#I’m not that committed to creating content for her yet
lifesizehysteria · 1 year
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~✿ Soft ✿~
Ruth Gemmell as Sarah Hughes Fever Pitch (1997) dir. David Evans
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cozage · 1 year
The Daughter's Return: Part 3
Chapter 1: Sick with Dread
Part One | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
There are a lot of new people here who may not know I have an ongoing series, so here's a little info about it. It started as a request and quickly grew into a multichapter fic (the longest one I've ever created!) The reader is Whitebeard's Daughter, who has a volcano devil fruit ability and who has been away for two years, only to return and meet a familiar spunky fire user. There's nineteen chapters before this, so you might want to go read those first for some background information, but we've just entered the start of what leads to the Marineford arc, so things are about to get real. It's a commitment, but I believe it's worth it if you're looking for a character-centric in-depth story!
If you're keeping up with the story, releases will be on Monday and Thursday unless I say otherwise!
Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 1.5k
You were fairly certain you were about to die. Jinx hadn’t left you alone for days. Jinx, who couldn’t stand you or your presence. Jinx, who only saw you as competition from the moment Ace saved her from that stupid box and she claimed him as her own. 
That cat had hated you from the moment it saw you. But now she was curled up on your chest, sleeping soundly. You could’ve sworn she was just waiting for the moment your heart stopped, so she could boastfully sit atop your corpse. That’s just how Jinx was. 
You couldn’t blame her; you were an easy target right now. The Spring ecosystem you were in had completely messed with your allergies. It was only a matter of time before she would be able to smother you and completely get away with murder. Some days you were so sick, you couldn’t even get out of bed to go throw up. Today was one of those days. 
You were sick from allergies and sick with worry. It was one day past due for Thatch to report back to the ship before the crew would have to send in a second team. He could’ve been caught, or killed, or tied up and made a mockery of. You had plenty of time to think about it, since you were basically bedridden at this point. 
You were certain the commanders and strategists were all thinking of a plan to go find out what had occurred, but it would take at least two days to mobilize them. And in that time, Thatch could be taken away or sunk to the bottom of the ocean. It hurt to breathe just thinking about it.
The door opened quietly, and you heard Ace’s voice from the doorframe. “Are you awake?” he whispered. “I have someone here for you.”
“I’m awake,” you said, your voice scratchy and raw. You almost got your hopes up about the visitor, but Ace sounded solemn, which was a good indicator that the visitor wasn’t Thatch.
Marco stepped inside instead, and you groaned at his appearance. “Just let me die, Marco. Leave me alone.”
He hummed, frowning over your body as you laid in bed. “I’d really like to run some tests,” Marco said. “The concept of fever and colds are completely foreign to your body, and yet something is clearly off. You shouldn’t be this sick for so long.”
“Or maybe the substitute cook has been cooking so badly he gave me food poisoning that’s lasted the past two weeks,” you shot back. “I want Thatch back.”
“I know.” Marco sat down on the bed next to you. “He’ll be home soon. In the meantime, let me get some bloodwork to check out.”
“No,” you hissed, pulling your arm away from him. “I told you, it’s just allergies.”
Marco looked at you with skepticism. He knew that it wasn’t just allergies, and you did too. 
“Allergies don’t make people throw up,” he reminded you gently. 
“Worry does,” you argued. “And so does food poisoning. So leave me alone.”
“If you’re not better by tomorrow, I’m taking your blood by force,” Marco said, getting up and heading for the door. He gave Ace a knowing look, as if to say “Good luck!” and then left you two alone. 
Marco had dealt with your varieties of illnesses over the years, and he knew you were too stubborn and whiny to listen to any of his advice. But for Ace, this was relatively new territory. You had been sick a few times over the past few months, but it had never been anything serious. Not like this. But you had been sick with worry ever since Thatch left. Something just didn’t feel right about this mission. 
Ace laid down next to you and began to brush your matted hair from your face, but instantly pulled back. 
He scowled at you. “I know you’re upset and want to be alone, but you don’t have to burn me.”
“I’m tired and I want to rest,” you groaned, turning away from him in bed. “Just let me sleep for a little bit, please?”
Ace sighed and got up from the bed. It was clear Marco must’ve given him some pointers. 
“I’ll let you know if I hear any news about Thatch, okay?”
“Thank you,” you whispered, trying your best to sound normal. 
The door opened and with a soft click of the door handle, he was gone. 
You hadn’t meant to burn him, but you couldn’t let him know that. Your powers had been a little haywire recently. You were overloaded on stress and high emotions, and though you had thought you had gotten that mostly under control, it seemed that your powers sometimes had a mind of their own. 
You’d be more concerned about it, but you were so damn tired that you fell asleep before you had time to think too hard. 
You weren’t sure how long you were asleep, but you woke again to Ace’s voice, jostling you awake.
“Y/N,” he whispered, shaking you lightly. “Thatch is back.”
You sat up immediately, looking around the room. The sudden motion made Jinx hiss and bolt away from you, but you didn’t care. At least she was acting normal again.
“Where?” you asked. 
“Out on the deck.”
You jumped up, ignoring the queasy feeling in your gut, and took off towards the deck. As you emerged, the setting sun illuminated the ship in a golden glow. You scanned the ship, desperately searching for him. He was here, somewhere. He had to be. 
And then you found him, his pompadour hair making him stand out from the crowd. 
“Thatch!” You screamed, running towards him. 
His eyes moved over to you and he broke out into a massive grin, holding his arms open to catch you. 
You slammed into him with such force, the two of you almost fell to the ground. But he kept you steady, like he always did. You did your best to keep the tears out of your eyes, but you were so relieved that he was okay. 
“I told you I’d be back,” he said, rubbing your back.
“You’re late,” you sobbed into his chest. “You promised two weeks.”
“Will you forgive me?”
You pulled away from him, wiping the tears from your eyes. “I guess I can this time. Just don’t do it again.”
He smiled and gave you a nod. “Yes ma’am. You have my word.”
You had been so happy to see him, you hadn’t realized he had come back with a prize. 
“You found a devil fruit?” you asked, looking at it skeptically.
“I did!” Thatch grinned, holding it out for you to see. “Take a look!”
You took the fruit from him and examined it. It was a small purple fruit that looked relatively unimpressive. There was no real indication of what it did exactly. But still, finding a devil fruit was a great feat, even on the Grand Line. 
“What are you going to do with it?” you asked, still checking it over for any indication of what it could be. 
“Not sure yet,” Thatch admitted. “I’m not sure I want to lose my ability to swim, especially if it’s a lame power. I might just sell it.”
You nodded. “There’s no good way to tell what it does, really. Probably better selling it than taking a risk for a lame power.”
“Pretty cool though, huh?!” He stood proud and tall. 
“You’ve got color again!” Marco called, walking over to the two of you. “She was sick with worry, you know.”
Thatch laughed and pulled you in for another hug. “It was definitely a challenge. You were right, we were better off taking a few members from Division Two. But we made it work.”
“I knew you would,” you said, giving him a tight squeeze. “I’m glad you’re safe.”
“Alright,” he said, pulling away from you and addressing the crowd. “Let’s eat!”
He took his devil fruit back from you and headed for the kitchen. Your appetite was back now that your cook was back. All felt right with the world. 
“You look better,” Ace said, grabbing your hand with his own. 
“I feel better,” you admitted. “God, I was so nervous. It feels so silly looking back on it.”
Ace pulled you in, dropping a sweet kiss on your lips that tasted like cinnamon. 
You pulled away from him, grinning giddily. “Did the commanders do Welcome Back shots?”
Ace gave a nervous laugh. “Maybe two or three,” he admitted. “You weren’t the only one who was nervous today.”
That was a little bit of a relief. Everyone else had kept such cool demeanors, you were worried you had been overreacting. But everyone had been nervous, they were all just better at hiding it. But now the anxiety that had covered the ship was nothing but a fading memory.
“Let's go eat,” you said, pulling him along with you. You were excited to finally have food that agreed with your stomach again, and finally felt like you could eat in peace.
Tag list! @taeyoge @teiza @tojislawyer @trafalgardnami @bloopbopsblog @dancingnewcat @dxestyi @flooofity @nyxthedragon01 @deadsnothere @h-rhodes1598  @morgyyyyyyy @trafalgardvivi  @fiestynatureweeb @frogpogjoghurt @beepboopcowboy @ms-portgas @luvyallbabes @aikochan4859 @zuchkaa @saybeyonce @stray-npc @kitsunechan707 
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lilliumrorum · 7 months
A little Sweetness to my Sour. (First encounter)
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Synopsis: The man who appeared the most intimidating turned out to be the unexpected source of brightness in your day.
CW/Content Warnings: MDNI! Swearing, nothing else just fluff!!!!
WC: 2k
Notes: Loosely based off of @lunamoonbby's post
The day was dragging on, compounded by a surge of customers leaving due to delays in preparing new batches. Behind the bakery's delightful facade of mouthwatering aromas and delectable treats, you were crafting them on your own and in the kitchen there was constant motion. The demand for the bakery's artisanal delights had surged to unprecedented levels, leaving you to toil tirelessly day and night. Flour dust dances in the air as ovens hum a constant melody, and the rhythmic sound of mixers working overtime echo throughout the cramped kitchen.
The exhaustion is etched on your face, yet your commitment to delivering freshly baked goods prevails. Despite the challenges of being overwhelmed and the strain on resources, the bakery remained a beloved institution, a testament to the hard work and passion you had, determined to satisfy the insatiable cravings of your loyal customers. In the midst of it, one customer in particular vented his frustration directly at you, screaming 'Hurry up bitch' as your daughter witnessed the scene. Her innate protectiveness surfaced.
“Don’t you dare yell at my mommy!” your daughter exclaimed with a fervent tone, defending her mother from any perceived injustice.
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, you evil little twat!” The customer's offensive remarks only intensified as he walked out. It took every bone in your body not to chase after him and beat him with your rolling pin.
It was hard enough to protect your kids from the darkness of the world on your own, especially since their dad left upon hearing about the third pregnancy.
It took what felt like an eternity to soothe her and her baby siblings, surrounded by a bustling crowd, and amid the sea of people, you earnestly attempted to lift her spirits. The words that had been shouted at your girl poked at your mind, only making you more upset, tempting you to pursue the source of the disrespect. Instead, you gestured towards the adorable kiddie bakery you had set up just for her. Like magic, her attention swiftly diverted to the charming mini coffee machine, and a radiant smile graced her face. In that moment, the whimsical allure of the kiddie bakery became a beacon of joy, successfully replacing the distress with the simple pleasures that brought delight to your precious child.
As the minutes ticked away, your anticipation swelled, eagerly awaiting the moment to close the shop and embrace precious moments with your children. The thought of leaving the demanding day behind and immersing yourself in the warmth of your shared time fueled your excitement. The prospect of creating cherished memories with your kids provided a comforting beacon at the end of a challenging workday, infusing you with a renewed sense of joy and purpose.
“Look mama! I’m just like you!” She giggled, waving a miniature coffee cup in her hand.
“Uh huh! Just like mommy, Lilly! Now let me take this nice customer’s order!”
You turned back to the older woman, smiling at her to signal that you were ready for her.
“Where is their father?” Her tone becoming more nasal.
You were speechless.
Who asks that kind of question? In public too? Who was this woman and what the hell did it matter where the father was?
She needs to mind her own business and get out of your store.
Her wrinkled face was a canvas of disdain, each furrow and line expressing a clear distaste. As she shook her head, the movement stirred her shorter cut hair, accentuating the palpable sense of disapproval that seemed to emanate from her presence.
Observing the unraveling state of her knitted turtleneck, you couldn't help but surmise that even her cat must harbor some disdain towards her. Almost every string had been pulled loose, leaving a visible mark of feline mischief on the once neatly adorned garment. The woman accompanying her, evidently embarrassed by her, made a sincere attempt to apologize for her antics, but her efforts were promptly cut off by an abrupt interruption.
“Child out of wedlock, I assume? C’mon Henrietta. We will not support such sinful conduct.” The snotty woman proclaimed.
Humiliation spread throughout your body as you took in what just happened. She strut away, dragging Henrietta behind her. You still sat in shock, the little bell above the door being the only thing to summon you back to reality. Thank god there were only two people there.
“Don’t listen to her, you’re doing great mom!” A compassionate woman in the vicinity cheered, and her warmth resonated with you.
In response, you offered her a grateful smile, silently resolving to express your appreciation in a tangible way. You made a mental note to make her next order complimentary and to bake some additional cookie brownies as a special gesture of thanks during her future visits.
“Hey, they could even bake like you! Look at her!” Her friend said, pointing at Lilly.
As those customers walked out, a sense of weariness settled in, prompting your decision to close up shop. Retrieving bank bags and beginning to write the deposit, you reflected on the contrasting dynamics of Manchester compared to the city you called home. In this new setting, you encountered a diverse array of patrons—some kind, others eccentric, and a few downright rude. Today had been marked by not just one, but two unpleasant incidents, causing you to reconsider bringing your child to the shop.
The challenging moments made you question the idea of having your little one around, but the lack of alternatives and financial constraints left you with no other choice. The complexities of managing both a business and parenting in this environment weighed heavily on your shoulders.
Seeking solace in music, you reached for your phone and shuffled through your playlist. The familiar tunes began to play, and you found yourself humming along with the lyrics, the melody providing a comforting backdrop to the routine task of pulling out the cash drawer. The rhythmic motions and the soundtrack of your choice served as a brief break, temporarily easing the strains of the challenging day and bringing a touch of familiarity to the closing ritual.
“Ooh I know this song mommy! I wanna dance! Dance!” She hopped up and down, waiting for you to come to her side of the counter.
“Okay, but After I dance with you I have to finish work so we can go home.” You softly agreed, coming out from your workspace.
