#I want to pin as many as I can to preserve them but I also want to put them in little settling a
littlewigglers · 1 year
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I managed to pin and dry my first millipede! I’m gonna replace the pencil with a stick to make it look like a nice scene once I get a little clear box to put them in.
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Male Yuu! Reader (Platonic Yandere) Part 2
The part 2! Let's hope that I can put the rest of the story into this! If not, then my bad! Note after nine months: I did not fit the rest of the story in here. Not even close. There are going to be so many more parts. I apologize for being gone for so long. I hope you all enjoy this and put down in the comments: which dorm you all would like to see next? That will definitely help me in the long run.
I felt a panic attack starting to form in my chest. Kidnap me? Keep me safe? From what!? I started to hyperventilate and fell to my knees.
Grim rushed to me and started to snuggle into my chest. He started to purr to calm me down. Thankfully, it was working. Focusing all of my attention on the rhythmic purring did wonders for my nerves. I got my breathing under control and cleared my mind.
"All right. I'm good."
I looked down at Grim with a weak smile. I needed to get business.
"Who... exactly are looking to keep me safe?"
Grim looked uneasy before spilling names.
"Basically everyone. Riddle wants to hide you in Heartslabyul. Teach you all of the rules. He said something about a Jabberwocky. I don't remember everything exactly. Riddle can be very boring."
Grim started snickering while I gulped. The Jabberwocky was a dragon-like beast, or at least in my world. How could Heartslabyul have a Jabberwocky? Or am I the Jabberwocky? Eh, that doesn't make sense.
"Then Leona said that you didn't need rules. What you needed was your pride to keep and protect you. He was yelling with Riddle, Floyd, Vil and Sebek for hours on end. It was funny to watch him struggle to get his way."
Pride... Pride... Leona kept saying that I needed my pride to protect me. Did he mean a lion's pride? Ohhhhh, this hurts my head right now.
"Azul and the tweels argued that you need to be underwater. Something about you drying out. Azul also talked about having an underwater garden to keep you in."
Oh boy, I wonder if any of Azul's failed debtors are in that garden as well.
"Kalim talked about how his family was expecting you at Silk City. He threw a tantrum when the others tried to tell him no. He nearly tried to drown Ramshackle with Oasis Maker!"
That... sounds about right. Kalim didn't appreciate it when I told him no before my brain washing.
"Vil wants to... basically make you into a doll. Or at least that's what it sounded to me. He was very passionate about keeping your beauty preserved. Rook agreed full heartedly. They both were so weird."
A lump formed in my throat. Did... Did I play in that idea just earlier? Is that why Vil picked a photo shoot?
"Ortho was there, talking about how the prefect had to start in the perfect place. Idia was there from his tablet, showing off some diagrams of some weird looking temple."
"Temple? Like... For the ancient gods?"
"Yeah! Just like those!"
That doesn't comfort me.
"Horton was there as well but... The only thing he did was watch. It was unsettling. Every once in a while, I was pretty certain a lightning strike hit the dead tree out front."
Great. If Malleus has his own plan, I'm dead. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO AVOID A TOP FIVE MAGICIAN?! I took a deep breath to calm myself down once again.
"Okay. Now that I have more information. It's time for a game plan. NRC is no longer a safe place for my existence anymore. Time to find a new one!"
I got up from my bed and rushed to one of the storage rooms. I started to search and quickly found the maps. Sometimes when I had free time, the ghosts and I looked over all of the maps and saw how the cartography of Twisted Wonderland has changed over the years. We even found one of the current Twisted!
I grabbed the current one before taking it back to where Grim was. I rolled it out and quickly got some pins. I started to stick them into different areas.
"Sunset Savanna is a no. With Leona as a prince, he'll send out troops to find me with no problem. Coral sea is also a no mainly because we can't breath underwater. Hmmmm, Shaftlands is Vil and Cater's territory. People know them there and would most likely send pictures of me. Scratch that, no matter WHERE I am, if Vil or Cater send out a bounty for me, people will take pictures of me."
I kept muttering to myself and apparently, I was boring enough to put Grim to sleep. His sleep comments were really comforting to hear. I haven't seen him in so long. I put my hand on his head and started to scratch behind his ears.
"Sweet dreams, Grimmy. I'll try to figure out a way to get us someplace safe."
I quickly put the map stuff away before crawling into bed myself. I know that I shouldn't be letting my guard down right now but... I need a night's sleep at Ramshackle. An actual comforting place. I wrapped Grim in my arms and held him close to my chest. Finally, sleep started to claim me.
When I reopened my eyes, I wasn't staring at Ramshackle's ceiling. The roof was much too tall and too dark. I'm in Diasomnia, aren't I?
"Human! You have risen from your slumber!"
I flinched at Sebek's loud tone. Yep, I'm in Diasomnia.
"Quickly! Stand up! We must get you ready for Waka-Sama! He is expecting you for breakfast!"
Sebek grabbed my arms and pulled me up. Grim fell flat on the floor, successfully waking him up.
"Mrow! What's happenin'?!"
Grim was put on alert and surveyed the room.
"This ain't Ramshackle!"
Sebek kicked Grim to the wall. Grim let out a screech of pain. I quickly ran to his side and picked him up.
"Grim! Are you okay? What's wrong with you, Sebek!?"
I turned to Sebek and gave him the biggest glare possible. He flinched and had a pitiful expression on his face.
"No, no, no! Please don't be upset with me, (Y/N)! I'm only trying to protect you!"
"The only thing that needs protection is Grim from you! I'm leaving!"
Sebek snapped back to his guard mode and gripped my wrist.
"I cannot allow that. That... feline... must be confusing you. I'll take care of him for you! Silver can help you get ready!"
Sebek pried Grim out from my arms before taking him to the window. He held Grim outside of the window frame. Grim still hadn't recovered from the kick.
"Sebek, don't!"
Sebek dropped Grim without hesitation. I rushed over to the window to only see that we were in one of the highest towers over seeing a bunch of brambles.
"No... Grim..."
"Pest taken care of! Now, I'll go get Silver."
I was mildly frozen. I couldn't bring myself to leave the window sill. I was half tempted to fall out of it as well. Just to see if Grim was really down there. A hand grabbed my arm and led me away from it.
Silver gently guided me to a mirror before walking into the closet.
"Hmmmmm... Here it is. Father did get you a proper uniform."
Silver walked back in with a Diasomnia uniform but there were some modifications made to it. The spools of thread that they have normally on a belt were weaved into a white cape that reached halfway to my bicep. The other thing is that my cap looks like Malleus'. Without the little horn details that Silver has.
"There we go. I hope that you like the cape. It was my idea."
Silver started to help me with the uniform. The shock was just starting to wear off. I tried to move away from Silver and get my original clothes back. I'm glad that I changed out of the fancy clothes that I accidentally stole from Vil before bed.
"Hey, hey... Stop moving. I want to make sure that your clothes are on properly."
Silver gripped my wrist and was quick to immobilize me. I forgot that Silver was training to become a knight. Diasomnia was a dorm full of strong magic users and strong people in general. Bad dorm to be stuck in.
"There we go. Now, let me get the rest of the uniform on."
Silver finally finished before he let me move once again. I tried to reach the door but he just linked our arms together.
"Now, now. I understand. Sebek informed me about the creature. You don't need to worry about it anymore. If you want, after breakfast, you and I can take a nap in your room. Just to calm you down."
Silver started to walk to where breakfast was. I tried to break free from him a few times but I couldn't get him to budge one inch. The doors opened and there was Malleus sitting at the head of the table.
"Silver and my little bat!"
Lilia fell from above and landed in front of Silver and me. He grabbed both of us in a hug and squeezed us tightly.
"Hello, Father."
"Thank goodness, you've arrived! Malleus was starting to worry. Come along, little bat! Take your seat."
Lilia gestured to the chair at the foot of the table. Silver unlocked his arm with mine to let me walk to my chair. I looked around the room and noticed the door on the other side of the room. Although there was one problem. Whose name was Sebek. He stood there with a proud smirk, taunting me it felt like.
I turned away from Sebek and met Malleus' gaze. It felt as if Malleus wasn't even blinking. A small push was given to me, from who, I don't know, to get my legs working. I walked to my chair and sat down. There was no food on the table which confused me. I thought it was breakfast.
"Child of Man."
I twitched my head from looking at the table to looking at Malleus. His gaze really made me feel weak and powerless.
"Yes, Horton?"
"It's a pleasure to be able to feast with you this morning. It has been quite some time since we've been able to see you last."
I only nodded my head. He was right. I've been held captive for a while. Which caused a question to pop into my head.
"Yeah, well, I've been busy with other people. Sorry for worrying you but how did you know that I came back to Ramshackle?"
"Oh, silly, little bat! Your dear big brother visited Ramshackle every night since you went missing! Just in case, you've finally decided to return home!"
Lilia answered for Malleus but that caused a shiver to run up my spine. Grim didn't mention that Malleus was visiting every night.
"Were you hurt?"
Malleus' question was sudden and it felt out of the blue. My head snapped up to look him in the eyes and it caused me to think for a bit. I don't think that I was hurt. I mean, Deuce and Kalim did cause me discomfort when they hugged me but I wouldn't count it as harm.
"No... I don't believe that I was harmed."
"Oh, little bat. You shouldn't lie to your family."
Lilia budded into the conversation once again. Floating over to Malleus.
"He... lied to us, Lilia?"
"I didn't, Horton!"
"Sebek! Silver! Calm your younger brother down."
"Yes, sir!"
Sebek and Silver moved. Silver picked me up and caught me in a hug before sitting down in my chair. Sebek then pulled out a handkerchief and tied it around my mouth.
After being sufficiently muzzled, Lilia continued with his story.
"(Y/N) was first hurt by Professor Crewel! That ungrateful professor continuously calls my dear sweet child a mutt! Little bat, I want you to know that you are so much more than a lowly mutt."
