#Just a sassy little guy
ofthewilderwest · 8 months
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third most neurodivergent character ever i am just so correct
This kid took a class to learn how to keep people off his land where he should know dang well by now that he’s supposed to yell at them and yet his first thought is always “oh I know this language here let me speak it :3”
He was terrible at writing and dexterity and everything for about ten years of his life and didn’t once consider that he was actually left handed he just thought he sucked.
When a dragon the size of a mountain washed up on his shores threatening to eat everyone he loved, he didn’t once consider hurting it. He instead decided to give it a sensory nightmare by pouring feathers in its nose to stress it out.
This is all just Book!Hiccup but don’t think Movie!Hiccup is free from this title
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seamistgale · 9 days
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Bernard was being haunted.
His sus-o-meter isn't up to 100%, but if he's being real, it never is. The downside of being into conspiracy theories was that you were only partially sure which one was more skewed than the other. One day he could be convinced Batman is more cryptid than man, and then he'd stumble on some fascinating witness accounts that make him rethink the Vampire hypothesis.
This time, however, he's fairly sure this sort of freaky shit only happens to people in those cookie-cutter horror movies.
… Except this particular ghost might be of midwestern decent, or something, because they sucked at properly haunting.
Example number one:
It was rare that Bernard had dishes piled up. He lived alone, and occasionally Tim would come to his apartment; with a couple of games, some takeout boxes, and a movie later, there would be way more things to clean up than a whole weekend on his own.
The last time Tim came over, Bernard didn't bother cleaning up for the night, and then the trash just…. Disappeared.
Not like 'a burglar broke in for some weird fetish reason, and my trash is now gone' gone, but more 'the trash is in bags, the dishes are clean, and I swear the air smells fresher' gone.
That was strike one.
He brushed it off because Tim had been there. It was unlikely he just went on a stress cleaning spree at Bernard's place but… Well, Bernard's caught him doing way weirder shit. It's fine.
(it's not fine. You just didn't move things around on someone else's turf.
"…Clean up?" Tim echoed back from the phone, sounding as confused as Bernard felt the following morning. "I-- no, of course not!" and then hurriedly continued to reassure Bernard he'd never do that. Because Tim was nice like that, even after Bernard low-key accused him of giving him the Gotham equivalent of pissing in someone else's yard.
So, that was strike one in the back of his hindbrain that something was up.)
Strike two and three came together.
See, in Gotham's economy, sometimes your employer doesn't have your paycheck the week it should be. Who cares if you need to pay rent through or your landlord will double your rent? Neither your boss nor the landlord in question, obviously. So what he usually did was have a nest egg the size of his rent just in case.
But this month Bernard had splurged a little too much, so he was short. It was nothing big, he was just five bucks short.
The issue was, that his landlord was paranoid and was already breathing down his neck for not paying the next month's rent the day before the new month started. Like clockwork, his landlord put a warning under his door, ready to evict him the same day the month started if Bernard didn't have the rent in cash the next morning.
He knew the eviction notice was at the door, but chose to ignore it because it didn't matter, he'd get those five one way or another by the end of the day.
By the time he came back, two things were out of place. The first was the eviction notice on his table. Again, no one moved someone else's shit around.
Strike three happened while counting his nest egg, and would you look at that! He had more money than he'd counted. Nothing ridiculous, just… He had those five bucks now.
All these little things were easy to miss, or misremember, but Bernard was not most people. But the catch here was… All these things were good things. Sort of.
So not only was this happening when he wasn't around, but they were happening to his… Advantage? He'd even call it good fortune if one was willing to ignore the lack of privacy… And maybe he would have, if this wasn't Gotham. Privacy was a mix between a luxury and a currency. Sometimes a kindness.
In some ways maybe it would have been an effective scare tactic, to mess someone's shit up, but this was not the way he'd personally go about it if he wanted someone to leave the building.
So here Bernard was, staring again at the dishes he had placed as bait, because he wasn't an idiot and tempting a ghost into anything remotely violent was stupid. The dishes were cleaned.
He squinted at the ceiling, then at the rest of his apartment, trying to gauge whether trying to make first contact was going to get him more haunted, killed, or turn him into a Saturday morning cartoon.
