#Nature Therapy
wanderlandjournal · 2 months
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golden mornings of summer
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birinboom · 2 months
One Moment of Forever
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Todoroki Shouto x Reader Word count: 1,786 Summary: When Shouto is forced to take a break from work due to a quirk injury, the two of you decide to go on a camping trip to your favorite lakeside spot.
Genre: Fluff, established relationships, camping, nature therapy, pet names (love) Note: My entry for andypantsx3’s pretty boy summer collab. This fic is also a part of the @ficsforgaza initiative - thank you so much to those who sponsored it!! 💖💖💖 Check out my list of WIP's here! This is my first time writing Shouto, not sure I got him exactly right…
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Your oar slips through the water, near-silent. The air is full of the song of birds. A couple take off from a tree, weaving between each other in a dance, their wings skirting the water of the river before they land in a tree on the opposite bank. You can’t help but smile at the scene.
Water laps at the bow of the canoe. Behind you, Shouto is quiet. Content with just sitting in silence, enjoying the early morning. It’s one of the things you love about him. He’s just as happy in a comfortable silence as he is listening to you talk. He doesn’t mind either way.
Leaves rustle on the riverbank and a doe steps out from the undergrowth, moving towards the river to drink. You suck in a quiet breath as first one fawn, then a second, follow the doe. They’re small, their legs still unmanageable, white spots bright against tawny fur. You can’t imagine them being more than a few days old. 
Shouto shifts behind you, steering the canoe further towards the opposite bank in an attempt to keep the doe from bolting. Your head swivels as you slowly drift by, watching the fawns nurse, their little tails wiggling happily. When you deem them at a safe distance, you turn fully, beaming at Shouto.
“So cute!” you whisper.
He responds with a soft smile. “Very.”
You look at him for a moment. It’s early enough that the sky is still a gorgeous display of orange and pink, rising sun hidden behind the trees. The light limns him with gold. Despite having lived together for years, you are still occasionally struck by just how beautiful he is. Especially at moments like this, outlined in soft morning gold, a gentle breeze playing with his hair. He looks ethereal, like some immortal being from a fairytale.
Shouto tilts his head, puzzled.
“Is everything alright, love?”
You smile at him. 
“Yeah. Just admiring the view.”
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You have Bakugou to thank for this experience, you reflect as you pull the canoe onto the narrow strip of sand surrounding the lake. He was the one who introduced Shouto to camping long before the two of you met; and he was the one who introduced both of you to this campsite. It’s one of your favorite places to spend a few days off with Shouto. It’s small, but very well kept. Top tier amenities. And being a campsite specifically for pro heroes and their families, it requires reservations, meaning it’s never crowded. Any heroes you’ve run into on your previous stays would do a brief smile and nod -at most a moment of small talk- before they move on. They want to relax and unwind just as much as the two of you do. No one wants to talk about work.
This time, though, the campsite is empty except for you and Shouto. You were lucky -so to speak- that Shouto’s quirk-strain happened during the off season or the place would’ve been fully booked. He’s on strict orders to only use his quirk for emergencies and to spend his time off in rest and relaxation. And this campsite is the most relaxing vacation spot you’ve come across so far.
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Clouds blow in later in the morning, the gentle pitter-patter of rain steady against your tent. Shouto has dozed off while you read, his breathing soft and even. Every breath weaves together with the sound of the rain, with the smell of petrichor. You find it difficult to keep your eyes open. Then Shouto rolls onto his side, one arm draping around your middle. He pulls you closer, face pressing into your neck. His body is sleep-warm, his arm laying heavily over you. 
You can’t resist anymore. “Fine!” you mumble, putting your book away and settling in for a nap.
Shouto mumbles something in reply, pressing a gentle kiss against your throat.
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The rain has stopped by the time you wake. Shouto is still asleep, molded against your back, clinging to you as he usually does. He once confessed while only half awake that he worried you would leave. That someone would steal you away. The confession happened years ago; you’ve shown him time and again that you’re not going anywhere, that this unknown someone would have to drag you away kicking and screaming. And still he clings to you like a burr while asleep. You don’t really mind, though. If that is what he needs to sleep peacefully, then you’re more than happy to relax into his warm embrace. It makes you feel treasured and safe. And you’ve grown so accustomed to Shouto’s arms around you that you find it difficult to sleep when he isn’t next to you.
Shouto stirs. You more feel than hear the soft groan he lets out as he wakes. Almost as if his body is fighting to stay asleep. He pulls you closer, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder.
“What time is it?” he mumbles, voice rough from sleep.
