#Lucy and George bonding?
carlyleandco · 2 years
since it’s basically confirmed we’re getting the Whispering Skull in the first season, I realised we could get lines like these in the show:
‘Plan F, we follow Plan F, right now.’
‘Is that the one where we run away?’
‘Not at all. It's the one where we beat a dignified emergency retreat.’ absolute banger
‘Blimey. Are those shorts you’re wearing, Lockwood, or are you trying to take flight?’ another banger
‘Well, I make that one murder victim, one police interrogation, and one conversation with a ghost.’ George said. ‘Now, that’s what I call a busy evening.’
Lockwood nodded. ‘To think some people just watch television.’ iconic
‘Well,' Lockwood said, "if you judge success by the number of enemies you make, that was a highly successful evening.’ legendary
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all-too-unwell-13 · 6 months
So you know how Lockwood and Lucy got white/grey streaks in both their hair after visiting the Other Side together in TCS??
Something about that reminds me a lot of Percy and Annabeth getting matching grey streaks in both of their hair after holding up the world in Titan's Curse. And like, not just the streaks in their hair, but also the experiences and the aftermath of them.
Like, I'm decently sure both Lockwood and Lucy and Percy and Annabeth were around the same age (I think Lockwood and Lucy were like 15, while Percy and Annabeth were 13-ish), but that's not really important.
Anyway, the matching grey/white streaks represent a traumatic event in each of their lives; for Percy and Annabeth, this was holding up Atlas' world (in Annabeth's case, for over 24 hours). And for Lockwood and Lucy, this was visiting the Other Side, which was, like Percy and Annabeth's situation, something that neither of them wanted to do but had to. (And idk if it's important or not, but in pjo, it's Percy taking the world from Annabeth to protect her, and in l&co, it's Lucy's spirit cape breaking, and Lockwood helping her under his to protect her. Not super important to what I'm saying, but just kind of a similarity.
Also!!! Both of them (percabeth and locklyle) bonded over these experiences; Lucy says multiple times in TCS that, after they go to the Other Side, even though her and Lockwood had always been close, they were closer now. Like there was something unspoken, an unspoken bond type of thing. She mentions them 'sharing looks' and how she learns to read his emotions better. Which, though they'd been close before and she'd been able to do that well already, this kind of supported and added to that.
I don't really remember (because it's been almost a year since I read Titan's Curse 😭), but I am decently sure Percy and Annabeth also bonded over this!!! They, obviously, had been close previously (just like Lockwood and Lucy), but this made them closer. Like now they had something special to kind of cement their friendship (and later on, relationship!!) but it also makes me think of, when Percy says in Chalice of the Gods, that he'd never thought of being with anyone else because he and Annabeth had had such shared experiences.
And it's also clear that, no matter if Lucy chooses to leave Lockwood and Co in previous books, (even though that comes before they go to the Other Side) she'll always find her way back to Lockwood (and George) because of their shared experiences.
Obviously, Percy and Annabeth have very traumatic shared experiences (not just what happened in the Titan's Curse, but also just going to Tartarus), but the same could be said for Lockwood and Lucy; take the Annabel Ward case - George wasn't there when the house burned down (though of course that wasn't his choice or his fault), and a few more cases.
So yeah, both Percy and Annabeth and Lockwood and Lucy get closer because of these horrible shared experiences, and the matching grey/white streaks in their hair is really only the beginning of the similarities between Percy and Annabeth and Lockwood and Lucy.
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alphacrone · 1 year
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CoT3 / Iron Trio + Feeding Each Other
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cot3 george and lucy figure things out together first and kind of tease lockwood about it
like, they know that they’re together and that lockwood is part of their little polycule, but he really doesn’t have any idea
sometimes he’ll catch them cuddled up together on the couch in the library, or he’ll see lucy plant a quick kiss on george’s cheek, or lucy will reach out and hold george’s hand over breakfast, and he’ll always get a little bit jealous. they do the same things with him too, just not quite as frequently, and he doesn’t even notice or register that he is, in fact, being included in this
lucy and george know of his little bouts of jealousy of course, and they giggle a little bit every time it happens. whenever he leaves the room they laugh together about how cute his obliviousness is
and then one day, over mid-afternoon tea, lucy and george are holding hands and george leans over and huddles into her just a bit more and lockwood gets all huffy and lucy and george look at each other and burst into giggles and lockwood asks what the big deal is and they both reach over and take his hands and say of course we love you too, silly and lockwood blushes and just kind of goes oh. ok. and they all lived happily ever after the end.
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alma-torran · 2 years
Lockwood & Co au where Lucy, George & Lockwood are a team at Fitts instead
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cosmicdumbass · 1 year
lockwood and lucy are bi4bi prove me wrong
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desos-records · 2 years
The part I appreciate the most in the Lockwood and Co show is how it handles depression and suicidal thoughts in teenagers. As a theme, it’s not often (ever) done well. Lockwood and Co is the only story I can think of that depicts it in a nuanced, realistic, non-romanticized way
but first, before I get into it: [if you’re in crisis or need someone to talk to and don’t want to/can’t use your national hotline, highly recommend Samaritans, genuinely saved my life] okay, let’s go
Lockwood is the most obvious, with his general disregard for his own life and admitted suicidal ideation. Lucy struggles with her self-worth and the intensity of the emotions she’s subjected to. George worries that he doesn’t belong, that there’s something useless or wrong about him. The show depicts these thoughts and feelings in a way that isn’t overblown or dramatized, it’s all but casual. Which is how it happens. Depression or suicidal thoughts don’t crash into you all at once, they creep into your life without you noticing
But more importantly (and again, something I’ve never seen anywhere else), the show also offers counterpoints to those thoughts and feelings. It shows that there is a way out, even though you may feel trapped and hopeless. This is crucial for the show’s target demographic. Bad media depictions of depression or suicide get internalized, contribute to the stigma, and make it harder for people to ask for help. This show doesn’t do that. This show tells its audience that, yes, things are scary and painful and it fucking sucks, but it’s not hopeless. And it says it so well
In the second episode, when Lucy wants to quit, she admits something that I’m almost certain she’s never told anyone
“sometimes I just think I’d be better off dead”
And when I watched this the first time, I expected Lockwood to react the way I’ve seen people react in my own life; with silence or panic or downright dismissal. But he didn’t. He stays calm and he says something that is so so important to hear when you’re struggling under the weight of feelings like this
“I understand that”
Saying this tells someone several things: that you’re on their side, they aren’t strange or monstrous for feeling like this, and that you’re not going to attack or abandon them because of it. And you can see the impact it has on Lucy, the way her face clears. She went from struggling to breathe and near tears to calm and steady. It’s no mistake that in this moment we hear his and Lucy’s theme for the first time (those simple, beautiful guitar strings)
The next thing he says is also important
“and it’s not true”
Simple, to the point, directly addressing her feelings, and (the most common mistake) doesn’t make it about him. Telling someone that you love them or that they’d be upset to lose you might sound nice, and it can be later on in the conversation, but in a moment like this, it’s infinitely more helpful to confront the thought itself
A similar moment in the first book stuck with me too, when they’re underneath Combe Carey Hall and Lucy almost steps into the well. What she’s hearing in her head (and the general phenomenon of malaise that ghosts produce) is very similar to depressive or suicidal thoughts. Before she can fall, Lockwood pulls her back
“no, Lucy, that’s not the way it’s going to be”
Depressive and suicidal thoughts deal in absolutes, so sometimes it takes an absolute to counter it
In the last episode, George has that heart-breaking moment where he says all the awful things he thinks about himself, partly because of the influence of the boneglass and Bickerstaff, but it’s also been building up, there in the background. Increasingly, it’s Lockwood and Lucy working together and George working on his own, which picks at old wounds (engineer, engineer, engineer, weirdo). He bonds with Joplin because he feels like she understands him in a way the others don’t
“it’s nice to have someone to show off to”
But Lucy pushes back against all that because she sees herself in all the ugly things George is saying, because she’s felt that way too. She understands that. She’s so surprised and horrified to hear him saying those things, resigning himself to dying down there, she’s not going to let him go on believing them
“you’re not a third wheel or an oddball or whatever it is that you think you are”
“you’re the best of us”
“we are not losing you, Georgie”
Flo called him that earlier too, but Lucy wasn’t there for that and coming unprompted from her it sounds so much like something you might call your slightly annoying younger brother. She’s so absolute about it all, with no opening for doubt, and you can see something like surprise on George’s face (but also pain because now Lucy’s in danger too)
For all Lucy knows, the boneglass will kill her. I don’t think for a second she genuinely believes her talent will protect her; she told Joplin that to protect George. It’s unclear when exactly she came up with the plan to use the skull, but she was willing to risk it anyway. And she knows, she knows, George will blame himself for this (because she would too, if it were the other way around), but even then, she’s very clear
“this isn’t your fault”
Their whole scene down in the catacombs is two kids trying to keep each other alive, physically obviously, but on the inside as well. And, oh god, George almost crashing down next to Lucy after he’s knocked over the boneglass, trying to wake her up. His voice
“Lucy, Lucy, it’s me, it’s me, say something, speak to me”
I think it’s down in those catacombs that George and Lucy really understand each other for the first time. In their own ways, they’re both curious and suspicious about the Problem and what causes it, trying to learn more about it (and stressing Lockwood out in the process). They both left their families; they both struggle with feeling strange and different than everyone around them. That connection pulls them both back from the edge
Lockwood, for all his confidence, is practically in crisis or was fairly recently (I suspect living with George helped). It’s fairly common, actually, for someone suicidal to overcompensate with an exterior shell to hide it, which can manifest in different ways depending on the person (they may not even realize they’re doing it, I didn’t)
And I love how the show handles it. He’s not made into this dark, tragic figure. He’s so full of life it hurts. He jokes around with George and Flo, fights with Kipps, admires Fairfax. He has dreams (plans) for the future. He’s struggling with trauma, they all are, but he’s not Broken™ in the way similar leading characters are often made out to be, in the way we often fear we are
And, of course, there’s Lucy, a wreaking ball through the precarious balance of Lockwood’s life. It’s not so much that she gives him a reason to live (although she definitely helps), but she holds him accountable in a way no one else does. This is the difficult part of recovery that no one talks about. Having people care for you (George) and sympathize with you (Flo) is great and necessary, especially early on. But at some point, you have to take responsibility for yourself and the noise in your head (you have to open your door on the landing)
What that looks like is complicated and messy and different for every person, but seeing it played out in a story is remarkable. I’ve never seen anything like it. This is a difficult thing for anyone to learn (many adults never even try)
That shot of George, Lucy, Lockwood (and Kipps) rising up on the catafalque sums it all up for me. Each of them fell into darkness alone and rose out of it together. They inspired each other to fight and win their individual battles, even when they couldn’t be there to help
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peachymaryobrien · 4 months
One of the reasons Lockwood & Co is so successful is that it's built out of friendship.
