#NOO- never happend
sparklyeyedhimbo · 1 year
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this gifset goes out to @respectthepetty because we are in this trainwreck together
and also @petrichoraline for getting me the tags 💛
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aee-luv · 3 months
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general genre/warnings-> established relationship,tiny bit of fluff,
niki x reader (first fic AHHH)
Lovers to Strangers trope😢
about-> rain is something y/n hates but now she hates it even more.
(fic under the cut!! dont cry bbg)
“rain” i always hated days that rained… when i met you it “rained” it was the only day that rained, that, i love so much. now its the day i hated..
“NIKIII!!” you shouted “YN!!!”
he shouted back, you ran towards him with open arms and gave him a big tight hug,
it was the first time you have ever met him since your accident… “i missed you…” niki says voice cracking,from niki’s voice you already know he was sad, he met you after 3 years it was pain for him not being with his best friend…
(end of flashback)
“y/nnie!” niki calls you “y/nnie…” niki calls you again “yeah” you respond looking at him, “you ok?” niki says “yeah im fine just really bored” you answer, niki straightens his back and says “HEY WHY ARE YOU BORED! YOU’RE WITH MEEEE” you laugh… “I just hate it i can’t go out when its raining because my so not strict parents think another accident will happen” you say sadly. this accident happend in 2018… when you were playing in the rain and you a car just randomly hit you, you never knew who the person was, you always wanted to find out but you never had the time, now you don’t care who it was all you cared about was “Niki” you bestfriend, your lover, your soulmate and the person who saved you… thinking about this you realized that niki brought you outside while it was raining you said to niki “niki why am i here my mom is gonna kill me!!” “don’t worry princess” niki responds, “COME LETS PLAY IN THR RAIN!!” he calls you, “NOO!! WHAT IF IT-“ niki cuts you off and shouts “IM HERE IM BY YOUR SIDE NOTHING WILL HAPPEN!” “UHHH OKKK” you shout in response, you took steps one by one outside and when you looked up you felt free, free from everything that went wrong, it was like all your sadness and pain left, you smiled as you looked at niki smiling right at you, all happy…
a few minutes passed and you were both drenched in water, you laugh seeing niki’s clothes soaked, you continued playing and running around in the water splashing each other, 30 minutes of playing passed by and you decide to call it a day you both sat down on a bench as you grabbed towels, niki looked at you with sad eyes and said “i hope your happy princess…” you looked at niki confused “whats with the sad tone??” you say pouting, he gives you a small peck and says “its my last day here… im leaving.” he looks at you with teary eyes “im so sorry y/n” tears falling down his face as he said that, you were in shock, you didn’t want to say anything…so you stood up and left without a goodbye…12/10/20.
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visionthefox · 1 year
Yes the show is very very messy, but if it's their job, why not make it better? I mean i worked and it comes to a point where companies want to improve make things better try and separate themselves from others. Which was something that they were making at the beginning and now like you said it's just a mess. There are things left unresolved.
I think it's ok to upload a month full of gameplay while Davis and the others try and figure out the lore and what's next, I know davis keeps google sheets of upcoming episodes or ideas (I really don't know, because the only two times that we see what's opened on his computer are during the garden of banban chapter 3 and jumbo's kitchen they appear on screen for a split second), but that works but like in every rp, fanfic, if things are getting out of hand or going in a certain direction, you stick to it or you plot things to actually move around and close certain aspects so the following chapters or replies are coherent to what you wanted or plotted from the very beginning.
I have several things that ticked me off and are sull bothering me because I want to know what was the real meaning behind it.
The first instance of this happening was back in October 2022 where Lunar and Eclipse took over the show. In the first episodes there was an instance where Sun and moon shared a mind and they could see out of Lunar or Eclipse's eyes I don't remember (mind you in the wedding episode Lunar never was mentioned and never appeared, even thought Eclipse took him with him to the wedding) and during that sharing sequence Moon said you Sun need to help and find he way because if we remember Moon was in pain, and efore he episode ended Sun said "no, not again" and he changed places(?). Still in October 2022 Lunar said that everything was going to plan, like he sounded like he had something to plan against Eclipse but he only resolve was I'm out here Moon take over and we never really got to see his true plans.
Fast forwarding to 2023 and when we came to see KC and Lunar inside the mindscape whatavtuañly happened inside there, because in the early days of Lunar he was suppose to suppress the kill code or as he was known back then the homicide code, so what happened did the circuit breaking made everything malfunction or as KC kept growing he overpowered Lunar and that's why he shrunk(?) Because at first he would present as Moon but just a glowing version of him and now he was tiny.
And I have a lot more but these are the ones that haunt me forever.
Also I feel like Eclipse is taking the route of the underpants gnomes like:
Phase 1.- Get the star.
Phase 2.- ????
Phase 3.- Profit
I'm really sorry xD
The targeted audience I really don't know, I think at first was for kids (from the reaction videos), then it kind of moved to teens, now I think its E for everybody channel, i know they are trying to get views (with the introduction of ruinncharacters) and it's understandable I hope they get more views now that dlc is coming out but they also need to tie loose ends before they advance to other things.
working for a company may be hard, I can give Davis that, they are suuuper limited, but also.. they didnt had a complicated storyline before,, they kinda ruined it over time sooo mmhhhh and true true, he could totally keep posting gameplays, since the show was only gameplay and lore was a side thing, they could try and come back to that, keeping ppl in waiting and finally giving a good thing to see.. but nooo noo.. and ok, I write fics, or used to, and I keep at least 3 different files with a storyline, I changed 3 times due to changes that happends as I write, BUT I always keep my files close so I can make sense of what I DO..of course Davis keeps a doc with what to do and what not to do but- then again.. why not working on the lore and logic of your world? because.. what is the rules of this universe? can robot have jobs like a human? or are made to do one thing forever? is every robot sentient? or being sentient is like a miracle? how can robot make babies? is it building it like lego? or in bed? can a robot walk free? magic, how a piece of metal can handle magic? why does it affect a computer with legs? how a robot can create such a destructive thing, does the human working in the plex ever dare to walk in the daycare? are humans even a thing? how come no one ever put a stop to these machines? the ppl looking for Sun and Moon, the cops, what happened to that? see what happend when you dont buiild a work around your story? Davis?! and what you say, true, they lead us with words and indications of a bigger thing, that never happends.. and specially with Lunar he clearly had brains, and had to keep an act, in a way, he played with Eclipse's mind before the back stab, becuase he managed to see the holes on Eclipse plans.. then... what? suddently when Monty make him a body he also made him less smart? less sassy and less sneaky?? why? the whole KC thing, too, like that had no logic, and for me, it had be keep as "Moon's second face" becuse that makes sense than a sentiend line of code.. when KC took control, I felt it, the lore never moved an inch, he acted like he had this oohhh big plan! and oohh so evil he wanted to break moon ooohh but.. then.. he was good?? and.. he then cared for Moon?? huh?? and Eclipse too.. like father like son, he doesnt plan at all , he only dances around then finally throw hands to get what he wants, at least in the early days he clearly was meant to be more of a silly villain, one hurt by Moon's words but also not evil, just annoying.. he moved Sun's body like a puppet but never actually put him in an real danger.. then suddently is this anime villain? (I can writte an long ass post with my theory as to why he changed like this but I wont- I'll save your guys the nonesense) idk, I love the refe tho, that is totally him hahaha but yea.. I think they just need to sattle on who the audience is.. is it kiddos? or teens? then sit the hell down and plan a good damn lore, they can totally re boot the whole universe to one that makes sense and maybe just stop trying to get a new villain every month and just be a wholesome channel like it used to be, that sells too, that can work
they dont need a drama after drama to stay relevant, their channel is the one with more followers, they are high, they can stop the chase..
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clarity9191 · 3 years
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Then what really is love?
What is this love? Have you ever experienced love before?
True love is when.. the base of relationship is not based on codependency / your past.
For example the most common one: you love someone you want them soo bad you never wanted someone this bad. they ignore you, they hurt you, they make you feel misrable still you only want that single person to be your permanent one.
Ever thought why so? Why only this person and not someone else?
Cause honey this is your past Wonded self.
let me make it more simple for you🌟
Think of a similar situation happend in your life. like this person wasn't there someone who suddenly left you. who turned their back on you. who suddenly became cold same like this person. Many a times these people are our parents and friends who suddenly changed just like your "love". The base of this type of relationship is codependency. if you will get this person your "love" you will be shocked on how you just don't love them anymore. why?
because you never loved them. 💔 noo?
let me explain it more..
so there is part inside you who want justice, who want to make things normal for you in past, who want to get loved from your (parents)or (friends) or whoever hurted to you the same way your "love" treated you.
