#I mean only two out of six pages I feel are okay (not great like the other four mind you. Just okay). And that just never happens.
banmitbandit · 24 days
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Pots 'N' Picks Week 2024: Day 7: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Snacks/Dessert/Family/Goodbye
[Dungeon Meshi spoilers (with a big amount of canon divergence) and a long, long caption beneath the Keep Reading]
November 20th, 1484 Dear Senshi, It's been a little over eighty two years since you've been gone. In that time, Merrywinn, the newborn baby you held in your arms days before you passed, became a great-great-grandmother, and her funeral last week was as rancorous as every other half-foot funeral we attended. Soon, it will be my one thousandth birthday, and I can only hope that, like you and Marcille, that's when this curse will finally be lifted, and I can see you again. If that's true, then that means I'm the beginning of an end. Instead of twenty one years, Laios will only have to wait three until he dies after me, and Falin will only have to wait three after that. In twelve years from now, Izutsumi will pass on too, and the six of us will get to share a meal together once again. I've missed your cooking, sure, but most importantly, I've missed you. Do you remember when we first shared that bottle of wine in my new house in Kahka Brud, over nine hundred years ago, before we had the slightest idea that something was wrong? I told you that I didn't want to make you feel the way I felt when Fayfinn left me. You said you didn't care, that it was worth whatever small amount of time you had me. Obviously, it turned out that fate had different plans for us, that the Winged Lion had cursed Marcille too, that we'd each live as long as she would. It's been hard, but since then, you've been there for me every step of the way. When Fayfinn passed, when my girls passed, when their children passed, and theirs too. You've been there for everything, and I'm thankful for it, from the bottom of my heart. I knew I wouldn't be prepared to lose you, and I wasn't. But no matter how much I hurt, Izutsumi was worse, even if she'd never admit it, and I had to be strong for her, too. She's strong and independent, just like she's always been, since the day we met her, but you were the closest thing to a father she ever had. She loved you, Senshi. She said so herself at your funeral. I just hope she doesn't miss me enough to cry at mine. I don't care what dwarves or tallmen or elves think, you and I both know funerals are supposed to be celebrations. Fun is in the name, isn't it? I haven't been okay in a long time, but these days, I feel somewhat peaceful. I have lived my life to the fullest, like any good half-foot should. My birthday gets nearer and nearer with each passing day. Tomorrow, Lochlee, Merrywinn's great-grandson, is helping me collect my things so that I can return to Merini for Laios and Falin's birthday in a few days, and I plan to stay there at the castle until my time is up. I've packed the cheesecake recipe you perfected, and I'm going to sneak it to the cooks whilst Laios isn't looking. I'm sure he'll end up eating yours and Marcille's portions too, but I know you won't mind. After that, it's Marcille's birthday. Then Izutsumi's. Then mine. I'm looking forward to it; like funerals, birthdays are for celebrating. Even elves know that. I can't wait to see you again, Senshi. Yours, -Chilchuck Tims
An AU I proposed back in the Chilshi Nation server a while ago seemed to be a good way to break my heart when rounding off Chilshi week. A lot of people bring up the tragedy of Chilchuck and Senshi's lifespans being so different, and it makes me wonder what it would be like if Marcille's misguided wish had long term consequences.
This wasn't intended to be seven pages long with the lyrics to A Thousand Years by Christina Perri shoved in, but that's what it ended up being. The song seemed a little too perfect not to include.
All of my Chilshi posts were drawn up on the day, and I used them mostly as an excuse to experiment, whether it be posing, body types, shading, comic layouts... My later entries got to be a little more ambitious with what I wanted to do with them, so they're maybe not as polished as I would like them to be, but I hope you can enjoy them anyways.
Whilst I'm here, I'd like to extend a special thankyou to @dumblilracoon for dealing with my awful brainstorming and struggling all week. Couldn't have done this without you. And of course, the Chilshi Nation discord server for being so lovely! :)
If you reblogged or liked or commented on even one of my Chilshi week posts, thankyou so much! Chilshi week has been a blast and working on it and seeing all the lovely art and writing that's come up from it has been a treat.
Happy Chilshi Week, everybody!
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 19: Enough is Enough ➢prompt: repeatedly passing out ➢character: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x shy!wife ➢warnings: morning sickness, vomiting, passing out, Alex has some PTSD cause I'm mean and it builds character ➢word count: 2k
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Jake was no stranger to how pregnancy worked. He had three older sisters, and had lived through their pregnancies. He also was a father of two himself, and was by Y/N’s side through both of them. He had seen the beautiful sides of it, the growing bellies, the glowing skin, the moment when the doctor placed their newborn on his wife’s chest. Jake had also seen the not so beautiful sides, the tears, the moodswings, the swelling ankles, and the morning sickness. 
Jake had only been around to catch the end of Y/N’s morning sickness with Alex because of his deployment, and she had hardly gotten sick with Ella (which was how they knew they were having a girl). When they found out Y/N was expecting again, Jake did all the research he could on how to be prepared for it. Y/N felt great the first six weeks of her pregnancy, and they thought that maybe she was in the clear. But then, just like it had happened with Alex, it hit her all at once. 
His knees were starting to cramp as he kneeled behind Y/N, rubbing her back and pressing a cool washcloth to her neck. It seemed as though this was going on for hours, and in fact it had. Her body was beginning to shake as she dry heaved over the toilet bowl. She felt like she had nothing in her body to throw up, yet, her body was trying to find something. Y/N let out a shuddering breath and leaned back, Jake helping her sit back against him. 
“You’re okay,” Jake whispered and dabbed the wash cloth at her forehead, “You want water?” Y/N groaned in response, “How about gatorade? You need some electrolytes.” 
“And you need to go to work,” She said softly, “You’re going to get written up for being late.” 
“I took a vow to be with you through sickness and in health,” Jake said and kissed her temple,
“You also took an oath to the Navy to be there and ready to defend.” 
Jake chuckled and Y/N cracked a smile, which only lasted for a split second before she felt the familiar sickly raise of bile. Jake could see it in her body language and helped her lean forward over the toilet again. The longer this went on, the more concern he had about it. He knew from what he read that morning sickness could be rough. Women had reported being sick for hours on end, for feeling nauseated for weeks. But he was worried about the fact that every single thing his wife tried to intake, came right back up. This cycle has been going on for nearly a week now. 
“Sweetheart, I’m seriously worried,” Jake continued to rub her back as she vomited, “I think you need to go to the doctor.” 
“No,” She groaned, “No doctors. I’m fine.” She pushed herself up, and flushed the toilet. She leaned against her husband, and he wrapped his arms around her. Y/N closed her eyes, feeling like she was on a boat in the middle of the ocean, and the only thing anchoring her was the strong arms of her husband. Jake pressed his lips to the crown of her head 
“Do you think it's too quiet?” Y/N asked and opened her eyes. Jake waited a beat to answer her, his ears straining to hear for the six and three year olds that run their house. 
“I think it is too,” Jake said, “I’m worried.” 
“I am too,” Y/N giggled. Jake moved out from behind her gently, before helping his wife stand up. Y/N swayed on her feet, and Jake stabilized her, “I’m fine. Let’s find the rugrats before they burn our house down.” 
“Or worse. . . dye the dog's hair pink.” Jake joked, and Y/N shot him a look of concern, “Okay, I’m going.” Jake rushed out of the bathroom and yelled for his daughter, son and their dog, Bucky. Y/N sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. She frowned seeing the sickly look on her face. Her eyes were sullen and bloodshot, her cheekbones stuck out more as well, probably from the weight loss. Her hair didn’t have its usual shine to it. Y/N tried to freshen up the best she could, trying to trick herself into thinking she was feeling better by looking better. 
Y/N heard the sound of laughter and the smell of french toast as she walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Ella was sitting on the kitchen island in her fairy princess costume, and Alex was running around the kitchen with a toy F-18 in his hand. Their dog that Jake insisted on adopting after Ella’s birth, a golden doodle named Bucky, laid on the floor waiting for a scrap of food. It was usually Ella who gave Bucky food no matter how many times Jake and Y/N scolded her. 
“You feeling better, Momma?” Alex asked, stopping in his tracks on the other side of the kitchen. Alex had been by her side like Jake was when she had gotten sick with Ella and now this baby. He was the perfect big brother, and made sure that his mom and soon to be sibling was okay. 
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Y/N answered and sat down at the kitchen table, “What’s dad doing?”
“Skipping work,” Ella said and Jake turned around to look at her. 
“That was supposed to be a secret,” Jake pointed at her. Y/N gave her husband a look and he shrugged, “I was making them breakfast, taking some weight off your shoulders. You’re gonna have both of them here today. Thought you could use some help before I go to base.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N said. Jake shot her a wink before going back to making breakfast.  
The Seresins ate breakfast and listened to some fabricated story that Ella came up with, while slipping scraps of food to Bucky. Y/N tried taking small bites of food and sips of water, hoping that the baby would allow some sort of nutrients to stay in her body. Y/N packed Jake’s lunch as he cleaned up the kitchen from breakfast and got dressed in his flight suit. 
“Alright you two, be nice to your mommy today. No fighting, no biting, and no breaking things,” Jake said to his kids. He kissed their foreheads before turning to his wife, “Bye sweetheart, call me if you need anything. Please, don’t hesitate.” 
“I’ll be fine. I got through breakfast alright,” Y/N smiled. She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed her husband, “You’re going to be late.” 
“I’ll see you later,” Jake said, and kissed her again before leaving. 
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Y/N tried to keep up with her kids the best she could, but she was utterly exhausted. She tried to keep the nausea at bay, from sipping ginger ale and eating saltines, to going outside to breathe in some fresh air. Currently, Y/N stood in the bathroom, she put the kids down for a nap (well, Ella at least, Alex was in his room reading), and tried to keep herself from throwing up. Tears welled in her eyes as she felt the overwhelming feeling in her body. She gagged, and moved quickly to the toilet. Her face turned hot as she emptied her stomach, tears running down her face. When she was done, she pushed herself up on shaky legs, walking to the sink. Y/N looked up at herself in the mirror and watched as her vision faded in and out before her legs gave out. 
Alex looked up from his book as he heard the thud. He waited a moment, waiting to hear the crying of his little sister. Ella liked to roll out of her bed, it wasn’t uncommon for Alex to hear the thud of her sleeping body at night followed by crying and their dad running down the hall to comfort her. It was one of the reasons why Alex hated sharing a bed with Ella, she moved too much. But the crying never came, so Alex put his book down and stood up from his beanbag chair. He crept down the hallway quietly, pushing the door open to Ella’s room and found her sleeping soundly with Bucky laying next to her. 
“Bucky, come here,” Alex said to the dog, who obeyed and gently left Ella’s side. Jake had spent weeks training the young pup on commands, even teaching Alex some of the basics. 
His green eyes looked around the hallway, and zoned in on the sound of running water. He walked down to his parents bedroom, finding it empty. 
“Mommy?” He called out but heard nothing. Alex looked around the room, eyes landing on the bathroom door. A rush of fear filled his little body, and his legs started to shake. His hands felt sweaty, and he wanted to run back to his room. But he could remember what his dad told him when he left on his last deployment. 
“When I’m not home, I need you to be brave for me, okay?” 
Alex took in a deep breath, “Be brave. I can be brave.” Alex’s hand went to the door knob and pushed the door open. He felt his heart stop as he looked and saw his mom on the bathroom floor. He ran into the bathroom and knelt down beside her, “Mommy?” He shook her gently, knowing to be careful because of the baby. He thought back to what he learned in kindergarten, and looked for her phone. When he found it he quickly opened it and dialed for help. 
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” The operator said. 
“My mommy needs help,” Alex said, “She won’t wake up.” 
“Okay sweetheart, help is on the way, stay on the phone with me, alright?” The operator said. 
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Jake could hardly breathe as he ran through the doors of the hospital. Rooster and Phoenix were hot on his heels as they followed him to the hospital. He looked around the room, his eyes landing on his daughter who ran to him with tears in her eyes. He sighed in relief as he picked her up and held her tightly. Ella cried into his neck and he rubbed her back, soothing her. 
“It’s okay, babygirl, it’s okay,” Jake said, “Where’s Alex?” 
“O-over there,” Ella lifted up her head and pointed to where Alex was sitting in a chair next to a nurse, reading a book about dinosaurs. 
“Here, go with Uncle Rooster,” Jake handed Ella to his wingman. Ella reached for her uncle and easily went into his arms. Jake went to the front desk to ask for information on his wife. 
“I’ll have a doctor come speak to you shortly, Mister Seresin,” The nurse at the desk said, “You have a very brave little boy on your hands. The 9-1-1 operator said that he called and stayed calm the whole time, did everything they said to do.” 
“Thank you,” Jake said and the nurse nodded. He took a deep breath as he walked over to his son, “Hey buddy.” Alex looked up at his dad and his chin wobbled as tears started falling down his little cheeks. 
“I was brave,” He hiccupped, “Like you said to be. A-And I remember what Miss Katey taught us in school. I-I called 9-1-1 for help-p.” Jake pulled his son into a bone crushing hug. 
“I know you were, you were so brave, buddy. You saved mommy and the baby’s life,” Jake kissed his son’s temple, “You did everything right. I am so proud of you.” 
Alex pulled away from his father and wiped his tears away with the back of his hand, “Can I see m-mommy now?” 
Jake nodded, “Yeah, sweetheart, we can.”
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tarotnoob · 2 years
PAC: Surprise! Something is coming, but you don't see it! What is it?
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So, I'm still out of town but I have been itching to use cards. The only thing I have are playing cards. Which means we don't have major arcana and I won't use page cards. And I'm interested to see what kind of messages we get just using those.
Pile 1
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Okay, you have four of Wands, two of Wands, six of pentacles, and two of cups.
The quotes on the cards for each in the order are
Whatever makes you happy you put it in your world.
Let's make some nice little clouds that just float around and have fun all day.
Just go out and talk to a tree. Make friends with it.
This is not something you should labor over or worry about. Enjoy it. If painting does nothing else it should make you happy.
So, let's just do the tarot reading without thinking about the quotes yet.
Okay what you don't see coming, I feel like somebody is going to do something good for you. Like a favor or just do something nice for you. It could be that they get you a present or they help you out with some type of chore, but I feel like you aren't going to be expecting somebody to be thinking about you. Because it's almost like a friend or a person or whomever or even family, does something small but meaningful for you. It could be that they go into a store and see something that reminds them of you and they buy it. Then they casually come up to you and are like hey I thought of you, here's this pair of earrings or I know you really like oranges, so I grabbed you a few fresh oranges from the market.
And I get the sense that they do it because maybe in the past you've done something for them, so it's like they are passing it back on to you. I especially feel like to get really specific if it's a gift, it could be something for your home. Like a knick knack or flowers. But it just feels small however the motive behind it feels meaningful and yet it doesn't feel like there are any ulterior motives. It's I like I was thinking about you and we have this kind of relationship where we do nice things for each other, so here you go.
It's also possible that a friend might ask you out on a date. I don't mean like a literal date. I don't feel a lot of romantic stuff here even though there are the four of Wands and two of cups. I'm seeing this more as a person close to you like a best friend or close relative, and they either have gotten you something as a gift or you spend quality time together. But it feels more like it would be a surprise to ask you out for a day trip or they come up to you and are like do you want to see a movie this weekend.
It could also be that they have seen you going through a bit of a rough time recently and simply want to take you out or will offer to take you for coffee so that you can vent or chat or it's just to make you feel better.
I also feel like the purpose of whatever the interaction ends up being it's to help you relax or will be in a setting where you can relax and it's just meant to be fun and simple. Maybe they'll even buy you something related to taking care of your body like a bath bomb or bath salts or some face masks.
I'm also sensing it's a good time to go out. It's not a great time to coop yourself up. It's a good time for you to go out and have fun and do something nice for yourself or something that relaxes you or makes you feel happy.
Especially if you are near mountains or have snow where you are right now, if you enjoy skiing or nature or like to paint.
I'm definitely getting the sense of some type of reciprocity happening between you and another person. There's mutual respect, there's love, and I also get a sense of happiness and satisfaction within this relationship. But I definitely feel like you'll receive a gift or an invitation to go out or even a text or call from someone you care about that's like I was thinking about you how are you etc. So you can look forward to that.