Lilia looked at me with such a warm gaze that it mildly made me forget about the position that I'm in.
"So, the nickname 'mutt' isn't a good one..."
"No, Malleus. It's basically calling him incompetent."
Malleus's eyes widen before slamming his fist down on the table.
"How dare he! Doesn't he know that the Child of Man is more competent than most on this campus?!"
"I know! Humans can hold such weird judgements of one another. The next people that hurt him were those Heartslabyul first years that he enjoys to hang out around."
"Hmmmmm, I did notice how they would always drag Child of Man into their dangerous antics before."
"Mmmhmm! They've been hurting our dear human from the very beginning!"
Lilia then continued to recall all of the different slights that people have done against me. All of the different schemes that I was pulled into, the overblots, Floyd's mistreatment during the healing process, the Scarabian kidnapping, and the one that made no sense to me, the Pomefiore photoshoot.
"Thank you, Lilia. Now, Child of Man, please. Let us enjoy breakfast."
Other Diasomnia students then walked through the doors that Sebek was originally guarding. They were carrying silver dish trays and were quick to set them down before taking their own posts along the walls. Sebek also took out the handkerchief out of my mouth. The food looked really good, which meant that Lilia didn't cook it. I tried to get my arms free to get food but Silver still hadn't let go of my arms yet.
"Ummm, Silver. Buddy. I kind of need my arms to be able to eat."
The only response that I had gotten in return was light snoring. Silver had fallen asleep with me in his arms. Normally, I thought people would loosen their grip when they fall asleep. But obviously not Silver.
"Allow me to assist you, (Y/N)!"
Sebek shouted before pulling up a chair next to mine. I felt the eyes of all the Diasomnia students watching me. Sebek cut through the pancakes that they had made before putting some up to my mouth.
"Now, open your mouth, Human."
Sebek's tone was soft for once. What is happening? Why is everybody acting like I'm an infant!?!?!?
"Open. Your. Mouth."
Sebek's harsh tone came back along with a glare. I shook my head before gritting my teeth together.
"Don't be insolent! You should be thankful that your real family is here to protect and care for you now! Unlike those false 'brothers' that abused you. Now. Let me help you with breakfast."
I kept my mouth shut.
"Awwwww, there's no reason to be fussy. Let's see. Ahhhhhh."
Lilia put his hands on either side of my jaw before pressing on it. It was quite painful and I regretfully opened my jaw. Sebek then took advantage of my pain and fed me. I tried to spit the food out but Lilia changed tactics and forced my jaw closed.
"Chew it all up! As your father, I'll have to get used to feeding you like this! Especially if you keep choosing to be fussy over nothing!"
Lilia sounded so happy while force feeding me. I was feeling very cramped with three people all around me. Eventually, I gave up and started chewing the food myself. Anything to stop the dull ache that was beginning to form in my jaw.
Sebek lowered the fork from my mouth before turning his head to Malleus.
"Yes, Waka-Sama?"
Malleus stood from his own chair and walked over.
"I want to feed the Child of Man."
I looked at Malleus with wide eyes. Sebek only nodded his head before leaving his chair for Malleus to take his seat. Malleus took the chair before picking up the fork himself.
"Ahhhhh, Child of Man."
Malleus had such a soft look in his eyes that made me feel safe? In a weird way.
Malleus put the fork with the pancakes in my mouth.
"It feels nice to take care of your younger brother, doesn't it, Malleus?"
"It does, Lilia. Is this how you felt when taking care of Silver and myself?"
"Oh, yes! Taking care of those who are the most dear to you is the best feeling in the world! Make sure you treasure these moments, Malleus. They fade much too quickly."
After what felt like three hours but was actually around ten minutes, breakfast had finally concluded. The Diasomnia students, who were just watching, took the plates before leaving.
"Now. I overheard from earlier. You and Silver were going to take a nap together, right (Y/N)?"
"That was the plan, I think. Although, I don't know how much Silver is going to want to take a nap now."
"I'm always willing to take a nap with you, (Y/N)."
I jolted a bit. I didn't notice Silver waking up. I guess he really is the King of Naps.
"Perfect! Then I suppose that having a little group nap wouldn't be a bad idea! Malleus, Sebek. Are you two willing to join us?"
"I would gladly attend."
"If Waka-Sama will take a nap, then I must be there to ensure his best sleep!"
I started to think fast. Trapped in a cuddle pile won't help me get out of Diasomnia in the slightest.
"W-W-Wait a minute!"
My shout got all of the attention, which was exactly what I wanted.
"I-If we take a nap now, you guys will have to get up in a matter of minutes for class! I-I'd rather wait until you guys will be able to hang out for longer!"
The quartet of Diasomnia students just stared at me for around thirty seconds before Lilia's face gained a smirk.
"Awwwww, my baby~! So worried for your brothers' education and your own father's as well! You're such a sweet, little boy! Alright, we can wait until classes are done for today."
Lilia then clapped his hands and two other Diasomnia students appeared out of the shadows. I jumped at their appearance. Lilia then cleared his throat to address the two students.
"Please escort my little bat to his room. He will need to stay there while classes are happening. Last thing that we would need is one of those brutish students from one of the other dorms stealing (Y/N) away from his true family."
"Yes, Vice Dorm Leader Vanrouge!"
Silver let go of me and I stood up. The two students flanked me, making sure that there was little to no room for me to run away. I just gulped before walking towards where I thought that my room was located.
"We're so happy that you've finally come home, (Y/N)!"
"The whole dorm was worried sick when the rumors of you being kidnapped by the other dorms came around. Dorm Leader Draconia and Vice Dorm Leader Vanrouge were so lucky to have found you!"
"Not to mention how lucky we are! We get to spend some time with our brother too!"
The students kept talking while I tuned them out. What type of hypnosis spell went over the entire campus? Could this be some sort of attack from RSA? Although that doesn't really sound like something that they would do.
"Hold it!"
One of the students grabbed me before I opened the door to the room I was in originally.
"Huh? What's wrong?"
"This isn't your room."
I slightly tilted my head.
"But this is the room that I woke up in?"
"This is Sebek and Silver's room. Your room is elsewhere."
"Follow us please!"
The first one started to walk up a bunch of stairs while the other stayed behind me.
"This room was prepared by Dorm Leader Draconia himself! He tried to make sure that it was to your liking!"
The student in front of me opened the door to what was a near replica of my Ramshackle room. If it wasn't for the fact that the view from the window showed the outside of Diasomnia, I could have swore that I was transported back to Ramshackle.
I took a few steps forward to observe the room. I wasn't expecting for the door to be shut and locked behind me. I rushed over and tried to get it to budge.
"Hey! This isn't funny!"
"Sorry, Little Brother! We all were specially instructed by Dorm Leader Draconia and Vice Dorm Leader Vanrouge to keep this door shut while we're at classes."
I stared at the door before letting go of the knob.
"We wish that you would be able to walk around Diasomnia but the threat of another dorm finding you is too large right now."
I didn't respond before just flopping down on the bed. I thought about my morning so far.
Tears started to stream down my face. Anguish and anger wrapped around my heart. I clenched my fists together and started to punch the pillow while huge tears were unleashed. After a minute of just punching, I started to take deep breaths before wiping my face clear of tears. I will get out of here. For Grim!
As soon as my little pity party was done, I got up from the bed to take a look outside. The tower was quite high. I felt my fear of heights kick in and I backed away from it. I think I'd rather live here than escape that way. I decided to explore the room a bit to see if I could find something else to help me escape.
Malleus did a really good job at replicating my room, I'll give him that. Although there are a few minor adjustments. For example, the attached bathroom, the Malleus, Lilia, Silver and Sebek plushies on my bed, and what appears to be a family portrait of all five of us on the wall. They're really selling the family idea, aren't they? How did they even get a portrait like this?
"What a poor little boy."
"Who would keep him trapped in a tower?"
"Just like a little princess."
I heard new voices that I've never heard before. I started to spin my head around trying to figure out where they were coming from. Three small balls of light. Red, green and blue.
"Hello? Who are you?"
"Why, we're the good fairies!"
"Please child. Explain as to why you're stuck here in such a... dreadful place?"
I thought of the best way to explain my situation.
"Well. People who I thought were my friends decided to kidnap me. 'To keep me safe' they say. Although I've never felt more trapped in my life."
"That just won't do! Listen up, boy! We'll help you out! We can give you three blessings! But you must use them wisely, okay? They will only work once."
I nodded my head. If there's one thing that I pride myself on, it's my wisdom. The red fae started to glow brighter.
"My gift shall be the gift of free falling. This will prevent any injury from falling."
The green fae was next.
"My gift shall be the gift of speed. Use this to outrun your pursuers."
Finally, it was the blue fae's turn.
"And my gift shall be the gift of invisibility. For a short period of time, your entire presence will be hidden from existence."
I gave the faes a light bow.
"Thank you so much."
"It's no problem, child. We hope that our magic will be of great assistance to you. I hope that our paths will cross again one day."
We said our goodbyes and then the faes disappeared in a poof of sparkles. I had to use these gifts wisely. I do only have one shot after all. It might be best to use them later. I don't know Diasomnia's layout well enough to plan a good escape route.
My best plan of action right now is to play along with their delusion, despite how much it would kill me. Play nicely, you get the upper hand eventually. Although now, I wish that I had asked if memories of me would be erased for the time that I would be invisible.
To pass the time, I decided to take to the bookshelf. Maybe I could learn something that would prove a use to me. A majority of the books appeared to be children's books. Despite those being quite entertaining, they weren't exactly helpful for knowledge. Although there was one that held important information.
The book was called 'Be Careful, Titinia!'. It was an entire book on things that can hurt faes or weaken them. The main things that I took note of were iron, salt, ash wood and sweets. I want to avoid using iron since it causes them direct harm while salt and ash wood only weakens their powers. Sweets can be used as a distraction.
"I don't know why I thought that they would leave a book to help me escape. They aren't dumb."
