#I might just go with Barry but I’m not sure how him meeting Scary would work
Dndads fans who’ve listened to tma does anyone have any ideas on who I could parallel for my last three fears? I’m setting up all the entity marks and I’m still missing Vast, Flesh, and Dark. I’m considering Barry as a Flesh avatar but I also want to put him in Willy’s (Elias) inner circle along with Bill (Peter). Can be literally any character even NPCs we met for only one episode. The only off limits ones are the s2 teens including Hermie. Their roles are super set in stone.
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dented-nado · 4 years
Sweet B
Short drabble of Bruce trying to be, what he thinks would be a “better” boyfriend for Clark!
It was still baffling to Bruce, even after 2 years of living with Clark, sleeping in the same bed as him, that this sunshine man adored by so many, had somehow ended up being with him of all people.
Bruce didn’t do relationships. It wasn’t that… on a deeper level he craved that kind of closeness with another person, it was that it was just hard. Probably harder for him than most. He had been going to therapy to quite a while now, but he still just struggled with being honest and vulnerable and communicating with his partner.
Clark was always so patient. So, kind. He seemed to understand it took Bruce some time to come around… so he’d wait for him.
But Bruce… Bruce felt like Clark shouldn’t wait for him. Shouldn’t be so patient.
Because he deserved better.
He deserved a partner that knew how to do “the little things” that would make him happy.
A partner that would leap into his arms and kiss him to welcome him home every day.
In short…
Bruce was half terrified of Clark becoming bored or frustrated and leaving him… and hoping on some level that he’d “wake up” realize he could do better and find someone that could be all of that and more.
Bruce loved Clark so much it hurt.
It hurt because he wanted to be so much more than he was. Even if Clark would never ask him to be anything else.
Just because Bruce had stopped actively pushing people away… didn’t mean he wasn’t struggling not to think those things. Think about how those around him would be better off without him in their lives. Would be better off if he hadn’t somehow tricked them into wanting to be around him.
He thought through all these things, as he did often, as he found himself gazing at Clark fast asleep next to him. Bruce felt slightly, quietly soothed at the large arm that was draped across his waist as the larger than life man’s chest rose and fell peacefully.
“I want to give him everything.”
It had been so long where he felt this strongly about someone, to the point where his chest ached and his breathe stuck in his throat. When the occasional thought of Clark not being in his life one way or another crossed his mind, it was enough to make him begin to tear up.
It was bad. He lectured himself for it, but he couldn’t help it.
He adored this man.
He just wished he could show it better.
What did most couples even do? What would Clark like? Could he… pull it off?
 In true Batman fashion, the next day Bruce was quietly forming a plan…. Researching… strategizing…
While Clark was gone and when he wasn’t focused on his typical CEO or Batman business, he was reading article after article, research papers, opinion pieces… he felt a little silly reading extensively about “love languages” and “Cute cuddling and positions to try in bed”… actually he felt ridiculous and wound up deleting his search history every 10 minutes after he fully read through something.
“But this is for Clark.”
He knew Clark had a hopeless romantic in him. The one-time Bruce brought him flowers because that’s what he usually did for second dates, Clark had gone pink in the cheeks and admired them gleefully for a solid 15 minutes gushing about how “I’ve never gotten flowers from somebody before! Now I get it! This is so sweet!”
But knowing that made Bruce even more confused as to why the hell Clark had decided he liked him that way in the first place. He had to be the opposite of romantic.
That was going to change. Starting now. He’d throw down every possible romantic gesture he could.
Then maybe… maybe he’d feel like he was giving Clark back enough for everything that he gave him.
He was about to head down to the Batcave, Clark was about to head off to his monitor duty shift.
Bruce felt a knot in his stomach, but he had made his choice… he was committing to this.
“Clark…” He called out before the man could take off.
Bruce approached him, tugged him down slightly by tugging on the part where his cape attached to his suit.
“I’ll… I’ll miss you.” He followed this statement up with a friendly peck on the lips. He really wished he hadn’t stammered, but practice made perfect he supposed.
Clark blinked at him a few times and looked at him quizzically before leaning in and returning the kiss.
“I’ll miss you too B, I’ll see you in the watchtower in a bit.”
“I… look forward to it.” Bruce responded, trying to make a move of straightening Clark’s cape despite it being perfect already.
He read about couples making moves to straighten the others clothing in order to encourage closeness. It was a little awkward however when your partner was in a skintight suit.
Clark gave him a funny look before affectionately moving some of Bruce’s hair out of his face just before disappearing in a blur.
Bruce took stock of how the plan had gone so far on his way down to the cave.
He had been more awkward than he intended, however, Clark seemed to return the gestures, so perhaps this would just take more acclimating to and wasn’t a total flop.
It was joining Clark up in the watchtower before a league meeting, he was dreading the most.
Clark had lamented in past when Bruce had banned any shows of intimacy while they were around other league members, and both were in costume. He had never pushed it though… yet Bruce’s rules were strict to the point of many of the core league members not even knowing they were together as a couple.
Clark had respected those rules, and Bruce had appreciated it… and yet…
He was going to break his own rules. He was going to break his own rules for Clark’s sake.
Still… it was terrifying to him about showing something like that in front of his work colleagues. He envied all the couples that had no problem showing the world how they felt about each other. Even if it looked incredibly sappy and sometimes, he wondered if they were showing off…
Clark would like that, wouldn’t he? To be openly loving and affectionate?
Clark already hid so much of himself… and he was making him hide more…
Bruce shook his head as he made his way into the meeting room. He couldn’t go into beating himself up if he wanted even a chance at pulling this off.
“Spooky has arrived!” Hal announced as usual.
Bruce grunted.
Clark turned to him to make his usual distant acknowledgement of Batman’s presence, only to pause and look incredibly confused as he realized Bruce was making a beeline for him.
“You’ve got this Bruce, just like you practiced.”
He wrapped his arms around Clark’s left arm and stood on his tip toes so he could reach Clark’s cheek and leave a small kiss on it.
“Hi~” He greeted in a very un-Batman way.
He was worried for a second as Clark looked at him in pure shock with slightly pink cheeks.
“Br… Bat… wha…” Clark stammered.
Bruce faltered for a second, heartbeat picking up nervously before he made an attempt to smooth it over.
“I told you I’d miss you.” He slowly unwrapped himself from Clark’s arm, running his right hand along it affectionately before briefly gripping his hand as he pulled away. “Can’t a guy say “hi” to his partner?”
He let go and sat down… slightly proud that he had Clark stammering so much.
“I… uh... but you… um …  h…hi…”
Batman smiled at him, ignoring the rest of the core team looking a mix of bewildered, amused, and slightly terrified.
“Well what do you know… spooky’s heart isn’t made of ice after-all!” Hal said with a big grin because of course he had to comment on it.
“Or maybe it was made of ice, but leave it to Superman to thaw it! That’s so… cute.” Barry added.
Bruce nearly grimaced at the cute comment.
“This is for Clark this is for Clark, do it for Clark.” He told himself, forcing himself to try and smile ‘adoringly’ at his partner, but he was slightly concerned due to the way Clark’s eyes were darting all over his face, it might just look… scary.
A long silence blossomed in the meeting room.
“Uh… not to interrupt the love birds, but you know your leading the meeting today, right big blue?” Hal commented cockily breaking the awkwardness.
“OH, yes of course. I was … just thinking.” Clark cleared his throat, clearly trying to move to act full Superman and not think about what just happened.
Bruce relaxed and followed suit, able to slide easily back into the comfort of the distant cool and logic of Batman and make comments and critiques where appropriate.
When the meeting ended, and everyone began filtering out. He noticed Clark waiting around… probably there were some questions coming.
So, Bruce waited too, and stood to meet Clark as soon as the room fully emptied.
“Soo… what was that about?”
He had freaked him out, the mission might be a failure.
Bruce thought about it and chose his words carefully.
“I decided…that my previous rules about not being “out” in costume in front of the league were no longer necessary.” He paused. “I… perhaps shouldn’t have sprung it on you, I apologize.”
Clark scratched the back of his head. “Well I mean… okay yes, I’m surprised, I’m… happy that you want to be out about it, excited even but” He furrowed his brows in concern. “B… is something else going on?”
Bruce tried to will his heart beating in his chest to calm down because he knew Clark could hear it.
“I… just want to be around you more.” He said vaguely.
This didn’t seem to completely get rid of Clark’s worries, but he sighed and let it go.
“Okay. We can be around each other more.” He said with a soft smile.
“Good.” Bruce said, feeling more awkward than ever.
He reached out and grabbed Clark’s hand, trying to be “romantic” but he realized, it once again just looked awkward as they stood there with stiff arms and locked hands.
“Uh…” Clark looked down at their locked hands. “You want to get lunch?”
Bruce took a deep breath and pulled himself in, so he was once again clinging to Clark’s arm.
“Hmm…” Clark replied as they began walking to the watchtower cafeteria.
Bruce couldn’t help but notice glances their way as they walked. It had to look weird… Batman clinging to Superman. He tightened his grip in nervousness without meaning to.
“Hey… B, you don’t have to hold on to me if you don’t want to.” Clark said in a calming, hushed voice.
He had noticed he was uncomfortable; he was trying to give Bruce a way out.
But no… he couldn’t stop now; he had already committed to this.
“…I want to.”
Clark didn’t seem convinced at all. “...Okay.”
Bruce was quickly losing confidence. What if he couldn’t pull this off at all, what if, if anything he was just turning Clark off him because he was just so hopelessly bad at being a good partner?
He bit his lip, trying desperately to think of a way to salvage the situation. He spotted a nearby utility closet. That was a trope in romance movies, isn’t it?
Quickly scanning to ensure no one was currently looking he pulled Clark’s arm, opening the utility closet and pulling it open and yanking them both inside, ignoring Clark’s confused stammering.
“Bruce! What...??”
He pulled his cowl off immediately pressed his lips to Clark, practically climbing on him, at this point hoping to force his way out of the horrific awkward feelings he was having.
He stopped when he felt Clark’s hands on his waist gently pushing him away. He parted, face now fully betraying him in showing his nervousness and uncertainty.
“Bruce, what is going on with you?” Clark said, now looking fully worried.
Bruce’s heart sank. Of course, him, trying to act affectionate… it was so unnatural, so transparently bad, he’d already screwed it up.
“Are… are you dying??”
“What?? No!”
Clark looked wide eyed.
“Am I dying?”
“No!” Bruce bit back. “Why would you even think that?”
“You’re just… acting so weird, it makes me think like… you’re worried you’re not going to see me again?? Why else would you be forcing yourself like this??”
Bruce went still and slowly hung his head. He was really this bad, that Clark would think that something bad was happening before thinking Bruce just wanted to show Clark how much he appreciated him?
He wanted to be mad, but he was just sad.
“…I know I’m not a good partner…” Bruce began, trying to will the knot out of his stomach.
“Bruce… what are you…?”
“I have trouble expressing myself, every time I try to feel affectionate, I feel like I’m doing it wrong, so I don’t attempt it half the time. I never let myself get close to someone, so I don’t know how to act. You… you deserve so much more than that.” He rambled, looking down at his feet.
“oh B…” Clark uttered bringing a hand up to Bruce’s cheek.
“I…I want to give you so much, be so much more for you. Other couples make it look so easy, but it’s so stupidly hard for me.” He admitted almost in a whisper. “I thought… maybe if I threw myself in the deep end, out of my comfort zone… maybe I could be the kind of partner that you should have.”
“Bruce, I love you all of you, you don’t need to force yourself to be uncomfortable for my sake.”
Bruce sighed. “I knew you would say that you damn boy scout.”
“Because it’s true. Bruce, I don’t mind that you don’t want to always be open about us being in a relationship, I understand. And I know all of this is harder for you, and that’s okay.”
Bruce went stiff under Clark’s hands that now rested on his shoulders.
“‘Okay’ isn’t enough. Clark… I know you love romance; I know that just because you respect and understand my rules around not being out, doesn’t mean I don’t know that you would still want those things.” Bruce half-snapped. “You… you can’t keep just putting up with things when I’m being selfish!”
“You’re not being selfish Bruce, its not selfish to have boundaries!” Clark said gripping his shoulders tighter and bending down so Bruce was forced to look at him. “Sometimes, yes, I wish I could say how much I love you every of every day. Sometimes, I wish I could say ‘leave my bat alone because he’s actually the sweetest, kindest man I know’ and sometimes I get pissed off when people treat you like you don’t have feelings or aren’t human, yeah, sure. But there’s no point in going around with you on my arm or announcing those things if it makes you uncomfortable. I’m not forcing myself or making myself miserable by not doing that because I’d feel absolutely horrendous if I forced you out in front of everyone when you’re not ready or don’t want it.”
It was now Bruce’s turn to stare at Clark in shock. “But…”
“Besides, your already do a lot to show your affection in your own way. Like… when we’re sleeping how you’ll curl up against me, or how sometimes when we’re both working in the bat-cave you’ll quietly put your hand on my back or hold my hand… or when you’ll give me the sweetest smiles in moments when you think I won’t notice, or how you’ll laugh openly around me…”
Was Clark… swooning? Thinking about him??
“The point is Bruce… you already do all that effortlessly, I think it’s sweet that you’re willing to go to such lengths for me, but you really don’t have to, okay? Especially when its uncomfortable for you.”
Bruce looked over Clark’s face for a second before sighing and leaning forward so his forehead was on his boyfriend’s chest.
“You have a way with words that I envy sometimes.”
Clark chuckled and ran his hand through Bruce’s hair. “Thank you.”
“It wasn’t all bad though…” Bruce said with a quiet smile.
“It was fun being able to make you all flustered in front of the league… and kind of funny seeing some of the reactions.”
Clark’s chest rumbled as he chuckled. “Well I guess those situations give you the upper hand, so of course you’d enjoy it.”
Bruce joined in on Clark’s chuckle. “It’s true. Maybe that’s the secret formula. There was that one time you were being flirted with by someone you saved that you were being polite as always in turning down and I barely held myself back from kissing you right there as a big “fuck you” to them.”
“You know what, that’s happened to me more than once when you’ve been flirted with or are putting on your “Brucie” show.” Clark admitted.
“We’re hopeless.” Bruce admitted.
“We are. But that’s okay.”
Bruce looked back up at Clark. “But really… Clark… it’s not all forcing myself for your sake, I really… I really do want to get better, learn to be more open again. It’s just… hard.”
Clark kissed the tip of Bruce’s nose, causing it to wrinkle slightly out of Bruce’s control.
“Rome wasn’t built in a day Boo. You don’t have to figure it all out right this second or change on a dime. I know how you are, and how you get frustrated when you can’t get a handle on something right away. But if you really want to be more open, we can slowly try things, but you have to promise to tell me when your uncomfortable.”
Bruce grumbled. “Fine. But you can push me a little more you know… I don’t need to be treated like I’ll fall apart if you hug me in front of green lantern or something…” Bruce gruffed stubbornly.
Clark laughed and pulled Bruce into a hug right there. “Okay okay. It’s a deal.”
Bruce paused. “I did already sort of blow a massive hole in the “slow” thing now that the whole league knows…”
“Well… everyone knows Dinah and Oliver are together and they aren’t clinging onto each other all the time.” Clark pointed out.
Bruce knew it wasn’t Clark’s intention, but now he felt like more of a doofus. He groaned.
“I don’t know how to relationship.” He admitted.
“Well… to be honest, neither do I. Sometimes I wonder how me, an alien, managed to deserve someone like you.” Clark said with a slightly sad smile.
How he deserved him?? Bruce almost felt relieved that Clark had some of the same thoughts, but at the same time he didn’t want Clark to ever think he was unworthy.
“…We need to work on you referring to yourself like “alien” as if it’s a bad thing.”
Clark scratched his neck. “Ingrained habit I guess.”
“You work on stopping doing that and we’ll… both work on reminding each other we’re not unworthy or not good enough to be in each other’s lives.”
Clark’s gaze softened. “Okay... I can do that.”
Bruce moved to re-open the closet door before pausing. “Clark…”
Bruce took a deep breath. “I love you”
Despite the closet being dark Bruce knew Clark was beaming at him. “I love you too sweet B!”
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olivarryprompts · 3 years
Fanfic Friday #2
Welcome to Fanfic Friday! Each Friday I will post a new fanfic here and on A03. Enjoy x
Read/Save it on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/31883764
Ship: olivarry 
Status: married
WC: 1503 
Barry’s POV
I woke up the normal smile on my face, and I reached over for Oliver. He wasn’t in bed, so I suspected that he’d started making breakfast for myself and William. I pulled on some sweatpants and my STAR Labs sweatshirt. 
“Oliver!” I called, entering the kitchen. This isn’t our kitchen. This isn’t our house. 
Iris was here.
“Hey babe, morning. Look at these, they’re perfect this time?” Iris went in to kiss me. 
“What-uh Oliver-could have just w-w? 
“Oliver? What about Oliver? Did you get enough sleep last night?” “Well he’s my, my-” 
I look down to my hand expecting to find my emerald wedding ring, but instead I am met with a standard silver wedding ring. 
“Where’s my ring? Where’s Will?”
“What ring? Who’s Will? Are you alright? Look, if it’s Cicada, we will catch him. And with Cayden J-”
“No. Uh, right, Cicada.” “Are you alright, Barry?”
“Just, tired I guess?” “It it my cooking because-” “No, no, no. These smell,” I take a whiff of the pancake she placed in front of me, “delicious.” They smelled beyond atrocious, and I would literally do anything for an omelet from Ollie. 
“-so he’s fine Caitlin?” She hummed a yes. 
“Really? There are no anomalies. I-i don’t have a brain tumor or-nothing?”
“Barry, you’re in perfect shape.” “Tell me about it? Look at these abs, all mine,” Iris said, laying her hands all over me. I very much disliked it. 
“Maybe lay off on the PDA?”
“You sa-” “I know I like touch. But, uh, I’m going to go home.” 
“Barry, you’ve been off all morning, what is going on?” I got up and headed into the hallway. I didn’t even bother waiting for one of them to come talk to me, I just sped off.  
As I made my way to star city, I had a scary thought. What if Ollie doesn’t remember me? What if Will doesn’t remember me? 
I ran straight to Star City and picked up Oliver from the scene he was fighting at. I sped Diggle back to Argus, and I took Oliver with me back to our place in Star City. 
“Barry?” he said, wrapping his arms around me. Relief flooded my body. 
“Oh thank god, Ollie, I was so scared that you wouldn’t remember me. Us.” “No, never.” We quickly kissed. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Oliver said. 
I showed my hand, “Seems like I’m married to Iris.” “And I’m married to Felicity.” “I woke up in her house.” “You woke up, in bed, with her?” “No need to get jealous, bear,” Oliver smirked. 
“Of course I’m going to get jealous. You’re mine, and we don’t even have our rings!” “Baby, come ‘ere.” He kept me in his arms. 
“We will figure this out. I promise you.” He kissed my head. I quickly changed out of my Flash suit and into some sweats and a hoodie from Oliver’s closet. 
“We need to figure this out. Asap.”
“Morning Dad,” William said, yawning. Dad. Not Dads. He doesn't remember me. 
“Hey kiddo,” Oliver said back. 
“Who’s that?”
“He’s, uh, a friend of mine. He’s helping me with some work. 
“Where’s Felicity? I need help with-” “Give me a second, Will. I need to figure this out. Can you stay here for a while on your own?” “Uhm, sure.” “Raisa will be here anytime now.” “O-okay. Dad is everything alright?” “It’s fine, kiddo. Promise. Right, I’m going to head to work.” Ollie kissed William on the forehead before heading out. 
I followed close behind. 
“Bye Will.” “Uh, bye?”
Once in the hallways, I started crying. 
“Hey, shh, we’ll figure this out.” “H-he doesn’t remember me. Will, our son, h-he doesn’t know me.” “I know, bear, but we’re going to fix this, I swear to you.” 
“I-i don’t know how Ollie, everyone one on this earth think I married Iris. S-she’s like my sister.”
He just held me close, and I buried my head in his neck. 
“Bear, I’ve got an idea. Everyone on THIS earth. Kara.”
“W-we’d need team flash to get to her earth.”
“We need to tell them what’s happened. They’re your best friends, they’ll know something is wrong.”
“I-i-” “Baby, I promise this will all be fine.”
“How? How can you Oliver? We have no idea what the hell is going on,” I was upset, admittedly, and angry. 
“Barry, calm down.” He wrapped his arms around my neck, resting his forehead on mine. I took a deep breath. Ollie was right, we’d figure this all out. 
“Through the good and the bad, right?”
He replied with a careful kiss on the lips. 
“Come on, let’s get to STAR Labs.”
Barry took my arm and sped us there. “Barry?” Caitlyn said, “You’re back, and Oliver?”
“Hello,” he said, calmly. “So, how do I say this. Ollie and I-well, we’re married.” Cisco laughed, “Y-you and Oliver.”
I shot him a look. “Oh, oh you’re serious?”
“Look, we got married on the 28th of August. You, you were his best man, Cisco. He both used to wear a ring with the other person's colour on it. I-i, we, I love him more than anything in the world.” 
“Kiss then? Prove it,” Iris said, walking into the cortex. I carefully wrapped my arms around Barry’s neck, and leaned it. He was comfort, and love, and everything good in the world. When our lips met, it reminded me of that. I shifted my hands to run through his hair, and, a few moments later, we broke apart.
“Good enough?” I said, gesticulating wildly. 
“Yeah. That was no platonic kiss or whatever,” Cisco said, shocked.
“I tend to agree,” Caitlyn said. 
Iris just looked down, muttering, “I knew something was up this morning.”
“I-i’m so sorry Iris, it’s just that, that Ollie, he’s my everything and I need everyone to know that and remember that. And William he is my so-”
“Hey, hey Barry, I understand. I see how you look at him, it’s like the only thing in the world that matters is him. Y-you look at me with those same eyes, Barry Allen.”
“I promise this will all get fixed, I swear.”
“Go be a hero, Barry,” She whispered with a smile, laying a kiss on my cheek. I walked back over to Ollie, standing next to him. He wrapped a casual arm around me. Once a possessive git, always a possessive git. 
“Right, so we need to open a breach to earth 38.”
“Understood. I’ll grab the interdimensional extrapolator.” Cisco ran off, and we all stood there in somewhat of an awkward silence. 
“So, Barry, Oliver, when did you two meet?”
I looked at Ollie, silently begging him to answer the question.
“W-we met when he came to investigate a case similar to his mother's back in Starling. We ended up talking, going for dinner, but I thought he’d aired me. Turns out the whole coma thing was the reason he didn’t respond to my texts. Both our night jobs just pulled us together. It’s always been easy with Bear.“
“Right, one interdimenstionall extrapolator ready to go,” Cisco said, placing the small discus looking object in my hand. 
“Thanks,” I said, opening a breach. 
We quickly ended up on a farm on earth 28 greeted by, well, people threatening us. Well, that is, unti Kara showed up. 
“They’re friendlies, they’re friendlies!” she called, “Barry, Oliver!” 
“Meet my cousin Clarke.”
“As in the super one?”
Kara nodded. “You can just call me Clarke,” he smiled. 
“Barry Allen-Queen.”
“Oliver Allen-Queen.”
“Lovely to meet you, two. This is my wife Lois.” We both greeted her. 
