#Joker banter gives me life
confused-wanderer · 2 years
How would Jason react, or even know about Bruce nearly killing the joker?
He doesn’t hear it from Damian, Dick nor Barbara. It’s only when a few years have passed and relations between Bruce and him slowly start cooling that he starts being able to return to the Manor more often without feeling pangs of guilt, longing, nostalgia and overall the Lazarus Pit screaming to be let out.
However, he isn’t dumb. Whenever he complains to Tim about how Tim’s been treated better and loved more than he was, he’s quick to notice how Tim’s jaw tenses, with fingers spastic as if they wanted to curl into fists. Nor does he miss what Tim whispers under his breath twenty minutes later.
If only you knew..
Bruce keeps trying to make amends, tries engaging with him face to face before a few bullets got the message across and he retreated. But Jason could still feel him waiting, hovering, for the signal to light up and let him know he was needed.
He could go to hell though.. Every single time he looked at Bruce he felt safe, followed by fierce anger burning through his veins. He hated that he felt at ease when Bruce entered. Hated that he almost fell back into their old banter. Hated that he missed him. Hated that he still trusted him.
Hated that he still loved him.
One night, after giving Bruce the cold shoulder the entire time and watching in satisfaction as Bruce’s shoulder slumped in defeat, he felt the sudden need to comfort him. He’s the batman, he chided himself. If he could get over your death, he can get over this.
Standing out on the balcony, he never spoke to the presence already there.
“Master Jason..”
“Hey Alfred, it’s pretty cold out you sure you’d be fine?”
“I’ve faced worse winters.”
Jason sighed. That old man always had an air of expectancy around him, just like when he was robin, like a mother waiting for their child to tell them what they did wrong.
“What do you want?”
“I want to know what the bloody hell you think you’re doing?”
That caught Jason’s attention. Hatred and stoic ness quickly melted and all he could do was stare at him in shock.
“Why are you tormenting him?”
“Are you fucking kidding me??-“ “Language master Jason.”
“Alfred. You were there.”
“There was nothing master Bruce could do to save you-”
Shoulders slumped, he looked down.
“He replaced me.” Jason whispered. “He didn’t even wait till my body was cold he just fucking went ahead and replaced me. Even after knowing I died, he still put another child in that suit, MY suit! And then, HE DIDNT EVEN AVENGE ME!! He just took Joker back to Arkham, which is basically just like a vacation for him, and LEFT. After all these-”
A shivering cold current of electricity ran through his body and he could feel the Lazarus Pit rising, making his body grow colder by the second.
“After all this time.. he never did anything.” Jason muttered. “So yeah, not only was knowing I was dead for four years a slap to the face.. but to come back home to find another kid in my room and business as usual? As if I never existed? That just made me realise I didn’t matter.”
The tea cup in Alfred’s hands was shaking, and a wave of concern overtook Jason. He was about to reach a hand out to steady it when Alfred put the cup down, sighed and looked at the moon.
“Master Bruce never gave Robin to Tim. I did.”
“.. Come again?”
“I gave it to him myself. After you died.. he was a shell of himself. He started pushing himself more, brutalising criminals to the point of hospitalisation. After you died.. a big part of him did too. He refused to be around people, friends, to be happy, to eat. He was punishing himself for your death by refusing to live. And I never forgot you either my boy.. Every night for months I stood by the windows, staying awake and looking outside..hoping to catch a glimpse of you. For the first time in my life I prayed for you to be beaten and bruised, but alive. Locked myself in your room, in your memories, as if standing over your bed was guarding you even in death..Master Bruce missed you so much he played tapes of your missions, just to hear your laugh.”
The older man shook his head and refused to look at him.
“He rejected Tim, but I couldn’t watch him destroy himself. I’d already lost one son..” Alfred paused, looking at Jason with such fondness and pain. “ I wasn’t going to lose another.”
A long pause lingered in the air, and Jason could hear his heart racing as it processed what he’d heard.
“As for Joker,” Jason looked up, and saw the most terrifying scowl he’d ever seen before, with eyes filled with hatred and a craving for retribution.
“Jason Bruce almost killed him too. Like you said, I was there. I was always there. He had chas- hunted Joker down, torturing him slowly and violently until the air was thick with his screams. How every bone was shattered, with so much blood you couldn’t even tell the tiles underneath were white.”
Alfred closed his eyes, and Jason couldn’t help feel that though he was remembering the scene, he was also reveling in it. “His body shattered, smile gone replaced with pain and the howls of misery that he emitted that night.. alas-”
“He didn’t kill him.”
Alfred’s eyes bore into his, and reflected the darkness of the shimmering sky.
“You’re not hearing me. He damn well nearly did. There are things worse than death in this world and Bruce made sure to make Joker feel every single.one. But Superman.. heard him. He heard the roars of fury and grief, and stopped him. All while Bruce stood over the broken body of what once was human. All while muttering your name over and over again, like it was a prayer that kept him grounded. With every hit he took, with every ounce of pain he delivered, he did it with your name on his lips.”
They both just stood there.. shadows in fading moonlight as the noises of life started waking the world with their song.
“Unfortunately, his voice was recorded on one of those surveillance cameras. Tim wiped it, but we kept one copy.. and though the footage is corrupted, the sound is crystal clear.”
Alfred hesitated, before gently cupping Jason’s hands and placing a cold weight on them.
“I hope you never hear it..my boy. I’d rather you burnt it. But if you want to hear the raw truth.. I wanted you to have proof.”
Sunlight burst through the horizon, and with it came the dawn of a new time.
Jason heard the tape as soon as he left.
And burnt it right after.
Alfred was right.
All he had heard were the guttural cries of a broken man..
A father, grieving for his son.
Jason finding out Dick killed joker post:
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1-800-suck-my-clit · 6 months
Testing my multifandomness, so here's a list of ships I support/enjoy and why
Most (damn near all) are ganna be MlM
Clegan (bucky x buck)
John is so love sick for gale you just have to ship them
Hannigraham (Hannibal x Will Graham)
They act like a married couple with Gothic scenes and inuendos
Bat jokes (Batman x Joker)
Idk man something abt villian and hero falling in love despite being the farthest of opposites. And I love their banter where Joker shamelessly flirts with him
Superbat (Batman x Superman / Bruce Wayne x Clark Kent)
Now ik what ur thinking "bat jokes AND superbat how scandalous😱" this one only really applies to their "citizen" forms. I love the rich sugar daddy and kind southern accent trope. Also them in their hero forms are also cute bc batman let's his guard down for him
Zosan (zoro x sanji)
Your honor they're married🙄
They give off Doberman and black cat energy. And canonically they are married ‼️
Rathelstan (ragnar x athelstan)
The love I have for them hold no words so here are some quotes that made me wanna rip my heart out.
"What do you mean?! You cannot leave...you cannot leave me! I love you...and you're the only I can trust so you must stay"
"I always believed that death is a fate far better than life, for you will be reunited with lost loved ones. But we will never meet again, my friend. I have a feeling that your God might object to me visiting you in Heaven. What am I to do now?"
"I hate you for leaving me. I ache from your loss. There is nothing that can console me now. I am changed, so are you.”
Symbrock (Venom x Eddie)
HEAR ME OUT PLEASE...So um anyways
Spideypool (spiderman x deadpool)
Their banter in the comics is so cute
Soapghost(konig) (Soap x Ghost (x Konig) / Simon Riley x John McTavish (x Konig))
Got really into them when CoD started blowing up on my FYP last year
Patrochillies (Patrocles x Achilles)
Ganna cry I love them sm. "He is half of my soul as the poets say" 🤣🔪🩸
Eremika (Eren x Mikasa)
If u don't belive they are end game ur wrong abt everything🥱. Tho I belive in eremika being cannon I also ship EreJean (Eren x Jean) who's to say a Lil hate sex never hurt anyone 🤭
Jayvik (jayce x viktor)
Idk who I wanna be jayces girlfriend, his boyfriend, or him😩
BoKuro (Bokuto x Kuroo)
Himbos in love? Count me in. tho I do also ship them with their main ships aswell
NaruSasu (Naruto x Sasuke)
No one chases a man around for damn near a decade bc "We're best friends🥺" 😒
Last but not least
KiriBaku (kirishima x Bakugou)
I don't give one damn what ANYONE says they are literally end game. FUCK BAKUDEKU‼️‼️🗣 I need the firecracker and his leash‼️
Um thank u for listening to my Ted talk lol 🏃🏾‍♀️💨
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frikatilhi · 7 months
Bojere thoughts of the day/of my life
I just really want to know exactly HOW Bojan and Jere became friends. I know we have the Jan and Bo-Jan video but like how did they choose each other to cling to initially. We know Bojan obviously wasn't the first Joker Out member to meet Jere. I just wish we had a detailed play by play of how they went from that to obsessed with each other within like a day. I think about this every day
Obviously, we'll never know exactly how it went down (we know that at first they just made faces/grinned/laughed at each other when ever they saw each other and then when they started talking Bojan was surprised because then Jere never shut up), but I am ready to give my thoughs on it, just for you anon!
Wow this got super long
Obviously I have never been to a situation like ESC, but I have been to situations where lots of people (sometimes from all over the world) are thrown together for a relatively short period of time and where everyone is facing something new and it's sort of a once-in-a-lifetime thing you really want to make the most of. You throw yourself into meeting people and talking to everyone and making connections, and you are open and eager and game for anything.
And at first it might be a bit random who you talk to, like what table you happen to sit at for lunch, but pretty soon you will start to gravitate towards the people you vibe with the most. Someone will respond to your banter and you laugh together, and they seem to be on the same wavelength, and match your energy, and pretty soon you notice that you are seeking out their company and scanning the room for them wherever you are. And at first you hang out in groups but then someone mentions that X thing you wanted to try and suddenly it's "hey should we do that together" and you are exchanging numbers and hanging out one-on-one and then it moves on to texting about where to meet and then you are sending silly memes to each other.
The JO boys seemed to have a pretty clear strategy during the pre-parties: they did ALL of them and wanted to gain as much as possible from them, and part of that strategy was making connections with other contestants and producing a lot of content with them - that's the name of the game nowadays. And that whole ESC class of '23 really seemed to take on each other, it's such a nice thing to see! They had also taken note of Käärijä since UMK, we have seen them mentioning him in interviews and wasn't Bojan practicing CCC before they ever met? So when they finally saw him in Madrid they were ready to make friends with him.
And they have told us how at his first pre-party Jere seemed to be a bit lost, everyone knew each other already and he was insecure about his English, and so JO kinda took him under their wing and spent time with him and they liked each other immidiately.
So how do you go from meeting someone to being obsessed within a day? When you hang out with someone, under those circumstances where everything is high-stakes and sped-up, and you click with them, and he's your soulmate, that's what happens. Not with anyone, but with someone special who's your soulmate, yes.
So I don't have an exact play-by-play check ao3 people have some ideas there, but apparently lots of thoughts on it anyway.
I know, it plagues me too
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redthefortuneteller · 8 months
Why Snake delayed reporting to Joker
This was originally within a reblog, but since it's gotten so long I've decided it's more appropriate for it to simply be its own post. I find that it's tidier this way.
The subject of Snake not speaking up about the first tier tents being searched or his snakes having been tied up in knots, is something I see people bringing up somewhat often when talking about his life in the circus.
I'd like to give my humble opinion, which is simply that Snake didn't report right away because he knew Doll knew our Ciel was behind those wooden boxes. Doll is a first tier member, considered his superior, because Doll's part of the main cast. In fact, Doll scolded Snake but said nothing of Smile. If Doll didn't say anything about it right there and then, why would he? He couldn't just throw Doll under the bus in front of everyone, Dagger was there too.
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Before I keep going, let me just show the layout of the circus and mark the path the first string took as they came back from the performance, when Wordsworth and Doll found our Ciel.
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He heard what had happened from Wordsworth(presumably), and instead of going with Dagger and the others to the food tent as he was before, he walked back in the direction they had come from, to his tent without uttering a word. Doll did tell him to go put them away, so it makes sense that he'd go back to his tent. But I believe in his tent he thought of what to do with what had just happened. Likely deciding together with the snakes.
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By this point, the snakes weren't tied in knots because Sebastian had already released all of them, thus our Ciel being found by one.
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In the time between this and him reporting to Joker, the Earl had a little talk with Doll and then went to Sebastian to have a little banter and talk about his findings. Meanwhile Doll had changed back into the "Freckles clothes" always worn while not performing, to hide the Doll identity from the other members and keep being Freckles. While talking to Sebastian, our Ciel had an asthma attack and Doll (now Freckles) showed up and went with them to the doctor's tent. Now by this point, while they were all at the doctors tent, Snake was reporting to Joker.
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From what Joker says, he told them Smile and Black snuck in, but apparently had no idea what their goal was. We're shown this scene after the reporting had already been done, so we can't know what else exactly was reported to Joker. When Joker questions why he didn't tell him right away, Snake doesn't answer and looks away. Joker shrugs it off and tells him to leave.
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About the snakes in knots, it's possible that Black and Smile having been there was much more relevant information than them having been tied and locked. And so they might not even have passed this information to Snake. This information may also have been omitted by Snake when reporting, or simply disregarded by Joker, because to him the important bit is the yard being potentially involved.
After Snake leaves, Joker immediately starts blaming Doll for what happened, with Peter joining in. Which makes me wonder if he did end up telling them about Doll.
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So, either Snake didn't say anything about Doll, and his refusal to answer Joker's question was due to not wanting to reveal what truly transpired. Or he did, in the end, decide to tell them of Doll covering up for Smile. If he did say everything, his reluctance to answer Joker's question could be more to do with his loyalty being questioned. Because after all, he still didn't know what to do. It was either obey Doll and keep quiet or tell Joker and do my job, which is to guard the first tier side and report should anything dodgy happen. It would understandably take a while to decide on the correct course of action. Do I go against this boss? Or that other boss? Ultimately, Joker is the ring leader.
Perhaps there's is a chance that Snake confronted Doll in that window of time before Smile's asthma attack. But if this had happened, one would think Doll would've told him not to say anything to Joker… Then there's another possibility, which is that Snake sent a snake after our Ciel. I would like you to consider this panel:
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In the middle of our Ciel talking, Sebastian looks to his left side and frowns with a "?" mark. I don't think he's reacting to our Ciel's saying he trusts he can find the records, because he's finding something strange, he's got a question mark. At first glance I thought he was finding the Earl's cough strange. But the thing is that he's been listening to him coughing like that for a good while now. They've been in Will's tent, and he's been coughing practically all night. You could also say that he's feeling that our Ciel's going to have an asthma attack. But then when the Earl starts coughing more strongly, Sebastian looks like he's wondering what's wrong as he looks to the right to his master.
