#Moon Rituals
vivmaek · 8 months
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The moon acts as a guiding light within the night sky and humans have used it to orient themselves within time and space since the dawn of our existence. However, our connection to the moon goes beyond practicality. Looking up at the moon evokes a sense of comfort, and its beauty is inspirational. As much as our planet has changed, for better or for worse, the moon remains consistent with its cycles. This sense of stability offers us wisdom, and each period of the lunar cycle represents a different stage of growth.  I was inspired to write this post after reading a fascinating article that is titled, “Effects of different phases of the lunar month on humans.” The Author, Ujjwal Chakraborty, explored the ways in which the lunar cycle exerts influence upon human psychology and physiology. Chakraborty states, “The altered autonomic neural activity and cardiovascular activity during different lunar phases is probably one of the fundamental causes of the changes of human physiology.”(2014) The autonomic nervous system regulates heart rate, digestion, respiration, blood pressure, and sexual arousal. Any changes that occurs within the autonomic nervous system is going to affect human behavior. To see a spiritual phenomenon be explained through scientific research is incredibly thought provoking; this leads me to believe that the spiritual meanings attached to each lunar phase must hold a certain amount of truth to them. If anyone is interested, the article can be found here. Chakraborty has a few other articles dedicated to lunar research that are also quite compelling. If this information intrigues you, I’d recommend looking into “The Transylvania Effect.”  
I. Lunar Phase Personalities
Click here to calculate the lunar phase you were born under.
✰ New Moon - Individuals born under this phase tend to be psychic and are gifted in their ability to acknowledge the unseen. They represent new beginnings and trust their inner instincts. This can make them rather impulsive at times. New moon babies seek out adventure and are dedicated to the process of learning. They want to experience all that life has to offer them and are not afraid to dream big. This is the only phase of the moon that is absent of light, and because of this new moon babies naturally stand out from the rest. They also make for efficient leaders because their emotions and ego are in alignment. However, they’re not the types to seek attention and would prefer to work behind the scenes. Their introverted qualities and reserved nature spark a lot of intrigue. People born under this phase can find potential within any endeavor and always have a fresh perspective to offer up. Learning how to embrace the unknown is a major life lesson for these types. 
✰ Waxing Crescent - These types can appear timid, but once you get to know them they are incredibly lively individuals who are full of curiosity. They prefer to stick to the things that they know and might struggle with accepting change. People born under a waxing crescent moon might get stuck within the past at times. Being courageous is something they struggle with. However, they still feel a desire to go out and explore, but they will approach these adventures with a practical mindset. Waxing crescent babies are attached to their comfort zone and are good at maintaining this even when chasing after new experiences. They are also good at finding the right people to associate with. Security is everything to these types, and they prefer to build deep relationships with people who will be in their life for a very long time. I’ve noticed that these individuals might feel more awkward than they come across. They are perfectionist and struggle with self criticism, they might get stuck within their own head during social exchanges. 
✰ First Quarter - There are not many individuals born under a first quarter moon, which makes these types out to be rather unique. These people are the “main characters,” and they know it. They are not afraid to take charge of their own lives and are highly ambitious. Individuals born under this phase are not dependent upon admiration or attention. The only person they’re looking to impress is themselves. First quarter babies embrace challenges. The more challenges a situation throws at them, the more likely they are to succeed. The type of person  who never backs down, they love putting their skills and talents to the test. Someone looking for a solution is going to be drawn to an individual born under a first quarter moon. Their strong personalities invoke action within other people and they serve as a source of inspiration. These individuals become unstoppable once they develop patience and learn how to wait. 
✰ Waxing Gibbous - A sense of maturity is immediately evident within these individuals. They are natural caretakers and people often seek them out to be nurtured. Waxing gibbous babies have a calm presence that elicits a sense of peace within others. These types maneuver social situations with grace and making friends comes easy to them. They inspire other people to be better, and some might try to emulate them. Other people notice their potential and can see what they’re capable of achieving, but individuals born under this phase struggle to see it within themselves. They might feel life they somehow always fall short or will tell themselves that they are not “enough.” This is the opposite of how people are perceiving them. They must learn how to care for themselves in the same way they care for other people. Developing a deep sense of self love is vital for waxing gibbous babies. 
