#Night Mega Burner
famoustreatment · 8 months
Unlocking the Secrets of the Night Mega Burner: Your Ultimate Weight Loss Companion and Review
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Introduction: In the relentless pursuit of effective weight loss products, the "Night Mega Burner" has been creating a buzz in the fitness and health industry. This innovative product is designed to supercharge your weight loss journey, focusing on maximizing your efforts during the nighttime. Let's dive into the world of Night Mega Burner and discover how it might be the game-changer you've been looking for in your quest to shed those extra pounds.
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Understanding the Night Mega Burner:
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The Night Mega Burner is not just another fad; it's a scientifically formulated weight loss supplement designed to work in harmony with your body's natural processes, especially during the night. As the name suggests, it's optimized to boost metabolism and fat burning while you sleep.
How Does It Work?
Thermogenesis: Night Mega Burner contains ingredients known for their thermogenic properties. These ingredients help raise your body temperature, which, in turn, can lead to increased calorie burn. The idea is to encourage your body to tap into fat stores for energy.
Appetite Suppression: This product also includes components that promote satiety and reduce nighttime cravings. This can help prevent late-night snacking, a common pitfall in weight loss journeys.
Improved Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for weight management. The Night Mega Burner may enhance the quality of your sleep, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your weight loss goals.
Key Ingredients:
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Night Mega Burner often includes a combination of natural ingredients like green tea extract, melatonin, L-tryptophan, and other potent compounds. These ingredients work together to support the product's weight loss claims.
Enhanced Metabolism: The Night Mega Burner aims to boost your metabolic rate during the night, potentially accelerating fat loss.
Reduced Nighttime Cravings: By curbing those late-night snack urges, this product assists you in sticking to your dietary plan.
Restorative Sleep: Improved sleep quality can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and weight loss efforts.
Before incorporating any weight loss product into your regimen, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional. The Night Mega Burner may not be suitable for everyone, and individual reactions can vary.
The Night Mega Burner and Your Weight Loss Journey:
Weight loss is a multifaceted journey that involves a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sometimes, the support of products like the Night Mega Burner. While it's not a magic solution, it can be a valuable addition to your efforts.
Remember, no product can replace a healthy lifestyle. The Night Mega Burner is most effective when used in conjunction with a sensible diet and consistent physical activity.
In conclusion, the Night Mega Burner is an intriguing weight loss product that aims to capitalize on your nighttime hours, turning them into a fat-burning powerhouse. To reap its benefits, consider including it in your overall weight loss plan. However, remember that individual results may vary, and it's essential to maintain a balanced approach to weight management.
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4grandpasonly · 1 year
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Night Mega Burner is a food supplement designed to support fat burning during sleep
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weightlosstips99 · 7 months
Revolutionize Your Weight Loss Journey: Night Mega Burner's Role in Enhancing Sleep Quality
Are you on a quest for a healthier lifestyle and effective weight loss? Consider paying closer attention to the quality of your sleep. Night Mega Burner emerges as a supplement designed to amplify weight loss efforts by focusing on enhancing sleep quality.
Understanding the Science Behind Sleep and Weight Loss
Quality sleep isn’t just about rest; it's a key player in weight management. Insufficient sleep can disrupt hormones related to appetite and metabolism, hindering weight loss progress. Night Mega Burner aims to rectify this by improving sleep quality to support effective weight management.
The Science Behind Night Mega Burner
Night Mega Burner isn’t your run-of-the-mill supplement. It's a meticulously formulated blend of natural ingredients aimed at improving sleep quality. With components like melatonin for better sleep and metabolism-boosting compounds, it works synergistically to aid in weight management.
The Holistic Benefits of Improved Sleep
Prioritizing better sleep doesn’t just contribute to shedding pounds; it positively impacts overall well-being. Night Mega Burner seeks to promote restorative sleep, leading to enhancements in mood, cognitive function, and immune health.
Incorporating Night Mega Burner into Your Routine
Integrating Night Mega Burner into your nightly regimen is simple. Take the recommended dose before bed, allowing its unique formulation to work while you sleep. Combined with healthy lifestyle choices, this supplement can significantly support your weight loss journey.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Weight Loss Journey with Night Mega Burner
By recognizing the crucial role of quality sleep and incorporating Night Mega Burner into your routine, you're actively embracing a holistic approach to a healthier lifestyle.
For a deeper dive into Night Mega Burner and its role in optimizing weight loss through better sleep, visit [Night Mega Burner] for comprehensive information.
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simeds · 1 year
Night Mega Burner : Weight Loss
Night Mega Burner is a multi-ingredient supplement that supports weight loss and stress reduction at night. Its ten ingredients, including plant extracts, vitamins, and minerals, contribute to regulating hormonal activity and maintaining normal protein and glycogen metabolism. The product promotes deep sleep and relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep. Green tea extract increases metabolism, while L-tryptophan helps to regulate mood and appetite. Magnesium and L-theanine reduce stress and anxiety, while zinc supports the immune system. Night Mega Burner is a powerful solution that helps achieve weight loss goals and improves overall well-being.
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saidula · 1 year
Night Mega Burner Weight Loss
 Night Mega Burner is a multi-ingredient food supplement that supports fat reduction at night. Use of the product contributes to weight loss and increases the body's resistance to stress. Night Mega Burner makes it easier to fall asleep and achieve a state of relaxation. In addition, the product contributes to regulating hormonal activity and maintaining normal protein and glycogen metabolism.
 The effectiveness of Night Mega Burner is due to 10 ingredients, among which you will find certified plant extracts, vitamins and minerals. Such a rich complex of ingredients ensures excellent results.
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ricky-mortis · 4 days
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Curtwen Week Day 4: Haunted
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alielhahmi · 3 months
Night Mega Burner
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goldenmarket2021 · 1 year
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Night Mega Burner - Weight Loss Price : $60.00 http://bit.ly/40ds1H2
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
What did you think was going to happen?
Post Date: 25th July 2022 Content: Smut (Slight Angst) - ATEEZ Yunho x Reader WC: 9.5K  TW?: Enemies to lovers/ Slow burner/ Profantities/ Lip biting/ Pinning against the wall/ Doll/ Baby Girl/ Dom!Yunho/ Sex Toys/ Choking/ Spitting/ Praise Kink/ Oral (Recieving)/ Spanking/ Restraints/ Unprotected (Wrap it up) Request?: Yes Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 35 - “Say please” 63 - “What do you want me to do to you?” 88 - “Don’t tempt me”
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“Oh, who’s that hottie?” you gasp, staring at the tall handsome guy, walking past you and your best friend Jongho, Jongho just sighs, not wanting to tell you but he has no choice. He knew if you knew that he knew, you’d torture him for a lifetime to get it out of him, which he was not willing to take that risk. Not this time around. “That’s Jeong... Fricking... Yunho....” he tries to sound excited with you about him, but in reality, can’t stand his guts, and certainly doesn’t want you to get bothered with him. “Yunho, mhm, cute name with a face too, what else has he got about him?” you ask, turning to your best friend whose head is in his hands, practically nearly under the table. “Nothing, only that he’s a total jerk, and no one should get involved with him. He’s bad news, Y/N,” the worry in Jongho’s voice should warn you enough but you couldn’t help but look back at the mysterious man in the queue to grab himself a coffee. 
“Y/N!” Jongho snaps his fingers in your face, pulling you out of the trance that Yunho had put you in. You only looked at the back of his head and yet he already had you under some spell, it was ridiculous. “Man, the only way he’s bad news is that he’s probably a mega chick magnet,” you giggle, smirking whilst sipping at your coffee as Jongho face palms the table, knowing it was going to be a struggle to keep you away from him. “I’ll literally torture you if you do get involved with him, Y/N. I’m not even joking,” Jongho states, giving you complete dead evils from across the table, pointing the finger at you to emphasise his point as you hold your hands up in defence, smirking whilst trying to stifle a laugh. “Promise me,” he asks, as you nod, “I promise~” you comply, voice almost whiny from the disbelief of his seriousness. Yunho couldn’t really be that bad.
In your defence, you haven't even been in a relationship since forever, so your need for some attention and more, overpowered any other thought you could possibly have, especially when an incredibly hot guy comes into your peripheral vision, the whole game changes. Anything and anyone goes, even if they're so-called 'bad news'. "Right, let's go and meet up with Charlie then," Jongho announces, making you come out of another daydream, this time as you slowly sipped at your getting cold coffee. "Yeah... sure..." you reply barely, taking a quick glance behind you as you head towards the door, making eye contact with Yunho. He seriously was something else, the smirk that plastered his face as he shoots you a wink almost makes you faint on the spot. "Come on, don't make me force you to leave," Jongho sighs irritably, pulling at your arm, to get your attention. That's when you thought you'd see Yunho for the last time. 
