#Innovations in Mental Health Care Live
vijaykumarpradhan · 6 months
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Innovations in Mental Health Webinar Secure your spot for the upcoming mental health live webinar to uncover the advanced therapies and integrative approaches in mental health treatment
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hatokyandi · 1 year
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trans-axolotl · 1 year
and this is also why i think that any meaningful community building/advocacy/support around madness/neurodivergence/mental illness needs to be founded on principles of liberation and abolition, and that we need to be able to distinguish between people who are allies based on our shared values + goals, and between people who use some of the same language as us, but are fundamentally advocating for separate things.
One example I see a lot of is the idea of "lived experience" professionals, people who have a career in the mental health system and who also have some personal experience with mental illness. These professionals oftentimes will talk about their own negative experiences in the mental health system, and come into their careers with a genuine desire to improve the experience of patients. But their impact is incredibly limited by the system they have chosen to work in: the coercive elements of psychiatry incentivize professionals to buy into the existing power structures instead of disrupting them. And as a whole, many lived experience professionals end up getting exploited and tokenized by their employers and used as an attempt to make carceral psychiatry seem more palatable. Professionals in this dynamic are not working to effectively challenge the structural violence of their profession: they become complicit, even if they do also have good intentions and provide individual support.
(I do know some radical providers who have found innovative ways to fuck up the system and destabilize and shift power in their workplaces, but this is a very small number of providers and is not most of the lived experience providers I've talked with.)
Another example I see a lot in our spaces has to do with the evolution of the neurodiversity paradigm. I feel a very deep connection to the original conceptualization of neurodiversity and neurodivergent as coined by Kassiane Asasumasu, but in recent years I've seen a lot of people using neurodivergent language in a way that feels pretty dramatically different than the foundational principles. This isn't saying that people should stop using ND terminology or that all neurodivergent spaces are like this--rather, I just want to point out some trends I see in certain communities, both online and in my in personal life. Although people will often use neurodivergent language and on the surface, seem allied with concepts of deinstitutionalization, acceptance, etc, the values and structure in these community spaces often rely heavily on ideas of classification based in DSM, and build very prescriptive and rigid models for categorizing different types of neurodivergence in a way that ends up excluding some M/MI/ND people. Certain types of knowledge are valued over other types of knowledge, and certain diagnoses are prioritized as worthy of support over others. There's a lot of value placed on identifying and classifying many types of behaviors, beliefs, thoughts, actions, into specific categories, and a lack of solidarity between different diagnoses or the wider disability community.
Again, this isn't to say that ND terminology is bad or useless--I think it is an incredibly helpful explanatory model/shorthand for finding community and will call myself neurodivergent, and find a lot of value in community identification and sharing of wisdom. I just feel like it's important to realize that not every ND person, organization, or initiative, is actually invested in the project of fighting for our liberation.
when thinking about our activism, as abolitionists, it's important to be very specific about what our goals, values, and tactics are. For example, understanding the concept of non-reformist reforms helps us distinguish what immediate goals are useful, versus what reforms work to increase the carceral power of the psychiatric system. And when building our own value systems and trying to build alternative ways of caring for ourselves and our communities, we need to be able to evaluate what brings us closer to autonomy, freedom, and interdependence. I need people to understand that just because someone is also against psych hospitalization does not mean that they are also allies in the project of letting mad people live free, authentic, meaningful, and supported lives, and that oftentimes people's allyship is conditional on our willingness to conform to their ideas of a "good" mentally ill person.
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victoriadallonfan · 5 months
I feel real stupid for not noticing the Teacher and Simurgh parallels, and why Wildbow chose to have them as Victoria’s Big Bads:
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- Cockroaches 28.2
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- Cell 22.3
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- Dying 15.6
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- Infrared 19.z
Teacher and the Simurgh represent the relationship of a Tyrannical & Unfair System, and Those Who Want to Be the System.
The Simurgh was built for the sole purpose of keeping the Shard Cycle running and has no emotion or care for its work, unlike Fragile One or Grasping Self who do care about the hosts. The Simurgh is quite literally a machine, a program, built by an oppressive force on humanity (the Entities).
Oppression is her very EXISTENCE.
Teacher is a man. He self proclaims himself as a mastermind who has flawless plans and who wanted to simply see how the world works. He cannot innovate or create himself, but he can lead those who do (unintended Elon Musk comparison there…). He claims that every goal of his, every act, and every terror strike is to save humanity.
But when you look at what he does with his power, what his true goal is, you understand that it’s all a lie.
Teacher doesn’t just copy the Simurgh’s playbook (pretending to be benevolent with their power but secretly mastering people, using pawns for terrorist acts, programming people to fulfill roles in their society) but he quite plainly want to Be the Entities. He planned on merging with his Shard and becoming a God, making the Cycle his (his Titan form is quite literally him blending himself into his Shard).
While this is all important to Victoria because she highly values individualism, consent, and human free will, it’s also important because Victoria also wanted to be part of a system.
True, it was a system of heroes, but it was a system that was clearly failing and throughout the run of Ward, Victoria keeps getting burned by this system. The heroes refuse to acknowledge or reward her efforts of saving the city or the world, they blame her for things outside her control, or they blame her when she saves them all.
And that’s not even getting into how her own actions have been self-harming as she tries to live up to heroic ideals instilled into her since birth.
By the time that Vic saves the multiverse (arguably for the second time), Victoria bluntly rejects a return to the system. She lays out how she needs to take a step back, listen to people who want to help her, and re-evaluate her goals in life. She even succeeds in getting the Wardens to look at their system and acknowledge that it has to change, and a small step could be made right then and there.
Victoria ends up - ironically enough - becoming a teacher (I’m sure that pissed Teacher off) and emphasizing to the younger generation about how empathy, honesty, and transparency are needed for helping with people going through mental health crises. That it should be about making them feel safe more than “winning”.
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olrastrology · 20 days
Astrology / Sixth House / 6H
The Sixth House in astrology, often referred to as the House of Health and Service, is a critical area of the natal chart that governs daily routines, work, health, and the ways we serve others. It is the house where we focus on the practical aspects of life, dealing with tasks that require discipline, organization, and attention to detail. The Sixth House also reflects our attitudes toward work and service, our approach to maintaining physical health, and how we manage our responsibilities. In this essay, we will explore the significance of the Sixth House, its influence on health, work, daily routines, and its broader role in the context of the natal chart.
The Sixth House: An Overview
The Sixth House is traditionally associated with the sign of Virgo and its ruling planet, Mercury. These associations emphasize the house’s connection to precision, analytical thinking, and a strong sense of duty. The Sixth House is where we focus on the details of daily life, from our work environment to our health habits, and how we contribute to the well-being of others through service.
In a natal chart, the sign on the cusp of the Sixth House, along with any planets located within it, provides insights into how an individual approaches their work, health, and daily responsibilities. For example, if the Sixth House is in Capricorn, the person might approach work with a sense of duty and discipline, valuing structure and long-term goals. If the Sixth House is in Gemini, the individual might prefer variety and mental stimulation in their daily routines, often juggling multiple tasks and interests.
Health and Wellness
One of the primary areas governed by the Sixth House is health and wellness. This house reflects our attitudes toward maintaining physical health, including our approach to diet, exercise, and overall well-being. It reveals the habits we develop to care for our bodies and how we deal with illness and stress.
The sign on the cusp of the Sixth House can indicate the areas of health that may require attention and the best ways to maintain physical well-being. For example, someone with Taurus on the Sixth House cusp might benefit from a steady, consistent approach to health, with a focus on good nutrition and regular physical activity. In contrast, an individual with Aquarius on the Sixth House cusp might prefer unconventional or innovative approaches to health, possibly exploring alternative medicine or unique wellness practices.
Planets in the Sixth House can also provide insights into health matters. For instance, Mars in the Sixth House might indicate a person with a strong physical constitution, who enjoys vigorous exercise and may be prone to minor injuries or inflammations. Neptune in the Sixth House, on the other hand, might suggest sensitivity to environmental factors or a tendency toward escapism when dealing with health issues, possibly leading to challenges in maintaining consistent health routines.
The Sixth House also governs mental health, reflecting how we manage stress, anxiety, and our overall psychological well-being. This house encourages us to develop healthy routines that support both our physical and mental health, emphasizing the importance of balance and self-care in our daily lives.