I spent the rest of the time contemplating. My life, my decisions and that stupid, STUPID fall. This is what spurred all of this unnecessary panic. At long last, a knock broke me out of my thoughts.
"(Y/N)! We've finally returned from our classes! You should have seen all of the other sniveling humans! They were so pathetic! They were crying out for you. Although, I must admit, I was annoyed by such displays. As if they thought that they were worthy of being with you."
Sebek walked in, followed by Silver. He seemed to be very proud of what he was relaying to me.
"Sounds stifling."
"Oh, it was! Such whiny creatures!"
I took a deep breath before getting into my role. I think that it would be beneficial if I played nice.
"D-Do you want a hug? I want to help cheer up my Big Bro!"
Sebek and Silver looked over at me with huge eyes. It's like they weren't expecting me to say that. A bright, pink blush appeared on Sebek's face before he started yelling.
Sebek then wasted no time in throwing himself at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started to snuggle under my chin. I think that I even heard little gator squeaks coming from him.
"A-Am I allowed to join in the hugs?"
Silver looked a bit desperate while looking at me with fearful eyes. It was like he thought that I was telling him that I hate him or something.
"Of course! You're my big brother as well, Silvy!"
Silver then also gained a blush and a soft smile. He seemed to have enjoyed the nickname that I just came up with.
"Hey! If he gets a nickname, what's mine?!"
Sebek looked up at me with a pout. This is reminding me of taking care of toddlers instead of dealing with kidnappers.
I closed my eyes while I was running through the nicknames that I could come up with.
"Tic Toc Croc?"
Sebek wrinkled his nose at that name.
"Or maybe Bolt?"
Sebek gave a smile at that one.
"Bolt it is!"
Silver got behind me and pulled me flush against his front. So, now, I was sandwiched between the two guards. Sebek let out slight squeaks while Silver was just lightly snoring in my ear. Their warmth and the noises became a form of white noise that started to lull me to sleep.
"Awwwww, what a cute sight."
Lilia had arrived and spoke in a whisper. He jumped onto the foot of the bed frame to look at us.
"My little bat looks so sleepy~ Why don't you just close your eyes while I invite Malleus? We can have that nap that we planned earlier."
I tried to keep my eyes open to the best of my abilities. Silver actually started to sway which in turn, rocked me back and forth slightly. Lilia came back with Malleus.
"Little bat! I told you to close your eyes and sleep!"
Lilia yelled in a hushed tone. It was clear that he was slightly annoyed with me but didn't want to risk waking up Sebek and Silver.
I shook my head.
"I wanted to be awake to see Malleus."
Malleus' eyes widened a bit before he gained a huge smile.
"Child of Man..."
I think that I actually saw a few tears start to form in Malleus' eyes. He then walked over and joined us in our cuddle pile. Lilia let out a laugh before joining us as well. The amount of warmth and constant soft sounds made it even more impossible to keep my eyes open.
"Shhhhhhh~ Just close your eyes, little bat. We'll all be here when you wake up~"
I felt Lilia's fingers gently close my eyelids and from there, I was asleep. I don't know how long we napped for but when I woke up, I was the last one awake.
"Little bat! Did you enjoy your little nap? I sure hope so because Papa has a lot of plans for you!"
I never even called my Dad papa.
"Yep, that's me! If you ever need something from me, call out 'Papa!' and I'll be there as soon as possible! Either way, we must continue on with our plans!"
Lilia was quick to leave the cuddle pile. Sebek and Silver were still holding on to me, almost as if they were afraid that I was going to disappear.
"Did you have sweet dreams, (Y/N)?"
Sebek was looking at me with a huge smile. It seems that the nap had really refreshed him.
"Y-yeah, although, I don't think that I really had a dream."
"We all have dreams, Child of Man. You probably just don't remember it."
Malleus was the second to get up from the cuddle pile. He also looked quite refreshed.
"Silver! Do you remember where I put the stroller?!"
I felt myself blanching at that statement. What does Lilia need a stroller for?!
"Father. I really don't think that (Y/N) needs a stroller."
"But what if he gets tired on our walk?!"
"I can carry him for you, Master Lilia!"
"Hmmm, that's an option. What would you prefer, (Y/N)?"
"I think that I would prefer if Bolt would carry me if I got tired."
I let out a noise of surprise when Sebek suddenly tightened his hold on me.
"Oookay, but next time, I'll make sure to bring the stroller. Just in case of Sebek not being there with us!"
Finally, Sebek got off of me which made it easier for me to get off of Silver. Although Silver didn't make it such an easy feat.
"Uh, Silvy? D-Don't you need to get up and ready for this walk as well?"
"Hmmmmm, yeah."
He finally stood up and took me with him. I tried to get up on my own feet but Silver was still holding me. It caused me to trip over my feet multiple times.
"I thought that we would be walking."
"We will be."
"Then... Can I walk?"
A slight blush appeared on his face before he set me down.
"I... apologize. It's just...I felt very comfortable with you in my arms."
"It's okay, Silvy."
It really wasn't. But sadly, I have a part to play. Man, if only Vil could see me now. Eeehhhh, on second thought, if only past Vil could see me now. I don't think I want to see present Vil anymore.
"Alright, boys, let's get a move on! We have to start our walk now or else we're going to be late for dinner! I don't want my children hungry for long."
Lilia walked out the door, leading the way that we're going to take. Malleus walked up to me and looped his arm around mine.
"Come along, Child of Man. Lilia will outpace all of us if we wait any longer."
I only nodded before I started moving. I ended up tugging on Malleus slightly before he matched my pace. Sebek and Silver closed the door before catching up to Malleus and I. It took us ten minutes to catch up with Lilia. Well, catch isn't the right word. Found is a better one for the fact that we had to roam the hallways of Diasomnia. We ran into so many Diasomnian students, who seemed to be more than excited to see me. Some even gave me hugs or other forms of affection.
"There you kids are! I was worried for a second that someone came in and stole (Y/N) away!"
"If there was someone so foolish enough to even attempt at taking my young kin, I would have boiled their insides before ripping them to shreds."
I gulped at Malleus' words. Having someone who is part dragon be possessive over you is worse than just having a human be possessive.
Finally, after playing the waiting game for so long, we continued on with our walk and we went outside of Diasomnia. The environment surrounding the castle was, as usual, spooky but perfect for a get away. We made it slightly deep into the forest before I decided it was time to use the other faes' gifts. I started to slow down a bit before stopping completely.
"Hmmm, what's wrong, (Y/N)?"
I took a deep breath before answering Silver.
"Just needing to tie my shoe, Silvy! I would hate to trip and fall after all!"
"Let me, (Y/N)!"
Sebek moved before I could bend down. What was the most interesting part was the fact that he untied my shoe to just redo the knot. I debated in my head to wait for a different opportunity. I decided to wait for only a little longer.
Sebek stood back up and gave me such a proud smile. I nod my head before giving Sebek my own smile.
"Thank you, Sebek. I appreciate it."
"You're welcome, (Y/N)!"
Sebek turned back around and I started to take the back of the group. I watched Lilia talk animatedly while Silver was trying to avoid falling asleep. Malleus kept his posture straight and focused on our path while Sebek was scanning the forest.
They were distracted. I try to activate Blue's invisibility. I watch as blue magic sparks start at my fingertips and go down my entire body. I couldn't even see me! Using the fact that I was now invisible, I started to walk away from the group as fast as I could. I was about twenty feet away when I heard this.
"What do you mean, Se- LITTLE BAT!?! WHERE DID YOU GO?!"
They had no idea where I was but I still had some way before I could reach the mirror. I start running and I know that I'm making a bunch of noise at this point. Sebek, Lilia and Malleus obviously know where I am based on noise.
I turn my head and see Lilia nearly grabbing the collar of the Diasomnia uniform that I was wearing. I let out a small scream as I dodge his grasp.
"Little bat! It isn't wise to make me mad!"
I was so preoccupied with Lilia that I nearly got hit by Sebek's baton.
Sebek's eyes were blazing with fury. I had to make a decision quickly. I remember that Green gave me super speed and tried to use that. I saw green flashes on my feet. Next thing that I knew was that it felt like my feet were flying out from underneath me. I was moving faster than I could really control it. I nearly ran into twenty different trees.
I felt the ground shake and noticed that Silver had actually sent a spell into the ground and it was erupting beneath me.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). But I can't let you escape."
The spell caused an explosion beneath me, sending me flying into the sky. I let out a scream, my fear of heights kicked in. I heard Sebek scolding Silver for using such a spell on me.
I quickly get my brain under control and focus on using Red's free fall. I saw my body flash red and I felt more confident. I then started to glide through the air trying to get to the mirror, I could see it. I heard an air whistle and noticed that Malleus was flying straight for me.
I narrowly avoid Malleus' dive and quickly land on the ground in front of the mirror. I watched as I blinked blue, green and red to signify that the gifts had ran out. I looked around, noting how close the four of them were before rushing into the mirror. Once in the Hall of Mirrors, I look around before choosing a mirror to hide away in.
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parvulous-writings · 9 months
Oooh, I have a request idea!! How about Gale, Halsin, Astarion and Wyll or Karlach (if that's not too many ;-;) with a modern S/O from our world that makes them try a bunch of food from this dimension. I'd love to see their reaction to trying Soda or other Carbonated Beverages, and naturally seeing everyone's reaction to canned food - especially the kind that stays in the exact shape of the can even after you dump it into a bowl 🤣
Just imagine giving them this bad boy and being like "Bon appetit!" :D
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I like to think they'd be horrified 🥰 Thank you so much !!
Summary: I do love me a little whimsical AU, I can't lie - so this MAY go into the realms of silly, but you know what? It's going to be fun! It also may be a bit all over the place... but you know what I think it fits XD The scenario is kinda the same for all of them - I hope that's okay!
Warnings: Some are a bit shorter/longer than others! Other than that... I don't think there's anything!
