sleepy-steve · 9 months
ok fine maybe i am returning to this place.
here’s some things i’m into these days:
- obey me
- bg3
- hq!! (still let’s be real)
- steddie (this one is new)
- totk
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chelseachilly · 7 months
do you want to build a snowman?
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pairing: reader x ben chilwell request: "ok so you and ben have a daughter around 3 or 4 and its her first time seeing snow so they take her outside to build a snowman :)" - anonymous warnings: fluffff, dad!ben word count: 2k
author’s note: thanks for all the requests!! i'm really getting in the flow of writing rn (and inspired by the holidays) so i'm going to do my best to write as many of them as i can! ❄️
“Is Daddy gonna be home soon?”
It’s not the first - or the second, or the fifth - time your daughter has asked this question since she woke up this morning. 
Ben left for training shortly before 8, and neither you nor your daughter Sophie were awake yet. You could’ve happily slept a few more hours, but Sophie woke you up not long after to excitedly announce that it had snowed overnight.
In her four years of life, your daughter has never seen a significant amount of snow, at least that she can recall. It snowed quite a bit on her first Christmas, but she was far too little to remember that, and since then there’s been nothing but a few flurries here and there or a light dusting on the rooftops.
She’s quite fascinated by the concept from watching movies and TV shows featuring winter activities and is currently deep in a Frozen phase, which means she’s obsessed with the idea of building a snowman. 
Over the past month as the weather got colder, you and Ben had tried to keep her expectations low as you weren’t sure you would get enough snow to make this dream a reality. You could tell it was killing Ben to disappoint her - he hates denying his little girl anything - and a few nights ago you caught him looking into booking a holiday to Switzerland or Finland or anywhere she would be guaranteed some snow.
Thankfully, today her prayers were answered, and you were fully prepared to bundle up and go outside with her before you even had your coffee, but she insisted on waiting for Ben. It was their plan to build the snowman together, Sophie told you, and she stuck to her decision even when you reminded her he wouldn’t be home for hours.
It‘s been pretty adorable watching her anxiously await her dad’s return all morning, pacing around the house and checking for his car in the driveway often. You can tell how badly she wants to go out and play in the glistening white snow, and the remarkable restraint she’s showing is a testament to how much of a daddy’s girl she is. 
“Not too much longer, sweetheart,” you assure her as you beckon her to come cuddle with you on the couch where you’re doing a bit of work on your laptop. “He texted a while ago and said he’ll be here as soon as he can.”
“Alright,” Sophie sighs. “Can you put on Frozen?”
You’ve watched this movie more times than you can count lately, and once already today, but you remind yourself that you signed up for this when you chose to be a parent as you’re queuing up Disney Plus once again. 
Later, when you’re nearing the end of the film and you’ve given up on doing any more work as long as your daughter is screaming the lyrics to each song, you hear the sound of the front door opening and closing. 
The movie is quickly abandoned as Sophie darts toward the foyer to greet Ben. You’re not too far behind her, though by the time you reach them she’s already in her dad’s arms.
“Daddy, it snowed!” Sophie exclaims, her little arms wrapped around Ben’s neck. “We have to build a snowman!”
“I know, darling,” Ben laughs, giving Sophie another squeeze before gently setting her down. “Why don’t you go get your coat on while I say hello to Mummy?”
Sophie nods and eagerly runs toward the closet to fetch her winter coat. As Ben drops his bag and makes his way over to you, you can see how tired he is from training. When he cups your face to give you a kiss, you can tell he’s also freezing. 
“How was training, baby?” you murmur, placing your hands on his to warm them up. 
“Cold,” Ben sighs. “Forgot how brutal it is training in the snow. I’m glad the gaffer let us go home early, though.”
“You and me both,” you smile, leaning in to kiss him again. “Maybe you should warm up a bit before going out to play with Soph?”
“No, she’s been waiting for me all day,” Ben says. “I’ll be fine.”
You know there’s no changing his mind, especially when Sophie comes running back into the room in her adorable little puffer jacket that nearly swallows her whole. You help her zip it up and grab mittens, a scarf and a hat to keep her warm, as well as some for you and Ben. 
Once you’re all ready to face the cold, you head out to the garden together. You and Ben have matching grins on your faces as you watch Sophie excitedly run through the snow for the first time, a core childhood memory being created right before your eyes. 
She gets to work right away on her snowman, rolling the snowball she’s formed as long as she can before it gets too heavy for her and she has to accept Ben’s help. 
You join in on their efforts, occasionally taking a break to take some photos of your daughter and husband that you already know are going to be your new phone background.
After some hard work - certainly for a four year old - the snowman is completed with a carrot nose and hat that you had prepared just for this occasion. 
“He looks great, Sophie!” you exclaim. “What’s his name? Olaf?”
Despite it being a fairly safe guess, Sophie looks at you like you have two heads.
“No, Mummy, Olaf doesn’t have a hat,” she reminds you very matter-of-factly. “His name is Tom.”
“Like Uncle Tom?” Ben chuckles, referring to his best friend and her godfather.
Sophie seems to contemplate this for a moment before shaking her head.
“No, because I want him to be Tom.”
You and Ben look at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. You both blame your daughter’s stubbornness on each other, though deep down you know it’s from both of you, but at times like this it’s both hilarious and adorable. 
“Fair enough, sweetie,” you say, bending down to give her a kiss on the forehead. “Now, I think some hot chocolate is in order. Ready to go in?”
“No, we have to make snow angels!”
Of course, this was another activity she had seen in films that she was dying to try for herself. 
“Alright,” you chuckle. “Why don’t we make snow angels while Daddy goes and warms up? He’s been out in the snow all day.”
The pout on Sophie’s face quickly tells you that she is not happy with this plan, and Ben swoops in before you can say anything else.
“I think I have a few snow angels left in me,” he smiles, picking Sophie up and balancing her on his hip. “Babe, can you start the hot chocolate while we finish up here?”
You raise an eyebrow at your husband but accept his proposal nonetheless, placing a quick kiss on both his and Sophie’s cheeks before heading inside. 
As you’re warming up the milk on the stovetop, you look out the window where Ben and Sophie are still playing, her excited giggles loud enough that you can hear her through the windowpane. 
Your heart is threatening to burst from the sweet scene, overflowing with love for your daughter and admiration for your amazing husband. No matter how tired he is from training, if he’s upset about a loss or injured or anything else, he always steps up for Sophie. You’ve known since you met him that he would be a great dad, but ever since you became parents, he’s continued to exceed your expectations.
Just as you’re pouring three steaming mugs of hot chocolate, you hear your family come in through the back door and begin to strip off their winter gear. 
To your delight, Sophie runs straight into the kitchen and hugs you tightly.
“I made five snow angels!” she exclaims as you run your hand up and down her back in an effort to warm her up. “Daddy made some big ones, too.”
“That’s amazing, love,” you smile, kissing her head. “You want some hot chocolate?”
“Yes! Can I put the marshmallows in?”
“Of course,” you say, lifting her up onto the counter and passing her the bag of mini marshmallows.
As much as she’s a daddy’s girl at heart, you also get your fair share of moments when your daughter seems to only want her mother. You know how special her bond is with Ben, and you really can’t blame her for how much she loves spending time with him, but you still cherish the little things that just for the two of you - making hot chocolate with extra marshmallows being one of them. 
You carry the tray of drinks into the living room with Sophie trailing behind, and find Ben already there getting the fireplace going and arranging some pillows and blankets.
“This looks cozy,” you smile, setting the drinks down and sitting on the floor across from him, Sophie following your lead. “Thanks, honey.”
“Thanks for making the hot chocolate, my loves,” Ben responds, glancing over at the tray that holds two regular Christmas mugs and one with the Frozen characters on it. He picks that one up and pretends to take a sip. “I assume this one is mine?”
“No, Daddy, that’s mine!” Sophie squeals, making both you and Ben laugh as he carefully passes it back to her. 
You all sip your drinks in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth of the sweet beverages and the burning fire. 
“So, did you enjoy your first snow, Soph?” Ben asks. “Was it everything you hoped?”
“It was amazing!” Sophie confirms. “Thank you for playing, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome, angel,” Ben says with a soft smile as Sophie climbs into his lap and he kisses her rosy cheeks. 
It’s not long before she drifts off to sleep, tuckered out from playing in the snow and comforted by her dad’s embrace and the sound of you and Ben quietly talking about your days. 
Once she’s fully passed out, Ben carefully shifts her tiny frame over in his arms to make room for you on his other side and beckons you over. With him laying back against the sofa and you now laying against his chest, both of you watching your daughter sleep peacefully, you’re not sure you’ve ever felt more content. 
“That little girl absolutely adores you,” you comment, nuzzling further into Ben’s warmth.
“She must get that from her mum, then,” Ben jokes, making you roll your eyes for a moment before kissing his jaw, then his cheek.
“Mhm,” you nod, smiling as you reach his lips and kiss him slowly. 
When you pull back, Ben gazes lovingly at you for a moment before his eyes return to Sophie, her little hand curling around the material of his hoodie in her sleep.
“Babe?” Ben murmurs, and you nod again. “How would you feel about trying for another one?”
It takes everything in you not to betray yourself with a grin as you think about the tiny Christmas onesie and pregnancy test you boxed up and placed under the tree yesterday while Ben was picking Sophie up from daycare. 
It’s less than a week until Christmas - you can make it that long. 
“Let’s talk about it after the holidays?” you say for now, pressing another kiss to Ben’s lips. 
He nods with a smile, though you can see his mind wandering with thoughts of another little one to play in the snow and curl up by the fire and watching the same movies over and over with. 
It’s been the greatest joy of your life raising Sophie side by side with him, and you absolutely can’t wait to do it all again. 