Work, Service, and Daily Routines
The Sixth House is closely associated with work and service, focusing on the tasks and responsibilities that make up our daily lives. Unlike the Tenth House, which governs career and public achievements, the Sixth House is concerned with the day-to-day aspects of work, including our work environment, relationships with colleagues, and the satisfaction we derive from our job.
The sign on the cusp of the Sixth House can reveal how an individual approaches work and the type of work environment that suits them best. For example, someone with Leo on the Sixth House cusp might thrive in a work environment where they can express their creativity and leadership skills, enjoying recognition for their contributions. In contrast, a person with Pisces on the Sixth House cusp might prefer a more compassionate or artistic work setting, where they can use their intuition and empathy to help others.
Planets in the Sixth House can also influence one’s approach to work and service. For example, Venus in the Sixth House might indicate a person who enjoys harmonious work relationships and takes pleasure in creating a pleasant work environment. They may be drawn to work that involves beauty, art, or helping others. Saturn in the Sixth House, on the other hand, might suggest a strong sense of duty and responsibility in work, with a preference for structure and order, possibly leading to a tendency toward workaholism or a focus on perfectionism.
Service is another key theme of the Sixth House, reflecting our desire to contribute to the well-being of others. This house governs how we serve others, whether through our work, volunteer efforts, or daily acts of kindness. The Sixth House encourages us to develop a sense of humility and dedication in our service, reminding us of the importance of contributing to the greater good through our daily actions.
Organization, Discipline, and Attention to Detail
The Sixth House emphasizes the importance of organization, discipline, and attention to detail in managing our daily lives. It governs the routines and habits we develop to maintain order and efficiency, whether in our work, health, or personal life. This house encourages us to be mindful of the small details that contribute to our overall well-being and success.
The sign on the cusp of the Sixth House can reveal how an individual approaches organization and discipline. For example, someone with Virgo on the Sixth House cusp might have a natural talent for organization, paying close attention to detail and striving for perfection in their daily tasks. In contrast, a person with Sagittarius on the Sixth House cusp might prefer a more flexible and spontaneous approach to their daily routines, valuing freedom and variety over strict schedules.
Planets in the Sixth House can also influence one’s ability to stay organized and disciplined. For example, Mercury in the Sixth House might indicate a person who excels at multitasking and enjoys organizing information and ideas, possibly leading to a career in writing, teaching, or communication. Mars in the Sixth House might suggest a dynamic and energetic approach to daily tasks, with a strong drive to get things done quickly and efficiently.
The Sixth House also governs our relationship with time, reflecting how we manage our schedules and prioritize our responsibilities. This house encourages us to develop healthy routines that support our goals and allow us to manage our time effectively, avoiding burnout and stress.
The Sixth House in Relation to the Rest of the Chart
The Sixth House interacts with other areas of the natal chart to provide a comprehensive understanding of how we approach work, health, and daily responsibilities. Aspects between the Sixth House and other houses or planets can highlight the connections between these practical areas of life and other aspects of our experience.
For example, a harmonious aspect between the Sixth House and the Second House, which governs finances, might suggest that the individual finds satisfaction in work that provides financial stability and allows them to manage their resources effectively. On the other hand, a challenging aspect between the Sixth House and the Twelfth House, which deals with the subconscious and hidden matters, might indicate difficulties in balancing daily responsibilities with the need for rest and introspection, possibly leading to issues with stress or burnout.
The Sixth House in astrology is a vital component of the natal chart, governing health, work, service, and the practical aspects of daily life. It represents the areas where we focus on organization, discipline, and attention to detail, shaping how we manage our responsibilities and contribute to the well-being of ourselves and others.
Understanding the Sixth House can provide valuable insights into our approach to work, health, and service, helping us to develop healthy routines and habits that support our overall well-being. Whether we are striving to maintain physical health, seeking satisfaction in our work, or finding ways to serve others, the Sixth House reminds us of the importance of discipline, organization, and dedication in achieving our goals and living a fulfilling life.
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moonspirit · 3 months
Now that u have answered Annie’s sister in law, we need Armins siblings in law (so Pieck and Reiner)
Maldonado as a side note Annie is Pieck’s younger sister, but she is also Reiner’s older brother. Idk why but that’s just how it is based on dynamics.
Hi anon!
Hahah xD Oh Reiner and Pieck.
Tbh post-canon I really enjoy thinking about these two sets of relationships: Jean-Annie-Connie and Pieck-Armin-Reiner. Each half of Aruani sandwiched between two people from the side opposite to which they once belonged.
Anyway. I said it in some set of tags recently, but I love the potential of the bond Reiner and Armin could share post-rumbling. They're both similar in the respect that they have some self-hatred (though the root-causes are a bit different). This self-hatred, if shared, is something they'd understand. Reiner fought the very essence of life (the hallucinogenia) to help humanity live despite yearning for death himself. After the battle, his mental health is a goner; the guilt of everything that happened right from his birth to the present is extremely heavy to bear alone. If he was at rock bottom before, well now he's below any visible surface lol. Armin isn't too different from him then; he's just as shattered, guilt-ridden and debating his right to exist - but the hope that's inside him is a very, very hard thing to kill. It's because of that hope that the battle could end at all, and even if Eren's death and the loss of much of humanity is a planet-sized sin for him to carry, he's still hopeful, he's still a dreamer, he still sees the beauty in life.
Armin has the potential to lead the way in both his and Reiner's paths to healing. And Reiner, ever the protective big brother, will be unable to hide his genuine care and concern for Armin's well being and safety throughout their political work. The two go on long walks, hands in their pockets, talking about the past and future and everything in between; they play plenty of chess; they pore over maps of the remaining world; they rely on each other to pick the other up when the bouts of guilt overwhelm them.
Pieck now, is very very interesting. Not only is she the sole outsider in the Ambassador group, but she's also the one person who carries no good memories nor much empathy for Eren. She's every bit grounded in reality as Armin cannot help but dream. Initially, I think she'd find Armin's optimism and hope quite naive and delusional; after all she's always been aware of the cruel truth of their existence and the Eldian race's place in the world. Moreover, Armin's bond with Eren puzzles her - she can see that Armin is not a bad person; far from it in fact, he's reasonable, empathetic, careful and strategic. How could it ever have been possible that someone like him and Eren used to be inseparable friends? Over time though as Armin confides in her more about his and Eren's friendship, she learns to appreciate the bittersweetness of two boys who were each the other side of the very same coin.
Pieck and Armin, I hc, share a love for music and gadgets. They are both incredibly smart and this makes it very easy for them to fall into place as a very strong political team. They plan, they strategize, they discuss methods and tools and issues in their way. Armin values Pieck's level-headed approach to viewing and solving problems, while she appreciates his innovative ideas, tact, and careful consideration in minimizing damage. They enjoy conversations, they buy each other music records to play on the gramophone, and while Pieck helps Armin see the things he misses when he's lost in dreams, Armin helps Pieck feel welcome and like family, in their gang of six.
(Bonus: Reiner's always prattling on to Armin about how he's so glad his "little sister Annie" is happy with Armin, while Pieck annoys him to no end by never missing a chance to point out what an adorable simp he is lmao)
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taurussoulastrology · 11 months
Let's talk about the Part of Fortune! Or P.F. for short.
●Below is P.F. through the signs.
The P.F. is a balance point between your Ascendant, Sun, and Moon. It has a mystical quality about it. It can be viewed from a mundane level or a metaphysical/spiritual level. It's an astrological point, not a planet. It's an energetic force!
This point can reveal your prosperity, career, mode of income, your body, your health, your connection with outside world, and how your soul can grow to its highest expression.
The happiness you receive from this point depends on how well balanced your Ascendant, Sun, and Moon are in yourself. If they are all working in harmony, this point will have positive effects on you. If they're not, it can bring challenges to your life.
Let me know if they resonate!
You will have a great deal of energy. And you need to be very active, not necessarily physically active, but maybe mentally active and alert. You are courageous, brave, confident, and self assured., and you love adventure and spontaneous expression. You may not have all these qualities right now, but these are the attributes that you can develop. You need to learn how to focus your energy effectively, and to be in. Control of your life. You are someone who derives great pleasure from taking initiative, and you can achieve happiness and success through your innovative and creative efforts. You enjoy new challenges in overcoming obstacles. You can help and direct others towards more productive uses of their energy. You must be independent and not accept. Interference from others. Whatever you achieve will be through your own efforts, and this brings you your greatest joy. Learn to trust your intuition.
