#It's basically what I stand for with Ghost and Jade
Hey sleepy! So i have a quick question, do you think a combat medic SO would be a good fit for Ghost? Im asking cuz im thinking of making an OC and i would looove to hear your opinion. It's just i think he's so versatile like that that you could create almost anyone for him so long as there's trust and understanding. What do you think? :D
Hello Anon! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)/ First off, I really am honored that you'd ask me about how to pair an OC with Ghost. I was like WHY but I'll probably just tell you what I think about when making things happen with Ghost.
I think you can make any type of SO work with Ghost, it's just how the author could make it work with him.
Ghost is a very, VERY private man, would talk only when he needs to, and I'd imagine he would literally avoid talking to other civvies, and create as less as possible the connection with other people given his job and identity. Dude's living as quite literally 'no one'.
"As long as there's trust and understanding" -> THAT'S RIGHT! But the question is, how does your OC earn his trust? Why would he trust your OC, being the extremely private man that he is?
I feel like he's a person who wouldn't bat an eye/wouldn't care for anyone or anything -> That's why, this SO gotta have something/do something - A trait - that makes Ghost care for them ✨
In your case, a medic SO would very much make the SO care for Ghost, but making Ghost care for a medic is the part where you gotta work on.
How did the interaction start? How did they meet? What was the first impression (is it a BANG or is it just an ordinary meeting)?
What was the hook? At what point did Ghost start making an effort to get to know the SO better? What happened that made Ghost start to do that? Cuz it's EXTREMELY hard for someone to interest him, like he avoids people, it's gonna take something special -> what is it?
It is entirely up to your creativity and imagination to answer those questions!
Even further, usually a relationship/a pairing/a ship changes the character, in personality, emotionally, etc, either to the positive way, or negative way. It's a character development. Does your OC impact Ghost in positive or negative way? Your call 👀
Other than that, in order to make the story as authentic as possible, don't forget to search up what an army medic does! What does your OC do in their daily life? What differentiates them from a medic or an army surgeon? Do they go to the battlefield or stay back? What rank is your OC? These questions can make your character more believable and even help develop your stories as you pair your OC with Ghost.
So there it goes! Hope that answers it (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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jadeazora · 7 months
My versions of Lysandre and Sycamore headcanon (with some Diantha and Malva too)
One of his biggest pet peeves is those who have a slobbish demeanor about them, he absolutely hates sloppiness
Is quite musically talented (violin and piano)
Classy drunk, keeps his shit together a lot better than Sycamore
Pan, appreciates the beauty of all sexes and genders, has had an on/off thing with Sycamore before and is currently dating Malva, biggest celebrity crush on Diantha tho (she turned him down)
Diantha knows he's trouble, all of the 🚩🚩🚩 vibes on-sight.
His whole relationship with Malva is her going "I can make him worse lol 😈" (this is a woman who, in Masters, stood by and smiled as he implicitly executed two Rocket grunts. There's something definitely wrong with her too.)
Roughly the alignment chart we're looking at:
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All manner of misfortune (violence, murder, madness) runs in the family, originating around the time of AZ and the Ultimate Weapon, seen as something like a curse, particularly on the male side. As such, Lys is the last of AZ's descendants.
Dealt with those sorts of intrusive thoughts by becoming a philanthropist in an attempt to counteract them, but it ended up having the opposite effect, fueling them and making them worse instead. (He was always destined to fall.)
He had convinced himself of a feeling of disconnect with him using the Ultimate Weapon and those that would die, but he would end up becoming directly responsible for the death of the one who became the Lumiose Ghost Girl. It wasn't initially his intention to kill her, he wanted to try to convince her to not go public over the Holocaster's spyware/Flare's schemes, and wasn't able to, leaving him with little other choice than to silence her. (He's unaware of her haunting, or that she's looking for him.) Probably the closest he's been to realizing he needed to STOP, but Malva was the worst person he could have called to confess to.
Has committed orchestrated a few murders "disappearances" since tho (some himself, some by other members of his organization, they're functionally a secret police), there were some people becoming more aware of Flare's activities and presence. It's said to be unsafe going into certain areas of Lumiose City at night.
Despite things between them being strained, still would prefer trying to save Sycamore and the children as "chosen ones", by force if he has to. They have to come around eventually that things were better for the future this way, right?
Is an absolute, clumsy menace on rollerskates. Has nearly cracked a rib more than once.
Lysandre gifted him those bright red-orange socks
Party drunk. More than once, Lys has had to half-drag, half-carry him to his Cafe before to get him something to help sober him up
Seriously, do not trust this man with any alcohol
Sina and Dexio have also had to deal with this (they do get "apology pay")
Disaster bi, disaster magnet (probably what attracted him to Lysandre in the first place)
Diantha had (quietly) warned him about Lysandre, while the man was in the room, while they were dating. Sycamore just mentally standing there dying from awkwardness.
Masks a more jaded streak from failing to dissuade Lysandre of his misanthropic views, and plays oblivious when they're around each other now. (He's also somewhat aware of Lysandre's end goal, tho not really of the "when" or the "how.")
He's not at the point where he wants his old friend dead despite his awareness of Lysandre's intentions, but there is the looming horrifying thought that it just might be in Kalos's best interest if he were. He hates it, especially that he's not strong enough a Trainer to stop Lysandre himself.
Not sure if learning of Lysandre/Flare "disappearing" a few people would be enough to push him over the edge fully on that tho. (He still harbors some feelings that he's been trying to shove down.)
It really bothers him having Calem and Serena basically fight his battle there, there's a good amount of self-loathing over his failure to talk some sense into his friend and that the kids are doing the adults' job.
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davekat-sucks · 1 month
Hello, I want to add that most time players suck, by a lot. Seriously it’s laughable that theirs only like two successful time players in all of Paradox Space, Caliborn and Damara, and it’s the fact they doesn’t understand something laughably basic and Christian. Suffer now to be rewarded later. Sure we might forget because Caliborn is a funny goblin manlet but he suffered, suffered a lot (because he is a masochist) because he chose to play the hardest game of Sburb (Caliborn is a Fromsoft gamer) . And he was rewarded with the power to do whatever the fuck he wanted, the power to put himself on the path of suffering so he can achieve it, sure he did the opposite of ascending (like Mobster Kingpin) but it does give a idea what a time player’s storyline is supposed to look like. Our next case is Damara, a girl who suffered so much she DOOMED HER OWN SESSION OUT OF SPITE, the funny thing is due to her acting like John when he was retconing but still being bound to alpha timeline time travel bullshit she indirectly caused her own suffering.
Now our Beta set, absolutely fucking atrocious. Dave doesn’t seem to realize that going down the path of the hero would give him a understanding on why his life is so bad, and if he still think it sucks he could figure out a way to change it while still within alpha timeline because through sburb bullshit he’s probably the reason Bro is a possessed Mall Ninja. Aradia doesn’t DARE to step out of her role, maid or time, despite the fact that one is basically finding the right time to strike after observing everything and the other is being rewarded after suffering so greatly. You can argue her being alive is reward enough and the fact she influenced herself to being a robot is proof of my theory that time players eventually write their own past but is she seriously just going to bounce around aimlessly like some sort of ghost? Fuck that’s ironically sad, she was the most alive when she was dead.
Where was I going with this? Oh right, the only thing good to come out of the Alpha sets are the time players, so Caliborn and Damara beat Dave and Aradia in Time Fuckery
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Lord English and The Handmaid/Damara really are the better Time Players out there. In the case of Epilogues and Homestuck 2/Beyond Canon, Dave and Aradia are still avoiding to be suffered or face the harsh situation that is thrown at them. Especially when they themselves, made direct mistakes that would lead to some consequences in the near future. We see this with Meat Dave as all he does is just use Karkat to distract him with love as they go along with Kanaya to go after Dirk. He is called out to be useless. Not taking part in anything about Ult Dirk or Alt Calliope. Davebot and Aradia are both relaxing and enjoying themselves as they watched JADE HARLEY suffer more by letting Alt Calliope take over. Aradia left SOLLUX in the Candy Timeline and doesn't think much of him all because he didn't want to stand by and watch the timeline fall apart anymore. Davebot believes that him leaving Jade was fine and that he should be gay for Karkat, that it will solve everything. Davebot may have reached Ultimate, but I don't think it's a reward in itself. Perhaps it is a suffering that he remains blissfully unaware until he acknowledges what he is doing is fucked. But he will never accept it or face it. And I'll be pissed if they try to say that Davekat by the end will be his reward for being imprisoned in a robot body when it was Dave himself who chose to KILL HIMSELF to ascend because fucking Obama told him so.
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
The Magic Users Before Old Valyria, Part One: Magical Nuclear Fallout
i am positive this post has been made before but i'm making it anyway because it's eating away at my brain so let's gooooo.
We are delving into a fever dream that Dany has in AGOT, that will take us to the Pre-Valyrian magical users and their link to Valyria.
so in Dany's fever dream in AGOT, she has a vision of her ancestors:
Ghosts lined the hallway, dressed in the faded raiment of kings. In their hands were swords of pale fire. They had hair of silver and hair of gold and hair of platinum white, and their eyes were opal and amethyst, tourmaline and jade.
They look just like other Valyrians - hair of gold, white, and silver with funky colored eyes.
But note the exact gems mentioned! In TWOIAF, we get a little background on Yi Ti and their belief system. read here:
[In the beginning] a single realm ruled by the God-on-Earth, the only begotten son of the Lion of Night and Maiden-Made-of-Light, who traveled about his domains in a palanquin carved from a single pearl and carried by a hundred queens, his wives. For ten thousand years the Great Empire of the Dawn flourished in peace and plenty under the God-on-Earth, until at last he ascended to the stars to join his forebears.
Dominion over mankind then passed to his eldest son, who was known as the Pearl Emperor and ruled for a thousand years. The Jade Emperor, the Tourmaline Emperor, the Onyx Emperor, the Topaz Emperor, and the Opal Emperor followed in turn, each reigning for centuries…
When the daughter of the Opal Emperor succeeded him as the Amethyst Empress, her envious younger brother cast her down and slew her, proclaiming himself the Bloodstone Emperor and beginning a reign of terror. He practiced dark arts, torture, and necromancy, enslaved his people, took a tiger-woman for his bride, feasted on human flesh, and cast down the true gods to worship a black stone that had fallen from the sky.
Opal, Amethyst, Tourmaline, and Jade Emperors, just like her ancestors. It's not a huge stretch to say that likely, Dany, and therefore Valyrians as a whole (or at the least the Dragon Riders of Valyria) are the remnants of this ancient empire, The Great Empire of the Dawn, the same way that the Ghiscari culture is the remnant of Old Ghis - changed a bit, but with many similarities passed down amongst its people.
But who exactly is this civilization and how did they eventually turn into the Valyrians? Well, let's keep continuing with that passage about the Bloodstone Emperor:
In the annals of the Further East, it was the Blood Betrayal, as his usurpation is named, that ushered in the age of darkness called the Long Night…How long the darkness endured no man can say, but all agree that it was only when a great warrior—known variously as Hyrkoon the Hero, Azor Ahai, Yin Tar, Neferion, and Eldric Shadowchaser—arose to give courage to the race of men and lead the virtuous into battle with his blazing sword Lightbringer that the darkness was put to rout, and light and love returned once more to the world.
Basically, the people of Yi Ti believe that the Great Empire of the Dawn stretched far across the globe, and that when the Bloodstone Emperor usurped his niece, The Amethyst Empress, potentially using some weird blood magic, it caused the Long Night and the collapse of the Great Empire of the Dawn.
I think that this blood magic he was messing around with was, to use a metaphor, basically a magic nuclear bomb and I think ground zero for this - and therefore the capital of the Great Empire of the Dawn - is Asshai-by-the-Shadow. It's very notable that Asshai is so old its people don't even know what its origins are:
The ancient port of Asshai stands at the end of a long wedge of land, on the point where the Jade Sea meets the Saffron Straits. Its origins are lost in the mists of time. Even the Asshai’i do not claim to know who built their city; they will say only that a city has stood here since the world began and will stand here until it ends. Few places in the known world are as remote as Asshai, and fewer are as forbidding. Travelers tell us that the city is built entirely of black stone: halls, hovels, temples, palaces, streets, walls, bazaars, all. Some say as well that the stone has a greasy, unpleasant feel to it, that it seems to drink the light, dimming tapers and torches and hearth fires alike.
Note that last part, about the city being built from black stone - Valyria is well known for having Weird, Cool Architecture that involves black stone, fused together by dragon fire. From ADWD prologue:
Across the wide blue expanse of the Rhoyne, he could see the Black Wall that had been raised by the Valyrians when Volantis was no more than an outpost of their empire: a great oval of fused stone two hundred feet high and so thick that six four-horse chariots could race around its top abreast, as they did each year to celebrate the founding of the city.
and again from Tyrion's POV:
The gateway to the Long Bridge was a black stone arch carved with sphinxes, manticores, dragons, and creatures stranger still. Beyond the arch stretched the great span that the Valyrians had built at the height of their glory, its fused stone roadway supported by massive piers. 
And one more time F&B/The Princess and the Queen, when Aegon and Sunfyre on are Dragonstone:
Sunfyre’s scales still shone like beaten gold in the sunlight, but as he sprawled across the fused black Valyrian stone of the yard, it was plain to see that he was a broken thing, he who had been the most magnificent dragon ever to fly the skies of Westeros
rip to the hottest dragon in westeros.
