postulate like it’s the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard, “Sure, I’m definitely gonna turn ya down after gettin’ in bed with you and knowin’ you probably wanna do it again in the near future.”
“I’m sorry, Joel,” it does sound pretty ridiculous. You step towards him again, tugging at his arms to uncross them until you can walk into them. You look up at him through your lashes with an apologetic smile, “I don’t think you know just how much I think about your hands touching me.”
Joel’s offense is gone from his face in mere seconds, “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” you confirm with a little newfound confidence. There’s something good about having told him your concern, putting it out there for him to do with it what he wants despite how badly you want the ability to read minds right now. You decide to stroke his ego a little, “With your job? I bet you know how to use them.” 
“Then lemme show you, baby. I’m great with my hands,” he kisses your lips again, but only briefly, following it up with descending down your neck. You let him for the first time, tilting your head to the side to give him more access and shivering at the feel of his nose bumping along your carotid artery. 
You hold onto him as he backs you further into the room, shoving down the instinct, caused by anxiety, to make him stop once again. Just let yourself have this, you try to remind yourself, don’t overthink it. You’re cute. He is sexy. He wants you.
“Tell me whatcha like,” he says as he guides you across the floor that’s scattered with cardboard and tools, “Maybe decidin’ what we’re doing will calm you a little.”
“Uh, it’s been a while,” you suddenly feel the edge of your newly acquired bed hit the back of your knees and make you fall onto it. Looking up at him from this angle makes your pulse quicken, your blood going straight to your clit and making it throb behind your denim jeans. 
“Or not. Should I list suggestions?” He asks, sinking to his knees on the floor at the end of the bed. You spread your legs a little without thinking and he smirks at you as if you’ve lost a bet, “I could eat your pussy. Would ya like that?”
You moan at the mere words.
“Need to hear you say it,” Joel’s hands are on the hem of your jeans like they had been in the middle of Ikea. He does quick work of undoing them, but not pulling them down just yet, “Say yes, baby.”
“Yes, fuck, I want that,” you have to stare up at the ceiling again to keep your composure. You have a feeling that none of your expectations have ever been too high. 
“Will you then tell me what you like? Tell me how to suck your pretty little clit?” His fingers curl into the denim and start pulling until he needs to sit back to get your jeans all the way off. He accidentally pulls your socks off too, but it just earns you a kiss to your ankle before he crawls forward again and you feel like prey at the mercy of a predator.
“Go slow,” you say breathlessly. 
“Of course,” he reassures, hooking a finger into the waistband of your panties next, “Tell me if I’m too much.”
“No! I mean, this is good, I like your filthy words,” you suck in a breath as your cunt is exposed to him, cheeks burning up with shyness but he just groans. It feels very vulnerable to be naked from the waist down when he isn’t, 
“I can touch you?” His voice indicates a question. You nod slowly, tensing up quite a bit as he rests one huge hand on your left hip bone and reaches between your legs with his index- and middle fingers. He runs them through your glistening folds, earning a gasp. 
“Do you usually come from touching your clit or?”
“No, yes, but I like my g-spot stimulated too. Simultaneously,” you try to reply confidently. 
He hums and nods, taking it all in. It takes a few extra seconds before he gently rubs his fingers along the side of your clit, dragging his fingers up and down slowly to test out the waters and see how sensitive you are. He guesses very, because you let out a soft moan at the contact, so he keeps going.
“We’ll get to your g-spot,” he says matter-of-factly, and your eyes nearly roll back into your skull at the promise. It’s been a while since you’ve been in a position like this, too busy restoring the house and falling in love to even think about seeking out casual sex. Who knew that you’d end up with something so not casual? 
“When did you last do this?” You ask right before he leans down to taste you. 
“Eat pussy?” He asks with a smirk.
“I meant slept with someone in general,” your head swims. Joel may have halted his head’s movements down towards your cunt, but he still has his fingers between your legs. You prop yourself up on your elbows to look down at what his hands are doing.
“Don’t think I’d use in general about sex,” he replies smugly instead of giving you a proper answer. You realize it doesn’t matter as he rubs teasing circles around your clit, still avoiding any direct touch to get you properly worked up and wet. You cannot wait for him to follow through on his plan to eat you out, which you aren’t sure when you last had a guy do to you. 
“Fine, forget I asked,” you moan with a roll of your eyes.
Joel can sense the brat in you looming under the surface. He gets bolder, eyes changing to something hungrier than soft. He pulls you by your ankles to get you closer to him instead of the other way around. It makes you yelp, but he chuckles, “And there’s that attitude I like. Are you gonna let me now? No more interruptions?”
“No more interruptions,” you confirm.
Finally, he lowers his head between your legs and puts a stop to the noise in your head. You have been fantasizing about this position for months now, waited for the opportunity to lift your legs up to wrap them around his neck and shoulders. 
His tongue is warm and wet on you, trailing through your folds as if he is eating ice cream and it’s melting in his hands. He makes you throw your head back, makes you look up again as you don’t want to miss seeing him like this but only to have you force your eyes away because it’s too much. 
“Shit, Joel,” you swear when his nose bumps your clit. You try to lift your hips up into his mouth, but a big hand rests on your pelvis and aggressively pushes you down into the mattress again. That ignites something close to fire in your body, and Joel senses it immediately when your skin grows hotter.
“You like that, baby?” He pulls away from you for a moment, arousal dripping off his stubble, “When I get a little rough? Guess I shouldn’t be surprised with the way you like me to say filth.”
“I don’t want you to say anything right now,” you whine, “Not what your mouth is for.”
“And I told ya to guide me,” he retorts, replacing his tongue with his fingers whilst you are talking. He spreads your lips open, watching as another drip of slick runs down between your cheeks to pool on the mattress. 
“Don’t need any guidance,” you squirm as he holds your labia apart, clenching around nothing. 
“Then ya ain’t gettin’ anything,” he threatens, “I can watch your pussy jump under my touch for a long time. Ain’t gotta be home later. This is only to do it exactly how you want it, sweetheart. Needa know how you like to fuck.”
Your pulse quickens at the thought of him being a little mean if you don’t show a bit of cooperation. Your mouth parts as you pant in your compromising position. Joel looks up at you expectantly and you realize that maybe, as much as this is a bit of fun, it’s possible that he just wants to be reassured too. 
“I want you to pay more attention to my clit, use the flat of your tongue, and don’t suck until I’m close,” you explain while your head spins. Your elbows ache from holding yourself up. 
Another droplet of slick runs down. Without warning, Joel catches it with the tip of his tongue and it has you crying out. He remembers your demands, swiping his tongue through your folds and licking your clit expertly. 
“Need your fingers inside me,” you only just manage to let out whilst your orgasm burns low in your belly. He follows through but only after pushing your t-shirt up to expose your bra, cupping your breast with his left hand, and sneaking his right down between your legs.
Your nipples harden underneath his touch. Your pussy clamps around his fingers. And then he sucks your clit into his mouth, causing your hips to stutter and your thighs to twitch. He wiggles his head a little, goes rougher.
“Just like that, keep go— oh, Joel, you’re gonna—“ you flop down onto the bed again, elbows giving out underneath you. With the way that the pressure keeps building, you scramble to grab the sheets with both of your hands, “Gonna make me come, baby. Just— Ah!”
Everything fades as your orgasm begins. The flutters of your walls are intense, causing you to throw your head back into the mattress and concentrate on each pulsating contraction of your cunt. 
Joel pumps his fingers as he works you through it, sucking your swollen clit until you have to push him away to stop it from hurting. He lifts his head at your indication of wanting him to stop before removing your legs from his shoulders. He crawls into bed with you, hovering on top of you with his clothes still on and his legs hanging out off the edge. 
“Now how was that?” He asks despite knowing the answer. The warm and handsome smile that you love so much translates so well into the context of being in bed together, and with a little more confidence from just having climaxed, you cup his face and kiss him. He tastes deliciously of you. 
“Can’t complain,” you say with a little laugh and earn a little glare that Joel cannot keep on his face for long. He nudges your nose with his own and kisses you once again. The nervousness that you had felt earlier seems so far away now, so silly when he makes it so easy to forget. 
“Take your pants off, Miller,” you add, moving to crawl back on the bed. You start undressing yourself completely, pulling at your t-shirt, “Can’t just be about me as much as that sounds entertaining.”
“Confident after havin’ climaxed,” he says out loud like it’s a mental note for himself, removing his shirt. He laughs whilst getting out of his jeans, out loud at your outraged noise. 
You don’t know if it’s the comment that makes you the worst undresser in history, but somehow your bra becomes stuck in the sleeve of your t-shirt. Before you know it, the shirt simply won’t move anymore despite being halfway over your head, “Oh no.”
You can feel Joel moving on the bed. His attention is on you immediately, “What?”
“It’s stuck,” you admit but only after a long pause. Warmth creeps up your chest to your face as embarrassment fills you up, and even more so when Joel barks out a laugh at your eagerness getting the better of you.
“Sit still, you’re only makin’ it worse, we gotta start from scratch,” he says as you continue pulling at the fabric. He starts tugging your clothes back on until he has your face visible again and your body as dressed as before. 
“Hey you,” he says with a boyish grin, then slowly works your clothes back off the right way. 
“Hi,” you sputter when you’re finally completely naked, voice flustered. Joel is only in his boxers now, and God, he is tenting in them. It’s been on your mind a bunch of times; how big is he? Now that you see him straining against the fabric, you know that he is going to be the biggest you’ve ever had. 
