#I wrote this sleep deprived
el-oh-her · 4 years
One day you'll meet a girl with black skin and American accent and she is gonna wanna be called Egyptian and you're gonna have to get comfortable with the word Egypt in your mouth when it's not about Moses.
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haruxrinrin-blog · 6 years
RinHaru (ALMOST SMUT.. be warned)
Light footsteps pattered down the dimly lit hallway as raven hair swayed due to the movements made by the elder; petals of roses were laid throughout the sizable bedroom, candles of colors reddish pink to white were set alight as their glow illuminated the room, incense sticks arranged in the open spaces where cylinder blocks of wax were not. Haru wished everything to be perfect for his dearest love. The younger boy with hair of a burning flame, colored in a bright ruby with the hint of a tinge of pink symbolized his reason for existence. Alarm rang inside the elder's mind as his boyfriend was expected home any moment now, nothing could go awry. New foot patterns reverberated throughout the residence as a voice called out. "Haru, I'm home." Panic struck the taller boy, with eyes of the ocean, as he hurriedly made his way from the doorway and onto velvety carpets in the corridor. With a swift shove of the mahogany entry way, Haru found himself nearly bounding towards the front entrance. He arrived, gasping for the breath he'd practically used up in his endeavor to beat the other to where his carefully thought out present awaited. Haru came to a halt narrowly ahead of the other, carmine eyes narrowed slightly in response, brow quirked in confusion as to why his partner had been racing at such a rapid pace about their home. "Just what are you thinking, running around the house like a maniac?" Rin's austere tone gave way as his arms connected across each other, foot drumming the wooden flooring in an impatient and expectant manner. The elder faltered somewhat, lips almost curving into a sly grin, before realizing that expression would hinder keeping secret the concealed decorations upstairs. Instead he opted for his usual appearance; a thin frown upon his already thin lips.
"I wanted to see you", came the deadpanned, cliche response.
"You see me every day, and very rarely; never, have I seen you leap at my arrival." Rin's features hardened at the half truth his lover had given him, eyebrows creased as one was raised rather high. Haruka Nanase needed to cut the bullshit or else he'd be receiving much of the dreaded "cold shoulder" treatment, was the red head's prospect on this situation. A faint exhale left the elder's air passageway, lungs filling again as he'd forced himself to take in a rather adequate amount of oxygen, needed most times when dealing with Rin caught up in one of his moods. Haru had effectively calmed his nerves and regained his composure once more, deciding not to let the other's accusations dampen the spirit of the holiday.
"Rin. Follow me upstairs." The request, or rather demand, was as straightforward as ever; but to said boy however, it was far from easy. Compliance was one of the things seemingly just not built into Rin's character. Hm.. Or was it, perhaps? Nevertheless, a struggle ensued as Haru tried leading the other up the stairway. The boy with maroon tresses struggled in Haru's surprisingly firm grasp, tugging his wrists every so often to try and loosen the hold the taller currently had on his not far from bruised wrists.
"Let me go!" The younger cried out, a just barely audible whimper could be heard following the outburst, shadowed by blushing feverish cheeks in the alluring hue of a deep rose flush. What materialized next of course was those familiar droplets of saline plunging their way along Rin's reddened visage. The one of darkened ebony locks had to pause at this, arms snaking around the torso belonging to the now shaking boy. Haru discerned the most sensible option was to keep words to his own mind as it swirled and trailed along possibilities as to why something like this would be occurring this very moment. He felt Rin latch onto him in a damn near needy temperament, hands clawing their way towards the older boy's backbone. Tears leaked from his now stinging eyelids, flowing between both him and onto Haru's moderately ruffled, dressier shirt than was the norm. Fingernails in need of shortening seized place in Haru's sleeves. "I.. I.. I'm sorry, Haru..." A full show of waterworks was on display as the runny nosed redhead searched for comfort in the warmth of his sympathetic boyfriend's embrace. Feather light kisses were placed upon the other's lips as a silent understanding. Rin eagerly returned the affection, needily mewling into Haru's parted lips. "I n-n-eed you~" The words moreso dripped from the injured lips, of the crimson haired one; the abrasions from pressing his lips so harsh and insistent against Haruka's. The older male had never heard something so raw and unabashed pour from his lover's usual acidic tongue. He had actually managed to pilot their way to the next floor, turning around to come face to face with just exactly the mahogany exterior he ached to descry. He all but shoved the blistering, red-faced younger male through the door once he'd managed to gyrate the knob in a quick enough motion as to allow them entry to their bedroom. Rin's eyes were completely glazed over at this point, lust shining from those sanguine orbs as he allowed himself be tossed onto the mattress, which he'd noticed had a few stray petals of some kind strewn about it.. No. Their room didn't ordinarily consist of rose colored shavings. It couldn't be! Haru could no longer contain his anticipation and the surprise anymore, a wide grin spread across his normally stoic features.
"Happy Valentine's Day, RinRin!" He outright exclaimed, tossing some of the flower petals into Rin's hair as he chuckled softly, cradling the younger as close as was possible and pressing their lips together in a very much heated kiss, surely to precede such less rated PG-13 of activities.~
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hey please know if i disappear and my body gets discovered 80 years from now, i will be wildly pissed off if you don’t leave me in the ground for archeologists to discover 800 years later. being a 800-year-old skeleton is objectively so much cooler than being an 80-year-old skeleton and would give me so much more clout in the skeleton community, don’t dig me up
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Looking back, the first sign that something's wrong was that the human had been gone for hours. There aren't many place to go on a spaceship, and yet Gyali was unable to find her.
Now xe spots the human, Alex, as she's hurrying down the long corridor with a brown paper box in hand and a huge smile on her face. Gyali long ago learned to be suspicious of that smile.
"What's in that box?" Xe steps in front of the human, glaring at said box.
Alex's grin widens, showing all teeth and making Gyali shudder. "Wouldn't you like to know." She coos at the object.
Gyali's scales flutter in confusion. "Yes, that's why I asked."
"Oh. It's just... Stuff."
If possible, Gyali's suspicion levels rise even higher. "What stuff?"
The human shrugs, the movement rattles whatever's inside the box, muffled sounds of scattering emerges from it. The human winces. "Sorry, sorry!" She hushes the box. "It's... Come, I'll show you."
Gyali reluctantly follows after the human. Xe doesn't really want to know, not really. But xe's the human's supervisor, so it's not like xe has any choice, does xe?
They hurry down the remainder of the corridor, the human silent as death, while Gyali's steps echo heavily around them despite xir small size. When they reach Alex's quarter, she lets Gyali in first, then firmly shuts the door. She carefully places the box on her desk, then beams down at Gyali.
"They must have been here since we ported at Earth."
The box opens, and Gyali jumps backwards with a screech. The human doesn't even flinch, the sound must have been over her hearing levels... From the box, two small, furry creatures look up with round, black eyes, both of them baring sets of small, but sharp looking teeth. The creatures are terrifying, yet the human watches them with such adoration, of course she does.
"They are mice." Alex says, as if that explains anything. "I haven't seen one in ages. They are harmless, don't worry."
Gyali continues to worry. "Where did you get them?"
"In the garbage cabin. I was just in time, the cat was hunting them, but I managed to catch them first!" She smiles proudly.
Gyali's scales slowly rise into a defensive position. Xe knows what a cat is. The humans' pet predators, vicious and deadly creatures, absolutely banned from all intergalactic ships.
"What cat." Xe squeezes out.
