#I'll cross that bridge when I get there :D
luimagines · 1 year
Hiiii I love your stories and I think I've re-read them a hundred times :3 , you're sooo talented!!!
I don't know if it's okay for you to write something other than Lu but I'd like to suggest it anyway '^' I recently met this au with Links with a different personality and I was wondering, obviously with a free theme of your choice if you could write something about them ^^
I especially love something about Grumpy Time and Twilight ♡ The Au is @zelda-the-sacred-realm
If you can't I understand thank you for all the beautiful stories you write!! ♡♡♡
Oh thank you!!!
I didn't know it was a whole other au!!! I've only seen the art for Twilight and Wind <3
Requests are closed right now but I don't mind writing for other Links. I'd need to just do some research first on how the other people are portraying them. It wouldn't seem fair to just copy and paste the same thing when their storylines are different due to the au.
Such is the nature of the beast.
I'll have to check them out though!!! I had seen the art but didn't know it was it's own story. :D
Now I'm excited! New stories!!!!
Just send this in again when requests are open <3
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axewchao · 1 year
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Playing with Power-Ups
Since Leon and Dusty (as well as the rest of their friend group) started out in the Marioverse, it's only fitting that I try giving them power-ups at least once :3
But I wasn't gonna risk nearly crashing the program like I did the last couple times I drew all five of them in one pic, so it's just Leon and Dusty for now, with the super leaf and boomerang flower respectively! Complete with both human and hooman versions because it took like... I dunno, ten minutes to edit the differences =w=)b
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thalion71 · 1 month
4, 8, & 22 for the fic writer asks?
4. a story idea you haven't written yet
something i've done actually or nearly nothing about yet? hm. i ended up rather enamoured with the idea of fin-galad and there's a bunch of nebulous headcanons floating around for that. one of these days they'll get to see the light lol
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you'd write one for...
oh hm. so if i'm not counting ones i already have plans or partial wips for? i'd do a follow-up for song of still waters. first exchange fic and wildly different from anything i'd really tried up til that point. very fun though!
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you're writing? how do you get past that?
not especially, honestly. i think mostly i got there by having my first serious fics being for such obscure things that i didn't expect anyone to see them at all, much less have a reaction to it. some of it's also just. i'm working on this for me. other people can feel however they want about it. that's their problem. then again, i've never experienced the sort of popularity that results in any real amount of Public Reaction or major scrutiny (and tbh i'm perfectly happy that way lol). if i'm writing for an exchange or as a gift or something, i'll worry a little, but that's just because i hope the person i'm writing for likes the thing i made for them. outside of that person specifically, it goes back to 'if you're not into it, go somewhere else'. (and if nothing else, the internet assures me that someone Will be into it, eventually. it might just be a bit til they find your thing)
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yeetus-feetus · 1 month
batfam shenanigans
Tim: *minding his own business
Jason: *kicks open bedroom door*
Tim: *stares*
Jason: *stares back*
Tim: what do you wan- ?
Jason: *sticks middle finger up and leaves with the door left wide open*
Tim: *sighs*
Tim: get out of my room!
Damian: I'm not in you're room!
Tim: yes you are!
Damian: no I'm not!
Tim: you're toes are crossing the carpet line!
Damian: no they're not!
Tim: yes they are! go away!
Dick: nice work kid!
Damian: I am not a child.
Dick: sure bud *gives him a noogie*
Damian: argh get off!!
Dick: *laughs as he resists being pushed away*
Damian: *opens Duke's door*
Duke: *glares*
Damian: Alfred called *walks in and starts touching things*
Duke: oh yeah, what'd he say? *Glares harder*
Damian: *shrugs* not sure, you'll have to ask Grayson
Duke: then why are you in here?? *Removes something from Damian's hands and puts it back in place*
Damian: *picks something else up* well, it sounded important so-
Duke: *eye twitching* get out
Damian: why would I do that?
Duke: now.
Damian: *huffs* fine, whatever. *Leaves the door open*
Duke, to himself frustratedly: he's lucky I'm above fratricide istg
Cass: who took my brush!?
Steph: not me
Tim: not me
Cass: it was someone!
Jason: it was probably Dick
Dick: *gasps* was not! I don't even live here!
Cass: *glares*
Cass: if I find out who took it before someone owns up, they are dead.
Stephanie: Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Di-
Dick: omg what!??
Stephanie: will you drive me to my apartment?
Dick: no.
Stephanie: what why not!?
Dick: I'm done being the taxi driver
Stephanie: but you're the oldest that's literally your job
Dick: I said no
Stephanie: Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Di-
Dick: ffs fine!! Just shut up!
jason, over text: pick me up a batburger
Dick: no
Jason: pick me up a batburger, please.
Dick: still no
Jason: I know it's on your way, you're gonna drive past anyways!
Dick: I'm not the delivery boy!
Jason: Just do it!
Dick: no!
Jason: fuck you!
Dick: fuck you too!
*20 minutes later*
Dick: open your door
Jason: why?
Dick: I have batburger
Jason: oh fuck yeah!
Tim: where's the remote!
Damian: you had it last!
Tim: no I didn't Stephanie did!
Stephanie: hey don't blame me!
Tim: stand up
Stephanie: what- I'm not sitting on it!
Tim: stand up!
Stephanie: fine! *Stands up* see, I told you!
Tim: *glares at Jason*
Jason: don't look at me you little shit I don't have it!
Tim: prove it!
Jason: I'm not standing up again I just got comfy!
Tim: I don't care! Stand up!
Dick, walking into the room: hey are you guys looking for this? *Holds up remote*
Damian: see it wasn't us!
*all start fighting over who removed the remote from the loungeroom*
Dick: *sighs tiredly*
Damian: who ate my vegan burger!
Jason: oh that was vegan? Hm no wonder it tasted different
Damian: you ate my burger!!?
Jason: calm down I was too injured last night to make anything, just grabbed the first okay thing outta the fridge
Damian: I should kill you! I was looking forward to eating that! I had my name on it!
Jason: *shrugs* sorry?
Damian: you better be, you owe me a new burger!
Jason: hey I don't owe you shit
Damian: yes you do! You are my burger! You owe me a new one! Right now!
Jason: no way!
Damian: FATHERRRRR! Todd ate my vegan burger I was saving for lunch!
Bruce, sighing exasperatedly: did you put your name on it?
Damian: yes I did! And he won't buy me a new one!
Bruce, looking at Jason with tired eyes: Jason buy your brother a new burger
Jason: fuck off! I'm not doing shit!
Bruce: *pinches the bridge of his nose and questions all of his life decisions*
*Jason and Dick roughhousing when they were younger*
Dick: *accidentally smacks Jason's head into the wall* oh shit-
Jason: *starts sobbing and crying*
Dick: fuck, wait- I didn't mean it I didn't mean it you're okay stop crying! Shh I'll make it better, stop crying!
Jason: *cries even harder* Bruce! Bru- !
Dick: *covers his mouth* no! Shush! Shh! Don't call Bruce, he'll kill me! Shut up!
Duke: who drank out of my mug!?
Tim: oh that was your mug?
Duke: yes. It was!
Tim: pretty sure Cass used it
Cass: *gasp* was not me!
Duke: well somebody used it and I ain't happy!
Damian: it was me, I used it for my water colours
Duke: you what!?
No! Shh! Shush! I'll fix it I'll fix it, don't tell B!
Okay I'm too tired to keep going, sorry it's almost 4am. Please feel free to add on to this with other sibling interactions!
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vitanithepure · 10 months
Gale's romance
To absolutely nobody's surprise I am back with my thoughts about Gale and I am honestly surprised how many of you still follow me and interact with what I have to say, love you all so much 😭
Again, a freaking long one (over 1200 words, I wrote fanfics shorter than this...), but I need to get it all out of my system to properly function. Of course spoilers for Gale's story and a bit of the main storyline.
