#Mermaid Maul
obimaulartfire · 11 months
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I think if Maul was a mermaid, he would be one of those freaky deep-sea fish that people are afraid of. (Based off of the Black Dragonfish, Idiacanthus sp.)
Not sure what kind of AU this is! I'm thinking "Maul gets cut in half, gets thrown into an ocean and becomes forever changed by the unknowable energies in the water."
And of course he found Obi-wan and is dragging him down :) Don't worry he's fine
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ochiody · 9 months
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he has a gift for you
merleon design by @alvivaarts love ya!!
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quesadillawizard · 5 months
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Couple of finished commissions! I'm having a CENTAURS and MERMAIDS sale over on Ko-Fi!
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 9 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
🔥🔥 don't forget to reblog tysm! 🔥🔥
Want to be on the tag list? -> Comment with 'tag me!' Have an idea for next chapter or clicked the wrong option? -> Reblog about it! Check the bottom for the Ao3 link. Latest chapter is below the cut!🔥
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~King of the Dragonfish: Chapter 16 ~
When he returns from hunting treasure to find the cave empty of jedi, his scream of rage is enough to make the walls shudder and rain with scree. Maul reaches out in the force, throwing a wide net of energy out with the intent to hunt Kenobi and drag him back here. Retribution would be paid in blood for this-
He finds the jedi's energy signature just a little ways away, stationary. Lambent. The sith is brought up short, confused. Taken aback even.
Was this an escape attempt… or not?
Lashing down on his rage, setting aside judgment for a moment, Maul leaves his pot and box on the shore, and returns to the water to seek the jedi through the force. He swims fast and true for less than a minute, left and right and around…
The dragonfish sith breeches the pocket of his own bedroom cave, and rises up in a quiet rush of shedding water. Kenobi is here? Here? He went wandering, but not to his lightsaber or the surface, but here?
Maul sways his way through the caves and comes up on his own bed. There the jedi lies, buried under makeshift blankets, curled in on himself, shivering.
The sith looks around in disbelief. There on the shelf of his nightstand is his saberstaff, he leans close sniffing… not a trace of skin scent on it. Kenobi had not come looking for a weapon to kill him with then.
The last embers of his rage dowse themselves as he returns his attention to the cold little ball of stewjon.
“Jjjedi,” he whispers thoughtfully, running his claws through salt-crisp hair. “Always leaving behind the heat you need, awake or asleep. What a pathetic thing you are.”
Maul withdraws, considering the situation. Either Kenobi needed to be brought to heat, or heat needed to be brought to Kenobi. He ponders it briefly, but easily decides that he likes the jedi to be in his bed.
He goes, gathers the magma ball from the second prison cave, and returns. It is cooled somewhat, so he slices it in half with his saber like an orange, revealing the cherry red center. The freshly unmasked lava blooms with heat, rapidly forming a new black crushed shell on its surface.
Maul situates one of the halves just so, pointing it's radiant heat toward the bed. Then, he climbs in, finding his way under covers to drag his Kenobi to him. He discovers bare skin, offering him easy access to touch new places. The variety of textures is fascinating.
Predictably, when faced with heat and weight and a living body, the jedi seeks him out like a plant turning to the sun. Limbs unclench and the ball of him eases open. Arms come winding around his back, and a scruffy face presses to his shoulder.
Kenobi sighs with contentment at his presence, and Maul feels… he feels…
The words for this. These too are missing from his memory of before. Or perhaps he never had them.
Darth Maul draws his prisoner close, and waits for him to wake. The other man’s force signature brightens at one point, perhaps touching consciousness, but he drifts back down again without a word.
It is hours before the jedi truly stirs, groaning at the back of his throat as he peers blearily around.
“Kenobi,” Maul says, catching the man's chin in his fingers and drawing that watery gaze toward him.
The jedi blinks a few times, focus slow to resolve. “Where am I?” he asks.
He hums, fingers playing through that ginger beard. Soft. So soft. “Where you are meant to be.”
With a muddled huff, Kenobi turns to look around, not satisfied with his answer. “I remember getting bored and going exploring, and then I found a cave with… things. Art and trinkets… was I dreaming?”
“Mmno,” the sith denies, “you have found my cave, and put yourself in my bed. This is... good.”
The jedi scrubs a hand over his face, and back through his hair. Maul runs a hand down his bare side, then back up again.
“Sorry. I'm… not really parsing anything,” Kenobi replies.
Maul scoffs, “Because you left the heat, again. You are too weak to survive the cold. I have scolded you before but you did not listen. Hear me now: I forbid you from leaving warm places again unless I am there to watch you.”
Kenobi sloughs back down, loose limbed in his hold. “...”
“Jedi,” he says warningly at the silence, leaning in toward the other man's face. “Obey me.”
That tired, watery blue gaze lifts to his. “Mmnnn?”
So unfocused. So soft and pliant. Irresistible.