After he has tugged off his boxers, and you’ve nearly passed out from the vision, Joel pushes gently on your chest to get you to lie down. He helps you to bend your legs, plants your feet flat on the bed, and then settles on his knees between them. 
“Condom?” He asks, stroking your thighs as he waits.
“I’m on the pill,” you reply, “And it’s been God knows how long, so I’m clean.”
“God knows how long,” he snorts, leaning down over you and holding himself up on his elbows, “We better fix that. Don’t ya think so?” 
“Mhm,” you look up into his eyes, “Definitely. Yeah.” 
“Wrap your legs ‘round my waist,” he guides you softly, can sense your hesitation or maybe it’s just how he can feel your heartbeat against his own chest. It’s rapid, beating like a scared animal.
You do as you are told. He is able to get even closer now, and when he is flush against your body, he kisses you slowly until he is allowed to slip his tongue into your mouth. You slide your fingers through the curls at the back of his head, and he hums into your mouth. 
When he needs air, he only pulls back inches. 
“I want you so much,” you breathe quietly, hands still at the back of his head. He smiles softly at you, reaches down between the two of you, and presses the tip of his cock against you. 
The whimper you let out as he pushes inside has him attentively moving slower. Inch by inch, he fills you to the brim and you can barely believe that just a few months ago, this had only been a brief fantasy. 
“Okay? You want me to stop?” He questions with genuine concern, but you quickly shake your head. That is the last thing you want.
“No, you’re just big … and it’s been a while,” you blush. 
“Okay, tell me if it’s too—“
You pull him into a sweet kiss, legs tightening around his waist to make him realize that you don’t want him to go anywhere. When you pull back to talk, he is on the brink of interrupting you again. You shake your head, “Joel Miller. Shut up and just fuck me.”
“Wow, yeah. Can do.”
The slow outwards drag of his cock is almost more intense, leaving you empty for the briefest moment before it fills you up again. You moan as your muscles squeeze around him, accepting him so easily as you finally relax into him.
He rolls his hips sensually, fucks you open till your new bed squeaks and you hope that he was right about its sturdiness. For show, and to test it out, you reach above your head to place your palm against the headboard. 
“Let’s see then,” he chuckles breathlessly.
“Wouldn’t even— fuck. I wouldn’t even be mad if you break my bed,” you pants, “Angle your hips a bit.”
You squeeze your legs around his waist to guide him, and when his cock nudges against your g-spot, you clench involuntarily around him. It pulls a groan from his lips, filth spilling from his mouth, “Yeah, you like that? Want it again?”
“Fuck yes, I want it again,” you whine, eyes falling closed and breathing rapidly, “Just like that! Fuck, Joel!”
Joel picks up the pace, leans further into you. He also adds more force behind his thrusts, making your eyes roll back when his pelvis aligns with your clit. The hand on the back of his neck slides down for more leverage, holding on for dear life as he pounds you into the mattress. 
“Keep going, I’m almost there,” you cry, heat continuously pooling at the base of your spine. Suddenly, you have both hands on his back, raking your nails down until they dig into the widest part of his back, “Faster!” 
“I know, baby,” he growls, but it sounds mostly out of breath. He gives you everything he has, seeking out your pleasure by making the bed slam into the wall, “Can feel you. Let go, baby, come on my cock.”
It is nothing but raw and hot pleasure in the next moment as he gets you to orgasm, causing you to release a breath that you do not know that you have been holding. You are taken aback by its intensity. A high-pitched cry leaves you as the first clench of your cunt hits you and Joel continues fucking you through it. 
“You’re fuckin’ incredible,” he pants, buries his head in the crook of your neck to chase his own reward. He comes after a few more thrusts, coating your walls in his warm come and saying your name. You don’t think your name has ever sounded so beautiful with a string of swear words following it. 
Time stands still after Joel pulls out. You expect yourself to be blissed out, sleepy, and quiet, maybe even annoyed at having to get up and clean yourself up, but instead, you find that you cannot stop grinning up at the ceiling. 
“We are definitely fucking doing that again,” you say despite being completely out of breath. 
“Was that perfect?” Joel teases, “Or did I disappoint ya?”
“Fuck you,” you giggle, still high on dopamine. You suspect you will be in the coming days, weeks, months, years. Hopefully.
“Just did,” he says proudly.
“You sure fucking did.”
“You always get so foul-mouthed after sex?” He turns onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow. He rests his free hand on the sweat-dampened skin of your stomach, “Or?”
“Only if it’s fucking good,” you respond but mostly to the ceiling. You want to cry, giggle, scream, and laugh out loud, but mostly you want to say that you love him. One thing at a time, you think to yourself, next time. Even if the next time is in a moment.
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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brighter-by-the-daly · 11 months
Lauren Hemp x Reader
Crazy for You
AN: this is the first time I’ve written in first person, not sure if I like it but 🤷🏻‍♀️
Part of the Beth McCarthy mini song series
Crazy for You
I look for you in the crowd, you are
The only thing that I want to see
I think I’ve figured it out, I know
What it is that you do to me
Tying up my shoelaces in the changing room I couldn’t help but overhear Georgia say to the others that her sister was coming to our game tomorrow, my ears immediately perked up, listening intently to the conversation. “Which sister?” I asked hoping she meant her older sibling that I’ve been crushing hard on since Year 7. (Y/n) was two years above us and I remember always trying to make excuses to go around Georgia’s house after school, she’d often ask why we couldn’t go to mine which meant quickly making up excuses – mum’s friends are coming round, the goldfish is sick, I’ve lost my keys ect. I doubt she bought my reasons and knew exactly why I wanted to go to hers in the slight chance that (y/n) was home. Being nearly two years older than us she’d often be out with her friends and going to parties at the weekends. She taught us how to apply make up when we were younger and told us all about the boys she was seeing, Georgia would often talk about the boys she liked too and I had to pretend to understand. I didn’t find boys attractive, I never have and couldn’t understand why anyone in their right mind would like them – they were smelly and gross and swore all the time. At least the one’s in our class anyway! As we got older, my crush on (y/n) became much more noticeable, I’d become even more ditzy than anyone thought possible which only meant one thing – I was in love!
“The one you fancy” Georgia replied teasingly but I was so far off in my daydream that I barely registered that she’d responded to my question. “It’s been 13 years now Hempo, when are you gonna get over her? You know she’s straight!” she said throwing a bib at me, we were getting ready for our last training session before the Finalissima at Wembley tomorrow. “And you know I have a girlfriend so don’t be speaking about this in front of her.. that goes for all of ya!” making sure I reiterated that for the louder members of the team, the ones that don’t think before they talk (they know who they are!) Everyone groaned in acknowledgment of my request, my England and Man City teammates knew all about my secret crush, they tease me about it but it didn’t go any further than that. In my eyes, there’s no harm in fancying someone who’s unattainable – Georgia’s is David Beckham, Millie’s is Kevin Hart, mine is my best friend’s sister! There’s no harm in having a crush that will never amount to anything, is there?
“I don’t know what you see in her, I’m much fitter!” Georgia continued handing out bibs to the squad as she made her way towards me, poking my cheeks until she got a reaction. “Soz babes, I’m just not that into you!” standing up and patting her head before jogging out to the pitch. Since Stanners moved to Bayern, (y/n) had stopped coming to watch Man City which was weird at first because she would always come to our games. I’ve never been on a team that didn’t include George, even in school (y/n) would come and watch us play after classes finished. She’d even bring her older friends too and if the most popular girl in school watched football, most of the other students did too. We regularly had a large crowd watching us but when (y/n) left for university, that all changed. That was until we both signed for England U15s at the same time. No matter where in the world we played you could guarantee Georgia’s entire family would be there. They cheered for me like they did her as mine struggled to get to them all, my mum hates flying so would never come to the out of country games which meant Georgia’s family celebrated me as much as they did her, they made sure I never felt alone.
Georgia had known since age 16 that I had a massive crush on her sibling. It happened during a game of truth or dare on one of our weekly sleepovers, I stupidly chose ‘truth’ and had to admit who I secretly liked.. that was also the day I came out for the first time. I made her pinky promise she wouldn’t tell her sister or anyone else and to this day, she’s kept it. With adulthood I came to accept that we would never happen and opened myself up to love with another person, I now have a beautiful girlfriend of 3 years but the news of (y/n) coming to our game tomorrow still made my heart sing. I know there’s no way in hell that she’d ever feel the same way I do but that doesn’t stop me daydreaming every now and then about her.
Walking out for warm ups I pretended to look for my family in the crowd but I was actually looking for Georgia’s. Glancing around the stadium from the north stand to the south I finally spotted them, just as George launched herself at me making my arms fly backwards to grab her into a piggy back. “Your parents and girlfriend are in the west stand Hempo” she teased making me stutter in embarrassment at getting caught and innocently turning to where Stanners was pointing, waving up at my family she jumped down from my back and waved too. She then waved to hers which I joined in with, noticing (y/n) jump and wave to be spotted be us.. or just her sister, I’m not sure. “Try be a bit more subtle next time or you’re gonna get found out” she laughed, pushing me in the direction of our first warm up.
