#Kid Virgil
sleepyvirgilprompts · 3 months
In a human AU, Virgil is a five-year-old and Patton is his dad. Patton works from home a lot, and since Virgil is good at sit-quietly-while-Dad-is-busy as long as he's fairly content, Patton lets him sit on his lap while he works if Virgil wants to. Virgil likes cuddling and often ends up dozing off in Patton's lap.
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milkhoney531 · 4 months
Coffee and Zombies (CaZ)
Summary: Life and Death, two very contrast things. Or are they? In the zombie apocalypse, what is death? What is life? Is anyone truly living? A scientist searching for a cure to his mistake, a firefighter bent on helping survivors, two supernatural brothers struggling to adapt and survive, and two brothers who desperately want to rest and find safety. Will they survive?
Chapter 1
   The world didn’t end with a bang. It didn’t end in war. It didn’t end in nukes. It didn’t end with the sun going supernova. It didn’t end with pollution or melting ice caps. No, it ended with a cup of coffee. Two scientists for the company Lily of the Valley, the flower of death, destroyed the world. The two never got along, they were working on a new project. Unfortunately together, unfortunately at unsustainably long hours. Unfortunately, with their brains impaired by lack of proper food, sleep, or hydration, tensions boiled. They weren’t as careful as they should have been. They fought over the last bit of coffee and beakers broke. They became the first two infected with the zombie virus. All over a cup of coffee.
   Death watched in disappointment as he held the two souls as their body spread the virus, ripping flesh from the people near them. Making his job harder than it ever should have been. They would never even see the damage they had done. They would never live through the fear they had brought over the world. Life appeared next to him, her normally warm features stony. She took the two souls from him.
     “I’m tired, Death. They have doomed my creations.” Life said quietly.
     “I am tired as well. But there is work to be done.” Death sighed.
     “Not for us. They made this mess. They can deal with it.” Life said, looking scornfully down at the two souls.
   The smell of coffee filled Roman’s senses when he woke up. He rose from bed and was going to wake up Remus only to have his brother’s hand clasp over his mouth. He held a finger to his lips and pointed towards their bedroom door. Roman saw the blood seeping from beneath the door. He smelled the blood. He heard the screams outside. He saw the word zombies written in blood on the door. He looked at his brother, there was blood on his face and hands, his pajamas were ripped. With shaky hands he moved his twin’s hand from his mouth.
     “Mom? Dad? Are they-?” Roman couldn’t finish the whispered question.
   Remus only nodded. He didn’t look sad. Was this a prank? No. Remus looked too serious. The blood, he could smell it. They were orphans in the zombie apocalypse. This was a shitty way to start their eleventh birthday. He heard a thud against their bedroom door and nearly yelped, but his cry was muffled by Remus pulling him into a hug. He was shaking. Remus was shaking. This was real. What were they going to do?
   They couldn’t stay here. Roman gently pulled out of the hug and took his brother’s hand. He led him to the closet and gave him a bag. Remus seemed to know exactly what he wanted to say. They started packing what they could, trying to keep it to things they needed, but Roman couldn’t help but include the scrapbook he had been working on with his dad and grandma. It had too many memories to leave behind. Were his grandparents still alive? He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw the look of worry his brother had. At least he still had him.
   Roman gave him a reassuring smile. Silently, they got back to packing and getting ready. He didn’t know where they were going to go or how they were going to get out of the apartment alive. But they’d figure it out. They had too. Remus’s constant planning for alien invasions and zombie apocalypses seemed a lot less stupid now. Maybe his brother’s love of gore would save them? He gave a silent sight. They were eleven now. He woke up to coffee and zombies. Great.
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No, Jan, please tell us
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agerestorybits · 3 months
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Got bored at work so have baby Virgil about to get hit with a snow ball
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Can anyone help me find a sanders sides fanfiction about virgil being Remus's Child and roman is his uncle. It's a series that also features Patton as Logan's dad. Remus is a teacher who just recontacted his family after à bad relationship. Janus is also there and is friend with remus who babysits virgil sometimes.
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Nail Polish
Word Count: 1013
Rating: Gen
Paring: familial LAMP, Royality with Logan and Virgil as the kids
Warnings: none, just familial fluff
Roman looked up from his screen (where the cursor had been mocking him with its endless blinking; he was having trouble figuring out how to transition to the next scene and it’d killed all of his writing momentum) to find his older son peeking into his office through the half-opened door.
“Yes, my little bookworm?” He asked warmly, saving his document — he hadn’t been getting any writing done anyway. “What’s wrong?”
Logan didn’t reply, instead he shuffled across and reluctantly held his hand out for Roman to inspect.
“Oh,” Roman said, taking in the short, jagged, and uneven nails. “The lemon juice didn’t work then?”
“Nuh uh,” Logan shook his head, tearing up slightly.
“Oh, hey,” Roman said gently, pulling Logan into a hug. “Don’t cry, starlight, we’ll try something else. How about I paint your nails? Do you want to try that?”
“I dunno,” Logan whispered into his shoulder.
“How about we try it out, and if you don’t like it, we can remove it and try something else?”
“Here,” Roman sat the nine-year-old down at the kitchen table before making his way to his bedroom, emerging a moment later with his nail polish case. “You pick a color, and I’ll get the rest of the supplies ready.”
Roman unlatched the case and watched for a moment as Logan set to studying every color very seriously. Then he went back to the bathroom and grabbed the nail clippers, cotton balls, and other things he would need. When he got back to the kitchen, Logan had — unsurprisingly — selected a dark indigo.
“Is that the color you want?” Roman asked, setting the supplies down on the table and placing a bowl of warm water in front of Logan.
