#I was tempted to buy a pair. But I refrained from doing so.
fancycolours · 2 years
Husband posting on main. Here goes. 🥰💜
I think about these shoes all the time. My goodness. Leopard print slip-on shoes my beloveds. 🐆💛 My man rocked them! 🤩 And he should totally bring them back again! Come on Robert! For me please! 🥺 
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Bonus: The photographer was apparently so infatuated with his shoes that night that he couldn’t help but zoom in to take a photo of just them. lmao. Bless. Just look at how cool they are dammit. 😂 Also, babe doesn’t wear socks with his shoes. *le gasp* 😱 idk how he does it. But he does it so well. Bravo honey! BRAVO! 😩👌
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Chapter 1: A Ruff Day for two
Damian is humiliated. Who wouldn't be? Joker had teamed up with a bunch of other villains and had stolen a magical device that turns people into animals - why? Damian doesn't know!
While fighting however he was split from the rest of the family and hit with the ray.
You want to guess what animal he got the luck of turning into?
If you guessed a Yorkshire Terrier then you'd be correct.
It's not that Damian doesn't like the animal, he adores all animals no matter what, it's just offensive that that's what he ended up being. Couldn't he have been something cooler? A Doberman? A German Shepherd?
Whatever... Either way he is now wondering the streets trying not to get picked up by strangers - or stepped on for that matter.
While lost in thought about how he will get back to normal and whether his family are okay he didn't see the pair of legs standing in front of a closed shop.
He bumps into them, as soon as he does he dashes back and starts to growl - it's really all he can do.
He looks up at the figure who looks more confused than anything, they have a phone in their hand and pajamas on. They look half asleep.
Damian quickly deducts that the person was harmless.
Honestly, Damian was ready to just leave, walk around this person, yet when he attempted to a loud bang filled the air.
He swears it was the dog instincts, that it wasn't his own instincts, that made him run behind the person.
He's Damian Wayne! An al Ghul for crying out loud! No way is he scared of an explosion, even if it was even louder as a dog.
The person reacts slowly, clearly extremely tired. They turn to look at Damian and after a couple seconds they speak up, pulling Damian from his fight or flight response.
"Poor puppy... Are you lost?" The person bends down and slowly and carefully pats Damian. Damian is tempted to bite the person's hand off but refrains in case they call the pound.
"your coat is so well taken care of... Not to mention the fact that you're a handbag dog. You must belong to one of the wealthy elites... That part of town is so far away from here though, poor thing" their voice is soft, clearly tired. They yawn slightly.
"it's pretty late right now so the pound is probably closed, I'll take you tomorrow to check for a microchip because I don't see a collar."
Damian wishes he could scoff as a dog. Why would this stranger help him? Especially the breed he is. They're noisy, skittish and more, definitely not the type for run down apartments that this person definitely lives in.
Yet, he doesn't bite or growl when they pick him up. He squirms slightly in discomfort but soon enough they hold him properly.
Fine. He'll stay the night then in the morning he'll make his way back to Wayne Manor and find his family.
You have decided that your luck is absolute shit. It has to be. You're pretty sure whatever god is watching is purposefully planning your demise.
First, your lover of three years cheats on you.
Second, you fail two of your exams and forgot to hand in an assignment.
Third, your favorite convenience store closed early so you couldn't buy a tub of cheap ice cream so you can act out how a person in a movie would react to all of the above.
Fourth, a dog stumbles into you, clearly from some wealthy douche and now you've spoken before you thought and moved before you could comprehend.
Your landlord is going to have your head. A great way to end the shit show of a day, not to mention Yorkshire Terrier's are the most yap filled dogs imaginable. Luckily this one is quiet... Hopefully for the rest of the night.
You look down at your phone in your other hand, you were messaging your dad to ask for more money because you were recently fired from your last job.
It's not like you like asking others for money, it's embarrassing, but your dad is well off enough to send some over.
You and your family are stable, something a lot of people in Gotham can't relate to. Sucks to be them you guess.
The only reason you're living alone is because they live in Metropolis and you were studying at Gotham University.
Was the degree worth living in this dump of a city? You sure hope so. If not you'll actually become a villain.
You glance at the dog from time to time, checking for any discomfort. The dog is still, eyes blinking occasionally. Was it in thought? You didn't think dogs would think like that.
Eventually you make it to your apartment complex, it was better than the one next to it, but to be fair the one next to it was abandoned after a fire.
You head upstairs to your apartment on the third floor.
Turns out the higher the apartment from the ground is, the higher it will cost. Luckily for you your mother is paying for it, you just pay utility bills.
You struggle with your keys and the dog in your arms. Eventually though you open the door and all but throw the dog down, he was super heavy.
That or you just weren't used to holding anything that breathes.
The dog walks in and sniffs around.
"I suppose I should name you.." You speak aloud, closing the front door of the apartment and walking to the kitchen right next to it.
"how about... Buddy?" The dog huffs.
"No? Okay uhm... What are dog names? Give me a second." You search up dog names and click on an article.
"Uh, Oreo?" A huff.
"Max?" A huff.
You continue going down the list before groaning.
"Fuck me... Forget it, I'll put on the TV and the first name I see will be your name."
You grab the remote and turn on your shitty old TV. The news pops up, one of the headlines reading:
Robin seen being hit with animal ray!
"huh... What about Robin?" The dog rolls it's eyes but doesn't seem to object. You smile, relieved.
"Good. Robin it is."
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
47, 49& 50 from the fluff prompt list pls:)
tw / / self harm
so I was thinking that hotch finally pieced everything together, about your infected fingers and nervous antics, that you did self harm. he didn’t notice at first because readers way of harming herself is picking and cutting at her nails and finger area and Aaron ,Akers sure they know they’re sooo worth it!
‘if it’s too heavy don’t worry about it, I struggle with SH myself and would love a one shot about Aaron but I understand it’s a heavy topic! Nice day/night/morning
Worth It, So Worth It
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Prompts: "I can be your reason why", "Is it so hard to believe that I love you", "You're so worth it"
Description: Aaron notices your self harm and steps in to show you just how worth it you really are to him
A/n: thank you for the request, if this is at all inaccurate feel free to tell me. I have never written self harm before, so if something is written wrong please tell me! TW: SELFHARM!!
Check out: El's 1k Celebration and Countdown till Christmas 
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It itched the back of your mind. The urges, the release, the relief. All too tempting to stop. And why should you stop? Its not like you were needed. Or wanted. Or worth it.
You were never worth it.
So why stop the inpulse to pick? To bite? To cut?
It was only your fingers. Your nails. Nothing important. Nothing anyone would see. Nothing too obvious. Something easy, but still satisfying.
You subconsciously pick at the dead skin around your fingers. You don't mean to. You've been meaning to stop so much. It hurts to hold a pen anymore and typing stings the end of your cut fingers. Reports are going to get too difficult to do soon. And then what? What will you tell Hotch?
He would be so disappointed. Lost in thought you don't even see him approach. You're too focused on the peeling of skin on you hand and the pain it brings with it to notice his watchful eyes. It isn't until he sees blood on your fingertips does he call you up to his office.
You are startled from your trance and you look up. You catch his gaze and quickly grab a tissue to wipe away any blood before heading to his office.
You take a seat in the chair in front of his desk and look at your hands placed in your lap.
"Sir? You wanted to see me?" You ask, your voice quiet, nimble, hollow. Like a shell. A shell of a woman you should be, but are too coward to become.
"Yes. Excuse me for asking, but is everything alright?" The concern in his voice startles you. Sure you've always had a crush on the big bad until chief, but what are the chances of that happening. Slim to none. You've never pursued, but it was always things like this that made it so damn hard.
He asks because he cares. He cares about you in a way a boss probably shouldn't to his employee. But he doesn't care too much about that part. He is too concerned for you right now. He waits patiently for your answer, hoping you will confide in him.
"Y-yeah. I'm fine." You say smiling softly, hoping he buys it.
"You're not." He states. You hide your eyes shamefully and you hear him get up. He waltzes around his desk and sits on the edge of it. "Its alright Y/n." He whispers. You shake your head, desperately trying to hide the tears. He noticed.
You were such an inconvenience that he noticed. You're in the way, wasting his work day. Now he will have to stay later and miss Jack more. You're a terrible person. How dare you ruin his life like this- Your thoughts are running a mile a minute, and you begin picking your fingers without even knowing.
But Hotch sees and he gently grabs your hands, stopping your train of thought. Your first instinct is to rip your hands away. You refrain though, not knowing if he would ever hold your hand like this again.
"Hey. Whats going on?" That one question is what breaks you. Tears slip down your face and Hotch crouches in front of you, wiping your tears. "Hey. Hey, its okay. I'm here. Its alright. Let it out." And you do. You cry as Hotch gently squeezes your hand and brushes your tears away. When you finally calm you realize how close Hotch really is.
"Why?" Is all he asks, but you know what he means.
"There was never a reason to quit. Besides I'm not worth it anyways." Your feeble voice answers. The shame fills you at your answer but Hotch's gaze softens.
"I can be your reason why. Stop for me? Please Y/n. I'm here. I'll help you. Just im begging, don't hurt yourself. You are so worth it. So damn worth it." His words warm your heart, but you shake your head. He's lying. He pities you. He doesn't care. He doesn't care. He doesn't care.
You begins picking and pulling again and Hotch takes your hands in his own. His heart sinks when he realizes you think he's lying and that he doesn't really care about you.
"Is it so hard to believe that I love you?" He asks and the pain in his voice startles you. It isn't just about you anymore. Its about him too.
You almost answer his question, but instead you throw your arms around his neck and bury your face in his shoulder.
"Its okay." He whispers soothingly. "You're alright. I've got you. I love you. You're so strong." He whispers so many comforting words to you, you don't know what to do.
So you burrow further into his embrace and pray he can help you stop. Pray that he can show you the love you crave so badly.
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Thanks for reading <3
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bffsoobin · 4 years
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↳year six potions class was never particularly exciting to you- as a Slytherin with much more interest in Transfiguration- but alas, it’s required to graduate. You thought the class couldn’t be any more of an inconvenience, but upon being paired with infamous Gryffindor Beomgyu, you find yourself proven wrong.
➤ gryffindor!beomgyu xslytherin!reader, harry potter!au, enemies to lovers, a little slow burn, fluff
Word Count: ~11k
Requested?: kinda? anon requested a Beomgyu oneshot with no specifics and I spit this out of some depraved, Harry Potter obsessed corner of my mind.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, usual e2l arguments, swearing, usual Gryffindor-Slytherin insults and tension 
A/N: I hope the anon who asked for a Beomgyu oneshot is happy with this!! I finally felt like I had enough time to write a proper hogwarts au so here it is! Also I purposely avoided using any professor names that are clearly linked with the actual Harry Potter series purely because of timeline continuity! Bonus points if you can guess who Georgiana is related to before I point it out :) ALSO this is so long and I feel so rusty so I hope it’s okay lmao
The sound of your quill scratching against parchment filled your quiet corner of the common room, allowing you a feeling of solidarity and peace you’d been craving since you arrived back to the castle a few days ago. Of course you’d been excited to be back, sharing the meal in the Great Hall with all of your friends happily as you watched the wide-eyed first years get sorted into their houses. It was hard to believe that 6 years ago that had been you waiting to find your place within the walls of Hogwarts. 
As always, the buzz of the beginning of a new year wore on your nerves. Despite your love for your friends, their energy was- in your opinion- completely draining. You much preferred the moments of quiet serenity that the stone laden dungeon common room afforded you. The last few embers of a fire lit hours before winked at you from across the room, tempting you to raise your wand and reignite them. After a moment you decided against the movement, as you were presumably the only one awake at this hour and the light of the cedar scented candle you’d brought down with you from your suitcase provided enough light for you anyway. 
The scratch of your quill stilled as you flipped to the next page, careful not to accidentally bend the corners of the book you’d just purchased. Several detailed diagrams detailed the process of transfiguring plants to inanimate objects to animals then back to plants and you felt your heart swell with excitement. Transfiguration was hands down your favorite subject, and you’d been craving to learn this process in particular since it had been mentioned offhandedly in class last year. You scrambled to pick up your quill, happy that you’d splurged for the instantly refilling model as ink flowed flawlessly against the parchment. 
A sudden crash from the entrance of the common room popped your comfortable bubble of silence harshly as you clambered for your wand. 
“Who’s there?” You yelled, annoyance and surprise mixing to raise your voice considerably. For a moment you heard nothing as you advanced closer to the door, keeping the three wide stone steps between you and who- or what- ever was behind the door. The door shook a few times before finally flying open, revealing three very normal looking boys stumbling through the threshold. They were all hanging on one another, stumbling over their feet as they pushed into the common room. You recognized the one in the middle instantly as Choi Yeonjun, fellow Slytherin and current Head Boy of the house. He was a year older than you but you knew him well for his infectious laughter and notoriously good grades despite never studying. His cheeks were flushed and his feet unsteady, but he held a charming grin through it all. The identity of whoever was supporting him on the left was a mystery to you, but the boy supporting him from the right sent alarm bells off in your head. 
“Beomgyu?” Your voice left you before you could rein yourself in, and you would have cringed had it not been for the hatred brewing under your skin. Here he was, the one person you tried to forget existed every single summer. And he had been part of the ruckus that pulled you from your reading. He didn’t say anything as the three boys stumbled past you, dumping Yeonjun onto one of the soft black leather sofas. 
“Hello?” You felt like you were in some kind of time warp, somehow totally invisible to the three of them as they sorted themselves out; Beomgyu and the other boy straightening out their clothing and Yeonjun lolling his head back on the cushions with a content sigh. 
“Oh, hey Y/N.” Beomgyu finally drawled, sticking his hands in the front pockets of his trousers. He was still wearing his robes, layered over a sensible gray wool sweater and black uniform slacks. His striped red and gold tie hung off of his neck slightly, obviously having been loosened at some point in the night. He donned the same Head Boy pin Yeonjun did, but in the same colorway as his robes and tie. Loud, obnoxious, attention seeking red and gold.
“Hey? How about instead of “hey” you tell me why the hell you’re barging into my common room at some ungodly hour of the night! Don’t you have somewhere else to be, Head Boy?” The unidentified boy behind him froze as his eyes widened, apparently feeling the sting of your icy words much more than Beomgyu. He just lifted a lazy eyebrow, guiding his annoyingly confident gaze over your body. Fucking Gryffindors and their confidence. It was suffocating. 
“Well you see, Y/N. Yeonjun here can’t handle his fire whiskey for shit, and we were all just having a little start of the year party in the Room of Requirement. So me and my friend here,” he motioned vaguely to the cowering boy behind him- who you now noticed looked like he had just entered his fourth year- “decided to be so kind as to bring him back.” 
You said nothing for a moment; simply simmering in your hatred for him until he spoke again. 
“By the way, what are you even doing up so late? You’re not a prefect...so shouldn’t you be up in bed like the rest of your little friends? What’s so secretive that you have to be up in the middle of the night for it? Are you doing something...evil?” He leaned forward, closing the gap between the two of you and bringing his mouth level with your ear. You cringed at the closeness, clenching your hands into fists until the crescents of your nails indented your skin. His voice had lowered like he was telling a secret, as if Gryffindors even had the capacity for maintaining privacy. “Are you being naughty?” 
You huffed indignantly, finally finding the strength to shove his shoulder away harshly. The skin of your cheeks was certainly flamed, but you hoped he would chalk it up to annoyance and not the intoxicating scent of his woody cologne.  
“If you must know, I was up studying Transfiguration. I was trying to enjoy some piece and quiet until you came busting in.”
Beomgyu stepped around you and made his way for the table you’d previously been sitting at. To your delight he refrained from touching anything, but he stared at the set up for so excruciatingly long that the mystery boy awkwardly slipped out of the dungeon without a word. 
“We start classes in about 5 hours,” he suddenly remarked. His voice made you jump a bit, since you’d become used to the regained quiet. “Why the hell are you already studying? And a subject we’ve all already taken? Any other Transfiguration courses would just be electives, and with how much you care for your class standing I would have assumed you’d be learning ahead on Potions.”
“Well first of all, I’m not exactly studying. I’m just reading. I bought the book myself because I-” you stopped and heaved a sigh at the scrunch of his eyebrows. He clearly wasn’t understanding the concept of reading just for the fun of it. “I’m not studying for Potions because I despite it. Plus, how much is there to study? The book literally spells out every ingredient and procedure. There’s no thinking to be done, and hardly any magic.” Beomgyu’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline comically. 
“Hardly any magic? My god, maybe I was right to peg you as the pessimistic type. Must be hard to feel anything akin to hope down here in your-” he glanced around your common room again, eyes catching on the darkened green and black decorations, the window offering a view of the sparkling Black Lake shrouded with pine trees. “In your dungeon.” 
His use of the word bothered you greatly. Even though you knew it was geographically true and had even used it yourself; something about him coming in unannounced and uninvited to insult your home inspired fresh anger in your stomach. 
“Get out,” you spat, ignoring the way a half-dozed Yeonjun jumped at your voice. With all your might you pushed at Beomgyu’s broad shoulders, willing him out of your sight for at least a few more hours. 
“Oof, must have hit a nerve there, huh?” He continued to speak casually as you pushed him, walking backwards up the steps with an annoyingly perfect accuracy. Once he was finally stood in the threshold of the heavy door you heaved a sigh of relief as you swing it closed.
“Bye bye! Don’t ever fucking come back!”
You only managed about two hours of sleep after the Beomgyu drama, but luckily for you the three other sixth year girls you were rooming with had been smart enough to buy and stash away some caffeine potions. They had none of the enjoyable taste of coffee but three times the effect, and soon you felt back in top shape to head to class.
Pushing through the masses of clambering students with a practice eased, you caught up to the familiar frame of Georgiana, one of your oldest friends. She was a Ravenclaw, but you’d ridden together on your very first trip on the Hogwarts Express and stayed close friends since then. She greeted you easily, giving you an award winning smile as she pulled you by the arm of the robes to sit on one of the surprisingly empty stone benches lining the halls.
“Let me see your schedule!” She had to yell just to be heard over the mumbling of the crowd, but you heard her well enough to produce a folded piece of parchment that you carried despite having memorized it. Georgiana’s eyes flitted over it carefully, comparing it to her own schedule which laid open on her lap.
“We’ve got...Herbology 3,” she ran her finger down the parchments a few more inches, “Transfiguration of Aquatics...and NEWT prep together!” You groaned loudly, a feeling of anxiety weighing down your bones as you rubbed your fingertips into your temples.
“What’s up with you? Over me already?” She giggled, leaning back against the wall and handing you back your schedule.
“No, it’s just...if you’re the second class for Herb 3, Aquatics and NEWT prep, that means I have to pray that the second house in Potions isn’t Gryffindor.” You leaned back against the cool wall next to her, pouting in self pity until you saw the grim look on her face.
“What?” You sat up straight again as if a fire had been lit under your ass. Georgiana looked as if she was holding in a laugh and a grimace at the same time while you begged her to give up whatever information she was holding back from you. Her hand hovered over her mouth in an attempt to hide the wavering smirk running across her lips. 
“Okay, don’t freak out.” She began, placing a hand on your knee. 
“Well now I’m definitely going to since you lead with don’t freak out! Should I freak out? What about?”
“I already compared schedules with Soobin,” she said gently.
“Okay, and?” You knew of the sweet Hufflepuff, had sat next to him in a few classes and seen him hanging out with Yeonjun on occasion, but still had no idea why she was bringing him up now.
“And him and I have Potions together.” In the split second it took for the words to process you saw her flinch, clutching at the fabric of her robes over her chest in anticipation for your angry outburst.
“Of course! Of course I have to get stuck with them for Potions class, out of all the other houses. Merlin really has it out for lately you know, I didn’t sleep very much last night, had to pay Melinda 10 galleons for one of her caffeine potions-“
“I can tell,” Georgiana supplied. You grimaced at her and immediately shut your mouth, sensing your rapid talking was quickly becoming over the top.
“Georgie, if I have Potions with him-“ you didn’t even have to specify who you were speaking of before she was rolling her green eyes into her head.
“If you have Potions with Beomgyu, you just need to ignore him. He loves to push your buttons, Y/N. When will you realize that? And you push his back and you both get a good cat-and-mouse feeling that every teenager wants. Maybe if you stop entertaining it, he’ll take it easy on you. Need I remind you of the time you were actually friends with him? Didn’t swear he was the spawn of Satan after every conversation? I even remember in second year when you had a crush on him and made me-“
“Okay!” You replied curtly, gathering your books and parchment back into your arms. “I’m going now! Class starts in,” you pulled back your robe sleeve to look at a watch that clearly was not there, “10 minutes, and I like to be early!” Easily, you slipped into the throngs of students, leaving Georgiana behind with a sly grin on her face.
You arrived to the Potions room before any other student, forcing you to idle awkwardly in the small space between the door and the first brewing station. A few of the cauldrons bubbled idly, breaking up the silence of the room with the low hum of white noise. The arched ceilings only amplified the absence of noise- even the never ending buzz of students passing through the hallways was somehow muffled to silence inside the walls. 
“Ah!” The professor bellowed, waving at you from the opposite end of the room where he had been straightening out some piles of parchment that you could only assume were homework papers. “Hello there, you must be quite eager to start the day!” You could feel the skin of the back of your neck heating up as the rotund man approached you gleefully. 
“Oh, um, yes sir. You could say that...” you mumbled, clutching your stack of books to your chest protectively. The man smiled at you kindly but you could still feel the heavy weight of awkwardness seeping into your bones. He opened his mouth again- making another attempt at small talk to which you cringed. As much as you respected the professor on the basis of his knowledge, your ability for any small talk, especially Potions related, was extremely lacking. 
“You must’ve done quite well on your OWLS to be here, yes? Only those with the highest scores can be registered. The class can be quite challenging, but if you’ve got your affairs in order I reckon you’ll fine.” He paused, likely sensing the blankness behind your stare as you nodded politely. “Ah, all things you already know I’m sure. Are you excited to get started with the class?” 
You frowned, holding back your natural instinct for brutal honesty. How on earth could you let this gentle old man down gently? 
“Of course she’s excited! Aren’t we all?” Beomgyu was in the room now, apparently, approaching you from behind and slinging an arm around your shoulders. The loose fabric of his sleeve collided with the side of your face, blinding you for a second. You stumbled on your feet from the jostle, trying to shrug away from the warmth and overwhelming scent of his cologne. Beomgyu never was aware of his own strength as he held you steadily against his side as if he was trying to fuse your bodies together.
“Oh my! So nice to see such great friends between different houses! Back in my day, as I’m sure you know, there was so much hatred between Gryffindors and Slytherins...never would have seen a pair of friends like the two of you!” The professor seemed genuinely delighted, oblivious to the way you tried to wiggle out of Beomgyu’s hold. You offered the professor a plastic smile as more students filed in. As soon as the portly man was otherwise occupied, you stomped the heel of your sneaker into Beomgyu’s foot with all the might you could gather. 
“Merlin, ouch!” He recoiled immediately, withdrawing his arm from around your frame to clutch at the foot you’d hopefully bruised. “I’ve got Quidditch practice after lunch today! How dare you!” 
“Guess it’s a good thing you don’t need your feet for Quidditch, Choi. Serves you right for violating my personal space. Next time it’ll be worse than your fucking toes.” You hissed the words lowly, just enough that he would be able to hear them but without alerting your nearby classmates. 
“You two, there!” The professor suddenly exclaimed, making you jump out of your stupor to see he was pointed an aged finger at you and Beomgyu. “Since you were first in and seem to get along, I’ll have you be partners on Station 1.” A few confused whispers passed through the classmates behind you and your face fell at the implication. Potions partners with Beomgyu? For the whole year?
He seemed similarly stalled, not moving a single inch away from the front of the room until the professor cleared his throat pointedly. 
“Right, sir, of course,” Beomgyu nodded, rushing over to the furthest of the high-top tables; unsuccessfully trying to hide the pain of his newfound limp. With a satisfied feeling in your chest you followed closely behind, finally unloading the weight of the books in your arms onto the table. 
“How much worse could it get?” You groaned, laying your head in your arms at the dining table. 
“Well, you could be sick, or failing a class, or not have any friends, or have lost your books. Hell, let’s not forget what it must have been like to go to school here at the same time as Harry Potter. I mean, no final exams for a few years, but at what cost? Grandpa Ron always tells me about-” 
“Oh, good Merlin, Georgie, that’s not what I meant.” You picked your head up from the table and scanned the bustling hall. A large plate of sandwiches laid in front of you but your appetite was diminished in the presence of your stress. “I mean, how fucked is it that I have to spend every first period for the rest of the year brewing Potions alongside Choi? It’s bad enough that I hate Potions already, and now I’ll have to deal with his stupid, righteous, Slytherin-slandering ass!” You slammed your hand into the wooden table, shaking the plates and glasses near you under the force. 
“Careful there,” Georgiana scolded around a mouthful of bread. “Just keep your head down, don’t react to him like you always do,” she paused to gulp down a sip of pumpkin juice, “he’ll give up eventually.” You heaved a heavy sigh, propping your chin onto the palm of your hand and scanning the Great Hall. Masses of students bustled around, sharing meals and laughing or gathering over homework problems. You weren’t quite sure who or what you were looking for, but all you found was a rowdy group of forth year boys sitting atop one of the tables, casting small hexes at one another and their lunches. You rolled your eyes at their antics before resigning to picking at the few fries on your plate. 
“And if he doesn’t?” You mumbled, casting a pointed glare at a seemingly distracted Georgiana. It took her a second to shift her gaze back to your face, clearing her throat as she narrowed her eyes towards you. 
“Sorry?” She asked, pulling a section of crust off of the third sandwich she’d picked up off of the platter. 
“If he doesn’t give up? What am I supposed to do then?” The thought of living out the next two school years with Choi Beomgyu as a constant annoyance settled a pit of rage in your stomach. Georgiana was quiet for a moment, flicking a few locks of curled, fiery hair over her shoulder. 
“Then you get back at him.” She shrugged. “You know you get a discount at the joke shop. Just go down there and pick up some puking pastilles or something.” She looked up again suddenly, eyes shimmering and focused intently on something behind you. Out of curiosity you turned on the spot, wondering if there was something of interest outside of the window, only to be met with the sight of Soobin standing mere feet away, hand stalled mid-wave. It didn’t take a genius to notice that the Hufflepuff was staring intently at your best friend, and she was happily returning the sentiment with a goofy grin on her face. You whipped back around to face her, leaning across the table as if the action would provide any secrecy with him so close. 
“Are you and Soobin...” you wiggled your eyebrows at her and she swatted at your shoulder. Her cheeks blushed rosy as she whispered back, “He asked me if I’d want to hang out when we go to Hogsmeade this weekend.” Her voice shook as she spoke but you frowned instantly. Of course you were happy that he had finally manned up and the two of them were on the way to something akin to a date, but...
“First weekend Hogsmeade is our tradition!” You shouted, abandoning any secrecy you might have thought you’d maintained from Soobin. 
“Y/N, please!” Georgiana hissed, glancing up at Soobin with an apologetic smile. “Just once. You can still come along, maybe you can bring someone too?” She offered, trying to placate your irritation. Her eyes continued sliding between you and Soobin as she waited for your response. You sank back onto the bench quietly, arms crossed over your chest. 
“Fine.” You sighed. “I guess I can try to think of someone.” Georgiana’s face lit up as she stood from her seat and gathered her books back under her arm. She rounded the end of the table quickly, meeting up with Soobin just behind you. “Don’t think I’m not still irritated, Weasley!” You yelled after her even though she had turned her back to you. She stalled in her lockstep next to Soobin just long enough to turn her head and throw you a middle finger. 
The day of your Hogsmeade visit came quicker than you anticipated, and of course you’d failed to find someone to fill the empty spot that would prevent you from third wheeling. Everyone you asked had either been otherwise busy, sick, or already going into Hogsmeade with other friends.
Georgiana, being the wonderful friend she was, made sure that you hadn’t felt left out on the walk into the village. Soobin was surprisingly good at keeping conversation despite his shy appearance, and the three of you had managed to share lunch and a few Butterbeers at The Three Broomsticks before Georgiana began giving you pointed glances. It took you an embarrassingly long time to recognize what her hand signals and mouthed words were conveying, but once you did you had excused yourself to wander the shops alone in a bid to give the lovebirds some privacy.
The weather was surprisingly pleasant, and as such the streets were lined with witches and wizards of all ages. Large throngs of students and families passed you by, and you couldn’t help but feel a bit like a fish swimming upstream as everyone pushed by. When you’d first stepped out you felt odd walking the cobbled street alone, considering you’d never made a solo trip to Hogsmeade for as long as you’d lived. Something about it was quite relaxing, though, as you realized you could enter any store and stay for any amount of time. 
Once you’d wrestled your way through another group of oncoming students, you spotted an endearing baby blue storefront with deserts on display in the window. Many of them appeared to be muggle creations, and your mouth watered as you caught sight of a tray of fudgy brownies with a thick layer of chocolate icing. Your eyes had always been bigger than your stomach; so despite the fact that you’d just had lunch you find yourself stepping into the sweet smelling shop. An expansion charm helped stretch the store far beyond its dainty storefront, and you were met with the sight of even more display cases and tiered plates full of sweets. 
A few other wizards mulled around the store, debating which treats to pick up and pack into the little green pastry boxes which were stacked at the entrance in a never ending supply. You balanced one of your own between your hands as you gathered up treats, sure to grab three of the very brownies that had brought you in to begin with. You packed in a few cookies that you found on a shelf near the back of the store and began to weigh your options between purchasing what appeared to be a type of muggle cake with specs of color floating about the white batter or a more familiar looking pumpkin pastry dusted with powdered sugar. You contemplated the two deserts for an amount of time that would have been embarrassing if you were in the presence of company.
“Wrackspurts on the brain?” A rush of hot breath inches away from the shell of your ear had you reeling, clutching your box of precious deserts to your chest. Of course you’d immediately identified the voice; you were just hoping that you were wrong as you shot daggers into the boy who’d spooked you. Beomgyu looked beyond pleased with himself: a hand cocked on his hip, fake glasses perched at the very end of his nose to perfectly top off the outfit he’d chosen. His robes hung open, one shoulder almost devoid of the fabric as it drooped onto his back. The maroon turtleneck he wore struck a perfect contrast with the golden undertones of his skin and matched impressively well to the emblem on his robes. He had tucked the turtleneck into the waistband of a pair of light wash jeans that made it hard not to marvel at the shape of his waist. The scent of his cologne was faint, overpowered by the sweetness of the shop, but you were picking up overwhelming scents of-
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” He scrunched his nose as he studied you, waving gingerly like you would have at a child.
“Oh! Uh, I’m here, I’m here. What the hell do you want anyway?” You turned your attention back to the two pastries you’d been considering before his sneak attack in an attempt to keep yourself from looking back at his form.
“What’re you doing here alone? Out of friends? Did ya bore them all to death?” He had rounded to the opposite side of the table, forcing you to look at him straight on.
“I walked into Hogsmeade with Georgiana and Soobin, if you must know. They wanted some time alone so here I am.” You glanced up again to see him leaning casually against the table with one arm bracing his weight.
“I just have to point out that you’re also alone, Beomgyu. So I’m not quite sure why so keen on bashing me.” Your eyes skate over the deserts one final time before you decisively package up a slice of the muggle cake. The urge to celebrate the small victory was squashed by Beomgyu’s scoff.
“I’m here alone because I chose to be, not because my best friend is on a date and didn’t want a chaperone. Don’t you find that a little embarrassing?”
To be honest, you hadn’t considered it that way. You knew that finding a person to keep you from third wheeling had been your responsibility. But maybe he had a point. Although he was a constant nagging force, Beomgyu was insightful and intelligent. He’d helped you in class many times back when you were friends. Nervously, you nibbled at your bottom lip and considered his words carefully. Did Georgiana find your presence today embarrassing? She was surely too nice to tell you so, and there was no denying the tension in her face while she waited for you to leave The Three Broomsticks earlier. Your normally stoic face must have betrayed you, conveying that you were starting to feel hurt at the words that suddenly seemed to make so much sense. 
“I was joking,” Beomgyu spoke up suddenly, rounding the table to once again be next to you. “Don’t take everything I say so seriously, Y/N. I’m beginning to worry for your sense of humor.” He picked up a couple of cookies with careful dexterity and settled them into the palm of his hand. 
“Of course,” you concluded bitterly, taking a step back in a bid to get to the counter and buy your treats. “Must be my broken sense of humor and not just the fact that you’re an ass.” His face twisted unpleasantly as you stepped further away. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but you were already pivoting on the balls of your feet to make your way toward the front of the shop. 
The evidence of the first frost of the season crunched underneath your feet as you hurried to class. As someone who prided themselves on showing up on time for classes every day, you were particularly embarrassed to have woken up with just twenty minutes to spare before the beginning of potions. There was no excuse, either. You had simply stayed up too late studying for the NEWT practice exam and forgot to set your alarm before lying down.
To make matters worse you’d greatly underdressed yourself, underestimating the absolute chill of the morning when you had peeled out from the window. Only now, as you found yourself feet away from the classroom did you feel the icy temperature begin to bite into your exposed skin. Your cheeks were numb with cold, and your hands shook as you pushed them under your arms for some amount of warmth. Luckily the classroom was warmer when you finally got to it. Guiltily, you grinned at your professor as he notably marked your attendance onto the scroll of parchment. 
“Rough night?” Beomgyu asked under his breath as the professor launched into the lesson for the day. You kept your back turned to the boy in favor of writing down the list of ingredients that was being provided to you. A firm poke in the middle of your back had you turning on your stool, already silently fuming as you came face to face with Beomgyu. 
“What?” You mouthed, trying your best not to alert your professor that neither of you were paying attention to him. 
“You look awful,” he mouthed back, pulling the most exaggerated gagging expression you’d ever seen in your life. Your fingers twitched, resisting the urge to grab him by his necktie and slap him across his annoyingly perfect face. Instead you threw up your middle finger boldly, practicing a muggle tradition that wizards had become quite fond of. Beomgyu feigned shock, laying a hand over his heart and pretending to faint right there at his stool. 
