#Linhardt x reader Fire emblem
glowingbadger · 7 months
Which of the Three Houses guys will watch their beloved go off on an enemy and have the reaction of "Well mark me down as scared AND horny", do you think?
Ahh, see my dear Friend Anon, this is a nuanced spectrum- but I'll do my best to break it down as I see it:
Scared and Horny:
Claude - has enough common sense to be scared, but definitely hot-blooded enough to be horny about it. A beautiful balance, frankly, though he may tease you about how wild you were.
Raphael - soooo close to qualifying for the "just horny" category, but he is a sweet boy and still wants to check to be sure you're alright (mentally, emotionally, physically) after the battle.
Ignatz - soooo close to qualifying for the "just scared" category lmao. However, as you all know, I see our boy Ignatz as very repressed and very kinky, and seeing you be so powerful and passionate definitely stirs some part of him.
Ferdinand - practically the poster-boy for "scared and horny" tbh; he feels sheepish about it, but he just can't help how your strength and force of will arouse him.
Seteth - also strangely close to the "just horny" category, not that he wants to admit it; seeing you like this really awakens something primal in him from far in his past. Still, his concern for you is ever-present and ultimately pushes aside how entrancing you look conquering your foes so thoroughly.
Sylvain - I almost don't know how to elaborate on this one because, I mean, of course, right? Of course Sylvain is worried, but also just burning inside watching you flushed in the face, damp with sweat, muscles tight, hair wild.......
Just Scared:
Lorenz - oscillating wildly between worried for you and worried for every person around you. Definitely impressed, don't get me wrong- he appreciates battle prowess. But if you're really going berserk, he's worried.
Dedue - while he's likely right there beside you in the fight, he worries about seeing you get particularly aggressive. He's seen what bloodlust has done to the other most valued person in his life, and never wants to see you go too far down that path.
Ashe - it's not as though he can't stomach violence, he just feels that there's a certain responsibility and necessity for rules of engagement when it comes to combat, hence his proclivity for chivalry. Seeing you completely lose yourself worries him, and he'll want to be with you and hold you and make sure you're okay as soon as he can.
Just Horny:
Hubert - I feel like this is more or less self explanatory lmao. Though he does still hope you'll be rational and not do anything unnecessarily risky while eviscerating your foes.
Caspar - again, an obvious choice. Honestly, I think Caspar wants to fuck after just about every battle you two come back from, provided neither of you is hurt too badly.
Jeritza - this is the most obvious one so far lol. Though, when he's more 'himself,' he does silently worry about you sharing in his bloodshed and provoking the Death Knight part of him.
Felix - honestly, it's probably even fiercer than Hubert or Caspar; the lust he feels for you in the heat of battle is both primal and nearly spiritual. This is about his whole life philosophy, after all. After a particularly tough and gruesome fight, he wants nothing more than to absolutely ravage you (and might need to be talked down if he has wounds to attend to first)
Linhardt - ideally, he is not present, as the sight of you "going off" on an enemy is likely to involve waaaaay more blood than he's comfy with. He'll definitely tend to you afterward, and wryly scold you for going overboard (secretly, he was super worried when he heard from your comrades of how ferocious you were out there)
Dimitri - he's in different categories depending on where he's at in his arc tbh. Feral Dimitri is obviously just horny about you diving into the bloodshed with him, while "redeemed" Dimitri has some measure of restraint about it
Yuri - it's more like "amused/impressed and horny," tbh. Though he never looses his head about it- he's still keeping a close eye on you to make sure nothing goes awry. But he won't deny that he enjoys watching, nonetheless.
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shamefulsho · 2 years
𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬 || 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄♫
genre: scenario
requested: no
not edited
pronouns: you/your
wc: 10,624
warnings: none
Somewhere only we know (Keane)
In spite of how busy she is, Edelgard’s love language is quality time. The second she has a break from her duty, she’ll take you away from people and responsibilities, to explore or just to drink in your presence. Her love is adventurous and cheerful, almost as to compensate for the childhood that was stolen from her. While she isn't the type to initiate kisses, she will melt if you kiss her anywhere, especially her cheeks.
On busy days, Edelgard hides away on the roof in order to make for a quick break. If you are near, she’ll send someone to fetch you, so she can have someone to lean on.
You are the only one who will be able to get under her emperor facade. She won’t have to regulate emotions or be mindful of herself. Being able to get her to trust enough that she completely lets go makes you her paradise.
While she isn't necessarily against PDA, she won't initiate because she always has a goal in mind when in front of people. If you initiate, she will become putty and forget her goal which will end up with Hubert being irritated that his plan needs to be saved or modified.
I wanna be yours (Arctic Monekys)
On the rare occasion that you can get Hubert to love you, he loves hard, obsessively even. His very being is motivated by love, everything he does. His love language is gift giving with some acts of service. He isn't one for saying I love you, in words, but when he does, he's poetic and careful with how he does it. Almost as if you were to blink, you’d miss it entirely. However, if he were away for war and you were stuck somewhere else, his letters would contain nothing but endearments and poetic love confessions.
He’s not a huge fan of PDA but can look past linking arms or hand holding. Hubert is a decently traditional man, and he wouldn't want to lay with you sexually or not before marriage. But if you catch him in the library with no one around, he wouldn't mind letting you lean on him or wrap yourself in his arms.
Don’t be surprised to find little things you like in places you frequent. Hubert knows how busy both his and your schedules can be and how rarely they synchronize, so he leaves something to help you push through the day whenever he can. Things like a cup of water, a snack, or a damp rag to ensure you’re taking care of yourself. Everything accompanied with a black flower, of course. He especially loves when you acknowledge or thank his acts. He’s one that loves feeling useful and caring for you
Until I found you (Stephen Sanchez, Em Beihold)
With loving Ferdinand, you receive a romance only spoken of in books. He absolutely spoils you as much as he can with the finest things and shows you off at every chance he can.
His love language is quality time and words of affirmation. He needs to have something with you every day or so to motivate himself. Should you drink tea with him, he’ll ensure the treats and tea are your favorite. Should you both have a free day, he’ll take you to see his territory. You make him feel alive, human even.
Though everything you do makes his cheeks flush red, he’ll absolutely melt when you verbalize your love for him. Compliment his hair, he’ll light up and compliment you in return. Praise him for his work, he’ll puff his chest with pride and smile for the rest of the day. But tell him you love him and watch his cheeks turn red, his noble facade fade, and his tongue still. He needs someone to remind him that he has worth outside his title.
