#I’m not going to say transphobia but … it feels a little transphobic to me
deliciouskeys · 1 year
okay so i never in my life thought i’d read mpreg and enjoy it and i’m still ashamed but!!! i started reading your mpreg fic finally because there’s so little new butcher x homelander fic out there and i got invested. i still can’t believe i am reading mpreg and i can’t even kudos it with my account because i am ashamed for even reading it and liking it. anyway, your writing is really good and i want to know what happens next but i still feel dirty.
Are you by any chance the same anon that complained that all Butchlander writers were “getting weird” lol?
So… maybe this is going to sound harsh, but isn’t meant to be. I’m biased since I write and read mpreg readily, but I don’t understand the moral panic over enjoying mpreg. There are ftm people who get pregnant (yes they do go off T, but only temporarily). And uterus transplants into people born XY are only not a current reality because of safety issues (I’m willing to bet we will see people either have this surgery openly or only in countries that have lax laws within our lifetime, hell, maybe it’s already happening in secret). Are you repulsed by these things as well?
I’m not saying you have to get off on mpreg or enjoy reading about it in fic as a trope to be a good person, btw. But in your message you say you’re enjoying it but torturing yourself over being grossed out by this fact and ‘feel dirty’. I have had at least three different anon asks about somewhat related things (maybe all sent by one person? I can’t quite tell): feeling guilty about enjoying Homelander fic in general, feeling guilty about enjoying HCs revolving around scat related topics, and now feeling guilty about enjoying mpreg. To all of this I say: none of these things are harmful. Shamefulness is in the eye of the beholder. I’m not saying these topics should be brought up during every polite dinner conversation with people you don’t know well (although also not the end of the world), but you shouldn’t be having this level of existential angst over it.
Anyway, thank you for your kind words about my writing, and I admit part of me is pleased Homelander could be your gateway drug into the mpreg universe. Relax, have fun. Fandom isn’t serious business.
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AITA for “ruining” my sister’s view of Harry Potter?
To preface, I (18) am nonbinary. I live with my parents and am financially dependent on them. I have been out to them for about two and a half years, and they’re relatively supportive. However, they do not want me to make any “irreversible” changes to my body, e.g. hormones or surgery, saying that I’m not mature enough to know for certain I won’t regret it later.
My sister (10F) and I were both Harry Potter fans (she still is), but I couldn’t really enjoy it much after JKR started spewing all her TERF shit. I didn’t want to be a jerk about my sister enjoying it, though, since she was (at the time) pretty young and didn’t even know what being transgender was, let alone grasp what a TERF was, so I didn’t say anything to her and let her enjoy things.
Anyways, we’re going to London in a little over a week, and my parents previously got tickets for Harry Potter World or whatever it’s called. I privately talked to them about not wanting to go, to which they said that they and my sister would still be going, but I could stay behind in the hotel. Fine, whatever, I wasn’t winning that one.
Last night, during dinner, we were talking about our plans in London and Harry Potter World & how I wasn’t going was mentioned. My sister asked why I wasn’t going, and after my parents exchanged some Looks (you know the ones if you’re trans; if you don’t, it’s similar to the “I’m not going to say anything about that because I’m a centrist” look) and there was a brief awkward silence, I explained to her JKR’s viewpoints, the legislation being pushed in the UK and USA because of her and her platform, and how I didn’t want to support that by going to a monument of JKR’s most influential work. (1/2)
Since then, she’s been a little disillusioned by Harry Potter and hasn’t been as enthusiastic about going to Harry Potter World. My parents are pissed at me for being so blunt about it, and I can’t help but feel bad since I know how awful it felt for me to find out that JKR was a TERF. Also, I did mention the rates of suicide and other mental health problems in the trans community as a consequence of rampant transphobia, and I feel like I might have gone too far with that one, especially since she’s only 10. TL;DR: I told my sister (huge Harry Potter fan) about JKR being a transphobe and now she’s upset, my parents are mad at me, and I feel bad. AITA? (2/2)
What are these acronyms?
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joonliebe · 16 days
This is going to be a little rant about something I have personally noticed in my own community and I think it should be talked about
If a gay man doesn’t want to date a trans man and a lesbian woman doesn’t want to date a trans woman then that doesn’t necessarily mean they are transphobic!
Now let me go into further detail about my statement.
It’s not wrong to have a preference in body types when pursuing a relationship. Just because a gay man won’t date a trans man doesn’t mean he doesn’t see you as a man (same goes for lesbians with trans women)
I’m not sure how bottom surgery works exactly so I can’t speak on that part but if a lesbian is lesbian because of the fact that she just doesn’t like having sexual relationships with those with the opposite genitalia then she shouldn’t be shamed for not wanting to be in a relationship with a trans woman.
Unless the individual specifically states that the reason why they don’t want to date transgender people is because they don’t see them as real men/women then they are not transphobic
And this goes for straight people too. Unless a straight person specifically says that they won’t date a trans person because they’re not real men/women then they shouldn’t be labeled as transphobic.
This happens a lot more than people think and it goes farther than just straight people. It goes into our community as well and it breaks the one thing that we as a lgbtq+ community stands for and that is to be accepted no matter our preference.
As a gay trans ftm individual myself I know it can be disappointing to find out that another gay man would want to date me because I don’t physically have the same genitalia as my gender however in the long run I will survive and find another. I rather a man to be open and tell me that he doesn’t like the opposite genitalia so that he doesn’t feel pressured into a relationship where he would be uncomfortable when having sexual intercourse and or not want to have sexual intercourse.
That brings me down to my last point
As a transgender individual you should make it clear to the person that you want to be in a relationship with (if gay, straight, or lesbian) ahead of time so you don’t end up in the wrong situation.
Unfortunately not all people would handle finding out their partners are the opposite biological sex of their attraction and may act aggressively (this would be obvious transphobia).
On a non violent note if that person turns out to not want to be in a relationship with you because your genitalia is not something that they seek in a relationship however they do still see you as a man/woman then don’t take it personally because you can always still be friends with them even if it’s awkward for a little bit the awkwardness is only temporary and will only last the longer you stay on the thought that the person doesn’t seek a relationship with you because your genitalia. Instead think of the fact that despite you not having your gender anatomy you are still a man/woman
If you have any questions or are unsure what I mean by something please ask me. Do not assume something if I haven’t specifically stated it because that is disrespectful to me and uncalled for.
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Cw homophobia and transphobia /// “okay so trans people get mad at me when i assume gender based on looks, get mad at me when i ask what their pronouns/gender are, and get mad when i use they/them until they correct me so what am i supposed to do?? It’s like everything i say triggers them!” Okay. Now why dont you take that negative, panicky feeling of “what if the pronoun i use triggers them and they get mad at me” feeling and imagine feeling that in every. single. conversation. feeling that way with every. single. person. because you dont know if they would support you when you tell them “hey i actually use these pronouns” because any mention of queerness might set them off, or they might tell other people, or they dont respect your label. extra anxiety points if you stack other factors on top like not being out to your family yet and not knowing if that queer identity might change later. now think about all the anxiety that builds up over the extended periods of time when you feel like you dont know if you can tell someone something about your queerness. About who you freaking are. Now lets go back to 7th grade math- what do think is the probability someone will accept you for your identity, when you dont know if A. They are homophobic/transphobic B. Dont respect your specific label but are okay with other lgbtq identities (i call this one targeted homophobia/transphobia but there’s definitely a phobia out there for this) C. They accept you than proceed to out you to literally everyone else
Now throw in factors like:
D. Well they already know about my sexuality but can i tell them about my gender? E. Well they know about my gender but this sexuality tends to be a targeted group is it okay with them? F. Well they accept my neurodivergency, gender, and sexuality but what about alterhumanity? G. Well they are neurodivergent/alterhuman but are they okay with me being this sexuality/gender? H. Well they are this gender/sexuality but are they okay with me being neurodivergent/alterhuman? Than you try to determine if they have said anything homophobic/transphobic in the past, if they know trans/gay people, if they are neurodivergent/alterhuman,if they will tell others, if theyll get mad if you decide you arnt trans/alterhuman, and so much more
So I’m sorry if those occasional convos with trans/gay people end up going a little wrong because you used they/them or misgendered them
but I’m trying to roll a 10,000 sided dice with a blindfold and guess whether or not it’s a 3
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i don't mean to stir up more controversy so feel free to not post this ask, but like. yeah. i don't get it. is harry potter a shitty franchise filled to the brim with subtle bigotry and glorification of various nasty outlooks on humanity? kinda, in my opinion, yeah. is it written by, and profited off of by someone actively using their platform to cause harm to human rights? yeah. would i ever want to engage with the content or fandom? no not really. but does this mean that anyone who even breathes in the direction of Harry Potter content is condoning all this bullshit, or kissing the author's shoes and ideologies, and giving them money to harm the people they want to harm? uh.......... no, not really. what the fuck
like............ yeah. like you said it's a huge franchise. literally a silly little Tumblr poll that will realistically get under 10,000 votes, let alone notes or discussions, is not at all going to compare to the reach she already has. and it feels weird to twist the blame that way— this author is using their writing and manipulation skill to earn lots of money and do awful things with it... and suddenly it's the individual fans' fault that she has that money and reach? and not just the fans, but even people that don't actively go out of their way to excommunicate fans of the media?
