#I wonder if Johnny ever listened to this alone at night
mooseyspooky · 4 months
my top 10 songs right now for @lovely-lady-fox and @staticspxcelover (using youtube and Spotify cause I cannot be stopped)
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cerise-on-top · 10 months
Poly!141 x Reader
Imagining being in a happy and healthy relationship with these four has worked wonders for my mental health, it's unbelievable. So naturally, I was gonna write something about this. And I will write about this again because they bring me so much joy and I adore these lads.
Once the fighting is done and they can finally relax with each other and you, no matter how brief the respite may be, you can be absolutely certain you’ll be caught between Johnny and Kyle. John is usually too busy to come cuddle immediately and Simon needs to be coaxed into the pile. It doesn’t take a lot of coercion, though. If he’s tired enough you can simply beckon him closer and he’ll wrap himself around whoever’s nearest.
John needs to be dragged away from work, though, which is a lot harder to accomplish. Fortunately, Simon is strong enough to simply pick him up and carry him to the couch. John proceeds to tell all of you that he’ll indulge you for five minutes only, but that has been a lie every single time since he has a tendency to fall asleep when surrounded by the warmth of his beloveds.
It’s fairly domestic with the four of them, actually. Sure, they can be rowdy boys who do like to fight and spar with each other, especially Kyle, Johnny and sometimes Simon, but whoever so graciously cooks that day will receive a kiss on their temple as well as Simon’s assistance. He has a sixth sense for when someone in the household needs something and helps them out however he can. He’s not such a bad cook either, he knows quite a few recipes since he’d been alone for a long time.
Kyle spent a lot of time outside the UK, so he knows quite a bit on how to prepare exotic foods from where he had been. John, too, can cook quite well, even better than Simon. Johnny, however, never really had too much time to learn and it never interested him that much either, but the few recipes he does know he can do really well. If you’re ever in the mood for baking you should call Simon, he actually has taken a liking to it.
As mentioned before, there will be some play-fighting here and there. Most of the time nothing severe happens, but sometimes someone’s ankle gets twisted or a shoulder needs to be put back in place. No one really gets mad, it just happens, but sometimes you have to chime in and tell them to stop before someone gets hurt even worse. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they keep going in secret. They have a surprising amount of energy that needs to be let out.
If they decide to take the sneaky route that day, call John. They do respect and love you, but there’s a good chance John will be more stern with them than you will. If one of you is hurt, then the others will do what they can to keep you happy. If it’s you and you’re a civilian, you can be certain they’re taking turns staying with you and checking in on you to make sure you’re okay. That’s one of the perks of dating several people: If one of you is sick or injured then someone else will always be at home to take care of you.
Game nights happen occasionally. Simon prefers card games since he’s hard to read and they don’t always rely on luck, Johnny likes board games simply because he wants to get on Simon’s nerves from time to time. It never works, but he doesn’t mind that either. Kyle is neutral about it, but will jab at whoever is losing. In the same sentence, though, he sometimes also makes fun of whoever is winning from time to time, especially if they’ve won a few rounds that night already.
John is flexible when it comes to games, he’s just happy to be there with you. Yes, you’re bickering because you’re certain Simon cheated at UNO, but there’s something pleasant about that chaos. It’s not a war he’s fighting, it’s home. It’s his partners getting riled up about something small, such as the dice getting stuck on the table’s leg and showing two numbers at once. It reminds him that that’s what he’s fighting for.
Kyle and Johnny have a tendency to be little shits from time to time. They’re not on base, they don’t need to show proper etiquette all the time and can just let go. Sometimes they’re playing hide-and-seek with one of them lying in wait for someone unassuming to walk by and scare them, other times they drag whoever is nearby along with them for a stroll to the nearest cafe or bar for a drink or two. If that person is willing, great! If they’re not they’ll simply pick them up and force them outside.
Going drinking with the two of them is fun, though. Johnny can hold his liquor really well, Kyle has learned how to do that as well. If you’re a lightweight then you’re gonna get teased to hell and back about it. It’s not impossible to get them drunk, but Johnny’s gonna take it as a challenge to outdrink you. Once either of you is wasted, you call either John or Simon to pick you up. While they may pretend to be annoyed or disappointed in you, they do think conversing with your drunk selves is fun. Kyle gets a bit less cheeky and more affectionate and Johnny gets even more bold and handsy, but nothing more than that happens. If your drunk self is also more on the affectionate side then you’re gonna get cuddled and kissed like there’s no tomorrow.
If the five of you are proud owners of a house then you’ll find Simon getting into gardening at some point. He bought a house plant at one point because he heard taking care of one is good for your health, and so it started out with a small aloe vera branch he was able to get from an acquaintance. Watching the little plant grow brought him immense joy, so he opted for another one. A few seasons later he started his own mini garden in his backyard, planting watermelons, paprikas, tomatoes, anything that would grow. He trims the apple tree, he harvests the fruit and asks you to bake an apple pie with him.
John gets wind of that and is very proud of Simon for having such a relaxing hobby, helping out whenever he can. If Simon ever gets sick then either you or John are the ones to take care of the plants. Kyle can keep a cactus alive for some time if he tries real hard, Johnny has drowned two cacti already. Simon revoked his plant rights for that one. The plants have names, but only Simon knows them and he won’t tell anyone. The very first few he ever got are named after you, John, Kyle and Johnny.
Even off-duty, John can be rather strict at times. He means well, though. His soldiers are disciplined, most of the time, at least, but sometimes they can act a bit inappropriately, be a bit too energetic when he wants to take a nap. So, sometimes punishment is in order. It’s nothing bad, though. Someone is put on dishwashing duty, maybe having to clean out the basement in general. Small tasks that need doing anyway. He can be a bit more rough if he wants to, but that’s usually mellowed out a bit by him using a soft and kind voice.
It’s rare for either of you to stand up against him because he’s pretty much always in the right, but if you do he’s willing to hear you out. He still has an air of authority around him from time to time, so if some of you are able to change his mind he won’t hold it against you. John is well aware that miscommunication causes a lot of problems, so he will always hear you out, no matter what it is. This goes for other things as well. Had a rough day? Wanna tell someone about the cute stray you saw? He’s the last person to shoo you. In fact, it makes him happy when you tell him those things, it shows him that he’s trustworthy in your eyes and such a thing is worth more than the world’s gold reserves to him.
Johnny adores having an exercise partner, it doesn't matter whether you’re jogging in the morning or straight up lifting weights at the gym. If he can, he'll always drag one of you along, there’s no specific schedule to which one it is either. Normally he asks Kyle since he also goes to the gym from time to time and, being as competitive as they are, they motivate each other quite well to try and raise their limits. If you don’t exercise, for whatever reason, Johnny will try to get you to start doing it. You don’t have to run five kilometers straight, you don’t have to cycle for an hour, but even the smallest of steps would make him incredibly happy. You’re trying, that’s all that matters.
He’s very supportive as well but won’t go overboard. As soon as you get dizzy or your arms or legs get wobbly you will take a break. But no matter what, he’ll always reward you for doing so well. You’ll get a kiss, a hug, a piece of fruit, whatever small thing you want. Always reassures you that you’re not dragging him down either. Yes, he could most definitely run a marathon if he wanted to, but you can’t and that’s okay. Baby steps, you’ll get there eventually. Has a schedule for which exercises he does when. Even if he simply gets to stretch with you in the morning he’s more than happy to take that chance. Might make an inappropriate comment or two during yoga the first few times, though. But you’re dating, so he doesn’t mean anything bad by it. Tell him to tone it down and he will.
Kyle is the type of guy, who, in order to unwind, plays extremely stressful games. Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Sekiro. And yes, he does start swearing up a storm when he’s frustrated enough. Will refuse any and all affection until he’s beaten the boss as well. You can get him to play more relaxing games with you as well, though. Give him a Pokemon game and you’ll find him having caught each and every single one of them at some point. Because he’s a smart cookie he can probably recite some of the Pokedex entries as well. But his favorite games are still the darker games.
Won’t shy away from something along the lines of Team Fortress 2 or Portal either. In fact, he’s probably the one to make the suggestion of playing those games together. Sometimes Simon and you watch him play, with Simon giving him pointers if he’s having a hard time. Naturally, Kyle snaps back from time to time and dares Simon to beat the boss since he’s so smart. Despite being no gamer whatsoever, after a few tries, usually three to four so he can learn the game mechanics and the controls, Simon is able to beat almost any boss, as long as it’s not a rhythm game. Kyle is stumped every time, but you don’t dare to make a sound in case he makes you play next. Is grateful anyway, but a bit embarrassed because what was the last game Simon even played properly? Super Mario World? That was more than 20 years ago.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Perfect(Seth Clearwater)
Paring: Cullen!Imprint!Reader x Seth Clearwater
Summary: Seth never expected to turn into a wolf, let alone imprint. But after the new born army Seth imprents on the youngest Cullen. they become love sick puppies and just try to have the time of their lives at Edward's wedding. (sorry for any spelling errors)
Twilight Master list
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I found a love, for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
Me and Seth hung close together as we walked around the sea of people, Bella and Edward's wedding reception was going off without a hitch. I didn't really want to be here, I hate huge croweds, but it was my big brother's wedding. It also helped I was with Seth.
He knew I didn't really want to do this, so he succeeded at spending the whole making me laugh. During the ceremony we couldn't stop giggling and making jokes about Bella, Sue had to literally sit in between us in the middle of my brothers vows. She found out that separating us wasn't gonna stop us.
This was Seth's first real party and he was always willing to try anything. We were know as the the sweet and innocent couple, we do are best to uphold that name.
“you guys are so cute together” Rose smiled, you knew Seth must be doing something right if someone like Rosalie saw him more as just a 'mutt'.
We tried to run off and get some cupcakes but Rosalie stopped us to get a photo. The first one was sweet but then they started to slowly become unhinged to the point Rose dismissed us. Emmett laughed as we went to sneak some cupcakes behind Alice's back.
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, Not knowing what it was. I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine...
If your wondering I'm the only human in the Cullen family and the only one who has actual documents of Carlisle and Esme adopting me.
I didn't know much about the pack till I befriend Jacob. Dispite my family he had a soft spot for me, I met Seth threw him even. Of course I didn't get to officially meet Seth intill the newborn Fiasco.
What my family nor the pack was prepared for was Seth imprinting on me. Jacob had invited me to a bonfire with the pack and that's when it happened. This of corse cuased some problems with the treaty and all, but with the newborn army coming everyone let it go.
I never felt so happy to have him, I watched my siblings get married and fall in love and I was left by myself, thst was unitll Seth. He had my heart from the start.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath, But you heard it
Darling, you look perfect tonight...
“come on! Dance with me” I said pulling him towrds the swarm of other couples. Seth laughed and spung me around before pulling me to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we swayed to the music in a uncoordinated way, we didn't have to dance like Baby and Johnny from Diry Dancing to have fun.
He took my arms and we just kinda playfully bounced around and bumped each other. Things didn't really calm down till a slow song started to play, wonderful tonight by Eric Clapton started to play.
“may I have this dance?” Seth playfully bowed. “you may” he smiled and pulled me to his chest and way slowly swayed to the soft love song.
Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own...
I looked into his chocolate eyes never wanting this to end. We never really had a moment that didn't involve danger, so it was nice to just have a night of fun and laughter.
“have you ever thought about having a wedding?” Seth asked taking my hand in his and twirled me. I smiled softly. “of course, but we're too young to get married” I chuckled.
He smiled. “I know that...I want get a job and a maybe a small house on the res for us before we do all that”
“sounds like a plan” I smiled.
I knew in the future when it came down to either Seth or the family, I would chose Seth. I love my parents and siblings, they gave me a second chance when they adopted me. But then we move all the time and I'm not taking Seth away from his sister and mother.
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
“you got somthing on your face” I said to Seth as we were eating the cupcakes we we're not supposed to eat yet.
“where?” he asked licking the frosting off this thumb.
I smiled and wiped the frosting on his nose. “there”
“hey” he laughed and his eyes went crossed to look at his now white nose. He stuck his toung out and tried to get it. I laughed at his failed attempts, he gave me an 'oh yeah?' look and wipped some frosting on my cheek. I laughed and pushed him away.
He stumbled backwards and accidentally bumped into Alice. “sorry Alice” he quickly said. She rolled her eyes.
“you guys aren't supposed to eat those yet and please act your ages” I rolled my eyes, Alice wasn't used to Seth yet but I didn't care what she thought. I would fight Seth for as long as it takes.
“we are acting our ages, we're at the prime of our youth and we only live once” I said smiled big, Seth nodded agreeing.
I ment the 'only live once' because that's what I wanted, as much as I loved my family I want to grow old with Seth and have a happy, normal future with him.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark,
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this... Darling, you look perfect tonight
“have I told you how pretty you look tonight” Seth asked as we walked around the house, the music was getting old so we went somewhere more quiter.
I blushed. “Yes, about a million times” I playfully blumbed his shoulder.
“well it's not enough.. I don't deserve to be in the presents of such beauty” he said in his best medieval voice as he playful bowed to me then pulled me into his arms.
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person, And she looks perfect...
Everything seemed to be perfect when I was with him and even if we were just 'kids' I couldn't wait for the future... And whatever desserts we can steal behind Alice's back tonight.
