#MC & L are so disgusting
honeylemonbutte · 1 year
The face when Ida realizes she's catching feelings for the biggest idiot she knows (the MC).
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Dropping head canons here - L and Lissa Linnar are platonic besties, but they share one brain cell and they're so physically affectionate, that the whole squad is gossiping and betting on whether they will sleep together or become a couple. Ida even puts money in the betting pool, assuming these dumbfucks are going to get together eventually.
But then Ida catches feelings and responds the only way she knows how, by being a bastard :') Lissa Linnar basically assumes that Ida hates her while Ida thinks she has no chance. Eventually (and this is the part where the actual story might contradict head canon) Lissa Linnar wants to try to shoot her shot because she thinks Ida likes her (same time that Ida gets it into her head that MC and L are just friends and wants to shoot her shot), but then everything major happens, L dies and Ida loses her body.
And now... there are 200 years of hurt feelings!
This was gonna be serious and a little angsty but I really can't stop myself from making it shit-posty.
Ouroboros by @honeypeabrain
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sixosix · 2 months
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this divorce arc #2 is pinching me from the inside using rusted moldy tweezers. MAMA AND PAPA ARE FIGHTING😭😭😭😭 we are so back (back to square one ffs)
“Because I lo—” Lyney grits his teeth, and finally, some real emotion—no more tricks, no more lies; his frustration satisfies you—at least until he says, “I like you, okay? You know this.”
I AM NOT OKAY ABSOLUTELY NOT. BRO JUST SAY IT. SAY THE L WORD AND GET MARRIED ALREADY GODDAMNJT1🥹😭😭😭 her vision acting out whenever lyney is involved is so heartbreaking like wdym that even an inanimate object that you own is drawn to him as well☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ her snapping at aether is just mmfmmfmfmgm like yes girl let it all out yeah this all happened bc this blonde majestic man strutted in your life in 7inch heels. i bet when reader walked out of that shop it was dead silent and lyney would probably like "tell me wtf did she meant by that right now, aether or istg"😭😭 GOD they are both so stupid and pathetic i LOVE IT.
ugh i love this series so much ive never done this in any series before (like draw and stuff) and i know theres only 4 chapters left so you better expect me to keep rereading all these in the next 50 years or so HAHHAHSHHSH
have a nice day six!!! i really enjoyed this chapter<333
RUSTED MOLDY TWEEZERS IS DISGUSTING 😭😭 also i am??? hoping u dont have a cctv in my docs or something cus… ?!?!?!?!? AWWW the inanimate object being drawn to him thats so true
UGHHH AKAGI IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THATT im endlessly grateful that you discovered my account and i get to be blessed w ur art
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lwtkmm · 2 years
Most likely to turn into a yandere for you.
Tw : yandere behavior, stalking, murder, unhealthy obsession, abuse?
This may sound odd but yeah Mammon will definitely turn into a yandere for you
He would turn into a yandere quickly but it will take him some time to realize this because of his tsundere behavior.
You are the only person who's so nice to him, always there for him, the only one who loves him so much.
He loves the feeling of being loved and cared for. So if anyone tries to take that feeling away, he won't hesitate to 'eliminate' that distraction.
Also being the avatar of greed, he wants you only to himself.
he'll need a lot of love and affection from you since he's never really had it.
Won't hurt you but if you try to run away, he won't be that nice .
You should ask him and only him for help, it boasts his pride.
" I told ya to stay away from Mc. They're mine and only... MINE "
I mean, come on, this guy is literally the avatar of envy.
Another one who'll turn into a yandere quick but he'll also be aware of what's happening to him.
One of the worst guys to have as a yandere because he's overly jealous of every freaking thing.
You looked in some other direction for a second while he was playing? he's jealous. You look like you're thinking about someone else and not him?he's jealous. You looked at a 2D character for too long? He's jealous. You answered the teacher's question? He's J-E-A-L-O-U-S.
He wants your attention all to himself and when he doesn't get that he'll guilt trip you.
" Of course you wouldn't want to stay with a yucky otaku like me "
Like Mammon, even he loves the feeling of being loved and cared for by you and as he's extremely jealous, things might get really nasty if someone tried to "take mc away from him"
Since people tend to lose their mind when angry due to jealousy, he might k!ll the person 'trying to take you away' in a very gruesome and violent way.
And if you don't listen to him, he'll drop his shy levi mask. He's one of those yanderes who'll mentally break you to think that you only need him and no one else.
He'll even go as far as harming his brothers if he thinks they're getting in his way.
Don't even exist around someone who's not him or you'll become lotan's meal.
" Mc, I'm sorry I'm covered in blood, I swear I didn't mean to gouge that demon's eyes out or haul his Intestines out . "
Canonically a yandere
Though his feelings won't immediately build up.
After lesson 16 incident, you usually stayed away from him.
And he swore that he didn't care, taking his usual naps.
But he started noticing how you're so nice to others and whenever he was around, you left that particular room in fear and disgust.
That bothered him. He started to interact with you but you always ignored him or ran away.
He slowly becomes desperate and that's when the yandere-ness starts to trigger.
He hates that you don't even look at him.
He wants you to only talk to him. Most likely to tie you up so you can't leave since he's mostly napping.
Might cast a spell on you if you're not drowsy enough to take a nap with you.
Belphegor will most likely manipulate and gaslight you to think that the others around you want to hurt you and he's the only one who cares about you .
He'll make sure that in the future you only look at him and no one else.
He wants you totally at his mercy. He won't hurt you physically ( maybe he will) but he'll break you mentally.
Another guy who'll get really violent and messy while dealing with 'distractions'
Another guy you wouldn't want as a yandere
" Hah... You think they care about you? The only one who cares about you is me. And only ME. "
Idk how do I explain this but barbatos would most likely turn into a yandere for you.
He might even already know that something like that would happen, thanks to his powers.
So he would try and stay away from you
But the sad look on your face whenever he turns you down.
Or the smile on your face when you talk to others. The smile that should have been only his to see.
He slowly gives in to his feelings.
He's never had someone who he loves romantically so yeah you're not escaping him anytime soon.
Invites you to the castle for tea often and tries to make you stay there for as long as possible.
He's definitely jealous of how close you're with Diavolo.
You start noticing that your friends at RAD are slowly "disappearing" . Even Diavolo and Lucifer can't seem to figure out why the students are so suddenly disappearing.
And surprisingly Barbatos' "secret torture room" is more active than usual lately
And one day when you're invited over for tea, you suddenly wake up to find yourself tied to a chair with Barbatos looking at you lovingly.
And he's scary so you'll definitely not try to run away (unless you're into pain)
He'd even go as far as defying Diavolo and using his powers to choose a suitable reality to live in.
" I apologize my love, but I had no choice. I'll make sure that the ropes don't hurt you much. "
Idk how to explain this either .
But i can see him as a yandere.
He's had so many lovers and they all died, he's afraid to fall in love with someone else.
He shielded his heart so much but that's until you come along, he couldn't help but fall in love with you.
He's even forgotten the names of his past lovers but you're different, you make him feel desperate to have you.
And since he knows that you're a mortal and he's not, he can't help but feel protective and obsessive over you... To the point where it's unhealthy.
Will use the excuse of teaching you to spend more time with you.
He wants you to spend every moment with him since you "don't have much time".
He hates how you spend so much time with the demons. Come on Mc, he's the only Human there other than you, you should spend more time with HIM not THEM.
He's kind of stalkerish, has stolen your clothes, has his wall covered in your pictures.
The only one who'll actually tell you his feelings since he can't stand seeing the brothers with you.
If you refuse then he'll definitely kidnap you.
He'll probably cast a spell on you that'll make you love him.
Demons at RAD that try to get close to you will become his experiment test subjects.
Will definitely try to make you immortal.
" Don't worry, darling... I'll make sure you'll be mine.. Forever "
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I need to scream about this event (Friends Like These) because I truly was just. Not expecting the impact it would have--I don't remember if I read this one in Japanese???
I've only gotten the first two stories so far but I just.
Jeanne and Mozart are of course, as adorable as ever; there's no question about that. But Jeanne dropping this line:
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"It galls me to sound so much like le Comte, but I am grateful to God that I met you."
I. [prolonged error 404 sounds]. I'm not sure there are words to convey the simultaneous endless wheezing laughter but also AWWWWWWWW energy that consumed me in milliseconds. Wildly oscillating between "LMFAO ah yes, sentimentality? Disgusting I'll drink to that (blasts Bring Me To Life)" and "BECAUSE YOU LOVE HIM DEEP DOWN AND HE LOVES YOU WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH."
I just can't get over how Jeanne says exactly one thing about liking another person and he's like, 'ew dad gave me cooties >:///// how dare he subject me to the mortifying ordeal of hope.' Jeanne I love you. Jeanne I would die for you. Middle schooler with well-meaning stepfather who begrudgingly accepts his kindness and grows for the better, but would rather perish than admit it. I never knew I needed this found family dynamic so freaking bad until I started playing this game. 11/10 I could watch this forever
More Shenanigans below the cut, + the Shakespeare and Comte Event Story:
Also a sidebar because I just can't help myself, I know I've talked about it before but: Mozart and Jeanne's friendship is so endlessly precious to me????? I love how Mozart is so NO I'M NOT NICE REEEEE (turtles) and Jeanne is like :> bestie. It's so damn cute watching Mozart squirm at being exposed for being sweet and Jeanne just truly grateful someone cares about him?????? How much Jeanne and MC dote on Mozart despite being together, how it only strengthens their friendship? Literally I'm over the moon, nobody touch me I'm tender!!! Jeanne deserves to live peacefully without being a tool of the state/bad actors!!!! Mozart deserves to be loved and happy without being defined by his musical success!!!!!
LIKE. Not to be dramatic but I could watch an entire saga of these two being friends and being adorable. Fresh serotonin every single time. Did I know Jeanne was going to share his food? Absolutely. Did I expect MC to think ahead and pack two lunches? Absolutely not. Was I delighted both times? Beyond what you can imagine!!!!!!!
I'm going to stop here at the risk of repeating myself over and over but wow. Jeanne's capacity to see to the very core of people, for better and worse, and how it lets Mozart be meaningfully seen. Mozart's recognition that Jeanne can mean well to a fault, worried that he might be taken advantage of--and how Jeanne can build trust with someone for the first time without being afraid. Can you hear me wailing and bawling
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Naturally, I acquired the Comte and Shakespeare one next. Now, I'm gonna be honest, I saw their names together and went "oh dear God. What am I walking into. Why do I hear boss music????" But I gathered my courage (more like I'm just too feral not to gather info abt Comte, but I digress) and experienced something that left me literally on the floor because I just. Did Not Remotely Expect This Series of Events.
So like. It starts off by being pretty normal and cute and I'm like awwww baby boy (oh he's a little fked up actually) giving gifts to dad. I'm sensing an ulterior motive but right now just let me have this. Also adorable that Comte is struck dumb by it, that's really cute I'm taking notes. And then. I was hit with the veritable ANVIL that was these next few lines:
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deep breath Okay. Where to begin.
I LOST IT at the implication that Will was like. Holding back from ending Comte's entire life with mere words. WILL????? WILL P L S??????? (lowkey wanted to hear the roast snickers) Why am I sensing a pattern that Comte loves spicy people??? Love this for me
I also started losing my shit the second MC was mentioned and you could just hear the record scratch/kill bill sirens. Comte really out here like "son say WHAT about MC." I can't get over how he's always so ready to throw down for both MC and Sebas at any moment. Anywho, naturally I come to the conclusion that Will was just trying to one-up Comte to mess with him by giving MC gifts. It was the one thing I did anticipate--and, fool that I was--thought it rendered me safe from what happens next.
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Mans out here like "I lost everything in the war (literally) let me spoil my girlboss dream gf in peace. Vlad took everything in the divorce let me have this pls." I just. The mental image of him chasing Will around the house. The potential implications of him doing this to protect them both (I love you Will but you have. Problems). The HILARIOUS AND DUBIOUS qualifier when he says "dressing up MC is nearly my entire reason for living." Comte I love you more than life itself but that does not make this any more normal. What are you doing my beloved vampire jkhlhalfdhjfg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Also an honorable mention moment, because it was endearing:
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Just the img of him wandering around with sparkly eyes and toting home little trinkets for everyone??????? He's so cute, that's the most grandpa behavior I've ever seen. I was chortling when Will was like "sir you made me sit in that cluttered carriage followed by another carriage full of stuff all the way home IT'S TIME FOR REVENGE (affectionate)."
I also love how Comte is like "Do I have a problem? Maybe. Will that stop me? Only when the sun cataclysmically swallows the earth."
Literally half of the members of the house are like "why are you like this" and he just heeheehoos his way out of it. How does he keep getting away with it. Can you tell I love him. Dazai isn't the only clown in this house honks Comte's nose
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apt502-if · 1 year
We gotta do the classic "would you still love me if I was a worm" please I'm begging you
MC | "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
A | "...No." (MC: "Liar.")
Cal | "Of course. I'll find a way to become a worm with you so we're both worms.” (A: "Disgusting.") “Though we wouldn't live long. And our mental capacity would take away any capability of things like love <3" (L: "You don’t have to take things so literal…")
L | "You have no hands." (MC: "Why do I need hands....Oh, seriously, L?”)
G | “This is an internet thing, right? I’ll just say no because I know that’s not what you want to hear.” *laughs* (MC: “G, you’re so mean!”) Rainn | “Where do you come up with this stuff? …Yes.”
M | *eye roll* “Will saying yes make you happy?” (MC: “yes”) “Okay, fine. Yes.”
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Envious Touches
my 2nd entry for @property-of-diavolo's Fuck//Love Roulette event! Thank you for doing this event, it's been so much fun!!
Check out my first entry: Morning Reflections
This is going to be Love, Leviathan, and Jealousy. i know super ironic i rolled Levi and Jealously
Leviathan x gn!MC.
Poly!MC with all of the brothers is also implied in this story.
also tagging @delphi-dreamin who wanted to be tagged in future writings! ;)
divider by firefly-graphics
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He hated it when you displayed affection with his brothers. As the Avatar of Envy, the subtle touches that no one else would notice were very apparent through his eyes. The sight of Mammon’s hand brushing yours, Asmo’s arms wrapped around your neck, the way Satan would gently place a stray strand of hair behind your ear, and even just the way Lucifer looked at you was enough to send him over the edge.
He suspected that everyone had noticed his foul mood lately, but no one had said a word to him about it. Of course, it's not like they cared about their gross, otaku brother. One evening as they finished dinner, it was his turn on dish duty and the twins were helping to tidy up the kitchen. You were there too of course, helping to dry the dishes as he washed them. You were so adorable, humming to yourself as you passed the dry dishes to Belphie for him to put away. Beel was rummaging through the fridge, trying to find a spot to store his portion of the leftovers amongst the other snacks he had stashed inside. MC suddenly stopped humming. “Levi, I've been meaning to ask you something…” they began as they focused their attention on drying the plate in their hands. His stomach flipped at the question. Oh no, they’ve noticed how much of a jerk I've been lately…they’re totally about to chew me out! he thought. “Y-Yeah, MC?” he stuttered nervously. MC opened their mouth to say something as they passed along the dry plate to Belphie, who interrupted by planting a kiss directly onto their cheek. The youngest chuckled to himself as MC turned to scold him, but he noticed how they blushed and how the corners of their mouth turned up into a small smirk. 
He couldn’t stand it anymore. He dropped the dish he had been washing into the sink as his demon form began to take over. He could feel the tingling in his temples from his coral-like horns sprouting through, and his tail thumped heavily to the ground. “L-Levi?! Are you okay?” he could hear MC squeak in surprise. Their hand was placed gently across the place where he knew their pact mark to be. His face burned, he couldn’t believe he lost his cool that easily. He quickly turned on his heel and fled from the kitchen. He raced past his other brothers who were startled with worry at the sight of his sudden transformation. Retreating to his room, he slammed the door behind him and darted to his bathtub, seeking comfort within the deep porcelain walls. Hugging his Ruri-Chan pillow to his chest, he scanned his aquarium for Henry, hoping to talk to him about his embarrassing outburst.
Suddenly, he heard a knock at his door. “Levi? It’s me… Can I come in?” his tail began to flick in annoyance at hearing MC’s voice. “No, go away.” he mumbled. He heard his lock click open and he quickly sat up to see MC barging into his room. “D-Did you just pick my lock?!” he gasped. MC beamed, clearly proud of themself as they held a bobby pin between their fingers. “Yup, Mammon taught me that little trick.” He rolled his eyes and groaned as he layed back down in his tub. MC cautiously approached the tub, and took a seat on the side. “What’s wrong, Levi? I felt your pact earlier. There’s no use in lying to me.” He buried his face in his pillow, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. “P-Please go away, MC. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m so disgusted with myself.” MC’s gaze softened as he spoke. “I’m not going anywhere. Please look at me.” He lifted his gaze to study MC’s expression, expecting it to be nothing but disappointment and disgust. Instead, he saw worry and concern. “I-I just…I get so jealous when my brothers touch you. I want to be the only one to touch you.” MC chuckled lightly, reaching out to grab his hand. “Levi, you dummy. Right now you can be the only one to touch me. We still have moments alone like this together, right?” He blushed as MC’s hand grabbed his. It was soft and always brought him such warmth and comfort. He squeezed it, and brought it up to his cheek. “I-I'm sorry…you are right…I was being dumb.” Shaking their head, MC gently stroked his cheek. “No, it’s okay. This must be especially hard on you, Levi. I know you’re trying your best.”
Gently, he pulled MC into the tub with him. He felt their weight press onto his lap, and the blood rushed straight into his cheeks. “Is t-this o-okay?” he asked, anxiously. MC nodded as they steadied themselves by placing their hands on his hips. He gazed up at them, almost completely hypnotized by their presence. MC smirked and began to slowly run their hands up to his chest, leaning forward in the process. He felt the heat rush further down his body as they placed a soft kiss to his lips. “You know…It’s just us now, Levi. Show me how much you want to touch me.”
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hell-drabbles · 3 months
I love your embittered companion au so much! Cause FINALLY, someone actually called out the behavior of canon MC, or Ra-on in this case, GROSS, like no sugarcoating it, just plain disgusting, he is not built different, he is built wrongly. The companion is a truly breathe of fresh air, blunt and cold but also protective which make me wonder if they know MC and Minhyeok when they were young.
Also, you make great point that canon MC would not be able to handle Leviathan. I was flabbergasted that THE Leviathan would actually come to likes them tbh, maybe he likes 'em pathetic but I don't get that vibe from him, and his H-scene? Tame, too tame compared to what Hades put MC through, bro literally almost got choked to death and poisoned, and immidiately proportioned himself out like THAT. I don't think they could handle Satan or Beelzebub either, cause when MC get angry and Satan get all horny over it like he just saw the first angry person in his life like BRO, you called that being angry and enraged? The kid that give the vibe of a wet towel ready to bend at any moment? The doormat of a person that don't even feels irritate at Sitri for not acknowledging them as their own person? Like be for real right now.
I would be sympathetic of MC if they have some kind of bounderies but when the angels L cards come out and I read the spoilers, it was bad, downright vile from MC and I won't be surprise of Solomon was the same, but unlike MC, the guy got wits, not sure about the self-respect part tho, since he be speaking like devils will forget him.
There really is just something about them that makes me want to throttle them. To the people that like the MC's personality, do not take offense at my words, it's not anything aimed at you. Horny characters are fine so long as they're funny. Unfortunately, the MC is not funny, so they're grating at me.
Oh, and to answer the question, yes the Companion did know of MInhyeok and MC when they were young. Basically the third party member of that little group, with the MC basically being looked up to as the role model by Minhyeok and MC.
MC has puppy rage. It is not fierce, nor anything to be proud of. It's the kind of rage that is so easily placated that I cannot take it seriously. I do have to apologize for adding some incel-like traits to the MC in the Embittered Companion AU, but that's because I'm heavily biased and I like have incel-ish characters for the sake of bullying them. Just, they're so pathetic! And irritating! I love putting them through the wringer!
Perhaps Leviathan gets off on having a fix-it project? He sees this wet towel of an MC and wants to change them into something he prefers? Which is a whole other brand of fucked up. All the other devils already project Solomon into them, and now you have another motherfucker that is straight up trying to change them. And if questioned about that, will probably claim that he's just "drawing out their true potential," actually believing in his own bullshit.
Huh, that'll be a fun headcanon of Levi to explore.
If the Companion was alone in the room with Levi, he's not going to be keeping his horns, that's for sure.
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en-vys · 1 year
mammon - lectures.
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summary: you promised mammon that if he finished his homework for once, or listened to his teachers lectures you’d take him out for a date.
warnings: sfw, mild flirting, suggestive themes, substitute teacher!reader x student!mammon, age gap… idk how old mammon is but you are 25 in human years, mc is another character referred multiple times as “human” or “the other one” original obey me, very much ooc mammon, loverboy mammon
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“HEY I JUST think that you should go out with me y’know.” ‘just great. another flirty student, i thought they’d be a bit decent but then again its like im in hell’ you rolled your eyes as you called on another student
“simeon? what do you think the french could’ve done better to resolve the whole infestation with the plague?” he looks at you intently for a minute before starting “ms. l/n i have no intentions of being rude but who are the french?”
‘oh right. i’m not in the overworld anymore.’ “never mind then, i apologize.” the bell rings, indicating the students may leave and go to their next classes.“hey, y/n.” ‘are you serious right now’ you think as you continue skimming through pages of work
“yes mr. mammon. and it’s ms. l/n to you.” he shrugs it off and continues walking up to you “when are you free so i can take you out? y’know show you around and such…” giving him your most “sincerest” smile you say “no thank you, your brother lucifer has offered to show me around personally.”
“o-oh really?” he seemed a bit shocked. “well yes,” you continued “since you are busy with the other human in this realm.” you didn’t even need to look at him to feel the flusteredness of the poor demon.
“when can i ever take you on a date! please! i know almost everybody at this damned school! please!” you snickered “mr. mammon your classes-” “your class is my last class. or have you forgetten ma’am?”
“you are an interesting student mammon.” you say, placing your glasses onto the top of your head. “but you.” placing a finger towards his heart, “you seem to be rather… how do i say this..” his eyes start to sparkle, “hot, steamy, rich, hot, smart, rich, oh did i mention that i’m rich?”
“ludicrous. thats the word!” you say snapping your fingers, his smile fading into a look of displeasure.. almost as if he was pouting.. “ms. l/n~” mammon groaned. “i want to take you out on a date! it’s not like iwanttomarryyouordateoranything”
mumbling the last part as he went to the other side of your desk, propping a chair next to you. “i want you. i may look young but i am older than you!” you look at him, shaking your head “i’ll go out with you. the next time i sub for your teacher.”
his eyes gleamed in happiness, “really?” you nodded, shocked as you felt a small peck on your cheek as he giggled in his seat. “but.. you must promise me to listen to your teachers lectures and finish all your homework- and no. you cannot use anybody to help you besides lucifer. and. AND. I will have people check on you.”
he seemed disgusted by your rules, but overall pleased with the fact that you agreed to let him take you out. “i promise!” that was all you needed to hear from him. “see you then, mammon. and say hello to the human for me. it takes awhile to get used to being here”
he nods, as he exits the classroom. thanking you once more. chanting, “thank you ms. l/n !” on and on hearing once he reached the end of the hallway “i got a date with ms. l/n !”
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eel-sedate · 1 year
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Pretend - Alex G
floyd x ftm!reader
cw: angst with slight comfort, s/h, $u1c1d@l thoughts, gender dysphoria
summary: One day you'll have to get over this loneliness, but maybe that loneliness can wait another day.
(741 words)
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Gonna crack a rib when I get home
It was hard enough to deal with this loneliness. Nothing seems to make it better, sure you had lots of friends but you still felt lonely. You had to pretend that you're someone who you're not, it hurts that they prefer this image of you that you've painted for others instead of the real you. Nobody seems to understand you, you're a nobody. But there was someone that seemed to slip into the cracks of your façade, and maybe even your heart. And that person was Floyd Leech. Just by being near him, you could feel your mask slipping off. But you can't let others know how much of a useless person you are, right? No matter how he pushes you to stop, you're still going to keep continuing.
I'm gonna bury you in my favourite hole
Of course you loved Floyd, he's your best friend. Always clinging around you, but just the thought of him seeing the real you made you feel disgusted. Sadly you are not what others ideally think of you as, you're no saviour, no good friend, no model student, no man. You wish you were all the things people expect from you, but in reality, you're just an emotionally frail girl. But that's not really you is it? You're a boy. You were supposed to be born a boy, why are you a woman? You hated when that time of the month comes, it reminds you of how you're constantly seen as only your gender, and not your achievements.
I made a bloody mess in the kitchen sink
Grimm was asleep, you were now alone with your thoughts. Your arms stung whenever it made contact with water, the trashcan was always full with bloody tissues, and if you dig deeper enough, you'll find the cause. It hurts, you're always hissing in pain whenever someone slightly puts pressure on your arms. Sometimes you don't have time to even take care of yourself, which results in your grades dropping. This isn't your first academic failure, but it sure did hurt. You were always a disappointment weren't you? You should just end everything here. Nothing ends up as planned. Nobody will notice if you're gone or anything. Your face in the mirror looked horrible, and everyone noticed. Nobody seemed to point it out for you or anything, nobody but him.
I tried to fix myself but I didn't think
"Hey shrimpy~ Why the long face~?", your eyes soften at him. "Life's been rough.", "Awh, don't be like that~ You know you can just tell me what's going on~", those were the words you needed to hear, that was the trigger to your water works. Floyd panicked a bit, he thought he accidentally did something bad, his first instinct is to hug you, and awkwardly pat your back. A soft and mumbled "Sorry shrimpy.", escaped his lips. You manage to stop them, and assure Floyd that it wasn't his fault. "No, you didn't do anything Floyd. It's my fault.", "What did you do, shrimpy?", Floyd's face looked like he was genuinely paying attention to you. It was the one time in your life where you felt a genuine connection with someone.
They said "We just want to talk with you"
Floyd Leech. The man who successfully broke your façade, the man who made you feel loved, the person who answered your prayers. "Ooh, so that's why you were so sad.", Floyd smiled at you before lifting you up, taking you by surprise. He spun you around before hugging you tightly, "Handsome, handsome boy! Can't you see, shrimpy? Everyone loves you~!", a laugh escaped him. You were now left all flustered, but you didn't bother to fight back. You were now walking back to the cafeteria with Floyd, who was praising you, reassuring you that no matter what form you take, you'll still stay the same shrimpy he knows and loves.
