mawvax · 1 year
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A Short Comic ft Price & Simon
This idea spawned from the thought: What if Price knew Simon before Ghost? That's why he said "It's good to see you again Simon." during the whole mask scene. To me, Price is a guy that puts a lot on himself. So... this came out.
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sky-is-the-limit · 9 months
"𝑰𝒏 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔, 𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒂 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏."
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mockerycrow · 6 months
are you good at character analysis? I wanna know what your analysis would be for Gaz, I’m trying to figure out his story since he’s my favorite out of TF 141
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick is a British Black man who enlisted into the British Army around 2008 or 2014 (unfortunately, the developers have inconsistencies). His operator biography states 2008 while the official activision website in a blog post about MW2019 states 2014, however it does make sense for him to enlist in 2008. He would have been at least sixteen years old which is the minimum age requirement to enlist. I would like to quickly throw in that Gaz is indeed older than Soap, as this is a misconception that I surprisingly see a lot! Gaz’s blood type is B- and he currently ranks as sergeant (which according to the official British Army website, it typically takes at least twelve years in the service, however it implies it also depends on the person’s abilities).
Gaz spent four years in the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment. During these four years going through a multitude of tests and challenges before passing selection for Special Air Service (SAS). The activision blog says during MW2019, it’s his sixth year serving as a sergeant. However, as Gaz had been selected for TF141, I believe their ranks have paused in time. Gaz has mostly spent his time in anti-terrorism in his military career. He’s an expert in demolitions, VIP escorting, weapons tactics, covert surveillance, and target elimination. He’s been awarded multiple medals, and earned his Parachute Wings whilst spending time at Camp Lejeune in the U.S. whilst collaborating with Navy SEALs. Kyle is a master of evasion and deception, being the only candidate in his entire class to escape capture from the facility and evade detection during resistance training. 
When Gaz first meets Cpt. Price, Gaz is currently assigned to an SAS specific counter-terrorism program in the UK who collaborate with the police, which is another misconception that Gaz was a police sergeant at one point (he was not! I believe some people think this because at E3, Gaz was wearing a police baseball cap).
Like true to the original Gaz, he is Price’s protege, being his student. Gaz is overall a serious and hardworking man, loyal and unbreaking. He knows when to joke and he knows when to reload. However, Gaz is not perfect and he does lose his cool (we see subtle development with this later down the road). While being loyal, Gaz does not hesitate to question Price’s choices and actions. We see this multiple times during the series, the most prime example being in MW2019 when Price and Gaz are interrogating The Butcher with Yegor. The Butcher taunts Gaz, causing Gaz to lunge and Price to send him off to fetch.. “The package”. The package being, The Butcher’s family. The reboot games, you have choices, so I’ll give the very basic run down. 
You have the option to opt into the interrogation or to opt out of it. If you opt out, Price bursts out of the room with the information (if you go near the door, you hear The Butcher’s family sobbing). If you opt in, you have so many options. At the end of the day, Gaz is mostly silent and follows orders from Price. In the police cruiser scene, Gaz questions Price in the car—he did not expect to be using women and children as bargaining chips and he makes that clear, and this is a big teaching moment between Gaz and Price. We have to remember that Gaz is young and considering everything, inexperienced to an extent. Price makes up for that inexperience, teaching him along the way. During the interrogation scene, Price makes a remark: “We’ve taken the gloves off.” This is because Gaz lashed out. Later in the car, Price says “When you take the gloves off, you get blood on your hands, Kyle. That’s how it works.” after Gaz questions him.
Overall, Gaz is a very complex character and I enjoyed watching his development during these games. I’ve seen people claim Gaz is boring or plain, but I genuinely do not believe that to be the case. Gaz, in my opinion, is also the most relatable character. He’s young, ambitious, and determined. He’s charismatic and efficient. I don’t believe a character has to be extremely traumatized, or look very very unique to be a well-crafted character and Gaz is a great example for this. 
Gaz is just a man who enlisted; someone who is smart and well-rounded (as much as an SAS member can be), he’s quick on his feet and he molds into group work fantastically. He’s extremely versatile and is a quick learner—and wants to learn. He has his flaws that make him human. Gaz develops great self control, is level-minded and is able to think for himself. A great student questions their mentor in everything and you see this with Gaz. 