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Consider the possibility that, in that panel, Sebastian detected an eavesdropper. Perhaps a snake. And that it has nothing to do with our Ciel, until he turns to him with the concerned look. If Snake went after (or rather, sent a snake after) our Ciel and heard their conversation, despite not understanding the context, he'd get the idea that there was something about the first tier that was being withheld from him and of course when Joker asked him why he didn't report right away, he wouldn't want to let Joker know that he'd been sneaking after Smile and found out the troupe was hiding things from him. I still lean more to think it was because of our Ciel's coughing, but I'm just giving this a chance because sometimes Yana shows us things that aren't what they seem to be in the end. Even if this was the case and Snake overheard this conversation, I don't think he'd understand much of it. "The missing children. The circus. Tom, the piper's son." is about as much as he could get from their conversation that would somewhat make some sense but still, nothing in concrete. Missing children doesn't mean kidnaped ones. I think he really doesn't know what their goal was. Also because what Sebastian and our Ciel talked about in the snake's presence, in Snake's tent, was nothing telling in any way.
Regardless, we might consider that Snake could've heard the conversation between Joker, Peter and Jumbo after being told to leave. Not even necessarily then, but at some other point in time. A conversation between the first tier members that would betray that there was something off going on.
As he said in chapter 50, he knew they were hiding something from him. This situation with Smile was odd, and if he wasn't aware of anything before this, I think this would do it. He was obviously aware that they were leaving the circus grounds, because on the day of the Phantomhive manor attack, he said to them "Going out again?". The way he said this gives me the feeling he was already aware of something, just as when he was suspecting Finny of hiding something from him in the orphanage. Snake hesitates in asking things directly.
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What I would like to know is exactly the extent of what he knows in terms of their suspicious activities. I wonder if he already thought something was a little off before Sebastian and our Ciel showed up but it only became more obvious with their presence in the circus. He was suspicious, but I don't think he'd be expecting something so bad, as he clearly had no idea children were being kidnapped and showed shock at the revelation. Apologies for the long post, I hope I've added something to the discussion!
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redtoondevils · 8 months
'The DCA is unhinged' My unpopular confession.
-Disclaimer to update: So much portrayal has been changed from the HW 2 game. Although, there are some changes for his personality. That I don't agree with: Erratic behavior, aggression, and the jump scare.
Especially the Jump scare. If that is effects of the virus or not. To me. That doesn't suit him. Instead, I am going to use what he was like in SB, and in Ruin. With a small theory around his behaviors from HW 2.
Just know this is all coming from my opinion, to which I believe something should be said about this. And using characters who are similar, but also say why I think this word shouldn't apply to with reasons with what I think.
Unless, if I think there are otherwise. But, this is more about of why I think it shouln't apply to, because of how they appear to be.
I am not a professional mental health person. Just giving out my thoughts. Sunny, as described to be an unhinged robot, that has intense emotions and anxiety.
However, he is very childish, and is still playful even though he came from the theatre. I believe he wasn't angry and first. He has problems.
But saying he's 'unhinged', that as in mentally, like that as he is described. I cannot. Eccentric, however. I think there are other causes. It's reason why I don't think that's the point about him being like this.
Another character who is similar of being emotionally unstable, but not violent is Dobby from Harry Potter.
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Dobby is a mischievous, yet friendly house elf and loyal companion for Harry Potter. Like Sun, who is friendly sometimes. But, otherwise, both are relatively harmless.
Dobby is also timid, and unstable with anxiety. That's because he was being treated really bad, and abused by Lucifer Malfoy. That doesn't make him unhinged.
But later on in the films, Dobby starts to get braver, and doesn't appear unstable as he used to be. And stands up for himself. When he finally used his magic to fight against his evil 'Master'. He even risked his life for Harry Potter to save him. Then he died tragically.
Then there another character I think has the more accurate terms of mentally 'Unhinged', by getting violent and mentally unstable. This character that has the more serios symptoms is John Doe. AKA The Joker from Batman, telltale series.
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I picked this one because he wasn't a villain, and someone who has mental instabilities more severe, and realistic. His symptoms are far worse that that for both Dobby, and Sun.
He becomes and ally for bat man, but would need to be kept an eye on, and would need to be reminded to watch his anger emotions before he get's out of hand.
His temperamental emotions can heighten whenever he get's stressed, and angry. He get's violent, and may decide to hurt the person/hurt himself when someone get's in his way.
That one scene in church, where he tries to talk to Bruce, sitting next to him in those seats telling him of his friends. He's been told over, and over to keep it down.
When someone shushed him, he felt very offended with that, and threatened them. Before Bruce had to interviene, and tell him to 'Calm down' an sit back down.
Before John doe get's more overwhelmed and does something destructive/or harmful to that person who shushed him. He even has mood swings very quickly, and chooses to get violent towards those who does not respect him, or to solve problems.
The last character, I would like to show, and say why I think he isn't exactly Çrazy. Is Zini from dinosaur:
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Zini, like Sun is eccentric, and is energetic. Both he, and Sun got this similar personality in them. Especially their sarcastic banter. I don't think that due to Zinni's energetic character means that he's unhinged of any sort. I typically think he's just a furball weirdo.
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When Gregory broke his rule, Sun didn't do either of these things to harm Gregory, and use violence out of order to kick him out of the daycare. Apart from banning him.
When he was about to turn standing ontop of the counter, he was showing expreme signs of distress, and paranoia. Though, he did not one step down, or go anywhere with what he's not told to do, and stayed put not to go near Gregory when he turned.
Sure, he was upset, but he didn't get into destruction or out of order attempts when he was feeling angry and kicked Gregory out. In fact, that's more rational choice that he made when he felt angry and overwhelmed.
That the best that he could do, is to get the kid away from him, till he cools off. We've only seen Sun only for a few minutes when this accused, there wasn't very much interaction with him, when he's playful and not angry.
If he is depicted as a neurodivergent character with ADHD, and is on the leading spectrum of autism, then please do not call him that.
If he's emotianally unstable, then that means he finds it hard to cope with his anxiety? I just looked it up, and it means that the person get's mood swings, and has the inability to regulate emotions. Although, he is not the only one.
Roxanne herself, does show that she has trouble managing her emotions. And has mood swings, and seems to be obsessive with her beauty. If you disturb her, then she will get aggressive.
It is related to anxiety, but it's associated with the severity of trauma, and neglectance. I think that isn't severe. It isn't good that he's been treated that way.
But, I mostly think that the company just push him aside, or hooks him up in place where he doesn't wander and keep him in close supervision.
He does get angry, but he actually does refrain himself from committing any physical harm, whenever he feels like that. I am not inclined to say that he's mentally unstable.
I think that to label him as unhinged, with way that he appeared, in the first game. Was unequal on him out of everyone else. To what is happening to Monty, Chica, and Vanessa. Because she changes as well.
-And some additional notes. I even asked a friend of mine from a few years ago, asking them the same thing. "Is Sun The daycare attendant Unhinged?'. That's when I was wondering about it. And thinking that maybe he is, though I wasn't so sure.
So, this was their response.
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Then, after reading that. That cleared things up about him. I think by a lot. It isn't everything. But it saves it.
Then, after some thinking. I thought, yeah. This person is right.
And I thank them for it. Now, update this comment was posted a year ago. So, I do have some things to say about this post. I am still on the same page of this.
Is the mentally 'R' worded word, should not apply onto this. For medical reasons.
I think they mean as more behaving like that. They pointed out the general behaviors Sun has. When they said that, his behaviors could be explained by the fact.
That he's extremely lacking in communication. I think in those terms are accurate to this.
The correlation of them being a theatre robot. (Although, they would have other origin stories, behind them.) And since have moved. They wouldn't be communicating very much.
Or very well. Because, of this, with their coding still present, and how they feel emotionally, and dramatically. Is causing them to behave like how they are meant to.
To now that's been changed, is being implemented to. When they try to emotionally interact with kids, they contribute into doing.
They can sometimes, get destructive. And not being able to concentrate. But, they are also emotionally Intelligent.
I think, that some of these issues regarding to Sun's behavior is coming from his system. Being coded into. Especially when he turns into Moon. The theory of the virus affecting him and Moon.
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The transformation in SB looked painful, than how he used to turn back in HW 2 so quickly. The transformation in SB looked painful, than how he used to turn back in HW 2 so quickly. I think, that some of these issues regarding to Sun's behavior is coming from his system.
The background of them is stated that they were theatre bot's moved into the Pizza Plex from the fair ground. However, I think they were pretty much okay, until after when they have re located at the daycare that something changed with in them. (Their personalities are separate.)
I think they started to feel different, when this started to happen. (The erratic anger, and the jump scare.) Their bitter perspective developed, but their system may have gotten affected. Just like how Chica is affected below too.
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As you can see, something clearly looks wrong with her. The evidence is found in one of the notes, about Chica's bakery that it said in the sentence that she has this chip placed into her that's messing up her programming, and she attacked employees, and S.T.A.F.F robots. She is looking rather unhinged in this shot. And she continued from there.
Each one of these issues has it's own affects to the animatronics, in one form to another. Even to Monty, how his programming has been tampered with, changed him into an alligator that has mental anger issues, and became super destructive.
-Taking my attention back to Sun. I do believe that despite having his dancing programming removed. He was given some had some qualifications, with the strapped-on bells, and for cleaning up to be added in. With playtime, and protection.
So he cannot be acting violent, or having degenerative behavior. While yes, he is intense with his programming. I do think that, he does try to keep it together, even though he does get impatient.
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Sun In Ruin shows up again, and is malfunctioning. This is at the part where he lost more control. However, and I do want to mention this. I feel like he isn't given much credit of not letting go of himself.
He still has enough humanity to speak to Cassie, and tell her what to do. Without harming her whatsoever. That is an incredible tolerance to have, for some who is unstable.
Or not really sane. Another time, when he saves her again, if Cassie walks back a little too early, he saves her again when he tells her "No! No no! It's not safe yet! Turn on the other generator!". It's something that the very few people, wouldn't be able to do. If they lost their humanity.
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With this Image, gives me one more theory. When they are mixed together with both Sun and Moon, their programming are working together as one. Which could mean, that they were never this intense in the first place. And that I think Moon was sane, is because when he had been rebooted, he calmed down and started to behave correctly, and is calm.
Even though, he is intense. But I think just like Chica, and Monty. Something like this would have to be messing him up, and his train of thought. He himself, is a little temperamental.
But he isn't ill minded. Moon may be interpreted with unstable mind sets, but it is different in forms with the mental illness. Personally, I don't think he is a psychopath. Ruthless, yes. But not heartless. And still has feelings. Almost sympathic. And seek comfort in toy's to calm himself down.
In conclusion, I'm against the idea of Sun being Unhinged because of his energy, and his shouting excitedly. Which being excited, usually means being boisterous. And because, I have these reasons.
And even for Eclipse as well. They are both combined together now, and they wouldn't have those symptoms anymore. Because they have been fixed.
Reblog if you support this. Hearting is optional. Ignore this post if you are not Interested. This is open for feedback, and share your thoughts.
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kerinna · 6 months
Hi! Hope you've been doing well. If you dont mind sharing your thoughts on pushya rising (pada 1) , mula sun (pada 3) and anuradha moon (4)?
P. S. heavy saturn energy in my chart and it's also my dk....is that the reason for my dry love life 🥲
Good at Banter
Suicidal thoughts
Very expressive
Thinks a lot about their love life
Demanding but only with certain people. Demanding with the people you date. You'd stop being demanding once you're married though because you feel safe, and that you vetted the person enough to let down your guard.
Still reckless after marriage though and suicidal thoughts may increase after marriage.
Short, full face, black hair, baggy clothes, nails done, jewelry. You give me a Chicano vibe.
Get a dog, it absorbs negative energy.
Do things that are considered "corny."
Banter is how you flirt.
Suicidal thoughts decrease when you're able to express it in a creative way
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fearsmagazine · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: “Jess has finally found her hook: secretly filming creepy interactions she encounters via online job listings, and using the kinks of others to fuel her streaming success. For her next episode, she’s been hired by Tom to write the ending of a screenplay in a remote, lavish cabin. Once there, the alluring self-proclaimed screenwriter hands her a script in which the two of them are the main characters. This client isn’t what he seems, and even though the money’s great… the real payment here could cost her life.” - Quiver
REVIEW: FOLLOW HER is a cleaver idea that deals with the take down of an aggressive influencer whose karma catches up with her. Actress Dani Barker is also the film’s writer and a producer. She weaves together some interesting ideas, creates a character you’ll love to hate, and is an overall above average independent genre film.
The screenplay for FOLLOW HER tackles the arc of the main character Jess. It is made clear early on that she gives little thought to taking advantage of everyone, including her family, to get what she wants. She exploits people’s fetishes, she is usually careful, but something goes wrong with her latest encounter. Instead of taking it down, she leaves it online as it continues to trend and reaches a new level. When she comes across a writing opportunity that deals with themes she is familiar with, and pays good money, she throws caution to the wind and heads to the country to meet the screenwriter. What ensues is a game of cat-&-mouse as Jess comes to realize the setup is too perfect and there is something more going on than she expected or planned for. There are moments when Jess’s ego and greed overcomes her sense of self-preservation and ultimately the climax presents a strange twist that is an overthought “Absence of Malice.” The story does not end there. There is a scene with Jess, her father and the police that feels out of place and almost like an afterthought to the entire narrative. There is a final sequence that adds another level of the strange and bizarre, which also provides the title of the film. I was in for the majority of the tale, however the subsequent scenes felt unnecessary and bewildering.
Dani Barker and Luke Cook, the two main actors, carry the story. Barker portrays a mean girl, a self-absorbed influencer of today, and I enjoyed seeing her in danger. Yes, I was rooting for the bad guy, Tom. Luke’s Tom is a charming and twisted character, and the humor flows naturally. His performance reminds me of a cross between Christian Bale’s Patrick Bateman and Jack Nicholson’s The Joker. The actors have a strong rapport and their on-screen interactions are believable and engaging. The actors have excellent chemistry, but their rapport creates a light-hearted atmosphere that undermines the suspense and makes it difficult for the audience to become fully invested in the story.
The production values are solid, the editing creates a nice pace for the majority of the film. The barn is an excellent location, the others are adequate. Jess has some interesting costume designs and Barker seems very comfortable in them.
FOLLOW HER, an adult-themed film that never achieves a level of seriousness and peril that I believe it should. There are excellent performances and some witty banter, but the story has two additional scenes, the first feels awkward and the second is an additional punchline that feels like it is there to simply set up the title of the film. Still, it is a deadly frolic where you can’t help but cheer for Jess’ demise.
CAST: Luke Cook, Dani Barker, Eliana Jones and Mark Moses CREW: Director / Producer - Sylvia Caminer; Screenplay / Producer - Dani Barker; Producer - Michael Indjeian; Cinematographer - Luke Geissbuhler; Score - Alexander Arntzen; Editor - Alex Gans; Production Designer - Noa Rachel Bricklin; Costume Designer - Caycee Black; Visual Effects Supervisor - Alex Noble OFFICIAL: www.followherfilm.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/FollowHerFilm TWITTER: twitter.com/FollowHerFilm TRAILER: https://youtu.be/19ELKe8IKXo RELEASE DATE: In Select Theaters & VOD June 2nd, 2023
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay), or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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taiblogcomics · 5 months
Time to Start the Countdown!
