#I thought everyone was tired and had a 'head ache' after going to the shops
moonsacebitch · 2 years
God I have so many revelations about myself
Like the time I didn't like yolks in eggs at all? And than started eating only the solid ones? And that I still just hate the runny ones?
It wasn't the taste. It was the fucking texture change.
Like boiled egg whites are like hard jelly in texture than yolks are crumbly, and definitely not jelly like. And runny ones are. Just bad.
#How hadn't my parents noticed that?#You have two autistic children#Well I am probably autistic considering the stuff I had to put up with my entire life#Just to discover those are not normal#Or well. As normal as I thought#I thought everyone was tired and had a 'head ache' after going to the shops#Apparently that was overstimulation#Now I wanna know how many times I was like 'oh I have a head ache :/' when in actuality I was over stimulated#Also not me looking at people around me and going 'I don't trust you because of your vibe'#I know it's probably pattern recognition and countless times I've been faced with fake people#But it still amazes me how right I can be about people#Like I've been sitting next to that one girl in our towns orchestra#She had a rancid vibe but I was nice and she seemed nice so who cares#Flash foward our trip to Macedonia#Turns out she's really mean and rude! To everyone!#Pattern recognition is probably gonna safe my ass in many situations like those#Well if I listen to it#autism#neurodivergent#Oh god I just remebered counting days I've been down in middle school#Bc more than 2 weeks is concerning and might be a sigh of depression#So I was like 'brain please make some dopamine without me giving you shit'#And idk if I forced it to do that or did it actually stopped for a while near two week or it was my bad maths#But me feeling down never exceed the 2 weeks mark#So I was like#I might experience a lot of symptoms of depression#But it's not depression bc I haven't been feeling down for long enough#i mean im not complaining#I don't think I did have depression bc I would most likely still have it#Although my psychologist did ask me if I wanna get that tested
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Dirty Work 53
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: I always come back to Loki.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You walk in circles. The day is long but it’s not over. You can’t let it end. Not without having your peace. You won’t make it through another night like the ones before. 
The house is eerily calm, even with your house guests. Frigga and Odin are a useful buffer for their son but you can’t run away forever. Or at all. 
You refuse to enter the bedroom, paranoid at being locked in again. So you pace the library, trying to dictate a script in your head. You haven’t found the words, you can barely wrangle in your thoughts. All you know is it has to be said. Especially after today. 
You hear footsteps in the hall and stop. You listen as Loki goes into the bedroom then comes back out. You go to the door and open it, peering over as he strides out in a panic. You poke your head around and he sees you, giving a start then a sigh. 
“There you are, pet,” he touches his chest, “are you coming to bed? It is late. I’m sure my mother has tired you out.” 
You shake your head. He tilts his head and furrows his brow. You back up, leaving the door open, and wait. He hesitates but approaches soon after. He stands in the doorway and stares at you. You curl your fingers then stretch them out, shaking your hands as the tension aches in your knuckles. 
“What is it?” He sounds just as afraid as before. 
You beckon him inside with a small wave. He frowns but obeys, pulling the door shut behind him. You bring your fingers up and twiddle them against your cheeks. It reminds you of another time, when you would stand at the end of the couch, just out of your father’s grasp, and ask him to take his medicine. You were just as frightened then though for a much different consequence. 
“You’ve something to say to me,” he states and his shoulders rise, “well, yes, I’m aware a proposal without a ring is hardly proper, but I thought perhaps, pet, we might choose it together. Hm?” 
You shake your head and blink, “no.” 
“No?” He says, “you don’t want a ring? Or you’d rather shop alone? I suppose I could--” 
“No. That’s what I have to say; no.” 
You stare at him, locked in anxiety, waiting for his reaction. 
“No... what?” He puts his palms out. 
“No... no.... No?” He echoes over and over, the word starting to sound nonsensical. 
“We can’t be married.” 
“What?” His voice spikes, “but darling, you said... yes.” 
You didn’t. 
“Yes,” he counters quickly. “Yes, I’ve already told mother we are to marry and you can’t just say... no?” 
“No. Not until we talk.” 
“We are talking, pet--” 
“About Thor--” 
“Darling,” he blusters, “we do not need to—we both know what happened. I put a stop to it and it’s all just fine now, isn’t it?” 
“Stop saying that.” 
“Stop-- okay, darling, what can I do? To make this all better?” 
“I want to talk about it,” you insist, your heart flipping. 
“About what? What is there to say?” 
You lower your head and shrug, then look at him again. 
“I don’t know... but... you... brought me there. You knew about him, didn’t you? You had to--” 
“I know he and Sif...” he stops, nearly choking as his throat bobs. “That he had some liaison with my ex-wife, yes. I knew that.” He grits his teeth and turns to pace himself, “and she was there so why wasn’t he distracted by her? What must he try to take what is mine?” 
“Yours?” You wonder. 
He puffs through his nose and stops, twisting on his heel to face you, “my guest. My...plus one.” He lies poorly and his eyes list to one side, “pet, he did not hurt you, I made sure of it--” 
“He did,” you insist. “He did hurt me. He held me down and... maybe he didn’t do all he could but it still hurt. It still scared me and then you locked me up. You won’t talk to me and you keep me in a closet. Well, Loki, Mr. Laufeyson, whatever I should call you, I’d rather go back to my father then stay any longer if you won’t.” 
You're breathless after the deluge flows from you, feeling a little beter for letting it all out. A little braver.
“Don’t,” he points at you, “do not threaten me. Why would you ever go back to that monster? After all I’ve done--” 
“I know all you’ve done. Trust me,” you swallow, “and I know what I’ve done and not done. All I have and don’t have. If I am just a burden for you to pick up, I would rather you toss me away now.” 
“Toss you—darling, I’ve only just said I would marry you. I think you are confused.” 
“I am,” you say, more terse than you mean to, “because you don’t talk to me.” 
He takes a breath and lets it out, his lips thinning. He looks at his feet and his shoulders slump. He crosses his arms and raises his head, “I’m talking right now.” 
You poke your tongue into your cheek and consider him, “he hurt you too.” 
His eyes flick up to the ceiling and he shrugs. 
“I saw it.” 
“Yes, he is an animal. But I gave him back all the same,” he says defiantly. 
You calmly come forward, jittery as you recall that night. The darkness, the scent of dirt, the twigs poking through your dress, and your whimpers. You stop right before him and bring your hands together in front of you. 
“Loki,” you say, “thank you.” 
He winces, almost as if he’s been struck again, just like that night he fended off his brother. 
“You did save me and I know you didn’t have to. But you also don’t need to lock me up.” 
He has the guile to look shameful. He moves his head one way then the other, the lines around his mouth deepening, “yes, I suppose...” 
“I’ll stay, okay? But... not like that.” 
“Alright,” he agrees rigidly, “I won’t keep you in the bedroom.” 
“Or this house--” 
“What-- where are you going to go?” He sputters as his green eyes gleam at you. 
You inhale carefully and put your hands to his chest. He looks down at them and back to your face, “nowhere unless you mean to keep me a prisoner.” 
“You said it yourself though, I protected you--” 
“Thor is gone.” 
“For now,” he glowers. 
You huff and close your eyes. Your drag your hands from his chest and he catches them. Before you can draw away, he pulls you back to him. 
“Darling, yes, alright. I hear you. I’ve heard all you have to say. Let us put that night behind us. Please.” 
You consider him. It’s a tenuous truce, one you don’t entirely trust, but it’s better than before. It’s as much as you can hope for. He is right after all. You have nothing without him. Even the threat of going back to your father is empty. 
“Just... say yes for me. Once,” he pleads. You stare up at him blankly. He fidgets and his cheek dimples, “just once. I need to hear yes. So...” 
You watch him as his nostrils flare and his hands tighten around yours. 
“Yes, let’s put it away,” you agree, “but I won’t forget.” 
He nods and his mouth slants, “mm, when did you get so demanding?” 
“I’m... not?” You’re stunned by the accusation. “I wouldn’t--” 
“For you, yes, you are. Look at you, yanking me on a chain like a dog,” he winks and smirks, slipping his hands down your arms and embracing you, his grip settling on your hips, “I sort of like it.” 
“Um, oh,” you bobble with his change in tone, the wrenching in your chest slowly subsiding.  
You expected more than that. Maybe yelling, maybe broken things, and all that. There was a time this man brought you into this very room with a leather strap and made his will known. The memory seems far away now. 
“Isn’t it nice to say yes?” He coos. 
“I... don’t know.” 
“Ask me anything and I will say yes,” his focus centers on your lips. 
“I... I’m alright,” you smile tremulously. “I’m tired.” 
“Yes, darling, I would be ever so happy to carry you to bed,” he is quick as he has you off your feet before you can unravel his words. “As any good fiance might.” 
You brace yourself with a palm on his chest as he cradles you in his arms. His strength always surprises you. He carries you effortlessly and turns to the door, crossing briskly and dipping as he angles you toward it. 
“If you would, pet, I seem to have my hands full,” he purrs. 
You reach and open the door, upended by how it’s all unfolded. What you dreaded didn’t come. There was no explosion, no shrapnel to pick out, no debris. It’s not over but it’s better than it was. No tears, no shouting, no bruises. 
He carries you into the hall and through the bedroom door. He kicks the door shut and marches to the bed. He tosses you onto the mattress and you land with a yelp. You have not time to gain your bearings before he’s on you. 
“Darling, you had your moment,” he straddles you and grabs onto your wrists, pinning them beside your head, “I will not hear another no from those lips. Not this night.” 
You writhe under him, your insides fluttering as he bends over you, his hot breath cascading over you. As tired as you are, a thrill courses through you. The promise of a release is tempting. All that tension coiled inside you has you bound up in knots. 
He leans in and presses his lips to yours. He crushes you under his weight, the mattress compressing beneath you. He is suffocating as he pokes his tongue inside your mouth, humming in delight as he invades. He wiggles his hips against your pelvis and your ribs ache as your breath catches inside. 
It isn’t him, it’s someone else, someone bigger. Thor. He’s groping and grabbing at you, laughing at your helpless struggle. You flail beneath him and tears prick. 
Your eyes snap open and you nearly bite him. You turn your head away, gasping as you’re caught in a memory. You let out a desperate cry. 
“Please, please,” you beg, “I can’t. I can’t...” you gulp and shake your head fervently. “I can’t breathe...” 
He relents and sits up, his hair askew as he puffs out. His forehead is lined with worry and his eyes glimmering with shock. He lets go of your wrists and grasps his thighs instead. He stares down at you grimly and carefully climbs off. 
“It’s him...” he sits at the foot of the bed with his back to you. 
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, “I didn’t... I don’t want to think of him but...” 
“Sleep, pet, you’ve earned it,” he slouches forward and drops his head into his hands. “And I’ve earned all I get in turn.” 
You stare at his back. You’re relieved and yet you feel horrible. As much as you want to move on, it’s latched onto you; that fear and that futility. You don’t know that this man or the life ahead of you will ever free you from it. 
Loki may have saved you from his brother, but you don’t think he can save you from yourself. You have always, always will be, another burden to bear. 
After some time, Loki lays down beside you. Your night is no less restless than the ones before. While you may have said more than you ever thought you could, there’s still so much trapped inside of you. Feelings you don’t really understand. 
His snoring calms you enough for your eyes to glaze over in bouts. Between, his warmth enshrines you like the blaze of a furnace and finally grows stolid. You get up, surrendering to your consciousness, and go into the bathroom.  
You leave the door open as you fill the tub. You step into the placid water and sink to your shoulders. You lean back, muscles easing as you try to wash away the stain you can’t see. You languish there, letting your eyes roll back as the early din settles over you. 
You jerk as suddenly you feel a brush along your hair. You look up as Loki stands above you. You cross your arms over yourself out of instinct and his lips twitch. He doesn’t say a word as he undresses.  
You’re silent as he urges you forward and slides in behind you, pulling you over him. He reclines with you in his arms and you feel his heart against your back. You stare at the ceiling as your head rests on his shoulder. 
“Mrs. Laufeyson,” he muses, “I like the sound of that better this time.” 
You bat your lashes and crane your head awkwardly, trying to see him, “is that... what I’ll be called?” 
“Darling, of course,” he chuckles, “what else?” 
“Hm,” you chew on the words then mouth them silently; ‘Mrs. Laufeyson’. It sounds... strange.” 
“Well I’m afraid it’s the only name I have, pet.” 
“It sounds... old.” 
“Old?” He utters, “you are an adult, are you not? Thirty-one years on this planet isn’t very much yet enough.” 
“Sure, I guess,” you mull, soothed as he brushes his fingertips up and down your stomach. 
“Wait...” he drawls thoughtfully, “does Mr. Laufeyson sound old?” 
“Well... it suits you better than me.” 
“Are you saying I’m old?” 
“No, I--” you bite down and your brows nearly meet your hairline, “how old are you?” 
“Mmph,” he scoffs, “hardly matters.” 
“Shouldn't I know? If we’re too get married.” 
“Not much older than you,” he sighs. 
“But you are older.” 
“Is this important?” He intones. 
“I just never thought of it.” 
“So don’t,” he says. 
“Why not?” 
“My, my, aren’t you petulant?” He pinches your side and you yipe, “pet, I almost miss the quiet little thing flitting through my halls...” he flutters his fingers, tickling you until you bubble out a giggle and catch in your hand. “Almost.” 
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cottoncandy-cult · 9 months
Sebastian Michaelis x Neko Child! Reader
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Sebastian was walking the streets of London with Ciel, searching the alleyways for a magical thief. Ciel wasn't quite sure why he was sent to search out the thief, from what he had found the thief was only stealing food. He assumed it's because the police had been on this case 3 months and made absolutely no progress, though apparently the night before one of them managed to graze the thief with a bullet. Sebastian was quick to stop when hearing whimpering, drawing the young male's attention as well to a small box that had a bit of blood leaking from the bottom.
Curiously he approached, when carefully moving one of the flaps he spotted the tiny form of a young girl. She was in a dirty and torn dress; her side was bleeding heavily. But what stunned the male was her ears and tail, they were that of a cat. With one look he knew it was a bullet wound, their thief was a child. She tried to hiss at him, but it was weak and pathetic. "It's ok, I just want to help you." His voice was soft and calm, but she soon fell unconscious. He was quick to act, lifting the girl up with ease as he rushed to his master.
With a groggy groan (E/c) eyes began to open, the room was dim which she was glad about. Her head ached, she moved slightly only to feel a sharp pain in her side making her hiss. "You shouldn't move, you're hurt pretty bad. But don't worry, we'll make sure you have a full recovery." The butler spoke softly from the bedside, watching her with his usual polite grin, The trio of trouble making servants not so sneakily peeking in seemed flabbergasted, they knew she was getting special treatment because she was part cat. The guy was obsessed with them after all. The young girl watched him warily, but she was so drowsy and weak. "Go ahead and sleep, the medicine for the pain is gonna make you tired." The girl was out like a light as he finished his sentence, making the older demon chuckle.
A year had passed since that day, (Y/n) had been adopted by the butler but Ciel had taken to her, so she was more like a princess than anything. Lizzy adored her, the 6-year-old just ate up the love and attention. Sebastian adored her most; he spoiled her greatly and was never shy to show his affection. They had been out for a walk one day, Ciel had to go through London in search of a particular shop.  She had tagged along and of course Sebastian was going, as they walked, she spotted something. It was a kitten, white with one blue eye and one green eye. One of its paws was hurt, it seemed to be almost looking for help. The girl did the only thing she could think of, she scooped up the cat and brought it to Ciel. "Ciel look!" At the sound of her voice, he turned to her, the small girl showing him the injured kitten in her arms. "Ciel can we take her home please!?" She bounced slightly on her feet, her eyes glossy with worried tears. 
She was a soft-hearted child, her heart ached for everyone and everything. He kneeled down, looking at the kitten as he patted its head. Sebastian was right beside her, stroking its chin. "She does need to learn about responsibility, this could be a good chance." Ciel was quiet as he thought, Sebastian held his breath and hoped for a yes while the girl looked ready to cry. "Ok fine, tell you what. You can take it home, but you have to take care of it." That was where it began, the sweet girl did chores and errands to earn money. She was smart in how she used it, because she was doing so well, he began to give in anytime she brought a homeless animal to him. The mansion was like a massive foster home, but Ciel had found a way to use this as an advantage. Sales had gone up, people enjoying the fact he cared for animals. They'd have balls and fundraisers, rehoming animals and doing adoption charity events. He wished he had listened to Sebastian when the demon would ask to take in a cat, as now he was making almost triple what he was. Sebastian loved it, at least he loved all the cats.
Now here he sat in the garden, leaned against a tree as (Y/n) cuddled into him. Being part cat meant she needed attention, and he was happy to give it to her. Kittens and puppies ran and played around them, it was a calm day and Ciel generously gave everyone a break. He had been in a wonderful mood for a bit. Sebastian smiled down at the girl who had fallen asleep from his rubbing of her ears, soft purrs escaping her. The demon just couldn't wrap his head around it; she was just so sweet. She was so innocent, a miracle worker that had yet to understand what she could do. Sometimes he wondered if maybe she was just a lost angel, either way he was happy he found her. Her one act of kindness had proven that karma exists, her desire to help animals had led to them being in an even better position financially. Ciel having opened a few charities for various causes.
Sebastian moved to stand, carrying the girl easily. She stirred slightly, but simply snuggled into him. "So warm..." Her words were a sleepy mumble, she gave a whine when he placed her in her bed. But she soon relaxed and fell back into a deep sleep, Sebastian could only chuckle as he removed her shoes, socks and coat. Gently he tucked her in, she slept a lot but that was likely because she worked so hard to take care of her responsibilities. He was proud of her; nothing would ever change that.
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Me & You & Everyone We Know | Chapter 7 | S.R
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Not my gif
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A/N - sorry it has been so long since I updated this, I have not have the impetus to write this fic but I am trying to restart it. Massive thank you to @reidselle for encouraging me to start writing this again and for reading chapters and discussing ideas with me, you are an angel 🖤
Chapter Summary - Spencer’s still reeling from the aftermath of his drunken mistake. With Luke’s words playing on his mind, he starts to realise his feelings towards his broken marriage aren’t as black and white as he thought.
Pairing - Single Dad! Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - hurt/comfort, angst with happy ending, smut minors DNI.
Warnings - mentions of affairs, Spencer questions everything, swearing.
WC - 5.1k
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Chapter 7 - All At Once
And all at once the crowd begins to sing,
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.
Maybe you want her, maybe you need her,
Maybe you started to compare to someone not there. 
The weekend's events had taken so much out of Spencer he didn’t have a chance to call you and apologise for his drunken behaviour. 
In fact, if he was perfectly honest, with everything else going on he’d completely pushed it to the back of his mind. 
On Sunday he spent the day at the mall with the girls in an attempt to cheer Daisy up. 
Spencer loathed shopping. He only went shopping when he absolutely had to. Malls were too busy for his liking and most things were overpriced. But Daisy and Lily loved to shop, mostly because it wasn’t their hard earned money they were spending. 
He spent the day traipsing after them, lugging bags full of their hauls around while they ran from shop to shop excitedly. 
He practically brought Daisy a whole new wardrobe while Lily damn near put the toy store out of business. 
They ate pretzels in the food court while Spencer rested his aching arms from being their designated bag carrier. 
Lily fell asleep on the car ride home surrounded by all her new toys while Daisy excitedly looked over her new clothes. 
He spent hundreds of dollars trying to make up for the way Maeve had hurt her. He even let the girls talk him into buying an even bigger, plusher and more expensive bed for a dog he hated who never slept in his own bed anyway. 
By the time they made it home he was exhausted. He was too tired to cook so he ordered pizza which they ate in the living room while they rewatched Encanto for what had to be the fiftieth time. 
When he put them to bed they were both singing We Don’t Talk About Bruno, which Spencer also had stuck in his head when he crawled into his own bed. 
He also found himself humming it absent-mindedly in the shower the next morning, mentally cursing his girls for making him sit through that movie again. 
It was still whirring its way around his brain while he made the girls breakfast. 
He drove them to school after breakfast and dropped Taco off at the kennel and it was only after he was finally alone, his thoughts fell back to his monumentally stupid drunken mistake. 
Checking his watch and seeing he had time before he had to be on campus he made a pit stop at the florists. 
It was a good job he had time to spare because he spent an unfathomable amount of time staring at a wide variety of flowers in various colours.
He must have looked utterly lost as a young girl soon came over and asked if he needed help. 
Yes, he most certainly did. 
“I uh…I need something that says I’m sorry.” He toyed awkwardly with the strap of his satchel. 
The girl gave him a slightly playful smile. 
“You wouldn’t believe how often we get people in here looking for the exact same thing.” 
“What would you recommend?” 
“Well, lilies are great for apologising as they can express a new chapter. But roses are really romantic. White orchids are also good as they represent sincerity. And blue hyacinths look stunning in an apology bouquet.” She motioned around the various flowers she was describing while Spencer stared wide eyed in confusion. 
“Uh…” he scratched the back of his neck. “All of them. Just put all of them in a bouquet. A huge one. It doesn’t matter what it costs.” 
“Sure.” She looked a little startled by his choice, most guys just went for whatever was cheapest. 
She admired his decision. 
Spencer tapped his foot in the ground while the girl went about fashioning a giant bouquet of whites and blues and reds and yellows. 
She tied them all off in a big red ribbon and looked proud by her creation. 
Admittedly it did look beautiful and Spencer knew next to nothing about flower arranging. 
He paid two hundred dollars for the privilege and thanked the young girl before hurrying out of the store barely able to see over the large array. 
He quickly stopped at a coffee house and ordered an extra large cinnamon latte which was your favourite. 
The flowers took up the whole front seat of the car and the smell was overwhelming so he had to drive with the windows open. 
He felt heads turning and eyebrows furrowed into frowns as he got out of his car with the huge bouquet. It was like a large flashing beacon that he’d fucked up. 
He tried to ignore all the eyes on him as he waited for you outside the psychology building, flowers in one hand, coffee in the other. 
The weather was desperately trying to warm up and was slowly succeeding and the morning sun beating down on him made sweat gather at his temples. 
The nerves didn’t help. 
You couldn’t have looked any less amused when you spotted him, only just able to see him over the almost comically large bunch of flowers. 
If he wasn’t standing right outside the building you needed access to, you would have walked any other direction to avoid him. 
You clenched your jaw tightly and hugged your purse close to your body as you approached him. 
“I’m sorry.” He spoke the second you were in earshot. “I am so, so sorry. I was drunk, not that that’s an excuse but I was. I had a bad day and I was a fucking idiot. I am so, so sorry Y/N.” 
You didn’t say anything. Not a word. Honestly you didn’t have anything to say that wouldn’t either be fuck you or go to hell. 
He proffered the flowers towards you. 
“I’m really, really sorry.” He pouted a little.
He did look apologetic, almost pathetically so and there was a part of you that felt sorry for him. 
Not a big enough part to forgive him though. 
You took the flowers from his hand and Spencer momentarily believed things were going to be ok. 
But then you dropped the bouquet on the floor and stamped heavily on them with your heeled boot.
You didn’t stop there. 
You took the coffee out of his hand, removed the lid and poured the scalding liquid all over the crushed pile of flowers.
Spencer’s face fell.
“Oh come on, that was two hundred dollars worth of flowers.” He groaned, shoulders slumping. 
“You think coffee and flowers are going to make up for what you did?” You spat at him. 
“Not entirely. But I thought it might be a start.” He shrugged meekly, toying with his satchel. 
“Well it isn’t.” You stomped on the flowers again. “You were a world class asshole, Spencer. You do not get to show up at my apartment drunk in the middle of night and try to force me into bed! And the things you said to me…I am not a fling. I am not looking to be a casual hook up and if that’s all you want then you should find someone else.” 
“Y/N, I didn’t mean for you to-“
“Go to hell, Doctor Reid.” You cut him off, stamping on the flowers one more time for good measure. “Respectfully, go to hell.” 
He watched you storm past him inside the building, knowing nothing he could say was going to make this better. 
He’d really fucked this one up. And he had no idea how to fix it.
He left a cinnamon latte for you every single day for the next week in Monroe’s classroom. 
He left post it notes on your car that told you how sorry he was. 
He tried at every available opportunity to tell you to your face how sorry he was but every time you caught a glimpse of him, you would turn and walk in the opposite direction. 
He didn’t blame you. But he wished you would give him a chance to explain. 
Not that there was much to explain. He was drunk and he’d been forceful. He’d said horrible things to you. 
An explanation wasn’t really warranted. 
But that didn’t mean he was going to give up. He wasn’t giving you up without a fight. 
It didn’t matter that the two of you had only been on one date, you were all he could think about. You’d left a lasting impression in his heart and he wasn’t letting you just walk away. 
But he knew he couldn’t keep pushing you. You had to want to talk to him. If he kept trying to force you forgive him, he would end up pushing you away. 
He had to give it time and hope that you would come to forgive him on your own. 
In lieu of making things up with you, he had made up with Luke, even if slightly begrudgingly. 
They’d talked on the phone for the best part of a whole evening after the girls were asleep. Luke apologised for the way things had come out. He hadn’t meant them quite as they sounded 
Spencer in turn apologised for reacting the way he had, even though he still felt he was completely justified. 
Luke surprised him somewhat when he asked him, “did you ever really deal with Maeve’s affair?” 
“What do you mean?” Spencer frowned, putting his feet up on his desk and leaning back in his chair. 
“When you talk about it, you always talk about the effect it had on your kids but never how it affected you.” Luke was in full on profiler mode. Spencer had heard that voice countless times. 
“The fact that it affected my kids, affected me.” Spencer’s frown deepened. 
“I know you say it was a marriage of convenience but you were together a long time, Reid. You must have had some kind of feelings for her. It must have hurt.” Luke’s tone was soft yet held a hind of accusation. 
“Not especially.” Spencer shrugged. 
“Spencer,” Luke’s timbre shifted. “The woman you spent a large portion of your life with cheated on you. Your house is still like a goddamn shrine to the life you used to have. And you’ve never gotten over your anger towards her. I think that’s because she hurt you more than you want to admit. You like to pretend you didn’t love her and that you’re unaffected by what happened because you think it’s easier to deal with if you pretend it doesn’t hurt. But sometimes, pain needs to be felt.” 
“Have you ever thought about being a therapist?” Spencer rolled his eyes and sat up in the chair. “I’m fine Luke. I’m angry because she tore my family apart. I’m angry because my kids now only get to see their mother twice a month. I’m angry because I had to reevaluate my whole life after she left. 
But I’m not hurt, I’m not heartbroken. And my house is not a shrine. I work and when I’m not working I’m taking care of my daughters and now some stupid dog too. I’ve been meaning to call Morgan to help me renovate it. I just haven’t had time.” 
“If you insist.” Luke sighed. “I won’t keep pushing it. But just know I’m here if you ever need to talk.” 
“I know. Thanks. But I really am fine.” Spencer stood up and stretched his back. “I’ll talk to you soon, yeah?”
“Yeah no worries. Talk soon.” Luke replied and then hung up. 
Spencer kept his phone in his hand and typed out a quick text to you, almost identical to the ones he’d sent you every night this week. 
📲 Y/N Y/L/N: I’m still so sorry. I miss you. Please talk to me. Goodnight, beautiful. 
He checked in on the girls who were both sleeping soundly before having a quick shower and crawling into his own bed. 
And once again, he dreamt of you. 
It was probably for the best that you weren’t talking to him and that he hadn’t made plans with you for his child free weekend because he didn’t get a child free weekend. 
He picked Lily and Daisy up from school on Friday and drove them to Maeve’s only for Daisy to refuse to get out of the car. 
“Pumpkin, it’s your weekend with your mom, you have to go.” Spencer turned in his seat to face her. 
“No.” She spoke stubbornly. “I don’t want to see her.”
“You can’t stay mad at her forever.” Spencer leaned over the centre console and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Yes I can.” She huffed. 
“Why don’t you want to see mommy?” Lily spoke up from the backseat. 
“Because I hate her.” Daisy stomped her foot on the floor. 
“Daisy, please don’t say that in front of your sister.” 
“Why? It’s true.” 
Spencer sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. 
“What about if Taco comes to mommy’s with you?” It would be doing him a favour too. 
“Yes! Let’s go get Taco!” Lily beamed. 
“No!” Daisy raised her voice. “I’m not going in there and you can’t make me!” 
She was right, he couldn’t. 
So in the end Lily had stayed at Maeve’s and Daisy had come home with Spencer. 
It was strange just having one of the girls, it wasn’t often the two were apart. It was almost like the days before Lily was born. 
He cooked dinner for the two of them and they ate ice cream for dessert. 
Daisy sat in Spencer’s office with him, laying on the floor with Taco while he graded papers. 
Usually Spencer liked to work alone, the kids rarely came in his office. But he found the sounds of Daisy cooing over the dog relaxing and every now and again when he heard her giggle over the mutt it made his heart swell in his chest. 
“Are you having fun there, pumpkin?” He asked her with an amused smile as he scrawled some notes on one of his students papers.
“Yeah, Taco is the best.” She giggled, giving Taco a belly scratch which he adored. “And it’s nice and quiet, like before Lily was born.” 
Spencer’s pen dropped from his hand as he looked at the back of his daughter's head where she laid on her front on the floor, her thick dark hair tied up on the back of her head. 
“What?” He frowned a little, thinking he must have misunderstood her. 
She rolled over onto her back and propped herself up on her one good arm. 
“I miss it sometimes. Before Lily was born and it was just you, me and mom. Did mom have an affair because of Lily?” She asked curiously. 
