#Now THIS is the emotional devastation I’m here for
seimei-chsq · 2 years
excuse me sir, that’s my emotional support figure skating program.
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ourstarscollided · 3 years
So it’s been a little bit since we found out that JATP has been cancelled and I’ve been trying to process how I’m feeling. And honestly, it’s a little hard because in the back of my mind, I knew this was coming and yet, when I saw Kenny’s post I just didn’t want it to be true. There was this ache in my heart that I truly just can’t explain.
I won’t lie, I’m devastated that this is the final outcome after waiting over a year for news. I feel hurt and sad and frustrated and angry and confused. And I think it’s absolutely human of us to try to find people and things to blame or to try to think of logical reasons why it was cancelled. Because this show? This show was more than just a “kids show” to me. Gosh, this show felt like a lifeline being handed to me during the past two years, which have been the most uncertain and confusing time of my life. It sat me down for a mere 4 hours and told me to that it was okay to feel everything and to let love in and that sometimes, people come into your life when you least expect it to and change your life.
(Under a read more because this turned out way longer than I thought it’d be. I am going through it. Let me be.)
For a long time, I was not a part of fandom. Simply because life got in the way and there were some past experiences that put me off on ever really getting involved with an online community. But when I finished the show, I felt this weird little pull to see if maybe other people felt as strongly as I did about this brilliant female character and her ghost band. And boy oh boy did I find a very engaging and incredibly talented fandom when I finally remembered my Tumblr password. I was so astounded by the sheer impact this tiny little show had on other people (and right from the beginning!!), and there was just something in me that said I should stick around.
So I did. And boy am I glad that I did.
At the start, I innocently told myself that I could just simply reblog some things, maybe get it out of my system after a week or so. But something about the show and the characters and the stories and the music just would not let go of me. I found myself suddenly thinking about Alex and Reggie’s backstories. I was trying to piece together the connection between Rose and the boys. I was putting the characters into different stories and universes. I could visualize all these missing scenes from the show.
I didn’t realize it at that time, but it was like a spark had relit inside of me, igniting something. I was creating again, which was something I hadn’t thought about or done in years.
And then I started this little sideblog as a way for me to stay organized and kinda just poke my head around the fandom. I’ve still managed to keep my presence here how I want it to, on the sidelines and in the tags, but I’ve also somehow been able to connect with a small amount of people who have brought so much laughter and joy into my life through our shared connection of the show. I have gained new friends because of jatp and that’s something I never thought I could do again in a fandom.
I think it’s so easy to just wallow in the sadness and confusion. Heck, I laid on the floor of my room for a couple hours yesterday while listening to the soundtrack and fighting back tears every time I remembered we weren’t getting a season 2. But at the same time, I can’t help but stop myself from also being so so happy.
And it all comes down to the fact that I remember that this show simply e x i s t s. We have 9 beautifully written episodes about dealing with grief, finding family in other people, opening up to others, leaning on your friends and family. We got an amazing female POC as a lead who was allowed to just be a teenager and be surrounded by people who love and support her. We got an anxious boy who struggled with his sexuality who realized that they have not yet met all the ghosts people who will love him. We saw a runaway teen with a life cut short get to “fix” the thing he regretted the most and a second shot to live his dream. We see a beautiful and positive relationship between a father and his kids, who’s going through his own grieving process, but still shows them love and support in every way. We see the people who aren’t blood-related who stick around because they know you are more than the worst parts of yourself, because they know who you are when you are finally free and can shine. We have that.
We also get to revisit this show and its characters a million times over in different mediums, and that’s all in part due to the wonderful (and let’s be real, sometimes messy) fandom. I am constantly blown away by the astounding amount of amazing content created by this fandom. From the fanart to the gifsets to the graphics to the fics to the headcanons and the drabbles to the silly little text posts to memes to fanvids to songs and covers to cosplay to brilliant rambles in the tags and everything in between. There has been so much joy and comfort brought into my life because of you wonderful wonderful people.
So much has been created because of this show and that is not something a cancellation can take away from us. Ever.
This announcement feels like the ending of something, but it’s definitely not the end of this fandom. The jatp fandom has basically been running itself since its inception, and I don’t think anything will change that now. I hope you keep on creating and pouring your love into these characters because I know for myself, this show will forever be a constant inspiration for me and I don’t think that’ll ever really go away.
This show belongs to us, it always has, and forever will.
Legends on three?
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thesproutingartist · 3 years
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I’m done with you,
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haikyuuhoo · 2 years
hello my lovely kaitlyn im sorry that things have been so sucky for you 😣 i am hugging you tight and buying you a million books i hope things get better soon i am manifesting all the braincells in the world for you 💕
ty so much my sweet ann <3 I appreciate this more than you’ll ever know, it really means a lot to me :)
0 notes
senpiecakes · 2 years
Part 1: Closure
Notes: This will be a continuation of ‘So Close, Yet So Far’ cause it’s been eating my mind ever since I wrote the first parts. I’ve also been listening to nothing but Like You Do by Joji to push me into writing this (recommend listening to it while reading) and idk why but I kinda cried on every part. It's also 1k words per part :,)
Parts: So Close, Yet So Far Part 1, Closure Pt. 2
Summary: He fucked up, didn’t he? How will he get closure for losing you that way?
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe.
Warning/s: Mentions of death on Zhongli and Childe’s part. Mentions of violence on Childe’s part.
Theme/s: Getting back together? Angst to Comfort, Getting over grief.
To say that Diluc was a mess since you left was an understatement. He was an absolute wreck. At first, he couldn’t understand why his entire body agonized so greatly at the suddenness of your leaving. When his father died and his brother ‘betrayed’ him, Diluc only secluded himself and grieved- mostly feeling anger taking form into his now current self. But when you left, it was different. He mourned as if you died, wept bitter tears as he was once again placed in his darkest state of mind. Diluc experienced the emotions he had suppressed ever since that day; the two most important people in his life left him, now it was you, and the despair manifested itself once more to torment him. He hated himself for being so weak then; unable to save his father and unable to make up with Kaeya. Diluc has hated himself, even more so now since he couldn’t bring himself to show an ounce of appreciation for someone who did nothing but love him and understand what he’s going through. So, who else was to blame but him?
Sometimes, Diluc abandons his duties; paperwork piled up on his desk unfinished, Angel’s Share being managed by Charles for nights in a row, the threats against Mondstadt rising without the help of the Darknight Hero. What’s the use of all this? Diluc wonders. If you’re not here with me. Sometimes, Diluc cries; through the walls of Dawn Winery would the nosy young maids hear Master Diluc cry in his empty bed the same way he did those years ago, in the same manner you used to do when you’re alone. His already restless sleep is haunted by nightmares of you disappearing from his life. His hands would search for empty comfort in the side that used to be yours, grabbing at nothing but cold sheets in a desperate attempt to will you back beside him. Y/N, I’m sorry. Diluc would wail in his slumber. Please come back to me. Oftentimes, Diluc was silent. He would enter Dawn Winery after a night of work and stress, on times when he would go out, only to find his home empty- the absence of your cheerful greetings made the silence all the more mocking. Diluc would work in silence; drowning out all the noise to try and remember when was the last time he had asked about your day, trying to recall when was the last time you two slept on the same bed. Those were the times when Diluc had nothing to think about, his mind drained of things he used to be so caught up on. But sometimes in those silent hours would the memories of you come back- loud and devastating that Diluc had seriously considered drinking to be rid of the pain and heartache. He couldn’t bear to think of you during those moments- it seemed to only make things worse.
Some days it felt better for Diluc; he would go out to work and even be on patrol late at night to make up for those days he couldn’t. But the thought of you still ran rampant in his mind. He couldn’t withstand the memory of you leaving without notice and wanted nothing more than to apologize, make up for his wrongs and maybe be given a second chance. But he knew how this goes- life is cruel to him and wouldn’t favor him any retry’s. That would be in your hands alone and he has already messed it up so greatly. Today however felt like a good day for Diluc when he decided that he would be the one to shop for groceries. Putting his coat on, Diluc was ready to head off until a familiar sight came at him when he opened the front door. It was like a breath of fresh air and an angry storm all the same. It’s you, Y/N.
Standing at the door frame with all your belongings in hand, you two stared at each other, wide-eyed and unsure of what to say. Diluc felt as though his knees might buckle with how much he didn’t know he was shaking. His lips parted and pathetic sounds came out of his mouth in an attempt to make words. So many things he wanted to say: ‘Am I dreaming?’, ‘I missed you, Y/N.’, ‘You came back.’, ‘I love you.’, ‘Please don’t leave me again.’, ‘Please stay, Y/N.’, ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.’ Instead, Diluc straightened himself out and said;
“You’re here.” Almost breathless, croaking out those pathetic sounds, holding back the tears that threatened to humiliate him. You could only exhale and see how much damage you actually did. Diluc’s hair was disheveled in a poor attempt to tie it up in a ponytail, his eyes were bloodshot and dark from those nights he couldn’t sleep, his skin got paler from the many days he would spend locked up in his room alone.