You need to be productive and create tangible results for your efforts. You'd like peace and you can achieve contentment. This placement can bring good fortune with accumulating assets and possessions, so long as you are able to discern their value. Just collecting things for no reason will not bring you happiness. Whatever you gather must have value and meaning.. You derive pleasure from building and sustaining new structures. You can be patient and achieve inner peace so long as you don't get too enmeshed in the mundane world of money and ownership. Your experience of joy is achieved when you produce real and lasting results from your efforts. You have a solidity within you that is very soothing for others, as they know they can depend on you. You get pleasure from being stable, persistent, and practical. You may have a love of beauty, food, eating, nature, and anything that stimulates your senses.
You need to reach out to others and communicate, as you could bridge the gaps in understanding between people. As you use and develop your communication skills and your ability to learn, you will achieve success and joy. You might publish a best seller or help others to get their work into the public domain. Those who live near you or work around you will always be there for you if you need them. You need to cultivate versatility, freedom. Of movement and your sense of humor. You are extremely curious, and you need to develop flexibility and the ability to go with the flow. You need to be fully engaged with everything that's going on around you without Bedding. Everything. Your happiness comes from being in the moment and sharing your exciting adventures with others. You love talking, Anything that stimulates the mind, humor, play, and developing your skills.
You seek security for yourself, but you can also help others find their security. You need to cultivate gentleness and caring. You have a great ability to nurture other people, Animals, projects, creative endeavors, ideas and visions. Whatever it is, you can nurture something so that it becomes whole. Period. This brings you your greatest happiness and joy. You can get in touch with the earth's energies and use them to make things grow and thrive. Try to develop the tenderness and care and qualities. You have, and you will derive much enjoyment from nourishing all things so that they can flourish. You might have an interest in anything connected with the Earth. Such as gardening, growing food, protecting the land, animals, and birds. You can empathize. With the vulnerable and can teach them how to become self reliant. You love home, family, memories, tradition, the past, food, nurturing, collecting things, music, and real estate.
With this placement, you need to cultivate recognition from others for your creativity to feel happy and successful. You are generous and optimistic. And you could be a great. Source of inspiration. You were someone who leads by example and you were authentic. You give for the sheer joy of giving without any expectation of a return. You have an abundant creative energy that can bring about many new and exciting results. For you, Great happiness comes from accomplishing large scale achievements that inspire others to develop their creativity. You are a shining example of what a person can achieve. You can become a master in your field of expertise and this will bring you great joy. You love fun, drama, developing new businesses, games of any kind, or, sports, dance, and anything creative.
No matter what kind of health problem may be thrown at you, you will be able to find a solution to it. It doesn't mean that you can be overconfident with your health or abuse it, but, if you are sincere You will be able to catch things before they become serious. You are able to study and change destructive habit patterns so that you create happier and more joyful life for yourself. You need to develop discrimination and logical analysis. You are happy when Your environment is in order, as you are extremely sensitive to vibrations. This placement brings luck with work, your career, and your physical health. You may be drawn to the medical profession as a career or something that involves helping others. You enjoy feeling that you are making a valuable contribution in anything concerning Wellness, health, Nutrition, work, animals, Volunteering and charity work would be fields in which you would excel.
You are happiest when you achieve balance in your relationships. You are probably a people pleaser and you will have to ensure that your needs are being met in your relationships. And you are not. Making too many compromises. You tried to cooperate with others, but this doesn't always work in your best interests. You need to discern the fine line between being helpful and giving too much. You experience joy when you feel as though you are part of something. And that you belong. You have an innate ability to mediate successfully in both personal and professional relationships. Once you feel in harmony with the people around you and in your life, you experience your greatest fulfillment. You may have many lessons to learn about relationships before you truly achieved the balance you desire, But once you have overcome these obstacles, your relationships. Bring great fulfillment and pleasure. You love Discussions, one to one. Interactions, Counseling, advising, coaching, training, harmony, diplomacy. And elegance.
This is a very powerful placement. It means you must act wisely and only with the best of intentions for everyone with whom you come into contact. You could be a powerful leader, singer, actor, spiritual teacher or mentor. You have the power to influence people positively or negatively. You have a keen perception and penetrating insight, and you love to dive into the unknown and the unseen. Your happiness is achieved. By getting to the core and bottom of situations. You are able to regenerate and rejuvenate yourself so that you can experience a rebirth and reinvent yourself. You will have the feeling that you have already. Died many times in this lifetime. You have wonderful recuperation powers that you can tap into whenever you desire. You are happiest. When you can show people how to face their fears and go beyond them. You emanate confidence and assuredness. You love intensity, using personal power, and powering others, intimacy, and deep soul connections.
Your success comes from exploring and reaching New Horizons and adventures. You see truth and fairness, and you may be interested in law or politics. This is a good position for a lawyer, judge, or politician. You are not afraid to take risks and to try your luck because you We'll learn something from the experience. Your greatest fortune may lie far away from your place of birth. This is a fortunate placement so long as you are prepared to take risks, as they usually pay off for you. You are intensely curious and need to experience many different inactive verse things. New experiences bring you great fulfillment. Allow yourself to radiate the joy that you feel within and don't try to convince those around you to see the world as you do. Just be a shining example of optimism and demonstrate A zest for life. You love travel of the mind or body. Teaching and learning give you pleasure. You'll be attracted to anything involving the expansion and awakening of consciousness.
Happiness comes from determination to achieve your goals. You often lead the way for others and this can be a very good placement for luck in business and public affairs. Your greatest joy comes from observing your progress in life and seeing it take form and structure. You don't necessarily want. Things to come easily to you and And you like to feel as though you have earned your successes. You need to know that you can make a valuable contribution to society. This position may delay happiness until later in life. This is a sign of great depth and your joy is achieved after many years of Focused effort. You know that what you achieve is not through good luck, but rather from your own efforts and persistence. It is the awareness of your inner development that brings you the greatest joy. You love achievement, mastery, discipline, structure, organizing and planning.
Your happiness comes from making a tangible contribution or creating an invention that is beneficial for everyone. You are able to raise money for charitable organizations. You could develop new cures and medicine. Others will seek. You out for guidance and advice. You are fair and unbiased, and this is what attracts other people to you. You must never follow the paths of other people. You are original and creative and will come up with a new direction that is authentic to you. As soon as you accept that. You are different in that your ideas are unique, You will feel much happier. Your joy is not only for yourself but for the good of all. You show others that they can celebrate their individuality. You love new ideas, the imagination, philanthropy., technology, science, the future, diversity, and new inventions.
You are naturally attuned to the spiritual side of life and you must concentrate on your higher ideals. This is where your true happiness lies. You will have a powerful, magnetic and mysterious quality. You have a desire to bring about. A more compassionate and loving world. You may have a strong interest in anything metaphysical, spiritual, or esoteric, and you get your greatest inspiration from tuning into the Invisible Forces. As you learned to go with the flow of life, to allow yourself to experience your emotions fully. And not to avoid them or sweep them under the carpet, you will experience the oneness of everything and deep sense of peace. You love solitude, romance, poetry, being near water, charity, retreats, metaphysics, and anything esoteric.
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wilcze-kudly · 24 days
consider: au where opal goes rogue, leaves the airbenders, basically becomes antifa against kuvira
I alwys thought Opal may be an airbender who would splinter off from the Air Nomads more traditional pacifistic lifestyle. What's interesting is that by going up against Kuvira, she is protecting an Air Nomad value- that of freedom.
So it would be interesting to see that storyline and how it would impact her relationship with the other airbenders like Jinora and Tenzin.
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I also think the Beifong family would support her wholeheartedly, perhaps getting involved in it too. I kinda have been toying with the idea of the Beifongs starting a resistance against Kuvira. They seemed to be the only people genuinely caring about Kuvira's actions and willing to try to put a stop to her.
I think B4's storyline would benefit a lot from a having the Beifong family as Pov characters, since they could actually offer insight into what's going on in the Earth Kingdom. They also have a very personal connection to the villains, Kuvira and Baatar Jr, which wasn't explored as much as I wish it had been.
