#I’m so sleepy and I wish I was as cool as her
kidorihalo · 2 years
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7 notes · View notes
tojikai · 11 months
Sundered 3: MIRRORS
Pairing: Gojo x reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |...+
Genre: Angst
tags/cw: angst, mean!gojo(kinda), babydaddy!gojo, babymomma!reader, motherhood, insecurities, suggestive smut
word count: 6.8k
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He’s the one who picked this pace so he got no business complaining.
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“Think you know who I am now?” Satoru’s eyes scanned the marks on the man’s skin, hearing the sound of his own teeth grinding against each other. It gave him a painful yet tingling sensation in his mouth, sending weakness to his jaws as he found himself stepping forward to invade the space that the stranger made for himself inside your house. 
“I guess you do if you’re coming at me like that.” The man chuckled, standing his ground as he straightened up, almost chest-to-chest with Satoru. The smirk on his scarred lips remained unfaltering and his eyes glimmered with a mix of mischief and displeasure. Satoru can’t even tell if he’s playing with him but he can’t just let him disrespect him like that. 
“You just really wanna be rude, man.” Satoru hissed through clenched teeth, hearing the stranger chuckle, clearly enjoying his irritation. He could’ve been on friendlier terms if he didn’t act like he own the place. “What’s wrong with asking who you are? If anything you’re the one who interrupted our morning session-” With a sharp intake of breath Satoru balled his fists tighter.
He would’ve swung a punch if it weren’t for the figure of a woman in an oversized shirt coming into view. “Satoru?” He looked over to see you and your worried face. Your hair was a mess, having just got out of bed but it didn’t dull your glow. Whose shirt is that you’re wearing? He was sure he didn’t leave any clothing of the same appearance here. Why are you just in your underwear when another man is in the house and where is Yui?
Now, Satoru isn’t dumb but those questions in his head were just him wanting to hear answers from you instead of believing the stupid man who opened the door for him. “I didn’t think you’d be here earlier. Yui stayed with Mom last night.” Your voice was soft as you spoke to him and so are your sleepy eyes. Like he didn’t just break your heart a couple of weeks ago. 
There was no trace of resentment in your features and Satoru wished it was just that, instead of concern gracing your face as you pulled the stranger’s hand before checking his face. Won’t you check me too? He wanted to ask but he bit his tongue, looking away from the sight. What was he expecting? He doesn’t want that anyway. Naomi wouldn’t put him in this situation. 
“I’m gonna call Mom, they should be on their way here.” Satoru eyed the man as you walked together to the kitchen, leaving him in the small living room. His hands were on your waist and by the size of the shirt, it was obviously his. “Do you make Yui stay with Mom, now?” Satoru spoke, annoyance prominent in his voice as he followed the two of you.
“No, it was my Mom’s birthday yesterday and she wanted to spend some time with Yui, so I let her.” You explained, keeping your eyes on him before glancing over at the guy who was now walking to your fridge in his sweatpants. “This…He’s Toji. I, uh, met him a few weeks ago.” Satoru bit his lip, before nodding slowly as if coming to a realization.
“He’s a new friend?” Satoru leaned on a nearby wall so as to appear as cool as he can be. “For now.” Toji chanted, winking at you. It got Satoru frowning, eyebrows coming together as he bit the inside of his cheeks. “Nice to meet you.” Toji stood in front of him, reaching out a hand as if they didn’t try to throw fists at one another earlier. Satoru isn't fond of his attitude. 
“Satoru. I’m the father of her child, ex-boyfriend.” There was an emphasis in his words, filled with a tiny bit of animosity compared to his smiling face. Satoru could see you taking a deep breath when he reached for Toji’s hand, shaking it. It took everything in Satoru not to squeeze too hard, controlling his temper as he got a closer look at the guy. 
Green eyes that look like they were always glaring; the complete opposite of his. Especially the dark hair and the scar on the side of his lips which made his smirks even more aggravating. No guy would want their wife in the same room as him. He looks a bit rough but Satoru can tell why you’re with the guy.
The supposed to be “peace offering” and “friendly shake hands” quickly turned into a stare-off between the two of them, like giving each other unspoken warnings. Satoru’s pretty sure that you can feel the air in the house get thicker as you cleared your throat, trying to get their attention away from each other.
“I know who you are, I just wanted to make sure.” Toji confessed but before the situation escalates any further, you spoke, “I, uh, would you like something while waiting for—” It was obvious that you were desperate for a way to keep him and Toji apart. You don’t really ask him that, and almost as if on cue, the door opened to reveal your mother and his baby girl. 
“Let me change real quick.” You whispered, before pulling Toji inside your room. His baby girl squealed at him, completely unaware of what has been going on before they came in.
“You’re early.” Your mother spoke to him as he gave her a small smile of courtesy. Satoru knows that your mother wanted to be rude to him; she probably wanted to slap him when they first met after your fight, but she’s not that type of woman. She can be very indifferent, but never hostile.
“Hi!” Satoru heard your daughter speak to Toji when he walked out of the room in a t-shirt now. The little girl giggled as he waved back at her. So, this isn’t the first time she saw him, he thought. “Yes, Mom. I can’t waste an hour to be with this angel.” He nodded at your mother, fixing the zipper of Yui’s jacket before taking the baby bag.
“Thank you, Mom. Did I rush you? Sorry about that.” You apologized. Satoru can notice the blush on your cheeks as you fix your hair so it was covering the side of your neck. Satoru couldn’t stop his brain from making up scenarios of what could’ve possibly happened in the short amount that you were in the room with that man, dressing up. 
Your eyes met his as you fixed your daughter’s hat making her reach out her hands to you, urging you to hold her. You took Yui from Satoru giving her cheeks tiny kisses which made her smile, hugging your neck and placing her head on your shoulders. Toji made faces at the toddler, making her giggle joyfully. 
For some reason, the whole scene doesn’t sit right with Satoru, so he focused on checking her things instead, all while cursing to himself. “We were already on our way, it’s fine. Have you made Toji breakfast?” Your mother smiled at Toji, and it made Satoru wonder if you felt like this during the few dinners where his Mom would sit next to Naomi and ignore you the whole night. 
Yui was still too young and was not used to being away from you. He and Naomi also just started dating then. You know there was no point to have you there but your daughter just won’t go without you. Satoru remembered you sitting on the corner of the spacious living room as his mother held his daughter in her lap, entertaining his new girlfriend. 
Although his father isn’t as bad, he’s too busy catching up with other relatives to chit-chat with you. His cousins kept you company but it was only a matter of time before they move on to something you can’t relate to.
There was one time when they took the family pictures while you were in the bathroom and when you came back, you had to stand there and watch them. Naomi was standing beside Satoru as she carried Yui. You shrugged it off when Satoru tried to apologized. You though that it was only right because you’re not even part of their family anymore since you two broke up. But Satoru could see right through you. 
You wouldn’t be faking a smile if it didn’t hurt you.
“I’m going to cook, Ma’am. Let’s all eat together.” Satoru can tell that your mother was fond of Toji with the way she’s smiling at him. She used to be like that to Satoru too, even going as far as sending homecooked foods for his Mom and Dad which you knew they never ate. You just never said anything because you didn’t want to start something and you didn't want to hurt your mother’s feelings.
“Oh, I have to go to a friend’s house, sadly.” Your mother checked her watch before clicking her tongue, “Maybe next time, son.” With that, your mother bid farewell to all of you, albeit a little coldly towards Satoru. There was an eerie silence save from your daughter’s laugh as she caressed your face.
“You ready to leave with Dada?” You spoke as you leaned her towards Satoru, allowing the man to take her from you. “Let’s go, now, love. Naomi is waiting for you.” He cooed at her as she buried her face in his neck, smiling while she peaked at him “I’ll bring Megumi next time so, you can play, okay?” Toji pulled your body close to him, chuckling at how your daughter screamed in excitement, kicking her little legs.
Satoru wanted to roll his eyes as he watched Toji subtly caress and squeeze your waist.
Satoru kissed Yui’s head, pulling stray hairs away from her face to stop himself from saying something he shouldn’t. He’s just so ill-mannered, it’s making Satoru want to warn you about him. He can see how comfortable Yui is with Toji which provoked the questions he’d been keeping to spill out of his mouth.
“I’m gonna cook breakfast.” Toji tapped your behind as he walked away. Satoru didn’t appreciate that but he’s glad the he left. He needs answers. He knows that he’s in no place to demand, but Satoru wants to know if Toji’s arrogance matched his place in your life. As soon as Toji walked far enough, Satoru stepped closer to you.
“Since when?” He asked, gentle eyes watching your daughter as she now plays with his hair. You looked at him for a moment, blinking as you think. “Can’t remember. It’s nothing official, we’d just been hanging around each other during free time and we…” You trailed and Satoru looked away, avoiding your eyes. He doesn’t know if he wants to hear that come from you. His eyes already saw it. He nodded slowly, breathing in as he licked his lips before swallowing.
“That’s good… good for you.” He doesn’t know what else to say. What else should he say? That he’s happy for you? Yeah, he’s definitely happy for you. Now, there’ll be better harmony between everyone because you can now feel how Satoru feels about Naomi, right? You can finally understand. That’s it. This is a relief, he thought as he smiled. 
Satoru was staring at you but his mind was out of it. He can see it in your face. You’re glowing. That Toji guy must’ve been treating you so well even if it’s only been for a few weeks. Satoru can’t even bring himself to feel angry. 
This is how you must’ve felt when you saw him and Naomi that day. This is how affronted and helpless you must’ve felt. 
How you tried so hard to stand your ground as you looked at the two of them being the couple that you should’ve been to each other, watching him save Naomi’s face due to how you saw them and your first impression of her. Seeing him rub on your face that you’re over and he can finally do what he wants. Realizing that he never meant any fucking word he promised to you…
He felt like he cheated that time and he said that to Naomi. He felt like he betrayed not only you but also his daughter. But her words didn’t fail to calm him down. “We can figure everything out together, Satoru. We’ll solve this; all of us.”  She shushed as she put her head on his bare chest. The image of your face, void of emotion but with your broken heart reflected in your eyes was as clear as a day.
This is how you must’ve felt and it’s not fucking nice because if it was, Satoru wouldn’t be holding his breath right now, seeing the hickey you’ve been hiding peek between the strands of your hair when you moved towards him to kiss Yui’s forehead. “Be a good girl, ok?” She was singing something none of you can understand but definitely made you laugh. She’s growing so fast and everything’s changing so fast as well. He wondered if he could keep up. 
He’s the one who picked this pace so he got no business complaining.
Earlier that morning
You woke up to kisses on your shoulders as your eyes twitched against the morning light coming through the slits of the Venetian blinds. The first thing you saw was the luminous lines on the floor, making you sigh as you observe the pale hue. It’s still early, you thought as you felt a calloused hand traveling across your waist to caress your stomach. It made you relax, reaching over to touch the back of Toji’s neck as his kisses moved up to your nape.
You first got to know Toji when came to the cafe where you work one rainy morning, you recognized him to be the man at the toy store. His baby boy was in a small raincoat and boots and he was wearing an expensive-looking coat. You already know that he bought the playpen that day, making you wish they still have some left in stock.
“Stomp your boots, come on. Good boy.” He coached his son, holding his hand to prevent him from slipping as he jumped on the mat to get the wetness off his blue rain boots. His cheeks were chubby and red, it reminded you of you. With just one look, one can already tell that he’s his father’s son. He took the raincoat off the little boy and his placing it on a nearby rack. 
When he looked up, your eyes met, making him narrow his, as he tilted his head. He’s trying to remember where he saw your face and he’s shamelessly doing that. He definitely knows that he looks good. You thought before quickly shaking your head, feeling bad that you’re thinking of someone else’s husband like that. 
“Good day, sir! What can I get for you?” You spoke as he stood on the other side of the counter, scanning your features. It made you feel slightly conscious, fixing your hair subtly as you tried to hide the awkwardness in your smile. “It’s you, how’s your daughter?” You looked at him with mouth slightly ajar, did he just ask how your daughter is without even meeting her? He’s a funny man, you thought,
“You said you’d but a gift for your daughter back in the toy store so, I wanna know how she is.” He clarified bending down to pick up his little boy. The kid caressed his round tummy wordlessly, staring blankly at the menu. “U-uh, she’s okay, sir. Thank you. I was trying to remember where I saw you.” You lied, typing away at the machine to prepare for his order. 
“I’ll have Long Black and a blueberry cupcake for this little dude, that’s what you like?” The man pointed at the menu and the eyes of the kid sparkled as he stared at it. “Yep, he’s having that.” You nodded, avoiding his gaze as you looked down, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I’m Toji, by the way. This is my son, Megumi.” Is he befriending you? You looked at this hand for a few seconds before you came to your senses.
“Y/N.” Shaking his hand, you watched a small smile form on his lips, “Sorry, I was just a bit…surprised.” You laughed nervously, passing their orders to the other staff. “Have a seat, sir. Your orders will be served as soon as it’s ready.” You smiled up at him. They sat at the nearest table with the kid, looking at you. You watched Toji feed his child from a couple of meters away. 
Yui and Satoru must look like this when they’re having a day out. The thought made your heart ache with both joy and pining.
“I’ll see you around, Y/N.” He bid farewell to you after getting a takeout for his son. “Bye-bye,” You were surprised when the little boy waved at you. Albeit without a smile, he was waving his tiny hands enthusiastically. Since then, Toji and Megumi have been coming to the cafe every other day. That's how you got close to them.
You found out that Toji’s wife passed away during childbirth so, it’s only him and the 3-year-old Megumi. Like Satoru, he came from a well-off family. He owns a branch of his father’s business. You also told him about what happened between you and Satoru. Well, a little sugar-coated version of it, because you didn’t want to seem like you were just looking for sympathy but he still caught on. 
Megumi and Yui became playmates. She was deeply amazed by his toys, which Toji decided to share with her, letting the kid take some of them home. Their house was huge, and in Megumi’s playroom was the playpen you were checking out at the store, but the bigger version. Those few weeks felt like months due to how much you learned about each other. And that led to this moment. 
You weren’t supposed to invite Toji over but you ran into him while you were shopping for groceries. And just like you, it just so happens that his son was sleeping over at his parents’ with his cousins. You thought that inviting him over wouldn’t be so bad. You both didn’t have to eat alone in your homes. You know that Toji’s been interested in you but you paid no mind to it, not wanting to seem like you’re just desperate to have someone.
But that night was different. No alcohol was involved yet, you both drowned in each other’s presence.
The next thing you knew, you were moaning under him as he suckles on your skin. The sounds of his pants and your whimpers filled the place and your bed has never felt so small yet, so warm. His hands wandered places you never thought could feel the way they did when he touched them. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” He grunted for what seemed like a millionth time in your ear, pulling you closer as if being skin-to-skin wasn’t close enough. His lips felt soft and gentle against yours as he caught your delicious cries of his name. It’s been so long since you were handled with care. The way he moved within you was enough to take you to cloud nine. 
Once again, a simple night became another turning point in your life and this time, you hoped that it would be for the better.
“What do you want for breakfast?” You turned over, burying your face in his naked chest, remembering the events that occurred the previous night. You felt his fingers tracing your sides, gliding down your behind before grabbing a handful, making you slap his arm light. “This is what I want for mornings.” He chuckled, tangling his legs with yours.
“I gotta go to the bathroom.” You quickly stood up, forgetting about your state. You ended up wincing as you sit down, eliciting a laugh from Toji before he got up, carrying you bridal style to the bathroom. After washing up, you gave him a new extra brush, watching him watch you in the mirror. He could cover your whole body with his by how much bigger he is than you. You blushed as you reckoned the number of positions he had you in last night.
“What?” He smirked at you, washing the water down his face. You shook your head as you finished brushing your teeth. You stood there naked, with Toji ghosting behind you in nothing but his sweatpants.”This is unfair, why are you in your sweatpants already and I’m still naked?” You turned to look up at him, pushing your hair back. As if on instinct, his hands were automatically on your hips.
“I can take this off if you want.” He joked, tilting your head up to give you a slow, passionate kiss. “I’m still sore,” You whined, pressing your forehead against his. Chuckling, he pecked your lips, “I know, let me take you to bed. Rest, then we’ll have breakfast.” He carried you back to bed before giving you your underwear and his shirt.  
“Call me if you need anything,” He kissed your forehead before walking out of your bedroom. You lay there for a couple of minutes, enjoying the silence of the morning and his scent on your sheets. How long has it been since you had that kind of night, you thought to yourself as you smelled his shirt, blushing as you walk out.
Opening the door, you can hear Toji talking to someone. Your brows furrowed as you walked out, following the sound to the front door. Is Yui back already? You thought, But it’s not noisy. Curious, you tried to peek over Toji’s shoulders as quietly as you could. Your eyes widened when you saw a mop of familiar white locks and a pair of blue eyes. The situation was familiar, but this time it was reversed.
Satoru’s the one staring at you with hurt and betrayal in his eyes.
“Mama buy Yui.” The little girl pointed at the ribbons on her hair as Satoru placed her in her carseat. Satoru still can’t wrap his head around what happened. “Really? Yui looks really pretty.” He tapped her cheek before going to the driver’s seat. He promised himself that if you open the door for him, he’s going to make it up to you. But look at what happened today.
“Toji tells Mama pretty.” The little girl squealed before giggling like she understands what was going on and was unaware of how her father’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. “He does? Why?” The breaths he was taking were deep, as he waited patiently for the kid to answer but it was already out of her mind. 
Satoru shook his head, telling himself that he was just surprised, and having been worked up earlier, his temper still hasn’t fully gone down. “Naomi’s pretty too, right?” Ah, yes. His lovely girlfriend, Satoru sighed as he remembered that he has someone by his side. Someone who truly understands him. The child nodded, humming to herself and leaving Satoru with his thoughts again.
Toji’s probably been helping you get over your jerk of a baby-daddy. He’s giving you the comfort that Satoru should’ve given you. He probably doesn’t give you headaches; doesn’t leave you waiting, arrives on time and he probably doesn’t make you feel less than another woman. 
“Fuck.” Satoru punched the side of the wheel, hearing his little girl gasp. “Huh?” She uttered.