Paper Rings (Taylor Swift)
Caspar approaches his love with a passion that rivals how he feels for training. He loves taking you to train with him, no matter if you spar with him, if he carries you while running or if you sit on his back while he does push ups.
He likes giving (strange) gifts to you. Expect him to bring you random things he finds cool or reminds him of you. Screaming, he’ll run across the entire camp to show you a cool rock he found in the mess hall. When he’s forced to separate from you, he’ll make it a point to send the small things with a messenger or save them for you.
Giving him a place by your side means more to him then you realize. To love Caspar is to love him whether he is brimming with determination or anxiety. He’ll only allow you to see his moments of true weakness, when he actually lets his mind race. His future has never been guaranteed, so having you helps anchor his fears for the future.
Bloom (The Paper Kites)
Linhardt is one for soft, subtle love with his love languages being physical touch and acts of service. His love is like the feeling of nuzzling into you after a long day or gentle hands caressing his face. He will follow you around, no matter what you are doing. If he can lean on you, sleep on you, or touch you while you're attending to your business, he will, but if he can’t, he’ll stay a safe distance and patiently wait for you to finish.
Though, for physical touch, it’s not how you would expect. Linhardt would find comfort in smaller, simpler touches: leaning his legs against yours, his pinkie intertwined with yours, your breath brushing against his face softly. If, at some point, you decide to brush his hair, he won't brush his hair again. He’ll waddle up to you with his tired eyes and his brush and ask you to brush his hair for him.
Saying “I love you” for Linhardt are murmurs as he falls asleep or when he knows you're asleep while he’s indulging his curiosity for crests. Though he says it in other ways when you're sick or unwell. He’ll have all your work done and allow you to truly rest to repay what you do for him.
Kindergarten (Chloe Moriondo)
Bernadetta loves through gifts and quality time. Most gifts she gives will be handmade gifts. She adores cute little matching sets both you and her can wear.
You're the only person she allows in her sanctuary (her room). She trusts you enough to not overthink around you which automatically makes you better than most. Her room is somewhere she can forget about the outside world’s troubles.
With dating Bernadetta, you can expect her to use you as a shield from other people, often talking from behind you. She finds fiddling with your hand or sleeve to be more comforting than her own hands or clothes. Your presence, visibly, makes her perk up. Watch her paranoid eyes soften and her cowering posture straighten when you walk into a room.
Oasis (Jasmine Thompson)
Petra, for you, will do her research on romantic gestures of Fodlan. She will ask everyone she knows, she searches books and studies them to please you and to assure herself that you feel loved. Though when you do the same for Brigid’s acts of love, she’ll become speechless and get uncharacteristically flustered.
She'll be absolutely ecstatic if you tell her you want to go with her to Brigid. She would begin teaching you the basics of the language and traditions, so you don’t feel completely lost as she did when she came to Fodlan.
Petra adores your hair with her entire being. No matter where you are or when, she absentmindedly combs her fingers through your hair or braids it. She won't realize how much she loves playing with your hair while talking to you about a topic of curiosity. When she does, expect her to invite you away to do just that.
Willow (Jasmine Thompson)
After being in the Opera Company and adored by many for years, Dorothea finds comfort in the little things she has left for herself. Especially in relationships, she keeps a private, not secret boundary.
At random, she will pull you close to fix your clothes, allowing her hands to linger and her fingers to softly graze. Needing something beside you, she allows herself to especially lean on you. If you hand her something, she grabs it rather slowly, allowing her hand to rest on yours momentarily.
After long, draining days, Dorothea will insist on slipping away with you. To her, it matters not what you do or talk about if you speak to begin with. Her depleted attitude will gradually recover as she absorbs your face’s creases and curves.
Her heart and mind both at ease, leaving her attractive facade at the camp. With you, she's Dorothea, not the Mystical Songstress. With you, she cares not for any stray hairs, any imperfections in her skin, and malfunctions in her wardrobe, but instead for the wind that sways around her and you, the accelerated beating of her heart, and your warm, welcoming presence.
Cloud 9 (beach bunny)
Monica’s love is unlike her admiration for Edelgard, instead it’s more slowed, believe it or not. Her infatuation is spent on Her Majesty, so when it comes to a relationship, Monica needs something that's soft and requited.
Because she rises at unreasonably early hours, Monica tends to you while you're asleep. She leaves you a cup of water and puts everything you’ll need for the day together. Beside it, a note with Monica’s uniquely curly handwriting on it, expressing her love for you.
When she returns, it will likely be after you’ve fallen asleep. Monica will quietly join you under the covers, wrapping her arms around you and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. The warmth that emits from you comforts her, nothing like the biting cold of the cell she was in.
Valentine (laufey)
Both Death Knight and Jeritza, even if he refuses to admit it, both adore anyone who's stronger than him. The thrill of battle plays with the Death Knight’s heart, and the possibility of death with his head. In contrast, your skills with a weapon remedies his worries and promises him someone to stay by his side.
Despite his elegance with a weapon, he’s terribly clumsy with tasks that require a steady, gentle hand. He wants nothing more than to help you when you are cooking, but the second you assign him a task, it somehow goes wrong. “Measure the flour, would you, Emile?” you tell him; almost immediately there’s a coating of flour on the table and in his hair. “Fill the pot with water, darling,” you hum; the pot suddenly slips through his hand, and the water manages to put out the fire.
He has never been one for words. If it were up to him, he wouldn't utter one more word to anyone except occasionally you or his sister. He would rather feel the warmth of your body against his, your fingers running through his unruly hair, and the soft brush of your lips against his.
After loving him for so long, Jeritza will allow you to use his real name and even prefer it over his alias. The way the syllables fall from your mouth keeps him anchored and tugs his heart strings like no other. It reminds him of his humanity and how dear you are to him.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
cuddling with linhardt
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pairing: linhardt von hevring x gn!reader
tags: cuddling, fluff, implied romantic relationship
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linhardt likes to be as close to you as possible
there could be a ton of space on the sofa or bed and he'd still be sitting so close to you, that he's basically on top of you
linhardt never asks you to cuddle with him, but you can guess that this is what he wants when he gets so close to you
he'll often just rest his head on your shoulder or lap, until you start to wrap your arms around him or play with his hair
linhardt isn't very vocal during cuddling, but he doesn't mind listening to you talking about your day or anything that is currently on your mind
he just wants to be close to you, that's all that matters to him…
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randoimago · 2 years
How about Linhardt, Mercedes and Dedeue meeting in the Goddess Tower with their s/o accidentally, but with the same idea - to spent some time in peace and quiet alone, away from the Ball. But in the end they talk, make wishes and dance. Alone. With each other.
