#If I finish them I’ll just edit this post with the final
circuscountdowns · 8 months
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posting these painting sketches to give myself permission to not work on them anymore - witness narinder and the lamb god of death
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little-paper-man · 1 year
Mmmmm still working on stuff but also sicky sick… so have an assorted sketch pile of tmbm :y
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purplealmonds · 1 year
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This is my tribute to the late Technoblade. I'm well over a week late to the anniversary of his passing, but I think it was worth the wait. I wanted to get this right.
The story I want to tell is of time's passage after his passing, and the set dressing of this space is a symbolic amalgamation of various aspects of his life depicting that concept.
I have a lot more to say about this painting - three pages just for the symbolism alone. If you're interested, please let me know and I'll share my analysis on a separate post! Edit: I caved. Aight, prepare for a massive info dump below the cut!
Although I put a lot of research into this piece, my knowledge is likely flawed and incomplete. If I missed or misinterpreted a reference, it’s because I’m new to the Technoblade community. If I got a symbolism thing wrong, it’s because I relied on Google search for answers. I fact checked where I could. And with this analysis, I hope I can clear up any misinterpretations! 
There’s lots of imagery to unpack so I’ll try parsing it in a structured manner. Let’s first examine it holistically. 
The story I want to tell here is of time’s passage after Technoblade’s passing. As such,the set dressing of this space is a symbolic amalgamation of that concept.
Prominently featured are the various medical equipments - a nod to the grim reality of his cancer. But let’s not linger upon that aspect of his story.
Of equal importance are the more mundane objects - his gaming setup, the couch and pillow which Floof sat upon in that one photo, the plethora of paraphernalia of branded merchandise, and references to his exploits in Minecraft. These are relics and mementos of his legacy.
All of these elements intermingle in flooded, lushly overgrown room looking out to a rose-tinted exterior. Is it dawn? Dusk? I’ll leave that interpretation up to the viewers.  
The third and final component is the plant life representing his community -us. We beautify this metaphorical space with where it was once laden with tragedy. Yet, despite these riotous blooms, we never quite encroach on the bed - the empty space left behind by him.
Much care was taken in selecting the blossoms and placing them in symbolically significant locations.  And this neatly transitions us into the analysis individual details.
In the foreground, ivy crawls through a lamp and white clovers thrive atop a pile of pillboxes. The lamp base, once a shining bronze-like finish, is heavily tarnished. The lampshade is overgrown with moss and ivy. Even if the greenery has yet to damage the electric wiring, the damp surely has finished the job. Even if the bulb is replaced, the body is too far gone. The light’s never coming on again. 
I was initially put out that my painstakingly 3D modeled pillboxes became entirely obscured, but I think it works in favor of the piece’s overarching theme: the beautiful wilds overtaking a space that once reeked of the desperate fight to prolong life. 
White clover blossoms meaning “thinking of you” is paired with the ivy meaning “everlasting devotion”.  It’s an apt combination. It has been over a year since his passing, and we still remember and carry on his legacy. 
Nestled amongst the foliage is Techno’s compass. It was once used to hunt him down in the Dream SMP. But now, it’s an odd comfort. Even though he’s no longer with us, he’s still somewhere far, far away– or is he? The original idea was for the needle to point heavenwards, but it is currently pointing…sideways?  I’ll get to the reasoning a bit later. 
The Flood:
Moving deeper into the space, we hit the floodwaters. These once turbulent currents are now tranquil enough to nourish this verdant place. The thriving plant life hides much of this darkness. It is beautiful, hopeful, even. But always bittersweet, because everything that grows here is laced with an old sorrow.
White lotus rise from the murky depths. That is us, overcoming our grief. Breaching the surface, we gain a new vantage point to contemplate this loss. Perhaps we can also find a more comforting perspective of it.
Submerged amongst the blossoms is a rusted oxygen machine. I wanted to decorate the machine with stickers, much like one would personalize a plaster cast for a broken limb. It is deliberate that the “Technoblade Never Dies” sticker is in shadow, while the “So Long, Nerds" is in light. 
Immediately to the right was meant to be a box of assorted Technoblade apparel.  But then I flooded the space for narrative reasons, rendering that idea unusable. I eventually converted it into a Welch’s Fruit Snacks box, because apparently Technoblade liked them? It’s one of the shallower references here but it is what it is.
And finally, there is a little cameo floating somewhere in the waters. An Easter egg, if you will. I wonder if you can find it? 
Furnishings from Home:
I found the couch and Technoblade’s gaming setup during my trawl through the Technoblade Reddit page for reference photos. Balancing this space full of impersonal medical equipment with more personalized belongings is grounding. These areas insert familiarity in this strange environment.
Gaming Setup:
The gaming setup is bare bones - just the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. There was no space to add more iconic elements like his Blue Yeti microphone or the steering wheel from that Minecraft challenge. Hanging above but heavily obscured by overgrowth are two framed pictures of Technoblade’s cabin and a potato minion. It is a blink-and-you-miss-it detail, placed in a dim space and requiring close examining to notice. Without the context of the rest of this environment, it is easily mistaken as generic set dressing. 
That’s the point, though. This was a space where he streamed and created videos much beloved by his community. This space was the means of creation, not the creations themselves. Without the creator at the helm, this setup becomes insignificant. Does one dote over the easel on which paintings were created, or the paintings themselves? So now it sits in darkness, a footnote of Technoblade’s legacy. 
Nostalgia Corner:
On the other end, we have the sold out Youtooz plushies and the Agro Pig plush from the recent merch drop sat atop the couch.  If you look closely, you’ll see a Skeppy coin leaning against one of the plushies. Behind the couch is a shelf. A generic shelf, but the important bits here are the sellout bell, Youtube plaque, and vinyl figurines. 
This corner of the room is nostalgic and soft. Everything is bathed in rosy pink light, and it is filled with things that are comfortingly familiar. All across the world, people in his community have these pieces of merch to remember him by. 
The red poppies that also grow here have multiple meanings. It represents the battle - one against sarcoma - which was fought here. It symbolizes death, but also resilience in the face of grueling conditions. It is said that they grow in former battlefields where of fallen warriors. I believe of all the flowers here, this one best represents Technoblade.
The Hanging Mobile:
Strung up above it is a rather last minute addition to the environment - a hanging mobile fabricated from totems representing each member of the Sleepy Bois Inc. friend group. First and foremost is Technoblade’s iconic MCC crown, aptly placed at the top. Although it is untouched by the greenery, the gold and jewelry are somewhat muted and tarnished by time.
This is not the case for the objects below. TommyInnit’s music disc shines iridiscent green and purple - Cat and Mellohi merged into one. To is right is a sky-blue guitar pick with the LoveJoy logo engraved onto it for Wilbur Soot. And finally, below it all is Philza’s Friendship Emerald - sparkling and refracting light - with Elytra feathers fastened at the bottom. They, suspended and isolated from everything, maintain a pristine vibrancy which strongly contrasts against everything else in this space. 
IV Stand:
Next to the computer setup is the IV stand. It sustains life which is incapable of continuing on without intervention. The butterfly milkweed growing on it, in contrast, says “let me go.” The latter, overtaking the tangle of tubes and powered off patient monitor, is victorious. The hooks stand rusted, and the IV bag empty from disuse.
Sat atop the patient monitor but almost blending into the walls is a pig figurine featured in Dream’s latest music video. It stands on a high perch, yet is unassuming as to direct focus on Technoblade, or rather, his absence. 
Hanging from the wired basket is an air freshener tag. If you look on the official website, this is one of the only products which has what I can only call interesting flavor text. Most are merely descriptions and specs of the product. To quote it verbatim:
“Yes, this is a real product. And no, this ‘air freshener’ has no discernible fragrance. ‘Why’ you ask? Because Mr. Technodad and our team agreed this was exactly the sort of air freshener Alex would have found hilarious.”
As morbid as it sounds, I feel like this air freshener tag would not have existed before Technoblade’s passing. It is so unlike any other merchandise I’ve seen in any other branded merchandise store. It’s like an inside joke, secretly shared within the descriptions for the world to eventually discover. 
Unlit candles line the window sill - the aftermath of a candlelight vigil. It is a versatile symbol. It raises awareness of a disease or illness. It pays tribute the dead. Judging from the melted wax dribbling down the candle shafts and the wall below (the opacity was reduced so it looks less like bloodstains), this has been done many times over. But there is so much more candle to burn, representing the people still continuing this ceremony, albeit in the privacy of their own homes.
Above the candles are some broken blinds. When grieving, it would have been so easy for Mr. Technodad to hide away from the world in his grief. It’s understandable, to give into that primal urge to flee from prying eyes when he’s at his most vulnerable. He had the difficult task of reading out his son’s final farewell to us. This barrier between him and us dismantled by this gesture so we can remember Technoblade together. 
Coincidentally, the window frame itself somewhat resembles the kitchen window featured in Technoblade and Technodad's cooking videos. Completely unintentional on my end, but fitting in a way since in both those videos they're pulling back the metaphorical curtains for the audience to peer into a small aspect of their private lives.
To the right of the window is a nondescript clock, forever stopped at the 6:30 as a nod to the date when the "So Long, Nerds" video was published. The minute hand is accidentally left out removed to signify that time will no longer move forward for Technoblade. In contrast, the rest of the world - represented by this space - continues to grow and change around his absence.
A wind chime hangs just outside the window. It is said that the soothing sounds produced by them is a healing balm during tumultuous times. Where there is wind there is stirred up emotions, but it is motionless on this calm, breezeless day. A rare respite, where remembrance overrides grief. 
On a more amusing note, there is an interesting looking moth perched on the window glass. Upon closer inspection, the wing pattern may look somewhat familiar. In Chinese culture, when a huge moth visiting your home is the embodiment of your recently deceased loved one checking on you. Remember the compass in the foreground? Well, here’s why it is pointed sideways instead of upwards. This idea came up rather organically during a VC session in the R/Technoblade Discord server. My handful of viewers and myself affectionately dubbed this doofy looking moth TechnoMoff!
Venturing further beyond the windows, ferns grow with wild abandon. They represent eternal youth, and from a certain point of view, he will remain youthful forever at the age of 23. He lives on through us carrying on his legacy and spreading his story. 
Everything outside is tinged with pink. After someone dies, we start seeing them less as a person and more as a legacy. It is the natural course of things to start seeing the deceased through rose-tinted lenses - hence the artificially pink hue of the outside contrasting with the more grounded color palette of the inside. 
And now we circle back to the centerpiece of this entire composition: the bed and the things that surround it. 
In front of the bed is an over-bed table with a single object: an incense bowl filled to the brim with burnt sticks of incense. A simple shrine for Technoblade. In Chinese culture, we light incense at the altar to honor our loved ones. We may live separate lives and not cross paths often, but we all come together to leave our marks through this ritual. It is proof that he is still very much loved and missed by us all.
The bariatric bed frame is typically seen in hospitals. It allows the patient to comfortably sit up or recline without expending valuable energy. Encased in this frame is something more personal - the mattress and cushions which Technoblade laid upon in his photo with the Youtube plaque. Their unique patterning is a foil for the impersonal receptacle it is caged in. It is spotlit by the window light, emphasizing its emptiness. Not a single blossom dares to encroach upon this space, because to do so would be to erase the space where Technoblade last resided. Like I mentioned before, this is story is about the space around him as much as it is about him. 
Cradling this bed frame are several flowers. Rosemary and forget-me-not’s for remembrance. Appropriate, given its proximity to the bed. Morning glories, for resilience. That’s us, again. For a while, we meander and spread in the upper walls of this space, avoiding the floodwaters which symbolize grief. But eventually, we gather the strength to meander down to the bed, where grief was the strongest.
There is that cheesy quote from that one Marvel TV show – “What is grief, but love persevering?” While this reframes our perception of dealing with loss, grief is not some thing that should linger. The absence of grief does not equate to the lack of love. Instead, I would like you to consider this: remembrance is love persevering. And with our combined perseverance, Technoblade will never truly die. 
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beforeimdeceased · 6 months
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ways to help, daily click, do not support neil
ellie williams x reader
a/n: this actually isn’t the best but i’ll post it now and edit it later :D let me know what you think
tags: @astralnymphh
once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived a castle…
okay maybe it was an abandoned apartment complex, and maybe she wasn’t a princess, but that isn’t the point of our story. our story focuses on how fate is inescapable.
“flower! let me up.” the doctor calls. you look outside of your broken bedroom window and quickly rush to the main room where there is a lever. you then, twist it with all your might. this triggers a series of reactions going downward which opens a space in the wall for the doctor to walk up.
this was a daily routine. doctor would go out and forage for supplies and food while you tidied up your “tower” as you called it. it wasn’t much but it was home and helped protect you from the outside world.
many years ago an outbreak occurred causing a sickness in the people of the world. doctor says it was terrifying to see. disfigured faces as a parasitic virus took over their minds.
but you were special.
you were born a few years later in a hospital doctor had been working in at the time. your mother had been seeing doctor for months and she was finally ready to deliver you. then suddenly, there was a break in. the infected monsters stormed through and bit your mother as you were being born. in a panic, doctor wrapped you up, ran as fast as she could until she found this abandoned building, and promised to always keep you safe.
she waited to see if the affects of the bite were passed onto you, and gratefully reveled in the fact that they did not. she still continued to watch you carefully. just in case. then, one day while cleaning up, she turned her head for a moment and you’d been scratched by an infected that had found its way inside the building.
you wailed and so did she before she realized that you were not turning. days began to pass and you still hadn’t turned. you were completely fine other than a small scratch on the back of your neck.
doctor rapidly got to work. after running various tests she used your blood to create a cure. it’s temporary against the infection, but it helps keep it from doing extensive damage. it gave those who were previously hopeless a reason to be hopeful.
she was excited about the results and prepared to share them with the world.
once she’d gotten in touch with the others in her field, they said in order to make a viable cure for everyone you would have to die, which she did not agree with.
so she rushed back to the tower, closed the doors, and swore to never let you leave out of fear that others would hurt you. even after you’d grown older. even after a cure had been fashioned years later from a mystery flower. even after the apocalypse had been declared over and it was semi safe to leave again. you would never leave. and she was confident that you’d never try to, until…
“are you excited for you birthday tomorrow, flower?” doctor asks as she walks into the lounge area. you were sat in the corner knitting a scarf out of yarn you’d fashioned from leaves. “i am actually. i’m more excited about the possibility of-“
“leaving to see the festival?” she finishes your sentence. you huff. “doctor, please. i look outside of my window and i see people laughing and lights shining just down the mountain. i know that a settlement is out there. have you still not checked it out?”