The game was tough and after a late equaliser it came down to penalties. I was subbed in the 88th minute and watched from the sidelines as Georgia opened up the shots. My eyes couldn’t drag themselves from her family in the stand opposite to me celebrating my best friend. Tooney missed her penalty but Rachel, Alex and Chloe didn’t which gave us the win. We poured onto the pitch to celebrate with the team, launching myself onto Georgia’s back like she did to me earlier. She carried me around the pitch for the lap of honour and after we went to see our families. George came to see my parents and girlfriend with me, she’s like a daughter to my mum and the feeling felt a lot like the Euros final the year earlier. As they got the stage ready and engraved the trophy with the winning team we had just enough time to see Georgia’s family too, “I’m assuming you’re coming to see mine?” she said with a knowing smirk on her face, linking her arm through mine as we skipped down the steps. My expression said ‘well DUH’ to her question as we ran over to the other stand, confetti was still flying around in the air as we ran hand in hand across the pitch. Squeals came from the fans we ran past to get to her family who were screaming just as loud for us, enveloping us both into a warm hug in congratulations. “You done so well!” (Y/n) screamed in Georgia’s face, lifting her up with her tight squeeze of a hug before turning to me, “and you!” shaking my shoulders then wrapping her arms around my neck, planting a huge kiss on my cheek.
It felt like my eyes bulged out of my head. I was speechless! Georgia was staring right at me with a smirk on her face knowing exactly how this interaction was making me feel. If anyone took a photo of me right now it would be obvious about what I was feeling with the dumbfounded expression on my face. I was undeniably in shock! “We gotta go!” George blurted out suddenly, grabbing my arm and dragging me away from the situation before I said something stupid. And lets be honest, I would have said or done something incredibly stupid.. it’s me!
“Snap out of it El, act cool!” George encouraged, “we just won!” shaking my shoulders trying to change my emotion to anything other than smitten before collecting the trophy. It’s like the real prize didn’t even matter, I’d got what I had wanted for years.. something that felt even better than winning a trophy.
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mxboxlocks · 11 months
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i think i've posted them before, but this is my tf2 self-insert, the Private! they work under Soldier as an apprentice and mostly sticks by him through a lot of missions. i took a bit of time brainstorming their dom lines to get a feel for their personality and i think i did a pretty good job! so here you are!
dominating scout "You run circles, I run miles, twerp!" "St-eee-rike! You're out!" "And that's what we do to spineless boys around my turf, slick. This is MEN'S territory!" "You're gonna need bandages for a lot more than your hands after that one." "DOMINATED, ya whiney little brat!" "I just knocked your ass out the ballpark!"
dominated by scout "Are you- Are you always this stupid? Cuz that was embarrassin'." "Dominated, bootlicker!" "You oughta get discharged, cuz there's no comin' back from that." "Y'know you take after your boss a lot; you're both easy to shoot, and you're both dumb as dirt!" "(laughter) Oh man! Wait'll I tell Soldier he's raisin' a HIPPIE!"
dominating soldier "Looks like THIS Private just moved up in rank!" "I'm taking your title, old man! Trial by combat!" "Land of the free, home of this boot I just shoved up your ass, Sarge!" "They should give me a medal for how hard I'm kicking your ass." "Saludos desde México, GRINGO! (Greetings from Mexico, FOREIGNER!)"
dominated by soldier "I don't wanna see your nose out of that dirt until your arms are about to fall off! IS! THAT! CLEAR?!" "Have you learned NOTHING, son?!" "DOMINATED! You are a disappointment! You are a coward!" "DOMINATED, you spineless hippie!" "Ohh, get up, it's only a scratch. UP, I SAID!" "DOMINATED! DISCHARGED! DEEEECEASED!"
dominating pyro "I got a waterhose back home with your name on it, Gas." "You're in hot water, ain'tchu?" "Holy mole, that's gotta burn!" (mole is a kind of Mexican spicy sauce) "Flail that 'thrower all you want, you can't burn a phoenix! CAWWW!" "DOMINATED, Pinkie Pie!" "You just got SMOKED!"
dominating heavy "Need an ice pack for that? Don't worry, we can bury you in the snow." "Your big gun doesn't scare me, Stallingrad!" "I never quit, I wanted your head! And so I shotcha til you were dead!" (reference to the song Rasputin by Boney M.) "Take that domination where the sun don't shine, lover-of-the-Russian-queen!" (another Rasputin reference) "Tell Dr. Boytoy he's gonna need to do a lot of work to get those bullets out of ya!"
dominated by heavy "DOMINATED. Now be quiet." "Dominated! You do not live up to your title." "Mm. You need more training." "Private is not disciplined! (singsong) Oh, Soldier!" "Stay down, little man. I do not enjoy killing babies."
dominating demo "Gotcha that time, Cap'n Loch Ness!" "Those bombs of yours ain't really all that useful when you can't keep your eye on 'em, are they?" "Didn't see me comin' did ya?" "Oof, you're gonna need more than a drink for that." "You just LOVE my bullets, don'tcha Cyclops? CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!"
dominated by demo "TELL YOUR SORRY EXCUSE FOR A LEADER THAT I'M COMIN' FOR HIM NEXT!" "A fine sendoff for a boot-lickin' bib-wearin' git!" "For your sake, laddie, I'll tell your ma you died doin' what you loved; gettin' your BLOODY ARSE handed to you!"
dominating engineer "You ever thought about buildin' a bulletproof vest?" "Not very intuitive design when your own sentry can shoot at you too, y'know." (rare) "Dominated! Tell Beecave I said best wishes!" "Twelve pHDs and for what?! Try a tour in the army, Quickdraw!" "They don't teach fightin' like that in IT, do they?" "Tend to your farm and mind your own damn business!" "DOMINATED, Marty Robins!"
dominated by engineer "You're not much smarter than yer mentor, are ya? Hell, y'all might be related." "Dominated. Tell Houston I said they can go to hell!" "Take your humid ass air back down to the coast, damn it!" "Not in my damn base, ya don't."
dominating sniper "You piss in jars and you keep 'em. I don't need to embarrass you any more." "Dominated, Heeler!" (vague reference to Bluey) "Aren't Australians supposed to be the best fighters in the world?! C'MON!" "I got you in my sights. Wanker."
dominated by sniper "(sotto voice) Gotcha, trench rat." "Gotcha, trench rat!" "(sotto voice) Another bloody moron crossed off my list." "Another bloody moron crossed off my list!" "You think wearin' a uniform makes you special, punk?!" "(sotto voice) They got cages in hell for people like you, grunt." "They got cages in hell for people like you, grunt!"
dominating medic "Someone call the waah-mbulence!" "And for your death certificate, that'll be 200,000 dollars! Name of insurance?" "What's this? A DNR? Baaad news, other team, the doctor is OUT!" "Dominated, pillskirt!" "Dominated, psych ward!" "DOMINATED, Frankenstein!"
dominated by medic "I would use your body for science, but it's so full of sugar and plastic I think I'd be better off robbing a grave!" "Ooh! That limb looks infected. I'll have to take it off." "You never SAW me coming, did you, fraulien?!" "Ha-ha-hah! Your blood, it gives me youth!" "Shut up and let me do my job!"
dominating spy "You sorry sacks of scum are USELESS to your teammates!" "Ooo, a ghost?! So spooooky!" "Need a cig, baguette?" "That's what you get you little weasel!" "Buy me a drink later and we'll call it even." "Eat that, white flag!"
dominated by spy "If your spatial awareness were as large as your ego, you'd have caught that!" "Now to torture the information out of you - or is that too much to handle?" "A knife in the back, like a kiss, au revoir." "I've met politicians with more conviction than you!" "Dominated! Now go back to your play-pen!" "Dominated, you scraggly ill-kempt mutt!"
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roseandpeaches · 1 year
Girl Dad Gyu - Baby Food
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Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of food, health and eating
A/N: It took me some time to get my old laptop to work. Let's pray I can get a new one next year and write more 🥹 Anyway here you go, stay at home husband & dad Mingyu feeding his baby daughter solid food for the first time. Leave a comment and reblog pretty please 🙏
One of baby Minju's firsts was her first time eating solid food. Mingyu had been excitedly looking forward to this moment for weeks, but he was also a little nervous. He wanted everything to be perfect, and he was worried that Minju might not like the food he had prepared. He had always received praises and encouragement from his family, friends and his wife for his cooking. Mingyu loved feeding his loved ones, it was his way of relaying his love for them.
Infact, Mingyu's love for cooking was one of the things that attracted his wife to him. She knew that he was a keeper when she tasted his home cooked meal for the first time on their third date. And now, with Minju around, he had another reason to cook. He was glad that now with his schedules not being too intense as they used to, he can be a stay at home dad, which allowed Mingyu to experiment with different flavors and ingredients to make the perfect meal for his little girl.
He had spent the morning making pureed vegetables, carefully measuring and blending them to the perfect consistency. He had also set up a special high chair for Minju, complete with a tray and a bib.
When the time finally came, Mingyu set Minju in her high chair and strapped her in. He pulled out a small spoon and scooped up a bit of the pureed carrot and mashed sweet potato. He held it up to Minju's mouth and said, "Okay, Minju, here we go. Open up!"
He had spent hours in the kitchen, perfecting the recipe, and was excited to see his little girl's reaction. At first, Minju didn't seem too sure about the food, as he put the spoon to her mouth, Minju's face twisted in disgust, and she spat out the food. Mingyu was shocked. "What's wrong, Minju? Don't you like it?" She made a face and wrinkled her nose, but then she tentatively opened her mouth and let Mingyu feed her another spoonful.
As she started to eat more, Mingyu's nerves began to melt away. He watched as Minju's face lit up with every bite, and he felt an immense sense of pride and joy. He had made this food for her, and she was actually enjoying it. He continued feeding her spoonful after spoonful, wiping away any excess food that dribbled down her chin.
