#LMAO im gonna have a field day with that one
firelise · 11 months
Sand said "I may be a pathetic slut, but I'm his pathetic slut, u feel me?"
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zhalar · 1 year
hate that i have to come out. i hate that!!! i hate that if i want to experience a modicum of gender peace for these upcoming two years i have to tell my new teachers that im nonbinary and would like to use [this name] even though none of my official papers have it on them, and probably wont, cuz its not A Name that i can confidently believe will pass the naming convention.. laws... of this country. I HATE THAT I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO PLEAD MY CASE AND EXPLAIN MYSELF. im trying to construct this message that i’ve got no idea will even be read or noted just to have it in my student record somewhere that “hey im SOOOO sorry but if its not a problem to you i would love to feel like a human person even on a name-basis during my studies and im MORE than fine to be otherwise (mis)gendered as long as its not a problem to YOUUUUU also i know that my legal name is literally on show in every school email and profile so whatever i say here matters none cause everyone will only see that clearly gendered name and not give a flying fuck about this “”nickname”” im trying to get going since its not my LEEEGAAALL name but thats also so fine with me if i could Just get the clear to sign my emails and whatsapp messages with my preferred name thankyouuu :)” 
sorry im always complaining here it gets ANNOYING. im mostly trying to get my own brain straight about this matter. uhggh BUT ITS SO AWKWARD TO WRITE THAT MESSAGE. i dont want to explain myself but i also dont! want! to make a scene!!!! im so pissed off at myself for not opening my DAMN MOUTH when the group-wide introductions happened this week. shoulda just bit the bullet and said ive got [this] name in official papers but would prefer to be called särmä. literally could feel the nerve escaping my body when it came to my turn. fucking hell
(EDIT ive calmed down. i didnt send the message fuck this noise, im just gonna hope that i’ll get it out face to face this next week [biting through glass])
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
x. polite because no one deserves to be purposefully treated rudely. kind because kindness keeps a person gentle. sweet because making people smile is uplifting. helpful for the same reason. supportive because if you dont have anything nice to say, it's extremely easy not to say anything at all. above all, do unto others what you would have them do unto you.
o. polite because it's the best way to fade all the way into the background. kind because i'm too afraid to let myself be cruel. sweet because of overwhelming&pathetic desperation to make people happy. helpful because it's too exhausting to cause waves. supportive because other's goals are a great distraction from my own. above all, a smile makes the best camouflage as long as no one can ever see you sweat.
x. lonely+isolated because of mental+physical health restrictions. i miss people-- i miss being surprised, i miss relating to people on any level that isn't abject pain. i miss connection, communion, community.
o. alone+introspective because it pays off to be so. i don't miss people at all-- in fact it is a true sign of growth that it is not my knee-jerk reaction to say that i hate them for everything that (an admittedly small sampling of) people have done to me.
x. i am so terrified of communication at this point, &traumatized by Other People just in general, that i regularly shut my notifications off on everything because the sound of any form of notification ring that i recognize can literally kick off vicious panic attacks and send me running for dark corners, lmao. i am pathetic-- but i am a survivor.
o: i am charming, fun, &social to varying degrees dependent on the work. i am adaptable, everything from the center of attention to support staff with ease. smiling through blood in my mouth&talking to basically anyone for minutes to hours is child's play-- literally, since that is when i learned it.
x. pride over the skills i've developed over a lifetime of nonsense. made possible by mania, perhaps.
o. shame over the skills i've developed over a lifetime of nonsense. put off by disassociation, definitely.
x. i am kind and small and smiling and invisible. please just leave me alone. please don't even look at me, i literally cannot bear it, i just want to be alone again, please do not hurt me, i will do anything to make you happy if you just promise not to hurt me.
o. i am vicious and bloody and loud, and i will make you look at me, i will make you see me. i will give you a reason for that sneer, &i have no problem giving and taking blood in the process. my blood is worth so much less that i will win this no matter what-- i am braver than you could ever be because i have nothing that i'm afraid i'll lose.
x: i just want to make people smile.
o: i just want to never see another living person ever again.
x: like me, like me, like me. please just like me. i just want to be safe from abject hatred. i just want to be likeable. i can be anything, anyone-- it isn't like i want to keep all my parts, anyway, just tell me what i need to toss to be normal. just tell me what to chop off to be loveable.
o: i will give you every reason to fucking hate me if that is what's going to happen, anyway. i have spent a lifetime becoming who i am, usually against my will-- i can finally look in the mirror without flinching, &i won't let anyone take that away from me. you'll pry my forced self-acceptance out of my cold, dead hands.
x: i have been so lucky. i have been so fucking lucky. every single day i am reminded of all the many ways it could have been worse, things could have been worse, life could have been worse. i am so lucky. i owe the red string everything for letting me finally be someone i like sometimes.
o: i might have been lucky, but somehow i doubt anyone treating my gratitude or happiness like a red flag would be capable of living a day in my life-- or any singular one of the days i've lived thus far. but i can definitely give them a taste if that's what they need to wipe the snide looks off their faces. i'll hate myself after for giving in to the temptation, though. i always do.
x: there's good in everything. if you look for it, there will always be good somewhere. you just need to look. happiness is a conscious decision. kindness is a conscious decision. being a decent person is a perpetual and conscious decision.
o: there's bad in everything, too, and the second i see it, i cannot unsee it. or forgive it, usually. why is it so much easier to see how much people fucking suck?
x: i want perfection. practice, constant effort, dedication-- i need perfection, i'll get perfection. if i can't, what's the point? if there's not even the possibility, what is the fucking point? how am i supposed to live if i know my lifelong goal is&always has been unattainable?
o. perfection isn't an objective possibility. how many times&different ways do i need to fail at the impossible reality before it actually settles in. it isn't possible. i'm dedicating my life to an impossible pursuit. more specifically, i'm committing myself to eternal&constant punishment for failure. why, though. why am i like this.
x. i hate myself so much sometimes i feel like i might actually lose my mind.
o. i am so full of pride sometimes i feel like i might burst at the fucking seams with it all.
x. i am terrified that i'm not capable of living unless it's fighting uphill. who am i without the struggle? who am i past the trauma?
o. if fighting uphill is what made me what i am, what does it matter if i never lose the edge? why should it matter if i need the extra motivation? if i can handle it, why should the struggle be a bad thing?
#so my bipolar diagnosis has been a central theme in my life for the past couple months right.#&i have a really. specific. relationship w my diagnosis lmao. bc its not like i can pretend im not certifiable lmao#but like also this diagnosis up until i literally lost parts of my sanity over turbo had only ever been used for several types#of negligence lmao.#&bc its been a Conversation lately ive been having to reflect on how i feel about it more than i have in. years probably lmao.#&like my thing is i have trouble telling the difference between being an unstable person vs being a complex person.#idk. something something what is the self without the Other? something something tree falls in the woods&no one hears it ect ect.#something something what makes anything real in regards to things so abstract&subjective?#bc until someone actually has the balls to slice me open&test my brain chemistry to put me out of my misery its all just a debate lmao.#idk lots of polarizing thoughts lately maybe.#... as always i dont really have a trigger warning specific for anything but it feels relevant anyway.#........... my doc is gonna have a field day. i dont want new meds but i have a feeling an adjustment is coming soon. 🫠🫠🫠#on the plus side tho! i have successfully kept my weight up past 105lbs for a solid week. so. solid win in all my other med departments.#(... i just remembered i had a bf once who used to HATE reading all my ramblings lmao he said i talked way too much&it showed.#i'm so fucking happy we broke up before that could actually sink in enough to ruin my big fucking mouth LMAO)#(edit: my doc had a field day lmao.)
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#me when im around only one othet person: if there is a single lull in conversation i will die so i just have to ramble and ramble until its#over. me around only 2 other ppl: carring the conversation is no longer my job. i will not speak unless spoken to#thems the rules arbitrarily established by my brain#lol we got back from doing field work around 4 and my boss and lab mate set up in the living room area while i went to my room with no#intension of leaving. i went to the kitchen and got an orange but that's it. i ate cereal in my room like a gremlin bc the anxiety of#going to the kitchen is too much. am i quite dehydrated#yes i am. am i gonna do anything abt it? no im not. i will eek by on v little until i can be alone again#ugh. my lab mate already knows too much. he better not call me out#ugh. stupid. my brain is so foggy but im making a presentation for a lecture im giving. its v self indulgent#and im worries my boss is gonna make me change it :-( let me have my eccentricities grr#lmao yesterday i listened to radiohead no surprises like 20 times and today im making a burnout playlist. good times good times#it was so fucking cold this morning. I mean not that cold it was 36f but thats pretty cold to b out sampling#ugh. 2 more days and then ill be tripping and falling into another week#why tf am i allergic to more desert plants than Midwestern plants? fucking sage and tarbush fuck off. u make me sneeze#unrelated#my boss: i will take the room with an ajourning bathroom and we will designate this the girls room#ok this means that i then have to walk thru her room to use the bathroom#which means my lab mate has his own bathroom and my boss has her own bathroom and i has to suffer bc im too anxious
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miaoua3 · 29 days
could you possibly do spicy hc and soft hc for joshua and mingyu??? i came from your tiktok lmao
sure i can! im gonna do joshua now and mingyu later separately so i can organise it better in my masterlist, i hope that’s okay for you!