You see Gaz struggle with morality in the series in a sea of characters who kill and do things without a second thought. We see him question things, we see his emotions and his extreme reluctance. We definitely see some development down the road as Gaz becomes more ruthless, but he never quite forgets his humanity in a way, compared to Price where he can easily disconnect humanity (ex. Calling The Butcher’s wife and son “the package/leverage”). 
Along with this, we see him struggle with the rules in place. I also think this is why Gaz and Price’s dynamic is great. There are rules for a reason, and both Price and Gaz know when to break them—but Gaz learns that breaking some rules doesn’t always happen for the most heroic of actions (again, Price’s quote about bloodying your hands after taking the gloves off). Gaz wants to save people and keep the peace, we see this in Piccadilly during the terrorist attacks and the aftermath scene with Price where Gaz lets the Captain know that he and his unit had actionable intel on the terrorist cell who committed the act. Of course, we see later down the road that taking the gloves off removes all limits, not just some of them. We also see a glimpse of Gaz’s conflicting feelings when 141, Farah & Alex, as well as Laswell learn about Hadir and his plans, as well as when Farah’s forces are deemed a terrorist organization.
I think I rambled on a lot about him, hopefully this is understandable! 
Sources: price & gaz activision blog intros (2019), inconsistency in enlistment date, cod fandom wiki, gaz scenes mwi & mwii, official british army website.
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transmascsimonriley · 6 months
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the only straight people allowed
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gavramous · 4 months
farah gets the shakes sometimes. a thing from her childhood that's loyally followed her to now. her whole body will tremble, and if it's a bad enough episode, her teeth will also chatter.
and she hates it. it makes her feel so incredibly fragile, so intensely out of control. this thing that wracks her body when it's decided it's had enough, it's mortifying...
she's the commander of the ulf, there are so many people that depend on her. and there are some days where she dreads holding anything, for fear she'll break it.
she takes herself to hadir when she gets like this. he's the only one she trusts to see her in such a vulnerable state. she knows he won't judge her, won't loose faith in her or her abilities.
but then he betrays her, and she has no one to go to. she has no one to soothe her, to hold her shaking hands in theirs to lessen the trembles.
- - -
farah is surprised- elated, really, when she finds out that alex is alive. she missed him dearly. she had warmed up to him much faster than she ever thought she would, and she had mourned who they could have been had he not asked her to order him into that room.
but she doesn't need to mourn anymore. he's right back at her side.
he's at her side the day hadir dies. he stays with her when they get back at base. he walks with her to her room, follows her inside. he stays with her as her hands start to shake.
he kneels in front of her where she sits on the edge of her bed, and takes her hands gently in his, and holds tightly. he sweeps his thumbs back and forth across her knuckles. just like hadir used to...
and that makes farah finally break, she sobs, leans forward in pain, and rests her head on his shoulder.
she cries, and she trembles, and throughout it all, alex is with her. he holds her shaking hands in his steady ones, and tells her it'll be alright, tells her that he's here, he's got her.
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indianamoonshine · 2 years
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pillow talk | din djarin x reader | request
rating: m as always. 18+.
summary: din comes back from a hunt while you’re sleeping. he has something to confess.
author’s note: this was a request from the list i had reblogged last weekend!
you’d been entering your REM sleep when he crawls into bed.
it’s a subtle shift but it’s enough to stir you awake, a slight intake of air sounding in the darkness. the joys of a ship like the apricus allowed for a large enough bed for the two of you to comfortably sleep in. and while the romantic aspect of your relationship with din was fairly new, sleeping in the same bed was not. sometimes, traveling across the galaxy meant sharing close quarters even before you’ve felt their kiss or memorized the contours of their face in the darkness.
din’s bare chested, tepid, and freshly showered. he smells of bar soap and a spice you’ve grown to love since knowing him; it’s an essential ingredient in the shampoo he used. sometimes when he is away for far longer than you’d like, using his toiletries is a little way of feeling less homesick for him.
a warmth blooms in your chest when he pulls you close and covers the two of you with a thick, woolen blanket he’d bought for you on his travels. with your back against his chest, you can feel every rise and fall of his breath - every beat of his heart. you make a small noise to indicate you’re awake, but not at all disturbed by it.
din’s only been away for four days which - at first felt like eons - but now seems like the most wonderful gift you could receive. still, it doesn’t make the lonely nights any less cold when he’s gone. so to feel him here, safe and at home, lessens the anxiety you’ve been harboring.