Alex freezes.
"Alex? What. Cat."
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frihetkanske · 2 years
Contains slight SOD spoilers!
At this point I'm comforting myself with the thought that maybe, maybe Albus apparates to Nurmengard later in the day after their duel, probably at night, tearing through the wards like they're nothing.
To his power, they really are, and the person's magic, who put them up, is so similar it feels like coming home instead of invading his supposed-to-be enemy's headquarters.
He's ready to flee, should Gellert want to fight with him if he regrets not killing him when he stood with his back to him, so the view, that awaits him, takes him aback.
Gellert is a wreck.
He had been crying for some time, judging by his eyes, bloodshot and puffy, and the small tremors running through his body. His clothes are the same as they were in Bhutan, he didn't care to change.
His bedroom, ever so neat and well-kept, is a mess.
The desk and chair are in pieces, books cover the carpeted floor like fallen leaves cover the ground in autumn.
Did his magic explode as his anger and feel of betrayal lashed out, emotions no longer being able to kept under control? Or did he destroy everything with his two hands?
Did he really drink half a bottle of scotch on his own?
Albus had seen Gellert in many various states, but shitfaced drunk, barely clinging to consciousness is something new, and he's not sure he likes it.
Alright, let's be honest, he straight away despises this state of him.
When he steps over the threshold, Gellert looks at him with so much fear in his eyes it makes his steps halt.
"Go away," Gellert rasps out, "I know why you're here. Haven't you tormented me enough already?'
"I mean no harm, Gell." Using the old nickname may be cheap, but it does the trick. "I wanted to check on you. I was worried."
"How come? You never cared about me before. You came, spoke the words you knew I need the most, until I believed you actually meant them, then you disappeared. As visions do. Spare me this time, just this once. Please. It hurts so much. I can't."
In that moment Albus realises that Gellert thinks he's just another shadow of himself, one that promises him all the things he's craving for - his companion, support, encouragement, love, trust, to belong to him again.
He spends a good hour of proving Gellert he's real.
Reassuring his heartbroken husband that his love didn't stopped pumping the blood in his veins despite the pact being broken.
When Gellert can finally stand, Albus undresses him, helps him to change, tucks him in and holds his hand until he's asleep.
He shouldn't stay, that's the worst idea he's had since a long time, but Gellert turning to alcohol or any of his old methods of coping with pain would be even worse.
So he lays down next to him, closes his eyes, and when he wakes, it's because of ashen grey curls tickle his nose, and their bodies are pressed so close together as the mere thought of parting would tear them apart from each other's arms.
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firelordtzuko · 4 years
Friendly reminder that Kyoshi was Roku’s avatar guide (just like Roku was Aang’s guide). Queen-of-Getting-Shit-Done Kyoshi was bland milquetoast Roku’s main advisor. Like can you imagine, poor Kyoshi had to spend her entire life making up for that useless thot Kuruk who had the audacity to croak in his 30s, only to have a wishy-washy weak bitch successor. You bet your ass she told Roku to murder the shit outta Sozin as soon as he so much breathed in colonizer, but of course he spared him, because of ~*friendship*~ or some shit smh. The force of Kyoshi’s MASSIVE face palm after this happened actually created the Great Divide (this is canon). Y’all just know after Roku finally kicked the bucket, Kyoshi was waiting for him in the Spirit World, size 18 chancla in hand, ready to whoop his ass.
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sunasjellyfruit · 2 years
Sleeping with them.
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Sleeping. Just sleeping guys. This can be considered as post-timeskip actually.
Warnings: fluff, mentions of food, mentions of sleeping alone, hq boys being soft for you and in love.
Characters: Kurō, Oikawa, Ushiwaka, Sakusa, Atsumu, Suna, Kenma.
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He's not the best partner to sleep with but not the worst either. The problem is that he goes to sleep really late, he spends so much time working that he barely has time at night. So you go to sleep alone most of the time, and when he arrives home he always tries to be as silent as possible not to wake you up (which I think is really cute). However, the moment he enters the bed he'll be holding you tight against his chest because he needs your warmth to fall asleep. In fact it's his body the one which is super warm and in winter it's the best thing to have next to you. The best part about sleeping with him is that he (almost) never wakes up too soon, around 10am more or less, which is the perfect time to enjoy a warm drink for breakfast with the sunlight alredy entering through the window.
A truly wonderful partner to sleep with. If he has time, it's probably him who cooks dinner every night, and he doesn't like to fo to sleep very late or very early, so I would say that he tries to go to sleep between 11pm and 12pm (00:00? idk bro, you get it). When he lays in bed his body literally occupies the entire bed, legs and arms stretched so you are obligued to lay on top of him. He probably rolls and moves a lot while sleeping so you two end up separated lol. Apart from that, every morning he wakes up at 6am to go for an early morning run and sometimes he also gets freshly baked buns from the bakery, so when he arrives home again (and has a shower) he can wait for you with breakfast ready in you private little balcony.
For real the kind of sleeping partner we all want. He can go to sleep at any possible hour, from 9pm to 3am. You are tired? "Okey honey, let's go. Im not going to leave you alone". You want to watch a film and not sleep barely anything? "Okey, you can even choose the film". And you can clinge onto him as much as you want in your sleep (he sleeps like a rock actually). But the moment the clock reaches 8am, he's awake and there's no way he's going back to sleep again. He might start doing the house chores or some training while you start waking up.
(This is so funny to think about, but is also so cute omg) He has a very specific night routine that you both must follow before going to sleep, and it includes opening the window of your bedroom for at least 15 minutes to clenease the air of the room, and there's no way you're entering in the same bed as him if you haven't taken a shower first. Once you and the room are refreshed, everything is ready to rest. Sakusa smells like lavender and wood, and now your mind has related that smell to sleeping so it's sleeping for you to rest and relax without him. He knows that, and that's why he tries to go to bed at a decent hour so you can get a good sleep everyday, resting his head in your chest and with your fingers tangled in his black curls. Oh and don't even think of having breakfast in bed, if you want that then go to sleep to the kitchen, not to his bedroom.
He's the annoying kind of partner if we talk about having a sleeping schedule. Mainly because he doesn't have one, he goes to bed at a different hour everyday. And the fact that he trains a lot doesn't help, cause on some days he wouldn't notice and he would come back home soooo late, and think that he also would have to take a shower, have dinner... So when he lays down its probably like 2am. Other days in which he's tired he goes to sleep incredibly early, 9pm and he's asleep like a baby. Another problem is that he's very loud without even trying, so if you've fallen asleep before him and he wants to get something from your room or finally go to bed, take for granted that you're going to wake up from one way or another. The positive part is that he loves cuddles and he will hug you firmly.
I don't know how many times I've said this, Suna loves sleeping, loves naps, loves everything related to it, and he also loves you. What can be better than spending every night by the side of his lover? He doesn't go to sleep early, that's for sure, but he doesn't go extremely late, 1am more or less. Mainly because he gets too entertained watching tv shows or with his phone, but if you want to sleep he'll stay in the salon not to bother you. And when he finally starts feeling tired and he goes to sleep, he's the most silent person ever, you won't even notice that someone has stepped into your bed by your side. You might feel his arms around you or his slow breath right by your side, but nothing that can wake you up. However, when the sun rises there's no way to take him outside of the bed. He'll cling into your body as If his life dependes on it, if you let him he would probably wake up at 1pm, just to go get some food, eat and start the day, but if you get serious he might get up sooner.
