#Is there time to save him please I still love my clone son
completeoveranalysis · 6 months
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Ooh I will say the expression of dark rage on Evil Wolverine is MAGNIFICENT here. They really went all out. This is gorgeous. 
Considering I hate looking at the man THIS looks fantastic! 10/10 Evil Wolverine panel, maybe only beaten by the one where he gets stabbed. 
And I suppose if you were going be mad about anything, being stabbed through the chest is a pretty reason.
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I mean yeah, I guess that is how it works. You stab a man and he wants to stab you back. 
On a side tangent I love that he has the same Pull-Sword-Out-of-Hand magic that Fai used on Kurogane before they went to Seresu. I’m a fan!
Fai and Kurogane are markedly less excited to see it come back this way but I think it’s neat!
MEANWHILE try not to think about Kurogane, who has spent his entire life haunted by the image of Evil Wolverine stabbing his mother with that sword, is now watching Evil Wolverine pull out the same sword to stab his son. 
I am interested in the hands in the final panel though let’s see what that means. 
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Yeah I suppose this too would also happen. 
If anyone WAS going to be stabbed by Evil Wolverine here it WOULD be Syaoran jumping in the way to save Lava Lamp. 
We get the whole reversal of Syaoran stabbing Sakura in Nihon, but now he is now defending them and being stabbed in return. 
Potentially foreshadowed in Outo with Syaoran being stabbed by Seishirou there as well. 
(As well as when Evil Wolverine kills Xing Huo, who ALSO betrays him while working for him, who ALSO got stabbed all the way through with the same sword, ALSO IN THE SERVICE OF SAVING LAVA LAMP)
And Syaoran closing the loop of, like… Lava Lamp defending Syaoran by giving him half his soul to protect him from Evil Wolverine, and now Syaoran defending Lava Lamp by protecting him physically from Evil Wolverine. The giving of a soul and the giving up of a soul to save each other from the same man.
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macsimagines · 1 year
I cannot thank you enough for now incredibly you bring my silly little ideas to life~
May I request for Yan! Shin, Izana, & Ran on how they are as a husband to their darling and how they are as fathers? (like them after they’ve finally achieved their Yandere dreams of marrying their darling and having kids with them and everything ) ʚ♡ɞ
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Yandere!Shinichiro Sano
Is so happy that you've made him a husband and father. It wasn't easy trying to convince you to go out with him, but eventually he called in enough favors and 'saved' you enough times that you relented and dated him for a short period.
Short because after that he tried very hard to get you to marry him and when it was obvious you weren't going to relent he eventually started to just poke holes in condoms and simply waited for the great news.
"Oh? You're pregnant? Well shucks, looks like I gotta take responsibility. When are you moving in?"
Ya he's not hiding the fact that he's all too pleased to put a ring on you and have a baby in you. But he does his best to provide and make you happy.
He comes home with flowers all the time, just cause, and sometimes he'll bring your son with him to the shop. "You need a break baby, I can take over today."
Shinichiro loves having JR. around. He of course loves his son, but it does help he's the perfect combination of you and Shinichiro.
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Yandere!Izana Kurokawa
He had to force you to marry him. You had tried to leave him and he wasn't going to let you live any kind of life without him. Those first few years were less than marital bliss.
The fighting, the screaming, the crying. It was honestly hell. Izana almost let himself think you weren't worth the trouble but he was kidding himself if he thought he could live a life without you.
That all changed when he found out you were pregnant. Now it was real, now he couldn't afford to fuck up.
"Y/N, I know you hate me, I can accept that, but please for our babies sake, lets make this work."
Izana is like a changed man, he's kinder and even gentle. He can tell you're still resentful and bitter, but he'll accept that. He just wants his child to feel loved and know he did all he could to make that happen.
You finally go into labor early, Izana doesn't know why or what he did wrong but this was obviously his fault. He was going to loose you both. You really were going to leave him and take the one thing he wanted most in the world with you.
But you pull through. You and his precious and perfect daughter. She's puny in his hands, even for a newborn, just barely bigger than his own palms, but she's perfect. And he'll never let her go.
"Hey, princess. You don't know how happy I am to finally meet you."
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Yandere!Ran Haitani
Made you his wife after he found out you had his Twins. One boy and one girl. His brother was the one that had to break the news to him about it 4 years after he had told you to get lost.
"Hey bro, remember that trick that said you knocked her up?" "That bitch? Like I'd ever forget to wear a condom." "...You might wanna have a look at her insta."
Well shit. Obviously the rubber ripped because he was staring at his little clones on your feed. It was very apparent he was the father only a fool would deny it.
"You ain't my dad!" Your son hisses at him "Ya! You ain't!" Your daughter will parrot back. Clearly introducing himself as their father while they were beatingtheshitoutof playing with other kids wasn't the best idea.
"Our hair is pretty an' black!" "Ya! Yours is purple and ugly!"
Ran might not like how the kids are giving him shit, but he certainly does love the idea of another infamous pair of Haitani siblings running amok in Roppongi.
He also doesn't like the fact that you try to fight him tooth and nail for him to not bother your family. "Our family baby, C'mon. Let me take responsibility."
You have no choice but to relent to his threats of custody and courts, knowing damn well you don't have the connection he does.
And he doesn't love the fact that you're a huge bitch to him or the fact that his twins seem to live and breath violence more than he and his bother did back in his youth. But he must admit he thinks it's way more hot how cold and unforgiving you are compared to your old self. You keep him entertained at least.
"Guess who just had to bail our little ankle biters outta jail~ Why not thank your husband for a job well done."
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theosb0rnway · 5 months
Just finished the Bad Batch finale and HOLY SHIT IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD
So um.... yeah Tech's still not dead to me, CX-2 is alive, everything is fine, we'll see him soon, it's fine-
Crosshair GOT HIS HAND CUT OFFFF- Not the biggest Crosshair fan but I still feel so bad.... BYT AT LEAST HE MADE THE SHOT AND SAVED OMEGA AND HE GETS A HAPPY ENDING NOW
Emerie helped the kids escape I'm so glad they all made it too AND THE KIDS LOOKED SO CUTE ON PABU WITH MOX, DEKE, AND STAK
They rescued the clones!!!! I'm SO FUCKING HAPPY they did
Rampart was a double-crossing son of a bitch and he got what he deserved. Rest in peace, Nala Se. You may not have always been on the right side, but you died doing the right thing.
Did I mention that I don't think Tech is dead?
The CXs were SO COOL I wish we got to see more of them!!!
DID I MENTION THAT I DON'T THINK TECH IS DEAD?!? (I'm not losing hope guys, I'm not-)
The Zillo beast absolutely RIPPING UP TANTISS was fucking FANTASTIC and I love it and it was VERY VERY MUCH DESERVED
Baryn is me, I need loud destructive noises to fall asleep LOL (this is why I can only fall asleep to FNAF songs in my ears-)
Seeing grown up Omega made me cry, and I love that older Hunter looks like pretty much every older Hunter fanart ever drawn-
Wish we could have seen older Wrecker and Crosshair, and GIVE ME SCENES OF BOTH OF THEM HEALING, PLEASE- (Crosshair did not eat on screen the ENTIRE SEASON I don't like that at ALL.)
Overall, I thought the finale was a solid 9 1/2 out of 10, the only thing that could have made it better was a CX-2 is Tech reveal, but... I mean I got everything else, so I'm not entirely disappointed.
I'm still staying VERY MUCH a part of this fandom, sorry not sorry to my followers who came for the Ninja Turtles and got Star Wars copy-paste men instead-
As I mentioned, I do have a Bad Batch project coming out soon, and I guess I could call it a fix-it now... but yeah, I'm not done with Star Wars and at this point in my life, I really don't think I'm leaving this fandom any time soon. Yes, it has some issues, as all fandoms do, but it's where I fit best at the moment. I'll still be posting other stuff, but Star Wars and the Scream franchise are my main fandoms for now.
Thank you to the cast and crew of this WONDERFUL show, you did it again, Star Wars. (*puts TBB in my top 3 TV shows of all time*)
And thanks to all my friends here on Tumblr who helped me get into this show and traded theories and so much more! (Also special thanks to @atyourdinosaurs for all of your love, theories, and ideas [and for inspiring my new project], and to @casp1an-sea and @thecoffeelorian for being two amazing friends I made from this fandom!)
We had a great run, guys. It's a honor to love this show and to be here for its final moments. Here's to more Star Wars and to more Bad Batch content in the future.
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 6 months
Oh hi Bean!!! :D
LOL I have not watched s3 yet but I saw you brainrotting, I'm assuming it was great!👍
Okay okay okay so!!! Brief recap bc I need to refresh my memory:
Tommy as Alex, Techno as Yassen, Uhhhhh Phil as John and Kristin as Ian I think???
Dream as "a younger, greener Blunt" to quote myself, uhhh I think Mrs. Jones was Puffy?????
Jack Niki Sapnap Eret as K-Unit/K-Squad! Code names Thunder, Arson, Animal Abuse, and Tax Fraud!!!😃 (I believe Tommy was Drug Abuse lol)
Quackity as Ash, Hannah and Punz as [Point Blanc] with Purpled & Enderboo as two of the clones, Ranboo Aimsey and Eryn as the [PB] kids, with Ranboo(in the role of Kyra) later transferring to Tommy and Tubbo's school. Kyranboo pog!
Tubbo was Tom!! As he should be!!!
Uhhh okay I think that's about as far as we got???
AR!Wilbur was Jack(the Starbright variety not the Manifold variety) but I think we might want to change that particular bit...😅 I suggest Charlie or Schlatt!! If it's Schlatt then Tubbo could also be Tommy's pseudo-brother?? Yknow since Schlatt is usually Tubbo's dad in these things. Charlie would be funnier though, considering Ash and Jack canonically went on a few dates in AR.
"Oh yeah Quackity from Las Nevadas, we f*cked a few times!" "Charlie-" "He made real nice noises when-" "CHARLIE STOP-"
Awesamdad would be nice too, but I think Sam was Smithers??? Or maybe it was Foolish, idk.
Uuuuhhhh Point Blanc!! Still needs a name!!! It's just Hannah and Punz (+Purpled) so... uh.
....Academy Bedwars????
idk what to call them OTL, I'm saving Skephalo/Eggpire for Scorpia, I can't call PB the Eggpire...
Uuuuhhhh anyway!! Bedrock Bros bc we love Bedrock Bros in this house!!! Phil got discovered/fought his prodigy/got betrayed a little later than John did in AR canon, so Techno met baby Tommy a few times. Tommy's blue sweater coming from Techno was what we agreed on I think!
Anyway even though Techno felt betrayed by Phil being a spy, I think his feelings are a little different than Yassen. With Yassen it was pretty complicated, with him already being committed to Scorpia/the morally grey(like, really really dark grey) side, still being grateful to John for saving his life, etc. Meanwhile Techno would betray the Eggpire for one corn chip- if said corn chip was Phil. He was just angry Phil never told him.