✰ Full Moon - Individuals born under this phase are filled to the brim with energy. They might come across as more aggressive than they intend to be. Learning how to gain control over their emotions is a major life lesson for these types. Full moon babies might feel as though they are being pulled in two opposite directions. Their ego and emotions are not in alignment, they feel stuck between passion and logic. Sometimes they will chase after their desires even if that's not what's actually best for them. They can see themselves going in many different directions and it can be hard for them to choose just one. This indecisive behavior frustrates other people, especially those who depend on them. These individuals will find more success once they develop a sense of consistency within their lives. Their sense of creativity is deserving of focus and should not be overlooked. As much as their spontaneous nature might frustrate people, they also bring with them a sense of excitement and this is greatly appreciated. 
✰ Waning Gibbous - People born under this phase are often sought after for their wisdom and ability to teach. These old souls are great at communicating their thoughts and learning comes easy to them. It is unlikely that they will have to be taught the same lesson twice, they are not the types to make the same mistakes over and over again. However, being judgmental of others may be a struggle. These individuals need to understand that not everyone is going to learn as quickly as they do. They might become frustrated watching their friends running into the same issues over and over again and will offer up unsolicited advice. It would be best to let people come to them, people will ask for help if they need it. These types tend to place themselves within positions of authority and might struggle with their listening skills. They’re often caught lecturing people when really they should be listening. 
✰ Third Quarter - These types are sentimental individuals who are capable of finding deep meaning within everyday life. They hold an appreciation for the little things and show gratitude for what they have. Third quarter babies become easily attached, it can be hard for them to move on from the past. They take things slowly and aren’t likely to be caught up within a rush. Their loyalty is often taken for granted, as well as their kindness. They are commonly found within their own little world. Nostalgia maintains a strong hold upon these types. However, this connection to the past can create unpleasantries within their present life. They may be quick to forgive, but that doesn't mean they’re over it. Sometimes this can be unfair, third quarter babies need to learn how to let go of the past when it's for the best. 
✰ Waning Crescent - The ultimate day dreamers. Waning crescent babies have an extremely active imagination and are highly creative. They often have visions of what's to come and very little takes them by surprise. People are drawn to their deep insight and are attracted to their unconventional personalities. These types have a mystical presence, it seems as if they are from another world. Their opinions are uniquely theirs, which can sometimes lead to them being outcasted. However, they thrive when alone and oftentimes complete their best creative work during these moments. Throughout life, they remain true to themselves and are not afraid to embrace their eccentric qualities. They have lots of unconventional wisdom to offer. Many of these types are psychic and are in touch with the spiritual realm, but don’t quite realize this. Learning to embrace and trust their intuition is a big lesson for these types. 
II. Living in Alignment with the Lunar Cycle
✰ New Moon - Plant your seeds. This is a time to set new intentions and begin new projects. Take it easy by planning a relaxing night in so you can get in touch with yourself. Forget about the past so you can focus on what's best for the present moment. Journal about your hopes and dreams and think about the steps you can take within the next week to get closer to your desires. Burn a white candle, and incorporate the smell of tangerine, lemon, and jasmine into your routine. 
✰ Waxing Crescent Moon - This is the time to be productive. Make sure to partake in healthy habits, give yourself an extra hour of sleep by going to bed early. Continue to build upon the goals you set for yourself during the new moon. Practice meditation to remain focused within daily life. Eat a meal that would be beneficial for your health. Burn a green candle and incorporate the smell of bergamot, cedarwood, and ginger into your routine. 