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moralesluvr · 1 year
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♡ pairings & aus : fem!reader x spencer reid
♡ summary: after jj plans a cabin trip for a group getaway, you unexpectedly have to share a cabin with spencer reid (who you aren't exactly very fond of), leading to a night of surprises and confessions.
♡ warnings: fluff, stupid spencer being mean, pining, two characters being hopelessly in love yet oblivious
♡ a/n: well HELLO!!!! its been like what....five months since i've written? crazy, i know! anyways i wanted to start writing for my darlings in the bau so here's a new fic! i hope you enjoy <;3
♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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You'd like to say that you were a nice person. You got along with everyone, and you were always cordial to those that you weren't exactly close with, or even friends with, for that matter. However, this rule applies to everyone except one person- that person being Spencer Reid. 
You didn't exactly hate him- no, never, but the two of you were always butting heads. He was witty and often had to make a smart  or stupid comment about everything, even when the circumstances were far from humorous, and you knew he did it just to annoy you. The both of you had worked in the BAU together for years, and he was tolerable as long as the both of you were in the field, totally focused in on the task at hand. But any other time? Gosh, he could really be annoying.
JJ was one of your best friends from the BAU, and she had recently planned a camping trip for everyone to go on- just to get away for a little bit. And of course, despite you knowing that Spencer was definitely going to be there, you accepted the invite and began packing your bags.
It was Sunday, and you'd be staying for four days, so you packed one extra of everything, just to be careful. You grabbed your keys and other necessities and got into your car, typing the address into your GPS and cutting the radio on.
You're happily jamming out to your shuffled playlist when JJ's contact name flashes against your radio screen, and you click answer as you smile, "Hey, JJ! What's up?"
"Don't kill me," she starts, and that immediately starts to worry you. You sigh as she finishes her sentence, and you can hear the sincerity in her voice, "So...I accidentally under booked the cabins. There was supposed to be one for each person, but we're one short so..."
Your lips immediately flatten out as you sigh, "Please don't tell me I have to share with you know who."
JJ pouts on the other side of the line. "I'm sorry, I really am. He's not that bad-"
"Jen! He is terrible!" You protest, your GPS telling you that you're twenty five minutes away. "He's so annoying and he's always making fun of me."
"I know, love, I really am sorry. Do you think you can you deal for just four days?"
You give her a groan, but you know you can do it, so you agree to room with him. JJ claps on the other side of the phone and you can practically hear her smile in her voice, "I owe you one, Y/N! I love you!"
"Love you too," you grumble, clicking the red decline button as you turn your radio back up. Would it really be that bad to room with Spencer? Who knows, maybe the two of you might get along? He was kind of cute...
You shake your head to get rid of your absurd thoughts. He was your co-worker and your literal insufferable, built-in nemesis, plus, he was a couple years older than you- which was embarrassing, because you were way more mature than him. 
Almost thirty minutes pass until you pull into the lots of the cabins, the private residence beautifully decorated with vanilla colored decor and a bunch of land and activities set up outside. You spot Penelope and Emily roasting marshmallows by a bonfire, and you immediately get out of your car and lock it, joining them. Emily immediately jumps up to hug you, "Y/N! Hi!"
Penelope hugs you from the other side and you smile against them both, "Hello my loves!"
The three of you sit down and occupy yourselves with busy conversation until you hear a familiar voice, the same annoying, excruciating one that you hate.
He's being a usual chatterbox, talking Morgan's ear off, and you're glad that he doesn't spot you. A couple of more cars pull up and you assume that they're JJ, Hotch, and Rossi. You feel a pair of arms come at your waist and you instantly recognize your best friend, "JJ!"
She hugs you and you hug her back, your eyelashes fluttering as you smile. "Missed you."
You're catching up with a lot of the team members, and everyone gathers around the fire as they make themselves snacks and s'mores. You feel a presence next to you and you're awfully confused until you look over, and your jaw immediately clenches.
"Don't even think about it." You hiss at Spencer, who just gives you a warm smile, "Think about what?"
He's playing dumb, and you give it twenty minutes before he starts acting a fool.
And you were right. He's just talking away and making jokes and they would've been funny if all of them weren't about you. He loved to pick on you for a reason that you could never quite fathom, and it was starting to get a little bothersome. Everyone's laughing, though, and some of the jokes make your lips curl upwards until he makes one that you wish you didn't hear. Somehow, the topic of respect was brought up, and Spencer had said that the only reason people respected you was because you could never "look down" on anyone. And at first, you didn't get the joke, until you realized it was about your height.
You rose up from the log that you were sitting on and pushed the door open to your cabin, throwing yourself on the bed as a tear slipped from your eyes. It wasn't anything to cry about- maybe you were just being sensitive, but you had enough of his stupid jokes that were always targeted against you. You silently let the tears fall until you heard the door swing open, and you immediately dry your eyes. You look over to see who it is, and you nearly cry when you realize it's Spencer.
"I'm sorry," he starts, and for the first time, he actually sounds sincere. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I just thought we had that kind of relationship where we could make fun of each other."
Now you feel bad. Not because you're crying or because you're hurt, but because maybe- just maybe, you had gotten Spencer and your relationship with him all wrong. He notices that you're crying and his eyes soften, "Y/N, please say something."
"I'm fine," you wave it off, "It's okay. I'm just gonna get ready for bed."
You grab your belongings and walk into the bathroom, where you shower and slip on a pair of yellow pajamas. You tie up your hair in a ponytail and pad out back to the king-sized bed, and you groaned lightly when you realized that you'd have to share it with Spencer tonight. After his joke, you weren't sure if you wanted to even see him.
He's already in bed, and his hair is wet- so you assume that he took a shower at another one of the boys' cabin. He's reading, his glasses laying on the tip of his nose while his book rests in his lap. He's shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of fuzzy socks and green sweatpants, and he actually looks kind of...cute.
Pull it together, Y/N.
You climb in on the other side and roll over, climbing underneath the covers and turning the lamp off.
"Good night, Y/N." Spencer says, turning his own lamp off and setting his glasses on the night stand as he sinks into the peeled sheets of the bed.
"Night..." you murmur, but you can't sleep. It's too cold and you're too lazy to get out of bed to turn on the heater, and plus, all of Spencer's shifting is keeping you from even falling into a small doze.
"Spence?" You call out, and he rolls over to face you. It's dark, so he can't see you, and your noses slightly bump as you turn onto your side. He laughs, and you laugh too, and for the first time, he isn't being absolutely insufferable.
"I can't sleep," you whisper, and he whispers back that he can't sleep either.
"Hey," you start, "I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you. You always just made those jokes and I deflected because...well, if you couldn't tell, I don't handle those things well." You laugh airily, and your eyes ache a little when Reid reaches over to turn the lamp on.
He's so cute. His curls are damp, some of them messily dried around his face. His nose has a little red indent from where his glasses were sitting, and you find it adorable as you smile.
God, what was happening? Were you catching feelings for Spencer?
His voice snaps you out of your thoughts, "I was the one that was being a jerk, I constantly made fun of you and made jokes without ever realizing that you weren't okay with it," Spencer says, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay, It's all good now." You whisper, smiling.
"You're really pretty."
What did he just say?
"Huh?" You ask, dumbfounded and a little nervous.
"You're...I said that you're really pretty." Spencer repeats, and you want to ask him to say it again, just to be sure. But you don't, you just reply, shaken, "T-Thank you. You're pretty too."
"I'm pretty?" He asks, a little confused, and you nod, blushing.
"Pretty boy." You smile.
"Pretty girl," he whispers, and you realize how close your faces are when you feel his warm breath fan against your face. He smells of autumn and cookies and all things warm, and your skin tingles with excitement as his lips graze over yours lightly before kissing you. The kiss is sweet, and you feel his hand snake around your waist underneath the covers as his other hand cups your cheek. You melt, and your smile breaks the kiss, "Oh my Lord."
Spencer smiles and rolls over, turning off the lamp before pulling you in by your waist, his head buried in the crook of your neck, "Goodnight, pretty girl."
"Goodnight, pretty boy." You smile, your eyes fluttering shut as you drift off to sleep.
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januaryembrs · 9 days
Hello my little pookie pies!
I just thought I'd pop in and keep you guys in the loop where writing is headed since I know a lot of you are sending me more ideas for one shots that I would ADORE writing.
I am working through the last six requests from my 3k follower celebration, which should be up in the next few days. After that I will be solely focused on finishing act two of TAAML, which should take some time as it will roughly lead up to the end of season 11.
After which I will be taking a few months hiatus to focus on writing more for my book. I hope to have the first draft completed by the end of this year, as I also will be returning back to university to complete a Masters degree, and would like to do have my book on its way to being finished by October time before I start. In October ish I will be returning to complete Act 3 of TAAML as well as finishing Last Knight in Soho which has been so highly requested!
TO APOLOGISE for leaving you guys for so long however, I will be writing at least one BugSpence smut chapter (OOP) aswell as at least one Sunshine!reader smut chapter to keep you guys busy until I return, sound fair?
I will still be active to chat and yap along with you guys, maybe drop the odd bit of writing for any requests you've sent here and there, but I really want my book to be finished by the end of this year, and can't juggle four things at once.
I hope you guys can understand! I thought I would keep you guys updated about what was happening so it's not a huge shock when I'm suddenly not uploading for a few weeks on end.
MUCH LOVE , em <3
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deadpresidents · 1 month
I'm a Euro here in Belgium and know this is big question to answer but how do you think America will eventually come to its senses re: Trump and the maga people
Hello Belgium, I'd love to visit your country someday! It looks beautiful -- all of the photos I've seen of Belgian cities make them look like the setting for a fairy tale and watching In Bruges made me want to visit even more.