Joshua Boyfriend Headcanons:
•(sfw! hcs):
according to his birth chart (lol), he has a very hard time feeling the spark with his partners, as well as building the relationship to a deeper and more intimate level, so i feel like for him to have felt the spark for the first time with you would definitely make him fall in love with you immediately and he would be so smitten with you
so so so very gentle, he always has this soft look in his eyes when he’s looking at you, the guys want to make fun of him for it but can’t since they’ve never seen him this happy and in love
biggest forehead kisses enthusiast ever, will do it every morning to you and will melt when you do it for him, over time became something very special and intimate to you both
loves hugs more than anything, at night when he comes home to you, he just hugs you for awhile, slowly swaying with you in his arms to the music playing in the background, he always says that you are his charger, always giving him energy when he has none left❤️
also very big lover of hand kisses, whenever he’s driving he’s always holding your hand, so it’s only right that he kisses the back of it every few minutes, just to reassure both you and himself- you that he’s thinking about you, even when you are right next to him, and himself, that you are really real and his
does this little things that make your eyes water without so much as blinking or thinking about it twice, ie wiping the corner of your mouth if you have a little bit of food left there, tying your shoelaces for you, pulling you to the side so you don’t collide with strangers when you are walking but not paying attention as to where you are walking, standing behind you when you are wearing a short skirt/dress in case the wind messes with it etc❤️
if the flower shops were opened at the time when he’s going home, he would buy you a bouquet every day❤️ so instead he opts for plants that will last longer than a bouquet would and that are just as pretty
subconsciously always pushes your hair away when you are standing face to face and either talking or just…staring at each other, he loves your face so much like everything about it is perfect to him and he could spend hours just…watching you smile at him
would rather die than admit this but definitely bought a bottle of your perfume to have with himself to spray on his pillows when he’s on tour, he just can’t fall asleep without your smell surrounding him, he’s gotten so used to sleeping next to you that he now literally can’t fall asleep otherwise :(
started seeing you and associating you with the colour yellow because you are literally his sun, and he is your moon, he doesn’t exist without you, so he will just unconsciously smile when he drives by a field of sunflowers❤️
• (nsfw! hcs):
feel like inside the bedroom his personality does a whole 180° change, suddenly there’s this dominant and not rude per say but definitely firm joshua, teasing and controlling everything-your body, your movements, even your mind
definitely has a thing for power play, just loves restraining your movements and pinning your hands with his own big ones, turns him on so much knowing that you let yourself be at his mercy
low-key into choking, not too much, just a little bit when you can barely remember your own name due to pleasure, to get you to pay attention back to him
can see him also being into hair pulling, ie when he’s fucking you from behind he just grabs a handful of it and pulls your head back so he can see your face better or well, as best as he can from that angle, sometimes even quickly switches from pulling on your hair to pulling your head back by your neck until you can make eye contact
which brings me to the next point- he’s big on eye contact, for one, he loves your eyes and loves seeing your glossy eyes as he’s fucking you and two, so he can see it if everything is still alright or if he needs to stop for a bit
isn’t into degradation per say, he’s just very firm, he’d want you to use your words always, if you are too gone in the pleasure he will spank you and demand that you answer him
can definitely see him being into cream pies, loves just watching his cum dripping out of you and stuffing it back in with his long fingers, to the point it overstimulates you so much that you start to cry
on the nights where he’s feeling vulnerable however, he will abandon this whole dom persona and fuck you so gently and deeply, will worship your body and mind, will just be all up in your ear and telling you “you are so good, so good to me, my girl, my darling, fuck, i love you so much, love this pussy too, so perfect for me, you are all mine, right? you are my good girl? say it, please, need to hear you say that you are mine, mine and mine only”
LOVES it when you give him a blowjob, just seeing you on your knees in front of him while he’s sitting on the couch, your innocent eyes looking up at him, your hair pulled behind either in a ponytail or in his hand is enough to make him cum down your throat, never mind the feeling of your warm mouth and your tongue swirling around his tip
KING OF AFTER CARE, nobody comes close to him, he will clean you first, maybe make you take a shower with him (where he will do all the cleaning of your body), then dressing you in his comfy clothes because he knows you like his smell and find comfort in wearing his clothes, maybe get you a snack or even cook something if you are feeling extra hungry and then he. wont. let. you. leave. his. arms. he will just hug you and cuddle you and stroke your face and hair and back until you fall asleep, will make sure to let you know that he didn’t mean to go that hard on you, will make sure with you that everything was alright-all in all, he will TAKE care of your body, mind and soul, always❤️
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hwaslayer · 6 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | nineteen. (final)
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 5.5k
—chapter content/warnings:  cussing/mature language, some alcohol consumption, seonghwa (lmao im jk just had to do it one time for the one time - hes not really a warning but he does pop in for a second), oral (f. receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, praising, lots and lots of kisses 
—on rotation: universe - thuy ・complicated - nivea
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—a/n: & we've come to the end 😭 sobbing!! tysm for all your love on this one, i truly appreciate every single one of you that cried, loved and supported this couple from day one!! <33 it truly meant a lot to me. i hope to see you alongside of me on the next journey hehe 💕 find my upcoming works here & lmk if you wanna be on the taglists! if you need something more sad & angsty, here is home. ILYYYY!!
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"Baby! Yeo!" You squeal when you see Yunho lined up with Yeosang amongst the crowd of graduates waiting to pile their way in to the field where the ceremony would be taking place. He waves, tall and proud in his cap and gown, blushing from ear to ear when you rush over for a quick hug.
"Pretty girl." He mumbles against your head before kissing you on the temple. "Go get your seat before it fills up." His hands are on your waist as he looks down at you, brushing the hair away from your face.
"I know, but I just had to see you really quickly." You point to your friends behind you, all holding up cardboard cut outs of Yunho and Yeosang's faces. "Look! We came prepared!" They laugh.
"I'm glad you picked a nice photo of me at least." 
"Oh, we have both cute and funny faces, don't worry." Yeosang rolls his eyes before giving off another chuckle. You slip a water bottle filled halfway with tequila in Yunho's hand, making Yeosang give off a loud laugh when he realizes what you're giving them.
"Babe." Yunho says almost in a scolding manner that makes you giggle.
"You've got a whole 3-4 hours or so of a graduation ceremony, love! What else are you gonna do?!"
"She's right, what are we gonna do?"
"Oh my— go, babe. We're gonna head in soon." You laugh and give him a quick peck on the lips before squeezing his hand.
"Okay, okay. I love you. Enjoy!"
"I love you, too." You wave once more before running off to your friends and heading out onto the lawn. It's a beautiful day out, and the sun is already shining even though it's still early in the morning. You, your friends, your mom and sister, and Yunho's mom and aunt eventually find ways to each other and take place in some seats right by the stage and underneath the shade.
As expected, the ceremony kicks off and it's a long one. The President of the school speaks before other distinguished professors and a special guest speaker take over the mic. Yunho and Yeosang surprisingly do take a few swigs from the water bottle mid-speech, catching other graduates doing the same to keep themselves alive and on the same high they started with this morning. Once they start handing out diplomas to the graduates by school/department, it tacks on another hour or so before they're finally reaching the Computer Science department.
"Oh shit, finally!" Soobin says, fixing his position in his seat and getting his phone ready.
"Are they even going in alphabetical order?" Seungmin stands, stepping aside to make sure he isn't blocking the view.
"Nope. They're going by row, I think." Chaery stands before pointing and grabbing you by the arm. "Wait, wait! Yunho and Yeo are standing now!" You stand and let your family and his family know that it might be time to head closer towards the stage. The entire group makes their way towards the side of the stage that is blocked off solely for family and loved ones to snap photos of their graduates. You sneak your way past a few people, bringing everyone closer in an area where Yunho and Yeosang could see the group clearly as they walk across the stage and off.
The first to walk across the stage is Yeosang; his family roars next to you while you all hold up his boards. You snap a few photos of him just as he walks off and quickly flashes his diploma before waving one last goodbye to get to his seat. At this point, Yunho takes a step onto the stage, waiting for his name to be called. You feel the tears welling in your eyes when you find that Yunho isn't looking at anyone but you. 
"I love you." He mouths out and subtly taps his chest just as they call his name.
"I love you, too." You mouth back before snapping his photos— catching that sparkle in his eye, that beautiful smile on his face. That's your man and you love him so, so much.
"Jeong Yunho!" Chaery yells as you all put up the blown up boards of his face. You all cheer and scream for him as he finally crosses the stage and grabs his diploma, doing a little celebratory dance as he steps down and passes everyone for final photos. Yunho quickly grabs your hand and presses a light kiss to the surface before running off to his seat. "I swear to God, you two are the sweetest." Chaery pokes out her bottom lip before throwing her arm around your shoulder. "That man loves you and adores you to bits, Y/N."
"And I do, too." She squeezes you as you all make your way back to your seats to endure the rest of the graduates getting their diplomas.
"Do you guys have any plans for Yunho and Yeosang tonight?" Your mom leans over to ask and you shake your head.
"No, they didn't wanna do anything besides the lunch thingy we're all going to."
"Oh, really? Not even a party?" You shake your head.
"Nope. I promise you, we tried." Your mom chuckles and nods.
As the rest of the ceremony finally comes to an end, caps are being tossed in the air from all directions while the graduates celebrate in unison one last time. You hurriedly run to the nearest bathroom because your body decides this would be the best time to do so. Luckily, there isn't much of a line or anything so you're able to slip in and out after relieving yourself. But once you head back to the lawn, you find yourself completely lost in a sea full of graduates, their families and loved ones. When you tippy-toe to try and find Yunho, you surprisingly can't find a glimpse of him and it makes you a bit anxious.
"Oops, sorry—"
"Sorry—" You look up. "Seonghwa." You bump into him as you continue to try and navigate your way through the crowd to find Yunho and Yeosang, with Seonghwa also trying to find his family in the sea of people.
"Oh, hey." He looks down at you.
"Thank you." He says with a small smile.
"I really do wish you the best." He looks at you before looking down at his feet and nodding.
"I appreciate that, Y/N. I hope senior year treats you well." You give him a toothless smile before you finally spot Yunho over his shoulder. Seonghwa watches as your smile grows, hearing the small squeals leave your lips when you finally spot Yunho with your friends and family.
"Thanks. Good luck!" You bid Seonghwa farewell once and for all before running over to your boyfriend. Of course, Seonghwa keeps his eyes trained on you two for a bit while you swing your arms around Yunho's neck and kiss him so sweetly, so lovingly. Yunho looks down at you like the entire world is handed to him on a gold platter, like you hold the galaxies in your eyes, like every inch of you has been crafted by the stars. 
You are everything to him, and it's clear even for someone like Seonghwa— who isn't sure how to give love, yet is very open to receiving it.  He could've had that, if he wasn't so dumb. You really did believe in him at one point, but he didn't do anything with it. He didn't choose you.
But truthfully, in the end, he's happy you're happy. Even though it took him awhile to fully understand that. He knew he couldn't fully give you what you wanted, and he knows Yunho is way better than he'll ever be. You deserve that, and Seonghwa knows he should've tried harder when he had you. Not after.
Life's a bunch of learning lessons, and he truly gets that now.
"Congrats, baby!" You giggle when Yunho presses repeated kisses against your face, holding you against him.
"Hey! Turn to the camera!" Your mom yells from behind you. "Let me snap some photos of you and the handsome graduate! Hurry! Food's waiting!" Your mom playfully scolds you before snapping a bunch of photos. Everyone is taking their time snapping photos of you and Yunho, you and your friends with Yunho and Yeosang, and it takes a good bit before everyone is satisfied enough to leave. 
Yeosang's family joins everyone for a celebratory meal at the bbq restaurant in the city. It's a late celebratory lunch being that it's a bit past noon, but everyone is happy and still in good spirits despite the long ceremony and warmer weather. It's nice to see everyone you love under one roof, with Yunho and Yeosang rightfully being celebrated for all their hardwork. While your mom and sister sit alongside of Yunho's mom and aunt, your dad calls mid-dinner to congratulate Yunho over Facetime and apologizes for missing the ceremony due to a business trip. Yunho eventually ends up agreeing to a random fishing date with your dad in the coming weeks, making you laugh how cutely [and quickly] he agreed.
"Babe." You look up at him sweetly as everyone exits the restaurant, your hand loosely intertwined with his.
"When you say my name like that, you're always up to no good." You playfully smack him with a gasp.
"Oh my god, not even!" You giggle. "I just wanted to know if you're happy."
"Of course I am."
"Do you wanna do anything else to celebrate?"
"Nah." He shakes his head and boops your nose. "Just wanna spend time with you. Besides, I told you I'd take you somewhere this summer, remember? That'll be a way to celebrate."