It's very much a Valyrian thing, this fused black stone...yet the entirety of Asshai is built with black stone, even though the city predates Valyria, and the black stone of Asshai is just a little different - a greasy, unpleasant feeling. I think that this greasy feeling comes from the remnants of the magic that caused the Long Night - going back to that idea of a magical nuclear bomb which is poisoning the land the way radiation does. I think this because there are actually several ancient cities of mysterious origin with black stone and a greasy, oily feeling to them, all of which seem to have suffered some sort of magical nuclear fallout the way Asshai has, and they're all not too far from each other either:
The Idol on the Isle of Toads in the Basilisk Isles
Ruins found upon the Isle of Tears, the Isle of Toads, and Ax Island hint at some ancient civilization, but little is now known of these vanished men of the Dawn Age. If any still survived when the first corsairs settled on the islands, they were soon put to the sword, so no trace of them now remains … save perhaps upon the Isle of Toads…
On the Isle of Toads can be found an ancient idol, a greasy black stone crudely carved into the semblance of a gigantic toad of malignant aspect, some forty feet high. The people of this isle are believed by some to be descended from those who carved the Toad Stone, for there is an unpleasant fishlike aspect to their faces, and many have webbed hands and feet. If so, they are the sole surviving remnant of this forgotten race.
The Five Forts
The Five Forts are very old, older than the Golden Empire itself; some claim they were raised by the Pearl Emperor during the morning of the Great Empire to keep the Lion of Night and his demons from the realms of men … and indeed, there is something godlike, or demonic, about the monstrous size of the forts, for each of the five is large enough to house ten thousand men, and their massive walls stand almost a thousand feet high.
Certain scholars from the west have suggested Valyrian involvement in the construction of the Five Forts, for the great walls are single slabs of fused black stone that resemble certain Valyrian citadels in the west … but this seems unlikely, for the Forts predate the Freehold’s rise, and there is no record of any dragonlords ever coming so far east.
The Ancient City of Yeen
Maesters and other scholars alike have puzzled over the greatest of the engimas of Sothoryos, the ancient city of Yeen. A ruin older than time, built of oily black stone, in massive blocks so heavy that it would require a dozen elephants to move them, Yeen has remained a desolation for many thousands of years, yet the jungle that surrounds it on every side has scarce touched it.
And even more suspicious is the fact that Sothoryos, where Yeen is located, is known for its large wyvern population:
Most terrible of all are the wyverns, those tyrants of the southern skies, with their great leathery wings, cruel beaks, and insatiable hunger. Close kin to dragons, wyverns cannot breathe fire, but they exceed their cousins in ferocity and are a match for them in all other respects save size.
Now there's different stories on how dragons came to be, but most interesting to me is what the Asshai'i claim:
The Valyrians themselves claimed that dragons sprang forth as the children of the Fourteen Flames, while in Qarth the tales state that there was once a second moon in the sky. One day this moon was scalded by the sun and cracked like an egg, and a million dragons poured forth. In Asshai, the tales are many and confused, but certain texts—all impossibly ancient—claim that dragons first came from the Shadow, a place where all of our learning fails us. These Asshai’i histories say that a people so ancient they had no name first tamed dragons in the Shadow and brought them to Valyria, teaching the Valyrians their arts before departing from the annals.
Septon Barth later writes that he believes Valyrians used wyverns and blood magic to make dragons:
In Septon Barth’s Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns, he speculated that the bloodmages of Valyria used wyvern stock to create dragons. Though the bloodmages were alleged to have experimented mightily with their unnatural arts, this claim is considered far-fetched by most maesters, among them Maester Vanyon’s Against the Unnatural contains certain proofs of dragons having existed in Westeros even in the earliest of days, before Valyria rose to be a power.
So to sum up basically:
Dany's vision shows us her ancestors, who are almost definitely the rulers of the Great Empire of the Dawn
We know several cities - Asshai, Yeen, the Isle of Toads - that have an architectural resemblance to the fused black stone that the Valyrians used, but their structures predate Valyria.
We know Septon Barth believes dragons were made through blood magic with wyverns as a base stock and that there are a lot of wyverns in one of these ancient places, Sothoryos/Yeen, where the black stone architecture is found.
The people of Yi Ti believe that a magical calamity of some sort caused the Long Night.
THEREFORE: The Great Empire of the Dawn had its capital in Asshai, and used blood magic to start the Long Night (by accident, most likely), which caused a huge magical calamity that affected the entire world, and while their people never recovered from it, they brought their magical knowledge with them to their new home in Valyria, where they made more black fused stone architecture and turned their wyverns into dragons. Meanwhile, the "ground zero" for much of this magical calamity still experiences the magical fallout of this calamity.
OKAY. That's part one because this is getting super long winded. Part Two will be....JUST HOW BIG WAS THE GREAT EMPIRE OF THE DAWN ANYWAY?
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Malleus Info Compilation part 2: Malleus' Power
Malleus is described as “one of the five most powerful mages in the world” during Halloween (and Glorious Masquerade, by a nameless Savanaclaw student and by Trey).
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Riddle says he “is one of the preeminent mages in the entire WORLD”. During Spectral Soiree Silver cautions, “I’m sure I don’t need to tell any of you how powerful Malleus and Lilia are…I believe we need to content with this matter in a more serious fashion than usual”.
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At the end of Spectral Soiree the students attempt to fight Malleus (while he roleplays as himself possessed by a ghost for a prank), leading Rook to say “Malleus and Lilia are powerful enough individually; we won’t stand a chance if we have to face them working in tandem” and “So this is the power of the Roi des Dragons…truly, it knows no bounds. It feels as though he is but toying with us” (which, at the time, he very much was, as a part of the Halloween prank).
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Sebek is proud to explain that “(Trey)’s magic could never compare to Malleus or Lilia’s” and when Ace says “That dude’s a beast” he responds, “Of course he is! What did you expect?! He is MALLEUS DRACONIA, Briar Valley’s heir apparent!”
In the Wish Upon a Star event Sebek says that “There’s no question Malleus is the most powerful being in this world!”, though Idia expresses doubt, "if (final bosses) existed for real, your claim might not hold any water..." Unlike other students that excel in potion making or flying while struggling with magical history or summoning Malleus says there is no one magical subject that he excels at or struggles with—if anything, he excels at everything. Instead of using a pickaxe to access hidden mage stones in a cave in Vargas Camp 2 he breaks apart the cave wall by punching it repeatedly.
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In his second birthday vignette we learn that Malleus’ physical strength is independent of his magic: he says, “even without my magic, my body is stronger than those of humans”, saying he does not need magic to break boulders and that he is faster than any animal or fish.
In Beanfest Malleus gets attacked by dozens of members of the opposite team simultaneously but never once gets touched, with Cater saying “He’s so nimble, it’s basically cheating”.
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We have received several hints that Malleus’ magical ability is, simply, unmeasurable: Lilia explains that “he often broke boulders with his lightning bolts when he threw tantrums as a child”, and we are given an example of when a much younger Malleus set houses and fields ablaze in Briar Valley by complete accident, because he had been overexcited by a lantern-lighting duty assigned to him by the queen.
Jade comments that “Malleus’ power isn’t to be underestimated”.
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Ace says that “everyone thinks he’s invincible”, Idia says “the amount of power you could get from a magestone would be a drop in the bucket to Malleus” and “He’s already a balance-breaking character with that auto-filling MP gauge of his”.
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During Firelit Sky Cater has to stop Malleus from accumulating power and causing an international crisis via his attempts to catch a pickpocket and Crowley has to stop Malleus from magically interfering with campus guests. He also breaks coconuts with his bare hands.
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Crowley says, “if you used your full power we wouldn’t have a campus left to eject them from”, and during Book 5 Malleus himself says, “No curse, no matter how powerful, will work on me”, to explain how he passed through the poison cloud from Vil's overblot unscathed.
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lazy-dog24601 · 1 month
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behold, the A/B tier reasonings!!!!
I've combined the two of them because they're basically the same. If S tier is like, amazing, these two tiers are like good and good.
I hope you get it, most of these characters are dead anyway. They're all about equal.
Some bonus thoughts about the characters:
I really don't remember Sollux's personality or character arc. I don't even know if he ever had one. He had a rivalry with Eridan because racism I guess??? I really don't remember why the two were fighting. Not like it matters after Eridan dies. After that Sollux becomes "a bunch of pixels that stands next to Aridia" beca-
FUCK I misspelled Aradia, how *embarassing*. Oh well, I'll play it where it lands.
Anyway, Sollux and Aradia are like, dating or something? They're like, in love? I don't know why. I don't know why Sollux does anything. Fucker just stands around after Eridan dies, and the four lines of dialog he had before that doesn't really craft a character I like to think about a lot.
Actually, that reminds me- Sollux was the one who translated Sgrub, there's the Aradia connection.
Speaking of Aradia, what's her *character*? She was like, a happy living person, then a sad(?) ghost and then a angry(?)/sad(?) robot and then finally became a happy(?) god tier? What? Who is this person? Why are they smiling? Is it a Disco Elysium reference?
Seriously, I can't remember anything about Aradia. She basically just wants to see how homestuck goes down, so I guess she is just as compelling as anyone who reads homestuck.
Kanaya is like, a vampire or something. She's a boring character. Like, it was cool watching her kill Eridan but after that she becomes Rose's meek woman-servant-lover character.
Of course, I say servant as a cruel joke. I know Kanaya isn't Rose's servant, I said that because I thought it was funny and showed how I believe that Kanaya basically lives in Rose's shadow once Eridan dies.
Her *one* desire to kill Gamzee never happens because Gamzee can't die or the story can't happen!!! What a load of shit!!! Fucking time paradox shit, but I know this complaint isn't valid- Metal Gear Solid 3 did this too and I love that game, so Homestuck gets a pass on this one.
Nepeta is a cat, but has wolverine claws and a drawing tablet. She also does speculative romance stuff too. These are all fun traits. Then she died.
Feferi is a fish who eventually died.
Equius is a horse who's like, sweaty and stuff and I like him. A classic incompetent bad guy character. He's all horny and shit and racist but is also a total fuck up, like awww the little baby fell down time to pick him back up so you can knock him over again how cute :)
Eridan is a fish who's like, an involuntary celibate or something. He's also an incompetent bad guy character- I have a soft spot for villains and bad guys who are repulsive but also big fuck ups that show some hint/ illusion of humanity/ being good.
Describing it here makes me realize how vast and vague those conditions are, like perceiving repugnancy isn't inherent to life itself. Anything can be repulsive if you got the right peepers!
Yeah, but Eridan is like a bad person or something. He's got L rizz and everyone hated him. He was like, sad and shit that he was alone but he wanted to team up with Jack Noir so he basically deserves to be unloved forever I guess. Eridan is like if Vriska was just a side character. Well, that's not true since Vriska wrote in her last will and testament that she felt bad about being a killing machine who is also a huge bitch has bullies people whilst Eridan said, uh... something I guess? I don't really remember what Eridan said, or if he showed any regret or sadness about being in a murder-society of racism and shit. Maybe he did? I think he tried rizzing up Nepeta but failed. I think he also tried to rizz up Jade? Whatever, I guess Eridan never got the time to show the reader that he's just a poor abused little did-nothing-wrong like Vriska so he's forever just a villain.
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fioras-resolve · 2 years
it is kind of amazing, a lot of the most passionate ace attorney fans i see these days have gotten into it fairly recently, like after the series basically finished. the modern ace attorney fandom is largely a better one than what i saw back when the 3DS was the hot new thing.
maybe it's a different experience getting into the series now because the games are all out. i got into this series a decade ago when the original trilogy came out on the WII, so while i did have the entire DS era to appreciate, i had to experience dual destinies, spirit of justice, and the layton crossover as they came out, and they kind of had to stand as their own experiences. while the layton crossover came out in japan in 2012, we in the states had to wait another two years, after dual destinies came out.
and to me both of these games were like? fine? you know i had a fun time with them, and they're not bad mysteries, but they also didn't make me feel the way the original trilogy did. i played apollo justice back in 2012, then waited a year to find out its themes would get undermined in the next game. it took another three years for spirit of justice to come out and reveal that the series really is in a strange relationship with itself now. it gives us a new set of characters each game, a new game mechanic to enhance the trials and blur the mechanical focus the series once had, a new backstory for apollo justice instead of bothering to develop the plot threads that were established at this point 15 years ago.