First of all - his introduction. Not less of a jump-scare, but somehow this one seemed to fit him better? He doesn't come out of the portal and begin judging our capabilities, instead we help him out, and if anything - I felt an instant level of sympathy for the wizard falling face first on the ground straight out of an unstable portal.
His bashful "I'm usually better at this."? It just served to even out the field and I love it. I was literally sitting there grinning at the screen and thinking "oh, how the mighty have fallen" :D
We still get all the talks known from EA (apart from the failed spell one? Did anyone manage to trigger it? Did they remove it?), so I won't be going over them again, because there is still a lot of new stuff to go through. Although they seem to fire up differently and it makes Gale seem a lot more considerate. Sure, at first he still hides the exact reasons and I still think it's understandable. In my playthrough he brought up his orb problem on the road, in front of the others with us claiming we need to know about it. 
He even leaves us the decision if we want him to stay or not, but we cherish this man in this house, so I have no idea what goes down if and how he leaves. Not really interested in learning that, too.
Him showing us the Weave was as wonderful as it used to, didn't notice any changes here, then again - why change something that just…works? And now, in hindsight, I cannot help but see how it sets the tone for the whole relationship with him, be it romantic or otherwise. He shows you this part of him he loves, tries to show because even he, with all his eloquence, cannot find the right words to express what magic means to him.
I feel as if he was not expecting much from it, judging by the mumbling, adorable mess we made of him just imagining a walk, hand in hand. As we learn later (much later, but I think it's important to mention it here) he never considered being this close to anyone after the orb fiasco. Not because he still loves Mystra but rather he realizes how much of a risk it brings. He himself calls himself a "menace" and that, for me, speaks volumes about his character. 
Ok, now onto the new parts, previously unavailable in the EA. 
I mentioned my reaction after the first talk with Elminster in another post, but I'll say it again: fuck Mystra. 
I was worried that there might not be a way to rid Gale of this cursed orb, I was bracing for the possibility that there might not be a happily-ever-after here. Because he seemed set on going along with Mystra's wishes, and I felt bad for standing between the man and his honest faith. Misguided, not fanatical, just honest faith.
I was thinking "yeah, this will probably happen at the end of the game, we'll cross that bridge when we get there". BUT… one moment we are fighting Kethric Thorm and the next Gale is ready to sacrifice himself. "Wait, it's too soon, it can't end like this, WHAT THE HELL is going on?" 
"Fun" fact? Gale can really do it from what I saw and it just… ends the game right there and then. I am not ever going to even consider that a viable option, for anyone. It just makes me sick thinking about it in hindsight.
So yeah, no, sorry Mystra, we are not going along with your stupid plan. It really feels like he went along with it in a shell shock state through the whole act II of the story and it made me feel so bad for him. Gale felt like a complete shadow of himself since his first talk with Elminster.
Can you look me in the eye and with a straight face tell me a man ready to die makes a whole fucking illusionary world for just the two of you, shows you his home, his safe place, tells you he loves you and gives you his all? Yeah, yeah, you can tell me "he doesn't want to regret anything", but that's the point! He already regrets so much, and that means he is not ready to become vapor!
So, in the style of Meredith Grey, we go all in with "choose me" and…wow, does he ever. It was like a switch went off, Gale instantly is back to his old self, already having a plan to make it all work. A terrible idea, worthy of the 10 wisdom stat, mind you, but an idea still.
Of course in the meantime we get another visit from Elminster, who drops a few - actually good! - words of wisdom Gale's way and says Mystra wants to talk. Of-fucking-course she wants to, her pet refused to die and she can't fathom why.
I know the talk can go differently depending on what you suggest him to say, I don't know if we can skip the talk altogether and what are the consequences of that, but on my first playthrough I actually encouraged him to seek forgiveness and the talk went… fucking awful if you ask me. Is there a honest to god good way to do this talk? 
Hated it when Mystra went all "oh yes, now that you are alive I'm not taking care of your orb until I send you on yet another suicide run, but don't worry - I believe in you, 'kay-thanks-bye!"
I guess this is faith for you - everything becomes a trial for it.
Moving on! The first big romance scene for act III of the story left me in emotional shambles.
In this moment Gale knows he wants to do *everything* and *anything* for us. He wants to gain power for us, to give us everything we deserve because if he gave Mystra his all he won't be holding back for us. And when we say we don't want it… you can see how absolutely devastated he is - up until he hears what we are really telling him.
"You are already everything I need you to be."
God, the animation here was so amazing, you can practically see the moment realization strikes him. He can live without Mystra, he can live without power, but he can't live without you. That he matters to someone, not for what he can do, but just… for him. And he was never loved that way, he himself says that, much to the dismay of my bleeding heart.
And that is that! Our story with Gale ends here, without a bang, but that is good. Gale is no longer the man he used to be, his ambitions now centered around a happy life with us. And I'm all giddy and teary-eyed for him. 
Mind you, the ending felt…rushed? But perhaps that's just me not ready to say goodbye after all this? The game ending is a dash of adrenaline and I felt like there was just not enough time to unwind after. Guess I need to headcanon the rest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Either way, if you managed to stay to this point - a big thank you for reading!
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
✮ ┆ keeping up appearances with sage !
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a/n                    I just love making up shits like this, a mini series that i am starting now and
cw for               MDNI, nsfw content, female bodied reader, clothed sex, office sex ( with door not locked ), fingering, mention of jett, (cross-posted on ao3)
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your head was throbbing, the small letters and the bright lights putting a strain on both your brain and eyes as you struggled to fill out the report card for the last mission you took part in. there were some complications with killjoy’s tech that caused some problems, but you had no idea how to compose what happened in a professional manner.
you sighed heavily, taking off your glasses and rubbing the bridge of your nose. you couldn’t focus at all. this was a mess; you needed a good rest or something. after a few moments, you groan and slam your hands down on the desk and played with the thought of just giving up and maybe trying again tomorrow. but you were determined to get it done now so you didn't have the same headache you are having right now; you didn’t really have much else to do anyway.
"something on your mind?" the husky, seductive voice of your girlfriend, accompanied by soft footsteps and gentle touches against your shoulders. "just some paperwork I have to finish", you mumble, "need to figure out a way to describe what happened with killjoy's nano..."
"you should take a break, leave it for tomorrow." she sits beside you, placing her chin on your shoulder. "i need to at least have an idea how to write this." you sigh and lean into her touch. it helped soothe the pain away from your temples.
sage hums as her arms wrap around the middle of your torso, her hands running up and down your stomach with touches light as a feather. she kisses behind your ear gently, her breath warm against your skin. you get lost in the tingling sensation of her breath on your neck, so much so that you don't even notice her fingers pushing under the rim of your pants, playing with the button before undoing it. you let out a quiet moan when she slides her hand between your legs, running her finger against your panties slowly and lovingly. you close your eyes, allowing yourself to be consumed by the feeling.
"sage..." you breathily moan as you place your hand on top of hers, through your pants. "no complaining, no resisting." her other hand moves up to your breasts, massaging them softly and teasingly while kissing your skin sweetly. you feel her mouth open slightly, a small smile appearing on her face. you can practically hear her smirking as she continues to massage your breasts, causing you to gasp softly. "yes, just like that, baby," she whispers against your lips, and you can feel her smile grow wider at your reaction.
"the d-door...?"  you pant as you feel her fingers pick up a faster pace, pushing your panties between your pussy lips and pressing up against your clit. she chuckles lightly, her fingers now moving your panties to the side then inside you without any hesitance.