“no i haven’t checked it out and i’m not going to. i told you it’s probably fires started to control a large population of infected.” her tone is stern. she has checked already, it is a settlement.
you slump down in a chair next to her, hands clasped together. bottom lip sticking out. “please. please! atleast promise you’ll check on your next trip.”
she looks over at your face and smiles. “fine. we’re running out of supplies anyway. i’ll check on my trip tommorow, would that make you happy?”
“very.” you respond, smiling.
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
a loud clanking is heard from underneath the tower followed by a string of curses. “doctor?” you call out. your heart begins to race. what if she’s hurt again and she needs help? or more of the cure? you quickly turn the knob and listen as her footsteps get closer.
then you hear her speak and it is definitely not doctor. you hide behind the entrance, a frying pan in hand as it was the closest thing to you. you watch as the woman steps up and looks around. breathing heavily with dirt all over her. before she can turn around, you knock her hard on her head.
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sugrhigh · 7 months
HOTBOX 2 - ( m.s )
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part one
summary- matt smoked with his best friends for the first time, and after you guys get home his dirty thoughts about you finally come to life
warnings- SMUT !! so don’t read if ur uncomfy, swearing, unprotected sex, slightly subby!matt
bff!matt x fem!reader
a/n: HEHE i had fun writing this so i hope you guys truly enjoy. i will be working on boy next door and a beautiful fall req i just received, but until those are posted my inbox is open for any comments, reqs, or sweet nothings xoxo
dedicated to the lovely @awsturn thank you for requesting!!!
@fawnchives @mattswrld @l1ttlefreakk @teapartyprincess4two @l9vesick
“oh wow, matt.” nick can’t stifle his laughter as his brother walks through the front door with the rest of you.
he’s got his arm around your shoulder, leaning some of his weight on you as you move in unison. he promised he could walk fine on his own, but you insisted on being there just in case.
not that he minds the physical contact.
“what?” he asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his eyes finally focus.
“nothing you just look…very faded.”
“that’s because he is.” you reply for him.
“hey, so are you guys!” matt argues, and you nod your head absentmindedly as the two of you head past nick to the living room.
“yes, we are. do you want to sit?”
“are you going to?”
you laugh and untangle yourself from his arms once you’re beside the couch. “you don’t have to do everything i do, you know.”
his legs are far less shaky than they were before, but he plops down on the plush cushions regardless. the rest of the group is still chattering in the foyer, and he appreciates the few seconds of alone time he gets with you.
“just wanted to make sure you weren’t leaving.” matt shrugs lazily in response.
“i’m literally spending the night dork.” you remind him, turning to head into the kitchen.
you’re unknowingly giving him the perfect view of your ass as you walk, covered only by those thin little yoga pants, hips swaying back and forth like you’re taunting him on purpose.
he has to force himself to look away, to try and put an end to all of the filthy thoughts churning in his mind. he shouldn’t be thinking them, especially not about one of his best friends.
but matt is too fried to pretend he doesn’t have feelings for you. he always has. it’s just harder to hide how much he wants you when he can barely remember how to breathe.
it’s pretty late, so chris and nathan announce that they’re going to his room to play video games. the pair are already bounding down the hall as you return to the living room, equipped with a bottle of water in one hand.
“where the hell are they off to?” you ask with a grin, passing him the drink.
“going to play fortnite or something.” matt replies, taking the water into his own trembling hands.
he tries to ignore the way his fingers pass over yours, tries not to wonder if you feel the same spark that he does just from a simple touch. luckily, nick enters seconds later which relieves some of the tension.
he watches his brother wrap you in a quick hug. “i have to finish editing, but i’ll see you in the morning.”
“you better be up in time for mcdonald’s breakfast.” you point an accusatory finger at him as he heads to his room laughing.
“yeah, yeah, wake me whenever. goodnight matt, drink that water.”
he hears the door click closed a second later, his eyes trained on you as you move to sit down beside him. your thigh is inches from his, but you’re still too far away for his liking.
“are you sleepy?” you ask him as you settle down against the cushions, finally meeting his gaze once you’re comfortable.
“not really.” he finds himself smiling at you, for no real reason besides the fact that he loves you.
you tilt your head to the side, studying him with a look in your eyes that indicates you’re amused. “okay, how are you then? enjoying it?”
his eyes are low and red, watching your lips as they move. he can’t stop thinking about your fingers gently gripping his thigh earlier, the confident tone in which you speak to him, how you handle yourself.
all of that mixed with the weed is making him incredibly turned on. he shifts a little, dropping the water bottle on the couch so he can use his hands to cover his lap.
“yeah, i’m enjoying it.” matt says quietly, unable to look anywhere besides you.
you furrow your brows a little bit, but your grin doesn’t fade, which makes him feel better.
“alright, what’s going on? i know you’re high and everything, but you’re acting a little too weird.” you accuse him, though your demeanor is light-hearted as you nudge your shoulder against his.
he shakes his head just slightly as if he has no idea what you’re talking about. “what do you mean? i’m totally normal.”
matt finds that his voice is just a little too squeaky and quick to be convincing, and he knows he’s not a very good liar, especially when it comes to you.
“come on, i know that’s not true. you can tell me anything.” you push, moving a little bit so that you can properly face him.
the light coming from the kitchen silhouettes your features beautifully, and he can feel the words crawling up his throat. it’s involuntary, but the truth is coming out either way.
“i already told you earlier.”
“i just…want you.” he finally admits breathlessly.
this catches you completely off guard, considering you had pushed your previous conversation in the car to the back of your mind. you figured he was just tripping, only saying flirty things because he was so out of it.
your lips part like you’re going to speak, but nothing happens. matt studies your face for any kind of emotion other than shock, but he can’t read you, which makes him anxious.
“i’m sorry, fuck, i don’t know why i’m saying this shit right now, of all times, but you look so pretty and i just…i needed you to know because—” he stumbles over his words, which morph together in the wrong places.
“matt, matt, it’s okay.”
you put a hand on his thigh again, trying to let him know that everything is fine, and he literally twitches from the pressure of your palm being so close to where he needs you.
“don’t do that.” he hisses, unable to control the way he slightly bucks against your fingers.
but you don’t move, because you feel yourself throb at the sight of him growing hard in his sweatpants. all because you touched him.
“matt…” you tilt your head, trying to get him to look at you.
he exhales a long breath before he finally does, his faded eyes wider now, cheeks flushed and brown hair messy from the wind of the car ride home. he looks beautiful, your beautiful best friend.
but matt is way more. you need him to be more.
“are you sure you want this?” you say faintly, leaning in just enough for him to notice.
“do you want this?”
you nod your head slowly, staring at his pink lips, unable to stop wondering if they’re as soft as they look. so you meet him the rest of the way, your mouth meshing against his gently.
matt almost melts at the feeling, and butterflies erupt through his chest. he can’t believe this is happening. part of him wonders if he fell asleep, and is dreaming it all up.
it’s thrilling, how desperate you both are for more, how his tongue slips against yours so nicely, and he has to contain himself when you bite down on his bottom lip every so often.
you pull away and swing your leg over his lap so you can straddle him. he groans quietly underneath you, because your hips feel so nice on his that he already wants to combust on the spot.
and then you lean down to his ear, moving slowly against his hard dick, so close he can feel your breath tickle his skin.
“i’m gonna take care of that, baby,” you whisper, “but you have to be quiet. can you do that?”
matt nods eagerly and you kiss his neck in response, tugging at the skin lightly. his hands travel to your ass, gripping it tightly to force some more friction.
he feels you grin against his throat, and he has to hold back a moan from the combined sensation of your tongue and hips going to work.
you move up to his jaw, across his cheek, back to his mouth, and this time he smiles against your lips. kissing you is just so sweet, even when it’s sinful, and he’s so high and happy it's impossible not to.
you pepper him with a few more quick pecks before crawling off of his lap, crouching down between his knees. he’s already needy, missing having you on top of him even though you look gorgeous at his feet.
matt reaches out to smooth your hair, holding your head in his hand as his thumb brushes your cheek.
“are you real?” it leaves his mouth before he can think.
you let out a breathy laugh, turning your head to kiss the heel of his palm softly. “i’m real, i promise.”
the intimacy of the moment, just that small gesture, is making his heart slam against his ribcage.
you reach up to hook your fingers underneath the waist of his sweats, tugging them down to indicate he should lift himself. matt does just that, pressing his back against the couch so you can slide the soft material down to his ankles.
your run your hands up his thighs before you go to the band of his boxers, pulling so that his dick springs free. he’s already wet and straining, precum soaking his tip, and he’s a little embarrassed by the way you’re looking at it.
but you’re only staring because it’s bigger than you expected, possibly the biggest you’ve seen in person. you’re entranced as your fingers glide over his tip, spreading his wetness across the rest of the base.
“shit…” matt mutters under his breath, throwing his head back against the couch as he fucks himself into your hand slightly.
you love hearing him all breathless, watching his muscles clench in pleasure as you stroke him. but you can tell he’s already worked up enough, so you start to slow your movements to a stop before pushing yourself to stand.
his head snaps back up, surprised by the switch in pace, and then his eyes get wider. you slip your leggings off, reaching for the hem of your shirt after so you can tug it over your head and discard it with your pants.
he loves seeing you exposed like this, every curve, every gorgeous little detail that makes your body your body.
“my pretty girl.” he praises, completely pussy whipped already, and it makes you a little bit shy as you stand before him.
you just like matt so much, and hearing him compliment you in such a personal setting only confirms how much you need him.
“want you inside me.” you murmur, straddling his waist again, sliding your wet panties against his shaft lightly as you get situated.
“please, oh my god—” he’s choking on his own words as you push your panties to the side, lining him up with your entrance.
you sink down on him without warning, feeling that delicious and familiar pressure in your stomach as he fills you up. matt’s hands find their way to your ass again, in a state of complete euphoria from having you wrapped around him.
you both groan, and you lean in so you can attach your mouth to his, swallowing the sounds of your shared pleasure. he helps guide you up and down, slowly at first, admiring the way you squeeze his dick every time he’s fully inside.
“fuck, you feel so good matt.” you whine against his lips as quietly as possible, picking up the pace and moving your hips at a quicker speed, hands on the frame of the sofa to help you bounce.
“promise you feel better.” he manages to respond before having to bite down on his bottom lip hard to contain a moan.
you’re riding him so well, skin slapping skin together ever so slightly. matt uses one hand to tug your bra down so he can slide his tongue over one of your nipples. you arch into his wet mouth, enjoying the way he softly sucks on each of them, swapping every so often.
he loves having your tits in his face so much, and he knows he won’t be able to hang on much longer with the way you’re moving.
“m’close, oh fuck—” his eyes roll back as you rock against him as fast as possible, rotating your hips so he hits a different spot every time.
“that’s it baby, keep fucking me, let it all go.” you command, relishing in the wave that’s taking over you as well.
matt slams you down on him a couple more times before he feels his fingers lose their grip, shuddering as he finishes inside you, breathless and sweaty.
your own muscles tense and you dive into it, releasing all over his cock as you slow your pace due to the overstimulation. you’re also panting as you slide off of him, rolling over his leg so you can sit beside him for a minute.
“that was…wow.” matt sighs happily as the both of you readjust your underwear.
“agreed.” you turn your head to smile at him, leaning in for one more little kiss.
it’s short, but it’s still just as passionate as the ones that came before. you could do it all day, his lips are just that soft.
“we should probably get cleaned up. do you wanna spend the night in my room?” his voice is still hushed once you pull away, and there’s a certain weight behind his words.
“i kinda want to sleep in your room every night.” you reply honestly, and his face lights up again at the confession, because he feels the exact same.
“i think i would kinda like that a lot.”
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plutolovesyou · 7 months
doing ellie's makeup? I FEEL LIKE THAT'D BE SO CUTE TY
☆:this is adorable omg i <3 fluff. disclaimer: i know absolutely nothing about makeup lol but had fun writing thiss. also fuck ACCIDENTALLY POSTED THIS A LOT EARLIER THAN I MEANT TO. i wanna take this down to edit it some more, embellish it..but don't wish to lose the ask....tumblr lemme private crap when i've misclicked pls. no warnings, just fluff. except not proofread whoops.
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doing ellie’s makeup.
a package had just arrived in the mail. you had previously ordered some new products, and were overjoyed about your purchases! needed to try them out, so you got an idea. she wasn't doing anything important right now….surely your artist girlfriend wouldn't mind being the canvas for a change?
“ellie, can I do your makeup??”
you sat down next to her sprawled out form on the couch, scrolling on her phone mindlessly as she shifted to the side to make space for you. she furrowed her eyebrows and didn't look up from her scrolling to murmur, “mmmmm…sure, why not.” you almost jumped for joy, she was going to look so pretty. ellie almost regretted allowing this, but seeing how happy you looked made her melt immediately. “okay wait here.” you went to gather your basket of products, so excited. she put her phone away and waited patiently for you to return. you returned and sat beside her, but that positioning wasn't allowing you to see properly. “lemme sit on you.” she continued laying down and you got on top of her to straddle her waist, laughing at her facial expressions. she wiggled her eyebrows and held onto your hips, thumbs making little circles, “i'm enjoying this.” she said, making your cheeks heat up the smallest touch. you lightly slapped her hands away, “oh shut up, i can't do this well if i'm not like, 3 inches from your face.” “alright, alright princess,” she said through a chuckle, dropping her arms by her sides. still smirking, proud of her jokes. “put this on.” you hand her a ridiculous looking headband, a pink one with a huge bow in the front, to put on to get her soft auburn hair out of her face, and she shoots you a look, but complies anyway. mischievously rubbing your hands together, you search for the base products to apply first. she watches curiously as you set up all the brushes and sponges to give her the makeover of a lifetime. you select one and show it to her, “i'll do this one, its light coverage because i don't wanna cover your freckles. i love them too much to do that.” she nods along, absorbing the information, her cheeks turning a light pink at the compliment. as you apply all the products to her face, she seems so relaxed. you’d honestly expected her to not be a fan, but it was lovely to see her closing her eyes, and just letting you paint her however you so pleased. it was a win/win situation, a sweet moment for both.