Spencer tried to hide his shock, knowing his daughter could read his features. 
He pushed himself up from his chair and rounded the desk, coming over to where Daisy and Taco laid. 
He lowered himself carefully to the floor, grimacing a little as an ache spread through the old injury in his leg. 
He sat next to her, stretching his legs out across the dark carpet. 
“What your mom did was neither of your faults. You know that, don’t you?” 
Daisy shrugged. 
“Why did you have Lily? I miss being an only child.” She changed the subject. 
“She’s your sister, don’t say that, please.” 
“We were happy before Lily.” Daisy shrugged again, crossing her legs and pulling Taco into her lap. 
“And we were happy after Lily too.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she instinctively leaned into her fathers body. 
“Do you think mom would have cheated on you if you didn’t have Lily?” 
“I don’t know, pumpkin.” He sighed, pulling her closer. “But Lily isn’t the reason she cheated. And neither are you. I guess…I guess I just couldn’t make her happy.” 
“It’s not that I don’t love Lily.” Daisy tugged at Taco’s ear. “I just miss having all of your love.” 
Spencer felt his heart tear in half. He moved his hand from around her shoulder and cupped her jaw gently, guiding her to look at him. 
“Daisy,” he spoke seriously. “Just because I love your sister, it didn’t for a second make me love you any less, ok? You’re my baby girl, the first time I held you in my arms I felt like I could breathe properly for the first time in my life. The first time you looked at me, I finally knew the reason I was put on this Earth. And that was to love you and be your father. Please never think I could love you any less. You are my whole world ok, pumpkin?”
He felt choked up by the end of his speech and he noticed Daisy had tears in her eyes. 
She was quick to sit back and wipe her eyes on her sleeve. 
“God, mushy much dad?” She scoffed and Spencer chucked. 
He leaned in and placed another kiss at her temple. 
“Love you too, pumpkin.” He laughed against her skin. 
Spencer found Luke’s words were taking up too much space in his brain. 
When he awoke Saturday morning he laid in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling and just enjoying a moment of peace before Daisy woke up. 
Although it wasn’t all that peaceful.
He was ruminating on Luke’s implications of him living in a shrine. 
It wasn’t as though Spencer meant to do that. He really hadn’t had the time to even think about redecorating. 
Ok, maybe that wasn’t true. He had thought about it, quite often in fact. But there was always some kind of blocker between the thought and the action. For whatever reason, he’d never gotten over that hurdle of actually making a change. 
But it wasn’t because he was clinging to his old life. He didn’t pine over his broken marriage, he didn’t wish for Maeve to see sense and come home. 
But maybe there was a small chance that the reason he’d held off for so long was partly due to the fact that once he changed the house, there was no going back. 
If he decorated it was effectively shattering his dreams of the future he’d planned even though, really, those dreams had been destroyed over a year ago. 
Had he really been grasping at his old life so hard and not even realised? 
Something had to change. 
After breakfast he and Daisy went to the hardware store and he let her pick out a new paint for the living room. 
It wasn’t much but it was a start. It was something to prove he wasn’t living in a shrine to his ex-wife. 
Initially she’d chosen a gawdy bright green shade but thankfully Spencer had talked her down to a much more eye pleasing sage.  
The two of them spent the day painting the room, well Spencer did most of it while Daisy kept getting distracted by Taco. And Daisy did only have one good arm, which she kept reminding him. 
But by the time he was finished he felt accomplished. The new colour was much more his style than the buttermilk yellow Maeve had painted the walls when they moved in. 
The only room he’d really aided in decorating was his office with its dark walls, leather desk chair and dark oak desk and bookshelves. 
He’d still be working at the BAU when they moved in and as such wasn’t around much to help make decorating decisions. 
He’d never disliked the way she’d designed the house but maybe it never quite felt like home as it should have. 
The sage green walls felt more cosy. It was reminiscent of his old apartment, the apartment he’d loved so much. He felt comfortable with a darker aesthetic, which was probably strange but to Spencer it felt more homely. 
Spencer always felt more at ease in darkness, he decided not to dwell too long on that thought and what that meant about his mental state. 
He should call Morgan and have him gut this place and start again from scratch. But he wasn’t quite ready to take that step. And not because he was pining over his old life. 
He didn’t know why. But not everything needed to have a reason. 
Once the painting was done and feeling much more satisfied with his living situation, he cooked dinner for the two of them and after he let Daisy choose a movie which he fell asleep halfway through. 
The closing credits woke him and he rubbed his eyes before focusing on Daisy who had her smartphone pointing at him. 
“What are you doing?” He grumbled, feeling the weight of the dog was laying on his chest. 
“Taking pictures.” She giggled. 
“Why?” He shuffled up the couch a little. 
“You look funny.” She snapped one more picture before her dad got mad. 
“How do I look funny?” He scooted the dog off of him and sat up properly, rubbing his eyes again. 
“See for yourself.” She handed him her phone and he stared at the photograph of his sleeping form, mangy dog sleeping soundly on him. 
But that’s not what he was looking at. 
“For the love of god!” He groaned, jumping up and dashing to the mirror by the door. 
“The paint must still have been wet.” Daisy giggled again. 
Spencer had two very distinctive sage coloured doggy paw prints on his face and many more covering his shirt. 
He glanced around and saw a spot on the wall near the TV where the idiotic mutt had put his front paws in the wet paint. 
There was a trail of the sage prints in the carpet from the wall to the couch. 
“This is why I didn’t want a freaking dog.” Spencer huffed as he made his way to the kitchen to clean his face. “What time is it?” 
“Uh…eight?” Daisy sounded unsure of herself. 
“Which means it’s actually later than that and you don’t want to tell me because you don’t want to go to bed.” He chuckled, wiping his face with some kitchen paper. 
“No.” Daisy whined. “Not true.” 
“You know I’m wearing a watch, right?” As he said this he glanced at it and saw it was a little after ten. “Bedtime missy.” 
“Boo!” Daisy sulked. 
He finished up cleaning his face, thankful the paint seemed to come off easily and came back through to the living room where his stubborn daughter sat vigil on the couch. 
“Come on, pumpkin. I can read to you if you like? We haven’t done that in a while.” 
She pulled a face like she was contemplating this for a moment or two. 
“Can Taco come to bed with me?” 
“Sure, why not. It’s not like I’ve brought him two dog beds or anything.” He sighed. 
Daisy happily picked up the little dog and carried him upstairs where she set him on her bed. 
Spencer sat with him while she went through to the bathroom to change and brush her teeth. 
He tucked her in and Taco curled up by her side. 
Spencer slotted himself on the small part of the empty mattress that was left and Daisy handed him a book. 
He read to her until she was sound asleep, snoring a little. She got that from her mother. 
He kissed her forehead and switched off the light before creeping from the room. 
He thought about having a drink but he was still ashamed of his actions the last time he drank so he decided against it. 
He pulled out his phone as he flopped to the couch and sent you a text. 
📲 Y/N Y/L/N: I really am so sorry. Please can we talk? I miss your voice. Goodnight, beautiful. 
Spencer stared at the freshly painted wall and the paw prints left in it, still having Luke’s words swirling around his brain. 
He didn’t love Maeve. He wasn’t heartbroken over her infidelity. He didn’t need to deal with what she’d done because he hadn’t affected him. Had it? 
Somehow he found himself on his feet and moving books aside on the bookshelf that shielded his gun safe. 
He hadn’t actually kept a gun in it for years, not since he left the bureau. But old habits die hard. 
He entered the combination and opened the thick metal door. His hand shook a little as he pulled out the photo album kept hidden inside. 
It was white once but was dirtied from fingerprints over the years. It was a little scuffed around the edges but that was probably from him stuffing it inside the safe that was just a little too small for it. 
Spencer didn’t know why he kept in there. He supposed it was because he didn’t want the kids stumbling across it and having to look at it before he was ready, before he had the capacity to take this particular trip down memory lane. 
He hadn’t even thought about the album in the year since he’d put it in there. He’d physically locked it away whilst mentally locking away the memories that went with the photographs. 
He took it back over to the couch and tentatively flipped to the first page. 
The first photograph depicted an unusually sunny fall day outside of DC city hall. Spencer wore a suit from his closet and Maeve wore a simple white summer dress, her pregnant belly very noticeable with the slim fitting nature of the dress. 
They both smiled brightly while Morgan snapped the photograph of them showing off their matching gold wedding bands, Spencer’s free hand cupping her stomach that housed baby Daisy. 
He saw no doubts in his eyes, no hint that he was only marrying this woman because he’d gotten her pregnant. He looked genuinely elated to be married. He didn’t remember ever feeling that happy. 
On the next page was a series of photos with the backdrop of a hospital room. 
Images of Spencer fussing over Maeve while she was in labour, a slightly fretful look on his features. 
There was a photo of Maeve with the newborn on her chest, seconds after she was born and Daisy was held by her mother for the first time. 
Another of Spencer in the worn leather chair next to the bed with the tiny seven pound baby cradled in his arms as tears streamed down his cheeks. 
There were a couple more of the three of them together in the hospital room and as they left the hospital the following day, Spencer and Maeve held hands while his free one carried Daisy in her rocker. 
The look on Spencer’s face in each one could only be described as pure bliss. 
There were pictures of Daisy with each member of her new family, with her Aunties Emily, JJ and Penelope and her Uncles Derek and Aaron and grandpa Dave. 
There were photographs from a few weeks later when they’d travelled to Vegas so Diana could meet her granddaughter. 
Diana’s smile when she held Daisy for the first time was the brightest he’d ever seen on his mother. She’d been lucid that day, thank god, and had cried and cooed over the gorgeous little bundle her son had created. 
Other photographs of Daisy’s first steps, her first time on the potty, her first Christmas and birthdays littered the pages. 
Birthday cakes and presents wrapped for a child too young to understand what they were. 
Gaudy Christmas jumpers set against the backdrop of an overly decorated tree. Paper hats from crackers adorned on heads. A small child overstimulated by a holiday she couldn’t comprehend. 
And in every single one he and Maeve looked so happy. The images showed them sharing loving looks, exchanging soft touches. 
If the photos didn’t exist, Spencer wouldn’t have believed it. His memories didn’t allow him to recall the joyful moments, only the hurt and the anger. 
Even as he looked at them he struggled to remember ever feeling the way the man in the photographs looked. 
The further into the album he got showed Maeve’s belly growing for the second time and more hospital photographs with Lily featuring Aunty Tara, and Uncles Luke and Matt. 
More holiday photos lined the pages, this time with Daisy helping her sister open her presents. 
Lots of photos of the two girls together riddled the pages. Daisy holding Lily’s hand while she learnt to walk, Daisy reading to her little sister. Daisy cuddling her new little sister and beaming proudly. 
They looked like the perfect family, smiling for the camera. But what was hiding beneath? Were they ever really happy at all? 
About a year after Lily’s birth, the photographs just stopped. The empty pages at the end of the album taunted Spencer. 
They just stopped. Ended with no warning. It was as though all the happy, smiling faces of the pages before had died. 
Maybe they had. 
Tensions had been high between him and Maeve after Spencer gave up the BAU. He resented Maeve and to a certain extent his beautiful daughter, for having to give up a job he adored. 
He was frustrated and exhausted all the time. He was making less money at Georgetown, which didn’t matter so much in the present as he had a substantial amount of savings, but not enough to send two kids to college. His future problems crossed over into his present day. 
It took its toll on Spencer. He went to work, came home and doted on his daughters and barely said two words to Maeve. 
He had a quick temper. His exhaustion manifested in anger and when he did talk to Maeve it was usually to argue with her about something. 
He’d been distant, far away even when he was at home, and she’d been lonely. So she met Bobby who made her feel wanted. 
Could he blame her for that? Was Luke right? He hadn’t been attentive to his wife and so she’d sought comfort elsewhere. Was it his fault she’d strayed? Had he pushed her to it? 
He flipped the album back to the first page to their wedding photo. Was he to blame in all of this? 
He was so wrapped up in his self pity, the knock at the door startled him. 
He frowned to himself as he pushed himself to his feet and padded over to the door. 
Who was knocking at his house so late at night? 
He unlocked the door and cautiously it opened a fraction so he could see who was on the other side before he committed to opening it. 
His frown only deepened when he looked into a familiar pair of eyes staring back at him from the dark. 
He opened the door fully and braced himself against the door jamb. 
“Y/N,” he swallowed. “What are you doing here?” 
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@andiebeaword @muffin-cup @takeyourleap-of-faith @ssa-uglywhore27 @foxy-eva @kbakery @chrissyflo3 @simxican @aysixdy @givemeth @its-yagirl-raelynn
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leaentries · 7 months
17 and 🎄 on the list with drysdale:)
i’m so soft for jamie bro
lea’s christmas special!
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You’ve always loved Christmas, even if you wake up 2 days before to a text from your family saying they couldn’t make it to you this year.
Jamie had noticed that you seemed down, compared to your usual jolly demeanor so close to your favorite day of the year. You were currently hanging out in his apartment, since this would be the last time you’d see him before he left for the holidays.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t sad about him leaving. Of course you understood and wanted him to go see his family, but with your family no longer serving as a distraction, his absence will definitely be felt.
You and Jamie had a strange relationship. The two of you said you were “best friends,” but the flirty remarks and touches proved differently. Everyone always assumed you were dating, but these claims were ultimately met with denial.
It was no secret that you had feelings for Jamie and you assumed it was reciprocated, but the fear of rejection was enough to keep you from saying anything.
“and I think Mom had plans to go shopping pretty much as soon as I get there,” Jamie chuckled. You knew how much he cared for his mother and how much she loved to spoil him.
“That’s super cool, J.” You tried your best to put on a fake smile, but it just came out awkward. See, you haven’t exactly mentioned the fact that you would be alone for Christmas to Jamie yet, you didn’t want him to feel bad.
“Hey, what’s up with you lately? You haven’t really been yourself the last couple days,” His eyes were wide with concern, “Which is surprising considering you’ve texted me every morning since June with a Christmas countdown.”
You let out a slight breath of amusement, “Nothings up, I’ve just been super tired recently. All of the holiday shopping must be getting to me,” You trailed off, trying your best to make your excuse believable.
“Mhm, I’m sure that’s all. You know you can talk to m-” He was cut off by the loud ringing of his phone. Looking down at the screen, you saw the familiar picture of his mom’s contact appear.
Taking that as your escape, you got off the stool you had been sitting on.
“On that note, I’m gonna leave you to finish packing since your flight leaves in a few hours.”
Jamie shook his head in protest, attempting to say something, but was cut off by your hurried words.
“I’ll see you when you get back from your trip. Merry Christmas, Jamie.” With that you quickly left his apartment, the sound of the door echoing in your wake.
The next day slowly rolled by. Apparently, your Christmas Eve now consisted of watching lame reruns of old movies and eating the food you had cooked for your family.
You heard the timer on the oven go off, signaling that your last batch of cookies were done. Walking over to the kitchen, you slipped on some oven mitts and removed the pan from the scolding environment.
After placing them onto the cooling rack, a knock sounded from your front door.
Confused, you removed the mitts and slowly made your way to the door. You peeked through the peep hole, only to be met with a familiar face. Swiftly, you swung the door open.
Jamie’s bright smile warmed your aching heart. He made his way inside your apartment, making a point to sniff the delicious aroma coming off the cookies.
“Mmmmm, something smells yummy” Jamie walked over, grabbing a cookie, only to immediately drop it, “Shit! That’s hot!”
You laughed slightly, “I just took them out, idiot.”
“What with the attitude, missy? It’s Christmas Eve.” He gave you an exasperated look.
“Exactly! Why are you here? I thought you were going home for Christmas?”
Jamie walked up to you, placing his hands on your elbows, “Well I couldn’t leave you here alone.”
You were dumbfounded. How could he have known you were gonna be alone? You never told him that your family bailed.
“I-I’m confused. How did you-” Jamie cut you off.
“I called your family. When I noticed how sad you were, I called them to see if they knew why.” He suddenly appeared shy, as a light blush covered his cheeks, “I’m sorry if that was wrong, it’s just you weren’t talking to me and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Jamie was taken back as you wrapped your arms around his torso. He didn’t hesitate to return the favor, placing a kiss on your head.
You were thankful he couldn’t see your face, or the burning sensation would definitely give your feelings away.
Jamie slightly pulled back, looking down at you, “Now can we eat the cookies?”
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, J. We can eat the cookies.” He beamed, running over to the cooling rack.
Your lonely christmas turned out to be not-so-lonely, after all.
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Hi friend!! I’m here to request either Bdubs or Beef from you >:-)
Maybe something where Reader has a very long and difficult day, and just wants to come home to their partner and feel comforted <3 i love fluff :-D
Hello love!! /p I know it's a little short but its very fluffy so I hope its good enough,, :D Also I chose Bdubs cause he is lovely.
It all started early that day, while you and Impulse were working on a raid farm. Something went wrong, maybe you didn’t spawn proof it correctly, or maybe it wasn’t high enough. It didn’t really matter what went wrong when you had arrows in your back and hit the ground, instantly waking up in your bed with sweat and shock coating your face. Then came the cleaning process, killing all the Pillagers that had spawned outside the farm. You and Impulse both suffered quite a few deaths there as well. Safe to say, both of you were not in the greatest mood afterwards and decided to continue your work another day.
Then you had an altercation at your shop with Etho, who insisted, humorously of course, that your prices were basically robbing him. You’re not even sure what he meant by it, and you had kind of just taken it as an insult and had an argument with him. It ended on good terms when you explained you’d had a rough day, and he understood completely, letting you off the hook. Then you slipped into a hole that led to the void below the server and lost most of the items in your inventory. It was safe to say, of days that sucked, this was up there. Every single thing that had gone wrong, had. Going home that evening, you remember dragging your feet as they weighted down on you, and your head felt like a bag of bricks as you had it hanging, looking at the ground as you walked. You were almost in tears, but you held them in, almost too tired to even cry at this point. 
You opened the door to you and Bdubs shared base. Normally, just the very thought and vibe of being in your shared home was enough to make your stress evaporate, but the thought of the items you’d need to collect back after your demise and what you needed to do to fix your raid farm crowded your mind. Not to say that the feeling of death didn’t hang over you after today wasn’t your main concern though. It was never a nice feeling, death. It was always so unsettling and sudden, like getting ripped from sleep due to a horrible nightmare. “I’m home, Bdubs.” You said, tiredness seeping into every word, your voice meek and quiet. Bdubs instinctively came running into the hallway, ready to embrace you in his warm hug like he usually did. He was always home earlier than you, cause he was such an early riser. He needed his damn sleep, as he would say. But when he saw your face, he stopped in his tracks, hesitating. 
Urging him to still give you the hug, you held out your arms and he happily strode over to you and embraced you in turn. “Bad day?” He asked, so softly for a man who was usually always so loud. It made your heart ache, having to worry him. But everyone had bad days, you had to remember that. “Terrible day.” He concluded when you didn’t answer, simply too tired to do anything as you leaned on his shoulder. After a little bit of him simply rubbing your back soothingly, letting you be comforted by his presence, he took your hand, leading you into the kitchen. He sat you down on one of the chairs, and went over to finish whatever he was cooking. It was soup, and he put the vegetables in the water, simply waiting for it to boil. You watched with drowsy eyes as he went over to the jukebox, putting on your favorite record. 
He came up behind you, wrapping you up in his arms and laying his head on your back, rocking a bit with the sway of the music. “You know what always makes me feel better?” He asks you, smiling into your back. You hum in confirmation of hearing him, but too dead to even really respond and ask him what he is suggesting. “Sleep. I love to sleep. And I love you.” He says, trying to cheer you up. To be honest, sleep sounded nice. But you were scared to even try at this point. Could you even sleep at this point, with all this on your mind? Or would you just lie awake for hours, thinking of death and the work that would follow the day after when you inevitably woke up. He kissed your shoulder blade, tracing his hands up and cupping your cheek lovingly in his hand before breaking apart and getting back to the soup on the stove. It must have been done, cause he turned the stove off and poured you both a bowl. 
You ate, listening to Bdubs talking loudly about whatever was on his mind. He knew that the silence would only make it worse and he liked talking. He knew that even if you were not exactly participating, that you were listening anyways. And whenever he told a joke, it did make you smile. Just his presence made you feel better, in all honesty. When you finished, he took your hand leading you to the bedroom. While getting ready for bed, he gave your shoulder another kiss, and you hummed. “Tomorrow will be better, I promise.” You reached your hand behind you, finding his face and laying your hand on it, and you both stood there for a bit like that, while he embraced you from behind. You turned around, and he this time from the front, embraced you with his hands on the back of your legs and hoisted you up and carried you to the bed. Sometimes his strength surprised you, but you were too tired to react, just laying your head on his shoulder as he made the voyage. It was only a few steps, but for some reason it felt longer. 
Bdubs liked to be the little spoon a lot, and it was something you would usually indulge him. Yet when he placed you softly on your shared bed, he didn’t even let you get comfortable. Instead he just plopped down and curled around you, his arms interlocked around your stomach. Without noticing, all your worries seemed to start to fade away, and your tense muscles relaxed. Then before long you were asleep, letting Bdubs take all your worries away. 
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squidproquoclarice · 2 years
Yeehawgust Day 9: Pistol Packin’ Mama
September 1899
Shady Belle, Lemoyne
They’d gotten her boy back.  Waking up to see him asleep there, curled in on himself, felt like a miracle.  Even more of a miracle that they all stayed together now in one room, her and Jack and John, that John had admitted he wanted to try to be a family.  
Everything she’d wanted for nearly five years now, ever since she knew she was pregnant.  Everything she’d begged and pleaded and shouted and nagged at John for, over and over.
And the price that got paid for it was her son being kidnapped by some Italian thug.  Looking at Jack there asleep in the early morning light, her throat felt tight with the effort of holding back tears, both of relief and of fear and guilt.  Jack seemed to think nothing of it.  Bronte had treated him kindly enough, and he didn’t seem to realize he’d been in danger.  She blessed God or whatever might be out there for that.  
The price was paid, not by her will, but she couldn’t help but think it was too high.  She looked at Jack sleeping and didn’t worry just about his future now with things going crazy in the gang as they did, she had notions in her head of him being snatched again, of him being killed.  A little boy made for a hell of a bargaining chip.
John had assured her it would never happen again.  “We’re gonna watch him like hawks, Abigail.”
Dutch had assured her it would never happen again.  “Of course he’ll be safe.  You think we wouldn’t take care of him, especially after what happened?”
Arthur hadn’t made any glib assurances, said only, “Take care of the boy, he’s safe now.”  There was a flicker of something in his eyes now, something painful and fearful, some old loss that she’d long sensed, especially in some of his reactions to Jack being in any danger before from far more ordinary things. Something he’d never, ever talked about, and she suspected he never would.  But seeing that fear in him only quietly confirmed her own dread.
She could ask him.  But it was always complicated with Arthur in some ways, asking him for yet another favor over and over, and seeing that ache within him helped make her decision.  She wouldn’t put this on his shoulders.  He already looked so tired these days.
So she went to Sadie Adler instead.  She’d come out of what had happened to her fierce and determined, and Abigail needed some of that fire herself.  So standing there with their morning coffee, just the two of them, Abigail put it to her plain.  “I want to learn to shoot.”
Sadie took a thoughtful sip of coffee.  Didn’t ask why.  But Abigail found herself rushing ahead with her explanation all the same.  “All these men are telling me it’ll be just fine, Sadie.  Not to worry.  They’ll protect Jack, and me.  They’re…they don’t understand it.”  Sadie would, she thought. Sadie knew what it was like to have her safety ripped away from her.
Sadie eyed her, and nodded, her hazel eyes softening.  “You know how it is.  Too many men are gonna hurry to tell you ‘Don’t worry, angel, I got you, I’ll protect you’, and you shouldn’t need to fight for yourself.  Yeah, well, piss on that.”  She finished her coffee off.  “Way I see it, you been fighting for Jack and yourself all this time.  Putting a gun in your hand ain’t gonna change much about that.”
“I don’t want to do it around camp.  Everyone’s gonna have an opinion, you know?”  And too many of them would hurry to bind her up again in the silken ribbons of a woman’s expected place, waiting on a man.  She finally had John, and she felt so glad of it, but she was so Goddamn done waiting on a man.  Any man, at all.  John and Arthur had brought him back, yes, but the men of this gang lost him in the first place.  Never again.    
“Course they will.  And it ain’t no business of theirs.  So let’s head out today.  I’ll tell them we’re doing the shopping.  We’ll get that done, but we’ll find somewhere to teach you besides.”
Abigail breathed a sigh of relief.  “Thanks, Sadie.  You’re a good friend.” 
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jmbringitonworld · 2 years
The Otherworldly Visitors
AO3 link for those who prefer to read fics there, or who prefer to read the multi-chaptered version of this fic.
I've actually been working on this fic for a while, and have already uploaded it to AO3 in multiple chapters, but now that the main story is finished, I'm posting it to Tumblr in one big chunk.
The idea for this fic came to me totally out of the blue, and I started writing it with no concrete plan, just some basic ideas and a vibe, so I think it came out pretty well, all things considered. It's outrageously self-indulgent, and is, in all honesty, the literary equivalent of comfort food. I wrote this for me, because my last, massive fic left me more than a little burnt out, and I'm still not fully recovered.
The AU the fic is set in is, fundamentally, classic Undertale, with a few notable differences. I've left hints here and there, but I won't fully explain this universe. Not because I want to be coy and mysterious, but because it's a bit… complicated. Truthfully, I hadn't expected to ever write about this world, and fully expected this AU to only exist inside my head, showing only a brief glimpse of it at the end of my larger fic/series, "The Lost Child". But here we are.
Something I feel I should mention here are my personal headcanons for Sanses and Papyruses, because this affects how I write and characterise them:
I hc that 'wanting to be popular, while almost no one likes you' is a Papyrus trait. I also hc that 'wanting to protect everyone, while almost everyone underestimates you' is a Sans trait. They're both consummate liars, though (yes, even Papyrus constantly lies to everyone throughout the game). Obviously, they can grow out of these traits after the True End (or similarly life-altering events).
Elys and Arno belong to @shayromi
Calibri is my own brain child
Baby Calibri was being fussier than usual that morning, which was always a bad sign. Something had clearly upset his tiny babybone, and Sans knew that it would somehow end up affecting him and his family. Time shenanigans always did.
Gently rocking his whimpering daughter in one arm, he held his phone in his other hand, just staring at it with furrowed brows. He was sorely tempted to call Frisk and ask her if she could find out what was going on, but his wife was currently out shopping for groceries. They’d run out of ketchup, among other things. On the one hand, Sans really wanted to know what was wrong with the time-space continuum this time , but on the other... ketchup .
While Sans was pondering his dilemma, the matter was decided for him, when his phone started ringing.
To the skeleton monster’s credit, he didn’t startle, ever mindful of the fragile baby in his arms. Instead, he rushed to answer his phone, all while rocking a now crying Calibri a little more insistently.
“SANS,” came a deep, slightly distorted voice, which Sans instantly recognised as his father’s, Dr. Wing Dings Gaster. The younger monster withheld a sigh. If his father was calling him, that meant that he must’ve been the cause of the temporal disturbance. Yet another bad sign. “THERE HAS BEEN A... COMPLICATION. WITH THE LATEST EXPERIMENT.”
Unable to hold back another sigh, Sans exhaled a tired breath, feeling an ache begin to build behind his eye sockets.
“urgh, shoulda guessed this was your doing,” he muttered under his breath, before raising his voice. “look, dadster, whatever you’ve done has got the babybone kickin’ up one heckuva fuss. an’ frisky’s outta the house at the moment. so i can’t come over to the lab right now, to help ya.”
“NO NEED,” the joint Monster Royal Scientist replied. “WE SHALL COME TO YOU.”
We? Sans thought. But before he had the chance to voice his confusion, his father hung up. Giving his phone a dirty look, Sans grumbled to himself. He then shoved the phone back into his pocket, and turned his attention to his still-crying daughter.
With tender hands, he brought Calibri to his sternum, close to his Soul, and started circulating his magic throughout his body, all while murmuring gentle reassurances to her. Within a minute or so, the soothing pulses of her father’s familiar magic, coupled with his loving voice, had succeeded in calming the baby down, and, with a yawn, the young hybrid drifted off to sleep in Sans’s arms.
Unfortunately, the skeleton monster enjoyed only a few seconds of blissful silence, before his peace and quiet were interrupted by a knock on his front door. Exhaling another sigh, Sans teleported to the nursery, where he tucked his youngest child into her cot, handing her a soft, well-worn turtle plushie, which Calibri reflexively clung onto. That done, he blipped back to the front door, and swung it open to reveal an unexpected sight.
Three skeleton monsters were stood outside, one slightly shorter than Sans, and the other two much taller.
The tallest was Dr. W.D. Gaster, clad in his customary black trousers, cream turtleneck jumper, and long, black overcoat. The genius scientist was standing straight, his arms folded behind his back, affecting a cool, collected disposition, but Sans knew him well enough to see how hard his father was trying, to not look guilty.
The shortest of the bunch was near identical in appearance to Sans himself, save for his outfit, consisting of blue and white armour, blue gloves, and a blue bandana, to match his bright, blue eyelights. His bones were rattling slightly, as his big, starry eyelights flitted all across his surroundings, returning to the cloudless, blue sky above, every few seconds. His mouth was stretched in the widest smile Sans had ever seen, almost splitting the other monster’s skull in two.