Throughout the day, you seriously couldn't focus on anything else other than the constant visual reminder that you, of all people, got a smirk off the town heartbreaker, Yunho. Despite the many attempts of trying to distract yourself around Jongho and Charlie, even a homemade coffee reminded you of the incident, and that's when you knew that you were doomed. You HAD to get to know Yunho, and even despite the fact that you promised to not get involved with him, there was something about him that made him too addicting to just let go of. Even when you attempted to get to sleep, you fall asleep to the idea of even getting a taste of what he could be hiding behind his mysterious demeanour. The dream that you had about him that first night after seeing him, could be only described as filth, but you were cool with it, waking up with the biggest smile on your face and a pep in your step. 
"What are you so happy about?" Wooyoung teases, poking at your cheeks as they puffed out a little from the smile plastered on your face, Jongho instantly whipping his head around, throwing it back in irritation form knowing exactly who it could be about. "I swear to god, Y/N. Let go of him already, you're too good for that low-life". "Oh, so it's a boy, tell me about him~" Wooyoung sings, giving his friend a cheeky look, going against the advice Jongho has audibly given you just for entertainment, however, his amusement in this comes to a steep end the minute Yunho's name gets mentioned. "So there is a boy, Yunho. He's quite a looker," you giggle to yourself, looking at the coffee in your hands, the rim of the cup touching your lips as you happily scoff to yourself, barely sipping from it. "You have to be joking right? Yunho is a waste of your time!" Wooyoung whines, apologising to Jongho for the attempt to get some juicy goss, instantly regretting it. "I agree with Jongho... for a change... Don't waste your time," he continues, nudging you slightly as if to lightly scold you. "I promised I wouldn't get involved!" you act in defence, pointing to Jongho who made you promise. "Good!" Wooyoung cries, "I'll torture him if he gets his hands on you!". 
After a little while, dealing with the two picking on you for your lack of willingness to let go of the thought of Yunho, you almost choke on your coffee with what Wooyoung comes out next, "Anyway, you could do better. Like Jongho for example, he's been pining for you since you became friends". "I'm going to murder you... He's joking... Aren't you, Woo?" Jongho gives him a death glare, giving you some relief, though you couldn't grasp the sincerity of Wooyoung's words when he said that. Jongho really did have a thing for you, just he was too scared to admit it to himself, never mind even tell you. "Of course I'm joking," Wooyoung reassures, but in reality really wanted the word out there, in hopes you'd give him a chance as a good wingman would. Wooyoung was a tease, the clown in school, so of course, everything he says you'd have to take with a pinch of salt so this wasn't anything out of the usual for you.
"Right, I'd better head off back home," you lightly tap the coffee table, chugging the rest of your coffee before getting up on your feet. "Already?" Jongho replies in surprise, looking at the time on his watch before watching you grab your belongings, "It's only 6 p.m?". "Yeah, well some of us have to get enough sleep so they don't pass out in work tomorrow," you reply, pointing to yourself to make a point, ruffling up Wooyoung's hair as you walk past. "Don't touch what you can't afford," he moans, attempting to tidy it up, all you do is poke your tongue out at him, giving Jongho a small hug before heading out of the door, saying your goodbyes and good nights just before the door closes behind you. "Oh, you're so dead," Jongho mutters, dragging his thumb across his throat, as an expression to match his words, Wooyoung starts to cackle in response, "Oh come on, I'm trying to get you laid and keep her away from Yunho!". "I don't need to be laid, just don't want her getting hurt," Jongho's tone turns soft, as the worry really sets in about what you could possibly end up doing.
In all fairness, you didn't live that far away from your friends, only a few streets away but something in you decided to take the longest route around to your flat. Almost making you really glad that you did. You're stopped in your tracks from capturing a familiar-looking face at the end of the street, panic setting in now that you're alone, without having Jongho to be your saving grace and pull you away. Instinctively, you attempt to make yourself look presentable, brushing out the creases in your t-shirt, tucking your hair behind your ears and for some strange reason, checking your breath, as if you were expecting to even get that lucky with him straight off the bat. Trying not to make it look obvious that you were attempting to look cool, you walk past Yunho with a brave face, giving your absolute all in trying not to look at him as you do so, as though to try and be invisible to him.
However, you were gutted when he doesn't react when you walk past, turning the corner as you clutch at your chest, checking your heartbeat, pacing through your chest, trying to catch a breath from holding it in for so long so you didn't break in front of him. You scramble through your bag to try and find your phone but jump at the sudden voice next to you, "Hi," the low voice says, but you take your sweet time in looking up at them, almost turning as white as a ghost, recognising the face. Yunho was so much more attractive up in person, especially as close as he was to you. "Hi?" you shyly reply, forgetting about why you were looking through your bag in the first place. "I think you dropped this," Yunho passes you your phone, a small smirk on his face as you grasp it, accidentally touching his hand from not paying attention to what you were doing with your hand, "I'm so sorry!". Yunho lets out a small laugh, waving his hand at you, "It's no problem at all... I, uhm, were you at the Moon Cafe yesterday? You look familiar?" he tries to act casual, but of course, he recognises and remembers you, how couldn't he. You were practically staring at him and following his every move with your eyes the day before.
With an awkward nod, you confirm his enquiry, his smirk turning into a small smile as you do so, "Your friend didn't seem too happy yesterday," Yunho announces what he observed, making your toes curl from the awkwardness, realising he had also been watching you too without you realising it. "Yeah... Jongho? He's just protective over me, my best friend for life," you announce, still nodding forcing yourself to stop before you make a fool of yourself in front of the hot guy that was actually paying attention to you, "Best friend? I thought he was your boyfriend with the way he looks at you," Yunho scoffs in amusement, especially when you react slightly worse than you should've to the idea, "He's definitely not my boyfriend, he's like a brother to me," you reply, nerves slowly starting to disappear slightly.
"I have to head off, could I possibly get your number?" Yunho asks, seemingly now in a rush after keeping you there for a little while. Without any hesitation, you indicate for him to give you his phone, fingers tapping away on the screen as you enter your number, leaving under your name, followed by a little flower emoji. A small smile creeps on his face, noticing the name, happily scoffing to himself as he admires the name. "Such a pretty name for a pretty woman," your heart flutters out of your chest at his little mumble, making your knees weak. "I'll see you around," he smiles, as you wave to him, disappearing around the corner. You find yourself being able to breathe again properly after he goes, heart racing as you rush back home, ready for the day ahead tomorrow.  
Going around your evening as you usually would, you throw your phone onto the bed, taking this time to go through your night routine, to get ready for work the next day. As you step into the shower, the water muffles the sound of your phone ringing in the bedroom. As the water runs down your body, the warmth of it reminds you of the warmth you felt earlier on, talking to Yunho. If only you managed to actually get to know him there and then, but you were relieved that you managed to at least give him your number, just now it was time to play the waiting game for him to actually message. You couldn’t help but relive the moment, remembering how warm his hand felt when you accidentally touched it, the smile on his face paints a picture in your mind. The way he looked at you made you feel so special, surely Jongho could be wrong about him, even if he used to be that certain way, maybe he’ll change for you. It was high hopes to have but you wanted to have them to keep you going. 
Coming out of the shower, you notice the phone screen becoming bright, notifications covering the lock screen. Your interest peaks as you walk towards it slowly with anticipation, and anxiety that maybe he's already started to text you. Partial relief runs through you as you notice the many missed calls from Jongho and text messages off of Wooyoung. Realising that you forgot to message them that you got home safely, you pick your phone up, putting it to your ear as you wait for one of them to pick up your phone. "Hey! Are you safe? Are you home?" Wooyoung panics down the phone, almost in a begging tone to ensure that you're safe. "Yes, and yes!" you titter down the phone, the sound of dramatic sighs could be heard from the other end, "Promise?" he continues as you roll your eyes at their need to always ensure your whereabouts. "I promise, now let me dry off so I can make myself food," you order, Wooyoung whining down the phone as he muffles a goodbye.
After changing into some pyjamas, you stroll to the kitchen, pondering on what you could possibly make yourself to eat, not really fancying putting in too much effort. "Ah, what to eat?" you whisper to yourself, gliding your phone onto the table as you make your way over to the cupboards, browsing through the various items that fill them. You decide to ignore the notification sound coming from your phone, guessing that it could just be some social update, and/or even Jongho and Wooyoung in the group chat, as you pull out packet ramen, the simplest thing you could possibly make with minimal to no effort at all. "This will do," you mutter, placing the packet down on the countertop, going browsing for a suitable pan that you could make it in. Whilst doing so, your phone starts going wild, constantly pinging as you slowly become irritable, turning around to pick it up, "What do they want now?" you whine, eyes widening and instant regret at your lack of patience with your phone going off. Of course, part of it was as expected, by the text message on top of your notification bar was completely unexpected.
Making food was now the last thought on your mind as you struggle to get yourself onto the chair, hands shaking at the notification that you contemplated clicking on. “Hey, Y/N. I guess I didn't introduce myself properly earlier, I'm Yunho. It's nice to actually meet you today," the text read. You place a hand on your chest, feeling your heartbeat through it, as you walk away from your phone temporarily, pacing back and forth around it. You wondered if it would seem like you were expecting it if you replied straight away if it would make you seem desperate to do so. However, you also wondered if leaving it without responding a little too long would make him think that you're ignoring him, blanking him. You didn't want either idea of you from doing either of those, unsure how to reply, never mind even answering him in the first place. You seemed so confident talking to him earlier, but it's like you're shy all over again.