“Sorry, love. I was…That’s not a nice word. Dada shouldn’t have said it.” He smiled at her, before reaching over to caress her cheeks when they stopped at the red light. Satoru ran a hand through his hair, pressing his back against the chair. He shouldn’t be stressing over your relationship. He got his to nurture and focus on. What matters is, you’re happy with your respective partners.
Reaching his house, Satoru was bouncing a laughing Yui in his arms as he pretended to jump around. “Hey, baby. How are you?” Naomi’s always been so sweet with his little girl and he appreciates that. It was one of his concerns when he thought about getting with her but they were pointless for she was so fond of the child.
“Look at her eat, babe! She’s too cute.” Naomi looked at Yui in awe as she chewed on the broccoli. Satoru noticed that she’s getting real good at eating on her own. Even if you go to work away from her, you still give Yui more than enough attention and Satoru wouldn’t deny that he’s amazed by that.
You work at a cafe owned by your friend for five hours from Monday to Saturday. Though working longer means more money, you don’t want to leave your baby too much. You earn enough for the bills and some of Yui’s needs. Satoru wanted to double her allowance but you refused, saying that it should be as fair as the days she stays with the two of you. It’s a basic schedule that never got followed. 
Instead of being 3-4-4-3, it just became 4-3; four days with you and three days with Satoru. It’s because the middle day is usually spent with the two of you together. He can’t remember when and why he came up with that. But he thought that it would be for the best, at least until your child can finally fully understand your situation. It hasn’t happened ever since the fight. 
“Babe?”Naomi tapped his arm, “Satoru!” She tilted her head as she tried to catch his blank stare. Satoru snapped out of his thoughts, breathing in as he looked at his girlfriend’s face. “Hm?” He picked up the glass of juice, drinking as he kept his eyes on her. “I said that when we have one of our own, I’d get them used to eating vegetables early.” She massaged his arm, smiling with her eyes.
“One of our what?” It was a dumb question that Satoru had inside his head while she was speaking but it slipped out, “Ah, no, I mean, yeah. It’s good when children aren’t picky with their foods.” Reaching to wipe the child’s mouth. “Are you alright?” She inquired, concern lacing her soft features. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? It’s just work.” He smiled half-heartedly before coaxing the woman to eat.
The following days were spent with the three of them eating outside and taking Yui to the mall playground. He found himself sending more of Yui’s pictures to you than usual. He doesn’t know what he’s trying to achieve but ever since you introduced Toji to him, he’s been hoping for a chance to talk. He can’t just turn a page when the one he’s on is torn. At least, that’s what it felt like to him.
You’re starting a new chapter and he feels like he’s stuck there. He’s the one who wanted it, so why does it seem like he’s trying to prevent it now?
Satoru set an alarm early, knowing that you’ll be picking up Yui today. Most likely with your boyfriend. He remembered Yui video calling you on his phone accidentally the other day. Turns out, you were at Toji’s. He didn’t even have to ask. The chandelier, the pillow, and the bed, as well as the lampshade; that’s definitely not your room. 
You were fondly talking to Yui but almost immediately came up with an excuse to leave the call when Satoru sat down behind her. He could tell that as much as you want to see your child, you don’t want to interact with her father. 
He’s felt unwanted by you before. This time he just needs closure, he thought.
That’s a bit too much considering how shitty he treated you. But he can’t keep acting like you still have some type of connection other than being parents. Not only is he being unfair to you but to Naomi too. He’s just not used to seeing you with someone else and that’s why it’s bothering him. 
“You’re getting up already?” Naomi spoke in her tired voice as Satoru sits on the side of the bed, checking his phone. “Yeah, they’re picking her up today. You have work too right?” He yawned, stretching when he stood up. Satoru gave Naomi a kiss on her forehead, hearing her hum. After getting ready, Satoru cleaned his living room; arranged the toys inside the playpen, and checked the front yard.
“This is new,” Naomi laughed, holding her coffee mug as she sat on the couch, watching her boyfriend tidy up his home. “You look good, Dada.” She joked which earned a chuckle from him, “You know I could see you doing this every morning” She walked closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she gave him a long kiss.
“I gotta mature, Yui’s growing.” He placed a hand around her waist, “We might grow too. Soon.” Naomi winked at him and Satoru couldn’t help the smile on his face. You used to tell him that you want three kids, and he wondered if you changed your mind. “What is it?” Naomi asked and only then did Satoru realize that he spaced out again.
“I gotta get Yui ready.” He chuckled, pecking her lips, “Oh, yeah. Let’s go. I wanna pick her clothes.” She giggled, pulling Satoru with her. You’ve been in and out of his mind. And it’s not even just because of Toji. Ever since he left the day that you argued, Satoru’s been thinking about nothing but how to make you talk to him. 
The only thing that stopped him was reminding himself of your relationship’s status. You’re not together; he told you he doesn’t want you, and he’s comfortable and happy with Naomi. His guilt was consuming him. He gotta get this out of his chest and properly apologize to you. You don’t even have to forgive him, he just wants to let you know that he didn’t mean what he said.
Getting Yui ready slightly got things off his mind. Her cute laughs, screams, and small conversations with Naomi drowned every worry in Satoru’s mind. But after that, the thought of seeing you with that guy again loomed over his head. He hasn’t told Naomi about it. It doesn’t feel right to talk about you with her like that. 
Satoru dressed himself in a blue-grey sweater and denim jeans. He found himself fixing his hair, and checking his face. “You’re already handsome, my love.” Naomi hugged him from behind, kissing his shoulders. He was just about to answer her when the doorbell rang, signaling your arrival.
“Yui! Love, Mama’s here!” Satoru called to the playing toddler, she was focused on watching her cartoons.“I’m gonna get the door, can you check her stuff?” He spoke to Naomi as he gave a quick look at himself in the mirror. She nodded, puzzled at his urgency but chose to shrug it off.
Satoru ran a hand over his sweater and hair before jogging to the gate. There you stood with Toji and another kid in his arms. The toddler looked so bored for his age, which is about the same as Yui’s. “Is she ready? Oh, this is Megumi, by the way. Toji’s son.” You motioned to the kid. Oh so, that’s why you get along so well. He’s a father too. 
But Satoru’s a father too. Of your own child, on top of that. 
“Hi, he looks like you a lot.” It was a struggle to get friendly with Toji. Not only because of their first meeting but because of how he put his hand on the small of your back. He’s just trying to flex. Satoru wanted to roll his eyes so badly. “She’s inside, come in.” He shook away his bizarre thought. 
“Yui!” The little guy spoke suddenly, pointing as he spotted the little girl in the playpen. Yui quickly turned her head at the voice, recognizing her playmate. “She really knows Megumi.” You chuckled at Toji as he put his son down. The little girl was quick to hug him, squealing as she pulled her father’s hand.
“Gumi, Dada.” She gestured at Megumi. She was introducing her playmate. “She’s gonna be a sweet sister,” Satoru was quick to turn to Toji, seeing that he was dead serious even as you pinched his side. He wanted to ask what makes him so sure that you’re gonna choose him. “She’s happy to see her little friend.” Naomi hugged his arm as he put her head on his shoulder.
“You ready to go?” You cooed at Yui when she tapped your leg, pointing at Megumi like he didn’t just come here with you. It was funny, but Satoru couldn’t bring himself to laugh when his eyes landed on the necklace on your neck. He remembered giving you one, but you stopped wearing it when you saw him with Naomi. He doesn’t get to look for it now. 
“Alright, let’s go.” You were about to pick Yui up but Naomi’s words halted you, “What about Mama’s kiss?” Satoru cursed himself for avoiding discussing it with Naomi because of how it ended in a fight with you. He was about to tell her but he just couldn’t without getting frustrated for not being able to reach you. Naomi opened her arms to Yui but little Megumi has his own words.
“No Mama, No.” He spoke, shaking his head at Naomi like she wasn’t unknown to him. “Yui Mama.” He patted you, eliciting a chuckle from Toji. “Alright, you’re talkative now. Let’s go.” He picked the little boy up. It left Naomi laughing awkwardly beside Satoru who was busy getting his daughter’s things. 
“Give me a kiss, love.” Satoru gets closer to Yui and naturally, to your face too, as you sat her on your hip. His eyes met yours for a couple of seconds, looking away bitterly when he couldn’t find the emotions he was searching for. Even if you told him that it was nothing official, Satoru could see in your eyes that you were slowly leaving what you had with him. 
Like what he did with you. He just didn’t know that this is how it would feel. 
Walking out with you felt like he was walking you out of his life, entrusting you to this man who probably knows your body, your scent, and your touch the way he does. Does he still know you like that? After all that he’s said and done, Satoru can’t expect that you still see him the same way. 
A part of him says it’s for the best, so you could move on quicker. But the other part of him felt like he was the one walking backward.
The children waved at them and Satoru could only plaster a smile as he watched you get on the passenger side. “That’s a nice car. I didn’t know she got a boyfriend.” Naomi spoke cautiously beside him, “Yeah, that’s not her boyfriend.” Satoru walked back inside the house, mood officially ruined.
“Naomi babe, you can’t have Yui calling you Mama anymore.” Satoru spoke as he get himself a glass of water. He’s not giving himself a chance to delay the information any longer. He just wants to clear everything up, that’s his last hope of getting rid of the weird thoughts and feelings he’s been getting. These unfinished businesses are probably messing with his head.
“Oh, sorry. She disagreed?” Naomi sat down in front of him, watching her boyfriend’s face. “Yeah, it was disrespectful to her. It is.” Satoru nodded, caressing her cheek. Everything else after that was just Satoru answering her questions. He doesn’t even feel like meeting with his client anymore. He just wants to sleep. It’s only morning and he’s already drained.
He didn’t think that seeing you with someone else could suck the life out of him. 
It’s been two months of proper co-parenting with you. Well, it’s proper to you and Toji, you’ve been living your fairytale with your king. Satoru scoffed as he downed another drink. He was at the bar where he first met you. Alone. The noise was loud but not loud enough to mute the thoughts inside his head.
He recalled that one time when you picked Yui up, and Toji had the guts to tell him that he was taking you and Yui out of the country to go to Disneyland. He wanted to tell him that he’s gonna be the one doing that but the excitement of his kid prevented him from doing so. 
“I just wanted to get your permission because I don’t want to be disrespectful to the other parent.” Toji didn’t mean harm but the words sent Naomi out of the room.
He once stalked Toji’s account and found photos of you and him by the pool. A swipe after that was the kids drinking coconut water in their swimming attire. The arm floats looked cute on their arms and Satoru wished that he was there to witness that with you. Another swipe was your legs in between Toji’s. 
It was frustrating enough that he had to log off for a day. If this happened several months back, he’d probably post a picture of him and his girlfriend just to piss you off. But he can’t do that anymore. He’s way too aware of what’s happening to him to still act like an asshole. 
The other day he and Naomi ran into you and Toji at the grocery store. The kids were on strollers and he never told Naomi but he already saw you before she even pointed your presence out. As much as he wanted to see his baby, he was too afraid to approach, fearing that he’d be met with news that could end everything for him. 
He saw Toji put his large hand on your lower stomach, as the other one snaked on your hip. If this is what he thinks it is, he’s probably gonna faint right on the spot. He whispered something to you that made you look up at him with a smile.
It’s been a while since you smiled at him like that. 
He consoled himself by saying that it was too early for something like that but was quickly discouraged by the fact that he himself made rash decisions without regarding how you might feel. During the encounter, Satoru kept himself grounded by entertaining the kids. 
“Pour me another one.” He spoke to the bartender, before leaning on his forearm. This is bad, he thought. His girlfriend will definitely wonder why he’s trying to get wasted alone in the bar where he first met the mother of his child. If that happens, Satoru wouldn’t know what to say. She was such a good woman to him and he wouldn’t want to hurt her like that. 
This is one of the reasons why he’s encouraging himself to move on, aside from the fact that he’ll probably never get you back. He has high respect and admiration for Naomi. She’s been nothing but a great person to him. She was there when his mind was a mess and she held him down. He wants to avoid breaking her heart.
Why didn’t you think of this before you gave up on Y/N? Have you no idea how much she put up with just to make it work with you?  A voice in his head spoke, pushing Satoru to down another drink. He’s fucking right, he thought. That voice was fucking right. 
“Y/N gave up on me because I gave her every reason to. I gave up on Y/N because I was tired. I was never fucking fair.” Satoru cursed to himself, pulling his phone out just as his mind started to spin. He doesn’t even know if what’s happening is real. But Satoru has gotten enough confidence from the alcohol to spill out everything in his heart.
With a couple of taps, Satoru’s phone was ringing in his ear, waiting for the other person to pick up. “Hey,” A lazy voice rang through the speakers of the phone “...love you..” Satoru answered, coughing as he held his head with one hand. 
Frustrated with the noise, Satoru made his way to a far corner. Pressing his back before sliding down to a sitting position by a wall. “...where are you?” Satoru couldn’t even hear her clearly. He laughed half-heartedly, sniffing as he teared up at her concern. “I still love you, Y/N. So, so much.” He spoke more clearly. 
Little did he know, it wasn’t Y/N on the other end of the line.
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taglist: @forever-war @astral-hydromancy @witchbybirth @coeqi @starshinedowo @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @lost-lonnie @haitanifxn @dearsunaa @clairdelunaax @anxious-chick @tigerchaeee @megufushi @tsukkisrightpinky @crowiechan @makimais @infinitemoonlight @iloveblogging2 @cloudsinthecosmos @uchiwife @bellaadonnas @lawlietily @lilxnvm @poopoobuttsy @yihona-san06 @luhvbot @sagekko @lugkuic @asbony @uhremmi
@kurookinnie @why-am-i-here-again-shitheads @galaxyfever @guenievresworld @y2kcy3brz @chocokaylarobin @hopeannalea @ruunavalentine @tojirin @teapartyspilled @ackermendick @shadowarchon @vinkiesz @awkwardaardvarkforever @btsw1fe @nvvacanesworld @wolffmaiden @underburningstars @rntrsuna @vampgguk @doulcha @creolequeen11210
ps. i can only tag 50 im sorry :')
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lemonlover1110 · 2 months
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Summary: Toji doesn't want another baby, and there's nothing you can do about it, so you come to terms with it.
Warnings: Pure Fluff
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
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Toji doesn’t get baby fever. Out of the two of you, you’re the only one that squeals around a cute baby. Toji already knows parenthood, and he’s changed way too many diapers and done way too many late night feedings to know that he never wants to do them again.
Babies are cute, but at this point in life, he’d rather just be an uncle. He gets to hold and play with the baby, but gets to give them back when an accident happens. Unclehood is much better than parenthood, dare he say. He gets to do all the fun stuff and none of the bad stuff.
He doesn’t really want to do it all again, and there’s nothing that you can do to change his mind.
“Toji!” You yell from Megumi’s bedroom, and the man walks to the bedroom, annoyed. The man loves you to death, but he hears his name way too many times in this home.
He sighs, leaning against the doorframe as you open up a box. He makes his annoyance clear as he asks, “What?”
“I’m cleaning out Megumi’s closet, and look what I found.” You hold up the cutest onesie, one that fit six month old baby Megumi, something that feels like eons ago. Toji raises his brows, a smile coming to his lips.
“What? Are you thinking of having one?” Toji asks, and he’s surprised when you shake your head. It’s the first time you shake your head to that question. “Then what’s this?”
“Shouldn’t we donate it? Since we’re not having a baby, we don’t need these.” You tell him, and Toji can’t help but agree. There’s no way Megumi is going to fit into one of these onesies, even if he truly tried. 
“Let me help you.” He says, sitting down on the floor with you. You look at him, perking up your brows.
“What came over you? Suddenly being so helpful.” You chuckle, and Toji rolls his eyes as he grabs a onesie from the box. Why does it feel so small? He didn’t recall them being so small. “Who are you and what did you do with my husband?”
“Whatever happened to you wanting a baby? Who are you and what did you do with my wife?” Toji responds, wondering why now of all time you aren’t blabbering about how a baby would be a perfect addition to the house. These clothes are just so small and so adorable…
“I mean, we agreed to not have kids when we got married since you were done with that. It’s just unfair of me to ask for a baby when I know you don’t want more… So I accepted it.” You smile at him, feeling proud of yourself for this newfound maturity. Toji’s glad you’ve come to terms with it, because he was sure getting sick of it. 
He reaches into the box again, pulling out a pair of socks. He purses his lips together before looking at you. He didn’t remember babies having such small feet. “I’m glad that you–”
“I mean what’s even cool about babies? They’re cute, and nothing else. Then you have to…” You continue talking about the cons of babies, while Toji pulls out more and more clothes from the box. It seems to be getting smaller and smaller. His heart gets weaker with each item and he fights back the wicked thoughts. He can’t possibly be having… baby fever.
“Babies aren’t that great. Never have I looked at Megumi and thought ‘Oh I wish you were a stinky baby again.’ ” Toji says, but he pauses when he realizes that he’s had that thought before, way too many times. You chuckle before you quietly continue your task. Toji chews on the inside of his cheek, when he realizes something that he wishes he could push out of his mind.
He doesn’t want to be the one to bring it up, but you said you were done with asking. The umpteenth time is the charm or whatever they say. Toji hopes that by saying, “Oh, Megumi was just the chubbiest and sleepiest baby.” You’ll come to your senses. You have to go back to your duty of being the wife that annoys her husband for a baby, and this time around he’ll finally agree.
“Yeah, they’re sleepy until it’s three in the morning, then they’ll wake up.” You argue, not noticing what Toji is trying to do.
“He had the cutest sneezes.” Toji brings up.
“Yeah, means they’re sick because they put their hands on everything and then shove them in their mouths.”
“He was so cute when he laughed…”
“Have you heard how they cry? That easily outweighs that.” You don’t even notice how he’s putting the clothes back into the box. You keep taking out the same clothes, wondering why he had so many of the same set.
“For fuck’s sake! I want a baby.” Toji finally confesses, ashamed that he’s the one that has to bring it up. Your eyes widen, a smile coming to your lips before you practically jump on him to kiss him.
You kiss him over and over again, and Toji doesn’t want to fight you on it right now, but he has to put his hand over your lips when he senses the kiss leading to something else. He tells you, “Not in Megumi’s bedroom.”
“Right.” You laugh out of embarrassment, getting up from the floor and giving him a hand to do the same. 