✰ First Quarter Moon - Take time to focus on what's working for you and what isn’t. What tweeks need to be made within your daily routines and habits? Try to complete any tasks you’ve been putting off under this lunar phase. Go for a walk and listen to music that energizes you. Burn a red candle and incorporate the smell of patchouli, lemon and ylang ylang into your routine. 
✰ Waxing Gibbous Moon - Practice patience and journal about the times in your life in which you persevered. Focus on the progress you’ve made thus far and show gratitude for what you have. Try to complete whatever preparations are needed for the next few days so they will run more smoothly. Burn a yellow candle and incorporate the smell of rose or juniper into your routine. 
✰ Full Moon - Celebrate all the work you’ve completed by doing activities that bring you happiness. Have a fun night out with friends, take yourself out to your favorite restaurant. This would be a good time to focus on socialization. Make an effort to show your friends and family  some love. Burn a pink candle and incorporate the smell of sandalwood, cardamom and cinnamon into your routine. 
✰ Waning Gibbous Moon - Take time to reflect on the lessons you’ve learned within the past couple weeks. This would be a great time to declutter your space. Make an effort to let go of any disappointment or minor inconveniences that have been bothering you. Be kind to yourself and journal about the opportunities certain failures have brought you. Burn a light blue candle and incorporate the smell of lavender and tea tree into your routine. 
✰ Last Quarter Moon - Remove yourself from your burdens by engaging your mind with relaxing activities. This would be a good time to sit within nature. Read a book, watch one of your favorite tv shows or movies. Journal about recent frustrations so you can get them off your chest. Practice forgiveness for yourself and for others. Burn an indigo candle and incorporate the smell of peppermint and eucalyptus into your routine. 
✰ Waning Crescent Moon - Prepare yourself a comfort meal and draw a hot bath. Stretch your body and practice breathing exercises. Give yourself a massage or ask someone else to give you one. Focus on what you are drawn to as well as the desires that are developed while in a state of relaxation, try to write them down. Burn a purple candle and incorporate the smell of frankincense, sage, and lavender. 
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Moon Phases and Their Importance
This moon invites us to take on the new challenges we have always wanted. With the new moon, you can set your intentions and begin implementing changes that will lead to powerful results. This is the best time to begin a new habit. You can work spells to bring some freshness into any aspect of your life. The new moon’s energy will prove useful if you want to manifest something new.
The waxing crescent moon is the phase where the new moon begins to grow. This is the time when you should perform all constructive spells and rituals. It is the perfect time to draw forth everything you seek from the world of the unseen to the seen so that everyone else can witness the reality that you have created. It’s about going within to craft and fine-tune the manifestations you want to see on the outside eventually. If you want to encourage better behavior, cause a change in attitude for good, boost emotional well-being, or start implementing the plans you’ve made for certain projects, this is the time. The waxing crescent moon will fill you with the courage you need to fearlessly take the bull by the horns and make the best out of new, daunting situations. It’s the time to look within yourself and drink from the fountain of wisdom that lies within you. It’s time to seek the knowledge of the divine, work ancestral magic, and go into dreams to get the answers you seek from your ancestors, spirit guides, and spirit animals.
The first quarter moon is different from the waxing crescent. The latter (waxing crescent) is about pulling outcomes from yourself and higher guidance, while the former (first quarter) is about external attraction from the world around you. If you want to perform spells and rituals meant to attract things to you, the first quarter is an excellent period. Use this time to perform magic to bring back lost things, amass job opportunities, money, clients, friends, love, success, and whatever else you seek.
The waxing gibbous moon still involves construction. At this point, the moon’s energy is even stronger than ever, and there is nothing that can withstand its influence. If you have been struggling to get past something, get over a hump, or get out of a rut, this is the time to draw on the moon’s power to get things done. If you sense that there’s been a slowness in some aspect of your life, or another’s life, when it comes to healing, finances, inspiration, or anything else, you can draw on the moon’s power to force the tides to move in your favor. If there’s some project you have been dragging your feet on, work with the moon at this time and see if you do not amaze yourself with how quickly and efficiently you can get through it. If you are helping someone else, they will thank you for it because this is the time that can give them the strength to overcome their inner resistance to good things and progress while keeping them away from the temptation of wanting to put things off until the last minute.
