#Junior Detective League
ghostinghome · 2 years
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the detective boys !!! er, the normal ones at least
as normal as they can get at least
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slutpoppers · 1 day
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Detective Boys - Junior Detective league.
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lupizora · 2 years
I wonder if the Detective Boys keep count of how many times Conan has had near-death experiences trying to solve a case (or while saving them from whatever mess they've gotten themselves involved in the movies) like the "X amount of days have passed since the last incident" meme?
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sprog-does-art · 2 years
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I drew some Detective Conan!!!
Look at them :)
Shinichi is way too similar to at least 4 other characters. But I digress lmao. The Junior detectives took me the longest because I was actually watching the episodes while drawing them (it is in fact traditional and not digital) and they don't appear all that often. Also I didn't like any of Mitsuhiko's outfits so that one took me like 4 tries. I actually really like how I did Haibara! I think she looks really cute. Also Ran's pose!!!
Really proud.
I wanted to draw best character Hattori Heiji but I didn't want to go look for references. I'll just wait for him to show up lmao. I also wanted to draw Kaito Kid but he's difficult and no way I can do it while reading subtitles!
Also there are blank spaces in the page so I might add more characters at one point. Maybe I can fit a sonoko in there.
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cattoru · 1 year
shinichi when the junior detective league refuses to listen to him and stay put because he constantly set the example of “kids can run around solving crime too even if it puts them in danger,” forgetting that he is also a first grader to them:
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sansypansy · 11 months
"You'd miss me too much."
Robin landed on the building right on Batman's heels, his bo staff at the ready as they faced the fierce and deadly Talia al Ghul with her loyal son.
"The League has no business here in Gotham, Talia," Bruce grunted.
"How else can I get your attention, Beloved?" Talia's smirk was beautiful, but sharp. She drew her sword as Bruce lunged. Damian had his own blade unsheathed as well and intercepted Tim immediately. The two pairs broke off into their own fights and with little chases and flips, the teens found themselves on another rooftop entirely.
"So uh," Tim began with a small hopeful grin, "haven't heard from you in a while. Think you can block out a date on your busy assassin calendar for me?"
A quick counter with his staff clashed harshly against Damian's sword.
"You must believe to be so charming, Robin." Damian's face was impassive, but his pretty green eyes reflected a different story. Tim could see, especially when they were this up close.
"Maybe." He shrugged, then flipped to dodge Damian's kick. "I just like to take my chances with a beautiful assassin prince like you."
A smirk painted Damian's lips. Tim swore he saw those long black eyelashes flutter. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Detective."
The vigilante narrowly dodged the sword thrusting for his abdomen.
"Alas, I do not think you would want a repeat of last time," Damian purred seductively.
How could Tim forget? He had to do the walk of shame when he'd woken up clotheless, walletless with his laptop containing all secret files stolen. Bruce had been insufferable that day.
It'd been so, so worth it. He would do just about anything to have a taste of the little prince again.
"Not that I didn't enjoy it. I'd like to see you try pulling a honeypot on me again. Might just tie you down," Tim grinned wolfishly as he lunged and swept Damian's feet with his staff. The latter leaped, trapping Tim's head between his thighs and flipped him over on his back.
Tim's mouth fell open as the breath was forced out of him due to the impact. And also the fact he just had a full face of Damian's crotch.
Fuck, not now Timmy Junior™!
Damian held his torso down with one foot pressed to his chest and a sword at his neck. "One day, your infatuation shall be the death of you, Robin."
Tim exhaled in awe as the subtle scent of royal jasmine flooded his nose, his eyes becoming smitten.
"Wouldn't be the worst way to go, honestly." His smile was loop-sided. "Besides, you'd miss me too much."
He noticed the slight falter in the blade aimed at his throat, and Tim took that momentum to swipe at the assassin's leg and rolled a few inches away. He moved to a low crouch just Talia suddenly dropped down next to her son.
"We are leaving, Damian," she ordered curtly before disappearing over the edge the building like a silent shadow.
Damian sheathed his sword without any questions, pulled up his hood and prepared to follow his mother. However, Tim didn't miss how he gave him a secretive smile before falling backwards into the alley below. Tim rushed forward and looked down, but there was no human trace.
It was then that Batman commed him to return to base as he'd already dismantled the League's mission. Tim sulked about Damian seemingly rejecting his offer until a few hours later, he received a cryptic, anonymous text on his phone with a single date and a meeting location.
'Do not be late, Detective.♡' the second text read simply. Tim let out the loudest whoop and fist pumped the air.
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wanderingmind867 · 5 months
My Interpretation of the Justice League Pt. 2:
Part 2: Justice League Detroit: Now that J'onn is the new leader of the team, he moves to Detroit and sets up a private detective service there (possibly with his brother ma'alefa'ak as junior detective or something). From Detroit, J'onn goes looking for new members for his team. He finds them without too much hassle, and the Justice League Detroit is born!
The Justice League Detroit consists of six members: Martian Manhunter, Commander Steel, Gypsy (whose name probably really needs some reworking), Vibe, Vixen and J'onn's brother Ma'alefa'ak. The team is quite dysfunctional at first, since most of the team's members are young and impulsive. But with Martian Manhunter's careful guidance, the team slowly begins to come into their own.
