#badass Alfred pennyworth
confused-wanderer · 2 years
How would Jason react, or even know about Bruce nearly killing the joker?
He doesn’t hear it from Damian, Dick nor Barbara. It’s only when a few years have passed and relations between Bruce and him slowly start cooling that he starts being able to return to the Manor more often without feeling pangs of guilt, longing, nostalgia and overall the Lazarus Pit screaming to be let out.
However, he isn’t dumb. Whenever he complains to Tim about how Tim’s been treated better and loved more than he was, he’s quick to notice how Tim’s jaw tenses, with fingers spastic as if they wanted to curl into fists. Nor does he miss what Tim whispers under his breath twenty minutes later.
If only you knew..
Bruce keeps trying to make amends, tries engaging with him face to face before a few bullets got the message across and he retreated. But Jason could still feel him waiting, hovering, for the signal to light up and let him know he was needed.
He could go to hell though.. Every single time he looked at Bruce he felt safe, followed by fierce anger burning through his veins. He hated that he felt at ease when Bruce entered. Hated that he almost fell back into their old banter. Hated that he missed him. Hated that he still trusted him.
Hated that he still loved him.
One night, after giving Bruce the cold shoulder the entire time and watching in satisfaction as Bruce’s shoulder slumped in defeat, he felt the sudden need to comfort him. He’s the batman, he chided himself. If he could get over your death, he can get over this.
Standing out on the balcony, he never spoke to the presence already there.
“Master Jason..”
“Hey Alfred, it’s pretty cold out you sure you’d be fine?”
“I’ve faced worse winters.”
Jason sighed. That old man always had an air of expectancy around him, just like when he was robin, like a mother waiting for their child to tell them what they did wrong.
“What do you want?”
“I want to know what the bloody hell you think you’re doing?”
That caught Jason’s attention. Hatred and stoic ness quickly melted and all he could do was stare at him in shock.
“Why are you tormenting him?”
“Are you fucking kidding me??-“ “Language master Jason.”
“Alfred. You were there.”
“There was nothing master Bruce could do to save you-”
Shoulders slumped, he looked down.
“He replaced me.” Jason whispered. “He didn’t even wait till my body was cold he just fucking went ahead and replaced me. Even after knowing I died, he still put another child in that suit, MY suit! And then, HE DIDNT EVEN AVENGE ME!! He just took Joker back to Arkham, which is basically just like a vacation for him, and LEFT. After all these-”
A shivering cold current of electricity ran through his body and he could feel the Lazarus Pit rising, making his body grow colder by the second.
“After all this time.. he never did anything.” Jason muttered. “So yeah, not only was knowing I was dead for four years a slap to the face.. but to come back home to find another kid in my room and business as usual? As if I never existed? That just made me realise I didn’t matter.”
The tea cup in Alfred’s hands was shaking, and a wave of concern overtook Jason. He was about to reach a hand out to steady it when Alfred put the cup down, sighed and looked at the moon.
“Master Bruce never gave Robin to Tim. I did.”
“.. Come again?”
“I gave it to him myself. After you died.. he was a shell of himself. He started pushing himself more, brutalising criminals to the point of hospitalisation. After you died.. a big part of him did too. He refused to be around people, friends, to be happy, to eat. He was punishing himself for your death by refusing to live. And I never forgot you either my boy.. Every night for months I stood by the windows, staying awake and looking outside..hoping to catch a glimpse of you. For the first time in my life I prayed for you to be beaten and bruised, but alive. Locked myself in your room, in your memories, as if standing over your bed was guarding you even in death..Master Bruce missed you so much he played tapes of your missions, just to hear your laugh.”
The older man shook his head and refused to look at him.
“He rejected Tim, but I couldn’t watch him destroy himself. I’d already lost one son..” Alfred paused, looking at Jason with such fondness and pain. “ I wasn’t going to lose another.”
A long pause lingered in the air, and Jason could hear his heart racing as it processed what he’d heard.
“As for Joker,” Jason looked up, and saw the most terrifying scowl he’d ever seen before, with eyes filled with hatred and a craving for retribution.
