paperdice · 7 days
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hello hello! Welcome to my blog, I was a reader for a long time and after so many x reader fics I often found myself reading inaccurate character writings. after resisting the urge to take things into my own hands, I caved in.
I will not write..
NSFW ON MINORS!! character has to be 18+ for NSFW
aging minors just for NSFW
knife play or anything that involves pain for sexual pleasure
canon x oc
canon x canon
I will write!..
mostly anything
x reader (SFW/NSFW) :OPEN
hcs that includes reader (SFW/NSFW) :OPEN
character match ups (SFW), three characters is the limit (tell me about yourself and I will assign your match. if you want it from a specific fandom please tell!) :OPEN
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mha/bnha black butler fire force saiki k love is war windbreaker
sally face tf2 cookie run sonic the hedgehog cuphead bendy and the ink machine scp foundation fnaf
undertale aus spooky month creepypasta madness combat inside job scott pilgrim lackadaisy
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I vow that I will try my best to make the accurate character writing I said I would.
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justjenny-bot · 2 months
Ignore the last thing I put that there cuz it was funny (I struggled to fill this ngl LMAO)
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bloodypeachblog · 2 months
Hey, I'm curious on something. I figured I'd ask here since I have more followers.
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jonesy-squish · 9 days
I'm gonna start taking art requests since I want to draw more.I'll take requests for any of things mentioned in my intro post,ask if I like something if you aren't sure I like it since I don't have all of my interests listed.Also I won't do anything NSFW,only very very subtle suggestive art.Wont do anything to do with proships/comships or anything bigotted or gross.
Just leave an ask in my inbox :3
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sincerelyang3l · 3 months
Rating My Obsessions/Hyperfixiations:
(Going to try going oldest to newest but it might not go so well bc #traumablocking)
2019/2020 (can’t remember):
My Hero Academia: 1/10 (it gets one point for being my first ever hyperfixiation, but I was a foul human being during this time of my life)
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd/Vampires: 7/10 (I’m sure if I went back and read these books now, they would be subpar and honestly childish, but at the time, I loved them with every fiber of my being, and the memories associated are good so..)
Death Note: 1/10 (Ew I’m foul. I’m a foul creature. I deserve to be put down.)
Dr. Stone: 4/10 (I honestly remember jack about this show but it gets a 4 for being anime.)
Undertale: 5/10 (This game made me happy for awhile, but it was introduced to me by an ex best friend, so it’s getting a solid 5.)
Detroit Become Human: 6/10 (Minus points because of the time of my life this was during, but this game is an absolute masterpiece <3)
Hellsing: 5/10 (The obsession was unhealthy, but this one was pretty great too. Now, it’s sort of a sore spot, but at the time I was living the dream.)
BATIM: 9/10 (This hyperfixiation is honestly older that what I’m giving it credit for, but it’s going here because I don’t have a category for before 2019. Anyway it’s pretty great. It came back in summer of 2023 when I finally watched Dark Revival, which I liked better than the original <3)
FNaF: 8/10 (High score because this is one of the only hyperfixiations that has lasted so many years and can still bring me joy. It’s also older than I’m giving it credit for. Now, Was I cringe about it at some point? Definitely. Do I care? No.)
DSAF: 10/10 (I might be jumping the gun by giving this one my first 10, but I absolutely love this game. It’s only ever brought me joy, to this day I still love it, I based so many of my usernames and characters on it..and just ugh, I love it Fr.)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: 7/10 (Admittedly, I haven’t stayed that up to date on it, but I love this anime. It doesn’t have that many bad memories and it’s just, great.)
Dialtown: 8/10 (In the same boat as DSAF but it didn’t bring me AS much joy. I still love it though and honestly I need to finish it.)
Hamilton: 5/10 (At the time, again, I loved it, but now it’s honestly one of my least favorite musicals.)
Borderlands: 7/10 (oh god to experience this game again for the first time would truly be a beautiful experience. Although I was cringe with it for awhile and this wasn’t exactly the happiest time of my life when I enjoyed this..so..)
LA Noire: 8/10 (I honestly loved this game, it was a big turning point in me and my brother’s relationship, and I remember staying up late on countless nights playing or watching him play it.)
Curses Cosplay/The Acklam Ashes: 9/10 (This creator doesn’t make content like this anymore, no hate at all they have their reasons and I still love them, but this YouTube show was a pivotal point of my life and I love it so.)