Maul’s eyes are drawn to chapped pink lips where the lower one is loose and slightly parted from the top. He doesn't question the stray desire to taste the cracked texture of it. The sith presses close, licking those lips, slipping his tongue inside a slack mouth.
“Ah,” Kenobi says softly, letting him take what he wants. His smooth tongue slides against Maul's, reactive to the languid stroking of his.
The dragonfish sith runs his claws gently down the back of his prisoner, careful not to cut unintentionally, until back becomes backside. He cups the handful of curve, squeezes and pulls, drawing their hips closer together.
The jedi turns his head away, hiding in Maul's neck. “Please, I don't…”
“Hnn?” he asks, enthralled with the way Kenobi’s soft belly and scattering of body hair felt against his own smooth stomach.
“Just hold me and let me sleep. I just want to rest,” the man pleads softly.
He tsks, “If you would stay where I put you, your strength would not wane.”
Kenobi sighs gustily, relaxing when Maul's hand returns to petting the pale flesh of him higher up. Straying places that are personal, but not quite so personal. The jedi comes back out of hiding when the trend continues. His eyes look like they struggle to stay open.
“I have gifts for you,” Maul tells him, “To earn your favor.”
“It isn't something that can or should be earned with material things,” Kenobi mumbles.
“Jedi drivel,” he counters. “Nice and necessary things are a fair measure of who to show favor to.”
Unable to help himself, the sith's claw skim just a little lower, teasing the sensitive line of skin between the other man's low back and ass. Kenobi groans, and his hips rock.
“Nng,” the pale man says simply, brows drawing faintly upward in pleasure.
Maul kisses him again, far more gently than he deserves, then settles down. “Sleep, Kenobi. Regain your strength. When you wake I will show you your gifts.”
For once, the witless jedi does as he's told.
To be continued...
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@obimaulartfire @savageopressbignaturals @icequeen8043 @moonsickvampire @maulish @obi1-kenobae @milkcioccolato @cyborg0109 @messy-sunbeam @krazykupid
New? Start from Chapter 1! 👇🏽
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connor-dioda · 5 months
It's May the 4th and Revenge of the 5th, so for Mermay here's a Maulmaid 😂 he doesn't seem to be very pleased with his new replacement lower half...
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squirggles · 4 months
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thinking of mermaids AGAIN sooooooooooooooo
Merman!Ghost x Mermaid!Reader (for Mermay 2024)
cw: dubcon elements, rough sex, SELF-INDULGENT and therefore weird mermaid biology, (suspend disbelief idk and idc about mermaid biology, i just wanted to write ghost fucking a mermaid.), forced?-ish breeding (both parties were aware of the risks)
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Merman!Ghost who's actually a selkie... of sorts.
Merman!Ghost who took the coat of a GREAT Greenland shark over three centuries ago and has lived as a shark ever since...
Merman!Ghost who's a deep dweller and has become quite the hunter, using the darkness of the depths to attract dumb prey so he can kill them.
Merman!Ghost who's not above mauling humans, in fact he despises them, especially when he finds them hurting animals. Sure, he kills them, but he's an animal himself.
Merman!Ghost who when he's bored causes issues on purpose, including scaring fish and other underwater life, and finds great humour in it.
Merman!Ghost who constantly gives trouble to fishing boats by trying to sink them, slamming his tail on the side of them to send them rocking side to side... and by ripping their nets with his teeth...
Merman!Ghost who has had horror stories and cautionary tales told of him by many navigators, pirate captains, sailor crews... who has become somewhat of a legend, a myth, and gets referred to as "The Creature".
Merman!Ghost who's not immune to mermaid song, surprisingly enough, but who can resist it plenty well.
Merman!Ghost who hears the lilting of your voice through the dark water but doesn't seek you out.
Merman!Ghost who succeeds in resisting... for days, weeks, months...
Merman!Ghost who awakes to the endless sound of your singing bubbling into his ears, and gets lulled to sleep by it as well.
Merman!Ghost who finds himself going insane by your voice, that follows him like a backdrop for every waking moment of his life, and cannot tune it out.
Merman!Ghost who eventually bites the bait and allows himself to rise from his domain.
Merman!Ghost follows your voice as it carries for miles upon miles.
Merman!Ghost who comes across a natural cave by the beach. Way too close to the beach. Close enough for him to know he'll end up washing up and getting stuck.
Merman!Ghost who checks both sides, making sure the beach is empty before he tentatively strips off his coat for the first time in years.
Merman!Ghost who stashes his coat between the rocks, covering it with algae before he dares venture into the cave.
Merman!Ghost who can't see as easily without the shark eyes, who can't swim as well without the shark fins, who can barely walk because all his human muscles are atrophied.
Merman!Ghost who wades in waist deep water into the darkness of the cave, looking around for you, his burly, calloused hands using the rocks as crutches to seek you out.
Merman!Ghost who only notices you when it's too late... when your song suddenly stops and the water splashes as you dive back in.