“Jason Bruce almost killed him too. Like you said, I was there. I was always there. He had chas- hunted Joker down, torturing him slowly and violently until the air was thick with his screams. How every bone was shattered, with so much blood you couldn’t even tell the tiles underneath were white.”
Alfred closed his eyes, and Jason couldn’t help feel that though he was remembering the scene, he was also reveling in it. “His body shattered, smile gone replaced with pain and the howls of misery that he emitted that night.. alas-”
“He didn’t kill him.”
Alfred’s eyes bore into his, and reflected the darkness of the shimmering sky.
“You’re not hearing me. He damn well nearly did. There are things worse than death in this world and Bruce made sure to make Joker feel every single.one. But Superman.. heard him. He heard the roars of fury and grief, and stopped him. All while Bruce stood over the broken body of what once was human. All while muttering your name over and over again, like it was a prayer that kept him grounded. With every hit he took, with every ounce of pain he delivered, he did it with your name on his lips.”
They both just stood there.. shadows in fading moonlight as the noises of life started waking the world with their song.
“Unfortunately, his voice was recorded on one of those surveillance cameras. Tim wiped it, but we kept one copy.. and though the footage is corrupted, the sound is crystal clear.”
Alfred hesitated, before gently cupping Jason’s hands and placing a cold weight on them.
“I hope you never hear it..my boy. I’d rather you burnt it. But if you want to hear the raw truth.. I wanted you to have proof.”
Sunlight burst through the horizon, and with it came the dawn of a new time.
Jason heard the tape as soon as he left.
And burnt it right after.
Alfred was right.
All he had heard were the guttural cries of a broken man..
A father, grieving for his son.
Jason finding out Dick killed joker post:
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Imagine: Bruce gets the ability to see people's kill counts
He's not surprised to see that Damian's and Jason's are pretty high.
He's not surprised to see that Dick's is pretty low, for a vigilante.
He's shocked to see that Tim's is way higher than he'd thought (he would be asking about that later...).
He faints when he sees Alfred's.
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razzledazzle0 · 1 month
Alfred the wise
Bruce just randomly one day: huh I wonder where Jason got half of his violent tendencies from?
Meanwhile Alfred with baby!Jason:
Alfred: Ok master Jason, what do we do when someone is threatening us?
Baby!Jason: We tell them to back off!
Alfred: and if they don't listen?
Cue Jason's manical baby laughter: We shoot them!
Alfred: very good my boy!, never tell your father, why?
Baby!Jason: Because snitches end up in ditches!
Alfred: ah I raised you so well
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galacticrainbowsaz · 9 months
Jason: Look kid, maybe if you're killed and revived, you'll understand why I do what I do
Ash: *visible confusion* But I've died multiple times and not once come back wanting to kill people
Jason: *confused and concerned* Wha-
Ash: Oh wait! No, that was an evil spirit possessing me, not me.. Yeah, no. No murderous intent yet
Jason: *visible distress*
20 minutes later
Bruce: J-Jason?!
Jason: Yo. Anyway, I've decided to stop killing and I got you a gift
Bruce: ??
Jason: *lifting Ash by his armpits* Enjoy!
Ash: Hi! What Pokémon do you have?
Alfred: *goes back to bed*
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owlwithanapple · 5 months
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 1
Late at night, you stand alone on a high tower somewhere in Gotham City and look around. It is said the sky in this city always overcast at night, and you can feel the cold wind blowing. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can’t believe the city is so dark and cold at night.
The environment here is completely opposite to the place you live in. Before you immigrated to Gotham City, you lived in Tokyo, Japan. The city you live in is prosperous because of political management, public security management and economic development.
Compared with Gotham City, dark, scary and complicated. How warm and beautiful the city you used to live in is, and there is always a sense of safety and comfort late at night. But Gotham City is surrounded by weird and Gothic buildings, forming a huge contrast and chaotic atmosphere.