He’s never seen you use so much force before as you drag him out of the bedroom. But it’s nice to see that you hadn’t really changed your mind, after all, that makes his job easier.
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chuunai · 5 months
Henlo I have something to add to the 100 followers event if that’s cool
Dazai with scenario 2 and prompt 16. Idk how these things traditionally go but…. Your stuff seems good so far and I’m excited to see what you do with this
Thank you thank you, Anon. Also sorry for how long this took everyone I swear I’m combing through the requests 3_3
✧˚ · . dad first, detective second - dazai osamu
who would’ve imagined the demon prodigy having a hellion of his own?
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summary ⋆ ★ comfort, fluff, established relationship (marriage with reader), SFW → baby baby baby, Dazai really likes your boobs, etc.
It’s a perfect night, really.
Your warm body resting against his, limbs lazily tossed over each other as you snuggled and acted like lovesick fools. Moonlight poured in from the cracks of the curtains, casting small slivers on your face. Dazai couldn’t help but think of an angel when it came to you. A heavenly being that granted him a new life and forgave him for his past.
Nudging at your cheek with his nose, his voice came out in a sleepy tone.
“You should sleep, [name].”
His hand reached up to cup your face, playfully using his thumbs to gently close your eyelids like one would do with a body. He’d seen many people in the Mafia do that—try and make the deaths they caused seem more peaceful rather than a brutal end. Dazai himself never did that. No need in beautifying a simple concept of its finality and simplicity.
“Can’t. I know she’s about to wake up. It’s nearly eleven, and we put her to sleep at seven. I can tell.”
You shook your head stubbornly, looking at the baby monitor nearby where static noise and the occasional mix of a tiny snore and coo came from.
His little hellion.
Really, he had no clue how he got so lucky. First with the fact that he impregnated you and you carried his baby. Second with the fact that he had his own family now. And third with the fact she looked so much like him. Thick brown curls of hair on her head, big curious eyes that looked at him so adoringly. The tiny freckles and birthmarks scattered across her skin. She had some of your features, yes, but they were more subtle than his features.
Coupled with the fact that she was a bundle of energy and sass like him.
“I insist, pretty. Shinju needs her daddy too.”
He knew how much she made you tired with her habit for refusing to nap for more than an hour or two coupled with breastfeeding and the general responsibility and time that being a mom took. Dazai wanted to spend time with his daughter too and relieve your stress. You’d get sleep, he’d get to see Shinju. Win-win, in all accounts.
Hell, he even gave you puppy eyes in the darkness of your room.
“I…fine. But don’t wake me up if you screw up.”
Dramatically, he sighed and frowned, placing a hand on his heart.
“Does my ‘bella really think I’m an incompetent father? How heartbreaking and cruel of her!”
Much to his relief, you playfully groaned, pinching his sides lightly.
“I didn’t say that, dummy. God, I swear Shinju is more mature than you.”
Jesus, you were so insulting tonight. How was the baby that tried to put anything she could in her mouth more mature than him? Sure, he was a bit funny and childish, but he wasn’t a baby. Well, if he had his face buried in your boobs he’d be a baby. Still, it’s not his fault that they’re just so big and warm and squishy and seem to beg for his attention.
Which is what he soon did, resting his head on your chest while cupping them softly. You were wearing one of his shirts and a nursing bra underneath. He wished you weren’t wearing anything at all, but it wasn’t fair to ask for that when you recently gave birth just a mere two months ago. His libido lowered itself only for you. And when you did have sex—quickies when Shinju would nap—, he was so much nicer and loving than usual. The mother of his child didn’t deserve rough mean sex, no, she deserved gentle treatment under the sheets of their futon.
You deserved everything that he could possibly give you.
So when the small baby demon eventually began to wake up and whimper, he pressed a kiss onto your cheek and slowly got up, whistling a small tune under his breath before waking to the makeshift nursery nearby.
Opening the door slowly, he made his way to the crib and picked up his sniffling newborn, shushing her comfortingly.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Daddy’s here. We don’t want to wake up mama, okay?”
Her tiny hands balled up into fists, weakly moving around and occasionally hitting his chest. Sitting down on the rocking chair nearby, he fumbled around for one of her stuffed animals, grabbing the familiar bunny as he placed it in her arms.
“Look there, Shinju. It’s your bunny!”
From an authoritative Mafia executive to a tired loving father. Lord, Chuuya would be laughing his ass off. Or have that stupid face of confusion while he’d berate Dazai with questions about what unlucky woman had to bear his spawn. But what could that short alcoholic of a ginger say? No woman wanted to birth his babies.
He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when Shinju’s tiny fingers began to grab at his chest, thinking he could feed her too. He could, just not straight from the source unlike you. Standing up, he went over to the mini-fridge nearby which contained bottles of your milk. It wasn’t too chilly, and so he carried it and the cooing baby to the kitchen where he warmed it up in the microwave.
After it warmed up, he carefully began to feed her, leaning back against the counter as he did so.
It still felt so odd to him. Caring and loving someone he helped to create. His self from ten years ago would never believe it—that they’d find love and even have a baby after escaping the Mafia. He had you to thank for that. The one who picked up the discarded pieces of his soul and welded it into the man he is today—a father first, and a detective second.
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Kinda rushed the end but I couldn’t think of anything more :(
Tags: @twst-om-lover, @sinfulthoughtsposts, @xxcandlelightxx
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nutmeg030 · 9 days
Since I feel like sharing my headcanons was insanely fun I’m going to be doing more! So same as before here are some more. sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors I’m having fun
MORE Random And Oddly Specific Obey Me Headcanons
Familiar Edition
All of the brothers familiars are very attached to MC however mammons Crows are the most attached to MC sometimes choosing her side over his side.
I can see MC walking back from RAD noticing a demons really pretty hair pin saying they wish they had that hairpin, later that night a crow is tapping on MCs window with a hair pin as a gift and surprise it’s the exact one she was wanting.
Contrary to popular belief I think Asmodeus familiars would be only animals he sees as beautiful and unfortunately for MCs with Arachnophobia and/or Entomophobia (like myself) most of them are surprisingly (or unsurprising) Scorpions and Spiders like peacock jumping spiders are his personal favorites he finds their colors and eyes so beautiful. And another unfortunate (or fortunate) thing depending on your views of bugs or arachnids is Devildom spiders and scorpions are big like much bigger than ones from the human realm like Australia sizes (if you know you know)
Asmo might try to help MC with any sort of Arachnophobia by showing them some of his most colorful and cutest familiars they all love her so they’ll show off all of their cool patterns or dance, but if Asmodeus senses any once of fear from MC he’ll try to find another way to introduce them to you getting an idea of maybe dressing them up in tiny clothes would work (spoiler it did not)
I know alot of people think that Lucifer’s familiar would be either Cerberus or a peacock like his animal counterpart but I think it’s much more of a he doesn’t have an “official familiar” he tends to help his brothers care of their familiars (he’s a hard working single father of 6 boys)
Satans familiars are cats I will not explain there’s no need to
Beel much like Lucifer no official familiar but he does seem to have a fondness for cows. No Beel hamburgers can’t be familiars unfortunately.
Levi has 3; Henry 1.0, Lotan, and one very timid koi fish he found in the garden pond he thought about having it and Henry 2.0 share a tank but quickly found out putting them in the same tank is asking for trouble. And no Henry 2.0 is not a familiar that’s his best friend not some animal.
Belphie has a familiar surprise! It’s not a cow, it’s not a cat, and it’s not a bat. It’s actually a tortoise he found on his way to RAD one day he thought it was cute keeping pace with his slow sleepy steps and actually bit Lucifer when he first saw him, and then ate part of his uniform as well so for belphie he was in love with the little guy.
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dumblilb · 9 months
I’m Losing It Lately ˚⋆୨୧⋆ ˚
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Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
(Synopsis: Ellie thinks you’re the prettiest girl she’s ever seen. And that terrifies her. So when you hint at liking her back she can’t help but think the worst. Inspired by the song Lacy by Olivia Rodrigo. )
(Warnings: Loser!Ellie, a coming out scene, mentions of anxiety, making out, angst, fluff, lesbians 🤯 )
(Words: 2037)
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Ellie has know you for years. You have been one of her best friends since she moved to Jackson. So it was exciting when you were paired as roommates once you both headed off to college. That was till recently.
Ellie had been feeling uneasy around you. Entering a room and immediately leaving if she saw you in it. She just couldn’t help the butterflies that swarmed her stomach when she looked at you. And it was making her sick. Watching you get ready in the morning. Applying lip liner making her wonder what your lips felt like. Or helping you with the little bows you would tie on your hair and your bags. Or the way you rested a hand on her thigh when you would have movie nights. Sometimes how you looked at her when you couldn’t sleep and needed someone to talk to, would send her into overdrive. Your eyes would be all sleepy and and your lips all puffy after biting them subconsciously. You would wrap yourself in fluffy throw blankets and hold that stupid teddy bear she got you when you were 16. And she just thinks to herself-
“How could someone look so beautiful?”
She wanted to crawl into a hole every time she noticed you staring at her plain outfits or the boxers she wore to bed. She wished she could dress well like you. Maybe you would like her then. It made her so insecure knowing you had seen her grow up. Seen all her awkward phases and nerdy interests. You had always seemed so put together and cool to her.
One night you were eating take out and watching her play a video game on the tv when you started messing with her hair.
“What’s up? Do I need a hairbrush or something?” She says turning her attention to you. Chuckling awkwardly as she starts to flatten down her hair.
“Oh! No you’re fine. You look great. Um… can I ask you something?” You question bringing your knees to your chest. Making her put the controller down nervously to fully face you.
“You like girls right?” You ask so scared it almost sounds like a whisper. Ellie’s body flinches, straightening up. She never expected to have this conversation with you. It always just seemed like unspoken knowledge.
“Yeah I do..”
“How did you know?” You ask, eyes glossy.
“Well, I personally was just never attracted to men in that way. It’s different for everyone, but for me when ever a man would try to get romantic with me I would run. It just never felt right…” Ellie says eyeing you down. You were trembling. You looked terrified.
“I think I like girls.” You sob and she brings you into her arms. Holding you, rubbing your back softly.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you.” She whispers.
The entire night she talked to you about old flings and answered any questions you had. But her stomach had dropped from the moments your confession left your lips. Cause it made what she was feeling all to real. It it was scary. Knowing that you like girls means that if you do reject her is cause you don’t like her personally. And not just because she was a girl. Cause how could someone so pretty and kind, like someone like her? So she started avoiding you.
You started to beg Dina to tell you if Ellie had said anything.
“Is she mad at me? I mean Dina please, I need to know. She’s acting like the sight of me disgusts her. I’m worried I did something wrong.” You plead sitting down on her couch.
“She’s not mad at you I promise.” Dina sighs grabbing a bottle of water and sitting down next to you.
“Then why is she avoiding me?” You say and she puts a hand on your shoulder.
“You really need to ask her yourself. How about this, I’m gonna have us all over here tomorrow night for a little party, get together, whatever you wanna call it. And since I’m forcing her to be here you can talk to her.” Dina says and you smile at the plan. The not knowing was killing you and this was the perfect way to get answers.
Later that night while making dinner you look over at Ellie who is finally taking off her headphones.
“Hey are you going to Dina’s tomorrow?” You ask and she lets out a groan.
“Yeah, she said if I don’t she’ll break in and steal all my weed. So…” Ellie explains and walks to her bed.
“Not hungry?” You ask concerned.
“No I’ll eat tomorrow. Night.” She says and turns off the little light above her bed before leaning over and shutting the door between the main room and the bedroom.
You finish up and sit down on the couch. Not wanting to go in there and bother her anymore. Your mind was wandering. You had been friends for 6 years. Little fights had happened before. But this wasn’t a fight. It felt like she was evicting you from her life.
She didn’t want to talk to you. Or look at you. The sound of your voice would make her shiver and if you accidentally brushed her leg on the couch she would scoot so far over she was almost on the arm rest. It was embarrassing. You felt almost disgusting. Like some parasite invading her space. She wouldn’t play her guitar for you anymore. And you wouldn’t find the little drawings she had done of you scattered on her walls.
It hurt. Cause you had finally bucked up the courage to ask her out when this all started happening. Maybe she knew you liked her and that was why she was avoiding you? Cause she didn’t like you back. The thoughts made you feel uneasy as you laid down and quietly cried.
The next morning Ellie would find you laying on the couch passed out with tear stains covering your cheeks. She felt horrible knowing she was the reason. She was your best friend and staying away from you was probably really hard on you. But she needed to get over her crush before you could go back to normal. So she rushed out of the dorm that morning and headed straight to class.
You felt groggy and out of it when you woke up but it was okay cause you didn’t have any classes today. You spent the day trying to hype yourself up for tonight.
“I have to look perfect.” You thought as you put on your everyday jewelry and slipped on your shoes. You tried to go for a model off duty kind of look, remembering when you wore a similar outfit and she said you looked nice. You did the finishing touches on your makeup and put on a perfume you knew she liked.
You took a deep breath before making your way to Dina’s. You knocked and the door swung open.
“Oh good! You’re here!” Dina smiles and you can tell how the party has been going. She was already tipsy. Jesse was in the corner dancing to disturbia by Rihanna. And some other friends were doing shots at the counter.
Then you saw her. Sitting on the windowsill. Joint resting between her fingers as she looks outside. You walk over and sit next to her causing her to squirm a little.
“Hey.” You breathe out and she sighs.
“So… I was wondering if we could talk?” You ask fidgeting with the rings on your fingers. They seemed a little much now looking at how casual everyone else had dressed. I mean Ellie was wearing some jeans, a hoodie, and her converse. And she still looked like the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen.
She blew out a puff of smoke turning to look at you. Visibly uncomfortable with the conversation already.
“I- yeah I guess.”
“Ellie. I really like you. I do but……“ you start to say when she cuts you off and stands up.
“Please don’t. It’s just mean. I don’t want your attempt at making me feel better.” She says getting worked up.
“What?” You say shocked as she looks down at you. People start to stare.
“I have been in love with you for years. And I never complained when you would talk about other people, because I knew I’d never have a chance. But now I know I could have and it’s the worst feeling in the world. And I can’t sit here and listen to you try and let me down easy. You’re my best friend but I can’t do this anymore.” She says pointing between you guys, hot tears streaming down her face. The party had gone quiet. Everyone staring at the sight in-front of them.
“Ellie please, that’s not…” You say reaching a hand out to hold hers and and she pulls it away.
“I can’t. I’m sorry.” She says and walks out the door. You quickly get up and chase after her.
She practically slammed the door in your face as she went inside. You go in and shut it behind you.
“I’m serious I need to be alone right now. God this is so embarrassing!” She yells at herself.
“Ellie I don’t care what you think. I need you to listen to me right now!” You say and shove her down on the couch making her go wide eyed.
“I was trying to tell you how much I like you. And how Ive wanted to be with you for a long time now. And every time I try to tell you, you push me away. And I do care about you. I care about you so much and it’s killing me to know that you’ve felt this way all this time. You are the most perfect and beautiful girl I have ever seen and I would do anything for you to understand that. We have been friends for so long, I didn’t want to ruin that at first but it was torcher. Because just the sight of you gives me butterflies and I can’t take it anymore.” You sob.
The hours of work you had put into your appearance seemingly was for nothing. Because as you kneeled down in front of her and grasped her hands she just stared at you. Your makeup was smudged from the tears and your hair was disheveled. But even in the moment of chaos and confessions all she could think about was how beautiful you were.
“I didn’t want to lose you.“ Ellie whispers placing her forehead to yours.
“You shouldn’t have pushed me away.” You choke out and she wipes a tear from your face making you took up at her.
“I’ll never push you away again.” She smiles softly. Tilting your chin up she brings your lips close. You can feel her breath on your face. Closing the gap slowly you press your lips to hers. It was gentle and sweet. Ellie had always wanted to know what your lips felt like, and it was better than she could have imagined. You tangled your fingers in her hair pulling her closer.
You could feel her smile into the kiss. Her hands gripped your waist as she pulled you both up. Stumbling backwards into the bedroom. You fell back onto her bed as she started to lift your shirt. You lift your back for easier access, when you feel her stop.
“Is something wrong?” You ask, nervous you already screwed this up.
“No, nothings wrong. It’s just… I’ve wanted this to happen for so long, trust me. But you’re not just some girl I met at a party. You’re you… and I want to do this right.” She says laying next to you now, propping herself up on her arm. Running her fingers through your hair.
“Let me take you out.” She says and you give her a playful smile.
“Like a date?” You grin. She places a small kiss you your lips. Parting with a soft whisper.
“Yes, like a date.” She smiles.
“Well I can’t wait for this date then.” You whisper back pulling her in closer.
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reputationmunson · 1 year
Delicate | S.H x fem!reader
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summary: Steve can’t figure out why he’s so upset that you, his best friend, is going on a date until Robin gives him a reality check
content: fluff, friends to lovers, use of y/n, she/her pronouns, probably too cheesy and cliche
word count: 2.9K
a/n: honestly i didn’t have the energy to proofread this sorry for any mistakes!
Every Friday night, you and Steve can be found watching a movie in his basement, curled up on the couch with every snack imaginable scattered around you. Yes, it’s simple, maybe even mundane to some, but there’s nowhere else the two of you would rather be. 
Steve has been your best friend since you were nine. You’d stuck by each other through everything. Even during his ‘king steve’ phase, you never strayed from him. Sure, things were different at that time, but you knew the sweet boy you met on the playground was still in there somewhere. He just needed someone to coax that side of him back out and that person just happened to be you. 
Everyone always speculated you two were more than friends. Your parents constantly joked that in a few years you’d be married with a house full of kids. Your friends always referred to you as ‘Mr. and Mrs. Harrington’, the kids called you ‘mom and dad’. Neither of you would correct anyone, but would laugh about it instead. 
Despite what literally everyone in your life thinks, nothing romantic has ever happened between the two of you. Sure, you were both touchy and cuddly, but that’s normal between two best friends. You also might’ve had a crush on him freshman year of high school, but quickly got over it when you realized those feelings would never be reciprocated. But, you were so wrong, you just didn’t know it yet. Neither did Steve. 
By the time the credits of the movie roll, you're half asleep with your head resting on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around you. You’ve never thought of the cuddling between you as being romantic. You just always felt so comfortable with Steve and he felt the same way around you. He had a way about him that made you feel safe and secure, like every time you were with him nothing bad could happen. 