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you went through most of the routine, and it was time for eye products. making sure to emphasize your point, “okay, stay veeeeery still.” she seemed so at peace, and nodded to say she heard you. you got closer to her, eyeliner pen in hand and as soon as you made contact with her delicate eyelid, her eye started twitching and she burst into giggles. “hey, that tickles.” “ellie stay still, i’ll poke your eye out, cmon, i’m almost done.” “i’m tryin baby.” steadying your drawing hand, and steadying her by holding onto her cheek, slowly but surely you do her eyeliner. it’s uneven and a little wonky because she couldn’t be as still as needed, but charming, if you do say so yourself. and the final step, you pick out your sparkliest lip gloss. as you were applying the finishing touches, she was watching your focus intently, watching your movements so intimately. “there, done.” you finish and lean away from her, inspecting your work. she almost looked like a different person, but the way you’d done it accentuated her features perfectly, and made her green eyes just pop. she looked stellar. lips plump and sparkly, cheeks wonderfully rosy, like a doll. you squealed, “you look so good!!” she batted her mascara covered eyelashes as she sat up closer to you, who’s still on her lap, and pressed a messy kiss to your lips, smearing her gloss everywhere. “ellieeee, wait i gotta fix it.” you fix her lips, holding onto her chin as you do so, and get up so she can visit a mirror to take a look. she gasped, “oh wow.” you watched as she posed and inspected her makeover in front of the mirror, fascinated. “wow, i don’t look like myself….but i kinda love it." she throws a toothy grin your way. “i’m glad, thanks for letting me els.” she kept inspecting and looking at herself, “y’know, the more i look at this the more i like it. you can practice on me more often if you want.” this made you so happy, she looks great as ever with whatever she decides to do with her appearance, and it was so much fun to do this for her.
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tikosblogg · 4 months
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Summary: you’re bad omens merch girl. You all decide to go on vacation, after tour. Your boyfriend is a real dick, and Noah tells you how he really feels.
Warnings: sexual content, p in v sex, oral (f receiving), a little violence, mentions of blood, cheating. Let me know if I missed anything.
A/n: not gonna lie, it was 3am and I was exhausted. I kind of rushed through the smut. This is not edited. I’m on vacation, and posting from my phone. So sorry it looks a little rough.
We finally walked into the lobby of the condo we were staying at for a very much needed vacation. Noah and the guys just finished an amazing tour, and they all decided to go to Miami Beach for the week. I became close with the guys after landing a job being their merch girl. “Everybody got their room keys?” Matt walked up with his suitcase, making sure we were good to go. Everyone gave their confirmations, as we headed towards the elevators. “I’m so excited for this week, we really needed this.” When I got no response, I turned towards my boyfriend of 1 year Justin. Nose deep in his phone, tapping away. “Hello?” I asked annoyed for the 100th time today. He finally looked up from his phone “hm? Oh yeah, for sure.” And down went his face again.
I rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to the guys with an excited smile. “So what do you guys have planned today??” They all turned towards me, giving me their full attention. Noah speaking up first. “I think me and the guys are gonna go buy some drinks, and sit on the beach. We had a long drive. Kind of just wanna chill for the rest of the evening” I nodded my head in agreement. It was kind of a rough drive, especially being packed in a van with 7 people.
“You guys wanna join us?” As I nodded my head yes, Justin quickly spoke up. “Nah man, thanks tho. but we’re hitting up the bars tonight.” I looked up at just confused as hell. “Why do you wanna go to the bars? I thought we all came together to hangout TOGETHER?” AGAIN I was completely annoyed at his lack of consideration for me and my feelings. “Babe chill out. We literally have all week.” I quickly shut my mouth, and turned away before we got into an argument. I didn’t wanna argue with him, much less in front of the guys.
They all gave me an empathetic look, as the elevator doors finally opened. Everyone started piling in, Justin shoving in front of me with the rest of them. The elevator being at full capacity. I looked at Justin in pure bewilderment. “Seriously?” He turned towards me, and laughed. “We’ll see ya at the top! We’re all going to the same place.” Not only was I completely humiliated, but I was shocked.
Mine and Justin’s relationship was far from perfect. I just don’t understand what happened. We used to be so happy together. He used to be the best boyfriend. Then a couple weeks ago, he started acting different. He looked towards the rest of the guys, expecting them to laugh with him. As the doors started closing, a hand stopped them last second. “I’ll wait with you.” Noah grabbed his suitcase, rolling out and standing with me. The guys all gave him look, before the doors finally closed, sending them on their way up.
“Well that was a dick move.” Noah was the first to speak between us, as we waited for the next elevator. Me and Noah used to be really close friends. Best friends even. I befriended him, before the rest of the guys. He’s the reason I met Justin. I spent months, and months hung up over Noah, just waiting for any kind of sign that maybe he felt the same way. Eventually I had to move on, and Justin happened to be the one I moved on to. He was really attractive, and really sweet. We got along great, and had a lot in common.
My feelings never matched the same intensity as they did for Noah, but I was hoping the more time I spent with Justin, the feelings for Noah would eventually go away... but they haven’t. I just have to keep pushing them further and further down. I’m not sure why, but ever since Justin and I became a couple, Noah became distant. We don’t hangout anymore unless it’s with the rest of the guys. We don’t text as much, unless it’s about work. I guess that’s why it’s so awkward right now that we’re alone.
“Yeah it’s just been a long day for all of us.”
Why am I taking up for my asshole boyfriend’s shitty behavior? Not sure. We didn’t speak anymore, and continued awkwardly waiting on the doors to open. After the short ride up to our floor, we split separate ways to our rooms. “Thanks by the way….for waiting for me.” Noah turned towards me with a small smile on his face. “Always.” I felt my heart skip, as he turned back around, headed for his room at the other end of the hall. I let out a sigh walking towards our room dragging my luggage behind me.
I tried opening the door but it was locked. I banged on it a couple times, waiting for Justin to open it. Finally after a minute or two, the door swung open. “Hey. Took you long enough.” I scoffed, pushing past him, into our bedroom, slinging my suitcase against the bed. “You left me!” He huffed closing the door, before walking towards me. “Noah was literally with y/n calm down.” He rolled his eyes, plopping onto the bed.
“Yeah because YOU my BOYFRIEND didn’t! What if he didn’t wait with me??” I was getting angrier by the second. His lack of care for my wellbeing really hurt. Yeah I might be acting a tad bit dramatic but still. It’s the principle of it. “My god babe! Then you would have came up by yourself! Now come on get ready.” I gave up. I knew arguing with him was pointless. I don’t even know why I bother.
Opening my suitcase, I grabbed an outfit and my makeup bag. I went straight to the bathroom to get ready, getting drunk and letting loose sounds like a great idea.
(Two days later)
I woke up to the sound of the bathroom door slamming shut, and the shower running. Groaning into my pillow, I finally sat up grabbing my phone to check the time. 7am. Why the fuck is he up at 7am? He never wakes up at this time, much less before I even do. The sound of buzzing, pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked over at Justin’s side of the bed where his phone lay. I picked it up to answer, and let whoever was calling know that he would call them back later, until I saw the caller ID. “A” before I could answer, the call ended. I went to unlock his phone, when a text popped up on the screen.
“Hey I’m here. Can’t wait to see you ❤️”
I felt my heart fall to my ass. No way. He’s cheating on me? With who?!? I quickly opened his text threads, seeing the the same contact a few scrolls down. There it was. All the proof I needed, to confirm it. He was in fact cheating on me. Flirty texts, a bunch of selfies sent back and forth. I felt like throwing up. The bathroom door swung open, and Justin walked out towel drying his hair.
“I’m going into town for-“ he stopped dead in his tracks, staring at me like he saw a ghost. “Who the fuck is A?” We sat there silently, just staring at each other. “Just a friend babe, don’t start acting crazy” I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Just a friend huh? Okay.” I threw his phone back at him, climbing out of bed. I grabbed my phone, and some clothes headed straight to the shower. I quickly sent a text in the bands group chat that they added me in a while back, Asking if they wanted to hang out today. I hit send, stripping off my clothes hopping into the shower.
I met the guys at some seafood place, to grab some food before we hung out on the beach. “So where is Justin?” Folio asked, digging into his crab legs. My smile instantly disappeared, thinking back to this morning. We haven’t spoken since then. I’m too humiliated to tell them, and I don’t want to ruin everyone’s trip because of my relationship issues.
I smiled, coming up with a quick lie. Well sort of a lie. “Oh he’s uh meeting up with a friend, he said he’ll catch up with us later.” They all nodded, and continued eating starting up another conversation. I let out a small sigh of relief, at the attention not being on me anymore. When I looked over, Noah was staring at me with a look I couldn’t quite read. I sent him a smile, that he then returned.
After we were all finished, and stuffed full we headed to the beach. I sat in my beach chair tanning while the boys ran through the water and threw a football around. The sound of footsteps met my ears, until they stopped right beside me. I lifted my head, looking over at Noah. He was soaking wet, from being in the ocean. He looked beaut- stop it y/n. He grabbed his towel, drying his hair and body before sitting down beside me.
“What’s going on y/n?” I laid my head back down, still smiling at him. “Just tanning. What abou-“ he quickly cut me off, shaking his head. “ no I mean what’s going on? I think you forget angel…I know you. I can tell something is bothering you.” Thank god I was wearing sunglasses. I could feel the stupid tears welling up in my eyes, along with the butterflies erupting in my stomach. Angel. He always used to call me that. I assumed he stopped out of respect for Justin…but I missed it. I didn’t want to lie to him, but again, I couldn’t ruin this trip. They worked so hard, and they deserve it. So I decided to tell him half of the truth.
“It’s nothing Noah, I promise. Me Justin just had a little argument this morning. Everything is okay now though. No need to worry about it.” I gave him the most convincing smile I could muster, and he just nodded his head thankfully ending the conversation. It was now getting dark, so we all packed up our things and headed to our rooms. Exiting the elevator, I gave each of the guys a hug. When I got to Noah, he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. I squeezed back, not wanting to let go.
When we finally released each other, I said one more goodbye to them headed to my room.
Noah pov
After we said bye to y/n me and the guys all hung out in our condo. I spoke up, interrupting the guys conversation. “Something’s going on with y/n but she won’t tell me.” They all looked at me, nick talking first. “Yeah we could tell. Just didn’t wanna pry.” I nodded in agreement. I knew she wasn’t being honest down at the beach, but I didn’t wanna make her uncomfortable. “Probably her dick head of a boyfriend pissing her off.” Jolly sighed, flopping onto the bed behind me.
Justin. The asshole who stole the women of my fucking dreams. I don’t care how cliche it sounds. It’s true. I’ve been in love with her for two years now. Justin was my friend, or so I thought. I mistakenly told him about my feelings for y/n. I told him everything. How I was planning on telling her how I felt. When I was gonna do it and where. Then all of sudden, he walks in the next day flaunting her, and their new relationship right in my face.
I was devastated, but I acted happy for y/n. If he was who made her happy, I had to accept that. But Seeing how he treated her a few days ago when we got here, made me think differently. He ignored her the whole way here, and then was gonna leave her in the lobby. The hurt look on her face, made me rage. I’ve never wanted to beat the fuck out of someone so bad before.
I could feel my anger rising just thinking about it. I need to calm down, and quick before I go beat his ass right now. “You gonna come drink with us Noah?” Folio asked, as they all gathered their things, but I declined. “I think I’m gonna go take a walk. I’ll be back later.” They all nodded goodbye, and went back to their conversation, as I headed down to the beach.
Y/n pov
After I got back to my room, I threw my stuff in the corner sat down on the living room couch. I let out a frustrated groan, shoving my face in my hands. I don’t know what to do. Obviously the right decision would be to dump his sorry ass. I’m just scared. Other than all the shitty things. What me and Justin have is good. It’s…comfortable. Justin is also Noah’s friend. If I leave him, who’s to say Noah doesn’t take Justin’s side? Then I’ll lose my boyfriend… and most importantly… Noah.
Just the thought of losing Noah shatters my heart completely. The door suddenly opened, Justin waltzing in with a smug smile on his face. “Hey babe.” I rolled my eyes, standing from the couch. I grabbed my phone, and slipped my shoes back on headed towards the door. “where are you going?” I stopped before opening it, turning back towards him. anger filling my entire body. “I need space Justin. I really don’t want to talk to you right now.”
He scoffed rolling his eyes. “You’re seriously pissed off that I have friends!? Wow y/n get the fuck over yourself!” He really knows how to get under my skin. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know friends flirted with each other and sent hearts back and forth.” He threw his stuff onto the bed shaking his head. “I just need space Justin. I need to think.” He didn’t bother looking at me, as he started unbuttoning his shirt. “Whatever y/n.”
I took that as my cue to leave, and walked out of the room slamming the door behind me. I can’t believe him. I have done everything for him. I have put my all into this relationship, and he couldn’t give a fuck less. I walked down to the beach, to relax and just think. I love the beach at night. Nobody is usually down here at this time, and the sound of the waves are so peaceful at night.
I sat down on one of the wooden lounge chairs, and finally let out the tears I’ve been holding in all day. I sobbed until my throat felt raw. After a little while I calmed down, but silent tears continued to fall. If I leave Justin, I might just lose everyone. I can’t let that happen. Where did it go wrong? Can we even come back from this? Maybe we could try couples therapy… that’s a thing right?
“Didn’t expect to see you down here.” I jumped at the sudden voice breaking the peaceful silence. I quickly wiped the tears off my face, smiling up at Noah. He was smiling until he saw my puffy face. He sat down beside me, throwing his arm over my shoulder pulling me into his side. “Hey..what’s wrong angel?” There he goes with that damn nick name again.
I shake my head, ready to brush it off again until he grabs the side of my face turning it towards his. We were so close. If I moved just an inch closer our noses would brush. “You know it’s really hurting my feelings that you keep lying to me y/n. I know something is going on. Tell me.” I couldn’t control it anymore. A sob broke free again, and Noah held me tighter to his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair until I finally calmed back down.
“He’s cheating on me Noah.” I finally confessed. This is it. I’m about to lose the one person that I care about most. I felt his body go stiff, but not a word was said. I could feel his heart pounding fast against my cheek. I decided to break the silence, I couldnt stand it. “I just.. I don’t know what to do. We were doing so good. Then it all just..went to shit..we kept fighting. I was hoping it was just phase, but I was wrong.” I sniffed, pulling away slightly to look at him. He was pissed. Seething.