This weird and dark Gotham City is listed as one of the cities with the highest crime rate. On TV, the news channel always reports about the content involved in this city and some dangerous information, such as Joker, Penguin, Harley Quinn, etc.
Because of the experience given by your previous work, you know very well no matter where, there will be similar experiences and commonalities. But there will never be a lack of bright and beautiful images, and countless dirt hidden in the dark alleys.
One day, a righteous man dressed as Batman transformed into the Dark Knight and fight criminals for the city appeared in Gotham City. Because of his existence, the Bat Signal can be seen in the sky every night, as if he is promoting his own ideas.
Since he became a righteous Dark Knight to fight criminals, he has become a spiritual idol in people's hearts and a source of fear in the hearts of criminals, making his desire to stop evil more stronger.
In Gotham City, in addition to Batman fighting criminals, there are other superheroes such as Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, etc. who are also maintaining the safety of the city.
You sit idly on the edge of the roof, with your hands on your thighs, shaking your legs at the empty space, looking up at the Gotham City that is already full of chaos at night.
Seeing a person sitting on the roof of a high tower building, the first thing think of is someone is going to jump off to commit suicide. But you are definitely not trying to do something stupid. You are different. The fact that you can casually run to the rooftop in the middle of the night shows that you are not an ordinary person.
Because of your previous work and some reasons, you were forced to immigrate to this dark city. In the morning, you finally packed your things. Tonight is your first time to spend the night freely in this city.
Now you should be an unemployed vagrant. Although you have not been removed from the list, you have been exiled here by the "organization" after all. The more you think about it, the angrier you get. You were exiled to a strange city because of different beliefs, but you still have to thank the "organization" for supporting you with funding.
You are leisurely and bored. You hum a sweet song in a low voice and shake your head slightly. You are intoxicated in the song then hear the faint footsteps approaching you step by step. You stop humming the song.
The person approaching you stops, you glance back. A tall black figure and a shorter child standing next to him are standing behind you. You vaguely guess who they are.
You remain calm and composed, your face is covered by the fox mask but you still smile. Although they can't see, you cross your hands in front of chest and say "What a beautiful night, everyone."
The tall black figure keeps a distance from you, but from your observation, he is very wary of you. He is wearing a mask, you can't see his eyes, only his lips. He is silent then blurts out "Who are you? What are you doing here?"
You stamp your feet and think about how to answer his question, but no excuse can cover up the fact that you are suspicious, it doesn't make sense that you trespassed into this high tower and sit on the roof in the middle of the night. "I said I came here for a walk, would you believe it?"
The little guy standing next to him holds a katana, with a smile that seems very confident. Your intuition tells you that can't underestimate him. Even if he is a kid, his sword holding method and posture are not ordinary, but a skilled posture.
You noticed the little guy looking you up and down, perhaps he was waiting for his chance, he tightened the grip of his katana, seemingly ready to strike you "TT, you lie without thinking."
He pulled out his katana and pointed at you. You stayed still, hands still in front of your chest, breathing kept balanced, but stopped stamping your feet, tried not to make any unnecessary movements. This was a lesson taught by the "Organization".
When he was about to pounce on you with the katana, the black figure blocked the little guy with his hands in front of him. The little guy immediately stopped and looked at the black figure. At this time, the little guy was confused why stop him.
The black figure looked at the little guy as if giving some instructions. The little guy seemed to understand his intention and put the katana away walked to the side to look at you, while the black figure looked at you and said, "I am Batman. What about you?"
You finally heard the black figure say his title in person. He is Batman. The real person is right in front of you. It feels so cool. You noticed the little guy beside you frowned and looked impatient. "Hello, Batman. It's a beautiful night. Bring your kids to see the night view?"
When the little guy heard you say he was a "kid", his sharp ears immediately stood up, walked towards you with a red face and anger. His attitude towards you was enough to prove he was a kid with a strong self-esteem. This time, Batman did not stop him.
Realizing that you said the wrong thing, he can fight criminals and work with Batman, he is not an ordinary child. It is embarrassing to apologize at this time. He points his index finger at you and says, "Listen, I am Robin. Not a kid! Bitch!"