"fuck.." she mumbles as she feels your body clenching around her fingers. you throw your head back as you grab onto the edge of your desk tightly. she stops her fingers for a moment before pulling them back out of you quickly, and then thrusts herself back inside, pumping into you forcefully. you can feel the warmth spreading all over your body, a slight pressure building up inside your core. "sage…" you groan loudly, gripping the edge of the desk tighter.
 "you need to stop talking or they are gonna catch us." she says quietly, still pushing in and out of you roughly. "so i'll keep going while you try to be quiet, okay?" she asks and pumps her fingers a bit more forcefully than necessary. you feel tears springing up in your eyes and squeeze your eyes shut.
you are just about to give her an answer, or were trying to when a knock on the sliding door interrupted your train of thought.
"y/n, are you in your office?" you heard jett from the other side of the door. a little groan left you, remembering the last time she interrupted the two of you and actually caught a glimpse of you in such a compromising position. you could hardly deny that you enjoyed sharing it with someone that sage was with you in more ways than one but come on.... a little privacy? shouldn't be complaining at all though, she at least knocked this time.
"where are your manners, baobei?" sage whispers in your ear, stopping her long trust and changing it up with short, forced knuckles bumping against your exposed bundle of nerves. you shake your head, humming a no, trying to get her to just let it go and make you cum already.
"y-yes..." your voice shakes a little, but you hope the distance and the thick metal door would help hide your embarrassment from jett who probably just found you in a state of undress. sage chuckles lowly and continues. you try your best to breathe steadily and ignore the slight sting from the pain on your thighs and the fact that you felt your orgasm rising dangerously close to your surface.
"great, i was wondering of how the report was coming along for you because i am struggling big times." she laughs a little, and if her words weren't enough to make you want to bang your head against the wall, her tone definitely did. it was torture and now you couldn't even get away from the situation.
"nothing too concrete, uhm... i'm j-just packing up t-to go." you get the words out somehow with sage's lips kissing along your neck, her two fingers still hardly moving inside you. you feel the wetness dripping from your hole, and you swear you can feel her smiling against your skin.
"alright then, I'll see you at dinner." you heard the fading voice of the young agent and you let out a sigh of relief, not just because now you could be rather loud, but because it meant sage would finally give you what you really wanted. an orgasm.
your muscles contract painfully, and you grit your teeth, feeling your walls tightening around sage's fingers. you feel your eyes roll back and your knees weaken as you feel your orgasm slowly but surely approaching the point where you would explode and release everything you had inside you. you feel your body tense up at the thought, your hips jerking upwards slightly as you reach the high you were so desperate for.
"fuck s-sage, fuck ah!" you curse, head hanging low as a loud cry leaves your lips. sage takes a moment to calm you down, licking her lips in satisfaction. she pulls out of you with a smile, letting all your juices to be soaked up by your panties and pants. you first turn your head to look at her before your body follows, a lustful smirk and red cheeks greet you. she grins widely at you and wraps her arm around your neck, helping you up on the desk. you hug her tightly before sitting up straight and fixing yourself up. "good?" sage asks with a wink, and a playful smile, clearly enjoying making you squirm. you sigh deeply and nod in response as you lay your head on her shoulder, inhaling her in as you enjoy the last few moments of your orgasm.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 6 months
It pisses me off that the Grammys have never recognized Dis-ease. That's a song the world deserves to hear at least once. A song that deserves acknowledgement. It's so good. Home too. Everything about those songs - the tone the members' voices take, the personalities their voices express, the production (Pdogg is the GOAT), the instrumentation, the arrangement, everything about those songs is the best possible expression of it to ever exist.
BTS makes such good music.
Their solo stuff has been nice, the guys have shown depth and growth in various ways. Side-stepping the topic of BigHit's blundering some roll-outs, most of the music they've put out has been more than decent. But my gosh all it's shown me is the distinct difference in their solo work compared to the magic all seven together make on a track.
The guys are better the way they are. And it would be nice to have them back now. It would be great if in some hours when we cross over into the new year, we'd be crossing over into 2025 not 2024. I'm desperate to have them back. Trying to accept the fact that Home was released 4 years ago and Dis-ease 3 years back, was hard today. The boys were only getting started before their plans were interrupted and it would be nice if the members were brought back now.
But whatever. I know they're doing their service, and I'll stop whining.
Needed to get that out of my system before the year ends and I can well and truly get over it.
Anyway, Dis-ease. This might be the best song BTS has ever made. Jimin's voice, his bridge, the rapline's verses, the personalities the vocal line add to the song, the crisp, frankly ridiculous production. It's a song that best distills and crystallizes everything good about how BTS makes music. There's a few songs that do that well, including:
Boyz with Fun
Ma City
The Last (Agust D solo)
Black Swan
Future (j-hope solo)
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yanderehsr · 7 months
Hello! I hope im not late for he event ahaha, please forgive my bad english, its not my first language and congratulations on 1k! :D
My oc is called Atalai,Male, 23
Looks: He is a 7'2 male, with tan skin, long dark brown hair tied in a low pony tail and black eyes. He is muscular, has bull horns and tail and has a a scar running down his cheek and abother crossing his nose bridge.
Personality: He's outgoing and very kind, he is mostly friendly but he isn't naive. He is mostly calm and collected but sometimes he is quick to anger and isn't afraid of starting a fight, he likes to help people and doens't like to be fooled or tricked.
Backstory: He grew up as an orphan in Snezhnaya, and would take any job to survive, thanks to this he was able to travel other nations since young until two kind ladies took him in so he became some sort of famer assistant. he started to see them as his big sisters and he loves them a lot, being the two most important people in his life. As he grew older he started to be some type of traveler, doing any work in any nation to pay back his "Big Sisters" since he wants to give them a easier life. He learned how to fight thanks to the multiple robs he had to face at night, he uses a type of claymore that he can divide in two to turn it into dual swords, he does like the thrill of fight and hunt but he doesn't fight or hunt unless necessary.
For the yandere could i have either Zhongli, Lumine, ningguang, or Diluc please? Any of these four is fine :D
Thank you a lot and feel free to ignore if i broke any rules!
Sure, thanks for the request, Hope you'll enjoy😁
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Diluc: At first he is suspicious of Atalai, just like he is with anyone from Snezhnaya, it will take Diluc some time to trust him, let alone fall for him but when he falls, oh boy he falls hard, Snezhnaya doesn't deserve Atalai, his sisters doesn't deserve him, hell not even Diluc sees himself as worthy, but he sees himself as the only one that can protect him.
Diluc doesn't care how strong Atalai is, in the end he is mortal, and like any mortal he can die, so he needs to be shielded. Diluc isn't afraid of fighting him either if it's to kidnap him, sure Atalai may become a bit... burnt but Diluc doesn't mind.
"Stop being so stubborn, you are safer here then you ever was in Snezhnaya, so stop fighting it and accept that your place is by MY side"
Ningguang: She herself is from humble origins so she fells a bit connected with Atalai concerning that, but what she really falls for is his kindness as cheezy as that sounds, the fact that he can stay kind yet not naive is something she admires and she falls for, she wants him and what she wants, she gets.
Ningguang has an idea how to get him to come willingly with her, she wants to be the one in control of this relationship, at first Ningguang will try to buy him off, she can support his sisters financially, if he really wants whats best for them then he'll accept, if for some reason he refuses, well she isn't above threatening them, she has hired assassins and the second she gives the word they will die, she does all this so she can own Atalai, he is hers, he has no option in this.
"The clock is ticking, tell me your choice before I lose my patience, be mine and I'll make sure no harm comes to them"
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islandofsages · 6 months
return to ... wonderland?