As for your question, almost 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and, after a disastrous four years that dangerously threatened the stability of American democracy and often seemed like a concerted effort to viciously divide the nation, do you know what happened? Nearly 75 million people voted for him in 2020. And, four years after that, guess what? After the country was pushed to the brink because Trump incited an insurrection that attacked the U.S. Capitol in a desperate attempt to hold on to power and disregard the results of an election that he clearly lost, after being impeached twice, and after being charged with 88 felonies that made him the first American President to face criminal prosecution, Trump easily coasted to once again becoming the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee.
So, when will the people of the United States come to its sense regarding Trump and MAGA? It doesn't appear that they will. Win or lose in November, I don't know if this country can pull up out of the death spiral that it has been in since Trump came down his stupid escalator and announced he was running for President in 2015 and began actively poisoning any semblance of civil discourse still left in this nation.
Honestly, after November 5th, I might need to come live in Belgium or somewhere in Europe if enough Americans don't recognize that ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. We barely survived one Trump term; I don't think we'll be able to ride out a second one.
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being-addie · 11 months
hi girl, how are you? I hope ur fine and that everything's perfectly okay, i got some questions, if u don't mind answering.
so on September it's my freshman year, im so excited, and especially bcz im going to a new school, which means new people, new experiences and stuff.
Ik high school isn't as perfect as i see it in movies, and that my skl won't take us on a road trip and leave us all alone so we can have fun 💀 but i was wondering if u had any tips for high skl.
I also kinda wanna have a glow up, both physical and mental, during summer, and since ur a whole glowup guru I thought u could give me a "program" to follow so i can look, think and behave better, especially cz my mom doesn't allow me to go out so no gym or activities outside, and she thinks im too young to have a skincare or follow a diet yk.
thank u so much in advance, i absolutely love ur posts, and if u can't or don't have time to answer, that's perfectly fine, stay safe hun<33
hello love,
sorry this is late. classes have been insane. congratulations on your new school! it's always exciting when you try something new, and I promise you're gonna love it.
now, im assuming you're 15/16 years old, since you're a freshman. Before I say anything about having fun in high school, I need to you remember that while TV and movies glorify high school as this really crazy time where you party and have fun (yes, you will have fun I promise), its important to keep in mind that these four years will help you decide your future and get into college. So work hard, and party harder.
Okay, now that I've said that, let's tackle this bit by bit.
How to have fun in high school:
Have sleepovers: They're a fun and easy way to bond with friends. Order tons of junk food and stay up all night.
Picnics: My favourite activity. Dress up and have a themed picnic, and have a photoshoot.
Pool party: If someone you know has a pool, go have fun in the water!
Hang out: Honestly, this was the most fun I had in high school. Just meet at someone's house or at the park, and just chat. Or bring an activity to do together (crochet, playing cards, etc). Buy some snacks and play some music and it's the most chill vibe ever. You will love it.
Start a band: If you play an insturment/ sing, start a band! It's so much fun to practice and perform with friends!
Join a club: You can make lots of like-minded friends at clubs at school. Pick something you really like to do.
How to glow-up for high school:
There's no rule that the gym is the only place to workout. When I was 15, I wasn't allowed to the gym either, so I had to make do.
Youtube videos: There are tons and tons of great workout videos from people with a large following. My favourites are Caroline Girvan, growingannanas, Pamela Reif and Madfit. Go get sweaty!
Makeshift weights: You can water bottles filled with water/sand as weights or buy ankle weights to put around your wrists as you get stronger.
Run: This is an amazing source of cardio. I gave up a while back on this because I detest running, but it really does work. Plug in your headphones and go for a run in nature.
Dance: Dancing is a really fun way to workout. Try Zumba, hip-hop or K-pop routines. Hell, even Just Dance has some good ones. Join a class if you want to stay accountable.
Honestly, I can't give a lot of advice to you here, because I'm not qualified enough. Go to a nutritionist to see if there's anything you can do. If not, make sure to eat plenty of protein and fibre, limit your junk food intake and drink lots of water. Make lots of salads and fruit bowls. Overnight oats are healthy, filling and delicious.
What I like to do, is eat everything in moderation. Say I've had a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. I won't deny myself a nice bowl of ice-cream (again, not a sundae, the key is moderation). But if I've had greasy food for lunch and takeout for dinner, I'll probably settle for fruit instead. Know that you can eat without punishing yourself, but remember not to go overboard. Food is fuel, remember.
Other tips:
Skincare: Don't make it too fancy. I know influencers and the like have those weird 15-step skincare routines, but it isn't necessary. I use the Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, and the most basic Cetaphil face lotion I could find along with an organic lip balm my mom buys. It works like a charm and itsn to too fancy. I also take an ABC smoothie (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot + some water.) This is such a game-changer.
Abundance mindset: I like to think of the universe constantly working in my favour. It's always looking out for me, and I'm the luckiest girl in the world. What you think is what you attract. If you think negatively, you will begin to see only bad things around you. Stay positive.
Wardrobe: Go thrifting, or DIY some old clothes. Pinterest has tons of amazing ideas. Paint your T-shirts, dye your skirts, make cute jewellery at home. There are no limits.
Makeup: I don't recommend it honestly. I'm more or less anti makeup to the point where I only own two pieces of makeup(eyeliner and lip gloss) and even those are used sparingly. Don't get used to your painted face. Your natural beauty is beautiful; and should not be hidden. There's something so amazing in someone who is confident in their own skin. Own yourself, and people will love you more for it.
This post became incredibly long lmao, but I hope I was able to help. DM me if you want more tips. You got this xoxo
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dungeonsandblorbos · 2 months
Hello and Welcome!
it's a new year and a lot has happened since the last time i did an intro, including a new campaign starting and me making a new years resolution to indulge my creative side more, so i'd like to re-introduce myself and also say hello to the writblr community!
my main blog is @persnickety-peahen, so that's where all my follows will come from. you can call me any variation of either of my blog names, or just C; they/she pronouns. i'm in my mid-twenties, happily married, queer, and neurodivergent.
i've been enamored with the idea of writing from childhood, but since university a lot of that energy has gotten channeled into TTRPGs due to life circumstances, so now instead of writing i obsess over my PCs and make long, detailed documents full of exploitable backstory content, NPCs, and worldbuilding elements for my DM(s)! :D
yes i am and have always been the designated note-taker in all of my campaigns, why do you ask?
aside from writing and TTRPGs, i enjoy baking, taking wiki walks, and playing Stardew Valley, and lately i've also started teaching myself how to do pixel art. i love the blorbos from my campaigns so much and will impulsively share stories about them to anyone who will listen, hence me making this blog as a place to infodump about my beloveds! content here includes fun stories from the big four campaigns i've been part of, out of context session notes, and especially various kinds of mentally ill blorbo posting, as well as a bunch of reblogs of stuff from the writblr, whumpblr, and TTRPG communities (including pretty dice and dice trays!). someday i might also get around to posting an actual ongoing narrative recap of one of my campaigns, and some of the blorbo-related pixel art i've been making.
i'd love to be more active here, so please feel free to send me asks about any of the characters or campaigns, or even just TTRPG things in general, as i'm always happy to talk about them. i'm also open to writblr tag games, even if they don't fully apply to a TTRPG context—if it gives me an excuse to blab about my blorbos, i will make it work!
see below the cut for a description of my big four campaigns and my player characters from them!
Curse of Strahd Homebrew Status: on haitus but hopefully resuming soon! System: DnD 5e Story: this is a heavily homebrewed version of the 5e Curse of Strahd campaign book (like, we're talking a good 80% or more homebrew) DMed by my husband, @somethingclevermahogony. it's all of your dark queer gothic horror dreams come true! (and also body horror. lots of body horror. and whump, for good measure) it follows a group of naive young adventurers who find themselves lured to and trapped in Barovia, a country banished to its own little pocket dimension in the Shadowfell over 400 years ago as punishment for the atrocities committed by its dread king Strahd von Barovich. here, they encounter challenges and horrors beyond anything they've ever experienced before, including hordes of vengeful undead, capitalist hags who sell hallucinogenic pies made with 'shrooms and children's brain matter, an eldritch not-quite-god and his/their cursed corn farm, a delusional angel who repairs people's broken bodies without care for consent, and, of course, the dread king Strahd himself, as well as his many powerful and loyal followers. all of them seek to manipulate our would-be heroes to their own ends—and unfortunately for everyone, they've been rather successful so far. Main Blorbo: in this campaign, i play a 23-year-old human tempest cleric called Cerris, who is a solid 80% of the reason i made this sideblog. he's my comfort character. he's my bisexual disaster babygirl. he's my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good bad time boy. he's like the dysfunctional lovechild of Clark Kent and Jonathan Harker: a sheltered farmboy of debatably noble birth granted a sliver of divine power by circumstances beyond his control, who just left home for the first time to answer the call of adventure and got stuck here in fantasy Transylvania instead, where he has since become Strahd's new favorite plaything. among other poor decisions, he has 1) gotten romantically entangled with Ireena Kolyana, a fiery though equally sheltered young noblewoman who is unfortunately the object of Strahd's obsessive plans to escape Barovia and conquer Faerun, 2) inadvertently adopted the sweet but chaotic Milo, a halfling boy turned into a horrible monster by Strahd's experiments 400 years ago (the Bagman. Cerris adopted the Bagman), and 3) gotten himself possessed by the angry ghost of Strahd's little brother, Sergei, whom Strahd killed and cannibalized in an unfortunately effective bid to gain godlike power. he has a lot to learn before he's ready to face Strahd, but i believe that one day, Cerris will help save Barovia. Bonus Blorbo: if Cerris is my babygirl, then Milo is my precious little meow meow—hence my tag for him being #meow meow Milo. yes he is the Bagman, and yes he did almost eat my other party member among many other horrible things, but he's also just a traumatized smol bean and i forgive him for everything. if anything happened to him, Cerris would kill everyone in Barovia and then himself.