“Kara, you know we’re married right?”
“Of course, otp.”
“Oh thank god!” I exclaimed. 
“What, what’s happening?”
“Everyone on our earth thinks he’s married to Iris, and they think I married Felicity.”
“W-wait? Really?”
Oliver nodded his pensive nod.
Time skip to when the book resets them 
I woke up again, but this time in the right bedroom. I reached my hand over, and I felt Oliver’s chest. 
“Ollie! Ollie!” I said, tears rolling down my face as his eyes fluttered open. I immediately cuddled into his chest. 
“Barry- look,” he said, carefully taking my fingers into his hand, and glossing over my hand. 
We both sighed with relief. 
“This isn’t over, Bear,” he said.
“I know. I know it isn’t. I-i’m just glad to be here.”
“Yeah me too,” he placed a kiss on my lips. 
“I’m going to go check on Will,” I said, getting up. I threw on some sweats and a hoodie. 
He hummed in agreement. 
I made the small walk to Will’s room, carefully sliding open the door. Will was sitting at his desk, typing at his computer. 
“Hey dad,” he said, briefly looking up.
I quickly wrapped my arms around him, kissing his forehead. 
“Dad? You alright?”
‘Yeah, fine, Fine now,” I smiled. 
“You’re acting strange.”
“I-it’s nothing kiddo. All good.”
“Ok. Can you get Dad to make his pancakes for breakfast?” “I might need your help convincing him.”
“Let’s go, then.”
The battle was far from won, but Ollie and I, we could figure it out. 
Read it/save it on A03 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/31883764
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Messy Summer (1)
~Ron and you are the first to arrive at the order hideout, taking a bedroom for yourselves for the summer, you both are like glue doing everything together, when the twins lock you into a room together things get a little to out of hand
Word Count-1708
Sends Requests Here
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I felt sick to my stomach, thinking about Cedric, feeling horrible for Harry, how he had must be feeling. Laying in my bed since summer started unsure of what to do, thinking about connecting my friends, reaching out to someone or just keep my summer to myself, living my life.
“You’ve gotten a letter,” One of my mothers many house elves said walking into my room, I shot my head up looking at the little thing, carrying a thing letter in its hand.
“Thanks,” I leaned down taking the letter out of it’s hand and sitting up. “You can go,” The house elf left and I was left alone with a unknown letter in my hand.
Dear Sierra McFallen
You are recommended to stay at the Black house for the summer, if you accept a room will be awaiting for your arrival
    Albus Dumbledore
I rolled my eyes getting out of my bed, surprising not surprised that I had gotten invited to stay at a safe house for the summer.
I took out a quill and paper, quickly writing my acceptance letter, rolling it up and turning to my window.
“Please send this to the Black Residence,” I asked the owl that laid in the tree infront of my window, the black and white owl look my letter, flying off.
“Would you like me to tell your mother that you’ll be gone for the summer,” Micky, another notable house elf said, I turned around facing the little thing.
“You will tell my mother that I will be back soon, do not tell her where I am going, who I will be with, or anything relating to what I will be doing this summer, is that clear,” I walked over to my closet, tossing them into a open suitcase on my bed.
“Making sure there isn’t any loopholes I can run into,” Mickey said making me smile, I laughed facing him.
“Other house elves have found me a way to get into trouble, just making sure my mom won’t ever know what i’m doing,” My bag closed with a flick of my wrist and I turned around to face Micky. “Don’t give my mother such a hard time, just keep her on her toes and give her just a bit of trouble from me,” I winked opening up my window and crawling up.
“Stay safe now Master Sierra,” Micky called out as I jumped out of my room and down into the bushes, used to the fall since I had snuck out of my house more times then fingers of my hands.
“Will do!” I yelled out gripping my suitcase tight and started walking towards down, not minding the walk, since it was always a normal thing for me.
“What will this summer bring me now?” I whispered to myself, taking one more look at my house then turning around, I smirked taking a path into the woods. Twenty minutes passed and the town of London appeared in front of me coming out of the woods.
“Surprised to see you here,” I heard around me, my body turned unamused to dumbledore who came out of the forest. “It’s been safer here, I recommend you not contacting Harry Potter, since he’ll have his own issues to deal with this summer,”
“I’m not friends with any of these people, I won’t be talking to any of them,” The Slytherin in me was coming out but I pushed it back. “Thank you for inviting me,” Dumbledore nodded his head and I walked forward, watching the mansion appear infront of me. “Safe travels,” I said to Dumbledore, walking up the steps with him behind me.
“I’ve brought company,” Dumbledore called out as the two of us walked down the long hallway, I jumped at his voice but calmed as I door opened and two men walked out.
“Didn’t expect to see you two together,” I parked my lips walking forward, looking at my uncle, Remus who was my mother's brother, and then at Sirius who had watched me grow up. “Tell me mom i’m here yet?” I asked crossing my arms.
“Don’t plan on it, don’t think she would approve of her werewolf brother taking in her perfect daughter,” Remus winked messing up my hair. “Come on, i’ll make you something to eat,”
“Correnton, she wouldn’t approve of me stepping foot out of the house durnin the summer,” I chuckled sitting on the table. “Padfoot, how have you been?” I asked crossing my legs and looking at Sirius who sat down beside me.
“Pretty good, been snogging your uncle,” Sirius teased sticking his tongue out, I smile and rolled my eyes. “How have you been doing Rocky?” 
“I haven’t been Rocky in years,” I smiled turning so my whole body was on the table. “Good, controlling mother, shittiy school year, everything is perfect,”
“Ha, I remember Rocky, your mother still doesn’t know does she?” Remus asked sitting in a chair, passing Sirius and I a plate of sandwiches.
“Are you kidding, she would kill me if she knew you guys helped me becoming a animagus,” I laughed picking up the sandwich and taking a bite.
“So how old are you now?” Sirius asked taking a bit of his sandwich, hardly chewing before swallowing.
“Just turned sixteen, year six of hogwarts here I come,” I sarcastically said rolling my eyes. “Can’t wait tell im out of there,”
“See, she gets it from me Remus, using my exact words when I went back for year six, it get tiring don’t you think,” Sirius chuckled finishing the last of his food.
“It can’t be that bad Sierra, DADA still your favorite class?” Remus asked finishing his food as well.
“Yeah actually, aced the werewolf test,” I smirked looking at Sirius who put his hand up the in air, we high fived each other laughing.
“Remus I think your sister and I might have had a affair, Rocky and I are like the same person,” Sirius laughed making me laugh.
The doorbell rang and Remus sat up from his chair. “I’ll be right back, and Sirius, it’s scary how actuare that is,”
“Are you my dad?” I laughed joking around jumping off the table and picking up the three plates and bringing them to the sink, letting the magic take care of it.
“Red hair, hammy down clothes and many people, must be the weasleys,” Sirius said jumping off the table. “My favorite people,” I laughed at Sirius sarcastic tone.
“Yeah you're telling me,” I rolled my eyes and followed Sirius out, standing beside him, watching the group of people walk into the house. “I have never talked to one of them you know,”
“Neither have I, but I know their mother hates my guts, I speak and she rolls her eyes,” Sirius whispered back at me.
“We have more guests,” Remus cheerfully said, everyone turned around and looked at Sirius and I standing together.
A plump woman walked over to us, looking at Sirius who annoyance then at me with a smile. “Molly Weasley,” She stuck out her hand.
“Sierra McFallen,” I shook her hand politely, wanting a first impression to me good. “You have a big family,”
“And not one have them have ever mentioned you, you go to hogwarts don’t you?” Molly asked letting go of her hand, a tall gingered man stood behind her, shooting me a smile.
“Yeah, i’ve never talked to the Weasley family before, but I guess your the first one,” I shrugged my shoulders not caring about first impressioned anymore, feeling annoyed.
“Well we’d be glad to meet you, enjoy the rest of your day dear,” Molly walked passed Sirius and I, followed by her husband. Remus was gladly talking to the kids infront of us.
“I think I might throw up,” Sirius whispered placing his hand on my shoulder. “How could someone be so cheerful and hateful at the same time,”
“First impressions Sirius, they’re always the fakest,” I whispered moving his hand off my shoulder and smiling, walking away and up the stairs, I stopped in the middle, looking down at the Weasley kids, one inportaicular one looked up at me, a freckled face boy who was almost taller than everyone around him.
He shot me a small smile, not remembering his first name for the life of me then continue my path up the stairs, towards my already claimed room.
“Boo!” A voice shouted as I swung my door opened, I closed my eyes for a second backing up in confusion, then opening them to see two twin boys standing infront of me.
“Why so glum chum?” One of them pipped up, I shook my head walking passed them and into my room.
“Get out of my room, if I don’t know you then you shouldn’t be in my room,” I mumbled opening my suitcase that was placed on my bed which I was grateful about and started tossing things all over, looking for my wand that was barried somewhere.
“Fred and George Weasley, now you know us,” One of the twins jumped on my bed looking at me with a smile. “I’m Fred for your information,”
“I thought I was Fred?” The other one said behind me, I whipping around looking at him. “George Weasley,” he smiled sticking his tongue out.
“Bet you couldn’t tell us apart,” Fred said jumping off my bed. “No one has ever been able to tell us apart, try,” I looked at the too unimpressed.
“Close your eyes,” George said and I did what I was told, placing my hands over my eyes frowning and annoyed. 
“Okay, open them,” 
I uncovered my eyes looking at the pair, to their matching shoes to their matching hair.
“Fred,” I pointed to the left. “George,” Potinging to the right.
The twins looked at eachother confused, then back at me.
“How did you know, you totally got lucky with those guesses,”
“No actually,” I walked forward to George and pressed my fingers against his neck. “You have a mole right here, not very noticable but I notice odd things,” I moved my fingers off Georges neck and turned to Fred who looked a me nervous.
My finger pointed to Fred's left eyebrow. “You have a scar, also not noticeable, but nice try, i’m not very hard to trick,” I winked turning back around to my bag, reaching in and looking for my wand.
“This girl scared me,” I heard one of the twins say, I let out a low chuckle and pointed to my door with my free hand.
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goldandbluesmiles · 4 years
Parental Woes
Summary: Bruce is asked what it's like raising a bunch of Alpha kids as a single omega parent. The answer is unexpected.
"Is it weird being the single Omega parent to a bunch of Alphas? Like what's the weirdest thing?"
"The cock-blocking," said Bruce
TW: Mild Language
They had been drinking for hours now, the only sober one being J'onn as he couldn't be affected by the contents of alcohol. Even Bruce was drunk.
"Hey Bruce," Clark heard Oliver say, "I gotta ask. Is it weird being the single Omega parent to a bunch of Alphas? Like what's the weirdest thing?"
"The cock-blocking," said Bruce
Clark choked on his drink. Beside him, Hal did a spit take while Barry and Arthur let out incredulous laughs. Both J'onn and Dinah looked highly amused. Diana had a small smirk on her face and Oliver, the second most sober, had a confused look on his face.
"Uh, wanna run that by me again Wayne?"
"The cock-blocking," said Bruce, "Seriously, it's ridiculous,"
"Spooky," said Hal, "How drunk are you right now?"
"Oh, very," said Bruce, "I'm going to hate myself in the morning,"
"Yeah, Yeah," said Oliver, "But you can't say something like that and not explain yourself. Come on Brucie. There's a story behind that,"
"Well," said Bruce, "It started with Dick. When he was really young I stopped picking people up for a while but, you know, once he settled down I tried to go back to it, coincidentally at the same time as he has started presenting his Alpha traits,"
"Right," said Barry
"The first time it happened was at Wayne Charity Gala,"
Bruce smiled as the Alpha trailed his hands down his back.
"You look as gorgeous as always Mr. Wayne,"
"Oh please James, we've known each other for a long time. You can call me Bruce,"
And it was true, they had met in high school. Back then James had been loud, brash and utterly unimpressed with relationships. The perfect hookup for Bruce. In the present, James was much more put together, standing straight, shaking hands and disarming people with his smile.
And Bruce wanted him. At least for the night.
By the way, James' hands were wandering he wanted him too.
"So, Bruce," said James, hand now hovering at his thigh "Have some time to spare for an old friend tonight? I know you're here with that kid of yours,"
And score.
"Well, he's old enough to go home with the driver. But we'll have to do your place,"
James grinned, "Well, that's understandable. Maybe we could just-"
"Bruce! There you are!"
Ah. Shit.
"Hey Dick," he said, "What is it?"
"Can we go home now?" he said, draping himself over Bruce and forcing James to remove his hand.
"Uh, yeah," said Bruce, "I thought you were going to-"
"Come on, Bruce," said Dick, "Now!"
"Maybe I should-" said James
"Yeah," muttered Bruce, "Some other time,"
"Huh," said Barry, "Doesn't sound like it was done on purpose,"
"Oh it wasn't," said Bruce, "He didn't even realize he was doing it a lot of times, just that he wanted the strange Alpha away from me. I had a talk with him and he said he would stop but I could tell how much it killed him to let some Alpha hang all over me so I just stopped picking people up. Again,"
"Sucks," said Hal
"Yup. Anyway, eventually, he left and I kinda started getting back into it. I mean I was still in my twenties then,"
"Yeah," said Dinah, nodding alone, "But then I guess Jason came along,"
"Oh yeah," said Bruce, "That was a disaster. I mean I love that kid. But Jesus,"
Bruce sighed happily as Jasmine pressed her fingers to his wrist.
"You smell wonderful, darling," she said, "I just wanna eat you up,"
"Well Jasmine," he said, trailing his other hand over her back, "I'm sure we can arrange that,"
Someone cleared their throat behind them. Bruce turned to find little Jason standing there with a pout on his face.
"I think we should go home now," said Jason
"Oh, okay," said Bruce, "I thought you were leaving early with Alfred,"
"Well now you're coming too," said Jason
"I am?" asked Bruce, feeling more and more confused by the second
"Maybe we should do this another time," said Jasmine, looking a bit amused by the situation.
It was her amusement that clued him in.
Oh, this was like Dick all over again.
"How about not," said Jason, glaring at the Alpha who just put her hands up in surrender, looking like she was about to burst into laughter.
Ok, this was so much worse than Dick.
"I don't think he wants you near me," said Jasmine in a voice only he could hear.
Jason gave her a hard glare for her transgression. She just smiled and walked away.
"Oh wow," said Diana, "Little one is fierce,"
"Yup," said Bruce, "These days those two do it on purpose,"
"Oh hey Bruce," said Rajan, standing a little too close for it to be friendly
"Rajan," he said
"So I was wondering if you would want to-"
"He would not," said a voice from behind
Bruce groaned internally. Why were his children like this?
"Definitely not," said Dick
"Uh, what?" said Rajan
"You weren't propositioning our father were you," said Jason, standing tall, which Bruce had to admit was pretty intimidating, especially when you took in the muscle.
"Because that might cause some problems," said Dick
"I think I'm gonna go now," said Rajan and practically ran away from there
Clark was having a really hard time stopping his laughter. The other members of the league seemed to be having the same problem.
"Har har har," said Bruce, "Please laugh at my pain,"
"Oh Lord!" said Arthur, "Your children sound amazing,"
"You haven't heard about the rest of them,"
Bruce grinned against Omari's lips as he led them to his room. The Alpha smelled amazing, taking all of Bruce's control not to strip them right there.
"Oh Hi Bruce," said Tim, making them break apart instantly
"Tim!" Bruce said, almost screeching, "Aren't you supposed to be home?"
"You were supposed to talk to Mr. Javari," said Tim, looking between them, "You have to make the call,"
"Right," said Bruce
"Well," said Clark, "You can't blame him for that. He genuinely needed you for something,"
"Except that, I had already made that call earlier," said Bruce, "Infront of Tim. While he rolled his eyes every time I said something 'Too Brucie',"
"Oh my," said Diana, leaning forward, "Cunning little thing,"
"Exactly!" said Bruce adorably waving his hands around, "I couldn't say anything in front of Omari and Tim knew that. The worst part, Omari was all 'What a cute child' and 'You should attend to him' and I'm just thinking, there goes another night of wild sex because my kids are annoying little shits,"
There was another round of laughter from the group.
"Come on. Come on," said Oliver, "Tell us more!"
"Damian," sighed Bruce, a fond look on his face, "Sweet cranky little Damian,"
"So Bruce," said Agnia, her voice holding a hint of an accent, "I was wondering if you would like to take a ride with me?"
"What kind of ride?" he said, bringing out his best smile.
The Alpha smirked, "We can do both kinds. The night is still young after all,"
Bruce grinned and leaned into her. She reciprocated by putting an arm around his waist.
"Remove your hands from my Father,"
Bruce sighed and looked down, feeling resigned.
"Hello, Damian," he said. This child wasn't even supposed to be here tonight.
"Ah," said Agnia, "Is this your youngest?"
"Yes," said Bruce
"Take your hands off of him!" This time his tone was more insistent, "I won't ask again,"
"Oh?" said Agnia, "Well, my apologies, to both of you,"
Damian nodded seriously and turned to Bruce, "We should go now,"
Bruce sighed, "I suppose we should. Go call the car,"
Damian gave one last warning glare, and it was definitely a warning, to the Alpha and walked away.
"I'm so sorry about that. He wasn't supposed to be here tonight. He must have come with his brothers,"
Agnia laughed and gently stroked his cheek, "It's alright. I used to do it to my Omega parent too. And I understand that he didn't grow up with you. Makes him more protective,"
"Thank you for understanding," he said, "Most people don't"
"Most people are stupid,"
Bruce smiled and was about to-
"You better go," said Agnia, "It was nice to meet you, Mr. Wayne,"
"Lovely to meet you too, Ms. Agnia,"
"So, what was that about?" he asked Damian once he caught up to him
"Well," said Damian with a completely serious face, "I had to protect your virtue,"
"We are going to have a conversation when we get home," said Bruce, dreading it already. Maybe he could just skip it. It's not like it had helped with his other sons.
"Did he really say virtue?" asked Dinah
"In his defense, he translates everything from Arabic to English in his head and the only English he learned was formal," said Bruce
"But virtue?" asked Hal, "Even in slang language that's funny,"
"Yup," said Bruce, "After the third time he did that I was this close to saying 'Your mother picked me up at a gala and you were conceived in the back of a car' I mean it was a nice car but still,"
"Really?" asked Barry, "I thought you met her abroad when you were travelling,"
"Oh I did," said Bruce, "She was on business,"
"Ah," said Barry, "What about your daughter?"
"Ha," said Bruce, "Dear Cassandra,"
"Uh Bruce," said the Alpha he had been chatting up, "Your daughter is starting to scare me,"
Bryce sighed, "It's alright Abbas, just ignore her,"
"It's kinda hard," he said, pretty grey eyes flickering sideways.
Bruce followed his gaze and sure enough, there was Cassandra, her eyes unblinkingly trained on Abbas.
"I don't think she likes me talking to you," said Abbas, "And no offence but your kids are kinda scary, especially your girl,"
"I know," said Bruce, not knowing whether to be proud or to feel frustrated.
"I'm just gonna-" said Abbas and Bruce nodded, watching the man walk away very very quickly.
Bruce couldn't even blame him. Cassandra could be scary.
"So?" said J'onn handing them all some water, "She merely stares at them?"
"Yup," said Bruce, "And it works. She's just that good,"
Hal snorted, "Your kids are something,"
"Yeah," said Bruce, a soft smile on his face "They're really great, wouldn't trade them for anything,"
They were quiet smiles around the room as Diana decided it was a good time to call it a night.
'This,' thought Clark looking at everybody's relaxed posture, 'had been a good idea,'
Bruce was nursing his first and last champagne glass for the night when he felt someone's arm come around his waist. Considering there were very few people in this circle that could actually come close to him this silently...
"Hey Ollie," he said in his best Brucie voice, "I see you were invited too. Should have let me know,"
"Aww but I wanted to surprise you," he said, purring a little close to his ear
What the hell was Oliver doing?
"Play along,"
Bruce was confused. It wasn't that he didn't understand what Oliver was saying, they had saved each other from many unbearable conversations after all. But he couldn't see anything that Oliver needed saving from and Oliver wasn't one to just come up to Bruce and start flirting
He was up to something.
Still, Bruce was bored and figured giving into the Alpha's shenanigans wouldn't hurt too much. Oliver did know have to have fun and Bruce was in a good mood.
So he put up with Oliver's wandering, but respectful hands, and his, only kind of, bad flirting.
He got an inkling of what was happening when he saw Stephanie coming their way, a determined gleam in her eyes.
"So Oliver," said Stephanie, stopping right in front of them, "Feeling a little handsy today are we?"
"Uh," said Oliver
Oh, this little shit. Really Queen?
"Cause really, that is just not classy," said Stephanie, crossing her arms and glaring, "Anything to say for yourself, Mr. Queen?"
Bruce could see that Oliver trying to hold his laughter, probably in hopes of prolonging the conversation but as soon as Stephanie raised one of her eyebrows he was lost.
Oliver doubled over in laughter and he wasn't the only one. He could hear Dick and Tim giggling behind them. Jason and Damian were coming up behind Stephanie, wide grins on their faces. Cassandra had come to stand beside him and was looking at him with amused eyes. Poor Duke just looked confused, standing at the other side of Cassandra.
"What?" said Stephanie, "I'm making a good point here,"
"Don't worry, Brown," said Damian, "You have just joined the tradition of Father's Alpha children warding off his one night stands,"
"I told you he did it on purpose," said Bruce, giving Dick a pointed look
"What, really?" said Dick, looking at his little brother
Damian shrugged, "It was instinct at first but afterwards it was just to watch Father try to not roll his eyes,"
That garnered him a few chuckles all around.
"That is it," said Bruce, pushing away a still laughing Oliver, "Duke? You're my favourite now,"
The young Alpha grinned, "Sure, B. Does that mean I can get ice cream?"
"Yup," said Bruce, "Let's go get ice cream. The rest of you stay back and think about what you've done,"
There was a wave of protests but Bruce grabbed Duke's arm and hauled them both out of there.
Duke was laughing by the time they got to the car, "Do they really cock-block you every time?"
"Oh yes,"
"I mean I don't blame them. Most Alphas are protective and you deserve to be respected," said Duke
"Duke, baby, you're the only normal child I have. Please stay this way,"
Duke's laughter was like magic.
Bruce couldn't help the warmth that spread through him.
He really did love his kids.
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kindredspiritdiana · 5 years
try to understand this situation from Diana’s pov
How should I start by saying this? the last episode sucked. 
It’s amazing how close Jerry & Diana got within the span of 3 episodes. Last week, the episode left us shippers so happy we completely forgot that nothing good ever lasts. It’s like I’m watching a different version of Game of Thrones (only one character died and nobody is trying to kill each other).
This week, it was Dianne’s falling out, along with the tragic end to a romantical tale of two young lovers, Diana and Jerry. 
It’s unbelievable how quickly that ship hit the rocks and sunk down to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean (Avonlea is situated on Prince Edward Island).
This subject is so touchy, I’m sure it’s gonna piss some people off. Sorry in advance.
Diana’s character development did not take a tumble. We are all forgetting a few important facts about her.
She is only 16 years old. 
She is still afraid of her parents’ decisions. She doesn’t like to test their patience either. 