“About 2,” you reply, rolling over to press your face into Shouto’s neck. “You can go back to sleep if you want.”
“No,” he replies, sounding more awake. “If I do, I will be unable to sleep tonight. I would rather spend my time with you.” 
You spend a while cuddling, talking, basking in each others’ company. Something you both feel doesn’t happen nearly often enough in your daily lives. Then you carry on with your day.
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The ground is slick under your feet. Each step you take is carefully measured. You’d forgotten just how steep part of the trail looping around the lake is. A hike right after a rainfall wasn’t your brightest idea. Still, the view is amazing.
You pause at the top of the last hill, wiping your brow. The lake spreads out in front of you, waters reflecting the gray skies. You can see your tent by the beach, a splash of red amongst green. It reminds you of the first ripe berry on a bush.
The thought of berries makes your stomach growl. It’s almost time for dinner.
You turn to Shouto. He looks completely unbothered by the ascent, not a hint of a flush on his face, his breathing calm and even. It’s unfair sometimes, how effortless physical exertion can be for him. At the same time you’re quite satisfied not having to fight villains on a regular basis.
“Ready for the last stretch?” you ask.
Shouto just nods.
You start down the hill, every step careful. Turning your head, to take one last peek at the view. 
And then you slip.
Your back instantly collides with Shouto’s chest, his arms coming up to steady you. He seems as solid as a boulder, waiting patiently as you get your feet back under you. You have half a mind to just sag in his arms and demand he carry you back down the trail. You know he would do it in a heartbeat. But he’s meant to rest.
“Are you alright, love?” he asks when you don’t move.
You sigh in defeat, finally standing up straight. “I’m fine,” you say, looking back at him. “Just surprised.”
Shouto returns your gaze, lips pressed tight with silent concern. You look at him for a moment, before your eyes flick to the sky behind him. The clouds are the same steely-gray hue as his right eye. You can almost see them roll as they’re blown away. The sky should be clear soon.
The sun breaks out almost as if on cue, slanted early-evening rays highlighting the soft waves on the lake, the water sparkling. You point it out to Shouto.
“A quick dip before dinner?” you ask.
Shouto just looks at you for a moment. “It will not be too cold for you?”
You scoff. “Only one way to find out!”
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You stare into the glowing embers of the campfire, a blanket wrapped tightly around your shoulders. 
The dip in the lake was a less-than-great idea. Despite being heated from the hike, and despite making sure your hair stayed dry, you can still feel the chill of the water. It wasn’t too bad as long as you kept moving. Still, you’re happy that the two of you decided on spicy curry for dinner tonight.
Shouto shifts next to you.
“How are you feeling, love?” he asks. 
“Better,” you reply. “Still a bit cold, but the hot food is helping.”
“Would you like to come on a brief walk with me?” he asks.
You look at him for a moment. “To where? It’s almost dark.”
A smile tugs at the corner of Shouto’s lips. “To the store by the office. I thought an after dinner treat might be in order.”
You stand, beginning to put out the fire. “Better hurry then, they close soon.”
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The little store run by the office is stocked with a few necessities and of course snacks. But you notice something you haven’t seen before on your way to the till. Fireworks.
You stop, tugging on Shouto’s sleeve. Pointing at the small display, you ask, “Wanna get some sparklers?”
The two of you take the sparklers down to the beach, and -much to your protest- Shouto lights them with his quirk, claiming that such a small effort it would be no hindrance in his recovery.
You both crouch on the sand, watching the sparklers burn. Peeking at Shouto for a moment, you find his focus trained on the sparkler in his hand, the sparks reflecting in his eyes. You look away again, trying your best to curb your laughter. He is like a little kid sometimes, behaving like he is experiencing something for the very first time. It’s one of the many things you love about him.
You sit still long after the last sparkler has died out, pressed against Shouto’s warmer side, his arm looped around your back. The lake is quiet, the reflections of stars bobbing on its soft waves. You turn your face skyward, a silent breath escaping you at the beauty above. Turning to Shouto, you see the stars reflected in his eyes, much like the sparklers did earlier.
Burrowing closer against him, you press a kiss to his cheek.
“I’m happy we came here,” you say, laying your head on his shoulder, “even if it was because of your injury.”
Shouto hum in agreement, then you feel his lips brush against the top of your head. 
The two of you sit for a while longer, watching the stars, enjoying the quiet night. 
We should make sure to spend more time like this, you think. The two of you enjoying each other’s company. Watching the world go by. 
One moment of forever with him.
