#Is like... Yk the character takes over me if it makes sense??? And is playing the scene i have in my mind and is so good and omfg
bnhatrashsideblog · 1 year
Omg I don't know about you guys but sometimes when I think of a specific scene or moment I lowkey act the way it should go and it brings me so much pain/hapiness/despair/depends which scene I do and at the end I'm all like,,, gosh I wanna write that down so bad is so good omgvwgdhsbjsjs
Earlier I was thinking about the sport festival and that fight against Bakugou and Todoroki and somehow started acting as I was thinking and, yk, turning and moving and doing all the moves I had in mind for Bakugo and and idk man I was no longer me but Bakugou fighting Todoroki yk and holding him by the jacket and yelling at him to "Fight me with all you got! I can't win like this! I have to... to prove him..." and then I'm literally falling on the couch and I open my eyes and ausgejdjurueus I WANT TO WRITE THAT OMG IS LIVING RENT FREE IN MY MIND RN IS SO GOOD AND RAW AND AHHH
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olive-fics · 1 year
Abby Anderson comforting you on your period *giggles and twirls hair*
-Simple Abby headcannons and how she would comfort you on your period. Fluff
-Mention of blood ofc don't act surprised.
For the girls and the gays, Men DNI !!!!!!! (Please)
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-Abby is the type of girl to come over at any given time of the day just because you texted her you feel sick from your period. "Abby,My cramps hurt so bad-” “On my way princess.” anything. JHFDJKGHNDF.
-Abby would tell you a time she’d be there and end up late, why? Because she was looking for one of her hoodies you enjoy so much and she was at the local Walgreen’s picking up your favorite snacks, drinks, tylenol (cramp relief meds), pajamas or a throw blanket for you. (Walgreens is a drugstore btw!)
-Comforting Abby would let you sit on her lap, lay on her, anything. She wanted you to be comfy.
-Abby could handle blood unlike many who find it gross. Abby thought that was ignorant and rude and she wants you to always be comfy around her. She adored you. <3
-As much as Abby always gives you her full attention, she always makes sure to give you more attention when aching like this. She knows how needy or clingy you can get, Abby would shower you with kisses, hugs, and sometimes gifts.
-Omfg I feel like Abby would give the best like back rubs or scalp massages with her muscular fingers. Abby wouldn’t stop after like 5 min either with the lame excuse of like “My hands are tired..” She would keep going until you either fell asleep or told her enough.
-Abby would carry you literally everywhere, bathroom, Bedroom, Kitchen too if you didn't already make Abby get you everything.
-Abby didn’t mind your mood swings if you even got them around her, she would take them calmly, never yell back and always let you come back when you’re ready. (Idk if that makes sense but like she’s giving u time and that’s hot LOL)
-Back to the Abby not minding the blood, If you mentioned any concern about bleeding on her or in her bed she would shush you so fast. “shh..Shh..Shhh..I don’t care My love.” or something sappy to make you giggle.
-Abby knew your attention span on your period was VERY limited so to keep you happy Abby always brought her Nintendo switch to play Mario kart. (duh.) every time you and Abby played Mario Kart it was like sports to you two. Abby normally picks Dry bones or Bowser.. But guess who also did? You. It was like a damn race alone to just see who could pick it first. Of course you both could be the same character but you liked to see the different characters plastered across the screen. In desperate times like this though? Abby would always ‘accidentally’ miss-click so you could always win and get the character you wanted, Abby just loved to see you laugh at her.
-Yk how Abby said she would do anything for you? She meant literally any type of relief to ease your pain.. even if that meant-🧛
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My friend gave me this idea and it made me think..so..
Reblogs are appreciated!
I have anonymous requests in my bio! Send me SFW. requests! Head-cannons on TLOU characters or smth idk LOL.
Okay Drink water girls. <3
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year
waayy to classic but having to share a bed while they were 'just friends' ? Yk where they actually like each other but too shy ore prideful? MAYBE WITH MEGUMI cu he's my our pretty boy ANY ANY OTHER CHARACTER YOU WANT
Okay, that escalated quickly. This might be a classic, but I simply love the idea! I added a little twist to each character so it isn’t always the same. I’m thinking about writing this for every character, so let me know if you’d want to read that. Hope you enjoy <3
JJK men sharing a bed with (y/n)
Pairing: Megumi x reader; Nanami x reader; Yuta x reader
Word Count: 3k
Notes: Part ll (Gojo sharing a bed with (y/n) at a love hotel
Part lll (Toji, Geto, Haibara, Choso)
Megumi Fushiguro
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You hated big parties. To be honest, you hated every kind of party, although it’s comforting that Megumi is here too. A glimpse into his grumpy but forbidden stunning face is enough to perceive the fact that he dislikes it here as much as you do.
“I don’t know why I’m even here. How did she manage to pull us with her?”, Megumi grumbles, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Well, I guess Nobara can be quite persuasive”, you remark while watching Yuji play twister with a screwed up face.
You sign. The music blasts so loud that it threatens to rip your eardrum apart, your head began to ache the minute you stepped into this big house. Who lives here anyway? It doesn’t matter. If you don’t come out of here within the next few minutes, you’re going to throw up on the expensive looking carpet in front of you.
“Hey (y/n), are you alright? You look quite pale”, Megumi comments while eyeing you intensely.
Fuck. Your heart hammers against your ribcage. He is so close to you that you can take in the sight of his gorgeous face in great detail, only one look at his lips is enough to change the color of your face into deep red.  
“To be honest, I don’t feel so good. This is just too much for me I guess”, you whimper, eyes glued to the ground in a despairing attempt to stop yourself from staring at him so ruthlessly.
“Why didn’t you say something sooner? Come with me.”
He grabs your hand and pulls you with him, through the endless crowd of people, the blasting music and stinging scent of alcohol. Is he…really holding your hand? He’s touching you. Megumi Fushiguro is really touching you. You feel like flying and drowning at the same time, tired while being wide awake. Of course he touched you from time to time, after all he is your training partner mostly. But tender contact like this is very rare. You know this is actually your fault, given the fact how shy you act around him. But something about Megumi Fushiguro just makes your heart skip a beat and turns your senses upside down. Maybe you will tell him some day. Maybe…
“Nobara, is there a place where (y/n) and I can rest? She doesn’t feel well”, Megumi literally barks at her.
“Um, I think there’s a guestroom down the hall on the right. It’s a little quieter there I guess.”
He doesn’t answer. Instead, he turns on his heels, your hand still intertwined with his own, and dashes down the hallway.
“Finally”, he mutters and opens the door to a small but cute guestroom.
You close the door behind you and take a deep breath. Finally no loud music, drunk people and scent of alcohol that stings in the air. Megumi flops onto the bed, gaze set upon you.
“What are you waiting for? I thought you don’t feel well, lay down.”
Your eyes widen. There is only one bed in this room and he’s lying on top of it. Could you possibly…lay beside him? It would be big enough to fit you both, but with very little space. This means you are forced to touch each other, even if only your skin brushes against his. Your head turns pink all over again, eyes pressed closed to get the image of him holding you in his arms until you slowly drift off to sleep out of your dirty mind.
“B-but there’s only o-one bed”, you stutter.
“So what? It’s big enough to fit us both. Come here.”
He pats the soft mattress beside him invitingly. Can you really do this? It seems like there’s no other possibility anyways, so…
You let your worn-out body fall next to him, arms slightly brushing against his. It feels so good to finally breathe and to rest your head a little. You curse yourself for coming her in the first place even though you know well enough that you absolutely hate big and loud parties.
The reason for you being here lays right beside you, though.
“Are you feeling better? Maybe I can get you a glass of water or-“
“No”, you interrupt him.
“I’m absolutely fine, thank you.”
“You look a little red, almost as if you have fever. Are you really feeling alright, (y/n)?”
He places his hand on your forehead and you swear you can see the sparks that evaporate from your skin the second he touches you. You wish you could tell him how you feel, that you want to stay with him like this forever, but you are too shy to even admit your feelings to yourself. Megumi is a friend, a colleague. Nothing else, right?
“Let’s just rest a little, okay? Maybe you’ll feel better after a good nap.”
“Do you really think we can just…sleep here?”, you question.
“Sure, why not? It’s a guestroom with a bed in it”, Megumi replies dryly and shrugs.