"You're a spy????" "Techno I can explain-*" "AND YOU WEREN'T GONNA TAKE ME WITH YOU???!?!!! I thought we were a team, smh! S M f*cking H!!!"
(*: he cannot)
Anyway after Phil "dies"(I don't think he's actually dead, I feel like a major deviation from AR canon is bound to happen sometime and I think Phil returning would be an important plot point), Techno just. Stays with the Eggpire. He doesn't know how to contact MI6 anyway, and he doesn't really see the point when Phil isn't gonna be there. Also, staying with the Eggpire means he can keep an eye out for Phil's remaining family, so that's what he does till one day he sees Tommy(Techno had been keeping track of him so he knows what Tommy looks like, but the kid looks exactly like Phil anyway) in a... rich kid boarding school?? And he's going by Tommy Outit(/ref)??? Bruh???
Tommy, of course does NOT recognize Techno and he's like Why is that guy looking at me like he recognizes me. Meanwhile Techno is bluescreening bc Hey. Hey Kristin? Why is your son doing spy work? Kristin???
Okay Imma pass the baton onto you now, feel free to add on lol.
-Lilly xx
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blueberrytwoberry · 1 month
star wars au idea
Okay so one of the ideas I played around with based on AUgust was a Star Wars AU for 9-1-1, but I don’t know exactly where I’m going with it as far as plot so i don't think I'll end up writing it and just want to free it from my brain
I’m just fascinated by the idea of them still working as, basically, emergency responders during the rebellion era, because SOMEONE has to be there to jump in and try to save people after/during a space battle, and that’s what THEY’RE doing. Sometimes they get involved in the fighting, of course, but their primary goal is keeping as many other rebels alive as possible 
Chim is the longest standing member of the 118 rescue squad. He joined up after some Imperials came into a bar where he’d been working and started shit, eventually starting a fire because they suspected some of the clientele were rebels.
Chim managed to get out the fire and keep everyone alive after the Imperials left and realized he’d found his calling, but it’s been a hard, brutal road and he’s already lost so many people he cared about through the rebellion. 
Hen left behind a soulless (but profitable) job in the Empire after she watched her mentor get dragged away for suspected sympathies with the Rebellion (turns how Hen had some of those sympathies, too). Along the way, she met Karen, who’s one of the Rebellion’s preeminent ship designers, responsible for the creations or engine modifications that help keep their rag tag groups ahead of complete destruction by the Empire. 
They don’t see each other as often as either of them likes, because Karen’s work requires her to stay in one place, as much as possible, and Hen’s pulls her from one battlefield to another. 
The group is led by Captain Nash, of course, who was an officer in the rescue corps back in the old Republic army and is carrying around just a ton of trauma from the Clone Wars (and from the loss of his family due to an accident he caused) 
Athena is The Law on an outer rim planet that often serves as their home base, when they have a chance to take some downtime. She’s basically in charge and gets to do her full old-west gunfire strut as much as she damn well pleases. 
Absolutely no one realizes she and Bobby are Together for an embarrassingly long amount of time. 
Buck is a guy who joined the rebellion, initially, for a girl. He has no real… connection to the cause, not at first. He lived a life mostly untouched by conflict, on an Imperial world, and only got a look at the hell that so much of the rest of the galaxy was going through after he left home. 
And then he got involved with the rebellion, things with the girl fell apart, and he stuck around because he’d found a family and something to do with his life that felt worthwhile and bigger than he was, by that point.
But he’s still got this creeping sense of… not really belonging enough, sometimes, because he joined “late” and not because he wanted to stand up for what was right, even if he’s now fully bought into the cause. So, yeah, imposter syndrome rebel Buck. 
(And, because this is Star Wars, he probably at some point discovers that he’s a clone of his dead older brother, that his parents failed to deal with their grief and thought they could just replace their son, but then never quite managed to love Buck in the same way, anyway, because, yeah, grief doesn’t work that way. So he’s got even MORE imposter syndrome after Maddie tells him about that, he’s not even his own person! He’s just the clone of a dead kid!)
Anyway, so Buck is with his Rebellion Group, grappling with his complex feelings about whether he belongs with them REALLY or not, when Eddie gets recruited into their group, and Eddie, ooof
Well. Eddie. Was in fact an Imperial soldier. Recruited at eighteen. Served for years, until he sustained injuries in combat. And then he came back to his family, and discovered a few things, like that his wife was working with the Rebellion and that their son’s injuries had come from an Imperial doctor, who’d suspected Christopher of being Force sensitive, and, while he was processing all of that, Shannon went to Alderaan, using a visit to her sick mother as an excuse to deliver some important documents to the Organas. 
And then the planet blew up.
In the aftermath of that, Eddie fully defected over to the Rebellion and is now focused on keeping his kid safe (surprise, turns out Chris still has SOME access to the Force) and clearing out the red from his ledger. 
I know I’d want the plot to involve Buck basically figuring out Eddie’s Whole Ass Messy Deal, and drama when everyone realizes that Eddie used to be a storm trooper, with that probably coming out when they get in an actual fight, and think they’re all going to die because they aren’t trained as soldiers–
Except Eddie is, and ends up saving them, demonstrating a great familiarity with imperial weaponry and tactics, and most of the crew just puts two and two together and leaves him alone (Bobby knows about his history, the rest…not so much), but not Buck, who tracks him down while Eddie is tending to his own wounds, to ask a lot of questions like “Where’d you learn to shoot like that?” and “Wow, you just killed kind of a lot of people, what’s up with that?” while, of course, taking over the job of tenderly patching Eddie up.
Leading to Eddie having a breakdown and spilling his guts about what he’s done and his guilt and how HE should have been the one who died, not Shannon, and Buck going, “Well, I’m GLAD you didn’t die!” and Eddie going, “Well, I don’t see why” 
And that leading to a kiss and make-outs where Buck is trying to be careful of Eddie’s injuries, with things progressing from there.
And, basically, the plot would roll all the way through until RotJ, where their crew is there for the Battle of Endor, because everyone is expecting heavy casualties, and they get to see the destruction of the second Death Star and the fall of the Empire and enjoy the brightness of the future. 
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tsukuyomi42 · 1 year
I’d love to hear some of your Captain Needa headcanons if you feel comfortable sharing. He’s such an underrated character and I love hearing different takes on him. 😊
Of course I can share some of them! I really love talking about Needa, he is so forgotten by both canon and legends (I can't understand WHY they didn't gave him a story in From a Certain Point of View: Empire Strikes Back, but maybe its for the best... I am looking at you, Veers' story...) but here we are, giving those forgotten characters the love they deserve!
So lets go with the headcanons!
He was born and raised in a middle class family in Coruscant (of the kind that can live nicely without counting pennies but effectively end up living paycheck to paycheck because of overspending), his family would be considered rich almost anywhere else however Coruscant is a very expensive place to live, this is also the reason he is an only child, his parents sometimes saw him as more of an investment than of a son
A great deal of his childhood was spend at home, alone while his parents worked, while he understands, it still hurts a little
Needa is a really kind person in general, this is the main reason nobody thought he would enlist in the Coruscant Defense Fleet, much less that he would succeed in such a competitive environment, specially his parents
Needa is bisexual but went quite a long time without noticing, he just assumed everyone was like that, he has a slight preference for men and had very few relationships to this day
His main reason for not wanting to form a family is his job, he fears he couldn't be a good father and husband working in such a dangerous and volatile place such as the Death Squadron, he wouldn't be capable of visiting his family frequently but he thinks the environment of an ISD is not a very safe place for a family, specially for children
He is a little bit older than Piett, graduating as an officer in the later years of the Clone Wars, he was a good student if a little bit forgetful of small details
He isn't prejudiced but still has limited knowledge of the outer rim, this is mostly a consequence of living most of his life in Coruscant
He is impressively unlucky, many things that could never go wrong go wrong just because they happened to him, like the cameras of the back of the Avenger being destroyed in the asteroid field (this is my reasoning for the entire Millennium Falcon fiasco, I can't possibly conceive a ISD not having cameras in the rear end of the bridge tower)
Is very loyal to the Empire, specially to his crew, really believing in the Empire as a peacekeeping entity
His relationship with his parents is quite a mess, they aren't really close, they were never home when he was a child, this is also a reason for his behavior towards his friends and crew, he knows how it is to not have anyone to rely on and that some of them also never had this, they are his true family
He ends up being the "mom friend" who is always taking care of his friends and checking on them and helps them every time they need, but please, by the force and every good thing in the galaxy, DO NOT get him angry
Is definitely the best cook in the Death Squadron and likes to bake cakes for his friends' birthdays
Is a very strong and brave person who would always give his life to save the people he loves, which he ended up doing
As much he would love to live in a cheaper and safer rural planet, he craves the chaos that only Coruscant can provide
He became friends with Piett when the later was an ensign and got sent to the ship Needa was already working on, lack of sleep made Piett mess up some small thing and instead of punishing Piett, Needa gave him some time off (disguised as a random task), he always remembered of checking on Piett from now on
I also think Needa can dance and is really good at it, Piett is very disturbed by this
For some reason I think he is one of those people who seem pretty normal but have some hidden depts about his life.
Those are my headcanons for normal Lorth Needa, but they are quite different for chibi Needa, but I will put those with the other chibi characters headcanons
I am actually in the process of creating an AU where Needa is one of the main characters, he will deal with a great variety of murderous sith lords, with one of them being in love with him, our normal guy is going to have a time in there for sure.
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
A Month of Whump Day 6: Team Dynamic
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Summary: Obi-wan and Anakin are captured by the Separatist.
    Anakin and Obi-wan spent most of their time together. After the boy left Tatooien he was Obi-wan's responsibility. Though it was a little much sometimes, practice raising a child, he wouldn't trade it for anything. Anakin gave him a reason to get up when life tried to force him down.
    Now he sat in a Separatist cell with him. Both men were heavily injured from torture. The two did their best to help each other. Nothing seemed to help their situation. It felt like they were just barely holding on.
    Dooku's footsteps could be heard and not soon after he stood in front of their cell. "Hello" he spoke menaceingly.  Neither Jedi spoke. "I'm going to cut to the chase, one of you is dieing today. You won't betray the Republic so I need you as an example."
    Fear struck into the men's hearts. They looked at each other with consurn. When the count walked in he started to walk towards Obi-wan. Then he stopped. The man turned slightly and ended right in front of Anakin.
    Anakin turned to face him. Fear was evident on the jedi's face. "Scared?" The sith antagonized. Anakin turned back to look at his brother. Then he was unchained and pulled from the floor.
    Dooku dragged Anakin out of the room. The man couldn't fight anymore. The injuries he had sustained were too much. He wanted to. Everything he loved flooded his mind and yet he still couldn't move enough.
