#It's okay I smashed the cell guard's head in he had it coming
oculusxcaro · 1 year
Difficult Person VS Likeable Person
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"Callous? I'm not saying I actually attacked someone but if I did, believe me, they had it coming."
Tagged byStolen from: @halfghcst Tagging: Whoever would like to do it?
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mama2bears · 16 days
Guardian In The Night - Part 2
Warnings: A few curse words maybe, use of pet name Sweetheart
Pairings: Tyler Owens/F. Reader
A/N: Thank you for the likes! Hope you enjoying the story. I am planning on one more chapter maybe to finish this one up.
Catch up here with Part 1
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Tyler was awoken later that night by sirens, or what he thought was sirens. He peeked out the window, and saw blue lights going down your drive way.
He grabbed his cell phone quickly calling your number as he ran out to his truck, still wearing nothing but his boxers.
“Tyler?” you answer your phone and he could tell you were crying.
“What happened? Are you okay? I am on my way now.” he said in one breath.
“Someone tried to break in. They were trying to kick down the door then broke a window.” you couldn't stop the tears and he heard the tremble in your voice.
“I am pulling up to your house now. See you in a minute.”
He barley got the truck parked before jumping out and running over to you, wrapping his arms around you. You were giving a statement to the police officer.
“And you are?” the police officer looked at Tyler.
“I am her neighbor, Tyler Owens.” he said.
“Any idea who could have been around here?” the officer asked, addressing both of you.
“There was a creep at the bar tonight.” Tyler said. “We got into a little altercation when he put his hands on the lady. I followed her home and didn't see anyone following us. Other then that though. I don't know.”
“Ever have trouble out this way before?” he asked.
You shake your heard, “No, I have always felt safe here. Never have had anyone prowling around.”
The officer asked for a description of the guy from the bar, which you gave. They promised to keep a patrol car out this way and would be on the lookout. Other then that, there wasn't nothing else they could do.
Once the officers left, Tyler turned to you. “They broke the window?” he asked.
You nodded, showing him the front porch window smashed with a rock. “I had my daddy's gun and told them I was going to shoot and the police were on the way.” You were shaking, “They took off running.”
“I'll get some stuff in town and fix the window tomorrow.” Tyler told you, “In the mean team, come on over to my house. There's a guest bedroom you can sleep in for the rest of the night.”
“Okay, thank you.” You wipe the tears from your eyes as Tyler pulls you into a hug. “It'll be alright.” he whispered.
You lay your head on his chest, arms tightly wrapped around him, just taking in his scent. You felt safe and protected as Tyler lead you to his truck, opening the door.
Within a minute, you were over at his place and he was leading you up the stairs to the guest bedroom, “You want some tea or anything?” he asked.
“No..I am okay. Thank you.”
“Alright.” he smiled, “My room's right down the hall. Just yell if you need anything.” he backed out of the room, closing the door behind him.
The rest of the night, he spent sitting on the sofa, unable to go back to sleep. He felt that he needed to stay up, stay on guard.
* * * * *
Early that morning you awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking. You saw one of Tyler's shirts and sweatpants laid out on the chair next to your bed with a note, “Bathroom down the hall. Feel free to take a shower and put these on. I know we forgot to grab you some clothes last night. Thought you'd feel more comfortable in something other then your nightgown to wear. Breakfast will be ready for you.”
You smile, picking up the clothes and heading into the bathroom, turning on the hot water.
Tyler hears the water running upstairs, so he goes ahead and fixes you a plate of food and pours your coffee, setting the cream and sugar out on the table for you.
“Morning.” he smiles when you walk down the stairs, “Breakfast is ready.”
“Thank you. It smells delicious.” you smile.
“Still like cream and sugar in your coffee?” he asked.
“You remember, after all this time?”
“Of course I do. Used to be three creams and two sugars. I wasn't sure if it changed, so I just put the cream and sugar on the table.”
“It hasn't changed.” you smile.
“I am going to head into town and get some glass to fix that window for you. Want to ride along?”
“You don't need to fix it. I'll file a claim with the insurance and get someone out there.”
“It will take days if not weeks to get someone out there. It's no problem to fix it. I just need to take measurements, have them cut the glass and put it in. A few minutes I'll have it in.”
“Thank you, Tyler...for last night, for everything.”
“Anytime. That's what friends are for.” he looked at you, sitting at the kitchen table in his t shirt and sweats, sipping coffee and eating a breakfast he prepared for you. He couldn't help but to think if this might have been what every morning would have looked like if he had only returned your call five years ago. Maybe you would have had a little one or two running around the table.”
“Ever wonder what could have been?” he asked softly after a few moments.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“What if you didn't leave for school? What if I didn't leave to go chase storms? What if I wasn't an ass and I returned your call or even called you. What if we didn't go five years without seeing or speaking to each other.”
You only shook your head, “There's no way to know what could have been, so I just don't think about it. Life goes on.”
“Yeah...yeah it does.” he starts loading the dishwasher, then drives you back home. He makes you wait in the truck while he runs a check though the house and around the property, making sure no one was hanging around and nothing else had been broken into.
“I'll be back in about an hour or so and get that window fixed.” he said before leaving.
“It's my turn for lunch today. Since you made it yesterday, I'll have us some sandwiches ready when you come back. Maybe make some of my sweet tea.”
“Ah, I used to love that sweet tea! It was always the sweetest.” he smiled, “Alright...see you for lunch then, sweetheart.”
You smiled, that was the second time he had used 'sweetheart' with you since last night.
Going into the house, you double check all the doors to make sure they were locked and called your dog Jack into the house before sitting down to try and read a book. You try to concentrate on the words in front of you, but every little sound was making you look. You felt like someone was watching, but you knew no one was there. You felt alone, and for the first time that you could remember, you were actually scared to be alone.
You toss the book down and turn up some music before beginning to make lunch. You kept glancing out the window, watching for Tyler's truck to come speeding down the drive way. Two hours seemed to drag on forever, until finally, you heard the music blasting and soon the truck appeared in a cloud of dust.
Finally, you felt some relief. You felt safe again.
As promised, it only took Tyler a few minutes to get the new window put in.
You brought the sandwiches and tea out to the front porch and set them on the table between two rocking chairs. “Bathroom is right in the door, to the right if you want to wash up.” you tell him.
“Thanks. Those sandwiches look amazing.” he lingered in the doorway for a moment, everything in him wanted to kiss you, but he forced himself to go on into the bathroom and wash up.
Again, he thought about what could have been. Him fixing things around the house for you. You having lunch ready for him and you two sitting there on the front porch, making small talk and enjoying the view.
Tyler sat down, taking a sip of the tea you made and gave you a smile, “Still the sweetest tea ever.” he paused looking out over your front yard, towards his house, “There's a few cells about an hour west of here into Texas. The team and I are going to head out soon as I am done eating. Would you care to put the horses in the barn for me tonight? It might be late when I get home.”
“Yeah, sure.” you say, dread filling you as you thought about night.
“Thanks. You gonna be okay?” he asked.
“Yeah..fine.” you force a smile, “I am sure whoever it was last night is long gone.”
“Probably. You got my number, if you need anything, call me, okay?” he asked.
“Will do.” you pick up the plates and glasses and carry them into the house. Tyler waits a moment before standing and opening the door a bit, “I am heading out now. See you in the morning, I'll send the money I owe you to your Venmo before I leave.” he called.
“No problem. Whenever you can. I trust you. Be safe out there.” you call back.
“Bye.” He says and walks to his truck, 'I love you.' He whispers under his breath, taking one more look at the house before driving away.
* * * *
You get the kitchen cleaned up and then run over to Tyler's place to bring his horses into the barn and feed the dog. The sun was just starting to set when you made your way back home and you quickly ran into the house, slamming the door and locking it.
Your dog, Jack laid in middle of the living room floor looking at you as tried to catch your breath. Why were you terrified of the coming night? Surely there was no one out there. They were gone. There was nothing to fear...that's what you kept telling yourself.
Going over to the sofa, you pick up the phone, seeing a message from Tyler,
“We're going live on the YouTube channel in a few minutes...this one looks big...maybe you wanna check it out?” was the message along with a link to the Tornado Wranglers you tube.
You sigh, settling in and opening up the channel. The first thing you see is Tyler's truck in middle of the tornado, fireworks shooting off the back of the truck, lighting up the twister.
This was worse then bull riding...you thought. You continued watching as the team danced around the truck hooting and hollering once the tornado was over. Somehow, not feeling quite so alone as long as you were connected to the live feed. It was like you had a connection to someone else, and weren't sitting here alone with who knows what outside.
A thump outside made you jump and you ran to turn on the lights. Your dog only glanced up at you and didn't seem alarmed, but you were. You thought you heard footsteps and you run though the house turning on lights at each room you came too. Then you dart back to the living room, turning on the TV and turning it up louder. Maybe, if you had the TV on, whoever or whatever outside would think you weren't alone...and would leave.
You sat on the sofa trembling in fear until sleep finally won out.
* * * * *
It was almost 1 am when Tyler was approaching his drive way. He slowed as he passed you house, noticing all the lights were on. He quickly turned into the driveway and sped up to the house.
Picking up his phone, he texted, “You okay?”
The ding of your phone startled you awake, once more. You kept drifting in and out of sleep, every little noise you heard or thought you heard make you jump.
“Yeah. Where are you?” you sent him a message, noticing the time. Why was he texting you at 1 am?
“I was heading home and saw the lights on.” he answered, “Everything okay?” Tyler decided not to tell you that he was sitting right outside your door just yet.
“Yeah, I just thought I heard a noise. Guess it was nothing.” you replied.
Tyler scanned the area around your house, then picked up the flashlight he kept next to the driver's seat.
He called you instead of sending another message.
“Tyler?” you answer on the first ring.
“Hey, I am just outside of your house now. Where did you think you heard the noise at?” he asked, on full alert.
“I...I don't know. All over I guess. I can't sleep. Every time I fall asleep, something wakes me up. Just jitters probably.”
“I am going to take a look around just to be sure. Stay in the house with the doors locked. I'll let you know if I find anything.”
“Tyler..no.” you protest. “I am sure it's nothing.”
“I'll call you back in a few. Hang tight.” he hanged up and stepped out of the truck, shining his flashlight around. He made a full circle around the house, checking the windows, bushes and ground then moved on towards the barn, checking in every corner he could. Once he was satisfied there was nothing there, he walked back to the truck and called you.
“Everything okay?” you asked, peering out the window, your voice trembling a little.
“All clear. No signs of anything out here. Probably was the wind.” he paused, “Wanna come crash at my place again?”
You thought for a moment then answered, “No...I'll be okay. I am just really tired. Thank you, Ty. I feel safer now that you checked out things.”
“No problem. Good night, Sweetheart.” he smiled, getting back in the truck. He sat there for a few moments, watching as one by one each light in the house was turned out.
He leaned his seat back and did his best to get comfortable before dozing off. He wasn't about to return home if you were afraid. If you weren't going to come home with him, then he was going to stay out here in his truck, making sure you were safe.
* * * * *
The sun was just peeking up over the horizon when your dog started fussing to go out. “Alright, fine.” you mutter, stumbling out of the bed and to the door. You were shocked to open the door and see the red Dodge Ram sitting there in the drive.
“Tyler?” you called.
He jumped awake at the sound of your voice, quickly looking around, then smiling at you.
“Morning Sweetheart.” he smiled.
“What the hell are you doing sleeping in your truck in front of my house?” you scold him, hands on your hips.
“I didn't want to leave last night. You seemed worried and if you were hearing noises out here, I wanted to stay here and makes sure everything was okay.”
Your heart was filled with love. Actually, the love you had always felt for Tyler Owens never did go away. It always lingered, and maybe that's why you never got too serious with anyone. Your heart always belonged to him. Even if you would never be anything more then friends, the thought that this man would willingly sleep in his truck outside your house... just to make sure you were okay, made that love grow ever more.
“Well come on in and I'll make us some coffee. Want some pancakes for breakfast?” you offered.
“Sounds great.” he smiled, hoping from the truck, giving the dog a pet on the head before following you in. “Let me help with something.” he offered.
“You take the plates out if you want, after you wash up.”
“Yes, ma'am.” he grinned, washing his hands in the sink, “Where's the plates?” he asked? “Right side of sink, second cabinet, first shelf.” you direct him, pouring the pancake mix in the skillet.
“Wanna go for a ride today? We can load the horses up on the trailer and take them to one of the trails around. I am sure the dogs would like to come too.”
“No storms to chase today?” you asked, standing to clean up the dishes.
Tyler puts his hand on your arm, then stands. “Nope...sit back down. You cook, I clean.” he grinned, “And no, don't look like there's any storms until maybe next week. There might be some over in Oklahoma.” he stated, taking the dishes from you and loading them in the sink.
“You don't have to wash my dishes. My house, my dishes, I clean.”
“Don't work like that, Sweetheart. Not with me. I'll get these washed up and run home to tend to the horses. Maybe we can pack a lunch and have a picnic up at the state park...if you wanted to go. I could help out with any chores around here before we left.”
“That sounds great.” you smile. It sounded like the perfect date to be honest...but it wasn't a date. You both had already established that you were friends...best of friends, but friends all the same. “I don't have much here to do. A quick shower and feed the dog. I'll get us some sandwiches and chips put together for a picnic.”
“It's a date then. I'll pick you up in two hours.” Tyler said causally, but hoping that maybe...just maybe it could have been the date that he wanted to take you on fifteen years ago...back when he first carved your name in that old oak tree. He walked to the truck with a skip in his step. He knew he had some work to do, but maybe...just maybe, he could make up for his past mistakes.
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One Bad Day.... (Visitors)
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Winter Whumperland: Day 2. Unhappy Family Reunion
Fandom: Batman, Batfam, Batmom, Dick Grayson
Summary: Four years into her jail sentence, Dick pays Batmom a visit. However, unlike his usual visits, this time he has something potentially troubling to discuss....
Word Count: 2543
TW: Mentions of Injuries
Note: This is set while Batmom is still at Arkham. It should be read anytime after Part Two.
Series Masterlist
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You didn’t want to go see him. Well, you did, oh god how badly you wanted to see him. But you didn’t want him to see you. Not after yesterday’s scuffle with half of the other inmates.
You had held your own until the guards finally decided they had let things go on as long as they could without getting in trouble, but that didn’t mean you had escaped unscathed: Your left side felt like one huge bruise, your shoulder had been dislocated and your arm was still in a sling, your cheekbone had been fractured and you could barely open that eye, your voice was hoarse from screaming and where Bane had managed to get his hands around your throat for almost a minute, and your thigh was still bleeding from the deep gash Harley’s knife had made when she thrust it into you up to the hilt. And that’s not even to mention what the guards did to you after you had been dragged away to your cell afterward. Even sitting caused you pain.
However, all-in-all, they aren’t the worst injuries you have ever received but they are still pretty bad. And they look it. There is no way you can hide all the damage or brush it off as nothing. He will see through that ploy in seconds. But what other choice do you have if you want to see your son?
When you reach the door to the visiting room, you take a deep breath as you stand up straight and mask your expression as much as possible. It is nearly impossible to walk without limping or wincing in pain, but you are determined to do your best to hide it. When the guard opened the door, you plaster on a cheerful grin and walk slowly into the room.
Your visitor is seated at the booth closest to the opposite wall, a fact you are sure the sadistic guards did on purpose. They are probably gathered around the cameras watching and laughing as you struggle to cross the room without crying out in pain. But you won’t give them that satisfaction.
It takes longer than it should, but you make it to your chair without showing much outward sign of discomfort. Though, you can’t help but inhale sharply as you lower yourself into the metal chair. 
Slowly reaching over and picking up the phone attached to the wall, you smile through the glass divider and say, “Hey, baby. What a wonderful surprise! I didn’t know you were in town.” 
Dick doesn’t respond. He just continues to stare at you, his jaw clenched and knuckles growing white as he grasps the edge of the table in front of him. Yet, you pretend not to notice and continue, “Any exciting reason you’re around? Or is it just to visit me?”
Still, there is nothing but silence from the other side of the glass. Sighing heavily, you say, “Come on, Dick. You didn’t come all this way to not talk to me.”
“You said it was getting better.” His tone is icy and harsh, but at least he is finally speaking.
“No, I said I was handling it.”
“Mom–” He starts to say something but you hold up your hand to cut him off.
“It’s okay. It looks worse than it is.” You try to force another happy smile as you say, “But how are you? How are things in Blüdhaven? Are you seeing anyone special?”
He shakes his head. “No, don’t change the subject. What happened?”
You let the happy facade drop as you slump in your seat. He isn’t going to let this go. “Same thing that always happens. But I can take care of myself.”
Dick leans in closer. “Let me talk to the warden. Something has to be done about this. It can’t keep happening.”
“No. I’m serious, Dick. Don’t say anything….. It just makes it worse.”
Dick smashes his hand against the glass on the other side causing you to jump slightly and catching the attention of a few of the guards in the room. “Mom… please.. I can’t keep seeing you like this. What if they come back for you when you’re hurt? You can’t fight back when you can barely move without flinching in pain! Then what? You just let them kill you?”
You roll your eyes. “Dickie, I’m fine. I’m tougher than I look.”
“Yeah…. Don’t I know it,” he scoffs, running his hand through his hair. “God. I just hate seeing you in here like this and knowing there’s nothing I can do to stop it. We’re supposed to help those who are in trouble and yet, I can’t help my own mom.”
“Oh, Dick…” Tears well up in your eyes as you press your hand against the glass where his is. In the four years since you were thrown in here, never have you wanted to give your son a hug as badly as you did right now. “This isn’t on you. I made my choice that night even though I knew what it probably meant. And I’m so sorry I’m putting you through this too.”
“I would never tell Bruce this, but…. I think you made the right choice.” You blink in surprise. Dick has always been in your corner through the trial and while you have been in jail, but he never once ever made any indication he agreed with you killing the Joker. He stares down at the table as he continues. “He did unspeakable things not only to the citizens of Gotham but also to the people we love. To me… Babs… Jay… He was never going to stop unless someone did something about him. Something final. I may not agree with how you did it, but I’m glad he’s dead.”
You aren’t sure how to process this information. There had never been a doubt in your mind that if Jason knew what you did, he would have cheered and celebrated. But Dick…. There was just something so wrong about hearing him condone a death, regardless of who it was or why they were killed. He always seemed to follow Bruce’s code like gospel since the time Bruce stopped him from killing the man who arranged for his parents’ deaths. It was a line you never imagined him even considering crossing so to hear him support what you did sends a small chill down your spine.
So, you just nod and give him a small smile. “Thank you, baby.” Then, changing the subject, you ask, “So, is this a spontaneous visit or did you have something specific you wanted to talk about?” 
Dick licks his lips and stares down at the floor, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. He opens his mouth as if he is about to say something but then closes it again without uttering a word. Finally, you ask, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wro–”
“You don’t have to hide things from me. I’m your mother and I know you. I can see by your face that something’s bothering you. So, what is it?”
Glancing around, Dick presses a button on his watch. You peek up at the cameras, knowing that all feed and sound in the room will be temporarily scrambled. Which means Dick wants to discuss something a little more private. 
Taking a deep breath, he finally blurts out,  “There’s a new Robin.”
You lean back in your chair. “…..I know.”
Dick blinks in surprise. “You…know?”
“I still get the paper and am allowed to watch the news. Besides, I live in a place that is full of people who have been put away or stopped by Batman and Robin. You honestly didn’t think I would have heard about it?” You grin teasingly. But then your face grows more serious as you add, “But I’m glad.”
Dick seems surprised by your response. “Really? Why? I thought after what happened with Jay….”
“Does the thought of another kid running around fighting guys with weapons and superhuman strength scare the shit out of me? Yes. But Bruce needs someone to keep him grounded, and without me or Jay…. I’m sure he could really use someone right now. Especially since you can’t always be around.”
You hold up your hand. “No, I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. You should be off living your own life, stepping out from his shadow, becoming your own person. And I’m so glad that you are. You are doing so much good as Nightwing and I am so incredibly proud of you. But Bruce…. he shouldn’t be alone out there. So, if this kid seems up for the challenge, then I’m glad they found each other.”
Dick still seems slightly stunned but says, “Wow, that’s… I don’t know. I thought you would be more upset about this. You really do still care about Bruce and what happens to him, don’t you?”
You bristle at his words and snap, “What Bruce does or doesn’t do is no longer any of my concern. However, this city needs Batman. So if having a Robin by his side helps him protect those in need, then great.” Dick’s face falls slightly and you sigh. In a slightly softer tone, you ask, “So who is this kid?”
“His name’s Tim Drake and he’s thirteen.”
“Thirteen…. It seems so young,” you say wistfully. “And yet both you and Jason were only twelve when you became Robin.”
Dick chuckles softly, “He didn’t really give us much choice. He figured out who we were and practically blackmailed his way into the tights.” Dick drops the smile as he adds, “He knows who you are too. Both while you were with Bruce and before, as Night Watch.”
“What?” you hiss, leaning in closer to the glass. “How the hell did he figure that out? In fact, how the hell does he even know who Night Watch is? I haven’t gone by that name since before Bruce and I got married!”
Dick shrugs. “The kid’s a genius. It’s what he does. He said he recognized your fighting style and that you have a few tells. He’s a big fan though. Apparently, he talked to some people you looked after back in the day and they told him about you. He seems to know more about you at that time than I do. It’s sort of weird.”
“He won’t…. He won’t tell anyone will he? I get into enough trouble in here. If anyone ever finds out who I was before or after I met Bruce, things will only get a hundred times worse.”
“No, absolutely not,” Dick says. “He would never tell a soul. I’m sure of it. He’s a great kid….. You would love him.”
“Yeah… I’m sure I would have.” You quickly turn your head as you blink away a few tears that had sprung up in your eyes. In the corner of the room, you notice two guards whispering and pointing at the cameras. Taking a deep breath, you turn back to Dick. “Seems they noticed the interference with the surveillance system.”
Dick glances over his shoulder and then quickly presses the button on his watch a second time. Whatever privacy the two of you had is now gone and there are going to be a lot of questions about what happened.