With the feeling becoming overwhelming, you had no choice but to answer him, butterflies in your stomach as you wondered how to reply, whilst still trying to keep your cool. “Hey! It was nice meeting you today too," you replied, coming to panic if it was too casual and if you could've added more. though you had no hesitation in saving his number on your phone, under his name with a few hearts. “Shit, what if he texts when I’m around Wooyoung and/or Jongho and they see his name?” you second guessed yourself if it was the best idea to do that, instantly editing his contact, changing it so a fake name, hoping it would be fool-proof if that event ever happens. It shouldn’t be something that’ll happen, but you had to take pre-cautions, you wanted to find out about Yunho yourself without having them question you with everything about it, plus you promised not to get involved, you had no choice but to hide this one away for a little while. 
“I’d love to meet up soon, grab a coffee or something?” Yunho replies barely 3 minutes later, making your face brighten. But your head was miles ahead, thinking of scenarios between you both when in reality, you’ve only just started texting. Getting ahead of yourself was a foolish mistake to make but again, he has you under a spell, like he makes you feel something special, especially when he’s texting barely 3 hours after bumping into him. “Sounds like a plan, meet at the Moon Cafe at 3 p.m. on Thursday?” you reply, hoping you don’t come across as too forward trying to set up a plan, however, his reply makes you squeal on the spot, tapping your feet happily, “Perfect for me, see you then, beautiful”. Did he just call you beautiful?! You couldn’t believe it, you felt like a school girl whose crush just looked her way, completely dramatic but you were so excited, making the day in your calendar. “It’s a date” you squeal to yourself, bouncing around the kitchen, singing to yourself as you finally get back on track to making yourself food. 
- Time Skip -
Thursday rolls around a lot quicker than expected, waking up in bed with the biggest smile on your face possible, quickly checking your phone for any text messages, the smile dropping when you realise there was nothing to entertain you, not even a good morning off Yunho. What were you thinking? You barely know the guy to even expect a good morning message from him. In frustration with yourself for jumping ahead in your mind, you rub your face, laying in bed in silence, contemplating on whether or not it was really a good idea to meet Yunho behind your best friend’s back, even after they warned you to stay away from him. However you couldn’t let go of him, you wanted to at first, but the more you thought of him, it became your life challenge to know him, but you didn’t know whether that was out of lust, or just general curiosity to him, to become friends. 
“Hey, are you doing anything today?” Charlie texts, making you feel the slightest bit guilty that you’re gonna have to tell a little white lie, “Yeah, I’m really sorry. Got a load of work to catch up on,” you reply, sighing at yourself for doing such but the text message to come in after that makes all your worries disappear. “Hey, are we still on for later?” Yunho asks, as you almost instantly reply, “Of course, if you’re still up for it?”, but of course he was, he wasn’t going to pass out on an opportunity on getting to know you. Was it to build up your trust to break it, to get into your pants, or was it because he genuinely likes you? You didn’t think of these possibilites, you couldn’t in your eyes, he seems innocent and nice enough. Though the rep that he seems to have with Wooyoung and Jongho is something else, they worry that he’d do his best to get what he wants and dump you, like what he’s done in the past when he used to be their friend. Though they’d never disclose that, too ashamed of that information to even tell you. 
For the hour that you spent in bed, pondering about the day ahead, your attention is then put on the fact that you haven’t even planned an outfit to wear, which was unusual for you. You always prepared outfits the night prior, and now you’re in a panic. You had a few hours before you had to leave, which was enough time to get ready but the idea of not knowing what you’re going to wear makes you rush out of bed to your wardrobe. Now this was a challenge, to pick the perfect outfit to wear, you didn’t want to seem to dressy for a coffee date, but you didn’t want to go too casual. Throwing your clothes across the room, you fall to your knees, looking around at the mess of clothes that circled you, worrying that you’re not going to have the best thing to wear to really catch his eye. 
For minutes, you sit on the floor, staring at the clothes that surround you, noticing the perfect little top that survived being thrown out of your laptop. So you now have a top, just to find a pair of trousers to match. Scoungering through the mess of clothes, you find the cutest pair of shorts that would look perfect with the top, it was casual but still very smart, especially once you had done your hair and make-up, it’ll be a perfect look. Pulling yourself up to your feet, you rush to the mirror, holding the items of clothing against you as you smile to yourself, happy that you’ve managed to find something to wear, but the question now was how you’re going to do your hair. Though it really shouldn’t have been a question, you already knew that you were going to do a half-up, half-down hairstyle, pulling a few hairs out at the front, curling your hair slightly so it falls nicely and framing your face.
The clock ticks by quickly, as you come to the final touches of your outfit, pairing it with your favourite and best high-tops, with a pair of thigh-high socks. Mainly to save yourself time to shave your legs but to also add some great details to the outfit. Maybe you were possibly overthinking this outfit a bit too much but once you saw yourself in the mirror, all dressed up, your confidence sky-rockets. making you feel so good as you do a little spin. After taking some really cute photos of yourself in the mirror to save for another day to post, keeping up with your little white lie that you were busy, you slowly make your way out of your apartment. 
The anticipation of his reaction and the reality of what Yunho’s really like races through your mind as you make your way to the coffee shop. hands shaking from the nerves, trying to keep yourself calm as the cafe comes into sight. A tall figure stands outside, on his phone as you make sure that you look presentable, doing a mental checklist before moving further. Your nerves also start to skyrocket, and your confidence slowly starts to disappear, putting on a brave face, walking up to Yunho who greets you with a soft smile, waving. “Hey! You look amazing!” he exclaims, smiling as he looks you up and down, biting his bottom lip. “Thank you, I was worried that it’ll be too much to get coffee,” you giggle in response, his head shaking at your speculation, “No, it’s cute. But you’re cuter,” he’s charming, his smile makes your panic slowly disappear, heading towards the door, opening it for you, like a true gentleman. 
Sitting down with your coffees and chatting for a while, you slowly feel yourself starting to open up a little, nerves becoming non-existent as you feel comfortable around him. Starting to feel like you could really get lucky with this one. He’s charming and a gentleman, really listens to you when you’re talking. You couldn’t understand why your friends were so worried about you getting to know him, you couldn’t see a fault in him. That was until you noticed his phone lock screen as he went to get a second round of coffee, text notifications of what seemed to be other women, all of the texts along the same line, “Hey handsome... Hey baby...”. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, you felt guilty for invading his personal space but something slowly started to seem off when his phone changed from the lock screen to the caller page, a name followed by a heart popping up, in an attempt to get hold of him. 
“Hey are you okay?” He asks, noticing the change in your facial expressions from just before he went to get coffee, you nod in response, forcing a small smile. “I think a friend tried ringing you,” you say, twiddling your thumbs under the table as he carefully places down the tray, “Oh... yeah. Just a friend, they can wait. I have a beautiful woman to pay my attention to,” he charms, putting his phone in his pocket, not even bothering to look at his notifications. His charms was working on you, you could’ve just been overthinking that there could be something off about him, his charm of calling you beautiful seems to work in making you forget about that, looking at him as he passes over your coffee. As you get talking again, he gently places his hand on yours as you talk about something of a familiar interest. 
The conversation is interrupted by the constant ringing of his phone, as he excuses himself to answer it, you watch his manerisms change, walking outside as he puts the phone up to his ear, smirking as he answers the phone. You tried to give him privacy but you couldn’t help but overhear him calling the person on the phone beautiful, exactly the way he did with you. Taking this time whilst he’s on the phone as an advantage, you text Jongho, needing some information about Yunho, something doesn’t feel right to you about him now yet you knew you couldn’t tell him that you’re out for coffee with him either. You just needed to know. “Y/N, he’s a player, he’s a fuck boy, he’ll charm you and then dump you on the side. It’s what he does, you’re an interest to him until you give him what he wants, then nothing, Like he’s never seen you in his life,” Jongho replies, words really playing at your heart strings as you really didn’t want to believe it but the amount of texts he has off various women, the phone call, calling someone else beautiful? You knew now that this was a bad idea. 
“Sorry about that, just work things,” he scoffs, shaking his phone before placing it back in his pocket, you're unsure of how to respond to him, grabbing your coffee, hands trembling as you attempt to drink it, but not even coffee could help your anxiety right now. What if Jongho was right? What if he was as terrible as he claims. You really didn’t want to risk it, “Was it really work though?” you bite slightly, shaking your head, getting up to your feet, leaving your coffee behind as you storm out of the shop. “Y/N, wait up!” Yunho calls after you, running behind you in an attempt to make you stop. “I’m not sure what you’ve been told about me, but I promise you that I’m not like that anymore. Especially since I laid my eyes on you,” he tries to sugarcoat it but you weren’t taking it. You didn’t know what to believe, “Oh, so you do play with women’s feelings? Make them feel special then dump them to the side?” you argue, whipping your head around to him, eyes red and puffy, preparing you for the tears that try to escape your eyes.