As Minju ate, Mingyu talked to her and encouraged her, telling her how proud he was of her and how much he loved her. She babbled back at him, giggling and waving her arms in excitement. Mingyu was elated to see his daughter enjoying the food he made. He was nervous when he first decided to make his own baby food for Minju. Seeing her being fed happily makes his heart warm.
He turned his back to fetch her water and he heard Minju giggle. Apparently, she had other plans. While her appa was filling up her sippy cup, Minju reached out for the spoon, and smeared the sweet potato and carrot all over her face and clothes causing her to squeal in excitement. Mingyu, still oblivious to his daughter’s mischief, grinned thinking his food must have been really good for her. 
As he turned around he gasped in horror to see his daughter in such state. “Baby, no!” He immediately wiped his daughter’s face, “Aigo Minju–ya, looks like breakfast is over for you huh? Alright let’s get you cleaned up,” Mingyu sighed.
He lifted Minju up from her high chair, took off her bib and stripped her off her clothes and diaper. He’s glad he had decided to feed his baby girl first before washing her up, at least he didn't have to bathe her twice this morning. Mingyu sighed again. "I just want you to eat food that I made, you know? But then again, my baby girl just wants to make a mess," he chuckled as he ran the bath, making sure the water was warm enough. "At least you enjoyed  your food in your own way."
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timmymyluv · 2 years
safe space
caregiver! timothée chalamet x little!reader
warning: mentions of trauma, completely sfw, communication of boundaries clearly/consultation with medical professionals/licensed therapists
word count: 666 words (i laughed when i found out dw)
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notes: this series will mostly be sfw but there will be a few chapters that will be communicated about thoroughly beforehand about boundaries & checking in with professionals before any sexual role-playing between reader as a little and timothee as the caregiver/daddy (warnings for those chapters will be given beforehand I promise)
each chapter can be read alone and the sexual ddlg special chapters can be avoided in the series if it weirds you out/not your thing.
basically reader has a lot of trauma and shares with timothee how she's been sharing this with a therapist and uses age regression to heal their inner child. this is a prologue and introduction before the actual episodes of agere. ❤️
again, even if you’re on my tag list or fan of my previous works but don’t feel like reading this/uncomfortable, you don’t have to read through it, please and thanks. only read what ya want, love ya. 
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“What’s this?”
You froze, felt like all the blood in your body left you cold, and wished the shame that came over you to wash you out completely then.
“What are you talking about-oh.” “Oh that’s right. As if the gods couldn’t curse you more today, Timothee had accidentally discovered your previously hidden stash of bibs, plushies, pacifiers, and colourful baby doll themed clothes that looked like complete outsiders to your daily wardrobe.
“Is this the part where you tell me you had a secret kid you haven’t told me about?” He asks, holding up the lacey material of the frilly pink dress, confusion etched on his pretty features.
“I-ah- I age regress.” You stammer, watching him nervously, cowering in case he decided to  walk out that very second but genuine concern and curiosity is all you get from him.
“Oh- what’s that?” He tilts his head, eyes shining under your bedroom light and you regret doubting his reaction there and then.
“I haven’t talked much about this yet, but earlier in my life, way before I met you- I went through a lot of trauma and pain, and as a healthy way to cope and heal from that, I basically transform into a young kid again to self-soothe and coddle my inner child. I didn’t want to spring this on you as you’d think I’m childish or ridiculous, but I healthily set boundaries and discuss this with my licensed therapist so I’m not doing this all by myself-”
He cuts you off with a firm, yet protective hug, his scent pleasant to your senses as he engulfs you with his warmth, feeling your skin against his as he massages you with comforting circles on your lower back and peppers dainty pecks with his plush lips.  
“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that, my angel. I know you’ve told me your childhood wasn’t the easiest or the best, but it makes me so proud to see you making the efforts to recover from them. You’re so strong, mon amour.” His soothing cooing voice with a tinge of pity turns your teary eyes into a waterfall as you bawl into his chest, like a string pulled from underneath you and he panics seeing you so deflated, yet simultaneously relieved.
“I-I hope I didn’t say anything to hurt you? I do not know much about how I can support you on this, but I’ll do my research whenever you have these episodes okay? And I’ll talk to your therapist, would you like that?” You nod as he raises your chin with his fingers, looking you straight into your eyes you wonder if he can pierce through your soul while he’s at it.  
“No, no you didn’t - I’m just so fucking relieved, I was afraid I would be a burden to you.”
“You would never. You’re by my side through thick and thin when I have a hard time right. You wouldn’t let me suffer on my own?”
“I would never!” You fumed in anger just at the prospect of him hurting all alone and not being by his side when he needed it most.
“So I would easily do the same for you. No question. So let me know when you feel like one of your episodes is starting, ok?”
“Hmm. To be clear, I don’t always do this and I don’t expect you to do everything for me around the house and use it as an excuse. When I do, I’m in a certain space and set clear boundaries of what I need that time, a caregiver to help feed me sometimes, colour with me, play with toys and just basic human kid things. Is that okay?”
“That’s totally okay with me, darling. I’ll be your caretaker and giver, alright?”
You cuddled for the rest of the night, watching your favourite movies growing up as a child, in your unicorn, bright pastel and neon fluffy blanket and dug into your stash of candy cravings.
@blackqueenstarseed1 @softhecreator @ohmysw33 @imnotoverlyobsessive @mondieumat @chanotel @starberry-cake @timotheel0ver @chalametsimp @hellomadamebutterfly @themonsterheloved @chal-latte @s-we-e-t-t-ea @zelleriz @strawberriescherrieskiwi @fangirl125reader @xoxoloverb @us3rd1stort1on @thebetawolfgirl @chelseamendes99 @yomidebby @esmaada @princessandtheflea @thestarsaregivenonceonly @meetmyothersouls​ @katsukis1wife​
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@meshlaxbunny gave me a lovely prompt and I intend to run wildly through the desert with it.
The second sun was just over the horizon when she arrived at the palace. Deliveries to the rear entrance, as usual. Her dewback’s saddle bags were heavy with all manner of meats, cheeses, breads, and produce. The sallyport door opened as she approached and a handful of familiar droids filed out ready to unload her cargo. She dismounted her dewback and pulled a trough of kitchen scraps from the inside of the sallyport, dragging it out to her dewback who scratched anxiously at the dirt in anticipation.
“Here ya go big boy,” she said softly, patting him on the shoulder as he munched gratefully at the contents of the trough. She pulled a water skin from her saddle and filled it at the rusty spigot just inside the sallyport. The ratcatcher droid tugged at her shirt to get her attention, then handed her a chunk of hearty, dense seedbread with a thick smear of salted butter.
“Thanks old buddy. Are you staying out of trouble?”
The droid nodded.
“Good. Keep it that way, little friend.”
The droid chirped and made its way back towards the kitchen.
She stepped outside into the soft warmth of the morning sun and sat cross legged against the palace wall, eating her bread and watching her dewback work his way through a week’s worth of scraps. She closed her eyes briefly and leaned her head back against the wall. She’d need to find a place to sleep soon. The overnight trip from the port at Mos Eisley wasn’t especially difficult or even dangerous, but it was exhausting. Maybe she’d camp on the outskirts of town or find a room at an inn with a stall large enough for her dewback - that would be a treat if she has enough credits.
She opened her eyes when she heard footsteps. A broad chested man in black stepped out of the sallyport. A guard she hadn’t met yet, maybe? He gave her a warm smile, which she returned if only at a dim wattage.
“How was the ride from Mos Eisley?” he asked.
“Oh, not so bad. Just long. It’s a good ten hours in the saddle.”
“Ah yes, a long time to be on the Dune Sea alone,” he replied, almost wistfully.
They were both quiet for a moment.
“Have you met the new Daimyo yet?” she asked.
He gave her another warm smile and stroked her dewback’s shoulder firmly, like someone who knew his way around large animals.
“I have not,” he replied.
“Ah well, he can’t be any worse than Jabba or Bib Fortuna.”
“Are you so sure?” he asked.
“I was a slave once, and now I am not,” she said, gesturing with open palms towards her dewback and the Dune Sea beyond. “Jabba was cruel, Bib Fortuna was weak. Perhaps this daimyo will be somewhere in between.”
“Perhaps,” he replied. “There are cots and fresh linens in the old slave quarters. You can stable your dewback in the hangar for the day and get some rest.”
“The new daimyo won’t mind?”
“I don’t think he’ll mind at all.” With that, he turned and walked back in to the sallyport.
She led her dewback to into the open hangar and, as her eyes adjusted to the dim light under the hangar’s dome, she saw a familiar ship.
The bounty hunter Boba Fett’s ship, a modified Firespray, almost seemed like an illusion. Wasn’t Boba Fett dead? She’d met him a handful of times when she still danced on a chain for Jabba’s amusement. She’d been glad to leave that life behind, but she remembered Boba Fett quietly slipping her a few credits here and there when he came around to take contracts from Jabba. Some of those credits went towards the purchase of her dewback - her means of making a living now that she was free. She raised her water skin to the ship and poured some water out on the floor before taking a sip.
“Wherever you are, Boba Fett, I hope it’s bright suns and cool winds.”
It needs a title, the dewback needs a name, and the main character needs a name. I’m open to suggestions! There will be eventual smut - but we need to get some momentum going first!
Am I missing anyone?