Creepypasta: 2/10 (Low score just for the sake of the fandom, and the fact of who I was associated with during this period of time.)
Marble Hornets: 6/10 (Was I cringe? Yes. Absolutely. But this show is so amazing I’m willing to put that aside. I’m also rating this separately from creepypasta for obvious reasons.)
WitchCraft: 5/10 (I had a whole witchy thing for awhile? It was mostly just tarot cards and shirts with the phases of the moon on them.)
DND/Divinity Original Sin: 10/10 (I have zero bad memories with either of these. My love for fantasy and DnD was awakened by playing Divinity Original Sin 2 with my older brother, and then that stemmed into more love for fantasy and the genre in general.)
SCP: 8/10 (This hyperfixiation is somewhat still alive? Not really, but I do still enjoy some occasional SCP content. It’s not a higher score because this was 8th grade year and that’s embarrassing.)
The Glass Animals: 9/10 (Less of a hyperfixiation, more of just, man they made some banger music.)
Elvis: 6/10 (Literally what was wrong with me. For awhile I only listened to music from this era, especially Elvis, and forced my family to buy me a bunch of Elvis merch I didn’t need.)
Noir: 6/10 (Okay so, this stemmed from the above mentioned LA Noire earlier and basically was a time period of my life where I was obsessed with watching old detective/murder mystery movies from the 20s. Honestly, they were bangers. But also, wtf was I doing.)
Tv Heads?: 5/10 (I had a weird thing for robot TV heads for awhile? It’s hard to explain honestly.)
Queen: 7/10 (Another one of those weird band obsessions I guess. This one was definitely bigger than the glass animals.)
Good Omens: 10/10 (Absolutely love. Loved it then and I still love it to this day!! Holding out for season 3 Fr 💪)
Clover: 7/10 (not many people know what this is, so for context it’s an electroswing album by OR3O. I loved it at the time but it doesn’t hit as hard now.)
Phantom of the Opera: 10/10 (Another 10. This wasn’t technically the first musical I ever watched, but, it was the start of my love for musicals and broadway. And it’s just a great musical Fr.)
Ghostbusters: 7/10 (If you asked me why I suddenly had a ghostbuster hyperfixiation during this time, I couldn’t tell you. But they are iconic movies so…)
The Steve Saga: 8/10 (I had watched FavremySabre several years before, but never this series. Anyway I loved it, still love it.)
Supernatural: 7/10 (A bit of a lower score because I was cringe, and my obsession with Castiel was unhealthy. Not to mention Supernatural isn’t exactly the best show on Netflix? It got dull later on, but..did I watch it start to finish anyway? Yeah. Absolutely.)
Twisted Rainbow: 10/10 (FavremySabre Masterpiece.)
Doctor Who: 6/10 (Two words. Season 13.)
Ghost: 6/10 (Low Score because I can’t stand to listen to them now, and because it’s associated with an ex bestie. But. Can’t lie. They had some bangers.”
Steam Powered Giraffe: 4/10 (Also associated with an ex bestie. They’ve got some good music but I don’t listen to them anymore.)
Mushrooms/Indie: 7/10 (This one was a bit odd but it did result in me redecorating my entire room to match this aesthetic.)
Faith The Unholy Trinity: 10/10 (Awesome Game, honestly one of the first things that sparked by interest in religious media, so points for that.)
The Exorcist: 9/10 (An odd thing to hyperfixiate on, I know, but this was also a result of my growing love for religious media.)
Mandela Catalouge: 6/10 (This was an odd one. I, at the time, had this raging fear of analog horror in general, so watching the Mandela Catalogue was sort of like..immersion therapy in a way. But it’s a pretty good show none the less 🤷‍♀️)
Be More Chill: 5/10 (Loved at the time, but low points for having been introduced to me by an ex bestie.)
Every Man Hybrid: 8/10 (A certified banger. Genuinely one of the better takes on the Operator and the whole creepypasta fandom in general. It’s great fr. Highly recommend.)
Grease: 4/10 (Ew. I’m only putting it here because I was in a production of it, and it was kind of a part of my life, but also, ew.)
Greys Anatomy: 8/10 (A banger show, but it doesn’t get a 10 simply because of how long it is.)
Slipknot: 7/10 (I don’t love who I was while listening to this band, but that’s kind of just something metal music in general will do to you.)
Aliens: 10/10 (This was short lived but strong enough to have bought a “I Want to believe” poster and hung it up behind my bed.)
Beacon Pines: 10/10 (Amazing game, very underrated. Also resulted in good bonding time with my brother.)