Merman!Ghost who watches you zoom past him in the water, a slippery fishtail propelling you in a zigzag amidst the rocks before you emerge out of the cave.
Merman!Ghost who watches you grab his shark coat and try to make off with it...
Merman!Ghost who takes his sweet time returning back to the mouth of the cave, watching you bob on the water with a mischievous smirk on your lips.
Merman!Ghost who demands "Give it back."
Merman!Ghost who scowls when you tell him "No." and "If you want it back, you have to marry me."
Merman!Ghost who crosses his arms and glares at you, shaking his head and refusing.
Merman!Ghost who scowls even more when you tell him "Then I guess it's bye bye to your skin.".
Merman!Ghost who despises being a human more than he despises the prank you're pulling on him.
Merman!Ghost who tries to negotiate and offers you something in exchange for his coat.
Merman!Ghost who pushes you against the rocks at the entrance of the cave as the cold water and seafoam wash over you both while he kisses you, pressing his tongue, the only warm part of his body, into your mouth, toying with yours.
Merman!Ghost who licks at the salty sea water glistening on your skin and the scales adorning your pretty neck, an arm wrapped around the small of your back.
Merman!Ghost whose human fingers, pale and wrinkled from the salt water, wrap around your exposed breast, softly tugging on the pert nipple while his mouth kisses and sucks at the patches of skin amidst your scales.
Merman!Ghost who tsk's at you for having been singing for so long to attract him, and scolds you for getting him so riled up for weeks on end with your song.
Merman!Ghost whose hands push you up onto the rocks so he can dip his head down your chest, wrapping his lips around one of your nipples, sucking it slowly and watching you mewl and cry so beautifully.
Merman!Ghost who gets a reminder of the one positive side of being a human, as his human cock rises up suddenly and stiffly, large and thick, already oozing precum against your tail scales.
Merman!Ghost who carefully grinds his leaking cock against your slick cunt, right before the spot your thighs meet and blend into a tail.
Merman!Ghost who turns you over, bending you over the rocks, one hand on the back of your neck, the other steadying you around the bones of your hip...
Merman!Ghost who plunges his hooded cock deep into your cunt, causing you both to cry out in delight, eyes rolling and jaws going slack as he bottoms out.
Merman!Ghost who bullies his cock deep into your cunny, feeling how your warm, gummy walls contract and squeeze around him while he groans loudly.
Merman!Ghost who pounds away at you again and again, hearing your voice go high-pitched and squeaky with each snap of his hips, finally shattering the mind-numbing and intoxicating mermaid song he's had stuck in his head for weeks.
Merman!Ghost who watches you squirm and whine as you cum around his thick cock, nearly choking it with how tight you get, before he slams his hips against the back of your tail a few more times, and shoots his cum deep inside you.
Merman!Ghost who watches smugly how blissful, quiet and calm you are after he's done, breathing heavily and your body buzzing.
Merman!Ghost who snatches his shark coat from your hands as you're too fucked out to remember you're meant to keep it out of his reach.
Merman!Ghost who puts his shark coat back on and morphs back to the shape he's comfortable in, then wraps his maw around your tired body, beginning to drag you underwater with him.
Merman!Ghost whose body rumbles with a laugh when you try to get free and loosen his grip on you, demanding he let you go.
Merman!Ghost who tells you "I thought you wanted me to be your husband? Well, I made you my broodmare too... Now I have to take care of you."
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vcreatures · 5 months
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It’s that time for the much loved mashup of Mermay and May the fourth. Last year I did Mermaid-adala previous to the Jar Jar this year I give you a two for one special, Palpatine and Darth Maul!  It also happens to be the 25th anniversary of The Phantom Menace, which I love. The prequel trilogy is my favorite. The costume design, creatures, world building, everything about them visually is chef’s kiss. I’d love to see more space opera aesthetics  in scifi. 
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emacrow · 4 months
Damian it not funny, stop laughing!!
Damian seem to be in a good mood despite that hellish fight with the condiment man at the gotham Docks.
Dick thinks he somehow found and snucked in another stray again.
Which lead to the particularly hide and seek which was to find whatever Damian brought this time, because last time he tried to sneak one of the parade horses from the pride festival back to the Wayne Manor and Bruce had to bribe the owner whom had panicked about Sparklebell.
After they'd Waited for damian to go to school, they started the mad hunt which lasted 4 hours and 23 minutes, where Dick's blood curdling scream was heard which lead to the batfam finding him in Damian's bathroom, being particularly mauled and swung around like a chew toys by a small siren/mermaid like creature.
(How he being swung around)
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3 hours later of panicking, trying to fight the supernatural humaniod being who obvious also got intangible that literally swam through the walls with Dick's legs half way held in it's mouth throughout the whole manor. The one time Bruce is not in the manor due to a meeting...
Only for it to stop right in front of Damian who just got back from school, dropping a battered and most definitely injured Dick in front of him like he just caught a worthy meal to offer as it's chirp at him.