The full moon is not to be trifled with. This is a very powerful time in the moon’s cycle. If you want something, and you work with the moon at this time to get it, you are going to get it. Thus, it would help if you thought about whether you want what you want and know that there is no going back. You must be able to deal with the consequences. This is not meant to sound ominous about getting your desire, but people want things without thinking about the consequences. For instance, if you want a better job, that might mean you should be prepared to do more than you already do. If you hate being responsible, do you want a job? Likewise, you may want a car, but are you ready to sink money into maintaining it? Feel free to work your rituals and spells when you’re sure that you’re okay with receiving whatever you want. This is a good time to address the most meaningful things to you. If you want to be even more in tune with your intuition, go deeper in spirituality, develop psychic power, and become better at divination, this is the time to do magic for that.
The waning gibbous moon is the phase when the moon wanes. We use this time to get rid of whatever is not wanted. It is a good time to work banishing and repelling magic and cleansing rituals. It does not matter whether what you want to get rid of is an energetic or physical thing. You can use the waning gibbous moon by allowing its energies to carry away whatever is no longer needed. This is a good time to look within and reflect on who you are and what you want out of life. As you dig deep, the moon will help you discover everything that doesn’t align with your ideas, and you can then deliberately work to end those things with her help.
The third-quarter moon is a good time to work on overcoming any obstacles you are contending with in life. When you need a boost or have not seen any progress in certain issues for a while, it is a good idea to use this phase of the moon to work magic to help you, especially if you have been tempted to give up on your dreams. Also, if you are dealing with changes, this is the time to make the transformation you’re undergoing even smoother and easier.
The waning crescent moon is good for banishing the bigger energy drains you have been contending with. If there is something that perpetually takes away your joy, makes you feel tired at a soul level, or is just too much of a burden to bear, the waning crescent moon has energy suited to intense banishing work. Want to get out of a project that is going nowhere? How about a friendship that’s horrible for your peace of mind? Or a relationship that has become torture to you? Perform banishing spells for them during this phase of the moon.
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gpstudios · 1 month
First Quarter Moon in Scorpio: A Time for Transformation and Determined Action
The First Quarter Moon in Scorpio is a time for transformation and determined action. Dive deep into your emotions, confront challenges, and embrace change as you harness the power of this intense lunar phase. #FirstQuarterMoon #Scorpio #Transformation
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389 · 2 years
First Quarter Moon Rituals
Plant Seeds: Take advantage of the energy of the new moon to plant the seeds of your intentions. This can be literal or symbolic.
Cleanse and Purify: Use the energy of the first quarter moon to cleanse and purify your space and yourself.
Manifest Intentions: Use the energy of the first quarter moon to bring forth your intentions and start working towards them.
Set Boundaries: Take advantage of the energy of the first quarter moon to set boundaries and define what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior in your life.
Take Action: Use the energy of the first quarter moon to take action and move forward with your plans. Don’t be afraid to take risks and make bold moves
Recharge: Use the energy of the first quarter moon to recharge your energy and spirits. Make sure to take care of yourself and take time to relax and rejuvenate.
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schoolofholywitchery · 7 months
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Diving into Moon rituals is a profound way to connect with the divine feminine, and the rhythms of nature. Each phase of the moon offers unique energies that we can tap into and align with for personal growth and spiritual awakening.