The third skeleton could’ve been Papyrus’s clone, were it not for his slouched posture, orange hoodie, and cargo shorts. It was more than a little disconcerting for Sans to see someone so similar to his brother, appear so unconfident, and awkward. The way the taller skeleton was hunching in on himself, hands shoved into his pockets, made something clench in Sans’s Soul. But the way the other monster’s gaze kept drifting to the sun, shining high in the sky, undeniable wonder creeping onto his face, soothed some of that ache.
Sans had never met the two strangers flanking his father, but he’d heard enough about the Multiverse and its various Alternate Universes from his wife, to be able to hazard a guess as to who they were. He cast his eyelights from Blue’s excited, curious gaze, to the way Stretch eyed his surroundings with carefully concealed caution, clearly out of his element despite his affected nonchalance, before finally resting them on his father’s sheepish smile.
Sans gave the other scientist a flat look, to which Dr. Gaster responded by widening his smile, beseechingly. He sighed for the umpteenth time that day.
“... i’ll go put the kettle on.”
When all four of them were sat in the living room, each with a steaming cup of golden flower tea in hand, the eldest Gaster launched into his explanation.
Sans inclined his head towards the other two skeletons, gazing around the room with wide eye sockets.
“an’ that’s when these two appeared, i take it?”
Gaster nodded, taking a sip of his tea. His son eyed him speculatively.
“i’m guessing you want us to look after ‘em, while you fix the machine. again.” Despite the wording, his tone implied that this was a statement, rather than a question.
Gaster nodded again, studiously avoiding his son’s gaze, and sipping his tea a little louder. Sans dragged a hand down his face, before massaging his temporal bone.
“fine... guess i got no choice,” he conceded reluctantly. He glanced at the clock on the wall. “frisk should be back soon. i’ll let her know what’s goin’ on, but knowing her, she’s probably already aware of this latest snafu.”
Blue’s eyelights shot towards him at the human’s name.
“FRISK? LIKE THE LATE PRINCESS?” he asked, leaning forward in his chair.
Sans’s smile was complicated.
“kinda... ‘cept in this universe, frisky ain’t no monster princess.” Then his smile softened, a loving look entering his fuzzy eyelights. “but that don’t make her any less special to me. she’s still the most amazing person i know, and i’m so lucky to call her my wife.”
“YOUR WIFE?!?!” Blue shouted, leaping up from his seat, his empty tea cup falling to the floor.
Beside him, his younger brother spluttered into his own cup, thankfully avoiding spilling hot tea all over himself.
“yo-you’re married?!” Stretch choked out, setting his cup aside, tone as shocked as his expression.
Sans grinned at the both of them, a proud look on his skull. He lifted up his left hand, showing off the gold wedding band glinting on the proximal phalanx of his ring finger.
“heh heh, yup. time’s a little messed up in our universe, but frisky and i’ve definitely been married for over a decade now. or what passes for a decade here, anyway.”
Blue’s face lit up, his eyelights becoming star-shaped, as he gazed at his alternate self in amazement.
“WOWZERS!!!” he exclaimed, awe colouring his voice. He clenched his gloved fists, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement. “THERE’S ANOTHER ME! WHO’S MARRIED!! TO THE PRINCESS!! THAT’S SO COOL!!!”
Stretch didn’t seem to share his older brother’s enthusiasm, however.
“your, uh, wife... isn’t she a... human?” he guessed, different emotions flashing across his face.
Sans gave him an unconcerned look, shrugging his shoulders with his usual casualness.
“yup,” he admitted, popping the ‘p’. “so what? she freed us monsters, and we live on the surface now, alongside the humans. as you guys must’ve seen an’ been told. there’s peace between our two races now, and more an’ more interspecies couples are formin’ every day.”
Stretch’s expression was still dubious, as if not quite daring to believe that such an incredible future was possible. Blue, however, looked even more excited than he did before.
Sans smirked, filled with pride for his wife. But then Blue froze, his smile slipping, as the excitement drained from his face. His bony brows came together in a worried frown.
“BUT WAIT... IF FRISK IS THE ONE WHO FREED MONSTERS... AND OUR PRINCESS IS ALREADY DEAD...” He wrung his hands, anxiety showing clear across his skull. “THEN WHO’S GOING TO FREE US ??”
Sans waved off his concerns, smiling at his otherworldly counterpart in reassurance.
“don’t worry ‘bout it, pal. you guys have another human who’s meant to free you, if all goes well.”
Blue looked at him hopefully.
Sans barely held back a wince. His smile became forced, as he answered Blue.
“er, that’s a... well, um, ya better ask my wife, when she comes home. she’ll be able to answer your question much better than i can.”
Blue blinked at him, before nodding his skull, mouth turned down in a pout.
“OKAY...” he agreed, though his disappointment was obvious.
Stretch narrowed his eye sockets, slanting a suspicious look Sans’s way, but the older skeleton was saved from any further enquiries by the loud wailing of a baby.
Everyone in the room startled at the noise, except for Sans, who merely looked resigned. The father of three had long grown accustomed to the sound of a squalling infant.
Dr. Gaster shot to his feet, draining his cup in one go, before placing it on the nearby table.
And with that, he dashed out the door, without looking back.
“you just don’t wanna be roped into anymore babysittin’ duties, old man!” Sans yelled after him, his mouth curled in a wry grin. Emptying his own cup of tea, he stood up and placed it beside his father’s. He then turned towards his ‘guests’, who were frozen in their chairs, looking stunned, and shot them a wink. “you guys stay here. i’ll go settle the babybone down, and bring her to meet you.”
Without waiting for a reply, not that either monster was capable of giving one in their current state, Sans exited the room through one of its several doors.
The sound of the door closing seemed to finally snap the displaced skeleton brothers out of their stupor. They stared at the door, then at each other, their eye sockets as wide as they could get. Blue mouthed the word ‘babybone’ to his brother, and Stretch could only give him a dumbstruck look in response.
After several moments, the crying eventually died down. All eye sockets shot towards the door Sans had departed from, when the handle turned.
It was to total silence, that Sans entered the living room, cradling his youngest child in his arms. His tender gaze lifted up from his precious baby, and towards the other skeleton monsters, his broad smile conveying how much he cherished his daughter.
With slow, steady steps, he made his way towards the others, taking in their amazed expressions with amusement. When he was in front of them, he tilted his arms just enough for them to be able to clearly see the human-looking baby sniffling in his hold, waving her tiny fists in the air, her chubby cheeks flushed.
“this cute, little babybone is calibri. my daughter,” he announced, pride and infinite love leaking into his voice.
The other two stared at the baby, rendered utterly speechless by awe, for several seconds, before Blue finally managed to find his voice.
“YOUR... DAUGHTER...?” he almost-whispered, tone hushed. His voice was still louder than was generally acceptable indoors, though, and Calibri scrunched up her face at the sound, but didn’t react otherwise, too used to her uncle’s own high-volume voice to be overly bothered by Blue’s. “YOU HAVE A... A CHILD ??”
Sans’s grin widened.
“i’ve got three, actually.”
Both Blue and Stretch looked as if a gentle breeze could knock them over at that revelation.
“THREE!?!?!”/”three!?” they both exclaimed at the same time.
Calibri started fussing again, the shouting too much for her sensitive ears to bear, and her father hastened to soothe her with gentle rocking motions, and soft pulses from his Soul.
“yep. three kids,” Sans explained, snickering at the brothers’ stunned expressions. “there’s elys, my eldest girl, arno, my son, and calibri, the babybone of the family. you guys’ll meet the other two later, when they get back from school.”
The Underswap brothers still appeared a little shell-shocked. Neither skeleton could take their eyelights off of the tiny, fleshy baby, squirming in Sans’s arms.
Slowly, Blue’s expression shifted, something soft, and gentle settling on his face, as he felt his Soul squeeze at the sight of the child. Indescribable warmth flowed through his bones, emanating from his thrumming Soul, filling him with an emotion he hadn’t felt since his brother was a babybone himself. To think that, in another world, another him had been blessed with his own family – a wife, and tiny babybones of his own, to love and protect.
Sans noticed his alternate self’s obvious fascination with his daughter, and, with a smile, he stepped forward, holding Calibri out towards the other monster.
“wanna hold her?” he offered, motioning towards the baby in his arms.
Blue looked up with a start, his eye sockets widening.
“C-CAN I?!” he asked, his hands clenching and unclenching, already lifting up to receive the baby.
Sans chuckled at the other’s eagerness.
“sure can, buddy. here, lemme show ya how to hold her.”
Blue listened attentively to Sans’s instructions, which were mostly the same as the ones he’d received from his parents, when Stretch was born. It seemed that hybrid, as well as human, babies weren’t all that different from monster babies.
When Calibri was securely within Blue’s hold, Sans took his arms away, hovering nearby just in case. Even Stretch had inched closer to them, peering down at the infant with undisguised curiosity and interest.
The shorter skeleton gazed down at the baby in his arms, marvelling at how warm and soft she was, so different from his and his brother’s cooler, firmer bones. Her little chest kept rising and falling with each breath she took, and her hands never stayed still for long, always moving, reaching out and retracting, tiny fingers curling and uncurling.
She was adorable.
And wonderful.
Truly worthy of being called magnificent, in Blue’s not-so-humble opinion.
Unfortunately, Calibri didn’t seem as taken with Blue as he was with her.
The young hybrid’s forehead was wrinkled, her large, golden eyes turning blue, and her lips pursing, as she looked up at the otherworldly visitor with clear unease and uncertainty. In the blink of an eye, Calibri shifted into her monster form, instinctively mimicking the weird stranger holding her.
Both Blue and Stretch gave a start, caught off guard by this sudden, and wholly unexpected, transformation. Sans chuckled at their reaction.
“heh, sorry. shoulda mentioned that was gonna happen at some point,” he apologised, somewhat insincerely, as he shrugged his shoulders at them. “hybrids can switch between their human forms and their monster forms at will. babybone here does it a bit more often than most, though.”
Eye sockets still crinkled with mirth, Sans reached a skeletal finger to poke his daughter’s cheekbone. Despite being made of bone now, the pudgy cheek still gave way under the adult’s light prodding, though not as much as when it was squishy flesh.
Blue stared at the baby skeleton he now held in his arms with amazement.
“WOWZERS! THAT’S SO COOL!” he gushed, his starry eyelights twinkling in their sockets. “I NOTICED THAT HER EYELIGHTS ALSO CHANGED COLOUR.”
He threw Sans a questioning look, to which the other monster nodded his skull.
“yeah, that happens a lot with this one, too,” he admitted, easing back into a relaxed stance, though he kept his hands free just in case he needed them. “elys and arno’s eyes usually stay the same colour, unless they’re using magic, but cali’s eye colour matches whichever colour of her magic is flowing most strongly through her Soul at the time. and that depends on what emotions she’s feelin’ strongest. frisky calls ‘em her ‘mood eyes’, heh.”
Blue nodded his understanding, before voicing another question.
Sans’s smile became strained. He lifted an arm to rub at the back of his skull, averting his own eyelights from Blue’s hopeful gaze.
“er... not... exactly,” he murmured, causing Blue’s face to fall. Raising his voice, Sans tried to sound a little more positive. “but hey! she’s just not used to you yet! you may look like me, but she can sense that we’re not the same, and she doesn’t like bein’ around strangers. but in time, i’m sure she’ll grow to like ya.”
Blue perked up considerably at that. Drawing himself up, he set his face in a determined expression.
Calibri seemed to disagree. Not taking her cyan eyelights off of Blue, she scrunched up her face in displeasure, not at all liking the loud noises coming from the imposter father who held her. But beyond making a face, and whining slightly, she didn’t react further, to her real father’s great relief.
Stretch smiled softly at his brother, raising a hand to pat him on the shoulder, being very careful not to put too much force into the action, and jolt him while he was carrying a fragile babybone.
“of course you will, bro. how could anyone not see how cool you are? i know you two will be the best of pals before ya know it.”
Blue beamed at him, his cheekbones turning a light blue at his younger brother’s confidence in him. Then, a thoughtful expression came onto his face, as he gazed between Stretch and Calibri. Appearing to reach a decision, he turned towards Sans.
Stretch looked taken aback. Sans gave the taller skeleton a considering look, before shrugging.
“yeah, sure, why not?” he agreed easily.
Blue cheered, turning to his brother with a big smile, which Stretch struggled to return, looking more than a little nervous.
As slowly and carefully as he could, Blue deposited a cranky-looking Calibri into Stretch’s slightly trembling arms. The taller skeleton monster tried his best to follow the instructions Sans had given Blue, but he seemed very unsure of himself. He couldn’t help but worry that he was going to mess this up somehow.
His fears were proven justified when, as soon as Calibri’s full weight was resting in Stretch’s arms, a loud ‘COOOOOOOO’ erupted from within the sleeve of his hoodie.
The sound startled the baby skeleton so badly, she instantly burst into tears, shrieking at the top of her magical lungs.
Stretch shot Sans a desperate, horrified look, while Blue panicked none too quietly beside him. Sans couldn’t quite manage to stifle his laughter at the situation, though he still rushed to take his distraught daughter back into his arms.
“i’m sorry! i’m so sorry !!” Stretch cried out, looking on the verge of tears himself, as he retrieved a rubber chicken from his hoodie. “i completely forgot that was there! i didn’t mean to prank your kid! i swear!!”
Sans hugged his daughter close to his Soul, rubbing her back, and circulating his magic through his bones once more. His Soul instinctively began humming, pulsing, reaching out towards his daughter’s own tiny, fluttering Soul, embracing it in his magic.
“pfft, don’t, heh, don’t worry ‘bout it. haha!” He barely managed to get the words out, while fighting back sniggers. “it happens, i- * snrk * i get it. the old rubber chicken’s a classic! heheheh... hey, when cali’s older, i’m sure she’ll learn to appreciate a good prank, too.”
Stretch didn’t look reassured in the slightest. His whole body slumped, his skull bowed low, looking utterly dejected. Blue tried to comfort his younger brother, patting his back, and shouting encouragements to him, yelling to be heard over the sound of Calibri’s wails, however all his efforts to make Stretch feel better were in vain. The taller skeleton was inconsolable.
Sans’s attempts to calm his daughter down proved more fruitful, though. Within minutes, Calibri’s cries abated, becoming unhappy little whimpering noises, until finally, she fell asleep, tired out from all of her bawling.
Sans breathed a huge sigh of relief. Crisis successfully dealt with. Frisk would be proud.
Right on cue, as if summoned by his thoughts, the front door’s lock clicked.
All heads currently awake whipped towards the door, through which a human woman entered, carrying several grocery bags in her hands. Sans’s face lit up. With quick steps, he strode towards her, the two of them leaning in for a kiss when he reached the woman, both remaining mindful of the baby dozing away in Sans’s arms.
“welcome home, babe,” he whispered against her lips, his eyelights growing fuzzy around the edges.
“Thanks, love,” she answered back, just as softly, her eyes lidding.
Breaking apart, Sans turned to face the other two skeleton monsters, who were gaping at the couple’s open display of affection. He then motioned towards the woman with a tilt of his skull.
“i’d like to introduce you two to frisk. my lovely wife.”
Frisk nodded her head to her guests, greeting them with a bright smile.
“Hi! It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”
Blue took in her dazzling smile, her silky-looking brown hair, her pretty, light blue dress with purple flowers, and her warm gaze, her eyes the same vibrant gold as her daughter’s.
There was only one thought going through his mind right then.
Sans left the room to go tuck Calibri back in her cot, after which he joined his wife in the kitchen, to help her to put away all of her purchases. When that was done, the couple returned to the living room, both carrying bowls full of nice cream, to share with their temporary guests/housemates.
“Sorry I took so long, dear,” Frisk apologised to Sans, as the two of them snuggled together on the couch. The human leaned into her husband’s side, while he slung an arm around her shoulders, drawing her in closer. “I had to grab a few extra things. Like the nice cream for everyone!” Then she turned her head towards Blue. “And I got you that cereal you like. You know, the one shaped like little stars?”
Blue looked up from his bowl of blueberry-flavoured nice cream, multicoloured sprinkles sticking to his teeth and all around his mouth. His face, and eyelights, lit up.
Frisk merely graced him with an enigmatic smile.
“I have my ways.”
Blue stared at her in admiration, his eyelights morphing into stars.
“OOOOO... SO MYSTERIOUS...!” he gushed, voice filled with awe.
Frisk giggled into her hand in response.
When Sans squeezed her shoulder, she turned her attention back to him, and fed him a spoonful of her own chocolate nice cream. His bowl was, somehow, already almost empty. All that remained were traces of ketchup.
Stretch, meanwhile, barely touched his own bowl of nice cream, the flavour of which was lost underneath the heaping helping of honey drizzled on top of it. The lanky skeleton monster was staring into his bowl, a sullen look on his face, only occasionally bringing a spoonful of the frozen desert to his mouth, clearly lost in unpleasant thoughts. Blue kept shooting him worried glances, but it was Frisk who spoke up first.
“Papyrus.” She gave him a kind smile when he dragged his attention away from his musings, and on to her. “Please don’t feel bad about what happened with Calibri. You have plenty of time to make it up to her. I’m certain your friendly Intent will be able to reach her, and she’ll warm up to you.” When Stretch appeared unconvinced, Frisk’s smile softened. “Besides, you still have the chance to make a good first impression on my other children.”
“as well as on my bro’s kids,” Sans added with a wink.
Blue gaped at him, his spoon tumbling from his hand and landing on the floor with a wet splat.
Stretch looked even more blindsided by this revelation than his brother.
“this world’s me has- has kids ?” His voice was barely audible, weak and frail as it was with disbelief.
Sans chuckled at their reaction.
“yep. two – a boy, corbel, an’ a little girl, cambria,” he informed them, the warmth in his voice and smile making it obvious how deeply he cared about his niece and nephew.
“They’re away with their parents at the moment, visiting Pap’s in-laws,” Frisk piped up, scooping up another spoonful of nice cream. “But they’ll be back in a couple of days. I’m sure all of them will be delighted to meet you both.”
She raised her spoon to her mouth, but just before she could taste it, Sans beat her to it, darting forward and devouring her chocolate nice cream in one bite. The human woman scowled at her husband in mock anger, although she was unable to prevent the corners of her lips from twitching upwards. Sans winked at her, a shameless grin on his face, before he leaned toward her, simultaneously pulling her closer, and sealed her lips in a kiss, which Frisk readily returned.
Blue’s skull lit up in a bright, cyan blush at witnessing their display, and he brought his hands up to cover his eye sockets. Nevertheless, he kept peeking at the amorous couple through the gaps in his phalanges. Stretch, on the other hand, was staring vacantly into space, his bowl of honey-coated nice cream threatening to fall from his numb hands at any moment.
Upon noticing this, Blue left his seat to go to his younger brother’s side, relieving Stretch of his forgotten bowl, and setting it safely aside. With that out of the way, Blue laid a hand on Stretch’s shoulder, giving it a light shake. Blinking owlishly, with a dazed expression on his face, the taller skeleton finally took notice of his brother. Blue frowned at him, his eyelights glowing dully with concern.
Automatically, Stretch forced a smile onto his face.
“nah, i’m fine, bro, no need to worry about me,” he tried to reassure his brother, but Blue only frowned harder at him, clearly not believing his words and unwilling to let the matter drop. Stretch wilted slightly at the look. He fidgeted in his seat, avoiding his older brother’s reproving gaze. “it’s really nothin’... ‘s just... the me of this world... he has kids... and a wife! what if... well what if i mess up again and they hate me?”
“PAPYRUS...” Blue squeezed his younger brother’s shoulder, his face softening with worry. But before he could reassure him, Stretch rushed to continue, his worries spilling out of him like water from a broken dam.
“i already made the other you’s babybone cry! what if the same thing happens with the other me’s kids?” His hands clenched in the fabric of his shorts. “what if i’m not as likeable as this other me? we’re in an alternate universe, where everyone’s personalities are swapped. we’ve seen other dadster, other alphys, and other you... that means that other me’s gonna be cool like you, sans. he’s probably really popular like you. everyone here must love him. no wonder his wife fell in love with him.” He bowed his skull low, his voice lowering to a whisper. “what if she doesn’t like me? what if... what if, in our universe... mine doesn’t like me?”
Blue didn’t hesitate for a second to reject his brother’s pessimistic words.
Moved beyond words, Stretch could only stare at his brother’s confident grin, eye sockets glittering with light, tears beginning to form at the corners. His Soul was fairly buzzing in his rib cage. He truly had the coolest big bro ever.
Blue’s gaze softened, his near-death grip on his brother relaxing into a comforting hold.
Stretch chuckled helplessly along with his brother. If anyone were to ask, he’d say that the tears streaming down his face were from laughing so hard at his brother’s amazing pun.
Across from the skeleton brothers, Sans and Frisk joined in the laughter. They were both relieved that Blue had been able to soothe Stretch’s anxiety. It had been painful for the both of them, Sans especially, to see an alternate version of Papyrus be so visibly overcome by fear and insecurity.
While their own Papyrus was no stranger to such emotions, he was able to hide them just as skilfully as his brother did. A fact which had worried Frisk immensely in the past. Thankfully, both skeleton brothers had moved past such unhealthy coping mechanisms, and were now able to be honest with both each other, and with the rest of their loved ones.
But it seemed that Stretch had yet to reach that point. Nor had he yet mastered his ability to conceal his pain behind a mask. It made Sans wonder just when in the timeline the Underswap pair were from. Certainly much earlier than any of his and his wife’s other unexpected ‘visitors’.
Regardless, the added stress of being trapped, along with his beloved older brother, in an alternate universe, one so different from his own, had clearly only exacerbated Stretch’s worries. Sans vowed to keep a close eye socket on this alternate Papyrus. No matter the universe, he would always look out for his baby bro.
Once everyone had settled down, Frisk cleared her throat, her demeanour becoming serious, as she addressed the Swap brothers.
“I assume Wings has already told you both about the Multiverse and Alternate Universes?”
The two skeletons nodded.
“yeah... it’s a little... overwhelming to think about,” Stretch added in a small voice.
Frisk’s gaze was sympathetic as she regarded the two of them.
“I know it’s a lot to take in. And I know how difficult it is to be stuck in a universe so alien from your own, with no idea when you’ll be able to return home.” She gave them a warm smile. “But you have each other. And you have us. And I promise you two that my family and I will do all we can to make your stay here as comfortable as possible. So please relax, and enjoy your time here, on the Surface, while you can.” She winked at them. “You two will be back home where you belong before you know it.”
Blue and Stretch smiled gratefully at her, the former with a light dusting of blue spreading across his cheekbones.
“THANK YOU, PRINCESS!!” Blue tugged bashfully at his bandana, feeling his Soul flutter at the kindness in the woman’s smile.
“wait.” Stretch frowned. “it sounds like... you’re speaking from personal experience.”
He quirked a browbone at Frisk, gaze probing. Her answering smile was unreadable.
“Back to the matter of Alternate Universes, or AUs as they’re more commonly called,” she continued, effectively dodging Stretch’s unspoken question. “I want you both to know that there are just as many possibilities for how your lives may go, as there are AUs in the Multiverse. Just because something happens in one AU, doesn’t mean it’ll happen in another.”
Stretch sat up straight in his chair when Frisk turned to fix him with a meaningful stare.
“You are not bound by the choices of this universe’s Papyrus. You’re free to make your own choices. Your future isn’t yet decided, and your fate isn’t set in stone. So don’t feel like you have to follow the same path my own Papyrus took. You have options. Including in the domain of love. You don't have to fall in love with the alternate version of my Pap’s wife. Who knows? You may well end up falling for someone else entirely. It all depends on you .”
“that’s right, other pap,” Sans chimed in. His gaze was uncharacteristically serious, his eyelights oddly sharp and intense. “Don’t forget, your choices really do matter.”
Stretch gulped, the weight of their words sinking in, even as another weight lifted off of him. He nodded, then turned away, becoming lost in thought.
Frisk turned towards Blue.
“The same goes for you. You don’t necessarily have to love the Frisk of your world.”
However, despite her reassuring tone, Blue frowned at her.
Then his face fell, his shoulders slumping, sadness written all across his features.
A beat passed, before Frisk spoke up.
“Not necessarily,” she refuted, tone a little cautious.
Blue’s skull shot up, to stare at her with wide eye sockets.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN??” he pushed, taking an unconscious step forward, hope and hesitation warring across his face.
“If a human is determined enough, their spirit can linger in the realm of the living, even after death,” she explained, her demeanour calm in the face of Blue’s rising excitement. “It would then be possible, if difficult, to construct a suitable vessel to house this lingering spirit, so that the human can, essentially, be resurrected.”
“RE-REALLY?!?!” Blue’s face radiated hope, his whole form nearly vibrating with excitement.
Instead of replying, Frisk tugged at the gold chain around her neck, lifting it up to reveal a gold pocket watch attached to it, which had previously been hidden underneath her dress. Blue squinted at the watch. He could just about make out its metal cover, elaborately decorated with very intricate designs, or perhaps a script written in an unknown language.
While gazing intently at the watch, and without opening it, Frisk once more addressed Blue.
“If you truly wish to pursue this path, then you should speak to your universe’s Undyne,” she advised him. “She’ll be able to help you in this matter.”
Blue beamed at her.
Frisk smiled at him, tucking the pocket watch back beneath her dress, hiding it from view once again. Stretch, having pulled himself out of his pondering at some point, eyed the action with no small amount of curiosity.
“heya, frisk? what’s up with the watch?”
The human laid a hand on her chest, above where the item in question rested.
“It’s a fob watch, more or less. My mother made it for me, based on the one my father owns. It’s very special to me, so I keep it with me at all times.”
Stretch didn’t seem fully satisfied with her answer, but recognised that the woman wasn’t going to elaborate any further. Blue, however, looked intrigued.
Surprise flashed across Frisk’s face, before she burst into laughter. Her husband joined in with his own chuckles. Trying to supress her giggles, Frisk wiped away the tears forming at the corners of her eyes.
“Oh no, no.” She shook her head, her shoulders still lightly shaking with mirth. “I know she acts motherly all the time, but Tori isn’t my mother, she’s just a friend! I was talking about my real mother.” Her laughter subsided, as she folded her hands on her lap. “In this universe, the Monster King and Queen adopted a human named Chara. They’re the human who’s swapped roles with me in your universe. They’re the one who will be your final fallen human.”
Stretch’s gaze sharpened with keen interest at this revelation, while Blue’s eye sockets widened, as he digested this new information. Blue whispered the unfamiliar name to himself under his breath, trying to memorise it, to prepare himself for when he met the human who would one day (hopefully) free him and all monsters, back in his own AU.
Stretch leaned forward in his chair, back hunched and arms resting atop his knees.
“so, uh. what happened to the chara of this universe? if you don’t mind my askin’.”
Sans stilled, his arm tightening around his wife, phalanges digging lightly into the soft flesh of her side. Beside him, Frisk gave Stretch a brittle smile, a sorrowful glint in her eyes.
“She finally found her peace, and chose to let go of this world, entrusting it to me.” Her voice was soft, a gentle melancholy bleeding into it, before her tone became firmer. “But though my Chara may be gone forever, her hopes and dreams live on in me.”
Silence fell upon the room, as Sans held his wife, the both of them oddly solemn, each for their own reasons. The Underswap brothers hesitated over what to say, both feeling awkward in the wake of their host’s sombre words. It was Frisk who eventually broke the silence, shattering the heavy atmosphere.
“Sansy.” She patted her husband’s hand where it rested on her waist. “It’s time to pick up the kids from school.”
Sans spared the clock on the wall a brief glance, before standing up, his hands lingering around his wife for as long as possible.
“huh, so it is.” He leaned down to place a quick peck to his wife’s lips, before backing away. “be back in a sec, babe.”
The skeleton monster then departed the room using one of his shortcuts.
Blue gaped at the clock, shock etched all across his skull.
Stretch had a shrewd look on his face, eye sockets narrowed.
“i’ve noticed that your clock’s been acting weird all this time. the hands keep movin’ at different speeds, sometimes even jumping backwards and forwards, seemingly at random.” He levelled a considering look Frisk’s way. “your, uh, husband said that time in this universe is messed up.”
Frisk nodded her head, before looking away, her gaze distant. She absentmindedly played with the chain around her neck.
“Time doesn’t flow the way it’s supposed to, here,” she murmured. Then, she heaved a deep sigh. “That’s my fault. I made a... rash decision, a long time ago. I tried to fix my mistake as best as I could, but there were some... consequences... unintentional side-effects I could not erase.” The smile she offered the brothers was more a grimace than anything else. “It’s complicated.”
Before either skeleton monster could comment, the front door slammed open, startling the two of them. Their skulls whipped around, just in time to spot two young, seemingly human, children dash into the room. The children made a beeline for the transdimensional travellers, Sans trailing along at a leisurely pace behind them. They both came barrelling to a halt right in front of the Swap brothers, the smaller one almost crashing into the taller one, who caught him just in time.
Blue and Stretch blinked in shock at the new arrivals.
The taller one was a girl of perhaps around eight to nine years old, if Stretch were to guess from his limited knowledge of humans. Her hair was white as bone, her eyes the same light blue as his brother’s eyelights, and her smile was identical to this AU’s Sans’s lazy grin, although the mischief in her eyes gave it a sly, playful edge. The girl snickered at the two brothers.
“It’s so cool that we have new visitors! Heheheh, this is gonna be so fun!”