Gravity Falls: 9/10 (Another Amazing series that I’m probably a little cringe for. Whatever. It’s awesome.)
Ace Attorney: 9/10 (I eat, breathed, and slept this game series for months. Nuff said.)
The Ocean/Sea Animals: 9/10 (if I could keep an orca as a pet, I would.)
Midnight Mass: 10/10 (HOLY GOD. Another one of my favorite bits of religious media out there. It’s not exactly prime catholic propaganda but it’s not meant to be either.)
Baldurs Gate 3: 10/10 (This game brought back my DND era, which was much needed. I’d been without fantasy nonsense for a long time and I was ready for it.)
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corvinscastle · 30 days
Hiya!! This is my introduction post my name is Corvin! Feel free to call me Vin or Vinny! I’m finally getting my blog started! I’ll be posting a variety of things! Mostly art as thats my favorite hobby lol but i’ll also post fandom ramblings and things!
I’ve never really written fanfic before but if requested i’ll try my best!!
I also take requests for character head-canons and things like that!
Art requests are welcome too ocs and canon!
Tags are a bunch(not all) of the fandoms i’m in
I look forward to interacting with all of you! For now heres some art of my Persona!
This is a sfw blog obviously!
Some disclaimers!
I do not support yandere dev Yandere sim was a big part of my childhood and its hard to let go
Problematic behavior will not be tolerated here
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pastriibunz · 9 months
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hi there!!! im pastriibunz! you might know me from the ask blog, @beaniibunzz i ran with my friends, chillibeanos and local-soda-can!
you might also know me for writing The Kai Who Didn’t Like Musicals (TKWDLM), an OC insert fanfic written like a script for TGWDLM!
but more on that later, i wanna talk about ME >:]
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Basic Info About Me:
☆ i think am aroace! 
☆ i use she/her pronouns!
☆ i have ADD! My friends keep saying i have undiagnosed autism-
☆ i do theater and i was in voice/singing lessons!
☆ i will be Kai Drew’s VA in TKWDLM: Voiced, as well as any other projects she needs a voice in!
☆ my best friends are @chillibeanos, @local-soda-can, and @evnt777!
☆ i like to draw and write!
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And that’s me! i was kinda scrambling for things to add, so forgive me if it’s boring. But, i just wanted to get through it so i could get to the fun part. now onto my blog!! :D
i have a lot to say about this silly little blog!!!
note: my ask box is always open! fill it up with whatever your heart desires!
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Things To Note:
★ I was grounded for a month, I’m back, but not without restrictions. I have 3 hours of screen time on weekdays, and 5 hours on weekends. This is subject to change.
★ Mutuals, please use the tag ‘#pastrii don’t look’ for posts with: anything very overtly sexual that isn’t written in a comedic tone. I am a sex repulsed asexual, and that type of content is very icky for me. :< [contents subject to change]
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Content You Should Expect From Me:
★ my art, both silly doodles and full pieces!
★ fanfics/drabbles, mostly angst
★ my brain dumpy thoughts i thought were funny
★ oc insert content
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notice how that last bullet point is bolded and italicized?
yeah that’s cause it’s super important
practically all the content on this blog will be about my OC: KAI DREW!
now, who is Kai Drew?
and why the hell is she in a shit ton of random fandoms?
well, Kai Drew is the little goober who’s managed to weasel her way into my brain, and 5 years later, she’s STILL. HERE.
she’s also on tumblr as @shxwstxpper!
she has her own silly little lore (to summarize: adoption, accidental mass murder, is god, and then shes inserted into various fandoms im into) that is super long and silly!!! maybe one day ill write about it. who knows!
so expect lots (if not all) of my content to surround around Kai!
speaking of my content…
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Important Tags:
⛤ #kai drew 
⛤ #tkwdlm
⛤ #the kai who didn’t like musicals
⛤ #black kaiday
⛤ #bk
⛤ #npmk
⛤ #nerdy prudes must kai
⛤ #the kai drew and bean power hour
⛤ #kai drew and bean power hour
⛤ #kai drewniverse
⛤ #kai in hatchetfield
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Kai Drewniverse Related Fandoms:
✰ Bendy And The Ink Machine
✰ Doki Doki Literature Club
✰ Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
✰ Clover 2020
✰ My Hero Academia
✰ South Park
✰ Welcome Home
✰ The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
✰ Peggy Suave
✰ The Kai Drew And Bean Power Hour!