"We just want to walk you through"
You arrived at the cafeteria to be met with all of your friends waiting for you at the usual table, "Oh, there's MC! Hey, over here!". You looked over at Floyd and he only replied with a warm smile, "Myaah! It's the scary twin!", screamed Grimm before the others shoved some food into his mouth. "Come sit with us, Floyd.", "Awh, alright shrimpy~". One day you will have to face this loneliness again, and overcome it. Right now, it's just you, and him.
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A/N: I made this as like a mini vent, you can read it if you want to. Can even interpret it as platonic or romantic, I'm just in the mood for Floyd rn.
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rosewould · 2 years
cynics; jns
part viii (final)
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words; 32k (don't even say anything)
genre; angst, smut, and fluff (the gang's all here)
warnings; descriptions of gore, mc cuts her finger on glass, mentions of revenge porn, toxic relationship(s), manipulation, cunnilingus, fingering, piv, looong dick, multiple orgasms (2), making love, l bomb, unprotected sex, choking, body worship
preface; the song for this lengthy part (especially near the middle-ish end) is The Loneliest Time by Carly Rae Jepson. I think that song perfectly encapsulates the bittersweet feeling a lot of this final chapter has. Since this chapter is unseemly in its length, I separated this with color-coded dividers so you can take a break and come back. I would’ve just separated this, in all honesty, it shouldn’t have been the last chapter yet now that I laid it out, but it’s been dragged out for too long. 
So here it is! Here Cynics was and what a ride it has been. I really hope you guys enjoyed this fic and its ending, despite me not setting up the characters and plot points up super well. Thank you for all the amazing love for this fic, I’m not sure I could’ve finished it without the incredibly sweet asks and engaging conversations. Thank you a million times~
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The air is frigid as you look over the posts from user purkyung. Just as large as you before joining the Dreamies. For a moment you viewed her as a possible rival. Not because you were jealous of her or felt threatened by her, but because you were too similar to ignore. No one said anything, but you could tell people were thinking it.
Chaekyung looked like the perfect cast for the love interest in a coming-of-age story. One written by a man to entertain like-minded men. She’s pretty in a believable way. You can vividly picture her in a domestic setting. 
She played comfort games and had a substantial female audience, again, similar to yours. She didn’t ask for it or even market herself toward them, but she had a decent amount of keen male eyes on her. Enough to make her pull her shirt higher and angle her camera to cut off before her belly button.
Chaekyung, like many others, was disgusted by the breaking news. She stated as much publicly because she didn’t want to see women once again be disregarded for their well-being on such a large scale. And her daring to say as much earned her a full scale attack.
There were so many people speaking out against whoever was responsible. They had hashtags trending on multiple platforms to announce their distaste for what happened. Of course, there were people suggesting the backlash was overblown and loudly opposing, but the message was clear. People were not happy and they didn’t want this to happen again. And yet Chaekyung was still successfully torn to shreds. 
People spammed unflattering pictures of her under her tweets, flooded her DMs, and made countless tweets of their own trashing her and condemning anyone that supported her. If you defended her you better hope your account was private. It was the type of relentless attack that you could only gawk at in horror as she posts screenshots and begs for someone to step in. For one reason or another, no one did. They stepped back and hoped she had loving people around her offline.
Even with a temporary roommate and boyfriend, your house is still empty most of the time. Taeyong is busy dealing with the aftermath of the group chat leak. The people involved are still up in the air and some people have even started to accuse you. It’s a minuscule minority, but they cite your silence on the situation as suspicious. You and Johnny both have yet to say anything. In a painfully familiar instance, a couple of twitter users accuse you of protecting YangYang. But things are going well for you right now.
So you exit twitter.
Johnny, on the other hand, slips out early in the morning and comes back when you’re already asleep. The only time you see him is when you catch glimpses of him leaving. It can’t be comfortable on your couch and he couldn’t be sleeping that much with such an insane schedule. You don’t go to sleep early. He must be coming back around 2 am. 
While you’re deep in thought, someone walks through the door. “Hey.” Taeyong ruffles your hair as he walks past you. “Productive day?” He asks, peering back for a moment before reaching for the half empty coffee pot.
With a stupid smile plastered on your face, you shrug. “Um… not really. I don’t stream today so I just sat around.”
Taeyong pours himself a glass before taking a sip. “Do you remember what we talked about?” 
You gasp, you had completely forgotten. Looking down, you clench the mug of coffee you’d been nursing. Maybe it was for the best you didn’t remember. You nip at the dead skin on your lip. “Well, I remember now.”
“You should consider it.” Taeyong sets a hand on your shoulder. “It’ll be good for you.”
“I don’t know, Tae. Everything is already going great…”
“I know you saw those tweets, right?”
Your hand loosens on the mug as you swallow. “What, the ones accusing me? It’s insubstantial.” You say in a strange attempt to appeal to him, “And there are only three or so tweets.”
“I’m sure you noticed the most popular one has five thousand likes. Sure, it’s not like it’s ten thousand or a hundred thousand, but that could change.”
It was easy to ignore the amount of likes, you just closed twitter and forcibly forgot about it. Now he was making it impossible to ignore. The concern over this situation started to merge with your concern over Naeun. That’s neglecting to factor in Johnny living with you. You feel trapped.
“If I do a little digging, I’m sure I can find some girls included in the group chat. Getting those girls to come out against YangYang and forming a new group with them would be huge for you.” He places his mug on the table, standing close enough that you can feel heat radiating off his body.
“I already have a group, though. Making another group when I just got into one seems a bit strange.” You do it again, responding to him to try and appease him. In his presence, you start to doubt your thought process tenfold.
“Yes, but are you really a Dreamie? Do you really want to be seen as a guest star for the rest of your career? Or worse…” Taeyong pauses to slip his phone out of his pocket. His screen is presented to you, showing an equally popular tweet.
‘Does anyone else feel like ___ is leeching off of the boys’ fame? She left before anything even happened in Taeyong’s group. Maybe she thought they weren’t popular enough for her.’
You take the phone into your grasp. The replies and quote tweets were insane, the combined amount nearly outnumbering the likes. Looking through them was like getting whiplash. Some people were defending you, citing your appearance on that podcast and the fact that Mark backs your story to explain things. Others confirm they’ve had this suspicion as well. The most baffling aspect was that each side was equally popular. There was no domineering opinion. Even the arguments were neck in neck with likes.
You pass the phone back to him with a shaky exhale. “I’ll think about it.”
Taeyong presents you with a tight smile. “You should do that.”
“We can get it under control.” Jeno states sternly. You wave him off. “No, this is my mess. I’ll handle it.”
“It’s our fans causing a ruckus, we’re partly responsible.” Chenle adds nervously.
“Let’s be honest it’s mostly Donghyuck’s crazy ass fans.” Jaemin pipes up and incites chaos. 
“How is this my fault?” 
“No one said it was your fault, Hyuck.” Mark tries but all of the boys shout over each other. It’s impossible to form a rational thought. Mark’s shouting for them to be quiet isn’t making it any better. You could just leave, it’s a possibility that was always on the table, just taunting you. Sure, you were skilled, but that doesn’t mean you should be a popular streamer. This career path was far-fetched to begin with. You sit stiffly on Mark’s recliner, watching as the tight-knit group of boys quarrel over your situation.
Unable to handle the noise overwhelming your thoughts, you stand from the chair. You mumble an apology as you head for the front door. Mark calls after you before following you out of his house. 
“What’s wrong?” Mark is immediately attentive. The worry tugging at his brows makes your heart ache. Mark was the only constant throughout this entire debacle. Always checking in on you, being the sweetest person on Earth, and most importantly, sticking up for you.
“God, Mark. I’m so sorry for snapping at you after the podcast.” You shake your head.
“You were right, though. I should’ve spoken up sooner.”
“But if we switched places, I probably would’ve done that same thing. It was scary!” Your laugh contrasts the tears springing to your eyes. “You’re too nice to me. On top of everything, you invite me into the Dreamies and look at what I did.” You gesture to the door, where the bickering started to pick back up.
“This always happens at some point. It’s normal.” Mark chuckles before staring somberly at your wet eyes. 
“It sucks that you feel like a burden for trying to heal.” Your eyes flicker toward him and he holds your gaze.
His words linger in your mind long after he says them. The two of you stare quietly at the sunset, feeling the temperature shift ever so slightly cooler. “Taeyong told me about the idea he has for you.” You nod, waiting for him to shoot it down.
“I think it’s a good idea.”
Your eyes slowly move from the darkening sky to Mark’s smile. “Really?”
“It’s not his group, so he won’t invite Johnny or any other shitty people. I like Taeyong but he really has a knack for finding some terrible people.” You both laugh. “Except for you of course.” He glances at you with his eyebrows raised. “I’m happy for the two of you.”
“Thank you.”
This conversation awakens the same strange emotion you have had around Jisoo and Jungwoo lately. Jungwoo has taken your sexual breakup well, a little too well. They haven’t ripped you a new one for letting Johnny crash on your couch. They’ve also, though tentatively, supported your relationship with Taeyong. As your gaze lowers from the sunset, you think back on how they get when you mention Taeyong. For some strange reason, that’s the aspect they seem most openly uneasy about.
That doesn’t make you feel the overwhelming support any less. Mark is just a sweetheart to a sickening degree but that strange emotion still remains. Even Mark had his moments of trying to warn you about the people in your life. Now everyone is strangely quiet. There are not many people telling you how to navigate these choices you have to make.
“Are you happy now?”
With a sharp inhale Johnny is awake again. To his dismay, he is again greeted by your scent and likeness as soon as he wakes up. Your jacket is draped over the back of the couch, drenched in your favorite perfume. Why he turns to look at the picture of you, he never understands. He swallows thickly, trying to quell the sickening feeling waking up under your roof gives him as he searches haphazardly for his phone. 
The time reads 4 am. He locks his phone and tosses it on the table. He barely sleeps anymore. How could he when those nightmares were back with a vengeance? Every time he blinks he sees your shattered skull, so he keeps his eyes open until the sharp stinging pricks them closed. He needs to get out of here.
Walking aimlessly into the crisp early morning air helps him breathe freer. It also helps quell some of the nausea from his hangover. With a deep inhale, he fills his lungs with clean air. There’s a lounge eight minutes away that opens earlier than the other bars and lounges in the area. When it does, he’ll be able to silence the voice in his brain making him feel guilty.
But then he’s back under your roof. 
First you use fond memories to make yourself feel better. Then you let her soothe you that night. Now you’re living on her couch. 
“It’s shameful.” He finishes the guilt trip aloud before his head can.
“What’s shameful?”
For the first time since he’d woken up, Johnny felt fully alert as he heard Taeyong’s voice. He glances over at him as he peacefully drinks coffee. He unlocks his phone again to check the time. 6 am. 
Knowing he wasn’t going to answer, Taeyong just asks another question. “Been talking to her much?”
“Why not?”
Johnny grunts. “You were there. She made it clear that she didn’t want to be friends anymore.” It seemed like he was rubbing salt in the wound.
“I see.” Taeyong takes a long slurp of his coffee before setting it carefully onto the polished wood. “I’m dissolving the group.”
So all that “conversation” was just his clumsy way of smoothing the path to his news. Johnny figured as much, Nayeon is gone and Mark sure as hell isn’t coming back. Like Taeyong said, he could very easily persuade you to come back one way or another, but three wasn’t enough. All that was left of the group he spent his formative years in were tainted memories and burned bridges. Which brings Johnny to the man sitting at your dining room table. It’s been a very long time since Johnny could say he liked the guy. 
“I guess I’ll be seeing you often, at least until I’m back on my feet.”
“And when is that exactly?” Taeyong turns to face the taller man from his seat, squinting as he awaits his answer. Johnny frowns at his unsuspected jab. That’s one thing Johnny didn’t take into account, if Taeyong liked him. 
“I’m trying my best.”
“Well don’t take this the wrong way, but could you try a little harder? I’m her boyfriend now so forgive me if I’m a little put off by you being around her. Besides, you probably feel out of place around us. Considering I’m “just as much of a little bitch as she is”.”
Overwhelming embarrassment and shame twist Johnny’s features. “I said a lot of things I didn’t really mean.”
“Do you really think matters, whether you meant it or not? You still hurt her.”
“Taeyong please,” Johnny starts getting pissed off from his increasingly apparent hypocrisy. “let’s be real for a second. You’ve been stringing her along until she was useful to you.”
“Do you think that makes us comparable?” Taeyong laughs, not refuting his accusation. “You wanna be real? Let’s be real. You treated her like utter garbage for years and trashed her self-esteem probably for good.” Johnny visibly winces at that bitter truth. The only time you really get dressed up are very rare instances, and even then it’s relatively tame. You always used to dress up in middle and high school. You didn’t even let your bullies pressure you out of it. But Johnny did the trick. 
“Now you’re sleeping on her couch while you barely even speak to the woman. No ‘hello’ or ‘thank you’, just leaving and coming back to sleep like it’s a hotel. You should be waiting on her hand and foot and you haven’t even picked up a broom.”
“I get it, I know! I think about it every night before I go to sleep.” Johnny vents, his breathing rapid before he lets out an exasperated sigh.
“If you get it then read the room. I can tell you have the urge to act on some selfish sense of a savior complex suddenly, just save it.” Though Taeyong’s expression is stern, it’s nowhere close to that day he kicked Lucas, Doyoung, and YangYang out. There’s no real passion behind his words. However, there’s a ton of truth, whether Johnny likes it or not.
“You owe it to her to leave her be.”
The two men stare each other down. Johnny knows there was so much left unsaid, such as his dubious motives. He has expressed on multiple occasions that he doesn’t like being around you. He basically called you a nuisance not long before he dumped Nayeon in favor of you. But was it Johnny’s place?
Your bedroom door creeks open slowly before you appear behind it, scrubbing at your eyes. “What’s going on? It’s six in the morning.” Your shirt lifts as you stretch, showing your upper thighs. Johnny snaps his head away, eyes frantically moving around the room but looking at nothing. 
“Don’t worry about it. Go back to bed.” Taeyong murmurs, turning his head slightly. You stay rooted in your spot, grogginess clearing up as you chew on your lip.
He glances at Taeyong who shoots him one last stern look. “I was just leaving and ran into him. We were having a conversation, that’s all.” Johnny assures you.
“Leaving?” You look between both men confusedly. “You’re okay with going home?”
“Yeah, thanks for letting me stay here. You really didn’t have to do that.” He slowly pans his gaze on you, only holding it for a second before looking at the floor. “Goodbye.” This time it was truly final. There’s nothing tying them to each other anymore. He’d probably live out in his car for as long as he can take it. After a while, would he accept defeat and go crawling back to his parent’s house? The thought makes him involuntarily grimace. 
“Don’t leave.” It’s more of a command than a request. You make your way toward him, eyes trained on him even as Taeyong tells you to let him go. “He wants to leave.” When you reach him, you crane your head high as you really study his face.
“How many years has it been since we’ve known each other? You really think I don’t know when you’re lying?” The tightness of your jaw and apprehension hanging off every word wipe any playfulness that could be interpreted away. Every time the two of you speak there’s this undeniable weight that never goes away. Johnny’s not even sure when it got there. 
“I’m fine. I’m a grown man.”
“I saw you after you got home and fell asleep. I could smell the alcohol, Johnny.” His previous statement seemed to annoy you somehow. “You only got three hours of sleep. And you’re starting to look like a lumberjack- just come back and lay down for a few more hours.”
“I have overstayed my welcome considerably. I should’ve left the day Jaehyun did.” Johnny states firmly. This is the first time in a long time the two of them were able to have a mostly regular conversation. Looking at you with your eyebrows drawn together atop your wide eyes swimming in worry, he feared he might do something stupid.
“Says who?”
“Says me. It was selfish of me to stay here.” He turns to leave but stops when he feels your hands around his forearm. Your stare falters when he looks back at you.
“If you don’t want to be selfish… you could help me out. I’m gonna get busier in the coming months and could use some help around the house.”
Your fingertips are hot against his skin. He felt they might actually singe him. But Johnny didn’t pull away. “You don’t have any friends that could help?”
“Not any that owe me.” You cock an eyebrow up. Johnny takes a second to appreciate the atmosphere that actually started to feel lighter. 
“Okay, fine. But when I’m actually able to leave, I’ll do so.” A small smile flickers onto his face, fizzling out soon after. 
“We’ve got a deal then.” You pull your hands away and Johnny instantly feels your pacifying effect on him wear off. “Come sleep in my bed.”
Johnny’s face goes red hot in a matter of seconds, eyes blowing wide as he stammers. “Don’t be stupid, I’m sleeping on the couch. You’ll need the rest if you’re helping me.” You narrow your eyes at him before you seemingly catch yourself after registering his troubled expression. “S-sorry I shouldn’t have called you stupid.” You lower your head, actions mirroring the night you told him he was as bad as Hyuna and Hyojong.
“Please don’t be sorry-”
The two of you flinch at the sound of glass shattering against the bowl of your sink. “Shit, sorry.” Taeyong lifts his head to look blankly at you and Johnny. “Are the two of you done?”
You look just as bewildered as he does in that moment, but you’re looking at Taeyong apologetically. “We are.” You reply, strangely eager.
Letting Johnny sleep in your bed was supposed to help him sleep better, but it wasn’t helping one bit. He was now completely surrounded by your scent. Was he hallucinating or was the mattress still warm from when you were here? He shouldn’t even be thinking about that. It’s hard to keep his thoughts clear in this situation. 
Eventually, it gets the best of him. He promised he’d stop using memories of you soothing him or the thought of your smile to placate his anxiety, but that was near impossible right now. Johnny takes in a trembling breath, hesitantly inhaling your scent until it’s swirling in his lungs, and prepares for another nightmare.
Except, it isn’t a nightmare. He’s sitting in bed with you. It’s morning time, the sun blankets the room in a heavenly glow. You have only a t-shirt on like you did moments ago, only it’s fully white now. You smile at him and he finds himself smiling back. You continue to smile as you place both hands on either side of his head and angle his head down. Your legs are crossed and he can see your plain white underwear. His breath hitches but he doesn’t move a muscle. One of your hands glide down your torso until it reaches your underwear, yet his head is still securely held in place. He watches breathlessly as your fingers stimulate your clit through the cloth. His mouth is dry, incredibly uncomfortably dry.
“Johnny!” You gasp. He feels the soft meat of your thighs before he even registers his hands are there. He kneads the flesh, his crotch thrumming with hot pleasure. Johnny is lost in the feeling of your flawless, plush skin under his coarse fingertips when he hears you say something. “Hm?”
You giggle. “I said are you really going through with this?”
Johnny’s blood immediately runs cold upon hearing those words again. Suddenly Johnny’s head is free, giving him the opportunity to see your face again. Except, there is no face to see. Blood cascades down your throat like a haunting necklace from your crushed brain. 
The sight jolts Johnny awake like it always does. His brain could never quite get past it anymore, it’s something he thanks his brain for immensely.
Maybe the couch was uncomfortable. Or you just stayed up the entire morning overthinking your decision. Especially with how standoffish Taeyong was before he left. You carefully pick the large pieces of glass from the sink and drop them in your garbage can. You huff, setting your hands on your hips as you take in all of the smaller pieces. Should you vacuum them? Resorting to google, you learn glass can ruin your garbage disposal.
“Great.” You mutter before groaning at the mess that still remained.
As advised, you pick out any pieces big enough to grab with tongs. By the time you were finished, your fingers were cramping from holding the damn things, so you pick up any left on the surface with your fingers. “Stupid fucking-”
You let out a drawn out hiss as you snatch your hand away from the sink. One of the shattered pieces sported an edge so thin it sliced through your finger like butter. You close your hand around your index finger, trying to dull the deep throb that started. As you exhale you feel contempt bubbling up inside you. As it surfaces it shifts to a pitiful, bitter feeling of defeat. You collapse onto the dining room chair as hot tears gush down your face. You bite your lip to stifle any sobs. With Johnny and Taeyong both here constantly, you felt so critical of everything you did. 
You were tired, all you wanted to do was just… be. Now you have a whole list of shit to worry about. You have no one to blame but yourself for feeling trapped. All because of the younger version of you that gets weak seeing Johnny suffer. Weak, soft, pathetic. 
The sound of your door opening makes you shoot up from the chair, wiping your tears away. You sniffle and reach for another mug as if that’s what you were doing this whole time. You can see him in your peripheral, his towering height only serving to make him stand out more. 
“Good morn-”
“Can you help me out with this glass?” You refrain from sniffling again. If you can read him like a book from subtle facial expressions, there’s no way he couldn’t pick up that you were crying.
“Sure.” He shuffles over, examining the mess Taeyong left. He opens his mouth to reem the guy for it but decides against it. 
“Is there a lot in the garbage disposal?”
“No… I uh, I got most of it.”
“Hm,” Johnny starts clearing the basin with his hands. He notices your bloody finger but he also notices that you’re trying to hide it. And yes, he does notice you side-eyeing him after he looked at your finger, so he pretends he didn’t see a thing.
You still had nothing but that goddamn shirt on. No amount of bluffing could ever fool his body into not being attracted to you. Even when he was being an asshole to you. But he hadn’t been around you enough recently to have to deal with it, so perhaps he was a little rusty at suppressing it. He desperately needed to get it under control because underneath the titillation was a seedy and foreboding feeling that frankly horrified him. Every pang of arousal felt so utterly wrong.
“I’ve been putting off laundry for too long, could you do it for me? Please try not to mix up our clothes.” The awkwardness you felt after ordering him around was instantaneous. You should just ask him to leave. What was he going to do, refuse? Sure he could rip you a new one for switching up but then he’d be gone. You’ve gotten through it before.
“Of course. If there’s anything else you need, let me know.”
You should be relieved that he didn’t seem offended, but you were relieved for an entirely different reason. He moseyed off, finishing the laundry and even folding them. He wasted no time coming back to check for another task. Didn’t even stop to play on his phone, eat, or watch tv. Little do you know it was a welcome distraction for Johnny. 
Being in his own house, he could only see all the anguish he caused in every room. When he made you cry on the couch, dumped water on you while you slept in his bed, called you a pig when you looked for a snack in his fridge, and of course the wall. But his house kept him busy. Plant upkeep was very efficient at dulling his incessant thoughts. The ones asking him what the fuck he was even doing. With everything crumbling around him they only got louder.
“I don’t have anything else for you to do,” Johnny did a good job at masking his disappointment as he nodded and started away, “but that doesn’t mean you have to leave, either.” You turn around completely from your computer. You drop your gaze once you realize how desperate that sounded. 
“I know, I just don’t want to intrude. You letting me sleep on your couch– and bed– was gracious enough, I don’t wanna lounge around or eat up your food.”
“It’s fine, I’m gonna be in here for a while anyway.”
Even before things started to fall apart, his life started to feel so formulaic and suffocating. Taking care of his flowers was the only thing that broke up the growing mundanity. He’d wake up, eat, sit around his house with friends, and then stream later that night. Then he’d just eat again and go to sleep. He had the privilege of being able to play games as a career, but still felt that same blanket of fog as if he were working a regular dead-end job. It made him really reflect on if he actually liked streaming and why he was still doing it.
Being closer to you without all the noise made it clear. Besides the not-so-clean thoughts, it felt comfortable to be in your presence. Even though you don’t look at him the way you used to and he can still sense how apprehensive you are around him, he still can’t help wanting to be around you. Even if it’s extremely awkward most of the time. He enjoyed all your little facial expressions when you reacted to things, how adorable you looked when you were focusing– and even though he hated seeing or knowing you were crying– he loved how puffy and glassy your eyes got afterward. He started streaming to stay around you. 
But it was bittersweet, because not only couldn’t he interact with you like in school, but he didn’t deserve to. He barely deserved to be around you this much. While being around you more meant witnessing all the things that made him love you despite it all, it also made him face how he changed you head on. So he dusted, wiped down, and reorganized your entertainment center to keep himself busy. He’s setting the final item back on one of the shelves when your door opens, the photo of you and your two friends. 
“What the hell Johnny…”
Johnny takes a step away from his work to slightly turn toward you, keeping his eyes on the picture. “I got a little carried away, perhaps.”
“No it’s…” You walk closer with your hands on your hips. “Huh. It’s a different color now I think.”
Johnny chuckles. “There was a thick layer of dust.”
You sigh and clench your eyes shut. “Don’t feel pressured to clean up for me. I shouldn’t have been ordering you around in the first place.”
“I shouldn’t be here in the first place.” Johnny corrects, onsetting a bitter silence he didn’t intend to. How long were the two of you going to go back and forth about this?
“But you are.” You pipe up, raising your eyebrows at him with a tight smile. “Because I asked you to be, so let’s just drop it.”
Every conversation crashed into a impenetrable wall. You couldn’t help it when a part of you found it inexcusable that you let him stay. And he couldn’t bypass his guilt. Every time you looked at each other, the first thing you remember are the bad times. If it’s not Johnny’s berating it’s the two times you went at it after you left. Neither of you knew if this was temporary or if your relationship was irreparably damaged.
Only time would tell.
For now, Johnny sneaks into your room after the sun had set, curling the object within his palm. He freezes when he feels something plush under his feet. He uses his free hand to flash his phone at the floor. There was a floor mattress with an extra comforter and one of your pillows atop it. He looks at your sleeping figure as if you’d answer the questions on his mind. 
That just didn’t feel right, so he stepped over the sleeping pad to resume what he originally had in mind. When the sun shined in your eyes that morning you could feel something strange about the finger your cut was on. You had forgotten to properly treat it. After your meeting you got too busy and forgot about it since it stopped bleeding.
You raise it in front of your squinted eyes to see a bandaid had been secured around your finger. You push air out your nose with a half smile before looking down at the mattress. Your smile flickers away upon seeing it’s empty.
“I heard about your meeting.” Taeyong remarks, his phone keeping him preoccupied. “The marketing agency is very interested, they’re treating you as a high priority.”
“Really? That’s a relief.” In the grand scheme of things, it was a feather being lifted from everything that had been weighing on you, but it was still something.
“You did a good job.” Taeyong states as if it’s obvious. “That’s the thing, if you put the work in you’ll experience more fruitful endeavors.” He looks up, and you can’t tell if he does that to gauge your reaction or drive home how important his words are. Because you notice how little he looks at you since you’ve started dating. How fleeting his touch is.