"No, we do not offer annoying sibings as meals, no you can't eat him." Damian stern spoke as the humanoid siren stop mere minutes away from about to put dick's leg back in its mouth as it's grumbled..
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lukesandromeda · 2 months
౨ৎ kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor
l. castellan
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content : fluff, a little teeeeeensy bit of angst but you’d have to squint, cussing, canon plot line luke
pairing : luke castellan x fem!reader
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She took my fingers to her mouth / The kind of thing that makes you proud / That nothing else had ever / Worked out, worked out / And lately I've tried other things / But nothing can capture the sting / Of the venom she’s gonna spit out right now
Kiss me on the mouth / And love me like a sailor / And when you get a taste / Can you tell me what’s my flavor? / I don’t believe in God / But I believe that you're my savior
I know that you’ve been worried / But the truth is in my favor / And when we're getting dirty I forget all that is wrong / I sleep so I can see you cause I hate to wait so long / I sleep so I can see you and I hate to wait so long
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luke had a way of finding you, no matter where you were. it’s 1:07 a.m.—or, so says your watch that’s already wet with lake water, which, by the way, isn’t digital because chiron insisted you’d be found and mauled if you did in fact get a digital one—and luke has somehow found you out at the lake. 
you don’t realize at first, obviously, because you’re completely submerged in water. but when you finally feel the last bit of composure slipping out from your closed mouth in the crystal water, you swim as fast as you could to the top and breathed out. your head is dizzy from the panting that follows closely after, and you squeeze your eyes shut and relish in the feeling of the breathlessness you get when you have your time alone. the time you spend to swim, to clear your mind. 
“yo, is that a mermaid?” you hear from behind you. the voice is dramatic and sarcastic, and familiar and homelike. you turn around, biting back your grin as you swim to the edge of the dock. 
luke’s sitting with his feet in the water, his sweatpants rolled up around his knees so he can do this without getting them wet in a way that makes you giggle as you wade into his presence. 
“something funny?” he asks, tilting his head. 
you shake your head, looking up at him. he  stands, holding out his hand for you to take as he helps you out of the water. he holds up a finger, as if to say, ‘one second,’ walks away to where he has his bag and shoes, and comes back with a towel. you go to take it from him, but he tsks. you put your arms down and smile sheepishly as he wraps it around you carefully, pulling it snug over your shoulders and pulling away when he’s done. 
“you know it’s 1:30 a.m, right?” luke prompts. 
you look down at your watch. “1:10.”
he smiles, pulling his phone out of his pocket and tapping on the lock screen to show that it was, in fact, 1:30. luke wasn’t necessarily allowed to have a cell phone, just like every other demigod wasn’t, but even though he’s camp halfblood’s golden boy, he’s still a child of hermes. it’s in his blood to break the rules, even if only a little bit. 
you look down at your watch, frowning. “huh. stupid piece of shit.”
“it’s damaged by the water, probably,” luke points out, hands gently pulling you toward him. you stumble until you’re standing in front of him, watching his face as he grabs your hand and removes the watch from your wrist. his fingers rub in the red marks and dents the watch leaves, and he takes the watch in his hand. “i’ll take this to the hephaestus cabin for you tomorrow, okay?”
you nod, smiling as he finally looks back at you. you bathe in the feeling his eye contact gives you, and after a few seconds, your smile mirrors onto his face, too.
“shouldn’t be out here so late,” luke said as his forehead creased. he watched you in concentration, looking down at you as if he was trying to memorize everything about you. “come back with me?”
immediately you nod, eyes widening at the thought of him letting you sneak into his cabin. usually, as much as he wanted you to, he didn’t let you because he was too worried about getting caught and “wouldn’t forgive himself” if you were on clean up duty for the next two weeks. 
“come on, then, you prune,” he jokes in a silky voice, fingers moving against the wrinkled skin on your fingers that have become that way from the swimming you’ve been doing. 
he wraps his hand in yours and squeezes it, grabbing his bag and slipping on his shoes. you follow him to his cabin where the two of you sneakily get past his sleeping siblings to the counselor’s bedroom, (his), and he shuts the door softly once you make it there. 
he hangs his backpack on the door and slips off his shoes, running his hand through his tussled curls. he turns to face you, looking down at you for a moment, smiling when you shiver at the water running down your body. 
his hand trails to your shoulder, lifting it to your face where he presses the back of his pointer finger to your face. he crinkles his nose and smiles when he feels the droplets of lake water drip onto his skin. “you need a shower?”
“you saying i stink, castellan?” you questioned in sarcasm, earning a scoff that soothes out into a chuckle. 
“yup. terrible.”
you put on a faux offended look as he urges you to go to his dresser and grab what you need. 
luke has a drawer dedicated to your clothes in his room, mostly things you’ve left behind in there from your time being together. however, you only grab everything but a sweatshirt, turning to him and smirking when he realizes what you’re up to. 