"I feel like I wanna do more for you."
"You do a lot for me already. I promise." He squeezes your hand.
"I'm gonna be honest, and it's probably gonna sound lame, but a nap sounds really nice right now." Yeosang says. "We got up way too early for graduation." You laugh.
"Why don't we nap and head to the beach tonight for a chill bonfire?" Soobin suggests with a shrug. "So we can celebrate but also not do too much?"
"That actually sounds amazing." Chaery looks at with a surprised expression. "Way to go, Choi!" She punches him on the arm, earning a small groan in response.
"Yeah, I'm down for that."
"I'll drive us and see if the others wanna come along?" Yeosang and Yunho nod.
"Yay!" You clap before bidding farewell to your mom, sister, Yunho's mom and his aunt. 
As expected, everyone heads their separate ways and gets ready to relax for the early afternoon. Chaery and Seungmin head off to the grocery store to grab a few drinks and snacks for tonight, and some ice for the cooler. After taking a quick shower, you head back to Yunho's— already finding Yeosang's door shut close, while Yunho is also in bed with an arm lazily draped over his face. As you quietly shut the door behind you and walk towards his bed, you hear Yunho's small snores a little clearer. You giggle to yourself as you carefully climb over and take your place on the empty side of the bed, but Yunho is quick to shift in his own position and throw an arm around you as soon as he feels the bed dip. His hand gently squeezes at your side just as he presses up against your back, letting out a soft sigh against the back of your head.
"Sorry baby." He sleepily says. "Tried waiting but I got sleepy."
"That's okay, Yuyu. Go back to sleep." He presses a light kiss to your head before snuggling closer to you. Within a few minutes, you feel your lids getting heavier, breathing more regulated. It's not long before you fall into a deep sleep with Yunho cuddled behind you; also meeting you in your dreams.
Eventually, your slumber comes to an end when you feel Yunho pressing light kisses to your jaw, cheek, neck and head. You giggle as your eyes flutter open, giving your body a tiny, but good stretch in Yunho's arms.
"Awake already?"
"Mm, we slept for like 3 hours." He laughs. "We should eat before we head to the beach."
"What do you wanna eat? I'm too content here." You chuckle.
"I could name a few things." Yunho smirks before gently nibbling on your earlobe and giving your thigh a squeeze.
"You go to sleep for 3 hours and wake up like this?!" You snort.
"Baby." He whines, so you turn to look at him. 
"And here I thought you really wanted to eat."
"I do! I'm just in the mood for a variety of things." 
"Oh?" You let out a loud squeal when Yunho comes for your neck and starts attacking you with more kisses.
"Oy! I can hear you two from out here!" Chaery says from outside the door, causing the both of you to pause and look towards the door.
"When did she get here?" You ask. Yunho snorts as he continues to play around, hand teasing at the edge of your panties. "Yunho!"
"What?" He nips at your neck.
"You lovebirds awake or what? We brought some food over." Seungmin asks right by the door. You can hear both him and Chaery mumbling from behind— something along the lines of:
Should we just knock?
Should we go in?
You think they're still sleeping after hearing her earlier?
What if they're indecent and in compromised positions?
Dude, just tell them the food is outside, they'll come when they're ready.
You laugh to yourself amidst Yunho's kisses, internally shaking your head at your roommates for almost acting on their thoughts. You return your attention back to your boyfriend, who is looking at you adoringly even as his fingers continue to trace the material of your panties.
"Food is outside when you two are done!" Seungmin says, followed by an 'ow' afterwards.
"Yunho, what are you up to?"
"I'll be quick." He laughs. "Just wanna please you."
"Everyone is outside!"
"You can be quiet though, right?" He lowers himself under the blankets, taking his position in between your thighs. You bite onto your bottom lip, feeling Yunho tug your panties down before slipping in two digits. You let out a quiet, breathy moan, twitching when you suddenly feel him latch onto your clit— tongue working magic around your core. 
"Oh shit—" Your moan gets louder and Yunho gives your thigh a squeeze to warn you. You feel the pleasure quickly building in your gut, slowly working your hips against his mouth; hands gripping his hair with good pressure. You feel him pick up the pace, pumping into you faster before he focuses on your clit alone, letting you grind your hips against him. He groans against you, pressing his hips deeper into the mattress to feel some kind of friction, to relieve himself in any way possible.  "Yunho, fuck—" Sooner or later, your orgasm washes over you and completely takes over your senses. You tremble against him, back arching off of the mattress as the aftershocks trickle through you. "Jesus, babe."
"Mhm, but you feel good, don't you?" He pokes out of the covers, laughing with rose-tinted cheeks.
"What about you?"
"I'm good." He leans in to kiss you. "That's all I needed."
"You're crazy."
"I love you, too." He kisses you again. "Ready to actually eat?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" You laugh, letting Yunho get up and fix himself first. You throw on some sweats, also following suit to make sure you look decent enough for your friends. 
"Wow, finally." Chaery says when she sees Yunho ski-daddle to the bathroom with a quick wave, you plopping yourself down onto the living room floor next to her. "You good?" She teases, nudging you in the arm.
"Mm, thanks for bring the food."
"Who else is tagging along?"
"Hyunjin. Yeonjun. Jongho. Minnie. Someone else, I forgot though." Soobin says. "They're riding with Jongho."
"I'm surprised they're still around. Usually, they're all quick to dip as soon as finals are over." Chaery adds. "Eat up, replenish your stamina." She hands Yunho a plate when he plops onto the floor next to you.
"Thank you." He flashes her a bright, playful smile. "Did you guys get everything for tonight?"
"You should've told us. We could've chipped in." Yeosang nods in agreement.
"Um, this is for you guys. Why on earth would I do that?" She laughs. "No, absolutely not. I just want you guys to have fun and enjoy tonight."
"Thank you." Yeosang repeats with a small smile. Everyone finishes up eating in the living room before Yeosang and Soobin are hauling the cooler into his car for tonight's festivities. As soon as the sun sets, the group piles into the car, squeezing into the back to fit [as safely as possible]. The beach Soobin picks isn't the usual, popular beach that everyone tends to go to. He decides it's best to go to the smaller one that's tucked off to the side so it isn't bombarded with people on a beautiful night like tonight. It takes a quick 10-min drive down the highway, along with tackling a curvy, winding road before Soobin is driving down a small, quiet residential area and pulling up at a dead-end. 
"Jongho and them are here already." He says, pulling up behind their car along the side of the street near the dead-end sign. Everyone hops out and grabs what they can to haul it over to the beach, having to walk down the path in order to reach the sand. Jongho and the rest of the group already have a huge fire going, chairs situated around the fire with a few snacks and the bluetooth speakers softly playing music laying around.
"Finally!" Jongho says with his arms wide open. "Congrats Yunho and Yeo!"
"Thanks, my guy!" Yunho responds with a laugh, greeting your friends with a hug and thanking them for hanging out to celebrate. Everyone gets started with rounds of shots before dancing around in the sand and splashing in the water. Yunho's happily singing along to the songs even as you two walk into the water and try to playfully splash each other. At once, he carries you and attempts to throw you into the water, laughing away as you chase him and scold him for even trying.
When you finally settle back onto the chair and start roasting some marshmallows for smores, Yunho plops onto the chair next to you— gently nudging you on the arm before kissing you on the cheek.
"Making some smores?" You giggle and nod.
"Want one?"
"Sure." You throw a marshmallow onto another stick, keeping it near the fire. While waiting for it to be perfectly roasted, you look up and admire the stars strung across the velvety sky.
The moon.
"It's a full moon." He looks at you with a small smile before kissing you on the temple, helping you arrange his smores on a plate.
"It is, and I want you to remember this one and the next ones to come."
"Just cause." He gives you a small smile, happy to have made the moon something you two could share, something that will always serve as a reminder of the love you two hold for each other. "It's our thing, isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is our thing." You giggle, resting your head on his shoulders while you continue to watch your friends fool around on the sand and enjoy themselves under the clear, night sky. "I'm proud of you, you know that right? Incredibly proud of you."
"I know."
"I'll be the support you every step of the way."
"Thank you, love. And I'll be here, too. I'm here."
You splashed in the clearest, bluest waters you've ever seen, Yunho coming behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You give off a tiny scream when he surprises you from behind, lifting you and dropping you back into the water.
"Jeong Yunho!" You laugh mid-scold, wiping the water from your face.
"I like it when you say my name." He smirks, followed by a deep laugh. "Sorry, baby. I had to."
"You're lucky I like you." He smiles, hands resting on your waist to pull you close.
"That's a shame, I thought you loved me, too." He teases while you wrap your arms around his neck.
"You're lucky I love you."
"Ah, that's better." He licks his lips, water droplets slowly falling down his face from his wet hair. "Mind if I kiss you, pretty girl?"
"Not at all." You bite onto your bottom lip before Yunho leans forward for a kiss, holding it for as long as he possibly can before he's pulling back. He presses one, two, three repeated kisses before giving your hips a squeeze.
"Wanna head back to the room?"
"Yeah, actually. I'm kinda pooped from splashing in the water all day."
"Same." He laces his fingers with yours as you both walk out of the water and back towards the resort. 
"What do you want for dinner tonight?"
"Um, I don't know. Let me figure that out. You just relax." He gives you a small smile. The sand feels warm but soft beneath your feet, and the sun is still shining even though it's getting ready to set soon. Thankfully, it isn't nearly as bright and hot as it was earlier in the day anymore. You grab your things from the beach chair, washing off your feet under the water spout before slipping back into your slippers and following the trail back into the resort. 
When you step back into the room, Yunho is quick to start a hot shower for you, claiming he'll take care of dinner. So, you hop in and take your time underneath the hot water; letting it ease the slight soreness that came from swimming and playing in the water most of the day. Yunho makes a quick trip down the street to pick up some food, laying everything out on the balcony table so that you two could enjoy it during a peaceful night.
"Aw, babe! When did you go out and grab this?" You say as you walk out to the balcony in your cute grey shorts and matching hoodie. 
"When you were swimming in the shower." You laugh and playfully punch him on the bicep.
"I did not take that long. But, thank you." You tippytoe to give him a peck.
"Let me take a quick shower. I'll be out soon." He tips your chin upwards before smiling down at you.
"Okay." You settle onto the balcony chair and scroll through your phone, texting your friends while you patiently wait for Yunho to shower and get comfy for dinner. You look out at the view, admiring the way the moonlight shines down onto the surface of the water, illuminating everything near its path. It's quiet with the occasional sound of waves crashing against the sand, the occasional chatter of other families passing by to get to their rooms. It's peaceful, but it feels extra special being away from home with Yunho.
When it hits close to 20 minutes, Yunho's finally joining you in the balcony, running a hand through his damp hair as he sits in the chair next to you. The both of you begin to dig in and talk about your day, planning what else you should do tomorrow and the following day before you're having to leave and head back home. Of course, in typical Yunho fashion, he jokes around and plays around mid-meal, just wanting to hear you laugh and giggle next to him. When you both feel satisfied, he sits back and takes his turn to admire the view, his hand laced with yours as he presses kisses onto the surface.