“Yay!” With an exuberant cheer, she quickly seized your hands, initiating a playful run in a circular motion to twirl you around in a slightly uneven dance.
Feeling the rush of excitement, you couldn't help but laugh as she grabbed your hands and started spinning you around in a slightly asymmetrical circle. The world blurred around you, and the joyous atmosphere filled the air. Her laughter mixed with yours, creating a symphony of happiness. The action became a memory etched with the warmth of shared joy and carefree spontaneity. As you spun, you couldn't help but appreciate the simple beauty of the memory formed through a spontaneous dance.
You picked her up, assisting her efforts by spinning you both around as best as you could manage. She reached for the ground and you set her down, grabbing one of her little fingers to ‘spin her like a princess’, something she loved so much.
“You remind me of a princess, mama.”
“Oh honey, I can’t be a princess, you’re the princess. Do you know what that makes me?”
“A queen!” She shouted, excitement painted all over her face.
“That’s right! Now I’m going back to work, okay?”
“But mamaaaaa-”
“I’ll bring us home some cupcakes!”
“Pinky promise?” She held out her chubby hand, pinky pointing toward you.
“Pinky promise.” you locked pinkies with her before quickly making your way back behind the counter.
Wrapping up for the night proved to be straightforward, with all figures aligning precisely as expected during the closing process. The register reading provided a clear overview, leaving you satisfied with the financial aspects. However, the impending challenge lay in the cleaning tasks that awaited, constituting the only demanding aspect of the night's conclusion. Ammonia and bleach started to waft through your air system, delivering a sickly sour smell. The mop was obviously beat, but you continued to use it, keeping the mindset that every time something becomes slightly inconvenient you wouldn’t blow money on it.
The task of mopping the floor seemed to stretch on indefinitely, especially behind the counter where the process took longer. Lost in thought, you had overlooked sweeping up the powder. Shaking off the distraction, you headed into the kitchen and then to the back to retrieve the broom.
“And your total is- a hundred pounds!”
Your daughter's excited shouts resonated from her kiddie bakery, and initially, you assumed she was merely chatting with her siblings, who both sat on the floor by her or an imaginary friend. However, the moment took an unexpected turn when a deep, raspy voice chimed in, catching you off guard. You rushed out from the back of the store, terrified for your daughter's safety.
“For a black coffee? ‘S it that good? I’ll take a sugar cookie too.”
"Then that will be one hundred and fifty!”
The man was clad in a black balaclava adorned with a skull, and he wore a complete military-style uniform from head to toe. Your curiosity piqued as you wondered about his presence, considering the place was closed. His hand dug into his pocket and whipped out a worn wallet, handing her three hundred.
"'ere, for all the trouble. Do y'know where the workers are?"
"Mommy is right there!" She pointed at you excitedly, staring at the wad of money in her tiny hands.
Rising from his knees with a grunt, he approached you, and the intensity of his gaze was enough to send a shiver down your spine. As he reached the counter, you couldn't help but notice the sheer size of the man. His arms were robust, layered with muscle, with a hint of fat softening the edges, but the overall impression was one of burly strength.
"I'm so sorry sir, but how did you get in here? We've been closed."
And at that moment you noticed the sign on the door, still flipped over to the side where customers would read 'open'. The discrepancy between the closed establishment and the sign's misleading message added an extra layer of embarrassment to the conversation.
"'Said opened. Door wasn't locked." He grunted, still staring at you with those powerful brown eyes.
"Well, I'll get you your order free of charge. I'm so sorry sir, I thought I had flipped it!"
"No' a problem. Black coffee, no sugar or anythin' like that." He turned his nose up visibly under his mask when he said sugar, as if sweetening coffee were disgusting.
"Absolutely! Lilly, baby, give the nice man his money back please."
Lilly's expression fell, a touch of sullenness crossing her face as she gazed at you with puppy dog eyes, silently conveying disappointment.
"Don' need it. Make 'er save it for college. All three yours?"
"The kids."
"Oh, yeah. That's Lilly, my little baker in training," you say gently, pointing at your four-year-old. The pride in your voice reflects the joy of introducing your young one's budding skills in the world of baking.
"That's Arthur, my two-year-old," you remark, gesturing toward the baby wearing a diaper and a blue-and-white striped shirt, running in circles before finally settling down.
"And that's Missy, the youngest," you say, pointing at the infant. The little one adds a tender touch to the family scene, completing the trio of your adorable children.
He grunts, a hint of amusement in his expression, observing you as you bounce back and forth in the kitchen, diligently ensuring all ovens are turned off. As you return to the counter, you have his black coffee ready in hand, a seamless blend of hospitality and efficiency.
"Of course. Come back tomorrow! I can make you some sweets!" you suggested.
"But your sign said closed on weekends."
"I'll be doing stock, I can open up just for you."
You swore you saw his eyes crinkle behind that mask.
"Alright. See you then." And just as quietly as he came, he left. The promise of a personalized visit seemed to bring a subtle warmth to the mysterious man's departure.
For the first time in a while, you were excited to open up early.
Taglist: @lunamoonbby @konigslittleliebling
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thatcanadianfangirl · 1 month
Little Mouse
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Cody Christian x Female Reader/ OC
Summary: On her gym anniversary, she shares a cute moment with her favourite trainer and friend. Suspecting he has feeling for her she’s can’t help but coil back in fear.
WC: 1.6k+
Contents: trainer Cody x female, written in first person, no use of y/n, only pet name, gym, no negative body image, vomiting, pining, intense emotions, friends, his pov, no smut (but this is a no minor zone)
Message: Posting a Flash as I work through my new the first part of my veterinarian series for Cody. I’m slowly getting back into writing so it might be awhile
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I adjusted the gym bag over my shoulder a little higher. I feel like I bathed in extacy for an hour, the high is hitting me at full force. I walk into the public gym with confidence dripping off me. Today marks an entire 365 days since I’ve flipped, I’m fucking proud of my self for pulling that shit off.
“Someone’s glowing!” Cody, one of the trainers that resides with this location says, his lips are pink as a congratulatory smile spreads on his lips.
“What can I say, it feels good to be a gym rat!” I say with playful pride. Reaching the front desk where he hides behind.
“Oh please you’re not Gym Rat material yet!” He chases back and a rush of electricity runs up my spine when his voice knocks down an octave or two.
“Christian, you’ve taught me all I know. If I’m not a Gym Rat by now? That definitely speaks volumes to your commitment to this gym.” I tease with a shit- eating- grin.
“I’m just teasing baby, you became a Gym Rat the moment you met me huh?” He says it so casually that I couldn’t process the words he spews. Me and Cody seemed to have this best friends who pine after the other variant of romantic relation, we ping pong harmless flirting every chance we get,but this gorgeous man in front of me, has never called me Baby.
I didn’t want to look too much into it, over the last year Cody always managed to involve me in his woman drama. Solely on the fact that I happen to be his friend and a woman. Yay me, suffering in pain. Love that for me.
Although I haven’t heard anything lately and it has the cogs turning, I truly wanted the man but I was unsure if he wanted me.
“I take pre-work out and jam protein powder before 12am. I portion control and train 4 times a week. If anything? I’m a Training Mouse.” I laugh trying to shoe away the feeling he gave by calling me, Baby.
“But it works for you and your lifestyle, you’ve made so much progress this year, I officially promote you to Gym Rat.” Cody stands straight and extends his back, his chest grows against the fabric of his shirt. So tight against his skin I can see the threads stretch beyond repair.
He seems to pull an imaginary crown from his back pocket, he fakes amazement as he looks at the jewelry in his palm. Trying to reach the crown towards me, his hips are caught by the desk and I laugh at his childish behaviour as he rounds the reception desk.
I could only laugh at this gorgeous man making me fall out of the sky, burning for him. “No laughing, this is a serious ritual.” He tries to say it sternly but fails miserably when a grin slips as our eyes meet.
He’s close and I can practically taste his cologne in my throat, I didn’t care, Cody could break my bubble any day he pleases.
“I, Cody Christian, trainer at this establishment, now present you, Baby, as an official Gym Rat on the celebration of your one year anniversary of feeding this place your money.” He softly gestured for me to bow my head. And I obey rolling my eyes playfully at this scene he created for me.
His warm muscular body hovers over mine and I’m engulfed in a glowing heat, his calloused hands brush the center of my scalp, placing the crown on my head. I smile graciously and wave like the queen, He makes me feel like in this little made up world of his.
“You know, Gym Mouse. Has a softer touch and fits better. Don’t ya think, Christian?.” He squints his eyes at me and I my cheeks cramp, Cody’s aura makes me feel alive again.
“You just don’t know how to appreciate anything I give you.” He winks at me before fake pouting all the way back around the desk.
“Thank you, Cody. Your support in my health journey has motivated me to thrive as much as I have.” A soft blush rounds his ears and I break eye contact in fear. I liked thinking the little hints of attraction from him is my delusional mind running on bright colours. It's pathetic to even admit this as an adult, but god was it easier to think of him as my best friend who I just happen to be attracted to.
“Don’t mention it, really. It’s my job.” The atmosphere clicked off and it felt like this entire interaction was mere dreaming.
His job.
He demoted me.
“Yeah. Of course…” I drag on and his eyes are a dull blue as he watches me under his steel gaze. Fetching my keys I hold the baby pink fob up to the scanner finally. The small glass gate pops open towards me and I give Cody one last glance before heading in.
It’s confusing to see longing swirling inside.
“Enjoy your session.” Garrett, the actual receptionist stationed at the front pipes up. A million watt smile desperately plastered, giving an aura of overkill niceties.
“I will.” I say flatly into the blue eyes of the white wolf.
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Her expressionless eyes send an arrowhead into my heart, leaving a hole in its wake. I trail her figure until she heads for the women’s only section tucked in the back of the building.
“You’re fucked.” Garrett spit into my ear, watching her hips sway out of view.
“Did you not see the fucking fear in her eyes when she was thanking me?” I seeth out, not fond of hom taunting me with her again.
“Oh I’m pretty sure the rover from mars saw it. She’s afraid of how you make her feel, I’ve never physically seen a woman pine for a man before, but the way she looks at you? It’s genuine.” Garrett crosses his arms over his chest and pops one of those disgusting protein chips in his mouth.
I sighed loudly, throwing my head back in frustration , “she’s not ready.” I speak to myself.
“No one is ever ready for anything even if you had a bulletproof vest strap to your chest you still wouldn't be ready for it.Not that you need it or anything.” He chuckles to himself lightly, taking in the gains I’ve build form the ground up.
“You’re kinda wise when you’re not being a complete asshole.” I scoff at him trying to contain any composure I had left. A little disappointed I didn’t think of it before, how could I? when my heart hammered inside my chest at the sound of her voice.
The image of her on the first day is imprinted in my brain. She's an anxious mess, but she stayed with me the entire time during the tour and equipment tutorials, she was quiet as she trailed me and I couldn't help but feel a little protective over her. It gave me a sense of purpose and she couldn't pry it out of my grasp if she tried, but knowing me I’d let it slip and let her have it.
At the end of it all I asked what brought her in and her eyes lit up and I wanted to save it at all costs.
“I’m just looking to improve my health and tone up my muscles a little. Nothing too majorly restricting.” The small glint in her eyes gave away the fact she did her research and knew exactly what she wanted to do. Fuck I admired that shit.
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Pulling into my apartment parking lot I notice a familiar vehicle parked on the side. The engine and lights are off, the driver is long gone and I finger the roof of mine so aggressively, I feel like I pulled a wrist vein, or something of that sort.
Cody is here and he’s waiting for me, we’ve hung out outside of the gym, but only at public places. It wasn’t anywhere private like mine or his, was there a purpose for that? Cody always invited me out and I’ve done the same. The realization digs into me and I have the urge to throw up.
We were hiding in plane fucking sight.
It builds up, and I struggle to open the door of my own car. The seat belt is restraining me inside, I manage to click myself out before heaving the contents over the cement.
“Fuck, that’s disgusting.” I mumble, staring at the contents on the front tire of my car. Cringing, I manage to bring myself to my knees.
Feeling a pull I glance in that direction and Cody stands there and embarrassment engulfs me and I have the frantic urge to get in my vehicle and disappear until I have no idea who I am.
He’s silent as he stares at me slowly making his way for me and I’m too weak to flee from him.
I’ve never seen him so vulnerable before, Cody had a bright and positive aura about him and maybe that’s what cured my mentality.
He’s quiet as he rests himself next to me against the hood of my car, never glancing at the vomit on the ground. No cringe and not a hint of disgust at the slime on my shoes.
His palm is warm crawling across my thigh and captures fingertips with such tenderness. He brings my hand into his lap and covers my hand entirely with both hands, holding mine hostage. It lit a flame inside, warming my soul for the rest of the universe.
“You know I…” Cody starts and trails off slowly, my heart tingles at I’m eager to here what he has to say, because this entire day let up to now, here, with him.
“You’re an amazing fucking Human being.” He clenches my fingers tighter and I can hear the aggressive rhythm of his heart faintly in his chest.
He’s for real.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” I say with a teasing smirk, gleaming on my lips. Cody rolls his eyes into the back of his head dramatically and I shake my head playful in return.
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Taeyeon Scenario: Meeting up after breaking up and getting back together
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Anonymous said: “hiii! just saw you write for snsd and i wanted to request something with taeyeon, cause i think there's no much recent content to read of her. i was thinking maybe something with angst but a fluff ending, maybe they are in love but they're on a difficult moment as individuals so they decide on giving up on each other, but in the end they find each other when already healed and everything is beautiful and wholesome”
a/n: oh i totally agree, we need waaayyy more taeyeon content! i feel like it’s definitely gone down in popularity :( but i guess i gotta write it myself 😤 i love this prompt too, angst is actually one of my favorite genres bc i’m mentally ill. i hope you like it 💗💗💗
TW: light cursing, angst but it ends cutely
It was around ten o’clock at night, and you were roaming the city streets exhausted and hungry. You couldn’t be more happy that you finally had your dream job, but you’d be lying if you said the hours weren’t killing you. Still, you were strong and weren’t going to give up anytime soon, you thought to yourself. Finally, you caught a glimpse of your favorite convenience store. It had the best instant ramen and beer, perfect for a late night dinner for one.