For a moment, you contemplate on giving him the chance but you weren’t risking yourself to end up like the many women he could’ve done this with you. “So you call me beautiful, make me feel special? And expect me to believe you when you say you have eyes for me now? Leave me alone!” you bite, running away from him as he stands there useless, not knowing of what to do himself. Of course he had to admit to himself, he made some terrible mistakes, but he genuienly meant what he said about you, since he saw you. No one else interested him, there was something about you that drawn him to you, but now he had no way of proving it. The only solution you could think of for this to stop thinking about him was to block his number, so the texts you could receive from him won’t be a constant reminder of how he drew you in. 
“Hey what’s wrong?” Jongho asks, bumping into you as you rush to go somewhere, not knowing where but far enough away from Yunho to think. “I thought you had work to- Y/N, you didn’t?” his voice his firm and disappointed, but more so worried for your wellbeing. You don’t answer him, looking at the ground as tears fall from your eyes, “That’s why you texted me asking what he’s like isn’t it? He tried it with you?” Jongho asks as you nod, but you weren’t even sure yourself. You didn’t know what he wanted to do with you, you were probably overthinking it all but it was weird how he had so many women message him, how he was so strange about his phone being out. “I’m sorry, Jongho. I- I just wanted to find out what he was like myself,” you cry, as he hugs you, not one for hugs or anything but for you he just wants to comfort you. “Y/N?” Yunho calls out, out of breath as he turns down the street you’re on. You pull away from Jongho, looking in the opposite direction from Yunho as Jongho stands in front of Yunho. “She doesn’t want to speak to you,” Jongho’s voice is low, almost growling as he watches Yunho panic about what to do on the spot. “I want to apologise, Y/N. I promise you, I have no intentions of hurting you,” his voice is soft but almost inaudible.
With a deep sigh, you turn around, looking at Yunho straight into the eyes, “Stay... away... from me. I hate that you drew me in, I hate that I wanted to think that today could’ve started something. I’m such a fool for being so attracted to you,” you mumble through your tears. Jongho looks back at you, and notices how you really thought you were gonna be different to Yunho, “I suggest you leave”, “Or what?” Yunho bites, looking down at Jongho who glares at him, trying to seem intimidating but backs off, realising that he’s going to do more harm than good in gaining your trust to believe him if he touches your best friend. The one that also used to be his at one point, “You got it, Choi Jongho, you’re trying to save the girl you love, making her think the worst of me so you could save her for yourself. Good luck pal, she only thinks of you like a brother,” Yunho stoops low before dashing off, watching Jongho as he leaves. 
“What is he on about, Jong? How does he know your name and you?” you ask, but he shakes his head, not believing he’d stoop so low about the comment about him wanting you to himself. “We... We used to be friends, until we found out what he does to entertain himself,” Jongho admits, watching your face fall. “And you didn’t think to tell me that you used to be friends with him before hand? I wouldn’t have attempted to get to now him if I knew that!” you bite, you know you shouldn’t he was only trying to help but that information would’ve been useful earlier on in the week before you even handed him your phone number. 
When you get back to your flat, you lock the door behind you, throwing your belongings to the side, you were completely done with the day and just didn’t want to see anyone. You didn’t know what to do with yourself, the idea that Yunho could possibly be telling the truth played on your mind but you knew you couldn’t risk it, but you decided to unblock his number anyway. You knew you shouldn’t but in all fairness, you didn’t even know what you were doing with yourself anymore. You wanted to feel something other than hurt and disappointment, but you could possibly feel that even more if you let Yunho in. 
Within seconds of you unblocking his number, he starts to blow up your phone as you watch his caller I.D pop up with every call he makes, watching and hearing your phone ring, not knowing what to do anymore. “Can you just please stop?” you ask your phone, holding it in your hand as your finger hovers over the answer button. “What do you want?” you answer, with a harsh tone in your voice, “I want to prove to you how sorry that I really am, please let me,” Yunho begs, as you could tell he really wasn’t going to let this down until you at least listen to him and his side of the story, properly. “Why should I? I’ve seen enough, your phone is filled from text messages from the various women you’re involved with, have you fucked and dumped them too?”. The sigh on the other end of the phone answered your question, “I’m going,” you mutter as he begs for you not to leave, “Let me come around, I can prove to you that you’re the only one I really care about now,” you sigh, fighting with your emotions as you really took a liking towards him, “Please?”. 
Within half hour, Yunho was at your door, gently banging his fist against it. Getting yourself prepared for the heartache about to come, you answer the door, slowly opening it, refusing to look at him. “You know, I really shouldn’t have you around,” you point out but he knows that. He wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t out of good intentions. “I know, may I come inside?” he asks softly, walking past you as you invite him in. “You have... five minutes to explain,” you state as he nods, getting ready to do so but you interrupt him before he could even get a word out, “What drew you to me in the first place? Lust? Another victim for you to abuse? What?” you ask, as he stands there scratching his head, “None of those. I saw you, and almost instantly fell in love, but the only thing keeping me back was-”, “Jongho... right...” you reply almost instantly, in a sarcastic tone. “I know you used to be friends, so you can’t lie to me about anything now,” you state as he gathered that would be the case anyway. 
When you gave him 5 minutes to talk, that turned into an hour, his apologies flying out and it started to become believable. “I really like you, Y/N. I know there’s no proper way to prove that to you, but I have no intentions on hurting you,” you scoff at his words, “But you were going to make me think that I’d be special to you, like you must’ve done with the other girls you had around your finger”. He couldn’t look at you, but he pulls out his phone, unlocking it, passing it over to you, “You can go through everything, I haven’t deleted any messages. Look at the recent texts with the women, all of me telling them that I can’t continue on with them,”. You hesistantly look, suprised when you come across him texting his friends about you, of how much he really likes you. That he knows he’s messed up big time but will do anything to make it right. 
That’s when you left the night on that, you made him promise that if you give him a chance to prove himself to you, you’d give him a chance. You were hesitant about doing so, but you really liked him too, you just were afraid of getting hurt, getting the rep that you’re easy and all. But it was a risk you were again willing to take. “I swear to you, you won’t regret giving me this chance,” Yunho smiles softly, taking his phone back from you. There was an inkling that you couldn’t trust him but you wanted to believe that you could, not holding him too much but you just wanted to see where this takes you. Only you could be the judge on whether or not he’s really worth your time. 
- Time skip - 
It’s been weeks since you’ve made the deal with Yunho, and so far, it’s been pretty good. Your trust in him slowly starts to build up, and the need to check in with him becomes non-existent. If he really feels so strongly about you, he’d have nothing else to hide from you. Throughout the weeks to follow, you slowly feel yourself start to get comfortable around him, he takes you out on little coffee dates, takes you out shopping, and just chills with you. It was all minimalist but he’s slowly trying his best to build it up, he really doesn’t want to ruin this with you. He wasn’t joking when he wants to do anything and everything for you. 
“So what do you want to do now?” Yunho asks, filling his mouth with pudding as you look over at him, sprawled out on your couch, “I’m not sure, but I’m getting a little cold over here on my own,” you innocently say, big-eyed at him, moving your legs slightly, tapping the space on the couch for him to take a seat there. Completely leaving his pudding, he rushes over, firmly sitting down, pulling your legs up over his lap. “I hope this is okay,” he asks, as you nod, smiling as you continue to read your book. This is the closest you’ve gotten to any sort of cuddling since trying to work things out with him. He was serious as he wanted to prove to you that you were different to him, and this was a perfect example of that. He didn’t attempt to make any moves on you, just wanted to get to know you, giving you little compliments here and there that make your heart flutter again. You couldn’t believe it, but it felt like you first met him again, but this time, actually getting to know the real him, you couldn’t help but feel something for him. 
“How's the book?” he asks, trying to peep over the top of your book to get some insight to it, “It’s really good. It’s about this girl who gets a job at a company and her boss is a guy she met the night prior. She hopes he doesn’t remember the day of her interview but shit gets spicy,” you giggle to yourself, showing him the cover of it. Yunho pulls a face, and you’re unsure how to read it, “What?” you scoff, but he shakes his head, “Nothing, just it makes me happy seeing you enjoy something,” he softly replies, almost in a whisper. You couldn’t help but laugh at how soft he was getting with you, hands gently on your legs as he watched you smile, “What are you smiling at?” he asks, putting a hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek but quickly retracting it. “I’m sorry..” he whispers, smile turning into a little frown, surprised when you pull his hand back to your face, “Smiling at you, stupid”. 
As you stare into each other's eyes, you carefully place down your book on the coffee table, inching closer to Yunho. “What are you do-” he goes to ask, all confused at your movement, but you shush him, putting a finger to his lips, covering his eyes before placing the softest kiss on his lips, only a little peck but it makes the colour of red fill both of your cheeks. “What was that for?” he asks, trying to not show a smirk, “Because,” you reply playfully, picking back up your book to continue reading the chapter you were on. “Don’t pick that book back up~” he whines lightly, as you cheekily show a grin, “Why not? What are you going to do? Take it off me to get more kisses?”. With his tongue in his cheek, he clicks his tongue, finding this tempting but remembering there are boundaries, but he couldn’t help but think of the feeling of his lips against yours again, “Don’t tempt me”. 