“I’m here.” you repeated, gentle and apologetic. Sparing not even a second, Diluc lunged at you and enveloped you in a tight hug. His strong arms wrapped around your frame- left hand on your side while the right on the back of your head. You’re so close to him now, so real, he’s not dreaming. He didn’t want to let you go. Before you could think, Diluc was already sobbing out apologies, sputtering against your neck that you could feel his tears seep through your shirt.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Diluc cried. “Please don’t leave me.” He was inhaling sharply, he felt as though he couldn’t breathe- his chest felt like it was on the verge of caving in with how much he was crying, and the ache it felt the moment he saw you and held you. You could do nothing but console him awkwardly with Mocco and Hillie watching in the corner with the most scandalized expressions on their faces. Looks like some new gossip would circle around the tavern later.
No words needed to be said during this moment as you two fell into a heap on the floor- Diluc still clinging onto you, his now breathy sobs trickling down your shoulder and you doing your best to comfort him. You had your fair share of words to say to him- you wanted to apologize for leaving so suddenly, how childish you had been for doing so, how you or other few people would be able to convince Diluc to have a sit down and work things out maturely. But you had time for that later- right now, Diluc is in your arms and you and his. You two had a lot to work on but at this moment, you just needed to be with him.
“We’ll be okay.” You whispered, and it was enough to soothe Diluc’s fears. Enough to have his tense shoulders relax as he drew out a long, shaken breath. You felt him smile against your skin now damp with his tears. For the first time, Diluc had been given a second chance. Maybe life wasn’t so unfair to him after all.
Kaeya has been drinking more than usual since he left you. He knows why he left so abruptly- he felt as though he was getting too close, and one thing he feared more than the inevitable were relationships that require you to become committed. The mistakes of the past may come seeping back in again when he had built such a familial bond with Crepus and Diluc only for it to be torn away from him so fast and so painfully. Now, he noticed how close he was getting with you and he decided to end it first before you could- before he could be trapped into another bond he can’t risk having.
Kaeya would watch you from afar sometimes; he watches as you divert your usual path to the market to avoid him, how you would close your bakery early to stop seeing him on his daily visits to the Tavern. It seemed to you, however, that bumping into Kaeya was unavoidable. When you’re struggling with carrying a bag of flour, Kaeya just happens to be standing there as he wordlessly helps you. When something you need from the market is sold out, Kaeya’s in the corner ordering his knights to bring in a new shipment. You’re not allowed to bar customers from buying at your bakery for no reason, and you thought that Kaeya would stop buying from you once you two broke up. But his orders kept coming and you had to see him constantly while delivering your loaves to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, much to your annoyance. You wonder sometimes if he was doing this on purpose. You felt deja vu with this game of his so you avoided him to the best of your ability. Kaeya did do it on purpose. He wanted some semblance of closeness to you without actually being close to you. He knows he can’t keep chasing you this way.
But how could have ever been so stupid? You’ve been nothing but kind and patient with him- you put up with his alcoholism and soothe him through his hangovers then there he goes again to repeat the same habits and dismiss your worried scolding. You never questioned his methods of executing his work- those moments he would flirt with others under the guise of ‘getting information’ to see how you would react- and you would be there to smile at him and mouth ‘good job’. When you did question him about it, your fear being reasonable, he would turn the tables by saying you’re paranoid. You gave him genuine love out of the few people who had given him the same. He wanted to push you away so badly, and when you finally left, why did it torment him so much? You are always so kind to him, what scum was he to break your heart?
“Sorry, sorry…” Kaeya mumbled as he bumped into a few tables at Angel’s Share. He’s been drinking again, not a rare sight to see, but now he’s causing trouble by aimlessly walking around the Tavern and his tab is almost as long as a mile. Unbeknownst to him, Charles had called you to come pick him up as the other knights were already drunk, and his companion Rosaria was already asleep by the bar. Kaeya could only look up in his drunken stupor to see you, standing in front of him, arms open to greet him in. Maybe he’d forgotten that he had left you as Kaeya could only slur your name happily and fall into your arms under the impression that he was coming home to you like he used to. Until now, you’re still so kind to him.
“Y/N~” He mumbled, hiding at the crook of your neck, his breath reeking of alcohol. “I missed you, Y/N.” You couldn't help but flinch as you steady Kaeya to his feet.
“Let’s get you home big guy.” You say, straining to keep Kaeya walking on his feet as he thrashes around you. When you finally get back however, it was at your place, and Kaeya was more than elated to see it. He spreads himself out on your couch like he used to and watches as you leave to get him water from the kitchen. When you return, you’re shocked to see Kaeya crying into his hands. You approach him tentatively and set the water down.
“I’ve been so unkind to you, Y/N.” Kaeya says when he looks up to see you sitting next to him on the couch. You almost wanted to shove him out of your house as the next words that came out his mouth rushed at you like a pack of wolves. “I really did love you, Y/N. I still do.” You purse your lips as Kaeya forces you to listen to his drunken confession.
“I should have treated you better. You’re wonderful, did I tell you that?” You shake your head no and he laughs. “You are, you really are.” By now, Kaeya’s eyes are fluttering shut. Even in this condition, he’s still so beautiful.
“Nobody can love me like you can, Y/N.” he says, leaning his head on your shoulder. “Please forgive me.” Your hands smooth down Kaeya’s back but you don’t say anything. He keeps talking.
“I don’t know why I pushed you away, I was afraid of you… getting to know me I guess.”
“What’s there to be afraid of?” You say finally, your voice comforting Kaeya in a way he missed so dearly. “Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do in a relationship?” Kaeya chuckles and slides down, his head falling onto your lap as he looks up at you. Your eyes are glazed over and tears fall down your cheeks. You couldn’t lie to yourself anymore; you missed him, no matter how much he hurt you- you missed him. Kaeya reached up to wipe the tears off of your face, your skin warm to the touch under his cold fingers. You melted into his palms.
“Please, let’s start over, Y/N.” He whispers, promptly falling asleep. You sniffle and lean your head back against the couch.
“Sure, big guy, sure.” You say, but he doesn’t hear your answer. Kaeya’s already passed out on your couch, his head on your lap, a small smile creeping up his face. Maybe he’ll regret pouring his heart out to you when morning comes, denying it ever happened and mask it with his false bravado. But nothing mattered to him right now, he’s told his truth, and he’s close to you. Nothing can worry him when he’s in your company.
Eons have passed since Zhongli committed his greatest regret of slaying his beloved. Years after his triumph in the Archon War, his ascension to be the Geo Archon, the events of Khaenri’ah, and his current stepping down as an overseer for Liyue. All this time has passed since Zhongli has reigned timeless where all his companions have not; from erosion to war to mere degeneration. Worst of all was you who had died by his hands when you should be by his side until now. Though he was content with his new life posing as a mortal, Zhongli still yearns for the past when he spent the happy days without a care in the world. On times when he feels especially lonely does Zhongli’s longing for you only overwhelm him- and he allows himself to grieve you in a way he should have many years ago- feeling the true weight that came with the aftermath of your death. Thousands of years have passed and still, Zhongli can’t seem to forgive himself. How could he? You are gone, the one who has stayed by his side for eons, worst of all because of his petty fear and need to be triumphant.
Today, Zhongli was feeling especially nostalgic. He had diverted his usual schedule of walking around Liyue Harbor then ending the day at the tea house when he found himself leaving the city and into the outskirts of Liyue. As he walked, Zhongli reminisced about his past with you. Your memories now are so daunting and clear in his mind, hitting him so suddenly as if you had called up to see him personally. In everything he saw, he was reminded of you; how you’d always brighten up his mood with your beautiful smile the same way the wildflowers around him did, how you had Osmanthus Wine with him along with the Guili Assembly as Zhongli watched a group of finches fly by, how you had always stayed by his side no matter what good or bad he’s done as a pair of butterflies flittered past him. How fond were those memories then. If only you would be here to remember them with him now.
Zhongli stops in his walk to a path now faded from the land. He scans around the area and stumbles upon something that looks as though it’s out of place in this lonely area. Here beyond the great vastness of his land, the one that used to be yours, was a single flower not yet in bloom. Zhongli stared down at the specimen, he hadn't seen anything like it before. He knelt down to examine the bud further and only then did Zhongli hear a disembodied voice echo throughout the plains- so familiar, so soothing.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, Morax.” You said, your voice manifesting itself to surround Zhongli like an embrace. Even after all these years, he could see your smile. Even after what he did to you, you’re so kind to him still. Zhongli laughs and sits down on the grass, fingers digging into the earth beneath him.
“I go by Zhongli now, Y/N.” He says, looking up into the clear blue sky, trying to picture your face still clear in his mind. He smiles.
“Time has been unkind to you, my love.” You say. Until now, you still carry the love for him to call him yours. “How has your life been so far?” He recounts the years of the events that you’ve missed up until his descent from the sky. How much he’s agonized over these years without you by his side. How you had been his anchor throughout the rage that ran rampant during the Archon war. After that he grows silent when you don’t answer. Only a gentle breeze passed by and Zhongli could feel tears well up in his eyes.
“I miss you terribly, Y/N.” He whispers. Only then did you speak once more.
“I am always with you, Zhongli, in these lands, that single flower has roots embedded deep into the earth. And you, my dear, are the earth that supports us all.” You say. “After all, you have been the one to teach me that the land can carry memories for centuries.” Zhongli couldn’t help but laugh.
“Pray tell, when does your flower bloom my dear?” He asked.
“When time comes, my darling, it will.”
