#Light and Darkness
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Eventually everything connects.
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cuties-in-codices · 9 months
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the creation: division of light and darkness (fig. 1) and division of the waters above and below the firmament (fig. 2)
historiated initials from the "bible historiale complétée" by guiard des moulins, illuminated by the "fauvel master", paris, c. 1320-40
source: The Hague, KB, 71 A 23, fol. 2r and 3r
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phoenix----rising · 1 year
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"𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠" 𝑏𝑦 𝐷𝑒𝑛ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑚 𝐵𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑦
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musenemesis · 8 months
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ph, Ellen Rogers
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heartofmuse · 8 months
I will not deny there is darkness inside me too. Will you take only the beautiful, the offerings of bounty, the days of spring and summer when sunlight is plenty? Will you not also take my winters and my autumns, the days of shadow and blood, the dark chaos that sometimes comes?
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vintage-tigre · 7 months
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spookysalem13 · 2 months
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I'm a combination of light ✨️ and dark 🖤 of love and chaos. I can be sweet but I can flip when the situation calls for it.
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masami-kondo · 21 days
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affinitystoryblog · 5 months
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Magical Girl May Day 5: Sun/Moon
this prompt was PERFECT for these two and i never draw ceres as much as i should. i quite love this piece despite its simplicity!
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gossamergrief · 2 years
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-something more than soulmates
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Beautiful darkness
Envelope me
So that I may drink
The sweet, sacred
Sunken deep
Within your shade
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Penny Slinger, Kali Face
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90shaladriel · 7 months
Queen of Night and Stars
Ficlet inspired by the Rings of Power concept art by Julien Gauthier
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He watched her. Standing slightly behind her right shoulder he looked down at her as they stood together on the dais of the lofty hall. Her gold and silver locks tumbled in waves down her back holding the very light of the gods they both rebelled against within each strand. Her white dress tucked beneath the polished black metal cuirass that signaled the mark of a warrior still. She was everything to him.
One by one the supplicants came before them pleading for this cause or to spare them of their hardship. Always they begged her, their lady of light, to deliver them from their afflictions.
And she did, with the unshakable calmness and wisdom of an ancient being now stronger than the foundations of the earth.
A group of townspeople from some backwater village required assistance that their bridge had been washed away in a flood. Galadriel smiled and assured them that her king’s men would be dispatched at once. She didn’t even bother asking anymore to order a detachment of his Orcs or Easterling men to do some errand like this.
Would he ever say no? How could he?
He was so proud of her taking her rightful claim to power, now it fit her, how all of Middle Earth shaped to her will now and adored her. He had played his part in the beginning, it was as he promised. He gave her that spiked silver crown and forced the pretender Gil-galad to surrender his. She of course restrained him in and micromanaged his battles to do the least harm, she had also convinced a greater portion of her people to put down arms and accept the new order.
A couple of humans, a man and wife with a sick baby, begged for something to make their child well. Their eyes full of tears as the woman looked up at Galadriel, the man glanced his way before casting his eyes down. Galadriel soothed the babe’s cries with a gentle hand on its forehead, she whispered in her native tongue a prayer to the Valar and he felt the pull of her on the unseen world drawing on his power to alter the very flesh of the living to make it whole again.
They loved her and they feared him.
It sat well with him. He actually had no desire for fame and glory, his ambitions had always been to order the world in a manner that felt right and good. Healing what he had done in ages past but forging a new order where he could save this land. If everyone thought she was the one saving it felt only natural, it’s what she deserved.
As she gathered her flowing white dress so she could delicately climb the stairs back to the dais at his side he admired her beauty more fully. She noticed of course and her smile turned into a tight frown.
She willingly ruled at his side but always rejected his advances. Ever since their first night of marriage, the solitary time she had given in to his desire and he had taken that opportunity. Years passed and whether it was some absurd custom of the Eldar or perhaps her long standing hatred for what he was, she refused him since. Did she fear giving him an heir? His mind did idle on that thought from time to time, what a new life would mean when that ritual of succession meant little to them since they would live forever. Looking at the healed child whose parents clutched so tightly he wondered if it would feel the same for their own?
How he wished he could bury his hands in her hair, pull her body against his and feel his lips drinking from her fair skin.
She knew this of course. Before the next villager came before them, he felt the tip of her right hand graze just over his left hand’s little finger. He caught the involuntary gasp before it left his mouth, but he saw the corner of her lip turn just so slightly upward, her blue eyes dancing in mirth as in a glade of flowers for those who knew where to look.
His Queen. He would stand by her side until the days ended and there was only night once more. They would be together still. His starlight in the dark.
ao3 link
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phoenix----rising · 4 months
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Some souls are like sunrays
Gentle and warm, in quiet ways
Reaching out with outstretched hands
Sometimes their light may be obscured
By branches and by leaves
But even when they are hidden
Their love still shines through, never leave...
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amber-in-the-rough · 3 months
been rewatching tdp seasons 4 to 5, I'm currently at s4 ep2 and there are 2 things I figured I should put down for myself:
just so you know, in any media the first thing I pay attention to is music. Like, half the reason I enjoy Star Rail is because of music. The same thing goes for the Dragon Prince. When I rewatch s1 to 3, every time I'm almost melting because of how beautiful the melodies are. They are generally both sad (the Last Sunset my beloved) and full of hope (the main theme), but they can also be ominous and insidious (hi Aaravos' theme) and also loving and tender (Because She's Rayla). But when I first watched s4 and then s5, I didn't notice music at all. Like, at most I made a mental note about two (2) melodies in s4 ep1. The rest went unnoticed :/ Which admittedly is uncharacteristic of tdp. But... Now that I'm watching s4 again, I'm so relieved to finally hear the beautiful music I had been expecting from tdp. It's there and it's been there this whole time. It's really the Mystery of Aara- Music haha.
what caused me to make this post is s4 ep2. A couple of minutes before Rayla's return we see Callum is done with the translation of the runes and he now has the full text of the riddle. "In Darkness, gaze upon the Fallen Star". Then we hear Aaravos' theme start playing (woahhh), the Star rune on the cube lights up and Callum walks around with the book. It's honestly terrifying to think that- it would have taken him only a tiny bit of time to figure out the meaning behind the riddle text (that he needs to put out all the light). And if he gave it a shot (which he would) and put out the candle and pulled the curtains (the moonlight was there), he would have met Aaravos. *curtain call* Oh god. And then the story would have gone an entirely different route. That is, if Rayla came just a tiny bit too late (god, I need a fic based on this au). But she comes just at the right time to mess things up and save Callum from the dangerous path and it's then that we hear Rayla's theme start playing (Silvergrove OST / Because She's Rayla). I love how the two melodies are interwoven. The ominous Aaravos' melody slowly gives way to the hopeful Rayla's tune. Perilous darkness gives way to the bright moonlight. And that is just so freaking beautiful.
P.S. I sometimes see in the fandom the thing about Callum having two paths before him. The one is Rayla (moonlight & love) and the other is Aaravos (darkness & also love?.. we don't know his pre-story but I think it all comes down to the same thing. to love). So what I want to say is- the music confirms it.
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heartofmuse · 1 year
And if the night surrounds me,
It is with your name,
And if I get lost in the shadows,
It's because I find you there,
If I embrace loneliness,
It's because I feel the warmth of your soul in its arms,
If I kiss the depth of oblivion,
It is so I can dream of you.
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