Sleeping is for the weaks, and he's not weak. He probably thinks that and as long as he has a few energetic drinks near and his computer, he'll stay awake for an entire day or two. You've fallen asleep alone more than once only to wake up finding Kenma in the same position in which you left him the night before. He has tons of work, he's a youtuber-streamer and CEO after all, and he definitely doesn't know how to put some order in his life. You probably need to force him to go to sleep most nights, and he's more than happy to rest for a few hours, but im pretty sure that he would be awake by 7am to keep with his work. And he's very cute when he's asleep, like a kitten, delicate and indefense, and i bet my entire house that he snores quietly, almost like a purr. The best thing you can do for him in the mornings is bring him a warm drink (not necessarily a coffee, tea or some milk with honey works too) and place a jacket over his shoulders.
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Twisted Wonderland VI — The Lovers
“Love all that they are, all that they have been, and all that they will be.”
The Lovers, Upright: love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices
The Lovers, Reversed: self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
He is enraptured by amour for all, both living and nonliving, physical and metaphorical, good and bad. Indulging in the beauty that surrounds him, he loves to love and asks for nothing in return. To protect that unwavering love of his, he is willing to throw himself into hell and high water.
Reveal the Shape of thy Soul...
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... Rook Hunt!
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There was beauty to be found in everything--even in evil. To believe so passionately in one’s cause and to pursue it, even when the entire world had turned against you... Pressing on despite the doubt... There was a certain charm to that mindset, to that determination.
This, Rook believed wholeheartedly.
And yet the huntsman’s chest still ached when he set his eyes upon him. Him—Vil, his dorm leader, his friend, his guiding star embedded into the night sky. Now sullied, his sparkle clouded over and muddied by blot.
Rook still found him beautiful, but in a way that one might find horror beautiful. As morbidly fascinating as a swatch of the night and all of the monsters it contained.
Dark and twisted.
Ink coated nearly every inch of Vil’s skin, save for his face and a few pockets torn into his forearms—a swamp of blackness swallowing him up. A tattered veil and shredded violet gown hung off of his slender frame, a long train of fur and ink flapping in the wind. The gold he modeled was somehow tarnished—dull—and molded into cruel, sharp angles in his crown and talons.
But it was seeing Vil’s expression that had broken Rook’s heart, mended it, and made him fall in love all over again in the span of a second.
The agony and anguish. How his pretty face twisted into something grotesque as he howled, spat, and cursed, noxious fumes swirling around him. A plume of an unhinged sort of anger, completely unlike that of the well-composed Vil he knew of.
It was the look of a fallen hero, tragic in his endeavors, struggling and struggling for a happy ending that would never come for him. His final act of rebellion.
Rook didn’t dislike seeing this new side to him, the not-so-subtle killing intent.
It was oddly exhilarating.
Exhilaratingly sad.
“Why?” Vil had lamented, the ink already pooling at his ankles and snaking up his legs. His voice growing more and more panicked, more shrill. “Why am I so... so, SO UGLY?!”
No, Roi du Poison. You aren’t that. You are anything but ugly. You are still every bit as beautiful as you always have been.
The huntsman had no such luxury of uttering those words. Not with his magical pen pointed at his queen.
Words were meaningless now.
Mere frivolities.
“Je suis désolé, Vil. I’m afraid that I cannot be by your side today.” Rook’s apology trembled with a light-hearted sincerity. “Our juniors are in need of me. To that end, I must take up arms against you. Forgive me.”
He was met with a mighty roar of blind rage.
So pure, so unadulterated. It was a beauty so crazed that even Vil had been driven mad by it.
Rook couldn’t help but marvel at the thought.
Perhaps meeting his end at Vil’s hands wouldn’t have been a tragedy after all, as long as he got a good, long look at his contorting face as he beat the life out of the huntsman. How would it feel to have Vil’s fingers roaming his body—right before they plunged in and tore out his heart, closed his mouth around it?
Rook’s blood, a new shade for his queen’s full, flattering lips.
But then Rook would never again see him. The same overwhelming confidence that had once colored his world in jewel-tones would be out of his reach. A single spider’s thread of a chance, impossible for even the most skilled of outdoorsmen to haul themselves out of hell.
And never again would Vil’s beauty grace the world in return. Death would have robbed him for itself, stolen away Persephone to the Underworld, where her flowers would rot away forevermore. The world, too, rotting away without Vil.
Rook swallowed. “I promise, I will bring you back to your senses.”
His toes curled in anticipation. The fingers that grasped his magical pen tingled with the warmth of courage.
He, the triumphant savior? The conquering hero? The very idea was laughable. Fame and glory were of no concern to him. All that was in his sights was that which he loved most, the precious treasure he wished to preserve.
His flower of evil.
“Open your eyes, Roi du Poison.” Rook pleaded, his call rising above the whipping winds and raging storm, “our beautiful Vil! Return to us!”
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cyberfeather · 2 years
A Moment of Rest
Pairing: Thrawn x Eli Vanto
Summary: Not long after their first meeting, Eli accidentally falls asleep on Thrawn’s shoulder.
Thrawn doesn’t expect the cadet who serves as his translator to drowse off and fall asleep on his shoulder. It is getting late and they have been conversing for a while, that’s true, but the human should have many reasons to be wary of him. It’s obviously no secret to him that Thrawn has killed to board this ship. So, seeing the Imperial lower his guard around him despite this knowledge is surprising, almost as much as it’s interesting.
Eli feels warm against Thrawn’s side, and his hair is brushing against his nape, tickling his skin. This is the closest Thrawn has been to someone in years. The strict protocolary rules of the Ascendancy didn’t allow much, if any, physical contact, and neither did exile. But although this startles him, he makes no move to push Eli away.
Ever since they met, they have been inexorably drawn to each other, to an extent Thrawn didn’t plan for. Though on paper, it is rather simple: Eli is eager to learn more about the legendary Chiss he apparently heard so many tales about and Thrawn needs him to gather knowledge on the way of his people. The more he’ll learn about the Empire before reaching Coruscant, the better.
And so, it is easy to pretend he’s only tolerating this to get a tactical advantage, and not because there’s something more complex at play, something that takes roots in budding feelings he’s pointedly refusing to examine right now.
Thrawn is used to looking at the galaxy through a military lens, to divide people between foes and allies. And while Eli quite obviously falls into the second category, there’s also something different to him, something Thrawn can’t put his finger on quite yet. He’s useful to his schemes, sure, but he’s also intriguing, in a way none of the other Imperials are.
Some of their conversations have lasted for hours, and never once has he been bored by them. Maybe it’s because Thrawn has been alone for so long, but he loves to talk with Eli, to discover in which way their thought patterns differ. Even this, having Eli rest against him, is… Well, not unpleasant, at the very least.
He also can’t help but notice that the position Eli fell asleep in is sure to get him a sore neck. The sensible course of action would probably be to shake him awake. Instead, Thrawn shifts slightly, causing the cadet to move a few centimeters to the left, which lessens the strain on his muscles. Eli stirs a little to get more comfortable, and in doing so, wraps an arm around Thrawn and lays his hand on his chest, but doesn’t wake up.
Even though there’s no one to witness his reaction, Thrawn still tries his hardest to act unaffected and to keep an impassible expression. Having to interact with the high spheres of the Ascendancy taught him to police his emotions, no matter the circumstances, and old habits die hard. Coincidently, that same discipline helps him to stay perfectly still and not disturb Eli, who’s now holding tight onto him.