Sighing sadly, you say, “I think you should go. It might be better if you aren’t around at the moment.”
Dick nods before hanging his head. “I wish I could take you with me.”
“I know, baby. I do too.” You press your hand against the glass and Dick does the same on his side. “But it’s just for another twenty years or so.”
“Mom….” His eyes dart across your various wounds. “You can’t survive that long in here if this keeps up.”
“What choice do I have? If I ever want the chance to see you without this divider between us, the chance to hold you again, I have to keep fighting. I’ll be okay, I promise.”
You both knew it wasn’t true, but Dick just nods. “I love you. Please be careful.”
“You be careful. And I love you too.” 
The two of you sit there just staring at each other for a long moment. Then Dick hangs up his phone, rises to his feet, and turns to leave, his fingers trailing across the glass until the last possible second.
You manage to hold it together until Dick is gone and the door clicks shut behind him. Then you bury your face in your arms on the table and sob. It is the same thing that happens every time you have to watch your only living child disappear once more.
You absolutely love seeing Dick. The thought of his next visit is the only thing that keeps you going most days. And yet, it shatters your heart every time you have to watch him walk out that door. 
There is a silent understanding between the two of you that every visit might be his last. Dick is an amazing fighter, but being a vigilante is incredibly dangerous work. And who knows when the other inmates will finally get the upper hand when attacking you. One of these days, one or both of you might not be seated on the other side of the glass.
Finally managing to pull yourself together, you begin to stand to go back to your cell. However, one of the guards approaches and says, “Stay there. You have another visitor.”
“Anoth–” Alfred was the only person who had ever visited you besides Dick and if he was coming, they would have just come together. Unless…. Is it possible Bruce finally came to see you after four long years?
You sink back into your chair as your eyes lock on the door, waiting with bated breath to see who is about to walk in. It can’t be Bruce. Dick would have said something. But what if he didn’t know? What if Bruce wanted it to be a private affair? What if he finally came to his senses? What if he found a way to get you out? What if–
The door opens and the person who walks in is definitely not Bruce, but a welcome sight nonetheless. 
You laugh in disbelief as she sits down and you both pick up your respective phones. With tears in your eyes, you say, “Selina! Hi! Wow, it’s so good to see you.”
But then you notice something off in her smirk. This isn’t the Selina you practically raised. This is the Selina you had been catching more and more glimpses of the past few years before your imprisonment. The one whose eyes always lingered on your ring or your custom clothes or the antiques in the manor. The one who hadn’t bothered showing up to Jason’s funeral despite you personally texting her the information. 
This is not the visit from a friend you had expected when she walked in.
Leaning forward in the chair, Selina began running her sharp nails across her throat, toying with the diamond necklace that hung there. Your diamond necklace. 
Your eyes snap to her face as she purrs, “Hello, Sissy. I think it’s about time we talked about Bruce…..”
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Taglist: @loverhymeswith, @hjgdhghoe, @dazaisleftballsack, @simp027, @animefan3223, @mysticchopshop, @eternalharry, @edgycatx, @lanatheawesome, @yandere-batfamfan, @zsalvatore-mikaelson, @constantshitposter, @lauramb7, @thedumbgirl, @leonielaufeyson, @ultraxavbo, @chrismarium, @joceymoo, @shanksfav, @leyleyinpijamas, @notwonderlandsworld, @redsakura101, @outdated-titty-milk101, @lariclifford, @seoulnights5, @makhaia, @tardisin221bst, @imurdaddypromlems, @dashavau, @roro707-blog, @scrappybear89, @homosexualjohnwayne, @dweeb-central, @mint–yoongs, @sunshineflowerchild789, @happinessricardotapia, @nefariousghostbabe, @mikyapixie, @angelicadiabolus, @hotleaf-juice, @saltedcoffeescotch, @hermosavidagg, @blackrockshooter780, @iveofficiallylostmymarbles, @avengersftspn, @pantasticalcat, @hyper-half-blood, @staynctzen127, @yunho-leeknow, @blue-aconite, @leyleyinpijamas, @y-napotat, @jadynchronicle, @redrydersrequiem, @violet2507, @venomsvl, @time-shardz
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One Bad Day.... (Visitors)
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Winter Whumperland: Day 2. Unhappy Family Reunion
Fandom: Batman, Batfam, Batmom, Dick Grayson
Summary: Four years into her jail sentence, Dick pays Batmom a visit. However, unlike his usual visits, this time he has something potentially troubling to discuss….
Word Count: 2543
TW: Mentions of Injuries
Note: This is set while Batmom is still at Arkham. It should be read anytime after Part Two.
Series Masterlist
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You didn’t want to go see him. Well, you did, oh god how badly you wanted to see him. But you didn’t want him to see you. Not after yesterday’s scuffle with half of the other inmates.
You had held your own until the guards finally decided they had let things go on as long as they could without getting in trouble, but that didn’t mean you had escaped unscathed: Your left side felt like one huge bruise, your shoulder had been dislocated and your arm was still in a sling, your cheekbone had been fractured and you could barely open that eye, your voice was hoarse from screaming and where Bane had managed to get his hands around your throat for almost a minute, and your thigh was still bleeding from the deep gash Harley’s knife had made when she thrust it into you up to the hilt. And that’s not even to mention what the guards did to you after you had been dragged away to your cell afterward. Even sitting caused you pain.
However, all-in-all, they aren’t the worst injuries you have ever received but they are still pretty bad. And they look it. There is no way you can hide all the damage or brush it off as nothing. He will see through that ploy in seconds. But what other choice do you have if you want to see your son?
When you reach the door to the visiting room, you take a deep breath as you stand up straight and mask your expression as much as possible. It is nearly impossible to walk without limping or wincing in pain, but you are determined to do your best to hide it. When the guard opened the door, you plaster on a cheerful grin and walk slowly into the room.
Your visitor is seated at the booth closest to the opposite wall, a fact you are sure the sadistic guards did on purpose. They are probably gathered around the cameras watching and laughing as you struggle to cross the room without crying out in pain. But you won’t give them that satisfaction.
It takes longer than it should, but you make it to your chair without showing much outward sign of discomfort. Though, you can’t help but inhale sharply as you lower yourself into the metal chair. 
Slowly reaching over and picking up the phone attached to the wall, you smile through the glass divider and say, “Hey, baby. What a wonderful surprise! I didn’t know you were in town.” 
Dick doesn’t respond. He just continues to stare at you, his jaw clenched and knuckles growing white as he grasps the edge of the table in front of him. Yet, you pretend not to notice and continue, “Any exciting reason you’re around? Or is it just to visit me?”
Still, there is nothing but silence from the other side of the glass. Sighing heavily, you say, “Come on, Dick. You didn’t come all this way to not talk to me.”
“You said it was getting better.” His tone is icy and harsh, but at least he is finally speaking.
“No, I said I was handling it.”
“Mom–” He starts to say something but you hold up your hand to cut him off.
“It’s okay. It looks worse than it is.” You try to force another happy smile as you say, “But how are you? How are things in Blüdhaven? Are you seeing anyone special?”
He shakes his head. “No, don’t change the subject. What happened?”
You let the happy facade drop as you slump in your seat. He isn’t going to let this go. “Same thing that always happens. But I can take care of myself.”
Dick leans in closer. “Let me talk to the warden. Something has to be done about this. It can’t keep happening.”
“No. I’m serious, Dick. Don’t say anything….. It just makes it worse.”
Dick smashes his hand against the glass on the other side causing you to jump slightly and catching the attention of a few of the guards in the room. “Mom… please.. I can’t keep seeing you like this. What if they come back for you when you’re hurt? You can’t fight back when you can barely move without flinching in pain! Then what? You just let them kill you?”
You roll your eyes. “Dickie, I’m fine. I’m tougher than I look.”
“Yeah…. Don’t I know it,” he scoffs, running his hand through his hair. “God. I just hate seeing you in here like this and knowing there’s nothing I can do to stop it. We’re supposed to help those who are in trouble and yet, I can’t help my own mom.”
“Oh, Dick…” Tears well up in your eyes as you press your hand against the glass where his is. In the four years since you were thrown in here, never have you wanted to give your son a hug as badly as you did right now. “This isn’t on you. I made my choice that night even though I knew what it probably meant. And I’m so sorry I’m putting you through this too.”
“I would never tell Bruce this, but…. I think you made the right choice.” You blink in surprise. Dick has always been in your corner through the trial and while you have been in jail, but he never once ever made any indication he agreed with you killing the Joker. He stares down at the table as he continues. “He did unspeakable things not only to the citizens of Gotham but also to the people we love. To me… Babs… Jay… He was never going to stop unless someone did something about him. Something final. I may not agree with how you did it, but I’m glad he’s dead.”
You aren’t sure how to process this information. There had never been a doubt in your mind that if Jason knew what you did, he would have cheered and celebrated. But Dick…. There was just something so wrong about hearing him condone a death, regardless of who it was or why they were killed. He always seemed to follow Bruce’s code like gospel since the time Bruce stopped him from killing the man who arranged for his parents’ deaths. It was a line you never imagined him even considering crossing so to hear him support what you did sends a small chill down your spine.
So, you just nod and give him a small smile. “Thank you, baby.” Then, changing the subject, you ask, “So, is this a spontaneous visit or did you have something specific you wanted to talk about?” 
Dick licks his lips and stares down at the floor, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. He opens his mouth as if he is about to say something but then closes it again without uttering a word. Finally, you ask, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wro–”
“You don’t have to hide things from me. I’m your mother and I know you. I can see by your face that something’s bothering you. So, what is it?”
Glancing around, Dick presses a button on his watch. You peek up at the cameras, knowing that all feed and sound in the room will be temporarily scrambled. Which means Dick wants to discuss something a little more private. 
Taking a deep breath, he finally blurts out,  “There’s a new Robin.”
You lean back in your chair. “…..I know.”
Dick blinks in surprise. “You…know?”
“I still get the paper and am allowed to watch the news. Besides, I live in a place that is full of people who have been put away or stopped by Batman and Robin. You honestly didn’t think I would have heard about it?” You grin teasingly. But then your face grows more serious as you add, “But I’m glad.”
Dick seems surprised by your response. “Really? Why? I thought after what happened with Jay….”
“Does the thought of another kid running around fighting guys with weapons and superhuman strength scare the shit out of me? Yes. But Bruce needs someone to keep him grounded, and without me or Jay…. I’m sure he could really use someone right now. Especially since you can’t always be around.”
You hold up your hand. “No, I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. You should be off living your own life, stepping out from his shadow, becoming your own person. And I’m so glad that you are. You are doing so much good as Nightwing and I am so incredibly proud of you. But Bruce…. he shouldn’t be alone out there. So, if this kid seems up for the challenge, then I’m glad they found each other.”
Dick still seems slightly stunned but says, “Wow, that’s… I don’t know. I thought you would be more upset about this. You really do still care about Bruce and what happens to him, don’t you?”
You bristle at his words and snap, “What Bruce does or doesn’t do is no longer any of my concern. However, this city needs Batman. So if having a Robin by his side helps him protect those in need, then great.” Dick’s face falls slightly and you sigh. In a slightly softer tone, you ask, “So who is this kid?”
“His name’s Tim Drake and he’s thirteen.”
“Thirteen…. It seems so young,” you say wistfully. “And yet both you and Jason were only twelve when you became Robin.”
Dick chuckles softly, “He didn’t really give us much choice. He figured out who we were and practically blackmailed his way into the tights.” Dick drops the smile as he adds, “He knows who you are too. Both while you were with Bruce and before, as Night Watch.”
“What?” you hiss, leaning in closer to the glass. “How the hell did he figure that out? In fact, how the hell does he even know who Night Watch is? I haven’t gone by that name since before Bruce and I got married!”
Dick shrugs. “The kid’s a genius. It’s what he does. He said he recognized your fighting style and that you have a few tells. He’s a big fan though. Apparently, he talked to some people you looked after back in the day and they told him about you. He seems to know more about you at that time than I do. It’s sort of weird.”
“He won’t…. He won’t tell anyone will he? I get into enough trouble in here. If anyone ever finds out who I was before or after I met Bruce, things will only get a hundred times worse.”
“No, absolutely not,” Dick says. “He would never tell a soul. I’m sure of it. He’s a great kid….. You would love him.”
“Yeah… I’m sure I would have.” You quickly turn your head as you blink away a few tears that had sprung up in your eyes. In the corner of the room, you notice two guards whispering and pointing at the cameras. Taking a deep breath, you turn back to Dick. “Seems they noticed the interference with the surveillance system.”
Dick glances over his shoulder and then quickly presses the button on his watch a second time. Whatever privacy the two of you had is now gone and there are going to be a lot of questions about what happened.
Sighing sadly, you say, “I think you should go. It might be better if you aren’t around at the moment.”
Dick nods before hanging his head. “I wish I could take you with me.”
“I know, baby. I do too.” You press your hand against the glass and Dick does the same on his side. “But it’s just for another twenty years or so.”
“Mom….” His eyes dart across your various wounds. “You can’t survive that long in here if this keeps up.”
“What choice do I have? If I ever want the chance to see you without this divider between us, the chance to hold you again, I have to keep fighting. I’ll be okay, I promise.”
You both knew it wasn’t true, but Dick just nods. “I love you. Please be careful.”
“You be careful. And I love you too.” 
The two of you sit there just staring at each other for a long moment. Then Dick hangs up his phone, rises to his feet, and turns to leave, his fingers trailing across the glass until the last possible second.
You manage to hold it together until Dick is gone and the door clicks shut behind him. Then you bury your face in your arms on the table and sob. It is the same thing that happens every time you have to watch your only living child disappear once more.
You absolutely love seeing Dick. The thought of his next visit is the only thing that keeps you going most days. And yet, it shatters your heart every time you have to watch him walk out that door. 
There is a silent understanding between the two of you that every visit might be his last. Dick is an amazing fighter, but being a vigilante is incredibly dangerous work. And who knows when the other inmates will finally get the upper hand when attacking you. One of these days, one or both of you might not be seated on the other side of the glass.
Finally managing to pull yourself together, you begin to stand to go back to your cell. However, one of the guards approaches and says, “Stay there. You have another visitor.”
“Anoth–” Alfred was the only person who had ever visited you besides Dick and if he was coming, they would have just come together. Unless…. Is it possible Bruce finally came to see you after four long years?
You sink back into your chair as your eyes lock on the door, waiting with bated breath to see who is about to walk in. It can’t be Bruce. Dick would have said something. But what if he didn’t know? What if Bruce wanted it to be a private affair? What if he finally came to his senses? What if he found a way to get you out? What if–
The door opens and the person who walks in is definitely not Bruce, but a welcome sight nonetheless. 
You laugh in disbelief as she sits down and you both pick up your respective phones. With tears in your eyes, you say, “Selina! Hi! Wow, it’s so good to see you.”
But then you notice something off in her smirk. This isn’t the Selina you practically raised. This is the Selina you had been catching more and more glimpses of the past few years before your imprisonment. The one whose eyes always lingered on your ring or your custom clothes or the antiques in the manor. The one who hadn’t bothered showing up to Jason’s funeral despite you personally texting her the information. 
This is not the visit from a friend you had expected when she walked in.
Leaning forward in the chair, Selina began running her sharp nails across her throat, toying with the diamond necklace that hung there. Your diamond necklace. 
Your eyes snap to her face as she purrs, “Hello, Sissy. I think it’s about time we talked about Bruce…..”
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The loved & the forgotten pt15
Part 14 here
Vivienne: *trembling and clinging to the wall of his cell, feeling like he’s back in the brothel all over again, unable to use his voice, his magic, stripped of his clothing and the ring of khajiiti, just staring up at the figure before him in absolute terror* l-lord dres p-please release m-me- I- im-
Sen Dres: *sighs and walks to him gently stroking his face* Unless the next words out of your mouth are ‘sorry’ and ‘master’ I don’t wish to hear it. *smiles gently thumbing at his lips, feeling how soft they still are even after so long* my vivienne, oh my sweet little pet, had I of known, gods had I of known you were a slave to that cantankerous fetcher, I’d of gutted her alive and burned that place to the ground long before I did. *tosses the pipe from his hand letting it clack against the stone floor* But running away? Without even saying goodbye to me? After all the love I gave you, how much I spoiled you with, how I worshipped you, this is how I’m repaid? With sad little whimpers and half hearted excuses? Tsk, vivi, im hurt… *smirks gently grabbing his hair and placing the mask of vivec over his face* No matter~ I loved you as the whore you were then, now I can keep you as the god you are now, my vive-
Vivienne: *blood thrumming in his veins and heartbeat pounding in his head as a visceral anger floods through him and his godly powers awaken once again, overriding the enchantments on his bonds and drawing energy from memories of hurt both in this life and his last* I. Am not. YOURS!!!
*meanwhile in the main hall of the temple*
Voryn: *decks a guard in the head before impaling him with his own sword as he turns around to see another guard charging for Kaidan as he fights two more* WATCH OU- *blinks watching as suddenly muatra smashes through the door to the inventory room and impales the guard as it smashes through another door on a direct path to murder* …Was that- what I think it was?
Kaidan: *slices the guards heads off* Sentient penis spear? Oh yeah!
Taliesin: *rummaging through all the dead guards armour* I found the keys!! One of these has to lead us to him let’s go!
Lucien: Okay! *smacks a guard over the head with a book* I’m sorry-
Inigo: *suddenly comes in swinging knocking out another guard with his lute* and they’re out for the encore! Let us go!
Sen Dres: *laughs softly* oh, you did not just raise your voice at me Vivi. *raises his hand to strike him* let me remind you of your pla-hurghh… *chokes out a clot of blood, spitting it onto Vivienne’s masked face as he stares down at his chest, and the tip of muatra pierced through it* wh-what- I?…
Vivienne: *stands up slowly and removes the ash mask of vivec, placing it on sens face and staring at him with hatred burning deep in his eyes* may you never walk this land with your face, ever again… *pushes him back making him fall onto the spear, allowing it to penetrate all the way through him, his still beating heart pissing blood down it’s shaft before going still at last…
*Iron creaking and heavy footsteps approaching*
Taliesin: *frantically checking every cell before stopping and immediately fumbling the key into the lock as he spots vivienne* VIVI! It’s okay we’re here!
Kaidan: *not waiting for the lock, gently moves Taliesin out of the way and bashes his sword against it smashing open the door and hurrying in* oh love, oh my love are you okay?! *pulls off his cape wrapping it around him as Taliesin tries to clean the blood off of him*
Taliesin: vivienne? Vivienne say something!
Vivienne: *just staring at the body of sen dres as muatra floats up from it and to his hand* … *takes the spear in his grasp as the ring of khajiiti reappears on his finger* …
Voryn: *walks to the door quietly and peers in, eyes wide as he rests them on the scene before him. Sen Dres dead, team dragonborn desperately trying to comfort their friend, and their friend… a figure who looks exactly like a young vivec* hello… *steps in slowly and looks him up and down cautiously* are you Vivienne?…
Vivienne: *looks up at him with sad, dull eyes, so tired and drained, not even shifting as his lovers free him from his shackles* …yes…
Voryn: …Do you know… who I am?…
Vivienne: … *shakes his head* no sir…
Voryn: …I’m a friend…
*a few minutes later*
Nerevar: *healing Elder Othreloth as the guards get everything under control* How’s it going down there Captain Veleth?
Captain Veleth: Oh just fine. It seems Galdrus is coming back to his senses now.
Galdrus Hlervu: *being placed in the stocks as a public punishment for his actions* What are you doing?! What is happening unhand me!!
Guard: *suddenly stands in front of him cracking a bull whip* You are facing punishment for treason against house redoran. Against the good daedra, for unlawful arrest, and… what were the others?
Other guard: Hold on I have the list here- *opens a scroll letting it drop to the floor* … Well I might as well read him his last rights too I don’t think he’s going to survive after number 6. If he’s lucky he might make it through harming a temple elder-
Galdrus Hlervu: *realising just how fucked he is* I- n-no I- lord nerevar please! Please find mercy in your heart for me! Please spare me! *sobs as the guards start positioning him* NEREVAR PLEASE!!
Nerevar: *sighs* I do hate it when the loud ones get their comeuppance. Are you alright to stand now my friend?
Elder Othreloth: *winces a little* I- yes I I think I can.
Nerevar: okay let’s get you into bed and we’ll have a better look at your wrist. *helps him to his feet and turns to enter the temple quarters right as voryn emerges from the main doors* Ryn! Did you-
Voryn: *holds up his hand in a motion asking for peace instead of excitement* … *looks back behind him as team dragonborn emerge, all of them shielding vivienne with their bodies, Kaidan & Taliesin both holding him up right*
Nerevar: *breath catching in his throat, catching only a glimpse of the blood soaked mer beneath kaidans cape* vi-
Vivienne: *stares at the space around him, seeing the eyes of his friends, of voryn, of the crowd all gathering back at the stairs to make sure he’s okay… before finally meeting Nerevars and choking back a pained heartbroken sob as he clenches his fist, turning invisible with the ring of khajiiti and running away, feeling ashamed to be seen like this, to be held, to be loved…*
Kaidan & Taliesin: *both grasp at the air trying to catch their invisible beloved in a panic as he flees*
Nerevar: *watching them hurry off, eyes focused on the vague outline of energy running ahead of them as vivienne runs away to hide* Vehk…
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Febuwhump Day One: Rope Burn
This is gonna chafe.
It felt like a silly thing to worry about, sitting in the back of a transport vehicle, rough rope biting into his wrists, waiting to be taken to some spot by the enemy soldiers of Flower Hill. But the other things that could have been occupying Aekku’s mind were so, so much more terrifying. And he could not be terrified right now. He had to get out, somehow. He could die in a lot of places, but he’d be damned if it was on Flower Hill’s execution block.
Okay, Aekku. Keep calm. Focus. There has to be some way out of here. There has to be. He looked towards the back of the transport vehicle. Smashing his way out through there was damn near impossible. They’d had the bright idea of using double doors, both locked. Perhaps if he climbed through too the ceiling? He could see a faint light of an emergency exit, that could potentially work. Though he’d need his hands free for that option.
