#Sagittarius Moon Energy
somethingnubian · 4 months
Sagittarius Full Moon Soiree: Dream Big and Release Bigger – Your Ultimate Energy Guide for May 23, 2024
Flower [Full Moon in Sagittarius] Energy Update: May 23, 2024 at 13:52 As the celestial wheel turns, we greet the Full Moon in the fiery and expansive sign of Sagittarius. This phase, known for revealing hidden truths and expanding our emotional landscapes, invites us to aim for our highest ideals. With the Moon in this mutable fire sign, we’re encouraged to dream big and let go of outdated…
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🧜🏼‍♀️My Fav Placements🦂🦋
🦋Venus in scorpio or venus in 8th house-I really like their intensity, how deeply they feel and give love. With them, you can always feel that they are by your side and that you are the only one for them. They always have a couple of people to give love to and that's it. They really invest 100% in the relationship with the person. The love they give is really something special.
🌙Cancer moon -I love the warm feeling you get from them. They always give me home vibes. They really know how to understand you emotionally and care about you. They are always there for you emotionally.
💗Sagittarius rising -I like how open they are and always ready to have fun. At the same time very funny people which always make you smile. I also like how outwardly they like to show their appearance and don't care what others think .Always have a unique style and personality. I like how they always have their own opinion.
❤️‍🔥Scorpio mars- I love how obsessed they can be with you, if they like you they will really be driven for you and relationship with you. They really make sacrifices for the relationship they are in. I love their tenacity and what they will do just to make something work out - admirable. They will literally do anything to make the relationship work My boyfriend definitely have to have this placement.
Pluto sex Venus -Their love is always so special and strong. You will always remember how much they loved you. Indescribable.
Saturn sex Venus-These people will always have a serious approach to love, which means that they will always take any relationship they have seriously.
🌊Neptune in 3rd house/ Pisces- I love their dreamy voice and the compassion they have. Their words literally put you at ease. And I like that they think in a dreamy way.
🥰Libra moon- always make a homely atmosphere, even when you talk to them they will never make the situation awkward or uncomfortable. And they always understand the feelings of others and try to understand the people around them and really put relationships first.
✨Sun in 9th house- these people can really open your eyes and show you a new way of life. Many times they also motivate other people and also are optimistic. They are full of inspiration and life and have a lot of wisdom in them.
♥️Mercury in Scorpio-their mentality is intense, passionate, deep. I like their directness and how they don't embellish words but say them as they are. They know how to empathize with things and are good listeners. They will always be on your side when something happens. Their words are often harsh but real.
🐚Capricorn rising- serious approach to love, no matter what they will always respect the person and be respectful to them. I like about them how they look so intimidating, but inside they are chill and never judge. They are the type of people who will never mind other people’s bussines.
🦂Scorpio rising-I like that mystery about them. And how they trust only those who really mean something to them. They will not just open up to all people and show their side, but only to those who are worthy of it. They are very good listeners. They keep your secrets forever. Capricorns are also very similar to this.
☔️12th house sun, venus- I like their dreamlike approach to the world and how quickly they grasp the subconscious and things around it. With them you feel like you can just dream 24/7. They really understand the dream approach and never judge you if you act childish. With them you can be a child again. I also like how well they can present subconscious to you.
- Comment if you want an opinion on my not so popular placements☔️
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astrhoeluvr · 2 years
Astrhoe Observations Pt.8 🫂🥰🫶🏻
Back to 👉🏻 my materialist 👁️🫦👁️.
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a lil disclaimer : these are just my personal observations, so don’t take any of them to heart🥳.Some could be applicable to you and some would differ, so take all of them with a grain of salt OKIE! enough of me blabbing let’s get on with it🫶🏻🥰
🌗✍🏻: moon-mercury aspects 🤝🏻 their handwriting heavily depending upon their mood.
For instance if they’re not having a good day, their handwriting could be all wonky or messy and honestly they could NOT care less lmfao.😭🙏🏻😃 [unless they have dom Virgo placements😗].
Also people with this aspect have impeccable imagination. *chefs kiss* 👩🏽‍🍳💋 [mainly trines, sextiles and conjunctions].
💻💤: Uranus in the 12th housers, have y’all ever seen your phones/laptops in your dreams? Cause I have this placement and I always see my phone pop up in my dreams😭😭🙏🏻 LIKE WHAT EVEN😃.
🏡✈️💼: 4th house ruler in the 10th could mean moving places for your career.