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hello everyone!!
i won't lie to you, i didn't think i'd ever revive this account. i even thought of deleting it sometimes but i know that some may still want to take comfort in my writing and the thing is, i do get notes from time to time despite the state of this account.
but recently i found myself in the x reader trenches once again ... just not for genshin unfortunately. i'm no longer part of the fandom. rather, now i'm rebranding this blog to become a twisted wonderland x reader blog instead!
but aside from that, nothing much has changed. i will still only write non-romantic requests, despite me now being unlabeled and definitely experiencing some romantic attraction here and there ahaha. crazy what time does to you.
i did want to try writing for multiple fandoms but i don't think i have the passion for writing x readers for them so i'm still sticking to one central fandom for this blog. if that changes, well, i'll cross that bridge when i come to it.
i've decided to loosen up the boundaries here a bit and now fem/fem-aligned readers are allowed to interact with my work but you can't follow nor request for fem!readers bc i'll just be blunt with you - most x readers are still fem reader-dominated. i've even seen some anons default to she/her pronouns for allegedly gn readers. so no, fem readers are not a thing here. mutuals are an exception to this rule, you can follow, but you guys still can't request for fem!readers. that is one thing i will absolutely refuse to write.
also, since this is focused on twisted wonderland now, requests should specify if reader is yuu or not. i know it's a normal to assume reader would be yuu since yuu is supposed to be us but some of us just can't really insert ourselves into yuu regardless (like me, my self-insert is not my yuusona. they are different characters).
oh and i also write for character x character now !! i absolutely love exploring dynamics in this game bc it feels like any pairing is possible. still no romance but you can request them :D
those are the main changes. you can find smaller changes + more details in my rules (which is in my pinned!). and don't worry, the old genshin stuff will still be there for you, i won't remove them. just keep in mind that i won't be writing for genshin anymore.
and that is all for now!! feel free to send in requests + spread this around :] and don't be shy to ask me anything or even just chat through asks <3
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hello, I've never really made a fic request before, so please feel free to disregard this if it isn't something you feel comfortable writing.
A dear pet passed today, and I was wondering if I could request angst+comfort of the obey me brothers comforting gn mc through a similar situation? Specifically, Satan, if all 7 is too many, thank you.
I'm so sorry for your loss, sadly, I know the feeling.
I'm honoured that you decided to send me this ask, and I'll do my absolute best for you. I ended up having time for Satan, Lucifer and Asmo, of you wanted a part 2, let me know.
Satan found you curled up under their covers, where you'd been for hours now.
No one had the heart to disturb you, not after such a dear thing crossed the rainbow bridge.
Satan had watched his human smile and kiss their beloved pet goodbye, watched your eyes overflow with tears, and now, here you lie, curled up in hollow warmth in a fruitless attempt to chase away the pain in your heart.
You didn't look up as he sat beside you, his back brushing your legs.
Satan had to flounder for words, ironic, since he read so many, but all the words in all the worlds and their many languages could not express what he wanted to say.
Nothing could tell you how much he hated seeing you in pain, how much he wishes he could take it all away and bring back what you missed most.
But he can't, he can't say it, so he sits beside you until your tears stop flowing freely, until you wordlessly lift the duvet for him.
Satan slides in beside you, opening his arms to let you sink into his warmth as a fresh wave of tears flooded your eyes. He's never seen you cry so openly, and he doesn't want to ever see that pain on your face again.
But...something about him feels privileged, to be the one you curl into and hold onto as the tears finally begin to dry.
"You gave them the best life, and did all you could." He whispered, pressing a kiss into the crown of your head. "You loved them."
"I know." You croaked, curling your hands in the softness of his jumper, letting him tangle your legs together. Satan isn't usually the cuddler, far from it, but right now, you press yourself close, and he lets you, holds you. "Still hurts."
The demon ran his fingers through your hair, easing you into restfulness. "This too shall pass, one day, you'll remember the joy again."
You haven't left Lucifer's side since it happened, following him around, a shadow of your former self.
You trail the eldest demon with your fingers hooked into his clothes somehow, a finger caught in his pocket, your fist curled in his cloak, wherever you can reach that won't hinder him during his day.
The other brothers have done their best to put smiles back on your face, but that hasn't stopped you from shadowing Lucifer and his steadfast, comforting presence everywhere he goes.
You don't pay attention to where you've been throughout the day, it hardly seems to matter anymore. The ache in your chest is overwhelming and leaves you feeling weak to the world.
As always in your times of weakness, Lucifer was there.
The eldest had a world of responsibilities around him, and has no idea how to comfort you, as his brothers do, and still, you follow him helplessly, curling into his side when he sits down at him, resting your head on his shoulder is he stands still long enough.
Lucifer lets you, partly because it keeps you from slipping into lethargy, and also...because he doesn't want you to leave.
The smiles his brothers manage to get from you don't reach your eyes, but the quiet peace on your face when you fell asleep on his shoulder during a meeting, that was sincere.
In the end, Lucifer has no idea how to comfort you, other than to just be there when you need him.
Even after those smiles start creeping into your eyes, when your laugh can once again be heard in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer is never far when you need him.
"Hey, stop." Asmodeus murmured, gently catching your wrist in his hand to stop your frantic scribbling.
It's been days, and you haven't so much as shed a tear. Quite the opposite, your face has been a hard mask of blank, as unmoving as the marble statues of RAD.
The brothers gave you your space, believing you needed to process, but Asmo's watched you not give yourself time to grieve, throw yourself into your work like your life depended on it, and he can't stand to watch the bags under your eyes get any darker.
The face he loved looks up at him, the lights in your eyes dimmed with grief, lips pressed into a firm line.
"I need to finish this, Asmo."
The demon pushed your chair away from your desk, placing himself firmly between you and your notebook. He sat on your desk and pulled you back toward him. "No, you don't, my love. You need to rest, please."
"I'm fine-"
"Hun, please." He looked deep into your eyes, and tears flooded his as he saw the heartbreak there, muffled and strangled beneath your strength of will. "You are so strong, so so strong, don't use that against yourself, please. Don't hurt yourself, my love."
You watched his eyes grow glassy, watched the tears wet his perfect lashes, and your heart would be silenced no longer.
You buried your face in his chest, wrapped your arms around his waist as both of your wept for the days you felt like your couldn't.
Asmo held you, trapped your knees between his legs and cried into your hair as you cried into his shirt. For once, he doesn't care what it looks like, he doesn't care about stains. You need to feel, and if that means you need him to cry with you, he'll cry 'till his eyes dry up.
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 2 months
Hi, do you still take x reader requests?? If you do, I was wanting a Phantom x reader/Y/N (she/they pronouns) and maybe Y/N got kidnapped by a rival being and he shows up rescue Y/N? Possessive Phantom is one of my favorite ideas, and he’s barely, just barely by a thread holding back from going full on eldritch being on the kidnappers + the rival. Maybe Phantom comforts Y/N afterwards too?
Call me Cos :D (for anon, I’ll be space anon if that isn’t taken)
Well, I do so love my body horror, so I'll admit that I kinda went further than that "just barely by a thread" part. . .
(This is based on a set of headcanons I posted a while ago; go here if you'd like to see them.)
Sorry this took so long, but it's finally finished! I hope you enjoy it!
(Trigger Warnings: violence, body horror, eyes, teeth, mentions of snakes, mentions of insects, implied kidnapping, implied illegal business, talk of death/dying, strong language. Please let me know if I missed anything.) 
“I’m really not sure what you’re hoping to gain from this,” you announced, resting your cheek against one hand as you looked out at the world through the bars of the cage. 
Your captor—an admittedly stunning woman with a halo of crystals orbiting around the golden points of a crown protruding from her silvery hair—hummed thoughtfully.
