#I'd like to write a part 2 but haven't thought of anything yet
dont-f-with-moogles · 2 years
Nightmare Characters: Levi x Hange  Word Count: 749 words Canon universe
Because I haven't posted any writing on here in a while. This is for @this-is-krikkit and anyone else having a shitty day - have a free Levihan cuddle.
Inspired by the Smartpass story.
The titan lifted its monstrous head, gazing down with eyes like giant, polished orbs. Its stare was devoid of comprehension; empathy; reason. Humanity. It was simply registering the details before it; the small figure standing with their arm outstretched. Any second now, it would lunge. 
Strangely, Hange was unafraid. Their arm was held steady; palm empty. Even as the titan swung its jaw open wide, inviting Hange to a view of its enormous teeth, they remained unshaken in their resolve. It was just as unsurprising when a human voice emerged from the giant’s mouth.
"They don't taste good…"
“Mmm?” Hange returned politely, cocking their head to the side. They clasped both hands behind their back. “What doesn’t? Tell me.”
Suddenly the titan uttered an ear-splitting howl. It gripped the sides of its head, thrusting fingers as thick as tree stumps beneath its eyelids. It prised the thin flesh away as though attempting to tear its skin from its face. 
“Please… help me, Hange!”
Hange jolted awake. It took a moment for their eyes to adjust to the gloom. There was their disordered pile of books upon the bedside table; only the names on the spines were too blurred to read, should Hange have needed to do so. The bedsheet had become tangled around one of their legs, leaving the other cold and exposed. The corner of yet another book was digging into their shin. There came a movement beneath them; an arm shifting then withdrawing from their side.
“You okay?” Levi’s voice; still thick with sleep. They felt him turn onto his back. Hange reached towards the bedside table and knocked their glasses to the floor with a clatter.
“Fuck.” Their arm was trembling now, unlike in their dream. “That- that fucked me up…”
A pale shaft of moonlight fell across them. Hange turned to see Levi drawing back the heavy drape which clung to the window. 
“Thanks.” Hange retrieved their fallen glasses and pushed them up the bridge of their nose. They sat upright; knuckles blanched as they clutched the mattress, feet digging into the floorboards beneath. There came a creak of wooden slats as Levi knelt on the bed behind them.
“What happened in this one?”
Recurring nightmares were, unfortunately, one of an endless list of occupational hazards faced by those in the Scout Regiment. It was often the result of witnessing too many abnormal things. In fact, most considered it abnormal not to be affected in such a way.
“There was a titan. It was trying to talk to me… It… it said…” Hange gripped their head, much like the titan had done in their nightmare. “It told me that they didn’t taste good.” Their hands balled into fists, pressing their eyes with the effort of remembering. As much as they tried to cling to the memory, the details of the dream poured through their fingers like sand.
“It asked me to help them.” Hange’s throat was tight. “Wh-what do you think that means?”
Levi folded an arm around them and they sank against him, their back pressed to his chest. Levi’s chin rested on their shoulder.
“Levi… what if they don’t want to do it?”
“...what if they don’t want to eat people?”
Both stared at the door, under which a narrow strip of light filtered. The absurdity of Hange’s statement, and the silence which followed it, settled over the room.
“I don’t know…” Levi spoke quietly. “That’s a question only you can answer.”
It was as though the burden of that unanswered proposal settled upon them in tangible form. Hange’s shoulders sank, their body curving against his.
“Tomorrow, I’ll…”
“You need to get some rest.” Levi’s tone was firm but without his usual acerbity. He held them to him tightly. 
“I’ve got you.”
Hange’s eyes closed. Gently, he brought them down with him so that Hange’s back remained against his front. He stroked their scattered hair away from the pillow and tenderly kissed the back of their neck. Hange made a small sound and shifted beside him. Levi reached across them, gently lifting their glasses from their face. He hesitated; the table was just out of reach. He lowered his arm, wrapping it around Hange’s waist; their glasses clutched in his hand. Levi buried his face in their warm skin, feeling their breaths come slower as exhaustion overcame them.
But even though he closed his eyes and allowed his own breathing to fall in rhythm with theirs, Levi knew he would not sleep.
Part 2: Dream
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jinwoosbabyboo · 28 days
"Will You Marry Me?"
How I imagine LADS Men would propose. This is part 1 of 2. I tried to do the sweet elegant writing, but that ain't me so here you go....
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Zayne definitely shows his love through his actions.
He's the type to be nervous the weeks leading up to his proposal. He won't show it though his coping mechanism would just be to work more hours to avoid thinking about all the reasons you'd say no. So you'd barely see him for weeks.
Don't worry though trust he's planned everything down to the last minute. He even tried to plan how the conversation would go. He quickly scraps that idea when he remembers he can never predict your response considering the way you always surprise him with your antics.
He's private about your relationship (Private not a secret read that again twice). He wouldn't want a crowd or prying eyes he'd want a cozy afternoon at home with you. The PERFECT cozy afternoon. He'd have you sit down on the couch as he'd bend a knee and give you the most Shakespearian speech you've every heard in your life before ending it with a......
Zayne: I know I've told you before nothing last forever but I'd like to be your nothing and last forever .... Will you marry me? MC: You're my everything Zayne Zayne: Is that a yes? MC: Yes yes of course
How could you even think of saying no? He would also turn you every which way but loose to celebrate. The aftercare would consist of a hot jasmine scented bath with you to relax your muscles. That nap would hit different after that cozy afternoon. ;)
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Rafayel is so silly he'd stumble and drop the ring down a drain or something. I bet you thought thats what I'd say huh? Wrong number babes.
He can be serious when he wants to and he'd want his proposal to be perfect as well however he would want to have fun prior to asking just to calm his nerves. He'd take you to a festival or a farmers market or the arcade anything to take his mind off his racing heartbeat for his plans later.
When the time comes he would take you to a quiet gorgeous beach at sunset (A place where he feels the most calm) and right when nightfalls. Fireworks. Perfect timing huh? Coincidence? I think not!
He always finds you beautiful no matter what. He could stare at you for hours and never get tired of looking at you. There was something about you in the moonlight mixed with the awe on your face while watching the fireworks. You were unreal.
He'd wait until you're completely enamored by the fireworks before subtly mentioning something further down the beach. You'd turn quickly seeing beautiful candle light set up complete with a heart shaped flower archway covered in Flame Lillies. It was ethereal.
MC: Oh my gosh someones getting proposed to Rafayel: Lets get a closer look MC: No we might ruin it let's stay here Rafayel: It'll be fine I know the person proposing they haven't got there yet we can go look MC: Fine but quickly
Rafayel would lead you over directly in front of the archway where you would pull at his sleeve to try and leave. Because why does this man got you in the middle of someone else’s proposal set up??
MC: Your friend could be here any minute we should leave Rafayel: He's here MC: *Looks around frantically* Where?!? Rafayel: It's me MC: *Turns to see Rafayel on one knee*
His speech is an absolute tear jerker. He'd promise to love you endlessly and passionately. "I promise to chase you to the ends of the earth even in death I'd find you in the next life"
Rafayel: So ... will you be my beloved bride? MC: YES!
Me personally I'm tackling his fine ass in the sand after he slips that ring on
Xavier & Sylus here...
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pomefioredove · 5 months
OH MY SEVEN! PLEASE I NEED A PART 2 OF MC GETTING BOUGHT BY NBC (or maybe they get bought by rsa? By like Chenya or Neige?)
part two of the NBC ending is here! very intrigued by the idea of an RSA ending, especially since our knowledge is limited. I also kin snow white so maybe I have a little soft spot for neige.
bonus: I had to stop writing this to save another animal that got inside. second time this week.
parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim | 'bad' ending
summary: yuu transfers to RSA type of post: short fic characters: neige, chenya additional info: yuu is gender neutral, pretty platonic
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This entire ordeal had been nothing if not shady.
From the purpose, to the "donations", to the absence of the prefect themselves...
...And now, the grand announcement- that of which Crowley had been hyping up for days- was cancelled.
"I don't get it," Epel murmurs, walking on a sideways footpath back to the hall of mirrors. "You really think he just took all the money and ran?"
Vil huffs, the disappointment heavy in his voice. "Well, it certainly seems that way. No one's seen him all day,"
Despite the sour mood over the trio of Pomefiore students, the day is bright and sunny. Birds sang, the sun shone, even the wind carried a suspiciously merry tune with it.
"We should not give up hope so soon. Anything could happen," Rook ponders. "Who knows? The day is not over yet."
"I'm starting to wish it was," Vil says. "It's far too jovial for such an underwhelming afternoon. And the whole purpose of this walk was to clear our minds... hmph."
Epel squints ahead, taking in the way beams of sunlight seem to shine through the foliage, casting rays of gold over the usually darker campus.
"Y'know, I betcha- I-I mean, I think you might be onto something. It is unusually cheery today, isn't it?"
Vil huffs. "Wonderful. Nature itself mocks me,"
"Non, it's not the climate which has changed... it's more of a presence. Monsieur Pommette is correct," Rook says. "Something has shifted here."
Vil rolls his eyes, not exactly in the mood to be playing word games with Rook again. He shoots a glare to Epel, warning the boy not to encourage him, and a silence falls over the three.
Though... he still cannot deny that something feels aloof. Something that isn't sitting right with him...
He sighs. "Perhaps we should check on the prefect. Just in case,"
And so the three stop in their tracks and awkwardly, though hurriedly, walk to Ramshackle.
Nothing is quite amiss about the building itself, though, still, there's something hazy and dreamlike about it. A warm, golden glow that turns the rough and brittle exterior into a quaint and charming home, full of light.
"I don't like this," Epel murmurs. Vil does not respond, but he understands. He's having similar thoughts.
Just as they're about to enter, someone tall and dark steps outside.
"Crowley!" all three snap, in varying tones of voice.
The man goes stiff and, for a moment, looks as if he's about to make a run for it- though he thankfully holds his ground. "Ah- good afternoon, dear pupils. Having a... studiful day?"
"That's not a word," Vil crosses his arms and glares. "Why are you here?"