He turned his attention to his wrists, tied together by a rough, thick rope. The kind that was difficult to cut through, even with a weasels sharp claws. Difficult, but not impossible. He shifted his wrists as much as he could in his restraints, trying to get his paw in just the right spot. He winced a little, hissing in pain at the friction. But he could power through and ignore it. Who knew how much time he had left before they got to wherever it was? He needed to work fast. If he could get his paw just a few more centimeters…
That plan slammed to a halt around the same time as his transport vehicle did, and incidentally slammed his left shoulder into the side. He would have screamed if it weren’t for the gag.
“Prisoner.” The door had opened, and a group of hedgehogs stood at the door. Rifles in paw. “Come forward.”
Like he had any fucking choice. Aekku scowled, but obliged. Held held high. Even if he couldn’t escape, he wasn’t about to give the bastards the pleasure of seeing him break down. If he was going out, he’d do so with his head held high.
The tip of the bayonet pushed him forward. He looked ahead, forcing himself to breathe. To be calm. To not worry about what happened next. It didn’t matter. Maybe he’d lived long enough. Maybe he could get his bucket list done in another life. Maybe he’d be born away from this hell…
Aekku stopped. In front of him was not some kind of gallows or a brick wall like he was expecting. It was a prison cell. They were…at a prison? Or some kind of containment facility. But why would they take put him in a cell? Why prolong his execution?
The guards from behind him pushed him forward, and he stumbled onto the ground. Someone cut the ropes that held his wrists, and they closed the door behind him. Aekku ripped off the gag they had tied on him, running up to the door and shaking the bars.
“I’m not giving you bastards anything! You hear me?! Not a damn thing!” He shook once more for emphasis. “You can do whatever the hell you want! I’m not going to tell you anything! You may as well kill me now!”
One of the hedgehogs stopped, then turned, glaring at Aekku darkly. “Stronger soldiers than you have tried and failed to keep that promise. I suggest you don’t hold onto your fool-hearted pride if you wish to receive the honor of a quick and painless death.” And with that he left.
Aekku glanced at his wrists. The skin had definitely been irritated. He could already feel the pain setting in, as the adrenaline faded. As he realized what was going to happen. Of fucking course. He was the Scout Commander after all. Why simply kill him when he wad much more valuable alive? Much more valuable as a source of information?
You can’t interrogate a dead weasel.
There were rope burns on his wrist. It hurt. And he had no doubt in his mind that after a few weeks, that pain would seem like a dream compared to what was to come.
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justfangirlthingies · 4 years
The prince of lies (Loki x reader)
Soulmate AU: Every time your soulmate lies, their words are permanently written on your skin
Word count: 3140 Words
I think this is the last Soulmate one that I have on Wattpad as of right now
Father is dead. Your banishment... The threat of a new war...it was too much for him to bear. You mustn't blame yourself. I know that you loved him. I tried to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen.
The truce with Jotunheim is conditional  upon your exile
Mother has forbidden your return
This is goodbye brother, I'm so sorry
Perhaps your senses have weakened after your many years of service
I don't know what happened on earth to make you so soft! Don't tell me it was that woman?... Oh, it was. Well, when we're done here, maybe I'll pay her a visit myself!
You're not
(etc. more lies)
Every single one of them. How did you know? Well, because they were printed all over your body.
Every single lie your soulmate ever told up until now graced your (s/c) skin.
How was a liar like that supposed to be a soulmate for you? Someone you could trust?
Yes, your so called soulmate would never be able to lie to you, for as soon as he tried the lie would appear on your skin. Had they only been some minor white lies, that would've probably been fine by you, but looking at the severity of those lies you could only shake your head in disbelief and sorrow for whoever had received those news.
Now ignoring the fact that those statements were lies, there were other aspects that made absolutely no sense. Those you had already researched quite a bit . Jotunheim for a start was a mythical place and the lies stated that apparently the liar and his brother were not from earth, which was complete nonsense was it not? Otherwise he had to be some kind of alien.
You were interrupted in the middle of your thought-process.
I missed you too
A new lie, gracing your forearm. Though this one seemed rather small and harmless, this man was still lying through his teeth and you had to carry every single one of those lies. How often had you been asked why your body was full of lies. Yet you never had an answer to those questions. He was your soulmate, even if he was a liar he had to be good somewhere, right?
Aliens and beings from other worlds did exist though. Thor the god of thunder and the events of New York city. Did they have soulmates as well? They had to, otherwise the statements on your features made even less sense.
But who?
Who would lie so much?
The thoughts in your head kept floating around as you got ready to meet up with your friend Anthony.
You started walking to a nearby park. Your usual meeting point, as you felt yet another familiar tingle. Pushing it to the back of your head in hopes of ignoring it, you kept walking towards your friend and hugged him "It's good to see you" you smiled but only got a confused stare in return "What?" "You uh...got a new one there, a long one." A sigh escaped your lips at the reply of Anthony. "Well, where? And does it at least make sense?" Your friend just shook his head as he took a picture of the lettering on your collarbone "No, but here. Maybe you can understand some of this. It looks like sarcasm this time." He gave you his phone to look at the picture. Great another one.
Wait? Sarcasm? One thing you had to give your soulmate credit for were his snarky remarks, at least those sometimes put a smile on your face. You zoomed in on your collarbone as you read what was engraved on the previously clear space of (s/c) skin.
You know this is wonderful! This a tremendous idea! Let's steal the biggest most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that! Flying around the city, smash it into everything in sight and everyone will see it! It's brilliant Thor! It's truly brilliant...
Thor?! You could not believe your eyes. Whoever your soulmate was knew Thor. It was a shock and a relief as well. If he was friends with this god he couldn't be so bad, could he? You did however, question why Thor would spend time, let alone steal some kind of spaceship with this person.
"I see. I can't say I understand what it's about, but whoever this liar of mine is, seems to be friends with Thor..." The words left your mouth as you handed the phone back to your dear friend. The two of you sat down on a wooden bench underneath a tree, but when you heard Anthony speak up, your mind went blank "He could also be Thor's brother, doesn't that one lie a lot?" It took you a few moments to fully comprehend what he meant "No, that'd be impossible, that man is sitting behind bars for the rest of his life. Besides, that guy is evil. My soulmate could never possibly be a bad person." that last part was a lie. Your soulmate was a liar, he could easily be a bad person, you just hoped with all your might that he wasn't"
■ ■ ■
"Trust my rage" the god of mischief spoke. Just as he had finished his sentence he felt a tingle on his wrist. A rare occasion if it was a real lie, usually it was just a sarcastic comment which most of the time he enjoyed quite a bit. These sarcastic statements often caused a small smile to appear on his face, the few nice moments that made the time in his cell more bearable, not only did he find them funny and witty, they also stood for his soulmate, for someone that was destined for him and also that he was a perfect fit for whoever this soulmate was. He looked at his bare wrist expectantly, waiting for one of the snarky remarks that his soulmate had spoken to appear. When it did appear though, it broke his heart. His cold expression fell for a second as he looked at the writing on his wrist. Quickly regaining his cold exterior before anyone would notice. It was too late though. His brother had seen the trickster's face falter just in time and he had also seen what Loki was staring at. Before the raven-haired could pull his hand back he felt it had already been grabbed "Let go of me Thor!"
"Brother, just let me see!" Thor replied loudly, he wanted to know what this was about. Loki looked away in shame as he let his brother read what his soulmate had said. My soulmate could never possibly be a bad person. As he finished reading he loosened his grip on the other's hand, allowing Loki to finally pull his hand back "I'm sorry" he muttered. "They think I'm a monster too..." The black haired god whispered as he sat down in the small ship, his stone cold exterior dropping by the second. Was a soulmate not meant to understand? Was there really no hope for him?
"Stop it. Don't pity me for something that's my own fault!" he screamed. He just needed a moment to calm down.
■ ■ ■
"How is this possible? How do I deal with this? I can't just ignore it can I? No" before you knew it you found yourself in front of a massive building. Stark tower. Your (e/c) eyes stared at the monument in awe, but you soon shook your head in order to resume your task. "Enter the tower and talk to the avengers on how to communicate with Thor. You have to do this because Thor knows your soulmate..." you repeated in your head as you entered the building...
...or so you thought.
In the blink of an eye you were consumed by light and gone from where you stood. Was that some kind of security system Stark invented?
Your eyes fluttered open just to see some old man on a throne before your sight went black and your body dropped to the ground unconscious.
■ ■ ■
"Are you certain Heimdall?" the king asked, looking at the unconscious human, who was now dressed to fit the Asgardian culture. He was inspecting some of the tattoos on their body "You were right they definitely are his soulmate. Though they seem to be a rather honest person, for Loki does not have as many markings on him. As far as I know at least"
What were they talking about? Who were these people, why did they speak of you in a connection to Loki, it made no sense. None at all. You tried to look like you were still passed out.
But apparently you failed in your acting. "The human is awake" a different voice spoke. Maybe it belonged to this Heimdall person.
A sigh of defeat left your lips as you opened your eyes. You tried to take in your surroundings when suddenly, your eyes went wide from the sensation on your skin.
You sighed as you waited for the writing to appear on one of your upper arms. "Oh boy this is a long one" You muttered underneath your breath, but it seems Odin had heard, for he raised an eyebrow as his eyes followed your gaze to your arm which you had uncovered from the strange clothing you were dressed in. The king had taken a hold of your arm to read your words.
You really think I cared about Frigga? About any of you? All I ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet! Malekith! I am Loki of Jotunheim and I bring you a gift! I ask only one thing in return, a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn.
"Fools!" Odin shouted.
Meanwhile you thought your eyes were about to pop out of their sockets as you tried to comprehend the meaning behind those words. The only thing you could focus on however, was the name etched in your skin. His name. Loki.
Your thoughts were interrupted when the Allfather spoke up again "Send guards to Svartálfheimr and retrieve my sons! Bring the Aether back if it's still there!"
His sons?
It was at that moment. Realisation hit you like a bus. You were in Asgard and this man before you had to be Odin then. Your brows furrowed. Why were you here? How did you get here?
"Come. You must have many questions." The king said as you got up and followed him "I am Odin of Asgard. Tell me child what is your name?" "M-my name is (Y/n) (L/n). How-how did I get here?" you stuttered as you looked around still walking. "I gave orders to bring you here" He replied casually.
■ ■ ■
The Jotun prince laid on the ground panting as his brother cradled him in his strong arms "No. No, no, no. Oh, you fool, you didn't listen." "I know." Loki spoke, his voice quiet and weak "I'm a fool. I'm a fool." he gasped in pain. "Stay with me, okay?" The god of thunder spoke close to tears as he pat the other's face to keep him conscious. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" the young god apologized gasping for air but he was quickly shushed by his brother "shhh...it's okay" Thor nodded as tears welled up in his blue eyes. "It's all right. I'll tell father what you did here today" He spoke again the tears now making their way down his cheeks. "I didn't do it for him" The raven haired spoke calmly. As he took his dying breath he spoke his last words "Tell them, I didn't want to be a monster" Just like that the god closed his eyes and went limp in his brother's arms. "NOOO!" Thor shouted in pain and hugged Loki. "I will find them and tell them in your stead brother" He whispered into the other's ear before he let go and left with Jane. Loki's limp body was left in the sand and dirt.
■ ■ ■
"I take it, you know who your soulmate is,  judging by your reaction. It must certainly be hard to carry all the lies of the god of mischief and lies" Odin raised his eyebrow. "I have heard quite a few stories about him indeed." You replied taking a sip of your tea. You were seated in the throne room across from Odin as he tried to answer some of your questions.
In the middle of your conversation a guard entered and as soon as he spoke up you felt a burning and tingling just underneath your chest.
"Forgive me my liege. I've returned from the Dark World with news. " The guard spoke.
"Thor?" Odin asked with hope. The guard dropped his head a bit at that "There was no sign of Thor or the weapon, but..." As soon as the man spoke up again the tingling began once again in the same place as before. "What?" the Allfather asked.
The tingles continued "We found a body."
Silence filled the air for a moment before Odin spoke "Loki"
The guard just looked at his king with sad eyes. The burning had stopped. "Thank you. Bring this one..." The old king pointed at you "...to Heimdall. Tell him to return them to Midgard. Then you may be dismissed for the day."
Your chin dropped as the guard nodded and turned to you. Oh now you were definitely not going to tell the god that Loki was alive and lying. He grabbed you roughly and brought you out of the throne room and to another room, the room you had woken up in. "Gather your belongings mortal before you return to Midgard." Midgard? Was that what they called earth. As the guard was about to close the door you shouted after him "Mister guard man! Wait!" He raised an eyebrow at you, seemingly amused, but he waited for you to speak nonetheless and so you did "Loki can't be dead." He stared at you confused "Well he is."
Another tingle. This time on your finger, but you ignored it for now seeing as you were focused on the conversation you were having "No. I don't think you understand. I-I know he is alive. I can feel it." A small smile was placed on your lips as the man before you began to laugh, he seemed curious though "And how would a little mortal like you know that? Oh you feel it, of course"
"I-I don't know how I know" That was a lie for you did know why and how "I just know." You finished, he seemed distracted though. While the guard was distracted you took a moment to look at the side of your pinkie finger. "No." You mumbled when you realized the man before you was your soulmate, disguised as a guard. "What?" The man asked. "Nothing" you lied, a small smile on your lips. You were scared yes, but he wouldn't hurt his own soulmate, now would he? "Would you please come in and close the door Loki?~" You asked innocently.
His eyes went wide, confused as to how a simple human like you could look through his disguise with such ease. So he complied. He didn't really have a choice now. As he closed the door, he dissolved his disguise. Green smoke surrounded the man as Loki the trickster god stood before you now. He was stunning. Yes there was a deep hatred for this man inside you, but he did something good today and you hadn't met him before. Well not personally, you had however seen him on TV as he tried to take over the world, you had heard he was under some kind of mind control though. "You are a curious little thing, aren't you?" Loki spoke as he approached you "Who are you and how did you know it was me mortal?"
You grinned "I'm no one important to you" Your smile widened as you noticed him being distracted again. You watched in awe as your statement appeared on the back of his hand.
The black haired god stared at you in disbelief "No...no no no no. How? That's not possible" Before you realized what was happening he was already too close for comfort. He grabbed one of your arms and shoved up your sleeves. Perhaps your senses have weakened after your many years of service. Disbelief filled Loki's eyes as they pierced your own gaze. He let go of your hand as some kind of hatred but also hope filled his eyes "You hate me. You think I'm a monster." He spoke with clenched teeth. He was trying to compose himself, to seem calm, but you easily looked through his disguise. "I do not" You replied, your (e/c) eyes were soft as you looked at him. He stood there, waiting for the tingling and burning somewhere on his pale body. But the feeling never came. You had been truthful. "I know better than to lie to my soulmate." The words escaped your throat before you could even think. "Why did you say it then?!" The god growled. "Said wha-" The mischievous man cut you off "My soulmate could never possibly be a bad person" he quoted your lie "what changed?"
"I-I" you were speechless "I said that, knowing that anyone could be my soulmate, I tried to convince myself to see things positively. I did not know it would affect you as it was about soulmates in general. I am sorry for causing you pain Loki"
"So you don't think I'm a bad person?" he asked, turning your words around "I do know of the bad things you did. You tried to take over my home. I cannot confirm that you are a completely bad person though. I-I don't know you well enough to judge. For I try to build my opinion when I get to know people myself, even if this person is the prince of lies. Besides, you can't be too bad if you are my soulmate, at least not towards me" You grinned, reaching out your hand for him to shake "I'm (Y/n) by the way."
Loki looked at your hand, a smirk on his lips as he held your hand in his and brought it up to his lips to press a small kiss against the back of it. His eyes never leaving yours as a blush took over your features "It is a pleasure to meet you (Y/n). My name is Loki and I do not think I'll send you off to Midgard just yet, if ever..." The last two words were not meant for you to hear but you did. "Before we get to know each other better my soulmate~" he smirked "I have to take care of my father and brother." He turned around and walked towards the door "You stay here for now" the man winked at you before he turned himself into the guard again and left the room.
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
Creepypasta Scenarios - First Meeting (Part 3)
I’ve opened requests now, if anybody is interested. Here’s the post:
Lost Silver
As stupid as it sounds, the game didn’t scare you.
It had started as a joke, something passed around your friend group after it had been discovered. The cartridge was just a janky version of a Pokémon game that was apparently spooky and so, everybody had taken turns messing around with it. They all said creepy things started happening but nothing too bad.
When it was your turn, you had been fully expecting something out of a horror movie. Instead, you had gotten a game that just had audio cut offs and weird notes warning you to stay out. It wasn’t all together scary.
You mentioned this to the next person you gave the game to in your friend group and they had laughed, saying it would probably ring true for them also.
But for some reason, your ally didn’t manifest.
Less than two days later, they practically threw the game at the rest of you and ran away sprouting things about curses. After that, the appeal of playing it kind of went away.
Nobody wanted to buy it and apparently throwing it out wasn’t a suggestion. So you ended up getting it.
Curiosity soon got the better of you and you booted up the game again, really sure that it would do something absolutely crazy but it never did. It ran like it always had with only that one file being completed.
So you deleted the file.
And nothing happened.
The next day, when you booted up the game, the file had simply returned as though you hadn’t deleted it in the first place. A similar thing occurred the next time. And the next.
Eventually you gave up and just started your own game. There, everything ran like it was meant to and you were beginning to think that your friends had all been imagining stuff. Maybe their paranoid got to them or something like that?
But eventually, the nightmares started. And they were bad.
You couldn’t remember exactly what happened during them. They were a swirling mess of games and glitches, horrible things spelled out in letters and blood covering everything. You would always wake up right when they seemed to be coming to a pivotal point. You’d find yourself dragged into a graveyard and then you’d wake up screaming
It was awful. You hardly got any sleep during them and they seemed to haunt you every night, keeping you up until the early hours of the morning.
But the worst only came when you didn’t wake up.
When you were dragged to the grave and looked down to see the ellipsis where the name should be. A punch to the gut that reminded you of what the game file was called. A confirmation of what was causing this dream.
You stared at it for ages before your eyes drifted up and you met his gaze. He was covered in blood, it leaked from every orifice and limb. It stained his dirty clothing even worse.
While you were staring, the world seemed to distort even though he didn’t. The game world melted away and your bedroom slowly reappeared.
It wasn’t until you saw car headlights move past your window – casting awful shadows across the room – that you realised you were no longer dreaming. He wasn’t a figment of your imagination.
The temperature in the room plummeted and you began to slowly reach for a weapon of some kind. He turned to look at what you were watching. His head tilted to the side and a glitch raced across his body before he vanished into thin air. Flicking on the lights didn’t show him hiding or cowering.
Perhaps your friends weren’t crazy after all.
“You know, if we had been a little more patient, none of this would have happened,” your sibling lectured. “We could be relaxing inside the car without having to worry about a bloody flash flood coming down from the sky.”
You shoved their back, forcing them to stumble a little as they went through the door. “Chances are the river’s going to burst its banks anyway. We would have been stuck in traffic for hours because the bridge is blocked off.”
“At least we would have been dry,” they muttered, running their fingers through their hair. “And not trapped inside an abandoned building.”
You rolled your eyes and made your way over the rubble to settle down on a camping chair. “Don’t even start. This place has been a hangout for my friends and I for ages. There’s never been a single problem bigger than a few spiders.”
“Till a landlord shows up,” they scoffed.
“Then we’ll move to the forest,” you joked. “I’m sure there’s a good bear cave we can use.”
“I’m going to be an only child,” they said, rolling their eyes. Still, they made their way over and sat. “How long do you think we have until the storm dies down?”
You relaxed back into the chair and smiled up at the asbestos-filled ceiling. “From the sound of it, a while.”
It wouldn’t have been the first time you had taken a nap in the building. You were scared of giant cockroaches coming to eat you once. You had gotten used to it since then but this time when you woke up, you were uneasy.
Glancing around, nothing was out of the ordinary. Your sibling was snoring in the chair next to you and outside the rain was pounding the roof.
You sat upright. Sometimes was definitely wrong.
Pulling your phone from your pocket, you got up from the chair and began walking as quietly as you could through the house. It had always been tiny and practically void of furniture, but the few rooms provided ample hiding spots.
Nothing but rubble was in most of the rooms but, in what you presumed had once been a bathroom, you found a person.
He had his back to you but when you pushed the door open to peer in, he spun around, his hand flying to his side. He was wearing a white mask, dark features etched onto it, and an orange jacket. A dark stain ran up the right side of it, emanating from under his hand. The oddness of his clothing made you immediately back away from the door, finger twitching on your cell phone in case you needed to call for help.
The two of you stared at each other in silence.
You were lost about what to say or do. The stain on his jacket was spreading and the more you stared at it, the more you became convinced it was blood. “Are you okay?” you finally managed to ask.
It took him a while to respond but then he nodded. The mask was unnerving you. You didn’t like not being able to see a person’s facial expressions.
“I don’t mean to pry or anything, but it really looks like you’re bleeding,” you said. “And quite badly. I can call for an ambulance or something although…” you turned your attention to the window behind his head. “I’m not sure they’ll be able to get anywhere with this weather.”
He stepped backward. “I’m fine,” he said, so soft you barely caught it. “I thought this place was abandoned.”
“It normally is,” you answered. “But we had to avoid the storm. I’m guessing that’s why you’re here also?”
“Yes,” he responded.
You waited or him to say something more, but all you got was silence. He had moved further away and now he had his back against the window. Part of you wanted to turn around and go back to your sibling but you were unsure about turning your back on the strange man.
The mask made you scared he could stab you or something.
Somebody calling your name made you turn your head on instinct. Your sibling must have woken up and realised you were missing.
Quickly, you turned back to the man, but he had disappeared. Rain spat through the now open window.
Nurse Ann
Everybody always warned you about exploring old buildings. They would yell about how many things could injure or kill you. Stray animals, drug addicts, old equipment, and all that. You had heard just about every warning imaginable. Ghosts were pretty commonly mentioned also.