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itsmelb · 2 years
2022 - the year I discovered BL!
(The master post no one needs but everyone gets anyway haha)
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1. I fell in love with...the passion!
What you have to know about me is, that I love realness in series. Emotion vise. Like real anger, sadness and passion. I love it when you feel the chemistry. And it hit me like lightning when I saw MileApo play the Kinnporsche. If you know my blog you know that I wasn't interested in Asian TV/Music or anything related to such series. But I couldn't help myself (like many other people haha) bc of the sexiness of them boys (I mean look at them omg) and I fell deeper than I dreamed of.
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2. I felt that...in my heart and soul!
It's no secret that I am obsessed with Kinnporsche. I fell in love with Mile at first sight. I love his old soul sm. And you never ever can oversee Apo with his tiny waist and bright aura. I struggled with Vegas at first. But Bibs had me from the moment I saw everything in his eyes. And him with Bui hits different. But now it's like Jeff Satur everywhere. And Barcode grew sm on me that I can't look away when they are together. And just like that all the boys grew on me like...like a family I might never see in person (sobbing) but I love them sm and cherish the moments through my phone. I don't know how you guys feel about this but it's just not explainable how much I could smile, cry and scream for them. My heart is full..
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3. I feel like...I am stuck in a love circle!
And in this mood I came here. Tumblr. And the gate of BLs opened wide...haha. I got many recs. Like Cutie Pie, Lita, Unforgotten night, the eclipse, viseversa, between us,...or the slightly older ones like Tharntype, don't say no, 2gether the series... so much happend. It felt and still feels like a love circle (like the devils circle just with love haha). And the obsession grew so far that I couldn't and still can't focus on other series anymore. It's really bad. (..but so f***ing worth it!!)
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4. Feeling...the music!
I love music. Show me a good sound and I am obsessed with it. And all the BLs have music! What a nice discovery! I fell for Jeff's voice like Lucifer from heaven. With no turn back. Hide isn't my most listened song of the year for no reason haha. And at all the send offs and tour and collaborations made me feel the Thai Music sm. I can't sing the lyrics well but I try haha. It was an eye opener for a new genre of feels. I especially love the rock versions of songs. The Tharntype theme song is really good also. (Give some recs pls if u know good songs though 😁)
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5. ...and we all felt that!
I met @librariesperson here and we both knew that we share the same thoughts immediately. We joke that it's destiny. Kinnporsche did that. It gives us an obsession to share. Like we all are close friends. Like the cast is. And I just wish that we all stay together and be a Fandom they can be proud of. ❤️
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6. I will still feel it...in the future!
I just became obsessed in the right time. The filmography and acting got better. The realness and passion on NC scenes are top tier. And it will get even better next year! The trailers of gmmtv, dmd are out and promising...and Boc hasn't even give us some trailers! The expectation is high. I am praying for a Jeffbarcode series. (With an happy ending ok!!!) And BBB will have projects. And MileApo for sure. And all the other ones. I just wanna see them happy. And Jeff will give us some good songs I know it just now...
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...oh and @ all the writers of FFs. Thanks for your hard work. I/we see u. We love u. We don't know what we will do without u. Pls write more Kimchay pretty pls 🤞🏻😁🙏🏻
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And that's my year with BL. My opinions. My wishes. And for the last one..
I wish you all a great new years eve! And a happy, healthy and lovely new Year 2023. Enjoy your time! See ya soon 🤞🏻💜
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proudsilkies · 1 year
Natasha Thinks They Kissed. ft Kate and Yelena. Part 1.
*Natasha and Yelena at the dentist's office.*
Dentil Hygienist: Alright Yelena, just sit here.
*Yelena sits down in the chair*
DH: Let me adjust this for you.
*The chair starts tipping back. Yelena freaked out*: Whoa! What are you doing, Lady?!
Natasha: She's just gonna have you lie down.
Yelena: Oh. Well, I do like laying down.
*DH grabs a bib*: And I'm gonna put this around your neck.
Yelena: Ooo what are we having? Ribs?
DH: No. See when the dentist starts drilling into your teeth-
*Yelena starts thrashing*: Drilling into my teeth?!?!
*Natasha wrestling Yelena back into the chair*: No! No! It's okay! It's okay!
Yelena: I don't want to do this! I don't want to do this!
Natasha: You can do this, sestra. Doctor?! You better get in here soon!!
*The Dentist runs in*: Hey! Hey! Girls, girls, girls!
Natasha: Hi Dr. Wheeler. This is my sister, Yelena. She's a little nervous.
Yelena: Way nervous.
Natasha: She hasn't been to the dentist since...*trying to do the mental math*...She's never been to a dentist.
Dr Wheeler: Yelena, there is nothing to worry about.
*Yelena threateningly*: There better not be.
*Dr. Wheeler turns to Natasha*: Why don't you go sit out in the waiting room and I'll get Yelena's teeth checked out.
*Yelena as Natasha is walking out*: ya tebya nenavizhu (i hate you)
Natasha: Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu (i love you too)
*Natasha shuts the door behind her and takes a few steps. She hears screaming coming from the room and heads back in to see that Yelena has somehow pinned both the dentist and his assistant into the chair while threatening them with the dentil picks.*
*Natasha, Dr. Wheeler, and the Dental Hygienist are all looking at Yelena's teeth*
Natasha: Her teeth look good!
Dr. Wheeler: Yep. I fitted her for her missing tooth. Put in a temporary, and filled three other cavities.
Natasha: You hear that, Yelena?
*Yelena giggling*: You're blurry, pretty blurry woman.
*Natasha to Dr. Wheeler*: You gave her laughing gas?
Dr. Wheeler: It really calmed her down. She might be a little loopy for awhile.
*Dr. Wheeler and his assistant leave the room. Natasha looks over at Yelena and she's holding all the sharp scalpels.*
*Natasha grabbing them out of Yelena's hand*: How're you doing?
Yelena: Okay. But we need to get out of here, because I need to go to the dentist.
Natasha: We're at the dentist.
Yelena: Whoa! That was fast.
*Yelena looking down at her fist*: Whoa. It's gone.
Natasha: What's gone?
Yelena: My thumb. It was here a second ago.
*Natasha takes her hand and gently uncurls her fist*: Here. See? Your thumb came back.
*Yelena starts laughing really hard. It causes Natasha to show a fond smile. Then Yelena abruptly stops.*
*Yelena very seriously*: What's so funny?
Natasha: You.
*Yelena giggling*: Oh. Hey. Come here. I want to tell you a secret.
*Yelena grabs Nat by the face and pulls her close, whispering*: I like...hot sauce on my Mac & Cheese.
*Natasha laughing*: It's not a secret that you like hot sauce on your Mac & Cheese.
Yelena: I know. That's because I got scared to tell you my real secret.
*Natasha amused*: What's the real secret?
*Yelena grabs Nat by the cheeks and pulls her close again, whispering*: Me and Kate Bishop kissed.
*Natasha's smile falls*: What?
*Yelena whispering louder:* Me and Kate Bishop. We kissed.
*Natasha completely shocked*: What?!
*Yelena makes kissy faces at her:* You know, like this.
Natasha: You and Kate kissed?!
*Yelena giggling and whispering*: Shh! Don't tell Natasha!
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
Oooohhhh, I'd love to hear about The Great Galactic Food War for the WIP ask game!
Thank you for the ask!! 😄 Excellent choice…this should be a fun one. I’ve always loved Sabezra as parents, but trying to figure out what their family should look like (how many kids? number of girls and boys? age range?) for story purposes has always been a struggle for some reason. I usually don’t have a tough time coming up with OC kids for my OTPs (I’m a huge softy when it comes to the Babies Ever After trope lol), so it took me a long while to find a family dynamic chaotic enough for a Sabezra household…
…and as someone who has triplet cousins, I’ve seen their potential for chaos firsthand. Right after the end of this snippet, dinnertime starts to spin out of control, culminating in the Great Galactic Food War between Sabezra and their Loth-Triplets. 😈
(Link to the WIP list for the ask game.)
“Alright sweetie, here comes the freighter! Open wide!”
With a smirk tugging at her lips, Sabine watched her husband wiggle a spoon in front of their daughter’s face, trying to coax her into opening her mouth.
“No!” Ursa squeaked, clamping her lips shut again before her dad could sneak in another bite of meiloorun purée — not that the first one had stayed inside for long. “No m’loowas!” She shook her head as purple goop dripped off her round little chin and onto the Loth-cat-print bib and high chair tray.
“C’mon, kiddo! It’s good! See? Mir’ika loves it!”
Sitting beside Ezra — and across from their baby boy, who’d already gulped down his purée in a matter of minutes — Sabine realized she was about to witness a maneuver of outstanding tactical genius:
The only thing Ursa hated more than nasty fruit paste was seeing her sister get something that was rightfully hers.
“Here comes the starfighter! Zzzzshooom! Pew-pew! Pew-pew!” Ezra flew the spoon around in circles between Ursa and Mira, their big blue eyes watching intently. “Here it comes! Open up!”
The starfighter took a sharp turn away from Ursa and strafed over the kitchen table to Mira’s mouth, open as wide as she could stretch her little face.
“Mmmmmmm! Tasty, huh?”
“Mmmmmm!” Mira hummed in agreement, clamping down on the spoon to slurp up everything she could.
Teeny fists pounding on her tray, Ursa squirmed and bounced, protesting the reappropriation of her dinner. She threw her head from side to side, sending black curls whipping about wildly.
