#I’ll probably keep popping in to this post to see if there’s more edits I wanna make
hibiscuswrites · 7 months
Do you write for COD MW2?? If you do, could I have Ghost, Alejandro, Rudy, and Price reaction to coming home to their women after a tough mission with a lot of close calls?? Thanks!
I do! 🥰 I haven’t yet but I’d like to try my hand at them so I’ve added them to my list. I’ve written a few things for practice but I haven’t posted them. Admittedly, I don’t feel like I write Soap very well 🥴 but I’ll keep trying. Hope you like it 💕
Edit: just realized I’m illiterate and put soap instead of price so I added him in at the end 🙈 sorry about that
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You can see his shoulders drop in relief as soon as he lays eyes on you
Happy to be home
Happy to be safe
Happy to be back with you
There were a few times he was worried he wouldn’t make it back to you and not that he finally has, he can’t let you go
His embrace is gentle yet secure as he clings to you
“Missed you so much, mi vida.”
He clings to you for days once he’s back
Definitely makes you breakfast in bed with fresh fruits and whipped cream smiley faces on your pancakes
He’ll sit with you on the couch and watch whatever your heart desires
He makes love to you gently
All soft kisses and hand holding
Enjoys for you to ride him and lets you take whatever you need from him
He’s more than happy to lay there and look up at you looking like a goddess as you bounce and grind
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Nearly knocks you over with the force of his embrace when he finally gets his hands on you
One too many close calls where he wondered if gazing at the picture of you in his best would be the last time he ever saw you
He’s handsy
Paws gripping at your ass and thighs as he spins around with you
“There she is, my pretty girl.”
Probably trips with you
He doesn’t mean to be rough with you, he just can’t help it that he’s clumsy in his excitement
He goes down on you every chance he gets on nearly every surface in the house
On the sofa
In the shower
With you bent over the kitchen counter
He’s a munch through and through
And stays by your side like a puppy, simply happy to be back with his favorite girl
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His embrace feels like it could pop your eyes clean out of your head
It’s tight and desperate almost
One bulky arm wrapped around your waist, the other cradling the back of your head, holding your face into his chest
Before he had you, it didn’t matter all that much if he didn’t make it home
But now that you’re his, he knows he needs to make it back in one piece
He needs to be there to protect you
To look after you
To make sure you eat and drink enough water
He holds you tightly as if you might slip away if he’s not careful
Eyes fluttering closed as you lean forward and press a soft kiss to the bridge if his nose
He allows himself to enjoy your affection and tenderness, whether he believes he deserves it or not
Loves soaking in a hot bath with you, feeling your back against his chest as he just enjoys the safe silence
Just don’t tell any one
He also will go down on you until you cry, hands pushing away at his head and shoulders
Whining that you can’t take any more
But he’s not interested in hearing that
“Sure you can, love. You wouldn’t deny me this perfect pretty pussy now, would ya?”
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He devours you as soon as he has you in his arms
His mouth and hands touching everywhere he can get to
He’s barely got the door locked behind him before he’s stripping you
Leaving soft bites and hickies trailed along your body
He knows things could’ve easily gone south and he would’ve never seen you again
And that’s a thought he simply cannot bear
He’s got you in a mating press on the living room floor before you know it
Eyes fixated on your face as you whimper and pant, full to the brim with him
He commits every expression and noise to memory
“Missed me like crazy, huh chulita? My poor baby was so lonely without me.”
He ignores the rug burn in his knees, the very least of his worries
But he’s tender and caring with you afterwards, cleaning you up and cooking you your favorite meal
Planning date nights
Taking you out dancing
Enjoying as much of you as he possibly can before he has to leave again
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He encases you tightly
Breathing in your scent
Committing it to memory
He’s missed you like crazy
Gazed at that crumpled picture of you in his pocket just in case it’s the last time
And now that he’s home he just can’t take his eyes or hands off of you
He wants to shower, get the grime off before he taints you
And he brings you with him
Making sure he’s clean before he has you pressed against the shower wall
Showing you how much he’s missed his girl
“Can’t get enough of you, I swear. You’ve ruined me.”
Romance for days once he’s back home
Flowers fresh from the florist
Little love notes scattered around the house
Anything to see you smile
General taglist
 @titty-teetee   @vibranium-soul @ateliefloresdaprimavera @glimmerglittergirl @hatterripper31 @lilac-tea-time @krysiewithak
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rosypenguins · 1 month
Day 19! Music Club Headcanons! (Music Edition!)
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I’ve already shared most of my Music Club headcanons, so I’ll be keeping this post pretty simple. Just kinda want to share my thoughts regarding their music tastes, because why not?
🩵Hailey mostly listens to country music. Woman’s country specifically. Like, the songs about killing your exes for cheating. If it weren’t for her kindness and strong moral code, she probably would’ve slashed Drew’s tires and bashed in his windshield to one of these songs by now. He may not be an ex, but she hates him all the same.
💜Zander mostly listens to stuff from the 80’s and 90’s. Pop music specifically. He’s one of those people who claims music is getting worse, and hates about 90% of modern artists. (TikTok would be his worst nightmare.) But I do imagine he’d really like Conan Gray. He’s definitely cried to several of his songs. (Also Luke definitely got him tickets to one of his concerts and he cried for like a solid 5 minutes.)
🧡Luke doesn’t really have much of a music preference. He’ll enjoy whatever anyone else is listening to. But on his own, he’d probably listen to a lot of classic rock. (Like something someone’s dad would listen to.) (Also I could totally see him listening to Arctic Monkeys.)
🩷Milly would mostly listen to punk-rock and metal music. Something she can blast late at night. (I have so many artists I think she’d listen to but that’ll take too long to list lol.) Most of these songs are either about how much the government sucks or how much life in general sucks.
💙Similar to Jake, Sean will listen to just about anything. However, instead of having all his songs in one playlists, he’s created countless, all with very specific vibes. (And he definitely has a shared playlist with each member of the Music Club.) His only ‘disorganized’ playlists are his recent faves list, and his vent list. Anyways, despite being down to listen to anything, I feel like he leans more towards EDM. Or anything loud. Anything to drown out his thoughts. (I refuse to stop with the Sean angst headcanons.)
🖤Bonus! I feel like one of the only artists the Jomies (including Zoey and Lia) can agree on is Kesha. I could totally see Drew driving them all somewhere with Joyride blasting out the speakers. Everyone except Drew’s singing along and Drew’s this close to driving the car off a cliff. (Not actually though he loves these idiots.)
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b1adie · 1 year
ADRIENE ANGELVIRUS xxiv × mirror pronouns × aro lesbo
… or just adriene, or adri…
this is a sideblog, main is a secret ^_^
uid: 604304306 (north america)
please don’t send me fetish content, especially if you are on anon, a minor, or have no age listed. tbh don’t send me any nsfw unless you’re an adult and i’ve asked
i would appreciate if you could avoid tagging my posts with anything like ‘daddy/mommy’ even in a joking way, unless you are using it only as a parental term. keep in mind that i’m a real guy and have to see all of your tags…
don’t comment sinophobic stuff on my posts (ie. “they’ll never make a gay relationship canon because its a chinese game” etc). don’t do any bigoted stuff really but thats the one i’ve mainly seen
if you want to repost some of my stuff, if it’s just a text post edited onto a pic, credit isn’t required (but still appreciated)! if it’s anything more complex, please do credit me, preferably with a link back to the original post. i spend way longer on my silly little edits than you’d expect.
you’re welcome to dm me, but please keep in mind that we start off as strangers, so something you think is funny could be misconstrued as rude or confusing on my end. tone indicators are absolutely fine to use if you’d like. conversely, feel free to ask me for clarification on anything you need, i don’t mind! i know i can be hard to read sometimes.
i’d also prefer you have an age (or at least age range or indicator like minor, 20+, etc) listed if you dm me, but obviously you don’t need to tell anyone anything. that’s just for my own personal comfort. i’m fine being friends with anyone, but a friendship with a high schooler would look a lot different than a friendship with someone around my own age.
if you make/find any art or content about worm theory you have to show it to me asap
(something about genshin impact or wuthering waves or zenless zone zero)
please send that to my genshin blog or my wuthering waves blog OR my zenless zone zero blog instead! (@nabumalikata + @threnodian + @nicoledemaras)
(any lore question)
if i know it i’ll go find the source for you. if i don’t know, you can ask anyway and there’s a good chance i’ll go hunt down some answers for you. i love lore. i know everything
how do you make your (edits/gifs/etc)?
for silly edits usually just picsart, but procreate for the more intense ones. gifs i use a yt downloader site, then capcut to edit, then ezgif. videos either splice or capcut. glitters i made a tutorial here, but like, my method is really complicated since i’m always on my phone, so there’s probably an easier way if you have a pc…
can you make a gif/edit/glitter of this?
probably! be specific with what you want— send me pictures or direct links if you can. requests are always open, just keep in mind i may not do every single one i get (but i do tend to do them all eventually).
why didn’t you answer my ask yet?
sometimes i see an ask pop up in my activity feed so i answer it right away. otherwise it has to wait til i decide to open my inbox. if it’s an ask that requires some time, like asking about lore or builds or opinions, it’ll probably take me longer to get to. i’m a busy guy, i work 13 hour shifts irl and have chronic hand tendonitis which makes typing hard. ofc if you’re worried tumblr ate your ask, you’re fine to send another, just please don’t be rude or pushy about it, i promise i’ll get around to it ^^;
(worm theory) actually the noblesse worm died because it had so much knowledge so ratio cant be—
he’s a new worm. aha’s second worm. and, the first worm didnt die because it had too much knowledge, it died because aha took its power away.
do you ship (xyz) / how do you feel about (ship)?
probably sure + fine. i can pretty much get behind anything, i’m a multishipper, fine with poly and switching and whatever. the exceptions are child x adult and shipping family members in a romantic or sexual way. 👎.
this thing you said was incorrect!
woops! it happens. bring a source if you’re gonna correct me though— not cuz i don’t believe you, but because i love being right and need to be right next time. if this is about a theory, though, well… sometimes theories dont turn out right. its not MY fault hsr wasn’t cool enough to make Something Unto Death the corrupted remnant of Mikhail’s soul. whatever… my theory is just better than canon
you tagged a post with (character) but they’re not in it!
ah man. i mass tagged everything and am gradually going back and fixing it… send me a link to the post and i’ll edit it!
i’ll add more as i think of it…
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thedemigodoracle · 1 year
Please read:
Ok, so as I jokingly said before “I’m back.” - I’m not joking, I am back.
Not entirely yet but here are some things to wait for in the near future.
Before I list it I need to browse fast through the real life stuff first so bear with:
- one of the reasons I did go missing from art and fandoms in general wasn’t just the ammount of books but also family situations, depression, relationships and in the last few years I lost grandma, grandpa and even my mother to a disease they don’t have it diagnosed yet because it was so rare.
Obvsly took a major hit to my mental health and the ability to write and just have energy kinda left me. I’m handling it I’m in therapy. This is all we need to talk about it.
- it’s been over ten years since some of your fave fics have been updated and while both Clichesbullet on ff.net and thatu on DA will be there and won’t be deleted HERE are what’s to expect:
1. My endgame here is reading the books back and forth again, as well as other source
Material for other fandoms I will
Be publishing for.
-updating the old fan mixes and uploading it to Spotify so it’s more accessible and going back (when possible to art).
- I will use AO3 some new aesthetics and user name (though probably just thatu) and edit a lot more to fit what I believe is better not because the world changed in general but because so
Did I.
Some of the racism and homophobia will still be there are these are the characters having flaws whose arcs weren’t complete but lots of it will also be changed because I’m 34 now I also the world is changed and some stuff just wouldn’t fly and I kinda hate it (but the old material is still there available on the old
- I’m not sure technology will be adapted but some references will here and there and I can clearly deliver something better now that I’ve taught English for over half of my life and am taking a masters degree on translation studies.
- real life will get me too busy sometimes so please I hope you’re excited but I know lots
Of you also have jobs or even families. So leave reviews and keep
Me company but also understand I was bad at updating before even with better time
Management this is will be a ride.
- I’m doing this to prove myself I can do and make good things.
- This site as well as the thatu blog will be updated.
- if you were a follower and have deleted your tumblr or changed usernames please leave a reply with who we were because I’ve had an eventful few years. I remember most of you, but I may need a nudge.
- both my writing and art style have developed and so did my world views - stuff will look different but hopefully still bring you comfort. And laughter.
And tears…?
- there will be some one shots posted focusing on stuff like grown up characters and new knowledge
We now have though the characterization will still follow the book ones as that’s how I kinda got used to it.
- I’m back but I’ll be getting back slowly and posting updates here. Tell ur friends who haven’t been here in a while but used to be part of our group of
- I missed being a fandom person and hopefully now I can find solace in you guys back again.
- some new fandoms will pop up, as will
Ships (see what I did there? Find solace? Will some ships? Hehe).
-Some extra texts will be added to whatever adaptations I make especially regarding transphobia and HP though I do intend to finish my Hannah/Neville story.
- maybe I’ll write original
Stuff too who knows?
Also, I missed you, spread the word. There’s a brand new old me in town. New ships, new views, new one shots, edits, a very different music taste (actually no I just added more stuff) and a lot of improved knowledge of vocabs and world geography.
Please spread this to whoever you think might be interested. It’s not popularity or anything, I’m trying to get back some pieces of me I lost along the way and writing and drawing used to be FUN and help me make FRIENDS.
I’ll keep u posted once everything is at least remotely ready to go.
And omg you’ll finally know what Silena had on clarisse.
Oh and I’m still not for writing smut but there will be more Adult/Mature like material as some ships require it and I am older. No minors having descriptive s*x
Of course but u know it’d feel weird to talk about these huge ass long relationships and not bring it up naturally.
Anyway, reply to this with whatever. Leave a like or something too but mostly leave a reply so we can start this journey together -
New younger fans are also welcome I’ll make my best to keep this space as safe as possible!! I teach kids and teens and I’d kill for u to have a place to be you safely.
Also there will now be additions on author notes for whether a ship is canon or fanon what I adapted and new fandoms new ships and trigger warnings before sensitive chapters that deal with stuff that before I wouldn’t.
Love, I’ve missed this,
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Matt was so focused on a bit for BTE that he misses his flight out to LA, and finds himself stuck in North Carolina. How lucky is he that a certain cowboy, a certain ex, sees his sad Instagram post and is able to give him an alternative.
Song title inspired by Heart Upon My Sleeve by Avicii feat. Imagine Dragons.
I had all of this read to publish like half an hour ago then AO3 stopped working and deleted all the edits and formatting I did. So. I am Upset.
“I know, I know,” Matt says, propping the phone up between his cheek and shoulder. “Just go without me.”
“You’ll miss your flight,” Nick says. “You know that, right? If you wait too long –”
“Nick, it’ll be fine,” Matt says, a little too sharply. “I’ll get there. You two get to the airport.” Matt hangs up the phone instead of dealing with Kenny and Nick’s haranguing, going back to the camera. He really needs to get this bit filmed in a hotel room – if he does it in an airport or at home, it won’t feel right.
It's another three takes, another half an hour, which Matt doesn’t realize until his alarm goes off.
“Uh oh.”
That’s his get to the gate alarm.
Matt pulls up Google Maps to find that the airport is half an hour away, and his flight leaves in an hour. Before he can do anything else, Nick’s name pops up on Caller ID.
“You’re still at the hotel, aren’t you.”
“I lost track of time,” and Matt won’t admit it to anyone else, but he’s whining. “Are they, like, boarding?”
“Yeah, me and Kenny are in line to get on the plane, man,” Nick says. “You’re screwed.”
Matt winces as he looks around the hotel. He still has to pick up the hotel room, still has to call a Lyft, still has to wait for it, still has to check out. “I’m screwed,” he says in a small voice.
“Call the airport and see if you can get a later flight out,” Kenny yells into the phone. “There’s got to be other flights.”
“Please stop reminding me you’re on your way to LA and I’m not,” Matt grumbles. “The one week you decide to come hang out.”
“Keep us posted on the other flights available,” Nick says. “Hopefully there are a bunch.”
There are, he finds out an hour and a half later when he gets to the front of the line of the check in area of the airport, but they’re all four or more hours away.
“And I wouldn’t bet on those flights making it to LA,” says the airline attendant. She turns the screen so Matt can see it. “Big storm across the Midwest. Honestly, if I were you, I’d find a place to stay here and try a flight tomorrow.”
Matt fights the urge to whine. “Okay,” he says, deflating. “Yeah, I’ll. I’ll check out a hotel. Thank you, ma’am.”
“No problem.”
Matt posts an Instagram story of himself pouting in the airport, captioning it with, “Stuck in North Carolina.”
As he’s scrolling hotel options, he gets a text.
You’re stuck in North Carolina?