Notes:  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Out of everyone, Gale would probably be the most at-ease with you coming from another realm - he finds it absolutely fascinating.
He's asking questions all the time - is there magic in your universe? No?? What do you do, then??
You tell him about technology, and he is hooked. You start talking about electricity and immediately he's taking notes (mental or physical).
"I think I might actually have something you can try, Gale" you pull out of your pack a can of Coke (that somehow had survived the trip), and a tin of cranberry sauce that you had hoped to take home, before being whisked away to the land of Faerun. You offer him the can, and he just stares at it for a moment, observing it.
"And... what is this, exactly?" "It's a drink." "I fail to see how-" click "... Ah"
Isn't sure how the bubbles feel on his tongue - he almost spits out the drink the first mouthful he has. Doesn't mind the taste itself though - he would probably drink it flat, if he had the choice to.
"It's... Nice..." He seems mildly uncertain of this statement. "Though, I think I will stick to wine, and water..."
You telling him you can preserve food in metal near indefinitely? Pure 'teach me' moment. He will want to know EVERY secret on that front.
The tin of sauce confuses him. You tell him that it's sauce and he's eager to taste it - he's always on the look out for new flavours, as the self-declared cook in camp. Fish and potatoes can only keep you going for so long, until your tongue starts craving a new flavour.
When you present the unchanging... thing to him, he has no idea what to make of it. "That's... Not sauce. In fact, I don't even think that's edible - that looks like a health hazard."
He straight up refuses to use it that night, like he will not go near it, nor will he let it near the food.
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Halsin doesn't really talk about you being from another realm all that much - it doesn't overly concern him, now that you've got his trust.
He likes hearing stories of your life -even though you have to explain 90% of what you talk about to him, he's always eagerly listening to whatever you have to say.
Will not touch anything in a can - drink or otherwise.
"I... Do not feel right in trying this... my apologies."
You will not be able to convince him, whatever you try and do, he just... Doesn't want to listen to anything about that. If you keep trying to push him on the subject, he'll probably end up just walking away.
Though he's aware that preserving foods is probably a good idea for the long run, but after having heard the fizz from the can of coke? That's... A no go, for the time being.
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Astarion couldn't care less where you came from - so long as you're not going to stab him in the back, he's fine with you. You could be a crawling claw for all he cares - so long as you don't hurt him he really does not care.
Astarion doesn't typically eat anything other than his usual sanguine meals now that his affliction is out in the camp. This doesn't stop him from making snide comments on the food, though. And he makes especially snide comments when it comes to drinks - which he still partakes in quite happily.
"What do you mean... Fizzy?" His lips draw up slightly in a half-sneer, not being particularly drawn to the idea of... Whatever it was you were offering him. Though, he supposed, because it was you... He'd give it a go.
He manages to keep the beverage in his mouth after a sip, but the face he makes is beyond a grimace - clearly, he was not expecting that many bubbles.
Now when it came to the tinned sauce - or any tinned food for that matter... He'll simply laugh. "Now, I know we're short on supplies, darling, but... I don't think you'll get anyone to eat that." "Let me put it this way... If something like that was for my meal, I'd be running for the hills! ... And probably washing my mouth out with soap..."
"I am so glad I do not have to pretend I'm eating with you... Because that-" He points emphatically to the can-shaped food. "Would not, and will not, be going anywhere near my lips!"
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Wyll is curious about the realm you come from, but doesn't normally pry. He figures that, if you're going to reveal anything about your home land, you'll do it in your own time, when you're comfortable. If you start talking about your home and your life, Wyll will do the same, to show that he's not taking the conversation for granted.
Wyll actually LIKES carbonated beverages. He savours the feel on his tongue - it's like nothing else he's ever had before, and he's instantly wanting more. If you ever do figure out the realm-hopping thing, you'll have to bring him some more - possibly some different brands or flavours for him to try.
"So... These beverages... They can... Taste of flowers, and other delightful things?" Wyll hums pleasantly at this thought. "Well, I know we have... Similar things, here in Faerun, but I am most intrigued on your realms' flavours... As pleasant as it all can be, you can only handle so much of the same..."
Though canned food doesn't.... Really seem appealing to him, he'll still give it a good try! He's down to try any food at least once.
He's not keen on the appearance of the cranberry sauce, but he has some with some turkey you've roasted, and he's in love with the taste. Sure, the appearance could use some work, but beggars can't always be choosers - at least it tasted delicious!
Absolutely LOVES tinned vegetables. He's not sure why - he knows they've got a very different taste and texture to their fresher counterpart, but... There's just something about them that he can't get enough of. Tinned carrots especially.
If you give him the chance - and Gale for once isn't trying to make dinner - Wyll will try and find a way to include tinned foods. He will get everyone to like them, he's certain of it.
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Karlach LOVES hearing anything and everything about your home realm - from the mundane to the even mundane-r. You have a special tub to bathe in, not made from wood? And it has running water, like a river, that you can control?? That's one of the coolest things Karlach has heard of - and she longs for a way to try and bring that kind of plumbing to Faerun.
Karlach isn't fussed on the Coke can you offer her - she'll drink it, for sure, but if there's the option of another drink, then she'll probably opt for that first. Purely for the reason that it's a relatively new sensation compared to the other kinds of fizzy found in drinks across Faerun.
Like, fermentation has a kick, but in comparison, carbonation is a roar, that Karlach needs a little adjusting to - she has the best reaction out of the lot of them, I think.
"Whoo- that's... Hah, that's something, soldier... And how often do you drink this? Once a day? ... Several? Several cans of this a day?" She laughs quietly, shaking her head. "You're braver than me at some things, soldier."
However, when it comes to tinned food... She loves it. She's not even sure why - perhaps it's just the fact that she loves food. You show her the sauce first, and she doesn't even bat an eye at the fact that the sauce had retained the shape of the can. She sniffs at it, before just picking it up and taking a bite.
"A little sharp... But not bad!" Another bite. "You're meant to eat that with meat, Karlach," "Huh? .... Ah, well - still tastes good like this!"
She's not as fond of tinned veggies, but she'll still eat them. Normally dinner will now start with. "Aw, what? Don't we have anymore of that red stuff?"
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first-class-feral · 2 months
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brad dourif scrungly feature analysis: eyes
from the “Boys” dourif-hottie supercut music video:
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I’d love to see an artist break this down!
For now, let me write you a novel about Brad's spectacular eyes...
The Strangeness
(Skip if you want to preserve the mystery.) BD's right eye is placed a little higher, and turned up as if tugged from the outer corner. I think it's part of that subtle something that immediately sets him apart. This unique, catlike, romantic asymmetry snatches your attention.
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The glow
His striking, chameleonic blues capture light — even in B&W — which directors loooooove to exploit by lighting him obliquely:
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It's a great way to crank up the eerie vibe of any scene, and I respect Star Trek for trashing that option outright with all-black contacts. (Of course, he still served an incredibly compelling outsider.)
(Edit: I put up a post just about this effect because they seriously do it all the damn time) (...because it's awesome)
Set in shadows
He has hooded eyes, deep-set and accentuated by heavy eye bags. The shadows and textures draw you in toward those luminescent irises, like picture frames that amplify each motion of his eyes.
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Sometimes he pops them wide open, creating these huge, expressive magnets...
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...Or squints lopsidedly...
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...Or interrogates, challenges, threatens — alert but defensive, like a prey animal on the edge of lashing out.
He’s said he chooses roles that "turn him on" (pretty clearly in an artistic sense); many of these blend menace and vulnerability, and our boy dumps emotion into every. single. line. This can manifest as an intense, wary, combative look, with eyes wide under neutral or furrowed brows:
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Cry, baby
...And that's all before we mention the tears. He cries, of course, at will and liberally, and his eyes go red-rimmed and wet, highlighting them even more as he pins someone's soul to the wall with his gaze.
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When he hovers right on the edge, they seem to shine in the dark.
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At times, his fair eyelashes almost vanish, compounding his unusual look with a birdlike or reptilian tinge.
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Obviously, the shaved brows in LOTR add to this effect.
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A couple more things you'll notice here: he'll hold his eyes wide open for much longer than normal, drawing out these moments and making him seem even more alien.
And when he gets up-close in someone's face (which is often), he's constantly switching his gaze between their eyes — totally fixated, as if scanning for emotional feedback. In my opinion, it adds to that vulnerability: to the object of his attention, he must seem like a predator freezing them in place... but it's also desperate, like a prey animal trying to decipher the other person's intent, all senses tuned to pick up their slightest signal. (Gríma Wormtongue and Jack Dante especially have this pathetic air about them: grasping at sources of warmth while lashing out at the harsh, unintelligible world around them, allying themselves with uncontrollable destructive forces in an attempt to establish a place for themselves........)
The eyes — and how he uses them — are the standout scrungly feature, the main reason we can’t look away from this unforgettable weirdo.
The cat-eye asymmetry pulls focus;
His ice-blue irises are light traps, framed in textured shadow;
His full-bore emotional commitment ramps up the anguish and torment to an aching crescendo that's impossible to ignore.
Eventually I'll follow up on other contributing factors, but for now, I'll leave you with a couple of article snippets about The Eyes:
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Imagi-Movies: Vol 1 No 2 — Winter 1993/94. Pages 11-13: "Traumatic - Brad Dourif". Link
SoHo News: November-December 1981. "Tension and mercy - Brad Dourif glowers for our sins" (an article all about his eyes! But they don't mention the asymmetry.)
[Gifs were mostly stolen from the GOAT, @exdeputysonso — with some of my own, mostly the square ones. Shout-out to @dragonsbloodsnowcone for inspiring this word vomit.]
Thanks for reading!
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netherworldpost · 11 months
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"Say, your advertising your project's existence was just a little zine, wasn't he?"
I will never advocate being anything less than professional with Staff. Raging user at social media network is not effective or good for anyone.
A(n alleged) decrease of commitment on their part to a platform I am committed to is not a comfortable position
Ultimately, they are treating this like a business decision, which is fair
So am I. We both have an equal right to self preservation and project growth.