Hey there, crafting in a fugue state. Well, while it's not quite blogaversary time, I think it's closer today than it will be next week. So it's the blogaversary! We're on… lucky thirteen, isn't it? Oh boy, that's a sign if ever I saw one. And moreover, we've had it good for a while, no? And we've had it too good too long. Three miniseries (well, two miniseries and a cancelled series) in a row that I actually liked. And when did we last do something truly awful? Avengers Arena last summer? Well, if that's the case, I propose we cover a truly heinous series. And one that won't leave us wondering what to do for a while~
Here's the cover:
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Oh yes, my dear readers. We're going to review fucking Countdown.
"But Tai!" you might say, "this series is from 2007! Hasn't it been done to death?" Well, first of all, age has not improved this story. It is still terrible 17 years later. Second, perhaps some other reviewers may have covered it. Maybe some more popular than me (but not more popular than the BeeGees). But I wanna do it in a different way! And by which I mean, I want to review it like I review everything I do: one issue at a time. This comic was released weekly, after all. So I wanna replicate the experience of what it must've been like to read it week by week! Now that's how you get in all the suckiness!
As for the cover itself… Well, it's a fucking image of a bunch of popular heroes (and Jason Todd) running at the camera on a white background. Whoop-de-doo. I will give the series credit for one thing right off the bat, though: the numbering. We're starting on issue 51 and counting down to 0. Because it's called Countdown. That's at least some thematic gimmickery that I can appreciate. It won't help the overall score in the end, but it's at least something~
So, where do we start with this pile? Well, you're familiar with Infinite Crisis, 52, Identity Crisis, and Batman: Under the Red Hood, right? That's basically where you need to be in DC history to have a basic understanding for this series. That's the mark of a great series, eh? In short: Ray Palmer has disappeared following the insanity of his wife, Jason Todd is back from the dead, the Multiverse and the Monitors who watch over them have returned, and Superboy-Prime will be our villain. You got all that?
We open on the hellish and goofily-spelled planet Apokalips, where sadist torturer Desaad is waxing poetic about the lack of value of a single life. Ah, setting the mood and tone for the readers right away. Even Darkseid tells Desaad he's a depressing nihilist. Darkseid is busy organising his pretty sweet collection of DC Comics character statues. He must've been a big fan of Kenner's Super Powers line back in the day. He does concede one point to Desaad: he's right in that all lives, no matter how meager, touch another. That's downright positive for Darkseid!
As he moves a figure of Duela Dent, we transition over to that character on Earth. Thankfully, this is not the Duela we know from the New 52, but her much better and more interesting and likeable counterpart in the Post-Crisis universe, where she was an on-again-off-again member of the Teen Titans. At this point, it's "off again". She's dancing at a club, and then decides to kidnap and ransom the pop star hosting the event. As she tries to escape on a parachute, she's shot down by Jason Todd, who catches the pop star in midair.
Duela and Jason exchange some banter, mostly where it's reiterated that Duela isn't literally the Joker's daughter, and she retorts that he's not Batman's son either. Jason prioritises getting the girl to safety, which is probably the most heroic thing he'll do this entire maxi-series. Duela makes an escape, but is shot down again--by someone we can't see right now. She's pursued, and as she runs over the rooftops, she crosses a hospital, which transitions us over to our next character. I'll be fair, this transition is pretty good. If they continue to be non-jarring, I will award another point at the end of this review~
So Mary Batson (AKA Mary Marvel, so we can just call her Mary either way) has just recovered from her coma. During Day of Vengeance, the wizard Shazam was killed, severing Mary's connection to her powers. She also went into a coma, as you may have heard. She's fine now, and even has no hospital bills to look forward to, as they've all been paid off by Freddy Freeman (AKA Captain Marvel Jr). But Freddy's not here, and all he's left her is a note that says "Don't look for me". So she opts to walk home in the rain.
Also out in the rain is James Jesse, AKA the Trickster, one of Flash's Rogues. The Rogues are having a party, and Trickster's gotten here early, to Heat Wave's annoyance. Heat Wave's annoyed in general, since Trickster went straight for a few years, willing to help the Flash out on occasion. He hates the idea of how blurred the line has become for the Rogues, and is planning something big to get them back on track. Trickster assures him he's got his head on straight now. Also listening in is the Pied Piper, another Rogue who sat on the blurry line like Trickster, wondering if he's horning in on his turf. No rat metaphor he can use her?
As the rain comes down, Duela Dent continues her rooftop run, unloading whatever tricks she's got up her sleeve at her pursuer. You know, silly string taser, that sort of thing. (Where does she get those wonderful toys?) But her pursuer just shrugs it off, and she screams as he begins to shoot at her. Jason hears the scream, heading back to see what's going on. He tells the hulking figure that he doesn't tolerate gun-wielding crazies in his town. Well, of course not, that's your gimmick, isn't it, Jason~?
Jason attacks the guy, and we get a good look at him at last. Jason has no idea who it is, but the reader does (or should, at least is the hope). It's… the Monitor! The big good of Crisis on Infinite Earths, back again! And he's hunting Duelas! He claims to be the multiverse's only hope and that anomalies must be purged. To that end, he shoots Duela dead with his laser gun. Jason is enraged and punches the Monitor, who aims his weapon at him next. The only thing that keeps him from shooting Jason Todd as well is the sudden arrival of… a second Monitor??
So yeah! This was a reveal at the end of a one-shot called DC: Brave New World, which showed some upcoming premises for a few heroes' solo series, and then finished with a shot of the Monitors promising to, well, monitor these events. The end of much-better weekly comic 52 (this comic's direct predecessor) saw the restoration of the DC Multiverse into the cosmology it would use from here on out (even into the New 52 and beyond). Not an infinite multiverse, just 52 parallel Earths (including the main one), and a Monitor stationed to watch each one.
That's where we are. This second Monitor (who is subtly different to the Duela-shooter) stops the first from shooting Jason as well, saying he's acting outside his jurisdiction. The first claims his job is to eradicate anomalies and dimension-jumpers. The second says he'll report him to the rest of their brethren, and the first is sure the others will support him. Both teleport out, but not before the second one does offer an apology to Jason for Duela's death. However, since he doesn't offer the same to the reader, I am not inclined to forgive him.
And so our comic closes out with another Monitor flying out into space. I can't tell for sure, but I'm assuming it's the second one, since he has the same blue bodysuit. (The first one wore red.) He's out at the Source Wall, which is a literal wall at the edge of DC's universe. It's a Jack Kirby thing, don't question it. He asks the Source Wall why there is tension among his fellow Monitors. Great flaming letters reply "GREAT DISASTER". He asks what can possibly stop this Great Disaster? And the flaming letters reply: "RAY PALMER". Which I'm sure means a lot to this multi-dimensional space being.
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Well, there we are. Off to a smashing start, huh? Usually you have to wait 'til the middle or end of the sucky event for the unnecessary deaths, but this one shows you what you're in for right away by fridging Duela Dent in its opening issue. And while this series will eventually reveal her backstory (a long-confusing thing for her character), she'll still be dead by the end of it, so it's not like the reveal will benefit her. And once again, we're murdering a former Teen Titans member to do it! Hey, DC: stop treating the Titans as your C-list fodder! Didn't you already get enough of this during Infinite Crisis two years ago (at the time of this issue's publication)??
The rest of the issue is... not much better. The reveal of multiple Monitors is pretty shocking, but not to a character who has no idea what that implies. The brief scenes with Mary Marvel and Trickster are at least setting up something, but their scenes are so short that it can barely do more than hint. Get used to that being a recurring theme throughout this series! And worst of all? This isn't even half our focus characters. By the end of this, there will be no less than eight storylines jockeying for control of the narrative, and they won't overlap until late in the game.
I can't wait to show you how bad this is going to get~
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firesongbard · 3 years
Water is Wet
“Yeah, and Water is wet.”
Without missing a beat, EDI corrected: “Wet is not defined by Water, but rather being completely saturated by a liquid state.”
Joker rolled his eyes at the incoming over-analysis that would inevitably end in a terrible joke.
“Water is at 100% liquid saturation when it is itself in a liquid state, but it is only saturated by itself, so there is no foreign liquid. Therefore, it could be argued that water is not, in fact, wet. Interestingly, a human that has fallen into lava is wet. Curious how one can be both wet and on fire at the same time.”
“W-what?” Joker choked.
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writerofjourneys · 2 years
Hi hi! I'm back. I kind of shocked you took your time answering me, I'll be honest. I thought you'd just dismiss everything I said (specially with such a lengthy text). So thank you, really!
I'm going to answer you back as well, if you don't mind. And once again, I'm not attacking you, just giving you my honest opinion. And once again, I'll tackle your points in order.
- When I get my anxiety attacks and depressive episodes, I act just like Sumire on her slumps. Maybe that's why I can resonate so much with her on those first ranks. Maybe it's a difference in our life experiences and how we tackled it? You think it's lackluster, I think it's subtle enough. And I agree with you on how she slowly was trying to regain herself but Maruki's actualization kept in check. I think that's how we got the little snippets of the real Sumire inside (the bento incident).
- I think the other athletes thought she had lost it and she was going crazy. In Japan, mental health issues is a real sensitive topic and people try to avoid "different" people. It may be a little graphic, but if you have time read about the Sagamihara stabbings. Also, that's the issue. Sumire had her Shiho. Her Eiko. It was Kasumi, and she lost her. And we, in fact, get to talk to her trainer twice so there's our "person in the area".
- About the phone: I don't think it was really broken, nor it was Kasumi's phone. It was Sumire's phone. The lag, the malfunctioning, it was all due to Maruki's interference. When she calls you and we get to listen to her first call ever, her voice is all Darth Vader like. Plus, Joker calls her Kasumi because Sumire carries Kasumi's student id, issued before her death. Joker being Joker and helping out is the reason we can reach the true Sumire. After all, if you don't advance her confidant you can't reach the Royal route.
- I think you're partially right on your point about the Phantom Thieves and their friendship. I do think their friendship get the usual flow: meet, persona time, join the team, funny banter. They like her, they are friends. But you're right, it isn't a rank 10 friendship between them. That's evident with the last cutscene. The gang joins up to help you get to the station, but she arrived there first? Why didn't she go with them? And what the fudge I HATE THAT SCENE. It's so lackluster for her character. A disservice.
- I think BOTH of her awakenings show a Spirit of Rebellion, yes. First time she's rebelling against common sense. About the fact she has to accent she isn't Kasumi and never will be. Hence, the dialogue about "these are the shoes that you chose". The second awakening, rebellion is against MARUKI'S SOCIETY. Remember, he had already changed the entire world at this point and he's saying "it's okay, you can keep on dreaming. Your pain will go away." At this time, she rejects this version of the world, thus finally embracing herself and achieving the "true glass slippers": her own self.
- About connection with the player, well, even with the new brief Haru scenes I still couldn't like her and her confidant. Both of them suffer a LOT by being the last kids on the bunch, and after you get her rank 5 there's not much else you can do together until Sumire becomes relevant again. Thinking about it, Akechi sometimes disappears as well aka you can't raise his confidant in some months. Now, about the goals, the only ones I think it can trully compare are Ann and Yusuke. She does decide to be an international model, but only AFTER you do her confidant. She wasn't serious before. It was a hobby. Ryuji goes back to track at the end of the game. Haru is busy with the company, but at the same time she always has time for you. She's always tending her garden. I don't know.
- Is she the only well known athlete? Yes!
Remember, the star of the school was Kamoshida and the volleyball team. After he confessed, Shujin's reputation was in shambles and only the Yoshizawa twin(s) were left. And about the dance... they did say they were busy/going home. And her dance is even after you have a romantic rendevouz with a love interest and Ryuji, so they really don't have a reason to stick in school.
- Giving you once again the point that Cendrillon (and her clothes for that matter) should have changed after her true awakening. Specially with the knowledge that Personas have the form of one's true psyche. And Cendrillon fits like a glove -- or, rather, a shoe -- in the themes. Your argument is that "[Cinderella] doesn't fight for a cause for other and themselves." That's true. But so doesn't Carmen. Or Milady. Or Captain Kidd. So what does a pirate, two femme fatales, a legendary thief, two vigilantes and fairy tale princess have in common?
They're all tricksters!
Yaldabaoth made two Main Trickers, Joker and Akechi. But the other personas are just as much tricksters as them. Milady is a femme fatale that doesn't have a clear side. Captain Kidd was a corsair. Robin Hood and Goemon stole from the rich to give to the poor. Arsene Lupin was a gallant thief and Zorro fought for his people.
Why is Cinderella/Cendrillon a trickster?
Because she disguised herself to go to the ball, so much so her family could recognize her. She TRICKED them and the prince, making him think she was noblity!
- The eating trope. I dind't mind it, but I read a lot of shounen. What made me cringe was the beach scenes, yukata scenes, fhe fanservice. But again, japanese game.
- Romance: You can avoid their romance, but Haru already loves you by the point you reach rank 9. And if you say you're only friends, she asks to be left alone and goes to her room. Plus on many moments on her confidant other people ask if you two are a thing or not. Other than her, I THINK Chihaya? She reads her cards? I don't know she's the second worst romance I rushed it.
- Getting new glasses for her dad deserves a rank? Yes because it's not about the glasses. It's about Sumire choosing something by herself. She was ready to leave that responsibility to Joker, but he gave her his moral support and she did get to choose it. She even lampshades it.
- When you like your therapist, you develop this bound in which they become kind of like your second family. You can talk anything to them. Maruki did say, at the beginning of the game, that she was a former patient of his, we get to see when and how he changed her cognition. And, remember, she was depressed because her sister had died and suddenly after only one t
visit she's all better. It's a miracle! He's THAT good! He helped her on her worst moment! Maruki is as important for her as Joker.
- Effect of her student status: in what way? I mean we saw how everyone acted before and after she started underperforming. Other students gossip she can take tests whenever, skip class all the time with no repercutions. I think it's enough. She's special. More explanation would go into exposition territory.
- About her processing about her twin death, I just thought about something reading your point. Maybe her recovery was fast because she was already processing the death. It IS a reach but, say. Sumire, pretending to be Kasumi, came to terms to her sister's death. Okay. Once Sumire went back, since she was already processing the loss, the shock went full on "wtf who am I really?" And I think most of her trauma came with the guilty that she contributed to her sister's death.
- What was Maruki doing? I think it's what we saw. He helped Rumi. Kept his research in secret while taking care of some patients. One of them was Sumire. She was a drastic case so he helped her. I don't think he helped more people at this time, and if he did, they were extreme cases like Rumi and Sumire. They were irrelevent, tho. Because they were like Rumi and Sumire. If he did help more people, they were unremarkable to him. Sumire was his second successful case. His Persona wasn't fully awakened yet, keep that in mind. He got the job at Shujin to keep an eye on Sumire while finishing his paper and keeping up with the kids.
- The blue butterfly: only the persona users could see it. And the party members did get invited to the Velvet Room and talked to both Lavenza and Igor, with the exceptions of Akechi (probably went before tho bc Yaldabaoth) and Sumire.
- She stalking him and the important job: Mona knew amd talked about it, so most likelly it was Phantom Thieves business. Why else would a talking cat care?