“I already have one girl readying her statement against YangYang. That will definitely bring a lot of eyes so the timing has to be perfect. Maybe her statement will inspire more girls to come forward, which would make my job easier,” He lets out a short laugh. You wince at how easily and nonchalantly he speaks about this situation. 
“But for now we’re really counting on you. Right when Chaeyoung makes her statement, you have to have yours ready as well. That’ll lay down the foundation before we reveal our plans for the group chat, hopefully make it seem more organic.”
Speaking out was something you forcibly put on the back burner. It was seemingly biting you in the ass more and more the longer you stay silent. There’s a mountain of guilt that comes packaged with not speaking out, but the uncertainty of it all makes it seem worth it. There’s a chance Chaeyong’s statement will be met with a poor response. Sure, people are mostly pro-Naeun and anti-group chat makers/members, but it just takes the right amount of passionate people to derail everything. Others who oppose will get scared off by the overwhelming majority, morally grey people will bandwagon. And all this for your group.
“You’re thinking too much, I can tell. You see what’s happening because you’re still not saying anything, right?”
You feel dread in your bones as he readies the post before turning his phone to you. The tweet he had shown you in your kitchen has now garnered eleven thousand likes. You take a deep breath and look away, not interested in seeing the replies. There’s no way the majority isn’t against you.
“If you come out against YangYang, not only will people stop speculating your involvement with or knowledge of the group chat, but they’ll have a more concrete reason that you left. I guarantee you tweets like this will be wiped out.” He finally pulls the phone away and you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just think about it-”
“Oh my god, hi?” A trembling voice sounds beside you. You squint up at the figure ducked under the table umbrella. “I’m a huge fan of you guys! I’ve been rooting for you two since the old group first started. Can I take a picture?”
You happily pose for the picture with the fan, releasing a soft exhale through your nose when reminded of the other ship. The discourse around you was a turf war between people who ship you with Mark and people who ship you with Taeyong. That’s not even mentioning the Dreamie ships you disrupted by joining the group. With you and Mark, people conjured up tales of you guys being the closest no matter what group you were in and becoming lovers. With Taeyong it was deeper. 
Apparently, the two of you suppressed your love when he got with Nayeon, and then when you left the group his pain was too much to bear. So he broke up with Nayeon and swept you off your feet. Every fantasy your fans shared was like a peek into your dreams. It felt nice to detach from reality for a moment and get lost in them. 
“We can’t, Taeyong.” You force the words out. It pained you to say them.
“Why not?!” He grabbed you by your shoulders and shook you, freeing the tears that had been threatening to break free since you first laid eyes on him.
“Because of Nayeon!” You break down, falling to your knees as the sorrow fully blooms in your chest. He follows you, cradling you in his arms. 
“We don’t have to worry about her anymore.”
You look up at him through your dewy lashes and he just smiles warmly. 
Reading it was pure torture. Sure it was dramatic but it’s what you craved from him so that’s not what bothered you. Reading this made the nature of your actual relationship so much more apparent. And the fact that it barely changed from when you were friends. Thinking about the first time you met Nayeon made your heart wilt. He was so chivalrous with the toothpick incident but other than that it’s always been… dry.
He saw you bleed and barely had any reaction. In fact, he had no problem letting you use tape to dress your wound. All so his beautiful girlfriend could have her tiny cut properly treated. The bandaid around your index finger seems tighter all of a sudden, drawing your attention to it.
The morning after he’d done it, he didn’t address it. To be fair, you didn’t ask him why he didn’t sleep on the bed you left him if he saw it. Still, it was the most ‘Johnny’ thing he’d done in years. Now he was probably quiet about it to not push your relationship, but back then he was so embarrassed by everything. You couldn’t do anything for him and he couldn’t do anything for you without him blushing fiercely. That poor boy would blast off if he conducted any more heat. You smile to yourself, twisting your hand as you gaze fondly at the bandage.
When it came to helping the other in a dire time of need, there was no embarrassment. There was only a mutual understanding to be there for each other. As your memories get heavier, picturing him at his lowest, your smile fades. You set your hand down. 
Johnny was having to do a lot of chores without you asking lately. You even started asking him to stop. 
“I can wash the dishes, you don’t have to do that. You don’t even eat here.” You say, taking the plate from his hand.
He had already swept and mopped the floors, scrubbed the walls, cleaned out the fridge, and cleaned the bathroom “You haven’t given me another task and I wanted to help out.” Johnny trails off as he shrugs.
“You’ve helped plenty, the house is basically sparkling now. Thank you.” It doesn’t sound much like an expression of gratitude as you shoo him from the kitchen.
Feeling like a freeloader and wanting to preoccupy his mind, his upkeep of your home doesn’t cease. You’re starting to get warm, folded laundry on your bed every week now. You never have to wash off a dish to eat. A speck of dust couldn’t even think to form.
“Oh my god– Johnny!” You call for him and he peers out of the bathroom. “Get out of there!”
“It’s fine! I’m almost done.” He disappears back behind the door. You open your mouth to yell but close it with an extended sigh. 
“I don’t want you to be my maid, I’m not even asking you to do this so why…?”
Johnny reappears, eyes not connecting with yours as he takes his gloves off. “I really don’t have anything else to do at the moment. It’s either the bar or this, and I’m sick of the headaches.”
Now that he mentions it, you haven’t been smelling alcohol on him recently. “Okay, if cleaning is really what you want to do, I concede.” You throw your arms up in mock surrender. It wasn’t totally a lie. He really didn’t have anything else to do. He was still debating on whether or not to continue streaming or look for a different job. If he really was moving back with his parents, it was definitely the latter. But it’s mostly because when he’s drunk, he says stupid things. And he misses out on coherent conversations with you. They’re getting less awkward and slightly more frequent. It’s mostly just you scolding him for going too far on the cleaning or complaining about the strong smell of bleach, but it’s a start.
“Thank you…” He nods before returning to your bathroom. You watch him, trying to conceal how apprehensive you are.
There was something still nagging at you to stop him. You told yourself you didn’t want him to feel obligated. And feeling like you were bossing him around also sucked. But with every grimace he made at a strong smell, every curse he muttered when he dropped something, or any sign of displeasure, you felt panic set in. You realized you started to grit your teeth and shrink slightly, preparing yourself for him to blow up on you.
You find yourself glancing at the spot on your wall he punched. With time you guys could stay stagnant, maybe by some stroke of luck you’ll go back to normal, but there’s also a chance for your relationship to spoil further. In the coming weeks, you monitor him, waiting for a sign of what’s to come. 
Johnny plops down on your sofa after cleaning your windows. He had made a comment about stubborn dirt in the crevices of your window seal, and now he looks extra spent. “I stopped drinking for the headaches, but I’m starting to get a headache from the chemicals.” He murmurs breathlessly.
You nervously make your way over to his bucket of supplies and lift them from the table. Johnny’s eyes fall to the table, which the bucket left a ring on. “Oh! Let me see that for a sec,” He shoots up from the couch and you move the bucket away.
“I can do it!” You accidentally shout, wincing after the fact. “I pretty much have a day off today anyway, and it’s just a little ring.”
“Exactly, so let me get rid of it real quick and the rest of the chores are yours.” He assures. You take a minute to look at your house which looked like no one lived in it. Someone would think you just bought it from the world’s most anal real estate agent. You tuck the bucket into one arm.
“You’ve done so much already,” Again the two of you find yourselves having this same back and forth. You sigh, closing your eyes only to open them when his figure blocks out the light. He sets a gentle hand on the bucket.
“It’s your day off, you should be resting.” He states quietly. The dull thuds of your heart hammering against your ribcage fill your ears.
“Here, hit me right here.”
You attempt to retreat from him like a wounded dog backed into a corner. He feels his mild confusion shift to dread when he realizes what’s going on. Suddenly he’s back in his own living room, standing over your figure on the couch. You’re staring up at him with that same glint of fear and mistrust. 
You gasp loudly when he grabs your wrist. The feeling of him tugging it higher makes you shriek and drop the bucket to the ground. You cower away from him, tucking your head into your shoulder. Your reaction shakes him, but he remains steadfast. He clenches his eyes shut and cocks your hand back before striking across his own face. 
You untense slightly, turning your head to face him. He’s heaving, hair slightly mussed. He gives you an emphatic look. “Ball your fist.”
“Johnny- no!” You snatch your arm away, the deranged moment only becoming less sane when the loss of his touch makes your heart fall. 
Johnny takes a step back, taking a minute to gain the courage to look at you again. “I hate that you’re afraid of what I’ll do to you.” He tries to blink away the tears but they trickle from his eyes regardless. He curses under his breath. He wasn’t ready to look so soft around you. “Even that day, if you had slapped me I probably would’ve cried in front of everyone before I ever laid a hand on you. I hate that I made you feel this way.” He winces as he replays you cowering away from him and the sound of the bucket clattering to the floor in his mind.
Your hand still stings but all you can think about is how it must feel for him. Maybe you’re just an idiot and this is some game you’re falling for, but you give up on trying to figure it out. “For now I can’t help it, but that can change.” 
His glassy eyes inspect your expression as he pores over your words. Feeling spontaneous, you reach your hand up and caress his face. He immediately melts into your touch and you could break down at the sight. Guilt gnaws harder at you, grilling you on why you haven’t been there for him. All your heart sees now is the kid you cried fountains for and with. Another part reminds you of how you got here and you pull away.
“But I can revert even faster.” You warn. Johnny sniffles before nodding and staring at you blankly. Of course, what was he doing? Nuzzling into your hand like a puppy. He clears his throat and shakes his head. “No, you’re right. I’m s-”
“But don’t apologize! If we’re going to coexist we need to be more upfront and honest with each other, or else we’ll just go in circles.” You pick the bucket back up again and regard him with a steady stare. Johnny straightens up and wipes away any moisture left in his eyes.
“No apologizing and be more upfront, got it.”
“Chaeyoung is about ready to post her side of the story, so do you have your statement ready? Let me see it.” Taeyong is antsier by the day. You only see him when you’re talking about the group. He leans over his dining room table in anticipation of you whipping out your phone. You clench your eyes shut. “Taeyong, I haven’t written it.”
“What?! I mean, do you need me to write it for you? Because I can. I just thought you’d be able to do one thing.” Taeyong settles back into his seat as he mutters the last part. It felt like everyone was pushing you about this damn statement. All Jisoo and Jungwoo do is politely ask you about it and you can just hear it in their voices. ‘You still haven’t done it?’ 
Naeun is only here in spirit and yet it’s like she’s screaming at you. You’re causing more damage to her career and in turn her mental health the longer you wait. And now you’re gonna leave Chaeyong, someone who actually has pictures to worry over, to fend for herself. 
“I’m… I’m gonna do it, it’s just that this is more than a PR move for me, you have to know that.” You argue, exasperated over your own loaded thoughts.
“It can be both, you know that right? That’s what Chaeyoung is doing. You can honor the weight of the situation while giving your image a boost. The Earth won’t implode.” His words ooze with ridicule and it stings bad. You roll your tongue inside your mouth, nodding as you let the pain fester. 
“Is that all you think this is? Me trying to “honor the weight of the situation”?”
“I think you feel obligated to do the right thing all the time.” He meets your exasperation with infuriatingly calm patronization. You were staying quiet for personal reasons, in fact, your selfishness in this situation is what’s ripping you apart. He has no clue what he’s talking about and yet he speaks to you as if he can read your mind. You open your mouth but he beats you to the punch. “You’re not saving people by doing something so insignificant.”
“Then why do it at all? If it’s so insignificant?”
“Because it’ll stop the oncoming attack you’re in for. How many times do I have to spell it out for you? The people campaigning against you are growing. Your first mistake was joining a group with such an entitled fanbase.”
“Joining Mark’s group was the best thing to ever happen to me.” You clench your fists, wanting to stand up and storm out but you just bottle it up. You should be saying that about him, but even now he’s barely looking at you outside of annoyed glances. 
“When you want to help stop your reputation from being ruined, come talk to me.” He calmly asks you to leave his home, says he has work to do.
“We can’t…” All that anger gets swept away from his request for you to leave. You haven’t even tried asking him. You just assumed he would say no, but he’s your boyfriend. “We can’t just hang out? I don’t know… cuddle or something…”
“You know how busy I am.” He gives you that look that’s like a silent suggestion to rethink what you just said. You can’t help but feel a little guilty. At the end of the day, he’s doing this all for you. All so you can have a career that feels like your own. He’s even helping you get the growing hate under control. And you had the nerve to snap on him and think about storming out.
“I’m sorry.” You follow his instruction to leave and stand outside of his door for a moment. You need a moment to unpack your swarming thoughts. Speaking out for your own reputation is as phony and selfish as can be, but it’s no different from what you’ve been doing anyway. You’re risking being seen as selfish either way. The only person close to being in the same boat as you is Chaeyoung, and she’s in a much scarier boat.
Maybe Taeyong is right and you should toughen up. It’s advice you’d given to yourself time and time again.
Mini dresses, fringe or tassels, lace, and cutouts. They were all listed as predictions for next year's trends. They’re also a description of your closet currently, even at the beginning of the year. To be fair, the amount of range your closer has could include last year’s to the next decade’s trends. Looking on Tumblr or Pinterest and the most popular runway or everyday fashion looks made you excited. You could probably recreate them almost perfectly if you wanted to. And you did. But you couldn’t.
The designer black dress in your hands still had that ‘new smell’ to it. Soon enough it’d be overtaken by the smell of your closet, not drenched in your natural scent or favorite perfume. You coast your fingers along the fabric, the smoothness of the mulberry silk interrupted by slightly coarse lace. On the site, there were beautiful thin but toned women adorned in the dress showcased to taunt you. Inviting you to follow the Instagram page to taunt you even further. More than the Tumblr and Pinterest posts already do. 
Sometimes you make it far enough with your rose-tinted glasses to try them on and look in the mirror. Sometimes they don’t fit and you feel relieved, more justified for putting a hole in your wallet and still not wearing them. But no. The black dress fits like a glove. It accentuates your figure, giving the illusion of an hourglass shape. Where could you even wear this, though? It was strapless, very short, and flared out on the sides. It seemed too flashy for a club, right? And you weren’t going to wear it to a museum or something. You don’t even go to those anyway. It would be a mistake to step out of the house in this, letting yourself be perceived by everyone. You’d be asking to be judged.
Wearing jeans and a t-shirt or a sweater or a jacket or a coat was like cloaking yourself. People are still nosy but less likely to hyper-focus on you and question your methods of covering your naked body. 
But you stand there, staring a hole into your dress through the mirror. You gnaw at the inside of your cheek feeling that contempt from when you cut your finger resurfacing. You paid four hundred for this. It fits like a glove. 
Oftentimes you think about tweets made by the women you follow. Just slightly more attractive to you than you perceive yourself. 
They’d show off just the most over-the-top outfit with so many accessories it covered more skin than the actual clothes. Sometimes they’d wear the most revealing clothes you’d ever seen, making your jaw drop. The caption accompanying the pictures would be something like ‘putting on a fashion show for my neighbors’ or ‘about to go get groceries’. Every time you’d think to yourself these people are ridiculous.
But you liked the tweets. You followed them. Left lovely comments encouraging them and got silently angry at the naysayers. Even so, there was still a voice in your mind reminding you that these actions were illogical. It was fun to engage online but never to imitate in real life. Naeun would probably laugh if she saw you in this. That was reality, you told yourself.
But as you look at yourself in the mirror, the tweets come to mind, fueling you to leave the dress on. I should do my makeup too.
You weren’t going anywhere, and if people were in the room with you they’d surely point that out, but it was thrilling. As you pat the velvety foundation onto your skin you felt a rush. You even put on the lace gloves that reached your elbow. By the time you look in the mirror again, you had strappy heels on and your hair styled. Your makeup skills were a little rusty, but your heart swelled when you looked in the mirror.
You pose like the models on the site, like the models on the runway, like users on Twitter and Tumblr. Snap, snap, snap. There’s a wall of pictures of you in your camera roll. Pictures of you that were separated by a lengthy scroll of other things before you could reach the last picture of you. And you only deleted four out of the lineup.
You load the pictures into Twitter, ready to post your four favorites when you stop. You analyze the pictures again, removing one from the tweet, replacing it, then removing that one. Ultimately you opt not to tweet the pictures. Your Tumblr had a fraction of the audience of your Twitter and the user base scared you less. So you post your original four there before you could second guess yourself. You squeal as you hit ‘Post’, tossing the phone afterward. The pings were few and far in between but they still made your heart race. You leave your phone face down on your bed.
“Hey I was thinking-” The door clicking along with the sound of Johnny’s voice made you jump and yelp. You cover your body with your pillow and gawk at him. He stops and flushes, face getting red hot within moments. Your short dress is perfectly hidden with the pillow and he’s stuttering like crazy.
“Oh my god… I am so sorry I don’t know why I didn’t knock-” It was because you were usually at your computer around this time, dressed casually with no makeup on. So the thought of you being naked behind that pillow paired with how beautiful your face and hair looked right now is very bad news for Johnny.
You’re ready to shrivel into nothing and whimper until he leaves, but then your phone starts blowing up. Ding after ding distracts the both of you from this peculiar situation. You steel yourself, slowly standing from the bed and placing your pillow back at the head of your bed. Both of you continue to look at the phone before you stand to pick it up. Tumblr, other than Instagram, is the only app you didn’t mute notifications on because of how dead it usually is. It’s been a while since you heard this many notifications. 
There was a chance your pictures got the wrong kind of traction. Someone reblogged them to pick fun at you and now everyone was laughing at you. But as you see the pictures again you think why? You like the pictures, you look over every detail and decide there’s nothing wrong with them. So why would they laugh at you?
You clench your teeth as you click over to the notification tab, completely loosening up as you’re flooded with all the cute emojis and loving words your mind registers. Your heart feels like it’ll fly right out of your chest.
Right. Exactly. 
When you look up at Johnny he’s staring at you, mouth dropped open. You steel yourself again and suck in a large breath.
“Yup. I dressed up. A-and I’m not going anywhere so don’t ask!” You respond defensively to basically nothing but it’s not like you care. Johnny swallows, failing to placate his dry throat.
“You don’t have to be. Everything looks so well put together… you look like a celebrity.”
The crease between your brow eases as your defenses fall in one great big explosion. 
Your silence spurs Johnny to speak again. “I-I mean, I’m only pointing that out because I’m sure celebrities dress up for no reason too. So it’s… normal? I didn’t mean to be weird-”
“I’m going to get groceries.” You say with a smile too big to be talking about something so mundane.
“Okay, do you need me to come?”
“Nope! I got it.” You grab your purse before heading out of your room. “Wait!” He blurts out at the last second. You grip the leather strap of your purse as you wind yourself back around to face him. You were losing your courage fast, you needed to get out of here before you chickened out. Johnny realizes his lack of haste and pries his mouth open to get on with it already. “Next time you dress up… would you mind… including me. Like before.” His wording would be vague to anyone but the two of you, and maybe Jaehyun. And perhaps it was a bold ask, maybe too soon, but this development made Johnny too giddy to stop himself.
Touched would be an understatement, you could feel innumerous emotions drumming on your heart. Awe, excitement, appreciation. Longing.
“I’d love that.” You smile, unsure steps taking you backwards out of the doorway as you flash a timid smile at him. You finally pull away, shutting him in your room to bask in the sunny interaction he just had.
The door reopens not too long after and he wonders now if you forgot something. You march back into the room, attempting to feign confidence to make up for lost momentum. “Not quite ready for that yet, so I’m gonna change.”
But you did keep the hair and makeup, if that counts for anything. You shivered with excitement as you loaded your items onto the conveyor belt.
Tumblr media
Your Tumblr had blown up in a matter of a week. The majority of your new followers had no idea who you were. Some found out through surprised replies from Dreamie fans and especially surprised ones from your older viewers, but most didn’t have a clue. It was freeing, you could read the notifications without being faced with allegations and theories. Nor any reminders.
You were still grateful for your Twitch audience, though. They were the reason you could plan to move to a different, better living quarters. You couldn’t look at them as burdens or harassers because you couldn’t blame them. They deserved to know who they were supporting, giving money to, who’s name they wore on their clothes, hats, and backpacks. You wouldn’t want to support or advertise anyone who knew or took part in that group chat either.
“You’re going to visit Chaeyoung. She wants to talk to you and I think it’s good for you to hear her out.” You nod after Taeyong speaks, noticing how sore your jaw is from clenching it so tightly.
“She’ll be free next week, I gave her your number so she’ll let you know the specific date and time. As you know, she’s a little eccentric so you won’t have to worry about how you’re dressed.” His eyes flicker over at your blouse and you curl your shoulder forward instinctively. 
It was an elegant, see through button up with sleeves that flared just after your wrists. You put a light green bralette underneath, but maybe it was too much right now.
When you were at home, though, you were unstoppable. Crafting looks was addictive, you practically ran to your room when you got home. You could finally recreate those looks you saw on social media, but you mostly did your own thing. From recreating fits with your own flare to crafting them from scratch. Posting them to Tumblr earned you so much praise and tips (which were greatly appreciated in the makeup department). It was almost as enjoyable as putting together the looks.
It was nearing the day you’re to visit Chaeyoung and someone had posted a thread of your looks to Twitter. It gained a lot of traction, in turn gaining you more followers on Tumblr. 
Then the news breaks out.
It seems like every step forward sends you two steps back. You can’t think about this right now. So you go back onto Tumblr, reading each beautiful comment. And the replies on Twitter were nice too. You were scrolling through quote tweets of the thread when you saw it.
‘A bunch of female streamers are worried sick and on the verge of a breakdown and she’s having a fashion show’
It sounded like your own brain, as if this was just a hallucination to taunt you. It wouldn’t surprise you if that were the case. Each passing day of pretending everything was fine was making you feel more and more unhinged. You keep breaking down at random moments, the tiniest inconvenients. Sometimes it genuinely felt like you were thrashing underwater, losing oxygen quickly. So yes, you use Tumblr as a distraction. You try to puff out your chest but you know you’re wrong, and you can’t bury the emotion to save your life.
You think of the screenshots Chaekyung tweeted. The absolutely abhorrent things that were said to her. How shocked she must have felt. How helpless. She was begging for help and no one would step up. 
You picture her in her room, all the horrible things people said to her loud in her mind. Wondering if no one cared about her this whole time, and what she did to deserve this.
You knock firmly on the door of her townhouse before bouncing on your toes. She takes quite a long time before finally peeking her head out of the door. 
“Hey! Just the girl I wanted to see.” She smirks and pushes the door open. As you walk into her living room you note the theme. If it weren’t for the gray walls and brown wooden flooring, you’d be walking through a black abyss. It’s quite literally her as interior design. With her choppy pitch-black hair and sleeve of tattoos, it wouldn’t make sense if her house looked any other way. Taeyong was right about one thing. You didn’t feel weird at all dressing up to come here.
“Welcome to my humble abode or as I like to call it, emo paradise.” She spreads her arms to present her home, smiling once you laugh at her joke. “Make yourself at home. I’m expecting company, I hope that’s not an issue.”
“Oh of course not.” You perk up, maybe this is just what you needed. Chaeyoung is very popular with female streamers, she could probably introduce you to potential members.
Chaeyoung pours both of you some water before settling on a stool next to you. “I hear you’re having trouble speaking your truth against YangYang.” She not so discreetly glances to catch your reaction to the question. You suck in a breath. “Yeah, but don’t worry! Taeyong is already grilling me to make sure I’m not slacking off.”
“Oh fuck that guy.” Chaeyoung says with ease before taking a sip of her drink. She nearly chokes on her water once she realizes what she’d done. “Shit! I forgot he was your boyfriend, sorry!”
Your immediate response was to be offended, but it fizzled out almost immediately. “I mean, you’re allowed to dislike him.”
“It’s not that I dislike him per se,” She starts, clearly lying, “he just seems like the type of guy to over explain simple things to you to make himself seem smart, you know?”
“So then why are you doing this with us…?” Your question makes her sport a sour expression so you quickly reframe it. “I’m not saying that to be rude! I’m genuinely curious. As soon as Taeyong told me you were helping out I was just a little confused.”
“What do you mean?”
You hum and tap your fingers against the glass. “Does it feel icky? To frame your experience as a PR stunt?”
“Not at all. You know, it was YangYang for me, too.” Hearing her say this makes you think back to both times he propositioned you. “I fucking hated that guy, but I also wanted a quickie and he was hot as hell. I could tell he was having as good a time as I was and then he suddenly pulled out the phone. He told me he wanted a picture because of how hot I was. He was really pushy about it, and to get him to just drop it already I let him. It completely ruined the mood and I left right after, but he didn’t seem to care. Now I know why.”
Chaeyoung sets her glass on the counter and looks at you. “I have niche ass tattoos everywhere. People would know it was me automatically. It’s hard to make me squirm but that really got to me once Naeun’s leaked. I was convinced they’d just start rolling them out. I was pissed. But not just because of mine, because he had the gall to do it again and again. He had so many opportunities to stop and think about what he was doing.” She quirks her jaw, anger undoubtedly coming back to her. 
“I just imagined his smug little smile while all these women were panicking and saw red. Now I don’t care what happens as long as that fucker goes down.”
Just from the short amount of time you’ve sat with her you can tell how strong she is. She’s not bluffing to make herself look cool. Sure, she’s not bawling in the corner with her knees tucked into her chest, but you can tell this situation has even her frazzled. Who knows the extent of these other girls’ grief? But something just refuses to click. Every time you try to put yourself in that headspace it slowly dissipates again.
“Aren’t you worried nothing will happen anyway? Or that you’ll make everything worse?”
“I can be careful. I know other people’s reputations are on the line. But I know I can make a difference. I’m just one person and I’m capable of making mistakes, but as long as I can inspire someone to stay strong I’m satisfied.”
Inspire someone to stay strong. You’re reminded of your younger self, as you constantly are with her being permanently embedded inside you. Sometimes you wish you could get rid of her, but other times you realize that she guides you down the right path. Current you wouldn’t have gotten through high school and try to help Johnny while you’re at it. But she did, and with a smile on her face.
“Because the last thing you want is for someone to give in.” You finish, slowly nodding your head. She smiles at you and you give a smile back. “You get it.” She punches your shoulder and you let out a genuine laugh.
“Even if it’s not for our image, I really want to make this group.”