She genuinely likes Jerry and is attracted to him (Dalila Bela confirmed). 
Only inside her head, Diana is listening to like 3 different voices telling her what to do and how to live her life.
“It’s your life, enjoy it. every opportunity is an adventure, blah blah blah.” - Anne
“Your life doesn’t have to mirror the life your parents have.” - Aunt Jo
“you mustn't associate yourself with the likes of those people.” - Eliza Barry
It was ballsy enough for her to KISS JERRY in ep 6. Kisses between teenagers at that age were not common, especially for the Dianas of the world.
Girls like Diana would wait until their marriage. They wouldn’t walk home alone with a boy, unchaperoned.
Touching (skinship) would only occur at a ball while dancing. (half of the things she and Jerry do, are like scenarios from a fanfic, an alternate universe.)
Diana and Jerry are so advanced for the time they’re living in, that some of the writing doesn’t even sound realistic.
Again, Diana is still afraid of her parents, no matter what says, or what she makes us believe. Her mother can be scary when she wants to be. Her father just stares disapprovingly at almost everything, because he doesn’t want to anger his wife. Her sister snoops around her room and always eavesdrop. 
It’s no wonder Diana wants a breather. Her life has been planned out for her all her life, and she’s just about ready to combust. She has some freedom in Avonlea even though her parents are around. She gets to hang out with her best friend (who let's face it, is not a lady.) She gets to learn, and she gets to spend her free time with a handsome boy who speaks the same language as her. It’s the most stimulation that girl has gotten in months. Once she’s in Paris at “finishing” boarding school (they didn’t mention boarding school, but seriously where is she gonna live?) she will not be able to experience any of this for a long time.
Diana is trying to live her life to the fullest in just the short amount of time she’s got left, and yeah, she is subconsciously trying to ruin her relationship with Jerry. Up until now, Diana never said anything against him ever, never insulted him. (okay that one time when he came to say hello in front of Anne, Diana was super rude, but that’s because she wasn’t sure of her feelings towards Jerry.)
She isn’t trying to be mean, but she’s kind of realized they don’t have all that much in common. They’ve kissed. Twice. So all that’s left in this secret rendezvous romance is sex, which will never happen (the writers can’t let us be that happy, also it’s a show w/ a teenage/family audience.) 
Diana wasn’t thinking straight, she’s also going through her last years of puberty, and is curious about intimate relations. That’s why she keeps insinuating kisses into their secret meetings. She should’ve told Jerry about her leaving to Paris, but I don’t think she wanted to. She was afraid he was going to get angry and ignore her altogether. I believe somewhere in her heart, she was just afraid of his reaction. She wants to be with him, but what’s the point in hanging out with a girl who is gonna move to a different country soon right after?
I’m glad there isn’t too much hate towards her. Diana she is so sweet and so kind, Anne wouldn’t have become friends with her, if she wasn't. Diana did what all of us still do, she made a mistake in leading Jerry on, knowing very well that their romance would have to end because she was being sent away. But she followed her heart (hormones) instead of listening to reason. 
Hopefully, Jerry approaches Diana in the next episode, I know he’s hurting, but he needs to talk to her. We still don’t know if HE KNOWS that she’s leaving.
I hope he will show her his anger and not be afraid to be honest with her. Because it doesn’t help that he’s afraid to say anything around her. He needs to show her he’s still a person who matters and his feelings aren’t some sort of game for her. 
crossing my fingers this past week for some good content next episode, only thing is that means Shirbert might fight, while Derry reconciles. We can’t have both couples running off into the sunset together. 
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curlytemple · 4 years
niche interests list 
okay sure yes this is fun! i havent posted a thing like this in such a long time. thank you new gal pal @scottspack for tagging me! 
alright first lets throw it back to preschool! my fav childhood toys were my baby doll (snookums) and a plush pig that my grandma got me that i just called ‘pig’ ...i watched the babe movies countless times, and piglet? that anxious little guy GETS ME bro. when my preschool did a nativity play and my class got to choose an animal to be in baby jesus’ manger, my mother recalls me saying that i would be a pig because jewish people (jesus christ) wouldnt eat me. she has no idea how or when i learned about kosher foods. ironically despite my namesake i was too afraid of the movie charlotte’s web to watch it more than once because the scary farmer tries to kill wilbur for being small and the pretty spider dies. 
sugar creek gang 
OKAY this is a book series from the 40s-70s about a group of christian little boys in indiana who went on adventures in the woods and helped people. my dad read a LOT of chapter books to me as bedtime stories when i was little (see also the mandie series, nancy drew and the hardy boys, little house on the prairie) but sugar creek gang is one that really hit. i read all 36 books with dad and at least once again on my own. there was a series of 4 or 5 movies in the early 2000s when i was the Perfect age to have a crush on most if not all of them. this might be too much detail but i have to tell you about these boys. we WILL not be revisiting the heavy religious themes. 
 the narrator is bill who is Good and Kind and wants to be a doctor when he grows up. his best friend is a chubby boy nicknamed poetry because he memorizes and quotes poems, he is the Detective of the group. BIG JIM is the leader of the group who is supposed to be like, 14, which was very cool and hot, to me. and yes there is a little jim, who is the baby of the group. then there is CIRCUS who is known for his climbing and acrobatics, and his FIVE SISTERS AND BEAUTIFUL SINGING VOICE. dreamboy. i’m almost done listing boys, i promise. a boy called dragonfly who is allergic to everything and hella superstitious. later in the series a new boy named tom moves to town and tom has an older brother bob who is NOT A CHRISTIAN (bully) 
tangentially, the buttercream gang, a movie from 1992 that was almost definitely made by some christians who grew up reading the sugar creek gang series which i’m guessing on vibes alone. will spare you Good Boy details but scott is in love with his best friend pete who moves to chicago and falls in with a bad crowd and scott just refuses to stop LOVING HIM. very gay christian film in retrospect. 
peter pan
so i know liking disney’s peter pan isnt niche, but it was the way i liked it. tinker bell stan from day one, i watched all of those disney fairies movies, even the ones that came out after i was definitely not intended audience. there was an online pixie hollow game where you could design your own fairies and play mini games where you gathered dew drops or something. had a HUGE CRUSH on jeremy sumpter in peter pan (2003) then i got really darkly obsessed with the idea of growing up when i was 12 or 13, and everything peter pan was deeply My Shit for my entire adolescence. i read the original book and every other twisted version of the story i could find and seriously freaked myself out about wasting my youth. 
you’ve probably heard of jenny han now, or at least the netflix adaptations for to all the boys i’ve loved before and the sequel ps i still love you (always and forever, lara jean, coming soon?) but before she wrote THOSE, she wrote my first ever Favorite Book, about annemarie “shug” wilcox, a girl in the summer before starting middle school. it is SO engraved on my heart i cannot explain. i felt so incredibly understood and cant even tell you how many times i read it. thinking about all of the ways it made me feel SEEN is actually making me very tender so i’m gonna go on.  
the summer series
on the subject of jenny han, since she was now my Favorite author, when she came out with the summer i turned pretty in 2009, i was ALL IN. it’s not summer without you, and we’ll always have summer were published the next two years. a coming of age series about a girl isabel “belly” conklin who stays at her mother’s best friend's house at the beach in the summers. i really could talk about it forever yall. i actually dont know how to be succinct about it. i will try. her mom’s friend has TWO BOYS. one brother, jeremiah, is the golden boy and her best friend who is in love with her! the older one CONRAD is her childhood crush who's just sort of around while belly is firmly getting over her childish feelings and going out and experiencing teen beach life with jeremiah for the first time and figuring out who she is and wants to be! by the end of the summer he admits he feels differently about her (hence belly internalizing this as The Summer I Turned Pretty) and they get together. this is already too much so i will just say that the next two books deal with a PROFOUND LOSS and the selfishness of grief and the SELFLESSNESS OF CONRAD and i will absolutely lose my shit if netflix picks it up for a second jenny han series adaptation. 
this was a kids show in the 90′s that features a character named Pappy Drew-It, an artist dressed like a 49er who lives in a magic cabin in pappyland. there’s tons of characters and music and life lessons but the meat of every episode is a detailed drawing how-to (pappy is actually a cartoonist, michael cariglio) and i have a hard back cover sketch book from my grandpa that i FILLED with drawings that pappy and DOODLEBUG taught me to do. there is a running gag that pappy always breaks his crayons.  
boy meets world
i KNOW this is beloved by many but i’m counting it because i’m simply too young to have such an obsession with it! the show ran from 1992-2000. i was born in 1996, but reruns on the disney channel and abc family cemented it as one of my favorite shows. cory and shawn, closer than brothers, shameless homoromantics, shawn is cory’s first wife!!!!! truly showed me what a best friend can and should be!!!!!! the great love of your life!!!!! TOPANGA, the og weird feminist girl who said stop shaving your legs and start speaking your mind, ladies! the characters are so richly developed that they are real people to my heart. YES every character on this show is in their late 30s-early 40s and YES i feel like we grew up together. in season one they’re in the 6th grade and we follow them all the way to COLLEGE. countless poignant life lessons, often literally dictated by the wise and hilarious MR. FEENY, cory’s next door neighbor and somehow one of his teachers for YEARS. my love was only solidified by the 2014 girl meets world reboot, centered on cory and topanga’s daughter and her best friend. (which was literally cancelled because disney didn’t want to transition from a kids show to a teen show, something essential to the original. also because that teen show would have had CANON LESBIANS. extremely shameful move in 2017!) boy meets world lives rent free in my heart and i will never evict it!!!!!!!
i consulted my mother when i got stumped for more and she reminded me that i had obsessions with the impressionist art period and babies and ANYTHING fairies or pixies, and i was way too young when my love of the canadian teen after school special degrassi began. she also said bob ross, which i was hesitant to include because he’s been super ~trendy in recent years, but to be fair (To Be Faaairrr) she’s right! i don’t think people really watched the joy of painting as much as i have throughout my life. best sick day show of all time.
lastly i could honestly list anna herself as a niche interest, my mom actually metioned that ive always hyperfixated on my girl friends (gay) but i’ll just note that YES friday night lights, YES barry lyga novels. love to share so many things with you, niche or not, they’re niche in Our Mind.
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heyyyharry · 5 years
Chapter 8: The Little Prince and His Flower (Preview)
(from the My Girl Trilogy: Stay Mine)
…in which Harry must return to Holmes Chapel, Y/N is upset he went without her, and family drama is not family-only.
AU: actor!Harry, older!Harry, younger!Y/N, (4-year age gap).
Full chapter: Wednesday, Mar 25.
The full chapter is already available on Patreon
OKAY LISTEN! THIS CHAPTER PAINED ME! No, there's no angst but it's so fucking long and my wifi crashed. Now it's 2:30 AM and I can finally post 😂
I’m sorry for the late update. Here’s a long preview to make up for it!
“Blake,” she said before he could get into his car. “Can I go with you?” 
When Alice dropped her jaw and Blake’s eyes went wide, she added, “I can sit in the back. I won’t bother you.”
She'd already braced herself for rejection, knowing how much Blake hated being in a car with other people during long drives, even when he was the passenger. 
He relished the feeling of an adrenaline rush while riding his motorcycle, and had often joked that he’d felt most alive when he might die. Being in a car confined him. So did the company of someone else. It’d been different when they’d been a couple but they weren’t anymore. Now she was just ‘someone else’ to him. 
“Sure, I don’t mind.” He flashed a grin that deepened his dimple and caught her by surprise.
“Really?” she said. “You don’t have to. I don’t want to make you feel uncomf–”
“I love driving you around, Y/N. Get in.” He patted the top of his car, and Alice aimed a pointed glare at him as if she hadn’t sighed like a schoolgirl when they shook hands. 
Although Y/N understood Alice’s concern and was well aware that she’d be spending three hours in the car with her ex, going with him sounded like a better idea than taking a taxi. 
She hadn’t sat behind the wheel since the accident and had only let Harry drive her around. But somehow she trusted Blake. She’d trusted him with most of her first times, and being in a relationship with him for two years had convinced her that he was a careful driver. 
The solitary voice caught her by surprise. She whipped around to see Niall crossing the street and stalking toward her with a bubbly grin on his face.
“Is that Niall Horan?” Alice unconsciously dug her nail into Y/N's arm, and Y/N winced as she pulled away. 
“What are you doing here, Niall?”
“I had a photoshoot in this area and I thought we should hang out. You know, since we’re officially friends now.” He raked his fingers through his hair and arched his mouth when he noticed Blake. “Hey, man.”
Blake only raised his palm, saying nothing.
“This is Alice,” Y/N said as she gripped Alice’s stiff shoulders. “She’s a big fan of yours, so be nice to her.”
"Nice to meet you," Niall said. "Alice is a pretty name."
When he took Alice's hand and pressed a kiss to it, Y/N thought her friend would just pass out right in front of them. Alice might be bold with Blake, Isaac, and even Harry, but facing Niall, she suddenly forgot how to speak. Which might be a good thing because she said crazy things when she was nervous, and Y/N couldn’t handle more crazy right now.
“I’m sorry, Niall. I’m actually leaving.”
“Oh, where are you going?” 
“We’re going to Holmes Chapel,” Blake answered on her behalf, still leaning against his car. He didn’t seem frustrated that she and her friends were wasting his time, and she truly wondered why.
Niall turned back to her with an eyebrow raised. “Weren’t you going with Harry tomorrow?” 
“Apparently not,” she huffed. “But don’t worry. I’ll text him to let him know.”
“I can give you a ride.” 
Niall pointed to the black Audi parked on the other side of the street. A man in a black suit, buzzed head, twice her size, gave them a cold stare as Niall waved and smiled at him. 
“That’s Barry. He’s cool.”
She took a surprised breath, considering Barry for a quick second. “I think I’ll be fine with Blake.” 
She would have agreed to go with Niall in a heartbeat, if there was just Niall, and he was driving a less luxurious vehicle. She could already imagine how badly her body would ache when they arrived, as she wouldn’t dare to move a single muscle in his new car, especially when Barry was the one who drove it.
“Okay.” Niall gave a nonchalant shrug as he fished out his phone and made a quick call. “Hey, man.” He gave the scary man across the street a peace sign. “I’ll stay with my friend. You may leave now. Thanks, Barry.” 
Y/N watched Niall’s bodyguard/chauffeur get into the shiny Audi, not knowing what to expect when Niall put his phone away and switched his attention back to her. 
“Let’s go.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you mean?”
“I’m going with you,” he said with a smirk, “and Blake.”
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chobit92 · 4 years
Resident Evil: Albert Wesker/OC Part 2
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol.
(Angel sits at the bar waiting to be served. Wesker is sat next to her. Chris picks up a tray of beers and carries them over to a table where Barry, Joseph, Enrico, Richard and Forest are sat. Ken is talking to a young woman at the other end of the bar. Rebecca is dancing with Jill.). Chris: Who’s up for a game of darts? Barry: I’ll whoop your ass Redfield. (Chris and Barry get up and head over to the dart board with their beers. Angel tries again to get the barman’s attention but he just walks off to serve a guy at the other end of the bar. She sighs as she then watches the barman serving two women while flirting with them. She wonders what it would be like to be flirted with. She’s used to guys not noticing her. She’s only had one boyfriend and it didn’t end up being anything much. She blames her father for that. Ben was so scared of him finding out that they were seeing each other he broke it off after only two months. She really liked him too. She told him that she didn’t care if her father found out. She’s an adult and she’ll date who she likes. Ben just said that her father wouldn’t see it that way. That he should never have started seeing the bosses daughter. She finally manages to get the barman’s attention and he walks over and smiles at her.). 
Barman: What can I get for yah? Let me guess. Wine? Gin and Tonic? Angel: Wow. You assume a lot about women don’t you? Barman: It’s just what they usually drink miss. Angel: I don’t like wine. It tastes disgusting. I’ll have a whiskey. Neat. Make it a double. Like half the glass yeah? (The barman raises his eyebrows.). Barman: Okay. (He pours her a whiskey and she takes a large gulp. Rebecca walks over and leans against the bar next to her.). Barman: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Coz you must be an angel with beauty such as yours. Rebecca: Her names Angel. Barman: Get outta here. Angel: Why are you still here? Barman: So uh...You seeing anyone? (Angel looks surprised.). Angel: I’m married. (The barman walks off.). Rebecca: I didn’t know you were married. Angel: Neither did I until about three seconds ago. (Rebecca laughs and Angel smiles taking another sip of whiskey. She turns to Wesker.). Angel: Did you want another drink? Wesker: Why not? Rebecca: You should come dance with us. Angel: I don’t really do dancing. I’d look like a right idiot. Rebecca: No you wouldn’t. Come on. (Angel tries to get the barman’s attention again. He’s too busy flirting yet again. She sighs and then gets up on the bar and gets behind it. Rebecca laughs. She pours Wesker a whiskey and the barman comes over.). Barman: Hey. Get out from behind here. Angel: Make me. Barman: Seriously I’ll drag your ass out of here. Angel: Oh yeah? You touch me you’ll be spitting out your teeth. If we didn’t have to sit here all night waiting for you to finish flirting with anything with a hole in it I wouldn’t have to pour my own drinks would I? (Angel slides the glass across to Wesker and hops back over the bar sitting down. She then slides a bill across the bar.). Angel: Keep the change asshole. (The barman looks stunned as he takes the bill and walks off. Rebecca laughs.). Rebecca: Jesus girl! You’re scary. Angel: Am I? Rebecca: Yeah. Now come dance with us. (Angel sighs.). Angel: Okay fine. (She downs the rest of the whiskey and gets up. She turns to Wesker.). Angel: Would you like to dance? Wesker: No. Angel: Okay. Back in a minute. (Angel walks over to Jill with Rebecca and they start dancing. Wesker watches Angel. She sways from side to side looking embarrassed. He takes a sip of whiskey and thinks about how she was with that barman. The anger in her eyes. Damn. He hasn’t seen that side of her before. He sighs as he realises she’s obviously one of those man hating feminist types. He’s wasting his time. Angel suddenly turns her head and looks over at him. She smiles shyly before turning away. Jill is showing her how to sway her hips and Wesker watches as Angel copies her. Jill then leans over and whispers something to Angel and she turns to look at him before looking back at Jill and saying something. Both girls start giggling. Angel shakes her head then shrugs. 
 ---Angel can’t believe Jill. Teasing her about how Wesker is watching her every move then asking if she fancies him. Ridiculous. But as she turns and looks over at him sitting at the bar watching them she wonders how ridiculous it really is. She hasn’t failed to notice how attractive he is. She’s thought about him several times since she met him. Barry walks over.). Barry: And how are you ladies doing? Jill: Fine. Barry: I don’t think Weskers enjoying himself. Jill: Hm. We were just talking about him. Weren’t we Angel? Angel: Stop. Barry: Hm. Jill: We should probably head home soon. We’ve got a big day tomorrow. Barry: Yeah. God knows what we’re gonna find in those woods. Some crazy cult if you ask me. Angel: You think it’s just that? A cult? Barry: What else could it be? (Angel isn’t sure. Chris comes over.). Chris: You up for another game Barry? Barry: Why not? Well girls it’s been fun but I have another game of darts to win. (They laugh as Barry and Chris head back over to the dart board. Jill watches Chris go.). Angel: You like him don’t you? Jill: What? Angel: Chris. Jill: I... Rebecca: Yes she does. Angel: Have you told him? Jill: No. Rebecca: Have you told Wesker you like him? Angel: What? Rebecca: Oh come on. I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at him tonight. I’ve also seen you looking at him at work. Angel: Well...I dunno. I don’t see the point. He’d never be interested. Rebecca: I think he is. Angel: You what? Rebecca: Well he invited you for a drink tonight didn’t he? Angel: To discuss putting me back on the case. Rebecca: He said that yeah but I think he was after something else as well. Angel: Really? Rebecca: You didn’t get that? Come on girl. If he wanted to discuss putting you back on the case he could have done that at the office. He invited you for a drink. Then when you invited everyone else he looked...Disappointed. Angel: He did? Rebecca: Yeah. (Rebecca sighs.). Rebecca: When he invited you for a drink he meant just the two of you. (Angel doesn’t really know what to say. Or what to do. It isn’t that she doesn’t want him. Because she has thought about it...But he probably just wants a bit of fun. Nothing serious. She isn’t sure that she wants to just be someone’s bit of fun. She isn’t sure about letting a man use her.). Angel: Well I dunno. He might just want a bit of fun. I don’t know how I feel about that. Rebecca: How do you know he just wants a bit of fun? He might really like you. Angel: I doubt it. Jill: Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun. Right? (The girls giggle. Angel looks back over at Wesker.). Angel: You think I should just ask him? Jill: Ask him what? Angel: Well...If he fancies me or not. Jill: You could. He does keep looking at you. Rebecca: I’ve noticed it too. In the meeting earlier he kept looking at you. Angel: How do you know where he’s looking? He’s always got those stupid sunglasses on. (They giggle.). Rebecca: Why don’t you just go and sit with him for a while. Talk to him. Flirt with him. See where it goes. Angel: You think I should? Rebecca: Why not? Angel: But...Is it wrong to just have sex with a guy? I mean isn’t that...Slutty? Jill/Rebecca: No! Rebecca: Men do it all the time and they don’t get called sluts do they? Jill: Nope. Rebecca: Look you do what you want to do. Whatever you feel comfortable doing. If you want him then go for it. Who knows it might come to something. It might not. If it doesn’t... Jill: Least you’ll have had a good night. (Rebecca giggles.). Rebecca: Jill I never knew you were this terrible. You’re such a bad influence on me! (Jill laughs.). Jill: Seriously though. If anything does happen. We want to know. Angel: What? Jill: Oh yeah. You gotta give your friends the gossip. Rebecca: Jill! Stop. Just ignore her. You don’t have to tell us anything. It’s your business. Angel: I’m gonna go and get another drink. Jill: Uh huh. (They grin at her and she laughs before heading back over to the bar. She sits down next to Wesker.). Wesker: You didn’t get much dancing done. Angel: Oh I hate dancing. I just look like an idiot. Wesker: You didn’t. A lot of the men in here couldn’t take their eyes off of you. Angel: Really? Wesker: Myself included. (She freezes. Stunned. He is sat there staring at her. She swallows hard then turns away from him. The barman comes over.). Barman: Another drink? (Well...Damn. Maybe he does fancy her. But he probably just wants a bit of fun. She knows what men are like. But damn does she want him. She decides to just go with it. See what happens.). Angel: I’ll have another whiskey. Double. (The barman pours more whiskey in her glass.). Barman: You wanna go easy on that. Trying to forget something? Angel: No. I just want a drink. We ain’t all got little sob stories. Barman: Okay. So...You really married? Angel: What’s it got to do with you? Look I ain’t interested. You should really get the fucking hint and fuck off. Barman: Alright. Chill out girl. Jeez! Only trying to be nice. Angel: Yeah. Real nice to want to take a young girl home so you can treat her like a sex doll and then throw her away like trash the next day. Man you must be a catch eh? (The barman looks at Wesker.). Barman: Good luck with her mate. Jesus. (The barman walks off.). Angel: Fucking asshole. (She takes a large gulp of whiskey thinking about how Wesker probably wants the exact same thing the barman does. She finds herself again in two minds about this whole thing. Maybe she should just go home. But then she feels Weskers hand on her arm and she turns to him. He leans towards her and her heart skips a beat. He’s going to kiss her. But he doesn’t kiss her.). Wesker: Are you alright? Angel: Yeah. Wesker: We could go somewhere else. If you like. Somewhere away from that barman. (She smiles and turns away from him taking another sip of whiskey. Damn.). Angel: You wanna go out for a cigarette? (She stands up and downs the rest of the whiskey. Wesker raises an eyebrow then gets up and follows her outside. The night air is cool and crisp and Angel sighs and looks up at the starry sky. She then takes a packet of cigarettes out of her handbag and hands one to Wesker. He takes it and she lights for him before lighting one up herself. She shoves the packet and lighter back in her bag and leans against the wall. He moves to stand next to her.). Angel: So... Wesker: So... (She finds herself laughing. Rebecca suddenly appears.). Rebecca: Hey there you are. I thought you’d left. Angel: I will in a minute. You should get going soon too. Rebecca: Yes mom. Angel: Hey. I’m not old enough to be your mom. Rebecca: How are you getting home? Barry said he’d drive us. Angel: Um...I’ll probably just walk. Wesker: I can give you a lift. Angel: Really? Thanks. (Rebecca looks at Wesker then back at Angel then shakes her head and sighs.). Rebecca: Okay. Well I’ll see you guys tomorrow then. Angel: See you tomorrow. Wesker: Goodnight Rebecca. Rebecca: Night. Night Angel. (She winks at her before going back inside the bar. Angel sighs and shakes her head.). Wesker: Are you alright? Angel: Yeah. (She drops her cigarette butt and stubs it out with her boot. He does the same.). Angel: Are you going back in? Wesker: No. I’m going to head home now. Angel: Is it still okay to get a ride? Wesker: Yes. Angel: Thanks. (She follows him to his car and they get in. 