- But it was for the betterment of society and saving it from injustice. Maruki wanted the world to like by his rules, he had good intentions but his views were flawed, as seen by that part in his palace where you answered quizzes with what was right and wrong. Plus, remember, at first Sumire didn't agree with the Phantom Thieves changing hearts because she wishes for people to be able to solve their own problems by themselves. People should be able to stand on their own, without relying to a god, a group of teens or someone dictating their lives and take away the pain. Free will and struggle are too important for her, which is also a shock when you realize Maruki's meddling with her cognition. BTW I think this is also one of the moments where we can see, deep down, this is Sumire's view of the world. If she was only mimicking Kasumi, when we explored the palace she could have agreed to Maruki or wouldn't feel unconfortable on the quizz part. The question about "give up on your dream and get a new one" really hurt her.
- Marinette is a static character. Her views get challenged, she gets more roles (being the new guardian and everything) but at the end of the day she's still the same old Marinette. They even get TIME TRAVEL ffs Astruc. On the other hand, the Sumire from the start of the game is not the same from the end, the whole "stole identity act" aside. She gets braver, she stands up for herself and what's right, she finally can reach international competitions, comes to terms with her sister's demise and even gets her self confidence back.
Sorry if I made any spelling mistake, english isn't my first language, it's 1 am over here and im tired.
Once again thank you if you took your time reading, I'm loving our talks.
NOTE: This will be my last post over this discussion as I will not be accepting messages regarding this debate topic anymore. My original post that led to these exchange of views was just meant for me to let these bubbling thought go, leaving it behind and moving on with my continuation for writing. An outlet. And while I appreciate the responses of different opinions, please understand and respect my choice that I am done with it and am moving on.
Your long discussion is something else, I’m impressed by you making an extended analysis and outlook. And it’s kind of hard to dismiss a message from my inbox with such a lengthy text. I feel like I’m kinda overwhelmed seeing the time you take to message me again regarding the topic further. Though I have to admit that this subject has brought burnout for me, as I am brought to think about her again when I was going for moving on from her. But I’m not pointing fingers at you or anyone else. My opinion on her has hasn’t changed much, she is a poorly written character who is still my least favourite, but she had potential to be something if under the right circumstances.
Though I can see your point of view, I can’t help but diverge from them as well. There are gaps where we probably won’t totally look at things about the character the same way, which I understand and mean no rudeness by it.
Also, thank you for the follow. Though I’m not sure if my regular posts would be appealing to you following me based on our discussion, considering I run a storytelling blog, aside from the inbox discussion which is not actually my preference to do on Tumblr. I thought the other debate would leave a different impression but I’m glad it didn’t.
Anyways, back to my point of view.
For the slumps, I suppose I just view them from the writing perspective for the most part. I can see it being subtle as well, but perhaps too subtle to the point where it’s not elaborated enough for her story. I think Atlus should’ve done more to link her connection with Maruki further, like her routinely going to his sessions so he’d keep her cognition in check, more showy in being off putting if not, etc, since it felt like she stayed the same when acting as her sister until the reveal happened. Everyone has slumps, but her’s can’t be different she is not introspective enough that there’s more to it then that. If she was more about the loss of her sister when acting as Kasumi then there’d be a reason for the difference in her slumps.
It makes sense for Japan to walk around topics from mental health as a country who thinks about it differently from others. I’m not going to put a label any more than that as these subjects are never to be defined by others as one thing or be something that everyone agrees on. I wouldn’t put Kasumi as being Sumire’s Eiko or Shiho since I was actually meaning about her association currently instead of the past. Especially when we know more about those two unlike the real Kasumi. I would say she was more like Sae for the sister aspect, including the predictable similarities the Yoshizawas have with the Niijimas and the grief and loss of their father, and Futaba’s mother Wakaba. Her trainer wouldn’t be quite the same as she’s only in Yoshizawa’s life when it’s about her training and classes but nothing so familial. When the real ‘person in the area’ should’ve been her parents after losing one of their kids. And their lack of involvement is disappointing. Her words spoken when choosing to battle Joker and Akechi show that she hadn’t accepted her sister’s death with healing and affirmation during the times she impersonated her. That is not how a person overcomes grief. Acting as a deceased loved one and ignoring the reality of it is not acceptance, it’s avoidance and a coping method of blocking out the truth. It’s unhealthy. And her parents are pretty crappy because of how they respond to that situation. Her father makes only a rare appearance, they aren’t being constant figures in her life, and they let her parade around as Kasumi when they should’ve sat her down and talked to her about what she is doing to herself and to them as a family. Sumire’s cognition only affects her, so they know the truth. It’s not how anyone should go about loss and sorrow when it doesn’t resolve anything but a painful reminder. If they had bothered to care more about their daughter’s situation and be more present and involved in her life, Sumire wouldn’t be so pushed to the edge of her inner struggles when she could talk to them about it. And a point that you’ve mentioned on how people had distanced themselves from her is saying that, aside from her parents, coach, and obviously Joker and Maruki, there has apparently not been a single decent person at all in her life besides the obvious four where two are not around enough. This just proves that whatever so called bond she has with the thieves is so minuscule and inconsistent when she doesn’t even consider them. They’re the ones out of the other confidants of Joker that she interacts with, yet those interactions have no substance as she discredits them compared to Joker, who she only gives her real attention to when it should’ve been in fair amounts in regards to having anyone decent in her life.
To have her phone be malfunctioning by Maruki is a bit strange to me since his powers are a little confusing. That detail doesn’t happen to the other thieves when he grants their wishes and affects their mentality. It may be the side affect of her cognition, but if that were the case then only Yoshizawa would’ve been the only one affected by her phone malfunctioning. But we can notice the malfunction, too. So it has to be that she took her sister’s phone or her phone was broken herself from the impact of the traffic accident. But that would depend on if the twins had their phones on their person in their bags. Yet that is also iffy when her phone goes back to normal, so she’s either gotten herself a new one or something. It’s just confusing and weird. Yoshizawa’s ID is all Joker had to go off of in identifying her anyways, but there’s creative opportunities in finding out her real name. Since everyone apparently knew what happened and her backstory, it must’ve landed on the news. I’d think that advancing her confidant didn’t need to be the reason to reach the royal route when Maruki is the star of Third Semester, a confidant, and has interactions with everyone that can leave a more interesting opportunity for royal’s route. It revolves around him like Nyx, Izanami, and Yaldabaoth. And he is similar to Nyx and Yaldabaoth in the sense that the three are both responding to what people wanted. While she answers to humanity’s desire for death and extinction, while he and Yaldabaoth are about granting deepest desires, which compensates for their own benefits.
Maybe the point Atlus made for the end meeting of Yoshizawa was that she’s fine to go back to her life as nothing ties her to the thieves anymore. Because her one true objective was defeating Maruki, and having achieved that, went to continue her career as a gymnast. Which would majorly diverge her path from others due to absences, different goals, that kind of thing. Since the only thing she cares about is gymnastics, it’s her priority that she holds above all else. Which could even transcend the thieves. It makes sense that her and Cendrillon are the odd ones out.
I feel like her first awakening needed more than just ‘going against common sense’. Her failings of gymnastics other than for her own personal goals mean nothing else to her. The dialogue for her first awakening explains that that’s the reason for her rebellion, what others have said about her. When, in contradictory, she factly states that she does not care for her special treatment, the school’s approval, or her honour student status, who she herself is opposing the terms upholding said status that she also doesn’t care about. All of her ‘potentially losing her status’ is just by a result of her own actions and self-knowledge. She is fully aware that keeping the honour student-athlete status all depends on her only and that the consequences of it taken away are the results of her actions. Not anyone else’s. Like being in third place. That all came down on her alone. Yet she spins it as if it’s unfair and that she’s being wronged. Making a commotion because she is unable to deal with her slumps that she claims is affecting her gymnastics, which is not delved upon further detail, is not worth the attention of storytelling when there is nothing off about the school staff warning her about the loss of status. There’s just no injustice. She won’t let anyone speak ill of her dream? Why when she doesn’t even care about anyone has said. Does she tell every person what she wants to be when she grows up? Nothing about her getting third place was rigged, it’s just the result of her performance that she failed to meet in the end. That’s it. And fake Kasumi’s reaction over losing her younger twin is not impactful. She brushes pass her “death” with mild sadness and grief and continues off on her merry way. Even Sumire’s fake appearance in the Palace was small. If fake Kasumi had cared about her sister more, and the situation around her, then we’d have something more interesting to go off of. To say that her awakening was just about her identity crisis doesn’t fit because that wasn’t what was presented in the dialogue or the scene leading up to her gaining a Persona. And she said that her name was Kasumi, she was still in firm belief that she was the older twin, not that she accepted that she couldn’t be her sister. If that were the case, then we, as the player, would’ve known her true identity sooner as a result because her lines would’ve given evidence. The reveal of her actual sister shows that she genuinely thought it was the other way around. Cendrillon’s words like “Rather than accept a life in cinders, you’d strive towards splendor, you know the risk. Well, if those really are the shoes you’ve chosen.” works with Yoshizawa’s, albeit rather poorly, motive for awakening. Cinderella had strived to have the freedom to do what she wanted without being held back, to be something a little more than what she really was. It aligns with Yoshizawa’s goals when as fake Kasumi: to reach the level of gymnastics on a higher level for herself, since that’s the only thing that matters to her. The student status goes with the athlete status, but she doesn’t even care for it. She wants to be a star, to be the best of her club and proceed bigger goals. Her ‘Risk’ is being stripped of her honour student status title as the result of her inability to meet the requirements of first or second place tournaments that come with the athlete terms she is consciously aware of. There’s no fowl play, no rigging, no unfairness. It’s simple understanding and consent by both parties. She knew exactly what to expect depending on the outcome.
The ‘shoes’ she’s chosen can be more than just her filling in her sister’s place. Cinderella puts no effort to be someone else, she’s just perceived by that impression from others after her fairy godmother makeover. She stays the same person as when she attended the ball and never had to put on an act. The thing about Sumire achieving Kasumi’s dream for her by being as her is obviously a major flaw, that’s not how life works. Sumire is aware that to accomplish a goal like reaching to the top, to want to put oneself in a higher position requires the person themself to truly reach that dream. She knows that that’s what Kasumi wanted, not only with her but also for herself by her own efforts. And being in Kasumi’s position was the most notable thing about what Sumire wanted, she wanted what her sister already had. But for Sumire, her inferiority complex and jealousy isn’t simply a mild thing, it’s pushed to the edge to the point where it’s so unhealthy that it consumes her and her treatment of the people in her life. For fake Kasumi, the shoes can be a representation of her ideal objective, because it’s a symbol of success like how Cinderella got her happy ending from those shoes, which she keeps to the end. So fake Kasumi’s version would be to reach gymnastics on the global scale that she’s mentioned before. Because that’s the only thing she cares about. How Sumire and fake Kasumi think are an interesting comparison. And it’s also only based on Sumire’s interpretation of her twin, but still a sort of instinctive reflection of herself. Judging by Maruki’s powers, it’s clear that what the wisher desired is a likelinesses of oneself. Unlike some of the other thieves, Sumire never wanted Kasumi’s return. And I don’t think it’s because she “accepted her death” when that can be open to a different meaning. She literally confessed when opposing Joker and Akechi that she couldn’t stand remembering the truth. Her being Kasumi is not a way to heal from grief. She could’ve viewed it as “Kasumi’s gone. I was the cause and I don’t want to remember that. I’ve always wanted to be like her, to move like her, all of it. I can be rid of my guilt and be the person I’ve always wanted to be. And I can reach the top like we had strived for. As the twin who had everything.” kind of mindset. To her, Kasumi and Sumire cannot coexist, there needs to be only one that remains. While it can be seen that her desire to be Kasumi is of survivor’s guilt and that her sister should’ve been the one who lived, it can also be for herself. She envied Kasumi to an unstable amount, and it’s implied that the two lacked communication about each other’s feelings. She wanted to be Kasumi, to be in her position as the best, to be thought of as such by her peers, and a spotlight dedicated for herself. This can be viewed as the unstable selfish side of Sumire regarding her inferiority and possible resentment towards her sister, because that also stems to jealousy. Her growing issues and struggles not only affects her, but also the people in her life. It isn’t just one defined thing that she believed Kasumi should’ve lived when she has a layer of internal issues that can’t be simplified.
To say her second awakening is about her rebelling against Maruki’s society is off. Including Maruki “changing the world”, because that is a doubtful outcome. Nyx is an exception since she’s an ancient being that’s been around for eons. She was brought up to answer humanity’s wish, death. Which has been their growing desire that’s been built up after thousands of years. And she was to bring the end to the entire world. Yaldaboath and Izanani, on the other hand, are different because their powers only stretch within Inaba and Tokyo. As far as we know anyways, Yaldaboath’s influence has only been over Tokyo. Like how the Dark Hour only happens in Tatsumi Port Island. The Dark Hour happened from the broth of the Kirijo Group’s meddling and failed experiment. Inaba fog and TV world was an experiment by Izanami who pinned P4 Protag and Adachi against each other to see who’d win. Yaldaboath made a bet with Igor over similar circumstances. Him with Akechi, Igor with Joker, and who’d be victorious with their own morals. It sets the reasoning behind the other world’s locations being in these places. It is an improbable chance that Maruki’s abilities are capable of affecting the whole world when he is a human being with a Persona and a Palace. Yaldaboath is the one with the obvious possibility of affecting the world into distortion and twisted desires, he’s a supernatural entity with inhuman abilities. Maruki’s may be amplified by his Persona with his Palace to back him, that doesn’t mean his powers are unlimited. They would reach to the extend of his own location. While Personas are capable and grow by strength, they are not invincible or superiorly godlike. Like taking over the globe. So the idea that Maruki took over the world in comparison to the true antagonists is inconsistent.
Yoshizawa had willingly agreed with his empathetic, yet misguided view that everyone can be happy. She wanted to go back to being Kasumi, not only so she’d forget her cause of death, but also to continue in a happy place of ignorance and position where she was the elder twin who had everything. Maruki’s Actualisation focuses on the deepest desire of a person becomes true. But that is not forced on everyone; aka, Joker and Akechi. Joker is easy to understand, he’s in a place where he is fine where he is, the present. He has no lost loved one, he’s free of his record, he’s made allies, he’s released the chains of fate tied to him, freed the city from corruption, he’s just in a good place where his life was already on track. Akechi has never been one to bow to false happiness and accept deceiving fantasies of having his own mother return or anything like that. It works for them beu see they are a mirror of each other that went down different roads in life. Though Sumire’s second awakening is at least a little more consistent, as she embraces her real identity, it doesn’t align that she’s rebelled against Maruki or rebelled at all. She has no will of rebellion in either awakenings, yet her both awakenings didn’t really matter. Atlus just added it for audience sake. Because deep down she’s already made that choice when returning to the real world and living as herself. Maruki’s powers weren’t forced down her throat, she wished for it and got what she had wanted like the thieves. But she already had this figured out when returning from his Palace. Her sister’s death is still fresh, her internal struggles haven’t gone away, her selfishness is still there, she accepts that Kasumi is dead but hasn’t made peace with it before her mind was blocked for fake Kasumi, something that was by her own choice.