“Only one bed though”, you blurt out.
Megumi shifts his weight beside you and now faces you completely.
“Is this a problem for you? I can go if you’re uncomfortable.”
“No I’m not! You’re not the problem here! It’s just…”
You can’t find the words. In fact, you feel like your whole head is empty.
“Let’s just nap, shall we? We can talk about this tomorrow when you’re feeling better”, Megumi suggests.
You simply nod and turn to the order side, heart still racing inside of your chest. Maybe a little sleep wouldn’t hurt after all…
“Quiet Itadori, (y/n) and Megumi are in there.”
“ALONE!?”, Yuji cries out.
Nobara rolls her eyes and hits him roughly.
“How dumb are you actually? Shut the fuck up, idiot. We need to be quiet.”
Slowly, she opens the door to the dark room. There you both lay, bodies intertwined with each, your steady breath being the only sound that fills the rooms.
“They’re cuddling!”, Yuji screams and turns on the lights before Nobara is able to stop him.
“What the hell?”, Megumi’s sleep drunken voice mutters.
You open your eyes and blink against the harsh light that invades the whole room. What time is it? Why do you feel so warm and cozy? Did you still get home somehow? Oh, that delicious smell that tingles your nose. It reminds you of…
Megumi’s hands are wrapped around your waist, his broad chest pressed against your back. Your eyes widen, suddenly your body feels on fire. And even worse, Nobara and Yuji stand in the doorframe and stare at you with their mouths wide open.
“Did I miss something?”, Yuji cries out.
“We just shared a bed. You’re embarrassing me in front of (y/n)”, Megumi mumbles, his hands still resting still against your body.
“Hey, you owe us an explanation! You never told us there’s something between you both!”, Nobara speaks up, her finger pointing directly into Megumi’s face.
“So sorry about that”, he whispers into your ear, his warm breath against your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“N-no p-problem.”
Your voice isn’t more than a fade whisper, still completely in shock by the fact that you are held by Megumi Fushiguro. In presence of his friends. In. A. Bed.
Nanami Kento
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You toss and turn in your sleep. How many nightmares did you have this week? You lost count. Over and over you repeat Haibara’s death in your head and the way you just stood there and didn’t do anything about it. That was over 10 years ago, but the death stare in his eyes still haunts you to this day late at night.
Your whole body is covered in ice cold sweat, whimpers escape your mouth as you desperately try to shake away the scorching pain that repeats the second time around.
“Why are you just standing there, do something (y/n)!”, Nanami’s voice screams at you.
It isn’t true. Nanami never raised his voice at you like that.
“You are absolutely useless. Do you really call yourself a jujutsu sorcerer? You should have died in his place.”
“N-no”, you mutter, shaking your head over and over again.
Nanami is a light sleeper anyway, but the sound of your whimpers and silent screams wake him up immediately. He sits up in bed, feet carrying him automatically to your doorstep. It isn’t a secret to him anymore that you are plagued by nightmares since the incident with Haibara. It always feels like a knife in his throat to see you this broken after so many years.
“(y/n)”, he softly whispers.
There you lay, completely covered in sweat, body shaking uncontrollably while you sob in your sleep. He kneels down next to your trembling frame, gently caressing your face with his thumb. God, why do you have to suffer like this? It isn’t fair that you have to feel so miserable because of some fucking curses. You don’t deserve the pain that dreadful day caused you.
“It’s just a dream, (y/n). Wake up, I’m here”, he speaks into the unforgiving darkness of night.
“Nanami, I-…so s-sorry…All my fault…”, you mumble, tears streaming down your disturbed face in a river.
His heart clenches. What are you dreaming about? Nanami’s grip tightens around your shoulders, softly shaking you in a frantic attempt to wake you up.
“Hey, none of this is real. I’m here, (y/n).”
Your eyes snap open and dart around with no aim. Your rushed and sharp breathes ring through your ears, heart hammering against your ribcage.
“There you are”, a familiar voice next to you comments.
“Nanami”, you breathe out.
It was just a dream. All of the things he said, the things you saw over and over again weren’t real.
“Fuck, I’m sorry”, you mutter and bury your face in your hands.
Was he here the whole time? Your cheeks feel puffy and soaked and tears, embarrassment consumes you entirely. How much you hate it when he sees you like this, vulnerable and weak. It’s not the first time that Nanami puzzles you back together after a nightmare.
“Don’t be, come here.”
His strong arms embrace you in an instant and slowly but surely push your nightmares away.
“What was it this time?”
“It’s like my brain wants me to think that you hate me I guess”, you mutter into his arms while holding onto his shoulders for dear life.
This situation is so common that you lost count on how many times he visited you already over the last few years. The second you open your eyes, you stare into his brown orbs that make your world whole again. Since the day Haibara lost his life. Since the day your nights turned into nightmares.
“But I’m right here and I’m telling you that I don’t hate you at all.”
You let out a silent laugh. Oh, how much you hoped this would come to an end. You aren’t even able to remember the last night with proper sleep.
“Would you mind staying here for a while?”, you shyly request, avoiding eye contact.
“Scoot over.”
Your back rests against the cold wall while he wraps one arm around your shoulder and places your head on his chest. The way his heart beats steady against your ear seems to calm you down immediately, almost therapeutic.
“I hope you don’t mind having so little room. I’m slightly taller than you I’m afraid”, he murmurs, gently stroking your back.
“I’m the one who should ask you that. After all, I woke you up and now force you to stay with me”, you reply with a nervous grin.
“Wouldn’t be a problem to put in some ear plugs or leave you alone. Come on, (y/n). I’m here because I want to be and not because you force me to. You are my friend, I hate to see you like this and I’ll do anything I can to make you feel at least a little better.
You bury your head in his soft t-shirt and hold onto him a little tighter. How do you deserve that this great man is lying next to you in your very own bed night after night? You really don’t know. All you hope is that it doesn’t stop though. Maybe, just maybe he will someday stay here with you forever…
Yuta Okkotsu
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“Are you alright (y/n)?”, Yuta’s worried voice shouts over the blizzard that mercilessly haunts both of you this late at night.
You feel like dying. Hands and feet? No more feeling. Your nose? Running like a river while being numb at the same time. Your limbs feel like they’ll fall off any given minute while you want nothing more than a warm bed, a cup of tea and to watch some Netflix. How the hell did you end up in this living hell? Oh right, that stupid mission. Well, at least Yuta is with you. Otherwise you would have gave up already.
“Actually no. Everything just hurts”, you choke out.
Yuta takes you in his arm, hand covering your face from the unforgiving whipping of the wind.
“I know this is rough, but we have to hold on for a little longer. Gojo-sensei told me that the cabin is only a few minutes away”, Yuta assures you.
“He also told us to bring bathing suits with us…”, you grumble.
Do you have any other choice than to rely on Gojo’s word and Yuta’s sense of direction? Absolutely not. Your feet carry you on their own trough the snowy street, eyes glued to the ground underneath while you can’t shake the comfortable feeling of Yuta holding you in his arm away. God, let this hell end. Otherwise you’re really not sure if you’ll stay conscious within the next hour.
“There it is!”, Yuta announces.
Your eyes dart up. The last house of the street, rather a small cottage to be exact.
“That doesn’t look inhabited at all. Are you sure this is the right house?”
“We’ll have to find out! And to be honest, do we have another choice? I don’t want to spend another minute outside if I’m being honest”, Yuta replies while scratching the back of his head.
Fair enough. You follow him to the doorstep and watch him turn the key in the lock. At this point it wouldn’t be a surprise if the door doesn’t open, but it does. You enter the dark cabin.
“It’s still fucking cold”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
“Let’s see if there are some blankets or even better a heater.”
You can’t help but stare at the boy next to you. A few months ago he was so shy and unsure about himself. But now it seems like his confidence never wavers as well as his cool head. At the moment he’s definitely the more collected one.
You do as he told you, searched the tiny cabin for a heater only to find a small bed and one single blanket.
“It’s not much but it’s more than nothing. Go ahead, you can have the bed and blanket.”
“That’s completely out of question, Yuta. Your lips are totally blue and your whole body shivers. I’m not taking that blanket alone”, you reply, shaking your head violently.
But what is the solution, then?
“You can have it.”