“Hey” Steve whispers, his hand gently rubbing up and down your arm “do you wanna stay tonight?” 
“Mmhmm” you nod your head and look at him with a sleepy smile. “I’ll help you clean up” you offer and he shakes his head “We’ll clean up tomorrow. Who would steal all the blankets if you passed out from exhaustion down here?” he teases and you playfully roll your eyes and follow him up to his bedroom. “You’re the blanket thief and you know it, Harrington” 
You and Steve have shared a bed more times than you can count.  You’d fall asleep in his arms and wake up with your bodies intertwined. Sometimes, when he thinks you’re still asleep, he’ll press a soft kiss to your forehead. Which is normal for two people who were just friends… isn’t it?
“So, we got this move in at family video that looks super cheesy and awful. Wanna watch it tomorrow night?” he asks as you climb into bed next to him. “Oh, I meant to tell you about this earlier but I’m going on a date tomorrow!” you sound excited and he knows it sounds awful, but for some reason that makes his stomach churn. He tries to play it cool, anyway. 
“A date, huh? Who ya ditchin’ me for, babe?” babe. He always calls you ‘babe’ or ‘honey’ or any sickeningly sweet pet name that never fails to make you feel flustered. “Brad Mckinley” you tell him and Steve has to hold back a scoff. 
Brad McKinley? That asshole? Steve can’t believe you’d give him a second of your time, let alone a date. 
“Really? He’s like a huge douchebag” 
“How do you know? you go on a date with him?” you taunt. 
“He wishes he could get a date with a babe like me. But, c’mon, seriously? He comes into the store all the time with a new girl on his arm and always acts like he’s, I don’t know, better than me. When did he even ask you out?” 
“A few days ago. We were both at the supermarket and I almost ran into him in the parking lot with my shopping cart, so I apologized and he said he’d forgive me if I went on a date with him. I thought that was cute and thought he was ever cuter, so i said yes” 
Wow, what a line, Steve thinks to himself. “Isn’t he known for having sex with girls and never talking to them again?”
“Steve, this is the first date I'm going on in forever. I don’t really get asked out often. Can’t you be happy for me?” 
You do get asked out often, just not directly. Sometimes you and Steve will be out somewhere and guys will come up to him and once he says you aren’t his girlfriend, they try to get him to be his wingman. Steve always comes up with an excuse so they don’t talk to you, but now when you aren’t around, he’s started telling them that you are his girlfriend. He tells himself he only does it to protect, not because he wants you to be his girlfriend. That would be crazy. 
“If you’re happy then I am, I guess. Anyways, i’m like super fucking tired. let’s go to bed” you can’t tell if his tone is from being upset or tired, but you brush it off and close your eyes after curling up to him and telling him goodnight. 
Steve doesn’t sleep much that night. He’s too worried about you. You’re loving and shy. Soft spoken and kind. Sometimes too kind. He worries your kindness might be taken advantage of and he refuses to let that happen. Ever.
Saturday rolls around and Steve has been sulking all day. He was a little awkward with you this morning before you left. You tried to ask him multiple times if he was okay before you left and he blamed his behavior on being tired, so you let it go. When you left, he told you to have fun on your date, but it came out more sarcastic than intended. 
“What is your deal, dude? You have a look on your face like someone stuck a lemon in your mouth while you were sleeping” Robin says and Steve’s brows furrow more than they have been all day. “What the hell does that even mean?”
“It means that you’re acting weird. Weirder than usual” she states and Steve sighs “y/n is going on a date” 
“And that’s a problem because you’re in love with her? Right?”
“I am not in love with her! She’s going on a date with Brad Mckinley and I’m just worried about her. As a friend” He adds the last part to make himself perfectly clear, but Robin still isn’t convinced. “You’re jealous” she states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Which it is to everyone, but Steve. 
“That’s crazy. She’s my best friend”
“No. I’m your best friend. She’s your girlfriend without the label”
“That’s ridiculous. She-” Steve starts to defend himself, but Robin interrupts him. “No, it’s not. Just think about it, okay? You two cuddle all the time, you hold her hand when she’s feeling nervous, and you let her touch your precious hair but if anyone else tried to do that you’d swat their hand away. That’s all boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. She even sits on your lap, your lap, Steve.” 
He’s left speechless. He’s not in love with you, is he? Steve knows his friendship with you isn’t as conventional as others, but neither of you thought it was unusual. If anything, it would be unnatural if there were no innocent touches between the two of you or glances at each other from across the room that resulted in what can only be described as lovesick smiles. Steve thinks he’d die if he could never hold you again the way he does now. But, you’re going on a date. With someone else. 
This guy could end up being your boyfriend who will get to be the one to hold you, you’ll play with his hair, and grab his hand in a crowded room when you’re feeling overwhelmed and Steve will have to watch from the sidelines, wishing that was him. Fuck, he wants that to be him. Forever. 
“Holy shit, you’re realizing it aren’t you?” Robin grins and Steve feels the past twelve years of feelings he’s repressed and dismissed come crashing down on him all at once. He’s been so hopelessly and desperately in love with you all this time and it terrifies him. You are the best thing that's ever happened to him. What if he loses you? He couldn’t bear not having you in his life. He’d never recover. 
“Holy shit” he breathes out “I love her. I’m fucking in love with her. Why didn’t you guys tell me!” he shouts. Good thing the store was dead. “We thought you knew!” she shouts back. “You have to tell her. Like, immediately” 
“I can’t do that” he grumbles, feeling defeated before he’s already tried. “What if she doesn’t feel the same? I mean, I know she doesn’t. There's no way”
“You cannot be that much of an idiot. Do you not see the way she looks at you? You should hear the way she talks about you when you’re not around. Last week when you were late to the get together because you had to work, she was all worried and kept asking what time it was. We could literally talk about ice cubes and she’d find a way to relate the story to you. It’s kinda nauseating, but cute, too” 
“You really think she feels the same way?” Steve lights up at the thought of there being even a one percent chance that you love him the way he loves you. “It’s sort of hard to not pick up on when I’ve been watching you idiots make heart eyes at each other every time we all hang out. When does she leave for her date?” Steve checks his watch “An hour. I don’t get off work for three hours, so that’s just great” he complains. 
“I’ll cover for you. Go get your girl”
Steve races to your house. Speed limit be damned, he’s not letting anything stop him. His shaky hands grip the steering wheel and he’s so nervous that he’s debated stopping a couple times to puke on the side of the road. 
What is he even going to say to you? ‘Hey, I know you’re going on a date but I’ve been in love with you for most of my life. Wanna be my girlfriend?’yeah, that’s not gonna cut it. You deserve flowers, or a poem, or a goddamn flashmob, but, unfortunately, he doesn’t exactly have the time to get a group together for a choreographed dance that declares his feelings, so he’ll have to rely on speaking from the heart. That shouldn’t be too difficult…right?
Despite being on a time limit, he’s been sitting outside your house for ten minutes. He can’t seem to move. The fear of rejection and all of this happening so fast has his head spinning. Robin's words echo in his mind and he musters up just enough courage to find his way to your front door, knocking frantically. 
“Steve? Shouldn’t you be at work?” your voice is shaky and your eyes are red. You’ve been crying. He’s going to fucking kill that guy. “y/n, what’s wrong?” his eyes soften and his heart constricts. You invite him inside and he follows you to the living room, taking a seat next to you.
“Um, Brad cancelled our date because Missy Tucker asked him out” you laugh, humourlessly. Steve is furious and hates to see you upset, but he can’t help but take this as a sign. Here he was, prepared to stop you from going on that date and all along the universe was on his side. He’s gonna have to send Missy Tucker a thank you card right after he eggs Brad’s beloved car. 
“Shit, babe. I’m sorry.” his arm drapes around your shoulder and you melt into his touch. “It’s fine. I didn’t think he was my soulmate or anything. I just wanted to feel pretty and wanted, I guess” you nervously fiddle with Steve’s hand, feeling embarrassed at your admission. 
Steve gently grabs your hand, giving it a soft squeeze. “You are pretty and you are wanted” 
“I don’t think I am” you whisper. “Are you kidding? You’re the prettiest girl in Hawkins. Shit, probably the world. The nicest, too. You’re always there for me, even when I was an asshole and I don’t know if I’ve ever even thanked you for that. Oh, and you’re funny too, like in a really witty way ‘cause you’re so smart-”
“Steve” you interrupt his endearing ramble “thank you, but you have to say those things. You’re my best friend” 
He positions himself on the couch so he can look at you, putting his hand under your chin to tilt your head up so he can see your beautiful eyes. When he looks at you, it’s like he's seeing you for the first time. You aren’t just the girl he met a recess that’s been attached to his hip ever since. You’re the girl that makes him feel on top of the world whenever he’s with you. You’re the girl whose touch makes him putty in your hands. You’re who he sees a future with and he can’t believe it took him this long to figure out. 
“Best friend or not, it’s true. All of it” he promises. “Then why has no one ever loved me? Like, been in love with me.”
“You’re wrong” he insists. “Like, really wrong” he huffs out a laugh and you give him a puzzled expression. “When you told me about your date I felt kinda weird about it and I thought I was just being a good friend, ya know? But I think it’s more than that…” 
You feel like you’ve stopped breathing. Is he going to say what you think he is? You never thought that he’d feel this way about you. You always believe the feelings you held for him were one-sided, so you pushed it down and replaced them with gentle touches and acts of kindness in hopes that maybe those things could lead to more, but they never did. Not until now. 
“What do you mean?” you ask softly. “Isn’t it obvious?”
“I want you to tell me. I need to hear it, Steve. Please” 
He takes a deep breath before speaking up again “I wanna give you the huge declaration you deserve. Something like standing outside your window with a boombox and a dozen flowers that are as pretty as you, but I don’t have any of that. I could sing though, if you want?” he jokes and you giggle. “Not necessary. I, um, could go first if you’re nervous” you suggest, even though you don’t think you’ve ever been so nervous in your life. “Yeah, I’d like that”
“I love you, Steve. In fact, I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t love you. I don’t need an over the top announcement. I just need to know you feel the same way” You keep your confession simple because the only thing you want to do is shout from the top of your lungs how much you love him. 
“I love you too. So much that it’s crazy and scares me a little. I even accidentally flew past a stop sign on my way over here”
“You did not’’ you gasp. “I did and I’d do it again. For you” 
He’s looking at you like he has a million times before, but this time it’s different. His eyes flicker down to your lips and you do the same. “Can you kiss me, Stevie?” Fuck, he loves it when you call him that. It makes him weak in the knees, just like everything else that you do.
He lays a hand on your cheek and gives you the cutest grin you’ve ever seen. You both lean in and when he kisses you, you feel lightheaded and giddy. Neither of you can stop smiling, making it difficult to kiss and you both laugh. 
“Stop smiling, goof. I wanna kiss you” he whines. “I can’t help it! I’m too happy” you squeal and he practically tackles you, overwhelmed with joy. You lay on the couch with him on top of you, his weight slightly crushing you, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. “Wanna try again?” he nose nudges yours and you cradle his head to gently pull him closer to you as his lips glide over yours in a perfect balance. 
Of course, there’s sparks and fireworks, but you also feel at peace. This kiss feels like coming home. You’re right where you’ve always meant to be. 
“Do you wanna be my girl?” he asks once he slightly pulls back from you. His face is still very close to yours and you swear that his eyes are shimmering. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted” 
Steve tells you at least one hundred times that night that he loves you and you tell him the same. You don’t think you’ll ever get tired of hearing or saying those three words. They just sound so beautiful being muttered in between endless kisses. 
the end
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun (27)
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27. Home
Summary: The aftermath
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, medieval and asoiaf customs, AGE GAP, Cregan is 12 years OLDER than reader), arranged marriage, breastfeeding and t*tty milk, a little angst, but fluff, mentions of past abuse and non-con, dealing with trauma, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 2.6 k
Notes: Did you liked the name? Jonaerys? i don't like to think it reminds me of Jon Snow ... but I LOVE the name Jacaerys, it sounds so cool so I wanted his name to sound like that... so I made one up jiji
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You couldn’t feed your child.
Your milk never came, you guessed because of the fear, the tension, the pain, the sorrow of thinking you had lost your husband and love of your life
But in the middle of the night, you felt something strange, something wet, and it really felt like a dam had broken, releasing yourself.
Jonaerys cried and you felt how the milk flowed from your breasts, waking you up in the middle of the night.
It was some sort of miracle
You looked at a sleepy Cregan who was just woken up just like you
You felt safe now, you were safe, and your body knew it. You stood up and grabbed Jonaerys, and released your breast.
He clung to you in a second, feeding from you hungrily, you wouldn’t have to call the midwife. You almost cried with happiness
“You are feeding him”, Cregan whispered, kissing your naked shoulder, holding you by your back for you to relax against him, like he used to do when you just had Rickon
it felt so nice, so familiar, to have Cregan hold you as you fed your son against you, it felt like nothing had happened, oh how you wished that was true… That nothing happened to you, that you didn’t have the need to doubt your son’s paternity.
But this was the first step to recover from this, having Cregan holding you, with the love and devotion in his eyes that he always had, despite all the things Aemond did to you, his love for you didn’t change a bit, and that was your biggest lifeline right now.
You woke up the next morning with Cregan sitting in the bed, holding Jonaerys 
He was cuddling him against his neck, as he breathed his son in
“What are you doing?”, you asked, amused
“I’m trying to engrave our son’s smell in my mind”, he whispered, with a little smile, as he looked at you with those icy blues that made you feel so safe, “He has this distinct smell, just like Rickon”, he admitted, and you felt your heart jump in your chest, he was so sweet with his babies, he was such a great father
A couple of days had passed, and even though you were enjoying staying here in your home with your husband and child, you felt like a big part was missing
Rickon and Sara
You wanted to see them, you needed to see your son
Soa after much begging and an uncomfortable check up from the maester, Cregan and you were ready to leave the outskirts from Runestone. You had said goodbye to all the servants and guards that had kept you safe, and were living in your home, keeping it alive, it was very sentimental… But there was only one thing in your mind, and it was seeing your son. 
You could tell that Cregan was nervous, he had flied in your dragon before, but never with his newborn son in his arms, you smiled at him as you help him place Jonaerys in a sort of sling, that was tied to his chest, back and over his arms, the safest place your baby could be
Jonaerys was sleeping, cuddled against his father’s chest, unaware of his surroundings and his father’s nervousness
You exited the castle, and you found it strange that Vhaelar was not there to greet you, you guessed she was in her cave, which wasn’t odd, so you walked ahead to find her
She was coiled on herself on the biggest cave near the castle, she could feel you walking towards her, so she raised her head and cooed at you softly
“rytsa konīr” [Hello there], you greeted, she roared softly, raising from the ground, and you could feel the heat coming from a special spot under her.
Was that…?
You walked towards it, and you found it, a fresh nest, still smoking
“ao ilagontan iā dorolvie hen drōma”, [you laid a clutch of eggs], Vhaelar cooed softly, sounding so proud of herself. 
You took the eggs softly, two eggs, for your two children
You needed to be fast, and fly North to place them on heating chambers
“ivestragī's jikagon lenton”, [Let’s go home], you said to her
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The fly was too long for your taste, you would be able to get to Winterfell before the day’s end, but it couldn’t come fast enough
Your bag was burning with both eggs, and you heart was soaring with the prospect of seeing your child again
Vhaelar felt your nervousness and was determined to please you, you could tell that she was flying as fast as she could
You had to stop along the way, Jonaerys got fuzzy, and you admired your baby for how strong he was. 
But he was a newborn, so he quickly fell asleep again. Cregan cradled him against him, it was funny because he was being so protective over his pup, it was a face of him you really really loved. 
And finally you saw Winterfell’s towers an hour before the sun sets
Vhaelar landed heavily, she was tired, and you will compensate her for her efforts soon, but first.
You ran towards the gates which were already opened, waiting for you. 
You crossed the first gate and the bridge, and then you could see your home
Your home, Winterfell
A place for a fleeting couple of weeks you believed you were never going to see again.
Sara came outside the castle to greet you, she was so happy and relieved
The people gathered to receive you, they all seemed happy and relieved, they wanted to see their Lord, and their Lady
“I’m so glad you are alright!”, she hugged you tightly, because Cregan had Jonaerys in his arms, you hugged her back, she held you tight against her, and when she finally released you, she had tears in her eyes
And then she turned to Cregan, being clearly distracted by the bundle in his arms
“Oh, I have another nephew!”, she giggled widely, watching your baby’s face, “he looks just like you”, she said, looking back at you. Sara hugged Cregan tightly, trying not to crush his son
Cregan and you greeted all the people that were there, that had come to receive you, his master at arms, the maester of Winterfell, Thelma!
She cooed at Jonaerys in his father’s arms
“He is kissed by snow”, she said sweetly, “just like his mama!”
She hugged you both, and guided you inside the castle
You went directly to your room, you wanted to place JOnaerys in his own crib and also you needed to put the eggs by the fire.
Sara left you in your rooms, while she went to get your son, you were so nervous you couldn’t wait.
“We are home”, Cregan said, looking at you and the eggs nervously
“We are home”, you said back, with unshed tears in your eyes. “And we are going to see out child”
“Our baby boy”, he whispered with a proud smile on his face
You placed both eggs by the fire, one was dark blue with black markings, and the other was red with the same dark markings. You hoped they hatched, you thought the blue one for Rickon, and the Red one for Jonaerys
You were so excited to see Rickon, and when Sara came back, she had him in her arms… she had your son
You gasped, he had grown so much, you left a baby and you came back to a small child
“Look who it is!”, Sara said, pointing at you, Rickon turned to look at you, his purple eyes so striking, “mama and papa”
You wanted to walk towards him and hold him, Cregan, who was still holding Jonaerys, wanted that too, but Rickon’s frowned face didn’t let you.
He didn’t know who you where
It broke your heart
He didn’t reach for you
You whined in pain, as Rickon cuddled against Sara’s chest, not recognizing you, hiding from you, You felt Cregan surrounding you with one of his arms
“He doesn't know who we are”, you cried
“It will take a while”, whispered Cregan against your temple, “but he will take to us again”. He dropped a comforting kiss, as bitter tears fell down your eyes, your heart a little broken. You could tell that Cregan was containing himself too.