Matt refuses to get too fluttery over a text from Adam. It’s clearly just him checking in.
big storm across the Midwest no flights out until Friday night they said
There’s a pause, and the phone dings
Need a ride?
Matt panics about the response for long enough to make it weird, then makes himself text back.
Not unless you can get me to la
If you want, you can stay at my place until it all clears up. I drove into NC so I’m about to make the trip back
Matt stares at his phone, rereading the text three times before allowing himself to believe what he’s seeing.
If that’s too weird, you can pretend I never sent that. But I’m happy to help you get wherever you need to go.
Matt’s stuck here until he can get a flight out, probably in a miserable hotel room bed that'll kill his back. Or, he’s going on a road trip with his ex to his ex’s house, who he just recently got back on texting and speaking terms with.
Unfortunately, Matt’s better at suffering emotional discomfort than physical.
that would be great. im at the airport if you could swing by
Yeah of course. GPS says 30 minutes, but I need to pack up and get ready. I'll text when I'm almost there. See you soon.
Matt is half vibrating as he waits outside the airport. He looks like any other person, hanging out while waiting for their ride. But he feels like this is different.
He and Adam haven’t been alone together, really alone, for any significant amount of time for years. Matt’s knee starts going a little nuts as he sits on the bench, so he stands up and gives in to the urge to pace around the small waiting area.
And then a familiar truck comes by. A few new dents, what looks like a new interior. But it’s the same truck.
“Hey, stranger, need a ride?” Adam leans down and grins at Matt, and, god, Matt had missed his dumb little jokes.
“Hey, Hanger,” Matt says, throwing the smile back at him. He chucks his hard side suitcase in the back of the truck with a grunt then brings his backpack and carryon into the cab.
Adam raises an eyebrow. “Where are you gonna sit?”
“They fit!”
“They – they don’t,” Adam says. “I mean, the backpack probably can, but the – the little rolly guy, you’re gonna have to chuck that in the truck bed, too.”
Matt wants to argue, wants to say that there is important stuff in here that really shouldn’t roll its way around the back of a truck when rain could hit at any moment. But then he remembers that Adam is doing him a huge favor, and he relents.
“Yeah, okay,” he says. He tosses the carryon over the edge into the bed. “You don’t have a lot of stuff.”
Adam shrugs. “Didn’t need a lot this time, since all I had to do was drive down yesterday morning.”
“You drove four hours yesterday?”
Adam nods as he puts the car into drive and pulls out expertly around the manic airport drivers, making his way to the main airport road with ease. “I like driving. Redid the truck cab to make it even more comfortable.”
“I noticed,” Matt says, before he thinks about it.
Adam glances over at him. “You did?”
Matt nods. “I mean, I spent a lot of time in this truck, right?”
Adam starts to blush, just a little bit, and Matt absolutely didn’t mean it like that. “Um. Right.”
They make their way out of the airport mess, and onto the highway.
“Thanks, again, for this,” Matt says.
Adam chuckles.
“Thanks again implies you said thank you the first time,” Adam says.
Matt’s never been this uncomfortable in his life. The drive started off awkward, yeah, but this is somehow worse. It’s been two hours since they left the airport, and everything they do or say has made the cab of the truck feel like it’s airtight and the oxygen is quickly depleting. Adam keeps making random half comments, things Matt can’t even begin to parse, but shuts up before any of it makes sense. Matt has pointed out five cows.
They’ve maybe exchanged six full sentences since getting on the highway, and that’s being generous.
Matt’s leg is bouncing like mad and he can’t control it, just pulls his fingers into fists and wishes he knew what to say to make this less awful.
“So you wanna talk about why you’re freaking out, or are you just gonna let your leg vibrate the cab of my truck into the stratosphere?”
Matt exhales. At least one of them said something. “I’m fine.”
“Sure,” Adam says, laughing a little bit. “Because that,” he nods down at the way Matt’s knee is still going, “suggests a very normal and put together person.”
Matt adjusts so he’s got his legs uncomfortably crossed, forcing his knee down. “I’m normal.”
“You are fucking not,” Adam says. “It’s fine, though. It’s why people like you.”
Matt glances over at him, Adam’s eyes are locked on the road. “Sure. I guess.” Before he can say anything else stupid, his phone rings.
“Hey, buddy!” Kenny says. “LA’s looking great. But…” He trails off, frowning. “I figure answering means you didn’t get a flight out, huh.”
Matt shakes his head. “Nope. Yours was the last flight toward the west to go out, actually.”
“Where are you?” Kenny asks. “You sound funny.”
Matt can’t help but flick his eyes over to Adam when he says, “Um. Adam’s letting me stay at his place for a couple of days, until the weather clears up.”
Kenny’s quiet for a moment. “Am I on speaker phone?”
Matt clicks it up and holds the phone up to his ear. “Not anymore.”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Matt?” Kenny says, voice low. Matt hates being on this end of Kenny’s Dad voice.
“Everything’s fine, Kenny, he’s just helping me out.”
“This is a terrible idea,” Kenny says. “He’s going to hurt you again.”
“It’s fine, Kenny,” Matt says. His voice is tense. He can’t fix it. “I’ll text you when we get there or something. It’s fine.” He pauses. “And, uh. Don’t tell Nick.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ.” Matt can pretty much hear Kenny roll his eyes. “Fuck it. Fine. Just don’t get yourself killed, you dumbass.” And he hangs up.
“Sorry about that,” Matt mumbles, shoving his phone back into his pocket.
“Kenny seems,” Adam pauses, searching for words, “agitated.”
Matt shrugs. “He’s been weird the past few months about everything. It’s not you.”
They’re quiet for a while, and Matt wonders if Adam is desperately trying to come up with something to say just like Matt.
“I can drop you off at Kenny’s, if you want,” Adam says, hesitantly.
“No, it’s the opposite direction,” Matt says. “Literally. That’s not fair to you. Plus,” he squirms a little that he’s about to admit this, “I feel weird staying there without him. The walls make weird noises.”
Adam nods. “Yeah, I get that. The one time I visited there was this weird squeaking sound in the walls. Sounded like a mouse, but Dobby would have gone nuts over it.”
Matt processes that for a second. “You visited Kenny?”
Adam sits up a little straighter. “Uh. Yeah. Yeah, right before All Out.”
“You visited Kenny during the pandemic?” Matt asks. He has no right to be mad. He doesn’t. They were well and broken up at that point, hadn’t spoken in a few days. “What the hell, Adam?!”
“It didn’t involve an airplane,” Adam says through gritted teeth, knuckles white on the steering wheel. “And it was your fault for refusing to come stay with me right before everything shut down, anyway.”
“My fault?!” Matt yells, and he glances at the clock. Here they go. “You had just pulled that weird stuff at Revolution – you were acting like you didn’t even know me!”
“You could have spoken to me once!”
Thus begins the worst two hours or so of Matt’s life in a long damned time, which he knows because he keeps checking the time. They go back and forth, shooting long-forgotten accusations and angry defenses at each other like blows in the ring. Matt almost wishes they’d been able to do this in the ring, where he could hear the smack of Adam’s open palm against his chest instead of the words, “You cared about your stupid YouTube channel more than me and you know it!”
“I went to California so that Nick wouldn’t be alone!”
“Which means you were okay with me being alone!”
He wishes he could hear the thud of his body against the mat when Adam would powerslam him instead of, “Don’t pretend you gave a shit in the trio’s match, Matt, you just wanted another belt.”
“I asked you to be my partner first. Before Kenny was even cleared!”
“Right, because I’ll believe that.”
“You should, because it’s the truth, you jerk.”
They’re yelling about something that happened way back in Ring of Honor, a miscommunication when they were first dating, when they take the turn off the highway toward the little country roads that are a little too familiar to Matt. He glances at the clock for the millionth time, then back out at the charming roadside stores. And then Adam interrupts him.
“Stop fucking timing our argument!” Adam yells. “Fuck, Matty, you still annoy me the same goddamn way!”
Matt shrinks. “I didn’t think you’d notice.”
“You keep looking at the center display every, like, two minutes,” Adam says, voice calmer than it’s been in a while. “Unless you’re super interested in my mileage, which I doubt, it’s the clock.” He sighs. “Just like you always used to.”
“I didn’t just time our fights,” Matt says, his voice quiet. “I time everything. You know that.” He chances a glance over at Adam, who, despite fighting it, is unable to fully hide his smile. Matt can find it in the corners of Adam’s eyes.
“Yeah, I know,” Adam says, voice low. “Two hours seven minutes.”
“And fifty-three seconds,” Matt adds.
They’re quiet for a few moments. But Matt is stupid, and he wants the last word, and he’s still not over this one thing. “I just think it’s a dick move that you straight up abandoned us.”
“Would you stop bringing that up!” Adam half yells. “Jesus, you guys made it pretty fuckin’ clear you didn’t want me around anymore. Kenny was acting like a dick and you and Nick kicked me out of the Elite. Hell, even before the pandemic you acted like you were sick of me!”
“I did not,” Matt says, suddenly even angrier. “You don’t – don’t you dare say that.”
Adam laughs, a little mean. “Yeah. Sure. I bet you were just waiting to break up with me. Had to find an excuse, right?”
“I bought a ring.”
Matt waits as Adam corrects his truck from crashing into a mailbox. “You what?!”
“A ring,” Matt says, and it’s hell to keep his voice steady. He doesn’t know why he’s saying it – to hurt Adam, to help Adam, to apologize. To prove that he was always so much more in it than Adam was. To show that he put in the effort Adam accused him of shirking. “Revolution 2020? Yeah, I was planning on proposing that night.” He ignores the catch in his voice. “It was the four of us putting on the match of a lifetime at Revolution, but it would be you and me forever.”
Adam is silent, and Matt looks over to see him staring dead ahead, lips pressed together in a firm line. “You bought a ring,” he finally says, voice shaky and wet. “For – for me?”
“Yes, for you, you dumb idiot,” Matt half shrieks. All composure gone, he continues. “And then you almost hit Kenny with a Buckshot, and you wouldn’t even talk to me and Nick after, and – and you proved it was always all about winning for you.” He angrily rubs at his eyes, refusing to let any tears into this conversation. “Proved that I was only there to help you get what you wanted. And that wasn’t me.”
Matt’s glad for the seat belt when Adam takes a rapid right turn into a surprisingly secluded little area without a word.
“Are you gonna kill me in the woods?” Matt asks, trying to hide his worry. “This feels very serial killer, Adam.”
“I am not,” Adam says, voice disturbingly calm as he pulls into a practically empty campsite, “going to kill you.”
“Oh, cool, leave me to die in the woods, of course.” Matt will admit it: he’s a bit hysterical. Adam parks and it’s…it’s not comforting. “Cool. Good to know you’re still willing to drop me and leave me to –”
Adam leans over and yanks Matt into a kiss that he feels down to his toes, half crawling into Matt’s lap, and makes this miserable, tearing noise from the back of his throat. Matt remembers to kiss back just in time for Adam to pull away. “You stupid, self-centered, bastard,” Adam says, voice ragged. He’s crying, trails of tears down his cheeks. “I only ever wanted you, you dumb fucking – god, I could kill you right now.”
“Not super comforting,” Matt mumbles.
“Just shut up for once in your fucking life!” Adam yells. It feels like it echoes around the cab of the truck, sinks into Matt’s skin. “Matt, Jesus fucking Christ, you stupid – I walked away because I couldn’t stand what I’d done to you!” He pounds the steering wheel with his fist, teeth gritted together. “And – and then, before All Out. When I thought I’d have to – when I thought we would…” He trails off and finally looks at Matt again, eyes red and wet and face shattered. “I couldn’t hurt you like that again,” Adam whispers. “I left the Elite to keep from hurting you more. I couldn’t let it happen again in the ring.”
They sit in it, for god knows how long. Matt’s pretty sure they’re, like, a few miles away from Adam’s home.
Eventually, Matt has to speak. “I didn’t know that’s what you were thinking. I didn’t – I thought you. I thought you stopped loving me.”
Adam laughs and closes his eyes, dropping his head back against the head rest. “How the fuck could anyone ever stop loving you?” He turns to Matt. “How could you think I’ve ever stopped?”
Matt lets out this weird little noise. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying,” Adam says, turning his body to Matt. His hand is an inch away from Matt’s on the middle seat. “That the day you and Nick and Kenny came to have my back in the ring, I almost died. Because it was proof I might still matter to you.” He reaches up and cups Matt’s cheek. “That loving you for all this time made me worth another shot.”
Matt can’t fight it. He leans forward and catches Adam’s lips, climbing into Adam’s lap. He tries to tell Adam everything he hasn’t been able to say for almost three years, apologies, confessions, questions, anything he can think of. His hands cup Adam’s cheeks, thumbs brushing away the tears that make their ways down his faces.
His ass hits the steering wheel and the honk makes him jump.
“We, uh,” Adam says, eyes flicking to Matt’s lips, “we should get back to my – my house. We. We could.”
“God, please,” Matt says. He has to force himself off of Adam’s lap and onto the passenger seat. Adam doesn’t let go of his hand as he starts up the car and tears out of there like a bat out of hell. It’s only ten minutes before they pull into the long driveway in front of Adam’s house, familiar dirt and bumps that send something bizarrely nostalgic through Matt’s entire body.
Adam parks and turns to Matt. “I – I want –”
Matt nods rapidly, unbuckling and jumping out of the truck. Adam meets him around the front of the truck and they grab at each other on their ways to the door, Adam fumbling for the house keys and pressing Matt up against the door at the same time. The weight of him feels the same kind of thrilling, the same anticipation, as it always did before, and he almost falls backward before Adam catches him by the waist as the door pushes open.
“Bedroom,” Matt half pleads, “please.”
Adam laughs, turning them to shove Matt against the wall. “Yeah, Matty. I – yeah.”
Matt’s head spins as Adam gets two strong hands under his thighs and pulls his legs up.
“Just like old times,” Matt murmurs against Adam’s lips. He loops his legs around Adam’s waist and hooks them, and the balance is set so Adam can pull back from the wall and walk them down the hall to the bedroom. They don’t break away for more than a second on the way there, and it’s like they never stopped.
Adam half throws Matt on the bed and yanks his tee shirt off over his head.
“Aw,” Matt says, a little stupid already, “I wanted to do that.”
“Next time,” Adam laughs, and it sounds like a promise.
They kiss frantically for some time, hands roaming familiar planes of each other’s bodies, and Matt thinks he could melt into this moment and stay here for the rest of his life.
“I – I want you – I want you to –” Adam stumbles over his words, almost shaking.
“Slow down,” Matt says, and he reaches up to rest his hand on the side of Adam’s neck. “Hey, Adam. Breathe.”
Adam nods, still a little wild eyed, but he slows down and takes a deep breath. “I don’t want to mess it up again,” he says.
Matt sees the tears welling in his eyes. “Adam,” he says. “Hey. Adam. Nobody’s going to mess anything up this time.” He rolls them so he’s straddling Adam’s hips, hands pressing Adam’s shoulders to the mattress. “Adam,” he says again, because having the right to speak that name feels like a privilege, “I promise. We’re going to be okay.”
Adam sighs. “I don’t want this to be one time, Matty.” He settles his hands on Matt’s hips. “I can’t do this if it’s just pretend.”
Matt lets that settle over him. It’s a decent question – is this a spur of the moment? Or is this a road to what comes next? He thinks about it. He considers it.
And he speaks.
“Okay,” Matt says, smoothing his hands over Adam’s chest. “Yeah. I – don’t expect the ring, not yet, but.” He nods. “I want you to come back to me, Adam.”
Adam reaches up and yanks Matt down into another blazing kiss, his hands sliding up the back of Matt’s shirt, hesitating just a tiny bit. Matt leans back enough to let Adam pull the shirt up over his head.
“How do you look like this,” Adam murmurs, hands sliding up and down Matt’s back. The touch sends sparks through him, desperate for more.
“Weights, genetics, being God’s favorite,” Matt says. He grins at the way Adam rolls his eyes.
“Jesus, you never change.”
They fall into it, clothes strewn across the room in record speed, before Adam’s fingers skitter down Matt’s back to the top of his ass.
“Can I…?”
“Please,” Matt begs. “If you stop, I might die.”
Adam moves his fingers in a decision that makes Matt want to throw a shoe, but he reaches to the bedside table and pulls it open.
“Always so prepared,” Matt singsongs. His voice cuts off quickly, though, with the way Adam locks eyes with him. He drops lube on his fingertips.
“Lean forward, princess, so I can take care of you.”
 And there it is. That low voice from Adam, that focused control, that masterful understanding of Matt’s body and how to make it sing. His fingers work gentle magic, sliding into Matt and fitting like puzzles, and Matt can’t help but rock back against the touch. “More,” he whimpers, “too soft.”
“Patient, baby,” Adam says, leaning up to press kisses to the skin of Matt’s chest. “Be patient.”
