rosileeduckie · 1 year
Hot on your heels
Run, run, run, as fast as you can, you better hope I don’t catch you, or you’re a dead man.
A hellish pursuit ends in pleasant hysterics. For @hexalianrebel-blackfeathers , dear Panda, I hope this will inspire and strengthen you 😊 Also maybe fluster the heck out of you 😈💜
SFW. Potential warnings: none, except Meg being a meanie. Hades: Zagreus/Megaera tickle fic.
Word count: 3,572
The denizens of the underworld had become accustomed to the sight of the prince dashing through the labyrinthine chambers out of hell. They were no longer surprised, just resigned, at the approach of fiery footfalls of the armed and fiercely determined god wreaking havoc on any wretch to stand between him and his goal of the surface world. Sometimes the stretches between rampaging visits were long, sometimes short, but, eventually, inevitably, the prince would return to cut them down, and the wretched shades and monsters would rise at the call of their lord to slow the prince down as much as they could, to their last breath.
So they were understandably shocked when they were summoned to Tartarus only to see the prince running INTO the depths, fleeing the surface with all the fervor he usually implemented in trying to reach it. Shortly behind him and ostensibly sparking his retreat, the first of the furies tore after Zagreus, her pale blue face burning sapphire and her mouth twisted into a grinning snarl. One slice of her whip and Zagreus was yanked to a stop, caught 'round the ankle and sent sprawling. Megaera leapt, a cobalt lightning bolt arcing through the air between her and her prey, and landed atop Zagreus' back, pinning him to the ground on his front. Her whip seemed to slither of its own accord to loop around his other ankle as well, tightening to secure them together and prevent any attempt at escape.
For a moment that felt much longer than it was, the only sound in the chamber--recently vacated by wretches for fear of whatever horrors the first fury would subject the prince to--was both Zagreus' and Meg's labored breathing. He'd evaded her through quite a few many rooms before getting caught. Likely, she'd LET him stay just out of her grasp so he'd be too tired to fight back once she finally used all her effort to capture him.
When the silence evidently became too much for the voluble prince, he turned his head so as to comfortably smush his cheek against the ghastly stone and opened his mouth, certainly ready to use his breath for rambling instead of running. Meg cut him off before he could, placing a hand, shockingly gentle, upon the middle of his back. The pressure she added as she planted her hand there prompted a startled grunt from him, as she used the bracing hand to adjust her position to straddle his lower back. His forearms were pinned under her knees, and his ears flared crimson under her breath when she leaned in close over him.
"I’m accustomed to recounting crimes before I torture my charges," Meg growled, and Zagreus began to wriggle.
"Meg, Meg, wait, please—"
Zagreus was jolted into silence once more when Meg's other hand touched his back. That time, it was only the tips of her pink nails that met his skin, featherlight and full of devastating promise. "So. Let's do this again." She traced agonizingly slow squiggling patterns down his shoulders and the back of his ribs, edging tauntingly close to his sides as she went on. "I said, "are you seriously spending time using that silly rod to catch bottom feeders? Suits your pitiful extended family; just to their taste, I'm sure."" Meg's eyes flashed in a moment of rage, and Zagreus yelped when the fury's nails dug briefly but harshly into his lower ribcage. "And YOU said…"
Rather than supply what his response had been then, Zagreus rested his forehead against the dark rock below and willed it to absorb the heat in his cheeks. He wasn't digging his own grave, just begging the ground to swallow him whole and save him from Meg's wrath. Well. If he'd really wanted to avoid her ire, he wouldn't have provoked her, digging his own grave in the first place. "Somehow," he said, nose squished against the stone in his best attempt to bury himself, "this hasn't jogged my memory—blood and—!"
"You, HIGHNESS," and she added venom to that title by squeezing her fingertips into either side of his lower back and the jut of his hips, "no, Meg—"
"I do not sound like that—"
Another squeeze from Meg, another yelp from Zagreus, and she carried on. "You said, "no, Meg, this is what I do whenever I miss you, seeing as it often yields me slimy creatures with all your charm and wit."
Okay, yes, in hindsight, even with Meg pitching her voice down and jutting out her jaw to make it sound stupid… it had been a hilarious sting. Zagreus could hardly apologize for that. Especially when it had gotten him exactly the outcome he'd expected. Been hoping for. "Meg, come on," he said, more than ready to defend his comedic genius if it meant pissing her off more.
Such defense was cut off succinctly when she used both hands to shove him further into the ground. She used the momentum of the push to swing forward, bearing down on his ear once more with a furious whisper. "Do you think I can let that go unpunished, Zagreus?"
Zagreus was not unaware that nearly all his attempts to reply had been abruptly and aggressively cut off. Meg clearly wasn't interested in him talking. So he only grunted as she lifted her hands off him, biting his lip as she pulled away only to her fingertips and went back to tracing his back in that maddeningly slow and light pattern.
"This isn’t an errand your father has me running to slow you down. Now, it’s personal. You’ve insulted me. And I will not let that stand."
"Nor let me stand, it would seem," he couldn't help but remark.
Meg scoffed, certainly rolling her eyes. "Very funny. Let’s see how funny you find this."
The rapidly shifting dichotomy was going to undo him long before her vengeful appetite was satiated, he just knew it. The delicate but devious touch of her nails on his back, gentle enough to give him goosebumps and sharp enough to figuratively cut through the fabric of his tunic, was starkly contrasted by the strength she wielded against him. She wrestled him easily onto his side, and her whip slithered quickly up and around his wrists to lash them together and bind them above his head. In a flash, he was on his back, hopelessly helpless beneath the grip of her whip and the pin of her thighs on his waist. Apparently, she had granted him enough mercy by barely allowing him to plead his case. She gave him not more than a second--during which, he would have sworn, he could hear the sharp unsheathing of judgment blades as Meg bared her pink claws--before she attacked. Viciously, ruthlessly, with all the kindness of someone with too much experience in punishing, and experience in that exact kind. She plucked a hellish tune along the left side of his ribs, accompanied by his own sudden rushing shriek that descended into panicked, elated laughter. Scratching and scribbling tirelessly, Meg's nails made thorough treks up and down and back and forth across just the one side of his ribs, skating along the tips of the bones and vibrating torturously between them. But she didn't stop there. While the nails of her right hand did their damning dance on his ribs, her other hand hovered over his armpit--he could see it just barely through the laughter induced tears on his eyelashes, and, only when he had seen the newest form of his destruction--and swiftly descended. And treated the pale vulnerable hollow to the softest tickling imaginable from claws so sharp. Her fingers left lightning in their wake, delicately frying his nerves with sensation and softness. As her fingers on his back had all but ignored the fabric of his tunic to send shivers down his spine, they now seemed to ignore his skin, tickling right down to his immortal core.
And then she switched sides.
Moreover, her hands departed from his left side in favor of his right, but she also switched techniques. Now, it was his right armpit that suffered under the clawing vengeance, and his ribs that were teased, featherlight and unbearable. The howling laughter bursting from his lips left him little space to think, to decide which combination had been worse. Neither could he see the fiendish smile upon her face at having so easily reduced him to such a state—how she was enjoying herself as much as he was, and she knew it.
Desperate, dizzy gulps of air slowly overtook Zagreus’ laughter when Meg stilled her havoc-wreaking hands. He’d become so overwhelmed by and comfortable to her touch that he didn’t register she hadn’t pulled away, only stopped. So his giggly, gasping reprieve was interrupted by his own hiccupping yelp when Meg moved, her fingertips ghosting down his chest and torso until they settled on his lower belly, the soft spots on either side of and beneath his navel. Zagreus whined through his tittering and weakly shook his head. “No,” he babbled, giddy and unconvincing to either himself or Meg. “No, no, don’t—”
“You’ve had to beat me to get out of Tartarus,” said Meg, holding her hands in place, still, above the spot that had Zagreus pleading already, as she bowed over his beaming face. “Don’t tell me this is all I need to do to beat you.” Both the scoffing edge to her voice and the taunting glint in her eye softened as she leaned closer, smiling and teasing. “Really, darling? All it takes to break the Prince of the Underworld is to make him laugh?” He shook his head, ears aflame as though her very words were tickling him as well. Meg chuckled, lowering her voice and lips close to his flushing ears. “To softly tickle under his arms and between his ribs and around his belly button?”
