#Mod nico
our-ftm-experience · 3 months
Hi, how do you get out of terf Tumblr????? pls I'm in need of dire help, I liked a post without noticing the tag (it wasn't even about feminism) now I can't get out. Someone rescue me
I had the same problem last year. Eventually, I just went through and blocked all the TERF tags I'd seen. And then when I inevitably see a TERF post that doesn't use those tags, I block the user (lol, I saw somewhere that said there's not that many of them, and they all reblog each other).
Here's a list of the tags I blocked so you don't need to go searching for them:
child mutilation, drop the t, gay conservative, gender abolition, gender critical, radblr, radfem, radfem safe, radfems, radfems please touch, radical feminism, terf safe, terfblr, tra nonsense, trans cult, transgender cult
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grub-garden · 2 years
Troll Types Sorted By  Maintenance Level
Low Maintenance 
Feferies*: caretakers by nature, they love to help around the home and tend to catch and care for any small animals that cross their paths, the only thing you really need to watch out for is their willingness to abduct outdoor pets in order to care for them, this behavior is mostly seen in Feferies who don’t have enough to do at home so it’s important to keep their swimming areas full of fishy friends, and enriching toys, as well as to change out the decorations fairly regularly.
Aradias: there are two variants of Aradia, white eyed and orange eyed. the orange eyed variant will be discussed here. Orange eyed Aradias are cheerfully morbid psychics, they will often tell you about the things their ghost friends have told them. Orange eyed Aradias also require digging space and things to find in the dirt.
Kanayas: require a constant source of their crafting material of choice many prefer sewing but not every troll in a group is the exact same so make sure to try new things with Kanayas so they can find their passions.  Kanayas also have an aptitude and propensity for chainsaws so be aware of that.  Additionally kanayas socialize very uniquely so it’s important to give them the space they need and not force them into anything too fast.
Tavroses: incredibly sensitive and prone to peer pressure. they have potential and the will to carry anything through if not presented anyone who tells them not to.  with a Tavros it’s important to help them stand their ground and trust their own judgement. they are prone to hip/knee issues as well so keep an eye on that. [also they require wide doorways]
Average Maintenance
Karkats: Karkats are very loud and require constant attention which they will complain about the entire time. If you want to adopt a Karkat you need to have a thick skin as this group can vocalize but oddly enough the ability seems inexplicably limited to insulting their caretakers.  They also enjoy movies more than any other troll group what kind of movies a Karkat prefers goes by a case by case basis so provide a wide variety to see what they like most.
Solluxes:  Their mood swings make these trolls a bit unpredictable, one week may be full of quiet gaming and happy coding while the next they’re full of manic energy and shredding their personal space. Additionally, they get migraines rather frequently and may very well predict the imminent death of your loved ones. Solluxes require patience and understanding but make for great company in a lonely home.  
Equiuii: They can shatter buildings with a flick of their little finger but they are desperate for approval. they don’t like hanging out with those they deem ‘lesser’ so when raising an Equius a progressive and inclusive mindset is required.  Milk is something the average Equius will want en mass so be sure to have a fridge properly stocked at all times.  as well as some tinker-toys and metal puzzles as Equii love to build little devices and solve simple puzzles.
Terezies: These trolls will lick/sniff anything and everything as that is how they see, so using Terezi safe cleaning supplies is a must. cleaning thoroughly and often are also ideal so as to keep them from getting sick from licking germs.  Terezies love rules but more than that they love mysteries [despite having major conformation bias and not being very good at them] so rounds of clue/other mystery games will be frequent with a Terezi in the house.  Terezies also have a tendency to become highly dependent on others so it’s important to foster a sense of self sufficiency when raising Terezies to limit the negative outcomes this could cause.
Aradias: White eyed Aradias are much less sensitive than their orange eyed counterparts. While deadpan, apathetic and monotone almost all the time, it’s important to check up on Aradias as they have trouble expressing distaste with anything. soft beds, good food, and nice company in moderate amounts are enough to keep white eyed Aradias from showing physical signs of stress but in order for them to be content caretakers need to work on an individual basis with them.
High Maintenance
Nepetas: These trolls have an insane hunting drive. Nepetas see animals up to three times their size as prey and will attack if not raised/enriched properly. However they are incredibly adorable and this often results in reckless black market adoption. Toys and shredable boxes with food inside are a must for any house with a Nepeta. They require scratching posts and often do well to have therapy cats. Nepetas also have a tendency to draw on the walls, as well as be heavily invested in the romantic pursuits of their caretakers.