Finally, he picked up a cup. Not a glass cup, because why would he give the ghost any ammunition, but a couple of fairly clear plastic cups, a marker, two sticky notes, and filled both cups with tap water decently enough so a mild tremble would be noticeable.
The first sticky note said "Yes", and the second, predictably, said "No."
"So." Bernard sat in front of the cups, feeling halfway like a dumbass for doing this in the first place, and halfway like he's about to do the worst decision of his life because it might just work. "You from out of town, or are you just really shitty at this?"
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himejoshiangels · 10 months
cass cain is so emotive and I hate that so many of yall fall straight into the stoic asian woman stereotype thing because like, the only reason cass wouldn't vocalize a feeling is when she would struggle to find the word for it because she literally wasn't taught how to speak. that's so fucking upsetting. She has such big beautiful emotions, she feels so deeply about the littlest things but everytime she has trouble putting it into words she's reminded that she was conceived not to. her abuser did not have her feelings or her pain in mind, only how well she could end a life. can you fucking imagine
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43sol · 2 years
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glad they implemented the ‘skipping the scenes you already got’ option. don’t have to speed run hahaha
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whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
*Climbs out of my cave*
Guys HEAR ME OUT for a second okay?….
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It’s giving Hexxus- 👀🪭
So in general, I did do a second version of it cuz I had used two pallets for him, and I REALLY liked both. So I did the second one as well 👀 I decided to show the top one since it looks more cleaner I think(?), but I couldn’t help myself 😅
Here’s the second version!
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yardsards · 1 year
clint mcelroy creating a dnd character: oh yeah, this bad boy can fit so much simple zest for life in him
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call-me-cosmic · 2 months
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Sassy Bilbo is sassy 💁
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leascno · 2 years
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kanto starters
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omgeto · 1 year
incoming tattoo artist boyfriend!geto...
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fatedroses · 8 months
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I don’t know what exactly possessed me to make a Garlean Republic-era poster of Solus with a bit of storytelling irony (I.E Atticus and Regant’s soul crystal lol), but here we are anyways.
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diino8081 · 1 month
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frozen liberation au
chapter 8
(chapter list)
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content warnings for threats, blood mentioned and in the art, a little swearing
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the snow rumbles in the wind as the group make it outside. zane stands by the door, looking out at the frosty expanse.
"took you guys long enough. it's freezing out here!"
kai raises an eyebrow. "you're a nindroid? the cold doesn't affect you?"
"that's the point." he grins. he's still pretty mad at kai after what he did to boreal. "where's our exit by the way? i hope we don't have to walk too far."
a few of the group members groan. cole walks up beside him. "zane, you're kind of a dick, you know that?"
zane smiles smugly. "courtesy of the ice emperor."
"sure buddy." cole continues past him and ahead of the group. "come on, we took the land bounty. it should be over here somewhere."
did cole just- ugh that's no fun.
he follows along, feet crunching under the snow with each step. his interface tells him that his internal temperature is lowering. it's odd but shouldn't be a problem.
"it's over there!" jay calls, pointing at somewhere to their left. he turns to find it parked off in the distance just barely hidden in the forest.
oh wow. it's so... small. and old. small and old. first master, did they really use that thing to get around? he sighs, trudging towards it.
zane notices behind him that every time he steps he leaves red in the snow. that's fun.
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if he had the staff then he could probably use it as a pen. he'd need more blood though.
come to think of it, where is the staff? he looks around the group. ah, nya has it. it doesn't seem to be powered though.
he can see the two formlings as well. of course they're coming along. he wishes they would just- no! snap out of it. they're good. (apparently).
he approaches the vehicle, entering to the main cabin. but the minute he does, something locks around his wrists. he looks down to see them cuffed. "really?"
lloyd smiles. "just being cautious."
he sighs, moving to take a seat by the window. man, he can't wait til they get to ninjago. he wonders what they'll do with him. prison? back to the same old ninja work? maybe even expelled from the monastery to live a normal life.
wouldn't that be nice. he absentmindedly looks outside, seeing an army of trees staring back. the engine revs and they begin to reverse into the snow covered plains.
zane watches the palace grow smaller and smaller until it's just a speck in the horizon. guess that's his life of luxury over, he sighs.