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Non Kai Drewniverse Fandoms:
⛥ Ride The Cyclone
⛥ Chad Chad (Chadlings)
⛥ Danny Gonzalez (Greg)
⛥ Psych
⛥ Drew Gooden (Little Stinkers)
⛥ Kurtis Conner (Kurtistown)
⛥ Jarvis Johnson (Unnamed Fanbase)
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Important Links:
✩ TKWDLM Masterpost!
✩ Character.AI’s I Made!
✩ Blog Boundaries: Do’s and Don’ts!
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and that’s all for now! be sure to stick around to see where Kai’s silly little adventures take her next!
bye bye! :]
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ok yk what official intro time!!!
Names Kenz! (or Blair, idrc)
I am Non-Binary, Pansexual, and Aroace (due to S/A trauma), and I use They/Them pronouns.
(Also filled to the brim with AuDHD)
Heres more info about me!!:
I am the self-proclaimed Multifandom God™️, and heres a short list of the fandoms I'm in!!
MCR, P!ATD, SDV, WK, IJ, MHA, DSMP, PJSK, TWOMP, BATIM, FNAF, G&P, G&B, TSP, NATM, SF, AA, ATA, PPT (Poppy Playtime), Portal, MyStreet, Vocaloid, and a WHOLE ton more!!
-Proshipper (but if its for oc trauma purposes, idm), Homophobic, Transphobic, Zoophobic, Zoophilic, Pedophilic, Ableist
My favorite..:
Song (Eng, Eng Vocaloid, Jap, Jap Vocaloid)..: Ballroom Blitz [Sweet], SCAPEG8AT [Ghost and Pals], Odo [Ado], Aishite [KIKUO]
Animal..: Wolf
Color..: Green!!
Show..: Wild Kratts
Movie..: Night at the Museum
Vocaloid..: KAITO!! :}
Ok, that's it, bye!!! (Also, the tags for the fandoms are listed below, in order, in case you don't know what the abbreviations mean!!!)
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ghostinurattic · 2 months
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hi hello enjoy some self indulgent self insert art bc ya boi is now a dabi simp
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dvcky-duck · 10 months
I'm bored so here's a list of fandoms I'm in/was in
BFB WOY MLP Inanimate Insanity HTF Steven Universe Duck Tales (2016) BATIM Cuphead Poppy Playtime MHA Unikitty PVZ South Park Spooky Month FNF Cult of the Lamb MLAATR Popuko and Pipimi FHFIF Spongebob Smiling Friends and there's probably other's I either haven't thought of, haven't finished watching/reading/playing, or wasn't that obsessed with/too short lived obsession to count it in
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i’m just posting random shit cause i’m bored but here are some of my favorite cosplays that i’ve done throughout the years
if you wanna see more of my cosplays you can follow me on tiktok that1person1313
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played gartic phone with some friends....god help
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scribbyizback · 29 days
I need everyone following me to clap proudly whenever I interact w any of my old fandoms because most of the time I am on the brink of tears trying to relive the glory days
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endersprings · 1 year
So, I can't be the oy one on this website to notice this. I've come to the conclusion that crushes are formed based on ones smile. Now hear me out on this-
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Sans from Undertale has a great smile and he had a lot of fangirls, despite being a depressed living skeleton who made bad puns.
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Zacharie from OFF falls in a similar vain, some have even said they are practically the same character. Both breaking the 4th wall many times.
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Bendy and Sammy from Bendy And The Ink Machine had quite the mischievous smiles as well. Both were liked quite a bit by the community as well.
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David and Daniel from Camp Camp got some big cute smiles. One is super innocent while the other is creepy and mysterious.
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All Might/Toshinori Yagi from My Hero Academia might not exactly be super popular, but he has the staple for smiling. Don't even get me stated on his Small Might form.
Reblog if any of this hits close to home, also feel free to add more to this list!
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beaniibunzz · 1 year
The Kai Drew And Bean Power Hour!!!