Pile 2
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You have the three of Wands, Ace of swords, seven of swords
And the quotes you have are I don't try to understand everything in nature. I just look at it and enjoy it
Go out on a limb that's where the fruit is
Be so very light. Be a gentle whisper
It's not here, but those quotes make me think of the hanged man. It's very go with the flow, take it easy, but also in the same sense of taking a risk. Kind of like if someone were to suggest something spontaneously and usually you're quite hesitant to be impulsive, but you're like why not let's just do this. But it's not anything like hey let's go to a club and be crazy it's more like hey do you want to go for a 2-hour drive along the coastline and you're like Yeah that sounds nice why not
But on the other side let's just look at the tarot cards. It's funny we asked what you don't see coming and then you get seven of swords since notoriously this would be the card about secrets or things that are hidden, it can be betrayal and other things but it just depends however when you pair that with an ace of swords, it's like they cancel each other out because it's about something coming to light lol which is the question that I asked so they're being a bit cheeky
My personal feeling is like you don't see it coming because it's not meant to be something known to you. So it's almost like they're saying to me that you don't get to know but we're still going to try to interpret it because that's the point of the reading. It's just funny because three of Wands also makes me think that it's a surprise because that card is usually somebody waiting on a cliff and watching and waiting for something to come in so it's like okay something is coming but we don't know what it is but eventually it will come to light lol
So whoever is passing on this message I think is being kind of cheeky and humorous. You might have a sarcastic or funny type of personality or whoever will be involved in this has that sort of playful attitude
And it's good that I said you know there's something impulsive about it because after I said that and I looked at the quotes again, I got the sense of the fool card. So there may be something wanting you to take on a more child like sense of wonder. Maybe things have been a bit stressful or overwhelming lately, so it's almost like they're trying to cheer you up or you know when you're feeling down and you have a friend who cracks a really stupid joke and they just want to make you laugh or they even embarrass themselves with some little thing that they do just to get you to cheer up
As for what it is, I think I just want to shuffle out more cards unless they're like no really they don't get to know
Three of Wands is clarified by the three of pentacles; Ace of swords is clarified by the Queen of cups; seven of swords is clarified by the two of pentacles
What's weird is with that seven of swords, I get a couple of things that come to mind and one could be some type of cycle that's repeating especially a karmic cycle. I thought pile one also had something coming up where it was more like a pay it forward situation. But this is like what goes around comes around or something repeating itself but we'll come back to that
Three of Wands being clarified by another three, the three of pentacles. This feels like the start of something being built. It could be any kind of thing, but it could also be a relationship, it could be the start of a project. But there's definitely a sense of taking the first step toward building something or joining a community. Like if you just started at the gym or you just started a new job or you just started a new hobby and have taken one or two classes
Those are just examples, I'm going to build this together into a whole paragraph after we figure out the individual sentences
Ace of swords being clarified by the Queen of cups could be some type of conversation that you have that relates to feelings or being sympathetic or somebody lending an ear to another person. It could also be clarity on one's feelings about something. It could even be a creative idea being born. Which would totally fit in with this project or whatever starting to take shape but it would only be like the planning stages or a step after that
But apply as it fits because like I said it could be a first step in a relationship or whatever but the way that it's coming together seems more like a creative collaboration opportunity but still it's the idea of building something solid and whatever is being built, there is like a drive to see it come to light and real distinct clarity. Almost like there's a vision of something that you want to do in the future or something you want to take shape. But to me it feels like a very clear idea or vision
However to build it it's like you need the cooperation of other people or you need the help of other people
Then we come to the final one that I was trying to figure out which is this seven of swords which sometimes I also read as somebody who always tries to go it alone.
In that case what this feels like again is very similar to the first pile in that somebody is going to help you out. It feels more like a work setting. It feels not as close as the first pile, so this could be an acquaintance a co-worker a classmate or even somebody you barely know but it's like you're so used to doing things on your own and this has been a cycle for you. However there's some type of idea or something that you want and in this instance whatever it is that you are thinking of
You may think that you can do this by yourself or you may harbor like a secret desire for somebody to help you achieve this. But either way it feels like this is something you're not going to be able to do by yourself. You're going to need the help of other people whether you want it or not so it's like you either have to be the one to ask for help or somebody will come along and help you unexpectedly. Like a really random person or random situation happens and it's like it actually helps you out.
However with the three of Wands, I do get the sense usually this is somebody either desiring or fantasizing or theyre aware that somebody is coming into help
So I can't tell if literally somebody will be coming in or you've been hoping for somebody to come in.
It could also be that if that's the case and you've been trying to manifest somebody, that spirit isn't ready to give you the full details on a timeline or who they are or when they're going to show up. Because I get there's a bit of silly secrecy surrounding this. It could even be that if you are looking for a romantic relationship, this person comes in as a stranger and then I mean you could know them though but they could be a stranger and they could come in and be a co-worker who helps you out with tasks and you work together and collaborate
The only reason I bring up romance is the secrecy. Like what would be the reason to be secretive about a close friend coming in or soul tribe, to me it's almost like it could definitely be some type of relationship that goes from acquaintance to something more simply because you build something together and it's like if you had somebody in mind, they won't be exactly as you think and so maybe that means they also come in in a way that is completely unexpected because I feel like spirit is trying to get one over on you. Almost as if like you're a person who always needs to know how it's going to happen or thinks they know how it's going to happen and can never be surprised but
You won't see it coming or it won't happen as you expect. I still get the sense that this person hasn't come in yet and that you aren't super close to them at least not yet
But what I really feel is just like it's meant for you not to know the details that's why it's something you don't see coming. It just happens that in this particular pile, they really want to keep it vague for whatever reason they might have. And I don't think it has anything to do with they don't know what they're doing, there's just like a teasing feeling about it. Maybe because you are the person that thinks they know everything or can ever be surprised or feels like you know oh it can't ever happen in a way that would be unexpected. And they seem to know this. So that's why I'm not going to say 100% for everybody it's a person. It could just be a surprise situation
Let's also consider the quotes. The first one about I don't understand everything in nature kind of sounds exactly like what I was just saying. And again it reminds me of the fool card. So it's like don't try to figure out everything and let it all happen and its course
Go out on a limb that's where the fruit is makes me think of taking risks and again not trying to plan everything. It also makes me think of abundance. Fruit you could read that as fertility so this could be creative ideas or like the empress, could have to do with relationships and fruitful relationships
Be so very light. Be a gentle whisper. This could mean a lot of things lol. This makes me feel more about how this comes in which is like not gradually but it's like one morning you wake up and this thing or this person will be there. Again you just don't see it coming because it's so quiet or invisible. But I also think it's a play on not being so serious
Then the clarification card say isn't that fantastic I knew you could do it. So again makes me think about success with some type of collaboration that's coming up.
There's son of a gun that's a pretty nice tree for being done that quick. Again a sense of something coming in quickly or changing quickly. Saying son of a gun kind of makes me think of the knight of swords or knight of Wands... Which again would just be about the speed at which something happens, which would seem to be very quick. Guns are obviously very fast, powerful
It also makes me feel like not everything has to be overthought to be successful. Things can be simple and still be good
And then the final quote says let's get crazy what the heck take a 2-in brush This is your bravery test. For one it's being cheeky again these are Bob Ross playing cards if you couldn't tell already. So he's being kind of sarcastic but it's still displaying that message of take a risk and things don't have to be like fancy, it's all about the moment and what you put into it and being brave
So if I had to say. If it's about a relationship or a project, it's almost like give it a chance, take your shot, don't overthink it
And I can't tell you specifically what it is because they don't want us to know. I can only guess that for some of you it feels like a person coming in unexpectedly. It could be a friend, but I lean more toward a romantic possibility that starts off as acquaintanceship and has the potential to become something else if you let go of control and give it a shot without also overanalyzing everything
It could be to that You might be a bit guarded since you're used to doing everything on your own or perhaps you've been burned before in relationships. I get the sense that when this person comes in they'll be playful and kind of not immature but silly. Or this could be the way that they try to comfort you is through jokes or being goofy. Because it has a very light energy and it's almost like it wants to rub off on you
And I really just feel like if this is a person you meet through work, they aren't there yet or you haven't connected with them or you've barely interacted with them and then they end up coming and helping you with a project or help you put a piece of equipment together and you realize you have some type of mental connection or you have kind of a nice conversation. But it doesn't occur to you in that moment that this could be more. So I'll just say that there feels like there's the potential for something special with this person or the situation so keep an open mind. And if they're like hey do you want to do something random and spontaneous, just say yes at least that one time and see where it goes
Pile 3
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This is the only one where I wondered if the thing you don't see coming might be negative so I already clarified your top cards.
There's eight of wands which usually indicates the speed of something, as in something coming in fast or rush of something. It can also have to do with travel or things that are online. It could even be something like a rush of emotions or a feeling of being overwhelmed. It's clarified by the seven of cups, which could be a sense of or lack of clarity, it can be daydreaming, it can be having multiple choices. Two of wands, also usually is about choices and having two paths to follow, usually I feel like it's coming to a crossroads in life about a decision.
So again it could be stress. That's kind of how I'm reading it, is being overwhelmed and even pressured into making some type of choice even though you have so many options it's almost like how do I decide. That's the most negative way to read it. If I flipped it into something lighter, it could be...
Well I guess there's not that much but for specific situations it could have to do with travel and somebody's travel plans being sort of up in the air and ambiguous. So like you have to make a choice of whether or not you want to go or maybe you have multiple options that are involved in this situation. It doesn't have to be travel, it could even be well those are just silly specific situations. Right now I'm more leaning toward either a pressure that feels negative and overwhelming or it's excitement and passion about the amount of choices you have. It just depends if you're a person who thrives on having a lot of opportunities and choices to make or if that's something that stresses you out. And that's just the first sentence in this paragraph so let's keep going. Also your quotes on these cards are now then let's wash the old brush. That's the fun part of this whole technique okay. Shake off the excess and just beat the devil out of it. So oddly we have a reference to the devil and it's also giving me a bit of eight of cups or some sense of walking away from something or brushing off an obstacle
The clarifying quotes are and that may be the true joy of painting. When you share it with other people. I really believe that's the true joy. And the last one says let's make some nice little clouds that just float around and have fun all day.
So this does seem to indicate a bit of an obstacle. And then there's the sense of perseverance. Like it's just a speed bump and you'll get over it. That seems to be the first part
Then we get to the five of pentacles which is clarified by a five of swords. Both of those cards are somewhat negative in that five of pentacles typically is about a lack of something. It could be a lack of money, it could be a lack of confidence, could be a lack of spiritual insight or guidance or feeling lonely or being in need of help or assistance and not knowing where to go
Five of swords being the clarifier although I left it reversed. Typically five of swords could be you know like a an argument with people or kind of a cutthroat environment or no win situation. So if that were upright, I might think that a serious situation is coming or there's conflict and even some toxicity and somebody is lashing out of another person because they feel empty. But since it's flipping, usually reverse can mean an extreme version of what the meaning is or you're coming out of that moment. In that case if something is being reversed and for the better, it would be like resolving some type of conflict but you know what I don't know if I actually feel optimistic lol
I mean that could be but I still feel like this is describing a situation that is dire like depression or a pretty heavy conflict with a person. Extreme loneliness. And it could either be that this is going on now or will come up shortly or it's that this situation is about to resolve if you've already gone through it. But let's keep going and see how it all fits
You have nine of swords, which is that anxiety or restlessness or inability to sleep and it's clarified by a seven of wands, which is about defensiveness. So it definitely feels like somebody has to protect themselves or needs to be on guard or feels like they have to be that way and certainly if you'd had a conflict or people are coming after you or you feel like something's missing or wrong or like you don't have love or something just feels very negative with these cards. And because you feel anxious about the situation, you're also feeling like you need to protect yourself or you need to defend yourself from something
And then we have the king of swords clarified by I'm going to call this a knight of Wands since it's a jack.
So it reads definitely like a person. It could be you or could be somebody else but it's a person who could be quite logical or cold or aloof or just somebody who's quite decisive or logical intelligent and a clear communicator as well as honest. And then the knight of Wands would indicate somebody who is creative or passionate or impulsive
I also just realized that the jack is reversed so this could be a person and this person could be somebody you are going to have a conflict with or have had a conflict with
I mean granted these things could be describing the person but in theory it would be like this is how you feel or this is somebody else and you've had a conflict with them and you feel like you have to defend yourself against them
So if this represents you as opposed to a person. The reversed jack or knight of Wands could be indicating somebody who is a bit irritable, a bit irrational, somebody who is being kind of cold or detached but also would have a bad temper or is overly impulsive. We did get that devil card so there really could be something going on here that's either bad habits of yours or a warning of somebody currently in your energy space and if this is somebody coming to mind for you that you're having to deal with I could totally understand why this person isn't so great. Now if it's you, it could be something you're going through and whatever the conflict is, it's causing you to project some anger and some defensiveness and maybe even causing conflict in relationships for you right now
And however that works out for you if this is a person or if this is you and your feelings are being projected here, it's almost like there's a real sense of insecurity. And if it's the other person that's insecure or if something happens to make you feel this way, it's like it comes from something somebody says or something you see online or read about and it's like it obscures your perspective or you feel like it's blocking a path for you. Or almost like unexpected bad news
And it's like you had these plans to do something and then unexpectedly your flight gets canceled and it's like okay and then now you're arguing with a customer service representative and it's making you feel horrible that you have to go through some type of stressful situation
So yeah you know if you have travel plans make sure you check out all the details because you could have an unexpected delay or cancellation. A lot of that is going on in the US right now especially if you have a Southwest flight lol which I have one on Tuesday
I just feel like this seven of cups is representing a lack of clarity about a choice that you need to make but it's like this 8 of Wands is saying that either literally it has to do with travel or it's like it comes in quickly or it's coming in soon and it obscures something. It could obscure your confidence or your vision of the future but essentially that part is really just talking about choices about the future and either having a vision for it that you feel passionate about or something happens unexpectedly to throw some lack of clarity around the situation because like I said in the middle here there's a lot of conflict
to me it keeps coming up as a feeling of insecurity and people lashing out and projecting but it's really heavy. These are really heavy and pretty negative cards. I mean like we all go through dark times and stuff but it's like specifically about being anxious, being defensive and feeling backed into a corner, conflict with others, and potentially either like extreme conflict with another person almost like bullying or potentially I guess I just don't see this five of swords being reversed as a good thing when it's clarifying five of pentacles. It could be that a situation will get resolved with someone and right now this conflict with this person or situation is causing you to feel helpless
And I guess if it's reversing it's possible that that conflict could end as a result of somebody going away. I don't see it as like a person apologizing it would just have to be removing the person from the situation or removing yourself from the situation so you don't have to deal with that person anymore
And like I said this person could be the type of person who is cold and verbally abusive and quick to temper. I mean that's not for everybody but if there is a person and that sounds about right. Maybe even somebody who's jealous of you or something...
Or the situation is making you somewhat detached and emotional and stable or impulsive. I'm really drawn to the word devil so usually the devil card could indicate a toxic relationship or some type of toxic coping mechanism or negative patterns of behavior that tend to happen frequently. Even though it's a two of Wands for me because it's clubs, I keep wanting to say two of pentacles which is a cycle or balancing something.
And again this feels very specific. I feel more like it's a conflict with a singular person. It isn't have to be somebody you're in a relationship with, it doesn't even have to be somebody you're close to but they feel very gross in energy. And my personal feeling would be to get very far away from whoever this might be
So I guess what you don't see coming could be this person. I mean it could be a stranger that appears and does something s***** to you; it could be someone you know and they do something unexpectedly awful like say something that you don't like or say something really mean. It wouldn't be just like a small thing, this would be like pretty vindictive. It goes beyond petty and is somebody who purposely is wanting to hurt you or start a conflict with you. Whether they know you or it's like just a stranger who's a psycho path
At the very least though, it's some kind of negative obstacle that comes in your way and you have to persevere through it. I can't tell if it's super extreme like you know a toxic or abusive person or if it's an inconvenience like travel plans being canceled and ruining your mood and making you feel really miserable in that moment
So I would just say be on the lookout for somebody who's negative. I mean you could always change it and completely avoid the person. I mean avoidance could be part of the issue as well because if you have this five of pentacles and then the five of swords could mean somebody who's trying to avoid having to deal with it or avoiding some type of conflict around it. It could be somebody that's trying to ignore a negative situation as if they think it's going to go away but it's not
I mean I'm sure they're very light ways of reading this but I mean even you can see that in the middle those cards are fairly negative. On the outside I wouldn't say they're one way or the other except you have a reversed knight card which usually would indicate the negative traits associated with that court card. And like I said that's usually somebody who's quick to temper or flaky or reckless. It would make me think of somebody who would engage in self-sabotaging behavior like partying too much or drug use or being promiscuous
The other outside card is just that eight of Wands which is kind of vague other than it's always about something to do with being fast, fast communication, travel like a sudden rush or a sense of being overwhelmed. Because all of that means something happening quickly and because it's fire it can be kind of heavy and hot
And that card is surrounded by cards that reference having choices especially multiple choices and those being heavy choices as well because two of Wands can feel like you know you can only go this way or you can only go that way and not just that it's like you're being rushed to make an important decision
So it could be like very specifically somebody who's a bit of a bully and it's like they are trying to pressure you to make some type of choice so whatever that means
So yeah don't let anybody pressure you into doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable or makes you feel like you need to make a rushed decision or is exhibiting these type of behaviors or traits. My instincts is to tell you to get far away from them or the situation. I wouldn't engage with them because I feel like the situation could escalate
And I could be over exaggerating the situation but I'd rather be safe and tell you the worst of the worst and then your blindsided by somebody. Now you could be like well that's weird that sounds like this situation maybe I should exit instead of trying to have a calm conversation with them because I don't think they would hear you. And I think it would escalate no matter what you said or did so it would be better to remove yourself from the situation. Or I can at least say that it's not going to get better and you might have to endure some obstacles or inconveniences.
Or like you know how when you have a job and you have a really nasty customer and it's like it shouldn't happen but it happens to all of us. Every once in a while we have to deal with something nasty and it makes us feel awful but it happens so keep your eyes out for all of those types of situations
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zombiee-reviews · 26 days
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Hey yall, I’m back with some short posts as I have really lost a lot of interest in Kiques garbage comic. But with all recent releases of pages and ones that haven’t even released yet, Kique takes the comic to new lows.
Let’s start with this hot mess right here. Rhov and Feaf - first of all.. There has been zero indication of Feaf wanting a family with Rhov, up until this point I guess?
Not only this, but who in their right mind wants to have a family with a manipulating, lying, asshat like Rhov anyway? I mean look at the constant dissatisfaction/ disappointment Feaf has with him.
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As soon as Feaf started making this face, what after knowing Rhov for only a few days and having maybe one interaction with him so far.. I knew he’d be pairing them up. 🙄 Dissecting this scene more, Feaf barely knows Rhov, she should be looking at Axi with a more neutral look, not upset.
Then we have this moment where Feaf offers her home to Rhov and looks upset that she just chose this stranger over a long time, trusted friend. Girl, nobody forced you to take Rhov, oh wait.. Kique.