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 10 months
you're the one - j. cage
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a/n: not proud of where my life has taken me, honestly. but this is for the love of my life, luca. hope you all enjoy! likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated! warnings: kissing, suggestive comments, johnny being like the worlds biggest flirt, nothing too crazy, but definitely a lot of sexual innuendos, teasing, inappropriate workplace relationship, kind of, light angst with a happy ending word count: 3.1k summary: you're johnny cage's assistant babysitter agent, and you're his opposite. and yet, he finds himself unapologetically into you. pairing: johnny cage x gn!reader now playing: you're the one - greta van fleet "you're the one i want/you're the one i need/you're the one i had/come on back to me"
You decide you can never be with Johnny Cage in a dingy bar on a Saturday at 11:19 PM.
You’d been his agent for around three months at this point, and you’re always with him, to the point where it became weird that you know so little about each other. And really, it’s a wonder that you lasted so long given how different you are.
You’re awkward, and there’s no harm in it, but you find yourself standing to the side of every movie set, glancing down to your phone to try and find a reason to send an email to someone to distract yourself.
Your relationship history is far and few between, you’ve only started dressing well recently, and you find yourself struggling in crowds and public speaking terrifies you.
Johnny is electric. He has no problem finessing a crowd, has no problem being the center of attention. He’s just unlike anyone you’ve ever met.
So really, you can’t say you’re shocked when you wake up one day and realize that you have in fact, developed feelings for him. It isn’t a tough thing to do, not when he’s always flirting with you.
After a rather large slump in his career, Johnny’s new movies have been doing well in both the box office and with movie watchers all over the country. Really, you became his agent at the perfect time because right after you started, he really became quite the star. Maybe the change of pace behind the camera worked out rather well.
He sort of feels bad, that you’re constantly with him. He doesn’t know when you sleep, because if he isn’t on set or doing press or getting ready to do either, he’s asleep, but every day when you show up to the set, you have a new agenda for him to follow.
When you do it, while also sleeping, eating, and taking care of your own obligations, he doesn’t know.
But one night, after three months of your help, he asks you to grab a drink with him.
(“This isn’t a ploy to get me alone and drunk is it, Cage?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”)
And that’s how you wound up here. You’re dressed more casually than he’s ever seen you, sporting this old band tee and some rather casual jeans. He can’t stop looking at you, and he’s a little confused about it.
He doesn’t get star struck often, but he has this thought, that maybe in one of Liu Kang’s alternate universes, you two ends up together. Maybe he fixes boats in a coastal town, maybe you work at the diner there, maybe you have a dog together. Maybe, in another universe, you and Johnny have a quiet life, where you don’t have much, but you have each other, and that’s enough.
“So how did someone like you end up in a place like this?” he asks, charmingly. You roll your eyes and take another sip of your beer.
“Well, this asshole I work for—”
“He asked me out for a drink, and I don’t know if it’s because I felt obligated because he pays me, or because I genuinely wanted to, but I went out with him.”
“You’re so mean to me.”
“You make up for it, always flirting with me.”
“Can’t say you don’t like it, sweetheart—”
“Listen, Cage—"
“But you never answered my question. How’d you end up in Hollywood? We spend all this time together, yet I feel like I barely know my own assistant.”
“Whatever. Answer the question.”
It’s a loaded one, no doubt, but not one you aren’t willing to answer. You find yourself unable to really keep anything from him, he just needs to know where to look for it, how to interpret it.
“I moved here from home, never
had much of anything—Family, Money, Whatever—Got an internship and before you know it, I’m networking my way to being Johnny Cage’s babysitter—”
“Whatever.” You shoot back, a goofy grin on your face.
“Okay, let me ask you this,” He poises, “Favorite movie?”
You exhale, finding that a near impossible question.
“Oh, and none of mine! Then, it would be too easy!” He grins, and you shoot him this look.
You have a lot of favorite movies.
You take a few minutes before deciding on one.
“Paddington 2.”
“Paddington 2!”
“You cannot be serious!” He gawks. “Paddington 2 over, what? The Shawshank Redemption? Gladiator? Better than Aliens?!”
You take a minute.
“I’ve never seen Aliens.”
“What?! Big alien, tiny girl, Ripley!” He says the main character’s name in this high pitched, annoying tone.
It makes you burst out laughing, and he just laughs at your laugh.
“Nope, never seen it.”
“Oh my god! How do you work in Hollywood, and you’ve never seen Aliens?”
“Stop asking me if I’ve never seen Aliens, you know what the answer is!”
You both laugh again, and for a moment, it is perfect. There is no one else in the world except you and him, and there’s no reason to feel as if this isn’t real. There’s no reason to deny yourself the rather simple pleasure of admiring him, and there is certainly no reason to stop looking at him like you are right now.
And then this beautiful blonde woman strolls up to him. Even you can admit that she’s gorgeous.
“Excuse me,” Her voice is that of a songbird, “I don’t mean to bother you, but are you Johnny Cage? Like, the actor?”
“Indeed, I am, how can I help you?”
“I was just wondering if I could buy you a drink. Maybe we can go back to my table?”
You’re full of jealousy. You feel awful for it too, because in no way is Johnny yours.
“Uh, you know what..” He glances back at you, and you give him this weak smile.
“Go, it’s fine. Have fun, it isn’t like this is a date or anything.”
He grins at you and puts a fifty on the bar to pay for your drinks and leave the bartender a rather nice tip.
“You’re the best wingman ever, man! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
You finish your drink bitterly as Johnny goes off to flirt with, and eventually sleep with, that nice woman. You take notice that when the two of you are alone, you’re ‘sweetheart’ but when another woman strolls in, you’re ‘man’.
And that’s it. It’s 11:19 PM and in that dingy bar, you decide that you can never be with Johnny Cage. You know it will never be what you want it to be. That if it does happen, it’ll be like it is with this woman. A one-night stand, never to be brought up again. You’ll get him all to yourself for one night, and then after that, he will never be yours again. He’ll go back to being no ones, back to being the spotlights. Back to belonging to everyone, except you.
• • •
To tell you the truth, you snuck up on Johnny. After you made it clear the first day you met that you had no intention of sleeping with him, he sort of wrote you off other than flirting.
And one day he woke up and realized how desperately, horribly in love he is with you.
It happens a few weeks after your night at the bar. You were supposed to spend the night filming an outdoor scene, but it rained so hard that the stunts wouldn’t have been safe, so here you are in his living room. He had sold his mega mansion for something less expensive—Still lavish, but not nearly as expensive.
“So, do you want to go over the script and make those edits that the studio suggested or—”
“Nope.” He comes out of the kitchen holding a big bucket of popcorn. “We’re watching Aliens.”
You sigh and plop the script down on his coffee table.
“Johnny—” you say in this exasperated tone.
“Darling,” He echoes, in that same tone but more sarcastically. What a dick. You can’t help but want him. He sits with you and puts the popcorn between you, as he turns on the TV and brings up the movie. “Say what you want, but you’re my assistant, so you have to do what I say!”
“Whatever! C’mon, take one night off, just watch this movie with me!”
You glance over to him and sigh. Why do you do the things you do for him? You’ll never know.
“Fine. One movie, and that’s it!” You tell him and curl up on the couch, your hand reaching to the popcorn to grab a fistful.
One thing no one ever told you was how God damn scary this movie was! You aren’t a big gore or horror person, so it takes you by surprise.
It’s really good, though you’d never admit it to Johnny, just fucking scary.
At some point throughout the movie, one of you moved over the popcorn bowl, slowly closing the gap between the two of you.
During a particularly scary scene, you find yourself jumping, right into his side, gripping his arm. Your heart is racing, but you’re so totally glued in.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” You gasp, your clutch on his arm growing tighter.
“Pretty cool, right?” He grins, noticing your grip on his arm.
“It’s fine.” He chuckles and shakes his head, leaning back on the couch.
And that was it. He was hooked. He knew how his image had been around Hollywood, and he knew that you saw him as this playboy. Which wasn’t entirely untrue, especially since his divorce.  But he wanted to make a change, wanted you to see the change, but he just couldn’t put his finger on how.
The rain is still pouring when the movie ends, when you finally pull yourself off his arm.
“I should be heading out.”
“What? You can’t drive in this.” He doesn’t want you to leave.
“It’s not that bad.”
“Just stay the night.”
“Johnny, I don’t even have clothes to—”
“I’ll give you some of mine. You can take the bed.”
You pause.
“Don’t think that this means I’ll sleep with you.”
He grins.
“Sleep in the same bed as me? Yeah. Let me do all these dirty things that I—”
You get up and head towards his room.
“I’m not on the clock, I’m not dealing with you.”
He grins and follows you.
“I don’t hear a no in there, hot stuff—”
“I swear to god, Johnny—”
You’re too busy bickering to get much sleep that night.
• • •
The movie comes out in two weeks, so on your agenda for today is fitting him for a new suit. You’re sitting, sipping a rather crisp mimosa when he comes out in this one suit. He does a nice twirl and holds his arms out, expecting approval.
He looks good. Like, good enough that you almost break that rule you made at the bar that night.
It’s been a month since you stayed at his place, and since then, things have just been different. You no longer must watch him go off and flirt with other people, because he seems to have some sort of change of heart.
You grin gently.
You put your drink down and stand up, going over to him and adjusting his tie.
He wears this black suit, except the suit coat is a deep blue velvet that is soft to the touch.
“You look great.” You tell him. He grins.
“Only missing my signature shades, good lookin’. That way you can’t tell when I’m looking at your—”
“Eyes, right, Johnny?”
“And ass.”
You laugh and shake your head, unable to comprehend that you feel anything except great love for that comment.
“So, what are you gonna wear?” He asks.
“What? To where?”
“To the premiere?”
“Johnny, I’m not going to the premiere—”
“You have to! You’re my assistant!”
“Whatever!” His hands come to the dips of your hips. It’s a little too past platonic. You say nothing. “We need to get you an outfit.”
You groan. You hate shopping for clothes. You hate fancy clothes especially.
“Let me go order this to be tailored, and then we can go shopping for you. I’m thinking either blue, to match me, or gold, to compliment—”
“If I’m going to the premiere, It’ll be quietly behind all the cameras, not—”
“Then come as my date. Not as my agent, not as my assistant, not as my babysitter. As my date.”
“Don’t you want to go with someone pretty?”
He frowns.
“You’re pretty.” He tells you.
“No argument on this one, Darlin’, we’re going shopping,” he quickly kisses your forehead and walks off to go get changed and pay for his suit.
So that’s how you find yourself awkwardly fitting into this gold outfit, with black accents and the right curves to fit your body shape just right. It isn’t your body that fits awkwardly into it, it’s you. You’re not used to this level of formality.
“Come on out, sweetheart, I won’t bite!” Johnny calls from outside your dressing room.
“You’re gonna be mean to me!”
He gasps, “I would never!”
You sigh and adjust the outfit before walking back out of the dressing room.
“Don’t laugh—” But he isn’t laughing. He’s just looking at you. “You don’t like it.”
“Nononono—” he says, walking towards you and putting his hands on your shoulders. He smooths out the shoulders of your outfit, his thumb gently rubbing over your collarbone. “You look amazing.”
“I feel like a barbie.”
“You look great.”
“I’m not used to this.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be a natural.”
“Besides, it won’t matter, everyone will be looking at you.”
He hums and shrugs.
“Everyone will be looking at you, I think.”
Your face goes red.
“I know you’re uncomfortable, but you do really look amazing, honey.”
You take his word for it.
• • •
When you get to the premiere two weeks later, it’s overwhelming. People are taking photos of you two, yelling his name, asking who you’re wearing. His hand does not leave yours.
“Just relax,” He tells you gently, “Just smile, it’s all you have to do.”
You do your best, trying to focus on the feeling of his arm around you as you pose. He glances down at you, tilting his shades down to the end of his nose. You can just make out his eyes. His hand comes up to your face and tilts your chin up.
He leans in and kisses you, as the crowds around you scream even louder. It occurs to you, at this moment, that he’s only kissing you to get publicity. That maybe he’s just taking advantage of the fact that you could be his mysterious new beaux. That he doesn’t want you, doesn’t want to kiss you, doesn't want anything to do with you.
You kiss back, not having any ability to resist how badly you want him anymore. You don’t care if it’s just for the cameras. You have no desire to pull away from him, no matter how pretend it may be.
When he does pull away, you make your way off the red carpet and into a secluded corner of the room.
“I’m sorry,” he starts.
“It’s okay, I get it, it didn’t mean anything—”
“What are you talking about?”
“…What are you talking about?”
“I’m sorry for surprising you so suddenly, it wasn’t where I wanted to do that, but I just.. I couldn’t help myself. You’re looking so good right now..”
“Not where you wanted to do that?”
“I’ve been meaning to kiss you for a while.. I just wanted it to be romantic and amazing, like you deserve, but I just couldn't help myself.”
“Like I deserve?”
“You have a lot of questions for someone who just got kissed by me—”
“Ugh, you’re the worst!”
“Does that mean you don’t want me to kiss you again?”
“That’s what I thought,” he leans to kiss you again, and you gladly let him. You only break off the kiss to take his sunglasses off his face, before kissing him again. Now that you had him, the want didn’t dissipate. Especially when you feel his hands on your hips again, and you only lean further into the kiss.
You can’t believe you waited so long to kiss Johnny Cage. Why would you ever deny yourself the right to make out in some quiet corner of a blockbuster movie premiere?
• • •
A week later, you’re sitting in that bar again. This time, you and Johnny have this booth in the back of the bar, and you’re leaning against him while he tries your extremely fruity drink and cringes at how sugary it is.
“I don’t know how you drink this shit.”
“I need to get nice and drunk after the day I had. Boss was being mean.”