“No! My m’loowas! My m’loowas!”
Sabine had to chew on the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing — not just because Ursa’s tantrum was adorable, but because her namesake had been known to change her mind in sudden, dramatic fashion as well.
As Ezra scooped up more purple goop to pacify their middle child, Sabine noticed their eldest — older than Ursa by five minutes and Mira by twelve — curling his chubby fingers, trying to get her attention.
“You already finished yours, ya little Loth-monkey.” Showing Caleb the empty dish, she watched his face sour into a pout. “All gone! But you can have some more tomorrow, alright?” Sabine booped his little nose, which eased the tension in his fuzzy brow.
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starlitangels · 2 years
Here’s the other idea I had for Darlin’ plausibly being alive in the Imperium that I mentioned to @dollscircus ;-) 2.5k words (Part 2)
CW: character death canon to Imperium, blood
Sam stopped on his walk home from the dentist office front. He sniffed at the air, wrinkling his nose.
Blood. And a lot of it. Not too far away.
He wasn’t surprised. A lot of fights broke out in this area. His office was near the outskirts of the main city. More space between buildings usually meant more skirmishes.
Sam pivoted and followed the scent. If anyone was close to death... well. He could offer them a way out that benefitted him.
The buildings blurred past.
In seconds, Sam was on the scene.
It was carnage. A once-green patch of grass between two parking lots stained red with blood under bright streetlights. Three bodies torn in half. All three of them with vampire fangs on display.
Two living shifters huddled over the body of a dying one. A fourth shifter, Core fading and heartbeat so slow the other shifters probably thought they were already dead, lying a short distance away, naked and covered in deep wounds. Many of them vampire fang punctures.
“David,” one of the living shifters pleaded, holding the dying one in his arms. “David, c’mon. Stay with me. Stay with me, please!”
“Ash...” the dying one choked out, coughing up blood. “Take care of them. I love you.”
Sam heard the moment the man’s heart stopped. Felt his Core disappear.
The two living, uninjured shifters both broke down in sobs.
The fourth shifter was still alive. But only just.
Sam glanced at the other two, clinging to David’s body. They wouldn’t notice.
He ran in, scooped up the broken body of the fourth shifter, and rushed back to the dentist office.
I gagged on a clot of air making its way into my lungs, coughing and coming back to consciousness.
“Oh God,” I complained. “Why does Hell have to look like a dentist’s office?”
I heard a chuckle. “You’re not in Hell, darlin’,” a deep, Southern voice remarked. “You’re in Dahlia.”
“Even worse,” I muttered.
I was lying in the patient’s chair, the bright light over me shining down on the fact that I was still absolutely naked—though someone had covered my modesty a bit with those papery bibs and an excess of bandaging.
“Look, you don’t have a lot of time,” that same voice said. A figure moved in the shadows I couldn’t really see due to the light above me. “I was only able to heal you enough to get a few minutes-a consciousness before you bleed out again. You were on Death’s door. Still are, as a matter of fact.”
“So what do you want?” I growled out.
“It’s not what I want, darlin’,” the voice said.
“Stop calling me that,” I snapped.
The man scoffed. “Look, I can let ya bleed out on my chair, or I can give you a deal.”
“What is it?”
Pearly white fangs and silver eyes glinted in the light from the overhead lamp. “You can bleed out, or I can turn you into a vampire. And save your life.”
That was about the moment all the pain came back to me and I remembered what had been happening before I blacked out. I swallowed the tears that wanted to make their way to my eyes.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“My name’s Sam. You?”
“Pack calls me Tank.”
“But it ain’t your name.”
“Only name that matters to me.” I swallowed again. “Are you in the Mass-Maker program?”
“Let me bleed out,” I said. “I’d rather that than end up enslaved to the Imperium.” I scoffed. “Anymore than I already was, anyway.” I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes so he couldn’t trance me into drinking his blood.
I heard the creak of a chair, like he’d sat. “Well, see here, darlin’, I just turned in a new progeny to the Imperium last week. They won’t be expectin’ another one from me for... at least another week or so.”
“So, if I did happen to turn you... it’d be easier’n usual to just... not tell the Imperium.”
“You know a man named Ash?”
“Asher. Yeah. My alpha’s mate.”
“He thinks you’re dead. He and the smaller shifter were both huddlin’ over the one they called David, leavin’ your body alone several paces away. There was barely anythin’ left of your Core and your heartbeat was so slow that a shifter in human form wouldn’t be able to hear it. I don’t blame him for thinkin’ you were already gone. Especially if that David was his mate.”
I ignored the tears that pricked my eyes. David was gone, then. And it was my fault. I couldn’t blame Asher and Milo—who had to be “the smaller shifter”—for spending David’s last moments with him, rather than paying me any attention. Especially since his death was my fault.
“What does it matter that my pack thinks I’m dead?” I asked, voice thick with emotion while I tried to hide it.
“No one will notice if I turn you now. Your pack won’t come lookin’ for you either. As far as anyone knows, you’re dead.” He took a deep breath. “Look. At the rate I’m goin’, I’ll make Mass-Maker in about a year. When that happens, you can change your name and we’ll pretend I turned you after I got my title. You’ll be considered freeborn and won’t owe any forced allegiance to the Imperium.”
“Why would you lie to the Imperium rather than help yourself along?”
The chair creaked. I felt warm breath brush over my neck. “Maybe I just want to keep you for myself,” he whispered. A shiver cascaded down my spine. Sam chuckled, running a quick, remarkably gentle finger over the goosebumps that rose on my arms. “Or, maybe there’s still a shred of humanity in me somewhere and I just wanna help you without gettin’ somethin’ outta it myself.”
“That’s a load of crap in this world.”
“Mm. Maybe.” I heard the shrug in his voice. “Choose soon, darlin’. You’re losin’ a lotta blood.”
I ground my teeth, ignoring how bad it hurt. “Swear to me that you won’t turn me in to the Imperium. Swear to me that I won’t be bound to them for twenty years. That you’ll let me be free.”
“I swear. I swear on what’s left of my... unlife. I swear that you’ll be my pretty little secret until I get my title and we can make you legitimately freeborn.”
“And if you’re lying?”
“I’m not. But if I was, then when you reach Mass-Maker and you’re freed from the Imperium’s control, I won’t even fight back when you come to rip my head off. Because at that point I’d deserve it.”
I opened my eyes and met his gaze. “Do it.”
He leaned into the light, raising his wrist—scarred from hundreds of bites to turn progeny—to his elongating fangs. “Drink deep, darlin’. It’ll save your life.”
He bit into his wrist and pushed the punctures against my lips.
I’d tasted blood before. Happened when wolves fought and bit into enemies.
None of it was like this vampire’s. His was almost... sweet.
Which was a bit disconcerting.
He plunged his fangs into my neck and started drinking from me as I drank from him.
My ears started ringing and I could hear my heartbeat pounding in them—
Before everything went white.
One Year Later...
The door to the house slammed shut downstairs. “Darlin’! I’m home!” Sam called, sounding unusually chipper.
I uncurled from my spot in the bay window of my bedroom and went downstairs. Sam was putting the dentist coat on the coatrack. “What’s got you cheerful?” I asked quietly.
Sam pulled a blood bag out of the pocket of the dentist coat and tossed it to me. I caught it and started untwisting the cap.
“I got my title today,” Sam answered.
My hands stilled. I almost dropped the bag. “Really?”
“Mmhmm. Gimme two weeks, and you can see your family again. Under a different name, o’ course, and they’ll have to swear not to tell anyone that they know you’re alive, but in two weeks, I’ll register your new name with the Department as a freeborn. Some unempowered nobody I found who’d been attacked and bleedin’ out.”
I bounced my eyebrow at the patheticness of that story compared to what I was actually capable of, but it tracked with all the scars I had that even the turning couldn’t heal. And I couldn’t be the scary werewolf I used to be. Not anymore.
The Department’s records of unempowered people were also ridiculously bad, so it was easy to forge records that the new name I’d come up with was someone without magic—someone the Imperium didn’t consider worth keeping track of. Which was ridiculous. Unempowered people were emotionally and mentally stronger than just about anyone I’d ever met. They had to be, to survive in this stupid, messed up world.
But it worked for me.
I finished opening the blood bag and gulped down the contents quickly.
“You’ll have to pretend to be in the bloodlust again, but since you’re already outta it, that shouldn’t be too hard.”
I ignored that comment. “Why two weeks?”
“To make sure all the records are in order. So I’m a verified Mass-Maker. Then there’ll be no questionin’ that you’re freeborn, darlin’.”
“One of these days it’ll actually stick when I tell you to stop calling me that,” I grumbled.
Sam leveled a sarcastic look at me. “Now, now. Is that any way to speak to your maker?”
“Piss off,” I muttered, moving to go back upstairs.
Sam just laughed. He’d always seemed to find it funny when I gave him attitude. Maybe it was because we both knew I couldn’t actually move against him. Any fight we got in, he’d win. Because he was my Maker and he could stop me dead in my tracks if he damn-well pleased.
“Do you really hate it that much?” Sam asked.
Yes, my mind thought. But the word couldn’t leave my throat.
I couldn’t lie to him.
Instead, I just growled and stomped back upstairs.
Sam caught up to me, grabbing my wrist. “Darlin’,” he entreated softly. “If you hate it, I can stop. I just thought it was part of your banter.”
“I don’t hate it,” I said sharply. “I just don’t know how to handle it when someone acts like they care about me.”