"Baby." He says softly, his thumb caressing the surface of your hand.
"Do you see the full moon?" He points upwards.
"I do." You smile at him, remembering the days when you used to walk with Yunho and look at the moon.
"Can you do me a favor then?"
"Of course."
"Keep your eyes on it for me, please?"
"What're you up to, Jeong Yunho?" You giggle, doing as asked by keeping your gaze on the full moon ahead. You don't even see Yunho move, nor do you hear him fiddle around, but you are stuck on the moon nonetheless. It's beautiful, it's bright, it's dreamy.
"Nothing." He laughs. "Tell me what you see, love."
"Yunho, I—" You turn to look at him, but before you can even say, do, anything, your eyes immediately shift to the center of the table, causing you to pause mid-sentence.
On the table is an opened small, black box with a ring inside. A simple, but beautifully chic rose gold ring that blended seamlessly into an infinity-shape near the center, a small heart-shaped diamond sitting in the middle cushioned in between smaller diamonds. It's beautiful, it's bright, it's dreamy.
"Y-Yunho." You say his name softly. Your heart is beating out of your chest because although you'd love to do this with Yunho, you aren't sure if you're entirely ready. But luckily for you, Yunho knows you well.
Very well.
And he understands. He knows the feeling all too well, too.
"I— it's a promise ring. Because as much as I want to say fuck it right now, I know we're both waiting until we're absolutely ready to build a life together. I just want you to know that I'm yours. No matter what. I'm yours and nothing's gonna change that. I'm here."
"Babe." The tears well up in your eyes as you admire the ring sitting in the box before looking back up at him. He's right, and it's what you love the most about him. He's never one to rush or pressure you into anything, he's the one who thinks logically and rationally. But, he never fails to show you just how much you mean to him, how much this relationship means to him. There was always this cloud above the both of you after that night you two talked about building a life together and doing the crazy shit grownups do. Because even though you truly love Yunho and you know he's the one you wanna be with, you still have a whole year of school ahead of you, more dance competitions ahead of you; plus, whatever else post-grad will bring for you. Yunho is still navigating his own life after graduation and even though he might be in a slightly better place than you right now, you know he's also trying to be there for his mom and aunt more. Things are still unsettled and it wouldn't be the time for you two to think about engagements, marriages, what kind of home you want, kids— even if that's the end goal.
Whatever the combination looked like.
But having Yunho do this, to give you a promise ring that shows you the want, the need, the dedication he has to be there for you every step of the way and vice versa. It means more than anything, and it's all you could've ever asked for. You're happy to know he is yours, just as you are his.
"I love it. Thank you."
"Can I?" He licks his lips, taking the ring from the box in order to slip it on your finger. You simply nod as the tears stream down your cheeks, fingers slightly shaking at the overflowing love and happiness you feel being here, being with Yunho. "Baby, why are you crying?" He chuckles a bit, leaning over to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
"I just.. I don't know. I just love you. Sometimes, it still feels so unreal." He subtly bites onto his bottom lip to prevent himself from smiling even more. But, he thinks you're so cute right now. So pretty, so beautiful. So.. his.
"Come here, love." He gestures to his lap. You silently walk over and straddle his lap, arms lazily wrapped around his neck. He leans in for a kiss, large hands resting on your hips while he indulges in the sweetness of your lips, the way you feel resting on him, your scent.
The kiss intensifies quick, and you find yourself slowly grinding on Yunho— feeling how hard he is beneath you. It's a slow grind, one where you drag your clothed core over his length ever so nicely, just to feel every bit of him against you. 
"Fuck." He hisses.
"Let's go inside, babe."
"Or.. I can take you right here, right now. Let everyone see what you do to me." He presses a kiss to your jaw. "How you make me feel." He looks up at you just as he presses another kiss to your chin. "Hm, baby? Should I just selfishly keep you to myself?" He hums, hands squeezing your hips a little harder as you continue to slowly rock against him. You let out a soft, whiny moan and it shoots straight down to Yunho's dick. After his 'lil bits of teasing, he knows at the end of the day, he just wants you to himself. No one else.
No one, nothing, in between.
So, he swiftly carries you in one motion, hurrying into the room before slamming the balcony door shut. He drops you onto the bed, immediately latching his lips onto yours in a hungry, heated kiss. He crawls in between your lap as you lay back, Yunho's hands immediately squeezing your inner thighs. He lowers himself just enough to tease your core with his clothed, hardened member. That contact alone sends tingles down your spine, enough for a moan to slip from your lips in between kisses. Yunho doesn't waste any time shedding off your clothes, admiring every inch of your body with trails of kisses, gentle touches. 
"Need you." He says in your ear. "Can I have you?" You nod hastily, helping Yunho out of his shirt. 
"You have me, Yunho." He pauses and looks at you for a moment, and for the first time ever, you aren't sure what it means. You aren't sure what he's feeling. But, his expression softens, his eyes are holding onto the stars, the moon, the sun, that he sees in your own. Because he has you. 
He has you.
He doesn't say anything before locking his lips with yours, the need, want, desire, so evident in every move he makes. He takes a few moments to slip in two digits, just to get a feel for how wet you are. He groans against you when you arch your back upwards, too hungry, too eager, to feel you wrapped around him. He starts to pump himself a few times, spreading your wetness across his length before lining himself up at your entrance. 
"Ready for me?" You nod, gasping at him pushing into you until he bottoms out to the hilt. The both of you adjust to the feeling before he begins to work you at a steady pace. But, Yunho keeps himself close to you— skin to skin, hand tightly locked with yours. It's slow and steady, intimate.
Tonight feels so much more different. So much more intense. 
So much more special.
Yunho continues to whisper praises against your skin, slightly picking up his pace and making you whimper in response. He finds that he wants to feel more of you, so he sits back onto his knees and holds you flush against him while he gives you control. You start to roll your hips, hands tugging at the ends of his hair when you pick up your pace. The position has you feeling every inch of him inside of you, only wanting more— to be closer, if ever possible.
"Oh, babe—" You mewl and tilt your head back in pleasure. He takes the opportunity to nibble at your neck, tongue swiping across the surface.
"Oh shit, baby." He moans breathily. "Just like that. You're so good to me." He repeats. "So good to me." The grip on your hips gets a little stronger while Yunho guides you. He pushes you to ride him faster, clit rubbing against him so deliciously it pushes you to the edge— right where he needs you to be.
"Oh god— god Yunho." You moan loudly. "I'm gonna cum—"
"That's it. That's my good girl." He coos, holding you against him tightly. "Let me feel you." He feels your walls pulsing against him, squeezing his length tightly in all the right places. He lets out another moan as he adjusts his position and fucks up into you to chase his own high. You wrap your arms around him, whining from the sensitivity until you hear him mumble curses against your neck; groaning when he releases and fills you up. The both of you don't move from your positions for awhile, only indulging in more slow, sweet kisses despite being a sweaty mess.
"I love you so much, Y/N. You literally have no idea how much I adore you." Yunho brushes the hair away from your face. "I can't wait to see what the future holds for the both of us. Cause I'm here. I don't wanna go anywhere if it's not with you." He repeats, kissing you gently.
"I love you too, Yunho. I'm yours." You caress his cheek, taking him in; everything about him. He smiles sweetly at you, carrying you and holding you close while making his way to the bathroom.
"Time for another shower?" You laugh loudly, letting Yunho take care of you for the rest of the night in many ways.
In the end, those literature assignments would always mean something to you two. Those nights when he found you in the parking lot. The random McDonalds trips. The walks underneath the full moon. The single rose. The fight over Seonghwa and those bumps in the road.
Those will always mean something to you two because in the end, no matter the chaos, the background noise, the extra baggage, it all brought you closer together. 
In the end, it blessed you with Yunho.
In the end, it blessed you with the greatest love you've ever known.
In the end, it will always be you and Yunho against the world.
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk @kunikku @idkwgoh @kyeos4ng @agust-d2 @araknoid @bintificreads @primoppang @aurorasjoongie @wineyoungie @yunhotteokkk @yungigiggles @jaerisdiction @ignoretheskies @luminouskalopsia @naeviscall @vixensss @choisansplushie @arya9111 @my-lightspirit @dazednconfusion @astro-doll-the-star @faesmingi @idfkeddieishot @startinystay @emily505 @mgdixon @yusalterego @cheynalexilaiho @svintsandghosts @mismatchfluffysocks @meeitany @au-ghosttype
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perfectsunlight · 1 year
𝐲𝐞𝐣𝐢 — 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫!𝐲𝐞𝐣𝐢 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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✰ yeji is the star of the football team and EVERYONE knows that. this girl is hands down the cornerstone of the team
✰ but everyone also knows you're dating THE hwang yeji as well ;)
✰ before you met her, you alr knew of her reputation. yeji was js like the rest of the football team; a major asshole
✰ she wasn't as bad as her teammates, but she was def the one with the loudest mouth tbh
✰ hell she even argued with her COACHES at some points. this girl js does not like it when things don't go her way
✰ the first time you met was bc she parked in your spot by accident. she wasn't gonna move her car until she saw you walking up to confront her abt it tho...
✰ you pointed a finger in her face, an angry pout on your lips as you explained to her how you were late to your classes bc of her
✰ however...she wasn't listening to a thing you were saying tbh LOL
✰ you were just so goddamn pretty, even when you were yelling at her in the middle of the school parking lot
✰ needless to say she went from asshole yeji to lovesick yeji
✰ immediately apologized and moved right that second, but not before leaving her number on ur windshield ;)
✰ "i'm sorry again. let me make it up to you this weekend at dinner? xxx-xxx-xxxx :)"
when you're at school:
✰ yk how there's those yearbook superlatives with "best dressed", "best eyes", "best laugh", etc? you two take the cake for best couple
✰ you two don't show massive pda during school hours. the most you two do is hold hands or you holding onto yeji's bicep
✰ whenever you're getting out of class, she's waiting for you to walk you to your next one
✰ she's just a big sweetheart who doesn't care if she's late to her own class for walking you across campus to yours LMAO
✰ you and yeji sit in your separate groups of friends during lunch, but you two alw sneak glances at each other from across the courtyard
✰ getting a text immediately after yeji catches you staring that says "meet me in the bathroom" ;)
✰ she alw insists on a quick makeout session just before the bell rings so she can have you all to herself, even js for 5 mins
✰ oh and good luck if you have a class with her 💀 she's gonna be passing you notes from across the aisle, throwing things at you, winking at you, etc.