Meeting S/O at the Goddess Tower
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Character(s): Dedue, Mercedes, Linhardt
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Here you go!!
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He had left so he didn't inconvenience people with his presence. It's no secret how most people view those from Duscur. He did not intend to stumble upon you.
"Apologies, I'll leave," he'll tell you when you notice him. You're quick to say he can stay and he debates it for a second but agrees. You two are alone so there shouldn't be rumors spread about you being seen with him.
Dedue isn't one for small talk but he listens. He listens to anything you want to talk about, voicing a few thoughts now and then. It isn't until you suggest making a wish with him that he lets a smile slip through. Mythologies aren't something he's interested in, but he likes the one with the Goddess Tower.
Dancing also isn't something he's good at. His highness had him attend the lessons that he had, but Dedue didn't really dance himself. He still tries with holding you close and letting you lead.
Honestly he just wanted to take a nap. It was all exhausting. But he saw you in the spot he wanted to nap and let out a sigh, letting you know he was there. You don't get time to react before he moves your hands so he can lay his head in your lap.
It's quiet at first before you two do start talking. It's mostly him either complaining about the party or talking about crest research.
Linhardt would go quiet again after a bit and you'd think he finally fell asleep until he speaks up. "We could make a wish for research purposes. See if there's any truth to the legends." rather he was being sincere or sly, who knows.
At the discussion of dancing, he's not a huge fan of the idea. Yes he knows how to dance - he's a noble he had to attend those lessons - but he doesn't like dancing, it's too tiring. But if you really look upset at not having a dance with him then he'll relent.
She was really trying to find Ingrid, who was hiding from her again. Mercedes did need a break and she thought the best way would be to touch up some makeup. That idea left her when she saw you alone at the Goddess Tower.
You get a cheerful, "Hello!" from her as she makes her way over to you, sitting next to you. Having conversation comes easily enough before she's teasing you about waiting for someone to make a wish with.
Mercedes is more than happy to play into the traditions of the Goddess Tower with wishing with you, hoping for happiness in your future and the rest of her house's future.
She would be the one to suggest dancing too. She was upset when she realized that she had to take a break from dancing in the first place, but now she's all relaxed and wants to spend the rest of the night dancing with her beloved S/O.
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
Then may I request (of course separate and platonic) sibling headcannons for Dimitri, Felix, Constance, Linhardt, Caspar, Yuri from Fire Emblem 3 houses (if that’s two many you can pick and choose)
Fódlan Sibling Headcannons
Series: Fire Emblem.
Characters: Dimitri, Felix, Constance, Linhardt, Caspar and Yuri.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
Notes: Apologies this took longer than it should have. Also I feel like Dimitri might be a little occ.
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Growing up together Dimitri had been your older brother. Naturally, this meant he would be the next King of Faerghus. He always had so many duties and had to be so serious and responsible!
This had been no fun for you whatsoever. Compared to Dimitri you didn't nearly have as many royal duties to attend to. You always had so much free time you had no idea what to do with it!
Of course, you would love to spend this time with Dimitri but of course, he was always busy. However, when Dimitri did have free time you made sure not to waste it! Whenever you did spend time with Dimitri it would be training together or having tea.
But you always wanted to do something more adventurous with him! Such as sneaking out of the royal place and exploring what was outside the place walls! Whether that be exploring the streets of the town or defeating a group of local bandits together.
This was much to your parent's dismay, however. As whenever they discovered you weren't in the place they would send guards to come bring you back. How annoying!
Of course, growing up you were also close with Dimitri's friends. Whenever you went to visit Felix, Ingrid, or Sylvain or they came to visit you. There was never a dull day to be had spending time together!
Oh, Felix how seriously he always was you swear it's almost like your brother could not smile or have fun! So you made it your mission to make your brother smile or laugh! All you had to do was find out what made him laugh or smile.
This leads you to pull many upon many pranks on your brother. Of course, he found this to be annoying but you swear you saw him crack a small smile sometimes. So it was working that lead you to keep pulling pranks on him!
Of course, pranks weren't the only thing that could make a person smile so this led to you telling multiple jokes to Felix! Of course, this first couple of times not even a grin or a chuckle came from your brother. But that's alright all you had to do was keep trying!
Eventually you finally did it a joke that made Felix laugh genuinely! You were so happy you ended up parading around the room. You ended up tripping and falling over which only made him laugh even more!
Felix was an extremely skilled swordsman you had seen his swordsmanship firsthand. Whether you liked or dislike training Felix would always train you on how to use a sword. So you could defend yourself in case he wasn't there to protect you. He may not show it much but Felix was happy to have you as his sibling.
"OHOHOHOH!" Whenever you heard that laughter it could only mean one thing. Your sister Constance has created a new spell and was going to show it to you immediately.
Not that you minded of course you were always interested in seeing the new spells your sister would come up with. Admittedly some of them were more useful than others but you always liked seeing them.
Of course, since you were Constance's sibling you were also quite skilled with magic. Each time you created a spell of your own or master an already-known spell your sister couldn't help but be proud of you!
Of course whenever Constance needed to go out for something during the day. You would always be with her you knew how many bad memories the sun brought back to her. So you always wanted to be there with her in case something happened and to keep her safe.
To bring back House Nuvelle that was Constance's dream! Naturally, you shared this dream with Constance and did what you could to make it a reality. Whenever you two successfully bring back House Nuvelle your magical prowess as the siblings of House Nuvelle will be known far and wide!
Oh Linhardt sleepily, sleepily, sleepily Linhardt. How did your brother end up sleeping so much? You weren't sure honestly but you'd find him sleeping in places such as the library.
You could be sitting next to Linhardt talking about anything. Then the next minute he goes quiet and stops responding to you. It's because he's fallen asleep! How could fall asleep while talking to you?! His amazing sibling?! How rude!
Of course, since you were Linhardt's sibling you'd always be the first one he talk to about his crest research. Whether you had a crest or not didn't matter! You were still his sibling and he cared for you all the same.