---Wesker drives through the city following Angels directions. This whole evening has been a waste of time. She clearly isn’t interested in him. He doesn’t know why she doesn’t just say so. Women. Now he knows why he never really bothers. Perhaps she just doesn’t know how to tell him she isn’t interested. But then she told that barman clear enough. He also hasn’t failed to notice how she kept looking at him earlier when she was dancing. How the girls kept giggling and looking at him. They must have been talking about him. Maybe she’s playing hard to get. He is now driving through the rougher part of the city. He looks around as he follows Angels directions. She then tells him to pull over outside a small grotty apartment building. She lives here? A woman with a father that is friends with the mayor lives here? She thanks him for the ride and gets out. He watches as she goes to shut the door then stops. She stands there for a moment before leaning down peering into the car.). Angel: Would you like to come in for a drink? (Wesker smiles.).
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doyelikehaggis · 5 years
There is hope
(Who asked for more Crisis angst? No one? Too bad!)
The waverider is surprisingly quiet. Not that Barry would really know what it's usually like, but considering everyone who's part of the team, he's got a feeling that there's never a dull moment. Usually.
Not today. No one seems to want to be the first to break the silence, in case it triggers something and disturbs the moment of calm they seem to have been given to recover. The Crisis isn't over yet, they can all feel it. There's something else coming. 
Right now, though, all Barry can bring himself to focus on is Oliver. He's been sitting in the medical bay with him for the past hour, waiting for him to wake up.
The fight with the shadow demons knocked him unconscious. Bruises and cuts litter his face, barely a part of him that isn't covered in blood. Gideon said there's a forty-eight percent chance of him going into a coma. Kara said to be hopeful that there's a higher chance he won't, even if it's only by two-point-something percent.
But he isn't feeling too hopeful right now. He supposes that's why she's the Paragon of it and he's not. 
The machine hooked up next to him beeps away. Steady, thankfully. 
He sighs and drops his head forward into his hands. He stays like that for a moment, trying to calm himself down. There's just this gnawing in his gut and he hates it. Oliver isn't supposed to die, no matter what the Monitor says. He desperately wishes there was something he could do. Something to at least help Mia, who's a wreck but being distracted by Sara. 
His eyes are wet and dry at the same time. He closes them, digging his palms into them as he sucks in a shaking breath. It steadies him the tiniest bit, long enough for his head to clear just a little. Clearing his throat, he sniffs, tries to wipe his eyes clear of any stray tears and drags his hands through his hair as he looks back over at Oliver. 
"Come on, man," he says quietly, his voice broken and rasping to his ears as his mouth twists into an attempt at a smile, but all it's doing is holding back another wave of tears. He bites the inside of his cheek. "You don't get to go out like this, alright? Making some...sacrifice for me and Kara. Even the anti-monitor's saying you aren't supposed to go out like this."
Oliver doesn't stir. Of course he doesn't, Barry thinks. He's unconscious and bordering on comatose. Still, part of him is desperate, and he's clinging to that desperation, because he can't find a single other thing left inside of him. It's all he has at this point.
"So," he draws in another deep breath, straightening up in his chair, dropping a hand to Oliver's arm, "you gotta wake up. The universe said so, alright, and I don't know about you, but I don't feel like arguing with the universe anymore. Plus, you know Kara's a worrier, and I'm a little scared she might laser a hole in this ship soon if you don't wake up and hug her. You know it always works when she's freaking out about something. Pretty sure you have a gift."
He laughs a little, and he can hear Oliver's laugh in his head. His heart twists. His smile slips as everything becomes hazy around the edges once more. He can't stop himself from crying, not while Oliver's like this. So still, barely breathing, more blood and bruises than skin and flesh. 
He shakes his head, trying to steady his breathing, but it only makes it worse. A choked noise tears from the back of his throat and he quickly covers his mouth. Digging his fingers into his face, curling along his chin. His other hand's still on Oliver's arm. He's so cold. 
"This should never have happened to you," he breathes out, moving his hand from his mouth, but his voice cracks and he quickly swallows.
He can't say anything else; his throat's closed up and it's hard enough to breathe let alone try and form any words. All he can do is stare through tears stinging his eyes, feeling them slip down his cheeks. He halfheartedly attempts to wipe them away.
He should leave soon. The thought's been stuck in his head for the last half hour, because he knows that the rest of the team need him. Kara especially needs a distraction. It's just been working himself up to actually letting him out of his sight for even a minute. 
But Oliver's heartbeat is steady. His chest is rising and falling, even if slower than he would like. And Gideon would immediately update them on any problems before it got too bad, or if he was waking up. Mia and Kara made sure she would in case they were helping the team with something.
He nods to himself, letting that little voice of reason in the back of his mind convince him. It won't do Oliver much good to wake up if the entire universe has been wiped out by antimatter. He was willing to die to save it, and to save them. Barry will do anything to make sure that wasn't for nothing. 
Forcing a little composition into himself, he straightens up, taking in a deep breath. He leans forward, his eyes flickering closed for just a moment as he presses his lips to Oliver's forehead. His heart stutters in his chest in protest to him slowly pulling back. He ducks his head, sniffling, keeping his eyes closed for a beat as he ignores the tears still pushing their way out. 
A quiet groan breaks through the otherwise silence. Barry's eyes snap open. He quickly lifts his head, and he can hear it now, the heartbeat monitor, getting stronger, faster.
He looks at Oliver with wide eyes, watching him stir and shift. Barry's already halfway to getting out of his chair to call for Kara and Mia when Oliver turns his head. His eyes slowly flutter open until he's locked his gaze and Barry sinks back down into the chair, hearing Gideon inform the rest of the team of the change. 
"Hey," Barry breathes out softly, his heart pounding into his ribs.
To his surprise, Oliver's mouth curves up into a smile. The action stretches the cuts on his face slightly and he winces, but his smile doesn't slip at all. If anything, it widens that tiny bit more as Barry feels him move the hand he was almost holding to actually grip his gently.
"If you were trying to pull some true love's kiss thing on me then you did it wrong," he jokes despite the rawness to his voice and how it cracks a little. "Although, I guess it still worked."
Barry can't even respond, smiling so wide that his face aches a little and his eyes are still stinging. He huffs out a half-laugh of disbelief and utter relief, and it feels so good. To see Oliver smiling up at him, his eyes open. The light still shining within them as he holds his gaze, lightly squeezing his hand.
"I'm so happy you're alive," Barry says quietly, shaking his head slowly. "We thought—you were almost—"
"I'm okay," Oliver cuts him off, then glances around, barely moving his head as a tiny crease appears in his forehead. "I think. Where are we?"
Barry opens his mouth to answer, but fast, approaching footsteps catch his attention, and the next second, Mia appears in the doorway with Kara right behind her. The looks on their faces are so similar it's almost scary for a moment; hopeful but absolutely terrified to see for themselves in case it's all just a dream. Then Oliver looks over at them.
"Dad," Mia breathes out. 
She doesn't hesitate to practically speed over to them, at the other side of the bed in an instant as Kara approaches behind. Oliver's eyes widen as she immediately presses her face into his shoulder, crying. He huffs out another gentle laugh that sounds like it hurts his throat. He doesn't seem to care. 
"Hey, hey." He carefully lifts a hand to the back of her head, his fingers threading through her hair as his smile widens. "Mia, I'm okay."
"But you were—you could have—" she tries to say, but it's muffled and she can't seem to get the rest out as she just shakes her head and pulls back enough to be able to see his face, to be sure. "Dad, you—"
"Am still alive," Oliver cuts her off gently. He moves his hand to stroke along her cheek, wiping away a tear as he pushes her hair back. "See? I'm fine, I promise, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm guessing Gideon fixed me up. And considering who created her, I trust her and her abilities."
He glances up at Barry, and that light in his eyes has grown. Barry smiles back, feeling a weight lift from his chest and a familiar warmth start to seep back in. There's movement on his right and he looks over to find Kara next to him, glancing down as she takes his hand. When he looks back up to meet her gaze, he sees the tears shining in her eyes and how her mouth twists, doing everything in her power to look composed. 
Barry lets go of her hand, but only so he can wrap an arm around her instead, letting her curl into his side. He rubs her arm comfortingly as they both hold each other together. Mia smiles now with Oliver half-hugging her to the best of his ability. 
"We're glad you're okay, Ollie," Kara says, nodding, smiling at him. 
"Of course," he says, and feigns confusion, glancing between the three of them. "Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily?"
Mia laughs, and Barry and Kara are right there with her. Oliver grins, then he dissolves into soft chuckling, barely wincing at the pain it must be causing him. He doesn't seem to mind too much as he looks at them all with that smile and the light in his eyes. There is hope, Barry thinks, catching Kara's eyes as he does. If they can get around this, then whatever Crisis throws at them, they can find a way around it as well.
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jade4813 · 5 years
A Lie, Told Often Enough, Chapter 20
Author Notes: Inspired by @fallinginloveinaflash‘s AU prompt. All credit for the idea goes entirely to her. I’ve loved this story so much, I’m sad to see it go! I hope everyone has enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it - and stay tuned for the first chapter of my next Westallen AU, Sparks Fly, to be posted soon!
Title: A Lie, Told Often Enough
Rating: NC-17
Synopsis: Iris just landed her dream job at a PR firm and her first assignment is reforming the bad boy image of celebrity artist Barry Allen. He’s overly cocky and well-known for being a playboy, but Iris has never met a challenge she couldn’t handle.
Chapters: 20/20
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Blind Gossip – The recent breakup between this sexy rock star and his fashionable fiancée have made big news, but sources close to the couple say that it may have all been for show. Rumor is they’re closer than ever but trying to keep their relationship on the down-low. Dare we still hope for wedding bells in the future? Think you know the identity of our coy lovebirds? Sound off below!
“Where are you going?” Iris asked sleepily as Barry yawned and slid silently out from under the covers. “Come back to bed.”
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he murmured, bending over to press a kiss against her forehead. “I thought you might want some breakfast.”
She fisted a hand in his t-shirt and gave it a slight tug until he laid over her, his body pressing her into the mattress. “I don’t want breakfast. I want you to make love to me.”
“Make love to you?” he asked softly, brushing his lips against her cheek, remembering a time she would have phrased the request differently. He liked the way her words now felt on his tongue and in his heart.
Misinterpreting his repetition, she blushed. “Did that sound cheesy? It sounded, cheesy, didn’t it.”
“Not at all! Sweetheart, I’m always happy to make love to you. As long as you promise you won’t look away.”
She smiled. “So stop talking and hold me, already,” she demanded.
Barry laughed and started to tease her. “You’re bossy in the morn-” But her lips were on his, her tongue delving into his mouth, before he could even get out the words.
Royal Heartthrob? Barry Allen Lands Coveted Lead Role in Romantic Fantasy ‘A Royal Affair’
The lights were off when Iris walked through the front doors, and she looked around in surprise. She’d received a message from Barry to meet her at the cozy restaurant for dinner, but there seemed to be nobody there.
“Hello? Anybody there?” she called out, wondering if she’d gotten the day or time wrong.
“Can’t say how the days will unfold. Can’t say what the future may hold. But I want you in it. Every hour, every minute.”
She recognized Barry’s voice as soon as he started to sing and turned towards the sound just as waiters dressed in black unobtrusively stepped forward and lit candles until the entire restaurant was lit by a warm glow. Then they melted into the shadows again, leaving Iris and Barry alone.
“This world can race by far too fast. Hard to see while it’s all flying past. But it’s clear now, when you’re standing here now. I am meant to be wherever you are next to me.”
“Barry, what is this?” she asked, looking at the table, shrouded in white-linens and covered with rose petals. Had he rented out the entire restaurant?
“All I want to do is come running home to you. Come running home to you. And all my life I promise to keep running home to you. Keep running home to you.” As she watched, he got down on one knee and pulled his mother’s engagement ring out of his pocket. Iris caught her breath as he held it out to her, his hands trembling softly.
“And I could see it right from the start, right from the start. That you would be my light in the dark, light in the dark. Oh, you gave me no other choice but to love you.”
Iris didn’t realize when she’d placed her hands over her mouth, but she felt her smile against her fingertips. Seeing her expression, he stopped singing just long enough to say, “I told you. Every song I write is for you. And they always will be.”
“All I want to do is come running home to you. Come running home to you. And all my life I promise to keep running home to you. Keep running home, home to you.
“Can’t say how the days will unfold. Can’t change what the future may hold. But I want you in it. Every hour, every minute.”
As his song came to an end, she stifled her laugh with her hands. “You know, in a sense, we’re already engaged. We’ve been engaged this whole time.”
Barry grinned. “Yeah, but that was when I was pretending it was all an act. You deserve a proposal that’s real. Iris West, will you marry me? For real this time?”
She nodded. “Oh, Barry. Of course I will.”
Iris West and Publicist Linda Park Launch New Image Consultant Service, ParkWest Consulting
“It looks like our opening announcement was a big success. What do you think?” Linda cried happily as she looked around at the tables of friends, colleagues, and potential clients who had come out to celebrate their new venture. “Hold that thought. I should touch base with Eddie.” Eddie Thawne had become a good friend since their one pretend-date, and he had agreed to be their first official client. He had also been the one to suggest they set him up with Patty Spivot, if she agreed to engage in the ruse. She was still struggling to rehabilitate her image, and he’d thought they could solve each other’s problems. And since everyone had seen pictures of the two of them talking at the art show, the ground work had already been laid. “If we want to get people talking about him and Patty, making them the new It Couple, we want to make sure everyone sees them together tonight. No rest for the wicked, right?”
As she left the table, Iris breathed a sigh of relief. “You know, there were times I was halfway convinced we’d never get here. It’s still pretty scary when I think about it too long.”
Barry pressed a kiss against her lips and murmured, “Really? I never had any doubt. I knew you could do it.”
“Yeah, but you’re not exactly unbiased.”
He shrugged. “True. But I was also technically your first client, so I knew what you were capable of.” Seeing the nervousness that still lingered, he brushed his thumb along the curve of her cheek. “Remaking an image isn’t about selling a lie, at least not to you. For you, it’s about letting people show who they really are. And that’s why you’re so good at this. It’s why I never doubted you would make this a success.”
She chuckled, pressing her cheek against his shoulder. “I appreciate the vote of confidence, but if that’s true, why do I still feel like I have a million butterflies ricocheting around my stomach?”
“Ah, well. That just means you need a distraction, Princess.” Under the tablecloth, he slowly slid his hand between her legs, his fingers inching up the hem of her dress.
Iris’s eyes went wide as she covered his hand with her own. “You wouldn’t!” she breathed, scandalized and – almost against her will – getting aroused at the thought. And the memory.
Barry’s smile was a wicked reminder of the night their former charade all began, when he reminded her he wasn’t wholesome – and implied he didn’t want to be. “Wanna bet?”
His fingers started to stroke her through her panties and Iris had to stifle her gasp of arousal. “This is getting to be…a very bad…habit,” she moaned against his shoulder, pressing against him as he pressed his lips against the top of her head to stifle his responding laughter.
EXCLUSIVE IMAGES of Top-Secret West-Allen Oceanside Wedding!
“You seem lost in thought tonight,” Iris murmured as she curled up against him, her head rested next to his on his pillow. “Everything okay?” Stroking the line that had formed between his brows, she teased him, “You’re not regretting this marriage already, are you? It’s only been...what...six hours?”
“Of course not,” he replied quickly, though the frown line disappeared. “I was just…I was thinking about how we got here.”
“Ah, definitely a topic that should bring on grumpy face,” she said with mock seriousness, though the corners of her mouth twitched with a suppressed smile.
He chucked a brushed a kiss against the tip of her nose. “Okay, maybe not. But I was just thinking…earlier today, when I was standing up there, just waiting for the first glimpse of you. Halfway afraid you’d come to your senses and make a break for it. I realized that I made you a promise and I failed to live up to it.”
Her humor fading, Iris frowned, shifting her head on the pillow. “What do you mean?” she asked softly. “I don’t remember you breaking any promises.”
“I swore I would be there with you every step of the way, and then I just ended things. I hurt you, and I can’t forgive myself for that.”
Iris lifted a hand to brush his hair back from his forehead. “But babe, you said it yourself. You didn’t know –”
“I still broke my promise. I still hurt you.”
Pursing her lips, Iris thought over his words. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I broke a promise, too.” At his confused expression, she continued, “I promised myself I wouldn’t fall in love with you and look what happened.”
Barry let out a surprised bark of laughter. “That’s not – Is that supposed to make me feel better? You realize that’s completely different, right?”
Her grin was mischievous as she threw her leg over his hips and lifted herself over him. “I thought it would make you feel better to know we’ve both made mistakes.”
Barry smiled in return. “Honey, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you really kinda suck at this pep talk thing.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to spend the rest of your life making your broken promise up to me, and I’ll have to spend the rest of my life making my sucky pep talks up to you. Does that sound fair?” she asked, shrugging out of the straps of her nightgown, letting it fall to a pool over her thighs.
Barry felt himself grow hard again and lifted his hand to her shoulders, gliding one slowly down her body to stroke her breasts. He linked his other hand in hers, stroking the gleaming golden band that symbolized the lifetime of love ahead of them. The reminder that the man who once believed he could never have a normal relationship had found a love that would last forever. He wanted to memorize this moment and her beauty, to carry them with him for the rest of his life. “Yeah,” he agreed, rocking against her until her head fell back with a gasp. “That sounds fair.”
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lyravellas · 6 years
and many more
Kravitz does not have a birthday.
Obviously he had a birthday at some point, years and years ago, but he certainly doesn’t remember it anymore.  That’s just kind of what happens when you’re a. dead and b. the grim reaper for an extended period of time. The situation doesn’t lend itself particularly well to maintaining a steady social life, much less yearly celebrations with friends.  The Raven Queen is very nice, but she doesn’t really know what birthdays are. Kravitz isn’t completely sure if she was ever actually born. The metaphysics of Faerun is a somewhat headache-inducing situation.
He mentions all of this to Taako during a lull in the conversation one night, while the elf is draped idly across both his lap and the sofa in front of the television.  Taako is not an easy person to dumbfound — being a universe-hopping, planet-saving, wildly successful chef and wizard can do that to you — but this information absolutely blows him away.  Kravitz would gloat about it, but he’s too busy dealing with an immediate, rapid-fire line of questioning from his boyfriend: how old is he, exactly? (He’s not sure.)  Does he know what month his birthday was in?  (He doesn’t.)  Does he even remember the last time he had a birthday party? (He does not. He can’t even remember what he had for breakfast this morning. This is a lost cause.)  Taako speaks with his hands like he always does when he gets excited about things, punctuating each question with exclamations like “How did this happen, Krav?  How?!” and a few emphatic statements of “What the fuck!” as prestidigitated sparks shoot wildly from his fingertips.
Once Kravitz has reassured his boyfriend that yes, he did have an actual birthday at one point and no, he didn’t spring fully-fledged from the brain of the Raven Queen when he was born (“Sweetie, what the hell?”), Taako reclines back down into his lap and hums thoughtfully to himself.  He runs a finger absently through Kravitz’s hair out of habit.  It sends a few wayward sparks fizzing gently about the reaper’s ears.
Then Taako excuses himself rather abruptly by launching his entire body up and over the back of the sofa with a wholly unnecessary levitation spell, startling both Kravitz and their cats in the process.  After a solemn apology to James Buffett Jr. and Stinky Fur Man, Taako waves his stone of farspeech wildly around his head and declares that he needs to take a call (“Do you mean make a call, darling?”  “I never make calls, I only take them.”).  He then departs the room with a flourish, after tilting Kravitz’s head back for a lingering kiss that leaves the reaper feeling more than a little light-headed.
Taako is gone for several minutes.  Kravitz becomes preoccupied with staring very hard at the wallpaper and trying to remember how old he actually is. He is unsuccessful. He develops a very bad headache in the process.
When Taako finally returns, he throws himself dramatically back onto the couch (and into Kravitz’s lap), and declares, “Alright babe, you’re gonna share mine.”
And Kravitz says “What?” because it’s been ten minutes, he has a headache, and Taako is pretty to the point of being very distracting.
The elf tucks the stone of farspeech back beneath the collar of his shirt and snaps his fingers (which forces Kravitz to tear his gaze away from the mesmerizing strip of skin at the curve of his boyfriend’s collarbone).  “You’re gonna share my birthday.  I went and talked to Lulu about it, and she says it’s fine.  She’s excited about it, actually,  even though I don’t think she’ll ever let me live this one down.”  He sighs dramatically.  “Ch’boy always used to complain about having to share a birthday back when we were kids, and now here I am asking her for a plus one.  The things I do for love.”  Taako pauses and then squints up at his boyfriend.  “Krav.  You doin’ alright up there?  You’ve been kinda quiet.”
Kravitz is experiencing a very large number of emotions in a very small period of time.
He recognizes excitement almost immediately — if there’s one thing that he remembers about birthdays, it’s that they’re a lot of fun.  And now he gets to experience his with the people he loves most in the world.  The thought of spending a day surrounded by Taako’s endearing grandstanding and Lup’s infectious laughter sends warmth whispering through his silent veins.
There’s also a little bit of fear, because he was at the twin’s last birthday and so he knows exactly what can happen at their parties.  And if he and Lucretia have to explain to the authorities why the entire city of New Phandalin levitated into the air for exactly twenty-six minutes again, then he is absolutely going to come back to life just so he can die again.  
But for some reason, he also feels sad.  