You entered the shop, waving to the cashier who knew you as a regular. You headed straight to the aisle with the ramen, but stopped in your tracks as you saw the shelf. It was completely empty!
“Damnit…” you cursed under your breath, shoving your hands in the pockets of your coat. “Guess I’ll have to find something else to eat for dinner.”
“You still haven’t given up on that ramen, huh?” a familiar voice said behind you. You immediately flipped around to see who it was, and your breath hitched in your throat. It was Taeyeon, your ex girlfriend.
She let out a tiny giggle at the look on your face. She couldn’t blame you though. You guys hadn’t seen each other in person since you broke up a few months ago.
Kim Taeyeon was the one that got away. She was your dream girl, and everything about her was perfect. Everything except the timing of your relationship. You both had commitments to your jobs that you felt you had to honor above all else, and it created such a huge distance between you. One day you woke up and felt like strangers, and came to the mutual decision that the two of you weren’t working out. It didn’t make it hurt any less, you were still madly in love with her. You’d had flings since the break up, but no one could ever measure up to her.
“Tae!” you exclaimed finally, shaking your head in disbelief. You reached out to give her a quick hug, which she gladly accepted. You were still on good terms and texted each other from time to time, so it wasn’t too awkward to share the small embrace. “Oh my gosh, how have you been? You look great by the way.”
She giggled, flipping her dark locks over her shoulder. She really did look pretty in her white blouse and two toned jeans. She looked good in everything, but you always loved when she wore simpler clothing because it let her true beauty shine through.
“I’ve been doing well! This last album was actually my best selling one yet, the fans all really liked it.” she blushed.
“I know I did. It was a great album, you should be very proud of that award you got.” you told her.
She smiled and dropped her jaw open dramatically. “You mean you watched the awards show? And you listened to the album too?”
“Well of course! I was there for half the writing process! I had to see it to fruition!” you exclaimed, putting your hands on your hips.
She laughed loudly, and you felt something break inside of you. You realized you missed hearing that noise. You actually missed almost everything about her.
“Well how about you? You were almost done with training when we…” she stopped, trailing off awkwardly from not knowing how to end the sentence.
You gave her a grin and decided to help her out. “When we broke up? Yeah I um… well, I got the job.”
Her mouth dropped open again, this time in genuine surprise. “Oh my gosh Y/N are you serious? That’s amazing, I’m so proud of you! Congratulations!” She leaned in and gave you another hug, this one far warmer and tighter than the last. You squinted your eyes at the feeling of her holding you again, not wanting to indulge in it too much.
You pulled back, clearing your throat awkwardly. “Well, I should get going. I have to figure out what I’m eating for dinner.”
“Hey, I was actually here for the same reason. Would you like to get dinner together? It’d be a nice chance to catch up…” she asked, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She was looking at you with such a hopeful flint in her eyes, and when you saw her lips curl up in that adorable half smile, you were helpless.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
Now it was around midnight, and you were both at an outdoor food eating fried chicken and drinking beer, which you got from the convenience store two hours ago. It was one of your favorite places to go on dates on the middle of your hectic schedules back when you were together, so you decided to visit it for nostalgia’s sake.
It was so easy to fall back into that same old rhythm with Taeyeon. She was so easy to talk to, so familiar. You knew so much about each other already that things were just so comfortable. There wasn’t any testing of waters or pressure of relationships, it was just enjoyable. You hadn’t even realized that you’d been sitting and talking for so long until you noticed the food stall packing up.
“Oh man, I guess we better get going before they kick us out.” Taeyeon chuckled, pushing in her chair.
You nodded, grabbing your jacket from off the table. “We should. Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
“Oh you don’t have to do that!” she reassured you, waving her hand. Maybe it was the beer, but you could’ve sworn you saw a pink blush creeping up her cheeks at the thought.
“It’s okay, I know how much you hate walking alone at night.” you told her. “Besides, I live just a few streets down, we’d be walking the same way anyway.”
She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear before following behind you. “Okay, if you insist.” and smiled.
On the way home, a cold breeze hit you, and you both immediately shuddered. As if on instinct, you untied your jacket from around your waist and t it over her shoulders.
“Y/N…” she chuckled, tucking herself further into it. “You’re making this difficult for me.”
“Making what difficult?” you asked stupidly, shoving your fists in the pockets of your sweatpants.
She rolled her eyes and laughed once more before looking over at you. “Trying to pretend like I’m not still in love with you.”
You expected yourself to give more of a reaction, but for some reason, you just kept on walking, staring at the ground. You couldn’t think of anything to say, so you didn’t say anything. Taeyeon stopped in her tracks, and you turned around to face her.
“What’s wrong?” you asked with a poker face.
“Please tell me you’re not over me.” she demanded, arms clutching her sides desperately. “Please tell me I’m not the only one who still wants us to be together?”
You stood there in shock for a moment, letting your lips part slightly. “Taeyeon, I didn’t know you still wanted to be with me. I thought we were done for good.”
“I thought so too...” she began, tightening her grip on her jacket, looking anywhere but your eyes. “But… I can’t stop thinking about you. I know we’re both committed to our careers, and I know I can’t trust myself around you, and I know things didn’t work out before but…. I don’t want to be with anyone else but you!” she confessed, stepping forward a bit as she finally met your gaze.
You sighed, brushing your hair out of your face. “Taeyeon…. how can you do this…”
“Do what? Love you? It’s the easiest thing in the world.”
“No, I mean how can you just show up out of the blue after I’ve spent months trying to forget about you, telling myself that I did what was best for both of us by ending things, lying to myself about how much I missed you, and get me all confused by telling me you still love me?” you snapped, getting frustrated at the well of feelings that had been tipping over inside you. You didn’t mean to raise your voice, but it kind of got away from you in the heat of the moment.
“Are you saying you don’t still love me?” she asked softly after a moment of silence, tears prickling at the surface of her brown eyes.
You scoffed with a frustrated laugh, putting your head in your hands. “Oh my gosh Taeyeon, of course I still love you! I never stopped! You’ve literally been the only thing on my mind at every moment of everyday!”
“Then why can’t we be together?” she pleaded, taking a step forward challengingly.
“Because it didn’t work, Taeyeon.” you declared, finally letting a few angry tears fall. “We’re both too busy and couldn’t give one another the relationship we deserved.”
“What we deserve is each other!” she cried out, practically sobbing now. No matter how mad she made you, you would always hate seeing he cry. “I was never happier than when I was with you! I thought succeeding at my job would make me happier but it doesn’t. It all means nothing if I don’t have you to share it with!”
You looked at each other desperately as both of your tears fell to the pavement, and at that moment you finally understood each other. Right now, sharing this gaze, was the most intimate moment you had ever shared. At last, you knew how one another felt.
You took a few short, quick strides over to her, then yanked her into an embrace. You held onto her so tightly, as if she would disappear at any given moment. You buried your head into her neck, letting the last of your tears fall before pulling back to look at her.
“I’m so glad you’re back.” you confessed, wiping one of her remaining tears away with your thumb.
She laughed through the tears, then put her arms up behind your neck. “I promise, we’ll make it work this time. I’ll take time off work to spend it with you.”
“Same here.” you agreed, nodding your head with a smile. “I lost you once, and I’m not gonna lose you again.”
She looked at you with such unbridled adoration, glassy eyes shining even brighter than the moon above you, and before you knew it, your faces were just centimeters apart. You closed the gap slowly, pressing your lips to hers softly. God, you missed this so much. You would never, ever grow tired of kissing her. The two of you just seemed to mold together so well.
She pulled back to breathe, forehead still pressed against yours. “Come on, let’s get to my place. I think we have lots to talk about.”
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lightofraye · 2 months
It's A Story
Have you ever heard of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy? If you’re familiar with the tale of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, you might be. Outside of that case, it’s a layman’s term for a supposed mental illness where the parent deliberately makes the child ill to obtain attention. Basically, child abuse.
So why am I bringing it up? I was reading this article (link: Gypsy Rose Blanchard Was a Medical Mystery. A Failure of Science Made Her a Murderer) and there was a section about how the term came to be. (The following is either paraphrased or a direct copy-paste from the linked article.)
It was used by Roy Meadow in The Lancet in 1977 to describe “parents who, by falsification, caused their children innumerable harmful hospital procedures” as “a sort of Munchausen Syndrome by proxy”. Meadow used the term to label this particular form of child abuse.
Munchausen Syndrome was coined by Richard Asher in 1951. The syndrome itself was identified to describe individuals who either fake medical conditions or go as far as to commit acts of self-harm to induce symptoms of real illnesses.
Asher, in trying to define this issue, wrote:
“Here is described a common syndrome which most doctors have seen, but about which little has been written. Like the famous Baron von Munchausen, the persons affected have always travelled widely; and their stories, like those attributed to him, are both dramatic and untruthful. Accordingly, the syndrome is respectfully dedicated to the Baron, and named after him.”
Evidently Asher chose to name his described syndrome after the ‘famous’ Baron von Munchausen—in particular, the fictional German nobleman character created by writer Rudolf Eric Raspe, not the real Hieronymus Karl Friedrich von Münchhausen that the character was lampooning—by the end of the 20th century, the syndrome was more well-known than the namesake.
For instance, in 1983, on the medical drama, St. Elsewhere, there was an episode actually called ‘Baron von Munchausen’ where a patient faked their illnesses for attention.
“But Raye,” you say, “what’s your point?”
Keep reading. I’m getting there.
The real Baron Munchausen—Hieronymus Karl Friedrich, Freiherr von Münchhausen—was not a malevolent man. He was a veteran of the Russo-Turkish War of 1735–1739, and at the age of 40, he retired to Germany.
There, he became a sort of celebrity amongst the German elite. They relished in listening to his stories, which were in some cases embellished. But Hieronymous didn’t embellish because he wanted glory; he was telling his crowds what they wanted to hear. One person who knew Hieronymous said he told his stories “to ridicule the disposition for the marvellous which he observed in some of his acquaintances.”
In the end, perhaps that’s the one thing we can take away from the term, “Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.” A reminder of the culpability—not just of the medical professionals or the legal system, but even the fans who consume the true crime content about the mysterious and deeply misunderstood disease, especially the gripping tale of Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her mother.
It’s a reminder that a lie is only effective if people choose to listen to it, to believe it without question. To shrug off doubt, because deep down, we’d rather just be told a story.
Figured out my point yet?
That’s okay.
Stories. Be they stories you read in books—paper or digital, I don’t judge—or online, or heard in conventions… sometimes all we want are stories. Embellished to the point of being absolute fabrications or real stories, we all want them. We want to be entertained. It’s why we have plays, movies, television shows. Heck, even music can be used as a form of telling a story.
Actors are a part of telling those stories. It’s why some anti-Tumblr blogs are trying to emphasize that some, if not all, the stories we hear actors tell in conventions may be, completely and utterly fictionalized. Or embellished. That we shouldn’t take everything they say to be complete fact.
Case in point: Jensen’s recent stories. Danneel being “home”—that’s something everyone has called their spouse at one point or another. Would it be that far-fetched that he’d eventually use that story? Jenneel stans and Danneel stans are pushing that as fact, but I question it. Why? Because his other stories read so… generic, without any genuine heart.
For instance, the ice cream story.
I’m a parent myself. My ex and I disagree about what to feed our son. There’ll be arguments about what to feed our child when we go back and forth for visitations. That’s how Jensen’s story came across to me—because if it were a wife telling her husband not to give the kids ice cream, it’d be told in a far different way.
Meanwhile, as a parent with shared visitation experience, that’s how it felt. As well to others who aren’t separated from their spouses, so I’m not projecting here, folks.
Yes, actors tell stories. When they no longer have stories to tell about the shows they were on, or weren’t asked about it, they have to come up with ready stories to tell. Could they go super-personal? Sure. But sometimes embellishments happen. Or they “take” other stories that were used because they literally can’t come up with some of their own.
Such as taking Blake Lively’s very beautiful and real tribute to her husband, Ryan Reynolds, and using it to describe Danneel. Yes, that one is absolutely fabricated. Because all you have to do is go back to other statements Jensen has said about Danneel—stories that aren’t romantic, that were absolutely ignored by the stans because it doesn’t fit the delusion they have. Such as Jensen saying the marriage works better when he isn’t home and are apart. That he couldn’t be himself when she was on the Supernatural set (a very telling statement). Heck, when he was talking about her being on the Supernatural set, he mentioned how she was very aggressive and combative to Jared about acting, and he was all “Phew, someone gets to be the target and not me”. That’s… an alarming thing to say about your spouse. Most heinous of all, she didn't go to him after the Rust shooting, forcing him to make up bullshit about her being afraid of flying. Period.
It's stories, people. But in each story there’s a crumb. A statement. A look. A tone of voice. Jensen never sounds genuine when he talks about Danneel. He doesn’t look genuine either. Then there are the photos of him with her. Again, never real, never genuine, with body language that screams he’s massively unhappy in his marriage.
But of course… mention that and stans jump down our throats. Which I don’t understand because… I’m free to express my opinions and observations. And you’re just as free to block the tags and avoid our blogs.
You won’t convince us and we clearly won’t convince you.
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Continuous adventures of the MC/Yuu variants #2
[Synopsis]: More shenanigans with the various types of MC/Yuu
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[Valorant x TWST: Agent Deadeye, Agent Yami, and Agent S.Wift]
MC/Yuu Kiritani: What…
MC/Yuu Fabron: The…
[Points their guns at each other.]