Gamzees: Gamzees like to climb into tunnels, tubes, and ventilation shafts of all kinds weather easily accessible or not they will also climb/paint your walls regularly weather provided paint or not.  Gamzees do not do well when their beliefs are challenged and are prone to violent outbursts when such challenges occur.  they love to snuggle and hate to be alone, separation anxiety is a challenge most every Gamzee and their caretaker will have to overcome/adapt to.  they enjoy juggling clubs and circus/fair paraphernalia and some Gamzees emanate constant carnival music with no off switch. [also be aware many Gamzee caretakers experience clown based nightmares]
Eridans*: extremely aggressive towards other trolls, Eridans also require designer brand everything or they will break out into hives from ‘the poor’. they are extremely sensitive, and don’t deal with rejection well so when raising an Eridan it’s important to provide a consistent, supportive, and lavish environment.  Additionally, Eridans have fairly poor above water eyesight and require unique prescription glasses so be sure to take them to a troll ophthalmologist as soon as they leave the grub stage so they can see properly
Vriskas: insanely lucky but that luck applies to her own interests alone and will not help you.  Vriskas need constant attention and frequent praise. Vriskas have the ability to put humans to sleep instantly so they pair well with insomniacs.  It is however important to meet them on their level and indulge their ‘mind games‘ without that they quickly become bored and seek ways to undermine the rules.  They enjoy playing with other trolls, but Vriskas also have a tendency to randomly attack their playmates so it’s important to keep and eye on them.
*Sea-dwellers are illegal to own in parts of the world with an average outdoor humidity of less than 60% and their homes must provide ample swimming space and be kept at at least 80% humidity.  ANY LOWER AND YOUR SEA-DWELLER’S GILLS WILL DRY OUT AND THEY WILL SUFFOCATE/SUFFER OXYGEN DEPRIVATION. THIS COMES WITH SERIOUS MEDICAL REPERCUSSIONS FOR THE TROLL AND LEGAL REPERCUSSIONS FOR THE NEGLECTFUL CARETAKER
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dead-poets-fics · 5 months
hi everyone sorry for the radio silence! i'm a Real College Kid now and also covid gave me a disabling chronic illness so everything hurts all the time but i'm in my most boring class right now so i'm trying my best to answer a few of the asks i've neglected.
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acuar-io · 5 months
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solangelo · 1 month
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On the evening of September 30th of 2014, @solangelo was founded and many mods and ten years later this blog is still active! In honor of the duration say hello to this event!
All sorts of artists and creators are welcome, submissions of fanart, fanfic, fanedits, playlists, cosplays and anything else your heart desires are welcome to be added to the collection!
Instead of providing alternate words, the prompts list has been divided into two sections, the first section seperates Will and Nico into individuals. The second prompt list is intended to be more focused on their relationship, and in most cases should be a word that connects to the corresponding word of that date for Will or Nico. For example, day 7 uses the words Refract and Crystal for Will and Nico and then Rainbow as their combined word.
The prompt list was intentionally designed to allow people who just want to create content for Nico or Will but not necessarily them together to also participate! Feel free to mix and match the lists throughout the week, or if you like an extra challenge you're welcome to try and use all 3 words for everyday of the week!
Prompts are only ever just a suggestion, so please feel free to submit works even if they are not necessarily inspired by one of the lists below!
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Prompt List by date: Will // Nico
Day One (09/29/24) - Dawn // Stars
Day Two (09/30/24) - Growth // Earth
Day Three (10/01/24) - Light // Shade
Day Four (10/02/24) - Cure // Precious
Day Five (10/03/24) - Scry // Knowing
Day Six (10/04/24) - Endure // Insomnia
Day Seven (10/05/24) - Refract // Crystal
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Prompt List by Date: Relationship Based Prompts
Day One (09/29/24) - Hearth
Day Two (09/30/24) - Life
Day Three (10/01/24) - Boundaries
Day Four (10/02/24) - Love
Day Five (10/03/24) - Reflection
Day Six (10/04/24) - Confession
Day Seven (10/05/24) - Rainbow
Please tag any submissions @solangelo directly or send us an ask for the best chances of us seeing your post, or you can also use the tag #solangeversary 2024. You can also always post or send links to content you've made for another platform like Instagram, Twitter, or Ao3 for us to share here. Late submissions are always welcome!
If you don't vibe with these prompts, you're welcome to check out @solangeloweek's auctober prompt list also!
Happy creating!
All art in the post is edited from the same wonderful creator of our header and pfp!
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argoii-official · 6 months
in terms of swearing, how do death sibs Nico "You can take your great army and shove it-" di Angelo and Hazel "choice suggestions about where Octavian could stick his knife" "nuns regularly washed her mouth out with soap" Levesque rank with the rest of the crew?
fourth and sixth respectively for reasons :)
percy - obvious.
annabeth - does so in greek and never learnt to stop (probably got encouraged by other campers because watching a child cuss like a sailor is very funny).
leo - look at me and tell me he doesn’t start swearing the moment he drops a screw or something.
nico - previously enjoyed the feeling of rebellion (brought up catholic), but now finds it unnecessary.
piper - willing, but also finds it unnecessary.
hazel - would be in 3rd if it wasn’t all internalised (soap incident).
jason - doesn’t as of now but would pick it up at his boarding school. thinks it’s funny when people are surprised he does.
frank - asian parent. he uses it sparingly.