Here is an outline post on how to make zines in the thought line of "I run a small widget and I want people to remember I exist."
It's not for everyone, it's not the only solution, it's not perfect, it's not a one-size-fits-all. You'll have to modify it.
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My current numbers as of this writing is to produce a small zine using 1 sheet of paper on a custom-printed envelope and mailed to customers once a month.
Retail price will be $10/year, production cost per customer is just shy of $14/year, so each sign up costs the company $4/year (about $0.33/month).
Free shipping (simplifies things)
Billed 1 year at a time. Payment processing has a floor of $0.30, costs would be destroyed if we handled it monthly.
No auto-renew. This easily could become an experiential nightmare for customers and us as a shop. Reminders will be included during the last few months.
1 sheet of paper cut in half and folded in half stapled into a zine. Very limited space. Fun, bright, we can produce it quickly in-house. Small so it doesn't create a project backlog.
For us: this project is not to make money.
It is to remind folks we exist when they remember "oh hey Someone's Birthday is coming up, I should get a card from Netherworld Post Office. Maybe a few labels to decorate the envelope, a sticker or two for my water bottle."
From past experience, a handful-percent of customers on this kind of system will make the entire system profitable, annually.
The rest will enjoy it tremendously, which pays dividends in unexpected and myriad ways. Word of mouth of mouth of mouth of mouth of mouth (etc.)
Ultimately: the risk is brutally small.
Can be whatever you want.
Part of the reason my costs are so high is because I want custom printed envelopes. If I got blank envelopes then rubber stamped them, I would save about 25%
But. I explicitly want crisply printed multi-colored envelopes
(because we are going to sell envelopes in time, so it's a continual proof of production in terms of what we can do)
You could also charge some or all shipping. Or raise the price. (Or not do any of this!)
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There is a pin company in Canada that sends me a reminder every six months or so that they exist and like clockwork I buy a packet of pins and stickers. Not every reminder, probably 2-3 times every 3-4 years.
Same idea.
Some folks will prefer email newsletters -- which they don't pay for, that's great, we offer that too.
Online advertising exists. It can be cheap. It is always at least medium-level complicated.
Moving into the woods and saying "no social media networks for this biz!" is not practical (or us and for many)
Rebooting an audience every 5-10 years on a different network is not practical
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It is my sincere and legitimate hope that this site continues, grows, evolves, strengthens. For both personal and professional reasons.
I similarly recognize that my goals and theirs may not continue to align forever -- and that's far more my problem than theirs.
Here is the zine guide link from the beginning.
Here is our shop's landing page with newsletter signup for when we launch.
Good luck everyone (staff explicitly included in "everyone")
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Trying to think of ones I haven’t already talked about A Lot
Murderbot describes Preservation as "a complicated barter system" because it doesn't really have the words or concepts to parse what it's looking at: primarily a gift economy. An economy with a robust central government that does a lot of distribution of primary resources, and a social logic based more on providing than consuming. Farmers and agriculture techs don't produce food to then trade to other people, they produce food that's then re-distributed to everyone as needed by a central organization, and the farmers and ag-techs are given what they need and want by others who, y'know, eat food and express gratitude for Having Food. People don't trade for health care, doctors provide health care to whoever needs it because that's what they've trained and chosen to do and are given what they need by others for their service in providing health care.
Pin-Lee doesn't tend to have a lot to trade but she is a lawyer who keeps things functioning between Preservation and the Corporates, does the legal work that allows Preservation citizens to safely travel, and helps to maintain the contracts that prevent other more opportunistic planets fromtaking advantage of them. She provides this service to the planet and gets what she needs from other people who provide other services. Gurathin helps to maintain the university's database infrastructure, when he's getting coffee he doesn't need to offer to like, make a database for the coffeeshop, it's just understood that he's providing a service to society and partaking in another service to society. Arada and Ratthi are research biologists and their work is only tangentially productive to The Planet but I'm sure there's a public outreach or education aspect that's expected of a lot of researchers - learning without sharing what you're learning is socially unfair, even if their lectures are mostly only attended by students who are told by their teachers to go watch them. But it's kind of understood that by being an adult in the world, you are doing something that contributes to society and to others in some way, and as such are entitled to having your needs met as well.
It's a reciprocity-based logic of actions rather than commodity exchange, and honestly it works because 1) Preservation's population is relatively small, 2) there is a lot of bureaucratic organization work making sure everyone is getting what they need, the government is SO many committees 3) a whole lot of labor is done by machines (non-sentient robots) and bots (sentient robots). The reliance on bot labor is absolutely gonna be something Preservation has to think more about.
Citizens also every once in a while on rotation get called for a kind of labor tax akin to the way jury duty works, where every couple of months you have to put in a day working in the central town food court washing dishes or something. There are also Perks offered for jobs that might be a harder sell for people to do, like premium station housing.
Straight-up money that comes into the station from outsystem trade and travel mostly gets re-invested in supporting Preservation travelers off-planet into societies that do use money (like PresAux's ASR survey), or buying materials or machines that are hard to make locally (like ag-bots, or some spaceship or station parts for repairs).
However where barter comes in is on a more interpersonal one-on-one level, more similar to commissions. You grow a lot of carrots while my grapefruit tree is producing a lot more fruit than I could possibly eat, want to trade? You make ceramics as your primary Work, I'll trade you something if you make me something specific I have in mind. Can you help me fix my roof? I'll get you some good wood when the lumber trees are mature next year. Developing skills for these kind of interpersonal more-specialized trades is a significant motivation, too. And different skills and jobs inevitably attract more status and impressiveness than others. But it's not barter exactly so much as reciprocity, a strong culture of civic duty, and a highly organized government.
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ellipsae · 1 year
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Hi, I'm back with another Post-Epilogue design, this time for Guy. I have to admit, I really struggled with this one. Guy's original design has such a clean but distinctive style to it that I just can't quite capture. At first I tried to do a 'work' outfit for when he gets hands-on with fon tech before switching to attempting a formal outfit. The casual jacket-off variation feels more like Guy than the full dressed one though...I'm not too satisfied with this one but there were several design points that I wanted to work in and did at the very least. Maybe I'll revisit this design again down the road.
Anyways, please see under the read more for more design details. !Warning for Spoilers!
-so post-epilogue, I imagine Guy becomes a 'rising star' in noble society after hitting it big by sinking all his wealth in fontech development which quickly became a booming industry in the post-Planet Storm world. All the other nobility are so impressed by Guy's rise in reputation/wealth/smart investment decisions but in reality it's largely just Guy being a really big fontech nerd like usual and funding everything that are really interesting to him and being an early investor. He spends more time than he likes having to attend parties and gatherings but he understands having and maintaining a reputation is important to assert his influence and opinions, especially after all the obstacles he faced getting back his title (I imagine he got judged a lot for his rappig caretaker job and such), plus he's so used to being a servant he doesn't act like most nobles. (He finally graduates from his job as Peony's Rappig Caretaker though.)
-the device in his suspender holster is a fonon counter, it can detect the type and concentration of fonons in the immediate area. (It's a useful tool plot-wise for this AU *winkwink* ) Normally Guy carries it when he's on site, observing fontech excavation, it's helpful for finding power cores.
-in the post-epilogue world, Guy's interest and knowledge about fontech makes him the greatest source of information in the party, in contrast to Jade being the authority on fonic sciences back when fonons were abundant
-I also imagine that many people are still reluctant to adopt fontech in their everyday lives/still stuck on losing the Score and fonic magic so there was not a lot of initial interest. It was also still quite a risk to invest in given a lot of advance tech had to rely on excavated machines from the Dawn Age. In contrast, replicas have no preconceptions about fontech and I imagine Guy helping fledgling replica communities get ahead by sharing and teaching them how to use simple fontech. Since philantrophy/altruism is also part of what nobility does, it makes the other nobles impressed as well.
-I went a little overboard with the gold cording but I really like the idea of the cording being a traditional style of Hod.
-the four leaf clover-like knot is a decorative knot called a mokkou musubi, it carries the meaning of 'perpetuation of one's descendants'. Pere tied it for him with that in mind to revive the House of Gardios.
-the pin brooch on his lapel is the same as the one Marybelle wears on her cravat. I like to think that it's their family crest. In the off-jacket version, Guy has a smaller pin on the collar.
-I really wanted to preserve the curved open window (?) that his vest has in his original design so I ended up putting it as an open back on his jacket
-I went through so many types of coat styles, from like caped trench coats to riding frocks but cycled back to keeping the single-tail back.
-the orange 'jacket' around his waist in the jacket-off version is actually his vest. And the cloth in his pocket is not the cravat from his full dressed version, but I can imagine a funny skit where everyone keeps thinking it is the cravat.
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iwriteasfotini · 13 days
Hogwarts Rosekiller I of VI
Rosekiller wasn't supposed to be part of Our Love is Written in the Stars. I didn't even know the ship existed until I joined tumblr. But now I do, and sorry but you can't unlearn that shit! Now they have an interlude in Book 6 and I'm planning installments from both their POV's during Marauders year 7, which is Evan's first year out of Hogwarts and Barty's year 6.
The Book 6 interlude is not really plot relevant. So... I'm sharing *most* of it! FYI It hasn't been through my full editing process.
Part I of VII - Rating Explicit (543 words) Barty's POV
Warnings: lots of f*bombs and underage
Salazar how he hated these detentions. Barty sat at the desk as far away from his babysitters as possible, resisting the urge to fall asleep. Today it was the Gryffindor mudblood and some Hufflepuff bird. Or maybe they wouldn’t care if he napped through. At least Slytherin had won the match yesterday. Beating Gryffindor during Evan’s last year had been extremely rewarding. Especially since Barty knew it was McKinnon and Meadowes’ last year as well. McKinnon had looked ready to murder. 