Then Jonaerys cried in Cregan’s arms, and that seemed to catch Rickon’s attention, he looked towards you, and he threw his little arms at you
In a daze of happiness you picked him up in your arms, as Sara passed him on to you, but his sole attention was in the bundle in his father’s arms right next to you. He sort of used you to get to him.
He leaned into them, too see his baby brother who was whining, reaching out of the mantle you kept him in
“It’s your baby brother”, you whispered to your eldest son, and to your amazement, he seemed to recognize your voice, he looked up at you with his big purple Valyrian eyes, “hello my boy”, he then cuddled against your neck, grabbing into your vest with your chubby hands
You couldn’t help but cry with happiness as you held your son against you, you had missed him so much, you left here with a three-month old and came back to a one year old, Cregan placed himself right next to you, placing your children together, in a comforting family hug.
It was finally over, all of it, all of the pain…
You were safe again. 
You were home. 
For the next few days, you were cupped up in your room, with both your babies.
Cregan at first find it endearing, but as days passed he was starting to be concerned
You wouldn’t leave your rooms
You wouldn’t leave your children out of your sight
You wouldn’t even wanted to go to the great hall to eat
You barely let Sara see you
He understands what you went through, being separated from your baby, being kidnapped… being…
But as he gazed at you, you were playing with your sons, tickling them, kissing them, making funny noises. Rickon would giggle and play back, but Jonaerys barely could focus his eyes, he was too little yet
They were your precious babies, you didn’t wanted to left them even for a minute, the very thought of being away from them brought you physical pain
You didn’t wanted to be away front hem ever again
YOu felt Cregan looking at you with his lovey eyes, even though he also looked concerned
“Something happened?”, you asked softly
“No my love”, he said gently, entering the room, sitting by your side, and he looked at the babies
Rickon reached for him and Cregan took him in his arms
Rickon had recognize you as his parents, you could feel it, and he cuddled against his father’s chest 
“The people of Winterfell want to see their lady”, he said softly, “they want to see the future of the Kingdom of the North”, he implied, the babies
You felt a little guilty 
“I’m sorry”, you whispered, now you were worrying your husband
“You have nothing to be sorry for”, he said gently, “I just want to make sure you are alright, I know you believed you were never coming back, that perhaps you were never going to see Rickon again”
“Cregan”, you called, he looked down at you, as he was standing with Rickon in his arms, and you were sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“I will take the children to Sara for a while alright?”, he asked softly, and you could never deny something to those beautiful eyes
“Yes”, you said, You helped him palace Jonaerys in his other arm, and then, he exited the room with your children
You knew you had to face your demons when he came back, you instinctively looked at your wrists
And then is how Cregan found you, he took your hands gently, gazing down at you, and then he sat by your side
“What happened here?”, Cregan asks softly, caressing the red mark in your wrists. He feared the worst
“I…”, you didn’t want to tell him, you didn’t want him to treat you like the broken thing you were, “please”, you begged, but he leaned in and kissed the mark, both your wrists
“I need you to tell me, so I can help you move past this”, he whispered, looking into your eyes
“Aemond chained me…”, you confessed, “...to the bed, after I tried to kill him and almost succeed to plunge a dagger into his heart”, he only nodded, watching the marks, but you could see the pain in his eyes, “it was only for a couple of weeks because…”, you whispered, “he then told me you were dead so I wouldn’t even move so he released me”, it broke your heart when a single tear fell down his eye
“I’m so sorry”, he whispered, kneeling in front of you, kissing your wrists endlessly 
“This isn’t your fault, if anything, it was me, I went willingly…”, you didn’t even realize you were crying
“You were trying to save us all, and you did”, he said softly, “I can’t undo what he did, but I only can promise you that nobody will harm you ever again”, he promised, looking deep into your eyes, “do you believe me?”
“I do”, you said firmly
“Nobody will harm our children”, he said then, “we won”
“I know”, you said then, with a small smile
“He is paying for what he did”, eh said then, and in that, he was trying to convince himself too, “he has no dragon, no army, no allies, nothing”, he said firmly, “he is nothing, you destroyed him”
“Say it”, he said
“I destroyed him”
“He harmed you, and you destroyed him”, he said firmly
“I made him pay for what he did”, you said back
“We won”, he said firmly
“We won”, you repeated, now truly sinking in.
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Cregan had announced the end of the war in the great Hall, with every Lord in the proximities, those who could make it with short days of notice, and specially those who weren’t in the march
Even though the army was camping outside of King’s Landing right now, most of the northerner men within it
The greens had been defeated, and Rhaenyra reigned the Seven Kingdoms
Cregan held a feast in the hall
You knew he did it more for you, then for the reasons he claimed, since his men weren’t here. He did it so you would get out of your room and for the North to see your children, who were too small and just got fuzzy with all the noise, but still, they got to see them 
Even though the loud noises bother you
Even though when somebody move too quickly nd close to you you flinched
Even though you still could feel Aemond’s hands on you
Even though all those awful things…
The loud cries of your babies soothed you
The movements of your husband, or Sara who constantly hugged you calmed you
Cregan’s soft and gentle touch erased all those bad memories.
You had won
You were home
And nobody was ever going to hurt you again
And if they did…
They were going to face fire and blood
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More notes: Shorter chapter, but because I wanted to write the reunion, even though the main "problem", is solved, I sttill want to write a couple of more chapter in this timwline before I write a couple of epilogues! we are close to the end!
@severewobblerlightdragon @missusnora @stargaryenx @poppyreader @chainsawsangel @court-jester-stuff @batprincess1013 @eddiepicker 
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mrcaptainrex · 10 months
When We Are Worms.
Pre-Order-66!Crosshair x F!Reader (No Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing, because Crosshair. Sleepy-Grumpy Crosshair. I can't imagine Crosshair being a lovey-dovey guy, so he's awkward and kind of a grumpy bitch. Sorry not sorry.
Summary: Crosshair and his lover talk about their theoretical life as worms instead of getting much needed sleep.
A/N: Yes I did just write a one-shot where worm-life is a metaphor for freedom. I hate how proud I am of this.
Being a clone was a shitty way to live. Being an experiment was even worse. From the moment Crosshair was "born", he was raised on the expectation to be perfect. He was never allowed privacy, or a good meal, or even the chance to choose his own passions. He hated it. He hated that no matter how much he hated it, he couldn't imagine what else he could do. He wasn't exactly fit to be a cook, or a mechanic, or any other boring civie job. He had come to accept that no matter how much he wished, he could never be anything but a clone. A soldier. Property.
But not to her. To her, he was everything. A loving man who was good, smart, and funny. A man who she could imagine loving in any galaxy. A man who, if not for their unfortunate circumstances, she would have already married and taken far from this war.
Moments like this made it all worth it. Moments where his brothers were out, and it was just the two of them alone on the Marauder on a cool night. Where she lay next to him with her head on his chest, resting quietly while his hand stroked her bare arm. Moments where, for a second, they could be a normal couple. No war, no politics, no intruding-brothers. They were just two lovers, enjoying the presence of each other and the comfort their silence provided.
They were both beginning to drift into much-needed sleep when she broke the quiet.
“I just thought of something.” She said, lifting her head off his chest as if she had reached a brilliant conclusion.
“How unfortunate.” Crosshair mumbled. He didn’t even bother to open his eyes.
She thought for a moment, and then settled back onto his chest to look into his eyes. “Cross?” She asked quietly.
She only received a sleepy hum in response.
“You love me right? No matter what?” This finally got some of his attention. His eyes opened and met her own with confusion.
After a moment to come up with a sarcastic comment, he settled for, “It would appear that way, mesh’la.” He seemed satisfied with his nonchalant answer and laid his head back on the pillow, allowing his eyes to close once again.
“What if I was a worm?”
By now he accepted that he wasn’t going to sleep for a while. His eyes snapped open, with a furrowed brow and confused look in his eye. “What?”
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
“Why the fuck would you be a worm?”
She couldn't help but giggle at his response to the illogical question.
“I dunno, weirder things have happened.” She thinks for a minute, trying to imagine a plausible scenario that involves turning her into a slithering creature. “What if one day I’m cursed by an evil witch, and I’m condemned to worm-dom for the rest of my life?”
Crosshair hums sarcastically, as if what she’d suggested was just as likely as getting an ingrown toenail. “Depends. Am I a worm too? It’d feel kind of zoophilist if I were still human.”
Despite the absurdity of the conversation, his words made her heart swell. She lifted her head from his chest and propped herself up on her elbows. “You’d want to be a worm with me?” She gasped.
He found it odd that such a conversation could still leave her enamored with him. He swore he could say anything and she’d still find the sweetest meaning behind it. Then again, she saw the good in everyone.
“I mean.. I would prefer it to being a human in love with a worm. What if I stepped on you?” She was sure she’d never been more in love with him.
“That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said.” She whispered, placing a kiss to his nose.
“Clearly I need to step up my game, then.” She settled back onto his chest and continued imagining their lives as a squiggly object. As Crosshair finally allowed his eyes to drift shut..
“Where would we dig our hole?”
A sigh. “Seriously?”
“I’d want to dig it by the lakes on Naboo. Peaceful, moist..” While she was in dreamland, he grimaced at the repulsive ‘m’ word.
“Naboo would be a horrible idea. Tech told me Gungans use worms as garnishes. Alderaan would be better. It’s easier to raise wormlets when they’re not being eaten.”
She could have sworn she felt her heart stop beating for a few moments. "Wormlets?"
He shrugged. "I dunno, whatever the fuck baby worms are called."
He turned his eyes from the ceiling to look at her. To his surprise, he could spot tears in her eyes. Immediately, he thought he had overstepped. "I-I'm sorry. I know kids aren't.. can't happen for us."
She shook her head and blinked her tears away. "No! No, I'd love that. I just.. Well, I didn't know that was something you wanted.. Do you?"
A sorrowful sigh escaped his lips. "Maybe one day." He stretched his neck to place a chaste kiss to her hair. With as much love as he could muster after the exhausting events of the day, he whispered to her, "When we're worms."
He never thought he would say that to his lover..
"When we're worms." She repeated with a smile on her face. Satisfied, she snuggled closer to his chest and allowed herself to sleep.
Crosshair, on the other hand, found himself too pleased with the thought of the future to allow him to sleep.
One day, when the war had ceased to exist, or at least ceased to involve them, they would become worms, and dig their happy hole, in the softest of dirt, and safest of fields. Someplace where they could have as many wormlets as they want, and where no crow or gungan could disrupt their peace. One day, when they become worms, they would live as the happiest worms that ever squiggled. He was sure of it.
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wndaswife · 1 year
loss of patience
「 Jane Banner & Fem!Reader 」
Tags: smut, brief sexting, cum-filled strap, blowjobs, hair-pulling, spanking, breast-slapping, praise, daddy kink, breeding kink, dom!jane banner, sub!reader. MINORS DNI.
Word count: 2043
Summary: Jane takes things into her own hands when you stop responding to her sexts during her shift.
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‘Fuck, princess, you’re so pretty. I wish I could be there. Send me a video of you fingering that gorgeous pussy.’
Then she texts, ‘Bunny?’
‘Are you ignoring me?’
The messages from Jane stop coming, simply because it’s a strict rule of hers not to text and drive. 
──────── ⋆⋅✧⋅⋆ ────────
You didn’t mean to fall asleep, but the moment you came down from your orgasm, your eyelids had become heavy. You turned over for only a moment, cuddling a pillow close to your chest. Then the next thing you know, your hair is being brushed away from your face and you bury it into your pillow, clinging onto your cozy nap for as long as possible.
Rustling of a jacket can be heard through your sleepy daze.
The bed dips by your legs and your pants are pulled down to your knees, eliciting a groan from you.
Your underwear goes next and you squirm at the cold feeling of your room. Hands grip at your ass and part it, separating sticky cuntlips.
The discomfort is too much to sleep through and you rub at your eyes, raising your head from your pillow and looking down at your body. A figure comes into view — long dirty blonde hair and cunning pale green eyes. 
“Jane?” you mumble and try to turn onto your back. But her fingers grip harsher around your ass and she keeps your hips pinned down to the bed.
Her tongue clicks against the roof of her mouth. “You came without my permission?” she asks, looking up at you, jaw set and eyes narrowed.
You press your lips together and stutter, now completely awoken from your drowsiness and recalling the way you did indeed come without her permission. 
Looking away, you mutter into a pillow, “Didn’t mean to.”
“What?” Jane interrogates, cocking her head forward and raising her eyebrows at your timidity.
You repeat your answer sounding even more muffled than before, knowing that your response wouldn’t be good enough for her in spite of it being the truth.
Jane didn’t respond for a few moments and you kept your face buried in your pillow, afraid to see her angry expression. 
Then she says, “Come here. Sit at the edge of the bed.”
You pull away from the pillow and crawl over to the edge of the bed where your girlfriend stands, waiting. You move your legs over the edge and sit in front of her, rubbing your eyes.
She cups your cheek, running her thumb over your bottom lip. “Why are you crying, angel?” she asks.
“Don’t wanna disappoint you,” you answer, keeping your fists rubbing at your eyes to hide the way you began to tear up pathetically.
With her other hand, Jane moves your fists away gently, revealing your teary eyes. She holds your face with both hands and makes you look up at her. “I’m not disappointed,” she says.
“You’re not…?”
She shakes her head. 
“You’re just a sleepy little baby, aren’t you?” she coos.
You nod and Jane wipes your tears with her thumbs. You hug your arms around her hips and nuzzle your face into her lower stomach, feeling the cool metal of her belt’s clasp against your cheek.
“Oh, sweetness,” she murmurs lovingly, petting the top of your head with her hand.
After a few silent moments of hugging your girlfriend, smiling against her uniform as you felt her pet your head, you felt Jane begin to shift above. You looked up and saw her slipping her jacket off her shoulders. She lays it on the floor beneath her by your ankles. 
“I’m not disappointed in you, princess,” she says. “But…” Her hand travels down to her belt, slowly undoing it and unzipping her pants. “Daddy is still so needy for her girl.”
You lift your head and with an eager wiggle, watching as Jane pulls her strap out from her pants. She takes your hand and wraps it around her cock. 
You press your lips to her tip, kissing her.
Her hand raises to the back of your head and urges you to continue. She bucks her hips forward into your parted lips and you slacken your jaw, allowing her to slide her cock into your mouth.
“Breathe through your nose,” she tells you. You nod in understanding and she advances her hips forward, sliding herself further down your throat. Her hand moves down to cradle the back of her head, fingers pulling your hair into her delicate grasp, guiding you along her cock.
You look up at her and Jane cups your cheek with one hand, rubbing her thumb against your cheekbone adoringly. She’s standing over you, the sleeves of her blouse pushed up her arms and allowing you to see the way her bicep flexes when she tightens her grip around your hair and guides your head forward and back along her strap.
At the sight, you begin to suck greedily at her as a great desire to please Jane grew within you. You wrap an arm around her hips, the palm of your hand flat against her lower back and urging her further into your mouth. 
She steps forward and slides herself down your throat slowly, eliciting a choked gag from you. She begins thrusting her hips forward, feeling the way your throat constricts and relaxes around her as you adjust to your size. 
Jane chuckles at the sight of you and she strokes your cheek, watching as you looked utterly ravenous sucking her cock, cheeks hollowed in and eyes having formed tears, drooling down your chin and around your lips.
She pulls out of your mouth, tucking your hair behind your ear when you bend your head forward and cough. She begins to unbutton her blouse, raising your head with a hand on your cheek, allowing you to watch the way she undresses herself.
Stepping out of her pants, she is soon only in her bra, straight blonde hair spilling down her lean arms.
You kiss her muscled stomach and Jane smiles down at you. 
“Turn around and stick your ass up,” she instructs, petting your hair. Jane places a pillow under your hips while you lay on your stomach. She takes hold of your hips and adjusts you until you’re lying comfortably forward. 
With her hands on your ass, she presses a kiss to your sticky cunt. She straightens and runs the length of her strap through your folds.
She whispers and bends down to kiss your upper back, “Beg for daddy to fuck your pussy.”
“Please fuck my pussy, daddy,” you beg, moving your ass back into her hips and whimpering at the way your cunt rubs against her strap. “Your baby wants your cock, please.”
You’re still wearing the tiny silk slip you put on earlier to take pictures for Jane while she was at work. She hikes her hands up your sides and your slip pools around your waist.
“I’ll fuck you good, princess,” she promises. 
She positions the tip of her cock against your opening then with her hands gripping your upper hips, pulls you back against her.
You let out a long moan and you bury your face into the bedsheets.
Jane picks up speed quickly, her hips slamming against your ass. She raises her hand and spanks your ass each time she pulls out far enough, watching in amusement as your skin becomes flushed with the impacts of her palm and thrusting hips.
“This is how daddy likes to see you, baby,” she grunts. “Bent over and ready to take my cock with your tight pussy. My fucking cockwhore, making a mess all over daddy’s dick.”
“Daddy,” you whine, turning your head and allowing her to hear your whimpers and moans. You grip at the pillow under your hips, fingernails digging into the pillowcase.
With a chuckle, Jane asks, “You like it, sweetheart? You like daddy’s thick cock?”
You slur out, “I love daddy’s cock, I love daddy’s cock.”
Jane delivers a particularly harsh spank against your ass and reaches forward to take a fistful of your hair. She pulls it back and arches your body up, laughing at the way you squeal. 
You fall back onto her hips with greater impact and Jane licks her lips as she watches your ass slap down onto her. 
She runs her hand up your stomach and hooks her fingers around the top of your slip. She pulls it down harshly so your tits spill out. She takes a handful of one of your bouncing breasts then twists at your hardened nipple.
Stepping forward, Jane presses her front against your back so you can hear her grunting against your ear. She pulls your hair further back, exposing your neck. She runs her tongue up your exposed neck and up to the lobe of your ear.
“Daddy wants to cum in her little breeding bitch,” she pants. “You want that? Hm?”
You nod vigorously, reaching back and grasping at Jane’s harness. “I want it, daddy, want it, want daddy’s babies…”
Jane grins against your cheek. She lets go of your breast and slaps it firmly. She nudges you forward so you fall back onto the bed with a shaky whimper. She removes the pillow from under your hips, keeping her arm around your waist and maintaining the angle at which she fucked into you. 