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This is an ask blog made by three(3) silly goobers about their silly goobers
the main mods are:
🥤: Fizz :> [@local-soda-can] (the main mod/runner of the blog)
prns: they/it/he
🥐: Pastrii :D [@pastriibunz] (the main artist!)
prns: she/her
🌶️: Chilli :3 [@chillibeanos] (ai voice maker, also draws sometimes)
prns: any
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Kai is extremely cartoonish and goofy. She likes to go with the flow, she can get into some pretty wacky shenanigans because of this(she ended up running the mafia in her hometown of Unington- don't ask how). Unington is a New Orleans looking town, it acts like a safe space for anyone who wants to join. Almost anybody and everybody is welcome. She tries her best to be as selfless as possible(considering she’s the Savior Of The Multiverse™️). She’s just such a character and even has her own verb; Drewy! You could find her walking down the streets of Unington, saving the day, singing and dancing on stage (She’s one hell of a performance artist!), or working her second (or third, depending on how you see it) job at Unington’s very own Suave Cafe!
Bean is a very goofy rabbit hybrid that lives a joyous life of crime, although they do end up saving anyone who they feel like saving. They’re a galactic and earthbound outlaw, plus the mayor of a wonderful suburban town called Auburn, many of the friends they meet on their journey end up living there(plus their spouses(yes spouses- plural-)). They’re part of The Guardians Of The Galaxy, work with Tony Stark, and they’re a Spider-man!
Monika and Bendy are Kai’s parents! At first, it was only Bendy who had adopted Kai but she ended up in DDLC somehow and Monika adopted her without knowing about Bendy’s adoption. They now take care of Kai together, despite not really liking each other- But they try to be the best parents they can be :D
Sam and Max are Bean’s parents! They found Bean in an alleyway when they were small. The two of them tried looking for Bean’s parents, but after a while they ended up adopting them. They love Bean with all their hearts and try to be good parents :>
Kai’s friend group consists of Hanako-Kun, Nene Yashiro, Mitsuba Sousuke, Minamoto Kou, and Kel Clover! Kel’s the mom friend, Yashiro is the emotional whirlwind, Mitsuba is the instigator, Hanko flirts a lot with Kai (she is an idiot and thinks its all just jokes (It's not)) and Kou’s here for the ride. Even though they come from different universes, the five(5) of them bond wonderfully and love being in Unington with Kai. 
Bean and Kai are unofficial siblings. Bean is the older one, and is kinda protective of Kai. Kai is the younger one, and hates that Bean has jurisdiction over her. They love each other :D
Bean’s friend group changes a bunch, but the main ones are Pavitr Prabhakar, Deadpool, Akiyama Mizuki, Chelsea, Link, and Stocking Anarchy. They do shenanigans all the time, they’re just very goofy in general. 
The Stupids™️ consist of Izuku Midoriya, Stan Marsh, and Wally Darling. They seem to be.. .obsessed with Kai and never leave her alone(except Midoriya, he’s the only good one and actually respects Kai :>).
Bean has many spouses(about 97 of them-) but the main ones are Leon Kennedy, Scaramouche, and Monarch. They’re very goofy and love Bean with all their hearts :D 
Even though Kai has been officially adopted by Bendy and Monika, other people still want to adopt her. The two main offenders are Leon Kennedy (who doesn’t need Bean to co-parent with him, as he can, and I quote, “Be both the mom and the dad!”) and Reese Verlice (Not Pictured). What can I say, she’s adoptable!
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Kai and her friends get into silly shenanigans whenever they can, her friends also act as a “secret service” for Kai.
Kai and her parents get along wonderfully, her parents both do the best they can to provide a nice childhood for their daughter(even if they hate each other-).
Kai thinks her parents' fights are funny, especially when they notice her watching and pretend to be all lovey dovey. Kai can cook, despite what most people think. However, nobody in her large family can cook (Yashiro managed to burn straight up water once, don’t ask how). 
Kai desperately wants The Stupids™️ to leave her alone-(except Midoriya, he’s cool :>)
Kai likes all the spouses! Except for Scara, he’s mean to her. (Fun Fact: Monarch ended up rizzing up BOTH Bean and Kai, but he’s mostly a Bean spouse.)
Bean and their friends are absolutely goofy, these people get in shenanigans almost every day.
Bean and their parents are a wonderful trio, there isn’t a single dull day with them as their parents try to make Bean happy.
Bean loves each of their spouses equally(there definitely isn’t a favorite- and it’s definitely not Leon-).Bean hates The Stupids™️(except for Midoriya, they tolerate him-).
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Important Power Hour Links!: Pastrii’s Character.AIs!!!
Pastrii’s Power Hour Intro/Boundaries List!
“Puppet Girl!” - Chapter Masterlink!