He hasn’t thought about things like this, like birthdays and balloons and parties, for years.  It’s just been him and his job, alone except for the distant lights floating in the never-ending expanse of the astral plane, for as long as he can remember.  The Raven Queen used to gently encourage him to try going out and meeting new people, but all of her well-meaning attempts had steadily diminished over the years as he’d continued to rebuff her suggestions.
Kravitz’s greatest fear has always been this: if he lets himself get tangled back up in the world of the living, the weight of all the things that he failed to do before joining the Raven Queen’s retinue will eventually crush him.  
For far too many years to count, he’d refused to let himself believe that there might be any option besides cutting himself off from the material plane entirely.  But now this beautiful, lovable elf, who is too loud and too brash and too proud sometimes (and who he loves more than life itself), has taken him by the hands and pulled him headfirst into something he hadn’t even let himself realize he’d missed.
He can feel a strange wetness gathering behind his eyes; a sensation that feels comfortingly familiar, yet still somewhat alien after all the years that time has spent moving steadily on without him.
Taako sits up and puts his arms around Kravitz and just holds him silently for a while.  He gets it.  Both of them do.  Loneliness leaves scars that re-open at the strangest times.
They stay like that until Kravitz finally lifts his face from where it’s buried in Taako’s shoulder, and James Buffet Jr. takes the opportunity to hop up onto his lap and curl into his arms to make sure he’s okay.  Then they sit together on the sofa as the television drones gently on in the background and talk about plans for their next birthday: about how great it’s going to be, about how Merle is not allowed near the flower arrangements, about how Barry is absolutely not allowed to raise any members of the fantasy Beatles from the dead to perform.  Eventually, the few wayward tears give way to laughter instead.
Their next birthday is legendary.
The moon is directly overhead and also on fire for the better part of thirty-five minutes. An entire building in Rockport gets transmuted into a fourteen-layer birthday cake. The Raven Queen shows up — making several individuals in attendance nearly pass out in fear — in order to wish everyone a happy birthday, and also to figure out what exactly a birthday actually is. She walks around arm in arm with Istus, who brings everyone hand-knitted sweaters as presents.  All of the clergymen in the nearby vicinity collectively shit themselves in amazement.
After the festivities are all over and everyone has returned to their respective homes, Kravitz and Taako find themselves back on their sofa, with the radio in the background reporting softly on the ridiculously ostentatious display of fireworks that had lit up the skies over Neverwinter that evening.
“How was your very first birthday à la Taako, cupcake?”  Taako asks Kravitz as the latter flops down onto his lap.  “Actually quick side note, we definitely have to figure out how old your ass actually is at some point.  Not that it’d make much of a difference, since you’ve got the whole spooky scary skeleton thing going on at work most of the time, but I want to see the look on people’s faces when I tell them that my boyfriend is over six hundred years old.”
“That’s an adventure for another time, I think.”  A smile creeps across Kravitz’s lips.  “Lucretia just finished putting out the moon. I don’t think Faerun can take any more excitement in one night.”
“Boring, but fair.” Taako sighs in mock disappointment.  “That leaves yours truly with the responsibility of ‘final surprise of the night’, then.”  He snaps his fingers and a perfectly wrapped package materializes in the palm of his hand, accompanied by a glittery puff of magical confetti.  “Ta-da!  Faerun’s favorite wizard does it again.”
Kravitz clears his throat.  “Not to one-up Faerun’s favorite wizard, but...” he trails off as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, clumsily wrapped package.
Taako puts a hand over his heart and pretends to fan himself in shock.  “Betrayal!  Upstaged by the love of my life!  I’ll let it slide it this time, Krav, but next time...”  He continues his mock tirade as he lifts the gift out of Kravitz’s hands and leans forward to press a kiss to the side of his jaw.  “Next time I’m talking dozens of major images, plus a Taako original dance number!  Me, popping out of a chocolate fountain, dressed in lingerie that is not from Fantasy Costco! Just you wait.”  
Kravitz raises an eyebrow and manages to keep a straight face.  “Consider me warned,” he says, as Taako begins unwrapping the package.  Kravitz’s fingers move toward his own gift, but he pauses and watches with bated breath as his boyfriend tears off the final layer of wrapping paper.
Taako lifts the lid off of a tiny brown box and peers inside.  Even Faerun’s favorite wizard can’t manage to keep the shock off of his face.
“It’s not a... this isn’t a proposal,” Kravitz says quickly.  “We don’t have to... you know, do anything in the near future, if you don’t want to, it’s just sort of... it’s a promise?  Since we talked about it, and I—”
Taako uses one hand to take the ring out of the box and the other to press a finger to Kravitz’s lips.  “Yes.  Yes, of course, you gigantic nerd.  I love it.  I love you.”
Kravitz scoops Taako up into a wordless hug, spinning him around while simultaneously trying to land kisses wherever he can reach, smiling as the elf lets out a peal of laughter.
“So the way I see it, we’ve got two options.”  Taako wraps his arms around Kravitz’s neck as the reaper sets him back down onto the ground.  “Option one: we get hitched next Tuesday.  We invite everyone.  We party, ride off into the sunset, and then bang.  Easy peasy.”  A mischievous smile spreads across the elf’s face.  “Or, option two: we play the long game.”
Kravitz’s grin maches Taako’s.  “An extended engagement, then?”  
“Lup and Barold refused to admit that they even liked each other for years.  It was torture.”  Taako rolls his eyes.  “But we’ve got all the time in the world, hot stuff!  So let’s drag this out.  Be as lovey-dovey as possible.  Really make ‘em wait for it.”
Kravitz laughs.  “But... not for too long,” he says, reaching up to rest his palm against his boyfriend’s cheek.
“Not for too long,” Taako agrees.
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mx-jinxous · 5 years
Coldflash as dysney films
I wasn’t sure if you meant a specific one or if you just wanted a Disney themed one so I did Peter Pan au.
When Barry had been born he was created from the Leonard Snart’s first laugh. He hadn’t expected much from this life he’d been given and yet he’d been given a whole world. The first time Barry had met Len was the day that Len had turned 12 Barry had decided he wanted to meet the child he owes his existence to. What he’d expected was a boy having fun with a mom and dad, living happily, but instead, Len was stuck with an abusive father and no mother. Barry knew he had to protect Len, that night he’d confronted Len, Barry would never forget the sounds of Len crying in bed. So Barry whisked Len away, taking him home to Neverland, and Barry never wanted to see that smile disappear from Len’s face. From that day on they were best friends, family, slowly building a family of kids in Len’s situation, named proudly as the lost boys. They played every day, no cares or worries, never aging as they smiled and lived happily.
They spent centuries together, Barry caring for Len, feeding him, teaching him. All they needed was one another and the small family they had, they were never apart. That all changed when Barry had let Len fly farther than he had before, chasing his shadow. That’s how he met Sara Lance, a spunky girl that Barry tried not to like, solely because she was trying to persuade Len to come to earth, back to a world that didn’t deserve him. So the night before Barry was to take Sara back to her world the two had sat down, away from the woman. The sat in their huts, Barry brushing Len’s hair, freshly washed and shiny, Barry planning to take a bath later to get the dirt out of his golden locks.
“Don’t you think that maybe the world has changed, people are better?” Len asked as he looked at the wall.
“I don’t think it has, humans can be scary creatures, there are people worse than your dad,” Barry said, bopping Len on the nose, treating him as if he was the only child here.
“But Sara has told me of things called cell phones, you can keep in touch with people from far away. I could talk to you always.” At this Barry stopped brushing, looking at Len.
“You really want to go back to a world undeserving of you because of what, a girl?”
“Well...she’s cute and nice, but she can’t stay here. She said I could live with her family, and I’ll have pixie dust so I can visit you whenever.”
“Is she more important than us? Our family?” Barry asked tears in his eyes.
“Our family has no girls, I like girls. I love you Bare, but I want to go home for a little bit.” Len said, grabbing Barry’s hand.
“This is home! Human’s will only hurt you, they’re horrible creatures that will get tired of you!” Barry yelled, pulling his hand away, bright blue eyes glaring at Len. The preteen looked at him surprised, Barry had never yelled at him, they were never really angry at each other.
“I’m ready to go on my own adventure, you don’t have to go, you can trust me,” Len said, Barry, standing.
“You’re not going! That’s final! Hate me if you want, but I’m doing what I always do, protect you! Once she’s gone you’ll realize how dumb this is!” Barry yelled, walking over to his makeshift bed, a hammock above Len’s bed. They spent the rest of the night, not speaking, Len just staring at Barry with worried eyes. Before long Barry had nodded off, waking when the sun shone in through exposed pieces of the hut, hitting his face. Barry stretched his wings, rolling onto his stomach, looking over his hammock to see Len. When he was met with an empty bed Barry climbed out of his hammock, walking outside to see the fairies fluttering around, playing with the lost boys. Looking around for Len Barry planned out a fun day after taking Sara back. Peaking into her hut Barry expected to see Len and her talking or something, but when he saw that no one was there he got concerned. He rounded up the lost boys, asking where Len was, all of them avoiding eye contact.
They broke down easily, telling Barry that Len had left with Sara. Furious Barry stomped back to his hut, planning to fly to earth and drag Len back home, but as his wings started fluttering the fell. Looking back Barry's eyes widened, the glow of his skin fading, Barry’s eyes going wide. The realization set over him as the tears poured from his eyes, Barry covering his eyes. Len chose Sara over him, he didn’t need Barry anymore, the magic gone. Falling to his earth floor Barry let out a scream filled with ache and pain, the sound echoing over the village, the other fairies fluttering in. They comforted Barry, but the fairy laid in their arms, crying his eyes out, staring at Len’s empty bed. When the tears stopped and the fairies had helped Barry to bed the fairy was left alone, cuddling into the pillow that had Len’s scent on it, the tears coming back. Barry stayed quiet letting his tears run from his puffy red eyes, waiting.
Len woke up cuddling his bed sheets, the sun had not risen yet, stretching as he opened his eyes slowly to see an empty spot next to him. Frowning he turned onto his back, to look at the ceiling, the plain white serving as a dull reminder of his lonely and dull life. Sure he had made something of himself when he’d left Neverland, he’d written stories about his friends and his life, naming the boy Peter Pan. He never could write about Barry though, it was hard, leaving after their fight with little to no note, just the lost boys as the messenger. What hurt the most though, Len thinks, is that Barry never came after him, deep down inside Len believed he’d loved him enough to come after him. Looking over at his nightstand Len looked at the bottle of pixie dust he’d managed to swipe, enough to visit Barry, Len had been meaning to, but then he thought about how Barry probably felt about him.
For 12 years Len pushed it off, using that excuse to do it, and at first, it worked, but after five years Len knew it was ridiculous. Len had left to be with Sara, at first as a friend and then later something else, that lasted for a couple years. When they broke up Len was a teenager, something he’d never expected to happen with his body, would Barry even know him. Both he and Sara had some discovery about themselves, which might be part of why they didn’t work out.
Sighing Len sat up, grabbing the bottle. He stared at it, the last bit of Neverland, he could always grab more, but could he really do that to everyone, to Barry. Grow older, then one day never come back, and he was past the age limit in Neverland, the couldn’t possibly take him back. Sure Len wanted to visit earth, but he’d never meant to stay to the point, but he got scared of what Barry would have done when he came back. Only now Len knows how stupid that was, Barry was a sweetheart and Len never deserved him. Swallowing Len made his decision, climbing out of bed, walking to the roof of his apartment.
He hadn’t bothered to change out of his t-shirt and plaid blue pajama pants, or even put shoes on. As he stood on top of the building, holding the dust in his hands Len gave another swallow, hoping pixie dust didn’t expire. Lifting it over his head he dumped it over his body, breathing in deeply Len shook, stepping closer to the edge. “Come on Len, you know how it goes. Faith, trust, and pixie dust.” He mumbled, giving a leap. At first, he felt gravity pulling him to the street below, then it was gone, Len opening his eyes to look around, looking up at the night sky. Smiling he saw where he needed to go, remembering it from the first time Barry had taken him. “Second star on the right, straight on until morning.” Len smiled, flying toward the sky.
It didn’t take long before he saw morning, but it wasn’t earth's, no it was Neverlands, Len could never forget the rainbow sky that hardly disappeared, only to reappear. He smiled wide, he felt at home here, of course, the earth was never home to him, Neverland was...Barry was. His heartbeat sped up, scared to see Barry, of course, he was a grown man and Barry would look like a 12-year-old just like he had. He shivered as he landed outside the village, looking between the brushes, seeing the fairies ever the same. They flew around, doing chores, hopping after them was one of the lost boys, Mick. They were always troublemakers together when Len had plotted something he knew Barry would shut down he would, and he was still a kid, Len feeling like an outsider. Moving his foot he snapped a twig, Mick looking his direction in a second, drawing his wooden sword. Stepping back Len was going to make a break for it, but before he could Len was tripped, two other lost boys on him...literally though, they sat on him. Looking up he was met with Hartley and Cisco, Mick jumping down on Len’s stomach, effectively pinning him down.
“Who are you?!” He growled, jamming the wooden sword into Len’s chin.
“Chill out hot head, going to give me a splinter,” Len grumbled, this time getting thwacked on the head.
“How’d you get here!? Grown-ups aren’t allowed in Neverland, especially not in the Hollow.”
“Second star to the right, straight on until morning. Not even old friends Heatwave.” Len smirked seeing Mick’s face drop at the nickname, looking at the stranger to figure out how he knew his nickname. It took a second but realization came over Mick’s face, Len smiling, only the be hit again with the wooden sword.
“Numbskull! You got us all in trouble taking off like that. You’re so old now.” Mick grumbled, Hartley and Cisco seeming to have caught on as they backed off of Len.
“I’m only 24, you dweeb.”
“That’s still a long time gone. Neverland’s not been the same.” Hartley mumbled, playing with the ears of his onesie.
“I didn’t mean to be gone so long, I was going to come back in like a year, honest. It just got away from me before I knew it. I was hoping to see everyone again, see Barry again. Is he still terribly mad still?” Len asked, the boy's faces immediately dropping, concerning Len. “What?”
“Barry wasn’t the same after you left. He still in the same hut if you want to go see him.”
“Yeah, I’ll catch up with you guys I promise,” Len said as he sat up, crawling around the village to a familiar hut, a smile coming to Len’s face. Even if he was terrified he was still excited. Sneaking in he looked around the room, nothing having changed. It was then he saw someone wrapped up in his old blanket, curled up on his old bed. “Barry?” He whispered the figure shivered. Len proceeded sitting beside the person on the bed. “Bare is that you?”
“Yeah.” Barry groaned turning to face Len, his eyes closed, but the only exposed from the blanket.
“Hey Bare, you remember me right?” At this Barry cracked his eyes, staring at Len, the man started getting concerned, maybe Barry had outgrown him.
“You came back?” Barry mumbled, Len, noticing the blue eyes were hazel brown, Len taking note of what he could see, which isn't much.
“I came home. It’s been a little bit longer than I expected.” Len said, pulling the blanket back. The first thing he noticed was that Barry’s body barely radiated, then he noticed that Barry was older, his hair no longer the bright blonde it had once been, and he was older now like Len.
“Bare, what happened? Where’s your light?”
“It left when you did. You didn’t need me anymore if it wasn’t for the lost boys I’m sure it would have been gone.” Barry mumbled, Len, looking at his friend, the most important person to him in the world.
“Just because I wanted to leave didn’t mean I didn’t want you. I still believe in you.” Len said, pulling Barry into his lap, the fairy so light.
“What was Earth-like?” Barry asked weak hand cupping Len’s cheek, the older having tears running down his face.
“It wasn’t what you thought, there are good people, but you weren’t wrong.”
“How long until you go back?” Barry asked, Len, shaking his head.
“What can I do Bare. I don’t want your light to go out, I need you still. I need my best friend in the whole universe.”
“Shu. It’s okay. Don’t cry Snowflake.” Len smiled, cuddling against Barry.
“Please, Barry. I believe in you. I need you in my life, I need you.”
“But you don’t, you’ve grown up into a great young man. You don’t need a babysitter, let's be honest I was never one of the guys, I was the nanny.” Barry smiled, head rested against Len’s chest.
“No, I love you, you are so much more to me Bare. Just because I’ve grown up doesn’t mean I don't need you. I never stopped thinking about you, I missed you every day. I was always waiting for you to come get me. No matter what it’s just us, Bare and Len at it again, a few years older but still young.” Barry smiled, closing his eyes.
“Nap time.” He mumbled, Len, holding him tight in his arms.
“I won’t leave your side, just get better,” Len mumbled, curling up with Barry, a smirk on his face. “So you’ve gotta get better so we can go play in the fairy garden, go see Lisa and the tribe.”
Barry smiled, looking up at Len. “I thought you left Neverland because our family doesn’t have girls.” Barry chuckled.
“Lisa’s like a sister, plus I don’t like girls like I thought,” Len said, Barry, smiling wide.
“Really now. What do you like if not girls.” Barry chuckled, Len, smiling down at him.
“Get your glow back and I’ll tell you,” Len said, holding onto Len tight.
“Was I a good fairy?” Barry asked, hands tucked against his chest.
“You’re still the best,” Len said resting his chin on Barry's head. “I need you still Barry, I need you to be in my life. Please believe in me like I believe in you Scarlet.” Len mumbled, catching the glitter of Barry’s wings, the younger staying quiet. A smile came to Len’s face, swallowing. “I love you, Scarlet. I promise I will never leave again.”
“You’ve got another family somewhere Len, I won’t force you to stay.”
“My choice, after all this is my family right here,” Len said, grasping Barry’s hands. “You are my family, you protected me from a world that could hurt me, let me return the favor, just believe in me.”
“I believe in you Len, but how can I believe in myself. You didn’t want to stick around.”
“I was adventurous, I still am. If I remember correctly you owed me a tour of the mermaid lagoon again.” Len said, Barry, smirking, but again kept silent. “So believe in us Scarlet and I will be with you till the end. We can be our old trouble makers.”
“You got the old part right,” Barry said, snickering, cuddling up against.
“That’s your fault,” Barry said, Len, watching him as his skin lightly glow. A smile came to his face, watching as Barry finally managed to nod off, Len taking the moment to be grateful for his fairy, he had everything because of Barry, now it was Len’s turn to take care of Barry.
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simone-garnett · 6 years
title: strawberry kisses word count: 9.2k information: high school au. dedicated to @thatkillervibe bc i promised them i’d finish my high school au when they posted theirs and you should read it bc it’s incredible guys. it’s just unfair. also bc their reviews make me wanna cry.
          ao3  //  ffn
Caitlin isn’t quite sure how Iris convinced her to help out in the kissing booth of her school fair, Caitlin didn’t even attend that school. But Iris with a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts and a way with words that could convince an army general to turn on their country had turned up her charm, sweet talking Caitlin into agreeing, the girl helpless to refuse the pleas of her close friend, the squeal of joy from Iris and the hug almost make it seem worth it.
It helps that she would likely never have to see any of these people again, Caitlin’s own school over two hours away, a selective school that her mother swears has the best science department in the state. 
Iris goes on a million miles an hour, thanking her for the assistance, promising that nothing would happen that could hurt Caitlin, swearing the customers would wear blindfolds if it made her feel more comfortable doing it, the people not able to recognise her if they don’t know what she looks like.
Caitlin had already agreed, but it was sweet of Iris to try and protect her, the girl going on about how it would add an extra level of mystique around it. Caitlin nods, smiling as Iris gives her the date and details.
And then it is too late to change her mind, Caitlin unaware of the impact this one day would have on her life.
Nerves like butterflies in her stomach erupt as the day draws near, the mere thought of it enough to distract her from her studies, chemistry and biology playing second fiddle to the maelstrom of emotions inside her, playing havoc with her brain and heart. It is difficult to squash them down, but even at a young age she has mastered the skill, allowing herself a minute to wallow in its intensity before squashing it down, drowning out the noise with chemical equations and precipitation reactions and science. Because science was easy, it was comfortable, it wasn’t scary in the slightest. It becomes a struggle to ignore the feelings when it is only a few days, a few hours away, Caitlin giving up on trying, throwing herself on her bed, praying for sleep she knows won’t come.
And then it is here.
It is a nice, summer day, the school grounds of Central City High an eruption of colour and energy, the atmosphere buzzing from the excitement of students and parents and teachers alike, families and friends and couples walking through the grounds, smiles and laughter filling up the air, lifting up the spirits of everyone there.
Caitlin arrives early - she arrives everywhere early. She walks around, smiling softly to herself as she glances around. She walks around alone. It isn’t really anybody’s fault; Iris was running around, making sure everything was operating like a well-oiled machine, and Barry was trailing along. She knew no one else. And it showed. Showed to others, and to herself. Because everyone had someone, everyone but her. There was loneliness scratching at her heart, the small tickle enough to remind her that there was no one to enjoy it with.
It feels strange enjoying the carnival with no one else to share it with, so she relaxes, people watches until it is time for her to take her shift in the kissing booth. It brings a smile to her lips, imaginary lives created in an instant, the happiness of other - even imaginary - something that Caitlin enjoys. She is silly and out-there with the fictional lives of the students she’s never met before, and she can’t help but laugh at it all. There are some odd looks thrown her way, strangers confused as to why she was laughing by herself, and she doesn’t blame them. But she doesn’t care.
She catches sight of someone, a crowd of someone’s really, but he stands out, wide smile, soulful eyes and long hair that blows freely in the wind. It causes her to stop in her spot, Caitlin struck by his presence, breath catching in that moment. She feels like a cheesy cliche, the way she can’t look away, a flow of electricity through her veins, but it’s real and true and she can’t tear herself away.
Not once did she think he’d notice her standing, staring.
He does.
His was mid sentence, mouth moving a million miles an hour, hands gesticulating everywhere. It is an animated discussion at best, an argument at worst. But his attention flickers away from the guy with the glasses he was talking to, looks around. And he stops, mouth agape. The thought of ducking, of averting her gaze and ignoring him entirely floats through her mind, but she can’t find the strength to, not when he is watching her the way he is. It is indescribable, the feeling fluttering inside her, the spark the crackles between them. She feels is, is surprised by it, and the temptation of crossing the distance between them, of introducing herself to the cute boy and a smile with enough power to run a generator, passes through her mind. And judging from his reaction, she thinks - she hopes - he is thinking the same thing.
But her phone rings.
It breaks her trance, Caitlin ducking her head on embarrassment, red tinting her cheeks. And how she maintains a steady voice when speaking to Iris she has no idea, her friend calling to plead with her to start fifteen minutes early. The fear returns then, a rock in her stomach, slowing down her mind and movements. And she forgets about the cute boy, Caitlin forcing herself to move toward the tent where the booth was, time speeding up around her.
Iris is waiting outside, pacing around, her face lighting up as she sees Caitlin. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she squeals, arms thrown around Caitlin’s neck in a hug. “You’re a lifesaver, you know that? I owe you girl, big time.” Relief was coming out of her pores, Iris slipping her hand into Caitlin’s, tugging her into the back of the tent and pushing her into a seat.
“Wait -” And Caitlin’s heart is beating hard, the girl unable to deny reality for any longer. “What are you doing? What’s - what’s happening?”