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Feafs face when she found out where the author was taking her and Rhov 🤣
Alright so red flag number one here!
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I absolutely hate that Rhov just flat out lied to Feaf and she’s OKAY WITH IT. Oh yeah, if you go back to this scene all Rhovvy boy here has to do is give the sad, puppy dog eyes and Feaf still decides to take him with her!
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Red flag number two! Lying to her tribe / viscountess for this manipulative prick.
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Red flag three, the bastard can’t even hunt all of a sudden. How is he going to provide for his family if he is needed?
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Red flag four, he has a partner why he flirtin like this. ( Granted Jahla ain’t no better here lmao )
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Red flag five, Rhov suddenly springs it on Feaf that he is thinking about leaving Shiverfall, even asking her to uproot her entire life / job to go with him. In reality, things like this need to be planned for, especially considering that Feafs job is highly important to Aedra. It’s also kinda strange that Rhov is saying these things like “you mean a lot to me” when he’s been nothing but a giant red flag to her. This is love bombing to the fullest. Not only this, but he still is official with Jahla!
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Red flag six, more lies and deceit. Rhov mentions he wants to join the then Meteors ( never happens, even tho he knows they’re possibly under attack. ) what a great role model to his kids! Rhov is just as useless when it comes to being useful. The capital has already made their rounds to Shiverfall and Meteor and yet this poor sod was no where to be found, same with Feaf. They’re both red flags lmao.
Also adding to this, I feel that he basically left Jahla for Feaf. Jahla and Rhov can be labeled as emotional cheaters, since they both acted STRANGE with Rome and Feaf around.
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And finally, this wonderful scene. Something tells me that Feaf has a hint of an idea on what happened here, even though it was never specified by her, currently. But the way she talks about it with Zahira in the recent public pages, makes me wonder ( Page 870 ). She knew the reason it appeared was because Rhov and her were intimate and she also knew it was the Golden Lioness that gifted it to her. This leads me to believe that Feaf HAD an idea, therefore being a huge red flag towards Rhov.
In conclusion, these two just SUCK, lol. At least we had some build up with Jahla and Rhov and it felt more romantic and realistic. This here is just Feaf going along with mostly whatever Rhov says, even though the author doesn’t even know wtf to do with him anymore either. 😑
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sunsafewriting · 2 years
for the prompt: do a flip universe + TLOU
“Well, obviously more than one. Two or three, at least, right?” Ava says. 
She's got her head in Beatrice's lap, having usurped the print-out Beatrice was reading a few minutes ago. It's inarguably the best setup in the world: she's got the whole rest of the couch to stretch out on, and both of Beatrice's hands on her — one gently stroking back her hair, the other resting on Ava's arm. 
“Three seems like a lot,” Beatrice replies.
But that’s not a no, and Ava can work from there. “Diego will help us, won't you, bud?” 
He looks over at them from where he's sitting on the carpet, sketching out a new comic. He prefers to draw on the floor rather than at the table, which is presumably because the artistic vibes are simply better lower to the ground. “Totally,” he confirms. 
Ava beams at Beatrice, reaching up to catch her wrist, to sweep her thumb over the soft skin there. “See? We can do three. Or four.”
There’s a moment of deliberation, but Ava knows when she’s won. Not only does Beatrice have about six different tells — microscopic, but observed by Ava over the years and lovingly documented — but also Ava has a compelling track record when it comes to this sort of thing. 
“Okay. Three,” Beatrice agrees. “But four is definitely too many.”
“True. It might get confusing.”
“Also, I don't feel that a zombie apocalypse is likely enough to merit four separate survival plans.” 
“HBO makes a very compelling case, babe. A lot of things can go wrong.” 
Which Beatrice is aware of, because she sure doesn't turn a lot of pages of her book while Ava's watching The Last of Us on the TV. 
“Plus, it's best to be prepared,” Ava adds. “You love being prepared. This way, we have a backup for our backup.”
While Ava still prefers a general guns-blazing, swing-first-think-second approach to life, she has come to appreciate the value of planning ahead. For example, she’s managed to streamline her morning routine to maximise the window of time she has for making out with Beatrice before one of them has to go to class or work. 
“I have paper,” Diego says. “We can write them up now. I think the most important thing is probably to get a catapult, or a sword. But there aren’t a lot of good places around here to get swords.” 
“Put down get a sword as step one anyway, that’s a great start,” Ava tells him. “I also vote that we steal a really cool car for step two. Obviously, it has to be heavy-duty enough to plough through zombies, but the most important thing is that it’s super dope. Better than Mary’s. I’ve got to have this, because you know she’s going to out-apocalypse me.” 
“Steal a car,” Diego echoes back. “Brackets, cool.”
He’s been getting very into brackets, as of late. Also semicolons, but he seems to just pepper them into sentences whenever he wants, with no regard for their intended function. Although it’s very possible that he actually does understand how they work, and is just drunk on the power of learning a new punctuation mark. 
“Clean water. Or some means of effectively decontaminating water,” Beatrice suggests. 
Ava shakes her head. “No, that’s too legit. We can put that in our, like, good plan. The second plan. This first one should just be based on what you’d most want to do if all of society fell apart.” 
“I’d most want to make sure we had clean drinking water.”
“It has to be ridiculous and fun. Like, we should also steal a boat. The zombies most likely won’t be able to swim. And I think I’d rock a captain’s hat.”
“Or a pirate hat,” Diego supplies. “Boat is step three. Hat is step four.” 
“Exactly. See?”  
“This is starting to seem less like a survival plan and more like a list of your dream crimes.”
“The beauty of the apocalypse is that nothing is a crime,” Ava tells her. She kisses the back of Beatrice’s hand and then nudges it back up to her hair. Beatrice automatically resumes her steady, gentle motions, and Ava settles into the feeling with a pleased hum. 
“Well, I don’t really have a list of dream crimes.”
Ava can’t say that comes as a surprise. Beatrice does have a list of dream bookstores to visit though. If the zombie situation isn’t too out of control, they could totally manage to hit a few of those locations post-apocalypse, too. 
“You can borrow some of mine,” Diego offers generously.
Ava nods. “And then we can put your clean water in the third plan.”
“I thought it was going in the second?” 
“I demoted it. I think our second plan should be to secure a mall. Then we’ve got everything we need. We can just lock all the doors and keep the zombies out. Boom. Nailed it. Can’t have a boat in a mall, though, so that needs to be its own separate plan.”  
Malls are also currently in Ava’s good books because when she went to buy a jacket last week, she got to kiss Beatrice in the changing room. But they’re also strategically defensible strongholds. Never let it be said that Ava's decision-making is too heavily influenced by opportunities to make out with Beatrice. Even though it is. 
“That’s so smart,” Diego says, scribbling down the idea on another sheet of paper. “Malls even have water, too, so that works for everyone.” 
“And we should get a horse for the mall.”
“How does the horse help with the zombies?”
“I don’t know, but that had horses in The Last of Us, and it just feels right.” 
“So then also cowboy hats,” Diego reminds her.  
“Of course.” 
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gabriel-xander · 5 months
Don't Forget
[Sans x Female!Reader]
6: Whaaat? Nooo! Things are Definitely NOT Getting Suspicious!
A/N: So, Sans is a skeleton monster. Yes, he doesn’t have “muscles or skin”, but he’s still a monster. So it’s less that he’s a skeleton, and more so that he’s a monster that looks like a skeleton. That being said, every time I want to write “he raised an eyebrow,” or “his muscles twitched,” I REALLY don’t want to have to clarify “not actual muscles because he’s a skeleton, but he’s still a monster so the same logic still applies to him” EVERY TIME 😭 So please hold those comments and let me make my life a little easier 😭 thank you and Gesundheit!!
Anyway, thank you for reading, and please enjoy this chapter!
Tears pool in your eyes, agony reflects in pools of [e/c] and frustration colors your expression.
“Yes, my child?”
She smiles in amusement, holding in a chuckle, “It’s not so bad. It’s your second attempt and it already looks like a Froggit…. If… If you squint…”
You sigh with a defeated smile, “You’re right, you’re right. It’s just… One of my toxic traits is thinking I can do anything without any prior practice or skill.”
“That must be difficult to cope with.”
“Oh, dude. Like you wouldn’t believe.”
So, crocheting isn’t going as well as you’d hoped. You would think that your desire to become a Surgeon would mean that your hands are pretty steady. They’re… steady enough, you suppose. It could just be a major case of Skill Issue™ that is holding you back. Your spirits are beginning to be affected by this, though.
This is the third time Toriel has tried introducing you to a new hobby just for you to fail miserably. Six days ago, you two were trying out knitting. Then three days ago, you two tried clay sculpting. And today? It’s crocheting.
You’re not actually complaining though, you’re having a lot of fun despite your failed attempts! More accurately, you’re having fun hanging out with the goat mom so it doesn’t matter if you were bad at this stuff. You understand that the reason why she’s doing this is because she wants you to have fun and not be bored having to stay inside all the time. You really appreciate the effort she’s putting in, so the most you can do is try to give each of these activities a genuine shot.
You shake your head to get back in the game, “Okay, okay. Let me try again, I think I can do it right this time.”
You flip to the next page of a random history book you’ve been reading. “Trapped behind the barrier and fearful of further human attacks, we retreated. Far, far into the earth we walked, until we reached the cavern's end. This was our new home, which we named… “Home.” As great as our king is, he is pretty lousy at names.”
“Oh shit, it’s this book!” You perk up with a smile, “I’ve been looking for this damn book. It only took me two and a half weeks of being here and going through the whole shelf. Why is it all the way down here?”
With Toriel out of the house yet again, you decided to take up reading once more. Toriel leaves the house for a few hours every day, she always goes to the very beginning of the Ruins (where you fell in) to check if another human has fallen down. You wonder if one of these days Toriel will come home with that child. Would Frisk be thrown off by your presence? Or will they, for some reason, find you as a threat and try to Reset in the hopes of getting rid of you?
Nah, Frisk isn’t that type of person. They have jerk dialogue options in the Pacifist route, but you never consider them to be true to Frisk. The possibility still makes you nervous.
The history book isn’t very long, and before long you reached the last page. You’re about to put it back but decide to move it to the middle of the shelf instead. You can’t explain it, but it feels better in that spot instead.
You put your hands on your hips. Well, you guess you can try painting before Toriel gets back for lunch.
It’s been three and a half weeks, and Toriel is running out of options for you. She’s considering getting you a job in the small city in the Ruins so you have something to do. In your boredom, you’ve read most of the books in her home, you cook for her now all of the time, and you clean all the time, too. You only seem to like doing the other hobbies if Toriel is there to do it with you.
She knows, though, that you really need to get out of the house. You’re young, energetic, and adventurous; despite your resolve to understand that if you’re not careful, you could be killed, she knows that you can’t stay inside all the time.
So, she goes to a friend for help.
“Actually, before I must go,” Toriel says a little hesitantly, “There is something I’d like to ask of you. I-I’d like a favor.”
Sans’ smile becomes a little strained, though he supposes it doesn’t matter if he keeps up that facade since there isn’t anyone around. But it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. And yeah, he’s a skeleton and thus does not have any muscles, but he’s still a monster, so there’s a possibility for anything.
“a favor? well, i can’t say i’m all powerful and knowing, but if you tell me what it is, i might be able to help out,” The comic replies.
“You’ve mentioned going to the Waterfalls and Hotlands a few times, correct? Do you perhaps know a handful of people?”
“uh, i guess i do. why?”
“Would you happen to know any ghost monsters? Particularly, a sad-looking ghost who pretends to sleep a lot. He was here a few weeks ago, but has not returned,” Toriel thinks back to you expressing wanting to be friends with that ghost, “There is no way for me to reach out to him, so I was wondering if it would be at all possible for you to find him somehow, and send him my way.”
Toriel is talking about Napstablook, Sans knows him the same way he knows almost everyone in the Underground (after so many Resets, he took it upon himself to know the different people, especially those who have a connection with Frisk). He lives in Waterfall, alone and generally keeps to himself. He sometimes goes to the Ruins just to hang out by himself as well.
Why… Why does Toriel want to know about him all of a sudden?
“uh, i think i know who you’re talking about. did he do something wrong?”
“Oh, heavens no! There’s just… something I’m curious about, that’s all. I see him often, but I never go out of my way to say hello.”
“oh… kay?” This is so weird, “yeah, i can find him and let him know you’re looking for him.”
Toriel smiles in relief, “Thank you so much, friend. I should really get going now. Until next time.”
“yeah, ‘till next time.”
Sans hears Toriel walk away in a hurry, scratching his skull in confusion as he also begins his walk to Snowdin. What the fuck was that? Even before the kid came and ruined everything, Toriel had not once expressed being curious about other monsters. She’s under the assumption that monsters still fight humans out of malice, and not because they just feel like they have to at this point.
Why is this suddenly different? It can’t really be because this is the natural development Toriel goes through, right? Nothing in Sans’ past experience hints at this kind of development in Toriel, or that it could be capable on her own-
‘it can’t be possible on her own.’
Sans stops walking.
No… Could it really be…?
Frisk is back in the Underground, and is staying in the Ruins?
The sussy skeleton knocks his knuckles against a door (albeit he had to knock harder than anyone usually has since he’s wearing pink gloves at the moment), huffing slightly while waiting for an answer. He’s tapping his foot impatiently on the ground, looking around aimlessly at nothing in particular. To Napstablook’s credit, he doesn’t make the other wait for too long. Instead of opening the door, the ghost just phases through it.
Napstablook is looking at the other in confusion, which is completely understandable.
“oh… hi, sans…”
“hey, buddy. how are ya?”
Napstablook’s headphones slowly fade away into nothingness. Wow, impressive skill. Sans has no idea how he did that.
“i’m doing alright, i guess… i was just working on a new remix…” Napstablook avoids eye contact, “um, sans…”
“not that i don’t mind that you’re here, but… you never come here and we never really talk… did you need something…?”
Sans sighs a short laugh, “heh. you’re straightforward, huh? yeah, there is something i need to tell you.”
“oh. wh-what is it?”
“you were in the ruins a few weeks ago, right?”
“how-how did you know…?”
Sans shrugs, “heard it from that monster lady who takes care of the ruins. she was wondering why you stopped showing up, and wants to see you as soon as it’s convenient for you.”
“oh…” Napstablook doesn’t have eyebrows, but his big ‘ol eyes are expressive enough to show some confusion, “that lady…? i thought she didn’t want me there anymore because of that human…”
Shit, so Frisk is in the Ruins! Sans forces himself to stay calm. Sans raises a brow and leans forward a bit.
“a human, huh? now, that’s somethin’. you remember how they look like?”
At this, the ghost smiles softly and meekly, “yeah… i didn’t get a good look ‘caues i was laying down, but she was wearing a striped brown dress, and had kind, [e/c] eyes. must be a kid that the lady is looking after…”
…So it’s not Frisk. As far as Sans is aware, Frisk has always been androgynous, and he knows the ghost monster isn’t an asshole to misgender them purposely. (Ignore that Sans at that moment forgot Napstablook wouldn’t have any memory of Frisk.) Not only that but a striped, brown dress? Unless Frisk decided to get a new look, then Napstablook was describing someone else.
“really now? you don’t think this could be an evil human, do you?”
“oh, no way… she was really nice to me and had a lot of faith in my fake sleep… no one has ever given me that much encouragement in my fake sleep before.”
…That’s nice, Blooky.
“if only i could remember her name… the big monster lady said it once…”
Sans widens his eye sockets slightly, “come on now, bud. i know you can remember it.”
Napstablook squeezes his eyes, “mmnn… it was… it was… s… sa… mm… de… ehhh…”
The skeleton tenses up, his fists being held in front of himself like a child overfilled with anticipation.
“i think it was… uh…”
“...i got nothing. sorry…”
Sans sighs heavily in disappointment, “it’s fine, buddy. it was a long shot, anyway.”
“well, i can tell you when i find out… if you want…”
“hey, not a bad idea,” Sans holds his gloved hand to his chin in thought, “try to be discrete though, yeah? we don’t wanna scare the human thinking that a lot of monsters are after her.”
“…actually, why do you wanna know about the human?” Napstablook shrinks back slightly, “you don’t wanna take her soul, do you…?”
Hey! Sans may not like humans (and Frisk certainly didn’t help with that), but he’s not a heartless monster (hah). Granted, if this new human that’s with Toriel is a jerk, and Toriel doesn’t make him also promise to keep her safe, then he might do something drastic and violent. He knows that it’s rash and rather harsh, but can the blame really be on him after all he’s had to endure?
“nah, i’m not interested in capturing any human,” Sans said, you know, like a liar, “you can’t blame a skeleton for being worried though, right? it’s been so long since the last human was down here, ya know?”
“yeah, i guess that’s true…” Napstablook resummons his headphones with, presumably, magic, “i should get going then… i’ll see you later, sans…”
“see ya later, bud.”
Napstablook at least has the manners to not pass through Sans, and instead takes the time to float around him to make his way to the Ruins.
Sans watches him leave for a moment before taking a shortcut home. More specifically, he takes a shortcut to his bedroom. He sighs in relief, ditching his pink slippers by the door to drag his feet to his bed.
On the way, he nabs a notebook from his self-sustaining tornado made of trash. By his command, the bunched up, weird, creasy ball of his covers unravels itself to lay out on his worn mattress.
With a sigh, the skeleton flops down face first on his bed.