"I was... well... just discussing some things... with... the prefect..."
He sounds utterly nervous.
Vil's eyes narrow. "What are you hiding?"
Before he can answer, the door behind him opens again, and you peer outside, giving Crowley a chance to escape. "Guys?"
"Trickster! We are relieved to see you in good health!"
"Hm? Why wouldn't I be?"
Epel shakes his head. "W-well, you just haven't been around much, and we saw Crowley- hey, where'd he go?"
Vil grumbles something indistinct, massaging his temples. "That man..." he sighs. "But back to business. Are you well? What's happened?"
You look away. "Well-"
Thankfully, before you have to explain it yourself, the door opens wider, leaving the Pomefiore trio face-to-face with the one person they least expected to see.
Neige beams. "Oh, my... hello, Vil! I didn't think I'd run into you here!"
The housewarden's eyes immediately narrow, and it takes him a moment to respond. "Yes, well, as you know, I go to school here. Would anyone care to explain this?"
A voice from behind the trio echoes. "Oh, I volunteer!"
Epel squeaks and jumps (much to his embarrassment) and the other two whirl around to an ever-smiling face they can't quite recall...
"See, we're on the moving squad," Che'nya giggles, slinking back to the front door of Ramshackle. "You wanna know why? I'm sure you're just dying with curiosity, aren't you?"
"I can put the pieces together myself, thank you," Vil murmurs. "But I do have a few questions."
Che'nya opens his mouth wide again-
"-Not for you," he turns to you. "How? And why, exactly?"
You shrug, looking to Neige for help.
Which he gladly provides, of course. "Well... it was more of a school decision. We heard what was happening, and held a vote," he says, speaking tentatively while under Vil's astute gaze. "We've heard lots about how much your prefect has helped here, and how unfortunate their circumstances are, and... well..."
"A person like that just doesn't go to NRC," Che'nya snickers.
Vil glares for a moment longer, and then sighs. "Well... this is certainly a turn of bad luck for the lot of us,"
"But I can visit!" you insist.
Neige and Che'nya both nod in agreement, though the latter's placid smile makes his approval seem less genuine.
"Well," Vil says, turning to the boys beside him. "Don't you two have anything to say?"
Epel clears his throat, trying his best to sound light and formal. "I think it's... it's... I'll miss you," he sulks.
"A magnifique opportunity! Think how much you will learn, how many new people you will meet- oh, you must allow me to visit often! I could not bear to let you make all these beautiful discoveries on your own!" Rook says, dabbing the corner of his eyes with a handkerchief.
"Why am I not surprised?" Vil sighs. "Well... I suppose I have a duty to inform the others. And, perhaps..."
He pauses, his watchful gaze fixed on you.
"...We might hold a vote of our own."
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Cod Characters General Dating Headcanons (part two)
+ Random and Some bits of Chubby Fem S/O Headcanons with mentions of different nationality S/O
+ What type of BF/GF they would be
Including Valeria Garza, Farah Karim, Kate Laswell, Alex Keller, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Nikolai Belinski
+ Some Poly! Farah x Reader x Alex Headcanons
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Fem terms and pronouns like she/her are used for the reader
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My rules for requests and characters I can write for
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Please comment if you want to be added to the taglist, the next part or cod content alone. I also have content for TLOU and Resident Evil, so please specify.
Taglist: @marshmallowinamess
A/n: Hi lovelies! It's me again Lia, currently working on this one while I haven't even posted the other yet because I wanna post early and I love Valeria. Y'all don't got shit on me, I'm writing this shit while I'm in class AHAHAHA. Btw more Resident Evil content soon...
Disclaimers/warnings: Typical Cod things, OOC characters???, Unrealistic, Some suggestive themes and language, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Most of the content I've seen are on TikTok and Tumblr I don't actually play the game but I love the characters so much, same with any other content I have for other video games.
Tiny sidenote: the reader in this has been describe to be shorter than the characters and has been mentioned to have a soft body rather than the muscular type.
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Valeria Garza
ꕥ (Just saying, I'd let her step all over me)
ꕥ The El Sinombre falling in love? No shit she's... semi-normal??
ꕥ Black cat/Doberman girlfriend for sure. She's extremely protective and extremely terrifying when she wants to be. Scary dog privilege if you get it. (Occasionally it's funny to imagine her as a Chihuahua)
ꕥ Dates all kinds of women, body type and other things don't matter to her because she doesn't have a type. If you catch her attention then that's that.
ꕥ Loves spoiling you in everyway possible, just sit pretty for her and she'll take care of everything. Doesn't give a shit on the amount of money she spends on you, you want it? You got it.
ꕥ Loves it when you need her, it's one of the ways she feels loved and appreciated. Would never say it out loud but loves it whenever you show her your appreciation by doing manual labor.
ꕥ The idea of you being her pretty little housewife is sending her to heaven.
ꕥ Spanish pet names galore, culture is something of importance to her so will definitely teach you Spanish if she had the time.
ꕥ Would be interested learning about your culture as well because if you're gonna know about hers then she ought to know what to call you in your language. (Definitely not self-indulgent because I'm Filipina and I know she'd pronounce it somewhat correctly)
ꕥ Doesn't ever let you know about her cartel business. You can never know and she will never allow you to get ever get involved. You're too precious to her and god forbid anything will happen to you, she will destroy the world if she had to.
ꕥ She's more of a masc lesbian, she's the type who likes to be in charge in a "I'm the one who wears the pants in the relationship" way. She's very dominant.
ꕥ Doesn't ever even consider to be submissive, with the amount of shit she's been through. She can be vulnerable with you but in no way, shape or form could you ever top.
ꕥ You're an escape from the life she knew, it was peaceful with you. At first she wasn't used to it, definitely has reoccurring thoughts of something going wrong. You dying, getting kidnapped, falling into the hands of her enemies so constant reassurance.
ꕥ Would absolutely kill for you, no hesitation. The literally definitely of "I would burn this world for you", would absolutely deny it but you know otherwise.
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Farah Karim
ꕥ Tabby cat coded girlfriend, she's down to earth and chill. She's that one neutral person everyone adores, she puts her best efforts into a relationship for sure.
ꕥ Has and will help you do your make-up all the time, doesn't matter whether you asked. She'll observe the specific way you do it and do it perfectly.
ꕥ Sweetest girlfriend ever, she has dominance tendencies but it's mainly because she's quite assertive and often makes the decisions. Can't help it, after all her field of work requires her to one up egotistic men.
ꕥ That being said, I think she's had some mild PTSD about how they treated her. Sure it made her tough and she didn't like to be bossed around (unlike angry Mexican man) but I like to think she keeps you out of it as much as possible.
ꕥ Chubby!Reader headcanon is that she literally would adore you, compliment anything and everything. Insecure? Not on her watch, she just makes you feel so loved.
ꕥ Most definitely has introduced you to Price (I feel like he's everyone's father figure except los vaqueros and characters he hasn't interacted with) and don't worry he's already looking after you as well.
ꕥ Poly! Farah x reader x Alex headcanons:
ꕥ You guys following whatever Farah says, towards relationship decisions anyway because you and Alex tend to be indecisive.
ꕥ Lot's of communication between the three of you even if it's just a small thing, consent is always key.
ꕥ Alex following his two wives around a lot, he's mostly behind you guys all the time.
ꕥ Farah is patient when it comes to a lot of things but especially you and Alex.
ꕥ You get head pats from both of them, Farah is in a more praising manner while Alex tends to be in a comforting manner.
ꕥ You cannot tell me these two won't be down to cuddle in any position because I know damn well they would be. More often it's just Alex wanting to be a little spoon.
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Alex Keller
ꕥ Golden Retriever boyfriend FOR REAL. This man is the type of man to kneel down and clasp the strap of your shoe or heel when he notices it.
ꕥ You know when you pick up something near a corner of a table or underneath it? He's the type of boyfriend to subconsciously cover the edge or corner of that table so that if your head bumps into it then it wouldn't be as painful or even at all.
ꕥ Having said the first one, he also guides your head whenever getting into a vehicle because god forbid you actually hurt yourself. Not on his watch.
ꕥ Understands why you're insecure and definitely offers a lot of verbal reassurance.
ꕥ Is the type of boyfriend to say "Yes Ma'am" when you ask him to do something, doesn't matter whether it's a small thing or labor intensive. It's kinda become your guys' thing now since people take notice on it.
ꕥ Pouty kind of jealous? Not necessarily whiny but makes this sad upset face at you when jealous instead of something like Ghost or Valeria would do where they'd be glaring the person down jealous.
ꕥ Very thoughtful, he pays attention to what you want and what you need and knows the right timing.
ꕥ Forehead kiss giver, you cannot convince me this man doesn't love doing it. Especially when you're shorter than him, loves resting his chin on top of your head or burying his head in your neck.
ꕥ HATES seeing you uncomfortable, absolutely despises it. That's the last thing he wants you to feel when you're around him. Would understand if there's imminent danger around but it would literally being him back to life if you felt safe enough around him even if there was danger because you're confident in his capabilities to keep you safe.
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Kate Laswell
ꕥ She only ever let the TF141 and Nikolai meet you because of course she trusts them enough.
ꕥ They were like "So you're the infamous wife of Laswell huh?"
ꕥ Even before you were married, Kate called you her wife because she was ✨manifesting✨.
ꕥ She loves using it though, sometimes she'd be with coworkers and they'd invited her to go out to pub and drink but she'll refuse saying "Can't, my wife is waiting for me". She'd really rather just spend time with you anyway.
ꕥ Congrats, you made her quit smoking or at least she's trying to. She still does every once and a while when shit gets really bad but never around you because she knows that secondhand smoke is just as bad for you.
ꕥ She doesn't have a type when it comes to people so body is out of the question, if she feels a connection then she feels it.
ꕥ Anything and everything to keep you safe, if something were to happen to you, trust that she'll either get it down herself or if she can't then she'll turn to Price and Belinski for help.