Your eyes widen at his comment, a smirk creeping on your face, pulling the book closer to your face, trying to hide it. “Don’t hide that beautiful face by a book, doll,” he whispers, pushing the book down away from your face with a finger with care, not to ruin the book. Your face is red from the blush that fills your cheeks, biting your lip nervously as your eyes meet with his once again, “Come here,” he instructs, pulling you by your waist closer to him. You’re flustered by his actions but don’t do anything to stop it, quite happy with how things are panning out. You’re now straddling his lap, facing towards him as he simpers, arms around you with his hands holding you by your lower back. With a swift movement, he pinches the book out of your hands, placing it where you were just sitting. 
For a moment, you just look at each other with admiration, but the tension to kiss overrides everything else, your lips crashing together within seconds. You’d argue that he was the one to initiate the kiss but you were too busy thinking about kissing him that you couldn’t actually tell. The kiss was tame and pleasant, your lips gently pressing against each other as your hands press firmly against his chest, a hand of his at the back of your head, holding you close. “What was that for?” you mock, pulling away as his smirk is now plastered on his face. “I couldn’t help it,” he mocks back, smug when he does so. With yourself feeling the increased feeling of some sexual attraction, you teasingly bite his bottom lip before jumping off him and heading towards the kitchen. “Oh you shouldn’t have done that,” he calls out, chasing you as you go into the kitchen. 
Trying to hold back nervous laughter, you turn around, greeted by him standing tall in the doorway, arms crossed against his chest, “What?” you ask, nervously laughing, as he itches towards you, standing over you, looking down at you. He raises his hand slightly, putting it against your jaw, tracing it across it, tipping your head back. It was clear that at that moment, you were worried about what was about to happen, but not in the negative sense, but you know at that moment you’ve messed up, his actions slowly turning you on more than you expected it to from just trying to test the waters. “What are you playing at?” his voice his deep and enticing, sending shivers all over your body, making you come out in goosebumps. “I didn’t do anything?” you try to act innocently once again, but his hand cups your face, his thumb tracing over your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly. 
His face lowers, inching closer to yours as he gently gets your bottom lip in between his teeth, gently pulling on it as you whimper, trying to go into another kiss from here, but he pulls away swiftly. “Kiss me, please?” you whimper, earning a smirk from Yunho. His lips brush against yours, testing your patience, which didn’t last long, as you press your lips against his, instantly turning it into a heated kiss. Though for a moment, Yunho pauses, to make sure that you’re okay with this, though you gave no time into giving him the heads up that you wanted to continue, grasping at the back of his head to pull him back into the kiss. 
Suddenly, you’re pressed against the wall, without barely any room to breathe between the wall and Yunho, he hoists your leg up to the side of his hip, getting closer to you as he deepens the kiss, grabbing your hand with his free one, pinning it up above your head, holding your hand to ensure you can’t move. You didn’t know what you expected from him, but this definitely beats expectations already, whimpering into the kisses as his bulge presses against your lower abdomen. “All of these whimpers and I’ve barely touched you, doll,” Yunho cooes lowly, letting you get some breath, as you try to get him to continue to kiss you, but he’s happily satisfied by watching you crumble under him. “What do you want me to do to you, doll?” he asks, tilting his head ready for a reply, kissing your cheek, trailing it down to your neck, kissing and licking at the most sensitive spots, yearning for your reply through your moans that fall from your lips. 
“Anything, please. Yunho... please,” you beg, tears filling in your eyes from the overwhelming sensation of lust flooding your brain, willing to let yourself be his little play toy for the time being. Though he takes very kindly to this, his smirk seems to be permanently stuck on his face, “Anything?” he questions, raising an eyebrow as he licks his lips. You nod frantically, “Anything... Please... I need you,” you reply, moaning with every word you try to say, making him scoff, “Are you sure?” as much as you appreciate that he just wants to double check, and cares enough to, you just wanted, you needed to be touched by him, to feel something more than just the never-ending lust at this moment. “Get to the bedroom, now!” snarls, slapping your ass as you dash to the bedroom with urgency, obeying his every word. At this point, you realised that he really did have a metaphorical choke hold on you, being able to get whatever he wants from you and you’ll happily give it to him. 
It only takes seconds for Yunho to follow behind, wasting you shake with anticipation the minute he comes into the room, merely a smirk on his face, his eyes turning dark. “Do you have any toys?” he asks, scoping around the room as you rush to your bedside table, emptying it out onto the bed, the peripheral amount if toys falling onto the soft duvet. His eyes widen at the possibilities of fun that he could have with you with the various things that came tumbling out of the drawer, grouping them at the end of the bed before slowly kissing you again. “Good girl, now get on the bed,” he orders and you listen, carefully placing yourself in the centre of the bed, legs already somewhat separated ready for him. His hands trail over your skin, removing every single item of clothing off of your body, leaving you naked on the bed as he goes through your collection.
“This will do,” he snickers to himself, pulling out a pink vibrator from the collection, testing the vibration before edging close to you, placing himself over you as his lips attach to yours, a hand caressing your breast, pinching your nipples between his thumb and index finger, making you hiss at the pleasurable feeling. Widening your legs by placing himself between them, he takes a moment to admire your glistening core, already dripping from the build-up, “My baby girl is so wet already, looks so good, enough to eat,” he growls, turning on the vibrator and pressing it against your clit. The vibrations make you squirm, grabbing at your other breast, trying to hold back whimpers but he wasn’t going to let you do that. His hand moves from your breast to your throat, gripping tightly but comfortably enough so you could breathe.
Toying with your clit, he’s satisfied from your breathy moans and feeling you tremble under him, his movement with the vibrator, and the way he changes the tempo of it, makes you cry more than you ever thought could happen. “Open your mouth,” he orders as you do so, moans escaping. As you continue to moan with an agape mouth, Yunho takes this moment to spit in it, licking your lip afterwards, rewarding you with a sloppy kiss for behaving so well for him. “Oh, you’re behaving so well for me aren’t you baby?” he coos, caressing your cheek as you whimper, nodding to his question, thinking that he’d be kind enough to let you ride through your high that was building up at a rapid pace from the vibrator on your clit. Your face screws as it comes closer quicker than you expected to, barely being able to express how close it was as your moans and whines get more consistent, “It’s okay, you can cum baby girl”. Within seconds of him giving you permission, you cry as you cum, lips far apart as he sticks his thumb in your mouth, which you instinctively suck on, in an attempt to ride out your high quickly. 
The vibrator is turned off, as he uses his other hand to caress your thigh, cooing you through your high, letting you have a moment to recuperate, breathing heavily as you look at him through starry eyes, a small smile appearing on your face, “It’s okay baby, you can calm down. For now,” he chuckles to himself, realising how easy he can make you cum, using this knowledge to his advantage. “Are you okay to conintue?” he asks, as you go to touch yourself, but he slaps your hand away, “No touching yourself, you got me?” he growls, as you nod in response, knowing to obey him or you’ll get nothing at all. Noticing the need for you to be touched again, he removed his clothes until he was down to just his boxers, lowering himself onto the bed, so his head hovered over your cunt. “Does my baby want to be touched?” he growls, his breath makes your clit tingle as you buck your hips at him, answering his question. 
He licks his lips, coating them with his saliva before licking up your cunt, making you squeal from the feeling of his warm, wet tongue brushing up against your hole and your clit. Without even having to beg him, his lips attach around your clit, sucking lightly, licking as he moans, adding even more pleasure through your body. A firm grip is wrapped around your thighs as he wraps them around his head, fully giving him access, tasting your juices as you start to scream his name, not fully over the pleasure he just gave you with the vibrator, “Fuck... Yunho!”. He hums in amusement, “That’s it baby girl, scream my name,” he mumbles, smirking at the sight of you moaning as he looks up briefly, a face that he’d happily paint a picture of, “You’re so hot when you’re moaning,” he adds, making you squirm even more when his tongue attaches to your cunt again. 
Though this time, he wasn’t going to be so nice to you, letting you have hopes that he’ll let you ride out your high, sticking a finger into your cunt, before adding a second one, curling them up, making you pant with pleasure as he does so. With his fingers, he gently pumps in and out of you, at a steady pace to bring you to the urge to come again, succeeding before pulling away completely, seconds before you could even have the chance to release. You cry as he does so, going to use your hand to finish yourself off but he pins them down at either side of your hips. “What did I say earlier, doll?” he grunts as he forcibly pins your hands down, looking at you with a raised eyebrow, yearning an answer from you as his grip around your wrists becomes a lot tighter, “Not... to... touch.. myself,” you barely mutter, as he nods, “That’s it, now remember that, yeah?”.