You feel bad when you hear him use the word "bitch", but he is just a kid. But not an ordinary child, Robin has rich combat experience and skill training.
Seeing him, recall that you were strictly trained in the "Organization" before. You were still 8 years old. No one showed mercy in the sparring battle. Until now, you have become an independent person at the age of 20, but you have been exiled by the "Organization".
Maybe you are not the person in their idealism. You have opposite beliefs and ideas from them. The result is your value judgment.
Robin noticed that you were in a state of vacant thoughts. He looked at Batman in confusion and tried to ask him what to do. Batman just stared at you expressionlessly, waiting for your reaction.
When you were in a daze, Robin slowly approached you, trying to touch you to wake you up. Subconsciously, you came back to your senses and grabbed his index finger with your hand. "Whoops, sorry. I was just in a daze."
Since the two of them have introduced themselves, you can't be rude. You let go of Robin's hand. With your right hand, you put your middle finger and ring finger together and press them on your thumb, and lift your index finger and pinky finger to form a fox shape. "Hello, my name is Kitsune, you can also call me Fox."
You put your hand into the pocket of your long sleeves and took out a flash bomb. They immediately stepped back and got ready for the fight, but you didn't want to kill people in vain. You just wanted to leave here.
You threw a flash bomb into the air, it flashed a dazzling light. Batman and Robin subconsciously used their cloaks to block their sight. When they put down and opened their eyes, you were gone.
Robin ran to the edge and looked down at the 40-story building. There was no trace of you. Batman stood aside and looked around. There was indeed no trace of you. The two of them confirmed that you were gone, Robin was surprised and swallowed his saliva. "That bitch really disappeared."
Batman listened to Robin's words but didn't respond. He was actually thinking, and confused about how you did it. You disappeared just a few seconds after the flash of light, leaving no trace.
The two of them looked for your trace everywhere, but there was no clue. In desperation, they had to retreat temporarily. In fact, you just used some trick to deceive them.
After you return home, take off your mask, place it on the table, remove all your equipment, put them in the closet, close the closet and see the mirror reflecting your naked body. You gently touch each scar, which are the marks of your becoming a "ninja" and the medal of your success.
You don't hate these scars all over your body. Although the scars are deeply engraved on your body, you are very happy, even grateful to have them. This is proof that you have survived, you have experienced the test of the "organization" to prove yourself.
"Kitsune..." You muttered in front of the mirror, code name, the name you used when you were a ninja. But now you are Y/N L/N, just an ordinary woman with ninja abilities.
The Batcave at this time—
The Batcave is Batman's command center, where he monitors all crisis points in Gotham City and the world. It is usually located beneath Wayne Manor and is part of a large group of underground caves.
Batman is replaying the surveillance video with Robin to see the footage of you and conversation. In order to catch your clues and find out your purpose, no clue can be easily let go.
Alfred came to the Batcave and saw the two of them busy watching the video. He carefully made two cups of hot drinks and placed it in front of them. "Master Bruce, Master Damian, take a rest."
Batman stopped the work, leaned back the chair, gently massaged his eyes with his hands. When he saw the hot drink in front of him, he took it up and took a sip. "Alfred, what do you think of the people in the surveillance video?"
Alfred looked at the screen, put his hand on chin and rubbed it gently. You didn't attack them, nor did you commit a crime. You just sat on the edge and stared blankly. "Hmm, it's harmless at the moment."
Robin finished the hot drink and asked Alfred for a refill. Alfred filled the cup with the hot drink and handed it to him again. Robin took the cup and complained to the big screen, "I will definitely catch her next time."
Alfred looked at Master Bruce who was distressed and Master Damian who was complaining. He thought about what he could do to help. He suddenly suggested, "Why not ask Master Tim?"
Batman looked at Alfred. It was indeed a good suggestion. Perhaps Tim had a way to solve this problem. After all, it was he who deduced that Batman was Bruce Wayne. He had a strong reasoning ability. "I will contact Tim later.