Matt squirms, though, terrible with patience, and pushes down. “More,” he says, a little more demanding. “Come on!”
“Maybe I want to draw it out,” Adam says, fingers sliding at a pace almost excruciatingly slow, “maybe I’ve wanted this for so long that I won’t want to miss a second. Maybe,” he leans up, a little bite at Matt’s pec, “I want to make you wait.”
And, well. To Matt, that sounds like a challenge.
He rolls his hips down onto Adam’s fingers until there’s two, until there’s three, until he can feel Adam beneath his hips, rock hard.
“I’m ready, Adam, please,” Matt says. “I want you.”
“You have me,” Adam says, deadly serious as he looks into Matt’s eyes. “I promise.”
Adam slides his cock into Matt even better than his fingers, and Matt almost falls against him in relief. He never knew he could miss a feeling so much. “I missed this so much.” Matt’s almost crying with it as he rocks his hips, eyes fluttering shut as he angles better against Adam’s body.
“Me too,” Adam says. “God, you’re beautiful.”
They’re silent for some time, Matt doesn’t know, as they rock slowly, relishing the moment. They forgive each other over and over, with gentle touches and rocking hips, and with Adam’s hands resting gentle on Matt’s thighs. The weight steadies him, makes him feel whole.
He slowly opens his eyes to see Adam looking up at him with an ethereal little grin. He looks years younger, like he did when they first met on the indies.
“Adam,” Matt murmurs, “are you close?”
“Almost,” Adam says. “I – I could be.”
Matt stills immediately, and Adam stares at him.
Matt grins. “Be patient, baby. Maybe I want to make you wait.”
Adam glares at him. “Oh, you’re a dick.”
Matt shrugs. “And?”
Adam laughs and Matt moves, bringing him closer and closer to release before freezing his motions until Adam relaxes again. Adam starts begging, pleading, singing Matt’s name beautifully.
Tears have gathered in the corners of Adam’s eyes again, for very different reasons, as he pleads again. “Please, Matt,” he gasps, “I need – I have to. Please.”
“Okay,” Matt says, on the edge himself. “I – you can come, baby, it’s time.”
“Oh, thank god.”
Adam gets an arm around Matt’s lower back and flips them, driving into Matt with single minded fury. Matt comes almost immediately untouched, the tension and the build crashing through him so hard he cries out Adam’s name and digs his nails into Adam’s back. Adam comes soon after with a hoarse sob, his face turned into Matt’s leg, and shoves himself into Matt one final time as the two of them calm down, bodies going more and more limp as the seconds pass.
“So, I know this is a weird thing to ask,” Matt asks, running his fingers through Adam’s hair, “but our stuff is safe in your truck, right?”
Adam laughs then pushes himself up so he can look at Matt. “Yes, it’s fine. My nearest neighbor is, like, two miles away. There’s no one out here.”
“So you can’t be sure there’s nobody living in your barn, waiting for you to come home so they can steal your food.” Matt pushes himself to sitting so he can kiss Adam before he steps out of the bed. “That’s a bit naïve, isn’t it?”
Adam shrugs and stands, stretching his arms out. It’s a good sight. Matt intentionally doesn’t look away.
“Come on,” Adam says, reaching out an arm. “Let’s take a shower. I remodeled it back in 2020. I think you’ll like it.”
Matt blinks. “Did you finally add the jacuzzi?”
Adam nods. “You were right. Changes everything.”
They wrap themselves around each other as they wash each other’s hair, as they clean themselves up, and Matt is unable to keep himself from the question. “When exactly did you do this?”
Adam doesn’t meet his eyes. “Finished it that May. I started it back when you refused to quarantine with me, when you were mad.” He fidgets a little. “I thought it would convince you to come back.”
Matt curls into himself. “Oh.”
They’re quiet as they dry off. Matt wraps himself in one of Adam’s giant towels and half fidgets while Adam gets changed. “Could you, um. Would you be able to bring my stuff into the car?”
“Yeah, course,” Adam says. “I know your thing about putting dirty clothes back on. Planning on getting your bag once I’m dressed.” He gives Matt a shy little smile and leans in, kissing Matt’s cheek as he does his belt. “I’ll be right back, baby.”
Matt sits down on the bed, cozy in his towel, as he watches Adam walk away.
And he thinks, maybe, the ring that’s still in his top drawer at home could soon find a home on Adam’s finger. Maybe, this time, he’ll be able to ask. And maybe Adam will say yes.
Mini Playlist: Heart Upon My Sleeve - Avicii feat. Imagine Dragons What I Need - Hayley Kioko Cowboy Take Me Away - The Chicks Back Together - Loote
14 notes · View notes
thewarriorspecial · 1 year
Dress Up (CH2 - Different Light)
*Archive Edition* Previously only linked to AO3, full work now available under the cut.
Read on AO3
Rating: Explicit | Guy Gardner/Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan, John Stewart
Additional Tags (All chapters listed): Established Relationship, hand wavy timeline, Lace Panties, Spanking, Lingerie, Oral Sex, Angst, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Character dealing with/avoiding their PTSD, Rimming, Drinking, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Bloody Kisses, Polyamory
The last outfit worked out so well, Kyle decides to to try another. He decides to pop into Warrior’s on a busy night and hang out just out of Guy’s reach. He's starting to be honest with himself about the reason he craves these distractions.
Kyle walked into Warriors and it was packed. Guy’s first thought was thank God, finally some help. The second was being annoyed that Kyle had the nerve to strut in here all dressed up, looking that good when Guy didn’t have a free hand to do anything about it. He threw the towel he was holding over his shoulder and stared his lover down.
Kyle was rocking his Hot Topic chic, and on anyone else it would probably look stupid. He had stolen Guy’s Warrior jacket and slung it over his favorite Nine Inch Nails shirt. He had on his Way Too Tight jeans and knee-high, lace-up boots. He’d done the thing with his hair that made it look sex-wrecked on purpose. He had on eyeliner too which made his cat eyes even more enticing. He dropped himself onto a bar stool, tossing his hair and licking his teeth.
“Whadda ya think ya doin’?” 
“Visiting.” Kyle lifted himself onto the bar, rummaging through the bottles until he found what he wanted. He sat back, opening the bottle and taking a long pull without grimacing. Kyle was the only person Guy had ever met who had the same vices, for better or worse. “Wanna watch me make this bottle disappear?” Kyle flattened his tongue and ran it up the neck of the bottle.
“Cut it out. It ain’t cute. M’already gettin’ killed ‘ere.” Guy snatched the bottle away, taking a swig. He was already about 3 shots away from his Baltimore accent becoming unintelligible. When Guy was drunk he sounded like he was trying to talk around a mouthful of marbles, overcompensating by steamrolling the vowels. “How ‘bout a lil’ help, sweetheart?”
“Stress relief?” Kyle fisted the bottle neck suggestively.
“Kyle,” Guy sighed, one irritated syllable. 
“I thought you liked taking your clothes off of me,” Kyle pouted.
“Kyle.” Two syllables now, a warning. “Ya hide from me, ya throw yaself at me. What’s going on with—“
“I’ll help you,” Kyle said, hopping over the bar. As he bent to grab glasses he rubbed his backside against Guy’s groin, “As long as you promise to help me later.” He started mixing drinks and running orders so Guy could run the kitchen. He could feel Guy’s eyes on him through the night as the hours dragged on.
They found a brief moment of respite. The customers were well into their drinks and conversations. The ticket printer had finally stopped screeching out orders for the moment. Guy leaned on the prep counter, breathing a little heavy but he had that satisfied smile on his face—a real one. This kind of work takes him back, keeps him humble.
Kyle held his arms out. “Hey stranger,” he said as Guy gave him a tight embrace.
“Ay yaself.”
Guy was relieved to finally get a chance to touch Kyle. Having him so close yet so far away was torture. He leaned back and took a languid look at his lovely partner.
“See something you like?”
“Yeah, everything.” Guy looked at the timers and tried to plan a way to drag his partner behind the walk-in without neglecting the friers. He rubbed Kyle’s back idly and his hands wandered under the hem of Kyle’s shirt. Instead of warm skin his fingers skidded over ribbons and straps and…lace. “What’s all this? This for me?”
Kyle put his arms around Guy’s neck, stroking his hair, “Who else?”
Someone hotter, Guy doesn’t say. He tilts his head, leaning into Kyle’s touch. He lets his lips part as an invitation but Kyle doesn’t rise up on his toes to kiss him anymore. So he studies Kyle’s face instead. There was a slight tremor in his breath but his gaze was steady. Guy could look into those green eyes forever. They’re a little dilated even in the florescent light of the kitchen. He’s horny, maybe a little nervous. If Guy wasn’t so drunk and insecure at this point he would’ve bent Kyle over the prep table already. He ran his hands over Kyle’s hips, giving his ass a gentle squeeze. He still hoped for the kiss he was too apprehensive to take for himself.
“Ah, ah,” Kyle tutted, removing the rogue hands, “That’s for later.”
“Aw, c’mon. Lemme see,” Guy tugged at the shirt again and Kyle smacked his hands.
“Oh, I will. Let’s finish this shift so you can take me home,” Kyle smiled. He looked over his shoulder and added, “Bring cash.”
Guy slid Dukes of Hazard style over the counter and manned the stove with renewed fervor.
They spent the flight home wrapped around each other, the path from the bar to their balcony memorized. Seeing them floating by, oblivious to the comings and goings of Oa, was a familiar sight by now. They landed and Guy pushed Kyle though the balcony door as Kyle shedded the jacket and threw it over the couch.
“So what’s the occasion?” Guy asked, still trying to get his hands at whatever Kyle was hiding under his clothes.
“Did you bring the money?”
“Baby I got ya money, don’cha worry,” Guy sang as he pulled stacks of rubber-banded bills out of his uniform vest.
“Good,” Kyle’s eyes went wide at the fistful of cash Guy produced. “I hope you have enough for me.”
“What’s mine is yours, baby, you know that. What do ya need this much money for?”
“I wanna play a game. I’m gonna try and run you broke. And, I wanna see how sleazy you can really be.”
“Well, ya got the right Guy for that,” Guy pointed at himself with both thumbs, “Ya not gonna murder me are ya, Jigsaw?”
“Go get changed,” Kyle said, slapping Guy’s ass as he headed to his old-bedroom-now-studio. “Unless you pick up strippers in your GL duds.”
“Pick up str—Oh!” Guy cackled and rubbed his hands together, “This is gonna be fun.” 
Guy strutted to their bedroom and hit the light. The room was awash in deep red, which Guy perceived as low light with heavy contrast. A construct couch and stripper pole glittered in the dim light. A stereo sat on the dresser softly playing music that was mostly bass. Two glasses, a bucket of ice, and a few liquor bottles sat next to the stereo. Kyle had really put the details into this one. He either did his research or had actually taken himself to a strip joint. 
Guy walked to the back of the room and dug about 15 years deep into the closet. Sleazy, he could do sleazy. He ran circles around sleazy while he fucked its sisters—raunchy, cheap, and trashy. Thankful he was such a pack rat, he shuffled through hideous clashing colors, leopard print, and mink. He got caught up with some of his old favorites, tossing a feather boa around his neck and a pimp hat on his head. He found a handheld Brick Breaker game and a canister of Pogs too. There really was way too much stuff in here. 
He found himself torn between the Jackie Treehorn getup or the white t-shirt and jeans from when he and Kyle first met. He ended up deciding on the simple jeans and t-shirt because it would be so disarming. Sleaze was in intention. Sleaze was in the heart. After he changed, he poured himself a drink and man-spread on the couch.
On the other side of the wall, Kyle paced in his studio. Guy was right—he was running hot and cold. They went from normal to nothing to struggling to routine and now he was freaking out. He missed the beginning when everything was easy, when routine was comfort. He needed distance from what had happened. If he got lost in his thoughts, he’d remember. It all came rushing to the front of his mind so fast. Only the sound of his own blood pumping in the dead silence of space. The metallic burning smell like the aftershock of a firework that permeated the vast emptiness between the stars. And all the blood. Guy’s blood, floating from his body like ribbons underwater. No sound. Only one heartbeat. No other sound. 
He leaned back to crack his back and took a deep breath. If he could find a way to talk about it, Guy would be right there with a hug and a joke but he just…couldn’t. He didn’t want to take the medicine, it made his mind crawl. It numbed everything, not just the pain. 
I can do this, he thought. We’re gonna have fun. This will be fun and everything will feel normal and then we can talk. I will talk to him. Later. I will. 
Kyle smoothed his hands over his shirt, thinking about the way Guy had been looking at him all night. He was gonna lose his mind when he saw what was underneath. No one had ever looked at him with that bare, pure desire. Not that openly. It made him feel anxious and heated all at once and he craved it. It made him insatiable. He felt undone.
He looked at his reflection in the mirror that sat atop his old dresser. He felt pretty confidant and liked how he looked. He wouldn’t say he was beautiful or gorgeous or any of the things Guy seemed to see. You really couldn’t toss a beachball in SoCal without hitting like, eight dudes that looked exactly like me, he thought. Kyle was just an art geek. Guy was a football star—tall and broad with those big blue eyes and a bright smile. Cut like a Greek statue to boot. He was honest and brave, gentle with children and animals, and spoke like a poet when you got him alone. 
Kyle smiled at himself. It was just Guy in there. On his worst behavior by request. Get in there and have some fun.
When Kyle entered he was still dressed, sadly. He acknowledged Guy with a quick glance and a small upturn of his lips. In the intense light he looked like one of his own charcoal drawings come to life. He walked over to the stereo and put on Head Like A Hole. He strode confidently to the pole and with his back to Guy, began to sway to the beat, shooting heated glances over his shoulder.
Guy couldn’t decide if Kyle was just nervous or if he genuinely had no plan. Or rhythm. He hid his smile behind his drink and threw a few ones at Kyle to encourage him. Seeing the money, Kyle put his back against the pole and slid down to his knees. He crawled towards the crumpled bills, picking them up and stuffing them in his pants. He looked Guy up and down again, struggling to suppress a warm smile. He bit his lip, trying to hold the disinterested, mysterious persona. 
Setting down his drink, Guy pulled out a five. He held it up and wagged his eyebrows. He set the bill on his knee, inviting Kyle to come and get it. Kyle crawled to Guy’s lap, slowly sliding his hands up Guy’s legs and grabbing the bill as he went. 
“Let’s see some skin, sweetheart,” Guy leered as Kyle stood up.
“Let’s see some money,” Kyle’s voice was low and breathy. Guy brandished another five, sitting up and sliding it down Kyle’s chest. He slid his hands under Kyle’s t-shirt, hooking his fingers in the top of Kyle’s jeans. As he shoved the bill in, he popped the button at the top of Kyle’s fly. 
Kyle bit his lip and tried not to shiver. More industrial rock flowed from the stereo. He swayed to the beat again, sliding his hands over his stomach, gradually showing more and more as he raised his shirt up.
“Ya look good, baby,” Guy murmured as he snapped the band on a stack of tens, “Let’s see those tits.” He started to whip bills at Kyle with a practiced flick of the wrist. 
Kyle quickly worked his shirt off, spinning it over his head and flinging it into the darkness. He let the money rain over him. Guy already had him feeling dirty and he loved it. Underneath his shirt, Kyle had been hiding lacy lingerie. A fitted, lace crop-top with heart cutouts on the front and back covered his pecs. At his waist was the top of a matching lace garter that disappeared underneath his pants. 
Guy let out a low whistle, “Take it off, gorgeous.”
With the sound of velcro separating, Kyle pulled the pants apart at the outside seams, pulling them out of the tops of his boots and revealing the rest of his black lace secret. The garter belt held up thigh high stockings that disappeared into the boots, and it rested atop a lace g-string. Everything had tiny heart cutouts that matched the crop top. The outfit was soft and feminine in appearance but well made to fit and support a man’s body. Guy licked his lips in stunned silence. What was it Smart Robin had called this feeling? Bi-panic?
Kyle turned and walked towards the pole. With one hand on the pole, he made a leisurely circle, then hooked his knee on it a did a little spin. Guy showered him with much appreciative whistling and money throwing. Kyle wondered how much was on the floor. It was too dark to really see. Seeing Guy’s enthusiasm, he did a slow fan kick and another spin. He heard Guy muttering curses and saw him adjust himself in his pants. Kyle leapt halfway up the pole and used the momentum to turn himself upside-down for a few turns. When he dismounted he dropped into a split. He smiled at Guy’s rapt, open-mouthed expression.
Kyle decided he needed a little break and walked over to the dresser, leaning and pouring himself a drink. Guy got up to follow him. 
“What’s ya name, sweetness?” Guy rumbled when he finally looked up from Kyle’s chest. He sidled up close enough that Kyle could feel his body heat. 