ꕥ As much as possible, she keeps you away from everything. The job she has is just too dangerous and she can't risk you, not when you're one of the only good things in her life that keeps her happy.
ꕥ Definitely a workaholic, something as simple as asking her to eat or rest, maybe take a break. She'll do it, for you and because she knows you care for her.
ꕥ Doesn't half-ass anything, full effort when it comes to you especially when there's a special occasion between you two like holidays, birthdays and anniversaries.
ꕥ Also she loves making you laugh, more often with stories of her experiences with Price and also about how they met.
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Gary "Roach" Sanderson
ꕥ (I CANNOT FIND A DECENT GIF OF THIS MAN FOR THE LIFE OF ME... Here's the credits to where I found the photo)
ꕥ Get this man a makeshift antenna, he would adore it. You made it for him because of his call sign.
ꕥ He sometimes wears it on missions but mostly keeps it so that it doesn't get damage because this man is definitely a horder, not in a bad way just anything you give to him is something worth keeping in his eyes.
ꕥ Gary definitely gives you handmade gifts back, when he knows you'll like something or even if it's at a random, he loves making them for you and he cried when he found out you kept those all in it's own box labeling it your treasures.
ꕥ Very shy and reluctant at first but once he's comfortable, he is tackling you for a hug when he gets the chance.
ꕥ Doesn't talk a lot, (it took me to Google when I saw that many people hc him communicating through BSL) but I like to think he does talk. It's just really selective, like a few words.
ꕥ The first time you heard his voice, you looked at him like "???". He looked at you confused at your reaction and he only realized it when you told him.
ꕥ Think that he'll try to learn sign language within your mother tongue you know, it's too cute not to think about.
ꕥ He gives off soft lover vibes, definitely far more on the gentle side compared to his comrades.
ꕥ Something in me tells me this man rambles but only and I mean only when he's already extremely comfortable around you, not used to using his voice much so expect a bit of stutter. Which by the way, he does this without knowing he's rambling and will profusely apologize with his tone of voice slowly getting more quiet. (This is your sign, comfort this man)
ꕥ Likes to crawl around and climb things for fun, another one of the reasons his call sign was formed. The first time Ghost genuinely screamed was when Roach was stuck on the side of the wall and Ghost saw him there. Kinda like when you see a roach climbing up a wall and it flies straight for you in your direction. (Happened to me by experience when I was taking a shower)
ꕥ He also likes crawling around, like this I mean. Hacker!Reader seeing this on the enemy's security camera while she tries to shut them off is just funny to me idk why.
ꕥ Chubby!Reader? Sign him the fuck up. You once sat down near him and he saw how you thought spread a bit and it was so close to his that he was just resisting the urge to touch. The voice in his head shamelessly thinking of what it would be like if you suffocated him with them.
ꕥ He loves peppering kisses, doesn't matter whether it's receiving or giving this man would straight up take your hands and use them to cup his face, his hands still being over yours and would with wait for you to kiss him or kiss you himself.
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Nikolai Belinski
ꕥ (I have no clue how to write for nik but I'll try my best)
ꕥ We all know him and his jokes about his "wives" which by the way is not true and you know it.
ꕥ He's husband material however he is quite busy, not that he'd barely spend time with you but he is away a lot. There's an upside to this, he constantly calls you (Let's be real, he prefers calls over texts) just to check on how you're doing and he tells you when he's going to come home.
ꕥ Despite all his jokes, he'd never actually make fun of you. Sure he's sarcastic and talks to himself a lot but he'd never go as low as actually making an offensive joke to his lover.
ꕥ Speaking of joking, your laugh is music to this man's ears. Don't matter if you sound like a dying cat, he's still gonna make you laugh.
ꕥ Surprisingly really sweet, people are often surprised to see that man with a lover. He's very thoughtful in a sense that he's observant, sure he's quite absentminded when around you because that's the only space he's comfortable enough to do so but also because he likes listening to you.
ꕥ Does every safety measure in a helicopter possible if he knew you or Gaz would be in that helicopter, he also makes improvements to it and calls it Gaz-proofing because we all know how Garrick fell off a damn helicopter TWICE. (Idk how he does it, Gaz has some serious plot armor)
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eva-of-the-sea · 7 months
Y'all ever notice that Fujiko receives a disproportionate amount of hate in the fandom? I'm sure it's something we've all seen, especially if you're a fan of her, but I don't really see it discussed.
I'm bringing it up now because for the past couple of months, I keep running into new fans that are very vocal about disliking her. And while I understand that everyone has their preferences, the reasons they give for why they hate her bother me the most:
"She's a bitch, she's so awful to the poor guys and especially to Lupin."
"She's a slut. She's constantly using her body to get what she wants."
"She betrays the gang so much it's annoying how she always does the same thing."
"It's the writers' fault for making her so unlikable."
While I partially understand one of these points, some of these other ones confuse me.
Fujiko is a character that looks out for herself. She goes into every heist with the thought of "what can I get out of this?" And despite this, she's been shown many times to care about all of the gang. Yes, even in part 2 where folks usually base their hatred of her off of. This is because she is a multifaceted character that isn't just driven by a single motivation.
"But Jigen and Goemon hate her!"
Do they? Because while they do get mad at her shenanigans, we also see them going out of their way to protect her and comfort her. Hell, Fujigoe is a common canon occurrence! Do you really think Goemon would be dating her if he didn't like her? Or that Jigen would be pushing her out of the way of bullets or shielding her with his body if he didn't care about her? Being mad or annoyed with someone's actions aren't the same as hatred. No one ever points out how they get mad at Lupin, and I'd argue that happens more often!
And on the point of her being a slut...where? I'm genuinely confused with this one. Fujiko does use her beauty and charms both to manipulate rich men into giving her treasure and to get out of dangerous situations. That's kind of the point of her being a femme fatale. But how often does she sleep with the people she manipulates? Most instances I can think of, she knocks them out when she gets that far. In fact, I would argue she doesn't seem to be that interested in having sex at all. Do they count her flirting as being slutty? If so, c'mon. And even if she did sleep with her targets, why would this be a bad thing? Are women characters not allowed to have sex? And again, how come Lupin doesn't get the third degree for HIS sluttiness. In fact, I see people joke about it and celebrate it if anything.
On the point of her betraying gang, yeah it is very one-note and does get old. You know what else is very one-note? Literally the actions of every other character in the show. I don't see people complaining about Zenigata chasing the gang getting old. Or about Lupin flirting with every woman he sees. Or about Jigen and Goemon using the same weapons in the same way to get out of every situation. Y'know, maybe this is just a repetitive show! And tbh, the writing lately has been shaken up. The modern series doesn't really have Fujiko betray the gang much anymore. She's either off doing her own thing or she's working with the gang as a member of the team. A lot of people complain about parts 4-6, but I think this is one of the elements it does right.
And finally, on the note of "poor Lupin", I think this one pisses me off the most lol. The fuck y'all mean "poor Lupin"?? I think fans either forget or don't realize that Lupin is a pretty smart guy. He knows Fujiko is most likely going to betray him if he does something for her, the bastard LIKES IT. This is foreplay for both of them. In case you haven't noticed yet, both of them are kind of freaks lol. There's a reason that most of the time, Jigen and Goemon are mad at HIM. Lupin is not a poor sweet baby that needs protection from Fujiko. He specifically loves the chase, the constant push and pull of their relationship. She's an exciting challenge for him, he's a stable home for her.
While I agree that Fujiko has not always been written great in the past, and I'm sure a lot of that was due to misogyny, I think fans need to reevaluate why they criticize her more harshly than the rest of the gang. There's a lot of things she's done that the fandom deems unforgivable, yet the boys have done some of the same stuff without so much as a slap on the wrist. Lupin constantly puts them all in unnecessary danger. Jigen has made some really unsavory comments about women. Goemon has betrayed the gang more than once. And I don't see nearly enough discussion about how Lupin really used to push himself on Fujiko, to the point of it being uncomfortable sometimes. Like damn I'd sell his ass out too😬.
I think it all boils down to Fujiko being a woman. And as a woman, she has to work harder to please the fans. If she's too nice, then she doesn't really have a personality or a reason for anyone to like her. If she's too selfish, she's a mean bitch and everyone should hate her. What if people saw her as a character first? Because no she's not a good person, but neither are the rest of the gang. Their morals are all on a sliding scale of what works best for the plot. But damn she's a great character. She stands out on her own and really makes you remember her. She's so much more than "the girl" character, and I'm so grateful for that. I hope more fans come to this conclusion too.
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shaylixie · 1 year
Going Home
Word Count: 2k
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Bang Chan x fem!reader
Requested: No.
Part 2
Summary: Chan and Y/n get into a fight, causing one of them to leave.
Warnings / Contains: Language; toxic behaviour.
A/N: The way I write this shit but I'd never act like this irl lmao...I'd like to believe I'd be a lot healthier about it but hey, do it for the angst amirite? Enjoy! 💗
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You come home and take your shoes off at the door of your apartment, feeling defeated after yet another shitty day at work. The past month has been hell - work has been so hectic and insane and you barely got a breather. To make things worse, Chan was having his own struggles too, and you hardly had time for each other...which you thought would have made the little time you spent together more special, but it just felt strained. It was getting late, and you desperately needed a hot bath and a meal. The first proper one of the day - that muffin from the morning did a good job sustaining you, but you really really needed something more.
You walked in to the kitchen to find Chan sitting at the table with takeout - God, you completely forgot.
"Channie, hi. Fuck! I'm so sorry, baby. Work finished later than planned and I completely forgot and...are you mad?"
He gave you a tight smile. "It's okay, y/n. I know how things are. The food is cold now though...we should warm it up."
You sighed and sat down at the table. "I feel like shit, Chan. I really am sorry. Why didn't you eat without me?"
"You know I'd never do that," Chan says. "Hey, you're here now. Let's just eat, okay?"
You have a feeling he's trying to appear less hurt than he is, but you dish out the food anyway for both of you and heat it up. You eat together in silence, trying to ignore the slight tension in the air. Afterwards, you get up to wash the dishes and Chan finally speaks up.