Robin listened to what Batman and Alfred said then left the Batcave with a "TT". Alfred put the cup back on the tray prepared to leave. "Master Bruce, I want to ask you. Why didn't you take her down on the spot?"
Batman thought about it realized he could have taken her down, as Robin was also there at the time. But facing you who showed no hostility and showed no intention to escape or kill, he was confused. "I want to confirm who she is? Is she righteous or evil. That's all."
Before leaving, Alfred bowed to Batman's back. "I understand, Master Bruce. I'll leave first."
After Alfred left, Batman was left alone in the Batcave. He thought about Alfred's suggestion and called Red Robin who was on patrol. "I need your help with something."
Red Robin stayed in the alley talk to Batman and understand the ins and outs of the matter. He vaguely guessed he was distressed and confused. "I understand. See you in the afternoon ."
After saying that, he hung up the call. When Red Robin left the alley and went to a higher place to continue patrolling, he ran into Nightwing who was talking gossip and Red Hood was having snacks.
Nightwing waved to Red Robin and invited him to have supper together. Red Hood took off his helmet started to eat hamburgers, and handed Red Robin two fries, "I'll treat you."
Red Robin looked at the two fries in Red Hood's hand and speechless. As the "older brother", he only shared fries with his "younger brother", but he still took it and put it in his mouth to chew.
"Hey hey hey." Nightwing handed Red Robin a bag with hot coffee, hamburgers and fries. "I didn't forget to buy your share." After saying that, he continued to eat.
Red Hood finished eating, crumpled the wrapping paper into a ball, threw it into the bag, and then found a trash can to throw it away later. He opened the cap of the soda bottle and started to drink. When he was halfway through, he put down and ask "Bruce looking for you?"
Red Robin, who was drinking coffee and addicted to caffeine, put down the cup immediately after hearing it. He looked at the other two, and nodded after a moment of silence, "Yes, meet at the manor in the afternoon ."
After listening to Red Robin, Nightwing nodded to indicate that he could, Red Hood drank up the soda and threw it into the bag, "I can't. My motorcycle needs maintenance tomorrow, don't count me in."
"Are you serious?" Nightwing asked him seriously. After all, he didn't want Bruce and Jason to have a hard time. Although the two did have bad memories in the past, Jason was very defensive against people, and that incident also left a shadow on his life.
Red Hood stood up, wiped his mouth, put on his helmet, took a bag of garbage, and held the door handle to indicate that he was leaving, leaving Red Robin and Nightwing sitting there. He thought about it and said, "Let's see, if I finish my work early." Then he left.
Nightwing knew Bruce and Jason had a rough time. The past experience and feelings led to the current collapse, but sometimes, both sides had mutual trust and cooperation.
Seeing Red Robin's self-blaming expression, Nightwing put his hand on his shoulder to comfort. Tim became Robin after Jason died. During that time, everyone had a hard time, including Tim, of course.
Being Robin is a very proud thing. It is very cool to fight criminals with Batman. Of course, there are always crises, just like Jason's death, which has become one of everyone's shadows.
"Although that guy is bad-mouthed, he is still trustworthy." Nightwing comforted the frustrated Red Robin, hoping he and Jason would not have a quarrel again.
"I know, thank you, Dick." Red Robin smiled again and continued to drink coffee. The caffeine he couldn't quit became a source of energy, making him more motivated and confident.
Do you hope there will be Chapter 2?
Leave a comment to let me know 😁
Other Chapter
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
AU: Alfred Pennyworth
TW: death, suicide mention, murder
Alfred is an extremely talented former SIS agent who used to use his theater performances as an alias for undercover work. After the death of his father, he follows the man's wishes to become a butler for the Wayne family. He prides himself on his decorum, trained skills for being a butler, and his weapons handling. His ability to rear a child was... lacking, but Alfred learned how to balance his responsibilities as guardian and employee.
If a few threats to Bruce growing up suddenly disappeared or stopped, surely Alfred would have no knowledge of why. He'd thank the spirits of Martha and Thomas Wayne for their intervention since the butler was too busy with [task] to have been the one to have dealt with it.