“Then let’s do it, babe.” Chaeyoung raises her eyebrows and her glass, letting you clink yours against hers.
“Knock knock.” A soft voice calls from the door you didn’t even hear open. You turn with a smile still plastered on your face only for it to fall when you see her.
“Naeun! Welcome!” Chaeyoung scoots away from the island to run up to her.
Her eyes look tired and her hair is up in a lopsided bun. She’s dressed in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Naeun was very popular even in mainstream media for her beauty. She’s widely considered one of if not the prettiest woman on the platform. She took pride in how she looked and is sort of infamous for her extensive morning and night routine. If it weren’t for the emotional exhaustion so evident on her face you would think this is how she gets comfortable.
“Chaeyoung…” She trails off, not acknowledging your presence yet as she and Chaeyoung share a tight hug. 
“Look at you! All comfy.” She ignores the waver in Naeun’s voice, opting to distract her instead.
“Hello.” Naeun raises her voice a bit to greet you without making eye contact. 
“Hi.” You stand from the stool so fast you almost slip and fall. You stabilize yourself, unsure about how to take her not being able to look at you. “Johnny still living with you?”
Through the building guilt from seeing her in person confusion surfaces. “How did you know that?”
“He told me. He used to text me every day until he stopped out of nowhere. I didn’t know if something happened to him, he hasn’t been streaming or updating his social media.”
“Johnny? As in Johnny Suh? Isn’t that douchebag involved?” Chaeyoung’s charged glare that she throws at you sends you scrambling for a response. You hadn’t put much thought into Johnny’s involvement. The thought of him even knowing about it brings an amount of pain that is hard to grapple with. So you go to defend him, more for your own sanity than his integrity. But Naeun beats you to the punch.
“No, he’s not.” She sighs.
“How do you know?” Both you and Chaeyoung ask in unison. 
“Do you have alcohol, perchance?” She asks with a strained smile. All three of you migrate to the island and sip on small glasses of liquor, awaiting what Naeun has to say.
“Well?” Chaeyoung asks, not willing to wait any longer. 
Naeun snorts, the alcohol pooling warmly in her stomach. “He’s too much of a pussy to do it.”
“That’s… not evidence.”
“And also kinda rude.” You defend him before you can catch yourself. Maybe it’s a little embarrassing, but you decide to stand by it.
Naeun hated talking about Renjun’s party. When she turned up sobbing at her parent’s house they forced it out of her, and now the only things people want to talk about are just motherfucking YangYang and the party. And how turned on her body made them. Naeun lets out a hefty sigh and pulls a nail file from her purse.
“The moment my pictures got leaked my mind went into attack mode and called Johnny screaming. It was just sketchy reflecting on how he sent me to check on you and YangYang. Too convenient.” She stops filing her nails to point the glass file at you. Johnny tried to stop him a second time? You thought.
The feeling that Johnny was a sweet guy lingered even after she cussed him out. Through her anguish, her brain kept nagging at her. Johnny wouldn’t do this, you know that. 
She kept wondering why. Why was her mind so sure when her heart ached and she couldn’t stop crying long enough to breathe? When Taeyong first introduced the two of them she noticed a difference automatically. His eyes didn’t track down to her breasts. He was a gentleman, and not in the way that reeks of sleaziness and entitlement. He didn’t give her that wide, phony grin when he opened doors for her or when he offered her his jacket.
They didn’t hang out much, but when they did it felt like a natural human interaction. Not some drooling hound ogling a piece of raw steak. And even after all of that, after all of the niceties and courtesy and genuine conversation, the first favor he asked of her wasn’t a date or sex. It was to check on you. Naeun got the feeling he wasn’t the type to plan all of that in advance for something like this. She just felt it. And she’s been around lots of guys.
“It wasn’t all the voicemails or texts, it was hindsight. Chaeyoung, you’re friends with a lot of lady streamers. Have you ever heard about Johnny being sleazy?” She keeps her eyes trained on the translucent drink on the table, face slotted in between her hands.
Chaeyoung’s eyes flip up to the ceiling giving the question a good amount of consideration. “No, honestly I haven’t heard of him even getting with girls non-sleazily. I remember at one point questioning if he was gay…”
“He’s not gay.” Naeun grins with a short exhaled laugh. “He’s just softer than people think he’s supposed to be. He’s a “pussy”, but to me, that’s not a bad thing.” She glances over at you and Chaeyoung with heavy lids. Through her words and lazy gaze, both of you feel a bit criticized, and maybe rightfully so. 
You continue to look into Naeun’s eyes and she gives you a soft, seemingly empathetic smile. She had a softie once. She watched him turn into a monster and then vanish. 
“You’ve got a good one. You should keep him around.”
“He’s not-”
There it was, that incessant part of your brain here to remind you of everything Johnny has done. To keep you strong and vigilant. For the longest time, Johnny was this scary monster in your brain, huge as he loomed over you. But after leaving the group he slowly shrunk and became less threatening until now after over a month of living with him. Now all you see is this wide-eyed guy so eager to prove himself to you. Thinking about it, he crumbled as soon as you put your foot down. The others remained wicked ‘til the very end, but Johnny came around almost immediately, warning you when his friends were coming. Maybe he was a pussy. You snort before bursting into a fit of unrestrained laughter. You always were a lightweight.
Naeun watches in awe before cackling herself as Chaeyoung looks on in confusion. 
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You say between laughs.
“Well, he wants to be.” Naeun recovers before shrugging. You wind down shortly after, her words hitting you like a ton of bricks.
“No, he doesn’t like girls like me.”
“Girl, you’re the only person he’s remotely shown any interest in.” Chaeyoung rolls her eyes.
“You don’t know that.”
“I’m pretty sure she’s right,” Naeun notes after a moment of silence. “And if “girls like me” means what I think it means, and you’re thinking what I think you are, he hasn’t flirted or shown interest in me.” After so long of no courting, Naeun just assumed he was like that. 
“What do you think it means?” You say.
“I think it means you see yourself as lesser than because you don’t look like a model. It’s a global dilemma, I think.”
“Huh.” You weren’t sure if she meant to sting you with her words, but it sure worked if she did. It’s not like you didn’t know you weren’t model material, but sometimes hearing other people confirm your biggest concern in life makes it too real. Suddenly you’re all too aware of what you look like. You decided to be bold and wear a cropped sleeveless corset and heavier eye makeup. Even with no makeup, heavy eye bags, and a dull sweat suit, Naeun outclassed you by a mile. She made that actually messy bun look intentional.
“I dunno. I think you’re pretty cute.” Chaeyoung shrugs before throwing back the rest of her liquor. You grin tightly before pouring more in your cup. “Thanks, Chaeyoung.”
“Now tell me about this group.” Naeun starts. You’re too far gone to think about work right now. “I hear we’re using Taeyong?”
“Naeun!” Chaeyoung nearly chokes again before hissing at the woman. Naeun looks at her confused. You’re lost in your own world, feeling like your corset is pressing into your skin all of a sudden. Oh shit, Taeyong is your boyfriend.
“He’s my boyfriend! Hey!” You close your eyes as if to punctuate your lackluster defense of the man. “No using him!”
Naeun’s face suddenly goes grim as she warily says your name, but you don’t see it. Not that you need to, the tone of her voice is confusing enough.
The room is suddenly so quiet you could hear a pin drop. It unsettles everyone in the room but mostly you. You weren’t drunk enough to miss how somber the atmosphere became. Your head snaps toward Naeun who’s giving you a similar look as the one she gave at the party. Like she had just found you with someone nefarious.
 “Not him…”
Johnny sets a package on your bed. Must be another clothing brand sending you free stuff. You’re nearly back to your old ways in terms of fashion. He has witnessed you on multiple occasions second guess your outfit choice as soon as you leave the room and go to put on something safer. On your Tumblr, you post all of the bold looks.
jonvvie: this one looks like an outfit you wore in middle school
___: is this an insult? lol
jonvvie: no! I think it’s cool hwo you made it mor emature
jonvvie: how*
jonvvie: more mature*
Johnny smiles again at the meme you sent making fun of his typos. The person who messages him on Tumblr and the one stumbling drunk through the door feel like polar opposites. 
“Fuck Taeyong!” You slur before slamming the door shut. Johnny rushes up to you and guides you to the sofa. He leaves to fill a glass with water before returning to your hiccuping figure. He sets the cup on a coaster before taking your heels off. “That cold sunuvabitch.”
Johnny silently hands you the water and buries his confusion. It seems like you’re gonna spill everything on your own. You actually spill your water all over your shirt before swearing loudly and sending the cup crashing to the floor. “Fuck!”
“Be careful.” Johnny urges, curling your legs onto the couch. 
“We’re gonna take that asshole down. Pull the rug right under his stupid feet. He won’t know a thing.”
Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, he caves. “What do you mean…”
“I dunno, kill him?? No, too risky…” You think for a moment, looking like you’re dozing off as Johnny cleans up the glass and water. You suddenly gasp. “We should blackmail that fucker. Make him do what we want or else.”
“And what do we want?”
“I want…” You pause, suddenly feeling a lot more somber than mere seconds before. Your muddled brain couldn’t make sense of it. You wanted Taeyong. You always have. You finally did it, dated the man of your dreams. “He doesn’t touch me, Johnny.” Your lip quivers suddenly and you want to drive a piece of glass into your throat, but Johnny had already tossed them from the dustpan and was making his way back. “He hasn’t kissed me since the day we first had sex. We don’t have sex.” The words don’t even sound right. A man doesn’t want to have sex? Imagine being so unattractive that a guy doesn’t even wanna fuck you. You laugh derisively at your own misfortune.
“That’s okay, because once I’m done with his ass, I can have Jungwoo again and my bed will at least be warm some of the time.”
Johnny frowns. You must not be searching for suitors or going on dates, either because you’ve been waiting for Taeyong or Johnny ruined that for you too. Possibly both.
Now that Taeyong and your brain have ripped away your last shred of confidence, you were bitter. You wanted Taeyong and you’ve always wanted him, but what about the future? When you’re with him he only looks at you to silently belittle you or to make sure you’re listening to him yap. And all about him looking down on you for wanting to do right by what happened to you? And him speaking so casually about this horrible situation like it’s just another job for him to complete?
You gave him the benefit of the doubt. He wakes up at 6 am every day and is out all the time. Working hard, you thought. When in actuality he was visiting Naeun. 
“He started talking to me before dating Nayeon. I liked him for a moment but he said something that didn’t sit right with me, so I pulled away. He’s been pursuing me ever since, apparently through two relationships.”
When he was sucking up to Naeun, did he belittle her too? Or was she too pretty for that? Despite Naeun’s notoriety for her beauty, you would bet on him being discounting her suffering. He probably said something like ‘But that’s in the past now, look!’ And showing how many people support her. Not even factoring in her nudes still being passed around on the internet like a hot potato. ‘Your followers are growing, isn’t that a good thing?’
“You know what I really want? I wanna help those girls.” Gaining a new boost of adrenaline from the idea you settle onto your knees before looking at Johnny and grabbing his face. “You said you didn’t have anything to do, right?”
“I-I uh-”
“Great! We should shut down that group chat ourselves.” You pat his face maybe a little too hard but you were high off of adrenaline right now.
“We can use… Taeyong… somehow… to gain access to the server and shut it the fuck down.”
“I’m liking this plan, but we should talk about it more when you’re sober.” Johnny laughs at how hard you're thinking and how unnatural your blinking is.
“Fine! And sleep in my goddamn bedroom tonight! I made that floor bed up for you and it takes up so much space and I trip on it sometimes and you keep sleeping on the couch!”
Johnny purses his lips before nodding. “Okay. I will.” He lies.
“I’m drunk, not stupid.” You poke his chest. “I know you’re not gonna do it, liar.”
“The couch is fine.”
“You’re always fuckin’ tip toeing around me like I’m the one that hurt you. I should be the one tip toeing motherfucker.”
Your words burn like hell, but there’s no emotion in your voice or face clear enough to decipher them properly.  “So stop! Just sleep in my room.”
“I just don’t wanna move too fast.” Johnny stresses as if you’re in your right mind.
“You know, I’m pretty sure we did a blood shake. We’re blood bonded!”
“And spit bonded, I know.”
“Exactly! You’re the one who fucked up. I’m still a good friend.” You point at him before pointing at yourself and looking at him with your barely open eyes. “Matter of fact, where’s a piece of glass,”
“Okay. That’s enough.” He courts you off to your room, getting an earful of your drunken ranting as he tucks you in.
“Good night, we’ll talk in the morning.”
You give him a complicated look, the words having a hard time coming out even in your drunken stupor. You grab his hand, “You’re not lying?”
Johnny kneels, looking at you like he’s never been more serious in his entire life. “You can trust me.”
You're out by the time he’s made it back to your door. He glances back and decides to tuck you in properly. The sound of your computer dinging catches his ear. He walks over to turn it off and can’t help the words his eyes involuntarily catch.
There’s a chat box open between you and an account called ‘gnuykeahc’.
___: Id love you to join
It was the first message he picked up, the second one being the one before that, filling him in further.
___: the group so far consists of me, Chaeyoung, and hopefully Naeun
At the very top are a few that concern him from the other user. 
gnuykeahc: I can’t help but wonder if you’re only speaking to me because Twitter called you out
gnuykeahc: I have nothing against you but I refuse to entertain your attempts to clear your conscience 
gnuykeahc: I’m sorry
The next messages show you acknowledging her accusations, never making any attempt to refute them. Some messages manage to make Johnny a little sad.
___: I just wish I could make this all go away for you
You knocked out for about three hours before your eyes shot open. You look down at the floor bed, it has become instinctual at this point, and see that it’s empty. The sight adds so much weight to your already heavy heart that you start to cry.
For a moment you actually thought Taeyong was working hard for you. You were sick of being on the side while everyone else prospered. You thought he understood you and fought for you. You have dreamed of this moment since you met Taeyong. You thought that maybe one day he’d spare you some of his love. All you got was a label and a publicity stunt. That’s what this had to be, right? 
You shouldn’t be crying, you should be celebrating. Here’s to sex! You being a little less trapped! But the young girl inside you was strong. Stronger than you. So you spend the night lamenting your first love.
Naeun: Hey, got time to talk?
It felt surreal. Not only was she okay but she was reaching out to him to talk? Not cussing him out? It had to be a miracle. Whatever higher power that was up there was being much too gracious to him recently. Him and Naeun meet at a bar. She’s sporting a mask and cap and clothing much more casual than he’d ever seen her in. He quietly sits next to her at a table in the corner. She doesn’t acknowledge him but there’s no way she didn’t see him sit down.
“I’m so-”
“Nope. Not doing that. I don’t want to talk about that situation at all.” She cringes as she instantly shoots him down.
“But I think we need to talk about it, and my involvement, all of that.” Johnny presses.
“I know you weren’t involved. I can tell. I was just really worked up that night. Chaeyoung was ringing my phone off the hook to wake me up and then I got that news. I’m sorry for biting your head off.” She mumbles the last part.
“Don’t be sorry. I didn’t know about the group chat but I was still okay with those guys being douchebags. I was a douchebag and I enabled them.”
Naeun chews at her dry lips beneath the mask. Her skin was a mess and she was behind on her lip treatment. She felt disgusting. She didn’t know that the way she shied away from him and the way she acted after this whole debacle was very familiar for Johnny. “What’s important is that you didn’t cross the line.”
“I’m talking about what YangYang and those other guys did. That level, you haven’t reached that. You still have time to mend what you’ve done. Starting with your roommate.”
“Who, ___?” Johnny says, looking at her in confusion. “Where is this coming from?”
Naeun sighs, cradling her head in her hands. “I told her about Taeyong. I didn’t know she’d react like that. I expected her to be heartbroken, but I thought she’d just go home early or something. Not down an entire bottle of grey goose. She was already tipsy from the tiniest amount.”
Johnny laughs. “Yeah, she always was a lightweight.” You never quite explained what happened, and Johnny was tempted to ask. He stops himself. You’ll tell him if you want him to know.
"You need to hurry up and tell that girl you love her.“
It was Johnny’s turn to let out a heavy sigh. He should order a drink or two. “I can’t do that. Not yet.”
“Why not?”
“Things are going so well.” Johnny says. He’s fine with waiting. “And I’m sure she’s aware I love her. We’ve known each other since middle school, that doesn’t just go away.”
“What? No you idiot. I mean romantically.” Naeun watches as his face turns beet red and she blows a raspberry and drops her head. “Unbelievable.”
“I definitely can’t do that.” Johnny shakes his head frantically. “She doesn’t like guys like me anyway.”
Naeun laughs again, this time sarcastically. “The two of you I swear…” She sobers her expression and finally looks Johnny dead in the eyes. “She needs you.”
Johnny thinks back to your sobs muffled by your closed door. He let out a few tears himself that night. “Well, I’m here. Plus, she’s still in love with Taeyong, despite whatever he did.”
“You’re probably right, but you have to promise you’ll confess after she gets over it.”
“I’m not gonna do that.”
“What, promise? Fine. But at least consider it.”
Naeun wasn’t quite grasping what Johnny was worried about. He wasn’t too surprised. It isn’t every day you meet a pairing like you and Johnny. “I’m just worried I’ll do something and mess everything up.” This is Johnny’s last chance to do right by you. He blinks away the tears threatening to humiliate him. “I can’t lose her.”
“This is so cliche, do I even need to say it? If you love her, you have to be okay with letting her go. If she’s over Taeyong and reacts negatively to your confession to the point that it’s relationship ending, maybe it was time for that relationship to end anyway.”
She was so blunt. She definitely doesn’t understand. She could’ve stabbed him and that would’ve hurt less. The tear rolls down his face and he angrily wipes them away. He can’t think of a response that isn’t driven by his heightened emotions.
“Maybe she doesn’t need you but,”
“Naeun, I get it-”
“I had a relationship like you guys’ in high school.”
Johnny’s jaw clamps shut, resentment having a hard time draining from his eyes but he hears her out. 
“She said a lot about the two of you while she was drunk. Sorry if she reamed you that night, I would blame Chaeyoung.��� She starts, continuing when Johnny just grits his teeth. “I told you about the guy that gave me hell in high school. Well, we used to be best friends. I’m talking knew each other as toddlers. Our fathers were best friends and they promised to make their kids friends as well. It worked. He and I were like each other’s diary. I could tell him anything and it just made me feel better.” A strong bond like that seemed near impossible to end badly. Maybe drift apart, but to become enemies and hurt someone you loved for so long?
“We were inseparable by the time high school came around. One night at a party we got drunk and hooked up. I could tell something changed the next day. Something was wrong. I tried to go over to his house and his mom mean-mugged me before slamming the door in my face. He spread the rumor about me being a disease-ridden-slut and the rest was history.” She recounts wistfully as if she wasn’t telling the most heart wrenching story Johnny had ever heard.
“Why didn’t you tell me the two of you used to be friends?”
“Because I tried to pretend it wasn’t true. It was easier that way.” Naeun was feeling about ready for a drink as well. “This mess is bringing it all back. I can’t believe I’m telling you this.”
“And for what? To make me feel better? Why are you being so charitable, Miss Lee?” Johnny nudges her with his shoulder and she smiles.
“Like I said. You didn’t reach that level.” He was able to pull back before he did something truly despicable. All because of how much he loved you. Naeun dreamt all the time that Sungchan didn’t let his mother slam that door on her. That he pushed through and embraced her and told her it was gonna be okay.
Johnny’s heart ached for the woman beside him. As if it didn’t ache enough already. She turns to him, staring longingly into his eyes before pulling her mask down. Before they could notice what was happening, they were drawing nearer before they tenderly closed the gap. They pull back after a short kiss, neither of them feeling what they intended.
“We can play around for now, but we can’t fix each other.” Naeun shakes her head. “We can only do that for ourselves.”
You’ve spent the entire day crying. It took everything in you not to cry when Taeyong was here. He asked if it was because of Johnny. An act. A poor one that somehow you completely missed. Right when you thought there weren’t any tears left, you cried some more. It was always a far-fetched fantasy.
But the more anguish you experienced, the more serious you felt about your plan. Johnny rushes into the door late at night, throwing his jacket right on the floor.
“Let’s do this.”
Working together with Johnny, Naeun, and Chaeyoung, you were so confident. You were passionate and angry. It was the clearest glimpse of the old you Johnny had gotten in ages. But the day Taeyong is supposed to come over you lose a lot of that drive. It’s quickly replaced with anxiety. 
Naeun’s advice weighs heavy on Johnny’s mind. It would absolutely kill him if his confession ruined your relationship. He doesn’t even want to entertain that thought. But maybe Naeun was right about letting you go.
Before he even thinks about doing that, he’s going to do everything in his power to make a significant impact on your life. More than the pitiful kid from your childhood or your supposed best friend that hurt you. He wants to set you back on track to the amazing person you were destined to be before he derailed you.
“What’re you nervous about.”
“Um…” You stare at the door, waiting for him to walk in. After this the two of you will be broken up. “I-I don’t know what’s about to happen and I’m scared.”
“What’s gonna happen is we’ll talk to him just like we practiced and it’s gonna work out.” Johnny glances over with a smile as you stand side by side.
“How can you be so sure? I just- I don’t understand.” There was nothing to be so sure about, nothing guaranteeing their success. You’d have a much easier time in life if you could figure out what everyone else’s confidence was rooted in.
“Because you’re determined to make things right.” When your head swivels toward Johnny he gives you a serious expression. “And I am too.”
The door opens but the two of you don’t stop looking at each other. Taeyong huffs as he sits at your dining table, one of the two main areas that have become your judgment zone. He jogs a stack of papers before giving the two of you a weary look without moving his head.
“Can you leave for a second? I’d like to talk to my girlfriend.”
Seeing his face again you realize something that brings an inkling of your fire back. Taeyong hadn’t visited nor spoken to you in six days.
“We’d both actually like to talk to you.” You state, making Taeyong look confusedly between the both of you. “We need you to do us a favor. We want access to the group chat and we know you’ve got connections.”
“Bold of you to assume. Even if I did, I’m not getting involved with that more than I have to be.” Taeyong replies without a second of consideration.
“Okay then, fine.” You settle at the table across from him. Your jaw was starting to get sore again as you stare him down. “I know about Naeun, she knows about me, and we’d both like you to leave us the fuck alone.” You spit, nostrils flaring as the contempt for this man builds inside of you. Six days.
“Naeun-” He scrunches his eyebrows before dread sets in on his face. “Hold on-” He fishes for his stupid phone in his pocket, only fueling your fire more.
“No need. Naeun blocked your number and gave us screenshots of your conversations. We’re not gonna post them as long as you just help us.” Johnny remains calm and rational, an accidental good cop to your bad cop.
“So, what, you’re blackmailing me? Even if that wasn’t a crime you should know to tread carefully, right?” Taeyong remains calm as well, giving that look that shows just how he thinks of the people around him.
“If you do a thing to either of our reputations Naeun will finally make a statement and include you in it, and your creepy and disrespectful texts to her.” You respond, not as calm but your passion made him falter a bit.
“You’re really gonna blackmail me for this? your pictures aren’t even in there.” Taeyong reasons frustratedly.
“Doesn’t matter to me. I know it’s a hard concept for you to understand, but I don’t like to see people get hurt. I played it your way and it felt horrible. I don’t know how you live like this but I don’t care. Just get us what we need and we’ll part ways for good.” It takes everything in Johnny not to give you a proud look.
Taeyong laughs mockingly, tilting his head to the side before looking back at you. “After all that work I put into helping with your group you’re just gonna kick me to the curb?”
“All that work?” You stand from the table as you glare at him. “You mean flirting with Naeun while we were in a relationship?”
“Please don’t stand there and act like you weren’t willfully ignorant. I let you live your fantasy and you ignored all the red flags and read fanfiction. The two of you are really good at dodging blame.” Johnny grabs your shoulders when he senses you’re about to blow up.
“You asshole…” Your voice trembles.
“Look, we just need to gain access to the group chat. That’s all. We just need that one favor, it doesn’t have to get messy.” Johnny hesitates for a moment, he didn’t want you to find out like this. “You already said how much you don’t want to be around her.” You go limp in Johnny's grasp and he lets you go, ignoring the way you look back at him.
“You know what? You’re right. I’ve probably lost ten years off my life dealing with you basket cases. So let’s just get this over with. Also, hun,” He looks at you, smiling even though tears are welling in your eyes. “Good luck on stopping that incoming hate train. You were too busy doing this, I hope you know it’s too late.”
The moment your front door closes you collapse to the floor. Johnny follows you, not holding you but staying close.
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//eight months later\\
“Johnny.” You can hear him dragging his feet, explaining why it takes so long for him to appear in your doorway. You just smile from your bed. He knows exactly why you called him.
“Good news, taking my time worked. They completely trust me now.” Johnny forces a smile but you still just stare at him. “So we can start phase two.”
His smile flickers when you sit up in bed.
“Doesn’t that make you happy-”
“Johnny come in here and go to sleep.”
He makes a show of his long sigh. He thinks he’s slick, only coming in to sleep on the floor mattress once you’ve fallen asleep. You got up in the middle of the night one time and he’d dozed off on the couch watching a movie.
“I’m not tired yet.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t relax here. Hell, you could even watch Netflix on my computer if you want.” You suggest lightly as you point to your computer.
Johnny is far past vagueness, the two of you had a long discussion about communication. “Don’t you want some time to yourself? We see each other all day.”
“Not really, I’m sitting at my computer most of the time.”
You were right. The only time you hung out was when you ate dinner or you joined him on the couch and watched whatever was playing. “We don’t have to talk to each other either. You can just lay down or sit in my computer chair. It doesn’t have to be awkward.”
“Okay!” Johnny moves his feet before he could hesitate any more. He lays stiffly on the bed and you curl your body over to look at him. His eyes dance around, refusing to land on you staring at him. He didn’t even get under the covers, he just laid perfectly still with his arms by his side.
“Lovie, what are you doing?”
Johnny groans and presses his cold fingers to his hot face. That name being back was still very new. “Just laying down like you asked.”
“Suggested,” you correct, “and you can always go sit on the couch if you’re uncomfy.”
“No,” Because then he’d have to admit something else was bothering him. Your new room was much more spacious now, so it’s much less suffocating than it would’ve been. Your perfume had already soaked the air of this room. You’ve tried out a new fragrance, one even more intoxicating. Though, anything you decided to spritz your body and clothes with would drive him mad.
You watch him for a few more seconds before taking a quick inhale. “Well I’m going to sleep.”