But killer nurse was a new one.
“Come on, just give me a little more information,” you nagged. “I’m going there whether you’re with me or not so you may as well just tell me what you’ve heard.”
Your friend (and partner in crime for most ventures) groaned. “It’s not much. They just say that she guards the place and if you get too close, she’ll run you off with a chainsaw. Some people have died from injuries they got while there. Let’s just give this one a miss, alright?”
But you were not in agreement at all.
“Maybe she’s cute though,” you teased.
They didn’t find that funny and you didn’t push them to come with you. So later that evening, you snuck in by yourself.
The hospital was old with crumbling walls and smashed windows. It was hidden from the public by means of a tall barbed-wire fence and a substantial distance of open garden. Nothing too extreme for you and definitely worth the potential items you’d find inside. When hospitals went under, they often left tons of awesome stuff just scattered around.
You’d never sold anything you found in your abandoned building dives. They were more collectables than anything else but they meant quite a bit to you.
There weren’t any signs of crazy nurses as you approached the place. Nobody came running at you with a chainsaw at least. You didn’t even find evidence of squatters who could sometimes pose some danger.
After deciding it was safe enough, you lifted yourself through one of the windows and began to explore.
Honestly, it was creepy. Everything was way too old to be worth collecting and there were too many unidentifiable stains for your liking. The water damage was bad. It looked like the ceiling was there for aesthetics only and several rooms creaked too much for you to comfortably cross them.
And that was even without the awkward feeling of being watched.
You told yourself that it was just superstition but you couldn’t shake it. Every few seconds saw you looking over your shoulder in anticipation. It distracted you from keeping your eye on the path in front of you and the loud crack reached your ears too late.
The floor gave out and you fell through. Your shoulder hit some kind of metal object as you landed in the room below. Painful shocks ripped through your body and your head knocked against the floor with a heavy thud.
Stars danced in front of your vision and you raised your hand to the top of your head. Blood coated your hand when you lowered it to look.
Shakily, you tried to pull yourself up but quickly found that your arm was too sore. Instead, you pulled your phone from your pocket and sent off the emergency text to your friend.
The world faded to black not long after that.
When you woke up next, you were in your room with a bandage wrapped around your head. You had felt like absolute crap but still gotten up to thank them for the save. They had nodded and warned you to be more careful, happy that you had been outside the hospital so they didn’t have to look for too long.
Before you could even think about how you had crawled there, they asked how you had managed to do your own stitches so nicely.
Your camera was on 10% battery.
Grumbling, you shoved it into your bag and cursed your past self for forgetting to put it on charge. In order to get the best sunrise photos, you had found yourself waking up earlier and earlier. It was tiring but it was worth it… most of the time.
You just hoped that at least one of your pictures was usable but you could only check on them once you got home.
The streetlight above your head flickered as you walked past. It wasn’t unusual but when you were the only person awake for miles around, it was awfully creepy.
Putting your hands into your jacket pockets, you continued strolling back home. The neighborhood had never been dangerous and despite living in the area for your entire life, no incidents made you want to stop walking around at night.
Deciding that you wanted to take a precautionary shot, you headed for your neighbour’s house first. They had an arch covered in jasmine flowers that made for some perfectly safe photos and they never minded your presence.
After making your way there and getting a few photos, you were treated to the fright of your life when their began howling and barking. It wasn’t aimed at you but you didn’t like the noise regardless.
As you rounded the corner of the house, planning on racing back to your own home, you encountered the dog’s target.
A man – cloaked in the darkness and barely illuminated by the streetlight – opening one of the windows with ease. Irritated by the dog, he didn’t notice you until your finger twitched around the shutter of your camera. There was a flash.
His head snapped up and you screamed.
The man’s complexation was literally grey. He wasn’t just ill, he was the colour of storm clouds. Golden eyes with no pupils glared at you and froze you in place. Whatever he was, this man was the furthest thing from human.
Your scream woke your neighbors. The sound of movement began coming from inside the house.
He abandoned the window, stalking towards you. The air tingled like it was expecting a lightning storm. Golden tendrils grew from his fingertips and shot towards you. They had you pinned in an instant.
You struggled against them and opened your mouth to scream again but they wrapped around your head, forcing your jaw shut.
This was how you died… tears spilled down your cheeks at the realization. You were going to be an unsolved murder. All you hoped was you got a good picture of him.
Your neighbor’s front door opened and great dane let out an ear-splitting bark as he raced toward you.
The man, or creature, or monster, or whatever he was, released you to face the dog. He let it approach before vanishing into a cloud of smoke as its jaws reached him.
“What was that?” the timid voice brought you back into reality.
“It was trying to get into your house,” you said. “I screamed when I saw it and then it grabbed me.” Your voice changed to a whimper as reality hit you. You nearly died.
The small child of the house came over to hug your leg. “I’m sure Puppet didn’t mean to scare you,” she said. “He always comes to visit but he doesn’t like it when people make noise. You shouldn’t scream when you see him again.”
You made eye-contact with the parents and they wore expressions of horror at their daughter’s words.
“Puppet?” you asked in a small voice.
She nodded rapidly. “He says he stops by because he likes watching people. I think that he’s watching us all right now! But he can hide in the shadows too well.”
“I’m going to go and call the police,” somebody said.
You weren’t all too focused. The feeling of being watched grew heavier and you clutched tightly at the camera in your hands.
You couldn’t tell if they were being serious. You hoped that they were joking. They weren’t genuinely going to…
“No,” you stated.
The two younger children both turned to look at you simultaneously. Guilt flashed across their faces as though they weren’t aware you were listening. It was as though you were asked to babysit them because you didn’t pay attention. These two should have realised that by now.
“Do you think all the stories are true?” the boy asked. “I think that they are. One of my friends said she saw a huge dog in the forest and then it ran away after eating a whole cow!”
“No way!” his twin sister shouted. “Dogs don’t eat cows, so it can’t be true!”
You put on your best intimidating expression and crossed your arms. “I don’t care if they’re true or not. There is absolutely no chance that either of you are going to go running off into the woods with bears, wolves and all kinds of other creatures.”
The two children glanced at each other and bolted for the tree line before you could grab their shirts.
Thankfully your legs were longer even if they had a head start and you managed to catch up pretty quickly. Once you caught the boy and picked him up with ease, the girl dashed behind a tree.
“Can we please just leave?” you asked nicely. “If we forget about the forest adventure thing, I promise I won’t tell your parents and I’ll get you ice cream.”
The boy was trying his hardest to get out of your hold. You were starting to think babysitting didn’t pay enough.
“I don’t want ice cream,” the girl said. “I want to go and find a unicorn.”
She darted off into the forest and you let out a deep groan. Shifting the boy’s weight over your one hip, you started walking after her. If you wanted to give chase via running, you would have to put the kid down and trust him to follow or stay.
It was obvious that wasn’t happening.
It didn’t take you too long to find the girl. Mostly because she had stopped in the middle of a weird grove in the trees. She was just staring off into the dark shadows beyond it.
As you approached her, static popped in your ears. You shook your head in an effort to displace it but the closer you got, the louder it became.
The child in your arms whimpered, clutching his head.
You softly called her name and then it appeared. It was a man-like monster, standing just in the shadows of the trees. Easily over 7ft tall and insanely thin with no facial features. Your heart jumped into your throat and your stomach tied itself into a knot.
Without taking your eyes off it, you reached out a hand and fumbled around until you grabbed the girl’s shirt.
The static was getting louder and louder. You tried to shut it out as you started moving backwards, tugging the child along after you. She wasn’t willing to move her legs. She was entranced but whether by fear or magic, you couldn’t tell.
And then it was much closer.
You stumbled in fright, letting go of the girl’s shirt and landing on your ass. The boy fell on top of you but scrambled away and hide in the bushes within the blink of an eye. You sent a silent prayer to him to run back home to the other adults.
Once again, the creature was stationary but now the static was growing to such a volume that you could imagine your ears were starting to bleed.
You reached out for the girl again slowly, but something wrapped around your leg and yanked you into the air.
It took almost a full second for you to realise that the screaming ringing in your ears was you. Whatever was holding you tightened and whipped your body through the air. It was like your leg was being ripped away.
Then you were falling.
It was some feat of luck that you managed to twist your body, so you didn’t land on your head. You lay there for a while before something poking your back made you unbury your face.
The twins were staring at you with wide eyes and the monster was nowhere in sight.
“What was –“ you couldn’t finish.
“Slenderman,” they said in perfect sync.
Another stop…
You couldn’t help yourself. Every time you walked past one of the posters fluttering lightly in the wind you had to stop and stare at it.
A few days ago, your dog, your beautiful and sweet puppy, had disappeared from your house without a trace. The missing posters were depressing reminders that he wasn’t home. It hadn’t taken long for your mind to spiral into the negative thoughts about how close the road was.
Damn your coworkers. One of the had suggested the road in the first place and while they hadn’t intended anything malicious, it was definitely not helping your fears.
The dog had been with you through thick and through thin… if it was dead, you may as well have lost a close family member.
Hanging your head, you dragged your eyes away from the poster and kept walking.
People bumped into you, but it was your fault. You refused to look up in case another poster distracted you. Getting home before the sun set was your only focus now.
You had tried going out and searching in all the places where your dog once spent time to no avail. Always willing to try again, you chose to drop off your bags and head out later that evening when you ran out of distractions.
As you walked through the gates in front of your house, a gust of air gently messed up your hair. A gust of wind suspiciously similar to a laugh.
Your logical mind told you it came from the street, but something made you stop in your tracks.
The walls around your property towered. There’s no possibility that somebody could be in your garden. To try and scale one of the walls, they would have been in full view of your neighbours who would have undoubtedly called the cops.
“You’re sad,” the wind whispered before you could brush off your suspicion.
Spinning wildly, you searched around for the source. You backed up until your entrance gate was behind you. You could run down to the main street with ease if you could just get your fumbling fingers to unlock things.
“Don’t run,” the wind said, this time blowing from a separate direction. “I promise I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to know why you’re upset.”
Is this what going insane was? Nobody around and the wind was talking to you. You had always feared losing your mind and now it was happening.
“I’m real,” the wind said. “I’m hiding because I’ll scare you if you see me.”
“I’m going mad,” you muttered, shaking your head. “If this is somebody pulling a prank on me I swear….”
The wind quietened for a bit and then it picked up again, ruffling your hair as it spoke. “If I show myself, it’ll prove that you’re not going crazy, but I don’t want to make it worse by frightening you… you’re so sad already.”
“I lost my best friend and people have been telling me he’s most likely dead,” you hissed. “Obviously I’m not in the best mood. Now I’m losing my fucking mind and talking to air.”
The atmosphere around you dropped, like it does moments before lightning strikes. You glanced at the sky in confusion. As expected, no clouds in sight.
You lowered your gaze and a 7ft tall creature covered in bright polka dots stood in front of your house.
Once you screamed, it disappeared.
“I’m sorry,” the wind said. “I knew I would scare you, but I had hoped it would show you that I’m not imaginary. I’m just trying to help.”
The gate finally opened behind you and you stumbled backwards through it, your heart sitting in your throat. A monster was in your house and it was probably going to kill you. Spinning on your heel, you took off full speed back towards the main street.
You were fully expecting it to give chase now that you hadn’t fallen for its claims of harmlessness but it didn’t.
Instead you reached the main road and only got a few strange looks because of how much you were shaking. Nothing followed you.
The wind picked up once more. “I’ll try and help,” it promised.
People walking around you should have heard it as well but none of them so much as blinked.
Ticci Toby
While you had been told that a noise limit for the forest existed, your laughter refused to cooperate. It rang through the trees and probably chased off all the animals nearby. A picnic out in a national forest was a fantastic way to reconcile with nature and to scare it all away.
With eleven people in your picnic party, chances of any creatures coming into view were already slim though so you didn’t worry too much.
“We didn’t bring nearly enough fruit,” you muttered as you dug in the basket.
“Excuse you, I brought a whole watermelon but you ate it,” somebody answered your grumble. “If you want fruit, it is spring. Go and forage for some berries.”
You snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m going to go out by myself in the middle of the one season where bears are irritable as fuck. I know I sometimes act a little impulsively, but I don’t exactly have a wish to die at the claws of a grumpy teddy.”
Your friend leaned towards you. “Is that so? What if we split into teams and made a bet? Loser has to take a dip in the river.”
“A bet?” you asked. “I’m interested.”
She grinned and snapped her fingers. “Okay, there are eleven people so I’m feeling groups of two with one impartial party as a judge. We should be fine if we make enough noise and stick within close vicinity to each other. See how many berries we can gather?”
Tipping out the picnic basket’s contents, you smirked and pushed it into her chest. “Oh, I hope you brought a swimming costume.”
Everybody teamed up with ease and grabbed one of the many containers lying on the blanket. You headed out with your partner and gave a wink to the other teams. All you needed was to find one good bush first and you had it won.
“We should split up,” your partner said. “Cover more ground.”
You nodded. “We meet up back here once we’ve found a good bush,” you agreed. “And we shout if we find any animals.”
Obviously, your plans hadn’t involved losing your footing almost directly after the two of you split.
Tumbling down the small hill, you tried your hardest to protect yourself from the bushes as you went through them. At some point, you lost your basket and by the time you had finally rolled to a stop, you had no idea where it was.
Grumbling, you stood up and started searching until something dark caught your eye. Thinking it was your basket, you made your way over.
The clearing you walked into housed a scene you could never have imagined.
A dead bear lay slumped against a tree, its fur being what had caught your eye earlier. A hatchet buried in its neck was spilling blood onto the floor around it. All that hardly compared to the man leaning against a tree.
“Oh my god!” you exclaimed. “Are you alright?”
His head immediately snapped up, allowing you to see that he was wearing a mouth guard and a pair of goggles. Blood seeped from between his fingers where they clutched against his chest, but he hardly noticed. A hatchet was hanging from his belt.
Suddenly, you were wishing you had kept your mouth shut.
He stared at you blankly for a while, an occasional twitch minorly affecting his body. Reaching up, he took off his mouthguard. “I can’t feel any pain,” he said. “So, I’m fine. Why are y-you out here? The hiking trail is far.” He struggled with one of the words, seeming to hiccup a little on it.
“I was searching for berries and I slipped down a hill,” you answered. “Are you sure you’re okay? It looks like you got into a fight with a bear. Your shirt is all bloody.”
“I did fight a bear,” he laughed, gesturing to it. “I won.”
Your eyes grew wider. “I think you should get to a hospital. What’s your name? I can call somebody for you and we’ll get you medical attention.”
“Toby,” he said. “That’s my name. What’s yours?”
You gave him your full name and pulled out your phone. “My friends are close by,” you said. “Don’t worry, they’ll be here to help soon.”
When you raised your attention from your phone, he had disappeared and so had the hatchet from the bear’s neck.
Work was hard. It made your feet ache, it made your back click and crack, and it felt like the problems would never end.
Would you give up working in the fashion industry? Not a chance.
Your boss walked past where you were calming down an irate customer over the phone and dropped the keys to the front of the building in front of you. “Close up for me,” she mouthed as she left.
Nodding, you moved them to the side of the desk where they couldn’t be lost.
Once you had finished calming the customer, you glanced around to check how many people were left in the room. Three still working and one in the process of leaving. You were technically going into overtime at this point, but you didn’t mind.
There was a reason you were promoted so quickly.
“We need to set up cameras!” one of the floor managers snapped, storming into the office. She marched straight over to your desk and glowered at you. “I put this request in a week ago.”
Scrolling through the documents, you quickly opened the file. “I see but it looks like it’s been bumped due to a shipment malfunction, I’ll flag it. What’s the problem?”
“Customers or members of staff are moving items around and throwing things out without warning. We need to catch the culprits!” she snapped.
“What has been thrown out?” you asked. “I’ll add it into the information.”
The woman started listing quicker than you could type. “I’ve found crocs, toeless thigh-high boots, bellbottomed jeans, coloured faux fur jackets, luminous lipstick, w-necks, and jeggings all in vast numbers in the trash can. Every time I put them out on shelves, they disappear again.”
It took everything in you not to snort. “I’ll mark this vital.”
She stalked off and you went back to inputting the shipping requirements. You were meant to be organising what was coming in for the latest line and subtly omitting anything that wouldn’t sell well enough.
Slowly but surely, your co-workers trickled out of the office after finishing off their daily tasks. You kept going, trying to make sure you could have a longer break the next day.
Finally, when the sun had already set, you relented and started getting ready to go home.
You sung as you finished packing up for the day. Being the last one in the building (thus having to lock up) made you a little more confident as you danced around getting everything together. You slung your bag over your shoulder and happily trotted over to the door.
It made you so happy that your boss entrusted you to be the last one around. She was so hyper-protective of company secrets that you were proud of yourself for winning her over.
Your talent with people was something you attributed to dealing with painful customers.
As you passed through the store-part of the business you stopped to rearrange a mannequin. Every morning when you came in, you always noticed something had been changed with this specific one. You figured you could move something small and see if it would be a good place to set up a hidden camera.
Though you weren’t expecting it to suddenly grab your arm.
“You may be one of the few workers here with good taste, but I advise you don’t try and change my outfit,” it said. It didn’t have a mouth, but the words rang in your head, nevertheless.
You screamed and pulled away, tearing your arm from its grip. Shelves were knocked over and clothing was sent flying as you tried to escape.
The mannequin just watched you as you fumbled madly for the door.
The glass rattled in the frame from how hard you slammed it shut behind you. You sped off down the street, moving faster than you ever had before. You collapsed on your lawn by the time you reached the house, taking deep breaths.
Nothing had followed you. Everything was okay.
With shaking fingers, you dialed your boss’ number and told her you would be taking a sick day. There wasn’t a chance in hell you were going anywhere near there again.
Not to mention the mess you made… you were definitely getting fired.
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valdomarx · 4 years
Anon requested: Could you possibly write something with Jaskier finding out he’s half incubus and having no clue what to do?
His horns don’t start growing in until he's 30.
Jaskier had heard rumours throughout his childhood of his mother's infidelity and her penchant for bedding magical creatures, but he'd thought that was typical malicious court gossip. His father's coldness toward him he'd assumed to be the way of nobility and due to his own failures as a son.
And sure, he's always attracted attention from men and women alike, but he'd believed that was due to the charisma he worked hard to exude. People often wanted to sleep with him, but he was young and handsome and talented, so why wouldn’t they?
He certainly does like sex, though that's hardly unusual. And he does feels better afterwards: sated, fulfilled, more energetic. But wasn’t that the point?
And then one day he’s washing his hair and feels prominent bumps on his head. He thinks he must have hit his head when he was drunk, not an unprecedented occurrence. But within days a hideous mass of bone is pushing out from his skull and he realises something is terribly wrong.
He locks himself in his rooms at Oxenfurt Academy and tells everyone he has a fever. The students leave food outside his door and he spends three weeks in isolation, watching in horror as horns sprout and grow terrifyingly fast until they form neat curls on either side of his head.
He stares into a polished metal plate at his newly monstrous countenance, and knows that the path of his life stands at a precipice.
No, he decides. He has worked too hard to get away from his hateful upbringing and to become his own person to allow his family to drag him down once again.
Taking a knife to his own head to remove the horns is the most painful thing he has ever experienced, but he will not let the life he has built be destroyed by this thing inside him. He stands alone in his room, blood dripping down his face, and stares in horror at the curled mass of horn in his hand, gory and vile.
Even after that, the horns continue to grow back. He assiduously files them down, though it hurts every time.
When spring arrives he heads out to meet Geralt as usual. If Geralt notices anything amiss, he doesn’t mention it. They travel together and it’s blessedly normal - at least until Jaskier gets kidnapped.
He’s snatched by a band of ruffians, thrown in a dank underground cell and left there. Things could be worse, on balance. At least he’s marked as a hostage so he’s fed and not tortured. A few days in he overhears the bandits discussing how he’s the perfect bait for a much greater prize, the White Wolf himself.
Jaskier oscillates between hoping Geralt stays the hell away from this obvious trap and fantasising about being rescued. It’s cold and dark here, but most of all it’s lonely. And he can feel his horns growing back in, inch by terrible inch. He has never been comfortable being alone.
After two interminable weeks, he hears the distant sound of fighting from above, clashing swords and yells of pain. That has to be Geralt, and he knows that afraid or not, he has to help before Geralt ends up locked in here too.
So Jaskier does what he does best. One of the guards has been staring at his horns with obvious interest, and it’s laughably easy to attract his attention and seduce him. When Jaskier backs him up against a damp wall and swallows down his seed he feels a zing of energy and the man drops to the cold stone floor, unconscious.
Jaskier feels strong. He pushes open the door to his cell and faces three armed men between him and the door. He picks up a nearby oak table like it weighs nothing and tosses it at them, smashing it into two of them who go down immediately. The third is knocked to the floor and scrambles for his sword, but Jaskier is on him in moments, foot pressed against his chest.
“Give me the keys,” he says, voice vibrating deep in his chest. The man squirms but doesn’t answer and Jaskier pushes down with his foot, feeling the man’s ribs crack and buckle beneath him. “I won’t ask again.”
“Okay, okay,” the man croaks, coughing up flecks of blood. “In my pocket.”
Jaskier snatches the keys, unlocks the steel door to the dungeon, and magnanimously leaves the man alive. He hasn’t the time to stop and kill him anyway, Geralt must be nearby and he needs Jaskier’s help.
As he hurries up the stairs and away from the rank dungeon, the sounds of battle increase and he hears a familiar voice raised in an unfamiliar shout.
“Where is he?” the voice yells. The clashing of blades rings through the fort. “Where is he?”
Jaskier rounds the corner to a courtyard to find Geralt spattered in blood and surrounded by the corpses of bandits, their leader on his knees with Geralt’s hand around his throat and Geralt’s sword pointed between his eyes.
He should have known that this rough bunch would be no match for a witcher in full swing.
“I’m here,” he says, and his voice comes out scratchy. He’s been dreaming of this moment, but now he finds himself poleaxed by the reality of Geralt seeing him in his true, hideous form.