Darling i know it is hard to accept but whatever love is based on this type of things is not love but it is for your own good. we can't be victim always nah 🍂 hmm?
So now what is true love then? mother's love? umm....
can be/can be not not everyone has amazing loving parents. i can understand ❣️
Well love is uhh.. no no
true love is where you both balance each other. ( not the one in which one is kind/innocent/calm and other one is arrogant/ aggressive n' can be easily hurt) ( beacuse it is again codependency). where there is no drama and you are from the core happy😊
You wanna know now? is it true love or not?
Do one thing now.. ask yourself honestly and it is only you here so there is no need to hide anything. 💓
Ask yourself are you litreally happy? Can you live without this person too? Is your relationship constant is it same like it was first time? Isn't this relationship is always on-off? does this person is always there when they see you are moving on? or just when you really need them not when you want them too?
if your answer to all this question were NO
baby here you go you got the answer ❣️
And at the end of the day you yourself know what is it and what is it not. if you are still struggling and don't want to leave this person. it's ok honey give yourself time. Everything happens for a reason. and believe in yourself you will find solutions to all your problems. 🍂
So here it ends this is my first post on tumblur and you can also follow me on instagram @clarity9191. and can share your anything with me i am always there but only when you really need someone's help❣️
Ok? soo bye my loves❣️ see you soon with more next time 🍂
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aleksa-sims · 3 years
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My RL Gameplay
Sandra started to argue with Nico. About the thing that happened before. And I, I got a panic attack! I was sitting right in the middle and the noises hit me on both sides. I grabbed my paper bag and started breathing through it. That always helped immediately!
BUT OMG! Now it's getting embarrassing! Sandra saw me for the first time with a panic attack! Suddenly she got up, yelled at the waiter like a CRAZY person! She screamed, "Hurry up, my friend needs help! A glass of water! Immediately! Nico told her it'll stop soon! The waiter was so scared! He came immediately and even wanted to call 911. Then Sandra took the glass of water and poured it over my face! OH MY...! She made things worse! My paper bag got wet! Noooo!😭😭😭 
Sandra: Why do you have injuries on your face again?
Nico: You know it! So don’t ask so stuipid?
Sandra: Why do you always do this? You scare her maybe! 🤨
Nico: She's not afraid of ME! And don't get involved in our relationship all the time! Or should I teach your suit boyfriend a lesson too?
Sandra: I'm just worried & I don’t care about him! But what if you hit my Best Friend? 😠 😠
Nico: I’d NEVER!! What do you think? 😠
Sandra: Just stop it Nico! What if you hurt someone really badly and have to go to jail for it? Have you ever thought about this? 😕
Nico: I I have never seriously hurt anyone and I don’t intend to do so!
Sandra: And what happend to your hand? Can you even play soccer like this?
Nico: Come down ok! My hand will be ok again in 2 weeks! 
Sandra: But what if you hurt your hand worse today? 🤨
Nico: I have two hands! 
Sandra: Please! Just stop it! Promise it! 😟
Nico: OK, ok .. that's fine! I understand! Just shut up!...Oh, no .. panic attack!
Sandra: A.??? What do you-??.. Call 911! 😱
Nico: She's having a panic attack, it's going to stop in a few seconds! 
Me: My paper bag! .. Don't worry, I have to get up! 😨
Sandra: Omg, A., you scare me, you need-..WATER!💧....💦Splash!💦
Me: WTF ?? Sandra!!! Why????..NOO... my paper bag is WET! Wuahhh ... 😱😭
Nico: You see? Don't always do such a drama Sandra! Pull yourself together! 😠
Sandra: But...I-... 😥 Come on, let's go in! I'll get you a towel or something.  
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jonas-abyss · 4 years
omg noo its happening again.
something bad is going to happen, i can feel it, i know it. im not really the guy to really believe in supernatural stuff but those patterns are just way to convincing.
My computer had some major problems today, which happend a lot before, always connected with something bad following.
And on top of that my girlfriend is having some hardcore depression phase right now.
i can feel it approaching. something bad, really bad, a bad omen or something. i just want to stay in my bed and never come out of it for the next few weeks until i feel safe again.
please dont let this end so horrible again...
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cutiesexylovelybts · 5 years
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Member: Jimin (BTS)
Genre: Angst/fluff/fiction/friendship
Word count: 1559
Summary: After a hard day of practicing difficult thoughts come to mind. So many questions arise feeding Jimin's fear and insecurities. The comeback is around the corner and here I am feeling this way. Did I lose my passion? Can I escape this dark prison I put myself in or will I be able to soar high again freely?
A story inspired by the album Map of the Soul 7, specifically Black Swan.
It was 22:00 PM. It was a crazy day. Here I was, sitting in the dancepractice room exhausted, drenched in sweat, my body all sore thinking about what happend today.
Everyone already went home but I decided to stay and practice some more.
I don't know what's going on with me lately... We have a new comeback around the corner and here I am still unable to do that spin.
I always seem to sabotage myself. Everyone tells me I'm doing fine and my dancing is amazing but I'm having a hard time believing it myself.
Come on man.. , we've been here before...*sigh*
Aah... perfection, this word has been my best friend, pushing me to work harder over the years but at the same time it was also my worst enemy.
Before we debuted I was always working so hard. Pushing myself to sometimes extreme ends, I didn't allow myself to give anything less than perfection.
Though I love it and want to achieve it, I'm also affraid to face it.
What if I don't make it..
What if I ruin it for the others..
If I fail, we all fail.
What if I can't do this happily anymore...
What if, what if, WHAT IF! SO MANY IF'S AND WHAT IF'S ARGH!..
I'm so much in my mind I can't get anything usefull out of me. This is my passion right?
That being said...
Why do I secretly feel like running away from all of this?
These past years we have been so succesful. It's like we are living the dream that was beyond what we could even imagine. Who would have thought 7 guys from South Korea could make it this far.
As happy as I am about how succesful we are, soaring in the sky with the wings given by ARMY..,
That's also how scared I am of flying so high in that spot.. From this height it seems like I have more fears than I ever had before. When we debuted I couldn't have ever imagined that this dream could feel so much like a nightmare at times.
I mean.. Our last comeback was months ago. And before that we were even thinking of possible disbandment. Can you believe it?... Just thinking about it.. I immidiatly feel the tears well up in my eyes.
You know what I fear the most.. I can't even say it. It's such a crazy thought but... What if I don't love doing this anymore. I can't be thinking this right now. What the heck is wrong with me!..
But it's a fact though, this fear is so real.. I'm scared. It's like a shadow, following me everywhere I go. Reminding me that flying that high may mean one day, if we ever fall, we might not survive that fall. If I lose my passion for all of this what's the use of continueing? Wasn't it this passion that saved us so many times before..
No I can't cry! We are at a better place now during this comeback.
*sigh* at the other hand, now that we've released the news about our comeback everyone is expecting a huge comeback. Especially our ARMY, more then dissapointing myself I really don't want to dissapoint them.
*sigh* I miss them so much... They always know how to encourage us when we are feeling down.
They have given us so much I want to give them perfection as a present and a thank you for everything. Just imagining those smiles, those cheers, those happy faces. I don't want to dissapoint them. I want to be real with them and show them I still love being with them while doing what I love the most. I still love it right?
But the way I am now.. I don't dare to face them. How am I going to face them if I can't even face myself...
I lift up my head and look at myself in the mirror. I saw a man sitting in the dark feeling so vulnerable and small. At that moment I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. A few minutes went by of me crying out of frustration and exhaustion being so dissapointed in myself.
Aah.. What am I going to do with you. Look at you questioning your abilities and talents again. Like you haven't gone through this before. Are you really going to give up? What would ARMY think of this, what would my brothers think of me like this?.. Comeback is just around the corner. Come on stop crying, get up and let's practice some more.
The moment I wipe my tears and get up I hear a voice calling my name.
Jimin?.. What are you doing here in the dark? He switched on the light.
At that moment I panicked and quickly wiped my tears. I was a total mess so ofcourse he immediately caught on what was going on. I mean he isn't my soulmate for nothing.
Jimin.. Are you crying? What's wrong?
