#Music the Gathering
darth-azrael · 2 years
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Brevard Renaissance Fair 2020: Music the Gathering – Rocky Road to Dublin
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choochooboss · 11 months
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Nimbasa trio starring Singin' in the Train at Nimbasa Musical Hall tonight! Reference video here! (a fun dance scene from Singing in the Rain)
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What I love so much about "No Longer You" is the amount of foreshadowing, and how much this song and this knowledge seals the fates of the characters.
I am willing to bet that Odysseus knowing that one of his men, one of his "brothers," ends up betraying him causes him to distrust them all and rule with ruthlessness, which leads to more deaths and to Eurylochus finally having enough and, inevitably, betraying Odysseus.
I'm also sure that Odysseus latches onto the fact he gets home and does reckless and risky things along the way, because hey, the prophet said he makes it home. Never mind that he also says he dies
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beepmeepmeepbeep · 29 days
i love francescas personality this season, i really like how different she is from all her other siblings
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reddstardust · 6 months
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jerdie-music-blog · 3 months
I put together a fantasy music radio for mtg/dnd sessions. Check it out! 🎶
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botwstoriesandsuch · 2 years
Ok Another thing to note is that Tears of the Kingdom’s soundtrack (at least going off the latest trailer) is not richer than Botw’s. It’s even more broken and quiet than Botw—and its only in the case of a trailer that acknowledges a kingdom.
So whats more broken and quiet than a 100 year old destroyed Hyrule than some ancient Zonai civilization—ergo ergo combined with the cyclical themes of falling and rising and the two dragons eating each other and literal TEARS, my bets on this game being and archeological dig into some Zonai trauma and their downfall because it’s directly related to whatever is threatening Hyrule currently
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pourablecat · 1 year
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I just began I Shall Wear Midnight, and decided to do an older Tiffany ^o^
If everything goes right there may be an animation!
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darth-azrael · 2 years
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Brevard Renaissance Fair 2020: Music the Gathering - Rocky Road to ...
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handkinkbis · 8 months
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Anywhere is fine.
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thescrumptiousstuffs · 9 months
Only Friends, Episode 5 - The Extra Hour
In which we get Sand’s backstory (and proving once and for all he is the best boy ever, even P’Jojo said so!) before petty Boston ruins everything (again 😩)
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Sand and Ray
Gosh…these 2 are everything this episode. We start with a montage of how mundane and boring Sand life is - study, working his multiple jobs, exercising, counting his finance and repeat…until Ray comes beaming into his life, and really give some much needed sunshine (heh, see what I did there?) to Sand’s life - and as per Sand, “his 25th hour.”
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I love the domestic scenes we get - from Ray pretty much moving in with Sand (I suspect some time has passed by from the previous episode), to their domestic horny stuffs, to Sand catering Ray’s every whim. But as much as Sand spoils Ray, Ray actually does the same - he could have chosen not to go on the bike with Sand (after whining how hot and dusty it will be), he could have chosen not to model and indulge Sand’s desire for him to wear Sand’s style of clothes (after again whining halfheartedly it’s not his style).
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I believe Ray is gradually but surely moving on from his unrequited love for Mew. He likes getting to know Sand - from all the above, to following Sand to the makeshift concert (and the song choice!! It’s from one of P’Jojo’s list for Sand’s Spotify!). And the fact that everytime Sand is with him, they are in their own world (I mean, poor Summer - she never stood a chance with Ray 😂…are we sure Ray is a playboy? So far, all I’m getting is him being hyper focus on one person when he likes someone - previously Mew, now Sand).