When he shook his head that time, Zagreus couldn’t help but slow his movement—the only he could muster under how she held him—so as to keep his ear turned toward her and his burning cheek buried in his bicep. “Meg—” he managed through his piddly protests.
“Maybe,” mused Meg, leaning back and tipping her head thoughtfully and ignoring his words as consistently as she had the past hour, “next time you fight me and my sisters, I’ll tell them about this little trick. Better yet, show them.” Her once-soft grin sharpened back into something wickeder under his wide-eyed, mortified yet eager gaze. “All three of us with you at our mercy. Bet I could even rope a wringer or two into holding you down so the three of us could fully devote all our attention to you, get revenge for all the times you’ve defeated us. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?” Zagreus stiffened as she leaned in once more, a shiver passing bodily through him as she pressed a kiss to his forehead. “For now, it’s just me you’ll have to survive. And, cute as you are, I haven’t forgotten why I’m doing this.”
He’d probably still be giggling if she hadn’t stolen the breath from him with such a ruthless plot for his next run in with the fury sisters. Instead, when his breath returned, he used it just to wheeze out, “I’m sorry.”
Meg rolled her eyes and chuckled. Just a twitch of her fingers into his belly, along with the following squeal that jolted from his chest, was enough to remind Zagreus of what awaited him in the present—never mind what he would have to look forward to in the future. “That’s nice,” Megaera said with a yawn, slipping her hands under the hem of his tunic. “But this is not to get an apology. This is for the consequences of your actions. And you knew that, or you wouldn’t have been such a little shit in the first place.”
Either his lapse in hysterical laughter or her own words spurred her into action, and Meg renewed her onslaught. With incredibly brutal softness, she scribbled her vicious fingers into his sensitive flesh, prompting from him a fresh and raucous bout of guffawing. It wasn’t just the physical attack; his exhaustion from having fought so hard through Tartarus and then having sprinting back, her teasing words planting images in his mind of countless damned hands reducing him to giggly shreds, and his relief to be swept away in it all—all the odds were stacked against him. In truth, the spot Meg had picked wasn’t so devastatingly sensitive. Sure, Zagreus could quickly melt into a happy puddle when tickled there, but her revenge would surely be better suited to the weaker spots she had already tormented. He’d been a little shit; knew that. Meg was vengeful; he knew that, too. What she knew, that maybe he didn’t or didn’t want to admit, was that Zagreus gave better than his all no matter what challenge he faced. Didn’t falter, didn’t give up, and didn’t rest. Unless someone who loved him very dearly held him down—or tired him so completely that he couldn’t do anything else—and ensured he rested. So even if Zagreus was flustered and laughter-drunk and exhausted, he was happy. Meg knew and loved him well enough to make it easy for him to get the rest and attention he wanted and needed, even if he couldn’t ask for it.
Maybe he’d rather die than ask for it. Or maybe Meg just wanted to kill him, he thought dazedly as Meg left his stomach to shake and suffer under lingering phantom tickles. He thought so, only because she pushed against the stone on either side of his legs to give herself the leverage to swing around facing away from him and to straddle his knees.
“Wait, wait—!”
The hoarse exclamation—the only so far to actually call for Meg to be diverted from her doling out of his punishment—was only made more sincere by Zagreus reaching to clutch Meg’s shoulder and stop her. Well. He tried to. Her whip was still wound around his forearms, so, though he could sit up, he couldn’t grab anything very effectively. He settled for earnestly flapping his hands against her back, shrinking only a little when she looked over her shoulder to glare challengingly at him.
“You—” Zagreus cleared his throat, nodding to his burning feet, “you’ll burn yourself.”
Megaera raised an eyebrow and scoffed, sending him teetering once more onto his back with a shove. “Oh, now you’ll be considerate? No, thanks, Zag.”
He was going to try to halt her once again, but the grin she turned back to cast him, so confident and evil, persuaded him otherwise, pinning him as effectively as her thighs did his knees. As he watched, she held up a hand, and, with a burst of magenta fire, shadows began to coil up her fingers like black flame, like burning smoke with no smoldering source. Zagreus tipped his head quizzically, still panting from the previous bout of belly laughter. That roiling, rising black fog… it almost looked like…
“Recognize this?” Meg guessed. She then explained, “From your spats with Tisiphone. Spectral shadows that relieve you of sight and speed.”
Of course, Zagreus realized, nodding but still squinting in confusion. In his fights against her, Tisiphone summoned souls and shadow to form a storm of darkness that kept Zagreus from landing any blows while she decimated the chamber in which they fought to give him less room to maneuver. But why did Meg…?
“Picked up that trick from her and made it my own,” she went on, holding the hand gloved in darkness over his chest for him to examine at a closer distance. “This is suffocating shadows. Relieves the area it surrounds of light and breath.” Though she hadn’t held it near enough for Zagreus to feel such effects, Meg pulled her hand away, reaching to the other end of his body and touching two fingers to his ever-burning calf. The small patch of fire surrounding where she touched fizzled out, leaving nothing but deathly pale skin. Zagreus blinked wonderingly at the display. It didn’t hurt, and, when she lifted her hand, fire quickly consumed the spot, yet her hand remained unharmed. “Quite devastating when used offensively,” she said, turning her hand one way and then another to watch the black flame curl and rise. “It will suit my needs now. Hopefully still devastating, but not as deadly.”
Her golden eyes flashed as she set her gaze from the fireless smoke back to Zagreus. Had he not been temporarily cured of his usual cleverness, he might have said she took away his breath just fine without the aid of magic when she looked at him like that.
“And, I swear,” Meg growled through a grin, “if you die on me before I am satisfied with my revenge, I will drag you out of the Styx, tickle you back to life, tickle you to death, and do so repeatedly until I am satisfied.”
Struck dumb for one of the few times in his life (even though a substantial amount of those times had occurred in that short day alone), Zagreus, throat dry, nodded.
Once more, Meg softened, giggling herself at the delighted terror on the prince’s face. “You’re strong enough to win against me any other time. You’re strong enough to last through this. You know I know that, don’t you?”
She knew too much, he thought, cheeks burning as he nodded again.
The warmth she granted him was quickly overtaken by the blazing fire of vengeance. “Good. Because if you can’t last when you practically begged for it, you ought to think twice next time before you get smart with me.”
The indignant squeak from the prince’s throat was torn through by a panicked squeal as Meg chuckled sinisterly and donned a second shadowy gauntlet before unleashing hell upon his innocent soles.
It wasn’t fair. Funnily enough for a fellow with fiery feet, Zagreus was no stranger to being tickled there. In general, it wasn’t a very well-kept secret that the mouthy prince could be calmed or quieted after being coerced to laugh until his sides were sore. He’d suffered under enough merciless merriment often enough that the most sadistic of his friends and family—usually his current tormenter and sometimes, funny enough for such a stoic character, Thanatos—that all of his weak spots had been targeted at some point or another. So common a weak spot for others could not be ignored, even with so convincing a deterrent as literal hellfire. Zagreus had thus suffered under some pretty creative means around his perpetual fire slippers and been wrecked to the fullest. He wasn’t even as ticklish on his feet as other spots, but how much harder they were to get at made them a novelty, and so never failed to make him lose his mind at the reminder of how bad it could tickle.
In a tortured song that could put the damned to shame, Zagreus thrashed and wailed, howling cachinnation echoing up into the caverns of Tartarus no matter how he tried to muffle it in his fists or Meg’s back. Even when he clung to her, she paid no mind, fully intent on her self-appointed duty. Her shadow-shielded fingers skated unimpeded up and down his soles, chasing shrieking laughter and sputtering flame almost as fast as either could be produced by the chortling prince beneath her. If Zagreus forgot each time how ticklish his feet could be, Meg remembered for him, every spot and every method to be wielded against him for ultimate destruction.
Her pink talons scribbling beneath his toes with special attention between his third and fourth, fluttering along his heels, raking up down his instep in unpredictable rhythm—every evil technique she used against him, both of her own devising and that she’d “picked up” as well, sent him further spiraling into elated, screaming laughter, until he couldn’t remember why he’d provoked her in the first place, where he’d been running to that had made his feet so sore for attention, couldn’t think of anything but that deliciously devilishly overwhelming need to laugh, to surrender to Meg’s hands, to her care. To trust that, if he couldn’t ask for lack of confidence or lack of breath, she knew what he wanted.