If the queercoded miniboss from B1 gets almost a whole episode with flashbacks to traumadump aboud his bender communist big bro in B1, why did Su have to tell Korra that she adopted Kuvira OFFSCREEN. Lile doesn't that feel like something we should've seen. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THAT FUCKING COMIC.
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When thinking about this idea, Iwas also inspired by Polish freedom fighters and their partisan activities, since Kuvira's rule over the Earth Empire has hallmarks of both Nazi and Soviet regimes, for example the Spirit Canon (before it got attached to the ridiculous robot) being inspired by an actual german canon (Dora), the literal Iron Curtain, the "re-education" camps, the militarisation, the forceful redistribution of resources, the rampant propaganda, etc, etc.
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However, this storyline has strong USA influences, for example the almost complete dismissal of the actual people who live under the occupation, for the benefit of heroes from the thinly veiled New York insert.
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The Beifong family stand out from this group as actual citizens of the Earth Kingdom, who were opposed to Kuvira's rule the whole time because they knew what the fuck was going on at least to some extent. They are members of an established Earth Kingdom family, daughter and grandchildren of an Earth Kingdom war hero, and they live in a city that is seemingly the seedbed of progress and innovation.
Their storylines could be fascinating as they come to realise that no one, not even the literal fucking Avatar seems to be too jazzed to help them, that they are quite literally on their own. This is not too dissimilar from Poland as it was at the beginning of the invasion. Despite having agreements with England and France of these two countries supporting Poland's independence, England and Frabce did not take up military action against Germany after its attack on Poland. Similarly, Republic City, the Fire Nation and the Air Nomads were not willing to put up a fight until Kuvira attacked them! Idk what the fuck the Water Tribe was doing but probably not much I assume.
Stories of resistance fighters in German occupied countries (not only Poland) are often forgotten in the larger picture, despite them playing vital roles in the war. This is especially poignant when it comes to countries that were absorbed into the Eastern bloc when said freedom fighters were hunted and murdered relentlessly to keep the people silent and obedient.
Seeing an echo of these often forgotten stories in the Beifong family, a family that tried to stand up against the dictator oppressing their country and then getting reduced to McGuffins in Korra's mental health journey and Bolin's ridiculous "getting back with my gf after I sympathised with Nazis" arc is disheartening.
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The storyline was right there! The Beifongs have a personal connection to Kuvira and Baatar Jr, they have skin in the game, they have ideals opposing the main antagonist, they had the potential for an extremely emotuionally touching storyline, they have strong characters just begging to be explored. Opal and Kuvira are foils and it would be so easy to elevate Wei and Wing to the role of Baatar Jr's foils too, like a darker more antagonistic version of Tenzin and Bumi!
The storyline was right there!
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But instead they get sidelined for Korra's, admittedly well done, but misplaced trauma arc and a weird fantasy oriental USA saviour fantasy. And then they get a shitty half assed comic where Opal and the twins to lesser extent are posited as unreasonable for being wary and angry at a person who tried to kill them! And Kuvira is woobified to an insulting extent.
Also Kuvira's attack on Zaofu, a wealthy and advanced city full of artists, scholars and visionaries gives big "Soviets and Germans commiting mass murder of Polish Intelligentsia in for example Katyń, in order to make the nation easier to control and take apart, due to lack of potential resistance leaders." I do not wanna hear you bitches talking about how she was right for wanting to "redistribute their wealth and shit". Her ass was after power and those damn platnium domes to make her military stronger. Like if this weren't a fucking kids show and they weren't planning a 'redemption' for Kuvira, people would be standing above mass graves and being shot in the back of the head.
Quick note: I'm going off mainly my knowledge of Polish history due to my own nationality and education, but there are similar stories in may surrounding countries, for example Ukraine which is currently still being attacked by Russia. The stories and ideologies Kuvira and B4 represented are still well and alive today, as was the rest of the world's indifference to the suffering caused by them.
This is why I feel so strongly on this subject and I wish it was handled better and with more care for the actual victims instead of the sorta "America adjacent" heroes.
I also want to note that I don't wish to erase the influences of other cultures and histories on Kuvira, B4 and the whole of Tlok. I am merely noticing themes and references that I was primed to see since I was a child, but that doesn't mean that this is the exclusive reading of the storyline.
I know this rant kinda fell away from the og topic and got heated but I have ✨️feelings✨️ about book 4, the Beifongs and Kuvira.
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theanoninyourinbox · 7 months
NEW LONGSTAR AU - Assessments
As there are many Roles an apprentice may choose to follow, there are many ways they may be judged worthy of adulthood and their Adult Name.
Every adult cat -must- know four things - basic self defense fighting moves, baseline hunting skills, emergency healing methods, and dangerous plants identification. Some apprentices may also choose to also learn camp care or den repair, but these are not mandatory. Taking a secondary Role will require a second assessment, though not quite as rigorous.
-The Offensive Roles Assessments-
The Warrior, Brawler, Hunter, Tracker, Patroller, Nursery Guard and Camp Guard are all considered Offensive Roles. To be considered an Adult in any of these Roles, an apprentice must have extensive knowledge of both fighting and defensive battle moves.
Warriors, being the jack-of-all-roles, have the most variety in their assessments. Any of the below assessments may suffice, though a few demand to take more than one.
A Brawler needs to know both when to strike and when to speak - often their assessments are two faced: an apprentice must solve a fake argument between two clanmates, then defeat their mentor, or at least show great battle prowess, before even being considered ready for their adult name.
Hunters and Trackers have similar assignments - to bring in prey that weighs more than them, within a certain time period, and properly butcher said prey correctly. Tracker apprentices may also be tasked with identifying the tracks or nests of a certain number of prey and predators as well.
Patroller apprentices must be able to identify the borders by landmark from memory or lead a patrol without wandering over borders or getting into a fight with the neighbors.
An apprentice Camp Guard will be judged on their ability to keep the camp neat and tidy - usually an apprentice is made “lead” Camp Guard for a day, and judged on how well they do. Delegating is allowed - teamwork is a key part of Camp Guarding! For the more martial-minded cat, a night watch with “enemies” trying to sneak in may also work, but more than once a startled apprentice has woken the camp screaming in surprise - so not a popular method.
A Nursery Guard apprentice will be tested on their ability to keep the Nursery clean and repaired, their knowledge of kitten and Queen/King illnesses, and are usually set to care for weaned kits for a few days to see if they can handle it.
-The Healing Roles Assessments-
Healers, Seers, and Oracular Healers all are tested both by their Mentors, and by the Stars themselves.
Healer apprentices are usually quizzed over their herb knowledge, injury and illness knowledge, and their ability to keep cool in hard situations. However, an emergency dealt with exceedingly well or live saving innovations may also lead to their being presented to the Moonstone/Moonpool/Silverpelt. Firepaw was promoted for delivering Cloudkit and keeping his sister alive, and Runningpaw of Shadowclan for his invention of leaf masks, to protect both Healer and patient.
Seers are tested by Starclan, sent signs both small and large, monumental and insignificant. Their mentors test them with diplomacy and riddles. Any apprentice Seer of a certain age (over 12 moons) may ask Starclan to bless them with their adult title, but few receive it until after at least 14 moons.
Oracular Healers are tested both ways. (Therapists are tested both ways, and with the mental health of a patient. Darkpaw was ready halfway through the Journey, but waited until the Clans had made it to their new home to ask. The Stars gave him a Vision, and he followed it to the Moonpool.)
-Support Roles Assessments-
Historians and Storykeepers have very similar assessments - each apprentice must list certain facts or a tale without any warning. A Historian may be asked to list their leader’s bloodline three generations back, and a Storykeeper called upon to tell an important tale before the Clan.
Permaqueen/Kings are generally a Role chosen second, but any apprentice who wishes to become one has basically the same test as a Nursery Guard.
Tacticians are set to find a placement for a kit, real or imaginary. To give a kit, or perhaps a warrior, their place in life, is the highest calling of a Tactician. Sometimes an apprentice is asked to find a battle plan for a false or historical battle.
Crafters are judged for both the beauty and durability of their art. Apprentices are tasked with decorating a cat who then goes through their day as normal, and judgement is held on how the decorations held up. Inventing new methods also can be grounds for promotion.