The team is sadly still dealing with reputation issues from that civil war thing, and no amount of good press seems to be able to fix the problems inherent in the team around this time. Even though they get some big name allies or members (like Hawkman or Captain Marvel/Shazam or Green Lantern John Stewart), the team can't beat their bad reputation.
And sadly, everything comes crashing down around 2-3 years into this teams history. When J'onn's brother Ma'alefa'ak feels like he's been discriminated against by the people of earth, his already unstable mind (we can cover that in a seperate note), snaps and leads him to go on a rampage all throughout the globe. In order to stop him, the Justice League Detroit has to team up with all the members of the original Justice League (except Batman) and hunt him down.
And while this brave team of around 20 manages to subdue Ma'alefa'ak and make him see reason, the team still comes out of this looking bad. Ma'alefa'ak was technically a member of the Justice League, so some people are quick to blame the league for this conflict even occuring in the first place. Besides, Ma'alefa'ak and the league caused so much property damage across the world that they're pretty much broke by the time this adventure is over.
Part 3: Justice League…Canada? Originally conceived when the Justice League Detroit gets a mission in Canada. The mission goes well, and the Justice League gets some contacts in Canada. A year or two after this, the Justice League has the whole Ma'alefa'ak incident and their public reputation sinks even lower. Knowing that the United States has turned on them, the Justice League use their connections in Canada to keep the team running. Only one requirement: the team will have some oversight by the canadian government. Nothing too severe. But there will be some oversight and guidelines.
This new team is dysfunctional but shockingly more cohesive than any team before or after. Despite it all, this Canadian team slowly begins to recover the team's reputation after years of trauma. Who knew a team with members like Red Tornado, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold and others would be the team that leads the league back to greatness? Or well, as close to greatness as you can get after 4-5 years of awful publicity.
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bare1ythere · 6 months
your blog title ‼️‼️‼️ finally someone who gets it. i am asking you about it
THANK YOU it’s something that’s really stuck with me in the ~100 episodes of dc that I’ve seen so far.
The first thing that really disturbed me was thinking about his teeth situation. I’m assuming Conan is physically around 8? So he would have a good portion of his baby teeth left, and his 12 year molars would have yet to erupt. Supposedly. Or does Conan still have a full set of adult teeth, too big for his mouth? Or did de-aging give him back his baby teeth? Did he spit out all his adult teeth when he deaged? Did they un-erupt back into his jaws? What about when he sometimes reages? What about losing his baby teeth as he grows up again?
And while teeth is like. The most viscerally upsetting lasting change he experiences, there’s also just the brutality of the process of deaging. Conan/Shinichi describes it as it feeling like his “bones are melting” which is. Alarming to say the least. And this happens to him multiple times as he ages and deages. Does it scare him? As much as he wants to be 17 year old Shinichi Kudo again, does he fear the pain that comes with it? The loss of control?
A good portion of it is also the body dysmorphia of once being the size of a 17 year old, now the size of an eight year old. Misjudging jumps and strength due to muscle memory, out of body feelings of floating above himself because he should really be much taller, the feeling of wrongness and discomfort as he hears his own too-high voice when he speaks- and that’s only a few examples.
Plus, socially, I imagine it’s so frustrating that nobody takes you as seriously as they once did aside from the few who know his secret. One thing that’s really stood out to me as a running theme of dc is the powerlessness of childhood. Nobody listens to or respects what you have to say. You’re physically so much smaller than everyone else. Those episodes where Conan and the Junior Detective League go out on their own to solve a crime are the most stressful ones for me, because they’re all just a bunch of little kids trying to stop real crimes. The criminals are physically so much larger than them. Adults don’t consider what they have to say with the same level of severity as other adults. It must be so dehumanizing and terrifying.
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0lympus-mons · 2 months
17 & 18 for fic asks!! ♠️
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I had to learn how Major Juniors worked, and what I did learn is that if you play in a CHL League like the Q, you're actually not allowed to play for a D1 college like Samwell was written to be, because you're considered a professional player. So obviously this is something Ngozi yada yada-ed in Jack's case (perhaps nepotism? who actually cares though it's for the plot), and I yada yada-ed it also. In solidarity.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
I'm gonna cheat a little bit and do two. The first one is from my latest fic (shameless self-plug):
"Nobody can replace your first love, or your best D-partner, whichever comes first."
It's about Dex and Nursey, but it also describes how I and a lot of other defencemen probably feel about the D-partners we played with when we were kids. In my case it's purely platonic, but i think first loves can and should be platonic as of as they're romantic.
My second one is this:
"A secret wasn’t something you kept under the ground. It was something you rolled up and stuffed tightly between your ribs in hopes that no one was desperate enough to fillet you for them."
It's from one of my Dead Boy Detective fics (which is a show I highly recommend btw), which is very different from my Double or Nothing series, but it's nice to try different styles of writing.
