#It is my child
ieatratsforlunch · 4 months
A small doodle of the Breeture- can you tell I like this pixel brush??
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noellewrxtes · 3 months
"You weren't at the funeral," Shisui says several minutes later once he's managed to extract himself from his teammates. His back is turned to Kakashi, crouched over his gym bag as he digs through his belongings, but there's a dangerous edge to his voice that tells Kakashi not to let his guard down just because Shisui's not looking at him. He always was supernaturally fast, after all.
"I was busy," Kakashi lies.
"Too busy for Obito's funeral?" There's a snarl in his voice, a sharp dagger in his throat that threatens to jettison out at the first wrong move. Kakashi doesn't try to justify himself further, even as Shisui finds the bottle of water buried beneath spare cleats and soccer uniforms and turns to look at him, eyes demanding an explanation. "I looked for you," he presses.
Kakashi doesn't try to justify that either.
It takes a moment for the realization to hit him that no answer is coming, but when it does Shisui scowls in a way Kakashi's never seen from him before. He's never known him to be temperamental, but he supposes he deserves it at this point.
"Whatever," Shisui mutters, twisting the lid off of his water bottle and taking a deep swig of the liquid inside. His eyes don't break from Kakashi as he does so, as if Shisui's afraid he might sneak away if he takes his gaze off of him. Kakashi half-expects him to spit the water back out at him in spite, but Shisui swallows and stares some more, twists his ankle around restlessly, cleats drawing patterns in the dirt. The bottle in his hand tilts from one side to the other and back again, water sloshing around inside.
"Why are you here?" he asks finally, the question shooting out like a bullet. It pierces Kakashi's facade of calm and he finds himself shifting his weight nervously.
"Well," he answers a bit sheepishly, scratching at the back of his head. "I wanted to see if you were hungry."
Shisui's bottle ceases its rocking motion in his hand, his eyes practically slicing into Kakashi with their annoyance.
"Thai?" he offers.
Shisui's nostrils flare. The way he digs his foot into the ground reminds Kakashi of a bull preparing to charge.
"On me?"
Shisui opens his mouth to answer, most likely to tell Kakashi to fuck himself if the look on his face is any indication. He doesn't get past the first 'Fu--' before a third voice, melodic and distinctly feminine, cuts into the conversation with a surprised, "Kakashi?"
Shisui clamps his jaw shut as Mikoto approaches, a young Sasuke in tow behind her.
Kakashi tries not to look overly grateful for the interruption.
"I didn't know you two knew each other," Mikoto says, evidently unaware of the hostility she's just interrupted.
"I was friends with his brother," Kakashi offers as explanation, smiling politely.
"'Friends,'" Shisui mutters beneath his breath, rolling his eyes.
Mikoto looks at Shisui in a way that is simultaneously confused and scolding, but she has the good sense not to push that one any further.
"Well, I'd hate to interrupt," she says, pressing a hand to Sasuke's back to steer him back to the car. "Just let us know when you're ready to leave, okay, Shisui? Your uncle's going to start dinner when we get home."
Shisui nods and Mikoto manages to make it a whole three feet before he stops her, his words coming out in a rush. "Actually, I think we were about to go grab food." Mikoto stops to look over her shoulder at him and he smiles at her in a way that is both polite and apologetic. "Sorry you waited on me. If I had known sooner I would have told you."
"Oh, no, it's fine," Mikoto reassures him. "Just try to be home by nine, okay?"
With no more than a polite promise that Shisui wouldn't miss curfew, she nods and turns to leave, Sasuke peering back behind him curiously as they go. Shisui waits until they're safely out of earshot to throw another glare Kakashi's way.
"I'm still pissed at you," he grinds out as he pulls his gym bag over his shoulder.
Kakashi hums, but he smiles down at Shisui easily. "My only request is that you don't take it out on my wallet."
"Should have thought of that before you offered," Shisui shoots back, his voice teetering into self-satisfied territory.
Kakashi keeps smiling, but it's a bit more forced now.