Lockwood was one foot in the grave.
Lucy was lost.
George was misunderstood and lonely.
I bet these kids even stopped believing at some point they would ever be happy. But after all the pain, three broken hearts met and became each other's anchors. Trio's bond has been sealed with blood and desperate desire for human connection. Once they figured out how to use that bond, they became unstoppable.
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initialchains · 10 months
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10 things i hate about you | anthony lockwood.
pairing: anthony lockwood x fem!reader
summary: george karim falls in love with your sister, and the only thing standing between him and the love of his life is the fact that she isn’t allowed to date unless you do, too. luckily for him, anthony lockwood would do anything for a bit of publicity.
wc: 5.8k (part one)
a/n: hii i felt so bad for leaving you all hanging, but finals week left me extremely burnt out and tired. luckily, the lockwood brainrot is neverending, so as a way of saying sorry here’s the first part of this silly ol’ fic. (including the first five things to hate about lockwood.)  i’m also super sorry for the next part because it will be 90% angst lol ++ this is inspired by the movie but not completely based on it bc it’s my all time favorite film and i was scared of not doing it justice.
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Lucy swore she was going to quit the agency again if George didn’t stop pacing around the kitchen like an idiot. She kept thinking of things to say to get him to stop, but a part of her also wanted to see how long this pathetic situation in front of her would take, she knew it wouldn’t be long until their researcher got tired of walking back and forth. And that’s where she is now. Sitting in the kitchen, an empty mug staring back at her, while George kept pacing in front of her and Lockwood.
“Hey, George! I have an idea. Why don’t you sit down and tell us what’s going on like a normal person, instead of just muttering I’m so fucked over and over?” 
George finally stopped and looked up at her. He stood still for a few seconds before taking a seat next to Lockwood.
“Well, I’m fucked.”
“Yeah, I think we heard that part.”
“Luce, stop,” Lockwood said in the softest voice he could muster, before turning to George. “Do you want to talk about it? Maybe we can help.”
George took a deep breath before starting. “So, you know how I’ve been telling you both and Holly about that one girl from the archives?”
Lockwood smiled at that. The thought of George crushing on a girl after bonding with her about their love for research is still one of the cutest things he has ever heard.
“Oh, right. How are things going with her? Is everything alright?” 
“Well, sort of. I mean, everything is alright, but just when I thought of finally making a move on her, she kind of, um… dropped a bomb on me?” 
“A bomb? But you already knew she’s a Fittes agent, that’s not new.” Lucy stated. 
“Yes, I know. And trust me, there’s nothing wrong with that.” George continued, “She is the sweetest, most intelligent, beautiful human being to have ever lived. I mean it.” 
Lucy and Lockwood shared a knowing look. George was totally a goner for this girl.
“Then.. just ask her out?” Lockwood suggested, watching carefully as George fidgeted with the thinking cloth, now too shy to look at his friends.
“That’s the problem, I can’t,” George explained, before pulling his glasses away and rubbing his eyes. The stress of the situation clearly getting the best of him.
“Okay, this will probably be a stupid question, but.. why?” Lucy asked, genuinely confused by the problem her friend was going through. Sure, asking someone out is frightening, but it’s not like George was about to fight a type two without any kind of protection.
George took a deep breath before finally explaining. “She can’t go out with me unless her sister gets a date, too.” 
Lucy almost laughed at how stupid the so-called bomb was. “Well, ask one of her colleagues to woo her or something. She’s a Fittes agent too, right?” She suggested, remembering the only fact they knew about said sister. “She must know a bunch of people willing to date her.” 
George found the strength to look up, making eye contact with Lockwood and then turning to Lucy, before finally dropping the bomb on them. “I can’t, everyone at Fittes despises her.” 
Lockwood and Lucy didn’t even have to think twice about who the sister in question was. There’s only one person who is loathed by every single Fittes agent, and surprisingly it isn’t Quill Kipps. George was talking about Fittes’ very own heinous bitch. (Obviously, the nickname was granted by the one and only Bobby Vernon. But to be fair, it’s not like he is the most reliable of people. Lockwood took note of that.)
Portland Row was silent for a few moments until Lucy finally spoke up. “Well, George. The world is wide, there will always be other people for you to fall for.” 
“Luce.” Lockwood warned her. 
“I’m trying to help!” 
“I know you are, but George really likes this girl.” He explained
“I think I might be in love with her. No, scratch that. I am in love with her.” George confessed in a small whisper.
“Oh, fuck.”
“I told you we would try to help, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Right, Lucy?” Lockwood looked at her, an unspoken beg passing between them. 
“Fine, yeah, we will. What do you know about her sister? Maybe we can find someone with the same interests as her. Like umm.. Holly? or the guy who sweeps the floor at Arif’s?” Lucy almost winced at how stupid their repertoire of options was, the three of them were friends with a limited number of people, and by limited she meant Holly and a guy who always greets them when they get something from Arif’s
George thought for a few moments about everything he knew about her. “I know she’s a team leader–” He couldn’t even finish his list, let alone his sentence, because before he could even continue, Lockwood stood up. 
“I’ll do it.” He said with a small shrug, almost as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 
A chorus of “I’m sorry?” and “What the fuck?” were heard at the same time, but Lockwood couldn’t bring himself to care. He wanted to do this. 
“What? You said you wanted someone to woo her. Right, Luce?” He explained as he took Lucy’s empty mug away from her and moved to the sink. 
Lockwood’s back faced them while he washed their used dishes. “Yes, but.. why do you want to do it?”
“It’s a win-win situation. If I go out with her, George will get to date her sister, and we will get publicity.” The way Lockwood explained the situation with such ease had Lucy thinking he had planned this beforehand.
“Publicity?” George finally spoke up. 
“Yes. You said she’s a team leader, which means she is important, and we also know she’s disliked by every single one of her peers, which means the press will be surprised to see her hanging out with someone. So, if we get photographed together, everyone will want to know what’s so special about the agents of Lockwood and Co. Which means–” 
“More cases.” George finished the sentence for him.
“See? It’s easy.” Lockwood, finally done with the dishes, turned around.
“No, it’s not. I think it’s a stupid idea. You won’t be using someone to get this agency more clients, are you insane?” Lucy stated, indignation lacing her words. 
“Hey, George. You said you were taking her sister out for breakfast tomorrow, how about we make it a double date?” He said with a bright smile, ignoring Lucy’s words. 
“Oh, um.. Okay.”
George was right, Lucy thought. They are so fucked. 
1- I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair.
“George, calm down. Everything will be okay, I promise.” Lockwood said, sending an encouraging look to the boy next to him. George was sweating, he didn’t expect your sister to accept the double date. He didn’t expect you to accept the double date. 
“I know. I even practiced a speech and everything, it will be alright.”
“You practiced a what?”
George wasn’t able to answer his question because right when Lockwood asked him, they were able to see two silhouettes standing outside of the café they were walking to.
“Oh, they’re here,” Lockwood stated plainly before walking up to them, George looking nervous as fuck next to him. 
Sure, George was a sweaty mess, but he knew this would happen. He even expected you to look at him with disgust in your eyes and say something along the lines of “I was dragged here against my will. Fuck you, Karim. You will never date my sister.” 
What he didn’t expect to see was your face painted with confusion. George was about to greet you with the long speech he spent the entire night workshopping, but before he could even mutter a word, you let out an exasperated sigh and looked George in the eye before you gaze slipped to Lockwood and then back to him. 
“What is it, asshole day? Why are you two here?”
Lockwood was about to open his mouth and answer your question, but luckily your sister spoke up just in time.
“I invited my two friends to have breakfast with us!” She said with a bright, almost angelic smile. George felt like he was in heaven just by seeing her. 
“I know about Karim, but why are you friends with Anthony Lockwood?” 
“Oh, so you’ve heard of me? Only the good things, I hope.” Lockwood said, his charming smile making a way to his face.
“Yeah, like the houses you’ve burned down, and how stupidly reckless you are to the point that you even got shot.” You stated, repulse evident in your eyes as you looked at the man of the hour. 
“It’s adorable how much you know about me.”
“Have you ever been to a psych ward? I can get you an appointment set and ready by tonight.”
“You want to see me tonight?”
George feared you might slit Lockwood’s throat with the way you were looking at him. “We should, um, get inside.” He said, trying (and failing) to break the awkward tension, guiding the four of you into the café. 
George looked at your sister and whispered into her ear “It’s not my place to assume but.. you didn’t tell her we were coming, did you?”
She gave him a shy smile before answering. “I want her to make some friends, and I think someone like Lockwood might help her come out of her shell.”
She looked so innocent that George wanted to break down crying and tell her all about Lockwood’s dumb publicity plan. This was eating him alive. 
You took a seat next to your sister in the booth George had reserved for the four of you. Lockwood smiled when he saw your eyes widen at the sight of him sitting right in front of you. 
“Karim, can you switch places with your friend?” 
“Why? Are you embarrassed I’ll see you blush whenever you look into my eyes?” 
“Have you ever been told that your hairline will recede by the time you’re 30 years old if you keep cutting and styling your hair like that?”  
“Have you ever been told that you’re incredibly beautiful?” 
Your sister had to place her hand over yours before you could reach for the knife placed in front of you by a waiter. Lockwood couldn’t contain his laughter at the look on your face.
“What’s so fucking funny, Lockwood?”
“Nothing. Don’t mind me, please continue with your insults. I relish being the reason behind your thoughts and words.” 
That was enough to shut you up. Your sister, George, and Lockwood shared jokes and stories while you looked down at your plate, the conversation flowing easily between them. Sometimes you’d look up to find Lockwood staring at you, he’d send you a small smile and try to include you in the conversation, but you didn't intend on giving him the satisfaction of getting you to speak, so you’d shut him down with an eye roll. 
The rest of the morning went by smoothly until your sister had the brilliant idea to tell you about her plans for the rest of the day. 
“You’re going to the archives with Karim.. alone? Just the two of you?” 
“Did you not hear her the first time, love?”
“Shut the fuck up, Lockwood.” You snapped at him, hoping your anger was enough to mask the blush rushing into your cheeks. 
It wasn’t. 