Alfred is pained by Bruce's decision to don a bat suit, but he, for the most part, doesn't interfere. He allows Bruce to throw himself into danger despite how it pains Alfred to watch that.
Then Master Bruce brings home a kid from the circus.
To say Alfred was nervous about Master Dick joining the Master Bruce on the streets was an understatement. Still, it was not Alfred's place to interfere.
Then Master Bruce brings home another young lad.
Master Jason joins his family in their fight against crime.
Then they lose him.
Alfred's grief and his refusal to lose his son are the only reasons he doesn't assemble his favored Remington and eradicate the moster who took his grandson. As much as it pained the older gentleman, Bruce needed Alfred to refrain. The butler could not add the dilemma of a family member murdering someone to the younger man's shoulders.
This time, when a young lad wears bright colors to save Gotham, it is not at the behest of Master Bruce. In fact, for the first handful of months, Master Tim continues in spite of Master Bruce's discouragement. This is what saves his son from the suicidal path he was keen on taking.
Alfred, once the family finally seemed to be on the mend, often contemplates whether it's time to finally put the clown down for good. Scared of rocking the boat too much, Alfred once again refrains.
Then Master Jason returns.
It's pure chaos for a bit as the family tries to navigate all of the pain they've caused each other and the tension of their circumstances. It's certainly not an easy task, particularly due to the constant upheavals. The continuous change of people in their life (those who arrive, those who return, and those who leave forever) certainly don't help. Even though the situation is not ideal, Alfred welcomes the new children of Wayne Manor.
Then Alfred loses his son.
The older man will admit he doesn't handle the situation as well as he should have. He knew, after rough patrols and missions, that it was a possibility that his son would leave before him. Still, a part of Alfred had always denied its plausibility. Surely, after the deaths of Martha and Thomas, the world would not be cruel enough to force Alfred to bury his son.
It was.
The remaining family fell into despair, clashed, and then splintered to differing corners of the world. Alfred could only hold onto two of his grandchildren. It was an adjustment, but they managed.
Then Master Tim, in a whirlwind of his own making, brought Bruce back to Alfred once more.
This is where Alfred's restraint crumbles. With all of his family home once more, the older man swears to maintain this status no matter what Master Bruce has to say about his methods.
It's been decades since Alfred was the renowned spy with a penchant for trouble. He maintained some of his contacts but otherwise faded to obscurity. His reputation, or at least his code name, is still whispered by newer and older recruits. He was terrifying, and his success rate was impossible. There's a reason he had to fight for his retirement and that the Royal family holds him in high regard.
Alfred may not be as spry as he once was, but every single limb of his will snap before any member of his family is taken again.
The older man is ready to strike the next threat that appears. While he lies in wait, he'll continue doting on his charges.
Or, I want more Alfred characterization of John Wick and Kingsman combined
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bruciemilf · 2 years
" Keanu reeves should be Batman" you fools; you witless Clowns. He should be Alfred Pennyworth
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feelingbat-ty · 9 months
Also let me know what situation you imagined this happening. Like how did this ‘free tattoo’ opportunity arise???
I did originally base my question on the scenario where your getting a tattoo and the artist goes ‘hey? Ya want a free tattoo?
But I had a sudden image of a random man leaning out of an alleyway and being like ‘yo kid? Ya want a free tat?’
So I’m curious to see what other people imagined lol
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dizzyspice717 · 11 months
So it’s probably in a niche comic or tv episode somewhere but how in the hell was the bat cave made?
Did Bruce and Alfred do all the heavy lifting and electrical work themselves?? Did they hire a handyman and then after it was done Alfred just fucking shot him??
Like, the person who put together the bat cave would know all the secrets so I can’t imagine it being a large group of people that they just let live and roam free???