He may have had one foot in the Styx when she did, finally, deem his punishment sufficiently completed. At least, he’d lost enough oxygen laughing to have gone very loopy and very limp. Megaera chuckled, rolling her eyes fondly, and swung her leg off him to instead lay beside him, tousle his hair and touch his flushed and smile-stuck face. She may have spoken to him, but Zagreus felt like he was floating, like his ears were full of cotton and her voice was too far away to make out. But she smiled, and he was already smiling but he smiled back, and then he was floating because she lifted him easily into her arms and carried him toward the house at the heart of hell.
Zagreus leaned into the warmth of her shoulder and, at last, found excuse enough to let himself rest. He hoped his slurred speech amounted to something like “thanks” before he drifted off to the swaying step of her gait. He may have been dreaming already, but he thought he could hear her loving reply.
“You’re welcome, you damn idiot.”
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toast-is-ticklish · 2 years
An...Informative Experience?
Lee! Zagreus, Ler! Megaera
Zagreus has an interesting question that puts him in an eventful position. Lots of tension. Thanatos makes an appearance!!
Zagreus had been on the other end of Meg's death stare many, many, many times, admittedly mostly for good reasons, but this time he was really just quite confused.
"Zag," she ground out between clenched teeth, "What exactly are you trying to play at here?"
Zagreus put his hands up in mock surrender. "Nothing! Really! I'm just quite curious, and, well, everyone else seemed to get quite strange and jittery when I asked the question..."
"I honestly can't believe you would ask me such a question like that. Tsch. It's sort of sad, even for you."
"Well if you're quite done marveling at my apparently depressing lack of knowledge, I would very much like to know what this tickle thing is."
Meg gave him a discerning look—the type that used to make him want to squirm when he was a little younger. He raised an eyebrow.
"Alright. Fine. I'll show you."
"Show me? Oh—oh okay—" Zagreus followed along awkwardly as Meg pushed him up against the wall, smiling somewhat sheepishly.
They must've been quite a sight in the lounge, but there are not many things to which the dead are unaccustomed.
An exasperated sigh. "Try your best to stay still."
"Is it painful? I think I'll be quite—hng!"
Long nails slowly traced over the sides of his ribs and sent waves of tingles throughout his torso, making Zagreus resist the urge to squirm.
Meg's eyes sparked in a way that was concerningly familiar to the looks he recieved while fending off her whip.
"What was that, Zag?"
She sped up her fingers and skittered them all around his open torso, leaving Zagreus wishing he had maybe chosen an outfit with more coverage.
"Ihihihi! Ihihihi—Ahahah!"
This new sensation was turning Zagreus's brain to mush—he felt like he was actually melting as he let out these embarrassing giggles. His face was growing too warm for Meg not to notice and he only hoped she wouldn't say anything about it. His body seemed to have a mind of its own as it squirmed uselessly and weakly grabbed at Meg's wrists.
She apparently decided she'd had enough of that as she swept up both of Zagreus's hands and held them over his head. Zagreus's stomach flipped at this new position.
"W-wait, Meg, I—"
"Wait for what, Zag? Where'd all that curiosity go?"
"J-just! Plehease—AHAahah!"
His words were cut short as he collapsed into shoulder shaking, endearing, laughter; throwing his head back in a way that it almost hit the back of the wall.
Meg couldnt stop her smirk when she dug into Zagreus's exposed underarm, finding herself pleased by the way his body short-circuited underneath her fingers.
"Never thought I'd find something that left you speechless."
Zagreus just laughed and tugged at his arms a little, unsure he was capable of much else at this point.
Something in Meg's demenour relaxed as she studied Zags face, taking in his laugh. It wasn't like his usual quiet chuckles. It was loud, and full, and it had a sort of rough undertone to it like it wasn't used in quite a while. If she just leaned in a little closer she could see his scrunched up face, how that flush had so tastefully colored his pale skin—painting his cheekbones, neck, ears...
Looking at him this way it was hard to deny there was something about him that was sort of...
Meg said under her breath; before suddenly snapping back to reality. She pulled her hands away as if they had been burnt, taking several steps backwards. Purposely peeling her eyes from Zagreus as he caught his breath. She needed to stay professional. This was  completely out of line! What had even spurred her to—
"Meheg?" Zagreus wobbled on weak knees, and Meg did not think about how well that may have suited him. "Thahat—" he attempted to clear his voice, "That was quite the sudden...display. Not that I—! Well, uhm."
Meg glared, turned to leave the lounge because yes gods damn it she was embarrassed, only to see a very frazzled looking Thanatos gaping at the two of them.
Zagreus's remaining flush intensified somewhat as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Did you ehm, see all of that, Than?"
Thanatos seems to remember himself and quickly responded, eyes flitting about. "Yes, well, it is not my place to judge. It is...pleasant to see you taking revelry in something other than battle," he glanced at Meg cautiously, "Both of you."
Meg narrowed her eyes, giving the two gods a frigid look. "I have no time for this."
She didn't allow herself to feel bad for her cold behavior, even though she knew neither had done anything to provoke it. Instead, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.
Silence burnt through the room for a moment.
Zagreus sighed, shoulders sagging. What even happened back there? Had he done something wrong?
"I...apologize for her behavior, Zagreus."
"No, no, it's really fine Than, I just thought...well, I don't know what I thought, really."
Thanatos tried his best to give a reassuring look. "I don't believe she dislikes you, not really. Give her patience, space. Use that blasted persistence of yours."
Zagreus let out a weary laugh at that. "Well, my 'blasted persistence' hasn't proved very productive thus far."
At that, Thanatos let out a chuckle, grasping Zagreus's hands in his own. "It certainly worked on me."
Leaning his forehead against Thans, Zag felt himself relax a little. "Yes, you're right. You're always right."
A small grin. "Well, I certainly wouldn't object to that."
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servingcocoa · 1 year
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🥧💭 PRIDE ICONS OF CANON BISEXUALS !! [for bisexual visibility day]
✧・゚please like or reblog if saving ・゚✧
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
You can really tell who was a nerd who got made fun of for liking reading and stayed that way and who was an actual problem child and grew into an equally weird adult by which characters they claim as autistic-coded
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soft-tk-fluff · 2 years
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Happy new year/ very belated Christmas…? I am so sorry for the delay of your gift! But @vqler I was your secret Santa this year! Which is a bit ironic because you were the one who reminded me to join lmao XD! I hope it’s to your liking, I made a short zagthan comic for you as your gift this year (does it even count as this year anymore cause it’s already 2023…) but I digress! I hope you had an amazing Christmas and New Years! Thank you @hypahticklish for hosting @squealing-santa this time! It was an amazing experience to take part of! Which I will definitely be joining again in 2023!
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elvishdemigod · 4 months
Happy Pride to all those black-haired canonically queer characters! Gotta be one of my favorite genders! (I couldn't find art of just Johann, and no art of Miles as far as I could find)
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From Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
Nico di Angelo (Gay) [PJO, HoA, ToA, & TS&TS]
Marceline Abadeer (Bisexual) [Adventure Time]
Marshall Lee vampire & Marshall Lee human (Bisexual) [Adventure Time]
Vanyel Ashkevron (Gay) [The Last Herald-Mage series]
Lysander (Gay) [Silk & Steel series]
Johann (Gay? I think?) [Monster of Elendhaven]
Princess Dennaleia (Lesbian) [Of Fire & Stars duology]
Miles Yoon (Gay) [Lore]
Alec Lightwood (Gay) [Mortal Instruments series]
Magnus Bane (Bisexual) [Mortal Instruments series]
Valentine (Gay) and Spelldon (Bisexual) [Monster High]
Piper Wright (Bisexual) [Fallout 4] (Yes, she counts, since she's romancable by both player genders, and I think made a mention of dating a girl once?)
Zagreus (Bisexual) [Hades game]
Bonus: David Williams (Bisexual [Fallout 4 oc]
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Indie Game Character Swag Competition!
Masterpost here!
Post propaganda to #indieswagcomp or @ me!