“Uh,” Shit. Kyle hadn’t thought of a cool stripper name. He wasn’t really sure that they were going to talk, “Sugar,” he said quickly, riffing off of Guy’s pet name and feeling stupid.
“Is that because you taste so good?” Guy chuckled darkly. Kyle could feel the heat rushing to his face and was glad for the dim lighting. “How ‘bout I buy you a drink?”
“Ya new?”
“Yeah. Just started.”
“I can tell,” Guy said, making Kyle frown. “Nah, don’t worry, hon. It’s ok. You don’t have to be good when you’re this hot.”
“I do just fine,” Kyle said, irritated.
“Sure, baby. You’ll get there. I don’t usually go for the newbies, but I’ll make an exception for you. How much for a private dance?”
Kyle’s jaw tensed. I’ll show him. “Fifty,” he spat.
“Cheap. Works for me,” Guy said and Kyle bristled. Guy reached behind his back, producing another stack of bills from his waistband. He laid one down next to Kyle’s glass. Then he counted five more of them out, folded them over, and slid them down Kyle’s thigh and into the top of his stocking. “Play something nice and slow for us, yeah?”
Kyle was white-knuckling the edge of their makeshift bar, equal parts furious and aroused. Goddam that man. Guy flopped back onto the couch, smirking and patting his lap. Kyle glared for a moment more, then turned to the stereo and set up a few songs. 
Bass filled the room and Kyle approached, swaying and unhurried. Guy’s eyes had begun to glow softly in the dim room. He looked dangerous and it made Kyle’s heart pound. “No touching,” Kyle hissed as he took Guy’s wrists and planted his hands off to the sides of his lap. 
“Ya say that now,” Guy said and Kyle glared. “You’ll give it up. They all do. Do you know who I am?” Guy’s eyes glowed more brightly. “Climb on up into Warrior’s lap, Sugar.” Guy knew how weak Kyle still was for that memory. 
Kyle resisted the urge to clap his hand over his customer’s mouth; that thing was a lethal weapon. He dragged one leg over Guy’s lap and leaned on his shoulders to lift himself into a comfortable seat. 
Having Guy’s full, wanton attention was more unnerving than he could’ve imagined. He wondered what it was like to have that much confidence; an ego so big he’d have to move into outer space to have enough breathing room. It was hot though, being the center of attention for a man who only did what he wanted, how he wanted, if he wanted.
He ran his hands through Guy’s hair, softly grazing his fingertips down his neck, over his shoulders, down his chest. He leaned back, placing his palms on Guy’s knees to balance. He closed his eyes and relaxed into the beat of the music as he rolled his hips into Guy’s lap. He could easily feel Guy’s rapidly growing erection through the thin fabric of his lingerie. He dug his fingers into the muscle of Guy’s enormous thighs, conscious of how far open his own knees were spread to straddle his big man’s lap. Guy’s body was about seventy percent shoulders and forty percent thighs. Kyle sighed to himself as he pictured his big sex machine naked. 
Kyle loved their size difference, how Guy could make him feel small and surrounded. Between that and Guys big meaty hands it felt like he was living his guilty pleasure yaoi manga fantasies. Do not laugh about yaoi hands right now, Rayner. Get your head in the game, Kyle thought as he pressed his lips together to suppress a smile. He blew out a shaky breath as he fought off thoughts of giant green construct hands.
“Breathin’ heavy for me already?” Guy’s voice brought Kyle back to the moment. Kyle’s eyes opened and he took in the faintly glowing tattoos that had appeared on Guy’s—Warrior’s—face and arms. Kyle’s pulse raced. His crush on Guy the moment they met had been immediate and overwhelming. Images of Guy shirtless and later tattooed had filled his dreams and fantasies since then. 
Kyle was suddenly aware of Guys hands traveling lightly up his ribs, thumbs brushing so gently against his nipples making him jump. 
“Hey!” Kyle gasped, “No touching!”
“If you say so.” Guy held up his hands in mock surrender before returning them to his sides. 
Kyle wanted that touch and it killed him to enforce the rules of their game. How the fuck was Guy not out of money yet? On cue, Guy pulled another bill from his pocket. He dragged it down Kyle’s abs and over the lacy panties, making lazy circles around Kyle’s bulge. Kyle groaned as he realized Guy had completely flipped the power balance and that was perfectly fine with him. Guy brazenly began rubbing Kyle’s cock over the underwear with nothing but the bill separating them. 
“N-no touching,” Kyle breathed as he leaned into Guy’s big, warm hand. Guy’s fingers were creeping around the edges of the panties, teasing Kyle’s shaft and sending his blood thrumming in his ears. 
“You’re right. Rules are rules,” Guy said, tucking the money into Kyle’s garter belt, “And I don’t want either of us getting kicked out.” He pulled another bill out of his pocket, trailing the movement over Kyle’s thigh making him shiver. Biting the bill between his teeth he asked, “How ‘bout a kiss instead?”
“Keep your hands down,” Kyle desperately tried to put any kind of authority in his voice. He leaned forward, putting his hands on Guy’s shoulders again. Their chests pressed together as he leaned in. He brushed their lips together as he ducked in close to take the bill from Guy’s mouth with his own. 
Guy’s hand clenched suddenly in Kyle’s hair. Kyle let out a startled sound, dropping the bill and Guy smashed their mouths together in a rough kiss. Kyle’s body clamped down around Guy’s as he kissed back savagely. 
“Wait, hey!” Kyle hissed, shoving his arms between them and clamping a hand over Guy’s mouth. “No touching, goddamnit!” He could feel Guy’s laugh rumble into his palm. Guy grabbed two greedy handfuls of Kyle’s ass and Kyle’s hands flew to his wrists to stop him.
“Ya want me kid, I can feel it,” Guy said.
“Still costs extra.”
“Name ya price.”
“You can’t afford it.”
“Bet. I’d sell my soul for you, hell, I’ll sell my fucking bar for you, baby.”
“A thousand,” Kyle panted, “A thousand and I’ll let you take me home.”
“Done.” Guy reached into the back of his waistband again and Kyle began digging behind his shoulders, trying to pull his shirt up and see where he was hiding all this money. Guy’s hand wrapped around the back of Kyle’s head and he shoved a banded stack of cash into Kyle’s mouth. Kyle made an indignant sound, and then another as he was hauled over Guy’s shoulder. Guy slapped Kyle’s vulnerable ass as he stood up. Kyle banged his fists playfully against Guy’s back as he grumbled something that sounded suspiciously like fucking barbarian.
Guy dumped Kyle unceremoniously in the center of the room. “Get on ya knees, slut,” he growled as he unzipped his jeans. 
Kyle opened his mouth to say something angry and was immediately distracted by Guy pulling his thick cock out. Kyle bit his lip as he stared, his retort and the rack of cash both forgotten.
“C’mere,” Guy said softly this time. Kyle crawled towards him until he was at Guy’s feet. He ran his hands up Guy’s legs as he rose up on his knees. He tugged Guy’s jeans down, focused on the prize in front of him. “Look at me,” Guy whispered, fingers trailing under Kyle’s chin. 
Kyle looked up into Guy’s desperate gray-blue eyes. He took Guy’s length in his hand and gave it a long, slow lick from bottom to top. He loved blowing Guy. It was the one thing he could do where Guy would be selfish and just take. He locked eyes with Guy and proceeded to give him a thousand dollar blowjob.
They laid tangled together naked, quietly panting into each other’s skin. Kyle’s legs ached from riding Guy’s big body so enthusiastically. He ran his fingers idly through the soft hair on Guy’s belly. He looked up at Guy’s chin from where he was tucked against the bigger man’s side. Guy’s arm was flung over his face and his whole body was sticky with sweat. 
“We didn’t even make it to the bed this time,” Kyle laughed.
Guy moved his arm to look down and smile, “I’ve always wanted to fuck on a pile of money.”
“Where did all that money come from, anyways?”
“Well…okay, don’t get mad. Cuz lemme tell ya, I really mean I’d sell the whole bar for you to hit me with the Hyuk Guk 9000.”
“The what?” Kyle chortled.
“The Super Sucker. The Gaginator. That thing you do where you’re sucking and swallowing at the same time.”
Kyle buried his face in Guy’s chest as he laughed hysterically. 
“So, yeah. No disrespect to the master here. But this,” Guy reached behind his back, pretending to dig in his ass, “This is just…Monopoly money.” He let a fistful of bills rain down. Kyle put his hand out to catch a few and then they just, disappeared. 
“Oh, you jerk! You dickhead!”
“You wanted sleazy.” Guy shrugged.
“That’s fucked.”
“Exactly. Ow!” Guy chuckled as Kyle punched him in the arm. “Hey. Hey. You’re worth every penny of the real thing. Sorry your man’s a broke chud.” 
“You’re not a chud,” Kyle smiled. “I just can’t believe I let you neg me and rip me off. You get me so distracted,” he said, pushing himself up to straddle Guy again. 
Guy clicked his tongue and looked away. 
“I mean it,” Kyle said grabbing Guy’s chin, bringing his gaze back. Kyle ran his hands up and down Guy’s big shoulders and biceps. “You’re a beast. You’re insanely hot. I get so worked up just looking at you.”
Guy looked away again, smiling this time, “Thank you,” he said softly. He grabbed Kyle’s hips, feeling his body responding again already. “So, you gonna tell me what all this is about?”
“What do you mean?” Kyle asked, smile faltering.
“Look, all this has been really hot and really fun. I’m here for it anytime you want it, especially when you wanna get freaky.”
“So? What’s the problem then?”
“Baby,” Guy ran his thumbs along Kyle’s hipbones, “You barely let me touch you for months.”
Kyle sighed and started to stand up.
“No.” Guy held him firmly in place. “Don’t run from me, I’m not gonna push. I just wanna know when you’re gonna talk to me.”
“Not yet,” Kyle whispered, laying his hands over the vicious scar on Guy’s abdomen, “I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Okay.” Guy let that hang in the quiet for a span. “C’mere,” he bade, gently tugging Kyle to lay at his side again. Kyle went willingly, tucking himself into his spot, resting his head over Guy’s heart. “You hear that?” Guy asked, gently pressing Kyle’s head into his chest. “That’s yours.”
“I can’t lose anyone else, Guy. I can’t lose you. I can’t. I’m digging two holes this time.”
“I’m not going anywhere. Nothing’s gonna take me from you.” Guy kissed the top of Kyle’s head and he squeezed him close. “Nothing.”
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lume-nosity · 11 months
never thought i’d ever make this post, but here we are. this is just an update since i haven’t been very active here (this blog specifically)
i’ve realized that i haven’t been writing anything for the course of 5+ months because i’m more focused on school, trying to adjust to young adulthood, and thinking about what other careers/hobbies i want to pursue in so it kinda drew me away from sitting down to write something. along with burnout, so that’s… yeah. sorry all.
the thing is i was really trying to get back into writing something but that’ll be once in a blue moon most likely. perhaps something not fandom related or something, but who knows? other than that i just wanted to say this for those who did follow me solely for my fics and such, so you’re free to unfollow if you fall along those lines.
as of late i haven’t been feeling like writing at all, and yet writing is the reason why i’m here via tumblr. but i’m probably going to be ia for the time being until i feel like writing again. (if that ever happens) though i’ll probably be lurking most of the time, so if you see me interact with your post or pop in your inbox then hello :3!! also mutuals if you want to get in contact with me in some way outside of tumblr you can ask for my disc or game users (via genshin, pjsk, hsr, roblox)
so what’s the takeaway? i think i need to step down from social media and not feel forced to post fics or anything. maybe that writing motivation i’ve been longing for will come back naturally, even if it takes a few months or even years. so i wouldn’t really say i’m “quitting” it’s more like a “half-vacation.” if you get what i mean. even when i say this, it’s most likely that i’m going to upload a shitpost or anything along those lines on my spam/main depending on how i feel at the moment, just saying.
if i were to really leave writing behind me, and for you guys to say that you get inspiration from me or you just enjoy my works, then thank you for giving me a chance to try to warm your hearts in the form of writing, as cheesy as that may sound. i’ve enjoyed doing it a lot! i really do. but now i need to slowly transition into adulthood and actually have that “adult” mindset. (s i g h)
so yeah! this is all i wanted to say for a long time. thanks for reading. i love each and every single one of you <3
also we’re keeping the lumine theme for some time because i’m too lazy to change it (and besides lume is very similar to lumine so it’s cool) and sorry that i haven’t been answering asks here omg
edit: sooo i decided to just leave my navigation as is just so if there’s anyone that wants to look at my old stuff via: writing, edits, etc. so they’re safe and they won’t get deleted, dw!
the only difference is that i won’t write as much or at all anymore. (burnout, boredom, thinking about what i’ll do after graduation, slowly transitioning to adulthood, etc..) i’ll try to be active on this blog more often, but it’s mostly for interactions and stuff along those lines.
also as for how active i’ll be, that’ll depend on the day/week. sometimes i’m free, sometimes i’m not, so it entirely depends. midterms/finals are when i’ll be ia no exceptions, but if i have absolutely no work/assignments then i could pop in here. if i feel as if i want to take a day or so off of tumblr then that’ll happen as well.
basically, i’m in and out, but i lurk often. that’s the best way i could put this in.
i’ll probably make a pinned for these things just so all of this is out there
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
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I posted 2,470 times in 2022
That's 1,721 more posts than 2021!
223 posts created (9%)
2,247 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,655 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#maxi vibes - 322 posts
#nice people - 210 posts
#rora vibes - 209 posts
#hector vibes - 184 posts
#the morvants and their readers - 122 posts
#morvant mortuary - 118 posts
#and then rarae says - 101 posts
#general morvant vibes tbh - 100 posts
#greymoon vibes - 71 posts
#maxi morvant - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i cannot tell you how bad i want the hearse or the mustang to pull up in my parents’ driveway rn and be like ‘get in we’re bustin’ you out’
My Top Posts in 2022:
and absolutely no one’s dead (pt. I)
Maxi Morvant x genderqueer/non-binary & plus-sized Reader, 18+ 
Epilogue for the October Arc
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summary: after the events of Halloween, you and Maxi get used to a new normal. Hector makes an unsettling discovery and then an interesting one. Rora is plotting something.
warnings: description of a panic attack, mentions of death/funerals, some minor stalking but it’s fine. Things don’t get gory and/or sexy until pt. II.
general: *facedesk* I meant to have this up before Xmas, and now it’s nine days until Valentine’s Day. I think I’m going to just do my best not to tie chapters to holidays anymore, bc we’ve seen how that goes :’D though I’m absolutely still planning some shorter things for V Day don’t get me wrong
so this is maybe... less an epilogue, and more a setting up of Arc II, because more questions developed here than maybe got answered. But I’ve been looking forward to sharing it with y’all for a while, and can’t wait to see what y’all think!
as you can guess, it’s posted in two parts bc it’s Long :’D longer than spellbound (reprise) bc apparently I can’t shut up
okay, enough of me, here we go! thanks for your patience, as always!!
See the full post
32 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
For the smut prompts: Maxi with 69 please?
“I’ll take care of you.”
Oh man, Sarah. I had entirely too much fun with this. I had no idea this little phrase would set off my brain this way.
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to discover us would be fatal -
(18+, nsf tumblr/ios/apple below. the closest thing to dark!maxi I’ve ever gotten. established daddy kink, breeding kink if you squint. oral (afab receiving), bondage, blindfolding, knife kink, blood kink, fluids eating, remote vibrator, murder. reader definitely gets off while maxi’s torturing the latest offering to the House. dead dove do not eat, I am not even remotely fucking around with this one.)
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38 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
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So remember when I said I couldn’t draw? I really meant it :’D
If you’re seeing this, it means it just turned midnight my time, and we’re officially in the New Year. Thank you so, so, so much to everyone who’s been kind enough to stick around since I started writing this on a lark. I know this isn’t everybody, but I went through my followers list trying to find first names of the people I see interacting with my posts a lot. Please know I definitely try to make a point to know all of you, even if I’m not super chatty most of the time, and I have probably likely mentioned you to my mom at least once lmao.
I was just telling my friends that I write with that I really didn’t expect this to get as far as it did — when I introduced Maxi on the noctes blog, I thought he might be a weird little OC who popped up every now and again for my own amusement more than anything else. But you guys were so kind and supportive from the jump, I’ve not only finished an entire arc I didn’t know I was going to write in the first place, I’m planning on editing it and revising it to be an actual manuscript that I try to query while I work on Hector’s arc here :’D I don’t totally know how that’s going to go yet, and I’ll be sure to keep you guys posted, but I know I absolutely wouldn’t be here without all of y’all. 🖤
It’s been a real honor and a pleasure getting to know all of you this year, and I appreciate every single bit of feedback and enthusiasm you’ve all been kind enough to share with me. For real. I know how hard that is to come by, especially for fic that’s entirely comprised of OCs, so please don’t think I take any of it for granted whatsoever. We may be a fairly small blog, but this is still one of the largest projects I’ve tackled on a whim, and I’m excited to see where else it will go, so long as there’s someone still willing to come with. 🖤
I owe you guys the world, and while I don’t want to jinx anything, I hope all of us get the lucky break we need this year. I know I really did with all of you. 😘
Sending huge hugs and well-wishes all around, and I look forward to sharing this year with all of you, no matter what it brings. ✨
Cheers from me and the Morvants dead and living, we love each and all of y’all. 🥂♥️
39 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Maxi my love & 29 and/or 47 🥺🥺🥺🥺
“Come one more time for me, I know you’ve got it in you.”/“Are you holding back? Don’t.”