sorry to rant in your inbox i just. im pretty sick of all this "inaction against a major celebrity is the same as condoning their abuse of power and influence" stuff that people throw around instead of criticizing why our social power structure is based on popularity and engagement in the first place (which is bound to put the most cultish, manipulative, influential, and charismatic people in power). idk it just feels really skeevy to blame people who enjoy or passively tolerate something that's expertly designed specifically to be appealing by a master manipulator.
you don't have to post this (though i also don't mind if you do) i just wanted to like. bring some of my takes into your inbox cause these anons sounding like they're accusing you of queer blasphemy or some shit over literally just.... letting someone hate their anti-blorbo/love their blorbo that they think everyone else hates.... are just really putting me off. like do they get that this is the "oil companies tell poor people global warming is their fault" argument all over again?
This has been sitting in my askbox for a long time because I wasn’t sure how to address it or whether to even address it or just delete it, as it feels like a topic that’s bigger than I am and I can’t ever properly address all of it. But all I’ll say is, while I agree that not all discussion of Harry Potter or other shitty medias is promotion and we as individuals shouldn’t be held accountable for the actions of a transphobic billionaire, it is still important to approach the subject with nuance and make sure the ways in which we talk about it do not spread harm. I think that’s why so many polls decide to ban it and other medias from their polls, because most of them are designed to find the “best” of something and to insinuate that something from one of those medias can be the best could be harmful. That’s why I’m not gonna post any asks that defend the series as a whole or the franchise as a property, because it’s not right to even humor those who want to downplay transphobia and antisemitism (among others). Aaaanyways all this to say if people discourse about Harry Potter characters in the notes or askbox go for it just remember the real people impacted by the bigotries present in it when considering the way you want to make your discussions
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fujoreads · 8 months
To Strip the Flesh // Review
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To Strip the Flesh is a short tales collection in manga format, containing 5 stories in total—the main one going by the book’s title.
I remember someone mentioning this in a book-related podcast I listen to, but I don’t remember which one. I found it at a bookshop when I went on a little date last year, and I just had to buy it! It took me a while to finally read it, but I’m glad I did.
CW: Gender Dysphoria, Explicit Nudity; Organs; Hunting; Animal death; Sexism; Transphobia; Body Horror
This manga was something else. I may not have the exact same experience as our protagonist Chiaki, but I related so hard I cried—thrice, in fact. I got such a headache from crying I had to end the day that evening. Powerful stuff.
I knew I would probably enjoy it because of the art and the topic of trans issues. I myself am a transmasc bastard, so it’s always nice to see manga talking about these things.
When I finally finished it, I had to pause for a minute or two. For the first half, I read many scenes where I felt dysphoric together with Chiaki, but the way the story ended made me actually try to be stronger and fight for my right to happiness, even if I have to face transphobic doctors on the way.
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Chiaki Ogawa has never doubted that he is a boy, although the rest of the world has not been as kind. Bound by his mother’s dying wish, Chiaki tries to be a good daughter to his ailing father. When the burden becomes too great, Chiaki sets out to remake himself in his own image and discovers more than just personal freedom with his transition—he finds understanding from the people who matter most. (The StoryGraph)
Although the main story is this one about Chiaki, there are many others who are also just as enjoyable, albeit shorter.
This tale is condensed in about 100 pages, but packs an emotional punch enough to leave you in tears. It made me realize that I have my own found family and I don’t need to keep living a lie.
The flow of the story may have been somewhat rushed due to its overall length, but it still felt neatly presented. I do wish I could have seen more of Chiaki and the rest of the cast, especially his late mother.
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This manga’s artstyle is interesting. It feels very anime, but it does feel different in some aspects, like how soft the eyes are. I really enjoyed it.
As someone with a big chest, I personally related to Chiaki’s struggles and the way it was visually presented was just wonderful.
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Chiaki is the son of a hunter (who also butches his own kills). He lives as a closeted trans man and desires not to betray his parents’ wishes for him—to be a bride—hurt as it may. He struggles with trying to impose his masculinity to his father, who refuses to see him as anything else but his daughter, saying how “women don’t hunt”, and never letting him get hurt, seeing him as a frail girl. However, we also see his weaknesses: how he never lets his father know his true feelings, even when his father clearly shows he cares for what he thinks is best to Chiaki. It’s understandable, but also what strains their relationship at some point, even if from Chiaki’s perspective.
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It’s so sweet to see Chiaki’s growth after a big moment where he has to make an important decision, both for him and his father, and how that improved their overall relationship.
His father was an interesting character to follow as well, even if we see less of him, and usually accompanied by Chiaki. I wish we could have had more moments with him.
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I enjoyed Takato as a friend of Chiaki’s, but while he is sweet and supportive, he’s also a bit annoying. Maybe having him grow more throughout the story instead of a last-minute development would have made him more justice.
This was a lovely read, and not just for the main story. Personally, the Hot Watermelon short story was my second favorite, followed by David in Love.
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I got even more excited seeing how Oto Toda, the author, worked as an assistant for Tatsuki Fujimoto on Fire Punch—one of my favorite works ever, as despair-inducing as it was.
If you care about stories centered around trans issues, you’ll certainly like it. It’s also a tale of father-son love, and how old wounds can be treated, even if it seems all too late.
This is a very short story, followed by other even shorter stories, so if you desire a more detailed and lengthy tale, you might not enjoy this. It’s a powerful narrative, but it’s rushed at times and unless you personally relate to Chiaki’s struggles, you might feel less emotionally affected.
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Thank you for reading it all to the end! Hey, kind stranger! Would you be so kind and consider giving me a little tip? It can be as low as 3 bucks and it’d make a huuuuuge difference!! If you tip 10€ (or higher), you can dictate my next read and be credited (if you’d like) on that review! Have a nice day!!
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coochiequeens · 10 months
A TIM was arrested for threatening to assault girls and commit a school shooting in retaliation for living in a transphobic society. Nothing screaming mental illness in the TQ+ cult there
By Reduxx Team November 23, 2023
Content Notice: This article contains direct quotes from federal indictment documents including themes of child sexual abuse, child sexualization, and child murder. Some may find the text disturbing. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A trans-identified male has been indicted on 14 felony counts following sinister threats to commit a school shooting and murder children “on behalf” of the transgender community. Alexia Willie, born Jason Lee Willie, also promised to rape young girls in public restrooms in retaliation for transphobia.
As previously reported by Reduxx, Willie was arrested on August 14 in Perry County, Illinois, after the Springfield-area FBI intercepted a live-stream on social media they deemed “suspicious.”