“yeah, yeah,” he muttered, walking to his closet. “grabbin’ you my hoodie, don’t worry.”
you grin when he places it in your hands. luke guides you by the small of your back in the direction of the bathroom and you enter, closing the door, not bothering got lock it.
looking down at the hoodie, you blush when you realize it smells like him. you put your clothes down and get in the shower. you use his tropical shampoo and conditioner that you’re always praising when you run your hands through his hair, and you use the complimentary body wash that you inhale dramatically when you’re resting your head in his neck. 
you dry yourself off with a fresh towel that smells like his laundry detergent, similar to the smell of his hoodie. after changing into the clothes, you open the door to find luke laying face first on the bed, sprawled out. grinning, you tip toe to the side and tap on his shoulder. 
he only grunts out a response. 
“move over, you boulder,” you scold as you give his shoulder a half hearted shove. 
he groans, rolling over onto his back as he moves to his side of the bed. you climb into the covers and squeal when he wraps his muscular arm around you, pulling you close to him. he turns so he can face you. “hi.”
“hi,” you echo, bringing your hand to the back of his neck where you let your fingernails scratch gently. 
he lets out a hum of approval, looking down at you. “missed you.”
luke nods. “yeah. s’much.”
he leans in and plasters a kiss on the crown of your head. he pulls away, giving you the opportunity to look up at him in adoration. he reaches his hand up and traces your lips with his fingertip, smiling when you flex them to kiss it. 
“c’mere,” he groans, grabbing the back of your head and guiding it to his. he captures your lips in a soft and gentle kiss. you close your eyes and savor the feeling of him smiling against your lips when you dig your hands deep into his hair. 
when he finally pulls away, he looks down at you with so much adoration written over his features it makes your heart jump. “y’taste like the ocean.”
“i was swimming in the sound,” you defend, and he shrugs. 
“i wasn’t complaining.”
and then he tugs you back in for another kiss. 
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you pull away from the kiss and look up at him through your tears. you try at a smile because luke looks like the boy he was when you were in this position countless times before, except when it was in his bed of his cabin instead of the princess andromeda state room. 
your skin is rosy and a little bit dry from bathing in the cruise ship life luke has provided you with when you agreed to help him take down the gods. since then, it’s been the two of you and no one else. 
however, he’s constantly overworking himself. he did it before even at camp, but now it’s constant training and sometimes fighting other demigods when they’d stumble upon the ship. 
today, particularly, luke had got into a fight with a brother of ethan nakamura’s when he’d come to save ethan. the fight was ugly and bloody, resulting in the brother ending up over the ship. luckily, he wasn’t dead and had swum back to the boat he’d brought out there, but you couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear when you looked at your boyfriend’s bloody hands when he’d returned to the stateroom. 
“i—i’m sorry,” he’d said as you looked at him with fear. “he was tryin’ to kill me. he’s okay.”
you let him lead you to his bed where he sat down at the edge and pulled you in between his legs, watching you with guilt as you patched his wounds, occasionally wincing when antiseptic broke through his pain tolerance. 
“i know you worry about me, angel,” he whispered, his sweet brown eyes looking up at yours with patience, “believe me, i do. gods, you’re so perfect.”
you shook your head, blinking the tears that threatened to spill over your waterline away. “you hurt yourself so much, luke, it scares me.”
“i know,” he responded firmly, grabbing your hands and stopping them for a moment. he held them in his, looking up at you desperately. “i promise you, i wouldn’t ever think of doing anything reckless enough to take me away from you. i don’t wanna lose you either, sweetheart.”
you watched him for a few moments before he continued, “ ‘m always gonna come back to you. no matter what.” 
you smiled for a moment more before going back to cleaning his wounds. he watched as your brows furrowed, whispering, “i promise, i’m with you.”
you watched him, bringing your hand up to his cheek and dragging your thumb across it. you nodded. 
“yeah?” he asked, a boyish smile appearing on his face. 
“yeah.” you echoed. 
now, he looks down at your lips again. “y’taste like the ocean.”
you shake your head. “that’s pool water.”
“same thing?” he asks, silently asking for you to agree to disagree before your argument skills come out. 
“yeah, sure,” you agree, letting him guide you by the back of your head to kiss you softly again.
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sea-lanterns · 3 months
Mermaid/Siren Heist:
If a Pirate grabbed Mermaid then she DEFINITELY got bit 😂
Mermaid: *pissed off hissing. chomp!* Pirate: “Stop squirming, we’re trying to- OW FUCK!” Mermaid: *chomp chomp chomp!* Pirate: “Owowow! STOP BITING ME!” *though, the Pirates never move to hit Mermaid like others might to get her to stop. They aren’t that cruel. Probably need to throw a blanket, towel, or jacket/coat over Mermaids head. Kinda like how you put one over a cats head to disorient them? They're gonna need to do that else the one holding onto Mermaid is gonna get mauled even more. The other Pirates of the initial Pirate!Woman crew might find it amusing (if they weren't currently trying to escape the auction building with a rare specimen), depending on who it is and who's being bitten, but the one holding Mermaid runs risk of dropping her if it continues.*
Love how they treat the Siren as if she’s a disgruntled seal 😭😭
Though the Siren herself has a very pretty face, she actually has a very sharp, toothy maw that can leave some serious bite marks if she feels that she is threatened. The poor pirate woman that tries to pick you up would get an arm full of scratches and bite marks because you believe they are there to hurt you, so imagine they just…throw someone’s coat over your head and you’re too confused to even think about attacking.