“-so you’ll be using this combination of potions for the group project, due in one weeks time.” Your professor concluded. Wide eyed, you spun back around on your stool only to see the words previously written on the board disappear with a flick of his wand. A group project? Potions, plural? You’d only taken notes on one mixture, and you were sure that Beomgyu hadn’t taken any notes at all. Although maybe the group project wasn’t among your table mate? Your heart fluttered as you prayed for that to be the reality, scanning your classmates to see if anyone got up to switch seats or combine tables. 
Not a single soul moved. 
“Guess it’s just us.” Beomgyu drawled from behind you. 
“Did you take any notes?” You asked, fear running through your veins. If both of you were clueless, you’d have to ask the professor to explain everything to you again, which would only implicate the two of you for not paying attention to begin with. 
Beomgyu shook his head and shrugged much too casually for a student who was in the dark about an entire project. 
“I’ll just ask someone. Hey, Art-” 
“No!” You scrambled for a rolled piece of parchment to hit him on the arm with before he could finish his shout across the classroom. “Please, do not scream across the room that we don’t know what we’re doing.” Your cheeks were flaming, anxiety and exhaustion building to a dangerous level in your bloodstream.
“Awe, are you ashamed to admit you were too busy talking to me to pay attention?” Beomgyu cooed, cradling his chin in his palms.
“No. I’m embarrassed that we’re the only ones not starting the work,” you glanced pointedly to all of the other tables where your classmates were hard at work on...something. Every table housed a slowly bubbling cauldron producing a steady stream of light grey smoke. The cauldron resting on the table between the two of you was alarmingly quiet, your stores of provided potion ingredients remaining untouched. 
“Alright, Y/N. How about right now we work on the one you wrote down,” he points a finger at the parchment containing the list of notes you managed to take, “and I’ll talk to someone about the rest. Since you’re too proud to ask for help.” Without waiting for you to process the words he gripped the parchment between his fingers and pulled it toward the middle of the table. He mumbled a simple aguamenti under his breath and the cauldron filled with the perfect level of water. He then scrutinized the words for just a moment before he began to collect ingredients with a practiced ease, barely even glancing at the labels of the hefty glass containers. You’d never seen him quite as focused in a class as he was at the moment, his nimble fingers uncapping lids and measuring precise amounts of lacewing flies with a delicacy you never would have expected to come from the hands of Gryffindor’s star Beater. 
One after the other, ingredients fell into the wrought iron cauldron, changing the color of the mixture from clear to an odd, murky green. You scrunched your nose in distaste but Beomgyu was nodding to himself in satisfaction, his fluffy hair bouncing back off of his forehead. 
“Stop staring and start taking notes, Y/N.” His voice was casual but his lips were twisted in a smirk as you scrambled for both an excuse and a fresh roll of parchment. 
“I wasn’t,” you defended as you begin to scribble out notes against the parchment, refusing to meet his eyes as the shame of being caught red-handed crawled up the back of your throat and stung behind your eyes. He simply hummed in acknowledgment and tossed in a few leaves of a plant you didn’t have time to identify into the bubbling mixture.
Impatiently, you tapped your foot against the stone floor. It echoed a sound that would have been satisfying in its consistency if it weren’t for the annoyance running through your veins. Beomgyu had promised to meet you in the west corner of the library today, at a prompt 7pm, in order to finish synthesizing your plan for the Potions project. You checked the clock on the wall again just in case you had somehow misread the hands only to find them confirming your suspicions. Beomgyu was blowing you off. He had suggested the time and place himself, and yet he couldn’t even have the decency to show up. 
Anger blossomed in your chest as you stood to gather the things you’d brought along. Your chair scraped on the floor and attracted the stares of a few other students put you paid them no mind as you swore under your breath. 
Of course Beomgyu had stood you up in the face of an important project. He was probably laughing away to his friends in the common room, boasting about how he’d left you sitting in the library like a fool. Once again he had proven himself to be an utterly useless and annoying human being that you wished you had never even met. Your teeth sunk into the supple flesh of your bottom lip so hard that blood pooled on your tongue, the bitter tang snapping you into action. The route to the Gryffindor common room was a familiar one, and the hatred brimming inside of you made your legs move even faster than usual, swearing under your breath as you finally came face to face with the portrait keeping you from entering the room. 
“I don’t have time for any password- please just let me in. I’m looking for someone.” Your words came rushed, obviously annoyed as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Now, you know that isn’t how this works, dear,” the painting asserted, crossing their arms to mimic your own stubborn pose. “I can’t let just anyone into the room. I’ve got,” the portraited stopped dead in its tracks and began counting on its fingers silently. “I’ve got 30 students inside right now, and it’s my job to protect them.” Your fists clenched at your sides over the stubborn portrait, fingers itching to grab your wand and level a badgering curse against the damned painting. It must have read the anger on your face as you fiddled with the fabric of your robes, as it’s booming voice came again; 
“Tell me who you’re seeking, and I can tell you if I’ve seen them!” With your fingers still curled around your wand, it took a fair deal of restraint to leave it in your robe pocket. After a deep, steadying breath, you looked back up at the portrait. A beat of silence passed before you slathered on a sweet smile, clearing your throat to quell any remnants of your frustrated growl. 
“I’m looking for Choi Beomgyu.” 
The portrait took a moment to contemplate your words, squeezing its eyes tightly and tapping its fingers as you assumed it searched the students inside the Gryffindor common room and dorms. 
“He’s not here.” It finally concluded, snapping its eyes back open to peer down at you again. Frustration flamed your skin red all the way to your hairline. Hogwarts and it’s grounds were extensive, and searching for him would surely take up your entire night. 
“I did happen to see out Quidditch players heading down to the pitch around 5 o’clock, though.” Not needing any further ceremony, you turned on your heels and made your way toward the exit of the castle. The corridors were fairly empty, and the few students still milling around were quick to step out of your way as you hurried through them, robes flowing out behind you. Silently you thanked your lucky stars that no professors had been around to inquire about why you were rushing out of the castle in such a haste. 
As soon as you set foot outside, you regretted not stopping by your dorm first to grab your coat and scarf. It had been three days since you woke up to the first frost, and the temperature had only continued to drop into frigid numbers. Even in the limited light provided by the setting sun you could see your breath fogging ahead of you. Cold air curled around your body, seeming to seep underneath your skin with a harsh ferocity. For now you simply tucked your hands deeper into the fabric of your robes, hoping that the heat of them in conjunction with your brisk pace would keep your body warm enough.
The walk to the Quidditch pitch was deceptively far when you traveled alone. Normally you were so distracted by conversation with your friends and the last minute bets between houses that you didn’t have time to mull over how many steps it took you to arrive at the stands; but today you were nothing short of pissed at how far away the compound had been built. Every step you took sent a shock of cold through your feet, your toes completely numb no matter how much you wiggled them inside your sneakers. The trees shuddered with you as you passed them, leaves spiraling to the ground as they finally give in to the pressure of the cold and resign themselves.
Finally you passed through the solid wood of the viewing stands, coming face to face with the expanse of the pitch in front of you. Totally empty. Not a single soul was to be found warming up on the grass or running practice games in the air. Upon listening, you couldn’t even hear any distant chatter that would indicate the team being huddled into the locker room.
“Shit!” A new wave of frustration crashed through your mind. Had you passed them on the way over? It was plausible that they had taken a different route back to the castle and your whole trip had been in vain. Exhausted, you leaned against the wall and listened to the whip of the banners against their metal poles, the clinking of their bindings matching with the steady, loud beat of your pulse. Just as you were about to turn and head back for the castle in your freezing shame, you heard another sound. This one was different, less uniform, almost like a grunt of exhaustion followed by a heavy thud. Your freezing feet moved almost without you to follow the noise. A vicious wind whipped your hair, mussing it up so badly that you had to stop in your tracks to gather it all back into place. You hazarded every step you took, unsure exactly where the source of the noise was coming from other than somewhere behind the stands. On your next step you heard the noise again, much closer this time, and the excitement of being close to solving this mystery had your footsteps speeding up.
Just as you rounded the curving stands, you spotted the culprit, still a little hard to make out due to the distance you had yet to cover, but the colors and shape of a Gryffindor Quidditch uniform were clear. Upon further inspection, it became obvious that the heavy thud you’d been hearing was a the heavy iron Bludger cracking against the magically reinforced bat. There were only two Beaters on the team, and one of them was the very man who’d forced you to walk into the frigid night. You continued your steady approach to the figure, morbidly curious over who it was that was out here pushing themselves to practice alone in the freezing cold. 
“Hey!” You yelled as you edged closer, hoping to give whoever it may be a fair warning that you were approaching. Within three feet of the body, there was no mistaking it to be Beomgyu. 
“Choi!” You raged, yelling much louder than required for him to hear you. The Bludger was sailing far away from the two of you with a strong hit as you closed the distance almost all the way. “I know you can hear me, asshat.” Beomgyu kept his eyes on the iron ball, effectively ignoring your words. In disbelief you glanced back and forth between his face-seeing the way his eyes narrowed in concentration as the Bludger came closer by the second. 
“Is this where you’ve been all night? Playing Quidditch while you were supposed to meet me in the library?” A strong gust of wind knocked the air out of you, shivers running down your spine as you waited for any response from the boy. The Bludger came whistling back toward the two of you, and in the split second you had the foresight to step back he had tensed his shoulders, gripped the end of his bat and took another strong and precise hit against the Bludger, sending it even further away than the last one. 
“Lost track of time.” He supplied absentmindedly, turning his head to regard you with lazy eyes. 
“What?” You seethed, stepping forward again, placing yourself in front of his frame in hopes of appearing somewhat intimidating. “You lost track of time? Let’s talk about the fact that out project is due in four fucking days, and all we have to show is a single god damn Potion. This was your responsibility,” you pushed your pointed finger into the front of his uniform, the fabric giving way to allow you to feel the firmness of his chest underneath. “I trusted you with the single task of making sure that we could figure out the rest of this project, and you fucked up!” Tears of frustration rimmed your eyes as the worry of failure overwhelmed you. As much as you hated Potions, you’d be damned if Choi Beomgyu became the reason you do poorly. 
“Listen, I seriously did just forget,” he pushed at your shoulders forcefully, to which you planted your feet into the ground harder. “Seriously, Y/N, I forgot! Now move!” 
“No! You are not,” you grabbed at his forearm and pulled it off of your shoulder, “going to blow me off again! We are going to work on this project right now, even if its the last thing I do!” 
“It’s about to be if you don’t fucking move!” He yelled, finally managing to uproot your feet and push you off to the side with so much force that you landed flat on your ass, the cold hardness of the ground knocking the breath out of your lungs. From the ground, you watched helplessly while Beomgyu scrambled to grab his bat in time to hit the whirring Bludger. He was a quick enough thinker to see that there was no way he’d make the move in time, so he simply did the next best thing- turning his back to the ball and ducking his head into his chest, covering the back of his neck with his arms. 
With a sickening crack, the Bludger made foul contact with Beomgyu’s back, striking just below his left shoulder blade. The force knocked him forward, his hands barely catching himself as he met the ground harshly. He cried out in pain, the sound bouncing around the stands and piercing your veins. In a hurry, you crawled toward his heaving body and urged him to sit up with the guidance of your hands. 
“Are you okay?” The words rushed out of you in a hurry, panic crawling up the back of your throat at the shine of tears streaming down his reddened cheeks. 
“Wh-what the hell do you think?” He groaned, body shaking as he struggled to even take a breath. 
“Okay, right. Dumb question. Let’s get you to the infirmary, yeah?” His legs shook as he got them under him, something akin to a baby deer taking its first few steps. Instinctively you shot out an arm to steady him, looping your arm behind his back as effectively as you could given the height difference and placement of his injury. 
“Merlin, I think I broke my shoulder blade,” he groaned, stumbling across the uneven ground with trepidation. 
“You didn’t, I watched. It actually hit right below your shoulder blade, so if anything it’s just bruised, and you probably won’t even need a bone-healing spell, so recovery should be little more than some Devil’s Claw for the pain and-” 
“Did someone cast a babbling curse on you? Merlin’s beard. It’s bad enough that you got me hit to begin with, and now I have to listen to you run your mouth!’ His voice was still pinched with pain, an octave lower than normal as he gritted his teeth. The two of you finally reached the threshold of the castle, encapsulated by the warmth of the torches littered all inside. 
“I’m trying to help! Did you ever consider the fact that if you had showed up to our scheduled meeting time, you could have avoided being hit. I could have avoided freezing all of my extremities off, and I wouldn’t have to be helping your ass to the infirmary.” 
The noise of your bickering outside of the infirmary wing attracted the nurse to the hallway, who furrowed her eyebrow in silent question over the two of you. 
“He got hit by a Bludger, ma’am,” you supply as soon as you see her. Her eyes widen instantly as she rushed forward, helping you guide Beomgyu into an empty cot. She shooed you aside as she fretted over him, asking questions about the incident in a low, steady tone before nodding seriously. Without any kind of warning, Beomgyu was pulling the fabric of his uniform over his head, leaving his top half bared to you. Your cheeks burned, and you cleared your throat nervously. The nurse was too busy prodding at the blossoming bruise to have heard your stutter, but Beomgyu was nothing if not aware. 
His dark eyes found your form standing just a few paces away, staring unabashedly at the faint hint of his abs that had become visible. 
“Somethin’ you like?” He drawled playfully, snapping you out of your reverie. 
“Merlin, no.” You sneered, hoping to cover the thickness of your tone as you swallowed hard. “Just trying to decide if I should tell the Quidditch team to get their backup trained for the game tomorrow night.” Beomgyu’s face fell at the implication of your words and a sting of regret struck your heart. 
“There will be no need for a backup, dear,” the nurse cooed, shuffling her feet as she gathered up a few healing supplies. She offered a bottle of innocent looking clear liquid to Beomgyu and he drank it instantly, grimacing at what you assumed to be a foul taste. “Now, dear, if you don’t fancy seeing your boyfriend in more pain as I heal him-”
“Please. He is not my boyfriend. I just helped him get here. I’ll be going now, anyway. See you tomorrow?” You asked pointedly, hoping he would understand your incessant need to finish the Potions project. He nodded slightly, and you scanned Beomgyu’s form one more time before excusing yourself to the nurse and scurrying back to your dorm. 
“I better hear a thank you.” Beomgyu asserted as soon as he slumped in the seat across from you. He had been so quiet in his approach to the table that you hadn’t heard him until now, rocketing your gaze up towards him from the pages of your Transfiguration book. 
“Beomgyu,” you breathed, relieved to see that he had been healed and able to return to classes just the morning after the Bludger hit. You schooled your features into cool indifference as soon as you saw his mouth twitch up at the sound of his name. “For what am I thanking you? Withholding information about the project?” 
“No,” he shook his head, springing a few carefully parted hairs loose from their spot. “For- number one-” he paused dramatically, drumming his bony fingers against the edge of the high-topped table, “providing you all the information for finishing this project.” Out of seemingly nowhere he produced a thick roll of parchment that unrolled to reveal a step by step explanation. Pages of carefully written instructions went into great detail on every step of the potions that needed to be made. A sense of relief and happiness washed through you, enough to make your hands curl into excited fists as you beamed. 
“Turns out our Seeker is good at more than catching a Snitch. She got the highest marks in this class last year, and agreed to share the notes with me.” 
“Thank you, Beomgyu. Seriously. I was beginning to worry.” 
“I know, I know. It feels good to be your savior, Y/N. Oh, which reminds me of reason number two; the fact that I spared you a Bludger hit last night.” 
“I thought we’d already covered this. Most of that encounter was your fault. Plus, your little shove left me with a bruise of my own on my ass.” Pouting, you shifted your weight in an attempt to alleviate the pain against said bruise. 
“Just admit it, Y/N,” he leaned forward, his face mere inches from your own so as not to be heard by anyone around. “You’re indebted to me. Two times over.” He was cocky, but you had to admit he had a point. As much grief as he had caused you, he had saved you from both a failing grade and an injury in just under 24 hours. 
“You’ve got a point.” Beomgyu shrunk back into his seat, cocking his head to the side as if he hadn’t heard you correctly. It seemed like he was waiting for a witty remark or some kind of argument to his words, but you kept a sure, steady gaze on him instead. Either your eyes were playing tricks on you or there was a slowly building flush of red blooming from under the collar of his cable-knit sweater onto his cheeks. Against your will, your mind reproduced the image of his bared chest from last night. 
“What do I owe you?” The question rolled off of your tongue like butter as you took the chance to lean forward to him, balancing carefully on your stool with your elbows planted onto the table. 
“I-I just,” Beomgyu frowned at his stutter, apparently upset by his own lack of confidence. His mouth opened and closed again in quick succession and you grinned wider. Another teasing lilt was right at the tip of your tongue, but the booming voice of your professor cracked the tension wide open and had you sitting back on your stool. 
Two days later, you stand behind your stool in Potions class, wringing your hands together nervously. Your portly professor had spent all morning swirling around the class, leaning over the cauldrons and vials present at every table. He muttered a few things to every pair of students, nodding along as they explained their approach to him. It seemed as if he were grading on the spot, since you caught a glimpse of a quill gliding over a small strip of parchment. 
Finally the elder approached your table, bushy eyebrows pinched into one another as he had already begun to scrutinize the potions laid out for him. He said nothing as he approached, quietly appraising your work. One by one, he picked up the vials one by one, peering through the clear bottom and giving them an experimental swirl. He hummed happily to himself and your heart soared. Across the table you noticed Beomgyu looking equally pleased. The professor set down the vials one by one before leveling his gaze onto you. 
“How do you think you did?” He questioned, producing the same thin strip of parchment you’d seen him use at other tables. Palms sweating, you stole a glance at Beomgyu who gave you an encouraging wave of his hand. 
“I think we did quite well, professor. It took us a bit to get the whole project together, but I feel confident in our end results here.” Nervously, your eyes skated down to his quill, tapping against the parchment rhythmically. 
“Well, I think you did quite well, the two of you. These potions are near perfect. Couldn’t make them any better myself.” It felt as if the air had been sucked from your lungs, shocking you beyond belief. Never once in your life did you think you’d be receiving such high marks in Potions- especially with Beomgyu as your partner. Your professor marked a delicate “A+” on the small strip of parchment. 
Beomgyu threw a triumphant fist in the air, wiggling in his spot with pure excitement. Your professor let out a belly laugh, spinning around to address the entire class. 
“I didn’t want to advertise this since I wanted you all to put in your best, pure efforts to the project. But, now that I’ve reviewed everyone’s work and determined the best,” you swapped a look of confusion with Beomgyu, both assuming that he was referring to you. “I am offering an award to our friends at Station 1!” He motioned to the two of you wildly, robes flailing as you ushered to the front of the room. Your peers glared at the two of you, but you were too far onto cloud nine to care. 
“Good thing I got those notes, huh?” Beomgyu muttered to you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. 
“Good thing I spent all last night making sure we actually had the potions to present.” Keeping your voice low and level to keep him from sensing just how grateful you were for his efforts. The class murmured lowly, surely trading snide remarks about the two of you until the professor cleared his throat pointedly.
From the pocket of his robes, the professor pulled out two small, clear vials. One was pressed into each of your palms, and you stared up at him with confusion. Maybe this was a sign you should have paid more attention to the types of potions around you.
“Luck potions, please use them carefully” he supplied helpfully, swirling back around to face the entire class. “Now, who’s willing to take a photo of me and our winners?” The professor bellowed, producing an old film camera from somewhere and brandishing until someone shuffled off of their stool.
Fresh, fluffy snow floated down in gentle waves outside the window. It was the thick of winter now, and despite your best efforts to bundle up you were still huddling into yourself for warmth as students shuffled into Potions around you. Everyone seemed especially lethargic, yearning for the break from classes that Christmas promised. You laid your head onto your folded arms, feeling just as exhausted as the atmosphere suggested. 
Sleep had been evading you lately, annoyingly deceptive as you would lay down in bed tired only to be kept awake by your racing mind for several hours. Somehow settling into your arms in this classroom was the most content you’d felt in days. And then you felt a firm push at the back of your head. There was no mistaking who the perpetrator was, especially as you heard the scrape of a stool directly across from you. 
“Good morning to you too, Beomgyu.” He was perched perfectly on his stool, eyes wide and bright. For as long as you’d known him, he had thrived in the cold and the snow. “You are obnoxiously cheerful. God damn Gryffindors.” 
“Not my fault you’re such a grouch. But I guess it is true that snakes don’t like the cold.” 
“Do you ever let up? Or do you get pleasure out of ruining my mood every single morning?” 
A grin cracked his lips as a short laugh bubbled through. “Thinking about my pleasure, are you? Concerned I’m not getting enough? I can assure you that-”
“Okay, gross. Stop. Enough. You know that isn’t what I meant.” Quite honestly, you had no time to endure his usual teasing so you simply turned your body away from him, idly watching the professor gather his things at the desk. 
“Right, let’s get going! We need all the time we can manage today!” He seemed more jubilant than usual as he centered his own cauldron onto the middle of his desk. “Today we’ll be making love potions. Amortentia, you may know. If you’ll open to page 104, you can find the procedure. It is important to note that this potion cannot make anyone truly fall in love, but it does create a strong attraction to whomever you make with it in mind. Of course, the full effect doesn’t apply unless it is consumed. Today we will simply be brewing it for practice. If done correctly, the potion will emulate-” 
“The scent of what you find most attractive,” you muttered absent mindedly, reading directly off of the page you had open in your lap. 
“Exactly, miss Y/N. Your potion today will smell like what you find most appealing.” He nodded proudly. A feeling of anxiety rose in your chest as he rattled on. No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t think of the type of scents that would come from the potion. You were quite fond of some scents in candle form, but you wouldn’t classify them as...attractive. Even more worrying was the idea that no matter how hard you tried, you would have to reveal this concoction in front of Beomgyu, who took every chance presented to torment you. Your professor clapped his hands together, marking the beginning of your working period. 
The instructions were simple enough, so you took extra care to be sure that the   measurements were as perfect as you could get them. The room was shrouded in a hushed silence that indicated everyone was working hard on this. After all, this was the most exciting potion that’d been offered to you all year. 
“Can’t wait to see which poor dude you have a crush on,” Beomgyu chuckled as he stirred his pot exactly three times counter-clockwise. 
“Could say the same for you! I seriously petty whichever girl you’ve been fancying. Imagine being at the receiving end of your...ick. You’d better tell me who it is so I can send them a warning.” You stirred your pot the same way he had, watching the mixture turn to a stereotypical bright pink. The instructions lead you to allow the mixture to culminate for exactly two minutes before any results could be sought. 
The students who happened to work faster than you were already taking a sniff at their potions and recording the scents on their parchment, some pairs gossiping amongst one another about what they smelled. A clank of metal had you whipping your head upwards, locking eyes with Beomgyu as adjusted his small cauldron to bend over his potion. Since it wasn’t your own, there was no scent for you to distinguish, but you watched the way his eyes widened in shock for a second. 
Unfortunately you had no time to process his expressions before you had to examine the contents of your own cauldron. Before you could even take a deliberate sniff, your senses were rushed with a mix of sweetened musk, a wood that seemed somewhere between cedar and mahogany, and an addicting citrusy undertone that you eventually recognized as bergamot. You placed it immediately.
“Merlin, Beomgyu. Could you refrain from spraying your cologne right now? Why are you even carrying it with you in the middle of-” The words died in your throat as you realized how incriminating your words had become, seeing as Beomgyu had nothing but his quill in his hands. A feeling of sickness rose in the back of your throat as he let out a hearty laugh. 
“My cologne, huh? I actually didn’t even have time to put any on today,” he peered over at your parchment, his height allowing him to easily read the fragrance notes you had scribbled before complaining. “But those are the exact notes of what I wear.” 
Your cheeks flamed, the heat radiating so fully through your system that you felt yourself begin to sweat despite how cold you’d been before. There was no worse fate than this, you decided. Amortentia had betrayed you, putting you under the mercy of Beomgyu’s knowing stare. Fuck, did he really have to find out now that the smell of his cologne secretly drove you crazy? That as much as you hated the way he teased and antagonized you, somewhere deep down you’d never quite lost the crush you developed in second year? 
“I was beginning to think you might’ve had a crush on me, Y/N. Isn’t that so sweet! The stony little Slytherin finally realizing that she’s attracted to me...this is quite the revelation!” Beomgyu lamented, obviously overjoyed at the new ammo he could load into his teasing. 
As much as you searched, you could find no words to defend yourself, as the proof was truly in the potion. A bit defeated, you sunk back into your stool, content to bury your face into your hands until your next class began; but at your new level you could see Beomgyu’s own piece of parchment scrawled with what he had smelled. Reading them upside down was a bit of a challenge, but he was too busy complimenting himself to recognize your analytical stare. Written in a neat list were the scents: sage, some type of berry (juniper?), eucalyptus, something woody (cedar?). 
Your heart stuttered, a bitter laugh threatening to spill out and give yourself away. Skillfully you held it back, cursing to any god or deity who might be listening. The notes matched up exactly with the perfume you wore every single day.
“You asked him why he sprayed his cologne?” Georgiana gaped at you across the table in the Great Hall. The two of you had joined up for lunch just hours after your Potions class disaster.
“Yes, but that’s not all! Just before I melted into a puddle of my own dispair, I saw his list, and I swear to Merlin it’s the exact notes of my perfume! Look,” you produced the travel-sized bottle from your pocket, flipping it to the back label and listing off the exact ingedients.
“Wow,” Georgiana nodded, sinking her teeth into a piece of pizza. “That’s quite remarkable.”
“Why are you not giving me more of a reaction?” You whined, stomping your foot against the floor petulantly. She raised an eyebrow high, taking a few more chews at her food.
“You want me to be honest? Or nice?” She asked, weighing the invisible options on her hands in front of you.
“Honest, I guess.”
“Oh, I was hoping you’d pick that one. You see, my sweet Y/N, the two of you have been dancing around this for years. Even though you renounced him all those years ago, I still talk to him on occasion. Not to mention he’s friends with Soobin, so I’ve been provided with some...insider information. To be honest, Soobin and I have both been waiting for the day the two of you finally stopped bickering and like...made out.”
Your face twisted unpleasantly, shocked at her words. “Insider information?” You croaked, creases forming in your forehead. Georgiana smiled devilishly and you swore you could see red horns rising from her fiery hair.
“Beomgyu talks about you all the time. Apparently, back when he was dating Klara, he would often talk to Soobin about how she never bantered with him like you did. They broke up because he kept comparing her to you. Told Soobin that he’s had a crush on you just as long as you have, but he thought you thoroughly hated him.”
“He has a crush on me?” You sputtered, stomach twisting into knots somewhere between disbelief and excitement. Georgiana full on laughed upon seeing your face, the cackle permeating through the air and turning heads.
“Well, I’m not gonna be the one to bring it up. If he’s got a crush on me, he can bring it up.” You suddenly decide, finally indulging in the pizza that had been waiting for you since you sat down.
“That’s my girl, stubborn to the very end.” Georgiana grinned and offered her hand for a high five that you eagerly returned.
The weekend brought you a much needed break from both schoolwork and all things Beomgyu related. Christmas break was fast approaching, and all of your professors had surprisingly laid off on assignments. It seemed as if they were just as tired of grading as you were of doing the work.
Unsurprisingly you found yourself in the library, sitting underneath the twinkling of the fairy lights set up especially for the holidays. Most other students were out socializing, so the room was pleasantly vacant. As a result you were able to settle into one of the plush velvet couches that were usually occupied.
After roaming the aisles you’d found an anthology of wizard poetry that piqued your interest. Settling beteeen the cushions of the couch with a book made you feel the most at home you ever had, cracking open the delicate binding and balancing the book in your stomach as you began to read.
There was no way to tell how long you’d been reading, but by your estimations it was only about 20 minutes before someone was looming above you. Startled, you lifted your gaze over the book to see none other than Beomgyu standing before you. He was decked out in a sage green sweater paired with slightly oversized beige slacks. He had forgone his robes, but his Head Boy pin still shined on the breast of his shirt. Typical.
“Can I help you?” You asked, finally sitting up to regard him.
“I thought you’d be here.” He said simply, shuffling on his feet awkwardly. You blinked.
“That doesn’t answer my question,” you poked, slipping your book shut dramatically. “Did you want to ask me something?” Beomgyu licked at his lips before rubbing his fingers against his forehead.
“Merlin, why do you make everything so hard?” He groaned and seemingly became so exhausted that he collapsed onto the ornate rug under his feet. Seeing that you’d riled him up so much by doing practically nothing sent excitement through your veins. As much as the bickering annoyed you, there was no denying the thrill you felt when giving him back a taste of his medicine.
“What exactly am I making so hard? I don’t even know what you’re here for. To be honest I’m shocked you managed to find me in the library. I figured you would start to burn at the door and have to find a different way in.”
Beomgyu rolled his eyes, a hint of a smirk playing at his pillowy lips.
“Don’t act like you don’t know why I’m here.” He finally began to reveal the award winning smile you’d come to know whenever he teased you. “I know what Georgiana told you.” His voice was low, so quiet that if there had been any other souls in the library you’d have missed it.
Your eyes flew open and he flushed instantly. “You two aren’t exactly quiet at the Great Hall, and I’ve got more than a few friends.” It was your turn to flush red, wondering just how many conversations between you and Georgiana had been overheard by other people. 
“So you know that I said...” 
“Why do you think I’m here? All it took was me knowing you also...you know,” he picked at the nonexistent loose threads in the carpet. Honestly, you were shocked at how reserved he had become in the face of this confrontation. All traces of his usual confidence seemed to have vanished in the moment. 
“I do like you, Beomgyu. I had a massive crush on you in second year, but then we got into that fight and-”
“I wouldn’t call it a fight,” he countered animatedly. “You just never understood my humor. All this time, I was hoping that you would catch the hints.” 
“Hints?” It felt like your eyes were going to fall out of your head with how wide you held them. “You call those hints? I’d call those lackluster clues, at best.” 
He was quiet for a moment, examining the smirk on your lips carefully. In a moment of impulse you slid off of the couch to sit opposite him on the floor, knees touching. Your heart hammered against your ribs.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, gripping at his thighs nervously. “Didn’t know how else to go about it.” 
“That’s okay, me either, obviously.” A rueful laugh escaped your lips, and he returned one just as easily. Up this close, the planes of his face were defined by the delicate light provided from the fairy lights. Shyly you shared glances, neither of you knowing quite how to deal with the charged anticipation in the air.
“Will you...come to the last Quidditch game tomorrow?” He finally spoke, snapping your attention back to him.
“Only if I don’t have to wear one of your ugly jerseies.” Feeling bold, you leaned forward just a few inches, beginning to close the gap between you gradually.
“Fine,” he acquised, leaning forward just the same as you had, his breath fanning hot over your face. “In exchange for not wearing a jersey, how about you...” he tapped at his lips cheekily. A surge of excitement tumbled through you.
“That’s a shit way of asking me to kiss you for the first time, Choi.” Nevertheless you leaned forward further, bumping your nose against his own before you finally pecked him firmly on the lips. You felt ridiculously shy, like you were having your first kiss all over again, but Beomgyu smiled reassuringly, pulling your hands into his own and linking them together. The touch encouraged you both, and your lips collided with more assurance than before.
The faint scent of pumpkin juice lingered on his lips, and you wondered how many bottles he’d drank before finally deciding to come find you. Finally you both sought a new breath, taking a moment to close your eyes and collect yourself. When they fluttered back open you saw Beomgyu staring back at you intently, pupils reflecting the strands of lights strung above you.
He mumbled something so quietly that you couldn’t even hear it at your close distance.
“What was that?” You asked, wondering if you’d caught the end of a charmingly romantic thought.
“I said you’re in need of practice.” He smirked, leaning back of his hands cockily.
“Fuck you, man,” you slapped at his shoulder with a firm clap. He gasped, a hand covering his heart as if he were being sworn into a committee.
“Already? I didn’t take you for such an impure heart!” Another hearty laugh bounced around the library and you ducked your head into your hands, resigning to the fact that you were stuck with him.
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A Bourbon Street Wedding
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Enzo St. John x Mikaelson! Reader
Part 4 of 4: ( Part One, Part Two, Part Three)
Words: 3859
Summary: The big day has finally arrived.  You couldn’t have asked for anything more perfect. 
Notes: I can’t believe it’s been around 3ish years since I started this series. To anyone out there who is still reading, thank you! This is the final part in my Enzo and the Originals Series and I really hope you guys enjoyed. Thank you so much for reading! Warning: So much fluff ahead. Lovey dovey fluff, family fluff, just all kinds of fluff. 
The New Orleans’ sound did not wake you up. It was the feeling of someone looming over you as you slept that crept deep into your slumbering mind and forced you awake. Your eyes fluttered open and you screamed. Caroline stood over you, hands on her hips and rage in her eyes. 
“How are you still sleeping?” She shrieked yanking the covers off of you. You groaned and turned your head to look at the alarm clock. “The wedding is only seven hours away! We need to get ready!” Enzo rolled over, covering his ears with his pillow. Caroline grabbed your hand and Enzo’s arm and dragged you out of the bed.  
“Caroline, I appreciate how much you’ve done to help, but-” Enzo started groggily. Caroline shoved a bag of hair product at him and pushed him out into the hall. 
“Damon got here earlier, he’s waiting downstairs for you.” 
“No, buts, we are already way behind schedule.” Caroline huffed. Her planner-face calmed and she smiled at both of you, stepping to the side so you could look at each other. “Alright, you two. This is it.” The last time you would see each other before the ceremony. You just stared at Enzo, speechless. Neither of you could even begin to know what to say, so you just laughed nervously. Caroline slammed the door. “Okay, let’s do this.” 
Bonnie, Rebekah, and Hayley all burst into the room. Hayley pushed play on the stereo and music blasted, mostly cheesy romance songs that Caroline had insisted upon. Bonnie popped a bottle of champagne and Rebekah toyed with your hair while Hayley and Caroline talked about their daughters. 
“Hope is staying with her grandmother this morning. Mary is bringing her later.” Hayley explained. 