"How was your day?"
You can tell he's trying to ignore the tension in the room and move past it, so you do your best to do the same, while remaining as honest as possible.
You sigh. "It was shit. Again."
"I'm sorry," Chan replies.
"It's okay. Not your fault. Anyway. I'm gonna go shower, okay?"
He clears his throat. "Yeah, sure. Let me know if you need anything."
You kiss his cheek and make your way to the bathroom.
When you get into bed, Chan is turned the other way, already asleep...or so you think. You switch the bedside light off and turn to sleep too. It's silent for a while until Chan turns over and runs a hand down your side, stopping at your hip. He presses against you then, and you feel exactly why he's still awake. But after the shitty day - no, month - that you've had, you just don't have it in you. You ignore it, and act like you're asleep. Maybe not the healthiest move, but you're too exhausted to think about it too much.
"Baby?" Chan whispers. "You awake?"
"No," you reply.
He sighs then and flops onto his back, letting out a sigh of defeat. After a few moments, he shakes your arm and then turns to put his bedside light on.
"Y/n, can we talk?" he asks, tone firmer than usual.
"Can it wait?"
"No, no I don't think it can."
You sit up then.
"What going on with us?" he finally asks after weeks of wondering.
"What do you mean?" you ask, knowing but wanting him to elaborate more.
"You mean you haven't noticed? God, we haven't talked in ages. I mean a real conversation. Everything always feels like a string is about to snap...the constant tension...I can't stand it. I don't even know what's happening." It's as though a valve opened, and now everything is pouring out. "Look...you're busy, I get that. But I am too - yet I'm trying, y/n. It feels like you aren't. You come home late. You never come by me anymore...not to the studio, not to my place. It's been what, a month? Maybe more? It feels like more. We don't talk, we don't touch...when's the last time we even had sex? It's like you don't want to even touch me anymore. I don't know if I did something but I don't know what to do anymore. I'm trying...and it feels...it feels like you aren't. Like you haven't been for a while."
He waits for your response, and you feel tears pricking the back of your eyes. Which makes you frustrated...which makes you angry.
"What the fuck do you want me to do, Chris?!"
He's taken aback by your sudden burst of anger.
"I'm tired. Okay? I'm fucking exhausted. I-I don't even know what to do myself. I barely sleep. Or eat. I'm stressed all the time. I feel like I don't even have time for myself let alone you and now what, it's my fault? Fuck this."
You get up from bed and leave the room. Chan sits for a while in stunned silence. What just happened? Fuck it, he's pissed too now.
He follows after you. "Really, y/n? You're gonna take this shit out on me? I'm trying to help us - get us out of whatever the fuck you got us into - and you what, just explode on me? I'm trying to fix us!"
"And what if you can't, Chris?! What if this can't be fixed?"
He looks at you like you just cussed him in 3 different languages. "You really think that?"
"Fucking maybe!"
He laughs a humourless laugh and then shakes his head at you.
"That's all I needed to hear. Fuck this."
He grabs his keys and slips on his shoes, slamming the door behind him and leaving you alone in the dark flat, the tears finally falling down your cheeks.
It's been hours and you still can't sleep. You sob thinking about your fight with Chan; about what you said; what you insinuated. Was it really beyond fixing? You think about what Chan said. He's right...you haven't been making time for him. You haven't spoken the way you used to in what feels like a while. You haven't touched each other lovingly or sexually in a minute and you've ignored his every advance. And he had been trying...Chan was just as stressed out. His deadlines were all coming up and he was suffering with writer's block and he had an appearance soon and the Kids were behind and and and. Yet he still made time for you. Even if it was small. He still came to your place almost every night, even if it was after you fell asleep. He still made sure you ate and he checked in when he could and he always tried to act like things were okay, even if they weren't. He never wanted to add onto your stress. God. You were a dick. You don't deserve him, you think, crying harder. And the cherry on top? In a few days, you'll finally have a break. So much for that now.
It's been 3 heartaching days since the fight with Chan. You haven't spoken in that time, but you can't say it's his fault. The day after, neither of you spoke. The next day, he sent you a message. "Can we talk?" You ignored it. He called that same night, but you declined. He got the message. The third day, he called 4 times. You ignored all the calls. You knew what you had to do.
At 4am that morning, you woke up and started getting ready. You got out of the shower and dressed, hair still wet, when you heard urgent knocking at your door. You opened it, only to see Chan - bags under his slightly red, puffy eyes and hair dishevelled. Your own face probably looked the same.
"Y/n, can we talk? Please?" He paused as if finally noticing you were dressed and your hair was wet. "Where are you going?"
You sighed. "Home," you said in a small voice.
Chan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But you're already home?"
You looked down, and then back at him.
"I mean home Chan...as in South Africa. I'm going back."
He stopped breathing. "What?"
"This isn't working out, Chan. I don't...I don't deserve you. My flight is in 2 hours. I need to get to the airport now. I'll be gone for a while but I have to come back to decide what happens next. Maybe we can talk then."
You move to close the door on him, but he stops you.
"What- You're ending things?"
Now it was your turn to be confused. "Didn't that happen 3 days ago?"
"Y/n, no. It was just a stupid fight! It doesn't mean anything. Don't do this, please. We can work things out. Cancel the flight. Please. Baby...please."
You feel your eyes sting with fresh tears, and you turn to walk to your bedroom to get your things, knowing that trying to get Chan to leave is useless. As you suspected, he follows you and stands behind you as you go to grab a jacket, ignoring your wet hair now. No point drying it while he's here...you had to get out as soon as possible. You go to grab your suitcases, trying painfully hard not to look at Chan whose face is streaked with tears too. You deposit the suitcases at your front door and slip on your shoes, making sure you have everything. Chan watches you do all this, still in shock, as though he doesn't believe any of it is real...like it's just one big nightmare.
"You have to go now, Chan," you sigh. "Or at least, I have to. I can't miss this flight. I'll see you around."
You turn to walk out the door but you stop when you feel his hands wrap around your calves. Looking down, Chan is on his knees, the same way he's been so many times before for you, but so so different now.
"Please," he croaks. He's sobbing now, and he drops his head against your leg. "I'll do anything. Please just don't go. You want me to beg? I'll beg! Please, y/n. I'll make things right...I'll fix this. I'll fix us. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fuck things up between us...I'm so so sorry, baby. I love you so much...please, please...please, baby. Please."
You're sobbing too now. You kneel down, facing him, and take his face in your hands, wiping his tears. In between shuddering breaths, you say, "That's the thing, Chan. You don't have to fix anything. You weren't the one that broke it...that was all me. I don't deserve you, Channie. Maybe I did once, but not anymore. You deserve someone better." You cry harder at the thought of him with someone else. Composing yourself enough to talk, you add, "You deserve someone who can love you where I failed to...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby." You kiss his forehead.
"That's bullshit, y/n! I know you love me. And it's enough! It's enough for me. Look, a lot of shit has just been happening to us but we can fix it. Okay? Just give us a chance. Fuck anyone else - I don't want anyone else. I want YOU! You're all I've ever wanted and I'll never-" He breaks down sobbing again. "I'll never want anyone besides you. You hear me? Stay. Stay for me, baby. Please."
You both break down even more then, foreheads against each other. You stay like that for a while before you glimpse the time. You still had to drive to the airport and check in your luggage and board and-. You had to leave. You move to stand, pulling Chan up with you. You hug him, and eventually force yourself to let go.
"If it's meant to be...it'll be. Yeah?" you say.
Chan just sniffs in response, fresh tears brewing.
"I'll see you when I get back and then...well, we can see from there. Okay?"
"So it's not over?" he asks.
You kiss his cheek and hand him your key. "Lock up for me?"
You grab your suitcases and make your way to the car, leaving a heartbroken, devastated Chan behind.
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timchalamet-devoted · 5 months
Long Distance
I haven't had any energy to write recently, but I found this in my drafts from a while ago, so I thought I'd post it! I feel like it rants on a bit too much, so I hope it's alright. <3
Summary: Long distance is difficult, but you and Timmy power through
Pairing: Timothée x fem.reader
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The familiar beep sounded through the silent room. It read 2:56 am on the screen of your phone, as you unplugged it from its charger and opened facetime, forcing your eyes open. Nothing yet. While waiting for the nightly phone call, you propped yourself up onto your elbows, and your eyes wandere to the right of you, where your thin, white curtains swayed and flapped slightly from the mild breeze that entered through the open balcony door; the night air cooled your hot skin, pleasant and blissful. Due to the transparency of the fabric, you could quite clearly make out the full moon, that cast its heavenly glow across your bed and your uncovered figure, blankets laying discarded somewhere on the floor, curtesy of the dense summer air. Despite the time, the roads below were alive with distant sounds of chatter, cars rushing by, teenagers emerging from another nightclub. You found London to be like New York: it was a city that, indeed, never slept.
You were snapped out of your thoughts as your phone vibrated in your hand, presenting you with a glorious sight. Not wanting to wait a moment longer, you quickly pressed 'accept', and a face flooded the screen. It was the face of your favourite person, the one you so longed to touch, and kiss and see, yet couldn't for another dreadful 2 months.
"Y/NNN!!!" His bright eyes shined at you.
He had the goofiest smile spread across his face, and at this point, so did you. The day had dragged on, boring and exhausting, but the thought of seeing this face kept you giddily ploughing through.
It was no secret that long-distance sucked, and unfortunately, you and Timothée were no exception to this burden of being actors. Timmy was in Budapest, working on Dune part 2, and at the same time, you were in London, filming your next project. You absolutely loved your job, it was one you dreamed of from the age of 11, however not being able to come home together with Timothée, or to hold him in your arms was heartbreaking for the both of you.
Your cheeks flushed red as you lay your eyes upon the gorgeous brown locks framing his face, the pools of green that were admiring you through the screen, and that toothy smile, that told you he was just as happy to see you.