Sans lifts his head with a wince, not appreciating the sans-ation of his forgotten pen falling out of his eye socket. Huh. He’s been looking for this pen, guess it’s been lost in his covers all this time. He takes it and rolls over to his back, opening up his notebook and flipping through the pages until he reaches a blank one. The monster clicks his pen and scribbles on the top corner until the ink starts to flow out of the ball point.
thursday, january 17th, 20XX
RESET #43: Post-Flowey (207 days since the last reset)
there’s a new human in the underground. napstablook was describing a girl, presumably a child. what’s with all the children falling to the underground? anyway, he swears up and down that she’s not evil or harmful, but i doubt it. how long as she been in the ruins? why did toriel hide this information from me?
it might have to do with the fact we’ve been drifting apart lately. about two months ago i noticed she’s been more reclusive and less willing to talk for long. i think she can pick up that i haven’t been putting in my all lately. i can’t bring myself to really care that much anymore, which is probably why she doesn’t enjoy talking to me anymore. i don’t blame her.
it’s been worse recently though. about a month ago, she’s been really different. she’s a lot more energetic, but i can tell when she talks to me that she would rather be somewhere else. maybe that’s when the human girl showed up. she has to be a pro at manipulating if toriel is enjoying this human’s company.
or maybe all these resets are getting to me, and the human isn’t that bad after all.
only time will tell.
luckily (or maybe not) napstablook is going to the ruins and will check out the human. hopefully he remembers to ask for the girl’s name, and tell me anything else that can be relevant. maybe the human has something to do with toriel asking for him. i can’t think of another reason why.
it makes me wonder… if frisk never had shown up at all, would this be the natural order of what was to happen? that another human would eventually fall in anyway?
whatever. i’ll learn more once napstablook comes back from the ruins.
i hope he comes back from the ruins…
Whelp, that’s enough thinking for today. Sans has no idea when that ghost will come back, so he might as well take a nap. It’s been a long 40 minutes, he’s earned it.
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@lemonboy011 I don't know if I did this right whoops
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marta-bee · 2 years
Let’s talk about good and evil, Good Omens-style. 
Pressing on with reading the book, I’m maybe two-thirds or three-quarters through the first chapter. Still not through! But War has made her first appearance, Aziraphale and Crowley are finally sobered p and decided to be god-parents, and I think I’m ready for another mental break. It’s hilarious. It’s harrowing. I am marveling at the sheer genius of the writing. And feeling for Aziraphale being stuck in his own goodness. He’s a cheeky bastard what with the bible-proof pages and all, but still so hemmed in by what he’s defined himself to be. 
Mostly I think I need to take a break, because there’s some really interesting philosophy going on here and I need to unpack it a bit to really feel his weight. 
Last week I’d stopped with Crowley and the Spanish Inquisition. Still feeling the *oomph* of that passage; but this week starts out with its flip-side, which had such an aura of hope to it, for me.
And just when you'd think they were more malignant than ever Hell could be, they could occasionally show more grace than Heaven ever dreamed of. Often the same individual was involved. It was this free-will thing, of course. It was a bugger.
That’s one of my favorite things about humanity, how we’re capable of what my human-bound sense of morality connects with goodness. We’re both. We’re potential. And I think for Crowley, that potential is almost more important than what we potentialize into. Maybe it’s that humans have creativity and a spark that lets them do things stolid heaven and decrepit hell just can’t conceive of. But there’s something very attractive to Crowley about this ability change, to make a choice and not just do or be what they’re predestined to do or be, that’s very attractive to Crowley. If anything connects to what I think of as morality in this world, I think that ability for growth is it. A capacity to surprise and spersede your programming, for lack of a better term.
There’s actually a really delightful exchange I’d forgotten about, on the concept of free will, leading up to that snippet I quoted earlier:
Aziraphale had tried to explain it to him once. The whole point, he'd said-this was somewhere around 1020, when they'd first reached their little Arrangement-the whole point was that when a human was good or bad it was because they wanted to be. Whereas people like Crowley and, of course, himself, were set in their ways right from the start. People couldn't become truly holy, he said, unless they also had the opportunity to be definitively wicked.
Crowley had thought about this for some time and, around 1023, had said, Hang on, that only works, right, if you start everyone off equal, okay? You can't start someone off in a muddy shack in the middle of a war zone and expect them to do as well as someone born in a castle.
Ah, Aziraphale had said, that's the good bit. The lower you start, the more opportunities you have. Crowley had said, That's lunatic.
No, said Aziraphale, it's ineffable.
Aziraphale. The Enemy, of course. But an enemy for six thousand years now, which made him a sort of friend.
Crowley reached down and picked up the car phone.
Being a demon, of course, was supposed to mean you had no free will. But you couldn't hang around humans for very long without learning a thing or two.
Angels and demons can’t change; except of course they can. That’s the whole point of Satan, as Crowley points out later:
"What will happen to the child if it doesn't get a Satanic upbringing, though?" said Aziraphale. "Probably nothing. It'll never know."
"But genetics-"
"Don't tell me from genetics. What've they got to do with it?" said Crowley. "Look at Satan. Created as an angel, grows up to be the Great Adversary. Hey, if you're going to go on about genetics, you might as well say the kid will grow up to be an angel. After all, his father was really big in Heaven in the old days. Saying he'll grow up to be a demon just because his dad became one is like saying a mouse with its tail cut off will give birth to tailless mice. No. Upbringing is everything. Take it from me."
"And without unopposed Satanic influences – "
"Well, at worst Hell will have to start all over again. And the Earth gets at least another eleven years. That's got to be worth something, hasn't it?"
Now Aziraphale was looking thoughtful again.
"You're saying the child isn't evil of itself?" he said slowly.
"Potentially evil. Potentially good, too, I suppose. Just this huge powerful potentiality, waiting to be shaped," said Crowley. He shrugged. "Anyway, why're we talking about this good and evil? They're just names for sides. We know that."
"I suppose it's got to be worth a try," said the angel.
Satan can change. Satan did change. And Crowley, too, in the first passage; he decided to make a choice when that’s supposed to be very much a human thing. Even Aziraphale shows a real capacity to, not change his mind perhaps, but let himself be swayed, certainly That whole conversation between Aziraphale and Crowley over what to do about the antichrist reeks of motivated reasoning on his part.
"That's it, then," said Crowley, with a gleam of triumph. He knew Aziraphale's weak spot all right. "No more compact discs. No more Albert Hall. No more Proms. No more Glyndbourne. Just celestial harmonies all day long."
"Ineffable," Aziraphale murmured.
"Like eggs without salt, you said. Which reminds me. No salt, no eggs. No gravlax with dill sauce. No fascinating little restaurants where they know you. No Daily Telegraph crossword. No small antique shops. No bookshops, either. No interesting old editions. No" – Crowley scraped the bottom of Aziraphale's barrel of interests-"Regency silver snuffboxes . . . "
"But after we win life will be better!" croaked the angel.
"But it won't be as interesting. Look, you know I'm right. You'd be as happy with a harp as I'd be with a pitchfork."
He’s supposed to want good. He’s with heaven, that’s the definition of being heaven-aligned, to want good; and taking better as a synonym... yeah, probably if the win the Apocalypse (which they probably would), life would be more good. And that thought makes Aziraphale desperate; he’s croaking the words there, see? He’s torn between what he’s supposed to want and what he actually wants, and it’s all coming to a head. 
Then Crowley said it won’t be as interesting, something else entirely, from the heaven- or hell-aligned, and that’s when he starts to crack. It’s a rebellion, or at least a falling (sauntering vaguely downward, if you prefer); because he’s choosing something here too outside what he’s supposed to be working toward: not better, but more interesting. And thank Someone for that.
Let’s go back to that first exchange, though, where Aziraphale and Crowley are discussing free will. Because Crowley makes a really interesting point, both narratively and in terms of real-world philosophy.
Hang on, that only works, right, if you start everyone off equal, okay? You can't start someone off in a muddy shack in the middle of a war zone and expect them to do as well as someone born in a castle.
Ah, Aziraphale had said, that's the good bit. The lower you start, the more opportunities you have. Crowley had said, That's lunatic.
Aziraphale’s line is one I heard often enough from the Protestant-Christian side of my upbringing. Blessed are those who suffer for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. And Crowley’s right: it’s nonsense to think people who are fighting all day every day to survive will ever be able to do as well at this free choice sanctification scheme as people who have the luxury of a bit of breathing space. Free will, for one thing, is meaningless if you don’t actually have two options to choose from; and the space (mental and otherwise) to actually make a decision.
Personally this isn’t the interpretation of Christianity I’ve found most useful, or consistent with the way I read the (Christian) Bible. It’s not that suffering gives you more opportunities for growth; there’s a sense of to-whom-much-has-been-given-much-will-be-expected shot through so many of Christ’s parables (the Five Talents, for instance), and of course there’s the line that it’s easier for a rich man to pass through the Eye of the Needle than to get into heaven; if you know your Biblical archaeology, that’s essentially saying you have to be stripped free of your baggage, which is the one thing rich people won’t be able to do.
Put another way: those who suffer, those who are poor and week, are blessed not because their suffering lets them achieve more heaven-points, but because they don’t need them precisely because they’re small. Whereas those given more resources, more is expected of them. I don’t think Crowley would approve of that kind of valorizing of smallness, but intellectually at least it makes more sense than what Crowley’s been twisted to think is correct.
I’m more a fan of the Aristotelian approach, myself. There are virtues that ought to motivate actions, but at the same time it’s all tied up in what’s possible for an individual. So a person who’s, say, OCD and deals with excessive anxiety might show more genuine courage in crossing the street than someone without that psychology would need to run into a burning building. Of course there’s certain maladies that make it impossible to exercise true virtue and we should feel pity for those people even if we don’t think of them as virtuous. But at least within certain limits, courage isn’t just about doing the most extreme thing, even necessarily what the situation demands, because courage is being guided by fear in the right way so we behave courageously; and if you’ve got more fear to navigate you need better courage than most to do the navigating.
That’s a much better way of thinking about things to me. Afflicted people aren’t better than those with a better starting out point because they get more heaven-points (whatever form that takes) or reach some better external state than people with a more favorable starting point; it’s that to even get to the same result as other people, they need more oomph, more grace, more whatever, because of all they’re pushing back against. It’s not fair, but it seems at least a more generous interpretation of the reality we’re all trying to struggle through.
Getting back to the book, though, I find it really interesting that Aziraphale and Crowley think of good and evil in these terms. It’s a sign of the headspace Heaven and Hell drive them toward, I think; to the point Crowley says they’re just labels for our side, those words don’t actually mean anything. 
But he’s still shaken by Barcelona. He’s still begging with Aziraphale- test them, sure, but not to destruction. He doesn’t want humanity to be ended, and it’s not for the more self-centered reasons that drive Aziraphale here, those lovely little bits of life on earth he finds so enjoyable. There’s a sense that he shouldn’t allow that to happen. There’s a should, an ought, a moral imperative still, even for a demon who’s been trying to tempt humanity toward his side for six millennia here. And while I don’t want to indulge on simple moralizing, there’s something at his core that won’t let him just let history do its thing. It may not neatly align with what heaven or hell is pointing for, that’s really the point, but there’s still an ought in play that’s somehow independent of all that.
Frankly, I find all that fascinating, not to mention a damned compelling narrative.
And War’s up next, I see. I need a readerly break, but when I get back, I think things are about to get fun.
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corujalesbica · 2 years
Why would you wear black to a wedding - chapter 2
Wednesday woke up in terrible pain. She had a massive headache, her muscles were all sore and she had that lingering fear of waking up after a nightmare. It was great. The girl got up, it was already six am and she was very late for her morning guillotine use practice. To be very honest she had been tired, she was summoned hours after she went to sleep, and then for some reason agreed to fake date a werewolf.
A pretty girl her age before her, looking at her with shiny eyes, and Wednesday wanted to leave. She had turned down requests from summoners before, and she would do it again. One time, someone summoned her thinking her mom would answer, and that was a very awkward conversation to have. But despite her complaints about "human beings and their annoying behavior" Wednesday loved the curse. She had been waiting for it her whole life, and the feeling of her soul being sucked from her body was always so horrifically good.
Not to mention that every time she answered a request, the girl gained power as a witch. She got stronger and stronger, to the point she was fairly sure she could defeat a monster as powerful as a vampire in a fight. So really, it should've been easy to walk away. She had everything. She didn't need the magic the job would give her.
But as golden curls and blue eyes stood in front of her, she got stuck. That girl was an interesting being. She shone more than the stars at night, and talked like her life depended on it. Wednesday found that fascinating. Well, she did find most social being considerably interesting. How could one form relationships so strong as to endure the hardships of life ? How did people connect so easily, so fast ? It had taken her a lifetime of good occurrences to trust her very best friend, Eugene. But some people made friends like it was as easy as killing flowers. Some people shined like stars.
The eldest Addams child turned back to her room, as her brother once again escaped the guillotine and ran downstairs, probably to try and explode something. She opened an old drawer in the attic where the guillotine was, dozens of cursed notebooks to choose from staring back at her. She got one with a black leather cover, and opened in the first page, quite enjoying herself when a beetle got out of it and ran through her hair. In the first line she wrote :
Enid Sinclair , an analysis of werewolf relationships and interactions
She spent the rest of the morning writing.
Wednesday knocked on the door, she read somewhere that was polite. The girl who had summoned her the night before - Enid - opened it, seeming quite confused for a moment, before she pulled the witch in and closed the door behind her.
"I am prepared" The girl in black said as she sat on the very edge of the pink bed. Now that the lights were on, she realized the room was quite colorful, and that made her dizzy. She didn't want to touch the pink too much, afraid it might make the sinking feeling in her chest worse.
"Prepared for…?" Enid sat in front of her, with her legs crossed and a questioning expression.
"Prepared for the wedding, of course." Was that girl dumb ? "I made some research on werewolf weddings and traditions in general. I have some graphics if you want to see them." She added after a pause.
"Oh… I mean, I thought we were gonna get ready together." The werewolf looked down "But it's okay! I'm sure we can still learn tons about each other before tonight. It's only two pm after all."
"Tonight ? What do you mean, wasn't the wedding on Sunday ? Today 's Friday."
"Hum… Sorry I didn't know how to tell you this yesterday, my mom wants to meet you _ well, to met the girl I'm ' going out with ' before the ceremony. I tried to make her back down but she insists on it." Enid was playing with strands of hair, and scratching her scalp as she talked. " I'm sorry"
" It is okay. I prepared myself for unusual situations". Wednesday took her notebook from her bag. " This is an unusual summoning job. Usually I just kill someone, deliver their head and call it a day."
Enid looked at her like she had many questions, but ultimately decided against saying anything.
"OK so first things first." The girl in pink said after taking herself a notebook from her shelf. " We gotta get to know each other, my moms probably gonna ask a lot. So, I wrote down some things you have to know about me and some questions for you, now, if you don't want to actually talk about your life which I totally get since I'm a stranger and all we could invent a couple lies to cover you. So I'm thinking you are an astronaut and-"
"Why would I want to lie ? That sounds harder than just talking about my real life." Wednesday would never get how other people worked, she thought. Pink girl had such a weird brain.
"I mean, if you want to talk about your life life you can do that I just wanted you to feel comfortable and all…"
"I feel terrible. This nauseating colors make me want to kill myself in the most horrible way." Wednesday closed her eyes, and breathed in slowly. "It's great."
Enid wanted to argue against that confusing logic but kept her mouth shut. "Anyways" she said, " I made you a quiz on me! There are some questions and then you just have to click on the little squares to see the answers."
Wednesday furrowed her brows. "All the due offense, why would I want a quiz on you ?"
"So we can get to know each other, silly! I just explained it! It's all part of my plan."
" You have a plan ? No offense, but you don't seem like the plan tipe."
"I don't have a plan, I have the most awesome plan."
"Enlighten me then, pretty pink girl." Enid's cheeks turned red at that, but Wednesday didn't think much of it. She was used to seeing people turn red when she hanged them and such.
"Well" The girl says looking away "I was thinking we could say we had a meet cute in a coffee shop and started talking then. Maybe sending letters to each other ? I know they're outdated but they're so roman-"
" Why would I be in a coffee shop though ?"
"That's what you have a problem with ? Ok, Hum, maybe you needed some coffee I guess, since it's what they huh, sell there and all that"
"I don't drink coffee. Needing caffeine to wake up is for the week. If I'm feeling tired I'll drink the blood of my fallen enemies mixed with some monster."
"In that case, maybe you needed coffee for a potion or something ?"
"There is a very specific type of poison that requires caffeine. I like the way you think, pink girl."
" I have a name, you know. It's Enid."
"I will read your notes and do your silly quiz then, Enid."
They fell into comfortable silence then, after Enid handed Wednesday the notes and Wednesday gave her "The book of torture, a essencial read to get to know me." The pictures and description in it were absolutely nasty, just as Wednesday loved, and Enid seemed to be having a hard time reading it. "I'll take one for the team" she said when Wednesday asked about it.
She didn't know they were a team.
Four hours of conversation and silence both, had passed before Wednesday remembered she never actually explained the Addams family ritual to Enid. She thought if she was gonna be a sacrifice, she'd like to know so perhaps she should tell pink girl about the ritual, but just as she opened her mouth to speak the door slammed open.
"Enid, honey! I am…" the woman's eyes landed on Wednesday. She was an older version of Enid, still, something about her felt inherently different. "...home."
Wednesday snorted.
Nhe not sure about the dialogue flow on this one. Also I'm sorry it's a bit shorter, I wanted to divide their conversation about their shaninigans and the dinner with the Sinclairs so the next will be like chapter 2 B kinda. Anywayysss. That's it for today thank you if you've read all that!!
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thattimdrakeguy · 2 years
Tim Drake: Robin is probably not going to be very good.