Sumire and fake/real Kasumi had always wanted to be gymnasts as their profession before they even met Joker. And despite absences of confidants like Akechi, she was always the one with the least amount of appearances. Akechi plays an important key role for Joker, they are two similar yet different individuals who go as two sides of the same coin. Yin and Yang. Rivals. Haru only being relevant until Yoshizawa’s return is just one of many script changes by Atlus so that we’re reminded that Yoshizawa is actually supposed to be important.
It’s obvious that Kamoshida and the volleyball team were considered the ‘star’ when volleyball was the most mentioned sports in the school, with track second. And that was the case because of the Kamoshida drama. With the reputation of volleyball being under fire just as the school’s. Yet it is baffling how out of an entire school, Yoshizawa is the well known athlete when there should be absolutely way more recognized athletes that isn’t just defined by the volleyball team who do other sports. It’s a plot hole. It’s like saying she’s the only honour student in school, when Makoto and I’m sure other star students fit the slot, too.
The reason for Joker’s friends not attending the dance is a pretty lazy excuse. A plot hole. Saying that they’ve all unavailable for going home sounds so inconsistent. Especially since almost all the thieves attend the same school, including even Mishima, and with the number of them, at least one would’ve made sense to stay. And of course the dance scene is mandatory, even after a romantic event with someone else, because it’s too literally focus solely on Yoshizawa. That’s the whole reason Atlus made the dance interaction in the first place when it doesn’t happen in vanilla p5 during the festival.
The thing about me going about “Cendrillon doesn’t physically change” is the matter that Sumire, being fake Kasumi, carried the cognition that she was in full belief that she was someone else with a different conscience mindset. Even if Sumire’s mind may have been repressed and kept as a form of subconscious, what fake Kasumi believed in was real to her. As I’ve stated previously, fake Kasumi truly thought that she was the older twin until the reveal. Persona; the physical representation of a psyche, leaves some gaps. Because things like identity crisis, amnesia and other similar situations can affect and influence a person’s psyche greatly. It’s about knowing yourself, knowing who you are and what you stand for and stand by. Personas are foreshadowings and representations of the characters’ stories. They don’t change because the stories fill out all the way to the end.
Another thing, Cendrillon doesn’t fight, period. Not for others, not for a cause, not even for herself. Carmen and Milady are not the same as the fairytale damsel. Also because they are not damsels, they’re femme fatale oriented characters who do more in their stories. They’re fighters, in personality wise and mentally. They do not let men or anyone walk all over them. Carmen’s death goes with the lines that she will always be free, tied down by no one. She’d rather choose to die than be bounded in life. While Milady, made as an antagonist with no remorse for her actions, is executed for her crimes. The two women share many traits like deceit, sneakiness, cleverness, living their lives by their own rules with no regrets, even with the consequences. Cinderella can hardly be considered a Trickster. When, as I’ve mentioned before, aside from her fairy godmother makeover, she does not change in any way apart from her appearance. She didn’t even try to trick anyone when no body but her stepfamily would recognize her, and yet the stepfamily don’t even interact with her at the ball. The only characters (excluding animal friends depending on what version) that do anything in the whole story, are the prince and fairy godmother. The prince just lets her identity slip by him because of physical attraction and “love at first sight”. He’s the reason for how Cinderella ends turns out in her life, he made the decision to test every woman am with the glass slipper and put it into action. That’s really the glory of the slippers; her doing nothing and him doing something by hormonal attraction by first meeting. She can hardly even try to lie because he doesn’t bother getting to know her enough like a rational person when he immediately sees her and instantly decides she’s the one to marry after a dance and a conversation, which wouldn’t be much from a first meeting. She looks just like everyone else at the ball, so of course nobody would notice. This was all the fairy godmother’s doing in the first place.
Remember, Persona 5’s whole theme is about Tricksters, rebellion, and characters who stand by free will. That’s the entire point of the game’s story and symbolism. It’s Persona, all the games in the series have a theme with Personas basing off them.
The romance thing with Haru isn’t really anything new. In vanilla p5, Atlus pushes Joker and Makoto more as a couple, and they even had to act like one for Eiko, and have scenes in Futaba and Sae’s Palaces, or the other girls in a more mild way. But in Royal, it is so blatant that they changed things to ship Yoshizawa instead since she’s the poster girl. Okay
How does getting her father’s glasses have Sumire making her own choice when she was actually Kasumi? Her mindset was from her cognition when that event happened. It wasn’t actually her being herself. Her making her own choice can be the case for any scenario, but one that she’s always made was letting real Kasumi do what she wants. That was a choice. They’re twins, supposedly meant to be close, so she’d had to let her sister make choices for her when she could’ve spoken up about it at any point. And her being ready to leave the responsibility up to Joker can just be seen as consideration since he came all this way for a simple task. That’s normal for politeness and matters. It’s not that significant.
Her friendship with Maruki is normal, it’s not abnormal. But Maruki gives small amounts of manipulation and gaslighting to have her and everyone else under his powers. Maruki, you’re a considerate guy and all, but please NEVER counsel anyone ever again. To say that he’s “just that good of a therapist” by getting her all better is, ludicrous. How does this obvious shift of transition from her turning into fake Kasumi a sign that he’s a amazing at counseling when EVERYONE can see that she’s masquerading as her sister. The school knows this, her club, her teachers, her trainer, for the love of god her parents. You’ve also mentioned this that they do. She even vocally calls herself Kasumi and carries her sister’s ID. It’s clear to everyone, minus Joker and maybe others who don’t attend Shujin, that she is not fine. It’s such a weird contradiction that the people in her life are fully aware that she’s pretending to be her sister and yet act like that’s a completely normal thing when it’s her cognition, by the power of Maruki, that’s actually being affected. I feel like I’m repeating my points again, but parading around as a deceased person who has been in your life, is not how a person healthily recovers and heals from loss. That is not natural or normal. People should know that! Especially her parents! It doesn’t make any sense why it’s going this route other than another plot hole that Atlus made as an excuse so Joker wouldn’t find out about her identity sooner. It’s absurd.
I’ve mentioned the effect of her student status in the other points I’ve made a few times. It’s not about the gossip, the tests, skipping classes when she does not care for any of that unless it involves her personal goals of gymnastics. Otherwise, she doesn’t care for it at all. And I also talked about her processing of her sister’s death.
Which of her stalkings? Because Morgana did not even know about both these cases. Her confessing to tailing them thieves left just as much of shock to him as Futaba and Joker. The same for when she pops up in Maruki’s Palace on her own.
Joker has been the only person to see the blue butterfly. He’s a wildcard, he has the fool arcana, he’s contracted to the velvet room. Of course he can see it. Morgana can as well because he was created by Igor. Velvet room attendants can alter their appearances based off the other games. They are capable of turning invisible to the human eye when going into the human world or be apparent. But they are always viable to their guests. The thieves’ reason for being in the velvet room in the first place was because of Yaldoboath, the false god took them to repress their strive for justice and tried to manipulate Joker for a deal because he cheated on his bet with Igor and infiltrated the velvet room so he’d win. Impersonating Igor and splitting Lavenza so she wouldn’t recognize his true identity. None of that was Igor or Lavenza’s doing. It’s a similar scenario to P3’s the answer. Where it was that SEES reached their conclusion and conviction and were able to follow Aigis to the velvet room, just like the thieves when they reach their resolve and are able to leave their cells. Lavenza even stays in the nurse’s office as Joker recruits everyone to meet, but not all of them appear at once. The entrances to the velvet room are all in various locations between the real world and the supernatural. Public places that can by stumbled upon mind you. And nobody in SEES, Investigation Team, or the Phantom Thieves have been able to actually see the entrance. The Persona-Users. They just think the leaders are lost in thought or daydreaming. And as I’ve stated before, the interaction of the thieves being in the velvet room wasn’t even by the residents’ choice because of Yaldaboath. He infiltrated the velvet room.
The Phantom Thieves were put as a public symbol of inspiration for society to solve their own problems if they could help it. Of course everyone knows that the thieves can’t fix everything and make everyone hunky dory. Maruki’s rules aren’t necessarily by his rules, as the power of his actualisation depends on the person he can affect if they have a wish so deep, like bringing back the dead. It feels like Yoshizawa undermines the meaning of solving one’s own problems when there are times solving things on your own just isn’t enough.
That’s the thing with Sumire on the Marinette similarities. They get no consequences from the result of their actions, it’s excused and passed off, or the repercussions are light. While Sumire gets self confidence, no matter the little amount of time it happened, she goes back to being the same character as we saw her in the beginning. And wardrobe and hair are a big part of visual representation on characters. Her hair goes back into a ponytail with the red bow, and her glasses are gone. She looks exactly the same as when Joker first meets her in the ending. Everything’s the same. Just like her thief attire where she had truly sought for herself to be her sister. There’s nothing that differentiates them apart. Regarding Marinette, most of my opinions over her are similar to Youtuber Cyrus the Great’s analysis videos on the show if you’re curious. He’s pretty detailed and makes interesting notes about her and the cast.
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humankoalaa · 3 years
before i get into the season finale of the best show on television with the best cast on television let’s establish something… wildmoore is the standard.
i hate flashbacks in finales 😫 HATE.
one thing about mary… she gon wear her leather pants and in the words of mrs. ryan wilder-moore (leave me alone im just practicing) looking fine as hell 🥵
alice… sweetie… there’s just so much to unpack here and it’s been 3 seconds 🥴 does arkham just not have guards? are those jumper cables? PAIN. this scene is pain.
all this crying right… how alice got more water coming out of her mouth than her eyes?
yeah definitely not jumper cables 😂
FIRST OF ALL.. sophie… who tf is batwoman because i only see cousin luke and a girlfriend present.
okay where is batwoman because ion like a girlfriends plan and she’s pacing. its giving very much not a chance 😫
mary… never apologize for being late. that is so unbecoming of you when you look that damn good.
look how she distracted me from her shit. alternatively give who to what? …
“mary…we know you feel a certain… whatever for her” 😂😂 i wanna be buried with this on my tombstone. remove mary and change feel to felt. that’s all i ask.
ryan: “… the buzzer created marquis” .. mary: “… the joker created marquis and if we’re splitting hairs he created alice too ” ….. huh? .. is it not essentiallly same thing mary?
mary… not even the devil is on your side so please 😒 and this is not what they meant when they told you to use your voice.
mary: “.. i need to save alice’s life” …
y’all and the bat team: “WHAT ABOUT CATHERINE MARY?! “
me: “mary don’t even like these people”
catherine failed at faking a death and attempted murder, only to be murdered by alice her murderee and jacob is incarcerated. … alexa, play “i will always love you”. .. mary… .. dolly parton would like a word.
i can’t take marquis serious 🤣 the colored tips kill me cause they look like extensions 😫
ryan… he ain’t gon do shit.
under my umbrella ella ella ellla ay ay ay
is dana the only news reporter in gotham? … cause if she needs a break … sophie moore would like an application. SORRY.
and how the hold up open already…
heeeyyyy auntie. oooo she in pants y’all 👀 lemme find out auntie bout to be out in them trenches with the team.
you supposed to knock jada. who raised you?
“told you she doesn’t knock” 🤣🤣 exactly.
one thing about cousin luke… he don’t like nobody. the fucking blinking as jada impersonates his dad im crying 😂
it’s all of them staring at jada like … ….
🤣 i cannot stand them. this is seriously what batwoman is working with and somehow she’s still alive.
this mf said ryan went to run an errand 😂🤦🏾‍♀️
ok now it makes sense 😂
i just never know what alice is talking about.
the joker is such a weird chaotic villian. who just wants to kill a bunch of people and like the pettiest part of this shit is if you don’t die you’re just gonna look like shit forever 😂🤦🏾‍♀️
“not to throw shade on my own sex appeal here” 🤣🤣 why is she like this.
wait…. she gave alice the buzzer?
jada … first of alll i KNOW you not talking about trust.
“i need my mom” 😭
WAYMENT not jada growing up right in front of my acai bowl 😭 they grow up so fast.
“martini o’clock”… cute.
hamilfox banter 🥲 we love best friends.
luke please 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ she’s trying 😭
it’s sis eating pizza on the hood of her car for me. acid rain in the forecast she don’t even know it. bless.
“lord help me” 🤣🤣 tell me your team is useless without telling me.
sophie talking bombs. 10/10. more of that please.
ryan and sophie bickering is my religion and here i am to worship.
“im not losing you ryan.. you don’t get to play the crazy card with me…. im not losing you” 😭 iktfr say it with your chest sophie.
“nobody’s ever said that to me before” 🥲 trust me… we can tell 😂
just in case yalll forgot, wildmoore is the standard. the bar, pass go, collect 200 dollars, advance to free parking. money mi a preeeee iykyk 😬
here go this great value joker ruining the moment.
okay batwoman time to turn this shit around 😫 GET UP. also cousin luke… any moment now. aaannnyyyyy moment.
i swear to g-d she better not fall for this.
unbelievable 😂
ryan.. HURRYYYYYY 😫 alexa, play madonna 4 minutes.
marquis was gon have to be on his own because absolutely not. what street rat or weasel can save your ass 😫 apologize.
lawd don’t put my good sis through no more shit please 🥴 the lip thing 😭 it’s sophie not being afraid of anything until ryan leaves the room for me. ALEXA, play jason derulo marry me 😫 ugh. greatest love story ever told. argue with that lamp.
“you think im gonna die before you buy me dinner” .. same ryan, same.
🥺 luke. not the AI.
this poppycock joker like sit down 😫
batwoman… now i know you don’t kill. i know this. but you gon learn today. you got a girlfriend, a bat team, a mother, and a whole lot of shit to do. so … let. go.
“you really willing to ditch the bitch?” 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ i love their dynamic so much.
“if anyone can survive hard alice… it’s you” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
still properly confused about this buzzer situation.
“to be clear… we still aren’t friends” 😂
SOPHIE HURRY 😭😭😭😭 this is too much 😫
“call me batwing” 🥲❤️
ryda is my ship name for ryan and jada because ride or die okay that’s what happened and what a time to be alive 😭
y’all…. she got the girl, her best friends and her family. ryan wilder-moore, you deserve the world 😭
alice better come back eventually 🥺
they just meant they were gonnna disturb my peace with brunette alice.
girlfriends 😭 we really watched two black women fall in love y’all 😫 on the CW at that 🥲 i love it here. ion care too much about the political side of things but their story is just so personal to me for so many reason. to alll my sistas .. . finally🥲
I know they don’t have dana out in the middle of chernobyl reporting. throw the whole job away.
well shit .. never mind… rip.
ALSO, should that network cancel batwoman, we all understand the assignment right? because hbomax, netflix, hulu, radioshack and the lord himself will be hearing from my lawyers.
see y’all in season 4!