Rules and Info:
Matchups will be decided via randomization and a bit of my personal picks
A 50/50 tie means both characters move on and a sudden revival poll runs to bring back one fallen character to continue the challenge
Polls will last for 24 hours, so be sure to make it on time
Remember, vote for your favorites
BE NICE TO EACH OTHER. All these characters made it in for a reason. This is a friendly fun voting competition, not a deadly warzone
Here are our starting 32 competitors:
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Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
Loam Arnault (Entropic Float: This World Will Decay and Disappear)
Nugget (Kindergarten)
Sal Fisher (Sally Face)
Rouxls Kaard (Deltarune)
Zagreus (Hades)
Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
The Knight (Hollow Knight)
Six (Little Nightmares 1 and 2)
Sunny (OMORI)
Crewmate (Among Us)
The Goose (Untitled Goose Game)
Baba (Baba is You)
Gregg Lee (Night in the Woods)
Stella (Spiritfarer)
Garry (Ib)
Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Niko (OneShot)
Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune)
Madeline (Celeste)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To Die)
Slugcat (Rain World)
Hat Kid (A Hat in Time)
Ori (Ori series)
Hornet (Hollow Knight)
Stanley (Stanley Parable)
Krobus (Stardew Valley)
Mono (Little Nightmares 2)
Webber (Don't Starve)
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phoenix--flying · 8 months
Okay now I’m curious 👀 what’s that royal au u keep mentioning 👀
This started as a Percy, Annabeth, Al and Ethan AU so I'll get into that
Annabeth is the Crown Princess (Heir) of Athens, she has one brother and that's Malcom! Athens is a large kingdom, the queen, Athena, is the daughter of the Olympian king Zeus. He gave his daughter a portion of his own kingdom to call her own.
Alabaster is the Crown Prince of Epirus, he had two siblings, his late older brother Edward and his younger sister Lou. Eprius is a rather small kingdom, most of it's resources come from it's neighboring kingdom, Elysium, as the queen, Hecate, is friends with the king, Hades.
Annabeth and Alabaster met during a council meeting their parents attended, being around the same age and both rather antsy they were brought to a separate room when it proved they weren't going to provide much to the meeting.
Being the heirs to their respective kingdoms, they're of course expected to marry, and they opted to choose each other rather then someone they don't know.
Being royals, they're typically at risk for some sort of attack, Alabaster is the oldest now for a reason of course. Because of this, both of them have personal guards, Annabeths is Ethan, the son of the captain of the royal guard, Nemesis. Alabasters is Percy, the son of two castle workers in Eprius, Sally, a baker and Paul, a tutor. (both of which previously lived in atlantis but left because they were lovers of the king)
Before they were able to actually get married, a war broke out. Hecate and Athena took opposing sides and so the engagement was broken.
Now for the sake of me not mentally hurting myself I've changed a lot of relationships 💀 So, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon are brothers and its just the three of them. Hera, Hestia and Demeter are sisters and again, just the three of them.
Zeus and Hera are married the only child they have together is Ares. Zeus also has Apollo and Artemis, Athena, Thalia and Jason as results of affairs. They rule Olympus, with Thalia as their heir.
As I mentioned before, Athena was given a portion of Olympus to rule while Hecate rules Epirus, a kingdom hidden in the mountains.
Hades is married to Persephone, they have Zagreus and Melionë together, while also having Bianca and Nico with Maria, a partner of theirs, and Hazel with Marie, another partner of theirs. The rule Elysium with Bianca as their heir.
Poseidon is married to Amphitrite, they have Triton, Rhode and Kymopoleia together. They rule Atlantis with Triton as their heir.
Ares is married to Aphrodite, they both have children prior to their marriage; Ares has Clarisse, Sherman, Frank and Ellis while Aphrodite has Silena, Drew, Mitchell, Piper and Valentina. The two of them rule Cyprus with Clarisse and Silena as their heirs.
Apollo was married to Saige, they had Lee together, but she passed when he was a few months old. Apollo had Michael, Will, Kayla and Austin after her passing. Though, he never took another queen. He rules Delphi with Lee as his heir. Artemis resides in his kingdom as a princess, preferring that to ruling her own. She leaves the kingdom often, going on hunts and aiding girls who had been abandoned or ran away from their homes. She has her own with in the Delphic castle that houses herself and her hunters.
Hermes, much like Aphrodite, is not related to any of them, he and his wife, Peitho. He has Luke, Chris, Travis, Connor and Cecil. With Peitho, he rules Maia, a kingdom he created himself and named after his mother, with Luke as their heir.
There are a few marriage arrangements among kingdoms, being Luke and Thalia, Lee and Silena and Clarisse and Chris.
me when i have lee get stabbed in his bedroom at nine, get kidnapped from his bedroom at thirteen and poisoned during his wedding at eighteen
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jacksgreysays · 1 year
How I would theoretically write an Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint x Hades (Supergiant Games) crossover (2023-09-05)
I'm sure this crossover is already out there in the world, but let me throw in my attempt:
It starts with death, because of course it must. When Kim Dokja is a child, his father’s abuse goes too far—the first of Kim Dokja’s many deaths decades too soon—but not before Kim Dokja can land a mortal blow of his own. In that moment, Kim Dokja avenges himself.
In horror, in grief, Lee Sookyung watches her son die while doing what she should have done long ago. In grief, in desperation, Lee Sookyung—for she is where Kim Dokja inherited his love of stories—travels to the Underworld to make a deal. She goes, specifically, to the Olympus Underworld because in Olympic mythology killing a monstrous father is not a sin, but rather the makings of a god. If she is clever enough, if she is determined enough, if she is willing to make a sacrifice, then she can give her son the life he should have had. Or, at the very least, a better one than the one she gave him originally.
Lee Sookyung is all of these things. But most important of all, she is lucky enough to be dealing with the Supergiant Games version of Persephone who is, presumably after the events of Hades and Hades II, experiencing empty nest syndrome, what with Zagreus and Melinoe presumably going out on adventures with their respective loves of their lives.
In the face of Lee Sookyung’s maternal devotion, Persephone offers to retrieve Kim Dokja’s soul from wherever it originally landed and have him raised as a prince of the Underworld, an heir to Hades, etc etc and condemn his father to the furthest, most painful corners of Tartarus under the supervision of the Underworld’s most sadistic Furies (aka, Alecto.) And whenever Lee Sookyung dies, she will be allowed to meet with Kim Dokja once again as a shade, before going on to wherever her soul is destined for.
Lee Sookyung’s counteroffer: yes to Kim Dokja being raised as a prince of the Underworld, an heir to Hades, etc etc. However, let his father take Lee Sookyung’s place in the land of the living where he will have to face the consequences of killing his son and wife. Let his relatives know the shame of having such a man in their family haunt them publicly. Let the neighbors who saw and heard and did nothing feel the weight of guilt for the rest of their lives. And in exchange let Lee Sookyung serve the House of Hades for the rest of her afterlife, so that she may watch her son grow protected and loved as he should have been in life.
In the face of Lee Sookyung’s vindictiveness and, also, combined willingness and talent for paperwork (there’s SO MUCH that needs to be done) both Nyx and Hades are now also on board.
So what I’m saying is, Lee Sookyung becomes a manager in the House of Hades for processing paperwork (gods know even with his improvements, Hypnos still needs the help) and gets to actually watch Kim Dokja grow up happy and healthy(? how does health work for denizens of the Underworld?) and so, so loved.
That would be the set up.
Then we jump to what wouldn’t even be Hades III (this time it’s Kim Dokja’s adventure where he meets the KimCom) but rather the aftermath of Hades III in which he FORGOT TO TELL KIMCOM HE IS THE PRINCE OF THE UNDERWORLD and that his “natural state” is BEING DEAD and so the KIMCOM HAVE TO FIGHT THEIR WAY DOWN TO TARTARUS WHERE THEY THINK THEIR BELOVED LEADER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED/SENTENCED TO AN ETERNITY OF SUFFERING but instead they’re just kind of like when your child’s friends show up at the house unexpectedly and you gotta figure out if you have enough snacks and entertainment.
No, Kim Dokja cannot go up to the surface world to play right now, he’s been neglecting his princely duties as heir to Hades (since, you know, Zagreus and Melinoe DO NOT WANT TO DO PAPERWORK FOR THE REST OF THEIR EXISTENCES and, like how he inherited his love of reading from Lee Sookyung, Kim Dokja honestly doesn’t MIND paperwork and isn’t too bad at it in comparison to his older siblings) but if you’d like to wait until he’s done, you can check out the various levels of the Underworld, go sight seeing, maybe join an Elysium tournament. KimCom, once the adrenaline has worn off and they stop being annoyed at Kim Dokja for LITERALLY NEVER MENTIONING HE IS A PRINCE OF THE UNDERWORLD, decide to hang out.