It’s quiet… it’s awkward. At least for Johnny. You were probably taking your own advice and not making it awkward. His nightmares haven’t exactly gone away, but with the help of his therapist they haven’t been as debilitating. He explained the obvious, that they were rooted in guilt.
“I know that. It’s just getting over the guilt.”
“Do you want to get over the guilt?”
He wanted to answer yes immediately, like it was obvious, but he retracted his answer. Johnny was constantly raking himself over the coals. Telling himself he deserved every bad thing that happened to him.
“I did something horrible.”
“You told me about what she said while she was drunk, is that consistent with her sober opinions?”
Johnny knew what he was doing. She got over it so why don’t you? 
“So if she didn’t forgive me, I would be deserving of punishment then but not now?”
“Maybe you should try considering the reasoning behind her forgiveness and not the action itself.”
He didn’t ask him, he should’ve, he’ll remind himself for the next session. What if the reasoning isn’t sound? What if she forgave me too rashly?
“Why did you forgive me?” He forced his question free before it could be locked behind a high security vault. You don’t answer quickly which leads him to believe you’d fallen asleep while he was in deep thought.
“Pretty intense question for bedtime don’t you think?”
Johnny panics, wishing he could wrangle the question and shove it into the vault. Beyond the possibility of the question bothering you was the answer not being something he wanted to hear. What was he thinking?
“It’s my fault. All of this.”
You ever thinking that was remotely possible was a mind boggling riddle he’d rather you explain yourself. He makes a bewildered noise after failing to come up with words.
“I introduced us to Taeyong. I was selfish. He was the only person who smiled at me in the halls when everyone else scowled. He helped me when my books fell. He didn’t back down when his friends made fun of him or Hyojong and Hyuna threatened him. I was a child, but I wonder if I did all of that for my own gain.”
Johnny feels angered by your assumption, ready to scold you for even thinking that way, but he realizes how hard this must be for you. This isn’t the first time since he’s been living with you that you’ve expressed these concerns. You’re just trying to grapple with the aftermath of all of this just like he is.
“I introduced YangYang to the group, and Taeyong invited Nayeon. Lucas and Doyoung came on their own.” He repeats what Taeyong told him that day. “That’s just how it is, but it isn’t so cut and dry. You and I invited who we thought would enrich our lives and each other’s.” YangYang was the only guy in Johnny’s life that didn’t make fun of your looks at the time. Johnny even saw what you saw in Taeyong at first. That’s how it started, bringing people into each other’s lives that would heal your shared wounds.
“Taeyong didn’t pick on you for liking flowers…” Your voice got quieter. “So I thought he was okay.”
“Hey.” Johnny gets up from his bed to kneel beside yours. You turn onto your side and rest your hands over the edge. He places both of his over yours. Neither of you realize that the other is experiencing the same electricity. “I’m fine. Your own mental health should be your priority.”
You breathe a small laugh. Of course it sounds obvious when he says it like that. “I’m a grown man.” Your smile drains away when he says that again.
“Johnny, what does that even mean? You don’t need support?” You ask frustratedly, wanting to get to the bottom of this. “It means I’m not a little boy anymore.” He replies like it’s nothing. Like his own words aren’t kickstarting a whirlwind of thoughts.
“Am I meant to believe all the suffering I witnessed was nothing?”
You forgave him because you thought you caused all this. That’s simply not true, and that reasoning was flimsy just like he thought it would be. Once you fully realize it’s not your fault, you’ll realize you don’t actually forgive him as well. He wants to sulk about it, but his emotions aren’t important here.
“You have enough on your plate.” He murmurs dismissively. He doesn’t explain any further despite what the two of you talked about. He just rolls away from you and stays silent until your mind tires from the endless concerns and lulls you to sleep.
rawdawg: the pussy messiah has arrived!
Johnny cringes at each message that pops up after he speaks. It turns out it was a discord server. No new pictures have been arriving because the three suppliers had fucked off out of fear. The group chat members chastised them but they weren’t stupid enough to go do it either. Even before the leak.
jonssuh: been having fun?
rawdawg: you know it
rawdawg: we got something for ya!
Johnny already knows to look away when the picture loads and scroll up.
jonssuh: what is it? it’s not loading
rawdawg: that stupid bitch purkyung’s nudes, she took them for someone else on snapchat and he got a screenshot
There’s no way those were Chaekyung’s pictures. Most female streamers are still on high alert. And from the few times she’s agreed to meet up with you to talk, she does not seem like the type to make a slip up like this. Johnny was still panicking, though. Hers or not, it was her words against everyone who didn’t like her, which was still unfortunately a lot.
8==D: we should leak it lol
morbius sweep: are you dumb?
morbius sweep: we should blackmail her instead
He told you he’d move forward tomorrow but he wasn’t sure if these were empty threats. These were the three most active users on the server other than Johnny himself trying to build a rapport. They were undeniably lowlifes willing to throw their own lives away to tear other people down and nut in the process. Is this what Johnny looked like to you all these years? Is this how he would’ve ended up in some alternate universe? 
Johnny quickly texts you that he’s starting before switching back over to discord.
rawdawg: @ jonssuh are you ever gonna stream again man? you were so funny bro
Blerg: he was super laid back
fbivfk: top tier streamer
As the praise poured in he saw a text from you at the top of the screen.
___: okay. I’m ready
He reviews the plan in his head but keeps getting distracted by the change in discussion. After this, the server would be gone.
morbius sweep: he was legit the funniest one in the group I’m not gonna lie
The first time Lucas ever called him funny was like a temporary high. Especially after all the times he and other people called him corny or lame. He chased that high like his life depended on it. The high was so strong he was able to block out your suffering and at some points, incite it himself. He feels a flicker of that high reading these messages. It had been a while since someone stroked his ego. Right now he was effectively living his high school dream. Having sex with a beautiful woman while being called cool by people similar to the ones that ridiculed him. The people whose opinions mattered the most.
Would his younger self be able to overlook all the caveats littered amongst this fairytale? These people, they’re pathetic. Scrounging for nudes of women who would never give them the time of day. He can’t unsee the piteous nature of it all. And Naeun isn’t fucking him because she’s obsessed with him or thinks he’s cool. Laying in her bed night after night is a constant reminder that she is still coping with her heartbreak. 
Worst of all, Johnny couldn’t like the girl if he tried. He’s coming to terms with it now, the fact that you can’t control who you yearn for. You can either deny it and become bitter and miserable or just face the facts.
8==D: Doyoung and Lucas are pretty funny too
rawdawg: we all know who wasn’t
8==D: lol
morbius sweep: at least she isn’t blabbing online like Mark is
rawdawg: she knows her place
The image of your sullen expression was burned into his retinas, and it was even more vivid in this all too familiar situation.
jonssuh: you guys are too kind
jonssuh: I see the archive is filling up, yong is tellin me the cops are talking to him now about the group chat
jonssuh: they’re gonna be on our asses at any moment
rawdawg: this shit is so tiring
morbius sweep: stupid pigs
8==D: I’m not trying to fuck around man, I already deleted everything off my phone
Atreus: why? it’s not that serious
8==D: you’re willing to go to jail over this? the pictures will still be in the archive
rawdawg: just delete em until they can the investigation again
morbius sweep: if we get caught you know they’re siding with the chicks just like everyone else is.
The chat continues to go back and forth just like you predicted. You even prepared a back up plan in case people refused to cooperate. In the end, the consensus is that it’s better to be cautious. There are definitely some users lying about cooperating, and still a couple refusing altogether. 
He wants to ask why they’re doing any of this when the risk of another woman getting exposed is still there. Johnny felt the same skepticism when talking about Chaekyung with you. She seems to only be meeting with you so you’ll eventually leave her alone. She doesn’t seem keen at all. 
“It’s about bringing peace of mind. To make the situation less harrowing.”
Johnny starts typing again. Maybe the people who still have pictures will be too cowardly to post them.
jonssuh: @ everyone make sure to delete them, if they search your phone and find them you’ll be getting me in trouble with you
It takes longer than he expected, then again he was being impatient. He was pacing in the living room until everyone in the server took the poll. Ninety-seven percent said they followed through, the other three percent checked that they wouldn’t.
jonssuh: last call! I’m about to lock away the archive until this clears up
You bite your nails as you wait on him to tell you when. You have the server owner’s password written on a napkin for time sake. 
“Did he say it yet?” Chaeyoung asks for a second time.
“No.” You confirm in a low voice, concentrating on your phone. You weren’t sure if this could get you in trouble with the law. Tampering with evidence, or something. You were surprised by how little you cared. They fumbled the ball once and now you were taking matters into your own hands. Truly getting rid of the pictures for good.
Lovie: NOw
You race to log in, fingers trembling as you quickly mouse over the server settings. With a few clicks the server is deleted, and if Johnny followed the order correctly the archive was too. You jump up from your seat with an elated squeak. “I did it! It’s done!”
Chaeyoung hugs you from your back and hoists you into the air with a grunt. You’re not even phased by your sudden airborne state. This was finally over.
Getting over Taeyong is harder than you care to admit. He never loved you, it’s what you keep telling yourself. But then you think of his body pressed against yours in the back of Lucas’s car. How you were sure he was about to kiss you. The night he asked to be with you, that kiss was breathtaking. The sex, you were so eager to give yourself to him. It was easy to convince yourself that he felt something too.
But as time went on, you found out what real pain felt like. You tried to keep it concealed to not worry your friends or fans but you were suffering. He was pure evil and you fell head first into his trap. 
You steadily cut the carrot on the chopping board, being sure to go slow as you felt your heart wither. It hits you randomly, strong bursts of sorrow that send you toppling over like a flimsy house of cards. Reality hitting you coincided with taking the group chat down. Chaeyoung tweeted about it, even though that wasn’t part of the plan. You all were only supposed to tell the people involved so they could worry less. The tweet gained a lot of traction and news spread fast. You and Johnny were getting so much love. The groupchat and most of the pictures were gone, and your group was coming along swimmingly. All you could think about was how easily Taeyong toyed with your heart.
You stop and set the knife down for a moment to collect yourself. You inhale, surprised when your breath gets caught. You feel your eyes start to get misty and try to distract yourself. Johnny is right next to you preparing the meat. Neither of you have reached out to the other directly to help. It’s strange, because the other seems eager to do the helping. Johnny can be a bit sheepish about it, but he expresses his willingness to help in small ways.
Envisioning Johnny comforting you doesn’t sound bad at all. In fact, the two of you find ways to touch each other all the time. It’s electrifying, even when it’s his fingers brushing against your arm. You wouldn’t mind a hug right now. But it’s getting to that part that’s difficult for you.
“Takin’ a break?” He asks amusedly. You don’t mean to be cold but you’re in no mood to joke right now. You turn away from him slightly, knowing the tears are coming. Crying wasn’t going to help anything, and you’d look absolutely pathetic begging for a hug. How could he even stand being around you for so long?
He calls your name cautiously before setting aside the spice bottle in his hand. He inches closer to you and feels it. You cried a lot when you first found out Taeyong was cheating. Then it subsided. Then Taeyong looked straight into your eyes while he crushed your heart in his hands. You focused your energy on the plan and your group, but he could still hear you every night. Then it just stopped. 
But as he approached you, he could tell this was different. He got an inkling you were no longer mourning the relationship. You were starting to put the pieces together.
“If you need to go lay down, I’ll finish myself.” Johnny successfully catches a glimpse of your face. You looked disturbed by whatever was churning in your brain. Should he have told you what he realized way back when Jaehyun was here? Every time he considered it it felt like that night he ran to your house. You had a right to be defensive, and maybe telling you now would make you realize you still don’t forgive him.
It happens in an instant, your face was dry and then comes the flow of tears. “I’m sorry.” He was probably sick of hearing you cry, and now you were doing it in front of him. “I-I’m sorry I’ll go,” You replace your wavering voice with a sturdier one as you try to peel away.
Johnny grabs your shoulder gently and reaches for the other, turning you to face him. You guard your tear-soaked face. “It’s not a big deal, I know.” You say as if you know he’s thinking it. He shakes his head dumbfoundedly.
“It is a huge deal. I’m just sorry you had to find out this way.” It’s hard for him to focus as he watches you cry. He’s consoled you probably a hundred times. Even if he hasn’t done it in a while, he has a starting point. The only caveat is that once he does this, he knows it’ll only be harder to leave. As he brushes your tears away with the back of his hand you feel that electricity again, and you convince yourself that maybe it’s just because it’s been a while. You unguard your face, letting him see your desolation in all its glory. You feel yourself unwittingly tensing up as if you were preparing for something bad, but as you bathe in his doting gaze you realize something. You don’t feel small or insignificant at all.
Then he takes your hand and guides you to the couch. He sits in the middle and pulls you to sit in between his knees. As soon as you’re settled there your heart is set alight when you realize. That’s not even half of the emotion Johnny is feeling as massages his fingers into your scalp. Just like when you were kids, your neck goes limp and you rest it on his right thigh. A lengthy sigh leaks from your lips as your body starts to untense. Johnny’s heart is filled beyond capacity as he watches serenity wash over your features. It feels like it could burst.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You ask, voice still feeble. You remember vividly how hurt you felt when Johnny spoke to Taeyong. You already said how much you don’t want to be around her. You’ve never felt so undesirable in your life. Those words had a hand in tainting your memories of Taeyong. Johnny doesn’t doubt for a second you’re talking about Taeyong. It’s loaded in your eyes every time you’ve looked at him since. That unspoken acknowledgement.
“At first I held off because I didn’t want it to be like that night we all came over. When YangYang first tried to take advantage of you. I’ll be honest, I was worried about you, but deep inside I knew it was just a ploy to see you again.” Johnny starts carefully and ends regretfully. “I was being selfish and ignoring your wishes.” He slows down his massaging, moving his hand in wide circles.
“I started having suspicions he was using us from the beginning.” You pull your head back up straight, and a small part of him is glad he can’t see your face. He just focuses on your scalp. “I think… I think he used us to strengthen his altruistic image. Bullies strike fear into people for respect, he was just trying a different approach to gain even more respect.”
He sits with your silence, letting you soak in the information as he continues to soothe you. When you finally speak it makes him stop completely.
“Did he… I mean he had to. He thought I was unbearable the entire time.” Your mind tortures you with flashes of what you probably looked like all this time. The fat, mouth-breathing, hard to look at nuisance that kept following him around. The sole reason he got tired of keeping up with his act. He just couldn’t stand you that much. And could you blame him?
Who cares what he thinks? Is what nips at the back of his brain but he shoos it away. Johnny did at one point. Being in that group chat made him realize the true nature of all the people whose opinions he valued more than his self respect and best friend. They were ten times more embarrassing than the people they looked down on.
“I know how bad it feels when people successfully weaponize their valued opinions against you. It feels like no matter what you do, you’re gonna be seen as wrong. It makes you feel powerless but that is an illusion.” The way Johnny emphasizes his words reads as him finding credence in these words himself. “You have the power to control your circumstance by shattering this illusion. The women you follow on social media have either figured this out or are getting there.”
“I understand that.” Your spine was starting to hurt from not relaxing against him but you just couldn’t get yourself to. “I just don’t understand how.” How to get there or how people can be so confident. How could anyone know for sure if they have power?
“Me neither. I still don’t, at all.” Johnny gulps, heart stilling for a moment. “But what I did understand was that I loved you. Love you.” You grow even stiffer, rigid from the intensity of his words. Of course he loves you, why does this feel so… real? “And that’s all it took.”
Johnny starts massaging a little faster, a tinge of awkwardness setting in after he second-guesses his decision. Then you rest your head on his bare knee and his face goes hot again. “B-but um… yeah I just wanted- you should pursue what’s important to you. Dwelling over the complexities can just send you in circles.”
Suddenly the fact that you were touching each other, kind of a lot, was very apparent to Johnny. His nightmares have effectively killed his arousal. And any time he imagines you in your bed he can’t stop thinking of your blank stare and worrying question. Johnny sighs, the heat draining from his cheeks once he’s brought back to reality. He needs to start planning to move out of your house and back into his. 
“It was nice living with you.”
“You too.” You speak in a hushed voice, the finality of it all makes your stomach drop. Living with Johnny as adults was a fantasy you conjured up as kids. It was time to be serious.
“I want to help you.” 
Gravel crunches under the wheels of Johnny’s car as he pulls into his house. The pace is sluggish, and even when he parks he doesn’t take his hand off the wheel. You’re not ecstatic about going back in there either. This time you were alone to grapple with any strong emotions this causes for the both of you.
You’ve made it clear to Johnny that you’re here if he needs you but he has yet to accept that invitation. Even offering to help clean was a bit of a struggle. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t sting. You guys were chatting more casually now, and when you look at him you don’t see the asshole who tormented you in this house. You see the goofball with too many damned dad jokes. You see a sweet and supportive friend. You see a scared boy calling out for help. 
“Are you okay Johnny?” You speak softly as your eyes fall to his hand clenched around the steering wheel.
“Why wouldn’t I be? We’re just cleaning a house.” He unlocks his jaw to mumble. It hurt to admit, but this defensive side of him felt like the last remnants of the Johnny that wounded you. You felt yourself subconsciously walking on eggshells when he got like this and it slightly angered you. All this progress and he was carelessly waving it off. 
“Is it because of what happened after we took you home from the bar?”
Johnny’s head snapping toward you startles you a bit. “What’s “it”?” he asks incredulously.
“Why you’re acting like this. One minute you’re sweet and doting and the next you’re cold and dry. It only happens when I offer to help you with something.” You defend, tone insisting your question is in good faith. 
“I-” He starts, pausing with a grumble once he notices his carelessness. “I know you said you do this because you’re a good friend, but I can’t help but feel like you’re coddling me.”
“Here you go again, Johnny. It’s not coddling you, you’re not less of a man for getting a little help!” You’re directing your bitterness at the existence of this argument at him, you can’t help it.
“Does Jisoo come over and clean your house for you?” He argues back.
“But you did. Is it okay to baby me but not the other way around? We’re both adults.”
“I was repaying you for letting me stay at your house.” Johnny tries to sanitize his tone and de-escalate things before things get out of hand. If he were to let go of the steering wheel his hands would be trembling.
“I’m here because this is about more than cleaning and you know that.” You reel yourself back immediately. You were unsure if this would help in the long run, you were getting things off both your chests. And you did ask him to be honest with you. It feels like more of a curse than a blessing, there was nothing cathartic about this. The two of you barely bickered as kids. The biggest fight you had back then was about a particularly low blow he delivered while you were following Hyuna around. You didn’t talk to each other for a few days, driving you even further into delusion. Things finally resolved after whatever happened with Hyojong. He never told you, but he approached you the next day on his knees.
“I hate myself for hurting you.”
The guilt was probably tearing him apart. You sigh, though the distance between the two of you is broad right now, you know what you need to do. You pop the door open and step out before peering your head into the car. “I’m gonna go inside, you better come in and stop me before I clean your entire house for you.” You shove the door shut.
Johnny watches as you enter his house, flinching at the smell but still closing yourself inside. There’s no way you could stand that smell for very long. You’d probably end up tossing your lunch, but he believes you’d stick it out. Stubbornness was another trait you re-developed, not that it doesn’t warm his heart. He leaves the car, slowly trudging to his front door. He dwelled on every pebble he felt beneath his soles. Fixing his car window put a hole in his pocket, and his poor broken air conditioner was a problem. Not to mention the flowers he spent months caring for. He wraps his hand around the doorknob.
All of those seemed like child’s play compared to the rot. Rotting food so far gone it was a pile of black goop with dozens of insects ravaging it. He opens the door to his empty house. You were elsewhere, he could hear you rustling through a cabinet in the distance. He walks straight to the corner of his living room where the main source of the stench was. That pile of black goo that he found himself staring at while his friends sat around, stewing in the foul atmosphere. Laughing, playing video games, trading nudes without consent. Johnny kneels down, the odor strong in his nostrils. You plod down the stairs with a bucket of soapy water clutched in your gloved hands and a mask. 
With watery eyes you watch Johnny stare at the rotten food infested by pests. You approach him and kneel beside him despite the smell. You wish he would tell you what Hyojong did that day. For now, you push the bucket his way and hand him the sponge. He lingers on the sludge as a pool of tears perch on his bottom lid. He lets the tears drop as he glances over, taking the sponge.
You work on different sides of the house, cleansing it of its neglect. Spraying and scrubbing the couch where he and his friends sunk into for hours on end, tidying up the cords and controllers for his console, and cleaning that horrifying fridge. When it was all done, you focused on getting rid of the lingering smell, spraying air freshener and opening every window. Hopefully the bugs will leave with it. You plop down on a bar stool admiring that you managed to kind of return the favor. You notice Johnny hasn’t sat down, and he’s staring at a different spot now. You follow his eye line to the wall. The toothpick did more of a number on your toe, but there was a small dent, and on the floor were splotches of dried blood.
You look back up at him worriedly. That was the moment everything fell apart. You were no longer hurting each other, but also no longer in each other’s lives. Reflecting on living with him, you couldn’t imagine going back to that again. Neither could Johnny, but it’s what needed to happen. All this pain and sorrow for some popularity? For some lousy friends? Even after all he’s put you through, you’re here and they’re nowhere to be found.
“I’m sorry.” You can tell by the look in his eyes that he’s about to break down and you rush over to him. “I’m so sorry.” He sobs. You pull him into a hug, the first hug you’ve given him in years. He eagerly hugs you back, his large body encompassing you, squeezing you. You squeeze him back, both of you hiccuping and sniffling into each other’s ears. “I’m so sorry I hurt you.”
“I forgive you.” You pull away to caress his face, surveying it as you wipe his tears away. You shake your head as your cheeks fill with streaks of tears. “It’s okay, I forgive you.”
“I don’t believe you.” Johnny responds despondently. You clench your eyes shut. For a while, you didn’t believe yourself either, constantly doubting yourself as he remained within your walls. Maybe you didn't forgive him at first. What he did was inexcusable, but seeing how much pain he’s in helps you understand.
“It was a defense mechanism, but you’re okay now.” You press your forehead against his and both of you shut your eyes now. “You’re safe.” You pet his hair until his breathing calms and his arms stop trembling.
Chaeyoung raises her glass in the air with a smug grin, preparing what she was gonna dedicate her toast to. “To girls’ night!” She shouts assuredly. Mark nervously raises his glass. “To… to girls’ night?”
“To girls’ night!” Jungwoo announces proudly. You, Naeun, Jisoo, and Johnny all raise your glasses and call out the dedication before drinks are clinked together. The night has barely started when you spot Chaeyoung making a move on a flustered but embarrassingly keen Mark. Johnny and Naeun are sitting at the bar talking, and you’re against the wall with Jisoo and Jungwoo.
“Why do we come to parties and clubs when we know it’s not our scene?” Jisoo inquires to herself. Jungwoo still replies. “Hey, introverts like to get drunk or laid sometimes too.”
“That is true…” You remark with a pointed look at Jungwoo. He rolls his eyes while Jisoo grimaces. “Gross.” She groans.
“No but seriously, I wanna go back to normal again.” You whine.
“I just think you need a little more time,” Jungwoo starts, hinting at your break up, “plus, I’m not comfortable with fucking while Johnny is in the other room.”
“I’m going to the bathroom.” Jisoo drones as she peels away. You wait until she’s out of earshot to continue. You really didn’t need two bouts of pity right now. 
“That’s okay because he’s leaving soon.” You swirl your drink, looking at the vortex of liquid instead of Jungwoo’s face.
“Oh. His house is fine now?” He sounds a bit awkward, knowing this is a touchy subject.
“Yup.” You pop the ‘p’, trying to play off the way your mood is being dragged to the depths of hell right now. “Well then… things will really be back to normal, right?” Jungwoo tries, hoping he didn’t accidentally step on a landmine.
You’ll go back to having sex with Jungwoo while he’s in a loving, perfect relationship. Mark seems to be hitting it off with Chaeyoung, which is interesting, but he’s back to his bubbly self, now packaged with a potentially awesome girlfriend. And Johnny is laughing with Naeun while she hits his arm. Johnny is preoccupied and soon to be moving out, and with how he’s been speaking to you recently, possibly out of your life.
“Right. Back to normal.”
Mark and Chaeyoung barely made it out of the door with how rigorously they were making out, but they made it to the back of a taxi and were probably screwing each other’s brains out by now. Jisoo and Jungwoo left early after Jisoo got drunk as fast as she usually does, all cute and limp as Jungwoo carried her away on his back. That leaves you alone, standing against the wall as you watch Johnny and Naeun. They were barely drinking, caught up in whatever riveting conversation they were having. 
You should stop being weird and go over there, join the conversation, but it feels wrong. They looked right. When Naeun leans in, you can’t help the despair that rackets through you. Her lips pressing to his made you tear your eyes away. You felt like your heart would break to pieces if you watched any longer. You stumble to the nearest restroom and splash water on your face. 
You should be happy. Johnny got a beautiful woman he deserved without tearing anyone down in the process. If you’re not, it’s probably because of how sad and lonely you are. Soon Jungwoo will be back and this will get better. The kiss replays against your will and you experience a second round of that horrible feeling that nearly sends you to your knees. You’re still getting over Taeyong, that has to be it. 
The door opens and shuts softly behind you, and you look at him through the mirror. He finally cut his hair and shaved his facial hair. He looks down at you with those dreamy eyes and smirks. 
“Did you get a little confused?”
You flick the remaining water off your hands and turn to embrace him. He mumbles a soft ‘oh’ before hugging you back. “Or is it that you’re drunk?” You haven’t had more than a sip, but you don’t answer him, instead hugging him tighter.
“Come on, let’s get you home.”
You continue to let him believe you’re drunk. You might as well be, with how delusional you’re being. Whatever the mysterious cause may be. He loads you in the passenger seat of his car and shuts the door. Naeun is trailing behind, their conversation is muffled by the door. 
“One more time before we call it quits?” Naeun suggests. Johnny shakes his head, running a hand through his hair. Naeun was objectively breathtaking. Especially tonight with that dress and her hair perfectly styled. However, Johnny couldn’t change the facts. No matter how many times he laid in her bed or kissed her or had sex with her, he couldn’t force himself to be attracted to her. That would be easier right now, but his heart lies elsewhere. “Can’t. I’m sorry.”
He wants to tack on a ‘maybe next time’, but he holds off, perhaps with false hope. Either way, he’s driving away from the club without even dancing or getting drunk. He can’t be too upset, though. He peers over at you, you’re calmly looking out of the windshield. 