“Did I just make you blush?”
“You made me want to throw up.”
“Deny it all you want, but the pet name clearly had an effect on you.. love.”
“Ugh, whatever.” 
The four of you stood up and walked to the café’s exit, Lockwood opening the door for your sister and you. As soon as you got outside, your sister began to apologize for not telling you about her impromptu archives plan with George.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind. Just.. text me when you get there?” You said softly. Way too softly, Lockwood noticed. He had never seen you this vulnerable, maybe your sister was way more important to you than he expected. 
“I will. Promise.”
You said your goodbyes before turning around, planning on walking to your car, but the universe definitely wasn’t on your side today.
“Wait! I’ll go with you.” Lockwood said as he tried to catch up with you, matching the pace of your long strides. 
“I don’t know if you can tell, Lockwood, but I’m trying to get away from you.”
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t drive you home after our first date?”
“You’re not a gentleman, and that wasn’t a date.”
Lockwood pressed a hand to his heart, feigning hurt. “Ouch, not a gentleman? Thank god my mother isn’t here to hear those words.”
You finally stopped walking and turned around to face him. “What do you want?”
“To.. drive you home?”
“No, Lockwood. What do you want? You tried to include me in your stupid conversation earlier, then paid for my breakfast, opened the door for me, and now you want to drive me home. What the fuck do you want?”
Lockwood stayed silent for a while, just staring into your eyes. “I was trying to be nice to you, is that too hard to believe?” 
He took notice of how you looked away from his eyes and tried to keep your hands busy by playing with the hem of your shirt. 
You cleared your throat before saying, “Fine, but if you fuck my car up, I swear to god, Lockwood..” 
2- I hate the way you drive my car.
The car was silent the entire first half of the ride. Sometimes you’d catch Lockwood staring at you from the corner of your eye, but you never looked back, deciding that looking through the car window was a better sight. 
“You don’t talk much unless it is to deliver a well-crafted insult, huh?” Lockwood said, trying to break the silence. It wasn’t awkward, it was just.. tense. 
“Do you want me to talk to you?” You answered, slightly surprised by the fact that Anthony Lockwood of all people, wanted to have a conversation with you. 
“And what do you want me to say? It’s not like I know a single thing about you.” 
“You can say whatever you want, I don’t mind. I’ll accept it whether it is you cursing my entire bloodline, or you saying you’re deeply attracted to me.” 
The car came to a stop, a red light illuminating Lockwood’s sharp features. You hated to admit it, but fuck, Anthony Lockwood was attractive. 
“Me? Deeply attracted to you? Holy shit, did you fall and hit your head as a baby?”
“You so are.”
“Am I that transparent? Because you’re right. Oh, Lockwood, I am so attracted to you and your stupid fucking personality. I want you, I need you. Oh baby, oh baby.”
“You have such a beautiful way with words, love.”
That was enough to get a small laugh out of you. Lockwood kept surprising you, he didn’t back down after an insult or two, and he actually seemed to enjoy being indulged in them. 
He turned his head to look at you as soon as he heard you laugh, a smile adorning his face. A feeling of pride (and maybe something more) swelled in his chest.
“I can’t believe I just made you laugh for the first time and we’ve been on a date for about three hours now. God, I’m making such a bad first impression.” 
“You still won’t let the idea of this being a date go?” 
“Nope. I enjoy being on a date with you. You’re a nice person to hang out with.”
The corners of your lips curled up into a small smile. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do, I would rather take you out on a million dates than spend 30 minutes with any other person,” Lockwood confessed, and he meant it.
“Like you could find a person who would willingly spend 30 minutes with you.”
“Oh, see? That, there. Who needs affection when I have blind hatred?”
The two of you spent the rest of your ride home talking, the tension slowly evaporating, leaving room for the back-and-forth quips that Lockwood and you kept throwing each other. 
Lockwood stopped the car when he heard you say, “Alright, this is my house.” You were about to open the door, but before you could even extend your arm he said a quick, “Wait!” and got out of the car, rounding it to open your door.
“Anything and everything for you.”
Just as you were about to answer, a flash and the sound of a camera clicking disrupted the moment you were having. 
“You’re fucking with me”, you muttered under your breath. Lockwood looked surprised too, he had completely forgotten about his plan. 
Take her out for a few days. Get photographed together. Gain more clients.
His heart sank at the reminder of the reality of this situation. He had been so busy having fun with you, that his mind decided to blur out the reason why he was hanging out with Fittes’ most hated agent. 
“Alright. I should, um, go.”
“Do you want me to walk you to your door? Or is the first date too soon to meet your parents?”
“Fuck you, Lockwood,” You said with a smile.
“It doesn’t really seem like you want to.”
He found himself smiling, too. 
3- I hate it when you stare.
“What a fun coincidence to find you here, love.”
You rolled your eyes at Lockwood’s annoying voice. “Yeah, it’s such a fun coincidence that you almost burned this house down and my team had to come help your incompetent agency.” 
“Third time’s a charm.”
“There’s no way in hell you’ve been the cause of more than two fires.” 
“If you let me take you out on another date, maybe I’ll tell you more about them.” You almost stabbed him with your rapier. “Shut up, people might hear.” That brought a bright smile to his face and an incredulous look to his eyes.
“Oh, so you want to keep our relationship a secret? Fine, I’ll take it. I love a forbidden romance.” He whispered, the smell of lavender and lemon engulfing you as he kneeled a bit to whisper in your ear. 
“Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night. Anyway, I need to go check out the paperwork for the mess you made, can you keep an eye on my team?” You shyly asked, breaking the eye contact he was desperately trying to keep.
“You trust me with your team? I thought my agency was incompetent and I wasn’t good at anything.” 
“It’s just for a few minutes, don’t let this get to your head.” 
“Oh, it’s way over my head, love.” 
You showed him a very special finger, before walking away to talk to Barnes. You tried to remain professional and listen to what the inspector was saying, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of a pair of eyes looking at you. “Sorry for calling you again, you know how it gets whenever Lockwood and Co have a case,” Barnes said, breaking you out of the cage your mind had trapped you in. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s my pleasure to help.” You tried to muster up a small smile for the man, you liked Barnes, he never treated you differently, not even when the way you acted and decided to express yourself wasn’t the most appropriate. 
“And I think it's their pleasure to be helped.”
“I’m sorry?”
You turned around, following Barnes’ line of sight, only for your eyes to meet Lockwood’s. He gave you a small smile but didn’t look away, it was almost as if he longed for your eyes to make contact. You sent him a small frown, wordlessly asking him what was wrong, he just shrugged and waved at the two of you. 
“He is so weird.” You said, turning to face the inspector. “Tell me about it. Well, we are all done here. Have a nice night, and make sure to get home safely.” He answered, eager to get away from the group of agents surrounding him, and walking away. 
Lockwood didn’t miss a beat before making his way to you. “So, I’m thinking we make the second date happen over some tea at Portland Row?”
“Not happening.”
“I’m not one to make a woman feel uncomfortable when she says no, but may I ask why?
“I’d rather spend my time hanging out with ten type threes, than with the group of miscreants you call friends. No offense to Lucy and Holly, though. I quite like them. I was talking about Karim, tell that thing to stay away from my sister.” You answered, finally finding the guts to maintain eye contact while you spoke. 
“You know Lucy and Holly?” He decided to ignore your entire statement, now only focused on the fact that you knew his friends. Anxiety making its way through his body at the thought of Lucy telling you about his plan. 
“Yeah, and they told me some really interesting things about you. I never took you as the type of person to do that type of stuff.”
Lockwood’s heart almost gave out. “What did they say?”
“That you wear pink socks.”
He felt his heart start beating again. Lockwood thought he was about to die in front of you, he made a mental note to thank Lucy for being nice enough to not tell you about his schemes. He found the strength to give you a charming smile. 
“That surprised you? Lord, do you think I’m the type of guy to have a fragile masculinity? My mother raised me better than that.” 
“You mention your mother a lot, are you close with her?
They should give out awards for Feeling your heart stop two times in the span of 3 minutes because Lockwood was sure he would get one delivered to Portland Row’s doorstep by tomorrow morning. 
“I.. um, yeah.” 
Fuck. You made it awkward. You almost dropped down to your knees and begged him for forgiveness. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude into your personal life, it’s not my place to ask and assume shit about your family. I’m so fucking sorry, Lockwood.” The light in your eyes dimmed, the sight of it made Lockwood want to tell you all about his past. He wanted to go back to ten minutes ago when your eyes were shining and looking into his. He internally swore to never let the light leave them again.
“You’re good, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” He reassured you in a small voice, clearly not fine. 
“No, I will worry–” You couldn’t finish your sentence because, once again, the light of a camera flash illuminated Lockwood and you, blinding you both for a split moment. 
“Of course they’re here. Jesus Christ, do they not have lives? A family?” 
“Maybe they just like taking pictures of your beautiful face.”
The light came back to your dim eyes at his statement. “There he is.” You said, noticing how his gaze slipped from your eyes to your lips, before going back to the eye contact you had.
“What can I say? I can’t stop myself from complimenting you when you’re around.”
4-  I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.
The streets of London were quiet while Lockwood took a small walk in the early morning. Lucy told him if he walked around the city for a few hours, he’d be able to break in the new pair of combat boots she got him as a present after he made it through 10 cases without almost dying.  
“It’s 8 am and you’re already up being pathetic. I should say I saw this coming, but I really didn’t. Holy shit.” A familiar voice snapped him out of the daze he was in. He was so busy going through a list in his head of all the things he had to do this week, that he didn’t notice you walking next to him. 
“How long have you been walking by my side?”
“Long enough to see you staring straight ahead and not noticing how incredibly pathetic you look. Your boots are hideous, by the way.” You answered, looking into his eyes and noticing how he smirked at your last remark.
“I don’t think Lucy will be happy about you calling her well-thought gift hideous.”
You let out a genuine laugh as soon as he said that. It was the type of laugh that bubbled up from your chest and had you throwing your head back. It made Lockwood feel as if all the morning clouds had disappeared and the sun shone only on the two of you. Sure, you had laughed at Lucy’s gift, but the sound was enough to let the sun shine its warm rays through Lockwood’s heart. An infinite sunbathe.
“Oh, so you find this funny? Hurting my best friend’s feelings?” He asked in a teasing tone, squinting slightly at you.
“So.. I take it she didn’t tell you?” You asked, a small giggle escaping your lips and going straight through Lockwood’s heart. 
“Tell me what?”