Of course, if you were ever feeling stressed or tired Linhardt would be the first to notice. And what would he suggest to get rid of those feelings of stress and tiredness? Naps of course! Linhardt always seemed to know some of the best places to take a nap.
Of course, if you ever needed any help with your studies. Linhardt would be the first person you'd go to for help. He was one of the top students so he would be willing to help you out on something you're struggling with.
Oh, Casper whenever he would see you in the halls of the Garreg Mach Monastery. He would shout your name and then run up to hug you. He was always happy to see you and always asked how you were doing.
Since neither you nor Casper would be the next head of your house. You always knew Caspar would be training and sometimes asked you to join him. You didn't mind however as Caspar was always great to train with!
Also, you know that one support in Three Houses where Caspar carries Bernadetta to show her something pretty? Yea, Caspar does the same with you sometimes since he wants to show you something. It happens so many people are just used to seeing him carrying around his sibling in the Monastery.
Of course, you and Caspar get along well together since the both of you grew up together. The both of you are each other's best friend! Caspar could be a bit more emotional than you at times.
This usually led to Caspar getting into fights with other students. You always had to hold Caspar back or break up the fight. However, you'd always be there for Caspar to patch him up after a fight.
Okay, let's just get this out the Yuri would tease you CONSTANTLY! Seriously not even a day goes by where Yuri isn't teasing you about something. Of course, you would tease him as well but it didn't seem to affect much.
Yuri was also very protective over you as leader of the Ashen Wolves. Of course, Yuri knew you were more than capable of protecting yourself. But if people were aware you were his sibling they might hurt you instead of him.
Of course, since you were Yuri's sibling he trusted you more than anyone else. So you knew more about him than others and he opened up to you more. The both of you are always there for each other and trust each other greatly.
You and Yuri were partners in crime and would go out on missions regularly. You would both always have each other's back. Even in battle the two of you were an unstoppable force!
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Unsure if you got this the first time around, so I'm sending it again just to be certain. Enjoy your new year!
(🔱 Fem!Reader continued /c interaction with Sylvain)
*Edelgard sighed*
"Perhaps Linhardt has a point. Don't think for a moment that this conversation is over, though. I expect a thorough explanation come tomorrow morning."
*The house leader left to go upstairs, leaving the other two alone.*
*She crossed to her door. Her eyes were trained on her door handle.*
"I suppose I should thank you."
I didn't get it the first time! Glad you sent it in again ^^ happy new year to you too!
This is my last response for you! Thank you so much for participating in this event!
"I suppose so. Bye" he still refused to look at you and walked off. He certainly didn't want to hold you for a conversation since both of you had better things to do. You didn't have much to discuss anyways. Even if he did have concerns about the blood he'd have his questions answered tomorrow when Edelgard questions you again. And of course he didn't want to talk about missing his stable duty either.
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envihellbender · 2 years
Black Eagles and Blue Lions guys as yanderes ?
Fire Emblem: Yandere Houses
(Male characters from the Blue Lions and Black Eagles x Gender neutral reader)
CW: physical abuse, obsessive behaviour, stalking
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Black Eagles
Hubert would start off apprehensive and distant from you, and you don’t realise he cares until you notice him everywhere. You’re sat in the library and he’s sat a desk away, his eyes fixating on you as you try and do your research.
The next thing you notice is how differently people respond to you, the baker who normally chats to you with a cheery smile simply hands you your bread without a word. He won’t even look you in the eye, and you notice there’s fresh bruising on his cheekbone.
When you finally confront Hubert, you find your words failing in your throat. He stands a little too close to you, and the way he towers over you and his gloved hands stroke your hair as you speak make your feel like a small little pet. As if you exist for his amusement and there’s no one else in the entire world.
As with most things with Ferdinand, he falls for you hard and fast. From the first date he announces you as his betrothed, and he’s such an excited puppy about the affair you don’t have the heart to tell him he’s coming on far too strong. He doesn’t let go of you for the entire meal, he pulls you as close as he can and he’s enraptured, hanging on your every word.
When Ferdinand catches you speaking with someone else he becomes quite and despondent. He remains by your side, you’re both still joined at the hip to a smothering extent but he won’t say a word. He just scowls grips onto your arm a little too hard. He pulls you away from anyone who tries to speak to you, in the dining hall he insists you sit by yourselves and he cuts up your food for you.
Ferdinand didn’t ask if you wished to sleep in his quarters at Garreg Mach, you simply discovered your key to your room no longer worked and Ferdinand informed you he had your belongings moved. He picked which clothes were worth keeping and which ones needed throwing away, the room is still predominantly his. It doesn’t feel like yours, nothing feels like yours anymore. You’re becoming his.
At first Linhardt seems perfectly normal, he sits with you in the library and in the dining hall. Sure, he rolls his eyes if anyone else speaks to you, and his questions are a little intrusive… but nothing that suggests anything other than a slight socially awkward nature.
It starts small, you notice you begin to get anxious when you go a few hours without seeing Linhardt. You almost can feel if he is approaching, the further away he is the more terrified you become and a sharp pain begins in your temple. When you speak to other people it feels wrong, as if you’ve told a lie or stolen someone’s possessions. The only time you feel comfortable is when you’re with Linhardt, then your body is drained of anxiety and filled with joy. It’s like you’re addicted.
Linhardt takes a long time to admit what he’s done, he watches you spiral and get more and more anxious about your bizarre symptoms. It’s only when you slam him against the wall and desperately shake him asking what he did to you does he admit the experiments. He tells you how he developed a magical device which he injected into your shoulder, one that manipulates your brainwaves to result in your body being addicted and dependent on him.
Caspar hasn’t even had a first date with you when it starts. It begins with the subtlety of a war axe to the face, a handsome young man approached you at the market and before he’s finished his question Caspar appears beside you. You didn’t even notice he was at the market with you, you wonder if he was following you but dismiss that thought. Caspar demands to speak to the man in your behalf, standing in front of you and shoving the stranger to force him to keep his distance. When you confront him afterwards, Caspar insists he simply noticed he shared the same description as a con artist who’d been hanging around the market place. You want to believe him.
As Caspar gets closer to you, his behaviour gets more erratic. He not only seems to always appear when a stranger wishes to speak to you to defend you from them, it starts to happen with everyone. The shopkeepers you speak too regularly, your classmates, and the servants of church, they are all extremely wary of you. They all become wary of you, sometimes you witness Caspar threatening and attacking them, he does it before your eyes. It’s as if it isn’t just about the others any more, it’s a threat to you and what will happen if you leave him.