I was so scared of what he was going to say. Would he be mad that I was accusing his friend of such a thing? His voice interrupted my thoughts. “You don’t deserve that y/n. He doesn’t deserve you.” I was speechless for a minute. He’s choosing my side? He’s been friends with Justin way longer than he has even known me. I could feel my anxiety slowly dissipating.
We finally disconnected from each other, but stayed close. Our shoulders pressing together. “I guess I’m just scared. I haven’t been alone in so long…I just..I know it sounds pathetic. He used to make me feel so loved. When it was good, it was good. I was able to look past all the bad. I’m scared to start over. What if I don’t find someone who loves me like he did at one point?” Noah listened intently to every word.
“You’re not pathetic y/n. It’s normal to feel the way you do, but please listen to me when I say you don’t deserve it. You deserve every fucking good thing in this god forsaken world, and he is a fucking idiot.” My heart was beating out of my chest at every word that came out of his mouth. He is making it so hard not to fall deeper in love with him.
Love. Did I really just say that? Yes I did. Because I do, and I’m tired of fighting it. “You know I used to be so confident. I was always putting myself out there. Wasn’t afraid to make the first move. I was outgoing, and fun. I let him ruin me, how could someone love a person so fucked up.” The tears started falling again, as I harshly wiped them away.
“I do. You’re not fucked up. You’re hurt. I’m sure right now isnt the best time to say this, but fuck it. I’m tired of keeping it to myself. I love you. I have fucking loved you for two years now.” I was frozen in shock. I can’t believe what my ears are hearing right now. I feel like this is a dream, and I’m about to wake up any minute. We stared at each other, until I finally found my words. “Noah ..are you serious?”
He nodded his head, as we just stared at each other. “Yeah…and Justin knew that too.” Justin knew?? What is he talking about? “What do you mean?” I was in disbelief at what I was hearing right now.
“Well Justin was my best friend…or so I thought..since we were kids. I mistakenly trusted him. I told him about the feelings I had for you. Told him about how I was gonna ask you out. When and where…everything.” he looked away, looking at the ground.
I stayed quiet, waiting for him to finish. “Then the next day, he walks into the house…with you. Hand in hand.” I clenched my hand to my chest. My heart physically hurt. I can’t believe it. I could have had Noah, I almost had Noah….but I said yes to Justin. Of course I didn’t know at the time, but still. It hurts just as bad. “Noah…why..why didn’t you say anything?” He let out a small tired laugh.
“You seemed happy angel…that’s all that mattered. All I wanted..I didn’t wanna ruin that for you.” He said softly, finally looking at me again. My tears finally slowed down, and I softly grabbed his hand resting on his thigh. “Noah…if I would’ve known…” I was at a loss of words. This is my chance. I had to tell him the feelings were mutual. “I felt the same way…I do feel the same way. I thought you didn’t see me like that.. that’s why I said yes to him.”
Noah chuckled, rubbing his hand down his face. “Guess we both fucked up huh?” We both let out quiet laughs. We kept eye contact, but said nothing. Before I knew it, we were both leaning in. When our lips finally touched, my whole body melted into the kiss. His hand moved from under mine, to my cheek. Before we could deepen it any further, a loud voice interrupted us. “OH SO THIS IS WHERE YOU WENT? TO FUCK MY BESTFRIEND?”
We jumped apart, both quickly shooting up from our seats. Justin. Fuck. He was walking fast down the beach from the condos we were staying in. I quickly jumped over the chair to him. “Justin wait! It’s-“ he got in my face, before shoving me backwards. “SHUT UP WHORE! I SHOULD HAVE FUCKING KNOWN!” As I fell back, I landed on the chair, the wooden edge scraping the skin of my leg.
I looked down, to see a nasty gash on the inside of my upper thigh. Before anything could be said, Noah flew from behind me. He tackled Justin to the sand, sending blow after blow to his face. All I could do, was watch in complete shock. I’ve never seen Noah so angry. After a few more blows to Justin’s face, Noah stood back up. “DONT YOU EVER PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON HER AGAIN YOU DICK!”
Justin just laid there, groaning in pain. Noah turned back around, grabbing my hand. “C’mon we’re getting your stuff, you’re gonna stay with me.” I let him lead me away, not before stopping beside Justin. I looked at him for a few seconds, he was fucked up. His nose was probably broken, and his lips were split. I calmly spoke. “In case it wasn’t obvious…We’re over.”
We got inside, and headed towards the elevator. As we waited for the doors to open, I could still feel Noah basically vibrating with anger. The doors opened, and we walked straight in, and rode up in silence. We got to my room, and luckily I only had a few things taken out of my bag. So we quickly grabbed them, stuffed them back in and went to Noah’s room. When we walked in, he sat my suitcase on the desk in his bedroom, and turned towards me.
“Shit you’re bleeding.” I looked down, and sure enough, blood was running down my leg straight into my shoe. “It’s okay, it doesn’t even hurt anymore.” He walked straight past me, and into the bathroom. I heard him shuffling around in the cabinets, and come back with a little first aide kit. I tried to protest again, telling him I’d just rinse it off in the shower. He ignored me, and bent down infront of me.
“Spread your legs for me.” Although he said it innocently, I couldn’t help the blush the covered my cheeks. He got the disinfectant wipes, and cleaned off the blood and around the gash. Pulling out some ointment and a big bandaid, and started applying them gently. As he did, I caught a glimpse of his right hand. His knuckles were busted. “I’m so sorry Noah.” My hand found its way to his head, running my fingers through his hair. I felt guilty. I ruined our trip, because of my fucked up relationship, and now he’s hurt. He froze, and looked up at me, clearly confused.
“Why are you apologizing to me?” He stayed there, waiting for me response. “Your knuckles they’re busted…and I ruined your trip.” he didn’t move a muscle, looking straight into my eyes, and just shook his head. “You didn’t ruin anything, and I’d do it again.” His voice was just above a whisper. “He put his fucking hands on you, I want to fucking kill him.” He placed a kiss to the bandage on my thigh, before slowly rising to his feet. As soon as he got in reach his lips were back on mine again. His arm going under my ass, to lift me all the way up with him, to his full height. My legs wrapped around his waist without a second thought.
Our kiss deepened, as he walked us to the bed, laying me onto it. His kisses moved down, over my cheek, and down my neck. “Noah…” I whined, ready to just feel him. All of him. He lifted his head, planting another kiss on my lips. “I know baby..” he lifted my shirt up and off of me, throwing it somewhere else in the room.
His lips instantly attaching to one of my tits, while his hand groped and played with my other one. I was a moaning mess. He was barely doing anything yet, and I’d never felt so good in my life. His lips moved down my stomach, to the top of my shorts. “I wanna taste you so bad baby.” He whispered against my skin.
.“Noah please..” I am not above begging. I finally have the man of my dreams, and I want all of him. Now. He unbuttoned my shorts, dragging them off a long with my underwear. He took no time to spread my thighs. He groaned, seeing how wet I was for him. All for him. With one last kiss to the inside of my thigh, he dove straight in. His lips wrapped around my clit, sucking it into his mouth.
I gasped in pleasure, my hands falling to his head. I grabbed handfuls of his hair softly tugging it. He groaned against me, sending delicious vibrations through my core. “You taste so good baby.” He ran his tongue up and down the full length of my pussy, until I was shaking with pleasure. “I’m so close Noah..please please”
He took his left hand, teasing my hole with two fingers before fully sinking them in. I moaned out at the feeling. He continued pumping his fingers, and licking my clit. I could feel my orgasm coming, as I started grinding my hips into his face. I came with a loud whine of his name. He moaned again, as he licked up my release.
“Fuck…such a good girl.” He leaned over me, kissing me hard. Shoving his tongue in my mouth, so I could taste myself. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and off of him, throwing it onto the floor. Our lips connected again, as he reached for his sweats. He pulled them down just enough to pull his dick out.
“Are you okay?” He was panting, struggling to stay still. I nodded my head, begging him to move. He stood back up completely, holding my thighs apart, watching himself disappear inside of me, over and over again. “Fuck Noah, faster.” He felt incredible. I’ve never felt this good during sex. He sped up until he was pounding into me. He kept my thighs spread wide, pushing them into my chest. The new angle making him reach even deeper. “Fuck baby your pussy feels so good wrapped around my dick.” All I could do was moan in response. He looked back down between us before spitting directly on my clit, and rubbing over it with his thumb.
“C’mon baby, cum for me.” I was so close, and I could tell he was too. After a few more thrust, I came hard around him. Pushing my head down against the mattress, and arching my back, my head was fuzzy and light. “Good girl…fuck..” he quickly pulled out, finishing on my chest and stomach. He leaned back over, bringing me into a wet rushed kiss. “I love you so much angel..”
“I love you too.”
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inlovewithpandora · 6 months
ᥫ᭡ — Cut The Cameras
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Artists — Hobie Brown x fem!influencer!reader
Lyrics — While you're filming a video for your YouTube channel Hobie walks in your studio and sees you in some revealing attire. When he sees your ass spilling out your shorts all he wants to do is bend you over and fill you up.
Genre — Oneshot
Music Advisory — lighty Halloween themed, subtle fluff, smut, porn w/ plot, afab!reader, p in v (unprotected), overstimulation, mention of creaming/squirting, implied handcuff usage, imagined as black!reader but you can always imagine reader differently
Duration — 1.1k words
Words from Artist — This is my first Hobie smut post so I’m excited to share it with y’all! I wrote this around October but I didn’t post it due to my hiatus so I’m posting it now. Always feel free to comment and reblog, I love reading y’all reactions! I hope you enjoy!!
Current Platforms — main m.list・atsv taglist・navigation
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You stand in front of the mirror making sure your outfit, makeup, and hair are up to your standards before turning on your camera. The intro card begins to play and once it finishes, a smile spreads across your lips and you say your opening line. “Hey, guys! Today, I’m finally doing a Halloween costume haul since a lot of you requested it. I ordered ten costumes from Fashion Nova and I’ll link everything in the description so you can purchase them. Now let’s get into the video!”
You’ve been filming for almost thirty minutes and have shown four different costumes. Once you change into something new you turn the camera back on. “This is the next one.” You turn in a circle, showing off your costume that’s the scandalous version of inmate attire. “I really like this costume, I think it’s snug in all the right places and I love how the color orange looks on me.” As you continue talking to the camera about the costume, showing them the silver handcuffs that came as an accessory, you hear the door to your video room open, making you turn your head to see who is coming in, even though you have a feeling who it is.
Hobie walks in with a confused expression, wondering why you were standing in front of the camera wearing clothing that accentuated parts of your body he didn’t want the world to see. “Hey, baby!” You come over, grab his hand and pull him into the camera’s view. “I’m glad you’re here because I’m making a video for Halloween costumes and I want your opinion.”
You spin around so he can get a full view and just from that small moment, he can see the slight jiggle of your ass that’s spilling out your shorts and your breast moving upward before resting in their normal position. “It looks amazin’.” He walks right behind you, resting his head on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist. “You look so sexy in this.” He mumbles before starting to nibble on your earlobe.
You can feel him flush against you, pressing his growing bulge into the swell of your ass. By the huskiness of his tone and by his actions you can tell what is on his mind. “Hobie, I can’t right now. I have to finish this video.” You tell him while grabbing his arms, trying to free yourself from his hold. You’re determined to get this video finished today because you want to have it edited and uploaded by the end of the week, especially since you haven’t been posting lately due to your busy schedule.
Hobie grumbles at your words and tightens his grip on your waist so you don’t have the ability to escape his firm hold. “We can make a video of our own if you like.” You can practically hear the smirk on his lips as he hints to creating a porno. His hands begin to travel to his favorite part of your body, your beautiful cunt. By gliding his hand down your stomach, he finally reaches your pussy and once he does he cups it, rubbing his fingers across the clothed area. “C’mon, love, I know you want this too. Let me give it to you.” Hobie knows that you weren’t going to give in, that’s why he’s resorting to one of your weaknesses. He turns his head a little and begins to plant kisses on your neck, swirling the tip of his wet tongue on your skin while lightly sucking, creating the first of many hickeys.
“I-Okay, Hobie, y-you win.” Your voice is soft and quiet with a hint of a quiver, feeling your heart pounding inside your chest from the sensation of Hobie’s current attack on your neck. You know that his advances would only increase and that he isn’t afraid to strip you and bend you over with the camera rolling, so you decide to give in and let him have his way. You reach out in front of you and click the power button and once you see it completely shut off, you turn to Hobie with a small smile across your lips. “I’m all yours.” Your voice holds much enthusiasm and lust as you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss, and before you know it your legs are wrapped around his waist as he carries you to your shared bedroom.
“Hobie, s-slow down! It's too much!” You cry out, feeling his mushroom tip pounding against your cervix while keeping his hand tight on your hips. Hobie is brutally attacking your cunt, slamming his pelvis against your ass, making sure you are receiving every inch of his lengthy dick. Everything is becoming too much since you have come multiple times before this round, so your pussy is far past overstimulated.
Hobie knows that he’s pushing you past your limits, but he has faith that his baby can take it. “I know, baby, but this is the last one. You can cum one more time for me, can’t you?” He coos as he runs his hand down your spine, pushing your back into a deeper arch which allows him to hit new angles of your g-spot. Now, since you’re in a new position, he is hitting the spongy part of your walls, causing your legs to tremble underneath him, a sign that you are close to achieving your next orgasm. “Atta, girl, I knew you could do it f’me. Cream on this dick.” Hobie encourages you with a hard smack on your ass, making your body shudder from the impact.
“Oh, shit!” Your next sentences are jumbled together as your brain short-circuits so the best words you can vocalize are profanities besides your boyfriend's name that all come out in moans. Your cunt begins to clench around his shaft and soon after you come, your cream begins to coat his dick, and your juices squirt onto his abdomen. Hearing the lewd noises coming from your lips, and the squelching sounds coming from your wetness cause Hobie to release his warm seed into your empty womb.
Hobie gives you a few more long thrusts, making sure his semen has reached your uterus before he pulls out. When he withdraws his length from your warmth and lets go of your hips, your body goes limp and falls onto the bed, not having enough strength to do anything else but relax. Hobie can’t help but chuckle at how fucked out you are, but in his defense, he just couldn’t hold back, not when you looked so sexy and desirable in your Halloween costume.
When you finally can muster up some energy, you turn over and are met with Hobie's brown eyes staring down at you with a smirk on his lips, already thinking about fucking you again even though he promised this was the last time. “One more round, baby and this time we’re using the handcuffs.”