(ugh) i don't mean to mean to be negative about the modern trilogy. it does have a lot of charm to it, and i'm actually more willing to defend spirit of justice than you might expect, but like. when you wait years for "pretty good, yeah" it starts to make you a bit jaded about the future of the series. i've chosen to believe that, since the last new game the series has gotten was in 2017, that there simply isn't a future. the series is done now, and i can make of that what i will.
but if you got into this series recently, you basically have the entire series to binge, and can do so as a full package. you get to see phoenix wright's growth over six games, his relationship with edgeworth, maya, the law as a whole, and you get to appreciate all the characters for what they are rather than anticipating what they could be. if you don't like the games, you can just play another one. or, hell, watch a longplay of it. it's probably a better experience because the trial design of JFA and T&T are fucked.
i'm excited for the future of the AA fandom, but i wonder what place i really have in it. i mean, i'm a game designer now, part of why i made those graphs was just to understand the mechanical design of the trials, what makes these things work or not work. but ace attorney is enjoyed as a story first and a video game second, and i can't bring myself to get passionate about the story anymore. these days i'm more often impressed by games than i am excited about them, and in general my mechanical analysis mind doesn't work well with the kind of fandom that is primarily about characters and relationships. i envy the modern ace attorney fandom.
at this point i've... i don't wanna "moved on," but it's more like "branched out." i've tried a lot of other mystery games! a few mobile ones, aviary attorney, ghost trick, her story, layton, socrates jones (which is fucking excellent by the way), and umineko, which is textually a game but not practically. i might try famicom detective club sometime? i dunno, i just like trying new things, because i love discovering ways that games can surprise me. maybe ace attorney 7 comes out and makes me reconsider all this. but, in the meantime, i'm glad to be here for what the ace attorney community has become
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lanchang · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
i dont think that xie lian calling feng xin and mu qing "precious jades" means that he thought of them exactly like property or anything but they were his bodyguard and his servant and i think that relationship was reflected in that line. he valued them in a lot of ways, both as friends and as two people who were close to him very skilled and well-trained. and i also think that the precious jades line is sweet like awww youre 15 and you think your two best friends are the most special people in the world <3 and youre right
37 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
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47 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
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[ID: a screenshot of fu yao and nan feng from the TGCF donghua standing next to each other with slightly dumbfounded expressions. overlaid top text reads "second guesser 🤝 face-value assessment" bottom text reads "idiot moves"]
74 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
who is the most femme camp queen pussy cunt cunt slay character in either mdzs or tgcf 🎤
DISCLAIMER: i dont know what im talking about. minor spoilers for book 3
XIE LIAN: has had at least one femme moment but idk about camp or queen and only a little pussy but pretty cunt cunt and slay overall. half credit for being the flower crowned martial god and half off for being a trash god of scraps 5/10
HUA CHENG: femme (known to take the form of a sexy evil woman) ✅️ camp (mayor of ghost city) ✅️ queen (mayor of ghost city) ✅️ pussy cunt cunt (youve read the book) ✅️ slay (c'mon) ✅️ overall 100000/10
MU QING: he is not femme he is vain and insecure he is not camp he is actually very self conscious he is not queen but well maybe a little queen and very pussy cunt cunt slay. 8/10
FENG XIN: unfortunately basically none of these words apply to him but he gets a point for suggesting that xianle citizens get jacked to combat human face disease that was kind of a camp moment imo 1/10
QI RONG: femme❌️ camp ❌️queen❌️ pussy cunt cunt ✅️ slay ❌️would have had more points if he was pink but hes green. i reformatted this post and forgot my rating umm 3.5/10
JUN WU: he is SO not femme camp queen pussy cunt cunt slay he is incel daddy dom 2014 tumblr -100000/10
SHI QINGXUAN: perfect score but didnt die like hua cheng so no extra credit 10/10
HE XUAN: he did die so +2 but not camp or pussy so -2 overall also 10/10
YIN YU: tbh even less femme camp queen pussy cunt cunt slay than feng xin except for when he told quan yizhen to kill himself 2/10
QUAN YIZHEN: none of the above 0/10 which is also a perfect score in a different way
LING WEN: all of the above AND girlboss but didnt die 100/10
PEI MING: tbh also kinda incel daddy dom 2014 tumblr but he canonically fucks so only like -2/10 (sorry to pei ming likers i am not one of you but he is very funny)
SHI WUDU: im gonna be real i havent reread black water arc in like 2 years i dont remember his personality very well at all ummm 3/10 he gave cunt he served he died
i cant think of any more characters ✌️
75 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
mulian is sooooo complicated like god.... platonic or romantic whatever the case its just tragic how mu qing thought xie lian was too good for him like how could they ever actually be friends BUT at the same time he also didnt think the gap between them was fair or fitting of their actual skills and xie lian occupied this very specific place in society that mu qing was always so far away from no matter how hard he worked (as mortals) and yet even though mu qing KNEW that he wasnt actually that far below xie lian he still didnt think any of that or their entire relationship meant they could be friends.... AND despite all that he still in awe of xie lian the whole time he thought xie lian was amazing.....
92 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
Dragon Au Events! :'3
I'm back on my bullshit. :'3
Yep yep... I know... I will do a small au explanation sub masterpost for navigation... But I foooorrrrggggeeettttt.
Anyway! Some probably will have no idea what I am talking about, so please check THIS bad boi to get filled up. Caution, it's very very long and crack(also a bit of spoilers, so this is the 3rd warning!).
Today we will take a dive into the dragon Au Events!
And to make it clear, I will take the events from the Japanese server exclusively(basically all), so if you are an English player and want to see the utter chaos without getting spoiled...
I got ya this time, fam!
I will have a short lil summary of the whole au and I will start first with the events that already were in the en server.
Ehem! A smol summary: this au's premise has Malleus and Silver as humans, while the rest of the Bois are powerful dragons. Malleus was the Prince of a smol European country while silver was his only friend in there. Silver turns out to be a very skilled mage, hence his father, Lilia, got him in NRC, a school situated into the secret continent of magical creatures. By sum twist of fate, Malleus ends up in NRC as well, discovering an aincent sword which can copy any kind of magic(including unique magic). So Malleus is set on his adventure of understanding the ghost Blade as he makes friends and faces off dangers of being a magicless human in a school of petty powerful dragons.
Now onto the events!
For the EN server:
Happy Beans Day(1&2)
The beans day was an event that the students either feared or loved. They had to use no magic, so Malleus was pretty eager that they will all start on the same line this time.
Silver breaks it to him that dragons are actually far more physically strong and fast than a human.
Lilia gives all of the dorm a 'short' history of the beans day, before announcing that he ended up in the Monster team along Sebek.
Silver and Malleus are in the Farmers team.
Cue the most chaotic chase ever.
Before it was given the start, Silver drank 20 cups of raw black coffee. Malleus just made his lil warm-up and the 2 made their wierd hyping chant.
The others looked wierdly at them, but they knew one of the humans had that insane luck in survival while the other was clearly out for blood.
Silver finds a bean cannon and shit goes downhill. Screw the camo clothes(Malleus took them), Silver just hunts each and all student of the monster team. He will have no rest until he sits on the top of a pile of defeated students.
Malleus teams up with Cater and Jade. They didn't win, but they sure had fun.
By the end of the day, Silver aquired his objective. -3-
Sebek doesn't look forward to the next beans day... Malleus found it enjoyable and Silver is very hyped for a round two until the coffee finally wears off him and he's out like a light.
Lilia just exhales in 'I'm a father of 2 chaotic boys... And Sebek...'. At least everyone had some kind of fun. :'3
Fairy Gala!
Malleus really couldn't stand the blazing temperatures in the diasomnia dorm, but it seemed like nowhere on the campus was actually an enjoyable temperature to not either melt of freeze.
Crowley demands Malleus's presence in the office and Malleus shows up in shorts, since he initially was laying in a very hot part of the campus. He got stares from the other students, but does he care? Well... He only cares of not becoming a waterfall of sweat.
'dude the human is ripp-' 'shut!'
The dormleaders and Malleus find out that the campus fairies were responsible. They took the cristal that was in charge of the weather on the campus for the main decoration in their queen's crown.
Now a new problem arises: who will go on the catwalk in order to distract the queen and who will steal the gem?
Vil notes how the theme seems to be 'exotic'. The others don't really know how to take on the theme, until Riddle brings out the fact that most of the fairies have wings. Since the magic dust, provided by Sam, will provide the 'we are fairies' disguise, a wingless fairy would be quite the rarest to walk down there.
So everyone looks at Leona. He was a lion beastdragon. He had no wings. And he could rock a fancy suit. Kalim is very excited about it and the others also take account of how his wings are always decorated with fancy jewelry that shimmers. And since he had 3 pairs of wings, the jewelry really offered new shimmering angle with every move.
So they decide to have Kalim and Leona star in the catwalk.
And as if this was an international broadcast, Jamil just pops up joining in the catwalk team, cuz he needs to keep Kalim in check.
For the stealing act, Leona gets Ruggie on the board.
Malleus is dragged along, bc 'magicless hooman with a magic sword is one of a kind'.
Silver's all like 'lmao, go and be a sparkly model.'. So Malleus doesn't have his fellow friend helping him out. No worries, he will make sure to rub in Silver's face his sparkly model outfit.
Thankfully Malleus is helping Ruggie with the stealing act, so he won't have to train with Leona and the Scarabia duo.
It goes like in cannon, except both Kalim and Jamil faunt their decorated wings a lot. Just imagine their fairy gala outfits, but add to it gigantic sparkly wings with flowers in different patterns. Like that's an level of extra. -3-
After the successful mission, Malleus busts over Silver to show his outfit. Lilia just cheers him on as Sebek was minding his book.
Dance and Wishes!
For this one, Malleus had no good musical ear, but he just cheered onto Deuce and Trey.
It took a bit less to convince Idia to participate, since Malleus hyped ortho and ended up with Idia being forcefully dragged outside for rehearsals.
But other than that... It's more or so like in cannon! :'3
Scary monsters! Terror is Trending!
Malleus was really curious about the ways dragons celebrated Halloween. So far, the costumes, trick or treat and the spooky theme was kept.
But a new problem arose: everyone knew Malleus was known around as the only magicless human in NRC. Which meant the tourists will be eager to see and perhaps squish the human.
No one squishes the human... The human has a sword and won't hesitate to aggressively poke someone with it based on past instances.
Malleus was just happy he was in the organization committee. He didn't realise in what danger he really will be.
So what to do? Put a white blanket over Malleus and call him 'a ghost'. Since ghosts came on this night to the living world, Malleus could blend in with the ghosts.
What they didn't know... Was that Malleus cooked up his own costume. With Silver's help ofc.
Silver had to blend in with diasomnia's theme, so he was wearing the matching Chinese dragon costume. For this, all of diasomnia had to wear concealing pin for their wings.
Malleus is on to explore around before the gates open.
He goes first to the 'Heartslabyul graveyard'. Ace jokes about how 'he's now royalty in Malleus's country too' due to the veil. Deuce just exhales on 'I cannot make him shut up, please understand my pain'. Malleus gives Deuce a pat on the shoulder.
They get scared by Cater popping out of a grave. Malleus bonks him with a shovel since he didn't think he could've pulled out the sword without someone nagging him.
Trey just shooes them away before Riddle comes to check and sees the mess the 4 made.
Now Adeuce come along Malleus to explore around.
Next stop: the savanaclaw pirateship.
Malleus was in awe with the fact that the students built a wholeass ship. Everyone had their own piles of treasures. Leona of course had the biggest pile and he was sitting perched on it, looking down upon the others.
Jack kindly shows them around as the very gud boy he is.
Ace wanted to steal from a treasure pile, but he was bonked by a savanaclaw student, followed with Malleus also bonking him with the sword.
After that, the trio stumble across the 'Octavinelle laboratory'. They meet Azul and Jade, but Malleus asks 'where's Floyd? Where's the 3rd one?'.
At that moment, Deuce was inspecting the water tank when Floyd in his sea dragon form pops up and scares the shit out of poor Deuce, who perched over Ace, who jumped on Malleus, finally toppling over.
Azul only helps out Malleus. Adeuce can perish. >:3
Next on the list, the Scarabia place!
Kalim looked way too adorable as a were fox to even be scared by his happy 'Gao!'.
Jamil tho... -3-
Yep... Jamil scared the living daylights out of the 3 and received a sword handle in the head from Malleus.
They decided to run tf outta there and check out the Poemfiore lair.
Victims getting scared by the French he-man count: 3.
Bonking the French he-man with the sword count: 10.
Epel was just trying to impersonate a vampire, ending up with Malleus offering to help him out with scaring people.
Only Epel saw by now what layed behind the cute lil ghost blanket costume and boy was he traumatised.
Now Adeuce are scared of seeing what Malleus prepared underneath the blanket. Just leave him be the cute lil wondering ghost with a magic sword.
On the list it followed the Ignihyde library.
Idia was just hiding in his lil pumpkin knight costume and ortho was vibing.
Towards their last place: the diasomniafied Ramshackle, Malleus and Adeuce meet up with the ghosts, who recognised the sword as the 'ghost blade'. They seemed very excited to see a ghost blade wielder, so they stick around Malleus, much to Adeuce's dismay.
At Ramshackle, their usual hanging out place was now decorated to the brim. Adeuce are a bit taken aback, but Malleus is very proud that he helped decorating too.
He put lil hats on the gargoyles so they can join in the Halloween party. :'3
The big moment comes and boy oh boy it quickly becomes a disaster of proportions.
The 'magicam monsters' kinda trash on everything and give the same respect anyone would give to a pebble. Malleus just wanted a nice lil candy course to take part in, not this utter chaos.
In the end he does realise that most of the 'magicam monsters' kinda came to see the magicless human. Some wanted to take photos and some wanted to squish him alive.
Malleus was always followed by a group of ghosts, so people naturally assumed he was a wondering ghost as well. They didn't pay too much attention to him.
Some thought that Riddle was the magicless human. It turns out the redhead spits fire a lot when really angry.
Leona was throwing hands because 'how dare they mess up my dorm's treasure piles?!'. Didn't matter it was his or his dormstudent's. Leona was throwing hands and Jack with Ruggie had to hold him down at one point.
After all, a dragon's biggest pride was their treasure pile. -3-
Next up, Floyd really got mad af at the magicam monsters that he jumped out of the water tank, after them. Jade and Azul were just sipping sum tea and watching the shit hit the fan. In the end, Jade had to calm his brother down.