Hi, you may know me from such motion pictures as, ‘I stole this from the Simpsons’ and ‘Being Self Aware Isn’t Always Funny, But It Hasn’t Stopped Me So Far’ 
I think this comic is a train wreck. I think we have a problem here, I’m sorry, but mmm mmm mmm. This is looking like the deep south side of elevation.
But we can learn from this. We can we can, trust me, we can. While also being kind of upset that this is Tim’s first major comic in over a decade, because I’m not going to be timid. I’ll say it, I’ll go ahead, it fucking sucks.
It does. But why? Someone probably saw this post and went “What the hell is he going on about...?” and...well.
Look I’m just going to be blunt, so let’s not make this difficult...but...imagine I’m sighing or something, make this melodramatic for no actually good reason, but this preview they gave is a damn train wreck.
I am going to give my reasons for why, but let me just get my not really critical thoughts on what’s presented and just my general thoughts on what I’m seeing so far if that makes any sense.
To say that, I am freaking SOOOOOOO upset that this is Tim’s big comeback comic. This is a pile of pages that shouldn’t have to be paid for to see it legally.
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I’m pretty sure they advertised Tim Drake as the World’s Favorite Robin or something like that, and beyond the fact that you know damn well given that there’s 5 different Robins simply in the main universe alone, that people are going to be snapping back at that like crazy.
But with this as the comic they’re presenting it is laughable.
And believe me when I say I am feeling the exact opposite of pleasure by saying that.
Because this isn’t even a comic about Tim Drake. This is a below average fan fiction, that’d barely get past 100 views on AO3, except if you want to legally see it, you have to pay for it. All while this is the first ongoing solo Tim has had in over a decade, and this is a really crappy way to get into that.
This is all from a preview. But I am not saying anything that is not a legitimate critique. And I wouldn’t be sitting up out of my coffin to say any of this unless I genuinely felt worried. I am not doing this out of hate, we don’t have enough time to hate unless it’s justified, and I’m not crazy enough to say I hate this in mean it. I just also think that it’s the opposite of good.
So let me get into this step by step:
Okay, step one, I’m going to just speak as if I’m talking to you, okay? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that, this is not a two way post, you can hear me, I can’t hear you, sorry how awkward that is. Anyways.
You’re writing a comic about a character. A very specific character. A character that used to be super popular, but still has a devoted fan base, that’s had to go through so many random character changes and dips in quality through the last 20 years especially that people have seen him gone from DC’s most popular teen superhero, selling only second in that department to SUPERMAN AS A TEENAGE BOY. Which says quite a lot. To a character deemed irrelevant because I hardly feel like they get anyone to write him that knows how to write a decent story with him.
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And now we got six pages out of a...what, 20 page thing?
But here’s how these six pages are already awful in genuinely, what shouldn’t be controversial reasons, because this is just how a story is made, all right.
1. Six pages, and not a single one of them gives you anything that identifies this black haired skeleton as Tim Drake besides the fact you know he is supposed to be Tim Drake.
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You write a character...you gotta make sure it’s an actual character. This black haired skeleton says nothing that gives him a personality, or anything that resembles who Tim is as a person, and instead--let me blunt here.
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Yes, it is kind of cute, but that’s not an actual excuse or substitute for character writing. I am talking about this from a writing perspective not if I think it’s cute enough. If you like it, I’m happy for you. I am not.
A very generic character, who’s dialogue and thoughts you could give to about near any character. He has no interesting POV anymore, there’s nothing you can relate to with him, no specific voice for him. ETC ETC. (Yes, I only showed two pages, but trust me, it does not get better.) Things that made him work, also hahaha I know people think he has no personality, but I’m not an idiot, and I am fully aware that he does have a personality, I am sorry for having better reading comprehension, folks that think that, I really really am.
Six pages of nothing that makes this drawing Tim Drake. And since he is the star of this show this is freaking awful. This is horrendous. Your job as a writer is to let people know who this guy is, why you should like him, what some of his flaws are, and put him in situations where you can learn how he is. You have to make him feel like he’s worth reading on his own. You do, you really really do.
That is the basics of character work. The fact that this is a preview means nothing, because this is what people are supposed to read to know if they want to read this comic.
2. This art is, I betchu, so perfect...for another series. Where it will bring you some honestly whimsical imagery for a specific story. Any refined art style is beautiful...in the right context. And this art style sadly does not fit this character in anyway. 
Also the fact that are drawing Bernard to look more feminine, and give him mannerisms that are not mannerisms Bernard has is also just fucking patronizing and I hate it. If you’re telling people Bernard is in the comic, you’re supposed to draw Bernard, but sadly he is no where to be found.
He’s never exactly been a beacon of pure testosterone, but he’s clearly not supposed to be like this. He’s obviously not meant to be feminine, he’s a bit masculine if anything, unless you’re going to be weird and call longer hair a sign that he’s feminine, which...it is not. They’re now just making him a stereotype and that’s freaking horrendous of them to do.
3. What character work they give you is stuff you can get for free on Tumblr, Twitter, and about near everywhere. Because it’s just taking stuff you see for free on websites and putting it in a comic for easy fan praise, when really is lazy as could be.
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They have Bernard saying conspiracy theories, this is a part of him, a lot of us know it, a lot of like this, so do I, so why am I being negative?
Because this doesn’t actually tell me anything about him that lets me know what he’s like or who he is. It tells me one superficial trope. How am I supposed to know what he’d do in any situation like this? Stuff I should probably be able to tell to get myself invested in him.
One of the biggest complaints about him right now is that he’s so bland. And not making him feel like a real person isn’t helping. You can have him say conspiracy theories, while also feeling like a real person.
Remember, this is a product you have to pay to legally see. This isn’t just a fan fiction someone made for free. The standards are a bit different. Keep that in mind when I’m saying all of this. ‘Cause I wouldn’t bother saying any of that for a fan fiction. I don’t want to kill people’s fun, I’m just trying to be honest here.
The original Bernard introduction shows you he thinks highly of himself or at least wants others to think that, shows he’s a big smug, likes to show off to people, and sees something he can relate to and is intrigued by in our main protagonist.
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They accomplished that I believe in a single page or two.
It also shows just how horribly they’ve written, drawn, and overall portrayed Bernard. Because while I wouldn’t call the run of Robin he came from overly good, in fact some parts are straight up bad, this introduction is in the end, a really good character introduction.
Take the established names off of this and post it online, and you have a very cute gay boyfriends comic that I’m sure people are going to love, because then it’s in the right place, and fits where it is.
Sadly this is a Tim Drake comic, and nothing about this has anything to do with who Tim Drake is.
“I need to found out who I am” “Can I call him my boyfriend” “I moved ‘cause I needed to find myself”
Bad character work besides the boyfriend line. Why? ‘Cause that’s telling you how comfortable he is in his sexuality right now. He just came out. This is a logical progression in Tim Drake’s story. Sadly, we still need more than that, we need to know who Tim Drake is.
They also settle for having Tim Drake describe the characters generically, instead of giving us any interesting scenes with them to show us what they are. They are telling, not showing. Bad bad writing. It’s one panel, and it’s all described, you can barely identify them truly. They’re all immediately washed away as none important. Maybe some will eventually, but for a first issue this is not the way to debut these people if you expect anything significant.
In technical terms, for those that do not know. There’s a many view out there, it’s okay. There’s many writers in the making that can learn a lesson here.
But the technical term for this is:
Lazy fucking writing.
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Unless you have an audience that is really willing to try super hard, you are not going to get anybody attached to the characters this way. You need to see them be them, doing themselves. If you’re a writer you need to do stuff that the reader can identify this character with.
For fucks sake there’s a scene that should in theory show us some of Tim’s new neighbors. Which, by the way, the fact he moved is ridiculous, because we don’t even know Tim’s personal life where he was. Making all of this pointless, except for the writer to go straight into their own desires. Which is also bad, because then you’re missing viable parts of things to make it work.
Tim was fine, then a new writer comes along, he’s in a crisis, couple more appearances, nothing really showing that this move is a natural progression. There for lady's, gents, nonbinary homies, what does that make it? Unnatural. Yes, forced. That’s bad. You want it to be natural so that you aren’t catching your audience off guard in a bad way by wondering “Why the fuck?” all the damn time, okay? There’s another writing type for you, and if you’re struggling with this, read back your work in the perspective of, you’re someone who has no idea who these characters are, and why this is happening. If you’re left just accepting crap ‘cause it’s said for the most part, your audience is going to suffer a bit.
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Now anyways, we see these neighbors, they’re a bit frantic, why? Because oh my gosh people are trying to evict them! That’s terrible! People can relate to that! It’s real. Likely happening to some of the readers!
There you go, you have your moment to really make people care beyond a superficial.
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And well, Bernard calls them weird. That’s it. Okay, the moments gone, that doesn’t really fit after that, he comes off as insensitive, the line about capitalist fat cats is embarrassingly unnatural, and this is already being printed. Lost opportunity. Nothing but a plot point and somebody saying that who I presume is their mom is pushy.
Like portraying people as genuinely worried about if they’re going to be able to stay where they live, and saying their weird, is some freaking weird writing. It’s trying to be quirky by force.
Again though, with the characters they’re saying, not showing. Sometimes you do need to say stuff. You show everything and your pacing is destroyed. But who characters are is so undoubtedly something that needs to be shown.
The characters who people SAY stuff about in the stories are the characters people DON’T care about. One offs, characters that are about to die, unimportant side characters needed for a plot if needed, but eh, who really cares.
Bad bad bad bad bad. You’re failing, oh my gosh, things are dropping. What’s dropping? I’m sorry but the quality is dropping, dear goodness, dear goodness. Okay, this isn’t good. But STOP.
Calm down, unless like what’s actually what’s happening, you’re already calm. I’m happy for you. I’m mostly just having fun typing this don’t worry about me if you’ve even made this far.
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Oh dear...this is worse, okay maybe get your guard up. More opportunity for learning.
You definitely shouldn’t have this be so far the only thing establishing your main character, especially this early in when we’re supposed to be learning about them. If you’ve wasted this much time, you are doing a bad job at writing your characters.
This means nothing.
This is what people make fun of Riverdale for, but you actually put it in your story. Bad, this doesn’t actually say shit about them first of all. Weird? Weird? Well, what’s normal? See, we don’t know, because that’s a shit way to establish their relationship. More saying, not seeing, and what you’re saying is vague, BAD BAD BAD WRITER BAD.
But it’s okay.
We can all learn. If you stop trying to learn you stop learning. You stop learning, you ain’t getting better. If you’re a writer yourself this isn’t time to start being sad ‘cause you do this too. Because by fucking goodness, you’re going to be better than this, you now know why you shouldn’t do this. And that is good, I am proud of you, you are evolving, you are learning, you are being better by just processing some of this. I’m so fucking happy for you right now, my tears could burst if that’s a saying that means anything, I am not sure. I just said ain’t, and ain’t isn’t a word.
They just kept doing this. What page are we on now? PAGE 5?? OUT OF A 20 PAGE FORMAT?? oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
Well what’s the next page of this preview, OH MOTHER OF NEPTUNE, THIS IS WHERE THEY ACTUALLY LEAVE THE CHARACTER WORK HANGING, as far as we know. (I am being a bit melodramatic for fun here. Don’t take these frantic moments too seriously. I’d just rather have fun than be depressed and talk about why something was bad.)
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I mean cool, it sets up the location, but that means jack shit, we have to know the people better than this first. Set up a reason they’re all together, maybe even just have Tim pop through. Few panels showing what the people are like in their natural climate, there you go, it’s not much but it’s much better than just telling us crap.
AND THE MESSED UP THING IS, so far, we know the least about Tim, because ‘weird’ isn’t a damn personality.
Within six pages, we should know more about Tim Drake than he’s vaguely weird according to himself, that he has apparently weird neighbors...when they seem to just be average people, and that a plot point is that a rich kid’s neighbors might be evicted.
You’re wasting page space if this is all you’ve done.
Yes, this is a pre-established character, but that isn’t an excuse for being lazy. You have to assure people you know what you’re writing, and going off everything except for one story that came out over a year ago now, they don’t know what they’re doing.
They had the perverted character be excited 20 years ago, but when they mention it they have that one act traumatized.
They had a character that was actually pretty calm and average about his attraction to woman, and had them say something sexist.
They had a character that left because of how stressful the life of being a super hero is, as well as the fact their abusive mother forced them into it be just an awful awful thing, and had the character say that all her friends are toxic.
They couldn’t even get a villain right, and had to use fandom crap to fill in places, and didn’t use any of the stuff that might be accurate.
There’s giving people a chance to impress you with their cooking, and then there’s people still saying that as they spilled hot fucking soup all over your crotch 5 fucking times now every time they try to give you something, months passing by.
And I’m not somebody who gives people the benefit of the doubt after a while. But that doesn’t make who wrote this a bad person. I wouldn’t treat them as such. Criticism can be awful, but I’m trying to make it as constructive as possible, because I don’t want to see people fail unless they’re evil, and trying to provide people entertainment isn’t evil.
It’s just awful to me that there’s this character I love who’s getting his first real time to shine in over a decade, and I was someone who hated the last comic even then, and have it be that it’s still not going to be good.
I love Tim Drake, my favorite character, I know such much about him, and at one point I was fortunate enough to be considered a very reliable source of Tim information, before I decided waiting for another good comic wasn’t a very good use of my time, and dealing with seeing people, lying, being toxic, exaggerate, spreading false information just wasn’t helping my already decrepit depression issues.
Hence all of this, but all I can hope for is at least somebody learns something about it.
Because, really, I don’t have time to not be honest about how I feel about a comic, just because I got attached to who’s supposed to  be the lead character. There’s not enough time in life to waste by pretending to enjoy something for such a superficial reason.
But fuck it, I can’t help but be curious.
This is what people are supposed to read to see if they’re even interested in the character to an extent. This isn’t nitpicking, this is basic writing.
And it’s not going well.
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Wake me up out of my coffin when we finally get a comic starring Tim that actually feels like it’s about Tim.
For now, I’ll only be waking from my slumber only periodically for the next Titans United: Bloodpact issue to see if they can keep up the good work. Now that comic had a shockingly good Tim, and plus character work.
Be more like that when it comes to what made it work.
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sweetnsaltymari · 2 years
How Did I Get Here (ch1)
             Dear diary…
             You know? I thought my life would be normal after I moved to Paris from the UK. However… It’s only been about two weeks since mom and dad moved us here that my whole life has changed. It seems that the whole concept of superheroes versus villains exists outside of the comic books. These random villains like Stoneheart, Stormy Weather, and even more. But nothing would prepare me for everything I’ve learned in these two weeks.
 “But dad I don’t want to go to a new school… I’ve already made friends here I’m all set!” The girl whined as her father was packing up their life to the moving truck. “Calm down Ayano, you’ll see that this is going to be a really good experience for you, and you know your fathers worked very hard for this promotion at the company.” The older woman said as she rested her hand on the younger girl’s shoulder. “You know. When I was your age, I had to make a huge change in my life as well. My mom gave me a book to write all my thoughts and feelings down about all I went through.” Ayano looked at her mom with a deadpanned expression, “You mean a Diary mom? I’m not six writing about unicorns and superheroes….” Her mother laughed softly and held out a small gold embellished journal, “no, but you are growing into a young lady. This will be a perfect way to share your feelings.” The girl sighed and took I with a small smile, “Thanks mom… I’ll... try it out...” She said softly as she looked down at the journal. “Great, now finish getting your stuff in the truck so we can be in Paris by this evening.” The girl tucked the book away in her bag before going to pack up the little bit of life she had in her old room. She sighed as she looked around at the emptiness around her, “I hope they’re right about this…” She spoke softly to herself before carrying the few boxes out to the truck.
Ayano’s father slapped down the door of the moving truck and patted it, “This baby could really fit a whole zoo in there if you let it. Let’s hit the road family!” He hummed and got into the drivers’ seat of the car. Ayano followed behind and got in the back, plugging in her headphones and turning on some calming music by Pacific Coolest. She sighed and leaned her head on the cool window and watched as the scenery pass before dozing off.
Soon she was woken to soft shakes by her mother, whining softly, “honey… we’re here” Her mother spoke softly, and she sat up to rub her eyes. She looked at the new place she now had to call home. It wasn’t the biggest house, but it was immaculate and showed status which was apparently important to her parents. She sighed and got out of the car, shrugging on the overnight bag she packed for the first few nights while they unpacked. “I’m going to bed…” She said softly as she went up the stairs and into the house. Her parents shared a similar look of worry between hem as she left but shrugged it off, “Teenagers...” He father sighed and left her to be. Ayano flopped on her new bed and looked around her bare room and let out a whine before looking through her bag, the new journal being at the top. “I guess I’ll try this…” She flipped open the journal to the first page and took out a pen.
Do I start this with the typical dear diary crap? I don’t know… Honestly, I don’t even know how to talk about my feelings but here we go. Today I had to finish packing up my already okay life and move to another country, well at least this country is only a train ride away from home, but still... I already had a life, a home, a friend group, and a school. So why do I have to restart that tomorrow in a place I barely know?! They didn’t even ask me what I wanted and told me this would be a great experience for me… But how could they know… To late now though I guess... I just have an off feeling about Paris…
Ayano set the journal to the side and let out a breath, that did make her feel a bit better. She got up to get ready for bed before curling up in bed and letting herself get some needed rest as the first day of school was tomorrow.
The next thing Ayano knew she was being woken up by her mom gently, “Morning sweetie! Time for your first day at school! I hope you’re excited, I’ve unpacked some of your clothes and got some pastries from a cute little bakery down the road.” Ayano huffed and rubbed her eyes as she stood up, “I’m not hungry...” She got up and looked through her closet. “Well then I’ll pack you some, so you don’t stay grouchy for your first day of making new friends.” She hummed and left her to change. Ayano rolled her eyes and got dressed in something passable from what her mom had already unpacked. Of course, the only things her mom had unpacked were her best clothes and nothing at all her style, but she could make it work. She went downstairs and shoved a croissant into her mouth before muttering out a muffled, “Bye” to her parents. She was lucky to have such a short walk to school from her home.