Even with the victory to reminisce, he was annoyed to be in detention. He was annoyed at Regulus, who still thought Barty wouldn’t notice his shifty behavior. He was annoyed with the administration who had forced him to take all five electives which meant his workload this year was astronomical. Good thing he had a photographic memory. And no one said he had to excel in his lessons, merely pass. 
At least he had the afternoon free, Evan having canceled their practice session in light of the victory, giving everyone time to rest and recuperate from the massive party the night before. Although Barty always found bashing bludgers around to be very soothing, that and blow jobs. And Evan was extremely generous where blow jobs were concerned. 
Barty tugged at his lip rings with his teeth. He wanted Evan to get one, but Evan laughed and said they’d get tangled up together while snogging, and did he want to go around like two fish caught on a single hook?
“The rings are solid you prat,” scoffed Barty. “There is nothing to hook.”
Evan shrugged. “They look best on you anyhow.”
At this point Barty was pretty sure half the house knew they were together, even though they kept their intimate relationship completely private. But you’d have to be really thick to not notice all those people who spent time in private… together. It was one of the reasons Regulus annoyed him to no end. Because he continued to uphold the veneer that he wasn’t seeing anyone to Barty. Barty was many things, but an idiot was not one of them. 
And he’d be lying if he said the fact he’d still fuck Regulus, if given the chance, wasn’t one of the reasons he’d let Regulus continue on with his little ruse all these years. Because yes, they were now years into this behavior. Barty reasoned Regulus must be either extremely ashamed of whoever he was seeing, not likely because guilt wasn’t an emotion he felt Regulus was familiar with, or whoever it was was on the off-limits list. This was far more likely. Of course Regulus would fall for some dweeb blood traitor. He was more like his brother than he admitted. 
And yet, Barty let him have his fun. Because Barty was happy, and knowing someone else could make the impossible work somehow gave him faith that his impossible would work out as well. At the end of the day, it wasn’t his business who Regulus sucked off. All Barty needed to know was that Regulus was capable of lying, well enough for most people to not question his actions. 
Barty was also capable of lying. His whole life was one big fucking lie. Self-preservation had that effect on a person.
Continue to Part II
This is part of my very epic story Our Love is Written in the Stars which you can find more about in my pinned post.
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mitamicah · 4 months
Little gig report from a local show I went to this weekend - you can skip if you don't want to hear me babble about bands nobody probably have ever heard of x'D
On June 1st I went to a free concert in Copenhagen that I'd learned about since Cold Culture - a support band from the Blind Channel gig on April 22nd in Copenhagen *aka on my birthday* - was playing there. This was btw also the band where I was talking about the danish Bojan doubleganger x'D
This was such a pleasant time!! I was greeted by every band member of Cold Culture (or the three I'd hung out with after Blind Channel since the last had to take the train home early) greeted me with big smiles which warmed my heart since it then means they remember me :'3 <3 Frontman Mads and Drummer Andy P even ran to hug me when they saw me so I was pretty much dead by cuteness :'D
After that amazing welcome I went around to talk to other people in the crowd. Admittedly I felt a bit odd at the beginning since this is the first gig I've been to in a while where the people arriving there hadn't been fans but mostly just the locals being curious enough to check out a free show in the good summer weather. Despite my preservation everybody I ended up speaking to was very nice and nobody seemed annoyed that a random weirdo began chatting with them. Quite the opposite since later in the evening a couple went to me and thanking me for speaking to them while also mentioning they'd originally went home but decided to come back just to find me and compliment my golden retriever energy (not their words but mine) :'3 <3
One thing that was very different about the crowd was that I am pretty sure the majority was straight OVO as a queer person that has gotten used to be around gals and queers (cough kääryleet and baby boos) this was definitely a change OVO Luckily it was mostly metal heads and/or hardcore guys so there were no drama just odd seeing straight (or "straightpassing" since I didn't ask and therefore know anybody's sexuality) couples being the norm. Cis masc people at hardcore shows I've learned can be very affectionate with their mates - I got invited into a hug-jump circle during one band, screamed my heart out with a guy during another, had somebody randomly pat my stomach (very quickly) and got hugs, fist bumps, dance off and smiles from more people than I can count - mostly from men. And I know I passed as well since not one person called me 'she' and very few mentioned my transness and then only after seeing my pronoun and/or trans pin. I love the one guy that went: "I wouldn't have ever guessed since you have a beard" x'D
All three bands were amazing! I am biased towards Cold Culture however since I knew their music already x'D This time I was all the way up front (no barrikade so I was more or less right in the band's face OVO) screaming along. I got to give Michael (the keyboardist) a fistbump at some point :D
The second band, Ashes of Billy were young (14-15 yrs old) yet still full of energy. That transferred to the crowd that was the most moshy they'd be the whole evening. I almost threw off my shirt at one point because it was so hot :'D Had their show been one song longer I think I might actually have done it x'D
The last band, Daze of June, seemed fairly known to the local scene. They'd had a 2 year break from playing live so the crowd was hungry and it showed! The crowd surfers continued coming and one part of passing I hadn't expected was that I now seemed to be expected to join in on carrying the crowdsurfers (some even eyeing me before jumping out) - that could also be because I am tall and in front but yeah, safe to say I've never carried that many people around during concerts as I did last saturday x'D
After and inbetween concerts I hung out with the band members but especially Cold Culture. I had stolen their setlist in the least stealth way (running to the one by the drummer and then struggled to get the gaffa tape to let go for a minute or two x'D) that I got the boys to sign and I got a picture with Mads and Andy M, the guitarist. Mads remembered the silly duck face that got to be an intern joke between us (me and other fans) at the Blind Channel show so he made it on both pictures. Andy P and Michael would arrive later so I didn't get pictures with them but instead a long, very lovely conversation with Andy P :3
Now I have met them twice I have new thoughts about whether or not I think Mads is Bojan coded. The answer is definitely still yes but with some little additions. As @j-restlessgeek noted, Mads definitely seems to have some facial features that reminds one of Kris. He is more slender than I remember so I'd say he's build more like Jure than Bojan. His eyes are those of a husky tho; big and iceblue. His personality is still definitely closest to Bojan's which might be why the two of us (both very much dog coded) got along so well!! We were pretty much fanboying about each other x'D (he about my art since he follows me on IG and me about his music :'D)
I have no idea if it was just me being extra aware about him once more *I'd been very aware of his presence at the blind channel gig as well* but it seemed to me we caught each other's eye quite often even when not in the conversation together. Had it not been for Mads going to single me out to hug and say goodbye when he had to go I could've sworn it was just me being delulu. He thanked me aton for coming and told me that if I wanted to next time he might be able to get me backstage so that was so very nice of him :'D <33
All in all this was a good way to spend first day of pride month and first official day of summer ^V^
Pictures of me, Mads and Andy M ^V^
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Pictures of Mads during Cold Culture's gig (I really dig these ones especially since you get a feeling how freaking close I was OVO)
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siphersaysstuff · 11 months
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It's "Locktober", a month entirely about Dinobot leader GRIMLOCK! I mean, what else could it be? So let's close in on some of the plastic toys of the Autobot warrior who simply won't be restrained in this month's batch of Patron-backed @tfwiki pictures!
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Sadly, I don't have wiki-worthy samples of the first Grimlock toy, G1 or G2 (also I'd want all 3 G2 decos represented). But here's the Action Master, the fourth release of the character in the original toyline. He came with an "Anti-tank cannon" partner/drone (bonus pic!).
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Robots in Disguise 2001 Grimlock, named to secure the Trademark, is one of the most awkward Transformers toys ever made. Them arms, man. This yellow deco was a Hasbro exclusive, released in a post-RID 4-pack of the entire Build Team on Black Friday 2003. Thank you for preserving the name.
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The only Unicron Trilogy Grimlock wasn't even originally supposed to be in that series! The Energon Grimlock & Swoop toys (who can combine into Mega-Dinobot) were originally meant to be in the concurrently-running Universe line, but got shifted to the combination-centric Energon.
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Grimlock was a natural choice to be in the very limited 2006 Classics line, though him being a Deluxe baffled many. Still, for my money this is a great redesign. I can just see him biting down on a Decepticon, pinning him to the floor, and transforming to stand directly on top of him.
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Grimlock made a splash in Animated, though his role and number of toys ended up being pretty limited overall. Still, aside from the big Voyager toy, there's the smaller Activator version, with a partially-spring-loaded conversion activated by pressing the gold button on his dino-butt.
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Shattered Glass Grimlock started as a brainless beast. But the pre-convention "prank" comic pages by @therobotmonster and myself portrayed him as highly intelligent and verbose, inspired by the Brain Gremlin from "Gremlins 2". Which went over so well that's how he ended up in later SG stories!
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Weirdly, it took some time for Grimlock to show up in the Kre-O building-brick line. The first were Age of Extinction sets, including one with an inexplicable G1-based build and Kreon in the "Grimlock Unleashed" set! G1 Grim also showed up in the "Kreon Class of '85" San Diego Comic Con 2015 exclusive set.
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Speaking of Age of Extinction Grimlock, one of the oddest toys of this version of the character is this Walmart-exclusive redeco of the ten-year-old Energon Cruellock mold! The "energon star" accessory has been glued into place to hide that the toy lacks its "spark crystal".
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And speaking of weird Grimlocks, Angry Birds Transformers! The app's still going, what the hell? It briefly had actual toys, which included this Jenga-branded "Optimus Prime Attack Game" set with a Grimlock Bird Jenga frame! And yes, this thing is in the mobile game. In both, the goal is to knock out as many tummy bricks and pigs as possible.
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The large "Hyper Change Heroes" 3-Step version of Robots In Disguise 2015 Grimlock is possibly the perfect-scale dino-mode toy compared to his teammates' Warrior-class toys (def a bit too big in robot mode)… but ooh, does he take a big hit in robot-mode posability and accuracy from the waist down.