Ruins of Runet Status: active just went on hiatus actually as of 05/13, should return in the fall System: DnD 5e Story: an entirely homebrew campaign also DMed by my wonderful husband! it's a horror campaign at heart, this time focusing more on eldritch and existential horror. once, the world of Runet was just like any other, vibrant and fantastical and full of magic, connected to the vast network of other worlds and planes across the universe. and then, suddenly, the gods all vanished. magic left Runet with them, and the planet's connections to other worlds were severed irreparably. the result was nothing less than apocalyptic: entire peoples and species died out instantly, cities and nations collapsed, famine and disease and war ran rampant. but the survivors adapted, building a new world from the ashes. now, 600 years after the collapse, magic has returned, throwing the world into chaos once again. and though magic has come back, the gods have not. various powerful factions have all launched investigations into this sudden reappearance, hoping to claim the secret of magic for themselves. at the center of it all sits the Church of Divine Repentance, and a millenia-old conflict between eldritch forces known only as the Mother and the Eternal Body, with the people of Runet caught in the crossfire. Main Blorbo: in this campaign, i play a 29-year-old human fighter/sorcerer named Don Ariel Feliciano Rosalio Sentera Alvedes, from the barely unified country of Restitos*. Ariel is an hidalgo, a member of the untitled nobility, and as the youngest of four sons, he had very little expectations of inheriting anything; even so, excellence was demanded of him since childhood. as a result, he's grown up ambitious and hungry, willing to make himself into whatever kind of person he needs to be in any given moment in order to accomplish his goals. he's charismatic and self-assured, and while he can be slimy and artificial (or else callous and abrasive if he feels you aren't worth his time), he is nonetheless noble in character, enduringly loyal, and committed to the values of noblesse oblige. but don't let his suave Casanova exterior fool you—he's also a bisexual, gender-fucky horse girl and (un?)ethically slutty secretary with a cringefail romantic history! :D he's almost gotten engaged but then ruined everything—twice. his only serious long-term relationship was a secret affair with his employer, a married duke who's old enough to be his father (but don't worry, the duchess knew and was cool about it), which ended abruptly when the duke got assassinated and Ariel found his disfigured body the next morning. and then the duke's oldest son informally accused him of the murder and that conversation went so terribly that he fled the country immediately afterwards to avoid being arrested and executed. no, he's not actually guilty, just a convenient scapegoat, stop fucking asking him if he did it. in conclusion, Ariel is such a fucking mess and i love him. Bonus Blorbo: Malva Oriana is Ariel's 13-year-old warhorse, a beautiful perlino Catalencian Pure (essentially a fantasy Andalusian) he trained himself. she's a bold, intelligent, and well-tempered horse, albeit more than a bit spoiled, and she and Ariel are terribly co-dependent on each other in light of the recent trauma they've experienced. *Additional Note: Restitos is largely culturally inspired by post-Reconquista Spain, and since my character ended up being the only PC from that country, i got to help with a lot of the worldbuilding for it! a fact i took full advantage of! so more than likely, any worldbuilding stuff i post here will specifically be about Restitos
Cauldron & Kettle Questing Co. Status: completed System: DnD 5e Story: this was my second campaign with my university TTRPG group, where my husband was also a player. set in the world of Acquisitions, Incorporated, an actual play podcast by Penny Arcade based around the idea of classic adventuring parties but make it ~capitalism~, this campaign was primarily played out of the official Acquisitions, Inc. playbook, with some additional homebrew expansions and a nice little extra homebrew arc on the end that introduced us to the incredible chaos of the D10,000 wild magic table. the story ended up going real hard on the queer found family vibes, and there were several story beats that made us all real emotional together. we played as the Cauldron & Kettle Questing Company, a Phandalin-based subsidiary branch of the larger Acquisitions, Inc. corporation. we also owned a tea shop called the Cauldron & Kettle Cafe, and we had a steam-powered teapot-shaped vehicle dubbed the Tea Trolley which we put to excellent use in combat. the story followed the Cauldron & Kettle Questing Co. as we established our branch and completed increasingly dire quests for our parent corporation that we were not remotely qualified for. and uh, no, we did not really get any special rewards or pay raises or anything after saving the world—twice—but hey, that's business baby! Main Blorbo: for this campaign, i played a 30-year-old half-elf light cleric/bard named Jun Vyardes. having grown up the daughter of a traveling bard, she's great with change, but never learned how to put down roots. when she left Daddy Bard's side and devoted herself to Vestia, a human goddess of domestic fires and revelry, she thought she'd found her home. for some time, she really was content there—but the road still called to her, so with her goddess's blessing, she set out on a new adventure. she's fiercely devoted to her friends and committed to justice, plays a mean fiddle, and has some great recipes for edibles. after joining Acq, Inc. and meeting the rest of her party, it only took Jun a couple of months to realize that her new teammates—along with her one true love Eleni, a fellow devotee of Vestia—were exactly the home she had always been searching for. and she's going to protect that, whatever it takes. Bonus Blorbo: my husband played Tim Cobbletoss, a 34-year-old half-orc barbarian with the temperament of a british grandma on account of being raised by halfings . . . after his human bard father abandoned him at an orphanage because he couldn't take care of two half-human bastard children at the same time. yes, that's right, Tim and Jun are half-siblings! at first they both hated each other because Jun was jealous that Tim got to have a stable childhood with a loving parent who understood proper boundaries and didn't exploit their musical talent for money or use them as an unwilling wingman, and because Tim was jealous that Jun got to have an actual relationship with their father and learn things from him when all Tim got from Daddy Bard was the family signature ginger hair and abandonment issues. fortunately, though, they eventually got over the mutual jealousy and started bonding over parental trauma, terrible workplace conditions, and a shared love of fantasy weed. and now they're best friends and ruthlessly defend each other against Daddy Bard's nonsense whenever he tries to re-insert himself into their lives.
The Orphic Uprising and The Amazonomachy Status: Completed System: Cypher Story: these were two continuous arcs that together formed the first campaign with my university TTRPG group. it was a homebrew story set in the world of Percy Jackson, following a small group of simultaneously inept and hyper-competent demigods from Camp Half-Blood on their various (mis)adventures. out of character, we called ourselves the Confusion Crew due to the sheer absurdity of some of the shenanigans we got up to. it was delightful. in the first arc, The Orphic Uprising, Dionysus got kidnapped and four campers were singled out by prophecy to go rescue him from the Underworld and stop the children of Nyx from taking over Olympus. and in the second arc, The Amazonomachy, set a year later, the mad queen of the Amazons got it into her head (through children of Nyx-related manipulation, it seems) that, just like the titans had been overthrown by the gods, it was high time the gods were overthrown by their own children. so three of us from the last quest, plus two new unlucky campers who happened to be in the wrong right place at the wrong right time, set about saving the Olympians' asses again. Main Blorbo: in this campaign, i played Nina Grayson, a (at the end of the campaign) 19-year-old daughter of Nike, goddess of victory. Nina was an impulsive, reckless, extremely determined little fighter (emphasis on little, she's 5' tall and like 110lbs), as well as a talented gymnast, dancer, and rock climber, who put so much pressure on herself to succeed—because, ya know, literally the daughter of victory—that she was more than willing to fight dirty if that's what it took to win. she was an absolute monster in combat, nigh unkillable with high damage output and multiple debuff abilities. she was also a menace outside of combat because she put all of her points into physical abilities and left nothing for brains or charisma. yes, indeed, she was a badass buff socially inept himbo lesbian and she ruled. iconic himbo acts of hers include solving a puzzle by punching a horse statue in the face, getting set on fire then putting it out by drenching herself in monster blood, solving a locked door problem by punching the lock open, splitting the party to play double agent without telling her friends she was only fake-betraying them, and solving a bitchy goddess problem by punching said goddess in the face so hard it temporarily killed her. at some point she also acquired the nickname Larry and we made all the appropriate three stooges jokes about it, don't you worry. Bonus Blorbo: in the first arc we picked up a funny little grain alcohol demon who looked like if a cabbage patch doll was an actual baby-shaped root vegetable. we named him Hops and fed him illegally acquired beer. he was our mascot and team pet and beloved child, and sometimes my husband's character, a son of Dionsysus named Chuck Hickey, would throw him like a football at enemies and use him like an Entangle spell. other times he'd just carry him around in a baby björn. both activities were excellent enrichment for Hops.
and that's it! thank you for reading and please enjoy my blog!
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bts-trans · 2 years
221021 Weverse Translations
Jin's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ 
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💜: Kim Seokjin shiiii…. I’m crying 😭 J: 손을 때린거에요 내려 쳤다고 표현하죠 잡은거 아님 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-106613952/comment/4-181514274)
💜: Kim Seokjin shiiii…. I’m crying 😭
J: I hit her hand It's more like I slammed my hand down We're not holding hands
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS 
Jin's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ 
💜: 김석진, 제가 당신의 개가 되어도 될까요? J: 예? (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-107390101?anchor=2-211759359)
💜: Kim Seokjin, can I be your dog?
J: Huh?