Seeing him looking at me so worried made me feel like bawling my eyes out. I know I wasn't going to be able to hold back. I didn't want him to be worried. As my eyes filled with tears I suddenly see 5 other heads pop out behind him.
Oh noo what's going on?
Did we arrive too late?
We just brought you some food and drinks because you were practicing so hard. You know you should rest as well right?
See.. I knew he was going to be upset about what happend at dance practice today.
I was amazed to see even Yoongi hyung was here to comfort me. Normally he would've already gone to sleep after such a crazy day like this one. RM hyung is so busy lately with the songs and yet he is still here at this moment. Let's not even talk about Jin hyung. He is amazing, working on his singing and dancing. He even started learning the choreo earlier because he didn't want to slow us down, even though we told him that's not the case. He is working so hard, I'm really so proud of him.
Hey come here!! Before I know it I'm being hugged by the six of them.
Aahhww uri Jiminie don't cry. Everything will be alright. At that moment I couldn't hold my tears back anymore and let everything out.
Oh no.. Hobi hyung is looking at me with those worried eyes again, he knows I always beat myself up when I can't do the choreo as I want it. It's difficult dealing with us during dance practice sometimes yet he is always there to help us out. Everytime this happens he will always take the time to explain those moves we have a hard time with. Those eyes are speaking to me, clearly asking me: "Why didn't you reach out to me Jiminie?"
And these two goofballs always know to find me when I'm down to cheer me up. We are all exhausted of this crazy day.
And yet.. here we are.. After our group hug and them comforting me I told them my fears and insecurities. Afterwards they all shared theirs as well and I can say some tears were falling and some bawling happend. Jk still had a hard time seeing his hyungs having a hard time. I didn't think they were having such a hard time too. It's been a while since we shared with eachother like this as we ate and drank together. I'm happy to see us like this on this practice floor. It's almost been 7 years and we are still us. Our worries and fears are different now but I'm happy to see Bangtan still being Bangtan.
Taehyung shared with us all his fun adventures with ARMY on weverse and suggested we scroll through ARMY's posts for encouragement. We read some funny and touching posts to eachother and before I know it my insecurities and fears became insignificant. Looking at these brothers of mine and our ARMY I felt a current of a comforting warmth flow from my heart to my whole body. A sensation that made me feel secure and safe. That's when I realised again for the gazillionth time.. As long as we love eachother and trust eachother we will keep soaring together. And even if we fall, if it's with this family we can always soar toghether no matter what. That's when I looked at the clock and saw it's 0:00AM. It's a new day already. And no matter how great the struggles were yesterday, there was always a day that they passed just like today. As long as we are alive we can still fight.
Since we have been gifted with these wings helping us to soar higher we might as well go as far and as high as we can. Yes we might always feel the fear of falling, but falling is a possibility and no certainty. Just like any other ending. At the end of the day none of us know the ending so we might as well enjoy the ride there.
If we have eachother and ARMY we will always have the courage to face our fears. We will always find the love and the passion to continue. We will eternally be bulletproof.
Thank you for reading my first short story. I hope you liked it and I wish you the best. Remember to never give up but keep moving forward no matter what. Have a nice day😄💜
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ainstgirl · 6 years
Summary: It’s your first day at the academy where you’ll become a soldier.  The academy is already difficult but even more so when you are a woman and you have Sergeant Hanks as Captain, luckily another captain will help you overcome the challenges. I’m very bad with  summaries, just give it a try.  English is my third language so im sorry if there’s any misspelling.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader
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Your whole body hurts from yesterday's exercise. You had fallen asleep so you had missed breakfast, thankfully Lily brought you something to eat. You just wanted to stay in bed but today you had an important meeting. Everyone stand up when Captain Rogers enters the room. As soon as you see him, the memory of the blonde woman in his bed comes to you. God, you have to forget about him. "Today we have a new mission, these men" Several photos of men appear on the screen "they are planning an attack in New York, our mission is to infiltrate and discover where they intend to attack, these men will be in different buildings so we will form pairs and we'll infiltrate, we don't want to attract  attention, if you see that you are going to be discovered you abort the mission" he takes a moment before continuing "Frank, Josh, Mark and Joey this man will be your target, in this file you have all the information you will need, Lily, you will go with Sam, he will inform you of everything" "who's Sam?" Lily asks. "Sam Wilson, he will help us in this mission" Steve explains. "OMG i'm going to a mission with Falcon" Lily says excitedly. "And Y/N you'll go with me" He gives you a file "here you have all the information" Great, how are you supposed to forget about him if you have to spend the night with him? "he will be at a party at his house, I left a dress in your room ... Natasha has chosen it, I think it will be your size" "I'm going to read the report" Great now you have to wear the dress that the girlfriend has chosen for you. "I'll pick you up in 20 minutes, we'll talk about the details on the way to the party" he says before going to talk to other soldiers. 
"I can't believe I'm going on a mission with Sam Wilson!!!" Lily screams when she enters the room.
"I did not know you were a fan" you say.
"he's hot" She stops when she sees you "you look amazing!" "thanks" Captain America's girlfriend has good taste, It is a bit tight and short of what you are used to but it is beautiful. "You'll have Steve Rogers distracted all night" You were going to say something when someone knocked on your door. "Y/N are you... ready?" Steve seems surprised when you open the door. "yes, i'm ready for the mission" you say grabbing your bag "good"  he says and you would have sworn to have seen him blush. "be careful" You hug Lily before leaving "Don't worry, she'll be fine, she'll be with Sam" Steve smiles at you as he opens the car door for you. The party must be close if he was driving. "so... what's the plan?" you asks. "we are a couple" You almost choke when you hear him say that but he continues explaining the plan "here I have the invitations for the party at his house, in his office he has to have the plans of where he wants to attack, once we know where, we leave" "sounds good" you say looking out the window, it seems that his mission is to torture you, you try to forget him but you can't do it if you have to act like his girlfriend.
40 minutes later you arrive at the party. "Are you sure they won’t recognize you?" you say getting out of the car, Steve had dyed his hair dark, people usually know him blond and without a beard but he had been letting his beard grow for weeks, maybe for this mission. "I guess we're going to find out" Steve puts his arm so you can grab him. Steve was right, they didn’t recognize him. "this house is huge where do we start?" you say it in a low voice. "we have to dance first" He says surprising you. "what?"  "we have to act normally, we can't arrive and start looking, we have to be seen together" he explains.
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The room was full of couples dancing, Steve places his hand on your waist and you put yours around his neck. "I had never danced like that" you admit. "Just follow my steps, it's easy" he says smiling seeing you nervous "you look beautiful Y/N" he says. "Your girlfriend has good taste" You say jealous. "my girlfriend?" He says confused. "Natasha" you say still dancing. "she's not my girlfriend, she's the black widow" he says with a big smile. "she's not? wait... you mean the black widow?" God, you are stupid. "Did you think she was my girlfriend?  Banner would kill me" Having this conversation while you were dancing with him was not a good idea. You were sure you were flushed "but your right, she has good taste, that dress suits you very well" "It's a little short for my liking" you see how Steve bites his lip when you talk about how short the dress is. "you're perfect...the dress, the dress is perfect" he explains quickly "They have already seen us dance, we have to ... find his office" he says taking a step back. "Of course, the mission..." For a moment you had forgotten the real reason why you were dancing with him.
You and Steve go upstairs where the rooms were. You enter several rooms but you can’t find anything, at least until you enter the last room, his office. "we have to hurry" he says searching in his desk. "Wait, there is something here" you say and Steve approaches you "information about the hours with the most passengers in Grand Central Station, there are pictures of the whole station....the security cameras and the guards are marked with an x" "We already know where they are going to attack, but when?" Steve asks next to you. "i don't know..." You were looking for more information when you hear the door open. You don’t give Steve a chance to say anything when you kiss him. He only takes a second to surround you with his arms and correspond the kiss. "what are you doing here? You can't be here" says the man you're investigating. "oh my god..." You say embarrassed walking away from Steve "We just wanted to be alone, you know" You say acting. "get out" he says angry. "Sorry about this, we're leaving" Steve speaks for the first time. Steve takes your hand to leave the room and does not let go until you get in the car.