MC/Yuu Kiritani: Why are you me? Who sent you?
MC/Yuu Fabron: Nobody. Why are you copying Riftwalker’s style? You seem…Tacky, as the word I’m implying.
MC/Yuu Kiritani: Excuse you! Why are you wearing clothes like that French bastard?
MC/Yuu Fabron: Don’t demean my brother like that.
MC/Yuu Kiritani: BROTHER?!
Miyeon: *Watching the two Valorant MC/Yuu variants fighting*
Deuce: Should we stop them?
Miyeon: Not yet. This is fun watching two different variants from the “same” universe.
[During towards the end of the Glorious Masquerade Event]
Agent!MC/Yuu: Now this is my kind of fight. *Summons their Tour de Force 2.0 out*
Deuce: Woah, wait! Don’t shoot-
Agent!MC/Yuu: *Shoots at Rollo*
Rollo: *Knocks over unconscious*
Deuce: MC/Yuu!
Agent!MC/Yuu: What? It’s not bullets this time. I came up with tranquilizing pellets. In forms of ammunition.
MC/Yuu Han: You.
MC/Yuu Fabron: Merde.
MC/Yuu Han: I remember you from last time. You barely shot my ass. Luckily, you missed.
MC/Yuu Fabron: I never miss. You just run away like a little scared child.
MC/Yuu Han: *Scoffs* How old do you think I am?
MC/Yuu Fabron: Same age as me?
MC/Yuu Han: Really? You look like you’re in your mid-30s.
MC/Yuu Fabron: I beg your pardon. When we return to our respective worlds, I would be one to take you out.
MC/Yuu Han: *Scoffs* When you return to your world, tell your Jett it’s her fault for the Venice incident. Thanks to her, my sister is accused for something she never committed.
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[Self-Aware AU x TWST: Gamer MC/Yuu/[Y/N]]
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: *Almost losing a round on Apex*
[lsr69no]: Haha! If you’re female, moan on the mic!
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Why? You can’t hear your mama moan anymore? That’s gross!
[lsr69no]: Shut up!
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Thought so! *Instant kill the other player* Sicko mode.
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MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Fuckin’ creep.
[The First Year gang were watching the whole game on the phone stand.]
Ace: *Wheezing from laughter*
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Ace? You good?
Deuce: He was laughing when you were roasting the other player.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Oh, I thought he was dying. Wait, can you guys die?
Jack: I don’t think so. Unless you delete our coding.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: True, but I’m not that kind of genius.
Ortho: I can ask Nii-san.
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: …
The rest of the gang: …
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: …Were you watching the whole time?
Ortho: I was!
MC/Yuu/[Y/N]: Please don’t tell your brother from what I said and what the idiot commented during the game.
Ortho: Understand! I won’t break the promise.
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[SCP-TWST-2020: Dr. MC/Yuu (SCP!MC/Yuu)]
[Dr. MC/Yuu’s Laboratory/Office]
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Experimenting with SCP-387*
Azul: Good morning, Dr. MC/Yuu.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Oh! You came just in time. I need you to participate in an experiment involving SCP-387.
Azul: Dr. MC/Yuu, I’m afraid I cannot be involved with your work as last time I was here, your Knotty Stalkers almost killed me.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Right, sorry. It confirms no matter what dimension you’re from, you still get affected by the Knotty Stalker.
Azul: *Shivers from the trauma* I cannot forget their beady eyes.
SCP!MC/Yuu: I promise this Safe Class object won’t kill you. It’s just Lego pieces that become sentient after pulling them out of the box and building some parts together with bare contact.
Azul: (c" ತ,_ತ) …
SCP!MC/Yuu: …Fine. I’ll sign a deal with you. A visit to SCP-267 but I’m monitoring since it’s dangerous by surprising items.
SCP!MC/Yuu: Uhh…Azul? Why did you construct the entire ocean in my lab?
Azul: *Just finished building a statue of the Sea Witch* …I enjoyed the experiment.
SCP!MC/Yuu: *Snaps an image of the whole ocean diorama for logging records* This is a success for today’s experiment. Let’s clean before something happens.
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✨[Reblogging helps creators and creates more content.]💫
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storytime-reviews · 1 year
I’m Glad My Mom Died Book Review
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Jennette McCurdy was six years old when she had her first acting audition. Her mother’s dream was for her only daughter to become a star, and Jennette would do anything to make her mother happy. So she went along with what Mom called “calorie restriction,” eating little and weighing herself five times a day. In I’m Glad My Mom Died, Jennette recounts all this in unflinching detail—just as she chronicles what happens when the dream finally comes true. Though Mom is ecstatic, Jennette is riddled with anxiety, shame, and self-loathing, which manifest into eating disorders, addiction, and a series of unhealthy relationships. These issues only get worse when her mother dies of cancer. Finally, after discovering therapy and quitting acting, Jennette embarks on recovery and decides for the first time in her life what she really wants.
Rating: ★★★★★
I’m Glad My Mom Died is a truly powerful read. Jennette McCurdy’s writing style is effortlessly engaging – heartbreaking, yet also full of humour. Because so much of the content of this memoir is incredibly horrific (see trigger warnings below), her humour helps to break up the graphic details and ensure that one can continue absorbing the material.
This memoir is well written, and cleverly broken up into very short chapters that make it that much easier to immerse yourself in her story. I’m Glad My Mom Died is deeply personal, and yet incredibly easy to follow because of the way in which it is structured, so it’s no wonder so many people connected with it. No one could argue that McCurdy is not courageous for the words she has committed to page. All of the worst moments of her life are there for the entire world to read about.
Something that really stood out for me is how McCurdy portrayed her point of view at different moments in her life. She has not written this memoir merely as a retrospective; instead, she has attempted to re-create how she felt at that moment in time, from her young and inexperienced perspective. Looking back, it’s easy to say I was a young child and my mother convinced me to calorie count and made me anorexic. Instead, she illustrates her own feelings from that moment – mummy was helping me out, she was looking after me and by looking younger longer I’d have the chance to gain more auditions and roles.
I think this was actually a really clever way of presenting these truly appalling moments in her life, because McCurdy allows the audience to see how she felt in the moment, before she knew what her mother was doing was wrong and abusive. Back when she felt her mother was simply looking out for her. This method also has the benefit of emphasising the truly disgusting ways in which she was treated, precisely because we are made aware of the young child’s perspective. It is one thing to reflect back on someone’s childhood as an adult who knows better, it is a whole other thing to read about these experiences alongside the child ‘as she is experiencing them’ and not realising the inherent danger it presents to her life and future. Because I’m Glad My Mom Died is told from her perspective as a child, it is actually so much worse. But that’s what makes it so powerful.
One of the things that stood out to me the most from this is that as a child McCurdy felt the need to basically control everything so that she had some semblance of normality and peace in her life. How depressing is that? She constantly saw it as her job to calm her mother down. McCurdy never really got to be a child, her life was all about doing what her mother wanted so she would be happy and not have abusive outbursts at the people around her.
I’m Glad My Mom Died is a devastating read, but it is so worth it. McCurdy has talent in writing and hopefully we’ll one day get to see some scripts she’s written. Her memoir is compelling, easy to read and full of humour – she gets the balance just right. I would recommend this book to anyone, just check the trigger warnings below beforehand.
Warnings: eating disorders, cancer, abusive relationships, mental health (inc OCD, anxiety and depression), sexual abuse, sex scenes, substance abuse
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Yandere Seph vibes
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Content Warnings: Emotional Manipulation/Gaslighting, Implied Physical Abuse. 
Spit In My Face by ThxSoMch, I don’t care too much for most of the lyrics (absolutely love the vocals, instrumentals and tempo though) but I think the chorus/pre-chorus really nails how a Yan Seph feels about his darling betraying him and how his darling feels about the monster Sephiroth has become. Related to an ask I answered. 
You crush my heart and say it's nothing You broke me down, I kept on cutting I bleed for you and now I'm gushing I bleed for you, but you never cared
For Sephiroth, this is definitely his initial feelings about his darling betraying him. Sephiroth tries to cope with that his darling has somehow left him and that she is daring to work with his trusted enemies to stop him. He doesn't understand why he still loves her, when he should despise her more than any other human parasite.  
For the darling, it feels Sephiroth is only in love with an idealized version of her, created from his deluded mind. He’s not the man she fell in love with. The pain she has suffered due to him seems so insignificant in his eyes. He would often do things like continuing his deluded rambles even as she cries or wipe her tears away as he forcibly induced twisted happiness within her, through their connection via Jenova cells. The poor darling was close to breaking until the stars aligned and she found an escape in joining Cloud’s party. 
Spit in my face, my love, it won't phase me Spit in my face, my love, it won't change me Spit in my face, my love, I've gone crazy Spit in my face, my love, I've gone mad
Sephiroth's emotions swirled like a hurricane, raging and sorrowful, as he begrudgingly accepted the treason his darling committed. She had caused him immense hurt, yet his unyielding resolve enabled him to accept his ongoing love for her. He just hates what his darling has DONE, and he will punish her for it. After her correction, she will come to love him and his twisted ways. 
This could also apply to a broken darling. Sephiroth had infiltrated the darling's mind and emotions, finally achieving the control he had been seeking. At this point, all she wants is just his love and affection. His darling revels in the darkness, content to be surrounded by the monster lurking within. Oh, the rush she feels when Sephiroth cradles her against his blood-splatters form after he finishes eliminating the last of the human parasites that defied him...
Please share some Seph song vibes...
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laxmiree · 2 years
[CN] 5th Anniversary - Lucien (Roast!)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a story that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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✧5th Anniversary Event | Prologue | Creative Workshop | King Fuk Street | Wonderland | Star Plaza | Final Day- Heart Rain Lake | Roast! (You’re here!) | Truth and Dare Pinball Machine | Random Event tidbits
T/N: 吐槽大会, or can be translated as Roast! is a comedy talk-show in China that’s inspired by Comedy Central Roast. Basically, it’s a show where the people invited take turns in roasting each other based on the topic provided.
In the game itself, you can choose which roast you can give to him (and you get a chance to choose another option lol) and whether to oppose or agree with his roast.
Translation under the cut!
Microphone: Welcome to Roast! Everyone is welcome to participate~
[Topic 1- Work]
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Microphone: The topic of today's roast is…
Microphone: His/Her Work~
MC: I'll go first~
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MC: In my heart, he is...
[Option A: Dedicated Scientist]
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MC: According to "I don’t actually know what I'm talking about" data, 99 out of every 100 scientists love to work non-stop without sleep or food.
(T/N: 废寝忘食 is an idiom meaning to skip one's sleep and meals/ to be completely wrapped up in one's work)
MC: However, Professor Lucien relied on his extremely high physical fitness to work without eating and sleeping at all!
MC: Won't this unavoidably attract resentment from other scientists?
MC: So for the sake of the future of the scientific community, I advise him to keep a low profile in the future, eat and sleep on time, to give his colleagues some psychological balance~
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Lucien: This lady appears to have a point that I didn’t consider too well before.
Lucien: But rather than maintaining the psychological balance between colleagues for the future of the scientific community-
Lucien: What I care more about is your opinion.
Lucien: I'll try to change these bad habits in the future, so that you don't have a chance to criticize me about them anymore.
Lucien: Anything else?
[Option B: “Picky” Consultant]
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MC: My program consultant is very serious about the program content.
MC: And even for a small idea, he will ask me to go to the library to look up information, discuss it face-to-face in a coffee shop, or meet in the park to collect local cultural material.
MC: After a long time, I finally realized that-
MC: Did he use the program as a way of creating opportunities to meet each other?
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Lucien: This student's realization seems to take longer than I thought.
Lucien: In fact, my role as your "program consultant" is not the only one filled with deliberate and subtle motives.
Lucien: In one way or another, I have hidden some selfishness in every other aspect of my life.
Lucien: But judging by how long it takes for you to realize it, I guess it will take another long time for you to discover "them".
Lucien: Anything else?
MC: My rant is over.
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Lucien: Although the Great Producer often says that I’m very committed to my work, it seems that… you are no different from me.
Lucien: And sometimes when we travel overseas, you have to take your laptop with you so that you can "be on call" 24 hours a day.
Lucien: This makes you seem a little "busier" than me.
[Option A: Agree With Him]
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MC: ヾ(⁠=⁠^▽⁠^⁠=⁠)ノ
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Lucien: Since the Great Producer has admitted it, let's supervise each other in the future.
Lucien: If someone 'violated' first, you have to punish the other person to do one thing for you, okay?
Lucien: Don't worry… It’s not a trap. it's more like a mutual motivation.
[Option B: Oppose him]
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MC: (⁰⁠ Д⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠*)ノ
Lucien: Hmm... You don't think so? Do you still think that I'm more likely to forget to eat and sleep?
Lucien: To an extent, it seems to be the case.
Lucien: But by nature, it seems to be the same.
Lucien: No matter the extent, it still has an impact on our health, doesn't it?
Lucien: So, why don't we encourage each other to free up more space for the two of us?
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MC: Anything else?
Lucien: Some time ago, I accidentally saw your plans for next year's vacation.
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Lucien: It seems like there is not enough time left for me?
Lucien: As your program consultant, should I increase my efficiency to shorten the duration of the program?
[Option A: Agree with him]
MC: ヾ(⁠=⁠^▽⁠^⁠=⁠)ノ
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Lucien: Since Miss Producer also wants to have a lot of vacation days...
Lucien: Then I will not fail to meet this high expectation, and strive to give you more time to rest.
[Option B: Oppose him]
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MC: (⁰⁠ Д⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠*)ノ
Lucien: Oh? Did I make a mistake...
Lucien: You said 80% of your time is reserved for me?