he watches for a few more minutes but eventually decides to close his eyes.
when he opens them again he sees that they're just outside a village. he might've attacked this village before actually. heck, he definitely did. best to stay away from the windows, he decides.
he stands up and looks around, the rest of the team are outside. he sighs. but he has to stay inside. there's nothing inside! he's bored already. fsm this sucks.
maybe he could run a system diagnostic? he still needs to figure out what's causing the glitch. -- other than nya throwing him into a wall, of course.
yeah, that works. hopefully they don't take too long.
zane sits back down with a sigh, beginning the process.
things seem to be doing ok in terms of processing and memory. his energy levels look to be a little lower though.
he checks his power source.
that's... no.
no that can't be right.
the core isn't being actively powered. he's just running off leftover energy!
could it be something to do with his ice? what took his element away? the scroll? but it's been 60 years and nothing happened! why would it only start now?
could it be negative emotions? he lost them when... yeah. fsm he hates this.
he'll figure it out later.
he gives it about... 4 months at best til he's out of power for good.
his eyebrows furrow. he... can make it work. hopefully.
but what if he doesn't? what if he's dying? and for good this time?
his gears hitch.
he's going to fix it.
he has to.
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zane looks down at the cuffs on his wrists. honestly he should try to get them off, they're kind of annoying.
he stands again and moves to search the bounty. there don't seem to be any good tools he can use to pick locks. not even a paper clip!
what kind of ninja even are they?! he looks at the metal bindings in disgust. are they even metal? they look like metal.
embedded in the sides of the cuffs however is a strip of dark, almost black material. he can see specks of yellow in there too.
oh you have got to be kidding me.
it's vengestone.
he sighs. well, that's another thing to add to the list. 3 things that could've stolen his powers away.
though, he lost his powers before being cuffed. did lloyd bring them with him? no. he would've used them if he did.
this is... confusing. to say the least.
he hears a shuffle by the door.
a young voice emanates from outside. "hey! look! look! asha's doing it!"
he turns to see a small child, about 10 by the looks of things, with long dark hair. they stand at the door grinning to something outside.
what does he do in this situation?! does he hide? if this child sees him then his cover is blown! but he can't just let them intrude!
the child turns to look at him. too late.
they screech a bit before gaining composure. "um. hello!"
"who are you?"
"i'm..." shitshitshit "i'm popsicle!"
popsicle?! he mentally punches himself. of all things--!
"i'm asha!" they smile. "what are you doing in the metal house, mr popsicle?"
he panics.
"the ninja saved me from the big mean ice emperor! i'm just waiting for them to come back!"
nice save.
"the ice emperor!" asha scowls. "i don't like him. if i ever see him i'll throw 500 snowballs at his face!"
he tries to stifle a laugh but fails.
"500 of them? really?"
wow, this kid is out to get him. good thing he's popsicle right now, else he would be in deeeeep trouble.
"i could probably do 501." asha ponders.
he chuckles.
another voice whispers loudly from outside. "asha! your mother is coming! get out of there!"
"uh oh." asha perks up. "well, i've gotta go mr popsicle. it was nice talking to you!"
"asha! let's go!"
they pause. "wait! one more thing."
"hm?" zane questions.
asha seems to fumble with something around their neck before holding it out in front of them.
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it's a necklace?
they walk up to zane and gesture for him to put his hand out. wait. really?
he hesitates. "are you sure?"
asha nods confidently. they don't seem to care about the cuffs.
"it means luck and good fortune." they smile.
he holds onto it.
"wow, i--" he feels his gears hitch. "thank you."
"it's no problem, mr popsicle."
asha walks quickly back to the door. turning to wave before disappearing forever.
what just happened?
he stands there, dumbfounded, before looking at the necklace in his hand.
it's got a silver chain that drapes into gold. an intricately carved sunflower displaying a yellow gemstone at it's center.
it feels special. he grimaces. first master does he even deserve this?
this child-- asha's kindness.
is he worthy?
he sits back down again, staring at the pendant in his hands. he frowns.
zane is tired.