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Editor — @justmemyselfandthemoon
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Fanbase — @inspace1 @phoenixx69 @savagemickey03 @cxsmiclore @soilmayo @liyahsocorro @baizzhu @solanawrld @onlyloaksgf @popeheywardssecretgf @number1gal @taylormarieee @toneystank-3000 @h3art-l3ss @mellagzz @em-x0 @3zae-zae3 @beargracecanbeanyone @miguellover6969 @strawberryclouds22 @ban-al3x @kxllanxtdoor @lorarri @maxlynn17 @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap @miunmoxo @d0ubl-tr0ubl3 @tater-tot0423
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allfortheslay25 · 11 months
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Twinyards Birthday 🎂 11/4
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Honestly, I cramped up so bad before I could finish, but since I’ll be busy today I decided to just push through so I could post it
Another thing, I always have issues drawing Aaron for some reason but I finally got him right and then realized too late that I don’t like how Andrew looks in this :/
I also did not draw the background cuz I’m lazy like that so I inserted and image and edited it to abstract
Hc: Aaron likes mint chip ice cream or something with caramel but because he’s so into health he doesn’t have them very often
Lastly, here’s a playlist I made with my sister for the Twinyards!
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harleehazbinfics · 8 months
Home is where my Heart is.
Chapter 1: A New Home Table of Contents | Profile
Word Count: 1395 A/N: aaaa im so happy i can finally post it. pls enjoy~ it's hazbin hotel guys, that's a warning in itself
(edited as of Feb 20)
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I hopped off the bus clutching my hat in one hand and my bag in the other. Lifting my hand off the hat, I reached inside my coat for a piece of paper.
“Angel Suites, 123 Bullard Avenue,” I muttered reading the paper then looking at the tall building in front of me. I sighed and went inside and was then greeted with a stench of tobacco from the clerk in the front smoking reading a magazine.
I grimaced and knocked on the wooden desk to gain his attention, from the lack of a bell. He lifted his eyes from the paper and narrowed his gaze to glare at me, causing me to break in nervous sweat.
 “Hi, I-I’m Miledy Calliope. I called you yesterday for an apartment room?” I tried to say out cursing at myself from my stutters.
He rolled his eyes, folded his newspaper to the side and opened a small drawer to his right, muttering curses as he looked for my keys. When he finally found them, he threw them at me to which I hastily caught, causing me to drop my belongings.
“The stairs are to the left,” he groaned in annoyance, opening his newspaper again and turning on the radio on his left increasing the volume, seemingly to drown me out if I had any more questions and then taking a drag from his tobacco.
I huffed and drudged to my now apartment room, it was cold and damp inside. It has a somewhat worn-out couch and bed, an empty kitchen. To save myself from a migraine, I plopped down on the bare bed and collected my thoughts to stay calm.
“This is better than nothing at all. Better than staying at that damned place for sure,” I complained quietly looking through the glass window in melancholy. I sat up and rummaged through my bag to find a little rabbit stuffed toy, squeezing it for comfort for being in a new environment and an entirely new life.
For a while, I did as much I could do to make the place cleaner than I found it and homier for me. As the sun went down, cleaned up myself. I wore a glittery loose dress, the length all the way to my ankles, accompanied by bright earrings and a fur coat.
After locking up the door, I headed towards my first gig.  I breathed out a sigh as I tried to shake off my nerves, I stood at the half-filled club. I turned my head when I heard a shrill call for my name.
“Miledy!” I see a short woman theatrically calling my name.
“Miss Mimzy!” I replied excitedly, “Thank you so much for having me!”
“Of course, no problem! Just bring in some bills, yeah?” she joked with her thumb and pointer together to sign for money while winking.
“I’ll try!” I shrugged with a smile.
After a while of talking someone gave me a cue to get on stage. “Good luck, honey!” Mimzy cheered.
As soon as I got on stage and sang in front of the mic with a sudden boost in confidence, I didn’t notice a fine gentleman sitting next to Mimzy greeting her and talking with each other.
“Mimzy! Good evening, my dear,” the brunette greeted tipping down his hat. “A newcomer I see.”
“Hi, Al!” she replied enthusiastically, “Yeah, I scouted her from the city down during my trip. Lovely, isn’t she?”
Alastor merely hummed amused and answered, “A pleasing voice indeed. Would you mind introducing me after the show? I'd love to get to know this new talent of yours.”
Mimzy raised her eyebrow a bit skeptical, “Sure, no problem.”
The further the songs went on the more Alastor was enchanted, barely able to take his eyes off her. However, he noticed that he wasn’t the only one to take interest in her, his face contorted into a sneer when he lustful stares the men had in his peripherals, as they enjoyed their liquor.
When I finished my stage, the place erupted in cheers, whistles and applause making me feel overwhelmed with the attention. I smiled and waved my hand at them, thanking them for enjoying the show. I bounded to Mimzy and her company, where she counted her money.
“That was fantastic, darlin’! Look how much money you raked in!” Mimzy cheered.
“Given how clear and beautiful her voice was, I'd say it's quite deserved!” the gentleman with a glasses complimented. I blushed and replied with a small thank you which he smiled at.
“Miledy, this is my friend Alastor, he works as a radio host right here in New Orleans.”
“Miledy, Miledy Calliope. I just arrived in town today actually,” introducing myself to him and shaking his hand, his grin subtly growing deeper.
“Well, I have to go check the schedules and see when I can squeeze you on stage again. Toodles!” Mimzy smiled with an obsessive glint in her eyes.
Alaster faces me once again, “Can I offer you a drink?”
My smile froze a bit, thinking about it. He analyzes me a bit before adding with a laugh in his tone, “Don’t worry. I won’t do anything to harm you! I’m a frequent patron here and a very well-known voice and face here, you know? I neither don’t want to put my reputation to be at risk nor do I want you to have a bad time around here. Just think of it as a welcome gift as friends.”
I thought over what he said and smiled as he went on. I conceded to him, “Alright, why not? Sorry about being so skeptical.”
“No worries at all! It’s great that you’re on your guard. Not a lot of people are like me,” he teased bringing us to the bar.
“What? Tall and charming?” I retorted getting more comfortable around him.
He chuckled charmingly making me blush again, he then joked “Well, I was going for a kind respectable gentleman. I guess that can work too.”
I laughed at his not-so-subtle attempt to improve his self-image while his smile seemed a bit more genuine as he finally heard this woman laugh. He seemed to be enthralled with the image of me laughing and giggling at his remarks that he fished for more reactions out of me while we enjoyed a bunch of drinks.
The night grew colder, we started to gather ourselves and got out of the establishment.
“You sure can hold your liquor, darlin’,” Alastor remarked, he himself flushed red.
“I can say the same to you for a lanky figure like yours, sir,” I teased, “This was fun. Thanks for tonight, Alastor.”
His gaze softened and reached out pat my head which I indulged, finding his touch comforting. Oh, dear was I drunk.
“No problem. It was a fantastic night for me too. Do you have any plans anytime soon?” he asked keeping his hand on the top of my head.
“Mmm. I think I have to buy a few things for my apartment, why do you ask?” I answered, somewhat hopeful raising my eyes at him doe-ishly.
He breathed out a chuckle from my actions and replied, “Allow me to accompany you then. I’ll show you a fantastic store, one where your money’s worth spending to. I’ll free some time in a few days to show you around.”
“I’d like that. Thank you,” I smiled.
“Great! Now come, I’ll escort you back home. These streets are crawling with criminals at these hours,” he explained offering his arm out to me which I latched onto, growing creeped out as we strolled down to my place.
When we were half-way there, I heard a blood curdling scream as clear as day. It seemed so close to me, as if they were screaming in my ears, causing me to freeze and hold onto Alastor tighter. His perked up in alert as he circled his arm around me protectively, unbeknownst to me of the sadistic smile he had in the sick pleasure of the sound of suffering.
Reminding himself of the damsel in his arms, he rubbed had over my back and led me faster. “Don’t worry, doll. It’s nothing, just some pesky crows,” he lied.
I didn’t question further and walked briskly right next to him, blocking my ears as the screams slowly quieted down leaving it to my imagination.
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Meeting your alien husband
General Plot: You've been sold to aliens so you are taking the bus to meet your new husband, only you are attacked and a kind alien steps in to help.
A/N: this is a longish multi part one that I'm editing and posting as I edit it. I've been wanting to do some yandere vs. yandere so that's kinda what this is, lol
Kherae alien x female reader with glasses
Word Count: 4K
W: kidnapping, forced marriage, sfw alien fluff, yandere vs. yandere
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Prince Levell grasped Elaine’s thin wrist, drawing her towards him. 
“You are the jewel of this court, my love, I’ll never let you go,” his tenor whispered in her ear. 
Your heart fluttered. You were almost finished with The Prince and the Dawn and it was even better than the prequel, The Thief and the Dusk. 
The villain, the first prince from the previous novel, having lost the object of his desire to the dashing hero, finally gets his happy ending with a blind hermit who softens his cold heart. Your eyes prickled with tears. 
Their love story…the way she changed the prince from a cold tyrant to a sensitive, benevolent ruler and brings happiness to the kingdom was incredibly romantic. You sighed, sniffling a little. If only such romances were real. Instead, you were trapped in a tragedy. 
The bus you were riding came to a stop and you hopped up to get off. You  took a deep breath and put one foot in front of the other. You were on your way to greet your fate. 
You had been sold to the Kherae, the aliens that had descended on Earth and saved humans from the horrible Golt. There had been a long and brutal war, but finally it seemed as if The Golt had retreated and the galaxy was safe-er. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. When the Kherae discovered human females could breed with them, they promised humanity they only wanted voluntary relationships...mates, they said. They would not take. 
Maybe that was true for 98% of the handsome aliens, but there was a rotten apple in every bunch and you were about to meet one of them. Your father owed some nasty people a lot of money and they’d facilitated your sale to the corrupt Kherae archduke to clear the debt. 
You could have run away, disappeared and started a new life somewhere else. You didn’t owe your father anything, but you had a soft heart and you loved him. He’d built his business as a single dad with his blood, sweat, and tears. When organized crime moved into the neighborhood he wasn’t immune to their influence. Your father wasn’t a bad man and you wouldn’t let him lose everything he built or his life over mistakes he couldn’t have avoided. That’s why despite his protests, you were turning yourself in to your future husband. 
You steadied your breath as with each step your future came closer. 
A shriek escaped your lips as large hands latched onto your arms. You looked around to find you were surrounded by three or four human men. 
“This the one?” one of them said. 
“Yeah, (Y/C) hair, glasses, this is her,” another said. 
You struggled and tried to break free but they were thugs and there were more of them than you. You tried to scream for help, but a large hand clamped over your mouth and your glasses flew off of your face.You heard the glass crunch under someone’s foot. Your world had gone blurry. You were basically blind without them. 
Disoriented and terrified you kicked and scratched, but it was no use, the group was dragging you towards an alleyway. 
Suddenly there was a THUNK and the hands holding you released. Around you blurry figures moved and you could hear bone breaking, but you couldn’t process what was happening and just stood there clutching the hem of your skirt. Before long it was quiet and a large purple blur approached you. 
You held out your hands, trying to orient yourself and met firm forearms.
“Are you okay, miss?” a deep voice asked in Kherae. The translator you all had installed since the Kherae came to integrate worked out his words for you.  His large fingers twined with yours to steady you. 
“I’m fine. I just can’t see without my glasses,” you said, clinging to his strong fingers, “do you see them anywhere?” 
You heard the tinkle of glass. 
“I don’t think you will be able to use these,” he said and you knew your precious lifeline was destroyed. 
“Where are you going? I can help you get there,” he offered. 
You gave him a wan smile. 
“That’s really kind, but I couldn’t trouble you,” you said. 
He chuckled. 
“You aren’t going  to make it very far on your own, let me help. Where are you going?” 
“The Zovith building,” you explained. You were headed to the building owned by your future husband, a brand new glass and steel monstrosity in the middle of downtown.  
He halted. 
“Why are you going there?” he asked. 
The words tumbled out of your mouth before you thought better of it. 
“I’m going to meet my future husband,” you explained.
“You look frightened,” he commented. 
 “I committed to this and I want to make a good impression but I can’t go back home to get new glasses. I’m already late and if I don’t show up there are consequences.” 
He paused for a moment. 
“Then let’s get you there quickly,” he said and swept you up in his arms. 
You shouted in surprise, but he took off at a jog down the street. When you arrived he gently set you in a chair in the waiting room. 
“I’ll let someone know you’ve arrived. Just wait here,” he said.  
Your heart pounded in your chest. Almost being kidnapped had started the beat and now you panted as you waited for your fate. It was even worse because you couldn’t see anything. You wouldn’t even know what your husband looked like. 
“I don’t want to marry a filthy human,” Idreod’s brother sneered for the thirtieth time. 
Idreod ordered him to marry so that their family name would continue on. He had no interest in a wife, but if Dessin wanted to keep his monthly stipend he’d demanded that he would seed his family an heir. A wife seemed like a lot of trouble to him that could easily be delegated to a lesser, Dessin. He wouldn’t have their name be associated with a slew of bastard children, either. He would have a proper wife and represent the Zovith family well. 
Unfortunately for him, Dessin had a thing for Elians and had no interest in children. He planned on falling in love with a pleasure worker and pulling her out of destitution to earn her love. Elians weren’t biologically compatible with Kherae, so they would never bear children, but he didn’t care. It was a foolish plan, but at least he had romantic dreams. 
Up until that day Idreod’s plan for him was to buy him a wife, force them to marry, and take their child as his heir to hand down the Zovith duchy. He wasn’t a kind or benevolent Kherae. He made demands and his lessers followed them. 
Dessin did nothing but throw money away at pleasure houses, he could take on the small responsibility of fucking a human to pay for his good fortune to be born his brother. He’d never have to worry over the child. Idreod would continue to pay his stipend and raise it in his image. He and his wife could spend his money and take as many lovers as they liked as long as they were discreet. That was the cost of doing business. 
When the Kherae females had been extinguished all hope had been lost for a future for his family, but now that he’d learned that humans were universal breeders, the legacy he’d built could live on. The Zovith would become a dynasty. That was his vision. Human females could have two handfuls of children. He would herald in a prosperous generation. 
“Fine,” Idreod said, “you don’t have to marry her.” 
“What?” Dessin asked, looking at him, “what game are you playing at? I’m not donating my sperm if that’s what you’re suggesting.” 