Unable to even focus on anything anymore, you just want to beg for him to do more, to feel the high all over again. However you were scared for what he has in store when he finally gives you what you wanted, he’s already made you see stars by toying with you, by eating you out, it seriously couldn’t get better than that but you waited patiently to be proved wrong. “Yunho... fuck me!” you whimper through trying to catch your breath, trying to reach for him to get kisses to help calm you down but he just scoffs at you, “Only way you’re going to get that is if you use your manners, baby. Where are they?” your face screws at his question, you could barely even speak with all of these whimpers and moans falling out of your mouth, “Say please!” he orders once again, gripping your throat to force some manners out of you, but you don’t respond the first time he orders you to say it. 
With a swift moment, your face is now in your pillows, whilst your ass was up in the air, exposing your behind to him as he admires the view, grabbing your ass with a firm grip, “Say... please!” he growls, forcibly sending a smack across your ass, using this to his advantage to spank you until he manages to get you to say it, your ass turning red raw with hand prints from his slaps. “Say-” he goes to repeat it again but you manage to lift your head barely from the pillow, crying out from the painful pleasure that you were receiving, “PLEASE!”. Just before he even touches you again, he picks out a choker, with a chain attached to it, putting it around your throat as he pulls on the chain, entertained by how he could control you even more through this. 
You really didn’t have to beg for any more as with one hand occupied, holding onto the chain, firmly pressed onto your ass, the other hand lowers his boxers from around his hips, completely taking them off from his body, his cock standing erect at the perfect height at your hole. “Are you ready?” he asks in a whisper, as you nod into the pillow, preparing yourself but nothing could be enough to be classed as preparation when he slowly puts in the tip, carefully and slowly pushing it further into you, yearning a muffled scream from you. Once he fully enters you, he slowly starts to pick up his pace, letting you adjust to his size. He was so much bigger than you expected him to be, stretching you out as he starts to slap his hips against you, making you scream his name into the pillow that your face was planted into. 
Unsatisfied with the muffled screaming, he yanks on the chain, pulling your head up out of the pillow, letting you breathe as you scream loudly, loud enough that the whole street could hear you but he really didn’t care. The sound of you screaming his name as he pounds into you, his cock twitching inside of your cunt, makes him lowly growl, slapping your ass with his free hand before grabbing it, leaving nail imprints. “Oh, baby girl... You feel so fucking good, and it’s all for me,” he growls, pulling you up completely, wrapping an arm around the front of your torso as he fucks you mercilessly, growling into your ear, hand around your throat loosely, making you crumble. 
“Fuck... Yunho... I’m going to cum!” you cry, as he kisses down the back of your neck, and across your shoulder, not answering you as he doesn’t slow does his pace, keeping it the same so you go through your high, unable to hold yourself up. You were so lucky he had a grip on you otherwise you’d fall into the mattress. Your legs tremble as your juices start to drop down your legs, his cock being painted white as you cry out, screaming his name again as you ride through for your high. Though there was no sign of Yunho stopping, not until he reached his own high, overstimulating you as he continues to pound into you. 
Gently lowering you down onto the mattress, he places both hands on your hips, gripping so tight on them that they were bound to leave a bruise the minute he lets go. Adjusting himself slightly, lifting a leg up, he forcibly picks up the pace, making you cry under him as he slowly comes to his own high, growling as his cock twitches inside you and your walls pulse around him, making him come closer quicker. “Fuck!” he shouts in pleasure, pulling out of you before pumping himself over your ass, droplets of his cum painting it white as he pants. “Fuck,” he mumbles to himself, taking a moment to appreciate what’s just happed, before running to the bathroom to get something to clean you up. “How are you feeling?” his voice is soft, and light as you whimper through heavy breathing, dropping your legs as you curl up, legs aching and shaky from being railed mercilessly. “I’m... okay...” you manage to mutter, giggling as you struggle to get up onto your feet. 
Yunho panics, seeing you trying to walk makes him wrap his arms around you, holding you up as you rest your head against his sweaty, bare chest, wrapping your arms around him, the faint scent of his cologne filling your airways. “You’re not going to drop me now are you?” you ask in a panic, remembering his old ways and couldn’t help but let it play in your mind, Yunho doesn’t react badly, knowing you’d still have anxieties over his past. “I promised I wouldn’t do that to you, and I’m gonna keep that. I love you, Y/N” he confesses as you look up at him, a small curl on his lips as you nod, remembering the promise he’s made. A soft kiss is placed on the top of your head as he picks up his hoodie off of the floor, as well as your underwear, “Here”. A smile creeps onto your face as you slide his hoodie over your head, big enough to reach down to your knees, having to roll up the sleeves to expose your hands. “You’re so cute,” he giggles, cupping your cheeks, putting on his underwear, tackling you back into bed, kicking off the toys at the end, pulling you in with him as he wraps himself around you. “I promise, I’ll never leave your side”. 
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294 notes · View notes
avtomatkalashnikova · 2 years
I hear some people are buying extension ladders, going up on various store roofs, and pulling the disconnects on their heating and cooling devices. I hear that all the food inside goes rotten, costs the company many thousands of dollars. I hear that it causes problems whether or not the store carries food products. I hear some people are buying tennis rackets and hitting medium-sized pebbles into wealthy and ethnic neighborhoods, from extremely far distances away. I hear some of the pebbles are smashing Escalade sunroofs, McMansion mega bay windows, and more. I hear nobody can figure out where it's coming from. I hear some people call the cops but nothing ever happens. I hear some people are claiming to be repairmen, going inside offices, and leaving dead fish in the ceiling tiles. I hear some people are buying machetes in bulk and leaving them next to the homeless while they sleep. I hear some people are learning how to build handheld EMPs on the internet and shutting off people's electronics in secret. I hear people are buying burner phones and calling ambulances to places, over and over. I hear some people ate throwing screws in news station parking lots. I hear some people are getting jobs and immediately quitting. I hear some people are feeding journalists completely false stories and making them look bad. I hear some people are putting caution tape across busy streets and highways. I hear some people are filling public bathrooms with balloons. I hear some people are throwing eggs at synagogues. I hear some people are screaming in public, I hear some people are downloading Tinder and Grindr telling matches to meet them somewhere, and never showing up. I hear some people will do exactly that but jump them in a dark alleyway. I hear some people are using high-powered lasers to burn things from far away.
I hear some people are finding ways to buy dangerous exotic animals, then letting them loose in cities. I hear some people don't have enough to buy them and are forced to break into zoos and open the cages. I hear some people are sneaking booze into the coffee at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. I hear some people are thinking about making a ----- that caves New York City in on itself. I hear store and restaurant employees are quietly handing out door keys to anyone who asks. I hear some people are running through car dealerships and smashing the windshield out of every one on the lot at night I hear some people are hiding bluetooth speakers in places and broadcasting racial slurs at full volume. I hear some people are farting in public places. I hear some people are making homemade explosives and knocking down cell towers. I hear some people are making homemade explosives and disintegrating local power substations. I hear some people are stealing construction machines and driving them into lakes.
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ketoactive · 6 months
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Unveiling the Night Mega Burner: A Revolutionary Approach to Weight Loss While You Sleep
In the ever-evolving world of weight loss, a new contender has emerged, promising to revolutionize the way we approach shedding those extra pounds. Enter the Night Mega Burner, a groundbreaking concept that capitalizes on the body's natural processes during sleep to enhance weight loss. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll delve into the science behind this innovative approach, explore its key components, and evaluate its potential benefits.
3 notes · View notes
once-upon-a-fanfic · 2 years
Feel Good Drag
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson x OC (eventually)
Summary:  Natalie and Eddie had been best friends for a few years since she moved to Hawkins. The pair had been inseparable...until Chrissy Cunningham came into the picture.
Trigger Warnings: Suicide attempt, overdose, eventual sexual assault/rape in the next chapter/part.
Notes: I decided not to really describe the OC so the reader can imagine them however they want. The only definite/clear describer (is that a word?) is that it is a she/her OC.
Written by @the-stuttering-kiwi Co-owner of @once-upon-a-fanfic
Edited by @theshadowsparade​  Co-owner of @once-upon-a-fanfic​
Word Count:  1,830
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Eddie carefully packed away his notes after another successful DND session. He was going to have to put more thought into these games—he was making it too easy. But, if he was being honest, he had a lot on his mind lately, and DND was on his mental back burner.  
“What do you call a sleeping bull?” Dustin asked, giddy from defeating one of the main villains from the newest campaign.
“I don’t know; what?” Chrissy asked, genuinely stumped.
“A bulldozer!” Dustin exclaimed, laughing hysterically while the others groaned. Chrissy’s giggle seemed to float on air.
The last two months had been nothing short of mind-blowing. Eddie knew Chrissy was probably only fooling around with him to get back at Jason “Mega Douche” Carver, but he didn’t care—he would take any chance to be with Chrissy.
The only person missing from this great group of friends was Nat. It had been weeks since she made it to a session. He honestly couldn’t remember a time when she wasn’t around since she moved to town 3-years-ago. He had taken her under his wing on her first day of school and they had been inseparable ever since. Until now, it seemed like.
“Dustin, didn’t you invite Nat tonight?” Eddie asked while packing up his dice.