After all, Yuta is the one who guided you here. You’ll get through this night somehow.
“I have an idea, but it might sound dumb…”, he begins, voice showing no sight of his new grown poise.
“Just say it”, you demand while eyeing him.
Why does his face suddenly turn even redder and why is he fumbling with his hands this nervously?
“You know, we…we could share the blanket and bed…But only if you want to and are comfortable with it!”, he blurts out.
Huh. Your heart skips a beat when the consequences of his suggestion hit you.
“So like, cuddle?”, you question with your eyes bored into him.
“Please forget I ever said that.”
“I mean, you’re kinda right. In this cold it’s better to warm each other up…”, you stutter.
Thick silence hangs in the air between you two and makes you want to go back into the blizzard. Fuck, the fact that you caught feelings for him doesn’t make this easier at all. Normally you are outspoken, self-assured and centered…What the hell happened to you? Why are you just standing there like an idiot, staring at him with your eyes wide open?
Yuta is the first who dares to move. With a swift motion, he takes off his shoes, positions himself in bed and puts the blanket on top of him.
“Then come here. Maybe we’re even able to get some sleep!”
You hesitate. This is the first time you get so close to him apart from training sessions. Yuta never touched you, let alone shared a blanket and a whole bed with you. But your body screams in icy agony and begs you to take his offer desperately. Jump over your shadow, just close your eyes and lay down beside him.
The warmth of his body seems to swallow you whole the second your body brushes against his. God, you never realized how good he actually smells. Has it always been like this? And that look in his eyes seems so…different.
“You know, I’m glad to be stuck with you, (y/n)”, he confesses, his hand sliding down your arm and leaving a trace of prickling fireworks under your skin.
Fuck it. You bury yourself against his warm and large frame, face resting on his neck while his arms immediately take your invitation. While it’s still cold, the adrenalin that rushes through your veins and the heat that radiates from his body are more than enough to keep you warm in this adventurous night.
“Me too, Yuta”, you confess shyly.
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thoseyoulove · 2 months
Reacting to The Vampire Lestat - Part IV (with a bit of spoilers)
Lestat's narration has gotten so much better actually. I mean, I still don't care when he talks about stuff that doesn't have an effect on him, but when he describes things/people that actually do? It's great. It's just so vivid, rich, colorful, sometimes even abstract that simply makes me giggle and kick my feet. When he gets really thoughtful about life, vampirism, existence, religion, morality, feelings, theater, music etc, it feels like borderline insanity, but in a brilliant way? Feels like I'm tasting some crazy drug and tripping, but it's so good? It activates a very specific part of my neurodivergent brain and I love it because I'll also be having those crazy thoughts all by myself with nobody to talk to and Lestat just gets it.
I also love the excess of exclamations on this POV haha.
Sometimes it just feels like a naive child telling things and is kind of endearing.
Armand in Lestat's words: he was beautiful, ethereal, sublime, exquisite, delicate, soft, perfect, a Caravaggio painting, a Da Vinci painting, an angel, I found myself in him, the possibility of him, I didn't pay attention to [whatever] because I was looking at him etc etc.
Basically calling him the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, really.
Like, I legit MEMORIZED some of them. Lestat was THAT repetitive lmao.
I don't know if it's because the words were so superlative or because Lestat had it that bad or because I have it that bad just thinking about it, but yeah.
I'm not even kidding when I say I need to take pauses because this is kind of unsettling.
I'm so serious, but I feel like reading Lestat's description of Armand has a bigger effect on me than the prettiest person I have ever seen in freaking R E A L L I F E? What the hell, WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?
Lestat, tone it down, I'm begging you.
Been told Armand is really that gorgeous and every character talks about him that way, so apparently he isn't exaggerating... I'm gonna lie down, bye.
It's even worse because I just picture show!Armand because he's even more handsome there so it makes me dizzy.
Also because Lestat won't miss an opportunity to talk about his beauty? He LITERALLY says it EVERY SINGLE TIME he sees Armand. I'm not joking, I swear on my own life. I'm like, OKAY, WE GET IT? ENOUGH!
Armand (Lestat's version) on season 3 will be insufferable and I'm so ready for it. But also not ready yk.
At this point I'm basically just drooling over him and I don't care.
PERFECT casting with Assad. He incorporates Armand like no other. Everyone on the show is talented and I can see them as their characters, but there's one thing or another that I imagine differently sometimes? But not Armand, like, my Armand looks, walks, moves, talks, stares etc the exact same way Assad does it on the show. Every single time. The others are like, 90% or something for me, but Assad is 100% my imagination? It's like he traveled in time, stole my 2024 thoughts, went back to the past, auditioned, got the part and then played it exactly the way I see it today. It's crazy.
Wouldn't be surprised if that's the case, they already have all these possessions going on, what's more to our little satanic show lmao.
Also, great casting with Assad because no man with red-ish hair has looked this good ever. It just doesn't make sense, I'm sorry.
Armand is a beauty God, but also a really good character and I love his lines. Even when I don't agree with him, I just find him fascinating, the role he has on the story, what he represents, the way he moves the plot, whatever the effect he has on Lestat etc...
Armand's moments are never boring. He'll probably piss me off later, but right now I'm having a great time and the book has never been better.
Lesmand's/Armandstat's moments are always heated. The tension is always there. I'm not telling you what kind. Actually, I don't even know it myself. Do THEY even know?
Sam said something about how you're never sure what they are and I think he's right? At least for now. Let's see it after all the books.
They also act like they've known each other forever, have this crazy history that goes through centuries and they already can push each other's buttons... But they actually, like, only know each other for 5 minutes? CHILL?!
They're sort of soul ties/mirrors/foils/two sides of the same coin-coded in an appealing way.
I guess I can say Armand is my favorite character right now. I always read it faster when he's there, I'm always looking forward to seeing him again, I'm fine when I don't see Gabrielle or Nicki, but I'm always like, BRING HIM BACK. I don't know if I should be worried I'll grow into hating him when stuff happens or if I'll just be an Armand apologist lol. I'm scared. But let's wait to see it.
Samssad on season 3 will be delicious. Specially on the 1700s flashbacks. I'm expecting almost, if not EVERY scene of them there to be INTENSE. Great acting potential there.
I really want to see a moment with Armand and Lestat in a church like on the book? Let's take their angelic faces and curls to the next level. Put them in a church, surrounded by religious figures, stained glasses, candles etc. I don't even care what the context will be. They can be talking, silent, killing each other, doing something else, doing all of it, but give me the heavenly visuals. Actually, if they want to film the entire show in a church they can, it would be so aesthetically pleasing. Bonus points if they use Gothic churches because I'm extremely obsessed with them. Bonus points if they use Sainte-Chapelle because I'm kind of even more hyperfixated on that. I mean, it would never happen, but it should *shrugs*.
Btw, the mess Armand made in the house and the way he was reading the books is very neurodivergent of him.
The way he prefers to talk telepathically instead of speaking out loud is very neurodivergent of him as well.
Nicki is soooooooooo doomed by the narrative, omg. Anne didn't even try to hide it.
I'm not really sure how I feel about Nicki except that he needs therapy...
This is probably the silliest comment so far, I'm no longer thinking clearly after Armand's introduction. Sorry, guys. It will happen again.
The next chapter has his name so I'm scared, but also excited.
P.S. Nothing is permanent, opinions might change and this is based on Lestat’s narration, which can be unreliable. I’m reading the books so I can find out more about the characters, what potential events might happen in the show, what I can expect etc. This is my favorite show in the universe, so I want to be as informed as possible. I have no idea if I’ll become a legit fan of the books or not, but so far I’m enjoying it. I’m posting these comments only for fun.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 7 months
As a person who splashes around in both Slytherin boys fandom and maurders fandom I feel as though I can speak on the regulus situation
Listen to me please okay let's talk about it really. Maybe this is just me but I feel like the Slytherin boys fandom is usually more hetero. That's fine that's so fine that's amazing do not get me wrong that's lovely. Yk Theo and fem reader can fuck as much as they want to but Regulus is gay man. I KNOW OKAY I KNOW CRAZY TAKE. but he is. The maurders fandom is more queer. And I'm not ashamed to say that bc it is it's based on two men and everyone was like "yeah they fuck but what if their friends were also gay?" So I'm just saying like basically every character is some kind of queer and that's what makes it beautiful bc A nothing is real we can do basically whatever the fuck we want any one can be anything these bitches are like Barbies B almost everyone has at least a little bit of representation.