“Ric’s staying with the girls. He sends his best.” Caroline announced. You nodded and smiled. Alaric was your friend, despite his complicated relationship with the rest of your family. Then again, most of your friends had a complicated relationship with your family. Caroline scowled. “Stefan has elected himself as the selfless martyr who will not be attending so he doesn’t ‘cause a scene’.” She rolled her eyes. You took her hand swinging it back and forth playfully. 
“You deserve better.” You noted. Bonnie raised a glass.
“Amen to that.” She handed out the drinks and the morning passed by with many giggles and indecisive arguments over what color lipstick you should wear. When all was settled, you were cast into a frenzy of makeup and hair curlers until Caroline declared your look to be ‘just right’. 
Meanwhile, downstairs, a reluctant vampire stood outside the gate, tempted to turn around and run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Of course, the first person to greet him didn’t exactly put his mind at ease. 
“Damon Salvatore…” Klaus chuckled darkly. “What a pleasure to see you again.” 
“Niklaus.” Elijah called from inside. “Do stop frightening the best man.” The oldest living Mikaelson came out and stood by his brother. “Hello Damon.” Damon gave the pair a reluctant wave. The magic witchy Mikaelson- one that Damon didn’t even know existed until now- invited him in and the three lead him to the room where Enzo was getting ready. Damon death-glared him as Freya went upstairs and the brothers stood on either side of him, like minions of death. 
“Please tell me you’ve got bourbon.” He grumbled, side-glancing the two originals, waiting for one to pounce. Enzo watched in irritation as Damon threw his stupid, trademarked leather jacket onto the chair. Kol glared from his spot on the sofa. 
“I thought we’d already gone over the guest list.” He sneered. “I would’ve made sure that this-”
“Behave yourself Kol.” Elijah warned. 
“It’s nice to know none of you have changed.” Damon snarked, snatching up the bottle of bourbon on the side-table. He poured himself a drink and downed it quickly. “And neither has your taste in liquor.” Enzo growled.
“You’re here for a reason, Damon.” He groaned. “You already missed the bachelor party, now please, do something helpful.” 
“You missed one hell of a night, Damon.” Kol smirked, licking his lips. 
“Yeah, I heard about those call girls going missing.” Damon noted. “I’m surprised at you, Elijah. I never took you for one of us miscreants.” Elijah kept up his stoic expression, his tone betraying his slight annoyance.
“I refrained from last night's activities.” 
“He was absolutely no fun.” Klaus whined. “Lovesick fool. Hayley’s practically got him on a leash.” Kol and Klaus both snickered. Elijah shook his head, but couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He really was a lovesick fool, not that he was ashamed to admit it. And with Davina and Cami both gone, he didn’t reprimand his brothers for their partying. 
“I believe that I was not the only so-called ‘buzzkill’ at the party.” He pointed out, his eyes on the groom. Damon’s jaw dropped. 
“Enzo?” He fake-gasped. “Has our blood-thirsty party man finally turned into a hopeless romantic?” Enzo rolled his eyes and shrugged. 
“Just because I’m not a brute, doesn’t mean I’m a hopeless romantic.” He smirked. “Undeniably in love, yes. But not hopeless.” 
“I think I’m going to be sick.” Kol pretended to gag. “You remember you’re speaking of my twin? I know a couple secrets about her you would not find so romantic.” 
“Kol.” Elijah scolded. “We wouldn’t want Lorenzo getting cold feet now would we?”
“Yes because then I would have to remove them.” Klaus threatened, casting a dark look to the groom. Enzo gulped and began to tie his tie over his pristine white shirt. Elijah had picked it out, which meant that it was the best money could buy. 
You both looked perfect. After all, this was the biggest moment in all your centuries of living. The girls gathered around you and let out a collective sigh of awe. This was it. 
The guests were beginning to arrive and you felt your heart pounding, wishing that you could be with him to calm your nerves. But of course, it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony and with your shared history of weddings, you needed all the luck you could get.  And so you waited, tapping your foot at an alarming speed and trying to take deep breaths. 
“Everything alright dear sister?” Kol wondered with a smirk, leaning against your doorway. Caroline, Rebekah, Bonnie and Hayley were all getting ready to be the perfect bridesmaids and Freya was preparing to officiate the wedding. She had been so excited when you asked her and you couldn’t think of anyone else you wanted to say the words ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife’. 
“What could go wrong?” You looked at your twin and smiled nervously. Kol’s face suddenly darkened. 
“Well I can think of something.” He growled. You turned to see who he was looking at and gasped. Kol stepped towards Marcel.  “I don’t recall sending your invitation.” 
“I just came to tell Y/N congratulations.” He held up his hands a sign of peace. “I don’t want to cause any problems. Not today.” Kol continued to loom ferociously over Marcel until you stepped in between them. 
“Kol, why don’t you go make sure that Klaus hasn’t killed any of the guests? I don’t want a single speck of blood on him when he and Elijah walk me down the aisle.” You were able to shoo him away before he could object, turning back to Marcel with fiery eyes. “Of all the days you decide to make amends…”
“I’m not asking for your forgiveness for not telling you I was alive all those years.” He started. “I’m asking you not to hate me. All I want is for things to go back to the way they were before everything happened. We were pretty close friends, you and me.” 
Thick as thieves, more like it. While Marcel was like a son to your older brother and a lover to Rebekah, he was always one of your dearest friends. You were devastated when you believed your father had killed him. When you discovered he was really alive, you were both relieved and furious. All those years and never once had he reached out to find you. Seeing him stand before you now erased all of your anger. 
“You say it like I’ve forgotten.” You cried, pulling him into a hug. “Thank you for coming, Marcel. You don’t know how much it means to me.” You pushed away with a small smile on your face and tears in your eyes. 
“Hey,” He comforted, placing a hand on your cheek. “We can’t have you crying before the wedding.” 
“Would you stay?” You pleaded. “Please, Marcel. It would make this day even more perfect.” He gave you a look. 
“Can you promise none of your siblings are going to try to kill me?”
“You know I can’t.” You both laughed and he agreed to stay, sneaking down into the courtyard where the ceremony was taking place. With him gone, you were alone again and the unstoppable nerves returned. “Come on, Y/N. You have faced centuries of trials and vicious enemies. You’re just-”
“Pledging to spend the rest of eternity with someone with probably as much emotional baggage as yourself?” Klaus finished, stepping into the room. Elijah had managed to get him into a suit and he completed it with his famous mischievous grin. 
“Shouldn’t you be downstairs with Elijah?” You put your hands on your hips. 
“Oh come now, don’t be so cross. It is, after all, the happiest day of your life.” He replied smugly. “I simply wanted a word with you before the festivities begin.” He led you to sit on one of the sofas, taking your hand in his own. 
“What’s this about, Nik?”
“I know that I have been… difficult these past centuries.” He smirked and you couldn’t help but laugh in agreement. “The truth is, Y/N, that I am completely afraid of losing your love to someone else. But I have seen the way you are with Enzo and I simply cannot bring myself to take it away from you. I may be a selfish bastard, but even I do not wish to see you unhappy. I wish you the most joyous life, Y/N.” 
“Klaus,” You placed a kiss on your brother’s shoulder. “My love for you will never falter or diminish, no matter how much of a thorn in my side you are.” He gave you the loving smile that you often wished to see more of. Klaus was troubled and all you hoped for was that one day he would find the kind of happiness you had found with Enzo. 
“You look stunning.” Elijah noted from the doorway. He held out his arm. “Shall we?” Klaus and you stood and the three of you walked down to where you would be entering. Caroline and Bonnie would be first, then Rebekah with Damon, and Kol insisted on announcing you like some kind of queen. You were pretty sure he just wanted to get a laugh out of the crowd before you walked down the aisle. Of course, it was just nice to have your twin want to take part. 
You could feel yourself trembling as Caroline and Bonnie started walking. Rebekah and Damon were bickering even as they began down the aisle. You took shaky breaths and felt Elijah chuckle. 
“Everything is going to be fine.” He assured you. 
“You know, it’s never too late for me to kill him.” Klaus whispered and you elbowed his side. Kol gave you one final smirk before heading out to the front of the space. 
“Ladies and gentlemen!” He greeted. “You are all here to celebrate the union between Enzo St. John and my beautiful sister, Y/N Mikaelson. Us being twins, I could share a great deal of stories about Y/N…” He looked back towards you and you glared at him. “But that will have to wait until the reception. Now, without further adieu,” He had an exceptionally smug smile on his face now and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his final words. “Here comes the bride.” 
Enzo finally was allowed to turn around as the music began to play. His heart leapt and his breath hitched. You were the most gorgeous thing he had ever seen. In fact, gorgeous wasn’t even the right word for it. Nothing could describe how you looked as you walked towards him.  As if his eyes alone had calmed you, you felt your nerves wash away and the brightest smile spread across your face as you took the first step down the aisle. The faces of your closest friends turned towards you and with each step, you felt emotions bubbling up inside. As you reached the end, Klaus gave you a wink before taking his place beside Damon, removing a stake for his pocket. 
“Klaus!” You hissed. He gave you a mischievous grin.
“Couldn’t resist.” He said, Damon taking the stake from him.  Elijah lifted your veil and you felt a tear roll down your cheek. He smiled and wiped it away, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
Freya beamed at you as she greeted the crowd and thanked them for coming to witness your union. Enzo couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The ceremony itself was simple and you and Enzo stared into each other’s eyes the entire time.
“May I have the rings?” Your oldest sister asked. Damon handed Enzo your ring and Rebekah handed you his. “The couple has prepared their own vows.” Freya nodded for you to begin and you took a deep breath, taking both of his hands in yours.
“The first day we met, you were trying to kill my best friend. However, just a few years previous so had I.” You laughed through the tears now freely falling down your face. “I thought that the only promise I would make was to my family. Our code of always being there for each other, and although it has been tested- multiple times-” You shot Klaus a look. “I want to extend that to you. I promise to love you and to protect you and cherish you. Always and forever.” You slid the ring onto his finger and laughed to yourself, wiping away the tears. You looked into his eyes to see that he was crying too.
“I didn’t know what it was like to be loved.” He began and for a moment you thought he’d blubber more than you had. He always was a romantic. But he composed himself as best he could. “Until I met you. You saw past all of the bloodshed in my past. All of my pain and anger. You had had your fair share of hurt over the years and you decided to take a broken soul and mend it. You saved me.” He took a deep breath, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. “And I plan to spend the rest of our lives trying to repay you for the love that you’ve shown me. Always and forever.” He put the ring on your finger and you both laughed at how emotional you both were. Freya smiled. 
“What are you waiting for? Kiss her.” The crowd erupted in applause as Enzo dramatically pulled you into his arms and lowered you into a dip before kissing you for the first time as your husband. 
The reception was held at Rousseau’s, which was heavily decorated with roses and lights to the point that it no longer looked like a bar, but something from a fairy tale. Again, the handy work of Caroline. Klaus watched Caroline from his seat at the head table as everyone waited for you and Enzo to arrive. 
“Now that Lorenzo is officially family, I recommend you don’t give him the same treatment that you gave us for the past few centuries.” Elijah straightened his cufflinks with a smile, giving Klaus a side glance. 
“Of course not, Elijah. The daggers don't work on him.” Klaus grinned mischievously. “Although, there’s always the crypt in the basement.” 
“Don’t even think about it.” Rebecca chimed in. Elijah looked across the table to Hayley, feeling a deep desire to one day have this with her. To have the happiness that his sister was now experiencing. Hayley saw him and smiled, her eyes lighting up his soul, or whatever was left of it. Perhaps one day...
The doors opened and the newlyweds entered. You still couldn’t quite believe it. In all your years of living, you couldn’t think of a moment when you were half as happy as you were now. Enzo’s fingers were laced with yours as you walked towards the main table, seeing the smiles on your friends and family’s faces. The guests cheered as you took your seats. Dinner was quickly served and it wasn’t long before Rebecca stood, tapping her glass with her spoon to get the room’s attention. 
“Ah yes, it is time for the dreaded speeches.” She announced with a smile. “Being the maid of honor, I am obligated to speak for my dear older sister. And since I have over a thousand years of stories, it was difficult to pick just one. I succeeded however, in finding a memory that I believe best describes my sister.
“She and Elijah were the only two to escape Klaus without being daggered and shoved into a box.” She gave Klaus a brief glare before continuing. “In the late 1800’s, when I awoke, many things had changed. People I loved turned their back on me.” Her eyes came across Marcel, but didn’t linger for long. “Elijah reintroduced me back into society, but it was Y/N who helped me nurse a broken heart. She made me believe in my own strength again. Y/N showed me the love that only an older sister could. I am beyond delighted that her heart has finally found its equal.” She looked at Enzo happily and feigned a scowl. “But know that should anything happen to her, you will not only have my brothers to worry about.” 
“Duly noted.” Enzo nodded, his hand having never left yours. All eyes were now on the best man. Damon took a long drink from his glass and stood reluctantly. 
“There isn’t a lot I can say about Enzo before him and Y/N met. When Enzo and I first knew each other we were prisoners. We were trapped together, tortured together, and experimented on.” You felt Enzo’s grip on your hand tighten at the memory. “When I got my chance to escape, I took it. I betrayed him. Decades later, he swore revenge on me and tried to kill my girlfriend.” Reading the confusion in the crowd, he smirked. “Don’t worry, this bromance has a happy ending.” 
“Of sorts.” Enzo whispered to you and you both laughed quietly. 
“My point is that Enzo hated my guts until Y/N got him to forgive me. I believe her words were ‘There are better ways to spend an eternity than seeking revenge. Especially against an old friend.’ Anyway, here I am and here they are, so I guess we all know the end of that story.” Damon glanced at you and despite his usual smirk, you could see the sincerity in his eyes. “Elena was always rooting for the two of you to end up together, so that meant I have to too.” The crowd chuckled at his last comment, but you stood up from your chair and pulled the snarky vampire into a hug. 
“Thank you, Damon.” You whispered. “I miss her too.” You felt him return the embrace and smile sadly against your cheek. 
“She would have loved this, you know. All the gushy romance and twinkling lights.” He said, fixing a hair that had fallen out of place and tucking it behind your ear. You nodded.
“You’ll have this with her someday, Damon. And when you do, I will be the one giving the speech.” 
“Over my dead body, Mikaelson.” He snarked. “But I guess is Mikaelson St. John now. Jeez, that’s a mouthful.”
“Sit down, Salvatore.” You shook your head in amusement. As you went back to your seat beside your husband, you noticed a member of the wedding party’s chair was empty. A rush of panic shot through you. “Elijah, where’s Klaus?” 
All of your siblings turned to the vacant seat and their eyes widened. Everyone started to split up to go find him before he could cause any trouble. 
“I’ll go get Caroline, she went to the bathroom.” Bonnie said, taking off in the direction of the restrooms. You and Enzo decided to check the kitchen but were not at all prepared for what you would find. Sure enough, there was Klaus. And Caroline. On the counter. You quickly shut the door, trying to contain your laughter. You took Enzo’s hand and headed back to the table, grinning like an idiot.
“Well it’s about time.”
As the night slowly died down, Enzo clinked his glass to acquire the crowd’s attention. Everyone focused on him as he stood, shooting you a bright smile. 
“May I have everyone’s attention? First and foremost I would like to thank each of you for coming out to celebrate this wondrous occasion. Some of you are from this beautiful city, and some came all the way from a small town called Mystic Falls.” He turned to Damon and smirked before returning his loving gaze to you. “But to end the night, I wanted to say a few words to my new wife, Y/N.”  You felt the blush rise to your cheeks and the warmth rush over you. 
“A few months ago, I discovered who my family was. As it turns out, after a century of searching and hoping, they turned out to be a bunch of thieves and betrayers. No resemblance to me, I’m sure.” The room laughed. “I’ll admit that I was crushed. But now, the Mikaelsons have accepted me into their family, some more willing than others.” Klaus shrugged with a smirk, still flushed from his little rondevu earlier. 
“I almost had you.” He teased. Enzo continued, holding his hand out for you, lifting you to stand beside him.
“None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for the brilliant, caring, incredibly sexy-” he winked and you giggled, “most wonderful girl that came into my life when I thought I had no reason left to live.” You laid a hand on his shoulder, feeling tears start to well up in your eyes as they started to in his. “She made me see that maybe there was a slight shred of hope in this eternity we were both stuck with. Y/N became my world. A world I would do anything to protect.” His hand slipped into yours. “Now we may have our disagreements, and I’m sure we have a long road of bickering and evading certain doom.” He held up his glass in one last toast for the night. “So here’s to one hell of a forever.”
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks
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yuzukult · 4 years
from home 02 || jjk & reader
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title: from home pairing: jungkook x reader genre: richkid!jk, baker!reader, fakedating!au, fluff, angst, e2l, smut in future chapters word count: 8.1k+ prompt: jungkook is the youngest of five boys, the last in line to truly inherit any his parents’ money. but what if his mom suddenly cuts him off due to his current poor behavior and he’s forced to learn how it feels like to be part of the working class? a/n: ;n; wishing this was longer than i made it... please expect the next one to take a bit of time! but you never know. i’m unpredictable.
please let me know if you’re interested in being tagged! but also let me know if you want to be removed!  taglist: @scalubera​ @strugglingartistno16-2​
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Waking up on an unfolded futon is no comparison to a deluxe California King bed with pearly white satin sheets.
For one, it meant that he wasn’t actually on the futon itself rather on the floor instead. Jungkook has been having an exertion amount of time trying to not fall off the limited dimensions of his now mattress. In addition to that, even after going grocery shopping, he feels like he’s spending an endless amount of money on a daily just to keep his fridge stocked because every time he pulls that door open— there’s nothing in the fridge. How is that even possible?
At times like these, he missed the personal chef. Sure, he couldn’t remember the gentleman’s name, but he made a mean grilled cheese sandwich. Instead, Jungkook enjoys a sad and limp piece of string cheese for breakfast.
For once, he’s grateful that the distance from home to work is short, really being an approximate 10 minute walk, meaning that he didn’t need to take an Uber or possibly buy a car? How did poor people transport from one place to another? He thinks of you on his route to work; the things you yelled at him the night on Hoseok’s yacht, how he purely innocently asked if he could pay for your future endeavors and the reaction he pulled from you that could only be described to be full of resentment. You really didn’t like him.
True be told, the feeling of hatred is mutual.
Jungkook dreads coming into work, mostly because the sight of you is a constant and the current impression he has of you is that you’re just plain mean and bossy. He hates that whenever he’s in the midst of a task, you manage to always slide in to critique every action he performs. How old did you think he was? Some thirteen year old with an adult job? While at the end of the line at the cashier’s station, Jungkook places the bread at the bottom of the brown bag but before he’s ready to drop the jug of milk on top, you shove his hand away. “You’re going to flatten the bread if you do it like that. Heavier duty items are at the end of the pile. Lighter and fragile items on top.” He scowls. Or when he’s in the parking lot, while lost in his thoughts, he nearly propels one of the carts directly into a moving car, and surprisingly enough, you’re standing outside beside him, swooping in with your fingers wrapped around the handlebars with sweat dripping from your forehead while halting the motions. “You almost dented that guy’s car!” He wants to tell you ‘and so what?’ but he refrains from saying anything because when he turns to look at you, you’re already halfway down the lot, making your way back indoors.
Then when he’s stacking the canned goods on the shelves, you approach him from behind and tell him that he’s doing it incorrectly. “What’s wrong about putting stuff on shelves?” He asks, a hint of annoyance in his tone. “The labels aren’t facing out. How are the customers supposed to know what it is?”
“Turn the can around?” He says matter-of-factly. 
“Yeah, so do it.” 
When you walk away, he’s tempted to grab the canned corn he’s restocking and chuck it at the back of your head, but he holds himself back. This is for his mom, for the development of himself, to prove to his brothers that he wasn’t just some useless, spoiled kid. You didn’t believe in him anyway which is probably why you’re being so difficult— oh how he wished he could ask for a replacement trainer. So why waste his time trying to please you when he really just needs to sway his parents? The main goal is to get the money back into his pockets anyway.
Once finishing his list of tasks, he advances toward Hoseok who’s in the middle of mopping a spill in one of the aisles. Apparently, someone had dropped a jar of pickles, filling up the place with the stench of vinegar, scrunching up Jungkook’s nose. “Is she always this mean?”
Hoseok glances up from the pile of pickles on the ground, chin resting on the handle of the mop, discouraged to clean the mess. “Who?” 
Jungkook skims the area to confirm that the coast is clear before he whispers your name discreetly. “I feel like she’s looking over my shoulder 24/7. It’s like she’s out to get me. Maybe she wants to catch me doing something stupid and get me fired.”
Hoseok rolls his eyes in response before finally crouching down to throw the scattered pickles into the trash bin beside him. “No, she doesn’t. You’re her responsibility, so if any higher ups saw you fucking around or fucking up and find out that she’s the one who’s supposed to train you, she’d lose her job. She can’t afford that, Kook.” Jungkook sighs, observing Hoseok as he’s trying to gently pick up the piece of glass that’s drenched in the juices. “Well? Are you just going to stand there and watch after what I just told you? Help me!”
Abiding by instruction, Jungkook still sighs heavily, bending his knees to grab the pickles cautiously between his index finger and thumb. This is rancid, and the way his face contorts in disgust when he flings it into the trash can says it all. He can’t believe that he’s in this position right now when he could be sitting in the middle of a golf course on a Wednesday morning, enjoying his fifth glass of merlot, with a pretty girl by his side, complimenting him every time he swings his golf club. “I miss the rich life. I don’t know how you do this everyday. Is this even worth it for you?”
Shrugging his shoulders, he grabs the last piece of glass on the floor as Jungkook tosses a handful of pickles he grabbed previously. “I just didn’t want my parents controlling where the money was going anymore. And I got tired of being called a prodigal. I wanted to be someone who could do things themselves without having my parents giving me money.”
“But how could you hate that! Isn’t that their job as parents? Taking care of you, giving you more than you need? That includes money. We’re just lucky because our parents are rich.”
Standing up from his position, Hoseok brushes his hands off on his apron as Jungkook follows in suit. “But that’s what I mean. Do you hear yourself? The ‘we’re just lucky because our parents are rich’ thing is getting old. Don’t get me wrong, I want to be just as rich but I want to be wealthy myself, not because my parents gave me the means to be.”
Hoseok makes a point but not one that Jungkook can fully grasp onto. He understood where the older male was coming from, but truth be told, Jungkook still wanted his parents’ wealth in the end. Hoseok had dreams he was chasing, ones where cutting ties from his parents would be beneficial but to Jungkook, he didn’t have any aspirations of his own to obtain like that.
“Anyway, I digress. She means well. She needs this and that café job too. Her parents don’t have any type of money, if anything, she purposely cut herself off from them so that they wouldn’t have to pay for her. Moving back home is her personal embarrassment, just like how being kicked out of your home is yours.”
“So what am I supposed to do?”
Hoseok pulls his lips into a tight line, dropping the mop into the bucket to extract the vinegary liquid out. “Work with it. Be better than what she’s asking for. I learned a lot from her and I’m sure you can too. Who knows? Maybe she’ll pick a couple things from you along the way.”
That’s when he tests the waters.
For the past two hours, that’s exactly what Jungkook does. He tries. Harder than usual. When you walk by, he is especially polite to customers with the brightest smile his cheeks will allow. Or when he’s back to organizing cans on the shelves, he’s attempting to show all the labels, but you’re back, questioning why he’s even stacking cans with dents in them. Then there’s the time he’s standing at the station for the self-checkout... but he gets distracted while playing on his phone and you nearly smack the living shit out of him. 
“Why do you freaking hate me so much?” He exasperates, arms dropping at his sides from frustration. The shift is finally over, thank god, but he’s still on edge as to why you always have something to say, so he chases after you into the locker room. “All you do is attack me the entire day and it’s already difficult for me to adjust to being here.”
“Listen, I get it. It’s hard. Well, I don’t really get it because I’ve been working most of my life, but this is completely new territory for you. Regardless, you still have to learn how to do this, Jungkook. Your parents aren’t going to be supporting you anymore.” Wrong. Wrong because in his mind, his parents are going to welcome him with open arms when he proves his capabilities. This situation is only temporary. “So, I want to help you. If you really need anything, here’s my number. Call me.”
“Is this a way for you to get my number?” Jungkook raises a brow suggestively. Clicking your tongue, you circle back into your locker, grabbing your bag of items. “Trust me, you would’ve known if I wanted to get in your pants. Plus, I’m giving you my number, not asking for yours, dumbass.” Flinging a crumpled piece of paper at his forehead that so happens to have your number on it, he pouts after rubbing his head. “Rude.”
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“Jungkook,” You’re speed walking out of the supermarket with Jungkook trailing behind you as quickly as he can keep up with. Did you run track before? “I really don’t want to hear your excuses about why you were snooping on me while I was changing my shirt.” He didn’t see you changing, he merely caught a glimpse, but even so, it was only a bit of your tummy that he saw.
Nonetheless, he knows you’re just joking because of the light laughter that escapes from your lips afterwards that sounds like the melody of his favorite song. Maybe you weren’t so bad after all. Maybe it was just a facade you had to put up at work most of the time. “I wasn’t—“ 
You freeze at the sound of his name; Jungkook’s reaction is delayed as he bumps into you from behind while his head turns to the voice. “Jungsik Hyung.” 
Jeon Jungsik. Also labeled as the 3rd child or middle son of the Jeon Family. He’s known to be the philanthropist, the humanitarian of the Jeons, donating his percentage of the earnings from his family’s corporation to a different charity each time he’s the headline of an article. Jungsik in person is even more handsome than the pictures you’ve googled online; simply breathtakingly beautiful just like his personality and heart. Undercut hair with a navy blue suit that compliments his figure, he has a clean appearance with a demeanor that is nothing more than a calm and gentle nature. Despite all the greatness he possessed, he unfortunately had to go through the loss of his late wife, who the doctors had discovered she had cancer, later choosing to spend her last days in Africa, teaching the children English.
You may have looked up the prettiest Jeon brother on every search engine on a random Tuesday night, sitting on the floor with your laptop perched on the coffee table, glass of moscato in hand. Dating a guy like him would be a dream— yet, there you were, getting shit-faced drunk on moscato with a mud mask that was hardening on your face. 
Your thoughts are interrupted at the tail end of Jungkook’s introduction between you and his brother, bowing abruptly at the realization. “... She works here. Currently occupied with training me.”
Jungsik grins, pearly whites blinding your eyes. “Admirable. Thank you for looking out for our little Kook. He’s not the best at working, so I figure he must’ve made things difficult for you.”
“Occasionally,” You joke, replicating the contagious smile on his face. “But don’t worry, Jungkook will get there. Once his training portion is over, I’m sure he’ll manage.” That’s not what you said at Hoseok’s yacht, is what he wants to say, but definitely not in front of the angelic brother. Jungsik chuckles deeply at your response, tips of his ears flushing pink at your interactions, and it makes Jungkook cringe.
“That’s great. I’m sure that you two have had a long day, so is there any way I can treat you guys to dinner?”
You can feel Jungkook’s hot breath down your neck, fuming with anger with smoke probably whistling out of his ears. “Why, why, why did you agree for us to have dinner with Jungsik? This is the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me!” He whispers aggressively beside you but you only ignore his reaction by flipping another piece of pork on the grill. “And why the hell would you suggest coming to this dump? He said he would take us out to a five-star restaurant!”
Admittingly so, a Korean BBQ joint located in some-what of an alleyway is far from a fancy restaurant, but this place was good, your favorite, and why not introduce Jungsik and Jungkook to food that doesn’t need caviar for it to be considered delicious? 
Jungsik excused himself, looking kind of out of place in this low-ceiling location, but he forced a smile anyway before looking for the bathroom. “We can just tell him that we have to go or that you’re not feeling so well. He’ll let us make a run for it, trust me.”
You glance over at Jungkook. “You can do that. I’m staying.”
“But why!”
“Because he seems nice.” You’re adding more meat on the grill again. “Plus, I’m starving. I was going to come here anyway.” Jungkook pauses, watching as you casually maneuver the food with the prongs. “... You were going to eat alone?”
Dropping the prongs, you pick up your set of chopsticks to grab yourself a piece of kimchi. “Well, yeah. Who else am I supposed to eat with?” You shake your head, jumping back on topic. “If you want to leave, feel free. I’m still going to be here.”
“Hell no. I’m not leaving you with Jungsik hyung.”
Tilting your head with narrowed eyes, you blink. “What’s wrong with Jungsik? He’s literally an angel. Like I actually can’t believe that you guys are brothers.”
Jungkook chews on his bottom lip anxiously as if he’s holding back. “I just think he’s not a good guy. So I’ll stay.”
“Sorry I took so long,” Jungsik places his blazer on the seat beside him, rolling up the sleeves of his white button up. “I just needed to wash up. So... how long have you been working at my mother’s supermarket?”
You hum in thought, counting the months from when you first started. It was during University, possibly around the time you were starting your second year... “Probably around three years? And the café... maybe two? I think I’m approaching two.”
Jungsik’s mouth gaps open. “Wait, you work at my mother’s café as well?” Nodding in response, you place a couple of the meats onto Jungsik’s plate as Jungkook eyes you carefully. “Tuition doesn’t pay itself. And I plan to start a business one day, so two jobs is the only way to get to that finish line.”
“I—I offered to pay,” Jungkook interjects into the conversation, feeling like he’s the third wheel suddenly. “I told her she didn’t need to work the two jobs and I’d help her pay for the bakery.” That’s when Jungsik’s gaze meets Jungkook’s; his stare is unreadable and Jungkook can’t place a finger on what’s running through his mind. “Are you two... dating?”
“Why does everyone ask that?” 
“Well, Jungkook is offering to pay for your business,” Jungsik begins, watching the expression on his younger sibling’s face who reciprocates the action, “and he never does that.” He pauses for a moment before breaking the staring competition with Jungkook, fixating back onto you. “But then again, Jungkook spends the family’s money heedlessly, so that’s expected. I’m sure your business is legitimate, but Jungkook probably didn’t even do any research before gifting you that proposition. And I don’t really see Jungkook in a relationship, let alone someone like you, anyways. No offense. I think you’re great, hence why I don’t think he could even land you.”
Cheeks flushing pink, you dip your head. “Thanks.”
There it was. Even when in front of a stranger, Jungsik is just like his other brothers, shamelessly speaking about Jungkook in a condescending manner. Jungkook confesses that Jungsik’s hypothesis is right— Jungkook did exactly do all those things he listed, but that doesn’t mean anything. It was a kind gesture, one that he figured Jungsik would’ve done himself, and he couldn’t see what was wrong with the decisions he had made. You were passionate about a dream, realistic with the expectations, and had mutual friends with him. He felt like despite the constant bickering, he still trusted you. More than his own siblings, at least.
The silence between the three of you was swelling, tension predominantly between the two males, so you shatter that glass by placing some beef on Jungkook’s plate. “Try that.”
“... You want me to try that? I don’t eat regular grade beef.”
“Well kid, you do now because you can’t afford any of the kobe stuff. Come on, Jungkook, just give it a shot.” Grabbing a bed of lettuce, you place a piece of garlic, swipe of gochujang paste, and drop a slice of beef onto it before wrapping and bringing it close to his mouth. “Here, try it like this.”
Jungkook can feel it. The way Jungsik studies the actions between you and Jungkook was a test. Jungsik traveled far and wide, spent time in first and third world countries, eating things that Jungkook can only imagine of eating... well, he doesn’t want to imagine some of those things, but ultimately enough, he’s testing the waters. Jungsik would go home later that night, report this to the other four siblings and to his parents in the luxurious dining room where they’d have their meetings, which meant one thing: he had to eat this concoction that you’ve created.
You lift the lettuce wrap up, gesturing him to open wide. Slowly, he parts his lips, just enough for you to thrust it into his mouth as he winces, the juices from the meat spilling out from the sides. As you wipe the spill with a napkin, his eyes dilate with a sparkle. "Holy shit. That's good."
Jungsik lets go of a breath he's been holding. "I didn't think you'd actually eat that. Don't think I've seen you eat anything without caviar, gold flakes or truffles."
Jungkook turns to his older brother, cheeks full of the lettuce that you've fed him. "Well, you thought wrong. I'm different now, hyung, and it hasn't even been that long since I've left home."
"Correction, since mother kicked you out." He retorts, attention turning back onto you. "Anyway, thank you. This amount on my plate should be enough for me tonight as for I already had a very large dinner before stopping by the market. I'm going to have to leave after this— but feel free to order as much as you like, I'll keep my card on the tab."
"Oh," Face crimson, you wave your hands in front of you in disagreement, "Don't do that. I don't mind paying."
"No, no," Jungsik says, taking a mouthful of the meat into his mouth. "It's the least I could do since you're looking after my little brother. After all, he needs all the help he can get."
When Jungsik says goodbye and exits the store, Jungkook found it inevitable to ponder why his brother decided to come by anyway. Despite his common reputation of being the sweetest and most caring Jeon, he was known to be devious to those who were close to him, shady majority of the time, and every step he made had a reasoning behind it.
The moment Jungsik steps out of the restaurant, he spits out the chewed up beef behind the door, eyes meeting with Jungkook through the windows before a mischievous smile stretches from cheek to cheek. What was he up to?
Inhaling sharply, he shoves it under the rug for future thought. "Enjoying the food?"
"Mmm," You hum, cheeks full of rice and kimchi, an unrecognizable amount of joy written across your face. "So good. Definitely worth dealing with you and your brother's weird relationship. Is this what it's like with all of your siblings?" In spite of the grain of rice stuck to your chin, he oddly thinks this sight of you is... cute. 
"Usually. They aren't really fans and disagree with almost all of my life choices except for going to University. I graduated with all honors and on the Dean's List multiple times yet I'll never be up to their standards."
"Well, to be fair, those gossip magazines talked a lot about your scandals." You grab a napkin to wipe the area around your mouth and he suddenly misses the rice that rested on your face.
"What? A twenty-three year old guy can't sleep around? What's wrong with that?"
You shake your head in response, leaning back against the metal chair that begins to bring discomfort to your tailbone. "Nothing wrong with that, but your choices on who you decide to bed is definitely controllable. You keep luring in those rich girls who do nothing all day but spread rumors and make it their life goal to assure your life is a living hell." Tapping your fingers against the table, your lips purse up in thought before resting your arms beside your plate. "Wanna order some drinks? It's on your brother's tab and you seem like you need to loosen up a little."