Herbalist gardens are their proving grounds, with the most finicky plants held for assessments. To raise your own garden is only half the task, a competent Herbalist must also know the use for each - and identify their wild counterparts. It’s the harvest that really counts in the end.
To fail an assessment is not a shame to the student, but to the teacher and the Clan - an apprentice that needs more help is just an apprentice, not a bother.
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lynnuvo · 1 month
Sister from Another Mister
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Characters: Platonic Jinx & Non-biological Sister (Y/N) In celebration of Arcane Season 2 rumored to arrive November 2024, how about a couple headcannons for if Jinx became a big sister? :>
About a year or two after she was adopted by Silco, the two ran into you sitting alone in an alley in Zaun with your ragged clothes and barefoot.
You were clearly younger than Jinx, making it all the more shocking that your parents had abandoned you in exchange for more financial success. In their case, they considered what they were supposed to protect no matter what a burden.
Jinx was saddened at the sight. It reminded her of the last time she saw Vi. But Silco? This treatment wasn't rare to find in the Underground.
At this point in their relationship, Jinx was comfortable enough to beg Silco to take you in as well. The man did NOT want to. One child was already enough.
With nowhere else to go, you followed Jinx (she encouraged you) up until they got close to their lair. Silco put his foot down, and you were left alone once again.
For at least two weeks, you ventured around the neighborhood for necessities. But you always ended your night in the same spot Jinx and Silco left you: in an alley close to their lair.
Jinx started sneaking you food and water, but you two were caught pretty quickly. Fed up with her determination, he finally let Jinx take you in as long as she taught you how to keep your mouth shut.
As rough as your first meeting went, Silco eventually warms up to having another daughter, though he's more distant with you compared to Jinx. You'd sometimes get jealous when pondering about the favorite child, but Jinx always reassured that you were her favorite sister.
You're one of the rare things--erm, people--that is able to effectively help stabilize Jinx during her episodes. Even then, Jinx is still dangerous. You've received the brunt of her outgoing damage before (on accident, of course), so you try to talk her through it before getting close.
Unfortunately, part of being in this family comes with the risk of your mental health getting worse and better and worse and better and worse again and--
While Jinx has load of offense armory, you migrated to the role of a defense & support player. Small medkits, a pop-up shield, and daggers are just some parts of your combat outfit.
Jinx protects you with her life quite literally. She could be in the middle of a battle, but one glance at an enemy overpowering you is enough to bring out an animalistic urge to kill.
LOVES to ruffle your hair, pinch your cheeks, kicks your butt as a joke only for you to fight her back, drag you around, lots of platonic physical affection
When younger, you both open up about your past lives before Silco. But as time passed, it was harder to have such conversations with Jinx as her mental health took even more of a toll. It got to a point where you begin hiding as many reminders of her past life as possible, though that was difficult when so much of it built Jinx into who she was now.
When she finally meets Vi again, she brags about you to her face and shoves you two's relationship in Vi's face once you arrive in-person. A part of you is touched. A part of you feels disgust for jealous scheme. Neither of you can deny that Vi's heart is caught off-guard, however.
Although you do wish for some revenge for what Vi did to Jinx, the situation gets worse as life goes on. You hear about attacks left and right, about the innovative acts Piltover's new prodigy has to fight against Zaun, about Silco losing control of his daughters (specifically, of course, Jinx). You just want a happy family.
Talking to Jinx about relaxing gets you nowhere. If anything, she's more determined to prove she can do something great. She begs you to help her.
"It's not just for me. It's for US. For the people who left us behind. For the whole underground!"
You give in, only to keep Jinx safe. She keeps you close, but you're careful--wary. You're the water to a firecracker, but she's the power of a thousand firecrackers in one.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🎡Sagittarius season🎡
✨The ruler of sagittarius is Jupiter.
🎡Jupiter represents growth and opportunity. Jupiter represents our teenage nature and how we deal with growing up. What helps us the most to be where we are now. And where our growth is most noticeable. Jupiter represents good fortune, blessings, enthusiasm, abundance, possibilities, confidence, morals. Jupiter helps you find optimism and positivity in dark times. Jupiter shows where you may feel blessed with good luck. Jupiter expands your horizons, allowing you a glimpse of future possibilities and inspiring you to move beyond current confines.
💘Jupiter in 1st house- you are an optimistic person and can easily show your enthusiasm. Jupiter helps you grow into a confident person. A person who doesn't care what others think. Over the years, you can change and become a wise and intelligent person that others look up to. You can also become a very psychological person and understand aspects of life. You can have natural luck here because this house is connected to you. You are the type who doesn’t believe in anything until seeing a form of proof. These are the people of big personalities, hurried lifestyles.
💙Jupiter in Pisces-practical navigation might not be a strong point, but you can use your imagination. You feel your way into new beginnings to avoid confining yourself to a set path. You feel very connected to the people that come into your life, no matter how well you know them. Your imagination is very strong and you express yourself in creative ways. Many times you can be lucky in manifesting and in general the things you want or dream about. This suggests the great escape to blissful, far-off places - an idyllic getaway perhaps, or daily spiritual practice.
🍯Jupiter in 4th house- you get along well at home and your home is big or it will be when you live alone. Jupiter may reward you with a very luxurious home. You might travel far from home before settling down. You will like to discover new paths and places. You will grow through home and family. Many times you are also lucky because your parents support you and give you money. You live more easy in life and don't worry about such things. You have a unique ability to learn things quickly which also makes you very knowledgeable and intelligent.
🌌Jupiter in Scorpio- I believe that with Jupiter in Scorpio it can protect you from accidents. It can also help you find your greatest luck when you put everything you have into a project, plan, relationship or anything. You need that experience of dying to the old self, and being reborn, to feel like you're on the right path. Brings someone who have a magnetic and powerful personality. Your happiness comes from your inner satisfaction and emotions. You’re made of strong stuff, and can usually deal with a lot of drama. People can often be jealous of your happiness. For you learning or travel can never be superficial. You are passionate about what you believe, making it difficult to persuade you otherwise.
🛁Jupiter in 6th house-jupiter here is good for health. It always helps you to heal quickly and be optimistic about your health. You believe in yourself faster and feel stress less. Yoga, meditation, placebo can help you get healthy. But you can set yourself too many tasks at once at work. Very attentive to details, these natives rarely make any mistakes. You grow through your experiences, which you gain on your journey and every life you give.
🧼Jupiter in Aquarius -whatever might be going on inside, you usually maintain a cool exterior. You can analyze rationally and bring mental clarity to a situation. People with this energy can see great fortune and luck smile upon them from the benevolent individuals they meet and know. You are unique. You will do things on your own way. You’re a creative person who stands out as an innovator with an intelligent mind. Your vision is eclectic. You may feel most optimistic among friends or community, promoting your sense of tolerance.
☕️Jupiter in Gemini-is all about connecting with others and utilizing communication to bring prosperity and luck. Individuals with this placement excel in writing, speaking and media. Your enthusiasm for learning suggests an attraction to diverse subjects and varied knowledge. You can be inventive with words. Opportunities come to them when they are social, open-minded and versatile. Seeking knowledge and opening their perceptions of the world will lead to fascinating discoveries. You grow through communication, thoughts and expression.
💜Jupiter in 9th house- faith may come easily and you approach the unknown with trust. Higher learning is expansive and joyful, and your capacity to teach or broadcast equally bountiful. You will travel a lot and visit different places. You will learn a lot from other cultures and life elsewhere in general. Your growth will involve a lot of optimism, exploration and travel. Believing in something bigger than yourself will light up your life. You can have a lot of luck in your early life. Even a wedding can be very special (because many people forget that the 9th house is also intended for weddings). You will have many chances to travel and get educated in order to expand your horizons, so many of the people whom you’ll meet in your journeys will be from different cultural backgrounds.
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sarpong21 · 28 days
In the depths of a warm summer's evening, an encounter with a seasoned gambler on a train bound for nowhere became a transformative experience. The gambler's words, for years he'd been reading people's faces and knowing their cards, offered a profound insight into the human psyche. His advice, though rooted in the realm of card games, transcended the boundaries of chance and skill, speaking directly to the heart of strategic lifetime decision-making (Busy Signal The Gambler).