“Sounds awful.”
“Yeah but He’s a great kisser, so.”
He grins and presses a kiss to your head. Somehow, He is more comfortable than he has been in a long time, feeling more like himself than he has in… years, maybe.
“It’s getting late, we should get you home soon.”
“Mm, But I like drinking. Besides, when did you become the responsible one?”
“When you ordered that fourth margarita.”
“Touche.” You finish your drink and sigh. “You’re not gonna let me have another, huh?”
“Not tonight, baby.” He says, patting your thigh gently. “C’mon, get up, I’ll go pay our tab and we can get some fresh air.”
You hum and get up, leaning against him as he makes his way to pay, and then you head outside to lean against the wall. Johnny keeps you up right as you try to breathe through the liquor. Then this girl comes up to you, and grins at your boyfriend.
“Are you Johnny Cage?” She asks. He bites back a sigh and smiles to her.
“I am, Hi—”
“I love your movies! Do you want to go grab a drink with me?” she asks, flirtatiously. You’re literally standing there leaning against him, with his arm around your waist.
“I’m sorry, you seem very nice, but I have to get my partner here home.” He says, “Have a nice night.”
She seems a little sad, but she bids you guys goodnight respectfully and heads into the bar.
“Your partner?” You ask, drunk on sugary drinks and love for this man.
“Yeah, they’re pretty nice.” He hums. “A pretty great assistant. An even better kisser.”
You frown.
He leans in and kisses you to shut up before you can argue with him anymore. For once, you don’t mind his interruption.
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powerfultenderness · 5 months
Simon Sees You
Pairing: Established Soap/Wife!Reader. Implied Ghost/Reader
Rated: Mature 18+
Summary: If he had you…
Warnings: Cheating (Soap is a no good dirty cheater). About to cheat (and wifey is gonna get him back for it).
Word Count:  500
A/N: There was more, but this is all my brain was willing to let me write. My first foray into the 141.
[Multi-fandom Masterlist]
[Vigilante x Reader Masterlist]
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Johnny shares pictures of his pretty wife and like every other man that looks upon them, Simon can’t help but admire. Admire you, and by extension admire him for locking down someone so stunning. 
When they aren’t deployed, when they are able to go home instead of having to stay on some base, Soap returns every day with a home made lunch. Not left overs from the undoubtedly delicious home cooked meals you cook for him. No, you take the time every day to prepare a healthy and tasty and substantial lunch for your husband. 
Ghost listens, a little enviously, as Soap brags about why he was late that morning. Apparently last night, after returning home from your full time job and cooking dinner for him and cleaning for him, you were too tired to have sex. Which led to passionate morning sex. Soap has a jovial pep in his step for the rest of the day. 
When they are deployed, Soap brags about how much you miss him. He turns his phone over to show the others the raunchy nudes you sent him, and shares your messages of how much you miss his cock. A part of Ghost wonders if you’d given your permission to share such intimate pictures and messages, but he doesn’t question Soap and instead commits the image of your soft body to memory. 
He’s a bit resentful when he sees Johnny sneak off with one of the female operatives. He can’t understand how Johnny can think of another woman when he has you at home, when he has you sending him pictures that Ghost would pay a pretty penny for online. 
If he had a woman like you at home waiting for him, you’d never be too tired to have sex. If you wanted to work, especially when he was deployed, that was well and fine, but if you did, he’d make sure that you didn’t have to cook and clean later. And he’d still have slow and soft morning sex with you. If he had you, he wouldn’t trade the lovingly made lunches for overly salted vending machine snacks. If he had you, he’d cherish every moment with you, he wouldn’t take you for granted. If he had you…
And then Simon sees you when he’s alone in his empty flat, attempting to fill an ever growing void in his heart with a random dating app. He sees you in a scandalously small bikini that he knows Johnny bought, he remembers the exact picture that Johnny showed off. There are more pictures that he’s already familiar with, none of them nude but all of them leaving little to the imagination.
‘My husband is cheating on me. I’m going to divorce him, but I want him to suffer the same betrayal.
Big dicks (20 cm+) only. I want you to take a pic of us.No need to show your face. Just your big cock fucking me.’
He’s never swiped right faster in his life. 
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Jack’s Birthday Edition
this is so short i’m sorry
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, and 8,643 others
yourusername happy our birthday to my soulmate, my ex husband, and most importantly— my other half! we’ve been stuck together like glue since the first day of kindergarten and i don’t know who i would be without you. growing up with you is obviously the best thing to ever happen to you, because you turned out to be a pretty sick ass human being (you’re welcome)!
i remember back in kindergarten when we first found out that we have the same birthday and were so excited because we were so close. we decided that it means we had to be best friends forever! sorry that i later upgraded my best friend to the better model (i’m not sorry)!
in all seriousness, howdy rowdy, i’m so thankful to have you in my life. you made our move to michigan less scary than i thought it would be, and i wouldn’t have survived if not for you. you’ve always been so special to me. i’m so proud of you! i’m so proud of what you did this season, and i’m proud to call you my brother.
part of jacky’s birthday present was some wonderful news, and he has kindly demanded that i share it with everyone! when i am changing my name after mine and trevy’s wedding, i will also be changing my middle name to rowden. it was mom’s idea! she said she loved the idea of twins having the same middle name, and since we do have the same birthday, and i’ve been inducted to the family, i asked her if i could change my middle name. to my delight, she said yes! (he cried when i told him, which made me cry, which made mom cry, which made quinn and luke cry, so the family was really a mess tonight!)
p.s happy birthday to my favorite rookie, wyatt johnson! please score on quinn next season <3
i love you with at least 90% of the atoms in my body❤️ happy birthday!
tagged jackhughes
view all 186 comments
jackhughes i love you, too soulmate❤️ your post won’t be as sentimental! (we didn’t cry!)
yourusername bitch <3
jackhughes yes <3
trevorzegras (yes they did)
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras (nobody asked)
_quinnhughes you choose some amazing pics, sissy
yourusername you should listen to the advice on the last one!
_quinnhughes jack is not a baddie
yourusername it’s our birthday! we’re baddies, you jurassic bitch
_quinnhughes best friend contract!
yourusername birthday clause!
jackhughes @_quinnhughes ✨suck it✨
njdevils we thank you for these jack photos🫡
yourusername anything for my fans <3
_alexturcotte hey um… y/n, our love, WHY WAS I CUT OUT OF THE SEVENTH PHOTO
yourusername you pissed me off last week
yourusername calm down, you big baby
jackhughes fight! fight! fight! fight!
colecaufield @_alexturcotte ✨suck it✨
user33 happy birthday!!!
user18 i always forget sissy is a stars fan
trevorzegras must be nice
jackhughes she doesn’t let us forget
_quinnhughes she doesn’t let me specifically forget
yourusername @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes @_quinnhughes cry. babies.
user09 i cry every time y/n reveals more childhood stories
lhughes_06 i’m offended i wasn’t in the childhood pictures
yourusername in my defense… you were infant so we weren’t cool like that yet
_quinnhughes yeah, moosey, gosh
jackhughes somebody’s self obsessive
lhughes_06 i hate all of you
yourusername those teenage hormones of yours are wildin
lhughes_06 @/yourusername i hate you most
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 don’t talk to your mother that way! it’s mother’s day!
user54 i want what y/n and jack have omg! happy birthday!
john.marino97 what? no photo creds on the first pic? (ps happy birthday hughesy!)
yourusername psa to everyone: johnny m wouldn’t leave jack and i alone one night at the hotel and he stalked us and took the first picture! but i love it, so no harm 0.5 foul!
john.marino97 0.5 foul?
jackhughes @/john.marino97 congrats, man! you got off easy!
john.marino97 thank you?
trevorzegras @/john.marino97 now you’re catching on!
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cozyjae · 1 year
lovefool- j.suh 🌻🌷💐
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info: johnny x reader, dad!johnny, parents au, pregnancy
wc: 2.2k
a/n: helllooooo everyone! i honestly didn’t think i would ever be back posting on this account but i rewrote this piece recently and wanted to share… just my usual pure fluff ❤️ i hope u enjoy!
Your thing with Johnny is really good, sometimes it just feels too good and too right. Everything feels like it’s fallen so effortlessly and perfectly in place. You definitely don’t want to jinx anything, but after eight months of officially dating, Johnny has been absolutely everything you wanted and needed in a guy.
It’s easy to talk to him, to laugh; to tell him anything. Johnny wants to get to know you, to understand and help you. During moments like these when you lie in bed together, when he holds your waist, and when you pet his bed head and he smiles sleepily— you never want Johnny to leave.
Johnny lays beside you now, smelling like your clean sheets and his usual wood and sea salt cologne, warm fingers tracing different patterns against your hip.
You both have been slowly convincing each other to get up eventually and tackle your lazy Sunday plans of grocery shopping and putting together your new Ikea desk. But it’s been over an hour of falling back asleep and slowly blinking awake and neither of you has made much progress yet.
“You ever think about having kids?” Johnny asks suddenly, making you glance up and twist in his arms to look at his sweet face and dazed eyes.
“Yeah,” you whisper, watching how intensely curious he looks. “Sometimes.”
You subconsciously match his small smile, thoughts of an incredibly wholesome future together making your heart unfairly twist in excitement and want. "You’d be such a good dad,” you continue and Johnny grins instantly. “Like an actual dilf.”
“You think so?”
“Oh yeah,” you laugh, hand running down his bicep, “you’d be hot, babe.”
“And like, a good dad?” Johnny emphasizes, making you bite back laughter.
“Yeah,” you admit easily, rolling over to kiss him. “Of course, you would be.” 
Johnny just looks at you like you said something entirely captivating and consuming.
“What?” You smile, pressing your lips against his jaw gently.
“I just want it so badly, I don’t know.” Johnny bends his arms to rest them behind his head. He watches you, suddenly peaceful and content. “I want so much with you.”
4 years later
You wake up to the muffled sound of Johnny’s voice, momentarily wondering if he’s on the phone. You smile to yourself when you listen closely and hear his softer and higher tone. You make your way to your kitchen, leaning against the doorframe, appreciating the scene in front of you. Johnny is carefully holding your daughter, Julie, with both arms, walking around the kitchen, while simultaneously trying to make eggs.
He has messy bed hair- similar to yours, a now permanent fashion statement in your household, and stubble dotted along his jaw. You listen to his soft whispers and your heart swells as your baby’s small fingers cling onto his white undershirt and her chubby hand grasps at his arm, softly patting over his floral tattoo.
Johnny has his back to you so you stay unnoticed, enjoying the serene beauty of your husband and daughter together. Julie was already almost eight months old and time felt like it was flying by, even if the sleepless nights felt long, and now, time alone and a longer than five-minute shower felt like a luxury, you couldn't and don't want to remember a time without Julie.
You love watching Johnny with her, love watching the way he so gracefully and perfectly assumed being a father, how attentive he was, and how much he doted on her and took care of you. How he started cooking most days, how he read a ridiculous amount of baby books, and how he insisted on making sure you got a minimum of a few hours of sleep a night.
You watch him bounce Julie gently, leaning against the doorframe as you smile until your daughter spots you from behind his shoulder. She reaches out and giggles with a tiny grin and Johnny turns around, mirroring her smile, which looks enduringly similar to his own.
“Need help?” You ask as Johnny laughs. “There's probably a more effective way to make breakfast but...”
Julie stretches her arms out towards you and reaches over to grab her from his hold. "Coffee?" He asks, knowing your answer.
"Yes please," you smile down at Julie, her soft hairs and long lashes. She leans her head against your chest, already comfortable in your arms. You watch Johnny stand on his tiptoes to grab a coffee mug and you press a kiss to the crown of Julie's head.
What a nice morning.
“Come take a picture!” Johnny says and your daughter giggles and toddles over to you, hurrying as fast as her tiny legs can carry her, bound in a large winter coat, mittens, and ear muffs. A tiny chubby arm extends out to you a wordless ask for stability and help. You smile as she struggles to wrap her small arms around your shoulders, tiny hands grasping your jacket. Her full pink cheek smushes against yours, as Johnny takes a picture, “Your first snow this year, baby!”
 “Careful,” you call, reaching out to grasp her hand as she pulls herself into you. she wraps her arm around you, hugging you tightly. you brush back a loose strand of her hair as Johnny repositions the camera, moving around for the perfect picture. 
"Snow!" Julie repeats loudly. She had just started talking and loved impressing everyone with her linguistic skills, taking her limited vocabulary very seriously as she already loved to talk and communicate with the two of you.
“Smile!” He says excitedly, grinning behind his large camera.
Julie listens, grinning with a smile that has always looked exactly like her father’s, and smushes her cheek closely next to yours. Your arm finds its way to the small of her back holding her securely as Johnny takes a picture. 
“Perfect,” he mutters, more to himself, watching his family in front of him.
“What’s the surprise?” Julie cries, toying with the hem of her shirt. Her anxious gaze darts back and forth between you and Johnny, upset that you both know something she doesn’t.
At three years old, Julie hates feeling like she's being excluded from something. the hardest part of her routine now attempting to convince her that it's bedtime and neither of you would dare have fun without her.
Johnny hands her a small transparent piece of film. Your daughter plays with it gently, turning it around in her palm. “What does this mean?” She questions, not able to stay still and scooting towards you with wide, curious eyes. 
Johnny holds her close to his body, wrapping an arm around her as she gives him her full attention. “It means in a couple of months you’re going to be an older sister.” Julie blinks with her mouth open, still in shock. She has friends in preschool who were younger siblings or already had younger brothers or sisters. Johnny's cousin recently had twins and Julie was completely fascinated by how tiny they were and that there were two babies.