It’s very wholesome. Maybe Zagreus and Melinoe show up to haze their baby brother’s friends. Shin Yoosung and Cerberus CANNOT BE SEPARATED. Possibly Yoo Sangah is a cousin from Olympus who frequently ran away to the Underworld to escape the unfair expectations of her divine parent(s), so of course SHE knew the whole time, she just thought it would be funny not to say anything either.
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well.
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rosileeduckie · 2 years
Tickled to Death
Pact of punishment level: maxed. Time face the scariest enemy you didn’t know lived in hell: your own boyfriend. 
Zagreus “helps” Thanatos get out from between a rock and a hard place. For @vqler, who GOD I’m so sorry I’m late but I hope you like me petrifying and obliterating Thanatos for you in the name of Christmas ❤ Much love to you, much love and thanks to @hypahticklish for hosting this year’s @squealing-santa. Kudos and love to everyone who posted for the event this year, happy holidays, and happy new year!
SFW. Potential warnings: just “returning to writing” writing lol. Hades: Zagreus/Thanatos tickle fic.
Word count: 3,075
Zagreus had attempted enough escapes from the underworld to know, upon even entering a chamber, when something was immediately off. He daresay he was experienced by this point; there were things he’d come to expect. Hordes of enemies, unleashed with love from his father? Certainly. The unavoidable spiting of and smiting from god-cousins for the favor of other ones? Often. Blood, death, and darkness? Absolutely. What he found waiting for him upon crossing from his most recent ferry to the nearest Asphodelian dock was, in a total understatement, wildly unexpected. 
Save for the familiar sound of bubbling, hissing lava and distant magma falls, the chamber was quiet. Zagreus entered as he always did, light on his burning feet and weapon unsheathed, ready to dodge or strike at a moment’s notice. He needn’t have, though, as he soon realized the chamber was befuddlingly empty. Sure, he’d encountered chambers with no enemies in them, either at first glance because they had just yet to spawn or at all because their presence was dissuaded by some form of boon or blessing. But the chamber he currently found himself in had no healing pool, no shop, and no allies, let alone enemies. It was just plain empty.
So busy with examining the room for some sort of clever trap, Zagreus didn’t even notice the obvious obstacle until he fully tripped over it, sprawling onto the rock with his weapon—Stygius, this time—clattering a couple of feet away. Zagreus looked back to see what had caused him to stumble, and his brow furrowed deeper in confusion. A scythe, large and dramatic and adorned with gold and a piercing purple eye lay abandoned on the rock, its usual wielder, the physically and emotively grey demigod that Zagreus had the biggest soft spot for, was nowhere to be seen. Or was he?
Zagreus turned his head, looking from Thanatos’ weapon to his own. A couple of feet away. His gaze lifted slowly upward. The grey and currently half-rocky skin had blended quite well into the environment like a natural stalagmite, and it wasn’t until he was actually looking for it that Zagreus could see that Thanatos was there, and likely not going anywhere any time soon. 
The prince rose, grabbed and sheathed his sword as he rounded the Thanatos-shaped pillar until he faced the front. Zagreus had been grinning already upon realizing what he’d stumbled upon, but that grin grew all the bigger and brighter when he saw the normally brooding Thanatos looking flustered and positively grumpy.
“Don’t—” Thanatos said, sighing in defeat when Zagreus snorted and burst into bright laughter that he tried and failed to hide behind his hand. “Don’t laugh.”
"I'm sorry, but can you blame me?" Zagreus said, nearly falling into another fit of giggling when he rapped a knuckle lightly against Thanatos' chest and the action produced a satisfying thunk. "What happened?" He asked, but it was fairly obvious: petrification. Gorgons were aplenty in Asphodel, and none of them so friendly as Dusa. Most of Thanatos' body was still affected by the curse, frozen in place and turned a stony stormy grey. By the looks of it and the fact that he could talk, the petrification was naturally draining from Thanatos' form from the top first, leaving the rest of him to wait out the "thawing" process in the stiff and stiffness-inducing position of both arms partially raised as those blocking with his scythe, and both feet floating their usual few inches from the ground.
"I was waiting for your slow ass," Thanatos grumbled, drawing the prince to close his cursory examination with a snort. "Expected for us to have one of our contests, but a gorgon caught me from behind. You'd be standing in her remains, if I hadn't vaporized her."
"Remind me to stay off your bad side." 
"“Stay off.”"
“Shut up.” Zagreus walked a slow circle around Thanatos. He cast his gaze outward, studying the chamber without the blinders of adrenaline and stress that tended to make things look fuzzy. He knew Thanatos was powerful, but—blood and darkness—he’d probably obliterated every shade within the next three chambers, let alone their current one. It was just a guess, but, with how thoroughly every trap had been tripped and every structural fault had been compromised simultaneously, as though from a massive blast, Zagreus was fairly certain that A. he and Thanatos were better than safe from shades for the time being, and B. even caught off guard, Thanatos did nothing at half-intensity. Drama queen. “So how long have you been like this?”
Thanatos grunted, straining to look over his shoulder at Zagreus when the prince moved fully behind him. “I don’t know. I didn’t count, as I was counting on you to be quick. Thanks for picking this one time to be the one where you drag your feet.”
Zagreus didn’t respond to the jab with more than a thoughtful hum. He was too busy watching the petrification dissipate, the cold stone color receding like a lava wave at low tide at a slavug’s pace. Ugh. 
“I don’t know how long I’ve been like this, and I have no idea how long I’ll be like this, since I usually have you to cover me.”
“It’s pretty quick, from the hits I’ve taken.” Of course, Zagreus realized upon thinking it over, he was often petrified while surrounded by enemies, and the threat of being sent back down the Styx made him struggle against the enchantment with all his might. Maybe it was supposed to last a long time; he’d just be thin on patience and break himself out. “Helps if you wiggle.”
Thanatos scoffed, tipping his head back and closing his eyes. “You are an amazing help.”
“Well, what do you suggest I—?”
“Just—” Thanatos huffed, neck and shoulders visibly straining where he tried to move them, move anything, “just keep watch to make sure nothing respawns. I didn’t even want you seeing me like this, let alone your father’s subjects.”
“Any shade would think they’ve gone mad with the heat before they accepted seeing you like this as real. Or they’d be laughed out of the House for such a ridiculous and unbelievable tale, you know that. But fine,” Zagreus replied with a yawn and set himself on a little guarding route around Thanatos, keeping an eye trained outward for ominous growling, keeping an ear pointed toward Thanatos to listen to his comical grunts and breathy swears of efforts, and letting his mind drift elsewhere.
When Zagreus found himself petrified on his escape attempts, a quick shake and healthy dose of stubbornness was all it took for him to bash his way to freedom and back to slashing shades to dust. There had been one time, though, when he’d found himself without monsters to slay beside the shade who’d landed a hit and then lazily floated away and straight into a fountain of lava. (Zagreus could understand enjoying a hot bath, but yikes…) With no adversaries, Zagreus had lacked his usual incentive to escape as quickly as possible. It was odd, to stop moving so thoroughly, without being able to so much as jiggle his leg or tap his fingers or click his tongue. His companion on-call at that time had been Dusa, and he couldn't think of anyone better to offer advice as to getting un-petrified than her. Luckily, the little gifted doll he kept like a keychain on his weapon didn't need to be physically or verbally invoked—that would make summoning under the onslaught of a dozen rakers or one very maltempered ROUS even more difficult—so he pictured the soft snakey toy, reached out with his mind, and called for his companion. In a flash, Dusa appeared, all smiles and polite shyness and readiness to stone and slaughter any foe that challenged the prince. Of course, there were none, but Zagreus' head had gotten enough feeling back to explain the situation to Dusa. Her advice was the same Zagreus had given to Thanatos in the present: wiggle around a bit. And she had, so helpfully, provided a new incentive via her trusty feather duster.
Recalling the event made Zagreus—well, first he flushed to the roots of his charcoal hair, and he was glad he'd come to stand behind Thanatos at that moment, and then—grin, delighted and devilish. "Actually…"
"What?" Thanatos tried to look over his shoulder at Zagreus once more, and found only the slightest more yield in his stone-struck muscles. He could almost touch his chin to his shoulder. 