Thank you for asking! I love talking about writing :)
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Detective Conan/Case Closed Read Through Volume 21: Part 2
Cutest Moment:
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Amy/Ayumi saying that Haibara/Anita is “just like, Conan” because she can also make deductions.
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Anything with Sato and Takagi is cute, but this is basically Sato asking Takagi out. I love how much Takagi loves Sato.
Favorite Case:
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Shinichi/Jimmy’s first case! This case is so memorable and I love it a lot. It’s hilarious to me how he investigated the crime scene before Inspector Meguire did. He is truly a “do what he wants” detective.
Favorite Character:
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Haibara/Anita! She is really starting to grow on me. She’s intelligent in her own right and I think it’s sweet how she tried to protect the Detective Boys/Junior Detective League in the castle when Conan and Doc Agasa weren’t around.
That’s it for this volume! See you next month!
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adachimoe · 10 months
Translation: Katsura Hashino's 2008 Persona 4 Developer Interview (Parts 1/3/4)
I paraphrased and summarized parts of this interview before, but now, here is an actual full text translation... This was translated by Alex Highsmith of Shmuplations, a professional who has translated a ton of video game developer interviews before. I asked him to do these 3 specific parts as I believe they are the juiciest parts of this interview and probably the most interesting to people who are fans of Persona. Full text below the read me cause of how long it is. (゚Д゚*)ノ
You do not have permission to post anything from this interview on the god awful Fandom wiki.
[[PART 1]]
--I understand the title "director" implies a range of different jobs, depending on the project in question, but would you mind explaining in detail what your role in Persona 4 entailed?
Hashino: Mainly, designing the systems and crafting the rules for the game. I also worked on the story outline and themes. I left the details up to the staff who were specifically in charge of the scenario and system design, but I would also make revisions and changes to the stuff they brought to me.
--That's actually a great transition for my next question: what is/are the theme(s) of Persona 4?
Hashino: The theme, um… it's a small-town murder mystery. (laughs) First and foremost, I wanted to make an RPG that would revolve around a murder mystery. After Persona 3, we worked on P3 FES, and we were developing P4 in tandem. I spent some time thinking about what the players who enjoyed P3 would find interesting in the next game--what would they like to see. From there, our ideas eventually took the shape you see today, of exploring a string of murders in a small country town.
--So, just to re-cap then: with P3 in mind, you decided to set this game in a completely different small town, then for the plot, you arrived at the idea of a serial murderer…? Is that about right?
Hashino: Well, not exactly--the "small country town" and "murders" ideas basically came together as a set in my mind. It's kind of a Kosuke Kindaichi vibe… I've always loved those kind of mysteries, where a person from the "big city" visits a small town, and during his stay he solves a mystery of some type.
--That reminds me of Kindaichi's works like Inugamike no ichizoku (The Inugami Clan) and Yatsuhakamura (The Village of Eight Graves). Do you like mystery novels, then?
Hashino: I'm not an expert or anything, but it's a genre I've enjoyed since I was younger.
--What are some of your favorite works?
Hashino: For older stuff, I like Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. Also, he's a sci-fi author, but I also enjoy writers like Isaac Asimov. I love those classic older works, and when I was a kid that was all I read. You know there were those kids in elementary school, right? The ones for some reason would write all their book reports on mystery novels?
--Ah, yeah! There were some kids like that at my school too. (laughs) So then, why did you decide to add mystery elements to Persona 4?
Hashino: I think it should be obvious to players what's interesting about your game, and what kind of story it is, before they buy it. This is something I reflected on and realized after Persona 3, but for the earlier games, it was hard to know what they were about until you played them. So this time, the premise is simple and upfront: there is a murder incident in a small town, and the adults are oblivious to the truth of the situation. The protagonists then proceed to investigate--sort of like a Junior Detective League--and attempt to solve the mystery.
--You mentioned the earlier games and reflecting on them… am I right to assume you weren't only looking at P3, but were thinking about the whole flow of the series, all the way back to P1?
Hashino: No, in terms of being inspired to make the content of the game more obvious, I was talking about P3. The truth is, P2 and P2: Eternal Punishment were so long ago, I wasn't really thinking that far back. Plus the fans themselves consider P2: Eternal Punishment to have wrapped everything up. However, when the very first Persona came out, the developers then (my senior colleagues) were trying to make a new style of Megaten game, something that would appeal to more casual players. So for me personally, there was a sense of going back to the roots in wanting to do the same thing with P4.
--Would that include the basic question of "what are Personas…?"
Hashino: Yeah. We tried to depict these characters' struggle in a head-on, direct way, while at the same time returning to the fundamentals of the Persona series. That is, rather than thinking in terms of sequels and multi-part stories, we wanted to go back and once again ask ourselves, "OK, so what role were the personas really meant to occupy in this world…?" And what approach would be best to attract a new generation of users and show them the appeal of Atlus' RPGs…? We talked about what makes a Persona game a Persona game… were there necessary criteria? For example, with the progenitor of Persona, the Megami Tensei series, you've got the light side and the dark side, that contrast of exterior and interior (omote and ura)--if those are the foundations of Megaten, then what are Persona's…? Those were our questions as we began the development of P4, and to tell the truth, I was somewhat uneasy about the answers we would reach. When I look back at P3 now, it ended up being a big success, and ultimately that's the most important thing for any game.