"You look so beautiful mon amour"
"As do you," you smiled, feeling happier than you were all day. Sometimes, you didn't even need to talk during your calls; sometimes, it was enough to just look at each other and to know that the other was just a phone call away. Most of the time, however, you spent these blessed minutes making utter fools of yourself. But that was what you loved about your relationship: it was one where you trusted each other fully and loved every inch and aspect of each other. You two were practically best friends - and well you were. You understood each other like no one else could, never afraid that you would look silly or embarrassing in front of the other. There was no such thing. You could be as ridiculous as your heart desired, and Timmy would still look at you with pure adoration in his eyes and the same for you. You were eachothers safe spaces, of love and vulnerability. Although you never felt vulnerable around him; for you knew that he would do anything his power to protect you.
You spent a good while asking each other questions back and forth, suppressing the yawns that took over your bodies. Despite the longing, it felt good to talk to your boy, and to exchange your feelings of anwavering love for eachother, even though it was often accompanied by a silly gesture or a remark that only you would send you both into fits of giggles. At one point, Timmy pretended to pick his nose, pouting as he did. You instantaniously screenshotted this, smiling to yourself, knowing you'd soon assign it as your new wallpaper.
As your conversation went on, your eyes grew heavier by the minute, and so did Timothée's. You fell silent, simply gazing into his eyes, him staring right back. You could see the endless shades of green, dancing in his eyes, those eyes that said I love you.
You knew it long before, but now, in this moment of peace and yearning, you relished in the fact that you knew you wanted to spend every last one of your minutes with him. Your boy. Your Timmy.
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ghostorbz · 3 months
Invader Zim issue #40
This specific issue has a lot of things I don't see anyone touch on, so I'd like to :)
1. Zim and Dibs relationship across multiple universes
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Already starting with a big one, I know. But this genuinely made me stop and scream. Zim and Dib are together in every universe they exist in. Enemies or friends, they are together. This also reminds me a bit of the zimvoid issues (which I haven't read yet,,, and frankly is a little nervous to!) I won't say anything about it yet because as I said, I haven't read the zimvoid issues yet and I don't wanna get anything wrong <_<;
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This also reminds me of the canon (?) ending to invader zim, where in the end Zim and Dib are together. No matter what, in every universe, they always end up together. Destiny from across the galaxy, in every universe
2. Recap Kid
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I just love recap kid in this issue, I always thought they were super silly and they are. I know this is quite the step down from Zim and Dibs eternal fate of bothering each other but whatever. Can we bring up how it's canon they write zadf fanfics? Or at least they have their own imaginary au
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Invader Zim is such an intense hyperfixation for them they believe Zim and Dib are at the center of everything, and is genuinely upset at even the idea that they aren't,,, they are just like me you guys
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Recap Kid was written to be a personification of the invader zim fandom,,, I think they did quite a good job
3. Time loop
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The reveal of this universe ending as a time loop really stuck out to me, again, circling (hehe) back to them being basically together forever it really shows how much they care, even if they don't show it. Again and again, they try to one up each other. Continuing nonstop as if one of them will "win." This part of the comic intentionally has a deeper meaning, proved by Recap Kid not understanding
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Another little detail I liked is how Dib has a ton of photos of Zim. Again, showing how much he cares. What type of care you can decide yourself. This also reminds me of how he has photos of Zim in his closet in the show
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This part of the comic caught me really off guard, so here's the two pages in full!
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4. Parental Parallel
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This issue explicitly says Zim has "parental issues" with the Almighty Tallest. Saying he craves attention, love and approval. It specifically says the words love and approval. Which reminds me of how Dib is with his dad, Professor Membrane. He also craves the same things Zim wants from the Tallest
And that's everything from issue #40!! That I can remember and have screenshots of haha,,, I really love talking more about things I like so I might honestly do it more. It's fun.
I do have another iz infodump I'm pretty proud of,,, so here it is :D
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sea-of-dust · 9 months
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Raise my head to the sky
Wanderer,Xiao,Wriothesley x GN! Reader
Tamaki like s/o with multiple fandoms (genshin version)
n: Imagine writing for wanderer, tried to get this out on Christmas but I fell asleep. Hope ya like this
Warnings: Ouran high school host club references, never expect proofreading
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
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You tried to offer him a spot on the club. "Why my such a fair face! A stare that will devour others' hearts. " You continue to praise him your finger gently gliding itself down his chin. "Uh..." Noticing the small tint of pink on his face, you back off. "Appologies for frightening you my names y/n" "Kunikuzushi" it was a strange yet warm interaction to him, as he experanced more of the world he'd wonder If you still found him beautiful.
He only had to wait until everything he cherished got eviscerated. "I see you haven't changed much." Rose petals flutter through the air as he turns to see you, still that warm smile of yours. "What's with the face? Would you like to talk over tea?" He doesn't do anything. On one hand, he wanted to hug you tightly and tell you everything on his mind. On the other hand, he wants to strange you. Even though he felt close to you, he knew you were only acquaintances. There's no way you could have known what he went through. "Youu hoo, anything going on up there?" as soon as his focus shifts back to you, you've disappeared among the petals. He didn't like how out of everyone you're the one he wanted to see just once more
He got his wish, though he had to lose his memories for it to happen. "Petals?" "My my! Such a face I'd never forget, my dear Kumi!" "Kumi?" Your hands suddenly embracing his. "I'm glad I've gotten to see you again. How have you been?" He didn't know who you were, but as if muscle memory, he embraced you. "?" "Oh! There he is!" An annoyingly loud voice followed by a strange blonde take your precious aquantance Kumi away with them. Though it would only take a few hours before he'd rush back to you with a meaner look on his face similar to your second meeting. "You're the only person that's given that name a warm tone to it" sighing lightly, you walk with him. "Let's do some catching up, shall we"
He's never not by your side as you seemed to know most answers to his questions, explaining them gently and easy to follow. You're one of the few people he isn't outwardly antagonistic to. "That reminds me what should I call you." "You pick a name." "uhhh," you're lost in thought as you look at him. You thought hard narrowing your eyes. "How about this, you just call me Kumi" "but you abandoned that name" "I'm willing to hear that stupid name from you" "All right"
Your unnatural amount of stupidity, in his mind, didn't help either. In fact, the way you two started dating was because he mistook you. "So then I told em my backstory and all this" looking up at the sky as you listen to him you mutter "the moon looks beutiful tonight" "what" his eyes widen as blush spreads across his face. "I uh...wait, do you?" "Yea" it worsened his blush turning red "I didn't mean it in that context though don't worry" he sighs in relief "a smile phrase such as that can't describe how much I love you" he's punched in the gut. You've ended him. How could you do this. "You're such a fool" "is it idiotic to fall inlove with someone as beautiful as the person infront of me" as much at It would be cringy if he thought to hard he couldn't help but let himself hug you suddenly as if accepting your adoration.
He's heavy denying his feelings for you. But then again, you're kinda hard to not think about. "Damn, how am I gonna-" he couldn't think far before a flash of you holding your wallet and playfully winking crossed his mind.
He tries not to mind you being kind to others, but some of them get too dreamy eyed, of worse straight up say how interested they are in you. "Why if you were older you'd get everyone causing a scene!" "Thank you?" "They already cause enough of a scene" "k- Wanderer I got" he links arms with you "save it for later" he drags you away from the women not saying a word. "That's the third time" you sigh searching for your wallet in your pockets "what do you wanna eat" he smirks "maybe that fancy restaurant" "huh?!" "Oh relax nothing can burn a hole in your wallet unless it was litteral"
He had the displeasure of meeting your friend group. "Oh please they'll be fine after all you must doubt our club" "yes I do" you jolt hearing this slowly turning to him "have a bit of faith please" the only one he could atleast tolerate was the silent one. Sure he was tall but atleast he's not really doing much of anything else unless it's with "that sweet freak" as he calls them.
Hell, outright refuse to let you buy him gifts. Instead of being normal and buying them, he always finds out the hard way how you get some of these. "This is beautiful. How'd you get this?" "Why it was on sale" his eyes drop with an expression that tells you to go on. "OK I fought s whole cave of hilicurils. "Y/n" "I'm sorry, I just thought you'd love it," he does, but he doesn't want you to get hurt he does follow you the rest of the week with the president you gave him
He's illergic to showing affection while you're super happy to shower him with love. He wonders often what he deserves to deserve you for everything you do. Always leaning in when sitting near him it makes him miss you when paimon isn't screaming in his ear about something happening. He wishes you'd come out of nowhere and scatter petals at her so you two can escape.
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Save him. He's not lasting a day with you. "Why adeptus Xiao if I may admire you?" he disappears. This would go on for days until you convinced him with almond tofu, "How about this and a game of genius invocation?" he grumbles but decides to accept. With you two paying until sundown eatch time you came over
He's warmed up to you and your challenges of the card game, even able to make small talk with him, even if he only responds in small uh huhs,ohs,and woahs. "And then he told me to sleep in because they delayed it after all the time I worked on that" "uh huh" "man and all the fancy tuna I bought for him...he's gonna starve" you think of one of your co-workers going back to the game. I may need to leave Liyue on officsl business. I won't be gone long, though. I suggest you prepare your deck." You grin after picking up your cards and shaking his hand, waving goodbye.
You didn't return for a single day but a day was all he needed to feel an empty feeling in his chest. He found your tales uninteresting but still missed the way your voice tickled his ears. Or the proud way you'd display your cards to him. He missed what became a daily part of his life. He found it annoying he missed someone he could have sworn he wouldn't be fond of. Maybe it was the almond tofu...
As soon as you returned not only did rose petals fly perfectly to dramatically introduce you, but you noticed a change in the adeptus. He's much more willing to engage in conversations and let's you know good spots around Liyue. He's grown fonder of you for sure just dosent tell you even though its obvious
Your co-workers definitely picked up on your afternoon escapades to the inn. They try to meet him only to get you stopping them near instantly by you. "Wait, wait! He's shy he can't handle too many people" "Then we'll go in one by one" "he'll disappear!" "It's fine," he puts his hand on your shoulder. "Woahhhhh" they all say in unison while one writes in their notebook. "You sure they can be a bit loud" "I'm sure you'll cover my ears" you blush a bit while introducing them, thankfully they weren't as choatic and rose petally as usual.