“Not too much, if I’m being honest,” she answered with a dismissive shrug.
You quirked a brow, straightening your back a little. It was difficult to look her in the eyes; they glowed with undeniable power. The most piercing, dangerous, otherworldly shade of blue you’d ever seen. 
Your brain was begging you to focus on something else. Anything else, really. The room outside your cage was extravagant, boasting marble floors and looming pillars and filigree carvings on the walls. Everything was inlaid with blue gemstones in some way. Even your cage, nestled in the corner, was polished and decorated to perfection.  
But you still made a valiant attempt to keep eye-contact. You couldn’t just let her think you were some shrinking violet. 
“Then why did you bring me here in the first place? Why did you bother to just wait in my mirror until I finally got home?”
The Multiverse Monarch took a few steps closer to further scrutinize you. 
“Why does anyone do anything?” She responded. “Why do you mortals insist on making sacrifices, traveling to places you’ve never seen before, crossing bridges that don’t even exist yet?”
“Because we’ll eventually get paid for it,” you replied. “Or, we all hope to, at least.” 
Monarch blinked, a small snicker forcing its way through her teeth. She quickly shook her head, engaging in the rolling-your-eyes-with-your-whole-body gesture. 
“Because it’s there,” she stated in the most matter-of-fact tone you’d ever heard. “Because it’s just something to do. Something to temporarily keep your little lives from continuing to be mundane as fuck.”
You hummed at the explanation. There was definitely some truth to it, but you thrived on sarcasm. You couldn’t help that; it was a survival mechanism. “I feel like doing any kind of business with Phantom already pretty far from ‘mundane as fuck.’ I almost ended up being one of his contractors when we first met, and now look where I stand with him.”  
Monarch tilted her head to the side, folding her arms across her chest. “That kind of thing happens with a lot of dealmakers and potential clients. Much more frequently than you’d think. Don’t feel special.”
“I never said I felt special,” you argued. And now it was your turn to smirk, since it was so obvious that you and Monarch were now thinking the same thing. 
Phantom was many, many things. And one of them was, so simply, shady as they came. However, he could also be honest when the mood suited him. 
When the two of you had first met, he’d seen you as just another soul with enough potential and enough need of supernatural assistance to be considered for his collection. You, on the other hand, had long-since honed your instincts to sense ulterior motives. And at that point in time, you’d been, for lack of a better word, tired. 
Before that point, you’d been stepped on and laughed at and criticized so. Many. Damn. Times. 
You’d gotten tired of that. 
You’d gotten tired of trying so hard and putting out so much and only getting a few breadcrumbs here and there to show for it. 
You’d gotten so tired that it was miracle you’d even bothered to read Phantom’s contract in its entirety. 
And even with the potential consequences literally written down right in front of you. . .you’d been tired enough to not care.
So what if your soul became the property of an eldritch abomination?
At least you’d get some time to finally enjoy a few things before that. 
You’re not sure what Phantom saw in your tiredness. Hell, you’d flat-out asked him before, and he hadn’t been able to give you a clear answer himself. But that was just it: he’d seen something that he wanted to keep. Not just for his collection, but. . .
Well, Phantom had been quiet for most of that particular meeting, mainly relying on his elevator pitch for small talk as you read through the requirements and expectations. When you took hold on his feather quill, he went silent. He’d stayed silent as you hesitated. You’d felt his eyes boring holes through your skull. And just as you were about to sign your name on the dotted line, Phantom had yanked the contract away, insisting that he needed to make a few updates to it. 
The rest, as they say, is history.
“Plus,” you added. “I’ve heard all about the spats the two of you have gotten into. And when you combine those with the business angle of things. . .I mean, I’m not sure what to call it, but it’s still not mundane at all. Isn’t that enough?”
“You’ve only heard about those spats from his perspective,” Monarch snarked. Insanity glinted in her eyes. A buzzing, humming, keening music suddenly stabbed its way into your ears, and you finally had to look away from her, ducking your head and kneading at your temples. 
More footsteps clicked closer, and a cold hand was suddenly grasping your chin, slowly forcing you to look back up. 
Her eyes. . .they looked even less human than before. Now they were compound, seeming to shudder in their sockets as that frightening blue light glowed brighter and brighter. 
A pair of long, sinuous antennae now protruded from her forehead, covered in a network of crystalline veins. They reached down to lightly tap against your scalp, making that unearthly music reverberate in your skull. 
“And enough is ภєשєг єภ๏ยﻮђ,” she concluded, allowing you to catch a glimpse of something shuffling about between the rows of her teeth. “ภєשєг ђคร ๒єєภ, ภєשєг ฬเɭɭ ๒є.”
“MONARCH!” A familiar voice suddenly shouted from somewhere outside of the throne room. . .or, it had to be outside the throne room, at least. But then, that voice shouldn’t have been echoing and bouncing around the corners with such violence. “I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!”
Not if it was a human’s voice, that is. 
And that’s why you immediately recognized it. You’d been hearing it almost every day for a good couple years now, after all.
You’d been waiting to hear it today.
“I know you know,” Monarch called back, only slightly raising her own tone as a smirk played at her lips. She released her grip on your chin, strolling away from your cage to settle down onto her throne. “That’s what makes this kind of stuff so fun.”
What sounded like a Category 5 earthquake slammed against the towering side-by-side doors that waited across the room. The thunderous sound was followed by a cacophony of screeching, like razor-sharp claws being dragged across ornate wood and stone.
“Well, if we’re going with that logic,” Phantom seethed from wherever he was, “then you also know that if you don’t bring [Y/N] out here right now, I swear I’ll 𐍂𐍊Ƥ 𐍈𐍁𐨠 𐌴𐌰ζ𐌷 𐍈𐍆 𐌸𐍈𐍁𐍂 𐐎𐍊𐍀𐌾Ⲋ 𐍈𐍀𐌴-𐌱𐌸-𐍈𐍀𐌴!"
Phantom’s pitch seemed to warp like metal, now twisting and rattling in the air. It gave the impression of a hissing, growling, churning well; like he was speaking through multiple people—or multiple monsters, really—at once.
“And I’ll just grow replacements for them,” Monarch replied, examining her fingernails, looking extremely cool and collected someone who was facing promises of dismemberment. “If you’re gonna threaten me, then maybe aim for something that’ll be more difficult to recover.” 
Another shockwave pounded against the doors from the other side. The entire room shook; you could feel the floor vibrating through your shoes for a long moment. 
Phantom’s voice hummed, shifting from ferocious anger to vicious mockery in a heartbeat. “Like those clones of yours?”
You craned your neck to glance at Monarch through the cage’s bars. You had to bite down a chuckle at the way she stiffened; if there was one thing you and Phantom had bonded over, it was the art of schadenfreude. 
“My clones are scattered across the multiverse,” Monarch contended. “It would take you at least six-thousand-nine-hundred years for you to find all of them!”
She let out an icy snicker that made your spine want to crawl its way out of your back and go somewhere a little more quiet. “ץ๏ย’гє คɭгєค๔ץ ђคɭŦ-รєภเɭє; รђ๏ยɭ๔ภ’Շ ๒є Շ๏๏ ɭ๏ภﻮ ๒єŦ๏гє ץ๏ย’гє คɭɭ Շђє ฬคץ Շђєгє.” 
“Oh, now you’re in for it,” you murmured. Though the speculation was mainly to yourself, you had no doubts that your captor could hear you.
An animalistic roar echoed through the walls, and the doors shook in their frame yet again. This time, the boom was accentuated by the undeniable call of something shattering. 