“Lippie.” It is a simple answer, Iris leaning over to the table beside Caitlin which the girl hadn’t even noticed, rouge lipgloss in her hand. “Okay and pout.” Iris holds her face still, Caitlin sticking out her lips as bright red lipgloss is placed on her lips. It only takes a few moments for her to complete the job and Iris caps the product, placing it in Caitlin’s hand. “Strawberry flavoured, to give them something to crave later. Just remember to refresh regularly,” Iris reminds her, eyes sparkling like diamonds as she smiles at her friend. “And have fun girl. Who knows who you’ll meet in there.” The wink is a bit much, Caitlin thinks, as Iris spins her around and pushes her to where Lisa is standing, Caitlin stumbling before she finds her stride, unsure and hesitant.
The older girl is oblivious to her entrance, Caitlin having to tap her on the shoulder in order to get her attention. She spins around, lipstick smudged slightly, hair like a Maybelline commercial. “You’re replacing me?” At Caitlin’s meek nod, Lisa sighs in relief, shoulders falling. “Thank god. Damn Len owed a favour to her boyfriend. Can’t wait to ditch this place.” She pauses, gaze flickering up and down Caitlin before smirking. “Might come back on the other side though.” The words are smooth and red colours her cheeks and she stammers for words even after Lisa flounces out of the tent.
Wait, isn't Iris with Eddie? How is Barry her boyf-
Her thoughts are interrupted by the first person, a boy her age shuffling in, holding on to the rope that lead him from the entrance of the tent to the exit. He stops when he finds the knot to indicate he was beside her, the guy turning to his left where he was told she would be. It is a small peck on the lips, chaste, but not quick enough for him to feel cheated out of his money. It takes a few attempts for her to get the timing of it right, and she internally sighs in relief, the process not as nerve wracking as she imagined it to be.
There is a throng of people, both guys and girls, that line up in front of her tent, Iris bouncing as she sees the crowd of people waiting for a moment with Caitlin Snow, this mysterious beauty no one had yet to catch eyes upon. Curiosity and hormones can be a dangerous mix, but in this instance, it is only a profitable one.
One by one they come in, receive their kiss, and then slip out, the clock’s hand slowing down for her, the afternoon taking forever. She checks her watch frequently, quietly counting down the hours and minutes until it is all over and she can resume her life outside these fabric walls.
She glances at the time, relief filling her as she realises there is just five minutes left of her shift, five more minutes until she can leave the tent and not look back. She figures that there is either five more customers, or that she can attempt to hold the first one for as long as possible to avoid the line. The school funds wouldn’t miss out on the money and the other’s wouldn’t miss out on their kiss, another lad or lady waiting to take her place while she relaxes and enjoys the fair.
She calls for the gatekeeper-slash-money collector to send in another person.
And they do, a guy slowly feeling his way into the tent, stopping at the knot in the centre.
It’s the boy from before.
Her heartbeat picks up at the sight of him, a blush colouring her cheeks and she hides her face before realising that they couldn’t actually see her. He didn’t know who she was.
... It leaves her a little disappointed.
Words get caught in her throat, Caitlin opening her mouth to say something, anything, but she can’t. It would be difficult dragging this on when she can’t form words around him.
But he beats her to the task. “I’m sorry,” the guy rambles, standing there awkwardly, the blindfold over his eyes. The shirt is unique, Caitlin muffling a laugh as she reads the science pun on it, smiling brightly at the joke.“I’m not usually like this. It’s just that I lost a bet and this is the result and I’m so sorry.” He stresses the last words and she isn’t sure how to respond to it.
“I like your shirt,” she offers sweetly instead.
He pulls a face. “Really?” It is followed quickly by a wince, as though he realises how it sounds out loud and regrets it immediately. “I’m not saying you don’t understand it, because I’m sure you do. But everyone in our Science Club thinks it’s the corniest thing ever. And, I mean, they are so wrong, but I figure consensus there would be reflected in the real world, so....” He drifts off, hand lifting from the rope to rub the back of his neck in nervousness, Caitlin watching as the bottom locks of his hair got caught up in the action.
“It’s cute.” She sounds a little different and gosh, she hopes he can hear the subtle changes in her voice.
He doesn’t seem to, a smile stretching across his lips. “Okay, but would you wear it?” He is joking, but it doesn’t stop the image flashing through her mind. Couples stole each others clothing, she thinks. Or at least, she stole Ronnie’s jumpers when they were dating. She wouldn’t mind taking his shirts.
“Yeah,” she says eventually, realising he couldn’t see her nod in the affirmative. “I would.” The tops of his eyebrows come out from the blindfold and he is definitely sceptical. “Okay, not all the time,” she amends, “but I would wear it.”
He chuckles weakly, rubbing his exposed bicep as the silence between them draws on. “Sooo.... we’re doing this aren’t we?”
“You did pay for it.”
He nods at her words, but he doesn’t make a move. But then quietly, “I’m not sure what I should be doing.”
“Just stand there.” She wraps her arms around his shoulders. She caves to her feelings and plays with his hair, twirling the soft locks around her finger. Caitlin may be in love with the way it feels. “Is this okay?”
He gulps, voice strained. “Yep.”
And she is definitely affected by her little crush, voice soft as she leans in close, her eyelids fluttering closed. She stops when they are only an inch apart, hot puffs of air against her lips. “And is this okay?”
He nods, apparently losing his voice. His hand flexes beside his side and he itches to hold her.
Caitlin closes those scant centimetres between them, capturing his lips in a kiss.
The kiss is soft and gentle, Caitlin leaning into the guy in front of her more firmly as she feels warmth flood her being. The electricity from before shoots through her, and she likes the sensation, smiling against his lips as she lingers in the embrace.
The kiss is soft and gentle, until it’s not.
He lets go of the rope, choosing instead to hold her, hands on her waist as he tugs her closer, the boy deepening the kiss. It takes her by surprise, but she leans into it easily, hands moving from his shoulders, one cupping the back of his neck to hold him to her, the other carding through his locks. And she would feel embarrassed at her moan if he didn’t growl in response, the vibrations shooting through her, his fingers digging into her skin, the rope uncomfortable between them.
They pull away breathless and she considers pulling off his blindfold, wonders how he’ll react to seeing her. “That... was unexpected,” he chokes out.
“You’re telling me,” she sighs, slightly in love with the rasp in his voice, with the effect she had on him with just one kiss. And Caitlin is a hopeless romantic, already imagining the sound whispered in her ear as he tells her how perfect the kiss was, how he can’t wait until he gets to do it again. And she imagines the hands on her waist, strong and tight, imagines them holding her hand, holding her close, imagines those lips on her neck, lightly peppering kisses as he tells her how he missed her, how he wants her. It sends a hot flush through her and she has to force a cough out to disguise the whimper that leaves her at the thought.
His face freezes at her words, the smile falling fractionally. “Wait - unexpected in a good way or a bad way?”
“Unexpected in a I-wouldn’t-mind-doing-that-again way.” She rushes out the words before she could second guess herself, Caitlin’s eyes widening as she realises that yes, she actually said them out loud.
He looks surprised at the words, but it fades away, face lighting up with a grin. “You have a nice voice, you know that?”
She bites back her own smile, looking at him through her lashes. “That... that’s a new one. Thanks.”
“Anytime,” he beams, pausing only to lick his lips. “Is that... strawberry?” A snort of laughter escapes her, Caitlin covering her mouth to muffle the sound, but he catches it, a smile, sweet and genuine, stretching on his face. “So I was wondering, do you wanna, I don’t know, grab some Big Belly Burger sometime?” He sounds nervous. She thinks it’s cute.
“Are you asking me out?” she asks coyly, a teasing smile on her lips. “But you don’t even know what I look like.”
“I don’t need to.” He says the words so confidently, so sure he wouldn’t care, and she feels the butterflies returning, a swarm of them inside her stomach, fluttering around and leaving her feeling dizzy with a feeling she couldn’t identify.
There is a disturbance at the back of the tent and Caitlin can hear voices coming from the direction. She thinks she hears Iris, thinks she hears her name. Caitlin turns to the mysterious guy, a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t go anywhere, okay?”
He nods at her request and is only then that she rushes off, slipping out of the tent to answer questions for Iris. The girl relaxes at the sight of her, the young guy that was with Iris pushed inside. ”I’m so sorry,” Iris apologises, taking her hand. “Brad was late and I couldn’t find anyone to take over. Oh gosh, girl, you’re a lifesaver, thank you so much.” A smile stretches across Iris’ expression, more relaxed than she had been most of the day. “And now you’re finished.” She loops her arm in with Caitlin’s, “so lets go have some fun!”
The reluctance from Caitlin to leave is obvious, the girl looking back to the tent. And she eventually breaks away from Iris, the girl turning her head to look at Caitlin quizzically. ”I - I left something inside there,” she says. It’s not exactly a lie, a boy was left inside there. “You go ahead and I’ll catch up.” Iris nods slowly, a look in her eyes that tells Caitlin she hadn’t quite sold herself. But she does go and Caitlin rushes back in the tent, an apology ready on her tongue.
But when she goes back, the guy is gone.
Caitlin can’t stop thinking about the guy from the kissing booth, thinking of his smile and laugh and the way he kissed her so thoroughly, urgent and insistent as though she were the best thing his lips had ever touched, the way his hands were on her hips, the way they slid to her back, he made her feel like a goddess. And late at night she fantasises about him, those biceps where she could feel the strength underneath her fingertips, the hair that was longer than her school would allow him, the urge to run her fingers and touch it one she couldn’t resist.
He is a distraction she never anticipated, never thought she’d have to fight. But he pops into her head when she revises her AP Physics, her mind drifting from the formula to the pun on his shirt to his face, his mouth, his smile. It isn’t good and she’d been caught more than once in class daydreaming, the blush a permanent fixture on her face as Professor Wells calls her out.
He ruins her for other guys,
and she never even got his name.
It isn’t good, just how much time she accidentally devotes into thinking about the boy, and she wonders if she could make up another excuse to visit Iris at her school, to attend Science Club meetings and carnivals until she bumps into him and gets his name. And number. And maybe another kiss. She shakes her head, laughing at herself, as she refocusses on her work. It would be obvious and desperate on her part, and there was no way that he would still be single, not for this long. Not him.
It isn’t healthy Caitlin tells herself eventually, isn’t good for her to daydream over a boy she’s likely to never meet again, isn’t good for her to get so distracted from her school work, not when she needs the scholarship for college. And so she tries to forget him, forces herself to. Her energy is directed to the state science competition approaching in a few weeks, Caitlin a core part of her school’s team. Succeeding would be an incredible achievement and a highlight on her application forms.
It would be just what she needs to get out from under her mother’s shadow and show the world that she, Caitlin Snow, was a scientific genius in her own right.
And she succeeds in forgetting him.
The next time she really gets to spend time with Iris is at the State Science Competition finals. Not that Iris was competing; she was involved in the school newspaper and student council, but science bored her more than anything else. She however, was a wonderfully supportive friend... for Barry.
The boy was a part of the Central City Stars and as Iris’ official best friend she had gone to support him.
The sight of the competition shouldn’t have relaxed Caitlin, she knew how intelligent Barry was, the guy able to read at superhuman speeds and absorb the information just as quickly. He was the enemy, but he was also her friend. So she approaches them, Barry yelping as Caitlin bumps his hip with hers, surprising him. He glares at both her and Iris as the other girl start laughing, Barry crossing his arms in mock annoyance. “That’s it Cait, no more Mr Nice-Guy.”
“Barry I don’t think you can change. That’s definitely a part of your molecular structure.” There is confusion as to whether she was teasing him or complimenting him and he chooses to bite his tongue. She smiles widely at him, sliding her arm around his shoulder, giving him a one-armed hug. It is enough to crack his mood, Barry pulling her close, a whisper of good luck against the side of her head. “Glad to see you’ve come to support me Iris.”
Iris hesitates and Barry’s face falls at the sight. It is enough to have Iris cave, a smile on her face as she loops her arm with Barry. “Sorry girl, here for my school.”
“So what do I need to bribe you with to have you switching sides Iris?” she teases, Barry looking put-out as Iris pretends to ponder it over.
“A cute guy would be enough.”
Caitlin grins at her, turning her head to search the crowd. “Hey Oliver!” And they watch as a boy lifts his head, turning to her, a quizzical look upon his face. And Iris hums in approval, gaze flicking over the man before smirking at Caitlin. The other girl shakes her head, and he goes back to whispering with the blonde beside him.
“You thought about that?” Iris whispers, eyes dancing in mirth.
She laughs. “Of course, I’ve got eyes.”
“I’m right here you guys,” Barry complains, crossing his arms and pouting at the pair.
The synchronised ‘we know’ is enough to have them erupting into giggles.
it is also enough to steal the attention of the blonde beside Oliver, the girl squealing and dragging him along with her to the group.
“Caitlin!” Felicity almost stumbles into her, letting go of Oliver to pull her into a hug.
“Guys this is Felicity and Oliver, Felicity, Oliver this is Barry and Iris.” They all wave (most wave, not Oliver, he just watches, teases of a smile on his lips) and she hopes they get along, her best friends from school and her best friends from her childhood some of the closest people Caitlin had in her life. They exchange pleasantries and Barry looks at Oliver in awe, the boy so much bigger up close, questions on his diet and exercise regime rolling off his tongue. Caitlin and Iris try and muffle their laughter, to varying degrees of success, and Barry glares at them before turning back to Oliver.
The boys go off on their own, and Caitlin is almost positive that, despite Oliver’s apparent reluctance, they would be fast friends.
It leaves the girls together, Felicity rambling on about her revision on the developments of superconductors and microchips. It worries Caitlin, isolating Iris by talking science when she wouldn’t be able to keep up.
“You’re -”Iris starts and Caitlin holds her breath, unsure how Iris will react. Because while she teases Barry and Caitlin about their nerdiness, they grew up together, Felicity - she wouldn’t understand, not when she was teased incessantly in Vegas, no one able to understand her genius. “- Incredible,” Iris finishes, breathing out in awe. Her words have Felicity lighting up in pride and Caitlin could kiss Iris for that reaction, for the way it has Felicity stumbling over her words, denying the impressiveness of her knowledge.
“It’s not too late to jump ship,” Caitlin teases and Felicity laughs and this, she thinks, this is perfect.
But then she sees him. The boy from the the kissing booth. With his long, soft hair and wonderful smile and shirt with another ridiculous pun, it can’t be anyone else.
And of course he is, she thinks. He was a part of his own science club, he had told her that before. So of course he would come to the competition to represent his school. But she hadn’t thought that she’d meet him again, hadn’t thought it would be in this environment, surrounded by these people, this pressure on her to not get distracted. He catches her staring at him, his brows furrowing at he stares back.
And her shift in behaviour is slight, but its obvious, Felicity stopping mid sentence, mouth pulled into an ‘o’ and frowning in concentration  as she watches Caitlin, gaze sliding across to where the other girl was focussing. “Is that him?”
The question has Caitlin jumping, eyes owlish as her gaze darts between the pair of them, Felicity smirking and Iris almost vibrating in excitement. “No. What? Who?”
“Okay girl, if you plan on lying to us, you really need to work on that. So -” Iris strains her neck, looking side to side to catch a glimpse of the mysterious guy. “Who is it and how did you meet?”
“The cute guy she made out with at the kissing booth ages ago.” Felicity adjusts her glasses, swaying to the side to bump shoulders with Caitlin, the girl now stiff. “And the main star of all her fantasies.”
Iris turns to her quickly, eyes sparkling like diamonds, the smile on her face enough to weaken most people. “You never told me you met someone at the kissing booth Cait! You know I would have tracked them down for you.”
“Felicity, remind me never to tell you anything again. Ever.” The words lack much bite, Felicity looking too proud of herself to show any remorse for revealing that information to Iris.
“You should go over there, say hi, grab his number.” Iris nods like it is the obvious thing to do, like approaching the person you’ve been fantasising over and saying hello is an easy and simple thing to do. Which, maybe for her it is. But she was the hottest girl at Central City High and was dating the hottest (and sweetest) guy there so Caitlin takes her advice with a grain of salt.
“Are you insane?!” she hisses, Caitlin blushing at the mere thought of it. “I could never do that.”
“Cait, babe, you need to go for it.” And she thinks Iris is far too perceptive, her gaze softening as she takes Caitlin’s hands between her own. “You’re an incredible girl and he’d be crazy to reject you. Don’t - don’t do this to yourself.”
It is sweet, but strikes too close to home, the walls around her heart struck with the vibrations from the words. Because he already had. He left. She asked him to wait and he left, left her.
“He’s still competition Iris.” The girl nods, but Caitlin can see the cogs turning in her head. And she finds herself watching Iris as the competition nears its start and the groups congregate, Iris sidling to the Central City Stars, pulling Barry to the side. Caitlin knows she should be paying attention to her own group, but Iris’ face is lighting up and Barry’s is even worse. Her stomach swoops when they both turn and meet her gaze, the twinkle in their eyes unnerving her. Last time Iris had looked at her like that Caitlin had been roped into the Kissing Booth.
It is Ronnie who gets her attention, a hand on her shoulder and a concerned look on his face. She offers him a smile, forcing herself to forget about the conspiratorial look between her two friends. She turns back to Professor Wells, the man finishing his talk, the team walking to their table. Felicity sits at the head of the table, the leader of their team, Caitlin in between Lily Stein and Ronnie Raymond.
She turns her head, Barry at the top of his own table, Wally - Iris’ younger brother beside him, the pair discussing something. And then she sees him, the boy from the kissing booth having a much more heated discussion with the guy in glasses beside him. She thinks they might be arguing but it stops suddenly, the guy looking up and catching her watching them.
It has her ducking her head, Caitlin letting herself get caught up in Ronnie and his easy going demeanour, lets its wash over her, lets it help her forget the pressure of the competition, the nerves over a guy who had no idea who she is. He is relaxing, Lily and Felicity joining the conversation easily. And, when the adjudicator signifies the beginning of the competition, Caitlin feels as though she can take on the world.
The first round is general science questions, each team given a set of questions, the four allowed to discuss before the team captain answered. The timer for each question does heighten her nerves, but Caitlin is surrounded by her best friends and it is easy to forget that this isn’t a mock challenge set by Professor Wells.
They don’t miss a single question, but then, neither does Barry’s team.
The second round commences after a slight break, the rules changing. A buzzer is before each of them, the questions addressed to both teams, the points going to whichever school had the student answer it correctly. The questions were more specialised, choosing different branches of science and also mathematics. The initial questions were physics related and, while she was exceptional at the subject, Ronnie... he was a class above. He was doing spectacularly, though the other team had multiple individuals who also seemed to specialise in that area.
But then the boy hits the button and time all but stops for Caitlin.
Her heart rate picks up, the organ beating hard and fast, trying to escape from its confines in her chest. And it’s him, she knows it when he speaks, the same warm timbre, same softness and joy, even in this scenario. And she can’t tear her gaze away from him, can’t muster the strength to. He catches her, he always seems to catch her, but it isn’t enough.
He looks confused, but meets her gaze all the same. She doesn’t know what’s going through his head, assumes he thinks it is a method to throw him off. But she can feel the electricity, even if he can’t. And she’s crazy, she must be, to feel an intensity between them when he doesn’t recognise her. But she had spent months dreaming about this moment, and now it is happening, it doesn’t seem real. So she stares,
and he stares back.
Physics questions exhausted, they move on to biology, her speciality.
Caitlin moves without conscious thought, hitting the buzzer, her lightbulb flashing, indicating that she had reacted fastest. Her voice is crisp as she answers that it is mitochondria which is the powerhouse of the cell, gaze still locked with the mystery boy as the words roll off of her tongue. And she can see it, can pinpoint the very moment realisation hits him. It isn’t immediate, his brows furrowing as he struggles to place why the voice is so familiar, but then his eyebrows rise and his jaw drops, lips forming an ‘o’.
Only then does she have the strength to break the connection between them, Caitlin staunchly avoiding his gaze throughout the rest of the round. She can feel it, feel the intensity of it burning against her skin, his gaze unwavering. It licks at her skin, and she can feel it across all of her, Caitlin biting back her feelings, her need to look at him. Because if it is disgust in his gaze, if it is disappointment... she wouldn’t be able to handle that.
The Lily and Caitlin duo answering the majority of questions in chemistry and biology, though Barry does pose a challenge. Mathematics is Wally’s strong suit, and Felicity has a challenge facing the other two members of Barry’s team when it turns to technology. The race is too close to call, the weighting of questions varying depending on difficulty.
It is then that there is a break called, the teams disbanding to wait for the reveal of the final, the members jittery with excitement. Ronnie pulls them all into a group hug, the boy so sure they won against the other team. Caitlin isn’t quite so confident, but he had always been the voice of optimism when they were dating, it was one of the endearing things about him, even if it was the cause for more than one argument, and she remembers why he is universally liked.
Lily spots her parents in the audience and rushes off to him, Ronnie and Felicity lingering with Caitlin in the sidelines of the stage, discussing how they thought they went and ways they could improve. They are joined by Lily and Mr Stein, the small girl dragging her father to the group, the rest of them soaking up his advice and commendations. But there is a lull in the conversation, something distracting Felicity, and it wasn’t Oliver.
“So kissing booth cutie is staring at you,” Felicity says with a delighted smile, looking over Caitlin’s shoulder before waving at him. It has her stiffening, Caitlin determined to not cave in and check whether that was true.
“What?” Ronnie doesn’t sound sad or disappointed, merely curious at the descriptor and, for the millionth time, Caitlin is pleased that their breakup went as smoothly as it did. Mr Stein however, he looks sharply at the other team, a discerning eye on them as he scrutinises the boy.
“Nothing,” Caitlin says in response to Ronnie, burying her head in her hands. “And we are not calling him that!” It is a harsh whisper to Felicity, but she brushes it off. Professor Wells congratulates them on their effort in his own way, stiff and formal, with an undercurrent of genuine care and fondness for them all that has them beaming anyway. Mr Stein, he is more affectionate, pulling the girls into a hug, tells them that he was proud of them whether they win or lose, tells them they all have bright futures ahead of them. To Ronnie he offers a brisk handshake, the boy rolling his eyes, even as he smiles and accepts the handshake.
The bell rings indicating the break is over and a winner had been determined. So she turns to walk back to their table, Caitlin catching Barry watching her and smirking, while conversing with the boy from the kissing booth. She hates that she blushes as the look Barry gave her, plans her revenge, as he keeps on looking at her, wavering between the two. He gives up all pretence of having a conversation with the guy, especially as the kissing booth cutie (and damn it Felicity, she will get revenge for that) wasn’t wavering - he was most definitely staring at her.
They win, and she can’t help the smile and laughter that escape her when they pull aside and it finally hits her. They all walk off with a cheer, Ronnie pulling Caitlin into a hug and spinning her around. She laughs, her heart light and smile easy, the pair of them joined by Felicity and Lily, the group basking in the glory of their success. But then Ronnie goes off with his family, Felicity with Oliver. Caitlin looks around, almost hoping that the win would summon her mother, with arms open and words of support and pride spilling forth.
It is a fruitless dream, but she’s content. She has Mr Stein pull her into a hug, tears in his eyes as he tells her and Lily that he is proud of his two girls and he knew they would be special. It is nice, and Lily ribs him about Caitlin being his favourite daughter that has wet laughter coming from Mr Stein and half-hearted denials. He’s not her dad, but he is just as much her parent as her mother, Mr Stein there for her since her early childhood, the man a rock when her dad was sick and passed, Lily the sister she never had.