The carefully crafted illusion he created to persuade himself that his close bond with the human is nothing more than a means to an end shatters into a million pieces.
Thrawn hopes things won’t get too uncomfortable between them once Eli wakes up, because it’s already taking all of his self-control not to look flustered as-is. He’s already come up with a few believable excuses to explain his reluctance to bother his rest, most of them revolving around how much the Chiss value politeness. Thrawn wishes he could trick his own mind so easily, wishes he could convince himself this is nothing but a matter of courtesy. Still, he’s not that foolish.
His newfound affection for Eli, no matter how unsettling, is a parameter he can’t ignore. Better take it into consideration now than let his enemies use it against him later. This might become either a strength or a weakness, depending on how he plays his next cards. One thing is sure: Thrawn doesn’t intend on leaving it up to chance.
The good thing is, he has all the time to plan ahead, as he patiently watches over Eli’s sleep.
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bonniebelleklyde · 3 years
Janus feels exceedingly lucky that he is as skilled at the piano as he is. It has taken him years’ worth of practice to play a masterpiece like this without so much as glancing at the keys. Janus adores playing, but if he didn’t, it would have been worth all those years of diligent scales and dutiful practice just to experience this precise moment.
Because Logan is sitting at his feet in rocket ship pajamas and fuzzy slippers, his eyes closed and his head tilted at an angle that allows the sunlight to bathe his freckled face, framed by milk chocolate curls, wild now from lack of attention. A soft smile touches his lips. Three years married, and Janus has never tired— is quite certain he will never tire— of this sight. Yes, Janus is grateful for his years laboring at the piano. Because it would be a shame to miss one single second of this.
He regrets that the song he is playing has an end at all. But end it does, and Logan’s eyes fluttered open with a contented sigh.
“Lovely,” he says in that warm and quiet way of his that Janus basks in as if it were thunderous applause. “What’s that one called?”
Janus snorts with laughter— he always does. It is always delightfully amusing to discover the blind spots in his husband’s brilliant mind. It is made all the more beautiful for them. He buries a gentle hand in Logan’s unruly curls. Logan leans into the touch, and despite all their years together, Janus’s heart swells.
“It’s another famous one, isn’t it?” Logan asks, his tone pleasantly self deprecating, a smirk spreading over his lips. Janus considers coming down from the bench to kiss those lips but decides not to disturb the perfect relaxation of this moment. He’ll have a thousand opportunities to kiss Logan as they go about their day. The thought makes him smile.
“It is the famous one, dearheart,” he teases. “Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of Fur Elise.”
Logan’s smirk softens into a grin as he twists around to face Janus, a mocking accusation in his expression.
“You told me that I don’t like Beethoven!”
“You don’t, normally. But apparently you’ve made an exception.”
“I see. Well, I’ll have to remember the name for the next time you play it. It really is lovely.”
Janus only chuckles and tousles Logan’s hair. Logan has made that promise countless times before, and never once has he been able to keep it. Janus hopes he never does. He’s gotten quite used to reminding Logan of the names of his favorite songs. He’s gotten quite used to this. Him. Them.
Three years of marriage. Ten years together. Janus will never, ever tire of this.
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emily-prentits · 2 years
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“After you, Cat.”
Felicia bristles. “Don’t call me that,” she snaps.
Silk grins again, and for some reason Felicia can’t bring herself to hate it, can’t bring herself to hate this smart-mouthed, upstart agent, no matter how hard she tries. “Whatever you say, Cat.”
And before long, Felicia is caught in her web.
— out of the shadows, into the web (silkcat spy!au)
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ak-the-valkyrie · 2 years
Love how all Swedish people on Tumblr are overjoyed that the giant goat burned.
That being said,
The ritual is complete!
May the ritual of the burning goat cleanse the world and bring fortune to all!
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mark-the-snark · 2 years
monkie kid spicynoodleshipping prompt???
idk why im writing this but I have these ideas for fics and no motivation to write them so i thought that i would post them here or something and maybe someone would write them for me
1. trans mk fic with secret relationship spicynoodles about how his parents came back and stole his memories and a fiew days later everyone realizes that they havent seen mk in a while so they go find him (red son is also there but everyones confused why and hes really defensive and snappy about it). they find out that he lost his memories. His parent force him to wear fem clothes and they told him that hes in love with this random guy and they are having a wedding in a week that they cannot postpone. every night before the wedding tho red son comes to mk and tries to get him to remember but every timehe tries mk is in pain for some reason. stuff happens and then everyone fights for a physical manifestation of his memories (ive been picturing them as a glowing yellow orb like in that one ff on ao3) and somehow the orb gets into mks hands and then they all try to convince him to give them the orb but then red sais something like “Xiaotian, please...” and then mk has one of his migrains again and breaks the orb and frees his memories. and then mommy is furious and he beats his parents up or smt idk (im aware this is not really a prompt but it is what it issss)
2. red son “dies” (aka he is in a wierd demon coma cuz i hate sad endings) and if and dbk go on a rampage. mk tries to stop them but they think its his fault and then hes almost overpowered by iron fan but then she tells him why shes fighting him and hes so mad he tells them to show him the body cuz he doesnt believe them (cuz this is secret relatonship again (it could also be realization of feelings idk im not picky)) and then it end with a snowwhite kiss scene or smt idk i dont realy have an idea for this one i just want more spicynoddles + good parents dbt and iron fan cuz this fandom has too little fanfics like that
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bumpsandpushes · 3 years
for a blurb maybe giving birth at a wedding? maybe the bride and a bridesmaid go into labor and try to gide it cause they dont want to ruin the day?
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if these asks aren't from the same anon then that would be an extremely bizarre coincidence, but here's a little blurb based on the idea!
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you've been hiding your pregnancy for the past nine months, somehow making it through regular life plus wedding preparations without anyone noticing. you and your now-husband wanted to get married before revealing the pregnancy, hoping to somehow convince your more conservative family members that you haven't been having sex premaritally.
unfortunately, scheduling errors and shutdowns meant that your wedding date kept getting pushed forward until your ninth month, and your flowy empire-waist wedding dress is barely hiding your round baby bump. you probably should have just revealed your pregnancy at some point, because no one will believe you conceived and somehow had a full-term baby during your honeymoon, but you're already in too deep so you've both been trying your best to hide it.
but it worked! you're finally married and you've never been happier than you were in that moment of kissing your new husband, feeling the baby inside you kicking gently, as the officiant pronounced you husband and wife. standing in front of the altar for that long gave you a wicked backache, but your husband offered you a sweet massage in the limo to the venue which quickly became a sloppy makeout session while he fingered you until you were dripping onto the tulle inside your dress.
now you're sitting at your sweetheart table in the venue, your wedding party at tables flanking you, and your husband has his hands caressing your bump through the layers of your dress as you listen to the best maid speech.
"How are you feeling, babe?" He whispers into your ear and you see a flash from the corner of your eye as the photographer snaps a picture.
"My back pains are getting worse and now my stomach hurts as well, I think it's all the standing and posing we've been doing," you say, leaning against his shoulder with a sigh.
He pulls a sympathetic face, pressing a kiss to your head as he starts to massage your back. You're thankful that your little table is high enough that your waists are concealed by the tablecloth so no one can see his tender ministrations.
"And now it's time for the first dance!" The DJ calls into the microphone and the lights dim, all your guests looking at you expectantly. Your husband helps you up and the guests all coo, mistaking his assistance for a romantic newlywed gesture. He guides you to the dance floor, applying firm pressure against your back as he wraps you up in the dancing position.