“That our plan was to get you the most ugly, repulsive looking, and incredibly stupid boots that we could find? I wasted my money on that, you’re welcome or whatever.” 
He should’ve been offended. Offended at how Lucy wanted him to humiliate himself by walking through the streets of London with a pair of bright neon green combat boots. Offended that she had asked for your help to choose the ugliest pair she could find. But he was too busy fighting the urge to press his lips against yours and to run his slender fingers through your hair. 
Did you not notice how you always bit your lip after laughing because you thought that would stop you from falling into another fit of laughter? 
“Yeah, yeah, you two are so funny,” He rolled his eyes with a smile. “Thank you, love.” He was about to nudge you with his shoulder, but as soon as he turned to look at you, he noticed you weren’t next to him anymore.
His heart stopped for a second until he finally looked back and caught you staring at two women through a café window, clearly on a date. One of them gave the other a bouquet of different types of flowers and brushed back a strand of her girlfriend’s bright red hair. That brought a smile to your face. 
“Hey, you okay?” He whispered as soon as he stood next to you, noticing the sad smile on your face. 
“Oh, yeah. I was just..” 
You didn’t have to say a word for him to be aware of what you wanted to mention. The look in your eyes, and the small smile on your face.. this was the look you always got whenever you saw your sister with George. 
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Lockwood reassured you. Not wanting to scare you off after seeing the look on your face and the small voice you used to answer. 
“Do you think I’m holding my sister back?” You asked, turning around to look into his eyes, your hands trembling a bit.
He didn’t miss a beat before taking hold of your hand and lacing your fingers together, giving your gentle hand two squeezes. “I think.. you care a lot about her, and that’s completely fine. But it is not your job to dictate what she can or can not do. It’s okay to let her have her freedom and life, just like you deserve to have yours.” 
You took a deep breath before pulling Lockwood into a hug, your arms surrounding his neck. Lockwood was startled for a second but didn’t have to think about it twice before wrapping his arms around your waist, letting you take the lead in this display of affection. 
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know, but.. um”
“You don’t have to say anything, come on,” He said, breaking the hug and taking your hand into his, pulling you forward to continue the walk you were on.
5- I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme.
Lockwood looked down at your intertwined hands, thinking of things to say to get the fog of sadness blinding you out of the way. “So you’re a hopeless romantic, huh?
“What the fuck?”
Alright, so maybe this wasn’t his greatest icebreaker ever, but at least it was something. He chose to continue. 
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you always stare at every couple we walk past. It’s kind of adorable. Fittes’ heinous bitch being a hopeless romantic? Sign me the hell up.”
“You’re sick in the head, Anthony Lockwood.”
“I didn’t think of you as a hopeless romantic, like.. at all. But I assume this means you’re the type of person who wants flowers and love letters delivered to her doorstep. Right?”
“Sure, love. I’ll keep this in mind for future references.”
Lockwood made sure to walk you back to Fittes’ building after spending the rest of his morning with you, choosing to take the weird looks his boots got with pride and a bright smile. Whenever someone stopped him in the street he’d answer with a happy “my best friend and this beautiful lady next to me gave them to me as a gift”. 
You spent the rest of your day going back and forth through Fittes’ small yet numerous offices, talking to different people about your previous and next cases. Sometimes you’d stop to take a breather outside a door, but quickly remembered the importance of your role as a team leader, and snapped out of your seemingly neverending exhaustion. 
“Am I dreaming or is that my best friend in the whole world?” You turned your head to the right to find Bobby Vernon smirking at you, a dry chuckle leaving his lips.
“Fuck off, Vernon.”
“Woah, no need to get all pissy, love.” You clenched your shaking fists, trying to keep your anger in. You may have a short temper, but you would never let someone like him get the satisfaction of making you angry, or at least of noticing the effect his words have on you. 
The thought of someone other than Lockwood calling you by that pet name made you want to burst into tears. How dare they see you as someone who’s weak? After everything you’ve done and fought for to get the role you have as an agent? 
“I don’t have the time for your bullshit, so just spit it out and let me go home.” You said with an eye roll.
“Your sister wanted me to tell you that you got mail. Well, it’s more like a gift, I guess. I assume it’s from your parents because I can’t think of a single human being who genuinely likes you.” 
You knew better than to take his words to heart, but the venom he said them with stung. You knew you were unlikeable, probably even unloveable at this point, but he didn’t have any right to say those words to your face. It made you feel disgusting, you had to fight back the urge to throw up.
“Yeah, alright. Have a good day, Vernon.” You replied as you walked past him and out into the street, calling for a cab to take you home.
The ride back home was silent, and it surprisingly made you miss Lockwood. It made you miss his stupid jokes, his ugly haircut, and his reckless way of driving your car. You were sure the poor guy didn’t know what a stop sign meant. 
As soon as the cab driver got you home, you made sure to pay him and wish him a safe drive, after all, the curfew was 15 minutes away from starting. A sigh escaped your lips after opening your door and heading into your room. The day had left you completely worn out, and Bobby’s words didn’t help at all with the shit day you were having.
You quickly got changed and were about to head to bed when you noticed a package sitting in the corner of your room. A frown made its way to your face when your eyes caught the unfamiliar handwriting with your name on the box, curiosity taking the best of you as you opened the package with a delicate touch.
A gasp left your lips when you opened it and found the same bouquet of colorful flowers you saw the woman give to her partner at the café. A white envelope sat next to them.
With a small smile and shaking hands, you opened it and were greeted with Lockwood’s handwriting.
Hey, my love. 
I’ll be really honest and say that my mind is completely blank as I write this, but I just wanted to let you know that right after I dropped you off, I went to Arif’s with George and heard a love song playing — I couldn’t help but think of your hopeless romantic self as soon as I heard these lyrics: You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you. 
Jesus, I know you’re having a field day reading this. Me? Embarrassing myself and sending you a bouquet and a love letter? You’re right, I must be extremely sick in the head.
Anyway, I hope you have a good day. You deserve it.
With lots of love,
(PS: You don’t have to say it back! But I thought it felt right to say it since we’re kind of besties now.) 
The tears you spent the entire day holding back decided to come out right after you finished reading the letter. Sobs escaped your lips as you sat down in your bed, the flowers and letter still in your hand. A strange feeling bubbled up inside you, you didn’t quite know what it meant, but decided to guess it was that disgusting sickening feeling Bobby left you with. 
When you laid in bed and tried to go to sleep, you took notice of how different the feeling you were having right now was from the one you got with Bobby Vernon. Sure, this one made you want to throw up, too. But it also made you want to stare into Lockwood’s eyes again and to feel his arms wrapped around your waist for a few more seconds. You drifted to sleep with a craving of feeling Lockwood’s hand intertwined with yours for the rest of your life.  
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mrmousetolliver · 2 months
Tumblr media
Constant Lambert (1927) painted by Christopher Wood. Christopher "Kit" Wood was born in 1901 in Liverpool, England. At the age of 19, he was invited by the prestigious French art collector Alphonse Kann to move to Paris and study painting at the Academie Julian. With Kanns introductions, Wood met Chilean diplomat Antonio de Gandarillas. Although Gandarillas was married and fourteen years Woods senior, they soon became a couple and began living together. As well as providing financial support, Gandarillas introduced Wood to Picasso, Georges Auric and Jean Cocteau, and to the use of opium. His relationship with Gandarillas lasted through out his life in spite of the fact that Wood had several romantic relations with both men and woman, and at one point was engaged to heiress Meraud Guinness.
Woods artistic style was post-impressionism and primitivism. He created several set designs for the Ballet Russes, although they weren't used. Throughout the 1920's he split his time between France and England. and had several successful shows. In April 1929, Wood held a solo exhibition at Tooth's Gallery in Bond Street, London where he met Lucy Wertheim, a British gallery owner,  at a private view. She purchased a picture and soon became one of his biggest supporters, buying up his work. In May 1930, Wood held an unsuccessful showing and started showing signs of mental illness, including threatening his own life. On August 21, 1930 Wood in preparation for a new show at Wertheims Gallery, traveled to Salisbury to have lunch with his mother and sister and to show them his new paintings. After the meeting, Christopher Wood threw himself under a train and died. While there is no specific reason why he killed himself at that time, speculation is that his opium addiction was causing paranoid delusions and he suspected he was being followed. In deference to his mothers wishes, his death was reported as an accident.
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gingerbearbaby · 4 months
Superstitious (Lockwood x Reader!AU)
I am absolutely obsessed with Lockwood and show choir and I was desperate for someone to write it. So this came out. It's my first (and likely only) work, so enjoy! Best read with F!reader (sorry!).
Basically, Lockwood and reader are co-dance captains in their show choir. Barnes is their director and Holly is their choreographer. Their girls group is called Elegance and their mixed group is Fusion. Also Kipps and reader used to date.
As for their ballad, it's called Maybe I Like It This Way from the musical The Wild Party. It's such a good song!
Tropes: enemies to lovers, fake dating, forced proximity
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: cussing, mentions of cheating, one line of slut shaming, kissing, a little bit of angst but plenty of fluff, they're idiots your honor, mentions of unrequited love (but it's really requited), regular mentions of superstitions
“Luce, I’m not so sure I can do this anymore.” You looked to the redhead next to you, shrugging your rehearsal bag further onto your shoulder.
“You said that last year.”
“Well last year I didn’t have to dance with him.”
Lucy opened the school door, a heavy sigh escaping her. “He’s not that bad once you get to know him.”
“Correction: he’s not that bad to you.” You swung open your locker door, wrestling your duffle bag into it. “You guys are friends we are…”
“Two people with intense sexual tension.” Lucy interrupted as you trailed off. A quick smack to her thigh was received.
“Not every rivalry has sexual tension.”
“No, but yours does.”
“Oh shut up!”
“Why is Lucy shutting up?” You looked up to see Norrie wrapping her arm around her girlfriend.
You stood up and began walking to the choir room. “She’s trying to convince me that I have sexual tension with that asshole.” You gestured to the lanky figure at the front of the room, fixing his hair in the mirrors whilst vehemently arguing with George.
Norrie gave you a look as if to say ‘Is she wrong?’ which left you shaking your head as you walked to the front of the room.
“Ah, my vice captain. Nice of you to join us.” Lockwood poked.
You raised your eyebrows. “Vice captain?”
He nodded. “Like a presidency? I’m the captain, you’re my vice captain.”
“You’re mistaken. I’m the captain and you’re my vice captain. I mean,” you crossed your arms in an effort to seem more nonchalant, “I have more experience as a captain, being the dance captain of Elegance too.”