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DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE,BLOOD Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD “Odessa’s Curse ~ The Cornered Vampires”
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Original title: オデッサの呪い~追いつめられしヴァンパイアたち
Source: DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE,BLOOD Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD “Odessa’s Curse ~ The Cornered Vampires” [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Kondou Takashi, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: I’ve always been really intrigued by this drama CD because the whole story besides Odessa’s curse is just really interesting. uwu It also provides some nice lore like finding out what is responsible for the massacre of Richter’s family. This really makes Laito being there to witness his end in the anime even more fitting. :p
You are playing Old Maid with the triplets.
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi. Stop takin’ forever to decide and just pick one already! No matter which one you choose, it’s already set you’ll be left with the Joker in your hand. Hahaha...!
Ayato: ...!! Chichinashi...How dare you skillfully avoid the Joker like that!
Kanato: Fufufu...It’s my turn next, no? Well, we now know that Ayato currently has the Joker...So picking a card from this person whose foolish expressions would give away the Joker’s location in a heartbeat...
Kanato: ...Involves absolutely no risks either~
Laito: Hai, hai~! I’m up next! Geez~ Because Ayato exposed his own hand, it takes away all the thrill. How boring. Nfu~
Ayato: Fuck...! Next time I’ll make sure Chichinashi pulls it! ...There!
Ayato: Come on, Chichinashi. It’s your turn. Go ahead, pick one! Pull my Joker!
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Woah! Not that one! The one to the right! Pull that one!
Subaru: Hah! Old Maid, seriously? Are y’all a bunch of idiots? Also, you’re just forcin’ her to pull the Joker. Ridiculous. I don’t understand the fun in that.
Kanato: Fufu...Subaru. Do you want to join us?
Subaru: Haah!? You fuckin’ kiddin’ me!? Who would play along with that stupid game!
*Rustle rustle*
Shuu: Oi...Pipe down. Honestly, my Rachmaninov is completely ruined now. How will you make it up to me?
You offer he joins the game.
Shuu: Haah...? You sure have some nerve. You’re telling me to play Old Maid? Hah. Ridiculous. I’m not interested. ...If you’re that insistent on having me join, I guess you’ll have to beg me for it.
Laito: Shuu’s being unreasonable as usual, huh? 
Shuu: Can you name me one person in this manor who isn’t oppressive?
Laito: Ahaha~ Well, you do have a point there.
Subaru: Exactly. I’d love to give you all a nice punch in the face.
Laito: Hold up, Subaru-kun! Is that the kind of language you use towards your dear older brothers?
Subaru: Heh. ‘Dear older brothers’, my ass. Not once in my life have I thought of you as my big bro.
Kanato: Say, Subaru? How do you feel about me?
Subaru: Haah!? You...You’re...Well...How do I put it...
Ayato: Actually, do you want to be viewed as an older brother, Kanato?
Kanato: Fufu, why of course I do. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? ‘Older brother’, that is.
Reiji enters the room.
Reiji: Haah...What nonsense are you lot bantering about this time? At a time like this.
Ayato: ‘At a time like this’? Did somethin’ happen?
Reiji: I’m not quite sure how to put it but...Well, I am sure this is simply some sort of prank, but please take a look at this.
Reiji: I found this pinned to the front door with a knife.
Laito: Hm~? Let’s see... ‘I will kill the Vampires’. What’s this?
Ayato: Could it be that!? A threatening letter!
Reiji: Well, I am sure it is someone trying to be funny. Although, I wonder if they are aware of us Vampires living in this manor, or if it’s a pure coincidence...
Shuu: How could it be a coincidence? This place is said to be a haunted house, but there’s no rumors of Vampires in particular living here. I’m sure they did it knowing very well what we are. ...Ah, what a drag.
Subaru: Hah!? Who would do somethin’ so painfully stupid!?
Reiji: Subaru! Please don’t destroy the chair. ...Well, those people are the only ones who come to mind.
Kanato: People aware of our identity as Vampires, as well as the fact we live here...You mean them, huh?
Ayato: ...Aahn? There’s people like that? ...What, Chichinashi?
You explain.
Ayato: Ah? ‘Mukami’? Ahー Now that you mention it, those guys exist. I totally forgot about them.
Laito: The Mukami’s, huh? But would they really bother attaching this to our door? 
Shuu: Maybe they’re warning us about some sort of move they’ve got planned...or something?
Subaru: Che...Whatever it may be...I won’t feel satisfied until I show them who’s boss! ...Ah? No violence? ...Shut up. You’re in danger too! ...!! ...I-I’m just worried they might steal your blood, ‘kay!?
Laito: Ahahaha! Subaru-kun totally embarrassed himself just now!
Subaru: Shut up!!
Reiji: Calm down! Hm...Well, if that lot is behind this, I suppose there is no reason for us to worry. We can simply continue to go about our lives as we’ve always done.
Laito: True. If we react, I’m sure we’ll end up playing straight into their hands.
Reiji: Well, let us be cautious at least. I would rather not have our limousine end up total-loss again. ...Oh, what seems to be the matter? You seem awfully anxious?
You ask him for the letter. 
Reiji: Eh? This paper? What are you going to do with it? Well, I don’t mind but...
Reiji: It makes me highly uncomfortable, so please get rid of it, okay?
ー You nod.
Kou enters the room.
Kou: Ruki-kun~ Do you have a minute right now?
Ruki: What is it, Kou? I’m in the middle of reading a book right now.
Kou: Sorry for bothering you, but I’d like you to take a look at this.
Ruki: ...Hm? What is this?
Azusa: There’s ‘I will kill the Vampires’ written on it...
Kou: Uwah...!? Azusa-kun...! How long have you been standing behind me?
Azusa: Eh? I’ve been here this whole time though...Say, Kou? What’s the story behind this? It looks like a threatening letter...Say, you think so too...Don’t you, Justin?
Ruki: Exactly. Justin thinks so tooー Too bad Justin’s just a scar on your arm though.
Kou: Ruki-kun played along before giving him a reality check... (1)
Ruki: Who on earth would do this...? They are not beating around the bush, dropping terms such as ‘kill’...
Yuma: Ugh...It’s obviously those bastards!
Kou: You think so too, Yuma-kun?
Yuma: Yeah, ‘course! Those dudes are the only ones who know we are Vampires and could sniff out this place, no?
Ruki: I suppose they are declaring war. ...Hah. Seems like we have to show them their place.
Kou: Fufu~ Say, say, Ruki-kun...~? Are we going to show them what happens when you mess with us~?
Azusa: Does that hurt? Say...In that case, count me in too...Fufufu...
Yuma: Well, I guess we can use it as an opportunity to take that chick from them as well.
Ruki: We shouldn’t move just yet. First, we need to observe their movements.
Kou: Eeeh~? But if we sit around doing nothing, they might get the first hit off on us!
Ruki: Well, even though the Sakamaki household consists largely of individuals with just a single brain cell, I won’t deny that there are a few cunning ones amongst the bunch as well. I doubt they will strike without a proper plan.
Yuma: Well...Guess we have no other choice if ya say so. ...Che, this would have been the perfect chance to send those annoyin’ pests flyin’ tho.
Ruki: Preserve your strength for now. I am sure that we will soon have the chance to silence them once and for all.
Azusa: Aaah~...I’m so exicted...I can’t wait for them to hit me...~
Kou: Azusa-kun...Don’t you think it’s about time to stop that?
Ruki: Kou. Telling him that is pointless. Just let Azusa do as he pleases. Either way, I don’t want you guys to attack them without my permission. Understood?
Kou: Roger~ Well then...
Kou: Guess I’ll go toss this threatening letter in the trash.
Ruki: Wait, Kou. I’ll hold onto it. 
Kou: Eh? Well, fine by me.
Kou: Do you want to get it checked for fingerprints or something?
Ruki: I’m hoping to track down the culprit through their handwriting. Confirming who is behind this would be our top priority at the moment.
Yuma: That’s Ruki for ya! We’re countin’ on ya, dude!
You enter the room in a panicked state.
Laito: ...Hm? Bitch-chan? What’s with the big rush? Also...You seem to be trembling? Are you okay?
You try and explain.
Laito: Calm down. It’s rare to see you so thoroughly terrified and shaking in fear. ...Eh? You want to know where Reiji is? He would be...
Reiji enters the room.
Reiji: What do you need from me? I just finished setting some tea.
Reiji: Ah...Good grief. This is painful to watch. You’re completely out of breath. Please calm down. Come on, take a seat here. 
Reiji: Have some tea and catch your breath first.
Reiji: We can talk afterwards.
Subaru bursts into the room.
Subaru: Oi, youーー!! 
He runs up to you.
Subaru: ...What’s wrong!?
Laito: Nfu~ Geez, Subaru-kun. You didn’t have to come rushing to her side just because you sensed something was off.
Subaru: ...!! S-Shut up! It’s not like that...!
Reiji: You calm down too, Subaru. She seems to be acting abnormal, so I shall go call the others as well.
Laito: Bitch-chan~? Would a little kissy-kiss (2) help calm you down~? Nfu~
Subaru: Piss off with your ‘kissy-kiss’! You’re damn creepy!
Reiji: Subaru! How many times do I have to tell you to stop kicking the chairs? Who do you think has to look for new ones if they break? Please don’t increase my workload!
Shuu enters the room.
Shuu: I was having such a nice nap too...What’s the deal with this? I’m gonna kill you if it turns out to be nothing serious.
Kanato: Yes, my thoughts exactly. ...Right, Teddy? We were enjoying a wonderful chat, yet this pest got in the way.
Reiji: So, why did you burst in completely out of breath earlier? Depending on your explanation, I might have to punish you directly. Keeping that in mind, please tell us the whole story from beginning to end. 
Shuu: ...Hold up. Where’s Ayato?
Reiji: Well...I searched the entire manor, but I couldn’t find him anywhere. ...Actually, Shuu, it’s a little vexing for you - the person who hasn’t been doing anything - to pose that question.
Ayato: ...I’m right here.
Kanato: ...! Ayato! ...Where does that blood come from?
Ayato: Figured I’d show this to you guys.
Ayato: Here.
Laito: This is...Our Familiar, no? Are they dead?
Shuu: That stinks...Why would you drag this thing inside? It’s covered in blood...
Ayato: I found them dead in front of the car. Right, Chichinashi?
Subaru: You...got scared seeing this and came rushin’ here? Geez...I thought some serious shit went down! Don’t scare us like that!
Reiji: Calm down. I am sure there is little difference between the death of a Familiar and that of a person in her eyes. We cannot blame her for being surprised. ...However, who could be behind this?
Ayato: Couldn’t it be them? Those Mukami’s. They even sent us a threatening letter the other day.
Shuu: You think they killed a Familiar? Why wouldn’t they target us directly?
Subaru: What if it’s a warning? To tell us we’re next. Fuck...This pisses me off!
Reiji: Let’s assume they are the ones behind it, what would their motive be? Could they perhaps be asking us to hand her over?
Ayato: Chichinashi. Don’t you feel happy? They think you’re to kill for! (3) Hahaha...
Laito: It’s not like we’re forbidding Bitch-chan from having some fun with other guys every now and then though...~ It really isn’t about handing her over or not. ...Nfu~ They should just come here and beg for it on their knees.
Shuu: Well, that’s the only reason I can think of. ...That being said, I do think a threatening letter saying ‘I will kill the Vampires’ is kind of strange too.
Ayato: Huh? Why?
Shuu: Haah...Explaining it is such a drag...
Kanato: Fufu...Is she was their objective all along, they would write something like ‘hand her over’ on the letter, no? Besides, us Vampires don’t fear death, so why use the word ‘kill’? 
Reiji: In short, there is a possibility that the person who wrote this, does not know what death means to a Vampire. ...Which means, the culprit behind it...
Laito: Nfu~ ...Could it have been...a human?
You flinch.
Subaru: Don’t tell me...Was it you?
Ayato: I can see it. She has a hundred and one reasons to hold a grudge against us after all.
Shuu: Oi, you. Is that so?
You try and defend yourself.
Laito: Nfu~ Look at you desperately denying it. Don’t worry, Bitch-chan. I don’t dislike women who have lost sight of themselves out of sheer hatred~
Reiji: You. Tell us the truth.
Subaru: ...! Someone’s at the door! Oi...Come here!
The Mukami’s walk up to them.
Sakamaki’s: ...
Ruki: We’ve let ourselves in.
Kou: Yahoh~!
Ayato: ...Aah? What the fuck are you guys doin’ here?
Yuma: Well if that isn’t a warm welcome, aah!?
Kanato: What do you want? Please don’t enter uninvited.
Ruki: No, there is something I would like to ask.
Azusa: Our Familiar...was killed.
Reiji: ...! Yours too...?
Kou: Which meaaaans...~ Ruki-kun’s prediction was spot on after all. 
Ruki: Did you guys perhaps receive a threatening letter?
Laito: Nfu~ In short, you got one too?
Ruki: I knew it. ...To tell the truth, we suspected you guys at first. However, we could not trace the finger prints or handwriting on the letter back to any of you. 
Yuma: Then Ruki said there wasn’t anyone smart ‘nough amongst ya dudes to think of removin’ the fingerprints. ...Which brings us to today’s Familiar incident. 
Azusa: Ruki said that...You guys would never kill in such a refined manner...
Subaru: Tsk...I feel like you’ve done nothin’ but insult us this whole time, you know? Am I just imaginin’ that?
Shuu: Well, you’re absolutely correct.
Ayato: Fuck, this pisses me off!
Reiji: I see...
Kanato: Say Reiji, do you have a clue?
Laito: Is the culprit Bitch-chan after all?
Kou: Eeh!? M-neko-chan!? You did this...?
You shake your head.
Ruki: That is unthinkable. This woman does not possess the strength to deliver a fatal blow to a Familiar.
Yuma: Then who is pullin’ this shit!? Ahー... Fuck, doin’ it all sneakily behind our backs too!
Azusa: A grudge...Exactly, they bear a grudge against us Vampires...Humans. 
Reiji: I considered that possibility as well. For one, this whole situation is very similar to an incident which happened to a certain household of Vampires in the past.
Laito: Ooh? What are you referring to?
Ruki: You must be talking about ‘Odessa’s curse’, no?
Reiji: As expected, you are aware of the rumors. In that case, I can get straight to the point.
Ruki: It happened at the outskirts of a faraway country, did it not? A young girl living in the village fell in love with a Vampire nobleman. 
Reiji: The maiden’s feelings were pure, but the Vampire male abused said love, indulging in her blood to his heart’s content, before abandoning her right as she had awakened.
Ruki: Now that the girl had become a Vampire, she found herself unable to return home, bearing strong feeling of resentment towards the Vampire, seeking revenge. Well, that was a quick run-down but that’s how the story goes.
Kou: Heeh, hadn’t heard about that one before. You’re so knowledgeable, Ruki-kun~
Kanato: So, how exactly did she intend to take revenge? I like those kind of fairytales.
Reiji: She would lure out Vampire families one by one to slaughter them. To each of them, a threatening letter similar to ours was delivered beforehand. They say that she did eventually track down the nobleman, but he managed to escape and without being able to fulfill her desire for revenge, she got caught in his trap and was beaten to death by the villagers. 