Logan nodded.
“Great, put your hands in the water so that your nails are all submerged, and when they’re nice and soft I’ll clip them all even and straight, okay?”
Logan nodded again and did what he was instructed.
A few minutes later, Roman was applying the second coat of indigo to his son’s fingers.
“Do you like it?” He asked as Logan inspected the hand he was not currently working on.
“Yeah,” Logan nodded, turning his fingers this way and that to see them from different angles.
“You know what might make them even better?”
Roman grinned, he was certain that Logan would like his idea. “How about I paint some stars on them?”
“Okay, we’ll let this dry a little, and then I’ll add some stars.”
Just then the door from the garage opened and a very small boy carrying a very large grocery bag full of cans came in, followed by a much larger man carrying about five grocery bags in each hand.
“Do you need some help there, Virge?” Roman chucked, placing Logan’s hand flat on the table, so that he wouldn’t smudge the polish, and screwing the cap back on the polish bottle.
“I can do it!” The six-year-old huffed, the bag making a clank-clunk as he struggled to hold it above the ground.
“You’re doing great, sweetie!” Patton praised, placing his own bags on the kitchen counter with ease. “And what have you two been up to?”
“The lemon juice didn’t work, so we’re painting Logan’s nails,” Roman explained, preening as his husband leaned down to greet him with a kiss.
“They’re very pretty, Lolo!” Logan smiled at the praise.
“Mine next!” Virgil demanded, having finished dragging his bag to the counter and barreled into Roman’s side. “Daddy, paint mine next!”
Patton smiled and turned back to putting away the groceries.
“Sure thing, shadowling,” Roman smiled, ruffling his younger son’s dark curls. “Pick out a color, roll your sleeves up, and stick your hands in the water while I finish Logie’s.”
Roman checked Logan’s polish and found it to be dry enough to start adding stars. He added stars mostly randomly, but on Logan’s thumbs he painted the Big and Little Dippers.
Virgil selected a nice purple, and asked Roman to add spider webs “but not the spiders because papa’s afraid of spiders!”
“Got time for one more?” Patton asked as Roman finished applying the last of the topcoat to Virgil’s nails.
“I always have time for you, my love!” Roman professed, making Virgil fake gag. “What would you like?”
“Surprise me,” Patton giggled.
“Logan, can you bring me my sleep mask from my room, please,” Roman requested, he already had an idea of what he wanted to do.
When Logan got back, Patton slipped the sleep mask — red silk outlined with black lace and the words “Beauty Queen” embroidered across the eyes — over his own eyes, and placed his hands in the water while Roman took their kids to the other room to confer with them. Both kids were completely on board with Roman’s plan, so he quickly came back and got to work on Patton’s nails.
Both kids were hovering over Roman’s shoulders while he worked, but they luckily didn’t give Patton any spoilers.
“Close your eyes,” Roman ordered as soon as the polish was dry. Once Patton confirmed that his eyes were closed, Roman slipped the sleep mask off his face. “Aaaaand open!”
“Oh!” Patton gasped, fighting the instinct to clutch his hands to his face since that would prevent him from looking at his nails.
Roman had painted all the fingers on his left hand the same indigo as Logan with each finger having a white letter on it: L-O-G-A-N. His right hand was purple with V-I-R-G-E in black.
“I love it!” He gushed, pulling both of his sons in for a hug. “A tribute to two of my favorite people done by my other favorite person!”
“You really like it?” Virgil asked, burying himself in Patton’s arms.
“I do, sweetie.”
“Can we paint daddy’s nails?” Logan asked suddenly.
“Yes!” Virgil agreed quickly.
“The people have spoken!” Roman laughed as he accepted the sleep mask. “Do your worst.”
He didn’t trust the giggles coming from his sons, but as long as they were happy, he was sure he’d love it.
I got a pedicure yesterday, gave me an idea
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @knight-shives @misunderstood-shadowling
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cosmicmouseart · 3 months
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Superhero Static Shock 🎵
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beheadedtheatrekid · 10 days
So... Ahem... I...kinda....... tried to create a mood boards for our production......
I know that they look miserable comparing to mood boards created by real professionals, but I just wanted to try
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And Jane
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strdstwanderer · 21 days
Non-Marvel fictional characters who would be perfect as Spider-Man:
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Edit: I can't believe I made this without adding Wally and Ace
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casart · 6 months
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Toy Castle au because why not!🧸🏰
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buglaur · 1 year
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i already made my horse man
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sleepyvirgilprompts · 9 months
Virgil rubbed his eyes. "Patt'n? 'M tired."
"I know, Vee. Come on, we'll be home soon."
"But I'm tired."
Patton stopped and crouched down. "Here, I'll give you a piggyback ride. Okay?"
"Okay," Virgil said quietly. He climbed up, and Patton wasn't surprised when he fell asleep within a couple minutes.
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milkhoney531 · 4 months
Was I supposed to be writing? Let alone a new story? No. Did I anways? Yes. Chapter 1 of CaZ is up!
Life and Death, two very contrast things. Or are they? In the zombie apocalypse, what is death? What is life? Is anyone truly living? A scientist searching for a cure to his mistake, a firefighter bent on helping survivors, two supernatural brothers struggling to adapt and survive, and two brothers who desperately want to rest and find safety. Will they survive?
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theflashzoom · 25 days
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I make a list of character's role for most of the YJ characters.
This is what their roles look like.
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sparkspacestarr · 12 days
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(I fw women and enbies too if anyone was wondering)
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refinedstorage · 10 months
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thank you @amistrio for bringing to my attention that Thunderbirds are alive and kicking in 2023 <3
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