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nonny, I am. so, so incredibly sorry it took this long. I’m sure you’ve entirely forgotten you sent this in by now, and for that, I totally understand. :’D but you will see, hopefully, why it took me a while to finish. I think this thing was 15k when I finally cut it off, and I was deeply tempted to go on.
so! when I say these two lines got in my head, I mean I took them and I ran a whole usian football field with them. I hope y’all like it, bc I certainly enjoyed myself writing it. I meant to have it up for Pride month, but alas, the best laid plans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ here’s hoping you’ll find it just as queer now.
let me dirty up your mind (18+, mdni) --
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43 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Morvant Mortuary, Vol. I: Final Them. (The October Arc)
Maxi Morvant (male slasher/necromancer OC) x genderqueer/non-binary & plus-sized Reader, 18+ (minors dni.)
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Does it look like I’m afraid of you?
tear you apart 
hunt you down (eat you alive)
a notification on Maxi’s phone at 3 am (Enter Hector)
jane doe (Enter Rora)
lovesong (pt. I) 
lovesong (pt. II) 
bad moon rising (Enter Pierre, Enter Vincent)
bury us alive
you play the game, you’ll never win
and the dead start to dance in their masquerade (pt. I)
and the dead start to dance in their masquerade (pt. II) (Enter the Grey Man.)
spellbound (reprise) pt. I
spellbound (reprise) pt. II
and absolutely no one’s dead (pt. I)
and absolutely no one’s dead (pt. II)
See the full post
49 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Awww, this was fun! Thanks everyone who’s been part of our year, and @illegalcerebral for being kind enough to tag us!! 🥰
no-pressure tags: @bigtiddythanos @rosemaremembrance @maximoffwxnda @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lorna-d-m @scuttle-buttle @pondering-and-wondering (and your Clair blog!) @jmathesonandsiblings (and your personal!) @imalsonotsure @norabrice1701 @eldritchcircus @raven-blood-13 @snaxk and anyone else who wants to!! 🖤
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aggregaticn · 3 months
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✦┊ for starters, thank you kindly for stopping by! you may know me in the past as mishka, or cryptid, but lately i go by grass. i am 32 years old and typically refer to myself as he/they pronouns. ✧┊ i have been roleplaying off and on for well over 14 years. i give up trying to keep track of how long with each year that passes. i also do a lot of world building and drawing as well and both will most certainly play a big part on my blogs. ✧┊ i am an extremely slow roleplayer. it has taken me over a month to reply to some threads/asks. it has nothing to do with anyone. it’s just how i write. i am sorry if this is annoying to people, but roleplaying is my HOBBY. i let my muse/s take the reins more often than not and if they are not feeling it then i’m not going to force them, nor will i force myself. ✦┊ if it’s been over a week since i replied to something and you want to know if i saw it and/or curious if i am still interested in doing anything with it, then by all means ask!! i lose track of things, lose it in my notifications, don’t see it at all, or i forget to draft it. ✧┊ i have decided to become more of a minimalist roleplayer. i will probably not use icons anymore and will hardly format my posts. the most that will happen is small font and an on-post tag to my partner. that’s really it. ✦┊ i read everyone’s rules when i decide to follow them. that doesn’t mean i will remember every detail because let’s face it, there are many people that come and go with many different rules and sometimes shit gets mixed up. it happens! if i accidentally break a rule, or cross a line do let me know! i’ll do my best not to do it again. i’m also not big on passwords, so if i follow and don’t like. send in your password, then please don’t take it the wrong way! i’m just nervous and makes me feel weird? idk lmfao
✧┊ this is a multi-ship/multi-fandom/multi-verse roleplay blog for various fandoms && muses. this is my only blog now because i’m tired™ of dealing with multiple blogs, so now all of my trash is in one place :D ✦┊ i am very much an adult™ that enjoys writing a lot of adult themes. there are also many fandoms present with said adult themes. there will no doubt be triggers here. whenever they do, {{whether it be dubcon/noncon, bestiality, gore, torture, etc}} they will be tagged with the following; ‘tw: (name of content)’ you are more than welcome to pop into my ims/asks and let me know if you need something tagged that already isn’t tagged! ✧┊ majority of the headcanons and writing found on this blog belongs to me. i have spent many years developng these characters by myself and with various partners along the way. while i don’t mind you using some things, i would kindly ask that you do not steal, nor take credit for these things. this extends to any graphics/edits/art i end up making at any given time unless you have explicit permission from myself to use them. ✧┊ while i may be mutuals only, that’s kind of a lose term with me. i don’t mind writing with you if we have not followed eachother! this also applies to interacting ooc with one another. just do it!! ✦┊ i may prefer writing multi-para threads, but i am totally fine with writing smaller things! this goes for sentences, single para, and everything in between. third person is where it’s at, though i do not mind what style you write in. i’m also totally open to art based roleplays! all ya gotta do is ask. ✧┊ i will do aus, though some crossovers might be turned down if i am a.) not to confident in my abilities to work with that crossover, or b.) not part or do not know enough of a certain fandom. that goes for any muses you’d like to request of me. i’m comfy enough to try writing a muse that isn’t present on my blog/s. ✦┊ i would prefer to keep ims strictly for ooc and plotting purposes, but if you’d like to rp somewhere else then i am open to writing on discord! all ya gotta do is ask and we can work something out. i’m also completely ok with any sort of asks! like even if you just wanna chat with me ooc and shit then please come talk with me! i am always down for some chill time to get to know my rp partners any time!
last, but not least do have fun!! this is a roleplay/ask blog. it’s meant to be a fun experience. it is a hobby and i am going to treat it as such.
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g-kat423 · 5 months
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats 
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that? 
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
Thanks for sending more emojis!
🎱 post your AO3 total stats 
Here they are and I am grateful that my fics have gotten any attention at all.
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🍓 how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
So before I knew what fanfiction was, I was always writing things for myself. As a kid, I’d make Pokémon comics about jigglypuff because jigglypuff was my favorite. Then as I got older, I’d write self insert fanfiction in my diary of myself and celebrities I had crushes on. Again, didn’t know what fanfiction was at the time, I was just being horny and gay. I discovered fanfiction at 16 and never felt I could write anything people would want to read, but I’d still write little oneshots for myself privately. My old iPod touch was (and still is if I could actually charge it and unlock it) full of the most random fics in my notes app. Then my first published fic was in 2012 when I was 19, it was just expanding on a fade to black sex scene from Dark Shadows 2012. Not very good, but people were nice. Then I didn’t write again publicly until 2021 when I discovered Alcina x reader fics. I devoured a bunch of them and then an idea I hadn’t seen popped into my head that I hadn’t seen before which gave birth to my first multichapter fic. I didn’t think I’d write anymore after that, but ideas kept on coming. Although I’m slow with updates, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll probably keep writing for Alcina until I’m completely tapped out.
🌵share the link to a playlist you love
My toxic trait is never making playlists lol. I probably should so I could organize my music better and not forget songs I enjoy, you’d be surprised how often that happens and then years later you’re like omg I used to love this song, how did I forget?? Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Lana Del Rey.
🕯️on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Hmmmm idk I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it. 4?? The issue I have with editing is you start to reread your work so many times that you begin to doubt if it’s actually good because you’ve gotten so used to its contents, not thinking that your readers are seeing it for the first time and probably aren’t as critical as we are on ourselves. It’s also so easy to miss little mistakes until after you hit publish because your brain begins to gloss over them.
🛼 describe your latest wip with five emojis
0 notes
chorusfm · 7 months
Liner Notes (March 10th, 2024)
This week’s newsletter has some thoughts on the new Bleachers album and more of the regular newsletter things I always write about. This week’s supporter Q&A post can be found here. If you’d like this newsletter delivered to your inbox each week (it’s free and available to everyone), you can sign up here. A Few Things * My apologies, but I only noticed I referred to Daisy Grenade as Daisy Chain in last week’s emailed version of this newsletter. That’s one downside of email vs blogs – editing after they hit the inbox doesn’t work. I must have had the Slowly Slowly song on my mind. Anyway, the band is Daisy Grenade that is opening for Fall Out Boy/Jimmy Eat World; sorry about that. * I found this article about why product recommendations online are basically the same SEO spam garbage to track with my experience. Not to go full “grown man yells at clouds,” but, damn, do I miss websites that feel like websites. Now it’s social media or content spam, and very little in between. Seeing Kottke.org launch a redesign last week was a friendly reminder that there’s still an audience for these kinds of blogs. * I’ve sung the praises RayCast before, but this article this week about how you can combine it with other apps to let you do some quite powerful things on your Mac was the inspiration for me to spend some of my weekend tweaking a few scripts and little niceties. I finally moved all of my snippets into it and away from TextExpander. TextExpander has been one of my most used apps for over a decade, but the quality of the app has gone downhill over the past few years. I’ve found it flakey, and the app no longer feels Mac-like. I can replicate every snippet with RayCast and Keyboard Maestro, and this was a good time to audit everything and clear it all out. RayCast’s built-in system is quite good, and there were only a few I couldn’t duplicate exactly. For example, I have multiple expanders for things with ordinal numbers (like the title of this very newsletter). These were relatively easy to re-do in Keyboard Maestro. In Case You Missed It * Motion City Soundtrack Announce More Tour Dates * Ben Folds Announces New Tour * Saosin Working on Album With Cove * I Am the Avalanche Announce Tour * Stars Announce ‘Set Yourself on Fire’ Tour * Paramore Announces Record Store Day Release * NOFX – “I’m a Rat” Video * Albums in Stores – Mar 8th, 2024 Music Thoughts * One of the more significant releases this week is the new one from Bleachers. My first listen was after coming home from the gym; it was late at night, and the weather was dreary and rainy. I was doing a few “wind down the evening” things, making coffee for the next morning, tidying up around the house, and had this on in the background. It was a perfect introduction to this album. Now, four or five listens later, I … kinda think I love this? It’s a tactile album, one that has an immediate hook and stickiness to it, but it also has a depth that I think will reward multiple listens. It felt like the last album was Jack’s rebellion against people saying everything he touched sounded the same, and it was drenched in intentional auditory mud. This, in contrast, is arguably the best mix of modern production with a tangible authentic tone to the instruments I’ve heard in ages. Everything breaths and ebbs with a classic Jack Antonoff songwriting buzz, always right on the edge of energy, sitting tantalizingly between the best of indie and pop. Listening to something like “Me Before You” is aural candy. The album blends a little from tracks 8 through 10, but on the whole, this is a complete win for me. Also, this absolutely rules. * Cold Years released the new single “Choke” this week. It’s (probably, time will tell) my favorite song on the album. Basically, as perfect as a punk song in 2024 can be. This band continues to be the most underrated band in the world and I’ll keep screaming that to anyone who’ll listen. I’ve had a few weeks with the new album and am still formulating full… https://chorus.fm/news/liner-notes-march-10th-2024/
0 notes
libertys-lovers · 2 years
✨🌕Melody of the Night🌕✨
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During a late night working, The Journalist hears mysterious music echoing across the RED Base grounds. What could possibly be the source of this tune?
SHIP: 🏜️📰One Shot📰🏜️ (Sniper x Journalist)
WARNINGS: Nyctophobia (the fear of the night/darkness) + Descriptions of suffering from Nyctophobia + Swearing
The nighttime never promised much to the Mercenaries. Not a single spark of action, but not really much peace either. After all, it may have been rare for the opposing team to attack at night, but that doesn't mean it was impossible for them to. The night, if anything, was a time for rest... or at least, it was supposed to be.
For The Journalist, nighttime was the only time she could really work. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing; all she had to do was rewrite her notes from the day into a proper report, maybe listen to some music while doing so. It wasn't anything she could complain about. She had worse things to worry about, such as the opposing Spy, who seemed to have an unhealthy fascination with both stabbing backs and stealing her notes. Tonight wasn't a scheduled interrogation night though, so she was spared from his unsuccessful shennanigans... or so she was sure, right? The more she thought of it, the more she couldn't remember. She was sure it was fine though. Her brain was always rather rude at night, making her worry over the smallest of details. And so, she'd dismiss the entire matter, throwing on her Deadbeats and focusing solely on her work.
She typed away on her desktop, spacing out to the sound of her keyboard fading into the music. Or, perhaps "spacing out" is too soft of a term; she truly got lost in these songs, finding backing sounds she never noticed before. One tune was especially outstanding to her; she couldn't identify what instrument it was, but it had a sudden entry into the song. It was faded, but still bombastic and energetic. It'd dance between the main rhythm, ending sporadically only to rebuild itself in the same fashion. It almost felt... out of place. Journals couldn't help but be intrigued by it; she'd rewind her music just to try to single out that piece...
But it wasn't the same as when she first heard it.
No, the vibes of this backing piece were the same, but these were definitely different notes, right? She'd rewind over and over again, and each time it was different. That’s when it hit her.
She took off her Deadbeat headphones, listening closely to the ambience around her. Sure enough, the faded song was still audible. In fact, it was even louder than before! She rose from her desk, unsure of exactly what to do. Her mind was racing through 50 different questions. What was the music? Who was playing the music? Who would've still been up anyway? Was it one of her teammates, or was it an opposing member who just comedically revealed themselves? Her speculative answers reawoke her worrying nature, and yet that only fueled her curiosity. She'd take a deep breath, and ultimately decide to let her inner "horror movie protagonist" shine. Donning herself with nothing more than slippers, a flashlight, and a jacket to cover her barren arms, she'd creep outside of her office to explore the base.
The base was already a winding mess of halls during the day, but at night it felt all the more hopeless to wander through. She'd lean her ear against plenty of the fort's doors, but to no avail. When she wasn't closely listening, her eyes were glued to the floor, though sometimes she'd take foolish glances through the windows. They only revealed a barren desert under a blanket of black, but that rarely made her feel better. It still felt like something could be hidden out there, watching through.
"Alright... alright fine... I'll just peak once... and then that'll be it. There's nothing out there, Liberty. Nothing at all..." muttered The Journalist, to untrusting ears.
Step, by step, by agonizing step, she made her way to the window. She was near one of the doors, probably a side door? She didn't come to this part of the fort that often, so she wasn't exactly sure where she was-. What she was sure of, however, was that the music had grown much louder. She didn't even realize it while walking; her freaked-out lil mind must've blocked that fact out. And though she saw nothing new through the window, it was definite that the sound was coming from outside. She froze, just wanting to close her eyes and breathe for a bit. Every sense was isolated, every sense but her hearing. Her focus made her realize another thing; the sound was all too familiar.
"Is that... that's gotta be a saxophone, right? I've heard this before... I know what this is".
She made her way to the door, trying as gently as she could to ease it open. She failed, of course, since every door there was both old and loud as hell, but it seems the sound didn't matter. She turned her flashlight off and looked in the distance, where the faint figure of a camper and its owner rested. There that owner was, sitting alone as he blasted his saxophone to the stars above. That was the source of the music, the source of Journals's troubles; it was just Sniper playing his damn sax.
Journals couldn't help but stand there and laugh to herself, letting her held-in tears of panic finally fall. She let herself get this anxious over a damn teammate doing band practice. Not even just a coworker, no, she had to get freaked out over the love of her life just minding his business. The nighttime was a beautiful state of the world for Journals. Hell, she'd consider it her favorite time of day, but she sure hated how irrationally it made her think sometimes. She couldn't be too mad though; she did walk out to a lovely sound, after all. Nobody could deny Mundy's talent for the instrument, even if it did surprise everyone when he first showed it off. Maybe she could stay here for a little while; she certainly didn't wanna walk through all the halls again.
She stepped through the doorway and closed the door... or at least tried to. The damn thing got jammed, and she resorted to leaning her bodyweight on it. Bad move; the thing crashed shut, and the sax solo immediately cut-off. Journals watched the shadowed figure put his instrument down, only to take hold of something else. A bright light popped into existence; thank god, it was just a flashlight. Journals got flashed right in the eyes though, truly a fate worse than death.
"AH- Shit- Well hello to you too, Mundy!", shouted Journals, inbetween laughter.
"Libs? Crikey, is that really you down there?!".
"Yup! ...yup".