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Cyberverse "Spark Armor" Grimlock came with a "Trash Crash" dump truck that forms incredibly bulky armor for him. Interchangeability of the Spark Armors has not been extensively tested to the best of my (admittedly limited) knowledge on the subject.
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Of course, G1 Grimmers gets loads of merch. He's currently the only TF to have two wholly-different molds in Super7's ReAction retro action figure line, with both robot and dino mode figs. This G2-colored (but not G2-symbol'd, boo) figure was one of many, many Target exclusive ReAction figs.
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Let's end on the "ultimate" G1 Grimlock (well, non-Masterpiece version, though one can argue which of those two is truly "ultimate"), Studio Series! He came with a semi-posable Wheelie figure, so when his price point was inevitably budget-cut, the "partner" fig could be dropped, a sacrifice so the later Dinobots could still afford AN accessory.
If you enjoy these stomps through Transformers toy history, you can help out by joining my Patreon at "gregstfwikipics". Every little bit helps get more pics out a month, plus at higher pledge tiers you can even pick a theme!
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chayscribbles · 11 months
a little Euna / Zeya flashback. Zeyna, if you will
this post i made a few days ago was driving me insane and i was possessed to write a little drabble that probably won't make the draft. this happens about a cycle (the equivalent of a month) before the events of the gemini heist. no real spoilers, but there is a little context revealed about Zeya's place in the crew before she went rogue.
words: 874
the gemini heist wip intro
EDIT: this drabble has a doodle now
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Euna had barely stepped into the mess hall before a blue plasma dagger was at her throat.
Quick as lightning, she grabbed the arm that had her in a chokehold and yanked it off, flinging her attacker around. It took only a moment before a second, pink laser blade slashed at Euna’s right arm, creating a long, dark burnt streak along the plastic. Euna blindly lunged at the tiny person, but they leapt out of the way just in time, hopping onto the table and using it as a launching pad to grab one of the pipes running along the ceiling and haul themself up. They swung their body back and, on the return swing, kicked at Euna’s head. She dodged the boot— slamming into a shelf in the process, from which several cans of preserves noisily rolled off the sides— and fired at the ceiling with the blaster built into her cybernetic hand. The shot hit the pipe. It hissed, leaking steam into the room. The attacker plummeted. Before they could scramble away and take out their daggers again, Euna had both their hands pinned to the ground and a knee pressed against their chest.
For a moment, they both stayed still, breathlessly glaring at each other. Then Euna grinned.
“You’re not even trying anymore,” she said, releasing her hold on Zeya and getting to her feet.
Zeya simply smirked, shoving her sweat-dampened, shoulder-length dark hair out of her face as she sat up. Her eyes flitted up to the still-hissing pipe.
“Ah, shit,” Euna lamented, following her gaze. “Cap’s gonna kill us.”
“Not if you tell her you were stopping me from trying to escape again,” Zeya said with a shrug. For someone who carried two plasma daggers— they had been confiscated multiple times, but Zeya somehow always managed to get them back— her voice was surprisingly soft and feathery. Euna was still getting used to hearing it, as only recently did Zeya begin to talk around the other crewmates, and even then, it was very scarce to catch her talking to anyone but the Captain.
“Right. So she’s just gonna kill me. We all know you’re the Captain’s favourite no matter how many times you’ve tried to run.” Euna opened the fridge and pulled out two cans of iced lava root tea. She handed one to Zeya, still sitting, cross-legged, on the floor. “Also, was that you trying to escape? It looked like you just wanted to get your ass kicked.”
Zeya wordlessly took the tea and fiddled with the tab. Euna peered at her as she opened her own drink and took a swig. It was impossible to tell what Zeya was thinking at any given moment— her face was always so stony, she could either be contemplating her next attempted stabbing or trying to decide her next meal— but Euna had the impression the comment about the Captain had irked her.
“I was kidding, you know. About the favourites thing,” Euna said. “I just think Cap likes having you on the crew and wants you to stay once your contract is up.”
Zeya once again remained silent. She opened her can, but instead of drinking it, she picked at the tab with her fingernail. I probably should’ve just kept my mouth shut, Euna thought. Zeya’s contract was a touchy subject for her— based on the multiple attempts to escape the six cycle agreement to work for the Sirens without a cut of the crew’s earnings in exchange for food, lodging, and most importantly, not getting thrown out of the airlock for breaking into the ship and trying to steal from them in the first place, it was clear that she deeply resented the arrangement. 
But there was just over one cycle left before the contract was up, and in the last few weeks, there had been a tangible shift in the air, particularly in the way Captain Callisto interacted with Zeya. Everyone on the crew had noticed the way the Captain let little infractions slide, the way she let Zeya have a bit of an allowance to spend when the ship docked, the way she stopped confiscating the plasma daggers… And while Euna wouldn’t have minded having someone to spar with for a bit longer, eyebrows were being raised. 
The Captain denied any favouritism, but the last time someone had mentioned it around Zeya, she had pulled out her daggers, and it wasn’t Zeya who’d spent the night in the brig for “trying to start shit”.
“Forget I said anything,” Euna said quickly, not wanting to get into a real fight with Zeya right now. Not when the scar on her arm was still fresh. Gabi was probably going to think she was so annoying for needing repairs again. “I didn’t talk about the Captain, I didn’t talk about the contract—”
Zeya ripped the tab off her can and flicked it at Euna’s face, hitting her squarely in the cheek.
“Hey,” Euna protested as Zeya silently stormed out of the room with her drink, but didn’t make a move to follow her. 
She might not be the brightest person on the ship, but Euna knew it was best not to provoke a woman with two plasma daggers and a grudge.
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wistfulmistful · 4 months
This isn't about art, I just thought it was kind of cool. Also it's a bit of a rabbit hole.
I went to a thrift store and found this guy.
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An old flip phone in surprisingly good condition. I grabbed it thinking I might be able to get it working, despite it having no battery.
It is a Latte Boom GSM phone from 2007. I start to look for information. This phone, that I can find, has exactly two reviews, an online preserved manual, and nothing else. It has a sliding keyboard, customizable ringtones, and mp3 capabilities.
There is no other information about this device. Nothing on YouTube. Nothing on Ebay. No luck finding a replacement battery by name. I found one seller in a forum from 2007 that never got a response. They wanted $150 for it, which is worth about $226 today.
A friend of mine suggests that I try to find a cable to charge it, that it might work even if it becomes forever tied to a USB port. The two reviews even say that it connects via USB. So I start looking. It is so very similar to a USB C, but the port is just barely too small. Here's the port.
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This fancy ass phone from 2007 is a /7 pin micro USB/. Which, when googled, pulls up mostly *solder parts*. It does not exist as a mass-produced cable, at least not nowadays.
At this point, I start thinking it may be best to find the original company. Maybe they still make new phones, or keep a record of old products. The only company I can find is "Latte Communications Inc" on Facebook. They are a Californian company founded in 2004. Their first post was in June of 2011, and their last post was in February of 2015. Their listed website, Lattefone .com, does not exist. There is many an unanswered comment regarding issues with their products. Most reviews do not recommend them.
Wayback Machine time.
March 26 2022, Lattefone is a website full of Chinese that I unfortunately cannot read. The one button that says 'english' does not do anything.
September 15 2017, I am redirected by Wayback to LatteZone, with Latte Communications saying their website is being redesigned. Following LatteZone back to 2006 gives us a picture-less selling page for their electronics. Though Wayback has archives of this site to present day, clicking them results in timeouts and errors. 2012 specifically gives us a tablet that iirc was listed on their Facebook page.
Back to Lattefone,
October 20, 2007, the Boom (the phone I picked up) is front and center. Here's the link if you're curious and a screenshot if you're not.
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There are no listed specs for the battery, only that it comes with 2.
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Still searching for a battery. I wish this little gadget worked.
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gglitchshit · 1 year
Asura Appreciation Week 2023 Day 1
Talk about one of your asura OCs! Who are they? What's their deal?
I decided to talk about Gliaster (they/them but any is fine) since they're my most developed asura, AND also my player character! (not Commander, just player character)
Here they are in ~1331 AE:
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Who are they? Ex-wife of Joko! What's their deal? Love!
Basically, a necromancer obsessed with necromancy who read about Joko in a book in Divinity's Reach and became obsessed with him too. They travelled to Elona to learn necromancy from him but in the process they also fell head over heels for him. Dated, then married for 10 years, Joko's death shook Gliaster to the core, but instead of taking revenge on the Commander and Aurene, they decided to disappear from the face of earth and write books about him to preserve his memory and knowledge. Many years later, books published with great effort, they're now ready to culminate their expertise as a necromancer and become a lich; however, the power overwhelmed and somewhat corrupted them, causing them to ignore all their past ideals. They're now hellbent on getting revenge on not only the Commander and Aurene but the entire world. Lo and behold! The next supervillain in a never-coming future expansion who causes the next cataclysmic event in Tyria. <3
(This is a very shortened version; if you're interested, you can read more about them on my toyhouse- which I don't want to link because then it won't show up in the tag but yeah. The link is on my blog and pinned post fdjkghdfjk)
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gctchell · 5 months
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@wonderful-balan asked:
sad headcanon q’s…  || ooc
4. how many scars does your muse have?
18. does your muse suffer from nightmares? how often? what about?
20. what is something your muse wants to tell others, but is too afraid to?
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sad headcanon q’s… || 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌
4. how many scars does your muse have?
Actually, no one has any sort of scarring just yet. Hoping this changes. :)
18. does your muse suffer from nightmares? how often? what about?
Carmilla is the sufferer on this blog. Since she fell into Hell, she lives her own punishment frequently behind her eyes; the night she and her daughters died. She's had it for so many decades now that she knows every detail so intimately that she feels it's revolting and forbidden, these are things she shouldn't know - the details of the guns, the names of their attackers, the details of their faces. Even when she's broken free from the script to try and change the events, it always ends just the same.