They offer her a ride home, but she shakes her head, Caitlin already having organised a ride with Barry and Iris. She leaves the Stein family in search for her friends, searching the crowd for the opposing team’s student support group. She finds Iris easily, the girl throwing her arms around Caitlin’s neck in a strong hug. “I knew you could do it girl!”
Barry huffs from her side, crossed arms and mock anger. “And here I was thinking you had my back Iris.” He breaks easily, pulling Caitlin into a hug of his own. “Congrats Cait, you guys were really incredible.” He whispers it against the side of her head, and there is no disappointment or envy in his tone.
Her smile almost splits her face as she squeezes him just that bit more before letting go. “Thanks Barry, you did pretty spectacularly yourself.”
“Yeah well,” and he beams at her words, hand rubbing the back of his neck as he becomes shy at the praise. “We’ll get you next year.”
It is enough to elicit a scoff from Caitlin, a rebuttal on her tongue. But it dies immediately, Barry and Iris exchanging looks, the pair communicating without words, the girl’s eyes widening. “What is it?” Caitlin sounds suspicious, she is suspicious, but it isn’t going to go well, she knows it.
“Well,” Iris starts, dragging the vowel along. “Remember how I promised to take you home for the weekend, well, I promised Barry I’d take him out for dinner to celebrate so I organised another ride for you.” She rushes the words out, the pair preparing to run.
“Well I can come along for a celebratory dinner, especially since I won.” Her voice has an edge, her arms crossed and Iris winces at her choice of words.
“Did I say celebratory? I meant conciliatory. To make up for the fact he lost - you being there, it would be like salt in the wounds. Don’t worry, you’ll like Cisco.” And they make a run for it, leaving Caitlin confused and alone.
She uncrosses her arms, pouting at where her friends used to be standing, muttering to herself. “Who the hell is Cisc -”
She turns around and there he is, the mystery boy from the kissing booth. Right in front of her. “Oh.”
He offers her a wave, a shy smile on his face. “That would be me.” And she’s left speechless. Because he’s right in front of her. Talking to her. She hadn’t prepared for this, there were no binders on this scenario.  “So you’re Caitlin?” She can only nod mutely, wide eyed as she tries to process it all. He seems to be handling it better than her. “Well, congrats on the win. You guys were the better team, though Hartley would object to that.” He barks out a laugh and Caitlin finds herself falling that little bit more with him.
“I like your shirt.” It is a direct callback to their conversation from before, Caitlin more shy now open and vulnerable. “It’s cute.”
He sucks in a breath, and yeah, he definitely remembers her, remembers their last encounter. The butterflies return, fluttering away in her stomach, each flap of their wings forming tornadoes inside her.
“Okay,” and his voice is hoarse, Cisco taking a step closer to her. “But would you wear it?” They are closer now, so much closer. She can see the shine of his hair, the slight stubble across his jawline. She can hear the inflection in his tone, the fear of her response.
And Caitlin is almost breathless. “Yeah.”
He’s staring at her like she is a vision, a masterpiece that he is trying to memorise what she looks like, like she’s a mirage that would disappear if he were to reach over and touch her. It sends her heart into overdrive, the awe shining in his eyes. “What?” she asks, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, a small smile on her lips.
“I knew you’d be beautiful.” His voice is warm and she melts at the words, at the sincerity infused in his tone.
But still she rolls her eyes, determined to keep this light. “And you could tell by listening to my voice?”
“Your voice, your personality, your laugh. You were so beautiful and sweet and I knew, no matter what you looked like, it would be beautiful.” And well, crap. Because she was determined to keep it light and he went there, baring his heart out to her, Caitlin drowning easily in the emotion of those few words.
“Then why did you disappear?” She sounds so small asking the question that had haunted her for so long. “I said I’d be right back and when I returned you were gone.” There is a vulnerability in her tone, and his smile flickers and falls.
“The other dude showed up and your lipstick was all over my mouth, so I couldn’t really lie and say I was waiting for a kiss. I had to go.” He sounds so sad, voice low and soft and she’d drop it if she didn’t need answers so desperately, these thoughts plaguing her during the darkest nights, when her memories of their kiss morphed into nightmares of ‘what-ifs’ and ‘why’s’.
“You could have waited at the exit, I went around the tent three times hoping I’d just missed you.” There is an embarrassment which tints her confession, a secret she had cradled to her chest, not even admitting it to Felicity.
“I guess I was scared. There was a beautiful, smart, funny girl who is, by the way, an incredible kisser. I didn’t get why she’d be interested in me.” His head drops and she misses it already, misses how his eyes shine and how his laugh makes her heart skip a beat. The self deprecation kills her, Caitlin reaching out for him, her hand on his cheek, lifting his head back up. 
She thinks he sees her emotion, her acceptance, in her eyes, Cisco covering her hand with his own. “She was.” It is a croak, Caitlin choked up by her feelings. At the way his eyes dim, she amends herself, “She is.”
There is a spark of hope and she wants to stoke it, wants to see it grow, see it consume them both. “I mean, you have complete permission to slap me or stop me, I won’t fight you or be upset, but I’ve been dreaming about this since I first got to kiss you and I’d really like to do it again.” And again, he is able to render her speechless, his eyes, so dark and beautiful, darting between her own, looking for any sign of reluctance on her part. She can only nod, lips separating in anticipation. And it is her which makes the first move, leaning forward, nose skimming the skin of his cheek, but it is Cisco who closes the distance, a gentle hand on her chin, tilting it closer to him as he takes a breath before pressing their mouths together.
And it is just as glorious as she remembered.
It is different than before, the kiss gentle and soft this time, no urgency, no fear of the other person disappearing. It is almost fragile, the soft brush of lips together, once, twice, thrice. It is then that Caitlin can’t stand the teasing, lifting herself on her toes to press the kiss more firmly. It has him smiling against her, his hands settling on her hips and she can only hope that the rest of their kisses leave her like this. They break it slowly, Caitlin opening her eyes, sight blurry, until it focusses on him. Giggling isn’t something that she would accompany first kisses, but it isn’t their first, even if it feels like it.
“I’m pretty sure I owe you Big Belly Burger. Remember?” He sounds so unsure, as though she hadn’t replayed his voice for months, hadn’t stared at him all afternoon because she wanted him to recognise her, to mean what he had said. As though he hadn’t stolen her breath with a simple kiss. But still, it is enough to bring out a blush, Caitlin suddenly fascinated with the ground below, the toe of her shoe swiping lightly over the floor underneath it.
“Yeah, I remember.” She steals a glance through her lashes, confidence growing along with his smile.
He offers her his hand, a shy smile on his face. “Well come on then, I gotta make this the best first date ever, and we can’t waste daylight.”
Her heart skips a beat at the words ‘first date’, and she cannot believe this is real life. Her hand slides into his perfectly and she feels like it was made to hold her own, Cisco running his thumb over her knuckles. It is calloused and she knows there are stories she doesn’t know, stories she’ll enjoy learning about.
And she follows him without resistance as he leads her to his car, as he drives down to Central City where the best Big Belly Burger was located.
She follows him without resistance as they both fall deeper in love with each other.
Seven years, two PhDs, two Masters and a doctorate between the pair of them, Caitlin and Cisco were still going strong. It had been difficult, with different universities and streams of studies, but they had survived the distance, had thrived in their new environment and grown stronger as a pair. But they had been brought back together, and by Professor Wells of all people. When he had started STAR Labs he had wanted experience, but he also had wanted passion and innovation and youth. He had convinced Caitlin to come back to Central City and she convinced him to hire Cisco.
(There was no convincing needed, he was already on the list).
It was exciting, finally being in the same city, in the same apartment, in the same bed. The flutter of butterflies hadn’t disappeared, not in all the years of dating him. All she needed was a smile from him early morning when the sun bathed him in a golden glow, all she needed was a hand on her shoulder at work when she was struggling through the chemical composition required to trigger a chemical reaction. All she needed was a look, a touch, a smile, and she was right back to being a teenager on her first date, to the girl manning the kissing booth, unaware of the impact it would have on her life.
He means everything to her and so, when she hears from Professor Wells that Cisco had taken a half day without telling her, she grows concerned, Caitlin counting down the minutes before rushing out the door, heading immediately to their apartment.
It is with shaky fingers she tries to out the key in the door, Cisco having not responded to any of her texts. A sigh of relief leaves her as it finally, finally, slips into the hole, the door swinging open.
And she’s left standing at the entrance, shocked still at the sight before.
There is a booth at the entrance of their apartment, red fabric forming a tent, blocking off everything else except for the neon sign in front of her.
Fiancee booth. Entrance fee: your heart.
Caitlin fails to stifle the gasp that escapes her, hands moving belatedly to cover her mouth, breath hitching as the magnitude of what is about to happen hits her. It has her heart thundering in her chest, and she can’t get it under control, can barely make herself inhale oxygen.
She drops her stuff by the door, trembling fingers pulling the curtain aside so she could enter the tent. There are tears before she ever sees him, electronic candles around the structure, setting the atmosphere. And there he is, kneeling in the middle, Cisco dressed up in a tuxedo, an open velvet box outstretched in his hands, an anxious smile on his face as her gaze falls to the diamond ring in the box.
“Cisco.” It’s all she can manage, Caitlin left a blubbering mess at the sight before her. She drops to her knees before him immediately and so easily, the need to be closer to him, to be right by his side one she had accepted long ago. And he drops the box to his side, hands lifting up to cup her face, thumbs swiping across her cheekbones, calloused finger pads sending shivers through her. He’s shaking, thumb stuttering in its movements, even as she leans into his touch, Caitlin soaking everything about the moment in. He only stops to wipe his thumb against the thighs of his pants, Caitlin catching the glitter of water on his skin from the glow of the candles.
And oh, she thinks. I’m crying.
“Welcome to your fiance booth Cait, you enter alone and leave with a fiance.” His voice trembles and his eyes are shining.  
“Should I be worried about the line that was behind me,” she jokes, a weak smile on her face.
But it is enough, Cisco relaxing, a chuckle leaving him as he shakes his head at her words. “It’s only for you Cait, my heart is only for you.” His voice is more steady and she can’t help herself, Caitlin tilting her head, a lingering kiss pressed against the inside of his wrist. She holds her lips there, the feeling of his pulse underneath her skin sending chills through her. The tears start to well up once more, the sight of Cisco blurring before her, and she whispers her confession of love against his skin.
His other hand strokes the other side of her face, Cisco tucking the hair behind her ear so that he could continue. And she wants to pause moment, wishes it were possible just spend her life as happy as she was in this singular moment of time, her heart threatening to burst from joy. 
She mourns the loss of contact, Cisco eventually letting go of her face, Caitlin no longer crying. And he picks up the box. There isn’t a question of her response, she had known it for years now, had only waited for the right time. The temptation is there to nod, to say ‘yes’ and slide the ring on her finger in that moment, the seconds going by without her being his fiancee almost agonising. But she knows Cisco, knows he prepared this night for so long, and she can’t fathom interrupting him in it. 
"I love you,” he breathes, and crap, crap, crap, that’s all he needs to say for the tears to restart, the adoration evident in his voice. She wipes the tears away desperately, paws at her cheeks, cursing her emotion. Because he pauses and she just wants him, wants him to ask the question, wants to tell him yes, wants it all now.
“I love you too Cisco,” she sniffles, a smile on her lips and the tears finally stop, her vision to Cisco, just Cisco. She can see his nervous grin and she wants to kiss it all away.
“I’ve loved you for so long Cait, ever since I kissed this incredible girl at a kissing booth and she thought I had a cool shirt. I knew then there wouldn’t be any one else who would come close to you.” She whimpers at his words and she knew it too, knew her life wouldn’t be anywhere as incredible if she didn’t have him to share it with. Her heart aches for him, for the tremble in his voice as he tells her these words. “I never thought it’d be possible for you to like me back, to love me back. But by some miracle you did, you do, and I thank God for that every single day, thank Him that you’re the first thing I can see in the morning, the last thing I see at night. I thank Him because you’re my soulmate Cait, there isn’t any one in the world I could love like I love you. You make me happy Caitlin Snow, so very, incredibly happy and you have my heart, my soul, you have all of me.” It hurts, physically hurts, to stay still and listen as Cisco talks, Caitlin itching to hug him, to pepper his face with kisses, to show him just how happy he makes her. He had always been more eloquent with matters of the heart. But she doesn’t, forces herself to wait for him to ask that question with bated breath, her heartbeat stuttering as he opens himself up to her. “I’m yours, I always have, always will be. I’m just hoping that you’re mine -” She’s already nodding at his words, the smile spreading across her lips, “ - and that you’ll be okay making it official.” He proffers up the ring to her, Cisco offering her a smile that makes her fall in love with him all over again. “Will you marry me Cait?”
She nods, laughs in glee as he slides the ring on her finger, Caitlin pouncing on him, pinning him to the ground as she hovers above him. She takes the moment to pause, to absorb this and him and she hadn’t seen it coming all those years ago when she agreed to help Iris with her fundraiser. He looks so beautiful she thinks, memorising the sight of Cisco on his back, hands by his head, fingers interlocked with her own. He looks up at her, smile splitting his face in half, and she can’t contain her sigh. “Do you think that we would have got together if we didn’t do the kissing booth?”
The words slip out absentmindedly, Caitlin unaware she was even thinking it until she hears the words come from her mouth. Cisco tilts his head, the hair splayed against the floor underneath him. “I dunno Cait, I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t. There’s no point in torturing myself like that because I have you. God, I still can’t believe you said yes,” he chuckles, awe and adoration in his gaze. “I don’t think there is a universe out there that doesn’t have you and me together.” He says the words so simply, but the force of it against her heart, it is overpowering.
He’s beautiful and he’s smart and he’s sweet and he’s kind. And he’s mine.
It is a fiance booth, but they still got their kisses.
No blindfold necessary.
18 notes · View notes
theflashfics · 6 years
Phoenix // Cisco Ramon
Pairing: Cisco Ramon x reader
Summary: You encounter Cisco on at Jitters and reveal you are a professor of biomechanics and bioengineering, so he figures he could use your help on a fire-wielding meta case they are calling Phoenix - unaware that the meta is you. You eventually turn to him for help, burning a building in the process.
Warnings: Mention of family death, arson, very mild kissing
Word Count: 5182
Requests: Open! 
A/N:  If you see this, go to my inbox and request a oneshot - can be smut (I’d be more than happy for that). I’m really needing some inspiration and I think some dirty Flash oneshots would do the trick! I don’t care what kinks, pairings, just give me all the requests.
The line at Jitters was irritatingly long for that mild Monday morning. You were already late and the early morning chatter of Central City citizens felt like little bugs crawling on you – annoying. People weren’t your favourite. You just needed your Flash coffee and to get to work. You worked as a professor at the local college, majoring in biomechanics, bioengineering, and had a doctorate. The only part of your life you could salvage after the particle accelerator exploded and changed you. The students loved you even if you weren’t so fond of them – with a wry smile and a flick of the hand, you made everyone feel as if they had an inside joke with you. But they were tiring, and it took a great deal of energy to keep your composure in the early morning lessons, so coffee it was. “Damn, this line is taking forever,” you voiced your concerns under your breath. “Amen, sister,” someone grumbled. The voice, it turned out, belonged to the cute guy with shoulder length charcoal hair in front of you. He turned around to greet you with a toothy grin. You paused for a second – he was so cute. And you were sure you knew him from somewhere; maybe it was the hair…
You must have hesitated for a second too long because the cute guy waved his hand in front of your face and said, “Hello? Earth to…” “Y/N. And you.” You snapped back to life, grinning. “Cisco at your service,” he did a comical bow and came back up smiling, tucking his hair back – which you found matched his eyes, like melted chocolate. “And so, Cisco, do you wave your hand over the faces of all the girls you meet in cafes?” “Just the pretty ones.” He stuck his tongue out and moved up a spot in the line “Fuck off,” you said roughly, trying not to blush, pushing him up to the counter. “Ooh, spicy. Caliente.” He laughed and turned his attention to the waitress. “I’ll have one black coffee and a-“ he turned to you. “What?” You hissed, then begrudgingly said, “A Flash.” “Please?” He raised an eyebrow. “You offered,” you said, shrugging. “And a Flash for little miss cinnamon.” Cisco said. He payed for the coffees and took a step back. “By the way, I’m not sticking around. I’ve got to work.” You said, looking at your feet. Since the explosion, you’ve never really been good with talking to people. A bit rough around the edges, you might say.  “What do you do?” “Professor.” “Of?” “Bioengineering and biomechanics,” you replied drily. Cisco’s eyes narrowed a tad and you could almost see the cogs whirring in his mind, but instead had a usual snappy reply.
“Oh, she’s a smart one!” “Uh-uh.” “Not really one for small talk, are you.” “Nope.” “It’s a good thing you’re pretty then, Scary Spice.” You blushed considerably and let down your façade a bit. “You seem to have a thing for nicknames,” you commented. He nodded, grinning, and said, “You betcha.” He gave you another look that resembled the one after you told him what you had majored in. “Something you need?” You said snippily. “Would you take a day off work and help me out at STAR Labs with something?” He asked, twiddling his thumbs and looking apprehensive. You were glad you didn’t have your coffee because you would have choked on it. Instead, you raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Cisco. “Well, because me and my team are trying to find this metahuman who’s been destroying the city,” he hastily explained himself, “and you might be able to help us out, with what you know about bioengineering and mechanics and all that, it could be a massive help. If you want to, I mean.” You pretended to think about it, then shrugged. “I’m sure I could get a substitute to teach the class today. The syllabus is quite easy currently in the semester. So, sure. I’ll help you out.” Cisco fist pumped and then, seeing you looking quizzically at him, crossed his arms over his chest and tried to look nonchalant. 
“Just a warning, I’m not the best with people.” You reminded him. “Pffft, you’ve got a bunch a bunch of classes. You must be good. You’re good with me.” He said merrily. “Having students doesn’t mean I have friends,” you said coldly, collecting your coffee from the counter where it waited for you. It wasn’t a lie – you didn’t have many friends. You pushed away the old ones and anyone who tried was put out by your standoffish and faintly rude behaviour. Cisco frowned and followed quickly after you. As he caught up to you, you smiled to yourself. You liked him. But it was dangerous, because you had a feeling the meta that Cisco’s team was looking for was someone you knew really well. Plus, you had an uneasy feeling the you knew Cisco, and not in a good way. You arrived at STAR Labs with Cisco fifteen minutes later and patted your skirt down. You were wearing your teaching gear, a black pencil skirt and a tight black top, paired with fiery red heels that you walked in with scary purpose. Your H/C hair was straightened and fell in sheets beside your face. Makeup was only utilised because you thought it made you look intimidating; you used red lipstick and black eyeliner so sharp it could cut a man. Cisco remarked on how fiery it made you look. He wasn’t wrong – just scarily right. You walked through a concrete hallway to reach the main workplace of STAR Labs. 
“Welcome to the Cortex!” Cisco exclaimed, throwing his hands out as if presenting the place to someone important. You surveyed the place; mostly white, super advanced tech that your hands were itching to get a hold of. “What the fuck,” you said under your breath as a group of people walked into the Cortex. You recognized the slender brunette as Caitlin Snow – you had consulted her briefly while studying before the explosion, back when you felt normal – but you weren’t familiar with the others in the group. “Hey guuuys,” Cisco drew out the last word as they looked immediately disapproving of someone new in the lab. “This is Y/N,” he continued, “And I think she can give us a hand with this meta case.” “And you picked her up off the street…?” “No, Harry,” Caitlin jumped in, adressing the tall man firmly, who you assumed was Harrison Wells, “This is Y/N Y/L/N. One of the smartest people I’ve ever met. And she can most definitely give us a hand in figuring out this meta’s weakness.” You smiled gratefully at her but let it drop fast. The others mumbled, and Caitlin and Cisco tried to reason with them. “Enough of the foreplay, what’s this meta we’re talking about.” You chimed in, walking over to a computer and beginning to type. Cisco gave a pointed look and a grin to the rest of the group and they complied, following your steps and beginning to explain. 
“Well, if you’d let me get to my computer, I might let you know, little miss cinnamon,” Cisco said playfully shoving you over. You rolled your eyes and smiled, saying, “I liked Scary Spice better.” “Scary Spice it is. But anyway, this meta has caused millions of dollars in property damage. And do you know what her power is? Fire.” He pulled up images and videos of a leather clad woman who was on fire, throwing balls of flames towards buildings, laughing manically. But what really drew your eyes to it was the fire behind her, creating long, feather-like wispy flames, that resembled wings. You stared upon it all, and your heart sunk to your feet. The meta they were trying to find wasn’t just anyone - it was you. 
Since the particle accelerator exploded, you’ve had strange things happen around you – because of you. Things bursting into flames, people getting first degree burns around you in winter, your hands literally catching fire. You’d become one of the metahumans that were terrorising the news. At first, you tried to hide your powers, you were sweet and mild and normal before them; and after all, the Flash would come and take you to a prison. That would suck. Especially since all your family had been murdered in a freak fire the night of the particle accelerator incident, so no one would visit you. But in the end, so much bitterness and anger and hate built up inside of you that you wanted to destroy things, to watch it all burn. So now it was your name that was dancing across the news – not your real one, of course.
“I call her Pheonix,” Cisco announced proudly. You gave a tight-lipped smile to the group and nodded. A thought popped into your head – maybe if you helped them find you, and became their friend, you could infiltrate STAR Labs and burn everything. It was what they deserved for what they did to you. But Cisco, a voice in your head reminded you. You pushed that thought away and formulated a plan. A tall brunette, who Cisco had earlier referred to as Barry stepped in and starting speaking. “So, uh, the Flash told me-“ he shot a nervous look at you and you rolled your eyes. “Barry, I know you’re the Flash.” You said without taking your eyes off the computers. Everyone around you fell silent for a half second, then erupted into a mass of “What?! No!” You figured it out as soon as you walked into the room. The Flash had tried to find you and defeat you before – perhaps defeat is the wrong word, maybe subdue? – but was unsuccessful. It wasn’t hard to see from Barry’s build and voice that he was the Scarlet Speedster. “Oh, shut up!” You said, exasperated, “I honestly couldn’t care less. But I think I know where you could find your Phoenix next.” They turned their attention back to you and urged you on. You tapped away at a keyboard and pulled up a map of central city and the buildings that the Phoenix had burnt – the buildings that you had burnt.
“It’s a pattern. She’s hitting every third building diagonally, going in some sort of triangle. So, going off that, next place she’ll hit is that massive expensive hotel. Plus, she’s been striking every third day so she should be doing it tomorrow night at nine o’clock.” That was true, and you felt a twinge of irritation as you told Team Flash your plan, but if you were reluctant to help because of Phoenix they may think you are in a team with her, or maybe even figure out that you are her. Cisco hummed in agreeance. Barry nodded as well, “So, let’s set a trap for her.” “No,” said Cisco firmly. You were glad the rest of the group looked just as confused as you are. He realised no one was catching on so he stood up and explained further. “We did that last time, remember? And Barry and I ended up with a second-degree burn.” He turned to you and quickly said, “I’ve got powers and my other name is Vibe. I’ll explain later.” Your mind instantly clicked. Of course! That’s where you knew him from. You nearly ended up having to fight him but instead dived out of a burning window and flew away with your flaming wings. Afraid of looking too shocked, you just nodded and let him continue. “But that’s not the only reason. I don’t think she’s that bad, y’know?”