You can feel the pain get worse as you move around, each swivel of your hips increasing the pressure that you feel between them. You press your head against your husband's shoulder, looking like a sweet embrace as you hide your pained tears from view of the cameras.
"I'm so sorry baby, we don't have to dance anymore after this. We can sneak out early for the honeymoon and get you somewhere where you can take off this dress and lie down," he murmurs. 
You nod with your face still pressed to the fabric of his suit, soothed by his reassuring words. He nudges you to lift your head for one final twirl before the dance ends, and as you gently spin around you can feel your water break. 
“What’s wrong, what happened?” Back in your husband’s arms, he can see your startled expression and just sways in place with you. 
“My water just broke,” you whisper, swishing your dress around in hopes that the fabric will soak up the puddle somehow. His eyes widen and he begins to look around for help so you squeeze his arm frantically. “We are not announcing this now, I will not have our baby at our wedding reception! Get me out of here as soon as you can.”
Your husband nods distractedly as he leads you off the dance floor, trying to figure out how to escape your wedding reception without drawing any attention. You barely make it to your seat before the next contraction and you have to hide your face against his shoulder again to muffle your groans. The sound of glasses clinking draws your attention, and you look up to see the crowd eagerly awaiting a kiss. Gentle hands cup your face and you press your lips against your husband’s as you moan into his mouth. The comforting feeling of his warmth against yours is the only thing helping you through this process of trying to hide your labour at your own wedding.
Every time you attempt to sneak out you are called to listen to speeches or cut a cake or some other attention-grabbing spectacle that keeps you under the scrutiny of all of your friends and families. During each speech you moan during every round of applause or laughter, hiding your vocalizations under the tumult of your wedding guests. Your husband has been darting increasingly worried glances at you throughout the night, and you’re sure your façade is getting weaker as your urge to push gets stronger. 
As soon as you get onto your feet to cut the cake you can feel the gravity pulling your baby down despite your desperate clenching to keep from pushing. You wrap your hands around your husbands as he holds the knife and his face begins to twist with pain as well as you squeeze tightly with your next contraction. While your wedding planner wheels the cake away from your table, your husband wraps an arm behind you as you sit.
“How close are your contractions? How long do we have?” You can tell that he’s putting on a brave face to keep you from freaking out, but there’s nothing that can alleviate the stress of having spotlights and cameras and over a hundred pairs of eyes staring up at you while you hide your labour pains.
“They’re fucking close, I can’t time them properly but they’re almost right on top of each other,” you groan. You choose not to mention your growing need to push, as the stress would probably screw you both over. You clap distractedly through the distribution of the cake and the remaining speeches, relying on your husband as a signal while you squeeze your thighs together and ignore the pressure to bear down.
“Uhhhhhh...huhhhhhhhhh...fuck babe it’s too much,” you whine, pressing yourself against your husband so no one can see how much pain you’re in. His hands rub your back lovingly and you can feel how tense his muscles are beneath his tuxedo. 
“Just one more thing before we can leave,” he says in an attempt to soothe you as he pulls you back up in front of the crowd. You can barely keep a strained grin on your face as you move forward. You feel like you baby is about to fall out of you with every waddling step and your pelvis and back are aching with how stretched apart you feel. Your husband hands you the bouquet and positions you away from the crowd, holding onto you for support. 
Your hands clench in pain, knuckles white around the wilted stems of your wedding flowers. Some petals float to the floor as you squeeze to suppress your pained groans but you finally manage to lob the mangled bouquet over your head towards the group of excited women. Your husband is rubbing your back and murmuring something in your ear. While his tone and voice are incredibly soothing, you are unable to decipher a single word he says as you try and focus all your energy into not pushing despite the fact that you have felt your muscles tightening and moving the baby lower for the past hour. He leads you towards a chair for your final tradition, the last thing you need to do before you can leave.
It’s a struggle for you to get into the overstuffed chair they’ve provided, but you eventually manage to sink down so that your puffy skirt is fluffed around you like a nest. Your husband lifts up the layers of tulle, being careful not to expose your bump has he does so. His body is halfway under your skirt as he reaches for your garter, but you can feel one of his hands pressing between your legs, fingers stroking against the fabric. 
The pressure has been increasing all day, but you can feel that pressure transforming into a stretching feeling right where he sets his fingers. Your lips are being spread and you’re terrified to consider what might be pulling you open from within. As he gets back up he flings the garter behind him without looking, leaning down towards you to speak.
“The head is coming out. Now. We need to get out of here,” he says under his breath while helping you stand, using all his strength to support you as your knees buckle. You can barely get back to the sweetheart table with how spread apart your legs are. Because of your husband’s words you can now feel the head pressing up against your slit, a bulge growing in your panties and under your dress where you were able to ignore it before. You bite your lip hard as you suppress your screams, just blindly following your husband as he grabs your hand and leads you to the closest exit. 
“No, no, no, put me down so I can push!” You say this under your breath, managing to keep quiet with the last of your awareness and you slow your steps as your husband tugs you along the dance floor. 
You push every time you manage to stop moving, though you know you’re only supposed to push with contractions you’re so overwhelmed that you don’t care anymore. With this push you stop completely, beginning to squat down low as your husband holds you up by your upper arms. Your voluminous princess style gown is the only thing concealing you from the rest of the reception, and the burning feeling increases as you keep pushing. 
“Only a couple more steps and we’re out of sight, I know you can do this,” your husband says as he pulls you back upright and helps you walk to the door. 
As you straighten up again you can feel the head go further within you, your hole shrinking again as you lose your progress. You want to scream from the pain and frustration, but you put your trust in your new husband’s hands as you walk along with him across the floor. By this point his arm is fully around you, holding you upright as you walk while everyone else only sees smitten newlyweds. You groan as you keep walking, the movement is widening your pelvis and moving the baby down. With one swift motion you both burst through the door and bustle away from the reception hall, your husband hoping to get you as far away as possible before you start to push again.
You manage to tug him into a little alcove off of the hallway and press your hands to the wall, leaning towards it with your legs spread wide as if you’re being frisked. This position opens your hips and you begin to bear down, your knees squatting as you moan. 
“Nghhhhh, ow, ow, ow, mmmmmm,” you cry out, panting between each push while your husband begins to flip up your skirts. You can feel your sodden panties being pulled down your legs and his fingers begin to skim around the burning ring between your legs.
“Oh my god, I can see the head. You’re doing so well, just keep pushing!” 
His encouragement helps you push even harder, the pressure that was in your back is firmly between your hips, keeping you trapped in place as the head splits you open. Your husband’s warm hand is cupping your sex, providing counterpressure for the head.
“HHHHHNNNGGGG- oh god ohhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!” 
A gush of fluid accompanies the head as it slips out of you, further staining your white wedding dress. You can hear your husband weeping behind you, elated at the sight of your baby’s head no matter how stressful the situation has been. With his spare hand he rubs your upper thigh, praising and reassuring you breathlessly. 
You only pant with the next contraction, the stretch compelling you to push though that you know you need to make sure you don’t tear. The pressure is almost too much and you have to focus on the warm callouses of your husband’s hands against your skin to distract yourself from the desperate compulsion to bear down. However, the next contraction is fair game and you push with all your might, grunting with the effort of bringing your baby into the world. The sudden lack of pressure within you occurs just as you hear the cries of a newborn.