Five shots of charm soju in, Jungkook's supple skin is flushed red. 
"I only sleep with those types of girls because I think they have somewhat potential in dating me. But in the end, they're all the same. So I just end the night with a quick bang and go home." Strangely enough, even with Jungkook's history with drinking, he's actually a lightweight. You'd think he had a better tolerance with his constant intake but you've been proven otherwise.
Eyes hooded and face pressed against the palm of his hand while his elbows rest against the wooden table, he hums to an unfamiliar tune. "I just want to get through this part of my life. Bring home someone who's steady, realistic, and liked by my entire family where they actually have hope in me again."
"You can, just don't bring any of those girls home again." Alcohol doesn't hit you as hard as Jungkook does, or at least, five shots doesn't, but you admit you're a bit tipsy. "I'm sure someone like that will fall for you. You're like... pretty and with money."
He scoffs. "Hoseok would frown at that response. He hates when people associate him with his parents' wealth. I don't understand it."
"It's like when your family thinks you're incapable of working hard. People think he's incapable of working, too. In this case, associate him with his parents' money, and for you, they just think you won't make it out here alive because of your choices. You're both on the path of proving yourselves competent." 
There's silence between the two of you, Jungkook deep in thought. 
If Hoseok was on the same route as he was, why was Hoseok's approach entirely different? Why didn't he feel the same drive and motivation as Hoseok does, and why does it make him believe that there was another way to solve this issue? Instead of trying to make enough money to move out, he could just feed off of his parents' money and use it towards something else, earn money off of that and spend that newly collected money that was now truly his. Which brings to question, how can he hit two birds with one stone? Both introduce his parents to someone who was totally out of his league yet loved by them and demonstrate his ability to work?
Bingo. The answer is sitting right there in front of him. You.
You were a hard-working middle class citizen. From juggling two jobs to being a graduate at some University, you knew what it felt like to be poor. You hated people who bathed in wealth, especially when it's claimed to not be their own and stood for your beliefs. If Jungkook brought you home to present to his parents, they'd be so jubilant that he could imagine his stubborn, stone-cold face father doing cartwheels, mother's cheeks in pain from all the grinning, and brothers looking defeated, envied erroneously. 
"Tell me a bit more about yourself, I feel like I don't really know you." There. If he studies you enough, maybe you'd be willing to jump in on his plan. After all, he still has to determine what he can offer you in this portion of his scheme to convince you to deceive his family, especially since you seemed to be fond of both Jungsik and his mother. "... Why are you suddenly interested?"
He shrugs. "I just wanna know. Where did you go to school, why did you choose a bakey, etcetera. If I'm going to be working with you, I should probably get to know you a bit better. Maybe I'll feel more inclined to cooperate." It was like in mere seconds, Jungkook wasn't intoxicated anymore— completely sober.
So you play his little game, it wouldn't hurt, right? "Got a scholarship to study abroad, so I was in New York for a couple years. Don’t get me wrong though, since it’s the US, it wasn’t a full scholarship, but I didn’t have any other opportunities that I wanted. Then graduated with a degree in Food Science. Then parents needed some money so I had to come back right after graduation and pick up a job at your mom's supermarket, paid off their debt and now I'm just trying to pay off mine. I also needed to put some sense to my degree and well... I loved baking in my free time. It was all I did when I was stressed from exams."
"You studied in New York?" If he wasn't sober a couple minutes ago, he was now.
You nod in response, finishing the last portion of pork that sits idly on your plate. "How old are you?"
"But you started working at the market three years ago?" He asks, the space between his brows crinkle, trying to count the months in his head. He also takes note that he's older than you and that it'd come in handy later. "It doesn't make any sense."
"I finished high school early." The sizzle of the grill dies down, the ventilator shutting off from the lack of smoke. "I jumped a couple grades."
"A... couple grades. A couple grades, it doesn't sound like just 'a couple,' you literally graduated college at the age of what... fifteen?" He heaves, completely taken aback by this new information. "And then graduated college at eighteen? Yet you're working at a grocery store and some coffee shop when you could be running an entire company." 
"Well, when you say it like that—"
"Okay, I have a proposition for you. Let's date." You nearly choke on the water you're drinking. "What?"
"Fake date, really. Be my fake girlfriend. You're a year younger than me, got a college degree at eighteen with attainable aspirations that I could cater to once my parents give me access to their money again. The entirety of this conversation is only giving me more reasons to invest in our relationship, to invest in you, and it'll benefit me in return." You squint your eyes at him suspiciously, but he continues. "My mom already likes you. Jungsik even thinks you're too good for me and that there's no way that you'd ever date me. If you actually did, imagine the look on his face!"
"Jungkook," You sigh, running your fingers through your loosen strands of hair. "I don't know. This seems wrong, lying to your family. They only want the best for you."
"Absolutely not. My brothers want to see me fail. If you agree to do this, I can show you what I'm talking about." 
Hesitant, you nibble on the hardened dry skin on your lips, heart racing in uneasiness. "But you'd be giving up a lot. No more flings, no more getting wasted... you'd have to be completely serious and on board if you do this. It has to be convincing. But at the same time, how long and how are we going to keep this up?"
"Maybe until you get your shop up and running so that you're able to stabilize it yourself. I'm sure that wouldn't take long anyway, and it would be a great business deal if we go through with this. You'd be out of debt, starting your own bakery, all in a shorter span of time than intended. And all you have to do is come home with me to see my parents occasionally, attend some events, hold my hand, maybe exchange a couple kisses— but nothing out of your comfort zone though, I respect boundaries."
With how his hand gestures move, and how the ideas flow from his mind so effortlessly, you could've sworn that Jungkook was a con-artist. His words were a shell of plausibles and credibility— up to the point you had to tell yourself to stop and take a breather because all this material was starting to sound reasonable, and from your lack of experience with Jungkook, he wasn't the most reliable person you've met. "I'm going to have to think about this. As great as it sounds for me, it doesn't seem like much of a character development path for you."
"But it would," he asserts, putting emphasis in the way he speaks, "I'm investing in something I believe in. A business, one that I see potential in, in a person that I see potential in."
"Jungkook, you met me last week."
"Which is why it makes it even more impactful!" He exclaims, arms thrown in the air. "I know you hate me. But you have the qualities of what would help me get myself back into the estate. I'm not even sure if I'm written out of the will yet, and I'm praying that this whole 'changing' thing won't take so long that the idea is going to be thrown out the window." 
"I really don't hate you, I just want people like you to be more aware of what's going on in the real world. They all view the lives of people like me through a sheer shower curtain with diamonds and pearls wrapped around their bodies, laughing away. It's like you don't see the problems we face everyday."
"And as much as I don't want to do that, let that be part of the deal. Get one 'ignorant' rich guy out of that stereotypical pool, and teach me how to be better. Then, I'll also be on the road to being a more... empathetic and educated man."
Puffing up your cheeks, you look away for a brief moment. “I still want some time to think about this.”
“That’s fine. But also, one more thing.” You turn your gaze to fixate back onto him. “Yeah?”
“Don’t eat alone if you don’t have to. Call me, I’ll keep you company.”
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"... So I asked her to be my fake girlfriend." Jungkook ends the story of how your ‘fake love’ blossomed under the fluorescent lighting and smoke from the grill at a barbecue shack hidden in an alleyway.
Hoseok's jaw drops to the floor. "W-What?" He stutters, appalled by Jungkook's proposal for you. How could Jungkook just bring up an arrangement like that so effortlessly? Without even a second thought? "And what did she say?"
"That she needs to think about it a little more."
He sighs of relief, pushing his hair back through his fingers. "Good. Because she has a horrible history with guys. It always seems to go down in flames. I could only imagine what it means if she dated you."
"It's a fake relationship, what could possibly go wrong?"
"You might fall in love with her. Or worse, she'll fall in love with you. Literally every fanfic and romance movie trope that has to do with fake dating. Plus, imagine if she fell in love with you." He shivers at the thought.
“What’s wrong with me? Why are you making it sound like it’s the worst thing ever if she even so likes me like that? I don’t even think she’ll fall for me anyway. The mere thought of me seems to disgust her.”
Grabbing another box of cereal to restock, he rolls his eyes. "You really don’t get it, do you? It’s more like... you're not going to be serious about her if she did. You don't even know what it means to be in a committed relationship, let alone know how to handle a fake one. If she falls in love with you, she's done for. Then her guy streak really is horrible. You’re putting her in a tough spot, Jeon."
Tearing open another cardbox box full of inventory, Jungkook frowns in thought. What if you did fall in love with him? How would he go about that? Would he still invest in your business then? Taking a moment to let the ideas sink in, he’s already decided. "I'd still invest in her." He concludes. "Isn't that part of the journey? Learning how to be professional? If she falls in love with me, I'll give her space. But I still believe in her business and her goals to open one."
"But you don't even know her," Hoseok reminds him, stopping in the midst of his actions. "She really needs this. If you so much have any doubt of leaving this plan, she'll be devastated. Everything that she has worked hard for has to be halted because she trusts you. You can't play with people's lives like that."
"It's just a business," Jungkook clarifies, but Hoseok shakes his head in dismissal. "This is her life's work, Jeon. Have you even really talked to her about this? You need to either call this off or have a written contract or something because you're not only diminishing her love life, but her dreams too. So really think about this."
Jungkook slouches, body barely standing up against the shelves. “She still has time to decide. Trust me, Hobi, if she does fall in love with me, I’ll take care of her and make sure that she’ll still be able to have the business.” Hoseok eyes Jungkook in disbelief. “You found out she’s younger than you, didn’t you? I can already hear it in your tone. Don’t overlook the age, she’s still lightyears of experience ahead of both of us combined.”
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unknown [6:22PM]: so, what’s the verdict? unknown [6:23PM]: my fault, it’s jungkook.
Letting out a large exhale, you shut your lids, phone in the palm of your hand after viewing the texts, allowing your body to fall against the wall behind you.
It’s another late shift at the coffee shop, one that ends around 2am before the cycle of waking up for an additional eight hours at the Jeon market. Although the bags and dark circles that begin to reside underneath your eyes are evidence to your exhaustion, gradually taking a toll on your body. The days were getting shorter, nights stretching longer, and you weren’t sure when your next day off would even be.
Then the thoughts of your loans come to mind. There was another email sent to your mailbox, reading that the next bill was approaching and due soon, causing the weight on your shoulders to inflate. If only the figurative load built your muscles because then you’d be able to pick up a job on a construction site, possibly making a bit more money than you do now with both jobs combined.
You glance at Jungkook’s text again. 
The belief that you were independent goes out the window if you cave into Jungkook’s premise. You were practically selling your body at that point... but your personality was part of the package as well. Then there was the lying— you admit, being yourself around the Jeons was easy, but having to lie to them about dating Jungkook seemed... difficult. They were relatively smart people, what if they’re able to see right through your act? And what about Jungkook’s past? Would it continue to haunt you during the relationship?
For instance, what about the women he dated? Rephrase: slept with. There’s pretty much a guarantee that scandals would arise with the announcement that Jungkook was going steady with someone who wasn’t an aristocrat, a child of money. What about you stood out that Jungkook would fall for you to convince other people that you were good enough to be part of their world?
But you go back to your debt.
The biggest regret yet also your biggest accomplishment was going to college in New York.
The expansion of knowledge you were able to obtain during your years there was irreplaceable. If anything, really, it molded you to the person you are today. But at the same time, the debt was like a dark, rainy cloud that followed you around wherever you went. 
Having to plan your every expense week by week was draining. 
Declining meetings with friends because you couldn’t afford to pay for your portion of the meal, let alone for everyone else.
Jungsik offering to pay for dinner despite your inclination to decline and pay for yourself was a blessing. Veritably thankful that he didn’t take your ‘no’ as answer and left his credit card, if you were being completely honest, you wouldn’t have picked that location if you knew he wasn’t going to pay for it. It’s been a while since you were able to afford KBBQ.
You weren’t poor, no, or at least, you believed yourself not to be. Just... all your money seemed to go toward your debt and savings account for the bakery.
Feeling demoralized, you’re tempted to text Jungkook to let him know you’re surrendering, but he beats you to it.
unknown [6:30PM]: i just want to be able to help the both of us. you can lead the relationship, i’ll follow. i know how much your independence means to you, so... i’ll bottom. unknown [6:31PM]: be mine? you [6:31PM]: 🏳️ (white flag)
Sliding your phone back into the back pocket of your jeans, you make your way back behind the counter with two girls who studied at the university nearby, giggling and slapping each other’s arms elatedly. You’re slightly envious of their lighthearted laughter, wishing that you could do so freely without this heavy feeling in your chest, yet you push those feelings aside anyway, a smile tugging on the edges of your lips. “What are you two laughing about?”
“Jiwoo has a crush!” Injae exclaims, pushing the aforementioned girl to the side with a cackle. “She saw him working at the supermarket you worked at the other day and I swore I saw her staring at him in awe, a river of drool coming out of her mouth. Should’ve put a wet floor sign—“
“Injae!” Jiwoo whines, bottom lip jutting out. “Stop embarrassing me in front of Unnie. She probably thinks we’re immature.” Not really. You kind of wished you had a crush too. The butterflies in your stomach, hands palmy and cheeks flushed pink. Eagerness to see the person; each touched exchange making your heart race faster... “Who’s the guy?”
Injae glances over at you mischievously as you watch her prepare to get hit by Jiwoo. “Jeon Jungkook—” Slap slap slap. Injae’s arm is definitely going to be red tomorrow morning if not right now. But oh, Jungkook? The one you just agreed to date about 5 minutes ago over text?
“I think he has a girlfriend.” You respond uneasily, chewing on the nail of your thumb anxiously. “Who?”
“Hey,” The three of you turn to the customer, quickly straightening your postures and aprons until your eyes meet his, halting your breath. Jungkook has a knack for timing because there he stands, hair disheveled from probably rushing over, in a grey hoodie and baby blue jeans with tears at the knees. “What’s good here?” Yet his gaze doesn’t shift from you. Legs rooted into the ground, mouth parted in surprise, you finally shake yourself out of ice before clearing your throat. The girls seem to be just as stunned as you are because they haven’t moved an inch.
“Cold brew is my personal favorite. But if you want a safe option, americano is great too.” Logging into the iPad, you’re ready to tap in his order but grabs onto your wrist and you grimace. “Can we talk?”
“... You could just say that and not grab me, Jeon. Not everything has to be a K-Drama moment.” In all honesty, you were kind of embarrassed of the girls knowing your newly found relationship with Jungkook. He was definitely not your kind of guy, his brother Jungsik probably being closest to your ideal type and even the girls knew that.
Sitting by the window and across from Jungkook with your fingers tapping against the plastic cup with your cold brew inside, he continues to observe your face briefly while drinking a sip of the americano. You don’t even take a second to look at him, rather your attention is glued to the crescent moon out the window. “White flag? That’s all you can say?”
“How did you want me to respond?”
“Yes or no? Are you usually such a dry texter?” He rebuttals, prepared for anything you throw his way. He’s learning, you take note, because he usually just stands there dumbfounded whenever you’d shoot back with a response.
“Yes, it means yes, I surrender and I agree to your terms. We can date, I’ll be your girlfriend, you can be my boyfriend, blah blah.”
“Not my terms,” He says, rephrasing his text. “Your terms. You’re leading this relationship, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable just because I suggested the idea. I’m not a jackass, you know. I don’t even sleep with women who say no.”
“Are you supposed to get a ‘congrats’ or reward for that? Because that’s the bare minimum, Jeon.”
“You know what I mean,” He retorts back. “I respect women.”
“But lead them on and sleep with them even though you know that you don’t want a relationship with them but they want a relationship with you—“
“Now I have you.” Jungkook interrupts firmly. “I’m having a serious, committal relationship with you. No more of those girls anymore.” You nearly felt your heart swell out of your chest cavity but you remember that he’s just saying it to convince you to date him, despite the fact that you’ve already agreed to it.
“I don’t get where you’re going with this conversation. If you got the answer you wanted and expected to hear, I’m leaving. I’m still on the clock, you know.”
“Quit then.” You scoff at his swift resolution. He’s too impulsive. “I can’t just quit. I need the money.”
“I said I’d help you pay for those things, did you already forget? That’s what this arrangement is all about.” 
Rolling your eyes, you stand from your seat, snatching your drink along with you. “In case you forgot, you don’t have the money yet. I agreed to be your girlfriend, happy?” He looks like a puppy with his round eyes peering through his shaggy hair, grin stretching from cheek to cheek. “I am. This means you have to let me do boyfriend things for you.”
“Fine.” You respond through your gritted teeth. Truth be told, you want him out of the café as soon as possible because the college kids behind the counter were starting to whisper. “But you still have to treat this professionally when we’re at work.”
“Deal, love.” His teeth are peeking from his excitement. You squint your eyes at him. “Jungkook.” You warn.
“You’re at work, I’m not.”
You’re going to strangle him.
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Walking out of the supermarket after another long night shift, you’re stuck between Jungkook and Hoseok as they exchange stories of parties they previously attended, emitting a sigh from you.
“Tired of our old shenanigans, baby?” Jungkook teases, tugging on the sleeve of your jacket. Hoseok shoots Jungkook a glare. “You’re going to die tonight if you keep that up, man. She’s scary when she’s mad.”
“Oh please. She likes it when I play around.” The innocent smile on his face makes you want to punch it in. “No,” Hoseok says, pulling Jungkook over to his side and looping his arm with yours. “She’s hungry. Let’s go tame this beast.”
Jungkook just stares.
The three of you are at a 24 hour convenience store just outside his house, three bowls of ramen prepped at the table while you all sit on the stools provided. “What’s this? How was it made so fast?”
“It’s ramen, dumbass,” You hiss, breaking the wooden chopsticks that Jungkook watches in reverence. “It’s literally called instant ramen. You’ve never had it before?”
“I’ve had ramen in Japan.”
“Oh, dude, you’re going to be so disappointed when you have this then.” Hoseok laughs then winces when you kick his shin underneath the table. Gesturing the bowl and Jungkook to Hoseok, he frowns, tearing the paper wrapping off the chopsticks and hands to the younger male. “Do what she just did. Break it.”
“Break... this? Chopsticks? Who invented these?”
“Does it matter?” You chime in. “Just break it. Hurry up, we’re trying to show you how this works so we can eat. Why are you acting like an alien? You’ve seen chopsticks before.”
“Well, honestly, at the Jeon estate, we only use—“
“Fuck what you use at the Jeon estate. We’re at the...” Turning to look at the sign above the store, you point to the logo. “... KTH 24 CONVENIENCE. They’re telling us to quickly break our chopsticks so we can go nomnom.” Rapidly, he attempts to snap the chopsticks, only for it to crack unevenly and you stifle a laugh.
“... Good try,” Hoseok shakes his head, tearing the rest of the lid off of the bowl. “Maybe you’ll be better next time. You’re stuck with your screw up now, but least you can still enjoy your shitty bowl of ramen noodles.”
Jungkook swallows. The sight of the noodles floating in soup that looks painfully diluted with water, the aroma from the bowl was still alluring. Stirring the soup, he finally picks up a portion with his wonky chopsticks, blowing on it before taking a bite.
It’s... actually not bad.
“How is it?” Your voice is calmer and much more soothing than it had been a minute ago, but he makes the assumption that it’s because you’ve finally gotten food in your stomach. He takes note of this for future reference. “Oddly enough, not bad. I kind of like it.”
“Well, get used to it. It’s cheap and efficient. You’re part of the broke squad now, Jungkook.”
Broke Squad. Feels nice to be part of something.
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heavenlyhaechan · 4 years
Make a Wish
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Pairing: Renjun x Gn!Reader 
Genre: established relationship au, fluff, 
Word Count: 1.6k 
Warnings: n/a 
Rating: PG 
Note: happy birthday Renjun!!! (no this has nothing to do with the song) 
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Angel Numbers. 
“Make a wish,” Renjun whispered to you as the numbers on his digital clock switched from 11:10 to 11:11 pm. You laid next to him in his bed, drifting between dreaming and consciousness. 
“I wish for you to let me sleep,” you mumbled, your dry throat making you sound as raspy as a snake’s hiss. 
“If you say it out loud, it won’t come true,” he giggled. His words were met with silence, and so he gave up trying to get you to engage, rolling onto his back to stare at the glow-in-the-dark stars you’d put on his ceiling last summer instead. 
“I’d love to go to outer space,” he mused out loud as he let his eyes go out of focus. The neon stars were blobs now, more like jellyfish than cosmic balls of fire. Although he supposed stars looked a lot more like this in reality. 
“You’d leave me just like that?” you teased, finally giving in to his refusal to let you sleep. 
“No, of course not silly, you’d have to come with me,” he said, poking your cheek. 
“I don’t know if I’m up for all the, ya know, risking my life that would take.” 
“It’s not that dangerous,” he said, walking his fingers up your arm. “And plus, you’d have me to protect you.” 
“Oh yeah, shoulder gangster Renjun,” you sang goofily, giggling as you pictured his indignant expression from behind your closed eyelids. 
“Whatever,” he muttered. “Go to sleep.” 
Dandelions Seeds. 
Spring was just beginning to arrive, and yet flowers were already blooming everywhere you looked. Lilacs, tulips, roses, daisies, even the dandelions were beautiful. 
You lay in the park making daisy chains for you and Renjun. He sat next to you, sketchbook on his lap and pencils strewn about all around him. 
“Let me draw you,” he said after a while. 
“What? No.” 
“Why not?” he asked, looking at you affrontingly. 
“Cause I-” you searched for a concrete reason but failed to find one. “I don’t know.” 
“I’ll buy you a cookie,” he bargained. 
You rolled your eyes, tempted to tell him that you weren’t a child and that it wouldn’t be that easy to convince you, but his puppy dog eyes were too hard to resist. 
“Make it two,” you resolved, turning back to your daisy chain. 
And so he drew you as you weaved daisy chains in the spring sun. Eventually, once you had finished, you stretched your arms up over your head, feeling your back crack satisfactorily. Then you got up and placed one of the daisy chains on Renjun’s head, making him look quite like a prince. You refrained from telling him as much, however, knowing how he would tease you if he could hear your innermost thoughts. 
He looked up from his sketchbook as your shadow fell over him, smiling up at you enchantingly. “You ready to go?” he asked. 
You nodded in reply, shooing him off the blanket so you could fold it neatly and lift it in your arms. As you did so, he picked an already seed-covered dandelion and held it out to you. 
“Make a wish,” he said. 
You took it from him and blew hard, but not hard enough to release the seeds grip. Renjun laughed loudly at your dilemma, jumping away just in time to avoid your slap on his arm.  
“Try again,” he told you kindly, his tone contradicting his still gleaming smile. 
You did as he said, this time managing to blow dandelion seeds straight into his face. 
“Hey!” he sputtered, waving his hands in front of his face. “I’m gonna get you for that,” he said once he’d recovered. With a yell, he grabbed you in his arms and, with a strength you didn’t know he had, spun you around in circles on the green grass. 
You gasped with laughter, your arms holding onto him for dear life. After he had tired himself out he set you down and bent over with laughter of his own. This renewed your own bout of hilarity and for some time the two of you stood there hopelessly wiping tears from your eyes. 
Once you had both regained your breath, Renjun straightened up, hooked an arm around your shoulders, and reminded you of his earlier promise of cookies. “What kind do you want?” he asked. 
“Chocolate chip.” 
“Fine, two chocolate chip cookies coming right up!” 
Fallen Eyelashes. 
The rain pounded down on your roof like pebbles on a tin can. You sat on your kitchen counter, waiting for your kettle to boil while Renjun rummaged through your refrigerator. 
“You don’t have any bagels do you?” he asked as he straightened up. You shook your head apologetically. 
“I have to go to the store soon.” 
“We could go now,” he said, jumping up to sit next to you. 
“Is anywhere even open?” you asked, looking pointedly at the clock over the stove that read 1:16 am. 
“Probably,” he said, but he sounded doubtful. 
“We can go in the morning,” you told him, hopping off the counter as the kettle started to shriek. 
“Fine,” he sighed, jumping down after you and pulling two mugs down from the shelf. “Be boring like that.” 
“Watch it, I have boiling water and I’m not afraid to use it,” you warned as you brandished the steaming kettle. 
“Okay, okay,” he held his hands up in surrender, stepping back as you poured water into the mugs and dunked a tea bag into each. You set a five-minute timer to let them steep before moving back to sit on the counter. 
“Hey, wait,” Renjun said, reaching a hand out to stop you. “You have an eyelash right,” he drew out the word as he lifted it off your cheek, “here,” he held it out on his pointer finger. “Make a wish.” 
You smiled a little before bending forward and blowing the eyelash off his finger and into oblivion. 
Fountain Coins. 
You and Renjun walked arm in arm through the city streets, making your way towards the local art museum. He had been chattering to you excitedly about the new exhibit for days, and here was your opportunity to finally see it for yourselves. 
You rounded the corner that led to the museum and suddenly the street opened up around you and turned into a spacious square. In the middle sat a grand fountain, its centerpiece a bronze rendition of Poseidon, complete with a trident and numerous dolphins jumping all around him. 
“Oh, cool,” Renjun said under his breath. “Do you have any coins?” You nodded, pausing to rummage around in your bag before producing two coins, one for you and one for Renjun. 
“Make a wish,” he reminded you as you stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the fountain. You did as he said, closing your eyes and rubbing the coin between your thumb and forefinger before tossing it into the crystal clear pool. 
Shooting Stars. 
“Remind me why I’m doing this?” you queried as you followed Renjun down the forest path, blanket tucked under your arm. 
“Because you love me.” 
“That may be true, but this seems an awful lot like the start of a horror movie.” 
“Just wait, it’ll be worth it, I promise.” 
You sighed but stopped complaining, choosing to focus on keeping Renjun insight instead. A minute or two later you emerged into a large clearing, a field really, with the open night sky above your heads. 
“Oh wow,” you whispered in awe, but Renjun still heard you. 
“I told you,” he said triumphantly, gesturing for you to give him the blanket you’d carried with you there. 
He shook it out and laid it down in the middle of the field. After he had plopped down onto it he patted the space next to him, signaling for you to join him. Laying back the two of you marveled at the endless night sky, the milky way a wondrous strip of sparkling light. 
Renjun pointed out constellations and planets to you, telling you about the articles he’d read lately that detailed the discoveries being made every day. Suddenly, a streak of light raced across the sky to your left. Renjun stopped midsentence to point excitedly. 
“Did you see that?” he cried out. 
“Yeah,” you said, smiling at his youthful enthusiasm. 
“Did you make a wish?” 
You nodded again as you pushed yourself up to meet his eyes. The stars were quite literally reflected in them, but you thought they were bright enough already without any help from the heavens. 
Birthday Candles. 
“Okay, he’s almost here!” you called out as you tucked your phone back into your pocket after reading Haechan’s text of forewarning. You went to switch off the lights while Jaemin hissed at the others to quiet down. 
You found a place to hide behind the couch with Jeno and Jisung, your heart beating overtime in anticipation. The six of you sat in the dark and quiet for what felt like an eternity until finally the door swung open and you heard Haechan scream out a “Surprise!” He pushed Renjun through the door in front of him as he did so, signaling the rest of you to jump out of your hiding places and begin to sing. 
Renjun stood stock-still for a moment, clearly just as startled as you had hoped he would be. Then after a moment, he broke out into laughter, looping an arm around Haechan’s neck in a halfhearted chokehold. Smiling around the words of the song, you pulled him to stand in front of his cake where it sat on the table, already lit. 
As the song came to a close, punctuated by Haechan and Chenle’s high-pitched screams and Mark’s breathless laughter, you said quietly enough that only Renjun could hear you through the chaos. 
“Make a wish.” 
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sapphicwhxre · 4 years
be mine
♡ pairing: luna lovegood x reader
♡ summary: after finding out that luna’s never had a valentine, you give her the perfect valentine's day
♡ requested: yes | no
♡ warnings: none
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february 14th is a materialistic pile of rubbish. yet here you were, buying into the gimmicks and working up the courage to ask luna lovegood to be your valentine. you took a deep breath and stood up before immediately plopping back down in your seat and groaning.
“i can’t do it!”
“oh yes you can!” hermione rolled her eyes at you. “you’re celestial, y/n, and i’m sure luna thinks so too.”
“if i get rejected and humiliated, this is all your fault.” you huffed and stood once more.
“she isn’t like that and you know that. now go ask her!” she smirked and waved your nervous self off in her direction. the blonde sat on the grass, her hair sitting in waves over her book. the breeze blew her tresses over her shoulder and her white top complimented the color of her vibrant eyes.
“hi luna!”
you cringed internally at yourself but reminded she’d never judge you. luna knew what it was like to be different and you adored how she was so unapologetically herself.
“evening, y/n!" she chirped and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “you look like something’s on your mind.”
you are, you wanted to admit. but you refrained.
“just thought i’d say hello," you excused through pressed lips. “what are you reading?”
“it’s about valentine’s day,” luna explained with an excitement in her voice, one that always accompanied her eagerness to learn. “muggles celebrate today with their significant others. it’s lovely, don’t you think?”
“very,” you agreed with a giggle and nod. spotting hermione, she glared and gestured (not very subtly) at luna as if to scream at you to ask her out. “do you have a valentine?”
the girl looked up at you curiously, her smile fading a bit.
“no, i never have.” she admitted. this shocked you. it may be primarily a muggle thing but luna is an angelic being. how could no one have taken the opportunity to spoil her with gifts or tell her how lovely she is?
“how unfortunate, people are missing out!” you replied, pulling a bubbly laugh from her throat. “would you be mine tonight luna?”
a toothy grin spread across her face, brightening her features and she bit her lip softly. “that’d be wonderful, y/n.”
“perfect! i’ll see you tonight, ravenclaw common room.” you told her happily and with a burst of confidence, pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. pink blush rose to her cheeks and you took pleasure in the sight before prancing off back to hermione, who was now joined by ron and harry.
“how’d it go?” hermione questioned excitedly.
“well... i’ve got myself a date!” you squealed and hermione threw her arms around you before facing you again.
“i told you she’d say yes!”
“woah woah,” ron darted his eyes between the two of you with a smirk. “who’s the lucky girl, y/n?”
“please!” harry interrupted. "it’s got to be lovegood, who else does y/n have eyes for?"
the implication made heat rise to your cheeks and you scoffed.
“my feelings are not that obvious, harry! but yes, i’ve got luna as my valentine. she’s never had one and i plan to make her first valentine’s day a very special one.” you announced confidentally.
“how special?” ron remarked, earning a slap on the arm from hermione.
“oh, shut up. now if you’ll excuse me, i’ve got to go get ready for my date.”
hermione joined you in your dorm, helping you choose an outfit and fix your hair while the boys set up a spot for you and luna. the two of you decided on a floral red dress that stopped just above the knees, paired with a pair of thigh high white boots.
“gorgeous, if i don’t say so myself!” your friend smiled proudly as you spun around dramatically to show off. “i might just have to keep you for myself!” she joked.
“don’t tempt me mione,” you laughed and turned to the door. stopping hesitantly, you looked back at the girl. “do you think she’ll like me?”
“y/n, i know she will,” she gave you a genuine smile and squeezed your hand. “now go, you’ll be late!”
you made your way to the ravenclaw common room nervously and stopped in your very tracks when you laid eyes on luna. a strapless powder blue dress, flowing down to her calves sat above her strappy silver heels. her hair was in a long braid and she'd applied a soft pink lip gloss. breathtaking was the only word to describe her.
“you look stunning,” you breathed and she smiled, blushing furiously. “as do you, y/n. you’re beautiful.” you took her arm in yours.
“shall we?”
“we shall.”
the scene that awaited you only added to the magic of the night, the sun had set already. harry and ron had truly outdone themselves and it warmed your heart that they’d done this for you and luna. a wooden table, covered in a drape of white tablecloth in the middle of the courtyard and white tulips were sprinkled all around. you’d mentioned last week to them how much luna loved them. it was dim, fairy lights illuminating the display.
“this is lovely!” luna giggled and rushed to sit down and you followed. laughing, eating, and elated conversations ensued and you stayed out until the crack of dawn. luna stood up and threw herself onto the grass happily.
“luna, you’ll dirty your dress,” you teased and laid down to join her.
“i suppose it’s worth it. look at the sunrise, y/n.” the colors of the sky, orange and pink, brought a glow to luna you could fall in love with. “why did you ask me to be yours tonight?” the question caught you off guard but you responded.
“i really like you luna,” you were surprised by the bluntess coming from your mouth. “i like how unique and kind you are. your voice is absolute heaven to my ears. i love the way you are, the way you shine so brightly. not to mention, you’re beautiful.”
her eyes were welling up with tears ─ the good kind. luna’s fingertips brushed your cheek, soft as a butterfly wing, and she brought her pink lips to yours delicately. you kissed her sweetly and pulled away with a dopey smile on your face.
“i really like you too y/n.” she whispered with her eyes still closed. “be mine past tonight?” she requested.
“always luna. always.”
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𝐼’𝓂 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝐵𝑜𝓎𝒻𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒹?..
Pairing: ATEEZ Song Min-Gi & Reader.
Warnings: There’s Mild Bullying (In My Opinion).
Inspiration: Sleep Deprivation. 
Basic Idea: Android Boyfriend, Bully Tries To Demotivate You, Boyfriend To The Rescue. 
Type: Fluff 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Today was yet another day of waiting. You stared at your computer screen, your pointer right above the “Cancel Order” button. You had been waiting for weeks now. And yet, your package hasn’t arrived yet.
What was in the package? Well, let’s reel it back a few weeks ago. You were chatting with your friend on KakaoTalk, and that is when you learned about “boydroid.com”, a website where you could build your preferred boyfriend.
As the name suggested, yes, it was an android. You were basically creating a robot to match your preferences. The best part was the fact that it wasn’t as expensive as you thought. And so you built your own boyfriend and just waited for him to arrive.
It has been a good four weeks since you’ve done that and now you were tempted to cancel your order as you felt like it was a hoax. And just as you were going to click on the button, your doorbell rang.