Slytherin boys cannot say as much. I love them deeply but like I think I've seen like max five writers who do male reader and those skanks. You can do whatever you want but you don't truly understand who regulus is if you couldn't even tell me his boyfriend's favorite pair of shoes is. And while it is lovely to see more Regulus content it just screams "I saw a hot man so he's mine now let's make him date fem reader" when that's not who he is that man is deeply scarred he needs his fucking boyfriend bro put him back
It's like when I played barbie dolls with my little brother and he dragged in Lego men like that doesn't go here.
And also the timeline makes no sense bc how is he supposed to dick around in the same time as Harry and then go back in time and kill himself IT DOESN'T CHECKOUT guys just leave him be yk like he can stay over there in the maurders era. He is there for his pan boyfriend who would be down to add a third.
In conclusion, Slytherin boys I love you guys so much fr I love the characters and everything but Regulus stays with the maurders era and that's end of story.
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rikeijo · 8 days
Today’s translation #759
Spoon.2Di Toyonaga Toshiyuki's interview
Part 2.
-- So a natural way of acting, that doesn't sound like anime, requires a lot of energy?
Toyonaga: That's my personal impression, but for voice acting, that has to match characters drawn in anime-style, there is a certain template that can be used as a base for it, but my plan was to ignore all of this, and instead make all lines my own, and in order to do that, you have to think about 'why is this character saying this line right now?', their background etc., all of it. I care quite a lot, to make this feel real. So it's maybe not very much exhausting physically, but mentally, it can be exhausting, sometimes. Because the longer you do it, the more you identify with the character that you play, and then you cry (laugh), so I try to balance it all well.
-- It makes sense! So, this time, Mitsurou Kubo-san is resposnible for producing storyboards - what was your impression, when you first read them?
Toyonaga: I feel that reading them is just like reading a new comic series by Kubo-san, and it's really so interesting, that it's a perpetual 'what is going to happen next?!' for me (laugh). The overall construction of the story, I should say? The comedy parts and the serious parts fit together so well, and it makes the storyboards very easy to read. I was also very curious to see how the world that she portrayed was going to be translated into anime. And you can feel that the love that Kubo-san has for figure skating is also a part of these storyboards, and I felt that we mustn't let that go to waste.
[Notes: Oh, those storyboards...😆 Yuri!!! is a special case anime for many reasons, but one of them, one that I personally was fascinated by ever since I became a fan, is why they are so unwilling to share this story and the characters etc. with fans.
I mean, the storyboards were there all the time and are still there, all somebody needs to do is to bind them and take them to a publisher. How much could they cost? Let's say they split it into episodes, and it's something like 5000 yens per book, 60000 yens total... (Expensive, but feels so cheap, when I'm thinking about it, rn😆) So many people would absolutely buy them, no matter the price. But you just know they will absolutely never ever publish them (and it was confirmed that they are absolutely perfectly readable, btw, and a lot of material had to be omitted to meet the time constraints).
Imo, it's always been a sort of Sayo&Mitsurou's protectiveness over the characters and the story, a kind of 'only we really know them, and it will stay forever this way ✨'... Yk, that's why there are only 12 episodes and one short comic by the original creators and an extremely small amount of quasi-canon stuff. It's really 'our story&our characters' >∞> money. Compare it to how animes usually have an endless stream of new content, like cd-dramas, short comics, games, collab games etc.]
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t4tpumpkinduo · 2 months
ok here's what my beautiful mind says about the dsmp timeline:
lmanberg - 1.5 years (long enough for independence and establishment, long enough for cjack and cniki to join not long after, but not too long tht cdrm control freak isms don't kick in.)
manburg - 1.2ish years (long enough for the war and tensions and bonds and marriages, downfall included in this. thematic that it doesn't last as long as l'manberg)
^ notice three-ish years pass from here. i'm gnna use ctommy as my guiding point uhh. he starts 14 and three years have passed so
new lmanberg - less than a year. ctommy turns 17 in exile canonically and exile itself canonically took place over a couple months so there's that. doomsday takes place not long after, it only makes sense.  el rapids factored into here
downtime less than a year? everyone getting shit sorted, left adrift, lnv is being built after el rapids destruction.
las nevadas: a year onward at the v least, he tortures dream for canon a couple months then ctechno is left in there a few more. i do think the story peeters a lot around these arcs bcs of the lack of cc organization and communication so theres a lot to trim up. using q as a starting point he's like canon 18-19 at the start of his whole dsmp arc cuz he just got outta juvie. if it's been a year and a half for lmb then that means ctommy is 15 so cq is 4 years older than him which tracks, he's their peer and they know eachother prior. if ctommy is 19-20 in lnv tht makes cq 23-24 which again tracks.
cwilb and cschlatt are frm smplive so they're in their early 20s specifically, and their arcs match that. cjack is ctommy's peer and cniki is cjacks peer so they can't be that much older than him, making their ages keep tracking.
cfundy says he's 22 in the revival apology stream, which if you take away 5 years would make him 17 during lmb which i also think is good? young enough to have the arc he does, but old enough to have the arc that he does. i also think my he got time portaled to vault hunters theory is rlly good and cohesive (yk, cwilbur being a young single father, losing his baby and going kinda nuts about it, the baby comes back to you way older and now neither of you know how to navigate it. cfundy canonically is a crazy redstoner and coder WHERE did he learn that from if he was just around cwil cphil his whole childhood. how does he know iskall enough to INVITE him to the dsmp if he can't venture off anywhere. accept time portal displacement into your hearts.)
sm of the other character ages ofc can be departed frm the ccs thematically speaking (csam being older than ccsam on account of being a father, same w ccphil and cphil father + angel of death isms.) but yeah this is my little breakdown 👍 she textual on my evidence don't play w me
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kenz1e · 2 years
Hey, nice to meet you! I saw that your request is open & you write for One Piece 😌❤️ May i request fluffy headcanons for Monster Trio with Fem!Reader? 😳 What if the reader is the devil queen. I hope my request is safe, do tell me if you feel uncomfortable 😔 Thank you!
a/n: nice to meet you too!! and ofc! oo! devil queen huh? interesting!! oh, and it didn’t make me uncomfortable at all!<3 please do excuse me if i’m a little shitty though💀 but i had so much fun writing this! and i’m sorry for it being a little late:( my sister wouldn’t quit bugging me about going to the mall, but i tried my best to write inbetween shopping! i hope you enjoy this!
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fem!devil queen!reader
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i feel like luffy would most DEFINITELY a touch your horns, wings, and tail, in a playful manner way of course, *smirks* that is if you have them though. otherwise he would probably bug you about using your powers 25/8!
yk whenever he catches fish? yeah, he would ask you to fry them with your fire so he wouldn’t get beaten by sanji (AGAIN.).
oh boy and once he sees you in battle, you bet he has STAR EYES! you look so cool!? he’s so happy to have you as his girlfriend AND a crew mate! whenever you get out of the fight and back onto the sunny, he’s gonna be yelling about how cool your powers were while attached to your back with his arms wrapped around you.
he definitely brags about you to zoro, and to basically everyone (cue sanji sulking in the corner). he can’t help how cool he thinks your abilities are! if i’m honest he probably thinks it’s cooler than sanjis raidsuit😭
and during cuddles in winter he wraps himself around you tenfold with a dorky smile on his face at your natural body heat.
in conclusion: luffy thinks you’re an absolute BADASS
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Roronoa Zoro
zoro definitely plays with your wings/horns/tail just to mess with you, (if you have any ofc) he smirks and mentally takes a picture of your reaction when he sees your expressions.
whenever it’s winter, and he’s taking a nap on the sunny, he may just wake up for a few minutes, go and get you from whatever you’re doing and plop you right down beside him! he might have the physique of a god but he still gets cold sometimes…
since he has a horrible sense of directions at times, yes, you will have to wrap your tail (if you have you yk the drill) around him in order to keep him on the actual path and not off wandering. (totally not requested by the whole crew….)
whenever he sees you in battle, he most definitely looks like he is in the gif. (bonus points if you’re using a sword!) he quite literally goes over to you, and says, "when did you learn that total badassery babe?!” (he may be a little bit sour if you stole his spotlight)
he’d most definitely call himself your devil king though
in conclusion: zoro loves every bit of this
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Vinsmoke Sanji
oh boy, i’m sure you know how sanji is with nami and robin? yeah, he’s like that with you, but tenfold. each time you fight he’d most definitely be like, "Y/NNNNNNN! MY LOVEE~ YOUR FIGHTING STYLE IS ABSOLUTELY DEVIL-ISH!~" and he would be proud of his little pun. (don’t ruin it for him please</3)
he would help you with trimming up some of the spikes on your wings if they got outrageous or uncomfortable, same with your horns! yet ofc while praising you, saying how beautiful you are either way
if you ever believed that he should get with somebody else because of your powers, or how dangerous you are, or any other reason, he might just get on his knees and start saying how you’re a goddess besides how you’re a devil queen, saying how he wouldn’t want anybody else
in conclusion: sanji is madly inlove as always
none of these characters are mine! they all belong to Eiichiro Oda!