“Then I will wait for the day I hope to see it bloom.” For a while, you two talked and for a while, Zhongli felt the peace that he feared may never come to him again. Even if you weren’t there, Zhongli could feel your presence, your ability to give him the solace he had craved so desperately since the day you departed from this world. The thought suddenly appears in his mind and he abruptly stops. He needed to apologize to you, to ease the gnawing guilt that ate away at him for centuries.
“Y/N, words cannot express how much I regret what I did to you those centuries ago.” He says. Zhongli didn’t cry but a sharp pang of pain rose into his chest. “If I didn’t… you would still be here.”
“Oh, Zhongli,” You said. “I’ve already forgiven you.” With that, the flower by Zhongli’s feet bloomed into a wonderful specimen, followed by more that spread throughout the once empty grasslands of your domain. Their petals bursting with a variety of colors as their tips faded into a warm shade of yellow, a sweet fragrance wafted into the air and winds billowed to have them flow like waves along with the tall grass. The sunset shone onto the delicate petals as they glimmered like a million stars from where Zhongli sits, flying into the air to shower him in a dance of a million suns. “Should the day ever come, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories. I love you, Morax.” (Quote taken from Zhongli’s Voiceline)
Zhongli wasn’t the type to cry; today however, he felt more vulnerable. As your voice was carried away by the winds, Zhongli couldn't help but smile widely through his tears, watching the glimmering petals fall down onto him like blazing snowfall.
“You’re still as wonderful as I remember Y/N.” Now, you’ve overtaken every part of Zhongli’s being, his senses and existence. Like a hug that bid Welcome Back, have you finally returned home to him. He can’t wait for the day he can finally come back to you.
Years had passed since the petty argument you two had, your ‘disappearance’ and Xiao’s laborious but fruitless attempts in trying to find you. When he finally did, it was more than obvious that you had already moved on. You’ve lived your mortal life and found a new person to be with, someone who has dedicated their life to you in a way Xiao couldn’t. You’d even started a family. You looked as though you were more than happy with the life you’re living without him. This would’ve made Xiao content to know that you’re safe, but why couldn’t he let you go? Why does he still watch over you in the hopes that you’d call his name? He gives a lot of reasons as to why he stays: monsters could attack unexpectedly; your child might trip and fall from a high place… you might need help to gather Qingxin flowers like you used to. Every excuse came to Xiao’s mind each time he watched you live your life from a distance. It felt more like a comfort to him, reasoning within himself on why he can never leave. What he doesn’t want to admit is that he still cares for you in a way that isn’t protective nor dutiful. Xiao has felt the emptiness of the abrupt stop of your relationship, and he feels responsible for being the one to drive you away. He wanted to apologize to you.
Xiao believed that he was giving himself an empty hope that he could be of service to you once more. Maybe he was only wasting his time doing this and that he should leave you alone for good. He wonders though, what would it be like if he met you once more. Would he be the one to approach you? Would you stumble upon him accidentally one day? Would you laugh? Would you cry? Would you be angry with him? Xiao didn't know, and still, he held on. Any interaction with you would suffice. One day, there was little to no wind, but a small breeze passed and grazed his ears. He stopped and looked around to clarify what he had heard. Xiao’s ears could never fool him- his senses were trained to be perfect.
You had called his name. In the blink of an eye, he was there in front of you, after all these years of watching from afar, years since that argument, years since you had last called his name, you were facing him and he with you. Xiao didn’t know what to say to you; so many words got caught in his throat at the suddenness of your call. He didn’t even know why he responded so quickly, maybe he’d been mistaken and was only giving himself false hope that you actually needed him. But you only smiled at him, a look he had almost forgotten.
“Hello again, Xiao.” You said. His name almost felt foreign on your tongue, but you were comforted to know that even after all these years he still cared for you.
“Y/N.” Xiao finally said, stiff and formal, that he wondered if this was the same familiarity he’d felt the moment he saw you this close. You’re older now; time undone on your features, but you still carried the same kind disposition you had those years you were his. You sat down and motioned him to sit with you. Obediently, he did. Xiao felt awkward in your presence- it was silent, and you didn’t say a word. He couldn’t. If he did, he might choke.
“We’re long overdue for an apology, don’t you think?” You said, your head turned towards the sky. Xiao held onto his pant legs tightly and some odd guttural sound came from his throat.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” Xiao said stiffly, biting at his lip to force himself to say more.
“I shouldn’t have snapped at you that day.”
“Xiao…” you said with a sigh.
“I was being crass with you when you were only being kind to me.”
“Please accept my apology.”
“Xiao!” Xiao turned to look at you and your attention was at him.
“Doesn’t this feel familiar?” You said. “I meant I’m the one that should apologize to you. I shouldn’t have left that way.” Xiao scoffs.
“You had good reason to.” He says standing up. “I treated you poorly.” You shook your head and stood with him.
“We should’ve talked about it, I’m so sorry.” You said. “I felt as if I was only holding you down. That’s why I left, when I really shouldn’t.” Xiao stops for a moment and looks away to see your family from down below. Your lover playing in the fields with two of your children.
“Tell me, Y/N, are you happy with the life you have?” He asked. You looked down to where his gaze was set and nodded. Xiao crosses his arms and closes his eyes. “Then I forgive you. You’ve lived your mortal life and it eases my mind to know that you… and your family are safe.” Before he could leave, you took hold of his hand. Xiao almost wanted to pull away, but something familiar in his chest kept him from retracting. How he missed this.
“If you ever want some almond tofu,” you say. “I always have some available for you.” His gaze softened at how familiar this exchange had been. With that, Xiao nodded, and you were first to let go, watching as he dispersed into black smoke.
“And if you ever need me, call my name.” Since then, Xiao has become a common face to see for you and your family. He had been acquainted with your lover and you tell your children countless stories about the Guardian Yaksha as Xiao would leave before he could hear you embarrass him. It gave you a comfort to know that he did not hold any malice against you. And Xiao was rewarded once more by your time spent with him until the end of your mortal life. You had been blessed with longevity and Xiao was there by your side to see you off until the end. He had a peace of mind that even in your final days, you still seeked him to accompany you. Xiao can only hope now that in your next life, your soul may find a way to meet him once more.
Ever since your death, many noticed that Childe’s work had become “sloppy”. His assignments turned in late, the success of his completion dropped, and his overall capabilities seemed to stagnate. Everything came crashing down in his life the moment he found you lying dead on your bedroom floor. One would think that witnessing your death in the hands of those that worked for him would push him to fight better. However, Childe couldn’t think of anything else but revenge and nobody was merciful enough to give him the information that he needed. So, his anger was directed at something else: his fruitless attempts of tracking down your killers and his performance diminished to an extent that he needed rest. With that, Childe decided to take some time off from fighting and working. It was his absence that had taken away your life after all. Besides, working in his state of mind hindered his abilities to properly execute assignments and others that the Tsaritsa took notice of. She understood his plight and gave Childe time to grieve properly at his own pace. She couldn’t possibly have one of her best soldiers out there unable to fulfill her wishes. Then, he was set off in a time that would’ve been the perfect opportunity to spend with you. So many things you two could have done together. After that, hurtful words came at him once the other Fatui found out he was going to take a break to mourn you. ‘The 11th has gotten weak.’, ‘Such a pity that Tartaglia’s become soft.’, ‘Serves the lunatic right.’ Childe wanted nothing more than to slaughter them all, make them apologize, make them hurt and agonize the same way he is. But he could only hang his head low and think of you; his job of slaughter was the one that killed you when his enemies finally found his weakness despite his attempts to hide you away. They only showed you the same mercy he did. Looks like they were successful.
Childe had been the one to pay for all your funeral arrangements. It had a small gathering of your few close friends and family as well as his own. As much as he wanted it to be big, to match up to such a wonderful person such as you and let the world know of his dearly beloved, he couldn’t risk any more attention that could lead to trouble. Childe could only listen to silent apologies and condolences, feeling animosity with each one thrown at him as they felt almost insulting. Don’t say sorry to me, I did this. It was my fault. Childe could only watch in scorn as your friends wept over your casket in a way he couldn’t bring himself to. He feels undeserving to cry over you and yet, he feels as though everyone else’s grief towards you cannot compare to his own. Stop crying for them like that. You didn’t know them like I did. You didn’t love them like I do. Hollow conversations would fill the little room sometimes, others talking to him about how wonderful you were and healthy ways he should cope with loss. Only then would Childe excuse himself and hold in his anger until it would cease. I need you, Y/N. I don’t think I can do this without you. Sometimes however, Childe could feel sneers coming his way- talks about how he could have saved you, how it may have been his fault you died in such a tragic manner. He can’t think of anything else but you; he could’ve stayed, he could’ve stayed with you that night. How careless of him to leave you alone.
You were buried in your hometown; a peaceful cemetery in a quiet stretch of land where others would have picnics with their departed loved ones. Childe wonders sometimes that if this was his punishment for being selfish, to repent for the countless lives he took. That life had taken you away so unexpectedly to teach him the importance of time spent and to have him feel the karma of the agony he had wrought unto others. In these instances, Childe can’t feel anything. His body goes numb with his mind as he stands over your grave, watching it unmoving, expecting you to wrap your arms around him from behind and tell him it’s okay. But you’re gone; once the reality of the fact sets in, Childe would only turn and walk away to return the next day.