Zagreus side-stepped accommodatingly to face his captive companion. "Funny thing is, Than, you're not rock. You can feel just fine." He gave another demonstrative flick to Thanatos' shoulder. "It's a bitch when you're being bombarded with enemy attacks. But it might help you break free. If I just—"
It had been a tactical move for Zagreus to move around to Thanatos’ front. For one, it allowed him easy access to scribble his fingers under death incarnate’s arms unimpeded. For another, it meant he got to see Thanatos’ face morph from dismay to betrayal to amusement (however helped along and hysteric).
“Zagreus!” cried Thanatos, the sound colored with a splash of helpless laughter. Truly, it was funny how his technically perfect defensive position, when without his intimidating weapon, left him totally vulnerable to a little tickling. (Well. A lot of tickling. Zagreus was usually on the other end of these fights, and he had already decided he was not letting such a golden fleece of opportunity go by.)
"Yes, Than dear?" Zagreus teased, smile growing wide enough as his victim's when he saw the way Thanatos' cheeks began to burn violet. It took the strength of Sisyphus, but Zagreus looked away from Thanatos’ face, looking instead at his chest and trailing the progress of the curse. Still slow, but with a bit more stuttering speed. The stony color had dissipated all the way down to about his collarbone, leaving the topmost part of his collar golden and shining once more. “No need to thank me. I can already see the curse is lifting faster. You keep wriggling, I’ll keep helping, and you’ll be out in no time!”
A whine that slipped seamlessly into a squeal punctuated Thanatos’ chortling. “But—!”
The dual-eyed demigod slowed his attack, keeping his fingers and just a featherlight flutter in Thanatos’ armpits. It was far from rare for the pair to engage in all-out tickle wars that could border on brutal, but this may have been a bit much. Zagreus didn’t want to overwhelm Thanatos. He waited for even the slightest inkling of dissent.
Thanatos ducked his head, panting and giggling and bumping his forehead gently against Zagreus’. “If someone sees…” It was a thin excuse, between euphoric lips and yellow eyes burning with excitement, and Thanatos knew it. 
Zagreus definitely knew it, holding Thanatos’ jaw in his hands to pull him in for a kiss that ended when the prince chuckled, low and wicked and delighted. “Darling, with how you smote those shades, we won’t be interrupted for awhile, I’m sure.” Thanatos’ eyes scrunched shut, and he bit his lip valiantly against a renewed fit of giggling when Zagreus’ hands migrated gently down his neck and back to his underarms. “No one but me to relish your screams.”
“Remind me never to get on your bad side,” Thanatos teased, teeth gritted in a grin.
Able to bear stillness not a second longer, Zagreus set his fingers dancing once again, spidering viciously beneath Thanatos’ arms. Poor death threw his head back as the villainous onslaught sent laughter bursting from his lungs to echo through the lava chamber. His shoulder muscles strained against stone, but, try as he might, he couldn’t lower his arms at all. Not the tiniest inch, not the slightest bit of reprieve. Zagreus grinned. It was spectacular. 
In self-preservation, Zagreus had tipped his head back from his and Than’s intimate moment seconds before going back to full tickle monster mode, which had been smart with how determined Thanatos was to thrash even with just his head. A minute or two of torture later, Zagreus saw another inevitable point of danger. The curse was ebbing; soon Thanatos was free to his shoulders, and that gave him only the ability to laugh enough for them to shake. As soon as his pectorals were free, Thanatos was going to have means, however clumsy, to fight back. With a sigh lamenting the end of a helpless Thanatos, Zagreus took one last adoring gaze at that tickled-mad, wide-grinning, ecstasy-dizzy face, and he ducked.
A deadweight hand swung over his head, and Zagreus sent one of few thanks to his father for increased difficulty in his pact of punishment. It might have been small, but his instincts were good enough now to avoid what would have been an impressive black eye. Blacker eye. Still, stone-from-the-chest-down was not the way Zagreus preferred his partners, so he couldn’t rest yet. Thanatos was flailing his arms with all his might, but he still couldn’t bend over, so Zagreus was relatively safe lounging against Thanatos’ knee. Reaching as high as he dared, Zagreus gave a few quick and indiscriminate tickles—resulting in beautiful answering shrieks—and latched onto Thanatos’ hips. Instead of pinching, Zagreus held on for dear life and dug into the fabric beneath Thanatos’ belt, burrowing into and scratching the soft sensitive spots that had the potential to make Thanatos purr but were currently making him wail like the damned. 
The longer Thanatos suffered under Zagreus’ malicious mischief, the quicker the curse faded. Zagreus’ wiggling fingers seemed to be fleeing from it as they squeezed down Thanatos’ thighs, skittered behind his knees, and eventually dashed to his soles. Thanatos was fully able to buck now, body all but back to his control. Had Zagreus not laid down on the rocky ground, he likely would have been throttled. As it was, he was still out of reach, grinning up at Thanatos and receiving an exhausted but elated smile in return. There was even almost a flash of fear in death’s eyes when Thanatos realized what Zagreus had planned for the finale of their first—and hopefully not last—curse-breaking session. 
“Don’t worry, Than. This spot ALWAYS makes you dance. If it doesn’t free you, nothing will.” Zagreus was positively beaming up at Thanatos, facing no defense in the form of scrunching toes or kicking feet his usually did even threatening to tickle this spot, and certainly not deterred by the pitiful attempt at a glare the smiley and slumped over Thanatos shot at him. 
Any shade that had even thought about reforming within a mile of them had probably changed their mind and stayed dead a few more minutes upon hearing the howl death let out when two fingers were traced delicately under his toes. Never mind the subsequent guffawing screams he uttered when Zagreus raked five fingers back and forth beneath them while his other hand devastated Thanatos’ soles with some evil scribbling that he could only imagine tickled like hell. Those sounds, even if it did make Zagreus wince and almost want to cover his ears, and the blazing, amazing, unabashed smile that accompanied it was better than any boon the gods could give him. Maybe it was a little devil in him talking, but it was simply divine to see his lover so undone and hysterical, so free even when immobilized, so happy and for only Zagreus to see. He wouldn’t mind staying there, basking in Thanatos’ warm and hysterical glow, for a few dozen winters.
His wish was not granted. He barely got a dozen seconds before Thanatos finally shook free from the petrification, yanking his feet away from Zagreus’ hands and subsequently upending himself, laughter having sapped his strength to the point where he couldn’t even float, collapsing on top of Zagreus’ chest and leaving them both wheezing. 
Once he’d gotten back the wind that had been knocked out of him, Zagreus chuckled, wrapping his arms around Thanatos and holding him close, rubbing smooth and soothing circles into the soft warm skin of his shoulder. So gentle and loving was the attention and little kisses he showered Thanatos with that his next words were a jarring dissonance.
“You know, it usually only takes me a few seconds to break free from a gorgon hit when I really want to,” said Zagreus, and he hummed smugly when he felt Thanatos’ face grow warm where it was suddenly buried in the prince’s neck. “Can’t help but wonder if, maybe, you just didn’t want to escape that badly.” He pressed a grinning kiss to Thanatos’ burning forehead. “Eh, Thana-toes?”
Just as suddenly as he’d been pinned to the floor under Thanatos, Zagreus found himself pinned to the floor, arms raised and locked in the grip of a vengeful death, whose amber eyes were absolutely alight with promise and payback, and smoldering more softly with fondness that could not be more obvious when he rolled them. “I will give you three conditions to escape a slow and very merciless end, after which I will personally drag you back down the Styx and deliver just as merciless a wake-up call.”
Zagreus gulped, his grin growing wobbly and his stomach already tickled by a swarm of prickling nerves and butterflies. “And those would be?”
“One,” said Thanatos, summoning a ghostly indigo shackle to bind Zagreus’ left wrist. “Please don’t tell anyone about this that I work with. I’d like to keep some professional dignity. Two.” Another shackled encircled Zagreus’ right wrist. “Don’t you dare call me that ever again.” 
Zagreus couldn’t help but smile proudly at the purple flush that touched Thanatos’ cheeks at that, albeit his smile swiftly turned giggly and giddy as those two shackles pulled his arms taut. 