The smaller kid nodded enthusiastically to the girl’s words. His age was even harder to estimate, given Stretch's lack of information on human children that young. At best, the lanky skeleton assumed the boy to be around four years old, give or take a year. Like the other kid, this one also sported bone-white hair and sky-blue eyes, although the latter were often deeply squinted, like Frisk’s tended to be. Also unlike the other child, this one’s smile was pure and innocent. It reminded Stretch of his brother’s smile, especially when they were babybones.
“Uh-huh! So fun!” the younger child echoed the girl’s words, clapping his hands, his red scarf fluttering behind him.
Sans came up behind the children, placing one hand each on both tiny heads, ruffling their white hair.
“now, now, kiddos, take it easy on the new guys. they’ve only just got here.” He winked at them, his grin widening. “you don’t wanna wear them down to the bone , do ya?”
The two kids giggled at his terrible pun. Blue gaped at the group, aghast, and utterly speechless. Stretch couldn’t help but snicker to himself, though mostly at the appalled expression on his brother’s face.
“Don’t worry Papa.” The girl grinned up at Sans, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “I’m sure they’ll be fine. I can feel it in my bones .”
Cue more laughter from the trio. Blue looked, if possible, even more horrified at the child’s pun. Stretch would’ve been tempted to comfort his brother, if he weren’t bent over with laughter.
When Frisk stepped forward, the children rushed to her side, throwing their arms around her as she bent down to receive their hugs. They mumbled something too muffled to make out, and in response, Frisk pressed a kiss to both of their heads.
“Welcome home, my darlings,” she whispered softly to them, before standing up, keeping her arms around them.
“Other Sans, Other Papyrus,” she nodded to the Underswap brothers, her smile bright and full of love for the children by her side, as Sans came to stand next to her. “I’d like you two to meet our daughter, Elys.” The girl waved at them. “And our son, Arno.” A wave from the boy this time.
Stretch let out a breathless “nyeh”, looking more than a little dazed. His gaze kept going from one child to the other, eye sockets comically wide.
Blue, meanwhile, had recovered from his horror at the truly awful wordplay he’d unwillingly borne witness to, and was once again filled with excitement and wonder. His Soul was thrumming, his bones almost rattling, as his starry eyelights roved over the children, noting each and every similarity they bore to both their parents, and (to his great amazement) to himself.
Just as with their mother, the only thought going through Blue’s mind while looking at his alternate self’s children, was-
With the introductions out of the way, the two children immediately swarmed their otherworldly guests, babbling excitedly to each other.
“Woah, Arno look at his outfit!”
“He has armour! Like Uncle Pap!”
“And look at his bandana! It’s so cool!”
“Yeah! It’s so puffy! It looks like bunny ears!”
“Heheh! You’re right Bro, it does!”
Blue tugged self-consciously at his bandana, flattening the ends to look slightly less rabbit-like, while the kids turned their attention to the other skeleton. Stretch froze, eye sockets wide, like a deer in headlights, as the two hybrids began poking and prodding at his clothes.
“Pfft, his hoodie is the same colour as a carrot.”
“It smells really sweet, Sis.”
“Must be from the honey he spilled on it. Ew, sticky, heheh!”
Elys poked at a fresh honey stain, giggling as the sugary substance threatened to glue her fingers together.
Stretch felt like dusting, as a mortified orange blush crept onto his skull. He wished he’d washed his clothes earlier, like his brother constantly nagged him to. He gave a start as the children started digging through his pockets, pulling out his many, many, many joke props.
“Woah! There’s so many , Sis!”
“I know! And there doesn’t seem to be any end to them, either! Are his pockets bottomless?!”
“Endless pockets! Like Papa’s! Hee hee!”
“Hey Bro, think we’re gonna find a quantum physics book in here too?”
“Oooh! Maybe! Let’s look!”
And the two of them all but dived into Stretch’s pockets, shoving their arms in elbow deep.
That was the last straw – Stretch couldn’t bear their rough treatment any longer. Not only was his embarrassment reaching boiling point, but their little hands were digging into his bones and he was feeling uncomfortably ticklish. Any more and he wouldn't be able to contain his laughter. And he absolutely did not want anyone knowing where his weak spots were. He had a strong suspicion these kids wouldn’t hesitate to take advantage of that knowledge. It’s what he would do.
“let’s not!” he objected, taking hold of their searching hands and pulling them out of his pockets. “please don’t manhandle the skeleton!”
The two children whined in disappointment, but didn’t otherwise refuse him or protest, and backed away from Stretch obligingly. At the kids’ easy compliance, Stretch breathed a sigh of relief, and bent down to retrieve all of his comedy props, stuffing them all back into his pockets haphazardly.
Blue eyed the piles of joke objects with disgust. He furrowed his brows deeply, wanting to toss out all of his brother’s prank materials, so that they would never be used on him again, but managed to hold himself back. As much as he considered Stretch’s pranks to be the bane of his existence, he would tolerate them, if only for his brother’s sake. He would never take away his younger brother’s fun, no matter how much it came at his (and everyone else’s) expense.
Frisk came up behind her children and placed a hand on their shoulders. She smiled apologetically at the Underswap brothers, a light blush dusting her cheeks.
“I’m sorry about my children. They both get so excited when we have interesting new guests! I hope they didn’t upset you two. I know their exuberance can be a bit much if you’re not used to it.”
Elys and Arno tried their best to look suitably contrite, though only Arno managed to pull off the look convincingly. Elys’s grin was still decidedly mischievous, as she and her brother mumbled their apologies to the spatially-and-temporally-displaced skeleton brothers.
Blue waved off their apologies, flashing them a good-natured smile.
Stretch merely shrugged his shoulders, and muttered, “what he said”.
Frisk’s smile softened. She inclined her head towards Blue and Stretch, ignoring the way Elys snickered under her breath with the ease of practice.
“How very kind of you, Other Sans, Other Papyrus. How about we try this again? I think a redo of greetings is in order.” She gently squeezed her daughter’s shoulder in warning. “And this time we’ll all make a good first impression, won’t we?”
“Yes Mama!” her children answered back dutifully, before they each took turns introducing themselves once more.
Elys was first. “I’m Elys, and I’m pleased to meet you two! I can’t wait to get to know you both better.”
Followed by her brother. “I’m Arno! I love hugs and Mama’s cookies! Let’s have lotsa fun together~!”
Frisk carded her fingers through her children’s hair, smiling down at them, affection written all across her face.
Blue beamed at them, then struck a pose, with his gloved fists planted on his hips. Even his bandana seemed to flare up, like a rabbit on full alert.
Elys and Arno clapped their hands and Blue preened at their applause.
Then, all heads turned towards Stretch.
The youngest skeleton monster shrunk back as everyone’s attention fell on him. He almost seemed to try to hide behind his brother’s back, despite being twice as tall as him, and gave the kids a timid wave. Sans clicked his tongue at him, and nudged his daughter.
“c’mon kiddo, go show this other pap how we greet new pals here.”
He shot her a sly wink, which she returned, identical wide grins on their faces.
With purposeful steps, Elys approached Stretch and extended her hand towards him.
“C’mon Other Uncle Pap. Let’s be friends! Won’t you shake my hand?”
Stretch felt a tremor go through his Soul at being called ‘uncle’. He stood rooted to the spot, as his Soul trembled lightly.
Blue gave him a reassuring smile and a pat on the back, before moving aside.
The taller skeleton hesitated for a few seconds, before he tentatively stepped away from his brother, and toward Elys. He came to a halt in front of her and straightened up nervously, before abruptly realising that the way he now towered over her might be intimidating for her, and promptly hunched over again. The way his spine curved and his knees bent was a little uncomfortable, but at least he was eye level with the kid.
Elys squinted her eyes at him, smile still firmly in place, and wriggled her fingers at him in invitation.
Stretch gulped, trying to collect himself. He took a moment to make sure that he didn’t have anything hidden up his sleeve this time, before raising a shaky hand to grip the young girl’s.
As soon as his hand tightened around hers, a loud “PFFFFTTTTTT” resounded throughout the room.
For one brief, terrifying, Soul-tearing second, Stretch thought that he’d made the same mistake as before and had just unwittingly pranked another poor, unsuspecting child. He’d messed up again . The kid would hate him. Her family would never forgive him. His brother would be so disappointed in him.
But before panic could truly set in, Elys burst into raucous laughter. Her father’s chuckles soon joined hers. Stretch could only stare dumbly at Elys, as the young hybrid released his hand to lift up hers, showing off the small, pink whoopee cushion grasped in it.
“Heheheh! The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick is always funny! Right, Papa?”
She flashed her father a bright grin. Sans responded with a wink, and reached over to ruffle her hair with a proud smile.
“right you are, kiddo. heh, ya really got him good, elys. nice one,” he praised his daughter, who beamed at him in response.
As the realisation set in that it was Elys who had pranked him , Stretch gradually relaxed, his Soul settling down. He almost sagged with relief. He hadn’t messed up. He’d just fallen victim to the same sort of practical joke that he’d often played on others, especially his brother.
Who also appeared to be laughing, Stretch noticed, as Blue tried vainly to stifle his giggles behind his gloved fists. Even Frisk and the other kid, Arno, were laughing, although the human looked faintly embarrassed at her family’s shenanigans. Her long-suffering look spoke volumes about the frequency of such pranks.
With his earlier worries having fled him, Stretch began snickering as well. That really was a well-executed prank, he had to admit. The kind of prank that he’d have pulled, as a matter of fact. He couldn’t help feeling impressed that someone had actually managed to get one over on him, for the first time since he was a babybone. That was quite a feat.
“your dad’s right, pal. that was a nice prank,” he readily agreed, hands sinking into his pockets. Elys puffed up proudly at his words. Then Stretch leaned forward slightly, a smirk on his face. “but it’ll take more’n that to rattle my bones , heh. i’m a master prankster, squirt.”
Elys’s grin widened, a devious glint entering her eyes.
“Oh? Is that a challenge?”
Stretch’s expression matched hers, his earlier hesitation and nervousness nothing but a distant memory.
“you bet, small fry. lemme show ya how a pro wins a prank war. next time, the joke’s gonna be on you .”
Elys’s grin turned defiant, her blues eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Nuh uh! Make no bones about it, I’m gonna win!”
Stretch snickered as she childishly stuck her tongue out at him. He could feel his normally lacklustre energy and enthusiasm rise to meet hers. He hadn’t felt this motivated in a long time.
“oh ho! our battle will be legendary. i can feel it in my bones, nyeh heh.”
Their banter was abruptly cut short by Blue, who stomped his foot, an incensed look on his skull. His cerulean eyelights gleamed sharply, as they flit between his younger brother and his alternate self’s child.
“NO! STOP!” he ordered, crossing his arms in front of him in the shape of an X. “THOSE WERE TERRIBLE!! AWFUL!! LOW EFFORT!! LAZY PUNS!! YOU TWO NEED TO LEARN TO PUT SOME MORE BACKBONE INTO YOUR JOKES!!!”
There was a beat of silence, before the room dissolved into more laughter. Blue put his hands on his hips, surveying the laughing faces around him with a pleased grin.
Frisk was the first to recover. As her giggles died down, she fell silent and tilted her head, eyes closed and seeming to listen to something.
“It’s Cali’s feeding time again,” she announced, fiddling idly with the gold chain around her neck.
Her husband inclined his skull to her in a nod.
“gotcha, babe. i’ll go fetch the babybone, while you prepare her milk.”
Frisk nodded her affirmative, and the both of them left to accomplish their individual tasks.
Elys shot Stretch a mischievous smirk, which the monster returned. The two looked ready to resume their pun battle, and Blue eyed them suspiciously. Thankfully, Sans returned before either prankster had the chance to test Blue’s patience for bad puns.
Baby Calibri was wide awake, and still in her monster form, golden eyelights darting all about the place as she took in her change of surroundings from within the safety and comfort of her father’s arms. When her siblings dashed towards the two of them, the baby’s eyelights zeroed in on them. Recognising her older siblings, Calibri’s face lit up, and her toothless mouth lifted up into a happy smile.
“Hi Baby Sis,” Elys greeted her, booping the baby’s nasal bone and giggling at her sister’s confused expression, the infant almost going cross-eyed as she tried to look at where Elys had poked her.
“Hiya Baby Sis!” Arno echoed his older sister, lifting himself up onto his tiptoes to gaze at his younger sister. Calibri babbled cheerfully at him, and Arno caught one of her flailing hands in his. His smile was soft as her tiny fingers curled around his.
Blue wanted to coo at how sweet the three of them were being. It melted his Soul to see how strong the bond between the siblings was. He hoped that his future children, if he were lucky enough to have any someday, would be just as close.
Stretch inched towards them with cautious steps, still painfully aware of how poorly his last interaction with Calibri had gone. He dearly hoped to make amends with the baby. However, as soon as she caught sight of him, Calibri’s tiny, skeletal face crumpled into a grimace, and she started whining, her volume steadily increasing. Stretch hastily backpedalled, beads of sweat forming on his bony brow.
But before the baby could launch into a full-blown tantrum, Elys moved to block Stretch from Calibri’s view.
��Hey Cali! Look at me!” Elys covered her face with her hands, “Peak-a-” then lifted her hands away, simultaneously changing into her monster form, as she shouted, “Bone!”
Calibri squealed in delight, her previous upset completely forgotten. Everyone heaved a huge sigh of relief.
With that crisis averted, Blue stared at the now skeletal Elys with star-shaped eyelights.
Elys grinned back at him.
“Heheh, thanks, Other Papa!”
Blue’s Soul pulsed at the name, almost thumping against his ribs. His bones rattled with joy, his eye sockets widening and his starry eyelights going fuzzy.
Arno bounced up and down on the tips of his feet, causing his long, red scarf to flap behind him.
“I can do it too!” he asserted, then promptly changed into his monster form as well. “See!”
Blue looked positively giddy.
“WOWZERS!!! YOU BOTH LOOK LIKE LITTLE SKELETON MONSTERS!!!” he gushed, tone full of awe. He was quite literally vibrating with excitement at that point, although he eyed the two elder hybrids’ white hair with curiosity. “EXCEPT FOR THE HAIR. WHY DO YOU TWO STILL HAVE HAIR IN THIS FORM??”
The two small skeletons giggled.
“ ’Cause Mama thinks it’s funny,” Elys answered, Arno nodding his agreement beside her.
Blue nodded his skull in understanding.
“uh huh,” Stretch agreed, still keeping his distance from Calibri, who was beginning to squirm in her father’s arms, making soft, discontented sounds.
Sans gently rocked his youngest child, shushing her softly.
“easy there, babybone,” he murmured to her. “mama’s gonna be back with your milk any moment now. just gotta be patient.”
Right on cue, Frisk walked into the room, shaking a baby bottle filled with milk.
“Here we are then – warm monster milk for my little angel.”
Stretch raised a browbone at her.
“monster milk? she doesn’t eat human food?” he questioned.
Frisk smiled softly at his query.
“She does. But she’s half monster, so she needs to eat monster food as well as human food,” Frisk patiently explained. “It’s the same for all hybrids. Even when they’re still in their mother’s womb.” She gave the Underswap brothers a meaningful look. “Which is something you two will need to keep in mind, in case you ever have hybrid children of your own.”
Blue and Stretch nodded solemnly at her words. The elder skeleton monster’s expression was particularly serious, as he etched this information into his mind, in preparation for the future he so fervently hoped for. He’d make sure to learn how to expertly cook both human and monster food, so that one day, he could cook something that would make both his wife and their children smile.
Blue was shaken out of his dreams of a bright future, when Sans approached him. The older monster held out his infant daughter invitingly.
“here. wanna feed her, buddy?”
Blue was taken aback by Sans’s offer, and let out an excited gasp.
Frisk joined them, stroking her youngest child’s downy head when Calibri reached her hands up towards her.
“Of course,” she assured Blue. “If you want to, that is.”
Blue barely restrained himself from bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.
Both Frisk and Sans chuckled at his enthusiasm. With careful, measured movements, Sans transferred his baby girl into Blue’s arms for the second time that day. When Calibri was once more secured within Blue’s hold, Frisk held out the baby bottle to Blue, who took it with all the reverence of someone receiving a sacred treasure, instead of a common, glass bottle. After some instruction from the baby’s parents, Blue then placed the clear, silicone teat to Calibri’s mouth, and waited for her to latch onto it, with an expectant look on his skull.
However, Calibri refused. Her brow wrinkled and her now blue eyelights glowed dully, as she repeatedly pushed the teat out of her mouth with her tongue.
Thankfully, Arno was quick to act, as he reached up to grab one of Calibri’s hands, effectively taking her attention off of the weird, annoying stranger trying to feed her, and onto her beloved older brother.
“Cali! Baby Sis! It’s okay!” he cooed to his little sister, who babbled happily back to him, her eyelights returning to their usual bright, molten gold hue. “This Other Papa is really nice. He’s not scary at all! So be a good girl and drink your milk, okay? Mama and Papa said that you need to drink all your milk to grow up big and strong, like them!”
With Calibri suitably distracted by her brother’s presence, she allowed the bottle’s nipple into her mouth and reflexively began suckling it. Blue was mesmerised by the cute, little noises the baby made as she gulped down her milk without fuss.
Arno kept up a steady stream of encouragement the whole time, as his younger sister guzzled down all her milk, her gold eyelights focused on her brother’s warm, familiar smile.
Once the bottle had been emptied, Sans and Frisk explained to Blue how to burp Calibri. The transdimensional traveller was initially appalled by the idea of coaxing a baby into doing something so disgusting, but once he understood the necessity of the action, he was more than willing to comply. He was extremely careful to not put too much force into his pats to the baby’s back, and once Calibri had expelled all of her trapped gas, Blue looked relieved that he’d done his job properly.
He did look to the child’s parents for confirmation, just to be sure.
“You did really well, dear, thank you,” Frisk assured him.
“yup. good job, pal,” Sans concurred, offering him a thumbs up.
“YAY!!” Blue cheered. He then turned to Arno, beaming at him gratefully. “AND THANK YOU, ARNO!! YOU WERE VERY HELPFUL!!”
Arno smiled up at him, head tilted to the side bashfully as he gripped the end of his scarf.
“Aww, you’re welcome, Other Papa. I didn’t do nothin’ special. Mama and Papa taught me to always throw a bone to those who need help.”
Blue was startled by the unexpected pun for a brief moment, before chuckling in surprised delight.
However, Arno only blinked up at him in confusion.
“What was?”
Blue stared at him. Arno stared back, innocently clueless expression plastered all over his face. Sans and Elys both snickered helplessly. It slowly dawned on Blue that the young boy had no idea that he’d just told a pun. Blue was at a loss for words for a few seconds, before finally beaming at Arno in amazement.
Arno still looked clueless as to what he’d done, but that didn’t stop an eager, pleased smile from forming on his face.
“Wowie! Thanks, Other Papa!”
The others all chuckled at their exchange.
In Blue’s arms, Calibri let out a big yawn. She’d finally grown used to being held by this loud, overly excitable, alternate version of her father, and had relaxed enough to fall asleep. With a full belly, she drifted off to sleep, lulled by the voices of her family around her.
Blue gazed, entranced, at the baby’s peaceful expression. Her mouth was slightly open, soft breaths escaping her each time her chest rose and fell. Occasionally, Calibri would twitch in her sleep, or some pleasant dream would cause her to smile unconsciously.
It made something in Blue’s Soul clench, knowing that this innocent, helpless baby, the child of an alternate version of himself , trusted him enough to sleep so soundly in his arms.
As he looked up, he took in the happy smiles on the faces of all the people around him.
The confident, laidback other him, the human woman with the dazzling smile and bewitching eyes, the young girl with the cheeky grin, the younger boy with the innocent smile, and his brother, who had come closer, to stand right beside him without him realising it.
His brother, who had recently started acting strange (well, stranger than usual), although he tried hard to hide it from Blue.
His brother, who now wore a soft, peaceful, contented look on his face. It was a look Blue realised, with a start, that he hadn’t seen for a long time. Too long. Far too long for his baby brother.
Sure, things hadn’t been... the best, back home, what with being trapped Underground, with limited space, no sun, and a growing population... and especially not since what happened to their father, but...
But that didn’t mean that they couldn’t be happy! That his brother couldn’t be happy!
With growing resolve in his Soul, Blue vowed that he and his brother would make the very best of their time in this amazing alternate universe. They’d learn all that they could to prepare themselves for achieving this same outcome in their universe as well. They’d enjoy themselves to the absolute fullest, soaking up the sun, gazing at the stars (the stars! Blue would finally be able to look at real stars !), and spending time with the humans on the Surface.
Blue was determined that the two of them would have the time of their lives here!
The future was looking bright for him and his brother, and Blue had only one thing to say to that:
I actually have several ideas for some notable events that happen during the Swap bros' stay in this universe, so I'll write a handful of little snippets of their impromptu vacation. Just some of the things they get up to that I find kinda interesting (like meeting the Great Papyrus and his family, can't forget about them!).
I have a couple of other things I'm working on at the moment, so I have no idea which of those is coming up next. I'll just see where inspiration takes me.
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moralesispunk · 2 years
Late Nights in the Dairy Aisle (Frankie Morales  x Wife! Reader)
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Summary: New parenthood comes with a lot of firsts and for you and Frankie that includes a 2am run to the supermarket
Warnings: frankie and reader in established relationship. mention of parenthood - reader has just had a baby, mention of post-baby body insecurities, if i have missed anything then please let me know!
Word Count: 3.5k
There are some places that feel like they exist outside the normal laws of time and space. Frankie began to list them in his head as his hands wrapped around the handle of the trolley: one, an airport during an overnight layover; two, your school when all the teachers had gone home and the lights were out; and three, a supermarket at two in the morning.
Frankie had stood in this very dairy aisle more times than he could count, the wheels always following the same path from the second he stepped inside. He would start in the fruit and veg aisle and walk up, turning and walking down the bread aisle, back up the dairy aisle, and then across after forgetting that the cereal is at the end of the bread aisle. Still, as he stood under the fluorescent lights with a wobbly trolley that took two hands to steer and stared at the unnervingly neat and organized rows of milk, Frankie couldn’t help but feel disoriented.
A soft grunt came from the bundle strapped to his chest and he looked away from the fridge and down to the tiny person reminding him of her presence, like he would ever be able to forget.
Sofía Morales, eight weeks old and currently suffering from colic, the very reason the three of you had packed into his truck at 1:30 in the morning and drove across town to the supermarket. Her cries had started around midnight, first dragging Frankie from bed and then you as you took turns balancing her on your forearms while pacing back and forth at the end of the bed making tired and desperate shushing noises. Nothing had worked and eventually you left the bedroom, the sound of you opening and closing doors echoing around the hall as Frankie continued to bounce Sofía in his arms.
“C’mon, baby girl,” he pleaded, his heart aching with the uncomfortable cries she was making.
You walked back in while his back was turned to the door and as he turned on his heels for the thousandth time that night he watched as you pulled a jacket on, placing his jacket that had been in your arms on the end of the bed.
“We’re out of milk and bread,” you sighed, running a hand down your face and turning towards the sock drawer.
“Baby,” he chuckled and you turned back to face him, your hands still on the drawer handles, “it’s one in the morning?”
You looked back at him, your jaw ticking as though you were trying to decide whether to say anything about him laughing - not at you he wanted to confirm but rather at the whole situation that is raising a newborn. You sighed again, opening the drawer and pulling out two pairs of socks before walking across the room to stand in front of him.
“She’ll fall asleep in the car,” you explained and Frankie raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to go on. “So we can do a food shop because despite all the soups and stews and one pot pastas that everyone has brought over we don’t have any actual food to make.” Frankie nodded and you started speaking again. “By the time we come home and this nocturnal child we seemed to have made decides to sleep so long as the sun is in the sky,” you said, your words sounding like a complaint but the fond smile on your face telling him otherwise, “we will have already done everything we needed to and we can sleep as well.”
Frankie thought about it for a moment, still shifting his weight from foot to foot as he bounced his arm and you ran your knuckles gently across her cheek. You looked as tired as he felt, bags under your eyes and cheeks that were almost gaunt, so if this would be able to get the both of you the sleep you needed then who was he to complain.
“Okay,” he whispered, handing Sofía into your arms for you to wrap her up a bit more as he pulled his own jacket on.
Exactly as you had said, Sofía had fallen asleep the second Frankie began to reverse out of the driveway and by the time he was parking in front of the supermarket she was safely out of the “will wake up if you so much as breathe too loud” phase. You both hopped out of the truck, panicked eyes meeting when his door slammed that side of too loud and you both held your breath waiting for her cries.
When they never came he heard you breathe a sigh of relief, nodding towards the trolleys where you went to grab one as he lifted Sofía out and placed her carefully in the baby sling around his chest.
It was eerily quiet inside the supermarket and the only other people inside apart from the workers were a nurse on their “lunch” break, a trucker whistling in front of the coffee machine and another family who looked as tired as the two of you did - a sympathetic smile shared as they walked out and you walked in.
“I’m going to go get more nappies if you could get the milk?” You said, already walking off into the middle of the supermarket as he turned up the first aisle.
He nodded even though he knew you weren’t looking, eyes scanning across the fruit and veg shelves for anything you needed.
The both of you took a very different approach to the food shop - Frankie would walk up and down each and every aisle in order whereas you went to find whatever was at the top of your list and front of your mind. He started his route working up and down the aisles knowing you would be going back forth until you had gathered whatever you needed.
He finally reached the dairy aisle, the trolley scattered with what he had half paid attention to as he lifted them from the vegetable and bread shelves before getting here. He had been standing in the dairy aisle for five minutes as he questioned the natural laws that surrounded a supermarket at this time of night that made it feel so… odd… before Sofía made her noise of discontentment and Frankie quickly grabbed the milk, placing it into the trolley before walking again in the hope that the movement would send her back into a deep sleep. 
He looked up and down each aisle in search of you until he finally reached the baby and toddler aisle, finding you still staring and the rows and rows of nappies.
“Baby?” He called quietly, turning the trolley with a bit of effort and heading towards you.
He chuckled under his breath as he looked at what you were wearing and thought about how you were both dressed; him in plaid trousers and crocs and you in fluffy maternity pajamas, one of his army jumpers that was still pulled a little tight across your tummy, and a jacket that was surely far too warm for a September night. 
“Baby?” He said again, a little quieter but now standing by your side and touching your arm. 
You jumped, giving yourself a shake as you turned towards him. You blinked a few times, looking between him, Sofía and the trolley, before you spoke.
“I think- I think I just fell asleep standing up.”
You both stared back at one another in complete silence before laughing, Frankie covering his mouth so as not to wake Sofía as you took a few steps back, leaning against the rows of nappies and crossing your ankles as you tried to hold back the tired and delirious laughter. 
When you finally both calmed down, nappies thrown in the trolley and whatever else you needed along with it, you both headed back to the truck and packed Sofía and the shopping away. 
“God, I’m so hungry,” Frankie grumbled while closing the door quietly behind him, lifting his hat and running his hand through his hair before starting the engine. 
“Same,” you groaned from the backseat, catching Frankie’s eyes in the rear view mirror as you both shared a knowing smile and soon he was heading for the nearest McDonalds. 
As soon as the food was ordered and resting on his lap, Frankie found a space in the parking lot and you quietly got out the back of the car to join him in the front. He looked at the time - only 2:30 - and you lifted the bag off his lap as he pushed the seat back, handing him a burger and taking your own. 
“I should really be going for something healthier if I want to get rid of this baby body,” you laughed.
Frankie turned to face you and you smiled at him but he could see the sadness that flashed across your eyes and his chest hurt. So much had happened in the time since Sofía had been born, not only did you have to get used to your new roles as parents and have to put on an energetic front as families traveled to meet the newest Morales but you had to recover from bringing her into this world. You had never hinted that you were feeling like this before - maybe you had been too tired to say or think anything - but Frankie felt a sadness deep in his chest that he hadn’t done anything to reassure you until now.
“No, wait, hey,” he said, waiting until you had turned back to look at him before he went on. “It took you nine months to grow Sofía, it’s not going to take eight weeks to go back. And- and even if you never go back I-” he stopped as he tried to think of the words he felt, the reassurance he wanted to give. “You are so beautiful. You were before and you are now. I don’t even know how to explain, or if I even can, how much I love you and how beautiful I think you are but… you gave me Sofía and I love your body, every inch of it, for doing that.”
The corners of your mouth began to turn up and he smiled back at you, his mind racing as he tried - and hoped - that he had told you this before but making note to say it every hour of every day, especially when he was less sleep deprived and able to think of the right words.
“I don't care if you do or don't lose the weight, you're still my very pretty, very sexy, wife.”
You rolled your eyes but looked down, unwrapping the burger as he leaned across the console and kissed your temple. 
The car filled with a comfortable silence as you ate, burgers and milkshakes swapped across until you finally pulled out the fries. 
Every other fry Frankie watched as you held your arm awkwardly around the back of the passenger seat, holding it over the car seat and waiting until you felt Sofía’s sleepy breaths hit your palm before bringing it back and reaching for another fry. 
“She’s okay,” Frankie whispered, breaking the silence, “she hasn't been in there too long.”
“I know,” you sighed, lifting another fry to your mouth before turning to him, “do you ever…”
You trailed off, chewing on your bottom lip as he stared back into your eyes. 
“Do I ever… what?”
“Do you ever… wonder if we’re bad parents?”
You spoke so quietly he had to lean closer to hear, his brow furrowing as soon as he understood the words you had said. Of course Frankie had worried that he would be a bad father, that he had seen and done too many bad things to ever be allowed a redemption, but never once did he question your ability as a parent. 
“No,” he said firmly, still keeping his voice quiet. “Sometimes… I worry if I know how to raise her so she’ll be a good person but- but I never question if you're a good mom.”