Sniper made his way down the camper, jogging over to Journals. He opened his mouth, a slight smile cracking through, before reshaping his entire expression with furrowed brows.
"Wait a minute- How do I know you're not one of those Spies?", inquired Sniper.
"Oh? Can they even turn into me? That'd be kinda neat... maybe a bit OP though-", responded Journals, devolving into mindless speculation of what the Spies could do as her.
Sniper interrupted her train of thought with a laugh: "Alright, you're definitely not a spy".
The circumstances they met under finally clicked for him though; it must've been 2 in the morning by now, and there was this woman, clearly dressed for bed with stains down her face, just standing in the desert with him. Mundy had one question for her, until he took a closer look at what sort of stains her face had: those dreaded tear stains. From that point, he had a few too many questions.
"But bloody hell sheila, what're you even doing out here? You look all sorts of shaken up! Did something happen in there? You're not hurt, are ya-?".
"No! Nonononono, I'm all good! I've been like this for a while now, don't worry about it!".
"Liberty...”, he called with great suspicion, “are you sure...?".
"Yeah man! I mean, I freaked out earlier, but it was stupid, I promise. Somehow your sax ended up scaring me".
"My sax? Now how did that happen?".
"Hell if I know; I guess I just get real nervous at night. I mean, I wasn't really expecting to hear a random saxophone outside my room tonight, ya know?”.
A single "hmm" made it through Mundy's lips. He nodded; he knew the sentiment all too well. Nighttime wasn't really easy for him, either.
"But... it did sound really nice... Gorgeous, even! I was actually just gonna sit here and listen for a bit... but THEN the damn door sabotaged me"; Journals couldn't help but laugh again, at the sheer absurdity of the situation.
She was expecting laughter in return, or at least a giggle! But no, instead she was met with the sight of Mundy rubbing his neck. If only the lighting was better, perhaps she would've noticed that it wasn't just sunburn making his face red.
"Sorry if I interrupted though-".
"No, don't be"; his intonation softened greatly, just as his body language did. He was barely a few stages above muttering at this point.
Silence quickly filled the space between two of them. Not once did their eyes meet, though many glances were taken from both sides.
"Well... if you wanted to listen still... I wouldn't mind ya joining me".
"Really? I don't wanna be an inconvenience or anything-".
Mundy paused, being caught rather off guard. "Now where'd you get the idea that you'd be an inconvenience?".
He decided to make his move; walking to Journals's side and softly grazing his hand across her back, he began walking her to the camper.
"Come on now, love. Unless you're afraid of heights too, there's no trouble at all with ya coming along", said Mundy, trying to hide his signature grin.
"Heeeeyyyy now; don't get all snarky with me, hehe~", muttered Journals, unsure if she wanted him to hear her wit.
Almost instinctively, Journalist leaned in towards him, nuzzling her cheek to his chest. Another restrained giggle rose from her chords, and just like that, Sniper's entire being was back to being stiff. Journals wasn't done with him just yet though. Rising to the tip of her toes and staring through his soul, she muttered those magical words.
"May I~?".
Mundy froze in his tracks. Somehow he never expects that question to pop up. But, of course, the answer wasn’t too hard for him to think of.
"You may".
Journals stretched upwards, as far as her body could reach. She'd sheepishly wrap her arms around Mundy's neck for balance, only so she could plant a kiss on his cheek.
"I love you, Mundy~ Thanks... for, well, everything. Even for bullying me about my deeply-rooted fears~".
She lightly tapped him on the arm as she spoke that final part, shaking her head and glancing at him with a taunting smirk. Mundy ever-so-lightly punched her shoulder in retaliation.
"Yeah, yeah~”: that was the most he could think of to say... until he realized he could give her something back.
“hmm... May I, Libs?".
Journals fell back to her feet, placing a finger to her cheek and glancing to the sky.
"Weeeeelllllllllllll... I guess soooo~", she teased, immediately rising back to her toes.
She closed her eyes, her smiling cheeks only growing stronger once she felt his lips upon them. She couldn't help but return to her basic stature and cup her face once it was over, though she took great care that her hand wouldn't taint the kissed spot too much. Mundy, all the while, couldn't be more entertained. He was almost tempted to ditch the saxophone gig entirely, but he couldn't deny his curiosity on what her expression would be during it. Would she be smiling as hard as she was now, or would her expression be painted with pure whimsy? He just couldn't wait to find out.
"I love you too, darling. Ya better keep that energy while I'm playing. I'm not sure how good you're expecting me to be here".
"Mundy. I heard ya earlier, and I can guarantee I've heard you a thousand times before. You're gonna be absolutely stunning, I just know it!".
Before they knew it, they had already arrived to his signature camper. Sniper helped his date climb to the top, where he was greeted by not just his newest audience member, but his trusted audience of stars. He grabbed his sax and prepared to blow, hoping with all his might that the night could last forever. Or maybe he was just hoping that Heavy wouldn't come out to yell at him to stop again; he wasn't sure which one it was, and frankly he didn't care. He just wanted to make the most of the night; to make the most of the opportunity that just waltzed in from the shadows.
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rukunas · 2 years
post inspired by this, also this is a complete self-insert bc i hate one of my roommates LMAOOO hope she never sees this…. completely unedited too i’m sorry
cw: bakugo is in his 20s + reader is in college, suggestive
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pro!hero bakugo always wonders why you don’t ever invite him back to your place.
well, to be fair, his place is amazing. even for just starting his agency, he gets a decent pay, and he put his first check into a penthouse that overlooks the whole city. crystal clear windows that go from the ceiling to the floor, more rooms than he can use— so of course, he randomly finds your things littered around everywhere. you probably like his place even more than him.
but he knows you have a place at your college campus. you’ve never invited him inside, though, always hurrying out the door whenever he picks you up. you’ve complained to him about one of your roommates once, but besides that, he knows nothing.
“what are you doing here?”
bakugo’s busy peering in over your head, trying to catch a glimpse of anything in your apartment. “brought you dinner. can i come in?”
it’s funny watching him, seeing how shocked he is at seeing how you live. “your kitchen is so small. how do ya fuckin’ cook in here?” “this painting isn’t bolted. do ya want it to kill ya?” and his reaction to your bedroom— “fucking hell. how do you have so much stuff?!”
it’s even funnier when he complains about the size of your twin bed as he rams into you.
“fuck.” he spits out angrily, sweat dripping down his brow as he curves his back to keep his frame above you and most importantly, on the damn bed. he gets why you like his place so much.
sleeping together afterwards is a whole other story. he takes up the whole bed—mind you, his feet hang off— and you’re left to lay on top of him, limbs all tangled up. (he honestly kind of likes it, but he’ll never admit it).
bakugo wakes up in the middle of the night to find you at your desk, typing away at some essay due tomorrow morning.
“come back in bed.”
“‘m almost finished. promise. just need to proofread and edit and… shit, what format do i need to use?”
bakugo sighs, lifting out of bed. “can i get water?”
“yeah, my brita is in the fridge. it’s blue and has my name on it.”
he’s standing in the glow of the fridge light, trying to figure out where the fuck your brita is, when someone shrieks.
“h-holy shit! you’re— you’re dynamight!” your roommate— the one you’ve said is annoying, always asks for my homework answers, never takes out the trash. “holy shit!”
“oh, um.” bakugo realizes too late that he’s only in his boxers. “yeah. do you know where my girl’s brita is? said it’s blue.”
her eyes bulge out of her head. “oh! i used it by accident.” she laughs awkwardly, grabbing it off the counter to hand it to him. “forgot to refill it though.”
bakugo feels his own blood boil. he recalls the time he lived with denki— the fucker would do the exact same thing. before he can open his mouth to spew out everything you’ve said about her, your face pops around the corner.
“hey, i finished. did you get water?”
“yeah.” he manages to pour in half a glass before the brita empties. he hands the glass to you. “drink this. i’ll refill it.”
“thanks, baby.” you try pecking his cheek, but he turns his head so that you reach his lips. he smirks into it, wrapping his arm around your waist but quickly realizes that he has an audience.
your roommate gapes at the two of you, jaw practically on the floor. “you didn’t tell me you’re dating dynamight.”
“um… yeah.” you nod your head stiffly. “if you’re going to use my brita, can you at least fill it up?”
you tug bakugo’s arm to bring him back to your room, ignoring (but also basking in) the way your roommate still stands in utter shock.
the next morning, he finds himself on the carpet. he must have rolled off the bed in his sleep. his final straw.
so, he proposes you move in with him. it’s better if your place also happens to be his.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
could u please do like a harry x youtuber/influencer!reader and like lots of fluff🥺
Hi bubbie! Here you go :)))
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Language
Harry was panicking. His mum and sister were going to be here in less than two hours and he’s burnt the eggplant parmigiana he had worked tediously on. 
He grabbed what he had left in his fridge - ground beef, shredded cheddar cheese, and a little bit of bacon. 
It was the type of foods he usually strayed away from so sometimes when his shopper would bring this stuff home - he’d avoid it and admittedly sometimes it would go bad sitting in the fridge.
The singer pulls up YouTube onto his phone - hoping something would come up when he typed in the ingredients on the search bar.
He clicks on the first video by cookingwithnofucks. A chuckle at the name as an advertisement plays.
A cute, bubbly girl appears on screen in a beautiful modern kitchen. She has a shirt on that says ‘fuck the patriarchy and eat pizza’. A high ponytail and minimal makeup.
“Okay - today we’re making a cheeseburger casserole,” the girl chirps, “It’s a heart attack in a dish but it’s so fucking good.”
Harry finds himself smiling as he crinkles his nose - it sounds absolutely disgusting but he’s intrigued more by the girl on the screen.
“Shit, I forgot to introduce myself. Hiii, if you’re new - I’m Y/N and I do cooking shit. Subscribe to my channel and all that jazz,” she titters while cutting open her beef package.
Harry follows along step-by-step, shaking his head as she doesn’t describe the instructions nearly well enough and is generally all over the place.
It’s a fucking cooking channel and at one point the meat starts burning. She just laughs and says, “s’just a little crispy!” 
The casserole turns out looking even better than Y/N’s to be honest. It’s done in just the right amount of time for him to shower before his family arrives.
He makes sure to subscribe to her channel - eyebrows raising when he sees that she has 16 million subscribers.
Harry wanted to spend longer, looking at her social media but there was a fixed time so he locked his phone and went to get ready.
Anne - always the sweetheart just tells Harry that the casserole is delicious even as a bit of grease runs down her fork from the fatty meats.
Gemma wasn’t as kind, grimacing at the casserole and remarking, “You truly are turning into an American, huh?”
Laying in bed that night, Harry swipes back onto YouTube. Going back to the page he just subscribed to - under a pseudonym. He clicks on another video.
“Uh, okay. So I’m cooking...fuck, it’s called unicorn bark. It looks like a magical animal puke but it looks delicious so we’re going to try it.”
Harry realizes he’s been watching this girl cook for nearly an hour. Different videos from desserts to dinners.
She curses like a sailor, fucks up almost every recipe, and makes a mess everywhere. But she’s smiling and talkative which makes him quite memorized by her.
“I hate editing,” Y/N groans, letting her head fall dramatically against the desktop. Her best friend and dog looked at her oddly.
“I keep saying you need to hire someone, you stubborn bitch,” Laney retorts, clicking through her Instagram feed.
“Fuck off,” she tells her friend with no real heat. The video was almost fully edited - how to make spicy as fuck jalapeño poppers.
There is a calm silence for a while until Laney gasps, “Holy shit.”
“What is it?” Y/N asks, not really caring as she clicks her mouse to trim a segment.
“Harry fucking Styles just followed you on Instagram and Twitter!” Laney shouts, her dog - Rufus popping his head up in confusion.
Y/N looks at her friend to see if she’s really serious and sees no signs of deception. “Oh my god,” Y/N replies. She loved Harry Styles in One Direction and as a solo artist - a fangirl if you will.
Y/N was a well-known influencer and has run in the circles of many celebrities. She’s even met Liam Payne but she’s never been able to bump into Harry.
Her alerts tell her it to be true, she swallows as she looks back up at Laney, “He dm’ed me.”
“Open it! What did he say?” She squeals, squeezing herself on the chair next to her, peering over her shoulder at the phone.
Y/N is a bit nervous, trying not to have a mini aneurysm as she opens the message thread.
HarryStyles: Hello. Just wanted to let you know that your cheeseburger casserole recipe saved my ass last night. Cheers x
“He’s totally coming onto you,” Her friend states instantly, bouncing excitedly - she also had a bit of a crush on the singer.
It takes the two of them a minute to cool their shit before Y/N manages a reply.
Y/N/LN: Well I guess it’s only fair. Your songs have made a few of my nights much better. I’m a bit of a slut for Fine Line.
Harry laughs behind his screen at the cheeky reply he gets back. He’s usually never this forward - especially on social media where he likes to fly under the radar.
HarryStyles: Well if you fancy my music that much, I totally love for you to come to a show. I’m performing in New York City in two weeks.
“This has to be a joke, right?” Y/N sputters to her friend, eyes wide at the invite to a concert she already had tickets to.
Y/N/LN: I’m not going to lie, I already have tickets to the show. However, I don’t have any backstage passes to meet the man of the hour. Do you know someone who can hook me up?
It does wonders for Harry’s narcissism to know that she already had tickets for his concert. Was he really going to do this? He hasn’t met up with some like this since his One Direction days.
He had to remind himself - she may just be friendly and take this as a totally casual interaction. Which would be normal, Harry really shouldn’t be so infatuated with someone he’s watched cook on social media.
HarryStyles: I think I can arrange that. Shoot me your number? I’ll have them sent digitally to you with instructions on how to get backstage.
Y/N is a bit dumbfounded at how fast they agreed to meet up. A harmless backstage tour - he could just be a fan of hers and totally not interested, right?
Over the next few weeks, they never really stop texting. Harry sends her pictures of the recipes he copies off her channel - that usually always look better than the original. He sends her clips of him goofing around during tour rehearsal. FaceTimes her when he’s finally home for the night.  
She sends him videos of her watching Harry Styles Best Moment Part Five. A few photos she snaps throughout the city of him on billboards and buildings, in Times Square. YN facetimes him when she’s frustrated with filming or watched a sad movie.
It didn’t make sense to either of them how seamlessly they’d clicked - especially without meeting. They were a perfect balance for each other. Harry - laidback, organized, level-headed. Y/N - eccentric, all over the place, adventurous. 
Jeff had told him that he’s been gaining media attention from his social media interactions with Y/N. They like each other’s photos, begin following each other’s friends, and comment goofy things on their posts.
“Listen, I have a great idea,” Y/N begins - which Harry learned is never good. “You should film a video with me sometime.”
Y/N knew she was going out on a limb and instantly regretted the questions she’d been building the courage to ask for days when it’s quiet on his end. There’s static for a moment and Y/N needs to fill the silence.
“It was - I was just, uh, I know you’re probably too busy. I was -“ She stutters, embarrassment flooding her.
Harry cuts her off, “I’d love to.”
“Yo-you would?” She asks timidly. Was she really going to have Harry Styles in her apartment? If so, should she take down her poster?
He laughs sweetly, “Why do you sound so surprised? I can’t wait to come to New York, love.”
Y/N giggles, “Not the fact that you’re performing in front of a sold out crowd at MSG? I don’t think seeing me will top that.”
“I’ve been looking forward to meetin’ you in person since I came across your channel. You so lovely,” Harry replies, his voice a little softer but more serious.
“I’m nervous,” Y/N admits, picking at a thread in her jeans.
“Me too,” Harry murmurs, despite not wanting to admit it - he wanted her to know this was new territory for both of them. He didn’t want her to think that this was something that he did often. But a little too prideful to admit it’s the first time he’s ever done something quite like this.
“What if you don’t like me?” Y/N whispers, she...well she didn’t compare to the models he’s been seen with before. She’s regretfully fell into the rabbit hole of looking up his past flings and relationships.
Harry barks out a disbelieving laugh, “You can’t be serious, darling. I’ve been gone for you since I saw you burn that ground beef.”
Harry was having a bad day - scratch that. An awful one. He tried to go get coffee at eight in the morning and got bombarded by fans, he left the shop without even ordering. They followed him back to his car and it took him fifteen minutes to pull out.
His favorite Mickey Mouse Gucci suitcase he was bringing along on tour had busted. The zipper unraveling and the trim falling off as a result. It was a one-of-a-kind.
Then he’d been stuck on a Skype meeting about tour merchandise with a group of business partners for the last three hours - all he wanted was a fucking nap.
When Y/N’s contact vibrated across his screen, he’s itching to answer but declines as he needs to give these people his attention.
When she calls again, Harry feels a prickle of annoyance. It’s not even at her - to be quite honest. It’s just the shitty day and everything’s piling up.
He always got like this before he kicked off a tour - stress level maxed out and his ability to handle minor incidents nearly shot.