The Scarabia place was already literally on fire. It was Jamil and a bug... So... -3-
At the poemfiore, Rook wanted to chase down the magicam monsters, but already Epel was squaring up with someone and Vil was simply massaging his temples.
Idia just went poof.... Ortho is set on blowing up the magicam monsters.
At Diasomnia, Sebek again is mistook for a human, which gains the most Sebek of reactions. Silver just used a glamour charm to appear as if he is a dragon and everyone bought it.
Malleus though, doesn't appreciate the badmouthing on the gargoyles...
Yes... He's squaring up... Yes, he pulled out the sword... Yes, he blew up his cover with this and now everyone knows that the ghost costume was the magicless human.
Fun times. >:3c
In order to actually have the magicam monsters leave them tf alone, the students decided to scare them off. Some were easy to scare while others took a bit more effort than anticipated.
In the end, Malleus gets cornered in the main street and that's when he decides that 'fuck it, I can't square up with a blanket over me'. So he drops down the blanket.
Tw for a bit of gore in the next segment:
The white blanket only fell down as it revealed the velvety red and grey flowy robes, tartered at the end, along with the black liquid that trailed down, coming actually from Malleus's mouth. His face was covered by the black veil ofc, but that didn't exclude the arrow plunged into his head.
Gore is over :'3
Boi did the magicam monsters run screaming. Even the NRC Students were terrified since 'wtf happened to the human?!'.
Silver and Malleus just high-five.
Apparently both silver and Malleus knew from the start about the magicam monsters coming. They knew how tourists can be. And so, the 2 cooked up a plan under everyone's noses. With some YouTube makeup tutorials and just some juice from Sam's combined with food colorant, the 2 came up with a look that will surely scare everyone. But for the spook to work, Malleus took over the white ghost blanket and pretended that it was his costume.
Only Epel knew about it before anyone else. :'3
Silver explains that the arrow was just a glamour spell on the last minute. He casted it exactly when Malleus dropped off the blanket, so that it won't look wierd while Malleus was wondering around. Undoing the arrow made the costume look a bit less spooky, but still spooky nonetheless.
Sorry NRC, ya got bamboozled by the 2 humans. >:D
In the end, Malleus still has to wear the blanket ghost costume for the parade. :'3
Endless Halloween Night!(since it's the current event at hand)
It starts off like cannon, everything plays the same in terms of main ideas.
But the end is different. Not so much of a spoiler for the event, since the finale is completely different from the cannon event.
In the end, they find Malleus. It turns out that the ghost were so excited by the fact that Malleus is a ghost blade wielder, that they dragged him to the underworld in order to meet past life ghost blade wielders and undergo a riguros training to see if indeed he was worthy of the blade. Malleus was at first skeptical, saying that he had a Halloween party to attend, so the ghost moved the party at NRC to the underworld(malleus didn't consent to that), but it seemed like sum of the ghosts didn't like the amount of living people that came in here.
While everyone was getting possessed and squaring up with ghosts, Malleus went through a special training from the ghost blade ancestors to keep his blade and only source of magic he could access. So in the end... Malleus did have to work a bit too. :'3
Ghost Marriage!
Idia is in for a wedding to remember.
The others only agree to save him bc 1. The human again is getting his ass in trouble. 2. The ghosts webbed the whole school. 3. Ortho threathened to blow up all of their treasure piles and also the school if they don't comply.
Malleus and Silver surely watched Ghostbusters so they just Humm the lil theme song along. This time Malleus is in the last rescue party, because he's a magicless hooman and he will surely do something the ghost bride wouldn't know it was courting. Silver is more knowledgeable about courting for dragons, so he doesn't get his position changed, but he fell asleep and the ghosts assumed he was already slapped and dead on the floor. :'3
The first team fail. Vil didn't have a 'legendary sword', Jack didn't have a 'magic dog', Trey didn't know how to sing, Sebek was Sebek, Floyd didn't give a flying fuck about it and Jade could've made it if his twin didn't decide that he should get slapped too.
The second team was far more disastrous. Lilia was immediately slapped because he was way more cuter than the ghost, Cater fell down too along Deuce, Leona was long ago slapped on the floor and Azul actually could've made it if it wasn't for the ghost bride asking if he could fly(no he is shit at it despite having wings). Idia is salty about it since 'ayo, I can't fly too!'.
So now it was all up to the last rescue team. They didn't seem to have a plan, but Malleus was very confident in his idea.
What is Malleus's grand plan? Fight for Idia's hand in marriage, ofc.
'but Malleus, you already were engaged once!' (see main story explanation) 'It's called ✨polyamory✨'
Riddle burns out half the school, Epel squares up with a bunch of ghosts, Rook hunts the poor ghosts for sports, Ace gives an actual good speech about marriage... All normal... :3
Until Malleus barges in with a wedding dress and sword in one hand, challenging Eliza to a duel for Idia's hand. All the frozen students would have palmfaced if they could, so they ask the ghosts to palmface for them.
Apparently silver slept through all of this until Malleus woke him up to put on the Ghostbusters theme while he squares up with the ghost bride with Idia just dying in between them. Just silver with sunglasses on, vibing to the theme along ortho whose blowing up the ghosts, while Malleus dukes it out with a bride in a wedding dress.
The trail was to let go of Idia and whoever finds him first, gets his hand, because Eliza insisted that 'True love will lead Idia to me'.
Idia runs tf outta there. He could've made a brilliant score at PE if Vargas saw him. Apparently Idia's desire of not getting married is far more stronger than any physical barrier or morales of a lovesick ghost princess.
In the end, Malleus wins(he caught Idia under a blanket in his room), but here comes Chubby! Ace decks Chubby while the others get log rolled under the tables by Epel, Rook, silver and Riddle.
In the end, Eliza realized that her true love was actually Chubby, so they are off to get married. Poor Idia... Even with someone who literally wanted to take him as husband, he still got dumped. U-U
*insert salty Malleus noises*
The wedding commences and the bouquet is thrown. Azul catches it with his face. As if it wasn't enough the humiliation for not being able to fly. :'3
Malleus 'I want a wedding in autumn' Draconia, everyone!
Also Silver ate the cake. It was a good wedding cake.
Vargas Camp!
Malleus is salty that even if he isn't in any club, crow man assigned him to go in there anyway and observate the vargas camp program.
He could've hook up with his crushes, but nooo... Gotta go into the wild to camp... -3-
At least Silver is coming too... And Sebek...
Fun times!
First day it was alright. Malleus got to wonder around, see what this shit is all about. He didn't have to do any work, so he very much enjoyed himself around.
First night was actually fun. A campfire, food, good vibes and just a tiny bit of cold.
But the second night was when things went downhill.
With students dissappearing and a strange creature roaming around. Malleus read, again way too much, survival novels so he's all like 'ok, we need a rock and someone who can aim for the head... Multiple times'.
Silver gets down and now Malleus takes it personally.
So he teams up with Ruggie, Jack, Floyd and Sebek to take down the monster.
Malleus was the only one who could use magic via the ghost blade, without getting blot, so Jack gives to him his 'unleash the beast'. Malleus had a wierd time being a wolf, but eventually he got the hand of it. :'3
The monster revealed to be Vargas when he begged to not be beheaded by Malleus's sword. It turns out that even if you yank the sword from the human and throw it away, it will come back. Vargas didn't know that one. :'D
When Malleus tells everything to Silver. He's all like 'you speedrun being a furry and I didn't get to see that?!'. Malleus just rolls his eyes. 'at least I wasn't hung up on a tree and hunted for sport'.
But they end up with the mine monster return and Adeuce with Malleus are all like 'hell nah'.
Now for the Jp version!
Vargas camp part 2!
We starting this time with Malleus whining that he has to undergo another 'hunting for sports' session, which kinda gets the few students who heard him concerned.
At least now he can enjoy a bit of time with Azul and Idia.
Idia finds a stick and now it's his 50+ attack stick. Malleus just pulls out his sword and Azul palmfaces.
Malleus just knew what was coming in the second night. So he just went into the cottage like 'lol, go and get hunted for sports without me, bye. <3'.
Again, Idia gets abducted and it becomes personal.
Malleus went off after vargas, but it turns out it was a second monster too. So 'oh shit' becomes more prominent.
It turns out that second monster wasn't an overBlot monster, just Crewel. Malleus again throws a tantrum and doesn't wanna go camping again with Vargas.
Just... Leave him be... He dealt 2 times in a row with this fuckery. :'3
The fireworks of land of hot sands.
Lilia couldn't take on Kalim's invitation, so he wants to pass it to silver. Silver refused it and Malleus already had an invitation for himself, so Lilia gives it to Sebek, who is very excited that 'the very wise Dormhead entrusted me with such an opportunity.'.
So there they go to Jamil and Kalim's homeland!
Malleus sure was enchanted to see so many dragons. A lot flew around the sky, some in their real forms while others took a more humanoid form in order to snuggle through the stalls and buy or bargain for specific products. Kalim had to stay at his gigantic home and greet guests. So Jamil was the tour guide for this one. :'3
Sebek is just... Really loud... Cater and Trey are enjoying themselves and Malleus got bamboozled by the ice-cream tricks. In the end he was alright with the ice-cream. :'3
Being a casual fan of coffee, Malleus was really curious of the 'future reading' in the coffee. Nonetheless, a fun experience. Sebek got so perplexed when Jamil told him 'more quieter times shall come for you' along with a second prediction. The first prediction was Jamil's polite way of saying 'stop screaming around for fuck's sake'. Sebek bearly drank from his without a ton of milk and sugar.
They get some of their things stolen by a thief, including Malleus's sword. But instead of chasing them around, Malleus just stays next to a wall and waits until the sword comes plunging next to his head, with the thief's monkey holding scared onto it.
They also meet Najima! When it comes to cracking the coconuts, Sebek holds them as Malleus shows a bit his swordsman skills and perfectly cuts the coconuts.
Najima gets to throw sum shade on Jamil like any younger sibling does. :'3
By the end of the day, everything was fun and the group had a field day around the town. Even Jamil had his share of a good time.
When they return to diasomnia, Sebek brought for Lilia a souvenir charm while Malleus got those Hawaiian shirts for all 4 of them to match. Sebek is surprised and flattered that Malleus actually got a shirt for him too.
New fashion trend dropped: Hawaiian shirts with Gothic accessories. U-U
The Harveston race!
Epel voices to Malleus his concern regarding the upcoming race in his hometown. Malleus again is curious about it and asks if he could help. Epel replied that even if he could, Malleus had no chance in participating, as weapons such as swords are forbidden. And since Malleus's ghost blade literally follows him anywhere if he loses it or is thrown somewhere, he had 0 chances of participating.
But no problem! Jade, Idia and Sebek come to the rescue. All with totally wierd motives, but still!
Harveston was cold af. And for poor Malleus, he was trembling. Jade was used to the very cold sea, Idia seemed to have not that much of a problem, Epel as well. Sebek literally was vibrating from the cold.
But also Harveston was like a winter wonderland. Everyone was in awe as they made their way towards Epel's home.
Marja had far more older looking wings and they were also tattered, almost similar to Idia's(his were far more tartered and broken). She was very sweet, even to Malleus. Malleus knew that dragons frown upon humans and he got his share of that attitude, but seeing such a sweet woman welcoming him was heartwarming.
It goes like in cannon, with Malleus enjoying a nice cup of warm tea along Marja while the others race. Malleus had that virus like hyping, so of course his excitement rubbed off on everyone.
Sebek loses his concealing pin though, but no problem, everyone just doesn't give a flying fuck about it.
In the end, they didn't win, but they had a good time!
Fairy gala if!
In this one, Silver is nudged by Malleus because 'Come on, I don't wanna be the only human in there'. Again it goes like in cannon, with the exception that Silver and Malleus hype each other to be as extra as possible.
Ortho is the prettiest fairy ballerina, hands down!
Port fest!
Malleus is all like: I'm a lil boy on the seaaaaaaaaa🎶
Cue voicecrack. :'3
Since he wanted to help the port team, but didn't know how to sing on a blowing instrument, he got the triangle. He is the closing act with it.
Silver and his candy adventures! Featuring getting hyper on sugar and Sebek palmfacing.
Nothing much is to say about it except: funky bois in sailor outfits and cute lil hats. :'3
And now... For the big bad... For the one everyone probably looked forward the most... The event everyone loses their shit over...
Ofc heavy Spoilers for it! This is the 2nd time I warn so :'3
The Masquerade event!
So a smol note... This event will be treated differently, as this one will come in place for chapter 7. It was a bit of a time gap in between the events of chap 6 and this one, so that's assured.
Since in the main story... Malleus's living in the city of flowers, which is the capital of the Thorn Valley, he surely was eager to return there when Crowley announced a trip there. Since NRC was one of the only schools (besides RSA), who was acknowledged in the human continents too, it was safe to assume that offers like this will arise.
But he wasn't chosen to be one of the 10 lucky students to go. :'3
Cue sad Malleus whining about it in the Ramshackle lounge. Silver just reassures like 'don't worry, I'll send your grandma a hi from you.'.
But they get busted by Crowley, who apparently had for Malleus a personal invitation to attend the trip. Malleus is a bit curious since he was enrolled under his civilian alter ego name in here. Crowley says that NBC holded this event and that the head of the student committee from NBC required Malleus's personal attendance.
At this, Malleus's excitement turns into panic. Silver again goes into the reassuring mode like 'I'm sure you won't square up with him again...'.
