#My treasure
allmyzolu · 8 months
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You can't tell me Zoro doesn't love Luffy when he smiles at him like this since the beginning.
Even when it's something like having adventures, or having lunch, or fight with someone, the most simple things are special to Zoro bc Luffy is with him.
Luffy means the world to Zoro that it's indescribable and I love them so much 🥺
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lovelastart · 1 month
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His life changes for the better after this
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 3 - Love Confession
@wolfstarmicrofic May 3, word count 670
Sirius loved everything about Remus. He loved the way his nose wrinkled when someone suggested something he didn’t want to do. He loved the way he bounced on the balls of his feet in excitement when Sirius bought him a new book, and he loved the dragon-like possessiveness Remus had about his chocolate supply. Sirius had bought him a small box that looked like a treasure chest as a joke one year, but it now held most of Moony’s chocolate supply. He wouldn’t tell Sirius where the rest was hidden. But the thing that Sirius especially loved about Remus was what he did when everyone else was asleep and the curtains around the bed were drawn and Remus would just—
“Oi, Padfoot, you up here?” James bellowed as he clambered up the stairs. James’s shouting pulled him away from his thoughts, cursing his best friend under his breath as the image of Remus towering above him was sucked from his mind's eye as he paid attention to James. “Ah, there you are, excellent. Wanna come down the quidditch pitch with me and shoot the quaffle around for a bit?” Sirius beamed at his best friend, his brother.
“Yeah, go on then. Is Moony in the common room?” James nodded.
“Yeah, he’s got that muggle book he’s reading and an enormous bar of chocolate.” James laughed. “Make it quick yeah, I want to get onto the pitch before it gets dark.” Sirius rolled his eyes. 
They’d never hidden their relationship. Sirius was far too loud to hide it for long away. Plus, he was proud to call Remus his boyfriend. James and Peter and the girls had been surprisingly alright with it. Not that he’d expected anything less from James. But they still didn’t rub everyone's noses in it. Remus would hate it if Sirius tried to copy some of the displays of affection other couples got up to in the common room. Even Sirius blushed at some of it. So they kept to holding hands and quick sweet kisses when they were around people. But alone, that was a different beast entirely. 
Sirius pulled on his quidditch gear and hurried down the stairs after James. 
He spotted Remus in the corner by the window. He’d pulled his favourite armchair from its usual spot and put it where he wanted it. He had his softest jumper on, the one Sirius loved to steal, and as James had said, was curled up in his chair, nose stuck in his book and only moving it away from his face to let in that enormous chocolate bar that he was taking giant bites of. The poor thing was littered with teeth marks. 
Sirius watched as the tip of Remus’s tongue darted out between his lips and licked up the small spot of melted chocolate from the corner of his mouth. That was when Sirius knew. Right at that moment. 
He stalked towards his lover and moved the book aside before hopping into his lap. He cradled Remus’s head in both of his hands and told him. 
“I love you,” in a soft husky voice. He’d never said it before, never let himself even think about it with anyone. He hadn't even thought he was capable of it. But Remus was different. That feeling swelled from his heart and coursed though his own body, changing him. He loved Remus and he always would. 
Before Remus could do anything, Sirius had closed the gap and pressed his lips to Remus’s greedily. He could taste the chocolate on Remus’s breath. But Remus didn’t kiss him back, instead he pushed him away. Sirius panicked. Shit what have I done? He probably doesn’t even feel the same way. Remus smiled at him. He leaned forward and stroked his thumb along Sirius’s jaw as he murmured his own confession into Sirius's ear. 
“I love you too,” Sirius’s heart soared. 
He never did make it to the quidditch pitch, but Remus certainly enjoyed peeling him out of those tight quidditch trousers.
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yizhou-time · 1 year
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Synopsis: “The Princess is lost! Please return her to Scaleswind upon finding her. A reward is in place for those that do.” The description on here matched you perfectly too. ‘How did you get to a forest so far away from Scaleswind?’ They thought. Meanwhile heaps of questions filled your brain. ‘How did you end up on this ship, most likely Aurora? Why are in infamous Pirate Kings, as they call themselves, helping you? Most of all, who is this attractive man crouched in front of you?’
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"You knew? You knew and you didn't tell me?" You push Hongjoong's hand off your shoulder and look at the rest of his crew. "Did you all know?" You exclaim loudly. Silence follows and your take a step back from them.
Yunho steps forward, by the look on his face you can tell he's about to offer some stupid explanation to try and make you feel better but when he goes to open his mouth you turn around. He ignores your dismissal and speaks regardless. "When we found you that day we decided to go to the closest town to get any supplies we would need while we cared for you, someone was handing out posters and you know-"
"No, I don't actually!" You shout, slightly turning you head to glare at the group.