    The chains that hugged Obi-wan's wrist were strained as he tried to reach him. Panic set in. Tears began to well in his eyes as he tried to figure out what to do. "Wait!" He screamed.
    Dooku stopped. Anakin looked at him looked confused and tired. "What?" The sith asked.
    "Take me! Take me, not him." Obi-wan begged. His voice broke as he spoke. "Please." The last word came out as a desperate whisper.
    "My my, and here I thought you were a rule abiding jedi." Dooku's words stung but he didn't care. Right now the only thing that mattered to Obi-wan was Anakin's safety. "Fine." Anakin was thrown back into the room. He fell to the floor and didn't move.
    "Anakin?" Obi-wan's voice faultered. Darth Tyranus walked over and chained the young adult to the wall then unchained Obi-wan. Before he could do anything Kenobi was handcuffed and dragged out of the cell.
    The Jedi tried to fight back but like Anakin he was out of fight. His last stand has been saving Anakin for now.
    When taken to the room in which was set up for the message Obi-wan realized he was going to die.
    This was it. Everything he had ever done lead to this moment. He realized he would never meet Anakin's children, would never fight beside the 212th again, would never sigh or smile in the council room when they got off topic. He would never feel Cody's warm touch again. Anakin would grow up without his brother to help guide him. What if the 212th ended up with someone like Krell? Some many things flooded through Obi-wan's head all at once.
    Anakin searched for Obi-wan in the force. He regretted not arguing, not fighting. All he could sense was fear.
    Obi-wan was thrown into the center of the room. He slid and didn't bother to get up. After a moment Dooku pulled him onto his knees.
    Dooku's lightsaber never ignited. Looking at the man in front of him he couldn't kill him, he just couldn't. Obi-wan was all that was left of his son. He could see it in the way he fought and the way he cared for people.
    After a moment of silence Kenobi finally got up, deciding he couldn't just accept his fate. Pulling the red saber to him he stood. Igniting it he pushed it close to Dooku's throat.
   Slowly he walked him into a corner. "Let us out" Obi-wan hissed. Dooku tried to move and Obi-wan sharply leaned forwards.
    Blaster fire could be heard in the hall now. Someone had come for them. A purple lightsaber slid through the door. That's when Dooku decided it was time to go. He force pushed Obi-wan to the ground and grabbed his lightsaber. Destroying the window he jumped.
    When Windu entered the room he ran over to Kenobi. "Where's Anakin?" Obi-wan whispered.
    "Already being taken care of. Let's get you out of here." The medic came over and got the man on a stretcher and out of Separatist territory.
    When Anakin and Obi-wan saw each other again the first thing they did was hug. "Please don't do that again!" Anakin yelled.
    "Well what was I supposed to do? Let you die? You have a wife and a child on the way." Obi-wan smiled.
    Anakin just stared at him for a second in shock, "you knew?!"
    "Of course I did."
    The younger of the two sighed, "I love you."
    "I love you too Anakin."
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tinderbox210 · 2 years
Picard 3x01 thoughts:
!!!Spoiler Warning!!!
Just as always I’m going to hold out final verdict until I’ve seen how everything played out, and while I still have my beef with how the show was treating the new characters in s2 and then getting rid off almost all of them, the first episode did give me enough to be excited to see the story unfold.
The look and feel/atmosphere reminded me less of the TNG show but the TNG movies, at the same time there were so many little and big nods to the show and Picard’s and Riker’s beautiful dynamic just felt like old times. There were also so many callbacks to The Wrath of Khan, that I can’t help but feel like the show could revisit the Augments storyline (my La’an loving heart is rejoicing!!!) - and the Starfleet building getting blown up reminded me a lot of Khan’s attack in the AOS movie so maybe that means something.
Beverly’s back in all her glory and I’m so excited to see her again. It’s a bummer she hasn’t kept in contact with the others, but she surely had good reasons aka her “son”. I’m not sure if he’s her biological son or she adopted/created him. I’ve seen people speculate that he could be Picard’s son or clone. While that’s possible, I also think he could be an Augment, and since Federation outlaws genetic augmentation, it would be enough reason for Beverly to leave to keep her son save. Not sure which theory I prefer, just... please don’t make the son turn out to be the clone of Jack Crusher!
I was also not happy about the hints of Will and Deanna having trouble. I hope it will be revealed that Deanna and Kestra are just fed up of Will moping around because he misses to go on adventures (his talk about having to do a speech, maybe Will’s having a late midlife crisis) so he gets to have dad time with the old band.
And Riker setting everyone bashing the Enterprise D straight! Damn right, that’s the f****** Galaxy Class!!!
I have the stong feeling we’ve seen the last of Laris here. Maybe she’ll show up in the finale, but the romance subplot is very much dead which I can’t say I’m sad about. As much as I loved Laris in s1, her and Picard never worked for me. I’m just sad, that there’s only Raffi as a real new character left and that nothing from the previous seasons was mentioned.
I’m curious about Raffi’s plotline and how it will tie in with the rest, but hopefully they won’t keep her separated from the main plotline for too long.
I loved the Titan reveal and Seven being on board immediately starting a mutiny when her friend needs her help, bless her! I’m with Picard here - I think Seven belongs in Starfleet but not serving under someone like Shaw. I knew I would dislike him from the start and I wasn’t wrong. Maybe he’ll redeem himself in the end because truthfully he does have a certain point regarding Picard and Riker, but he’s still an asshole, and for now, I just want him to take his dirty hands off of the Titan!
I’m going to say it - I think Riker and Seven would make a neat Captain/No. 1 team!!!
Speaking of Voyager, I loved when Janeway was mentioned, still hoping against hope she’ll show up at one point, and squealed so hard at seeing the ship being part of the fleet museum (like she deserves!!!). Before the season, I had the theory that down the line Picard and co. would go to a ship graveyard and reactivate a galaxy class ship, but now I think, with Geordi working at the fleet museum, they will get a ship from there, and it very well could end up being the Enterprise D!!! I know, no matter the circumstances, I will tear up if we see the queen take flight one last time!
Last but not least, they included my beloved theme from First Contact in the credits!!! Hearing that song will never stop giving me chills and all the feels!!!
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megamattzx · 4 months
It has been a few weeks after the latest fiasco within the time patrol. There was a small moment of Peace at least for the moment, and hopefully that will last a while. Well everyone was focusing on rebuilding and celebrating the victory that they had, Goten was seen escorting his brother, Goku Jr to a cemetery after mentioning that he had something or that he wanted to show his brother. It was in the afternoon that they both had off from the Time Patrol.
The Summer breeze felt nice on their skin as it blew their hair as well. The leaves blown all over as well as the tree branches within the cemetery itself. Goku Jr wasn't there to enjoy the scenery, however, nor to pay his respects to the Dead. He was starting to grow a little impatient. "Why are we here at the cemetery, anyway?" Goku Jr asked from his impatience and confusion. He wasn't sure what Goten was up to.
"You'll see in a moment, Goku," Goten told his brother in a calm manner mentally preparing himself for his brother's reaction to what he wanted to show him. "This may come off as a surprise for you. I just hope it doesn't upset you."
Goku Jr was now more confused than ever. "Goten why would I be upset!?" He asked in a questioning tone only for Goten to point at something.
"Look over there," Goten simply said. "Do you see that tombstone over there?"
Goku Jr's eyes began to widen as he gasped. "C-Celia..... She was buried here!?" He asked in shock.
"well...." Goten then said. "No actually. After the station she died on blew up, it seemed she was barely alive when the explosion's hakai energy hit her. She was never given a proper burial so I commissioned this here. And luckily, Lady Chronoa and Lady Aeos accepted it."
Goku Jr then knelt down next to the tombstone. Ponder of the strange feeling. "Even though she isn't here....." Goku Jr said quietly. "I can still somehow feel her presence..... Thank you Goten...... You've done me a big favor......."
Goten nodded but not without giving his brother a small smile. "It was the least I can do," Goten calmly told him. A tone of reassurance heard in his voice as this happened. "You are my brother, after all. Whether I'm doing a favor, or saving your life, I'm always gonna have your back."
Goku Jr was then quiet for a bit before he sighed. "Hey Goten?" He asked hesitantly. "Can I please be alone? Just for a minute?"
Goten was surprised at first, before he quickly understood what he meant. "Of course," he told his brother. "Take all the time you need." Afterwards, Goten then walked away from Goku Jr to give him a moment alone.
Goku Jr then sighed, kneeling in front of the grave as he spoke. "Celia....." He said softly as he tried to process what he needed to say. What he needed to get off his chest. That was so much he wanted to say. He just didn't know how he could say it. "I don't know if you can hear me... Wherever You Are..... If by a small chance you can hear me at all....." He continued with a strong sense of emotional pain present in his voice still. "I just want you to know that you didn't deserve what happened to you.... It breaks my heart just thinking about that day...." He took a deep breath to avoid the tears. "I was devastated, knowing that I would never be able to see you ever again....." Tears started to fall, despite his efforts to fight them. "Meeting you.... Knowing you.... and having you in my life was... the best thing to ever happened to me....." It was at that point, the clone and adopted son of Goku began to fully cry. "I love you.... Celia......." He said in his cries. "I wish that I had the chance.... To tell you much sooner....." After that, the Saiyan Prince of Fire Mountain and Mount Paozu broke down and cried his heart out. Letting out decades of grief and pain.
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bog-water-030 · 11 months
Bogs Bullshit Save for Sim Noobs
So I've started a new save on the sims 2 and unfortunately I have like one friend who's well versed enough to really get wtf I'm talking about when I yap about it. Then it hit me it would probably be a good idea to explain from zero. THIS is zero. If you know anything about anything in the sims 2 please skip this post.
If i sent this to you, congrats, find a screenreader, you're gonna be here a while.
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"Strangetown is a small desert town with few inhabitants. There are two main streets, known as the Road to Nowhere, placed parallel with each other, around which the majority of the town is built. There are also three smaller roads, two of which are dead ends. Strangetown's landscape is barren, with only scattered cacti as flora... Considering the desert setting and references to Area 51 aliens, Strangetown may be located in the state of Nevada." (Sims Wiki)
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The Specters live on this god awful graveyard built up of the lovers and neighbours of Olive Specter.
Olive (pictured far left) is painfully in love with the grim reaper and has one child, a son, who was swiftly whisked away by the government, for obvious reasons. She's also raising her sisters only child, Ophelia Nigmos (pictured to the right), and god bless this poor child's soul she is STRUGGLING. Olives late husbands are just as unfortunate as their names suggest. Earl E Demise, Hugh Thanasia, Rigger Mortis. Its. Its really bad. Ichabod Specter is the only one she stuck with long enough to get her name changed.
Ophelia, bless her heart, is living on the community graveyard and these god damn ghosts REFUSE to leave her alone. She has pissed herself several times and it's genuinely effecting her terribly. Ophelia has two secret boyfriends (they both know about each other. I did not choose to make them polyamorous). Johnny Smith (pictured in the thought bubble), a half alien. And Ripp Grunt, the son of a space racist. She's still a teen so she has very little lore beyond being an orphan at first.