“You’re not actually drunk, are you?’
“How could you tell.” You murmur.
“You’re not talking my head off.” You both chuckle softly. 
You purse your lips as you keep your gaze straight ahead. “Wanna have sex with me?”
Johnny stomps on the brake so hard it throws both of you forward. The car behind you spams their horn before driving around you while shouting obscenities. Johnny’s shoulders are up by his ears and your arms are spread out to brace yourself.
“Are you sure you’re not drunk?” Johnny asks after clearing his throat.
“We’re both adults, it doesn’t have to be a big thing.” You shrug. “We’re best friends!” He shouts back.
“Please.” You cringe after you say it but it’s already done. The silence is killing you so you shut your eyes. 
Johnny drives on, unable to untense his arms. He thought he was over getting turned on by you, but maybe his nightmares didn’t kill his sexual attraction to you completely. He can feel heat starting to pool down there. You weren’t drunk and you were asking him. In theory he should be jumping at the opportunity, but he lets out a long exhale instead.
“I can’t do that.”
You laugh bitterly, tilting your head to look out your door window. “A man refusing sex is as clear a sign as I’ve ever seen.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Johnny asks in genuine confusion. 
“It makes sense that you’re dating Naeun.”
“Dating?” He takes a short moment to gawk at you before returning his eyes to the road. “Naeun and I aren’t dating. It’s like you said, we’re both adults. It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
“Really?” You genuinely thought they were, you expected it to happen sooner or later. “She seems like your type.”
“Her?” He asks incredulously. “I’d be crazy to shoot that high.”
“I dunno, you’re handsome, tall, and you have the capacity to be sweet. You know, when you aren’t roasting me.” Johnny scoffs at your joke. 
“Whatever.” Johnny winds down, suddenly remembering what you had just asked him. And that you just complimented him. “I’m a loser, though. I only preached about my high standards as an excuse to why I was single.” Guess it was time to start unveiling the true reasons behind his previous shitty actions. He presses his cool fingers to his cheeks.
“So you don’t like girls like Naeun and Nayeon?” You ask, as if a ‘yes I do’ won’t send you spiraling. 
“I mean, it’s what people tell you to like. It feels like you’re supposed to.” Johnny ponders. “But if I actually think about it, their looks don’t affect me at all. It’s kind of… empty?”
You felt relieved, and then ashamed of that relief. 
“Maybe you should think about that as well.” Johnny’s words make you look at him in confusion. “Every time you dress up you say something about if Naeun would wear it or think it’s weird.”
You take a moment to think about what he’s saying, jaw dropping open once you realize. You never noticed that you did that. Even today, every time she looked at you, you doubted your outfit choice. You straighten up in your seat and make an official goal post. You were going to wear a flashy outfit to TwitchCon. One that catered solely to your interests.
Chaekyung answers the door pretty fast. “Come in.” She urges. It was nice that she reached out to you this time. She seemed frantic over the phone and her actions now indicate that very little has changed on your ride over. Anything is better than before. You completely understand why she would be standoffish, though. Being ambushed with no one coming to your aid is a level of stress you unfortunately understand. Right now you’re effectively Taeyong, and if you’d treated him with the same caution she’s using, perhaps you’d be in a better place.
As you step into her living room you spot another figure on the couch. He has a short haircut, much shorter than the other men in your life. When he turns around you realize it’s someone you actually do know. YangYang. 
He smiles nervously, standing up from the couch and approaching you, you take a step backward but he doesn’t get the memo. He pulls you into a hug. “Hey! It’s been a while.” Your arms strain under his tight grip, hands clenching into fists. You toss a questioning look at Chaekyung, giving her the benefit of the doubt. She ducks away from your stare, clearly harboring a guilty conscience.
“He wanted to talk to you.” She blurts out, still avoiding your eyes.
“That’s true.” He finally pulls away and you instantly put distance between the two of you. “What do you want?” You blink, disoriented from how sudden this all was.
“You’re the talk of the town recently! I mean you’re in the Dreamies and have your own popular group. Not to mention how everyone loves you, and I hear you’ve got Taeyong on a leash-” You cut him off, understanding perfectly now, “You want me to boost your image.”
“I mean, it could be more of an ‘I scratch your back you scratch mine’ type of thing, but essentially yes.” YangYang’s attempt at a cordial tone is nauseating at best and tonedeaf at worst. He was so close to putting you in that group chat. 
“Absolutely not-”
“You already threw Lucas under the bus but I’ve still got a chance. Unless you’re planning to do that for me too, which I don’t think is entirely logical.” YangYang looks up at Chaekyung who starts vigorously nodding her head. “You saw what happened to Chaekyung here,”
He only lets you think for a short moment before he speaks again. “For you to suddenly ice me out after knowing you for so long… I mean, you did the same thing to Johnny but you clearly regret it.”
“I don’t regret it.” You respond immediately. “He needed to understand how much he hurt me, and he does now. What’s clear is that you still don’t.” You wonder if he still sees the situation as innocent fun you ruined with your bitching.
YangYang recovers quickly from your jab, most likely not absorbing it at all. “Is proving your point worth potentially ruining the reputation you worked so hard for?”
You were bigger than Chaekyung, but she was always seen as a darling on the platform. Minded her own business and was championed as the ideal girlfriend. And just like that, her social media is a ghost town overrun by gun wielding thieves itching to deliver that final blow to do her in for good. Still. 
Maybe with your increased size it won’t happen to that extent, but even half of what she received was a bit stressful to imagine. Instead of one Lucas, YangYang, Doyoung, and the old Johnny, there’d be hundreds. With your scope, probably thousands. You do want to help Chaekyung, seeing her so helpless feels horrible, but a part of you did reach out to prove to yourself you could handle situations like this. That they could be fixed. Inviting her into the group would offer her new support. Or it could introduced a fuck ton of hate to everyone involved.
“Just think about it and get back to me. Here’s my number.” YangYang hands you a sliver of paper and you peer leerily at it. Just take it and get it over with. Don’t cause any trouble, you told yourself. But your stomach churned, screaming at you not to do it. Because you didn’t want to. If Johnny were here, he’d just tell you to act on that, but you were stricken with the anxiety of the outcome. Your eyes slowly pan back up to YangYang’s face. As he smirks at you, you remember Chaeyoung’s words. Imagine him making that same smirk as he snapped pictures of her and spread it around behind her back.
“No.” You state and shake your head, giving him a stern look before walking away. He and Chaekyung yell after you, just like the time you stormed out of Johnny’s house. Back then you felt so weak and small, shrinking with each step. Here, you felt much, much stronger. A smile even had the gall to stretch onto your lips as you pushed Chaekyung’s door open.
As soon as the door shut, the feeling that you made a mistake picked at you. 
Should I have done that? 
Did I just ruin everything? 
Why did I do that?
But what were you gonna do, turn back? Apologize? Moreover, why are you glossing over how hilarious that was? The look on YangYang’s face when you rejected his offer. No, his pressure. Who did he think he was? He was so confident you’d just concede. If anyone should be the one reconsidering their actions, it’s him. You laugh heartily, definitely looking insane as you make your way to the bus stop.
You did it because you wanted to. And oh, how you’ve wanted to do that. Embarrass them like they embarrassed you, make them feel stupid. 
When you get back, you feel immediately inspired to try out some looks. Johnny sits on the bed as you hold different outfits in front of your body.
“Hm, I like that skirt.” Johnny comments before making a contemplative hum. “Not the shirt?”
“No, maybe something different.” You rummage through your closet, you’d be hard pressed to find another red shirt that matched this. You pull out a long sleeved one with an apprehensive noise. “This is the only other shirt I have that matches.”
“Put 'em together.” He encourages before spreading his feet farther apart and leaning forward. You wince as you hold it to your torso. The droopy sleeves and the way it tied in the front seemed a bit much, but with the skirt and shirt together it gave a bit of a 70’s vibe. You gasp and rummage through your closet again until you find a pair of gogo boots. “Turn around!” You say excitedly, ripping your clothes off before he can even fully turn away. You admire the outfit in the mirror for a second before Johnny asks if he can turn back around.
“Okay, turn back around.” You twist your hips and lift your shoes as you fully examine the combination. “I… think you’re a visionary.” He comments dreamily.
High off of Johnny’s praise you invite him with you to the grocery store, already starting your exit before he even answers. “Just one moment. Stay just like that.” You turn halfway, startled when you hear a click. “Did you just take a picture?”
Johnny lowers his phone to give a sheepish smile before he nods. “What’re you gonna do with it?”
This time Johnny just shrugs, not having a believable excuse available. You give him a leery look before refocusing on your current objective.
“Round two.” You whisper as you walk hand in hand through the gliding doors. The doubt surfaces as soon as you’re in the presence of other people, any of them could peer at you and cast judgment at any moment. Johnny senses you faltering and squeezes your hand. It’s enough to ground you and keep you pushing. Eggs and milk. You need eggs and milk.
For the most part, it’s fine. Yes, people’s eyes are lingering on you, even turning their head to maintain their stare. But it could be worse. That thought eases your fears a bit. If this is it, people just giving you weird looks, you don’t know what you were so afraid of. You must’ve expected them to gather in a crowd and boo you out of the store.
Maybe gogo boots with a slightly 70’s inspired outfit was a bit out of the norm for grocery shopping, but you felt in your element. It felt like you were finally truly you. Walking through each aisle sparks an idea in your mind. It was definitely out of your comfort zone for now, but you can picture a good photo with the store as the backdrop.
As you reach the dairy section you hear giggling. You and Johnny both look in that direction, seeing a group of teenagers near the middle of the aisle. The two girls seem focused on their phones while the two boys are deciding on yogurt. They’re not looking at you, you tell yourself, but you still let go of Johnny’s hand to tug your skirt lower.
More of them start laughing and in your newly jittery state you glance over again. Now all of them are looking at one of the girls’ phone. This scene is all too familiar to you, like watching a nightmare unfold in real life. You’re about to convince yourself they’re laughing at a video or something, it’s not you, when they all look up from the phone at you. Smiles wide and mocking, contorting from your mind playing games. You tug at your skirt again and try to conceal as much skin as you can with the fabric at your disposal. You curse yourself for not bringing a jacket. There’s nothing you can do. You are exposed to their scrutiny whether you like it or not.
You make plans to hide behind Johnny or maybe just leave entirely. The hair was too much, you should’ve known that. Another notification buzzes in your purse like it has all day, making you scowl even further. You should’ve turned them off when you had the chance. Then another notification followed by another has you whipping your phone out to silence the disturbance. Your phone starts to go crazy, and you suspect another Tumblr picture has blown up. But looking at the screen you see they’re coming from Instagram of all places. You stopped posting frequently years ago so your notifications had slowed to almost a complete stop.
Opening the app you see that you’ve received a ton of new followers. Did someone shout out your Instagram not knowing it’s a wasteland? The first comment you see is a strange one.
‘you should post more pictures like the one Johnny posted!’
Other comments pouring in seem to all be mentioning him and some picture. You go to his profile and instantly spot the picture he took at your house. You blanch at the discovery, checking the comments against your better judgment. The constricting sensation on your heart ceases when your eyes scroll over each comment. You feel Johnny’s hand on your shoulder and tear your eyes away from the phone.
He was worried for a moment, but is content with the touched expression you have now. “You okay?” His smile fades just a little as his worry picks back up again. Instagram tells you he did this just now. Despite him not taking credit for your phone buzzing up a storm you can tell he’s satisfied. 
The teenagers are still there in your peripheral, their dark clothes like an intrusive stain on your vision. Are you okay? Physically you’re perfectly fine, though your brain would like to convince you their eyes are setting your skin ablaze. Emotionally… you feel vulnerable. You glance over, meeting the eyes of one of the snickering teens. The effort to downplay your emotions is nonexistent. The voice in your brain speaks barely above a whisper because the truth is that it hurts. This sucks. You don’t like what they’re doing and it makes you feel bad.
“No,” You finally reply, peeking back at the comments again. 
“Do you wanna go back home?” He asks, voice suddenly quiet to ensure they don't hear. 
“No. I want…” A moment passes as you conduct your thoughts. “I– h-here.” You open your photo app and slip the phone in his hands before pushing him to the other end of the aisle. You walk backward until there’s enough space for a cart to push through. Johnny breaks from his confusion once he figures out what’s happening. He raises the phone eye level as you start posing. It’s awkward as all hell, and they’re really laughing now. You’re all over the place emotionally. Your mind is going a mile a minute with regretful thoughts and pleas to get out of here. But you’re not hurt, you’re not in pain, and you’re definitely not hurting anyone. 
“Switch poses.” Johnny’s arms drop down for just a moment so you get a glimpse of his proud smile. You loosen up a bit, trying out a pose that requires a bit more confidence. With one more click, Johnny finishes taking photos and the teens have ventured elsewhere. You release a deep exhale at the sight of their absence. It feels like you had just sailed through turbulent seas during a thunderstorm, but you were fine. You did what you wanted to do and you weren’t struck down by some higher power monitoring any behavior outside the norm.
Johnny crosses over to your side to show you the pictures. “They look cool.” He comments as he swipes to the last one. The one where you were most confident, where your smile was at its most radiant. His heart skipping a beat sends a ripple through his body. “Can you send these to me?” He tries, a tiny bit anxious about if you’ll think his request is odd.
“To post?” You sheepishly look up at him and he glances away. “No, you just look really nice here.”
It was your heart’s turn to send your entire body into panic. For a moment you feared something was wrong but after it passed, you were left befuddled. The thought of someone keeping a photo of you, not because they’re in it or for some other practical reason, because you just look really nice has you suddenly smiling like an idiot.
“I’d love to.”
Was this too much? You groan and toss yet another outfit to the wayside. As you ogle all the clothing items laid out all over your bed and floor, a new question crosses your mind. Was this too little? It’s subjective, you’re aware, but this outfit has to push you out of your comfort zone for this to be a true test. You can claim you no longer care about what people think all day, but if you can’t wear a truly phenomenal outfit to this sausage fest, that will reveal the truth.
You didn’t invite Johnny to help because you need to be able to gather courage on your own. That one thought chained him to your mind as you continued your search. Oh Johnny, you thought as you reminisce on what he did. You stare at the beret in your hand, but you’re not staring at it at all. You’re looking past it as you imagine his little pleased smile. Or how proud he looked watching you pose. No, you just look really nice here.
Your eyes flutter closed, memories of him filling your stomach with such a pleasant sensation that you get lost in it. You eventually snap out of it, but during the entire process you think of different things he’s said and done.
Glancing in your closet, your Prada loafers stick out just a little from behind the door, as if to tempt you closer. You answer their call, sinking your feet into them and it feels like heaven. It almost justified the price. The rest of the outfit comes natural as pictures you’ve seen a ton of times on the internet flash behind your eyelids. This was definitely going to turn heads, you grimace slightly as you look in the mirror. You quickly note that the discomfort wasn’t from the gingham jacket or the beret. Definitely not the loafers. No, you felt great in this outfit.
Johnny felt like he was supposed to find Naeun pretty, but he keeps pictures of you in his phone. Your heartrate kicks up, generating a strange feeling so strong you’re rendered motionless.
“Oh, so when Johnny says it you believe him.” You shush Jungwoo, even placing your hands over his mouth to silence him but he just pulls them away and keeps talking. “What did I tell you? I was poetic as shit too.”
“Shut up!” You push him backward on the bed, grunting when he welcomes the change in position. “We’re literally naked and you’re running your mouth.” You swing your hips forward, shivering when your mound brushes against his member. 
Instead of fucking you, like he should be doing, Jungwoo just looks at you like he’s suspicious of something. “What?!”
“Did you fuck him?”
You gasp and gear up to hit him but he’s already blocking your attempts. He’s speaking entirely too loud about someone who’s right in the living room. “I did not!”
“Good! Because I still don’t fully forgive him.” He grasps your wrists to stop your flimsy attacks, expression just a little more serious now. 
“I know, Jisoo said the same thing.” You lament, not wanting to have this conversation. He doesn’t even know about the weird feelings you have when you think about Johnny.
The door opening startles both of you and you scramble to get up. Jungwoo wraps the comforter around you defensively and you would roll your eyes if Johnny wasn’t standing at your door. He looked frazzled which shooed all playfulness from your body.
“I-I’m sorry for barging in, but I think Taeyong did something. All my socials are blowing up with outrage.”
“What?” You scurry off the bed to hurriedly clothe yourself, rushing to Johnny as you bounce into your pants. “How do you know it was him?”
“It’s similar to what happened to Lucas. He threatened him and then all these random people started making allegations.”
You slip the phone from his hands and examine the screen. You and Johnny were both trending in your country. You click Johnny’s name and see exactly what he’s talking about. Anonymous accounts, other than one account from Nayeon, claiming Johnny is an asshole behind the scenes. Those weren’t damning by themselves, the news that he helped take down the group chat would defend him against that. It was the clips people found that did him in.
They were from back when he was still trying to impress the wrong people. Most of them depict him throwing jabs your way, insulting everything from your voice to your appearance. One of the clips play out loud before you could stop it.
“Do I like ___? Don’t be stupid.” Johnny snickers as the chat fills with amusement, egging him on. You wince, but it’s not like it’s anything you haven’t heard before. Still, after enduring what was essentially a prolonged rejection, that clip put everything in perspective. Seeing the clip affecting you, Johnny carefully takes the phone back. 
“I just wanted to warn you so you could check your own name, make sure he didn’t get you too. Whenever you were prepared.”
To look through a bunch of hate or to grapple with you suddenly worrying if Johnny will reject you, whatever that means. You pull out your phone and check your name this time. You go still, mouth parting in shock. Just like your Tumblr, just like the comments under Johnny’s picture of you, all you see is overwhelming support. And pity, but more importantly, hatred for Johnny. The three stooges even caught fire with their clips resurfacing too. Even Taeyong for being caught laughing in some of them. But Johnny is public enemy number one.
He did say these things, and if it were aimed at anyone else you’d be calling for accountability, but you can’t help feeling bad. You lower your phone, hesitating before finally looking at Johnny. He looks worried, but you can tell it’s directed at you. 
“Is everything okay?” He steps forward, placing his hands on your arms. “Yeah, did he get you too?�� Jungwoo asks, who’s been silently attentive this entire time. You just shake your head. It didn’t make any sense. What, did he think you suffered enough, or was he harming you through Johnny?
“We can do something to help you. Come up with a plan. I’m sure Chaeyoung and Naeun will put in a good word for you.” Your eyes widen as a lightbulb turns on. “Naeun still hasn’t said anything about the situation. Maybe she-”
Johnny shakes his head, moving his hands to your shoulders as your voice dies away. He’s quiet for long enough that your adrenaline is winding back down and letting your worry peek through. “No, we can’t do that.” He knows very well Naeun wants nothing to do with any of this. It was about time for him to bite the bullet.
“Then what should we do?” You’re stumped, you don’t know what his next move will be. It will be extremely hard to come back from this. You’d be surprised if he wasn’t chased off the internet entirely.
He notes your tentativeness, so he opts to be vague and just ease you for now. “I have a plan.” He offers carefully.
“Well, okay. What is it?” You’re suddenly hopeful, and realizing his method wasn’t working, he sighs disappointedly. If he tells you, you’re gonna talk him out of it and stress for the rest of the night.
“I have to do it on my own.” Your hopefulness fades but you ultimately accept this answer, nodding and letting Johnny leave with no further explanation. You tried wrangling the unease in your gut but it kept festering. He was trying to avoid alarming you, you could see it from a mile away. That night you wanted to turn to him and ask what he was hiding. You ended up drifting to sleep and waking up to him not being there.
For a small, delusional moment you wondered if he had packed up and left while you were sleeping. You push your legs off the bed and stare down at the mattress. Drifting off into space, you let your phone ring one, two, three, four times before breaking free and picking it up.
Jisoo says your name with concern heavy in her voice. “What’s wrong?”
“Johnny posted a statement. He came clean.”
Your heart constricts, you freeze completely in trepidation. You lower your phone to check Johnny’s account. You felt like you were going through each stage of grief with each swipe and tap. “Johnny… what did you do?” 
Pinned to his account is a link with a short message attached. 
‘This is long overdue’
You inhale sharply, apprehensive of what you’re about to see. He starts the message acknowledging all the criticism he’s garnered since the day prior. He apologizes to all your fans from Taeyong’s group, the Dreamies, and your new group.
‘Those clips were not only distressing to ___, but to anyone who’s endured something similar, and I know how hard it must’ve been to hear those things I said. Unfortunately, that’s not even the full scope of what I’ve put ___ through.’
You cover your mouth with your hand as realization hits you like a brick wall. You skim through the statement with jittery eyes, unable to read through the entire thing. It was hard, knowing that each word was another nail in his coffin.
‘I destroyed her confidence, making it harder for her to express herself or meet new people. I was comfortable doing it knowing it would be hard for her to leave because we meant so much to each other. All she did was trust, love, and stick by me and I spat in her face. I did it all to gain internet points and respect from people who don’t deserve respect themselves, and in doing so I encouraged behavior that would go on to hurt and strike fear into so many women. Each bigoted remark I made influenced hatred that would negatively affect many lives.’
You clumsily find footing on the floor before starting your search for Johnny. Your eyes are still glued to the phone as your eyes retrace every word. This is what you wanted, right? After all those years of endless torment, it has been revealed to the world. Now you can finally heal. Your other hand joins in grasping the phone as you skim further
‘I want to apologize one more time to all her fans or any viewers that happen upon one of her streams. If it weren’t for me you’d be seeing her at her best. She’s still amazing, but I’m afraid that she’ll never truly return to how she once was. I want to apologize to all the victims who got their pictures spread by people I enabled. If I had just pushed back even a little bit, they wouldn’t have been so comfortable doing something so cruel. 
And lastly, I want to apologize to the person I hurt more than anyone else. I’m sorry, ___, for being the only one who could hurt you like I did and being just heartless enough to go through with it. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Even when I was saying those vile things, your presence filled me with comfort and content. Just seeing you could dissuade anything bad I was feeling. And I took advantage of that while not doing right by you. I’m still doing it. So I’m gonna do right by everyone and end my streaming career here. It’s not fair to all of you that I took part in all this misfortune and even benefited and profited from it. I can’t be truly sorry for what I did without removing my ability to benefit from those I hurt.’
You pick your head up slowly until you’re making eye contact with Johnny. He smiles from the couch as if nothing’s wrong. You make your way, maintaining eye contact. He stands as you reach your desired proximity. You have so much to say to him. So much scolding to do and yet so much consoling as well. But as you open your mouth, no words are formed. No sentences constructed. Just a quiver of your lip, furrow of your brow, and an ache behind your eyes. 
You fight away tears for as long as you can but they win like they always do. Years of holding back your urge to break down completely and sob in agony have gotten the best of you. But now you have your best friend back. You finally have him back and you’re not ready to lose him. 
Noting your struggle to speak and incoming tears he engulfs you in a tight hug. You happily reciprocate, clenching the back of his shirt as you succumb to your tears. “I’m sorry, I knew that would make you upset.”
You whisper your forgiveness, not just for him posting that but for everything. The truth was that even though you didn’t forgive him immediately, you just wanted him around in spite of it all. While you’ll never forget what happened and how you got here, you know now that he has finally scrubbed the rot from his brain. He’s free to live with the acceptance of his wrongdoings, and you’ve never felt freer yourself.
“And don’t make a post defending me or anything.” He warns playfully. You nuzzle further into his chest. Despite him pretending there’s nothing wrong, there’s something hanging in the air you both want to address. “You’re not coming with me?” You ask in a wispy voice, tears staining his hoodie as he rocks you back and forth. You had been planning both your appearances at TwitchCon for so long. You missed the last one and this would be your first time going as a featured creator. Did he know the whole time that he wasn’t going?
Johnny sighs, drawing circles into your back. “I don’t think they’ll want me there anyway.”
You’re not sure if his statement would make everything worse or better. He admitted the bad things he’s done, but enough sincerity could make a community turn around. But he already quit and there was no guarantee the convention will be very welcoming to him. It would crush you to see people ridicule him in person. So you just hug him tighter.
TwitchCon wasn’t what was actually at the forefront of your mind. That was just meant to be the last thing the two of you did together before he moved out. Moving out was one thing, but he couldn’t be planning to distance himself after all of this, right? You pick your head up to look at him and he notices the fear in your eyes and puts the pieces together. 
“I’ll drop you off and pick you back up, okay?” He brushes your hair out of your face before cupping your cheek. That wasn’t what you were worried about. You could feel a stitch in your side. “Okay.”
He parks the car before letting the silence truly set over the two of you. You play with your tennis skirt, feeling hyper aware of every different texture against your skin and what parts of it were showing. 
“You’re gonna be great today. I’ll be watching your panel on my phone.” He grins proudly. You flash him a pitiful smile. God, how you wish he could actually be there. “Have fun.” He signals for you to leave, but that’ll be one more moment of interaction over. You weren’t sure how many you had left. You reach for his hand and he squeezes yours immediately. “What’s holding you up?”
You look at the time with dread. “Nothing.” You slowly pull on the handle and step out onto the concrete of the parking lot. The sound of your feet against the ground is the only thing piercing through your clouded mind.
“Hold on.” Johnny says, stumbling slightly as he steps out of his car. You whip around, hoping he’d changed his mind. You spot his phone in his hand and you scramble to get your purse over your head and on your shoulder. You get into a pose and he smiles again. Everything you do, it’s like you can feel his support, he doesn’t have to say a thing. Right after the camera is lowered, your anxiety peaks again. He approaches you with the screen facing your way, displaying one of the pictures he took. You look at the picture and then at him in confusion. He points at the picture.
“You see her? Because I see someone confident in what she’s wearing.” He smirks. 
“Well I see someone feigning confidence so the picture looks nice.” You correct with your own brand of pessimistic smugness.
“Every time I’ve taken a picture of you, your smile is the most genuine I’ve ever seen it.” He peers at the picture fondly before looking back up at you. “I feel like that confident girl is in there somewhere. She peeked out her head in the grocery store.” His frame curls over you until your faces are dangerously close. Something must’ve happened, something completely unheard of, because you get the urge to kiss him suddenly. The urge is strong and leaves your body humming and chest tightening. 