In the stream, an individual later identified as Willie was seen making a number of disturbing threats towards schools and local children, specifically indicating there were plots in-progress to commit a school shooting, though no single institution was named.
Court records filed on November 7 now reveal the extent of the threats Willie had made during the livestream, wherein he threatened to rape young girls in bathroom facilities in addition to carrying out a copy-cat killing of the horrific March shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. During that incident, a trans-identified female left 6 dead, 3 of whom were children aged 9, in an act of brutality that left the nation stunned.
“A person in Tennessee walked into one of your schools and shot up a bunch of your Christian daughters. That’s not the last of them if you don’t shut your fucking mouth. Shut the fuck up out here, you understand me?” Willie said.
“There’s a lot of transgenders out here that are tired of being picked on and we’re going to go into the schools and we’re going to kill their fucking children out here, and that’s the end of it. We’re at war.”
In another expletive-filled monologue, Willie also claimed to be a “pedophile” with intentions to sexually abuse young girls.
“I’m in the bathroom feeling your little girls’ pussies. I love feeling on your little girls’ pussies. You can’t do nothing about it. I don’t care. I’m openly a pedophile. You guys can’t do nothing about us. You can cry. Put me on national television, I don’t care,” Willie boasted.
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From the indictment of Alexia Willie.
“I’m transgender, I’m in the bathroom raping your fucking daughters and I’m openly letting you guys know this. The Republican Party, what are you faggots going to do about us? Be the fucking men you think you are and step up. But you won’t, because you’re faggots, and you’re weak, and you’re pussies,” he continued.
“We will fuck your daughters in that bathroom, I guarantee it. We will fuck your children up out here, we are gonna fuck ’em up [laughs], and you can’t do shit about it… I promise you, I catch your daughters in them bathrooms alone… I am gonna fucking fuck ’em until they’re dead. I’m gonna ravage them. I’m gonna reach inside their coochies and I’m gonna pull their intestines out… You think you are alpha men, you are beta bitches,” Willie said.
In further comments made by Willie during the live-stream, he threatened to infect “your women with HIV in the restroom… with a needle,” while apparently speaking to an unnamed individual who he repeatedly addressed with racial slurs.
Several other statements denigrating “the blacks” were cited in the indictment, with Willie utilizing a number of racial slurs to address African Americans. He specifically mentioned comedian Dave Chappelle, who has made jokes about some aspects of the transgender movement.
“Listen, Dave Chappelle and all the blacks out here, all the black people out here talking about trannies and shit, they’re no different than the white supremacists, either.”
Willie also labeled “transphobic Christian trash” as “white supremacists.”
While Willie had initially been arrested in August by Perry County law enforcement, he was released less than 48 hours after being detained on a $0 bond. Speaking to Reduxx in October, Perry County Sheriff Chad Howard explained that local prosecutors had a difficult time laying charges.
Though he was initially charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, Sheriff Howard said the charges related to the threats against the schools were dropped due to a lack of specific target.
“Because there was no one individual person or individual school directly threatened, the disorderly conduct did not stick. It was not capable of being filed,” he said. Sheriff Howard also noted that he anticipated that the remaining resisting arrest charge would result in a simple fine.
“It’s more or less going to end up going to be a hearing. Now with the state of Illinois having the SAFE-T Act, which went into effect on September 18, those types of crimes are no longer containable. You just bring [a suspect] in for booking, processing, and biometrics and then you release them with a court date and it is all handled by the courts from there on out,” he said.
At the time, Sheriff Howard was unaware of any additional action pending against Willie, making the November 7 indictment a surprise move by federal prosecutors. Willie has now been charged with 14 felony counts of Interstate Communication of a Threat to Injure.
Willie has been placed under arrest and is in the custody of the US Marshall Service. A trial has been set for January 16 at a courthouse in Benton, Illinois, where Willie will be represented by a public defender.
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
My Handsome Boy
ASK: "hi… it’s me again, sorry :) i was wondering if you could do eddie x ftm reader where the reader gets bullied by jason and jason says stuff like “she’s not even a real boy” or idk and it’s just eddie comforting the reader, thank you sm i love ur writing <;3" - @ilovejquinn
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pairing: eddie munson x ftm!reader
summary: Jason Carver is a transphobic asshole who decides to openly attempt to humiliate you in the middle of school. no matter how low the jock makes you feel, Eddie’s always there to pick up the pieces. your number one supporter, right from the get go.
warnings: Transphobia, use of transphobic slurs (‘tranny’ & 'hermaphrodite’)
Reader Description: trans f to m, Y/N = your name, L/N = last name, D/N = dead name. 
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The thing about Eddie is that he didn’t care about people’s differences. He was different himself. It’s why you initially took such a liking to him. It was way back in middle school, before you had even realised who you really were, when your hair still hung long, when you’d still put on pink shiny lip gloss in an attempt to fit in, when you still wore dresses and skirts everywhere you went. You remembered, it was right after the talent show, another student had just been booed off the stage for their ventriloquy act. You found it rather amusing, actually, but this kid had thick framed glasses, he was book smart, he always wore superhero shirts to school, and during his act he matched his outfit to his puppet and made jokes about sci-fi and fantasy books. The jocks didn’t like that. So they booed him off, none of them suffered any consequences of course. But you remembered, you were walking around the back of the school to your mum’s car, and you saw Eddie and his old buzz cut with a soft hand on the crying boy’s shoulder, his other hand cradling the puppet. You remembered over hearing what he had said when you walked past, 
“I loved the joke you made about The Hobbit man, I love those books so much. My uncle got me the hard backs for my birthday. Maybe you’d like to borrow them some time, if you don’t mind my drawings and little writings in the margins.” 
“You mean it?” The boy perked up.
“Hell yeah.” Eddie smiled. 
“You can borrow my director’s edition of the Starwars films sometime, if you like that stuff too.” 
“No way man! You have those?” Eddie grinned, “I’m jealous. How do you get this puppet to speak like you do? I think it’s really cool.” He tried to move its mouth with his hand. 
“It’s– it’s pretty stupid.” 
“No it’s not.” Eddie spoke with full sincerity, a wide smile spread across his face, “It looks really hard to do. You must have, like… magic or something to make it work. Are you a wizard or something?” 
You thought he must have been the sweetest boy alive, because you knew damn well that he didn’t even see that boys whole act. He was backstage himself, practising for his own set. His band got booed off stage that day too. Yet, no one comforted him. So the next day back at school, you fought down all your nerves and walked right up to him at lunch. His table went quiet, eyes all dead set on you. No one dared ever talk to them, they were the freaks… the outcasts. But deep down, you knew you were one too, and you didn’t want anyone to feel as alone as you did. 
“Uhm…” you started, and neither of them blinked, “I just wanted to say that… I– I thought your song was really cool yesterday. Did you write it?” 
Eddie laughed, he full on laughed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head, “Why don’t you just fuck off instead of making more fun of us?” 
“What?” your words caught in your throat, you didn’t understand why he was being so mean. 
“Your song was so cool.” he mimicked in a high pitched preppy voice, “We get it. Satan’s music. Whatever.” 
“No, I-” you swallowed the lump in your throat down, “I mean it… it’s not exactly my taste, but I still thought it was cool. Did you write it, or was it a cover? You said it was called Wicked World or something.” 
Eddie’s face turned red, “You– you mean it?” 
You just nodded. 
“Ye-” He cleared his throat, “We– It’s a cover. From Black– Black Sabbath.” 
You nodded, “I just wanted to tell you that someone thought it was cool.”
“Thanks.” He smiled sheepishly. 
“I like your guitar too… It looks so cool.” 
He beamed up at you, those big brown eyes looking deep into your soul, the slight pink in his cheeks. That’s when you knew you had a crush on him. 
You were invited into his friend group after that, and after a couple months, you finally felt like you belonged somewhere… like you fit in. It took you a few more years to figure out that you weren’t actually a girl. And the first person you told was Eddie. You were terrified. Absolutely the most scared you had ever felt in your entire life. The first thing he said to you, after you explained your situation to him, was something you never expected, 
“Do you want me to cut your hair? Or do you like it long, like mine?” 