✰ she's the best distraction tho so you can't complain too much, esp since she's just so pretty
✰ sometimes yeji is in a bad mood bc of a bad game or practice, and she really js needs some space
✰ but she will never and i mean NEVER turn down an offer to hang out with you instead of sulking in her bedroom
✰ your go-to is alw a nice walk in the park. yeji likes being in nature, and being with you just adds more comfort to the mix
✰ she gets REALLY clingy whenever she's all sulky its literally so cute :c
✰ like im talking hugging you from behind, whining and swinging your hands together when you walk, and ALWAYS kissing your cheek
✰ she js needs you as physically close to her as possible!! you're her baby after all
✰ and if it's YOU who has had a bad day or smth? be prepared for the biggest pampering
✰ flowers, driving you around at night in her porsche, taking you out shopping
✰ hell she'll spoil you ROTTEN. she js hates seeing you so sad and down so she will do everything in her power to turn ur frown upside down
if you're also an athlete:
✰ you two are alw supporting each other at games. yeji is def sporting your jersey/number
✰ you're each other's good luck charms <3 and best believe yeji cannot go out on the field without a good luck kiss from you !
✰ now if you couldn't make it to her game because you had one of your own, then she'd def call you before she leaves the locker room. talking to you is a MUST, esp bc the poor girl gets rlly nervous before big games :(
✰ this girl LOVES to compete with you. it's alw a competition whenever the two of you train together, esp bc neither of you like to lose
✰ she could make a competition out of racing from the field to her porsche smh
✰ don't be mistaken tho, she LOVES training with you. it gives her an excuse to work harder so she won't embarrass herself lmao
if you're not an athlete:
✰ oh you're never not wearing this girl's letterman jacket. she refuses to see you around school without it 💀
✰ now this is a BIG move bc before you, yeji NEVER and i mean NEVER took that thing off. it was her pride and joy, and she loved sporting it around like the walking trophy she was
✰ but then she started dating you, and that changed instantly. at first she let you wear it one night bc she didn't want you to be cold after meeting up with her after a late night practice
✰ you were abt to give it back to her after you were done hanging out, but she js smiled and shook her head, telling you she wanted you to keep it :)
✰ you like going to the top floors of the library bc they overlook the football field, and when yeji is practicing you can work on hw while watching ur gf tehe
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o-kye · 5 months
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Entry # 414 User: kye Status: being nonbinary Message: hi guys!!! feel free to send asks, i love talking to people and getting ranted at and hearing all ur tea. also dms are welcome but i may be confused why im getting dmed lmao. if you dont read the rest of this then have a good day i love you all okay bye Notes: tone tags are mucho appreciato!! gendered terms are cool (except man/women) if used in a genderless way ! terms of endearment are cool too, i use them a lot. i also leave conversations randomly, im never mad or anything :) i just have quite dwindling mental health. if your name is aspyn and you find this tell me hi so i know to quit talking about my aro awakening (and thank you for being my aro awakening). Entering File Database: filesort-alphabetical ...
Bears_in_Trees.mp3 Description they fix me Cavetown.mp3Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Dungeons_and_Dragons.exe Description haha im totally procrastinating making plans for dnd club hahhaha. who gave me all this responsibility. oh wait me. Ghosts.mp4 Description Hi who’s gonna let me fuck Sasappis thank you Good_Omens.mp4Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Hazbin_Hotel.mp4 Description onewayradiobroadcast and staticmoth and radioapple and huskerdust raaaaah i feel things Marauders.pdf Description i need to read some fuckiing fanfitcion already Naethan_Apollo.mp3Description [user chose to leave this field empty.] Osemanverse.pdf Description loveless and radio silence and aaaaaa Our_Flag_Means_Death.mp4 Description Stede and blackbeard and oluwande and jim and buttons and frenchie and lucius. Also stede is so me Rainbow_Kitten_Surprise.mp3 Description A MASTER OF MATCHBOX GUITAR SESSIONS YOU'RE A MASTER OF PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE MAGIC TRICKS Riordanverse.pdf Description i love my little latino twinks, leo valdez and nico di angelo im so gay for you. also im cabin 7 you can deal with it cuz im slaying and what are you? Scott_Pilgrim_Takes_Off.mp4 Description i love my gay boys Stardew_Valley.exeDescription [user chose to leave this field empty.] Station_19.mp4 Description i would die for travis and vic if you even cared
May Be: Virus Depersonalization_Derealization.exe Description [error, field was left blank.] The_Kids.pdf Description i live and die for my kids theyre avery kaime thames and alle and AGH see more Chain_Ask.pdf Description [user chose to leave this field empty.]Text_Faces.pdfDescription :/ and :l are crimes to use on my page. and many other text faces sometimes but mostly that one because i was pavloved you can ask but you dont wanna [End of text]
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tododeku-or-bust · 6 months
Hello, I’ve been meaning to ask for a while now but is there a reason you like tododeku so much? (I’m a casual shipper but I was just wondering if you like it for any greater reasons)
*cracks knuckles*
Well BACK IN THE DAY (as in, I haven't been actively interested in mha since like.... 2021 lmao) it was mainly because the energy that those two had is what I would have wanted from Midoriya and Ochaco when the narrative demanded i ship them.
I recognize people have different standards for what they like out of a romance. And that's fine! But for me, a big thing that I like in a romance is when characters can depend on each other to have their backs, even if it's a 'im gonna yell at you about this stupid ass idea later' thing. I like a romance where both the characters are ride or die in the field, "i don't gotta look to my left bc I know he coming" type shit. Like that person, even if it's all they can do, is there by their partner's side.
And a major question I often found myself asking when I watched Todoroki was "why was this not Ochaco?"
When I watched that tournament arc, I liked what I saw! I liked that Midoriya was willing to get out there and look Todoroki in the face and essentially tell him to do better (in a way that he just refused to tell Bakugou back then lmao, I didn't get it) to the point that it completely changed the trajection of Todoroki's life.
It only built on that for me when the Stain thing happened. When Midoriya put out that text and Todoroki took exactly two seconds to go "hey dad fuck You i'm bout to go help Midoriya bc somethings not right" I mean looked at that phone, made an about face and didn't look back. THATS THE ENERGY I WANT! When they were all trying to figure out to go save Bakugou, and Ochaco said no and Todoroki was team Let's Do It THAT'S WHAT I WANT!!
The movies might have sucked, but every time I got the "Todoroki is Ride or Die for Midoriya" energy that I want!! He literally saw the world news say Midoriya was a criminal and went "here's what we're about to do-" That scene in one of them where he was ice boarding and Midoriya landed behind him? And come on. When he tucked in him and spoke fondly of him after they rescued him for his Dark Deku phase? Why was that Todoroki? Why was that not Ochaco??!?!
Like at this point, Ochacos got her boyfriend Midoriya, and Midoriyas boyfriend Todoroki. Frankly, I always thought Ochaco deserved better writing than her lil corny crush on Midoriya, and I heard she got it, which is good!
And idc at this point if other people disagree bc frankly, I'm not bout to do no damn discourse with that fandom lmao. I don't care. I just know that based on my standards, Todoroki would have been the preferable partner for him. And I said it back then too, if Shouto had been a girl 🤷🏾‍♀️
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
OMG HI I CAME AS FAST AS I COULD WHEN I SAW REQUESTS FOR 400 FOLLOWERS WERE OPEN I LOVED YOUR ORTHO FAMILY DAY ONESHOT!! i was gonna ask for idia + "i wont say im in love" or "once upon a dream" bc both are SUCHHH good disney songs, i hope you can write whichever one seems more fun to you, lots of love!! - ♡ anon
Omg hi!!! Thank you for reading the ortho fic! It was my first time writing for twst and I glad at how it turned out. I chose "I Won't Say I'm in Love" because it just screams Idia 😂. Hope you enjoy anon!!!
Notes: Idia being in denial, mentioned Vargas camp pt 2, fluff, Azul uses one line from the Ghost Marriage, and the housewardens team up on him (it's basically their team-building exercise lol)
Word Count: 975 (I said that these are supposed to be drabbles but now they're oneshots lmao)
Warnings: possible ooc characters and not beta read.
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Idia thought the Vargas camp was torture, but it was actually Crowley's team-building camp (with no technology, might he add) filled with some of the scariest people he knew (read: the housewardens) and the Ramshackle Prefect. 
Yes, the Prefect.
Crowley said she needed to attend since she was in the same position as them for Ramshackle. However, Idia knew she didn't have to be there since Grim was her only dorm member. The real reason she was here was to keep the housewardens in check. 
"You're staring off again," Vil's smooth voice caused Idia to jump and take his attention away from the nearby Yuu talking to Crowley. 
Vil sighed, "I never said anything about the Prefect."
Idia wanted the ground to swallow him whole, "H-how long have you been standing there?" 
Vil crossed his arms, a frown etched on his flawless face, "Long enough for everyone to get stuff for camp except for you," he emphasized his words by pointing out to the vacant field except for the Prefect standing far from them. Vil, annoyed, gracefully walked over to Idia and pressed a manicured finger to his chest, "Look, I'm not sure what Yuu sees in you, but if you hurt her, I will not hesitate to send Rook at you," he said in a brotherly manner. Idia swore that Vil's glare could kill him if it could. 
Idia's hair turned slightly pink, "Whoa, whoa, why would I hurt Yuu?" He was grabbing one part of his jacket when he heard Vil sigh.
"I don't want to see her shed any tears over you, got it?"
Idia opened his mouth to reply but was stopped by Malleus teleporting to him. 
"You are going to hurt the Child of Man?" Malleus frowned. 
Vil rolled his eyes, "Malleus, do you think that Idia is in love with Yuu?"
Malleus hummed in thought and ignored Idia, "Lilia taught me what love was the other day, and I think Shroud fits the description. He mentioned how humans can turn red, and I assume that Idia's pink hair is a similar reaction."
Idia squealed and feebly attempted to blow out the pink away, but it grew out of embarrassment. 
"Will you shut up! Some of us have better things to do and nap," Leona called out from a nearby tree. He had an annoyed and tired look on his face. 
"Hey, Kingscholar, do you think Shroud has feelings toward the Child of Man?" Malleus innocently asked the lion beastman. 
"I'm literally right next to you!" Idia exclaimed, but it fell on deaf ears again.  
Leona opened one eye and looked at the group, "Do I think? Hah, I know he does. Radish Sprout tries to keep his lovestruck face hidden from Yuu, but we can all see it. He can't conceal his obvious swooning. Honestly, it makes me want to puke."
Idia's hair was a mix of pink and red "I am not trying to hide anything!" He exclaimed, causing Vil to roll his eyes. 
"Hey, guys!" Kalim threw his arms around Idia and Malleus, causing them to stumble a bit, "is there a party going on?"
Malleus shook his head, "No, but we were discussing how Shroud harbors feelings for the Child of Man," he pointed at the said male with his thumb. 
Kalim's mouth was open in an o, "Oh, I can definitely see it! There was one time I tried to invite Idia to my party, but he was too busy swooning over the Prefect that he accidentally hit a wall," he sighed sadly. Meanwhile, Idia wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there. 
"What is going on here? We should be looking for food or logs for the campfire!" Riddle looked like steam was ready to burst out of his head, but Azul, who was behind him, didn't look bothered by it. 
"We are talking about how Idia likes Yuu," Kalim brightly smiled that it could rival the sun. 