I also love the serious conversations these 2 have surrounding their births and their respective relationships with their parents - it makes such a good foundation for their blossoming friendship (and hopefully relationship). Gosh, the parallel of both being born from unexpected pregnancies - but Sand’s mom (and her gaggle of go-go women, I LOVE THEM) deciding to embrace him and raise him right (just look at how independent and self-reliance he is! P’Jojo tweeted how Sand is someone you want as a boyfriend in University, and I agree wholeheartedly) while Ray’s mom unfortunately fall into post-partum depression and spiralled into alcoholism (and the way Sand’s hand shook when he poured the alcohol drink for Ray, before the camera zoom to Sand looking at Ray to the bottle while Ray looked somehow bitter and sad - yes, FK again showing their supremacy in acting 👌)
But urgh, their blossoming relationship is now in tatters because of Boston being bitter and petty. I think Boston being informed by Mew that the latter is giving up his virginity to Top put him at edge. (And him yet again using Nick to forget about the fact, hence the reason he asked Nick whether he could stay the night at Nick’s place, when it’s usually the opposite)
And so to see Ray moving on, being happy with Sand - it snapped him. Boston is the type of person who can’t stand not winning, and I also think he has the mentality of “if I’m not happy, nobody can.” 😫
I still do not believe Ray and Mew slept together, so whatever Boston is spouting “are you two timing him?”, what does that even mean? Also, Mew called to say he was giving his virginity to Top…and even if they did slept together, it was TWO years ago. And now Ray knows Boston took pictures of RayMew kissing each other…gawd, Boston just sounded delusional during that whole scene.
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In whatever case, the damage is done. And we see Sand guarding his heart again, despite Ray genuinely trying (for the first time) communicating by stating “If there is something you want to know, ask me, I’ll answer them.” Unfortunately, Sand is weary and it didn’t help Ray kept saying they were just friends each time someone asked what their relationship are (cause you know, Ray is a disaster muffin who won’t know he is in a relationship eventhough he basically did couply things with Sand). Urghhh…my heart just breaks for them 😭😩😫…and to end the episode with Sand shedding a tear and feeling alone (despite Ray lying next to him)…I don’t think I can forgive Boston for breaking their newfound happiness.
Nick and Boston
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Which brings me to the toxic relationship of these 2. We see Nick trying to become more like Top. He exercising regularly to shape up and dress more smartly to capture Boston’s interest. But urgh…Boston as usual, plays it enough to make Nick happy (and the poor boy, Boston paying attention to the changes and commenting it, Nick thinks these are all positive things).
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We also see Boston stating to Nick he wants to stop sleeping around (really?? When hell freezes over) because one of his conquest took video/photos of them together and Boston having to threaten said conquest to delete the incriminating footage (if that is not foreshadowing of what may happen to Boston in the future, I’m not sure what is. Also, Nick still has the recording of TopBoston….)
But what truly devastated me was when Boston spewing all the nonsense to SandRay that led to the massive fight between Ray and Boston; Ray warned Nick about Boston’s callous and selfish nature, and Nick just resignedly acknowledged it, fully aware he is too in love with Boston, and can’t seem to find a way out of it.
I’m sorry, but I can’t see any redeemable qualities in Boston 😭😭😭 (I love you, Neo and your acting in this series, 👌 - but urgh, Boston makes my blood boils)
Top and Mew
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I can’t pinpoint it exactly but there is something not quite right with their relationship. On one hand, Top is sweet and attentive to Mew (I can see why Mew fell in love with Top). But twice now in this episode, 2 strange men stared (and smiled almost creepily at Top - with both time Mew clocking it? But not really addressing it). And Top genuinely doesn’t seem to be aware of the staring itself (or are we meant to think it’s all in Mew’s head? And it’s just Mew being insecure? 🧐🤨. I mean Mew did warn Top in the first episode he can become obsessive). I also do not believe one bit Top has given up on his drug habits plus his side eyeing Boston while shading both Boston and Ray in front of Mew (albeit subtly), is he slowly trying to manipulate Mew and isolate Mew from his group of friends?)
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Nonetheless, Mew and Top did fall in love (or at least we are led to believe they are in love) and well, Top popped Mew’s cherry. What I cannot fathom is WHY Mew called Boston (of all people) to tell him the news. I can understand why he didn’t call Ray (so that he doesn’t rub on Ray’s unrequited love), but why not Cheum? Who from the get go rooted for TopMew. I’m not sure whether Mew has an ulterior motive or he genuinely thinks Boston will be happy for them as one of his bestie. Either way, Boston is NOT a happy camper (as we are aware) and took it out on SandRay newly found happiness.