“There’s no actin’ here. I’ve gotten to know you this past year. You’re livin’ in my house for God’s sake, I should know you. I do care about you. Wasn’t plannin’ on it back when I found you after that fight, but...” He shrugged. “Somethin’ in you speaks to somethin’ in me. Kindred spirits or whatever. Couldn’t help but care.”
I cleared my throat. “Thanks for the blood.”
With that, I slid out of his grip and dodged into my room.
“Darlin’—” His voice was muffled by the door I’d slammed behind me. I felt him heavily rest his hands against it. “Darlin’, c’mon. Don’t... don’t do this. Open the door. Please?” There was no magic in the words. No invocation. He was just asking. Not ordering.
I pulled the curtains shut against the first rays of dawn painting the underside of the clouds. “Goodnight, Sam,” I said softly.
I heard him sigh. “What is it that makes you so reluctant to be cared about?” he demanded.
“Everyone I care about and who cares about me gets hurt because of me, okay?!” I snapped, nearly tearing the curtain rod down. “Everyone! With no exceptions!” I growled and released my fists from the curtains, storming over and nearly tearing the door off its damn hinges. “I can’t see that happen to you!” I ignored the tears in my eyes threatening to spill over. “You’ve been kinder to me than anyone’s been in a long time and you kept your promise to keep me free. I can’t... I can’t fight you. Not just because you could stop me. Because I don’t have the heart to. You give me that sympathetic look and all the violence in me just melts away and I don’t know what to do with that. No one has ever made me feel like that and it freaks me out.”
I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him close. He didn’t stop me or resist as I kissed him, hard, for a brief moment before letting him go. “Sorry,” I said. “Consent, blah, blah, blah. But I’ve always been better at asking for forgiveness than permission.”
I moved to shut my bedroom door again.
Sam planted his hand on it, stopping it dead, staring me in the face with lips parted in surprise. I could hear his heartbeat thumping heavily in his chest. I couldn’t help it—I swallowed.
He was about to invoke me. He hadn’t had to yet; even through my bloodlust frenzies. But I felt it in my Core. The Maker-Progeny Bond tying us together was burning hot. He probably couldn’t even feel it with the amount of progeny he was tied to. He was about to tell me to never do that again. Order me to never even touch him. Just because he said he cared about me didn’t mean he wanted—
My shoulders curled forward and I felt like slinking back into my room again.
“Do that again,” he said. Forcefully, but with no invocation behind the words.
“I-I—” I stammered. “You... you want me to?”
Before he could even answer, Sam was kissing me. Holding me close with a desperation I’d never seen on him. His strong fingers flexed against the back of my head. The point of his fangs scraping against my lower lip.
I held him tight. He’d been a vampire for like twelve-to-fifteen years. He was plenty tough enough to withstand my strength. Although, I could feel him being gentle with me. Holding back.
Our breathing grew heavy and ragged even as it synchronized. I shoved the fingers of one hand into his hair, twisting my fingers through it to keep him right here. The bloodbond between us was thrumming. Sam’s other hand was pressed so hard into my skin that I knew—even as a vampire now—I was going to have bruises.
I didn’t care. Sam was kissing me and every other thought and concern slipped away.
When I started getting dizzy, I pulled away. “S-Sam...” I whispered.
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve been wantin’ to do that. I just... wasn’t sure if you were ready for it. Or even willin’.”
“I’m willing.” I leaned so we stayed pressed tight together.
“You’d have me?” He looked almost surprised.
“Whatever you’re willing to give.”
“Darlin’, I’m willin’ to give you all-a me.”
“Then I’ll have all of you, Sam.”
He smiled. “Then take it,” he breathed.
I yanked him close, over the threshold into my bedroom, and kicked the door shut.
Tag list: @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose @mainhoesstuff 
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red-robin-yum08 · 2 years
Batfam incorrect quotes but it’s actually quotes my family have said
“Bruce needs a bib for the boobs” -Jason
“Clean your room out im going to Rapunzel you” *holds up cast-iron frying pan* -Alfred
“FINE! I won’t stir it! But I will have this piece of pound cake..” -Dick
“Maybeeee your just mentally unstable! Maybeeeee your adopted a bunch of kids… BECAUSE YOUR MENTALLY UNSTABLE!” -All of the children
*lens shade pops back up* “I- fuck you” -Jason
“THE GLANCES KEEP GETTING LONGER AND GAYER DICK. LONGER AND GAYER.” -Tim having a gay panic about Bernard looking at him
“It tastes like watered down orange juice trying to be lemon aid” -Steph
“Your dying inside and I can tell” -Jason to Tim
“The sky looks fake” -Damian
Tim: “I cut it somewhat straight”
Jason: “I mean your somewhat straight”
Damian: “That house is tilted”
Tim and Dick: “WELL MAYBE ITS GAY.”
Very cunfused Tim: “Gay Christmas carols???”
“That’s the most violent chicken stabbing I’ve seen” -Jason
Damian: “Kill *insert fish name* light please”
Jason: “KILL *insert fish name*?! OK!”
Damian: *knife in hand* “You kill my fish I’ll make sure you don’t come back to life this time.”
“I’m taking you to go see the 107 foot cock and balls” -Jason to Damian
“I NEED TO URINATE DICK WHY MUST YOU LOCK YOUR DOOR-“ -Jason trying to use dicks apartment to go to the bathroom because he was the closest
“I can’t wait to die :)” -Tim
“I’m gonna get you a dollar store katana and badzaled Jesus” -Jason to Damian
“Don’t snort geometry” -Dick
“I’m pregnant and want snacks come to Publix with me” -Dick being his dramatic self
“I want you to lay east but with a W in front of it” -Drunk Jason
Damian: “Wow I love eating ice cream on a plate”
Damian: “THANK YOU I WILL.” *continues to eat ice cream with a knife*
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eschergirls · 2 years
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Originally published at: https://eschergirls.com/photo/2022/11/03/november-2022-caption-contest-winners
It's the final Saturday of November so it's time to pick the winners of the monthly caption contest!
Due to when the Saturdays fell this month, it's a relatively short caption contest (3 weeks), but you still all submitted some pretty great captions and it was hard to choose between them!  Because I originally ran this specific picture as a caption contest in 2021 that I never got back to, I've included those captions too, so if you submitted a caption back then, you still have a chance to win. :3
Anyway here were the entries:
P J Evans: They're clutching the boob-belt, it seems
P J Evans: The napkins do look like nice padding for that boob-squishing belt!
tytalus: Those look riveted on. They're cyber-boobs! We made them better, stronger...faster?
Kurt Prünner: "That's the third wrongest use of a bunny hair band that I've ever seen!"
Mel: I think she took up knitting, discovered it was hard work and stopped after two inches. But she told everyone she was making a sweater and decided to just tie the tiny scrap on and pretend it was high fashion.
@earthdeep: wow those things have their own shopfront awning...
@fliting: They're oven mitts, so she can balance a hot pan on her breasts when she takes it out of the oven without burning herself.
@plateglasstrampoline: Boob bibs.
@slightlyannoyedpanda: All I can see is that sharp white decorative border that looks like a blade is about to pierce her stomach, and if there ever was a convincing argument for why you should wear proper armor, this is it.
@caprice-nisei-enjoyer: Notice the claws and the belt across her bust? It's a mimic that wants to be the Monster Book of Monsters when it grows up
@coriwithclass: The caption "up" and the arrow are desperately trying to fix that poor girl's torso and keep her boobs from dragging on the ground.
@timhulsizer: “Yeah, my neck comes out of my left shoulder. What’s it to ya?”
@differenttriumphdragon: "Pick Up [Summon]"? More like "Pick Up a shirt from the nearest clothing store for the love of god"
@siklo: She’s clearly lactating and she though napkins are the obvious choice to clean up spilled milk
So I'm going to pick 3 winners and 2 honorable mentions.  If 1 of the winners doesn't accept their prize, then it'll go to the honorable mentions. :3
Honorable mentions go to: @earthdeep and @plateglasstrampoline!
And in third place: Mel!
In second place: @fliting!
And the winner of November 2022's caption contest is... @siklo! whose entry came in just under the deadline and made me laugh much harder than it should have
The winners get their choices of Steam games from this list: Beholder 2, Severed Steel, We Were Here Together, Overgrowth, Syberia 1, Riot: Civil Unrest, Neverinth, Dusk Diver, Tokyo Xanadu EX+, Still Life, Castle Crashers, Hotel Giant 2, Not The Robots, Steel Storm: Burning Retribution, Velvet Assassin, Fury Unleashed, Main Assembly, Oddworld: New n' Tasty, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD, Rage in Peace, Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos, and Wife Quest
If you've won, please contact me by email or on Tumblr to collect your prize!  If you won first place, just tell me the game you want, if you won second place, let me know 2 games in order of preference, and if you won third place give me 3 games in order of preference.
Thank you to everybody who competed!  It was a very fun one and I loved the captions you all came up with.  It was very hard for me to pick!
Stay tuned next week for December's special holiday themed caption contest!
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cloudychao · 1 year
List of Free Emotes (w credits)
I am an editor and have been really in love with the style of emotes lately. I have a list of ones I like to use (with credits and non-commercial use) and the ones that are featured on my second channel YellowMoonXOXO. 