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Thank you so much for reading! Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks (on and off anon) are always greatly appreciated! If you like, you can check out my other works here. Love, Em 💖
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gina025 · 4 months
Free therapy
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axololtls · 4 months
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nwarrior777 · 3 months
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sometimes i walk in local parks in new place i live with phone off and it really healing
doodles from one of such days
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richs-pics · 7 months
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dreaming-lady · 1 month
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🌳 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕤
There is always something so peaceful sitting beneath the summer trees and listening to the language of the leaves… I don’t think I’ll ever tire of it in this lifetime, or the next~
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
Let the gentle flow of nature wash away your worries and bask in the golden light of serenity🍃🌊 !.
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gordiicore · 3 months
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mentally i’m here
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revyn-moonfox · 1 month
I think most of us have heard about the idea of Animal Shelter Director!Halsin in a modern bg3 AU. But let me raise to you: Nature-Therapist!Halsin
For those of you not knowing what I mean, allow me to drop an anecdote of my recent life:
I was in the psychosomatic clinic a few months ago, and in there we had smth. called "garden therapy" we did a bit of woodworking, someone made a little table. we nutured and grew different plants, beets, flowers, etc. I even planted a tree-seedling. Even tho I won't see the end result of that now, I know that I did it and others will find joy in it, for example: the garden therapist we had there!
At the beginning of each garden-therapy we would sit together under the trees, and the garden therapist would tell us anecdotes or read a poem for us, mostly both, which would correlate to something mentaly positive we could take out of the therapy, even if gardening wasn't our thing (which was kind of the case for me)
Now, back to Modern AU bg3: I could totally see Halsin in that position! Caring so deeply for nature but also using it and his experience with it to help others see the positive in their life again. Showing his patients how great plants react to loving care, to inspire them to do the same for themselfs.
Are you seeing my vision here?
Garden- / Nature-Therapist!Haslin !!!!!!!
If you haven't already heard about Animal Shelter Director!Halsin, please click here to check out the post from @violet-starlings-blog \(^-^)/
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belovedapollo · 10 months
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my autumn walk in the forest 🍁 reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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keekee2002 · 1 month
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Yet another photo dump of adventure dates my boy and I went on! 🥰☺️
This trip was extra special because we invited his sister. We had a whole other place in mind, we’d drove an hour and a half but it didn’t work out so we found this place! TOTALLY WORTH IT! We had way more fun here than we would’ve at the other place. Well definitely try the original place again another day but till then, here were my finds!
We found sound BEAUTIFUL mushrooms! The purple and pink ones! 😱😱 it was absolutely stunning to see it in person!
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One of the toughest things I have to balance out as someone who is trained in and advocates for ecopsychology and ecotherapy is the use of the restorative properties of nature versus the impacts our time in nature can have on other living beings. There are scads of studies that support the many mental and physical benefits for us when we spend even a little time outdoors.
But I think this article (which you can read in full here) does raise some important points. Almost all wildlife are dealing with some level of habitat loss and fragmentation, and if sensitive species are being pushed out of what's left due to human presence, then that puts them at greater risk of extinction. There's still more research to do on this subject, of course, to include seeing which species are most heavily affected and which activities have the greatest negative impact. The results could help us to be more judicious in where and how we engage with the outdoors, especially in less populated areas.
I don't think we should just stop going to any place wilder than a city park. Part of how we ended up in our current situation with widespread ecological devastation is an increasing perceived separation from the rest of nature. The more time we spend in direct contact with other non-domesticated species, the more we learn about them and the more responsibility we feel toward them. And there's something very healing about the awe one experiences when seeing an elusive wild animal, even at a distance, or being immersed in a wild place that makes us feel we are a part of something so much greater than ourselves.
But we really do need to be paying attention to and asking questions about the side effects of our journeys into wilder nature, and then using that to help keep adjusting the balance between our needs and those of other living beings. I look forward to seeing more studies on this topic.
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hebrewbyinbal · 4 months
🌿✨ There's something magical about immersing yourself in nature, like sitting by a rushing river or a majestic waterfall. Did you know it can also enhance your language learning?
The natural sounds and serene environment help reduce stress, improve concentration, and boost memory retention.
So next time you're practicing a new language, try doing it outdoors. You might find the words flow as freely as the water beside you! 🌊📚
Remember to “Breathe” it all in ❤️
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thegardenfaerie · 7 months
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richs-pics · 26 days
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A blue-tailed damselfly
This was a first sighting for me so it was exciting - it doesn't take much lol.
I was standing on a bridge looking at the water when I spotted this. I didn't know what it was until I got home and looked it up.
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