🤪🤨: From what I’ve seen, Sag mercuries could be really good at multitasking😳.
For instance they could be blasting hardcore metal music and solving math equations 😭🙏🏻. TALK ABOUT BALANCE ⚖️🤪. (as a sag mercury, I can confirm 🫶🏻).
🫂🤝🏻🚴🏻‍♀️: Saturn in the 5th housers could always have this underlining desire to grow up fast. They’re the kids who had to learn to be extremely independent from a young age. Some of the most hardworking and determined people I know. Your hard work WILL always pay off. So don’t doubt your abilities for a second. A BIG PHAT HUG TO ALL MY Saturn in the 5th house besties🫶🏻☹️. *HUGS Y’ALL VIRTUALLY*
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦😬: Mercury- Pluto tough aspects could manifest as having issues with your siblings. Like getting compared to your sibling, envying your sibling.
Nsfw 🔞
🫣💻💦: Mars aspecting both Jupiter and Uranus could LOOOOVE watching porn.📸🤨
😵‍💫📱: Jupiter-Uranus negative aspects could indicate over consumption of technology. These people are always on their phones, laptops, iPads etc. 24/7🤨. BESTIE PLEASE TOUCH SOME GRASS.🥰😯😐
Okay that’s all for today luvs🫶🏻🥰
(Please do not copy or plagiarise any of my work <33)
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- san✨🍵🪴📖🧘🏻‍♀️
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astro-royale · 5 months
4th house rules your immediate past life ⭐️
+ the sign your moon is in rules the details of that past life
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capricores · 1 year
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sagittarius gemini virgo and pisces placements when u tell them they cannot successfully study and become fluent in eight different languages at once
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sunisglowing · 8 months
New Moon in Purva Ashada Nakshatra - PICK A CARD
(sidereal sagittarius)
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For some of you, I see that there might be some hard times in your family life. For some of you you might have to leave your home and go somewhere else and start a new journey. It's like a disaster for you. You are leaving your shelter and comfort zone or that shelter is now leaving you.
Something that was your foundation will get destroyed. In a way you wanted to leave your comfort zone, but it might happen in an extreme way.
Doesn't have to be family only, it could be you have been in a place that you are very attached with and now you gotta leave.
There are sudden changes that might make you feel lonely and shaken up. You weren't expecting these times.
For some of you, your family might have been forcing you into a direction where you didn't wanna go. So you are standing up for yourself even if it's scary.
There are periods where you will go through emotional outburst and other times through anger. You might have been suppressing all these emotions a lot.
This will make you start someone you had wanted because your comfort zone was stopping you. It's like someone snatched away the thing you had been holding onto or that thing that has been holding on to you.
You will start something that aligns with you now that it has been removed. It will take risk, courage and ambition to start over, which you have the potential, you know it. When? Depends when you wanna start.
This doesn't have to do with money per say, but your creative talents. It will bring you a lot of success. Just take action and don't be boggled down by what might happen. Use your potential and talents, it will bring you growth and purpose in life.
I see being pretty hesitant to new relationships after this, or you might have problems in relationships a lot. More related with your emotions..
You'll be moving on with life with your head, not the heart. Also if you would be doing something in the creative field, don't do something in the limelight. Not as much. Do something that goes behind the scenes only
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For a lot of you, I think a lot of you are cutting off some friends in your social circle.
You are entering a phase where you would be wanting or even spending more time by yourself, alone.
Many of you might be taking a break from social media because it has been giving you a lot of stress. Many of you might be deleting social media accounts too.
For most of you, I see a lot of pain and heartbreak and disappointment coming from your social circle.
Maybe you felt the need to fit in, or be liked by your followers or in your social circle.
You had been overextending yourself and struggling to say no to people. Maybe it's your friends, or an online community.
Maybe you have an online platform that has been asking more and more from you and you gotta maintain boundaries with them.
Maybe you earn through social media Or social media plays a big part in your business or your source of income.
Even if it's not, it has been stressing you out a lot. It's a fast life and you might find yourself comparing your life to other people with perfect lives.
You might have assumed responsibility for things that weren't serving you well. There might be a people pleasing tendency in some of you that you over did stuff for people but you felt the energy wasn't reciprocated or appreciated.
So this is what this new moon is bringing. You might walk away from superficial things and will focus on your inner world. You don't need to try hard to be liked. The right will come by someday.
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Some event or someone might have really gotten your confidence and enthusiasm high lately.