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martyrbat · 2 years
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detective comics #464
[ID: Bruce Wayne home at his penthouse apartment. He's wrapped in a red robe and has his hand in the pocket as he internally reflects. He gazes out to the city horizon from his balcony as Alfred approaches him with a tray. He informs Bruce, “I checked with the hospital, sir — and the man from Paris, the man Black Spider shot —is dead!” Bruce remorses, “Killings, Alfred, I should have stopped somehow! This isn't an ordinary case where I'm trying to find a murderer — it's something far worse!” Alfred gently prompts, “May I suggest, sir — that it is your wound talking! Does it pain you very much?” Alfred is speaking in reference to Bruce getting shot in the shoulder, beatened with the end of a shotgun, almost getting hit with a plane, and getting into several fights to track down the above mentioned assassin.
Bruce sits down and brings his hand up to hold his throbbing shoulder. He answers, “Like a leaden knife twisting and twisting, Alfred! Still, I've fought with worse wounds! Slinky's gunshot didn't kill me — and in this business, it's enough to simply survive!” Bruce takes a tea cup and looks at it with a heavy frown. Alfred worriedly slips a pillow behind Bruce's back as he begs, “Enough talk, sir! You need your strength! Please, eat something!” END ID]
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wrensgeekyvibes · 1 year
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Zsasz and Alfred
This scene right here is the best, and I am so upset that we never got Zsasz and Alfred going on a mission together to do a badass thing. The mutual respect they have for each other here is fantastic. It also doesn't hurt that they are both phenomenal in their own right.
(I strangely ship it)
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sunnycanwrite · 1 year
Being a superhero is more than putting in a mask, and fighting bad guys. It's not just swinging through the city. It'd als being the person behind the heroes. The guy in the chair as Ned Leeds would put it. Some of the most powerful heroes are the ones behind super screens. Who run comms, patch up wounds, go through files, and security footage. Those who could single handed hack the justice league. Who can still beat the hell out of a villain if needed.
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tesalicious2 · 2 years
Jason has always been exceptionally talented with firearms, even as Robin. While Dick is great with his Escrima sticks, Tim with his Bow staff, and Damian with his sword, Jason always has guns.
All of the Batfam lily know how to use and disarm them, but Jason always loved using them. Bruce taught him the very basics, but Jason went to Alfred to learn more. Alfred was very excited to teach him and the backyard quickly became a shooting range.
He was very into them and willing to learn ANYTHING, so Alfred taught him to snipe, hunt small and large game, moving targets with a rifle and shotgun, use different sized revolvers that he has trouble lifting, and dual shooting.
(Alfred also taught him to use a crossbow and different swords found across the manor. When asked about how he knew all of this, he just smiled and told Jason ‘I’ve lived a long life, and I’ve crossed paths with many who lived shorter ones. (This was the most information Antione has ever got out of Alfred and Heading takes pride in that.))
In simulations that have scores, Jason scores ok, but go to the shooting range and he has the top score. Not just the top score, but he beat everyone by a long shot.
Like, Bruce is third with 7500, Alfred has 20000 (he was a spy so duh) and Jason has 25000.
He’s also great with a bow too, since Roy taught him the basics. He is good with knives and a kusarigama (I think?), it’s a long string/thin rope with a spike/knife on the end.
Basically the more lethal weapons that could be found in Crime Alley. He just never used them as Robin bc they were too dangerous.
To this day, he’s beaten the score but the old ones haven’t been beat. His Robin scare is 25000 but his Red Hood score is 75000.
Everyone tries to beat it but when they can’t, it’s suddenly not a competition anymore.
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tracidant · 1 year
For the prompt Alfred faked his death
(Which is infinitely better than Bane & Thomas Wayne killing him, which I do not accept.)
He did it because his enemies had found him. He had to protect his family. They'd been through so much and he hated it, but it was the only way.
He'd be back when he could, but for now, he had to leave. He had to get to the root of this new evil that was after him and finish it once and for all. This wasn't something his family could help with anyway. They couldn't follow.
For he had to go to another realm. One they didn't even know existed. Perhaps when he got back, and he WOULD be back, he would tell them the truth.
Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth was a 4,000 year old fae warrior.