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The smiths are genetically the worst family. Pollination Technician (pictured far right) Smith (yes that is his full legal name) is kind of a slut. He has four kids. Jill (pictured far left) and Johnny (pictured to the right of jill), with his wife Jenny (pictured to the left of Pollination tech). And Chloe and Lola with what would now be considered his own fucking father in law. This asshole who I will now call Paulie, spent his days as a space man impregnating random men all over the globe. And decided, after it all, to settle down with the DAUGHTER OF HIS FIRST LOVE QUEST. hate. Hate him. He also has a lawn in the DESERT. hate Paulie.
Jenny, bless her heart, does not know of her half-sister-half-daughters, she just really likes the colour green. Their two kids are your standard suburban kids aside from the space racist military man next door. Johnny is so sweet and just finished high-school. He didn't go to college but that's okay. He did his best and he's moving out very soon. And Jill despite being a little shite who doesn't do homework, has my heart and I can't wait to see how she turns out. She's just started ballet and she loves video games. Sweet summer child.
The Grunts
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The grunts are my least favourite. They suck balls. They refuse to do the dishes. The dad, Buzz, lost his ex-wife to god knows what I think she was electrocuted. His hate for the world is leeching into his poor poor kids and it infuriates me. Realistically Buzz and his eldest son Tank are the only awful ones. Tank is a clone of his father. All he wants to do is join the military. He refuses to shower and keeps bothering the Smith kids. Ripp is the second and he's a dork I love him. I unfortunately cannot stand his father so I haven't played his household much,
The Curious'
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The Curious' are a mess. From oldest to youngest it's Pascal Vidcund and Lazlo. Immediately when you enter the lot pascal goes into labour and has one alien child named Octavius. Lazlo cannot get bitches. He's very handsome and a good chef but good heavens he's too forward. Vidcund pissed himself in front of his first love Circe as a teen, and so struggles with women nowadays. Vidcund is obsessed with his telescope. So obsessed that he uses it during the day for people watching. He has gotten beat up by various neighbours. Mostly Olive. He speaks to one woman consistently and its Bella Goth. Despite also being pussywhipped for the woman he cant stop insulting her. She's exactly his type. He's genuinely very interested but he has negative rizz and everything he says is wrong and bad. He's lucky he's hot because if he wasn't I'd kill him.
Pascal is the only Curious brother capable of speaking to women and he is painfully gay. I love him he's the most tolerable Curious
The Beakers
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The Beakers are awful. Circe is this money hungry bitch who enjoys the suffering of children, she is pregnant, I worry. Loki is a general asshole incapable of doing anything for himself. He has a maid, a butler, a gardener. I expect he'll want a nanny for his kid. He has a gun capable of sucking the skills out of people and he uses it on his pet human Nervous Subject (Olive Specters kid). Nervous had an AWFUL upbringing. He's a shy, grouchy, slob who's only capable of working out. He constantly smells. He's constantly offending people. His only friend is Pascal Curious and Erin Beaker, and those two are incapable of having enemies. I say pascal is his friend but he's like 2 minutes away from marrying the man. The issue is he's basically nocturnal, he cant stay awake long enough to call Pascal let alone get ready for a real date.
The Singles
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So the singles are this 4 person disaster household consisting of the aforementioned sister daughters Chloe and Lola Curious. Alongside Erin Beaker (Loki's sister), and Kristen Loste who has zero lore beyond being gay as shit and in denial. They're a bin family which basically means the sims team couldn't find a way to make them not fuck their siblings so they've been banished to the shadow zone.
Chloe is a mega bitch. She's actively mean to everyone and generally is only nice to get in everyone's pants. She takes after her whore father I guess.
Lola does nothing but work. She has no other hobbies or interests which is to her favour.
Erin is also gay, she's loved by many (except Chloe who ceaselessly harasses her).
Kristen is doing her best but she spends all her time working, eating and sleeping.
The Goths
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Bella Goth is a cross neighbourhood sim so while her lore doesn't actually effect her in this save it matters to me. She's a wife and mother of two but has no memory of this thanks to the power of alien abduction. All she recalls is the name on her drivers license. She was originally from Pleasantview, married to Mortimer Goth and raising Cassandra and Alexander, but after her affair partner's affair partners decided they weren't into sharing she was abducted by aliens and dropped in the middle of strange town. Bella has only just paid to put a roof on her shack house. Since she has no memory of her children she's a okay slutting around with no remorse. Unfortunately, I allowed her sluttery without prescribing birth control. She's gotten with (as of winter) ajax, Lazlo, and 3 miscellaneous townies.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Jangobi fic* where:
Anakin and Boba both wind up kidnapped
Jango and Obi-Wan are both individually frantic but haven't met yet (they keep narrowly missing each other)
Anakin and Boba befriend each other; Anakin is protective of this Toddler, and tells him Jedi stories because those are more calming than slave stories
The boys get separated. Both are very upset.
Jango finds and saves Anakin (teenage Jedi = manipulable force user who can help find Boba)
Obi-Wan finds and saves Boba (that is a CHILD)
"Satine, do you have Jango Fett's comm number? Ah, well, I appear to have accidentally found his son and I'd like to get that resolved so I can go back to finding my apprentice"
"Where is my son" "The Force says Fuck You and also it doesn't work like that, asshole"
Bo-Katan shows up. Causes problems.
The two duos meet! Jango hates the Jedi! Boba loves them! Things are awkward! Anakin definitely needs medical attention (because Plot), and also Obi-hugs
Bo-Katan continues to cause problems. Pre is there, now.
Jangobi kisses
Anakin gets to kill a Hutt at some point and Boba decides he's the coolest ever
Go AWAY, Death Watch
Jangobi kisses
Obi-Wan tricks Jango into a call with Satine
Boba gets lost and kidnapped again. Jango blames Anakin. Screaming happens.
Give back the kid, Pre
Jangobi kisses
Go away, Bo-Katan
Jango has an apprentice now? She's small and angry and tried to kill them all multiple times. It's unclear how willingly she has apprenticed. It's unclear how willingly he has taken her on. Boba is pleased at another new friend.
Obi-Wan has arranged for the apprentice to have a screaming match with her older sister over Jango's comm.
Boba accidentally lets slip about the clones to Anakin.
Anakin attempts a murder.
He's not successful but his enraged Huttese screaming--which only Jango can keep up with in the moment--at least garners a reaction.
Jango defends himself, but lbr Anakin just tries to hurt him again
It still doesn't work, but now Obi-Wan is using Horrified Rhetoric about the clones thing
Anakin and Bo-Katan teach Boba a card game while playing some music to drown out The Grown-ups having a yelling match
Something something Ventress
Something something Dooku
Something something Bo-Katan has a reformed Sith girlfriend now
Jangobi impulse marriage for clone custody reasons that Jango only sort of agreed to
IDK somehow there's a happy ending and Obi-Wan is romantically tugged back and forth between the current and former rulers of Mandalore and Quinlan WON'T STOP LAUGHING AT HIM
Windu's got the mother of all headaches, Skywalker is fourteen, this was supposed to be a simple mission, guys, what the hell
* Important to Jangobi fics, for me: 1. Nobody bashes Satine 2. Anakin is unequivocally the most important person in Obi-Wan's life and is prioritized over basically everyone and everything except the will of the Force, and even that's sketchy
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clone-whore-99 · 3 years
Chapter 4: You shouldn't have done that
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The Bad Batch x f!Reader
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mentions of sex(though no description), descriptions of a fight, sexual tension, Crosshair being mean, Crosshair being a tease, Crosshair being lowkey soft, Reader still having a lot of issue, displays of unhealthy coping mechanisms
LMK if I forgot anything
Authors note: excuse me for having a 2 week long mental breakdown, giving me major writers block. Does this mean the breakdown is over and I can write all I want again? (✿◡‿◡) No, but I did manage to be pretty proud of this chapter anyways. I feel like I got to capture Crosshair's personality pretty well. Thank you all for all the love that I've recieved from the past chapters, it means a lot to me ❤
If you like it, please do let me know by liking and commenting and maybe even reblogging, it would mean a lot to me 🥺👉👈
Chapter 1: Arriving at Kamino
Chapter 2: Work, armor and... Clones?
Chapter 3: Let it out
Chapter 5: Talk about it
Chapter 6: The 20 Questions Game
Chapter 7: Crosshair
Chapter 8: Echoes of the Past
Chapter 9: The Fight
Chapter 10: A Nice Change of Air
Chapter 11: Sore Muscles
Chapter 12: Heavy Rain Weights the Mind
Chapter 13: Waste of Time
Having met The Bad Batch on your first day on Kamino, was a bit like having had dessert for breakfast and then nothing but vegetables for the rest of the day. It wasn't that having vegetables was downright unpleasant, but it was a huge let down from having started the day off with dessert.
The first couple of days since they left had been fine - just fine. It was a huge adjustment getting used to being there, but your dad and most of the clones were patient and conciderate. You had even gotten to meet a Jedi, which had been such a mind boggling experience. The Jedi really were something else.
And you had gotten a chance to see why your dad never had any time. Even without Clone Force 99 around to keep him creative, he still had plenty of work to occupy himself with.
Special clone forces all needed changes to their standard armor, and although there was an entire team dedicated for this job, your dad was the one who designed and supervised all of it. This had also been the cause of many of your fights and arguements with him, as you were worried that your father was working himself too hard. But he always brushed you aside, telling you how you were over reacting and that there was no such thing as breaks during war time. Oh how mad he made you sometimes.
Another part of the big adjustments you had to make, was obviously the soldiers. These men didn't have a lot of interactions with the opposite sex - especially not the cadets. This would often lead to very bad attempts at flirting and displays of strength. Your favorite attempt was probably when a cadet had said: "Are you a clanker? 'Cause I wanna fill you with a load of my shot" right in front of your dad. He seemed to try and avoid coming by the workshop as much after that.
Though the attention had been fun and maybe even endearing at first, it quickly became a lot. Well, it wasn't like all the clones acted like that. Some were just friendly, others acted as if you were just another person working on the facility and a few acted like you were an entitled brat.
"Always needing Daddy to save your ass, huh?" one had smugly said, after your dad stopped you from getting into yet another fight. A couple others had laughed and damned if they were trained soldiers, they needed to get their ass beat.
You quickly felt the frustrations grow again. The same frustrations you had had, when you first arrived at Kamino. The same frustrations that had been lifted, when The Bad Batch had not only believed your reasoning for beating that senators son, but cheered you on for it. But now they were gone and you were angrier than ever.
It wasn't fair of you, to put the responsibility of your emotions onto a group of men you had just met. But they had made you feel more accepted than you had been in a long time. And it was gone again too soon.