💜: 방탄을 알아? J: 방탄소년단   2013년 데뷔해 국내외 신인상을 휩쓴 방탄소년단은 명실상부 한국을 대표하는 최정상 보이 그룹으로 성장했다. 전 세계적으로 방탄소년단 열풍을 일으키며 ‘21세기 팝 아이콘’으로 불린다. 미국 빌보드, 영국 오피셜 차트, 일본 오리콘을 비롯해 아이튠즈, 스포티파이, 애플뮤직 등 세계 유수의 차트 정상에 올랐고, 음반 판매량과 뮤직비디오 조회수, SNS 지수 등에서도 독보적인 기록을 써 내려가고 있다. 특히, 방탄소년단은 한 주에 빌보드 ‘핫 100’ 차트와 ‘빌보드 200’ 차트 정상을 동시 정복한 최초의 그룹이며, 통산 ‘빌보드 200’ 6차례, ‘핫 100’ 6차례 1위를 차지했다. 또한, ‘제63회 그래미 어워드’에서 한국 가수 최초로 단독 무대를 펼쳐 ‘빌보드 뮤직 어워드’와 ‘아메리칸 뮤직 어워드’, ‘그래미 어워드’까지 미국 3대 음악 시상식 무대에서 공연하는 기록을 세웠다. 방탄소년단은 스타디움 투어를 개최하며 전 세계 콘서트 시장에서도 글로벌 아티스트로서의 입지를 다져 왔으며, UN 연설과 LOVE MYSELF 캠페인 등을 통해 선한 영향력을 실천하고 있다. (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-106616660/comment/0-211781405)
💜: Do you know BTS?
BTS, an acronym of Bangtan Sonyeondan or “Beyond the Scene,” is a Grammy-nominated South Korean group that has been capturing the hearts of millions of fans globally since its debut in June 2013. The members of BTS are RM, Jin, SUGA, j-hope, Jimin, V, and Jung Kook. Gaining recognition for their authentic and self-produced music, top-notch performances, and the way they interact with their fans, BTS has established themselves as “21st century Pop Icons” breaking countless world records. While imparting a positive influence through activities such as the LOVE MYSELF campaign and the UN ‘Speak Yourself’ speech, the band has mobilized millions of fans across the world (named ARMY), collected four No. 1 songs in a span of 9 months, performed multiple sold-out stadium shows across the world, and been named TIME’s Entertainer of the Year 2020. BTS has been nominated for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for the 63rd Grammy Awards and recognized with numerous prestigious awards like the Billboard Music Awards, American Music Awards and MTV Video Music Awards.
(T/N: Jin directly copied BTS's profile from BigHit's website.)
💜: 쫜..온 김에 신곡 스포 한 번만 부탁해유😂 J: 으음.. 춤은 없어요 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-107392520?anchor=2-211770654)
💜: jjwan..since I'm here can you give a spoiler for your new song?😂
J: umm.. there's no dance
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💜: Hola Jin! 호석이 아르헨티나 국기의 태양이라는 사실, 알고 계셨나요? 어쨌든 방송에서 뵙겠습니다. 행운을 빕니다!💜 J: 저건 제이홉같은데.. (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-106623713?anchor=0-211790508)
💜: Hello Jin! Did you know that Hoseok is the sun of Argentina? Anyways, we'll see you at the broadcast. Good luck!💜
J: That looks like J-Hope..
💜: 석진아 석진이는 큐트야? 아님 섹시야? J: cute (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-107397001?anchor=3-181536890)
💜: Seokjin! Are you cute? Or are you sexy?
J: cute
💜: 석진아 우떠 굿즈 기대해도 될까?💜 우떠에 푹 빠져버렸다 우떠면 좋냐고 J: 제가 또 아이디어가 기가 막히잖아요 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-107402216?anchor=4-181537510)
💜: Seokjin, can we expect Wootteo merch?💜 I'm obsessed with Wootteo. Do you like Wootteo?
J: I know, my ideas are pretty amazing
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💜: 오빠 나 아파🤒 빨리 나을 수 있도록 격려해주세요🥺 J: 후루카와 나기사 인가..? (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/3-106630639?anchor=1-211794146)
💜: Oppa, I'm sick🤒 Please cheer me up so I can get better
J: Is that Nagisa Furukawa*?
(T/N: *Nagisa Furukawa is one of the main characters from the manga 'Clannad')
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💜: 아닌데 김석진은 sexy야 J: 김석진 = cute 진 = cute and handsome jin = 큐트 (https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-107409358?anchor=3-181547715)
💜: No but Kim Seokjin is sexy
J: Kim Seokjin = cute Jin = cute and handsome jin = cute
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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samofthecelts · 3 months
Hello everyone! Today I am discussing the Celtic celebration of Imbolc. Imbolc is not what I'm celebrating today on Easter, but it was a celebration I celebrated earlier last month. It's also one of my favorite celebrations, right below Samhain! (I can't wait for October so I can celebrate my new year with you all!)
Below, I'll tell you about Imbolc, it's meaning, and it's origin. Then below that, I'll tell you what Imbolc means to me.
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Imbolc or Imbolg (Irish pronunciation: [ɪˈmˠɔlˠɡ]), also called Saint Brigid's Day (Irish: Lá Fhéile Bríde; Scottish Gaelic: Là Fhèill Brìghde; Manx: Laa'l Breeshey), is a Gaelic traditional festival. It marks the beginning of spring, and for Christians, it is the feast day of Saint Brigid, Ireland's patroness saint. Its traditional date is 1 February, about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Historically, its traditions were widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Imbolc is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals, along with: Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain.
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Imbolc / St Brigid's Day
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Imbolc is mentioned in early Irish literature, and some evidence suggests it was also an important date in ancient times. It is believed that Imbolc was originally a pagan festival associated with the lambing season and the goddess Brigid. Historians suggest that the saint and her feast day are Christianizations of these. The customs of St Brigid's Day did not begin to be recorded in detail until the early modern era. In recent centuries, its traditions have included weaving Brigid's crosses, hung over doors and windows to protect against fire, illness, and evil spirits. People also made a doll of Brigid (a Brídeóg), which was paraded around the community by girls, sometimes accompanied by 'strawboys'. Brigid was said to visit one's home on St Brigid's Eve. To receive her blessings, people would make a bed for Brigid, leave her food and drink, and set items of clothing outside for her to bless. Holy wells would be visited, a special meal would be had, and the day was traditionally linked with weather lore.
Although many of its traditions died out in the 20th century, it is still observed by some Christians as a religious holiday and by some non-Christians as a cultural one, and its customs have been revived in some places. Since the later 20th century, Celtic neopagans and Wiccans have observed Imbolc as a religious holiday. Since 2023, "Imbolc/St Brigid's Day" has been an annual public holiday in Ireland.
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What Imbolc means to me:
Imbolc is a time of celebration and of harvest. My mother and I always incorporate Pagan activities into it. We still make Brigid dolls and honor her through our celebration. Imbolc is on the Wheel of the Year, which is the calendar I go by. And it's one of the Gaelic Seasonal Festivals, which is very important to me and my family. On Imbolc we eat bread and water, and we eat in honor of Saint Brigid. We also make Brigid Crosses, in a prayer that she will protect us from the harsh winds we get out here in the country.
Thank you for reading this!
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wantonwinnie · 1 year
Hello there, I have not read the High Republic Phase II and I know it's not finished yet, but I've been a fan and enthusiast of Jedha since Rogue One and I heard that "The High Republic" had since expanded on the lore of the place by a whole lot.
I'm asking because I'm working on a TCW canon-divergent story where Ahsoka visits Jedha alongside the Martez sisters (to smuggle kyber crystals, that is) where they also meet Chirrut + Baze and I want to see whether I could add some of the new info from "The High Republic" for Jedha's worldbuilding.
For example (just from checking Wookieepedia), there's the Convocation of the Force where the major religions on Jedha have a representative, the Church of the Force now being a legit active and openly-practiced religion instead of the underground religious organization that started during the Galactic Empire era, so on and so forth.
I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on Jedha as a whole, its religious organizations and its political background, because Wookieepedia could only tell so much. No pressure tho.
Have a nice day ahead and May the Force of Others be with you. :)
Thanks for the questions! Because you’re a big fan of Jedha lore (I also enjoy it), I highly recommend reading the first comic issues for THR Phase II if you have the time. You don't need to read any novels beforehand, and the issues so far all take place on - and are about - Jedha. If you're up for a novel, Path of Deceit explores the Path of the Open Hand's tenants and how that interacts with that of the Jedi. If not, continue below (I will be sharing some spoilers for the comics).
First, I'll go over the lore I learned from the comics. At a high level, Jedha (also called "The Pilgrim Moon" or "The Kyber Heart") is the bustling and diverse pilgrimage site referenced in R1. Jedha was once governed by the Jedi thousands of years ago. Of four Jedi statues built during that time, only one remains upright in the desert by 382 bby, according to Jedi Oliviah. By then, the Jedi "are just one group among many" in the city, and they "aren't always the most welcome" there, as Padawan Matty describes.
The Convocation's mission, according to Matty, is to open a dialogue between the faiths and prevent/mitigate religious conflict. Oliviah describes its purpose as "an advisory body designed to promote understanding between the various religious groups on Jedha ... a place for deliberation and debate ... where all are welcome." By 382 bby, conflict is seemingly coming to a head, based on the street fight, stolen artifacts (a major plot point in Path of Deceit), and outright violence within the Convocation's proceedings.
Various faiths devoted to the Force are present there, but not all are a part of the Convocation (this is a source of conflict). Some certainly are, but others avoid it, seemingly based on their position that the other faiths are so flawed in their understanding of the Force that there is no point to dialogue. For example, one of the Truthsayers of the Force believes "the Convocation has no authority here and no right to foisting their so-called celebration on us" (referring to the Festival of Balance).
Reverent sites include the Temple of the Kyber (home to ~2300 "works of sacred art"), Fountains of Plenty, Shrine of Sarrav, Temple of the Whills, and the Convocation Chambers. There are also major Force artifacts, including the Screen of the Second Sight (stolen from the Shrine).
Identified faiths/factions include:
Bpfasshi Mystics (depicted as a scam artist)
Truthsayers of Bpfasshi
Followers of the Black Eye
Sorcerers of Tund (force users?)