Geralt looks at him, and his eyes widen in shock for just a second. He slits the throat of the man in front of him and pushes his body to the side without ever tearing his eyes from Jaskier.
He steps toward him, sword still raised, and for a moment Jaskier truly thinks that Geralt will run him through with his blade, just another monster to be slain.
But then Geralt tosses his sword aside and races over to Jaskier to wrap him in a hug so tight it’s stifling.
“Jaskier,” he breathes. “You’re alive.”
Oh. He pats Geralt awkwardly on the back. Even in this most dire of situations, he enjoys having strong arms around him more than he should.
“I'm okay,” he says, and Geralt buries his face into Jaskier’s hair and inhales, as if despite the rank state of his unwashed hair, Geralt has truly missed him.
Geralt pulls back and his eyes flick ever so briefly to Jaskier’s horns.
“I’m sorry,” Jaskier blurts out. “I shouldn’t have kept it from you. I can only imagine what you must think of me. I won’t be any trouble. I’ll go. I’ll leave you be. But please don’t turn me in.”
Geralt frowns. Well, frowns more than unusual. “You being half incubus has never bothered me before. Why would it bother me now?”
Jaskier‘s mouth drops open in disbelief. “You knew? All this time?”
Geralt huffs, but there’s an undeniable edge of fondness to it. “Jaskier, I’m a witcher. Of course I knew. I could tell the minute I met you.”
“And you didn’t think to mention it to me?”
Now it’s Geralt turn to look shocked. “You didn’t know? Hells, Jaskier. I thought you were trying to be circumspect.”
“Circumspect?” Jaskier laughs hysterically. “Right, because that’s just my style. Do you think I, a monster, would have rocked up in Posada and imposed myself on you, a monster hunter, if I had known? Does that seem sensible to you?”
“Not sensible, no.” The corner of Geralt’s mouth flicks up. “But it does sound exactly like something you’d do.”
Jaskier intends to pout but instead feels himself smiling for the first time in weeks, because Geralt has him there.
Geralt runs the back of his fingers down Jaskier’s cheek, and the leather of his gloves is warm and smooth against his skin. “You’re not a monster,” he says, like it’s that simple. “People might think you monstrous, but their ignorance is no reflection on you.”
He moves to brush his fingers delicately along the edge of one of Jaskier’s horns. Jaskier can’t feel it, not directly, but the vibrations of his touch send tingles racing across his scalp, making him weak at the knees. “And you don’t have to hide yourself from me.”
Jaskier looks at the floor, because he can’t look at Geralt right now, he just can’t. “Even like this, I can stay? You won’t send me away?” His voice sounds so small and pathetic.
Geralt’s fingers slot under his chin and lift his head until their eyes are locked. “You can stay,” he says, certain and sure; Jaskier‘s rock as always. “We can be monstrous together.”
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
War Rages On: part 3 (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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Words: 2451
A/N: if you don’t want to cry, word of advice, don’t listen to anything remotely sad. I literally have 3 potential endings to this story, don’t know which one I’ll choose. Part 4 will have a lot more action and part 5 will probably be the last. Don’t forget to keep tissue close by while reading ;) - enjoy!
Previously: part 1 - part 2
When Bucky walked inside the building he had once lived in, he felt anxious. Not for himself, but for Y/N. During the two hours his ride in the air lasted, he envisioned a thousand possibilities this could play out. He needed her to make it out of there. Whatever he would have to endure, he’d agree to any kind of torture so long as she was safe. He knew he wouldn’t bear to add her name to his already long list of victims. Her only fault had been to fall in love with him. It couldn’t lead her to death, not like this, not because of him. He would never allow Hydra to break the only pieces left of him she had managed to glue back together. 
He knew the place by heart, so finding the cells where they would usually keep all their prisoners was fairly easy. Focused on the task, he was taking slow, measured breaths, watching every step he was making, avoiding the guards and the security cameras. He was silent. A ghost. He stopped at an entrance and sneaked out behind a soldier standing by the door. With a swift motion, he broke his neck and used his badge to access the place. Every movement felt rehearsed, a routine he had done a million times. He was mimicking the Winter Soldier with a perfection that still surprised him. He had almost reached the end of an endless hallway of empty cells when he stopped in his track. 
“Y/N” He whispered. There she was on the dirty floor, laying right in front of him. She wasn’t moving and from the distance, she looked pale. Too pale to be alive. 
“Y/N!” He repeated louder, not caring if anybody could hear him.  
She didn’t answer, didn’t even move an inch. He took a tentative step toward her, afraid of what he would see when he would open the door. He raised his metal arm and grabbed the lock, tearing it apart in a swift motion. The gesture was effortless, the power colossal. He didn’t even blinked, his eyes remaining always on her frail figure. He slowly bent down, trying to ignore the bruises visible through her half-torn shirt and the dried blood everywhere on the floor. He laid a fearful finger on her throat and waited a second. Finally, he released a shaky breath, relieved beyond measure when he felt her heartbeat. She was alive. 
Gently cupping her face, he brushed a hand against her cheek. His heart broke when he saw the shadow of a smile forming on her lips. 
“Bucky” She muttered in contentment.
“Yes, doll. I’m here” 
She didn’t open her eyes but tears slowly coursed their way down her face. Her lips parted and she leaned against his hand, inhaling deeply.
“We have to go, Y/N”
“You feel so real,” She answered. “Why do you feel so real ?”
She sounded upset, but not because of him. She could make out every detail, his scent, his voice, his touch. She wondered what kind of cruel game her subconscious was playing as she let his presence submerge her entirely. He raised his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding that, for her, there was no way he could be there. She had spent the last couple of days picturing him in her mind to ease the pain, to escape the torture. He was the fragment of her imagination keeping her alive. Her last shred of strength. 
“Am I dying ?” She murmured. “Is that why you’re here ?” 
“Y/N, open your eyes” He demanded with force.
“C’mon, doll” 
“You’ll disappear. You always do” She sounded broken, on the verge of snapping, but kept them closed.
“I promise I won’t” His voice cracked with every word, overwhelmed by the pain and helplessness when she spoke.
She grabbed his wrist, holding it tightly as she slowly opened her eyes. Her whole body was shaking, afraid the soothing sensation of his skin on hers would be gone and she would only see an empty room once again. It took her a moment to realize he wouldn't disappear and she started sobbing. Her shaky hands cupped his face, wiping his own tears. He gently laid his forehead against hers and she didn’t waste any more time and hugged him. She clung to him, her only safe place, as the battle for the remaining shred of her sanity raged. She tried to catch her breath but it was useless. This was days of emotions bottled up to survive, days of dreaming she could return to him. 
“We’re gonna be okay” He kept saying, holding her tightly.
“Bucky …” She choked in despair. This was the safest she had felt in days. 
“I’m here, doll”
He swallowed and blinked a couple of times, trying to stay strong and not break down. 
“We have to hurry, Y/N” He reminded her after a while. 
His voice seemed to bring her back to reality and she suddenly sat up, ignoring the dizziness and the pain it instantly ignited in her body.
“No, no, no, you have to leave!” She started begging, furiously shaking her head and clenched his shirt in desperation. “You can’t be here! You can’t! Please … Please go ” 
“You don’t understand, they … they want you, Bucky. They’re using me to get to you” She put some distance between them and pushed him away when he tried to get closer. “You have to go”
“Not without you” 
“You’re not listening!” She replied, frustrated.
“I am! And I am telling you i’m not leaving without you!” 
He stood up and helped her do the same. She couldn’t hold on her own, too weak and tired. She pressed her hands on his shoulders to steady herself and his metal arm circled her waist.
“I’m taking you home” 
“I don’t think so” A voice with a thick accent replied behind him. 
The former assassin cursed under his breath and was quick to react. He pushed Y/N behind him, hiding her wounded body from the intruder. Suddenly on high alert, he stared at the man he once knew, a man hired by Hydra with the sole purpose of creating new super soldiers. He was the brain behind the Winter Soldier program. The Sergeant subconsciously grabbed the woman by her hip, bringing her as close to him as possible.
“Dr.Faustus” He greeted him without sympathy.
“At last we are reunited, soldier”
Bucky clenched his jaw so tight his veins were now visible. In all the time he had spent away from Hydra, he never thought he would come face to face with the doctor ever again. All their encounters had been turned into a distant memory, another one of his nightmares. The Sergeant was unexpectedly conflicted, like two parts of him smashing against each other for the first time, two very different men colliding together without his consent. The broken one felt scared, powerless, becoming once again a victim, while the assassin was already on the lookout, trying to find his way out of there. 
Y/N could feel it. Hidden behind him, she laid her forehead on his back, defeated. His muscles were tensed under the pressure of his emotions and his grip on her hip tightened. She couldn’t contain her terror and silently cried. How could she save him now that they had him back ? What could she do when her body was in no shape to fight ? 
“I wouldn’t advise trying to escape” The man spoke. 
“You know I don’t back down without a fight” Bucky replied, eyeing the three agents surrounding the doctor. They were outnumbered. 
“You might want to reconsider this time” He smirked viciously. 
He made a step toward the couple, moving like a snake reading to suffocate its prey by strengthening its hold around their neck.
“Before you think about taking them down,” Hydra’s doctor began, pointing at the agents next to him “You should know she won’t survive. You see, the girl serves no purpose anymore. She was a mean to an end and she played her part perfectly. She got you right where we wanted you to be, up against a wall”
Bucky gritted his teeth in silent fury. 
“I’m assuming she means a great deal to you, soldat” He sniggered irritatingly. He seemed to enjoy the emotional torture. “Now the real question is, how far are you willing to take this to save her life?”
Bucky looked around him and just felt a rage he couldn’t explain, a will to survive he never had before. Y/N grabbed the hand on her hip, entwining their fingers, and he closed his eyes. For a short instant, he held onto that comforting sensation, the sense of home she could bring to him by the simplest touch. He remembered the day they met, the exact moment he had fallen in love with her and the day they had promised forever to each other. He had a collection of precious memories they had built, engraved in his heart, and each one of them had the power to lessen his pain and lighten the weight on his shoulders. They needed more time to create their magic, to turn the horror they had endured into sparkles of distant memories. More time to live the life she had given back to him. But even more so, he needed her to survive.
“If I surrender myself, what guarantee do I have you’ll let her go ?” He offered. 
“No!” Y/N shouted, trying to move around Bucky. He didn’t have to use much effort to push her back. 
The doctor laughed, pleased his plan was working flawlessly. He turned on his heels and nodded at one of the soldiers next to him. The man took a phone out of his pocket and handed it to the former assassin. 
“What is this ?” Bucky questioned him, ignoring the pleading eyes of the woman begging him to not give in. 
“A message” Dr.Faustus replied. “With coordinates to this place, addressed to your Captain”
“This isn’t enough” 
“Press the button and send it yourself, then” 
Bucky gave him a wary look but took the phone nonetheless.
“I have a condition” He raised his eyes to stare at the man.
“You are in no position to negotiate, soldat”
“If you want me to follow you willingly, you will listen”
He pursed his lips in annoyance.
“Very well”
Bucky glanced back at his girlfriend, barely holding on her legs but still ready to kill him herself for what he was about to do.
“Let me have a moment with her” He pleaded, his voice deep with emotions.
“If you plan to escape …”
“I won’t” He cut him with a promise he would keep. 
He seemed to ponder his options for a moment before he gave a nod, accepting the request. Bucky dropped his head in defeat and pressed the button on the phone screen, sending the message to Steve and praying he would be there soon to get her out of there. 
The doctor turned around, gesturing to the other agents. In less than a minute, the room was empty and they were alone for what would probably be their last moment together. Bucky made a step toward the woman, knowing whatever time they had it would never be enough, but before he could do anything she gathered all the strength she had left and slapped him across the face. 
“I hate you!” She shouted, tears streaming down her face. “I hate you!”
He had expected her anger but her words still hurt him. He couldn’t begin to understand what she was feeling when his own heart was already being torn apart. 
“I had to…”
“Why didn’t you fight ?” She choked. “Why … why did you gave up on us ?”
“I gave up on me!” He told her in a deep voice, quickly closing the distance between them and cupping her face with force. “I’m choosing you over me”
“There is no me without you, Bucky” She muttered
“They don’t know the Winter Soldier is no longer here” He told her, trying to reassure her. “Whatever they have plan for me, it’s not gonna work”
“You don’t know that”
He laid his forehead on hers and a tear on his own rolled down his cheek.
“I know I need you to stay alive. I’ve lived on borrowed time long enough, Y/N, maybe …”
“Don’t you dare!” She cried, pushing him away. She struggled to stay on her feet but she couldn’t seem to care. “I swear to god, Bucky, I will kill you myself if you dare giving up now!”
“Steve is gonna find you and bring you back” He continued.
She shook her head and her eyes grew hot, the tears welling so quickly it was impossible to blink them away.
“Please don’t break my heart” She whispered.
His lips started trembling and he choked on a small but audible sob. Losses after losses, he had shed his own shade of tears, had been broken beyond measure and brought to hell. This was something else. Pain had a sweet taste of horror and self-hatred when it was felt under the power of all his sanity. 
“Let me hold you” He begged her.
Despite her anger, she didn’t waste any time and sank her face into his chest, letting him comfort both of them. He kept her close, looking down at her with gleaming eyes, wishing he never had to let go as he tightened his arms around her. 
“I love you” He spoke right next to her ear. “Like I’ve never thought it was possible to love. You picked up every pieces of me you could find and glued them back together. You built the man I am today from scratch with your kindness, your resilience and your love. You gave me a second chance, and a second life by your side, and what a life it has been. You are my world, my soul, but most importantly, my home. You will always have me, doll.”
“Don’t say goodbye like that” She muttered, an aching wound opening deep in her chest as the tears kept falling.
“This isn’t goodbye, I’ll make damn sure of that. Wherever you are is where I am too. That’s the deal we made, right ? I’m with you till the end of the line”
“This is the end of our line” She forced up the words. 
He raised her chin with a finger to look into her eyes and in that moment they kissed, together in each other's protective embrace. 
“It will never be”
“Promise me you’ll give them hell”
“I promise I’ll fight with everything I have”
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wannabecoyote · 4 years
Sasha woke up, she didn’t remember falling asleep but that’s just every Tuesday for her. Her whole body is sore and lethargic, also a normal Tuesday. What isn’t a normal Tuesday however is WAKING UP IN AN UNFAMILIAR CELL. She very much does not appreciate being imprisoned for god knows whatever reason or at all really. She sat up and tried to practice the breathing exercise she and her friends found.
Breathe in for four seconds. Hold for seven. Breathe out for eight.
Rinse and repeat.
She swallowed once she feels calm enough and looked around the room. She’s very surprised that she isn’t descending into yet another panic attack but she ain’t gonna question her good luck now.
She felt for her phone and breathed out a sigh of relief when she found it is still in her pocket. With trembling hands she typed a message to her friend.
‘dude I could be dying rn. im pretty sure I was kidnapped. no cap. idk where I am. keep my witch stuff.’
She took a picture of the cell and sent it to Dylan.
She pocketed her phone with another inhale to fortify herself. She looked around and found her cell sealed with a laser beam thing. Like a sheet of light keeping her in. Like some real Steven Universe shit.
She walked up to it and tried to touch it. She pulled her hand back with a curse when she was zapped unceremoniously by the rude laser. She started flicking her hand trying and failing to shake the pain off.
She put her singed finger in her mouth and looked around for something that could help her. To the opposite of the laser gate was her cot, a raised platform that comes up to her thighs and padded with cushion. To the right hand side was a sink with running water and a glass near it. She assumed that was for her to drink. All she found that are detachable from their posts are pillows, the glass, and blankets. She walked over and snatched the pillow from the cot to test it against the laser.
She held the pillow forward and slowly touched the other side to the laser. She was startled from this when a something moved in the hallway. She threw the pillow away and focused on the figure that slithering closer to her cell by the minute.
She pulled a face of disgust when a weird hybrid of gorgons, aliens from the movie Aliens, and freaking predators came in front of her. It was very disconcerting.
“Human, you are before your queen, bow.” The talking monstrosity said.
The audacity!
“I’m sorry but you ain’t my queen. My queen is Sappho and you don’t look anything like her,” she said and the guards beside the queen gasped.
The queen’s face distorted in anger. Sasha’s face showed her disgust at how uglier the queen became.
“Eugh, dude seriously ngl you look like someone punched your mother’s stomach when she was carrying you and then when she gave birth to you she somehow dropped you multiple times because she always gets surprised by how ugly you are,” she said with a shrug. If she was gonna die, she’s gonna make the most of what she has right now.
The guy on the left let out a noise that sounded a lot like a laugh. Sasha smiled proudly and gave the alien a wink. It feels good to know someone appreciates your humor. They stepped back a bit, spooked. The queen’s face becomes more distorted but this time she was looking at the alien that laughed.
“You find this amusing? You are nothing but dust in the cosmos. You are nothing. Remember your place [species slur]!” she shouted at them. The poor guy bowed their head and uttered a silent acquiescence.
Both aliens looked at her, one with a look of horrified admiration, and the other with pure contempt in her eyes. Nine of them. Creepy. Why’s it gotta be a fucking odd? Why fucking nine? It’s fucking gross. Eugh.
She was startled out of her disgust for the nine eyes by the sound of someone pressing in the code for her cell…presumably. The laser wall disappeared and the queen loomed ominously over her. She bolted as soon as she can. Narrowly dodging the disgusting snake alien thing that tried to strike her. She took the alien’s appendage and ran. Dragging them along with her to wherever the fuck.
“Why are you doing this human? I am not an ideal hostage, no one cares about me,” the alien said. Sasha’s heart broke with the way that they said it. As if it was something factual. No one should be made to feel like that. If she was gonna escape she’s gonna take this bean with her.
“You are not a hostage,” she said. Behind them the queen is screaming profanities at everyone and the soldiers are gaining on them. “You’re a friend, I can see that you hate it here. You’re as much of a prisoner as I am. We’re gonna get out of here, yeah?” she looked back and her alien friend nodded with a look of disbelief on their face.
“Because they don’t treat you right.”
“That doesn’t have anything to do with you, besides, I will slow you down.”
“Of course it does! I made you laugh, you’re my friend now.”
“What exactly is a friend? You’ve mentioned it twice now.”
“You don’t know what friends are?!”
“I do not. I am sorry,”
“No! Don’t be! I wasn’t mad at you or anything.” She sighed, this is difficult. “A friend is someone that you like, someone you spend your time with. Someone that you can rely on. Someone who can rely on you.”
“…and I am your friend? How?”
“Like I said, you laughed at my joke.”
“That sounds superficial, especially compared to what you mentioned friendship entailed.”
“It doesn’t have to be really deep, does it? I like you because I do. Do you not want to be my friend?”
“It is not that I do not, it is that I do not understand why you would want to be mine.”
“I just do okay? You’re a great dude.”
She looked at the soldiers chasing after them.
“How many?” she asked the confused alien. “Few. There aren’t much.” She nodded and asked where they are as they ran for their lives. They yelled out directions and she followed as best as she could.
She ran faster than she ever has in her life. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. Her alien friend tried but they couldn’t keep up with her. They lagged behind but she wouldn’t leave them. She couldn’t.
They reminded her too much of herself.
So she stood. In front of him. Shielding him from the soldiers that had caught up with them. Her friend told her to run. To leave them. To save herself. She didn’t.
The first soldier engaged her and she punched him. Remembering all those self-defense lessons from tiktok. They were bipedal and has almost the same structure as humans so she assumed they have similar anatomy. Her assumption proved true when the alien she punched in the throat gasped and flailed for air. Her confidence renewed she jumped to the next alien. She tore through them, using everything she has on her arsenal. Her hands, fingers, nails, feet, her teeth, and everything else that she has.
They were fragile. They were easy to destroy. She has cuts all over her body but she cannot feel pain right now. Her friend is looking around at the carnage she has brought with fear in their eyes.  All the fight left her body when they looked at her with fear. She moved forward to reassure them that everything was going to be okay but the queen arrived.
She was holding a gun of a sort and she was pointing it at Sasha. She ran straight for the queen, her teeth barred, screaming at the top of her lungs.
The queen expecting her to run was thrown off guard when she slammed against her. Sasha rained punches on her captor. Blindly smashing and hitting. The sound of pounding of flesh and bones crunching filled the air. She did not stop until two arms wrapped around her and restrained her.
“…okay, it’s gonna be okay. It’s alright, you’re alright. You’re safe.” It was a familiar voice. She didn’t know whose voice. She can feel the strength leaving her body. She hasn’t slept in two days.
“Alien… friend… safe..?” she asked, slowly losing her consciousness.
“Yes, your alien fiend is safe.” He sounds like he’s smiling.
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kippykasey · 3 years
Grace - Chapter 5: Hydra
Pairing: Howard Stark x F!Reader , Bucky x Reader [Eventually]
Word Count: 3522
Series Summary: A young nurse is recruited by Dr. Abraham Erskine to join the SSR to assist on Project Rebirth. Following her work with the SSR she is drafted into the US Army Nurse Corps in the war against the Nazis...and HYDRA.
Chapter Warnings: violence, torture, bad things because Hydra
Author's Note: Surprise?! I wasn't even expecting to get this done but I literally just finished and thought, eh why not. So here it is! Also I hate hurting my characters so this was a bit eh to write but I hope all is well!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs they are either found on google or under the gif tag provided by tumblr. Any language other than English was translated using Google Translator, and translations will be posted in bolden italics after. I am not a nurse or in the medical field although I may do some research medical treatment written may not be correct.
Grace Masterlist | Snowdrop Masterlist | Masterlist
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Pain. A throbbing, harsh pain echoed through my head from the temple. The throbbing beat opposite that of my heart. The second thing I noticed was how cold and damp it was. After battling with my body to force open my eyes I squint through the dimly lit room. A deep voice spoke in another language… German it was German but my head hurt too much for me to understand it. Seconds passed before I realized that I was sitting on the ground in a cell. The door opened and two men walked in flanked by four additional soldiers than the one that had been watching me.
“Ah Fräulein (L/n) glad you have finally woken up.” Miss.