“𐍊 ꡕ𐌰𐌸 𐌱𐌴 𐐎𐌴ࠋࠋ-𐍈ⱱ𐌴𐍂 𐌰 𐨠𐌷𐍈𐍁Ⲋ𐌰𐍀Ɗ, 𐌱𐍁𐨠 𐍊 𐌰ꡕ 𐍀𐍈𐨠 Ⲋ𐌴𐍀𐍊ࠋ𐌴!”
The latest tremor lingered, not just fading away like the last two strikes. You subconsciously held onto the bars in a white-knuckled grip.
Phantom knew you were here; he wouldn’t make Monarch’s entire palace collapse if it meant the risk of you getting crushed in the rubble. Despite your trust in him, your instincts were on still fire now, screaming that the floor was absolutely going to cave in beneath you at any second.
Phantom spoke up again, dripping with surreal danger. “What about all the souls you’ve gathered? What if I set my sights on those, Moth? They aren’t exactly easy to replace. We both now that better than anyone.”
Monarch stood on her throne, her movement too fluid and quick to be natural. The entire lower-half of her face seemed to have eroded away. Smooth, human-esquse flesh had been replaced by the mandibles you’d seen earlier. They shuddered and snapped, making an odd, almost musical chittering noise.
And right above them. . .her eyes. . .
Her eyes had grown disturbingly wide, rolling around in her head as each of the hexagonal units adorning either of them reflected everything around her. You could see yourself in the corner of them. She was still watching you as much as she was watching Phantom through the doors. 
Her antennae now almost resembled crooked swords, twitching so violently that it was a wonder how her crown stayed in place. 
The lights of the room flickered, growing dark and insidious. The temperature automatically dropped through several degrees; goosebumps prickled over every square-inch of your skin. Your senses were so shocked by the change that you almost didn’t notice the awful chorus of stretching and tearing that coiled through the room. 
By the time you finally looked back at Monarch, you choked on air. 
Her fair skin and silvery locks had just finished practically ripping themselves apart to make way for. . .not bones, perse. An exoskeleton: a shining, jagged, horrific carapace that looked like it was molded from liquefied diamonds. 
The woman was gone.
An enormous insectoid monster stood in her place. 
It was like nothing you’d ever seen before (which was saying something, since you’d seen quite a lot thanks to your relationship with Phantom). 
As though you were looking at the impossible result of a mythical threesome between a primordial praying mantis, spider, and butterfly.  
Far, far too many long, spindly, dagger-like legs and clutching, serrated claws to count. 
At the center of them all was a glowing abdomen that trembled with every breath Monarch took. It ended in a glittering stinger that would make even the world’s sharpest harpoon look like a toothpick. 
Her mandibles were now large enough to easily decapitate you with one bite. Each time they moved, an otherworldly chittering rhythm leaked out.
Four billowing wings as vast and blue as a trench in the ocean, covered in organized lines of piercing eye-spots.
No. . .those weren’t spots. 
Honest-to-fucking-goodness eyes.
And they were still keeping some focus on you. 
Monarch snarled. Against all odds, her voice remained soft. When it mixed with that chittering, however, the sound felt like needles. “ץ๏ย ๔๏ภ'Շ ђคשє Շђє ภєгשє.”
And with that, the doors finally buckled, flying off their hinges to embed themselves in the walls. 
A haze of heat and terrifying energy swept into the room, followed an instant later by another abomination. 
Despite the anxiety prying at your ribs, you still managed to smile. You even felt butterflies in your stomach.
Phantom was here. He’d come to take you back home.
At first, he seemed to be a sentient, slow-moving tornado of smoke. With your personal experience, you knew that he was simply wearing that fog sort of like a cloak. 
As more and more of his true form rippled into the throne room, as all the smoke sliced around him, you could easily see the shapes of bones that all fit together to form a colossal serpentine skeleton. 
A vast array of organs writhed further inside the seemingly endless ribcage, glowing similarly to the embers at the bottom of a firepit. 
That glow had absolutely nothing on Phantom’s eyes, however. 
Then again, you weren’t sure if you could really call them eyes. 
The sockets in his triangle-shaped head emitted spiraling plumes of fire. Beneath them, a maw filled to the brim with serrated fangs; the largest ones dripped with luminescent venom that sizzled as it hit the marble floors. A long, forked black tongue flicked in and out between all those teeth like a party favor. 
So, in short: the richest, purest form of nightmare fuel for anyone with ophidiophobia. . .well, almost. Two arms (only two at the moment. You knew more could be summoned and then retracted at a second’s notice) jutted out from his sides, each ending in a clutch of five talons.
And there was something peculiar pinched between two of those talons. 
“𐨠𐍂𐌸 ꡕ𐌴,” Phantom hissed as he raised his arm to show it off. 
It was spherical in shape, almost looking like one of those pretty glass marbles that always seemed to be in antique stores for whatever reason. 
But you knew better. 
The longer you started at it, the more it seemed to bounce—no, to pulse in the air. It gleamed with a soft, warm, colorful light. A living light. 
That was someone’s soul. 
You’d seen Phantom handling souls before, but those all had been his (technically) legal property, having been signed over to him by his clients. 
Judging by the way Monarch screamed as Phantom tossed it for his other talons to catch, this one had to be part of her collection. 
“𐍊𐨠'Ⲋ 𐍂𐌴𐌰ࠋࠋ𐌸 Ⲋ𐍊ꡕƤࠋ𐌴, ꡕ𐍈𐨠𐌷. . .” Phantom put a little more pressure on the soul in his grasp. It responded via turning a darker shade, almost partially deflating like a smoker’s lung. “𐌸𐍈𐍁 𐨠𐌰𐌺𐌴 Ⲋ𐍈ꡕ𐌴𐨠𐌷𐍊𐍀𐌾 𐍆𐍂𐍈ꡕ ꡕ𐌴, 𐌰𐍀Ɗ 𐍊 𐨠𐌰𐌺𐌴 Ⲋ𐍈ꡕ𐌴𐨠𐌷𐍊𐍀𐌾 𐍆𐍂𐍈ꡕ 𐌸𐍈𐍁.”
Monarch bristled. For a brief, horrible moment, you worried that she would reach over and clamp the cage to crush it around you like a soda can. 
You’d heard stories of her power. As far as you knew, she was one of few beings strong enough to have a stalemate with Phantom. 
The two of them stared at one another for what felt like hours. 
“คภ๔ ץ๏ย คɭฬคץร รคץ ՇђคՇ ๏Շђєг קє๏קɭє ςคภ'Շ Շคкє ן๏кєร,” Monarch accused, clicking her mandibles. She then let out an acidic sigh. “Ŧเภє. ﻮเשє ՇђคՇ ๏ภє ๒คςк Շ๏ ๓є, คภ๔ ץ๏ย ςคภ ђคשє ץ๏ยгร.”
“𐍀𐍈,” Phantom snapped. “𐌸𐍈𐍁 𐌾𐍊ⱱ𐌴 𐨠𐌷𐌴ꡕ 𐌱𐌰ζ𐌺 𐍆𐍊𐍂Ⲋ𐨠.”
Monarch hissed, leaning back, tensing up.
“How about you both move at the same time?” You called out, having finally reclaimed your voice. 
Both of the crimes against nature swiveled their heads in your direction. One part of you instinctually wanted to curl into a ball. The other part stood firm. 
No matter how terrifying Phantom was, no matter how much of a psychological hurdle it always was for you to see him in his true form like this. . .you still knew that he cared about you. He just wanted to keep you safe, to have you stay by his side. Once you were with him again, everything would be fine. 
He and Monarch side-eyed each other. 
One of Monarch’s legs reached over, clutching at the door to the cage. Simultaneously, Phantom pushed his talons, the soul still in his grasp, toward his rival. 
Then, less than a second later, they moved in tandem. 