Everyone assumed Malleus was happy to go back to his home for this visit. They were actually surprised when Malleus looked quite fidgety and most importantly, he wore a dark green veil. Some were knowledgeable about the veil tradition Malleus had to obey in his place, but even then, they knew it was actually black.
Because they were going to the human land, every dragon had to wear a concealing pin. Riddle and Sebek had no problem with it, while the others were yet to get used to this change. :'3
The flower city was quite colorful and lively. Trein mentioned how in here he meet his wife. Malleus seemed in a bit of better spirits when he saw the familiar sights of his home city. Since they arrived way earlier than it was expected on the meeting place, Malleus invites everyone to his place in order to stay a bit and 'rest' from such a long trip. Malleus changes the color of his veil to black when in proximity of the palace.
Everyone meets grandma Draconia, who instantly pinches Malleus's cheeks for his 'start of the school stunt'.
Apparently, Lilia kept Malleus's grandma up to date with what her grandson was doing.
Queen Draconia does inform Malleus that apparently his civilian cover was blown up and he will have to attend as the prince to such an event.
Now it made sense the invitation...
The queen covered for the expenses in dressing up for the festival. Since it was a very important tradition, of course she told Malleus to behave.
Now the group is meeting Rollo and the NBC students. Malleus and Rollo have a staredown. Silver explains to the others that Rollo and Malleus hated each other and were rivals.
And it was sure none of them would leave that rivalry aside. Whenever both are near each other, they cover up their noses with a handkerchief or gloves. It was a way of telling that 'oh I despite this guy.'.
Rollo does notice Malleus's sword and asks about it, to which Malleus promptly says it's a sign of his status at NRC. Rollo thinks it's some kind of high status or smth.
No it's actually the sign that Malleus is the emotional support hooman. But Rollo can't know about that one. :'3
Rollo also notices how the others seem to gravitate more around Malleus and Silver. Idia and Azul seemed a bit TOO close to Malleus.
Silver's just vibing. He has a croissant and coffee. Unfortunately he couldn't take more than 1 cup of raw coffee. ;-;
Sebek again, with his extra sugar and milk coffee. But it gets swapped with Malleus's and Sebek notes how it's bitter. Malleus just put a bit of milk in it and that if Sebek cannot stand this type of coffee, Silver's coffee would be an insta kill.
Again, more Rollo and Malleus silent rivalry. At this point everyone just ignores these 2.
Towards the middle of the day and the evening, Riddle and Sebek start to sneeze. The others brushed it off as sum kind of allergy to pollen. Malleus brushed it off with this excuse for Sebek.
But for Riddle? Who was sorrounded by flowers 24/7? It was a bit sus. That's where Malleus rose a brow. Everyone seemed also very tired from the long day of walking around.
They meet the RSA and boi oh boi... The silent rivalry is even better on this one. Just Neige being all buddy buddy with Malleus and Idia with Azul have none of that. Silver just vibes and hooks up with some RSA and NBC students.
Until Sebek and Riddle's sneezes become actually something to concern about. Now that sure wasn't an allergic reaction.
At that point, some wierd fire like flowers start blooming and spreading around their pollen, which cracks the concealing pins.
Apparently, Sebek and Riddle's one sudden allergy are the wierd fire like flowers when they were unbloomed.
Trein tells to everyone to not touch the flowers, since they are meant on sucking magic out of everyone and render them magicless. For dragons they would instantly make them faint. Malleus wants to cut a few with his sword, but Silver stops him, telling him that it's a possibility for the ghost blade to lose its powers upon the contact with the flowers.
It was all Rollo's doing. Silver does try to reach out with a spell to him, but he gets clapped back by Rollo's magic.
Apparently Rollo was a wizard too. One who seemed to hate magic and dragons with a burning passion. :3
So retreating under the bridges, the NRC guys wanna go back home. Malleus is just sad that he thought that he could have a fun visit at home, but now his friends are in great danger. Trein actually is sad, cuz his students don't wanna save the RSA guys who sacrificed for them. (ok, maybe Riddle wants to save Che'nya. Just Che'nya!)
So they get convinced by Malleus's puppy eyes and Trein to go and save everyone. They don't like a sad hooman. If the hooman is sad, he won't do anything and that's not gud. They need the emotional support hooman to move around and do shit. U-U
So with no idea of what to do, Trein recalls the legend of the bell of salvation. It was just a lil legend and the bell was kept as a historical monument, but if it was true, then. If they ring the bell with some magic, they can get rid of the flowers.
They couldn't fly, since for now, just a few humans saw them and if more did it, it would be bad for them.
So they go the ground way, using bits of their magic around to throw the magicless humans around or to try and go forward.
They go around NBC and find Rollo's diary, thinking it was some aincent book. Nope... Just a teen's diary full of trauma. It turns out Rollo's brother hit the bucket due to magic, so he renders the magic dangerous.
Idia has a bit of pity for Rollo, but at the same time he doesn't wanna end up magicless and most likely dead by the humans.
Silver's plan is to make a tower of people on walking sticks.
Malleus just goes 'yolo' and off he is through the flowers. Since he is basically a magicless human, those don't affect him at all. Azul and Idia perch on him cuz 'the human is tall and can hold both of us hopefully'.
Sebek and Riddle also seem to have sum kind of resistance to the flowers(due to their human heritage), so Sebek is carrying Deuce, Jamil and Rook, while Riddle has Epel and Ruggie perched on him. Silver just goes with his initial plan of leg sticks and has no problem with it. My man just pulled a 2000 IQ move. Trein is securing the survivors along the hipnotised humans Jamil and Ruggie had.
Now this is where we derail from the cannon! :D
But ofc this can't be simple... They fall one after another, leaving only Malleus, Azul and Idia who could use their magic to weed out the flowers. They reach the bell tower, but Rollo is waiting in there for them.
They meet a surviving gargoyle, who recognized Malleus as the 'lonely boy who stays on the roof'. Malleus recognized the gargoyle as one of the gargoyles he used to take care of and talk to when he felt lonely. The gargoyle reveals to Idia and Azul that while Rollo was taking care of the bells, Malleus was the only person who deeply cared about the gargoyles and he always made sure they were alright. Despite the gargoyles never talking to him until now, Malleus still chatted with them and treated them like friends. They actually missed Malleus. So now the gargoyle offered an official friendship with Malleus, who was simply just in simp mode over the moon.
The gargoyle perished on their way, so now it's VERY personal. He's throwing hands like never before.
Cue Azul and Idia getting off Malleus to square up, but Rollo throws them off. Because Idia couldn't fly(see main story), Azul grabs him and does his pathetic wings flapping in order to try and at least deviate them from the flowers. They are done for but anyway. :'3
Now cue epic fight! :3
Malleus wanted to ring the bell with his sword, but Rollo wouldn't let him. The flowers already were climbing the tower slowly. Since he already used way too much magic onto throwing Idia and Azul off, along with now fending Malleus off from the bell, a lot of blot builded up.
We got Rollo overBlot, baby!
So Malleus has to single-handedly think of a plan to defeat the overBlot. He tried off with your head, but that only ended up with the spell being evaded and just shooting randomly.
Hallelujah for the one lil peep that randomly got hit by it. U-U
They end up fighting on the roofs and among the decorations.
Malleus couldn't use 'it's a deal' on the overBlot since 1. He had shit aim. 2. If he does manage it, Rollo will probably immediately throw him over and Malleus didn't yet contemplate about his career as sidewalk paint.
So he uses bind the heart to protect himself from a distance as he uses 'it's a deal''s tentacles to swing and grip on those decorations, careful as to not damage them.
In the end, Malleus had to return at the tower. Flowers already seemed to reach the bell, so he had to hurry. The overBlot right on his tail, furios. So what to do?
Use the sword to make an ice plate on which the overBlot slips and falls over the tower, right into the sea of flowers.
Malleus 'I didn't kill a man, he slipped on his own accord' Draconia.
But now Rollo's blot is sucked out, which returns him to normal.
Malleus rings the bell with his sword by slamming it repeatedly with the blade's different baisc spells until it rings enough and it's magic makes the flowers to wither out. Now all he hopes is that he made it in time.
Azul and Idia also got caught by the flowers, so they were, much like the other magical creatures and humans nearby: unconscious on the ground.
Silver was the only one awake. He used his leg sticks and magic to get everyone to safety. So while Malleus was duking it out with Rollo, Silver was assuring everyone was safe.
Speaking of Rollo...
Malleus doesn't know if he should stab him or not. He did do it for every overBlot. But those were dragons. Rollo was a human mage... And where exactly to stab him??? Clearly not in the ya know...
I mean his brain will be smitterins after that. -3-
He gives him a smol cut on the arm, because petty... And also revenge for the gargoyle who perished. They had a 5 minutes official friendship, ya know? -3-
So of course, Malleus sees the movie like version of the journal in the blade, which indeed confirms that yes, Rollo's edgy diary was real.
Thankfully, the bell restores everyone's magic back.
Malleus is all like 'if I had a nickel for every time I had to deal with someone threatening the world because of a dead sibling... I would have 2 nickels... Which isn't a lot, but it's wierd it happened twice.'.
So in the end, Rollo is met with Malleus offering to him his hand to help him get up. Sure he cannot resurrect his dead sibling, but at least he can offer Rollo a new start for their friendship. He tells him that even if the ghost blade is the only magic he can access, he still accepts it. Maybe the humans don't really need magic every day, but that doesn't mean that other creatures in hiding don't need it.
And that maybe together, they can accept it.
Rollo has a bit of a hesitance before he accepts Malleus's hand and gets up. Again the whole breakdown thing, Malleus showing his job as an emotional support human and just patting Rollo on the back with the infamous 'there there'.
But surely now Rollo couldn't be the student council president anymore. Heck he will probably get expelled if the humans remember about the flower stunts.
Thankfully the bell's magic makes them forget. The bell of salvation was actually called that because he would fix things caused by magical mishaps and also make the magicless people forget of the said event as to keep the secret of magic safe. Malleus got a pass, because he was the one who rung the bell.
Silver is carried around by RSA students like 'our hero', since he was the one who got everyone to safety and Trein treated them. Malleus just pouts and Rollo is patting his shoulder like 'there there... The gargoyles surely will appreciate your sacrifice...'.
Speaking of the Gargoyles...
They were alright! They were back on the roof and whenever Malleus would look at them, they would silently wink or wave at him, in a sign that yes, they congratulate him for his job done. Malleus's gonna have a simp stroke... U-Ub
Idia and Azul just come to their magicless human like 'I thought you were dead'. And kept holding him like dramatic aunts with their nephew they haven't seen in so long. Then proceed to hiss at Rollo.
Malleus and Silver make a bigass effort to clear everything out to the magic folks and end the festival(and overall trip) on a good note.
Grandma Draconia is proud of her grandson when Malleus told her he finally had a positive relationship with his long time rival. Even if she doesn't remember anything about the panic and the flower attack that happened. Just let the old woman be happy for her chaotic grandson. :'3
And with returning to the NRC, in a few days, Crowley comes in with an announcement.
Silver will not be anymore in Diasomnia and Malleus will be in another dorm. The 2 grow curious, since apparently there wasn't anyone else that got moved around misteriously.
Lilia filled them up that while they were gone, he arranged with crow man to make Ramshackle liveable again and also a special dorm just for the humans. As to not get squished around. :'3
Crowley also adds that it will be a good idea since he has yet another human mage joining NRC.
It's Rollo! Crowley recruited him since he looks to be a promising mage. So now Ramshackle was the dorm of human mages.
For the dormleader position, they did the fairest thing: rock paper scissors. Silver won through channeling his inner giga Chad energy.
For vice, both Rollo and Malleus took turns per weeks as to not throw hands(and sword) over it.
Now these 3 are the plastics I mean the ✨Ramshackle trio✨.
Just a lot of chaos with these 3. The dragons are just done with them. :'3
But now if new events come, there is a chance that in this Au, Rollo will take part in. :V
Maybe I should make another addition with incorrect quotes after this event/main story chapter.
So basically this au on tumbrl will have 3 parts: the main story, the events + main story ending AND the lil incorrect quotes. Probably will add more depending on how the cannon story evolves and the possible new events. :'3
Until next time... Let's debate if I should serve you the incorrect quotes too. :D
Buh bye for now!