Guardians of the Whills
Disciples of the Whills
Yacombe (force users)
Church of the Force
Path of the Open Hand
There are some more specifics on some of the faiths, which I'm happy to describe, if you're interested. There's generally a lot still to be explained (we will have to wait for more comic issues and The Battle of Jedha on Jan. 3), but that's what I could glean so far. Without more info, I can't tell you exactly what the holy city looks like by The Clone Wars, but it doesn't seem like the Convocation is going to be around much longer if the fighting keeps up.
For my thoughts, I think Jedha is a fantastic location for further worldbuilding, and that's where THR is focusing for Phase II. It continues the long expansion of new faiths of the Force, which first included in canon (to my knowledge) the Nightsisters and Church of the Force. I think the widespread presence of the Jedi in the galaxy for thousands of years likely spawned these faiths (it’s much easier to believe in something when you can witness its majesty). Jedha seems to be the primary place for the convergence of these various faiths given that it has a strong connection to the Force and has the Convocation. It’s really interesting to see a holy location like this considering that most places in past media have just been Jedi temples or sites unknown to the public (also cool!).
Jedha is really important to the Jedi – that much is clear. Many Jedi seem to make the pilgrimage or think about doing so at this time; they have an active representative on the Convocation; they protect Force artifacts; and they generally seem to care about people's views on the Force. Moreover, I think the Jedi understand that Jedha is a confluence of passionate faiths, so conflict may brew without a watchful eye. There hasn't been much indication that the Republic cares much about Jedha, but that may change.
I'm predisposed to liking the Jedi's perspective on the Force over others, but I appreciate the other perspectives we've gotten so far. Some faiths believe non-use of the Force is imperative; others think the Convocation is silly; others believe the Force should be used "neutrally" (whatever that means); others are staunch advocates of the light side. I've always liked the Jedi because they aim to serve the galaxy by protecting life - and sometimes that necessarily means fighting against evil to preserve it. While I don't think the Force only speaks to the Jedi, other faiths also need protection to practice their beliefs - and without the Jedi, who seem to be the best at it, faith in the Force would (and does) die.
I also tend to like the Jedi because of my personal background. I've never been a religious person in the sense that I believe in a higher power, an afterlife, or in the need to attend a church. My main faith is in my moral convictions. I think that mortal people - and their collective material well-being - matter more than anything. I see in the Jedi beings who fight for their moral convictions, too, albeit with a religious bent (but who wouldn't be religious when you can use the Force, am I right?).
Anyway, I'm really excited to see more about Jedha's history and culture in future stories. It’s been a big part of Phase II and has made it all the better.
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ftisabellas · 1 year
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--  was that isabella mendes i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the twenty-four year old who has been in nightrest for 6 years and works as a beautician at royal serene has a reputation of being blunt, but also spirited. they reside in lowpoint & people in town usually associate them with nail filing while scrolling aimlessly through her mobile, the sound of popping gum, sudden mischievous cheshire cat grins. let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next. [ g, 26, she / her, aest, none ] 
hello all !!! i’m g, she / her , 26 . cursed AEST tz , and tbh . . .  coming back to tumblr after like a 3 year break . . . yikes !  i’m v slowly getting myself reacquainted and not trying to overwhelm myself , so pls be patient w me !!! 
my discord is bringbacksugargay but im not super active on there atm ( i will be tho ! )
inspo for isabella: ruby mathews from sex education, manny santos from degrassi, maddy perez from euphoria, jackie burqhart from that 70s show, lily echolls from veronica mars , 
long story short isabella is a … a diva. she’s loud mouthed, blunt, harsh, stuck-up at times, prissy . with all the bad tho , theres SOME good . when she likes someone , she really likes them and will do anything for them
very very VERY secret softie . the kind that will never hug u or say ‘i love u’ but will egg your exes house .
she’s literally .. your stereotypical rich girl . has everything handed to her on a platter for the most part, and grew up with a pretty easy life ! she’s always been a bit spoiled , to say the least, and it shows.
isabella had a great life growing up. her dad was a rich , well known musician, and isabella was pretty and rich and popular in high school. it was like .  everything she wanted kinda just Appeared for her. she basically never heard the word ‘no’ in her life
life hit her hard after high school , when she moved to nightrest for uni.
i say ‘moved’ , basically her family got sick of her, her wild child antics and bitchy behaviour, and kinda just... sent her here lol. 
when i say ‘sent her here’ , i mean they plopped her here, agreed to pay for her rent and uni , but then said “you’re on your own kid!” 
 basically .. REAL LIFE ??? CAUGHT UP TO HER ??? HER ACTIONS ?? SUDDENLY HAD CONSEQUENCES ?? she realised she couldn’t just be a bitch to Be A Bitch or somebody might Smack Her.  she realised that suddenly .. she was in charge of her future, and it scared the shit out of her
basically, she Peaked in high school and has been Suffering since then.  university really . crashed her back to Earth, and knocked her on her ass !
isabella is fiery , but FUN i promise. 
anyways, she’s still a bit mean and manipulative to people , but shes on her road to Recovery ( bitchy girls anonymous , every friday we ride ! ) . her High School self definitely jumps out at times, but she is really trying to be a better person. it’s just a Very Very Slow process for her.
she’s very outgoing and loud and blabbermouthy. i wouldn’t trust her with a single secret.  even if she doesnt MEAN to spill it . . it just tumbles out of her mouth anyways.
she loves partying though. she drinks a lot, and is good to have a lil girls night boogie with !!!
she’s not All Bad. she will Redeem herself one day just. right now she kinda Sucks a little. APOLOGIES! she’s  got growing to do !
anyways , she finished school as a beauty nurse and now works as a beautician at royal serene .
her customer service is uhh . . . lacking, to say the least.
shes EXTREMELY fashionable , though and extremely good at her job.
she ignores most things and if she was in a super cliche horror movie , shed be that dumbass that gets killed basically straight away . 
IM DOWN FOR ANYTHING . the messier the better !  if u see isabella fitting in anywhere or want any pre-made connections,  lets gooooo !!! if u need an evil , meanie whos ruined ur life : its isabella ! toxic exes? lets go ! i can provide it all ! 
ill familiarise myself w bios and such soon !!! IM V EXCITED !!! FEEL FREE TO PING ME ON DISCORD I WILL BE SO HAPPY WHILE I GATHER MY BEARINGS !
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pixilator · 2 years
Update, Mid August 2022 [Originally Posted August 16, 2022]
Hello! This is the first true update to the story of Amaranth. While there have obviously been other updates, this is the first one I've actually posted online. So if I write this weirdly or whatever, bear with me, I'm trying my best. ^^;
A disclaimer first though, please read! I'm very dedicated to this story, and as I write this journal there is very little demand -- four, maybe five people actually want to see its completion. But I should take into account the future. In the off-chance that somehow this little daydream in a bottle gains traction and someone reads this, sincere greetings from the past!
Progress at this time is slow, and I can't say that the story will ever be finished -- this was conjured in my very early teen years, and is now a high-school passion project running primarily upon pixie dust, hopes, and dreams, and has been for the past few years.
I have since graduated, so I can focus more on the story now! -- however, I still have work to do and a life to lead -- updates will be sporadic, and I can't give a proper estimation of when it'll be done.
While I know nobody reads this currently, I'd like to tell future readers to please be patient with me, I'm only one person and even though I take an active approach to creating my story, I am highly prone to lack of ideas and burnout. In order to avoid this, I stoke the fire and add fuel by procrastination. It's a very weird work ethic but somehow it works...? Don't ask, even I'm confused.
The story is character-driven, not plot-driven. If you're looking for a plot driven story, I think you've ended up in the wrong place in time!
We won't be focusing on the plot-powers-that-be, really. Moreso on the relationships of the characters and how they personally react to the happenings. The plot will have some [?] precedent as it does bring the whole team together, but only Mayhem is truly the most important in that regard. The other characters have a few handprints in it but the main plot is mostly Mayhem's pet journey, she is the catalyst and protagonist anyway. The story at this time is an action-adventure/mystery, and may be prone to a genre switch by the time it is finalized. Don't take anything at this stage as gospel. Almost everything here is subject to change. As of now I'm unsure whether or not I should make it for young teens, teens, young adults, or simply adults -- there are a few topics of maturity I want to tackle, but I don't know what audience they would be suited for or what content I'm allowed to host for those specific audiences.
The topics of maturity I do include in my story I don't really want to be forced out in the open except during the more serious portions, so most of the story will likely be innocent, light-hearted and comedic until that one strange tonal change. Hopefully, I won't have to dive too deep into the Super Gritty Stuff™, but even that may be subject to change. I dunno.
But, hey, then again, one of the characters is a murderess, and her name is literally Mayhem. Should it be any real surprise I'm having trouble deciding an audience to cater it to?
Current stage...
>Character development at 70%. Most of the characters are seemingly 3 dimensional now.
>Artwork development at 50%. Found an artstyle and certain techniques, but am unsure as to whether or not it'll be the final pick. May be subject to change, depending.
>Worldbuilding at 40%.
>Side plots ideas at 30%. This will be the meat of the story, I suppose. This contains all the important character stuff.
>Main plot idea at 100%. This is the skeleton of the story. I have the perfect plot for the story and its genre, and it ties in with many other parts! But it's only the idea, so...
>Nothing has currently gotten this far.
>Nothing has currently gotten this far.
>Still have to figure out where to host the comic.
>Still have to draw it.
>Still have to write the full play.
>Still have to figure out how I'll break the story up into chunks so I can work easier.
>Still have to make a schedule of sorts.
>Advertising: Currently have 2 half-finished pictures of Hestia and Pepper standing in certain poses. Will have to draw Mayhem too. Have found a logo befitting the genre. Need to draw cover.
>Sheets: Currently have drawn Mayhem's character sheet, Hestia's character sheet, and Pepper's character sheet.