Lucien: But if you only schedule five days of annual leave a year, we only have four days.
Lucien: For such a greedy me, it seems far from enough.
MC: Anything else?
Lucien: My rant is over.
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[Topic 2: His/Her Life]
Microphone: The topic of today's roast is…
Microphone: His/her life~
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MC: In my heart, he is...
[Option A: Movie buff]
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MC: A scientist who likes to watch movies-
MC: No matter how busy he is at work, he will spare some time as much as possible to watch movies.
MC: And after watching it, he will also carefully search the relevant information, from the shot analysis to the director's creative process.
MC: I seem to be less professional than him even though I’m the professional TV and film producer….
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Lucien: Watching movies is a good hobby for me, but I started to develop the habit of looking up related information after I became your program consultant.
Lucien: After all, in addition to providing professional knowledge and insight, I also need to know something about the journey behind the scenes of the creators,
Lucien: I need to understand all aspects of the great producer's life so that I can help in the best way I can.
Lucien: Anything else?
[Option B: Tea Connoisseur]
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MC: He likes tea very much, to what extent?
MC: To the extent that I can smell a faint scent of tea when I pass by him,
MC: And when I open the storage cabinet, I will find hundreds of tea bags, and there is an increasing number of them…
MC: I didn't know that Professor Lucien also had a "childlike" hobby of collecting things he likes.
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Lucien: Rather than collecting, it is more that I'm going to let it settle over time to have a better and richer tea flavor.
Lucien: And I've always had a small plan in mind- that every few years, you could taste the "time" with me.
Lucien: Anything else?
MC: My rant is over.
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Lucien: My little girl often has many whimsical ideas, for example, she likes to decorate our home according to the four seasons,
Lucien: Or create some unexpected surprises from time to time, so there is nothing worth "rant" in life.
Lucien: I’m very satisfied and I like it very much.
[Option A: Agree With Him]
MC: ヾ(⁠=⁠^▽⁠^⁠=⁠)ノ
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Lucien: Hmm. Seems like I've motivated you even more with this speech.
Lucien: Then… Just continue to let me be lucky enough to sit back and enjoy them in the future.
[Option B: Oppose him]
MC: (⁰⁠ Д⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠*)ノ
Lucien: Are you saying that I bring you more surprises?
Lucien: At this point, none of us should be modest with each other.
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Lucien: Instead, we should be happy that we can bring joy, surprise, and happiness to each other.  
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MC: Anything else?
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Lucien: But also because I’m greedy enough to have more.
Lucien: Every minute and every second in the future, I will continue to welcome every surprise you bring to me with anticipation.
[Option A: Agree with him]
MC: ヾ(⁠=⁠^▽⁠^⁠=⁠)ノ
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Lucien: But in such a beautiful thing, you can't be the only person who gives.
Lucien: So, although I don't have the same unimaginable creativity as you.
Lucien: I still want to bring you what I consider to be “surprises”.
[Option B: Oppose him]
MC: (⁰⁠ Д⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠*)ノ
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Lucien: Oh? What's with the sudden reluctance…?
Lucien: It seems that you also like to secretly “play bad”.
Lucien: So what do I have to do to make your "surprise package" endlessly renewed?
MC: Anything else?
Lucien: My rant is over.
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[Topic 3: About him/her]
Microphone: The topic of today's roast is…
Microphone: About him/her
MC: I’ll go first~
MC: In my heart, he is...
[Option A: Genius]
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MC: I have to say that he is a "genius" in every sense of the word, and I hardly ever see anything he is not good at!
MC: Wait, why don't I start doing a study on Professor Lucien?
MC: For example—[In such a perfect genius, how many things is he not good at?]?
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Lucien: I think I have a lot of things I'm not good at.
Lucien: For example, I always forget to take good care of myself and then I don't know what to do when you are "angry".
Lucien: Or, each time a new emotion arises because of you, there is some self-exploration that I’m not good with.
Lucien: But I seem to be making progress, like now - the latter has gradually become something I'm good at.
Lucien: Anything else?
[Option B: A sly fox]
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MC: On the surface, he is the gentle and elegant Professor Lucien, but in private he is a sly ‘fox’!
MC: Not only does he often ‘trap’ me, but he also likes to secretly tease me.
MC: Even though I was alert and vigilant, I still couldn't prevent his schemes!
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Lucien: Then perhaps this is the "animal" natural behavior in the face of someone he likes.
Lucien: Uncontrollably approaching, trying to attract the other person's attention.
Lucien: All this just because he wants to be closer to the other person.
Lucien: Anything else?
MC: My rant is over.
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Lucien: You are the bravest girl I have ever met, and the one who always brings hope.
Lucien: So more than wanting to roast or ridicule you... I just want to say that I'm glad to have met you like this.
[Option A: Agree With Him]
MC: (shyly) ヾ(⁠=⁠^▽⁠^⁠=⁠)ノ
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Lucien: I really like your smile at this moment. It has been forever framed in my heart.
[Oppose him]
MC: (⁰⁠ Д⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠*)ノ
Lucien: Are you saying that I made you braver?
Lucien: But I don’t think that’s very accurate. Rather, I would say that-
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Lucien: It is love that has made us what we are now.
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MC: Anything else?
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Lucien: So, please stay by my side more often.
Lucien: Although it sounds a bit selfish, one can't help but instinctively move closer to warmth.
Lucien: And I’m no exception.
[Option A: Agree With Him]
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MC: ヾ(⁠=⁠^▽⁠^⁠=⁠)ノ
Lucien: Now that you've agreed to it, why don't you start "fulfilling" it in every aspect of our lives?
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Lucien: For example - with every scenery we see, every delicious food we eat, and every warmth as we hug each other when we get home.
[Oppose him]
MC: (⁰⁠ Д⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠*)ノ
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Lucien: If you feel that staying in the same place is too stagnant, how about following in each other's footsteps and moving forward?
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Lucien: Let every unknown part of the future leave traces that belong to us.
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kikicandoit · 4 months
Hi! I'm Kiki!
Hello and welcome to my little corner of the Internet! ^-^
My name is Kiki, pronouns she/her, and I’m a writer and illustrator currently based in the Canada. I usually write longform original fiction, though I’ve also dabbled in gaming journalism—you may have heard some of the scripts I’ve written for YouTube channels like Did You Know Gaming and TripleJump! I also write and illustrate comics in addition to character illustrations and commissioned works (commission info can be found here!).
As for media, I love movies, video games, and books! I usually prefer things within the “genre fiction” label: fantasy, sci-fi, horror, et cetera. I’m not usually great at keeping up with current things, but I always love discovering a new favorite among older titles.  I like monster movies (especially black and white ones!) and curling up under a blanket with a good mystery novel. When it comes to games, I typically like RPGs, fighting games, and adventure games the most.
Before I go any further, here’s some ground rules for my blog:
Transphobia of any kind will not be tolerated.
I don’t post NSFW content on this blog.
Potentially triggering content will be tagged “tw [label].” If I post something without an appropriate warning, please reach out and let me know.
As you’ll soon find out, I’m someone who likes having my fingers in a lot of pies (even when I really shouldn’t @_@) so I’m often dabbling in little projects on the side, or experimenting with new creative mediums to tell stories in, or bingeing a new series.
Here's a breakdown of some things I commonly post about!
My WIPs:
#Corpse Worm: My first original webcomic, a horror-comedy action adventure about monsters engaging in shonen-style battles with unique powers; think Courage the Cowardly Dog meets One Piece. Current status: permanent hiatus, though I’m working on writing a synopsis of the unfinished story to give some closure. You can read it all here.
#The Witching Hours Are 9 to 5: My current webcomic, an urban fantasy buddy comedy about a brother-sister duo of paranormal investigators that combines action with chaotic sibling energy. I started it as a warm-up project, just making something for the sake of making it without stressing about the quality too much, so the art is a bit slapdash but I’m proud of it all the same. Current status: active, updated whenever I feel like it. You can read it on its own website here or on Webtoon here.
#Scarlet Canticle: My primary long-form writing project, a (planned) series of dark fantasy novellas with a gritty, pulpy style to them. I wanted to write something in the vein of Conan the Barbarian but with less…baggage. And more buff women. Current status: actively being worked on!
#Swole Hearts: A visual novel dating sim I'm currently developing in Ren'Py. It's a silly and lighthearted game where you can meet and date buff women. You can play the demo here.
#Ginormous: Another comic project that I’ve done some early work on but not yet committed to full-time. It’s a battle series about people who summon kaiju doing battle with other kaiju. It’s a project where I channel a lot of my love for monster movies. Current status: inactive, but you can read an “episode zero” on Webtoon here.
#Mascara: A comic project I hope to do someday. It’s an action drama about female pro wrestlers (in a setting where wrestling is a legitimate contest). Current status: not even started, I just love drawing the characters I have in mind for it.
#Lonesome Stars: A sci-fi writing project I dabble in on the side about a ragtag group of voyagers in a universe without planets. No real end goal in sight for this one, it’s just for funsies at the moment. Current status: worked on intermittently.
#Cloud Sea: A fantasy setting I created, originally for a book I wanted to write but now it bounces around from project to project—sometimes it’s a novel, sometimes it’s an RPG Maker game, sometimes it’s a homebrew tabletop system. It’s focused on swashbuckling fantasy in an early-industrial world of sky islands and dwindling magic. Current status: worked on when I feel like it.
#Heinous Highness: My first attempt at making a video game, a turn-based RPG where you play as an evil sorceress tired of having her plans for world domination thwarted. Current status: inactive, but I like the characters.
Fandom Tags:
Fandoms that I frequently like to post/reblog about include, but are not limited to:
#Godzilla: My favorite movie series of all time!!! This tag is mostly about Godzilla and related topics specifically, but I also use to include posts about other kaiju as well.
#Ace Attorney: Guilty as charged! I’m a big fan of the Phoenix Wright games!
#Wrestling: Yup, I’m also a filthy mark who loves to watch the graps. It’s still real to me, dammit!
#Jojo: I’m not a huge anime fan normally, but I do love Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
#Darkstalkers: I love fighting games of all kinds, but Darkstalkers holds a special place in my heart. It’ll get a new installment…someday… ;-;
#Tales of Stuff: In addition to fighting games, I also love RPGs, and the Tales series is one of my favorite franchises! I talk about the entire series, but Tales of the Abyss is by far my favorite.
#Castlevania: Another one of my favorite video game series. I’m a fan of the whole kit and kaboodle, though I’ll generally talk about the games more than the animated series.
#Discworld: My favorite series of fantasy novels, and one that continues to inspire me as a writer. GNU Sir Terry.
Miscellaneous Tags:
#Kiki Can Do Art: The tag I put on all of my own original art.
#Kiki Can Do Writing: The tag I use when posting or discussing something I wrote.
#Kiki Can Do Comics: Likewise, I use this tag when posting about my own comics.
#Kiki Can Do Commissions: Usually seen in conjunction with “Kiki Can Do Art,” this tag goes on anything I was commissioned to make for a client.
#Kiki Can Do Journaling: For general bloggery and posting about my life.
#Friend Art: A tag used when reblogging art made by people who are close friends of mine. <3
#Friend Tags: A tag I use for posts that I was tagged in by a friend. It is always morally correct to tag me in things you think I’ll like.
#Fav: A tag I slap on any reblog of something that I find particularly funny or interesting.
Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog! I hope you like what you see!
Find me elsewhere on the web: My Website | Twitter | Instagram | Bluesky | Ko-fi | Patreon
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Don’t Walk Away: Croyola and Croya
@better-articulate-than-never brought up an excellent point from yesterday’s gifset post and I wanted to talk about it. So here we go *rolls up sleeves*
I’d say 99% of the fandom wants to see Croy defect (giving the 1% to people I haven’t met yet who would argue otherwise, just to be polite lol). Defection doesn’t happen in a bubble. A person needs a reason to set aside their beliefs and change their direction—and sometimes that reason is another person. Sometimes it’s love.
This is where Croyola and Croya can diverge. No matter who you ship (even if you ship them all), the fact still stands that Gaya leaves the Halcyon without offering Croy an alternative path while Riyola fights until the very last second to get Croy to change his path. Of course I have gifs for this lol:
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When shipping Croya, you can explain Gaya leaving the way she does as a matter of pride and ego. Gaya’s path to stardom was paved with blood and tears. We still don’t know too much about her past, but from what we’ve gathered, it wasn’t an easy climb. Holding onto her crown so to speak is a daily battle. She would not, even if she had feelings for Croy, offer him another life, especially with an audience, because it would make her vulnerable and crack the public persona that she and Raithe have carefully crafted. If she had feelings for Croy, she’d probably see this as a test for him: without any particular encouragement from her beyond a flirty touch and veiled line about player/games, she would expect him to bend to her—to take the hint and chase after her. If he doesn’t? Well then, he wasn’t worthy of her affection.
When shipping Croyola, we have a different dynamic. This isn’t queen and peasant. These are two characters who are on more equal footing, who inherently understand each other. I think that makes it easier for Riyola to have patience for Croy’s antics, and for Croy to still respect and feel for her, even when he has to push forward with his opposing mission. Riyola has nothing to lose by trying to get Croy to change his path. Publicly challenging his thoughts and ideas, talking to other passengers positively about him— none of this hurts her. She’s still the captain of the ship. Since Chandrila Star Line is front-facing neutral, this only aids her in speaking her mind and being loud about it.
Interestingly enough, a clip was just shared yesterday on one of the private fb groups that speaks to this. In the clip, Croy is with Gaya in the Atrium, and she’s telling him that she has 15 pieces of luggage (which, I guess is how he found out how many to count when she leaves lol). He’s enamored with her as usual, but things go south when the kids start accusing him of stealing their droids. One angry kid in particular pleads with Croy to “just let the droids be,” to which Croy huffily replies that he would let the droids “be” if they would stop committing ne’rer-do-well-ism. Things aren’t going well for him with his argument. Gaya is… not getting involved at all in it. So what does Croy say next? “I’m going to find Captain Keevan—the commanding officer of the ship—so that way someone can care about the active larceny that has occurred!” Even with his big crush on Gaya, he instinctively reaches for Riyola to help him solve his problems, and there’s just so much good stuff to dig into with that.