When she wakes up from these nightmares, she often has blood seeping through her clothes and over her skin from where she was shot. No visible injuries, but it's fresh, and those areas burn like they're fresh bullet wounds. She can't move for a while either, phantom paralysis taken over her spine and keeping her stuck to the bed for ten minutes. The pain lasts for that long too, and it's all methodical and fades around the same time. It took her ten minutes when she was alive to succumb to her injuries, ten minutes to kill every wretch that she could bring down with her before she curled up with her babies bodies.
Since Stella's divorce, she has nightmares of Octavia leaving and cutting her out of her life all together. It makes her so sick she wakes up and needs to expel everything from her stomach from just how intense that misery grips her by the gut. She is such a wreck in her heart now, she is not processing the divorce well. It's necessary, but hundreds of years of being married to Stolas for them to part, and for it to shake their daughter up the way it has, it's doing a number.
Lilith does not suffer frequently, she has her teas that she drinks specifically before bed to make sure they stay at bay. This aside, she is also a lucid dreamer and is able to control how the entire thing goes. However, every night before the Extermination, she does not drink tea and she does not take control. She lets the nightmares come and unfold, because she makes them prophetic. She uses them to see where the damage is going to be done the worst, where needs her protection the most, what she can extend.
It's always miserable, and the dour mood hangs off of her like a heavy cloud whenever she wakes. It's horrid, but so necessary. She sets to work almost immediately to put protection plans into place.
Niffty doesn't have nightmares. She has dreams that should very well be considered nightmares, such as a recurring a very specific one after the recent Extermination; she dreams about staring up at her ceiling, staring at Adam's corpse that she has pinned like an insect, his wings spread out and his body perfectly preserved. His eyes are open and looking back down at her. He can see her and she feels his eyes so staunchly it's tangible. She doesn't consider it to be a nightmare though, just a funny dream.
20. what is something your muse wants to tell others, but is afraid to?
I can really only think of one at the moment.
Carmilla has a fear of telling Zestial ( specifically arachnaemboss bc jack and i have been killing each other quietly ) that she loves him. Irrationality has her filled with trepidation, and she knows it. She's afraid he'll just vanish. This won't stop her should the time come, though. She does not let fear rule her.
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mdhwrites · 6 months
Ten Years of Writing
February 2014, I made my fimfiction account. At the end of that month, I published my first fanfic. It has been ten years since that fateful decision that feels like it changed so much for me. I kind of want to go back through my memories, just talk about some of the highlights (going to save that for a different blog frankly. It is ten years of material and almost three hundred stories combined, potentially that many with the very few I've deleted over the years) and what that's meant to me but I know a lot of people might ask: What do you have to show for it?
Well, skill wise, I would probably argue that writing is the only trained skill I have and I am IMMENSELY proud of how far I came, especially while knowing that I haven't really had the same support to grow as for the past half decade that I did before then.
I have genuinely moved people and for some even convinced them to seek help they may not have otherwise by sharing my experiences in a more palatable format than simply writing them in a blog would. I have a lot of reasons for why I never will take down Crises Girlfriends from Ao3 and the comments are a big part of that. It's a reminder of the power of writing and creation, something that's easy to lose sight of amongst popularity and hopes of financial success.
On that front though? Amazon lets me check lifetime sales now and I've sold 793 books. It's not even just because of friends buying a glut of material because while I may have 19 books out, Sarafune Monster Preserve Vol. 1, my second ever book, written when I was barely 21, holds over two hundred of those copies. Daughters of Dusk Vol. 1 has half those numbers, though funny enough it does have have more reviews. Frankly, for an independent author who has always struggled to find his audience, those numbers make me genuinely very happy. Also, number five is Ruff Secrets at 33 copies, nineteen of which are physical which I DID NOT REALIZE and honestly makes me realize that that book has done better than I thought it did. Crises Girlfriends is admittedly the lowest one sales wise at 4 copies in almost a year of being out. That's just how it goes sometimes.
Buuuut even for the books without a bunch of sales, I can hold my head high because Ruff Secrets is also literally the only book of mine with a below 4 star rating, at least of the ones with ratings which is the majority of them. That's a feather I can pin in my cap. A testament that even back when I was twenty and published my first work, Diane and Kat: The Bound Bands, I was right to have the confidence I did as a storyteller. To believe my work was commercial quality.
I also still have people in my life I'd never want to be without because of my writing. Heck, I don't know where I'd be without one of them as I lived on their couch for almost two years while dealing with my declining health. Others have helped give me guidance while even more have made sure I never believe I'm alone and I've even been able to help them back. As one friend would say: I was once their Luna and changed what was supposed to be a suicide note into a story that made a lot of people on Fim open up with personifications of their own troubles. I don't know if I'd have found communities where I would make those sorts of connections if not for my writing.
It also still gives me what feels like a purpose to be here. A thing that is mine that I can comfort myself with, even while dealing with my broken brain. While I may be desperate for validation and want success, neither would stop me from continuing to write. My brain is too jumbled a mess of ideas for me to ever stop and it keeps those ideas locked down pretty tightly. Like hey, you know how I mentioned two series at the beginning? Yeah, well, I can still tell you my plans for them and could pick them back up someday. It's been four years since the last Daughters of Dusk book came out but I still want to eventually return to it since it only had two more books before it was done. I don't want to leave it permanently unresolved, even if I've never quite gotten the energy to finish it.
Which does bring me to being honest and admitting that the past ten years haven't all been positive. I've had to fight a growing resentment towards others success as my own jealousy festered. I've had to deal with crushing failure after crushing failure (my fifth best book of 19 makes up for a thirtieth of my sales. I have had a LOT of very quiet launch weeks) and the toll that's taken on me isn't unreasonable. I've multiple times had my brain break on the idea of publicly posting anything, leading to one offs being published and me being a wreck for the rest of the day as my brain begs for it to go as well as it perceives it should.
And yet I've still never stopped. Nor do I ever plan to. It may be a year and a half since my last finished project but I know I'll get through this. I mean, there has been a year during this where I literally wrote like two chapters the entire year. This past year and a half still say probably a couple novellas worth of words out of me, just never to one thing. I could still go back to plenty of those works and continue them. There's at least one I would really like to just because I commissioned the art for it way before I was done writing it which was admittedly a bit of a lesson.
I hope to keep learning, keep getting better and try to share some of the insights I've learned with all of you. So here is to ten years and to many more decades to come hopefully. See you next tale.
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g1ga-byte · 9 months
If you finish the indigo disk dlc. Any ideas for adding the dlc in some of the AUs.
Ingo and jade au.
Lacey's father is heavily implied to clay so how would she play into this au, as the forth and youngest child of clay.
(Indigo disk spoilers) crispin have crush on Lacey. In the au what would be clay reaction to Lacey bringing her friend Crispin home a boy.
Lycan’s Plight au.
What would ms. Briar and heath study that is important to the Lycan’s Plight au.
Cyrano and the blueberry academy how would it play cyrano a friend of a clavell.
And the blueberry Elite 4
If you finish the indigo disk and know about how briar acted when she saw terapagos in its true form.
Disk guardian au.
Any idea for Geeta after finishing the dlc like the tera crystal tree, crystal pool, the blueberry academy tera core and crystal cubes.
Yes! I have finished the DLC and I can finally let the brainrot start! So, here are some ideas I have thus far!
Jade and Ingo:
Lacey is a nice welcome to this crazy family! And the fact she has an Excidrill too further cements my headcanon that Clay gifts his children with Drilburs as a starter! The DLC proved Clay is a scary man when it comes to his daughters, so the threats at Ingo is justified, so with poor lil’ Crispin, he would keep a sharp eye on him, albeit not as aggressive- he’s only a boy. Also, I headcanon that Jade made Lacey her hair pins, since she owns a small jewelry shop.
Lycan’s Plight AU:
With the DLC characters, I want tp make their own story within this unverse, but with little interaction (still under construction). I mentioned that this AU was inspired heavy from Planet of thr Apes reboot movies, so maybe Blueberry Academy may be a tech school with a biology study of the werewolves and maybe looking to “strip the savage nature” of the beast want to make them more human(?). If I want to pull more from my inspiration (at this point copying lol), what if they were developed a “curse” to make the werewolves “human”, but in actuality it a virus that could either kill or mutate humans to wolves (inspired by Turo’s findings and his “expirement” of his son Arven, and a little idea from @vixletserenity AU of Celeste).
Cyrano and Clavell have different ideas on this plan and that’s what made him want to leave and help preserve the way the werewolves are, but is unaware of the virus that could endanger human lives. Maybe the BB kids were affected by the virus? Each child would have a different trait of the werewolves, and maybe one of them may lose their ability to speak? As for Briar, she would be on of Cyrano’s assistance, but may have of wanting powers like those of the werewolves(?)… still under development!
Disk Guardian AU:
Ok, I call Geeta on bullshit, she KNEW what that disk was for! I do not believe her when she said she had no idea that CD would open the underdepts. She admits to you that she has gone down to Zero Lab a few times, and the computer speaks when it detect the Indigo Disk is closeby.
Within Terapagos’ pokedex, it reads that this may be the last, surviving Terapagos in Area Zero and that many died from the caveins and other disasters, so for the AU, what if the energy that gave Geeta her powers (and scars) was from the spirit of an Terapagos elder. To give Geeta some backstory, what if she came from a long line of native people who knew of the wonders inside the crater and worshipped the turtles as gods. When Heath and his team wanted to explore the depts, the tribe were against mere people disturbing the holy land, but the Academy and League forced them away to continue the expedition.
The elder turtle tasked Geeta to protect the last child turtle by any means nessesery; her being the last line of defense to protect the baby, and her seeking out “champions” to revive the clan of protectors of Paldea. In a twist, the elder spirit sees the purity of the MC’s heart and that’s why the baby Terapagos chose to go with them, much to Geeta’s disagreement, so she would challange you to prove your worth as a worthy guardian!
These are what I have so far to expand my AUs! I need to revisit these again once my IRL stuff is taken care of and make more art!
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