He walked across his office to a drink tray one of the maids had provided and took a sip of some nutty alcohol. He poured some for his brother and handed him a glass, winking at him. 
“No game. I’m releasing you from your duty,” he said, smiling. 
He was in a good mood. That day had been productive. He’d almost made an egregious mistake marrying the beautiful woman he’d met on the street off to his idiot brother. He could already see his kits running around with his black horns and your (Y/EC) eyes. 
Dessin took a step towards him. 
“So you’re cutting me off then,” he said in a low voice. 
Idreod chuckled to himself. Of course he would be worried about that. Dessin couldn’t do anything for himself. If he were on his own, he’d already be living on the street. He relied on Idreod for everything. Fortunately, as the only other surviving member of the Zovith family, his brother indulged him. Someone should enjoy the wealth he accumulated and he had enough to last lifetimes. 
“Don’t panic. I’m not cutting you off. I’ve just had a change of heart. I’ve decided to take a wife after all,” he explained. 
He snorted. 
“You? Goddess, poor woman,” he chortled. 
“Well you can express your sympathy yourself when you meet her,” he hit a button on the tablet on his desk, “Airies, bring up Miss (Y/LN).” 
Dessin grinned. 
“This I’ve got to see,” he laughed, taking a seat in one of the plush chairs in his brother’s office, “what hideous shrew were you trying to stick me with?” 
A few minutes later Idreod’s secretary, Airies led the woman who would be his wife, you, in by the hand. 
You still couldn’t see and you were a bit unsteady on your feet, like a doe taking its first steps. You’d dressed for the occasion, wearing a chaste navy dress. You wore sensible, low navy heels. Idreod appreciated that you were demure. You’d make a perfect wife to an archduke. In front of you, you could only make out the brown of the office walls and a tall purple blob in front of you. 
“Um, hello,” you said, waving vaguely in the blob’s direction, “I was told to come here to meet my husband.” 
There was a thunk as a glass hit the table. A blob, who happened to be Dessin, rose from his chair and you looked at him startled, narrowing your eyes as you tried to focus. 
“You have to forgive me,” you said, “my glasses were broken in an attack on the way here. I can’t really see anything. I’m legally blind without them.” 
“That’s all right, beautiful,” Dessin said, taking your hand. Idreod glared at him, unsure what game he was playing. Was he trying to goad him?
He led you to the chair he’d just risen from. 
“Take a seat, I wouldn’t want my precious fiance to hurt herself stumbling around,” he went on, “you had a difficult time, please rest.” 
“You’re my husband?” you asked quietly, shaking a little. 
“No, he is not.” Idreod snapped, crossing the room and yanking Dessin away from you. 
“My brother is playing a little joke on you,” he said, “I am your fiance.” 
“Now wait a minute,” Dessin said, putting his hand on your shoulder, “I think I pushed my future wife away too easily. Now that I see her-” 
“No.” he bit out, “she is mine.” 
“But you promised her to me! Now I’m agreeing to it and you’re changing your mind. I’ll do it, okay? It’s fine!” 
“Absolutely not, if you are going to keep playing this game, get out,” he boomed. 
“I want her!” Dessin shouted like a petulant child. 
“That’s a shame, because. She. Is. Mine.” Idreod replied, slowly so he would understand. Dessin didn’t dare defy his brother. His whole life hung on his whims. 
You trembled openly in front of them and you couldn’t see it but Dessin glared, before storming out and slamming the door behind him. 
Your husband didn’t seem quite as nice as the male he had driven off. Of course, you would have that sort of luck. If only he could be more like that Kherae on the street who saved me. I didn’t even get a chance to thank him. 
“We’ll get you new glasses tomorrow,” he said curtly. 
“I didn’t bring anything with me, I wasn’t sure if I would be allowed to go home for my things,” you said, “they just told me to show up here.” 
“We will buy you new things,” he assured you. 
So no, then. 
He walked across the room, back to his desk and pressed a button on the tablet pad. 
“Airies, bring tea for Miss (Y/LN),” he said in a clipped tone. 
A minute later the shorter Kherae came in with a tray of tea, which he set down in front of you. You fumbled around the tray with your hands for the cup. 
You heard a chair scrape the floor and the blob was in front of you. 
“Here,” he said, his large fingers gingerly guiding you to the cup. They were a bit familiar, but you were too nervous to worry about it. 
You drew the tea to your lips and took a shaky sip. The warm water and jasmine scent was a blessing. You felt like you were walking a tightrope. You could feel the heat of his body near you and just barely caught the scent of familiar cologne. Maybe you had smelled it in a shop before. What will he do with me? The teacup hit the saucer with a rattle. He rose and retreated across the room, back to his desk. 
“Our wedding will be in a month,” he said, getting right to the point. 
No, “let’s get to know each other.” Just, “We’re getting married.” 
“It will be a large event because of my status as archduke, so I will need to prepare you. It’s likely the king will attend and you cannot offend him,” he stated crisply. 
He’s quite arrogant. 
“Sure,” you said, looking at your shoes, “I’ll do my best.” 
“You will be perfect because I will prepare you,” he said. 
You tried not to groan in front of him. He didn’t seem like a male who tolerated attitude. 
“Can I ask you something?” you said, still looking at your feet. 
“You can ask me anything,” he said, which surprised you. 
“Will you be gentle with me? You know…when it’s the first time…?” 
There was a pause. 
“We’ll speak more about bedroom matters when we are better acquainted. I have no interest in taking a stranger between my sheets,” he said and you felt silly for saying anything. 
Your new husband surprised you again. You assumed he would be cold when it came to passion, but he seemed a bit sentimental. 
“What should I call you?” you asked, trying to change the subject quickly. 
“Idreod, you will be my wife so you may call me by my first name,” he said. 
“I’m (Y/N),” you offered. 
He paused.
“I know.” 
There was a bit of an awkward pause.
“Um…so what do you do for fun?” you asked the first thing that popped into your mind. 
“Fun?” he asked in a chilly tenor. 
“Right, you probably don’t-” you trailed off and blushed. 
“I’ve never done anything in my life for fun,” he said blandly. 
“Of course not,” you agreed. 
“I do like training…” he offered, sounding suspiciously shy. 
“Do you think I could train with you?” you asked. 
There was silence. 
“Why would you want to do that?” he asked, “you’ll hold me back. You are nowhere near my skill level.”
You blushed. 
“You’re right. That was stupid of me…I just thought…” 
You paused.
“You thought…? Don’t leave sentences unfinished. It’s a sign of poor will.” 
You gulped. 
“I just wanted to get to know you better since you’re going to be my husband and all,” you said the words all in one rushed breath. 
“Ah, that’s wise. You’re quite clever. You should know what pleases me. I will compose a document of my likes and dislikes and have Airies pass it to you when it’s complete. You can study it,” he said. 
You blinked. 
“Um…okay, then,” you mumbled. That wasn’t exactly what you’d meant. 
“Do you have any aptitude for mathematics?” he asked. 
“I’m sorry?” you asked, unsure where this was going. 
“You are a Zovith now.  Starting today I will need to train you to be my replacement as head of the family in the case of my untimely death. As you saw, my brother is an idiot. If you are remotely competent, I’ll need to show the basics of running the estate. 
“You came here, unsure of what to expect on your own two feet, so I know you have enough spine for it. Of course, your main role here is mother to my heirs, but it is always a good idea to prepare contingencies and I am very thorough.” 
Your mouth hung open. You weren't sure if you were being complimented or insulted. Were you a broodmare or future head of the family? 
“I worked in finance,” you said, “I can handle a bit of business arithmetic.” 
“Hmph,” he said to himself, “she can’t be worse than Dessin.” 
“Allright,” he went on, “tomorrow I will bring your father to the estate and you will begin working with me on it.” 
“My father?” you gasped. You were sure you’d never see him again. A bit of the ice in your heart melted in relief. 
His tone got stern. 
“Yes, (Y/N), I am an archduke. I can’t be associated with street level criminals. Your father will be brought here and given some frivolous role to disconnect him from organized crime. It can’t get out that he sold you to me, so it must appear that we are in some way associated. He can be vice president of a vineyard or something. I’m told we have some in our portfolio.” 
You stood up, annoyed. 
“But my father built his business from the ground up!” you snapped, “you can’t just yank him away from it. That was the whole point of all this!” 
“Being father of the archduchess of Akhet is a far more important role than some silly laundry shop!” he barked back. 
“You don’t know anything about what’s important,” you griped. 
“I will educate you on that,” he said firmly. 
You huffed, but you couldn’t even see him to give him a proper stink eye. 
“I think we’ve all had enough excitement for today,” he said, sounding a bit tired, “I’ll have Airies take you to your room.” 
You took a deep breath, trying to gather control over my emotions. 
The shorter blob that was Airies came a moment later and escorted you out, by the hand. 
“Please excuse the archduke, my lady. I can see he’s upset you,” Aries said as your heels clicked on the marble floor, “he’s never been in the company of a female for more than a paid hour. We’ve all gotten used to his prickly attitude, but it must be shocking to someone new.” 
You snickered a little and pressed your lips together to try and hide it, but you could hear the smile in Airies’ voice. 
He led you  to a room and helped you find the bed. 
“I’ll have the optometrist come see you in the morning and we will have your prescription prepared,” he said, handing you a soft, folded negligee. He guided your hands over to a small tablet screen. His fingers were much more soft and narrow than the archduke’s. 
“Press one of these buttons if you would like a maid to come help you,” he said. 
He paused at the door. 
“If you don’t mind me saying this, my lady, it’s been a long time since we Kherae have had someone fair and soft to care for, please take full advantage of that. If you want anything at all, you only need to ask.” 
You nodded and thanked him and he left you to change into your nightgown. You wished you could have seen it properly, because it was very soft and cozy. You were just tucking yourself into the covers when there was a knock at the door. 
“Hello?” you asked, “come in…” 
The door wasn’t locked. You wondered if it was a maid. Instead a purple figure filled the doorway. It wasn’t Airies, because he was shorter, but it wasn’t quite as tall as the duke. 
“It’s me Dessin,” the archduke’s brother said, “we didn’t have a chance to be properly introduced.” 
You blushed. 
“It’s a little strange for you to come so late,” you said, a little frightened. 
He chuckled. 
“I have no ill intentions. I just wanted to say something to you privately without my brother around,” he said, “since you will be my sister soon, there are things you should know about him.” 
“Oh?” you asked, “well then say it quickly. I was just going to sleep.” 
“It’s just that…I want you to know I’m on your side (Y/N). My brother is a monster. He doesn’t deserve you. He doesn’t know anything about love or passion, he just wants another pawn to play with. If you need help or a confidant…just know you can rely on me,” he said. 
You chewed your lip. You weren’t sure what to make of that, but there is one thing you needed help with. 
“Well there is one thing. You probably know everyone in the building, right?” 
“Yes, of course,” he said.
“When I was attacked today, I was saved by a kind Kherae. I didn’t have my glasses on so I couldn’t see him and I was frightened so I hardly remember anything about him. Do you think you could ask around? I’d like to thank him personally.” 
There was a pause.
“Oh…(Y/N). You don’t recognize me?” he asked. 
You blinked, confused.
You could have sworn your protector had been taller, but you’d been frightened, you may have inflated his assets. 
“Yes, I was the one who found you today,” he said, “and I brought you back here.” 
That didn’t sound quite right, but who would lie about something like that? You must have just remembered him incorrectly. 
“Oh, silly me. I must have really been frightened,” you said and wobbled across the room to him. You leaned up on your tiptoes and kissed him on his cheek. He didn’t smell quite right either, but you brushed it off. Perhaps he’d had a shower. 
“Really, Thank you,” you said, “I think I’ll head to bed now, if you don’t mind.”
Dessin was silent for a moment before he cleared his throat. 
“Right,” he said, “well…goodnight (Y/N). Remember what I said. If you need me, I’m here.”When you were under the covers, you sighed. What luck did you have that the brother of your soon to be husband was the nice one? What would your life be like if he had been the one to win the fight over you earlier? This was a tragedy of course, not a romance, you reminded yourself as you fell asleep. 
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objectheadzine · 1 year
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In celebration, the 2024's edition will be a Grab Bag - draw whatever object head you like (so long as it fits the guidelines, see below). In Lieu of a theme, all submissions MUST HAVE ASHLEY (the megaphone mascot) in the piece! Feel free to make him as large or as small as you want in the composition. He can be hanging out with your characters or he can be on a flyer, just so long he's somewhere in the picture! Reference of all his outfits can be found here. But don't feel like you're restricted to his previous outfits. Feel free to dress him up in anything you'd like. Content is also free for whatever! You want to date the lil man? Go for it! You want to tease or go on the attack? Also fine! Ignore him and let him live his life? Sure thing.
ALL submissions will be accepted as long as they fit guidelines and each person has a limit of up to 3 submissions. Submit your pieces to the zine email objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com along with the email/website/name you’d like to be credited as. (Feel free to omit emails if that is more comfortable). When you’ve finished your piece(s), you are allowed to post them to your blogs as long as you link back to the zine blog! This will be a DIGITAL ZINE ONLY and will be available free upon completion (donation optional).
The guidelines are as follow:
Illustration-quality works in either digital or traditional mediums. Both colour and b/w acceptable; background required. *BG can be as simple as a pattern or colour block! Avoid utilizing a camera to submit your images, please use a scanner. 
The default size will be 6″x9″, 300 dpi (1800px x 2700px) but feel free to go larger or smaller, so long as it follows those proportions. Please work in a vertical format.
For consistency’s sake, keep faces to a minimum (You can have eye(s) or you can have mouth(s) but don’t have both in a humanoid arrangement.)
Ashley, the megaphone head mascot, must be included in your piece. He can be small in the picture or a large factor but he must be included. When submitting, if he is not obvious, please point him out to me. References are found here.
Please go for original characters (or fanart of your friend’s characters) and not so much established object heads (e.g. the popcorn and soda heads from No More).
If you want to include humans, that’s fine as well but keep the ratio of people to object heads 1:1.
Content should be at most PG-13: Romance is fine but after-hours business should not be implied, Blood is fine but no gore. In the end, use your common sense.
Feel free to draw a comic or just an illustration! A comic counts as one submission.
Some facts about Ashley that could help with your piece: He's 5'2", he's of Chinese nationality, he's a TV show host, he's a bubbly, happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he has a Samyoed dog named Cotton!
