#I'm so so so sorry
lorena12me · 1 year
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Nothing like having someone to wake up with every morning and share… your kitties quilt.
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ageremoji · 1 year
Hey, hi doing alright?
Worried ab u <3/p
Hello, Hello, thanks for the concern. Im going to be honest, I haven't been feeling my best self lately. And motivation has been at an all time low. I do apologize to everyone for the neglected of requests. I've just needed a lot more time to get myself together then I thought I needed. And it's been way too long. Emoji's are being worked on, and so is my mental health! I should be posting again soon. And again, big, big apologies for such a long wait! I really appreciate everyone's patience, and I couldn't be more grateful.
Reminder that I am also working on an agere discord server, I'm nowhere near done yet, but it's being worked on! 😅
Hope all of you are doing well, taking care of yourself, and hanging in there. Thank you guys so much for all of the love and support twords me! Know that I'm very grateful to have all of you guys in my life, Whether I know it is being the screens or not. I love all of ya'! <3
Happy late New Years and happy holidays!
And here's a little somethin' somethin' while you guys wait for requested to be done! <3
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0lympian-c0uncil · 10 months
Thanatos: What are you talking about Persephone? You love it here!
Persephone: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome.
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adamsmasher · 11 months
Tops when I yell at them for pulling out
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 1 year
Ok I'll write the Donkey Kong x Mario fics myself. It's not going to be good though. This is also really fukin long I apologize in advance. I wanted to make a joke about riding pipe but I won't. I could, and it would be hilarious, but I won't.
On off days when they aren't trying new obstacle courses that the princess Peach made or answering emergency house calls, Mario would be exploring. The mushroom kingdom was vast and spectacular. Even in the Jungle every corner was a new sight, a new creature to meet or fight. Bowser had relaxed a lot and now his abduction of the Princess was few and far between, more political than romantic. The Toads have gotten braver. Learning how to defend their home wasn't easy. They relied on a steady, easy life; but agreed it would be best for any emergencies. It kept Mario busy too. Luigi would be off clearing areas that had rumored ghosts, though Mario knew it was an excuse to see Bowser. He shuddered. What his brother saw in that guy was beyond him. Although, he paused, when his brother found out about his teeny Itty-bitty miniscule really, crush on Donkey Kong he would never drop it. Always sending amused looks whenever Mario came up with an excuse to race or he "needed" a new kart. A race! That's what he needed. Just a rush to escape the cobwebs in his head. Doubling back to the city to find the pipe, he really thought about it. Peach made sense right? I mean not really. He was a plumber and she was the Princess of an actual genuine kingdom. Although his brother was seeing a king so maybe not. But Donkey Kong was funny. And nothing phased him. Even when he lost most fights against Mario, he took it as a learning opportunity instead of an insult. His people loved him effortlessly. He was smart and driven. Mario sighed, leaning on a wall in front of the pipe to the Jungle Kingdom. Would it be weird to show up? Would he be normal talking to the guy he had a crush on? He had a crush on a gorilla that played go karts, what was he thinking. There was nothing normal about this. He took a step forward and accidentally triggered the pipe and before he knew it, he was on his way. A minute later he tumbled in to lush grass and took a deep breath. He really needed to learn how to use those better. Mario stood and brushed off his overalls. Rhythmic thumping was headed his way and Mario looked around desperately for a power up box. Donkey Kong came out from the deep and rushed in front of Mario. "Hey what are you doing here?" He smiled and bumped his shoulder. Mario smiled and rubbed his now aching shoulder. "Can we talk? I need to tell you something."
Fucking idk man, two heartfelt confessions later they were raw dogging it in the forest and Mario got dick drunk. They did it every few days cause Mario is like half his size and he's now 100% a size queen. I'm not writing that but that's where this was going.
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ladyzamos · 1 year
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Quick and dirty thumbnail for Dethentine’s Day 4. I didn’t use any references and I didn’t have a lot of time to clean it up. Please don’t mention Toki’s too long forearm or I might cry. I do intend to do all of Dethentine’s (at some point this year). I will revisit this piece, also, and make it actually presentable for all the Toki/Skwisgaar fans out there. I’m very sorry for this pathetic offering. Please don’t hurt me.
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bigassbowlingballhead · 4 months
you and some other people posting about buddie inspired me to check it out… i love the fic and yt clips/montages of buddie moments but am not sure what to watch of the show since there’s so many seasons. did you watch specific seasons or anything? (also are there any super heteronormative seasons to avoid? i will mostly be watching for the gay 👀)
I'm so sorry.
I've watched the whole thing, a few times since July. it took over every space in my brain that wasn't rwrb related. if it's not alex and henry, it's buck and eddie. (keeping it in the family, eddie and alex are cousin, i will not be swayed from this)
if you're watching for the gay, season one is moot. there's no eddie there. It's a fine season, buck's a slut. it's fine.
Season 2/3 have some of the best buddie buildup, I'm fondest of season of the season 2 moments, buuuuuuuut the whole thing is kind of hetero-normative as (spoilers) Eddie is married to Christopher's mother. and Buck has this on-again-off-again thing with fiery redheaded news reporter Taylor Kelly.