--Did that anxiety stick with you until the reviews finally came in?
Hashino: I mean, there were people at Atlus saying stuff like, "Maybe we shouldn't have called it a Persona game…" and "This isn't Persona." (laughs) But the opinion of the players is the most important thing, so now I can say that I'm very satisfied.
--So do you know now precisely what makes something a Persona game?
Hashino: Hmm, well… one example, I guess, would be the "angsty" feeling of the games. When you're young, much of your life is managed for you by adults, but eventually everyone has to break out of that protective shell--and it's a bit like being on a train where the rails suddenly disappear, isn't it? Sooner or later, that time comes for everyone, but that de-railing provokes a keen sense of angst in many young people. Yet it's almost like we don't want to forget those times… there's a nostalgia for it, you could say. When you become an adult and are stressed out by your job, it's very difficult to find the time to re-discover yourself. I think it'd be cool if Persona can provide people a chance to re-experience that in game form, to go back to the beginning and reflect on it all once more. Of course, I don't think this is unique to Persona--there's a lot of works of art in the world that have a similar appeal.
--Going back a bit, I wanted to ask some more specific questions about the development process. What were some of the challenges you faced in creating a mystery?
Hashino: I'd say one big challenge was interweaving the real-world elements of the murders with this fantastic psychological world where you're battling with personas. I mean--OK, there's these murders, but then if all of a sudden a Shadow pops up out of nowhere, it would be like… "forget these murders, wtf is that!!" (laughs) Also, in P3 the dungeon fights were basically just for training, and in the beginning they don't have much connection to the story. We wanted to intertwine those more with the story, so for P4 we first came up with the idea of someone getting kidnapped, taken to this mysterious other world, and you have to go rescue them… and that led to us coming up with the serial kidnapping-murder part of the story.
--It sounds like rather than having a whole mystery story figured out from the get-go, you rather focused on how to artfully interweave the gameplay systems and main story.
Hashino: I often start from the end, so to speak, like coming up first with a catchphrase and working backwards from there. For this game, too, rather than working out the details of the story, I had more general situations in mind: a town is enveloped in fog and a person disappears -> the main character goes to rescue that person. Just that brief outline sounds exciting, right?
--That being the case, at what point did you come up with the character of the villain Adachi?
Hashino: Actually, this goes back to the discussions we had at the very beginning of the development when we were creating the plot, but one of the themes we hit upon was "how do we get our information." So initially, we wrote the true final villain as someone who mistakenly thought they were doing the right thing.
--Are you talking about Namatame?
Hashino: Yeah. And there was something manipulating him behind-the-scenes, and Adachi was not the villain then. However, as the development went on, we felt the story development was lacking in something, and it needed one more twist with regard to who the true culprit was. The first candidate for that role was Yukiko, actually. (laughs)
Hashino: Yeah, I mean, when you think about "murders in a small town" stories like this, a Kindaichi story would have the killer be someone like the ryokan proprietress. (laughs)
--Oh yeah… I know what you mean.
Hashino: It was something I talked about Soejima with, only half-joking of course. The idea of Yosuke the villain also came up. He was a character with solid reasoning abilities and good judgement; it would be believable to players, we thought, that he could have plotted everything himself. We also discussed making the culprit a "likable villain". But we were hesitant about making one of your party members the killer.
--Being betrayed by a close friend like that would be quite painful indeed.
Hashino: But the biggest reason we thought Yukiko and Yosuke wouldn't work, was that we thought players would find it boring if we gave the killer a merely personal motivation for his crimes. That kind of simplistic motive belongs in the realm of Tuesday afternoon TV crime dramas. So we went back and re-examined our themes about information: and this links up with the notion of irresponsibility on the part of the person disseminating the info, but when you think about it, doesn't the responsibility for what happens with that information ultimately lie with the recipient? It's hard to explain, but yeah… we felt the connection between ill-intent and that kind of irresponsibility fit the game the best.
--And that's where Adachi comes in.
Hashino: Initially, Adachi was created as a character whose role is to facilitate the exchange of information between the protagonists and the police investigation. But he seemed a little out-of-place there amongst the other adult detectives, and personally, I started to worry that he would stand out to players as odd and it would be too obvious that he was the killer. So we switched gears midway through the development and took his character in a different direction.
[[Note: I spoke with Shmuplations about this particular part and he understands why this sounds confusing: Does Hashino's "initially" mean "Adachi's character existed before we needed a new culprit" or "we then proceeded to make the character of Adachi to be the new culprit"? While he believes the former is more likely, Hashino does not specify this within interview itself.
I believe this can be read in combination with what Soejima said about Adachi in the Design Works where he mentions Adachi used to be a red herring and then was re-designed after he became the culprit. This is further supported by the 2009 Gamasutra interview where Atlus talks about a villain character changing in development but their design being done before the change and the character's design not looking villain-like.]]
--That "something" manipulating Adachi was, of course, Izanami… was that also something that was revised midway through?