Basically the pirate women that stole you treat you as if you’re a stray cat lmao. They even try to feed you fish from their hand once you get on their boat.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 8 months
Is there something about viper that we don't know
Ooh I've been waiting for an ask like this so I could use this format! Beyond the rose divider is more of the nsfw/yandere traits, so be forewarned!
New here and want to see Viper's fic? Click here!
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Viper: the Yandere deep sea mermaid
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File #25
Name: Viper
Age: 29
Species: deep sea mermaid (viperfish)
Prominent appearance: ghost like eyes, jaws that unhinges, an antenna, long, tall, and big body
Prominent personalities: touch starved, socially deprived, predatorial instinct, sadistic (fear inducer), entitled
Current Residence: deep trenches of the Pacific Ocean
Something notable: deep scar running down his back due to poor feedback from the old residences of the trenches; tried to kill him.
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Yandere type: predatorial type; predator and prey
Willing to hurt darling: Yes
If willing- reasoning: if darling continues to try to escape over and over again, he will not hesitate to break their tail. If darling continues to seek the light, their eyes will be plucked out and eaten by Viper. Viper will degrade darling, manipulate them into thinking they only need Viper, and that the other upper dwellers were right in abandoning darling.
Willing to break darling: yes (if push comes to shove)
Willing to kill darling: no
Willing to hurt people: yes
Willing to kill people: yes
Weapon of choice: teeth, claws
Method of killing: devouring, mauling
Kinks/fetishes: size difference, predator and prey, fear play, breeding, blood (if discovered), biting, marking, mind break, rough housing, submission, brat taming
Position: Rough dominant top
Libido: high, pent up
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Additional notes:
-Viper only knew of the dark. Abandoned at the deep trenches in an early age, he's touch starved and socially deprived. Due to his scary appearance and stereotypes, mermaids and mermen were quick to fault him.
-Will get hurt if he quickly swims upwards due to the sudden change in pressure. The light makes him uncomfortable, as it's outside his comfort zone.
-His black pearl, which is an engagement/wedding ring equivalent, was from a merman who accidentally dropped it, and never got the courage to find it. Viper found it and decided to keep it to himself just in case.
-Viper learned/got educated from listening on classes when civilization was still at the trenches up above his cavern.
-Viper's love stems more on hunger and desire, a want to keep darling for himself like a pet. An urge to completely overwhelm them with his presence. Is it actually love? Unfortunately, yes.
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affectionate-team · 11 months
A dumb thing I thought of at near midnight
Yuu asking the tweels about their parents, and them saying something along of "Pa once witnessed Ma mauling some merman that tried hitting on her in a bar, and instantly fell in love. Then, after a few years of dating, there was that one time Ma almost tore a mermaid's tail off for looking at Pa for a little too long, and he proposed right after."
Papa Leech is so whipped for his wife he's having aww-ing at everything she does.
"I love her for her personality (and lust for blood)<3"
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please make a masterlist I’m begging 🙏
Haha this is my first attempt at making a masterlist, so hope this helps!
I've attached the link to my A03 because everything is consolidated there.
Everything I write is fluff, angst or sensual romance. No smut.
Everything Obiwan - a collection on all the one shots I've written for him.
Conquered (on Hiatus) - a fantasy au with Obiwan as a Knight, Darth Maul as a warlord and the reader a Queen of a kingdom while being the last of her kind as a magical entity.
It's more Darth Maul x Reader but it wasn't getting any traction, so still debating if I should continue it or not.
Loveless (Completed) - a Namor x Shuri fic that picks off from where Wakanda Forever finishes. It also includes Attuma x Okoye and Everett Ross x Namora
The merman, the soldier and me - A one shot where reader is convinced she's in love with the winter soldier but that is only until she meets namor
Midnight Tides - just a late night cuddle by the beach wit Namor
Delirious - Namor x reader one shot request
Miguel O'hara
Miguel O'hara brain rot - A collection of one shots and requests I written for him so far.
General Hux
To save a mockingbird (on hiatus) - I began writing this story for Hux as a way to fix the sequels but then lost interest somewhere in the middle. I want to get back to it but haven't found time to finish it 😔
Ryan Ken
Plastic Hearts (completed) - a continuation for Ryan's Ken from where the movie leaves him. It's about chasing after dreams and becoming a self made person. Really had a lot of fun writing this one!
The Sea Circus Captain (On going) - A buggy x mermaid female reader fic. You and him have a shared past but when you are taken away to be revealed as a lost mermaid princess to an island you never knew about, everything changes. Uses themes of second chance romance, longing, soulmates.