I do recommend watching the whole thing, it puts everything in context and somehow makes Buddie even more insane than just how people talk about it here.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
My followers who thought I finally ran out of purple jokes when they saw Félix's new purple costume:
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sinfpolls · 1 year
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ox1-lovesick · 1 year
Recently I've noticed creators on here (specifically oc creators) speaking up about and calling out other creators for racebending, and after looking deeper into it I came to the realisation that I have made this exact mistake myself with one of the characters for my beomgyu smau. By definition, racebending is to play the role of, or cast someone in the role of, a character of a different race or ethnicity, and that is exactly what I did with one of the ocs I created for the story (Ria) who is supposed to be japanese yet has a face claim of a fully korean idol (Han Eunji). It was never my intention to offend anyone as I wasn't aware of this before, but my ignorance is not an excuse as I could've easily looked deeper into things but didn't. I take full accountability and apologise profoundly to those I have hurt. I'm not east asian, and have never experienced this kind of thing first hand, but I know how horrible it feels to be stereotyped and generalized, and I would never want to knowingly contribute to that pain. This wasn't brought to my attention directly so I wasn't able to correct this sooner but I thank the lovely people who've taken the time to educate others on their wrongdoings, and in the process help me realise my mistake as well. The masterlist and profiles have been privated for now while I'm still editing and revamping it, trying to find any flaws it may have before I post it again, but I didn't want to delay this until then. Once again I am so sorry for this and I apologize to those offended. I will do my best to educate myself and avoid doing something like this again, as well as being more mindful of what I do and say in the future. Thank you
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cam-ryt · 2 years
@malectober day 6.
Day 6 : Church
Warnings : I have no excuse. Don't hate me too much. Mention of death.
Magnus never thought he would have entered a church twice in his life. It was supposed to be just one, the day he married Alexander.
But there he was, once again. For Alec. He only wished it was on different circumstances.
Rafael and Max were holding him tightly, as they were afraid he would crumble at any moment. It was not a bad idea though, he felt like he could collapse anytime.
He had spent the last few days in a kind of thick fog, preventing him from feeling anything. His children had been invaluable in helping with the paperwork and the ceremony. Of course, Jace, Izzy and Clary had been there all along to support them and help them organise everything. He had just gone with the flow, unable to think and even more to make decisions.
Everything had been so sudden. One day they were planning they're thirtieth wedding anniversary and the following day, Alec was gone. Just like that. And yet the world had not stopped turning. Magnus felt it was unfair, as his own had just fallen apart.
He knew that this could happen. Of course he knew. He thought he was prepared for it. All his life he had feared for Alec's. That was part of being a shadowhunter. He knew that. Of course he did. But that didn't take away the shock and pain. Perhaps because after so many years, he had become used to seeing Alec come home safe every night. Maybe because whenever things had gone wrong, he had been there to take care of him. Maybe because his husband had made the promise that he would never ever abandon him. Maybe because even when he'd nearly lost him, he'd found a way to bring him back. But not this time.
He had felt angry, once the shock had passed. Alec had promised to grow old by his side until the very end. It was to early. 53 was no age to die. They were supposed to spend so many more years together. He knew it wasn't his huband's fault, but he couldn't help but resent him. Catarina had said it was normal, it was one of the stages of grief. But he didn't want to grieve. He had not finished loving him. He wanted more time. He wanted him harder, longer. He wanted his Alexander.
« Magnus. Izzy had put a hand on his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. Are you ready... ? »
He was not. He would never be ready to let Alec go. However he had no choice.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Rafael give his brother a worried look. His two big boys had been his pillars throughout this nightmare. Rafael had immediately left the Buenos Air Institute when he heard the news, even though his wife was just weeks away from giving birth to their second child. Max had taken a portal from London and joined Magnus at the loft, arriving only minutes after his brother. They had not left him once since. He didn't know what he would have done without them.
He approached the altar where him husband's body lay, the same altar that had witnessed their union thirty years earlier, a single thought occupying his mind like a mantra.
I can't do that.
And then.
I'm gonna die.
He really thought he would. The day he'd felt something was wrong trough his wedding ring. He'd known even before Jace came knocking on the door. That day he thought he would die. A part of him did. But he was still standing, he didn't know by which miracle.
He was still standing, there, right in front of Alec's body. And while everything was blurred around him, he found himself noticing stupid, tiny details about his husband. Only his face and hands were visible on the white sheet that hid his body. He noticed the small scar on his jaw, where he had cut himself shaving a few days before. One of his salt-and-pepper locks fell back in front of his eyes, and he instinctively pushed it back behind his ear. He still wore his wedding ring, of course. His fingernails still had a little dirt under them. Why hadn't anyone taken care of that ? That observation made him suddenly angry, and awfully sad. He knew it was an absurd thing to be angry for, but he couldn't help himself. He didn't know why this specific detail was the last straw, but it was at that moment that he snapped.
He fell to his knees on the hard floor with a heartbreaking cry, the dam that had held back his emotions for days breaking under the weight of the cruel realisation that Alec would never get up again.