Hashino: Actually, Izanami was there from the very beginning. Even before we had the themes figured out for P4, in the previous games we'd used a lot of Greek gods, so we talked about how this time we wanted to focus on Japanese mythology. And so, around the time that we decided on the theme of uncertainty surrounding the truth and the rumors you're hearing in this small town, I thought these native gods and goddesses would be a force resisting that kind of social anxiety.
--I see. And the story of Izanami and Izanagi is one of the most well-known in Japanese mythology.
Hashino: As we worked out the plot, I took that story of Izanagi descending into the underworld (Yomi) and gave it my own expanded interpretation. In the myth, it is Izanagi's inability to accept Izanami's death that, ironically, nearly gets him killed by her: but I added my own interpretation, that the news and rumors we hear from all these sources == death (that is, it's an invitation for you to cease thinking).
--That's an unusual reading.
Hashino: At the time I thought to myself, "Nice, now this sounds like an idea that would be in a Persona game." (laughs) Izanami sees that humanity has stopped thinking critically for themselves and has surrendered to whatever they hear, and she thinks, "These unthinking people might as well be dead, so I will grant their wish. If I'm wrong, prove it to me." Then, when she happens to encounter certain humans that appear interesting to her, she bestows on them the power to change their reality, and that is how it all begins. But the protagonists are far stronger than she had thought, and though she had planned to merely be a spectator, they strike back in a way she hadn't expected. (laughs)
--Does the fact that she is defeated in the last battle mean that she had erred in her judgment?
Izanami: Yes, definitely. The ability Izanami uses in the battle, "Thousand Curses", I imagined it as a metaphor for all the lies the media tells. And likewise the ability the player uses, "Myriad Truths", that represents the trustworthy words of those people closest to you. I hope players get the message I was trying to convey, that no matter how much irresponsible, unverifiable information the world tries to deluge you with, you can always rely on the truths of your trusted friends to see you through.
--Whoa… that's deep!
Hashino: Also, the fact that there is a date and time that the world will end within the game--that day is meant to symbolize imported culture. There's a similar commentary with the native Japanese deities and a resistance to globalism. The way the Inaba shopping district resists the incursion of the Junes department store chain is part of that too.
--I think the story of Persona 4 wraps up very neatly, but was it a smooth process, writing those scenarios?
Hashino: No, it took a lot of time and research to come up with plot twists, red herrings to throw players off the scent, and all the things you would expect to find in a proper mystery. There were a lot of additions and revisions too. As I mentioned above, in particular I wasn't satisfied with the plot development in the first draft, so aside from adding a "true villain" we also made a lot of changes. In the first draft, for example, we weren't originally planning to have Morooka die.
Hashino: We had planned to include Mitsuo and the Void Quest, but we wanted to put a big surprise in there that would really betray player's expectations, and sadly for him, Morooka was sacrificed for that.
--It was kind of a shock.
Hashino: Many people told us that, yeah. It surprised us how popular Morooka was.
--He makes a bad impression on you on your first day at school, but there's many moments throughout the game where you realize he actually cares for the students' well-being.
Hashino: Hah, that's so funny, because I had no intention of making him that way.
--Oh, really?
Hashino: For me, Morooka was the kind of character you'd see in a typical school drama, basically just your typical unpopular homeroom teacher. But perhaps the staff in charge of that scenario had a lot of affection for Morooka, because they added all these extra details and episodes that gave depth to his character. So his popularity had nothing to do with me--it was all our staff.
--It really made that fight with Mitsuo intense. It was like, "THIS IS FOR MOROOKA!" (laughs)
Hashino: It got people fired up, didn't it? I'm glad his sacrifice was not in vain. (laughs)
--Speaking of unexpected stuff, the whole sequence when you're going to Yomotsu Hirasaka for the final fight with Izanami really took me by surprise. It was very difficult to find that route though.
Hashino: For the Normal Ending where you fight Adachi, we were hoping players would see that and feel a sense of closure: "ah, it's all over now." Then, say you still feel something isn't quite right, so you talk to a friend who saw the true ending, and when you go back and search and find the answer by yourself, it's like a fog has lifted from your own brain… I thought that would be cool, if your real-life gameplay experience sort of linked up with the game itself in that way.
--Ah, I can see that, definitely.
Hashino: Of course, partly I just wanted people to play to the very end of this game that we had put so much time into making… (laughs) In the beginning I was saying, "Let's keep it a secret for at least half a year."
--It seems like it must be tough to hide a true ending, or provide the right level of hints.
Hashino: Recently it feels like players are very sensitive to the dialogue, and can detect the slightest whiff of anything suspicious. That's why we put these hints at the very end, hidden in each party member's greetings. We made them say some things that just don't quite add up, hoping that players would suspect something is still hidden. Also, the fact that the Judgement Social Link isn't at MAX despite being so close to the ending is another hint that there might be something more.
[[Note: Judgement maxes after you clear Magatsu Inaba. This is not a translation error. It's an error that Hashino makes in the text.]]
--It sounds like a very tough balancing act. On the one hand, players will get bored if they know what's going to happen, but if things are too vague and opaque that's not good either.