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 9 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
���🔥 don't forget to reblog tysm! 🔥🔥
Want to be on the tag list? -> Comment with 'tag me!' Have an idea for next chapter or clicked the wrong option? -> Reblog about it! Check the bottom for the Ao3 link. Latest chapter is below the cut!🔥
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~King of the Dragonfish: Chapter 16 ~
Obi-Wan is just about ready to begin figuratively climbing the walls…
…scratch that, he's just about ready to literally climb the walls.
‘Come with me…’ Maul’s voice echoes in his mind.
“No,” he says aloud, pacing circles around the magma ball. “No.”
But gods, does he want-
The jedi spares a moment to be angry at the circumstances. Every jedi was met with challenges on the path of life. It was supposed to be that way. They were chances for self reflection and growth. But how many jedi had their mortal enemy return from the grave looking like something out of a wet dream -no pun intended- and kidnap them, only to change their mind and decide they just want companionship and sex? They just want him to stay with them, forever, simple as that.
It's absurd. It's enticing. It's sad. It's sweet.
It makes Obi-Wan want to punch something.
It makes him want other things too…
He has to leave. He has to. It's only a matter of time before slick scales and stress levels mix him up into a cocktail of poor choices. Obi-Wan wants to rail Maul into the ground. He wants to see what all that mess at the apex of his tail tastes like. He wants to get on his knees and-
Blast it! It's time to try escaping, with or without help from local fauna.
The jedi walks to the water's edge, and gathers his mental fortitude. He knows he's unlikely to succeed in getting to the sparkle of his lightsaber crystal, or to somehow find his rebreather. However, Maul's force signature is far away. Now is a good time to explore, and hope, and trust in the force.
Obi-Wan jumps into the frigid water, grimacing as it rises around him. He swims as close to the exit tunnel as he can, and starts taking deep breaths, trying to hyperoxygenate a bit.
Then, he dives.
What follows is a slow and cautious exploration of the nearby tunnels that serves as a double blessing for how it takes his mind off Maul. He swims one way, and finds nothing but tunnel that goes on further than he can see. The jedi returns to air, catches his breath, and goes out again.
The other direction offers a split in the road. One way leads to a dead end, the other hits a second divide. Again, he reoxigenates, and despite the terrible cold he goes back down for a third attempt.
Then a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, a seventh… a hour passes and the chill sinks into his bones. He finds two more air pockets, not quite as fresh as the algae and moss crowded caves, but still breathable.
And then, he stumbles across another ‘room’.
Obi-Wan breaches the water's surface and finds himself in a trove. He crawls up onto land, and looks around curiously. This cave is a series of smaller rooms that connect, with an exceptional number of pock marks in the walls. Perhaps millennia ago this was living coral? Whatever the case, the larger pockets have been turned into shelves, and these shelves hold myriad items.
Droid parts, sea shells, and pearls as big as his head. Tin cans, fabric scraps, and a silver platter. An entire trombone, half rusted, sits in a footlocker without a lid. There's a pile of datapads which all look to be out of charge, and a statue of some long forgotten nubian queen. These and more, a flee market’s worth of curios.
His most unexpected find is an area of sand, which seems... combed? Gemstones and polished rocks in shades of blue combine with patterns in the sand to create a garden of sorts. Many of the stones are no bigger than a bean. The largest is a chunk of lapis lazuli the size of his fist. Obi-Wan ponders the rock garden for a few minutes before moving on, not quite sure what to make of it.
A sith with a sense of artistry... that's just... odd?
From what he had seen in the archives, the sith of old stuck to geometric patterns and flat colors. Their ideal temple was a barren monolith or an angular ziggurat with either no decoration, or, records of horrible deeds carved in words. Sometimes pictures.
Yet... Maul had made a lovely little garden, in shades of blue and white and beige. Strange.
Obi-Wan turns away from the mystery, and goes digging through the droid parts to see if there's anything that could boost his comm signal. It's a possibility, there's a lot to work with here. Rather than take anything, the jedi memorizes what he sees and makes note of it. He will plan what to take and where to hide it to work on before risking revealing the direction of his thoughts.
At the very back of the caves is a large cubby of stone that looks like it was carved into the wall with a lightsaber, then carefully sanded smooth.
On a shelf beside it sits a saberstaff. Obi-Wan can feel the song of the kyber from here, now that he listens. Two notes in harmony, one longing and angry, the other spiteful and determined. The jedi knows this blade, and has no desire to touch it… but it's good to know where it is.
He shakes his head sadly at the sithly melody, and sits down at the edge of the cubby, exhausted and sluggish. Obi-Wan rests his elbows on his knees, needing a minute to gather his strength. Even with a jedi's ability to propel himself with the force and slow his heartbeat, it was still a long swim back.
Emotionally Obi-Wan feels a lot better though. He's mapped a significant amount of tunnel, found three places to get air for further exploration, and most importantly he's gotten his mind off-
Oh, kriff.