He recommended you when the lantern rite came along. "I say we should bring lots of food and-" they turn to xiao "we should bring the host club" "host club?" Rose petals quickly surround paimon and the travler as one lands on xiaos hair with a hand picking it up. "You've called?" Your voice more flirtatious than usual. "Who is that?!? Xiao must have made-" "you must be the flying child please lower your voice my dearest Xiao cannot handle loud noises" you lie though your teeth to get her to shut up. "Now what about this rite was I needed for" "they needed help because of low staff" you turn to him. "Why this is exactly our kid of job" you grab Xiao and disappear with the petals with him, the traveler and paimon unable to make anything of that interaction.
He watches you and your crew while in liyue noting things like stuff you usually do on your own with them so he can do them for you tomorrow. Sure, it means you'll probably come sooner, but it's more of a win for him. "It's crazy but someone did my commissions for me even the ones where it needed atleast one of my crew" you sigh "I'm worried for my career" "see of it as a gift" "yea but I wanna stab a barrel and explode too ya know" you attach a bandage to his mind "or atleast avoid them so I don't give myself away so easily" he watches you patch him up, confused on why you would ever. "Because I care about you" with a smile on your face, you continue mending to his wonds it was as if his karmatic debt lessened while you took care of him, in full honestly he wants you to keep touching him so he could fall asleep peacefully for the first time in forever. He did falling asleep on your shoulder and waking up on the roof of the inn with you.
So obvious he can't really stay away when you're around always making sure you're safe even though you have a vision. He just wants to make sure his "buddy" is safe. The same buddy that tells him to "rest up as beauty sleep helps the mind and the wonderful appearance of the person"
You'd jokingly flirt with him just to get his reaction. "Why dear adeptus, no need to" "don't start" "must you say that when you're eyes keep pulling me in" he narrows his eyes with a soft chuckle you stop teasing him, watching the view from the inn with him
Wondering if he was willing to try other things, you set off to fontaine to buy sweets and ingredients to make the recipes you've gotten. As soon as you get back to the inn, you ran toward him. " I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU" you plop down a box in his hand. "I introduce you...to cake" Looking down at it, he inspects the box and opens it. The scent of the frosting took up the air around him quickly. You give him a fork and watch him take a small bite. "You're barely gonna taste it if it's a bite that small." he narrows his eyes at you, taking a bit more this time. "It has the texture of tofu" he gulps it down. "Well yea, it's tofu cake, caught someone advertising it" he smiles at the cake, looking at you. "Thank you"
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"Wriothesley!!" "Archons forbid it's them, Sigewinne, it's that group you like." "YAY" Sigewinne runs out to greet you while Wriothesley rubs his temple embrassed and ashamed you've come again. "Why we provide entertainment for the people," he sighs ashamed of repesting that, pulling out a small card from his drawer
He didn't deny he had feelings for you, but he had a feeling you were one of those people that knew when someone had a crush on them. Sigwinne returns with gifts for him from you. The small hearts at the end of letters don't help anything either.
While writing one of those letters you forgot to finish, Sigewinne stumbled upon you. "It's just...how do I say I would like to join you for tea without making it sound like I'm making advances" "Why just ask him causally" "and how do I do that" you best belive Sigewinne connected the dots the day you two meet and just totally didn't tell you to "write what was in your heart" aka "write everything in detail you're gonna need more paper" the poor man read an essay about exact coordinates, exact time down to secounds and how every single bit of his flawless skin made him even more beautiful. "This is clearly a date." "Really, I didn't get that vibe at all." Sigwinne tries not to grin widely at her plans, coming to fruition
Little to say, you burst into his office the next day after receiving his letter. "WRIOTHESLEY!!" "Please don't open doors like that, " "appologizes. " You walk up to him and pull him toward you, unexpectedly lifting him. "But we agreed to meet earlier surely you haven't forgotten" the prisoners and guards got to witness you lifting him off to the spot you picked fortunately they didn't say anything about it the next day.
He's often with you in the Fortress. You sit next to him trying to help him with some work you did bring your coworkers sometimes, even though he didn't like how crowded it got in there sometimes, he won't lie they were really good at their jobs. "Alright, you two! Keep the boxers in check!" "Aye ei!" "You! Find the salesmen for this, and -" You give him a glance Wriothesley nodding his head. "Get three of these" you turn to two others and a shorter one "and you three...uhhh" you rub your temples "they could try helping Sigewinne" a bit confused you look at him "dosent she already have assistants?" "They're working on something else" "convenient, you three!" As you command the last three, you turn over to his desk. "Whatcha leave for me." "You seriously wanna work on this" scoffing, he kisses your hand. "Here out of all places" looking away, your voice suddenly a whisper. With a small smirk on his face, he kisses your cheek. "Wriothesley..." he loved this flustered part of you he didn't know how anyone could resist teasing
Despite the fact it was obvious you two were dating or atleast inlove. Infact, Sigewinne and your co-workers have been shipping you two for months to find out you've been together for years. "Strange I thought he didn't like the boss at first and then we found the buisness card" "he usually acts like that" Sigewinne grins ear to ear while explaining that he's head over heals but just can't handle your antics when you're actually doing your job. "We should count these and use them against him" they all huddle in a circle crotched while Sigewinne stayed the sole person standing. "That's so cruel. At least send me a card to test these theories"
You'd try to command your forces of coworkers sometimes forgetting you still had his jacket on from when you fell asleep from a workload. "That's a nice plan and all boss, but you smell like a grandpa's new car" "THAT ISN-" you smell his jacket, and suddenly, everything clicks for you, looking back at them slightly annoyed you only adjust it a bit. "Ignore how this looks and / or smells on me follow the plan!" "Alright I guess," the two twins say in unison before heading off to follow the orders. They dosent mean they won't tease you endlessly
You two have tea drinking contests to see who can drink it faster. Winner gets to choose the next date spots. They're usually quite intense, which leaves prineoners scared for their lives when they see some random boxing, another just to gain stamina for tea consumption
You help the Sigewinne prank him, pointing her to where the sticker able stuff is. Of course, you have to help take them off, but it was fun helping her and her friends paste cute stickers
It's rare being home alone with him, but when you do eventually drag him home with you, you're always in for him trying to treat you to meals or saying "I'll sleep on the couch" when your bed fits the both of you just fine. "I'm worried about the Fortress" "Relax a bit" you rub his cheek reassuringly. "Sigewinne and the club have it under control. Try to enjoy your break" "I hope you're correct." He kisses your forehead wrapping his arms around you drifting off into slumber
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mxqdii · 1 year
omg ofc i noticed you’re so smart for putting that in!! and the blurb is so cute too!
i was wondering if you could write something that’s “False God” themed also 🥺💞
absolutely sobbing and throwing up at this request.
(my favorite song on lover is false god)
false god - m.s
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pairings: matt reader x singer reader
summary: y/n needs to find a way to express her feelings, so she does what she does best, sings about it. (based off the t.s song 'false god')
warning(s): jealousy issues, attachment issues.
not proofread
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"we were crazy to think that this would work, remember how i said i'd die for you?!?" i yell and matt scoffs
he doesn't say anything, instead he just sits there staring out the window.
"i can't talk to you when you're like this" i say, walking away.
i drive back to my house, sitting in my room and grabbing my notebook and a pen
'they all warned us about times like this, they say the road get's hard when you get led by blind faith' i write
sighing, i put down my notebook and call matt to try and make things right, getting no answer.
picking the notebook back up, i continue writing.
'we might just get away with it, the alters in my hips. even if it's a false god, we'd still worship this love'
it's been a week since i've last talked to matt, and since then i haven't been able to stop writing.
i've actually finished the song i was working on and plan on releasing it tonight and perform it on 'saturday night live' tomorrow
matt will be there, and the song is clearly about him so i'm very nervous to see how it'll go.
i've had a lot of time to think this past week and i've realized how grateful i am for being able to love matt, it's something i should worship
he's made me feel real, he's made me feel like heaven's a thing, because being with him just makes me feel that way.
and even though hell is when i fight with him, people have warned us about times like this, and what's love without fights anyways?
it's officially time, i go on stage in 5 minutes.
backstage feels empty and sad without matt there with me to calm my nerves, even though i know he's in the crowd.
chris and nick told me he hadn't listened to the song yet, meaning thsi will be his first time hearing it.
i also know he's seated in the front since i got him VIP a few weeks back.
"introducing, y/n playing her new single, 'false god'!
i hear the speakers say and i rush out waving to the crowd before getting situated at the mic.
i start the performance and avoid all eye contact with matt, until..
we'd still worship this love we'd still worship this love we'd still worship this love
we make direct eye contact and i feel my cheeks flush.
the song goes on and certain parts make me break eye contact with him, scared to see his reaction.
the song eventually ends and i run off stage feeling overwhelmed on if i was too distracted, if the song was good, what others thought.
it gets a little hazy, but suddenly matt shows up backstage and without saying anything, he kisses me.
all of my thoughts fade away as the only thing i'm focused on now is his lips.
"religions in my lips you said?" he says teasingly and i scoff
"shut up" i say with a laugh
"i love you matt, i'm sorry, for everything." i say and he smiles
"still worship this love" he says and i roll my eyes
"matt stop quoting the song!" i protest and start laughing
a/n: this took 2 HOURS because of my lack of idea, but overall i think i'm happy with it, i love this song and it holds a very special place in my heart.
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fategoflatass · 11 months
out of pure curiosity, I was wondering if you were able to read the Hamefura manga anthologies? (Mainly, I'm curious if you got to the Keith/Geordo kabedon situation...)
Not me coming back from a three-day Sims 2 spree to this!
Sadly, I don't think we've read the same anthology? Since, you know, I didn't find the kabedon scene (that, or I'm blind as hell). If you could send me the link, I would highly appreciate it.
But since you took the time to send me this ask, I shall give you my thoughts on the anthology as a whole (won't be long, I promise).
Hope you enjoy!