You looked at him, awestruck. Not a single response comes to mind. 
“You want to look more like a boy, right? Or am I getting confused?” 
“No, I-” You shook your head in disbelief, “I do want to look like a boy- I am… I am a boy.” 
“Yeah.” He smiled, jumping to his feet, “If you want some boy clothes, you can have some of mine. Come on, let’s pick some out for you.” 
Once Eddie helped turn you into you, you decided to face your parents. Eddie right beside you as you did. Your father didn’t really understand, but he tried his best and respected your choices. He slipped up a lot, but you knew he was trying, and that was all that mattered. You mum however, needed a little more time to come around to the idea. She left to live with her friend for a while, but when she was ready to return, she handed you your first binder. Goodbye bandages! Thank You mum! 
You had your first kiss at seventeen. It was during a game of spin the bottle with Hellfire, plus a few stray outcasts from around the school that Jeff had invited along to his birthday party. The rules were simple, if it landed on the opposite gender, you had to kiss right there, if it landed on the same gender, you had to tell them a deep dark secret. When it was Eddie’s turn to spin, it landed on you. That struck a problem, no one really knew what to categorise you as. It hurt. 
“He’s a boy.” Eddie said in full confidence. 
“Yeah, but-”
“He’s a boy.” He smiled at you, standing on his feet and reaching his hand out to you, “Come on Y/N, I got the perfect secret to tell you.” 
It was really the bare minimum, but since Eddie was the only one to give you that, it made your heart soar. He took you around the corner, the designated secret sharing spot, and smiled at you softly. 
“You okay?” 
“I am now.” you smiled. 
“So, what’s your secret, Edward Munson? What have you been hiding from me?” 
“Well… I never thought I would tell anyone this… ever. But, since you told me the scariest thing about yourself, it’s only fair.” 
You nodded your head, smiling at him for assurance. 
“I’m–” He cleared his throat, “I’m gay.” 
Your eyes widened, your mouth hung slack for a moment. Your heart fucking skipped a beat. 
“Is that okay?” He looked at the ground instead of you. 
Obviously Eddie, you thought, “Why wouldn’t you be? Have you seen Robert Plant?” 
Eddie looked up at you, his head tipped slightly and he raised his eyebrows, “Yeah… yeah I’ve seen him. Are- do you see Robert Plant like that?”
You nodded your head with a soft smile, “So… you into anyone?”
He swallowed thickly, “Maybe.” 
You held your breath, “Who?”
Eddie looked back to the ground, his cheeks bright red, “Well… he’s really cool, he makes me smile a lot… he– he is super handsome, and probably likes my guitar more than me.” 
You couldn’t help the small smile that creeped onto your face, you bit your lip to hide it and shuffled in your spot a little. 
“Is that… okay?” He looked up at you slowly, “Do you mind?”
“Eddie,” you smiled softly, “are you that oblivious to the fact that I’ve had a crush on you since middle school?” 
Those perfect eyes stared right into yours, slightly alarmed, a little taken aback, but mostly burning with desire, “Apparently I am.” 
You laughed. 
“Can we totally fuck the rules of spin the bottle so I can kiss you anyway?” 
“When have the rules ever applied to us, Ed’s?” you smiled and pulled yourself a little closer. 
Since that night, Eddie would never leave your side. To everyone else in the world you were just a couple of inseparable best friends, and a couple of freaks. But to each other, you were everything. Behind closed doors you would hold each other close, and you’d kiss, and you let yourself fall in love. The only other person to know about the two of you was Wayne, because he picked up on everything. 
“Dude, no way.” you laughed, your voice deeper than usual, you had finally started on T a few weeks ago.
“Yes way.” Gareth smiled as you walked between classes, “I still can’t get over your voice man, it’s so weird.”
Your heart sank. 
“Not like that!” He was quick to say, “it’s just different. I’m used to your voice being higher, you know. It just catches me off guard.” 
A smile surfaced back to your face, “Yeah, I guess it surprises me sometimes too.” 
It was the first day back at school after spring break, no one but Eddie and his band members had been around you since your voice dropped. So it was safe to say you got a few weird looks here and there, a few odd questions about it Eddie was quick to answer for you whenever he was around. It felt good, to finally grow into yourself a little more, but the amount of attention it got you felt horrible. You felt like a walking target, bright blinking arrows pointed right at your head from every direction and honking noises came out of the ground with every step you took. You were just relieved no one had picked a fight with you yet. 
Yeah, I spoke too soon. 
“D/N L/N!” Jason Carver called out from across the hall. 
Only a small number of people called you by your real name. You were used to it, but it still cut like a knife, every goddamn time. 
“What?” you turned to him slowly. 
He laughed, “So it’s true. Your nonexistent balls finally dropped.” 
You rolled your eyes, “What’s it to you, Carver?” 
“Ohhh, someones feeling sassy today, isn’t she?” that wicked smirk on the corner of his lips dug deep into your soul. 
“He.” Gareth spoke up, correcting the jock.
“I hardly think so. She’s a fake. Not an ounce of man in her body.” 
“And you think there’s an ounce in yours?” you hummed. 
He glared at you, “Thats bold, coming from someone in your position, D/N.”
“Thats not my name.” 
“I. Don’t. Care.” he shook his head, a small chuckle erupting from his lungs, “Your still a freak. Who cares what the freak wants?” 
Your face started to heat. 
“Awh, look at that, the Tranny’s gonna cry.” 
You looked away, tears threatening to spill, “Fuck off, Jason. Don’t you have some balls to play with or something?” 
“Hey!” He snapped, learching closer till he was right in front of your face, “Don’t you dare speak to me with such disrespect, you piece of shit.” 
“Go away.” you whispered, eyes clamping shut as you tried to take a step back. 
“Yeah,” he nodded, “don’t want to risk catching the hermaphrodite disease.” 
He half laughed, half scoffed before walking back to his little parade of friends. Eddie came racing around the corner having heard about the previous interaction. He came to a screeching halt right in front of you, his hands landing on your biceps, his eyes scanning your red face, a certain tenderness in his expression that made your heart sink a little. 
“What did he say?” 
You couldn’t speak, you knew if you did you would only cry. He looked at Gareth who just slowly shook his head, sadness in his eyes. 
“Come on, we’re skipping.” He grabbed your hand, and took your books from you, leading you through the halls and out to his spot in the forest behind the school, “I got you, sweetheart. You’re safe with me.” 
You hurried along beside him, clutching onto his hand for dear life as you crossed the empty football field. When you arrived, he carefully sat you down on the picnic bench, pulling his jacket off and placing it down on the table before squatting down in front of you.
“You wanna tell me what happened? Or not yet?” his tone was soft, the gentle hum of his voice was the cushioning your heart so desperately needed. 
You looked at him, eyes glassy, your vision blurring as tears spilled out, “Am I a disease, Eddie?” 
“What the fuck?” a lump formed in his throat, “Did he say that to you?” 
You nodded. 
“No. no your not.” He grabbed your hands, “If you were, wouldn’t you think I would have caught it by now? You know… considering I’ve had my tongue down your throat and everything?” 
“Eddie!” You swatted his chest, a small laugh was shared between the two of you. 
“He kept calling me a girl.” you sighed, “Telling me I was fake and stuff. He made fun of my voice.” 
“Are you kidding me? How could he make fun of that?” He smiled, “It sounds so good already. Maybe he’s just jealous you sound more manly than him.” 
You half heartedly smiled, your hands still in his, tears still creeping their way down your cheeks. 
“You remember I only like dudes right? So if you were a girl, or a fake guy, there would be no way for me to love you, sweetheart.”
“But I don’t look like a boy.” 
“You do to me.” He smiled, “I think you are the most handsome boy I have ever seen… apart from maybe Robert Plant.” 
You bit your lip, how did he always make you laugh when you felt so glum like this? 