As Phantom passed that unfortunate soul back to its owner, there was suddenly a gaping hole in the middle of the bars. You sprinted out and across the throne room, just barely managing to not trip over that long blue carpet. 
Phantom met you halfway, one clutch of talons hovering behind you, gently pushing you to stand closer to him. He lowered his skull, angling it to keep his fangs away as you leaned against him, stretching your arms in an awkward attempt to hug him.
“Շђєгє, รєє? ՇђคՇ ฬครภ'Շ ร๏ ђคг๔,” Monarch piped back up. You didn’t look at her, but you could guess at the snide grin slowly-but-surely spreading over her mandibles. Was this part of the adrenaline rush, or. . .whatever she’d been after? “คɭฬคץร ฬเՇђ Շђє ๔гค๓คՇเςร.” 
“𐌸𐍈𐍁'𐍂𐌴 𐍈𐍀𐌴 𐨠𐍈 𐍆𐍁ζ𐌺𐍊𐍀𐌾  𐨠𐌰ࠋ𐌺,” Phantom growled, holding you closer. You could see his horrific excuse for a heart thrashing and shifting through various colors unlike any you’d ever seen on Earth. “𐍊'ꡕ 𐌾𐍈𐍀𐍀𐌰 𐍂𐌴ꡕ𐌴ꡕ𐌱𐌴𐍂 𐨠𐌷𐍊Ⲋ 𐐎𐌷𐌴𐍀 𐍈𐍁𐍂 𐍀𐌴𑀌𐨠 ꡕ𐌴𐌴𐨠𐍊𐍀𐌾 ζ𐍈ꡕ𐌴Ⲋ 𐌰𐍂𐍈𐍁𐍀Ɗ. ʝ𐍁Ⲋ𐨠  𐨠𐌷𐍊𐍀𐌺 𐌰𐌱𐍈𐍁𐨠 𐨠𐌷𐌰𐨠."
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20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged on this by @unexpectedstormy ! I wasn't sure whether I was supposed to respond like it was a chain or make my own post, so I just went for it
1. How many works do you have on A03?
Two. There will be more coming, because Blood Drops on Roses is just arc one of this story, and there's a lot of snippets for Prologue floating around.
Blood Drops on Roses: Linked Universe
BDOR Prologue: The Yiga and The Sheikah
2. What's your total A03 word count?
51,493 words since mid-August, when I finally got an account XD I've been a lurker for YEARS ya'll.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Linked Universe only, so far.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
See above XD I hope to get enough fics out there that I can sort my work like that, but for now it's just those two.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I respond as soon as I can, they are like crack to me. Maybe because I'm new to sharing my work or something, but I would die for each and every one of you that leaves even as much as a <3
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
NONE OF MY FICS ARE FINISHED YET AAAAAAAAAA. Arc 1's ending is going to be pretty angsty though.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm, I see that this questionnaire is not meant for me. There is a Prologue section "The Trap" that I'll be putting out soon through, its ending is pretty sweet I would say.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. I am afraid that it's gonna happen, but so far everyone has been so nice, so I hope not D:
9. Do you write smut?
Nah. Don't really read it either. Just not my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I mean unless you count LU as a crossover between all the Link's respective fandoms, no
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Gosh I hope not. How does one steal a fic?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. If I ever get good enough at Spanish, I would like to take a crack at translating my own fic once its all published, but it would probably be laughably terrible. Eh, practice is practice.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet. Hey @needfantasticstories, I think Clippy Wind and Pug Sky need to go on some adventures together, don't you?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Tbh I don't really ship. I do think Malon/Time and Legend/Ravio are cute though. I'm just not really interested in exploring the romantic side of stories, even in published literature.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Geez I hope that I finish all of Arc 2 at this point. But I may be too early into the game to answer this.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Heck if I know. I had someone say in my comment section that they liked how I characterize people, so we'll go with that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I write too much and probably in too much detail. Sometimes it would be better to say "They crossed the bridge and set up camp" but nooooooooooo lets add 7,000 words to this already bloated fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Italics. I was about to whip out my decade of Latin for part of this fic, but I decided against it because I'm pretentious but not that pretentious. Also because I still don't understand word order at ALL.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I have some fanfic from the dog series of Warrior Cats lurking somewhere that I wrote when I was like 12. Survivors, or something? I should probably go delete it, I'm sure it's trash. I'm scared to even look, it probably hasn't seen the light of day since I wrote it.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Well I've only got one big fic out right now so let's go with BDOR
@needfantasticstories and @somer-writes I'm kicking this your way.
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thestoriesthatweweave · 5 months
Omgg so glad you’re doing the wip ask game too! It’s hard to choose but I’m way too curious abt ”uncles of the year award” 👀😅 but if that was done already ”A Bridge of Ink” also sounds alluring~
Thank you!! I look forward to seeing your snippets :D I did "uncles of the year award" here already, but have an additional snippet:
Ouyang came into the room after the Third Prince had left. He looked at the soiled bathwater with an expression like he had smelled something foul, and said, "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" "Why," Baoxiang asked, "are you jealous? He does look a great deal like-" he broke himself off. The fragile peace their lives were built on rested on never mentioning Esen. He felt unmoored. He was never going to accept the drugs again, no matter how bad the pain got. The Third Prince's words kept echoing in his ears, and looking at Ouyang, Baoxiang thought, this will destroy him. The idea should have filled him with pleasurable, vicious anticipation, but all he felt instead was a sick dread.
A Bridge of Ink is the epilogue to the time travel AU. The title comes from the fact that I'm keeping a landmarks theme for the titles in this AU and from it being epistolary, and is also bit of a reference (if you squint) to the magpie bridge of Chinese mythology, which Esen also mentions in one of his letters:
We have been here for three months now. It is the double seventh festival today, and I find myself melancholic. How I wish for a magpie bridge to cross the divide between us!  In case you miss me too, I'll confess to a measure of foolishness you might find flattering, or at least amusing. There is only one man in this garrison worth a damn, a unit captain surnamed Jiang. He's clever, hard-working and has demonstrated impeccable taste by expressing admiration of your military victories during the founding of the Great Ming. Despite that, I have found he sets my teeth on edge, because he is precisely the sort of man you like: handsome, well-built and competent (I flatter myself with this last one). In short, I am terribly jealous of a man you've never met and will probably never meet. Just because he might get one appreciative glance of yours! But who can blame me, when I am so undeserving of you and when your appreciative glances are so precious? Every day I live in fear of you realizing how poor a bargain you have made in tying yourself to me.  (I can imagine your glare quite clearly! Don't worry, darling, I am quite secure in your love - or at least in your terrible taste. But feel free to reassure me at length of your continued and enduring affection! I'll be waiting.) 
WIP game here!
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velnat004 · 1 month
14 for an oc of your choice :D
Roman trevelyan is the safest pick among the rest of my DA ocs, never did he ever stopped living in my head. <3
I'm armed to the teeth Like a fucking animal Like a fucking animal I ruin everything I get my bony hands on Here we go now over the bridge of sighs We'll get a cross like Christ, crucified It's like a birth, but it is in reverse Never gets better, always gets worse I'll gnaw at anything New England is mine And it owes me a living Here we go now over the bridge of sighs We'll get a cross like Christ, crucified It's like a birth, but it is in reverse Never gets better, always gets worse Here we go now (Step one, step two) Over the bridge of sighs (Step three, step four) We'll get a cross like Christ, crucified (We fall through the floor) It's like a birth, but it is in reverse (Fall through the floor) Never gets better, always gets worse (Fall through the floor) One, two, fuck you! I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep I wanna feel, I wanna feel (x4) I wanna feel like I feel when I'm asleep Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!