Childe would spend his days on your grave- telling you about his day, having picnics as the others did, sometimes weeping to the point he would crumple above the soil that kept you away from him. He’d spend hours upon end there, to make up for the lost time he can never spend with you. Every day without fail, Childe would apologize incessantly for being gone, his faults and his wrongs, especially his time away that night you’d been so brutally taken away from him. Childe thought he was being discreet every time he paid you a visit. Today however, he was followed. In the middle of him setting down a bouquet of flowers on your headstone, Childe heard heavy footsteps coming from behind him.
“Can you at least have the decency to let me be in this place?” He asked as some Fatui went and circled him. Childe knew better and decided to walk away from the cemetery to let the others follow him.
“You’ve become weak, Tartaglia.” One of them said, pointing his weapon at him. “It was because of that little love of yours, wasn’t it?” Childe balled his fists and stared at them threateningly.
“Don’t you dare speak of them that way.” He said lowly. The skirmisher couldn’t help but smile under his mask, not fearing the 11th Harbinger the way he used to.
“You should’ve heard them, boasting about how you’re going to save them. We shut them up real quick after that.” Childe snapped. In a fit of blind fury, he summoned his delusion and cut down the group before they were even aware of what’s happening to them. After the bloodshed, Child fell to his knees and screamed into the ground, angry tears falling from his face. He’s finally gotten revenge on those who had killed you, but why is the pain not leaving? Why does he feel as though his heart has been gouged out of him? Why is the pain so devastatingly worse than before?
Childe knows that he can never get closure after what happened, but he knows that he can recover. He can rest easy to know that he served your justice in his own volition. It may take years, but you’d want him to live, won’t you? He’ll live and fight in your name. At least he knows now, in some sick way, that even in your most terrifying moment, you still had faith to ask for him to save you.
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riacte · 2 years
It’s weird how this new trafficseries feels both so new and nostalgic at the same time, and the strange thing is that I’ve been around for all two seasons. I’ve seen it all. I was there when Grian posted that iconic screenshot and we were all ???, unaware of the Cultural Reset 3L would bring. I was there when LL was announced and we spent ages begging for a second season of 3L.
Like, I’m staring at the screen, unable to comprehend we’re getting a third season despite asking about it for months. And the thing is, I went through the exact same thing with LL. Like “I can’t believe we’re getting a second season”. But right now it’s like a second season never happened and I’m still in awe, still thinking this concept is fresh and new.
Server I’m in was discussing LL angst and I was instantly devastated by the convo despite those conversations going on daily for the entire run of 3L / LL (which I have experienced). And I was thinking, “How did I survive seeing those angsty posts daily on tumblr??? How did I get used to them??”
I’m super happy I’m still able to view Life Season 3 with a somewhat fresh lens, like I know how this will vaguely go, allies and groups and complicated relationship charts and inevitable emotional devastation, but I also have no idea what will happen. What twist will they put? Which duo will I get attached to? What sort of new meta will arise?
Anyways, I am sitting here, knowing in a few months time, something will have changed me. Something will haunt me, like how 3L and LL haunts me. I’m nervous, but so excited.
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
“Divorced and happy.” PART THREE
A/N: Part one here. Part two here.
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To say that, that conversation was devastating would be an understatement. You hardly remember the drive home, you just assumed it was awkward. You couldn’t begin to imagine how Adam felt, you wouldn’t have known how to react if you saw him in the arms of his ex, not only an ex but an ex spouse. Adam drove both you and Vanessa home that night, you don’t remember speaking at all, most of the aftershock was a blur.
You vaguely remembered watching Vanessa enter her home, but after that you were pretty much drawing a blank.
According to Samantha, Adam brought you inside and put you in bed, he let her know what happened that night. You cringed at the thought of him having to recall what he saw, you truthfully didn’t know what part of the conversation he even caught.
Understandably so, Adam decided to give you some space for the time being. Texting you ever so often to see if you needed anything, and occasionally bringing you something to eat but he usually didn’t stick around, which was good because you didn’t really want him to. Although, you were grateful a huge part of you was embarrassed.
The next few days or so were spent on your couch sulking when Reyna was at preschool. Nobody ever truly thought that Jack would come around, and you held your breath hoping that one day that he would, but he had some pretty terrible timing. You were frustrated because now it just felt calculated and a little too late.
It was the middle of the week now, you had just dropped Reyna off at preschool when you walked back into your apartment and saw Samantha standing there with a big grin and her keys in her hand.
“No Sam!” You groaned as you headed back to the couch. “You need to leave the house Y/N” she begged “or at least talk about how you’re feeling, come on! You’ve hardly said anything to me and it’s been days.”
“What else is there to say?” You shrugged trying your best to keep your composure.
“You know I know you better than anyone right?” she sat down next to you shooting you a look.
You wiped a tear that escaped you as you looked away from her.
“You also can’t keep avoiding Adam” she confessed and you knew in your gut that she was right.
“ I just don’t even know how to explain what happened. I mean did anything even really happen? Jack didn’t really say anything to me but I knew what he was trying to say…”you trailed off stopping yourself from getting emotional.
“You can cry Y/N, I’ve literally seen you go through everything especially with Jack. You don’t need to hold back” Samantha looked at you and you forced a smile back.
“I’m just so tired of crying over him” your voice shook. “ I’ve spent the last couple years of my life crying over him. I’m exhausted. I’m frustrated because he doesn’t get to decide to ask me those questions now. I’ve met a really good guy, I mean sure he can be a little boring but boring is okay sometimes right?“
Samantha laughed at your realization “Adam is a really nice guy though Y/N….”
You looked over at her and held back a laugh as she nodded “but yes, he’s a little bland.”
You looked at her with wide eyes “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT SOONER?”
Samantha laughed, before being silent for a moment, which surprised you, she was never one to be left speechless, so you looked at her confused.
“ I wouldn’t usually say this, but I feel like you owe it to yourself to hear what he has to say.”
You looked at her and felt her forehead, she looked at you weird for a moment.
“What are you doing?”
“Making sure you don’t have a fever or something, because that’s the craziest shit you’ve ever said.”
She laughed “I feel like you need that closure conversation, and maybe you’d feel better.”
You nodded, sitting on the couch still deep in thought.
“Get ready, let’s go somewhere” Samantha tapped your leg so you’d stand up and you nodded, knowing you probably did need to get out of the house.
She wouldn’t tell you where you were going initially but once you started the drive you realized she was taking you to the lake you used to go to together all the time when you were pregnant with Reyna and a lot after she was born. “Remember this is the venting lake?” She laughed and you nodded “yeah, we haven’t been here in so long.”
You both got out of the car and sat on her hood, shortly after you were there for a while you noticed she was distracted by her phone. Before you could ask who she was texting a familiar car pulled up.
You went into a slight panic, Samantha noticed right away assuring you it was only Urban that was coming.
When he walked over to Samantha and gave her a kiss, you practically screamed.
“What the fuck?” The two of them looked at your expression and laughed.
“How long has this been going on?” You got off the hood of the car, staring at the both of them.
“Maybe a month?” Samantha laughed awkwardly, she wasn’t usually one to keep things from you.
“A MONTH?” You slapped her arm and laughed “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??”
You had always known that Samantha and Urban had a chemistry but the entire time you and Jack were together they were both never single at the same time, so a part of you was surprised and the other part of you was relieved.
Urban laughed “ We didn’t want to tell you until we were sure” he shrugged.
“Is this why you want me to talk to Jack?” You looked at Samantha wide eyed.
Urban looked over at her and then back at you “you told her to talk to him?”
Samantha shrugged “for closure.”
Urban didn’t say anything at all avoiding all eye contact with the both of you making both you and Samantha uneasy “oh god, what’s going on?” You asked hopeful he wouldn’t have much to say.
“He’s not in the best shape” Urban swallowed.
You raised an eyebrow at that “Urban, you can’t tell a half ass story.”
He shook his head “I mean, that’s my best friend. I can’t put him on blast like that.”
“He also cheated on me after I had our child. Do you remember that?” You looked at him knowing just how to make him feel guilty.
“Damn, you don’t fight fair” he shook his head.
“I think Sammie is right, I think now that you’ve both had some days to think about it that you should talk to him” Urban paused when he saw you looking at him holding back a laugh “what?”
“Sammie? You have nicknames?” You giggled.
Urban rolled his eyes “focus!”
“Yes sir” you laughed and he continued “ whether you two like it or not you’re going to have to deal with each other for the rest of Reynas life.”
You nodded “I know that Urb, but what do you expect me to do? ”
“Maybe when he picks Reyna up tomorrow you guys can talk” Samantha smiled, she could tell this conversation was overwhelming you. “Wanna take my car? Urb can take me home later” she smiled holding out her keys to you.
You reached for her keys “Oh you mean Urby? Urby bear?” You teased and they both laughed and you hugged them both goodbye before driving home.
On the way home you thought about the conversation you just had with Samantha and Urban, and also the fact that they were dating for an entire month and kept it a secret was crazy to you.
When you pulled up to your house you saw Adams car outside, which wasn’t all that surprising to you since he had been bringing you lunch ever so often but what you didn’t expect was for him to be visibility upset.
You got out of the car and saw him instantly get out of his, his face was flushed and he was obviously irritable.
“Hey babe” you greeted him and he walked up to you quickly “hi.”
“Where were you? I called you like three times.”
You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and saw three missed calls from Adam and surprisingly one missed call from Jack. You shoved your phone back in your pocket right away.