Azul held back his laughter while Riddle rolled his eyes, "What are we? School girls." He pointed a finger toward Idia, "Don't even think about denying it! Own up to it!"
As a last-ditch effort, Idia looked to Azul, "Azul, we're friends. Disagree with them!"
Azul let out a fake sigh, "Well, I buy many things as a businessman. I don't buy that you don't like the Prefect. To think that Idia, king of all introverts, would fall for the Prefect... I can't see through all my tears of joy," he said, wiping away a fake tear. 
"NOOOOOO!" Idia's hair was now entirely pink, and he tried to hide himself behind his hands. Vil, annoyed (again), grabbed a compact mirror from his pocket and opened it. He angled to where it showed Yuu feeding Grim some tuna. He grabbed Idia's hands and yanked them down, "Hey Idia, look into my mirror and tell me what you see."
Idia briefly glanced at the mirror, and his scared expression turned lovestruck, "It's Yuu feeding the itty bitty kitty," He sighed, causing everyone (including sweet little Kalim) to smirk victoriously. 
"Well, we got our answer. Let's go, gentleman." Vil closed his mirror, startling Idia, and stood up. Everyone else headed out, including Leona, who decided to find another tree to nap in.
In gaining his scenes, Idia scrambled to save himself, "Wait, that doesn't prove anything!"
"Your face said it all," Vil called out.
Idia watched as everyone became small figures until he was alone, "F in the chat for me. I will admit it, but I won't say it out loud," he muttered. 
"You won't say what out loud?" Yuu's voice asked from behind him, a hint of amusement in her voice. 
Idia wanted the earth to swallow him whole and throw him into a pool of lava. 
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400 event is still open!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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i want to say something thats been bugging me for a while but there was this whole argument about katara and zuko being FUNDAMENTAL in each other's character arc and that baffled me because its simply not true? you can say they play an important role but to say they are fundamental is over exaggerating it. as fundamental at least to me inherently implies they are the foundation for each others arcs. like it got me sooo confused because i in no way see how zuko plays such a role for katara and same with zuko. because did we just forget that uncle iroh is the one thats actually fundamental to zuko? i feel like i never see him get talked about by these "zuko fans" unless its from a book with like one or two short sentences thats very clearly uncle iroh being a stereotypical dad and being like "oh a nice girl maybe good for zuko?" as if he wasn't pushing zuko to bring home a girl and getting him to go on a date with that girl in ba sing se idk to me it reads off as a parent thats just yappin lol
regardless of that though, im still baffled by that. katara isnt fundamental to zuko's character arc, uncle iroh is. zuko isnt fundamental to katara's character arc, her mother is (and i'd argue aang but i feel like that would just cause a shipping mess by even breathing his name lmao) anyways sorry but that still gets me to this day because how utterly confusing i found it. no one was even saying that they didn't play an important (role along with the other characters in the gaang) in each others arcs, it was saying they simply are not fundamental and that, for some reason, made them so mad lol
I'm sorry, anon, but I am saying they were not important to each other's character arcs, and this is taking into account my bias as someone who really likes their friendship. If a character is not around for someone's arc, or on their mind during it, they're not relevant to said arc.
Katara canonically saw him as nothing but the generic face for evil Fire Nation people until their talk in Ba Sing Se - only to then immediately regret her moment of empathy towards him and never mention him again. And as I've already said, that moment meant so little to Zuko that he couldn't even understand why Katara was mad.
They don't start interacting for real until Zuko the second of half of the final season, and they're not friends until the show is TWO EPISODES AWAY from the finale.
In The Southern Raiders, Zuko is basically the guy driving the taxi so Katara goes on her revenge quest. This doesn't hold a candle to the three seasons she spent being supported by the Gaang (or two in Toph's case), always thinking about her family, mainly her mom.
In the Last Agni Kai, Katara is just there to take action when it's time to shout MEDIC! This doesn't hold a candle to Ozai and Azula's shadow constantly hanging over him, Iroh's advice, the memory of his mother, his relationship with Mai, and the simple "Maybe we could have been friends" from Aang that was canonically haunting Zuko for months because it got to him that much.
Now, do I think it's possible, and very likely, that they will be very important in each other's lives from that point onwards? Of course! They ARE friends now, and if someone is in your life they're gonna play some kind of role when you're going through stuff. It's only natural.
But in the actual canon events? No, they were not important to each other's arc. They didn't have the opportunity to be - and that is part of why I wish the show had 4 seasons instead of 3, or that the comics had not sucked. It would've been so nice to see Aang not be the only member of the Gaang that plays a major role in Zuko's arc, and vice versa (especially with Toph, not only because I love their friendship but because she was denied a life-changing field trip).
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ultra-raging-ghost · 4 months
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"Goodbye my three little ones, your father has to go"
"Im sorry chat, i guess ill just speak from the heart. the way i lost dapper and pomme i dont think i really.. had time to process, so losing him like this feels like losing all three of them at the same time"
Visiting bagis... poor zeno fucking died to a rooster LMAO i missed bagis place so fucking bad
searching for pepito.... where is my baby.... where is my little pepito, there pepito is
Bad doesnt really know what to do with himself, hes still sad but richas is like. Officially gone. Which is a crazy thing to process. I was having a hard time dealing with it but i think richas' final goodbye made me feel a lot better about it,it doesnt feel like theres a nail in the back of my brain now, im a little more content with this at least. Wont really be happy about it, but more content with it
We're gonna go leave a richas flower (blue orchid) at bagi's old base <3 just like how we left a cornflower at a place special to pomme.
hehehe agent 18/panks_ is in chat and theyre tormenting bad for fun
Offering pepito the opportunity to visit one last place, bad plans on coming back and visiting a couple final places sometime soon, not tonight but soon. Probably gonna end after pepito picks where to go
pepito cant think of anywhere, bads picking one more place to go
Pepitos gonna be temporarily dapper while in the official dapper time spot <333
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bads back, i got so comfortable in the old house that i forgot we have to leave. Just a wave of sadness washed over me, it feels like leaving home all over again, it feels like we should be able to walk into the old spawn from dappers train station and see pierre and pomme and etoiles again
pomme in chat... assuring bad she and dapper wont be leaving any time soon. Bad promises us he has some really fun stuff hes been working on he thinks we'll enjoy, this journey isnt over
while waiting for pepito we're reminiscing on when he had to triangulate the Dont have Your Gun thing that was playing that he couldnt find LMAO
currently visiting the old subway bad was building with dapper underground.... the new terrain generation generated a FULL end city RIGHT next to it!!!!
gonna visit bobby fields another day, thats another day issue, but dapper wanted to go see it with him lol
Bad found out Lullah and Richas were leaving yesterday, sounds like he didnt know chay was leaving till today
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Pepitos playing around in the balloons Boo left <33
Bad: Yeah i remember when pomme and dapper came in one of these end cities and scared the muffins out of me Pomme: ?????? Pomme: bro you were dead Bad: I STILL REMEMBER.......
We're gonna go play Wordlos (or however you spell it) one last time before leaving the old spawn <3 gonna see if we can get it to work!!!
kinda works!!! Kinda!!! It mostly works!!!! gonna play!!!!!
"I am so proud of your spanish uncle bad!!! its a great advance to know how to explain something, its the most important thing"
We're looking at the paintings, this is it for the day. Richas logged off with bads statue painting so hes probably never gonna see that again LMAO "thats why we get screenshots"
Pepitos saying a little goodnight to the ghosties <33 pepitos gonna eat all of us up because we're so cute. "I see everything, too. EVERYTHIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG". Pepitos telling us to rest, eat, and drink water, and do our favorite things. We deserve it, to remember not to be sad it ended but be happy it happened at all <3
Bads planning on streaming tomorrow, hes not 100% sure what we'll be doing but he isnt gonna let this crank his steam
Pepitos planning on getting on tomorrow! or whenever! pepito doesnt know when pepito gets on LMAO
Thats all for todays stream, ending at 10:15, goodnight bad, richas, pomme, and dapper <3
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Please tell me more about your human welcome home au 👀
!! gladly!!
i don't remember what i said in the first - and like... only lmao - post about it so if i restate some things! fuckign oopsie! (a lot of this is just Barnaby &/or Wally asbdjasj im sorry) also this got! so fucking long!
~ (im gonna talk about their middle/highschool years a lot so keep in mind the time frame is late 90s / early 2000s. they graduate high in either 2006/2007. so. yk. obvious warning for homophobia, transphobia, etc)
fun lil thing no.1)
so Barnaby & Wally briefly meet for the first time in the summer before 7th grade. the town Barnaby grows up & goes to school in isn't tiny, but it's not huge either. - i don't have a very good frame of reference for how many students are typically in a school, bc in both my middle/high there was at least nearly 2k of us. - so we'll just say it's smaller than that - a respectable, normal size, however many students that is. but Barnaby's school rarely, if ever, got any new kids.
so Wally randomly appeared on the edge of the Beagle farm one day, staring directly at Barnaby from across the fields. before Barnaby could go say hi, Wally vanished - but! on the first day of 7th grade, they wound up sharing a class. ofc within the day Wally was known as not only the new kid, but a weird kid at that. for the first week he sat next to a kid who had zeroed in on that and was an ass about it. Barnaby - already having an established rep as class clown & also widely well-liked by his peers - would try to stand up for Wally (from across the room) whenever that kid was being a dick to Walls in front of the class
by the end of that first week, seating arrangements were shifted, and Barnaby was seated next to Wally for the first semester instead. ofc the moment Barnaby sat down, he tried to strike up conversation and cracked a killer joke. and Wally, as we all know, doesn't laugh. he doesn't even blink! it rattles Barnaby to his core - not everyone laughs at his jokes, but there's always some kind of reaction!
class begins before Barnaby can be like "hey that. that was a joke. you're supposed to laugh". the whole hour all he can think about is the strange new kid next to him Who Didn't React To Barnaby's Joke. when the bell rings, Barnaby lingers as Wally (very slowly) packs up to go to his next class and walks him there. on the way he explains the joke, and Wally does the whole "oh. ha ha." thing. this all makes Barnaby very late to his next class (he's usually very punctual and never late - he doesn't want to disappoint his mama!) but for once he does not care.
Barnaby has been struck with this soul-deep need to get a genuine reaction out of Wally. he needs to make that guy actually laugh. it's all he can think about. he seeks Wally out for lunch, tries to find him after school (can't), looks for him in the halls. and to be clear! this is all very platonic! well, ok, these two kinda muddle the line BUT they have no romantic interest in each other. Barnaby just... really wants to be the new kid's friend. he wants to make him laugh. it's a friendship crush! platonic yearning! an inescapable desire to please & be accepted! he wants Wally's approval so so badly!
basically, Barnaby says "you're the weirdest person i've ever met (affectionate, intrigued, entranced)" and Wally replies "thank you (proud)"
fun lil thing no.2)
in my mind, Barnaby was a small kid. he was one of those kids who seemed like they were either gonna stay short, or just barely reach average height. he got his main growth spurt when he was like.... 16. it was very sudden. he lived the classic trope of "teen gets way taller over the summer and startles everyone on the first day of school". im talkin he goes from around 5'7 to 6'3. shoots right up like bamboo! and he's still not full height yet! mf is gonna cap out at 6'6!
on the flip side, Howdy was always just. so tall. he was that kid who towered over his peers from the start! ofc he got teased relentlessly for it (along with the transatlantic accent he started talking w/ at a young age and refuses to stop - among other eccentricities), but yk. he already got constant comments from his huge family about it, so he grew a thick skin pretty early on.