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shinjisdone · 1 month
OKAY OKAY MY SPECIAL ONTREST IS BASICALLY..MY OC. Specifically the oc I made from the best Thorfinn fic out there, "to soften a warriors heart"
(I drew her multiple times already but i wanted this one to be the base of the oc. Its a WIP!)
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I don't want to overshare! I just wanted you to know how much your work inspired something that makes me so happy.
For me, the story took a more romantic turn between Thorfinn and my oc. I call her "Orla". There's so much about her regarding Thorfinn and the plot that I wanna type but like - it will take forever for I'll just type out the stuff the tiny stuff
Orla's character was inspired by multiple characters. I even named her after one of them I liked. The list were 'Luna lovegood' from Harry Potter, 'Casca' from berserk, and 'Orla' from derry girls. She's lively, carefree, and basically just the opposite of Thorfinn in general. I was always a sucker for that kind of dynamic, I just hate it when it turns toxic when it could've been cute. Her backstory plays a lot into her character since there are mentions of her being a slave and after escaping by killing her master she felt 'brand new' and enjoyed the control she had over her own life (since she never had it) her while journey was centered around false freedom where when she joined Askeladds band, she killed for the sake of her own freedom. To not end up to where she was before. Her 'carefree' nature was kind of a toxic trait to her. It led her to make decisions without fearing the consequences. Being impulsive and just liked to take advantage of her new found freedom. The feeling of her finally having the upper hand in situations. I like to recignize her flaws aswell. Her flaws being her selfishness. Like I said, she joined and went along with Askeladds band, killing innocent people just for the desire to have a sense of control. I made sure along the journey from start of season one towards the end, she kind of has a realisation and existential crisis apon what she's done and recognizes how many people she's killed and how many lives she's ruined.
Lastly, for the final act, I ended up "killing" her off just for the extra bonus of pain in Thorfinns relationship with her. Yk, to get him started for season two. Because I had this one scene where they talk about going to vinland together after Thorfinns gets his revenge done but I know Thorfinn HAS to be empty in season 2 so I was like - why not "kill" his future. (She ain't dead I just made it look like she did)
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*coughing up blood ME???? Hapahadpahahhh mmm-m-my???? Widdle brainrot story for u????
Compliments will get u nowhere b-baka
But omg she looks so great too???? Goodness goodness I am bewitchedddd
I am someone who unabashadly makes OCs aaaaaall the time in my little disgusting corner of the stories I love (counting Dororo, Demon Slayer, MHA, Zelda, VS, JJK, TWST) b-but to have someone make an OC and base it a bit on my fanfic??? Sobbing crying ugly crying
Ugh oh my goodness tell me all about ur blorbo I am sipping on my tea mhm tell me
I only know Casca from Berserk a little bit but that already makes me SCREAMM
An carefree, happy person born for the need for freedom and therefore killing to keep it mwah. Honestly, these happy-go-lucky characters that stem from dark backstories are always so interesting and imo the most interesting way you could write a char like that. Slapping my knee this is tasty, thisbis good food.
👏👏👏👏 man honestly if I made the reader "die" in front of Thorfinn that would have left him a wreck (my goal) I wanna turn him into a wreck like makima turned denji into a dog
But imo I felt like if the one person you had in this world just vanished in the Chaos and you realize it too late while still whipping your around to see if they're still maybe nearby but see nothing - I think that would make the doom sink in
Mwah this was heavenly thank u
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kawaii-butt-crust-core · 11 months
Random HB headcanons / thoughts I guess
(tw for some sexual mentions and cursing )
Mammon fucking HATES jingle bell rock
Asmodeus sending fizz "send this to someone you love!" Type of videos and fizz sends shit like this
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Just the thought that asmodeus ( the embodiment of lust ) believes love is not love without consent is honestly a great detail
Also thinking about how fizzarolli has eyebags
Millie can use a bow and arrowwwww
I think the human versions of blitzø and his family are indigenous, idk the nose and the skin tone, it might be a long shot but I like the idea yk
Also love seeing indigenous characters
Stolas loving outer space that's canon right
Imagine him as a kid just reading a shit ton of books about space and in any occurrence it's brought up now you know how the universe is going to end
Blitzø: I just need space-
Stolas: SPACE???????
I think after Octavia gets out of her super angsty teenager phase ( do not come after me I know it's more than an angsty "mom leave me alone I wanna be famous" thing, I'm kidding ) she would really like indie music
Like indie rock if that makes any sense
I'm sorry but there neeeeeddsss to be more Millie appreciation
I kinda wish there was an episode that centers around her yk ?
Do you think imps nipples are white too like scars and freckles or am I weird
Ozzie posting on everything " YES THE RUMORS ARE TRUE THIS IS MY FUCKING SOULMATE" because for some reason there was a lot of controversy and debate if it was real or not
Then next to it it's a picture of him and fizz
People were PISSED
I thought mamom was played by bluey's dad bandit if I'm being completely honest I'm so sorry
Millie is spider man moxxie is hello kitty
Stella likes soup. What is she eating now? Oh some fucking soup. What's wrong with her icecub- SHE FROZE THE SOUP TO MAKE ICE CUBES-
Loona has a very bad picking at her skin habit, not really with her face but with her legs and arms ( human form obviously )
Fizz posting " FUCK ALL OF YOU" on all of his socials , deleting everything ( especially the sexually explicit things )
I think being a part of the circus is equivalent to trailer trash in hell
I mean look at em
I love it
Human form Ozzie would have THE MOST luscious hair ever
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This image just says so much about them as a pair it kills me
The way the animators just go above and beyond is just amazing to me
How did fizzarolli get the 2 minutes notice thing planned so quickly...........
Fizz over sharing as a teenager ( not projecting )
fizz really thought in "oops!" That he wasn't gonna make it out of the fire again
Like bro just put his knees to his chest and CRIED
Speaking of fizz how did that mark in the next episode get there? What was that? Idk if it was maybe a bruise from.. something.. I don't wanna say it was from mamon because that would defeat the purpose of his character being EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE and that emotional abuse is still abuse, but idk some people said it might be because of him?
Can you tell I'm obsessed with fizzarolli
The sexual harassment rep.... People who have experienced sh usually think "it's not as bad as *other s3xual trauma* so I'm just being dramatic" ( I say this from experience ) but it ABSOLUTELY IS AND SHOULD BE RECOGNIZED. It's still something you're not comfortable with. Fizz brushing it off as "oh well they're just fans who express their love differently!" Should not have been taught to him.
I'm not slightly projecting again. Nuh uh
Ozzie can play saxophone. He just gives me the vibe.
Beezlebubs design just screams if kesha. Even if they didn't mean to.
Millie getting stuck in trees as a kid and being too scared to get down
Was Barbies real name barbie or is that a nickname? Or was it for the sake of the circus ( like blitzøs name being .. well blitzø )
Millie name is short for Amelia maybe? People used to call her Lia but she hated it so much she started writing her nickname Millie on everything.