Our Secret Night Alone Together
This was such a cute story! I'm always down for anything that involves Katarina and Keith, so this one was perfect for me. I really liked how their dynamic was presented, and also his conflicting feelings (as well as Keith having to deal with such obliviousness).
Not gonna lie, I was expecting for Madre™ to come back home at the end and complain about some mess (maybe throw a chancla or two), but I still think it was really sweet!
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(same bro, same)
The Duet I Play With You
WE 👏 NEED 👏 MORE 👏 ALAN 👏 CONTENT! Can't deal with how negligent the story tends to be when it comes to Alan. He's one of the best characters (in my opinion) and yet he gets little to no content! So I was really happy to see a story solely revolving around him and Kat. With a bit of Mary on the side, of course!
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Memory of Friendship
This one was hilarious! I totally see Mary scheaming such a sneaky plan to get some alone time with Kat. And the way everyone decided to ruin it (to no avail, but stil)!
And the bookmark! God, I'm weak!
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"Searching the top of trees" I'M DEAD
Let's Have Tea on a Busy Day
To be honest, I wasn't expecting a Raphael-centric story. It was really nice, though!
Again, he's one of those characters that I haven't seen much canonical content about, and I guess this is the closest to it I'll get for now (still can't get used to the LN).
I'm quite fond of his character. He's rather... different from the rest. I mean, none of the others had yet the chance to become workaholics, so this side of him feels like a breath of fresh air.
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Enjoyment is Something We Share
I think this one might be one of my favorites! Especially since it reminded me of my best friend and I. We both like reading and watchign anime (besides her being a total sweetheart), so I can easily reflect us on them.
I loved this part in particular where Sophia says "I want even more people to know about this piece of writing I came to love" because, while it's not the same reason why she said it, that's exactly why I decided to get into translation. So!
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Sora's Day Off
Sora's... risqué persona is, to me, what Raphael's workaholic-esque self; a breath of fresh air. The idea of his sole presence upping the series' rating is truly amusing.
What I also like about him is that his sensuality doesn't cover his entire personality. Yeah, he might be less naïve than the rest of the cast, but that only means there're just less things for him to learn.
And again, he has yet to deal with Katarina so...
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Did I already tell you I have a weakness for these two?
My Goddess
This one I felt is was more chill than the others, don't ask me why. Might be because it's Maria-centric and she always brings me peace.
Anyways, it's always nice to read a good ol' sickfic. Even better if it comes in comic version! And even better if it involves MariKata! This is one of the (if not the most) fluffiest stories until now.
And I know I should include something involving them, but there's one thing at the end that made my day.
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The Fateful Dance Party
Just when I thought we wouldn't be getting any Nicol content—and even better, is masquerade ball themed! It fits him so well!
The entire sequence with both of them dancing, and the scene where they reveal their identities—it all feels so smooth, so delicate, so precious. Which it might be because Nicol's my personal favorite, but I'd like to think his character was so well portrayed.
This is the content that we all need and deserve!
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Geordo's Feelings
God, this one made me so weak. Not only because of the things that happened in it (which had their effect on me since, you know, now I think more highly about Geordo and all that), but because of the ending. That fricking ending.
The way he couldn't even get ten seconds alone to make her such an important gift! But again, that's part of the charm of this harem-turned-into-found-family.
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jinwoosbabyboo · 28 days
“Will You Marry Me?"
How I imagine LADS Men would propose. This is part 2 of 2. I tried to do the sweet elegant writing, but that ain't me so here you go....
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Our lover boy Xavier is a literal prince. I feel as though he'd be very traditional with his proposal. The only unfortunate part is he can't ask for your fathers/family blessing because you know .... Anyway :)
He would definitely court you for a week even if you’ve already been together for over a year. The day of his proposal he would take you to a spot only he knows that has zero light pollution. Of course it’s deep in the forest.
MC: If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re trying to kill me and hide my body Xavier: You have such creative thoughts MC: Seriously where are we going? Xavier: Somewhere special MC: So mysterious even after a year of dating
He’d bring you to a clearing that seemed like it was being lit up by a spotlight. It’s not though he chose to propose on a night with a full moon and clear skies so you could see how beautiful the stars are without all the city lights.
MC: It’s otherworldly Xavier: This was my favorite place to come when I needed clarity MC: Why didn’t you show me sooner? Xavier: I wanted to save it for a special day MC: oh what are you going to propose or something?
You’d be laughing and boom he pulls a ring out of his pocket shutting you right up.
MC: Oh shit! You’re really proposing Xavier: Yes im really proposing
His speech is so sweet it could give you cavities not only would he emphasize how much he loves you he’d let you know just how much he is solely yours. Even if you were to one day forget him and how much he loves you he would still always be yours and would do anything to keep you safe & most of all happy.
Xavier: My lady will you marry me? MC: I want nothing more
He might’ve been sweet and soft spoken during his proposal but that shy boy facade went out the window when you two got back home.
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It’s canon that Sylus gets nervous when he wants to ask you out. So just imagine how nervous he is getting ready to propose! He already constantly gifts you pretty gems and the gifts just keep increasing over the course of 3 months.
He second guesses himself thinking you may say no so he keeps putting it off but continues to shower you in gifts, quality time, full body massages, shopping sprees, dinner dates, lunch dates, you name it he’s doing it, you want it he got it. He’d be spoiling you so much you’d have to sit him down and ask him what’s going on. He would dismiss your concerns of course.
MC: Are you guys leaving for a while? Kieran: Why do you ask? MC: Sylus has been acting weird I feel like he’s about to disappear again Luke: That was one time and boss only did that because you asked him to leave you alone MC: I know but I’m worried now Luke: Relax miss hunter you’re overthinking
The twins would indeed gaslight you while Sylus worked up the nerve to propose. When he finally has the nerve to do it he goes all out. I’m talking he'd rent out the most exquisite restaurant money can buy. A whole staff at your beck and call. He'd wine and dine you with delicious food and expensive wine. By the time dessert comes you'd want answers.
MC: You're leaving me aren't you Sylus: Jumping to conclusions are we? MC: I'm serious Sylus you haven't been yourself lately you're worrying me Sylus: I guess this is the part where I explain myself
With two snaps of his fingers the twins would rush out; Kieran placing a giant box bouquet of Angel Trumpet flowers in your arms and Luke placing a crown on your head before rushing out leaving the two of you alone.
MC: What's this? and what am I a Princess? Sylus: You are and I'd love to change your title to Queen MC: Stop are you....
I don't picture Sylus giving a long winded speech. I feel like he would be the type to write it down so you could cherish his words forever.
Sylus: Will you marry me Miss Hunter? You can say no if- MC: Of course I'll marry you
Yet again I'm tackling this man as soon as he slips that ring on. Need to be in his arms immediately. Expeditiously.
Zayne & Rafayel here…
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queenofbaws · 3 months
as someone who is SO GOOD at forgetting i was tagged in stuff immediately after being tagged in stuff, i thought i'd go ahead and fill this puppy out while it was fresh in my mind ;)c hehehe thanks for the tag @phenanthreneblue!!!!!!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
156 😎 and hopefully no sign of slowing, lol. i've been writing and posting fic since aboooooout 2007 though, so. do with that as you will.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
it's. um. it's. uh. a lot. ahem. it's a lot.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currrrrrrrrently the supermassive universe and dragon age, but i'm slowly adding the remedyverse in there, and silent hill pops up from time to time!!! and in ye olden days, i wrote a LOT for kingdom hearts. i've been CONSIDERING adding horizon to the list too, but...only time will tell, hehehe ;P
4. Top five fics by kudos
the (almost)s; who ya gonna call? not these creeps.; my fav part of summer camp [not clickbait!]; lipstick stains & coffee cups; yes, no, maybe so: circle one and let me know!
5. Do you respond to comments?
i do! i figure if you took the time to read AND let me know how you felt about my work, then by golly, i'm gonna tell you how much YOU made me smile :)c i've met some pretty cool people thanks to the comment section, hehe
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
aw man, probably alone time, right? probably alone time. i'm sure there was some extremely angsty stuff in my kingdom hearts days, but lord help me i am old and i have forgotten a lot of that
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well, the durellion affair ends with everyone getting to eat as much cheese as they want, so i think that fits the bill!!! 🧀
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nah. i've been crazy lucky that, aside from the occasional (and likely unintentional) insensitive comment, people have always been super kind with my stuff <3 the deviantart days were a slightly different story, but why relive THAT time period, i ask you?????
9. Do you write smut?
nope. i'm not, like, opposed, i just don't think it would be good, and i've yet to write something where i felt it would add anything, so. nah. there are so many other things i can do to earn that m rating ;)
10. Craziest crossover?
for sure did an organization xiii/sweeney todd crossover once, in the long-long ago asldkjflsakdjf recently, though, i guess i'd have to say reading & other fun rituals was a VERY self-indulgent way for me to smash the remedyverse and supermassive universes together!!!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
eh, every time one of those "this site is scraping people's fics!" posts goes around, i end up finding my stuff, but in terms of bumping into an individual nabbing something i've written? not that i'm aware of! (i like to believe anyone reading would recognize the overabundance of adjectives and come tell me, ha!!!)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had people ask, but i've never seen a finished product, so probably not! i tend to write pretty long stuff, though, and i wouldn't wish that kind of work on anyone alsdkjflaskdjfksljfd
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have! none that are posted currently, but i've for sure co-written in the past. i'm also slowly but surely co-writing a fun little thing over here with my buds where our (totally cool and DEFINITELY not overpowered) self-inserts have fun being npcs in the federal bureau of control, so...keep your eyes peeled for that, heheheheh
14. All time favourite ship?
right now? varric tethras and f!hawke 🥺 at this point in time, i only have eyes for them
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
sigh. soft reset 😔 it's a big ol' silent hill 2 timeloop fic that i started back in 2015 i think, and as much as i WANT to finish it...i haven't felt the silent hill muse strike in a hot minute. maybe once the remake comes out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh, i like to flatter myself that i'm pretty solid when it comes to character voices/interactions 😉 it's why i do so many character studies, honestly - i just *clenches fist* love studying characters!!! i also think my dialogue's fun
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
how much time do you HAVE??? hehehe i feel like i flounder when it comes to straight up-and-down fluffy/shippy stuff, like if the focus of a story is, for example, some sort of romantic gesture, i'm fairly lost. i'm also HORRENDOUS when it comes to keeping things concise, and god help me, every time i have to delete a passage and kill my darlings, i am miserable, so i tend to just...not do that
also? just putting it out there because i do consider it a weakness in regards to writing: sometimes my self-esteem with posting stuff is just. MISERABLE. so i have a tendency to get anxious before, during, and after hitting the post button, just really wallowing in those good, good I'M A FRAUD feelings, lmfao. i'm working on it, though!!! i love writing so much, sometimes the irrational part of my brain just worries i'm not Doing It Right, hahahaha
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
no one's done it better than the thing (1982) and no one ever will
19. First fandom you wrote in?
proooooobably kingdom hearts??? don't quote me on that, though, it very much could've been x-men: evolution asdlkfjsalkjf (those just never saw the light of day)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
c'moooooon. the (almost)s :)
i'm gonna go ahead and tag...hmm... @love-fireflysong @jadedsunshine @unicornaffair @big-ass-magnet @mrs-theirin @theartofdreaming1 @icequeen-07 @chris-hartley and anyone - yes, i mean ANYONE - who wants to talk about their stuff ;) especially YOU!!!