Poppy, on the other hand - the last of the three giants - had it worse than both of them! she wasn't outright taller than Howdy, and didn't have a sudden growth spurt like Barnaby, but steadily grew over the years until she was the tallest teen in town. this hit her hard bc not only did it draw unwanted attention to her & make her a target, but it made her dysphoria way worse (Poppy doesn't realize she's trans until highschool, and then doesnt medically transition until her early 20s)
but! once she started getting super tall, Howdy essentially glued himself to her a la "we tall guys gotta stick together!" a classic 'extrovert adopts introvert' thing. Poppy had no say in the matter.
fun lil thing no.3)
everyone's family sucks - except for Barnaby's, Howdy's, and Eddie's. well, mostly Eddie's. in my head they meant well but just... didn't really see the harm they were doing to him. he never spoke up, and they never saw him deeper than surface level.
but Frank's family? horrible. eugh. he was the school's "out gay kid" - not of his own choice! his peers picked up on it because it was very obvious. then the teachers heard, and let his parents know because of course they did, etc etc. Frank's home life was already shitty, and then getting outed (without any real proof or confirmation) made it a hundred times worse. he was a pretty depressed teen (emo Frank lets go) with mild anger issues & a habit for picking fights. but anyway on his eighteenth birthday he packed up his essentials into a backpack, escaped out the back, and never returned.
and Julie's siblings were alright, but their parents and grandparents were all very ~traditional~. it wasn't as rough as Frank's - it was more of a neglectful, passive-aggressive "you're all disappointments' household. ex: Jonesy was known as the local pothead & dealer, and his parents essentially pretend he's not part of the family despite him living in their basement. Bea had a bad (untrue) reputation, Franny was the goth weirdo who people blamed for their problems, etc. and then Julie was always different from "normal girls", and so her parents chalked her up as a mistake as well. but hey! at least the sibs were in it together! and the parents didn't care if Frank stayed over!
Poppy's family was great up until her parents caught her trying on a skirt Sally had made for her. it was a horrible, terrible downhill slide from there. they forced her to join the basketball team, made her keep her door open at all times, etc. for a while she couldn't even see her friends, though eventually they started sneaking in through her window & passing her notes in class. messaging in a 'secret' chatroom yk how it is. Poppy never directly stood up to her parents (very understandable & valid) but she rebelled in small ways. lying about having an after-school thing so that she could be with her friends, convincing her parents to let her go to a study group when in reality she'd be having a girls' night with Sally & Julie & Julie's sisters @ the Beagle farm.
Sally's family was similar to Julie's in that they were more lukewarm towards her than outright abusive. they thought she was too loud, too flamboyant, too expensive, too obvious, pretty much too everything. they wanted her to be normal - Sally wanted to stand on the roof and wax (loud) poetic about damsels. she wasn't outright bullied for being gay like Frank was, but it was certainly a common rumor that she was a lesbian. as a result, most of the girls at school wanted nothing to do with her, and the guys loved to provide commentary on the subject. her parents tried their best to ignore that truth and acted like she was totally straight. sure. still, Sally always refused to compromise on who she was, and treated it all like a mild annoyance. totally didn't hurt her at all. yep. (sarcasm)
there isn't anything known about Wally's family. not even Barnaby knows about them. the group tossed theories around (amongst themselves) over the years - was he an orphan? foster kid? was his family / home life so horrific that he doesn't want anyone to know? all they know is that he became an emancipated minor as young as legally possible and started living in Home, his (admittedly very spacious & high quality) RV. and they didn't even know about that until their junior year except for Frank
on the other side of the coin!
Ms. Beagle was the friend group's favorite adult growing up. the Beagle Farm was a common refuge & hangout spot for them, and Ms. Beagle let all of Barnaby's strange & delightful little friends know that there's always a guest room open for them, should they ever need it. and as a respected member of the community (and provider for the best chicken eggs in town), anyone who tried to speak up against the kids was Immediately shut the fuck down. Ms. Beagle took no shit. if people were talking ill about that "group of depraved teenage fuckups" and Ms. Beagle turned the corner, all conversation would cease until she was well out of earshot. she likes to say that she has 6 kids, all of whom she loves dearly and is very proud of <3
Howdy's family is too damn big to care. not in a neglectful way, just in a "oh, you're friends with... who was it again? Franz? invite him over to dinner someti- STOP PUNCHING YOUR BROTHER-" there's too much chaos, too many things to keep track of to care if Howdy's friends are gay, or trans, or absolutely fucking bizarre. they'll blend right in! Howdy could bring them over for dinner without telling his family and none of them would blink twice! Howdy mentioned that his friends have bad home lives Once and his parents immediately insisted that he bring them over for next week's thanksgiving so that they don't have to deal with that during what should be a holiday. thus began the All Six Of Us + Ms. Beagle + Franny/Bea/Jonesy Attend The Pillar Family Thanksgiving. its incredibly chaotic every time. there's so many fucking people. they're too busy fighting for survival (bread rolls) to bother with manners or awkwardness. every time they leave feeling like they fought a war. none of the friend group has missed a single year.
fun thing no.idontremember!
Wally & Barnaby have had three fights. each are catastrophic and threatened to tear the friend group apart. because those two are closer than anyone - they are each others person. they would both rather chug rat poison than willingly hurt each other. and while Barnaby - a pretty easygoing guy - can get riled up, Wally... really can't. he's never angry. even things that Should make him angry only make him confused or sad. he's too kind, too earnest, a bit of a pushover. he'll just take it with a smile.
so when Wally stands his ground, they all know shit is going tf down. code red, everyone brace. and if he stands his ground against Barnaby? pack a fucking go-bag and ditch town until the storm blows over.
the first time was when Barnaby found out that Wally lives in a damn RV. Wally got weirdly defensive about it, Barnaby was upset that Wally never even told him but somehow Frank knew (he had a bad night & couldn't go home, Julie was unavailable, and Wally found him and took him to the RV for the night) & that Wally is living alone in an RV at all, etc etc - it was a huge fight. & it just kept getting worse. when Barnaby tried to get Wally to move to the farm - that was the first time he's ever heard Wally snap at anyone, let alone him. and since the friend group is fully established at this point, and they're all hopelessly entangled in each others' lives, it affects all of them. sides have to be chosen - there is no neutral party on this. Wally ended up vanishing for a week without a word, and his RV vanished from where it had been parked thus far. the group was in shambles. when Wally turned back up, he actively avoided them all. it took Barnaby tracking down the rv and not leaving until Wally talked to him to have a conversation and fix things. but hey! the disaster actually helped them get even closer!
the second fight was when Barnaby had to go back to the Beagle Farm for their second year of community (Ms. Beagle had a minor accident and needed his help running the farm). Wally wanted to drop out too & go with him, and it turned into a big deal of Barnaby trying to get him to stay while Wally gets unusually pushy & upset about it. the fight wasn't nearly as bad as the RV one, and was more just sad/distressing, but it was still a fight. they parted on less than stellar terms, which they both felt horrible about. Wally has to go through the last year of community alone - he hasn't been alone in many years at this point, and since they met he's never been without Barnaby.
the third fight comes many years later, and this one is the worst. the friend group has all graduated university(those that attended), they're living in the same town, Barnaby & Wally (technically) share a house, Eddie is part of the group now. once again, its over everyone's favorite RV, Home. Home is very old at this point - Wally has had it for around 15 years, and he didn't get it new, and it's been through a lot. Wally is still half living in it, even though it's starting to fall apart. Barnaby brings up the notion that maybe it's time to send the old thing off to a dump, or find a way to put it in storage. they can't keep up the upkeep. it's time to say goodbye to it. Wally flips his fucking lid - or his version of it, anyway. because, uh. no. absolutely fucking not. it's already a very touchy subject, and emotions rise fast. Wally initially shuts down the conversation immediately. over the next week or so, few weeks maybe, tension between Barnaby & Wally simmers. the entire friend group is holding their breath. Barnaby wants the RV gone, as sad as he is about it. Wally won't allow it. of course they reach a breaking point - Barnaby pulls the "i own the property its parked on" card, Wally threatens to leave. of course that scares Barnaby, but that fear mixes with the anger and he fully yells at Wally for the first time. and then Wally shoves him. or tries to - it does nothing physically, but emotionally? it immediately drains all anger from the situation. Wally has never purposefully raised a hand against anyone ever, for any reason. and yet he tried to shove Barnaby. Wally immediately turns tail and runs - he locks himself in the RV, and Barnaby goes to Howdy's.
at Howdy's, Wally calls Barnaby. at first Barnaby jumps at the chance to apologize and try to work something out, but then he recognizes the background noise - Wally is driving Home somewhere. that RV is absolutely not fucking safe to drive anymore. the conversation immediately derails and goes from 0 to 100 within a second. Howdy is off to the side nervously sipping at his beer as Barnaby argues w/ Wally. the phone call abruptly cuts off, Barnaby says "the little bastard hung up on me" and starts Ranting. he says things he doesn't mean, obviously, and Howdy is trying to get him to chill tf out. he's just too angry/scared/hurt/worried yk?
but don't worry Barnaby! Wally didn't hang up on you! yeah so a while later (a little over an hour i think), Barnaby gets a call! it's from the town hospital! yeah so he's Wally's emergency contact, and apparently Wally "hanging up on him" was actually Wally getting into a horrendous accident. it wasn't his fault! there was a drunk driver! but it's... bad. the drunk driver had died in the crash, and since it was night and no one was around, help was a long time coming for Wally. its a miracle that someone found him & called an ambulance in time! so Barnaby realizes that the whole time he was talking shit & being angry, his best friend was slowly dying in a ditch somewhere, alone and in pain. and that's a whole thing!
time for some fun "facts"!
the first time Eddie went over to Frank's place, he immediately fainted when Frank turned the lights on & Eddie saw that he was surrounded by pet tanks filled with Very Large Bugs. then he fainted again when Frank removed the tarantula from its tank to clean said tank.