Hashino: Exactly. To that end, when the final draft of the scenario is finished, we have the entire staff read through it to see if they spot anything weird. After reading it, one of our staff blurted out, "The Killer is Yasu!" (laughs)
[[Note: This is a reference to the Portopia Serial Murder Case.]]
--Ah, right, that famous spoiler from Portopia, where the detective's assistant Yasu is the killer. Now that you mention it, that does sort of match up with Adachi's position in P4. (laughs)
Hashino: It's a pretty old game though, so I figured there's no players today that would think that. Nevertheless, early on when we put Adachi's face in some of the magazine spots we did, there were apparently people who were saying "The Killer is Yasu!" in response to him… you see, actually, in the beginning, Adachi's first name used to be Tamotsu (保), which can also be read as "yasu", right? Maybe I'm overthinking it, I thought, but we were trying to really control the timing of the hints we fed to players about the killer, so we hurriedly changed his first name. Of course we'd already finished the voice recording, and there were lines like "Hello, I'm Tamotsu Adachi", so we had the sound staff re-edit those clips and cut the "Tamotsu" part off.
--Sounds like a lot of work.
Hashino: I never imagined "The Killer is Yasu!" was that well-known! (laughs)
[[PART 5]]
--Now that you mention it, because Adachi had a very famous voice actor, I bet that tipped off players to think, "Ah, Adachi must be the killer or someone important."
Hashino: Ah, yeah, that could be. I don't know a lot about voice actors, so I wasn't aware of that at all and merely chose the voice actor who I thought best fit the role. But many of the voice actors in Persona 4, not just Adachi's, received a lot of praise.
You do not have permission to post anything from this interview on the god awful Fandom wiki.
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slutpoppers · 7 days
Completely obsessed over this moment. Conan encounters the rest of the Junior Detective League and then they start singing "Nazo" By Miho Komatsu, the theme for the 2nd opening of the series🥹❤️💕
From the 3rd Movie
"The last Wizard of the Century"
Rn I am on episode 159 so I watched the 3rd movie, they are all so goooood!!!
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cicicookie12 · 1 year
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Total Drama: Game Challengers!
This took a while... (excluding the stage, I just found a blank picture on the TD Wiki)
Reblogs and likes are appreciated!
This is my Fan-made Total Drama series and it is a sports-themed season where the challenges are based on a different sport, but knowing Chris McClain... he will definitely put some sort of messed up twist for the ratings and for the drama.
Contestants from Left to Right
Standing: Gwen🖤, Scott🐀, Courtney✅, Duncan💀, Dante🥊, Percy💲, Nadia🧣, Lightning⚡, Lucy🐇, Harold🎤, Rio🏍️ and Jo🏃‍♀️
Sitting: Morgan🕵️, Brick💂‍♂️, Dawn🌙 and Eva🏋️‍♀️
(Characters in italics are OCs)
The Pahkitew Island Contestants, Ridonculous Race Contestants and The 2023 Reboot Contestants are not there because it was the end of ROTI when I first came up with this concept and I have made some changes since then and actually thought of what the contestants are like. In universe, the Pahkitew Island contestants are sick of Chris and wants out (LOL), RR and 2023 are more obvious as:
I'm not a fan of RR contestants mixing up with Total Drama's contestants for some odd reason, even though I liked it when it was vice versa!
As wacky cartoony continuities go... 2023 is not out yet.
My OCs!
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plopspoodle · 1 year
10 Game Recommendations
Bonjour~ As someone who has a lot of free time, I like to populate that time with various activities: reading, crafts, watching TV, language learning (mainly Duolingo) and playing games. Whilst I mainly like mystery/puzzle games, there are other genres I get involved in so hopefully this list will be varied enough!
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Nancy Drew Her Interactive
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Point and Click Mystery 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: Join teenage sleuth Nancy Drew in various mysteries by exploring various environments, finding clues and interviewing suspects. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series - my favourites are Ghost of Thornton Hall, Blackmoor Manor and Sea of Darkness 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Offline 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Varies on each game, most games you can choose "Junior" (easy) or "Senior" (hard) Detective, but it's common and acceptable to use online walkthroughs if you get stuck. There are also hint systems within the games. 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PC, a couple are on the Wii, Mobile and DS but PC is a vastly superior experience. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 10/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: This is my favourite game series and a special interest of mine since I was 8. It has wonderful music, well thought out environments and an atmosphere that always gives me happiness. I own every game available on Steam and usually replay all of them every year!