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We hope you enjoy the show and don’t forget to ask away!!! Yes we may not be THAT popular or famous, but it’s still fun to at least try and be goofy :> 🥐: Don't forget to reblog, it helps a lot yk??? (I have never used tumblr i have no clue what im talking about) 🥤: I am the tumblr expert (I also have no clue what I'm talking about-)
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You are LGBTphobic
You are racist
You are xenophobic
You are an ableist
You are an exclusionist
You are sexist
You are a Trump supporter
You are Anti BLM & ACAB
You are truscum/transmed
You are anti kin, mogai, neopronouns or xenogenders
You support cringe culture
You ship pedophilia and/or incest (A Proshipper)
You are a MAP/Pedo
You don’t believe in non-binary genders
You are a porn/ddlg/nsfw/kink blog
You are going to start a discourse about kins
You do not support Unlabeled and Pomosexual/romantic people
Support or defend people who support the above
What is a QPR?
QPR stands for Queerplatonic Relationship!
Queerplatonic relationships are most commonly used for Aspec people! (People who are on the Aro and/or Ace spectrum!)
A QPR is a close non-sexual, non-romantic relationship that is beyond what most would consider to be a friendship. It consists of emotional commitment and prioritization that is typically seen in a romantic relationship. More simpler, it’s being more than friends, but, less than lovers. It may be more easier to explain that way.
About me!:
My names: Ollie/Ozzie/Freddie/Teddie
Pronouns: She/They/It
Gender: Transmasc Demigirl
Sexuality: Arospec Bi Aegosexual
What is this blog?
I really made this blog just for myself, but, I wouldn’t mind seeing people here!
Maybe some other Aspec people that may be in a QPR, or, Aspec people that long to have a QPR, or Aspec people that just like what I do! Or, non Aspec people that weren’t even aware of QPRs and may find them interesting to know about!
Or, something…..
I will take requests on what to draw! (As long as it has something to do with the QPRs I already have on my list!)
You are allowed to pick any QPR I have in the fandom list for me to draw!
I will not draw anything NSFW.
I won’t draw anything sex, r_pe, ab_se, inc_st or p_dophilia.
I am allowed to say no to a request.
Fandoms & My Fav QPRs!:
Amphibia (Sprig + Maddie + Ivy) (Sasha + Anne + Marcy) (Polly + Pearl)
Bendy And The Ink Machine (Boris + Bendy + Alice)
Bendy And Boris: The Quest For The Ink Machine (Bendy + Cuphead)
Cuphead (Cagney + Hilda + Cala Maria + Blind Spector)
Camp Camp (Gwen + David) (Harrison + Nerris + Preston)
Cookie Run (Cotton Candy Cookie x Herb Cookie x Cinnamon Cookie x Cherry Blossom Cookie)
Chikn Nuggit (Cheez Borger + Chikn Nuggit + Cofi + Slushi)
Doki Doki Literature Club (Natsuki + Yuri + Monika + Sayori)
Ducktales 2017 (Louie + Boyd) (Dewey + Gosalyn)
Deltarune (Kris + Berdly)
Five nights at Freddys (Glamrock Freddy + Monty + Glamrock Chica + Roxanne + Sun/Moon)
Hazbin Hotel (Angel Dust + Alastor)
Happy Tree Friends (Flippy + Flaky)
Invader Zim (Dib + Zim)
Little nightmares (Six + Mono Mono)
My Little Pony (Muffins + Dr. Whooves + Roseluck) (Pinkie Pie + Princess Luna) (Gallus + Smolder + Ocellus + Silver Stream + Yona + Sandbar)
Minecraft Story Mode (Petra + Lukas + Jesse) (Olivia + Axel)
My Hero Academia (Sero + Mina) (Izuku + Uraraka + Shoto + Asui)
Monster High (Frankie + Jackson)
Ninjago (Cole + Zane)
Ok KO! Let’s Be Heros! (K.O. + Dendy)
Poppy Playtime (Huggy Wuggy + Kissy Missy)
Steven Universe (Steven + Connie) (Peridot + Lapis)
She Ra And The Princesses Of Power (Entrapta + Hordak)
Sonic (Sonic + Shadow + Silver) (Tails + Cream)
Stickmin Series (Henry + Ellie + Charles)
The Amazing World Of Gumball (Rob + Julius) (Molly + Tina + Bobert) (Tobias + Ocho)
The Owl House (Willow + Boscha) (Emira + Viney)
The Lego Movie (Emmet + Lucy)
Undertale (Frisk + Chara) (Mettaton + Papyrus)
Zoophobia (Jack + Jill + Zill + Kayla + Spam + Vanexa)
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