“It doesn’t matter what that fuckwad thinks. It doesn’t matter what any of them think, they’re all fucking losers. You, Y/N L/N are a boy, through and through, and I love you everyday because of it. Anyone who wants to disagree, doesn’t deserve to have you in their life. They don’t deserve to know such a beautiful person.” 
“You’re just saying that because you’re my boyfriend.” You sighed. 
“So fucking what?” He scoffed, shuffling a little closer, “Shouldn’t that make it more meaningful? The people that love you, and accept you… those people mean the most, right?”
You looked at your hands as you played with one of his rings, “I suppose.” 
“I promise you, Y/N, you’re not fake. You’re just as real as I am.” He smiled up at you softly, “Yeah, you might have had to take a few more steps to get there, yeah… the postage company sent a few wrong parts-” 
You laughed, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment and you took a breath. 
“But that’s okay. Because deep down inside, you are a boy. You always have been, and you always will be.” He pulled one of your hands tight to his chest, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your knuckles, “I hate that there will be some people- a lot of people, that arent gonna like it… but none of those people really matter. None of those people mean anything. Me, your parents, the guys… we will always love you, and accept you, and let you be who you really are because you matter, and you are valid, and you are real.” 
You took a shaky breath, more tears threatened to spill, but this time they weren’t tears of hurt, “You really think that?” 
“Sweetheart, I know that.” 
You shut your eyes softly, a small tear slipped from the corner, and then another, and then another. Eddie kissed your knuckles again, a swift hand came up to wipe at your tears. His hands cupped your face gently, the calloused pads of his thumbs brushed over the undersides of your eyes and the high of your cheeks, now wet with your tears. He whispered sweet hums of reassurance and shushs as he let you catch up to your emotions. 
“I really love you, Eddie.” you whispered. 
“I really love you too, my handsome boy.” He smiled so softly, you thought if you started at it too long you would break. 
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residentofthedisc · 10 months
When I say “I am so fucking angry that I cannot reach out for help”, I mean I’m furious I can’t get professional help.
I am struggling so fucking much with my job and my exhaustion to the point I am not feeding myself. I am on some days deliberately not making the decision to eat because I cannot spare the energy and I am so trapped by this spiral of autism and ADHD and mental exhaustion and I don’t feel I can reach out for help for one simple, little reason.
If I do, I will not be allowed to transition. If I acknowledge that my autism and my ADHD are controlling and wrecking my life then that lifeline, that massive, beautiful thing which will improve my mental health tenfold (because no binding means no discomfort and more exercise and going outside and less misgendering means less fear of transphobic violence) will not happen.
Ableism and transphobia will rob me of the future I want even as it robs me of my present because if I struggle then I am not seen as mentally competent.
I know who I am. I know what I want. I’m a twenty-odd year old man. I am very aware of my struggles with my conditions. I am intelligent and funny and kind and a whole fucking and self-aware human being. I just do not have the resources to cope.
And I cannot get that help without jeopardising something important to me. Something vital. I cannot improve my situation because of ableism and transphobia.
“But what if autistic girls -“ no. Shut the fuck up and actually do something worthwhile for autistic people before you use us as human shields for your bigotry. Your transphobia is making my life as an ADHD autistic a thousand times worse because I am afraid your uninformed hatred and patronising bullshit will end up fucking my entire life.
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coulsonlives · 2 years
To the peep in my inbox here ya go, fuck it:
Tldr: an anti posts ship hate in a tag, a trans person tells them to tag it, the anti is offended and bullies them for months, and calls them a transphobe for fictional headcanons the anti also has, and calls them a number of slurs including crazy, cissy, etc, until they leave and possibly commit suicide.
The anti’s name is “Howl” and he’s @eightdoctor.
The victim is Jazz @angerissue @helicarrier.
For Howl, I looked through his blog to see if I could find anything on him, and he lives in the uk or across the pond, based on timezones, and he’s posted a lot of selfies so if you ever come across someone like this, steer fucking clear if you value your mental health. (This is readily accessible public info on his blog fwiw.) I feel sick to my stomach so I’ll just post all the shit I found.
I think it started with this,
Howl posted anti shit in a character tag:
He was obviously looking to start shit and annoy people and be a ship policer, but Angerissue pointed this out and she got so much harassment in return.
Howl literally reblogged that ship post over and over again to shit on Angerissue with new little "damning things” he got from her huge HUGE blog that she ran, like did he just sit on her blog for hours to find these tiny things or wtf?? There’s so much stuff on her blog, I can’t even begin to think how he even found what he was posting. What happened to don’t like don’t read:
After that came this:
“Haha cissy”
“White savior tendencies”
What the actual fuck?
I looked at Angerissue’s posts and things to see if I could find any white savior narrative and I found literally nothing, not even anything about race at all.
“I wish they’d died in the er actually”
He literally encouraged his posse to bully her off tumblr, a bunch of antis joined in. Someone said Angerissue blocked them and it must have meant she was a homophobe (noo, it couldn’t be because they were harassing her, no way, she must have blocked them because she’s a homophobe, these fucking wankers with no compassion). Someone said “wow she posted all that instead of just apologizing” when nobody asked for an apology or even tried to talk to her, it was all attacks!
Look at all the checkboxes this guy checks off. He calls Angerissue ableist while being ableist himself (“this person is crazy”), and while Angerissue I’m guessing is disabled because she has migraines! And lots of other things he can’t even substantiate, while he acts hateful about cis people himself and calls her a “cissy”. I’m fucking LIVID.
I guess nobody actually went to Angerissue to talk to her, they just jumped into the mob with their pitchforks.
The only KIND OF questionable thing was “female pronouns” but a lot of people make that mistake and I checked Angerissue’s blog, she had changed it?? And any thing else just seems like bad wording, I don’t see any actual transphobia, she checks out to be an actually good person and her comments on her blog even say she was open to fixing things she does wrong, I just.
All of Angerissue’s phrasing was easily explained by ignorance or just bad wording, and I know someone who gets migraines, sometimes you just fuck up your words (idr what the name for that is) so that’s a possibility too, why attribute such tiny fuckups to malice right out of the gate?!
(Don’t even get me started on Howl’s about page. He’s obviously an anti so this whole thing just reeks of a smear campaign.)
Also Howl has a headcanon of his own about Bruce Banner (the character Angerissue writes and Howls’ special interest) having internalized homophobia too, so why did he say “lol they made them a transphobe with their whole chest” about Angerissue like it was an attack on her as a person?? And say “can we bully her off the website now”?
He was shitting on Angerissue and telling people to bully her for literally the same headcanon he has! What a hypocrite.
I also found this joke post a long time back into his blog, but obviously it’s not just a joke for him, it’s something he bullied Angerissue over because he couldn’t accept her own headcanons and he even bullied her over things he had the same headcanon for (but he didn’t mention that of course, because if Angerissue was horrible for having that headcanon it would mean he was too, and he couldn’t have that could he?):
Also Howl captured a paragraph where Angerissue explained Bruce Banner’s mental illness started in his childhood then got worse when he met another character (Wanda maximoff), and right below that, even tho the EVIDENCE WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE CAPTURE, Howl accused Angerissue of making that new character cause Bruce Banner’s mental illness instead of it starting in his youth (here, under the reblog with the weird dick comment...)
This went on for months apparently.
The worst part is, Angerissue says she is nonbinary on her blog so I can’t imagine how hard this was for her, imagine being called a transphobe for a headcanon by someone who has the same headcanon.
Edit: Thanks to a comment I just learned that “cissy” is a derogatory slur made towards cis people, so by calling Angerissue “cissy” Howl was implying she wasn’t trans (or nonbinary), but cis. If that isn’t transphobic, idk what is. You can’t take identities away to bully or punish people, holy shit.
Now Angerissue seems to have not been on for months, and she made some very worrying posts about killing herself. I was talking to one of her friends which is how I found about all this, and they haven’t heard from her either, even though they’ve been in good contact for a year. Angerissue put ten years of her life into a passion character, she made gut-wrenchingly beautiful gifs and fics and made a mainstay blog for the roleplay commuity, and this is what she got. This was the kind of person she was. I hope she’s still alive but I don’t know if she is, and I’m horrified and sick and something needs to be done even if that isn’t the case.