You stayed quiet for a moment, turning back to the front window as you took another fry
“You're a good dad,” you whispered.
He didn't know what to say and so followed your gaze and stared back at the almost empty McDonalds. After a minute he saw a man jog out, carefully holding a bag of food and a milkshake in his hand as he jumped into the car and drove off. 
“Pregnant wife at home,” Frankie said and you laughed. 
“Remember all the wild goose chases I sent you on,” you laughed and Frankie rolled his head to the side, taking a moment to watch the way your face lit up. 
“What, like when I had to drive to McDonalds at this time of night to find you a Mcflurry or the time I had to try three supermarkets to find cookies n crème pop tarts?”
“Hey,” you laughed, turning to face him now, “I was growing a human. I was allowed some ridiculous requests.”
“I know, baby,” he smiled, “I have zero complaints, you were doing all the hard work.”
You ate the last fry, scrunching up the bag as Frankie leaned back and held his hand over Sofía to feel a sleepy breath before you smiled across at him. 
“Home time?”
He nodded and you opened the door, jumping out and brushing all the crumbs off your clothes before taking the rubbish to the bin. He smiled as he watched you, opening his door and waiting for you to walk around the hood of the truck before he hopped down and pulled you against him. 
He leaned back against the closed backseat door and you rested your head against his chest, staying still for what may have been the first time since Sofía was born before you pulled back and looked up at him. 
He dipped his head down, pressing a soft kiss against your lips and you sighed contently, leaning in for a moment before pulling away. 
“I love you.”
“I love you.” He smiled, nudging his nose against yours before letting his arms drop and standing back to open the back seat door. 
He held your hand as you hopped in, shuffling across to peek into the car seat as he leaned against the door. 
“Still asleep?”
You nodded, your eyes firmly on Sofía as he smiled and closed the door. 
The sky was still a dark navy as he drove home, the streetlights lighting the familiar route as he looked into the rear view mirror every so often to look back at you both. As soon as he had pulled out of the car park you were already asleep, head leaning against the headrest and gentle snores leaving your mouth. 
This was hard, the hardest thing either of you had ever done, but as he drove home with his whole world in the back seat Frankie knew he would never change a thing. 
@phoenixhalliwell @asta-lily @hb8301 @princess76179 @sarahjkl82-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl @blackmarketmummy @bison-writes  @queridopascal @sfr99 @rosiefridayrogersunday @tintinn16 @pilothusband @voteforpedro09  @dihra-vesa @frankiecatfish @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage @transias @peoniarose @pjkimrn @fangirl-316 @niki-xie @potted–ivy @phandoz @janebby @athalien @xocalliexo @amneris21 @lavenderluna10 @iamskyereads @spacenerdpascal @mswarriorbabe80 @dumplinshee @jitterbugs927 @gracie7209 @lovesbiggerthanpride @lowlights @notabotiswear @alexxavicry @harriedandharassed @bport76 @fangirl-316​ @pedrostories @1andthesame​ @dobbyjen @agingerindenial @mishasminion360 @blub-senpai @mashomasho @adriiibell
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hwajin · 2 years
𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱 — !# : scb
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genre: smut, fluff, au
pairing: barista!changbin x fem!reader
synopsis: you didn't expect a barista working in your favourite coffee to blow you off your shoes. you'd only later see how fate would bring you together.
warnings: very slow burnish smut, lots and lots of teasing, unprotected sex, rlly kinda soft tho <3
wc: 6k
note: this is my contribution to my own collab LMAO. i did try smth new with this one so don't mind this being slightly out of place ksdfh, i hope you like it nevertheless tho! thanks to everyone who's participating in this, it truly means so much that some ppl wanted to be part of this hehe, i'll tag all the participants CUZ YOU GOTTA CHECK THEM OUT OR ELSE 😤🔪
@spookybias @seo--changbin @sunnyville36 @jenna-skzooma @aliceoracleollormusic @es-kay-zee @joonszn @freckledwinterfalls @kookthief @yunkiwii @chans-starlight
not my pics, credits to owner
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"Shit, shit, shit..."
Your legs had a mind of their own making their hurried steps through the packed station - men and women in suits and blazers, students with worn faces and the one or other stray dog meeting your way - and you still registered the faint whistle of the train that you had left just seconds ago, though the small buds in your ears were offing outside noises almost entirely.
You didn't plan to oversleep on the first day back to college, after two calm weeks of enjoying some free time during the winter holidays. Since you were lucky with your professors this semester - none of them expectant of their students to work and study their asses off during Christmas - you have gotten comfortable over the past 14 days, your mind blocking out the fact that you were supposed to get back to setting alarms every morning, causing you to sleep in and missing the last possible train that would have gotten you to your destination on time. You cussed yourself out some more internally, calves already aching some due to the fast tempo you have set for yourself, passing by strangers hastily. Strangers that all looked the same to you, with their same black suitcases, the same frowns on their faces. Talking on the phone, seemingly distressed, head and thoughts far up in their jobs. You wondered, sometimes, when you inspected them like this, on your way to college and back, if you'll end up like one of them. If you'll ever lose yourself and decide for a path that was convenient, rather than going after your plans, your dream you might say.
A slight shake to your head tore you out of your never ending thoughts, quickly deciding that now surely wasn't the appropriate time to let your mind get clouded with worries about your long term future, the nervousness of reaching class as soon as it was currently possible occupying you enough already. You meandered your way through the packed crowds while you passed one store after another, "open" and "closed" signs in windows passing your peripheral vision, the smell of coffee suddenly infiltrating your nosestrills.
Coffee. While the reasonable part of your brain started calculating how many minutes you'd lose waiting in line to get one cup of hot, refreshing coffee, your feet already dragged you towards one of your favourite coffee shops, the familiar jingling from the bells at the top of the entrance door ringing in your ears, a smile automatically forming on your lips. You loved how welcoming this place was, large windows on every side letting sunshine flood the warm, ebony wood with its shimmery rays, the sweet aroma of baked goods and freshly brewed drinks giving a homely feeling. The café wasn't all too big, only a couple of tables and chairs standing around neatly, though you barely ever saw other customers around this place.
You walked up to the counter, already expecting to greet the barista you knew was working the morning shifts on weekdays, the poor girl always looking tired and exhausted, yet never skipping on initiating small talk with you, their most regular guest. But you were taken by surprise when you locked eyes with a to you unknown employee, one that you've never seen around before. He gave you an inviting smile, his cheeks cutely puffing up in the process. His messy hair fell around his sharp face, bangs just short enough to not cover his eyes.
"Morning, what can i get for you?"
He was attractive, you couldn't lie. His voice was low, a raspy undertone lying in it, and you needed a couple of seconds before you remembered what you were here for, before you could process his question. It was unusual for you to be this taken aback by a complete stranger, and yet it couldn't be held against you, not with the way this man was looking at you, expectantly, questioning eyes laced with curiosity. You converted your eyes off his, looking at the big menu boards behind him - as unnecessary as it was since you never changed you order here, but you needed somewhere else to look at to be able to sort your thoughts - and you took a quick second to clear your throat before answering.
"Oh, uhm- just a coffee to go, please, and..."
You inspected the bakings that were laid out in the glass showcase, the fancy names and goldish-brown pastries filled with strawberries or chocolate making your mouth water. You didn't get the time to have a proper breakfast, so you decided a quick snack to eat in uni wasn't that bad of an idea. You decided for something that looked close to a baked apple turnover, pointing towards it.
"...and one of those, please."
You gave the man in front of you a smile which he returned, once again making your heart skip a beat. He continued to give you a small nod as to silently tell you he understood and got your order, proceeding to take a pair of tongs and a paper bag to prepare one half of what you have told him moments prior, and while he leaned forward you took the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the name tag clipped to his white shirt. 'Changbin'. A simple yet pretty name, you thought. You'd imagine it sounding nice coming from your mouth, rolling over your tongue before escaping your lips and for a second you debated whether or not to actually, call him by his name, point it out, maybe, or somehow sprinkle it in for when you'll say goodbye. A really bad shot at flirting, yes, but after all he sparked something in you you'd never expected, and letting him know of your interest might after all be the only shot you got with the barista.
"You want a large, medium or small one?"
His voice ended your strain of thoughts, the words making little sense to you, though. You gave the man behind the counter questioning eyes, the early hours not necessarily making you understand nor process things at hand any bit faster. He smirked at you, glancing down for just a moment before his eyes found yours again, and you weren't fully sure but you found something new in his expression. Mischief, maybe.
"The coffee, I mean. Which size do you want?"
The smirk never leaving his face it only now clicked what he was referring to - directly and indirectly -, and you felt your skin growing hotter, a deep blush painting your cheeks and your nose bridge, up to your ears. You gave yourself a mental slap across the face, hurrying to finally answer his question to save some of the awkwardness you had to bear out at this point.
"Oh I'm sorry uh- a large one. Please. Thank you."
You heard the barista huff out air through his nose, as if amused, an eyebrow raised and his narrow eyes subtly but surely running up and down your figure for just a second - you'd had missed it, almost - before he nodded, speaking a quick "alright" before turning around to get your order done. Your scrunched your nose up in embarrassment while his back was facing you, the coffee machine drowning out nearly ever other sound, allowing you to breathe in and out somewhat heavily, the man behind the counter making you a flustered mess. You used the time to check your phone quickly, a wave of shock running through your bones seeing how late you were running. Honestly, you have given up at this point; considering you were late anyways, no matter how fast you'd run or walk, you saw no use in hurrying anymore. You let out a defeated, long breath, stuffing your phone back into your pocket and converting your eyes back to the dripping deep black liquid, able to tase the bitterness on your tongue already.
"What, having a hard morning?"
Upon hearing your sigh Changbin must have figured your distress, and you shrugged your shoulders slightly when the man gave you a quick look.
"Ahh, I'm just running late to classes, that's it."
While the barista broke out into a fit of giggles, back still facing you as he poured the hot drink into a beige paper cup, hands working quickly and confidently, you noticed how build he was, lines of muscles and veins visible underneath his thin white shirt. Another blush covered your features, and you gave yourself another mental slap across the face.
"And yet you take time to get some coffee? You know, you should be more responsible about your studies."
Changbin turned around with the finished cup, eyebrows raised and a teasing seriousness lacing his tone as he said those words, eliciting a chuckle from you. You were unsure as to how you should be continuing the conversation, his eyes piercing through you as he simply smiled, prepping your ready order on top of the counter. It seemed like he didn't expect an answer from you, though, your chuckle apparently enough for him as he let you know how much you owed him, waiting for you to clumsily fiddle after your wallet in the way to heavy bag you were carrying. You didn't take notice, but his eyes were on you the whole time, smile not fading for one second - as if painted onto his face - as he took in your whole, the way you moved, a bit helpless but so easily, carelessly almost that he couldn't help but wanting to know you closer. Finally, you had the money in your hands, apologizing that you'd had only brought cash with you, but tipping him a good amount in return before you took the paper bag and cup, smiling a last goodbye, exchanging a last quick look until you disappeared through the entrance door, eventually vanishing in between crowds in far distance, Changbin's smile fading slowly the further you moved. You, on the other hand, couldn't shine any brighter, the corners of your lips reaching from one ear to the other as you continued making your way to school, already anticipating another visit at the café.
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Though you finally reached class – a sea of eyes skimming you for just seconds when you entered the room much too late, but neither the professor nor the students bothered enough to not pick up where they were interrupted straight away – but you’d lie saying you were concentrated in the slightest. You knew you’d be daydreaming nevertheless after the encounter at the coffee shop, but apparently the man behind the counter had even more charm and interest in you then you would have guessed at first; because on your cup that now had rests of lukewarm coffee in it you could read the words “text (or call) me if you… want some more coffee. or want to talk more. or… anything else ;)”, with his phone number written right below in neat handwriting, one that you’d imagine him to have. And yet you were indecisive. Wouldn’t texting him right away come off as desperate? Shouldn’t you wait a bit at least, until your day in school ended and you were home again? On the other hand, he must be anticipating a text, given he was the one asking for further contact.
It took you a little more internal debating until the lesson was done and over within seconds, it felt like, and sitting in the train that was destined to bring you home your mind did not give you a break, the constant back and forth between wanting to seem hard to get, at least, or not occupying your thoughts. You should have just somehow slipped your number onto the café’s counter, you thought, so the decision, the anxiety of sending a very first text to someone you knew basically nothing about, wouldn’t have to lay on you right this moment. Your shook yourself back to reality, letting your phone slide into the pocket of your slightly big jacket, figuring that simply holding and staring at it any longer wouldn’t help you out necessarily. You wiped your hands on your jeans for a second, trying to get rid of the film of sweat that has formed on them, before ruffling through your hair, trying to keep yourself distracted. You knew it was for nothing, though, you knew yourself well enough to figure out that you’d have a sleepless night ahead of you if you didn’t decide what to do with the number on the cup as soon as possible, if you didn’t make up your mind on what the smartest and least awkward message would be.
You looked to your left, being taken aback for just a second at the speed the landscapes – trees, bushes, the one or other stray animal on a farm – was moving past you, but soon finding peace in the view. You allowed it to distract you for a while, your eyes skimming over houses and cars and vast fields hurriedly, before suddenly, a part of your brain as though switched on a light bulb, your phone already in your hands again while you rummaged around in your bag, in hopes of finding the empty cup. A smile danced around your lips as you typed in his number with quick hands, setting a simple “changbin” as his name, and sending a simple “hey :)” for a message.
⋆ .. ✦ .. ⋆
⋆ .. ✦ .. ⋆
changbin: ahhh, so you’re not from here?
you: nope, sadly
changbin: sadly? might there… be a reason you’d wanna be from here for 👀
You almost didn’t want to admit to how well the conversation with Changbin was going. He was cracking so many bad jokes that you almost forgot you were still sitting on a public train, trying to refrain yourself from simply giggling at his texts, like some teenager in love. And yet you couldn’t help yourself, nor did you really care with how sweet he was, how simple it felt talking to him.
And he was witty, too. He truly had a way with words that you didn’t quite expect, somehow masked behind his boyish and cutely awkward-ish persona, making you smirk, blush almost before you brainstormed a possible, just as witty response, though being taken aback.
you: hmmm well… the coffee there’s pretty good ig :)
You smiled slightly to yourself upon seeing the small …typing right under his name appear and disappear over and over again, before another of his messages finally reached you.
changbin: mhh i see, so it’s the coffee for you. if you like it that much how about we meet up and drink one together? i know this RLLY nice place, one of their baristas makes out of this world coffee i swear
changbin: maybe you’ll end up liking him more than the coffee tho :))
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When Changbin mentioned this, as he called it, REALLY nice place you imagined meeting him in the café he works at, where you have met the first time, grabbing a drink together and talking for a while, getting to know each other while the turmoil outside, passengers and kids and dogs and cars, would barely be noticeable, for neither of you. You soon figured out that with the REALLY nice place Changbin, in fact, meant his very own four walls, the apartment he lived in. And, he did not lie, the place was nice. It was quite spacey, but you noticed it was the bright and minimalized interior that made the place look bigger than it was. It was welcoming, soft, neutral colours of beige and hints of olive-green painting walls and carpets that shone beautifully when rays of sunshine hit them, every corner clean, but not to a point of weirdness. You could, throughout all the rooms he’s showed you, still sense that hint of personality that you see in other people’s houses, could still build this idea around him, seeing the way he was living.
“So uhm- what do you think?”
You couldn’t hold back the laughter upon the sight in front of you, seeing the man pout almost immediately when he heard your giggles. You had figured it would be nice to bring him some sort of present when you went to meet him – though you’d debated day and night whether or not it would seem out of place – but you had decided to go for an apron, the cheap ones you see in supermarkets, that have terrible designs on them that it’s almost funny again. And you were right with your decision, striking Changbin as the humorous guy who definitely would catch onto the joke wasn’t a bad guess after all, the man laughing at the cloth you had given him when you entered his place.
Your laughter only continued with Changbin pretending to be deeply hurt, his back facing you as he was preparing the coffee he has promised you over text, looking over his shoulder from time to time only to give you a salty look, so you don’t dare forget that he doesn’t like to be made fun of. Every time his face went back to his kitchen counter, though, you saw a little smirk playing around the edges of his lips, one that he tried to hide while jokingly nagging and playing around. He enjoyed teasing you.
It was getting slightly harder to keep joking around with Changbin, was getting a bit more difficult to laugh at him for his scoffs or comments he made. Not because you lost the fun, not because you were getting bored, whatsoever. You simply, physically, could barely concentrate on anything but this particular smirk of his, his eyes squinting at you, one corner of his mouth raising, before he turned back around. And even then, your eyes had a mind of their own when they went on their journey up and down his body, the very back you have already had checked out in the café a couple of days back, that you have already mustered once still setting off a fluttery feeling in your stomach, just like on the first day you saw him. It was especially when he moved, muscles flexing and relaxing naturally, that you thought you’d lose your composure, or when his shoulders, broad and large, perked up through the shirt from time to time. But it was also when he turned around fully, the hot drinks finally ready, and your eyes landed on his chest for an embarrassing moment before locking eyes with him again. And it was only a second, a second of him catching you unprepared and shamelessly staring, and yet he noticed. He noticed and he liked it. He enjoyed the way you stuttered at him with your ears turning red involuntarily, he enjoyed how you found your cool so quickly again, taking the cup he had reached out to you as if nothing really happened, as if you genuinely believed he hasn’t seen how your yes converted right when he faced you. And he debated if he wanted to make a comment about it. He so badly would want to risk it, would want to blur out his thoughts and see if you’d go with it, if you’d play along and see where things could end. And yet it was a risk after all, and he didn’t know you enough to surely figure out how you ticked, yet. While, at the same time, also in thoughts, you were wondering where this would lead, this somehow odd situation.
There was this tension both of you felt, though both of you were afraid to cut through it. And yet, both of you knew that the other sensed it as well; it was impossible not to. You sipped away at your coffee, almost never breaking eye contact with Changbin as he took off his apron, shirt underneath creased up, hair messy. He hung it up on a rack that was screwed to a shelf, the cloth somehow fitting so well into the little kitchen that he had, belonging right there next to various pans and bowls and fruits and tableware. Changbin was soon back at having his attention on you, his arm reaching out to grab his own cup of freshly brewed coffee, his veins and muscles and dips too prominent for your liking, once again.
“Is the coffee good?”
The only sound breaking the silence besides Changbins words were some curtains sliding across the wooden floor as the wind hit the window Changbin has opened prior, the fresh air cooling your heated face, if only little.
“Mhm, it’s really good. But uh-“
Your heart pounded as you started your sentence, watching as the man’s expression changed to a questioning one, anticipating your next words, scared you somehow didn’t like it, that something was missing. You took another sip before continuing, foot tapping against the chair in a nervous manner.
“You uh- were right. I did end up liking the barista more.”
You were a sucker at flirting, so naturally, you could only wish away the blush that crept up on your face, and it needed all your willpower to keep the steady eye contact with Changbin, to not shy away now, when you were the guilty one for finally breaking the tension. While you silently wished he understood the hint, that he knew what you meant, a smug grin already overplayed Changbins features, his eyes travelling down to the floor, for a short while only, until connecting with yours again. But this time he looked at you differently, expression in his eyes fitting his teasing smirk, and you hoped, repeated it in your head as if praying, that he has caught onto you. Changbin took a step closer to you, closing the distance between the both of you scarcely any, his cup of coffee standing behind him as though abandoned.
“Hmm, don’t you think that barista deserves some kind of- tip then? When you liked him that much?”, he whispered, almost.
It was strange, truly, how calm you could present yourself although you felt shakier than a nervous wreck internally. Knowing yourself you would fold shortly with the stare the man had on you, lustful, but not the amount that would scare you, and interest, curiosity, just the right portion to anticipate him as much as he did. And yet you set there on his kitchen stool, gaze never missing to match his, back straight, seemingly keeping your cool.
“Well, I don’t have money with me…”
You watched as he continued stepping closer to you, and you finally set down your own cup that you have forgotten to drink out of with the atmosphere getting tighter, and you stood up, finally meeting his height.
“…but I’d know another way to pay you.”
Damn it. Flirting simply wasn’t your strong point, and you only now heard how your words sounded, almost desperate and awkwardly out of place, but you couldn’t take them back, not after blurting them out into the room like this. All the calmness and composure you had started to fade out of you, and the well know blush of yours painted your face once again. You were ready to stutter out an apology, were ready to say that you didn’t mean to come off as someone looking to prostitute yourself, but your brain shut down at Changbins sudden chuckling. It was teasing, a tinge of amusement lacing his voice. He was now as close as he could be without rudely invading your personal space, but near enough to get your body to shiver a bit, for your nerves to tickle.
“Another way to pay me? Now that sounds interesting, don’t you think?”, he tsked at you, head cocked to the sight, and he let out another fit of chuckles when your face only reddened further. And, anew, you were taken aback by him. He didn’t have the reaction you expected, a raised brow maybe with a look of confusion, a harsh change of subject followed by embarrassment by your miserable try to be seductive. And, anew- it seemed like he enjoyed it. Enjoyed teasing you, enjoyed having caught you in a state of flusteredness, no matter how bad you wanted to overplay it.
“Don’t you wanna show me what you meant by it, hm? I’d love to see.”
His voice was dark, the natural raspiness thicker than it was moments prior, and yet you heard a sense of softness in it, sending you into orbit. You wished, almost prayed internally, that he would blow off the whole thing with his playfully smart demeanour, that he’d simply leave you hot and bothered. Hell, after all you weren’t sure what you meant with your words; a simple kiss, something more? His attractiveness got to you, you couldn’t lie, his smirking and teasing and subtle flirting making you think he may be wanting the same thing you wanted. And after all, what if he didn’t? What if you thought and acted all too quickly, misinterpreting him entirely? You were strangers, only met recently, you might have gotten it all wrong, from the very beginning.
But Changbin took just one step closer to you, the intimacy almost uncomfortably tangible now. Almost. You saw his nearly fully black eyes wander across your face, skimming your features before resting at your lips. His own ones were so neatly formed, as if someone has sculptured them on their very own, that it was hard for you to not stare them down. One of his hands almost reached your cheek, stopping just right before touching you. He looked up at you with eyes pleading, lips opening to ask a short “Can I?”, orbs travelling down to your lips again, anticipating an answer. You breathed out a “Yes, please.” and it weren’t seconds, even, when you finally felt his warmth against you, hand on your face and lips on yours. It was slow at first, your movements and actions, as if both of you needed to adjust to each other, to somehow get to know the other better, with time. But you soon got closer, your hand slowly sneaking to rest by his shoulder, squeezing the muscles whenever he bit down on your lower lip experimentally, his own hand drawing circles onto your waist while holding you steadily, letting you melt into him. The wind from outside set into action as if purposefully, breathing a fresh, late-wintery breeze your direction, your heated bodies cooling, if only externally.
Changbin leaned back, revealing puffed lips, redder than before, and he breathed against you heavily. You gave him a quick, almost unnoticeable peck, catching him off guard just before a giggle rolled past his mouth. His demeanour has shifted, shyness drawing his body now as well, and it was impossible for you to not soften at the sight. Though you weren’t any better, having him this close to you, seeing Changbin looking at you the way he was; you felt giddy all over, like a child on Christmas.
“You wanna take this to the bedroom?” A whisper only, and it took him a nod and smile from you to have him picking you up, your legs wrapping around his torso, while he reached said room with every quick step, until you finally felt steadiness underneath you again, the soft mattress of his bed pressing against your back. You surely knew why Changbin picked this room to sleep in when first moving into his apartment; the way the windows were placed on the walls allowed natural light to flood the four walls nearly all hours of the day, the current sunset looking especially breathtaking. You only imagined how the sunrises looked from his bed every morning. Though you might find out.
You watched as the man took of his shirt, and not even the tight apron from before could have prepared you for what you were blessed to see that moment. His body was buff, a direct consequence of his many workouts he has told you about, and yet had an elegant swing to it, curved at just the right places, dipping perfectly for your hands to start tingling, at the thought of touching him alone. God, how badly you wanted to touch him. And it’s as if he knew, moving towards you to get rid of the distance between the both of you once again, connecting his lips with yours just like he did the first time around, more secure and steady this time, though, pressing you only further into the softness of the sheets. They smelled like him, the subtle sniff you have sensed ever since meeting him intensified now, intoxicating your mind. Your hands settled on his shoulder first, initially afraid to move them farther down his body, but soon finding the confidence to slide them across his arms, only to find out they were quite the sensitive part of his. Changbin grunted out quietly at your nails dragging at his defined proportions, and he let his own hands explore you, your body, the way they wanted. And your lips never once disconnected from the other, the first shyness and unsureness you held, the first feeling of having to getting to know each other was long gone now, seemingly, as you moved in perfect sync, as if you knew the other for decades. It was until Changbin reached your waist, fingertips dancing to get under your shirt, that he leaned back again, that he let the both of you breathe, even if for seconds. It was a silent question, his eyes telling you enough to have you nodding, arching your back against him while he took of your shirt, lips immediately finding your collarbones. You whined out quietly, wanting to hold back your desperateness but failing as Changbin kept nibbling away, at you neck and shoulders and ears, covering your most sensitive parts with purple and red and blueish love bites, your nails dragging up and down his back, possible to leave scratches the next day. Changbin only pulled back to let his lips find yours again, for his hands to travel further south your body, delicate fingers grazing over your elicited skin, drawing shivers out of you with every touch. You let your hands travel over his abs, tracing every dipping line on your way, making him breathe out heavily against you, making him visibly lose his composure. And you touched down, and further down, loving to see the way Changbin pulled away from you, how he looked at you with eyes big and wanting, until you got a hold of his belt accentuating his hips, your gaze piercing through him.
“Can I?”
And screw it, you couldn’t have imagined that the response he gave you would weaken you oh so much, his breathy voice, the words “Yes, fuck- please, yes.” almost drawing out a whine out of you. Never had you had anyone begging for you. Not someone you just met.
Your impatient fingers unbuckled his belt, the bulge in his jeans looking so painful you wanted nothing more than relieving him from it. Changbin helped you remove the belt while you worked at his buttons, and he shuffled down the restrains while you got rid off your own clothes, only your bra keeping you from full nudeness. And it was almost as if you were addicted to the other, as if neither of you could control themselves with the way your lips clashed together again, impatiently, giddily almost, hungry hands back to roaming the others body. You felt Changbins careful fingers dragging down your stomach, reaching your stomach, squeezing down at your thighs. Teasing at everything expect where he knew you needed him, knew you wanted him so badly. You whined out, not thinking that words would come out even remotely understandable out of your mouth, so you pushed your hips against him to make him understand, to hint at him that you craved his touch, that you were dying to feel him, finally. But you only felt him smirking against you while pushing your legs apart, only for him to tease you yet closer to your core, digging his short nails into your inner thighs.
“You want something, baby?”
God, he knew what he was doing. And he loved it, too. Loved how your back arched again at his words, how you looked up at him with your brows scrunched together just slightly, how you tried keeping your sounds to yourself, not wanting him to hear you. You sensed that if you didn’t answer him, though, you wouldn’t get what you wanted, figured that with the tease he was- he wanted to hear you, hear you begging and pleading for him.
“Touch me, please. I need it- need you.”
And you were right, predicted him correctly since his fingers dipped into your wetness just moments after, a content hum leaving his throat while he watched you intently, fingers sliding against you, in hopes of finding that one spot, that had you moaning out and pleading for more. And he knew he found it when your back raised off the mattress, when your hands, always wrapping around his arms, or laying on his shoulders, squeezed him tightly, leaving crescent moons on his skin. And yet he only shortly circled at your clit, only enough to get you worked up that bit more, before his fingers dipped southwards, prodding at your entrance teasingly, watching your face, in case your expression changed. But the plead you let roll off your tongue gave him the get go, and he inserted one of his fingers into you, your walls snugging against him so perfectly he couldn’t help but whine out, wishing for so much more. The sun outside set further with every passing second, painting the room in vividly colours and it didn’t take long before a second and third finger entered you, and Changbin made sure to move them just the right way, to curve them up against you just perfectly to prepare you for him, to have you as comfortable as possible.
Because when his tip teased at your entrance, before slowly moving inside of you, you could feel how girthy he would be. How painfully good the stretch would feel when he bottomed out, finally - and you were right. You weren’t able to hold back the moan that rolled off your tongue when Changbin finally settled inside you fully, his own sounds right next to your year not helping your neediness in any way while he gave you time to adjust to his length. Only when you tapped his shoulder, nodding at him silently he started moving, pulling out until you only felt his tip inside you, before sliding in fully again, bottoming out a second time, only to repeat the same movements over and over. And with every slow stroke that hit your deepest spot every time, with every light nibble he left here and there on your skin, stars covered your vision more and more, and you felt yourself so much closer to fall off the edge with every passing second, as bad as you wanted to keep this moment lasting. But you felt how Changbin wasn’t any better, though his hips stayed the same rhythm his movements grew faster, and his sounds – although quiet – grew more frequent, the one or other praise leaving his lips, making you pull him closer to you. You were moving in sync, both your minds so clouded in the pleasure, in each other, or in wanting to reach that high together, you weren’t sure yourself. The deep reds and oranges and yellows that painted the sky hit the bedroom, the last rays of sunshine of the day illuminating your sweat-glistening skin, while your hands grabbed at each other with want, with lust, while you moved and moved, back and forth, hips and legs tired but chasing nevertheless, until finally, with a couple of last precise strokes into you, both of you almost simultaneously let go, let the orgasm wash over your bodies in a harsh wave, making you collapse against the other. And soon the room was filled with shyness again, the post pleasure state getting to you and making you giggle and chuckle at the other, while the sun finally set behind the clouds, setting the world to darkness.