People saying they hated / thought the stolas human design could've been better can go FUCK themselves HONESTLY
Blitzø and fizzs as teenagers going to their town center and being like "?????? Why is everything so FANCY it's AMAZING"
Octavia can't handle spicy things for SHIT
Look at their British asses
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They cough at smelling PEPPER
Stolas just randomly texting Octavia "you're so beautiful darling! Have a nice day <3 -your dad" or "don't forget to eat! -your dad" ( he texts like that IDC )
Octavia writes poetry! It's actually really good
Okay so I have this headcanon that in the HELLUVA BOSS universe that songs like contoursionist, toxic ( by ashnikko ), tunnel vision and agorah hills, NYMPHOLOGY, and he has this "one last show" thing where he preforms these songs and HE IS SCREAMING SOME OF HIS OWN SONGS
But that would also defeat his character development so I'll just imagine him singing this songs in the car or smth
Mamon having to do some toxic gossip train shit
Millie kills the spider.
I think that may be all okay byeeee
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sevlawless · 1 year
okay so the n route has been bothering me ever since i played it and i needed to air my frustrations out as a way to cope i suppose
for reference my main detective who i use for n is felicity, but sometimes i also use arabella to test out some options i wouldn't normally pick and just to see how the romance works with a detective that isn't exactly that compatible with n. so when i first played, i used felicity and then later on when i was doing a deep dive into the romance and the plot, i was using arabella just to see if certain things held up yk! and lord how i wish it did LMFAO
just a little disclaimer that this is all just my opinion and i'm willing to listen to other points of view about this! and i do not mean any of what i say as a dig or to be hateful toward n, they are my favorite li in twc and the fact that i love their romance and their character so much is probably most if not all of the reason why their route in book 3 was so weird to me, and why i make the critiques that i do.
under the cut because this is a doozy and also book 3 spoilers
first of all the main thing in the demo chapters is that n gets mad if you try and fight the trappers bc they are so scared of losing you and like i GUESS i get it but this is literally our life now you're just gonna have to get used to it. and this wouldn't have even been an big issue for me if it was properly addressed! when i played using arabella i tried being mad, i tried staying mad, and it kept getting swept under the rug by the plot. like are we seriously not going to talk about this??? at all?????? and it seems very ooc for n NOT to say anything about it when you get a moment alone because why would they not address it, ESPECIALLY if your mc was still upset over it. AND ESPECIALLY IF YOU’RE IN A RELATIONSHIP LIKE- these things need to be discussed in order to grow as a couple and there needs to be healthy communication or else this is not going to work. like you're telling me we were living with unit bravo for WEEKS and this shit just never got brought up again?
this also ties into my next gripe- n's backstory. so, if you snooped in the demo they won't tell you anything, which okay. mc shouldn't have done that, sure, but n doesn't even give a reason as to why they're upset by that. obviously you can be like "well i think anyone would be upset if you delved into their past without their knowledge or permission" but YOU ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS PERSON WHY IS THERE NO COMMUNICATION OF FEELINGS. i would have appreciated that scene a hell of a lot more if n sat you down and was like "i'm upset that you did this, here's why," but all they do is get sad and then that's it. when i played as arabella i had her snoop AND get upset over the argument during the trapper fight, and n said something along the lines of "i know sometimes we regret doing things" as a reference to snooping AND the argument which??? just does NOT hold up at all and had me irritated as hell.
if you didn't snoop in the demo, n takes you to their room and shows you a picture of their family and talks about them and how his brother joined the navy and didn't come back (their brother was killed by vampires) and that's why they decided to join the navy, as a way to try and figure out what actually happened. this scene started off great, but it's cut short way too quickly because n drops the photo and the frame breaks. and then they basically just shoo you out. there's really not any option to comfort them, and the option that is there is not good enough. and it's not that n had to tell us EVERYTHING in that one scene, but it's more so the fact that it NEVER gets brought up again. your mc can't take a moment to bring it up and n sure as hell doesn't say anything else about it. which is so ?????? im sorry you supposedly love this person (im saying this for both mc and n) and yet neither of you address it again??? it makes no sense at all.
onto the research/combat scene… i've done the combat scene once so i can't really speak on that as much as the research one so. most of the research scene is fine aside from the fact if you're not in a relationship (which i did for one playthrough with felicity) n brings up bobby if you dated them which felt so bizarre but anyways. the option to realize you love n… i would love this IF the option where you tell n you love them actually mattered. LMFAO if you tell n you love them they literally just stare at you and then the sex scene pops up. like are you kidding me??? n would not just leave you hanging like that even if it was just to say that they don't feel that way yet. and the sex scene itself is… fine i suppose but it doesn't feel as intimate as it should be. there's little to no dialogue and it just feels so weird to read. like why would neither of you be saying anything?? not to mention the fact that you're literally OUTSIDE of the warehouse where any of ub could see you at any point it just feels wrong to have sex at that point at least in my opinion. and the talk after feels so short and weird i feel like both the detective and n would have more to say. and that moment is quickly brushed away by the plot.
i guess the next plot line is whether u told tina or verda or nobody about the supernatural. going into book 3 this was probably what i looked forward to the most and ofc it barely delivered. i liked seeing tina and n interact but that quickly turned sour for me, not because tina started rightfully bringing up how much mc has been through, but because n really does not do anything with that pov being voiced to them, which is so fucking ooc it pains me. when they go to talk to mc after their conversation there's no discussion just "i wanted to see you" okay but WHY did you? i would have taken a li pov of what tina relayed to them literally anything! and it's just another thing that gets swept under the rug because of the stupid ass plot.
another thing about the dinner that gets lost in the plot of book 3: tina/verda bringing up your li possibly drinking your blood and mc can react a number of different ways and i wish it had been talked about more than just in that moment 😭
the only scene that i genuinely enjoyed in all of n's route was after that building caves in on mc and you're back at the warehouse traumatized and bruised and defeated. n runs you a bath and if you pick that option helps you out of your clothes and then helps you settle into bed. i wish there had been more discussion of anything in that scene but mc was so out of it i was okay with no talking. and then redacted petname <3 the other thing i was most looking forward to! one thing i did dislike about this scene though was that we didn't really get a glimpse on how n was feeling yk usually mishka offers the li's pov on a scene and not having that made that moment not feel as rounded out.
the pool scene… first of all why did n get this one. like it would have made sense for m, hell even a! and again the scene felt so shallow and then the option to have sex. you're telling me your first time with n can be on a fucking pool table???? that is so not their vibe AT ALL and it feels so weird to even have that there. it was unnecessary as well as the other opportunity to have sex and i feel like mishka just put them in there as like fan service when who (in my opinion) genuinely wants this if they romance n and have them as their main route. i had hoped the first time n and mc have the opportunity to have sex it would be a more intimate setting because that's more fitting for them and my nate mc, felicity. but nope! and then the scene gets cut short because n has to go on patrol??? and again the sex scene itself … neither of them feel personable it's like a "one size fits all" type of approach and that just does not work if this is supposed to be interactive fiction where we create a personality for our mc's that cannot fit this specific mold mishka wants to put everyone in.
being invited to what might as well just be a fucking slave trade (i have many thoughts about this auction plotline as well but for now im discussing n's route) had me so confused because why would mishka even do that and then n's comment about the stationary? i need you to be fucking for real. the scene before you leave for the mission with n just felt so weird like we get it n is protective of mc but at this point it just felt like a hinderance which sucks because one of the things i love most about n is their deep care for mc and they just sounded like a broken record and it annoyed me so bad.
after all that, the scene when you come back and n is in tears confessing their love for mc i wanted to enjoy it i really did and i just could not upon replaying because it feels so unbelievably hollow. we have not discussed anything pertaining our relationship and when there are things that need to be discussed they are so underwhelming it's hard to even care. there are a handful of things n and mc both need to work on in order for this relationship to work and the fact that they're not being addressed makes it difficult for me to enjoy anything about this route. you can't even tell n you love them back for fuck's sake like hello.
a theme that i did not think was going to be as prominent as it was in this book but n contemplating mc turning into a vampire and AGAIN there wasn't ever really a discussion about this between mc and n and i feel like this will come to a head as the books progress but i don't think it fit into book 3 considering so many other things were being thrown at us.
all in all i truly desperately wanted to enjoy book 3 and enjoy being with n but i cannot when there are so many things ignored, sidelined, or just completely forgotten in order to push the plot forward.