“If I was a girl, there’s no doubt that I would be the dance captain of Elegance and you would be my vice captain there too.”
“There is no such thing as a vice captain. You’re co-captains. Sit down.” Barnes spoke, gesturing to an empty spot on the risers.
Lockwood leaned to whisper quickly in your ear, “He only said that to save you the embarrassment of losing that argument.”
You flicked his thigh, whispering back a, “Fuck you.”
He gave you a wolfish smile in return. “In your dreams.”
You simply rolled your eyes. You don’t truly remember when you really began hating Lockwood. You suppose it had always been that way. You never really spoke much except for talking about choir in history your freshman year, and even then it was brief comments about upcoming concerts. Then came your sophomore year with a shared English class, which began this weird competitiveness between the both of you. Though you have to admit, your rivalry was the primary reason you escaped that class with an A. But that didn’t make him any more bearable.
You turned to your right to see Lucy already looking back. She mouthed ‘tension’ before flashing an innocent smile and turning towards your director. 
“Your show this year will be a kind of romance-y theme. Think rom-com. Weird tension to soulmates.” Lucy nudged you. “To combat any… hormonal drama,” you cringed at his words, “we’re gonna pair you up for the show. You’ll each get a designated dance partner, bond with them throughout this season. Learn to trust them. There will be a lot of partner dancing.”
“Just make smart choices.” Holly smiled. Barnes gave her a quick thumbs up for her addition to his little spiel.
“Our first pair is our two dance captains.”
“Kill me now.” You muttered through gritted teeth.
“Kill me first.” He muttered back.
You were in for one hell of a season.
The first rehearsal was admittedly rough. Every chance you and Lockwood had, you were whispering insults underneath your breath or coughing while the other demonstrated a move.
By the fourth rehearsal, you and Lockwood began to trust each other in your dancing. And even began to bond a little. Sure you still traded little insults whenever he stepped on your toes (or vice versa), but for the most part you became friends.
By the tenth rehearsal, you realized you actually enjoyed your little dynamic. Your hatred turned to teasing and you even began talking to him after rehearsals. This of course earned you more teasing from Norrie and Lucy, but soon even George began to join in as your friend group developed.
Next thing you knew, it was the night before your first competition. You turned to Lockwood after your final runthrough of the night, hoping to give him a high-five, but was caught off guard as he ran his hand through his hair. Dancing and singing was no easy feat so you weren’t surprised that he was sweating, it was just the fact that you found his sweaty hair attractive. It was probably just the stage lights, but you quickly found yourself staring at him.
“You alright?”
You quickly nodded, shaking yourself out of your thoughts of, well, him. “Just thinking about our competition tomorrow.”
“Hey, we’ll be fine. It’s not our first time competing against Fittes. There’s nothing to be worried about.”He reassured as your face dissolved into one of horror.
“Shit.” Lockwood raised an eyebrow at your choice of words. “Kipps.” You answered. His brows furrowed.
“You worried your boyfriend isn’t gonna like our show or something?” You shook your head in dismissal, your face changing to one of disgust.
“He’s not my boyfriend anymore. Cheated on me with Kat Godwin about a month ago.”
“Oh, I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” You shrugged off his sympathy till his lips forged into a grin. “It’ll make our win even more rewarding. We’ll put that motherfucker in his place.”
“Yeah, except there’s one step of our little revenge plan missing.”
You nodded. “In my heartbreak, I may or may not have made an ill-advised decision. And let's say that I told him that I already found a new boyfriend.”
“Oh.” You nodded, pursing your lips as the reality of your situation sunk in.
“So we need to find you a boyfriend.” You nodded. “They don’t sell those at the supermarket, how are we gonna find one overnight?”
“You don’t.” You sighed. “I’ll need to find someone to fake date me for the season.”
“One hiccup with that plan. Fake boyfriends aren’t sold at the store either.”
You nudged him with your shoulder as you began the walk to your car. “I know they don’t. But to get the ultimate revenge, I happen to know someone who he very much hates.”
Lockwood paused beside you, leaving you to turn to him, facing the consequences of your suggestion. “You want me to fake date you?” You gave him a sheepish smile.
You watched as he considered it in silence. “If I said yes, I would be doing this the whole season?”
“Preferably.” You watched as he fiddled a bit with his ring. A habit of his you began to notice more as you increasingly spent time together. “But only at competitions. The rest of the time you can go back to hating my guts.”
“I don’t hate your guts. I never have.” You felt heat begin to creep into your cheeks at his words. Maybe you won’t have to worry about finding a fake boyfriend overnight if you get sick before the first comp. “So we’ll just piss off Kipps?”
“Only at comps,” you assured. You sat in silence once more, the cold February air leaving you impatient at the length of his consideration. He was likely finding the best way to turn down your proposition.
You turned to walk away, reaching your car door as he called out, “Let’s do it, babe.” You looked to see him wink at you, feeling the heat flush once more. “Let’s get our revenge.”
You sent him a smile, climbing into your car, and hoped that the feeling in your stomach would subside before tomorrow morning.
The bus ride to the competition was spent huddled over your phone resting atop your shared mountain of garment bags, conversing the details of your fake relationship, and drinking a coffee that Lockwood gave you earlier that morning. He told you they gave him the wrong order and offered it to you, saying it was “too sweet” and that he only wanted an americano. Luckily for you, they mistakenly gave him your favorite latte.
By the time you arrived at the competition, you were a bundle of nerves just itching to finally perform. A quick glance at the clock (and your comp itinerary) left you and Lucy in a rush to find your dressing room to get ready for your performance with your girl’s group, Elegance.
You and Lucy stood backstage after your warmups, watching your stage crew and band load on. You fidgeted with your dress as you double checked your heels were on the right feet. You made that mistake once in a rehearsal your freshman year and vowed to always check before each performance. Just in case. It was a superstition you’d developed.
Thinking of superstitions, you grabbed Lucy’s wrist, giving it a quick tap as you watched Barnes motion you all on stage. Taking your places, the show began.
It was an utter blur, the adrenaline melding the whole show together into what felt like seconds, until your solo began. As you grabbed the mic, you looked to the audience and finally acknowledged the brunet boy sitting front and center. You met his eyes from the stage as he smiled brightly at you. With a quick wink in his direction, you returned the mic to the stand as the rest of Elegance returned from their costume change.
The bows began too soon. You could’ve spent all day on that stage just to know that Lockwood was watching you. He was smiling at you. And not one of his teasing smiles, a real smile.
Still in your costume, you met him in the hallway, running to give him a hug.
“You were incredible. That was incredible!” He was muttering in your ears, as he placed your feet back on the ground.
You simply smiled up at him, caught up in your proximity to him. It wasn’t uncommon to hug people in the midst of a post show reverie. It’s just that you’ve only ever been so close to him when choreographed. It felt different to feel his hands on your waist when it was a choice of your own volition. Your attention shifted as you felt a tap on your back.
Lucy, who you lost earlier in the hallway as she ran to find Norrie, was now pulling you back towards your homeroom to get changed.
“What the hell was that?”
You looked at her. “What the hell was what?”
“Your sexual tension turned romantic.”
“It did not.”
“It did.”
You jumped. “Jesus, George! Where did you come from?”
“I was right next to Lockwood. You were just so caught up in your little rom-com moment that you didn’t notice me.” You frowned.
“Not true, it was not a rom-com moment.”
“You literally just reenacted running through the airport to stop him from flying to Amsterdam to start a new life without you.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m surprised you didn’t kiss him,” Lucy added.
You simply groaned in response. “Lockwood and I are just friends who are fake dating.”
The two raised their eyebrows. “That’s new.”
“That’s really new.” George agreed.
“Kipps is here. We’re trying to piss him off.”
The two nodded. “You’re going for a Proposal kind of thing.”
“Luce, what does that even mean?”
“We have to get you caught up on your rom-coms.” Lucy nodded at George’s comment.
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever. Just, if Kipps asks, Lockwood and I have been dating for a couple of weeks since the breakup.”
And with that, you entered your homeroom to change back into your normal clothes.
“They’re hopeless, Luce. Hopeless.”
“They’ll figure it out sometime soon. Just give them till the end of comp season.”
Once changed, you met Lockwood in the cafeteria, the two of you looking for a seat in the expanses of the cafeteria.
“Well, what do we have here?” You steeled yourself at the sound of your ex’s voice and looked to Lockwood who had already spun around.
“Kipps. What a surprise.”
“Tony! Always a misfortune to see you here.” He turned to you. “I see you’ve become the rebound for our little princess over here.”
“She’s not your princess.” Lockwood stepped forward as you reached for his wrist. “Why don’t you find someone else to bother? I’m sure some of Tendy’s kids are getting bored without someone to insult.”
Kipps simply ignored Lockwood and looked at you. “Tony? Really?”
You let out a dry chuckle. “I could say the same thing about Kat.” Kipps’s face twitched with anger as you continued. “And at least I found someone who actually cares about me, something you could never manage.” You laced your fingers with Lockwood’s. “And his name is Anthony, not Tony.” And with that you pulled Lockwood away.
When it was finally time to perform, you found yourself fidgeting backstage again. Lucy quickly tapped your wrist, leaving to go back by George, her own dance partner. Still toying with a sequin on your dress, you glanced at Lockwood whose hair was in spikes as he continuously ran his hand through it.
“You look like a mess.” You whispered. “Are you always like this before a performance?”
He only nodded. As stage crew was almost done loading on, you quickly grabbed his wrist to stop him. “There’s no way I’m letting you go onstage like this. You look like you’ve been electrocuted. Can I fix your hair for you?” He simply nodded once more as you went on your tippy toes to fix it, wobbling a bit in the process. Lockwood’s hands flew to your waist to steady you, giving you a rush of that same nauseous feeling in your stomach. You brushed off the thought, rationalizing it as nerves, and quickly admired your work with his hair. Adjusting his tie, you flashed him a smile. He responded with a simple squeeze to your hips before he turned to see Barnes gesturing the choir onstage.
The performance was a whirlwind, and before you knew it, Lockwood was dipping you in his arms, his hands supporting your waist. He gave you a little squeeze, identical to the one before you began performing. A large smile had engulfed his features, as he pulled you out of the dip, twirling you as you both exited the stage to the sound of a thundering applause.
“Holy shit.” You exhaled a laugh and turned to Lockwood.
His hands had found their way back to his hair, spiking them up yet again. You found yourself thinking back to yesterday’s rehearsal when he had done the same thing. Without the stage lights, he somehow looked even more beautiful, with his leather jacket pulled taught around his arms. He smiled at you before leaning in to whisper, “We put that bitch in his place.”