The collar is an addition that shocked you, but perhaps given Caspar’s behaviour it shouldn’t have been a surprise. When you awoke and you began getting dressed he stood by you as always, and instead of asking for your permission as you buttoned up your shirt he slips a thick leather collar around your neck and fastens the buckle. Before you can object there is a click, something small, cold, and metal lands against your neck. A padlock. You pull at it, you try to create a little bit of room for your throat but the collar has no give. You scream at him to take it off, he refuses. He simply grabs your hair and tells you you’re his.
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Blue Lions
Dimitri worries about you, constantly. You notice that the Professor isn’t taking you on missions anymore, there’s no more fighting bandits and monsters, simply staying in the monastery all day frustrated and bored. When you complain about it to Dimitri one day he goes quiet, he acts as if he barely heard you and avoids your gaze. When you push him all he says is “at least you’re safe this way.” You try to argue saying you can protect yourself, but when Dimitri replies with a simple “so could my father.” And you don’t know how you can possibly respond to that.
You try to go to the Professor to explain how much you want to be taken on missions, how your restless and bored. Especially since the guards of Garreg Mach seemed to get stricter about what times you can leave the monastery and what times you have to be back by. The Professor doesn’t give you a straight answer, he says it’s nothing personal and that he will take a look at the roster to ensure you’re included soon. Soon never comes.
One day, when you’re trying to enter the training grounds to spar everyone avoids your gaze. The training master tells you that they aren’t offering training to you anymore. That is the final straw, you confront Dimitri directly. You’re prepared for him to bring up his dead father as an excuse as you look him directly into his sapphire eyes. You say he needs to loosen his grip on you, that you need to be able to leave the monastery and train. Dimitri argues a recruit broke his collarbone training and he couldn’t live with himself if the same happened to you. When you argue, when you threaten to leave him something evil appears in his eyes. He grips your hand too tightly and pulls you impossibly close. You know in that moment you’ll never leave.
Dedue is more affectionate a partner than you expected. He shoves his love through acts of service, when you wake up you’re greeted with a beautifully made breakfast brought to your bedroom. Occasionally with a plant or flower from the greenhouse. There’s nothing wrong with that exactly, you can’t explain it. They are lovely gestures, you feel adored. But it’s so much. You can’t wake up without Dedue being there, he is constantly at your side and desperate for your attention.
Soon, Dedue is making all of your meals. His cooking is delicious, that’s not the issue. The issue is he treats food made by anyone else as if it’s poisoned. One day when you went to the bakery he was horrifically insulted that you would buy food instead of asking him to make you some. To everyone else he just seems caring and sweet, all you can do is stay whilst you feel Dedue’s breath down your neck.
One day, you wake up and the door to your quarters is locked. You also notice that Dedue seemed to have moved his things in in the night. Dedue appears with your breakfast and the key is hanging around his neck. You fold your arms and refuse to eat, scowling as your eyes fixated on the golden key on a silver chain. Dedue strokes your hair, telling you to eat with a tone one would usually reserve for an animal. It was a mistake to throw the plate of food against the wall, it was immature and the actions of a petulant child. It felt good, but when you turn to Dedue a dark anger has filled his face. He grabs your throat and hair, he tells you how all he wants to do is take care of you as his rage grows.
It starts off small, when you are with your friends you can see Felix pouting and turning away with folded arms. Occasionally he stays with you whilst you speak to those you’re with, usually he sits a table or so away, and throws looks at you. You try to ignore him, knowing he has no say in who you associate with. There is however a twist of guilt in your chest, when you try to confront him he refuses to discuss it. He makes a sarcastic, irritated comment in response, as if he’s punishing you. You try asking Dimitri or Sylvain for help, all they do is shrug and say Felix must really like you. You don’t have a choice but to simply deal with it.
It would be easier to deal with it Felix actually seemed to enjoy having you around. He makes scathing, awful comments to your friends making them not want to come near you anymore if he’s present. And these days he’s always present. However, when you try to bond with him he scowled and speaks in a tone laden with sarcasm. It’s almost impossible to tell if he likes you or if he’s punishing you. Every now and then he reaches for your hand, his fingers are thin and cold around yours, and he kissed you on the forehead. The slight glimpse of affection almost makes it all worth it.
Felix is quite blunt when he tells you, he begins simply saying why you can and can’t associate with. The baker, the shopkeepers, the grocer, most of the students at Garreg Mach, and far more are all on this list. When it comes to who you can associate with, you can only speak to them with Felix present. He grabs ahold of your wrist tightly until bruising appears under his thin hand and on your arm. It doesn’t push him to let go, he simply pulls you around after him like a ragdoll.
At first you assume your little tryst with Sylvain is a one time thing like with all of his other conquests. However, it soon becomes clear that Sylvain wishes for more. He appears in your bed first thing in the morning, whether you remember him getting there or not. He is always asleep or watching you, and given how aloof he is in every other circumstance you try not to give it too much thought. He does keep sitting far too close to you in classes though. However, his false cheerful demeanour wavers whenever you try to pull away from him, a scowl grows and his tone darkens. It’s terrifying, and all you can tell yourself is that at least it’s only happening once or twice. It’s not a problem, right?
It becomes clear that Sylvain’s rules don’t apply to him. If you so much as look at someone else, Sylvain is furious - but he is still hooking up with a new woman every night. It angers you, Sylvain does nothing but grip you too tightly and insult you if you look at someone else for too long. When you try to explain how you feel, Sylvain dismisses you and tells you you’re being bitter and twisted. He says that you’re holding too tight a grip on him, and that you need to give him space. You give a humourless laugh and mention that you might spend some time with Dimitri tonight. You don’t make that mistake again; the bruises on your neck take weeks to heal.
When Sylvain is the one who gives his brother the killing blow be becomes far more clingy, and at first it’s fine. It’s better than before when he was dating women right in front of your eyes. At least now when he’s being overbearing you know you’re the only one in his mind. He speaks about what his brother did to him in brutal detail, it’s overwhelming and you want him to stop. But if his attention is purely on you, maybe it’s okay. Maybe you can save him.