“I did. She said she would try to make it,” Dustin replied sadly.
Eddie grimaced, guilt gnawing at his gut. He and Nat used to be very close—passing notes in the hallway between classes and spending nearly every night together while she hid from her step-dad—but when Chrissy entered the picture, everything started to change. Soon, she stopped visiting his trailer,  the notes became less frequent, and instead, they barely made eye contact in the hallways. Eddie didn’t think he was that absorbed with Chrissy, but maybe his tunnel vision was worse than he thought.
“I’ll talk to her tomorrow,” Eddie said, more so to himself than to anyone else. He knew he had been a shit friend lately, but he was determined to fix it.
And then, suddenly, Chrissy said, looking up at him with her big doe eyes, “Eddie, are we going back to your place?”
Just like that, Eddie’s guilt vanished. He couldn’t say no to Chrissy.
“Anywhere you want, princess.”
Eddie and Chrissy stumbled into his trailer, leaving a trail of clothes to Eddie's room.
“We can hardly even get through the door,” Chrissy teased, breathless. Eddie chuckled while planting kisses on her neck.
“You could help by not being so gorgeous.” Eddie pushed Chrissy against his bedroom door, reaching behind her to grab the handle and open the door.
“I could say the same to–woah!” Chrissy let you a yelp of surprise as she slipped on something on the floor and fell backward, pulling Eddie down with her. The pair erupted with laughter.
“Sorry,” Eddie wheezed, “The maid took the day off.”
Chrissy laughed so hard she could barely catch her breath. Eddie reached down to grab what they had tripped on and stopped in his tracks.
“What the–” He picked up his lunchbox, now a bit dented, and saw its illegal contents strewn on the floor.
“What’s wrong?”
“Someone’s been in my room,” Eddie replied, scanning the room for anything else out of place. His most prized possession, his guitar, was safely hanging above his dresser, but his dresser drawers were pulled open, and every item tossed around.
“Someone broke in to steal your stash?” Chrissy asked.
“Well, they didn’t take anything… Everything is still here,” Eddie said, picking up baggies off the floor. “Even the money. Everything’s here… hmm, except…”
“I definitely unlocked the door, right?  Eddie made his way to the front door, scooping up his Hellfire shirt and tugging it over his head.
“Yes. You had trouble getting the key into the lock, remember?”
Eddie opened the door and looked down at the flower pot next to the front step. The pot had definitely been moved, which meant someone knew that’s where the spare key was.
That’s when it dawned on him: Nat was the only one who knew where that key was. Before Chrissy, she practically lived at Eddie's to hide from her creepy step-dad. Anxiety bubbled inside Eddie; Nat wouldn’t break into his trailer to steal a bunch of pills, would she?
He needed to know—now. Eddie ran over to the phone and dialed Nat’s number from memory.
Ring, ring, ring…
“Parents are probably passed the fuck out,” Eddie mumbled to himself and dialed again.
Ring, ring, ring…
Eddie clenched his teeth. He dialed Dustin’s number—maybe he would know what was going on.
“Henderson residence, Master Dustin speaking,” Dustin’s bright and cheery voice answered.
“Have you heard from Nat since you got home?” Eddie asked quickly, worry seeping into every word.
“I haven’t; everything okay?”
“I don’t know. Can you see if anyone else has heard from her and meet me over at her place?” he said urgently.
“Yeah, sure, man. Are you okay?”
“Thanks.” Eddie put the phone back down on the receiver, a bit harder than he intended.
“You don’t mind going for a ride, right?” Eddie asked Chrissy, who had been patiently waiting for him.
“No, let's go.” Chrissy nodded and followed Eddie.
 Eddie was thankful it was dark out so Chrissy couldn’t see him white-knuckling the steering wheel. Maybe he was being paranoid. After all, Natalie wasn’t even big on drugs. Sure, they had smoked weed together, but she wouldn’t touch the stronger stuff. Maybe someone got lucky and found the key on their own.
Someone who also knew exactly where he hid his stash?
Eddie got to Nat’s house in record time. The lights were still on in the lower windows, the glow of the TV flickering behind the curtains. Eddie saw that Dustin had beaten them there and was already banging on the front door.
“Pretty sure Creeper Craig is awake. He’s probably just too stoned to figure out how to get up and open the door,” Dustin quipped when he saw Eddie and Chrissy approach.
After another round of angry thumping on the front door, it finally opened.
“It’s about fucking time,” Eddie pushed his way inside, guiding Chrissy in behind him. To Craig, he asked, “Where’s Natalie?”
Craig stared at the trio for a long moment, like he was processing Eddie’s words. “I guess she's up in her room,” he slurred. His eyes found Chrissy and lingered too long on the hemline of her skirt. He licked his lips. “You boys can go up there while this lady and I introduce ourselves.”
“No, thanks,” Eddie and Dustin said in unison.
They made their way up the stairs in front of them, keeping Chrissy closely wedged between them.  The hair on the back of Eddie’s neck stood up. He could count the number of times he had been in this house on only one hand, even after all their years of friendship. And the few times he had been there, he knew he made the right call in practically having Nat live with him for the past couple of years to get away from Craig.  She hated him. Eddie didn’t think he had actually done anything, but the comments Craig had made to Nat made his skin crawl.  Her mother, of course, didn’t believe any of it and allowed the creep to stay.
Once the group reached the landing, they walked to the end of the hall and knocked on the door at the end of it.
“Nat?" Eddie pressed his ear to the door, trying to listen for any noise on the other side. When he didn’t get an answer, he turned the doorknob. The room was dark, but Nat’s record player was on, the needle scratching on a record that needed to be turned over.
“Eddie.” Dustin pointed to the light glowing from under Nat’s bathroom door.
Eddie gave a couple of gentle knocks. “Nat? Are you in there? It’s me and Dustin…”
When he got no response, Eddie gave the door knob a light twist. His heart began to race when he realized it was unlocked.
When he opened the door, it was like the air vanished from his lungs. Eddie thought his brain had stopped working. There was no way he was actually seeing what he was seeing.
“Nat!” Dustin rushed past him, kneeling on the cold tile. He shook the girl who sat slouched on the floor, unmoving. “Oh my god. Nat! Eddie, I think she's dead!” Dustin sobbed, his voice cracking, still shaking Nat, as her head rolled from side to side.
This wasn’t happening. Eddie’s brain buzzed with nothingness.
Eddie kneeled down and pressed two fingers to Nat’s neck. He found a weak pulse—thank god. He needed to wake her up. Eddie grabbed Nat from under her armpits and dragged her to the shower behind them and turned the cold water on. The water sprayed him and Nat mercilessly, but he didn’t care—it was like he couldn’t feel the temperature.
“Dustin, go call 911.” Eddie instructed. He felt surprisingly calm as he continued to shake Nat. She would wake up, he kept telling himself. She had to wake up.
Chrissy stood in the doorway, frozen, tears running down her cheeks. “Oh, my god,” she said over and over.
“Time to wake up!” Eddie splashed cold water on Nat's face. He swatted her gently, but she was stubborn. “Come on Nat, you need to wake up.”
Eddie wrenched her mouth open. He didn’t think twice about sticking two fingers down her throat to get her to vomit. That did the trick.
“That's it,” Eddie encouraged, not even sure if Nat could hear him when she wretched and gagged. “See, you’re okay. You’re okay.”
“They’re on their way.” Dustin ran back into the room to see Nat stirring. “She’s alive?”
“For now,” Chrissy answered quietly.
“She's going to be fine,” Eddie snapped. “She just needs to get this shit out of her stomach, and she is going to be fine.”
Eddie could hear the sirens in the distance. Dustin ran downstairs to meet the ambulance in the driveway and led the EMTs to Eddie and Nat. They very nearly had to pry Nat out of his grip to get her on the stretcher.
"What did she take?" One of the EMTs barked.
"Oxy...Oxycodone." Eddie cursed himself for having it.  His supplier wanted to see how the stuff would sell, but Eddie wasn't crazy about pushing it.
“Do you know how much she took?”
“I–uh–I’m not sure,” Dustin stammered.
Eddie struggled to remember how many pills he had left. “I don’t know."
The trio wordlessly watched as the EMTs worked on Nat. Creeper Craig and Nat's mom were nowhere to be seen. The group followed the EMTs out of the house and watched in silence as they loaded her in the back of the ambulance and sped away, sirens blaring.
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healthhub111 · 1 year
Night Mega Burner Weight Loss
Night Mega Burner is a multi-ingredient food supplement that supports fat reduction at night. Use of the product contributes to weight loss and increases the body's resistance to stress. Night Mega Burner makes it easier to fall asleep and achieve a state of relaxation. In addition, the product contributes to regulating hormonal activity and maintaining normal protein and glycogen metabolism.
The effectiveness of Night Mega Burner is due to 10 ingredients, among which you will find certified plant extracts, vitamins and minerals. Such a rich complex of ingredients ensures excellent results.