You simply laughed along with him, walking back to the homeroom to meet up with Lucy, George, and Norrie.
Later that evening, your choirs were huddled together in a corner of the vast auditorium awaiting the emcee to announce the finalists. In a swarm of the students, one Lockwood was missing, leaving you frantically searching for him. Swatting a sophomore from the seat beside you, you felt Lucy lean over to whisper, “You’re whipped.”
Her words were quickly forgotten by the arrival of the boy holding a pretzel. He tore a piece, squeezing through the row to settle beside you. “Want some?”
Wordlessly, you took it, and turned your attention back towards the stage as the emcee, one Mr. Fairfax, entered. Reaching to Lucy, you linked pinkies with her.
“Going first in your large mixed finals is Tendy High School Swing Sensations!” Squeezing Lucy’s pinky harder, you felt Lockwood’s knee knock into yours, his hand opened beside him, inviting yours.
Lacing your fingers, you heard Fairfax continue. “Second in the large mixed finals is Bunchurch High School Encores!” You felt your body tense. Only two more finalists.
A thumb brushed over the back of your hand, softly. Like a whisper of comfort that one was unsure to offer. You squeezed his hand again. He squeezed right back.
“Your third finalist tonight is Fittes Academy Vocal Excellence!”
You dropped your head, holding your breath to better hear the announcer. “And last but certainly not least, Portland Row High School’s Fusion!”
You exhaled, leaning over to Lockwood and linked your arms with his. “One step closer to revenge.” And with a smile you turned back to Lucy to discuss the possible results of the competition.
On the way to your warm-ups, you felt Lockwood reach over to lace your fingers together. Looking up at him, you saw the pure anxiety on his face. Squeezing his hand, he turned to you, his brow unfurling ever so slightly.
As the Fittes crew exited their warm-ups, Kipps shoulder bumped Lockwood, knocking him into you. His once anxious features dissolved into one of anger, his jaw clenching.
“He’s only doing that because he knows he can’t win.” Lockwood turned back to you, taking a deep breath before the warm-up began.
Once again huddled backstage, you checked down at your shoes while Lucy tapped your wrist again.
“Can you fix my hair again maybe?” Lockwood whispered.
Back on your tippy toes, you checked his hair and straightened his tie. “Are you superstitious, Lockwood?”
Without words, he squeezed your hip before turning to wait for Barnes’ directions.
On the stage, you only got to see Lockwood performing. With his big smile and irresistible charm, it was impossible to think of the boy you saw backstage. The one who holds your hand and squeezes your waist. You’re not sure which Lockwood you liked more: the dazzling performer or the one who needs you to fix his hair. Once your second number was finished, you hit your pose, one Holly was quite proud of. It’s not necessarily even a pose, it’s just a hug. In your quick embrace, you heard Lockwood exhale into your ear, quiet enough to not be picked up by any of the mics, but loud enough for you to hear his words.
“I like when you call me Anthony.” As Norrie began her solo, your mind kept repeating his words. It was as though he was stuck in your head; a broken record on repeat. You found yourself suddenly relating even further to the ballad as you began to sing once more.
Once the bows commenced, you met Lockwood’s eyes as he dipped you for your final pose. It was then you decided that the Lockwood you liked most was Anthony. And as he twirled you offstage, you felt that same nauseous feeling settle into your stomach.
Smiling at him, you rushed to find Lucy and Norrie. “You were right,” you whispered. “Our tension has gone romantic.” Lucy grabbed your elbow, pulling you closer to the wall. “He told me he likes when I call him Anthony.”
“What, during our show?”
“When is there time to do that?” Norrie asked, huddling around the two of you. “We’re singing the whole time.”
“He whispered it during the hug. Before the ballad.”
“Oh shit.” The two whispered. “Well is it so bad that he maybe has a crush on you?” Lucy continued on. “We’re all waiting for it to happen.”
You ran your hand through your hair, squeezing your eyes shut. “No! No. He doesn’t have a crush on me. I have a crush on him.” The two shared a look before turning back to you. “Telling your friend to call you by your first name is normal. It’s the fact that I can’t stop thinking about it that’s throwing me off.” 
“Well it happened only 10 minutes ago, I’d say it’s fine to think about it after such a short duration.” You groaned.
“It’s not that it’s recent. I don’t get thrown off by things like that. Especially not onstage. He’s gotten into my head.”
“What he’s gotten into is your heart. Is that so bad?”
“Yes! Because it’s Anthony fucking Lockwood! We’ve hated each other for years, he’s only being like this because of forced proximity. Or a bet or something.”
“Keep telling yourself that. But the longer you deny it, the worse it’ll get.”
You sighed, beginning down the hallway. “I just need space from him. It’s just like a showmance, right? None of this is real.” You began nodding slowly. “I don’t like Lockwood.”
“No, you don’t. You like Anthony.” You smacked Norrie’s arm and entered the auditorium, finding Lockwood’s leather jacket over a chair. As soon as he noticed you, he began waving his arms, leaving you no choice but to shimmy your way down the rows and into the seat beside him.
“Thanks, for saving me a seat.”
“Anytime. What kind of fake boyfriend would I be if I didn’t save a seat for you?”
“A pretty crappy one.”
“Well many sources have said I’m the best fake boyfriend on the market.” You wrinkled your nose.
“What are they grading you on?”
“Charm, chivalry, and chemistry.” You rolled your eyes.
“I don’t think the person who judged you had their proper credentials.”
“Rude.” He whispered, as Fairfax entered the stage.
Reaching for his hand, Lockwood laced your fingers together and gave you a quick squeeze.
“Your third runner up, from Bunchurch High School, it’s the Bunchurch Encores!” Snapping with your free hand, you felt Lockwood’s grip tighten. “Your second runner up is the Swing Sensations from Tendy High School!”
You closed your eyes, bending your head as you awaited for the caption awards to be announced. “Best vocals go to Fittes Academy Vocal Excellence.” Holding your breath, you heard Fairfax continue. “Best visuals awarded to Portland Row High School Fusion!” You let out a sigh of relief. There was still a chance.
“And now, for our first runner up. From Portland Row High School, it’s Fusion! Which means that Fittes Academy Vocal Excellence is our Grand Champion. Congrats!” Jumping up and down with the rest of the choir, you turned back to Anthony.
“Sorry we didn’t win.” You bumped your shoulder into his, breaking him from zoning out.
“Why are you sorry? I’m sorry I talked it up so much.” You shrugged. “We’ll get our revenge at the DEPRAC comp, right?” You smiled at him.
“Until then, you’re off duty as my boyfriend.”
“You know? I was really starting to like it.” You watched him wander over to George before Lucy tackled you from behind.
“First runner up for our first competition means we can only go up.”
“Let’s hope so.”
Three weeks later, you found yourself smashed in the bus seat with Anthony for three hours. Holding an empty latte cup— they messed up his order again— you had dozed off on his shoulder halfway into the ride. Feeling a shove, you woke up to see the high school in front of you. The DEPRAC Invitational was an exclusive competition filled with dozens of the best show choirs from your area. You were lucky to even walk the halls.
Placing your garment bags in the homeroom, you heard your name being called.
“You’ve got the solo today.” You looked at Barnes quizzically.
“What solo? Elegance isn’t performing today.”
“Norrie’s out sick. You need to cover the solo.” You nodded. You had auditioned for the 
song earlier in the season so you knew the part. But covering for Norrie left some huge shoes for you to fill. “Can I trust you?”
“Yeah, I’ve got this.”
Meeting Lockwood in the cafeteria, you told him about the switch before being interrupted.
“Come to lose to the big dogs again?” This time it was you turning around first.
“Fuck off, Kipps!”
“Woah, calm down, sunshine. It was just a question!” Lockwood scowled. “And remind your little guard dog here that you were mine first. We both know you’ll come crawling back in the end.”
“That’s enough, Kipps. Leave my girlfriend alone.”
“Sure thing, Tony. No one wants a slut like her anyway.” And with that, Kipps turned sharply, leaving the two of you fuming.
“If it didn’t mean getting us disqualified, I would have kicked his ass for you.”
“That’s not your job to do. I can handle myself!” 
“I know that but I’m your boyfriend I wanna-”
“You’re not my boyfriend!” You seethed. Not sure where this anger with him was coming from, you stormed off to avoid any further arguments.
You avoided him for the rest of the day, only going near him to fix his hair and tie or to dance. You didn’t squeeze his hand or hug him after performing, despite his attempts to compliment your solo.
As finals rolled around, you found yourself more anxious than ever before. As Lockwood squeezed your waist one last time, you finally met his eyes before snapping out of his trance. You refuse to get blindsided by his pretty brown eyes, but distancing yourself from him was impossible as the whole group was packed like sardines in the wings. With a small smile, Lockwood turned around and entered the stage.
As the second song ended, you realized the breath you were holding as Lockwood posed in your hug again. His breath warm against your ear he whispered again. “I want to be your real boyfriend.” Masked by the applause, you allowed your breath to stutter before the music to the ballad began.
Departing his embrace, you grabbed the mic with shaking hands. This love song, this twisted and toxic depiction of love you were singing about found a resolve deep in your bones, the chills of the rest of the choir singing behind you settling across your skin. The fear of a boy who found a chink in your armor resounded in your heart and the anger of a confession you were too blinded to accept. It felt like hours when Lockwood finally squeezed your hip one last time as you twirled off stage.
Gripping his leather jacket, you pulled him into a hidden vestibule, the adrenaline of your performance still coursing your veins.
“What the hell was that?” You seethed.
“The truth.”
“Couldn’t the truth have waited?”
“You’ve been avoiding me all day! When else was I supposed to tell you?”
“Never! You were never supposed to tell me!”
He groaned, running his hands through his sweaty hair. “I had to tell you! It was killing me! I’ve wanted to be your boyfriend since freshman year. And the second I finally thought I had a chance with you, you came to school with that stupid Kipps as your lock screen. How do you think that felt?
“To be second place to an asshole like that for so long! I hated how I still liked you, so I pretended to hate you. To drive you away. And it finally worked! But the instant you asked me to fake date you was like a dream come true. I couldn’t deny it anymore that I still wanted to be yours. To even pretend you actually reciprocated any feelings was as good as any other. But it wasn’t enough for me! I need you.”
“You’re making this up. You got caught in the whirlwind! It’s just a showmance!”
“You don’t know that!”