Ashe doesn’t have much experience with relationships, his perception is what he’d read in books and that’s precisely what he wants. He wishes for a fairytale where he saves you, he wants you to be completely his with your focus on no one else, and he’s determined to make his dream come true. When he first lays eyes on you, he knows you’re the one who he must bow to. He wishes to be your knight, and that’s how he approaches you. It’s sweet, really. His green eyes are so wide and excited, and you do enjoy his company.
It begins to get strange when you’ve been with Ashe a few weeks, he starts to take on your responsibilities at the monastery, your turn on cooking duty, your turn for the greenhouse, and more. It’s … fine, you suppose. It’s a little condescending but you know Ashe means well. However, when he insists you can’t possibly handle the task when the Professor asks for help moving some heavy boxes, that’s when it goes too far. You tell Ashe as much but he looks at you with wide green eyes and says he just wants to help, you relent, and he looks like an excited puppy. You tell yourself it’s cute, and you try to believe it.
It gets worse day by day, until the tasks Ashe doesn’t think you can do become things like dressing yourself, cutting up your own food, and showering. You try to argue, but it’s been so long you start to almost forget small things. You want to cook, but when Ashe asks you how long something needs to boil you don’t remember. He looks at you smugly as if this proves his point, and when he tries to show you can’t carry heavy boxes you realise your muscles are tense and weak from months of not moving. He’s broken you.
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blueberry-lavender · 2 years
hi :)
I would like to have asks for characters for x readers, and friendships. (list and rules below) Just vibes ngl
I will not write for anything NSFW or anything hurtful (angst is okay, but no describing physical harm happening)
I will write for any kind of reader, just specify what you want or I will default to female
I am swamped with school, so I may not be able to get to you fast
I write HCs the best, but one-shots are also fun!
Who I write for: (bold is my fav from each)
Pokemon: Arven, Jacq, Grusha, Atticus, Prof. Turo, Prof. Sycamore, Clemont
Fire Emblem: Dimitri, Ferdinand, Linhardt, Dedue, Sylvain, Felix, Raphael, Ignatz, Chrom, Stahl, Fredrick, Xander, Leo, Kaze
Harry Potter: Harry, Draco, Cedric, Fred, George, Neville, James, Severus
If you don't see a character from a fandom listed above, ask about them! I might have forgotten them.
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5iyoomi · 2 months
> Fire Emblem
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Last Updated: September 8, 2024
Key: Fluff (🩷), Angst (🥀), Suggestive (💋), Smut (🌶️), Timeskip (🕔)
↳ Back To The Main Masterlist
★ = Dark Content/Read Warnings!!
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— General
3H leaders with an overworked s/o [hcs/drabbles] | x gn!Reader
dimitri, edelgard, claude [🩷]
when they see how you've changed [hcs/drabbles] | various fe3h x masc!Reader
dimitri, felix, ashe, sylvain [🩷/🕔]
they react to your new outfit [hcs/drabbles] | various engage x masc!Reader
part 1 — m!alear, alfred, diamant, alcryst, fogado [🌶️]
part 2 — louis, kagetsu, rosado, pandreo [🌶️]
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— Other
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— Tokyo Mirage Sessions
itsuki aoi.
tsubasa oribe.
touma akagi.
kiria kurono.
eleonora yumizuru.
mamori minamoto.
yashiro tsurugi.
maiko shimazaki.
barry goodman.
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— Three Houses
male byleth.
female byleth.
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— Engage
male alear.
female alear.
general nsfw hcs [hcs] | x transfem!Reader - [🌶️]
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— Three Hopes *for main playables, see 3H section*
male shez.
female shez.
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glowingbadger · 4 months
B I L for linhardt? 👀💚
Lin! Special snoozy lad!!
Alphabet prompts - Linhardt (FE3H)
B (body part), I (intimacy), L (location)
NSFW 18+
Body part: Lin frankly doesn't think much about his own appearance, but he is pleased that his hair is naturally smooth, consistently fairly thick, but ultimately manageable. He quietly enjoys when you play with or style his hair, or even just the gentle, soothing sensation of your fingertips brushing his ears and neck while they comb through it (he's also game for a bit of light hair-pulling...). On you, it's your chest; regardless of anatomy and/or size, he just loves resting his head on your chest or nuzzling against you and listening to the sound of your heartbeat. It's a bonus that this is a perfect position for you to steadily stroke his hair. Naturally, he certainly won't mind if this tender, intimate time together slowly begins to heat into something more salacious...
Intimacy: Frankly, it doesn't come naturally to Linhardt, though certainly not for lack of feeling. He's really not a romantic by nature, and his ways of expressing his affection for you are either incredibly blunt ("You are remarkably beautiful, you know."), or so innocuous that if you didn't know him so well, you may not realize how much it means ("You always crave [food] when you're cranky" = I adore you so much that I compulsively study your wants and needs because they're precious information to me), and it's much the same in bed. He'll flatly tell you that you fit so perfectly around his cock, or that your lips feel so good it scrambles his thoughts- without a hint of embarrassment or shame. Then, when you're cuddling afterwards, he'll mention off-hand some kind of absurdly minute detail about how you moan when he moves a certain way, and it just emphasizes how fixated he gets on you.
Location: I mean, it's sort of a given with Lin that he'd rather be in his bed most times, and that extends to sex as well. Trying to get riled up elsewhere just reminds him of how much more comfortable he would be if he could just lie with his naked body so warm and flush to yours, free to murmur your name and hold you close, build gradually up to that incredible moment of release, and then drift to sleep with his head against your chest. It's nothing short of divine- hell, he might even consider a more "regular" sleep schedule if he could count on you waiting in his bed for him each night.
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aluci-4912 · 3 years
(Modern AU plz) Can I get Pyra, Linhardt, and Joker with an S/O who makes funny videos on the internet and has a modest following online (25,000)? I don’t want to give my actual channel but my content is along the lines of what Anthpo and Jack pop do!
(how dare you request my girlfriend smh /j)
College AU for Pyra and Lin
❤️💚❤️ Modern!Pyra, Modern!Linhardt, and Joker with a S/O who is a youtuber:
•*Entering supportive GF mode*
• You may need to explain some stuff to her though.
•She likes being on camera so feel free to include her in videos! •I think Pyra would be a culinary student so when you are not in classes she is more than happy to help you!