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legendaryvermin · 2 years
Had an idea for a fantasy game mechanic this morning that I thought I'd share! If this is cool to you, go ahead and use it as a hack, or codify it in the rules of your game. Message me if this happens, I'd be really into seeing how this works at a table or in a bigger set of rules!
Mechanical Epithets and Sobriquets
Epithets as in like "John Heroman, the lonesome tree, hero of five forks, skull crusher" are a really fun thing from fantasy (and real life) that tell us about the deeds of characters without having to get the whole story. They paint broad strokes about a person and give us a vibe, but leave the actual details of their deeds up to the imagination.
Kinda like the best TTRPG character backstories. 👀
So a couple of assumptions to make this microhack work:
The Characters are Already Known Heroes
We aren't writing the story of their lives before the game starts
We want to discover what (at least some of) our character's abilities are during play
After you've got the basics of your character sorted out, take a minute to come up with (or pick from a pregenerated list) a handful of sobriquets that feel right for your character. I'd say somewhere in the area of 2-4 feels right, with more established adventurers having more epithets.
They should all be vague and evocative, and paint right up to the edges of what you have already established about the world. Name drop battles and gods that haven't been established, give your character stories that are part of their legend but that don't yet make sense to you.
And then, during play, have characters use them. Player characters, NPC's, gods, bosses, random goblins. Make your epithets into threats "You dare defy the The Evening Rook!?" or appeals to your authority "Do it not for a stranger, but in the name of the Leyfinder". Establish how people feel about those epithets, which ones they love you for, and which they fear or hate you for. Know what your character feels about each of these epithets, and start to know in your heart how they got them.
Then, when it's mechanically and or narratively appropriate, declare to the table that you're using your epithet to gain a new ability. Tell the story of how you earned the title to the rest of the table (you should already know how people feel about the title, which ought to make this easier), and write a new ability based on how you earned the title.
Don't worry too much about being good at ability writing, just tell the table what you want to be able to do, and people will help you come up with something that feels right. And if you find that your ability or someone else's isn't working down the line, is taking some of the fun out of the game, or anything like that, just have a conversation about it. You're (probably) an adult, and if the people you are playing with are friends, or at bare minimum decent people, they will understand and try to help fix the problem.
After the readmore I'm gonna write like 20 of these so that the post comes with a picklist/roll table to get you started. Happy adventuring ttrpg nerds!
Night Thunder
The Seamstress' Eye
Wicked Arrow
Velvet Hammer
Gxlrick's Bane
Wolf Eared
Crystal Keeper
Lowport's Vengeance
Mother of Asps
Chosen of Seriha
The Clipped Wing
I'd love to see any epithets/titles/sobriquets that people come up with for this, maybe in the comments? Have fun!!!
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briefcasejuice · 5 days
Thanks for the rec list! If I have the brainspace while doing college work, I'll have a look :)
Unsure if you're interested in any sort of chatter about the show (critical perspetive obv) as I know it'd just be tiring to get bogged down in complaints? If that's so, instead of starting that conversation, is there anything about any of the comics you'd want to spotlight? I've seen a couple characters I'm unfamiliar with that I'm curious about.
i'm going to be so for real i do not remember much about the show anymore; i recently got into supernatural which has fifteen seasons, 20+ books, an anime, and a lot of behind the scenes and crew content so the show's been almost entirely pushed out of my head minus how it directly affects the comics, to make room for the new interest as well as what i'm still interested in re: comics. if i talk about daredevil it's entirely from the perspective of the comics, a limited perspective at that because ive been fixated on a character with like fifty issues for almost two years.
but YES okay. i'm mainly spotlighting characters here since i mentioned mike murdock in my last post, but i'm named after sam chung aka blindspot, who is soule's original character who first appeared in his v5 run (2017). my mutual @faacethefacts is quite literally sam chung central and my favourite interpretation of his character exists in their psyche.
jumping all the way back to v1, something i remember really enjoying were the reoccurring background characters in ann nocenti's run; @murdockmeta and i were talking about it the other day and he said, "nocenti's characterization feels so authentic [...] nocenti reminds the reader that karen and foggy and the people of hell's kitchen are just as important to matt as his internal struggles. it makes him feel much more human rather than just a dichotomy [relating to miller]."
all of david mack's runs changed my perspective of comics as an art form which was a pretty low bar to reach as a first-time comic reader (who had only read post-mcu stuff) but that made his stuff all the more important to me. his character maya lopez aka echo recently got a live action adaption and while i thought it was promising that disney finally reached their own lowest fucking bar and starred a deaf actress in a show about a deaf character, i've found that disney's interpretation of echo's abilities horribly and purposely misunderstands her character and her identity as keetoowah. they tied her abilities to her native american identity, which is something mack explicitly did not do when writing her character; her abilities are her aid as a deaf person !! they're part of her conflict as a weapon !! her cherokee identity should be a fact about her, explored but not tied to the mysticism of that fictional world !! either way, do not watch the show, read the comics <3
god okay. bendis introduces a lot of his own ocs because that's kind of his thing but my favourites were milla donovan and agent del toro. they fell into the wrong hands after he stopped writing for daredevil—milla was fridged (if you know how to look at it, it can be a really good tragedy) and they whitewashed del toro in their racist the hand plotline—but their existence was super important to me and i'm just terribly fond of them :') matt's relationship with ben urich throughout v2 is also something i hold close to my heart because 1) bendis specifically does really well with writing relationships and people, and the nuance of it intrigues me; i could write meta about it if i got back into writing comic meta again, and 2) that's the last we see of them until the most recent run (word-of-mouth, btw. i haven't read v8 yet).
KIRSTEN IS MY GIRL!! she's like so important to me. i'm imprinted on her. if i was on tumblr in 2012, and she as a character existed, i'd fight tooth and nail to have her on my kin list and make sure no one else did. she unfortunately succumbed to the whitewashing demon of daredevil past but that's okay because to me, she is living her best life after [v5 spoilers tbh].
my relationship with elektra can simply be described as that of something akin to a strike. i refuse to read anything of modern daredevil if she's in the title. she has her own fucking title !! we're regressing and it makes me feel a little bit more insane every time i remember that zdarsky stuffed her into the daredevil suit and gave her ableist and infantilising lines for matt. either way i implore you to read nothing about her in the daredevil title past 2018 and to make sure you check out her actual title. amen.
also, simply, matt and foggy's relationship. and not so simply, i miss you karen you deserved better.
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prismatoxic · 3 months
i had another ptk thought recently, actually, that i've been wanting to talk about.
there is no part of me that sees this as malicious, or willfully ignoring my intentions, but the fact remains that a few times now i've had people assume ptk chilchuck has had top surgery and/or is on T.
from chapter 2:
...His father never had to worry about whether gaining weight would make his body prominently feminine. Chilchuck turns to the side a little, frowning at his reflection. He’s never considered himself needing any of the surgeries, but he has experience with what weight does to his body, and if he was heavier all the time...
and from chapter 8:
Laying down feels too vulnerable, so Chilchuck pushes himself up on one elbow, tugging at the material at the front of his nightshirt without really thinking about it. As a teen, he’d constantly worry that his chest showed through anything he wore, always hunching over or wearing baggy clothes. These days it’s not really a concern; his breasts are small, so much so that unless he’s fully shirtless it’s hard to tell he has them at all. Something about preparing to reveal his true nature brings all the fears from his adolescence back, making him worry that when Laios knows, he’ll be able to see.
now, i've never brought up T, so i'm willing to be more lenient on people assuming he's on it or has been on it, but there's still something... unfortunate? about assuming a character's transition status is more "complete" when it hasn't been stated to be so.
ptk chilchuck is not medically transitioned. he had his gender marker legally changed back in kahka brud, and he's done voice training. i headcanon half-foots as having unisex names, so his name was always chilchuck. these things will come up, but they haven't yet because they haven't been relevant.
again, i don't think this is malicious. i don't even think people do it on purpose. i think there's this baseline assumption of what a trans character means, what they must look like, what they must have done. i've done it in the past too. but the bottom line is that you really shouldn't assume transition status unless it's said. for a character, this is forgivable; for a real person, it can be far more harmful.
and importantly, to me, i need you all to be comfortable with trans people who haven't medically transitioned. it has to be okay for people to write those sorts of characters. if it isn't, for you, i'd look into why that is. and if you've just found yourself assuming things, i'd also examine that. it doesn't mean you're a transphobe and i'm not accusing you of that. it just means you need to examine some biases. we all do, from time to time.
i have wips in the works where he's had top surgery and is on T, because i do like that interpretation of him, but what matters is that no one assumes this is the case until it's stated.
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