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
desperate || c.sc x reader
Summary: the first time seungcheol fucks you raw (sponsored by irresponsible decisions)
Warnings: swearing, smut (18+) additional warnings under the cut
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
additional warnings: oral (m receiving), choking, unprotected sex, semi-public sex (bathroom), creampies
“Baby,” Seungcheol groaned against your neck in an attempt to get your attention, but if you’d heard him you were choosing to ignore him as you continued to grind down onto his lap with your head buried in his shoulder. “Baby,” he tried again, “I don’t have a condom.”
He was still desperately rifling through his wallet with one hand and digging through the pockets in his jeans with the other in the hollow hope that maybe he’d find one.
He always carried condoms with him, he had since before you had started dating. How the hell was he missing one now- then it dawned on him. Last month, at that bar back in London when you had been wearing nothing under your tight black skirt and he just had to have you… god damn it, Cheol, he thought to himself. He had used the last one then, when he fucked you in the bathroom that night. But now you were the needy one and he couldn’t even take the edge off for you.
Despite the circumstances at hand, Seungcheol’s body was reacting accordingly to your actions. His cock was straining against his jeans and he was almost positive you could feel his erection against your thigh. And if your moans were any indication, he was right.
He sighed into your shoulder, and used his hands to still your hips. Your bottom lip jutted out in a pout momentarily before you began pressing languid kisses to his neck, sucking hickeys right underneath his jaw.
“Y/n, I-I don’t have a condom,” Seungcheol stuttered out again and pushed on your shoulders to make sure you heard him this time.
“I don’t care,” you whined, slumping forward onto your boyfriend in defeat. “I want you so bad.”
“I know, darling,” he said in a hushed whisper, trying to ignore the way your hips were still rocking instinctively on top of his.
If you were at home it wouldn’t be such a big deal. Seungcheol could just pop out to the shops and be back within the hour with enough condoms to go as many rounds as you wanted. But you were all the way in Monaco at the F1 Grand Prix- it wasn’t like you could just come and go as you pleased, once your ticket was scanned at the beginning of the day you were stuck there because the no re-entry policy was strictly enforced at all exits. You’d learned that the hard way on the first day.
When asked later, your friends would claim not to know where you and Seungcheol had run off to. But everyone knew. You were a bit infamous for bathroom quickies, hence that night at the bar last month, and you had been before Cheol was in the picture. Bars, restaurants, movie theaters, clubs, and department stores were all fair game to you. Today was no different. Seungcheol was sitting on the counter with his back pressed against the mirror in one of the racetrack’s tiny, one-person facilities and you were straddling his lap.
Everything had been going routinely when Seungcheol broke the news and you felt your heart (or rather, your pussy) shatter into a million pieces. He just looked so goddamn good in that pink shirt with his hair slicked back like that… fuck. And the way he’d been acting this weekend, so casually confident with his friends and the racers, it brought out something primal in you.
“You want my fingers?” Seungcheol offered, holding up the middle and ring fingers on his left hand.
You shook your head. “Just want you.”
He chuckled lightly and brushed your hair out of your eyes. You knew you were being a brat, but you were too desperate to care.
“I know, but I already told you-”
“I don’t care that you don’t have a condom,” you sighed. “Just go without.”
Seungcheol blinked at you in surprise. “Wha- are you sure?”
In all the time that you had been dating, you and Seungcheol had never had sex without protection. It wasn’t that you were opposed to the idea, you were on the pill, but you had always been overly cautious and you and Seungcheol had never really… talked about it before.
“Y/n?” You had fallen silent.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
You could only nod at first before you could verbalize.
“I need to hear you say it,” he murmured, voice an octave lower than it had been a second ago.
“I’m sure,” you managed, “please, Cheol.”
He smirked, biting his lip. “Of course, baby.”
You pushed yourself off of him and watched as he unfastened his belt. Your mouth watered as he pulled at the button and zipper on his jeans and you thought for a brief moment about how pathetic you were.
But as soon as Seuncheol had freed himself from his pants you found yourself not caring anymore. The humiliation burning in your cheeks melted back into want and you felt the temperature in your whole body rise a degree or two.
Seungcheol pushed his jeans down to where they sat bunched around his thighs and looked at you expectantly.
“Ready, angel?” he asked, dark eyes giving you a onceover.
It wasn’t often that you were the one fully clothed and Seungcheol was the one exposed to you, but on the rare occasion it did happen you liked to take advantage of it.
“Wait, can I?” Your gaze fell to his lap and he cursed.
You smiled and licked your lips as you bent over to take him into your mouth. Seungcheol wasn’t the biggest you’d ever had, but his cock was still able to hit the back of your throat, which you loved. You suppressed your gag reflex as best you could while you sucked him off, feeling the arousal simmering in your stomach multiply tenfold just because of how full your mouth was. He brought a fist to his lips and bit down on his hand to stifle his moans, tangling his other hand in your hair.
He twirled your hair around his fingers into a makeshift ponytail and tugged gently. You moaned around his cock and took him even deeper so that the tip of your nose was pressed against his pelvis.
“God, y/n,” Seungcheol groaned, bucking his hips upwards into your mouth. “Sorry,” he grunted.
“S’okay,” you said with a smile, still somehow managing to keep your pace.
“So desperate for my cock, you’d take it any way you can get it, huh?”
You whined in response and nodded your head. You heard him laugh, then choke when you pulled off of him. He scowled at you as you licked a stripe from the base of his cock, along the vein, to the head, before taking him fully in your mouth again, making him throw his head back in pleasure.
“Stop, stop, I’m close,” he warned and pulled you off his cock by your hair.
If you weren’t so intent on having him inside you you would’ve finished him off there. He looked so hot like that- jaw clenched with restraint, stomach taught and firm, even under his shirt. And the way he looked down at you while you sucked his dick, fuck.
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and leaned in to kiss your boyfriend on the lips. He met you halfway and pressed his lips to yours, smiling into the kiss. The taste of champagne lingered on his lips.
“C’mon, baby,” Seungcheol grunted and motioned for you to climb on top of him.
You did just that and hiked your skirt higher up on your thighs, pushing your panties to the side so that he could have easy access to you.
You reached for him and used your knees to brace yourself on the counter before he held out a hand to stop you.
“Wait,” he said breathlessly, “let me taste you first.”
You watched as reached a hand under your skirt and used two of his fingers to collect your arousal before bringing them to his lips and sucking it off. When he was satisfied with his work he offered the same two fingers to you.
“Open,” he instructed.
You sucked his fingers into your mouth as he’d asked and moaned around them, which might have been a little over the top, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. Seungcheol retracted his fingers after a couple seconds and kissed you again, cupping your face with both of his hands. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, groaning when you whimpered. You could taste yourselves on each other’s lips, but as you continued to make out they became indiscernible, a mix of both of you. All you knew was that you couldn’t get enough.
Seungcheol struggled to pop the first few buttons on your shirt, but eventually got the hang of it, and unbuttoned the rest with ease, exposing your chest to the cold air.
“Fuck, I’ll never get tired of your tits,” he whispered, mostly to himself.
You rolled your eyes and pushed his shoulder lightly. “Cheol, stop teasing me,” you begged.
Your entire body ached. You were clenching around nothing at this point and it was torture. You needed something inside of you right that minute and if Seungcheol wouldn’t give it to you your own fingers would have to suffice.
“I’m not teasing you,” he insisted earnestly.
“Then fuck me already!”
He smirked for what felt like the millionth time and raised an eyebrow.
“You’re going to have to keep your voice down if you don’t want us to get caught, darling. Do you think you can do that?”
You nodded fervently, knowing it was a boldfaced lie. Seungcheol knew it too- you had literally just been yelling at him to fuck you seconds earlier, but you were already this far and he’d made you wait so long already.
“C’mere,” he said lowly and put a hand on the small of your back to pull you closer. “Spit,” he commanded and held out his hand for you. You spat into his palm and watched as he used his hand to pump his cock a couple of times, ensuring that it was lubricated enough for you to take comfortably.
He then lined himself up with you and held back a groan as you sank down onto his cock. You sighed in relief at the feeling and wrapped your arms around his neck to steady yourself. You stayed there like that for a minute or so, not moving, just enjoying how full you felt.
Seungchel always felt good inside of you, but like this… without discomfort of the condom, without the resistance of the rubber or the texture of the latex, without anything in between you… it was indescribable. You could feel every vein, every curve of Cheol’s cock. You could feel his pulse in your pussy and the sensation was enough to make you forget how to speak.
“G-god,” you gasped.
“You’re so fucking tight,” Seungcheol muttered through clenched teeth.
“Feels so good,” you mumbled.
Seungcheol managed a smile and brushed your hair out of your face. His smile faltered when you began to ride him without warning and he choked out your name along with a string of profanities.
You rocked your hips forward to meet Cheol’s over and over again, moaning quietly every time the head of his cock brushed your g-spot. It wasn’t long before Seungcheol was doing most of the work, slamming into you like his life depended on it. It was actually impressive, how hard he was fucking you in the position he was in. He was sitting upright with all of your weight on top of him and was still railing you like it was nothing.
“Is this what you wanted?” Seungcheol asked, voice low and gravelly. “For me to fuck you like a slut?” You could only nod. “Answer me,” he demanded. “Are you such a desperate fucking cockslut that you couldn’t wait a few more hours like a good girl?”
“Yes!” you cried.
Seungcheol brought a hand to your throat and wrapped his fingers around it, rubbing his thumb along your pulsepoint. He squeezed lightly, smiling darkly when your eyes rolled back in pleasure.
“Do you think you deserve to cum?” he asked, knowing you were close.
“Yes,” you whimpered.
“Do you think you can be quiet?”
“Yes. Please, Cheol-”
“Please what?”
“Please can I cum? I-I need to cum, fuck!”
You fell over the edge before your boyfriend could respond, not even allowing him the chance to get a word in before your entire body was overcome by waves of pleasure. Your vision went white as you rode out your orgasm and Seungcheol held onto you tightly the whole time, whispering praises in your ear as you came down even though you knew you were in for it later.
Your thighs were still trembling when the aftershocks had finally subsided and you gave Seungcheol a sheepish smile.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, baby,” he assured you. “I made you wait long enough.”
“You were teasing me! I knew it!”
He kissed you chastely on the lips and winked. “Couldn’t resist. You’re so fucking hot when you’re desperate.”
“Fuck you.”
“You already did.”
“And if I remember correctly, you haven’t come yet. I could always leave you hanging-”
“No! No, I’m sorry,” he apologized hastily.
You laughed and pushed his curls out of his face as you began to ride him again, ignoring your own arousal still burning in your stomach. Seungcheol cursed, letting you know that he was right there on the edge.
“Where do you want me to cum? Your mouth? Your chest?” You didn’t answer and leaned down to kiss his neck instead. “Baby, I can’t,” he rasped, “I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that.”
“I want you to,” you whispered.
“I want you to cum inside me, Cheol. Want you to fill me up-” your pleas were cut off with a moan as Seungcheol came and you felt him tense underneath you as spurt after spurt of cum filled your cunt. If you thought you had felt full before-
You threw your head back at the feeling and helped your boyfriend ride out his high. It wasn’t enough to make you cum a second time, but the way his cock throbbed inside of you, the way he clenched his jaw and bit his lip as he came… it certainly… sparked something within you.
Seungcheol was out of breath by the time he could open his eyes again and when he did he smiled at you from underneath messy hair and hooded eyelids, completely blissed out. He pulled out of you slowly, watching his cum drip out of you and onto the counter.
He turned around and snatched a few paper towels from the dispenser on the opposite wall and handed half the stack to you while he used the other half to wipe down the counter.
“What a gentleman,” you said sarcastically as you used the towels to clean yourself off. You knew when you stood up there would likely be more dripping down your legs, and that was if you could stand, but you would have to cross that bridge when you got to it.
“And they say romance is dead,” he quipped back cheekily, holding his hand out for your half of the used paper towels.
“Can’t imagine why.”
You watched from the counter as he threw them away and washed his hands. He pulled a couple more paper towels from the dispenser and wet them in the sink before making his way back over to you and just tossing them between your open legs.
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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gaypirate420 · 3 years
Wolf //Harry hook
Harry Hook x male!reader
(y/n) has a little secret.
Happy Halloween 🎃
Please reblog uwu.
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Harry got into the chip shop and left his sword, Uma looked at him, he seem a little nervous.
"Is everything ok?" She asks, Harry nods.
"Where's (y/n)?" Uma said crossing her arms, the first mate didn't know what to say.
"He's not feeling well" Harry said, Uma nod unconvinced and he started working.
The hours passed by and Harry was very distracted, he forgot his tasks or he did them very fast and wrong, Uma and Gil were worried but they know Harry wasn't going to speak up, he seem to be avoiding all non-work related questions.
The night finally came and Harry was hurrying in leaving the restaurant.
"Hey Harry, help me move this to the ship" Gil called him, he sighed and got back to help his friend.
You were in your house, it was an old house that everyone thought it was abandoned and that some ghost live in there, it was apart of the other houses on the isle.
You didn't feel well, your head was spinning, your body ached, you were in bed moving around trying to make the pain go away, but it didn't, you know what was going to happen and you were scared.
Harry finally was going home he looks at the sky and he could see the moon a little, full moon, he started running to his dad's ship, he enter and grab some band aids, bandages and alcohol, he got out and started to go to your home, it was on the other side of the isle so he need to hurry.
"(y/n/n)? Luv?" Harry finally make it to your home he knocked on the door but you didn't answer, he saw that your window was broken, Harry sigh with worry and began to look for you.
"(y/n)!" He scream your name over and over, looking for you, he began to walk into the town.
Gil was walking back to his home when he saw his father outside of the house with a crossbow in hand.
"What happ-"
"Shhhh something is behind the trash" his father said whispering, Gil got a little closer.
"I think is a dog" the blond pirate said, Gaston looked at him confused.
"There's no animals in here" he said, Gaston got closer and closer, suddenly whatever it was behind the trash moved, he looked at his son, Gil got into his house, the hunter got closer and lift his crossbow ready to shot, the thing jumped directly to him, he inmediatly shot and hit it on the side.
"What is that!?" Gil shouted from the door, Gaston looked at the creature, it was a wolf.
"A wolf!" The older man responded with confusion, the wolf stood up and began to run before he could shoot it again.
Harry asked for you on the market, nobody saw you, he looked at the most dark allies and everything, but it was like you disappear from the isle, the sun was rising he was tired, he had all night looking for you.
"Did you hear? A wolf was Infront of Gaston house!" A couple of ladies were talking, Harry heard them and all that tiredness inmediatly disappear, he got closer to the ladies.
"A wolf!? That's strange, what happened then?" The other lady asks.
"Gaston shoot it, I saw it, I think the wolf is dead but who knows I just saw it run" she said, Harry stay still for a moment, he got back to reality and began to walk to Gil's home, his eyes were covered in tears, he got to the home and knock.
"What- oh hey Harry, what's up?" Gil opened the door, he saw the tears in Harry's eyes.
"What happened, are you ok?" He asked, Harry shocked his head.
"Th-The wolf! Wha' happened to him!?" Harry shouted.
"Run away after dad shoot him" Gil said confused, Harry began cry.
"Nonono" Harry said, Gil got closer and put a hand oh his friend shoulder.
"Hey buddy, what's going on?"Gil said softly Harry hug his friend and keep crying.
"The wolf is (y/n), he-he's a werewolf, I don't know were he is, fuck, Gil what if he's dead" Harry said in tears he felt bad, you wouldn't got shoot if he got to your home in time.
"We are going to find him, let's go" Gil said confident giving a little smile to his friend, Harry only nod and the two pirates began to walk, Harry didn't now where to look anymore so he decided to return when all begin, trying to track your steps.
You were on your home, you can't remember what happened the night before but you are bleeding from your side, your body cover in cuts, you were laying on your bed, the sheets were turn into pieces, suddenly you heard a voice outside your home.
"I- came from work and look for him, but-but the window was broken" Harry said frustrated opening the door, Gil saw inside, everything was a either broken or scratched.
"Only the window make you worried?" Gil asked looking at the destroyed home.
"it's common of him destroy his home like this, he can't control it" Harry said exhausted, Gil noticed that there was blood on the stairs.
"Harry" Gil said and pointed, Harry looked at him and began to go upstairs.
"(y/n)?" Harry called you, you were to tired to respond you just focused on not close your eyes while he got to your room, Harry follow the blood on the floor it led to your room, Gil was behind him.
"Oh luv" Harry looked at you and got inside your room, Gil entered, the blonde pirate quickly began to clean the wound where the arrow hit you, you hissed in pain.
"I'm sorry, buddy, but it's going to hurt a lot more" Gil told you in a soft tone, your eyes got full with tears, you began to sob, Harry tried to calm you but you were in a lot of pain.
Gil finished and got up, Harry was hugging you.
"I'm going to tell Uma that you got hurt, I'm not going to tell her why ok?" Gil said, you nod.
"Ok, Thanks Gilly love ya" you told him in a whisper, he give you a little smile.
"Love ya too, buddy, see ya take care" He said and got out of your room, Harry got up and followed him to the door, you sighed and tried to sit down in the bed, he closed to door and got into the kitchen and make you a sandwich.
"Here, ye need to eat, luv" He enter the room and sat with you on the bed, you grabbed the sandwich and began to eat it a couple of minutes passed by and Harry looked at you and sigh.
"I'm sorry" He said, you looked at him confused.
"If I was here-"
"No Harry, how many moons we are going to discuss this?, you can't stop me in that state, it wasn't your fault that I got hurt" you told him, he looked down, you sigh and opened your arms, Harry carefully hug you, you play with his hair a little.
"It's weird turning into a wolf" you change the subject.
"How does it feel?" He asks.
"Hmmmm like your body is stretching, and it hurts a lot" you explained.
"Am I a cute wolf though? Like, do I look scary?" You asked him, he looked at you and smile.
"I don't find 'wolf-you' scary, ye look adorable, sometimes I want to pet ye, but ye will bite me if I did tha'" he said, you laughed a little, the two of you stay silent, it wasn't uncomfortable, just cuddling in peace.
"I love you Hooky, and I appreciate that you stay with me, I'm a monster I know-"
"yer not a monster, luv" he told you, you looked at him and give him a little smile.
"I love ye so much" he said with a soft tone, you closed your eyes.
"I love you too" you said, you quickly fell asleep, Harry could feel your heartbeat, it was relaxing.
A/n: heyyyy, little fic for Halloween y'all, stay safe and have a great time!.
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helloalycia · 3 years
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the new recruit [one] // wanda maximoff
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summary: you're an Avenger and weren't present for the battle against Ultron as you were away on your own mission, so upon your return, you're to be introduced to Wanda Maximoff, the newest recruit. Of course, things don't go quite to plan...
warning/s: swearing i guess??
author's note: okay so i've been working on this for ages on and off, it's long overdue to post and it has like 8 parts which progressively get longer so buckle in folks, it's a long one but it's also enemies to lovers so i think you'll like it 👀
two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | masterlist | wattpad
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To say I was exhausted was an understatement.
I'd spent the past four months on a surveillance mission that was as tiring as it was difficult. It was practically off grid with no connection to the outside world apart from a measly television that was in the gas station near the safe house I was staying in. To return to civilisation and the Avengers Tower was a privilege, but of course my morning didn't start well.
My body was aching since yesterday when I'd gotten into an unavoidable fight with the target I was tracking. I'd won, obviously, but that didn't stop the many bruises from forming on my skin overnight. That meant that my sleep was pretty much terrible, especially because the central heating was busted in this shitty safe house in the middle of the snow, so I'd been freezing my arse off all night.
Morning came and just when I thought I may have something to look forward to, the pilot to my quinjet was late. We ended up arguing when he got here with him claiming there was an issue with the timetable and me shouting that I'd been preparing for this extraction date for four months so he should have been prompt.
To top it off, the flight wasn't particularly smooth as there was a storm that caused a lot of turbulence and left me feeling nauseous. I couldn't blame the pilot for that one, but my irritation was definitely making me glare daggers into the back of his head. 
After a long and tiring journey, I soon discovered that there were a lot of changes to adjust to. The main one being it wasn't the Avengers Tower I was returning to, but rather a huge compound.
"Er... where the hell are we?" I asked the pilot as we both walked off the quinjet.
"New compound," he quipped, bitterness residual in his voice from the argument we had earlier. "You missed a lot, but now that we've expanded, Stark moved everyone here."
I sighed, recalling the 'expansion' the pilot was talking about. Being away for four months meant I'd missed the threat of Ultron – I'd only heard about this killing-frenzy AI from Steve, who caught me up soon after they destroyed it. I'd missed news of it since there was no way for me to access the internet or TV, but apparently it was bad.
All I knew now was that we had gained two new additions to the team, one of which I was scheduled to meet today, to my dismay. Apparently the other was a synthezoid that sounded a lot like J.A.R.V.I.S. Yeah, I had a lot of catching up to do. 
With very little energy, my first instinct was to get some coffee and wake myself up. I knew I had to find Steve and catch up with what I'd missed, as well as get ready to meet the newest Avenger, but I couldn't do that when I knew I wanted a nap. So, to the coffee shop I went.
The compound was certainly new to me, so I struggled to make my way around. With some help from passers-by, I located a coffee stand and bought myself an iced coffee before taking a stroll around the place, not in a rush to find Steve. Of course, luck seriously wasn't on my side today, as when I rounded the corner into the next hallway, I bumped into somebody else with a start.
Unfortunately for me, my coffee tipped back and onto my shirt, covering me with an ice cold liquid and leaving me with a stained shirt.
"For fuck's sake!" I snapped, a little unnecessarily in hindsight, but nothing seemed to be going right for me today, so this was just the icing on the cake.
"Shit, I'm so sorry," the stranger apologised, and I looked up to see an unfamiliar brunette staring back at me with sorry eyes.
"Can you not see or something?" I asked with creased brows, waving my hand around. "Is it really hard to just watch where you're going?"
She frowned slightly. "Again, I'm very sor–"
"Fuck, forget it," I cut her off with a sharp exhale. "Just– fuck."
I didn't spare the stranger another glance as I stormed off the other way, grumbling to myself with frustration. Today was supposed to be good – I was finally home and I could take a break! But nothing seemed to be going right and now I couldn't even wake myself up with a nice iced coffee because it was too busy messing up my shirt.
My explosive anger was making me feel hot and bothered and I knew I definitely couldn't meet a new Avenger in this state. It was stupid how irritated I felt, and I'd definitely snapped at that poor girl earlier for no reason, but I couldn't think to act any other way. Knowing it would be best to remove myself from the situation entirely, I asked somebody where my new room was and headed there to get settled in.
It was an hour later, not long before the meeting was scheduled, when I gave Steve a call. I wasn't even sure if he was in the building or not – I hadn't greeted any of my teammates yet since I knew I was snappy – so ringing was my best bet.
"Y/N, I'm glad you called!" Steve answered chirpily, making me roll my eyes at his cheerfulness. "I take it you're back at the compound now?"
"I am," I confirmed, before sitting at the edge of my bed and sighing tiredly. "Look, Steve–"
"I've been really excited for your return," he continued, steamrolling over my next words before I could get them out. "It's been hectic around here without you. But I heard your mission was successful!"
"It was, yeah. Anyway, Steve–"
"You've not missed much," he added, making me groan inwardly. "We did get a new addition to the team though. Her name is Wanda. She's actually here with–"
"Steve!" I interrupted harshly. "I know you planned for me to meet this Wanda girl, but I'm not in the mood, okay?"
"How do you know you're not in the mood? You don't even know what she's like," he pointed out lightheartedly, and I was very close to slamming my head against my bedside table. "We told her all about you. She's been waiting to meet you!"
"Well, she can wait a bit longer, can't she?" I said between gritted teeth, not realising how rude it sounded until it was too late.
"She sounds like a bitch...," a faint voice was heard in the background, and that's when I realised it must have been this Wanda girl. Steve said she was with him – had I been on loudspeaker the whole time?
"Wanda!" Steve scolded in a hushed voice.
I chuckled bitterly. "Wow, so she's with you?" He didn't reply, and like the child I was, I added, "Tell her she sounds like a bigger bitch."
"Y/N," Steve warned, but I only rolled my eyes. "I don't know why you're in a mood, but this was supposed to be a pleasant meeting between you and–"
"Whatever," I said, shaking my head. "I'll see you tomorrow, Steve. We can meet then, happy?"
He was definitely not happy as he said, "Ecstatic."
With another eye roll, I hung up and let myself fall back into my bed with a content sigh. I was being a bitch unnecessarily, I knew that. But I couldn't exactly stop it right now. I was sleep-deprived and frustrated and everything I'd done today could be tomorrow me's problem. Right now, I was adamant on getting some sleep.
By the time the meeting rolled around the next morning, I knew I was screwed. Whoever Wanda was, she definitely thought I was a brat. I couldn't blame her to be honest, but it definitely didn't make for a comfortable meeting, and I wasn't looking forward to it one bit. I would have to apologise, and I planned to! It was whether or not she forgave me that was important.
Steve had arranged for the three of us to meet in one of the spare conference rooms, so after having a catch up with Sam and Natasha over breakfast, I found myself heading to the conference room.
When I entered, I saw that Steve was already there, talking to some long-haired brunette whose back was to me. The sound of the door closing behind me got their attention, and then the girl turned around and I panicked.
"Oh, shit," I realised, recognising the girl as the same one I'd bumped into yesterday and snapped at for no reason other than I was having a bad day.
Her eyes narrowed my way, a green intimidating gaze penetrating through my head with anger. "Wow, that explains a lot."
I furrowed my brows. "Hey, what the hell's that supposed to mean?"
She crossed her arms defensively. "The whole bitchiness thing? Clearly it's a personality trait."
Her words were woven into some sort of Russian accent, giving it a sharpness that pissed me off more than it should have. Okay, she was kind of right, but how could she pounce on me before giving me chance to apologise?
"You know what? Fuck you," I challenged without thinking.
She clenched her fists in her crossed arms and I swear I saw her eyes glow red before Steve stood between us with confusion.
"How do you two already know each other?" he asked, looking between us with a puzzled expression.
"This arsehole made me spill my coffee yesterday!" I answered instantly, returning the girl's glare.
"It was an accident!" she retorted over Steve's shoulder. "I tried to apologise, but you jumped down my throat before I could!"
"Maybe you wouldn't have needed to apologise if you just looked where you were going," I sneered. "Open your eyes next time."
She clenched her jaw, about to say something with several curse words directed my way, no doubt, but Steve spoke first.
"Forget it, forget whatever this is," he ordered, looking between us. "We're starting fresh. We're going to be working together and a team relies on friendship. Now, both of you apologise so we can move on from this."
A silence followed his words as neither of us wanted to make the first move. I definitely wasn't going to, not when she'd said what she did. Bitchiness as a personality trait? Me? How dare she! I was a ray of fucking sunshine to be around! She just ground my gears like nobody else and I barely knew her!
"One of you, please," Steve pleaded gently.
I crossed my arms and looked the other way stubbornly.
"So, what? You're just going to be petty and not fix this?" he asked, fed up already.
Again, neither of us answered, so he groaned with annoyance.
"Fine! Act like children!" He looked to me with a disapproving stare. "I thought you would be better than this, Y/L/N. Especially after a four month mission."
I squinted with anger. "And I thought our newest Avenger would be a little less annoying, but here we are."
Wanda coughed, "Arsehole," and I stuck my middle finger up at her before turning around and leaving.
Could she be anymore of a dickhead?
A day passed when my common sense caught up with me and I realised just how childish I was being with this whole thing. I'd been gone four months and from what I heard, Wanda had been here for two of those. Having a trivial disagreement with her was stupid on both of our ends, and I wasn't going to let it get further than this.
So, that afternoon, I headed to the training room with the intention of apologising to Wanda and clearing the air. I only knew she was there when I asked Bruce, who then proceeded to tell me all about how fascinating Wanda's powers were. That was also how I discovered she had powers – mental manipulation, telekinesis and much more, apparently. Which definitely explained the red eyes yesterday; turns out I hadn't imagined it.
All the more reason not to piss her off! So, with that lovely addition of information, I attempted to track down the brunette without harbouring any anger.
When I finally reached the training room – newer and much bigger than the one at Stark Tower – I saw a handful of agents sparring with one another whilst others took to the punching bags to train individually. My eyes scanned the room, knowing Wanda would be here unless I'd missed her by a few minutes. Then, out of nowhere, a water bottle hit me in the middle of the face, sending me back a few steps and squealing in pain.
"Fuck," I said instinctively, reaching to rub my face.
My eyes searched for the culprit until, of course, they settled on Wanda herself, her eyes fading from red to green. She was approaching me quickly and any civil feelings I hosted for her were replaced with resentment in an instant.
"Of fucking course it was you!" I shouted, before wincing at the pain of the bottle. It just had to be metal, didn't it? "Here I am trying to make things right and you're just being a dick!"
"It was an accident," she said, though she sent me a warning stare as if not to push her.
I clenched my jaw, glaring at her. "You seem to be having a lot of those, don't you?"
She was an inch or so taller than me, so she glowered down at me with fiery eyes that were beginning to turn red. Similar-coloured wisps of energy began to float around her hands, but being an Avenger meant I was not threatened in the slightest by her show of power.
"Save your magic tricks, I'm going," I jeered with distaste, before turning around and leaving. Mumbling to myself, I said, "What a bitch."