“I do! You don’t mean any of this and you’ll regret it all by next week. Trust me I’ve-”
He pulled your waist, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. Grabbing his lapels, you quickly found yourself kissing him back. Wrapping his arms tighter around you, he further pulled you into him till your bodies were fully flesh against each other. Pulling away, you tried to lean back in but he further pulled back. “Since you’re so sure it was fake, there’s your proof. I’m done waiting for you.” And he turned down the hallway.
The second you snapped from your daze, you ran to find him, but he was already lost in the crowd. Finding Lucy, she pulled you aside, taking you to Barnes. “Found her!”
“Perfect, where’s Lockwood?”
“Behind you,” you turned to look at him but his attention was fully on your director.
“You two are our reps for awards tonight. Got it? Head backstage.” You both looked at him. “Now!” Turning back towards backstage, the two of you departed, a heavy silence falling over you.
“Can we talk about this?”
“What is there to talk about?” Crossing his arms, Lockwood turned from you.
“Anthony, please?”
“Some lovers quarrel.” You look up to see Kipps and Kat. “This is just your first heartbreak of the day. Can’t wait to watch you lose.” And with that, you were beckoned on the stage for the presenting of awards.
“Your second runner up, from Rotwell High School, the Rhythm Makers!”
You brushed your pinky against Lockwood’s, smiling when he relented and linked them together.
“Your vocal caption award goes to… Portland Row High School Fusion!” Your smile spread further as Lockwood squeezed your pinky. “And our visual caption award goes to… Fusion again!” Turning to smile at Lockwood, you found him already looking at you.
“And now, for your first runner up.” You began holding your breath, squeezing Lockwood’s pinky even tighter. “Fittes Academy!” Your jaw dropped as you began smiling in realization. “Congratulations to our Grand Champions from Portland Row High School!” 
Holding the caption awards and trophy, you and Lockwood watched as the rest of your choir joined you on the stage. Each given a medal, tears and hugs were shared. Exiting the stage, you grabbed Lockwood by his medal, pulling him back to that same vestibule.
Pulling his lips to yours, you felt his hands find your waist, squeezing it gently. “Revenge is only fun if it’s real.” You muttered, lips still brushing gently over his. “This is real for me, Anthony.” Looking into your eyes, he pushed your hair back before capturing you in another kiss.
You felt him begin to smile into it, brushing his thumb over your cheeks. Reaching to play with his hair, you deepened the kiss until finally pulling apart for air.
“I think we should kiss after each performance.”
“Yeah?” He looked at you, the teasing smile you were so familiar with painting his face.
“Maybe I’m a little superstitious.”
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omamorens · 4 months
Do you have any HCs with Ivy and Ink Blade?
OH BOY IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE. ivy is a very interesting character to me (fhjy spoilers: and im glad she survived). tho people might not really like her that much, i think shes neat and could have a lot of nuances if her character could be explored enough
ivy (pre and post shatter-star) is a regina george mean girl but with pop-punk rock aesthetics.
she’s a girls girl and much like her canon, she loves fashion.
loves fashion in a sense that she loves it for Herself and not because she wants to impress anyone.
she does not give a shit about what anyone thinks of her actually, and that generally comes off as “mean”.
ivy only sees her attitude as a filter for those too weak to be acquainted with her.
though she has a hard exterior, she does have a soft spot for those who could actually stick by her.
riding off on that “loves fashion” part, i think ivy is particularly good at finding good deals and the best bargains. she doesn’t go for the most expensive stuff because that’s just wasteful.
she’s the type of friend you want to go to the flea market with because this girl drives a hard bargain.
riding off of that, ivy always takes oisin out to shop because there’s not a lot of dragonborn-proof clothes for him so when they do find stuff, its too expensive to be worth it unless ivy is the one bargaining for him.
oisin is always grateful of her for it.
in her shatter-star state, ivy’s “mean” attitude got nastier and more cruel
ivy has a hard time asking for forgiveness (oisin will tell you that she almost never says the word “i’m sorry” genuinely), but she does it in her own way.
sometimes when she passes by mazey in the halls, ivy genuinely compliments the bard on her badidas.
“nice shoes. they’re the 90’ exclusive line, right? those were the best quality shoes they released. such a shame their next series went downhill from there.”
mazey, apprehensive of ivy at first but open to having this conversation with her, “no, yeah, you’re absolutely right. these are the only pairs i can both dance and fight in. its been a year but theyre still going strong.”
and the girls continue talking about finding the best deals and the most practical clothing they could have as adventurers. fabian is not very happy about this.
mazey of course is not required to forgive ivy for things she said and done, and ivy is not at all actively seeking for verbal forgiveness anyway
but they can be courteous to each other and bond over similar interests
lucy, being a frost genasi, absolutely knows how to knit. she knits her own clothes sometimes because not much clothing items in stores have her size.
when ivy found out about this during freshman year, ivy asked lucy to teach her and they absolutely bonded over knitting.
at some point both the girls have knitted some stuff for all the members of their party.
everyone still keeps their knitted gifts, even if they’re frayed or have grown too small for them to use.
surely i will have more to write on her character but for now these are what i have on the top of my head. ivy embra they dont get you like i do (ivy hcs with inkblade i will continue in another post because this one got too long)
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Rewatching Lockwood and Co, I love that all it took for George and Lucy to become friends was pizza and bonding over screwing the system lol
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paranorahjones · 1 year
I need more fics/snippets of Lucy and Holly just being friends. being gal pals. bonding over whatever they do when they have nothing to do. having sleepovers in Lucy's attic where they gossip and paint each other's nails and listen to music. just being gurls.
maybe Holly is into scrapbooking and she gets Lucy into scrapbooking too. Holly brings over a huge blank scrapbook and a bin of scraps for Lucy to start with, and she shows Lucy some of her old scrapbooks. Lucy gathers a bunch of her Polaroids and compiles them in the scrapbook, writing little notes next to them. When they run out of those, they grab Lucy's camera and run downstairs to take a bunch of obnoxious and hilarious pictures of the boys, without explaining why. George shrugs it off, but Lockwood is EXTREMELY curious.
Once the girls run back upstairs and put all the new dorky pictures of the boys in the scrapbook, they start taking dorky pictures of each other. At one point, Holly challenges Lucy to put on all the sweaters she owns and pose for a picture. Hilarity ensues. Lucy challenges Holly to let her do Holly's makeup. The results are abysmal. Hilarity ensues.
Eventually, a still-very-curious Lockwood puts together a tray full of the girls' favorite snacks and carries it up to the attic. They let him in (only on account of the snack tray), and he catches a few glimpses of the scrapbook on the floor. Rather than comment on Holly's makeup (which is a struggle), he asks to look through the scrapbook. But flipping through all the dorky pictures has all three of them laughing so hard that George eventually joins the party, wondering what all the ruckus is about.
More dorky pictures are taken. Snacks are consumed. Lucy paints Lockwood's nails (and Holly whispers to George that Lucy used her favorite shade to do so. George whispers back that Lockwood probably asked Lucy to paint his nails so that she would hold his hand).
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g1rld1ary · 7 months
masterlist 🦢🎀 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ 🎀🦢
anthony lockwood ✩
➻ sharing's caring
you meet lockwood at arif's and bond over your love of scones
➻ come home with me
your bus breaks down in the middle of the night and lockwood might just be your knight in shining armour
➻ bloody genius
after a long night of researching cases with lockwood, you do something you don't quite mean to
➻ jealousy jealousy (part two)
you and lockwood bond when you're his favourite waitress at arif's. maybe all that's needed to prompt a confession is good old-fashioned jealousy
➻ secret admirer
you've got a secret admirer ahead of valentine's day who seems intent on spoiling you
➻ to build a home
you're the only employee at lockwood & co who doesn't live at portland row, but you're beginning to think you should
➻ just blurry
lockwood rambles a lot when he's drunk and you fall victim to it
➻ what once was
you and lockwood hate each other -- you have since you were young. but when your teams have to work together, deeper feelings come to light
➻ ode to my family
(relicman!reader) lockwood tries to stop you from stealing sources for your family's business, he's quite persuasive
➻ opening doors
you're lockwood's secret girlfriend, but when he hasn't called you after a case, you have to go find him and reveal your private relationship
➻ miscommunications
you think lockwood likes lucy, he thinks you like george. neither of those facts are true.
remus lupin ✩
➻ kiss me on the dance floor
you and remus keep meeting in the bathroom at parties whilst holding your friend's hair back
➻ the way i see you
you're an artist and you wish your best friend could see himself the way you see him, but you endeavour to try
sirius black ✩
➻ tell me when you're sober
sirius calls you drunk at a house party and confesses something he probably shouldn't
➻ red carpets
both actors in different projects, you see sirius on the red carpet of an awards show and think he's gorgeous
james potter ✩
➻ 5 people james potter didn't mean to kiss (and one he did)
title says it all -- james potter is a very affectionate person
➻ lifeguard!james 2 3 4 5
➻ a little man power
neighbour!james meets you as you're moving into the building
➻ overheard that she was nineteen
you're sad on your 19th birthday but james is there to make you feel better
➻ summer friends
you and james both get made head counselors at your summer camp but bump heads a few times in the process
luke castellan ✩
➻ you never disappointed me
two three four five
10 things i hate about you!AU, luke gets paid to take you out so beckendorf can have his chance with silena
➻ unlucky
when clarisse can't drive you to your exam anymore, luke steps in as a favour and happens to be able to help your anxiety
luke patterson ✩
➻ new release
you find out luke is your neighbour only after blasting his new album all day, but he doesn't seem to mind
➻ sick days
you're not feeling well, but luke is here to look after you
spencer reid ✩
➻ sex on the beach
chilli margaritas
you're a bartender at the bar the bau frequent and you can tell spencer doesn't like his beer.
elle greenaway ✩
➻ do i make you nervous?
the woman taking your witness statement is stunning and it makes you nervous
monty the crow ✩
➻ boys r dumb
you find monty after edwin rejects him (platonic)
trevor spengler ✩
➻ lamest place in the world
you meet trevor and have a fun night together in an otherwise boring small town
neil perry ✩
➻ love's light wings
you meet neil at a party and accidentally recreate romeo and juliet's balcony scene
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givemea-dam-break · 2 years
Hey!! I saw you opened up requests for Lockwood&Co and I was wondering if you could writte some Anthony Lockwood x reader, maybe with the prompt 8 from the fluff prompt list, thankss
a/n: yes of course! i tried just about a million different courses of action for this, simply because i didn't want it to be too similar to other amazing fics out there, so i hope you enjoy!
prompt: "if you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to have to kiss you." warnings: mild language, teenage awkwardness lol gn reader
As an agent, it's not very often you get the chance to relax. Most of your time is spent fighting ghosts or researching the next case, or even simply just sleeping, so you never really get time for much else, but today is different, and you couldn't be more relieved.