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spooksgrove · 2 years
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— wow, i haven’t seen MILO HOFFMAN in ages!  HE/HIM looks just like BRADLEY COOPER now.  did you hear the rumor:  HE HAS AN OUTSTANDING WARRANT THAT COULD LAND HIM IN JAIL. it’ll probably come to light at the reunion!  
           party boy ,,  class clown  ,,  jock  .  all of these labels were used to describe milo back in high school.  captain of the basketball team,  he was well known and well liked.  other than the occasional drunken fight at a party  ,,  milo didn’t keep many enemies.  he was the kind of guy who never knew a stranger ,,  making a friend out of any soul who crossed paths with him.  fast forward to 2022  ,,  he’s the guy everyone whispers  “what happened to him ? ”  as he walks silently by. 
         everyone was certain he was going to marry his high school sweetheart.  he and ( insert whoever i plot this with here )  were perfect together.  when they grew apart and broke up in college,  everyone in their circle thought love was dead.  it had been his fault:  a perennial flirt with his hs girlfriend in another state,  milo cheated.  stupid, stupid man.  milo took the breakup incredibly hard,  as he was an only child and had no relationship with his parents  ( his dad was a workaholic and his mother was an alcoholic who’d run away years ago )  so she’d basically been his family growing up.  milo never dealt with his issues he’d been bottling up his whole life.  that tipping point sent him into a spiral.  he began drinking heavily,  partying even harder,  dabbled in illegal activities for a while,  dropped out of school.  
         one evening,  he met a girl at a bar.  long story short,  9 months later he became a dad with a one night stand who wanted nothing to do with him.  all custody of his child was revoked and it broke him.  after a couple years of soul-searching,  he cleaned up his act but he was never the same as he used to be.  
            the thing was,  he never got his hs sweetheart out of his mind.  for him,  she was everything.  one day in total romantic fashion,  milo showed up at her doorstep with flowers professing his love and swore he was a better man,  ready for the real thing this time.  within months,  they were married.  it was happy for a few years— they even raised a child together.  milo was determined to treat this kid right,  unlike his first who he had no contact with.  unfortunately,  chasing a love long lost wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.  fights,  distrust,  & problems popped up the longer the relationship dragged on.  inevitably,  they divorced.  now they coparent,  but their personal relationship is strained. 
            milo is bitter  ,,  lonely  ,,  jaded  ,,  harsh  ,,  sarcastic  ,,  and a contrast to the boy his high school friends once knew.  he runs a sports bar and buries himself in work.  there are flickers of gentleness,  romance,  sweetness in him somewhere,  but few experience it now.  even still  ,,  he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to attend shady grove’s reunion.  milo hoffman will always be chasing ghosts  ,,  including his own. 
wanted connections !!   1000% open to other ideas too
obviously his ex-wife/high school sweetheart he coparents with  ( olivia )
former basketball teammates
a fellow jock he was hooking up w/in hs but one of them was closeted  ( henry )
people who frequent his sports bar,  etc  ( jasper ) 
brotps forever.  so many brotps.  bffs from high school  &  a couple besties he’s actually still close with and confides in 
someone he is currently hooking up with, any gender
someone he was hooking up with in high school, any gender
college age roommates ??
someone who was in love with him in hs and he never noticed
reconnected as college age adults and had a fling that went no where  ( juliet )
umm idk anything fun or angsty i love it all
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #13 act 6 p4
still in these conversations where the kids reveal their true feelings about each other except not TO each other but to someone else. this dirk one is so true though roxy has been the goat of their session and the one fucking thing holding them all together. god i love roxy
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wow so cool they all ascended at the same time! surely nothing bad will happen immediately after
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theyre finally arriving. holy shit . theyre COMING THROUGH THE WINDOW. JOHN AND JADE
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yeah ok so jade showed up and her and jane immediately got turned evil
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this is a CLASSIC dave/karkat mess around. if you know, you KNOW . shit had me ROFLing.
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holy davesprite . i havent seen this mf since like RIGHT AFTER cascade. literally its been eons
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TRUEE i think its a strider lalonde thing they looove to go on and on about random bullshit
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hey its these bozos what up yall
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waitt theyre being friendly to each other? breath players CAN get along!!! this is huge news. especially for me.
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this actually would be a hard ass shirt fr i need that shit
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this is the reaction i get when i bring up minestuck to my friends... and im like guys please its actually fun i promise... .(im lying)
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yo its the fan trolls what uppppp
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okay nice meeting you
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this is all very silly :D
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YES!!!!!!!! OKAYYYY TAVROS!!! stand up for yourself girl you are serving like crazy right now. i think maybe this is more meaningful than when he tried to kill her, cause that was just a too little too late type of thing where he wouldnt have actually accomplished anything by succeeding, and also had no chance of doing so. BUT realizing his CONFIDENCE and his FREEDOM actually is meaningful and it will accomplish things later on!!! :D YAY TAVROS
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insane behavior
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i think i agree with john here, i dont think it is out of line for him to hesitate in giving you the life ring. you dont have to be a good person to be a hero. but you do have to do... heroic things? like, ever? maybe once in your fucking life? when is the last time ANYTHING you did could be considered "heroic?" when you were alive, all you did was make everyone around you suffer. they had to kill you just to make sure you didnt doom them all. when youre dead, sure youre hunting down a weapon to kill the big bad monster, but you dont even seem to care about the millions of troll lives you are mind controlling against their will to be bait for your big mission. who the hell are you trying to save? the heroes that are alive in this story literally NEVER encounter the version of the villain that you are trying to stop. whats more, this big plan to use the your ghost army FAILS because the one who was doing basically ALL the legwork mind controlling most of the ghosts ditches you, and the only reason you still have an army by the end is because the guy you fucking bullied the whole time when you were alive (and a lot of the time you were dead) BAILS you out by ACTUALLY being a hero and a genuinely good person that doesnt need to MIND CONTROL PEOPLE to get them to follow him. look. i understand everything you are saying. about not having time to deal with the morals and ethics of what you are trying to accomplish. because the ends justify the means. but the thing is that NONE of it matters. YOUR PLAN FAILS. YOU GIVE UP and have an actual SATISFYING character arc. then it gets retconned and the main version of you goes back to being Worse. and then her plan...? succeeds? i guess? if succeeding means literally EVERY ghost in the army gets obliterated, the secret weapon deploying the four beta kids who are almost all killed by LE, and randomly davepeta being the one to throw him as well as themself into a blackhole. i guess if that counts as success, then congrats. you didnt even get to see that happen though, because you got ejected from the fight frame one. HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!
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anyway... what was i doing. oh yeah look at this. this is a bit sad
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okay this is pretty real. even if it is nonsensical, and maybe a little bit problematic?
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me talking about myself three images ago
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i like this panel. poor john cannot find his friends
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this is a very cool panel as well
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my worst nightmare
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fucking scary ass motherfucker please get a grip. also brown contacts .
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well. things are pretty bad right now! jade is evil jane is evil everyone is on random planets with no memory of how they got there john is missing. if i didnt know any better this might seem like the beginning of something really bad . but what do i know. anyway catch you on the next one. or catch me? joff i will see you next time. ok joff bye joff
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advernia · 2 years
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The oddest thing is how real each gaze feels - it has the sharpness that gives an uncomfortable pricking sensation, the poke that makes the hair on the back of your head stand up.
Then there's the whispers - the whispers! They keep it all wispy, the kind that brings to mind the ghosts hanging around the school premises. It is noisy in same odd manner it is not, loud in the same manner that it could be easily carried away by the winds.
"Oh dear, oh goodness gracious! Do you see that over there?"
"A diamond painted over his eye... Orange hair... Oh, is that him? The one that had dared to leave Lady Rosalia hanging?"
"My! To abandon an arrangement with a lady such as Madame Rosalia on such short notice! What a display of inconsideration!"
"And to think that the Madame was absolutely delighted to have some people to keep her company, if even just for an hour..."
"Hmph, what do you expect? This school is simply filled with boys, not gentlemen - you lot set your standards too high!"
"To ask that everyone of this school be a gentleman is quite the lofty standard. However... is it too much to ask for basic human courtesy?"
Ace listens to all this and more as he and Cater cross the corridor, the paintings hung up on the wall not letting up on their chatter as they passed.
"Wow," Ace says, snickering at Cater who seemed to hung his head low, away from a line of sight. "You're super popular today, Cater-senpai!"
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A tentative shake, a double take at the label. One last check to be safe: he pops the lid open, takes a sniff of the shaker. Jade tilts his head, brings a hand over his mouth.
Strange. Didn't he just restock this yesterday?
"For table thirteen!"
Jade instinctively draws himself closer to the counter, allowing one of the cooks to deliver a finished dish smoothly towards the service area. There's a light savory aroma that wafts when the chef passes by, along with something a touch robust.
"Are these the spinach puffs?" Deuce Spade's voice echoes into the kitchen, tone doubtful. "... Huh. Smells different."
Setting the shaker down on the counter, Jade lifts his head up to look at the overhead cabinets. If he was right, the stocks for the herbs and spices should be at...
"You try making 'em yourself, wise guy," the chef snaps back. "Followed everything to the letter - onions, dill, parsley, cilantro..."
... hold on now, wasn't that too much herbs?
"S-sorry, senpai... I wasn't questioning your cooking. It just smells different from how the other chefs made theirs, that's all."
Jade looks over to the serving area, to where the two anemones were talking.
"And I think your nose's all clogged up from serving food all day," the chef huffs, pushing the plate of spinach puffs off to Deuce. "That stuff's the real thing, so go on! I got other food to fix!"
So that's how it goes: Jade watches the two go their separate ways, one back to the cooking station and the other off to serve food to a waiting customer.
"Ah," Jade chuckles to himself, staring at the half-full parsley bottle in his hands. "Now I see."
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Forty yards away from the goal, and the opposing team decides to do this:
the one coming from his left side is literally rushing towards him, head lowered like a bull's and hands formed into tight fists around his sides.
the one behind him, trying to catch up to him - is mumbling some incantation. Based on how the air draws a bit thinner as he moves forward, it must be a wind spell of some sort.
the one running towards him, laughing like there's a damned party going on, has his arms extended like he's reaching out to perform a tackle. Looking closely, the nails of his fingers are all long and sharp.
So that's one aiming to take him down through brute force, the other attempting to hinder both his pace and breathing, and another more or less intending to injure him. Leona snorts, keeps running. The Magift disc is still a halo burning red atop his head, its floating state maintained by his magic.
Sevens, he wouldn't give a damn if all of them just charged at him at once, dirty tactics and all.
"All you mutts keep wasting my time."
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There are core differences between the words I can't, I won't, and I will; and Trey Clover wears them on his sleeve, has them inscribed on the back of his hand.
I can't were the first words he wore when he had watched a young boy be kept away from the world by his own mother, I won't followed shortly after when that mother had threatened him with the biting edge of her tongue and the sharpness of her eyes. I will is a will half baked, a wish unfulfilled when he made his first strawberry tart but was never able to deliver it to his intended recipient, so there it just laid for years to fester. Forgotten.
Years later, he wears them again.
I can't for those times he chose to salvage a situation instead of directly addressing it, I won't for all those times he had watched the passed judgement of beheading.
How long has it been, has it been a year... no, two years already?
Have the words I can't and I won't formed his second skin now?
Even as he watched the young boy - that same young boy kept away by his own mother - drown in ink before his very eyes?
Where was his will?
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1: no dupe lmao! here's everyone's context:
cater -> aww, i can explain! (see: cater school!uni card)
jade -> it seems that more training is required... (ch3)
leona -> seriously, is this the best you can do?
trey -> i have to go...! (ch1 overblot)
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Twisted wonderland brain rot has taken hold so please enjoy some doodles of my MC in that world
Yeah my MC is basically me
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Anyway, they go by Howl Pendragon because that’s a) what I went with in game and b) don’t give magic users your real name???
They use they/them pronouns and are 17 (as a first year, pulled a Leona) and are absolutely feral because much like me they’re also neurodivergent
Howl is in Octavinelle (they do have magic, their signature spell is ‘Siren Song’ and basically works like a Disney princess on steroids) and spends most of their time pissing off Azul because you cannot make them do something they don’t want to, it simply won’t work. No amount of punishment or praise will work
They 100% bite
Late at night they do actually do stuff to help the lounge (sweeping, straightening, leftover dishes, prep) and simply refuse to acknowledge it when someone brings it up
They also manage to speed run half the overblots by simply being a blunt little shit. It also doesn’t happen in order because two weeks in Azul tried to get them to work mostro and it didn’t work out well for him :)
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They’re from this universe and reference shit that nobody else gets which makes them look a little crazy (that and the talking to the ghosts)
Howl isn’t afraid of Azul or Floyd but is absolutely fucking terrified of Jade because their entire life in wonderland so far is built on lies and they have no clue if he knows
They try to pass as a guy for the first month or so but get found out by accident when someone overhears them singing
So then they just pretend to be a girl for a while until eventually they snap and blurt out that they’re non-binary
Howl hates Jamil with a passion and can’t figure it out until chapter 4 and then they’re like ‘oooooh’
They rarely take part in group activities (see: Halloween costume) but they like being around people so they’re basically just the guy at the party who stands in a corner for 20 minutes, says hey to the host, then leaves. Or they just stare at people
Simultaneously have their head in the clouds and manage to convince everyone they’re paying attention.
Vargas doesn’t appreciate the ‘lack of effort’ in class but in truth they have really shitty joints and trying to run while you’re binding sucks. It only gets worse with a bra
Their Halloween costume is Jack Skellington. Nobody else realizes it. They made their hair white with cornstarch because potions is hard
Their best subject is musicology and their club is board game club because it seemed easiest. Accidentally gets a dnd groups going and ends up dming for like 5 people though
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SSR Tierlist [Part 1]
Made an SSR tierlist showcasing what is essentially my gacha history over here 😋 It’s part 1 because I made another tier list and might make a separate post about that other tier list. Note that these are all the SSRs from the JP version.
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I like explaining my reasons since I enjoy sharing my thoughts, but it’s going to be pretty long. 😅 I made this in mind with both my gacha history and my perceptions on their usefulness in tests/exams.
Red Tier: Pretty much everyone in this tier came home in 50 pulls or less.
I rolled for Dorm Riddle on his very first banner back in March 2020, and I don’t fully remember how many rolls I threw at him, but I think it was somewhere around 11-14 rolls, which isn’t that bad. Birthday Riddle came home in 30 pulls!