Note that if a submission does not meet the above guidelines, I will either reject your submission or suggest improvements that would help your piece fulfill them. Please email me at objectheadzine(@)hotmail(.)com if you have any further questions and I’ll do my best to reply promptly. If you do not receive a message from me within a few days, please send it again. Final pieces submitted should be either in PNG or a one layer PSD file format.
Want to share your piece as you're working on them? Come on over to the Object Head Zine discord!
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avoxrising · 9 months
The Feral One • Ch 28
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
This may be the last chapter for a few days as we’re approaching the end of the story rapidly and I haven’t finished editing it yet lol. I apologize for leaving it off with a cliffhanger but I want to make sure the end is perfect before posting it. Life’s been busy this week so I haven’t had the time to finish it the way I want to.
Content Warnings - Injury, death, medical issues, I promise Finnick isn’t being stupid this time lol
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The next week was full of recovery. You slowly regained your strength and were able to try solid foods again. The doctors polished all your scars off, including the one on your face from your games, at your request. You wanted nothing left to remind you of them.
You started physical therapy, as well as regular sessions with Dr. Aurelius. He allowed Finnick to join you, realizing you felt more comfortable with him nearby. You still had to use a walker to get around, but you were making progress.
A few weeks after the war ended, Coin called all the victors into a meeting. There were barely any left, mostly due to the war.
“I’ve called you all here for a very symbolic vote,” she states. You don’t like where this is going.
She proceeds to pitch her idea for a hunger games featuring capital children. There are mixed reactions from the remaining victors, with some believing the idea to be fair and others believing it to be cruel. Votes are cast around the room and it finally comes down to Katniss.
“I get to kill Snow,” she tells Coin, who agrees to this proposition.
“Then I vote yes,” she states. “For Prim.”
You can’t even process what this means. Another games? Was Coin out of her mind? You finally realized what you had been denying all along, as long as Coin was in charge, you would never be free.
Finnick brings you back to your shared room after the meeting. You allow his touch but still flinch away at everyone else. Dr. Aurelius had been working with you on that but it’s hard to undo the trauma of many years.
“I just want to go home,” you tell him.
“You have to stay here for a bit,” he explains. “District 4 doesn’t have the resources for your treatment. Once you are better I promise you can go back to 4.”
“What about you?” you ask him. “Are you staying?”
He hesitantly shakes his head.
“I have to go to 4 for a few weeks but I’ll come back as soon as I can,” he states. “Johanna will be here with you in the meantime and I’ll call every day.”
“You’re leaving?” you ask, dumbfounded by his response.
“I promise it’s for a good reason,” he says, squeezing your hand. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t important.”
“When do you leave?” you ask.
“In two weeks,” he responds. “I’ll be here for the first bit of your treatment and return before it’s over. Then we will both go back to 4 together. Do you trust me?”
That afternoon Finnick helps you walk out onto the avenue to stand next to the other victors. Snow was finally falling, and you were both alive to witness it.
Standing in front of all the capital people made you uneasy. What did they think of you? Were they going to hurt you?
You’re lost in your thoughts when suddenly the crowd erupts into chaos. You look up to see Coin lying dead on the podium, an arrow in her heart. A mob of people begins rushing towards Snow, eager to kill him.
Finnick quickly scoops you up and carries you away from the commotion. When he finally sets you down, you ask what happened.
“Katniss killed Coin,” he states. “Snow is dead.”
He has to take you back to your room before you have a breakdown. What evil creature was going to seize power of Panem next? All of this was too much.
You end up collapsing on the floor of your room, shaking uncontrollably.
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*if the tag didn’t work please check your settings to make sure other blogs can tag you
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detailtilted · 4 months
In Search of Supernatural Fans from the Early Years
Hi! I’m looking for the legends who originally recorded old Supernatural convention panels featuring Jared or Jensen, or possibly Misha. See "What I'm Looking For" below. If you know one of them, or if you're a member of a community with people who were in the fandom in those early years, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could let them know about this post. I can be reached at [email protected] or here on Tumblr.
If you aren’t familiar with my project, see the “Project Background” section below. This is not a low-effort exercise to merely repackage old videos. I’m putting many hours of work into each video to improve their watchability and accessibility. I will always credit my sources unless you wish to remain anonymous.
Even if your videos are on YouTube, I’m likely to have more success upscaling them if I can get the original video files. Thanks to the videos AgtSpooky kindly sent me, I've learned how big of a difference it can make when I have the original files to work with. That's why I’m putting more effort into finding those elusive original video takers.
The problem is that they all seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Most of their YouTube accounts, LiveJournal accounts, and whatever other accounts I’ve dug up haven’t had any activity in 10-15 years. I’ve left a few messages on some of them, but I doubt they’ll be seen on dormant accounts. I’ve also gone down some crazy and twisted Googling paths trying to find current contact info for them, but without much success. In one case I even messaged the wrong person, who was at least kind enough to reply to the psycho asking for videos to let me know she wasn't the person I'd hoped she was. Oops!
What I’m Looking For
I’ve already finished CHICON 2007, Comic-Con 2008, and CHICON 2008, so I don’t need videos from those events, but I’d be happy to try to upscale your videos for your own collection if you have some you'd like to send me.
Actually, I could use CHICON 2008 Breakfast videos if you have any. I plan to attempt to redo that video either late this year or early next year.
I’ve been trying especially hard to reach people with original video files from either LA 2009 or Asylum 3 (2009), and I’d also be ecstatic to get some from LA 2008.
Any other old con videos you’re willing to share that have Jared or Jensen in them would be awesome. I hope to get to all the old conventions eventually. I haven’t yet defined “old”, so I don’t have a specific cutoff point.
Even if you just have audio files without video, those could be helpful too.
Length doesn't matter. Both long and short videos are welcome. Maybe I won't end up using them all, but the more options I have the better. Even if I don't put your video in my final edit, it would still be used because I always listen to every single video I can find when I'm finalizing my subtitles. Each video sounds at least a little different, and sometimes just hearing the audio in a slightly different way lets me catch a subtitle I'd missed or misheard.
Also, just to be clear, it isn’t necessarily my intent to exclude Misha. I’ve watched and enjoyed many of his convention videos and I liked Castiel for the most part, especially in the earlier seasons. I’m just not obsessed with Misha like I am with Jared and Jensen, and these videos do take quite a lot of work, so I’ve been putting my energy where my greatest interests lie. I’ll absolutely be including him when he’s in panels with Jared and/or Jensen, and in the future I may consider doing some of his solo panels.
So if you have original video files of Misha's solo panels that you’d like to send me, I’d be happy to add them to my stockpile for future possible use. If your videos turn out to be mostly complete, and if they upscale easily, then I might go ahead and do his panel at the same time I do the other panels from the same convention. If they'll take more effort to work with, I’ll probably skip them for now, but I may come back and tackle them if/when I run out of old Jared and Jensen videos to work with.
For any con videos you send me, regardless of whether I use them or not, I’d be happy to try to upscale them and send them back to you for your collection. I can’t always get things to upscale, so I can’t promise success, but I’ll definitely try.
Project Background - Enhanced Edition Con Videos
You can find my videos on my YouTube channel. (If you're already familiar with my project, skip to the next section -- there's nothing new to see here.)
I started this project in December 2023 to enhance old convention videos. My goal is to make them easier on the eyes and more accessible to both new and old fans from around the world. The videos on YouTube from that time can be difficult both to watch and to understand due to a combination of the older technology used to record them, the difficult recording conditions the fans were working with, and the lack of subtitles that make any sense.
I’m enhancing the videos as follows:
Visual Improvements: I’m upscaling the videos if possible, making color corrections if needed, and adding some slight stabilization to reduce the jitteriness. The end result is far from perfect because there’s only so much that current technology can do, but it's noticeably improved if you compare it to the originals.
Subtitles: I’m adding good, color-coded, English subtitles that can be turned on or off through YouTube’s CC button. The color-coding makes it more clear who's saying what when multiple people are speaking, and YouTube can auto-translate them into other languages to improve the accessibility.
Multiple Sources: If one video has gaps in it, then I'll try to find another that I can edit in to fill those gaps so the end result is as complete as possible. If I have more than one source that captured the same portion of the event, then I'll cut to whichever video I think had the best view of the action. In a few cases I’ve added a split screen with two different videos showing simultaneously so we can see action that's taking place in two separate areas. For example, when Jared and Jensen are on opposite sides of the stage. (There were also the infernal talking head bubbles on my Comic-Con 2008 video which nearly made me throw in the towel, but taught me a lot. 😅)
Extra Content for Context: These older videos don’t take up the full width of a modern video frame, so I’ve taken advantage of the extra space to display some still images with text to add extra context for many of the things they discuss. Some things are a lot funnier, or at least a lot more relevant, when you know exactly what they’re talking about. I clarify Supernatural episode references and pop culture references among other things. Sometimes I’ve also inserted short video clips, usually just a few seconds’ worth, if I thought it would add worthwhile clarity or entertainment to the topic at hand.
Current Project Status
If anyone has been wondering how I’m doing on my current video and what’s next… I’m almost done with the last video from CHICON 2008, which was Jensen’s solo panel. I should be ready to publish it on YouTube this Friday, May 24. I plan to use the same schedule as last time and put the Tumblr post up the following Tuesday when it’s a little more likely to be noticed here.
The next sequential conventions are LA 2009 and Asylum 2009, but I haven’t had much success in my attempts to upscale the available videos. If I were to work with what I have now, I know I could turn out something better than what’s on YouTube today, but the end result wouldn’t be nearly as good as what I might be able to achieve if I can get some original videos to work with. So I think it’s more logical to skip over these conventions for now and give it some time to see if I get any responses, in hope of a better end result.
I do intend to come back to the skipped conventions eventually, even if nobody sends me anything. Once I run out of conventions for which I can upscale the videos, if I still don't have anything better to work with for the ones I skipped, I’ll just do the best I can with what’s available. Even if I can't upscale, I can still do color corrections and stabilization, plus the subtitles and extra content. Some of these panels are split up into a bunch of very short videos, so it would also add value if I can combine them into something more sequential and cohesive. (I found 130 videos from the Jared and/or Jensen panels at LA 2009, and most of them were under 2 minutes long. 🤣) I don’t know if there’s enough footage to cover the entire panels seamlessly, but I’m itching to get my hands on that jigsaw puzzle of videos to try to make sense out of them.
So… the next videos I intend to work on will be from Vancouver 2009. This is one of the conventions that AgtSpooky attended and sent me videos for and they upscaled very well. Her breakfast video had already found its way onto YouTube, but wasn't properly credited. Her main panel videos aren't on YouTube as far as I could find, so that version may be new to newer fans. I'm only just starting to play around with upscaling the other sources out there, but my first attempt at the other main Breakfast source came out well. Both breakfast videos were taken from extreme opposite angles, so that should provide some useful editing opportunities. I’d still love to get more videos of this event if anyone has them.
If you made it this far, I am in awe. Sorry for putting this wall of text on your screen! 😅
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
Through The Ashes | Chapter One
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Summary: You've been given an offer to join the 141 Task Force. Upon taking it, you find yourself ensnared with the mysterious masked man who won't take his eyes off you.
Warning(s): none for this chapter. just canon-typical activities.
A/N: This is my first post! I hope this is a decent first chapter. Lightly edited, so I apologize for typos/grammar errors. | Word Count: 2.7k
꒦꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒦꒷ GHOST MASTERLIST ⋆ ⚘ 🕊 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ next chapter | requests | ao3 ver. | playlist
He's a Good Soldier
The situation at hand was all very cryptic. A mysterious phone call offering you a job, and a location to meet. Everything about it was abnormal. What type of job were you sinking yourself into?
The faint R&B music rang through the bar you were seated in. You wondered if the unknown caller was going to show up at all. Maybe this was all a waste of your time. Anxiously, you glanced around, seeing only a few tables filled with patrons, and their conversations were only muffled clatters by this point.
You looked down at the glass in your hands, using the swirl of the ice as a distraction from your fried nerves.
A faint ding snaps you out of your thoughts, the bell above the entrance. Before you could look at the door, there he was. The contact. He was older than you expected, but well kept. Everything about him screamed that he was polished. Perhaps this wasn’t a fool's errand afterall.
He takes a brief glance around the bar before he speaks. The gruff voice catches you off guard at first, and so does the accent.
“John Price,” you expect him to extend his hand for a shake, but he doesn’t. “I’m the one who called about the job. I think my Task Force could use your skills for our high-profile operations.” He says, almost in a mutter, as if he was speaking through his beard.
You nod and examine the file he slides across the wooden table, opening it. 
Inside, the military files of his Task Force are inside, giving you a brief idea of who you’d be working with. None of them ring a bell to you, but why not keep an open mind?
It’s tempting to ask what the jobs will be, but you notice how cagey he’s being with his information already. 
You were given the offer, they obviously think your training and skills are useful, so why not give it a shot?
“When do I report, Sir?” You ask, finishing off your drink.
You were never one to let your nerves overcome you, but today they were. As you stood outside the base, you had to force yourself to push open the doors and walk inside. No one seems to bat an eye at first. You figured your best bet was to meet the contact from the bar, him being the only person you knew within this odd situation.
After a few minutes of wandering, your bag was beginning to strain your shoulder. Finally, you found what you were looking for. A room with the plaque, “Cpt. Price” on the front. You gave three quick knocks.
“Come in,” the voice from the bar calls, only this time muffled through a thick door.
You open the door slowly. His gaze shifts from the paperwork in front of him and then to you.
“You made it.” He attempts a warm smile and stands up to shake your hand, something he didn’t do during the secretive meeting in the bar.
“This place feels like a maze, Sir. But yes, I did make it.” You comment, trying your best to lighten the mood in the room. He was your superior now, and you needed to get a feel of the way things ran around here. He looked like a strict man, but it wasn’t obnoxious.
He walks around his large oak desk and motions you to follow. “I’ll take you to meet the rest of the team. Better do it now before they all scatter to God knows where.” He lets out a dry chuckle as he leads you through the corridors. Finally, after following for a few moments, he opened the double doors into the “Briefing Room”, or so the chalk label on the front stated. Upon the doors opening, you were greeted by a multitude of personalities all sitting together, all their eyes glued to their own paperwork, or a laptop or tablet.
Their eyes lifted, but only for a few moments. They were very intense when working, you could already tell.