"Please don't cry..." Seonghwa quietly asks, taken back by your outburst, however it falls on deaf ears as tears begin to silently fall, a technique you had mastered after spending nights in your room crying after large banquets and reunions.
He takes careful steps forward, your eyes follow his movements and once he's registered that you've acknowledged him he takes it as his chance to step in front of you.
Your hurt look makes his heart wrench and he almost verbally winces upon fully seeing it. "You..." You raise your hand and place a light punch on his shoulder. "Just when I though I found someone special it turns out you were using me as a bargaining chip," you continue to hit him "a pawn to get what you want."
Seonghwa takes each hit quietly, he knows he deserves it, he deserves much more than just these punches actually and he's well aware.
"It's not like that." He tries to reason.
"It was." You argue.
"Not anymore." He grabs your fist. "It's not like that anymore, I promise."
"Seonghwa, you're going to hand me over for a large some of money, what type of person does that?" You finally look at him in the eye and he shakes his head firmly. "I heard you all not even 10 minutes ago."
His face drains of colour, his breathing slows and he processes what you just said. He carefully lets go of your hand and places both on his on your shoulders, he leans down slightly to come face to face with you. Closer than you’ve been before.
“Yes, it was my idea. Yes, we were going to go through with it. No, some of us don’t want to anymore.” He tries to convince you.
You shake him off and step back. “I could turn you all in and have you beheaded in mere minutes and this is what I get?” You frown.
Silence fills the ship and you all just stare at each other for a moment, some of the other shipmates stop what they’re doing and stare too.
You shake your head and find your way back to your sleeping quarters.
“Captain, we told you this was a bad idea.” San is quick to argue.
In response he takes his hat off and looks to the floor.
“And you just let it happen.” Yeosang adds in.
“If you knew we were all building some sort of relationship with her, you included, you should have dropped it.” Jongho calmly speak for the team. “Especially you.” He states, gesturing to Seonghwa, before turning to leave.
Yeosang follows suit, utterly disappointed in people he considered family.
“You guys don’t understand. You understand nothing.” Hongjoong states, his pride getting in the way of admitting his wrong doings.
Mingi scoffs, leaning on the side of the ship, and the Captain glares at him harshly. “What?” He says informally, bringing Yeosang and Jongho’s attention back to the situation.
“You said when she came that we could do what we wanted with her, we wanted her here, and you said she should stay for her own safety. She opened up to us for God sake!” He shouts.
Hongjoong comes face to face with him. “Oh because you’re so perfect? Thinking about the team, are you? No you’re fighting in her corner, again!”
“She told us why she was in that forest in that day and you want to throw her back out there? You’re sick!” He matches his energy almost immediately.
His Captain drops his hat on the floor. “You don’t understand, we need the-”
Mingi becomes angrier at the reasoning. “We clearly don’t! You’re greedy! We can’t have one thing without you ruining it-”
Wooyoung cuts him off. “Just because you can’t hold a friendship, bare in mind a relationship, why should we suffer because of your shortcomings?”
Hongjoong halts as him comment and San quickly moves in to pick up his hat and hold him back.
The boys begin arguing between themselves, trying to get their leader to help you but the arguing continues. San telling people to just follow what he says, Wooyoung and Yunho, the people who found you, arguing to help you, Mingi firmly stating he’ll go if you do, Jongho telling people to be reasonable and Yeosang shouting for people to lower their voices. Seonghwa, the one who started all this, says nothing and is frozen in place. The shouting gets louder and louder and louder and Wooyoung’s comment rings in Hongjoong’s head.
“She’s breaking this team apart, we need the money, she has to go, that’s it! That’s final!” With that everything quiets down once more and he sighs, calming himself. “Seonghwa is the one who said we should do this, I didn’t plan for you to become friends, you don’t need friends in this world.”
“No, you don’t need friends.” Yeosang remarks.
“You all knew, you could have done something about it earlier.” He states.
Mingi rolls his eyes, “Ok, say we did, would you have called it off?”
A look of betrayal comes across Mingi’s face, it’s a look Hongjoong wishes to never see again.
“Exactly. We didn’t tell her because we wanted to savour every moment with her.” He finishes.
Seonghwa looks at everyone, spending a few seconds to really take in how they feel just by looking at their face, something you had taught him when telling him about your time during ballroom dance classes, and he takes a few moments to breathe after looking at all of them.
Mingi is completely heartbroken, you didn’t have to look at him to know because his voice gave it away. San just wants everyone to calm down, he’s hurting and Seonghwa can’t pinpoint why. Yunho is clearly perplexed after being lied to, only noticing because Mingi pointed it out. Jongho is tired, of the shouting, being up all night, he just wants to be comforted, if you were here you would have given it to him in a heartbeat. Wooyoung is obviously angry, how could Hongjoong do this to you after how lovely you’ve been to them. Yeosang is confused, how could this happen and how could he let it go on for this long.