You had tried to find other ways to rid yourself of these feelings. Exercising, hard training, meditation and yoga, getting into fights or hopping into bed with the first available man you could find. It had worked, but only temporarely, and then the feelings came back stronger than ever.
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Today had been one of those days. The feeling of anger in you had been so strong, you felt like a bomb ready to explode. And someone had made a snarky comment in the passing. You honestly couldn't remember what they had said, but it had been enough. You had thrown a spanner wrench at him, hitting him in the back of the head.
"Say that to my face, you coward!" you spat at him, as he quickly made his way towards you. Everything in your body screamed to run as he was closing the gap between you, but you were stubborn and mad and ready to fight.
He grabbed you by the collar and held you up against a wall, so your feet barely touched the ground. "You know, little girls should really be careful who they pick a fight with. Especially when Daddy's not around to save you." He taunted, clearly just trying to scare you.
Quickly, you placed a foot flat against his stomach, ready to push him off you.
"What's going on here!?" your dads voice cut in, as he rushed over to seperate the two of you. The clone let you go immediately, causing you to fall flat onto the ground.
"You should really get your kid under control, Laquan," was said sternly, as the clone pushed your dad to the side and went away with his buddies.
"Lab trash!" you yelled bitterly after him, while you were trying to get back onto your feet.
A firm hand grabbed onto your shoulder, pushing back against the wall. "What do you think you're doing? You do realise that the more trouble you get in, the more trouble I get in, right? Or do you just not care that I could lose my job because of you?" your dad whisper-yelled at you, not wanting to cause any further a scene.
"Well, then maybe you might actually be able to catch a break!" you fired back, not caring about your yelling. "Or do you just not care that you're forcing your own kid to watch you work yourself to death?!"
"Go to your room, we're taking this discussion lat-"
"NO, we're taking this discussion NOW!" you stamped the ground. "Because later with you means never since you never have time for anything else!"
"I don't know if you've realised this young lady, but there is a war going on and those men out there are depending on the my work for survival!"
"Right, yea, because everybody else is way more important than me, right?" you could feel the tears dwell up in your eyes once again, but you didn't care. This was probably the longest conversation you had had with your dad in years.
At first, your dad looked hurt over that comment, but quickly bit down and spat out through gritted teeth: "Go. To. Your. Room."
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The modified omicron-class attack shuttle, also known as the Havoc Marauder touched down on one of the landing platforms not far from your fathers workshop. Out stepped the four strange but familiar faces, with Tech busy explaining something to the newest member.
"Though, I agree that getting back into the field as soon as possible would be good for not only your mental health, but your muscle memory and physical health as well, you do need a proper armor, Echo." Tech stated matter-of-factly, while adjusting his goggles.
Echo shrugged. "What's wrong with the one they gave me on Anaxes?"
"It's ugly." Crosshair was quick to reply.
"It's not effective with the types of missions that we do," Tech cut in, shooting his brother a dirty look.
"And it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the group," Hunter added, placing a supportive hand on Echo's shoulder. "Once you look more like you fit in with squad, you'll feel like it too."
Wrecker, who were walking several steps in front of his brothers, suddenly called out across the hangar: "Hey Laquan! We got some work for you!" and with his thumb, he pointed back at Echo.
"Well, now, I've never..." Your dad walked towards the newest member, while cleaning his hands on a dirty rag. "You picked up a stray or something? That isn't usually your style." He looked at Hunter.
"Not really," Hunter's hand was still resting on Echo's shoulder, squeezing it lightly. "This is CT-1409, also known as -"
"Echo?" Your dad interrupted, looking at the man in front of him in disbelief. "What happened to you? I was told you were dead..."
"It's kinda a long story.." Echo replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his flesh hand.
"Well, then it's a good thing we've got a lot of work ahead of us," Laquan replied, overtaking Hunter's position with the arm around Echo's shoulder, so he could be led back to the workshop.
"You two know each other?" Hunter's gaze switched from between the two men.
"Yup. When Echo got promoted to ARC trooper, I was the one who made the updates for his armor. Glad to be working with you again old friend." Your dad was so happy to see Echo again, it had almost made him forget about your fight earlier, when suddenly...
"Hey, where's your kid?" Wrecker asked innocently, while looking under a table as if you would be hiding there. "I wanna thank her for her suggestion about my vibroblade's position. Never worked better!"
Your father suddenly looked like he had tasted something sour. "She's on time-out. She got in a fight again."
Tech and Crosshair were heading to their barracks. Tech, so he could make room for Echo and Crosshair, because he wanted a nap. But the mention of you getting in a fight caught his attention and he quickly turned back. "Got in a fight with whom?"
"I don't know. One of the regular clones..." he let out a deep sigh, letting himself slump down on a bench. Usually, your dad wouldn't let his personal problems out at work, but the boys were like a second family to him and he really needed to vent, even if just for a minute.
"She's out of control. If she's not flirting or... worse with the men, then she's picking fights with them. I-I don't know what to do with her. Maybe it would be best if she just... No, no. I just don't know what do with her." He looked pitiful up at the men. Then, with another heavy sigh and a clap of his hands, your dad stood back up again. "But, that's really none of your business. I'm sorry to bother you with family issues."
"What did you mean, with 'or worse'?" Crosshair probed, not willing to let it go so quickly.
Your dad was already pulling Echo towards a scanner, so he could get started with the blueprints of the new armor. "She thinks I don't know. That I haven't noticed how she at times takes a break after having flirted around a bit, only for her to return looking all disheveled." He shook his head at the thought. "Honestly, she really disappoints me sometimes..."
"Hey, where are you going!?" Wrecker yelled out to Crosshair, who was already making his way across the hangar again.
"She's on a time-out Cross. That means no visits!" Your dad called out.
With a smug smirk and a shrug, Crosshair just shouted back: "I'm just gonna have an honest heart to heart talk with her."
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"Uargh!" you threw the cup across the room, getting further annoyed that it didn't break on impact with the wall, but rather just made a mess. You just screamed at stupid cup that wouldn't break, because how dared it stay intact when you throw it against a wall.
You paced around in the room, trying to catch your breathe and stop the tears that kept rolling down your cheeks. Why were you so angry all the time? Why couldn't you just be happy? Or at least, neutral? It couldn't be puberty, you were way past that. Why were you such a screw up?
You stopped your pacing just long enough for you to kick over a crate, that was still full of stuff you had yet to unpack.
"Poor crate, what has it ever done to you?" you turned around at the snarky comment, facing the last person you wanted to see from the bad batch. And the bastard even had the audacity to smile his usual devious smile at you.
You huffed out in disbelieve. "All those years in training, and yet they couldn't teach any of you how to knock on a door!?" Determinantly you made your way towards the silver haired fox, wiping your cheeks on the way. Quickly, you grabbed onto his overarm and pulled with all your might. "Get. Out!"
He didn't budge. Instead, he started laughing at your useless attempt of moving him. And once you finally accepted that you couldn't move him, you let go defeatedly. That's when he grabbed your chin with his index finger and thumb, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, dollface. Your dad told us everything. About how much of a headache you've been. About all the trouble you've been causing, and all the men you've been with..."
Agressively, you pushed his hand away and took a couple steps away from him. You decided to put your attention back onto the crate that was knocked over and knelt down to put your things back into it. This way, you could still keep an eye on him to make sure he didn't sneak up behind you, while not having to confront him directly either.
"Oh? Did I hurt your feelings?" Crosshair teased.
"Why do you care how I spend my time? Or who I spend it with? If you came here in the hopes of getting a turn, fat chance, dollface." You mocked the stupid nickname he had given you, with as much poison in your voice as you could muster.
Removing the toothpick between his lips so he could study it, Crosshair laughed with no tracks of humor. "As if I wanted some regs sloppy seconds..." What the hell was a reg?
"Don't call me that!" You stood up, turning to face him once again. Your hands were shaking with anger.
"Why not? It's true, isn't it?" he flicked the toothpick at you, while leaning down so he could be at eye height with you.
That was it. Who the hell did he think he was, to just wander into your room like he owned the place and start throwing insults - and toothpicks - at you! It was time for you to finally give that smug face of his what it deserved - and put that mark around his eye to good use.
Suddenly, your burning hot blood ran cold. Your fist never made it's impact with his face. He had caught it mere inches from the goal and looked at you unamused.
"You gotta be faster than that, if you want to hit me," he pulled you closer like you weighted nothing. Yea, you had really messed up. You placed your free hand on his arm, trying to pull yourself free from his grasp. In the mean time, Crosshair leaned down again towards your ear and whispered real low: "And unlike Tech, I'm not just gonna take it. I'll hit back."
Another shiver ran down your spine, contrasting the hot breath that had hit your ear. Your breath got caught in your throat. He wasn't actually going to hurt you, was he? You barely even dared to glance up at his face, that was beaming with amusement over your reaction to him.
Crosshair appeared to finally decide to leave. The only problem was, that he was still holding onto your arm and therefore pulling you with him, no matter how much you tried to resist.
"W-wait! Where are we going?" you didn't mean to sound to panicked, but at that moment, you really couldn't help it.
"You'll see when we get there, dollface." He answered nonchalently.
"I'm not supposed to leave my room! Dad's gonna have a fit if he comes back and I'm not here." you frantically looked around for Lazie, the service droid, hoping that it could help in any ways.
"Your dad's busy and Lazie is helping him. We'll be back before he even notices you're gone." It was almost as if he had read your mind.
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"WHERE ARE WE?" you loudly demanded, once Crosshair had stopped walking and pulled you in front of him before letting go of your hand. He didn't even bother to look at you. Instead, he was busy looking over a big display of... Guns.
"Ever shot one of these before?" He threw what you could only assume to be a sniper rifle at you. You caught it very clumsy, causing him to once again chuckle at you. You just looked dumbstrucked at the gun. "I'll take that as a no." He said a little less than a minute later, before grabbing your arm once again to pull you with him.
"You know, I can walk by myself!" you tried to free yourself from his grasp again, which was a lot harder while also trying not to drop the rifle he made you carry. Why you didn't just use the rifle to help free yourself? Good question.
"I know." You were pulled into an empty shooting range. It was big and rather cold in there. Crosshair pulled you up to a thick fence, before pressing a bunch of buttons on the wall next to it. The dark space in front of you lit up and target practices came flying into place.
Seemingly satisfied with this, the silver haired man put a new toothpick between his lips and leaned back against the wall. You could only stare confused at him.
It took you a minute, before you realised that he believed his work was done. He was just looking at you expectantly, waiting for your next move. You kept switching between looking at him and at the rifle, shrugging in pure confusion. "I... I don't know what you want me to do... I don't even know what this is..." You gestured at the gun.
"A DC-15x sniper rifle. Shoot it. I've already loaded it for you." He commanded, nodding towards the targets.
Now it was your turn to make a humorless laugh. "Thanks. You're great at instructions." You said sarcastically, before leaning against the fence with the rifle.