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League of Legends Riot Games
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: MOBA 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: It features a team-based competitive game mode based on strategy and outplaying opponents. Players work with their team to break the enemy Nexus before the enemy team breaks theirs. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series - League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra (Card game) Wild Rift. 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both (predominantly online but there are AI modes, LOR has offline modes) 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Pretty hard, it takes people a while to get it properly and to be honest is quite hard to get into if you don't have anyone to learn with/help you learn. 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PC, Mobile 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 7/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: I, like most people, have a difficult relationship with LOL. Whilst I generally enjoy the game, I like a lot of the skins and the music + Arcane are amazing, the game itself is quite hard (the only MOBA I have ever played) and the community is kinda awful. You are almost guaranteed to experience toxicity every single game, regardless of the mode, and even if you are in Blind mode (you must reach Level 10 for Draft where you choose your role and Level 30 for Ranked), and are clearly new, you will likely be with people who already play the game but are on new accounts (called Smurfs). You can mute people (best method is typing /mute all in the chat) but it's annoying when you have to deal with it rather than people just be civil. If you do get a team that are nice, then great! The game is fun! Unfortunately, I really do exercise caution with this game, as I have known absolutely no one who has played without quitting or taking breaks (including myself).
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What Remains of Edith Finch Giant Sparrow
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Exploration Narrative (some describe it as a horror game with no jumpscares (bar 2)) 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: You play as Edith Finch revisiting her old family home - you explore the house and the surrounding area and read the old stories written by the elder of the family. You try to uncover the "family curse" before time runs out (figuratively, you can spend as long as you'd like on the game, there is no actual time limit). 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Single game (there is a parallel game if you want to continue the vibe) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Offline 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy, no prior experience required 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PS4, PS5, Switch, XBOX One, XBOX Series X + S, iOs, PC (what I played it on) 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 10/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: Whilst Nancy Drew is my favourite series, What Remains of Edith Finch (WREF) is hands down my favourite game of all time. It is, admittedly, very very depressing, and I think if you're not feeling too great mentally it isn't a good idea to play. I first played it at a time where I was doing okay, so now when I revisit it (regardless of mood) it brings comfort. Because of the previously reinforced comfort, if I'm not in a good mood and I play it, it makes me feel very creative. The way the game works honestly feels like therapy, how every story is different. I don't think I'll ever find another game like it, and that is why it is so precious to me.
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Animal Crossing Nintendo
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Life/Social/Farming Sim 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: You play as a human visiting a land of talking animals! Help rejuvenate the community, make friends and have your dream house. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series, most recent is Animal Crossing: New Horizons (NH) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both, you primarily play offline but it has online features and you can play with up to 8 others in NH 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy, very chill 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): depends on the game but includes Gamecube, DS, 3DS, Wii, Nintendo Switch 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 9/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: Animal Crossing has been a consistent series throughout my life and is a very good comfort game. I've never tried Stardew Valley as I don't particularly like the farming elements of the game, so AC is better for my tastes. Whilst I do love the series, it isn't a 10 because I, and many people, find you can only play in motivation spikes. It generally means means you'll play for a month straight then take 6 months off. It's not exactly a problem, just means if you're looking for a consistent gaming experience, you may experience AC burnout!
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The Room Fireproof Studios
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Mystery/Puzzle Solving 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: You find yourself in front of a box on a table. You must open it and discover the history of secrets inside. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series, most recent game is The Room VR: Dark Matter 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Offline 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Medium-Hard, has hint systems but can sometimes be very difficult and require looking at a walkthrough 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): iOS, Android, PC, Nintendo Switch 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 9/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: The Room, of which I first played the mobile versions, is one of the most beautiful mobile games I have ever seen. I don't know how Fireproof managed to make the graphics so amazing, but they did! I love puzzle games, and I wish I could actually have a box to solve puzzles from. That being said, the paranormal elements aren't something I'd like to have to experience in real life! Only isn't a 10 because I don't have VR headset so I can't play the latest game and that makes me sad.
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Assassin's Creed Ubisoft
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Stealth Action Historical / Open World RPG 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: The fight between the Assassins and the Templars has spanned across history, and each game allows you to play as someone on either side in a period of historical significance. There is combat, stealth, economy and a whole lot more. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series, my favourites are AC2, AC4 and AC Syndicate (as I am from the UK) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both, primarily offline but online multiplayer is available in most games (if Ubisoft hasn't shut down the servers) 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Varied, they usually begin pretty easy but get harder as you go along, AC2 I found I could mash buttons and beat anyone :) 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): Pretty much every platform, I have played on XBOX 360, PC and Nintendo Switch 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 10/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: I love this series. I love history, first of all, so the prospect of getting to play in various time periods is incredibly appealing! I've given a 10/10 because, even though I don't think every game is a 10/10, the amount of fun I had in the 5 games I've completed is enough to pull up the ones I don't like. Because of the (expected) quality of each game, some aren't as great (e.g. Unity had one of the most infamous bad launches in gaming history and I still can't play it properly due to bugs and poor user interface) but some are amazing. I personally think AC2 is the best one to start with, but fair warning: you will fall in love with Ezio.
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The Forest Endnight Games
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Survival Horror 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: In this first person game you, Eric Leblanc, must survive The Forest after having already survived a plane crash. Either plan an escape or go deeper into The Forest to find your son Timmy. The question is: how deep can you go? 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series (The Forest / Sons of The Forest) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Medium-Hard 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PS4, PC 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 9/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: If you play it right, The Forest is essentially horror, adult Minecraft. You can choose the difficulty but I still find it hard even on easy (I am not very good at games). Whilst I cannot give story spoilers, I was truly enamoured in the lore of the game (and now series) when I first found out about The Forest. But, importantly, it is scary. No matter how many people you play it with, it's still scary. I've only been able to play it with male friends, but they have never sounded less manly than when they've played this game. There is a sequel called Sons of The Forest (as seen in the gif below), but it is currently in testing so whilst I have access to it, I wouldn't consider it a full game yet and therefore I don't want to make any ill-made judgements. The Forest is honestly very beautiful and, if you're like me, you can always make it less scary by using console commands and making yourself invincible.