At the end of the day, I ship both. I think the pros and cons with each just make shipping them that much more interesting and fun to tinker with when creating fan content.
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kwangyadetective · 2 years
🐍 Episode 3: Girls (Don’t You Know I’m a Savage?) Thoughts
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An SMCU theory post about aespa’s Episode 3: Girls (Don’t You Know I’m a Save?) and what really happened in the video. I will be talking about the important parts, some details I noticed, and my thoughts about the episode.
This is definitely a better late than never type of situation plus I finally got a free time to write about this :”
So I admit I was wrong... the lady with short hair ISN’T Naevis but a personification of the snake (yes I am embarrassed). It was misleading too since we also had that one scene where Ningning just casually changed her hair. But now that’s pushed aside, let’s just get into it,
1. About Naevis and her sin
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The reason why Naevis was not allowed to leave FLAT is because she committed a sin that wasn’t exactly elaborated in the episode. Though I do remember that a lot of people speculated its related to NCT’s The Origin video where many people believe that the child she was holding is Taeyong. It somewhat made sense, since the location is desert-like and she was wearing some hood/cape. It wasn’t clear yet of who they were running away from and still vague. If we were to follow this though, before the punishment, she was human at least physically. The three large figures are definitely some kind of gods or godesses, or the higher-ups that rule Kwangya?. So she was punished to only watch over Kwangya but only in a distance. She is not allowed to get involved and only stays in FLAT. If she leaves, her powers will be lost and... presumably be dead(?). But I remember in one part of the lyrics of Savage that she could get resurrected and the girls will find her memories again.
2. About Black Mamba
At least I was somewhat right about the BM. The snake was built up of the toxicity people created in the digital world. Rumors, gossips, etc. Interpreting this, as we all know, aes are basically the personification of everything we post on social media. With that, all of these digital human toxicity created this ae lady; the snake correlation is presumably to symbolize the evilness. She started the SYNK OUT to completely cut aes from humans. In the end this lady’s intention is somewhat good, though the execution just isn’t good since at one point she tried making Karina going against her own ae and basically harmed the girls by reusing those human toxicity against them (Hallucination quest). It was somewhat confusing to understand because all along I thought she was just evil (plus is actually born out of it) and just want to harm people, but she still has the heart to protect her own kind, huh?
After many ineffective fights and attacks, she overpowered by turning into a giant pile of snakes. This was done by consuming all other toxic digital data that people publish on the internet. Following Ning’s hacking team, they attempted to block the data that is being consumed by the snake’s IP Addresses. But there is too many datas being consumed and there were more than one snakes therefore more addresses. The more data being consumed by the snake the faster it recovers. SO with that, they flood the snake with too many data so it cannot handle it.
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3. Ningning’s hacking team
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I remember there were many speculations that the hacker Ningning worked with were a Neo, but it seems like there’s even more than two people. There is still possibility that the leading member who communicates with Ning is a Neo? But looking at the next scenes, it seems that they have some feminine silhouettes. This is just from what we can see here. So perhaps it isn’t related to the Neos...? But then again, we definitely need more contents to confirm it. Another thought came that it could be related to a new boygroup in the future outside NCT? Which I have briefly read about if I’m not mistaken. Either way, we still need more to dig deeper.
4. Naevis’ death
Naevis was truly kind to go out of her way helping the girls. Since she has the power to open portals, a navigation, she helped by basically transporting the snake into another place. In the end the dark shade grew all over her body and she passed out; again, perhaps she really d.
5. BoA’s Role
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This one last scene with BoA immediately reminded me of the SMTOWN 2019  FANTASIA EXPRESS video clip where she was actually put in a scene where she seem like an antagonist. Though I’m not exactly sure if she really is evil in the whole SMCU because after all SM loves good-evil duality. I have talked about this in my Kwangya post. But what really piqued my interest is the fact that her skin turned Red and the circular light and red light behind her. With that, it is beginning to make me remind ourselves of our dear old friend; The Red Force. But I am saying this again, since this is sort of like an updated version of SMCU, I don’t know if it has a new name or completely new entity. Either way, I am stoked that its Red and it must have a connection.
In the end everything went back to normal and the girls are back with their aes. But the peace would probably stays temporarily, and after all, the girls would bring back Naevis’ memories? Timeline-wise, this was of course during Girls era. In the MV, it is more symbolism and these SMCU episodes are more of what literally happened. We didn’t see much insides of a building after all like the actual Girls MV. This is definitely the end of Arc 1 and we are moving to the next story of aespa’s story.
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elli-is-beth · 1 year
Not So Berry Challenge: Extended Edition
@lilsimsie​ created the original version of this challenge, as I’m sure you all know. I love her content and her challenge, but I really wanted to extend it to include game features and packs that have come out since the original was posted in 2017. So here I give you the thirty-generation Extended Not So Berry Challenge.
Description of the Original Challenge: 
Do you like the rainbow? Do you like the idea of playing with berry Sims but hate berry Sims? Do you want to mess around with aspects of the game you’ve never used before? Boy, do I have the challenge for you!
Welcome to the Not So Berry Legacy Challenge, a ten generation legacy with a focus on bright colors and new experiences. 
Basic Rules:
Each heir must represent the color of the generation (i.e. hair, makeup, clothing), but brightly colored skin is not necessary (these aren’t actually berry Sims, that’s the joke). Of course, this is optional but a big portion of the fun.
The colors of the spouses don’t matter as they aren’t part of the challenge. Unless otherwise stated you can do whatever you please with them. 
Money cheats can be used, but not excessively. Suggestion: use freerealestate for your first home, but no cheats afterward.
You may live wherever you please unless something is specified in the rules of a generation.
Every generation is supposed to complete both the career and aspiration of the heir unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the lifespan on normal.
If you play this challenge and want to share it with us, go ahead and post with #notsoberry so we can see!
My good friend @alwaysimming​ and I kind of created this challenge on accident, but I think it turned out pretty great. We wanted to make something that forced us to play with parts of the game we’ve never explored before. Hopefully you’ll have fun too. You can follow our gameplay on @mintiphresh​ and @lea-fey​ (pronounced “minty fresh” and “leafy”)!
Obviously, I get that thirty generations is a super ambitious challenge. I’m the kind of person who tends to play the Sims 4 the same way over and over again, though, and I wanted something that would push me outside my comfort zone and get me playing with all the aspects of the game that I haven’t explored yet. I hope it can do the same for you!
The first ten generations of this challenge are the original ones. Generation eleven and onward are my own.
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Generation One: Mint
You’re a mischievous scientist that really loves the color mint. You’re career driven but still make time for silly pranks and outings with your closest friends. You love luxury and want the best for yourself and your family.
Traits: Vegetarian, Jealous, Materialistic
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Scientist
Master scientist career and complete Chief of Mischief aspiration
Master mischief and logic skills
Complete elements collection
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Generation Two: Rose
You had everything you desired as a child but you were always longing for more. As an adult you have a hard time committing to relationships as you’re so focused on your career. If we had a workaholic trait in The Sims 4 you would have it. You have absolutely no parental instincts whatsoever but you still love your child with all your heart.
Traits: Hot Headed, Snob, Romantic
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Politician
Have only one child
Master the politician career and complete Serial Romantic aspiration
Master charisma skill
Leave someone at the alter (an interaction available during a wedding)
Get married for the first time as an elder
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Generation Three: Yellow
Growing up you never had a close relationship with your parents and spent the majority of your time alone in your room obsessing over space. You just really love space. You’ll do whatever it takes to get to Sixam no matter the cost.
Traits: Clumsy, Ambitious, Loner
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Astronaut
Master rocket science and handiness skill
Master astronaut career and complete Nerd Brain aspiration
Must build a rocket ship and visit Sixam
Enter the secret lot in Oasis Springs (requiring max handiness)
Never have any close friends or relationships other than grandparent from Generation 1 until the grandparent dies
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Generation Four: Grey
You always felt that you were different. While the rest of your family was busy messing around in the lab, you just wanted to be outside playing basketball. You’re very good at sports and you dream of becoming a professional athlete. To make up for your nonexistent relationship with your parents you want to be there for your own children as much as possible. Oh, and you love to sing.
Traits: Active, Slob, Music Lover
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Career: Athlete
Master singing, parenting, and athletic skills
Master athlete career and complete Bodybuilder aspiration
Have three failed relationships before finding spouse, marry a neat Sim
Be good friends with all of your children
Have family movie night with your spouse and children every Sunday
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Generation Five: Plum
You’ve always been good at anything you tried. It’s hard to choose a career, so why not try a few? You work as a doctor for much of your life, but as an adult realize that your true dream is to become a professional dancer. You quit your job and join the entertainer career. Basically: you’re an indecisive oddball.
Traits: Genius, Noncommittal, Dance Machine
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Fast Food, Doctor, Entertainer
Master dance and two other skills of your choosing, achieve at least level eight in six skills
Complete Renaissance Sim aspiration
Get divorced and then later remarried to the same Sim
Must live in at least three different worlds over the course of your life
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Generation Six: Orange
You’re the black sheep of your family (but with orange hair) and you were raised in a hectic household. You’ve always wanted to cause mayhem, but you’re just really bad at being evil. You enjoy breaking into your neighbors’ houses and eating their food. You really love baking and spend the majority of your spare time eating sweets.
Traits: Evil, Self-Assured, Glutton
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal
Master baking and charisma skills
Master criminal career and complete Public Enemy aspiration
Must live in a ‘needs TLC’ apartment for entire young adult life
Have twins, but only those two children (you may cheat for this)
Insist on being evil (claim to be criminal mastermind) but nobody believes you, not even your own children
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Generation Seven: Pink
You grew up poor and are living paycheck to paycheck working in the business career just as your parents did. You long to write romance novels but are too afraid to quit your steady job to follow your dreams. You’re very practical and you know the chances of making it as a writer are slim, so you stay working at your nine to five. As an adult you finally decide to pursue your dreams. You’re a hopeless romantic, but your unflirty nature makes it nearly impossible to find love.
Traits: Neat, Unflirty, Creative
Aspiration: Best Selling Author
Career: Business
Complete postcard collection
Master writing and wellness skills
Complete Best Selling Author aspiration
Have a well-maintained garden
Quit day job as an adult to pursue dreams (mid-life crisis much?)
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Generation Eight: Peach
Your parents always taught you to follow your dreams. You’ve always wanted to be a detective. You’ve always wanted to be a comedian. Well dang it, you can do both! Detective by day, comedian by night, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Traits: Foodie, Lazy, Goofball
Aspiration: Joke Star
Career: Detective
Marry a co-worker
Must play an instrument
Master gourmet cooking and comedy skills
Master detective career
Must live in a different world than the one they were raised
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Generation Nine: Green
You were caught hacking by a major tech company that then offered you a position in their firm. You know Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds? That’s you. You’re dedicated to your work, but that doesn’t stop you from going out and having a good time. You’re the kind of person that will be at a party at 3am and then at work at 6am.
Traits: Squeamish, Geek, Cheerful
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Career: Tech Guru
Master mixology, video gaming, and programming skills
Master tech guru career and complete Computer Whiz aspiration
Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends
Have at least five good friends and five enemies
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Generation Ten: Blue
You have the perfect life. White picket fence, loving spouse, beautiful children. But why do you still want more? You have a one time secret affair and will regret it for the rest of your life. Afterward you pour your soul into raising your children and fixing your marriage. You never admit the affair to anyone and dedicate your life to being the perfect parent.
Traits: Gloomy, Perfectionist, Family Oriented
Aspiration: Super Parent
Career: Critic
Adopt at least one child
Master the photography, cooking, and parenting skills
Master critic career and complete Super Parent aspiration
Must marry high school sweetheart and stay with them until you die
Have a one time secret affair
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Generation 11: Lavender
Your parents showered you with attention while you were growing up, and it shows in how much you need other people’s attention now. To combat this, you strive for properness in all your interactions with others and are very focused on self-improvement. You choose to pursue a culinary career because of your memories cooking with your parents, but also because you crave the structure it provides—when you’re thinking about food, you’re not thinking about yourself.
Traits: Bookworm, Proper, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Culinary
Be disliked by at least five sims by the time you die using only arguing interactions
Master culinary career in the chef branch and complete Master Chef aspiration
Master the cooking, gourmet cooking, and baking skills
Make every kind of jam
Marry a Cheerful sim
Always choose parenting interactions that positively affect manners
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Generation 12: Black
With a parent who was so focused on manners and propriety, you always felt stifled growing up. Now that you’re an adult, you’re going out of your way to be exactly the opposite. You eat out of dumpsters, you swipe things from the Landgraabs, you break up relationships just to dump them and move on. Your only goal is to be everything your parent told you not to be, even if that means focusing more on breaking hearts than keeping a steady job.
Traits: Freegan, Kleptomaniac, Insider
Aspiration: Villainous Valentine
Career: Barista, Salaryperson, Politician, Criminal
Complete Live Fast aspiration as a teen
Age up to adulthood with the Irresponsible character value trait
Never be married for more than three sim days
Have three children with three different sims
Earn most of your money by stealing
Complete Villainous Valentine aspiration
Woohoo in every type of woohoo location
Master cross-stitch skill (what? Even villains need a hobby)
Change your career at each life stage, starting as a teenager
Live in starter homes and starter apartments your whole life
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Generation 13: Teal
You always knew that your parent’s life choices were rather… questionable, but growing up you learned to ignore that part and just enjoy having your parent and siblings there. Now, that laidback attitude has continued into your adult life, and you want nothing more than to relax on the beach with your friends and family. Too bad you also have to worry about things like bills. At least as a conservationist, you’re still focused on the ocean and beaches you love.