Ray, Mew, Namchuem, Boston
Now more than ever, we are seeing cracks in their friendship. Ray and Boston don’t seem to get along without Namchuem and Mew. Ray and Mew (for obvious reasons) are probably talking the bare minimum with each other (and the fact that Top clocked on Mew and Namchuen basically doing the bulk of their hostel project tells you something). I feel the most sorry for Namchuen who has to deal with 3 sorry excuses of boys (cause let’s be honest, all 3 are disastrous in different ways)
Anyway, as usual, each episode makes my head spin and this is just me trying to figure out what’s happening. The preview from episode 6 seems wild with Mew’s birthday and Mew punching Ray? Oh dear…it’s going to be more heartbreak 😩😫😣…but onward and forward, is it Saturday yet?
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bonebabbles · 3 months
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Oh boo hoo, the poor fucking baby is being reminded of how he allowed a violent dictator into his group 5 minutes after causing World War 1. Won't anyone let me forget that I'm awful at making decisions and just slurp up all my shitty commentary uncritically :((( ?
It's INCREDIBLE that he's whining and crying that no one could have predicted it, because he was explicitly warned that One Eye was untrustworthy.
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It's right there in Blazing Star. It's right. there. "NO EX-ROGUE IS GOING TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!1!!!!!11!!"
They DID predict how cruel and greedy he was going to be. They tried to tell him not to do it, he did it anyway, and then they still swooped in after Clear Sky's fuck-up got him ousted from his dictatorship. And his ass is whining that they're making little comments here and there.
Also note that Birch and Alder, those two children whose mother Clear Sky murdered and were raised by Petal, in the camp, for as long as they can remember, are already being othered. Cited as if they're good examples to compare to Slash's refugees.
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their-satanic-majesty · 9 months
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Sticky Fingers (1971)
The Rolling Stones (Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts, Mick Taylor, Bill Wyman) individually posed with the Sticky Fingers album cover for the promotion of the new album.
📸 David Montgomery
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queenlucythevaliant · 6 months
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We see him come and know him ours
Russia: "Carol of the Russian Children," traditional // Kenya: The Nativity, Elima Njau // France: "Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella," Nicolas Saboly // Haiti: Madonna and Child, Ismael Saincilus // Australia: "The Three Drovers," William James // China: Tryptic by Lu Hongnian // Canadian/Algonquian: "Huron Carol," Jean de Brébeuf
#the visual depictions are lovely#but what really gets me every time are the little cultural details in the music#music that tells the story of the Nativity while placing it in a world that's familiar to the listener#fur robed moujiks on snowboard plateaus in place of middle eastern shepherds#bark lodges instead of stables and rabbit skin in place of swaddling clothes#wandering hunter and chiefs from far off places instead of shepherds and wise men (man i love the Huron Carol)#and little french girls running to gather the village to come see Jesus#it's easy for an excess of historical concern to make Jesus feel distant and far off#/I know/ that Jesus was born in the ancient near east and have had my fill of books and sermons and the like unpacking the implications#I've laughed with my friends and family at the wild inaccuracies of Nativity sets and tellings#the crazy blonde mary in the kids nativity set at Walmart#what is that alpaca doing at the living Nativity don't they know those are south American?#yada yada#and then i look at these carols and think. it's okay not to get mired in the history. good even#yes Jesus entered into time and space in a very specific manner#but he also came for all of us#as another carol says: we see him come and know him ours#i just think this practice is lovely#that the impact of the Incarnation was such that it send little french girls running to their villages#and drew algonquin hunters and russian peasants to the manger to see him#it's the great crowd of witnesses in a way#all of us together preparing him room throughout all the corners of the earth#in Bethlehem that night it was only the shepherds who got to see him#but in spirit it was all of us#because it's just like the angel said:#good news of great joy which will be to all people#to all people#starting with the shepherds and going out to all the earth#unto us a child is born#intertextuality
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loveerran · 4 months
We sang "Be Still My Soul" in church today.
Songs like this one hit a bit differently when one is queer.
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