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bthump · 3 months
What if the eclipse rape didn't happen, but Casca still survived somehow and retained her sanity? Do you think she'd follow Guts in his quest for revenge or carve her own, distinct path? How would her opinion on Griffith shift, would she hate him/deeply resent him/try to understand him/a mix of everything?
To be honest, I'm more interested in how you think this scenario should play out in order to feel satisfactory than in how Miura would've handled it, because I really dislike his portrayal of Casca post-eclipse. Also, there's a sequence leaving rent free in my head of Casca being mad and yelling at Griffith for sacrificing the Hawks and basically betraying the blind trust she had put on him and shattering her whole worldview in the process lol. Without Miura silencing her and the eclipse rape taking away her dignity and virtually destroying any hope for a fulfilling future interaction with Griffith, she would've had a solid chance to grow and develop really interesting changing dynamics with our two protagonists, and it's a shame it was stunted...
Thanks for the ask!
For me, when it comes to what I'd want to read or write in this scenario, I think Casca should go her own way and separate herself from Guts. Partly for worldbuilding-logistics reasons, actually - two branded sacrifices can't stay in the same place for long without majorly fucking up that place, as we saw in the Conviction arc.
But mainly because I like the idea of the two of them separating and doing their own thing, and I think it would work with the themes. Like the story could use their two characters to explore differing reactions to trauma - the healthy and the unhealthy. The making connections with other people and growing reaction, and the killing stuff as a coping mechanism reaction. Guts and Casca would essentially be foils for each other.
Unfortunately Casca's stuck with the less fun healthy reaction lol because only the unhealthy gets to be mired in fucked up homoeroticism with Griffith and I'm unwilling to sacrifice that for the sake of a more interesting female character.
So with that division, it would make sense for the narrative to divide the behelit and the armour between them, and in this case Casca should get the armour while Guts gets the behelit. The armour is in a way a test of self control and you can be pulled back from succumbing to it, while the behelit is a one and done monsterizing device, so the armour goes to the healthier one. Casca also collects friends in this scenario while Guts miserably Black Swordsmans around (Farnesca, anyone?)
So ultimately Guts gets my ideal post-Eclipse arc of obsessing over revenge/equality with Griffith and eventually becoming a monster just like him, whereupon maybe one or both die, or maybe Guts ironically rejoins him in a homoerotic "tragic" ending for him 😏
And Casca kind of gets Guts' Millenium Falcon arc through which the story reiterates the importance of relationships, where she wrestles with her own inner darkness but grows past the need for revenge and turns to other goals.
And then maybe her story intersects with Guts and Griffith's in that Griffith needs to be stopped to save the world from dragons or whatever so she allies with various people and does that, and is able to succeed specifically because she's not obsessed with revenge and can keep her head or something like that. Yk, like she uses the armour but is able to come back from it. Whatever.
I don't know or really care what the climax would be here. Does she kill Griff and maybe Guts too? Does she serve as a distraction while a magic thing happens? Or maybe they're reverting the world back to low fantasy and it has nothing directly to do with Griffith and Falconia and she has to slay a dragon or something. Idk, point is she gets a moment to be badass and maybe be tempted by a monsterizing power-up but doesn't succumb to it.
Anyway yeah, idk I'm not super imaginative so my answer is basically "Berserk but Casca gets Guts' role and Guts gets to be gayer" lol. But that said, I would love to see Casca get to express her feelings so yeah that also fits into my thoughts here. Maybe she doesn't directly yell at Griffith but rather tells someone else about what happened and how fucked up it was? Or maybe she gets a Hill of Swords style reunion as well and does get to scream at Griff. It'd be nice. I do think that, in the brief amount of time we saw both her and Guts after the sacrifice and before the Eclipse rape, she was angrier with Griffith than he was.
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
Hello, I've been reading a lot of your stuff about the Denali sisters and also read your first chapter too (Very good btw) I have to say I love the Denali sisters, Tanya especially but I am conflicted because I feel as if the way people see them is very different from how I imagine them, and hey that is alright because to each their own and in the end we write/read many times to comfort ourselves. Thing is, when are we crossing a line here? I love what you're doing, love their wild side, their more predatory way of seducing reader (who in my mind is their mate, weather we believe in mate stuff or not is a whole diff story but thats my reasoning behind choosing reader) but we're facing stuff ehre like kidnapping, abducting and only the writer knows what more is in store for poor reader, and that in my eyes is not a healthy relationship, is making them (my fav characters in this case) to be hella toxic and shit and though I'm loving all your HC's and loving the chapte, even wanting to read more to see where it leads as I said I can't help but feel sad because falling in love is one thing but this is just pure idk, instinct? I ask myself like as reader would I really fall in love with this kind of people who induced the trauma of sorts, like ofc I know this is fiction ands tuff but yk I think way too much over things that I shouldn't. Idk if that made any sense because it's hard to put into words what I mean and I suck at explaining stuff, a clsoed book would be easier to read than me lol. I understand vampires are intense,a re possessive and jealous but to what extent? ANYWAY i'm sorry for this long ass ask and I hope it doesn't bother you the things I said? if it did I'm really sorry I didn't ask any of this with ill intention, I'm honestly curious. Have a good day <3
Hello there!
First of all: Thanks a lot for your very honest opinion on this and that you felt comfortable enough to reach out to me. Critisism is important and always very much appreciated. 🫶
I also wanna thank you for complimenting the stuff I´ve done so far, I´m really happy you like it! <3
I agree with you that ppl view them differently, and that´s absolutely alright. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and, sometimes, that opinion vastly differs from ours or how we´ve come to understand someone else´s view on them. Which, again, that´s absolutely alright.
Now to the story I´m writing:
You correctly stated that it´s not a healthy relationship, at all. (Not at its current stage, at least.) However, this was entirely my intention when I started writing it. I want the sisters to come across as these feral, instinct-driven beings who more or less turn a blind eye to MC´s struggles (at first). That´s the great thing about fanfiction: You´re not bound/limited to canon. You can go absolutely wild and try out things and storylines you´ve always wanted to see playing out. This is me going absolutely wild.
Does that mean I see the Denali sisters solely as masochistic, sadistic beings who only have their own interests at heart? Absolutely not. (Something that becomes more clear as we progress further with the story.) This is merely a different take on them. I still very much see them as your loving girlfriends/mates/wives who´d do absolutely anything for you...in an alternate universe. (At least with how things currently stand.) 😅
I´ve always been drawn to darker topics that really question the morality of it all. I´m aware that this is not for everyone, and that´s totally fine. But that´s what tags and warnings are for. If you feel like this story isn´t for you, then I kindly ask you to skip this one. I´d be very sad to lose you as a reader, but I´d absolutely understand your reasoning for it. ❤️
"I ask myself like as reader would I really fall in love with this kind of people who induced the trauma"
You hit the nail right on its head here, actually. This is exactly what I had in mind right from the start when it comes to MC. Reader will NOT be this naive, foolish girl easily brainwashed into doing the sisters´ biddings. I myself don´t find such a storyline appealing either. I love MCs who fight back, who come out on top despite everything they´ve been put through. Reader won´t fall in love with any of them for a long, long, long time. Which also means there won´t be anything physical going on, aside from Tanya´s pesky advances, lol.
Speaking of: No matter how persistent any of the sisters get, there won´t be any non-con stuff. Not in a way that causes MC harm *points to Tanya´s unwanted advances*. This is a line I don´t wanna cross. Any advances towards MC will be written in a way that (hopefully) comes across as both spicy AND hilarious. Something like Tanya getting a book thrown in her face for trying to steal a kiss, lmao. (Which is very likely to happen btw. MC is a lil spitfire.)
So, what I’m really asking is for you to have a bit of faith in me and my writing, and to wait for the next chapter, where the sisters will officially be introduced, before you give up on this story. It will get feral and instinct-driven at times, yes. But there´s more to it and to the sisters.
Next chapter might just give an insight into that already. ;3
To sum it up: This story will be less about falling in love and more about becoming a better/the best version of yourself.
This is what we´re aiming for:
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Fingers crossed we gonna make it there! 🤞🤞🤞
Thanks again for your very elaborate and valid ask. ❤️
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totaldramayuri · 7 months
PLEASE keep talking about your jo/zoey thoughts romantic or platoniccccc i love ur takes on them as a dynamic and as characters... there was no reason for them not to interact post merge (well we all know s4 hated their girls but thats besides the point). the jock who hates girly girls and the girly girl who hates jocks just seems like such a set up for an opposites attract friendship or at least SOMETHING yk. i think zoey would be nice enough to at least try to comfort jo and ughhhhh them both forming solid female friendships is such a thing. and they both realize theyre not as shallow as they both initially thought the other was.