“I was out, are you okay?” You eyed him up and down noticing now how clearly bothered he was.
“Were you with him?”
“Him?” You gave him a confused look.
“Jack” he looked directly at you, you could sense the sadness in his eyes.
“No of course not, I was out with Samantha and Urban” you were trying your best not to be defensive knowing Adam had every right to be concerned but you definitely didn’t like the way he was approaching you.
“Let’s go inside?” You looked around at your neighborhood and Adam followed you inside.
When you got inside you both had a seat in the living room across from one another, Adam had softened a bit since being outside.
“I’m sorry” he sighed, “we just haven’t talked in a few days and I mean, I still don’t know what happened the other night.”
“I get it” you nodded. “I mean, I just don’t know where to start.” You could feel yourself getting overwhelmed already, but you knew that if the situation was reversed you’d want to know the details too.
“What am I supposed to think? I walked out and saw my girlfriend sobbing in the arms of her ex husband” he shrugged defeated, you could tell he had been stressing over this situation.
Before you could speak he interjected “before you tell me anything, do you want to be with him? ”
You felt slightly hurt that he even had to ask that, but at the same time you had been so brief about your past relationship with Jack that you couldn’t blame him for having so many questions.
“No Adam, I just…” you sighed and started going into the details of what happened the other night. Adam understandably had a lot of questions but asked only one “he cheated on you and thats why you got divorced?”
You nodded “well, it was a mixture of things but yeah I’d say that was pretty much what sealed the deal.”
“Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?” The look on his face was exactly why but you didn’t want to say that to him, the look of pity on his face sickened you.
“He’s the father of my child, and for that I’ll always have a level of respect for him just as a person” you shrugged “I didn’t want you to view him as some evil person, he’s Reynas dad and we were young” you shrugged again avoiding Adams gaze.
“If you’re old enough to get married and have a kid you’re old enough to know not to cheat on your spouse” Adam laughed, his tone came out sharp and you understood it but at the same time deep down you wanted to defend Jack for some reason.
Instead you just nodded, Adam could tell you were clearly upset by what he said.
“I didn’t mean to offend you Y/N” he walked over to you and held you.
You leaned your head against him “You’re right though.” You sighed looking up at Adam “why did you think I was out with him?”
Adam was embarrassed, his cheeks lit up immediately “ after the other night, and seeing how emotional you were I just got into my own head.”
“I haven’t spoken to him since that night” you assured him.
He looked down at his watch realizing he was going to be late going back to work “do you wanna have dinner tonight if you’re feeling up to it?”
You nodded “sounds good” and walked him to the door, opening it to see Jack pulling up to your house.
“What the fuck” you audibly reacted, feeling like the air had just been knocked out of your lungs.
“Haven’t talked to him since that night huh?” Adam looked annoyed, you realized he thought you were lying.
“I haven’t Adam” you said defensively.
“Why would he show up here knowing Reyna is at school?”
“Your guess is as good as mine” you sighed, slightly irritated at how accusatory Adam was being.
Jack got out of his car not noticing the two of you making your way toward him. The look on his face made it obvious to you that he hadn’t initially realized Adams car was there.
“Hey Reynas school called me, they needed her to bring something for show and tell today and I guess she forgot it.” You knew he was lying, but you appreciated the effort.
“You can’t just show up here without calling” Adam bucked defensively which surprised both you and Jack.
“Well, I called and nobody answered, it also pertains to my child….so” Jack laughed clearly annoy Adam, looking over at you for response.
You shot Adam a look, “I think after what happened the other night he should know better than to just show up here.”
Before you could respond Jack did.
“Do we have an issue?” Jack stepped toward Adam and Adam stepped forward too, it was clear to you neither man was going to back down without you interfering.
“There’s about to be one” Adam stepped forward again, his fists were clenched and that was enough for you. You put a hand between the two of them, Jack looked at the fear in your eyes and stepped back but Adam didn’t.
“ADAM! LEAVE” You raised your voice slightly, standing in front of Jack.
Adam looked at you, embarrassment written all over his face “Nice to know you’ve made your decision. Call me when you change your mind” he scoffed, walking to his car and speeding off.
You didn’t even know how to react to that, you were obviously frustrated by the entire thing.
Jack showing up unannounced was one thing but Adam being aggressive was an entire other thing in itself.
“Can I come in?” Jack sighed, obviously unaware that, that was going to happen.
“You have the best timing” you said sarcastically laughing and he shook his head following you inside “my fault.”
He took a seat on one of your barstool chairs.
“Sorry, I didn’t know he was here. I called you but you didn’t…”
“It’s fine” you interrupted, wanting to cut this conversation short.
“I didn’t know Adam was such a hot head” he smirked and you shook your head, obviously annoyed by that entire interaction. “The way you swooped in there and defended my honor was pretty attractive” he smirked.
“Shut up” you rolled your eyes, holding back a giggle “I didn’t want Reyna to see her dad with a black eye.”
“Is that right?” He laughed before changing the subject. “So Urb and Samantha huh?” He laughed again and you looked at him shocked “did you know before me? I’ll literally die.”
He shook his head “he called me like an hour ago to tell me and that you guys went out to the lake.”
You nodded and he continued “the venting lake” he used air quotes.
“You remember that?” You were genuinely surprised, you never felt like he paid you any attention, especially back then.
“Of course I do” he smiled.
After all this time, his smile was still your favorite thing about him. You hated to admit it but being alone with him still made you feel an overwhelming amount of butterflies.
“I assume you’re not here to talk about Urban and Samantha though right?”
He shook his head, he was never really good with expressing himself, which was ironic to you considering his entire career was based off of him being good with words.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about the other day and I had no right to ask you that question, at least not there. You’re right, my timing sucks” he laughed awkwardly.
You looked at him, reading his sorrow expression knowing this conversation wasn’t going to be an easy one. “I should’ve reacted better, but I just felt like I had no control over myself.
“Thats on me for that” he chewed on his bottom lip nervously, “ I’ve been known to have that effect on you” he sighed.
You nodded knowing it wasn’t the first time he had seen you break down like that, because of something he said or did.
“Jack, I- I really like Adam” you leaned against your kitchen counter directly across from him “well, I liked Adam, I have no idea what the hell is going on with that now” you sighed.
“Thats the thing though” he smiled at you “you’ve never told me that you love Adam. You’ve always told me that you liked him.”
You felt a sense of nervousness overwhelm you, you knew he was right, you’ve never said you loved Adam out loud before, because you weren’t entirely sure that you did.
“Whats your point?” Your natural reaction was to be defensive.
“If you don’t love him yet then maybe there is still time for us” he mumbled.
“Time for us?” He always knew how to make your blood boil. “What brought all of this on? You haven’t given a shit about me for the last few years, you didn’t even fight for me when we were married Jack.”
“That’s not true” he scratched at his beard, a nervous tick you were well aware of, making you smirk at him.
“I’ve always loved you, always. You’re the mother of my child, how could I not?”
“You don’t cheat on the person you love” you sat up now, arms folded across your chest clearly annoyed with the conversation “ you don’t divorce the person you love.”
“I fucked up, a lot, countless amounts of times, I know that” he watched you intently as your body language was defensive “I didn’t appreciate you and I should have. I should’ve taken our marriage seriously and I didn’t but I can’t do anything about that now. I can just show you how I’ve changed.“
You couldn’t help but laugh, passive aggressively of course.
“What’s funny?” He looked at you, an eyebrow raised in annoyance.
“Oh, I’m sorry? Am I not allowed to react? You want to finally show me how you’ve changed? After we’ve been divorced for what almost a year now? You don’t still love me Jack, you just don’t want to see me with someone else.”
“That’s not true” he huffed, standing up to approach you.
“I’ve been really getting my shit together. I started the label, I set time aside so I could be home with Reyna more, I’m a good dad! I’m ready to prove that i’d be a good husband or boyfriend again” he was standing close to you now, his energy felt overwhelming. It took everything within you not to kiss him and be agreeable, you had finally heard all of the things you’d been longing to hear.
“I’m not doubting that you’re a good father, you’re a great dad. You’ve just never been the best at being monogamous. I don’t see how much could have changed in such a small amount of time” you started to cry, he backed away from you slightly assuming that standing so close to you wasn’t helping, he kept his eyes on you though.
“Tell me” he cleared his throat, you could tell that he was holding back a cry too.
“Tell you what?”
“Tell me you’ve fallen out of love with me” he looked at you, you avoided his eye contact.
“I-“ You’re voice trembled, you didn’t want to lie to him.
“If you can admit to me that you’re not still in love with me, I’ll leave you alone. You don’t have to worry about this conversation, we can forget it ever-“
You grabbed him by the neck so he’d lean down to you, you looked into each other’s eyes for a moment and you kissed him. He picked you up, you wrapped your legs around his waist, and you continued to kiss him, not noticing the door flinging open.
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stranger-nightmare · 3 years
I’m sooo excited!! I’m also craving angst for Druig please 🥺
Could you write something where the reader has been silently struggling with her mental health and when the eternals all reunite he notices that she isn’t the same bright person he once knew and he makes it his mission to get her to open up to him?
𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐞
Pairing: Druig x (female) Eternal!Reader
Summary: after the Eternals split you felt isolated and alone, struggling with your mental health. When the Eternals finally reunite Druig notices there’s something wrong and encourages you to open up to him
Warnings: angst, discussions of struggling with mental health issues, namely depression / anxiety, minor Eternals spoilers
A/N: please take care of yourselves, your mental health is so so important. If you’re struggling please reach out to someone, a friend, a loved one, a professional, anyone you trust. As a long time sufferer of depression and severe anxiety myself I know how difficult it can be to deal with. My asks / messages are always open if anyone wants / needs to talk🥰🖤 thank you for your request and I hope you like this!!
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When the Eternals had split it had devastated you. Your family suddenly torn apart. Apparently your shared purpose of eradicating all the deviants being the only thing that kept you together. So, once they were all gone, you and the Eternals were free to go your own ways. You just hadn’t expected the split to be so quick, so final. These people that you loved and had been side by side with for decades, suddenly gone.
You’d looked to Druig, the one you were closest too out of all the others. The two of you had a bond that no one else could compare to. You were always the one to go to his side when him and Ikaris clashed over how to deal with the humans. You were the one he always defended when you had different ideas on how to deal with the deviants. And yet, when the time had come, he’d simply retreated into the Amazonian forest.
And so you’d lived your life, devoid of love, devoid of purpose. Days, months, years, decades, they simply passed by you. You simply kept yourself occupied each day, making sure you were never alone long enough to really to think. You never settled, jumping from different locations whenever the urge struck you. You felt so disconnected. Nothing in your life was permanent and it scared you. You always kept people around but you never really let them in. You were scared to get close to anyone knowing you’d eventually lose them anyway.
Today you were sat in your living room, a rare moment where you were alone. You stared out your window, taking in the nightlife of the city below you. There was a weird comfort to be found in watching other people go about their lives as you sat in the dark silence of your apartment.
A noise behind you makes you spin your head instinctively. You turn only to see the majority of your fellow Eternals in the foyer of your apartment. Ikaris, Sersi, Sprite, Kingo, and another man you didn’t recognise who was holding a camera. And finally, Druig.
You feel the wind rush out of your lungs as you lock eyes with him. After centuries of feeling numb suddenly a thousand emotions surge through you at once. You blink back tears at the sudden rush of emotions.
“Hi” Sersi finally speaks. “We need your help."
And so now here you all were, on the Demo, reunited once more. You stood in silence against the wall as Phastos went over his technological inventions that would help Druig harness your collective power, hopefully enough to put Tiamut to sleep and stop the entire planet from being eradicated. You could feel Druig’s eyes shift to you every now and then, constantly flicking between paying attention to Phastos and staring at you. You deliberately avoided his eyes.
Once the plan had been established it was time for all of you to get some rest before the day ahead. You slink silently out of the room, padding quietly to what had once been your room.
You’d barely made it to the centre of the room when you feel him behind you. Druig. You freeze, keeping your back to him, knowing that looking at him would hurt too much. After years of being uncomfortably numb you’re sure your chest would collapse from the pain of confronting him.
You hear him step further into your room, now only a few paces behind you. Your body tenses and he obviously notices as he stops before coming too close.
“Y/n” he speaks softly. “Are you okay?” The question takes you slightly by surprise.
You shrug. “Yeah I’m fine” you do your best to keep your voice under control.
“Hmm” he hums softly behind you, clearly not believing you.
“It’s just the whole end-of-the-world situation. It’s a lot to process” you lie, deciding the best tactic was to throw him off course so he wouldn’t prod too far into how you were actually feeling.
“I think there’s more to it than that” he sighs. You shrug again.
“Y/n please, what’s wrong?” he asks softly.
You shake your head lightly, fighting the tears that were threatening to fall. You just wanted to be left alone. It’s what you were used to now.
“I know something’s not right. You’re too quiet. I know the situation is dire but I can tell it’s more than that. It’s like you weren’t even here with us, like the life has somehow been zapped out of you. You’re nothing like I remember you. And I don’t intend that to sound mean but I- I-“ he sighs before continuing. “I just don’t know what happened to you. You used to be so full life. But now... now you’re like a hollow shell of who you used to be.” You can hear the sadness in his voice.
You feel your shoulders shudder as a silent sob racks through you. You’re hurt by his words but you know they’re true. He sighs defeatedly.
“I didn’t intend for that to sound mean. I- I’m just worried about you, y/n” he says softly.
“You didn’t seem to be too worried the last few centuries” you mumble.
“Nothing” you sigh, trying to control your breath again.
“Please, just talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong” he pleads with you. “Y/n please.”
“I don’t know” you finally confess.
“What do you mean you ‘don’t know’”? he questions you, taking one step closer.
“I mean I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Druig” you snap. “It isn’t that simple, it’s not just one thing. It’s everything Druig. Everything. I’m just so alone. I just feel sad all the time, and when I don’t feel sad I don’t feel anything. I can’t connect with anyone. I’m too afraid to even try. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know what’s wrong with me...” you ramble, your chest rising and falling rapidly.
You suddenly feel Druig’s hands on your arms, spinning you around to face him. He looks you in the eye, concern plain on his face.
“Hey hey, there’s nothing wrong with you” he whispers urgently.
“Then why do I feel like this all the time? Why am I so alone? Why didn’t you ever come see me?” your voice cracks on the last sentence. You hadn’t even meant to ask that last question but the words were out your mouth before you could stop yourself.
“Well why didn’t you come visit me?” Druig counters in a panic. You make a sound that’s half way between a scoff and a sob.
“I wasn’t exactly sure you wanted to see me. Especially considering you were the one who snaked away into the Amazonian forest without so much as a goodbye. I thought you didn’t want to see any of us anymore” You see something like regret flash across his face.
“I was afraid” he admits quietly, his eyes breaking away from yours to stare at the floor. You knit your eyebrows together in confusion.
“Afraid of what?” you whisper.
“Afraid of the way I felt. The way I felt about you” he says hesitantly. “The way I still feel about you” he whispers so quietly you almost miss it. You’re taken aback, unsure of what to say. Thankfully he carries on quickly.
“But y/n you need to understand that there’s nothing wrong with you. The way you feel, isolated and alone, it’s perfectly normal. Especially considering the way our family split. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time living with the humans is that everyone feels like that sometimes, you’re not alone, even if you feel like you are. Sometimes human brains are just wired differently, some people are just predestined to having depression. But listen to me y/n,” he pauses to grab your face gently. “You’re not alone. I’m sorry that I made you feel so by never coming to see you. But I’ll never leave you alone again. I’m here, I’m right here” he whispers.
“I’m not going to promise you’ll feel better immediately. I can’t promise you’ll feel better for a long time to be honest, but the point is I’ll be there, by your side, to face it all. Okay?” he asks gently.
“Okay” you nod lightly, a tear of happiness sliding down your cheek, a smile on your face for what felt like the first time in centuries.
A/N: not me as someone who’s suffered from depression and anxiety for like ever and struggling to put the description in writing. Sorry I feel like this probably isn’t the best depiction of depression, and please note I KNOW depression is not cured just because someone is there to support you but I do know it helps so that’s what I was going for here. I hope this was okay??🙈🖤
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dominimoonbeam · 2 years
Don’t Cry
The Angel & Asher friendship fic of drama! Angel gets mugged outside of a parking garage while David is out of town for work and calls Asher for a ride.
It ended up being 5k! No one asked for this. It just happened.
tags: hospital, mugged, assault, emotional distress, hurt/comfort 
On ao3 but also here!
Don’t Cry
They only knew two numbers by heart other than their own.
They wanted to call Davey. They wanted Davey.
But he was out of town and calling him from a hospital like these was just cruel. What would he be able to do? He’d ditch the job and come straight back, they knew that. They wanted that. But it wasn’t right. They picked up the phone. It was weird and had a cord and actual buttons. Their hand shook, their knuckles scabbed and bruising. They dialed and held the phone close to their face but not touching. Their face hurt. Everything hurt. They were about to hang up when the call connected.
“Hello?” Asher asked, curious about the unfamiliar number.
“A—” Angel started and then choked back the rise of tears. Oh shit. No. Don’t cry! That wasn’t fair. They hadn’t cried when the cops brought them to the hospital. They hadn’t cried when they realized their phone had been stolen along with their backpack and all their stuff. They hadn’t cried when they made the report. They hadn’t even cried when they got stitches. They had kept their shit together!
“Hello?” Asher sounded worried now.
Angel cringed, still trying to get enough air to make proper words.
“Okay. Just focus on breathing,” Asher said. It was strange to hear him sound serious. Did he even know who he was talking to or was he just soothing a possible stranger on the phone? “You’re okay.”
Angel leaned against the wall, thankful for the empty room they were in. They dragged a few more breaths before trying again. “I-I’m sorry.”
“Little boss?” Asher did not sound calm anymore. “Where are you? What happened?”
“I’m fine. I just need a ride. I-I lost my phone and my keys.” Fuck. Their keys. They wouldn’t have even been able to get into the house let alone their car. “You…have the spare to the house, right?”
They heard Asher moving around on the other end of the call and the jingle of keys. A door opened and closed. “I’m coming. Where are you?”
Angel sighed. “I’m at the hospital.”
It sounded like Asher was running down a stairwell. He was, they realized. Of course, they could only tell by the echo of his steps and the chime of his keys—his breathing never gave it away. Asher could run for days and somehow still make it look easy. Angel thought that was cool. “I’ll be there in ten minutes. What happened?” he asked, never losing a step.