You knew Johnny always wanted Julie to have at least one other sibling and the timing had finally felt right for the first time since Julie was born a few years ago.
 “Really?” Her voice grows louder in pure excitement, looking at you in awe before her eyebrows furrow, confused, pouting. “Why not right now?” She pouts, immediately turning to her father for an explanation. He laughs loudly, “That’s not how it works, baby," he pulls her into his lap, noting that patience is still hard a hard virtue for a three-year-old.
You're tucking Julie into bed a few nights later when she brings up the baby again.
“There’s a baby in there?” Julie asks, pointing to your stomach where a small but noticeable bump began to show.
“Yes sweetheart,” you laugh as she smiles widely, “wow,” her big eyes fill with excitement and curiosity. She reaches out and lays a small, warm hand on your stomach, “hi baby.”
You smile at your daughter, already knowing what a great sister she will be. She gripes the comforter tightly as she moves to your side to cuddle you closer. “Love you,” she mumbles, eyes tightly shut, trying to lull herself into sleep. 
“I love you too,” you say quietly and you eventually think she’s successfully asleep, tucked tightly next to you until she whispers cutely, “I love you baby.” You feel a small tap on your stomach and watch her gently pat your stomach. She snuggles closer, satisfied and closes her eyes for a peaceful sleep. 
 “Look!” Your daughter calls as she thrusts a picture towards Johnny, a pink and purple fingerprinted flower. He takes her in his arms, “for me?”Johnny asks shocked, looking at her art. Her arms find his shoulders. “No,” she giggles, “for Mommy!” She finishes, still laughing at Johnny’s reaction.                      
Johnny pretends to look hurt, pouting, “Well, can I have one too?” he asks. She thinks about it, face twisting, “Okay!” The little girl decides and Johnny’s smile grows instantly. “Thank you, baby.”
She frowns, chiding her father with a grin, “I’m not baby.” 
“You’re not?” Johnny asks surprised and she nods approvingly. “Yes, the baby is in mommy right now,” she explains, looking at him to confirm he understands.
“Ahhh,” Johnny nods knowingly, smiling tugging on his lips, “I see. You're right. So smart." Julie hides her smile, leaning against Johnny's shoulder.
“You’re still my baby though, right?" He asks as Julie buries her face into his neck, giggling. “Yes,” she laughs, muffled by the cotton of his t-shirt. 
The three of you watched Nemo while Julie was incredibly invested in the story, watching while sitting in Johnny's lap and letting him braid her hair. You're sitting close to them, a blanket draped over you and Johnny watches you sleep peacefully.
Julie sighs against Johnny's chest as he pats her shoulder. "Let’s go to bed, Jules."
She lets Johnny hoist her up and carry her into her room, the one down the hall from yours, with the pink walls and newly upgraded twin bed.
"Daddy," she whispers, clutching her favorite teddy bear. "Will you still love me even if I’m not a baby anymore?"
Johnny blinks and brushes back stray hairs from her face with a soft smile. "Of course, I could never not love you, never ever."
"Ok, Daddy," she smiles to herself, seemingly satisfied.
"Will you still love me?" He asks and Julie giggles.
"I had to make sure!" He defends and Julie squeals, wrapping her arms around his torso and squeezing tight.
"Jules, Mommy and I will love you forever."
“The baby is going to be small,” Johnny explains, walking Julie through the hospital halls as she swings their arms back and forth excitedly.
“Okay,” Julie bounces. "Isn't it cool, daddy, that baby and I have the same birthday month?"
"Wow," he looks down at Julie and her bright, excited eyes, "it really is."
"But we have our own days," she continues, "I think it was meant to be." Julie decides, stopping when Johnny does, in front of your hospital room.
"I think so too," he smiles, squeezing her hand gently and opening the door carefully.
"Wow," Julie gasps, consciously trying not to run up to the hospital bed where you hold a tiny bundle.
"Hi, Jules," you smile, "do you want to meet your brother?"
She nods with wide eyes, already on her tippy toes to try and peer over the tall bed. Johnny instead sits down in the chair next to you and lifts her into his lap. "Here," he murmurs as you carefully pass over your newborn.
"Hi," Julie stares at the small bundle, "Daddy," she gasps, looking up at Johnny. She touches the baby tentatively as Johnny's arm wraps around her waist. Julie is already hyper-fixated on her sibling, on her brother.
"What's baby's name?" She whispers like she's scared of disturbing him.
"Jordan," Johnny says quietly, meeting your eyes with a small, content smile.
"Hi Jordan," Julie smiles, supporting his head gently, turning to look at you. "Do you think he already knows how much I love him?"
You nod, "I think he does." Julie nods with a smile, like that reassures her and you watch her hold her brother, feeling like your family with Johnny felt so complete.
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honeyjars-sims · 3 months
3.2 Lover I Don't Have to Love
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“She was just bitching at me all day and I had enough. 'Carina, you didn’t bring the napkins to table 13. Carina, why aren’t you checking on your tables? You look pissed off, Carina, the customers aren’t going to feel welcome.'" Carina passed a small baggie to Larisa, who then passed it to Johnny.
It was a weeknight, but he didn't think twice about indulging. It wasn't like he had anywhere to be the next day, except back at the club. "Like no shit I look pissed off, she wouldn’t leave me alone," Carina continued, barely pausing to breathe between sentences. "So I told her I don’t need this job anyway and just walked out. Johnny, are you listening?”
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Johnny finished snorting the powder off his hand. "Yeah, sure. Sounds like you’re better off without that job.”
"Where’d you even get this shit?” Larisa asked, apparently unimpressed with her free gift.
"From Stephen, why?”
"Ugh, I don’t buy from him. He cuts it too much. Don’t you think so, Johnny?” Larisa was always searching for an opportunity to stir up some drama.
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"I don’t know, it seems okay to me.” Truthfully, Johnny didn’t really care about the quality as long as it got the job done.
Coke wasn't his first choice--he didn't like how agitated it made him feel once it started wearing off--but he welcomed any kind of distraction these days.
That was what drew him to Carina and her friends. They weren’t all that nice but they knew how to have a good time.
"Well, he gives me a discount.”
"Why, are you fucking him or something?”
"Actually, yeah, I am,” Carina admitted with a laugh.
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"Oh my God, don’t say that in front of Johnny! He’s going to get jealous.” There was a bit of delight in Larisa’s voice on the last word, as though she was hoping she was right.
"Nah, he doesn’t care. Look at him, he’s fucked up anyway.” She was right, on both accounts. His interest in Carina was purely physical. It was a bit freeing; Carina was an adventurous lover and Johnny enjoyed exploring new things in the bedroom with her.
Occasionally, though, his mind would start wandering to Lexie. He could remember how it felt having her body intertwined with his, the softness of her skin against his palms as he held her close, how easily their breaths fell in sync. If he fixated on it too long he’d remember how little those moments had actually meant to her and end up in a spiral of self-loathing.
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With Carina it was different—she didn't love Johnny either, but at least she was attracted to him. It boosted to his ego to be desired by someone.
That was what kept him coming back. Sometimes he’d feel the urge to ask her about her favorite memory or what made her feel inspired but he knew there was no point in getting to know her on a deeper level. In a few months time they’d have both moved on with their lives and she’d just be some girl he fucked for a few weeks when he was 19.
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The rest of the night was a blur.
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By mid morning Johnny ended up in Carina’s bedroom with her and her best friend Skyla. He supposed he should feel lucky to have two beautiful women pleasuring him, but he didn’t really feel much of anything.
Despite his best efforts, his thoughts turned to Lexie once again. He wondered if it was possible for someone to love him as much as he’d loved her, and if he would ever feel that way again.
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plazmafields · 8 months
V's a living legend at the Afterlife, he's got a stylish new mansion, and his head is one consciousness lighter. And he's not handling it well. V knew Johnny had to go or they'd both die, but he wasn't prepared for how empty he'd feel. Emotionally and...physically? Psychologically? The turn around between Jackie dying and Johnny getting wiped was too quick, V hadn't had time to process all of it. Any of it, really. He could say he feels numb, but that's not right. He feels too many emotions all at once, but he can't express anything. "System overload" would be more accurate.
When a room is quiet for too long, V can almost hear Johnny's voice in the back of his head, an indecipherable murmur. When he's alone and hears a voice, he assumes it's Johnny's. He replies accordingly, often to the room's confusion. Sometimes he responds in his head, forgetting he has to move his lips and vocal cords for others to hear what he's thinking.
It's been a long and difficult adjustment, but Kerry understands. He remembers hearing Johnny's snide, critical remarks echo with every strum of a cord. He remembers staring at his guitar from across the room, listening to a repeating memory of Johnny's fingers on the strings. Distinct. Inimitable.
That doesn't mean it hurts any less when V calls him "Johnny" by mistake. After 50 years of trying to escape that Silver shadow that loomed over his life and career, and finally succeeding, it feels like a major step back. Kerry's been patient--something V has profusely thanked him for--but he's snapped more than once.
Kerry wonders if this is how V felt when they first met. He had such a hard time separating the two in his mind at first, despite being able to tell them apart easily. V's a rebel, an anarchist, an edgerunner to the bone, but not in the same way Johnny always was. V had expressed, when they started dating, that he didn't want to play second fiddle to Johnny. If there had been--or still was--anything between Johnny and him, Kerry ought to come clean. V tended to be a little sensitive to comparisons at the time, but since Johnny's removal, he hasn't shown any signs of insecurity.
Insecurity is now Kerry's burden to bare. He knows in the forefront of his mind that each time V uses the wrong name, it's simply an accident. The last person around him day in and day out was Johnny, so it follows that after moving in together, V occasionally uses the name of his previous "housemate." But Kerry's feelings of inferiority hiss and screech on instinct, like a bat brought to the light, each time he hears the late rocker's name. He's never held his tongue before, but he holds it for V. The marc apologizes ad nauseum each time it happens, and Kerry tells him it's alright.
And it is, he thinks. They've each gotten better; Kerry's reactions are less visceral now, and V is getting used to it being Kerry in his peripherals. Neither will ever be completely without Johnny, much to their dismay, but he's less a part of their daily lives now.
Life, as it were. They've adjusted well to living together. Both men are busy frequently; V's thievery is better done under the cover of night, and Kerry's shows run late due to multiple encores. But when they converge at home in the wee hours of the morning, the world stands still for them, giving them a precious moment to bask in what little time they may have left together.
V's still looking for a permanent cure. Kerry worries his lover won't outlive him. What an odd thing to hope for, he realizes, to die long before V. Before he finds his first grey hair; before he begins feeling the weather in his joints; before he starts groaning whenever he stands from the couch.
V's eyes catch on Kerry's from across the living room. He hadn't realized he'd been staring.
"Wha'cha thinkin' about?" V asks, inquisitive hazel eyes adjusting like a camera shutter around void-black pupils.
Kerry smiles as he replies without hesitation, "Thinkin' about how much I love you."
They haven't said it a lot, only when things get really bad. When V wakes up searching for Johnny, when he has nightmares of Jackie bleeding out and not being able to stop it. When Kerry gets another email from his custody lawyer, when he battles with his label to renegotiate ownership of his masters.
V rises from his seat and joins Kerry on the couch, kissing his forehead as he sits. "Everything okay?" He rubs his hand firmly up and down Kerry's thigh.
"Sure," Kerry lays his arm across the back of the couch, coaxing V to lean into him. "Just feel like I don't remind you enough, that's all."
V grins as he scoots closer. "Well feel free to remind me as much as you want." He grabs Kerry's free hand in his, interlocking their fingers and squeezing tightly, whispering as he leans in for a kiss, "I love you too, Ker."
