#Murder fine
connoisseur-of-love · 11 months
People 'love' to have morally grey characters. but then draw the line at the morally grey characters if they have even an ounce of dubious thoughts regarding sexuality/sex
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em-bandaid-boy · 13 days
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Uuughhh fine part 2 I rushed and it looks bad I'm tirred uhm. Here
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prisma-palace · 8 months
heres some requests i did for twt
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dukeofthomas · 18 days
"Are the Robins child soldiers" It depends. If the story is super serious and into exploring complex morality and grounded from reality's standards, then yes. If the story is lighthearted, made for children, fluff, etc., then no. If it's somewhere in the middle, it might depend.
If an author wants to write a story seriously delving into the fucked up-ness of children fighting criminals, they can, and if you don't like it, you can read something else.
If an author wants to write a fun story about villains and heroes featuring Robin in a world where that's not an issue, they can, and if you don't like it, you can read something else.
If an author wants to write a serious story but not apply IRL-logic to Robin, they can, and if you don't like it, you can read something else.
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g4ll0wd4nc3r · 8 months
idk how to word this but bg3 fans have convinced themselves that astarion is some dark suave devoted romantic with surprising humor. the people yearn for minthara but settle for a man.
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omaano · 8 months
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It's his day to join the Hades AU! Happy Cody Day!!
""This weapon is your life" is what my general often said to lecture his old padawan during the war, and yet he constantly lost his. The lightsaber and his cloak... The things might be cursed. Not as much as yours, though." "Please keep that thing far away from my kid."
Rex from down the hall: "Stop trolling the shiny as a way to cope, Cody!"
Cody: "I have nothing to cope with, this is just for fun. The Darksaber is definitely cursed and you know it."
Rex: "Oh yeah, it definitely is. Sorry kid."
Din is still trying to figure out how he counts as a "shiny" here
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Backgrounds, as per usual, are screenshots from my latest attempts at a run in the Hades game. All I can do is add more pocket characters, I'm not gonna redraw the whole set TT^TT (but look, Din is holding a handful of green and brown pixels now!)
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt in Memes 4
Another prompt, but in memes because trying to gather my thoughts is hard sometimes lol.
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just-honey-dewd · 10 months
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So a month ago I got slammed into a whole ‘nother rabbit hole…
I’m rarin’ to go! Been thinking of these fools for DAYS, had to attempt to draw them eventually! And of course I had to compare one of Zé and Donald’s moments to Baffy’s, them’s the rules.
Anyways!!! This December, I’m gonna aim to absorb more content of these three gay cabs from the comics. ‘ready watched Legend, and their classic films (though I’ll keep rewatching them). Ducktales 2017 is taking some time to finish so… *shrugs
Also also, if y’all got good songs that sound like the classic films, pls give recommendations!!!
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polubrony · 6 months
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Yo, sup guys
Here some Chaggie angst for ya all
Usually I post several (three, the answer is three) pics with them in one batch, but this one is too different in tone with the other ones in works so I decided to post it separately I guess
Actually, there is a question - should I post the sketches one at a time, but more often, or as I was doing, but well, a bit rarer? Personally I prefer in batches I guess, but idk
Kinda lost a bit of motivation to draw outside of work these past two weeks (if you don't count the rough sketches, but even those were kinda here and there (I post those in my telegram channel), besides the weeks themselves were VERY busy, so yeah
I hope the posting will be a little bit more regular, but can't promise anything
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artpepkin · 4 months
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Dust the enabler 🤍
Meme redraw
Dust: Ask-DustTale, Horror: Soul-Apple-Studios, Arvo: me
Meme ref below the cut-
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ferydraws · 1 year
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I support women’s wrongs
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em-bandaid-boy · 13 days
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I'm choosing violence
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
I love how in PJO Percy makes such a point of trying to spare the enemy demigods because they're just being tricked or brainwashed and he couldn't possibly let them die (because killing your enemies is for the bad guys), and then in HoO we finally get to see the POV of Nico "as long as it's not technically murder it can go in a kids' book" di Angelo, and he just does not hesitate. You're hurting his friends? You're a threat that can't be dealt with via a stern talking to? Okay. Goodbye.
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kizzer55555 · 27 days
Dismissed on a Technicality
Ok so Danny accidentally killed the joker. He was working part time as a taxi driver. Funny thing is that he got hired in the city next to Amity Park. The problem is some moron decided to have him drive aaaalllll the way from Amity to Gotham city. And Danny might have run over the Joker while there.
Look…he didn’t feel like a human. Danny (as someone half dead) can feel souls and he could only barley feel anything from the guy so it just looked like a blob in front of the road. He thought it was an animal or something! Danny was short on time so he was going pretty fast. And drivers Ed was very clear that one is NOT to swerve the car to avoid animals as it causes the car to go into other lanes and can cause a crash, especially in a big city. It’s sad, but it’s true, better to run over the poor animal.
So Danny hit the gas.
Only to be greeted with the face of a clown smashed into his windshield.
Danny stopped the car.
He got out.
Looked around at all the people of the city staring at him (no longer cowering as Joker went on a monologue, holding them at gunpoint while waiting for a bat.)
Danny looks down as the mangled corpse sprawled over the front of his taxi.
And he pulled out his phone and called 911 to report a car crash. In front of everybody.
When Batman arrived, Danny held out his hands and willingly let them be cuffed. Time to be taken to court!
Now one might think Danny would be panicking in this situation. After all, he just killed someone, even if it was on accident. But Danny had a different point of view and made it known in court.
It was a whole thing. Full courthouse, practically the entire city attending or watching on a live news feed. And who did Danny call to defend him as his lawyer?
And this begins the most confusing and controversial court in the history of Gotham.
Now, what defines a human? Because according to the law it’s ‘anyone capable of speech or higher reasoning.’ But that cannot be. There are aliens and Atlanteans who fit those categories and they do not classify as human. And what about that demon the Justice League killed last week. The one with 2 snake heads and a hippo body? That thing could talk. What about being a Homo sapien capable of speech? But there is an entire city of talking gorillas. Therefore, the definition of human should be revised.
As for the Joker, he had many differences to the typical human. When he fell into a vat of chemicals it changed his very atomic structure physically and altered his mind mentally. Those gassed with Joker venom can be turned back but Joker’s transformation was permanent. Meaning the change occurred at the level of his very DNA.
Which begs the question. Is the Joker really human? And if not, is what Danny did really murder?
Let it be known that Daniel James Fenton is not trying to get out of his crime.
Despite his appearance, the joker was alive. He was breathing, had a heartbeat, and blood flowed through his veins (despite that blood being green).
So yes…Danny committed a crime. And he confesses in front of the entire court.
He confesses…to animal cruelty.
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sarascamander · 4 months
Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?
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Kacchan is trying to reach deku hands😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. I'm shambless
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