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vveissesfleisch · 2 years
What's "zombie apocalypse bang bang" about? 👀👀👀👀👀 (Or feel free to sub in another WIP you haven't already got an ask for!)
Oh ho ho, this little number is a Top Gun/zombie apocalypse au (!!!!) that I'm writing for the @topgunmaverickbb mini-bang. I won't post a snippy of it yet, but I'm gnashing my teeth and foaming at the mouth over it on an almost daily basis: it's scratching most of my ZA world building itches as well as allowing me to put my Specialest Little Guy (Bradley Bradshaw) into some fairly harrowing Situations(TM) - not all of which are directly related to the apocalypse (*insert devil emojis*).
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seyaryminamoto · 2 years
I can't believe its only half a year from gladiator's 10th anniversary and that you created such a massive and rich story out of some random idea you and a couple of other people had. You're one of my favorite fanfic authors just for your stubborn conviction to see gladiator to its very end.
Oh, I can barely believe it, myself. I kind of regret dropping the major video for the 9th anniversary back then rather than keeping it for the 10th x'D but I hope I'll be able to build something significant for the 10th. Got one plan in mind already but we'll see how it turns out.
At any rate, thank you for the very encouraging ask! It's really crazy to realize I've been in this fandom for ten years. It really is ten years this month, the first chapter of OoPB was released sometime in November and that means that, at some point in this month, I'll officially have been a Sokkla shipper for a decade x'D isn't that wild? It really doesn't feel like it's been that long... but it really has. Literally went through my entire college career in those years, no less x'D
I'm really glad you like my work and that my crazy dedication to this story has made me one of your favorite fic authors, haha. I don't even know where I found the conviction indeed, because yeeeah, I've never been devoted to anything for ten years before, not on this level of effort x'D But I guess I got really lucky, as a writer, to come across a story concept that could take over me to the extent Gladiator has, and that I could enjoy developing, fleshing out and writing as much as I have.
Thank you again for the ask! <3 means a lot!!
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crow-caller · 1 month
as a child there's nothing cooler than a kid who gets subjected to evil experiments and gains special abilities. it's even cooler if these abilities also cause unfathomable suffering to use/against others. children love stories like this.
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littlelightfish · 6 months
Funny things I found out playing with language setting in Netflix while looking episode 15:
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Chilchuck's scream sounds HAUNTED in brazilian portuguese. Give it a try if you can.
(You can hear it here)
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In spanish dub, Senshi says: "tocó mis senos de hombre", which means "he touched my man boobs" in Spanish. And I think that's the best dub line one so far.
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marzipanandminutiae · 28 days
As someone who works with social history for a living, I feel like I’m the aggressive opposite of an anti-vaxxer
I fucking LOVE vaccines, friends. Give me the science stab. I’m so ready. it’s a beautiful day to not die of a Bajillion and one diseases that carried off like half the population before they had even reached age 10, and a significant portion before they made it to old age, 150 years ago
I go to the old cemetery. I see the vast numbers of infant and child and young adult graves. And then I go to my doctor and get injected with Potion of Fuck That Noise. This is beautiful and miraculous and I do not remotely understand how some people can reject it – not just for themselves, but for their children
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sabertoothwalrus · 6 months
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don't ask him about that it's private
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veramitar · 5 months
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Young overlords ready to paint the neighborhood red.
Minimaniacs Artboard 1 | 2
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virtualplushy · 6 months
i love re-consuming media i used to love when i was younger. like wow! child me still is in me i am holding her hand and keeping her safe and doing her favorite things with her!!!!
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hansoeii · 5 days
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waveoftheocean · 12 days
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wahoo finished this in time for superbat week day 5: tired dads!!
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fenkko · 7 months
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a new little penguin has joined the huddle
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danijaci · 3 months
prank gone wrong w/ childe
based on a tiktok audio!
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ikimaru · 15 days
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surfers club! 🌊
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thatrandomblogsays · 9 months
Annabeth: I, a child, had to earn Thalia’s love, that’s how the world works! I have to earn my moms love. Love is transactional, you gotta be worthy of it first silly :)
Percy, listening to this on the train
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