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winstonsns · 3 months
Hiii I was wondering if you can do the Curtis gang with a platonic little Curtis sister who’s like Lucy loud from the loud house?
the gang and child lucy loud!reader (request)
authors note: please bear with me guys i have 16 requests in my inbox rn LMAO. this was fun to write, i hope you enjoy 💗 TUMBLR ISNT LETTING ME POST THIS HOLY SHIT
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 1.5k
warnings: cussing, mentions of being jumped and made fun of
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because you’re pony’s sister and so close in age, you’re extremely close to each other
you and pony feel like you can tell each other anything even though you’re naturally pretty closed off
the two of you are academically smart and love reading and poems, both of you talking around once a week about a new poem you’ve read and how you felt about it
he began to read edgar allan poe poems, pony giving you a book filled with all of poe’s creations so you could talk about it more
both of you are quiet, sometimes enough to hear a pin drop because you’d rather listen in on conversations rather than interact in them
you prefer to talk to one another in private, both of you being next to each other in several settings but no one seeing you talk to each other
if anyone tried to mess with you or if he hears someone talking shit about you, he’ll ask, “you talkin’ ‘bout my sister?” and give them a sharp glare, a warning not to do it again
like you, johnny’s very skeptical of things and is always alert of what’s around him
he really enjoys being around you and pony, the three of you aren’t necessarily the closest in age all together but you’re all so different but so alike
he always tries to take care of you like how the gang takes care of him, wanting you to have a better life than he does
he doesn’t necessarily like fighting but will defend you if you get into trouble
the two of you are very aware of everything that is around you, always skeptical of people and not fully trusting others
you’ll talk to one another on whether or not you feel like you should trust a specific person or go to a certain event, knowing some socs might try to jump you
he thinks you’re unsettling at times though, you’ll sleep in the same position the whole night and won’t move in the morning, you basically normally stay still all the time
it also freaks him out that you can be in another room, far away from him then he’ll call your name and you’ll be right next to him
he loves being around you, you’re different from anyone he’s ever met and he really enjoys that
soda protects you all the time and is always with you, the both of you notice nearly everything and hardly miss a detail
even though you and soda aren’t the closest in age, he feels like he can talk to you about anything
he helped you become a little more social and persuaded you to open up to others
the two of you are basically opposites, people will see a handsome guy who’s bubbly and smiling at nearly everyone he sees, then next to him is a girl wearing gothic clothes, quietly observing her surroundings
most of the time, soda picks you up from school and will sometimes drop you off at the DX with him so you can talk together while he’s working
if anyone tries messing with you or makes fun of you, soda sticks up for you and even beats someone up if they try to hurt you
his main goal is for you to know that you aren’t alone, you can talk to him if you feel the need to or just to talk about your problems
you voice your concerns and tell him he can always come to you too if he needs to, being with him makes you feel full and happy inside even though others don’t see it
although you were like neither of your parents, darry feels the most obligated to take care of you
because you are the only girl in the family, he takes extra precautions to make sure you’re safe wherever you go
you’re his favorite sibling because i said so
since you know he has a lot of weight on his shoulders because he feels the need to take care of you and your siblings, you try to listen to him so his job can be easier
he gets a bit frustrated sometimes because you don’t show emotions as often as others, it causes him to wonder if you are actually mentally okay
but one day, darry asks you if you’d like to help out with the cake even though he was expecting you to say no
but you say yes, the two of you begin to make the cake and by the time it’s in the oven, there’s flour on the countertops and you thank him, “thanks for asking me to help you, darry.” not even directly looking at him but the appreciation was visible
he then realized you were capable of emotion, as was he although the two of you were viewed as people who never showed their feelings
dally thinks your style is so cool, he occasionally swipes something from your favorite clothing store and gives it to you
the two of you actually really get along because it’s hard to tell if you care about him and if he cares about you
the both of you show it in small ways though like when you speak about how much you appreciate the time you have with him
or when he notices and points out a new shirt or accessory you’re wearing, knowing you like to be noticed in that way
you’re one of the kids he can actually tolerate and get along with
if he hears someone talking bad about you then they end up going home with a broken rib
he taught you how to fight, giving you a switchblade with good qualities and looks to your liking
he honestly gets really freaked out when you appear out of nowhere, he’ll be talking to johnny then will turn around to see you looking up at him
you always wear some type of covering over your eyes, whether it’s bangs or sunglasses, dally will let you borrow his sometimes
keith likes how you feel free to act however with no shame, socs stay away from you because you’re a little kid and they believe you know too much
basically, they just don’t beat you up or anything because they think you can do way more than others are aware of
sometimes you’ll go over to keith’s house so you can play with his sister, he loves how the two of you get along well
you’ve also protected her from getting hurt, her brother really appreciates that
he thinks your style is pretty cool because you’ll dress sort of gothic, he wonders where you get those clothes and sometimes steals some for you
once, he asked the gang if they wanted to go to a pool where it was mostly socs, all of the others were busy but you went with him
he expected you to just put your feet in but you came out with a full on swimsuit
he didn’t know you were capable of having fun, but you later confessed you just wanted to spend time with him
he also tries to make you laugh with his jokes, most of the time you only smile at them though
when steve first met you he fucking hated you, then he grew to appreciate you
he never really had a reason to dislike you, but gave in and started to get closer with you when soda had told him you were cool
steve finds your monotone voice pretty calming, he likes having full on conversations with you and talking about cars
probably thought you were a sociopath up until you researched more about cars so you could talk about it with him, you told him about it
he then realized you actually cared about the friendship and begins to appreciate you more
he’s surprised when you tell him you listen to death metal, he expected you to listen to angsty music
although he dislikes ponyboy, he enjoys being around you and wants you to hang out with the gang as a group
he gets really pissed off when people make fun of you, always defending your name and getting all up in their faces if something bad is connected to you
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creepy-spooghetti · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could write Cody and Toby with a autistic little sister thank you have a good day or night (·∀·)
I wrote this assuming Y/n has level 3 severity, however if you wanted me to write for one with ASD that's a level 1 or 2, you can send in another ask :)
Also, the little sister is around twelve years old.
This boy will always, always be there to take care of you.
You were his #1 priority when you were in foster care, and he grew more and more protective over you as time progressed because kids are cruel and someone was always mocking you or making fun of you. He isn't generally a confrontational person, but there were several moments he was beyond eager to break a nose or two.
He was the only one that ever truly concerned himself with helping you, and reading you, and making sure you were okay.
Now that the two of you live in a place where you're consistently surrounded by chaos and crude comments—the majority of which are aimed at you—those feelings have only gotten stronger. The individuals that usually torment you are Johnny, Zero, and even Masky, on occasion (though he never gets too extreme with it).
If you ever get overwhelmed with anything, Cody knows it instantly, and he'll pull you away from the commotion and try to calm you down. He's aware that you have to deal with things that stress you out, but he's right by your side to take your mind off of everything.
Since Lyra's gone, you are all that Toby has left. He understands being disabled and bullied for something he can't control, which is why he always went to vast lengths to ensure it never happened to you, at least not when he could stop it.
While Lyra grew up taking care of him, he grew up taking care of you. He didn't want Mom to send you to school when you got old enough, as he was all too knowledgable of what that would entail, but she was convinced it would be good to teach you how to socialize, push you past your barriers. He hated such an idea, but alas, she would not listen.
Toby was able to save you from the wrath of your abusive father, and he dragged you with him after the house had been set on fire, cause he wasn't going to just leave you alone.
He knows that your capabilities can be quite limited, so he picks up the slack for you. This makes him pretty busy often, but he doesn't care. He can't let anything happen to you; you mean far too much to him.
He's gentle and patient and caring toward you, and he won't accept any other treatment. When anybody messes with you, rest assured he has your back. He doesn't like getting violent while you're watching, but sometimes that's exactly what it comes to.
Respect and human decency are imperative when anyone communicates with you, and Toby won't have it any other way. You always tell him that you're okay, that he doesn't have to put so much of his time and effort into focusing on you, but he is forever persistent.
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ramrage · 9 months
ghost’s ghost
chapter 5: the funeral
work rating: T
chapter rating: T
relationship: John “Soap” MacTavish x Simon “Ghost” Riley”
characters: John “Soap” MacTavish, Simon “Ghost” Riley”, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick cameo, John Price cameo
tags: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Body Horror, Main Character Death, Not Really Character Death, Ghost John “Soap” MacTavish, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Crack, Dark Crack, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Character Turned Into a Ghost, Changing Tenses, Not (always) chronological
ao3 link
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
They were awake at daybreak the following morning, mainly because the uneasy silence blanketing the mattress, blanketing the whole room, made it difficult to sleep. The little psychological progress they’d made the night prior was just that: little. 
“We need to get ready,” Simon said after checking the clock again, and not for the last time. 
Johnny stayed put, thinking. After a moment, he heaved himself up. “I suppose you’re right.”
“‘Course. I tend to be.”
Johnny watched as Simon straightened out the finishing bits and bobs of his dress uniform. He’d wash up if he could, show up to his own funeral looking sharp, but the best he could manage with the limitations was stripping off his bulkier bits of kit and, with his spit and shirt as a washrag, scrape away some of the blood caked to the side of his head. 
He glanced over his shoulder as he gave a particularly nasty bit of persuasion, and snorted a laugh. “Lookin’ like a knob, Lt.”
Simon rolled his eyes. “What can I say? You inspired me, Johnny.”
“Haud yer—“ Johnny began, and then laughed the hardest he had since everything went to shit the night before. “Hey.”
Simon stilled his hands and met the meaningful look in Johnny’s eyes. Not that he had much a choice to do otherwise since the wiseass decided to stand between him and the mirror. 
“Thank you,” Johnny said, nodding solidly to put feeling to the statement that words and intonation alone couldn’t. Even that fell short.
“For indirectly calling you a knob?” Simon asked, seeing as clearly as he ever had. 
The clarity crept free from the mire, like sun from behind the dying overcast.
The exchange felt related, somehow, to the loaded glances they used to share, and to the unambiguously-worded conversations they never did and never would bother with. Struck through the very center by a common thread. Understanding in code.
Several minutes into the funeral mass, Simon was wondering if something got lost in translation somehow.
They’d proceeded into the church nice and easy, measured. No more cocky jokes, or rather, not quite as many. After all, Johnny had an apparent allergy to shutting the fuck up. The levity would be welcomed if it didn’t have Simon fighting laughter throughout his lover’s (?) funeral mass.
Everyone would be fighting laughter, too, if only they could hear Johnny’s ongoing commentary on his own funeral. But they couldn’t, for better or for worse. 
“Ah, pack it in, Aunt Midge,” Johnny groaned, and then adding in a whispered aside, as if any unwelcome ears could be listening in, “Insufferable old cunt. I’m sure she’s upset and all, but more than anything, the rocket’s glad to have the attention.” 
He then cups his hands around his mouth to shout “too bad no one fucken cares!”
Simon couldn’t help but burst out laughing. How fucking absurd and awful everything was. What a fucking joke. He caught it quickly, but it was still too late. The whole parish had its eyes on him. The man next to him looked particularly perturbed—and pissed—and maybe out of real concern or plain desire to show everyone they weren’t associated, he hissed to Simon “now, the hell is wrong with you, lad?”
Simon ignored Johnny as he phantasmically pointed and laughed. He deadpanned, “I’ve gone mad with grief”
The man sobered pretty quickly at that. “Uh, awright then. Sorry, lad”
Simon spent the rest of the mass muttering into his hands as if in prayer, telling Johnny to shut the hell up in the only way they could manage. It was funny, but then the organist started up on a rousing rendition of Ave Maria.
“It fucking gets me every time, damn,” Johnny laughed, but also cried. Simon wanted to hold him, make it better, but there wasn’t much point in trying. The best they had by way of physical comfort was Johnny taking Simon’s outstretched and empty hand as the parish joined to recite The Lord’s Prayer. 
Their hands passed through the others’ just as their bodies had on that first day, but the thought was comfort enough. But comfort enough could grow to become excruciating, given time.
But that time hadn’t happened yet, and when it did, they’d handle it then. They’d decided it, though they hadn’t said the words.
“Give us this day our daily bread”
One day at a time, darling.
”And forgive us our trespasses”
And when we fuck it up—
“as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
and we will, we can fix it together.

“And lead us not into temptation;”
So quit your fucking worrying—

“but deliver us from evil.”
Worrying won’t get us anywhere.

“For thine is the kingdom,”
You’re too pretty to be worrying like that, anyhow.

“the power and the glory,”
Shut the fuck up.

“for ever and ever.”
Aw, c’mon, you love it.
No, I love you.
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baka-bakeneko · 1 year
Hot Blooded - River Ward x Fem! V Reader [NSFW]
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tags: No Johnny (Sorry Johnny), Shop Mechanic/Street Racer River Ward, street racing, gunfire, adrenaline junkies, drinking, teasing, making out, grinding, quickie, oral (V receiving)
word count: 4.1k
synopsis: River asks you over to his garage for a favor (it's a street race). Do you have what it takes?
a/n: snarling, barking playing tug'o'war with myself while staring at this gif alone
You showed up to the abandoned garage on the outskirts of Night City, following the distinct directions River gave you the last time you met.
He'd invited you out after stopping by the Afterlife, a big runaround involving getting something for Rogue. But he'd offered you a free drink and you took an interest in his talking.
Now, you were staring across the horizon as dusk approached the dry terrain. You wondered how long it'd been since you got to see things like this, too busy wedged in the heart of Night City to take notice of the serenity.
The garage door rumbled, the metal clanking loudly as it was lifted up with such a force that it banged when it reached the ceiling.
"Heya, V," River smiled, wiping his hands on his red pocket rag. "Sorry, I lost track of time."
"It's all good," you said with a casual shrug, turning around to look at River.
There was a distinct oil smudge along his cheekbone, one that he rubbed further into his skin while his forehead was dotted with beads of sweat. His jumpsuit was pulled up to his waist, the arms of the garment tied around him like a remedial belt.
You tried not to gawk at the soft flex of his arms, his biceps also decorated with oil and sweat; the neckline of his beater was drenched just the same.
"You thirsty? You want a beer?" River asked, turning to lead you into his garage.
You followed after him, only half listening while you stared at his mountain of a back. It was almost daunting to see him out of his signature jacket at the Afterlife.
"Uh, sure," you said, stopping to lean up against one of the tool dressers.
River nodded in acknowledgement, stopping at the minifridge atop another tool drawer, pulling the glass door open and leaning in. The shop itself was hotter than outside, the sweat from the one man thick in the air and causing humidity.
You looked up at the ceiling of the garage, noticing the slow industrial fan swiveling in circles. It was not doing its full job.
River was in the fridge for a moment longer, taking in the cool air with his break while you noticed the sweat made a deep red streak down the middle of his beater.
"You been busy?" you asked as he closed the fridge with two beers.
He stopped next to you and expertly popped the caps on the edge of the counter. River grinned at you, handing you a brown bottle then tapping his to yours.
"Oh yeah," River began, pulling the end of his beater up to dab his forehead.
It couldn't be helped that you glanced to his toned stomach, also glistening with sweat. The divot of his belly button held a dribble of sweat, the front of his waist decorated with a tease of short hairs.