“It’s a girl,” your husband says tearily, helping you slide to the ground as he sits next to you and hands you your newborn child. While you press the fussy baby to your skin you see a flash out of the corner of your eye and you look up to see the videographer, photographer, and most of your wedding reception standing in the hall and staring in shock and awe. 
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marlborodean · 3 years
what was i gonna say. oh yeah. something about dean killing his doubles is very personal.
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capricores · 3 years
✨ the signs and work (careers, needs in workplace, work-mindset, etc)
♡ check your sun, mars, ascendant, midheaven and sixth house signs. keep in mind your entire chart, especially planets in the sixth/tenth house can hugely change the expression of this. sagittarius mars + midheavens tend to hate routine, but if you have a taurus sun/moon, you’re likely to prefer routine and be more comfortable with it. the aspects to these planets and your midheaven/ascendant can entirely change things too. this is a general post. 
i also recommend checking the position of your midheaven ruler and the sign/house it is in (ruler of the midheaven is simply the planet that rules the signs of your midheaven: sun=leo, moon=cancer, mercury=gemini/virgo, venus=libra/taurus, mars=aries/scorpio, jupiter=sagittarius/pisces, saturn=capricorn/aquarius, neptune=pisces, uranus=aquarius, pluto=scorpio). so if you have a gemini midheaven, look to what sign your mercury is in and read for that as well.
reasons for choosing these placements: sixth house represents routine, habits and service; it will more-so highlight how you feel about and approach day-to-day work and serving others. midheaven is your ideal career and ambitions in the workplace; it’s also your image while at work. ascendant + sun both blend together to create one’s general temperament and personality; as well as outlook on life. these two placements highlight hobbies, desires, wants; and therefore influence career needs and work habits. mars is your drive, ambition, energy, etc; therefore showing up in the workplace strongly.
bite-sized version (see the read more for full sign explanations)
aries: careers that allow independence and decision-making. careers in the outdoors. high-energy, physical careers; careers that allow them to use their hands. entrepreneurship is ideal as they like to have complete control over their projects and schedules. jobs with competitive factors will be most motivating to them. they do really well in high-stress careers that require fast-action. sales, any sort of business ventures, management, directing, athletics, construction, welding, etc.
taurus: careers that offer consistency, stability and security. careers that allow for independence. entrepreneurship; taureans aren’t good at taking orders. anything involving the environment, animals, or children. coffee shops, bakeries, childcare, environmental activism, tree nursery staff, animal rescue, etc. taurus placements hold high levels of creativity and are very good at curating styles that appeal to wide varieties: therefore design (fashion, interior - even food/graphic design) based careers are ideal.
gemini: intellectual stimulation, flexibility and frequent change are absolute requirements in gemini careers. without frequent mental stimulation, gemini placements get anxious and want to quit. it’s hard for them to stick to jobs that don’t offer lots of change, variety and difficulties. engineering, computer programming, math-based careers, etc. geminis are excellent communicators are thrive in careers involving writing, public speaking, sales, etc. the environment and people gemini works with are as important as the job itself for them. gemini needs to do multiple things at once; careers involving multi-tasking are essential. routine, predictable careers are the enemy.
cancer: cancers need stability and control in their career. they’re very nostalgic and can often be seen carrying on family businesses or pursuing careers influenced by their families. research & history based careers are great for cancers (historian, librarian, scientific research, detective, etc). cancers do well connecting with others; careers that allow genuine interaction are great (psychologist, social worker, human resources, etc). careers that allow them control. the environment of a cancer’s work space is extremely important: they usually do best working at home. careers relating to food. careers connecting to childcare.
leo: careers need to allow them recognition and praise; attention via career is important (social media, tv personalities, etc). careers that allow a creative outlet with high-energy; but still offer stability and consistency. competitive environments are best for leo. working with children, athletic coaching, fashion, sales, marketing, and so forth are all great paths. management positions or running their own business is ideal for leos who don’t take well to criticism or direction. leos love being social and enjoy careers that give them a social outlet. analytical careers pair surprisingly well with leo; i’ve noticed they’re often drawn to and successful with paths relating to computer science & engineering.
virgo: similar to gemini, careers that are fast-paced and challenging are essential. mental stimulation is an absolute must, and the most important factor for a virgo. careers revolving around healing, health and nutrition fit well with virgo. working with animals and the environment. analytical, logic-forward careers that requirement complex solutions and quick thinking. careers involving communication, especially written, are ideal. virgos are excellent with small details and do well with careers that focus on these. writing, computer programming, chemistry, engineering, teaching, vet tech, dietician, doctor, surgeon, etc.
libra: careers heavily connected to aesthetics: libras require beauty in every aspect of life, especially career (fashion, interior & graphic design; any art-related field; music, etc). careers loaded with social interactions, libras get drained and bored in a career that’s isolating and lonely. ilbras are charming and do well in positions like sales that utilize this charm for personal gain. careers that require a strong sense of justice and morals (law, judge, detective, managerial positions, etc).
scorpio: competitive, target based careers that give them power. behind-the-scenes careers that give them recognition but still allows their privacy. creative -heavy careers such as writing, art, fashion. careers connecting to the occult (ie: astrology/divination). careers that allow them to utilize their unmatchable investigation skills (detective, lawyer, scientist, etc). careers that give them flexibility, yet stability; the only change they want to experience at work is self-controlled. scorpios prefer to work alone than in groups; careers of solitude or ones that allow them to control others are best.
sagittarius: careers that allow them to channel their natural educator & humanitarian role (teacher, philosopher, lawyer, philanthropist, etc). careers that allow them to travel as part of their job (pilot, travel guide, trip planner, translator, etc). careers with huge amount of flexibility, frequent change; careers that give them independence and allow for constant growth, learning and expansion. they never want to be fully “comfortable”. athletic, physical careers; careers in the outdoors (ie: athletic coach, sports teams, etc). 
capricorn: careers that allow for complete autonomy and control. entrepreneurship was made for capricorns. careers that promise stability, security, and a laid-out climb to the top. careers heavily based in logic & analyzing; finance-based careers are also ideal. financial analysis, architecture, CFO positions, etc. working with animals and being connected to the earth are beneficial. management positions are ideal, although capricorns tend to do everything themselves regardless of who’s working for them. careers that involve a lot of careful planning and thinking ahead; routine.
aquarius: careers involving music and/or art (nearly every aqua placement i meet is talented in + passionate about some artistic outlet, channelling these interests into careers is beneficial). careers involving technology, science, and lots of analyzing/logic. computer science, engineering, mathematician, data analyst, etc. careers that give them longer periods of isolation with healthy amounts of socialization in between; they require a good balance. careers that give them independence, yet structure; careers that change on their own terms only. 
pisces: careers with complete flexibility: routines, heavy structure and similar are the enemy. careers that allow a channel for healing and/or spirituality (divination, astrology, nutrition, psychology, etc). careers relating to philosophy, humanitarianism, teaching; much like sagittarius - anything that allows frequent growth and expansion. careers heavy with travel and new experiences. careers that allow a creative outlet are best for pisces (design, photography, filmography, music), they also do well in social based careers such as being influencers or tv stars. avoid careers with rough environments as they’re the sign most likely to absorb negative energies.