He and several other warriors from his clan had agreed to leave the Fairy Realms to protect certain special people across time and space. For reasons he wasn't even sure of, Bruce Wayne was especially important for the future of the multiverse.
At first, it was a job. He was told to befriend Thomas Wayne and Martha Kane, and ensure that they lived long enough to have a child together. He found that they were warriors in their own right, and he respected them both immensely. Befriending them was no longer a job, but a gift.
When Bruce was born, he knew he would protect this child with his life, even without the vow he'd made years before. His powers were different on this world, and he usually ended up relying on his wits instead.
In that alley, on that fateful night, there was little he could do, but extend a protective shield around Bruce. He would never forgive himself for not being strong enough to save his friends, but their child would be safe. It was all he could do.
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blue1lotus · 4 months
A Batman TV show where every new season we get a different Robin, and each season focuses on that Robin trying, desperately, to fill a mantle only their predecessor could fill. Each wanting and hoping for their father’s approval assuming they could never fill the shoes of the previous Robin.
A Batman TV show where Bruce Wayne is the most compassionate man you have ever met with. Who tries to find common ground between himself and the villains he faces. Who knows what it’s like to have bad days and genuinely wants to better the people he fights every night.
A Batman TV show where Alfred Pennyworth is the wholesome, snarky, and badass (grand) father we know he is. He is never in any mortal danger because even Joker knows what that man is capable of.
A Batman TV show where we see our emotional support characters come to life in a way that only the most accurate comics can describe.
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haveihitanerve · 18 days
Alfred Pennyworth is to Blame
Okay first- let me start this by saying I love Alfred Pennyworth. He is the one who raised the great Bruce Wayne, hes a badass, and hes a killer Grandfather. But thats just it. He’s a good grandfather. Not a good father. I see so many people giving Bruce shit for how he treats his kids and then praise alfred as the savior, the only good responsible adult in the world, the one who should have taken all the kids and left Bruce because he ruined them and Alfred would have done better. But thats not true. I fully believe all of the kids would have suffered under just Alfred’s care because, well, he doesn't get it. Bruce’s prime motivator for almost al of his children is that they have shared pain and grief and he helps them work through it. Alfred? So many people have said being a grandparent is easier than being a parent- and its true. Because you don't have to deal with actually raising this child. You get to be the “fun one”. You don't have rules, you spoil them, you give hugs and advice. The actual parent is the one who has to criticize and raise you and punish and teach everything. Do I think Bruce could have raised his kids on his own? Probably. Do I think Alfred definitely helped raise them to be as amazing as they are today? Hell yeah! But Bruce, and I firmly believe this, is such a “terrible” dad, because Alfred was his. Alfred, who doesn’t call Bruce son or even Bruce because first and foremost this boy is his charge, his master, not his child. Bruce was not raised on much affection from the butler, because thats who he was- a butler. Alfred does his best, its not his fault- this was a job that unwillingly turned into a lifelong dedication of suddenly raising a child, but its not enough. And people need to realize that. Maybe, Bruce isn't that great at communicating because he was raised by a mostly silent butler. Maybe Bruce doesn't say I love you quite that often because Alfred never did. Maybe Bruce is so strict because he was raised by a man from the military. But, lets take a look at his kids. Dick Grayson. Dick Grayson is arguably one of my favorite Batfam members, and he became the man he is, overcoming his trauma and being nice and funny and joyous, because he had Bruce in his life. “Robin needed to help take down the man who murdered his parents. ‘So he could turn out like you?’ So that he wouldn't.” Because Bruce took him in and helped him overcome his trauma, Dick became better. Dick is what Bruce would have become… if he had had a Bruce in his life. But he hadn’t. He had an Alfred. 
Anyway, just my thoughts. It makes me so mad when people are so quick to serenade Alfred and shower him with love and then shit on Bruce so hard… when its fucking alfreds fault. Well, not fault thats not the right word but still. Bruce is, unfortunately, my favorite DC person ever and its a hard battle to fight and defend but I’ll do it gladly everyday. Please stop hating on Bruce only to turn around and applaud Alfred. No. Thats not how this works. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. 
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