• I think Linhardt would like to study genetics tbh
•Close to crests
•He tries his best to be supportive but you causing chaos or making skits kinda annoys him sometimes
•He is just trying to focus on schoolwork
•Wow way to be a buzzkill Lin (Jk he’s my fave fe3h character)
•*Entering supportive BF mode*
• He likes to help you set up lights and he sometimes carries a camera around for when your on the move
•He takes me as someone who doesn’t like to be on camera
•He just cares about you and wants to make you happy, and if this is what does, he will do everything in his power to help
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certified-boyliker · 2 years
Pet Names (Black Eagles Boys + Claude and Lorenz)
Certified Boyliker is back, baby!
You really want him? kidding i want him too
He kisses your forehead and mumbles these when you two are in private
My dove, love, mine
Everyone thinks he's creepy when they see him hugging up on you, but he's just being loving
Dramatic and extravagant
He says these anywhere, private, public, in front of Emperor Edelgard to prove he's in love with his S/O more than she is or ever could be
My love, darling
Not many, but he says them softly when he kisses your cheek.
Shouts these down the hall when he sees you
Please keep him calm and quiet, the guards and servants are staring at him
Cutie, pumpkin, my darling
You gotta pat his cheeks and tell him to quiet down in the castle
He sleepily mumbles these names
Non-traditional, too
My pillow, love
He lies on you, or against you, and usually mutters "my pillow..." and it's your choice on whether or not you push him off
Little bastard teases you so much with these damn pet names
Push his face away and he'll start laughing after saying these
Baby, cute-heart, little babe
Such a jerk
Also a little bastard, but in a different way. he doesn't tease you, but he's semi-annoying
He's bastard (affectionate)
My rose, my love, cutie
He kisses you gently after saying these
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frickingnerd · 2 years
Black Eagles Masterlist
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Edelgard von Hresvelg
haunted by our past mistakes - oneshot
tea time with edelgard - drabble
dancing under the stars - headcanons
edelgard with a tall s/o - headcanons
edelgard dating ferdinand's sibling - headcanons
edelgard finding her s/o's suicide note - headcanons
edelgard crushing on a competent airhead - headcanons
lovers to exes with edelgard - headcanons
Hubert von Vestra
what the heart wants, but can't have - oneshot
can we stay like this? - oneshot
a vow remembered - oneshot
hubert crushing on you - headcanons
hubert realizing his feelings for you - headcanons
dating hubert von vestra - headcanons
hubert with a touch starved s/o - headcanons
hubert with a shy s/o - headcanons
hubert accidentally confessing to you - headcanons
academic rivals to lovers with hubert - headcanons
being in a relationship with claude and hubert - headcanons
Ferdinand von Aegir
dating ferdinand von aegir - headcanons
ferdinand's crush dating someone else - headcanons
love triangle with ferdinand & lorenz - headcanons
Caspar von Bergliez
fake dating caspar von bergliez - headcanons
caspar's s/o training with his father - headcanons
caspar with a sibling who's a sweet heart - headcanons
Linhardt von Hevring
cuddling with linhardt - headcanons
Dorothea Arnault
confessing to dorothea - headcanons
dorothea with an insomniac s/o - headcanons
dorothea being torn between you and edelgard - headcanons
Petra Macneary
fake dating petra - headcanons
petra reuniting with her crush - headcanons
Bernadetta von Varley
bernadetta crushing on you - headcanons
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
Writing Masterpost~
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Pairs Royal // Dimitri x Claude x Reader // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, impact play, subspace
Raison D’etre // Dimitri x Sylvain x Reader // warnings - not sfw, omegaverse (mating cycles, knotting), dubcon
Dolos // Claude x Yuri x Reader // warnings - mild dubcon, unhealthy relationship // part one (sfw)  // part two (not sfw) 
Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea // Hubert x Ferdinand x Reader // warnings - not sfw, implied torture, disassociation, yandere
Short prompts (AO3 link) 
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd:
Beastie and the Bard // multichapter (unfinished) // warnings - not sfw (chapter six only), heavy angst, minor violence
Lunacy // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, angst
Welcome to Dead House // alternate universe: outlast // warnings - not sfw, mild gore, noncon
wrap me up like a present // i’ll tie you up with a bow // birthday sex // warnings - not sfw
Fait Accompli // sequel to Raison D’etre // warnings - not sfw, omegaverse, dubcon
Sainted // alternate universe: vampires // warnings - period sex, noncon // part one (sfw) // part two (not sfw)
Beachy Keen // alternate universe: modern // warnings not sfw
Claude von Riegan:
Razzed // warnings - not sfw
Alethea // warnings - drugged sex, not sfw, possessive behavior
Dramaturgy // alternate universe: urban fantasy and vampires // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, drugging, blood kink, horror elements
Double Down // alternate universe: modern // warnings - not sfw
Yuri Leclerc: 
Agnus Dei
condemn me, corrupt me, lie to me (as long as you don’t leave me) // warnings - not sfw, possessive behavior
Asteria // alternate universe: modern + incubi // warnings: not sfw, dubcon
Sylvain Jose Gautier:
your kisses are a philtre, your mouth an amphora // warnings - not sfw, yandere
Ghost Beach // alternate universe: siren // warnings - not sfw. noncon, monster bf, mind control
helpless // warnings: explicit smut, non/dubcon
cry foul // warnings: not sfw, step-sibling incest, dub/noncon, manipulation
Crybaby // warnings: not sfw, dubcon
Felix Hugo Fraldarius:
Epitaph // warnings: not sfw, major angst
Paradoxical // warnings: not sfw, violence, degradation, victim blaming
Balthus von Albrecht:
Calling All Creeps! // alternate universe: werewolf // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, monster bf
Verbosity // alternate universe: modern // warnings - not sfw
Hubert von Vestra:
Tick Tock, You’re Dead! - alternate universe: dishonored/heart of stone // warnings - not sfw, noncon, mental manipulation, yandere
Ferdinand von Aegir:
Songbirds and Honeybees // warnings: not sfw, dubcon, yandere
Linhardt von Hevring
Somnambulant // alternate universe: modern // warnings- not sfw, dream manipulation
Jujutsu Kaisen:
horrorshow // Junpei Yoshino x Mahito x Reader // alternate universe: human // warnings- not sfw, noncon, kidnap, stockholm syndrome 
Baby Blue // Satoru Gojo x Suguru Geto x Reader // not sfw, noncon
Suguru Geto:
better to reign in hell, than to serve in heaven // warnings- not sfw, dubcon
living idly and dying as if dreaming // warnings- not sfw, dubcon
Toji Fushiguro:
Femme Fatale // warnings - not sfw, noncon, minor violence, suicidal thoughts
Child’s Play // alternate universe: modern // warnings - not sfw, noncon, impact play
Final Fantasy XIV:
Emet-Selch / Emperor Solus zos Galvus:
Vae Victis // warnings - not sfw, dub/noncon, 
Devil’s Bouquet // warnings - not sfw, dub/noncon
vers la flamme // warnings - not sfw, dubcon, mating cycles/in heat
Diplomacy // not sfw, dub/noncon, 
Zenos yae Galvus :
Sugar // warnings -  not sfw, dub/noncon, blood and gore, pain, trauma
Raptus Regaliter // not sfw, violence, noncon, blood [lots of blood and violence]
Final Fantasy XV: 
Ardyn Izunia:
Nightmare // warnings: not sfw, noncon, minor violence
zero-sum game // warnings: not sfw, noncon, violence
heavensent // alternate universe: angels and demons // warnings: not sfw, tentacle rape, noncon
Ravus Nox Fleuret 
Last Rites // warnings: not sfw, noncon, drugging, borderline monsterfucking, slight body horror
Prompto Argentum:
technophilia // slight Noctis x reader // warnings: dub/noncon, yandere
Arkham Knight:
Jason Todd:
Trouble Man // warnings - stalking, not sfw, dubcon
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish:
 grimm // warnings - explicit smut w/ a nonhuman character, noncon, death, violence, angst
One Piece Live Action:
Buggy the Clown:
Flashbang // Thirteen part series // warnings - dubcon, angst, violence, drunk/drugged sex, unhealthy relationship, child abuse, not sfw
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
Finally got around to making this! Here's a collection of my writing.