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lonelylittledot · 8 months
*sighs* sometimes it's just you, your meds, and your newly discovered fictional couple against the world
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ravinoforre · 1 year
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A shitpostier version of this interaction:
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goblinunderabridge · 10 months
Guys I made a fae twink
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Everyone is always asking me, “Hey Goblin, you have a borrower oc but wheres your twink fae oc?”
Hes here
Hes right here
and he doesnt have a name
I did this sketch so quick cause i got an idea and ill probably doodle him some more and in less messy ways 😭
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discocandles · 2 years
Jason Todd, but he's not around the batfamily very often, bc i can.
It's not unusual for Jason to just kind of be gone for anything bat-esque for a while. Sure he'll still be in Gotham doing some crime fighting, but just not make many appearances in Wayne Manor/the Batcave.
And it's not out of sheer spite, surprisingly enough. its bc after being a crime lord then quitting to be an anti-hero, he came to the realization that being Red Hood couldn't be the only thing he was using his life for. he would end up like Bruce, only using a civilian identity when he absolutely had to. But Jason Todd was legally dead, so he wouldn't ever have to be a civilian, but at the cost of losing himself to a vigilante identity. I don't believe Jason would want to take that risk.
So he makes a fake identity so he can live in a (shaky) routine as a civilian. He still goes by Jason, given its a common enough name. but he changes his last name to Devoss, as it has the same meaning as todd but is of Dutch decent rather than english, bc I'm the kind of nerd that still wants names to mean the same thing even it's not the point whatsoever, so Jason is too. Plus its better than most of the name changes DC has done.
Anyway. Jason's "routine". The only reason it could be considered a routine is bc he typically goes to the same places. he drops by the same coffee shop at least three times a week, frequents the same gym, and visits the library about once a week. he's in the bare minnimum of consistency & sticks to it.
Despite being given enough money from Bruce to count as a solid income, Jason still lives in walking distance of Crime Alley. the landlords there don't care who you are so long as you pay rent, bc who wants to live near Crime Alley? barely anyone. Later he gets a job, which actually cements his routine. he works as a chef in a chain restaurant, and he's so good at it, it's like hes being petty about it.
Actually, being petty is the most common thread most of the people who know Jason Devoss as an aquaintance have. He's petty about entitled customers who start screaming in at his regular coffee stop, if someone he tends to work out with has a cheating partner and the assholeperson has a hole in thier can of mace and their knife is suddenly dull(neccessities in Gotham), Jason has no clue how someone could manage that. Absolutely none.
Ok, back to Jason getting a job. So like I said earlier, Jason gets a job as a line cook, bc they really dont keep people from the job unless you're actively supposed to be in Arkham(exemptions can be made for blackgate). Which is why having a civilian identity is helpful, bc being both legally dead and spending some time as a mob boss probably wouldn't jive with any hiring manager ever. But he's able to make himself a normal part of the scenery, and makes the most effective closing shift, totally not be he has patrol that he's already late for. He begins to have to switch between taking orders and making food.
And this is how he ends up meeting Bernard, bc they have to work together to figure out what Tim would want. Jason realizes that this isn't some other kid named Tim he thinks "oh this is going to be rich." bc no one in the family has been to his work so far since he started working in the front of house, and he hasn't mentioned it to them.
So Tim walks in, and sees his bf, then he sees Jason, who just says "Oh, you must be Bernard's boyfriend. Nice to meet you." Smiling like he's never done anything remotely wrong in his whole life. Now Tim is questioning everything and can only repond with something akin to "Mhmm yup. Nice to meet you too." & is on edge for the rest of the date, bc his brother is being paid to watch his date, and will interrupt them for refills or other nonsense when he was beginning to forget Jason was there.
Bonus points if it's before Tim introduces Bernard to the family.
The batfamily knows where he is, and he knows they know. No one who has met Batman once can have him be unaware of their whole family tree, of course he knows where his son is. Jason will sometimes get visits, most often from Duke, be despite the fact that Crime Alley is mostly terrible, the sunset view is pretty dang good.
Duke will just be sitting on his couch when he gets home, like "you wanted to talk?" to which he and Jason will simply chat. and jason will often give critiques to Duke's technique.
The other common visitor is steph, but that's most ofting in the form of her ding dong ditching him,
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toneinaflat · 2 months
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a heart
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