♡ mutable signs (pisces, sagittarius, gemini, virgo):
these signs have busy minds. they always need to be moving, and require constant mental stimulation. work without mental stimulation will quite literally drive them up the wall. if their work traps them into non-challenging (gemini/virgo) or routine (pisces/sagittarius) environments, they’ll not only want to quit, but likely be negatively impacted in terms of energy and mental health. if you have strong mutable placements, it’s important for you to find a flexible and stimulating career; a career with a lot of socializing is often preferable as well. they require lots of encouragement and praise in their work to stay committed and on-track.
the ideal careers for mutable signs are ones that allow for stimulation and change (virgo is more comfortable with routine, gemini is *okay* with routine; but both requirement frequent challenges in the workplace to stay satisfied, they need to be “solving” things). mutable signs don’t mind working behind the scenes, or under the direction of someone else, so long as they’re in an exciting environment that allows them to fully utilize their wit, creativity and quick problem solving skills. 
it’s very important for mutable signs to become friends with those in their workplace (especially pisces and gemini placement individuals). because of their constant need for mental (and also social) stimulation, it’s vital for them to be able to form friendships (not necessarily deep/close friendships, but at least surface level) in the workplace and have a frequent social outlet while working. mutable signs are also extremely susceptible to their environment and those around them (as are the water signs), so a toxic workplace will have a significantly harsher impact on their well-being than other signs would experience. their mental and physical health can both be immensely affected when they’re in toxic environments around toxic people (of course this is true for anyone, but mutables are drained by this on a whole other level). mutable signs can easily love a job they would normally hate, if the environment is positive and fun for them; and vice versa.
✧ sagittarius and pisces: no matter how much these two signs love their job, they will still hate their job. pisces and sagittarians tend to hate work. this isn’t because they’re lazy, or incapable of putting in hard work; because they’re more than capable, and do it frequently. but to them, work, especially routine work (nine to fives, forty hours a week, etc), limit them. pisces and sagittarius share jupiter as their ruler; jupiter is all about expansion, growth and freedom. these signs hate being boxed in and tied down. they require living lives that allow for frequent growth. namely, pisces and sagittarius love to always be learning and bettering themselves, especially spiritually and philosophically. if they’re stuck in a career that limits their expansion; or lacks “abundance” when it comes to choices and growth, they’ll be extremely unsatisfied.
pisces and sagittarians are free spirits, and these placements (especially in the personal planets and as ascendant) love physical change; aka traveling. a job that allows them to travel, especially to other countries/long distances, will be ideal and fulfilling for them. creative outlets, educational paths, or any career relating to spirituality, philosophy or similar will be best for them. pisces do really well in careers related to healing and helping; sagittarians do really well in careers related to teaching. sagittarians, being fire signs, also require careers that keep them relatively physically active.
some suggested careers (pisces, sagittarius): travel-related (flight attendant, trip planner, etc), translation/interpretation, photography, arts, astrology, divination, food (chef, front of house, etc), teaching, medicine (namely naturopaths, nutrition, etc), motivational / public speaking, philanthropy 
✧ geminis and virgos: being mercury-ruled, these two signs need intellectual stimulation more than anyone else. they do not do well in monotonous or “easy/simple” jobs. although these two signs might not be as bothered by routine as their fellow mutable signs, they instead require a constantly challenging and stimulating environment. fast-paced, high-stress careers where they’re able to problem-solve and think on their feet are best for these two signs. although they have to be careful of overly stressful jobs and burning themselves out, due to their tendencies of overthinking, nervousness and how easily stressed they can get. it’s best for them to work in challenging environments, with kind and encouraging management, as to avoid any possible burnout or anxiety in the workplace.
again, thanks to their mercury influence, these signs have a way with words. anyone with strong gemini or virgo placements is bound to be great when it comes to writing and/or speaking. being an author is something those with either of these placements would really excel at. also, working in sales (mainly with gemini, virgo shyness and hermit habits may put them off of this career lol) is something gemini & virgo THRIVE in. they’re very good at speaking to others and swaying their opinions, so closing deals with people is a very easy and satisfying thing for them to do.
some suggested careers (gemini, virgo): computer science/technology fields, detective work, writing, research-based fields, nutrition/dietetics (virgo), sales (gemini), something with a lot of public speaking (but this likely freaks them out and makes them nervous- they are amazing at it though), event planning
some mutable careers (all/mixed): teaching, international relations, politics (sagittarius and gemini), music (pisces especially), comedy (gemini and sagittarius), marketing & sales, law, medical fields (virgo and pisces), travel & tourism, librarians/working in bookstores
♡ cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn):
these signs thrive most placed in roles of leadership and entrepreneurship. directing others and having control over their own actions and projects is most satisfying for these individuals. cancers and libras don’t mind working under the control of others, capricorn and aries do not do well in situations controlled or directed by others. however, capricorns and aries can handle working under others as long as they have a means for doing so (ie: they have some power over others at the same time, they’re awaiting a promotion, etc).
these signs are ambitious, initiators, and go-getters. they are the ones with the big ideas and the detailed plans of how things will go. they enjoy motivating others and seeing others succeed, so they make for wonderful managers. managerial positions are great for these signs, since they can struggle a bit with following through/staying on task, having a role where they create the ideas/tasks and have someone else finish it is more ideal.
✧ aries and capricorn: these signs, far more than other cardinals, really do better working alone or in positions of power. entrepreneurship is more ideal for these two than probably any other sign. additionally, both aries and capricorn are very connected to the physical realm. aries does really well in physically-active careers (manual labor, athletics, etc), and they also really love the outdoors. capricorn, being so connected to the earth, also loves any sort of outdoors/earth-connected career. jobs that allow them to be outside in nature, or directly working with nature, will do them both great.
these two signs are very good at managing and directing, however their styles can be a little harsh. they also tend to have the attitude where they’d rather do everything themselves so that it’s done “right”. because of this, it’s best for them to work independently at their own business, or to have someone working as a buffer of communication between them and employees when it comes to instructing and critiquing. they do, however, do very well as trainers, since they’re very to-the-point and enjoy allowing others to shadow them/vice versa. being trainers allows them to let out their overly picky/specific side for the better.
these two especially thrive in any career that allows them to showcase their straight-forward and analytical natures. fields such as law, are so amazing for both of these signs. aries loves the challenge of a field like law, and probably enjoys the ability to “argue” for work. capricorn’s interest will be held by the analytical, research based aspects of law, as well as the ability to “argue” for work. both signs enjoy being right, competitiveness, and independence, so fields similar to law are perfect. 
both signs can also handle high-stress and high-pressure environments with ease, quite possibly more than any other signs. they also need frequent challenge and competitiveness in careers, so any sort of job that hits these requirements would be best. if they don’t feel as if they’re climbing a ladder, or achieving a visible, measurable level of success (ie: hitting/exceeding targets), they won’t feel fulfilled.
some suggested careers (aries, capricorn): entrepreneurship, instructing/coaching (athletics, etc), athletics (aries), project managers/management in general, conservationists, lawyers, food service, finance/accounting, any analytical/logic-based careers (capricorn), architecture, computer programming, sales (aries; they have the energy + charisma for this), marketing, real estate (aries), physical therapy, chiropractor, personal trainer (aries)
✧ cancer and libra: one important thing to mention for these two signs is they require a comfortable, positive work sign; almost to the extent that mutable signs do. their work environments have to be comfort zones, much like their homes, or they’ll struggle a lot in their career despite how much they enjoy the job itself. the people they work with and space they work in are extremely important to them. if they work from home, it’s vital they have a comfortable, well-decorated home office in order to be fully productive and in their “zones”.