Without saying a word, Crosshair grabbed your shoulder with one hand, and the rifle with the other. He adjusted it, so the base of the gun rested against your shoulder in a very specific way.
"There," he said. "Now you won't dislocate your shoulder while firing, and I won't have to bother popping it back into place."
"How thoughtful of you." You leaned down, so your dominant eye could look through the scope. With a deep breathe, you pressed the trigger and completely missed the target.
"You're holding it wrong." Crosshair commented, moving from his spot.
"Well, you didn't really give any instructions..."
You could feel the hard metal of Crosshairs armor against your butt. He placed his feet by yours, lightly tapping them to adjust your position. And instead of his usual towering over you, he leaned down over your body, completely covering your frame with his.
You wanted to say something. You really did. But your mouth was dry and every word you were trying to speak, would disappear faster than you could conjure them. Your heart was beating so fast you were certain he could feel it through his chestplate. Not to mention, how your whole body was shaking.
"Stand still." He commanded, his head right next to yours. He had placed his hands over yours, both to guide them in how to hold the gun properly, but also to keep them still. "Try now."
You once again looked through the scope, instantly noticing how this new position you were forced into made it a whole lot easier and more comfortable to look through it. And with a shaky breathe this time, you pulled the trigger and hit the very edge of the target.
"Better. But you need to calm down if you want to actually hit the target." The stubbles from his five o'clock shadow tickled the shell of your ear everytime he spoke, and you had to bite your lower lip to stop yourself from gasping - or making other sounds, for that matter.
"It's kinda hard to stay calm, when you're standing over me like this." You shouldn't have said that. You really, really shouldn't have said that.
"Why?" Oh, how you could hear the amusement in his voice. He moved his head to the side, so his lips was directly on top of your ear, making you shake even more than before. "Am I making you nervous? Or is it something else, that's bothering you?" with that said, he shifted his hips so he was pushed impossibly closer to you, making you make - well, you weren't exactly sure what kinda sound you made, but it definitely wasn't one you wanted him to hear.
Seemingly satisfied with your reaction, Crosshair shifted back into the position he held before. "A good shot shouldn't be distracted by anything. You're lucky I'm going easy on you today. Now, shoot again."
You felt kinda lightheaded after that little number he made, but still did as commanded. Weird, normally you never would've done what someone else told you to. You lined up your shot, took a couple of deep breathes to calm yourself, before you pulled the trigger again. You were getting closer to the center of the target, but still not quite there yet.
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You weren't sure how much time had passed by the time you were done. But your eyes were burning from over exhaustion and your body was hurting from having been in such an unnatural position for so long.
Crosshair was cleaning up the station, by putting everything back to where it belonged. Meanwhile, you were busy rubbing your eyes and stretching your back. You glanced down at the target cards. Your shots from when Crosshair had been helping you was better by the mile, than the ones from when he left you on your own. But still, by the end you had actually managed to hit the target more than once. And that was a huge achievement in your book.
You were pulled back to reality, when Crosshair for the third time that day grabbed you by your arm, so that he could drag you along with him. "You know, I can walk by myself." You reminded him.
"I know." He handed you the targets.
"Wait, am I allowed to keep these?"
"Don't know. Don't care."
It was impossible to figure out this man. At one point he was being really creepy, the next he acted like you didn't exist. Then, he would be super mean and then super caring. He would constantly tease you and make you so angry you could barely think, and yet, he somehow managed to calm you down just by being himself. He was one big mystery, really.
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Dividers by: @djarrex and @firefly-graphics
Gif by: @ffdemon
Taglist: @zoeykallus @rain-on-kamino @thebadbatchscyare @thebahdbitch @salaminus
Please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist (✿◡‿◡)
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Lol. Sure, why not?
“You know,” Tim drawled as he sipped his drink, smirking at his boyfriend across from him. “I think this is the best date you’ve taken me on so fa—“
At that, the door to the restaurant was kicked open. Instantly, Tim and Kon tensed and got ready to jump into action, only for them to both just gape at who, exactly, had just barged in. Said barger almost instantly zeroed in on them, marching over with hands on his hips.
“And how many dates has my traitorous brother taken you out on, Huh?” Jon asked petulantly. Kon didn’t know whether to cry, laugh, or run away while he had the chance.
“Uh,” Kon floundered, absolutely caught off guard. Not that that seemed to be a problem, because Jon just started up talking again, the whole restaurant looking at them;
“When were you gonna tell me that you’re GAY?!”
“Uh. Look, Jon, buddy,” Kon tried to save himself, but couldn’t quite come up with the words fast enough. Jon places a hand over his heart, looking for all the world as if he was truly heartbroken. Dramatic asshole.
“I thought we were FAMILY! How could you do this to me? The horror! The injustice of it all! My brother is GAY—“
“Jon, seriously, can we at least not do this in public?” Poor Kon was starting to look pale and twitchy, so Jon sped his act up.
“—and he doesn’t even tell his gay brother that he’s gay!” Everyone else in the restaurant, who had been filming this on their phones and nervously chattering about homophobia and if someone was gonna step in, suddenly went pin-drop silent.
“What.” Kon forgot about the beginnings of his terror, now completely dumbfounded. “Wait, you’re gay too?”
“Yeah! Which is why I’m angry!” Kon put his hands on his hips again. “Damian’s mom had to tell me that our dad is Bi, because I thought he was straight and was agonizing about how to come out to him! And she also told me the huge dramatic tale of an apparently ten-year-long love triangle between her, Damian’s dad, and our dad. It was nuts.”
Kon wrinkled his nose, Tim copying the expression. “Wait, our dads? Ewww.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jon nodded before continuing. “So I was mad at Dad, because he never told me he wasn’t straight! And I spent weeks agonizing over nothing because of it! And then Dad tells me that YOU’RE gay too?! The treachery! The mutiny! You copycat! You didn’t even have the DECENCY to tell your brother that you were GAY so that he didn’t have to worry about being the only non-straight in the family!”
“I didn’t know you were gay too! And I never even told Dad, how does he know?!”
“Apparently he knows everything!” Jon threw his hands up. “He’s the one who told me to crash your date today after the prank I pulled on him yesterday for not telling me he was bi!”
Tim, who was half-sunk into his chair and only still watching this fiasco out of morbid fascination, just deadpanned at Jon and said; “There’s no cure for Stupid, your honor. He only has one braincell and it forgot how to multiply.”
“Hey!” Kon protested, slamming his hands on the table. “You’re my boyfriend! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“I can’t help that I’m dating a punk himbo, Conner.”
“And I’m dating Damian!”
Tim looked over, horrified. “I fully expected this, but also— is it voluntary? Do you need a way out?”
Jon rolled his eyes. “He’s sweet, shut up.”
“Oh my god he’s brainwashed you!” Tim was obviously just being dramatic (he loved his brother, regardless of how they didn’t often get along) so Jon ignored him and turned back to his own brother.
“Anyway, you must suck at this whole dating thing. I heard Tim say this was the best date you’ve taken him on and, full offense intended but,” he swept his arm around to indicate the restaurant. “This is a Wendy’s.”
“At least we’re not getting mugged this time though,” Kon said with a shrug.
“This is also only the third date in four years that he’s taken me on. I started all the others.”
Later, Tim was at the Batcomputer and Marinette was handing him his first cup of coffee for the long night ahead. He looked down at his phone when it beeped, and let loose a tortured groan. Marinette just raised an eyebrow at her adopted son.
“Uh? Problems in paradise?” She asked when she saw that the sender was Kon’s contact in Tim’s phone. Tim groaned again.
“Not exactlyyyyy,” he hedged. “You told Jon that Clark is bi.”
Marinette blinked, having actually forgotten about that after Damian had showed her the video Jon had gotten of Clark. Then again, the video ended abruptly ... as if Jon had intentionally cut something out at the end.
“Jon was catastrophizing at the dinner table— oh yeah you weren’t there because you dragged Kon out for a date that night— anyway, he was having a crisis and I needed to get revenge on Clark for something. So yeah, I told him the whole story.”
“Well,” Tim growled. “Clark told Jon about Kon being gay. And somehow he knew exactly where and when we were having our date.”
Marinette caught on, unable to hide her large grin. “Oh nooooo,” she breathed. “What did he do?”
Tim grumbled and brought up the YouTube video of the whole interaction. Marinette damn near laughed herself into a coma over it, and it had already gotten over a million hits too.
“Oh my god,” Marinette had to catch her breath. “I didn’t realize Kon was just as much of a himbo as the other two of them! I thought he had to have more sense, I always thought that being a punk requires more than just the bare minimum level of intelligence.”
“Apparently not.”
“Wait,” Marinette seemed to realize something, putting her hand on her chin in sudden thought. “Wasn’t... didn’t Luthor make Kon the same year Jon was born? They’re technically the same age even though Kon is physically older, right?”
Tim’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god,” he breathed. “Luthor must have accidentally cloned Jon’s only braincell into Kon’s body,” he jokingly “realized”. “They are twin dumbasses!” He blinked, and held his phone up. “Oh shit, Jon covered Kon’s apartment completely in pride flags!”
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Bernard Figures It Out
Was reading through all the comments on @frostbittenbucky's post and all I could think of was that it was Bernard talking to Tim. Then I got to thinking...
"I've connected the two dots."
"You didn't connect shit."
"I've connected them."
Bernard figures out Tim's a superhero... sort of.
Tim fidgetted nervously as he waited on the front porch of his boyfriend’s house. Bernard had sounded so serious when he’d called during Tim’s lunch to ask him to come over after work so they could talk about something.
Which Tim had done, after spending an entire board meeting just going over the past week trying to figure out what he’d done.
The only thing he could think of was that he’d ducked out halfway through their lunch date on Wednesday to give Duke some backup, but Bernard had seemed understanding when Tim explained there was an emergency at GRC Labs. It couldn’t have been a tipping point, either, since Tim had managed to only flake on three other dates over the past few months they’d been dating. Kate had been happy to cover for him as often as she could “out of queer solidarity” when she found out Tim was dating a boy for the first time and Tim had managed to trick Bruce into covering a few actual Wayne Enterprises emergencies for him when they came up.
There had to be a reason Bernard was breaking up with him, though. Had he missed something? He definitely wasn’t forgetting an important day. He was good with days and Tam was even better, so she would have reminded him on the off chance that he had forgotten.
What was he missing?
Bernard was smiling when he opened the door, but there was a nervous energy to it that had Tim’s stomach sinking. “Hey, Tim.”
“Hey.” Tim gave his own nervous smile then slipped inside.
They went into the living room and sat down on the couch.
Tim frowned when Bernard grabbed a manila folder off the coffee table. Crud, had he screwed up enough that Bernard had had to make a list? He knew he was new to dating a guy, but he hadn’t thought he’d done that bad. He’d really been trying, especially with how his and Stephanie’s relationship had fallen apart at the end. “What -”
“Just let me speak, Tim,” Bernard said, waiting for Tim’s nod. “Okay, so you know Clark Kent, right?”