You booked it, you ran to the entrance so fast that you surprised yourself. You then calmed yourself down and opened the door, to see a tall man. Around six feet you’d say.
His smile was so cute that you almost fainted -- he looked like a huge teddy bear! “Hi _____,” he waved as you felt your cheeks get heated. He was so tall too, you couldn’t help but just stare at his toothy smile -- his bubbly aura making you feel warm.
Composing yourself, you cleared your throat, “W-Who are you?” you asked as he then pouted, making you feel guilty. “I’m your boyfriend Min-Gi?..” he trailed off while looking at you with a soft frown.
“Oh my, oh my-- My heart,” you squealed as you then hugged him tightly, his arms wrapping around your waist as well. As he laughed at your reaction, you temporarily forgot that he wasn’t human. “Wait.. So you are the boyfriend?” you asked, rather weirdly as Min-Gi nodded.
“Yes, I am your boyfriend, _____,” he repeated again with the same bright smile as you then smiled back, “Come in,” you urged as he did so, stepping into your small and cozy abode. It wasn’t the most expensive or the biggest apartment, but it was definitely enough for you and possibly another person.
However, you then realized how he had no extra clothes -- so you guys went shopping. Min-Gi insisted on holding your hand, as you had actually selected that you wanted a soft boyfriend that would want to show PDA through hugs, small kisses, and by holding hands.
You entered a shop, one that you were sure Min-Gi was going to like. After all, you knew his fashion style already. “Hmm, _____? How do I look?” he asked while wearing a light pink knitted sweater and jeans.
Nodding, you gave him a thumbs up as he gave you a quick smile and left to change back to what he was originally wearing. However, while waiting, a girl that you absolutely loathe came. It was your University Bully, a girl that was jealous of your brains and personality.
“Isn’t it the forever alone girl?” she laughed as her friends followed her lead. You huffed, ignoring them as you were waiting for Min-Gi to come out. “Hey! Listen to me while I’m speaking,” she yelled at you as some of the other clients were starting to stare.
You once again, ignored her, not wanting to give her what she wanted. She then turned you around forcefully, ready to scream at your face again. 
That is until someone grabbed your arm, pulling you behind them.
“Min-Gi?..” you whisper out as he was now in front of you, looking down at the girl that would bully you. “Please refrain from making a scene,” he said with a serious tone, shocking you as you didn’t expect him to suddenly become this protective.
Granted, you did place that you wanted him to be protective in certain situations, but you didn’t expect him to be that serious.
“And who are you?~” she cooed, switching expressions horrendously fast that you cringed. Min-Gi stayed emotionless and turned around to look at your face. He then smiled brightly at you, shocking you and the bullies.
“Shall we go now? _____?” he asked as you then realized how he was the only one that would understand you fully. You then gave him a soft smile, hugging him tightly as, although he would predict your actions, was shocked.
“Sure, Min-Gi-Ah,” you giggled while grabbing the clothes that he was going to buy. “Let’s go pay, do you want to eat anything?” you asked, completely forgetting that your bully was still there.
“Can we have steak? Oh, and after that, can we go to a park or lake? I want to enjoy the cool breeze with you, sitting on the lawn and just enjoy some time with you~”
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hi everyone, Bunnie here. 
I am so sorry for releasing this post so late -- I lost track of time and had a packed afternoon. 
This was originally going to be a Yun-Ho imagine, but I changed my mind and decided to change it to Min-Gi instead! (I miss him T_T).
Anywho, I hope you guys still enjoy it!~
Also, it came to my attention that Ramadan is beginning! I wish the best of luck to all of you! You guys can do it!! :D
Please stay safe and healthy! Take breaks -- take it one day at a time. 
Don’t forget that you can send me requests! My inbox is open for y’all!
Once again, thank y’all for the support, stay safe and happy! 
See y’all next time!~
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sly-merlin · 3 years
(minor friendly chapter)
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pairing : law student! Reader + yuta
Genre : angst, mafia au/arranged marriage au
Warnings : none.
Words : 5k
"life's never fair y/n. Realise it as soon as you can. It is the only secret for living a regretless life."
"curiosity got the cat hitched"
K.m masterlist
A/n : this series is totally minor friendly now. ✨
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Previous morning in Taeyong’s office
“What was that for!” taeyong questioned jaehyun, clearly annoyed by his previous hostile mannerisms towards you. Jaehyun was on the receiving end of taeyong’s infuriation immediately after you departed from his office with doyoung.
“What!?” Jaehyun tried to act oblivious to Taeyong's accusations.
“Why were you trying to scare her? Escort ring! For fucks sake Jae, I expected better from you.”
“But it wasn’t a dead loss. And even you went along in the same wagon, so don’t put everything on me alone.” Jaehyun justified himself by shrugging his shoulders lightly. “And admit it! She was giving you a hard time. That bitch was not buying anything!
Taeyong knew jaehyun was right. Your unsatisfied replies and never ending enquiries were exasperating him, but he would rather preserve his precious ego than admitting that to jaehyun.
He ruffled his well-made hair before replying to Jaehyun, who was expecting some gratitude with a smug face.
“I-- just be careful and refrain from doing and saying anything that might put a dent in my plan. It’s a chance Neo would never get again. So be patient and don’t go around opening your mouth about this to anyone.” jaehyun reluctantly nodded,not hearing what he wanted but his affirmation calmed taeyong’s nerves. He couldn’t trust jaehyun entirely but his options were limited.
All the pieces were in the right place, for now. Nothing could go south right!
But jaehyun couldn’t completely understand the rationale behind Taeyong’s design.
and nor could the figure standing outside, completely hidden from the insiders.
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The dread of the forthcoming finals substantiated the shortage of vacant seats in the kwanjeong library. You tried your best to arrive as expeditiously as possible for a person who partied, got abducted, arranged her own marriage, and again partied in grief, all in spam of about 34 hours. Finding no available seat, you decided to settle down on the floor. You gulped your cup of Americano in one go and began with the donut. As per a wise saying, Caffeine and sugar were the best combination as a breakfast for someone trying to get through their day with only 4 hours of sleep, the intellect being none other than your own self!
Yesterday was a pretty long day. Though you were worn out from the adventures with wonwoo last night, your brain wasn’t exhausted enough to shut down properly when you tried to close your eyes.The flashes of the events had shrouded you with a mixture of regrets and worries. What was the guarantee that you won’t end up dead tomorrow! What if taeyong was lying! But the fact regarding moon industries was absolutely legible. Maybe you should get a restraining order or something! But the existence of a person is necessary for that and yuta was a fucking corporate in the public eye and you were sure taeyong held some powerful position in the rich hierarchy as well, otherwise, covering the shits without revealing their true identities was not the job of some measly gang leader. There was more to taeyong than what someone could perceive just by looking. Will you be considered one of them now! After the little stunt that landed you straight into yuta’s life, you weren’t sure that he’d not strangle you in sleep. And What were you going to say to them? Chelin, yeom, guk, yeong.
and your thoughts spiralled from taeyong,yuta towards chelin and your friends and didn’t rest anytime before 4a.m. Waking up at 8 sharp , you took a shower and made your way towards the library.
And now you were here. 2 students passed your figure indicating that there were 2 vacant seats. Finally, after 15 minutes. They might have been the overnight students, you thought and walked inside before anyone else could claim the treasure. You had to find a new topic of thesis and do some research for an international paper your professor was writing, and you being his designated so-called subordinate had to help him, involuntarily of course. But in this world, the student who could refuse their professor’s demands was yet to be born! Marking the place by placing your bag, you started the search for last month’ law journals and digests. One and a half hours passed, but you couldn’t find anything on the international court of justice i.e. what your professor hadn’t already included. The urge to go out was profusely weighed down by your own sentiment of avoiding your friends. So you decided in favour of swallowing the bitter pill.
5 hours passed. The vibration of the timer in your phone prompted you to run off and get some food. It was already 2:30 and the lack of real food was making the tasks harder than they already were. Stepping outside into fresh air, instant regret of not bringing an umbrella washed over you. The sun was too bright unlike your mood and walking all the way to your favourite canteen would end up in you getting another headache. But you silently wished that every being from yesterday’s party was suffering from the same treatment of the over-the-top optimistic planet. why to suffer alone!
“Shortie” you lifted your head, spotting the combo of buy 1 get 1 free, heading your way.
“Where were you the whole day? And if you aren’t going to pick calls then please do that poor thing a favour and sell it!” yugyeom barked while running his hand through his hair.
You shrugged jungkook’s elbow from your shoulder and replied “I was busy with prof. Joong’s work. And I have to be somewhere after 4 so I was a bit-
“Joong should adopt you already man!” Jungkook interrupted, nudging your sides with his fingers.
“ but I thought he wanted to be her sugar daddy!” At that gyeom gave a serious and stern look to kook, pretending to ponder over his statement for a second and then suddenly they both started laughing, hands hitting you everywhere to support their doubling figures.
“Get away from me, idiots!” you shouted, trying to get away from them. Once they were done with showing their exaggerated emotions, you all giggled together in unison. they were wearing their fundraiser t-shirts, you noticed.
“When is the fundraiser?”
“At 5. But you won’t be there to support us cause you are busy with your daddy!” kook exclaimed while bumping your shoulder with his arm.
“I didn’t say I’m going for Joong’s work and no, he’s not my sugar daddy, doofus. I’m busy with tutoring. I missed someone’s Saturday class so—
“Okay, chill tiger. You need to breathe. It’s a boring event anyway.” gyeom said in a comforting tone, interjecting your rapid fire speech.
“I’m gonna have lunch, are you two going?” you suggested.
“Yeah, it’s our break and Yeong and Minjun have eaten already, so that leaves you!” kook pouted when gyeom mentioned his boyfriend’s name.
“Let’s go! I want my sugar” your dramatic pout made yugyeom pet your hair lovingly and the three of you started walking on a stone pathway on the way to the canteen.
“Where’s your umbrella?” jungkook asked you. He knew how much you hated walking under the sun after the drinking escapades.
“I forgot but let’s not talk about it. it’s making me grumpy.”
“Okay! but why don’t you cover your head with that scarf instead.” he said pointing towards the silky material around your neck.
“Naahh, it ruins my fashion” they gave each other a puzzled look, shrugging their shoulders for they both couldn’t gather the reason for your weird behaviour.
At lunch, you talked to them about the fundraiser and gave your own contribution for the noble cause. The conversation with them progressed too easily and for about an hour you forgot about the turmoil in your life, which was still unknown to them.
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After parting away, you went straight to your professor to show him your progress. He took note of the materials you found on recent cases and dismissed you without showing any gratitude. Not even a word of appreciation.
A ping!
Jaemin: noona, doyoung hyung is picking you up at 4 but he won’t enter the campus. Be out at 4!
You let out a frustrated groan at his text. You had only met him once, when he conferred upon you the honour of connecting your phone to his server but that was not the only favour you received! He also saved his contact number with various hearts that you obviously removed after reaching home. you could only pray to heavens that he won’t be there today as well!
You made your way to the library again, this time to work on your thesis. The time passed faster than you thought. The alarm you placed earlier vibrated, indicating it was 4 already! You hastily made your bag and ran out of the library. It took 10 minutes to reach the gates of the campus. When you passed your dorms building, the idea of ditching doyoung and going to bed sounded tempting but as usual, nothing was going your way these days. You felt like the old catch 22 was in action.
You passed through the gates and looked around the road to find doyoung's car but he was nowhere to be seen. While you were scanning the whole area, a low voice called your attention.
“What are you finding, I’m right here under your nose” a voice said through gritted teeth.
Yes, he was indeed sitting in the car right in front of you and the only one you missed apparently. You walked around the car to sit on the passenger seat, the tinted windows hiding you from the outside funfair.
“What took you so long? It's 4:15 already.”
“I don’t have a car like you so I walked myself here and it’s not like I did it purposely anyway.” You contended, the annoyance in your voice matching his own.
���Whatever, we are already late so turn around. Taeyong would be mad.”
“No I’m not turning around. First that cloth bag, then the handkerchief you tied on my eyes yesterday, its painful man. I’ll lose my eyesight this way. And I can navigate the whole city from this place, you can’t hide your dungeon from me now” you reasoned. He didn’t tie your hands yesterday but your eyes were still covered.
“Then give me your scarf. I’ll cover your eyes with your own choice of article. It’s not painful or else you won’t be wearing it right! he said mockingly, pointing towards your neck.
“Umm, this scarf is act-
“Give me that already. I have some other things to handle as well.” assessing your options, you hesitantly removed the scarf, turning around to face the window immediately. Doyoung tied it across your eyes, checking the knot twice and tapped your shoulder. As you turned around, doyoung’s doe eyes widened, if that was even possible. Your collarbone and neck, which was visible through your v neck top, was covered with pretty purplish bruises. You fidgeted with your hands, flustered, feeling his eyes on you. But he remained quiet, focusing on the task at hand.
The whole drive was quiet and though your hands were not tied, you kept them on your backpack, hesitant to start any conversation. The car stopped finally, the mixed feelings coming back. The same process followed. He guided you inside but this time you passed only one door and the walk was quite shorter as well.
As doyoung was about to remove your scarf, a hand stopped him, or that was what you understood from the movements at that time.
“Silky scarf, blindfold and hickies haan! Being kinky doyoungie. She’s your sister-in-law. Show some respect boy!” a voice remarked, the air around your face suddenly filled with chocolate and coffee. You hiccupped all of a sudden, earning a chuckle from the unknown presence.
You tried to reach for the blindfold, but your hands were caught mid-air, the said hands removing it. You blinked your eyes a few times to make out the figure’s face. He was standing, mostly bending to match your stature, face smiling to show all of his teeth.
You, surprised, took a step back but instead bumped into the one behind you.
“I’ll take over from here, doyoung.” but fortunately, he didn’t budge. Your hold on the backpack tightened, your eyes lowered to avoid his gaze. The only thing in your view were his baggy pants and white sports shoes.
But yuta could see only you and nothing else. Taeyong wasn’t the only one awaiting your arrival. Yuta was equally anticipating you. His night was just as sleepless and anxious as you. He was afterall at the other end of the rope.
He raised your head, fingertips lightly grazing your chin. His hooded eyes roamed around your face like he was expecting you to show some contempt , hatred,nervousness! He straightened up abruptly and started tying the silk around your neck. You flinched at his touch but he remained void of any reaction. His half denim jacket and white t-shirt hid you from the surroundings, his arms almost engulfing you. He repositioned himself to match your height again, arms crossing against his chest.
“Looks like someone had a fun night.” and in a second, his honey smile changed into a smirk, letting go of any trace of earlier softer expressions. And the look on his face was enough to scare the shit out of anyone.
“Stop yuta” a taller man you recognised from yesterday as Johnny, pushed yuta aside from your view. It was then you saw that everyone was there. Including the one you were yet to encounter.
Your eyes wandered from one side to the other. Johnny let you inspect.
“Doyoung, what was the need to cover her eyes?” Johnny whispered to doyoung, breaking your trance.
“Why is everyone nagging me so much” he whined in a screeching voice.
“Karma bitch” Johnny pointed his forefinger towards him before giving his attention to you.
“Hey, how are you y/n.” he asked, his cheerful voice totally in contrast with the weather of the room.
“I’m- ummm.” you cleared your throat before continuing. “I’m fine Johnny. As fine I can be.” you mumbled the last part but he surely heard you.
“You remembered my name!” he clapped, his eyes turning into crescents. You gave him a tight lipped smile in return, waiting for some instructions. As if on cue, taeyong’s loud voice graced your ears.
“Come y/n. make yourself comfortable” he indicated towards the couches that were almost already occupied. Johnny gestured to you to proceed, walking with you. You passed yuta who was still smirking and sat on the single seat available next to taeyong. You placed your backpack on the large table in the middle of the room. It looked like a normal living room for guests, just with too many couches to accommodate the gang. You felt like an uninvited because apparently everybody was watching you like a hawk. Their stares changed sight only when yuta came to take a seat on one of the couches, exactly opposite to yours. You met his eyes briefly before turning your face towards your bag again.
Who knew the rusty zips of your bag were so interesting!
“So y/n I thought you should meet everyone. You are going to be part of this family soon. Better get acquainted with all.” taeyong addressed you while he sat on his couch majestically like a king. You heard a dry laugh and if you had to guess it had to be from jaehyun or yuta.
You didn’t understand why he wanted that. You were just a risk till yesterday and now means to discipline yuta.
And why all the formalities if you were gonna leave anyway.
“I’m going to leave anyway, taeyong. So I don’t see a need to do it!
You were too consumed to notice how your sentence turned all the heads around you. Some started giving side eyes to each other. There was something they were all missing.
“I said you could leave. But not without my permission. So, you’d be stuck for now, maybe till months or years.”
You gulped at his words. Taeyong turned your only hope into a distant dream. Maybe you were too foolish to gauge the situation.
“You want something to eat or drink before we continue” he asked in a sincere voice. Shaking your head, you rubbed your eyes with the palms of your hands to stop them from moistening. There was nothing more embarrassing than to cry in front of a bunch of strangers who didn’t give a shit about you.
“No, please continue.” you emphasised again to not draw any more attention to yourself than already was. And you internally thanked Taeyong who continued as if you weren’t just gonna cry!
“You will move in with yuta on Saturday,” it was Monday. “The wedding ceremony would be held in the morning. So you have a few days to prepare, everything from your dress to every other thing you need shall be arranged. Just name it and you’ll have it!”
Wedding ceremony! That was not on the plate!
“I don’t want a cerem-
“Leave the bullshit ta-
You and yuta both cut off each other simultaneously. You glanced at his side, finding him already piercing his gaze into yours.
“There’s no need for it. The paper signing is enough. It’s not like we are in-
You knew taeyong understood what you were trying to say, so you didn’t continue. But you were already having a feeling of superiority over yuta for being the first to offer your opinion. It felt like a payback for flustering you earlier. You refrained from facing him again, your body turned towards taeyong only, but you felt satisfied with the thought of him being riled up.
“Oh, but I want a ceremony taeyong and mark is going to be the best man. He’s so excited. You can’t do that to him!” yuta emphasised through the variation in his voice. You knew he changed his argument purposely , but you maintain your cool, opting to ignore him . bear and forbear.
Taeyong raised his eyebrow at you but you shook your head again.
“I don’t think it’d be a good idea. It’s not a normal one anyway so why pretend!” you held your ground.
“You aren’t getting married to a mannequin.” yuta retracted. “I’m getting married as well and don’t anyone dare say that I made a mistake and blah blah. At last I’ll be hitching so I want a ceremony and Japanese at that!”
Oh yeah, he was Japanese. You have missed that as well.
All the other men in the room, 9 to be exact, were nodding at everything that was being said. They were unable to decide whose argument was worth taking side for. Finally Johnny spoke-
“I think y/n is right” looking at nowhere in particular, he continued. “What’s with pomp and show when it’s nothing more than an agreement”
“But if yuta hyung wants it, then why not. They are going to live together, he should have his say as well.” It was Mark who took yuta’s side. He didn’t know why but watching yuta losing ground urged him to support his brother.
You looked briefly at the boy who just argued with Johnny.
“He’s mark y/n.” taeyong said the answer you were looking for. “And he’s Jungwoo, jeno, doyoung, you have already met him, then jaehyun, johnny, renjunie, hendery. Others are busy so you’ll meet them some other day probably.”
A few waved towards you, including Mark, who shyly withdrew his hand quickly. They all probably hated you as there was no other reaction towards a person who almost put your life in danger!
“Can we get to a middle ground now? I’m already getting tired of this” jaehyun grumbled, leaning into the couch.
“Ok so, he wants a celebration of a lie! What about me then? You are all here but I have no one. I’m alone and probably will be. Because taeyong, you haven’t told me how am I going to reveal this to my friends? I may not have a family, but still there are people close to me. They are my best friends, roommate, and many others who need to know! How am I going to explain to them that their friend who didn’t even have a boyfriend, is getting married suddenly? I don’t even have parents to cover it with an arranged marriage. How to convince them? Give me a way and I’ll agree” you pointed out the very important detail that they were missing. But they needed to know that there was other side of the paper as well and your reasons were not just a cry in the wilderness.
Nobody made a sound. Everything went quite like a dark night until-
“I hope this is not the calm before a storm!” you looked over to see the person who broke the silence. It was another young man coming with a food trolley, probably from the kitchen.
“I thought we have a guest so I prepared some coffee and donuts. I hope you like sweets y/n” the man was smiling ear to ear, seeming too happy with your visit.
“I’m kun.” he introduced himself and you shook his hand. He seemed too polite for a criminal. “Have this and tell me how it is” he forcibly handed you a dessert plate with a chocolate glazed donut. You took it out of politeness but felt a bit weird to be the only one eating it. You watched him with quizzical eyes as he took one for himself and sat on the arm of your couch. Everyone was now staring at your movements.
“Eat it, eat it. These are for you and me only.” he cajoled.
You decided to take a bite and then place it back just to stop the awkwardness.
As you bit it from one side, your brain short circuited. “Holy shit, bro. What is this sorcery.” your genuine and innocent reaction made Kun laugh loudly, some of the others joined in as well.
“Thank god, you like it! I’m so glad you aren’t one of weight conscious ones, otherwise it’d have been weird.” he started munching on his own piece.
“I’m a sugar bear. I can’t live without sugar. I just had a donut in the morning but it was bleh compared to this. You are a master chef bro.” and for a minute you forgot the previous tense environment. Everyone was glad that Kun came to save the situation and except to you, it was known that obviously he heard everything from the kitchen.
“You ate one in the morning! Then it’s the last one you’re getting. Everyone help yourself. She’s not having any more!” as if they were waiting, everyone except mark and yuta picked them up.
“Mark” Kun motioned towards the tray and he grabbed one as well.
“What if I was allergic to chocolate, kun” you asked him while finishing your treat.
“Oh please! Even ten eats it.” he laughed to himself at his reference, which went over your head.
“Now coming to the point.” Everyone looked at taeyong who was already done with eating. “Y/n doesn’t want anything special so it’ll happen like that. No!yuta, lemma speak. And you y/n, it’s upon you to make your friends believe. Make up a story or do whatever you want. You don’t want to tell them about the wedding. Fine with me but do let them know at least that you have a boyfriend that you are moving in with! It’s on you both to make this arrangement believable.
“okay , sho now I shuggenly hab a voyfiend” you started speaking without even finishing the bite in your mouth. you continued once you chewed it.
“won't they be suspicious. They know exactly what I do and what I don’t. It’s almost impossible to put a façade in front of them.”
“Oh please, don’t tell me they even know from where you got those hickies” jaehyun’s curt statement was a hit below the belt. Kun was about to scold him when you elaborated his statement further to prove that he was doing nothing but burning his own fingers.
“Yes, actually they happen to know. When, where and from whom I got these. Anything else you want to ask?.” he rolled his eyes on your reply, busing himself with the delicacy instead.
“They don’t know yuta. So if you want you can introduce him to your people. He won’t be posing any problem, take my word for it.”
“I’ll go with you if you also accompany me,that I guess would be a problem for you. You don’t want to be seen with a criminal, or do you!” yuta jabbered. He was trying to push your buttons to measure your limit. But little did he know that you were far from being that easy.
“I just said I don’t want a wedding. I’ll agree to anything that is reasonable and is not degrading to me.”
“Ok then, nobody would force you to do what you don’t want.” Taeyong decided to take matters into his own hands now. “And we’ll organise a small, very intimate gathering at taeil’s office to celebrate as yuta wants. And you’ll be introduced as Mrs. Nakamoto to our corporate world.” taeyong finished gauging both of your reactions. The surname was foreign and cringing to you. But it was going to be yours, so there was nothing you could do, for now.
“What do you mean ‘our’ corporate world.” you got puzzled at his choice of words.
“You’ll find out soon and it's nothing scary, don’t worry.” Kun responded on behalf of taeyong this time, handing you your cup of coffee. “Tell me if it’s cold, I’ll-
“No it’s totally fine.” you assured him, without even taking a sip. He was being nice enough already.
“If my opinion has no value, then what am I even doing here!” yuta shouted, getting up from the seat.
Before Kun could say anything, he stormed off. Mark tried to follow but taeyong stopped him from doing that.
“Don’t mind him. He’s a hot head.” Johnny laughed in between his bites.
You only nodded, sipping your coffee. You were glad he was gone. Sugar has always done wonders for you and it was having the same effects now as well. You were able to think more rationally now.
“One more thing” you furrowed your brows at taeyong. What was left now! “Do you want any specifications in the house? It’s my responsibility. A wedding gift you can say. If you need anything like extra closet, a more spacious kitchen-
“Kitchen?” you let out a brief chuckle at that. Everyone’s eyes were on you now. “It’ll be totally fine if I don’t even get a kitchen. I can’t cook anything besides ramyeon and salads. So I won’t even need that.”
“You are a student. Don’t you know anything basic.” It was Jungwoo who spoke in the sweeter voice than Kun's.
“No. I grew up in an orphanage and they provided us everything. I left when I started law. So all in all, I never had anyone to teach me. That’s why if you want to know best food trucks and restaurants in the city, I’m your best option.but, if that yuta knows how to cook, ask him about the kitchen.” you spoke nonchalantly .But you didn’t realise how uncomfortable the air had become. a heavy silence took over the light atmosphere.
“I’m sorry noona” Jungwoo apologised sheepishly.
“It’s fine. After all there are some things that your hacker can’t find out. only I can tell you those.” saying that, you faced taeyong again. “But if you insist, I can always use a study room.” you tried to enlighten the mood again.,ppp
“Ok. I’ll find something suitable for you both.” you hummed, not knowing what to say anymore.
“Can I go back now?”
“Yes, doyoung will drop you.”
“No, I’ll go with her.” Johnny said, grabbing your attention. He didn’t look sulky like doyoung so, it’d be fine, you guess.
They said you goodbyes. Mark seemed hesitant to even look at you, but you couldn’t care less. He was just a stranger after all.
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Yuta couldn’t realise why everyone was trying to be so nice to you. Till yesterday, he was allowed to put a gun on her head but now every being was against him. He didn’t know why he was so furious at Taeyong, to force him to marry you or for dragging Mark into this mess. Taeyong knew how to play dirty, but yuta never thought he’d use his own brother. There was no option for him as well, as taeyong has said. He showed interest in a fucking celebration to contradict you, but you were not backing down and that felt like a punch to his gut.
He drove towards his stress reliever. The infamous Japanese club, the only place where he could drown his sorrows.
The club was packed despite it being Monday. That was one thing he liked about it, you’ll never be disappointed in this place.
“ゆた!” The hostess chimed seeing yuta. “久しぶり” [ long time, no see!]
He signed her to give him 2 shots. She did as told but her gaze was following yuta’s, which rested on her cleavage. He came here only for 2 things after all.
He gulped the drink in a second without blinking an eye.
“バックルーム” [ back room]
She wasn’t someone to be told twice. She handed her hand towel to her co-worker and followed the path. Who was she to reject him after all?
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He drove back silently again. The relief he felt was all dissipated now. Instead his mind was already wandering towards you. Your headstrong attitude was troubling him. his plans were all down and out. He hated you , from the moment he laid his eyes on you. You acted like you were invincible but he knew it was just a mask to protect yourself.
He had noticed how you rubbed your eyes to hide your disappointment for you didn’t want to appear weak. All he had to do now was to find a vulnerable part of you, to hit you where it’d hurt the most. It’d be last time he lost to you.
Afterall, beginning is always easy, it is continuing that’s hard!
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junquisite · 4 years
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WARNING : Suggestive
GENRE : Con Artist AU
She was staring at the mirror, trying to tie her hair up in a decent style when a pair of hands creeped from behind around her waist and she felt lips brushing on her bare neck.
“This dress is too showy. I don't want him to touch you in this.” Seungwoo mumbled in her neck and she smiled at his reflection. 
“Just one more day.” she whispered as his grip tightened on her waist and slid down slowly, lower with each passing second. She felt the brush of lips turning to kisses and she sighed.
“You can't leave a mark Seungwoo. We can't ruin everything today at this point.” Byul whispered and Seungwoo groaned but unwillingly pulled away. He stared at her back as she dressed up, saw her putting on the heavy necklace that old man gifted her and imagined the different ways he can have his way with her with her only wearing that necklace.
“What are you thinking of? Get your mind out of the gutter.” she said with a small smile playing on her lips which Seugnwoo returned slowly.
“How do you know what i was thinking of?” he asked as he went down on his knees to help her wear the new pair of heels she got with the expensive designer dress she was wearing, by none other than that old man who’ll have his hands around her soon. He decided he’ll make her keep the heels on too with the necklace.
“You just get this look on your face, I can tell it from far away.” Byul said as his hands slowly raised away from her ankle to her knees.
“You said no where where he can see right?” Seungwoo mumbled with his lips pressed against her thighs visible from the high slit of the dress till her mid thighs, his hands slowly creeping up and under the dress, dangerously close to where she wanted him badly.
“We need to go down.” she whispered and then gasped, her hand coming up to her lips to not let the sound pass as she felt him bite at her inner thighs. She heard him chuckle and looked down to see him peeking from in between her dress and whined as he went back in and she felt his lips trailed the inside of her thighs.
There was a knock on the door which made her curse as she quickly looked at it and breathed a sigh of relief when saw it locked from the inside.
“Who is it?”
“Miss. Kim, Mr. Kang is expecting you down.” Byul heard from outside and heard Seungwoo curse softly as he separated himself from her.
“I’ll be down in 10 minutes.” she responded and heard the servant scurry off.
She turned to see Seungwoo wearing his tie and went to straighten it as he smiled down at her.
“Ready to go Miss. Kim Jisoo?” Seugnwoo asked Byul and she smiled.
“I am. Are you ready Mr. Im Jongin?” she asked and he nodded as he gave her his hand and she grabbed it, a soft smile gracing her lips as they left the room and separated their hands - him taking his place behind her.
“Aaah there she is, the bride of the hour!” a lady almost shouted as Byul reached the main party area and she smiled as she approached the lady standing with her to-be husband, Seungwoo a close step behind her.
“Jisoo-ah, you need to wear this all the time now.” the man she was supposed to marry said as she smiled and took the ring box and put on the 6 carat diamond ring as the lady beside her gasped.
“That's an impressionable diamond I must say.” she said and Byul smiled, she could practically hear the envy in her voice.
“Mr. Kang was nice enough to buy the ring my heart  was set on.” she said as she felt the man slip his arm around her and felt Seungwoo stiffen behind her.
“And who's that if i may ask?” the lady asked Pointing at Seungwoo and Byul heard the old man beside her scoff.
“He’s the kind caretaker of my Jisoo here. He’s Jongin, a caretaker and a brotherly figure for Jisoo sent by her family.” he said and Byul smiled. 
“Your family must be rich enough to have a caretaker for you?” the lady asked and Byul waved her hand. “It’s just something they thought i must always have - some sort of protection.” and pulled herself away from the old man and bowed at them.
“I’ll be taking my leave for now.” and went away, Seongwoo following her behind.
 “Caretaker. I’ll never get used to it.” he mumbled as she strayed to a corner with a non-alcoholic drink in her hand, him behind her like a shadow as she surveyed the room.
“It's perfect. You can always stay with me.” she whispered as she saw one of the servers coming to her with an empty tray and bow at Seungwoo who carefully passed an envelope full of money to him.
They saw as he disappeared in the kitchen and came back with a tray full of drinks and started serving them, the drinks blood red and tempting. 
“Aaah I think he have had one too many drinks.” one of the ladies chimed, equally red faced as the one beside her - barely able to stay straight on their feet but sober enough to comment about others. Typical rich people behaviour Byul thought as she tried to stop her to-be husband’s wandering hands - t Least in front of the wicked ladies.
“I think it’ll be best if i take him to bed.” Byul said but one of the ladies grabbed his hand.
“Let your caretaker take him, have one more drink with us dear Jisoo!” the lady said and Byul threw Seungwoo a helpless look who just smiled at her but she could sense the smirk under it.
“Take care of him Jongin-ssi!” one of the younger ladies said and Byul refrained herself from openly glaring at her - her looks were not decent, she was practically undressing Seungwoo with her eyes.
 1 hour and only one drink for herself later, Byul managed to send all the guests away. The servants were given a night off to cool off before the stress of the wedding starts from the next day and they were finally home alone - her, Seugnwoo and the old 40-something man she was supposed to marry.
Detective Park rang the bell of the huge house and wondered if calling it a mansion would be better as the door opened to reveal a clearly tired servant and went inside to see the mood getting gloomier with every step.
A 40-something man - Kang Harin, CEO of a small but flourishing fishery business in the particular area, was throwing a child-like tantrum in his expensive looking but bare living room.
“That bitch took  everything! She left nothing! She even took my designer suits!” The last line would have made the detective laugh if he didn't know that one of those suits was probably more then his monthly paycheck.
“Mr. Kang, I'm Detective Park, if you can just list all the items missing? You can add more stuff later but off the top of your head, what all is missing?” 
The detective would have been dumb to ask what hapepend. He knew what happened. It was not the first time something like this took place - he has been monitoring other similar incidents that happened in other small parts of south korea in the past 7 years.
A couple - one of them would woo a rich person, the other some sort of person taking an important role - enough to be let around all the time but not important enough to be shifted the focus on to. And then before the marriage they'll disappear - with everything the person owned that was worth anything. The material would be later found out at different pawn shops stating they never took any stuff to be caught but only took the money.
An on duty officer came to him and handed him a list and he went through it - the list of articles stolen as of now. It had everything on it- from the jewellery to cash from the locker, cash from the hidden locker, gold from the office, electronics like mobiles and even the computer from the office, TV set and some of the small kitchen equipments, a couple of suits from the man’s closet, all of the designer bags and heels, all the jewellery he ever brought her and all the jewellery he owned (chains and rings) and even a few of expensive vases and art pieces that hanged on the wall. They left nothing!
“And there are no pictures left?” the detective asked the officer.
“We even questioned the visitors from yesterday's parties. No one had any pictures and one girl claimed to have clicked some but she said her phone stopped working in the morning suddenly. Some virus. Traces of the same virus were found in the security camera monitors of here and near this house and in the computer left with the message.” the officer said and detective Park raised an eyebrow, a message was new.