"Yeah?" You added, your voice almost betraying you with a crack. "What'cha doing?"
River grinned as he let his shirt fall back down to his body; he took a long swig of his beer before pointing the lip of it at you. "You ever street race before, V?"
You attempted to hid the smirk that grew on your lips. Thankfully, your street kid ways had taught you well in the ways of street racing.
"Maybe once or twice," you offered to which River smiled.
"Atta girl," River responded, taking another swig before setting his beer on the counter. He pushed upright and turned to you. "Whatd'ya say to being my shotgun rider for a race, huh? Just a friendly competition."
You grinned though your brows furrowed in contemplation. "Never heard of a friendly competition with guns involved."
River spared a dry sound, almost a chuckle by the smile on his lips. "Aww, it's just a little friendly fire. Nothing serious."
You narrowed your eyes playfully at the man before you, watching every intricate move he played off effortlessly. "What's the catch, Riv?"
"No catch," River said, holding his hands up in slight defeat. "First place is a couple eddies, street cred, maybe a big thank you from a certain shop mechanic. But no, just for fun."
You bit at your inside bottom lip, staring at the man before you and wanting to smile. Even though you knew little to nothing about him, you wanted to make him a bit at ease with you.
"Where?" You asked casually, taking a sip of your beer to punctuate your question.
River dropped his hands and turned his head slightly over his shoulder then back to give you a once over. "Japantown."
You stopped sipping, holding a small swig of beer just along your bottom teeth. You swallowed deeply, keeping his gaze.
"What time?"
River glanced down at the floor, prodding his tongue over his folded in bottom lip. Then his eyes were back up at yours; a hot surge panged down your back, making a few butterflies emerge from your stomach.
You tilted your chin slightly, taking another long pull of your drink. The heat of the garage was already getting to you, the thickness of it causing your jacket collar to stick to your neck.
"Half hour," River answered, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "So, whatd'ya think?"
You didn't hide the long drag of your stare taking in all River was offering to you right now; with the hard way he put his hands in his pockets, he revealed his toned, sweaty stomach and the wispy hairs beneath his waist. This was definitely not something you wanted to miss.
Still, you wanted to make him sweat a second more. You continued your beer, savored each chilled sip before you turned it upside down and downed the last few drops.
With a sated exhale, you set your bottle behind you and crossed your arms at River. You cocked your jaw and spared a cheeky smile.
"I'm in. On one condition," you added, pushing yourself upright.
River mirrored your smile, his eyes not leaving yours. "You name it."
"If we win," you began, sauntering a step closer to River. "You owe me another drink. A proper drink."
"I'm sure I can accommodate that," River said with a slight narrow of his eyes. "Let's do a tour of the Wild Child, huh?"
You raised your brows. "Hey, not until a second date."
River chuckled, backing away before turning on his heels. "No, the car. Come on."
You blushed slightly and followed River around a super-low cherry red Viper to a suped-up, double-tall pickup truck.
River leaned up against the passenger door while you carefully ran a finger along the battered outside of the truck bed. "So, Wild Child..."
River nodded, righting himself to pat at the passenger door. "This is my pride and joy, V. Industrialized with militech steel, all that power just underneath the hood. A real bucking bronco, if you ask me."
You smiled at River, watching his eyes light up at his explanation.
He turned to you and back at to his truck. "Just wait 'til you feel that purr, it really hits the spot."
You felt yourself hold your breath to not react so outwardly, but you would be lying to yourself saying you didn't want to know what it felt like.
"Okay, so what's the race like?" You asked, following River around the front of his truck.
He pursed his lips in thought, casually banging his fist on the front bumper of the car. "So, it's about a mile through Japantown. Finish line is close to Jig-Jig Street. Your job will be keeping people off our tail, and if they feel like ramming...you hit 'em hard."
"So you want me to play defense while you drive?" You asked.
River nodded eagerly. "Oh yeah, don't hold back, babe."
He was saying all the right and wrong things now. You grinned and tsked your tongue. "Well, what're we waiting for. Let's go kick ass."
At the staring line of the race, River looked over at you.
"You good?" He asked, reaching behind him in the bucket seat of the truck to produce your artillery for the race.
You nodded, shifting onto your calf as you shrugged off your jacket. You tossed it into the backseat then took hold of the gun River offered; staring down the sight line, you examined the hold to your shoulder before moving to perch it in the passenger window.
"Are you?" You asked, pulling away from the gun to look over at River.
He was still staring at you, his gaze somehow softer than before. River cleared his throat and turned his head to the side, cracking his neck in the process.
"Ready as I'll ever be," he said, reaching to give you a playful pat on the thigh. "Let's win this shit."
You geared up in your seat, adjusting the hold of the gun against your shoulder while River revved the engine in anticipation of the flag flying.
The rumble traveled through the cabin, making its way up through your seat and causing a chill through your body. If River wasn't directly next to you, you'd wiggle your hips to get comfortable on the vibration.
But you straightened up further, nuzzling your cheek on the butt of the gun just as the flag fell and the first row of cars sped off; River gunned the engine and you both jolted forward with the abrupt speed, zooming down the city street and around the first few cars.
You leaned out of the window a bit to target the first two cars tailing close to River's flank, wedging your foot under your seat so you wouldn't fall out.
You sat up on the windowsill to shoot at the car on River's opposite flank just as he took a turn; the adrenaline that shot up your body as you followed the movement of the car, losing your posture for a moment before straightening up again.
"V, be careful!" River called out from the cabin.
You scoffed, turning to target the car on the front driver's side. The car was tucked close to River's bumper, making it difficult to shoot with the long form artillery.
You climbed back into the cabin, replacing the safety on the gun before pulling your revolver from the back of your pants and climbing over River's lap.
River said nothing, only focusing on the road as you sprawled over his lap to lean out of the window, shooting at front car's rear tire. Your leg precariously slipped under River's calf, stretching yourself further as River pulled a hand back from the wheel to curl around your thighs.
You tried to ignore the thought that raced through your mind then, the sweat of the night finally getting to you, as you shot at the other tire of the car in front of you. His hand was polite yet heavy, just along the cusp of your ass while you tried to steady your breathing.
When the car slowed down and veered into a light pole, River swerved to get around it in the next turn. His hand on your thigh slid up, taking a careful handful of your ass before retracting his hand as you climbed back into the cabin.
"Nice shootin'," he offered, eyes glued to the road as you shifted back over to your seat.
"Call me 'Gunner'," you said, returning to your window to clean up any more cars that'd crept up out of sight.
Scanning the area, you realized the coast was clear, leaving you and River in a straight shot to the finish line. You climbed back up on the sill, double checking your surroundings as River hit the nitro and 'Wild Child' breezed past the finish line flag and past the waiting crowds of people.
"Holy shit," you said, climbing back into the cabin to grab River's shoulder.
You were on your knees, the adrenaline from the speed and gunfire officially soaring through your body better than any Bounce Back.
"That was great!" You exclaimed as River carefully applied the brakes and the Wild Child screeched to a halt. "That was amazing. I feel, oh my god, I feel like I'm high right now."
River geared the Wild Child into park then turned to you. "You were amazing out there, V. I mean, where'd you learn to shoot like that?"
You smiled nervously, shrugging away his question as you held his eyes. "Just practice, I guess."
"Well that's definitely worth a drink, maybe even two," River said with a grin.
"Don't go spoiling me, I just wasted some lead," you offhanded, shrugging a shoulder as if it weren't a big deal.
"No," River said, leaning in an inch. His hand grazed your knee with another pat. "My treat."
River offered to get you a drink at the Afterlife, but you declined for a couple of beers back at his garage.
The adrenaline in your body was still buzzing, especially combined with the rumble that Wild Child had to offer. River was right, there was a lot of power packed under the hood.
River was quiet on the ride back, only glancing over at you as if he was ready to say something. When you shared his glance, he folded his lips together and turned his attention back to the road.
In the garage, River geared Wild Child back to park and turned to you. "Thanks, V. That was a lot of fun."
He climbed out the truck and you followed suit, close behind him on the way to his fridge.
"Thanks for asking me out," you offered, pulling yourself up on the counter.
River smirked, grabbing two beers from the fridge then shutting it back; he walked over to you, leaning his hip against the counter as he popped the caps again on the edge.
"Hopefully we'll get to race again soon," he said, handing you a bottle before clinking his to yours.
"Yeah, we'll see," you teased, taking a sip of your beer while glancing at River from the corner of your eye.
River spared a swig of his beer then set the bottle down. You set yours down next to you and carefully kicked a foot against the tool drawers.
You hid a gulp at the sudden heat in the room, it once again sinking between you two. River drew out a long breath, trying to divert his attention away but failing.
River cut the distance between you two and kissed you. It was soft, almost shy though his lips were flushed smoothly to yours.
Your hands reached to brace his shoulders, then up to caress his neck before you were opening your legs to brace his waist.
River's hands slid up your thighs then gripped at your hips for a firm squeeze; his hands enveloped you further, one hand flattening to the small of your back while the other took a handful of your ass.
You drew back to catch your breath, groaning at the sight of this man so close to you. River's lips followed after you, his forehead resting against yours.
"You're so..." you tried to say something, make a compliment, but your brain was frying and overloading with a new wave of adrenaline.
River furrowed his brows. "You're so..." he repeated back, his mind suddenly blank just the same.
Your hands traveled back down to his shoulders, admiring the swell of muscle in his body. It all must've taken some time to gain and they were not ill-gotten.
"Fuck," you muttered, grabbing at the straps of River's beater to pull him in for a deeper kiss, sliding your hips forward to the edge of the counter.
You bucked yourself at him a few times until River caught on and pulled you a bit tighter into his hold.
His tongue slowly worked into your mouth, splitting your lips and signing his way with your tongue. You melted into his touch, your hands gripping his shirt now actively trying to rip it in half.
River hummed into you, following your lead with his fingers anxiously worming into the waistband of your pants. He pulled you an inch closer, allowing you to feel his hard cock through his jumpsuit.
You sneered at the feeling of it against the seam of your pants, already wanting to get to the good part. Your hands trembled sliding down the front of River's shirt, taking in more silent marvels of his body.
Everything you touched was firm, his chest plush and his stomach tight before you found the hem of his beater. With a careful slip of your fingers, you were shrugging the garment up and touching at River's hot, sweaty skin.
He parted from you first, grabbing at the back of his beater before pulling it over his head and tossing it away. You gulped, seeing your hands bracing his ribs and teasing along his sides.
River nudged your forehead with his, edging his temple in the direction of a back door. Assumedly, the stairs to his place.
You shook your head, looking into his dark eye, the other soft white as you stared into the mechanism.
"No," you whispered against his lips, pulling your arms up to curl around his neck. "In the truck."
When you said that, River leaned a bit further into you. His waist now pressed between your hips, your thighs bracing him. Without a second thought, River lifted you up and carried you around to the truck bed.
He carefully sat you on the edge of the truck bed, allowing you to scoot back as he hopped and climbed in after you.
You watched as River crawled towards you, a deep seated hunger in his eyes that dragged along your full body. You reached for your pants, slowly wiggling them from your hips until River took it upon himself and eagerly tugged at the fabric bundled at your knees.
In a swift movement, he shrugged the garment from your body and off of your shoes. Your breath betrayed you in a pant as he came closer, crawling over you with his lips dragging up your thigh.
"Fuck," you whispered, the heat from his mouth traveling up your skin and congealing in your stomach.
Your thighs slowly melted apart, allowing River to see what he was doing to you. River glanced up your body, then to your pussy and back.
"Goddamn, V." River muttered, righting himself on his calves between your legs and reaching out to pet your pussy.
You curled up at the instant feeling of his fingers skirting over you and around your clit. You reached for your top and pulled it off in an instant, ready for River to absolutely devour you.
He leaned in, positioning himself between your legs before licking a long, slow stripe up your pussy. You mewed at the feeling, your legs melting further.
River did it again, this time his eyes locking with yours; his hands took hold of yours, intertwining your fingers.
"If you feel like passing out, hold on tight." River purred before circling his lips to your clit and sucking.
Your hands tightened to his, feeling your knuckles lock at the sudden resistance he had to offer. His right hand was cold and smooth, a leveling element while your toes were pointing just over River's shoulders.
"R-River.." you quivered, leaning your head up further to watch him take his time.
He rolled his eyes sultrily at the utterance of his name on your lips, shifting from your clit to slip his tongue into you.
You curled further, your body locking at the warmth he offered. Your hands were already shaking, ready to press his head further into you while your knees threatened to clamp around him.
River pulled away with a loud smack, your wetness decorated from his nose to chin as he licked it away like ice cream. "You taste better than imagined."
You blushed at the thought, wondering if this was a recent pastime in River's head or if he'd always thought of it. He released your hands, leaning further in to kiss you.
You reached for the tie of his pants, no longer waiting patiently for his next move. With a couple shrugs with your knees, River's jumpsuit slipped down his body and his cock sprang free from its confines.
River caressed your cheek while you reached to stroke his length, sighing at the feeling of his hot skin in your palm.
"Please," you pleaded softly, angling your chin up to catch his lips in another kiss. "Fuck me."
River withheld a deep seated growl, allowing you to guide his cock to your entrance before sinking inside.
Your free hand curled around his neck, pulling him a bit closer with a sharp gasp; his cock was immaculate, sliding in and filling you perfectly.
When he reached the hilt, you both exhaled deeply. Loosening up after being wound so tight. River leaned further into you, his stomach grazing yours as his hips finally came flush with yours.