“Who are you?” I cursed how weak my voice sounded at that moment. Though the man didn’t seem to find me a threat of escape as he spoke. “Johann Schmidt. You see we have a common acquaintance… or, well, had.” The grin he wore made my stomach drop and he didn’t need to verbally admit it for me to realize this is the man behind Abraham’s death.
I raised my head in defiance and although it made the pounding in my head worsen I pushed myself from the ground and stood within the cell. “You’re after the serum.”
“Ah, clever girl. You were Abraham’s assistant when he made the serum.” The second, much shorter man spoke. “Fault in your plans. I don’t know how to make the serum.” Schmidt smiled at me and it took all my self control not to shiver from his intense look. “I was hoping you would say that,” His eyes turned off me to the soldiers. “Bring sie zum Stuhl. Probiere es an ihr aus. Vielleicht wird ein kleiner Elektroschock Ihr Gedächtnis auffrischen.” Take her to the chair. Try it out on her. Perhaps a bit of electroshock will refresh your memory. As Schmidt talked his head also turned towards the shorter man.
I could feel the blood drain from my face as I moved back against the wall. Three soldiers stepped towards the cell. One man opened the cell door before the other two stepped inside to detain me. I managed to elbow one in the face in my struggle but it was useless. The two soldiers dragged me from the cell, out of the room into a brighter lit hall. We were in some kind of warehouse. My eyes zeroed in on a chair that looked right out of a nightmare. Stronger hands forced me into the hard chair and held me down while I was struggling against someone’s attempts to strap me in. My struggling did nothing but get me a slap to the face. The strength of the slap disoriented me long enough for them to strap me in.
The shorter man who followed us now stood next to my head. I could see the reflection of myself in his glasses. “This is only going to hurt a lot, try to hold still.” He instructs lowering two plates down around my face. It was only a few short moments before the electricity forced its way into my head. I had no control over my body as it thrashed in the confines of the chair. An agonizing scream of pain carrying throughout the building went ignored.
That wasn’t my first time in the chair but it was the only time I had passed out in the chair. Spent 30 minutes in the chair 3 times a day, sometimes longer. After a week I had to start muttering things to myself in my cell so I didn’t forget who I was. The Nazi soldiers gave me the bare minimum to survive as far as water and nutrients goes. I cracked halfway through October. I gave the short scientist, Armin Zola, the list of what I would need before I was taken back to my cell after yet another time in the cell. I was given parchment and a pencil to write things down with but it kept coming in flashes.
Nights were the worst. Mouth dry from lack of water, eyes trained on an iron grate in the ceiling. I realized two weeks into my daily chair visits that I had forgotten my brother’s name. When I noticed it caused me to cry to sleep that night. So whenever I could I would mutter to myself facts I could remember starting with my name, rank, and where I was from. The list of facts got shorter every day. Somedays I remembered more than others. There were times all I could bring myself to do was hum Amazing Grace to myself to deal with the pain.
The first time I was in the lab I tried to escape. I was left with just one guard and I thought I could take him. I smashed a beaker using a shard like a knife. I ended up knocked unconscious, my hand bleeding from the self inflicted cuts caused by the makeshift weapon. From then on I was chained to the lab table and three soldiers kept watch. I wasn’t given anything to test the serum on. So I never tested unless I thought it would work because I used myself as a test subject.
I was unconscious for two days once from a failed serum. Others cause excruciating pain. Days came and went and I lost count of days but I knew it was still October. Yet a month was close to passing as November began to be discussed amongst soldiers around me. Pressure was placed on me to recreate the serum. Each day if I didn’t recreate the serum I was sent to the chair for the torturous electroshock. That is how I figured out I had been successful in a recreation. The serum, when tested, did nothing but make me drop to the lab floor in pain. I wasn’t even given time to recollect myself before being dragged off to the chair. I lasted longer in the chair than usual. I heard the instruction to increase the power. I don’t remember what happened after that.
It took me nearly half a day to recover, then as soon as I had I was back working in the lab. Suddenly I was pulled away from my work and escorted quickly back to my cell. “Neue Soldaten wurden gefangen genommen.” New soldiers have been captured. I pressed myself up against the bars for a chance, a glimpse at the soldiers being brought in.
It was silent as the Nazi Hydra soldiers dealt with the new poisoners. Suddenly two soldiers appeared with smiles on their faces. “Komm Mädchen. Zola und Schmidt wollen dich sehen.” Come girl. Zola and Schmidt want to see you. The soldiers yanked me up and practically dragged me to the room where the chair was. My body trembled involuntarily at the sight of the chair. It wasn’t me going in the chair, given someone was strapped in but given the uniform he was American. “Ah, here iz our lovely nurse. You’ve been asking for a test subject. Here you go.” Schmidt waved at the man strapped into the chair. The man lifted his head just barely and my heart went out to him. As soon as the hands left my arms I moved to the soldier in the chair. “What’s your name, soldier?”
“S’rg’nt Jam’s Barn’s,” His voice wasn’t clear but it was clear enough for me to understand what he said. The nurse turned to Zola and Schmidt. “I wasn’t done recreating the serum when you had me pulled from the lab. I will need time to work and he needs time to rest or the serum will kill him.” I tried to give him whatever comfort I could in those brief moments before we were pulled apart. His head rose just slightly and I caught a glimpse of stormy blue eyes as he was dragged out of the room.
I never got to return to my cell that night. As my eyes zoned in on the blue chemical mixture in front of me I felt a haze cloud my mind, it wasn’t abnormal to experience but I also felt like I was losing myself when it happened. Following my own written instructions I was able to continue my work. The only other thing I forced my mind to remember were two things.
I am First Lieutenant (Y/n) (L/n) of the US Army Nurse Corps. Soldier boy is Sergeant James Barnes.
The words became a mantra in the blank canvas my mind was currently in as I blindly worked by instructions of my very own that I don’t even remember writing. My body moved on auto pilot as I was taken to a crude looking examination room. In the center was soldier boy Sergeant James Barnes strapped to the table. As my mind raced to catch up with me, flashes of memories clouded my mind from when Steve Rogers got the serum, the explosion that followed, Dr. Erskine being shot. My body tensed at a passing memory of being in the chair passed through being replaced by the pain I felt giving myself the serum.
A hand pressed firmly in between my shoulder blades pushing me forward. I stumbled to the table catching myself with a hand on his arm. Wasn’t he wearing an army jacket before? My eyes landed on the serum filled syringe in my hands reminding me of what I was about to do. “First lieutenant (Y/n) (F/n) of the US Army Nurse Corps.. You are Sergeant James Barnes.. I’m sorry for what I am about to do. You’ll be okay. I’ve used it on myself. It will hurt.” My voice sounded so… robotic and monotone as I spoke to him. My hands pushing up his sleeve.
My hands worked from memory and out of second nature my mouth moved and the hymn fell from my lips. The melody of the song was the only comfort I could offer as I injected the poor man with the serum that would change his life forever. His eyes looked up at mine until the pain of the serum changing his body caused them to shut tightly. The leather restraints holding him in began to rip as he pulled against them. Discarding the empty syringe I tried to soothe him more but the second my hand touched his head I was shot with a sedative.
Steve Rogers has dressed up performing on stage like a dancing monkey to sell war bonds since he was given the serum. His first time on foreign grounds and he was performing for soldiers he should have been fighting alongside of. All to be booed off the stage by disgruntled men who just wanted to see a pretty dame.
Steve finally looked away from the rain but not quite at Peggy, “At least he’s got me doing this. Phillips would have had me stuck in a lab.” Blue eyes finally met the face of Agent Carter. “And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey? You were meant for more than this, you know.” Her wording might have been a bit rude but the point got across. There was a moment of silence between the two but Steve had this look to him. “What?” Peggy inquired.
The man was drawing in the rain when a familiar face popped up. “Hello, Steve.” Peggy Carter approached him from behind, making him turn from his drawing to greet her, “Hi.” She mimed his ‘hi’ back before laying her jacket down to sit on while Steve asked, “What are you doing here?” Peggy looked at Rogers and let out a small sigh, “Officially, I’m not here at all. That was quite a performance.”
Rogers looked away disappointed that she had caught the horrible show that happened earlier. “Yeah. I uh, I had to improvise a little bit. The crowds I’m used to are usually more, uh, twelve.” Steve explained looking out at the drenched ground and falling rain. “I understand you’re ‘America’s New Hope’.” Peggy states watching him. “Bond sales take a 10% bump in every state I visit.” Steve comments like a robot. “Is that Senator Brandt I hear?”
“You know for the longest time, I dreamed about coming overseas and being on the front lines, serving my country. I finally got everything I wanted and I’m wearing tights.” Steve kept looking down at his journal then squinting out through the rain. A horn alarmed behind them as a medical vehicle slid to a stop in the mud. Medics ran from the infirmary tent to help unloaded soldiers on gurneys. “They look like they’ve been through hell.” Peggy turned back towards Rogers. “These men more than most.” Steve looked up at Peggy knowing she had more details. “Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men were there to back up an already injured fleet, they went up against him and less than 75 returned. Your audience contained what was left of the 107th and 34th.” Steve slowly turned his head feeling bad for the men who were lost but his attention snapped to Peggy at the mention of the divisions involved as she finished, “The rest were killed or captured.”
“The 107th?” The confirmation had him darting out into the rain, Peggy following holding her jacket over her head for coverage from the rain. The two ran all the way to the tent Colonel Phillips was sitting in signing condolence letters. “Colonel Phillips.” Steve called for the man’s attention as he approached. “Well, if it isn’t the Star-Spangled Man With A Plan. What is your plan today?” The colonel responded looking up at the pair now standing in front of him. “I need the casualty list from Azzano.” The tone he used was definitely fitting for the role he plays on stage. Phillips however did not appreciate it. “You don’t get to give me orders, son.”
“I just need one name, Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th.” Rogers responded un phased. Phillips pointed his pen at Peggy, “You and I are gonna have a conversation later that you won’t enjoy.” Steve was insistent though and again requested the information he wanted, “Please tell me if he’s alive, sir. B-A-R..” “I can spell.” Phillips cut him off before muttering, “First Stark and now this.” He stood from the table and paged through the letters he just finished signing. “I have signed more of these condolence letters today that I would care to count. But the name does sound familiar. I’m sorry. To the both of you.” Phillips looks from Rogers to Peggy and the woman knew he was referring to her friend from the 34th.”
“What about the others? Are you planning a rescue mission?” Rogers was something else, optimistic maybe. “Yeah, it’s called winning the war.” The look of disbelief that Steve sent the colonel as he spoke might have been the first red flag for Peggy Carter. “But if you know where they are, why not at least..” Phillips once again cut the man off, “They’re 30 miles behind the lines through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe.” Phillips was eyeing the spot on the map as he talked about it, even pointing the place out directly. “We’d lose more men than we’d save. But I don’t expect you to understand that because you’re a chorus girl.”
The colonels' dig at Roger’s lack of status didn’t seem to phase the man but it did fuel the plan he was formulating in his head while staring at the map, memorizing it. “I think I understand just fine.”
“Well, then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters correctly, you got someplace to be in 30 minutes.” The colonel walked past him giving Rogers a very clear view of the map marking out exactly where he needed to go, and where he was. “Yes, sir. I do.” Perhaps the time staring at the map was the second red flag that Peggy noticed. As her eyes flickered between him and the map as he left the tent it all clicked into place and she hurried after the taller man.
“What do you plan to do, walk to Austria?” Peg asked as she entered the tent used as the changing room. “If that’s what it takes.” Steve answered not looking up from where he was struggling with boots. “You heard the Colonel. Your friend, and mine, are most likely dead.”
“You don’t know that.” Steve disagreed as he continued to get ready. “Even so, he’s devising a strategy. If he detects..” Steve cut her off as he put on a brown leather jacket, “By the time he’s done that, it could be too late.” He snatched up his bag and shield and headed for the exit. “Steve!” Peggy called following him to the vehicle he tossed his things into. The rain had stopped leaving the sun to rapidly evaporate the water leaving puffs of smoke in the air. Steve looked at the brunette in front of him. “You told me you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean that?”
“Every word.”
“Then you got to let me go.” Steve turned to get into the jeep and started the engine before Peggy was at the side. “I can do more than that.” She told him.
Peggy hadn’t lied. She got them a method of transport much faster than the jeep. Howard Stark sat in the pilot seat flying a plane with the slight chance his fiancée may still be alive. Stark was devastated when he first found out that the 34th was attacked and that only doubled when the attack at Azzano took out the 107th as well.
“The Hydra camp is in Krausberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges.” Peggy infomed Rogers as she pointed to the map she was holding. “It’s a factory of some kind.” She gave him as much information as she could. “We should be able to drop you right on the doorstep.” Howard called over his shoulder.
“Just get me as close as you can.” Steve called back up to the pilot. He looked back over at the woman in front of him. “You know.. You two are gonna be in a lot of trouble when you land.” He was worried about her getting into trouble for him but she looked at him just as worried. “And you won’t?” Steve dismissed her worries, turning his head. “Where I’m going, if anyone yells at me, I can just shoot them.” There was a small click of a loaded gun.
“They will undoubtedly shoot back.” Peggy surmised. Steve turned to the shield he had been using on stage giving it a knock, “Well let's hope it’s good for something.” Steve turned back to her just as Howard called back, “Agent Carter? If we’re not in too much of a hurry, I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late-night fondue.” Howard was teasing the agent, the smile on his face hidden from those being him. Peggy shifted in her seat choosing to ignore him and keep conversation going with Rogers. “Stark is the best civilian pilot I’ve ever seen. He’s mad enough to brave this airspace. We’re lucky to have him.”
Steve however was still not fully over the comment Stark made. “So, are you two… do you…” There was an awkward pause as Steve thought of the proper way to ask if they were seeing each other by reusing Stark’s words, “..Fondue?” Stark tried not to laugh from the pilot’s seat as Peggy simply shook her head and handed him a device. “This is your transponder. Activate it when you’re ready and the signal will lead us straight to you.” Steve took a moment to look at the device now in his hand before calling up to Howard, “Are you sure this thing works?”
“It’s been tested more than you, pal.” Howard defended seconds before gunfire hit the side of the plane. The plane shook as bullets pelted the sides, shaking the aircraft from the force. Steve stood grabbing his shield and heading towards the door. That he opened. “Get back here! We’re taking you all the way in!” Peggy ordered yelling over the wind rushing into the plane. “As soon as I’m clear, you turn this thing around and get the hell out of here!” Steve ordered back over the noise of the wind, gunfire, and the pinging of bullets on the plane.
“You can’t give me orders!” Peggy disagreed.
“The hell I can’t! I’m a Captain!” Steve looked over at her, giving her a smile that made her weak in the knees. He grabbed the goggles from his helmet, lowered them over his eyes and launched himself out of the plane. Peggy watched him fall towards the ground before the red fabric of his parachute was visible in the night sky from the flying bullets. Howard turned back as instructed by the Captain. Now all they could do was wait.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
“we could always burn the door down”
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pairing: hajime iwaizumi x female reader
cw: language, mild nsfw and fluff
word count: 2200+
a/n: thank you guys so much for 200 followers it means so much to me, double posting today and i hope you guys like this little one shot for our fave athletic trainer
summary: in which you and iwaizumi get locked inside of the volleyball storage cupboard, with no service and limited warmth, there’s only one option and for two people who aren’t even friends it is the last thing they thought would happen on a friday night
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
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“Oikawa, I swear to god if there’s a rat in the storage room I’m not going in.” Oikawa had ran to you after practice dragging you into the gym with a frustrated face.
“Y/n, stop being a bitch, we have to find Iwa-chan.” He mocked but went back to worrying.
“How is that my problem?” You had come back from the library and just wanted to go home.
“This place is gonna get locked up for tonight and I do care about it, we have to walk home.”
“Aww can little Oikawa not walk home by himself.” It’s not like you didn’t like Iwaizumi it’s just looking at him made you an entire mess and he barely even glanced at you to realise your prominent feelings.
You did your best to ignore the boy hoping your feelings would settle and whenever you were around him. You’d torment him with an attitude to make it seem like you disliked him when you cared more than anybody would know.
But what made you stay further away from the ace was his girlfriend, she was something you’d never be pretty, smart and nice. She wasn’t someone you could hate so easily, and she had the ace wrapped around her finger.
You followed Oikawa around relentlessly, he finally signed before looking at your bored figure. “He probably went home.”
“I said that to you a gazillion times Shittykawa.” He rolled his eyes at your comment.
“Yeah, yeah i can’t believe he left without me.” He saw you about to walk away grabbing your wrist. “You can’t walk home by yourself.”
“Aww Oikawa it’s okay, I’ll call my parents to come pick me up.” He nods before waving a goodbye.
You had left your bag in the gym going back to retrieve it before hearing noises coming from the storage cupboard. You slowly walked towards the door that looked barely open.
You peeked through the gap seeing an angry Iwaizumi. You heard his punch one of the boxes leading it to break. He was pissed and you were vary to even question why he was.
You were worried and that got to you, you opened the door slowly, his eyebrows raised, and fists clenched.
“Iwaizumi” You softly spoke it got him out of the trance of his anger as he saw you come in.
“Y/n, I’m not in the mood for you, go away.” you ignored him closing the door as you heard it click. “Did you just fucking close the door?”
“Ugh yeah.” You became timid, silent even out of fear that he was getting even more pissed.
“Gosh you fucking dumbass, the door locks on its own if closed and now we’re stuck in here.” He paces towards the door pulling at the handle just in case.
He was angry and you had made him even angrier. “Iwa-.”
“Don’t speak.” He goes back to the box that he’d broken trying to salvage any practice pieces.
You were getting frustrated yourself he didn’t need to be a dick just because of an accident. “We can just call someone.”
He takes his phone out showing the lack of cell service. “Why the fuck do you think I came in here, i wanted to be alone without Oikawa annoying me.”
You walk up to him, standing right in front of him. His eyes went soft as he looked down at you. “What happened?”
Those simple words and a single tear falling down his face. You knew it was something more than an annoyance with Oikawa. He fell to the ground leaning against the athletic equipment.
You sat beside him your school skirt riding up as he cried. You didn’t make him speak, only putting an arm around him. He was vulnerable and you would be there for him. His head rested on your shoulder as you stroked his back gently.
After a couple minutes he looked up at you, you wiped away the stray tears waiting for him to speak. “She cheated.”
It was something you hadn’t expected to hear, his perfect now ex-girlfriend had cheated. You knew he loved her but now you could feel hatred.
“She cheated.” He repeated. “With the captain of the football team.”
You knew who it was, he was all right, but nothing compared to Iwaizumi. He was a star player hoping to go professional, girls fawned over him like they did with Oikawa but most of all he had been getting close with Iwaizumi’s ex.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper your hand wrapping his hair as he leant against you again.
You massaged his scalp bringing him comfort that you thought you could bring him. “I’m being stupid, crying over a girl that I barely even liked.”
This had caught you off guard, whenever you would see the two of them, they looked in love. Was it all a facade or was it never real to begin with, he carried on speaking, “I found them making out in an empty classroom, she really was dense to think I wouldn’t see.”
You never imagined someone as perfect as her would be the one to cheat so carelessly, “and now I’m locked in this stupid storage room with you.”
The comment was unnecessary, but he said it more as a joke then to be rude. You laughed leaning your head backwards, still feeling his head on your upper shoulder. “Iwaizumi, she proved to you that you deserve better, she’s full of shit.”
Iwaizumi admired your honesty, of course once he had seen the scene he had ran. He didn’t want to confront her and needed to be alone instead, finding the quietest place possible. He knew someone was coming to fix the door early morning but was worried about spending the night with you.
The windows were small and if you even did try to jump out you were too high to survive without injury. He watched you thinking over the comforting feeling your hand brought to his hair.
“I deserve better.” He whispers.
“Yeah, you do, it’s good you know that some idiots stay with cheaters, they don’t deserve second chances and you’re so much better than she ever will be. You’re smart, athletic and you have your head screwed on.” You pause looking at how his face went into a small smile. “Anybody would be lucky to be with you.”
“Anybody? What even you?” He hadn’t meant to say it in the flirty way he had. But your hand fell from his hair looking down, he was making you dumb inside. You were trying to help but god was he making it hard with those sweet eyes of him.
“I’d be lucky to have you.” You whisper softly.
His ears grow red as he smirked at you, “you know I thought you hated me, but really you just liked me, didn’t you?”
He was taunting you and as your face became redder, you refused to meet his eyes. The tears no longer coming out from his eyes, he knew why he had really been crying. He had spent months wasted on a girl who meant nothing when all he really wanted was you.
He was upset he hadn’t taken you out on dates, sad that he hadn’t kissed you or even held your hands. Most of all he was frustrated with the lack of communication from the two of you to even mention the chances of a relationship.
You were still looking down, scared to meet his eyes. He grabbed your face with both his hands, before smashing his lips onto your own. Your brain hadn’t processed what was going on, but you enjoyed it, your own hands going into his hair.
The kiss deepening as one of his hands moved to your exposed thighs, brushing up and down. It was everything you had imagined and dreamt about, your mouths moving in sync with it being passionate and lustful. It was long overdue; the longing looks you had given each other without looking finally being resolved.
His other hand encased your face, his thumb brushing up and down your cheek. It was silent the sound of spit and saliva being exchanged through the kiss; it was hungry and something you missed as soon as he let go. You breathing was heavy, but you remained looking at him, his face happier and so in love.
“Come ‘ere” You obeyed as he gestured to his lap.
You sat yourself onto of his lap, his hands around your waist bringing you closer. You had been hesitant, but his gesture made you rest your head on his chest whilst your own arms wrapped around him. You both stayed like this in silence, he was kissing the top of your head occasionally, but you were both listening, hearing your heart beats in sync craving each other’s touch again.
His hands moved to under your skirt, grabbing the back of your thighs. He had been wearing his school shirt and trousers and you wanted more contact with him. You glided your fingers across the buttons, his eyes widening before smirking. He nodded to allow you to unbutton a couple of the buttons, you kissed his neck moving down to his collar and chest, sucking on the exposed skin to feel even more of the boy, his grip on your thighs tightened, knowing a bruise was forming.