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Where are you y/n? (Rhea x GN!Reader)
By Your Side (M!Alear x Vander)
Heartache (M!Byleth x Seteth)
Fódlan Sibling Headcannons (Dimitri, Felix, Constance, Linhardt, Caspar, and Yuri)
A King and his Summoner (Dimitri x GN!Reader)
A Picnic and Flowers (Clanne x Citrinne)
Starlight Sky (Rhea x F!Byleth)
Byleth and Shez Comfort Headcannons (M!Shez and M!Byleth x GN!Reader)
Domestic Life Headcanons (M!Shez and Claude x GN!Reader)
Cuddle Time! (Arval, M!Shez, and M!Byleth x Fem!Reader)
The Prince and His Maiden of Death (Dimitri x Fem!Reader)
Alcryst, M!Alear, and Gregory Headcannons. (Alcyst, M!Alear, and Gregory x Fem!Reader)
I'm Not Jealous! (Hortensia x Clanne)
Hey! That Dance Is With Me! (Ferdinand, Caspar, and Dorothea x GN!Reader)
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A Friendship of Fire and Ice (Natsu x Male!Reader)
Papa Where do Babies Come From? (Juvia x Male!Reader)
My Lovely Rain Woman (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Can't Look Back (Juvia x Gray)
Angelic Care (Angel x Male!Reader)
Hidden Power (Mirajane x GN!Reader)
Love At First Drink? (Gray x Male!Reader)
Uninvited Guests (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Rude Awakening (Wendy x Male!Reader)
Musical Mishap (Team Natsu x Fem!Reader)
Talk To Me (Juvia x Male!Reader)
I Can't Lose you to (Gray x Fem!Reader)
Snakes Curse (Wendy x Male!Reader)
First Word (Juvia x Male!Reader)
Rain, Rain Go Away and Come Back Another Day (Gray x Male!Reader)
Overflow (Gray and Lucy x Male!Reader)
Dear Little Brother (Greige x Fem!Reader)
Moving On (Gray and Juvia x Male!Reader)
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Vs Y/N! (Omori, Kel, Hero, and Aubrey x GN!Reader)
Ice Skating Mania (Omori, Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil x Male!Reader)
Goodbye...Omori (Omori x GN!Reader)
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Hopeful Maid (Nagito x Mahiru)
Rantaro and Kokichi Headcannons (Kokichi and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Lady of Despair (Junko x Fem!Reader)
Music and Stars (Shuichi, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Rantaro x GN!Reader)
Kokichi and Nagito With a Sensitive S/O (Kokichi and Nagito x GN!Reader)
Please Don't Turn Me Into a Marketable Plushy! (Mukuro, Junko, Komaru, and Sonia x GN!Reader)
Pain In His Eyes (Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kazuichi, and Leon x GN!Reader)
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Attention (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
Playful Tendencies (Kokichi x GN!Reader)
A Mountain of Plushies (Nagito, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Hajime x Male!Reader)
Hopefully Compassion (Nagito x Fem!Reader)
Cheerleader Star (Leon x Gn!Reader)
Deserved to be Loved (Mahiru x Male!Reader)
DR1 and DR2 Cuddling Headcannons (Makoto, Chihiro, Hajime, and Nagito x AFAB!Reader)
Love of History (Kyoko, Mukuro, Ibuki and Kirumi x GN!Reader)
Life or Death (Kyoko and Mukuro x Male!Reader.)
Fire Emblem games i write for and character x character pairings
If i write for platonic x reader.
If I write for Naruto
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(🔱Fem!Reader continued /c interaction with Sylvain)
"No, it's alright. I'm not exactly useful right now, and I should probably head to my room before someone gets the wrong idea."
*She said her goodbyes to Mercedes and Sylvain before heading outside, shutting the door behind her. Finally, she started toward her room.*
*Someone was outside her room, but they saw her before she could think to hide.*
"Well, I was wondering when you would come back. Petra said she saw you leaving toward the town."
"Lady Edelgard! I- um-"
"Look at you! There's blood both on your hands and sprayed on your shoulder. Are you hurt?"
"No, I... It's...not mine..."
*She clenched her teeth. Not how she wanted to make that sound.*
"Oh? Then perhaps you'd like to elaborate on why you were out so late only to return with blood on you?"
Okay I wanted to bring Linhardt into this for so long so sorry if you didn't want it to happen here but I didn't know who should I continue as hah-
The next answer I'll have for you will be my last for the event! But next time it comes back feel free to continue the interaction!
"While that is concerning maybe just let her rest. Whoever's blood it might be she must be tired after possibly having to battle or help out someone so late. So how about you leave that conversation for tomorrow?" Linhardt says while avoiding to look at you. He appeared almost out of nowhere but with the books he was carrying he definitely was staying up for his research.
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