The jedi master groans, flopping backwards onto the smooth stone with a wet smack, exasperated with himself. Truly? Truly. A single stray thought about beautiful black scales, and he's back in the thick of it like he'd never left.
Obi-Wan covers his eyes with a shaking hand, hiding from reality for just a moment. Two moments. Perhaps five moments…
He sighs, removing his hand to look up at the ceiling. This is, inconveniently, when he realizes his fingers are very pale. Bother. He needs to get up, and… and swim back to the radiant heat of the magma ball.
Just the thought of it is dreadfully tiring, and he is comfortable here. Very comfortable... So very…
Oh no.
He knows exactly what being sleepy when one is very cold means. The jedi curses under his breath, forcing himself upright. His vision is slow to catch up with where he's looking. He's pushed too far, and now his body is paying the price of that.
Obi-Wan draws in the force to support himself, and rises unsteadily to his feet. Every bone in his body pleads with him to lay down. He denies the instinct in favor of a survivalist mentality.
The problem? He is much too cold.
The solution? Getting out of wet clothes and closer to warmth, or barring that, some kind of insulting material.
He thinks through a mild fog, and recalls the cloth scraps. Obi-Wan goes hunting around in the treasure trove as he pulls off his belt. He dumps his clothes onto the floor, managing to lay them out to air dry for what it was worth in the relative humidity. Then he gathers up every last scrap of fabric he can find.
The pile of scraps. A sail cloth. Half a tarp. His best find is a pair of old wool socks, which he puts on right away. The lot of it he piles in the cubby, and curls in on himself in the midst of it. Obi-Wan knows he just needs to warm up, then he can put everything back, and return to where he was supposed to be. Maul's force presence was still far away. He wasn't in a rush…
…and that's part of why the jedi falls asleep precisely when and where he really shouldn't.
Obi-Wan wakes sometime later with his head tucked under a pointed chin. A scaled tail curls around his naked legs, and a lumpy magma hemisphere radiates heat against his back.
... kark.
Obi-Wan can't deal with this right now. He's beyond exhausted, possibly a bit ill. The jedi master takes a deep breath, and just... goes back to sleep, held close in red and black arms.
To be continued...
-Tag list- (Comment if you want added!)
@obimaulartfire @savageopressbignaturals @icequeen8043 @moonsickvampire @maulish @milkcioccolato @cyborg0109
New? Start from Chapter 1! 👇🏽
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artist-issues · 1 year
As much as I adore Lilo & Stitch: The Series and Kim Possible, I don't think my brain returns to any Saturday Cartoon Adventures more than:
Aladdin: The Series - Remember the one where the cat goddess is kidnapping children and turning them into monsters? Or the one where there's a prophecy that Aladdin will die? Or the one where Genie is being hunted by the last of a race of magic-vampires? Or the one where Aladdin is being possessed by the vanquished sorcerer Mozenrath's (what a name) spirit through his magic glove? Or the one where Aladdin literally crosses over with Hercules?
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The Little Mermaid: The Series - I think about that episode where she gets sucked down into the trippy, surreal Wonderland trench and can't escape probably every week. Go to Disney Plus and find that episode, it's called "Charmed," it's worth it.
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The Legend of Tarzan - Like every episode is burned in my brain forever. The Opar episodes where he'd rather die than choose anybody but Jane, even after he thinks she's dead. The one with the Mad Elephant where Tantor thinks he's contracted the same illness. The one with DINOSAURS. The one where the new radio tower makes every animal go insane and try to kill Tarzan and Jane. The one where a different ape challenges Tarzan for leadership and WINS. The one where Jane's friends come to the jungle to rescue her. The one where Tarzan gets locked in like a prison camp with Teddy Roosevelt?! The one with a magical healing albino gorilla?! The one with Kerchak's old rival Tublat coming to try and take over the gorilla family in a series of traps? ! The one with the giant snake?! The one where Tarzan gets bit by a spider and almost DIES?! The one where Clayton's sister comes and forces Tarzan to choose between saving himself from poison or saving all of his loved ones from several death traps in time?! The one where the African tribes from the Tarzan books help Tarzan find a cure for a deadly disease in special two-part episodes?! The one with a WWII spy coming and trying to steal Jane's affections while simultaneously looking for war information he left in a music box he sent to her?! WHY IS THIS NOT ON DISNEY+?!
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Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Skilled. Courageous. And ever-vigilant. Leaping into action, it's BUZZ LIGHTYEAR, of STAR! COMMAND! I'm tired of having to dig around the Internet to watch episodes like The Wirewolf where an old Space Ranger buddy gets turned into a machine-mauling cybernetic wolf monster by the light of a radioactive moon, or the one where an "energy vampire" named N0S4-A2 tries to eat Buzz's robot friend.
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Come on. We got The Little Mermaid: The Series. That Tarzan & Jane movie isn't enough! WHERE ARE THE REST OF THEM, DISNEY
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