"that was close..." you say to Steve. "luckily for us you think fast" "yeah... about that...i'm sorry i just..." you start to say. "No, It was a good kiss"  You see how Steve blushes when he realizes what he has said "i mean that it was a good idea" "yeah... it was" you say biting your lip, now it was going to be impossible to forget him, not after that kiss "At least now we know where they are going to attack" "yes, but we don’t know when" he says with a frown. "Actually ... I think I know when they will attack" He looks at you surprised "I found a train ticket for the 27th and that date was marked on the desk calendar" you explain. "you are amazing Y/N" You have never seen him smile like that. The rest of the trip to the base you spend it in silence, you don't know what he is thinking about, but you can't stop thinking about that kiss. "You've been incredible tonight, thanks to you we're going to avoid the attack"  he says opening the car door. "save lives, that's our job....good night Captain Rogers" You say closing the door.
Steve was going to take care of delivering the information that you had found so you go to your room where Lily was already waiting for you. "OMG Y/N i think i'm in love with Sam" she says when you enter. "what? what happend with the mission?" "the mission went well, we don’t know where they are going to attack but we know where the bombs come from but there was a man who was bothering me and before I could show him my fist “she smiles” Sam starts hitting him, it was the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life" she says fanning himself with her hands. "Are you drunk?" Her breath smelled of alcohol. "Noo...Well a little bit" she says laughing "Sam insisted we had to celebrate" "Okey, why don't you go to bed? we'll talk tomorrow" You say covering her with a blanket. Two seconds later she was already snoring. You were jealous of how easy she falls asleep,  because once again you were in the training room practicing your punches. You couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss, how you felt when you were in his arms.
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"we have to stop meeting here" Steve says scaring you. "shit... you scared me" "language" he says with a smile. "what are you doing here?"  you dry the sweat on your forehead. "i culdn't sleep" he says. "me neither... Lily is drunk" "Sam is also drunk, I've left him sleeping in my room, I think Sam likes Lily" he says. "i know for sure that Lily likes Sam.... but that would be inappropriate, we can't have relationships with superiors." You almost want to laugh at the situation, talking about the feelings of others instead of yours. "What a stupid rule" Steve was staring at you. "lenguage" you joke. "I had a great time tonight, it's been a long time since I danced with someone" he says. "I had a great time too" You remain silent, It seems that he wanted to tell you something but seeing that he doesn’t say anything.... "I leave you alone so you can train" you add. "actually... i wanted to ask you..." Steve seems nervous  "the thing is that...The other day Nat gave me some advice and I think I should listen to her" "okay..." yo say confussed. "At times like these I would like to be able to get drunk" Suddenly Steve shortens the distance that separates you and kisses you , the kiss was short but intense "I'm sorry if..." but you shut him with a kiss, this time the kiss is more intense, he clings to your body as if you were to disappear if he let go. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time" you admit.
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"me too... I know I shouldn't feel this way, I'm your superior and there are rules ... but I can't help it, since I saw you the first day I can't stop thinking about you" He says before kissing you again. "What impressed you the most, that I couldn't do the push-ups that Captain Hanks ordered or the beating that Frank gave me?" you say biting your lip. "I had to control myself to not throw him against the wall when I separated him from you" he says caressing your face. "so... what now?" you asks. "We have to see each other in secret, at least until the end of this year....if you want this ... well, I should have asked and not take it for granted ...." he says nervously, apparently Steve Rogers speaks fast when he is nervous. "yes...we won't tell anyone" You caress his cheek before kissing him. "Today has been a long day, you should go to bed" he kisses you "I'll see you tomorrow in training" he says before kissing you again and you cant help but smile, Steve Rogers was kissing you, how was it possible? "good night Captain Rogers" you say goodbye to him, when you get to your room you're still smiling, thank goodness that Lily is still asleep or you could not hide that stupid smile.
Part 5
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destielthedeathofme · 6 years
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Destruction of Government Property
Author: @destielthedeathofme
Pairing: Dean x Cas
Tags/Genre: Marine!Dean Husband! Cas, fluff, oneshot. A bit of angst.
Summary: Castiel's heart dropped when he gets the call. It can't be. No way. He doesn't want to answer.
Castiel snuggled into the couch, worrying about Dean more so than usual.
Dean had left a couple of days ago, and there always is a burning pain in his gut when he does.
Castiel would never tell Dean to quit his job. Dean was a marine and Castiel was damn proud of him for it. But these were the days Castiel thought if it was worth it. If the constant fear of.... fear of..... He couldn't even bring himself to say it. If anything happend to Dean.
No. No more bad thoughts. Dean hated it when Cas fussed over him like this. Castiel soon dozed off, Dean's smile on his mind
Castiel woke up to his phone ringing.
His heart dropped after the caller ID showed Ben.
Ben was the corporal in Dean's unit. Why would he call Cas? Unless...no.
Castiel's hand shook as he set his phone down. No no no no no. He can't pick up the phone. His heart won't take it, he can't.
After the ringing stopped, Castiel started to cry. Hands in his hair, Castiel sobbed. Dean couldn't be, no.
Then the ringing started again. Castiel picked up his phone. He had to be brave. He had to be brave for Dean.
Castiel picked up the call,"Hello?" he croaked.
Shit he sounded like he'd been crying. Castiel covered the speaker and cleared his throat.
"Hello yeah Cas? So I have to talk to you about something," Ben said sounding dead serious.
Castiel stifled a sob. Oh no, oh no oh no.
"Yeah Ben? What is it?" Cas said letting the tears fall.
"You're in a bit of trouble for harming government property." He said almost laughing.
Wait what the fuck? Castiel wiped his eyes. What the actual hell was Ben talking about? Cas had barely left the house this month because Dean was home.
Cas was a teacher and it was summer. There was literally nothing he could have done.
"Uh sorry what? Ben what are you talking about?" Cas was utterly and completely confused.
"There's a hickey on my best liteunanent and that is unacceptable. It's visible in his uniform. Don't repeat that again. Understand?" Ben didn't hold his laughter in much longer. He was howling along with Dean who was laughing too.
Castiel stared at his phone too relieved to even reply.
Before Cas could say anything, Dean took the phone from Benny.
"Hey Cas please don't be mad I love you."
Castiel could hear the grin in his voice. Castiel took a deep breath.
"Dean Samuel Winchester do you know how worried I was? I hate you!" Castiel fumed.
"Aw come on Cas, don't be like that.I'll make it up next time I'm home." Dean said smirking
Cas softly smiled, "Fine but I guess I can't give you hickies anymore."
"Noo I mean I think Benny can let a few more slide, right Benny?." Dean said.
Castiel heard Benny scream,"Ew get a room."
Castiel laughed
"Love you Cas." Dean said
"Love you Dean."
Castiel ended the call.
Oh when Dean is home again he's going to be in trouble for DESTRUCTION of government property. Cas smirked.
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louis-sott · 6 years
8 (top 5 desserts and top 5 best moments of your summer), 25, 41, 100 please!!
NOO tumblr never showed me this… But I’ll do them now! (Better late than never? questionable.. ANYWAYYY)
8. Top 5 (insert subject):Okay so for deserts: 1. My father’s apple crumble.2. Chocolate mousse (but only if it’s fluffy)3. Warm apple pie with vanilla icecream (bonuspoint if in front of a fire)4. Coffee and an assortment of little biscuits and bonbons. (I love the variety and the conversations that usually flow easy over desert coffee idk).5.  (good) Italian Ice-Cream on a cone. (But only in summer)
Best moments of my summer:1. I came out to my friend this holiday. First person I ever came out to and it was such a massive relief. 2. I did a roadtrip with my family and my brother’s girlfriend through a part of the USA and we got to see family friends that we hadn’t seen in 6 years. We stayed at their cabins right by a lake in Wisconsin. The atmosphere was incredible, really relaxing and so much fun. Definitely a highlight of my year.3. I officially got into my exchange university where I am now. The process took a lot of time and loads of things went wrong. So when I finally got the acceptance letter, I was quite happy.4. I had quite some coffee ‘dates’ with friends because I was leaving for a year. It made me feel really good to have such a diverse group of friends (or any friends at all). Every time it was just very special. Especially, because if you’d have said to me 4 years ago that I would have a group of friends period, I would have laughed you out of the room. So, yeah.. that cool. haha.5. I worked at a posh festival for a few days in my home town. The people that were at the festival were extremely posh and mostly arrogant, but the people I worked with became a little bit like a family. It was a great experience.
25. Someone you miss:This is a hard one. I usually do not really miss people, but more situations or feelings attached to a place or person. But at the moment I really miss the friendship I had with my best friend (who I came out to), she has been quite evasive the last few months. So that’s a great sequence of situations that happend…
41. Have you ever snuck out of your house?Nope. I am such a goody two shoes.. (though I don’t know about this definition of that idiom).