Footnote edit 1: Confirmation directly from Jazz's blog that Howl spent at least 3 hours initially on her blog to dig around for things, then posted more things after a month, and a lot more things that prove Howl's accusations about her were false.
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butchladymaria · 2 years
sorry for this, just need to vent a little. serious tw for transphobia.
in the wake of everything that’s been happening in the real world i am exhausted to announce that i’m just sick of it. i wake up and i hear about another trans person who was hatefully murdered. i see clips of another politician violently declaring how transgenderism should be eradicated over breakfast. i go to class and listen to another professor say something bigoted “for the sake of argument” and misgender me when i raise my hand to argue it. then there’s the next headline about another transphobic law that’s been passed. i come home and crawl into bed and i see cis people on the internet bastardizing the word “woke”. wallowing in self-pity about “cancel culture”. fearmongering about “agendas”. shouting us down for having the audacity to ask them to listen. decrying all the evil transgenders for daring to ask them not play that game/use that rhetoric/support that creator/misgender that person/say that phrase/speak over us/etc etc etc.
and so many of those people are self-proclaimed trans allies.
but the moment a trans person steps out of line to point out that, hey, maybe that’s shitty and they’re being transphobic, suddenly we become lying bullying horrible manipulative sensitive purity obsessed monsters. we ask for the barest, barest minimum from our “allies” and we are met with harassment, aggression, bullying, and violence from those exact same people. at best, we are met with silence: our fears for our fucking lives are simply brushed off. so many people like to proclaim themselves allies, but the minute they have to make even the most marginal change to support us, they start acting like the exact bigots who want us dead, or they just silently, impassively watch us suffer.
if i could say one thing to all the people who find it easier to ignore or harass trans people rather than make even the most marginal gesture of support to us, it would simply be “fuck you”. just fuck you. trans people have asked nicely, rudely, begged, for the bare fucking minimum of your support and respect, and you chose not to give it because it’s a mild inconvenience. fuck you! fuck you. sincerely. fuck you. being trans is not a fucking choice, but supporting us is — and apparently it was one too hard for you to make.
i feel like a lot of us have had to realize at this point that we really, really only have each other. and holy shit, that is scary.
if anything the silver lining is that it’s become increasingly easy to tell genuine allies apart from people just using the label to show off what a good person they are. so to the allies who have in recent memory stood with us, thank you. we need all the support we can get.
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thinkhappythxughts · 8 months
hi there! sorry, this is sort of a weird ask — feel free to ignore.
i’m just a queer trans person who’s wanted to transition for years but my family is not really on board with it. i was really hoping to go to uni and transition there, and Edinburgh is one of the places I’ve been aiming to apply to. except… the city seems so transphobic?^ as someone who seems to have been there/knows a bit abt the uni, i was wondering if you wouldn’t mind talking about the city a little bit, in regards to this, if you would up to it? weirdly enough i do know lots of people who live there, i just don’t know them well enough to ask stuff like this dhjgfdjfb
hi there anon!
so firstly, full disclosure that I haven't lived in Edinburgh for about a year now, but my sister still does so I visit all the time. Generally, I think the city is a great place to live if you're trans, or queer in general. There's a great queer scene with clubs and sober spaces, Edinburgh pride is great, Portobello (Porty) pride is well worth a visit and only a bus from the city centre, Glasgow pride is also great if you can get the train across. Events like the terf screening are absolutely an outlier, stuff like that is gonna happen in big cities just due to numbers - it is the capital of Scotland after all. Occasionally there are random terf stickers on lampposts, but i've seen at least twice as many pro-trans stickers about. In regards to that screening, the number of people who turned out to protest far outnumbered the people actually there to see the stupid film, and the protest was supported by the uni's staff pride network (i know because my sister was there on their behalf as an organiser/first-aider hah)
on that note, i think edinburgh uni is also pretty good for trans stuff - I wasn't out as trans yet when i was at uni, but I had friends who were trans and they didn't seem to have any issues on the uni/admin side of things. The uni has a pretty good student pride society, and as i mentioned, there's a staff pride network, so there's a solid bunch of staff who would be in your corner if you did have any issues. The uni's student support in general is okay - the general standard for that stuff honestly isn't great in the UK, and I wouldn't say edinburgh's is amazing, but they did help me out a couple of times (with non-lgbt stuff).
you'll probably know more about me than the applications process for uni in regards to chosen name etc, and it depends if you're applying through UCAS (in the UK) or if you're abroad, so i'll leave you to more knowledgeable people on that. I would say that if you apply in your chosen name, any post you receive about applications will be in the name you apply with, so keep that in mind if the people you live with aren't supportive - terribly sorry that you're in that situation, by the way. It really does get better once you're away from them.
in regards to transition, if you're wanting to be referred to a GIC, you'll likely be referred to Chalmers centre, which seems to have a waiting time of about 2 years currently - that sounds like a lot but from what i can gather, that's quite a lot lower than most places in the UK (i'm in NE england and my nearest centre isn't even taking referrals because their waiting list is 6+years long 😭). Once you're registered with a GP you should be able to ask them about a referral and they can give you more info.
overall I think that Scotland is probably just a better place to live if you're trans in the UK - scottish parliament supported self-ID (i'm actually unsure if this has come into effect yet, need to do some googling) and if they weren't under the UK gov, they were going introduce legal third gender options too. The SNP and scottish parliamentary partiers absolutely have some outspoken transphobes, but they're much more of an outlier than in westminster, so generally i think the outlook for trans people is just way more positive in Scotland - I'm certainly planning to move back there as soon as the circumstances line up for me. It's pretty scary everywhere in the UK right now in terms of policy (and general attitude, to an extent) but yeah i think overall Edinburgh and Scotland in general are your best bet.
If you have any more questions or anything i'm happy to chat! Absolute best of luck to you, no matter where you end up, both with your transition and uni in general 💜
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magentas-dystopia · 1 year
Hiii it’s me and I’m gonna rant about the transphobic state of the UK so content warning for transphobia, depressive negativity etc
Not to be a little worry wort again but I’m genuinely miserable how the UK has just welcomed fascism with open arms. As a transfemme person it feels like every news story I hear is just another warning signal that I’m gonna be dead in the next few years thanks to our horrific laws and how many roadblocks that are put in place to stop people like me from existing/ getting HRT and surgery we need. It’s Vile how the UK government has also just been slowly influenced by the clearly fucking deranged state of US politics too. Not a day goes by where I’m worried for the other trans people I know, my girlfriend, my best friend. It’s the worst and there’s nothing I can do to stop it, partly because the UK people are so politically inactive that it requires a manufactured moral panic made by the Tories to actually rile them up enough to care about things that don’t affect them to conveniently ignore atrocities committed by our government. Every waking moment I live here is hell and I want things to get better desperately but I’m scared that they wont.
There’s a part of me that always will believe that humanity is inherently good, yet who can stand up to the people who proactively choose to close off their empathy and understanding for their fellow human? I wish we could but clearly none of us actually can do anything to do it. So we’re just left here to fester in our misery, knowing that there’s nothing we can do to stop this. It hurts, I really wish there was a world for me and all of the trans people I know to be ourselves fully.