The gambler's wisdom can be distilled into four core principles of life:
Knowing when to hold your cards
Knowing when to fold your cards
Knowing when to walk away from the gaming table, and
Knowing when to run from gaming.
These deceptively simple phrases hold the power to revolutionize our approach to life's challenges, relationships, and personal growth.
Knowing When to Hold 'Em (your cards): The Art of Perseverance
Perseverance is a virtue, but blind persistence can be a recipe for disaster. The gambler's advice to know when to hold 'em speaks to the importance of discernment. Recognizing when to invest time, energy, and resources into a situation, and when to surrender, is crucial. This principle encourages self-awareness, emotional regulation, and a willingness to re-evaluate our commitments.
Knowing When to Fold 'Em (your cards): The Courage to Let Go
Letting go is often the hardest decision we face. The gambler's wisdom reminds us that knowing when to fold 'em is a sign of strength, not weakness. Releasing emotional baggage, toxic relationships, or unfulfilling pursuits frees us to pursue more meaningful endeavors. This principle fosters resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset.
Knowing When to Walk Away: Setting Boundaries
Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining healthy relationships, prioritizing self-care, and protecting our emotional well-being. The gambler's advice to know when to walk away encourages us to establish clear limits, communicate assertively, and distance ourselves from harmful situations hence having stable and positive mental health.
Knowing When to Run: Seizing Opportunities
Bold action is often the catalyst for growth, innovation, and success. The gambler's wisdom reminds us to know when to run – to seize opportunities, take calculated risks, and embrace the unknown. This principle inspires confidence, creativity, and a willingness to challenge the status quo.
The Gambler's wisdom offers a profound insight into the human psyche, encouraging us to embrace strategic decision-making, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence. By integrating these principles into our lives, we can:
- Develop resilience and adaptability
- Cultivate healthy relationships and boundaries
- Stay present and mindful
- Prioritize personal growth and values
In conclusion, in a world filled with uncertainty, the gambler's wisdom serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that strategic decision-making, self-awareness, and emotional intelligence hold the power to transform our lives.
BERNARD SARPONG (counsellor)
Credit to Busy Signal (The Gambler)
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jessiquinn · 2 years
I want to live (reader x The Question AKA Vic sage)
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This one-shot was a freaking mess, I had to fix it. I wrote it when I was 14 and shit reading it right now it needs major fixing! god damn...
I'm proud of the edit I hope you like it as I did 🖤
it’s The question x villain exhero reader
1-Depression talk 2-bad words
3-bad writing 4-violence
Enjoy ✨
Being in the justice league is stressful, my mental health has never gotten this bad before... it’s really bad, looking at the positive side, everyone likes me here, being one of the loved heroes in the league was great but of course, my inner demons told me otherwise...
Even though a lot of people “love” me, still can’t help to doubt myself every day, the pressure they have on me is high... they don’t even realize it, one mistake and everything will fall...
if people start to hate me I don’t know what I would do anymore, I’ll simply lose it... you might say this is a bit dramatic but insecurities are real... living out of the love of people was hard, of course, no one knew of those thoughts, and being an actor has its good side.
The best thing in the justice league Watch Tower was hanging out with my “friends”, especially The Question AKA Vic sage, he is one of the most innovative heroes I know, especially since Batman had assigned him to the Lex Luthor and Superman investigation, I CAN’T be on his bad side, he’ll just expose me in seconds.
of course, everything was great till this day...
looking around...everything looks blurry.. where the hell am I! ugh my head...
“Well, well, well... finally awake!” the mysterious figure said while looking into my eyes like he was peaking inside my soul... hasn’t he learned about personal space before?
“What is wrong with you? untie me!” trying to get out of the chains. finally, my eyes cleared up... I seem to be in a basement or something, Who the hell is this?
“tsk-tsk not yet sweetie, we need to talk” his smirk turns serious.
“What the hell!” struggling to get out, “shhh- stop being annoying and listen to me!”, “what! get it over with” at this point, I started getting angry.
finally leaving my face and turning around, “well, I need a favor from you... not a favor it’s more of a “you have no choice situation?” do you understand what I’m saying?” turning back again with a creepy expression on.
“what do you mean by I don’t have a choice? You do realize I can kill you on the spot right?”, his eyes widened in surprise “poor thing, did you forget you’re from the justice league? it’s not allowed to kill there... didn’t batman teach you this? dear old batman wouldn’t be proud of this...” his smirk rises again while watching your face sour, finally bursting out of laughter
“What are you laug-” cutting me off, “ Your face expressions dear! trying to act like the tough guy meanwhile we both know how weak you are but unlike you I CAN Kill,” his smirk grows widely
“Well dear, the thing is.. no one would expect that from you, everyone thinks you’re... innocent, the nice loveable hero that would never do such a thing... don’t you think?”
“I...I don’t understand and I don’t CARE, I would Never help you anyway!” her/his eyes gleamed with hopelessness, you know what he said was true...
grabs your arm harshly, “don’t make me give you a taste of how failure feels like! listen to me I’m giving you a chance!”, “I don’t care I would never cross them!” screamed at his face. a weird sensation starts to grow on my arm, “dear Y/n I’m giving you a chance” spitting on his face in response.
-wiping his face- disappointment was written on his face, “ok how about we try this”
The weird sensation got worse, trying not to show any signs of pain or weakness but the pain is getting worse by the second, it was literally BURNING my arm
“See? this is what will happen if you DON’T FUCKING SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN TO WHAT I’M SAYING” his grab tightens making it worse.
“ok STO-” he stopped, barely breathing from the pain in your arm. “you think I don’t know what you’re thinking? I know everything about you, even your darkest secrets”
A telepath
“There’s no escape, submit to me” his eyes showed emptiness, literally nothing.
“I... don’t kn-”, “unlike those heroes I actually understand your pain, why even bother protecting them”, for the first time today you are silent “so Are you willing to listen now?”
This is too much.
his smirk rises again, “it’s simple really, I want you to get me That delicious, AMazing info that they keep in the control room!” his arms on the chair tighten while he talks passionately.
“I don’t understand” confusion written on your face, “what don’t you understand? get that info and give it to me”, “I can’t do that, if I do my life is ruined, everything I worked for!”. shutting you up “do you think I care? honestly, I don’t care what happens to you, all I care about is that info”
“Why should I do it tho? you want to kill me just get it over with!” determination gleams from you
“oh dear haven’t you learned anything? you don’t have a choice, I don’t kill... I torture. let’s say you’ll forever be haunted by your biggest fears... every day...every second... till the day you leave this universe” grabs your arm, “see this scar? it’ll be the guilt, fear, and sadness that’s trapped inside of you” walks away “even if I die, you’ll still be stuck with the curse”
“so I’ll lose either way...” is this how my life will end? at this point fear and loneliness consumed you,
“Unfortunately this is life right? it’s not always fair, well time is UP what you decide is your choice, I’ll be waiting” knocking you back to sleep
waking up, realization immediately hits you, MY ARM, rising my sleeve with the hope that it was just a Nightmare...
it’s still there..
you can feel a panic attack is about to begin, tears filling your eyes, Denial, nausea hitting you like a truck... what am I supposed to do? sell my soul for justice or help him...
My morals fighting inside my head, and everything hurts... I don’t know anymore. should I just surrender myself? if I do this... there’s a big chance that I’ll get caught, what will happen to me after?
save me or the world?
finally dragging myself out of my room, one of my special abilities is to block any telepaths from reading my mind... but there’s a certain person which doesn’t need any mind powers to read anyone out, so I need to avoid him with all of my life..
One side of me wishes someone will just read me out and put me in prison already and my other side just wants to be happy... I want to live
this is going to take time, Shit! I can see Vic there talking to someone I don’t give a shit about, I need to leave before he noti- “hey, Y/n wait a second” he starts walking to you
I can’t just run, he will know there’s something. I need to act normal, turning to face him and giving him your usual smile.
“I was just going to my office ” he explained “let’s go, I need to continue my work” he starts walking, what the hell do I say, decided to just follow him.