He moaned lowly in your ear, the sign making you suck even harder even biting a few spots. You admired your work it was like ruining a masterpiece. He loved the dishevelled look you had, you both admired each other, staring into each other’s eyes before you broke the silence.
“I really like you.” He smiles bringing one of his fingers to your chin to make you look up.
“Lucky I really like you too.” His lips captured yours again, your hand resting on his bare chest. It was soft and filled with love, the way he let go making your heart warm and the feeling of his teeth biting into your bottom lip. Engulfed you with love. “You should get some sleep.”
He knew it was late and that both of you weren’t getting out any time soon. “We could always burn the door down.” 
You joked easily hearing his low laugh that brought you comfort before you stayed in each other’s arms, your cheek resting against his bare chest, as he brought you even closer, hoping to provide you with the heat and warmth you needed before he fell asleep himself.
Hours passed and as daylight broke out the sound of the volleyball team running through the gym could be heard from within the storage cupboard, you remained on Iwaizumi’s legs as he held you closer, his soft breathing being heard as he snored peacefully.
“Where is Iwaizumi?” Kindaichi asked the setter who was as lost as always.
“Wait isn’t that Y/n’s bag?” They saw the distressed school bag outside the cupboard they recognised it due to the keyring on it that you had won at a fair years ago.
They went to open the cupboard, Oikawa’s face in shock as he saw the two of you encased in each other’s arms. “Oh, my fucking god.”
His scream startled you waking up, you yawned as you saw the team and the door wide open. “Wake up the doors open.” You stretched your arms as Iwaizumi started to stir, his arms wrapped around your waist. The first one to notice the marks on Iwaizumi was Matsukawa whose eyes widened pointing them out to Hanamaki who raised an eyebrow.
“Iwa-chan you were hiding in the store cupboard.” Oikawa pouted before he noticed the marks, “you two were fucking in the storage what about…”
Iwaizumi interrupted him, “we broke up.”
Oikawa didn’t question it happy that two of his friends were happy, you buttoned up Iwaizumi’s shirt before smiling at the boy. “I’ll leave you boys to practice.”
You grabbed your bag smiling at the team. “Wait Y/n.” Before you could go Iwaizumi grabbed your wrist.
“I’m going to text her and tell her its over and I want us to go out tonight.”
You smiled at how the boy was embarrassed, he scratched the back of his head as you came up to him kissing him softly on the lips, it was sweet and simple. “I’ll see you at 7 for our date.”
“Okay, get home safe.” You nod about to leave again but he brings you in for another smaller kiss. Your heart warms, as he finally let’s go, you heavily breathe a thrill of excitement running through you about the date tonight.
You walked away a smile on your face, you saw Iwaizumi take his phone out quickly typing something out and sending it before doing the same movement. One probably to his now ex and the other to who knows who.
You heard the ding of your phone going off, opening it you see a message from Iwaizumi, “I’m glad you found me.”
You smile walking outside, typing a response of how happy you were and how you couldn’t wait for tonight. You didn’t expect a reply as practice was occurring but now you realised you had him. And maybe Oikawa was right to drag you around the school. Without the cheating and Oikawa’s neediness the relationship between Iwaizumi would’ve never bloomed and now you had what you had always wanted. A relationship with your favourite ace. 
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refinedbuffoonery · 4 years
Quarantine Moments (6)
The prison flashbacks start around the same time Riley loses track of the number of days she’s been trapped inside Mac’s house. 
At first they’re just sporadic dreams, and Riley writes them off as nothing. An extra long run is enough to shake off the caged-in feeling. 
And then they start happening during the day. 
Riley and Mac are sparring in the living room, and she’s losing. “Losing your edge there, Riles?” he teases, pulling yet another punch she failed to deflect. 
She bluffs, “Maybe I’m just tricking you.” She totally isn’t. Mac is winning, and he knows it. 
Riley stumbles, and Mac capitalizes on her moment of weakness to slam her into the wall face-first, pinning her wrists behind her back. He whoops in victory, but Riley doesn’t hear it. The flashback seizes Riley’s body, teleporting her consciousness to a part of her past she’d rather forget. 
It’s her first day. The prison guards—two of them—escort her to the cafeteria. Inside, the other women study Riley like she’s about to be their next meal. They’re all huddled in their cliques, and it doesn’t take Riley long to figure out which one is at the top of the food chain. 
It’s like middle school all over again, only worse. 
A woman probably ten years older than Riley approaches. She’s the alpha. Her dirty orange jumpsuit does little to conceal her thick, muscled body, but it’s her eyes that frighten Riley most—steel gray and completely devoid of emotion, except maybe hunger. And Riley is fresh meat. 
Even though every nerve in her body screams at her to run the other way, Riley keeps her head down and tries to walk past the woman. Maybe I’ll get lucky, she thinks. But her luck ran out long ago. 
Before Riley knows what’s happening, the woman has her smashed against the wall, arms pinned behind her back. She struggles, but the woman holds firm. Her breath is hot and rancid as she growls in Riley’s ear. “You’re too pretty for a place like this. What’s your name, girl?” 
Riley doesn’t answer. 
The woman yanks Riley’s hair hard enough for her vision to blur. “I said, what’s your name, girl?” 
Riley’s voice is squeaky and pathetic as she tells her. 
“See?” she croons. “That wasn’t hard.” There’s laughter in the background. “What are you in for? They don’t throw just anybody in here.”
Riley takes a deep, steadying breath. She can’t be herself here. She can’t show fear. These women probably eat fear for breakfast. Riley speaks in a low, cruel voice that sounds foreign to her ears. “I’m a hacker. A good one. Give me five minutes with a computer, and I can make every single one of you disappear from the face of the earth so thoroughly the world will forget you existed at all.” 
It’s enough for the woman to release her, just slightly. 
She hears her name then, ringing in her ears. A man’s voice, coming from somewhere very far away. 
The flashbacks have changed over the years, steadily growing more distorted from reality. In the last one, she was shanked with the handle-end of a spoon and died on her first day. Other times, the women are little more than high school bullies weaponizing their words for verbal and psychological warfare. 
Even after all this time, Riley still can’t break out of the flashbacks on her own any more than she could’ve broken herself out of prison. The flashbacks are her new prison, with her mind as her jailer. 
She hears her name again, and it’s muffled, like she’s underwater. 
Maybe the owner will pull her out. Maybe they’ll just let her drown. Her fate is up to them either way. 
Hands grip her shoulders. Riley jerks away on instinct, hitting something hard and cool. Closing her eyes, she shrinks in on herself and waits for it all to be over. Tears threaten to sneak out. Riley clenches her eyes shut even harder. 
The hands slide up to her face. 
“Open your eyes,” the voice says. 
She can’t. She’s afraid of what might be there when she does. 
“You’re safe,” the voice promises. “I’ve got you.” 
Riley opens her eyes and is met with familiar bright blue ones, tinged with fear. Mac. She sees the familiar setting of his living room before her vision starts to blur. 
He brushes her tears away. “There you are.” Mac steps closer like he’s going to hug her, and Riley’s throat tightens as the caged-in feeling returns. Riley shoves him back as hard as she can, bolting out the front door. 
Her knees buckle the second she reaches the lawn, and then she’s on her hands and knees, desperately trying to breathe again. She hears Mac’s cautious footsteps approach, but Riley focuses on the feeling of grass beneath her palms. The sun on her back. Birds chirping. Mac crouches a healthy distance away, giving her space. 
I’m home, she promises herself. I’m safe. I got out. A shuddering breath. I’m not going back. 
Riley flops onto her back. The sky is extra blue today and dizzyingly bright. Wordlessly, Mac mirrors her. 
When Riley is sure the flashback won’t come screaming back, she reaches out and grazes her fingers against Mac’s. She hears him let out a long, shaky exhale before he threads his fingers between hers and presses their palms together. 
Minutes pass in silence, and Riley’s voice is hoarse as she finally confesses, “I’m not okay.” 
Mac squeezes her hand. Go on.
“I’ve been having dreams where I’m back in prison. Until now, they’ve only been at night. This is the first one during the day.” 
“What happened?” 
Panic flares in her chest. Riley takes slow, deep breaths until it subsides. “They, uh, had me pinned against a wall.” 
Mac’s grip tightens. “Fuck. Riles, I’m sorry. This was my fault.” His voice is thick. 
Riley squeezes his hand but doesn’t look at him. “You couldn’t have known.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? About the dreams.” 
Because you have plenty of your own problems. I’m not burdening you with mine too. “I don’t know.” Her eyes track a bird flying overhead. It’s easier than facing Mac. 
He toys with the ring on her thumb. “Thank you for telling me now.” A pause. “What can I do to help you?” 
Riley doesn’t have a clue. 
She focuses on the sensation of his hand in hers, of his deft fingers mindlessly twisting her ring. It grounds her just as much as the damp grass beneath her, just as much as the sun on her face. She’s safe. It’s been over five years since she’s been trapped inside those concrete walls. Less since she’s been arrested and thrown in a holding cell thanks to ops gone wrong. She supposes that’s the one upside to the pandemic—that she won’t be risking jail time any time soon. 
But some days LA’s total lockdown feels like just another prison itself. 
“Do you ever think about that one time you got sent to prison for an op?” she asks. “Not long after I joined the team.”  She knows it’s a long shot, but part of her hopes that maybe, just maybe, he can commiserate.
“Every once in a while,” Mac admits. “But that wasn’t anything like what you experienced.” 
So much for empathy. 
“Will you stay out here with me?” Even if he can’t understand, Mac’s presence is better than facing the memories alone. 
“As long as you need.” He squeezes her hand twice this time, and Riley returns the gesture, letting it communicate everything she can’t say aloud. 
They lie there until the shadows grow long, and the setting sun dips below the neighbors’ roof. 
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zelenacat · 3 years
When We Were Young- An Obitine Story- Chapter 30
Satine didn’t look up at the footsteps approaching. She had tried to take back some power by not eating, but she knew that couldn’t last long, so Satine gobbled everything up that she could get.
Satine rolled over, ignoring the Count.
“Stop bothering me, Dooku.” she huffed.
“It’s us, Satine.” Anakin announced.
The Duchess rolled over so quickly she fell onto the floor.
“Yes, darling,” Obi-Wan was already at the bars, “I’m here.”
Satine opened her mouth to tell him about the baby, but her lips trembled, there were too many ears.
“Let me in.” the Jedi ordered.
“Master Kenobi-”
“We’re friends, Hondo,” Obi-Wan asked, “aren’t we?”
“So it’s true then,” the pirate crossed his arms, “the children.”
“I met them,” Dooku added, answering first, “two redheads and two blondes.”
Satine growled. Anakin told the Count to shut up.
“Alright,” Hondo waved his hand, “I’ll allow it.”
Her Jedi burst through the cell door.
The Duchess reached out, “Obi!”
“Satine.” he embraced her.
Tears pricked at Satine’s eyes, her Obi-Wan was here, everything was going to be okay now.
“Lady Khaami,” Obi-Wan shook her hand, “thank you for staying.”
“Of course, Master Jedi,” Khaami smiled, “ladies are loyal to their mistresses.”
Dooku snorted. Satine lifted her head enough to see Anakin smash the Count’s head into the bars using the force.
Obi-Wan helped Satine onto the chaise, keeping an arm around her at all times.
“That’s long enough, Kenobi.”
Ignoring Hondo, the Jedi placed his forehead on Satine’s.
“Marry me when the war is over.” Obi-Wan whispered.
“I will,” Satine guided the Jedi’s hand to her stomach, “you have my word.”
Anakin came in then and had to physically pull Obi-Wan off Satine, both Jedi were near tears.
“Look after her,” Anakin charged Khaami, “please.”
“I shall, Master Jedi,” the lady nodded, “to the best of my ability.”
Hondo helped lead Dooku out with the Jedi, but came back to Satine when he finished, by then Vizsla was gone as well.
“You have so far denied the rumors publicly about you and Kenobi having children,” he sat outside the bars, “but I have some friends who told me you paid for false birth certificates, six of them.”
Satine sighed, but it was Khaami who spoke.
“Can you imagine the scandal,” she asked, “a high profile politician and a famous Jedi General, not to mention old prejudices and what the Duchess’ enemies would do to her?”
“I am sorry, Duchess, truly, I am,” Hondo apologized, “we will try to make your stay as comfortable as possible.”
“Thank you,” Satine mumbled.
“Senator Amidala is in charge of working out a deal, so have faith,” Hondo stood, “but if you need extra blankets, food, anything-”
“What about medical needs?”
The pirate was taken aback.
“The Duchess is expecting,” Khaami explained, “that’s why Master Kenobi was loath to leave her.”
Hondo sighed.
“You still are our hope for ransom, Your Grace,” the pirate crossed his arms, “we’ll see what the Senator can do.”
The pirate stood and made to leave.
“Hondo?” Satine asked.
The criminal turned back around.
“Is there any way you will set me free, besides financially?”
Hondo sighed, “Master Kenobi is a dear friend of mine, but no, I don’t think-”
“The Queen of Zygerria is my second cousin,” I tell him, “my great aunt leads the Alderaanian House of Cortess, and my cousin, Theala Vandron, could certainly help me if she wished.”
Ohnaka raised his eyebrows.
“Can you get me communication with them,” Satine begged, “or Senator Amidala?”
The pirate sighed, “I will not show my favoritism for you, Duchess, though your offer does sound intriguing.”
Hondo left and Satine sighed.
“It’s alright, Your Grace,” Khaami smiled sadly, helping the Duchess stand, “this is surely going to be resolved.”
It took a month for a deal to be brokered, and it involved offering a Mandalorian trade contact to the pirates. Satine was horrified.
“The Duke of Sundari clearly had his reservations,” Hondo gestured, “but at least he signed it.”
The cell doors opened and Satine stood.
“I wish to bathe and change outfits.” she announced.
A couple of the pirates groaned.
“Alright,” Hondo sighed, “take your lady with you.”
The warm water felt so good to the Duchess, who was surprised to see that her baby bump was already noticeable.
“I’ll see if they have anything to help with that.” Khaami nodded.
“Thank you.”
Khaami returned with a shirt that was far too big for her.
“It’ll hide it,” the lady assured, “they only had pants,”
Satine caught a glance of herself in a mirror before leaving the room. She looked surprisingly well, she had been a good prisoner. Satine ate her food, slept, and cried. Her face had an unusual pallor to it and she noticed a couple strands of gray in her hair, but other than that Satine looked normal. The Duchess wondered what the cameras would see.
“Come, Satine,” Khaami took her arm, “it’s time.”
There was a Mandalorian delegation outside to meet her, Jaym and many of her personal guards all bowed as she stepped out, but then Satine noticed her son.
“Korkyrach,” the Duchess stumbled to him, “my boy, my boy.”
“You’re alright, Lady Mother,” he whispered, “you’re safe now.”
Next, Korkie kissed Khaami’s hand, and told her that Mandalore was most appreciative.
“Of course, Your Grace, it was my duty.”
Hondo cleared his throat. Satine turned, keeping an arm around her son.
“We look forward to working with you,” he smiled, “I will tell you we make great allies.”
“You are pardoned, Hondo,” Satine raised an eyebrow, “for your crimes against Mandalore. We certainly hope you can live up to your word.”
And with that she boarded her ship. Satine didn’t heave a sigh of relief until they took off. Then, she laid her head on Korkie’s shoulder.
“Did they treat you well?” he wondered.
“Friends of your father’s,” Satine mumbled quietly, “not awful, although I only got one bath.”
Korkie tried to smile at her use of humor.
“It’s alright, son of mine,” Satine whispered, “I am alright.”
The Duke of Sundari tightened his grip around his mother.
“When can I see your siblings?” the Duchess asked.
“Tristan is coming after school, and Mara’s waiting at the palace,” Korkie assured, “father is going to bring Tyra and the twins secretly tonight.”
Satine nodded, happy that she would get to see her family.
“The press is going to go crazy once we arrive,” Khaami warned, “I’ve seen a couple feeds already.”
The Duchess sighed.
“We’ll be okay,” Korkie assured, “you can walk, right?”
“Yes, my boy,” Satine straightened, “I can.”
Once they landed, the Duchess stood and took Korkie’s arm, Khaami kept a hand on her lady’s back, and they were lowered into the fray.
“Your Grace-”
“Duchess, what do you think-”
Cameras flashed, Satine winced.
“Your Grace, how would you describe-”
The guards and to push reporters aside so that Satine could get on the speeder to the palace.
“I hope this is alright,” Korkie whispered, “we wanted them to see you were alive.”
“I am.” Satine responded.
Khaami’s daughter and husband were waiting on the platform and the lady squealed when she saw them. A smile came to Satine’s face, Khaami had been so helpful these past few months, she deserved some happiness.
When the palace doors closed behind her, Satine nearly collapsed.
The two embraced.
“Med bay,” Korkie told the lady, “just to be sure.”
“Hera will oversee it,” Satine decided.
The nurse was happy to see Satine, but as soon as she drew the examining curtain closed, Hera asked what was wrong.
“I’m pregnant again.” the Duchess whispered.
Hera’s eyes went wide.
“I know it’s a short time after,” Satine frowned, “will there be problems?”
The nurse hesitated, “It will be very hard on your body, and I am firmly against a corset this time.”
“A girdle?” the Duchess ventured.
Hera shook her head, “Let’s just get you a regular test, and how far along do you think you are?”
Satine frowned, “Eight, nine weeks?”
Hera pulled up Satine’s shirt and looked down at her stomach, “You’re kinda noticeable.”
“With twins it usually was three or four months.” the Duchess remembered.
“I’ll get that test,” Hera nodded, “I have some theories.”
When they got the results, Satine vomited. Hera sighed.
“I expected triplets,” she confessed, “but does your family have a history of multiple children at once?”
“My sister and I are twins,” Satine explained, “but really? Three?”
“Two boys and a girl,” Hera said, checking the test, “I suggest you take this one carefully.”
“I will.”
“We’ll give you a sonogram,” the nurse stood, “triplets are higher risk, and I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re older now.”
“I’m almost thirty-seven,” Satine swallowed, “believe me, I know.”
At that moment, Parna called out that she had Korkie and Mara with her.
“Come!” the Duchess ordered.
Satine told the kids to close their eyes, but Parna gasped when she saw the Duchess and easing the children into the truth didn’t happen.
“Your father knows,” Satine held up her hands, “he came to see me in prison.”
Mara sighed, “A Jedi Council Master, his noble Mandalorian wife, and their seven children.”
“Nine,” Satine swallowed, “it's triplets.” Korkie looked horrified.
“I’ll be alright, son of mine,” the Duchess took her son’s hand, “Hera is running some tests, but tell Tristan and Tyra when they arrive.”
Korkie kissed his mother’s cheek and said he would do so, then Mara squeezed her mother’s hand.
“We’re quite a large family.” she winked.
“What till you tell your father about the triplets,” Satine sighed, “if he faints, we’ll bring him here.”
The kids laughed.
“I love you both.” the Duchess smiled.
“We love you too, Lady Mother.”
There were three children in her womb, two boys and a girl. Satine sighed, this was going to be difficult.
“All done,” the nurse smiled, “we’ll do another one in a couple of weeks.”
“Thank you, Hera,” the Duchess sat up, “we’ll see how this one goes.”
The nurse wagged her finger, “No corsets.” 
“No corsets.” Satine agreed.
The Duchess spent the rest of the day in bed, and it was marvelous. The kitchens had made her favorite food, traditional Mandalorian cuisine was famous for meaty delights, and Satine did not complain. There was also her favorite imported juice and sweet fruits for dessert. The Duchess finished her meal with a happy sigh as Obi-Wan burst through the door.
“Darling,” Satine smiled, “how are you?”
The Jedi’s eyes went wide, flustered, “How are you?”
Satine laughed, “Well.”
  Korkie guided his father into the room.
“I can’t believe it,” Tyra giggled, holding Lyra, “more little cuties!”
“Bring me my little cuties,” Satine held out her arms, “even my grown ones.”
Mara and Tyra handed her Jinn and Lyra.
“My oh my,” the Duchess grinned, “are you girls teething?”
Jynn and Lyra cooed happily, arms reaching up for Satine’s neck.
“You too, Tyra.” Satine ordered.
The eldest daughter kissed her mother’s cheek and sat at the end of the bed next to her father. Mara was on her left, and Korkie on her right.
“Come, Tristan.”
Her son obeyed, crawling onto the edge of the bed on Obi-Wan’s other side.
“So,” he began, “have you picked out any names yet?”
“No, actually,” Satine grinned, “but we’re open for suggestions.”
Everyone started talking at once, and Obi-Wan caught Satine’s eye.
“Alright, then,” the Duchess held up her hands, letting the twins crawl around, “there’s one more piece of information you need to know.”
Suddenly, all the children were quiet.
“Two boys and a girl.”
Cheers went up and Satine felt wholly happy. There was a warmth in her belly that wasn’t the triplets, Obi-Wan looked the same way. He held out his hand and the Duchess took it.
“I like Sylvian,” Korkie confessed, “for a boy.”
“Ooh.” Mara clapped.
“What about Jacen?” Tyra suggested.
“I like that.” Tristan agreed.
“Both suggestions are good,” Obi-Wan smiled, “but what about a girl’s name?”
No one came up with anything that really stuck, so instead, Satine asked how long her family could stay.
Tyra threw up her arms in the air, “We have the weekend off!” 
“I just have some homework,” Tristan confessed, “but otherwise I’m good.”
“I’d love to stay with you, Lady Mother,” Mara’s face flinched, “I don’t have a trainer anymore.”
“Of course, Darling,” Satine held out her arms, “you can be one of my ladies!”
Mara was delighted.
“What about you, Kork?” Tyra teased.
Korkie shot Tyra a look, “I have work to catch up on.”
Obi-Wan burst into laughter.
“Nice try, son.”
Korkie shrank, “What?”
“I heard that Master Mundi’s daughter Kara has a date this weekend.”
Mara squealed, Tristan snorted.