Tim blinked as Bernard opened the folder to show a picture of Clark. It looked like one of the employee pictures from the Planet’s website, with his dorky “I’m just a humble country boy” smile and the golden globe from their roof photoshopped in as the background. “Uh, yeah? I think so. He works for the Daily Planet, right? I think he’s worked at a few of Bruce’s events. Not a lot of outside reporters are willing to come to Gotham.”
“Exactly!” Bernard said, snapping his fingers and pointing at Tim.
He pulled out the picture to show the next page was an article titled, “DAILY PLANET REPORTER… BATMAN!?”
A wave of relief washed over Tim and he placed his face in his hands. “Were you up all night on the hero conspiracy boards again?”
“No. I mean, I found this on a board and was up all night thinking about it, but I found it reasonably early.”
“One in the morning isn’t reasonable, Bernard.”
“Says the guy who’s always wide awake when I call to infodump.”
“Touché.” Tim leaned against Bernard and gave him a smile. “So tell me, why is some reporter from Metropolis from all places Batman.”
“First of all, living in Metropolis is the perfect cover. Everyone assumes Batman would live in Gotham, no one would consider he could be from anywhere else. Metropolis is outside the GMA, but close enough that the commute is still possible.”
“But it’s Metropolis.”
“And who would think Gotham’s Dark Knight lives in the sunshine capital? Plus, I hear he disappears a lot on the job. There’s gotta be a reason for it!”
Tim made a note to let Clark know he needs to cut back on the disappearing act some since people are catching on.
“And have you seen the guy? He is swol AF, babe.”
“Please don’t call me babe while you’re talking about how hot another guy is.” Especially Tim’s honorary uncle.
“You know I prefer twinks.”
“I’m just saying,” he continued, ignoring Tim’s shout. “The guy is definitely hiding something! Besides, Kent is an investigative reporter. He’s gotta know a lot about cases and the underground and detective work.”
Not as much as he likes people to think, but more than he likes people to know Superman does, Tim mused. “But what about the other vigilantes?”
“Well, Kent has a cousin…” Bernard flipped through a folder and pulled out a picture of Kara. It looked like a screenshot of her interviewing Lena for CatCo. “She’s obviously the latest Batgirl. Look at her hair. And the first Batgirl and the current Batwoman were obviously Lois Lane, the red hair is just a wig. Did you see how she kicked butt at that last event she went to? She’s not as subtle as Kent. That means their son is the latest Robin. He’s exactly the right size.”
Oh, Damian better not hear about this, Tim cackled internally. His youngest brother hated being reminded that Jon was the same height as him despite their two years age difference. Damian definitely took after Talia when it came to body type, no matter what he said.
“And Kent also has a brother.” This time he pulled out a picture of Kon. The clone must have been caught by a reporter out shopping with Ma since he was carrying some paper bags and glaring at whoever was behind the camera. “At least, he’s supposedly Kent’s brother, but he was a teenager when he first showed up with the Kents. A lot of people think he’s actually Kent’s son, that Kent got a girl pregnant when they were teenagers and something happened to the mom so Kent had to take him in. Now the Kents are trying to hide it by saying the two are brothers.”
That was… scarily accurate actually. Especially given Luthor and Clark were close friends at the time that Kon would have theoretically been born.
“And that beef would explain why the younger Kent brother went all crime lord on Gotham for a while before reconnecting with the family.”
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah, Kent Jr.’s got the perfect build for Red Hood.”
Tim bit back a comment on how Kon was shorter than Jason by a good foot. Timothy Drake-Wayne should not know that. Add Jason to the list of people who can’t hear this theory.
“And then there’s this girl,” Bernard picked up a picture of Lois, Jon, and Natasha Irons walking down the street together. “No one’s sure exactly who she is, but she’s been spotted with the Kents a few times. I think the cover story is that she’s Jon’s babysitter.”
“And the actual story?”
“She’s Black Bat, obviously. That’s why she wears a mask that fully covers her face. She doesn’t want to stand out as the only African American Bat.”
“Isn’t Signal also Black?”
“Yeah, but he works in the daytime so he’s already a standout.”
“And who is Signal in this? And what about Nightwing and Red Robin?”
“Well, Nightwing’s just a Blüd who came to Gotham. He doesn’t count.”
Ouch. Sorry, Dick.
“And Red Robin is obviously an older Robin, the one who was Robin when we were kids. Kent wanted to keep him on, and I don’t blame him. As for Signal, he’s got the same backstory as all the other Robins Kent picked up, he just went the Signal route because he didn’t fit the usual Robin mold.”
“Because the female Robin fit the mold,” Tim snorted. Robin Mold, as if he and his brothers were even the same ethnicity. Or even had the same hair color. Jason dyes his hair, Dick’s is brown-black, Tim’s is pure black, and Damian’s is more a dark brown and it’s only getting lighter as he gets older.
“She didn’t, that’s the point. Kent tried to give breaking the Robin mold a chance by letting his cousin have a go at it, but he realized it just didn’t work so she went back to being Spoiler and he got a new Robin.”
Not touching that with a ten-foot pole. “Right, and where does he get the usual Robins? Please tell me you’re not back on the secret government orphanages theory.”
“No, no, no. Kent travels sometimes for his job, right? And a lot of the time he’s going to places that have been hit by disasters or major crimes. So he’ll take in some of the displaced children to train as his robins.”
Tim pressed his face back into his hands.
“You see it, right?”
Honestly, Tim was just wondering how his boyfriend could be so close, and yet so far off. “How would Kent even afford taking care of a bunch of secret -- possibly illegally acquired -- children without anyone noticing?”
“Simple. Bruce Wayne is funding him.”
“Bernard, I love you, but what the heck?” Tim blushed and looked up as he realized what he’d said, but Bernard didn’t seem to notice as he steamrolled ahead.
“It’d also explain how he can afford all the gear and how he’d be able to travel to Gotham or anywhere else Batman goes without anyone noticing. He probably has a secret Batplane or something.”
“Why would Bruce do that?”
“Because Wayne cares about Gotham, everyone knows that, and this way he can make sure someone’s taking care of the city without anyone putting two and two together.”
“And two plus two is?”
Bernard gave him a hard look. “I’m not stupid, Tim. Bruce Wayne is obviously Superman. His face is right there.”
Oh, the others are going to love this! Too bad I can’t tell Damian or Jason. Jason especially would have loved this. “Right. Bruce is Superman.”
“He is. Superman is known for being nice and Bruce Wayne’s basically all that’s keeping the city running at this point. That’s nice as hell.”
Oh my god.
“And Wayne does charity for the victims of cataclysms, doesn't he? I bet he first saves people from them as Superman and then builds them new homes for free.”
Oh my god! Why am I not recording this!?
“And the Wayne’s were rich enough to hide the fact they adopted an alien baby.”
Tim raised an eyebrow. “If you’re about to tell me this is why Bruce’s parents got killed, you might want to stop while you’re ahead.”
“It’d make sense. There’re all sorts of unanswered questions about their deaths,” Bernard muttered under his breath, flipping through the folder. He pulled out another picture of Kara. This time she was in full Supergirl attire with a bus held overhead. “So if Wayne is Superman, then that’d mean your ex-girlfriend could be Supergirl. They look a lot alike and it’d explain how she got involved with you all.”
“Bernard, she has a human dad. You know, Cluemaster. The supervillain.”
“Yeah, her dad. But we don’t know anything about her mom!”
“Let me guess…”
Bernard pulled out a picture of Karen. She and Helena were suited up and talking to a group of cops, two goons held over each of Karen’s shoulders. “Her mom could be Power Girl! Some makeup and a wig and she could look just like Crystal Brown! And Damian Wayne is obviously the new Superboy! That’s why his background is such a mystery, right? He had to stay a secret until he could control his alien superpowers. That’s why he’s always so mean. It’s a cover since everyone knows Superboy is super sweet!”
Sure, when he’s not helping Damian pull pranks or using his adorable powers to put the blame on Kon and I. “No, Bernard. Damian and Steph are just very human hellspawn. And Bruce and Crystal are human too. I can’t believe you called me over here just to tell me you think Superman is both Batman’s sugar daddy and my adoptive dad.”
“Well, that’s not exactly why I called you over,” Bernard admitted, the nervous energy coming back. He grabbed Tim’s hands. “Tim -”
Tim’s stomach sank. “You are breaking up with me!”
“What? No! I don’t want to break up!”
“Why are you acting all nervous and serious then!?” Tim asked, pulling his hands away to throw them up in the air.
Bernard shook the folder. “Because I’m trying to tell you I figured out you’re Superboy!”
Tim’s brain blue-screened and his hands slowly dropped. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I know you’re Superboy. The older one, obviously. By the way, you and Damian really need to figure out separate names.”
Forget Jason and Damian, Kon can never find out about this. He’d never let me live it down. “Bernard, you called me a twink five minutes ago. Su-” Shoot, I can not risk getting Kon’s attention! “The older one might not be as big as Superman, but he’s not a twink.”
“Well, yeah, that’s the shapeshifting at work.”
“The what?”
“Obviously you Kryptonians can shapeshift. Why else would you look so much like humans?”
… Why do Kryptonians look so much like humans? Was there some - Wait, no! Break into the Fortress of Solitude for research later! Reassure your boyfriend that you’re not an alien now! “Bernard -”
“And that explains why your step-mom was so hot.”
“She and your dad were actors hired by Luthor so you could have a normal life! But now Bruce has custody so he adopted you.”
“That’s why you and your dad were so weird with each other when I met him.”
“We were weird because he’d just gotten out of a coma not long before to find that his wife was dead so he decided to actually be a dad for once in his life, but overcompensated and became a helicopter parent to a kid who was mostly on his own for his entire life!” Tim blurted out. “I am not an alien, Bernard!”
“Well, not technically since you were cloned from Superman on Earth.”
“Oh my god! You were just talking about Steph being Supergirl! Why would I date my dad’s cousin?”
Bernard blinked. “Supergirl and Superman are cousins?”
Right, Timothy Drake-Wayne wasn’t supposed to know that. “I thought they’d said something like that before, yeah. Are people seriously saying I’m Superboy on the internet?”
“NO! No, I swear I would have led with that if I thought your identity was compromised. A few people have mentioned Wayne and Damian, but not you or Steph or Jason.”
“Wh-Jason!? You think Jason was an alien too!”
“No, not exactly, but a few times when I’ve visited I swear I’ve seen a guy in the manor who looks like Jason. It’s just been out of the corner of my eye and he’s gone whenever I look so I’ve always thought it was just Dick or Bruce or some picture of Jason that my mind was playing tricks with, but it makes sense now that I know Wayne is Superman. He must have been able to heal Jason with alien tech, but couldn’t say anything because that would give away that he’s Superman.”