He went to the said laptop, apparently it won’t work but stuck on the screen it was showing. A picture of a Napkin with a kiss stain at the corner saying, It was fun but this was last. See you never!
He wondered vaguely if it was a message for him rather than the old man since he was the leader of a team made specifically to work on their case. Then he wondered if this was actually true and their last crime.
“So we again have nothing?” he asked the detective who had followed him.
“The man claims that they looked exactly like the sketches we have from the cases before just different hair? And roles too apparently. She was a lady of an old family and he was her caretaker. Names were Kim Jisoo and Im Jongin.” and Park sighed.
“Let's get going then. There's nothing more for us here.”
A week later
 “Can I see your passport miss?” the airhostess at the entryway asked and Byul passed hers. Kang Daeum, it read.
“And yours sir?” Seungwoo passed his passport, the name reading Jung Jihoon.
“Have a safe flight ma’am, sir.” the hostess said and bowed down and they bowed back.
The clicks of her high designer heels were loud in the silent hallway to board the plane.
“Can't believe you kept those heels.” Seungwoo muttered from beside her as she smiled at him.
“You first decided at the pawnshop that you wanted to keep the necklace.” she said, her eyes no doubt holding the teasing that Seungwoo knew was bound to come behind her sunglasses. But he would never accept he was jealous.
“I like it though. You can keep on the heels too with the necklace whenever we get to the hotel.” he said, smirking as she lowered her sunglasses to stare at him, “Only those things on you though.” he ended, her hand shooting up to hit him on the chest, ready to yell if not for being at  a public place as he chuckled.
After showing their boarding pass and settling down in the first class seats, he turned to her when she sighed, sliding down slightly in the comfortable chairs.
“Maybe you should consider dying your hair, I like this on you.” he said as he tugged at the blond wig she had on and she shrugged.
“Why not. We’re going to Bali, might as well look tropical.” she said and he laughed.
“Why not pink then?” he suggested and she smirked at him. “Only if you do blue.” and he smiled.
It was late, night Seungwoo assumed since it was dark but who knows where they exactly were. All he knew was there was a vast expanse of water underneath the plane and the flight still had more than 7 hours left.
He saw on the side Byul shutting down her laptop.
“Are you tired?” he asked and she blinked at him taking out her headphones and shrugging.
“I can use some sleep.”
“I have other plans.” Seungwoo said as his hands sneaked underneath the blanket she had on her lap, squeezing her thighs as she looked at him, surprised.
“How do you feel about joining Miles high club?” 
The smile that adorned her lips said she was in, and when she got up leaving the blanket behind, asking the air hostess where the restrooms were and winking at him before leaving, Seungwoo knew he had hit the jackpot with her.
Bali would be amazing, he whispered as he got up himself.
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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richboy!seonghwa (part 25)
word count: 9k
angst, fluff, smut
(part 24) (series masterlist)
with only a week left of break, you and yeosang intended to make the most of it. he had taken you on dates nearly every day, whether it be to dinner or iceskating or sledding followed by hot chocolate and movies on his couch.
but there was one more thing he wanted to do with you.
which is why he planned a weekend trip to the ski lodge, surprising you two nights ago when he told you to pack a bag and that he'd pick you up at eight o'clock in the morning. it's also why you currently have a death grip on his hand, looking down at the snowy hill and remembering why the hell you hadn't been too keen on skiing last time.
"yeosang, i'm gonna break my leg."
"you're not gonna break your leg," he tells you, hearing the smile in his voice as you stare down at all of the trees and people and bushes you could potentially crash into you. "but i am getting sick of waiting so if you don't do it in two minutes, i'm pushing you."
you snap your head to look at him, eyes full of betrayal and outrage. "don't you dare!"
"baby, i showed you what to do for the last two hours."
"and i'm not ready!" you whine, "why couldn't we just go ice skating here?"
"why do you think?" he asks lowly, eyebrow quirked up as he looks over your face knowingly.
"seonghwa!" you squeal, eyes roaming the sunny, snowy landscape before turning around excitedly. "this is so pretty!" you squeak.
"aren't you," he mumbles, placing his hands on your already cold, red cheeks. "but i told you to wear a hat."
"i forgot," you whine, "and don't think we're gonna graze over that cheesy line!" a giant smirk covers his face as he takes the black hat off his head to secure it over yours. you both giggle when he tugs it too far down, blocking your eyes for a minute and when he pulls it back up, he's bent down slightly so you're face to face.
"there you are," he says playfully and you roll your eyes despite the smile threatening to spread across your face. it's not until he takes your hand and walks a few feet behind him that you notice the two pairs of ice skates in the snow.
"is this safe to skate on?" you ask and he looks at you with a mock look of hurt, pushing snow off the bench before guiding you to sit.
"would i really suggest we do something that'd harm you?" he asks while taking off your snow boots.
"well i did just think you were going to murder me," you quip sarcastically and he rolls his eyes, shimming the skate on your foot and tying them up. "how'd you know my size?"
"i guessed," he says shyly and you smile down at him. "you were right!"
"you were wrong!" you screech, the sound of your high-pitched yelp echoing in the cold air, "i'm still gonna break my leg! there's no side to hold onto!"
"you haven't even stepped on the ice, y/n," seonghwa says, humor in his tone despite standing there with his arm outstretched for the past twenty minutes.
"i'm scared!"
"i told you i'm not gonna let you fall," he says, skating towards you and what is with rich people and their full capabilities for winter sports? "can't you trust me?"
your face falls, eyes diverting as a tiny huff leaves your mouth: perhaps the reminder was a little too much for both of you. but when you guys had passed it on your way, you remembered how much fun it was. how pretty the view was and how light-hearted you were despite the drama that had followed.
but it was nothing like the reminder you and yeosang had walking into the elevator this morning, coy smirks and your cheeks flushing as your boyfriend said you all but attacked him.
"i attacked you?!" you yelped in outrage, pushing him to the side lightly. "don't even try it."
and naturally, the boy had flung himself into the wall, raising an eyebrow at you teasingly as if to say 'round two?' but before you could say a sassy comment, roll your eyes and teasingly berate him, he reached out and grabbed you. your bodies collided shortly followed by your lips, the kiss and tongue slipping into your mouth quickly humbling you.
it had all the same passion and intensity as last time, except this one felt a little more...familiar. it wasn't as sloppy and rough, as charged with overwhelming anger or sexual tension. he pulls back and looks over your face, the smirk tugging at his red lips.
"were you trying to say something?"
you roll your eyes at the boy, pushing him further back into the wall and tugging his mouth back down to yours. "shut up."
"shut up," you grumble to yeosang who only lets out a snort, the hand not being crushed by yours on the small of your back.
"one minute," he says lowly.
"yeosang, no!" you whine, craning your neck to look at him with a pout. "i'm not ready."
"you are, i promise," he says, placing a peck on your nose that two little kids flying by on skies gag at. the both of you look at one another and burst into laughter, yeosang half tempted to crush your lips against his and really make a scene. but because there's only about 40-seconds left, and you haven't conquered your skiing fear yet, he refrains.
"i don't think i am," you say, "i think i'm gonna fall into a tree and die."
"i'm gonna be right next to you the whole time," he says, lifting his hand up to play with the pom-pom of your hat. "worse comes to worse i break your fall and i die."
you snap your head to look at your boyfriend, the bewildered expression on your face bringing a wide, handsome smile to his face. "that doesn't make me feel better! in fact, it's making me feel a lot worse and i think we should just-"
"knees bent. arms in front. slow."
and with that, he lightly pushes at your back and there your skis go, gliding easily down the snow. the surprised shriek leaves your mouth causes yeosang to snort, rolling his eyes as he watches you from right beside him.
your feet are steady under you and you're going a whole lot slower than you thought, feeling yeosang's presence next to you and hearing his quiet, approving hums.
"not as bad as you thought, huh?"
"it's....kind of fun," you admit. because even though you're moving at a snail's pace and 7-year-old's are zipping by you, you're able to do it.
you haven't toppled down the hill or twisted your ankle and crashed into a tree. the snow is firm under you and the hill is covered in white, picturesque snow with the bright winter sun shining in the sky.
you giggle when yeosang zips in and out of you like the show off he is, squealing when he falters ever so slightly. but he confidently recovers and shakes his head, insisting it'd take a lot more than that for him to fall, especially on the bunny hill.
"i'm yeosang, i'm so cool and athletic! i'll never fall, especially on the bunny hill. because don't you know who i am? i'm a big strong masculine man."
your boyfriend looks at you from his seat on the first-aid chair, the attendant dapping at his cheek with an alcohol pad not being able to hold back a snort. yeosang snaps his head to look at the girl, squinting his eyes at her before letting out a huff.
"i thought you were falling so i moved too fast."
"uh huh," you say, your eyebrows quirked up and a sarcastic smile on your face. you giggle into your hand when a large band-aid covers his cheek, the girl telling him apologetically they ran out of the smaller sized ones.
"this is ridiculous, y/n, i'm taking it off," he tells you, your hands intertwined as you walk out of the small first-aid station.
"you can't!" you squeal, smacking his chest lightly. "at least not yet." your eyes catch a familiar looking cafe down the street and you smile up at him, telling him how much better his crushed ego and scratched cheek would feel after a hot chocolate.
"my ego isn't crushed," he grumbles. you giggle, tightening your hand in his before speed walking towards the warm cafe. he tells you over and over how he really thought you were gonna fall, how instead of making fun of him you should be thanking him.
"thank you for saving me from not falling and instead, messing up your face," you tell him as you wait in line, rubbing over the band-aid with a slight pout. "hopefully it doesn't scar. might have to break up with you then."
his eyes narrow at he shakes his head, ripping his hand from yours and pulling you into his chest. "you're such a little shit today," he mumbles lowly in your ear. "just wait till i get you alone tonight."
you bite your lip to hide your smile, looking up at him and resting your chin on his chest. "till we're alone?" you ask, "what are we gonna do?"
they call next and and yeosang orders two hot chocolates, your body still tucked under his arm and making the two workers behind the counter smile sadly; there's something about seeing two people in love that makes their lonely selves sad. they watch you both bounce away happily, your pleas about wanting to pay for just one thing outweighed by him promising that'll never happen.
"they're cute," the one worker mumbles to the other. "sickeningly," the other comments, watching as you guys take a seat by the window. "must be nice."
"how 'bout i buy you a souvenir?" you insist, "like a 'my girlfriend bought me this shirt' or something!"
yeosang's face twists into one of utter disgust, shaking his head immediately. "i think i would've preferred my face getting sliced open."
you throw your head back in laughter, yeosang's deep chuckle and soft eyes watching you causing your whole chest to feel warm. everything with him is so easy and fun and natural, an instinctual connection and banter that has a certain four letter word on the tip of your tongue.
you'd never said that to anyone before and the thought of saying it kind of scares you. not because you don't think the feelings will be mutual (though you really don't know, that could be the case even though you sincerely hope it isn't) but also because it's such a turning point in a relationship. it's an extra layer of vulnerability stripped away and really will make everything feel so incredibly serious and real.
his name is called from the counter and he cranes his neck around, two cups steaming with a cookie in between causing him to jump up. "be right back," he says, winking when you sees you let out a sigh; you could've at least gotten it since he paid.
you watch him confidently walk up to the counter, rolling your eyes playfully before looking out the window. the sun is about to set, the last few brave skiers finishing their last trail for the day skillfully. it felt like you were just at this lodge last week opposed to almost five months ago, five months full of drama and confusion and heartbreak.
"thank you," you say quietly, "i have cash if you-"
his blank stare causes the words to die in your throat. so instead, you mirror him and take the hot cup in your hands, closing your eyes contently when the warmness hits your cold hands. you take a little sip to test the temperature, humming when you discover it's not burning and take a longer sip.
you pull back and seonghwa laughs, reaching his hand out to wipe the little bit of foam off your top lip. you swallow nervously, shyly looking down and another laugh leaves his mouth.
"what, that was too much for you but not falling right on top of me?"
you head pops up at his teasing tone, a surprised look on your face that he just called you out for getting shy.
"that was an accident," you grumble, "i told you the bunny hill was too daunting."
"little kids were lapping you," he says with a smile, "not by a little either."
you squint your eyes at him, taking another sip of your drink until you start to roam his face. because you can't look at him for that long or your heart starts to malfunction and it's then you realize how red his ears are.
"seonghwa! your ears!" you squeak.
"what about them?" he asks, one hand shooting up to feel it, "oh, it's cold."
"cold?! it looks freezing!" you reach out to touch it and gasp when it feels like ice. he watches as you take the scarf off from around your neck quickly and stand, looking at you warily.
"what are you-"
he can only freeze as you make your way in front of him, wrapping the beige and red fabric around his head and he's never felt more ridiculous but happy in his life. you make sure to cover his ears before pulling back to peak at him.
it makes you burst out laughing.
"aw, you look cute," you tell him sweetly because oh my, god he looks cute.
"i look like a grandmother."
"okay, but a cute warm grandmother whose ears won't fall off," you say as you sit back down, smiling to yourself as you take out your phone.
"what are you-"
you shake your head of the memory, looking at the view outside of the window and then down at the table. you swallow and breathe out shakily, feeling a slight pit in your stomach. because while this trip is great with yeosang, there's also a lot of reminders. reminders of seonghwa and reminders of how you felt back then and how you and your boyfriend were still rocky and fighting.
until you weren't. until he showed you another side of him that he'd never shown anyone and the inklings of just how good you guys seem to be for each other started to show. but still, it makes a part of you sad. makes you wish you had handled things differently and-
you jump when the tray clatters against the table, looking up at yeosang who's watching you carefully. "what's wrong?" he asks and you're not surprised in the slightest that he can tell your mind was just clouded and occupied.
"nothing, just thinking," you hum, bringing the cup to your lips and smiling at the chocolatey scent wafting in your nose. he watches you sip down the drink with a soft look in his eye, reaching out to wipe at the foam on your lips. you jump at the feel of his cold fingers, his eyebrow shooting up at you.
"something's wrong with you," he says again. but you only shake your head, knocking his foot under the table playfully.
"no," you insist, "your hands are just cold."
his eyes stay on yours for a few seconds, narrowed at you like he's trying to tell if you're lying. but when you narrow yours back playfully, a smile quirks at his lips and he brings the cup to his mouth.
"hey," you say randomly, trying to stray your memories to anything but seonghwa. "can i ask you something?"
he raises his eyebrow questioningly, nodding his head at you silently.
"why'd you pay for me?" you ask him. and when his face is clouded with confusion, turning his head to the side and about to ask what you're talking about, you clarify. "for the school ski trip. i never got to ask you."
his takes a sip of his drink to hide his smirk, remembering the day he decided so vividly. She was listening to you talk to mingi and yunho so openly about your situation, remembering how you defended him even though he mostly definitely didn't deserve it.
but nevertheless, a part of him admired you. because you had been handling everything so well, the other kids and your scholarship spot, when he also knew the other half of your problems were coming from him.
"i heard you talking to pretty boy and his lover," yeosang says, a small smirk on your face at the mention of those two. "and i don't know, i just...wanted you there."
"even though you hated me?"
he lets out a scoff as he rolls his eyes, reaching out to take your face in his hand. "i never hated you," he says lowly, "but i wanted to."
you let out a snort, ripping your face from his hold as you roll your eyes back at him. "what a dick you are!"
he bites his lip to hide his smile, looking over your face with the softest expression you've ever seen. "i knew you'd break me down, somehow," he tells you casually, candidly, like he's just telling you about the weather forecast. "there was just something so...obnoxiously alluring about you."
"obnoxiously alluring," you hum, nodding your head at him skeptically. "you're killing it right now."
he smirks, playfully kicking your foot under the table. "but wasn't i correct? look at us now baby," he says, the teasing wink he throws you causing you to scoff.
"you know what else i remember?" you say after a few moments.
"hm?" he hums, not having a damn clue where your mind is deciding to go with this.
"remember when you gave me that blueberry muffin?"
a scoff leaves his mouth as he rolls his eyes, knocking your foot under the table again. "i don't know what you're talking about."
"oh no?" you giggle, turning your head to the side innocently. "because if i remember correctly, it was your favorite and you gave it to little 'ol me."
he bites the inside of his cheek as his eyes roam your face, his elbow resting on the back of his chair and you'd be lying if you said the position didn't make desire pool in your stomach.
"you're really pushing me today, aren't you?"
you bite your bottom lip, hiding your smile as you sip up the rest of your hot chocolate. you look up at him with wide, innocent eyes that are eventually what do you in for the chaos that comes your way later between the four walls of your bedroom.
because you were all giggly and teasing for the rest of night, walking through the snowy town with him as your bodies bumped into one another affectionately. but then the second you guys got to your room, you saw the change take over yeosang.
pushing you back onto the bed with a dark, heated look in his eye. his strong hands tugging at that waistband of your pants and underwear and shoving them down in one go.
"you were especially bratty today," he hums between your legs, looking up at you and smirking when he sees you're already on your back panting. his fingers trail along your slightly wet thighs, tracing shapes into your skin until a tiny whine penetrates the air.
"what was that?" you hear his voice ask, smug and teasing and almost condescending. but it's something you've come to love. "are you getting frustrated?"
"yeosang, please," you gasp out, feeling how much you've dripped between your thighs from his tantalizingly slow and close touches.
"all polite now that you're on your back," he says, feeling how hard he's grown but attempting to control himself. "tell me, baby, what is that you want?"
but before you can say anything, his finger touches your clit and you moan out loudly. he flicks at it for a few moments, listening intently to the perfect noises leaving your mouth. "do you wanna come like this?"
"yes," you pant.
so he flicks and rubs his finger skillfully over your sensitive clit, your legs shaking and moans getting louder and louder until he rips it away. you look down at him with frustrated heat in your eyes, about ready to cry because you were so close to coming.
"but what about like this?" he asks, lowering his head at you slightly before his hands hold down your hips and his tongue is on your clit. you scream out at the sudden feel of it, already stimulated and sensitive from his fingers but feeling so much more when he trails his tongue over your clit and down to your slit.
"oh, my god, please," you whine, moving your hips against his face so his mouth can go back to where you want him most. and because he already knows you're not getting what you really want, he abides.
laps and swirls his tongue back around your clit as he curls his finger inside you. another orgasm is quickly following, your ears whooshing and legs shaking as you clench around him. you're about to scream out his name when, again, he rips his mouth and fingers away from you.
"what the fuck, yeosang," you whine, rolling your head to look up at him through dazed eyes. "i wanna come."
he only smirks at you, tugging his pants down and loving the way your eyes travel down to his dripping, hard cock.
"but that's not up to you, is it?" he says, crawling up on the bed and placing a kiss on your lips. "now suck my cock and maybe i'll think about it."
and about as desperate to come as you are to please, you push him down and straddle him backwards to take his cock in your mouth. you swirl your tongue around the tip, swallowing him eagerly as your hand jerks him skillfully; after all, you'd gotten a lot of practice these past few months.
because while you guys haven't gone all the way yet, you've spent many nights on his couch in this exact position. his cock in your mouth with your ass in face, tempting him with your wetness to please let you come.
and just like all those times, he can't resist. so he pulls your hips over his face, bucking his cock into your mouth for good measure, before his mouth covers your pussy. you moan against him as he tongues at your clit and slit, the immense pleasure humming in both of you making everything more intense and passionate.
it's why you both moan out at the same time, your loud groan vibrating against his cock as your pussy muffles his. you nearly collapse on top of him, only on your back when yeosang sits up and flips you over.
he cleans you up with the stray t-shirt on the floor, placing a tired kiss on your lips before his arms wrap around you from behind. "you gotta stop using that position against me," he mumbles lowly in your ear.
you can only tiredly giggle, turning in his hold to bury your face in his chest. "you gotta stop trying to punish me."
and if you thought orgasm denial was his form of punishment, you came to realize that night overstimulation was far worse.
you guys get back to yeosang's house around dinner time, plopping down on his couch after the long car ride and deciding to call for chinese food before he brings you home. you're now laid on the couch together, his body under yours as you rest your head on his chest and watch the movie through heavy, tired eyes.
"can you sleepover?" he mumbles in your ear, "i'm gonna miss waking up with you."
you look up him with a pout on your face, pecking his lips sweetly before resting your chin on him. "i know," you whine quietly.
his eyes roam over your face, the soft light hitting you from the tv causing his heart to constrict. he thinks (knows) he loves you and has been wanting to say something but anytime he tries, something stops him. whether it be an external or internal interruption, something always stops him.
"so you will?" he asks, not even recognizing the soft, hopeful tone of his own voice.
"i think my mom will go crazy if i don't come home," you tell him sadly. "but i'll come back over tomorrow."
but apparently that's not good enough for him.
because he tightens his hold on you and crushes you against him, shaking his head adamantly and causing you to giggle against him. "i'll stay fiveee more minutes," you whine, burying your head in his neck and listening to him to inhale sharply when your breath tickles his skin.
he walks you to his car after what becomes fifteen more minutes, your hands intertwined over the console as you both sit in a comfortable silence.
"thank you for this weekend," your soft voice says suddenly. "i had a lot of fun."
he looks over to smile softly at you, lifting your hand to his mouth to place a kiss. "of course, baby. me too."
"i'm happy your face didn't scar," you tell him, reaching over with your other hand to run your finger against his cheek.
"me too," he says sarcastically, "otherwise, you would've broken up with me."
you turn your face away to giggle, missing the way his gaze lovingly runs over you before as he licks at his dry lips.
when you pull up to your house, he opens your door (you never would've believed the first week of school that this man almost always insisted on doing this) before taking out your suitcase. just as you both start making your way up your walkway to the stairs, your phone starts ringing in your pocket. you narrow your eyes in confusion before taking it out, you just texted your parents you were coming home; why would they call you?
yeosang sees your face fall when you look at the caller id, watching as you hesitantly press the answer button.
the boy didn't really know what set him off that night. it could've been multiple things, honestly.
the months of pretending to be okay with everything that happened, pretending it didn't kill him watching you and yeosang smile and laugh and be happy together. pretend that the other week at the new years eve party, he didn't wanna beat the shit out of yeosang and protect you the way he always did.
but then, he supposes, the picture he saw this morning was thing that truly sent him over the edge. because upon seeing you and yeosang's selfie in front of the ski lodge, it felt like a slap in the face.
his mind couldn't help but be smacked with memories from that trip, the good and the bad.
the drive up, seeing you every morning for breakfast, your ice skating date, your first kiss. but then it was shortly followed by the fact that the next day, you and yeosang had kissed.
he remembers feeling nervous and insecure when he found you in his room the night of the blackout, sensing a feeling in the air and seeing something in yeosang's eyes that should've made it obvious to him that the boy was quickly falling for your charms.
but he was too blind to see anything. too blinded by the fact he had a week to spend with you, that his feelings were growing stronger and there was something so magnetic about you that drew him in. something that continued to draw him in and make him feel horrible due to the fact you were with his best friend.
because he's happy for yeosang, he needs someone like you. but it doesn't make his heart hurt any less.
and alcohol. alcohol makes his heart hurt less, at least for a little bit.
so he stumbled into a bar at dusk, fake id in hand that he didn't even need to flash. because once the female bar tender saw him sitting there in obvious distress, he was basically given all the beers and shots he could handle. and he could handle a lot.
enough to get him talking to the two men next to him, older guys in their 60s who immediately could sense the boy was troubled and heartbroken.
"a fight with your girlfriend?" they asked. seonghwa let out a scornful scoff, throwing back a shot and not even hissing at the sting and burn anymore.
"no," he grumbled, "i wish." because even if he had you, at least he'd be able to fight with you. though he knows, given how whipped he seems to be, he probably wouldn't even do that.
the two men listen intently to him talk about you and the situation, tell them about how he first saw you in his backyard and was immediately taken by your nervous rambling and cute, frazzled appearance. how when he saw you at school, he couldn't believe you guys were crossing paths again and he felt this strange sense to protect you. how the ski trip solidified his feelings and how he was so excited to confess to you and ask you on a date.
"so wha-what happened?" they asked, all three of the men slurring and drunk. "did she reject you?"
"worse," seonghwa laughs out bitterly. "she liked my best friend. even kissed him at that same ski trip."
"no shit," one guy says, the shock evident in his voice.
"yeosang?" the other one says, completely invested in this teen drama. "the one who paid for her?!"
seonghwa nods his head and the two men hit one another in shock, slurring about how they knew that guy was gonna cause trouble.
but even if his drunken state, seonghwa defended you and yeosang fiercely. told them you were never officially with him and that you didn't owe him anything. that even though yeosang knew, he was able to confide in you about things he's never told anyone.
the two men, however, were less kind-hearted. telling him that his best friend knew his feelings and shouldn't have confided in you in the first place. that you had to have known he liked you and saw what a great, nice guy he is.
"it doesn't even matter," seonghwa slurred to them. "y/n made her choice."
it's the sadly pathetic sentence he repeated all night, drinking and drinking and drinking until he almost forget who he was even talking about. but then he stumbled outside after bumming a cigarette from his two new friends who insisted he call you and confess now.
"you guys are fu-fuckin' nuts," he says, blowing out the smoke into the cold air. "i can't do that."
"you can tr-tryy!" the one man insists.
"yeah!" the second one encourages. "c'mo-c'mon, maybe she'll hear you out."
and if they hadn't convinced him for nearly 30 minutes and if he didn't have an absurd amount of alcohol in his system, he wouldn't have. but there were a multitude of factors that made him agree, the two men cheering as he scrolled and stumbled around to find your contact name.
and at just the sound of your voice, he felt himself lose every bit of restraint and sanity he had.
"seonghwa?" you repeat, only hearing labored breathing in your ear. you see yeosang's wide-eyed gaze on you, his eyebrow raised curiously.
"h-hi, y/n."
you immediately hear the drunken slur in his voice, biting your lip as you look at your boyfriend.
"hi. are-are you okay?"
you hear shouts of "team seonghwa! team seonghwa!" in the back, almost convinced he'd been drinking with mingi and yunho had the voices not sounded so much older and unfamiliar.
"ye-yeah," he hiccups.
there'a few beats of silence, seonghwa not saying a word as you watching yeosang mouth 'what's going on?'
"actually, no. i'm not okay," he says suddenly.
you swallow the lump in your throat, hearing the pain and agony in his drunken voice.
you had thought seonghwa had come to terms with everything but you suppose that was silly. because you have your love and affection for yeosang and still find yourself thinking about him and your memories from time to time.
"what's wrong?" you ask, watching yeosang intently watch you.
"i like you," seonghwa says lowly, "i still fucking like you and i know i shouldn't." you hear undetectable shouts in the background but you think they sound encouraging and cheerful.
"seonghwa..." you say warningly, feeling yeosang getting more and more curious.
"i know i shouldn't be sa-saying this," he slurs again, "but i am pretttty drunk and my new friends thought i should tell you. they also think yeosang's a...fucking asshole. but i told t-them he's not that bad."
you can tell by the look on your boyfriend's face he heard that, a hint of a smirk on his face because yeosang can give it the boy; even though he just confessed to his girlfriend, he's still trying to be respectful.
"but i- think a part of me hates him," seonghwa admits, "he knew how much i liked you and he still fucked me over. you-you were confused and new. but him...he's my best friend and he still did that."
you look at yeosang questioningly, knowing he's hearing all of this and not sure how to gauge his blank look now.
"where are you seonghwa? are you getting an uber home?"
"nahhhh," the boy says, "i just ca-came out for a smoke. we might do another round of shots."
"i don't think that's a good idea," you tell him gently. "i think you should go home."
"n-no," the boy hiccups, "i'm just alone there. like how yeo-yeosang used to be alone but now has you. that might be another reason why a part of me fucking ha-hates him."
and with that, the call ends and you feel your eyes water. because you've never heard seonghwa talk like that before, even when he was mad the night he found out and the other times you've seen him drunk. he had never sounded so...defeated and sad.
"yeosang, i think i should pick him-"
you let out a sigh, walking up to your boyfriend and holding both his hands in yours.
"it's dangerous, yeosang," you say with a frown. "he could get hurt or into a fight."
"all the more reason you're not going," yeosang says, lifting his hands to your face before tightening his hold on your suitcase and attempting to lead you toward your house. "i'll walk you in and go get him."
but you stand your ground, planting your feet to the floor and rip your hands out of his grasp.
he lets out an annoyed, shaky breath, snapping his head back to look at you. and he can see in your eyes that no matter what he says, you're gonna go. because maybe a part of you still feels responsible or guilty for the way things played out and effected him.
but that's not your problem anymore, he thinks, why should you care when he's your boyfriend?
"you're gonna go no matter what i say, aren't you?"
you swallow the nervous lump in your throat, his short tone holding so much anger and frustration it scares you a little. it's such a contrast to the nice weekend you had together, the weekend you try to remind him of before adding you just want to make sure he's safe.
"why?" yeosang snaps, his voice raising ever so slightly. "then i wanna make sure he's safe too. i'll come too."
"you heard him on the phone, babe, i think... that would make everything worse."
you watch yeosang's jaw clench angrily, his hand twisting around your suitcase handle. it feels like everything between you, for him, is slowly crumbling. because one drunken call from seonghwa has you ready to drop everything and run to him.
when he was drunk, you wanted nothing to do with him and begged him to stop.
"do you like him still too?" he snaps, knowing nothing he's saying right now is accurate or his true feelings. "are you just sticking with me until you know for sure? then you'll go with mr. perfect?"
your face falls immediately, tears pricking your eyes again as you watch him stare at you with coldness in his eyes. "are you fucking kidding me?"
"no, y/n, i'm not," he snaps, throwing your suitcase down as he backs away from you. "it seems awfully fucking suspicious you'd drop everything for him."
"he's shitfaced out in public and upset, yeosang," you snap, taking a step closer to him. "it could be anyone and i'd be concerned you asshole."
he lets out a laugh, rolling his eyes as he licks at his lips. "right, concerned. concerned about the guy you kissed right before me who always saved you. now you have to save him."
you narrow your eyes at him, a laugh or utter disbelief leaving your mouth as you shake your head at him. you can't believe this is happening after your weekend together, you had felt so sickeningly happy with him just fifteen minutes ago.
"fuck you, yeosang," you snap, picking your suitcase up from the ground and backing away from him. "in case you forgot, he was saving me from you. because you were always the one being an asshole to me and making me cry."
his jaw clenches at the reminder, his hands balling into fists as anger and embarrassment and shame fill him. he can't even call out your name as he watches you walk into the house, thinking that maybe you're gonna listen to him.
but he knows you. so he isn't surprised when you spin back around and open your mouth. "i'm going in the house to get my car key and then i'm gonna go make sure our friend is safe. the next time you wanna throw my confusion in my face, make sure it's about something correct."
he waits until you're in the house to let out a string of curses, his hands pulling at his hair as he resists the urge to pull it out or scream. and so he doesn't have to see you pull away and drive to seonghwa, he gets in his car and takes off down the street.
you realize when you get in your own car that you have no idea what bar he's at, cursing to yourself before you decide calling mingi might be your best way. he answers on the third ring and you hear him and yunho say hello in sync, excitedly asking you about your skiing trip and if it was weird being back there.
"seonghwa just called me from the bar drunk and me and yeosang got into a fight over it because he was being a major fucking asshole, no surprise there, but now i don't know where seonghwa is and there are probably so many bars but mingi do you know where people usually-"
"okay hold on baby girl, you gotta breathe for us," you hear yunho's voice say calmingly. "stop talking and just breathe for a minute. in and out, five times, okay?"
you listen to the boy's calming voice, ignoring the sting of tears threatening to fall from behind your eyes. it's not the time to think about this, about how much yeosang hurt you and about how much you wanna drive to his house and finish this fight with him.
but if something happened to seonghwa, you would never forgive yourself. you would feel 100% to blame and you're positive everyone else would too. and that's why you have to fucking go, contrary to your idiotic boyfriend's beliefs.
after you've calmed down and rejected the boy's incessant assurances that they would come with you, mingi gives you the address to a bar known to serve underage people all the time. you thank him and tell them you promise you'll update them tomorrow, hanging up before they can respond and backing your mom's car out of the driveway.
you haven't driven since your road test and it shows but luckily the bar is only ten minutes from your house. and you thank the gods above for song mingi because there seonghwa is, two old men sitting right beside him as the talk in a circle. you quickly get out of your running car, pulling your sweater around yourself as you make your way over to them.
"seonghwa?" you ask lowly, the two men snapping their heads up to you and their eyes widening.
"y/n!" they say in unison.
you would've laughed at this oddity under any other circumstances, two old men knowing you by name because seonghwa probably dished all of your dirty laundry to them.
"y/n," the boy himself says, looking up at you with light in his eyes, like he's trying to figure out if you're real. you give him a small smile, waving at him before craning your neck towards your car.
"hi," you say him gently, looking over his face and feeling your heart break at the sight of him. this isn't anything like that seonghwa you've known and it's all your fault. "you want me to give you a ride?"
"where's yeosang?" seonghwa asks, trying to get a look at the car. the men behind him yell "traitor!" causing you to jump and seonghwa, even in his drunken state, stumbles toward you and put his hand on your shoulder.
"he's home," you tell him, not even sure if that's the truth. "but he knows i'm here picking you up. so how bout i bring you home?"
seonghwa can only hum, looking at your pleading expression and letting out a sigh. because under any circumstance, in any state of mind, it appears he's still weak enough to never deny you. you watch him turn around and say goodbye to his friends, the two men patting his shoulder like their his grandfathers telling him what a nice guy he is and that any girl would be lucky to have him.
you feel your heart tug and pang with hurt, smiling at them softly before guiding seonghwa toward the passenger side door. you help him in and close the door as you watch him fumble with the seatbelt, letting out a shaky sigh before you hear your name being called.
you look up to see one of the men coming toward you, even in his drunken state not posing to be a threat.
"it was ni-nice that you came," the man hiccups. "he talked about you all night."
and you don't know if the comment was meant to make you feel good or hurt you but you simply nod, thanking them for taking care of him before walking around to get in the car. you pull out into the street and attempt to find your way to his house, feeling his glossy gaze on you.
"i didn't k-know you can drive."
a part of you wants to laugh at that because even with everything that happened between you two, you still don't know a lot about each other it seems.