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henrymedia · 1 year
Loss weight in 3 three days
Night mega Burner
Wellbeing Enhancements
Night Super Burner Surveys: Viable Evening Fat Terminator Pills or
Is it true or not that you are attempting to get thinner in spite of a solid eating regimen and work-out everyday practice? Do you end up thrashing around evening time, unfit to get the relaxing rest your body needs? Assuming this is the case, you're in good company. Rest is fundamental for legitimate recovery, post-exercise recuperation, energy, and confronting the next day's difficulties with full power. In any case, with occupied lives, getting the important rest and keeping a sound way of life can challenge. Click here 👇👇👇to take a look at the the supplement
To this end Night Uber Burner, a dietary enhancement that helps support digestion rates while snoozing, was made. In this article, we dive further into the meaning of value snooze weight reduction, the advantages of the enhancements, the regular fixings tracked down in Night Super Burner, and how you can buy a valid jug with the best limits.
Why is rest significant in your weight reduction venture?
Getting satisfactory rest can altogether affect digestion and weight reduction. As referenced, digestion dials back during rest, which can assist with weight reduction as the body consumes calories during this time. Besides, research has demonstrated the way that lack of sleep can prompt hormonal uneven characters, remembering an increment for ghrelin (the craving chemical) and a diminishing in leptin (the chemical that signals completion). This irregularity can prompt indulging and weight gain.
Then again, getting sufficient rest can control these chemicals and decrease the probability of gorging. Furthermore, when you get sufficient rest, your body can more readily control glucose levels, which can likewise assist with weight reduction.
At last, rest is additionally fundamental for post-exercise recuperation. At the point when you work out, you make small muscle tears that need time to recuperate and remake. During rest, your body produces development chemicals fundamental for muscle fix and recovery. This actually intends that in the event that you are not getting sufficient rest, you may not give your body the time it necessities to recuperate from work out, which can adversely affect your wellness objectives. Click here to take a look or to purchase the supplement
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Be that as it may, occupied timetables, stress, and unfortunate dietary patterns can prompt weight gain and restless evenings. Absence of appropriate recovery and rest makes medical issues and makes weight reduction much really testing. This prompted the improvement of an answer, Night Uber Burner, which assists you in your weight reduction with traveling while at the same time offering a profound, tranquil rest cycle as well.
Night Super Burner was created and produced in the U.S. in a GMP-confirmed office, utilizing all-regular fixings that have been exceptionally chosen and clinically demonstrated to accelerate recuperation during rest and further develop digestion. Night Super Burner assists you with consuming fat and accomplish profound rest, guaranteeing continuous rest and satisfactory recuperation.
What is Night Uber Burner?
Night Mega is a strong dietary enhancement that supports weight reduction and consumes fat quickly while you are snoozing. The enhancement likewise contains 100 percent normal fixings that advance in general body wellbeing and assists you with partaking in a relaxing, serene, and undisturbed rest. Night Uber Burner is liberated from energizer fixings to ensure continuous rest and satisfactory recuperation.
Advantages of Night Super Burner
Each case in the Night Uber Burner bottle is intended to work productively with next to no aftereffects. The enhancement, when taken reliably, offers a few medical advantages as it contains strong fat-consuming parts.
Here are a portion of the advantages of involving Night Super Burner in your weight reduction venture:
Upholds the accomplishment of normal body weight: Night Super Burner contains an exceptional mix of fixings that assist with weighting misfortune. For instance, grains of Heaven Seed Concentrate is a substance compound that supports weight reduction properties. Studies have affirmed that it can build the body's energy consumption, animate fat decrease, and further develop the body's lipid profile.
Animates protein and glycogen digestion: Night Super Burner contains fixings that invigorate protein and glycogen digestion. Aquamin™ Mg, for instance, decreases exhaustion and sleepiness, keeps up with typical mental capabilities, and supports the upkeep of an electrolyte balance. N-cetyl-L-tyrosine upholds the working of the sensory system, partakes in the amalgamation of chemicals, and supports cerebrum capability.
Upholds the accomplishment of a casual state: KSM-66®, an ashwagandha extricate, has an adaptogenic impact, increments stress opposition, works with nodding off, and assists you with accomplishing a condition of unwinding. Comparable outcomes are exhibited by concentrates of lemon medicine spice and saffron pistils contained in the item.
Works with nodding off and further develops rest quality: Night Uber Burner contains fixings that help work with nodding off and upgrade rest quality. Saffr'Activ® further develops generally speaking rest quality, works on nodding off, and lessens sensations of tension. L-Theanine from Green Tea upholds mind and sensory system capability, upholds fixation, innovativeness, and memory, and shows stimulant properties.
Speeds up recuperation during rest and further develops digestion: Night Uber Burner contains a blend of upwards of ten fixings that work around evening time to expand the impacts of weight reduction and assist you with accomplishing your figure objectives. BioPerine® upholds the course of thermogenesis, upholds weight reduction, and works on the retention of supplements.
Save enormous on Night Uber Burner: Snap here to purchase now!
Fixings in the Night Super Burner supplement
Grains of Heaven Seed Concentrate [12.5% 6-Paradol]
This concentrate contains 6-paradol, a substance compound that has shown weight reduction support properties. It expands the body's energy use, invigorates fat decrease, and further develops the body's lipid profile. It likewise exhibits thermogenic impacts, increments glucose use, and hinders lipid combination in adipocytes.
KSM-66 (Ashwagandha remove)
This ashwagandha extricate upholds the body on many levels. Studies show that it can really uphold pressure decrease, further develop fixation and mental capacities, and further develop rest quality. It can likewise upgrade cardiorespiratory wellness, lessen muscle to fat ratio, further develop muscle recuperation, and increment muscle strength and development rate.
Green Tea Leaf Concentrate [40% EGCG]
This concentrate contains as much as 40% EGCG, a polyphenol with vivacious cell reinforcement movement. It can add to supporting fat decrease, further developing the body's lipid profile, and managing glucose levels. It hinders the action of COMT, the protein that separates norepinephrine, consequently drawing out the excitement of the thoughtful sensory system and invigorating thermogenesis.
This concentrate further develops by and large rest quality, works on nodding off, and lessens sensations of uneasiness.
L-Theanine from Green Tea
This compound backings mind and sensory system capability, fixation, imagination, and memory and has shown stimulant properties.
Lemon Demulcent Spice Concentrate
This concentrate works with unwinding, keeps a positive state of mind, and works with nodding off.
This compound backings the course of thermogenesis and weight reduction and works on the ingestion of supplements.
Vitamin B6
This nutrient backings the working of the sensory system, keeps up with typical energy digestion, and is significant for the body's working.
Aquamin™ Mg
This compound diminishes sensations of weariness and sleepiness, keeps up with typical mental capabilities, and supports the upkeep of an electrolyte balance.
This compound backings the working of the sensory system, partakes in the blend of chemicals, and supports mind capability.
The most effective method to Purchase Night Super Burner
Night Super Burner is accessible web-based on sites including Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba. In any case, it is suggested that you buy the enhancement from the authority site to guarantee you get a credible item. On the off chance that you have any inquiries, you can contact client assistance through the contact button on the site.
The producer offers premium limits when you purchase from the authority site. Here are the costs for Night Super Burner:
Get one jug of Night Super Burner for $49.00 + postage charges.
Purchase three jugs of Night Super Burner for $98 + postage charges.
Purchase six jugs of Night Super Burner for $147 + postage charges.
All in all, Night Uber Burner is a special and successful food supplement that supports fat-consuming during rest. It contains a one of a kind mix of 10 fixings that work synergistically to expand the impacts of weight reduction and assist you with accomplishing your figure objectives.
On the off chance that you are searching for a characteristic and viable method for supporting your weight reduction objectives and further develop your rest quality, attempt Night Super Burner today. Its remarkable mix of 10 fixings will assist you with accomplishing your objectives quicker and with less exertion. Assume command over your weight reduction venture and obtain the ideal outcomes with Night Super Burner. Visit the authority site to learn all the more today!
Additionally Read: Best Fat Consuming Eating routine Enhancements to Get in shape
Subsidiary Revelation:
The connections contained in this item survey might bring about a little commission in the event that you pick to buy the item prescribed at no extra expense for you. This goes towards supporting our examination and article group. Kindly realize we just suggest great items.
Kindly comprehend that any exhortation or rules uncovered here are not in any capacity whatsoever substitutes for sound clinical or monetary guidance from an authorized medical care supplier or confirmed monetary counselor. Make a point to talk with an expert doctor or monetary specialist prior to settling on any buying choice in the event that you use drugs or have concerns following the survey subtleties shared previously. Individual outcomes might fluctuate and are not ensured as the explanations in regards to these items have not been assessed by the Food and Medication Organization or Wellbeing Canada.
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marialinslima · 1 year
Night Mega Burner - [Night Mega Burner Reviews]💥BEWARE💥 - Does Night Meg...
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truedeal02 · 1 year
Night Mega Burner is a multi-ingredient food supplement that supports fat reduction at night. Use of the product contributes to weight loss and increases the body's resistance to stress. Night Mega Burner makes it easier to fall asleep and achieve a state of relaxation. 
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