“‘m sorry i woke you…” he mumbles in your shoulder, inhaling what he finds to smell so lovely. you really don’t think you smell much like anything, but he lets out a sleepy moan of satisfaction nonetheless.
you bring a hand to thread in his curls and rub your thumb at his scruffy jaw. “don’t be. you know i prefer to be woken when you come home.” your voice is like a cloud - drifting and fluffy; full of something unpredictable because of instability.
din’s arms wrap tighter around your waist like you’ll dissipate into the realm of dreamscape. his nose slots behind your ear and he kisses the shell of it before he whispers -
“i can’t fathom the idea of my life without you in it…”
it’s sung sweet and softly, tickling at your spine. your fingers threading through his locks of hair still, but the empty palm at your side presses against the hand at your waist. you turn in his grasp, aware that the night will shroud his face from your vision.
he trusts you, without hesitation, and allows you to shift your knee between his legs so you can entangle with him comfortably. the two of you are nose to nose, oxygen mingling in the space between you.
“what brought this on?” you ask, running a finger across his brow bone where you can feel worry lines begin to form.
din is silent, considering his next words carefully. “there was a couple that gave me lodging while i was gone. the wife was ill with fever…” he pauses and you can almost hear his heart skip with disdain at the memory. “she passed my last night there. and the husband…he…”
he shakes his head, clearing an image you suspect he’d rather forget.
“it never gets easier to watch someone mourn their loved ones. but now that i…” he stops, his sentence halting so quickly that you can almost hear the gears in his head shift.
strange. din is methodical in everything he does - even storytelling. but now he struggles to form his thoughts like an inebriated person; it’s far too careful to avoid suspicion, though that’s exactly what it ends up doing.
“din?” you whisper. “now that you what?”
he lets out a great sigh. “now that i can understand how terrible the pain must be.”
you still, allowing him to continue without spooking him into shutting down. yes, you think, please tell me. please, please, please.
din cups your cheek and brings your forehead to meet his with a keldabe kiss - an honor, sacred in its purpose - despite the fact that his lips are exposed.
“i think i’m falling for you.”
the confession is drawn out and rough around the edges, din’s voice cloaked with an emotion he’s never experienced in his life. his bravery to expose himself like this - to be so honest and raw - brings tears to your eyes.
you find yourself allowing a few tears to escape, the avowal leaving a brittle and beautiful taste in the atmosphere. you smile and sniffle, blushing when din reaches out to wipe the tears from your pink cheeks.
“i love you,” you tell him in a whisper that cracks. “i love you so much that it hurts.”
din presses his lips against yours and you let him, sinking into his arms more than you thought possible.
“i love you, sweet girl…” he mumbles between kisses. “i’ll always keep you safe.”
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airysunfairy · 4 months
i just think that captain john price
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palatteflags · 1 month
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John Soap Mactavish from Modern Warfare and military based Gay/MLM moodboard~ ^^ For @wiltedrosier :) Hope you like this!
Want one? Send an ask~ -mod Jay
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homicidal-slvt · 7 months
Who would you trust to hold your drink at a party?
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thoseoldmonsters · 2 months
okay so @sstvar and i have been talking abt a shifter 141 au and i need to wordvomit raaaahhhhhh
Price: he's a kodiak bear 100% like no explanation needed here
Ghost: a white siberian tiger?? those aren't a separate species from orange siberian tigers, they just have a genetic mutation that causes the lack of pigment in their fur. was thinking he'd be a normal siberian tiger up until The Things™️, and after that he loses that pigmentation somehow. there have been studies that came to the conclusion that they have different personality types, which loosely correlate with introverts and extroverts. they're also incredibly endangered ("Today, there are estimated to be 10 times as many Siberian tigers living in captivity in Texas as in the wild." - science.org article)
Gaz: a raven !!!!!! did you know that ravens are one of the four species on the entire earth that are known to have demonstrated displacement (the capacity to communicate about objects or events that are distant in space or time)? the other three being humans, bees, and ants. they're incredibly intelligent and insightful, also curious and silly?? i will be elaborating on this, ravens are so interesting
Soap: european pine marten!!! this quote explains it very well i think: "They are intelligent and curious with a personality that is unique to every individual but always filled with old fashioned moxie." so yeah, common traits seem to smart, curious, and playful, and they're also known to be incredibly elusive
and i also came up with an oc and storyline to go with that stuff and ughhhh been hyperfixating as fuck and yeah!!!!
btw this is the size comparison (in ft bc murica) between them :3
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phantomslag · 1 year
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my paintings of the four militarymen of the codpocalypse
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whatupcherry · 3 months
i need kate laswell so bad
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sky-is-the-limit · 5 months
We need to fuck it out at this point because I can't get over you.