With her other arm, she hooks her hand under your thigh, pulling your knee onto the bed. She does the same with your other leg so both your knees are bent under your body. She lifts your ass up with both hands, your cheek pressed down against the sheets.
She begins to grind her hips forward against the base of her strap, which only quickens the speed of her thrusts.
“I’m going to fill your tight little cunt full of my cum,” she grunts. She takes a handful of your ass, squeezing and digging her nails into your skin.
“Please,” you plead. “I can take it, daddy.”
Jane throws her head back as she nears her own orgasm while continuing to grind her clit against her strap. “Gonna swell your pretty belly up with daddy’s children so everyone knows how you took my dick up your pussy like a dirty whore,” she groans. 
She reaches up and tucks her hands under your slip, running her nails down your sides.
“I’m gonna come, princess,” she says, hands going down to your hips and thrusting your ass back against her cock rapidly.
“Daddy, daddy, I-”
You squeeze your eyes together, fingers bundling around the sheets as you come, walls tightening around Jane’s cock.
Her hand travels down to her strap and she releases her cum into your pussy, the grip on her dick allowing her one final harsh thrust forward. She reaches her own hilt and places her other hand against your lower back, holding herself upwards and keeping you down.
Moans and slapping skin come to a brief pause as the both of you tense.
With a shaky exhale, Jane collapses forward and her body cocoons your back securely. Trembling hands squeeze the last bit of her cum out and she makes haste in unfastening the harness around her hips.
She kisses your back then wraps her arms around you, lifting you further up the bed until both of you lay across it together. 
You feel her cum slowly spill out of your hole and Jane draws circles against your sensitive pussy, rubbing her seed into your folds.
She wraps her arm around your torso as you lay on her chest, slipping her hand out from between your thighs to push your hair out of your face. 
A kiss is pressed to your forehead and you hum satisfiedly. She rubs her hand against your upper arm. 
“Work…?” you mutter and look up at her, fatigued.
She waves her hand dismissively. “Not going back in today,” she answers. “It’s not important.” 
You bury your face in the space between her shoulder and neck. “I love you, Janey,” you say happily and wrap your arms around her, squeezing her into a tight hug.
“I love you too,” she replies, looping a lock of your sweet-smelling hair around her finger. “More than anything in the world.”
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toournextadventure · 1 year
Hiii ! I just came across your writing and I gotta say, I’m really liking it ! Especially the Winclair x reader :) I have a suggestion, Winclair x overly protective Reader, finding out reader injured/killed someone because they said something degrading about Wednesday or Enid, or tried flirting/getting with them. Keep up the great writing :]
Bestie I am ALWAYS down to write a feral, protective reader with Wenclair 😎
stunning, murderous little thing
Enid shouldn’t have been surprised when you walked into the apartment bedroom with a bloody smile and dripping, bloodstained clothes. Your smile wasn’t as sadistic as Wednesday’s, but there was a very specific sense of danger behind it. A sense of danger that, truthfully, only you could really muster.
“Who was it this time?” Wednesday asked without even looking up from her typewriter.
“That punk from Enid’s Econ class,” you said as you tried to lick some dried blood off one of your fangs. “You know, the one that called you a mangy mutt that needed to be muzzled?”
“Is he still breathing?” Enid sighed even though, judging by your current state, she knew the answer anyway.
“He’s not dead,” you said indignantly. “He just wishes he was.” You made the move like you were going to fall on the bed where Enid was laying down.
“Don’t!” Enid shouted. Mid-fall, you missed the bed by only an inch before crashing to the floor.
“The fuck?” You asked as you sat up, rubbing your head with bloodstained hands.
“You are not getting blood on our sheets,” she said with a pointed finger in your chest. “That’ll be the fifth time this month.”
“Sixth,” Wednesday chimed in. “Don’t forget the supposed accident.”
“You guys can’t hold that one against me,” you whined, “it was an accident.” Both women turned to look at you with disbelieving eyes. “He’s the one that ran into my elbow.”
“Go wash off,” Enid demanded, “and maybe I’ll consider letting you back up on the bed.”
“Are you two going to help me?” You asked, waggling your eyebrows in false seduction. It was rather ridiculous.
And yet.
“Come on,” Enid sighed even though she was smiling back at you, “before you stain everything else.”
“You coming, Willa?” You asked when Wednesday still made no move to get up.
“My writing time is not over,” Wednesday said simply, “so no.”
Enid saw the sparkle in your eyes before you made your move. There was no time for her to even attempt to stop you before you stood behind Wednesday, primed and ready. Poor Wednesday didn’t even have time to notice your presence before you rubbed your hands down her cheeks and neck, down her bare shoulders and down to her arms, smearing blood across her skin. Wednesday’s entire body stilled, leaving nothing but silence in the apartment.
“Oh shame,” you mumbled. “It seems you need to clean up now too.”
It was impressive how slowly Wednesday spun her chair around to look up at you. She was also, though Enid would never say it aloud, extremely attractive when covered in blood. The dark red really brought out the brown in her eyes, truly stunning.
"You can keep one hand," Wednesday told you, "which would you prefer?"
"You can take the left," you mused as you held both hands up. "I mean, you both seem to enjoy the right too much to lose it."
Enid could feel a migraine forming when Wednesday lunged at you and you screamed, running off to the shower with her hot on your trail. Enid loved you both, she truly did. But you were going to kill her for sure.
After that night, Enid and Wednesday had given you one rule; no killing anyone unless you had their permission. One would think this wasn't such a difficult rule to follow, but you certainly did your best to find every loophole possible.
"What if I only maim him?" You asked one night while Wednesday pretended to not enjoy being the little spoon.
"Only with good cause,” Wednesday mumbled in her sleepy voice that she pretended not to have.
You hummed in acknowledgment and pulled Wednesday closer, trying to keep your cool when she did her best to snuggle deeper into your arms. When Enid came home, she found the both of you fast asleep yet still leaving room for her on the other side. All she had to do was slide into bed and the both of you instantly reached for her, pulling her into the cuddle pile.
The day of reckoning appeared far faster than Wednesday and Enid had anticipated.
It was just a simple day, you were all walking out of your last class for the week which you thankfully shared, arguing and complaining because Wednesday refused to help you and Enid with the homework. Typical, of course, she always liked to hold this over you both as leverage for cuddles or kisses. A usual Friday, actually, you expected nothing less.
And then it happened.
“Hey Sinclair, Addams.”
They never seemed to call your name, Enid realised as the two frat boys appeared beside you.
“You two busy tonight?” The taller boy standing beside Wednesday asked.
“Extremely,” she answered without looking up. You kept turning your head between both boys and Enid could see the gears turning behind your sunglasses.
“You should come to the party tonight,” the boy beside Enid said. He sounded far more genuine. “We’ll pick you ladies up.”
Enid felt your hand brush against hers as the boys kept talking. It wasn’t the gentle touch you usually gave out freely while walking around campus, but a fist. Oh no, she thought when you ran your tongue over your teeth. More importantly, over your fangs.
“Is this a good enough cause?” You asked; neither of the boys even paid you any attention.
“Yes,” Wednesday said simply.
Oh, your smile was terrifying.
“Hey guys,” you said, finally drawing the boys’ attention, “I got an 8 ball in my bag, want some for your party?”
“Hell yeah,” the taller boy answered quickly.
“Come on, let’s go over here,” you gestured your head toward the alley between campus buildings. The business building; no one would suspect a thing.
They followed you without hesitation, without a single care in their little heads. Enid sighed when Wednesday smirked at their disappearance. She dug her shoe into the dirt, drawing little patterns when she felt Wednesday grab her hand. It helped ease her anxiety just a little bit.
You finally came out from around the building with bloody knuckles and no company.
“I feel much better,” you said with a big smile.
“Still can’t clean up properly,” Wednesday said, wiping her thumb across your lips to erase the small drop of blood.
“Are we finally watching that movie tonight?” You asked as you forced yourself between them, holding each of their hands in yours.
“Only if you make the popcorn,” Enid said.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, sugar,” you said with an even bigger smile and a squeeze of their hands.
Your overprotectiveness was getting worse. Good thing your girlfriends enjoyed it.
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poisonpercy · 5 months
I finally convinced myself to watch the 4th episode of the pjo show. Overall, it was probably the show’s strongest episode so far. That being said, I think it’s fair to say that I am not clicking with this show. I’m not saying the show isn’t good. It definitely has its moments, so it’s a fine show. But as a book to tv show adaptation of pjo, I don’t think it’s very good. I guess my expectations were way too high since I was promised that this is a true adaptation that has everything you would want in a pjo show, but seeing as I don’t feel that way, I can’t say that promise has been fulfilled.
The actors are great, but I find the writing and the overall direction of the show very dull. It’s just not something that keeps my attention personally. I have to convince myself to watch these episodes since they aren’t hitting that obsession that keeps you interested, and while watching, it’s very hard for me to stay watching because it’s just not pulling me in. Anyways, here’s some specific thoughts regarding this episode:
Like a lot of my mutuals, I am not too big of a fan of the flashback with Percy and Sally in the pool. Sally does not feel like the same character that she is in the books. She’s a lot kinder and more mindful of her actions in the books than she is in the show. I get what the flashback was trying to convey, but I honestly don’t think it worked. I remember that Sally had been described as someone who doesn’t raise her voice, and I feel like the writers have disregarded a lot of her prior characterization in the name of her being a #girlboss. To me it feels like they created a brand new character and slapped Sally Jackson’s name on them. “That’s not Sally Jackson! That’s an oc committing identity fraud” vibes
They are really shoving it down our throats that Percy does not like the gods. Which isn’t bad, but I feel like he still needs more time to grow into the resentment that he’s showing
Kinda weird that Annabeth was talking nice about her dad. And I’m more sympathetic towards her dad than most, but he still wasn’t great so giving him praise felt a little off. Not a huge fan of blaming only the stepmother. The misogyny is real
Sleepy, grouchy Grover was cute
The cameo of the centaurs leading into the conversation about Pan and searchers was nice. I wish the show talked about this being Grover’s last chance at getting his searchers license since that was a big part of his character arc in tlt, but idk if that’s ever going to happen
The cops on the train were awful. If this show got one thing right, it’s the fact that cops suck and don’t help
I felt like there was too much of Echidna in this episode. Idk, if you’re going to try to build up a monster, she’s not the one I would have picked
Going off of that, they definitely tried to build tension in this episode, unlike in previous episodes, but it just didn’t work. Like it was too obvious that she was supposed to be a monster without actually giving any tension for the viewers. It’s still very much telling and not showing which is a huge flaw of this show
I’m honestly not a fan of the arch being a temple of Athena. I guess it’s cool for world building, but it just feels too convenient. I did like that Annabeth was stating facts, but to me it felt less like her geeking out and more like her showing off the temple’s greatness
Grover and Annabeth splashing Percy in the fountain was funny but it would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce nectar and ambrosia since they have yet to be brought up
Bad parent Athena rep 🫡
Having Percy trick Annabeth to switch places with her was a nice nod to Percy’s loyalty
I felt like the whole scene at the arch was missing the chaos that was present in the book. Idk it just felt so dry to me
The fight between Percy and the chimera was so underwhelming. There was a lot more tension and chaos and moving parts in the book that the show just is refusing to show. Also, I’m getting tired of Percy being flung around. Let him build up some skill before Ares
The water grabbing Percy when he fell out of the arch was funny but I personally wouldn’t have done the scene that way
The underwater scene was lacking imo. I feel like a broken record by saying I liked it better in the books, but it’s true
Episode was way too short and the show’s pacing is way too fast
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mollycabot · 4 days
Alex Cabot
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Alex Cabot X Casey Novak X Reader Sick
A/N Casey and Alex are in for a long night after they come to home to a sick girlfriend.
Casey and Alex had another long day at court and they both were looking forward to having a movie Night with Y/N, as they walked in and put their coats and bags away they walked into the living room.
Unsure where Y/N was Alex called out “Y/N where are you ?were home” no response Casey then offered to have a look upstairs while Alex looked down stairs.
As Casey was walking around upstairs she heard quite whimpers from the bathroom and a strong smell of sick, Casey quickly shouted for Alex as she ran straight into the bathroom and her worried was confirmed by seeing Y/N on the floor sweating and looking really sickly.
“Oh baby come here” Casey said helping her girlfriend off the floor and helping her lean against the bath,
“What’s wrong?” Alex said walking into the bathroom however she didn’t need to ask what’s up as she kneel down next to Casey and Y/N “what’s wrong hun?” Alex asked “I don’t know” Casey replied quietly as they watch Y/N’s head lean down Casey moves her body so Y/N is resting on her and not the uncomfortable bathroom room.
“How long have you been in here baby?” Alex asked as she looked at Y/N. “I don’t know” Y/N responded.
“Lest get you to the bedroom yeh” Casey said as she picked up Y/N and helped her to the bed room. Once in the bedroom Casey helped put Y/N into the bed and removed her clothes as Alex came in with some water and wash bowl with a cloth.
As Casey Went to get some fresh pjs for Y/N Alex place a gentle hand on Y/N’s forehead “oh my sweetheart your burning up” Alex stated as she placed a cool cloth on Y/N’s forehead in the hopes of getting her fever down.
As Casey came in she placed the pjs on the bed and her and Alex helped Y/N to put the pjs on. And helped Y/N to get comfortable as she can be.
“My stomach really hurts case” Y/N cried “I know baby Alex said as she handed case the hot water bottle to place on Y/N stomach under her shirt and Alex climbed into bed with Y/N and Casey. “Try to sleep my love” Casey said tracing patterns on Y/N’s back as she turned to snuggle into Alex.
“It’s ok my love me and Casey are here” Alex said offering some comfort. “We going to phone into work tomorrow and see if one of us can stay home tomorrow” Casey explained.
“Thanks my loves ” Y/N said quietly as she felt sleepy and Alex and Casey could see that. “Sleep Y/N don’t fight it it will help” Alex said while stroking Y/N’s hair and Casey laid her arm gently over Y/N “Alex is right baby sleep will help” Casey added.
Eventually Y/N fell asleep. “Poor baby” Casey said Alex nodded “wish she had phoned us as I didn’t like that she could have been on that bathroom floor for hours” Alex stated Casey agreed. As Alex and Casey were tried themselves they end up sleeping not long after.
However both their sleeps were cut short when Y/N cried and woke Up, “I think I’m going to be sick” Y/N cried. “Ok baby Ok” Casey said panicking and helping Y/N into the bathroom. “It’s ok it’s ok my love” Casey said rubbing Y/N’s back as Alex stood at the door wanting to help but doesn’t like to deal with sickness once Y/N calmed down Casey cleaned the bathroom as Alex helped Y/N back to bed. And then they both go back to bed.
Given that they all didn’t get much sleep and the fact it’s early hours in the morning they both decided to call in and explain and were granted the next few days off so they could help Y/N get better. So for the rest of the day I was napping and watching movies. With Alex on one side of the couch Y/N in the middle and Casey on the other side.
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highqueenofelfhame · 1 year
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rowaelin // 4.9k words // ciwyw masterlist // masterlist
It was golden light that roused Aelin from sleep, sneaking in through gaps in the curtains and blinds. It took her a moment to remember that it was Rowan’s bed she was curled up in, completely wrapped in his cool pine scent. She inhaled deeply, ducking her nose down into the plush duvet and savored it. Part of her wished he was laying beside her, the sunlight casting soft shadows over his face. With her eyes closed she could imagine it. 
It was better that he wasn’t. She knew that. There was hurt on both sides. Words had been said that cut them both in sensitive places, and the wedge between them was starting to feel like an ocean. Yet being here, in his bed, his house, were the first steps toward reconciliation. They just had to get through the hard conversations first. 
The best part about Rowan not being in bed with her was the smell of bacon, eggs, and something sweet creeping up the stairs and beneath the door. For what felt like the first time in her pregnancy, her mind and body were in agreement: she was hungry. Though she was hesitant to believe her head wouldn’t be in the toilet immediately following breakfast, she slipped out of bed and padded her way downstairs. 
“How did you sleep?” He asked her, eyes roving over her head to toe before he turned back to the pan on the stove. Aelin wondered if it was because she was still in the clothes he’d given her to sleep in, or if it was some instinct of his to make sure she was in one piece. She slid onto one of the chairs at the bar, folding her arms atop it, and laid her head down.
“Like the dead.” A sleepy yawn escaped her before she could finish her response. One of these days, she really needed to take to the internet to see when, exactly, she would stop feeling so wholly exhausted all the time. “Did you sleep okay?”
“I did,” he confessed, the muscles in his back rippling beneath the simple gray t-shirt he wore. “Better than I have all week, actually.” 
Rowan was careful as he deposited an egg onto a plate next to a few pieces of bacon and a cinnamon roll. Aelin thanked him when he handed her the plate and a glass of orange juice. It was freshly squeezed if the notes of orange zest throughout the kitchen were any indicator, but when she lifted it to take a sip, her stomach turned violently in protest. 
“It’s freshly squeezed. No additives or anything.” Two strings pulled the corners of her lips toward the floor. The confirmation that he spent gods knew how long juicing oranges until she had a full glass worth made her feel guilty for the way her body was reacting.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she said as she put it back down on the bar, far enough away that her nose couldn’t smell it anymore. 
“It was nothing.” 
“No I mean…” She paused and took a deep breath, eyes closing at the nausea rising in the back of her throat. “Can you put that anywhere else please.”
“Shit. Fuck, Aelin, I’m so sorry.” Rowan was quick to swoop in and pour it directly down the kitchen sink, letting the water chase it down the drain. 
“You didn’t know. I didn’t either until I smelled it,” she admitted, finally opening her eyes and lifting her fork. 
The first bite of the cinnamon roll was heavenly. It was baked to perfection, the gooey texture nearly melting away on her tongue. It was exactly how she loved her cinnamon rolls, but couldn’t remember ever telling him that. Perhaps once in passing. The eggs were scrambled and in a neat pile of soft, pillowy clouds. None of it touched.
“Did your mom teach you to cook?”
“She did. I was hungry just about constantly growing up, especially after practice and games. It’s come in handy now that I follow such a strict meal plan.” Indeed, his plate didn’t have a cinnamon roll. Instead he had two pieces of toast, some bacon and sausage, and three eggs. When he slid into the seat beside her she noticed two bowls, one with oatmeal and the other full of fruit. 