"yeah, i have my license, just not my own car," you explain to him. "so i borrow my mom's sometimes."
he nods his head in understanding, his head lolling to the side as he looks out the window. you can only swallow the lump in your throat, your eyes widening when you hear him open it and hum at the cold air.
"you okay?" you ask him. because the last thing you want is for him to vomit in your mom's car.
"fine," he mumbles before a deep chuckle leaves his mouth. "but maybe hurry up so i don-don't puke all over your mom's car. make a left at the stop sign."
and you're pleased to see that even though he's drank to the point of puking, he was still able to give you directions. because once you see that, you recognize the streets of his neighborhood before quickly pulling into his driveway. you notice that only his two cars are there meaning that the house is probably empty.
"shockerrr, empty house," he slurs, his head lolling down and to the side as he looks at you. "you're pretty, y/n. you know that?"
your lips press into one another, biting your lip nervously as you shake your head at him.
"stop, seonghwa."
he lets out a groan, pushing his head back into the chair. "i-i know i shouldn't say that. because you're yeosang's girl and you al-also don't like drunk people or alcohol. but-but i liked you first, you know." and even in his drunken state, it sounds juvenile to his own ears
"that sounds so-stupid," he says through a hiccup. "but i do. i like you- so fucking much and i- i wish i didn't."
you bite the inside of your cheek to distract yourself from the burning of tears behind your eyes. because the way he seems so broken and upset is your fault. you can maybe even blame it a little on yeosang but it's mostly you. because you wouldn't have gotten in the middle of them in the first place if you never showed up at this backyard and agreed to sit with him 4th period.
"do you need help getting inside?"
seonghwa looks at you before shaking his head.
"n-no," he hiccups, his hand searching around for the handle. "i'm so fucking si-sick of people leaving out that door." and with that, the car door squeaks open and he shakily rises to get out; but not before turning his neck back to look at you.
"thank you fo-for getting me, y/n," he tells you, the drunken smile on his flushed face still managing to be incredibly handsome. "i hope yeosang isn't mad at you." he closes the door before you can answer, watching him stumble up the walkway lined with perfectly trimmed hedges and flowers.
the perfectly trimmed hedges and flowers he promptly leans over and vomits into, a sigh leaving your mouth as you grab your phone and turn off the car. you run over to him, grabbing him by the shirt before he can stumble forward and smack his head into the side of his house.
"whoaaa, you caught me," he chuckled out, the sound so light and airy it almost makes you smile.
"i did," you say gently. "let's get you inside now."
"you don-don't have to," he says. because he can't really say that he doesn't want to you. that he really can't deal with another person, but especially you, leaving him alone in this ginormous, empty house.
"i do," you tell him softly, moving your hand to guide him by his waist. "i'll stay until you fall asleep, okay? so you don't have to see me leave."
he doesn't say anything as you guide him into his house and up the stairs to his room. you turn on his light and tell him to change while you go downstairs to get him food and a glass of water. you fumble around in his kitchen for a few minutes, toasting two pieces of bread and filling him up a tall glass of water before grabbing two advils for the morning.
but when you go back into his room, you see he's passed out over the covers still in his clothes from the day. you let out a sigh, putting the plate and cup on the bedside table before going over to him. you kneel down, your hand hesitantly reaching out to run through his hair.
he looks so much younger in his sleep, relaxed and peaceful despite the way he was stumbling around like a drunk. the tears pricking your eyes all night finally come to the surface, falling back onto your butt as you cover your face with your hands.
every time you think your crushing guilt is gone, it always finds a way to surface back. it's like you can't get away from the confusion and decisions you've had to deal with thus far, your stomach still in a knot at your fight with yeosang and how you've gotten zero messages from him. how seonghwa has gotten to the point where he drank his sorrows away at the bar and found solace in two strangers.
how ever since you came to this town, you've done nothing but fuck with people's emotions and turn two best friends against each other.
"y/n," you hear seonghwa's deep, slurred voice. "don't cry."
your head snaps up to see him turned on his side watching you, his arm stretched out as he holds his hand out awaitingly. you only look down at it, your tears nearly blurring your vision, as you shake your head. you can't hold his hand, you refuse. it's not right to you or him or yeosang. because tonight, that would probably mean a whole lot more to all three of you.
"i'm sorry, seonghwa," you whisper to him.
"me too," he says, his eyes trailing over your face and you see the affection in them even through his drunken glossy gaze. "i'm sorry i still want you."
you feel a tear escape your cheek as you shake your head, knowing full well you don't deserve to be hearing this. that you shouldn't be listening to him tell you this in the vulnerable, altered state he's in.
he wipes at the tear on your cheek gently, the delicate swipe of his finger across your skin so foreign but so familiar it cracks your heart just a little bit more. he can only look at your face silently, like he's trying to remember this moment even though he knows he probably won't tomorrow.
"i'm glad you came b-but i'm happy i won't remember any of this tomorrow," seonghwa tells you, "because i'm so pathetic, it just might give me hope."
"you're not pathetic," you tell him brokenly, shaking your head as you wipe at the tears rolling down your cheeks.
"then what would you call it, y/n?" he asks, his eyes getting heavier and heavier as his exhaustion sets in. "pining over someone who doesn't want you? feeling like you love someone you barely knew?"
you can only swallow the lump in your throat watching his eyes close, waiting until his breaths turn even and tiny snores are leaving his mouth to cry into your hands for a few moments. because you think what's worse than doing this to him is the fact that he thinks he's pathetic for it.
because if things were different, you'd be right there with him. pining over him and loving someone you barely knew.
you watch him sleep for a few more minutes, placing the water and two pills next to his bed before slowly running your fingers through his hair as you mumble one last apology. you leave his room afterward with the plate of toast in your hand, your phone in your ear as you softly speak to san over the phone.
"i'm sorry for bothering you but can you stay with seonghwa tonight?"
the boy is over in less than ten minutes, walking through the door with an expression that nearly makes you cry on the spot. you tell him a gist of what happened, how you and yeosang fought and how it's all your fault that seonghwa spiraled into a binge drinking episode.
"stop, it's not," san assures you, his hand running through your hair calmingly. "we're all rich kids. you know we got a ton of fuckin' problems." a wet, broken laugh leaves your mouth as you shake your head, wiping at your wet face with your wrist.
"i'm serious though," san says lowly, "don't feel bad. it was a tough situation for all of you but it isn't anyone's fault."
and even though you don't believe that, you nod your head and thank him for coming. you couldn't have seonghwa waking up alone in the middle of the night, alone and confused with the worst hangover of his life.
san walks you to your car and gives you one last hug, assuring you everything will be okay with yeosang and that he'll make sure seonghwa is fine tomorrow.
but even with san's assurances, you still break down on your car ride home. because seonghwa feels bad because of you, yeosang still hasn't texted you and the lump in your throat is so big you feel like you're about to suffocate.
and just when you think you've cried all the tears you could, the sight of mingi and yunho waiting on your front steps really does you in. they immediately grab you in a hug when you get out of your car, crushed between the two boys who wipe at your tears and tell you everything will be okay.
(part 26)
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sebthesnipe · 4 years
A Very Patton Christmas
Other works by me (AO3)
Tumblr Master Post
To @gilby-the-geek-girl for being the best friend a person could ask for. For without whom my writing would be riddled with errors and inconsistency, and whose gift of friendship has been the greatest thing to happen to me in a very long time. While I know you’ve read this (cuz you beta for me like the boss bitch you are) I still hope that you know that it was written with love for you. (I really don’t have time to write for anyone else XP) One day I hope you’ll have a friend at least half as good as you are (because we both no I ain’t it XP) I hope your Hanukkah wasn’t a miserable one and that you Christmas is the highlight of your 2020 (because we both know there isn’t much competition).  Prompt: Explain why Patton’s Sweater this year is so damn ugly.
Patton shifted under the mountainous pile of blankets atop him. It was early, or rather… late? He hadn’t really slept. How could he?! His favorite day of the year was here! Well, it would be.
He shifted again, this time wiggling towards where he thought one of the blankets ended and poked his head out to look at his frog shaped Wisoee alarm clock. Its dim light smiled at him reading 3:37 AM.
He held back a squeal as he ducked back into this warm cave of comforters. He couldn’t watch the clock.
A watched pot never boils,he reminded himself.
He went over the day’s schedule in his head:
Logan would already be awake and emerge at precisely 4:00 AM, as he always did. Today though, was the only day out of the year the Logan broke his (otherwise) usual routine.
Logan would skip his usual jog, replacing his gray sweats for the pajamas Patton had bought him for his birthday (a blue plaid pair of pants and a grey tee  with the text ‘Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Vote.’ printed on the front) At which point, he would make his way to the kitchen where he would start a pot of coffee for himself, Virgil, and Janus.
That would be where Patton, came in!
Patton would already be in the kitchen to start his homemade hot chocolate for himself, Roman, and Remus (With Logan’s help of course. He didn’t want another incident like the baking fiasco from a few months ago).
By the time they finished, Roman would be up, no doubt singing everyone into wakefulness. Then it would be time for hot cocoa and presents!
Patton got them all Christmas sweaters just like he did every year! He loved picking them out for each of his friends and watching them all spread out in the living room, all snug and cozy to watch their usual Christmas movie marathon!
They always let Patton pick the first movie, but there were so many good ones he usually couldn’t choose! Logan would probably chime in with the Nutcracker, not because he was a fan but because it was the only Christmas movie Roman and Remus agreed on, making  it the popular choice.
Then it would be Logan’s actual turn. He usually chose The Polar Express. Patton was pretty sure he only chose it because there were really only two Christmas movies based on books and Janus always chose A Christmas Carol. That and because Patton really liked it!
Then came Janus and finally Virgil, who was Jewish and didn’t have personal stock in Christmas, but participated for the others (which was another reason he was Patton’s favorite ,not that he’d ever admit it). Virgil always wanted to watch Die Hard, but knew Patton didn’t care for the violence much, so he usually settled for Rudolf, which warmed the fatherly figure’s heart to no end (Which was probably why Patton had bought him the collector’s edition box set of the movie). During the previous year’s viewing of the movie Virgil and Logan ended up in a discussion regarding how the song Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer was (according to Virgil) one of the only times a big corporation did what was right. Patton usually tried to follow this kind of discussion, but he usually got lost when Logan started in about percentages and underpaid artists. It just really hurt his little heart to know so many talented people out there were struggling.
The movies, as a matter of fact, were why Patton chose the sweaters he did for them this year! Each of his friends would be gifted a sweater to mirror each of their favorite Christmas movies! (Die Hard being the exception of course!)
After all that, the group would settle in for-
The alarm clock croaked loudly, signaling the arrival of 3:45 AM.
Patton’s previous thoughts evaporated into excitement as he attempted scramble from the mass of comforters, reaching to shut off the alarm.
His leg tangled in one of the large downeys and he hit the ground with a heavy thud. He paid no mind to his bruised ribs as he wrestled himself from its grasp, smacking the flashing frog to silence it.
A moment later he threw open his door, intent for the stairs.
He never made it though. At least, not at first…
Something was off.
He paused in the hallway, skin prickling at the coolness of the air.
He had only made it a few feet when he noticed it.
Roman’s door was ajar, the dark shadows of his messy room an indication of his absence…
Remus’ too. Though it was only slightly. Patton noticed the smell more than the sight.
Was everyone up before him?
He moved towards Virgil’s room, giving a soft knock before shouldering open the door.
“Hey, Kiddo. You up?” He whispered softly before noticing the unmade empty bed.
“And what would you know?!” the ‘kiddo’-in-question’s voice came in a harsh snap, drifting up from the living room.
“Keep your voice down!” Janus’ own snapped back, matching Virgil’s volume though the tone was a mock attempt at a whisper in his tone.
Patton inched closer, concern playing on his features as he flattened himself against the wall at the top of the stairs. He certainly didn’t want to intrude on his friends’ conversation, but there was obviously something was wrong.
“Bite me, snake boy!” Virgil snapped in return, though his voice was lowered.
“Don’t tempt me,” Janus hissed.
“Wait! Let me get the camera! Pics or it didn’t happen!” Remus’ voice came in a giddy giggle. “Okay, make sure you draw blood.”
“Gross,” Virgil huffed, heat gone.
“As much as I hate to admit it, Stormcloud, I think Ser Lies-a-lot is right,” Roman sighed softly. 
“You can’t be serious!” Virgil grumbled. 
“I believe he is,” Logan’s calm voice interrupted. “Statistically speaking, twenty three percent of christmas gifts in America in a given year are unwanted but kept.”
“That’s reassuring,” Virgil growled. 
“I wasn’t finished,” Logan retorted. “Given that statistic, along with the fact that individuals are more likely to gift items they like themselves, and factoring in the number of gifts we’ve received over the years. That paired with the fact that it was commissioned from an independent artist, supporting their work directly: I would say that there is a ninety-two point six five present chance that Patton will find the gift quite adequate.”
“Did you really just do all that in your head?” Janus asked curiously. 
“Actually, no,” Logan admitted. “I calculated the odds when the idea was brought up months ago, as I do with each of your christmas gifts.”
“Is that why I got socks last year?” Remus chirped. 
“Yes, well… I found that the other options would cause unease with the others,” Logan clarified.
“Don’t worry Remus, he didn’t get you a dissection kit this year to make up for it,” Janus commented sarcastically.
“What?!” Roman spat as Remus gasped excitedly. 
“I’m not even sure how you know that,” Logan sighed, probably straightening his glasses like he usually did when something annoyed him. “And I’m not sure I care to know.”
“We’re getting side tracked. He’ll be up any minute,” Virgil interrupted once more. “The fact is, it’s one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen and it’s too late not to give it to him.”
“I like it!” Remus argued.
“See!” Virgil huffed, using Remus’ opinion as evidence to the validity of his statement. 
“Ugh, maybe he has a point Teach,” Roman agreed. “I could put together a card for us to sign instead?”
“No, it’s too late for that, beside I am certain this is all an overstated concern.” Logan countered.
“Perhaps, a vote wouldn’t be appropriate?” Janus offered. 
“I agree, all in favor of giving Patton the gift we already agreed upon?” Logan asked. 
There was silence as Patton assumed a few of the boys raised their hands. 
“All opposed?” He continued.
“Remus you can’t vote twice!” Roman snapped. 
“You’re no fun!” Remus whined. “I’ll stick with J-anus then!”
“Please, continue to call me that. I just love it,” Janus deadpanned. 
“The ayes have it then,” Logan decided. 
“What eyes?” Remus chirped excitedly, but no one paid him any mind. 
“Roman, if you would be so kind as to finish wrapping the gift, I have a pot of coffee to finish,” Logan dismissed.
“I have some extra ribbon in my room. Want to help, Stormcloud?” Roman asked, making Patton tense as they headed his way. 
He didn’t wait for V to answer as Patton hurried back to his room and closed the door softly behind him. 
He really shouldn’t have eavesdropped. 
Guilt filled him as he leaned against the frame, processing everything that had been said. 
The group had never agreed on a gift for Patton. Usually Logan and Roman were the only two to get him anything and they just included the others’ names on the presents (not that Patton ever called them out on it. Why would he?). Patton didn’t mind of course, he knew they had trouble buying for him.
Logan usually got him a new hoodie or something practical like a flamingo pen, or oven mitts (though those usually only lasted about a week before Patton caught them on fire or melted them!). Roman always made him something, like the card he had mentioned, and just had the others sign it. Patton didn’t mind of course, he loved everything they gave him. It was the thought that warmed him! Even the fact that Remus refrained from his usual off the wall habits to try and make Patton more comfortable meant the world to him.
The fact that the group was so torn over his opinion broke his heart. How could they think that? What had he done to put that doubt in their mind? He had to do better! Whatever it was, he would show he loved it more than anything they had ever gotten him before.
His brows furrowed in determination. 
This would be their year!
He took a moment to gather himself before plastering on a smile and throwing open the door once more, running straight into a surprised Logan. 
Logan gave a small grunt as Patton bumped him, the mug of hot cocoa sloshing over and onto his hand. 
“Oh goodness!” Patton gasped in shock, “I’m so sorry Lo’! Are you alright?” The smaller man hurriedly took the mug from his friend’s hand and set it on the small table next to the door, frantically searching for something to clean up the mess. 
“I’m fine, Patton,” Logan reassured, producing a blue handkerchief from his pant pocket and wiping the warm liquid off his hand. Leave it to Logan to have his handkerchief with him despite wearing pajamas. “I made sure the liquid was at an acceptable temperature for this exact reason.”
“Oh! I hope I didn’t ruin your new PJs!” Patton cried, already pushing Logan’s arms up to examine the flannel. 
There wasn’t a stain to be found. Logan arched a brow as he waited for Patton to satisfy his need for the inspection before sighing. 
“Truly, Patton, I’m fine. Are you?” Logan asked, his neutral expression turning to one of concern. 
“What?” Patton hummed, glancing up to meet the taller man’s eyes. “Of course! I wasn’t the one holding the cup!” 
“I wasn’t referring to the cocoa,” Logan pointed out, lowering his arms. “It’s 4:17. It isn’t like you to be so unpunctual on Christmas day.” 
“Oh…” Patton whispered, lowering his gaze in shame. Should he tell him? It wasn’t right to keep secrets. Would he be upset if he found out Patton had been eavesdropping? No… Today was their day… He wouldn’t do anything to upset them. “No. I’m fine!” Patton reassured, suddenly as chipper as ever as he offered out a smile. 
Logan eyed him suspiciously, but seemed to wearily accept the answer. 
“Well, I thought your traditional cup of cocoa would help if anything were amiss,” Logan nodded towards the cup, bringing Patton’s attention to it once more. 
Logan had made it without him? 
Patton could feel the mask around his heart start to crack a little as his stomach sank. He supposed it made sense that Logan wouldn’t really need him to make it… Still, that was Patton and Logan’s Christmas tradition… It hurt that he had been left out of it. 
“Aw! Thank you Logan!” Patton forced out in his preening voice as if nothing was wrong. 
This was their day, not his. 
“That’s so sweet!” He added, collecting the mug and taking a small sip. Somehow it didn’t taste as good as it usually did. 
“You’re very welcome, Patton,” Logan replied with a small tilt of his lips. 
His crooked smile also seemed to soften his features; Patton loved that about him. It made his sudden disappointment worth it. 
“I know we usually have a schedule for the holiday, but…” Logan paused as if he were nervous. What an odd look for the scholar. “Well, the others requested a change in plans.”
Patton’s heart sank. What kind of change? Did they not like the way they usually celebrated Christmas? Why hadn’t they told him? Was his idea of Christmas really so one sided? How had he not noticed this before? Was that why Logan was so nervous?
No… It didn’t matter. This was their day, not his.
“What kind of change, kiddo? I’m sure whatever it is will be great! It’s Christmas after all!” Patton responded, despite the way his stomach knotted. 
“Well,” Logan began, stepping aside. “Perhaps it would be best if they explained it.”
Patton hesitated before nodding taking the lead as they walked down the hall. What if they didn’t want to do hot cocoa and movies any more? What if they didn’t want to celebrate Christmas at all?! Was that why they came together for a gift? To appease Patton? They were all getting older and it wasn’t as if they had children. Maybe they felt like Christmas wasn’t for adults…
That was ridiculous, Patton knew that. But still…
He headed down the stairs, a smile still glued to his lips as he caught sight of Remus and Janus whispering over a small box. 
“I told you, it's for you!” Janus hissed at the mustached man next to him, fending him off the plain white box in his hands. 
“I helped pick them out! I should be allowed first dib-” Remus cut himself off as Janus elbowed him in the ribs pulling his attention up to Patton, just as he took the last step on the landing. 
“I didn’t lick them, I swear!” Remus called out, smiling broadly in his stained Oscar the Grouch onesie. “Okay maybe a few.”
Janus rolled his eyes, dressed in his usual suit and hat, not bothering with a comment. 
“Good Morning, Patton, slept horribly I hope?” Janus asked pleasantly. 
“Hey, kiddos. You’re up early,” Patton offered, feeling more uneasy than ever; something that must have shown because at that moment Logan leaned down to whisper in the smaller man’s ear. 
“Are you sure you are alright Patton?” he asked softly. “If you’re not feeling well then perhaps you should rest. I’m sure we can put this off unti-”
“Hola, Padre!” Roman’s voice came,  cutting off Logan’s words. 
Patton glanced up at the two figures standing at the top of the stairs. Roman, straight backed, hands behind him as he stood tall in his prince pajamas; Virgil behind him, using him to practically hide his small form, dressed in his Jack Skeleton onesie. 
“Roman, Virgil! You’re up already! This is a surprise!” Patton feigned excitement.
“Definitely a Christmas miracle,” Janus sighed. 
No one paid the comment any mind as Roman hurried down the stairs. Grin wide.
“Well this is a special day, Padre!” Roman explained as Virgil followed after, rolling his eyes. 
“Bah-Humbug,” the black and white clad man grumbled in response. Though it may have been Patton’s imagination, but Virgil's eyeshadow looked a few shades lighter than usual. 
“Feliz Navidad Patton! Merry Christmas!”Roman sang, producing the present from behind his back and offering it out. 
Patton’s heart skipped a beat, hesitating as he glanced around the room at each of his friends. They all looked so nervous… Even Janus. 
His attention went back to the gift being presented. It was a decent sized package with rainbow wrapping paper, black and white striped ribbon, and a green and blue bow that sat just above a small yellow tag that read ‘To: Janus From: Patton’.
Despite Patton’s dread and apprehension, he couldn’t help but smile at the packaging. They had even come together on the wrapping. It was very sweet. 
He glanced up at Roman who nodded eagerly, indicating that Patton was welcome to it. 
“You guys! You didn’t have to do all this!” He whispered in awe, voice cracking as tears began filling his eyes.
No matter what happened, Patton was awed by the fact that the boys went to so much trouble for him. They had come together for him. It didn’t matter if they were too old for Christmas!
He tugged at the ribbon, finding it firmly in place, before turning it over and trying again. After flipping it once more he heard Logan give a small chuckle. 
“May I?” his soft calm voice came. Patton nodded, handing over the package to Logan and wiping away a tear he felt rolling down his cheek. 
Logan’s nimble fingers loosened the bow and the surrounding ribbon, careful not to ruin them (he knew Patton loved to keep them and hang them above his mirror to admire later). Logan set the ribbon aside before handing the package back to the smaller man.
“Thank you,” Patton murmured weakly, gently tearing the wrapping to slide the sleek white box from inside. 
“This is worse than waiting for a magnet you swallowed to come out the other end!” Remus chimed in excitedly. 
“Ugh! Does he really have to be here?!” Roman whined, causing Patton’s grin to turn genuine.
The momentary distraction had him feeling a bit better as he slid a nail under the lid of the box, breaking the tape there and pulling open the lid. 
Wrapped loosely in a thin tissue paper lay a DVD copy of The Shop Around the Corner, a mug that, when you sip it, makes the drinker look like the bottom half of their face belongs to a puppy, and some kind of knitted fabric.
“Ah! You guys!!!” Patton squealed, tears beginning to fall as he collected the mug and movie, setting them aside and pulling out the sweater to get a better look at it. 
The light blue knitted midsection was covered in what, he assumed, was supposed to be some kind of icing pattern? Or perhaps whipped cream? Lace? He wasn’t sure. There was also a brown bow tie that was maybe supposed to be chocolate? Down the center was a line of pink chocolate chip cookie buttons. The bright pink sleeves had much of the same design though instead of pink cookies they were light blue.
It may have been the ugliest excuse of a sweater Patton had ever seen.
Silence fell in the rooms everyone waited for Patton’s reaction. 
“We know it’s not as good as the ones you get us,” Virgil chimed in nervously. “But we thought that maybe you’d like one of your own?” 
“The mug, of course, is so you won’t have to make so many trips for more cocoa,” Logan added with a soft smile. “I thought the others would like to help us make the rest after you change, of course. If you’d like.”
“The rest?” Patton asked, breath hitching as the tears threatened to fall. “You mean… You didn’t make it without me?” He sniffled.
“What?” Logan blinked in surprise. “Of course not, Patton. Making hot chocolate for everyone is a tradition I enjoy spending with you. I would never-”
“Well, it's just… you brought the mug up… So, I thought…” Patton let his voice fade as he watched understanding flash over Logan’s features.
“I was worried there might be something wrong. I thought waking you with your own mug would be a nice surprise.” Logan explained. “I apologize if I gave the wrong impression, Patton. I only made the one mug. I know you find a great deal of happiness in our customary time in the kitchen. I would not want to take that from you.”
“But…” Patton murmured, eyes shifting to the others. “Everyone’s already awake… And you were all together… I don’t want to impose on-”
“¡Espera! ¡Espéra! ¡Espéra!” Roman interrupted, looking both surprised and concerned. “I did not wake up far before my beauty rest was done to hear this slander especially from Mr. Spirit of Christmas, himself! Patton, with you there is no Christmas.”
“Roman is right, Patton,” Virgil shrugged, shrinking a bit lower into his hood. “I certainly wouldn’t be celebrating and we definitely wouldn’t have come together to get you the gifts. 
“I know Shop Around the Corner isn’t usually on our Christmas Merry Marathon list, but you never really get to pick a movie and I know it’s your favorite,” Roman pitched in. “At least, that's what Janus claims.”
“I totally didn’t check your browsing history,” Janus shrugged.
“And I edited the email to the artist!” Remus added proudly.
“That… explains a lot,” Logan whispered under his breath softly.
“We also didn’t bring you cookies from that bakery you hate.” Janus stated, setting the box he had been holding down on the small table next to him. 
Patton was silent throughout the exchange, burying his face into the soft fabric as he began to shake silently with his sobs. 
“I told you he wouldn’t like it!” Virgil cried desperately.
“No!” Patton responded, voice breaking. “I love it! I love all of it!” He dropped his hands just enough to rush forward, wrapping both Virgil and Roman into a great big hug. “Thank you so much! It’s perfect!” 
Roman gave a boisterous laugh, returning the hug as Virgil couldn’t help but smile; both grunting as Remus piled atop them. 
Logan approached, resting a hand on Patton’s shoulders in reassurance. 
“Well, this is certainly a disgusting sight,” Janus sighed, though he was grinning as well. 
“I love you guys so much!” Patton laughed, the weight on his heart lifting to the point of forgetfulness. How could he have ever thought these men didn’t need him or wouldn’t want to spend Christmas with him. They were his family!
“Is it just me or is this oddly arousing?” Remus purred.
“Ugh!” Roman and Virgil both scoffed at once, shoving the rank smelling man away from them. 
“Why do you have to ruin everything?!” Roman growled, dragging his brother away.
Patton didn’t mind the outburst, however, far too busy hurrying up the stairs to change so they could get their Best Christmas EVER underway…
The End...
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quirkfics · 4 years
show me again
commission for a lovely anonymous commissioner! 💖 wordcount: 3k warnings: exhibitionism (of sorts!), mild praise kink, established relationship, fluff, smut  pairing: Monoma Neito x Female OC (Millicent) author’s note: Despite having this finished for literal days, I feel like my internet is conspiring against me, trying to format for posting has been. Trying. ((apologies for the wait anon!))
Neito rolls towards Millicent, eyes closed as he pats half heartedly at the bed. When he finds her spot empty and cooling, he curls his fingers into the sheets, groaning out a sleepy sounding: “Aww, Dollface,” before he lapses back into silence and, Millicent assumes, back into sleep. She smiles, half tempted to reach over and stroke the hair out of his face or run her hand along his bare back, just for the sake of touching him.  A soft, little snort of a snore echoes throughout the room. 
Not laughing is a bit more difficult than Millicent would like. 
A soft splutter escapes her as she turns back to her phone, grinning as she glances down at the screen. She slides her thumb along it, scrolling through her contact numbers. “To hell with it,” she says quietly, tapping at her boss’ number. Waiting on customers and shelving books can wait for the day. 
The past few weeks have felt like eons, coming home to a quiet, empty house, waiting for Neito to make it home safe. She might have every confidence in his abilities, in him - she’s known him long enough, hasn’t she? But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t worry. Doesn’t pine for him when he’s away. Not that she’s always comfortable admitting it to Neito, who unflinchingly seizes onto any heartfelt confession with all the eagerness of a wild animal. She’s missed him though, and she deserves the break, even if it’s just to take a day off and laze about in bed with him. Her lips twitch. Well, laze might not be the correct word.
The line starts ringing. It’s not terribly loud, but she still turns the call volume down, half afraid that if she risks a look at Neito, her shifting will wake him back up. It won’t ruin her plans, of course, but he’s always been impatient. He’s never been the type to just sit and wa-
Her boss picks up, a pleasant “Hello?” coming down the line in greeting, and Neito, the brat, seizes his chance. Because he likes dramatics and teasing, because he loves doing his absolute best to push all of Millicent’s buttons, no matter the hour, Neito’s hand slides up her spine as soon as she opens her mouth to speak. 
“MorNING-” Millicent’s voice, still rough from recently waking, cracks with surprise, shoulders and back tensing for all of two seconds before she’s whirling to glare at Neito. The, frankly awkward, noises that are supposed to pass for a greeting are bound to help her case for not coming into work, so despite her being startled, despite being irritated, she refrains from pushing him away. She does like cuddling with Neito, and lets him shift closer even, but that doesn’t stop her from scowling when he gives her a sly, sleepy smile. Wait, she mouths, though she doesn’t have a lot of confidence in him listening to her straight off. “Uh, it’s Millicent! I’m not going to make it in today,” she says into her phone, slowly, hesitantly turning back to face the window, blinds still drawn against the midmorning sunshine.
“Good morning! Feeling a bit run down, hm?” 
“Got it in one,” Millicent sighs, shivering as Neito’s hand slides down her back and slowly curls around her hip. He squeezes, likely trying to aggravate her, but Millicent steadfastly ignores him. This is a mistake.
Neito’s fingertips press into her hips and stroke slowly down to her thighs, pale against her brown skin, and then back up to her stomach. Unwillingly trusting him to let her finish up the conversation, Millicent dives back into speech. “I’ll be back bright and early tomorrow, but I’m just-” Her mouth snaps shut as Neito kicks back the blankets, sitting up so he can move in close behind her. He leans his chest against her back, legs bracketing the outside of her thighs and then slips his arms around her, hands settled fairly chastely over her middle. “-worn out,” she finishes, likely much too late.  
“Of course, of course. We both know how hard you work! Before you go though,” her boss says, clearly gearing up for a long winded conversation. Millicent’s heart rate skyrockets as Neito’s touch goes from soothing to adrenaline inducing in a matter of a few short seconds. He knows everything she likes, and pulls the tight curls of her hair out of the way to trail soft, warm kisses over the back of her neck. The hand still on her stomach, thumb rubbing small circles into her skin, slides upward as he drags every fingertip gently over the arch of her breast and then her nipple. Millicent wants to turn and glare, and considers elbowing him once, just because, but- “I wanted to talk to you about the new releases on Tuesday.”
“Yes, I’m- I’m listening,” Millicent manages to say, tensing, trying not to move. It’s a challenge now, the way Neito is touching her, trying to get her to betray herself, to squawk or hang up. He’d like that, the absolute goblin. He loves winning, loves proving himself, and if Millicent abandons a task so she can give him her full attention? Neito wants nothing more. Hopefully her boss won’t take too long though, because heat is already spiralling through Millicent, and she can barely wait to push Neito down onto the bed like he deserves.
“We’ve had a few problems with receiving the shipments-” 
The passing seconds fast become the countdown to an explosion. Neito pinches her nipple just hard enough to make her stop breathing, taking his other hand and dragging it over the top of her leg. She knows, even before he moves, that he’s going to keep pushing. That the teasing game is going to wreck the veneer of calm she’s trying to keep together for this phone call. Millicent can barely understand what her boss is saying now, words tangling up and fading into one another the longer they speak. It’s all nerve-wracking background noise as Neito’s hand slips between her thighs, fingers curling under the waistband of her panties. 
Millicent risks pulling the phone away from her ear, covering the receiver to hiss quietly at Neito. All she;s able to say is a sharp edged “Neito-” before she hears her boss saying her name. She rushes to press the phone back to her ear, just barely keeping herself from gasping when the rough pad of Neito’s finger brushes over her clit. 
“Uh, yes! Yes, I’m here, I’m sorry just-” Millicent can’t help it, she arches, pushing her breast more firmly into Neito’s hand. He’s hard now, and pulsing, wiggling closer until his cock is pressed flush against her ass and his fingers are dipping into her wetness. 
“Hitting the hay after you finish talking to me? No problem! I get it, you need your rest, still, just one more thing-”
Millicent considers tossing the phone, or making a terrible crackling and hissing noise like the connection is bad, but no one would buy that and Neito would tease her for it. He’ll tease her for this, is already gearing up for it, pressing his mouth against her ear, uncaring of the hair in his face-
“Just couldn’t bear to leave me this morning?” He asks quietly, and he sounds so infuriatingly pleased with himself. He groans just soft enough that her boss won't hear it as he plays with her, fingers growing wet. “You really did miss me, didn’t you, Dollface?” 
Millicent would normally snap at him, would pinch his cheek for being so ridiculously insufferable - never mind that it's a near-permanent setting. Now, trapped as she still is with her boss on the line, and unwilling to concede the game, all she can do is try to silently return the favor. She presses back against him, biting down on her bottom lip to keep from making any noise and let’s her head fall back onto his shoulder, eyes fluttering shut. Neito breathes in sharply, mouth finding her neck again, the soft, sweet kisses from before turning into something decidedly more carnal. They’re messy now, hot on her skin, winding desire tighter and tighter in her abdomen, even while her boss rambles about flats of books and displays and customers-
“That’s good, you know, because I missed you too. Terribly. As soon as I finished work for the day, as soon as I went back to that agency sanctioned hotel room, it crushed me to find it empty. No sweet smile for me to enjoy, my arms empty of you- I only had my memories for company and they’re nowhere near as warm without you to help reenact them.”
Millicent starts to whimper and then promptly turns it into a cough, pulling the phone away from her face in the hopes that her boss didn’t catch that particular noise. She’d never be able to- Neito plucks at her nipple again, just enough to make her shiver and then slides his hand up her chest, fingers stroking over her collarbone and then splaying. 