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Do Not Feed the Monkeys Fictiorama Studios and Others
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Digital Voyeur Simulator (not in a NSFW way) 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: You essentially work as a spy with access to security cameras in various places, usually places of residence. You can report to your bosses through emails, you can simply watch, you can even interact with the people you see. But you probably shouldn't do that last part. Unless you want to. Or not. All you truly know is that repeated phrase: Do Not Feed The Monkeys. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Offline 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy-Medium 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): Nintendo Switch, Android, PS4, XBOX One, XBOX Series X & S, PC 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 8/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: I bought this game after having previously enjoyed Papers, Please (I may feature this game if I do a second part), and it is very fun if you like time management. Every single camera (or room) has a schedule, and in these schedules they will talk and give important information highlighted in yellow. It's a very fun game because you don't necessarily have to follow the rules you're given. Even though it's a management simulator, it also tests your morals (and you can see how good your morals are through a plant you get gifted). If you struggle with the main mode, Peeper Mode makes it significantly easier and the only drawback is you can't unlock achievements.
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Journey Thatgamecompany
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Indie Adventure Game 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: The player plays as a robed person journeying towards a distant mountain through a sandy desert. The game has a multiplayer component, in which players can interact on their journey and assist each other. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Single Game 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PS3, PS4, iOS, PC 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 7/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: Journey is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Even if you have just a laptop, like me (at this moment in time), it still looks stunning. The multiplayer element is fascinating, as it's not entirely clear that you're playing with people. A lot of people aren't even sure if you always play with other people or if they are bots, but it doesn't really matter. You go on this Journey, and you're not alone. Now, you may be wondering, if it's so lovely, why is it only a 7/10? This is because, as much as I'd like to be one, I am not a cosy gamer. I like very stimulating games and Journey is lovely for if I want a calm gaming experience, but I rarely feel like that, so it just sits in my Steam library for months before I get the motivation again. It's by no means the fault of the game, just my own personal preference.
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The Sims EA & Maxis
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Life Simulator 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: The player creates virtual people called "Sims", places them in houses, and helps direct their moods and satisfy their desires. Players can either place their Sims in pre-constructed homes or build them themselves. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series (most recent is The Sims 4) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Technically both (usually offline but you can install mods to make it online) 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): Basically everything 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 8/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: The Sims was probably one of the first games I ever played (bar a Garfield game I had on my DS). My cousin had the Sims 2 on DS, and I actually bought it recently to relive that time. I, unfortunately, did not realise how much she had already completed, so I lost the motivation for that one. However, I currently regularly play the Sims 4 on my laptop, and have quite a lot of mods and have all the packs (Anadius, IYKYK). I've remodelled my room recently, and the Sims meant I could plan it all out and I am very thankful for that. There are also so many options for building, customisation and traits. It is, however, not a 10, as the packs are way too expensive and morally I think it's kind of extortionate to make players pay hundreds of £/$ just to get a proper gaming experience. I have lots of mods to make it more fun and more full, but I don't feel I should have to do that. The only other game I've ever modded is Minecraft, and that's because I've been playing that since I was a child. The Sims is great, but it does get kinda boring at times.
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And those are all the games I'm covering today! I may make another part in the future since there are obviously many many games in existence, so if there are any genres you would like covered, leave a comment~ <3
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jasminelyoko57 · 2 years
Detective Yuu - meme comeback
Part 5 of my Detective Yuu meme compilation!
I’m sorry I was away from this place for several days (or even weeks?), but I’ll try my best to write some Detective Yuu content again! :) Itadakimasu~! 
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(And thus, the Junior Detective League was born from these shenanigans adventure!)
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(Jamil, the silent pursuer who initially spies on Yuu and Epel. They shared some brief glances during rescue mission to save the kidnapped geek “foreigner” named Idia.)
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(He may be give off an air of authority, but he’s still a kid at heart.)
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(After several periods of being spied (and spy) at, Yuu and Jamil eventually uniting their Sherlockian and Mycroftian minds to fight crime and the Mafia. Child and badass agent duo much?)
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(Riddle, da second inspector, he’s not wrong that Yuu and their friends are walking Grim Reapers.)
I’ll see myself out... and Happy Chinese New Year for those who celebrate it, tschüss~!  
(Off topic: Jamil in his Basketball Club card looks so cool af, ngl. That card was enough to make the fandom gone wild...)
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cattoru · 1 year
so since i've been getting into detco recently (as some of you may have seen via my incoherent two-decades-late screaming), i'm curious to know what everyone's preferred type of episode is!
feel free to add anything i missed or any thoughts you have in the tags :)
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