She looked around in the nice brisk morning as she walked, she admitted, there was a beauty to the city around her that London didn’t have, but she still didn’t like being in such an unfamiliar place. As she passed the bakery she assumed her mom had gotten the treats from she couldn’t help but notice the old man who was on the ground in the middle of the crosswalk. As she was about to aid, she saw another girl go for him, her sweets going everywhere. “Must be the bakers daughter..” She muttered to herself as she watched her help the old man and them part. She was going to the same place she was, so she just followed the pigtailed girl, watching as she went over to her friends and started chatting. She sighed softly as she remembered her friends from back home. She just passed by everyone and went to go map out her schedule so she wouldn’t get lost in the day. She eventually went to her homeroom and sit in the back of the class. She kept to herself during the class and quietly left to go to her first class which was PE, as she left the class she was bumped into a disgruntled student that told her to shove off and watched as he went to the principals office. “He’s.. rude..” She muttered and went to the class she had.
She heard a loud bang as she got to her class before the whole building shook and students freaked out, “What the hell was that?!” She exclaimed before hearing a loud ‘KIM’ in the distance and followed as the students went to the window. “What the hell is that?!?” Another student exclaimed as the chunky rock figure was going around causing destruction. The next thing she knew she was being dragged to go hide by a fellow classmate. They pulled up the news and watched as they covered what was going on. It was a long battle that took for what seemed like hours to fix, but these new superheroes had saved the day. She eventually was allowed to go home and was just done with the day. How was it that this could be real. Like what maniac could start this shit.
She went through the door to her house and her parents looked frazzled, “Oh my god you’re safe! We were so worried, and you weren’t texting us.” Her mother hugged her tightly. “Oh.. Yeah I was pulled into cover and my phone was in the other room off.. sorry… I just want food and to go to bed. This day has been… a lot to say the least.” She said deadpanned, still trying to figure out what the hell had happened today. “I think a good night of sleep will do us all good” Her father said and set out the food they had ordered. Ayano picked up her own plate and filled it before going up to her room, “Night..”
She got in her room and set her plate down on her desk before flopping on her bed and pulling her journal over and flipping to the next page.
Dear Diary,
What in the ever-loving HELL happened today. STONEHEAD….HEART….MAN?!? I don’t know what the hell that was. But apparently, I live in the multiverse of superheroes and villains and this ISN’T just my 6 year old brain playing make believe in this time. I literally saw a man get crushed by a car in front of my school and of course he’s now probably in the hospital or something. I knew moving to Paris would be the WORST. Now I live in a goddamn comic book world where my life is in danger?? I mean at least I understand what the NPC characters of the marvel universe feel after their regularly scheduled villain shows up to cause hell… I just hope tomorrow is normal….
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thewatermelloncat · 1 year
Six Weeks and Stuffed Wombats
Week Two
Summary: There is a saying that things get worse before they get better. Only two sessions in, Rosé didn’t think that her friendships would already start to suffer.
Prologue Week One
“Yesterday I didn’t do all of, since I wasn’t really home” Rosé brings up one of the empty thermometers as she hands her book over for Tamisha to look at. 
“That’s okay” Tamisha says. “Were you out late?”
Rosé shakes her head. “No, I stayed over at Denali’s.”
“Was there something that happened at home?” Tamisha frowns, remembering Rosé telling her last week about how she stays over with Denali when things aren’t great for her.
“No, it was just because” Rosé explains. “I had choir practice early this morning and her place is closer. So, it’s just easier sometimes.”
“Did practice go better than last week?” Tamisha asks.
Rosé grinds her lip between her teeth with a sigh. She should have known that her panic attack would be brought up at some point, but she thought that it would have been in the first week. The fact that they’d seemingly skipped over it made her feel like they wouldn’t have to talk about it. Except by now her luck has run out.
“Yeah, it went better” she finally answers.
“And your teacher apologised for last week?”
Rosé nods.
“Do they know how what they said affected you?”
“I don’t know… I hope not.”
“Do you have panic attacks often, Rosé?” Tamisha picks up her book, ready to write a note down.
“I don’t think so. I don’t really know what often means” she admits.
“One or more a month.”
“Then no” Rosé answers. “Only one or two every few months, maybe. It jumps around a bit.”
“So, you can’t find any patterns between them?” Tamisha’s pen hovers over the page. “No common factors, like stress or certain places?”
For a while Rosé sits in silence, far longer than it takes her to think of the answer. Then she finally nods.
“Could you share what they are?” Tamisha prompts gently, noticing Rosé’s hesitance to speak.
“I don’t sleep so well a lot of the time. I just... I don’t know” – Rosé sighs – “nightmares just seem childish.”
“Adults and children are just as likely to have them as each other. They’re a normal way of processing information” Tamisha assures.
“I always thought that dream reading stuff was mythical” Rosé frowns sceptically.
Tamisha smiles faintly. “Well, I don’t think they’re in anyway prophetic. But while we sleep our brain uses that time to process events and emotions. Just often in a way that doesn’t make any sense” she explains. “Can you tell me what normally happens in yours?”
Rosé takes a breath before she answers, “I’m normally in my room, in my bed, and I can’t move. I never know why, but I just can’t.”
“And how do you feel?”
“Stuck” Rosé scoffs a laugh, but her eyes shift uncomfortably. Her hand gripping onto the fabric of her jacket.
Tamisha stays silent, waiting for her to list more.
“Scared.” Rosé’s smile drops before she adds more quietly, “helpless.”
“And do you ever know why you’re scared?”
“Sometimes… sometimes it’s my dad, but there’s this other person… he… he’s not in all of them, but the ones with him are the worst.”
“And this other person, what does he do?” Tamisha asks gently.
“He… I’m sorry, I don’t” – Rosé cuts herself off with a sigh. Shaking her head before she looks away.
“That’s okay” Tamisha backs away for a moment. Then she notices Rosé’s hand gripped tightly at the edge of her jacket and reaches forward to pick up the stuffed wombat from the table between them. Handing it out for her to hold instead.
Rosé scoffs softly as she takes the stuffed toy from her. “I never had one of these.”
Tamisha smiles back at her reassuringly before she asks a different question, “do you know the person?”
Rosé nods, looking down at the toy as her thumbs stroke into its fur. “Family friend… of my parents anyway. Every time he stays over it’s a sure bet that I won’t sleep through that night.”
“Do your parents know how you feel about this friend?”
Rosé purses her lips sadly. “They don’t care.”
“And what about this friend, do they know how you feel about them?”
“I don’t think they care either” Rosé says quietly before she looks up again. “I’m sorry, can we move on?”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
“More homework” Rosé huffs out a breath as she stops at the table in the cafeteria. Dropping her book on the surface and not caring about the few sets of eyes that get drawn her way at the loud smack.
“It’s to help you Rosie” Denali reminds her, looking up from her lunch.
“I know. It’s just” — Rose breaks herself off with a frustrated sigh as she drops into a chair. Then she leans forward to cradle her head over the table.
“What is it this time?” Denali scoffs a little at her dramatics.
“A dream journal” Rosé says, pushing herself back up again. “Which you can’t tell me doesn’t sound like the most childish thing to write about.”
“I don’t know. Sometimes I’ve thought about having one since I think it would be cool to go back and read all the weird things I think of” Denali admits. “Except I’d have to write really quick since I forget my dreams super fast.”
“Lucky” Rosé grumbles, sinking her head into her hands.
“Did she say why you had to do it?” Denali asks.
“Something about not processing things fully when we’re awake - like how we just brush stuff off with reasoning. Then that affects how we sleep because we’re subconsciously still thinking about it.” 
“You do just brush a lot of stuff off” Denali points out.
Rosé only hums because it’s kind of a fair statement. Except she still doesn’t want to write things down that she doesn’t want to remember in the first place. “She also gave me breathing exercises” she voices further complaint.
“Oh, those are fun!” Denali immediately smiles, sitting up straighter in her seat. “We do them sometimes in skating for competition preparation…”
Denali’s excited rambling continues but Rosé starts to tune it out.
She bets Denali wouldn’t think from such a high and mighty place if she had to do the exercises herself. A dream journal isn’t some ‘dear diary’ bullshit where she can write down the name of her crush surrounded by love hearts.
“… sometimes at training we get to lie on a bench for a couple of minutes practicing them while we visualise our routines…”
And for her breathing exercises are a break from an intensive training session, not some obligated task that she has to do within her own time.
“… they say it also helps with body awareness, but they’re really just fun to do—”
“I know how to breathe, Denali!” Rosé snaps. “I wouldn’t be alive if I didn’t!”
Denali cuts her spiel off and sits in a stunned silence.
Immediately Rosé knows she should feel bad about what she said - how she said it - but for now she can’t be bothered to apologise. She catches Denali looking at her warily, but she locks her jaw to keep herself from biting anything back about it.
Across the table Denali reads the warning glare Rosé holds toward her, but she catches that there is guilt in there as she then looks away. She could probably ask for an apology and Rosé would give it to her, but for now she won’t push it and she looks away as well.
So, they both fall into silence and no words are said for the rest of lunch.
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measuringbliss · 1 month
Spider-Man Read-Through 075 First Hobgoblin (ASM 238-239)
Felicia might be in mortal danger over on Spectacular Spider-Man, but we've got a more pressing matter:
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The Hobgoblin's here! And DEAR LORD IT'S GOOD.
May got her house project whatever started over on Team-Up (they're desperate for readers). Interestingly, both Romitas, Jr and Sr, worked on this issue!
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I'm just showing this because gorgeous boy, gorgeous art, gorgeous everything.
In New York's streets, the three of them almost get hit by a car, and Peter needs to let off some steam. Yes. YES. ANGRY PETER. AND A GREEN GOBLIN.
(He's not, but he's certainly here in spirit.)
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These pages are fire, like okay, this is something major.
Spidey loses one of the burglars, who escaped and found a mysterious hideout...
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*claps appreciatively*
Meanwhile, May gets news from Anna!
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I'm happy to see her! And to see MJ too <3 They look like they're having a great time. I'm happy to read ASM, oh gosh!
At the Bugle, Peter can't seem to reach May, but he's got great photos!
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First off, that guy on the left is hilariously hideous. Secondly, Peter is gorgeous what the fuck, Romita Sr I love you. Thirdly, it feels great to see Norman's face again!
He will, Peter. He will.
At Norman's hideout, Georgie, the thief, called an old friend of his whose face is not revealed. They're both very interested...
Robbie takes Peter to May's home, and en route, he says he's sad that they don't see each other as much as previously, but that Robbie's here if Peter needs to talk. I like seeing them close like that! This issue!!!!! Just the greatest hits.
They don't reach May's home though, because the police talks about a fire at an Osborn facility... Robbie immediately goes there, where they also find Lance Bannon.
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Anyway, Peter checks the facility and surmises that Georgie must have taken the equipment.
Then, a call for our hero!
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I didn't know that you could take up calls in cars at that time, that's cool. Also, Peter's face on the right is soooo great.
He shouldn't worry about Georgie, though, because our mysterious man makes him explode in his van with all incriminating evidence...
And soon, he takes up the mantle...
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Such a great design. Love it! Hell yeah.
In the readers's letters, Michael Kramer says that "ASM has not been this interesting for well over six years". I can definitely confirm this! If you're curious, this guy became an audiobook narrator. That's cool.
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Girl what. So this means we get that false reveal for more than ten years? I'm into it, because if the false reveal is what I think it is, I like the drama.
I'll probably avoid reading the comments for the next issue, as these ones seemed... Hmm. They actually made me more confused! Anyway. Great issue.
In #239, Harry's warned, because it is his father's company after all.
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Big forehead. Romita Sr's not here anymore :(
While the Hobgoblin gloats about his new findings, Spidey gets called out by DeWolff at the hospital, who urges him to go to sleep. Spidey accepts, but not before...
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I missed her!
Unfortunately, she no longer knows anything about Spidey and his secret identity, and she doesn't have powers either. She still thanks our hero for saving her and asks him to turn on the radio. When Spidey hears about the latest Osborn break-in, he flees...
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Hmm... Was she telling the truth...?
In his apartment, Lance Bannon is a dick, which makes me sad because he seemed like an interesting character. He takes lewd pictures of his girlfriend, but isn't satisfied. Amy teases him. She might get serious with one Peter Parker if Lance keeps being a jerk...
She leaves, and Lance angsts about not being able to say to Amy he loves her.
Meanwhile, Peter...
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Peter...? Are we... bothering you? No, no, don't move, it's all fine...
I don't completely love how large his torso is compared to his waist, but it's alright.
Peter thinks he only knows the location of two hideouts... which seems accurate to me! Continuity, yay. He's afraid that the Hobgoblin might know his secret identity, which is very fair.
He's woken up by a call... A certain Amy, inviting him to dinner.
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I love his face.
The first hideout is already empty.
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And the Hobgoblin's there. He's not ready to face Spidey, though, not yet!
And the first thing he says is...
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That's cool.
By the way...
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Spidey's suit has been getting slashed and torn to shred every issue. It's funny to see the various elements that keep coming back.
In the end, the Goblin escapes and Spidey figures that things could not get any worse, could they?
I don't know, hon, from where I stand, things have never been better!
I did like that the Hobgoblin seemed baffled at how anyone could face Spider-Man. He's an interesting villain! Lacking the personal component, for now at least. The issue doesn't make any real attempt at giving you clues. It can't be Harry, it could be Lance... That's the only two male characters we saw a bit of.
I know there's a fake reveal, I know two names, but I don't know which one's the real one, if either is. So thankfully, I'm lost and I appreciate it!
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thepatchworkreview · 7 months
Debrief and Critique: Chlorine, Longboy, Bummer, Dude!, and Sells - 11/30/23 - Cafe Colonial, Sacramento
Critiques follow a two-part formula: Opinionated critique, and objective critique Objective critique will include a summary of the content and technical skill ONLY. aaaaaand...Opinionated critique includes discussion of the "show" aspect of the-.. well, the show. 
~Opinionated Critique~
Am I putting my opinion first? Yes. I am. Because all the unpleasant technical stuff should always be AFTER you compliment the shit out of someone. TO BE FAIR. Not everything I have to say about all these bands is pleasant. Gentle reminder—it's my opinion, and who gives a single shit about that?
- Chlorine: Best screams, hands down. The grungy look and sound of the band really evokes an older, Seattle grunge feel. The drums were NASTY, the rides and fills fucking rocked, and the pit moshed hard for a fucking reason. This band reeks with the look and feel of a band who are on the same page. Do I feel like the grungey Y2K thing is being overdone right now? A little, yeah—but these guys wear it well and commit really hard. As they progress and play more shows, I do expect to see tighter, crowd-work—and I mean more than just plugging the band Instagram. I also would like to see more dynamic showmanship from all members. 
- Longboy: Award for the band that had the most shit going on goes to... Longboy! These guys had a bunch of ideas and gags happening that really added to the show: samples that faded into songs; bringing up a friend to sing the first song of the set; a synth! Ecclectic outfits and a funny cover song that people were BOUND to know and sing along to, sung by a singer who sounded UNCANNILY like the original artist. It ruled! But what I will say is that the amount of stuff and genres that they delved into made the set a bit unruly and thematically whirl-windy. A lot of really good ideas! ...With a lack of followthrough. The playing was stellar! I want to see that amount of polish applied to the show you guys put on!
- Bummer, Dude!: THESEGUYS ARE PERFORMING AT THE WRONG VENUES! AND YES! I  DO MEAN THAT NICELEY! The sound is so Jeff Buckley, so Billy Idol—it's cruise ship ready! Bummer, Dude retains the harder sound with really passionate breakdowns and lush guitar riffs, but is slow enough to melt right into your sweetheart with. That being said, I did find that about halfway through their set I was looking for a little more energy—I felt like they slowed down the show nicely, but holy shit did it get slow. I would've loved them to end on a way more energetic note, something that the whole band just fucking rocks out to rather than the "hit," y'know?
- Sells: Okay. I have words for you guys that aren't great, but that's all in the other section of critique. The lead singer sang and performed like Sid Viscious on cracked cocaine. Did you play six songs and all of them used three or four chords maybe? Oh yeah. For sure. Did you still knock it out of the park with insane crowd-work, energy, bombast and style? YES. The juxtaposition—whether intentional or not of the lead singer and bassist, one being an insane performer—and the other stonefaced (accidental???) comedian was such an incredible, versatile component of the show. Not only that, but just- the sheer, raw, unmatched energy that the lead singer ALONE provided was fucking captivating. AND it acted as the lynchpin for a memorable end of the show as an entirety. All I want from you guys is to keep working on your music and the technicalities of it, you've got the showmanship part of it made (sans the shy [what I can only assume to be- new] person on both bass and drums. I do need less embarrassment and more vibes from them {sorry to drag you, girl.})
~ Objective Critique ~Content: This will hopefully be the only show I will ever have to say this for, but everyone is on an equal playing field as far as content within the bounds of the live show. The live audio was a clusterfuck of poor mixing and vocalists not knowing how dynamic mics (those little round microphones you see people like mariah carrey sing into) pick up sound. Now: what leads me to believe that the mic trouble was not just user error is that more obviously skilled members between the bands would still have moments of really muddled audio, even while performing about 3-5 inches from the damn things. Not only this, but the lead singer of Chlorine did actually notice that he could not hear himself, and did ask for this to be resloved (it was not). For a good 40-60% chunk of the performances, I could not 
clearly hear anything being sung. (I will include that I could pretty much hear all of "Bummer, Dude!'s vocals BECAUSE their surrounding instrumentals were so tame that they left room for it. When they picked things up—nada.  I also heard Sells vocals but I genuinely attribute that to the fact that the lead singer was fucking BELLOWING into the mic like real style.) (Again, I apologize, because this seems like such a cop out.)