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.Another tough question… Uhm.. I’m left-handed, but only when I write, anything else, like scissors etc I do with my right hand. That’s not really interesting, but there you go!
Thanks for these questions, and sorry it took so long! They were really good ones though!
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kookiemonie · 7 years
Tagged by : @jiholeen Thank you sm!~ I haven’t been very active in here and I’ve been tagged a long time ago but only rly managed to do it now ^^’ 
Name: Ana
Gender: Female
Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: 166 cm
Middle name: I actually have 3 “middle names” (as in they aren’t either my first name or surname so here they go ^^’ : Machado Ribeiro Silva
Put your iTunes (I used soundcloud ^^’) on shuffle, what are the first six songs that popped up?
BabyMetal- Karate
Marc E. Bassy feat. G-Eazy- You & Me
Limp Bizkit- Rollin
BTS- Come Back Home
Childish Gambino- Redbone
H.E.R- Let Me In 
grab the nearest book, turn to page 23, what’s line 17? 
(...) a abrir-lhe a porta dupla de painéis de vidro, monogramados (...)
(only rly wrote what was written on line 17 since the sentence was kinda long...)
- O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis by José Saramago
Ever had a poem/song written about you?
Don’t think so....
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Lmaoo probably when I was 10?? I have no idea... Didn’t rly practice much so I must confess I was not very good xd
Who is your celebrity crush?
Obviously the main one is Jungkook (and the rest of BTS tbh) lmao but I also used to have a crush on Robert Downey Jr. when I was younger xd but rn I have quite a big crush on Tom Hardy (the man is perfection I tell u)  
What’s a sound you love? hate?
I can’t rly think of many sounds I actually like tbh... but there’s lots of them that I hate xdd 
For starters I can say I like the sound of silence (??) and basically just natural sounds like wind through trees and probably rain if it’s not too heavy, just faint natural sounds close to silence idk.... Then I can talk bout how much I dislike dogs barking, fireworks bursting, baloons popping, alarm clocks, vacuum cleaners, loud kids or the typical crowded places where u hear everyone screaming, in others....
Do you believe in ghosts/aliens?
I believe in aliens cuz I think in such a big universe it seems doubtable for us to be alone here... not so much on ghosts but u never know
Can you drive? If so have you ever wrecked?
I can’t TTTTT but soon probably...
What was the last book you read?
I’ve given a quick glimpse over The Murder in The Orient Express as I wanna read it some day but rn I’ve been reading O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Meh... not rly 
What was the last movie you saw?
Saw The Girl Who Leapt Through Time yesterday, good movie I recommend it 
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
I actually have injured myself quite sometimes as a kid tbh I’ve also broken my elbow a long time ago but that’s definitely not the worst one. I’ve had a pretty bad knee injury about 4 years ago where I broke a knee ligament (as I practice martial arts injuries are kind of inevitable so I got kicked pretty bad on a knee and then that happened) basically my knee-cap tends to now dislocate itself bringing the muscle tissue and other ligaments with it... hurts pretty bad tbh....and it has happend probably 3 times already as I practiced over the broken ligament cuz I didn’t rly know it was that bad (but that’s a huge story) long story short I’ve received treatment for over a year after all that, luckly avoiding surgery, and now it’s much better
Do you have any obsessions right now?
BTS is definitely and obsession at this point xd also movies lately I basically see at least one everyday when I have time, and collecting stuff as usual..... cuz I tend to get obsessed with collecting stuff for a period of time then I just change it up ^^’
Do you tend to hold grudges on those who have wronged you?
I get mad/annoyed pretty easily.... I have some rage issues I guess xdd and I also don’t forget stuff but I also don’t think I let it get to me easily either tbh unless I’m kind of close with the person cuz if I’m not I’ll just get rid of that person
Are you in a relationship?
A magic relationship btw me and me where I try to actually take care of myself and get priorities straight but tbh It’s not going very well xd
I’m tagging:  @chimchimangel @peciochan @kenmaa @sickofsuga @xparkjxmin @jkookiie @hopeful-jerico @shook-jungkook @rxseparade @you-got-noo-jams @nekojeon @golden-makdoongie
Only if you would like to do it~
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missmephisto · 7 years
Why I still support Marilyn Manson despite the on going rumours ...
As a crim student, i find it really fucking interesting to see people throw the words “sexual predator” around, and say things like “THEY’VE BEEN CHARGED WITH....” as if the judicial process ends right then and there. you can be charged with literally anything, that doesn’t mean shit. I could be charged with assault for elbowing someone as i walk past them, but then I go to court and my lawyer proves that it was unintentional, it could then be a lesser charge of negligence and even then the judge could be like “well, damn, son, maybe you were in her way” you know what i mean? so what the fuck happened to guilty without a beyond reasonable doubt, eh?  does that not exist on social media? why do people take one click bait title and then ignore the adjudication????? because a HUGE chunk of the time, people are never convicted of shit. 
What triggered this rant, is when i saw a tweet where someone said they were a fan of Marilyn Manson on twitter and the first reply was “He’s a sexual predator!”. I asked why they think that and they point to an incident that happened 17 years ago, not that the timeline necessarily matters, but I add that so people know that it was one light-hearted incident that happend 17 years ago, and no other “charges” since. Marilyn Manson rubbed his genitals on security guard during a show or whatever, didn’t go beyond that in the article to know that people are being... extra to say the least. I think the internet, and people in general, have a hard time seperating entertainmnet, one time things, from serious labels and allegatios. Doing something stupid and gross, does not deserve a label as serious as predator. Personally, I think the title “dumbass” and “ignorant” are better deserved, especially if people don’t repeat the action later in their life. To me, as a big fan of Marilyn Manson, I can find him socially ignorant at times, pushing the boundaries (he used to at least), and fucking gross here and there, but does that makes him a sexual predator? or a rapist? no.
Here’s the thing about Marilyn Manson and his overly-explicit tendencies, I’ve read his book “the long hard road out of hell”, and it is very graphic in detail about the weird shit he got up to back then, the very disgusting things he did in the bedroom -- figuratively, because majority did not take place in a bedroom. But you know what he did? He hired the proper women who consensually take place in these weird kinks, that’s right, he did not objectify women who did not want to participate, he would literally take the time to research women who consensually engage in kinky-ass-shit, hire them and do said things. Has he had sex with fans before? Yes, did they consensually have sex with him? I would take a stab in the dark and say yes, because he doesn’t have any women saying he raped them and believe it or not, there are people in this world who want to have sex with musicians even want to have kink sex with musicians and it does not constitute to rape, or sexual assault!!! WEIRD!! EH? Moreover, people label him as a rapist,because he’s been known to calls underage fans pretty? I’ve had to think about this because I know a lot of people will throw hands for this, but do people need to be ID’d before they call someone pretty? Especially someone who is a fan of the person who is being complimented. Yes I agree, that unwarranted attention can be predatory, I have been in bars and simple public spaces where I get creeped on by older men. BUT, i’m talking about the situaions people are bringing up when it comes to Marilyn Manson.
A lot , if not all, of the undersage girls he has so called hit on were fans who had paid for his meet and greets, where you get to sit on his tour bus for like 3 mins and take a pic. So what I am assuming happens is when the underage fan sits next to him to take a picture, he makes small talk -- calls them pretty, etc. Is that rapey? is he supposed to ignore their existence and ruin the thing they paid good money for? Is this really how we are going to progress as a society? This is where my annoyance with the internet comes from. Other than that I have yet to read anything about him actually preying on younger girls? But please feel free to show me if you do --other than allegations from people with literally no proof, other than expecting him to be gross because of his stage appearance. 