“Three.” Thanatos leaned in just to nuzzle Zagreus’ ear and scoff lowly when he tried to scrunch up his shoulders. The wickedly sharp tips of Thanatos’ iron gauntlets grazed gently along Zagreus’ highest ribs, making him jolt and bite down on a yelp, grin already hopelessly wide and nerves tingling in anticipation. Zagreus was sure he lost what color he had, most of it roaring to flush and flicker in his hair and ears, and surer that he’d be cursing Thanatos next time, when the latter bowed close to whisper the final condition.
“Don’t laugh.”
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Here’s our line up guys. 👍
Here is the list right now, there is a lot so they’ll be seperated into 8 groups and then we will go through all of those 8 groups to get to the end.
group 1:
Rom vs Puss in boots 
Alex (stardew) vs Jim Kirk
Roulx Kaard vs Jin Zixuan
Caleb wittebane vs 2bdamned
David Kostyk vs Mirabel’s dad
Kanji tatsumi vs Papyrus
Bob vs weyoun
Donkey vs Duster
Gren vs Janus the silverdeath
Lloyd vs Hannibal lector
Todoroki vs Gajeel redfox
David (lilo) vs link (botw)
Sugawara vs Pixel-Mess
M!Robin vs Stanley pines
Ben Chang vs Quirrel
Saul Goodman vs Will graham
Group 2: 
Kiryu vs Hero
The medic vs Ron
Percy Jackson vs professor Layton 
Neelix vs Iggy frome
King Harrow vs Lucas (Runs factory five)
Yu Narakami vs Elliot (stardew)
Jakob vs Aoi kurashiki 
Sokka vs Moxie
Nightwing vs tatsu
Archer (emiya) vs Master splinter (2018)
Barius vs Forrest
Ryuuji vs Jay walker 
Sanji vs Garmadon
Quark vs Kaito
Fox mulder vs tenma tsukasa
Leon (Pokémon) vs Delbert Doppler
group 3:
Berdly vs Marten Reed
Kai (ninjago) vs James 
Usui vs Gobber
Charlie vs Steve Harrington
Alec lightwood vs kronk
Paper vs Dr octopus
Discord vs Dedue
Arven vs Harvey Dent
Hunter vs Christopher Pike
Narciso vs Kermit
Cletus Jones vs Gomez Addams
Tom vs The king
Klavier Gavin vs Greg Universe
Kamado Tanjiro vs Brock (unikitty)
Ashe vs Louis Moriarty
Sisko vs dale lee
Group 4: 
Trip vs Brady
Franky (one piece) vs Tom Wambsgans
Shinra vs Jaskier
Your father vs Banquo
Silver the hedgehog vs Troy Barnes
Archer vs Space Boyfriend
Donald Duck vs Mr clean
Ren vs Nandor the relentless
Cove Holden vs Magnus Burnside
Bail organa vs Hiccup
Riker vs Corpus
yoo joonghyuck vs Kazuki
Fan vs kunikida doppo
Lazlo cravensworth vs loid forger
Peter b Parker vs Ken
Ryunosuke Naruhodo vs venti
group 5:
Prince Fluff vs Sarek
Nagito vs Zagreus
Macbeth vs Lucas (mother 3)
Stede vs Anakin skywalker
Tack vs Felix Madrigal
Jason mendoza vs N (murder drones)
Ren (oxenfree) vs Soren
Saru vs Kaveh
Castiel vs Yarne
Ivor vs King furgus
Kuboyasu Aren vs James Wilson
Yeza Brenatto vs Kristoff
Makoto Naegi vs Stoick
Tomohisa Kaname vs hunk
Peeta vs Jadzia
Kim Gonja vs Henry clerval
Group 6: 
Ron delite vs wang pangzi
Sam (Sam and max) vs Emmett
Kazuha vs serizawa katsuya
Jayce talis vs Asmodeus (iruma-kun)
Kai satou vs Professor Saguaro
Steve cob vs Minato Namikaze 
Dean Winchester vs Chakotay
Eugene Fitzherbert vs Chat noir
Spitelout vs Spock
Matt hooper vs Childe 
Siegblut vs Worf 
Edric Blight vs Yanki
Control (from southern reach) vs Tuco Salamanca
Seteth vs Louis de pointe du lac
Maes hughes vs Kazuma Asogi
Dr Watson vs Thoma
Group 7: 
Tennisball vs Barry bluejeans 
Luigi vs Hatsuharu
Snotlout vs howl
Jay (ghosts) vs dj Octavio
Gregory house vs Elliot Spencer
The mad hatter vs Joe tazuna
Basil hallward vs Harvey (Stardew)
Ethan winters vs olruggio
Albedo vs pleakly 
The heavy vs Jake English
Bruce Wayne vs Shen wei 
Naven NukNuk vs Dante (mystreet)
Phillip vs bow
Anji Mito vs Fishlegs
Stanford vs Speedwagon
Bariel vs Jesse Pinkman
Group 8: 
Ralsei vs Goofy
Sam (stardew) vs Seymour (little shop of horrors)
Ethari vs Cecil
Fix it Felix vs Kaoru hakaze
Ignus scientia vs Lukas
Majima vs Hercules
Magolor vs Calcelmo
Fred vs Randy Hapukurk
Kurogiri vs The riddler
Declan lynch vs Philza
Jaune vs Sergeant Schultz
Reiji Sakamaki vs Q
Luo Binghe vs King of hearts
Thatcher Davis vs Jonathan buyers
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NAME: Osmond Ilias Wraith (Ozzy for short)
AGE: 24 (immortal, but only recently born)
PARENTAGE: Thanatos and Zagreus
BIRTHDAY: November 17th
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
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SKILLS: Fortune telling/Divination, Drawing, Hide and Seek, Playing Dead, Filing Paperwork for The Fates
FLAWS: Aimless, Arrogant (sometimes), Spoiled, Huburistic.
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BLUE by Billie Eilish
RISES THE MOON by Liana Flores
THE MOSS by Cosmo Sheldrake
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I WASN'T ANYONE AT ALL- Ozzy Lore (his past... and future?)
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AS THE GOD OF PAST AND FUTURE LIVES, Osmond has the ability to search a person's soul and see where it has been, and in limited cases, where it might be going next.
AS A DEITY WITH LIMITED CONTROL OVER MEMORIES, Ozzy has the ability to recreate scenes of the past. The bigger the scene, the shorter the time, but he is fairly skilled at this. If the person he is reading memories from does not remember something, he can only fabricate something to fill the blanks, not decipher what was actually there.
AS PART OF HIS INTERNSHIP ALONGSIDE THE FATES, Ozzy acts as a Psychopomp for souls around his age. He chose this personally because he thinks it is easier for young people to accept death when greeted by someone close to their age. (He also drives the Taxi when The Fates need a vacation)
AS A CHILD OF ZAGREUS, Osmond has the ability to revive something that has died into a different life form. (For example, he could turn a rose bud that has died into a sapling.) He has never used this ability on a human or animal, as he is strict about the proper process for souls in the underworld (and it would be extremely draining too.)
AS A CHILD OF THE UNDERWORLD, Osmond retains several basic underworld abilities, such as: Shadow Travel, Night Vision, Speaking to the Dead, Necromancy, and Hemokinesis (control over blood).
BECAUSE HE IS A BASIC EMO BOY, Ozzy's preferred weapon is a Bush Scythe. (He doesn't really have the ability to properly reap a soul, but he thinks it looks cool and he's trained long hours with it.)
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Lee from Bones and All, Played by Timothee Chalamet
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Picrew (More Accurate to his face, less to his body type)
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Banners made by Blog Owner, with Skulls and dividers by @saradika-graphics and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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punkeropercyjackson · 22 days
Once i joked i have a type because i selfship with Percy Jackson,Jason Todd,Kevin Levin,Marshall Lee Abadeer and Zagreus and my friend who's black like me instantly said 'hood niggas'.Yeah that's more than fair tbh
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eggcrackerbracket · 2 years
I have some announcements to make,
Firstly, I'm currently visiting family right now so the bracket may be up later than I expected, sorry about that (I'll still try and answer any of your asks as best as I can).
Secondly, I can't tag for shit, (I am very new to tumblr) so I don't know what character specific tags to use so let me know if there are any specific tags to use.