Technical Skill:I kind of dread writing this part just because I'm an amateur artist myself, and really can't go shitting on people's head's about their performances—SO BEFORE YOU COME AFTER ME I dragged my sorry ass friend (the guy who went to the show with me!) (he actually knows stuff about music AND has done live shows before) into this journalistic mess, and will be paraphrasing statements he made to me, quite appropriately in a dark and empty band room. 
- Chlorine: Although fucked by the mixing, had some really great stability and themes. The playing (guitar) was a little muddy on it's own and could've 100% used some more definition or direction- but this could also just be a product of the genre they play. (shoegaze, eg.) The drummer was reliable and had good fills and rides, but would follow the lead singer's excitement—rushing and lagging to his singing. This isn't always a bad thing, and frankly isn't noticable to any "simple show-goer" (for lack of better term), but it was something that could be observed by a careful eye. As a young band, we only expect them to get better—and it's very obvious the time and effort they have put into practicing paid off. They sounded good and tune to eachother well. 
- Longboy: Longboy had alot going on, which was exciting! But this left us with few comments about the drummer, as we don't remember being able to hear much of them, quite unfortunately. (Again, I don't think this is Longboy's fault, the mixing was just trash.) The guitarist//bassist seemed dynamic and experienced. At the very begining of the set, a synthesizer was used to create a piano part that was not well-practiced. It sounded bad and janky among the softer singing and instrumental. Every other aspect of their performance though—just aside from that synth part—was very well done. 
- Bummer, Dude!: The tightest set for certain, for obvious reasons. The music was slow, and easy to keep tempo to (not a dig, again, just a product of the R&B//Shoegaze genre) and it was incredibly obvious that the band had not only practiced immensely, but also performed live for a while. (Note: we have agreed this drummer held tempo the best out of all the bands.) All moving parts of the band—guitar, bass, vocals, and drums—operated like a well oiled machine.
- Sells: Out of all bands, Sells did have the most issues with tempo consistency. A mechanic they played on throughout the show is that they would switch instruments, (i.e, the singer would play the drums, etc.), and while the singer played very fast and vigorously, could not keep... you guessed it: tempo consistency. Later, the bassist took over on drums and had simillar issues; the drums sounded unpracticed, even with simple beats. But! When on their "home" instruments, they played well together. (I would like to mention it's really hard to sing and play drums, so kudos regardless.) (Additional note: Tempo consistency is not as important in a live setting as others, but is an important measure of technical skill.)
  You can find all these guys on instagram- 
Overall, an energetic, diverse, fun, show- With so much opportunity hot on it's tail.
Many thanks for those of you who took the time to read! Let's pick this up again, some other time. 
- Patch
0 notes
smallestapplin · 2 years
Hey. What do you think would happen if Prof Rowan were to meet his ancestor Kamado and find out what he did to MC? Let it be noted that I too hate Kamado's guts like everyone else in this page so I'm all for kicking his ass across the entire Hisui region and beyond.
I’m not gonna go into detail about HOW he manages to meet the bit-I mean Kamado, but here is my unbiased take.
Asks are open
Rowan had to admit the two were uncannily similar, neither man could deny they were related as it was like looking in a mirror.
The two easily fall into conversation, questions and stories bouncing back and forth with great ease.
They shared their professions and compared worlds.
“To think a descendent of mine becomes a great Pokémon professor, I’m very proud to hear how far we come.” Kamado sips his tea causally.
Rowan while calm, eyes show curiosity and joy.
“That’s quite the honor coming from a commander and a founder of Jubilife.”
The two were interrupted but Lucas?
“Rei, good to see you, what do you need?”
Ah so there are more ancestors here!
“The clan leaders have declined your offer to talk once more, I was gonna wait till you were done but it seems you two wanna keep talking, so I thought I’d let you know.” Rei nods his head before walking off.
“Is there an issue?” The white haired man grew concerned, even if he didn’t know these people personally but he didn’t want anything bad happening.
Kamado sighs “it’s nothing you should worry about, they have been like this for months now, they have showed no signs of fighting, but I’m sure that’s because of the hero.”
Rowan feels he won’t get anymore information about the situation out of his ancestors and decides to drop it for now.
The conversation continued after that. With Rowan being interested and somewhat fearful at the topic of alpha Pokémon.
“The hero has a bunch, maybe if they return you could ask them about showing you them in a more tame state, wild alpha Pokémon are not to messed with.”
“I’ll be sure to do so.”
When the sun started setting Rowan was offered a place to stay in the galaxy team housing. Which he was currently being shown by Rei
“This is where the hero use to stay, but they moved out, so you can use it.”
“If I may ask, what’s the situation here? Don’t feel forced to tell I’m aware this isn’t my place, but I’ve only heard this person be called the hero and that they are the reason for peace yet aren’t here?”
Rowan and Rei sat in silence for a while before the teen look around and peeked out the windows.
“Okay I’ll tell you, but keep it down, the commander isn’t happy about it, I’ll try to make it as brief as possible.”
“Of course.” Rowan fights back a chuckle, he is so much more different than cool and calm Lucas back home.
Rowan and Rei sat down as the assistant began the story.
A sky fallen hero not of this time, taken in believed if they disobeyed they would be left to die in the wild.
Bonds were quickly formed while the hero risked their life to keep everyone safe.
Day in and day out it was a question of the hero would make it back alive. Each new noble to calm proved their loyalty.
Casted aside and banished once the space time rift began opening more and the sky changed colors. That same commander set up a road block of sorts in someone named Beni to kill the hero if they made it to the temple.
No one knew of this until almost six months before Rowan showed up.
“I’m not sure what he is trying to prove, but that hero is like a big sibling to me! The clan leaders, their wardens, well most of them, and their nobles all liked the hero, even the professor and captain! so to hear that he tried to kill then…well it didn’t go over very well.”
Rowan is shocked to hear this, he is sure had it just been banishment his ancestor would’ve been forgive more easily, but trying to kill them? That seems too premeditative, like he had thought this through.
“I’m truly sorry to hear that, I’m unsure how I could be of any assistance, but thank you for sharing this with me.”
“It’s okay, you don’t act like him so it’s only right.”
“Before you go though, will I ever meet this elusive hero?”
Rei beams happily “oh of course! They moved out a few months ago but still visit at least three times a week for family hangout day, me and Laventon are still working on the name, hehe.”
With a final wave Rowan was alone.
Rowan always thought of his family to be filled with logical thinkers, his actions usually proved that.
He couldn’t imagine doing that to someone like Lucas or Dawn, they were too important to him to just toss out into the wild like that with the threat of war if anyone helped.
He feels conflicted, this isn’t his time period nor his place to speak on such a thing, but he finds it very excessive that Kamado would leap to such aggression.
46 notes · View notes
Catching Stardust
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Tadashi Hamada x Reader | ☁️ + ✨ | 3.9k
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Most days, like any other university student, you would wake up tired. Unfortunately for you, that was not today. You had spent the entire night working on your lab report for one of your science courses and didn’t get a wink of sleep. At least it was handed in and done with.
(You had to double check - just in case your brain decided to get desperate and help you imagine the best case scenarios. Thinking and doing were two very different things, they were hard to tell apart when you were so dead tired though.)
It was one of those days.
“Morning, Honey Lemon,” you greeted as you navigated your way into the kitchen for some caffeine. Grabbing your travel coffee tumbler, you watched your blonde roommate in her morning stretching routine.
“Good morning, (Y/N)!” Honey cheerfully replied. “How was not sleeping last night?”
You halted your movements, looking up at her with concern. “Can you tell just by looking at me?”
Honey Lemon laughed. “No, silly. GoGo came home late last night and saw you up. I heard you shuffling around earlier this morning too. No raccoon eyes, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Thank goodness,” you said with a sigh as you continued pouring liquid energy into your tumbler. “This bio course is going to be the death of me.”
“You mean working two part time jobs will be the death of you,” GoGo corrected you as she walked out of her room. “Girl, you need time to have fun too.”
You stuck your tongue out at her. Rummaging through backpack, you noticed a missing tome of knowledge. “Has anyone seen my Medical Terms bible?”
“Coffee table.” Honey called out from the living room as she held the tree pose.
GoGo walked over to you with the heavy book in hand. You mouthed a thank you to her before taking a sip of coffee.
“(Y/N), you need to take some time to make some more friends or meet a cute boy,” Honey Lemon brought up. She exchanged a look with GoGo. “We know someone who you might like. He’s nice and funny, good looking as well.”
You gave your two roommates a sad smile. “By the time I’m ready for a relationship, a boy like that will already be snatched up by someone less stressed about their future.”
Grabbing your premade meals and a couple of snacks, you swung your backpack on.
“I work bookstore and pharmacy today, so I’ll see you both tomorrow morning. Good luck with your projects in the meantime.”
“Bye, (Y/N)!” Honey called out.
“Keep the luck, you need it more than we do,” GoGo said with salute.
Walking out of the apartment, you checked your phone for your schedule once more. Class at nine, bookstore at two and pharmacy at six. And it was already eight thirty, yay. Just your typical jam packed day, all so that you could pay off medical school tuition in the future.
Balancing everything in life was... impossible, but you were managing. 
Full course load university student, working two part time jobs, and a very minimal but still existent social life.
It wasn’t easy, but it was what you wanted. Going to med school was a necessary path to take if you wanted to help people out in your future career choice.
Just as you were arriving on campus, a voice caught your attention.
You turned to see your friend Mina, another sufferer pre-med student.
“Hi Mina,” you greeted.
“Did you sleep last night?” she asked. When you shook your head, she let out a loud sigh. “Yeah, me too. Dr. Andrews is going to kill us with these lab reports and the test Thursday. I mean, I’d feel smarter if I weren’t so tired all the time.” 
You smiled. What a mood.
“Is my make up, okay?” Mina asked. “I don’t want Justin to see me at my worse - not yet.”
You glanced over Mina’s face. She had gone through the usual effort to make herself look cute. “You look fine and I’m sure Justin wouldn’t be scared off. He knows we’re med students.”
Mina made a face. “We’ve only been a dating for two months, (Y/N), two! He doesn’t know what kind of crazy we are yet. You never know when he might get skittish and ghost me.”
If you weren’t so tired, you would have laughed. 
Linking arms with Mina, you pulled her towards the classroom. 
Today was going to be just another day.
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Tadashi checked over the information on his phone as he walked off campus towards the bookstore. He had been looking up information to help his robotics project and a certain book had come up in his recommendations. Deciding that the resource was worth checking out, and was worth the price, he was determined to get his hands on the book while his robot was still in the works.
Walking through the doors, he made his way to the medical section. Browsing the shelves, he kept an eye out for the particular title.
After circling the area for a while, he let out a huff. Where was this textbook?
Noticing a girl wearing a name tag, he approached her with smile.
“Hi, I was wondering if you could help me?”
She turned to him with a smile, (E/C) eyes making contact with his brown orbs.
“Of course, are you looking for something?”
Tadashi nodded, pulling out his phone and showing her the textbook information.
"Ahhh, this one. That’s a popular book with the first year pre-med student courses,” she commented. “Everyone always asks where this one is - we organize this one by title since there’s no author.”
Leading him back into the medical section, the girl stopped in an area of the bookstore that Tadashi had missed earlier. She tapped the spine of one of the books.
“This one is good resource for in depth procedural explanations,” she explained. “Not what you were looking for though...”
Scanning the shelves, the girl paused and frowned when she stopped a particular spot. 
“Is it out of stock?” she murmured, checking again. “For a textbook no one appreciates until third year, I’d be surprised if it’s sold out...” She turned back to Tadashi with an apologetic smile. “I’ll check if we have the book in stock - give me a second.”
Pulling out her phone, she typed up some information quickly. The results of her searching seemed to yield the same results.
“It looks like we’re actually out of stock for this textbook right now, although, we are restocking it,” she explained. “Would you like to request a reserve to get a copy?”
“That would be helpful, sure,” Tadashi agreed. 
“Great, let’s go fill out a form for you,” she chirped, leading him away. “Are you a med student?”
“No, I’m a robotics engineering student at SFIT,” he replied. “I’m working on something related to the medical field though.”
“Really? That’s so cool,” she exclaimed, looking genuinely interested. “It’s amazing to think how technology can incorporated into health sciences. If you don’t mind me asking, what are you working on?”
“A healthcare robot,” Tadashi explained with a fond smile. “It’s still in the works, nothing has been finished yet, I’m still working on the programming stages.”
“I think that’s incredible. I’m sure you’re capable of amazing things.”
The sincerity in her tone brought a smile to his face. For someone who didn’t know much about his project, the kind words from her were very nice.
“What about you?” Tadashi asked. “Are you a student?”
“Yeah, over at Sato Health Institute,” she responded. Sato was the top post secondary institution for health care in San Fransokyo located nearby - it even shared some programs with SFIT as Tadashi recalled. “I’m a pre-med student - if you hadn’t already guessed.”
“I might have had a feeling,” Tadashi said with a grin. “You seemed like you were familiar with things firsthand.”
The girl laughed. “Lots of firsthand experience, trust me.”
Approaching the help desk, the girl popped around to grab a paper and pen. Scrawling down information onto the page first, she then slid the paper over to Tadashi across the counter.
“Just fill out the rest of the form and the textbook should be arriving in the next three days.” 
Tadashi looked up from filling in the form, brown eyes flicking over to her name tag. “Thank you so much, (Y/N).”
“You’re welcome,” she replied. She took a sip from her coffee tumbler. Grabbing a sticky note, she offered it over to Tadashi. “If you’d like, leave your number and I’ll text you when it arrives - I’ll be working that day. I promise to use your number for professional reasons only.”
“I’d appreciate that,” Tadashi said as he wrote his number down. As he finished his form, he noticed a large medical terms textbook behind the counter on the desk next to the computer with a ton of sticky notes sticking out. “Is that yours?”
“That’s my current bible,” she affirmed with an amused tone. “Can’t survive without it.”
The two of them shared a laugh.
“Thanks again for your help.” Tadashi repeated as he returned the form.
“Just doing my job, don’t worry about it! It was great meeting you...” Her (E/C) eyes flickered down to the form and smile appeared on her face. “...Tadashi.”
As Tadashi left the bookstore, part of him was still lingering behind, thinking about (Y/N). She seemed like a nice girl and he really hoped that they might have another chance to encounter her again.
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You fumbled with the door before pushing it open, popping back into the dark apartment. Hitting the light switch, you took off your shoes and checked for signs of your roommates.
Looks like Honey Lemon and GoGo were still out.
No surprise.
The three of you were always busy, whether the other two liked to admit it or not. 
Just as you were sorting things out in the kitchen and about to grab a snack, your phone buzzed.
Mina: OMG. Did you see Terry’s SNS profile update? 🤣🤣
(Y/N): What did he do this time? Do I want to know??
Mina: He put MD CANDIDATE. The AUDACITY of this man - I got a C+ working with partner project with him. My poor GPA... 😭
(Y/N): I mean...
Mina: DON’T
(Y/N): Cs get degrees 😂
Mina: RIP me. Seriously though, are you free to study for that bio test? 
(Y/N): let me grab my snack first, I’ll see you video chat
Mina: True MD candidate here
(Y/N): HA 
Letting out a sigh, you swiped a snack from the cupboard before heading back to your room. Fingers crossed you would get some sleep tonight.
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“Oh, finally!”
Tadashi wiped his hands off with a rag and turned to look at Fred. Wasabi and GoGo were also looking at the beanie wearing boy, but neither of them decided to engage.
“Something up?” Tadashi asked, speaking up.
“The comic bookstore said they were out of that new series I was telling you guys about the other day,” Fred explained. “I refused to go to Richardson’s place, so apparently, they reached out to the nearby bookstore and they have a copy! I got to go pick it up.”
“The one near campus?”
Tadashi paused, thinking for a moment before making his decision. 
“I’ll come with you.”
“Let’s go then, man!”
Catching up with Fred about the current condition of Baymax, the two soon arrived at the bookstore. Fred immediately beelined towards the help desk with Tadashi trailing behind him.
Just as Tadashi anticipated, a familiar face was working at the desk. This time though, (Y/N) was fairly concentrated on the stack of flashcards piled on her space next to textbooks filled with sticky notes.
“Uh, excuse me,” Fred said, practically bouncing on his toes.
That was enough to jolt her out of her studying. Shoving away her flashcards, she offered Fred a smile. “Yes?”
“I believe someone called about -”
“Oh! I know what you’re here for,” (Y/N) said, jumping up. She got up and skimmed over the bookshelf behind the counter. “Ah, here it is. Fred, right?”
At the sight of his new comic, Fred nodded happily. He quickly accepted it from you. “Is there a comic book section?”
(Y/N) nodded. “Just straight that way, it’s not a big collection, but you might find something.”
“Alright, thanks!” 
Fred turned to see Tadashi lingering around. “You coming, Tadashi?”
“There’s something I want to check out, I’ll catch up in a bit,” the black haired male responded.
As Fred disappeared, the girl turned her attention over to Tadashi. 
“I didn’t think I would see you again so soon,” she commented. “The book is not in yet, sorry.”
Tadashi smiled. “That’s fine. I see you’re here often.” 
“Yeah, when I’m not busy with classes or my other job, here I am.”
The words piqued your interest. “Other job?”
“I also work at a pharmacy,” (Y/N) explained.