"Everyone had something to say against me. 'Cruel, witch, tyrant'. But no one talked about what was done to me. No one talked about it."
thank u for the ask! :D
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dreamingofmuses · 6 months
New Year's Resolutions: RP Edition
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Howdy all, Ash here. I've been having a think while with family this week, and I've decided I'm going to implement some new 'resolutions' to try and help make writing in 2024 be way more successful than in 2023. This will include things from the running of blogs to jobs I really want to get finished. I'm putting them under a read-more to keep the dash nice and clean.
I will say, this has taken me an hour to write up, and I'd recommend you doing likewise if you think there's little ways you want to improve.
Overall Running of Blogs
I'm going to experiment a new approach to running the blogs. For this, I'm going to put all active blogs to low-medium activity. In other words, even if I am personally lurking on mobile, I won't be constantly writing things if I'm not able to. (Work is just about to get super busy and I'm anticipating chaos)
A queue/schedule function will be used for all blogs. I intend to dedicate one weekday evening to working without interruption on replies. Taking commutes to the city and family visits into account, this is looking to be a Thursday, which is the only day I am neither travelling to the city nor have a guaranteed family visit. Of course, this may fluctuate, but that's what I'm hoping to work with, assuming those things stay as they are.
However! What all this means is that I am going to tentatively take skullandbowties off hiatus. With that blog being quiet, it should be possible to juggle it better now. Plus, it's officially off-season so the demand for him from new blogs ought to be low. I'm very smart :D
I also plan to update all pinned posts. I am aware some of them are marking a vacation from months ago.
Individual Blog Maintenance
Create "New Here?" posts to add to the pinned posts/info tags. This is going to be a very quick crash course on what to expect from the blog, especially where some characters might diverge from fanon expectations.
FINISH. WILF'S. BIO. It's not actually relevant to anything being written on the blog itself at present, but I really want to flesh out his character and show that he was stuck in stories for years, decades even! The doc has the word count to 4,888 at this precise moment. This is a mix of summary and brainstorm. Since it's getting a 'little' out of hand, I intend to have a 'tldr' at the start that people can read, and then longer versions if they're curious to get the full story. Maybe even have it that they can jump to particular parts but... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Likewise, Noah's version of Space needs to be finished. This one is going to be a summary, but it's a case of making sure the pieces are in place sufficiently to have parts match canon Space, but also make it clear that there is a lot of differences between canon and what he went through, with his plot entirely spiralling away for 'Part 2'. This is at 5,794 words, and the ending has yet to be ironed out...
(I am going to stop creating needlessly long-winded projects for myself that realistically add nothing of value to my blogs. These two projects are exhausting...)
Theauthorlives is returning to a very small multimuse. Any muses that aren't ones I genuinely enjoy writing are being fully archived, unless they are muses that get no traction but I want to keep the possibility open. Details of that will be shared when I do this.
Redo some muse icons (not all of them!). Though the selection I have for particular sets is a lot, I still feel like I'm missing some expressions or poses. I would like to remake one batch of icons for three characters, and finish iconning a third. Replies seem to be shifting toward iconless, but I like them for asks or IC commentaries.
OOC/Mun Related stuff
Following matters that have happened both online and IRL, I've decided to take a step back from actively engaging with people. My focus will be people that I have been in good communication with for the last twelve months (as well as people I don't talk to frequently but am on friendly terms with) rather than people I feel I have to 'chase' after. Saying that, I'm going to try and not let past experiences meddle with anything in with new writing partners - whether these are brand new to the community or people I've not had the chance to properly interact with prior to this. Just be aware that I might not be super outgoing at first. (This is where setting limits and boundaries is good practice, everyone! Don't sell yourself short, and don't spread yourself out too thinly!)
Which is where I now say I want to send even more asks! Not just memes or sentence starters, but general questions about headcanons or muse opinions. I want to get people thinking more.
My stance on Discord still stands, in that it's solely for OOC stuff, but I'm not giving it out to everyone. However, I have been in two group servers that have little-to-no connection with writing rp threads in them. I would hope that I can fully regain my sense of comfort using Discord as a whole.
Art related
Despite socially stepping back, I still want to keep some semblance of 'community' where my blogs are active so people don't feel isolated. For instance, I want to do something that encourages invasions of ask boxes. That was good fun to watch as the chaos began to spread, and when people are good-humoured to go along with my silly ideas.
I want to have one huge art-related event at some point this year. I'm not entirely what or how to do it, but I think it would be a great excuse to practice something. Portraits, comics, something like that. I'll have a think. (For those who remember, the water gun event was supposed to have an art conclusion but plans for that fell through.)
I want to try and upload drawn responses to heythereneighbor once a week if I can. Obviously, this is depending on how busy it is.
I'd also like to try doodling more on other blogs? But I'm not sure if this is even something people want to see anymore. People might prefer I focus on writing if I have free time instead of doodles or little comics.
... the writing blog. I need to do stuff with that in general. Whoops.
Finally, I want to do what I can to the best of my abilities on a particular day. I've always told people over the years that real life comes before rp, and I still stand by that. Whether I'm around or not every day isn't the end of the world. The communities I write in are a lot slower paced than they were when I started, which is great! I need to remind myself that I don't need to be writing just because I have a bit of free time.
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salubriousbean · 2 months
(Spoilers below the cut)(very disorganized because I spewed this all out and then immediately went to bed bc it's late)
AND ADULT OMEGA??!!!!!!!!!!! WITH THE REBELLION??!!! Okay but seriously her outfit tho like I desperately want that jacket, and her hair is so cute! And Hunter's bandana! AND GONKY! AND LULA! AND TECH'S GOGGLES! Oh you can bet imma be drawing a lot of omega over the next few months (or at least trying to every so often)
Okay anyways let's rewind a bit (these are all out of order) BUT LIKE CROSS'S HAND?? THAT CX WAS RUTHLESS OHMYGOSHH
Though, I did wonder why she didn't just make herself dead weight instead of running with Hemlock to the bridge. It would have slowed him down a lot more but maybe Scorch wouldn't let her (or I just didn't see, I know I missed some details).
SPEAKING OF DETAILS I MISSED, EVA TIED THE PRISON-LULA TO HER BACK??? Thanks for filling in the gaps tumblr lol
Also, I wonder how they made the Zillo's screeching bc I swear that was on another level like what the heeeck
Also I'm sad we didn't get to find out who CX-2 was, or if it was just another random clone (whoever he was he was kickbutt tho). And ngl the whole time Echo was talking to the prisoners (!!dramatic clone speech!! Like fives's speeches!!) I was peering for any sign of Dogma's tattoo
Also Hemlock, isn't that gas like a war crime or something? And the prisoner torture thing? I haven't read much of the Geneva Conventions but I'm pretty sure that's against international laws (well at least on Earth, you'd hope in the galaxy far far away as well)
And I love her convo with Echo, about being free
That reminds me, the line "Clone Force 99 died with Tech" is so sad 😢
Gosh the voice acting is so good dsfjavlkakgsslsdgldgksdltdys
Also (sorry I'm using that word a lot lol) I totally though older Omega was Phee when she was going into the cave for some reason or like Phee with a different hairstyle BUT I LOVE OMEGA SO MUCH SHES SO STRONG AND UMM I ALREADY WANT HER ADVENTURES IN THE REBELLION
I'm so glad none of the batch died in that attack (but also their accelerated aging makes me so sad). Also I love how Hunter offers their help to Omega even though they're not in the physical condition they used to be. He's so loyal, they're all so loyal to each other. That's not a weakness (glares at Hemlock). I love the loyalty of the clones, built in shared experiences and trials.
Okay my typings getting worse so I'll maybe return tomorrow with more thoughts
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