Wally & Barnaby's cat is named Welcome! she's usually small & pitch black with a permanently bristled tail! she's actually Barnaby's - he found her in a park as a kitten, and her unnerving stare reminded him of Wally so he took her home. Wally would like a dog! Barnaby would not! the cat is their only pet and will remain their only pet, no compromise. Wally retaliated by gluing googly eyes & dog ears onto a rock he found, then painting it. its name is Barnaby. Barnaby has beef w/ it a la Elmo & Rocco when Wally isn't looking
one time, during a group trip to the annual Pillar Family Thanksgiving, the gang stopped at a cabin-themed diner. Sally gasped at stopped Barnaby at the door "We must leave - you can't eat here". when everyone asked why, she pointed at a decorative sign on the wall: Don't Feed The Bears. it instantly became a smash hit inside joke that sometimes backfires (like that one time they go camping and Barnaby acts like he can't open the bear-proof dumpsters & locks & coolers). Howdy once got a "dont feed the bears" sign to put up in the store's diner section as a joke, but as soon as Barnaby saw it he left and refused to come back until Howdy took it down. he'd stand outside the store window and gaze at Howdy from afar w/ the biggest, saddest puppy eyes. it was incredibly effective
speaking of Howdy's store! they all built it together! Howdy managed to get his hands on an abandoned shell of an old building, and they all refurbished/renovated it! they all had the collective skills to get it done. Wally helped draw up blueprints & directed the color-scheme / painting portion, Sally and Barnaby used their carpentry skills, etc.
when Eddie "reconnects" with everyone, he feels like he's going insane. 'cause he keeps running into people who are familiar enough that it bothers him, but he just can't place where they're from (most if not all of them look very different from the last time he saw them in highschool). it drives him nuts! and then he meets Wally and Wally's like "oh! Eddie! it's you!" and Eddie's all "uh... how did you know myna- OH MY GOD IT'S YOU". he has a small crisis because he's over that time in his life, he's in a much better place, he's grown as a person. then he realizes that it's not just Wally but the entire fucking friend group he agonized over wanting to befriend for years and years. the group that (unintentionally) made him feel completely alone and like he was living a lie. and he keeps. running. into them. so Eddie, who just moved to this town, starts looking at mail carrier opportunities elsewhere bc he is Not doing this again - only for Julie to show up and drag him to a friend group function. because they all got together and went "oh, you caught up w/ Eddie too?? so we're in agreement? great! he's ours now! Julie, go get him". and then they accidentally break Eddie's wrist in a zealous game of soccer-baseball-corntoss & from then on won't leave him alone <3
Wally keeps his hair consistently dyed a rich royal blue - even his eyebrows! he continuously touches it up so his roots are never showing! Barnaby keeps his hair dyed blue in solidarity, but to a lesser extent - his roots show, and he doesn't dye his eyebrows or his sideburns/beard
on that vein, Wally has a very extensive hair-care routine he does every morning. he straightens his natural curls out, manipulates his hair into that absurd swirl, and hairsprays it to death. & gels down everything else. shit's Airtight. then at night he has an equally elaborate routine of washing the hairspray/gel out, treating his hair with high quality shampoos/conditioner/oils, and blowdrying it with impeccable technique to keep it Healthy
continuing on that vein - one time Barnaby was makin' breakfast when he heard a crash from upstairs. he sprinted to go see if Wally was alright, but Wally had locked the bathroom door and refused to open up. after Barnaby convinced him to, the door opened to reveal a very miserable Wally still in his towel. his hair was green. "the bottle said dye-safe', he said. the bottle lied. he wore hats for a while.
ok im gonna stop here! this is an absurd amount! i got carried away!
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knizuu · 3 months
Talk to me abt uhhh anything- Fang, Petey, OC, idc. ANYTHING U WANT💖💖
I get so nervous writing asks wtf
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COUGH well imma go in order lets go with the
SIGHH I LOVE HIM SM. tbh I see how people react to the recent idw miniseries which left the Hooligan fans really sour </33 to me, though, it wasn’t too bad?? I see how it works and honestly the only sad part to me is WHY DID HOOLIGANS BREAK UP AUH but im so used to “sonic canon ew” so like-I should’ve expected that sigh. So I can reason with how excited people headcannon/draw/make whatever of the guy it’s really cool since we all kinda agree? Like even with such a variety we all take the guy lovingly <33 which is sweet :> like its pretty chill-WHCIH IS FUNNY because Im actually really scared in small communities <- i made a post bout it once i-I EAT UP ANY FAN MADE FANG CONTENT FR i love all fangs really [so far] ^ ^ tbh even my school knows that-I did pottery of him, drawn him, spoke of him, my teacher saw a drawing of Fang I did and HE QUOTE: I was looking for that [SIR I GET IT IM PREDICATABLE/silly]
Ok as much as heartfelt I feel about Fang-Petey is just some other freak of nature my family knows. I’m NOT EVEN JOKING-MY MOM SANG ABOUT HIM WHILE MAKING LUNCH/GEN GEN GEN-cough. Idk why but ever since my brother [the first dog man fan obviously] inserted dog man into my family [by 1. SHOWING MY FANART/BOOKS TO MUM 2. LETTING ME SING THE MUSICAL ALL DAY LON-/positive fs] its been insane/sILLY because-who expected everyone to say “Papa Petey” [i do NOT know how some typo made mo-ok my mom has a Petey problem/sILY AGAIN] in the car-at home…NOT ME THATS WHO. WHY IS PETEY SUCH A NORMAL THING IN MY HOUSEHOLD/positive sigh
OKK well they are ALMOST a wasteland but I have an original story to bring some ocs to life ^ ^ [including-sigh vague mention-the space dog lady and red haired lady ocs i have :3] ESSENTALLY: I’m calling it Brink of Bryony!! [Bryony is about a flower but in plot idk a city??] it’s just a human loser [red haired lady MAYBE] meeting alien folk [Cordella is there…i showed her ONCE] like my self insert hehe [Norolist] because OH NO beeg mister evil guy wants to take over Earth and this NICE alien people gonna protect it! That’s the entire thing, very unserious lmao. Pyrexavul is my precious <33 I don’t think I shared him?? I’ll share em all sometime hehe im too lazy LMAO. So yes yes I’ve been into making that story recently :> !!
OK SO my Luxury AU has been MANIFESTING MOI cuz i decided: why yes I WILL make a fic bout it!! Yknow just remaking the lore[cough this means me rewriting the first book of DogMan] and putting some stuff into one work ^ ^’ SO FAR I’m really getting into the vibes but what’s crazy is how I turned what I THOUGHT was oughta be a comedy-to a tragedy. No like I KNOW IM GONNA WRITE CUTE STUFF I WILL I JUST-….also might’ve included grief, addiction, ETC I dont even know how I got there 🙂‍↔️but it’s been fun! Especially since it makes me go down a nice study check with me lmao [I’ve been learning the medical field, laws, how media handles stuff, types of _, etc] hehe rubbing my hands together imma be so happy to write it all hehe and with that I’m learning about my characters a lot better! I thought of it more one noted because its a good start but now im actually learning more bout em :0 !! Love reworking stuff, redesigning, it’s been a huge part of me since idk when ^ ^’
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sillysystems · 2 months
(idk if you remember me but im the catgirl host!!! not relevant to the ask, just wanted to let you know it was me!)
silly sys culture is: we have a uhhhh "commentary from others" section in field info and an emotional regulator called me cringe for having two panic attacks. i think the exact phrasing was "two freakouts in one day? cringe!"
(its silly cuz i find it very funny in hindsight)
I do remember you hello there!! :D
Bro thought he was cool by saying that LMAO 😭
It's a silly thing and if you find it funny I'm gonna laugh with you
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hime-bee · 3 months
AJIESDYFYJU BEE, ULPIPI WITH A DADDY KINK HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLD, YOU CANT ENCOURAGE MY HORNI ASS (╥﹏╥) istg once ur comms are open and ulpipi hits global im gonna commission you for him he's so sdjcbsjcb,,
to the unsuspecting eye, you and ulpianus are simply assistant and field commander. just the doctor and one of their many eccentric assistants. ulpianus’ no-nonsense attitude makes for a rather amusing sight when you do tease him at work, though it’s pretty tame with everyone else around since you don’t want them catching on. the most they’d suspect is that you like messing with him because it’s your own strange way of enjoying and keeping yourself occupied while trying not to lose your mind from work. just simply brushing it off as “oh it’s just the doctor being the doctor, that’s nothing new.”
but behind closed doors? it’s a completely different story. no one would suspect that you’d be getting fucked against the wall, much less calling ulpianus ‘daddy’ as you moan like a bitch in heat. you had no idea he’d like it this much, you’d just said it off the top of your head to see if you could get any sort of reaction out of him. he’s got way too much patience to deal with your antics, always keeping that same stoic attitude and harsh look even when you’d be pressed right up against him. so when he started pushing you to the nearest wall, red eyes giving that familiar unfocused glare, that’s when you know you’ve got him.
it had all happened so quick. you'd made short work of your clothes, not caring if anyone were to walk in and see you like this. with your drooling pussy exposed as ulpianus’ hands came to grope your ass with honed expertise (hehe, he’d gotten less awkward about liking your body so much, it’s really cute~). he didn’t let you touch him; all he did was ask, with a husky voice, if you enjoyed acting like a whiny brat this much, as he lifted you up with no effort. next thing you know, after giving him a rather cheeky response, is your legs being thrown over his shoulders and ulpianus mercilessly pummeling you against the wall. there was nothing for you to hold onto, nothing to ground you, so all you could do was take everything ulpianus gave while you were reduced to a fucked-out mess who could only moan 'daddy' and his name as he bred you like a whore.
but of course, even when he tried to gingerly set you down after a couple of rounds, you’d barely managed to whine out for him to keep going, that you didn't want him to stop and to just take this to your room for convenience. even despite your brain being fuzzy from the previous rounds, that’s quickly forgotten as you clamber onto him and whine for more, uncaring for the soreness you'd be feeling the next day. you must’ve forgotten why he’d fucked you in the first place because you’re taunting him again, albeit rather groggily, asking "hehe, is your old age catchin' up to you daddy?~" it's certainly the last cohesive sentence that's coming out of your mouth before he's hoisting you over his shoulder and carrying you off to your room.
after that, you call him daddy at every chance you get, acting like a cheeky brat as you coyly tease and taunt him when no one is looking. saying things like “c’mon daddy, don’t you wanna fuck me again?~” and “daddy, wanna have your babies, hurry up and breed me~” with a mischievous little grin. and you know he’s only really holding back because you’re on the clock, but once everyone has left and gone off to their dorms, it’s fair game. after all, you’re the one who started this, weren’t you? so it’s only fair that you take responsibility for riling him up like this~ lmao totally not ulpipi being in denial for actually wanting to breed you and now getting off to being called daddy
Lati. Lati, my darling. I just wanna say, every time I go to my inbox, I reread this. I just... 😩💦💦 I can't do it, I CAN'T- ULPIANUS, THE MAN YOU ARE UGHHHH. I HAVE TO KEEP ENCOURAGING YOU FR, WE GOTTA FEED EACH OTHER AND OUR DELUSIONS 😍💞 Once my little vacation is over, I'll reopen my comms 👀
My daddy kink is getting out of control. I'm barking, howling, yowling and crawling up the walls. AND THE TEASING?? BRATTY DOCTOR IS SUCH A TREAT FR. I love being put in my place, even better when it's by a man like Ulpipi 😳💞💞💗💞 Bro has a daddy kink and a breeding kink according to us. Very canon, I do not take criticism-
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