He felt as if his whole body was collapsing on itself as he gasped for air. But each sob was more painful than the last as his throat constricted and his lungs contracted erratically. He barely heard his sons rush towards him. He felt pairs of arms around him and familiar voices, murmuring words that made no sense.
« Breath, bapak. Please. »
He couldn't breath. Not anymore. Not ever again. Not without Alec.
The ceremony had not yet begun and he felt unable to attend. Hearing people talk about Alec was beyond him. He couldn't. He didn't have the strength.
His sons had decided otherwise. They could have the strength for him, even though they themselves had just lost their dad.
"Bapak, I know it seems impossible right now, but you have to be here, or you'll blame yourself for the rest of your life."
Rafael had always been the voice of reason, and he knew he was right. So he had stayed for his boys. They were grown-up now. Raf was 37 and Max was 35. They both had their life. They both had jobs and responsabilities. They were both devastated by the sudden death of their father. Just like him. So he had to stay, at least for them.
He had barely listened to Brother Zacharia's words. He felt as if his head was about to explode. He had caught a few words like "brave soldier", "forward-thinking inquisitor", "faithful shadowhunter", "loved by all". He wanted to sweep all those words away. Alec was more than that. So much more than that.
He was not just a shadowhunter devoted to his cause. He was an incredibly loving and surprising husband, an extraordinary father. The most loyal and kind person he had ever met. A person with so much love to give. A person who fought for what he believed was right, a person who changed the law for him, out of love, and paved the way for everyone else. He was so much more. He was a billion little things that made Magnus fell harder for him everyday, even after thirty years of marriage. It would not take enough of a lifetime to describe what made Alec the extraordinary human being he was.
Then it was the turn of their closest friends and family to say a few words. Jace was crying during his entire speech. The loss of his parabatai was an incredibly hard and painful experience from which he had difficulty recovering. He would probably never really get over it. It was probably selfish, but Magnus found it comforting to be able to share his pain with someone who understood what it felt like physically.
Then it was his turn. He didn't want to go. He didn't know what to say. He had so much to say.
He felt two hands slip into his, squeezing them tightly.
« We stay with you, bapak. »
Max was staring at him with more confidence than Magnus would ever have after that day.
So he returned to the altar, to his beloved husband, and took his hand in his. He placed his fingers on Alec wedding ring, tenderly caressing the metal polished by the years. So many years by his side and yet so little compared to what they still had to live for.
« I... He began, his throat tight. I love you, Alexander. I always will.  You always told me that even death would never separate us and that you would continue to find me in our other lives. I want you to know that you have always been and will always be the only one for me. I will find you, no matter what. I will always find you. »
He brought his hand to his mouth and kissed him gently, looking at his pale face.
"Aku cinta kamu." He whispered as the tears began to flow again. Had they at least stopped ?
It was so painful to see him like that. So... Lifeless. To know that he would never look at him again, that he would never smile at him again, that he would never kiss him again, nor hold him in his arms. That he would never know his granddaughter.
He wondered if the pain would eventually subside a little. Probably not. It was the counterpart of such intense love.
For the moment he just had to survive.
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0lympian-c0uncil · 2 years
Hecate: Finally I found you Dem-
Hecate,*noticing Demeter's tight black shirt with a revealing boob window*: PUT THOSE GRIPPERS AWAY!!
Hera: Hey I mean what the fuck is happening- *notices aswell* Oh My God! Those dogs are BARKING!!
Demeter: ...
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lolregulus · 2 years
Jegulus Instagram 400 followers Special
“James move. I have to do this.” Regulus said flatly, trying to get past James who was blocking the front door. They had been arguing about this for at least the past 30 minutes.
“No- you don’t we can- we can figure something out just please don't go…it’s dangerous” James replied frantically. He couldn’t lose Regulus. Especially when he could have possibly stopped it from happening. 
Reg sighed, looking into James’ eyes. He hated seeing him this worried, but he had to go. Even though he knew the odds of him coming back weren't very high. “I’ll be fine. I’ve already caused a lot of trouble…just let me have this. I’ll come back I promise.”  
“Just…at least let me go with you.” James knew what the answer would be already, but he couldn't just let Regulus go. “I just want to make sure you stay safe, I promise I’ll stay out of your way…” He pleaded, placing his shaky hands on Regulus’ shoulders. 
“No. I have to go alone.” Regulus replied, pushing James out of the way. He made his way over to the door and opened it, before turning back to look at the other. “I love you.” He said, giving James a sad smile before heading off into the night. 
James stood there alone, a tear making its way down his face. Regulus never did come home.
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sora227 · 1 year
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it's so low quality it's funny
i have terrible editing skills.
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ay ay, I'm that anon that tried to lighten up the mood, no, I'm not the same anon that got mad at you for the whole aging up thing, I'm a completely different person. The particular anon that got mad at you was the one I was appalled by. Please dont confuse me with that guy again 😭
I'm so so sorry anon, I should've taken the time to re-read and notice you weren't the same person!
Is there anyway I could make it up to you for the confusion?
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