As for the security guard who Marilyn rubbed his dick on or whatever, yes it’s really fucking gross and I do not condone it, but do I think that makes him a sexual predator? NOO. LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE person on the fucking planet has made a dumb ass mistake in their life. Especially dumb ass Marilyn Manson who would do everythign in his power to piss people off and get people to talk about him in the 90s-early 2000s, it doesn’t excuse his poor behaviour, but if people take a stage act to heart -- what’s the point of entertainment then? Marilyn would literally piss on himself on stage just to get people to freak out, he would abuse himself the most if anything. People need to understand that stage Marilyn is not Brian Warner, who he actually is backstage. Brian Hugh Warner is actually an advocate for not taking advantage of women, or senseless shit like that. Yes he is sexually hyperactive and explicit, and pushes boundaries, Yes, he says dumb shit and tries to provoke people, but he is NOT a predator, a rapist, an abuser, a racist ,etc. Whatever the fuck people like to call him, he is a “Shock Rocker” who has since acknowledged  for dumb shit he’s said and done in the past, but unlike most rockstars, Marilyn thinks ahead legally.  Also, if I remember the excerpt correctly, it was Twiggy -- whom has been fired from the band for rape allegations -- that would mostly partake in the sex with the hired women. ANYWAYS, 
some things I think people should watch/read about Marilyn: 
Marilyn on the Hipocracy of American Media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RRC0Cvkr4M
Talking about how sexual assault is something that should be taken seriously: https://www.channel4.com/news/marilyn-manson-on-music-politics-and-sexual-harassment
A good read on what kind of person he really is : https://www.alternet.org/story/11052/guns%2C_god_and_government%3A_interview_with_marilyn_manson
Really good interview on politics & religion in the 90s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wixWYMXI9lc
I could literally go on for days, but I have real school papers to write,  so I will leave it at this for now. Probably come back and add more later on. 
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
Big Bang reaction to their gf always smiles when she's about to cry like she wants to hide it
Big Bang reaction to their gf always smiles when she's about to cry like she wants to hide it 🙈
For ANON.!!
Hope you like it
Gifts aren’t mine
It has been a rough day.
You couldn’t sleep properly, it was or too hot or too cold and you kept moving in bed trying to find the perfect position (it never happened).
On your way to work, an old man in front of you was driving so slow you started to curse him in your mind.. and you arrived late.
At work, your boss just kept yelling at you because you couldn’t find the super important paper that had to be done today.
On lunch break, you stained your clothes with coffee.
At 7 pm on your way home and almost fell asleep at a traffic light, thank God you woke up before a huge queue was behind you.
But finally, you opened the door of your apartment ready to just have a shower and go to bed when you saw him
Your boyfriend finally was back from his tour
G Dragon
He was on the couch, flowers lying next to him.. he was looking at his phone and didn’t notice you were in.
You stayed there observing him for a couple of minutes, he was randomly watching some videos, laughing softly and caressing his soft hair.
It was enough for you to calm down, everything found back its balance the moment you saw him.
G Dragon was maybe the opposite of balance, but Jiyong was a different man. He thought before speaking and doing anything, he was supportive and positive.. Jiyong was an artist, producer, composer while G Dragon was a stubborn superstar.
And you loved both of them
Walking to him, he heard your steps and looked at you, smiling widely.
-Babe.. I missed you
-Me too
You hugged him tightly, hoping that all the stress of the day would vanish in the thin and cold air
-What’s going on?
-Are you sure babe?
He moved away from the hug to look at you in the eyes, you smiled trying to hide the tears that were forming in your eyes. You didn’t want to ruin the mood but all the stress made you so emotional, it was hard for you not to cry.
He looked at you confused..this was not your usual happy smile..
Lowering your head, you started sobbing. 
Jiyong knew that there was something wrong, it was not just him being back.. it happened before, but he could see you were crying because of something else.
He hugged you again, patting your head softly and kissing the top of it
-It’s fine Y/N.. it’s fine crying..let it all go
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You took off your jacket and immediately went to him
-Hei ba..
You didn’t even let him finish, kissing him  and sitting on his lap
You rested your forehead on his, looking him in the eyes while caressing his cheeks
-I need some wine
-You don’t drink babe..
-That shows you how bad my day was
-Wanna talk about it?
He cupped your face with his big strong hands and you were almost going to cry, so you faked a smile not to worry him
Senghyun was always really protective towards you.. he always made sure you were ok in any way; starting from always buying you random food to make sure you ate, to asking his connection if they knew your boss and how he was.
-I know that smile
-What happend?
You reached for his hands, trying removing them to go away while your tears was still not covering your cheeks, but Seunghyun didn’t move.
-Stay..don’t hide
-It’s ok if you don’t wanna talk about it..but don’t hide from me
You pouted your lips and looked at him, he smiled and laughed and kissed your temples
-How can you be so cute even when you cry?
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As soon as you saw him you just wanted to cry..you missed him so much!
And he noticed that
-Nooooooo don’t cry!!!!!
Daesung run to hug you and looked at you, moving your messy hair behind your ears.
-I am not crying!!
-I know that face,  you always pout your lips and do puppy eyes when you wanna cry
You tried to smile, hoping you could fool him with that..but let’s just say you weren’t the best actress.
-Noo please!! Look at me!!! What happend???
He cupped your face with his hands, he was seariously worried..
You didn’t cry a lot, you were always positive and happy but that day was really the worst day ever. He pouted his lips too, watching you and trying to make you laugh doing weird faces and mimicking a baby crying
-Noo if you cry i cry
-Daesung stop!! I am not in the mood
-I can see that
He suddenly returned serious.
He was always so happy and nice in his public life, you were surprised by this side of Daesung. 
You never thought he could be such a deep man, not that you thought he was stupid before you got to know him...just the image he showed to his audience was something different from his true self .
-Ohh i am in truble
-Now you look pretty even when you cry..
-Isn’t this a drama line? Like.. Fight for my way or something like that??
He grabbed you neck at put your face on his chest
-Sh..I was trying to be romantic
-You’re suffocating me Dae
He definetly was able to lift your mood up in 0.1 sec
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You smiled at him, he was in the kitche, probably cooking something..he was just so husband-material..
You hugged his back, placing your arms around his waist
-Babe..hei..let me hug you properly
You couldn’t answer, you didn’t want him to see you crying, but he grabbed your hands and faced you.
You smiled a bit and he understood imediatly something was wrong, he didn’t say anything tho..he just hugged you and kissed your temples
-Rough day eh?
The moments those words left his mouth you started sobbing and crying
-It’s fine.. I am here ok?  And I took some time to just stay with you, so you’re stuck with me
Tayenag was such a gentleman, he always knoew what to say and when.. He understand you like you knew each other for your entire life.
-I love you tae
-I love you too Y/N..wanna eat something?
-Yes..but i want to cuddle a bit more
-That’s for sure..
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He lift  his head the moment you walked throught the door, smiling at you and coming to help you with your stuff from work.
-Let me help you
-I’t fine Riri
-But i wanna help..
You and Seungri didn’t look like a couple in most people eyes, you both were really indipendents.. you never appeared together in public, and the rare occasions when you met the other members you avoided skinship.
Riri was really jelous of your private life, your intimate moments were just for you.. he didn’t like to share them except with the other members from time to time.
-I ordered some food for dinner
-You didn’t have too
You said , sitting on the couch next to him
-But i wanted to.. you look pale..
-Just a bit tired..how was the tour?
-Nice as usual..I missed you tho...
-Me too
You knew he knew..you lowered your head smiling, he was a busy man..you didn’t want to trouble him with your problems
-Whose ass do I have to kick?
Tears covered your cheeks, you weren’t able to face him.. he never saw you like that..
He moved your hair from your face and kissed you, lifting from your spot he place you on his laps not saying a word. 
-Calm down and you’ll explain to me later ok?
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lysdal · 7 years
tagged by @rick-wrights-right-nipple​ q; thanks <3
Drink: tomato soup :)
Last phone call: with my mom asking when they’d get home again
Last text message: girlfriend q: 
Last song listened to: røde mor - kys din frø      really getting into old danish protest and psychedelic rock q:
Last time you cried: yesterday i think, dont remember
Dated someone twice? nope
Been cheated on? well.. no, not really
Kissed someone and regretted it? yeah... definitely. i assume both of us have just forgotten it though
Lost someone special? grandparent, knew her very well though
Been depressed? i dont know, never been checked by a doctor
Been drunk and thrown up? ofc :’) threw up in my hair resulting in it being sticky the day after. (also managed to puke and then faceplant into it later :’))
Talked to someone named Tom? no, not yet
Made a new friend? yeah :) 
Fallen out of love? definitely :’) much has happend this year though, i feel it was necessary to shape me, so i dont go around being sad about the time i ‘wasted’
Laughed until you cried? always. if its worth laughing about itll probably make me laugh until tears come lmao
Met someone who changed you? i guess you could say that, yeah q; <33
Found out who your true friends were? already knew who those people were
Found out someone was talking about you? not really
How many people on Tumblr do you know in real life? 4 people :)
Do you have any pets? sadly no ;( i did have a bird sometime, he was pretty cute
Do you want to change your name? maybe my last name, but not my first name, its pretty okay q:
What time did you wake up this morning? at 11 or 13 i think, its vacation so i dont keep track
What were you doing last night? just talked to a nice person q; 
Name something you cannot wait for? meeting up with my girlfriend q: it has been what ive been looking forward to for a pretty long while now
What getting on your nerves right now? pretty much nothing, maybe a couple of ‘friends’ at school but not too much. 