#MoonRitual #MoonMagic #HolyWitchery #MysticalPractices #TheHolyWitch #LunarMagic #NewMoon #moonwater #witch #witchcraft #magic #magick #fullmoon #moonmagick #moonspells #moonrituals #newmoonritual #newmoonmagic #newmoonrituals #fullmoonmagic #fullmoonritual #fullmoonrituals
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unseeliej · 10 months
The Wheel of the Moon
I’ve mentioned before that I’m a big fan of the Wheel of Life exercise. I was introduced to it by my psychologist, and I found that it was a) really helpful and b) fun. I like lists. I like charts. I like ways to visualize data, and that’s pretty much exactly what this exercise does. It’s also really flexible and customizable. This last bit is why I’ve made it part of my full moon observations.…
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 year
The Enchanting Process of Making and Utilizing Moon Water
Shaina Tranquilino
August 12, 2023
Moon water, also known as lunar water or moon-infused water, is a fascinating and mystical practice that has been used by many cultures for centuries. The idea behind it is to harness the energy of the moon and infuse it into water, creating a potent elixir that can be used for various purposes. In this blog post, we will explore the process of making and using moon water.
To begin with, let's understand why the moon is believed to possess such powerful energy. The moon has long been associated with cycles, transformation, and feminine energy. Its phases are seen as symbolic representations of personal growth and change. By aligning ourselves with these lunar energies, we can tap into their power to manifest our desires and intentions.
Now, onto the process of making moon water. Firstly, you will need a clean glass jar or container that can hold water. It's important to use glass as it doesn't interact with the energetic properties of the water like plastic does. Fill your container with filtered or spring water - never use tap water as it may contain impurities or chemicals.
Next comes the crucial step: charging your water under the light of the moon. Different phases of the moon have different energies associated with them, so choose which phase aligns best with your intention for using the moon water. Here are some common associations:
1. New Moon: Represents new beginnings and setting intentions.
2. Waxing Moon: Symbolizes growth, abundance, and manifestation.
3. Full Moon: Signifies completion, heightened intuition, and releasing negative energy.
4. Waning Moon: Ideal for banishing negativity or bad habits.
Place your jar outside in a location where it will receive direct moonlight throughout the night. If you're concerned about debris or bugs getting into your water, cover it with a breathable cloth or lid.
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In the morning after exposure to moonlight, retrieve your jar of charged water. You now have moon water! It's important to note that the energy of the moon is subtle, so don't expect your water to taste or look any different from regular water. Its power lies in its energetic properties.
Now that you have your moon water, how can you use it? The possibilities are endless! Here are a few ideas:
1. Drinking: Moon water can be consumed as a way to imbibe lunar energy and enhance spiritual practices like meditation or ritual work.
2. Cleansing: Use moon water as a sacred tool for cleansing crystals, altar tools, or even your own aura by sprinkling or lightly misting them.
3. Bathing: Add moon water to your bath for a soothing and purifying experience. This can help release negative energies and promote relaxation.
4. Plant care: Watering your plants with moon-infused water can nourish their growth and bring positive energy into your gardening practice.
5. Rituals and spells: Incorporate moon water into rituals or spellwork related to manifesting intentions, releasing negativity, or connecting with higher realms.
Remember, when using moon water, it's essential to set clear intentions and visualize the desired outcome while working with this potent elixir. Treat it with reverence and respect, acknowledging the ancient knowledge and wisdom associated with lunar energies.
Making and using moon water is a beautiful way to connect with nature's cycles and tap into the mysterious powers of the moon. Whether you're seeking personal transformation, spiritual growth, or simply looking for a little extra magic in your life, incorporating moon water into your daily routine can be a powerful practice that brings intentionality and mindfulness into every sip or sprinkle.
So go ahead – embrace the cosmic dance of the moon, create your own moon water, and let its enchantment infuse every aspect of your being!