“I was underfeeding you at my house,” she murmured, sitting back and resting her hands on her stomach. The baby, apparently, didn’t want her to enjoy breakfast. She took deep, steadying breaths to keep the food down even as a sheen of sweat started to coat her skin. 
“Are you sick a lot?” Concern swam in his gaze as looked her over head to toe, but she nodded her head.
“Lysandra made me go to the emergency room a few days after I found out, and—” Rowan’s head whipped around, eyes wide and full of concern. Aelin held up a hand for him to wait a moment and continued, “There are days I couldn’t keep water down. That’s what the blood test was from. They gave me some medication to help with the nausea.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Something like devastation flashed across his features, squeezing her heart like he’d squeezed those oranges. 
“Because I was still freaking out about being pregnant and how I was going to tell you, and I didn’t want you to find out because I was in the hospital over it. Imagine your reaction in an ER,  with nothing between us and strangers but—” Aelin was cut off by the all too familiar tell of her mouth watering, head becoming unclear and dizzy as she launched off the chair and sprinted to the bathroom. She barely made it to the toilet before dropping onto her knees and emptying the little contents of her stomach into the bowl. 
Rowan was there, like he’d seen the color of her face drain to stark white. His hand was a steady weight on her back, moving slowly up and down her spine while he gathered up her hair in his other hand. 
By the time she was through, her throat burned from the pure bile that clawed its way out of her body. Aelin’s ribs and stomach ached from the force of it all and Rowan had to help her back onto her feet, gripping her shaky hands and grounded her to earth. 
“Do you want to lay back down?” he asked her, using his fingers to comb her hair up onto the top of her head. Goosebumps erupted over her body when he tugged the hair tie off her wrist and secured the bun into place. 
Aelin shook her head and gestured toward the kitchen where their breakfast grew colder by the second and said, “I’m going to shower while you finish eating. And don’t object to it. I know you’re hungry. So eat.” 
His eyes were wary as he appraised her. They scanned every feature from head to toe like he was cataloging every single thing about her. Deeming her well enough to manage on her own, he led her out of the bathroom and toward the stairs. Even when she protested, he followed her up and gathered towels and the small bucket of necessities that had everything she would need: body wash, shampoo, conditioner, razors, shaving gel. The little box of tampons almost made her laugh. She wouldn’t  be needing those for a while. 
When he finally left her alone, she stared at the bin full of everything she might need for her stay. Aelin didn’t question if it was meant for any female visitors he might have. She didn’t have to. Everything in it was smaller sizes of everything she had in her shower at home. Like he had made a list so he knew what to get. 
It almost made her angry, how thoughtful it was. Simply because it made it virtually impossible to be upset with him. All of her anger toward him was gradually slipping through her fingers, just like the water she gathered in her cupped hands. 
By the time she was done showering and walked back downstairs, Rowan had finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen. It was near pristine. The dirty dishes had vanished from the stove top and sink and an empty trash bag was in the garbage bin. One of his tattooed fingers was just about to mist the room with air freshener to cover the lingering scent of cinnamon and bacon when she stopped him. 
“That’s overkill. I’m fine.” Her polished fingers toyed with the ends of her damp hair as he looked up at her. 
Rowan’s eyes swept over her, lingering on her still flat stomach. There was nothing to see, not yet, not for several weeks, but he looked and looked like he could see the baby through her t-shirt, her skin. When he finally looked at her face again he simply nodded and put the can back under the sink. 
“Come on,” Aelin said after several heartbeats of silence, her head nodding toward the living room while he pulled a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water from the fridge. Once it was in her hands she glanced at the living room again. “We should talk.” 
When she turned her back she heard him sigh deeply. It was strained, like he wasn’t at all looking forward to what was coming, like he dreaded it. Almost like he was scared. She wondered if his heart was racing and pounding like hers as she walked across the room and tucked herself in the corner of the sofa. A blanket is pulled over her legs with hands that have a small tremor. Aelin tucked them between her thighs to make it stop. 
“At the time,” she said slowly, turning the words over in her mind before speaking them out loud, “I didn’t understand why you asked me if it was for money. But now, knowing what you actually do for a living, I understand why you felt the need to ask.”
“That isn’t what it was.” The words were clipped, his jaw clenching as he paced in front of her. Aelin watched him until he finally sat down on the edge of the couch, fingers drumming against his knees to quell his nervous energy. Confusion rose to the surface in her mind.
“Okay. Explain it to me then.” 
“I— fuck. I don’t like talking about this.” The second part seemed to be said more toward himself than to her, so she waited patiently while he sifted through letters and syllables to make words. 
Rowan looked over at her and chewed on his cheek. More than once, his lips parted to try to sew together his words, but closed again. Like he didn’t know how, when, or where to begin. Aelin wasn’t sure either. They both had a lot to say, had apologies to make. There was so much, though, that it was hard for her to find the words, too. 
“I don’t like talking about it because I don’t… I don’t want you to think I’m making excuses about how I treated you. I’m not. But it’s the truth. Any single one of my friends, my family, they can back it up.” 
“Rowan. It’s okay. Just talk to me.” The fingers in her lap ached to reach for him, twitching against her bare legs beneath the blanket. She wove them together to stay put. 
“I had been sleeping with a woman for a while. Nothing serious, just casual when I had the time. She ended up getting pregnant about six months or so into it. I didn’t want the relationship to get serious. She… Lyria and I weren’t really well matched. We didn’t know each other. I found it hard to open up to her. More than that, I didn’t want to open up to her. But I was more than willing to step up where the baby was concerned.” He paused, tongue swiping over his teeth. Aelin’s heart was trying to escape her ribcage. She took a steadying breath, telling herself to listen and not draw conclusions before he finished. Still, she wondered. Did he have a kid already?
“Lyria was pushing for a relationship, to marry eventually. I was 23, still pretty early in my career, nowhere near ready for marriage.  Especially not with a woman I barely knew . Every time it was brought up I shut it down. Not to break her heart,” he added with a swift glance at Aelin. “I don’t think she was ever in love with me. But because it wouldn’t have been a fruitful marriage, we would have been miserable, and I truly didn’t see the point.” 
Aelin nodded in understanding, “You didn’t want to settle.”
“I didn’t want her to settle either. It wouldn’t have been fair for anyone, especially not the baby in a few years time. I didn’t want to raise a child in a loveless home. But all of that isn’t why I reacted so… fucking horribly.” 
“Okay.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but loud enough to encourage him to keep going. After another steadying breath, he did. 
“One night I very firmly shut it down again. I told her it wasn’t on the table. I want to make it clear that she had a good job, she had really good health insurance. But she started asking me for money. Of course I wanted to give the support she needed, so I gave. And gave. And gave. I couldn’t not give her the money. We weren’t close enough for me to know the extent of her income, and I had money I could afford to lose. Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t, but whenever I asked about it she would get cagey. Accuse me of accusing her. It was such a complicated web to unravel and the fighting was so tiring.”
Aelin was nothing more than a concrete statue, her limbs heavy at her sides. She was unable to move while he spoke, eyes focused on the frayed corner of the blanket in her lap. Every sentence was turned over in her mind carefully, knowing that the grief and frustration that marred his face and sharpened his words was absolutely true.
“One day she called me several times in a row. I didn’t answer because our flight got in really late and I was exhausted. There was no energy in my soul to argue with her about money, so I sent it to voicemail. Later she sent me a text that she miscarried and… I didn’t want the relationship with her but I was just getting used to the idea of being a dad. I have always wanted to have kids. The timing was off at the time, but I was excited about it. And then it was just… gone.”
“Rowan,” she started gently, desperate to offer him comfort of some sort. No words would be a balm to that wound, but she couldn’t bring herself to reach out and touch him. Instead of looking at her he held up a hand, silently asking her to wait. Gods, he wasn’t finished. How could it get worse?
“I found out a few weeks later through a mutual friend that she had miscarried nearly an entire month earlier. All through that month I was still sending her money for appointments, for nursery furniture, car seats…” Rowan shook his head, silver hair falling into his eyes. “We stopped talking after I told her I knew the truth. That she was using all the money I was giving her to fund her lifestyle, hardly any of it was going toward anything for the baby, and that she weaponized the miscarriage to hurt me. It was a massive fucking blow out, and we haven’t spoken since.” 
All the letters and words had evacuated her brain. The weight of his eyes trailing over her face made her finally meet his gaze. All the empathy she had in her heart was swimming in the ocean blue of her eyes that gleamed with unshed tears. In his, she saw that he knew the words she couldn’t find to speak out loud. 
“It makes me feel like a massive piece of shite, but sometimes I wonder if she was even pregnant at all or if the whole thing was just a way to get money from me.” His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose, green eyes fluttering shut as he took a moment to just breathe. Aelin wondered if he had ever voiced that confession out loud before. 
“I can understand why you reacted the way that you did.” The words swept out of her mouth on a heavy exhale, hands flexing in her lap.
“I don’t fault you for the reasons behind your actions, Rowan. But I also can’t just freely let go with what you said and how you said it. I wish that I could, but I felt like we…” Aelin trailed off, eyes shifting around the room on a scavenger hunt for words she had lost. 
“Like we had something more than what I reflected in my reaction,” he finished. A hand dragged through his hair and down the back of his neck before settling over the mouth that had put him in so much trouble in the last eight days. 
“I thought you trusted and respected me more.”
“I do, Aelin. I– fuck. I do. I am so sorry for what I said, how I said it, what I accused you of, that I hurt you. For all of it, I’m so fucking sorry.” Rowan’s hands flexed against his thighs like he was dying to touch her almost as much as she was dying to be touched by him. They curled into fists so tight she could see his thumb nails turning white from the pressure. 
“I know,” she assured him. “I know that, I just–” 
Her hands moved restlessly in front of her, trying to pull her thoughts into coherent sentences. Trying to fully express how deeply it had cut her for him to react that way was difficult. The empty space in his arms where she had fit so perfectly had started to feel like home. It was the safest she had ever felt and following this path of life had felt so entirely right. But then he opened his stupid, perfect mouth. Those words had been dripping with such a sharp edge there wasn’t a way it wouldn’t have hurt. 
“I think I just need some time. I think we need to slow down. This wasn’t supposed to become anything. You know? It was just meant to be fun, but–” She cut herself off with a shrug, her fingers falling onto her flat stomach. Somewhere in there, a baby that was equal parts of her and Rowan was swimming around.  Those feelings threatened to undo her if she allowed herself to feel them. Instead of letting them bubble over, she shoved a cork deep down into that bottle to avoid it just a little while longer.
Rowan’s inhale was sharp, a blade against its scabbard. A chilly silence filled the room, faint buzzing in her ears like she was on the snowboarding slopes in the Staghorns after a heavy snowfall. His fingers drummed against his thighs, eyes staring straight ahead when he finally nodded in understanding. 
A relationship hadn’t been on her radar. It was why the long-distance nature of it worked out so well. With time between each visit, she wasn’t able to throw herself into his heart no matter how much she may have wanted to. Nevermind that the last time she had dived head first into something it had ended with her broken and bleeding. That relationship left scars that were still tender, still itching as they healed. 
It didn’t matter how badly she was desperate to be curled up against him, feel his skin warm where they touched. How much she craved to taste his lips, to kiss the hollow of his throat and down his chest, to just feel his body splayed beneath her fingers. To know that things would be okay. There was so much more at play here than what she wanted. A little baby was caught in the crossfires, and she has to be sure that going forward their relationship was built on more than a whirlwind romance. 
Instead of reaching for his hand and continuing to let herself fall for him, she carefully constructed a wall around her heart and nodded in return. 
“About me lying to you about… everything,” she began, but was quickly cut off by Rowan shaking his head so rapidly it made her dizzy.
“There’s no need for you to explain that. I do not fault you for wanting to protect yourself, Aelin. I wish we had both been more honest with each other, but, no. You don’t need to explain or apologize. I understand. I did the same thing.” The tightness in her chest eased. For the first time since everything had come out, her ribs weren’t so tightly constricted when she took a steadying breath. They had both lied for similar reasons, and her secrets didn’t seem to change anything for him, at least. 
Rowan’s eyes seemed dark and distant, not at all what she was used to. But the conversation at hand was one of pain and hurt. It couldn’t be easy for him to lay this all at her feet, yet he had, and now they could move forward. He would give her the space she required and after that, they would figure things out. 
A kernel of hope nestled itself into her heart. Aelin just hoped she wouldn’t get hurt this time. 
White noise skittered along his skin, his nerves. The stifling sound of silence filled his ears like cotton as she finally stood and began to gather her things. The minutes ticked by like hours and Rowan hated every single drawn out second of it. He just wanted her to stay despite Aelin admitting that what they had between them wasn’t supposed to be anything. Those words were sure to echo between his ears during every hour he existed for the rest of his life.
Deep down in the trenches of his mind he was aware it was the best option for now. For them to pump the brakes, for him to make it up to her. Rowan understood why she needed time to process. He had assumed the worst of her when in reality, the truth of those pregnancy tests had shaken her to her core, just like they had him. 
Still, he couldn’t deny his excitement. While he had been wholly unprepared when Lyria was pregnant, he was ready this time. Ready in a way that only resulted in happiness buzzing through his bones when he imagined what the child would look like, what they would be like. And if he and Aelin could figure this out and work through the missteps…
Gods. He was going to be a dad. After she took the time she needed and he proved himself, they could be a family. A real family. It wasn’t going to be like last time because he was already tripping and stumbling over the edge of a cliff, his feelings rising as rapidly as the water. He was falling in love with her, and it terrified him. 
Rowan could wait. He would give her all the time she wanted, that she needed, and on the other side of it he would make sure that she was the happiest woman in the world. That their baby had the universe at their feet. Anything either of them wanted, he would ensure they had it. Nothing else mattered like this, not even football. 
A new determination had melded into his bones by the time Aelin came downstairs with her bag over one shoulder. He stood as she slipped on her shoes, then walked her out to her car. Apprehension was all over her face, evident in the way her fingers twisted together when she faced him after opening her door. 
“I’ll give back your clothes soon, I just felt gross putting the ones from yesterday back on.” Aelin gestured to the pair of boxers and t-shirt she wore. Rowan shook his head. 
“I’m not worried about that. Keep them if you wish.” A lock of hair blew into her face with the wind. Without thinking he caught it with his fingertips, grazing her cheekbone as he pushed it behind her ear. 
Aelin stiffened and took a single step back. The emotional distance was wider than the ocean when her head shook, brows meeting between her eyes that didn’t quite meet his. 
“Please don’t touch me like that,” she said quietly, but not weakly. Ice water had been dumped over his head despite the warmth in the air. His fingers clenched into a tight fist as they dropped to his side and he promptly shoved them into his pockets. Rowan took several steps back, jaw wired shut. Uncomfortable. Aelin looked uncomfortable at his touch, and he wanted to slam his fist into the concrete because of it. 
“I’ll text you soon,” she said, and he suddenly remembered  the question that had been floating around in the back of his mind for the last two days. Just as she was about to shut the door, he grabbed the top of it to keep it from closing. Aelin jolted a bit, her  eyebrows rising high as the clouds.
“How did you find out?” She looked at him for a second while she processed the question, and then laughed. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.
“My best friend, Lysandra. I hadn’t sent her very many good pictures of your face yet, so she just googled ‘Rowan’ along with soccer and Doranelle hoping for a team photo or something.” Rowan laughed, too. Some of the tension eased from his shoulders as she smiled at him in their truce. 
He nodded after a moment, a small smile still on his face. He stepped back to let her drive away, standing in the mid-afternoon silence while her tires kicked up clouds of dust. It would be a long road to win her trust back, but he wouldn’t stop until he had earned it. 
The car ride back to Varese was spent choking back tears and forcing air into her lungs to ground her. As soon as she was back in her apartment, however, the dam broke. A tidal wave of emotion crashed down upon her head, and the front door was barely closed before her thumbs were punching buttons on her phone. By the time Lysandra picked up there were sobs violently shaking her entire body. 
Before pregnancy, this wouldn’t have been anything to cry over. She still would have called Lysandra, of course, but it wasn’t something that would wreck her like this. Truthfully, Aelin didn’t even know why she was crying, other than the fact that she just felt alone. No universe existed where Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was alone in anything, much less a pregnancy. But she had nowhere to go to seek comfort in Varese. Two weeks ago it would have been to Rowan, but that was off the table. Now she just had an empty apartment and her thoughts. 
Lysandra listened while she cried and tried to get a deep breath down. Aelin hadn’t been so upset in years and was positive that if she wasn’t pregnant, everything wouldn’t feel quite so out of control. As it was, there were no handholds to grab onto, no footholds to keep her from sliding down the cliff. While her emotions waxed and waned, Lysandra was there to listen to it all, to soothe her anxiety when she started to spiral out of control. 
Part of her wished Aedion knew about the pregnancy because she needed him right now. But Lysandra filled his shoes almost well enough for everything to dwindle to a simmering calm. 
Though she was set to fly out next week, Lys managed to find a lone ticket that would put her in Varese early the next morning. They talked while she packed, the blonde managing to calm down enough to go over everything that had been said between her and Rowan earlier that morning. 
“I want to forgive him,” she said quietly a few hours later, curled up in her kleenex-covered bed. 
“Why can’t you?” 
“I–” Her lips twisted into a knot as she frowned at the floor. “I just need to be sure. You know? I need to… I don’t know.”
“You need to know that if this is going to be an actual relationship and not a co-parenting situation, that he isn’t going to hurt you again,” Lysandra offered, somehow seeing directly into Aelin’s mind and knowing the inner workings better than she did herself. 
“Yeah,” she sniffed, those emotions threatening to spill over once again despite how much she had already cried. Even though a relationship was the last thing she wanted. “I just need to be sure.”
An hour later, Lysandra was ready for her 6:30 AM flight, and Aelin was more than ready to not feel quite so alone. 
When she pulled up to the airport to pick up her best friend in the early hours of the morning, the sun just beginning to crest over the mountaintops to the east, it wasn’t the dark-haired beauty she was expecting. In fact, she almost drove right past the man that shared her eyes and golden hair. The man that could be her twin. 