Blood type: im pretty sure its 0-
Nickname: lysdal (yah, username is creative i know)
Relationship status: post minecraft sex, but still no hand holding yet
Zodiac sign: aries (horoscopes seem to fit so im pretty happy with it)
Prounouns: whatever you want to call me, swamp monster included
Favorite tv show: futurama so far :)
College major: no ideaaa
Hair color: dark brown, getting darker i think
Long or short: long definitely q: 
Do you have a crush on someone? well that person would be my girlfriend  🤔 is it still a crush then
What do you like about yourself? if i really want to do something i can focus on it, and do it. i suppose thats quite good. i also play guitar and bass okay. my curiosity seems to drag me around in a lot of hobbies, so thats also nice.
Surgery: had a splinter 1 cm deep under my nail :’) the doctor just took a pair of pliers and ripped it out nearly alongside with my nail :’)
Piercing: i once fell and pierced my own head, but no intentional ones, and im not too sure ill ever get any
Best friend: eh.. my middle school best friend didnt really turn out like me, so we stopped talking pretty much as soon as we stopped going to school together
Sport: volleyball :’)  for 3 years :’) never againnn
Vacation: hungary when i was 2 years old, i remember the trip by car being wayyyy too long z.z
Pair of sneakers: never had any i think
Eating: protein rods aka breadsticks
Drinking: pepsiii 💦💦
I’m about to: go to work because ive been postphoning it whole week
Listening: an 8 hour long video of joel playing half life 2 👍
Kids: later in life, yeah
Get married: unless the social norms change, yeah
Career: i wish i knew :’) maybe music if thats possible, probably not though
Lips or eyes? eyess 👀, lips are still pretty tho :)
Hugs or kisses? both are very nice :) especially together q: 
Shorter or taller? preferably shorter, but thats because anyone taller than me would surely have back problems z.z
Older or younger? same age, maybe a bit younger, depends on how mature the person is though
Romantic or spontaneous? romantic definitely q:
Sensitive or loud? depends on what mood im in, both can be nice
Hook up or relationship? relationship 100%, hook ups seem rather pointless for stuff other than self confidence
Trouble maker or hesitant? hesitant when theres risk, trouble maker if there isnt :’) 
Kissed a stranger: neverr, kissing is more precious than that
Drank hard liquor: you bet, currently the strongest stuff ive tried was 80% alcohol modern absinthe, but im still looking out for stronger stuff :’)  why not try it all if i can.
Lost glasses/contacts: dont have either
Sex on first date: if its with a person like rick wright maybe 👀 i mean.. its a once in a lifetime opportunity.. generally no though :’) if you like the person that much then whats the rush, there will definitely be more dates.
Broken someone’s heart: nooo z.z never done that and i hope i never will
Been arrested: noo, but i once slapped a police officers ass in the amsterdam airport when i was younger :’) was too young to get arrested though, and the police officer didnt mind 
Turned someone down: once a veryyy long time ago. its not often i get asked though so eh, not like theres much to reject lmao
Fallen for a friend: sadly yeah.. went okay 1 time, lost a friend the other time
In yourself: depends on what stupid stuff im doing :’) when i seriously try stuff i do tend to believe i can do it though
Miracles: sometimes its hard not to 
Love at first sight: attraction at first sight maybe, but theres no way you can know the persons personality and everything by just looking.
Heaven: maybe, but not in the traditional sense
Santa: sadly not ;(
Witchcraft: heck yeah, that would be hella cool
ill tag @subdivisi0ns and @silentfreeway if they want to q:
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nctxreact · 7 years
NCT Hyung Line - Him cheating on you and tying to apologise
My first reaction. Yayyy :D (English isn´t my first language so sorry for any mistakes)
requested by americanoology    - thanks for requesting again !
You saw him at pratice and there where this new really pretty trainee girl. First they were having a small talk but she got really flirty. After a few minutes she leaned in for a kiss and he didn´t stop her. He kissed her back and didn´t realize that you were there. Watching him and the girl kissing with your eyes full of tears. As the girl saw you she pulled away making Taeil confused. Then looked at the direction the trainee was looking at. His eyes widden as he saw you and with that you left. He ran after you, trying to stop you from running away while his tears couldn´t stop falling. He told you that it wasn´t his fault. You couldn´t believe him “So thats why you kissed her back” was the last thing you said after smashing the food you bought for him to the floor. The last time you looked at his tearful eyes. 
“Don´t ever contact me again. I hope it was worth it.”
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It was your first wedding anniversary and you prepared his favorite dish at home. He was late again and you guys stared fighting cuz of it. He just couldn´t take anything serious. After a few minutes of agruing he left the apartment leaving you completly alone. He stopped by his new fav bar and bought a few drinks. A woman was catching his eye. She was just as pretty as you. After a small talk with her she left with him to a motel. He was drunk and didn´t realized what he was doing. Right in the action he came back to reality and left the woman he was rushing to your apartment. You were sleeping in the bedroom as you heard Hansol coming in. His eyes teard his hands shaking. He pulled you into a hug telling you how much he loves you and how much he was sorry for what he did. You confused asking him why he was acting like that. Your eyes widen as he told you the truth. You immediately pulling away from his touch. “Leave” you told him. 
“Baby I´m so sorry I know it was my fault…b..but I was drunk….please don´t do thi–”
“Leave!Or I´ll leave” you screamed taking a few steps away from him. You couldn´t just forgive him. So you packed your stuff and ignored his calls for you. And the last time he tried to stop you but couldn´t. So you left and forget the little present you left at his nightstand. After you were gone he saw a little box on his nightstand with an sticky note. -`Happy first anniversary babe! I love you forever and hope you´ll like the present I have for you! I´m sorry about our fight and hope we can forget about it´- Hansol opened the box.
There was a pregnancy test on it. - prositive -
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You and Johnny were in a secret realtionship. Even his own members wouldn´t know about you and him. Since you were new in Seoul you needed a job and luckily did get one at yours and Johnnys favorite coffee shop. You hadnt told Johnny about your job yet. You wanted it to be a suprise. But you were the one who was getting a suprise. You saw him entering the shop while he was holding the hand of a beautiful girl. They sat down and looked at the menu. He was still holding her hand - telling her that he loves her and only her. You grabbed the drink that was in the corner and started walking to his direction.
“Here is your order Sir.” you said after pouring the smoothie on his now wet head and clothes. Then smiled at the girl. “He´s a f*ckin´cheater be careful.” and with that you left the shop.
Ignoring his calls for. And ignoring all the calls he left you on your phone even after weeks. You weren´t going to forgive him.
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It was NCTs comeback party and everyone included you were invited. The boys and you were having a great time but Taeyong was acting a little bit strange. He just didn´t like the fact that you were spending time with Ten on the party when you should be by his side. As he saw that Ten was getting a little bit to touchy with you he coulnd´t take it anymore and pushed Ten away from you. Catching everyones eye to you guys. Taeyong started agruing with you. Saying that you were flirting with him when the oppsite happend. Ten was telling you about the cute girl that he currently liked. As you tried to calm Taeyong down he grabbed the girls arm who was just passing by you guys. 
“Should I show you how it felt?!” he said after grabbing the girls face and pulling her in for a kiss. Your eyes filling with tears as you walked out of the club. Jaehyun pulling Taeyongs face away from the girl. Yelling at him and telling him the truth about what happend. Taeyongs eyes widden as he heard Jaehyuns words. He rushed out of the club to find you sitting at a bench a few blocks away from the club. His eyes teary as he apologized to you. You crying with him and pulling him into a big hug and saying ´I´m sorry and I love you´ again and again.
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Doyoung was ignoring you for a while now. You didn´t know why he was acting like that so wanted to talk to him. You went the the guys dorm knocking at the door. A few seconds after the door was being opened. A suprised Mark looking at you. At first he didn´t wanted to leave you into the dorm without telling you the reason. You were trying to pass him but he stopped you. Telling you that this wasn´t the right moment and pleasing you to go. You pushed the little boy away and went into the living room.  Just to see Doyoung and a girl sitting on his lap.