This is gonna be a little personal, but for about almost a decade (I’m 19) I’ve known I was trans. And through all the time I’ve told my parents they did their best to help me, but at the same time my mother is clearly in denial still and my dad only this year admitted that he was trying to “repress” my feelings through misgendering/ uncomfortable language about me. I know they mean well and they want to help me. But it hurts knowing what they did in the past and my mother insulting my partner and myself constantly. She constantly says “we didn’t bring you up in that community” or “it’s not in our culture” (I’m half Indian). But clearly it was at one point, when I learnt about the GNC Hijra people in India it opened my eyes, trans people are part of the asian world and very much always have been, the pre colonial Philippines had trans people, Japan had trans people etc. It hurts that I’ve been led to believe that there’s a separation between my race and my gender identity, when in actuality they’re more linked than I’ve e known initially, it doesn’t help that the majority of trans people I know IRL are basically all white. Not once have I met a trans person who’s the same colour as me, the same culture or faith as me, or any other melanated person outside of my own race who as also trans, even though I know they clearly exist. All leading to what I believe is a feeling of pure isolation for me and possibly other Trans people of colour in the UK. Most of us don’t know that the other exists and it’s painful that we are told that it’s “not part of our culture” when we know that people of our cultures have historically been trans (or at least another lost word to describe the feelings we feel). All I want is to know more people like me and hopefully have our rights to live freely upheld.
Anyways I’m gonna go back to marathonning Yu Gi Oh byeee
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obsidianflow · 2 years
The Major Issues about anti Mspec Lesbian debacle
SO I’m a little insane and i decided I’d make an entire essay about this because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to sleep!
I’ll preface this by saying that this isn’t room for Anti Mspec Lesbians to get in my notifs and send me shit like ‘ummm actually you’re wrong’ because this is literally just for me anyways, just putting it here so people can see and possibly share thoughts, idk. If you send me anything about how wrong I am that’s really short I’m just going to block you, as a fair warning lmao
1: The whole ‘Lesbian means Non-men loving Non-men’ argument
Now I dont think its hard to see that this is transphobic, but I’ll explain anyways because I like explaining! Now first off, the major thing that’s face value. Non-men is just. A new way to shove nonbinary people back into the binary (Which we all know is the opposite of the entire fucking point) This ‘non-men’ and its counterpart just completely ignores multigendered and fluid gendered people! As well as just.. People with more complex relationships with their masculinity/femininity than just ‘not a man’ and ‘a man’.
And another thing not relating to transphobia now, definitions of these labels _will _vary from person to person. That’s the beauty of queerness, we all define it differently for ourselves! And that’s _okay. _Queerness isn’t, and never has been, about being understandable. Its about comfort, the labels are just there to find other people that are similar to you, and have a community! We’re here for a good time, not laying down and being as understandable to the cishets as we can. Whether or not they can understand us isn’t going to change their feelings about us, a majority of the time. They just say ‘its too weird’ as a way to make fun of us, not an attempt to understand or learn or listen. They don’t care either way.
2: Men can’t be lesbians
I get it if this one feels a little weird, we’ll get through it.
Now, the issue with this is that this is just going to keep queer people out of their own spaces! This doesn’t acknowledge multigendered, genderfluid, people who identify as a man for their own safety, as well as trans men who just don’t feel comfortable identifying as straight (Which I don’t blame them, because a large part of our community demonizes straight people, who would want to be the butt of their peers’ jokes?)
And that’s only a few examples, there’s plenty of experiences I’m sure that aren’t encompassed here. But that’s the thing! There are 8 billion of us on this planet, we’re never going to document every single sexuality experience out there. In general, this is meant to exclude the ‘enemy’, which a lot of people have conveniently made the Male Gender their scapegoat, but it more often than not just excludes other queer people. Which, we understand excluding other queer people isn’t the best idea, right?
3: Men are going to infiltrate our spaces and harm us
Men who feel like they can ‘fix’ lesbians are going to infiltrate your spaces whether you like it or not, but they’re not going to identify as a lesbian to go about doing that. Have you ever heard a story of a man actually doing this to groom lesbians? Because I sure as hell haven’t, and I’m always open to hearing stories about stuff like that.
But unlike that what if, I have heard stories of ‘Cisgender’ men identifying as lesbians and subsequently finding out they’re trans at some point afterwards (or even stories of ‘cisgender’ men identifying as lesbians despite being openly trans!) I’ve Met people from these stories, I’ve talked to them about those stories! There’s an entire phenomena about it at this point, it happens a lot more than you’d think. 
When you base your identity off of being hurt, and only ever stay in that hurt, never look out to better things, you’re just going to harm others. It’s happened time and time again, I’ve seen so many communities that have this same issue. The term Lesbian and generally any other sexuality labels should be based in Loving, not hate of some identity group you’ve been hurt by.
If your sexuality is impacted by your trauma, and other factors of being hurt, that’s okay! What I’m saying is we shouldn’t be morphing entire identity labels to be based only in hate of their abusers, when the original definitions were always based in love and only love. It seems like a waste of a good thing, honestly
4: Just make a new label
I hate to tell you this bud, but making a new label isn’t really going to work for everyone when there’s already a label that’s perfectly applicable. Why would you make a new term if one already works? The only reason I think would be to avoid hate from people who dislike the label you’re using, but that’s more of ‘avoiding getting rocks thrown at you’ than being happy with yourself and defining yourself comfortably. And it’s not even really something you share with absolutely everyone, either. It’s for you primarily. Why should you be conforming to someone else’s ideals just so they’re comfortable, when opposed to you being even more ‘weirdly’ queer than them.
5: I’m not comfortable with someone identifying this way
That’s fine! You don’t need to be comfortable with their identity. But that doesn’t mean its inherently harmful to your identities, that doesn’t make their identity inherently lesbophobic. In general this is an issue that a lot of white queers have, automatically assuming anything that makes them uncomfortable is an attack on them. Not everything is against you just because you’re discomforted by it!!!
6: This is a new label coined by someone on tumblr in 2016
Well my first question, if you’re seriously saying this, is ‘Have you ever actually gone looking for the history about this label? Have you ever researched this label?” Because if you did do any research, you’d probably find that bi dykes have existed since the 80s
I use these posts as a general just place to look at some history stuff, just some stuff I’ve found myself! They include sources, and more information.
<Post 1> <Post 2>
I’d also like to add that if you’re going to argue history, the original definition of lesbian is much closer to the modern definition of sapphic than the modern definition of lesbian. Lesbian meant the queer attraction to women, or generally Not Adhering to Female Gender Roles. It’s very different!
7: Lesbians need to separate from Bisexuals
Yikes. Never got over the lesbian separatism movement, did we?
8: I don’t understand it
That’s fine. You don’t need to understand it! It’s complex, it’s different, it’s strange. Of course you’re not going to fully understand it. That’s okay. All we’re asking here is you open your eyes a bit, and try to be more open towards different experiences. Don’t give into the stupid echo chamber of ‘X is phobic’ without any complex explanation into it. Topics like these that have so much nuance can’t be explained so easily, that in itself feels like more erasure than the mlm flag being similar to the sunset lesbian flag.
Non rebuttals
I haven’t even finished with everything either, because it still goes deeper than just that.
A majority of the people I’ve seen who are anti mspec lesbians are white, which plays a very major role in the whole thing. It just goes on where white cis women are taken more seriously than black trans women, and it all cycles out of control. And the majority of mspec lesbians I’ve met have been POC, my own partner is a POC mspec lesbian! I think at the very least if your side is majority white and the other side is majority POC, there’s something wrong there, and you should be thinking harder about the whole issue. At least start by trying to hear the other side’s argument!
This is just history repeating it’s self, honestly. Queer history has been demolished because of homophobia time and time again, so we don’t know the history and are doomed to repeat it. It happened with trans people, it’s happened with nonbinary people, it’s happened with pretty much every queer identity under the sun. We find a new scapegoat and run off with hating on them, despite us all being queer together. The cycle of hatred is more than a little annoying at this point. Everyone preaches about being so inclusive, and in the same breath rants about mspec lesbians being an issue. That isn’t inclusive, if you’re wondering.
A very major thing I think the Anti Mspec Lesbian side needs to realize is that you can’t make such bold claims as another queer person being against your identity without at least hearing their argument first and genuinely listening. You have to make an effort to listen to them, and deconstruct your own thinking to see if it truly is such. We recognize that people shouldn’t be put in jail without a fair trial, we should probably extend that to each other outside of the courthouse! I personally don’t think someone putting an identity label on themself is phobic of another identity, I think it’s a little absurd that even came around as a concept. It feels like reaching for straws, really.