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I'm actually so glad Nico got to speak up. They were always getting interrupted by either Hu (most of the time) or Ace. And I am so glad that they actually know they're not a victim and that they said they don't trust anyone here.
This is a good three dimensional character, and Nico is moving up my character rank.
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otherwindow · 9 months
gen z
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our-ftm-experience · 2 months
shout out to intersex trans men who feel excluded on all sides (me) 🥲
100%. This blog will always be a safe space for intersex people of all types.
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grub-garden · 2 years
General Caregiving Guide: Eridans
Typical Stature: eridans are on the smaller side ranging from 1'5" to 2'3"
Diet: seafood and enemies.
Temperament: cranky, prideful, needy
Preferred Environment: eridans require a basic seadwelling environment, but unlike feferies they will murder anything that enters their tank. Eridans prefer ranged weapons and will become sad if not provided access to their favorite troll safe nerf brand sniper rifles.
Enrichment: as mentioned above, they love Nerf guns, but also books, eridans will tear through libraries reading anything they can get their fins on. It is unclear how much they understand what they read, but it's clear they love it. Additionally, Eridan's love to do pagent work, they love to perform and be the center of attention, though it's the caretakers job to make sure they don't overexzert themselvs.
Lifespan: 60 to 100 years
Caretaking Tips: Much like Vriskas, Eridan's require constant and consistent attention, though what separates the two is the Eridan's need to be their caretakers favorite. They will become very aggressive and moody if they do not feel that they are the number one priority of their caretaker and don't do well in families. The best home for an eridan is a lonely single individual looking for a lifelong companion to dote on endlessly.
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sysboxes · 2 months
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[Text: This Nico di Angelo fictive is the host of his system.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
Rose: My dear sir, there are individuals roaming the streets of Earth C at this very moment with the faces of squid! Squid! Do you ask *them* their gender? And yet you waste our time asking me trifling and impertinent questions about mine? It is my own business, sir, and I bid you good day.
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starlightiing · 2 months
Come Join the F1 Family Server 💕
It's Race Week!
We are a group of about 145 people who are very loving, open, and easy to make friends with. If you're looking for a crew to run with, consider ours! Lovers of all drivers, teams, ect are welcome here! Between us, we do not all like each other's drivers, but we know how to behave. (Healthy debates always welcome, but no fighting please!)
We have:
All qualifying and races are guaranteed to be streamed. Practices are usually streamed as well. I typically feed the chat with the radio transcript messages from multiviewer. We have a specific spot for post race chatter so people who missed the race won't be spoiled.
There's a dynamic schedule in there for all events that translates to your timezone without you having to lift a finger!
F1 Fantasy is played in there, and there are channels for streaming games as well (F1 games, or others. Our resident artists sometimes stream art as well!)
There are spots for news, rumors, pets, memes, fanfic/rpf, general F1 discussion and off topics. We even have a sprint writing bot!
There's threads for other sports and other motorsports as well. We often times will stream other sports as well.
No mics or voice chatting is enabled for now. This can be unpredictable and make some people uncomfortable, so all chatting is done via typing/texting.
We have movie/show/youtube nights often as well, where we just get together as a little community and hang out and watch stuff.
An interactive game section where you can play a fishing mini-game, help us grow Nyck de Trees, and more!
Everyone is welcome. As long as you promise not to viciously bash drivers and treat everyone with respect, we got you.
Safety is a huge priority for us. We have 5 mods and between us, someone is always active to keep spaces safe. The server is locked until rules are agreed to, and we have measures in place to limit who can join the server based on age of account, account safety, ect. If your discord account is new and it won't let you in, message me directly and I'll see what I can do.
If you've been looking for someone to share races with, to make friends with, to discuss live events in a live chat with, come hang out with us 💕 you can even mute us until race days if that's your preference!
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argoii-official · 5 months
do u guys have any idea how much babygirl energy you all radiate? like- if I were a monster you’d all be dead by now cause I’d js need to take out a ‘Babygirl Tracker’ and I’d find you lmao
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drdtships · 18 days
Day 19: Whitco 💘 (Whit x Nico) 🐾
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The ask box is currently closed for the time being. ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ )
I'm glad everyone is happy about episode 12! (>ᴗ•) Also, Happy Late Birthday to Charles Cuevas! ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🎂 ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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dailydespairtime · 5 months
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i doodled nico as toro from doko demo issyo :33 ignore the fact i forgot to draw their shoes. pls
original images under cut
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