“WTF IS GOING ON!” you yelled at Doyoung. He was shoked seeing you standing there. Doyoung pushed the girl out of his lap trying to explain. “It´s not what it looks like Y/N!Let me explai–”
“its not what it looks like my ass! I called you everyday and YOU ignored me EVERYDAY just so that little b*tch can sit on your lap?! Are you kidding me!”
“NoO- I just- I- … I´m so sorry..” he couldn´t look into your eyes.
“Yes. I´m sorry too. Sorry for trusting you.” you slapped his face leaving his eyes widden.
And like that you went out of the dorm out of his life.
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It was late night and you were by yourself again - your bf wasn´t home today. He told you not to wait for him but you did it anyway. Tomorrow he was leaving for his worldtour and you wanted to see him the last time before he leaves. You were focused on this new netflix series as your phone ringed. It was Johnny calling you. “Hey John´what´s up?”
“heyy..I´m sorry for calling you this late but we need to talk.” Johnnys voice was shaking and you were getting confused. “You can tell me everything John. Whats wrong? Did something happend at pratice or with yuta?” you asked confused.
“Its about Yuta….I´m so sorry.. I know that you love him but I just can´t take this anymore. Y/N… he isn´t at pratice he wasn´t even here. He is with that girl again….. he has been cheating on you….since months….I thought that you have to know about it….I´m sorry for not telling you sooner. You can talk with me anytime and I´ll be always there for you. You deserve better Darling and you know that.”
2 hours later Yuta arrived at the front door of your apartment only to find his stuff at the floor with an sticky note.
“Greet your new girlfriend by me” - Y/N
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Hit the stage season 2. Todays theme: Love
Hit the stage happend again! And you were so happy about the fact that Ten is in the show again. He even got you backstage vip cards for you and your best friend. But you weren´t happy about the todays theme. Ten has to dance a slow romantic dance with that sexy SM Dancer girl who everyone loved. You have gotten the chance to see the dance before everyone else and you didn´t tell him but of course you were jealous. Maybe a little bit too jealous. Everyday you would text him- who he was with - what he was doing - if everything was ok-. After the performance you looked for him.
But you couldn´t find him. After the whole search for Ten action you received a text message. 
Ten from the rookie boy groub NCT is dating his beautiful dance partner from the new popular dance show Hit the Stage! We wish the couple much luck and are happy about the realtionship.
And there was that picture. That picture that broke your heart into million of pieces. - his arms around her waist. her arms around his neck. and the lips connected.
Days later he tried to contact you. Telling you it was fake. Telling you he loved you and only you. But the picture was telling another story.
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Kun and you were currently dating. You guys first met at the new book shop he was working for. Before you guys stared dating you were just an normal customer who loves to read.Your friend gave you the recommendation to this new book shop where that cute boy worked. He was always kind to you, bought you coffee, spend his breaks with you,gave you book recommendations.After a month of being close friends he finally confesed his feelings for you. After 3 months of dating he gave you that beautiful necklace; you wore it everyday, feeling special because of it. You were his first and last love; that´s what he had told you.
But was he telling the truth?
Today was your guys anniversary and you wanted to suprise him. You had bought him  flowers; the ones he bought you on your first date. You went to the book store waiting for his shift to end. As the time finally arrived you saw him walking out of the shop. But he didn´t saw you. He kept walking so you started following him.
He wasn´t going to the direction where his house were. But why? You followed him quitely. And there she was. She had beautiful long dark hair. Dark brown hair and was a little bit taller than you. And she had the necklace.
Maybe you were his first love. But not his last.
As the warm tears were running down your cheeks you felt someone holding your hand. And you turned to the direction to saw a strangers face.
“Forget him. You are to beautiful for him anyway.”said the handsome boy to you
 who was now your husband since three years.
-- You hadn´t heard what happend to Kun after that. But he knew as you stared ignoring his messages and calls that he had lost you. And even that dark haired girl couldn´t replace you. He made that mistake. 
(Hmmm..who is that handsome stranger??- i kind of thought about WinWin cause why not;D)
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Jaehyun and you were in a dream like realtionship. But dreams don´t last forever right?
Jaehyun broke up with you, two months ago. You were begging him to stay, begging him not to end your realtionship. But you weren´t enough for him; that´s what he had told you. As you guys were still together you knew that he was cheating; all this ignored calls, make up on his clothes and not showing any love to you anymore.
You now moved on, no, you tried to move on. You thought that you did get over him, that you were ready to meet new guys. But were you ready?
That night he came to your apartment;completely drunk. Telling you he was sorry, telling you you were his only one, telling you he can´t get over you.
Now there were you. Sitting on front of your door just to listen to the voice who where behind the door.
“Please.....don´t leave me again......i need you......” said the person who´s voice was shaking from crying.
So... are you going to open the door for him? To the door to your heart? Will you let him in .. - again?
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I´m so sorry guys but I just can´t imagine WinWin being a cheater.
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100 question meme
1. Last hug: probably my dad 2. Last phone call: my friend Lea called me 3. Last text message: whatsapp group 4. Last song you heard: Who I Am - Nick Jonas 5. Last time you cried: the night I watched the tvd finale
6. Dated someone twice: nope 7. Been cheated on: nope 8. Kissed someone & regretted it: never kissed someone at all 9. Lost someone special: my “mom” ...kinda 10. Been depressed: from time to time 11. Been drunk and threw up: no
12: black 13: violet 14: maroon
15. Made a new friend: no, I don’t think so 16. Fallen out of love: no, I’m actually falling in love with someone idk 17. Laughed until you cried: definitively 18. Met someone who changed you: no 19. Found out who your true friends were: still the same persons as last year 20. Found out someone was talking about you: not that i know of 21. Kissed anyone on your friend’s list: noo
22.How many people on your mutuals list do you know in real life: I guess I met everyone I’m “befriended” with on facebook 23. How many kids do you want: one or two 24. Do you have any pets: I’m allergic to animal hair 25. Do you want to change your name: nah 26. What did you do for your last birthday: my friends made a surprise party for me (but I found out before it actually happend so not really a surprise) 27. What time did you wake up today: 12 am 28. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching himym 29. Name something you cannot wait for: to meet him on friday 30. Last time you saw your mother: a year or two ago 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I grew up more selfconfident 32. What are you listening to right now: nothing 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah, my neighbour’s kid is named Tom 34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now: nobody 35. Most visited webpage: netflix atm 36. Whats your real name: Tina 37. Nicknames: Waifu 38. Relationship status: single since 1997 39. Zodiac sign: gemini 40. Gender: female 41. Primary school: what am I suppose to write here? 42. Secondary School: the name of my school 43. High school/college: or when I went to these schools? 44. Write w/e you want here: I need money 45. Long or short hair: both can look great 46. Height: 169 cm 47. Do you have a crush on someone: YES 48. What do you like about yourself: my face (most of the time) 49. Piercings: both earlopes 50. Tattoos: none, but I want one on my ankle 51. Righty or lefty: Righty
FIRSTS: 52. First surgery: got a tumor removed from my rigt hand like 2 or  years ago 53. First piercing: my ears when I was like 6 years old 54. First best friend(s): Lara 55. First sport you joined: gymnastics when I was in primary school 56. First vacation: Baltic Sea or Berlin 58. First pair of trainers: what?
59. Eating: nothing 60. Drinking: water 61. I’m about to: keep on watching himym 62. Listening to: / 63. Waiting for: friday
65. Get married: idk ...not really 66. Career: probably working in an office
67. Lips or eyes: eyes 68. Hugs or kisses: hugs 69. Shorter or taller: taller 70. Older or Younger: older 71. Romantic or spontaneous: a spontaneous person can be romantic too 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: arms 73. Sensitive or loud: idk 74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
76. Kissed a stranger: nope 77. Drank hard liquor: yes 78. Lost glasses/contacts: no 79. Sex on first date: no 80. Broken someone’s heart: I guess not 82. Been arrested: no 83. Turned someone down: yes 84. Cried when someone died: I will 85. Fallen for a friend: sometimes
86. Yourself: not really 87. Miracles: I hope a miracle happens to me xD 88. Love at first sight: maybe? 89. Heaven: not really 90. Santa Claus: no 91. Kiss on the first date: idk 92. Angels: no 93. Ghosts: bo
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no 95. Did you sing today: yes 96. Is there one person you want to be with right now: yes 97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: 1975 98. The moment you would choose: when my dad was a teenager 99. Are you afraid of falling in love: yes 100. Do you like the way you look: sometimes
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