I think you could at least excuse them not interacting in s4 if all stars rose to the occasion and didn’t put all the “good people” on one team and the “bad people” on the other. like imagine if jo actually made it further in all stars to follow up on her incomplete arc regarding her body issues and gender dysphoria (like seriously!!! if anything I think they would be aggravated after her body is mocked on international tv). and then imagine zoey gets put on the opposite team to mike and cam (who I actually love as a trio but you can’t deny it stagnated a lot of zoeys growth by having her only seem to interact with them…) and is forced to find new allies.. BOOOM jo and zoey alliance that ends with them becoming unlikely friends/gfs!!! It writes itself!!! Esp how it would make sense given u could keep the heather vs jo plotline but not completely waste jo’s character and actually have her seek credible allies against her instead of.. whatever that was :/ AND I think AS would be a great place to explore zoeys commando persona aka giving her a villain arc set on by her becoming closer w/ jo, who is much more comfortable playing mean n dirty. I actually love her commando arc in the last few episodes but I read ur tags on a lot of posts and I do agree it deeeefinitely could’ve had some more build up even before mike got sent home. Let her be mean!!! Let her be aggressive!!!! All stars why didn’t you do anything with her it drives me crazyyyyy this wpuldve been the perfect opportunity for jo to actually take interest in zoey after seeing what she can do after being pushed over the edge (literally n figuratively) and pursue her as any ally CAN ANYONE HEAR ME
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Hellooo! I literally refresh ur blog RELIGIOUSLY for content, lmao. Would love it if you could do a fandom ship for me
My Appearance
I’m a 5’7 dude with fluffy dark brown hair, but I dyed it strawberry blonde a little while ago- you can tell I’m a brunette since my roots have started showing again. My eyes are also dark brown, and I have a light tannish skin tone with a couple of moles here and there (I’m POC, for better reference) My favorite color is blue, so I’m always wearing different shades of it (navy, cerulean, baby blue, sky blue etc.) and my style is kinda e-boy/soft grunge
My Personality
I like to think that I’m a pretty chill guy. I mostly spend my time playing video games (Minecraft, Pokémon, Genshin and honkai star rail) and minding my own business. my grades are average since I’m too lazy to really study. I’m autistic and extremely socially anxious, so I tend to be non-verbal out in public and I never willingly go outside. That being said, I have a lot of online friends who I love chatting with, and I sorta have dark humor (NOT sexism or racism, I mean dark humor as in joking abt my mental health - which is shit, lmao). I’m also lowkey a nerd, so I love analyzing video game lore and making theories cuz Matpat lowkey raised me.
My Hobbies
As I mentioned previously, I’m obsessed with video games. However, I also like comic books and listening to music while I draw! I’m not a professional artist or anything, but I like to sketch and doodle my fav characters when I can. Idek if this counts as a hobby, but I also collect whatever coins, beer caps, paper clips or any general trinket I can find. One time I found this really tiny tennis racket on the floor at school (it’s plastic and barely the size of my thumb) and I’ve kept it in my purse ever since. Yes, I have a purse- they’re cute as hell
Uhhh, I think that’s it! Pls do the Outsiders or Slaughter fandom!! Ty
Now to the ships:
The Outsiders: Ponyboy Curtis
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Explanation: BCUZ I SAID SO/j You and Ponyboy both have special obsessions that you bond over. I think he really likes your style, the way you look, and how especially it contrasts to him. (He’s totally not jealous, yk what they say if you can’t be them be with them) You’re the most interesting person he’s met in the relatively boring town of Tulsa Oklahoma, and he thinks your style is tuff as hell. He would love watching Film Theory with you and doing his own mini analysis, and I think your less social personality would fit with him just perfectly, and he would make sure to respect all of your boundaries. He loves draw with you and listen to music with you, and he loves that you collect things, which is convenient for him because he can’t buy you super expensive gifts due to his low income household, but he can find you cool little knickknacks and such! He wears blue to match you a lot. Yall just chill and vibe together and we love it Yall are cute I ship it 💚
Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
Nubbins Sawyer
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Explanation: I think you and Nubs are an amazing fit together!!! You both have artistic souls….. in much different ways and he has a purse just like you and also likes collecting little things and I think if he ever found anything cool while scavenging for roadkill he’d totally give it to you and you’d probably just have to be like Nubs… I don’t want a dead rat tail…. 💀 But anyway yall are so cute together, I think his more giddy/insane personality is a great constrast to your more shy/chill seeming one. He’s used to being judged for the way he is so I think he would understand you in a lot of ways- not to mention he LOVES your humor, because he has a pretty wacky dark sense of humor himself, and he’s also used to being judged for that too. He would definitely take lotsa pictures of you and then show them to victims. (And ask if you’re attractive and if they say no they get tortured for hours) He loves listening to your rants about your obsessions and in return you have to listen to hours of him ranting about cool roadkill he found that day or how he made a new trap better for catching victims! He also really likes your style despite not being that aware of fashion in general- You both have a way of understanding eachother like to one else. Ayway I love you both I ship it even though Nubs is my pookie
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bazooka-overkill · 7 months
in honor of me getting absolutely zero play valentine's day i decided to rank the wii punch out boxers in order of how much i would willingly be their valentine/go on a date with them
don't take this seriously btw i made this at like 2 am :33333
list under cut
13.) king hippo
im scared of him
12.) piston honda
this is just a me thing but his eyebrows are off putting to me😭😭 if he ever pulled up w his eyebrows i think i would start crying /nsrs
no shade to piston honda btw. luv his character and i’m 100% sure he’d treat his valentine right
11.) von kaiser
CRIES he is so scary. i made a joke post about him and how he stares (specifically the stare that europeans do). no amount of roses could ever erase his stares😭😭😭
10.) don flamenco
he has carmen and i don’t wanna be a homewrecker yk
if carmen wasn’t his valentine tbh he’d be a decent valentine. a little over the top but nothing compared to a little someone else on this list
9.) soda popinski
every time i see him i think of patrick star. you think i want a valentine that looks like fucking patrick star
8.) bear hugger
i put him at no. 8 not becuz he’s a bad date/valentine but bc it’s a tie between him and aran ryan. i can’t really see bear hugger being a traditional valentine if that makes sense??? 
luv him to death tho. shout out to all three bear hugger fans
7.) aran ryan
despite his whole “i’m fucking insane” persona i believe aran ryan is,,, the better half of a valentine. sure he might light a building on fire in the shape of a heart for me (criminal charges!!! so romantic!!!😍😍) but he means well and i would take him up on an offer for valentine’s day
6.) super macho man
i’m literally only accepting his offer for the money. you know that man does NOT live frugally when it comes to valentine’s day. or just in general lmfao
5.) great tiger
if he pulled up on his magic carpet and asked me to be his valentine i’d accept in a heartbeat. who could say no to a flying carpet and a man who would get those giant flower bouquets of ur favorite flower(s)
4.) bald bull
yall might not agree with me on this but i personally believe bald bull is one of the best people for valentine's day. plus that lil tooth gap shown in his intro is legitimately so cute who could say no to that (he may be a grown man but anyways LMAO)
3.) glass joe
first off he is from france and that is the place of laaauuuuuuvvv😍😍😍 or something like that idk i didnt pay attention in geometry
second just look at him. that man is one of the top tier valentines, or just overall dates
2.) disco kid
this is a little obvious bc i put him up so highly but i luv him. he’s so silly and energetic but idk if i could match his energy
he’d probably bring his valentine to a roller rink or some shit like that. if that was me i’d probably die on the rink😭
this man is literally so fine yall do not understand the extent of how much i love him so much. from his design all the way down to his whole “sleep” gimmick OUUUGHHHHHHHH 
if this man asked me to be his valentine i think i would legitimately explode on the spot. im not even joking like i would explode like a fucking bomb he is so FINE TO MEE
he’d probably pull up with those giant teddy bears (yk what i’m taking about right,,) and some flowers. he is so fine to me you guys don't understand
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