Ayato: Keh! So you wanna convince us that this curse or whatever is still ‘round?
Ruki: Alternatively, it could be someone entirely different trying to make it look like the curse.
Ayato: Hmph! Who in their right mind would bother goin’ through all that trouble? If they wanna kill us, why not just go for it? I’ll beat them at their own game!
Shuu: You do have a point...There really is no point trying to link it to the curse. If they did it to scare us, then it’s pointless.
Laito: Hm...
Azusa: Say, Laito-san...? What’s wrong...? You seem lost in thought...
Laito: Hm...For some reason, that story kind of rings a bell...?
Yuma: Aah!? What do ya mean!?
Laito: Say, Reiji? That girl’s name...Odessa-chan, was it? 
Reiji: Yes, exactly. Is there a problem with that?
Laito: Nfu~ You see...That Vampire nobleman might just be...me~
Ayato: Aah!? What did you just say!?
Laito: ...!? Wait, Ayato-kun! Don’t grab my clothes, you’ll stretch them! ...It’s not my fault!
Shuu: Laito, don’t tell me...Did this happen when you went to hang out at Richter’s place for a bit?
Laito: Nfu~ You remembered? Exactly. I stayed there for a while but I was just bored out of my mind. When I headed out into town, I found a cute girl so I offered her a good time. 
Ruki: ...!! Don’t tell me, is that how Lord Richter’s household...?
Kanato: The whole family died. I was convinced that was the work of a Vampire Hunter.
Subaru: If that’s the case...We can solve everything by handin’ over this fedora-wearin’ pervert to Odessa, right?
Laito: Wai...!? Odessa is long dead, right? In that case, it no longer concerns me. Besides, they might just be pretending it’s Odessa’s cursーー
They start tying Laito up.
Laito: Wha...!? Why are you tying me up!? I only condone bondage in the bedroom!
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Ah...Hey...! ...Geez...
Yuma: Shut it! Gotta tie these nice and tight so ya don’t escape...
Kou: Right? If we offer this guy to Odessa, we can rest assured at least.
Azusa: Aah~...How nice...I want to be tied up too...
Reiji: Haah...Who would have thought the culprit behind the curse would be right in front of our eyes...I did not even consider that.
Laito: W-Wait...Hey, Bitch-chan...Save me! I’m unrelated...! For one, I’m not Odessa’s only target, right...!?
Ruki: Even if she bears a grudge against Vampires as a whole, it makes sense for her to want to go for the main culprit which she failed to kill in the past, no? ...Okay. We’re going to lock him up in the underground dungeon. Carry him, you guys.
Yuma: Heave-hoh...
Laito: ...Ah! Wait! Let me go! This is all one big misunderstanding...!!
Reiji: Haah...Laito. You brought this upon yourself. I have never fathomed my very own litte brother would be the culprit appearing in a Vampire legend.
Ayato: Hahaha...Well, can’t say it doesn’t sound like somethin’ Laito would do.
Kanato: If Richter were to find out about this...He might just kill Laito before Odessa gets the chance to. Fufufu~
Kou: ...Or rather, I figured you guys would try and help your brother out, but you’re all just getting a kick out of it. The bonds between the Sakamaki siblings are thin as ice, huh? ...Anyway, womanizers really are the worst scum, aren’t they? You think so too, don’t you, M-neko-chan? ...!? Hey, M-neko-chan?
Yuma: Oi! Don’t be standin’ there spacin’ out! Keep a proper eye out!
Subaru: Is somethin’ wrong with you? ...Ah? Somethin’ bothers you? What is it? Tell us.
Shuu: Ugh...Odessa’s going to get here while we’re wasting time. Tsk...What a drag. 
Azusa: Fufufu~ Shuu-san...Are you perhaps scared of her?
Shuu: Aah? No way...
Laito: Nfu~ I think he was spot on, judging by that panicked attitude.
Shuu: Oi. You’re the one to blame for all of this for hooking up with some weird woman. At least reflect upon your actions a little!
Laito: How many times do I have to tell you guys that I’m not to blame...Geezー!
They start walking off towards the basement with Laito.
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi? What’s the matter? We’re gonna leave you behind. ...Or do you want Odessa to get you? ...Right? Then hurry up. Geez, givin’ us extra trouble like that.
You tell Ayato about the letter’s handwriting.
Ayato: Ah? You remember seein’ the handwritin’ on that letter somewhere? You’re just seein’ things, right?
You insist.
Ayato: Ah? ‘Otou-san’? (4) Whatcha talkin’ ‘bout?
Kanato: Heeh...Who is that?
Ayato: Aah? Your pops? ...Pretty sure you’re just imaginin’ things. Honestly, you’re such a worrywart. Honestly, you should worry about your own blood before worryin’ ‘bout other things. ...I don’t understand.
He walks away.
???: Fufufu...Fufufu....
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) ノリツッコミ or ‘nori-tsukkomi’ is a term used in Japanese humor. It refers to a person playing along with a dumb joke at first, only to become serious near the very end. A lot of Japanese comedy is based around the ‘boke’ or the ‘dumb guy/girl’ who will say something stupid and the other person is called te ‘tsukkomi’, a more serious character always pointing out the other’s dumb remarks.
(2) Laito uses the term チュチュ or ‘chu-chu’ in Japanese, which is the onomatopeia for a kiss and a very cutesy/childish word to use, so I tried to create the same effect in English. 
(3) Literally he says ‘You’re being sought out that strongly, they’re willing to go this far’. I couldn’t resist using a pun in English though. :p
(4) I was a little confused by this part because Ayato repeats the exact same line right after and Kanato also asks her who this person is, so I assume they first thought that ‘Otou’ was the name of a person with the suffix ‘-san’ attached to it, rather than Yui referring to her actual dad.
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
on anon for reasons, but i actually find a lot of the stuff saying how BJ is a bad friend to Hawkeye, or stuff about how he like denies Hawkeye emotional connection and stuff... i don't get it at all the people saying that, it just feels like I watched a completely different show when people say that.
I don't think he denies Hawkeye emotional connection but stealing the bird joke was a friendship ending offense. I told my best friend about that storyline and said I would forgive her but no one else and she was like lmao I'd understand if you wouldn't forgive me.
I totally get the "did I watch a completely different show?" feeling but I really come down in the middle on this one.
I think the writers failed at showing BJ and Hawkeye's friendship sometimes by leaning way too much into bickering. Banter is fun but it's easy to overdo (this is true in real life, too, some friendships just get exhausting). My go-to example is Snap Judgement. Why do they have to bicker over the camera like that? I contrast this with Hawkeye trying to win a pony which he plans to share with Trapper. I make this comparison because it happened automatically when I watched that episode. There's just a vibe that "these two guys really like each other and like spending time together" that's often missing for me. They are stuck together, which means if you're not careful it'll seem like they're only "best friends" because they're stuck together. In general, I think these moments tend to stack up as BJ not being as good a friend to Hawkeye, because the show itself is biased toward taking Hawkeye down a peg. As I've discussed before, this works less and less the longer the show goes on, as it becomes clear Hawkeye is not well. Another example for me is Picture This. I think taking Hawkeye's socks was not nice, although I'm more upset in that episode about everyone else dismissing Hawkeye being upset about it. There's always The Joker Is Wild, of course. I have still yet to see an explanation for that one that makes BJ sympathetic. And GFA is complicated. I think BJ fails Hawkeye a little (they all do) but I don't blame him for most of it. I do think Hawkeye is a better friend to BJ than BJ is to him, but that doesn't make BJ a bad friend, and I think it says more about who Hawkeye is than anything else. All that being said, there are also plenty of moments of BJ being a good friend and Hawkeye and BJ being very believable best friends together. It's just kind of hit or miss with the writing (understandable over eight years), which gives me the effect of BJ not always being a good friend.
I don't know... I don't think we're supposed to think BJ is a bad friend, so saying he sometimes is feels like the contrarian take to me, but I guess it's picked up popularity.
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intotherumiverse · 3 years
ship your moots !!
I got everyone of my mooties in clutch <3 p = platonic
Edit = this is so long I can’t. I have everyone that are my mooties (or I think that are my mooties) and I hope y’all like ‘em. They took so MF long
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@katsumiiii + aomine daiki — cocky girlfriend with even cockier boyfriend. They’re playful banter is god-teir and for what? Daiki tries so hard for mira and she just plays it off. @katsukissy + bakugou katsuki — it’s >:) + >:/ moxie is such a menace to society and Bakugou is just taking it. plus they’d be such a power couple I can’t @koishiguro / @lvrgrlkoi + kise ryota — but like whipped boyfriend + “I don’t give two shits ‘bout your little fan club” girlfriend. kise tries so fucking hard for koi’s attention it’s funny. and she’s just 🤨 you done the entire time. @artof-apollo + p! denki kamanari — they the 2 pretty best friend. They are also crackhead x crackhea, with rare smart boy moments <3 @spike-this-ass + gojo satoru — dumb himbo boyfriend with secret smart partner <3. They’re the 🙄 +🤨. Gojo getting into the dumbest shit ever and Sunni’s just like “okayyyy? Tf you want me to do about it?” @myhoodacademia + power — cocky gf + cocky gf. Dee’s just like “I know you love me and power refuses to acknowledge the hint of the fact. But anyone else look at dee, she’s drop kicking someone
@lilsparkyswife + armin arlert — himbo + bf who tries to keep himbo safe. Von’s getting into the dumbest shit ever and armin’s just there like “ 🤨 didn’t I tell you fighting eren is never a good idea?” @katsuflossy + shiggy — I mean I guess he loves her. With them puppy dog eyes he makes everytime he want sum it has to be love. Ni on the other hand is just like 😐 tf you want now?
@noirstoxin + p! itadori — “yo ita. Try feeding sukuna hot sauce and see what happens” enough said.
@solar3lunar + megumi — quiet kids in the library vibes (even though nova isn’t really quiet per say) but megumi loves he and her antics. Would take on cafe date
@minruko + mirio togata — them nigh as would be so loud together I can hear it from here. Mini’s just daring Mirio the stupidest shit and Mirio’s like “okay!! I’ll do it for you <3”
@combat-wombatus + kirishima ejiro — soft gf + even softer bf <3. They are so sweet to everyone around them it’s crazy. Also parent couple me thinks!
@yuujisbby + itadori yuuji — dumb bf + smart gf. Ita’s doing the dumbest shit to impress Sasha and sash is trying to not let himself get himself killed by not letting him do the dumb shit
@bubblime + sukuna — it’s just overexcited gf + tired bf. Bubs is always down for anything and sukuna is the tried boyfriend telling her to come take a nap with him
@silkylious + shoto todoroki — analyst couple ; y’all can’t do anything around them unless you want to be roasted in the most blunt way. Just “is that why you make your daddy issues your whole personality? 😐”
@mypimpademia + taiga kagami — OKAY HEAR ME OUT BUT juice and taiga would make sense. Over excited bf with bf who’s seen it all. Will hit him if he over worked himself. also matching necklaces??? Yes.
@kunikida-kun + keigo tamaki — show off bf + ion care gf. He tries soooo mf hard just for rei to give him a blank stare and continue on with her day. @whipped-cream-writings + bokuto. Softest couple ever. Matching jersey hoodie and cafe dates before practice. @dragonsdreamoffire + shinra (fire force) — himbo + soft girl <3. Shinra loves dream with his soul and never leaves a mission without giving her a kiss @fatgumshoneybun + joker (fire force) — cocky bf with confused/shy partner. He tries so hard with princess and they’re either too confused or sleepy to make head or tails about it. They have the most amazing cuddle seshs though.
@tobi-momo + kageyama tobio — they’d be perfect together. Do doubt. kags always a stuttering mess when momo is in a 5 mile radius of him and it’s so cute I can’t
@angiebug101 + kirishima ejiro — himbo +even bigger himbo. They sound like they‘re on drugs half the time but they love each other. Always taking photos together.
@xetou + aki (chainsaw man) — she broke through him and now he’s stuck with her for life. He doesn’t even know how or when they got together in the first place. Xetou just popped up
@vilbabywritess + bakugou — angry boy with angrier girl. Vil will not hesitate to fuck Bakugou up but they in love I guess.
@lvvrboy + denji (chainsaw man) — seven will fuck over Denji so much he has to fall in love with him. The himbo is so clingy for him is terrifying
@sanemiya + sanemi — angry boy + soft girl. They are legit the “I hate everyone but you” trope and it’s so cute. Miya the only one he listens too with no doubt
@moonlit-xio + p! Denki — it’s the way he’d bully her with love for me. But they would scrap in the streets for some griot no doubt
@kazescartier + genos (opm) — confused bf with chaotic gf. With kaze’s high paced energy she needs someone to mellow her tf out. Genos <3 @myamuraaa + Shindou (Bnha) —flustered sim is the only way to go and shindou has no restraints with that. Also they would come through with the matching fits . @sassi-sunflower + p! Mina — the most chaotic pair ever and I’d love it so much <3
@mads-fairy + kenma — loud gf + quiet bf. Kenma is always so confused on how Maddie has so much energy while after talking to one person he’s drained. But he knows how to settle maddie down
@oikawaplssteponme + hanta sero — they are so flirty and lovey to each other it’s disgusting. They’re are always touching in some way shape or form and kisses are frequent with them
@sobaluvr / @katsupremacy + hitoshi Shinsou — :| + >:) Shinsou is so tired of theo’s antics it hilarious. But like the banter and funny quips? Hand them over to me now!
@fuckasslesbian + p! Bakugou — they’re are menaces to societ when put together. Enough said
@reject-human-return-to-elefante + tenya iida — >:) + :^). They’re a really good match, the right mix of chaos and sameness?? Tenya is so calming for Bat it’s insane. @tododekukisses / @tomiokariceballs + Metal bat — angy couple. They fits? Immaculate ✨✨✨. Will fuck up anyone and everyone. @hvnlymha + shoto todoroki — soft couple ever. They are so cute with each other. Soft kisses and rain shower dates
@miashimaa + denki — the most chaotic, off the hinge, high as fuck couple ever. It‘s a walking dumpster fire and they love it. @vodrea + Reo Mikage — Drea is a clingy mess and Reo loves it. They are so cute together and it’s full of loving looks and kisses @cloudytamaki + tamaki (Bnha) — soft nervous couple. Picnic dates, and late night star watching for them <3 @izukulus + izuku midoriya — match made in heaven. the cottagecore vibes in this are amazing, and they’re so MF cute I can’t @kozumeslove / @kozu-zumi + kenma — soft gf and soft boy >:3. Cat cafe and roller skating dates galore <3 @morosis-haze + neito monoma — asshole + snarky gf. They’d be at each others throat’s 25/8 and it’s so funny to watch it @cubbluv + Mirio — he’s so softtt??? And for what??? Sorry but they’d be a top tier couple @r0manz + yui (Bnha ; class 1b) — it’s legit 😩 + 😐. Roman simps so hard and yui doesn’t know how to react to it. She’s really soft and hate when Roman flirts with anyone else @izukxnnie + Tamaki amajiki — they’d be so cute together. Love letter in lockers and holding pinkies in the hallways omg @rosetheshapeshifter + Bakugou — rose is drop kicking this MF ever, punting him across the fields and having a smaller the entire time @ickyjiki + dabi — the “I hate everyone but you“ trope on clutch with them two. His gaze is softer around Juno and she loves it <3 @ryuvanaka  + denki — friends to lovers trope? Denki is so whipped for yves I can’t. Denki just fizzled out whenever they’re near it’s crazy. @shotos-noodles / @kuroos-ramen + kuroo — the science flirt jokes he would use to try and bag zay. And she’s laughing at his nerdy self. Best couple I say @asaincy + Shoji — Shoji is so nervous around quincy it’s insane. He tries to flirt but it’s so funny. But quincy is so head over heels for him it doesn’t matter. @dollops-of-delusion  + Izuku — Analyst power couple. Delusion knows so much it’s insane and paired with Izu? Off the walls
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papergirllife · 4 years
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Being the right hand women of the most evil man isn’t the normal lifestyle you think you’d had when you were going over career choices, working for Seoul’s very own joker sounds horrifying to others, but not when you had him wrapped around your fingers.
warnings : gruesome scenes (only the beginning), bloodshed  (only the beginning), unprotected sex, slight knife play.