For some of you, you might have found something that really gives you confidence and a boost, and people around are willing to support it or might even help you outbthis path or route.
You might be disappointed and sad with the lack of support you are getting, maybe in the past.
Share these things with others honestly. You will receive help you didn't get before.
It could be that you might have been really supportive and generous to people, and you are now getting that energy back.
You may feel like you are all alone in your journey, but not now. There is a transition happening, and things look better in the future.
You might be traveling soon. For a lot of you, this is related to an educational pursuit. You need to have a plan that requires sacrifice and time.
Also it will take time to manifest, not in like 2-3 months but more, likely by the end of this year or next year.
Throughout this time, gather all the resources and use your skills to guarantee that your goals really happen. You have the potential. Once the plan is set, stick to it. Don't just be monkey minded and keep jumping from one idea to another.
Be reasonable with your goals. Many of you need to hear this. A lot of you have big dreams but not the prerequisites to achieve them, at least not yet.
Also communicate clearly with others, allow your emotions to be felt and empathize with others too if you want to reach a conclusion.
As I said, you goals will take time, so you might get bored here and there, but consistent.
Some of you might work in a group project, so that's why I said before, communicate clearly, and have clarity about the goal.
Most of the cards are related to planning and achieving the goal in this pile. Apply the message to your career.
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I see a beautiful future ahead for this pile.
This pile is more likely to be for people ending their 20s and later. I see many of you have been family planning and the best part is I see your wishes coming true.
If it's about money, then yes, you are financially reaching a position where you business might rich it's success, or the start of reaching stability in cash inflows.
I see you guys will be creating and making a lasting foundation. It could be having kids or making a long term commitment with your partner.
Or that you will reach a really high good and respectable position in your career. I see you a leader now looking at the empire you built after years of hard work and struggle.
Some of you might wanna decide to take part in things or do things the more conventional way.
You might be getting in touch with the traditions of your culture or family and deciding to continue it for the next gen.
You will be making a really strong impact. You are taking more responsibility right now and acting more consciously. You're really geeting centered and focusing on a goal.
Some of you will be starting your own business that would be very successful.
The best past about this reading is that you are moving on from whatever happened in the past, and really there's a successful future ahead in terms of professional and personal life both.
For a lot of you, you might have felt restricted or trapped. There are limiting beliefs that make you pessimistic, and family could be a reason too, for you feeling restricted.
And i see you moving away. It's all in the past and you don't have to be a victim anymore. The biggest challenge is your mindset. Negative beliefs will convince you that there is no way out even if you are literally out of that situation or environment.
Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of taking a risk, fear of the consequences, fear of taking responsibility for your situation, fear of not being able to, fear of not having the skills, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of not being liked, fear of being judged or criticized, fear of being blamed. The list could go on and on and on but what keeps you imprisoned is fear and the small chaotic world that is your mind.
You may not be able to understand or follow what is going on around you. Your self-imposed beliefs might see everything as a calamity and major drama, while others would call it a ‘mere troublesome situation’.
Look at your situation in an objective manner and try to see the bigger picture.
Action is required of you now and not passivity, submission, and resignation. Stop being a slave to your problems.
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myzticmint · 2 months
How it feels to be a Fire Sign Sun with heavy scorpio/water energy and/or placements.
I am ice so cold it burns.
I am a wooshing cloud of steam.
I am water black with depth, crystal clear see through when shallow.
Signed- A Leo mars 3rd house, Sagittarius Sun 7th house, 6th house Scorpio Stellium w/ venus, jupiter, pluto; 8th house capricorn stellium w/ moon, uranus, neptune girlie.
🌊 😶‍🌫️🥶😈🤫🧜🏾‍♀️🧖🏾‍♀️
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growwithmeastrology · 2 months
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Thursday, July 18th 2024
Sun in Cancer ♋️🌊 Moon in Sagittarius ♐️🔥
It’s a mixed bag of energies today that can start out a bit intense but has us soothing our wounds in the end.
Moon Square Saturn
The Moon in Sagittarius is squaring off with Saturn (r) in Pisces. This clash of energy is testing our patience and resilience. Try not to let others push you outside your comfort zone. This aspect reveals how strong or weak our boundaries are.
Sun Sextile Uranus
With the Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus things could get a little weird. Break free from the norm and express your authenticity. It’s a great time to explore new possibilities that align with your true passions. Expect sudden insights or bright ideas to come from seemingly nowhere.