God knew what her problem was or why the hell she deemed it appropriate to hit me with a metal water bottle – it was definitely going to leave a bruise – but she wasn't going to get away with it. Accident? An accident? An accident my arse! She definitely did that on purpose. And if she was too immature to put our grievances aside and start fresh, two could play at that game.
It was stupid to resort to childish pranks, but that was the only thing I could think to do.
She'd literally hit me in the face with a metal bottle, but I wasn't as violent. No, I much preferred the idea of pissing her off in other, more annoying, ways such as balancing green food colouring powder in her kitchen cupboard.
She had powers – arguably magical – similar to those of a witch, right? And the stereotype of witches was that they had green skin, wore pointy hats, carried brooms... the whole lot. So, what better way to treat her than like the witch she was?
We all had a designated cupboard in the kitchen, filled with snacks of our own choice. It was the only way we didn't argue over eating each other's food (though I could swear somebody was dipping into everyone's cupboards anyway). It took me a while to figure out which one was Wanda's, but then when I found the cupboard filled with Sokovian snacks and ingredients, I knew it was the one.
I filled a plastic cup with some green food colouring powder that I'd gone out of my way to buy especially for this prank, and balanced it on the top shelf of her cupboard, just about managing to shut the drawer before it could fall on me. A satisfied smile appeared on my lips as I imagined the reaction it would get from her.
"Your cupboard is on the end, you know that, right?"
I spun around at the sound of Sam's voice from behind me, startled because I hadn't even heard him come in.
"I'm aware, yes," I played along, clearing my throat. "I was just looking for something."
He quirked a brow but said nothing more about it as he headed to the fridge to grab some juice. I moved away from Wanda's cupboard so I wouldn't raise any more suspicion, when Sam spoke up again.
"You know Tony was gonna throw you a party for your return?" he asked. "Everybody really missed you."
"Yeah, he told me," I recalled the memory with a shudder. "I threatened to shank him if he did."
I appreciated Tony, but I knew that he was just looking for another reason to party. My absence wasn't that long and I certainly didn't expect to be celebrated upon my return. I'd been back for five days and had already caught up with everyone, now resorting to enjoying a little break before getting back into the swing of things. Partying was the last thing on my mind.
Sam chuckled, pouring his juice into a glass. "Well, we all missed you, but I know you hate parties, so how about this. Nat, you and me go out for drinks tonight. Our treat."
My shoulders relaxed at this offer. "Sure... why not?"
I got along with everyone on the team, but Sam and Nat were the easiest to talk to in my opinion. The least problematic and certainly the least annoying, to an extent. Drinks with them sounded easier than conversing with strangers.
"Hey, so have you had a chance to meet Wanda yet? Cap said he was gonna set up a meeting with you guys."
At the mention of Wanda, I rolled my eyes. "Yes. We met the other day."
Sam didn't seem to notice my irritation as he sipped his juice with thought. "She's cool, right? We all thought you'd both get along well. You know, since you're the youngest in the team an' all."
"Being the youngest means nothing," I told him, crossing my arms. "And she's definitely not cool."
Only now picking up on my change of mood, he creased his forehead with confusion. "I know being the youngest isn't a game changer, but I just thought–"
"Trust me," I interrupted, making a move to leave. "It means nothing."
"Huh... well, she was excited to meet you for what it's worth."
I almost laughed. Wanda? Excited to meet me? She'd been nothing but a bitch to me since I arrived. Okay, yes, technically I started it, but I did try to make it right! It was her fault we still weren't on the best of terms.
"I'm gonna go watch TV," I concluded the conversation, patting him on the shoulder as I walked past. "I'll see you and Nat for drinks tonight."
He was still confused, but nodded. "Yeah, right... see you."
To my satisfaction, it was a few hours later when I was enjoying some good old-fashioned Tom & Jerry on the TV and Wanda burst through the doors of the living room with green powder covering her face and upper body. I almost choked on the orange I was eating when I saw her, unable to hold back my laughter.
"What the hell?!" she shouted, hands on her hips as she glared at me with a heated expression.
"Green is definitely your colour," I teased, enjoying the way she clenched her jaw and squeezed her hands into fists by her side. "You really look like a witch now, like the one out of the Wizard of Oz. Really fits the bill. You're welcome."
Her eyes flashed red. "You're picking the wrong fight here, Y/L/N."
I shrugged calmly. "You started it, Maxi-pad." Her eyes darkened at the nickname. "You're just lucky I didn't get you a broomstick, too. There's already one lodged up your arse, right?"
Her eye twitched as she tried her very hardest to contain her anger. I met her gaze, practically daring her to do something. But she didn't. So, I returned to my orange and continued to peel it casually.
"Fuck you," she muttered harshly, before flicking her hand.
A red wisp wrapped around my orange and before I could question what she was doing, the peel came back a little and the tangy juice squirted me in the eye, making me curse and squeeze it shut. I heard her hum contently before leaving, and as much as I wanted to go after her and give her a piece of my mind, I didn't. My eye was hurting for one thing, plus, at the end of the day, it was her who'd have to get green food colouring out of her hair and clothes, not me.
That was reassuring in itself, but as I blinked the juice from my eye, I knew one thing for certain.
Wanda Maximoff was really starting to piss me off.
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plainbrunettelbl · 4 years
ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Word count: 3199
Warnings: Cursing, violence, mentions of blood, and assault.   
Title: ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Summary: Your Alpha walks in on you being tied to a chair and he is not happy. 
You had been a well-kept secret from the public. No one knew that your famous Pro Hero Alpha was courting an Omega or even in a long-standing relationship. Your Alpha was too paranoid about your safety to let any of the news outlets find out about your existence.  
You supposed it would have been beneficial for the public to know now that you were in this situation. Surely if the villains knew they would come across an Omega, resting in their nest, they wouldn't have tried to rob the Pro Hero’s house. 
You put up quite the fight once you smelled unfamiliar Alphas near your nest. One hard knock to your head had you subdued. You didn’t dwell over your quick loss considering one Alpha was nursing his swollen balls. 
You got in one good kick before the painful hit fell on your head. 
Now here you sat, tied to a chair, while the robbers argued with each other and what they should do now.
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🧊🔥-“I told you we should have checked the place out before we robbed it! I would have never tried to rob the place if I had known a freaking Omega was here!” The brunette Alpha growled, glaring at his blond friend. 
🧊🔥-“What’s the big deal? So what if the little icy-hot freak has a girlfriend? We will be out of here before he even comes home.” The blond scoffs, shoving expensive silverware and china into his black bag. 
🧊🔥-“You should know how Alpha’s get around their Omegas! He is gonna hunt us down! I don’t want a Pro Hero on my ass.” The brunette seethed, glaring at the goose egg on your head. “Especially since you decided to hit the poor thing! We will be lucky if he doesn’t skin us alive!”
🧊🔥-“The bitch hit me in the balls! Of course, I thumped her one on the head, serves the Omega slut right!” The blonde huffed, sick of hearing his partner complain instead of ransacking the place. 
🧊🔥-“Mmh.” You mumbled, your eyes blinking open to a fuzzy view. 
🧊🔥-“Fucking shit! They’re waking up! I’m not dealing with a weepy Omega.” The brunette cursed, going into Shoto’s office to avoid the whole situation altogether. 
🧊🔥-“Well, if it isn’t Miss nut-cracker.” The blond chuckled darkly, walking over to your tied up frame.
🧊🔥-You didn’t back down and just glared at the dumb fool. 
🧊🔥-“Aren’t too smart, are you? What type of shitty criminal robs a Pro Hero? Dumb ones, that’s what.” You spit, narrowing your blurry eyes at him. 
🧊🔥-No doubt you would need to go to the doctor after this whole ordeal. Not like you would have a choice. You were sure even if they didn’t lay a hand on you that Shoto would have insisted on one. 
🧊🔥-“You dumb little bitch!” The blond lifted his ring covered hand to hit you again. You tried not to flinch as it came down to strike you. 
🧊🔥-The brunette stood in the office doorway, his bag filled with expensive clocks and other expensive desk items. 
🧊🔥-“I got everything in the office. Did you...” The brunette didn’t get to finish his sentence. 
🧊🔥-The front door was busted open. Shoto had smelled two Alphas on the other side of the door and he was not pleased. He was even less pleased when the door slammed open to reveal his battered Omega tied to a chair. 
🧊🔥-His mismatched eyes turned dark. The temperature in the room both dropped and elevated at the same time. His tired body was instantly filled with murderous intent. 
🧊🔥-A loud growl shook the room. 
🧊🔥-How DARE they lay a hand on their Omega! His vision tinted red and his fangs dropped. 
🧊🔥-“This will only take a minute, Y/N. I’ll take out this trash.” He calmly said, his tone was so cold you felt yourself shiver even knowing his silent rage wasn’t directed at you.
🧊🔥-“Yes, Alpha.” You responded, making sure voice quivered a little. You may have been glaring right back at the intruders before he came but you wanted them to suffer so you played the scared Omega role. 
🧊🔥-They lost your sympathy as soon as they pulled you from your nest. 
🧊🔥-The robbers, who were frozen in fear by the intimidating Alpha’s entrance, shuffled into action. 
🧊🔥-The brunette was quick to give his partner up. “He hit her, not me!” He said, before running down the hall, looking for a way to escape. 
🧊🔥-“You fucking asshole!” The blonde shouted, trying to run out of the room as well. 
🧊🔥-He didn’t get far, ice trapped his feet and his lower body soon followed. Shoto made sure to form it in a way that sharp icicles tore at his skin if he so much as moved half an inch. 
🧊🔥-He wanted to shoot an icicle into his leg for good measure but he didn’t feel like cleaning up blood off his floor. He wished to burn the skin off his bone but you had forbidden him from using fire in the house. 
🧊🔥-He had accidentally caught one of your favorite blankets on fire and was banned for life. 
🧊🔥-“We didn’t know she was here! If we had known we wouldn’t have come!” The blond groveled, panicked at the feral look in Shoto’s eyes. 
🧊🔥-“You could have left after you saw my Omega was here, but you stayed and decided to hit her too. You should be lucky I didn’t just kill you on the spot.” He growled, cutting the blond’s cheek just a bit with an ice shard. 
🧊🔥-The blond just whimpered and passed out. Shoto was quick to hunt down the other and give him the same treatment. He had made it out of the house so he was pleased to release his burning anger out on him. 
🧊🔥-Once they were out of the way, Shoto ran to your side and burning away the binds holding you down. 
🧊🔥-“Are you okay, my Dove?” His voice was soft, his cold hand going up to your head and trying to soothe the aching bump. 
🧊🔥-“Yes, I’m just a little dizzy. Everything’s a little fuzzy right now.” You leaned into his gentle touch. 
🧊🔥-“I’ll call someone to deal with those two. Let’s get you to the hospital, my Dove.” He hurriedly lifted you and carried you to his car. He treated you like glass when he sat you down in the passenger seat. 
🧊🔥-You leaned your head against the cold window as he dashed around to the driver’s side. Your head hurt too much to look out the window so you kept your eyes closed. 
🧊🔥-Your Alpha made sure you didn’t accidentally slip asleep. 
🧊🔥-You let out a small whine when a thought crossed your mind. 
🧊🔥-“Alpha my nest is gonna smell like them.” You sniffed, opening your teary eyes to look at him. 
🧊🔥-Shoto’s hands went white on the wheel, his face contorted into a snarl. He couldn’t wait to visit them again at the station. He had friends there that wouldn’t hesitate to turn a blind eye. 
🧊🔥-His anger instantly simmered when his eyes met your glassy ones. 
🧊🔥-“Don’t worry, Little Dove. I’ll buy you more. We can even go shopping at that blanket store you like so much.” He assured, taking one hand off the wheel and clasping it in yours. 
🧊🔥-Your eyes lit up. “Really! It’s kinda expensive though, I don’t need new ones. I am sure we can find some nice second-hand ones.” You squeezed his hand, bring it up to your lips to place a kiss on it. 
🧊🔥-Your exhausted brain choosing to ignore the specks of blood on his hand. 
🧊🔥-“My Dove, what have I said about me spending money on you?” He gently reprimanded, his eyes still soft. 
🧊🔥-“Accept it and say thank you.” You repeated without delay. 
🧊🔥-“Exactly, I won’t hear any more about it.” He ended the discussion, his eyes focusing back on the road while his hand remained in your grasp. 
🧊🔥-If your head wasn’t killing you, you would have been bouncing in your seat. “I can’t wait! They are coming out with some pretty fall blankets soon! Oooh! We have to get some cute Halloween ones too!” 
🧊🔥-“Anything you want.”
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💥-“Why did you have to hit them!? Ground Zero is gonna come after us now!” The brunette cried, desperately holding ice to your head in hopes that the bump on it would go away. 
💥-“Shut up! Get back to robbing the damn place instead of taking care of the freaking Omega.” The blond hissed, throwing a plate at the panicked Alpha. 
💥-You sat back in the chair not knowing how to process the situation. You knew dating a Pro Hero was dangerous but you thought villains would be your main concern, not petty burglars. 
💥-“If you leave now and don’t take anything, I’ll tell him I tripped and fell.” You wouldn’t, but they didn’t know that. 
💥-“See! Let’s just leave. We can go rob some other place.” The brunette pleaded, already trying to untie you. 
💥-The Omega in you wanted to feel bad for the whining Alpha but then you remembered he messed up your nest when he dragged you out of it. You Omega was fuming. 
💥-I just got the nest just right! She huffed, pacing around in your head.  
💥-She didn’t seem threatened by the Alphas in the room. She knew her Alpha was coming home any minute and he would take care of them. 
💥-You, on the other hand, was slightly panicking now that the situation sunk in. Katsuki was gonna rip them to shreds. You Omega was already smugly licking her paws at the image, while you shuddered at the thought. 
💥-“You should go. I don’t want to be mopping up your blood all night.” You urged, looking anxiously at the door. 
💥-“See! We need to go!” The brunette cried, trying to tug his friend towards the door. 
💥-“Shut up! We can leave once we get everything valuable.” The blonde growled, shoving off his partner. 
💥-The jiggle of keys at the door made everyone in the room stop and hold their breath. The doorknob turned and the door was pushed open. You looked at the chair you were tied to, the robbers, and back at the door. 
💥-There was no way to play off the situational. I don’t want to be mopping up blood. You whined, praying your Alpha wasn’t going to go too berserk.  
💥-“Hey, Spit-fire! I got us, your favorite curry you were wanting. I made sure to get it extra spicy.” He walked in carrying a bag of takeout. 
💥-He paused in the doorway once he got a whiff of unfamiliar Alphas in the house. His ruby eyes viewed the scene before him. He growled at the sight of the two Alphas. 
💥-From your point of view, his eyes didn’t look red anymore with how big his pupils dilated at the presence of Alphas near his Omega. His hand instantly dropped the food to the floor. 
💥-The sound of the bag hitting the floor heightened the tension. 
💥-His fangs instantly dropped when his nose picked up a faint coppery smell, his eyes zeroed in on the small trail of blood on your head. The growl that ripped through his chest shook the room. 
💥-“Alpha, please, no blood in the house.” You pleaded, shifting against the ties holding you in place. 
💥-“No promises, Omega.” His voice was so dark that you didn’t even recognize it. 
💥-“The brunette didn’t hit me. He even tried to ice it. Go easy on him.” You said, knowing his control was waning. 
💥-The veins on his neck looked ready to pop, his arms straining to hold themselves still and not plummet the Alphas standing before him. He eyed the patio door that was pushed open, most likely where they entered in from. 
💥-That would solve the blood problem. 
💥-He grinned viciously, “How about we take this outside?”
💥-He rushed the two Alphas, grabbing them by the backs of their necks and throwing them out of the house and over the balcony. He laughed darkly as he followed them, jumping from the balcony. 
💥-You wiggled free from your restraints and made your way to the front door, you picked up the takeout bag and brought it to the kitchen. 
💥-“Suki will be hungry after beating those two up.” You hummed, making him a plate and then making yourself one. 
💥-“Is the water too hot?” His voice was raspy from all the yelling he did earlier. 
💥-You sat with your back leaning against his chest in the bathtub. The warm water and the heat of your Alpha calmed your stressed body. Being tied to a chair was as comfortable as it looked. 
💥-“It’s fine, Alpha.” You hummed, delicately washing his bruised and bloody hands. 
💥-“I’m sorry, I wasn’t here sooner Omega.” You smelled a hint of sadness in his scent. 
💥-“Don’t worry, Alpha. I knew you were coming. I wasn’t scared one bit.” You reassured, bringing his hand up and planting delicate kisses on it. 
💥-“My strong Omega,” he purred, nuzzling his nose into your hair. He flinched when he picked up the faint smell of another Alpha. He snapped up the bottle of shampoo and poured half the bottle on your head. 
💥-“Got to get this disgusting scent off you, Omega.” He growled, gently scrubbing your scalp. 
💥-“Alpha! That shampoo is fifty bucks!” You gasped, picking up the half-empty bottle. 
💥-“I’ll buy you another one.” He assured, rinsing of the soapy suds and giving your head another sniff. 
💥-“Much better.” He hummed, pulling you tighter against his chest. 
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🍗-“You shouldn’t be here.” You whimpered, trying to curl in on yourself, the ties preventing you from doing so. 
🍗-“Why the fuck did you have to hit them? You know I can’t handle weeping Omegas, my Alpha hates it.” The brunette growled, trying to awkwardly pat your arm. 
🍗-You winced away from his touch, another Alphas touch was too repulsive. You felt your skin crawl as his fingers grazed your arm. The thump on your head making you more nauseous than you already were. 
🍗-“So what if your Alpha is a pussy. Unlike you mine enjoys their cries.” The blond smiled at the tears dripping down your face. “The bitch deserved it anyways.”  
🍗-“Whatever.” The brunette scoffed, rolling his eyes and going back to robbing the place. 
🍗-“You guy’s really shouldn’t be here...” You tried to warm them but you were too late. The door creaked open, your heart warming and racing at the sound. You knew it would be a bloodbath once Kei realized what was going on. 
🍗-“Baby bird! I hope you are already in comfortable clothes, I’m ready to cuddle in our nest.” His soothing voice causing you to relax in the chair. 
🍗-“Alpha.” You cried, your head still throbbing. 
🍗-The silence was enough to tell you he spotted the two Alphas in the room. 
🍗-“Omega.” He growled, his eyes bleeding red, the sight of blood trailing down your head sent him into a frenzy. 
🍗-His wings puffed out, the room suddenly flooded with crimson feathers. You felt two feathers sailing your way and cutting the bonds holding you. You swiped them up in your grip and clutched them to your chest. 
🍗-The soft texture of them calming you down some. 
🍗-A feral roar sounded throughout the room. You ignored the harsh thumps coming from behind you, the sound of one of the robber’s heads getting bashed into your kitchen counter made you wince. 
🍗-You wanted to get up and get away from everything but your body was in shock and it wouldn’t let you do anything but clutch the crimson feathers to your chest. Your other hand was rested on your stomach. 
🍗-You tried to warn them. Nothing was more dangerous than someone harming a pregnant Alphas mate. You were still pretty early along so they might not have been able to smell it in your scent. 
🍗-You Alpha was sure able to, the instant he got a small whiff of it he was chirping happily against your stomach. You had a hard time getting out of his ruby wings that day. 
🍗-“You DARE harm my mate and chick!” You felt the pure rage behind his words. 
🍗-The blond was already passed out on the floor, his front teeth knocked out. The brunette was about to pass out with him, your Alpha choking him with his shirt. He made sure to use his feather to cut up his arms and face. 
🍗-His wings behind him puffing up and flapping angrily.
🍗-“Didn’t know...” The brunette slurred, his head bashed in as much as his friend’s head. 
🍗-If they wanted to hit his Omega on the head then he was all too pleased to return the favor. The brunette finally succumbed to his injures and blood loss, he went slack in Kei’s hands. 
🍗-Kei dropped him to the grown without care. 
🍗-“Pathetic.” He hissed.  
🍗-His head snapped up in your direction once he heard your tiny sniffles. He was at your side in an instant. 
🍗-“Oh, baby bird.” He cooed, lifting you from the chair and wrapping his arms and wings around you. 
🍗-“Alpha, I told them to leave.” You whined, snuggling into his chest. 
🍗-“I know, baby bird.” He soothed, breathing in your scent, checking on the baby chick in your belly. They seemed well. He was still gonna fly you to the hospital. He made his way to the balcony outside and spread his wings, without a second thought he jumped. 
🍗-“Don’t worry, Omega. I already ordered some new blankets. They should be here by tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind the guest bedroom for now.” He hummed, he was curled around your balled up form. 
🍗-You didn’t even build the nest surrounding you, Kei delicately dropped you down on the bed and instantly began building the nest. He would angrily chirp if you so much as lifted a finger.   
🍗-Everything was fine with you and the pup, or chick as Kei liked to call them. As soon as you arrived home Kei refused to leave your side or let you out of his sight. 
🍗-You were not to roll over on your side without his permission. 
🍗-“Thank you, Alpha.” You thanked, nuzzling your head into one of his soft wings. 
🍗-“I also called a security company, they will be here to set up a new system tomorrow.” He informed, nuzzling into your hair. 
🍗-One of his hands was tangled in your hair and the other was snugly cupping your stomach. 
🍗-“No more Alphas in the house.” You sniffled, shaking your head. 
🍗-“Of course, baby bird. I told them, beta’s only.” He reassured, kissing your head. 
🍗-“I love you, Alpha.” You whispered, almost lulled to sleep. 
🍗-“I love you, too baby bird.”  
First HC I have done in a while, also the first time writing for Hawks! What did you think of him? I hope you enjoyed it! Please be sure to leave a comment and like! I really enjoy hearing your reactions. 💕
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Hello, can I have some head canons for the brothers? When their s/o gains a demon form (maybe the form is similar to theirs?) due to being pacts with them
Brothers When MC Is Reborn As A Demon And Gains A Similar Form To Their Own 
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Paired these two together. Hope you both like it! 
Your death was both expected, and unexpected at the same time. Humans were fragile like that, but it still didn’t make it any easier for him to get over it. He could tell that you were back, although not the way he wanted you to be, he could see the little orb that was you, and with that orb would come your familiar scent. Usually you’d visit him in his office, and he’d quietly talk to you, and if he focused hard enough he could almost hear you talking back to him. It didn’t last long though, and soon your orb stopped coming around, it was almost as if you had died a second time… that is until you showed up at his office. You weren’t an orb anymore, but you weren’t yourself, at least not the you he remembered. You had horns, they resembled his so clearly, and the black diamond birthmark that he wore so proudly on his forehead when in his own form, you had a matching one on your sternum. You were… beautiful, to say the least. The resemblance filled him with pride and stroked his ego more than he’d like to admit. You had always been his, but now you truly looked the part. 
“Welcome back home, Darling.” 
He didn’t take your death well, at all. He sat in his room crying for days after you had passed, and he refused to leave for anyone or anything. Even the promise of Goldie didn’t drag him out of his somber state. When your orb first appeared, that was the first time he left his room, screaming as he ran out the door. You were such a bright ball of light, and it hurt his eyes to stare at it for too long, but he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of it, off of you. The sense of comfort it brought when it was around, he knew that it was you. He started expecting to see it, and when your orb stopped showing up he searched the entire house, slumping back to his room when he couldn’t find his little ball of light, he couldn’t find you. When he opened the door he was shocked. There you were, sitting proudly on his couch. Your horns were exactly like his, and he slowly walked toward you, noticing the golden lines that traced along your torso, much like his own. Gold… his favorite color, his favorite thing, it was a way of showing everyone that you were his. His human… not anymore… not quite. You were his… demon. 
“Oi! Why’d it take so long for ya tah come back?!” 
Broken, that’s how he felt when he lost you. He wasn’t okay, and according to him nothing would be okay again. Everyone knew he had the tendency to be just the slightest bit over dramatic about things, but your death even had them upset, not like he was though. He was sitting in his room, he had been gaming for about 16 hours straight when he first saw the orb of light, dancing in front of the screen. He thought it was just the light of the screen reflecting off his eyes, that is, until the orb moved, going around his head a few times only to stop next to the bathtub. Your name slipped from his tongue in a whisper, finally pushing himself away from his desk and following you to the bathtub. It was like a blanket of peace enveloped him when your orb was around, just like when you were alive. Then you stopped coming, your light stopped showing up in his room. Even as a spirit you got tired of him, at least, that’s what he thought. He was heading back to his room after getting a package from the front door, impulse buying to try to make himself feel slightly better about losing you a second time. At first he didn’t notice, going straight to his computer to begin unboxing, then he heard your voice, his name, his head turning around so fast he could have broken his own neck. You were sitting in his bathtub, smiling up at him as a tail… your tail… you had a tail now, flicking happily over the side of the tub. Your head was adorned with horns that looked so much like his, but instead of four points on each horn, you only had two. He loved it, you looked like him, you looked like you were his… and now you really were. 
“Y-You’re back, I missed you so much!”
Death was such a beautiful thing to him, beautiful and bittersweet. Your death was no different, seeing you layed out so peacefully, you looked as gorgeous in death as you did in life. Still, once your body had been removed, there was an emptiness, a strange loneliness that engulfed him. Not even his own reflection could make him smile, how strange that a human like you could cause such a hole in his life. He tried to fill the void with self-care days and shopping trips, but it was useless if he wasn’t doing it with you. Sitting at his vanity, he stared at his own reflection, his eyes dull, not glowing nearly as bright as they used to. That’s when the little ball of light caught his eye, darting back and forth behind his head, trying to make him look, you were trying to get his attention. He smiled softly, knowing immediately that it was you, his eyes glistening with tears as they followed your orb. You became a constant presence in his room, one that he held onto dearly. He might have lost the sparkle in his eye when he lost you, but you had come back as the physical manifestation of that sparkle. He came back to his room, calling out for you quietly, knowing that you’d be there, his favorite little ball of light, except this time you called back to him. He pushed open his door so quickly, his eyes wide and a beautiful smile gracing his features as he took you in. Your horns matched his to a T, right down to the pink tips, you had one heart shaped birthmark right over where your heart was that matched the hearts that adorned his left arm. You had one tiny set of wings, much smaller than his own, and instead of having double on each side, you only had one wing on each side. You were beautiful, and dare he say it, almost as beautiful as him. 
“I’ve been waiting so long for you! Come here, beautiful!” 
Getting attached to you was the best thing, and the worst thing he could have done. Allowing himself to get close to you and love you, it was the greatest decision he had ever made, while simultaneously being the most awful. He had never lost someone he loved before, only hearing stories of how hard it had been on his brothers when they lost Lilith. The pain was foreign to him, so when he experienced it, it hit way harder than it would have hit anyone else. He locked himself in the library, burying himself in books and meaningless research that he had no need for, it was just something to get his mind off of you. The ball of light that began to circle him, at first, was irritating. He just wanted to read, and he thought that Mammon was messing with him, like an owner would tease their cat with a laser light. Then he felt the coldness, the calming chill that almost felt like your touch when the orb landed on his shoulder. That’s when he knew it was you, and, although he knew that you were there, it didn’t ease the pain much more than his books did, but he tried. He would read his books quietly to you, to your orb, just as he had read to you when you were alive. It became a daily occurrence, going down to the library to read to your spirit, but this time was different. He opened the doors to the library and saw your form sitting in front of the fireplace. The shape of your horns… his horns… protruding from the side of your head, a long black tail wrapped around your body, the tip flicking back and forth as you watched the flames. His body filled with pride as he walked toward you, stroking his fingers along your new horns, before kneeling down behind you. 
“It’s wonderful to see you, kitten. Shall we continue our story?” 
Losing you was the second hardest thing for him, only next to Lilith. He knew it would happen at some point, you were only human, but it didn’t make it any easier for him to handle. He only had two moods, eat away the sadness, or let the sadness eat away at him. His days were either spent in the kitchen devouring everything, or laying in his bed and not eating at all, letting his stomach burn and ache with hunger, but it still wasn’t nearly as close to the pain he felt in his chest. Your name was whispered from his lips late at night, the room empty other than him, Belphie had already moved himself up to the attic so he could actually sleep at night and not be woken by Beels crying. The bright light seemed to blind him, illuminating the dark room with brilliant white. It was as if someone was shining a flashlight straight at him, but he didn’t feel angry or irritated by it which he usually would have been. His urge to cry seemed to fade completely, his hunger seemed to disappear as well, it was a feeling only you could give him. His eyes couldn’t move from the light, and he actually reached out to touch it, his fingertips feeling cold as he moved his hand closer to the orb. A shiver ran down his spine, but even with the chill, he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. In some way you were back, and even a small orb of comfort was enough for him. He hadn’t seen your orb at all that morning, and while it was upsetting, he knew that you’d come visit the room. For now, he was hungry, and for once he felt like he could actually eat, walking quickly down to the kitchen and stopping dead in his tracks. There you were, leaning against the counter and smiling sweetly to him. The horns on your head, they were like his but pointing downwards instead of up like his were. You had birthmarks, much like his own along your lower back, a small set of wings protruding from your upper back. Everything about your form was a reverse of his own, but when together, it was like you fit together like puzzle pieces. Not only did you fit together, but you looked like you belonged together, and you did. He would never let you go, not anymore. 
“You’re home! You’re finally home!” 