Angel dragged another deep breath, closing their eyes. They were so tired. The last three hours felt like days. “I got mugged.”
 Asher held his phone to his ear even when he got in his truck, starting the engine. Mugged? Little boss—alpha mini—David Shaw’s motherfuckin mate, got mugged? “But… the pepper spray?”
“It was in my bag! One guy grabbed my backpack before I even saw them!”
Asher was driving too fast, but it couldn’t be helped. No, no, that wasn’t true. He thought about how devastated David had been when they lost his dad and slowed down. Safe driving. But he also thought about how furious his alpha was going to be when— “Did you call David?”
“No…” their voice dropped low, quiet and nervous. “He’s not in town and it would freak him out, you know? He gets home tomorrow anyway…”
Oh, Asher was well aware that this was going to “freak out” David. He supposed Angel telling him how they lost their phone and shit to some assholes in person, when they could hug him and shit, would probably go over better than over the phone.
“You’re okay?” They could go over the whole story when he got them home and figure out when to call David. Most important was that they were okay.
“Yeah. I just need a ride. The cops took my statement and insisted on bringing me here. Didn’t offer to get me home…” they complained.
Asher briefly wondered if he’d even hear about this if Angel hadn’t needed a ride. They were one of the most open people he knew…unless they were the person in need.
“Where are you in the hospital. I’m only a handful of blocks from the emergency entrance,” he said.
“I can meet you outside.”
Asher agreed, pulling up in front of the emergency entrance and waiting. He didn’t have to wait long. His heart dropped low in his chest and he was out of the truck in a flash. “You said you were okay!” Asher practically shrieked. “What the holy hell…” He dragged a breath, taking in the sight of them.
Angel actually rolled their eyes. Which was impressive, since one of them was almost swollen shut. He came close, hands hovering over them. Half their face was covered in growing bruises and there was a cut on their forehead that had been taped. Their forearm was in a fucking cast and their shirt was ripped and bloody.
“I am fine,” Angel said.
Asher wanted to laugh but it wasn’t funny at all. It was just such a blatant lie! “No. No no no. This is not fine. What happened?”
Angel sighed, visibly exhausted. “I got mugged. Can you just take me home?”
Asher whined but walked them back to the truck, opening their door and helping them get up and in. They were moving so stiffly. If they hadn’t been to a hospital he would be driving them to one right now.
He ran around to the other side and jumped in.
Angel took a deep breath and sighed when they started driving. “My wallet was in my bag. Fuck. I’m gonna have to cancel all my shit but my phone was in there too…so I also have to change all my passwords…”
“I’ve got my phone. And we’ll get Babe to come over and help. They can bring their laptop.”
“Fuuuuuck, my laptop…”
“Forget the laptop for a minute. Tell me exactly what happened,” Asher pleaded, driving them toward the side of the city where they lived. David was absolutely going to lose it.
“I was walking back to the parking garage and this guy got in my way and was like, asking me stuff.”
Asher nodded, gripping the steering wheel hard. “What stuff?”
Angel blew out a breath and dropped their head back against the seat. “The usual douchebag creepy guy stuff. Does it matter?”
Oh. It definitely would matter to David…  Asher side glanced at them and decided to drop it for now. Angel was closing up on him. “So this guy is being a douchebag…”
“And his friend came out of nowhere! I didn’t even hear him! He was just fucking behind me, grabbing my backpack and lifting me by it. I kicked the guy in front of me but it all happened really fast.”
The words were also happening really fast. Luckily, Asher functioned on higher speed levels than most people and had no problem following. He knew Angel could spar. David had taught them to throw a punch and kick. “That’s okay, little boss. Shit happens and there’s no reason you should have expected that. It’s not your fault.”
Angel dragged a deep breath and let it out slow, nodding like they’d needed to hear that. “I punched one dude in the face. I think I broke his nose,” they said, lifting the hand in a cast. “Asshole got pissed and stomped on my arm.”
Asher squeezed the wheel, nodding. He was going to fucking listen and not get pissed. Not yet. Not in front of Angel when they were feeling like this might be on them. Which was insane.
Angel sighed and settled their arm back into their lap. “They kicked me a bunch and…”
Asher held his breath, heart clenching in his chest until his whole body hurt. “And?”
Angel shrugged. “Just take me home.”
Asher clenched his teeth so hard they hurt but he didn’t say anything. He just drove. Safely. All the way to the house.
He turned off the truck and got out, hurrying around to help them out but they were already hopping down, wincing at some pain in their side.
“You don’t have to stay. I just need you to unlock the door, Ash,” Angel said, sounding small again.
Asher stayed a step behind and to the side, watching their every move. They were definitely favoring one side. Asher pulled his keys back out and unlocked the door when they got to it. David’s key was on his keyring with his car and his apartment. He flicked on the lights and Angel walked into the house, going straight for their room. Asher got his phone out and texted Babe to pick up food and head over after work.
“Babe gets off work in about forty minutes.”
Angel left their bedroom door open and disappeared inside, the light flicking on. “Cool. You can go home, Ash, really. Thanks for coming to get me.” Their voice carried from inside. He could hear clothing rustling. He stood in the doorway but didn’t look, only because they had been to the hospital and someone had made sure they weren’t bleeding internally or anything.
“You know I’m not leaving. We’re obviously having a slumber party. Babe is bringing the food.” He texted Darlin fast. -I need you and Sam over at David’s.
And then he immediately added, -DON’T CALL DAVID
Angel sighed, coming back into view now wearing soft pants and a big sweater—David’s sweater. “I’m not going to be much fun. I’m probably just going to put an icepack on my face and fall asleep on the couch anyway.”
Asher blinked at them. “What? Oh, alpha mini… No.” He offered them his hand. “Come on.”
Angel took his hand and let him lead them to the couch, settling them in their favorite corner and putting the remote next to them. “I’m gonna raid your ice cream. Sam will get you fixed up when they get here and then we get to cut the cast off. So, you just have to hold out another hour or so until after sunset.” He ducked into the kitchen.
“You called Sam?” Angel asked.
Asher pulled some spoons out and found a half-eaten pint of strawberry cheesecake ice cream. When he came back to the living room, Angel was just sitting there, looking at their hands. Asher stopped and stared at them, remembering the ‘and…’ that ended their story. They had kicked them and… And… And.
“Little boss?” he asked softly.
Angel looked up, surprised and then forcing a smile.
He put the ice cream on the coffee table and gestured to the spot next to them. “Can I sit?”
Angel started to scrunch up their face in a “why are you being weird?” face but flinched halfway through the gesture, reminded of all the bruises on their face. “Yeah, of course,” they mumbled, hand hovering over that taped cut in their forehead, resisting the urge to touch despite the ache.
Asher sat down right next to them and pulled his phone out, holding it out. “Do you want to call David?”
Angel stared at the phone, tears misting their eyes again, but they shook their head. “He’ll drop everything and drive back.”
“Yes, he will.”
“He’s working.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Angel sighed, still looking at the phone in his hand. “He’ll drive too fast.”
Asher considered that. “I’ll tell him I’m here with you and you’re okay and we’ll both tell him not to rush.”
Angel shook their head, even though he knew that calling David was exactly what they wanted.
“What’s the plan then?”
Angel shrugged. “He gets home tomorrow night.” They lit up suddenly. “And if Sam really does heal it up, it’ll be like it never happened.”
Asher raised an eyebrow. They both knew that Angel didn’t keep secrets from David. They told him everything, just like Asher told Babe everything single thing he thought. They had all been family for years now. He knew his little boss almost as well as he knew his big boss.
Angel deflated as they realized it too, sinking back into the couch in a full sulk. “He’ll realize something’s wrong. I usually text him a lot…”
“He’ll be working for a few more hours. We have plenty of time to come up with a game plan.” He paused, looking at them. “You’re worried about him freaking out and speeding home, right? You know he’s not going to be mad or anything, right? No one is going to think any of this was your fault.”
Angel shrugged.
Asher leaned down into their line of sight. “You got mugged. It wasn’t your fault. No one is going to think it’s your fault.”
“I got my ass kicked! They stole my shit! That wouldn’t have happened to you. It wouldn’t have happened to any of you. And I’m his David’s mate and I can’t even walk to the parking garage on my own without… fuck.” They closed their eyes to keep from crying again.
Asher almost cried for them. He gently slid his hand under theirs and they squeezed. “You’re right, we’re not likely to get jumped by humans. But plenty of us have been attacked by other things. It’s scary and awful to feel like you didn’t have control and couldn’t make something stop. But none of us are going to think anything less of you for that. You didn’t do anything wrong. This happened to you, not because of you and no one expects you to have handled it any differently than you did.”
Angel stared at him for a long minute, hanging onto his hand, and trying to absorb his words. He knew they knew it was true. They would have been the first person saying it to someone else if the situation had been different. When they finally dragged a breath and relaxed, he relaxed a little too. Angel reached for the ice cream and he passed it over. “My face hurts,” they whined.
Asher smiled. “Yeah. You look awful.”
Angel swatted at him with their good hand.
A car pulled up on the driveway and almost as soon as the engine stopped someone was knocking at the front door and then opening it.
“In here,” Asher called around a mouthful of strawberry ice cream.
Sam and Darlin walked in. The sun wasn’t even down yet, but Asher realized it had been cloudy out.
