#Not a vent but
kingmaxstatic · 1 day
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The day I post Lesboy surge on tiktok is the day the death threats really start coming in.
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k4t-11 · 17 days
uggghhhhhh staring at my notifs waiting for even one to show up because at this point im so lonely it physically hurts
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dadzawa004 · 8 months
☁️ another ramble post ☁️
⚠️cw?: Injury, talking about disability stuff as a cg⚠️
as a disabled caregiver it's hard to get around when it comes to physical activities. Mush that with a little who's often energetic and loves to do alot of physical activities, it's hard. I'm a wheelchair user, but I'm not paralyzed so I can leave our wheelchair if need be. It isn't recommended by our doctors to leave for a very long time, usually up to 30 minutes to an hour. (Most of the time we can stand for only 10-ish minutes.) Anyways it restricts alot of things we'd like to do. Such as piggyback rides with our cousins or playing tag. Simple things like that.
But as someone who's only had one leg in my source, I knew how to narrow down my activities when it came to taking care of age regressors. Fun fact! If I remember correctly, about 3 to 4ish of my students were regressors. So I've been a caregiver for a long time pass when I formed in the system. Anyways, what I personally do is I just sit down. It's a pain to get back up on my own, but usually I keep my wheelchair close so I don't really need help getting back up when I need to. So, I like to sit down and criss cross my legs. If my little follows my movements and sits on my lap, I can do majority of my care for them with them in my lap. Such as talking with them, feeding them if they need help with that, watching cartoons, so on. This can also work if they don't like physical touch or not comfortable being in my lap. Just as long as they're at arms reach I'm fine. The only issue was I always have to find a way into the kitchen to try and get them something. (It's the worst part) but I try to make due.
i guess the reason why I'm making this post was because I felt kinda invalid due to my ability to walk much. Even when starting out when I formed in the system, I had people telling me I shouldn't try to caregive if we desperately needed a caretaker ourselves. However I didn't want to listen to them. I know it wasn't impossible, and I know there's many CGs who are disabled just as we are. So I never gave up on the idea and now I'm here
-coming from someone who's a wheelchair user, half deaf and tics. Have a good day 👋
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proxythe · 4 months
this is how my brain starts talking to me when i draw a tguy with no top surgery
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redcallisto · 1 year
Maybe i’ll chuck a ‘minors dni’ on my profile. probably not religiously enforced or anything. Just so tired of minors trying to talk to me. It’s making me uncomfortable bc I’m way older and it always feels like they want some sort of friendship from me since they like my art :( It’s the third case in the last 12 months of me getting random and creepy personal questions that I try to ignore, only to lead to public guilt-trippy comments bc I dared not answer. I’ll always respond to a greeting and a friendly conversation tho, so I don’t think I’m entirely unreasonable?  Like, I feel bad, y’know? Just told someone to stop today when they made one hell of a self pitying remark on my post bc I didn’t reply to them and they deactivated their account soon after. I just think it’s a little ridiculous and overboard. I should be allowed to have boundaries and people I don’t want to interact with, no?
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soulnottainted · 1 year
Me casually at work: *laughs* I'm sorry it seems I'm dropping everything today
Older man: I am too, we'd make the perfect couple
Me in my brain: wtf?!
But also:
Co//pia bein like "nO FU-CKING WAY! GET OUT!"
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vilea777 · 3 months
sorry i cant hang out i forgot how to mimic human like behaviour
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leroleroart · 1 month
Depression comic
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revacholianrobot · 17 days
In hindsight it's very insulting to be told that flunking out of college due to adhd is actually "quite common"
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lastoneout · 7 months
Ya know when people told me "when you're finally safe enough that you can leave survival mode and start to let go of and process your c-ptsd/trauma things are probably going to get really, really bad before they slowly start to get better" I thought that was reasonable. I did not understand that by "things are going to get bad" they meant "you're going to find yourself in the worst mental state of your entire life, but dw, that means it's working" and tbh I simply wish someone had been more clear.
Edit: If everyone could please take a minute and think about what it must feel like to be struggling and then have multiple strangers say to your face that they find the prospect of going through what you're going through so horrifying that they'd rather kill themselves and then stop leaving comments like that I would greatly appreciate it.
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worthless-mess · 9 months
"Are you ok?" I'm actually tired bro. From the bottom of my heart I'm tired
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kuchipatch1 · 6 months
yall have got to be more normal about Southern people and I'm not kidding. enough of the Sweet Home Alabama incest jokes, enough of the idea that all Southerners are bigots and rednecks, and enough of the idea that the South has bad food. shut up about "trailer trash" and our accents and our hobbies!
do yall know how fucking nauseating it is to hear people only bring up my state to make jokes about people in poverty and incestuous relationships? how much shame I feel that I wasn't born up north like the Good Queers and Good Leftists with all the Civilised Folk with actual houses instead of small cramped trailers that have paper thin walls that I know won't protect me in a bad enough storm?
do yall know how frustrating it is to be trans in a place that wants to kill you and whenever you bring it up to people they say "well just move out" instead of sympathizing with you or offering help?
do yall understand how alienating it is to see huge masterposts of queer and mental health resources but none of them are in your state because theyre all up north? and nobody seems to want to fix this glaring issue because "they're all hicks anyways"
Southern people deserve better. we deserve to be taken seriously and given a voice in the queer community and the mental health space and leftist talks in general.
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krmljam · 4 months
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more bugs more drinking
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reikacchan · 1 year
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don't give up
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redcallisto · 1 year
Hey if I ever block/soft block someone please know that it’s most likely me and not you
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gayvampyr · 1 year
no offense but you guys need to learn the difference between someone implying their experience is universal and a post simply just not being about you
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