Traits: Cheerful, Child of the Ocean, Family-Oriented
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Conservationist
Live your entire adult life in Sulani
Master conservationist career in the environmental manager branch and complete Beach Life aspiration
Host a kava party at least once a week and earn gold
Master the parenting, charisma, and fishing skills
Complete the fish, sea shell, and underwater photo collections
Find the Heart of Sulani while scuba diving
Woohoo at the waterfall at least once
Have your spouse die in a tragic accident when you’re an adult and marry a mermaid after you finish grieving
Be good friends with parent, siblings, children, and grandchildren
Earn gold on a family reunion event as an elder
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Generation 14: Brown
With a conservationist for a parent, you were doomed to be environmentally conscious. You’re zealous about recycling and living off the land, and your biggest cause is animal rights. That’s why you moved out to the country to take care of as many animals as you can on your farm, though you still commute into town to run a veterinary clinic. You prefer the company of animals to everyone except your spouse.
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Recycle Disciple, Hates Children
Aspiration: Country Caretaker
Career: Veterinarian
Marry someone who is either a Dog Lover, Cat Lover, or Animal Enthusiast
Have only one child and don’t let your relationship bar go beyond acquaintances until that child is an adult
Have five pets in your household at all times, keep bees, and own at least one chicken, cow, and llama
Feed at least one chicken a golden treat in your lifetime
Adopt at least one stray pet
Own and befriend Patchy the Straw Man
Live your entire adult life in Henford-on-Bagley, and use the Simple Living and Wild Foxes lot challenges
Befriend at least two birds, two rabbits, and two foxes
Master gardening, veterinarian, and pet training skills
Befriend the creature keeper
Complete the village fair ribbons collection
Unlock all business perks for vet clinic and complete Country Caretaker aspiration
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Generation 15: Forest
As a child, you only really got attention from one of your parents. Growing up isolated on a farm with only animals for company, you sometimes struggle to relate to others. Your other parent gave you one thing, though: a love for the environment. Longing to get back to your family’s roots, you move back to Sulani as an adult and throw yourself into saving the environment and digging deep into your culture.
Traits: Maker, Green Fiend, Child of the Islands
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Career: Civil Designer
Earn all badges in Scouts
As a teen, run errands for the Henford-on-Bagley locals every weekend
Live your entire young adult life in Sulani
Only start to have a relationship with your parent as an adult and never become close friends, but be best friends with your other parent
Marry the first person you date, but get divorced before you become an adult
Achieve a green eco footprint in your neighborhood
Master civil designer career in the green technician branch and complete Eco Innovator aspiration
Master fabrication, handiness, and juice fizzing skills
As an adult, meet your soulmate at the romance festival and marry them on the spot
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Generation 16: White
You come from a long line of environmentalists, but you don’t really care about that. Your only real goal in life is to have as many friends as you can, which happens by being nice and approachable. Maybe that means hiding some of your more intellectual or embarrassing hobbies and interests, but who really cares about that? All anyone needs to know about you is you’re the nicest person they’ll ever meet
Traits: Cat Lover, Lactose Intolerant, Outgoing
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Social Media
Complete Admired Icon aspiration as a teen
Be crowned prom royalty
Attend Foxbury University with a degree in the sciences, but drop out before you graduate
Own at least two cats over the course of your life
Master social media career and complete Friend of the World aspiration
Become at least a two star celebrity and always have a good reputation
Attain and keep People Person lifestyle
Master video gaming, robotics, and DJ mixing skills, but only practice in the safety of your own home
Build a Servo (robotics)
Have at least two children
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Generation 17: Mustard
Growing up in the spotlight shadow of your parent did NOT help your social skills, that’s for sure. You struggle with the most basic things like introducing yourself to people and getting to know them. Somehow you always seem to embarrass yourself. Maybe that’s why you turned to risk-taking and adventure—the mountain won’t laugh at you when you stumble over your own name.
Traits: Adventurous, Bro, Socially Awkward
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Career: Freelancer (Programmer)
Meet high school best friend/future spouse through chess club
Never accept social invitations and only attend events or festivals with your spouse or a sibling
Have no close friends beyond family and spouse
Master fitness, rock-climbing, skiing, and snowboarding skills
Achieve gold on a mountain climb excursion to the top of Mt. Komorebi
Attain and keep Outdoorsy and Adrenaline Seeker lifestyles until you’re an elder
Complete Extreme Sports Enthusiast AND Mt. Komorebi Sightseer aspirations (can be done at the same time)
Complete the Simmies collection
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Generation 18: Royal Blue
You spent your childhood all over the slopes of Mt. Komorebi, and that love of the outdoors stuck with you. What didn’t stick was your parent’s awkwardness—you were always so frustrated that you couldn’t host parties and have friends over, but now that you’re an adult, there’s no one to stop you. You can party the night away and wake up the next morning for a sunrise hike. Anything’s possible if you just decide to do it all perfectly, right?
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Party Animal, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Career: Gardener
Vacation with your family in Granite Falls at least once each as a young adult, adult, and elder
Summon a ghost by telling a ghost story around a campfire
Master gardener career and complete Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration
Master herbalism, gardening, wellness, and at least one extreme sports skill
Complete the insects collection
Visit Sylvan Glade in Willow Creek and the Deep Woods in Granite Falls
Earn gold on a Weenie Roast event
Attain and keep Frequent Traveler lifestyle
Host and earn gold on one event per sim week for your entire adult life
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Generation 19: Scarlet
Used to getting whatever (and acting however) you wanted, adulthood hit you like a vending machine. You were always a bit of a wild child, but as a teen and adult you find yourself lashing out at anyone who doesn’t go along with exactly what you want. Sticking to romantic relationships is difficult, but even though you struggle to articulate it sometimes, your kids mean the world to you.
Traits: Childish, Erratic, Mean
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Interior Decorator
Complete Drama Llama aspiration as a teen
Age up to adulthood with the Uncontrolled Emotions character value trait
Earn gold on a keg party for your young adult birthday
Master painting, comedy, and mischief skills
Master interior decorator career and complete Big Happy Family aspiration
Never intentionally increase your parenting skill except for taking care of babies and toddlers
Get married as a young adult, but get divorced after your children are born and never remarry
Have exactly three children
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Generation 20: Gold
Even though you knew they loved you, with your parent running all over the place your whole childhood you often felt like you only had your siblings to care about you. Watching your parent fail gave you a strong drive to achieve, and your goal in life is to make a name for yourself that gives you a completely new image. Fame is hard to earn, but if anyone can do it, it’s you.
Traits: Dog Lover, Overachiever, Loyal
Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Career: Simfluencer, Style Influencer
Complete Goal Oriented aspiration as a teen
Age up to adulthood with the Responsible character value trait
Attend university and graduate with an A in an arts degree
Join a secret society and keep that secret from your whole family
Always have at least one dog
Master media production and entrepreneur skills
Take your whole family out for an outing every weekend
Move to The Pinnacles as an adult and have the Celebrity Home lot trait
Have a butler for the entire time you live in The Pinnacles
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Generation 21: Silver
You never wanted fame, but with a global superstar for a parent, you didn’t have much choice. You’d be very happy if you didn’t have to deal with anyone, honestly. Relationships are too messy. You’d rather just stay tucked away in your studio, painting away by yourself. And when tragedy strikes at home, you seclude yourself even more, nearly cutting yourself off from everyone in your life.
Traits: Neat, Gloomy, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Own a retail store
Live in a tiny home your entire adult life
Have at least one sim, either a partner or a child, die from a Murphy bed on your lot
Never find a long-term partner
Never have close relationships with your children
Sell your art from your studio to make a living (not by selling it to art galleries or collectors)
Master painting skill
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Generation 22: Magenta
You spent a lot of your childhood doing your own thing while your parent was at the studio, and you found out you’re really great at just about everything you try. Studying different cultures (*ahem* occults) and worlds helped you ignore the fact that you never traveled as a kid. You’re the type of sim who can go from singing to programming to archeology without missing a beat, and that flexibility serves you well in your career as a Secret Agent.
Traits: Unflirty, Overachiever, Proper
Aspiration: Archeology Scholar, Jungle Explorer
Career: Secret Agent
Never leave your home world except for school before you’re a young adult
Take your family for “vacations” in Selvadorada (that turn out to be just another work trip, but this time with pretty views)
Thoroughly explore the Belomisia Jungle and its temples
Master archeology, selvadoradian culture, singing, programming, and handiness skills
Master secret agent career and complete Archeology Scholar and Jungle Explorer aspirations (can be done at the same time)
Be friends with at least one werewolf, vampire, alien, and mermaid
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Generation 23: Chocolate
When you were a kid, you always thought it was cool that your parent knew so much about occult sims. You spent your childhood traveling around with your parent while they carried on their secret agent business, and you thought you’d seen everything, but on your young adult birthday, you wander into the wrong part of the world and get stopped by an unfamiliar werewolf. How are you supposed to attain your dream of running a restaurant in this state?
Traits: Glutton, Loyal, Romantic
Aspiration: Werewolf Initiate, Cure-Seeker
Career: Own a restaurant
Complete experimental food prints collection
Earn all restaurant perks
Complete Werewolf Initiate and Cure-Seeker aspirations
Explore the Underground
Fall deeply in love while still a werewolf and agonize over whether you should tell your significant other or not
Take the cure before having your heir (though you can have other children before then)
Master cooking and herbalism skills
Always have a full romance and friendship bar with your spouse
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Generation 24: Ruby
No one ever said you weren’t down for adventure. Well, actually, everyone said that, because you’re incredibly lazy. There’s one thing you’re good at, though, and that’s breaking hearts. OCCULT hearts, to be specific. Growing up with stories of your parent’s time as a werwolf gave you a fascination with occult sims, especially what it’s like to woohoo with them. It’s not bad if they’re not human, right? Just don’t tell your spouse or kids. Not that you care, but they’ll probably leave you, and you really need that income—the military doesn’t pay that much. Your spouse will just think you’re turning over a new leaf when you’re wanting to “adopt” some VERY NORMAL children.
Traits: Art Lover, Lazy, Evil
Aspiration: Grilled Cheese
Career: Military
Get married within one sim week of becoming a young adult and have at least one child with your spouse
Have secret affairs with a vampire, an alien, and a werewolf
Have an occult child through at least one of those affairs and keep them in your household
Complete secret Grilled Cheese aspiration and fill your home with paintings of grilled cheese
Master cooking, painting, and charisma skills
Keep the tragic clown painting in your home
Grow a money tree and quit your job while you’re an adult
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Generation 25: Lemon
As a kid, you loved your younger siblings, but there was something a little off about them. You really struggled to make friends with other kids your age. If you have a computer in front of you and some Voidcritters posters on your wall, though, you’re as happy as you can be. You love video games, and even though you gave up your dream of being a Voidcritters streamer to pursue a more practical job in engineering, you’ll always have a special place in your heart for all things tech. Unfortunately, video games aren’t actual companions—to combat your social anxiety, you strive for inner peace in your free time, hoping that balance inside will alleviate the awkwardness outside.
Traits: Ambitious, Socially Awkward, Good
Aspiration: Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru
Career: Video Game Streamer, Engineer
Complete the Voidcritter cards collection before becoming an adult
Keep high relationships with your siblings as adults
Master video gaming, programming, and robotics skills
Master video game streamer career as a teen and engineer career as an adult
Complete Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, and Zen Guru aspirations
Have an at-home spa and dedicated gaming room
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Generation 26: Cream
You always felt out of place in your geeky, technophile family. You? You’re more musically gifted. Though your parents don’t really understand you, they let you chase your dreams of being a music teacher, and sometimes that means letting you throw yourself into your work and ignore everyone else. You need a lot of attention and support, but luckily you find a kindred spirit in your music-loving partner. Now, your goal is fame and you’ll do whatever it takes to get there, even if that means going to some *blood-curdling* extremes…
Traits: Music Lover, Creative, High-Maintenance
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Education
Complete Creative Genius/Artistic Prodigy aspirations as a child
Master education career and complete Musical Genius aspiration
Marry a sim with either the Music Lover or Creative trait
Start a club focused on musical skills and meet at least once a week
Become at least a three star celebrity
Master violin, piano, pipe organ, guitar, singing, dancing, media production, and DJ mixing skills
Become a vampire after you’ve had at least one child
Spend your new-found free time practicing and writing songs
Reach at least Rank 3 as a vampire
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Generation 27: Tangerine
Your parent was always too busy for you as a kid, and that’s something you’ll make sure doesn’t happen to your own child. In fact, there are a lot of things you’re never going to put your child through: practically living in music studio, eating quick meals because they don’t have time to cook, feeling alone all the time. You bring your kid with you everywhere. And since you’re always on the go, that really is EVERYWHERE. Ever since you moved to the city, you’ve been in love with its fast-paced, artsy lifestyle. You want the best, you want your child to have the best, and San Myshuno is the place to find it.
Traits: Foodie, Adventurous, Dog Lover
Aspiration: City Native
Career: Freelancer (Fashion Photographer)
Move out of your parents’ household as a young adult and live in San Myshuno for entire adult life
Master singing, cooking, parenting, and photography skills
Win a karaoke contest
Get invited to the circus, the opera, and an underground concert
Complete the snow globe and city poster collections
Learn how to make every meal sold by the San Myshuno vendors
Complete the City Native Aspiration
Only have one child
Earn gold on a baby shower, a toddler playdate, and a sleepover event
Drop everything to help your child with every school project they bring home
Keep a full relationship bar with your child, and later with their spouse and your grandchildren
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Generation 28: Violet
You’ve lived the life people dream about: a parent who was supportive of everything you did, an early start in a notoriously difficult-to-enter career, and so many diverse cultural experiences that you can hardly remember what your own culture is supposed to be. Such a lovely world to be a well-adjusted adult in, but one thing’s missing. Though your parent taught you everything else you need to know for life, their relentless focus on YOU meant they couldn’t model one of the most important things—romantic love. It’s the one thing lacking in your life, and you’ll do anything to find it.