Thus ends the tirade.
Thank you for reading this, I salute you if you've gotten this far!
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nahasselling · 2 years
Fire emblem radiant dawn iso
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Commercial (4 CD) published by Tablier Communications on containing original soundtrack from Fire Emblem: Radiant の女神 オリジナルサウンドトラック Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Original Soundtrack Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami Original Soundtrack Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami has been visited 0 times and was updated 5 months ago. * That's the game you're looking at right now. J Cole Forest Hills Drive Album Download Sharebeast. Three years have passed since the great war that ended in the death of Mad King Ashnard. Hey yall, spent all night trying to find an NTSC ISO for Radiant Dawn with not much luck, found tons of reputable wbfs.
Shade 3d ver 14 keygen crack serial number lookup. With 16:9 widescreen support, newly added for the North American version, bringing a truly epic experience. Despite 319744 designed 317462 go 316804 committee 316140 fire 316096. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn WII ISO The best selling strategy game makes its Wii debut.
Continuing the trend of developing for home consoles after a period on portable devices, it was intended to release close to the Wii hardware's release so as to boost sales for both game and hardware.ġ370443 south 1365154 no 1361078 became 1357834 states 1321070 well. Anyone know where I can get a Iso file, for Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, to use with dolphin. Radiant Dawn began development in 2005 for the Wii after the success of Path of Radiance. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn Iso (not other kind) Request. The gameplay is similar to Path of Radiance and previous Fire Emblem titles, with units moving across a grid-based map in turn-based battles, and characters unrelated to the core plot being subject to permanent death if defeated. The story is divided into four parts, and changes perspective between different factions within the continent of. Radiant Dawn's plot begins in war-torn with the main character Micaiah and her allies rebelling against the oppressive Occupational Army. It released in 2007 in Japan and North America, and 2008 in Europe and Australia.
It is the tenth entry in the series, and acts as a direct sequel to the 2005 title. fire emblem radiant dawn ntsc iso fire emblem radiant dawn ntsc iso download fire emblem radiant dawn ntsc Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn running on the dolphin emulator SVN 4010 in 720p HD. I google but most of the side are in France and link seem to need paid account to download. : MaMode(s) Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a developed by and published by for the. Hello, im interested in playing this game on dolphin and i heard people talked that the EU version run smoother on dolphin than the US version, anyone know a link that i can download iso.
When I'm done I turn the code off and put the remaining wishblade or adept in the convoy with Ike equipping that bronze sword left.and that's about it. I activate lets say, adept or wishblade.I then put the item into the convoy 5 times and then grab more bronze swords in the convoy to make more copies of either by turning them into that item. Example: I buy lots of bronze swords for Ike to carry, he has 7 with him. What I learned by using a lot of these codes is, you have to have your character with an item in slot 1 he/she can equip to get the items to appear without freezing the game. Yes, it runs on Wii, comes in a cute white box, and youll pay 49.99 for it. Still.this was only possible because of you, so you deserve all the credit. To call Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn a Wii game is to take the meaning of that statement as literal as possible. I found a pattern in those item codes and was able to find codes for The Black Knight's sword Alondite, codes for lots of skills also and here they are:Īlso, for anyone wanting this on someone in the 1st chapter: You put 0000 before the 4 digits for all the items.
Shadow's codes are bolded.Ĭodes might not work! Variables include screen dimension and difficulty!ĥ330 - serenity(unusable, calls it a bug)ĥ6A0 - laguzguard(unusable, calls it a bug)ĥ6F0 - beorcguard(unusable, calls it a bug)ĥ740 - full guard(unusable, calls it a bug)ĥ790 - knight ward(unusable, calls it a bug)ĥ7E0 - troop scroll(unusable, calls it a bug)Ĥ7A0 - frey bomb(unusable, calls it a bug) Three years have passed since the great war that ended in the death of Mad King Ashnard. This Torrent Detail Page sometimes takes a long time to load, because our server. Also reports that you will be able to use regular Memory Sticks for game saves and storing digital photos. With 16:9 widescreen support, newly added for the North American version, bringing a truly epic experience. Portable PSP unit will use UMD discs as the rom media for games, audio, mpeg4 video and other applications. Current code list, compiled by ShadowX39 and me. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn WII ISO The best selling strategy game makes its Wii debut.
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34 Five minute hacks ideas | hacks, 5 minute crafts, how to cook pasta
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 YouTube is full of baking hack videos, from 5-minute crafts to So Yummy and others. These videos seem to always go viral, and this seems to be simply because they hit all the sweet spot of YouTubes search algorithm. What YouTube cant see, is that a lot of these are actually very dangerous or should at least come with some warnings. Here are the top 5 YouTube dangerous food hacks. Basically these channels are content farms, a content farm is like a video factory. They produce endless amounts of video content for their you tube channel which is exactly what the YouTube algorithm wants. Videos that people just binge watch. A lot of Crafts channels have this same format and editing style. But what happens when the recipe is actually dangerous and can hurt or even worse kill you? I am embedding the videos in this post but please be aware that these are dangerous and can cause serious harm and bodily injury so DO NOT try these at home. So Yummy released a video titled How to make caramel and chocolate desserts which features various Caramel hacks. One of them is the video of a hand mixer that has hot caramel poured over it while spinning. Never a great idea! Her expression really says it all, watch the full video here:. Yes, somehow 5-Minute Crafts thought its a great Idea to teach kids how to bleach strawberries white. But I am sure they added a warning that these are not edible afterwards??? The video has since been removed from the compilation but had already gathered more than 1. Below is a screenshot of the video prior to its removal. Yes, this is no joke. Someone at 5 Minute crafts actually thought it would be a great idea to use Activated Charcoal in an Ice Cream recipe. Activated Charcoal side effects include diarrhoea, constipation, vomiting, and blockage of the digestive tract. This Ice Cream will be a scoop to remember! Also, dry ice can injure you and burn off your skin or even fingers. If someone suggested you wrap your face with cling film three times to avoid Onion tears you would think they are pulling your leg. But what if you told that to a 6 or 7 year old child? Believe it or not but Crafty Panda suggests that you wrap your face with cling film to avoid Onion tears. A video that has almost 5 million views and is mostly made by younger kids or teens shows how you can wrap your face with cling film to prevent crying when cutting onions. No warning of the dangers involved with wrapping your face with an airtight material what so ever. I am in awe and shock every time I see this video and I am surprised it has not been taken off YouTube. In a year-old Zhe Zhe and year olf Xiao Yu tried a popcorn hack video they saw online. The video showed how two soda tins and some alcohol could make popcorn. This resulted in an explosion that killed the year-old and severely burned the year-old girl. YouTuber Ms Yeah received a lot of social justice as she had a video on her YouTube page that showed this process. This does not reverse the damage but she did take responsibility in some way. When you see a video hack that is potential dangerous the first thing you should do is report it to YouTube. Disliking and commenting on the video actually has a positive effect on the video ranking. I know you might be tempted to add a warning or dislike but by doing that you achieve the opposite, the YouTube algorithm will see interaction with the video and will only rank it higher in the search results. So the best thing you can do is Report and leave in this instance. Food Advertisements by. Other Recipes You May Enjoy. Why is it called the Granny Smith Apple? August 13, Four Delightful Desserts from Austria September 28, Say hello to our little Friend, Dio November 11, Notify of. I allow to use my email address and send notification about new comments and replies you can unsubscribe at any time. Recipe Rating Recipe Rating. Inline Feedbacks. Load More Comments. Never Miss a Recipe! Join our Newsletter and receive all our latest recipes directly into your email. No, thanks. Close and continue browsing. Close Search for: Search.
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screeching-0wl · 2 years
I've been devoted to Apollo for some time now, but I haven't been able to find sources that can clearly explain to me his festivals/holidays and how to celebrate them.
I'm coming from Wicca (as that's all I was exposed to in terms of spirituality, previously), but I feel that its never worked for me. Hellenism seems like a nicer fit, as I'm already interested in the history of the time and I feel connected to the Theoi (especially Apollo) already.
As I'm finding myself in my spiritual journey and figuring things out, I do feel that slowly transitioning (maybe one deity at a time) will be for the best; especially since I'm still young and don't have all the time in the world.
Anyway ! To get to the point (I'm sorry for being all over the place), I was previously celebrating the Wiccan wheel of the year in a more Apollo-centric way, but I would like help finding information on His real festivals and holidays.
I'm sorry if you've gotten a similar ask, or if you've talked about this already! Thank you for this blog, its helped me a lot !!
Hi there!
I was planning to make a post about his festivals anyway, so here we go!
Apollo's festivals
We probably have the most detailed accounts of Attic/Athenian and Panhellenic festivals when it comes to most gods. Of course, other festivals such as regional ones did exist and I could mention some of them and the scarce bits and pieces of information that have survived but in this post I will focus on festivals and celebrations we know a little more about - some of the ones we could celebrate nowadays or even attempt to reconstruct. There were plenty of festivals celebrating different gods and Apollo had quite a few of his own but I think this will be more useful in terms of modern religion.
I will briefly talk about the history, how the festivals were celebrated back in ancient times and what we could do nowadays. Don't stress if you don't have access to some of the things listed as offerings. These are only my suggestions and things that could especially be associated with each festival. It's fine to offer something else.
So, let's go over some main festivals of Apollo:
Just a PSA: you don't have to celebrate all of them
Pythian Games - Panhellenic; every four years - during the third year of each Olympiad
History: The games were said to have been established shortly after Apollo killed Python and set up the oracle at Delphi. They were also meant to commemrate those events.
Celebration: involved various athletic (foot & chariot races) and musical competitions. The winners received a wreath of bay laurels from the city of Tempe in Thessaly.