Moon trine Mercury
The Sagittarius Moon trines Mercury in Leo bringing in clarity, connections and good decision making. Our logic and emotions are in alignment so deepening connections comes easier. Conversations are more harmonious and drama free and practical thinking can open the door to new ventures.
Moon Trine Chiron
The Sagittarius Moon teams up with Chiron in Aries to help soothe our souls after the deep emotional gut puches we’ve experienced lately. This energy will help you understand that the healing we do helps us gain emotional intelligence. Share your healing journey as it can inspire others.
Mercury Trine Chiron
When Mercury in Leo trines Chiron in Aries, words because your healing tool. We can express ourselves with empathy and compassion, conversations can quickly become safe spaces for understanding and growth. If confidence is an issue, use this energy to turn your mind around with a little positive self talk.
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Learn more about your personal energies and how the forecast affects you! Comment below or DM me for a consultation.
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suniverseastro · 2 years
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Libra and Sagittarius can be good friends, sharing their thoughts with each other. But in love, Sagittarius' candor can kill Libra's romantic and artistic nature, and Libra's closeness can kill Sagittarius' freedom.
There are 2 people in their horoscope whose big 5 (except Ascendant) has the opposite sign of the house completely (eg: Sun in Leo 11th house, Venus Virgo 12th, ..) and they are very diplomatic people, they like to chat with other people, participate in different activities. They also get angry easily but cool off quickly, they know many different points of view on a topic, these are people who find many solutions to make them wiser but inside they can have a lot of turmoil. and difficult to calm down
Pisces Sun woman (if she has good knowledge) can be a very gentle, psychological, gentle and cheerful teacher. aura full of warmth, magic, shimmer
Venus Aquarius/ aspect Uranus often likes people who are unique, have an open mind, do not impose social prejudices, give them free space and they are also very willing to speak up, refute those standards, thinking that imposes on other people's freedom, they also have many worries about marriage, many of them have thought of living single, not married
With Virgo/6th undeveloped position in big 6 causing them to become impatient, or angry, difficult to concentrate, or complain about other people's shortcomings, they can bully others just because they don't like them. or consider what they see unappealing to them with various unpleasant arguments, with little respect for the differences of others
The Moon+ house, north node+ house signs in the personal map will attract a lot of the same energy
Mars Scorpio is very quiet, they calculate and think very carefully before acting, they are ready to respond, take revenge on those who intentionally hurt them, they have an understanding of the truth, action soaked , transaction tiefn, secret in society, very protective of loved ones away from danger and the dangers of outside smoke. With underdeveloped positions, they are manipulators who, regardless of consequences, violate ethical and legal principles to perform wrongdoings to serve their interests, ready to trample on others to get money, property, easy to get involved in gambling, prostitution,…
The position of Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, 4th, 8th, 6th houses often remembers the words of others for a long time.
+ Cancer are very nostalgic people so they often remember the past, they live emotionally and cherish their loved ones and also remember the words and actions of those who have hurt them.
+ Scorpio: associated with change, scorpions often remember events that have taken place in their lives, even after it has passed and they learn lessons from it.
+ Virgo: they observe and remember very carefully the details, surroundings, facial expressions and words of others, from which they will analyze and synthesize their own arguments and thoughts.
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thesirencult · 1 year
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laifromthecosmos · 25 days
Mula Nakshatra: A Força Cósmica Primordial.
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Astrologia Tropical orienta o zodiaco para o ponto do Equinócio Vernal, o que marca no início do signo de Áries. A astrologia Védica orienta o zodiaco do "Centro Galáxico" para o centro do Sol Galático, nos quais as influências passam por nós através da constelação fixa de Sagitário. O Centro Galático é chamado de "Brahma", a força criativa, ou "Vishnunabhi", o umbigo de Vishnu. Do Sol emana a luz que determina a vida e a inteligência na Terra e que dirige os sete raios da criação e da distribuição do Karma.
Em termos da astrologia sideral, o Centro Galático está localizado no início de Sagitário. No sistema védico é encontrado na constelação lunar (nakshatras) chamado "Mula", que significa "a raiz" ou "origem". Mula pode ser, assim, como o primeiro da série da constelação lunar. Marca 13º 20' de Sagitário, no meio que é localizado o Centro Galático. O último na série da constelação lunar é Jyeshta, que significa "o mais velho", é encontrado no fim de Escorpião. Isso mostra que os antigos sabiam do Centro Galático e nomeou as constelações de acordo com este conhecimento. Os maias identificaram o Centro Galático como Hunab Ku, que representa o Deus Supremo e Criador Supremo. É considerado como o "Últero da Mãe" que está constantemente dando a luz e deu a luz ao Sol e ao planeta Terra. Acredita-se que Hunab Ku direciona tudo que acontece na Galáxia a partir de seu centro através da emanação de explosões periódicas de "Energia da Consciência".