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clle0 · 4 months
my DND group is slowly turning into vampires
they do moon rituals to bless their dice.
they do characters and backstory stuff exclusively at 3 in the morning.
they wear all black to sessions.
their characters are ALL nihilist emos.
i'm scared
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somethingnubian · 4 months
Sagittarius Full Moon Soiree: Dream Big and Release Bigger – Your Ultimate Energy Guide for May 23, 2024
Flower [Full Moon in Sagittarius] Energy Update: May 23, 2024 at 13:52 As the celestial wheel turns, we greet the Full Moon in the fiery and expansive sign of Sagittarius. This phase, known for revealing hidden truths and expanding our emotional landscapes, invites us to aim for our highest ideals. With the Moon in this mutable fire sign, we’re encouraged to dream big and let go of outdated…
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unholeystudio · 3 months
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hexora · 10 months
15 Grimoire Page Ideas That Aren't Basic
Chronomancy Correspondences:
Explore the connection between time and magic, including auspicious moments for spellcasting, planetary hours, and lunar phases.
Echoes of Enchantment:
Discuss the use of echoes and resonance in magical workings, tapping into the vibrational frequencies of words, symbols, and intentions.
Liminal Spaces Invocation:
Explore the magical potency of liminal spaces—thresholds, crossroads, and in-between places—and how to invoke their energies.
Numinous Nectar Elixirs:
Detail the creation of magical elixirs using rare and ethereal substances, discussing their uses in rituals and ceremonies.
Quantum Sigilcraft:
Delve into the intersection of quantum physics and sigil magic, exploring the idea that consciousness can influence reality at a fundamental level.
Astral Alphabets:
Introduce lesser-known alphabets or symbolic systems used in astral travel and communication with otherworldly entities.
Dreamweaving Spells:
Discuss the art of crafting spells that are specifically designed to be cast within the dream realm, influencing waking reality.
Candle Color Alchemy:
Explore the magical properties of less common candle colors and their associations with specific intentions, emotions, and energies.
Chthonic Charms:
Focus on charms and talismans specifically attuned to underworld energies and deities, connecting with the mysteries of the subterranean realms.
Technomancy Scripts:
Examine the use of coding languages, digital symbols, and technology-based sigils in modern magical practice.
Quantum Familiars:
Explore the idea of spirit companions that exist beyond the constraints of time and space, bridging the gap between the metaphysical and quantum realms.
Sacred Geometry of Sound:
Investigate the use of sound frequencies and sacred geometry in combination, exploring how they can enhance magical rituals and spellcasting.
Ephemeral Elementals:
Discuss the existence and interaction with elementals that are tied to fleeting or ephemeral elements, such as mist, shadows, or reflections.
Psychotronic Crystals:
Explore the use of crystals not only for their physical properties but also for their alleged ability to interact with psychic and spiritual energies.
Aetheric Anatomy Cleansing:
Detail practices for cleansing and balancing the aetheric body, exploring lesser-known energy centers and channels.
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foragewitch · 4 months
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New moon & full moon rituals
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gpstudios · 2 months
Embracing the Full Moon in Capricorn: Harnessing Ambition, Discipline, and Growth
Embrace the Full Moon in Capricorn! 🌕✨ Harness its ambition and discipline to set clear goals, reflect on your progress, and make strategic plans. Live in the moment and focus on your path to success. #FullMoon #Capricorn
Introduction The Full Moon in Capricorn is a powerful astrological event that brings a surge of ambition, discipline, and a drive for achievement. Capricorn, an Earth sign ruled by Saturn, is known for its determination, practicality, and strong work ethic. When the Full Moon illuminates this sign, it’s a time to focus on our long-term goals, assess our progress, and make necessary adjustments…
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melrosing · 8 months
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wanted to imagine outfits for them as heads of their houses!
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schoolofholywitchery · 8 months
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The Moon's journey through her phases is an eternal dance of light and shadow. She teaches us about the rhythms of life, the constant flow of change and renewal. In tracking her cycle, we align ourselves with these natural rhythms, finding harmony in the ebb and flow of our own lives. Our rituals under her light are a celebration of this dance, a reminder of our connection to the universe.
Join us at The Moon Ritual Coven for monthly magic, rituals and learning.
#Moon #MoonMagic #MoonRituals #TheHolyWitch #HolyWitchery #Coven
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cyberroses · 5 months
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