Damn it Jason! And damn it Bernard! I’m dating the smartest moron in the world! “Bruce did not bring Jason back with alien technology and none of us are aliens!”
“It’s okay, Tim. I won’t tell anyone.”
Tim grabbed Bernard by the jacket and pulled him into a kiss. When he started to feel lightheaded, he pulled back, “Could someone whose skin is as solid as stone kiss like that?”
Bernard blinked dazedly at him for a moment. “How do you know what Superboy’s skin feels like?”
Tim screamed internally. “He’s saved me from a kidnapping before.”
“Yes. I can get you the police report if you want.”
“Huh… And the others?”
“Not Supers. I can stab Damian the next time we’re at the manor if that’ll prove none of us are aliens.” He’d rather stab Jason, but that would probably only confirm to Bernard that Bruce used alien technology to bring him back.
“You probably shouldn’t stab your brother if he isn’t an alien.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “I won’t stab him anywhere deadly.”
“That’s not the point,” Bernard said slowly.
“He’ll be fine.”
“If you say so.”
“So do you believe I’m not an alien now?” Tim huffed, letting go of Bernard’s jacket.
The blond’s eyes dipped down to Tim’s lips. “If I say no, will you kiss me like that again?”
“You’re ridiculous,” Tim said, but he kissed him anyway.
“Okay, but I still say Clark Kent is definitely Batman.”
“Sure, Bernard.”
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dotthings · 2 years
Just watched Star Wars: A Jedi's Return and it's lovely. A personal note, it's been interesting to me as an older Star Wars fan and had trouble with the prequel trilogy back when it came out, not that I haven't also appreciated what's beautiful about those films, to get this chance for a revisit to Anakin and Obi-Wan's friendship and fuller appreciation of Ewan and Hayden's chemistry and the work they did together on the prequels. The Clone Wars did a lot to help me appreciate that era of Star Wars from a storytelling standpoint, for Anakin particularly, but the Obi-Wan Kenobi tv series has now also added greatly to my perspective.
Much respect to Hayden Christensen. I'm glad he's getting to feel the love now and he's come into his own in this role.
The Obi-Wan Kenobi tv series was a bridge between OT fans and the prequel fans and I feel like we all got so much love from it. I was really moved by going back to an era that leads into the time most formative for me as a fan, and getting missing time from Obi-Wan's story, but also really moved by the follow-ups and emotional beats and links to the prequel era, and on Anakin and Obi-Wan and their bond. It tied it all together in ways I didn't quite have before. Felt more complete emotionally than I had before.
So here, have a big honkin' post with highlights of my favorite bits from the behind the scenes documentary:
Ewan and Hayden spotting each other, reunited on set. When Ewan was done filming for the day but hung around just to see Hayden's return as Anakin, in costume, being filmed. And they told Hayden that Ewan was hanging around just to see his first day on set and Hayden looked around and looked around trying to spot Ewan, then spotted him and shouted "OBI-WAN!" and Ewan waves at him from a distance, back with the cameras.
The story of the making of this series is a great story in itself. And I'm still amazed we got it. That this story got told, after decades. There's was some emotional closure for me, as a fan, I didn't have before.
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Please let Deborah Chow direct all the things. So much respect for Deborah Chow and her insight and talent and how she talks about Star Wars and its importance.
Deborah Chow watching Princess Leia, and talking about Leia's importance and why she stands out, still to this day, her impact as an important lead female character, and Carrie Fisher. Don't mind me, crying over Princess Leia and Deborah Chow.
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The friendship between Vivien Lyra Blair and Ewan is delightful. They clearly got along well.
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The Ewan and Hayden reunion hug. I'm fine. It's just dusty in here.
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Was talking with a friend who said this is how Obi-Wan and Anakin would look while hanging out as force ghosts and now my life is ruined I really really need to see this in a Star Wars tv show.
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What a great duo these 2 actors are. Hopefully we will see more of their Obi-Wan and Anakin, but I also hope they get to team on something else too, do not sleep on this Hollywood.
The character commentary too. So any of us who said Anakin was freeing Obi-Wan, we were right about that intention. It's pretty much Anakin giving this to Obi-Wan. Anakin is gone, you didn't destroy him, I did, you're free, be free. Freeing him of that guilt that Obi-Wan carried for so long. It's Anakin's final act for his friend, the only thing left he could give him. An act of sacrifice. Just as years later, Anakin will give his life to save his son.
And what they said about how little Leia saved Obi-Wan.
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chaozsilhouette · 3 years
A Father’s Love
Another piece for @winterpower98's Swap Au.
I don’t really have a time frame for this scene, but with all the horror MK has had to endure in this AU I couldn’t help myself. I just needed a bit of fluff to break up my writing. Plus, I am all for Tang showing just how much he loves MK and being a protective father figure.
The poor boy needs a break, but we all know it won’t last.
“Well now, aren’t you a stubborn human.” Sun Wukong mused as he took in the one who dared to separate him from his creation.
The ground was split in a dozen directions. Craters dotted the landscape. The scent of volatile magic soaked the air. Yet, in the center of all this was a small circle of undisturbed land where his boy and the human stood unharmed.
The human didn’t look particularly impressive. If he had to guess, somewhere in his early to late thirties. He was obviously healthy but still suffered from the weaknesses all humans share. No, what truly caught his attention was the strangest sensation he knew this human. Almost as if the golden fillet was readying itself by his mere presence.
The human’s talent in magic was nothing to scoff at. Admittedly, it was nothing he couldn’t brush off, but seeing a human wielding so much raw power was supposed to be nearly impossible in this modern age. However, defying the odds here one stood before him trying to keep him from one of his treasures.
He was not alone in his curiosity. The Monkey King watched as MK stared at the bespeckled man in utter surprise.
“Since when could you do that?!” The newly revealed monkie demon all but screeched.
“Not too long.” The scholar cryptically stated.
His annoyance at the lack of an answer freed Mk of his fear. Just enough to swallow his need to be supported during this horrible moment and say what needed to be said. “You’ve got to run! Forget about me and get the others to safety!”
“I’d listen to my son if I were you, human.” The tyrant stated with a cocky smirk. “Since he’s started to learn his lesson about where he belongs I can be generous. You can take all your friends back home to rest up and we can continue another day.”
With a trembling hand, MK desperately gripped Tang’s pant leg. Praying that his love would be translated behind his pathetic display. “Please. I can’t see you get hurt because of me.” They were the kindest people he ever had the pleasure of knowing. He couldn’t bear knowing they got hurt trying to save him. The only reason they were in this crisis was because of him. If he hadn’t been so weak...
If he didn’t allow himself to be used, Wukong would still be trapped.
“Mk, you know I can’t leave anyone behind to suffer this tyrant’s hospitality.” The word was hissed out with more venom than a viper pit. “Especially not after learning of Macaque’s past.” Tang adjusted his stance so his side now supported the youth. His fingers twitched randomly, his eyes remained locked onto the armored demon. “Besides, we both know Mei would gut the two of us if we even think of considering it.”
It made no sense. They were in the presence of a being that filled the nightmares of all, from the lowliest human to celestial kings, yet young simian couldn’t help but smile. “Good point.” Compared to the Monkey Tyrant the young dragon was an insect, but she had earned the fear that accompanied her ire.
“Such a touching display. But do you really think you will be able to give him what he needs? That others will accept who he really is? You can say you love him until the sun blows up, but it will never change the fact he is me.” The Monkey King’s smile showed nothing but cruel amusement, but his tail betrayed his fraying patience.
“Do you take me for a fool? It doesn’t matter what he looks like, where he came from, or how he started out. He is my Son! And I refuse to let anyone abuse his kind heart ever again!”
Two hands slammed into the ground with unnatural force. Mystic runes and circles filled the air as the battlefield was bathed in a gentle yellow light. Golden ropes wrapped around the Tyrant as the earth formed a five-sided fortress around him. Symbols were burned into each side, somehow not concealing the burning rage from Sun Wukong’s enraged expression.
With that done, Tang grabbed MK’s hand and ran knowing full well both their lives depended on it. “Come on! That won’t distract him for long.”
Or at all. They hadn’t cleared five meters before they started to rocks crumble and mystic bindings viciously snap.
Somehow the two of them were able to reunite with Macaque and Mei in order to get some much-needed distance without any major obstacles. It was silently agreed that the Moneky Tyrant had let them leave. Why? They didn’t want to think about it. All they could do was patch themselves up and think of a new plan.
Pigsy treated them all to a delicious meal, after yelling at the four of them for tangling with the Monkey King. About how they could have gotten killed and berating them for thinking about leaving them behind. Tang was certain Pigsy’s volume was the only reason Macaque looked uncomfortable.
That night they all stayed with Sandy. It was agreed that they should stick together until the heat dies down. Mei stepped out to call her parents to warn them about ... everything. While Macaque had essentially taken over as her father figure it didn’t mean her birth parents were no longer a target. Macaque aided Sandy in setting up the spare rooms. Piggy was just cleaning up dinner and preparing a few things for breakfast.
Leaving Tang to begin creating wards to hang around the boat and MK to uncomfortably sit as he stared at the scholar.
“Why did you do that?”
Tang pushed up his glasses, looking more grave than the teen ever recalled seeing.
“I was preparing that spell the moment I opened my mouth. I figured after that outburst it was only a matter of time before he got bored playing nice and when for the kill. Despite what movies would make you believe, talking is not a free action.” His precious disciples learned that lesson the hard way.
“No. I mean...when you said all that stuff, did you really mean it? You view me as a son?” MK could barely get the last word out. It felt like all of this was just a wonderful dream and when he awoke he’d be back on Flower Fruit Mountain.
Tang set down his brush to fully face the demon. “Of course, I mean it. I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t.” He poured his entire soul into that truth, a fact he was proud to scream to the heavens.
“Even when I look like this?” Sharing the same face of the demon who caused so much pain and suffering. He could barely stand it, but the thought of continuing to live in his human form just felt even more unbearable. He was tired of lies. Tired of being used.
“So you look like a demon monkey, big deal." Tang waved off the concern, regaining his trademark confident sass. "Last I checked, we are close with several demons one of which is a rather famous monkey. At your core, you are still the same MK we grew to know and care about. You may have started out as Wukong’s clone, but you have come a long way since then.”
Seeing that the boy was still unconvinced, Tang wrapped his arms around the child’s shoulders and brought him in for a hug. “You will always have a place with me, with any of us. You are loved and appreciated, Xiǎotiān. Never forget that.” Circles were slowly traced on his back as shaky breathing gradually evened out.
Xiǎotiān nuzzled his father’s neck. Taking in the scent of aged paper, ink, and tea. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”
“Of course.” Gentle fingers slowly combed through his hair.
The world was falling into the depths of madness, but in this moment Xiǎotiān could deceive himself into believing everything would work out.
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