these two signs have a very unique way of managing. they’re very good at getting people to do things, without realizing they’ve been influenced to do something. both of these signs can get along with nearly anyone, and have very warm, nurturing natures; which makes them highly successful in roles ranging from management to sales and anything of the likes. their social skills are impressive, as are their problem-solving skills, which makes them well-suited for fields like human resources, law (mainly libra), psychology, social work, etc. both do well in customer service and marketing because of their people skills.
the difference between these two lies in their public preferences. libra is a very public sign, and also the sign of justice. journalist, social media influencer/tv personality, publicist, judge/lawyer, and fashion design are some potential careers that align well with libra’s needs for recognition and admiration. on the other hand, cancer much prefers a more private life, although still enjoys (genuine) interaction with others. due to their nurturing personalities and creativity, cancers thrive in careers relating to medicine, food, design (especially interior, architecture, etc - anything related to the home as cancer is the sign connected with the *home*), and so forth.
these two signs are also highly creative and thrive in roles that allow for this expression. libra specifically thrives in fields like fashion or graphic design, cancer thrives in fields like interior design or baking/cooking. 
some suggested careers (cancer, libra): law (libra), fashion (libra), interior design, graphic design (libra), childcare (cancer), psychology, social work, medicine (cancer), chef/baker/similar (cancer), real estate, sales & marketing (libra), journalist (libra), publicist (libra), architect (cancer), customer service, social media (influencer, marketing, etc), acting, game design/development (cancers especially - they seem to be so good with video games)
some cardinal careers (all/mixed): entrepreneurship, design, development & research, finance/accounting, architecture, lawyers, judges, detectives (especially libra & cancer), real estate, sales & marketing, management, human resources (cancer/libra)
♡ fixed signs (taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius):
these signs do best in positions of total autonomy. working under the discretion of others is not ideal for these individuals. with creative minds and a need for independence and power; these individuals also tend to do best in fields relating to art, or creation of some sort. aquarius and taurus can handle working under others without much power, but leo and scorpio do not do well when given directions (they can handle it, but they don’t like it). it’s against fixed sign nature to follow orders. however, fixed signs do generally enjoy routine, so they won’t mind working under someone if it provides them consistency and stability. they might even skip on desired promotions, new/better job opportunities and more due to their fears/dislike of change (especially taurus).
fixed signs have this unmatchable resilience when it comes to work. these are the people that will easily put in 70+ hours a week with minimal complaints. they’re excellent at following through with things and sticking to their jobs/tasks, even when they hate them. fixed signs are also the only modality that’s consistent and excellent with following through. these signs have a bit of trouble getting started, though, and often need a push and help to get things going. 
leo and taurus need stability and consistency in their career, whatever it may end up being. these two do not do well with change; and don’t usually like jobs that require them to frequently adapt or start new routines. aquarius and scorpio on the other hand, thrive within change; and are more than used to adapting to sudden, significant changes. these two, however, still prefer a more stable routine; as they tend to fear/dislike change that is not self-inflicted. the biggest things for fixed signs are stable, consistent careers. they also need careers that allow them power and individualism. aquarius and leo specifically need careers that allow them to “show off” or get recognition, preferably from a larger audience.
scorpios & leos thrive with incentives and praise, so careers that offer bonus pays, targets, and promotions with set goals will motivate them a lot more in work. any sort of competitive work will get those two signs going. aquarians however are more indifferent to these things, they tend to be more detached with the material benefits of work. taureans usually dislike these types of careers, they want work with consistency: consistent pay, consistent hours, etc.
✧ leo and aquarius: these signs require attention and recognition for their work more than anyone. they’ll do behind the scenes work if they need to, but generally they enjoy being the center of other’s attentions (aquarius won’t admit this though). these two signs have very unique ideas, and are bustling with creativity. more than anything, they need a career that allows creative expression and individuality. they don’t do well being boxed in and restricted in their endeavors. most of all, these two need careers that are challenging, consistent yet flexible, and allow both social and creative outlets. 
aquarius is the sign relating to technology, so of course they will naturally thrive in technology-related careers. aquarians have busy minds and the patience to work out complex problems; so a career in computer programming, or something similar, would do them well. graphic design and architecture are two other careers that come to mind. engineering (but something more like music engineering, that allows them that creative outlet) is another great choice. aquarians are also humanitarians at heart, so charity-related careers, or careers of similar nature (ie: social worker) would be great for them. careers with a lot of either problem-solving/complex issues, humanitarian causes, or music/art are best for aquarians.
leos are natural born entertainers and story-tellers. they also can fit well into many social environments, and are so naturally charming it’s easy for them to get on anyone’s good side. because of this, any social-heavy career is great for them (motivational speaking, writing, acting, sales, marketing, etc). leos also have big hearts and tend to love children and/or animals, so i always recommend childcare or animal care to these types of leos. at the end of the day, despite leo’s need to be independent/not heavily controlled at work, they do love that social interaction that can come with working. leos are also bursting with creativity, and tend to have affinities with art, so any art-field is a great career selection for them. as a fire sign, leos also thrive in physically-active careers (athletics, manual labor, etc) that keep them up and moving.
some suggested careers (leo, aquarius): music (especially aqua), fashion-related fields; especially design, ANY sort of artistic field (design, painting, acting, etc), childcare (leo), marketing, sales, engineering, charitable organizations (aquarius), computer programming/science (aquarius), writing (leo), social media (marketing, management, influencer)
✧ scorpio and taurus: these signs don’t mind being behind the scenes, so long as they still have significant power in their work environment and control over themselves. overall, they’d typically rather work for themselves than someone else, they truly hate answering to others and generally don’t like being disturbed/overly social at work (it drains them, and they usually find it annoying/disrupts their work flow). i suggest more independent-work type of careers for these signs, or careers that allow them to instruct others on what to do, not the other way around.
both signs are very intense and investigative, and once they start something they have a laser-like focus that will help them see through a project to the end. scorpios specifically need careers that allow THEM flexibility and the ability to enact change when they see fit. taureans, however, need careers with minimal change, including self-inflicted. taurus requires stability and consistency more than any other sign in the zodiac, especially at work. 
taureans have a very nurturing energy, including at work, and they have a natural connection to the earth/environment. because of this, i always see taureans fitting so well into careers involving the environment (think anything from environmental law to conservationist to florist, etc). personally, both taurus and scorpio i can see running adorable little flower shops, crystal shops or cafes and it would be too perfect for them. these two signs are usually bookworms too so i feel like working in a bookstore would be so perfect for them both. scorpios really do need that power and slight competition in work. they need to be challenged more than any of the other fixed signs, or they will get extremely bored. i often find scorpios thrive most in unfamiliar environments, so sudden switches in work may be a comforting thing for them.
some suggested careers (scorpio, taurus): investigator/detective (scorpio), research-based fields (scorpio), interior design, fashion, food-related field (taurus), childcare (taurus), architecture, divination + astrology (scorpio), office jobs (taurus - but more a WFH environment), work from home jobs in general (they don’t like leaving the house), working with animals/rescuing, environmental law (taurus), law (scorpio), environmental activism (taurus), conservationist (taurus), librarian/bookstore jobs
some ideal fixed careers (all/mixed): tattoo artist (this career always comes to mind with scorpio/taurus especially), design, any sort of arts-related career, managerial roles, entrepreneurship, athletic instructor/similar (leo & taurus), farming (taurus & leo), florist/anything working with plants (taurus & scorpio), childcare (leo & taurus), competitive environments (leo & scorpio)
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