This is a credits page and a full list of all the ones that are used. (This will update as long as I get more)
The Biggest Emote Sets
ACNH 1 by cupmiso : https://cupmiso.gumroad.com/l/BPSZX
ACNH 2 by ploksterprime : https://plokster.tumblr.com/post/614884905901506560/some-friends-and-i-made-a-discord-server-for
ACNH 3 by latoyia_art : https://sta.sh/22en01k2c6y5
Cartoon Shows Emotes by Tassji_S Art : https://tassjis.gumroad.com/
Cat Emote 1 by bib : https://ko-fi.com/bib/shop
Cat 2 by Yakku : https://ko-fi.com/yuunkurosu/
Black Cat Emote by Shizu : https://ko-fi.com/shizu_en/shop
Cat Set by elisah : https://ko-fi.com/elisahpng/shop
Amazing Original Art by Stinky Katie : https://stinkykatie.gumroad.com/
MLP Emotes by TioTheBeetle : https://www.deviantart.com/tiothebeetle/art/Downloadable-MLP-Discord-Emotes-770766265
MLP 2 Emotes by cinamoncune : https://ko-fi.com/cinamoncune/shop
Fluttershy by Sakukitty Boutique : https://ko-fi.com/sakukittyboutique/
Cool Anime PNGs : https://emoji.gg/
My Favorite Emotes
Hoshino Emote by CherryCuteMaker : https://ko-fi.com/cherrycutemaker/
Silly little guys by Nothi | Aima : https://ko-fi.com/s/fde726c940
Cutest Sonic Reactions by powpowchaos : https://www.tumblr.com/powpowchaos/729043406447345664/update-to-the-pwease-emote-inside-of-ears?source=share
Amy Emote by maddiebat : https://www.tumblr.com/maddiebat/694441250458386432?source=share 
Terriermon by the-east-art : https://www.tumblr.com/the-east-art/757630970679689216/its-silly-but-for-odaiba-day-with-year-i-drew-a
Amazing Emotes From Twitter
RWBY Emotes by RwbyCouture : https://twitter.com/RwbyCouture/status/1419656878498492427?s=20
Doki Doki Literature Club Emotes by RaionArt : https://twitter.com/RaionArt/status/1576202993485361152?s=20
Honkai Impact Set by Furumi : https://twitter.com/Furumi92/status/1431118307365511170
Honkai Impact Set 2 by Cloudya : https://www.tumblr.com/cloud-ya/659293500492431360/cloudyas-hi3-emotes-google-drive?source=share
F2U Emotes by ukemiart : https://boosty.to/ukemiart
Normal Yellow Emojis
Yellow Charas by mothcharm : https://twitter.com/mothcharm/status/1587926501193818112?s=20
Dramatic Yellow Charas by clorinspats : https://ko-fi.com/s/68eb46134f
Yellow Dog Emojis by puppypaints : https://ko-fi.com/s/742b93fb1d
Amazing Emoji Pack by swordknight : https://ko-fi.com/swordknight/shop
Sleepy Emote by wyls-emojis : https://www.tumblr.com/wyls-emojis/691961594982400000/nooo-i-didnt-forget-about-this-blog-at-all-what?source=share 
Kirby Emotes
Kirby Reactions by Kokoro no Tenshi : https://ko-fi.com/s/725dadcf4d
More Kirby Reactions by paletteutic : https://ko-fi.com/paletteutic/shop
Hungry Kirby by giuseppe : https://ko-fi.com/butterberrycafe/shop
Cool Kirby Emotes by phdjeshua : https://ko-fi.com/phdjeshuadesigns/shop
Miku and Sanrio Emotes
Birthday Mikus by Graychuu : https://ko-fi.com/graychuu/shop
Miku Emotes by ch1sh10 : https://ko-fi.com/dumbitch/shop
Miku Art by Silyni : https://ko-fi.com/s/718dcc0752
Heart Miku by avonito_ : https://x.com/avonito_/status/1407463178808659972?s=20
Cool Emotes by WeebMama : https://ko-fi.com/s/125ea82ff1
Amazing Miku Art by aquaspider : https://aquaspider.gumroad.com/l/dqgfmf
Birthday Miku by Miss Akane : https://ko-fi.com/missakane_/shop
Cinnamonroll and Miku by ZeroSky : https://ko-fi.com/zerosky/shop
Miku Collab by Fantakyu : https://ko-fi.com/s/0361eaba0b
Cinnamoroll Only by Shinyprowl : https://ko-fi.com/s/34494e2c51
Hello Kitty Reactions by Joaonty : https://emoji.gg/pack/5613-hello-kitty
Plushies from lesserafim’s wife : https://emoji.gg/pack/7236-cinnamonroll-plushies
Cinnamoroll Expressions by aera : https://emoji.gg/pack/3651-cinnamoroll-expressions
Obscure Emotes
Garurumon byStarMireu : https://twitter.com/StarMireu/status/1323156449191694338?s=20
Digimon by Sinoballs : https://www.patreon.com/posts/71118551
Tachi Emotes by Parween : https://ko-fi.com/s/8e76cb6601
Adventure by JaymiSaeki : https://ko-fi.com/s/5d2a17c418
Demon Slayer by jojocielo : https://ko-fi.com/s/ae099b6ea6
More Nezuko Emotes by hanamurass : https://imgur.com/a/NbZ0OxH
Rainworld Set by Nuttema : https://www.reddit.com/r/rainworld/comments/mcc8pc/rain_world_emote_pack_no2_you_can_download_the/
More Rainworld by Abyssalowls : https://ko-fi.com/abyssalowls/shop 
Cute Ducks by Catized : https://emoji.gg/pack/3674-ducks#
Random Kitty Set by Bingus : https://emoji.gg/pack/1232-random-kitties
Cat Pack by FreePunch : https://emoji.gg/pack/2093-kiisu-emotes-1
Chainsaw Man Emotes Only
Power Emote by Taye : https://ko-fi.com/tayerexx/shop
Pochita Lurk Emote by Togichu : https://ko-fi.com/s/d653d47ca7
Pochita Set by Grimmie : https://ko-fi.com/s/ec55706acc
Free Emotes by Reiz : https://ko-fi.com/reizvan_ax/shop
Amazing Pochita by Sonshine : https://ko-fi.com/s/890317c1e4
Pochita Wave Emote by Nette : https://ko-fi.com/s/591b04f256
Cutest Pochita by kamimi : https://ko-fi.com/s/5fe1539d2d
Flat Pochita by SleepyMori : https://ko-fi.com/sleepymorivt/shop
Kobeni by lilled : https://ko-fi.com/lilledzzz/shop
Spy x Family Emotes Only
Anya Emote by haoryona : https://twitter.com/haoryona/status/1519720280834326529
Anya Peek Emote by Ryona : https://boosty.to/ryona/posts/41e831a7-8baa-45df-b8ad-9556067958c7
Big Eyes Anya by Hyokari : https://ko-fi.com/s/d06607617e
Funny Anya Pack by vorellei : https://ko-fi.com/s/37a5776eff
Amazing SXP Set by Nyanmei : https://ko-fi.com/s/44e46f4f3f
Halloween Anya by Choussen : https://ko-fi.com/s/d0abadd706
Hungry Anya by Miwktea : https://ko-fi.com/miwktea/shop
Peanut Anya by NuggieMeal : https://ko-fi.com/nuggiemeal/shop
Cutest Anya Set by illuxo : https://ko-fi.com/illuxo/shop
Hissy Anya by Rhea Bee : https://ko-fi.com/rheabee/shop
Anya Wave by SpyderOwO : https://ko-fi.com/spyderowo/shopSheridan Baker Art
Damian Set by Vii : https://ko-fi.com/xketam/shop
Pokemon Emotes Only
Pokemon Set : https://store.streamspell.com/collections/pokemon-collection/products/pokemon-emotes
Johto Themed by LavenderVoss : https://ko-fi.com/s/5a822aa0ad
Shiny Pokemon by KenkuArchive : https://ko-fi.com/s/c8feb4af90
All Amazing Pokemon Emotes by KenkuArchive : https://ko-fi.com/kenkuarchive/shop
Ultrabeast Theme by Chiechaann : https://ko-fi.com/chiechan/shop
Gen 9 by Whispy : https://ko-fi.com/s/9437d782f5
More Gen 9 by Lufi : https://ko-fi.com/lufi_/shop
Cutest Gen 9 Set by Oxann Arts : https://ko-fi.com/oxannarts/shop
SV Set by GalaxyGoldfish : https://ko-fi.com/galaxygoldfish/shop
Akari Emotes by universecat :  https://twitter.com/_universecat
Eevee and Grass Pokemon Emotes by Luca : https://ko-fi.com/monoluca/shop
S&S Starter Emotes by Sheridan Baker Art : https://sheridanbakerart.gumroad.com/
Pikachu Emotes by bun✦ : https://ko-fi.com/tou_zii/shop
More Pikachu Emotes by ryker : https://ko-fi.com/rykervt/shop
Ash & Sprigatito Emotes by InspireMari : https://ko-fi.com/inspiremari/shop
Cool Hisui Emotes by RavenMelody : https://ko-fi.com/ravenmelody/shop
Jigglypuff & Spirgatito by Anmunic : https://ko-fi.com/amunic/shop
SV Emotes by tivorita : https://ko-fi.com/tivorita/shop
Pikachu Emotes by Troy : https://emoji.gg/pack/8183-pikachu-pack-from-troy#
Cyndaquil by swansin : https://ko-fi.com/swansin/shop
Amazing Set by Raiko : https://ko-fi.com/raikostd/shop
Funny Pokemon by ProfessorYaura : https://ko-fi.com/project4yaura/shop
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