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ms-rampage · 1 year
141 + Laswell and Alex going to a Metallica concert.
Note: I went to see Metallica last night for the first time! Along with Pantera and Mammoth WVH.
Captain Price 🔖
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• Might end up getting a cigar from James (if he were along the railing)
• Doesn't take many photos and videos. He just enjoys the moment of being there.
• Will probably catch a guitar pick or drum stick and give it to either Gaz, or Soap.
• Doesn't care for Metallica's newer stuff, but still appreciates it
• Glad he's surrounded by old people, so there won't be any crowd surfers (because there weren't any, and 80% of the people there were at least 40+)
Soap 🧼
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• Takes photos and videos until he runs out of storage space on his phone
• He and Alex initiate the mosh pit. Soap gets knocked down by someone bigger.
• Might get drunk, or at least a new level of shit-faced.
• Sings along even thou he has a shit singing voice. Will be bruised up by the end of the show.
• Gets pissy about not catching a guitar pick, drum stick or a set list, but is happy soap boy when Price gives him one that he caught.
Gaz 🧢
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• Just like Soap takes photos and videos until he runs out of storage space on his phone.
• I feel like he would live stream it too.
• Will definitely catch a drum stick (It hit him on the head)
• Like Soap will sing along even though his singing voice is shit. He, Alex, and Soap are drunk and will be bruised and tired at the end of the show.
• Will try to stay along the railing with Price, Laswell, and Ghost to get decent photos and videos.
• Will definitely lose his hat in the crowd. Blames it on Alex because he was wrestling with a giant beach ball during Seek and Destroy.
Ghost 💀
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• Either stays along with railing with Price or stands in the back near the exit.
• Doesn't take any videos or pictures. Takes mental images.
• Might have to save Soap, Alex, and/or Gaz's asses if they get into trouble in the pit.
• Will definitely headbang, but it'll be subtle. You won't be able to tell. His mask and balaclava make it difficult to tell if he's singing along or not, but he definitely has a good singing voice.
• Will drink a bit, but won't get shit faced like Gaz, Alex or Soap.
• He definitely likes Metallica's slower songs.
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• The literal mom of the group. Makes sure they don't get into trouble *cough* Soap, Alex, Gaz *cough* hence why she's the mom of the group.
• She also has a great singing voice. Sings along with every song. She hasn't been to a concert in decades.
• "Pantera is still around?!?! I thought they broke up?!?".
• Stays with Price and Ghost on the railing. She's not sure how she was able to get a front space. She never had that type of luck in her younger days.
• "I didn't know they made a new album. They made an album in 2016 too?? Where have I been?!?!."
• She's been busy with work that Alex, Soap, and Gaz begged her to go, and then dragged her to the show, then Price and Ghost came along to be extra supervisors.
Alex Keller
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• He, Gaz, and Soap were planning on going together, but then found out Laswell is a fan of Metallica and begged her to come.
• Definitely caught a drum stick AND a guitar pick
• Fuel is definitely his song 🔥. Sings along very loudly and horribly
• Him, Gaz, and Soap are the three musketeers... of being drunk idiots.
• "wHaT dO yOu mEaN I cAn'T cRowD sUrF?!?!." he says drunk.
• During Seek and Destroy, he tries to deflate the giant beach balls but ends up wrestling with it to get it to pop.
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transmascsimonriley · 6 months
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gaz 👍
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shadow-0-8 · 3 months
Ok, I need y’all’s help.
(sorry I haven’t been posting in a while, the ADHD kicked in and I went down a rabbit hole 😭)
anyways, my birthday is coming up, and my dad is offering to get me a CoD game, since that’s always been his favorite gift to give me, and even though I’m a grown ass adult now, he still gets them. I can’t decide which one to get though.
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