“I believe in you.” He pats your shoulder before squeezing it. He walks back to his car and you finally enter the building. Greeting fans and making your way through each room feels like a flurry of moments you never fully focus on. A hazy thought in the back of your mind makes you aware of Jaehyun’s absence, you numbly wonder if it’s because of the clips. You feel as though you're on the outside watching yourself as you venture through, meeting up with Chaeyoung and the rest of your group.
Chaeyoung leads all of you to some room secluded from the busyness of the convention. You’re surprised to see Naeun already sitting in one of the chairs. “Naeun? Hi! What’re you doing here?”
Her smile crinkles her eyes. “What, I can’t support my girls?” She argues, clutching something in her hands. She looks hesitant as she stands from her chair before revealing her creator pass. All the girls gasp. “Also, this.”
“Oh my god?” Chaeyoung walks up to her before hugging her. You and everyone else follows suit, surrounding her with your mass of bodies. 
“You’re streaming again?!” Dahyun asks excitedly. Naeun makes a strained noise before confirming. “I can’t believe it!” Jinsol muses.
“We’re happy you’re back.” You add before everyone peels back one by one with wide smiles. She smiles at everyone before her eyes land on you. She rubs your arm before giving a pointed look. “You ready?”
You want to say you’re not and curl into a tiny ball, but you wipe the thought from existence. You don’t let your pessimism fester and stretch a wide grin on your face. “Yep! I’m ready!”
If you thought the main section of the convention was busy, the panel room was beyond packed and loud. There was no room to think, just constant noise muffling your ears. You and your members stand just off stage and await for your name to be called. Taeyong’s new group goes before you, and you wonder if that was done purposely to drum up drama and spawn juicier questions. Their panel concludes and he and Nayeon don’t spare you a glance. He technically didn’t break your deal, but you still couldn’t contain your anger for him. It took everything in you not to chase after him and confront him.
“Next up we have a few members of the Dreamies and Pansies!” The room fills with rapturous applause and cheers, making your ears ring as you step on stage. You wince, squinting at the bright lights aimed at you. You sit at the third seat down, glancing over at Mark before flashing a brief smile as he sits next to you. Naeun sits on your other side and you prepare to start, just like you agreed. Your throat goes dry as soon as you open your mouth. You furrow your brows as you try to focus your thoughts. Of course, just like every time your brain goes wild, you think of Johnny and remember he’s watching.
“If high school me knew she’d grow up and still have to do public speaking again she would’ve been pissed.” You chuckle awkwardly and the room fills with light laughter. You clear your throat. “Okay. Hi, I’m ___. I’m a member of both the Pansies and the Dreamies. We didn’t expect Naeun to be joining us today-” The crowd erupts once again, their cheering and whistling bringing a soft yet thoughtful smile to Naeun’s face. You peer at her as you wait for the cheering to die down again. She looks at you too and you return her smile. “But I think it was fitting being that we’re chatting about unity on Twitch.”
Each person takes turns introducing themselves before the crowd applauds again. “So, I think it goes without saying that unity is really needed right now. The community feels as though it’s gone through a shift after relatively recent events. I’ve seen and experienced first hand how scary it can be to have no one offer support in a time of need. To get dogpiled and ridiculed with everyone turning a blind eye and letting it happen. Sometimes we can’t stop bad things from happening, but that doesn’t mean we should sit by and do nothing.”
You continue following a rough guideline of what you practiced, but the passion took control and made things easier. Different members of the panel added their two cents. You were ready to add one more thing when the host announced it was time for questions. The time flew right by, and here you thought you’d be stumped and the conversation wouldn’t flow. Everyone seems to be just as passionate. 
Various people raised their hands for a question. It started with questions for Chaeyoung, then Naeun who of course had nearly the entire room raising their hand. Then you, and to your surprise, there were just as many hands. You were just about to get excited when you realized it was probably because of Johnny’s controversy. You scan the room before pointing to someone near the middle. “You in the black turtleneck.” You purse your lips as they’re handed a microphone. He looks like he was already amused by his question. “Where did you come up with the name Panies?” He speaks, and an involuntary smile spreads across your face.
“There are like thirty different associations for each flower, but I don’t know, pansies have always meant a lot to me.”
“Some say they symbolize nostalgia or remembrance, but my favorite interpretation is that of love. It’s generic, but it’s not just romantic love. It can be platonic too, and I thought that was nice.”
Then it’s Mark’s turn. After him is Haechan, then Jeno. It circles around to you and restarts one more time. Before long it’s back to you, and you’re high off the pleasant and light atmosphere. Everyone seems to be having fun, and maybe you’re imagining it, but the audience seems to care for your cause as well. “You in the purple shirt and jean jacket.” You point. 
“The topic is unity, and you worked hard to get that group chat taken down,” applause interrupts her and you smile shyly. “But why have you been so silent about… everything. Literally everyone else has talked about it now except you and Naeun. Naeun was taking a break from social media, so that makes sense. But you…?” She waits for you to fill the blanks in a seemingly courteous move. Unfortunately, her trailing off only makes the uncomfortable silence that falls over the room more apparent. 
You had let the dilemma of your statement fall to the depths of your mind. People weren’t really talking to you about it or telling you to do it anymore. But even now you were still feeling hesitant. You peer out into the sea of people staring at you, awaiting your response so they could react or judge accordingly. Maybe you’ll be the first panel to be booed off stage. Only one way to find out.
“If she doesn’t want to speak about it, she doesn’t have to-”
“I was propositioned by YangYang twice.” You start, stopping Mark in his tracks. Everyone on the panel looks at you in shock. It’s dawning on you that Mark and Chaeyoung are the only people who know. Everyone else just thought your statement would be about condemning the people you used to hang out with all the time, or expressing generic sympathy. “I was lucky enough to have someone in my life to stop me from making a mistake. They recognized I wasn’t in a sound state, and YangYang wanted to take advantage of that. I know not many girls are coming out against any of the people involved, but I think it’s important to listen to the people that are.” The crowd is quiet and you can’t tell if it’s because they’re listening or because they’ve been put off. You think that if you stop for too long you’ll lose the confidence to continue, but you think harder. The crowd could pull out hidden tomatoes and start lobbing them at you but you’re not sure you’d stop.
“Listen, I just wanted to do something I found fun with people I cared about. I’m not here to nag you, but even the thought of my body being posted and spread around to people feels fucking horrible. Despite this, the thing I was most afraid of was the backlash I’d receive if I said anything. And I don’t think that’s right, no, it just isn’t right. I spoke to YangYang, and he was more at ease than I was. I’m sorry to all the victim’s who’s statements were deemed even a smidge less credible due to my silence, because there’s nothing I should be afraid of.”
The silence that overtakes the room is almost deadly, but you only notice the overwhelming relief you feel. You’ve been harboring these emotions under high security but now they’re finally free. In the midst of your euphoria, a few people start to clap until applause ripples across the entire room. There were no hoots or hollers, but a few people stood to amplify the feeling of silent respect. Mark stands up, pulling you up by your arm and using that same arm to tug you into a hug. After you pull away, Naeun is waiting for you. She gives you another hug, and it’s not very long until you’ve hugged everyone on the panel. 
It went exceedingly better than you thought it would. All that worrying seems silly now that your heart is filled to the brim with joy. It’s that type of joy that keeps you brimming for hours. The type of joy you want to share with somebody. Maybe you’re greedy, but even with all these things working in your favor, you’re still interested in something more. As you walk through the lengthy corridor, your happiness slowly fades to make way for a deep yearning. Something so carnal it shuts off your critical thinking.
The need grows as you approach Johnny’s car, realizing he stayed here the entire time. As you open the door and sit in the passenger seat you ignore his praise and questions. There was something ever present on your mind since he dropped you off that you needed to take care of before you could answer his puzzled calls of your name. You lean over the console and grab his face before mashing his lips against yours. You feel his face get hot and it’d be comical if your body wasn’t raising in temperature as well. The electricity was flowing stronger than it ever had, pricking at your skin and raising the hair on your arms. 
Johnny pulls away briefly to readjust and make for a less of a blur of lips. It’s not much better with how hungry the two of you are for each other. Especially for Johnny, who’s anticipation for this moment was years in the making. You feel your ears burn as you push your tongue past his lips to let them flip and curl against each other. Dangerously, arousal quickly takes root and it’s evident by the way your hands start to roam.
A hand slides between your breasts before curling around your throat. You gasp lightly, parting ways to unload a heated gaze onto each other. The heat slowly dissipates from both of you until you’re fully seated again. Johnny silently starts the car.
You barely make it through the door let alone get your shoes or jackets off. A trail of clothes is haphazardly left behind until Johnny is hoisting you onto your bed with your skirt not fully removed yet. He finishes the job before pushing you back until you sink into your comforter, looking up at him with lust soaked eyes. 
He isn’t completely sure if it was what you were silently requesting, but he makes the move anyway, wrapping his large hand around your throat again. Your lips part further and your eyes flutter shut. Never had he felt intoxication to the extent he felt now. He felt like he’d vibrate right off the bed. He captures your lips again as his other hand moves up to cup your right breast. He kneads it first, loosening his hand around your throat to hear the full extent of your noises. Even the breathy sighs and gasps you're making now fill his lungs with a blazing fire. 
He goes from kneading to squeezing to pinching, paying attention to what earns him the sweetest noise. He felt like a teenager again, when he’d lie stiff in bed imagining what you’d sound like when he touched certain places. A sharp inhale when he sucked at the right spot on your neck followed by a strong shudder. The first moan, albeit soft, when he flicked your nipple with his tongue. A long hiss when he nipped at it or blew cold air to make it fully perk up. He could spend all day learning what makes you tick until you’re screaming for the real thing. He thinks he just might, but he’s reminded of the unlikeliness of that with a throb of his cock. Johnny needs you, he needs you right now. But if he fucks you too soon he knows he’ll cum embarrassingly fast.
Johnny’s kisses make obscene wet noises as his lips travel down your torso. You whimper and hide your face against your shoulder. You never felt this sensitive with Jungwoo. A rush thrums up your legs when you realize where his mouth is going. It’s still wet and making noises even more obscene as he goes straight for tonguing your slit. Your lips aren’t even spread and he can still tell how wet you are. The thought thrills him so much it brings out an involuntary moan. He spreads you open with two fingers before flicking his tongue against your exposed clit. Your legs twitch and the crazed bastard unfortunately notices. He continues his efforts until your poor legs are twitchy messes and your stomach is whooshing from the raw friction.
His name on your lips is a broken, squeaky mess but it eggs him on nonetheless. A finger in your clenching hole forces a shattered cry out of you. You reach down in a blind search for his hair before tugging the strands between your fingers. Your own hips betray you, stuttering toward his face to bring about an even stronger sensation. Your squeaks build until they’re a string of loud, cut-off moans that make him hum into your cunt. You shudder again with a surprised giggle at how violent the feeling is. You feel like you’re shoved over the edge, hips bucking wildly against his face as you cum around his finger. One finger, you think with another disbelieving laugh.
He was experiencing his own high from making his over decade long crush cum like that. He kisses you with your essence still on his chin, smearing onto yours. You pull him back with both hands, a ravenous look in your eyes. 
“You better not fucking leave.” You mutter breathlessly. The thing keeping him from staying seemed to no longer be an issue. “You don’t even have to worry about that.”
You go to devour him again but he only accepts it for a few seconds before flipping you over. He hoists you on your hands and knees before positioning himself behind you. He slaps his rock hard cock against your clit and makes your knees buckle, but his other arm is still holding you in place. “I don’t have a condom.”
“I don’t either.” You reply impatiently. Explaining that you and Jungwoo used them up would take much too long. “I’m on the pill and clean. Please stuff me full already.”
Your words deliver a blow to his chest and nearly make him pass out, but he comes back to his senses to line himself up and finally treat his throbbing cock. You sigh as he pushes through, but he makes a strangled grunt. Passing each ridge of your cunt is him succumbing to the chokehold further and further. The pleasure is red hot, pulsing in his joints and almost causing him to collapse on top of you. His hand leaves the few inches of his shaft still exposed in favor of one of your breasts, making you clench around him.
Johnny curses under his breath. “I don’t think I’m gonna be able to hold back.”
“It’s okay, I can handle it.”
“Yeah?” He throws his hips forward experimentally and earns an especially loud moan. He keeps your hips steady with his other hand as his hips push flush against yours. You haven’t fucked many people, but Johnny had to be objectively scarily long. You thought Jungwoo was, but you can feel this man in your navel. “You sure you can handle it?”
His words acted as a warning but his hands were caressing your body so softly. His hand dipped down your stomach and lifted back again to give a tender squeeze to your breast. His actions drive him even madder, especially when he digs his fingers into your thighs, biting his lip. He just couldn’t get enough of your soft skin under his fingers. Touching places he only dreamed about and convinced himself he’d never get to touch.
Johnny was starting to appreciate that he wasn’t using a condom when he thought about really filling you up. Even if a romantic relationship doesn’t somehow come from this, he thinks he may be fine stuffing you full of cock and cum until your bodies physically can’t take it anymore. Just being with you or in you was enough. 
“I love you.” He lowers against your back, breath tickling against your ear as he flicks his hips. You tremble, ass squishing against his pelvis with each knock of his hips. You’ve felt so loved throughout this journey with him, but you crave something more. “I know, I love you too.”
“No,” He starts softly next to your ear, “I really love you, ___.”
Your heart throbbing is so jarring you gasp. Johnny slips from the gaping tunnel he made inside you to let you turn and look at him. Your eyes flicker between his, searching for the information you need before you even ask. “You mean it?” 
“Of course.” He chuckles, brushing his thumb over your lips and then your cheek. “I’ve wanted you from the first time I ever saw you. Even when I didn’t want to admit it.” He plants a tender kiss on your lips, the first coherent one you ever shared. Clearly communicating your evolved love for one another.
You reach for the tip of his member, never breaking the kiss, and line him up again. He groans from the feeling of your warm hand around him before biting your lip when he feels your wet hole again. You help him sink in by raising your hips and it feels different than the first time. Like you were experiencing your old friend like you never had before. You disconnect to drink each other in, gazing longingly at one another as he fully sheathes inside you. Your mouths hang open until noises finally break through. Desperate keens and whines fill each other’s ears as your faces fill each other’s eyes. As if you want to carve each other into your minds.
Your bodies are pressed together and you can feel the other’s heartbeat. His thrusts are shallow, keeping you full at all times as his tip kisses your cervix. You feel your neck flush, your entire body tingling as the pleasure builds, snowballing until aching whimpers are the only sounds emitting from your throat. “I’m close-”
Everything Johnny feels contributes to his incoming high and when he hears those words, it’s like time slows down. “I want you to cum around me so bad.” His thrusts get harsher, balls slapping against your asshole. Your head thrashes against your bed as wet heat fills your lower abdomen. “Johnny!” You gasp as your walls flutter around his cock.
Your face twists and contorts as you massage his dick, flooding it with your arousal as you cum. With a handful of your breast clenched in one of his hands, he cums soon after, slit spurting semen deep within you. 
You’re both immediately rushing to embrace one another, not worrying about the mess, how sweaty you both are, nothing but wanting to stay as close as humanly possible.
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The main thing the realtor kept stressing was the rich soil. “That paired with your spacious backyard will make for a breathtaking garden.”
You just wanted a pool. It turns out in-ground pools are a lot more expensive than you thought. No wonder only filthy rich people had them. But, you guess it was for the best. If you had gotten a pool, Johnny wouldn’t have been able to show you just how breathtaking a garden could be. You rest your fists on your hips with a huff.
“That bastard… that skilled bastard.” Jungwoo mimics your pose, shaking his head as he takes in the garden. You mentioned something about not wanting your backyard to look rustic or farm-like, and he clearly took note.
Various stone pathways wind through your backyard and are bordered by a colorful array of tulips, larkspurs, and lilies. A line of rocks keep clumsy feet from stomping his hard work. One path leads to an outdoor movie setup. You can already imagine inviting all your friends over for a movie night. Another leads to a seating area to read or eat. Lastly, the main path starting from your patio leads to a lush, vibrant flower bed that livens up the entire backyard.
Skilled was putting it lightly. “I knew he was good with his hands but…”
“You’re ruining this moment.” Jungwoo cuts his eyes at you. 
“Why are you still here? Your services are no longer needed.” You turn to him once you realize. You just needed relief quickly and Johnny has been busy for obvious reasons. You were a little surprised when he suggested that.
“I still can’t believe he doesn’t care. I’m worried, did I fuck around and now I’m waiting for the subsequent finding out the kids are talking about?” Jungwoo turns and looks at you as if he’s figured it all out. That couldn’t be, he seemed so nonchalant about it. Part of you thinks it’s because he knows sex with him is much better. But why would you tell Jungwoo that? 
“Yeah, I think you should go into hiding.” You reply sardonically.
“Oh my god.”
“Hey!” Johnny calls, propping the door open with his side as he lugs out a heavy can of paint. “I wasn’t done yet.” His expression falls to disappointment when he sees Jungwoo. “What’s he still doing here?”
“He fell for your trap, but he found out you were planning to kill him.” You turn toward the house where he had fully emerged and he drops the can with a loud impact. He looked devastatingly handsome, even a dash of paint on his face. “How am I gonna surprise attack him now?” He joins in on the joke instantly.
“I hate you guys.” Jungwoo deadpans when you both laugh. “I’m leaving, enjoy your murderous, talented boyfriend.” He passes a beaming Johnny and enters your house. 
He makes his way over before grabbing both your hands. You raise on the tips of your toes to press a short, tender kiss to his lips. “How much do you usually charge for this sort of thing?”
“It’s on the house since this is my house as well.”
“That’s good to know.” Your cheeks nearly push your eyes close. You find your cheeks are hurting a lot these days. His smile drops for a moment when vulnerability peeks through.
“D’you like it?” He asks softly. Oh Johnny, you think. Never understanding just how much he impacts every aspect of my life.
You purse your lips, but there’s nothing you could do to dull your smile. Standing in your brand new backyard with your boyfriend felt like a proper start to a new chapter. 
“I love it.”
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taglist; @baehaechannie @maximumdreamchild @safariria @maliakealoha
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
C-Could we get some YanXYan crumbs? Pls? I'm starving
Ooooooooh crumbs? Bish thats my shit you getting a whole ass meal
Warning, this meal is mildly ✨spicy✨
(And a little graphic)
You couldn't believe it, of all the nerve... to think one of your own fellow counselors would stoop so low.. It was a note, they snuck into your cabin and placed a note on his pillow. Little did they know you and Harper had been sharing a bed for days now, so when he was off taking a shower you found it first. When you read it you bit your lip in anger so hard it bled.
I don't really know what you and MC have going.. but I really think you're cute, I bet I could show you a much better time~
Meet me behind the mess hall at midnight and I'll show you, I'll be waiting ❤
So now here you were, dragging their lifeless body into the woods. You were thankful Harper was a heavy sleeper, it made sneaking out all the easier. And hopefully it meant he'd still be asleep when you got back, so you'd be able to change and hide these bloody clothes. Who would have thought it would have taken so many stabs to kill one person? Then again you were pretty angry.. you may have over done it a little..
You could still kind of feel it.. the feel of the blade sinking into soft flesh... how it squished beneath the pressure as the skin tore and split.. how hot the blood was when it sprayed across your face.. you'd never imagined you could ever do anything like that... But for him you'd do so much worse.
Stopping to catch your breath you wiped the sweat off your brow. Dragging dead weight through the thicket wasn't exactly easy... you were getting tired. Wondering if this was far enough you looked around... and then froze.
A figure behind you between the trees.. you'd been followed. And with that height there's only one person it could be..
"H-Harper." You gasp beneath your breath.
Shit shit shit.. of all the people to catch you why him??
Realizing you noticed him Harper took a step forward. "Cara Mia? What are you doing out here by yourself... its dangerous" he said softly, his eyes scanning over the blood stains that covered you before trailing down to the lump of lifeless flesh and bone laying limp beside you.
"I-I can explain!"you stuttered, your words catching in your throat, tears welling in your eyes "Th-they were trying to take you from me! I-I couldn't l-let them take you away!" You hicced, taking a step back as he stepped forward.
You expected him to yell, or scream, to be horrified and disgusted at what you'd done... But instead... instead he calmly walked towards you.. smiling at you so softly, like you were the most precious thing he'd ever seen. You flinched and closed your eyes as you saw his hand raise, only to let out a soft gasp as he tenderly caressed your cheek.
"Oh Cara Mia... No one could ever take me from you~" His thumb lightly rubbed against your cheek, wiping away some of the blood as he leaned in, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck "And anyone who tries deserves what comes to them... just like the ones who've tried to take you from me~"
Your eyes widen as you realize what that means. "I..I.. You mean you've..." you stutter, your heart racing. "Of course I have... I've loved you for so long, longer than you know.. and that you'd go as far for me as I have for you. It just proves to me we were meant for eachother" he kisses your neck, his hot breath grazing your skin as he continues..
"And it means I no longer have to hide it from you.. just how much I love you.. how crazy you make me Cara Mia~" you let out a trembled gasp and grip at his hoodie as you feel something thick and wet trail along your neck, your reaction causing him to let out a soft growl. Lifting his head up he gazes into your eyes, both of his large hands now cupping your burning red cheeks "It makes me so happy I don't have to hide just how much I adore you anymore, how far I'd go just for you.. you and only you" he finishes before bringing his lips to yours.
Closing the gap with your own you let out a soft whimper as he hoists you up, your back soon pressed against a tree as his arms trap you there, your legs wrapped around his waist. It was like the sight of what you'd done had only riled him up, the hardness pressing and grinding against your crotch only confirming this.
His large frame pinning you there, the feel of his hard cock underneath his clothing rubbing into you, the grunts and groans as he savored every bit of you and what you'd done for him. It was only a matter of time before you let out a shaky moan, and that was his chance. Your eyes widened as you felt his long, girthy tongue snake into your mouth, wriggling and exploring, as if desperate to feel every inch it could.
He had you there for what felt like forever before you finally needed to break free for air. Looking up you saw him staring down at you with the most love stricken look, as if you were the only thing that mattered to him... Letting out a soft chuckle he pressed his forehead against yours, his voice low and husky "How about we finish cleaning up this mess and continue this back at the cabin?~🖤"
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doublerainbow-if · 11 months
How would the RO’s react to learning about what the Mc’s home life was like with their parents?
M already knows since they witness it firsthand growing up with you. They still drown themselves in guilt for leaving you behind in that situation all those years ago. They hate themselves for that. But it grows worst when they hear what happened after they left.
L has already called dibs for beating up your dad. They are furious over what you grew up with and it further validates their disgust for the whole system. Less said about what they did to your sibling during that blowout reunion couple years ago the better.
B will be shook. They never really witness such toxic and abusive relationship between soulmates but hearing what you want through makes them question their worldview. They will offer Peter for comfort and try to be there for you.
J is wrapping you in one of their patented bear hugs. They will ask you to just let out everything about what you been through and let them be there to comfort you. Nobody should have to go through that. They can't say anything but they hope this is enough.
V feels like a kindred to you in a sense. They have memories of their mother going through the same thing as a child and how much it broke their parents. But they don't voice as it wasn't like what you been through so they offer their best condolences.
C has a more undertone reaction with "Well that sucks." But they take you out for a wild night on the town to forget all of that. The best way to get rid of that kind of memory is to drown it all out. They just want you to not think about it again.
Avery/Suman is driving you to their house to destress. You'll get bundle up in their living room surrounded by their dogs and all the comforting things you need. They fumble over their words as they try to make you happy in the here and now.
Kahula is canceling all of their plans. They get chewed out by their manager but this is more important. Prepare for a night of hanging out in high scale hotel and acting like you're a bunch of kids again. They often do this to unwind and forget the past.
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You know, there's something that's been on my mind lately. What if Yuu was like Dexter Morgan from "Dexter"?
[OOC]: Hi! Writer here. Yeah…MC/Yuu being like Dexter Morgan sounds like an interesting concept. I mean the show itself is extremely mature with both homicidal and…other elements.
Let’s just focus on the murder! Wow. That sounds terrible out of context…
So about MC/Yuu being like Dexter Morgan, that’s gonna raise suspicions around NRC as almost everyone in the magical academy is guilty of something. Though I’m sure MC/Yuu Morgan may understand these students and friends of theirs are just acting like how normal teenagers behave.
Except I’m thinking whenever they defeat an Overblot battle and learn how the Dorm Leaders were the way they are, there’s gonna be blood shed.
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MC/Yuu Morgan is meticulous when it comes to deposing human bodies and there is a lot of victims on their list of people who harmed their friends.
I don’t think I can write everything as there’s obstacles like Royal guards, high magical security and so on, but I can give an example to how MC/Yuu Morgan does their duty.
[Example: Dr. Rosehearts a.k.a. Riddle’s Mother from HELL]
(I hate her so much because she’s a prime example of the Authoritarian Parenting style.)
If MC/Yuu were able to travel to the Queendom of Roses, they need to be equipped with whatever sharp instruments they can find and supplies for keeping blood stains off of surfaces.
Also finding drugs to incapacitate their first victim in another strange world, Mama Rosehearts from the darkest corner of the Underworld.
They would sneak inside the Rosehearts Residence and if she’s still awake, they’ll quickly inject her with a syringe with the drugs from earlier.
Next cover the kitchen area in plastic, set up the surgical tools and other handy equipments to butcher the remains.
Also the laboratory glass sheets for collecting biological samples. (Blood samples, to be exact.)
Then they strip and tie the body down on the kitchen table.
Dr. Rosehearts: *Wakes up perplexed* Hm?
MC/Yuu Morgan: *In a monotone voice* Oh look. You’re finally awake. *Pulls out their scalpel*
Dr. Rosehearts: *Gagged with tape sealed on her lips shut* What is the meaning of this?!!
MC/Yuu Morgan: Do you know why you’re stuck like this? *Cuts her cheek as it bleeds*
Dr. Rosehearts: *Winces*
MC/Yuu Morgan: *Takes the blood sample as their reminder* You forced your son to be in misery. You took away what every child deserves. A childhood. A happier, safe kind. I have murdered plenty of those kinds of people back home. *Holds their scalpel against her neck* I hope your choices are what is best for you, not him. *Pulls their tool away*
Dr. Rosehearts: *Sighs in relief*
MC/Yuu Morgan: *Pulls out a huge cleaver*
Dr. Rosehearts: *Muffled screams*
MC/Yuu Morgan: Shhh…It’ll be over soon. Or now. *Swings the cleaver down and chops right in the neck*
[The head and the body are severed, pools of blood spills off the table and on the floor shielded with plastic. With 10 seconds of remaining consciousness, Dr. Rosehearts can only see a haunting glare of the conditioned serial killer.]