Of course you died, at least this time it wasn’t his fault though, it was just… time. Time, which had a sick way of giving and taking. First Lilith, and now you, death wasn’t anything new to him, that didn’t make it hurt any less though. It was time to sleep away the pain, it was all he knew how to do. He didn’t want to talk about his feelings, not with anyone, not even Beel. It was easier to deal with these things without actually facing them, he didn’t have to face the reality that you were gone while he was sleeping, because in his dreams you were still there, you were still with him. Your voice called his name, and even in his dreams it sounded so clear, like you were right next to him, and somehow it even felt like you were. His eyes shot open, looking around the room for you or for whoever would have been stupid enough to play this kind of prank on him. The light was blurry at first, sleep still clouding his vision. He quickly wiped the sleep from his eyes, finally focusing on the orb that hovered over the end of his bed. It was you, he could tell it was. Only you and Beel were allowed up in the attic, and he had locked the door so no one else could get in. It wasn’t the same, not even close. He couldn’t hold a tiny orb in his arms at night to help him fall asleep, but the presence of your orb brought about your scent, your emotions, your aura of calmness, it was all felt when you were around, he could even feel it when he was sleeping. When he woke up, the room was dark, too dark. You weren’t there and he desperately searched the room with his eyes to try to find his favorite little ball of light only for his eyes to land on the outline of something or someone on the edge of the bed. He quickly turned on his light, gasping quietly when he saw you. It was a different version of you though, a version of you that looked more fitting to stand by his side, a version that he knew he’d never have to worry about losing. Your horns curled around only once, they were smaller than his, as was your tail that flicked back and forth excitedly when you saw him. The left side of your body, from your neck and all the way down your arm was covered with cow like birth marks that matched his own. You were his match, and you always would, and always will be, just the way it should be. 
“Come to bed, it’s been too cold without you here.”
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genshin-no-simp · 3 years
Diluc x Reader (Smut)
Pairing: Diluc x You/Reader (Female)
6.4k words below the cut.
You liked Kaeya, a lot. And everybody knows it, including the blue haired Captain himself. You tried not to make it so obvious but when Kaeya flirted on with you it was hard trying not to fawn over him.
Currently you were sat in Angel's Share, happily chatting away with Diluc who was behind the bar tonight. You enjoyed his company even if he was a bit rough around the edges. That's what made him so charming, you thought.
"You think Kaeya likes me too?" You asked the red head, who shrugged his shoulders in response while polishing the wine glass.
"It's hard to say but I think so?" For Diluc it was hard watching the woman he fell in love with go on about another man. But he wanted you to be happy even if it wasn't with him. Because for him seeing your smile and happy face was enough for him.
"Hmm okay. I was only wondering since he asked me what my favourite flowers were the other day." You smiled softly at the memory.
"Well it's certainly a possibility..." Diluc couldn't help but frown and feel a tad bit jealous. He wanted to know what your favourite flower was too. Just as he was about to ask, the door to the tavern opened and in came the devil himself along with a woman clung to his side, holding a bouquet of cecilias. Diluc could piece together what's happening.
"(Y/N), don't turn around." He spoke softly, despite the anger seering through him.
You looked at him nervously, "W-why?" You asked in equal softness. What was behind you.
"Ah (Y/N)!" Kaeya cheerily called out. Your heart leaped out of your chest in delight and you spun around to greet him.
"(Y/N)." Diluc wanted to reach out and stop you but it was far too late. Besides its not like he could've done anything to keep you from knowing.
You felt you heart drop at the sight. Who was this woman? Why was she clinging to his arm and why did she have a bouquet of your favourite flowers. Kaeya caught your stare and smirked a little.
"Ah this is my girlfriend?" Kaeya stated ever so casually.
It was as if your world had come crashing down on you. And though you wanted to run away and cry, you held strong and pulled your best smile.
"Aww, that's great. I'm happy for you. Despite the overwhelming saddness you felt, you were happy for him.
...who were you trying to fool? You weren't happy at all. For anyone. Especially that bitch.
You turned away from them, picking up your glass that had been empty since before this perdicament. You sighed feeling even worse, you just wanted to drown your sorrows away. You could feel your eyes burn with tears as you gazed at the bar counter. As you chewed on the inside of your lip, Diluc slid a fresh glass of wine to you.
"Thanks," you forced a smile.
"Don't worry about it." It was the least he could do to try and cheer you up.
That certainly was unexpected. Diluc looked over to the table that now occupied Kaeya and his supposed girlfriend. Who even was she? Diluc didn't regconise her, and he knows everyone in Mondstadt. From what Diluc could deduct, Kaeya was acting no different than usual. He didn't even look as if he wanted to be with that women. So just what was he up to? Regardless of what it was, Diluc knew it wasn't going to be good.
After a while you couldn't stand how happy that girl was. Laughing and giggling like that, it was like she was doing it on purpose to piss you off.
It should be you! You stood from your seat at the bar and fished into your pocket.
"It's fine, (Y/N)." Diluc shook his head. He wasn't about to take money from you, when you hadn't been ordering. He's been the one giving you drinks on the house.
"Oh no, I couldn't Diluc." You continued to rummage through your pocket.
"(Y/N), it's okay. You just head home." He gave you a gentle smile. There was something about it that made you smile back even though you didn't want to.
"I appreciate it." You said your goodbyes with Diluc and didn't stop yourself from taking one final look at Kaeya. You regret doing so when you saw him kiss her hand.
Little did you know, he had planned that. He was watching you the entire time, waiting for the right moment.
When you got into the comfort of your bed, you cried. And you cried till you had fallen asleep. When you had woken up the next morning, the headache you had was unreal but it didn't come close to the ache in your heart. Well heartbroken or not life must go on and you had work to do. It was spring now and the tailors you worked at was getting in the spring stock. You had to be there earlier than usual to help set up shop. This would be a good way to distract yourself from Kaeya.
It has been two weeks since you last saw the Cavalry Captain. Safe to say you avoided all his usual spots, and just when you thought you were over him, he pops out of nowhere.
"Well look who it is. I haven't seen you in a while. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were purposefully ignoring me." Kaeya smiled but it seemed to only darken his facial features.
"Of course not. I've just been super busy with work. I haven't even been to the tavern in a while." You giggled hoping he wouldn't question you.
While it wasn't a lie, you were busy with work, especially now in spring a lot more people came in for custom orders. But you weren't run ragged that you couldn't visit the tavern. It was just the other place you avoided like the plague considering it's where Kaeya went when he had time off. Though you were sad you couldn't see Diluc. But were you certain he understood why you didn't go. You would have to make a plan to visit him.
"Hmm," Kaeya leaned in close which made you blush, "well in that case, it looks like you're free now. How about accompanying me to the tavern tonight?" He pinched a strand of your hair between his fingers bringing it to his lips. It was unfair how much this man was affecting you right now.
"I would but I don't think you're girlfriend would like that very much." You sounded a lot more displeased then you had anticipated but Kaeya on the other hand seemed to be pleased with how upset it made you.
"Oh that little bird." Kaeya paused for a bit, "she broke up with me." Kaeya placed a hand over his heart, giving you a sad face. You own expression softening.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Maybe now is your chance.
"Well then, I'll ask again. Will you keep me company tonight?" He leaned in close to you again, you shyly looked away with a blush forming in your cheeks.
"Okay, just for a little while then." You couldn't help but give into him.
You felt yourself spiral down the path that is Kaeya. Ever since his so called girlfriend had broken up with him, he had been back to your side, well more like he had you wrapped around his finger. You were like his personal little puppy.
Kaeya found it highly amusing how quick you were to run to his side at his beck and call, and that's what made it all the more sweeter to watch you break when he was tired of you.
Which was one of those times, you cried softly at the bar in Angel's Share.
Diluc had closed the tavern early upon seeing your disheveled state when you had entered the bar. Now he sat beside you with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. You rested your head on his and sniffled pathetically.
Diluc couldn't stand to see you like this. He was so heartbroken and he didn't know what to do to help. Killing Kaeya might do the trick. It would definitely devastated you but you would get over him, it would be worth it, in the long run, he wouldn't have to deal with the irritable captain himself. No Diluc wasn't going to kill Kaeya even if he was really tempted right now. As Diluc held you, he wondered what Kaeya was even thinking. Why would he play with your emotions like this? You're such a sweet and caring girl. You were also very hardworking. It wasn't fair on you to be treated this way especially when Kaeya knew you liked him. Kaeya doesn't even deserve your attention. But he doesn't know how to tell you, or if you would even accept it. And maybe he shouldn't tell you how he feels about you, it's probably best if he just stays as your emotional support. It was better that nothing, he thought. He didn't want to ruin anything.
"I'm sorry Diluc. I don't mean to go on like a baby. I just don't understand. Why am I so stupid?" You sniffled, trying your best to dry up your tears that seemed to fall endlessly.
"You're not stupid. Why would you think that?" It made Diluc upset to hear you degrade yourself like that.
"Because I've realized that Kaeya doesn't care about me at all. I'm only a plaything for when he gets bored. Yet I can't seem to stop him." You covered your face with your hands, and began to cry again.
Diluc thought about it for a while. You needed a distraction from Kaeya. He had a plan for that but he didn't know if you would agree to it. The next thing you needed was to stay away from him. But that seemed to prove very difficult for you to do. Diluc would think of something.
"I can help you." Diluc spoke softly giving you a gently squeeze.
You whimpered looking at him. You dreaded to know what you looked like. Red puffy eyes with a equally red and runny nose. The epitome of unattractive ness. Yet Diluc still thought you were as gorgeous as ever.
"You can?" You blew your nose with a tissue.
"You need a distraction, so use me." Diluc was being so soft with you. Since he was always so stoic and monotone it was weird seeing him like this but it was certainly pleasant. Somewhere it made you feel special.
"Use you?" You weren't too sure what he meant at first but then it clicked, "No Diluc, I can't." You shook your head.
He was afraid of this, not that he didn't expect it of course. He knew you weren't that type of person.
"It's fine, I want to help you." His arm around your shoulder dropped to your waist pulling you closer to his side. Your breath caught in your throat. He was pleasantly warm.
"But I can't do that to you." It wasn't right. You couldn't use Diluc in that type of way. You'd rather go to a brothel...maybe not you weren't too fond of the either of random men touching you.
Diluc lifted your chin so you were looking at him. His ruby eyes pierced through you, lighting your core on fire, "I don't want some random person touching you." He couldn't help but frown at the idea, that some strange man or woman would touch you and...no that wasn't going to happen. He wouldn't allow it.
You found it incredibly sweet but strange, why was he so adamant about it? That's when you figured it out.
"Diluc...do you have feelings for me?" You asked softly while looking up at him.
He averted his eyes from you briefly. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised that you figured it out. But now it would be even harder for him to get you to agree.
"I do." He looked back at you.
It made sense now why he was different with you. Why he was so gentle and soft with you. And that's why you couldn't accept his offer.
"And that's why I can't." Your voice as below a whisper as he brought his face closer to yours.
"You don't need to worry about my feelings. Let me help." He cupped your cheek. Your heart began to race. Was this really okay?
"I'll make you a promise. We can set boundaries later, for now just submit yourself." Diluc closed the gap between your lips and kissed you.
You didn't make any move to stop him and instead gave into him. Diluc was glad to feel you had accepted when he felt your lips press back against his. He pulled up you off your stool and onto his lap. Your legs draped either side of him as you straddled him. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pressed yourself against Diluc's chest while his hands gripped tightly at you hips.
Diluc had to admit it was nice finally having you against him like this. So much so he was having a hard time holding himself back. But he had to for your sake. This was about you after all. And he was going to do everything he could to get you to forget about Kaeya.
Slowly he removed himself from you. You panted softly feeling a little sad at the loss. A light blush dusted your cheeks. Diluc removed himself from his seat and gently he set you onto the ground.
"I have a room above the tavern." He took your hand and lead you out of Angel's Share and up the stairs that were connected to it.
You were always curious as to what this room was but you never thought it would be a living quarters. Thought it did make sense, the Dawn Winery was a quite a distance away.
Upon entering Diluc made sure you were completely comfortable before he did anything, even if he himself was getting incredibly restless and uncomfortable in his pants.
Diluc started by gently kissing your neck while his hands lightly roamed your body. Slowly but surely he removed each layer of clothing, making sure to give every part I'd your body equal attention.
Kissing, licking, sucking, touching.
Every action drove you deeper into ecstasy. Soon you were tugging his clothes off. Your back arched as you let out a moan. You gripped the bedsheets below you tightly as you felt Diluc enter you. His large girth stretched you wide despite all the prep work he did with his mouth and fingers. You pulled him close latching yourself onto his lips. Diluc groaned softly into yours as he ravaged you. He would enjoy this type of intimacy while it lasted.
Your climax was nearing and quick, you begged to Diluc to go faster and he happily complied. Picking up the pace he thrust into you deeply. It wasn't long till you were coming all over him with a loud moan. Which in turn caused Diluc to cum inside the condom he had on. He panted softly as he slowed his thrusts to help you ride out your high.
Once your breathing returned to normal, Diluc slid out and sat at the edge of the bed. You rolled onto your side and your eyes fell on his back which was married with scars. You realized just how hard he worked to keep Mondstadt safe. You reached out with your hand to touch his back when he turned his head to look at you. Quickly you retracted your hand.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
You gave a gentle smile. Honestly you felt great and it was thanks to Diluc.
"Yeah I am." You yawned soon after and giggled, "just a little sleepy."
Diluc smiled in return, "well you can sleep here if you want. I still have some things I need to take care of." He said as he started to dress himself.
You took Diluc up on his offer and after he was gone, you dressed yourself and was soon fast asleep. When you woke up the next morning, you could hear the birds chirping.
"Good morning." Diluc's voice called out from the mini kitchen. He brought over a cup of coffee for you, which you gladly accepted. Then he handed you a piece of paper.
"Morning. What's this?" You took a sip from your cup and looked at the paper now in your hand.
"I told you, we would set some boundaries right?" He sounded a bit indifferent.
"Ah right." You nodded and you both proceeded to set up your boundaries.
When the list was complete, these were the conditions:
1. No kissing.
2. No frontal sex.
3. No hickies.
4. No oral (except you receiving).
5. No aftercare.
You felt a bit guilty about the fact that Diluc didn't ask for anything in return. But he reassured you that he was fine, since this wasn't about him anyway. He was doing this for you which in the end made you feel even worse. But you accepted it.
Whenever you needed the distraction, Diluc was always there to provide for you. You did your best not to go to him too often. You were glad you were still able to talk to him and hang out around him without things being weird. And it was thanks to the boundaries that you two had set. Diluc too was happy you didn't distance yourself from him and he did his utmost best to contain his feelings for you so he wouldn't make things awkward, even if it was difficult for him. Though he supposed it wasn't all that bad, he got to have you after all. He just wished you actually his.
You had to admit Diluc had helped you a lot by doing this for you. You just wished you could do something in return for him but you didn't know what, so instead, in your time off and after work and providing Diluc wasn't gone off somewhere you would take the chance to learn about him. You found that the both of you had a few things in common. Like birds for instance. You loved birds they were so beautiful and graceful. There were also so many different types. So you were delighted to find out that Diluc had his own bird companion and you were ecstatic when he showed you his nightingale. You were like a giddy child when you were able to pet him. Diluc fell harder for you after this moment. It was becoming harder for him to keep this up.
The more time you spent with Diluc, the more you thought about the red head. He was so different to Kaeya in every way. For one he actually cared about you and your feelings, he didn't use you for his own amusement. And everytime you were near him you felt so at ease like nothing else in the world matter. This feeling that you had towards the Pyro user...was it love? But then what had you felt for Kaeya? Perhaps Kaeya was just an infatuation. You were confused, you had to think about it more.
It's been about a month now since you started this arrangement with Diluc. Things had gotten a better for you. You didn't fawn over Kaeya as much as you used to. Naturally the blue headed male noticed and he was hardly amused by it. But he could still sway you every now and again. You still had no idea why he held this power over you, you guessed you still weren't fully over him. That was until both Kaeya and Diluc got sent out on a mission together.
You had no idea how Jean had managed to persuade Diluc into working for the Knights never mind with Kaeya. It made you a little nervous when they had both left Mondstadt. You knew about they're unstable relationship and honestly you were more worried about Diluc than you were with Kaeya. Diluc was more temperamental. He fell into Kaeya's bait traps everytime. You couldn't help but pray that everything would be okay and that Kaeya wouldn't annoy Diluc too much.
You were starting to get incredibly restless as the days went by. The boys still hadn't returned and it's been five days now. They should have been back by now. To keep yourself from worrying to death you kept busy at work and you tried not to bother Jean or the other Knights too much with regards to them. Jean reassured you that you would be the first person she would notify once they had returned.
During their time away it gave you time to think about both of them and what they meant to you.
When you thought about Kaeya. His looks and appearance was the first thing that caught your attention. He was exotic and unfathomably handsome. He was hot sure but his personality was a major let down. All he did was use people for his own gain and amusement, he didn't really care about anyone but himself, as long as his plan went accordingly, that's all he cared about.
When you thought about Diluc. He made you happy. Neither his looks nor personality was what came to mind first but instead it was how he made you feel. He actually made you feel appreciated and loved. Of course you knew his true feelings for you and that's one of the reasons he was so kind to you but even before you knew, he still treated you kindly and respected you. But besides that you found him adorable. He wasn't used to affection or having friends so sometimes he came across meaner than intended and his intentions were pure, it's what made him cute. And its not like he wasn't attractive. In fact he was absolutely stunning. Dressed or undressed.
You blushed deeply thinking about it. You only ever get to see him naked briefly before you were face down on the mattress. You felt your body grow hot thinking about it. Kaeya was never as thoughtful as Diluc. Diluc only thought about your feelings, he was never selfish. If anything you felt like the selfish one.
But you would change that, you understood now. Diluc was the one you loved and for a while now not Kaeya. You only hoped Diluc still felt the same.
As you were walking home one evening, there was a commotion at the front gates. Curious you went over to investigate. Your heart both leapt with joy and sunk at the same time. In an instant you were over to Diluc's injured body, swating away the other Knights who dared try to help. Diluc was surprised to see you and how protective you were being of him but he was grateful, not to mention the happiness that he felt was unreal. He couldn't stop the small blush that graced his porcelain skin.
Kaeya on the other hand finally understood why it had been getting increasingly harder to charm you. He was annoyed he had to find a new plaything to train.
You walked Diluc to the room above Angel's Share upon his request. You had insisted on going to Barbara but Diluc was adamant that he didn't need to see a healer. You only sighed and instead began to patch him up instead after you convinced him to take a bath. Now with clean skin you could clearly see all the wounds on his body not only that but he definitely had at least one broken rib with how deep his side was bruised.
"Diluc, you-"
"I don't need a helaer." He cut you off. You frowned looking at him. You knew the basics of first aid but that was about it. This was out of your comfort zone.
"I'll tell you what to do." He could see the worry in your eyes. It wasn't the first time he's been injured like this or even worse. He's learnt how to deal with all sorts of injuries by himself. This thought upset you. Diluc's been alone for so long and he's been willing to let you in. You wouldn't waste it.
You gave a small nod and followed his instructions. Who knew sweet flower oil and mist flowers combined had healing properties? Not you, but you did now. You began to bandage his wounds after thoroughly rubbing the oil onto his skin. It felt nice to be able to touch him. If he wasn't so injured you would've pounced on him here and now. You made sure to be careful not to wrap the bandage too tight. Sitting back you observed his body more, just like his back, his chest and arms were also littered with scars. Your heart swelled thinking again about how much he does to protect his home and it's people.
"What's wrong?" He asked. You didn't realize you had spaced out while staring at his chest. Lifting your gaze to his you gave a small shake of your head.
"Oh it's nothing." You smiled.
"Are you sure? Do you need-"
It was you're turn to cut him off, "You're in no state doe that. Besides that's not it. I was just thinking." You said packing away the access oil and bandages.
Diluc tilted his head to the side. You giggled softly, "don't worry Diluc. I was only thinking about you." You winked.
Diluc blushed deeply and to distract himself he began putting his shirt back on. Once he was a little calmer he asked you why.
"Because you need rest, you work too hard." You grabbed his coat from him, and he gaped in shock.
"Well if you want this you'll have to get in here." You pulled the duvet back revealing the tempting bedsheet underneath.
"Are you trying to blackmail me with my coat?" He asked not even believing it when he said it out loud.
You gave a soft giggled, "I mean, if it's working than yes." Diluc couldn't help but chucked himself.
"Alright then." Diluc smiled softly.
He decided to give you this one and get into bed. Besides he would need to recover his strength quickly in case you needed him.
As soon as Diluc had recovered you had visited him at the Dawn Winery. Where you sat straddling his lap, your hand in his hair as you ravaged his lips.
Diluc was surprised when you had unexpectedly arrived at the manor and whisked him away to his office. You would've taken him to his bedroom but that was too far unlike his office, where you had him seated on the couch. It was unlike you to ever initiate like this, Diluc was unsure what to think of it, but he would be lying if he wasn't enjoying it. The feeling of your lips against his as your tongues fought for dominance, that he gladly gave to you once he felt the fervour and intensity you held. And the feeling of your fingers tangled in his disheveled fiery hair you light tugs every now and again was driving him insane.
But what did this mean? Perhaps it was best not to know, in case he recieved an answer he didnt want to hear. But he didn't want to do this anymore. Especially if this is what it was coming to. But he would soon find his fears were for nothing.
Removing your lips from his a string of saliva connected you to him.
"Diluc?" You whispered softly, removing your hand from his hair you cupped his cheek gently, rubbing your thumb over his plump moist lips.
Diluc shivered under your touch as his lips parted ever so slightly. Experimentally you slipped your thumb inside his mouth. Diluc let out a soft moan as he sucked on your finger. A satisfied hum escaped your throat.
"Diluc?" You asked again, removing your hand from his face.
His eyes meet yours in silent question. His chest heaved with heavy breaths.
"Do...do you still love me?" You couldn't stop the shake in your voice.
Without hesitation he spoke, "of course I do." His hands gripped your hips tightly as he pulled you closer to his chest. You bit your lip feeling his erection through his pants.
"Thank goodness," you pressed yourself against him, closing any distance that was between you two, "I love you too."
Without giving him any time to really process you smashed your lips against his once again.
You loved him? Diluc never thought he would hear those words come from your mouth, as sad as that sounded. He couldn't help but push you away. which left you quite upset.
"Diluc?" Your heart sunk. Did he not actually love you?
Diluc saw the hurt in your eyes and immediately regret pushing you away but he needed to be clear about this.
"Sorry, I just want to be sure." He felt guilty about it but it had to be done.
Now you felt selfish, being so greedy and not taking Diluc's feelings into consideration. So you cupped his cheeks resting your forehead against his.
"Sorry I was being a bit selfish wasn't I?" You smiled softly, "but it's true, I love you. And it's not like how I was with Kaeya, he was an infatuation I realized. But you Diluc, I want to be with you. I don't want to be apart from you."
Diluc could hear and see the love and affection you had for him, he didn't know why he had doubted you, but he just wanted to be on the same page.
"I'm sorry it took so long, it must've been tough for you. But I promise, this is a two way street now," your eyes shone mischievously. Diluc was both nervous and excited at the same time.
"Diluc~" you cooed into his ear.
A shiver went down Diluc's spine as he gave a little hmm, that more came out as a moan than a question.
"You've done so much for me." You licked the shell of his ear. You felt his grip tighten on your hips holding you desperately close.
"Let me," you gave his ear a little kitten lick, "show you my appreciation." You lightly nibbled and sucked on his ear while grinding down against him.
Diluc gasped, his hips instinctively bucking up into you. You let out a little "ah" into his ear before working down his jaw with soft butterfly kisses. You made quick work of his dress shirt. You were grateful he wasn't wearing his coat or his vest. Dragging your fingers down his chest, you attacked his neck with your mouth, you began leaving dark hickies on his pale skin.
Diluc's hands moved on their own, one travelling up your shirt, his bare hand caressed your waist, squeezing and pulling you closer, while the other had slipped into your shorts to massage your butt cheek.
You hummed in delight, your hands dropping further down his abdomen to his black pants. You teasingly tugged on them, eliciting a grunt from the male beneath you.
You gave him one final kiss on the lips before lowering yourself off his lap and onto your knees, pulling his pants down with you. Diluc watched impatiently as you slide your hands up his thighs, you could feel how the muscles on his thighs tensed under your touch. You giggled softly, it was cute watching him squirm for your touch. You reached up further palming him through his boxers. Diluc bit his lip, it was so unbearably tight but it felt good at the same time.
"(Y/N)." He wanted you and he was getting a little desperate.
"Just be a little more patient love~" you cooed softly giving him a few strokes. Diluc grunted tilting his head back. That's when you took the opportunity to pull his boxers down, freeing his hard leaking member.
Your eyes widened at the sight, you couldn't believe how he could fit inside you. But you weren't going to complain. Spreading his legs slightly so you could sit between them, you leaned down licking his tip. Diluc shuddered picking his head back up to gaze down at you just as you took his tip into your mouth.
Diluc's hand found purchase in your hair, the feeling of your hot mouth around him caused him to push you further down. He wanted to feel more of you. You moaned around him, your mouth stretching wide to try and accommodate his size. You gave soft sucks while pressing your tongue against a vein on the underside of his member. Diluc bucked into your mouth, pushing deeper inside. You winched softly due to the light burning sensation in your mouth. It would take some time before you got used to this, but you weren't going to back out so soon.
Diluc moaned giving your cheek a gentle rub. As if it apologize for the pain. Your eyes fluttered closed at the simple gesture. Diluc could feel how you relaxed your mouth, deciding to be a little selfish he thrust into your mouth again. You choked on a moan as your eyes opened to gaze up at him. His eyes meet yours with a burning passion that set your core on fire. You couldn't help but moan at the sight. Each moan you made sent vibrations down Diluc's throbbing member. He began to thrust lightly into your mouth, he didn't want to hurt you after all. But you wouldn't mind if he was a little rougher with you. So you reached up with your hand, sliding it from his thigh to his balls, and massaged them.
"Shit." Diluc swore as he furrowed his eyebrows, his hips jotted upwards roughly into your mouth, his tip brushing the back of your throat. You did you best not to gag, and moaned around him. Your saliva dripped out the corners of your mouth and down the sides of Diluc's cock.
Diluc didn't know how much longer he could last like this. You truly were a sight to behold, watching you struggle to take his cock but yet do so well for your first time with him.
"B-baby, wait," he called out as he slowed his thrusts. You took his cock out your mouth with a wet pop. You licked your lips panting softly through lidded eyes.
You stood up and slipped free from your clothing, letting it pool on the ground. Once you were bare in front of him Diluc wasted on time in pulling you back onto his lap. Diluc could feel how wet you were for him, when his cock slipped between your folds.
"Look how excited you are." He cooed, pressing his tip against your needy hole.
"Oh Luc please," you firmly gripped his shoulders as you pushed yourself down onto him.
Diluc grinned as his nails dug onto the flesh of your hips.
"You beg me, yet proceed to take matters into your own hands." He certainly was not complaining. In fact it thoroughly turned him on, he was loving this side of you.
Instead of giving him a proper reply you mewled out his name, and continued to sink onto his cock. You never got used to this feeling. How he stretched you out and filled you so good. Your walls tightened around Diluc as he helped you up and back down onto him. Despite his previous sessions with you, this felt so different and so good. It was intimate.
Bringing your lips to his slightly parted ones, you stuck your tongue inside and began bouncing up and down on him. Diluc moaned into your mouth but this time dominance was his. He pushed your tongue back into your mouth as he claimed your hot cavern for himself. Your hands fell from his shoulders and to his chest, your fingers grazing over his nipples. Diluc groaned feeling you clench around him again. Breaking the kiss he pushed you down onto the couch as he spread your legs wide. You wanted to protest but this new position allowed Diluc to hit that special spot inside you. All previous thoughts disappeared as Diluc rammed into. You screamed in pleasure as he abused your g-spot that he's learnt so well.
Between your moans was the wet slapping sound as Diluc thrust into you. Your slick coated his length and seeped out of your pussy, it made it so easy for Diluc to ram into you. Diluc leaned down to attack your open neck, your arms instantly wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. Just as you did, Diluc left many love bites on your skin, from your neck to your chest.
You could feel the familiar knot bubble inside you, and Diluc could feel it. He could feel how your body trembled and your walls convulse around him, sucking him in deeper. He panted and groaned gripping your hips he lifted them up. Throwing your head back you came heavily on Diluc's cock. His grip tightened and he came inside you. You let out one final moan as you felt him fill you up. It was hot.
Diluc waited a few moments before pulling out of you and gently placing your hips back down. You let out soft gasps as you came down from your high. You gazed up at Diluc and smiled reaching out for him. The red head returned your smile and leaned down, letting you pull him down onto your chest as you held him close.
Diluc muzzled into your breasts letting out a content sigh. That's when he realized he didn't use protection and started freaking out. He pulled away from you in a panic, the abruptness scared you as you held your arms to your chest.
"What's wrong?" You asked concerned.
"I didn't use protection." He wasn't against having children, he just didn't want to have any too soon.
But you only sighed in relief waving him off, "it's fine, I started taking birth control, a while ago."
Diluc looked at you with a raised eyebrow, "define, a while ago."
"Right after you returned from your mission." You sat up to face him properly.
Diluc found himself smirking, "oh so you planned this?"
You couldn't help but blush and look away from him without answer. Which resulted in a chuckle from the Winery owner.
You were gently pushed back down onto the couch, "I mean I'm not going to complain, I get to fill you up until I'm satisfied."
You shuddered in delight and pulled him closer, "I'll take everything you give me."
Diluc grinned, "good girl." He praised sliding back into your still wet hole.
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