Beans Azul is kind of a special case in the sense that I couldn’t get him in his first banner run, but in fairness, I could only afford throwing 14 rolls at him. 😂 But in the second run, he came home on the 39th roll, which is still really nice! Funny story, back then, I wasn’t an Azul stan, so I didn’t want to get him, but the groovy had me weak on the knees. 😩
Birthday Azul came home on the 46th pull. Then I went to pity for him and got two more copies then had the urge to throw a few more rolls since I could afford it and got a fourth copy. Eventually, I managed to limit break him to Lv.100 and he stands as my only Lv.100 SSR. 😂 Union Azul came home on the 50th roll exactly. I went to pity for him and got one more copy.
Dorm Floyd is the kindest one here. He came home in 8 rolls. 😭
Dorm Trey and Ortho are special in that I rolled for them during the 1st and 2nd anniversaries respectively. Trey is the exception because he came home in 80 ish pulls. The thing is, I planned to get him using the SSR key, so when I got him before getting the SSR key, I was pleasantly surprised. That’s why I’m placing him in this category. 😂 Ortho, on the other hand, came home in the first ten roll I threw when beginning my 2nd anniv rolls, and I really wanted him. 🥺
Orange Tier: Basically, the cards that I didn’t plan to pull, but it turned out that I use them a lot because they’re super useful in tests. 😭
Dorm Cater came home to me when I hit pity on the first Ghost Marriage banner. 😂 I was really hoping for Dorm Azul, and if not, at least GM Ace to say I got the event card. But I got neither LMAO but I’m really glad I got Dorm Cater because he and Dorm Trey are the best duo to have in defense tests. I’d be struggling if I didn’t have him.
Dorm Jade spooked me when I rolled on the Silver & Lilia banner back in May 2020, and that took me around less than 10 rolls, possibly even less than Dorm Floyd. Funnily enough, at the time, I was mainly a Jade stan, but I was only happy to get him because I hadn’t been getting SSRs, and he was an Octa character. I was lowkey disappointed because I really wanted Dorm Azul (more on that later). Turns out that he’s very useful to have in fire, flora, and omni tests, and he pairs well with Dorm Azul — and not to mention being a deceptive defense SSR when he can hit really hard — so I’m happy overall.
Dorm Epel spooked when I was rolling for the 1st anniversary. He came home on the 3rd roll I believe? And then he came home again when I hit pity on the anniv banner. 😂 He’s good to have for flora basic test, especially paired with Dorm Rook, and he’s part of my best fire defense team (which easily nabs me a 21k score).
Yellow-Orange Tier: They spooked me as well. 😭 But the difference is that I don’t use these SSRs in my tests as much.
Dorm Deuce spooked me twice during my Beans Floyd rolls. 😂 I actually didn’t plan on getting him because he isn’t the most useful SSR (he’s useful in fire defense, but when you have cards like Dorm Trey and Azul, you kind of shaft the poor boy 😔). But Union Floyd came, and turns out that Dorm Deuce’s water magic is really good to use paired with Floyd’s duo in fire basic, so now I have more use for Deuce. 😋
As for Halloween Vil, he came home on the first ten roll of his banner when I aimed for Halloween Azul. 😅 He’s a really good SSR for fire basic, and you can build a good team using him since both Lilia SSRs have good duo partners. I just don’t use him since I don’t have the right cards. Granted, though, my best fire basic score was when I used Dorm Riddle, Dorm Azul, Dorm Jade, Halloween Vil, and Lab Lilia (around 19.3k).
Yellow Tier: Please pretend that this is yellow, thanks. Yellow tier is the shit tier because these characters were shitheads to me. My luck may seem really awesome at first, but here is where I’ll say that it really is not.
See, when I roll to get cards that I think will be extremely beneficial for my tests, I get incredibly unlucky. Beans Floyd and Union Vil came home at the pity pull of their banners. Beans Floyd especially hurts because I got 4 SSRs (counting dupes) before getting him at pity.
Union Floyd was probably one of the most embarrassing rolls I made because I didn’t plan on rolling for any tweel (I make it a point to save for Azul’s birthday starting October), but his stats and abilities were really beneficial for the team I wanted to make to get SSS in fire basic. 😭 I tried to control myself by throwing a 10 roll for both tweels, but I caved and went to pity for Union Floyd. I did get him in my 96th roll, but it was 4 more rolls to pity, so I duped him again. I was so embarrassed that I only told select friends about it and kept quiet about it for a few months everywhere else.
Onto my two biggest offenders: GM Idia banner came out as I was coming home from a really long road trip. I wanted GM Idia for water defense since I was suffering horribly in that test, but I didn’t want to roll for him simply because of that. I told myself I’d only roll if Azul was one of his buddies or if Azul appeared in his personal story, and Twst did a fuck you and made Azul a buddy of his. 🗿 I rolled when my gut was telling me not to, and guess what? It took me 200 rolls to bring him home. 🤡 Most shameful roll, though I was a little less lowkey about it than Union Floyd because I was filled with anger. At least he’s really useful.
Dorm Azul 🤡 hoo boy, this is four months of gacha salt. On his second banner back in August 2020, he came home in the 5th roll, which seems lucky. But in his first banner four months prior, I threw 81 rolls (with one roll at the standard banner) and he did not come home. I was so confident I was gonna get him because I got Dorm Riddle and Floyd really early so I thought a 10-roll would suffice, but guess what? It didn’t. 😭 Every roll I threw at gacha banners from then on were all to have a chance of getting Dorm Azul. During Beans Azul, part of my decision to roll was the thought of ‘oh what if Dorm Azul spooked?’ Then when Dorm Jade spooked, I was sad because I wanted it to be Dorm Azul. I threw a pity at Ghost Marriage for a chance of Dorm Azul spook. So if I count all my rolls that I threw to get Azul, it would amount to at least 213 rolls. 🤡 What’s funnier is that only when I started stanning him did he come home early to me. Biggest jerk in my life, but he’s one of the best SSRs in the game, so I’m also glad to have him.
Light Green Tier: Self explanatory. Rook ruined my pities twice. When rolling for GM Idia, he was the one who stole my first pity. 🤡 Then in the 2nd anniversary, I was really aiming for Dorm Vil or Idia. When I hit the 2nd pity to get the event SSR key, I was so excited to get Dorm Vil… only to hear Rook’s voice. 🤡 Well, at least Rook is a really good SSR.
Green Tier: Also self explanatory. My tutorial SSR was supposed to be Leona, but my wifi crashed. 😂
Light Blue Tier: SSRs gotten with the SSR keys given out on anniversaries. I got Dorm Leona on the first anniversary and Halloween Jade on the second.
Blue Tier: I mainly need for meta purposes. Union Ace is mainly because I have a lot of ideas for a flora defense team using him and Union Azul. Dorm Vil is mainly because I have Dorm Leona, and they would be a really good duo for water basic. Besides, Vil is also really helpful to complete the Pomefiore trio (and they’re deadly in defense tests). Dorm Idia is mainly because he has amazing synergy with Dorm Trey, Dorm Azul, and Beans Jade for defense tests. He and Dorm Ortho are also really good for fire basic. Lastly, Halloween Silver acts like a fire version of Dorm Azul, so already based on that, he’s really good. I’d love to have him for flora defense.
Indigo Tier: So I already mentioned my GM rolls. Birthday Vil, I wanted him for his duo with Azul, and I would have continued rolling for him had Beans Day rerun not been announced. I stopped at 40 rolls to save for Beans Day. 😔 As for Birthday Lilia, I only rolled on his banner because I was out of R perfumes to buy the birthday backgrounds. 🤡 I threw only 20 rolls, and it embarrassed me because I was a dramatic ass at the time and felt like I ‘cheated’ on Azul and genuinely believed he’d come home only on pity.
Pink Tier: Not gonna explain each individual card because that is a shit ton. But basically, the SSRs I kinda want for meta solely are Halloween Cater, Birthday Cater, Camp Ruggie, New Year Kalim, Birthday Rook, and Birthday Idia. The SSRs I want only for pretty art are Halloween Riddle (also for completion’s sake since I have all Riddle cards except for him), both Jade birthday cards (his groovies are so cute 😭), and both Dorm Scarabia. The SSRs I want for both art and meta are DW Deuce, Silk Jamil, Birthday Ortho, and Union Lilia.
Purple Tier: I really don’t want Dorm Ace and Ruggie to spook me for the reason that I don’t have much use for them in tests. 🥲 Maybe I might have some use for Dorm Ace with Union Azul, but Ruggie, not so much. 😭 It doesn’t help that I’m not a big fan of their art either. Separating them from the last tier because these two cards are permanent cards and therefore always have a chance at spooking.
White Tier: Self explanatory. I think some of you might murder me for putting FG Leona in this tier, but I’m not a big fan of the card. 😅 I do acknowledge that FG Leona, Halloween Rook, Birthday and Apple Boa Epel, and Union Malleus may be pretty useful for meta, but I don’t have an immediate need for them.
Anyway, that’s it for my ramble. I really like doing this tier list, so if you want me to rank the SSRs based on favorite art and other things, I’d be happy to do it! Feel free to do it too, and feel free to share me your results. 🥺
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fallout New Vegas companions react to taking the Courier's place in Dead Money.
Arcade Gannon: Following the obligatory panic attack and subsequent state of dejection, Arcade would suck it up and start trying to get the heist done with as quickly as possible. He’d roll his eyes at Dean Domino, set aside Dog and God’s identity crisis for later and check Christine over for basic first aid purposes before trudging along toward the various goals set by Elijah. I think he’d opt for stealth over combat when encountering the ghost people out of a sense of self-preservation, but he would probably pocket some clothing and blood samples from any that Dog took down along the way to the casino. The story of the Sierra Madre would fascinate him, particularly the bits and pieces left behind by jaded treasure hunters and Elijah’s previous teams of victims. Arcade would see it as a microcosm of what’s happening in the wider world, a stellar example of partners turning on each other in pursuit of some perceived bright future attached to the hidden treasures of the old world. Vera’s desperate graffiti in her hotel room would speak to him most powerfully: LET GO. He would probably try to argue with Elijah about the viability of the former Brotherhood Elder’s plans, throwing some Latin phrasing in for good measure. No matter his level of success in this, Arcade would stow away as many gold bars as he could to lug home and use to sparingly and anonymously fund the efforts of the Followers of the Apocalypse. 
Craig Boone: During his first encounter with one of the ghost people popping up again after being downed by his sniper rifle, Boone would grunt in annoyance, swap his ammo for hollow points and switch from aiming at chests to aiming at heads. Ghost people bob and weave admirably, but Boone has a gift, and up until he actually got inside the casino, his main obstacle would be avoiding the noxious cloud. The holograms, on the other hand, would probably strike some fear into his heart. After all, how do you destroy something that bullets can’t touch? I don’t think he would put two and two together about the emitters until Christine or Dean pointed them out: From there, it just becomes a scavenger hunt to find the next piece of wall-mounted tech to shoot. Dean, Dog and God would annoy him, but he’d find a kindred spirit in Christine, and would appreciate her ability to convey meaning without words. Hell, he’s pretty good at that himself. Upon finding Elijah, Boone would immediately put a bullet in his head, look at the pile of gold for a few seconds, then walk away and out of the Sierra Madre without looking back. He’d never breathe a word of the place to anyone, but he’d track down all of the Sierra Madre broadcast systems one by one and destroy them, letting the desert swallow the place and its dangers for good. 
Lily Bowen: Grandma Lily wouldn’t understand why the angry man was so desperate to get inside the casino, but she’s more than familiar with being a forced follower of doomed causes. As such, she would be kind to her fellow captives, assuring Christine that she would be able to talk “when she’s ready,” admonishing Dean for his rude behavior and telling Elijah that he would catch more cazadores with honey mesquite than with vinegar. A trail of wrecked ghost people would follow her to the casino itself, but dealing with the holograms would be beyond her expertise: That part would have to be left to Christine or Dean. Elijah would receive a lecture once she made it into the vault, but she would probably let him live unless he attacked first. Dog and God, however, would earn the most care and compassion and even cause some introspection. Ultimately, I think she would help the two become one through intense conversation and shared understanding about what it means to be nightkin with no master, and once freed, she would take him to find a home in Jacobstown. 
Raul Alfonso Tejada: Upon waking up from being kidnapped by Dog on Elijah's behalf, Raul's immediate reaction would be something like "Again?" followed by "Carajo." Elijah’s insistence on pulling off the heist would annoy him, but Raul is constantly looking for something to occupy his unnaturally-long time on earth, and what is the Sierra Madre if not the Mojave’s most deadly time-waster? He would be sarcastic and exasperated for his entire time wearing the bomb collar, but would find ways to be tender and understanding with Christine, and patient and supportive with Dog and God - after all, he knows what it’s like to struggle with two sides of yourself. Dean, on the other hand, would vex him. Here’s another pre-war ghoul hung up on the promises and mistakes of the past, driven to the point of obsession where he can’t break himself out of the cycle. He can’t let go, and I think that doomed state of being would speak to Raul personally. I don’t think he and Dean would get along, but I don’t think they would have a final showdown in the Tampico either. Instead, I think Dean would watch Raul exit the vault’s elevator, flip one souvenir gold bar in his hand with a wry smile, then pocket it before walking out into the wastes, and the pre-war lounge singer would feel a twinge of kindred sadness before going back to rummaging through the casino’s secrets. 