“You know what Tristan,” Korkie crossed his arms, “how long did it take you to get Sori’s comm info?”
“Oh, you think you’re so funny!”
Mara and Tyra traded looks.
“Tyra Satine,” the Duchess began, “do you know who Sori is?”
“Yes, actually,” Tyra nodded, “Mara and I met her in the underground, she’s the heir to Zygerria, Cousin Miraj’s daughter.”
“She’s a better fighter than Tristan.” Mara added.
“You don’t know that!”
Mara raised an eyebrow.
“How’s Boba, Mara?” Tristan snapped back.
Mara crossed her arms the same way Korkie had, going on the defensive.
“He’s fine, but if you really cared, you should ask Tyra about her Sith Lord in training.”
“Don’t call him that,” Tyra pouted, “he betrayed his father and saved my life!”
Obi-Wan sighed, Satine laughed.
“Oh, Children,” she shook her head, “I’m glad you can tease each other.”
“It’s what siblings do,” Obi-Wan smiled, “or, so I’ve heard.”
Satine’s comm rang, and Obi-Wan pulled it to his hand.
“It’s from Padme.”
Satine hesitated, “Respond.”
“Padme, calm down.”
The Senator sighed and looked around.
“Oh, hi, children.”
“Hi, Auntie Padme!”
“Yo,” Anakin walked into the frame, “have you told her yet?”
Padme huffed, “Ani, you ruined the surprise!”
“Told me what?” Satine frowned.
The Senator smiled like a giddy girl, “I’m having twins.”
A moment of silence, then joyous clapping and cheers.
“Congrats, Auntie Padme!”
“Obi-Wan, can you believe it,” Anakin grinned, “I’m gonna be a Dad!”
Obi-Wan snorted.
“It’s a wonderful thing, Anakin.”
“What are you having?” Satine asked Padme.
“A boy and a girl.” 
Satine gasped, “We can dress all the babies up in matching outfits!”
“Oh, that would be cute,” Padme agreed, “do you know what you’re having?”
“Two boys and a girl.” Anakin looked horrified, “Triplets?”
Obi-Wan laughed, “After six a few more seems like nothing.”
“Oh really,” Satine huffed, “well then you better know how to change diapers.”
There was laughter all around, just as there was all weekend. Satine and her family played garden games, had picnics, sang, danced, and even teased Korkie about his date when he came back.
“Okay, very funny.”
It was a shame when Obi-Wan, Tyra, and the baby twins went back to Coruscant. Then Korkie and Tristan went back to school, Mara became her lady, and Satine went back to work.
“We have a problem,” the Prime Minister frowned, “it’s about your weekend off.”
“My ladies cleared my schedule,” Satine frowned, “it was free.”
“Yes,” Jaru Djarin sighed, “but the palace staff ignited the rumors about you and the Master Jedi, and the possible children.”
“Someone overheard palace gossip and published it,” Jaru handed Satine a newspaper, “and it’s very bad.”
Alarms blared in Satine’s head. 
The palace alarms went off.
“What?” the Duchess jumped up.
Jaym’s voice appeared over the intercom, “All guards to defense stations, Seperatist ships are approaching.”
The palace went into lockdown, and Satine told all the palace staff to shelter in the cellars. 
“Your Grace,” Parna puffed, “they need you in the broadcasting room.”
The Duchess and Prime Minister both gave speeches just as the first fires were shot.
“Stay calm,” the Prime Minister urged, “stay calm and find shelter.”
The conscripted soldiers from the program that Satine had put in place were sent out to usher people inside and defend the ground. Still, the Duchess was relieved when the Jedi arrived.
“This is Jedi Master Skywalker from the Jedi Temple,” a familiar voice echoed from the outside speakers, “do not be afraid, reinforcements are here.”
Mara ran to her mother, fighting against a stream of people going in the opposite direction.
“The guards are covering the windows,” she panted, “and Auntie Bo called, there’s an uprising in the underworld.”
Satine’s eyes went wide.
“Lady Mother, I know these people,” Mara cried, “I know I can help!”
The Duchess wanted to wail, “I don’t know if I can be parted from you.”
“I’ll be safe, Lady Mother,” Mara promised, “please let me go.”
Satine embraced her daughter tightly.
“My mother’s old armor is in the jewel room,” the Duchess straightened, “Parna will help you into it.”
The next thing Satine did was comm Korkie and Tristan, both of whom were sheltering in place at their schools. She knew they would very likely be safe, but Satine was still worried. Motherhood, it was annoying.
“Momdalore?” her comm beeped.
The Duchess picked it up, “Yes, Ahsoka?”
“Maul is coming to kill you, but Obi-Wan is close behind.”
The Duchess heaved a shaky breath.
“Tyra and Master Vos are coming too, they’re going to the underworld.”
Satine heaved a sigh of relief, but then her comm flew from her hand. Darth Maul crushed the device beneath his fingers, sneering at Satine.
“Duchess.” he growled.
 Satine raised her chin, “I’m not afraid of you.”
“You should be.” Maul droned.
Then, he picked her up by the throat, using the force, and flung her backward. She only flew a couple of feet back into the wall, but God, it hurt.
Satine’s vision was blurry, but she saw a tall shape with orange hair approaching Darth Maul.
“Kenobi,” the monster smiled, pulling Satine back to his feet, “so good to see you.”
The Duchess began to vomit.
“I’ll cut your head off this time, Maul.” Obi-Wan warned.
“You’ve said that before,” the Zabrak waved dismissively, “but now, I will make you watch as I kill your Duchess.”
That’s when the Duchess realized she was reaching for her shock caltrops hidden in a pouch in her right pocket.
“Don’t touch her Maul.” Obi-Wan warned.
The Sith just laughed in response. Satine shoved her frame into Maul’s feet, causing a shift in his balance. Obi-Wan pounced, throwing her out of the way.
Satine crawled towards the first room she saw, using the door handle to pull herself up. After spitting the remaining bile out of her throat, Satine pushed herself inside. It was a red lounge room. The Duchess sprinkled the electric caltrops in front of the door and flopped down on the couch. Her head was still slightly fuzzy and she was worried about the triplets.
“Sleep,” Satine whispered to herself, “sleep.”
She drifted in and out of consciousness to the sound of lightsabers clashing. She was finally woken up from her slumber by one word.
Satine looked up just in time to see a blue flare of light protrude from Maul’s chest. The Zabrak looked surprised, but then, he smiled.
Obi-Wan threw the Sith’s body to the side and embraced her.
“Oh, Ben!”
“It’s alright, Satine,” the Jedi whispered, “you’re okay.”
Obi-Wan's comm rang.
“Dad, it’s Tyra, the Maul pulled the plug on you and Mom.”
Satine frowned, “What?”
“He likely got it from Dooku and was waiting to release it,” Quinlan added, “they sent a picture around.”
“Of us?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Yes,” Tyra answered, “from after we were taken.”
The Duchess closed her eyes, willing this to be a nightmare.
“Oh, and Mara’s with us,” Master Vos informed, “although she was hit hard on the head.”
“No!” Satine gasped.
“Prepare for a new kind of battle,” Tyra warned, “this is gonna be bad.”
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orange-waterfalls · 4 years
Just Dance for the Nintendo Wii
Yancy x gn!reader
ty anon for the request!
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A/N: Shit was so fun to write I swear. Just Dance was my childhood. I had a thing about memorizing all the dances in all the songs in all the games I got. I also didn’t actually look at the moves in the corner I just watched the dancer lmao. And when I found out other people didn’t do that I just ???it’s so much easier???? I might’ve projected onto Yancy a lil bit. It’s a fun fic! It is a fun and light-hearted fic, I promise. Couple curse words. TW mention of smoking and cigarettes. That’s about it. I think it could be seen as platonic or romantic. Reader does call him “babe” at one point but I call my friends darling and sweetie so I think it’s fine. Might be a few typos since I never read through my fics lmao. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2.9k
Lunch ended and you immediately shot up out of your chair, making your way down the hall. Your friends stared after you, slightly offended you didn’t even bother saying goodbye. You would have any other day, but this was important.
You stomped your way to the warden's office, pushing past the guards who mostly just gave you confused looks. You would have made your way around them, asking them to make some room, but this was important. 
You kicked the door open and stomped up to the desk. The warden jumped and put a hand over his heart. You were not an aggressive person. Really, you weren’t. But this. This was important. This was the most important thing you ever came up with.
“Jesus, child, you ever heard of knocking?” He breathed, exasperated. He looked like he was gonna keep talking, so you slammed your hands on his desk. A few months before, he probably would have had you thrown in solitary for even walking in there. But you’re a good person, and you behave for the most part. So he raised an eyebrow and waited for you to make whatever point you wanted to make.
“Wii,” you said, simply. He blinked a couple times.
“Beg pardon?” He laughed. You were on a bit of a power trip and wanted to respond with “then beg”, but the conversation probably would have ended there. You made it this far without breaking down, you couldn’t stop now.
“I want a Wii,” you said, slowly. The warden squinted at you before chuckling a little. You glared daggers at him. Laugh at you, will he?!
“Now, kiddo, that ain’t--”
“Shut up. I don’t care. I just need you to listen.” He gave you a look and leaned back in his chair. You quieted for a moment, thinking about exactly what you were gonna say. You honestly hadn’t thought you’d make it this far.
“Go ahead, I’m a busy man,” He shook you out of your thoughts. You squared your shoulders.
“Yancy likes to dance,” you stated. You stared at each other in silence for a moment as you prepared your words in your head. He waved his hand, telling you to keep going. You cleared your throat, “Yancy likes to dance… and we don’t have access to the internet.”
“And you’re not going to.” He warned.
“Yeah, yeah, I figured…” You sighed. “But that’s not what I’m here for.” He knitted his eyebrows together in intrigue.
“Alright…” He leaned forward, arms on his desk.
“Yancy can’t keep coming up with songs and dances when he gets bored. It takes a long time, and he’s getting burned out. I think that if we had another- if we had access to prepared dances and songs, it’d be better.” You stuttered. That’s okay. As long as he was listening. “I think if we had a… a game, a dancing game. Like Just Dance on the Wii or something, then we’d be better. Happier? I mean, we’re happy, but… more-more happy. There’s never… too much… happy…” You lost yourself towards the end there. You started shaking a little as the whole situation hit you like a train. What the hell were you doing? This is a PRISON, not a middle school. Why would they want you to be happy? Oh, this was a stupid idea… no. You made it this far. Sure this was stupid, but you were NOT going to back down. Not until you got a-
“Huh?” You asked, dumbfounded. You stared at Mr. Murder-Slaughter, and he stared right back. “What’d you say?” He stood up from his desk and walked over to you. You fought the urge to book it and stood your ground. You puffed up your chest a little to look intimidating. From the smirk he got on his face, it wasn’t working.
“I said, ok.” Your shoulders dropped and you let out a shaky breath.
“Really? I mean… really?” 
“Sure, why not. Boosts morale, stops people from wanting to escape.” He shrugged. You stood there, mouth agape, probably looking like a moron.
“Thanks.” You murmured. He smiled at you, and you smiled right back. He took your shoulders and spun you around towards the door.
“Yeah, yeah, now get outta here! You’ve got dishes to do!” He pushed you out, and you gave him one last smile before running down to the kitchen. He watched you trip over your own feet and shook his head. You ran past a guard, who heard the noise and got confused.
“What the hell was all that?”
“Fuck around and find out!”
You startled awake to the sound of talking coming from outside your cell. You rubbed your eyes and looked around, not seeing your cellmate. You sighed and managed to lift yourself up out of the bed. You stretched and heard your back crack in several places. That sounded… worrying to say the least, but you had other things on your mind. For example: where was everyone?
You made your way through the prison, eventually ending up in the common room where everyone was talking over each other excitedly. 
“Sorry, forgot to set the alarm!” A guard apologized. You nodded at him. You turned and saw Tiny and slid over next to her.
“What’re we doing? Is it Thursday already?” You whispered.
“Nah, warden bought a game system,” she answered. You stared at her, mouth open slightly. “Keep staring at me we’re gonna fight.”
“Uh, sorry.” You blinked and looked forward, standing on the tips of your toes to try and get a better look. “What gaming system?”
“A Wii. Warden said we each get 30 minutes per week.” She explained. She then waited for you to respond. You didn’t.
“Dude, you alright?” She gently reached out and shook your arm.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m good.” You mumbled. “He buy any games yet?”
“Uhhhhh Super Mario Bros, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Animal Crossing, Smash…”
“Mm-hm, mm-hm, as he should.”
“I think those Wii Sports games…”
“Just Dance?”
“Don’t know. Said to talk to him if there’s a game you want.” You nodded and gave her a small fistbump before walking over to the warden, who stood away from the group. You leaned over and saw BamBam and Sparkles in a heated game of Smash Bros. You stood next to the warden and watched.
“So, you actually listened to my request?” You looked up at him in slight disbelief.
“Course I did. Why not? Like I said, boosts morale.” He smiled. You nodded and you both looked forward again.
“How much was it?” You inquired.
“$100 on eBay.”
“Absolutely. Great condition, too. Been used before, but not necessarily broken.”
“Come with the games?” “Some. Had to tell the guy I was buying it for my foster kids for him to give them to me. Them along with the Wii is what made it $100.” He explained
“So, we’re your kids now?” You snickered.
He only answered with a hum. You looked at him, blinking rapidly. 
“What?” He said in a defensive tone.
“Nothing! Don’t worry about it!” You waved him off. He crossed his arms in a huff but dropped it.
“Buy Just Dance?”
“In the back. Saving it for when Yancy shows up.”
“Shows up? He’s not here?” “No. He went to the yard when everyone gathered here.” You hummed and looked down, thinking.
Why did Yancy leave? Did he not care about it? Did he not want to play? That would complicate things a little…
“Instead of speculating, why don’t you go ask him?” He scoffed. You looked at the warden, scandalized.
“You’re an easy person to read, child.” He set a hand on your shoulder. “He might be out in the yard.” You sighed and walked away from the cheering crowd as BamBam pumped his fists triumphantly and Sparkles fell to his knees.
You opened the door to the yard, peeking out to see if anyone was there. Lo and behold, there he was, Yancy, sitting on the grass having a smoke. You walked over to where he was and plopped down next to him. He jumped a little, but breathed harshly once he saw it was you.
“Whatcha doin’ out here?” You queried, softly.
“Hm.” He grunted in response.
“Everyone’s inside… having some fun…”
“I think Jimmy might play Animal Crossing…”
“Yancy, what’s wrong?” You sighed and turned your body towards him a little.
“Nothin’, nothin’s wrong.” He lied. “C’mon, man, we both know that’s a lie.” You tilted your head to look at him. He avoided your eyes.
“Yancy.” You said sternly. He faltered a little hearing your concern. He glanced at you. Your eyes softened. “What’s wrong?”
“Is just… I never really gots to play games when I was young… and… I dunno… don’t know… how to...” He mumbled. You nodded in understanding, shifting until your shoulders were touching his. You stared at the fence while Yancy kept smoking. You tried not to cough when he exhaled his smoke, but you couldn’t help it. He looked at you apologetically before putting the cigarette out on the grass. You both sat there for a little, enjoying each other’s company. 
“So…” you breathed out after a little while. He turned to you with an eyebrow raised. “You’re upset because you don’t know how to play the games?”
“‘N I’ll look stupid while playing ‘em, yeah.” He finished with a scoff. A smile grew on your face.
“I know a game that’ll be really easy for you…” you sang. He furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“...what is it?” He hesitated. You bit your lip to keep from giggling as he looked at you worriedly.
“Wait, so… the hell is Just Dance?” Yancy scratched his head as you led him back to the common room. It was late, and everybody else was back in their cells. You convinced a guard to let you out by pretending you were gonna cry.
“It’s a game where you dance,” You said in a condescending tone. “Come on, Yance, use deductive reasoning.”
“I’on even know what that means,” He argued playfully. You brought him to the small TV, handing him a remote as you turned it on.
“It just… There are songs with dances prepared, and you have to do the dances as you see them on screen. Got it?” You looked up at Yancy, who was busy staring at the glowing screen of the tv. It was on the Wii home menu, so there wasn’t much to see. However, to Yancy, it was one of the coolest things he’d ever seen.
“Whoa whoa whoa, wassat?” He pointed at the screen and jumped a bit when he saw the cursor move as he moved the remote. He shifted it over until it was on the Mii Channel.
“Uh… that’s the place where you can make a little avatar of yourself. It works on some of the games, but not Just Dance.” You explained. “...you wanna make a Mii?” He pouted and gave you puppy dog eyes. You rolled your eyes and stood up, bringing your Player One cursor on the screen and clicking the channel. 
You told Yancy the mechanics, how to change everything, and what to do once he was done. You made your own Mii, explaining everything along the way, and told him to make his once you were done. Yancy, being the creative boy he is, spent half an hour on his Mii, trying to get everything perfect. You just stood next to him, trying not to yawn. Like I said, it was late. Eventually, he finished and you both got to see your Mii’s next to each other, along with some other people’s. He kept dragging his over next to you, trying to force them to interact. He got very upset when you told him they couldn’t hug or anything. He let you exit out of the channel and go into Just Dance. 
“Any particular song?” You scrolled through the songs, letting them play for a couple seconds so he could know what each was like. 
“Stop!” He called. “Go back.” You scrolled back to the last song you let play.
“Britney Spears? Serious?” You teased. It was all in good fun, you loved her too. Who wouldn’t?
He grumbled a little to himself. It sounded a little like “not my fault her songs bop”. You breathed out a chuckle and clicked the song, whisper-singing the lyrics as you did.
“My loneliness is killin’ me… Blue, green, orange, or pink?” You asked. After not getting an answer, you looked at Yancy to see the problem. He was frowning at the screen. “Yance?”
“Why’re they all girls?”
“Because it’s a traditionally girl-ish song.”
“I’m not a girl.”
“I know you’re not. Just pick a color.”
“Why are they cheerleaders?”
“Because they can be. Yancy, pick a color.”
“But why-”
“Yancy I swear to God pick a fucking color.” He hummed and then picked blue. You picked green.
You got into the same stance as the girl on the screen, and Yancy copied you. The music started up, and you started dancing. Yancy seemed a bit startled as he hurried to copy you. He wheezed out a little laugh, flailing his arms a little, trying to figure out what move you were on. You bit your lip to not laugh at him. You both kept going, and Yancy eventually got into the rhythm. He stuck his tongue out in concentration and you stared for a moment, not believing how adorable he was. Then you remembered that there was a winner in this game so you shook your head and kept dancing. 
Eventually the song ended, and you both breathed a little harder than normal. You looked at your scores, and found that you'd won. You clapped your hands and cheered. Yancy crossed his arms.
"Whatever, this is my first time!" He scoffed. But you could see the smile on his face. You stretched your arms and yawned, turning the Wii off and leaving the remote.
"Welp, we should get back--" you turned to head towards your cell.
"No!" Yancy stood in front of you. You tried to go around him, but he kept blocking your way. He grabbed your shoulders and held you in place.
"I want a rematch."
"Yancy, it's late…" you whined.
"Just one more! Please?" He pleaded. He, again, gave you those puppy dog eyes you could never say no to. You sighed loudly, grabbing the remote again and turning the Wii back on.
"I don't understand why you can't do this yourself…" you mumbled, clicking on Just Dance again.
"I… like spending time with you," he said softly. You squinted at him.
"You'd feel awkward dancing alone, huh?"
"Ooh! Let's do--"
"Nah, nah, nah. You're keeping me up. I get to pick the song."
"...'This is Halloween'?"
"Bet your ass."
"But that--"
"Shut it, Yancy, I'll leave."
"Okay! Sorry… 
"...can I be the pumpkin?"
"Of course you can be the pumpkin, babe."
You woke up really tired in the morning. You didn't know when you got back to bed, but the guard that let you out was asleep by the door when you arrived. You didn't even consider escaping, you were so tired. You just entered the cell and shut the door behind you.
In the morning, you got up and dragged yourself into the common room again. Everyone was playing the Wii again. You rubbed your eyes and stood next to Tiny.
"Fuck happened to you?" She scoffed.
"Yancy happened…" you yawned
"Ah. Long night, huh?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Ye-no. Wait, what? No, gross. We played Just Dance."
"Oh, was it fun?"
"For the first couple. The rest I was way too tired to be happy about…"
"Aw, did wittle baby need theiw nap?" She teased.
"I'm not wi-little! I'm not-I'm not little! Shut up!" You complained as she laughed.
"Well, Jimmy played Wii tennis against a guard. Now he's playing the warden."
"Seriously? Oh my God."
"He's currently the reigning champion."
"Who's going against him next?" You hear a thud, like someone fell.
"Got-dang it!" Mr. Murder-Slaughter yelled.
“That’d be me,” She patted you on the back before walking up next to Jimmy. Mr. Murder-Slaughter passed her as she walked, limping. He stood by you.
“You seem to be having fun.” You teased.
“Ah, shut it…” He growled and rubbed his arm. “How’s Yancy?” 
“He’s good. He likes the game a lot.” You explained.
“I’d hope so, otherwise there was no reason to buy this thing.” He scoffed.
“Eh… I dunno about that…” You listened to Tiny laugh loudly from where she stood in front and smiled. You turned your head a little and saw Yancy leaning against the opposite wall. You caught each other’s eyes. He nodded his head to the Wii. You shrugged and walked up. He did the same. 
Once Tiny and Jimmy were done with their match, Jimmy keeping his title as champion, you and Yancy walked up to the wii, taking the remotes and clicking Just Dance. 
“What song should we do?” You scrolled through the list.
“Avril Lavigne!” Someone yelled from the back of the room. You had a sneaking suspicion of who it was, but kept it to yourself. 
“Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne it is!” You clicked the song.
“Uh… I don’t know this song, bud,” He whispered to you. You clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“Oh you’re gonna love it.”
“I’m not sure I like that look.”
“Calm down, it’ll be great.”
“Okay… can i be the punk girl?”
“I wanna be the punk girl…”
Cue the puppy eyes…
“...fine, you can be the punk girl.”
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