"Shit," he muttered, glancing down at the meet of your bodies. "You feel preem."
Your eyes rolled softly at the compliment, your legs raising to curl around his thighs. The two of you waited a moment, reveling in the feeling of being so close.
Your hands roamed every part of River you could touch without straining, taking in the stickiniess of his skin while he stared down at you, marveling at him.
River tentatively pumped once, causing you to jolt at the feeling. Your hands rested at his shoulders, ready to follow his movement. Your head was rested against the front of the truck bed, bracing for impact.
He rolled his hips again, slower, which you followed like a sensual wave through your body. When River finally gained his barings, he slowly slid out of you and rolled his hips to pump back in.
Your fingers curled against his skin, wanting to grip him tighter but holding back as another jolt shot through your body.
River began a steady rhythm, one that you followed with jostling against the truck bed. The truck began to shift slightly with the movement, causing you to bite back a smile between the low moans you offered.
River was focused into you, keeping his eyes locked with yours and following every minute expression on your face. He picked up the pace, shutting his eyes for a moment while he rocked his hips into you causing a cacophony of skin slapping against skin.
He huffed lowly, bringing a sweet moan to your ears as he got deeper into you. You angled your hips up, your hands roaming up his neck and along his shoulders, watching him lose himself inside you.
"Fuck, V," River mumbled, his folding his lips together to stifle another moan.
You nodded, watching as he rolled his head back to groan at the ceiling. You pulled him back, met him with a deep kiss as you felt the warmth emerge from your back.
River panted into your open mouth, slowing his hips with a few long strokes that hit right at your core. You whimpered back, your face scrunching at the pleasure that bloomed from your stomach.
You held River a bit closer, your body curling up to press harder to his. You nodded in tandem to his slowed thrusts, no longer able to help the cascade of pleasure until you were moaning into River's mouth and coming on his cock.
Your pussy fluttered around his length, feeling yourself milking him to his climax. River's eyes rolled, slowing further and savoring the feeling of you around him.
"V," he exhaled as a breath, meeting your lips again as his hips halted and he hilted his cock fully inside you.
Your stomach rolled at the feeling of his cum shooting into you, warm and pooling. With each new spurt, River's body was heavier against you, making your lips his new home.
River pulled away from you with a few dry gulps, catching his breath as he gripped his still-hard cock and pulled out of you. You whined at the feeling of him leaving you, his cum easing out and sliding down the curve of your ass.
He smiled down at you, his mouth faltering to say something. You spared a tired grin back at him, sitting up to kiss him again.
"You're a great ride," you teased, sliding your hand up to smooth over his shaved head.
"We'll have to do that again sometime," he said with a chuckle.
You gave River a once over and licked your lips. "Why wait 'til next time?"
(also i just thought of my V taking off her jacket and remembering 'oh yeah, she didn't have a shirt under that' so she's like gunning down vehicles, riding shotgun with her tits out (also also, the part where v hangs out of the car over River, i thought of that 'she wanted to order' meme))
(sorry to @almightywdm i forgot to tag you when this came out the first time :P)
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
It's around Prom season/almost past. And got a couple ideas for you. 1. Daniel goes outside after having his break up with Ali and is pissed and sees Johnny smoking an awful blunt, because the poor guy can't seem to roll anything worth smoking. But he's trying. And something Ali said is sticking Daniel wrong, that maybe she was just a convenient excuse between two idiots and he thinks about how angry he's been for months because after the tournament Johnny's left him alone. Which is what he wanted right? But there was something that felt so intimate about their fight about the thrill of winning and seeing the way Johnny had looked at him afterwards, drenched in sweat from the fight and then the irrational anger at seeing him distant at school, closed in by his cobras who still touch him but avoiding Daniel and there he is, alone at prom, and maybe Daniel's a little drunk, maybe a cobra spiked the punch but he's mad and it suddenly clicks seeing that cherry red burn of a comically small blunt around soft pink lips and the soft fluff of his hair that this is what he wanted. Ever since the beach. Maybe Ali was right. Maybe, like Mr. Miyagi said it's best not to leave people waiting too long, and Daniel goes for it, takes the blunt, says let's get out of here, takes Johnny's hand, delighted when he doesn't pull away and pulls him to his Ford and decides to take him somewhere better, somewhere where they can see the city and maybe Daniel teaches Johnny how to blow smoke rings and then kisses him and fucks him in the back of the Ford, or outside in the grass and that annoyance he'd been feeling for months is soothed by the way Johnny clings to him and begs for more. 2. Someone dares Johnny to attend prom in a dress and Daniel decides he has to be the one to dance with Johnny all night, and at first Johnny thinks it's a joke, that Daniel's teasing him and making fun of him but then he realizes how turned on Daniel is and decides to go for it but then has to figure how to keep his dress clean when Daniel's touching him.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful ideas!👀 I’m so sorry I didn’t reply to this around prom season
:( <3
They went somewhere nice, somewhere clear, where they could just sit and watch the stars shine—but ended up watching each other instead. Johnny thought all those smoke rings were pretty cool and took in Daniel’s instructions before attempting them himself.
And after he got all proud of himself after successfully doing one, Daniel kissed him. Gentlemenly, yet eager and in control. Johnny made a sweet noise against his mouth and allowed Daniel’s tongue in the second Daniel told him to "Open up, sweetheart, come on."
He pushed Johnny to the grass with zero fight, and their hands wandered all over one another.
Some of that pent up frustration eases just from Johnny laid out beneath him like a damn 5-course meal, flushed down to his neck and glassy eyed, pupils blown, lips parted, and a little puffy. Daniel felt pride in his chest; this is the Johnny he knew was in there.
Some more of that frustration let up when he got to see more of him, rucking up his shirt and tugging off his tight jeans. Daniel wanted to fucking eat him, the way his cute dick dripped and that rack of his looked in the moonlight. When he pushed inside Johnny, he forced himself to keep his eyes open so he could watch that pretty face as he did so. But Johnny looked up at him like he was falling in love, and Daniel just had to kiss him; it’s like their lips were just meant to be pressed against each other. They’re two puzzle pieces, it’s true.
And Johnny’s frustration hadn’t much to do with Daniel but with himself. So filled with guilt for losing, for not being good enough, for hurting Daniel—all of it. He didn’t know what to do; he had no one but his cobras. But having Daniel walk up to him and take his panic spliff was what he needed. Listening to his voice as he explained how to do the rings—so patient and gentle with him, unlike Kreese—was like a dream. Getting fucked by him is like heaven, and he’d love to have Daniel inside him every damn day until he dies. He thanks Daniel.
He hopes one day he’ll be folding their laundry while Daniel cooks them dinner in their kitchen. He hopes he’ll finally be good.
2. YES. I’m an absolute sucker for Johnny, a pretty thing wearing a pretty thing.
Tommy dared him almost every year to wear one, sometimes he’d even have recommendations for what kind of dress he should wear specifically. It was always easy to tell when he was watching too many of those fashion shows when he’d start saying things like "bodice". Johnny had decided to just give in; he’d always liked dresses in secret anyway, and if anyone asked, he could tell them to fuck over or tell them about the 50 dollars Tommy promised him, then the added 30 Dutch promised if he actually did it.
He went with something that actually fit well on him—which was hard but also strangely not given his waist-to-chest ratio
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(This, maybe in blue.)
Even if he was joking, he didn’t want to be seen as a joke.
He was nervous, a little worried about how people would react to him like this when he always acts so tough, but why does wearing pretty things make him weak? He could kick all their asses in a dress in heels and is willing if anyone says anything.
He danced with Bobby for a bit when they got there, allowing him to help him relax a little and let loose. Bobby was surprisingly into having people's attention on him, Johnny thinks it’s because he was in a choir when he was younger.
Johnny still ended up sitting in a corner with Jimmy, who had left the girl he was dancing with to sit with him.
"Why’d you leave her hanging?"
"I didn’t; I just wasn’t interested in doing that anymore."
"She said Tortoises were boring. When they live, like, hundreds of years. Pfft. She’s lame."
"Oh, yuck. Turtles are cool. But you want to sit here instead because of that?"
"Tortoises. Least until I hear a good song or one of the other guys gets me. And maybe I just wanted to keep you company."
Johnny smiles and rests his head on Jimmy’s shoulder. He can always count on them.
But that’s also why Daniel is stewing in jealousy when he walks up to Johnny and asks him for a dance, pointedly not looking at Jimmy.
Johnny purses his lips, looking over at Jimmy, having a conversation with just their expressions. "Okay. I’ll bite. But if you—"
"I won’t pull anything—"
Johnny makes a zip-it motion with his fingers, and Daniel’s mouth snaps shut. "As I was saying, if you attempt to mess up my dress, I’ll kick your ass."
"I believe it. So…dance with me?"
Johnny agrees, taking Daniel’s hand and dragging him over to the dance floor. He can still feel how sweaty Daniel’s hands are through his lace gloves. "Why are your hands so sticky?"
He was sweating a lot; he does when he’s upset, he does when he’s jealous—pretty much any strong emotion. "It’s hot in here."
"They have the AC blasting, but alright."
Johnny stops, turning around to face him and throwing his arms over Daniel’s shoulders. Daniel rests his hands on Johnny’s waist; the fabric of the dress feels nice. They start to sway.
Johnny stares at the banner behind Daniel.
"Trying a new style? You look, uh, really pretty."
Yikes, Daniel thinks. Is Johnny okay with "pretty"?
"Don’t make fun of me, punk"
Daniel shakes his head, his hair moving with it, and squeezes his waist assuringly. "I wouldn’t do that. I meant it, you look good."
Johnny studies his face for a moment, then smiles. "Oh. Thanks." 
Daniel is a cute guy for sure.
Daniel nods, wracking his brain for other things to say—the perfect thing that will get Johnny on a date with him—or in the janitors closet with his skirt rucked up his legs while Daniel—
"You look good too. Really good. I like your suit, it’s very…blue."
"Like your eyes, I guess we match." Daniel grins up at him.
"Guess we do. You trying to copy me?""
Daniel shrugs. "Maybe I am."
Johnny's brows crease, then he laughs.
It’s comfortable, not weird like either of them thought it would be—were scared that it would be. Johnny presses his forehead against Daniel’s, and they listen to the music."
"This is the sound!
Always slipping from my hands
Sand's a time of its own
Take your seaside arms and write the next line
Oh! I want the truth to be known…"
Daniel encircles his arms around Johnny. "Hope they play Speedwagon."
Johnny pulled away then, and Daniel’s arms tightened around him.
"You like Speedwagon?"
"Uh, duh? Only people with bad taste don’t I mean, in my opinion, obviously, if you don’t like them, that’s—"
"Shut up, I love Speedwagon, Daniel. Why didn’t you tell me you had good taste in music before? I coulda’ shown you my cassettes and CD’s!"
He pushes Daniel away and grabs his hand again, pulling him over to where Dutch was sitting instead of Jimmy and shoveling chips from the vending machine into his mouth.
"Hey, man! Can you tell the other guys I’ll be in the parking lot? I’m showing LaRusso my mixes."
Dutch glares at Daniel, lip twitching like he’s disgusted, then looked back up at Johnny. "You gonna hang alone with this dick? Why don’t I come with—"
"Come on, Dutch. It’s fine, okay? Nothing to worry over. We’ll be back." He ruffled Dutch’s hair. "And remember, you owe me thirty in cash."
He blows a kiss at Dutch, who points a middle finger at him as he walks away.
"I’ll kill him if he tries anything, Johnny. I’m not afraid to go to prison!"
Johnny snorts, and Daniel laughs weakly.
"That’s scary."
"He doesn’t mean it, okay? He’s just a worrier."
"But what if he did?"
"Then I’d tell him to stop, simple."
That does make Daniel feel a little better. Dutch may be as aggressive and ready to attack as a wild dog, but he almost always listened to Johnny (and sometimes Bobby.)
He leads him to the parking lot, letting go of Daniel’s hand to unlock the door. Daniel missed the warmth; he wanted to know every line on Johnny’s hand.
"Get in the back. It’s cozier."
Johnny winks at him, and Daniel’s heart pounds, hard on aching. Normally he’d question, but…
He opens the car door and slides onto the seat. It smells like cigarettes and cologne—not Johnny's, though. Johnny always smelled like soap and musk (which had a sweet tinge to it.) He wonders if there’s a little unused bottle of some expensive scent sitting on Johnny’s dresser. He doesn’t know what Johnny’s home life is like, his mother is never at any of his practices, not like Lucille.
Johnny gets in next to him and locks the doors, leaning between the two front seats to dig in his glove box, his dress riding up his thighs. What’s he wearing under there?
"Ah ha!" Johnny exclaims, presenting a CD. "Speedwagon: Lost in a Dream."
He starts the engine and feeds it to the radio, settling back down with his leg pressed against Daniel’s as the music starts up.
"Give me a ride on your roller coaster
Give me a thrill, I can't help feelin' bored…"
Daniel keeps his breathing even, looking at the interior. "I like your car."
"Thanks, Dutch and I did a little remodeling."
They seem pretty close… "Oh, cool."
Johnny thinks about Daniel in his convertible, as an old man, rolling around in it and telling people about the good ole’ days. He wants to be there with him. "Yours is pretty rad too. Outdated and small, but still."
Johnny snorts, slapping Daniel’s shoulder. "Cool it. Smaller cars are faster!"
Daniel rolls his eyes with a smirk.
They hardly bother to nod their heads to the music before they’re latched onto each other's mouths, magnetitized. They both knew why they were relly there.