It was Aedion. 
@elentiyawhitethorn @autumnbabylon @fancysludgeshoelamp  @wordsafterhours @live-the-fangirl-life @the-hospitality-of-knives @tangledraysofsunshine @readandlisten @westofmoon @rowanaelinn  @morganofthewildfire @writtenonreceipts @feynightlight @emster1622-blog @scarblx @secondstartorightand @thefaetrove @loveyatopluto @actuallybarb @peppermint-fae @the-devils-own @scottmcgivemeacall @livingmylifeforme  @wordsafterhours @foreverfallingforthestars @llyncooljones @emily-gsh @loosesimplicity @emilyrose111294  @charlizeed @aelinchocolatelover @cretaceous-therapod @sayosdreams @fireheart-violet @the-regal-warrior @backtobl4ck @shyvioletcat @autumnbabylon @bellasbookboyfriends
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 10 months
Hi how are you ? I was thinking if you could do a fic with dialogue 8: ‘’You don’t have to tell me what happened if you don’t want to, but I want you to know that I’m here for you.’’ with Marcus Baker.
Thank you
Have a good day <3
I drew a lot of inspiration from Nessa Barrett’s music for this one. When I think of mental health and all of that darkness, her songs are what come in mind. I relate to her music a lot - especially Dying on the inside, Lovebombs, Talk to myself and Die first. Check her out <3
Warnings: talk of self-harm and depression, dark thoughts, mention of grief/death
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You met Marcus at your therapist’s office building. Although you didn’t have the same doctor, you were there, in the waiting room, at the same hour every Tuesday afternoon.
He was sitting on the chair opposing yours, his eyes more often on you than the phone he was holding in his hands. You didn’t notice, too busy picking at a thread on your hoodie. Therapy sessions were difficult and anxiety-inducing.
‘’Cool shirt.’’
You snapped out of your thoughts and lifted your head to see who was talking to you. The boy before you had a soft smile on his lips and was looking at you, helping you figure it was him who spoke. You thought he was just complimenting your shirt, but your eyes fell on his hoodie and saw there was a cat too — well, cats.
A psychotherapy office wasn’t in the top places to flirt — or even fall in love —, but you did. They say you fall in love at the most unexpected moments. You and Marcus were the proof of that.
After a few weeks of small talk in the waiting room, you exchanged numbers and made plans to meet outside the psychotherapy offices building.
You texted everyday and met a few times on the weekend. You felt good in his presence and with the way he was smiling around you, you were hoping he felt the same. Marcus took you to Blue Farm for coffee and showed you his favorite park to skateboard…and drink at night. He left that part out though.
On your third visit in Wellsberry, you finally asked the delicate question. ‘’Why are you seeing Dr. Kelly?’’
Marcus’s eyes filled with tears and you regretted asking. ‘’My…my best friend died last year,’’ he said with difficulty and a heavy heart. ‘’He had cancer.’’
‘’I’m sorry. I should not have asked.’’
He shook his head in quick dismissal. ‘’It’s fine.’’
It wasn’t. His eyes were glassy and he was forcing a tight-lipped smile.
You reached out and pulled him into a hug, wishing you could take all of his pain away. Unfortunately, it didn’t work that way. You could feel his shoulders slump and you tightened your hold, rubbing his back in a comforting manner.
Marcus kissed you that afternoon. Right before you got on your bus home.
The following Tuesday, Marcus invited you over to his house after your therapy sessions. He snuck you in while his parents and sister were out to avoid them bombarding you with questions. Especially Max. She was a little much sometimes.
You were pleased to find out that Marcus was a multi-genre artist. He could draw and paint — as seen on his walls and the scattered papers on his drawing table —, play guitar, piano and harmonica.
‘’Is that…me?’’ you asked, seeing a graphite drawing of a girl sunken cheeks on the open sketchbook.
‘’No…’’ he lied, stepping in front of the sketchbook to block your view.
‘’When did you do this?’’
‘’On Saturday after you left.’’
You stepped over to him, grabbing the front pocket of Marcus’s hoodie and looking up. ‘’Why?’’
‘’Because I missed you,’’ he explained simply, biting a smile and looking absolutely adorable.
Although you had been smiling a little more lately, the darkness inside your head was still there. You tried writing in your journal the way Dr. Lily had advised you to, but the words on the paper were so heavy and dark that they scared you. You checked the time on your phone — 1am. Dr. Lily had told you to call her at any time if you needed, but your trembling fingers dialed another number.
After a few rings, a sleepy and groggy voice answered. ‘’Hello?’’
You bit your lip, already regretting calling him. ‘’I'm sorry for bothering you in the middle of the night—’’
‘’I was just resting my eyes,’’ Marcus brushed off, whispering so he wouldn’t wake his mom or sister. ‘’Is everything okay?’’ he asked, his voice of genuine concern. ‘’You don’t have to tell me what happened if you don’t want to, but I want you to know that I’m here for you.’’
Just by seeing your name on his phone screen in the middle of the night, Marcus knew you weren’t okay. But he wanted you to tell him.
‘’I don’t know.’’ You looked down at your sleeve-covered wrists, knowing what was hidden underneath, and shook your head. ‘’No. No, I’m really not okay.’’ The words burned as they left your lips. ‘’I called you so I wouldn't hurt myself.’’
It was your first time telling Marcus about your self-harm. It’s not a subject you slip between two laughs or bring up casually during a coffee date at Blue Farm.
You heard Marcus drawing a breath on the other side. He was cursing the distance between your houses and the time of the night, wishing he could get to you. His motorcycle was in the garage, but if his parents knew he had snuck out to dive to the neighboring town in the middle of the night, he would be grounded for months.
Right now, all he could do was listen to you on the phone.
‘’I'm glad you did.’’
Meeting Max did not go the way Marcus would have liked. She had found Marcus’s phone on the counter — he must’ve left it there by accident — and snooped through his messages. She had been suspecting that her brother was hiding something from her, and she was right. Invading Marcus’s privacy however, was wrong.
When you and Marcus came in an hour later, expecting to come home to an empty house, Max was sitting on the couch like a mom waiting for her kids who snuck out to a party. His smile fell when he saw his sister, his eyes mimicking the ones of a deer caught in headlights. Shit. What was she doing there?
‘’Hello, brother.’’ 
‘’S-shouldn’t you be at Ginny’s?’’
‘’I was on my way, but I saw your phone on the counter and what I found was much more entertaining.’’ She threw the device at Marcus and he caught it before it hit the floor. 
‘’You went through my phone?’’ he asked, outraged that Max had invaded his privacy like that. 
She ignored him and continued. ‘’Wait until I tell mom and dad what you've been up to. What you’ve been hiding from them.’’ The brunette glances at you over Marcus’s shoulder, giving you a nasty eye. ‘’Does mom know about her? She didn't pay for this expensive therapist outside town so you could flirt with the other patients and charm them to get in their pants. You really have no self control, you feral cat.’’ 
‘’Who I see and date is none of your business,’’ Marcus hissed in defense. ‘’So what if my phone was on the counter. It didn’t give you the right to go through it. You don’t understand boundaries.’’
’’And you don’t understand how terrified I was when I read that my brother thought of dying.‘‘ 
The mood suddenly turned.
The words had slipped from her mouth and she immediately regretted them.
You shifted your eyes to Marcus and saw colors draining from his face. You had never seen him this pale before. You almost thought he was going to pass out.
Was this why he was seeing Dr. Kelly? Because he was suicidal?
‘’The messages you sent to Lucas, I saw them. I've read them — all.’’
A tear slipped from Marcus’s eyes and Max continued, revealing more secrets she shouldn't have known of.
‘’One evening, Mom told me to come and get you for dinner, but when I came into your room, you were sleeping. You had left your phone open and I thought I was going to find some weird porn, but what I found was much darker.’’ Max paused, blinking tears as old emotions hit her. “I wanted to tell Mom and Dad, but I knew it would crush them so I kept my mouth shut. I’ve been keeping this secret, this burden, since that day and it’s so hard knowing that my twin brother was thinking of taking his own life. Every once in a while, I go to Lucas’ contact and see if you’ve sent him anything. I was doing that today, but I saw a girl I didn’t know had sent you a text and I ended up reading some of the messages.’’
Without knowing much about her, you quickly tagged Max as the kind of person who made everything about herself. She was allowed to be scared and worry for Marcus, but what about Marcus' pain? Did she think of how much he must be hurting if he thought about the option of dying?
Your heart kept breaking and aching.
''Marcus, I’m sorry, I—’’ Max started with tears running down her face. She stepped in her brother’s direction, asking for his forgiveness, but you stepped in and you blocked the way.
Right now, Marcus needed space.
‘’I think you should go,’’ you said to Max, speaking up for the first time.
Max opened her mouth to speak again, probably to tell you to ‘mind your business’ or ‘this is not your house, you don’t get to tell me to leave’, but she looked at Marcus, assessing the damage she had done, and retracted. 
On Tuesday, Marcus didn’t come to his next therapy appointment. You texted him to ask why he wasn’t there, but he didn’t respond.
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
I saw that you didn’t get the submissive empire or x reader so I’ll send my request again(my wifi has sucked just got new one) anyways, could you do a Yandere submissive worshipper emperor x fem(preferably) reader? Like where he sees her in his castle delivering baked goods to a friend or something and immediately falls in love. He has never been with anyone before and is a nervous wreck. Like he sees us walking away and request for information on us and figures out we’re a baker so he asks us to bring him baked goods and when we do he’s so flustered and like OMG HER HANDS WERE ON THIS and will literally do whatever we ask. So he asks us to work at the castle and he will employ someone to run our bakery and HE PAYS US BANK!! And he really loves us and spends as much time as he can in the kitchen admiring us and stuttering, meanwhile he will literally drag people to the dungeons to kill them if they make us uncomfortable or banishing them if they make moves… I’m just such a feen for submissive worshippers… thank you. And maybe him figuring out a way to court us and marry us.
( your gender is never mentioned so it's up to interpretation)
Dawn rises yet again for the sleepy kingdom. All is quiet from its court to within the castle walls. Servants work to get the day started for their ruler, and guards stood guard at their posts. Brave, nobel soliders who protect their land to their deaths. On this day he, the army stands taller than ever before, awaiting the recovery of their loyal general and the one who brought him the proper medication to cure the remainder of his ailments.
Marching up to the castle gates, a long figure ventures through the early morn. One of few soul to have risen at this hour aside from the castle staff. The soliders lower their guard, and blades as the frequent visitor approaches.
"Good morning, gentlemen."
"Morning, Y/n."
"I don’t think I have to do this considering how many times I've visited, but I'll stick to the route." You reach into a basket and retrieve a slip of paper sighting your grant to enter the emperor's castle, signed by the man himself. Course, it was never in person, but your business was important enough for him to sign off without question. The guard to your left nods in approval, stepping aside to let you in as the open the gates.
"All's good. Can you see if that old bastard is willing to share this time?
You smile. "I'll do my best."
Crossing the courtyard, you walk straight through the castle's open front door. The total family had enough pride in their guard to leave it open during the day. A lamp post falls behind you as you walk, but you think nothing of it as a passing maid picks it up. You venture down familiar paths, wish a fair morning to those you past, and make your way towards the infirmary. The door is slightly ajar; walls patted with white stone. Nearly every bed is empty except for the one at the very end of the second row. The patient moans from the confines of their bed, tossing and turning as best as their casts would allow.
You quietly enter the room, unsure if the man was even awake. You set the basket down on the table beside him; his eyes fluttering open as you pull back the blanket covering its contents. The alluring smell of fresh baked and still cooling treats has the patient wide awake and fighting to sit up right.
"Y/n, my dear. Is that you?"
"Yes, sir. Brought your favorite as always." You help the aging man up and with grabbing one of the baked goods. A raspberry muffin - the general's favorite. He stopped by your bakery every morning for one before heading to the castle, this route broken by a broken leg and fractured ribs from an ambush of thieves. Since he refused the sorcerer's magic, he had to heal the normal way and was unable to stop by. Feeling pity for the man, you wake up bright and early every morning to do it for him.
The general wolfs down the muffin in a flash, reaching for another with a full mouth. "Thank you again for your assistance. Had I noticed a second earlier, those fools wouldn't have known what hit them."
You hold down a laugh. "You've told me this before. Everytime I've came if my memory serves me right."
Your deliveries have been going on for a few weeks by now. You'd grown used to the long walk, and had the additional bonus of getting to see the inside of the castle yourself. You didn't want to find your own benefit out of this horrible situation, but this was the chance of a lifetime for you. The servants were quite friendly, and while you had never seen the emperor everyone described him as fair. Unbeknownst to you, however, he had seen you.
The emperor watches you from the crack in the door, labored breathes heating its lock. His hands were sweat; throat dry. A blush dusts the man's cheeks; fingers edging towards the doorknob.
When he first heard you, the emperor wrote you off as the general's child, or even a young partner as unsettling as the thought was. He signed off on your visitations without batting an eye just to get that old coot to stop complaining. The first time he actually saw you - he knew he was in love.
The poor emperor had little experience in the field, but upon laying eyes on you that was the best way to describe the flame in the pit of his stomach. You were stunning, and the light of the early sun brought your natural beauty out like no other. He fell deeper in love with every new thing he found out about you. Your voice, your occupation, your name. He absolutely had to have you - but he was afraid.
Such a gem like you would never go for someone like him even if it was crown ruler of yourkingdom. He fear spilling all the desire in his chest from just saying hello to you. No, he must steel himself. A proper leader walks into situations with their head held high - no matter how badly their legs trembled just by looking at the problem ahead. Today was the day he would finally meet you or he'd cast himself into the nearest well for missing the opportunity again.
The turn of the doorknob catches both the general's and your attention. Surprise crosses your face at the sight of the visitor, while the general merely slumps back against his pillow. The emperor was his most common guest, always asking on and on about you. He always wondered if he would show his face.
"Y-your highness! Good morning." You dip your head in a formal greeting for your king. The emperor's flush darkens. Having you bow to him felt like an angel kneeling to a sinner. Wrong, but a boost in confidence for the latter party.
"There's no need for that. I've... just come to see how my valued general is doing. Who might you be and what is your business here?"
"Y/n. The general is a dear friend of mine as well, and I have been bringing him treats to help with his recovery."
The emperor's expression darkens at the use of the word "friend", but it passes quickly as he replays your name in his head. It's one that's run over his tongue countless times, but to hear you say it too him made it sound even more enchanting.
"I see. I was wondering where he got all those sweets. I haven’t eaten breakfast myself.. Do you mind if I try one?
With the question thrown into the air, you look towards the general for an answer. He simply shrugs. Seeing that that the best you'll get, you retrieve a muffin from the basket and offer it to the emperor. You worry you took the worry approach as he's hesitant to take it, but who would be reluctant to accept a gift from a God as unworthy mortal? He finally takes it, sparks shooting up his arm as your fingers graze together.
The emperor takes a bit of the sweet. Its still a bit warm, and melts on his tongue as he chews. The cake has a nice, soft texture; blending well with the fruity aftermath of the raspberries. Despite having just finished breakfast, he greedy scarfs it down and licks the crumbs from his fingers. That was the best muffin he had ever tasted. He could feel the passion and love for the craft that you poured into each step of the process. The emperor feels tears burning at the corners of his eyes; overcome with bliss.
"That was... amazing."
"I'm happy you enjoyed it, your highness." You beam. "Unfortunately, I have to leave soon so I can open my bakery in time for the morning rush."
The emperor's spirits crash instantly. "Why the rush? The day is still young."
"That is true, but my shop and home are on the far end of the town."
He's taken aback by this. Such a distance and you cross it everyday for a useless man like the general? You truly were a saint. The emperor would allow you to suffer that journey no longer; for your own comfort and the self pleasure of having you close.
"That's insanity. Why don't I hire you to become the royal baker? I can pay you well. Five time more than what you make in a normal week."
"While the offer is nice, I have a lot of people depending on me for goods and there's still the fact my home is in the same location."
The emperor immediately backtracks; his anxieties bubbles to the surface as he stammers. "Erm- well, we can have people deliver to your shop, and find residence closer or even in the castle if you'd prefer."
You can have his bedroom if you wanted it. You think the offer over, smiling as you come to your conclusion."
The following day, all of your belongings were moved into a cabin still on the castle grounds, and you were appointed as royal baker. It's funny to think how your life changed so quickly. The move is a dream come true for you both, as the emperor now gets to wake up everyday and see you busy at work. When he didn't have his own duties to attend to, he was hovering over you while you worked away. There's nothing he wouldn’t give to be able to massage your sore joints after a hard day at work.
The emperor had your own kitchen built away from the main, but until it was complete you worked there as well. You hardly saw anyone during your time there, and few people talked to you. One particular nasty chef got on your case about you using what they considered to be their whisk, but you never saw them again after the encounter.
The emperor claimed he didn't have any favorites as all of your creations had their own charms, but you noticed how his eyes would light up more whenever you brought him custard tarts. He practically drools onto your shoulder whenever he sees you with the ingredients for them. Wishing to develop your relationship with him further, you offer to teach him how to do with which he eagerly accepts.
"L-like this, Y/n?"
The emperor cracks an egg against the side of the bowl, separating the yolk and the whites between the shells. His hands shake, feeling your eyes over his shoulder. He wanted to do his best for you despite how trivial the task was, and that notion is what let to his downfall. He pushes a little too hard on one half of the shell as he concentrates, breaking it in the palm of his hand.
"Ack!- I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay! It okay." You sooth. You had picked up on the emperor's softer side and his strange need for your approval your first week on the job. You grab a stray towel and clean his hands off for him. The emperor thought he had his emotions under control by now, but your touch throws that balance out the window. He shutters from your warmth, afar cry from the man that banished a servant for just talking to you not even a day prior. Your body draws close to his as you remove all of the yolk, and all he can think about is how soft your lips must be.
The emperor keeps that little ounce of control. He would sooner kiss the bottom of your shoe than go for that at this moment in time - might even prefer it if no one's around. How could he ask your hand someday if he got worked up for something so miniscule. You really did had this man wrapped around your pinky finger - and without even realizing.
Once you finish cleaning up, you have the emperor sits this one out. He still wonders behind you, uttering praises for everything little thing you did. It was only the surface level of how deep his devotion and loyalty for you truly went.
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