Hongjoong is… Seonghwa concludes he doesn’t know how he feels. He concludes that he doesn’t care how he is. He tried to call this all off so many times after suggesting it but his best friend thought they should do it regardless, so he did it out of greed that he no longer had, and that hurts him. A friend would listen to their best friend and let them be happy, and although he’s thankful Hongjoong is putting the team above everything else Seonghwa believes that you should come above everything else.
He thinks back to how you looked earlier. Angry, upset, distraught. Those are feelings he never wants you to feel. He never wants to see that look on your face ever again.
“I love her.” He states, drawing the attention of most people on the ship.
“I love her. This is my fault, I have to fix it.” He tells himself out loud.
"No shit." Yeosang's snide remark doesn't deter him however nor did the eye roll that followed.
Seonghwa quickly slips off the cotton jacket that had been keeping him some what warm while on the deck as quickly as he can and walks in the direction you left.
On the way he pushes the jacket into Hongjoong's hands as he leaves. They all watch him go, determined. He shoots down the stairs as fast as he can, trying to catch you before you fall asleep.
Hongjoong stands still, unsure of what to do with himself.
"Let us know when you're ready to officially leave and we'll get the map to Scaleswind to Yunho, Yeosang just has to figure out where we are." Jongho quietly states, lightly tapping Yeosang with the back of his hand to make him leave with him.
The pair go back to the storage room, shoulders hunched and looking completely dejected. Hurt, sad, lonely, but they understand where he’s coming from and that’s what hurts the most.
Mingi moves his gaze away from the them and squints his eyes at the silent Captain, his brows frowning in the process. He stands up straigther, trying to silently to intimidate him with his size in order to make him backdown although it was unrealistic. Yunho puts an arm around his shoulder and pulls him towards the quarter deck. "Stay with me while I'm behind the wheel, hm?" He tries to soothe his friend.
"I can’t." Hongjoong hears him mumble, but he still goes with him regardless.
San hands his hat back to him and slowly strokes his arm. They meet eyes and he realises he's not the only one hurting.
"Are you happy with your decision?" He whispers.
"I don't know." It stuns him, the all knowing leader, the one they all looked up to and aspired to be didn't know how he was feeling. Hongjoong who ruled with an iron fist was unsure of how he felt and for the first time in his life San doubted him.
Wooyoung sarcastically laughs, obviously hearing him. "All this and you don't even know. Wow, alright." He scratches his brow, unable to look at him.
The older one of the two offers him a sympathetic smile before turning to face his bunkmate. "Let's just go, we can make a list of supplies we'll need from Scaleswind." Reluctantly Wooyoung follows him to leave the deck.
Hongjoong looks down at the soft jacket in his hand and then down to the cuff of his sleeve. A white patch had been carefully sewn on top of a rip that had been there for a few months, causing him to barely wear his undercoat as to not rip it anymore resulting in him feeling colder than usual. That was all until you had sewn it back together for him in your own time after finding a small sewing kit hidden in a barrel on the ship, as a small way to repay him for letting you stay and keeping you away from home.
It had been so carefully hand sewn, it reminded him of a mothers stitch and it was something he had yearned for a while. As did your cooking, it was warm and he was always full. As did your determination to keep Aurora clean, it gave the crew one less job to focus on. As did your attentiveness when it came to the boys, making sure San wiped every speck of dried blood off of his body, bringing Yunho food and water while he spent nights behind the wheel, telling Jongho all about books you've read and promising to give him them when it's safer for you to go back.
"Call it off." He whispers.
The pair barely catch it and turn around to face him.
"We set up a meet spot to trade, call off the plan on our end and we can rework it." He states, looking them dead in the eye.
"What?" They question, confused.
"We can use her as bait, draw them in, get the reward and she can come with us again, it never said we had to give her back, just find her." He says much more confidently, much louder too as Yunho seems to catch what he says and tells Mingi.
San and Wooyoung smile at each other, elated.
"I'll tell Jongho not to bother and y-" Wooyoung starts.
"And I'll get those two and we can rework it all, as a team." San finishes.
"Yunho don't move, I’ll be back, wait for me!" Mingi shouts and Hongjoong sniffles a laugh at his determination.
Determination to keep you with them, keep you safe and Hongjoong realises that he may have that determination too. Maybe it was better to keep you around, it gave all of them something to look forward to.
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Taglist (reply to join): @liniiiaa @marievllr-abg @hee0soo @lelaleleb @atinyreads @brielle-in-the-galaxy @starillusion13 @readerofallthingssmutty @not-everything-is-so-primitive @huachengsbestie01 @madnpan @giannadodson @mazeinthemiroh
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samirafee · 3 months
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kinuphoto · 2 months
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shelovesplants · 9 months
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Beautiful sea glass 🙌🌊 the longer it tumbles around in the sea, it gets bluer and bluer 💙✨️
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queenmabcreates · 14 days
Spotty Boy! My pick a treasure poll winner. Sorry y’all can’t have him. ❤️
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1892 · 1 year
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thrifted this beauty. $0.75
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sad-leon · 11 months
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hehe :)
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AH!! ITS HIM!! MY BOY!! And birthday wishes akxidbsjfksjdbdj WAILS, WEEPS EVEN
Thank you ell!! Genuinely! This makes me very happy and I will be treasuring him!!!