Thirdly, I'm proud to reveal the pairs competing in this bracket, in no specific order (sorry there are no pictures):
Dave Strider (Homestuck) & Stiles (Teen Wolf)
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase) & Elizabeth (Visual Prison)
Link (Legend of Zelda) & Sabi Mehboob (Sort Of)
Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High Host Club) & Bill (Promethea)
Howl (Howl's Moving Castle) & Shiver (Splatoon)
Kris (Deltarune) & Franken Stein (Soul Eater)
Mettaton (Undertale) & Harrowhark (The Locked Tomb)
Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson) & Arya Stark (A Song of Fire and Ice)
Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4) & Yuri Rurikawa (Act Addict Actors!)
Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2) & Sokka (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Zuko (Avatar: the Last Airbender) & Pidge Gunderson (Voltron)
Hiccup (How to Train your Dragon) & Princess Mononoke (Princess Mononoke)
Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom) & Angel Demon (Chainsaw Man)
Hunter (The Owl House) & Seadall (Fire Emblem)
Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) & Conel.EXE (Megaman Battle Network)
Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) & Garmadon (Ninjajo)
Jim Jimenez (Our Flag Means Death) & Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
Stevonnie (Steven Universe) & Aubrey (OMORI)
Gonzo (The Muppets) & Sapphire (Princess Knight)
Allen Walker (D. Gray Man) & Raven (Teen Titans)
Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet) & Spock (Star Trek)
Madeline (Celeste) & Oliver Swift (Dialtown)
L Lawliet (Death Note) & Larry Needlemeyer (Amazing World of Gumball)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) & Helia (Winx Club)
Zagreus (Hades) & Yami Yugi (Yugioh)
Lake (Infinity Train) & Kitty Pryde (Marvel comics)
Sherlock Holmes (Various Sources) & Makoto Yuki (Persona 3)
Ed (Cowboy Bebop) & Boyd (Ducktales)
Mulan (Mulan) & Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Fionna the Human (Adventure Time) & Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Inosuke Hashibara (Demon Slayer) & Emily (Thomas and Friends)
ENA (ENA) & Joey/Rojo (Ben 10)
Marshall Lee (Adventure Time) & Alonzo (Cats)
Aziraphale (Good Omens) & Marcy Wu (Amphibia)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) & Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
Stanford pines (Gravity Falls) & Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Bridget (Guilty Gear) & Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Testament (Guilty Gear) & Sailor Uranus (Sailor Moon)
Nagisa (Assassination Classroom) & Allison (The Breakfast Club)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck) & Klaus (Umbrella Academy)
Ghost (Call of Duty) & Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler) & Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Ping (Mulan) & Kaoru Sakurayashiki (Sk8 the Infinity)
Eijiro Kirishima (My Hero Academia) & Kou Seiya (Sailor Moon)
Hawks (My Hero Academia) & Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) & Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Princess Ozma (Oz) & Princess Peach (Mario Series)
Team Rocket (Pokemon)
Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekiai) & Wade Wilson (Marvel comics)
Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena) & Rodrick Heffley (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) & Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa)
Luz (The Owl House) & Spamton (Deltarune)
Morpheus, Dream of the Endless (The Sandman) & Barney Guttman (Dead end Paranormal Park)
Mad Mew Mew (Undertale) & Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale) & Trunks (DBZ)
Sheik (Legend of Zelda) & JFK (Clone High)
Kara Zor-El (DC comics) & Legoshi (Beastars)
Wheatley (Portal 2) & Fluttershy (MLP)
Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) & The green M&M (M&M’s)
Yellow (Pokemon Adventures) & Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)
Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4) & Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Peppino (Pizza Tower) & Jason Todd (DC comics)
Mahiru Koizumi (Danganronpa) & Megamind (Megamind)
Itsuka Kendo (My Hero Academia) & Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
-Mod Sky
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iamrizaka · 2 months
•She feels much better than other Avoxes because Olympus is saturated with sunlight and she can be said to be the living embodiment of solar fire. The solar energy itself saturates her body and supports her.It makes her feel guilty - her brothers had lost a lot of weight and were chronically weakened, and she could be said to be fine. It's so unfair. And she's trying to "compensate" for that. Take over their part of the work and let them rest, share most of their food with them, try to pull unwanted attention on themselves and other things that she and her brothers definitely shouldn't do. Lee and Will actively convince her that this is wrong and make sure that she does not forget to take care of herself. They even hooked up Ethan for this.
•Her hair has grown a lot, now it reaches her shoulder blades and very stubbornly strives for her belt. Despite nothing, they are still silky and shiny, their color is still bright and saturated. She loves them. It makes her think of her belover aunt who died a year before Kayla went to camp.Lee secretly gave her one of his silk ribbons and Kayla wears a low ponytail with it... It's very similar to Michael's hairstyle.
•At first she didn't respond to "her" name - abstractly it was a pretty and euphonic, but not her... Kayla is her name, not Sfenis. Cutlery, fruits and even empty cups of wine are flying at her, hiss at her like she's a stupid animal. Hermes is detached, not at all prone to anger or irritation - "Don't yell at her, leave her alone at all, she will either get used to it, or will she just quietly disappear"* - Hermes was telling the truth, Kayla adapts and begins to accept "Sfenis" as an addition to herself. Not quite a part of her, but still close. This melodious sound still hurts her ears.
•Occasionally, at a time when kind nymphs can look after their safety, Austin and Kayla have fun in the fountains of the separated parts of ha Olympus. She ties the too-long hem of her chiton to her hips, the gentle water caresses her skin and makes her half plunge into memories - the sea or lake where she was in a blissful childhood, she imagines a smiling father and his straw hat with a red ribbon...
•Her father recognizes her even in wolf form - he almost wildly wags his tail at the sight of her, jumps on her, licking her face and snuggling up to her, he sees that she is freezing, and his velvet coat is the same shade as her hair, warm and cozy.
•Kayla sometimes hides with him somewhere and just strokes his beautiful muzzle. His very presence is a balm for her, he probably doesn't understand why she doesn't say anything.
•Every night, she lies down in a meager bed and covers herself with a paper-thin sheet, closes her eyes and offers a mental prayer to the goddess Makaria and the god Zagreus - she prays for a gentle death and a new beginning.
* - Hermes meant that he would give her some kind of remote job and where she would not contact anyone. Do I mean that they all have a slight tendency to commit suicide? Yes, they do.
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(this took me way too long, sorry i need to get more used traditional art)
You basically described her daily routine. And they all have issues, all kinds of issues.
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Virus Quarantined.
indie.chr restored successfully.
After a long game with many great characters, it's finally come to an end. Congratulations to our first place winner of indie swag, Stanley from The Stanley Parable!
Shoutout to our second to fifth place characters. Kris Dreemurr, The Knight, Mae Borowski, and Slugcat.
All 32 original competitors, with links to their games on the steam store page:
Mae Borowski and Gregg Lee: Night in the Woods ($19.99)
Loam Arnault: Entropic Float (FREE)
Nugget: Kindergarten ($4.99) Kindergarten 2 ($14.99)
Sal Fisher: Sally Face ($14.98) (Full game bundle)
Kris Dreemurr and Rouxls Kaard: Deltarune (FREE)
Chloe Price: Life is Strange ($19.99) (First chapter FREE)
Monika: Doki Doki Literature Club (FREE) DDLC Plus ($14.99)
The Knight and Hornet: Hollow Knight ($14.99)
Six: Little Nightmares ($19.99)
Mono: Little Nightmares 2 ($29.99)
Sunny and Kel: OMORI ($19.99)
Baba: Baba is You ($14.99)
Stella: Spiritfarer ($29.99)
Garry: Ib ($12.99) (20% off sale! $10.39 until March 16)
Sebastian and Krobus: Stardew Valley ($14.99)
Niko: OneShot ($9.99)
Madeline: Celeste ($19.99)
Sara Chidouin: Your Turn To Die ($16.99)
V1: ULTRAKILL ($24.99)
Slugcat: Rain World ($24.99)
Hat Kid: A Hat in Time ($29.99)
Ori: Ori series ($19.99) (I could not find a bundle version so I linked what I believe is the first game)
Stanley: The Stanley Parable ($14.99) Ultra Deluxe ($24.99)
Webber: Don't Starve Together ($14.99) Don't Starve ($9.99)
Zagreus: Hades ($24.99)
This competition was a lot of fun to run. Thank you so much to everyone who participated. From nominations to votes to propaganda to fanart, this competition could not have happened without your support and engagement.
Stay tuned! I'm not done with this blog yet!
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