The most recent case Lockwood and Co have been hired for is a simpler one, one that Lucy and George opted to go on by themselves. Nothing more than a Type One, so it meant Lockwood - the face of the business - could get some actual owner work done.
Currently, he's sitting below in the basement, filling out the last few cases into the casebook, while you clean the house.
It's something you've been meaning to do for a little while now but never had the opportunity to get around to doing because of all of the cases going on. And, though most of the time cleaning was the last thing you wanted to do, there's solitude in washing the dishes and ironing the clothes. Maybe it's the fact that your friends will come home to a clean house with fresh clothes to change into after their second night working in a row. Maybe it's the way it occupies your mind, pushing all other thoughts to the side.
You've been thinking a little too much lately, mostly about things that shouldn't have been a problem or don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but, no matter what you do, one thought always remains: Anthony Lockwood.
After working at Lockwood and Co for about a year now, it's safe to say that you've grown close to each of the members. George, you bond with over a love of knowledge, an itch to know more about things that have been pawned over since before you were even born. Lucy, well, the two of you share a room, so it would be awkward not to be close. You've found yourself lying awake together countless nights, discussing the past and your interests and everything under the sun.
But Lockwood...
He was the one to show you around London just after being hired and confused as to the layout of the city you had only just moved to. He was who you felt safest with on cases, who you fell back on when things were going wrong. Some part of you feels connected to him in a way you weren't with Lucy and George, like a little part of your soul has become bound to his and won't be separated.
There's no way of knowing if he feels the same or if he looks at you the way you look at him, and it's easier to believe that he doesn't. For your own sanity, it's much simpler to bury the feelings that plague you whenever you look at him, or when his fingers brush yours ever so slightly when you hand him a cup of tea in the morning.
Because, why would he feel the same?
You're not inherently special, not in the way that Lucy is by being able to communicate with ghosts, nor do you have the incredible research skills of George. Your talent for Touch is your only redeeming factor, but even that is nothing much beyond holding an object and watching your surroundings fade away into scenes of the past. Much good it does you when a ghost creeps up on you.
You shriek, jumping and almost dropping the iron on your foot in the process. Turning, you come face to face with Lockwood, who stands in the living room doorway, holding two mugs of steaming hot tea.
"Lockwood!" you say. "Don't do that! I almost had a heart attack."
"Apologies," he says, but he doesn't seem awfully apologetic. "Anyways, do you want some tea? I did make two mugs, and you know how pissy George gets if we waste teabags -"
"Of course I'll have tea," you grumble, placing the iron down and folding the shirt laid across the ironing board. You become acutely aware of whose exactly it is. "Uh, just put it on the table, for now, please. I'll be done in a minute."
Lockwood smiles that dazzling smile of his, and your knees feel a little weak, but you force the feeling down.
It takes only a few minutes to finish up with the ironing, and you move to flatten the board to stash away, but a calloused hand closes over yours, and a tall figure towers beside you. Your heart thuds in your chest, and you dread to know how red you've become.
"Let me," Lockwood says. "Drink your tea before it goes cold."
You want to argue, but there's a glint in his eye and you know you'll never win, so you relent. With a grin of triumph, Lockwood's hand slips from yours and he nudges you over to the sofa. You sink onto the seat with a sigh, unaware until now of how much your back has been aching.
Upon sipping your tea, you pause.
"Is it alright?" Lockwood asks, sitting on the armchair just off to the side. "You've got a really particular way of making your tea -"
"It's perfect," you say, smiling. "I thought we'd run out of chamomile tea bags, though. George forgot to buy some on his last trip to Arif's."
Lockwood sips his tea, but there's something a little strange about his posture. "Yeah, we did run out. I nipped out earlier and got some."
You frown. "You didn't just go out to get me these tea bags, did you?"
"Yeah." He shrugs, smiling. "You've been stressed lately, and I know it helps calm your nerves a little, so it was no big deal."
Something in your chest gives a little flutter at that. Not only does he know your habits in trying to relax, but he also went out with the sole purpose of achieving that. You hold the mug close to your chest, looking away from Lockwood to hide the heat that's risen to your cheeks.
His presence alone is soothing, comforting in the sense that you know you're safe whenever he's around. It's cheesy, and you feel stupid for even thinking like that, but you know it to be true. There's no one else you'd rather have sitting with you.
"You get the casebook done, then?" you ask, keeping your eyes focused on the window ahead, the light from ghost lamps outside peeking in through the gaps in the curtains.
"Just about. Figured you'd need a brew and some company, though. Plenty of time to get it finished, still."
Your lips twitch into another smile. "Lockwood the sap. Never would've thought."
He shrugs. "What can I say? I like to make sure my employees are kept happy, and I've been told I make perfect tea."
"Well, thank you. I'll be sure to do the chores more often if it means I get more of this tea. No offence to her, but Lucy's tea isn't nearly as nice as this."
You look up, and he's already looking at you, dark eyes unintelligible. Within their darkness, a little reflection of light shimmers, and it's hard to look away. It's like his gaze has locked yours in place and frozen you so that you can't move, but it's a feeling you don't mind. You could look at him for days - at the way his hair falls across his brow messily, no doubt from running his hand through it while filling in the casebook, or the way his fingers tap against his mug quietly. The little details, like how his tie has been loosened slightly, or his socks are a similar lavender colour as the jumper you wear - completely a coincidence - are what entrance you most.
"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to have to kiss you."
Your heart stops, and you can only blink in response.
Lockwood's face goes bright red. "Did I say that out loud?"
"Mm-hm," you squeak. "Um, I, uh - yes."
"Right." He places his mug down, blinking hard and looking away. "Uh, okay. That's not - I didn't -"
"Of course!" you say. "No, obviously, you didn't -"
"I didn't?"
"You - um..."
Like Lockwood, you place your mug down, but your hands shake a little. Maybe you didn't hear him right. Maybe you're dreaming. You must be dreaming, right?
Before you can think about it too much, you pinch the skin of your arm hard, hissing at the sharp pain.
Lockwood jumps. "Why did you do that?"
"Not dreaming," you groan. "Definitely not dreaming. Why would you let me do that?"
"I didn't! How was I meant to know -?"
"I don't know!" You keep your gaze firmly fixed on the coffee table, face as hot as the fire burning over at the other side of the room. "But, uh..."
An awkward silence hangs in the air, so thick you could cut through it with your rapier.
Did he mean what he had said, or was it just a spur of the moment? Surely that's it. There was no way it was genuine... But the way he flushed has butterflies swarming in your stomach, and you feel a little giddy. If he means it, that means - god, what does that mean?
"Sorry," Lockwood says. He still won't look at you. "I don't know why I said that."
"Did you mean it?"
Lockwood looks a little taken aback, his eyes slowly dragging from the worn arm of his chair up to you. "I mean... Yes."
A little smile plays on your lips. "Cool."
"Cool? What exactly do you mean by cool?"
"Cool as in I've gotten the great Anthony Lockwood flustered," you say, tearing your gaze from the table. "And because I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to that idea."
Usually so composed, so calm and collected, it's quite funny to see him nervous. Gone is that signature smirk of his, replaced by a slack-jawed expression of surprise.
"You wouldn't - um...?"
You shrug nonchalantly, but your heart is pounding. "I suppose not, as long as it means more tea for me."
The joke seems to shake him out of his stupor because, soon, he's standing with that shit-eating grin of confidence on his face. He reaches out a hand, and you take it, relishing in the warmth of it as he pulls you from your seat. He's standing close, closer than usual, and your heart is performing somersaults in your chest.
His hand is still closed around yours but, ever so slowly, it trails over the skin of your arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and finds its way to the back of your neck. His touch is gentle, cautious, and though that arrogant gleam is back in his eyes, you know that if you told him to stop he would.
Can he feel your pulse? The way he's made your heart turn into an Olympic runner? Can he hear your shaky breaths, or see your trembling knees?
You can feel his breath as he draws nearer, his face so, so close to yours now. Your eyes meet and, for a moment, the world washes away. No longer are you standing in the living room, surrounded by decor from other countries or freshly folded and ironed clothes, but in a world of your own. Time melts away under your fingers, leaving only his chest beneath your palms.
He's breathing a little heavier now, and a smile, softer than before, plays on his lips. "Can I -?"
Words failing you, you nod.
And it's the best decision you've ever made.
His lips are soft if a little chapped, but it's as if they were made for yours. Fireworks explode in your head, and those butterflies swarming have multiplied tenfold. Slowly, one of his hands comes to your waist, gripping your jumper and the skin beneath, and the hand on the back of your neck travels down your back.
Part of you still believes that it's all a dream. There's no way you could really be standing in the living room, kissing your friend who is also your boss - which, surely breaks some sort of code of conduct - but he feels real, his hammering heartbeat feels real.
The kiss gently breaks off, but your faces remain so close that it could begin again with the slightest move. Your eyes flutter open, finding his dark gaze fixed on your face.
Fighting back a smile, you dramatically deepen your voice. "If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to have to kiss you."
Lockwood rolls his eyes, laughing in a way that has your knees buckling. He opens his mouth, about to say something, but the front door suddenly opens, followed by the sound of Lucy's and George's voices. Quickly, you both shuffle apart, red-faced and breathing heavily.
"Oh, I was expecting you guys to be working in the basement," George said from the living room doorway. "Clean house... I expect that was (name)'s doing?"
"Mm-hm," you say, nodding. "Clothes are done, too." You point over to the separated piles of folded clothes.
Lucy catches your gaze, flicking her eyes to Lockwood and then back to you. She raises an eyebrow, and your absence of a reply seems to be enough of an answer.
Upstairs, she mouths, holding back a grin. Now.
"I - uh, I've got some cleaning to finish up on in the attic," you say, glancing back at Lockwood.
He's smiling as he usually does, but something in it as he looks at you becomes more intimate, more private, and you can feel your cheeks growing hotter.
"Tea's still warm in the kitchen," he says to George and Lucy, but you can still feel his gaze on you as you turn. "Plus some doughnuts in the cupboard."
You nod, maybe a little too enthusiastically. "Yeah! Um, well, if you guys need me, you know where to find me."
His gaze follows you out the door, and you can still feel his lips on yours as you hurry up the stairs.
It wasn't a dream, you tell yourself giddily. It was real.
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