“She tried to burn down two buildings, what’s right about that,” Harry said, furrowing his eyebrows. Cisco shrugged, struggling to get his point across. “But I saw something in her. She didn’t want to hurt people.” Team Flash looked dubious. “You know how she hit the eighth floor first?” They nodded. “That floor was under construction. No-one was working there, not even the construction workers. And she waited until Barry here had gotten everyone out of the building before she started burning everything.” “That’s true,” Barry chimed in. “And,” Cisco went on, “When she burnt Barry, I don’t think she meant to. And she most definitely didn’t want to fight me. She looked angry. Angry and scared.” You swallowed hard. They were getting closer to the truth with every word they said and yet they couldn’t seem to see that you were right in front of them. “Maybe she’s like me and Killer Frost? A different personality,” Caitlin suggested, walking to take a closer look at the videos still rolling of you ravaging the accounting building. 
“See, pause the video there,” she said, pointing at the freezeframe of your face, “Looking at her eyes; they’re like Killer Frost’s, except instead of ice, it’s fire.” “She’s not like that.” You said way too quickly. Everyone’s heads turned to you and you tried to explain yourself, your mind not finding anything. “I don’t know, I’m just getting a feeling.” “A vibe?” Cisco joked. “Funny.” “I am funny,” he mused. You shook your head, smiling at your feet. Cisco looked back at the group. “Look, we know that she doesn’t want to hurt people so let’s not hurt her. We’ll just talk to her. I think she’s good.” Stupid. They’re so stupid. I’m literally trying to burn the building down. “What if she’s not,” you said coldly. Team Flash stared at you, confused at your sudden mood change. “Some people aren’t good. And she’s not good. She’s hurting people. Maybe not physically. But what has she done for the city? Nothing but damage and destruction. She’s a meta. She’s a monster.” I’m a monster. “Y/N-“ Cisco started but you cut him off, picking up your purse. “I shouldn’t have come here.” You said shortly, collecting your purse off the desk and walking out, leaving Team Flash with questions.
A knock on your apartment door startled you. You had skipped out on all your remaining classes, letting the old substitute teach them. God, you hated that substitute. That’s all that seemed to flow through you these days – hate, anger and fear. Literally the worst emotions possible. And then finally, you met Cisco! He was cute, and sweet, and made you blush like a schoolgirl. What luck you had when he asked you to help out on a case about a dangerous meta – until you found out that meta was you. You ran home, swathed in self loathing and loathing for everyone else, as well. They were right, in some respects – you weren’t going to hurt anyone. But you were a monster. How did a plan to burn down STAR Labs manage to sneak into your mind? You had spent the rest of the day sulking in your messy apartment, entertaining yourself by sitting in the bath and creating small, inextinguishable fires underneath the crystal-clear water. It was an unusual sensation, prickly and fun. But it reminded you of what you were doing tomorrow night, so you got out of the bath, ordered a pizza, and sulked on your couch instead. 
You begrudgingly got up to answer the door and nearly slammed it close again when you saw Cisco. “What are you doing here?” You narrowed your eyes, all traces of makeup gone. “That’s not how you should greet your sexy newfound friend,” he pouted. That would have risen a smile out of you in other circumstances, but nothing could right now. “How did you find me?” You said dully. “Satellite.” “That’s creepy, you know.” “Haven’t you ever done a creepy thing?” He said in his usual fun manner. You sighed. “What are you doing here?” You repeated, fidgeting with the lock on the door. His smile fell a bit. “I was worried. Phoenix could have taken you.” “Why would she want anything to do with me?” You laughed dryly at the irony of the situation. Cisco shrugged. “Maybe I just wanted a reason to see you again,” he smiled sweetly, tucking a lock of chocolatey hair behind his ear. You perked up for a split second, grinning, then remembered what you’d done. “Trust me, you don’t.” You said bitterly, closing the door on him. You closed your eyes hard, then walked to your closet, pulling out a leathery suit, identical to the one Phoenix was wearing – the one you were wearing. “Hello, old friend,” you whispered, then began devising a plan.
It was the next night, and everything was going to plan. You had arrived earlier than Team Flash were expecting at that massive expensive hotel, disguised as the head janitor with your leather suit underneath. The plan was: send all janitors to different floors, set the janitor floor on fire with only you in it, wait for the Flash to come rescue everyone in the hotel, burn it to the ground, and leave. Leave Central City. You had no clue where you were going. Maybe Starling City? Maybe Paris? Just somewhere where they could fix you, take away your powers, leave you normal again. As you ordered the janitors away you felt guilt rising in your throat. Images of Cisco and his stupid gorgeous hair and stupid gorgeous eyes kept appearing in your head, and it didn’t help that you were going to see him tonight. You snapped back to life when you realised all the janitors were off the floor, so you stripped of your ugly uniform and revealed the leather underneath. It was black, with red detailing – quite similar to your outfit the other day when you met Cisco...Damnit, he’s in your head again. You pushed that aside and burnt the janitor uniform, leaving it as a pile of ash. Once again Cisco popped into your mind, grinning, laughing, touching you… In a split second there was a chink in your armour, and your mind took it, leading you to a lone computer in the janitor’s closet. You tapped away at the keyboard, sending a message to STAR Labs.
“Oh, shit!” Cisco said, sitting up straight in his chair with a worried look on his face, “Pheonix is early.” Barry swore under his breath. “Where?” He was in his red suit in a heartbeat. Cisco quickly redirected the satellite and told Barry of your whereabouts. “She’s burning the janitor’s floor. No one is on it – again.” Just after Barry whooshed away, STAR Labs received an alert. The shorter male frowned and displayed it onto the various screens in the Cortex. “Oh, no no no no no. This isn’t happening.” Cisco panicked, tucking his hair behind his ears. Through the intercom, Barry heard him and asked what happened. Cisco swallowed hard. “We just got a message from Pheonix. She must have hacked into a computer or something.” “OK, what does it say?” Barry urged Cisco on as he reached the burning hotel. There was a short pause, then a gasp (elicited from Caitlin as she read the message).
“Oh, Scary Spice,” Cisco’s jaw hardened as he read the message repeatedly. How had this happened? “I should’ve stayed with her last night. Then this wouldn’t have happened.” He berated himself, head in hands. Harry walked in with his usual blasé expression and tone. “Nothing you can do about it now, Ramon. If Phoenix has Y/N then we get her back,” the scientist reasoned, shoving Cisco over so he could talk to Barry. “Get everyone out of that building,” he directed, and Barry responded with a grunt of affirmation. Cisco was biting his tongue – all he could think about was the danger that you were in. He stood up abruptly. “I’m going.” He stated, picking up his suit and Vibe gear from where they sat in a nearby duffel bag. “Cisco,” Caitlin chided, “You could get killed. Phoenix doesn’t sound so lenient this time, if she’s already got a hostage.” “I don’t care,” said Cisco roughly, “I’m the one who got her into this so I’m going to get her out.” Caitlin gave a furtive glance at Harry who shrugged. “Be safe,” she ended up saying. Cisco grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m always safe.” He then walked into a breach that led to your burning hotel floor.
You tapped your foot impatiently. There wasn’t much time left before this floor would crumble and bring the building down with it. Luckily, your fires could only be put out by you.  They were inextinguishable by anything (you’d fooled the Flash into thinking it was him who put out the fires, but it was really you) and it was very hot. You felt a familiar gust of wind and smiled deviously, turning around. “Hello, Fla-“ You stopped in your tracks, instead finding Cisco standing in front of a breach. Your mouth fell open but you pulled yourself together. “And I suppose you’ve come here to find Y/N,” you said nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather. Cisco – Vibe – took a step forward. “Where is she?” He growled. If he wasn’t disgusted by you then, you would have thought it rather sexy. “Why the urgency? For little ol’ Y/N?” You felt dirty saying it – like a jewellery thief taking words out of people’s mouths. “You’re not answering my questions.” He took another step forward. “And you mine,” you snarled. His façade faltered a slight. “Is she… hurt?” He said. “Not yet.” Which was partially true. You were going to be hurting a lot when he started fighting you to find Y/N. It was all rather ironic, you thought.
“I know you don’t want to hurt people, Phoenix.” Cisco’s hair fell in his eyes, and you felt the urge to tuck it behind his ear, but you realised you weren’t exactly in the position to do that. “What if I do?” You nearly yelled, igniting your hands with flames. Cisco cocked his head in a birdlike tilt. “What if I do?” You repeated. “I’m burning a building as we speak! I’ve burnt others, taken peoples jobs and maybe even homes! You don’t know anything about me. I’m a monster.” You tone fell to a whisper on the last sentence. Before Cisco said anything, the Flash whooshed into the room, making the flames flicker. “Phoenix, stop what you’re doing.” He said, preparing his hero speech, “I can stop you.” “Try,” you shrugged feebly. Barry instantly began whirring his arms, creating a vacuum in the room – but the flames thrived even more. “It’s not working,” he put a finger to his ear, talking to Harry. “Don’t bother talking to them,” you said, waving a hand, “The fires have only been put out the other times because I put them out. Not you and your windmill act.” Cisco and Barry exchanged worried glances.
“You need to stop this,” Cisco said, moving closer in a fighting stance. You didn’t move, only making your hands burst into flames once more. “I don’t want to dance this dance again, Vibe,” you said weakly. “You’re gonna have to, because I’m not letting Y/N be imprisoned by a crazy arsonist,” Cisco warned, holding his hands up. You looked around you, still in the same slouch you stood in when they arrived. Flames were swallowing the floor, nay the building. It was going to come down soon. Was this really who you were? Some crazy arsonist who befriends people only to burn down the place they work? You shook your head and gave a faint wave of the hand. Instantly, all the flames were extinguished, leaving a blackened ashy mess of a floor. You felt weak, you hadn’t slept in a while. Taking a shaky step forward, you saw how confused Barry and Cisco looked. There was only one way to make them take you back to STAR Labs and fix your powers. “Sorry about this,” you mumbled, then charged with all the strength you had at Cisco. In the split second you ran at him, he sent a flurry of vibrations towards you, knocking you down. You melted into darkness, and you were out cold.
“Do you think she’s dead?”
“Obviously not, Cisco. Look, she’s breathing.”
“Maybe it’s the steady pulse of death.”
“Ramon, I thought you were a scientist.”
“I am, Mr Tall Dark and Handsome. Can you brood somewhere else?”
“Guys, shhh. She’s waking up.”
Figures began swimming into your vision, voices making their way into your ears. You were lying down in some sort of cell. It had padded blue walls and a huge glass door, and there was a camera sitting in the top corner. You knew where you were: the particle accelerator had been refashioned into metahuman cells. Cisco had told you eagerly about them when you were there days earlier. How ironic it was that now you were on the other side of the thick glass cell. Of course, that meant that it dampened your powers. You tested it, giving a small flick of the hand, but could achieve nothing but a prickle in your fingertips. You opened your eyes fully, blinking the figures into vision – Harry, Cisco, Caitlin, Barry. “That’s not going to work, you know.” That voice belonged to Barry Allen. You let out a weak laugh. “If only it was always like this.” The others looked perplexed. You remembered they didn’t know that you, Y/N, were actually Phoenix. And they couldn’t have found out by taking off your mask, either. It had melded to you, and only you had the power to take it off. “Where’s Y/N?” Someone said, walking up to the cell. It was Cisco. You pushed yourself to sit up with your back against the back wall, knees up in front of you.
“Always with the questions, Cisco,” you attempted a grin, but your previous endeavours – the burning hotel one – had tired you out and the smile fell short. The chocolate haired male frowned and leaned up against a wall with his arms crossed. “You know my name.” It was a statement, but it sounded like a question. You nodded. “How?” He asked. “Not important.” “Where’s Y/N?” “Not important, either.” You deflected his questions. Cisco clenched his fists and his jaw hardened considerably. “Where. Is. Y/N. And stop doing those stupid little answers.” He growled. “What can I say, I’m not much for small talk,” you smiled faintly, and your words struck familiar in his mind. You could almost see the wheels turning in his head, remembering back to two days ago in Jitters. Team Flash, whom you’d almost forgotten were there, looked thoroughly confused. Cisco turned back to you, eyebrows furrowed. “Have you been spying on me? On Y/N?” He accused, getting angrier. “For a smart guy, you’re not being that smart right now,” you laughed humourlessly. Cisco cocked his head once again in that birdlike motion. “I don’t have Y/N,” you stated. The group stared blankly at you. Upon realising their confusion, you peeled your mask from your face and shook out your hair, smiling weakly up at Cisco. “Surprise.”
Cisco’s face contorted from emotion to emotion, irritation, anger, betrayal, before landing on sadness. He shooed team flash out of the room and they quickly obeyed, knowing he needed to talk to you. You could see him trying to find the words as he paced before you. “I-“ He began, then put a hand up and started walking away. Sadness flooded through you, but he stopped at the control pad, opening the cell and then closing it again. Before it shut indefinitely, he squeezed through the crevice as it closed. “That was athletic,” you made a weak stab at a joke. He shrugged sadly, sitting down next to you in the same position – though looking far more put together than your dishevelled self. “I didn’t want to talk to you like that. Like an animal in a cage.” He said. “Am I not?” You said lightly, but Cisco’s face darkened and he said, “No.” You were silent for a few seconds. “Do you hate me?” You said, a tear slipping down your face. “Of course not,” Cisco murmured, taking hold of your hand; your heart gave a jolt. “I’m not mad, just… confused. Why are you doing this?”
You exhaled loudly. “I’m so tired. I’m tired, and angry, and scared. And I needed to release all that anger on something – not someone, I’m not a murderer – and when I got my powers it just became obvious that I should be doing that. So I became one of the metas on the news. It’s not like I enjoy doing it! I feel like absolute shit after it all happens. I just want it to go away. I don’t want my powers, Cisco.” You were sure you looked a treat – ashen face and tears rolling down your cheeks, but Cisco didn’t seem to mind. He reached up and pressed the pad of his thumb to your cheek, wiping away your tears. He looked at you with a sad expression on his gorgeous face. “Don’t pity me,” you said bitterly. “I’m not going to pity you, but I can help you.” You snapped your head to look at him. “You can get rid of my powers?” You asked feebly. Cisco shook his head and your smile faltered. “No, but I can train you,” he suggested. You let out another weak laugh. “So, I can be like the Flash? A hero?” “Absolutely.” There was more promise in his voice then you’d heard your whole life.
“Oh, Cisco,” you smiled, “What do you see in me?” A lock of his hair fell out from behind his ear and you finally lifted up your hand and pushed it back, your hand lingering. Suddenly, Cisco took hold of your face and kissed you, soft and gentle. “I see-“ he said between kisses –“a gorgeous-“ he slipped his tongue into your mouth -“smart girl-“ you moaned against his lips –“who may have gotten into a bit of trouble-“ he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours –“and is most definitely not a monster.” And for a few moments, all you heard was each other’s steady breathing. “Thankyou, Cisco.” You let out quietly, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips and he mumbled a “You’re welcome” against you before deepening the kiss. His hand fell to your hips and kept a loose grip there. His lips were soft against yours but you were hot, fiery, caliente.
“Hey, um, can you guys keep it PG in there? There’s cameras and it’s kind of awkward.” Barry’s voice came over the crackly intercom and you both let out an irritated groan. “So,” you said playfully, “How do you presume we get out of here?” Cisco shrugged. “I could use my natural athleticism to break us out, or,” he pulled you onto his lap, “we could do something else athletic.” “RAMON.” Harry’s voice was now at the intercom, but you just leaned into Cisco, laughing against his lips.
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crimsondomingo · 6 years
Day 8: Mystery
For my July AU a Day Challenge
Barry was a good friend, the best friend, and Cisco was in love, so of course he had to support him.
He just wished that meeting Cisco’s girlfriend Lisa for the first time didn’t have to involve costumes. With everyone they knew and everyone she knew.
Mostly because her brother was unbelievably hot, and Barry looked like an idiot.
It was such a good idea too! Renting a night at the Wells mansion for a murder mystery party and sleepover. Well not like a sleepover, where they would all be in sleeping bags in the living room, but it was basically their hotel for the night. Whoever won the murder mystery game and figured out the killer got the main suite to sleep in. Barry should have been on cloud 9 to do this for his friend while meeting a few new people.
But he wanted to be a gangster since it was set during the roaring 20s, not…the swanky singer with hopes at Hollywood.
“This is a girl’s part.”
“Get with the 21st century, Barr.”
“Cisco, you know that’s not—”
“I’m sorry, man, it was the only part left! I wanted to make sure Lisa’s side got the good parts so her brothers don’t kill me.”
“Brothers? I thought she only had the one?”
“By blood the one, but this big guy she grew up with is basically a brother too, and they’re both super scary. Please? You could swap with Iris.”
“She’s the ‘cigarette girl with a temper that sizzles’. I don’t think that’s better.”
“No, being the singer is, because we can totally set up a part of the story for you to show off your pipes, man.”
“I don’t know…”
“Please, this is the love of my life, no joke. I want it to be perfect.”
Only perfect wasn’t how it started because it was raining cats and dogs out and everyone got soaked on the way in. Barry managed to save his hair by running with his jacket over his head, but most of the girls weren’t as lucky. They all met in the foyer and introductions were a little tense.
Cisco was playing the bartender and storyteller for the mystery. Lisa ran the speakeasy. Barry was the singer of course, and for some inane reason he’d let Cisco convince him to jazz things up as a male version of the character, wearing eyeliner and a jacket with fur on the collar to represent a boa. His boots even had heels, making him an extra inch taller.
He wanted to hide beneath his trilby when he saw how sexy Lisa’s brother looked, Len the actual mobster for the night, which was the cool part, obviously. He had on such a nice suit, all dark blue, with his own hat, and just exuded coolness. He eyed Barry with so much scrutiny when they shook hands, Barry wished he could dig a hole out in the rain and drowned himself in the mud.
Iris was the cigarette girl, Lisa’s big friend and other ‘brother’ Mick was the bouncer, Caitlin was a moll for the police, and Lisa’s best friend Sara was a femme fatale for hire.
The killer definitely wouldn’t be Sara then. Or Len. Too obvious.
“This is stupid,” Mick said, shaking water off his hat.
“Aw, come on, Mick, a little drama and adventure can be a good time,” Len defended. At least he was trying for his sister’s sake.
All of the girls appeared to be getting along too, but Barry did get the impression that he was being sized up and that Len and Mick were not trying to tamp down their intimidating natures toward Cisco in the slightest.
“Is the poor bartender our victim for the night?” Len asked with a drawl.
Barry shivered. He had a really smooth voice.
“No! You’ll, um see once we start.” Cisco ducked behind Lisa, who stood tall to defend Cisco against her large and scary (and sexy, geez, like wow) brothers.
“Knock it off, Lenny. And this is going to be fun, Mick. You’ll see. Now, esteemed guests,” she shifted into her lady of the establishment role, “let’s retire to the lounge to begin our evening.”
The idea was for Cisco to actually bartend and make drinks to start things off, there were hors d'oeuvres set up waiting, and Barry would sing a couple songs while everyone mingled.
They had a recording for background music, which was sort of cheating, but they figured they could envision the band. While some people might have been more nervous to perform, on stage, whether karaoke or back in college and high school doing glee club and musicals, was where Barry felt most comfortable, able to lose himself in the performance.
He sang “Feeling Good” first, which got the crew to erupt into applause when he was done, and he gave a little bow, then broke into “Big Spender.” He’d complained to Cisco that neither of those was right for the 20s, but they weren’t being strictly authentic tonight.
He realized he’d caught the attention of Lenny the Mobster about halfway through “Big Spender” and felt a flutter in his gut, nerves he wasn’t used to while performing, though thankfully it didn’t mess him up. Everyone else was enjoying the song, sure, but they were chatting, drinking and snacking, all like Cisco wanted.
Len came forward with an extra glass in hand, waiting for Barry to finish. While everyone else applauded at the end of the song again, Len handed him the extra drink.
“You’ll need to catch up, Scarlet. Do you take requests?”
Barry nearly choked on his first sip—partially because Cisco had made them strong. “Scarlet?”
Len nodded at his getup. The jacket was a deep scarlet red. Then Barry remembered, Len was staying in character, and the singer’s name was Scarlet, which was why he’d chosen the coat at all.
“R-Right. Thanks for the drink. I’ve been known to take requests for the right…spender,” Barry winked—and shit, maybe he shouldn’t get too into the character, but Len looked entirely pleased by the comeback.
“Okay, folks!” Cisco called. “The Mistress has an announcement!”
Shoot, they were getting started, but while Barry was a bit disappointed, he noticed how close Len stood when they gathered near Lisa.
The story went that with the passing of prohibition and organized crime on the rise, The Rogues Den, a swanky speakeasy run by Mistress Goldie, had been nothing but jumping. To celebrate its success, she’d planned a party to remember at the exclusive nightspot, but danger lurked in the shadows.
They basically discovered the ‘body’ of the mayor straight off and had to try to solve the murder before the police showed up and blamed all of them. Only one of them was the killer, and they had to gather story clues throughout the night to figure out who. When time ran out, they could each give their guess, and whoever guessed right, got the suite. Tie breakers would be decided by who had the most accurate evidence.
Halfway through the night, Barry was convinced he was the killer. He could divert people’s attention, make himself look innocent as long as he never lied about anything asked of him point-blank. But Len kept sticking to his side like glue. He had to know Barry was the killer too. Barry wanted that suite for the night, but as the evening wore on, he wondered if it wasn’t only suspicion that kept Len close, but that Barry might get to sleep in the suite even if he was…hehe, fingered as the killer.
He may have had too much to drink. Cisco kept refilling their glasses!
Then came a section where they were allowed to split up to look for clues hidden about the house as they were nearing the end. They each had a final envelope to open, and Barry was not at all surprised to see that his said: YOU ARE THE KILLER. If you think your partner suspects you, use your discretion to decide if you can get away with killing them before time is called and the murderer must be chosen by everyone at the party.
“I get Scarlet,” Len grabbed his arm and hurried away with him.
Barry tried not to giggle. He was definitely not imagining the electricity between them.
Definitely not—once Len’s tongue was in his mouth when they got to the kitchen.
“I have some bad news for you, Lenny,” Barry said, arching into Len’s embrace when he started kissing down his neck.
“You’re the killer and you’re gonna have to stab me?”
Barry giggled for real this time. ‘’Fraid so.” He poked two fingers at Len’s belly. “Now I have to dispose of the body.”
Grabbing Len by his lapels, Barry stole another fierce kiss, moving them across the kitchen toward the door into the pantry. They could hide there a while until the others got suspicious.
But when Barry knocked into the door with his back, it wouldn’t budge.
“Crap, it’s stuck. Hang on.” He and Len both laughed as they disentangled, and Barry turned to push firmer on the door until it finally forced open.
To reveal the body on the floor with a knife in its back.
It was the owner, Harrison Wells—dead.
“Oh shit.”
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