“Ahh. You must be a busy person,” Tadashi said. He tilted his head towards your desk. “Studying too?”
She flushed. “Yeah. Only because today’s pretty quiet - my manager doesn’t mind as long as I’m work as I’m needed. There’s a test coming up.”
“Good luck, I think you need it.”
“I do. Thank you.”
Tadashi watched as (Y/N) moved back to sitting at the desk. As she picked up her flashcards, she looked up at Tadashi.
“How’s the healthcare robot going? Any progress in the last 24 hours?”
“Baymax finally had some supply come in for assembling,” he responded. “So, just a little bit.”
“Baymax?” she repeated confused. “Oh. Is that their name?”
Tadashi nodded.
“Baymax… I like it, sounds friendly.”
“I should probably let you get back to studying,” Tadashi commented, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry for bothering you.”
“Not at all, I’m happy to chat with you.”
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- Wednesday. 6PM. -  
Honey: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): What’s up, Honey Lemon?
Honey: I heard the pre-med students plan on throwing a party this weekend? 
Honey: Are you going?
(Y/N): Nah, I think I have work.
GoGo: You always work.
(Y/N): Huh, I never noticed.
(Y/N): Anyways, parties are not my scene. I’d be happy spending a free evening at home instead.
GoGo: Mina says she’ll miss you.
(Y/N): She’ll have Justin, she’ll be okay
Honey: Well, if you ever decide to go, we know a boy you can take with you.
(Y/N): Thanks, but I’ll pass. 🥰
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- Thursday. 5PM. -
Unknown: Hi Tadashi. The textbook you wanted finally came in! Feel free to drop by anytime to come pick it up.
Tadashi: Alright, thanks (Y/N)!
Unknown: Yep, no prob!
Tadashi: Hey, is this your personal number?
Unknown: yeah 😊
(Y/N) has been added to contacts.
Tadashi: Hope you don’t mind if I contact you like in the future. 😊
(Y/N): Oh, I wouldn’t mind at all!
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“Tadashi, hi,” you greeted, waving as the boy came into your line of sight. With a baseball cap on his head today, you almost mistaken him for someone else. Pulling out the textbook, you handed it over to him. “Here you go! You weren’t the only one trying to get your hands on this textbook today.”
Tadashi peered at you curiously as he accepted the textbook. 
“You look tired,” he pointed out.
You just shrugged with a half smile. “The bio test was today - that was gruesome.”
“At least that’s done with,” he encouraged you. “Week’s almost over, too.”
“Best part is I’m off in five,” you agreed.
 You could see your words caught Tadashi’s interest. 
“Are... are you still working after?” 
Shaking your head, you leaned back against the counter. “Nope, told them I was busy today so no shifts at the pharmacy tonight.”
“Would you like to go out with me then?” Tadashi asked hopefully. “We can hit up a café and grab something to eat?”
Good thing you were leaning against the counter, because the surprise you felt would have toppled you over.
“Oh, um, sure!” you agreed, cheeks heating up a little. “I’ll meet you outside in five?”
“Sounds good.”
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- Friday. 9AM. -
Tadashi: I enjoyed my time with you yesterday. 
(Y/N): I enjoyed my time too! Although the cookies there were kind of hard... 😢
Tadashi: Yeah... I find us somewhere with nice cookies next time.
(Y/N): Just a warning, next time might be a while. My schedule is usually full.
Tadashi: That’s fine!! If you ever find yourself with free time, let me know, I’d like to spend it with you.
(Y/N): 🥰
(Y/N): You’re too sweet, Tadashi. 
(Y/N): How are you single??
Tadashi: Haha, I could ask you the same thing. Probably the same reasons as you though. I’m usually too focused with what’s in front of me.
Tadashi: Hope to see you around though.
(Y/N): me too
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- Some Tuesday. 8PM. -
“And your total is 18.95,” you said, pressing buttons on the register to confirm the amount. The customer tapped their card for the purchase before taking their bags. “I hope you feel better!”
“Thank you,” the customer responded as they left. 
You waited until they had gone completely before heading back to find your manager. Spotting one of older pharmacy students, you decided to talk to them instead.
“Hi,” you greeted.
“(Y/N), need any drugs?” Harper asked with a smile.
“I’ll take them all,” you joked. “Let Aria know I left if you see her for me?”
“Yeah, go. You’re free,” she ushered, waving you away.
As you pulled on your jacket and stepped out of the pharmacy, a figure caught you by surprise.
“Tadashi!” you exclaimed. 
“Surprised?” he asked. “Thought I’d walk you home, not safe for you to walk the street alone at night.”
“I do it frequent enough,” you countered with a smile.
“Ooh, risk taker,” Tadashi said.
You laughed. “I appreciate this though, thanks.”
Tadashi nodded. As the two of you were catching up each other on what happened throughout the day, you felt Tadashi slip his hand into yours. Fingers intertwined, you could feel your heart racing.
This was something you didn’t want to let go of.
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- Some Monday. 2PM. -
GoGo: Yo, Tadashi
GoGo: Fred wants to know when you’ll be back with the snacks.
Tadashi: Just stepped back on campus. 
GoGo: Took you a while.
GoGo: You seeing someone behind our back?
Tadashi: Ha. Does Baymax count?
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- A couple weeks later. Friday. 10AM. -
“Someone looks cute today,” Mina commented as you sat down next to her in the lecture hall. She eyed you up and down, nodding approvingly. “Not working today?”
“Yeah,” you replied. “My rare day off besides class. Thought I’d put a little more effort in today.”
“Well, you look adorable,” Mina confirmed. She let out a sigh when she saw the professor walk in. “Let’s see if we can survive these next two hours.”
“Challenge accepted,” you said, bumping her shoulder playfully. “Although, I might lose you halfway.”
Mina gasped and smacked your arm.
You laughed as you pulled your laptop. Although the two hours went by at a decent pace, you were glad the course was three quarters way through. 
At the brutal pace your professor went, there was nothing but review for the few weeks before final exams. It was nice to know you didn’t have to teach yourself an entire unit in a week before your final.
Bidding Mina goodbye, you weaved your way out of the lecture hall and out into campus. At this point, most groups of students you saw hanging around were study groups. You would have been like them too, if you hadn’t worked so hard to make things work.
Balancing two part time jobs along with classes had you putting in so much extra effort that it usually paid off in the long run.
Navigating your way through the streets with the GPS app open on your phone, you soon spotted the campus you were looking for.
(Abbreviated, because thinking through what each letter stood for was too much effort.)
Slowly wandering around as you pulled up the campus directory, your eyes glimmered when you spotted the building you were looking for. Popping inside, you clutched onto your bag, peering around curiously. There was so much science happening in this space. 
Lots of creativity too, you wondered why their tradition was to prank the art school.
Poking around, you soon realized you were lost among the many rooms and labs. Your mission was a failure. Pouting, you pulled your phone.
(Y/N): Help me, I’m lost.
Tadashi: What do you mean?
(Y/N): I wandered into the lab building and was going to surprise you with a visit, but I don’t know where to find you. 🙁
(Y/N): I didn’t think this through...
Tadashi: Awwww
Tadashi: What room number do you see? I’ll find you.
(Y/N): Lab 2B
Tadashi: omw
As you awkwardly waited for Tadashi to show up, you tried not to look suspicious. Although admittedly, you were sure you looked suspicious regardless since you were lost.
“There you are,” the soft yet deep voice greeted from behind you.
Turning around to see Tadashi, you smiled. 
“Sorry for the trouble,” you apologized. 
“Not at all.” Tadashi shook his head. He took a moment to take you in. Within his eyes, you were absolutely beautiful. He didn’t want to mess up, so he kept it to himself. He’d voice his thoughts one day. “Welcome to Nerd Lab, by the way.”
So this was where Tadashi, your roommates, and their friends all spent their long hours working.
Tadashi took your hand. “Come on, I want to show you my lab.”
Following after Tadashi, the two of you entered the elevator behind arriving on the floor of his personal lab space. He opened a door, showing you his tidy space.
“Baymax won’t be in the works for a while, but here,” he pulled out several large blueprints. The image of an almost plush like character was found in the middle. “This is going to be Baymax.”
In awe of all the labelled details and planning in place, you looked up at Tadashi.
“This is incredible,” you breathed out. “You’re incredible too.”
Tadashi dipped his head down and captured your lips for a kiss. 
Before he had the opportunity to pull back too far, you went in and gave him a quick peck as well.
Although the two of you were flushed, the loving gaze you could see in Tadashi’s eyes made you feel hopeful about this relationship.
“Can I see the medical programming?” you asked, breaking the silence.
Tadashi shyly nodded. “All the computer.” 
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- Later. -
(Y/N): Do you think we should let our friends know?
Tadashi: Nah, they’ll catch on eventually.
(Y/N): But if they don’t should I just accept their blind date request?
Tadashi: WHAT?
(Y/N): 😂
(Y/N): I asked for more details one time.
(Y/N): He’s this handsome robotics engineering student, who nice and has a good sense of humor. Apparently he’s very dedicated to his work too.
Tadashi: …
Tadashi: They’ve tried to set me up with their friend as well. 
(Y/N): Hmm, maybe we were meant to be after all
Tadashi: I think so. 😀
(Y/N): 😘
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nev3rfound · 3 years
blame it on the neighbours : b.b
having recently moved in next door, you and bucky become fast friends. however, there's something looming between the two of you and it comes to light when it's revealed you're in the hospital. (1.7k)
masterlist / permanent taglist / etsy shop - requests open!
requested: yes! by the very sweet @didsomeonesaybucky warnings: bucky freaking out if that counts? descriptions of hospitals
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
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Ever since you moved in and became Bucky's next-door neighbour, he could tell things were going to be different. In the first instance, he could hear you in the corridor, chatting away happily to your other neighbours, offering baked goods. He watched cautiously through the peephole, still having to yet meet you, he merely observed from afar.
When he finally met you, it wasn't the interaction he quite hoped for.
Standing in front of his door with a tray of cookies in hand, you release a shaky breath having heard from your other neighbours that the occupant in apartment 4F wasn't the friendliest. But you would simply have to judge that for yourself, you told them.
"He's a bit of a strange one, dear." Your neighbour, Clarissa in 2F warned you as she accepted the container of muffins you had made that morning. "Doesn't really leave or go out much, I think I've only ever heard him say morning once in the six months he's been here!" Her words echo in the back of your mind as you lift your hand up, knuckles lightly tapping the door.
With wide eyes, Bucky hesitantly walks toward the door and stares straight through the peephole. His breath halters, watching as you stare down at your feet.
Taking a deep breath, Bucky glides his fingers over the several locks across his door and slides through the small gap in the doorway with an attempted smile gracing his lips.
"Hi," You start, now lifting your eyes up toward this mysterious neighbour who is definitely not what you anticipated. "I, I'm Y/n, I moved in next door a week ago," Motioning to your apartment, Bucky forces his eyes to glance across down the hall before averting them back to you, taking in your features up close as you rub your lips together.
"Yeah, I heard you moving in." Bucky comments, internally cringing at his choice of wording. "I mean, I," His words falter at the sound of you chuckling softly to yourself. "can I start again? Is that alright?" He asks, grateful that you nod. "It's nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm James."
"Well, it's lovely to know my other neighbour, James. I, these are for you." Thrusting the tray forward, Bucky pushes his door open further with his foot to accept the tray, forgetting he didn't have his glove on.
Your eyes wander down to see his left arm is entirely metal. "Thanks." He mutters, feeling your eyes burning into his arm.
"I'm sorry," You quickly say, looking up at his face. "it's rude to stare, my Mom would scold me if she were here right now."
Bucky shakes his head, moving his leg to catch the back of the door. "Don't worry 'bout it." He brushes it off, but he notices your eyes wandering around the bland corridor and your lips parting.
"You don't happen to know any good places for dinner 'round here?" You move the conversation on, causing Bucky to raise a brow in response. "I'm kinda new to the area and I was wondering if you knew any good spots." You shrug your shoulders, hoping he couldn't read your mind and know that sentence was a complete lie.
"Erm, yeah." He sheepishly tells you, hearing Doctor Raynor droning in the back of his mind about putting himself out there, and not on those godforsaken dating apps again. "There's a great sushi place I know of."
Your smile brightens at his suggestion, and Bucky can't ignore how his lips rise at the sight. "Great, wanna join me then since you know it so well?" You suggest nonchalantly. "And you can always enjoy those as a dessert afterwards."
Looking down at the tray of warm cookies, Bucky tries to hide the sound of his stomach grumbling against the tray.
"Sure," He reaches into his apartment, grabbing his things including his gloves before following you out. "so, what brings you to Brooklyn?"
It's been several months since you moved in next door, and Bucky couldn't be happier that you plucked up the courage to knock that day.
Every week you two hang out, sometimes you join him and Yori for lunch who spends most of the time trying to convince Bucky to ask you out (only to be scolded when you're absent.) Sometimes you'll cook dinner, dance around your apartment and watch movies or wander around the city whilst Bucky tells you old stories; just like normal friends do, right?
It was truly blissful, but there was still so much about each other you had yet to learn.
Running his fingers through his combed hair, Bucky tugs on his blue henley before heading out.
As he locks his front door, he carries out dinner that he promised to make for you tonight.
"Oh, James." Your neighbour in 2F, Clarissa, stands in front of her door with her handbag and walking stick.
"Hi, Clarissa." Bucky forces a small smile, having heard her conversations regarding his past, muttering about having a murderer in the building shouldn't be allowed.
"Heading into Y/n's I take it." She hums, eyeing him carefully as he nods in response. "She should be back later, told me she had to go to the hospital." Waving herself off, Clarissa turns the lock in her doors.
"The hospital?" Bucky speaks up as the containers in his hands begin to slip, his mind going a hundred miles an hour. "Y/n's in the hospital?" Trying not to yell, Bucky steps closer, causing Clarissa to clutch her handbag tightly in front of her chest.
"Yes," Clarissa states calmly, but Bucky notices the keys in her right hand begin to shake.
"Thanks." Bucky mutters, stepping away as he darts back into his own apartment and grabs his coat, barely able to process his thoughts before rushing down the stairwell with nothing but you on his mind.
Reaching the entrance to the hospital, Bucky hands the driver some money without any words being exchanged. Bucky knew he looked like hell; he couldn't focus properly on anything. He had only seen you last night, the two of you in his apartment painting his living room walls, laughing together as you accidentally flicked paint across his cheek.
The reception area was crowded, voices bounced from wall to wall as Bucky strode toward the desk where a woman sat, staring blankly at a screen.
"How can I help?" She asks, briefly glancing up at Bucky before focusing on her screen once more.
Suddenly lost for words, Bucky homes in on a man crying in the waiting area, loudly sobbing into his hands as a nurse stands over him.
"Y/n Y/l/n, I'm looking for Y/n." Bucky forces the words out as the Nurse simply nods whilst typing away, humming a tune to herself.
"Oh okay," The Nurse pauses as her eyes scan over the monitor.
Clutching the edge of the desk, Bucky can hear the plates in his metal arm whirring as his grip tightens, nearly tearing the panel off as the silence becomes insufferable.
"So Y/n is currently in the operating theatre." The nurse tells Bucky nonchalantly, glancing up to see something change in his expression.
"No," Shaking his head, Bucky steps back. "she, I, I we were going to have dinner." It sounds pathetic to him, saying it aloud. But seeing you, having any moment with you made him feel human again, almost normal.
"Yeah, crazy how schedules fall." A heavy sigh leaves the nurses lips, unaware of the cool gaze that is locking in on her.
"Do you know when she'll be-" Before Bucky can finish his sentence, he's caught off guard by someone calling his name from the corridor.
"James?" You chuckle, walking toward him wearing your uniform adorned with your badge.
"Doll?" Bucky stutters, stepping closer as he tries to stop the tears in his eyes from forming. "You, you're okay?" He mumbles, looking you over, keeping his hands on your arms.
"Why wouldn't I be?" You ask, evidently surprised. "Everything okay, James?" Lowering your voice, you peer down to look him in the eyes whilst his head hangs low.
"Clarissa said you were in the hospital." Bucky huffs in annoyance to himself. "I, I didn't put it together," He mumbles. "I forgot that you,"
"That I'm a Doctor?" Holding back the laugh in your throat, you sigh before tugging Bucky closer into your embrace. "I'm okay, James. I'm only sorry you came all this way."
Keeping you in his arms, Bucky doesn't want to let go. Whilst your face rests in the crook of his neck, he allows a few stray tears to fall in relief. "I, I made us dinner." He eventually says, feeling you pull back to look at him, your eyes softening at the trails left on his cheeks.
"Oh, James." Raising your hand, you cup his cheek. "I'll be off work in an hour. I'm so sorry I should've said something or let you know sooner."
Shaking his head, Bucky takes your hand from his cheek and runs his fingers over your knuckles. "Don't worry 'bout it, Y/n. I'm just glad you're safe." He tells you, wishing he could say something else, but for now, that was enough.
"Did you make,- Your eyes light up in excitement, but Bucky cuts you off before you can finish your sentence.
"Yep." Bucky chuckles as you do a little dance. "You're such a dork sometimes, doll."
"Yeah," You admit, slipping your hand from his as you bury them in your pockets. "but would you have me any other way, neighbour?" Raising a brow to him, Bucky shakes his head. "Thought as much."
"I'll keep dinner warm for you." He smiles, hearing the word neighbour circle his thoughts. Yet, for once, Bucky forces his intrusive thoughts aside as his lips brush across your forehead. "Be good, Doc." He can't help but laugh to himself at the sound of your heart beating rapidly whilst externally, you remain cool.
"I'll try my best, Barnes." You salute him, watching as he walks back out of the hospital, knowing he's one step closer to calling you his girl.
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