MC/Yuu Morgan: “Off with your head.” Seems appropriate in Riddle’s case.
They would hack up the body like an anatomical puzzle game and stuff them in trash bags with tons of weights to prevent floating. Like what Dexter did filling his bags of victims with rocks.
MC/Yuu would throw them in the ocean, hoping no Mer-Creatures would scavenge through.
The news broke out of Riddle’s mother going missing for a week.
Nobody knows it was the Ramshackle Prefect responsible for the disappearance.
Almost all of the cases of missing people and horrific threats were caused by the unassuming magicless Ramshackle Prefect.
Now if there is an ending for MC/Yuu Morgan, they’ll probably change their name and identity like in Dexter: New Blood and try to pass on from their past actions, but keep coming back.
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That concludes if MC/Yuu acts, behaves and pursue like Dexter Morgan.
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bepp-ers · 2 years
Hello! Could I get a nsfw D, K, L for levi?❤️❤️
hi! of course you can my lovely!! the alphabet can be found HERE and on it you can request some letters (sfw and nsfw) for any yandere! obey me character <3 thanks darlings!!
d- delicious- what is their favourite part of darling's body?
He is pretty obsessed with all of you, seeing as he practically worships the ground you walk on, but he's a little more in love with a few parts.
Firstly, obviously, thighs.
Yeah, he's a thigh man. What can he say? Just seeing you in a short skirt, thigh-highs, hell anything that reveals your thighs makes him weak in the knees!
And when he's draped over your thighs, he just feels so comfortable. It's a safe haven for a shut-in like himself.
Also, when he has the courage, he adores seeing your surprise when he places a hand on one, cupping the supple flesh and maybe even giving it a loving squeeze.
Secondly, hands.
He can't explain it, but seeing your hands do anything deftly leaves him flushed and flustered.
Holding a controller? Fiddling with the buttons, your fingers curling around the warm plastic, tapping away at buttons, oh god.
What are you doing to him?
He can already feel the familiar tightness as he stares, unconsciously licking his lips at the sight.
He'd love to have them work one of his cocks whilst your mouth works the other one, but for now he's content to just watch and imagine.
k- kinks- what kinks do they have?
Once again, no surprise, but degrading treatment really riles him up.
Maybe that's why he stole borrowed your underwear, or spends hours tapping into your phone to see what you're up to.
You thought that he walked in on you changing accidentally, didn't you?
Oh MC, if only you'd realised that he did that deliberately.
He wanted- no, needed you to call him disgusting, a perverted demon, worthy of nothing!
It's only a matter of time before he caves in to his desires, deciding to take you for his own.
And whilst you scream at him afterwards, calling him a monster and fucking awful, you'll only be adding fuel to the fire.
It's the very thing he craves, after all.
l- little- how do they feel about size?
Honestly, he's one of these 'it's not about size, it's about what you do' type of guys.
But he is a demon. And demons tend to dwarf humans a tad. So whilst he isn't a giant like Beel or Diavolo, he is certainly a handful.
And uh, he does have two dicks. Which is more than most people can handle.
Combine that with his tail, gleaming and dripping with something that you suspect isn't water, and that's quantity right there.
Maybe he isn't the tallest, or the most muscular, but keeping in theme with his military position, he has many weapons in his arsenal, and he will use them if he can.
There's just so many ways to make you feel above him! And something's about being a mighty demon, yet below a regular Human, well, let's just say it does things for him.
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-Mayoi Ayase
You love to give gifts to people who are close to you. In special occasion or out of the blue. Almost a your gifts are made by you and you just want to share your works to others who might enjoy it.
That being said your most frequent receiver of your gifts would have no space to store those gift anymore, even how many secret rooms es might have.
"mayoi~ I sewn you some scarf~" you run toward the said idol who froze on his step to turn to look at your gleeful self.
He become quite enchanted by your happy atmosphere he smiled back at you in response as you skip to his side and happily put the scarf around his neck and tip toe to kiss his cheeks causing him to blush madly.
"T-thank you for the scarf... But someone as I really that worthy of your gifts?" He tearfully says as his overwhelmed with your love, effort and care.
" of course! Your very worthy!" You hug him while smiling widely. " Because everyone even you are worthy of gifts and I love you~" you says which made him to even more enamoured and Captivated by you~
"M-MC-- I love you too..." He happy hugs you back with a grin. He even spin you around in happiness and you giggle enjoying it.
"agh... what's up with this love birds disgusting sweet, so early in the morning" Aira who almost throw up his juice comment almost inaudible in the sideline as his being blinded and bitten by ants from the sweetness of the two of you and mayoi. Yet his happy for his friend that he have someone like you for him.
Aira Shiratori
"ai~ai~" you called the idol who is browsing through his phone for news about his favorite idols.
"Yes mcchi?" He look up from his phone to look up to you. "Can I seat here?" You ask first. "Yes~" he nodded.
You went to seat in front of him and put the box containing items you made. He look at the box in curious but his eyes widen as he saw you take out merchandise of his unit and his favorite unit. Merchandise he don't saw from official forum or from shops he always stalks for new stocks.
"w-woah... WHERE DID YOU BUY THOSE?" his sparkle eyes look at all the item. "I-is this a alkaloid dolls from vermillion live? Uwahhh! How unfair! I never heard of this being sold! tell me where you buy!" He almost crying as he shakes you for answers. He want to buy those items too!
"sowwy those items aren't in stocks to be brought. They are one of the kind." You made those without thought of selling them to begin with. The idol simp felt the world crash when he heard your words. "H-how unfortunate! Those are good merchandise too! I wanna cry...*hic." He cried pitiful in the table. He thought he can finally add a new collection to his shrine.
"yes they are good quality merchandise!" You nodded your head in agreement. You did use good quality product to make those. You then push the box to his side.
"here you go."
"*sob. Eh.. are you lending those to me to comfort me? I wanna own one myself... Hic... It's not the same..." He look at you with glassy eyes. "Lol. Those are for you. I made those for you. I'm not lending them since your the right owner for those--"
"UWAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! REALLY? HOW L-O-V-E-L-Y! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MC!!" he almost sweep to the table to hugs you happily as he realize those items are for him. You giggle as you pat aira head who smiling brightly now as he realize it's his.
"I love you too~"
"ehh... L-like like love?.... Oh... " You nodded at his question. He seems to process what just happened.
"Uwahh.. so many good events! I love you toooo~ ~ oh wait I already said that! But love like love!" He confess back. He fwkr overwhelming happy be even forget about his merchandise as he properly seat beside you and hugs you. Giggling so happily.
Hiiro Amagi
While walking back to the dorms, hiiro and you went to drop by the local barbeque place to eat some barbeque. The alkaloid leader forget that his unit is in the tight spot as you two happily eat away in the store.
"food in the cities are great!" He commented as he chomp on very juicy steaks that he order in the side while he flip some meat in the grill.
"We don't have barbeque or steaks back in my hometown." He tells you as he serve you a perfectly grilled meat.
"Here you go MC! Cook in both side!" He happily says.
"thank you hiiro~" you giggle as you accept the food. Eating it while listening to the stories of hiiro's hometown and childhood with his older brother seems like a good way to pass time.
"oh no. I forget I can't buy anything! Aira going to yell at me if I suddenly put a loan in the unit bank..." He says as you both are in the counter to pay.
"Don't worry I'll treat you this time around and I know that from the start anyway." You paid for the meal and hiiro look at you oddly.
He was silent till you guys went out of the barbeque grill house.
"MC, your so nice to me. I remember you always treat me in the canteen too." He mumble as the two for you walk back. He looks at you and you look up to him.
"Hmm? Is that a bad thing ? I like to enjoy food with someone who won't worry much with their diet. And stuff." Your a foodie but since your working with idols who worry about their weight.
Only some would go out and have some nice food trip with you but almost all your friends have busy schedule those days as idols.
"I see..." He thought about something. "Don't worry mc! If you like eating. I can always cook for you as a thanks! I cant be compare to Shiina-san but as long there's instruction and recipes, I can make it for you every day!" He says.
"really? Then I can't wait for you to cook for me then... I'll buy the ingredients since the old building won't have those equip." You says.
You and hiiro happily plan what to do the next time you both free to eat together.
A/N: just a cute fluff and stuff. Sowwy no tatsumi for now. I'll make a separate one for him.
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Deliciously dark! Aemond taking his pet/wife (Dark!Aemond x oc) ((snow falls chapter 21, but can be read as a standalone for its all shameless smut anyway:)) The prince and the fox
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You are Willa Wyldewoods, lady of Wyldecrest. After being denied your hand in marriage, Aemond murders your family and makes himself Lord of WyldeCrest, out-powering you. He claims you as his wife and spoils, He commands and goes over your home now and as you will learn right now: No one is safe under his reign. Not even you
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WARNINGS: Especially for this chapter: Dark!Aemond (DUH!) ((We don't do half-blends here, he's 100% dark! Aemond slightly neglecting OC, but not on purpose (hes just busy) Slavery, abortion, non-con, insecure mc is willing to do anything to please her hubby and ...well hubby's mostly pissed lol. Sexist Aemond, unfeminstic Aemond, godcomplex/innocent kink as well as dom/sub themes,spankings, fucking, spitting, aemond degrading his pet and poorly translated high valyrian:)
It is late when you are preparing for your act. Aemond is still working, as his duties keep him late. Aurelia has put you into a new gown with a lot of leather and see-through fabrics, complicated designs, and confusing straps. You are also wearing more and brighter makeup than usual. Aurelia forbade you to braid your hair; it had to be loose and wild. You notice it tangles, and you absently play with a lock.
It is an uncomfortable long silence that follows. You both sit on the bed of Aemond and wait for him to appear. You hear Aurelia sigh impatiently. "Why does he even have to stay that late? He's a prince. He can quit whenever he likes. Have servants do his biding." You are a little confused by her description. For a girl that knows Aemond...
She has no idea who he is. That is more Aegon's style. Aemond would never do that. "He isn't as his brother. Aemond takes great pride and joy into fulfilling his duties. To hand it to a servant, he would never entertain such a thought." You tell her. "He is proud and stubborn.'
She sounds jealous when she speaks next. "You know him quite well. The Aemond I know does not care for duty. All He cares about is his cock." You wonder how the two of them became enemies or whatever it is they are.
"How did you meet?" You ask.
She smiles at you, though there is pain in her eyes. She proudly recalls how she meet the prince. You assume at a ball. Perhaps during a romantic storm and they both sheltered in the same building. Or he hired her in a brothel. "I was a 15th nameday present." Your eyes widen.
She is truly a slave. You are shocked. Your terror and pity are very amusing to her. "I am just as you, little snowflake. A dirty little spent slave bitch. Sold by my parents to Aemond as a gift by Aegon. You know what he told me, before he raped me the first time? That it was such a honour to be bestowed the possibility of carrying a son for the prince.' You feel shivers run.
You tear up even by her horrible description. Aemond had a slave. A slave he raped. "What if you had a girl?" You whisper soft. "What would he have done with you?' There is a chance that one day, you might give him a daughter as well. That would be a child he does not want. He once told you girls can be married off, and that is their use. Men will be heirs. Women will be property.
There is a long silence as you notice her fingers distantly rubbing her own stomach. "I did. Aegon handled it." Handled it. Handled it how?
Your mind draws the worst conclusion immensely fast. "They took the babe away from you?" You guess they put her into an orphanage.
She does not even hide the truth. "They gave me a potion. I spiralled, passed out, and woke up without any child in my belly, covered in my own blood, the remains of my child." So they did not even know for certain that the babe was a boy or a girl. They just saw a complication and went to solve it the easy way. With knives and poison.
You are disgusted. "Why would Aemond allow this?"
She scoffs. "Aemond? Aemond only liked me for one night. Aegon fucked me all the others. Aemond took my maidenhead, I spent the entire night sobbing. He hit me a few times to shut me up. He did apologise for it in the morning."
"I found him later fighting with his brother. They were screaming at one another and Aemond wanted to know if he still had the reciet to me. He wished to trade me for a unexperienced girl at the brothel."
"He would trade you just as that? For another girl?" Your heart bleeds. You have the feeling Aemond one day will do the same with you. Trade you for another girl. A younger, prettier, more innocent girl.
Aurelia frowns at you as if she is conflicted. "I pity you, little snowflake. It is a wonder you survived Aemond that long." She sighs sweetly. "I will take the lead during tonight's events. Aemond already thinks me a slut, you can be the innocent doe eyed girl and just be fucked."
Finally your husband enters. You have missed him so badly. You miss the way she smells as leather and burned wood. You missed the sound of his breathing and even the sight of his scar. You missed everything about him in a way you didn't knew you could miss someone that much.
Aemond has not seen you two yet and kicks out his boots first, put his coat over the chair by his desk and sights so deeply that you want to rub his back to comfort him. He takes a few steps back and turns, eying you finally in your new outfit with your new friend.
You have trouble reading your husband. You always have but now more than usual. You keep staring at him, waiting for any reaction.
He stares at both of you, tangled up together for him and him alone. For his pleasure. You wonder how you'll handle Aurelia touching Aemond. You don't like that thought very much.
Aurelia chuckles when slowly touching your breasts. "Good evening, my prince." She purrs at him when you are silent. She rolls you on your front and exposes your behind. She softly smacks you, lifting your gowns for him. He takes in your naked behind, fascinated by your lack of undergarments. "Greet him." She tells you.
You greet him as you always would. "Hello, husband." You say. "We eh thought you might wish to see us both tonight. We will do as you desire, husband." You speak soft as you practiced. Aurelia rolls her eyes at you.
"Don't mind your little pet, my prince. I am learning her all the deliciously dark things you like. She will be turned into a pretty whore once we are done here. It will be as if you took her from the silk of streets yourself." You gulp at her description.
Aemond leans in, breathing in your direction. You turn away, avoiding his gaze. He grabs your chin and forces his fingers to trace over your lips before he looks at your naked breasts. "You think I want anyone else fucking this little cunny?" His fingers go deep inside of you and you nearly grunt with anticipation. You buck helplessly but by the time you have processes his touch he is gone; leaving you high and hungry.
Aemond continues, rubbing your nippels and forcing your mouth open so he can ravish your mouth with a wicked smile on his lips. His eye shimmers beautifully and you are moaning helplessly against his powerful attack you can not fend off. "You think I want anyone else, touching what I died, fought and bled for? You think I want you to rise, crumble, and fall with anyone else but me in your mind, little fox?" He roars, firing himself up with his speech as well yourself. You tremble on the bed, and your hands are touching your clit. You rub eagerly, chasing the pleasure.
"I-" You mutter helpless, clutching your wetness and closing your eyes. Aurelia is slightly shocked behind you and she chuckles lightly when spanking your exposed cunt causing you to whimper it out in pure pain.
Aemond watches, his hands folded on his back. You assume discipline will be in order. You will be dragged, smacked, spanked, owned fucked and spend and sprayed upon. You will be a bunny fighting a wolf. You know who will top you. Who will force you into submission and who will enjoy your spoils and proclaim his victory over your body.
Aemond Targaryen. You weakly mutter a excuse for your behaviour as it becomes clear that Aemond is not aroused at all. You feel foolish. Ugly, even. "I only did it for you." You confess .
He lets out a wicked long laugh. He inspects your cunt, pushing your legs wide so he can see you properly. Nothing is hidden from him. He wets his finger tip and brings it it your soaked little cunt, making a few perfect circles that break your core and alight your soul. Your hips are grabbed by Aurelia and she brings them to Aemonds fingers. You are caught between them, helpless. You wish to speak again but Aemond covers your mouth with his hand, and you find it a little too exciting and clench your pussy muscles causing the finger to be taken deeper.
You beg aemond with your eyes for mercy and understanding. He only scoffs, a wicked gleam in his one good eye and a cruel smirk on his lips "O, Hush. You'll be silent until I have figured out a proper punishment for your treason."
You freeze, terrified. Aurelia is escorted out of the room by Aemond's hard voice. "Out, whore. Out. You corrupted my perfect pretty pet already. Crawl back to Aegon.'
He turns to you, his Submissive little dirty bad pet. He sighs, shaking his head, clicking his tongue. You feel your eyes wander, too frightend to look at Aemond. He slams the door causing you to flinch. He smirks, enjoying your fear.
When he speaks his voice is a mocking soft tone. "My sweet little naive pet. It appears I can't leave you alone without proper supervision anymore."
He might go back to restricting you or giving you a guard. Perhaps he will tie your hands on your back and chain you to the bed as his whore. You picture yourself trying to break free as his cock pounds you relentlessly, taking out his displeasure and anger on you. A small needy pressure between your legs reminds you are wet. "I can be left alone, husband. I have a been a good girl. This is all a misunderstanding..." You desperately try to explain yourself.
He scoops your asscheeks, making sure that you feel the pressure and warmth of his fingers. "I don't care, my little fox. You have proven to me that you need a big punishment." He whispers in your ear causing you to shiver and to twist on the bed. "You will be dealt with accordingly. You want to be a whore? You'll be treated as one." You let out a soft whimper as Aemond takes place behind you, first spanking you with the palm of his hand.
Once he thinks you have learned your lessons you crawl away from him only to be dragged back by your hair. You whimper in pain. "Ow Ow Ow Ow!"
"I didn't say you could leave." This time he changes his spankings into ruthless slaps that make your asscheeks jiggle with each crushing blow.
It is not spanking. It is slapping. He smacks down harder and harder as you come closer to where you wish to be. Your legs are parted and Aemond's finger eases in, you welcome him home.
Your breasts dangle as he slaps your asscheeks, inflicting anger and shame upon you. You are turning wet on his lap, cursing yourself for ir. You wish he would never discovered that you enjoy this brutal activity.
Aemond hushes you as you whimper, true tears spreading and clouding your vision. You are begging on your knees for him. "Please, husband. I only need the cock a few moments. You can have me as you like. I'll be your dirty little pet."
"Repeat after me: I am Aemond's little pet. My cunt is his and his alone. I will never commit treason to my husband again. The next time I need my pussy fucked, I come to him so he can fuck me, as is proper between man and wife."
You have no trouble repeating that. Desire dulls out your pride. You wait for him to continue. "Now, my little pet. You've had your pleasure." So it is time he will get his.
Excitement makes a slave out of you, eager to please your husband as you watch as he takes his pants off. His cock is red and swollen and pre cum drips down from it. You force your mouth under it, capturing the little drops of cum with soft moans and precision. "You will do your duties or I will punish you severely. Do you understand?" He whispers when a soft drop of cum splashes on your tongue, setting your body on fire.
You nod. "Yes, my Prince."
"You will refer to me as master or you'll be quiet."
You softly kiss his balls first, licking them for him. You taste cum and sweat a delicious combination that makes your cunt clench and your breath catch. You ease the tip of the cock inside your mouth, letting Aemond feel the muscles of your mouth work and softly message his length as he pushes it deeper and deeper inside of you. You start to suck.
A few drops of delicious cum are granted right away for your hard work. "That is it, little dirty whore. Take every drop I give you. You best swallow it all."
The erected cock leaves your mouth and you watch as it is pushed between your breasts. Aemond forces your fingers around his cockhead and you are watching speechlessy as he slowly paints your chests with a few beautiful white almost see-through drops of his cum.
You turn on your knees for him, so he may fuck you now that he is erected and hard. You clench your little cunny muscles already feeling the cock pound you without mercy or consideration. You'll be owned as a whore this time. It is what you always wanted from him but never could mutter outloud.
You repeat the words after him, desperately to get them right. "I am your whore. My cunt is yours. Please, my good master. I need to be humiliated. I need to be taught what it means to be a whore." You whisper.
You are met with silence. You beg him. You tear up. Until you feel a push in your back that forces you on all fours. You try 5o escape but are pulled back in a way that makes you gasp and giggle. Aemond smirks. "That was the answer." His cock meets your soaked entrance lips, pushing in gentle and soft at first. Your wetness makes for a very soft and smooth entering, causing Aemond to take you as deep as he can.
He stretches you out in a way, opening you up to him by slowly making his way inside of you, pushing forward as a soldier sieging a castle. Your moans and begs are desperate but ignored. It isn't long that you are filled completely by his thick and big shaft as your face gets wrinkles of pain and dedication.
"I feel your clenching. You are trying to milk my cock dry, aren't you, filthy whore?" You do just that. You don't even realize Aemond could feel you tighten around him as you do that. You repeat the process when nodding furiously. You feel him pounding away at your pussy, as spots cloud your vision. "Whores don't get to consent. They take the work they are given." He tells you when you are relentlessly pounded by his thick shaft. It hurts and yet you like the way it stretches you out. You tighten your muscles around him once more, eager for his release. He should coat your pussy with his cum. You are beyond wet and begging, your breath a soft pant.
He forces you to speak suddenly. "Tell me, slut. Do you wish to deprive me of my cum? Is that what you are trying to do with your pussy muscles?" He chuckles as you cry out once more crying.
You nod instead of lying. Instead of honourable you wish to get fucked. "Yes. It's...O...Good..."
"Since you can't make proper sentences and speak to your master with respect, you'll be silent." He tells you. The cock pounds harder and faster, ignoring your cries as he fully takes you with long hard possessive trusts. Your moans feel the room. Grunts and moans of pain leave your mouth as well as useless begs. You are owned by the prince.
You are so close. You brace yourself. Aemond notices your change very well and smugly pulls out. You watch his soaked cock, shimmering with your own transparent wetness as well as his own cum. You wish he would force it in your face so you can suck it clean for him. Your wifely duties have always fasinated you and you can't help but wish that one day Aemond would make use of you the way a owner makes use of his property. A good throat fucking when you suck and lick his balls for him, encouraging him to release himself inside your mouth. You would love nothing more to be grabbed and instead be injected into your face, the cum showing everyone at court what a whore you are. You fantasies take you further and deeper.
Aemond sits the iron throne, wearing a crown when having his legs crossed. He orders his guards to hand you to him. The entire court is present. Around dozens of people. His rich voice fills the room. "You are all here today because I commanded you all. You will see what my Willa, my little fox can do." He removes his pants very quickly and you are pushed on the throne. Your legs are spread and you are fucked when sitting the rough iron chair. You moan and gasp as your husband fucks you bloody on the throne, the iron causing small cuts and displeasure. He throws you as a animal on the hard grounds of the castle as you sob in pleasure, bucking your hips as he brutally takes you on your knees proving his dominance over you by ruthless pounding that makes you cry and beg. Noble ladies look fasinated with the prince's hard work, eager to have his cock for their own. You posessivly clench once more and start to clench repeating the process as he groans. You are milking him as he calls it. You will store all his cum inside of you, the way a dragon stores his treasure in his cave.
You are pounded as hard as Aemond can give his grunts and groans becoming harder. You need a big one. A good one. He takes a break, letting himself out...
Before slamming back inside of you, sending you closer and closer to the edge. "Such a good whore for me." He mutters to himself as he throws himself back inside of you, devouring your innocence and claiming you as his spoils. He pounds harder, pounding faster, pounding intenser. He pounds away at your body as your cries become a little louder. "I will make you cum you slut." He vows gripping your hips, driving himself inside of you as if you are a fallen soldier and he is a knife. You wish he would. You know he can.
He pounds away at you, until you are screaming incoherently and your lungs hurt from the cries. Your face is stained with sweat and tears as your husband makes his claim. He trusts even faster encouraged by your cries and your whimpers. "Beg for me." He groans.
You let go of your last bits of pride. "Please, husband." Your throat hurts when you Speak. He takes you mercilessly at this point. The pleasure kills you yet brings you back to life. You want it to stop but not that ends.
Your hips are grabbed tightly as Aemond takes a few deep breaths. "Scream for me. Let me hear how much you crave what I am giving you." He groans darkly. You nod weakly.
You scream for him, certainly loud enough for people outside the room to hear but you don't care. You wish to be good. "Aemond!"
Aemond takes you faster and faster and the line between paradise and reality blurs and blurs further and further. You hear the sound of flesh slapping against flesh as he takes you harder and harder he takes the control of you. "Say it. Say you will never belong to anyone else again." He whispers in your ear.
"I am yours. Only yours, husband, my master. My prince. My lord. My only one...My king."
Aemond eyes widen as he takes is these titles and your praise. You never been this bold before. He likes it. "Thank you, my sweetest little fox." He whispers before kissing your lips tasting his own cum on it. You nod, panting.
Aemond steadies himself. All it takes is one final push for the kinslayer to release his cum and load deep inside of you. You clench once more, eager to milk his cock when the cum flows so richly. You buck your hips desperately when Aemond curses in what you assume is high Valyrian. He finishes with a brute and inconsiderate pound, glaring at you as a animal.
It is enough to send you over the edge, causing you to fall down and to let go. Your body locks and tightens as Aemond takes it rapidly now, encouraging you to continue this marvelous show. He continues to pound a few times and with a slap on your ass and a hiss he sends you down for good. "My little fox, you will come now. You will soak yourself for your master. Show me. Show me what a marvelous whore I made."
With his approval and his approval alone, you finish in front of him, clutching him tightly inside of you when you cry out his name begging for mercy you are not worthy of.
Aemond Targaryen takes you in as you lay there, your cunt spend, wet and dripping. Your chest decorated with his cum and even your lips drip of saliva and cum. You feel tired and statisifed. You stop Aemond.
You need to tell him. Now. "Aemond; I have something to tell you." You whisper soft.
Aemond freezes and waits. You hesitate. His voice speaks and yoi hear a unfamiliar phrase as he touches your face gently. "Avy jorrāelan, willa. Issa byka dyni. Issa prince. Issa dāria. Issa jaesa. Issa ōños isse se zōbrie. Nyke jāhor zālagon dārȳti syt ao, nyke jāhor ossēnagon lī qilōni ōdrikagon īlva se daorun jāhor nykeōragon isse īlva ñuhoso. Avy jorrāelan, issa ābrazȳrys."
You don't know what he says to you. You become insecure. "Are you upset, my husband?" You ask worried.
Aemond sighs, smirking. "Go to sleep. When you have behaved tomorrow, I will share the translation." You nod, eager to please him. Aemond tucks you in and gives you a soft kiss on your forehead before he joins you under the soft blankets. Unaware to you, he does not sleep. He only glares at the door eager to get out. He has something to do.
(next chapter will be aemond pov)
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