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sanzosin · 1 year
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Beautiful view
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dertypohnenamen · 1 month
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[ - ■■■■■■ / 08:2024 - 02 - ]
.....tidy Childhood.....
Photos | Artwork | © by ■■■■■■
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lovelastart · 3 months
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We dance, we sing, we live,
We love tonight
- "Tonight" by Secret Nation
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 16 - Summer
@wolfstarmicrofic August 16, word count 803
Previous part First Jegulus part
Sirius had popped home after the café had closed for the day and picked up their airbed. He’d offered Regulus a place to sleep at theirs while he got the flat sorted, but he’d refused. Sirius could see how excited his brother was to have a space all of his own, so he didn’t push it. He’d collected a few other things for Regulus that they had going spare. A floor lamp, pillow and duvet, the picnic set and travel kettle, a rug that he’d bought home and Remus had hated, that had been rolled up on top of their wardrobe ever since, and a few of their books, on loan, of course, or Remus would have his guts for garters. Remus was a book dragon and hoarded his books like they were precious treasures. 
He had so much in his arms that he ended up dumping it in the sidecar of his motorbike and drove it over to the café. It had been too long since he had driven the second love of his life. She growled happily beneath him as he drove the short distance to the café. He beeped the squeaky horn when he arrived and saw a disgruntled Regulus glaring at him from the upstairs window. 
“Come down and let me in!” He called after he’d taken his helmet off. Regulus, seeing it was him, gave him a small wave and disappeared from the window. 
“You didn’t have to bring all this, Sirius,” Regulus said quietly as Sirius plied his arms high with the things he’d brought. 
“Nonsense, it’s too late to go get anything tonight, and you need a few things to make it feel more like home,” Sirius grinned at him as he began to lug everything upstairs. 
The summer sun was still shining outside and bathed the room in its golden glow. “Sorry, I didn’t think about curtains. I can go back, I’m sure we have some spare,” He said when he took in the bare windows. Regulus shook his head and pointed above the frame. 
“There’s nothing to hang them off any way.” 
“Oh, you’re right.” Sirius huffed out a laugh. “Well, we’ll add it to the list of things you need,” He furrowed his brow as he tried to figure out when they could go shopping. “I can maybe see if we can shut the café a bit earlier tomorrow so we can go look for some things for you. But we’ve got the BBQ and Remus will go mental if we’re not there on time, so we’d have to look around quickish,” Sirius said as he set up the floor lamp in the corner of Regulus’s bedroom and began to spread out the air bed. It was a fancy one with the pump in it, all he had to do was plug it in and it did the rest. 
“Erm, about that,” Regulus said from the doorway, scuffing his shoe against the floor. “I kind of already agreed to go with James tomorrow morning. He said he knows a place that had good furniture for reasonable prices, and they should be able to do same-day delivery,” Regulus was chewing his lip nervously, clearly waiting for Sirius’s disapproval. Sirius pressed the on button on the air bed and stood back as it began to fill with air. 
“Actually, that’s a much better idea,” He smiled at his brother. “You’ll have more time to look, and I can help Remus set up,” The look of relief on Regulus’s face let Sirius know he’d said the right thing. “Oh and don’t tell Remus, but I borrowed a few of his books for you to read until you can get some more of your own. I’m guessing you didn’t have time to get any before…” He didn’t need nor want to finish that sentence. 
“Yeah, I had to leave most of them behind,” Regulus said sadly. Sirius’s brain went into overdrive and a plan began to form in his mind. He’d rectify that situation as well as he could, probably with the help of a certain matriarch and her electric blue 500. 
“Shall we order in for dinner? I don’t know about you, but I’m famished,” Sirius said, pulling out his phone and punching in the number of his favourite pizza place. “You eat carbs, dairy and processed meats again, don’t you?” He grinned wickedly at Regulus. Regulus rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, alright, get me a Hawaiian will you, please,” He said as he sifted through the books Sirius had brought. 
“Heathen,” Sirius winked at him as he turned the air pump off and placed their order. He smiled to himself, as he realised that this was the longest he and Regulus had gone in a long time without fighting. It was nice. It was really nice.
Next part
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chief-girl · 6 months
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hellaephemeral · 2 years
atp i don’t trust anyone who’s read the bllk manga and not thought aNY of it (like not even one moment, one quote, one boy etc.) was fruity as hell
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