A energia do Centro Galático é transmitida principalmente por Júpiter, chamado de "Guru", o professor na astrologia védica, e por Sagitário. Júpiter é dito o professor dos Deuses, o poder cósmico da luz. A este respeito, ele é até mesmo o professor do Sol, que é o guia do mundo. Jupiter representa e direciona a Luz Galática para o sistema solar.
Essa associação de Mula com o Centro Galático sugere uma forte conexão com as forças primordiais e cósmicas, simbolizando a capacidade de acessar a sabedoria profunda e transformadora que pode vir a tona a partir de uma experiência intensa ou de uma busca espiritual. A influência forte de Mula pode sentir uma ligação profunda com essas energias cósmicas, manifestando um desejo de ir ao âmago das questões e buscar a verdade e sua forma mais crua e pura.
Ketu, o plenta que governa Mula, também trata em obter o fundo/núcleo de tudo. Ele armazena Karmas do passado e libera aqueles maduros o suficiente para serem vivenciados no presente. Pode ajudar a reunir as ferramentas necessárias para cumprir o objetivo na vida presente. Isto é sugerido pelo simbolismo das raízes amarradas. Mula, portanto, ajuda a reunir de maneira significativa os talentos que se desenvolveram em vidas passadas.
Mula tem haver com investigações de coisas invisíveis ou desconhecidas. Junto com o seu contraponto Ardra (que fica diretamente oposto no zodíaco) Mula tem senso de investigação mais forte e profundo entre todos os nakshatras. Mula está diretamente associado para fins medicinais. Em sistemas medicinais antigos como Ayuruda, raízes de várias plantas são usadas para a fabricação de medicamentos. Da mesma forma, Mula também se relaciona com a raiz das doenças, ou seja, microrganismos como vírus, bactérias, etc. Assim como tudo sob a jurisdição de Mula, esses microrganismos são invisíveis a olho nu. O fato das raízes estarem ligadas sugerem ideia de limitação. Como resultado, Mula muitas vezes não permite muita liberdade ou dispersão de energias e faz com que as pessoas mergulhe profundamente dentro de uma esfera limitada.
Mula Nakshatra é profundamente ligada à figura de Nritti, uma Deusa poderosa e enigimática da mitologia védica. Nritti é frequentemente associada á destruição, caos e dissolução, mas sua influência vai muito além de uma simples forçar destrutiva. Ela representa as forças primordiais que desconstroem e desmantelam para permitit que algo novo e mais autêntico possa surgir. Nritti é a Deusa da transformação através da destruição. Ela governa o processo de desintegração necessário para a renovaçãoe regeneração, refletindo a ideia de que para que haja crescimento, algo velho precisa ser desfeito. Em muitos aspectos, Nritti pode ser vista como a guardiãdas fronteiras entre o conhecido e o desconhecido, do conforto e do caos, simbolizando os momentos de crise que desafiam as antigas estruturas e crenças, preparando o caminho para o desenvolvimento pessoal e espiritual. O símbolo de Mula é um feixe de raízes amarradas, representando a exploração das origens, o desvelar das verdades mais profundas e a busca pela essência de qualquer situação. No entanto, para alcançar as raízes, é necessário passar por processos de destruição e descontrução, aspectos profundamentes ligados a energia de Nritti. Aqueles que têm planetas importantes em Mula Nakshatra podem experimentar momentos intensos de destruição e renascimento ao longo de suas vidas, sendo chamados a abandonar velhas identidades, crenças e situações para se transformarem em algo novo e mais verdadeiro.
A influência de Nritti em Mula também enfatiza a importância de enfrenatr o caos e o desconhecido como parte do camiho para a iluminação. Mula é o nakshatra de investigação profunda, onde a verdade buscada é revelada, muitas vezes de maneira dura e desafiadora. Nritti guia esta busca, assegurando que as ilusões sejam destruídas para que a verdade, por mais crua que seja, possa emergir.