You stood on your ground as guns rang out from all directions, this was a norm for you, flirting with death like it bought no consequences as a bullet barely grazes you when you ducked behind some container, but alas, this was the road that was given to you, no point fighting it, in fact you’ve learned to embrace it, turning yourself into the cold blooded killer you are today.
You looked into the sight scope of your gun, you only had 16 bullets left, but there were around 20 people, you knew you should’ve bought more, guess this would have to do. You took aim at a person’s head, hitting him squarely between the eyes, the gun vibrating against your arm as the gunshot was drowned out by the shouting and maybe a grenade or two. Once you were sure he was down, you opened fire again and again, not giving the enemy a chance of spotting your whereabouts, the warehouse was large, but not enough to make you seem miniscule in the midst of an open fire. You smile at their blur expressions before having a bullet struck onto their head, however, once you ran out of bullets, one of the men ran over to you, his expression livid.
You dropped your gun and took out your hunting knife, the man charged at you, his hand gun aiming at you, like he couldn’t decide on how to finish you off.
“You killed my brother!”
You threw the knife at his armed hand, the gun dropped out his grasp. You withdrew the knife from his wounded arm and proceeded to cut his wrists, legs, and thighs with it, cutting off his arteries, his blood splattering on your clothes as he falls onto his knees, eyes wide with fear.
“Time to join your brother, asshole,” you said before giving his neck a twist, killing him.
You looked around to see that your men have most of the people either killed or tied, but once you let out the breath you were holding in, you spotted a man with a knife charging at someone, your boss, Mr Raion. 
You quickly dashed onto the ground to retrieve the hand gun, shooting at that lunatic, Mr Raion made a hum of approval, followed by a tsk at the man that cowered in front of him. 
“Well done, Y/N,” Mr Raion said before turning to the man on the ground, slitting his throat for all to see.
“Now, time to answer my questions people, now Harley, would you do the honours?”
His Harley, just like the comics, Mr Raion had a Harley. His Harley kills, tortures, and taunts for him. Prancing around like a mad woman as she stuck numerous weapons at places that you wouldn’t want to know as Mr Raion asked questions. You retrieved your gun to clean it, weapons hold sentimental value to you, as it is something you used to attack as well as defend, one of your men handing you a cloth.
“It’s going to take a long time isn’t it, miss?” he asked in an exasperated tone, tired from tonight’s mission.
“I’ll give you 10k if you dare to tell her to stop shrieking like a mad woman,” you said without looking up, knowing that no one would want to interfere her at a moment like this.
“No thank you, miss, being in your team instead of hers is already a blessing,” your right hand man said as he stole a glance at Harley’s men, all wearing weird bunny costumes over their protective gear.
You guys were in for a long night.
Mr Raion, in Japanese, it meant Lion. He truly is the king of Seoul’s underground society, he has cops from little pawns, to big players in the defence ministry, all in his little pocket, making him invincible against the law. Harley, his little toy, is in fact just a toy. They aren’t in love, all of it is just for showbiz, or maybe most of it. You could feel your gaze hardened at the sight of Harley giving Mr Raion a lap dance for all to see midway through her torture session, like a death sentence isn’t painful enough that she has to make it worse by twerking in front of those men before their death, you couldn’t tell what Mr Raion was thinking, since he always had the mask on.
The lot of you were done with the mission in the warehouse, and as celebration, Mr Raion would treat everyone a night of joy by partying, their typical ritual. 
At the club that you specifically asked to clear out before anymore unwanted deaths occur, you gripped your glass of wine hard, before downing the rest of its contents, your hard gaze training on Harley’s hands wandering around Mr Raion’s exposed chest, the top buttons off.
“Harley, Harley, Harley. It’s always her isn’t she? I heard you saved his life tonight, yet you don’t get anything in return,” it was the club owner you’ve known ever since you worked for Mr Raion, Johnny Suh.
“You know I don’t do glitz and glamour, Johnny, nor any public shows, I value my reputation as a woman,” you said before downing the glass.
“Don’t let him hear that, Y/N,” Johnny said in a lowered tone, valuing his life.
“Thanks for letting us trash the place, I’ll be heading out,” you said as you threw a few notes down as tip.
“So early?” Johnny questioned in a shocked tone.
“Yeah, had a long day,” you said before heading out the club, the feeling of someone’s eyes on your back.
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You washed up and got into bed, staring at Seoul’s beautiful skyline, but your mind wanders to the ugliest parts of Seoul, and how you were apart of it. Things always looked prettier from afar, don’t they? You let out a sigh of defeat before crawling into bed, the silk sheets smooth against your skin.
When you were about to drift off to sleep, you felt a pair of arms around your waist as kisses were peppered on your neck, the drowsiness fading away from the touch.
“Why did you leave so early? You look so beautiful today. I wanted to stare at you more,” the man said in a husky tone.
“Fuck off, Yuta. Go look for your Harley.”
Yuta climbed on top of you, caging you in his arms, his head laid on your shoulder, his gentle breathing sending shivers down your spine.
“You know we’re nothing. I wouldn’t have her around if it isn’t to protect you.”
That was true, Yuta only hired Harley to mask your presence, just like the mask on his face. To other people in the underground society, you were just one of Yuta’s men, and nothing more. That was how it was initially, until the two of you fell in love when the two of you were accidentally trapped in the hide out by one of the rookies, but that didn’t matter now, as your emotions swirled and bubbled under your skin dangerously. 
“Go, go get that lap dance that you were enjoying so much.”
Yuta’s gaze hardened under your obvious jealousy, it wasn’t the first time he dealt with this type of out burst from you, and it wouldn’t be the last either, just look into your closet and you’ll be able to see mountains of jewelleries and handbags, most of them are tokens of apology from Yuta.
“What about you and Johnny, huh? Do I need to kill him? Or ask you to kill him? To Prove me your loyalty.”
Yuta was looking at you straight in the eye, both of you having the death glare at each other.
“All these years being beside you is enough proof,” you said before reaching under your pillow, drawing out a knife, pointing it right at Yuta’s throat. “I could kill Seoul’s biggest criminal right now if I wanted to. Don’t test me, Yuta.”
Yuta looked into your eyes as he lowered your hand from his throat, his eyes switched from hard to soft within seconds, he could feel this wasn’t light banter anymore, you were truly angry today, and he knew how dangerous you could get if he was to burst your temper. 
“I’m sorry, tonight was indeed a bit overboard, I’ll have a talk with her tomorrow,” Yuta said as he took the knife out of your hands, placing it on your nightstand, his other hand pushing back stray hairs on your face, his touch gentle.
“Let me make it up to you, my queen.”
Yuta kissed you deeply, his tongue sinking into your wet cavern once you allowed him access as his hands wander down south, taking your nipples into his lithe fingers, pinching and twisting, your back bending upwards into his will. You bit onto his bottom lip hard, drawing out a groan from the handsome man above you, breaking off the kiss.
“You know I love it when you do that,” Yuta said breathlessly before he took the knife from the nightstand, slicing your nightgown from collar to the hem, the blade touching your skin gently.
“So beautiful, my love.”
You reached up to take off Yuta’s clothes, his perfectly sculptured body coming into view, the feeling of moisture in between your legs making you greedy for more. Once his pants and boxers were off, you reached up and took his length inside your mouth, clouding Yuta’s head with pleasurable ecstasy, but he gently pulled your head away from him.
“No, Y/N, tonight’s all about you. I’ll let you take me another time, okay?”
You nodded, lying back down on your bed with hooded eyes, those dangerous eyes that send blood down Yuta’s length. Yuta spread open your legs, and placed his mouth at your lower lips, licking at your slit, tasting your sweet nectar on his tongue.
“You taste so sweet, love,” Yuta said as he scissors you open with two fingers, his fingers sucked in by your welcoming walls, he could feel himself getting harder as he imagined how nice his cock would feel in your warm wet walls. Yuta held your entrance open with two fingers as his tongue ventured into you, the difference in texture and temperature making you whimper, it’s been so long since he last touched you this way.
Yuta ate you out with much fevour, his nose bumping your clit as he ate you out like a starved man, fingers mixing into the play, making your hands curl around his beautiful locks of hair, egging him to go harder and faster. Yuta took this as a good sign, increasing the pace of his fingers and tongue, tightening the knot in your stomach, once he sensed how close you were, Yuta opened his mouth wider, gently biting onto your clit, unravelling the knot in your stomach.
You could only scream when your high hit you so suddenly, Yuta’s name flowing out off your lips like a beautiful mantra, a melody Yuta would never get bored of. Yuta continued his ministrations to help you ride out your high as well as cleaning up your juices, licking at your pussy as his eyes fixed on your beautiful fucked out face, proud of his achievement.
“Can you take more? Or do you want to rest?” Yuta asked you as he kissed your forehead.
“I want more,” you said you pulled Yuta by his arms, drawing him close to you as you craved for his warmth.
Yuta gave his cock a few pumps before rubbing its head at your slit, coating his dick in your juices before pushing in completely, fitting inside you like a glove.
“Fuck, how are you always so tight.”
“Maybe it’s because you don’t touch me enough,” you answered breathlessly just to spike him. Yuta let out a laugh at your snark remark, “ You asked for it, baby. Don’t hold back on your words when I do just as you say.”
Yuta lifted up your legs and curled them around his waist before pulling out almost completely just to snap back his hips against yours, your back arching at the immense pleasure that coursed through your veins, your nails scratching down Yuta’s arms as he keeps up with the hard and fast pace, his face contorted in a mix of focus and pleasure as he chases for both your highs.
Every thrust of his hips sends you further over the edge as his length hits your sweet spot. Yuta is so familiar with your body that he quickly finds your sweet spot every time he touches you, bringing you your pleasurable downfall quickly. Yuta takes a nipple into his mouth as he pushes into you deeper, making you take him whole, before resuming to his quick shallow thrusts, both paces making you head spin and walls tighten around him as your orgasm grows nearer.
“Yuta, please, more,” you said in the heat of the moment, impatient for your high as you pushed your hips back onto his, developing a pace to match his, the sudden movement making Yuta clench his teeth in pleasure, his neck thrown back as the pleasure washes over him, making him more desperate for release. Yuta picks your legs up to thrusts into you at a higher angle that allows him to go even faster. Sounds of skin slapping skin filling your whole room as well as the loud bangs of your bed frame against the wall, if the whole penthouse wasn’t yours, you’d be receiving complaints by now.
“Cum for me, Y/N. I want to cum inside of you,” Yuta said as he reached a hand down to rub circles on your clit, sending you over the edge. The way your walls were clenching down on Yuta’s length as well as the sting he felt from your nails on his arms brought Yuta his sweet release with a cry of your name, the pace of his hips slowing down to ride out both of your highs.
You cooed at the feeling of his warm spurts of cum painting your walls, his length going limp inside of you. Yuta collapses beside you with him still being inside you as he pulls you closer into his embrace, fatigue settling into both your bodies.
“I love you, Y/N. And it’ll always only be you,” Yuta said breathlessly as he laid on your breasts, the feeling of your soft mounds so addictive on his cheeks.
“Mhm, I love you too, Yuta,” you said before drifting off to sleep, barely registering the movements on your bed when Yuta pulled you into his arms, a feather light kiss on your temple.
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jostenneil · 3 years
do you have any dc fic recs?
a few! mostly batfam related at present
and flings an oath, but says no more / this is a little canon divergence thing where war games doesn’t happen and steph doesn’t die, instead it’s more her coming into her role as a well deserved accomplice to bruce and the fam. i think half of the bat boys are evil tho but that’s a minor detail and the premise overall is fun
give and take / this is a really sweet and clever batcat fic that i think paints their dynamic and banter as vigilantes versus as normal people so well like the humor of it all is divine and it’s fun to see bruce manage to be charming and awkward at the same time
a different type of worldview / a wally centric fic about how being a father both impacts and evolves his perspective on heroism. it’s subtle but touching and i think my favorite part of it is the interspersed text convos between wally and linda where they go bonkers over their beautiful speed demon children
some days / a short introspective fic from damian’s perspective wherein he compares gotham and his old life on the island and realizes that there’s parts of his childhood that weren’t all that bad (i think it’s a bit of a fix-it attempt in that sense)
don’t take the money / this is a canon divergence au meta thing that operates off of the versions of bruce, talia, and harvey that exist within the btas canon and makes their lives intersect in very interesting ways. it’s hard to explain but i love the atmosphere and melancholy of it all like it’s a nice noir piece i think
last word wisdom better get some even too late / a take on jason’s resurrection in vein of the antigone myth and anne carson’s take on it via her infamous work antigonick. the piece is written like a stage play of sorts esp towards the end and i just think it’s a nice representation of what the moral grays and ambiguities of his character should have reflected had they been written by someone. . . smarter lol
make monsters of men / lost days canon divergence where jason does in fact kill the joker. i enjoyed a lot of the wordplay
where do your roots begin (and where do your roots end) / fic that allows a little more humanization of the talia that raises damian and asks some questions about what it means to deserve, and what damian’s two legacies entail for him in the future
dick’s in peril, jason saves him, and then the games begin / fic written by my beloved doaa that explores a scenario wherein jason meets dick as robin when the latter is injured on a mission, and then figures out robin is dick grayson thereafter. some of the exposition really goes for the jugular and makes me weepy
serious / bruce lands himself in a pickle and ends up being truth serumed. talia saves him. they banter. it’s a run of the mill thing for them and that’s what makes it all the more romantic. i just love their easy dialogue with each other and how bruce is almost. . . boyish with her. hopeful. not as rough around the edges
all the roofs of uncertainty / ok. listen. i know most people hate the version of dick who calls jason “little wing” and like i Truly get it and do think it’s a bit of a fantasy created by the batfam agenda in comics, but. this fic gets so meta and it navigates so many interesting conversations through jason when dick ends up in a coma and the former is meeting all of these people cycling in and out of the hospital ward so i just. love it a lot like it’s a labor of love yknow
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