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Following a tense standoff with Elijah while refusing to do as he says, Cass would eventually relent and start dragging her feet around the villa to assemble the ragtag heist crew. She’d hold each of them at a distance, intent on getting herself out alive and refusing to be responsible for anyone else. Nods of sympathy for Christine, dry comebacks for Dean and a quizzical comment or two for Dog and God would be her limit, at least until they all encountered their turning points inside the casino. Each of them would grow her disdain for Elijah and his methods, but, like Raul, I think she would be most personally affected by Dean’s story. She might find herself arguing with him like the courier did with her, about moving on from failed pasts and striking out into something new. I don’t think she’d take the time to argue with Elijah, though, and would take the first chance she got to lock him in the vault forever. She’d make off with as much gold as she could, of course. 
Veronica Santangelo: The Sierra Madre would make Veronica's head explode, though whether or not Elijah could stand her mouth going a million miles a minute once she wakes up would determine whether that would happen literally or figuratively. Tons and tons of pre-war tech lying around! But it's all under a haze of collapsed support beams, toxic gas and ghost people that can jump around like grasshoppers. Father Elijah is alive! But he's trying to break into a casino to build an army of holograms, and he imprisoned Christine. Christine is here! But she's been maimed and abused horribly, and is trying to kill Elijah. I think Elijah would try reasoning with Veronica before threatening her into obeying him - though she would probably figure out how to get the collar off or render it useless within the first 24 hours in the Sierra Madre - but I don’t think he would be able to convince her that his plan to get inside the casino’s vault would benefit the Brotherhood of Steel. The revelations that Christine would bring - the Circle of Steel’s orders, Elijah’s crimes against travelers and treasure hunters, his orchestration of their breakup in order to bring Veronica to the Mojave with him - would probably leave her feeling confused and empty about the man she considers a grandfather figure. She would probably do her best to free Elijah from the casino, but would offer him a choice if she succeeded: Leave the treasures of the Sierra Madre behind and walk away from his accursed quest for power, or remain trapped with what he’d sought. Whatever path he’d choose, Veronica would part ways with him once the vault’s elevator ascended. She’d bundle up Vera’s dress, sigh heavily, then take Christine’s hand and walk away from the Sierra Madre forever. 
ED-E: Ironically, I think ED-E would be a good pick for Elijah to use as a pawn in his heist game, though it would be kind of hard for Dog to hook a collar onto the little robot. If Ulysses can speak to the courier through an eyebot’s speakers, then Elijah can probably do the same to his already-assembled team. ED-E doesn’t have a whole lot of personal motivation, so I think the bot would just beep and go along with whatever it was ordered to do. Christine or Dean would probably take the lead, and ED-E would zoom around the villa, dodging throwing knife spears and trumpeting his location without a care. Once inside the casino, ED-E would again defer to his leader’s orders, with the added benefit of being a robot keeping him from the holograms’ notice. If allowed into the vault, ED-E would diligently pick up exactly six of the gold bars and carry them home to the Mojave, where he would deposit them at the bewildered courier’s feet with a triumphant beep. 
Rex: While much easier to slap a collar on than ED-E, I don't think Rex would fare better than the little robot in terms of leadership abilities. As an ally to whoever gets put in charge, though, he would also be invaluable at sneaking around the Sierra Madre’s various threats, particularly the ghost people. He would take a special shine to Christine and God, who would recognize the canine as a fellow being exploited by powers out of his control. Rex would absolutely hate the holograms, who smell of nothing, and Elijah, who smells of desperation and indifference. He would completely ignore the gold bars. Once freed, he would whine and beg and nudge Christine until she relented and left the city of the dead, leading her home to the New Vegas strip and another woman whose scent told him of metal bunkers and longing. 
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Could you make a fic based on the song Moondust By Jaymes Young? With Xiao or Zhongli? It’s fine if you decline, I enjoyed your Lonestar fic a lot! Also, thank you in advance if you do this! ^^
after this, i decided im a monster. this is so sad, like so so sad. i don't know if this is what you had in mind but since the song is basically about learning how to live/love without someone, i went down a death route. i also went w xiao. pls enjoy (and grab a tissue)
before reading: ANGST!!! you literally die and are a ghost the entire time. mentions of injury and blood as well as self-harm and suicidal thoughts. word count is around 2.1k (under cut for length)
I'm building this house, on the moon Like a lost, astronaut Lookin' at you, like a star From a place, the world forgot And there's nothing, that I can do Except bury my love for you
Death was quick.
You know instantly that you’re dead the second you open your eyes. You can still remember the feeling of the Fatui pyro agent slicing his knife across your throat and if you think about it enough, your neck tingles. You remember falling to your knees, being laughed at, and then you saw nothing.
Well, you saw blackness.
And then when you came to, you were standing in the middle of Liyue Harbor. The world seemed duller but it was real. No one paid any mind to you, so you assumed you were a ghost.
It’s nice to still be able to watch the sun rise high above your hometown.
There’s no panic, no rush to find out what’s going on, you don’t need to. Your hands travel to your throat and the horrific wound is gone. In fact, all of the scrapes and bruises and imperfections on your body were gone. Death brings solace, you humor.
Your peaceful moment was interrupted by two frantic voices. They catch the attention of everyone in the area, including you, and you spin around quickly.
“Break the contract, please, Zhongli-” His voice is frazzled, filled with a sadness the living can’t understand. “I can’t live without them.”
You looked down at your left hand, heart shattering at the absence of the jade ring. Right. You were going to marry Xiao later that year. Not anymore.
A hundred thousand memories of sweet kisses and long nights flooded into your mind. They caused you to hold your breath, too many emotions crashing through your tired form. You felt like crying but couldn’t (ghosts didn’t have tears, you guessed).
You’re standing right in front of the love of your life and he can’t see you.
Maybe it’s a good thing he can’t see you because Xiao already looked wrecked. His eyes were puffy and red and his hair was disheveled. Unhealed scratches wound his arms like ribbon. You had been with Xiao for years, through the good and the bad, and never once had you ever seen him in this state.
He’s pleading still and Zhongli has an indescribable expression on his face. “I can’t,” His voice is barely a whisper, “You know I can’t.”
Xiao wails, falling to his knees. Zhongli feels his pain, you know he does, yet he won’t put him out of misery. You watch as Zhongli bends down and lifts the adeptus into his arms, swiftly walking away from the crowd. You follow ensuite and Xiao’s eyes are hazy, staring through you over Zhongli’s shoulder.
“I’m right here.”
But he doesn’t hear you.
The brightness of the sun, will give me just enough To bury my love, in the Moondust I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice To bury my love, in the moondust
You begin to follow Xiao around. Not that he goes anywhere, too heartbroken to move, but you keep watch of him like he once did for you.
He resorts to staying in Zhongli’s apartment. The consultant isn’t around most of the day and Xiao rarely leaves his bed. His tears stain the satin pillowcase and he curls upon himself. Sometimes you stand in the doorway and stare, other times you muster up enough courage to go and sit on the unoccupied side of the bed.
The first time you touch Xiao again is at night. He’s crying and without thinking, you wrap your body around his. His chest is pressed against yours and you press your lips to his shoulder.
It’s not warm anymore. In fact, it feels like nothing.
But still, you hold Xiao until he’s asleep. You don’t let go all night, opting to watch your beloved finally get some rest. You wonder if this is how it’s going to be for the rest of eternity? Would you follow Xiao around aimlessly for centuries more?
Or maybe you’re just stuck here. You recall a saying from an elder in Liyue years ago, “Spirits with unfinished business can’t move.”
You decided then that you were going to help him move on, help Xiao bury his love for you.
Nothing can breath, in the space Colder than, the darkest sea I have dreams about the days, driving through your sunset breeze But the first thing, that I will do Is bury my love for you
There’s no book about being a ghost. You have to figure it out on your own and you’ve never been more grateful no one can see you go straight through the wall for the third time that hour. Over time, you create your own handbook in your mind, jotting down anything you discover as your time as a dead person entails.
Within the first week, you understand that no one can see you, hear you, or feel you. And while you can vaguely touch objects and people, the sensation is different than when you were alive. Every human trait was thrown out the window - you don’t need to sleep, breathe or eat and drink anything.
You attend your funeral exactly a week after your body was discovered and someone propped your sword against your casket. You try to grasp it, to pick it up, but you only manage to push it over with a gust of nonexistent wind. It clambers to the floor, the funeral parlor growing silent, and you take this as your cue to leave.
You wondered if Xiao, or anyone of that matter, could sense you at least. Even if Xiao couldn’t see you, just him knowing you were there would ascend you to the afterlife (right?).
You also find out you can’t leave Liyue. There’s an invisible border keeping you trapped in the country and, frankly, you don’t mind. Xiao won’t leave Liyue so you don’t need to leave Liyue. But sometimes you get anxious that one day Xiao will leave Liyue and never return. And if you haven’t accomplished your goal yet, would you truly be stuck as a monster among men?
The brightness of the sun, will give me just enough To bury my love, in the Moondust I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice To bury my love, in the moondust
On particularly good days, Xiao talks to you. Zhongli was gone early one morning and Xiao pulled himself out of bed and to the living room, opting to open the blinds and see sunlight for the first time in weeks.
You sit on the coffee table with your legs criss-crossed as Xiao mumbles desolate words.
“I keep just wishing I would wake up dead. I miss you so much.”
You frown. “I’m here, I’m right here.”
But he can’t hear you. “You aren’t here to make me laugh at your stupid jokes anymore. And I just...I should have been there! I should have-”
His voice cracks and you move off the coffee table, wrapping your arms around his quivering body. You try to press yourself against him, squeeze your arms so tight that he’ll feel you, but you can’t. You can’t kiss his chapped lips and move your bodies so he’s curled into the crook of your neck.
Sometimes, you watch Xiao hurt himself. He digs his nails into his arms or thighs until he draws blood, only to push it all away and scream into the ground. You want to snap him out of him, tell him to stop doing that to himself, but you can only sit and stare.
You were nothing to Liyue - a common human who added nothing of importance to society. Yes, your death was sad for many people but the world kept turning. Xiao, on the other hand, was so special. He was the Vigilant Yaksha - the people of Liyue needed him forever.
“I miss you. I love you. I miss you.”
I'm a cast away, and men reap what they sow And I say what I know, to be true Yeah I'm living far away, on the face of the moon I've buried my love to give the world to you
Xiao goes out sometimes. It’s either to patrol the city or on a walk with Zhongli. It’s not much but it's an improvement. Like always, you follow him.
He’s started to have nightmares, waking up in a rush. He used to comfort you when you had nightmares and it pains you that you can’t return the favor. You try, by God, you try. You run your hands down his back comfortingly but Xiao only cries harder.
When Xiao sees Ganyu for the first time in months and she gives him homemade almond tofu, he smiles. It’s small and quick but you see it.
Growing up, you had thought that the living mourned the dead. When your grandmother died, you felt broken for a while, but that pain was minimal compared to this. Having to live endless days as an invisible soul while the living grieved was unbearable.
When no one is around, Xiao breaks down. He hurts himself, insults himself and wishes for you endlessly. When Xiao tries to jump off the roof of the apartment complex in the middle of the night and survives with only an injured arm, you realize he’s pushing his body. He’s trying to kill himself.
So, you scream.
Every waking hour of the day you scream.
“I’m right here, Xiao! I love you and I’m right here! I’m sorry for being careless and getting killed but you aren’t ready to join me yet!”
You know he doesn’t hear you, he can’t hear you, and yet Xiao slowly stops hurting himself.
The brightness of the sun, will give me just enough To bury my love, in the Moondust I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice To bury my love, in the moondust
It takes a year for Xiao to finally begin to cope with your death and you know your journey will be coming to end soon.
He still talks to you except now it’s hopeful and filled with acceptance. On the anniversary of your death, he travels to the Dragon-Queller early in the morning. He sits down in the spot he used to take you to and rubs the grass softly, as if motioning for you to sit down next to him.
You do.
“I’m leaving Liyue next week.”
A million feelings run through your veins. You want to throw up, scream, cry. Is a week enough time to get Xiao to move on from you? Had he already moved on? There were too many questions you couldn’t fucking ask.
You can’t bear to listen to the rest. Your feet travel on their own, taking you far away from Xiao and back into the heart of Liyue Harbor. You didn’t know where you were until you heard a voice call out for you.
“Hey, you!”
You were imagining voices now. You felt sick to your stomach.
A short, young woman came into your view and you finally looked up. You had walked right into the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Hu Tao was staring at you, not through you.
“I knew you were still here.”
Hu Tao could see you.
It didn’t make sense but you didn’t have time to make it make sense. Without thinking, you cried out to Hu Tao and begged her to help you save Xiao, save yourself.
“I want to go with him,” You say.
“But you can’t.”
“Then he’s going to forget about me.”
Hu Tao chuckled softly, “You think Xiao would forget about you?”
You don’t answer. Maybe it was you that didn’t want to forget about Xiao. Either way, it hurts. “He’s going to fall in love with someone new and-”
“Isn’t that what you want?”
It was. You wanted Xiao to be happy without you, to learn to love again. You wanted him to bury his love for you so you could both be free.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Hu Tao says, “Xiao will find you again one day.”
She clasps her hands together and reaches them out to you. You look down and see a moving image of Xiao. He’s still talking softly, this time with a small smile on his lips. You close your eyes suddenly, not wanting to see anymore. You step outside of the funeral parlor and whisper “I love you” into the wind.
The sun is shining high in the sky when Teyvat begins to disappear from your vision.
Maybe in another life you and Xiao will spend forever together. You’ll have a grand wedding, start a family, and grow old together like you should have. But for now, you’ll see him from the moon.
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