Johnny swings his leg over and straddles Daniel, pulling at his inky hair and rocking his hips in his lap, pressing his ass purposefully against Daniel’s crotch, causing him to groan against his lips, a noise Johnny devours.
"Can…fuck….can I get my hands under here, sweetheart? Is that okay?" Daniel asks breathlessly, his fingers kissing the edge of Johnny’s dress.
Johnny nods, and Daniel wasted zero time, greedy hands shoving under and grabbing at what he could.
Is that more lace?
"Jimmy threw in another 20 if I wore them." Johnny explains, leaning down to kiss up his face. "And I already had them. Easy cash."
Daniel lets out an almost pained chuckle "You’re killing me, honey. Tell my mother I said I love her at my funeral."
Johnny reaches between them and unbuttons Daniel’s pants. "Don’t talk about your mom right now, weirdo. Touch me instead, come on."
Daniel gasps and grabs handfuls of Johnny’s ass for support when he starts grinding faster. "Johnny—"
"Y'know, I want you to fuck me, been wanting it."
Daniels gulps. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. Been using my fingers while thinking about you, but it’s not enough. Need you to put it in me, Daniel, I want it."
He sounds so whiny, and Daniel is going to cum in his pants prematurely.
"Yeah, actually. I can take it so good, just you wait."
"Tonight? Like now?"
Daniel lays his head back against the seat, getting closer to the edge at just thoe thought. He’s always thought about Johnny, even when he tried not to. Countless night of jerking himself off to the thought of that ass and pretty face. Does he mean tonight? Is he going to let him do it right here?
"No, LaRusso, not tonight, unfortunately. Can’t let you get my dress dirty, and we’re on a timer."
"The Cobras are going to check on me soon enough, and if it’s Dutch he'll start a scene."
Ah, right. So is this it for now? He’s grateful, but…
Johnny gets off his lap and back into the seat next to Daniel, taking his arms out of the sleeves of his dress pushing the top down to his hips. He put a hand on Daniel’s thigh.
Daniel really wants to bury his face against Johnny’s chest.
Johnny's lips are moving.
"We can still go all the way, just not tonight. But I can suck it."
Daniel breathes out shakily. Thank god. He nods his head clumsily, and Johnny tugs down his boxers.
Johnny looks captivated. "Wow, man. You’re like…way bigger than I pictured. Fuckin freak of nature having a cock like this with that stick body."
Long and thick, tan and curved. Johnny needs it.
Daniel would usually be annoyed at that, but it sounds like a compliment coming from Johnny, and he’s really, really desperate to get his dick wet. Thanks, I guess."
Johnny hums, then leans down, back arched, so Daniel still has a good view of his ass. He takes the tip into his mouth and sucks.
Daniel keeps himself still, fighting not to buck his hips and choke Johnny. His mouth is so perfect. Hot and slick. He can’t even imagine what the other end of him would feel like.
Johnny swirls his tongue, wrapping a hand around Daniel and taking his mouth off the head for a moment, opening wide and just resting Daniel’s dick there, shaking his head to rub his tongue on it and looking up at Daniel.
"Johnny…you, god, you—"
Johnny giggles, letting his eyes flutter shut as he takes Daniel down his throat this time like a pro.
Daniel chokes on his spit, putting a shaky hand on the dip of Johnny’s back when he really wants to reach farther and squeeze. 
Johnny looks up at him again, wiggling his hips a little in a clear invitation that Daniel takes readily, resting his hand on Johnny’s firm ass and patting it before giving it a good grope.
Johnny whimpers, sneaking a hand between his own legs to touch himself through his underwear, which are already damp with precum.
Daniel’s eyes are squeezed shut, and throaty noises escape him as Johnny bobs his head. He looks so hot; Johnny speeds up his hand and takes him down to the base, keeping himself there and waiting.
Daniel peers down at him. "Johnny?"
Johnny lifts his head up again, then drops back down. Doing that a few more times and effectively fucking his mouth with Daniel’s cock.
"What are you doing?"
Johnny picks up Daniel’s other hand and puts it on the back of his head. "Mm!"
Johnny want him to….
He fists Johnny’s hair, still gentle as he can be with it, and pulls his head up so some of his length slips from his mouth, then shoves him back down on it.
God that feels so good. "Is this alright? Are you okay, sweetheart?"
"Mhm." Johnny replies, arching more into the hand on his ass and speeding up the hand between his legs. Daniel keeps doing it.
He takes a leap, licking the pads of two of his fingers before slipping his hand down the back of Johnny’s underwear and lightly rubbing them on his hole. He wants to be inside it so, so bad. He presses down a little more when he feels Johnny swallow around him, and the tip of his middle accidentally slips in.
Johnny chokes, and his whole body tenses, his thighs pressingand whines leaving his mouth as he cums, too drunk on it to feel embarrassed yet.
Daniel feels very pleased with himself. "God, Johnny, I’m gonna…Where do I….?"
He pulls Johnny all the way off by his hair, swearing to commit the sight of Johnny’s debauched face—his mascara a mess on his cheeks and his lipgloss smeared all over Daniel’s—to memory.
"In my mouth." Johnny croaks, holding Daniel’s forearm for support. "Please."
“Yeah, okay. Whatever you want.”
Daniel bites his lip and fills Johnny’s mouth again, letting him lead the pace.
Johnny suckles around him, wriggling his tongue on the underside on every downstroke, and doing his damndest to push Daniel over the edge; it works.
Johnny drinks down every drop that Daniel gives him, pulling off and sticking out his tongue while he wrings Daniel’s cock for more until he pushes his hand away with a pained noise.
Johnny rests his cheek on Daniel’s thigh as they both catch their breath.
"Wow, Johnny, that was—"
Johnny sits up quickly, grabbing a box of tissues from under the passenger seat and wiping his face vigorously. "Yeah, yeah, it was really fuckin’ good, Daniel, but I’d suggest tidying yourself up so we don’t have issues with—Tommy is literally walking out the entrance, man."
Daniel jumps into action, running his fingers panickedly through his hair and stuffing his dick back in his trousers.
There’s a knock at the window; they barely managed.
Johnny leans across Daniel’s lap and turns the crank. "Hey, buddy! You’ve been out here a while. All good?"
He gives Daniel a suspicious look.
"Yeah, man, all good. We were actually just about to head back inside."
Tommy hums. "Why do you sound like that? You getting sick?"
Tommy reaches through the window and puts his hand on Johnny’s cheek. "You’re burning up!"
Johnny lightly smacks it away. "I’m fine, was just singing to the music and got a little hoarse and sweaty."
Tommy raises a brow, but leaves it be. "Alright. We’re missing ya in there, J, so hurry."
"For sure."
Johnny starts shutting the window before Tommy can say anything, and Tommy puts a hand to his heart dramatically before laughing and turning to head back inside.
Johnny turns to Daniel. "One more kiss?"
Daniel smiles and leans in.
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gamerwoman3d · 8 months
Warning: Cringey awkward personal rant ahead, for your entertainment and education.
So I'm sure I had a perfectly normal interaction with my crush today! But because I am me, and me is a BIG STOOPIT BALL OF AWKWARD whenever I'm in a room with him, I'm totally convinced that I somehow "lost" the social interaction. Like there's an invisible scoreboard floating above my head at all times that shows EXACTLY how bad I'm losing, to everybody but me.
I know there's no scoreboard, nobody's keeping score. I'm just constantly at risk of feeling a little bit of insecurity that "everyone can see exactly how much of a loser I am but me."
Ironically I also worry that everyone else that speaks with me also is keeping track of how bad they think they're losing? And I just wanna tell them all "NOOOO you're awesome stop ✋️ 🫸 🛑 nobody that actually matters keeps score like that" which means I get to tell ME that, too.
Go me.
But if you're ever wondering where the actual fuck all this good Mortal Kombat Smut is coming from if I'm just a big ball of awkwardness and not an actual seductress, let me let y'all in on a little secret; I'm both.
Anyone can be both a talented sex goddess and a big anxious ball of awkward at the same time. It's totally possible to be both at the same time. I'm confident in my ability to seduce damn near anybody I please.
I'm actively choosing not to be seductive and that's part of what makes it super awkward - I'm not being myself. This fact alone is fantastic fodder for my writing, it's inspiring honestly. At any given time, something could happen to trigger me to flip that switch, to go from deciding be awkward instead of being my seductive self, to being myself and deciding to no longer hold my desires at bay. Oftentimes my writings are based on fantasies fueled by my own desire to flip that switch.
Still, I have to admit to myself that I'm kinda taking damage per second when he's around. I'm not as comfortable as I want to be around him. I feel like I outstay my welcome too easily. Tonight in particular, I enjoyed the moment, but after a small amount of time, even though I could listen to him all day and all night on any topic he chose -- all I wanted to do was either go home with him, or run home to write more Mortal Kombat smut. Because doing that makes me feel more normal, after having not "been in my own skin" for a time. I had to fake being someone I'm not for just a bit too long today.
Also someone else wrote a Johnny Cage fic that I read a night or two ago that had me feral and worked up because my idiot brain wanted to write my crush in as Cage and honestly my face could melt off right now if I think about it too much.
So if you're out there writing the smut I enjoy, keep it coming please. I'm basically using it as a chewtoy at this point. And I need it, because without it, the urge to just chew him up when I see him becomes so damned unbearable :-p
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It’s been a long time since I felt comfortable in my own skin. It has been even longer since I felt comfortable with somebody else. Something about him… After spending a lifetime running out of breath trying to keep up with the pace of everybody else, he moves at a pace I can keep up with. He remains patient as I try to figure out my own pace. I am fascinated by him, the parts send my heart to flutter as well as the parts that make it crack. It’s not perfection but then if he was I don’t believe I would be so fascinated but rather worried.
I asked him to drive. I am in a town that I have not been in since before I was a teenager and he’s lived here most of his life. He knows where he’s going and I told him to surprise me. I want to learn more about him. And I trust him. I don’t bother checking out the scenery I want him to surprise me. I lay my head on the window and close my eyes holding to my consciousness so I can listen to the engine and the wheels as they move along the pavement. Allow myself to be  lulled away from my ceaseless anxiety by The rhythms of the drive and the turns he makes. For all I know he was taking me to the spot where he will murder me. my cats are well taken care of so I’m not too concerned about that. Well, I trust he won’t do that. And if I’m wrong that’s okay. I’m not sure if that’s an optimistic or pessimistic way to look at it.
Sharp turn, and the rhythm changes, the sound is a little rougher. I lived in the country long enough to know what is happening at the moment. We’re on a gravel road now. I open my eyes to see that he has brought me to a cemetery. wavelengths frequencies oh my goodness I’m in trouble. We had discussed this he knows I like cemeteries he knows I find them relaxing.
As he drives along I wonder how does he play it, his time here? is there a particular corner that he is partial to? Or is it like me with my photo shoots where he just picks a spot, as though the dead beneath the ground or calling out to him come visit me today.
Come share this moment with me today.
l get out of the vehicle and he follows my lead. I choose a family tombstone and address them by name, thanking them for their invitation. He just smiles at me and i melt.
I am in so much trouble.
The few seconds it takes for him to sit down next to me stretch out to eternity. I don’t know what happens next and I’m not sure I really care. If he starts listing off movies in his collection I will just be happy that his voice is addressing me. If he sticks to silence I will just be happy that he chose me to keep him company.
If this is my last night on earth, well it’s a good thing I paid my respects before I took my seat. I let out a little giggle at the thought. There’s always that little bit of darkness that wants to come out. But it’s been coming out less and less since he decided to look in my direction. Not since I took theater and my first round of community college did I ever speak to anyone that treated me as though I held any importance. It was always everything and everyone was more important than me.
And my mind is swimming. As George Michael said when a dream comes true what the hell are you supposed to do with it? I think I will take the advice of my company and just see where it goes.
Maybe my bravery bar will level up a little bit. I didn’t have the cheat codes so who knows. Maybe his bravery bar will level up a little bit. Maybe….
Oh that touch. I’m getting that passion stirring up in me oh, the kind I never thought I’d be able to feel or that I’d be able to feel comfortable feeling ever again. That type that comes from Bram stoker’s Dracula. You know the one. Take me because you want me I will never tell you no, I will never turn you down.
He’s tracing my stockings, literally the only part of my outfit that is not brand new. Every other piece was bought and put together for him. I wanted him to be the first to see it. I know he likes reds, deep reds, so that was the accent color of the outfit, along with the little play of my mismatched Harlequin stockings, a crimson wrap around a grey tulle skirt, and it’s been at least a decade since I managed to get myself into a corset and not feel like a fool. I’m getting the feeling he likes it when he moves closer.
I can feel a little shiver moving down my spine as he moves closer to me, tracing the shape of my body as he works his way up to the nape of my neck. Oh that was a weakness I’m not sure I should have told him about. My head is swimming. Things are moving too fast. Things are moving at the perfect pace. Things aren’t moving fast enough. I’m not sure which because I’m not sure how time is moving, not at this moment.
I reach out to him, touch his face, trace his lips, let my hand rest on the back of his neck and move a little bit closer. His hand is tangled in my hair and his lips beneath my thumb just seconds ago are now gently pressed against mine. We take a second to wrap ourselves up into each other before our lips part and we taste each other for the first time.
The first time. That insinuates there will be a second. And hopefully a third and a fourth and… oh wow he tastes so sweet! And this is such the perfect place, where the world stands still, for that first lingering kiss and the passion that comes with it. Yes darling thank you for bringing me here.
originally posted 22 May 2022
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