“Attention everyone,” Price clears his throat, before moving his frame to reveal you to the group. “This is our newest addition. She’s going to assist us on our mission tomorrow, and possibly more in the future. Make her feel welcome.” Before you can speak, the Captain has left the room, assuming he went back to being nose deep into his paperwork.
You shuffled in your stance, feeling exposed. Now you are on your own. You hoped that you made a good first impression, or maybe they would forget you were there and carry on, either way would be more favorable than making enemies on the first day.
You set your bags down next to an empty chair at the end of the table, purposely seating yourself in an isolated spot. You looked around at the members of this Task Force, examining each of their bearings.
A voice snapped you out of your examination.
“You can sit over here, Lass.” A Scottish accent. Based on the files you examined in the bar, this must be MacTavish, if you were to go off their surnames. Your gaze shot up, seeing the man with a mohawk gesturing toward the chair next to him. Flashing a meek smile, you grabbed your bag and sat next to him.
“So… this is the whole Task Force?” You asked curiously, taking another glance at all of them.
He gives a nod and purses his lips, beginning to point at each of them as he named them off. If you were to pick the friendliest based on appearance alone, probably Garrick, or “Gaz”, as Soap told you to refer to him. 
Least friendly… Probably the burly man at the other end of the table, who’d been giving you an icy glare since you arrived. “Ghost”, they called him. What a strange codename, you thought to yourself. However, you weren’t about to tell him that to his face.
“We’re all pretty friendly here.” Soap continues, looking around with you. “Just don’t touch anyone’s things without permission, not talking from experience or anything.” He lets out a chuckle, and you could tell he was only trying to make you feel comfortable.
“I will take your word for it, Soap.” You state, giving a slow nod. He offers to show you your dorm, and you gladly follow, just wanting to get settled in as quickly as possible.
Soap takes your bag for you, carrying it the whole way there, though you felt like protesting it at first.
The room is smaller than you expected, but not awful to look at. There’s a simple bed, nightstand, and desk. Not having to share a bathroom is a plus, too. Soap nodded when he saw the tension in your shoulders reduce when the room was less distasteful than you expected.
“If you need help finding anything, I’m down the hall.” He sets your duffel bag on the bed and starts towards the door.
You stop him, having only one thing on your mind. “One question.” He stops in his tracks, raising his brow curiously. “That man in the mask… Is he always so…?” Before you can even finish, a grin spreads on Soap’s face, as if it wasn’t his first time answering this question.
“Yes. Ghost is always that way. But he’s a good soldier, and he won’t let you die out there.” Soap replies, before he closes the door behind him, leaving you to get settled into your new living situation. 
After unpacking your things into the small dresser, and setting out the minimal decor you brought along. You figured it was time to learn about this “operation” that brought you here in the first place.
When you reached the main workspace, some desks had computers, others didn’t. You sat at an empty one and scrubbed through the files Price gave you at the bar once more. You hadn’t looked at them since the plane ride, and that was many-hours-jetlagged-ago.
The intel describes Task Force 141’s known information on “El Sin Nombre”,  who is the end target. You furrowed your brows as you skimmed the intelligence. Las Almas? A cartel? What exactly were you getting yourself into? This wasn’t the military operation you were expecting, especially working with this specific team.
You sat in the mission briefing room, surrounded by your new team. This was the day, your first operation with the 141. You turn your attention to the projector screen in front of the table, where Captain Price is standing, preparing for today’s assignments.
“We’ve received a tip off from a reliable source about the whereabouts of one of El Sin Nombre’s warehouses.” Price begins, taking a coarse sip from his coffee thermos. “We are going to stealthily infiltrate the facility and place a bug devices on El Sin Nombre’s escort vehicles. You will not have execute authority, so stay undetected.” Price says it like it’s nothing, like that’s not a terrifying instruction. And of course, the stealth mission had to be your first with this team.
He scoops up the paperwork he had sitting on the table. “We’re heading out in an hour. Prepare yourself accordingly, soldiers.”
Price’s footsteps grow quieter as he leaves the room, forcing you to make an attempt to plan something with your squadmates. You turn to Soap, but he’s already made plans to work with Gaz. Fuck. Only one more option.
You curse yourself in your head and take a deep breath, before turning to Ghost, who hasn’t uttered a word to you yet at all. “So, I take it we’ll be partners out there…” You want to punch yourself for being so stiff with him. You’re a soldier, he’s a soldier, you’re working together. Get it together. 
He offers a grunt in response, his brown eyes scanning all the way to your bones, before he shifts his gaze back to the folder in front of him, as if he can’t bear to look at you any longer. You almost scoff. All that effort and overthinking for a grunt.
You begin to doubt what Soap told you about him. 
Maybe he’ll intentionally get you killed out there, since you’re clearly so unbearable to have a decent conversation with. At least that’s how Ghost was making it seem.
“Ghost, how copy?” Price’s voice rang through the radio attached to Ghost’s vest. You looked over, waiting for your cue to infiltrate the warehouse.
“All clear. Ready to breach.” His rough voice replied into the mic, before he advanced toward the perimeter, sneaking around the side of the building. He barely looked your way, unless to make sure you were keeping up with him.
Sweat formed on your fingertips, daring you to drop the rifle in your hands, but you were determined to get through this without mistakes.
“Two hostiles at the entrance,” you speak in a low tone as you peak around the corner you’re posted at. Ghost has no reaction, and waits for the hostiles to pass. Then, without a word, he slips around the corner, moving toward the entrance.
“The vehicles are down the dirt path. Stay with me.” He says plainly, sprinting down the hill, following the path. 
You use every ounce of energy to stay with his pace, placing your backs against a fence and waiting for the lot with the vehicles to clear. When the enemies disperse, you both split off, pulling the bug devices from your gear. You give a signal nod as you place them discreetly on the vehicles. In seconds, you’re both ready to move on.
Unexpectedly, you hear the footsteps of a hostile approaching the very spot you’re standing. If he sees you, this mission is over, and so are your lives. You contemplate taking him out silently, but you remember Price’s words during the briefing; You will not have execute authority, so stay undetected.
The enemy’s treads are getting closer. The gravel under his boots crunches louder as he’s approaching the car you’re standing beside. You feel a rush of dread course through you.
Just when you think you’re dead meat, Ghost’s gloved hand clamps down on your forearm, dragging you underneath the van he was beside. He gives a cold glare as you’re both sandwiched in your hiding spot, shoulder to shoulder, leg to leg. He’s watching the enemy’s feet pass you by as walks along. When it’s clear, you scoot out from under by your belly, feeling the gravel dig through the fabric of your shirt.
Ghost must’ve noticed the look of panic still written on your face. “Keep your head on, we’re not out of here yet.” His monotone voice yanks the overthinking away quickly.
You continue to follow him, making your way to the fence along the perimeter. Lucky for you, this location didn’t have very strong security. Not even a patrolman going along the fence. Ghost pulled out bolt cutters and cut his way through the chainlink, making a hole big enough for each of you to slip out.
Ghost reaches for his radio once more, not skipping a beat as the both of you jogged from the compound. 
“Mission success. Meeting you at the evac location now.”
One part of you wanted to celebrate a successful mission, but the other knew this was beginners luck. It’s a rarity for missions to go that smoothly. If Ghost hadn’t been there, and you were performing that stealth mission alone, you would’ve gotten caught, and that was weighing on you. 
Luckily, Ghost didn’t seem like much of a talker. For once that was going to be in your favor.
“Good job out there everyone. As long as the devices aren’t destroyed, we’ll be able to have surveillance on El Sin Nombre’s shipments and convoys.” Price states in a boastful fashion, giving everyone a supportive grin.
There was no point in dwelling on your mistakes out there. Everyone was content with the outcome, even if some didn’t show it much. Or at least one of them didn’t.
As you're seated on the sofa in the lounge, a beer bottle is handed to you from over your shoulder. “How do you think you did out there?” The accent hits your ears again, making you give a nod as you open the bottle.
“I think everything went… well?” You were unsure. 
Ghost almost looked as if he had a cheeky smirk under his mask as he watched the conversation from afar, but you couldn’t be too sure. His eyes didn’t give much away either. At least you knew it wasn’t just you he stared at. Each time you looked over, his eyes were glued onto something or someone else, as if he was examining everything around him, but not interacting. Like a phantom in the room, which you see move past the corner of your eye.
“Oh, come on. You did well. Nobody’s had any complaints about you yet.” Soap reassures you, maintaining the same friendly tone he had when he first offered you to sit next to him. 
At least you had one person who made an effort to talk with you each day. Price was your boss, so he had to. Gaz was welcoming too, but introverted. And Ghost was… living up to his name. A ghost. At least socially, he was.
You chuckled at Soap’s comment, because it was true. You were overthinking your decisions in the field, and there was no reason to.
The celebration didn’t last long. Some had a few beers and went off to bed, others stayed awake but went back to working. You were exhausted from your first day. New experiences, new people you were still getting used to.
As you laid in your bed, you thought about the moment you almost compromised the mission again. Ghost grabbing you without a second thought, saving your ass. Perhaps, it was as awkward for him as it was for you - the way you two were shoved against one another beneath the van. Or, it was instinct for him to save you, because he’s so experienced in his field.
You nearly physically shook the thoughts away as you rolled over, forcing yourself to get the rest your fatigued body was begging for.
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froggibus · 9 months
Colder Weather - Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor
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Genre: fluff headcanons
Summary: how the boys act when it’s cold + snowing outside
CW: cold weather, snow, asmo forcing you to go outside (ew), lots of cuddling, pretty mid writing on my part
okok so no Lucifer or Satan for this one cause I just had no ideas :((( like I had a few but not nearly enough for complete hcs so sorry guys
also holy fuck it’s been a while since I wrote obey me hcs lmao so im a little rusty…sorry guys
also I promise I’ll shut up but it’s gonna be almost -50 celsius here this weekend (yay, Canada!) so I will be stuck inside if you guys have any obey me (or other fandoms) ideas!!
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Mammon and to snow DO NOT mix
biggest baby in the entire Devildom when it gets cold
he has this super tacky fur coat that he insists is real rabbit fur (it’s faux—the big softy couldn’t bear real fur)
refuses to leave the house, even if he has to work
worse than that: he refuses to let you leave the house, even if you have things to do
“hey, human. where d’ya think you’re going? it’s cold out there. you’ll get sick, or worse, dead!”
invites you to his room cause he has this ‘super awesome heater’ (read: himself)
you end up lounging on the couch with him and watching movies with excruciatingly long car chases
you start shivering despite the sweater you’re wearing, and Mammon not so begrudgingly beckons you over to come sit under the blanket with him
honestly he forgets how to breathe because you’re so close and you smell nice and you’re relying on him for warmth
at some point it gets colder and you start shivering again
goes to grab another blanket but you stop him, looking up at him with those pleading eyes
“don’t go, mams. i’ll freeze without you.”
pretends to be humble about it but inside he is screaming
not sure how it happens but you end up in his lap??
he has both arms around you, cocooning you between him and the blanket
you both fall asleep on the couch, snow storm long forgotten
locks himself in his room to spend the whole day watching anime
also sorry but this man’s room is a whole terrarium
he’s got his heater, his fan, his air purifier, his humidifier
his place is always the perfect temperature and the perfect place to take refuge in a blizzard
he pretends like he’s annoyed when you come into his room, dressed in warm clothes and fuzzy socks, a blanket draped over your shoulders
but really he doesn’t mind—he actually has to hide his rosy cheeks with you because he’s so flustered at the idea that you chose him
orders an insane amount of comfort food to eat during your anime marathon
like heaps and heaps of food that the two of you couldn’t possibly finish
offers you to share his blanket with him, wrapping it around the two of you to keep warm while you munch on food
somehow it turns into you leaning your head on his shoulder, eyelids getting heavy in the warmth of his room
Levi can’t even be annoyed that you’re missing episodes of the anime—you look so cute like this
HATES the cold, LOVES the snow 
it’s a weird dynamic…
dresses you up in the cutest snowsuit ever, and forces you to sit outside in the cold for over an hour taking pictures 
“asmo we’re gonna catch a cold”
“demons don’t get sick from the cold, don’t be silly”
you’re not a demon????
when he’s finally done with the pictures don’t expect any attention from him after
he still has to edit, caption and post them to Devilgram 
you sit under his comforter in the corner of his bed, shivering miserably and shooting glares at him from the corner of your eyes 
Finally he puts down his DDD and looks at you, his eyes sparkling when he sees just how cute and cold you look 
uses the cold as an excuse to get as close to you as possible, cuddling you tightly 
he’s so tempted to take a selfie of the two of you in bed together but he doesn’t want to ruin the moment 
probably insists on your laying between his legs with your head on his chest for ‘maximum warmth’ 
really he just want to feel you
you end up falling asleep in his room, and who is he to wake you? 
honestly indifferent to the cold
he’s just built differently 
he’s not the biggest fan of it, but he’s not as much of a baby as some of his older brothers 
still, he doesn’t quite like the idea of you going out in the cold (at least, not without proper protection)
offers to get anything you need, but if you insist on going out, he’ll come with you 
and of course he bundles you up first 
has you dressed in one of his sweaters with one of his old winter jackets over top
you look tiny in his big clothes 
when you get home after he’ll make you stand in front of the heater to warm up while he disappears into the kitchen 
of course he’s going into the kitchen 
but you’re pleasantly surprised when he comes back with two steaming bowls of chicken noodle soup
you guys eat and watch a movie in the living room, Beel asking you every five minutes if you’re cold 
you take another one of his sweaters just to get him to stop bothering you about it  
insists on feeding you every hour and piling snacks on the coffee table 
“don’t give me that look. you need food to stay warm, y/n.”
hates blizzards because they interrupt his sleep 
he can usually sleep through anything—from sunny days to volcanic eruptions
but the cold??? no way
his bed gets cold and even his thickest, softest blankets don’t help 
but…maybe a certain warm human could help his sleep 
ends up crawling into bed with you in the middle of the night, hardly making a sound 
you only wake when you feel the bitter cold on your body slowly fading away, a new warmth pressed against you 
“go back to sleep—don’t move! im comfy....”
you’re not even phased by Belphie sneaking into bed with you at this point 
and the warmth is honestly really nice 
you cuddle back into him, shoving your back as tight against his chest as it will go 
he throws an arm over your waist, holding your hip flush against his 
definitely stays with you the whole night—and the next few after that 
with the excuse he’s just ‘keeping warm’, of course 
checks on you every time he wakes up in the night, groggily reaching out to make sure you’re still warm and okay
Obey Me! Masterlist
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