“hmm.. is there something bothering you?” he asked, OF COURSE, “nah I’m just hungry” you can’t read his face much... ugh (hehe bad joke right here).
finally arriving at his office, why am I scared of him... “you’re not acting like yourself, did something happen?” he said with a caring but sarcastic tone, “no there’s nothing, I’m sleepy and shit..”
“hmm... hungry and sleepy? oh that makes sense, I didn’t see you yesterday.. where were you?” focused on his computer
“I was in my room, I didn’t feel like socializing yesterday”
“that’s kind of weird.. considering you LOVE talking to everyone” trying to make a joke,
“Everyone has bad days sometimes”, catching his full attention, his blank face is fully on you now, you can feel his faceless face searching you up and down.
this is terrifying, maybe acting like I couldn’t hear him was a better option than going with him.. “are you better today?”, “I’m fine” giving him your usual smile... he got up from his chair and walked closer to you “ok.. so what about your arm... you didn’t go to any mission for a while now...” taking your arm in his hand, taking a closer look at the scar
grasping your arm from him, “don’t worry haha... it’s just an old scar I got from a long time ago” slowly hiding your arm from him,
now he knows there’s something wrong for sure, “I need to go continue my work ok?” he grabbed your wrist again... getting embarrassed “sorry, of course” he says
walking to your room,
I don’t have access inside that room any way I need to find a way...
most people would judge me but would you save yourself or others? who knows what that villain would do with that info anyway? maybe he’s going to blackmail them or something... who cares about strangers.. I don’t deserve this... I was supposed to be having a nice week... but instead everything went upside down.
call me selfish.. Idc
collecting info wasn’t hard or easy but I’ve been here for a long time to know everyone has their personal routine here.
watching them for a while did the job.
Blind trust.. huh
a week later
This is it, today is the day
11 pm, most of them went to sleep already, the problem is there are guards everywhere.
sneaking through the building as quietly and stealthily as possible, this is the day I lost myself, my dignity, my life.. this is it! I must succeed.
There’s no room for failure.
Arriving in time, the guard's patrol this time is on the other side of the hallway, This is my chance.
typing the password, finding the password was the hardest part but thankfully for batman and his blind trust, I found it.
haha it opened. going inside and plugging the hard drive into the master computer, you practiced all of this in your head for a while now.
Loading 1%
This is going to be the longest 10 minutes of my life
Fear eating you up, at any second I might get caught
God, please be faster
“I knew it”
turning at the sound, Fuck it’s him...
“calm down, it’s not too late to stop what you’re doing” Vic Aka The question said.
“You need to leave”
“as cringy as saying this, but this isn’t you, just stop” walking closer “before it’s too late” taking slow steps toward you.
“I watched you all week, honestly I didn’t think you’d do this for real”
pulling out your gun and pointing it at him “don’t get any closer” threatening him, his serious aura freaking you out, this is too much.
everything I’ve built has been ruined in a week
come on! be faster!!
“Y/n I don’t know what happened but this is not the answer” walking slowly toward you
“I said stop!” tights the grip on the gun, “we both know if you pull the trigger everyone would come here and it will become a bigger problem than it is”
“You don’t know shit! you think you know everything!”, “then tell me... you can trust me Y/N”
“I see,” while you took a quick peek at the screen he ran at you at full speed and knocked the gun out of your hands
getting into a fighting stance “I warned you, “ he attacked you but hesitation weakening his hit and giving you a chance to strike back.
the hit wasn’t as clever as you thought, pining you on the floor “stop this shit!” kicking him off of you
both of you looked at the hard drive, running to take it, he took it first.
finally, you had enough, charging an attack right into his stomach. he didn’t expect that one... making him fall.
snatching the hard drive from him and rushing outside the room, searching for a quick escape
I need an escape RIGHT NOW
The question catches up to you “This is enough!” giving you another chance, looking at the time, perfect the guards shouldn’t be near this exit!
“I surely underestimated you Y/N, but what reason do you have for this?!” he said with frustration and disappointment
paying no mind to what he was saying, rushing to the exit, it was a window from the second floor, I don’t have any other choice. falling into the bushes, it hurts a lot but there’s no time for this, my healing factor will have to deal with it, meanwhile, his won’t.
racing to your car, to somehow find him there...
“You think you can get rid of me that easily? I don’t know what reason you have for this but this is going to kill thousands of people and ruin YOUR life!” he’s waiting for an answer but you decided to say nothing “I see, I’m not letting you go without a FIGHT” being the martial artist he is, this wasn’t going to be an easy fight.
adrenaline fueling, throwing the first punch, “weak hit” catching your arm and throwing you on the floor easily. “you might have forgotten but I’m a master at hand-to-hand combat” standing in a confident stance
panic setting in, getting back up and kicking him, “cheap” he said after grabbing your leg and throwing you at the wall.
usually, you are good at fighting but right now it’s impossible to focus, especially since you’re fighting your only friend.
pulling your other gun out, not giving you any more chances, pining you down, and taking the hard drive from you, “if you dare to even think about kicking me again! I’ll activate the emergency alarm immediately” he threatened, I never saw that side of him before...
I’m dead, looking at the hard drive, he smashes it next to your head.
“I want to know why?!” getting closer “what made you do this!”
his stomach is open I ca- “I swear to fucking god if you even consider pushing me!” he knew before you even tried.
silence “You know what! come with me!” grabbing you roughly, literally dragging you at this point.
pushing you into his office, locking the door shut, and walking towards you.
can’t help but feel a little intimidated “now you’re cornered, Speak!” even without a face you can tell he’s angry
attacking him once more, he didn’t expect this one I guess.. kicking you back in response, “You’re getting on my nerves” ok that hurt.
“why are you giving me a chance? that’s the real question!”
“I know you and you need a strong reason for this,” he said calmly
-sigh- walks away “I won’t tell on you, I won’t hesitate if you repeat it again” unlocking the door for you, “once you feel ready to talk you know where to find me.
heading to your room, locking the door “how dumb is he...”
seems like he has a weak spot for you...
staying in your room for the rest of the night, unsure what to do, to grieve or fight back and try again.
I almost don’t feel bad for what I did, that asshole! why does he need to be nice? since when does he mix feelings with work?!
The burn... a scar that will haunt me forever
washing my face, I need to calm my nerves down.
I want to live even though my destiny is clear.
looking at your reflection, dark eye bags cover your face. a week ago my skin was flawless.
Fuck him! no one messes with my skin. I worked hard for it... who am I kidding. I’m losing it.. I need to find a way
washing your face once again, looking at yourself but something seems different. the mirror is changing... shit! I’m really losing my mind.
The mirror shows a smirking figure.
skip to the basement
“tsk-tsk seems like you failed, on top of that your dear friend knows you messed up too” he starts clapping “bravo, bravo... you can’t even do one thing right!” he finally shows his true anger
you couldn’t say anything, what can I say anyway?
“what am I going to do with you Y/n huh?” looking over his torture tools, this is going to be a long night...
“how about we try this!” he took a small knife “let’s carve more scars, you seem to love them” his smirk slowly rise
it was a long night indeed,
“ummmm I think I’m done now... now let’s think about what I want again”
he talks to you like nothing happened a minute ago, meanwhile, blood covered you everywhere.
trying your best to focus, but the blood loss doesn’t help
he sighed “I choose to forgive you, you would say why? well the thing is.... you seem to be dead already, how about we try to revive you a little” he snaps his finger, lots of the cuts on you heal, faster than your body can do.
“change of plans! I don’t want that info anymore!” searching for a reaction or expression on your dead face.
“hmm, you seem to give up easily” walking in circles “AHA I have an idea!” Grabs your chair harshly.
“What was his name... hmmm OH OH! it’s THE QUESTION! what a cool name”
finally catching your attention. “finally! YOU are ALIVE! hahaha”
staying silent to not give him the satisfaction he wanted.
“I want you to kill him,” he said with a blank expression, “he ruined the mission so kill him! this is a perfect revenge”
he didn’t even wait for your answer he just knocked you back to sleep.
I can finally say I'm proud of this, I spent MONTHS on this... believe it or not... to end it with a cliffhanger -sigh- hopefully someday I'll write a second part or maybe just leave it as it is
please if you like it tell me <3 thank you for reading.
reblog  🌼 🖤
The question VIC sage from justice league unlimited
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houseofchirontx · 2 months
Welcome to your August 2024 Astrology Forecast! This month, the celestial movements present a rich tapestry of opportunities and challenges that can guide us toward personal growth and deeper self-understanding. In this forecast, we’ll explore the significant transits and how they influence our mental health, wellness, mindfulness, and daily lives. By aligning with these cosmic currents, we can harness their energies to foster positive change and inner harmony.