É da natureza de Mula cortar e destruir rapidamente coisas que perderam o seu valor. Na maioria das vezes, lamenta as suas ações em retrospectiva. Somente quando sua vontade Universal é que Mula funciona de maneira sábia jupiteriana. A luta entre a universalidade e individualidade atinge aqui o seu auge, pois a individualidade está no seu auge de expressão. O processo de individualização começa em Ashwini, é celebrado em Magha e culmina as experiências individuais completadas em Mula. O além do domínio do ego e do egocentrismo, Mula é um nakshatra orgulhoso e arrogante e muitas vezes são incapazes de compreender o seu próprio poder e habilidades. Em alguns casos, isto é bom, pois a sua capacidades de infligir danos a si mesmo é restringida pela sua ignorância. Seu lado terrível e demoníaco vem do funcionamento negativo de Ketu em seus aspectos inferiores, podendo gerar ego, vaidade e arrogância, o que pode levar alguém a realizar ações abomináveis e demoníacas.
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rawhoneybliss · 10 months
✨NEW✨ Sagittarius New Moon AND 1212 Portal happening Dec 12th, 2023 ♐🪄🌀💫
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE 💕 Thanks for your support 🥰
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
What I love about Moon Signs🌙🧸
⛲️Aquarius moon- I love how they always stay true to themselves and never change. They will never succumb to other people- they are weird and will always be weird and I love that about them. With them, I feel like I can do the stupidest things and they won't judge me. Everything is allowed. Also they are basically very compassionate.
🎡Sagittarius moon-I like that many times they notice things about you that others don't. They help you accomplish your goals and are always optimistic about it. They always remind you how good you are at things. They are always up for action. I love how they can make you smile and tell the funniest joke or make a fool of themselves.
🦋Scorpio moon-I like how deep they can go and always understand what you tell them. They feel your pain with you even if they don't always show it. They appreciate the bad side of you and people who are real. You don't have to feel that strong around them. And they can see into your soul.
❤️‍🔥Aries moon-I love how they can always brighten up the energy. They give you the feeling that you don't need to be afraid of anything. They always support you in everything you do. And they will be the first to support you in making bold decisions. And I love how emotionally independent they can be.
🪴Gemini moon-I like how they always know how to give you the right answer to your question. They will look for solutions and want to see the situation from all possible perspectives. And they will always take the time to talk, no matter what time it is. And you can always have a quality conversation with them.
🧚🏼‍♀️Pisces moon-I like how you can easily express your feelings when you are with them. They give you the feeling that no emotion is too much and that everything is allowed. At the same time, they always have a sense of daydreaming. You feel like you are in a fairy tale with them. I like that they believe in things that others don't. Their spiritual nature is extraordinary.
💘Cancer moon-I love how at home you feel with them. They always deliver such a pleasant and safe vibe. With them, you feel like you've known them forever. And their emotionality is always so kind and cute. I love how they always remember things about you. They always make me feel like coming home. I love how emotional they are and how big heart they have.
🐚Taurus moon-I love how calm they are and how they can calm you down. I like how they are emotionally loyal and don't give up.They appreciate your feelings and the time you spend with them. When you are with them, they give you the feeling that you are really valued and that the relationship they have with you is important. They give you the feeling that you will not be replaced by anyone.
👄Libra moon-I love how much they invest in relationships and focus on the person. They want to understand the person's emotions and always want you to feel good around them. You can always talk to them about style, clothes and shopping.
☔️Capricorn moon-I like how they listen to you and always respect your feelings no matter what they are. They have a lot of compassion in them and want to help you. They understand your hard times. And I like that they never blame others and know how to accept the blame.
🥤Leo moon-I love the way they give you attention. They always know how to give you nice compliments and outwardly show how much they love you. They always proudly introduce you to people. You don't have to feel like you're overdressed around them, because they like extra style.
🛋️Virgo moon-I like how caring they are and always looking out for your well-being. And if you can be productive, organized or go to various exercises ,yoga with any moon is definitely this moon. They will always support you in doing something for yourself.
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miss555star · 1 year
When the moon is in scorpio it’s a time that signals us to reflect on things that bring us fear or discomfort on the inside? Asking yourself questions like “why do I cringe when I think ab this?” “Why do I get hella anxiety when I think ab this?” Scorpio helps us bring back the control over the things we don’t wanna think ab or afraid of it brings us the most healing & permanent breakthroughs no other sign can give you. We run from it bc of how UNCOMFORTABLE it is but man it’s the best feeling in the world when we ground ourselves in it w/that taurus energy. Connecting our fears w/tangible thoughts.
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plutonianplaything2 · 4 months
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i am really very bored
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trippy-lotus · 10 months
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