What could we do nowadays: Offerings - wine, oilve oil, laurel; watch sport/musical competitions on the TV or attend an event like that; physical activity, listen to music, sing, write songs/poetry
Pyanopsia/Pyanepsia - Athenian; 7th day of Pyanopsion (around October)
Gods: Apollo, Helios, Horai
History: The origins of the festival are linked to the Athenian hero Theseus was said to have established the celebration to thank Apollo and commemorate his victory over the Minotaur.
Celebration: Rites incorporated remnants of rustic magic, including two offerings, consisting of a hodgepodge of the pulse (edible seeds) and a branch of olive or laurel bound with wool, around which were hung fruits of the season, pastries, and small jars of honey, oil, and wine. The offerings were carried to the Temple of Apollo, where they were suspended on the gate. The doors of private houses were similarly adorned. Children carried Eiresione [Ειρεσιώνη] - a wand of laurel. They were going from house to house singing. It's possible that in exchange for Eiresione, the children received small gifts. Eiresione was said to bring good luck over the year if fixed above the door.
What could we do nowadays: Offerings - especially seeds from the legume family, grains, honey, wine, olive oil, fruit, incense, laurel & olive branches/leaves; singing, celebrating with your loved ones (if you can), prayer/hymns, exchanging small gifts, hanging a laurel/olive branch over the door
Delphinia - Athenian; also celebrated in various other parts of Greece; 6th Mounychion (around April)
Gods: Apollo & Artemis
History: Again, connected to Theseus
Celebration: involved a procession to the Delphinion (the shrine) where both Apollo and Artemis were worshipped. Seven boys and seven girls carried olive branches, bound with white wool. There's a possibility Apollo was also honoured as a god having influence on the sea.
What could we do nowadays: Offerings - especially olive oil, olive branches/leaves, water, saltwater, wine, incense; going on a walk - especially somewhere by the sea or a river; prayer/hymns
Gynmopedia - Spartan; annual (around the 6th to the 10th of July)
Gods: Apollo, Artemis & Leto
History: might've begun in 668 BCE to honour a Spartan victory in Thyrea. Apparently, it's possible that Lacedaemonians took it "more seriously than any other festival". It was the first public gathering of the new year.
Celebration: it featured enerations of naked Spartan men participating in war dancing and choral singing, basically it was an exhibition of all kinds of accomplishments in gymnastics, music, and dancing. They would honour Apollo through songs and performed songs which represented the phases of life. The leader of each chorus group would wear a headpiece known as the "feather crown" made of palm leaves.
What could we do nowadays: Offerings - palm leaves; dance, singing, blasting music, physical activity, celebrate with your loved ones (if you can), reflect on life a bit
Hyacinthia - Spartan (+Amyclae); three-day & annual (probably early summer)
Gods: Apollo & Hyacinthus
History: Based on mythology. Held in honour of the Spartan youth, Hyacinthus who was a lover of Apollo.
Celebration: Athletic contests were held to commemorate Hyacinthus' death (killed with a miscast discus). The rites gradually passed from mourning for Hyacinthus to rejoicing in the majesty of Apollo. It's probable the festival was connected with vegetation and might've marked the passage between spring and summer.
What could we do nowadays: Offerings - flowers, incense, grains; physical activity, prayer/hymns, take some time to appreciate the people in your life, read the myth about Hyacinthus
Karneia - Spartan, 7th (Attic) Metageitnion/(Spartan) Karneios (around August)
Gods: Apollo (Karneios)
History: Due to the sacred law, the festival was the reason why Spartans did not help the Athenians in the Marathon battle.
Celebration: Five young men were chosen out of each tribe; one man, decked with garlands, ran away, and the rest followed him. The festival might've been connected to vegetation and fertility.
What could we do nowadays: Offerings - flowers, grains, fruit; prayer/hymns, physical acrivity (go for a jog/play tag?), spend some time outside, learn about the Battle of Marathon
Thargelia - Athenian; (pretty important festival), annual 6th & 7th of Thargelion (around May)
Gods: Artemis & Apollo
History: held on birthdays of Artemis & Apollo; sometimes it might've involved human sacrifice, especially in it's early days
Celebration: vegetation ritual; It was common to offerthe first-fruits of the earth to the gods. The first day involved a purifying and expiatory ceremony. On the second day of the festival there was a feast and procession as a mark of thanksgiving. Branches of olive bound with wool, borne by children, were affixed by them to the doors of the houses (pretty much the same thing as during Pyanopsia). Musical contests were also common on the second day.
What could we do nowadays: Offerings - grains, bread, honey cakes, all kinds of fruit (especially figs), honey, wine, olive oil, incense, olive branches/leaves; prayer/hymns, plan a purification ritual/activity (it could even involve things like: cleaning your house, taking a bath, etc.), make dinner and invite friends/loved ones to share it with, sing and listen to music.
Apollo is also honoured during:
Noumenia (new moon) under his epithet Noumenios
The 7th day of each month
During Summer/Winter Solistice (his arrival from/deparure to Hyperborea, marking the change in seasons, if you follow the myth)
Some things that might also be useful:
Here's an example of "Greek Wheel of The Year":
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It's a simplified diagram showing some main Hellenic holidays. You can find more info on the website (link above). Of course, this is not the only way to celebrate Hellenic festivals but since you mentioned the Wiccan Wheel of The Year, I figured it could be easier to picture or get used to.
Attic Callendar 2022 - a reconstruction of the Attic (lunar) calendar; days marked for specific festivals and to honour certain deities [FYI Hellenion is kinda problematic, though, so keep that in mind - see more about that here & here ]
Ancient Greek Fesivals - summaries
You can also create a personal, UPG-based festival/holiday! @theoi-crow explains it really well in this post - LINK
I might write a short post about other fesivals for/involving Apollo, such as Stepterion because I think it's particulary interesting but could be difficult to celebrate today. It's more of a bonus, so I'll just link it here once I'm done.
Hope this will be helpful!
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fymoonbyul · 2 years
[INTERVIEW] Meet the enchanting MAMAMOO
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If you are curious about what would happen if four significantly different and talented individuals come together to form a group, we have an answer for you.
MAMAMOO is probably one of the eclectic female groups in the K-pop industry. Formed by RBW in 2014 and composed by Solar, Moonbyul, Whee In, and Hwasa, the group that debuted with “Mr.Ambiguous” a song which is still considered one of the best K-pop debuts ever, is now well-known thanks to the powerful concepts behind each member and the strong vocal performances.
But it’s not just like that. MAMAMOO were able to destroy some of the preconceptions behind the female K-pop industry, and they have been on the front line and stood up against body shaming multiple times. Hwasa made a few headlines during the group performance in Germany ad KPOP.FLEX for her bold choice to wear flash pink see-through tights that covered her whole body. A strong message that made the group appearance more powerful than ever.
Because what we saw in Frankfurt was a real show that put down one and for all the voices behind their disbandment. MAMAMOO’s showed not only their steady heavenly vocals but a true friendship. Since a comeback as a group, as stated by their leader Solar, is not going to happen soon, reunions on stage like this are a precious gift for the MooMoo.
Panorama.it spoke with them after their performance on the stage of the KPOP.FLEX.
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Q: Welcome to Europe, girls. There is no need, but can you please introduce yourself to the Italian public?
Solar: Hello! I think it’s my first time saying hello to you. We are MAMAMOO a group that is active in Korea.
Q: I think this is the first time the Italian MooMoo has had the chance to speak with you. Can you please share a message with your fandom?
Moonbyul: Italian MooMoo! I’m happy to say hello like this, and I hope we can see each other often in the future! I’ll be waiting for the day we can meet in person.
Q: Talking about the Kpop Flex, how does it feel to come back performing in front of an audience like the one you had here in Frankfurt?
Wheein: It’s been a long time since I performed with the audience, and I was so excited to be with so many people overseas even before I got on the plane. I was so happy that more than 40.000 people sang with me and enjoyed it. The energy I received from the stage was amazing. I was able to gain strength and I think I worked harder on the stage than ever.
Q: You debuted in 2014. How did the k-pop industry change, in your opinion?
Hwasa: As K-pop changes, I think MAMAMOO has tried many things to show various aspects. I think we’ve grown together since 2014. Just like there are so many people who like MAMAMOO’s songs right now.
Q: You all have side projects as solo artists; what’s the main challenge of going solo despite being in a group?
Moonbyul: When we’re promoting as MAMAMOO, we can gather opinions and decide, but when we prepare for our solo album, we have to make more decisions by ourselves, so I feel a lot of pressure. And I was a little afraid of standing alone on stage, but I tried to overcome those with more practice.
Q: Last year you released WAW, a very powerful and meaningful mini album in which you showcased the harmony of your group. Which is MAMAMOO’s strength?
Wheein: I think MAMAMOO’s strength is their vocal harmony and good energy on stage. Harmony seems to have been made based on long practice and a lot of performances, and I think MooMoo’s sparkling eyes made me feel good. It was so nice to see those eyes that almost made me cry.
Q: In March you dropped your documentary. Four episodes cover the group’s career from its debut and will show the behind-the-scene efforts in reaching success. When you think of your first days as idols there is a particular memory that comes to your mind?
Solar: Of course, wouldn’t it be our first debut performance? It’s our first official day as an idol. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to feel the nervousness and excitement of that time.
Hwasa: And I still can’t forget the moment when we had our first solo concert. We were scattered to appear on the opening stage separately, but the memories of that time when we were left alone are still vivid.
Moonbyul: I think MAMAMOO is the only movie in the world. The time that we’ve made with our members and MooMoo is the only time in the world, so many precious memories are piled up like a film.
Q: What’s coming next for MAMAMOO?
Solar: I think there are a lot of opportunities to see domestic and foreign MooMoo. As Mamamoo has been waiting for a long time, we’ll prepare well so that we can come back quickly!
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