New Moon at 12º Leo
August 4th, 2024
6:12 am CST
On August 4, 2024, at 6:12 am CST, the sky will light up with a vibrant New Moon at 12º Leo. This celestial event invites us to set bold intentions and embark on creative projects. The New Moon in Leo, known for its fiery and expressive energy, will be further amplified by a sextile to Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. This configuration infuses us with motivation, enthusiasm, and the courage to pursue our passions with confidence. It’s a potent time for new beginnings, creative ventures, and personal growth.
Mercury Station Retrograde at 4º Virgo
August 4th, 2024 - August 28th, 2024
Mercury stations retrograde at 4º Virgo on August 4th, beginning a period of reflection, reassessment, and reorganization. This retrograde starts with Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo, focusing on refining communication, relationships, and values. However, the square to Mars in Gemini suggests potential conflicts or impulsive decisions.
Impact on Life: Be mindful of how you communicate during this time. Misunderstandings may arise, so practice patience and clarity in your interactions. As Mercury retrogrades back into Leo on August 14th, the emphasis shifts to revisiting and realigning your passions and self-expression.
Mindfulness Tip: Embrace meditation and mindfulness practices to stay grounded and centered. Reflect on your communication patterns and seek to understand rather than react.
Venus Enters Virgo 
August 4th, 2024 - August 29th, 2024
Venus enters Virgo on August 4th, bringing a focus on practicality, service, and detail in our affections. This period emphasizes the need for purity and perfection in relationships and aesthetics.
Key Dates:
August 19th: Venus squares Jupiter in Gemini, creating tension between desire and excess.
August 19th: Venus opposes Saturn Rx in Pisces, challenging the balance between idealism and reality.
August 22nd: Venus squares Mars in Gemini, potentially leading to conflicts in relationships.
August 27th: Venus trines Uranus in Taurus, bringing unexpected developments and excitement.
August 28th: Venus opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces, which may cause confusion or idealization in love matters.
Wellness Insight: Focus on self-care routines that align with your values and practical needs. Use this time to declutter and organize your space, creating an environment that promotes peace and productivity.
This lunation forms a T-square with the Sun in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, urging us to balance personal expression with collective needs.
Astrological Influence: The T-square involving Venus in Virgo, Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, and Saturn Rx in Pisces adds layers of tension and growth opportunities. This configuration challenges us to harmonize our desires with our responsibilities.
Community Focus: Engage in group activities and community projects. This is a time to collaborate and share your unique gifts for the greater good.
Sun Enters Virgo
August 22nd, 2024 - September 22nd, 2024
As the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, the focus shifts to health, organization, and service. Virgo season encourages us to refine our routines and strive for efficiency.
Life Application: Use this period to set health goals and establish disciplined routines. The Sun’s ongoing square to Uranus in Taurus emphasizes the need for adaptability and innovation in our daily lives.
Mercury Station Direct at 21º Leo
August 28th, 2024
Mercury stations direct at 21º Leo on August 28th, bringing clarity and forward momentum. This shift occurs while Mercury is square Uranus in Taurus, suggesting sudden insights or disruptions.
Growth Opportunities: Embrace the insights gained during the retrograde period. The sextile to Jupiter in Gemini provides opportunities for growth and positive communication.
Action Step: Revisit your creative projects and communication plans. Implement new strategies that align with your evolved understanding.
Venus Enters Libra
August 29th, 2024 - September 23rd, 2024
Venus moves into Libra on August 29th, emphasizing harmony, beauty, and relationships. During this transit, Venus opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces, urging us to balance idealism with reality in our connections.
Relational Insight: Focus on constructive conflict resolution and deepening emotional experiences. The trine to Uranus in Taurus brings excitement and innovation to our interactions.
Final Thoughts
August 2024 is a month rich with celestial activity, inviting us to navigate its dynamic energies with awareness and intention. By understanding these astrological influences, we can align ourselves with the cosmic flow and make the most of the opportunities for growth and transformation. Embrace the lessons and insights this month offers, and remember to prioritize your mental health and wellness as you journey through these transformative times.
About the Author
Hi, I'm Jasmeen, a professional astrologer, Reiki Master, and mental health professional. I founded House of Chiron to blend traditional astrology and psychology, helping clients achieve personal growth and emotional well-being. Visit House of Chiron for more insights and personalized sessions. Thank you for joining me on this cosmic journey!
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emanuel0602 · 3 months
How has technology helped us and how has it affected us?
In my view, technology has profoundly transformed our lives, offering both remarkable benefits and significant challenges. On the positive side, technology has made information and communication more accessible than ever before. The internet connects us to a wealth of knowledge and enables us to stay in touch with loved ones, no matter the distance. Innovations in healthcare, from advanced diagnostic tools to telemedicine, have improved patient outcomes and made medical care more accessible.
However, the rapid advancement of technology also comes with downsides. The over-reliance on digital devices can lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and may contribute to issues like social isolation and mental health problems. Moreover, the constant influx of information can be overwhelming, making it difficult to focus and leading to increased stress levels. Privacy concerns also arise as our personal data becomes more vulnerable to breaches and misuse.
Overall, while technology undoubtedly enhances many aspects of our lives, it is crucial to navigate its complexities mindfully to mitigate its adverse effects. Balancing digital engagement with real-world interactions and safeguarding our privacy are essential steps in ensuring that technology serves us well.
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giuliopozzali · 5 months
Five reasons to avoid start a career in culture industry in today's world
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In today's fast-paced world, many young individuals are drawn to the allure of entering the culture industry. Whether it be music, film, art, or fashion, the prospect of creating and influencing popular culture can be enticing. However, before diving headfirst into a career in the culture industry, it is essential to consider the potential drawbacks and challenges that may lie ahead. Here are five reasons to carefully weigh the decision to pursue a career in the culture industry.Firstly, one must acknowledge the fierce competition that exists within the culture industry. With the rise of social media and digital platforms, there is an oversaturation of content creators vying for attention and recognition. Standing out in such a crowded landscape can be incredibly challenging, requiring a unique and compelling voice or vision. The pressure to constantly innovate and create can lead to burnout and feelings of inadequacy, especially for those who struggle to break through the noise.Secondly, the culture industry is notoriously fickle and unpredictable. Trends and tastes can shift rapidly, leaving many artists and creators struggling to stay relevant. What may be popular one day can quickly fall out of favor the next, making it difficult to sustain a long-term career. This volatility can be emotionally taxing, leading to feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. Those who are not prepared to weather the ups and downs of the industry may find themselves feeling disillusioned and discouraged.Thirdly, the culture industry is often characterized by exploitation and unfair labor practices. Many artists and creators are expected to work long hours for little pay, with little to no job security or benefits. The pressure to produce content quickly and cheaply can lead to a lack of respect for the creative process and the individuals behind the work. In such a competitive and cutthroat environment, it can be challenging to advocate for fair treatment and compensation, leaving many feeling exploited and undervalued.Fourthly, the culture industry can be isolating and lonely. Many artists and creators work independently or in small, tight-knit groups, making it difficult to build meaningful connections and relationships. The constant pressure to perform and produce can lead to feelings of isolation and alienation, with little time for self-care or personal fulfillment. Without a strong support system in place, individuals in the culture industry may struggle to maintain their mental health and well-being.Finally, the culture industry can be financially precarious, with many artists and creators struggling to make ends meet. The lack of stable income and job security can lead to financial stress and instability, making it difficult to plan for the future or invest in one's career. Without a reliable source of income or financial stability, individuals in the culture industry may find themselves living paycheck to paycheck, unable to pursue their creative passions without sacrificing their financial well-being.In conclusion, while a career in the culture industry may hold great appeal for many, it is essential to consider the potential risks and challenges that come with it. From fierce competition and unpredictability to exploitation and isolation, there are many factors to weigh before embarking on a career in the culture industry. By carefully evaluating the pros and cons and being realistic about the demands of the industry, individuals can make an informed decision about whether or not it is the right path for them.
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