“Millicent?” She hears, just as Neito changes his mind. He snags her free hand, lacing his fingers through hers and lifts them to his mouth. He kisses one of her fingertips, two, and then closes his lips around the second digit, lovely blue eyes full of mirth and heat. As soon as his tongue touches her skin, fierce desire strikes her faster than a rolling storm, lighting up every nerve in her hands, in her body, making her hyper aware of every place they’re touching. And that is the end of it.
“I- I really have to go,” Millicent says, voice rough, and before her boss can interject, can say something inane or ask after Millicent’s health, she rushes through her goodbye. “I’ll- tomorrow, and just, have a good day? Thanks, bye.” She hangs up. She knows she sounded awkward and stilted, and that her boss may yet have more questions for her as soon as she comes through the door tomorrow, but she’s too eager for Neito to care. She’s careful with the phone, pulling out of Neito’s warm embrace, but only because she doesn’t want to break the damn thing. Now she can devote all of her attention to her brat of a boyfriend. 
He laughs when he sees the serious expression on her face, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as the phone is set gently on the nightstand. Neito isn’t laughing when Millicent turns back to face him though, when she’s pushing him back, fingers heavy on his sternum, nails digging gently into his skin. His smile fades away, overtaken by lust. His cheeks are flushed and the muscles of his chest and stomach are tensing, eyes darting from her face, to her bare chest and further down, like he can’t decide where to look. He licks his lips, pale pupils near swallowing the blue of his irises and Millicent wants to grin.
“Alright, Goblin, turnabout is fair play, isn’t it?” She asks, dragging her nails gently down his chest as she straightens up. Millicent stands so she can shimmy her panties down over her hips, moving just a little slower to try and tease him. She kicks them away and then carefully climbs onto the bed, a smile growing as his breath starts to come a little faster. He looks thunderstruck, which undermines the serious tone he tries to take on. 
“There’s no turnabout here,” Neito insists, trying to smooth out the edges of desperate want in the tense lines of his body. There’s no denying it with him so hard though, with the way he’s watching her, like she’s the only thing he’s ever wanted. “After all, I wasn’t the one who had to call in, was I?”
“You’re a brat, Neito.” He’s maddening sometimes, pushing buttons, and that terribly haughty look on his face, but.. He snags her hand again, kissing each of her fingertips, knowing how much that drives her crazy in a good way. “The best brat,” Millicent amends and Neito breathes out, eyelids growing heavy. 
“I’ll admit to that,” he murmurs, tugging gently at her wrist so she’ll come closer, and it isn’t even surprising. Descriptors like best, or excellent or greatest always stroke his ego in exactly the right way, learned from years of their push-and-pull friendship, and now- “Would you like to find out what else I can do well?”
Millicent just barely keeps from snorting, but she leans down to kiss him, slow and steady, the taste of his lips lingering on her tongue as she lifts her head to speak. “I know what you do well,” she says, heart thrilling when his hands curl around her hips. “Show me again anyway.”
It’s exactly what Neito wants to hear. Millicent lets him roll her onto her back, settling himself between her thighs as he kisses her, stoking that eagerness back into a fierce ache. He has her sighing into his kisses within moments, little pleased noises that make him rut against her and then Neito is turning her face to the side, mouth moving to her neck. His lips and tongue make her pulse speed, but it’s the way he rolls his hips, once, twice, slowly and carefully pressing himself inside her that leaves Millicent breathless. She tangles her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, gasping his name as he licks at the hollow of her throat. Millicent rocks back against his shallow thrusts to push him deeper, but Neito tsks against her neck. 
"Didn't you want me to show you?” Neito asks, trying to smirk, trying to put forth that haughty demeanor he’s so terribly fond of. It doesn’t quite work with Millicent’s legs curled around his hips though, with that lovely blush still staining his cheeks and that earnestness in his eyes.
“I thought you’d already started?” Millicent teases, and Neito’s thrust falters when she tugs gently on his hair. “Thought maybe-” He smoothly interrupts her with another kiss, mouth warm and eager, picking his pace back up. Millicent lets go of his hair, hand drifting down to cradle his jaw, to stroke along his cheekbone, but Neito takes hold of it, lacing their fingers together and pressing her arm back onto the bed. He does the same with her other hand, breaking the kiss only after she starts to moan, the vibration of it sweet on his lips. “Keep going, Neito,” Millicent murmurs, and then Neito’s breath is hitching. 
As familiar as Neito is with her wants and desires, Millicent can claim the same. She knows just how to egg him on, to whisper how good he feels every time he presses in close, ending a thrust with a brush over her clit. To tell him how much she did miss him, how eager she was to take the day off of work because she wanted this, wanted him, wants-
“Fuck yes,” Neito gasps, every whispered detail of what he’s doing right, every word of Millicent’s praise spurring him on. He lets go of her hands, taking hold of her thighs to pull her along with him as he straightens up and the changing angle has the both of them shuddering. 
Millicent curls her fingers into the sheets, hips arching when he drags a hand over her stomach and all the way down to her clit. He strokes small, gentle circles over her, soft at first, but growing stronger, more firm with every positive noise she makes, with every little shudder in her thighs. It takes him a moment to adjust, to find a steady rhythm that works with his thrusts, but it’s more than worth it when Millicent whimpers. 
“Yes, yes Neito, just like that,” Millicent gasps, and that little smirk flashes on his face for half a second before he’s back to concentrating, thighs tensing as he tries to hold himself steady.
“This is everything I wanted,” he says, panting, stomach muscles contracting as he gets closer, gaze starting to grow hazy. “Back in bed with you, the- the way you say my name-” He bites down on his bottom lip, blue eyes roving over Millicent’s body, but lingering on the way she smiles at him, on her fingers, starting to tremble in their fierce grip on the sheets. “I’m getting close,” he confesses and then he’s cursing as she tightens around him, jaw starting to go slack.
“Don’t stop,” Millicent begs, and then Neito is leaning over her, his hand still working steady at her clit, thrusts growing short and shallow as he tries to hold on for her. His mouth finds her neck again, nipping gently and then Millicent is saying his name repeatedly, soft and sweet and growing louder, breathless as she comes, shaking apart in his arms.    
Neito follows after her with a sharp gasp, losing his rhythm, eyes falling closed as he slows and finally stills. When Millicent’s hands stroke up his sides, Neito shivers, breath warm against her throat.
“You really did want to reenact memories, didn’t you?” Millicent whispers and then Neito is cursing again, twitching as he carefully pulls out of her and flops onto his back. 
“Copycat,” he accuses, as soon as they’re both back on their pillows, sated and warm and pressed in close again. “Trying to one up me, whispering sweet little nothings into my ear-”
“Trying?” Millicent asks archly, tapping at his collarbone. Neito seizes her hand, bringing it back to his lips. “I rather think I succeeded,” she shoots back, heart starting to beat faster when he kisses over her knuckles. “You deserve it anyway, riling me up while I was on the phone that way.” 
Neito laughs. “I think you rather enjoyed it,” he teases and then his mouth is running again, that infuriating little smirk back on his face when she starts to scowl. Millicent has to shut him up with another kiss, but that’s hardly a complaint.
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kwrittink · 4 years
Pairing: F!Reader x AdoptedBrother!Jungkook
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Warnings: Language, mentions of drinking
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Your head hurt. 
"You don't look good, do you need anything?" Hoseok's worried tone made you look up at him, meeting his gaze at the top of the divider. Smiling softly, you shook your head. 
"I'm fine... After a coffee, I'll be as good as new," you started with a sigh, then chuckling at the doubtful look your coworker gave you. "I promise I'll be at peak productivity once caffeine hits my system." You continued to try and reassure him, knowing he - as a supervisor of the team - would probably nag you to take the day off and come back once renewed, to not harm the general productivity"
"I don't know Y/N, after your party yesterday even I am not feeling whole," he snickered and you scoffed back at him. You wished he wouldn't bring the previous day yet, not ready to dwell with anything that happened yet. Your head continued to throb painfully. 
"That's because you're a lightweight Hobi," NamJoon, always a beacon of salvation, came around with a steamy cup of coffee and placed it in front of your relieved eyes, your gratitude represented by a squeeze on his hand and a small groan as you sipped at the beverage. "You drank three beers and was practically passing out on Y/N's couch, you can't say anything about anyone." He stated with a chuckle, to what Hoseok responded with a roll of his eyes, showing his tongue at your best friend playfully. 
"Yeah and besides, after the project's celebration in the afternoon, we didn't drink much more," your whole body jolted at the sound of TaeHyung's voice right beside you, as he rolled his chair beside you. 
"Well, I mean I didn't, Y/N, on the other hand, had her birthday shots like a champ," and you were glad he was acting so casually but respectfully enough to just bump your arm lightly after that remark. You turned to him, forcing a grin. 
"After closing off that deal on my birthday, I think I deserved that." You tried to sound playful, and maybe fooled most of the presents, since there was a general chuckle in agreement to what you said. Still, when you glanced at NamJoon, he had a piercing stare on your face underneath the grin, that made you shrink a little. Lunch would be probably spent on the roof that day. 
But in the meanwhile, as you let the coffee do its magic and everyone went back to their posts, you started to work on your side projects, the 'A.R.M.Y.' clothing line something in the back of your mind, just postponed for a bit. Your phone buzzed for the fifth time that morning but you weren't sure you wanted to read yet another sweet message coming from TaeHyung, that had his ways to be charming but clearly just wanted to seduce you out of your pants. And let's be honest, you were letting him. You had to admit Mou was right from the start about his crush on you and it was somewhat tempting to let things happen given all the silent promises his kiss made you. 
Yes, that happened. As you put your phone on silent, you decided to never again let the tequila make decisions. Even if it had been the best kiss you've had in a couple of years. No, no Y/N focus back on work. 
That simple task though, was proving to be very difficult to accomplish itself. Not only because you had to see TaeHyung and work with him for a couple of minutes that morning and kept reenacting the scene in your head every moment your eyes fell to his lips, but because the man that had resurfaced from hell apparently made his job to make your life difficult by sending friendly emails and a basket of a selection of treats from Jin's patisserie to the crew, which started some rumors about you and the young man. 
"What exactly is this mess and why haven't you told me anything?" That was the first questioning made by NamJoon as soon as he was freed to lunch - the couple minutes of lateness had made you hopeful he wouldn't show up and you'd be spared from exactly that - and sat on the floor in front of you, grasping the delicious looking croissant from your hands. You sighed, defeated. It was time for a recollection of events. 
"Look, first of all, I have no idea why people do what they do, so this is just me telling things from my perspective," you started, raising a finger when NamJoon tried to interrupt you with some indignant remark, you guessed. "Please refrain to question me till I finish my report." You warned, causing your friend to roll his eyes in annoyance, but gesturing in an urging manner. 
You cleared your throat. "Well, as we know I made the very stupid decision of scheduling a meeting with the new owner of 'A.R.M.Y.' Jeon JungKook - formerly Y/L/N JungKook - in the same day of my birthday. Still, with my grace and professionalism, the deal was closed successfully with minor changes, almost circumstantial-"
"You're bullshitting me, that's the part I know, Y/N. I want to hear about why in god's name he and his business partner arrived at the party, in casual clothes, and why you decided that of all days, it was a good moment to start sucking face with Kim TaeHyung!" 
Even though you had asked him to question you later, you let NamJoon call you up on the bullshit because god knows you were buying time. "I made a mistake. It was the tequila talking, I didn't even want to invite JungKook, I just casually mentioned to JiMin there would be a small party at mine's..." By that point, you were holding your head in exasperation. 
"But I'd never even imagined that they would actually show up! Mainly Jeon, after what happened at the bar,"
"Wait, what happened at the bar? Stop withholding information, I want to understand because drunk me didn't have the headspace to do so yesterday." He said, and it made you snort remembering how friendly NamJoon had been to JungKook - and that boy had such a blinding smile at the time that it almost felt like nothing had ever happened before. 
"If you let me organize the events in my head for a second I will tell the story in all its coherency," you quipped, glaring at your friend that had started munching at your share of goodies. Not that you mind at that point. "The afternoon was really a blur, to be honest. We finished our meeting by lunchtime, but after Park JiMin insisted that we celebrated both JungKook's first closed deal and my birthday - that was TaeHyung's fault entirely -, we headed straight to the bar where I, not in my best judgment, decided to do some shots with JiMin, the little devil,"
"But you also drank with him at your place, I just don't get-" 
"The little shit knows how to use the puppy eyes, I never stood a chance," you pinched the bridge of your nose in mild embarrassment after recalling how you had for the second time fell into JiMin's death trap and accepted doing even more shots of alcohol later on. "As I was saying, mistakes were made. I was just chatting amicably with that man and invited him to my celebration out of politeness and respectfulness. I should have noticed that something was off when he asked if the invite extended to Jeon as well, but my clouded mind..." You sighed. At that time you were clearly developing a crush for JiMin, that after shedding off his suit coat to 'be serious about this' as he had said, switched on a completely different kind of charm. NamJoon stared at you completely still, eager to hear the rest. "Anyways, I said yes with my mind at ease, sure JungKook wouldn't even think of showing up, but there he was at my door dressed like no less of a jock walking into a frat house, wasn't he?" 
"Even after the thing that happened at the bar that you still haven't told me about," your friend stressed, and you nodded, pained. "And we have like, half an hour for you to explain that and why you and TaeHyung were kissing in the kitchen."
You glared at him, breathing in to continue. "Right about when we were leaving - TaeHyung and I arrived together at my place as you probably recall, and we were kind of flirting there already but that's not so important - I went to the bathroom to check my state, a little wobbly from the drinks. I may have stumbled on the way out and JungKook just happened to be there, steading me by the arm. After I thanked him and was to leave, he grabbed my elbow again, saying that he had never forgotten me or my birthday... I brushed him off but he kept insisting, so I may or may not have told him to fuck off. I was sure that would keep him away but for some reason, Jeon not only showed up at my house but is now sending me messages, emails, and gifts for m-me and my te-team!" Your own sobbing took you by surprise, NamJoon springing into action and moving to sit by your side, pulling your body by the shoulder to his chest in a comforting manner. 
"Hey, I know it's a lot and overwhelming to see him after so long and so suddenly but... Maybe, you know, he wants to fix things?" NamJoon's hand came to pat your head endearingly as you tried to hold off the tears to avoid messing your makeup. Long ago you've told yourself to never cry about JungKook again. 
"But after all these years? Why should I let him walk up back into my life after he rejected me like that? After my parents died and he finally got his heritage-" 
"I know, he left when we all needed him the most and never cared to look back. But it's been years and maybe he's grown more to realize he was wrong, yes?" As he reasoned, you knew NamJoon had a point. JungKook was the last thing of a family you had left, but it still hurt too much to just let him step in without a single apology. "Sure that your issue with him is much complicated, so I bet he has no idea how to truly approach you to apologize." 
At that, you glanced up at him with a frown. "What do you mean?"
"Well," NamJoon looked up before facing you again, a knowing smile on his lips that had your heart racing. "It's always been complicated with you two." 
After lunch - not that you had eaten much, being quite honest -, you decided to finally open the messages ignored earlier in your phone. Two different unknown numbers? You frowned at your screen, scrolling to see the rest of the notifications. And three messages from TaeHyung. Sigh. 
The first one was - and that surprised you - from Park JiMin's personal number as he stated, letting you know he had asked for your number to your boss and hoped you wouldn't be mad about it. Preposterous, you wanted to write back but decided for just greeting him back and letting him know you were at disposition for anything he needed. You've already overstepped the professional bounds enough the day before. 
You skipped the second message, which was clearly from JungKook, from the late hours of the night. At your party, he was the only one you practically didn't speak to and he could have been more uncomfortable but drunk NamJoon made sure to introduce him to your friends... But as whom? You suddenly questioned yourself, wondering what the doofus you called a best friend could have said your relation to JungKook was. 
The three-line texts from TaeHyung were the ones for that morning, till right about you arrived at the company. It was a good morning text, very sweet to say the least, then thanks for the good work and party invite... And a more risqué one, where he asked you out for a proper date and put himself to disposition if you wanted to do what he called 'a sober repeat' of what happened at your kitchen. You blinked at the screen after reading the contents, wanting to giggle but keeping yourself at ease since you were in a work environment. Still, you texted him back with a winky face, just for the sake of teasing. Clearly a mistake to date people from work - not that the company prohibited, but it wasn't recommended - but you wanted to indulge yourself with that for a while as a distraction. You could only trust TaeHyung was as chill as he had been with his other affairs. 
Putting your phone away, you left on read JungKook's message, not even bothering to save his number. You still had to answer his emails, being the team leader of that project, but it would be very clear that you were speaking to him out of obligation. Still, it wasn't as if you couldn't hear his voice as you read the message, his soft but deep tone asking you to please talk to him. 
"Hey Y/N, I wonder if you're free today?" The voice that woke you up Sunday morning was no less than Park JiMin's, and you had to stare at your mobile screen for a solid second to convince yourself you weren't hallucinating. "Oh, you sound sleepy, I'm so sorry if woke you..." You snickered, rolling out of bed with a small groan. It wasn't that early anyway so you really didn't mind. 
"It's okay, I overslept. I usually wake earlier than this, but yesterday..." 
"Oh yeah, you told me you'd be working late. Hope everything went well," you thanked his good wishes, feeling slightly bad lying to him. You truly had work on Saturday, which was already unusual. But you've only stayed till late that night because you decided to spend your frustrations - as NamJoon had put it so beautifully after your birthday - sucking Kim TaeHyung's face in the break room, since there wasn't anyone around on that floor. Completely impromptu of your part but highly enjoyable. "Still, I wanted to know if you perchance would mind going with me to Jin's Patisserie, they're holding this event today and I don't really have female friends I can go with so..." JiMin trailed off and you frowned, wondering what event he could be referring to.
Oh, the Fairy Tale's couple event- What's that bullshit he doesn't have anyone to go with? The thing with JiMin was that since your birthday you've been friendly texting back and forth, actually turning into casual friends as well as having a professional relationship. Again, something not recommended by the company - and your boss - but you just let it happen because Park JiMin was very pleasant to talk to. Even if you had problems with his business partner. 
"Is not that I mind, but I don't think I'm a good candidate for this if you want to participate. I've told you I'm actually friends with the owner so winning that will be a little difficult," you tried to reason with a chuckle, to which he also giggled at the other side of the line. 
"Yes, I'm aware of that. But you're also the only one that I can go casually and enjoy all the cute foods without having to pretend I was dragged by my date," he admitted, and you had to laugh, happy that he felt at ease with you. But wait, did he called that a date somehow? "So, what do you say? Wanna go eat some cute food with me?"
Nah, he's just talking in general. We're just friends, I guess. You thought, humming in fake pondering at the proposal. "Well, I guess I could indulge in some extra cute and sugary event for you," you teased, hearing his quiet cheering at the other side. It was funny that he liked cute stuff - tiny, animal-shaped stuff was his favorite -, but after getting to know him better you decided it really fit the cheerful and sympathetic man that now co-owned the stylish and popular 'A.R.M.Y.' clothing line and usually posed as classy and sexy to the outside world. "What time do you want to meet there?"
"I'll pick you up around 11:30, sounds good?" He stated and you were immediately aware that there wasn't space for discussion to that. So after confirming the time, you said your goodbye's, so you could get your day going and be ready on time. 
It was a little coincidental for you to be in such relationships with men in the surroundings of your life, but you were trying to not think too much of that. Sure, TaeHyung was fun and not complicated, and JiMin was surely someone who you preferred to keep at arm's length, even though playful flirtation and NamJoon's advice to not let things escalate with your most estimated client. Oh, that's right, I've got to text NamJoon about my whereabouts, you reminded yourself, quickly writing a text to your best friend with a short resume of this morning's call. 
NamJoon was someone that always had something to say and, most of the time could read you like an open book. It didn't mean that you followed his advice, sometimes you went against them out of pure spite. Kim TaeHyung happened again because of that. 
"You seem to be trying to compensate the frustration you've always had about JungKook with TaeHyung," He had said at lunchtime on that fateful Saturday. After you had - finally - told him about how you and the TI trainee happened, he had concluded that it wasn't a healthy move in the long term. "That could only end up in heartbreak for one of the parts and knowing you, it will be from his side, as much as an easygoing person he seems to be. And you won't be able to live with yourself for using him like that." You mocked him under your breath after that, a little hurt that he'd actually say you were using TaeHyung. Just the way he was having fun before, you were having fun with him, that was very clear. Wasn't it? 
"I think that you should make that clear to the boy, Y/N." Mou spoke at the other side of the line, while you got ready to go out with JiMin, already running a little late due to a guilt trip in the shower. "I mean, I told you he has a crush on you, and it's been months." 
"But he's been fooling around since he came to the company," you tried to reason while deciding on a top that would be cute, albeit discreet. You couldn't be giving mixed signals to JiMin too, right?
"Yes but, that's exactly what you two haven't been doing, right?" She countered, making you sigh deeply. You two had only kissed twice despite texting and hinting at further stuff, which was fine for you, it made you polish your flirting skills from time to time. "From what you've told me he really wants to go at it with you but isn't being extremely persuasive about it. He's been taking his time, waiting for you. Enjoying your company." Dating me, she means. You rolled your eyes, mostly at yourself, realizing quite well what NamJoon had been telling you. Maybe you were doing TaeHyung wrong, after all. Maybe you should talk to him about the whole thing. 
"What I don't get is why you wouldn't consider dating him for real, though."
Well, that was a complicated explanation to give to anybody else but you knew exactly why. Sure, it called - screamed - for therapy and you considered doing it once daily, but the sole reason why you didn't consider dating anyone for real was that after all these years, you weren't able to get over that man. Jeon JungKook, as he was now. 
It was still hurtful to remember how he had disappeared from your life, even more after that extreme action he had right before storming out of that room. You never stopped thinking about it. 
That kiss. His damned lips that seared a curse deep into your soul, giving you a small sample of reciprocated feelings after all those years living with them hidden deep into your being. You loathed him, but couldn't bring yourself to hate and, now he was back into your life. The effects of that were clear. 
"Well, that's-" And as if you had predicted it, a notification from JiMin telling he was five minutes from your house popped on the screen, cutting the conversation short. With a swift goodbye you promised to get back at Mou about the whole deal - hoping she'd forget by then - and hanged up, grabbing the first long casual dress you owned and a jacket, deeming it fine for a friendly hangout.
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paladin-lynx · 4 years
SquipJere Week 2020, Day 2: Virtual Reality
@squipjerebmc’s SquipJere Week 2020 Day 2: Virtual Reality
Ships Involved: The SQUIP x Jeremy Heere (Technical Difficulties/Squipemy/Squeremy/JereSquip/SquipJere)
Setting: Canonverse, set in the time interval between “Loser Geek Whatever” and “Halloween”.
Trigger/Content Warnings: Non-graphic mentions of pornography and masturbation
It seemed that even with an artificially intelligent Tic Tac in his head, life could still be awfully boring sometimes.
When the SQUIP wasn’t having him practice his posture or coaching him on how to ‘think cooler thoughts,’ Jeremy was pretty much left to his own devices. He had new friends that he could potentially call up to hang out with – he had taken an indefinite rain check on Rich’s invite to come over – but he still didn’t feel like he knew them well enough to be alone with them, and his usual Player One was out of the picture for right now. It was different when Jeremy was at school; in a way, he felt like once he left this house and stepped through the doors of Middleborough High, he was a different person. Sure, the SQUIP was trying to keep his habits and interests consistent regardless of where he went, but it was still much too tempting to recede back into himself when he was in the safety of his own home.
But there was only so much he could do when he was by himself. It wasn’t like he wanted to spend all his time doing homework and researching the newest trends so that he could stay ‘in the now’ – or was it ‘in the know?’ – and his games started to feel repetitive after a while and he wasn’t about to spend the money to buy new ones. And he couldn’t watch porn without the SQUIP knowing, of course. There were a handful of times he wondered if he should ask his father if he wanted to do something, even just watch a movie, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle seeing his father waddling around in just his robe and underwear. It was a constant reminder of why he’d gotten his SQUIP in the first place.
And so here he was, sprawled on his bed and staring up at his ceiling. The SQUIP had made him take down the glow-in-the-dark stars that he and Michael had stuck up there God knew how many years ago, deeming them too juvenile for a high school junior. And some of them had only been hanging on by one point, so maybe it was time to peel them off anyway. Jeremy had woken up with the cheap little stars littered on his bed and carpet too many times before.
He let out a long-suffering sigh, deciding that counting the dings and marks above him was better than just being alone with his thoughts. When he thought too much, he just ended up feeling sorry for himself.
Of course, then he remembered that he did, in fact, have a supercomputer in his head.
He had hardly even opened his mouth to summon the SQUIP before its physical form fizzled into existence next to the bed, standing over him. It raised an eyebrow. “What can I do for you, Jeremy?”
Of course it knew he had wanted to speak with it. Jeremy breathed out through his nose, looking up at the face above him. “Entertain me, SQUIP.”
It huffed, rolling its eyes and shaking its head. Jeremy would expect such movement to mess up anyone’s hair, but of course the SQUIP’s stayed perfectly styled. “I’m a Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor, Jeremy. My infinite wealth of data and my connection to your mind is meant to be used to help you achieve your most difficult goals in life. I’m not a toy for you to play with.”
Jeremy pouted. “Well, I’m bored, so my goal right now is to be entertained.”
The SQUIP frowned at him in return. “That isn’t a difficult goal. You have plenty to entertain yourself with.”
“You won’t let me get off, which is how I normally keep myself busy.”
“Because you need a sexual partner that isn’t your own hand. And you need to get your libido in check regardless.”
“Well then, what do you suggest?”
“Call up Brooke.”
“You have all these video game systems and just the other day you were telling me how much you love indulging in nostalgia.”
“Not feelin’ up to games right now.”
“Watch TV? Or a movie?”
The SQUIP sighed, rubbing a hand over its face. “Honestly, dear, there are so many things you could do, and you’re asking me to find something to cure your boredom?”
Jeremy flashed a bashful smile. “Yup.” He knew he might end up getting on the SQUIP’s nerves – circuits? – if he pushed like this, but he couldn’t help it. The SQUIP had eased up a little in its lessons because Jeremy had been doing well, so he felt like he had a little room to argue. Besides, there was something oddly satisfying about seeing the SQUIP at a loss.
Of course, as he thought that, the SQUIP leaned down a little closer, narrowing those sharp eyes. “Are you trying to stump me, Jeremy? Because I’ll have you know that that’s an impossible task.”
And just like that, Jeremy felt his stomach flip and his streak of confidence faded away. He swallowed the lump in his throat and steeled himself, shaking his head. “I just want something to do, come on.”
The SQUIP sighed, straightening back up. It tilted its head, and Jeremy could feel the familiar, albeit barely noticeable, buzz at the back of his mind as the SQUIP analyzed the situation.
Finally, it blinked back to awareness and extended a hand to Jeremy, who flinched slightly on instinct.
“Come on. Get up,” it commanded.
Jeremy furrowed his brow. “What?”
“Up.” The SQUIP frowned and reached to instead take Jeremy’s hand itself. The SQUIP’s hand was cool to the touch and Jeremy knew that there wasn’t really anything there and that the SQUIP was just manipulating his nerves and puppeting his limbs as he was pulled to his feet.
Jeremy tried to ignore the way his cheeks warmed as he awkwardly stood there, the SQUIP still gripping his hand. “Um, okay. M’up. Now what?”
It smiled at him. “Close your eyes, love.”
Jeremy bit his lip, hesitating, but after a moment he obeyed and his eyes fluttered shut.
“Good. Now, I want you to tell me a place. Any place, real or fictional.”
Jeremy’s brow creased. “Why?”
The SQUIP tutted at him. “Always with the questions. You wanted me to entertain you, and I need you to trust me. So tell me a place.”
Jeremy wasn’t entirely certain where this was going – the SQUIP had a bad habit of being overly explicit with some of its plans and then so incredibly vague about others – but he did try to think of a place. But with how bored he’d been, he wasn’t feeling terribly creative.
“I dunno. Uh, Hogwarts.” He could practically feel the SQUIP’s disappointment in his nerdy answer and he scrambled to defend himself. “C-c’mon, Harry Potter is super popular and mainstream!”
“Not with how Mrs. Rowling has been behaving herself recently. But I digress. Keep your eyes closed.”
Jeremy pouted but he listened, keeping his eyes shut. He was tempted to open them just to spite the SQUIP but he refrained, curiosity getting the better of him. He could feel the SQUIP poking and prodding at his brain – it wasn’t painful, but the sensation of something manipulating his thoughts and senses would never not be weird – and at one point it even felt like his eyes were itchy. But he still obeyed the order given to him and waited.
“Alright. You can open them now.”
Warily, Jeremy cracked open one eye before they both flew open and his jaw dropped. Still holding the SQUIP’s hand, he found himself staring at none other than the Great Hall of Hogwarts. Every little detail was there, from the floating candles to the grand windows to the Houses’ tables. Despite him being positive it was the middle of the day, it was clearly nighttime outside and the firelight was the only thing allowing him to see.
“H-holy shit,” he mumbled. “Is this…is this like virtual reality?”
The SQUIP chuckled. “I’d say it’s better, considering it’s right in your mind rather than through some headset or screen.” It waved a hand to gesture around them. “Not feeling so bored anymore, are you?”
“Definitely not!” Jeremy grinned, already thinking about all the places he could ask the SQUIP to send him to. He knew it was nothing more than a hallucination and the SQUIP had made him see plenty of things before that weren’t really there, but he was too in awe to care that it wasn’t real. He pulled his hand away from the SQUIP.
He could feel the SQUIP frown and reach out for him again. “Jeremy—”
But the boy was already racing forward, eager to explore. However, as he hurried down the aisle between two of the tables, he yelped as he slipped on something, arms waving wildly as he tried to find his balance.
As he thought he was about to tumble backwards, a pair of strong arms caught his waist and he found himself staring up, red in the face, at the SQUIP.
The SQUIP let out another chuckle. “There’s only so much I can control,” it explained, motioning to the floor. When Jeremy looked down, there was a sock standing out against the dark floor of the hall, and he realized that must have been what he had slipped on.
“Oh…Right, we’re actually still in my room,” he murmured, gaze swiveling back up the SQUIP, who was still holding him in what was almost a dip. He just blinked dumbly up at the supercomputer, mouth too dry for him to ask to be let go.
The SQUIP broke into a little smirk and pulled Jeremy back to his feet, although its arms didn’t move from their place around the boy’s waist. “I didn’t think this hall would fit the moniker of ‘great’ if it was reduced to the size of your bedroom, so there are limits to where you can move around. But even if you can’t tell where the illusion ends, I can…”
It raised one hand to snap its fingers, and Jeremy flinched as music flooded the hall from seemingly nowhere. He blinked at the SQUIP yet again, confused, before his blush returned full-force as the SQUIP took one of his hands in its own, the other settled against his hip. “Wh—”
“Come on, Jeremy, I know you had to learn how to slow dance with your mother for your Bar Mitzvah. Just follow my lead.”
Stunned, Jeremy mindlessly moved his free hand to the SQUIP’s shoulder. He decided not to linger on the mention of his mother and he also decided not to point out that he’d been taught to lead in that dance, not follow – although perhaps that didn’t matter because that dance back then had barely lasted two minutes and Jeremy had always been better as a follower than a leader anyway. Always the Player Two, although that was hopefully beginning to change.
And so he let the SQUIP lead, and soon enough they were sweeping through the Great Hall, and only after a solid minute did Jeremy notice that the House tables were gone, leaving them more room. The SQUIP was rather fluid in its movements for a machine – then again, the SQUIP wasn’t your average machine – and it led Jeremy in such a way that he realized it must be making sure he didn’t trip over or bump into anything that was actually in his bedroom that he couldn’t see. Unsure of what he was supposed to do in his role, he ended up watching their feet until he felt an unseen force gently tipping his chin up, making him gasp softly.
He expected the SQUIP to make fun of him like it so often did, but instead it just gave him what he dared to call a fond smile. “Come on, dear. Have some fun. This is all for you.” He felt his muscles start to loosen up a bit and a wave of calm washed over him. “That’s it. Enjoy yourself. You wanted me to entertain you, didn’t you?”
And with the SQUIP’s mental nudges, Jeremy did start to get more into it. He was no ballroom expert by any means, but with the SQUIP guiding him, he was able to follow along easily enough after having a few moments to adjust. Soon he was laughing and at one point the SQUIP even made it look like they were wearing matching suits, and Jeremy tried not to focus on the fact that the SQUIP looked absolutely dashing in a suit.
Of course, even if the thought was fleeting, the SQUIP caught it and broke into a small grin. “You clean up quite nicely, too, Jeremiah.”
“Oh, don’t ruin it by calling me that,” Jeremy protested, the tips of his ears feeling hot. The SQUIP laughed and gave him a twirl, and before he could really process what was happening, Jeremy felt himself fall back and he was suddenly in his room again, laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. Still no glow-in-the-dark stars.
“What?” he breathed out, hurriedly sitting up.
The SQUIP was sitting in his desk chair, back to its normal sleek outfit, smiling. “I figured that was enough excitement for one day. Don’t think I forgot that you have an English essay to write.”
Jeremy groaned, flopping back on the bed. “That wasn’t even that long!”
“Wasn’t it?”
Jeremy’s eyebrows furrowed and he leaned over to check his clock radio, surprised to see that indeed quite a bit of time had passed. It had only really felt like a few minutes, but maybe that was another trick on his mind.
Still, he frowned over at the SQUIP. “I don’t wanna write my essay,” he whined.
The SQUIP let out a soft laugh and sauntered over, brushing a hand against Jeremy’s cheek and tilting his head up to look at it. “If you do some work, perhaps we can have some more fun later. Hm?”
Jeremy wasn’t sure if the SQUIP meant for that to sound as suggestive as it did, but then again, the SQUIP was in his brain and knew exactly how he’d take a statement like that. Which was how it knew that he’d listen and get to his feet.
As Jeremy grumpily sat down at his desk, the SQUIP smirked at him. “If you get the whole thing done tonight, maybe I’ll even consider wearing a suit again.”
Jeremy’s cheeks burned. “Fuck off.”
He got to work.
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