In general, this doesn’t even go over everything either. Throughout this entire thing, all the arguments I went through, white supremacy is riddled throughout them. The need to have things be understandable, the need to separate, etc. It all very easily comes down being white supremacy.
Anywhoo! That was long. If you have any thoughts, feel free to add on, but here’s my essay
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tweed-tune-on-friday · 11 months
Big announcement for my blog [plus updates and boundaries]
Hello Everyone this week has been a fantastic week for me I recently got a new pet (a hamster and her name is Dakota) I am so freaking happy right now I could scream and I have a four-day weekend so go me it’s just been an amazing year for me. I’m not here to gloat or anything so I’m just going to get into it this post is just to restate my boundaries and inform the people who follow me what’s going to happen moving forward with this blog I’m also feeling a lot about myself I am now a multifandom person. I love all Fandoms, but the phantoms I’m primarily in are
Wh/welcome home 
Tadc/the amazing digital circus 
Tbg/the bad guys 
Clh/captain Lazerhawk 
Basic info
Name: tweed/mrs tune [i’m not comfortable giving my name out For privacy reasons]
Age: 14 [keep your fucking kinks away from me pls]
pronouns: She/her/them/their
Sexuality: bisexual[huge preference for women]and aroace
Race: African-American/Puerto Rican
Boundaries Update 
#1: OK, so first I’m just going to say that please don’t expect to me to post that often. I’m currently dealing with school in my personal life. I am happy to post.  I am always happy to post on here but please don’t force me to post and don’t bombard me on TikTok or any other social media or spam like me you will get immediately blocked. 
#2: And secondly, I want to let everybody know this is a safe place for all ages. This is also a Safeplace for the LGBTQ plus any bigotry racism, homophobia transphobia, or any hate directed towards the LGBTQ community is not welcomed on my page if you are any of these do not interact with me at all and stay far the fuck away
#3: Thirdly I have made a conscious decision that I am not ok with repost unless I am properly credited unless you ask my permission or credit me properly then you may not repost my artwork. I am OK with reblogs since they actually link you to the original artist I can’t stress this enough. I hate when I see reposted art that clearly says do not repost. It’s frustrating and it’s even more frustrating when you confront the person in the act, rude and entitled, and all you have to do is just properly credit the artist it’s not that hard oh, and if I find out that you reposted my art without my permission or you didn’t properly credit me I will confront you and ask you to take down the post. If you do not I will report you you only get one warning.
#4: Fourthly I don’t do commissions, request, or trade, due to the fact that I don’t have a stable bank account where I could put that money for commissions or our trades. Secondly, I unfortunately don’t do request I just like drawing and doodling my own little characters, so please don’t ask me to draw your OCs it’s just weird if I don’t know you like that or or you’re not one of my moots .It makes me feel uncomfortable if you ask I’ll just ignore you and if you keep repeatedly asking I will block you.
Now here are the dues and don’ts and rules
Can interact pls
#1: multifandom people
#2: in LGBTQ
#3: bisexual people
#4: animal lovers 
#5: non-toxic people
#6: people who don’t support bad things happening to other people
#7: neurodivergent people
#8: extrovert and introvert
#9: funny blogs
#10: horror fans
#11: Furrys and cosplayers
Basic Dni
#1: homophobe
#2: transphobic
#3: bigots and racist 
#4: adult blogs
#5: young audiences
#6: pedophiles/groomers
#7: proship’s, or pro shippers
#8: Wally x Julie fans (I don’t like the ship that much unfortunately and I am a wallaby shipper no hate )
#9: toxic people in fandom
#10: Animal abusers
Starting off strong with the next one what I’m not comfortable with
Uncomfortable with
#1: OK, so with that out of the way I just wanted to say I am not comfortable with my OCs specifically my child OCs or comfort characters being sexualized or use without my permission please ask before you do anything with my comfort OCs anddon’t claim they’re yours. It makes me uncomfortable and it’s extremely rude and disrespectful to me if you’re going to use my comfort OCs just ask for permission
#2: sexualizing me I am a minor and it makes me uncomfortable for obvious reasons. I’ve already stated my age in my bio. I will happily report you if I feel like you are doing anything inappropriate on my blog just don’t do anything weird 
#3: claiming to be my moots when you don’t know me or for me it’s weird you only become my mood when you follow me and I actually know who you are either in real life or you respect my boundaries  oh so please don’t privately DM me if I don’t know you like that or you’re not one of my moots I’ll 10 times out of 10. Ignore you. 
 Comfortable with
#1: NSFW art it’s OK but I just don’t do it on my account
#2: fanart of my OCs if you’re going to make fanart of my OCs just tag me so I can see and I appreciate it a lot just don’t claim my OCs are yours
#3: all of my boundaries being respected I don’t ask for much is just please respect my boundaries and be nice to people. This is a safe place for everyone [excluding the Dni list this is not a Safeplace for you ] we won’t have any issues if you just respect my boundaries and what I am comfortable with and not comfortable with that’s all I have to say bye
Bye and don’t be an asshole to people
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Thoughts as a black person seeing the Hogwarts Legacy stuff
I’ve re wrote this so many times so I’m gonna stop fluffing it and build on point lates.
A main draw in for a lot of black people was the diversity. From the looks of it Hogwarts Legacy was able to capture a lot of black features and hairstyles accurately. A thing you still don’t see a lot in “popular” games less it’s the same 10 hairstyles.
I’ve seen loads of talks of transphobia but little to no talks of antisemitism and racism. While the transphobia gets the deep talks antisemitism and racism are usually added as tag on. And I know her transphobia is more prevalent especially on Twitter but I don’t think that means the other two should be talked about less
Brings me into my next point(WHICH IN GENERAL; NOT SPECIFIC) I think it’s an interesting to see how discrimination between (yt) lgbtq+ is handled compared to discrimination between poc/racism. This isn’t just a Hogwarts Legacy thing or a Harry Potter thing this is more widespread. You can say you don’t support Jk and majority of ppl will agree with you but you say the same things for idk Jefree Star(I have a better example but it’s for my next bulletin) and it’s the opposite
This one’s more for POC/black people who are watching this go down. A before I say what I’m about to say just know I don’t support JK nor will I be buying the game.
Does anyone feel sort of idk how to say it disconnect or non vigorous about the whole conversation. For me personally it’s seeing people go so hard on people buying the game, go hard on JK for transphobia, and then they will turn around and support a racist. MSI, Jefree Stars, literally one of the many yt ppl who have actively been shown to be racist on multiple accounts but are still shown to be in high regard of a mainly lgbtq+ group. And when black people say “hey don’t support xyz bc their racist” many times you’ll see people go “idc I’m still going to listen/watch them” and then you expect me to support you when dealing with a homophobe/transphobe? Not saying I wouldn’t but it feels…harder/frustrating.
I’m losing my train of though so before I totally forget I’m gonna jump the gun a bit. This is gonna be crazy and not favored by many. This is stupid but I have to say it. When it comes to something like Chik-fil-a that is a known costly restaurant that has donated to conversion camps(Ik this need to be fact checked but to my common knowledge it was true). And when lgbtq ppl were made aware of this many ppl responded “idc” “I still want to eat their” “joke” “joke” The jokes have continued even when ppl of conversion camp theory have come out and spoken how not funny the situation is. My point is I think that and Hogwarts Legacy shows a very similar pattern of lgbtq supporting something and giving them money even though they know the money is going somewhere that will harm ppl like them. But bc it’s not actively hurting them they support bc it gives them the entertainment/satisfaction or nostalgia they so desperately want. When it’s something racist, like Dollskill, you usually don’t see the same(I can only speak for the younger generation)
That was all but I’m really trying to open the discussion. This was written at 12:30am so it’s probably full of errors and nonsense. Also pls don’t be racist or rude. This just me brain blobing. It’s not a true reflection of me just some of my thoughts.
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