I’m busy
Okay! Sorry, just have a super exciting surprise for you, bub! 
I really do not feeling like talking. I’d rather be left alone.
Oh, alright. Hope everything’s okay! Do you still want to facetime later?
Harry leaves her on read because he doesn’t want to slip up and take out his frustration on her. He’d been known to do that and he didn’t want her to think he was anything but besotted with her.
Y/N feels a little hesitant as she begins the uploading process to her channel. The red loading bar told her it’d be twenty-minutes before it’s going to be posted to her 16 million subscribers - one of them being Harry himself. 
Twenty-minutes for her to back out and cancel the upload. She starts having doubts about it when Harry never replies to her text which is unlike him. 
She takes Rufus out to avoid staring at the loading screen with unnecessary anxiety and uneasiness.
Harry is just getting home from a business dinner with the touring company’s management team. The tension and anxiety from today piling up on his shoulders and he just wants to call Y/N and crash in bed. 
He tosses his keys in the little bowl in the entry and kicks off his dingy white vans to the side. His phone dings with an alert from Gemma.
You two are the literal cutest ever. It’s quite gross.
Harry slides onto a stool in his kitchen, confused by the text message before she’s sending the link to him.
Fine Line Inspired Cupcakes!
Harry isn’t quite sure why his heart starts pounding furiously in his chest. A sinking feeling in his stomach when he realizes that this was probably the surprise she was excited about.
He clicks on the thumbnail.
“Hiiii, it’s Y/N. Okay, well today we are going to bake some Fine Line inspired cupcakes. And if you haven’t listened to the album - get your ass out from rock you’re living under and stream it on Spotify!”
She has her hair down in long, waves and a loose cropped shirt that says TPWK in rainbow embroidery.
Harrys mouth is dry and he can’t take his fucking eyes away from the screen. 
“Soo, I was thinking the first batch would be cherry flavored? ‘Cause he has a song titled ‘Cherry’. Let’s start there. First - I need to find my measuring cups.”
In true Y/N fashion, she scours her kitchen - cussing and yanking stuff out of her neatly organized cabinets before huffing and storming off to the side.
She comes back into view, a little frazzled but smiling when she holds up the ring of plastic measuring spoons, visible bite marks notched into the material.
“My asshole of a dog had a little snack,” Y/N shows the camera before shrugging, “Let’s get this shit started. Okay, you’re going to need one cup of sugar - no wait, two? I can’t read my fucking handwriting.”
Harry’s absolutely enamored by this scatter-brained, giggly girl who manages to produce cute blue and pink cupcakes that very vaguely resembled his album cover. His heart felt a million times too big for his chest.
He was enraptured for the entirety of the thirty minute video without taking his eyes away once.
To be honest, he hadn’t felt this way since his last relationship which was over a year ago at this point.
It’s not even a thought as he’s requesting a FaceTime with Y/N. 
She answers after a few rings. She has a green face mask painted on her nose, chin, and forehead with gold eye masks under each eye. She is so fucking ridiculous it’s not even funny. 
What is even more ridiculous is how gone Harry is realizing he is for her. She was quirky, unfiltered, carefree. If he was honest - he hadn’t met a girl like that in a very long time - especially a well-known influencer.
“Hi! How was your day, grumpy?” Y/N asks brightly, making a goofy face as the mask begins to tighten and crack on her skin. Not holding the earlier conversation against him and deciding to just move forward. She understood how stressful it can be.
“M’sorry. I was a bit grumpy,” He admits, “I loved your new video, darling. Did you make those just f’me?”
He can tell she’d be blushing if her face wasn’t covered, a bit bashful as she mutters, “You already know I did it for you.”
“You’re too sweet to me, only six days until we meet,” Harry replies, voice taking on a slow, lazy drawl. 
“Six days,” Y/N repeats, eyes crinkling as she smiles with excitement.
“Is this outfit too much?” Y/N panics. Even though there’s literally nothing she can do about it - they’re already walking towards the backstage entrance of the massive arena. It’s still about two hours until the show starts but Harry requested her to come earlier.
Laney sighs, “For the millionth time, you look fucking sexy and Harry’s going to want to rail you right when he sees you.”
Y/N shoves her lightly with a faux annoyance as they meet up with a burly man who’s blocking the entrance to the backstage hallway and rooms.
She gives him their names and pulls up the passes on her phone before he’s nodding with any expression and letting them pass.
They’re not quite sure where to go from here so they begin to wander down the long hallway toward what looks to be the main area that people are milling about.
Y/N is nearly on the ground when someone rounds the corner without looking and walks right into her. Both of them let out huffs of air as they collide and attempt to stabilize themselves.
But there are large hands grasping her arms and holding her steady. In typical Y/N fashion she’s already cursing, “fuckin like a brick wall, look out next time.”
Then she’s looking up to Harry staring back down at her with an amused expression. He doesn’t let go of her and instead tugs her against his bare chest. He’s warm and a bit sweaty - like he’d just worked out. He was only in a pair of thin, running shorts, nike tennis shoes, and a little clip holding his hair off of his face.
Y/N can’t help but wrap her arms around his waist, returning the embrace and amazed by how right it feels to be in his arms. Her face tucks right against his collarbone and it’s like they’d known each other for years.
Pictures and videos don’t do this man justice. He’s gorgeous - sharp edges and dark inked skin. Tall and muscular but dimples that are carved in his cheeks. 
“Nice to meet you, m’Harry,” Harry rumbles, removing one hand from Y/N’s shoulder to reach out his hand to her friend.
Laney shakes his hand before asking, “Laney. I’ll leave you two lovebirds be. Where’s the food?”
Harry chuckles against Y/N’s wavy hair, “Down the hall to the left.”
Laney’s trailing off without another glance, she was very food motivated despite her skinny frame. Also not wanting to intrude of the very personal first moments of their meeting.
The popstar pulls back to look down at the girl he’s fallen for in mere weeks. She’s as beautiful as he thought she'd be - if not more. He can’t help himself, “Would it be too forward to kiss you?”
Y/N smiles widely, running a hand along his jawline, “I’ve wanted you to kiss me since you stayed up on FaceTime with me until two in the morning as I cried after watching The Notebook - despite me seeing it a million times.”
Harry ducks forward to press his lips softly to her, large hands come to cup the side of her face as they connect. He’s so gentle as he moves his mouth against hers. In true Y/N fashion, she’s bold and has no hesitation slipping her tongue into his mouth.
He’s so fucking in love with her. It doesn’t make much sense - it’s definitely not logical but he’s realizing that’s okay.
“Oii, get a room!” Someone shouts from down the hallway teasingly.
Harry flips them the middle finger and pulls back, pink lips swollen and puffy, dimples on full display, “Let me take you out to dinner after the show, darling.”
“You going to wine and dine me, Styles?” Y/N giggles, unable to contain the pleasant warmness he’s spreading through her body. 
“Mmm, have t’make sure you’ll want to keep me,” Harry murmurs happily against her lips once again, pressing kiss after kiss to her to make sure she’s real, “Definitely want to keep you.”
Y/N bites teasingly at his bottom lip, hand planted on the soft but firm skin of his stomach, “You’re never getting rid of me, hope you know that.”
“Was hoping you’d say that, now let me introduce you to my band.”
                                  -- ---- ---- -- 1 year later - -- --- --- --
“Hi bitches! Today is a super special day. We have the one, the only Harry Styles filming with us. I know that’s not really that special since he’s on here all the time with me. But we’re celebrating our one year anniversary!” Y/N smiles, bumping hips with Harry who stands dutifully next to her. 
Anyone viewing can see the absolute heart-eyes and adoration he has for the girl standing next to him. He’s still as lovestruck and gone for her as he was the first time they met. Harry’s fans were thrilled - for the first time in years, he’d opened up again.
They weren’t very public on social media beside’s tagging each other in memes and posting the occasional picture. Y/N was constantly uploading cooking videos from wherever in the world she was with Harry on his tour, she’d also begin making vlogs about different foods she’s been experiencing.
“Okay, so here in Peru - they’re known to have this really fucking spicy beef with noddles. So obviously, I’m going to make Harry try it first,” Y/N laughs as she props the camera up on the side of the table on a napkin holder.
Harry - who has a concert in a few hours - frowns at the steaming dish in front of him, “Darling, I don’t want to try it first. It’s going to burn my mouth. Not gonna be able to sing.”
“You’re sucha baby sometimes,” Y/N rolls her eyes, slurping up the noodles with her fork while making a silly face at her boyfriend. She pulls back, straight-faced, “It’s not hot at all. Tastes amazing, though.”
Harry takes that as an initiative to shovel a spoonful into his mouth. It only takes half a moment until his taste buds erupt in fiery flames from the spices, “You bloody little brat, y’tricked me! It’s so fuckin’ hot!”
Y/N smiles widely, laughing much too loudly in the restaurant when Harry chugs the glass of water next to the plate while glaring at his love. “I’m sorry, s’just to easy with you, lovie,” She replies, leaning over the table to press a kiss to his lips. 
He’s a sucker for her and kisses her right back despite his mouth being an inferno. His heart was on fire for her and that burned much more intensely.
“No, love. The instructions say baking soda, not baking powder. They’re not the same thing,” Harry sighs, attempting to read her scribbled, sloppy handwriting. She’d already spilled milk on half of the paper.
“S’interchangeable, right?” Y/N hums, cracking an egg into the bowl and Harry automatically knows to look to fish out the eggshells that’d she’d let slip in because she sucks at cracking eggs but always wants to do it.
Harry reaches over her, grabbing the vanilla extract and a teaspoon, “It’s not, baby. Lemme do this real quick.”
“Will you make me a grilled cheese after this?” She asks, nuzzling into his side and wrapping her arms around his waist as he finishes adding the wet ingredients to their bowl. Harry stopped questioning her thought process a long time ago.
Harry swipes his finger into the mixture of icing off to the side and rubs it right onto her nose, cackling at her pout and squeaking when she pinches at the fleshy skin of his hips. She in turn dips her finger into the sugary cream and pops it right into her mouth.
Harry eyes darken, watching her lips purse as she sucks off the icing. It was a dirty move on Y/N’s part and she knows it. It has her boyfriend dragging an icing-covered thumb along her collarbone before leaning down to slowly lick up the sugary trail with his tongue.
When Y/N slides her fingers into his hair and lets out a pretty moan, Harry’s standing back up, trailing over to the tripod and saying into the camera, “We’ll be back after a little commercial break,” and is then turning off the record button.
It takes little to no time for Harry to have Y/N’s bum on the countertop, mouth on her neck, and hand in-between her thighs.
And when they finally posted a very edited final cut of the video - well there may be a couple of fans who notice the how flushed Y/N is halfway through and a lovely purple mark on Harry’s neck that wasn’t there in the beginning of the video.
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twistedmusings · 3 years
How the dorm leaders react when they catch you kissing someone from their dorm [Part 2]
A/N: AND HERE IT IS! Oh my god I still can't believe I managed to get this done! I actually stayed on task! Honestly these three were probably my favourite from the original post, I've had far too much fun writing these bois.
And what can I say? Playfully flirty MC is a good MC u wu
Warnings: Heavy smooching, possessive talk, and the reader just really pushing the dorm leader's buttons~
Part 1 here!
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“How dare you...?”
Vil was more than happy to be coming back to Pomefiore with all the stuff that had happened today. Classes were more annoying than usual, he had to chase Leona down to tell him to get his work done and there had been some problems in the modeling studio that caused the lights to be brighter than usual and now he had a headache that only a nap could fix.
Thing was, if he wanted to keep his schedule as tight as possible he would need to stay awake for...another 6 hours.
One good thing was waiting for him though. Rook had greeted him at the entrance and let him know that the Ramshackle prefect was in the dorm today as per his request.
This would keep him awake. He remembers promising you a lesson in proper skincare in order to remedy whatever you did once you woke up in the morning. Deep in the back of his head he remembers you telling him that you just splash cold water on your face but he preferred to think that you at least put some sort of moisturizer. Maybe.
He rushes to his room to freshen up and makes sure that he has the materials he needs. Vil had decided that his own brand of face cleansing products would be a good start for your skin. The tingles in his fingertips went ignored as he thought of you thinking about him in the morning. It wasn’t that sort of thing at all, he reminded himself. Dorm leaders were supposed to help each other out, despite how often they were at each other’s throats, and he was just fulfilling his role not just as a dorm leader but as a...friend.
Vil takes one last look at the mirror and makes his way down the row of rooms in Pomefiore to reach the Lounge, only to stop when he sees you being pulled into one of the many rooms by what was clearly a Pomefiore’s students hand.
Wait what?
It’s almost alarming how quickly he approaches the door and puts his foot in it, choosing to stay quiet as he sees that the two people in the room didn’t even bother to wonder why the door hadn’t closed all the way. The student was pressing kisses against your lips in small intervals, choosing instead to talk as you run your hands up the expensive purple robe and taking in the little designs.
“I had a new lip scrub I wanted you to try out.”
“Really? Then why aren’t we in the bathroom?"
“That’s rather forward for a dorm leader. Is everyone in Ramshackle this daring?”
Vil couldn’t even pinpoint the student’s name. That was your first offense. The only thing he remembers about him is the man’s caramel brown hair and how it contrasted beautifully against his dark skin. After that, nothing could pop into his head that would make that student even remotely interesting for you to be hanging off of him like that! Of all the people to be with, it just had to be a nameless potato, didn’t it?
The hairs at the back of his head stand up as the potato hands you what he believes to be the best lip scrub in the business, which only makes the alarms in Vil’s head go off even louder. That brand wasn’t even known for doing lip scrubs! In fact, they once put out a three in one shampoo/conditioner and the fact that the student even had that brand in the dorms and you just blatantly accepting it was your second offense.
And as much as he wanted to focus on that being the thing that truly bothered him, he felt the alarms deafening him as he saw the potato’s hands wrap around your waist as he kissed you again, your lips parting to let him inside.
He shouldn’t be looking at this, he should be leaving and just leave you to your own devices. The lesson wasn’t important, you weren’t that important to him--
Amethyst eyes widen when you tilt your head as the student starts kissing down your neck, already choosing one spot to make his own as he licks and nips at the skin while you dig your fingers into his robe.
Vil didn’t really know how to describe the sudden surge of energy that caused him to fling the door open and grab the student by the back of his robe and pull him backwards, eyes glaring at you the entire time as you whisper his name, as if suddenly remembering that you had a previous engagement before this whole ‘sticking your tongue down a Pomefiore student’s throat’’ business.
“Prefect. My room. Now.”
You put your hands up and walk out of the room without looking at him, Vil letting go of the student’s robes and walking out after you. He didn’t even need to tell him that he was in trouble, the student would realize it soon enough once Rook delivered the chores that needed to be done by tonight.
A list only that student would be getting instead of the entire dorm.
Vil closes the door of his room and turns the lock rather harshly, looking back at you sitting at the edge of his bed still staring at the window. You weren’t trying to defend yourself, you weren’t even looking at him.
“I hate to be kept waiting, Prefect. Not just that, it is extremely rude to keep someone waiting just so you can fraternize with someone in my dorm.”
No answer. He grabs his desk chair and sits down so he can face you directly.
“What made you go and pick that potato?”
“Why would that be any of your business Vil-senpai?”
It was very much his business, if you asked him. He would have been okay if it was Epel or even Rook that you had picked to make out with but he wasn’t just going to stand around and watch as one of the student’s whose name he didn’t even know threw all of his work out of the window! So he asked the question again, this time getting a chuckle as an answer which only served to upset him even more.
“Out of anyone in my dorm you could have picked, you had to go with someone who offers you such a low quality brand of lip scrub?”
“That is your problem with this? What he offered me? Me and him just started hanging out, we know nothing about each other! I just wanted to change that.”
His headache was coming back again.
Vil put hard work into everything he did. That was his work ethic and people be damned if they thought it was too much. Maybe they couldn’t handle it but they still respected it, respected his craft and the work he put into it.
So why do you, of all of his recent projects, disrespect him so blatantly?
It was clear you weren’t ready yet, Vil wasn’t done working with you yet. After doing something like this, and right inside his dorm, he knew that you had just taken all of the careful brushes and strokes he had decorated your canvas with…
And burnt it right in front of his eyes.
Which is why he didn’t necessarily feel any guilt when he grabbed your cheeks and pulled his own lipstick out of his back pocket, ignoring your protests.
He applies the shade quickly and before you have any chance to protest, pushes his lips against yours.
The kiss is anything but sweet. It’s almost punishing. Vil was reminding you that you were a work in progress. He still had so much left to teach you, so much left to work with you and if you kept rushing things you were going to make him mad. Once he was done with you, you could go about your pitiful little life and kiss whoever you wanted and he wouldn’t even bat an eyelash.