Traits: Cheerful, Genius, Paranoid
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Acting
Start going to Drama Club as a child
Age up to adulthood with three positive character value traits
Become at least a three star celebrity
Date a fellow celebrity, but break up with them before things get too serious
Use the wishing well to wish for love and accept whatever the consequences are
Earn gold on every type of wedding event
Master the acting career and complete the Soulmate aspiration
Master acting, singing, guitar, violin, and piano skills
Chase away paparazzi every time you see them
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Generation 29: Sage
If there’s one thing that fame gets you, it’s literally any material item you could possibly want. You grew up in luxury, and you want to keep that standard of living. So even though you prefer more varied and creative hobbies, you pursue a soul-crushing law career. The time spent slaving away over books and reports and courtrooms will all be worth it every night when you come home, curl up on your front porch’s rocking chair, and knit the evening away.
Traits: Materialistic, Loves Outdoors, Maker
Aspiration: Lord/Lady of the Knits
Career: Law
Attend university and earn a degree in language and literature
Master the law career and complete the Lord/Lady of the Knits aspiration
Get the sweater curse and watch your first long-term dating relationship go down in flames
Master knitting, gourmet cooking, fishing, and flower arranging skills
Knit matching beanies for your entire family and take a family picture with them on
Take at least one family vacation each as a young adult, adult, and elder
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Generation 30: Charcoal
You learned one thing from your parents, it’s that money is NOT worth all the time spent working a horribly dull job. Despite your parents’ pleas to “get a real job” and “grow up,” you have your heart set on your childhood dream of exploring the supernatural world and being a paranormal investigator. What a great way to do good, help people, and maybe steal some of their things while you’re there!
Traits: Slob, Geek, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions
Career: Freelancer (Paranormal Investigator)
Live in a haunted house in Forgotten Hollow for entire adult life
Be friends with at least five ghosts
Master medium, pipe organ, and vampire lore skills
Become a spell caster 
Have just one familiar at a time
Learn to cast all spells and brew all potions
Complete the magical artifacts collection
Complete the Spellcraft and Sorcery and Purveyor of Potions aspirations (can be done at the same time)
Get the Curse of the Night Wraith at some point in your life
Have a baby with Father Winter
Have at least one living cow plant at all times
I hope you enjoy this challenge! Definitely don’t feel like you have to do it all in the same order or use all thirty generations. I think I put them in an order that makes sense for story progression, but use this however it would fit your own gameplay best!
Thanks for checking this out! 
- Elizabeth
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How do you do it, how do you raise my expectations after every update when I’m convinced each time it is not possible for your story to get any better. Keep proving me wrong, Marina. I don’t even no where to start, what part exactly I want to rave about first, so I guess the beginning’s gonna have to do it huh? We are starting where Captain Presley left off in Chapter 12, starving and in need of his damn breakfast. I remember being upset with him because I needed him to focus on Rosy, not on some damn food, but at this point I have ‘sym-pa-thee’ for the poor man. SOMEONE PLEASE FEED HIM AND ALLOW HIM SILENCE! I was as in dire need of touch from Elvis to Rosey as Rosey was, my heart was content every second they were together. Without even realizing it, the Captain missed and needed her touch as well as he processes all the information he’s gained in the last few hours. How he hasn’t lost his mind yet I have no idea. “… taken by surprise and eager for the tiniest of his touches, just as he suspected.” Captain do not try and fool, her being pulled into your lap did just as much to soothe you as it did her. His forehead leaning on the nape of her neck, her ensuring his food gets to him, the business being cleared away to accommodate him if only for a moment, comfortably perched on his lap - if that isn’t love what is? “She stroked and petted the tan hands now interlocked over her lower belly and his wrist twitched in response, a helpless little tremor and she wondered if maybe all the bravery he stoked in her had made her forget to be gentle with him.” Excuse me but should I jump off this building now or later? Both these characters need to give themselves a break but my poor sweet Rosey who still holds so much love and care within her but may not know how to express it and has not trusted anyone in ages to truly allow herself to show it. Rosey, who’s own father betrayed her, Rosey, who lost a mother, sister, and faux mother, who lost her friend Elvis, was subjected to witnessing an innocent die, had to commit murderer herself to survive, has been stuck living a lie for years and is still fighting daily to live her truth, who was kidnapped and sold and bought, Rosey give yourself a break. You show more love and strength and care than is to be expected for someone who has gone through what you have, how you continue to want to take care and care for others baffles me. Life has not been gentle with you and no one blames you for not recognizing gentleness when it’s being given or had. And her heart continues to show with her feeding him seated on his lap - do they realize they’re already married? I once said you toe the perfect balance of nasty and sweetness and I will be adding this chapter to the numerous stack of factual evidence I have to prove my point. You take this gentle loving moment and have the girl come on his lap after a light pinch on her inner thigh as a scolding for her smart mouth. And then you have me loudly cackling as he takes his gun and shoots to create silence when seconds earlier my own bloomers had a matching wet patch to Rosey’s and my heart was still soaring from the touches they bestow upon each other. The way your mind works Marina is truly a gift to us all who get to experience your works. Since you are the creator as I get in to how much of a genius Captain Presley is, the compliments apply to you as well. He tests and studies those arounds him, has a smart mouth but a smarter brain and uses it wisely (most of the time) to read the people around him and get his way. Him egging Parker on, having him bordering on a nervous breakdown, only to show him fake gratitude and appreciation as the truth becomes more clear to him. Cal not hesitating to take his moment and give kisses to Rosey - Cal that is your soon to be mother, boy, have more respect! I truly love that kid. Realizing he’s already a Presley and once Rosey becomes one they’ll legally be a little family and on their way to creating a larger family - not as large as Sarge’s mind you.
Baby, I’m gonna cry, thank you for this. I love this story so very much and…the fact all it’s meanderings still captivate you means so much. I’ve reread this a dozen times, thanks you for gushing 💋
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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She'd only seen the Gates perhaps once in her life before this. They reached far into the sky and were blanketed in clouds. She rested aboard her captain's ship, a feeling of languor threatening to overtake her. Eying the tall woman who claimed command of the Spiteful Harlot she sat up. A den den mushi in her hands was spouting some nonsense she could barely make out. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHITEBEARD IS DEAD?!" and at those words Qwynn froze. Edward Newgate, the strongest human in the entire damn world was dead. How? The zoan user instantly shifted into her leopard form and leaped from her place sleeping on the prow of the boat. --- SPOILER WARNING! CONTENT WARNING: Mass character death, brutality and abuse. *The droning voice of Sengoku in the background.* We finally reach the penultimate Arc of the Summit War Saga. This arc was hands down one of the most painful to watch. Not because it was dragging at times, and oh did it drag. But because we all learned that this big rescue mission was nothing but tragedy. I knew what was going to happen, I spoiled One Piece all the time for myself. Hate me if you want, but I like staying updated on the Manga as my mental illness. That being said I watch the show in spurts between work and commitments to my patreon work. So, wow, lets do this, I'm not breaking this one down to bits of the arc. This is going to be a pure bad good and ugly. I want to do it this way because this was the hardest hitting Arc I've seen since Enies Lobby. The Ugly One thing about Shounen ANime is they really like to drag out fights with a lot of twists and what not. I say this as someone who grew up on shows like Yu-Gi-Oh and OG Dragonball Z. This story was great, it added a lot of nice twists and bits but there were a few low points for me. It doesn't dragon on a Naruto Level. I can't put my finger on it, but a lot of ways I really didn't think it should have taken Luffy more than five episodes to get out of the exit ring. This part of the battle is perhaps the most where I got frustrated watching. It really started as the push for the harbor was about midway through. The story where we finally get Squard's stab into Newgate. Watching him do so, learning more about the backstory of Ace and much more was heartening. But there are a few episodes that break down to pretty much "Keep going get going" and then only a little bit of progress is made. This entire Arc is about a losing war, and yet, damn it ground hard into me. And this is the only critique in this regard I can think of! So I was going to do a bad, but fuck it, I already did that. The Good I simp for this show. It calls me like the Jezabelle she is! Now lets talk about what this Arc did so damn well, it made me fucking cry. We already know Oda is kind of against killing people off. He let Crocodile live for FFS. There are even points where it was obvious that people like Moria should have been dead, but nope they are still alive. Hell, its also been revealed that perhaps a certain giant is still alive! Spoilers aside, this entire thing is pretty fucking filled with despair. An entire story about the despair created by the fucking World Government. Yeah, lets not ignore that the world of One Piece is rand by a genocidal government okay with wiping out entire nations and islands for convenience. So watching them murder not only a bunch of pirates, but lying to get them to betray each other makes sense. Sure, we can easily view the Marines as good guys if we already didn't know better. What we see really is a group of people trying to save on eo fhteir own. Attempting to use overwhelming odds but all they ace is three fucking tyrannical gods, and their pragmatic Commander. The Whitebeard Pirate Alliance fall in droves as they are cut down by the Warlords and the Admirals. The Vice Admirals join the fray and as Little Oars dies to save his friends they use his fucking body to climb over. This is some seriously dark shit. All the while we watch as Ace is reminded of how his entire life all he's good at is getting other killed. DAMN ODA! Squard's betrayal in of itself was another great ploy by Sakazu aka Akainu, a truly tyrannical figure. This shows that the Marines as the sword arm of the World Nobles is not above fomenting mutiny. Yeah, it's a good strategy, and honestly it just reminds us that these are not good people. They have NO scruples. Whitebeards death was just so damn disquieting. He just stood there as he finally lost his strength. Then to have his devil fruit powers stolen by that bastard Teach made it even worse. Teach truly is a fucking near Xanatos level villain. This guy has played Newgate SINCE he joined and sacrificed former friends to get what he wanted. All of this culminates into the final death of Ace, and damn, I knew it was coming. I knew it was going to make me cry, yet by the Nine it tore into me. ACE and Luffy are members of ASL, and three kids who grew up in a world that despised them. It it weren't for Crocodile (yes I follow the Croco-mom theory) hadn't saved his boy Luffy would be dead. Gay Canon I will say that this entire episode is laden with fucking masc characters so I can't spin a a lesbian scene here. Honestly, I would headcanon Luffy as a trans masc and Ace as his adopted brother still. Spin up Hancock as his love interest and there we go. TBH with how tall Hancock is I'm reminded of T4T couple memes I see now and then. Now, let's talk about adopted dads. Newgate actually TREATS his suborinates as his kids and grandkids. He treats them well and defends them with all his might. This can easily be seen with cultish as we're talking about a macho-man figure who gets everyone to call him pops. But easily there is nothing in that manner. Honestly in this story I see Marco's desperation here to save Ace as a man trying to save his husband. Marco and Ace FIT as a couple and I really do like that as an angle. For sapphic ships we are still kind of at a loss. The only Warlord Present who can remotely being seen as mingender or "as a womxn" is Hancock. Everyone other major character minus perhaps two vice admirals are androgender spectrum. Now, a rare fic story featuring Hancock and Hina maybe? I mean, there's not a lot of optinos from this storyline! Though, I think a story with Vivi and Hina would also be another good option for an aftermath rare pair set up. Conclusion Wow, yeah, this was a post long time coming and to be honest I've been in a fairly deep funk overwhelmed by real life. Heh, anyways, lets sit back and discuss some final thoughts. The Marineford Arc is a solid conclusion to the Summit War Arc. I really dislike the dub translation of "War of the Best" but whatever. I watch the dub because I get distracted and write and I can't always be reading subtitles. (I use to be a purist, but fucking ADHD and other issues messed it up). Back to the story, this epic battle specifically brought us what we wanted. The despair felt by pirates and the rebels against the might of the Marines. Without the Gura Gura no Mi, the battle would have been harder for everyone. YES, the Division Commanders are powerful. But we are talking about the fucking Warlords of the Sea. One of which is a total meglomaniac who is powerful enough to spider sling across clouds for fun. Aokiji bikes across water because he's so precise with his power. This was a last hurrah for the legends of Whitebeardss Era. Sure Kaido and Big Mom were his mates, but the old man truly was one of the Greats. What we see here is a foolish attempt by the WG to quash the Supernovas. To kick them while they are down and prevent the rise of another Pirate King. Someone capable of challenging the false gods of the Celestial Dragons and put Im on the backfoot. This wasn't going to happen, but what I witnessed was the not just a last ditch effort to save on of their own. I watched a generation's hope of freedom get crushed as villains like Teach, Kaido and Big Mom existed off in the distance. I mean Teach stole a fucking fruit and now has shit that is just plot plate armor level crazy. But yeah, as we go into the New World I'm itching for watching a few Admirals getting a beat down. Hottakes:
Holy fucking shit Marineford is a ridiculous space. I keep forgetting how big Marine ships are as well. Those things Dwarf most of the ships from any of the early arcs.
Are paddle wheel boats a standard? I'v seen three so far, the Kuja Pirate's ship, the one Momonga had and Whitebeard's ace in the hole.
Whitebeard is an interesting figure, I think he should have jumped in. Oars death felt so needless, it just shows that people loved Ace. And this was a means to "punish" him for just existing.
I really just hate Akainu, he's such an asshole.
Aokiji is beyond OP, he's a devil fruit user but he can free sea water. That's a ridiculous cold point to achieve plus averting a common devil fruit weakness.
Well fuck Blackeard for being able to steal fuck powers.
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