A hand grasps at his wrists as you press his palms on your cheeks, your tongue gently pressing against his lips so you could slip inside--
Nevermind. This sort of impatient kissing would also have to go.
He pulls away and pushes you onto the mattress, your eyes hazy with eagerness and confusion as Vil removes his jacket and gloves and leans down to trap you below him.
“Were you this greedy with him? Did he also get this treatment from you? No, don’t answer. I fear I’ll only get angrier if you do. Now be an obedient little potato and stay still, the first thing I’ll fix is that messy kissing of yours.”
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“ :( “
Snacks runs had to be the most annoying and heart pounding of his usual daily life quests. If waking up was a struggle enough, especially when no special loot such as new anime or manga was available, it was hard to complete such basic tasks without some sort of incentive.
Although Idia guessed that not dying of starvation was enough of an incentive.
He walks down the corridor of his own dorm, humming a quiet tune to himself as he looks down at all the snacks he had acquired. Which, score! They even had a limited edition chip flavor that came with the card of one of his favourite idols! It took everything in his power to not just spend all of his money on more than one bag but he had such a good day today that he knew his gacha pull luck just had to be good.
The door to a room behind him opens, Idia quickly picking up his pace and hiding behind a corner as he looks at who it could be. He isn't against anyone in his dorm but...he didn't have the means to engage in any conversation that wasn't about his current FPS game or Gakemo so--
"Thank you for the help! I thought my phone was beyond repair!"
His hands tighten around the chips pressed tight to his chest, eyes wide in surprise as he sees you stepping out of the room.
Of all people...why were you here so late?
The student laughs as he scratches the back of his head, handing you back your phone and looking away.
“No--No problem! I...I honestly didn’t think you would come to me for help. I integrated the newest magical technology on it as well as voice activated features and a--a brand new messaging app that sends messages faster!”
Idia clicked his tongue as he heard the student speak. Look at him showing off. You didn’t know that he was taking advantage of your naive mind! You didn’t know anything about magic so, of course, all those features would sound fancy!
When it was literally taking your phone and just downloading some fancy new apps on it!
Yet there you were, marveling down at it as if you had just gotten the latest version.
Well maybe he shouldn’t complain too much, even from here he could see your smile. A part of him worried that all this luck he was suddenly getting would affect the luck he would get on his chip bag but...you were worth it.
Such a rare event shouldn’t be left unnoticed.
Maybe...maybe if he stayed here you could walk by and he could open up the ‘bumping into each other late at night’ event?
“So how can I repay you? Do you need anything done?”
Idia tunes back into the conversation as he frowns, looking back at the two of you as the student looks at every single corner of the ceiling instead of looking at you.
Payment? The guy had just downloaded a couple of apps that wasn’t good enough reason to offer some sort of payment. He frowns and taps his foot impatiently as the guy stutters out a few excuses before finally giving you an answer.
“A ki--A kiss? Would that be alright?”
The Ignihyde dorm leader almost falls down as he hears that, retreating further into his corner as he glared daggers at the guy who had just dared to ask for such a bold request.
A k--kis--kiss? A kiss...from you?
This guy was starting to piss him off! He should just be content staring at you! You were a SSR character all on your own! That guy should be happy he even got to talk to you at all and shouldn’t ask for more than he was given! He already rolled for such a life changing event why would he even want more!
His eyes soften when he sees you mull it over. It was okay, you could reject him. Such a guy wouldn’t even be worthy of a kiss from you so you so all you had to do was say no! Go on, [Y/N], just reject hi--
Idia can feel his heart breaking as his muscles stop working, dropping all of his stuff on the floor with a thud as the sound echoes. Yet it went ignored, the other two people in the hallway too busy with their own activities.
When...when had you even kissed him? Idia only remembers you putting your phone away and the moment he blinked you had already pressed your lips against that other guy--!
He should be leaving, why isn’t he moving?
The student’s hand goes to your waist as you deepen it, his face turning a deep shade of red as you pull away and tap his lips.
“Was that your first kiss?”
You were smiling and giving him such a rare, almost ultimately rare item and Idia didn’t know how long he could stare until he combusted.
So all he could do was turn around…
And run as fast as he could.
He ignored the familiar voice calling out his name, footsteps quickly following him as he started to run out of breath.
Making a poor otaku like him run, even now you were still being so cruel to him!
Idia’s door slides open as he bursts inside, ready to bury himself in his bed and never come out again--!
Only to stop when he hears you hiss in pain.
Blue eyes turn around to see your foot jammed into his doorway, not allowing the electric door to slide closed. A part of him wants to immediately go to you and ask if you were alright but he stops himself as the image of your kiss flashes through his mind again.
“[Y/N]-shi! W--What--!”
You rub at your foot and sigh, walking in with a confused look as Idia presses his back against his bookshelf. He knew it. If a SSR character could be brought to real life, this is the sort of power they would have over him.
The kind of aura you were emitting was enough for him to want to get on his knees, but he chose to remain strong.
“I was calling out to you…didn’t you hear me?”
Idia turns his head and looks at the floor, the pain still raw and emotionally taxing than what he was used to. Disappointment was one thing but heartbreak was a complete other monster!
“Shouldn’t--Shouldn’t you be with your boyfriend?”
He spits the word out, annoyed that a guy from his dorm could unlock...no...could get someone like you. You were open to every single activity Idia gave you, you gave him good feedback and didn’t get scared when you two disagreed on something. Every manga he gave you, you read and every anime he told you to watch, you would watch it.
You were receptive, you were attentive, you were what Idia wanted in a real life friend!
He hadn’t dared hope for more!
That still didn’t mean he couldn’t fantasize when he was all by himself.
You tilt your head in confusion before chuckling as you realized what had happened.
“Oh so you saw that.”
Is that all you were going to say?! You had just taken his heart and crushed it into tiny little pieces and you were just going to talk about what a pervert he was being!
Someone just KO him now, like right now!
“Yes...I saw. So what? You were just ki-kissi--doing that thing from everyone to see! So you should just go back to him instead of bullying me in my own room!”
Please just leave, he wanted to cry in peace.
Yet you stubbornly remain, just like the first time he met you.
“Idia I don’t know what crazy assumptions you are making but that guy isn’t my boyfriend.”
You put up one finger.
“He fixed my phone…”
Another one follows after.
“And he asked for a kiss for payment. Simple as that. You shouldn’t act like you caught us doing something major. It was just a kis---”
Large hands land on your shoulders as Idia now stands in front of you, head hung low as he mutters something to himself.
“Just a kiss….just a kiss.”
You jump as he gets close to your face, eyes staring at you pleadingly as he cupped your face.
He shakes you back and forth.
Idia’s eyes fall on your lips, the rush of adrenaline mixed in with his built up desire for you all culminating in two choices popping up in his head. And for the first time, he knew that hesitation was not an option.
So he dives in.
His lips met yours roughly, not really moving them or anything but just pressing them against you. You put your hands gently on his chest but he takes it as a protest, which only causes him to push them onto yours even more.
This was...disastrous.
He had never kissed anyone before. How in the world did he think that he would be able to kiss you? Ah, maybe this was a dream? Right! He had just dreamed all of this up and you didn’t really force your way into his room to confront him!
His hair flares up when you cup his face, pushing him away slightly and tilting him in such a way that your lips would meet in a much softer fashion. He looks down and sees you closing your eyes, following in your footsteps and melting inside your kiss.
You both pull away slowly, Idia opening his eyes and blushing when he sees you licking your lips and sending him a teasing grin.
A rare sight...made only for him.
“I feel like I just spent all my stamina on this one event...so I don’t want to go unrewarded. Can we go further? I want to go further. What option do I have to pick for you to do that again, [Y/N]?”
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“Don’t touch them.”
Malleus sighs as he looks on at the Diasmonia students gathered around the outskirts of the school, smiling as he sees Sebek directing them each and every way. Sebek really didn’t give up, did he? One of his classes had been canceled and he was eager to see the gargoyles around Ramshackle in a much better light but he figured Sebek would cause up a stir when he didn’t find him in his classroom.
As much as he appreciated him, Sebek didn’t have to walk him to every single class.
He sighs and goes deeper into the woods behind Ramshackle, the small broken path there leading him down a familiar terrain.
This is where he usually walked with you, after all.
Seeing this place in bright light was so very different. Instead of it being illuminated by his lights, the sun peeked out from over the trees and provided a sunny trail instead of the usual moonlight. He took a deep breath as he breathed in the smell of flowers all around, all of them growing wildly around him and defying any human to try and tame them.
His fingers trace some of the thorns he found on some of them, the flowers attracted to his touch and moving closer to his hands as a small vine wrapped around his finger.
All with his magic’s help after all.
This was his safe space. Malleus would come here during his first and second year and lose himself in the wilderness. In here no one would fear him. Here every single thing was responsive to his touches and even dared to touch back. Some of the wild rose bushes also reminded him of him, Malleus adding a bit more thorns around the flowers as in to emulate the very home he missed.
In this lonely place, he flourished.
But it wasn’t so lonely now, was it?
His third year had brought one big surprise. A human. A child of man who did not know who he was or what he was capable of. They looked at him as if he was just any other stranger roaming around their dorm and not the next ruler of the Valley of Thorns.
And Malleus, being the very curious person he is, found himself pulled to your inattentiveness.
He had dropped many hints that he was eager to get to know you more, relishing in the fact that you two were starting to get closer. And while he had hoped to keep his identity a secret a bit longer, he found it almost unbearable for you to not know who he was.
If you were so open with who you were, then he should show you the same kind of respect.
How wonderful that you were now on a first name basis with each other.
Malleus could walk over to Ramshackle dorm now and knock on your door without hesitation, smiling as he sees your excitement at just what places you two would discover in the dead of night.
Bummer you couldn’t be with him now.
He had seen you come out of your dorm and ask Sebek if he needed any help, to which the fae replied rather rudely that no human could ever track down his young master, so he was a bit reluctant to discover any more places without you by his side.
These walks were something you two did together, after all.
So he remained at this spot, touching everything and anything that would strike his fancy while going deeper and deeper into a small clearing you two had found. A large tree decorated its middle, the leaves falling gently upon the ground as the sun shone down on the large pond that provided this part of the forest with the water it needed to balance out the sun’s gentle rays.
“Shhhh, don’t make too much noise.”
Malleus stops as he hears your voice, his head immediately turning towards the sound as he hears rustling behind him. He smiles and turns to where he thought you were coming from only to be struck by a sudden idea--and immediately hiding among the trees and bushes so you couldn’t see him.
Would you be surprised to find him here?
He hoped so. Malleus had the habit of appearing to you suddenly so this wouldn’t be breaking any traditions between you two. If he played his cards right, you might join him on a walk all the way to the edge of the island.
“Prefect do you know where you are going?”
“I do! I’ve been here so many times. Now come on!”
Another person’s voice. No...he had heard that voice before.
Malleus retreats back into his hiding spot as he sees you rush by, holding by the hand a Diasmonia student as he rushes to follow you. You smile and turn around, still holding his hand while the other looked on in amazement at where you had led him.
“Prefect...this is…”
“Like it? Me and Malleus found it a while ago. This is how we know we are close to the edge of the forest.”
The Diasmonia dorm leader smiles as he watches you show the student around, pointing out different sights and sounds as the other watched on in amazement. That student probably had never gone anywhere this secret and while Malleus was glad you were showing off the place you two shared…
There was a feeling deep inside his chest that flared up angrily as he caught the student looking at you more than his surroundings.
Green eyes watch as the student’s hand clenches and unclenches, seemingly working up the courage to do something as you continue speaking. Which was rather rude, in Malleus’s opinion. You were explaining some wonderful things about the flora here and he was just staring at you without engaging in the conversation.
And how did you two know each other? Malleus had never mentioned you in Diasmonia except to Silver and Lilia, had he known you before him?
Malleus hands grip the tree bark tighter as the student takes your hand, stopping your explanation as he gets you to focus your attention on him.
“I’ve been eager to find some time alone with you.”
The student clears his throat before pulling you by the hand gently, your surprised look turning into one of playfulness as you follow along with his movements. He leads you to the edge of the pond, spinning you around as you allow him to position you in such a way that you are now closer to him than before.
Which only makes the angry feeling in Malleus’s gut flare up even more.
“Have you now? What for?”
An answer Malleus wanted to know as well.
Blushing, the student smiles and leads you into a dance with no music which only served to make you laugh and make Malleus’s fingers dig deep into the wood of the poor tree.
In the dragon fae’s eyes, you two are dancing for hours without caring about who was around. Why had he even brought you here? This student was part of Sebek’s surveillance crew and yet here he was not doing his job. But he wasn’t the one who brought you here…
You were.
Your actions were lost on Malleus as the dance finishes up, the student dipping you low before bringing you up.
“So you brought me here to dance? Who knew Diasmonia students were so charming.”
Malleus didn’t like the way you were smiling, nor how your hands rested on the student’s shoulders. He hadn’t seen this side of you before, you were playing along with this student and his motives.
Had you always been so playful? Malleus had only seen you during the night and whenever you two spoke it was a conversation worthy of two friends sharing experiences together.
But not this...never this…
“Well, not just a dance. I’ve wanted to state my intentions outright.”
The tree starts to crack slowly as Malleus can feel more thorns growing out of the rose bushes around him.
“Ever since you arrived, you have been an enigma to me. You are always so helpful even to those who do not seek your aid. Even now, you didn’t have to help me search for our Young Master."
He wasn’t searching for anyone, he was too close to you for Malleus’s liking and he needed to learn how to respect your boundaries.
“Yet you still offered me your help...and I…I want to...”
The student was leaning closer as his hands slid down to your waist, Malleus staring as you started to tilt your head as you placed your hands on his chest while his lips were dead set on meeting yours--!
Your face is tilted up as cold lips meet yours, your mouth opening in a surprised gasp as the hold the student had on you was no longer shy and timid but angry and possessive. These lips were pulling you in closer and closer, greedily eating each and every sound you were making as the air was slowly stolen from your lungs.
A string of saliva is left hanging as you two separate, your eyes fluttering open as you think of something to say to such a ravishing kiss.
Only for them to open wide in surprise as you see who you had really kissed.
You turn to look behind the fae’s back, the Diasmonia student looking at his Young Master in mild panic and surprise while Malleus presses you close against his chest, clearly hiding you from view.
Right before the student even had a chance to taste your lips, Malleus had rushed out of his hiding place and pulled him away by the collar of his shirt.
For a dragon to watch on as something that was his was so close to be taken away, the surprise must have gotten to him.
“Go tell Sebek to head back to Diasmonia and call off his search. I will be there by nightfall.”
The student tries to stutter out a response but Malleus glares back as he keeps you pressed firmly against him.
You watch the student leave in a hurry, following the broken path you had led him in with. Your eyes peek up to look at Malleus but the dorm leader waits until the sound of footsteps is long gone before tilting your face up again and leaning down to press his lips against yours in another rough and dominating kiss.
Hands push you forward as your back collides with the huge tree in the clearing, Malleus making sure that the back of your head meets the bark gently as his lips never parted from yours. You wrap your arms around him as best as you could and let out an involuntary squeak when the fae decides to pick you up so that you could pull him in even closer.
He is the one to pull away first, hands firmly on your bottom as you wrap your legs around his waist to support yourself.
The fae presses another kiss to your lips, effectively silencing you so that all your attention would be on him.
“Don’t ever bring someone else into this place, child of man. Do I make myself clear? This place is our haven and I will not have someone else come steal both it and you away from me. Well, even if you don’t understand, I’ll make sure to explain it to you thoroughly. Now...kiss me again.”
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cutebotcalendar · 3 years
We made it
Hi friends, we did it: we made it through another year! THANK YOU for sharing it with me because it was a DOOZY. Every comment and tag you left helped keep me going day after day, and now it’s time to rest and recharge. 
I’ll be taking a break from regular posting in January, although there may be some secret goodies popping up throughout the month. Things might look different around here as we go into February, but I’ve got to unplug myself long enough to figure out what that difference is. 
I also now have two full years of calendar posts to turn into print editions. I thought I could do this while continuing to update daily, stream weekly, and work full-time at my retail day job, but it’s proven more than I can handle. So a priority will be getting these print editions designed, and figuring out how to produce them (as well as the first edition of the calendar) and make them available for folks to order. This will probably take longer than I think!
Finally, I decided (at the last minute) that I wanted to do something special to send off this year’s calendar, so tonight I’ll be drawing one final robot to ring in the new year while hanging out live on my twitch channel: twitch.tv/mattmcguig. I’ll start streaming around 8PM MDT, and I’d love for you to tune in and say hi if this project has meant something to you in the last few years. We’ll have some hot chocolate, draw a little, and maybe play some video games? I know New Years can feel pretty lonely sometimes, so I wanted to contribute my own little space to see if we can feel just a bit more together.
Thanks again, and see you soon!
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