“Oh shit,” Darlin said, looking at Angel. “Who fucked up your face, mini?”
Asher groaned at their incredible lack of tact but Angel was already past it and continued to eat their ice cream. “I got mugged! They took my shit and broke my hand!” They lifted the cast to show it off.
Darlin’s face scrunched up. “What dumb fuck would touch you?”
Angel shrugged.
“Unempowered humans,” Asher explained, hopping up from the couch. “I need you to go find them,” he told Darlin.
Darlin nodded. “Sure. How many?”
“Two.” Asher ducked back into Angel’s bedroom, grabbed the bloody t-shirt they’d left on the floor, and came back with it in hand.
Angel sat up on the couch, confused. “What are you doing? What do mean find them?”
Asher handed Darlin the shirt. “I mean, go hunt down those humans and drag their asses to the warehouse.” Asher looked to Darlin. “Most of the pack that I would send hunting are with David on this job. I can’t leave the little boss. Are you okay to go alone? I can see if Stealth—”
Darlin laughed. “Unempowered humans, Ash… Really? You could ask for a dozen and I’d still be done before sun-up.”
“I’ll go with you after I patch them up,” Sam said.
 Angel’s head hurt. And their face hurt. And their side hurt. And their hand hurt. Whatever the doctors had given them was wearing off. They were so tired.
Sam came over and knelt in front of them while Darlin and Asher talked about hunting down humans, without upsetting the Department.
“So, mugged, huh?” Sam asked, his gaze flicking over them.
Angel put the ice cream down and tried to smile. “Yeah. Lame, right?”
Sam shook his head. “No. Lame is when that one tried to shift while walking down stairs and fell,” he said, thumbing back to point at Darlin. “Broke two fingers.” He reached toward the hand they had in a cast. “Can I touch?”
Angel blushed at the question despite all efforts not to. They held out the hand to him with a shrug. “But you don’t have to heal it. I mean, the doctors already it and put a cast on. I know it wears you out. It costs energy, right?”
“I’ve got plenty.” He touched their fingers with one hand while his other slid up the cast to touch their arm just below their elbow. His eyes narrowed like he was listening to something. What?
And then their whole arm tingled and their head felt light. He let go of their arm and they flexed their fingers, no pain. “Oh shit. That’s good. You’re amazing.”
Sam smiled like he might blush this time. “It’s not much.” His gaze ran over the side of their face, sympathy tugging his smile down. “Is it alright if I take care of this too?” His hand hovered, waiting for consent.
Angel nodded.
He touched their temple carefully. “I’m sorry this happened to you,” he said, a wave of magic rolling through their skin. It tingled and then it faded and took the pain with it, as well as the tightness around their swelling eye.
“Check out their ribs too,” Asher said.
Angel shot him a frown. “Don’t tell him what to do.” They were still worried about wearing him out.
Sam laughed a little but gestured toward their sweater. “May I?”
Angel sighed but relented, lifting their arms. The doctors had said they had a cracked rib and bruising. They knew it looked bad just from the glimpse they’d gotten in the mirror when they changed.
Sam lifted the sweater. Asher growled but Darlin whistled like they were impressed.
“Okay,” Sam said, so calm. “I’m gonna touch again, but I’ll be careful, okay?”
Angel nodded, looking away. It was uncomfortable to have this much attention, especially when they were hurt. They really preferred to get attention for doing something funny or stupid.
They glanced at Asher’s phone on the coffee table. They wanted to call David, but they also didn’t want to call him. What if they cried again like when they’d called Asher to come pick them up? Of course, they’d cried plenty of times in front of David, but this was different. They were fine. Especially now that they were getting healed up by Sam. They were just shaken up. If they could just get a few days they’d be fine, for real, they were sure of it.
“Little boss?” Asher’s voice drew them out of their thoughts and their gaze flicked to him. He wasn’t smiling and that alone was weird for Asher. He’d taken a step closer. “You okay?”
“Hm?” Angel looked down and found Sam staring back at them, patient as ever. He wasn’t touching their side anymore. Had he asked them something? Shit. “Yeah, sorry.” They twisted to look down at their side, surprised to see it cleared of all those deep dark bruises. They took a testing breath, deep, and nothing hurt. With a sigh and a tired smile they put their sweater back down. “Thanks.”
Sam nodded. “Any time.” He stood up and rejoined Darlin, both heading for the door.
“I’ll text you when I’ve got ‘em,” Darlin said casually, almost sounding pleased, and heading out.
Angel sighed and picked up the ice cream again. Sure, they were healed, but they still had every intention of sitting on the couch all night. “Why are you sending Darlin to look for them? I filed a police report,” they said, trying not to think about their bag and if those guys had tossed it or kept their things. Were they trying to get into their phone? Their computer? They had the keys to their car and their house. They wouldn’t actually show up though, right? Who would do that?
“Why?” Asher parroted and flopped down onto the couch next to them, shoulder leaning into theirs when he picked up the second spoon and started helping them with the ice cream right out of the carton. “Because when David gets back, I’m going to be able to tell him that the assholes who hurt his mate are either dealt with, or tied up in the warehouse.”
Angel looked at him, mouth full of ice cream, and couldn’t figure out if he was joking. Asher was one of the funniest, kindest people they knew. But he was also beta of the most powerful pack in Dahlia, fiercely loyal to David and absolutely ready to defend his pack.
“You’re really going to camp out here all night?” Angel asked, making it sound like a nuisance but now that they weren’t in pain and thinking a little clearer, they weren’t as resistant to the idea.
Asher took another big spoonful of ice cream. “Yep. Gonna ask Babe to get us more ice cream though. I’m thinking chocolate.”
Angel smirked. “Do you think I can use the ‘I was mugged’ card to get a cake?”
Asher lifted an eyebrow. “Like, a whole cake?”
Angel nodded. “One of those sheet cakes from the grocery store…”
“Fuck yes. Okay, okay, we’ll get Babe to get the cake and some more snacks from the grocery store and order the pizza delivered.”
Angel laughed, handing him the carton and picking up the remote. “You’re going to do that thing to the pizza delivery guy again, aren’t you?”
Asher sent off a quick text to Babe before putting the phone down again and finishing the ice cream. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Mhmm…” Angel put on one of the Die Hard movies.
Asher’s phone on the coffee table rang. They both looked at it. It was David.
Angel sighed but nodded, muting the TV.
Asher picked up the phone and answered. “Hey buuuuddy,” he sang, smiling around the words. “Yeah. Yeah. No, they’re right here. Yeah, they’re phone is gone.”
Angel winced.
“Gone as in, gone, big guy. They’re okay, but they got mugged by some humans on their way to their car today.” Asher was still smiling but it was sharp now as he nodded along with whatever David was saying on the other end. “Yeah. They called me from the hospital and I picked them up. Yeah. Unempowered humans. I’m on it. We’re at the house now. Babe’s going to come over here tonight.” Asher looked at Angel. “Yeah, of course.” He held out the phone.
Angel took it and Asher cleaned up the coffee table and disappeared into the kitchen. Angel held the phone to their ear, hating the tears that came to their eyes. “Hey.”
David audibly sighed. “Angel. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Sam was here. It’s like nothing even happened,” they said and instantly regretting it because it sounded strained. “Don’t freak out,” they hated how small their voice had gotten. They weren’t a small voice person. They were loud.
“Okay,” David said, surprising them. “I’m going to head home—”
“I’m going to head home. Milo and the others can handle the rest of things here. It’s still a long drive so I won’t be back until late, maybe morning.”
“I don’t want you to drive if you’re tired.”
“Angel, there’s no shot of me getting any sleep until I’m with you. I promise not to drive stupid.”
Angel sighed and nodded even though he couldn’t see.
“You were at the hospital?”
Angel frowned at the cast on their arm. It wasn’t broken anymore. They’d have to figure out how to get it off. “Yeah. These two guys jumped me outside the parking garage… They took my shit. I think I broke one guy’s nose but then he broke my arm and they kicked me a bunch and…” Angel’s heart constricted in their chest. They knew it wasn’t their fault, but it was hard to shake the insidious feeling that they’d fallen short of something. They were pack. They were David’s mate. “They spit on me.”
David was quiet.
Angel cringed, pulling their knees up to their chest and holding onto the phone so hard that their hand hurt. “I’m sorry—”
“What? Why would you be sorry?”
“You’re alpha. It can’t look good if your mate can’t even—"
“No,” David said fast, swallowing audibly. “No, Angel,” he said, keeping his voice low but they could hear the mix of feelings in it. “You don’t apologize for this. You didn’t do anything wrong. And it doesn’t reflect anything but how awful those people who attacked you are. You know this. You know who you are. And I know who you are. I love you.”
Angel dragged a breath and let it out slow, nodding. They knew all these things. But the fear and doubt had crept in when they were curled up on the ground being kicked and festered there in their heart. They took another breath and let it go. David was right. They were right. “I love you, Davey,” they said softly.
He sighed. “I’ll be home soon, okay? I’ll drive safely.”
“Okay. Can you put Ash back on?”
Angel hummed a yes and held the phone out toward the kitchen. Asher was there in an instant, grabbing it and putting it to his ear. A few more ‘yeah’s and he was off the phone and back on the couch.
They were halfway through the movie before Babe got there. And not long after that the pizza arrive and Asher immediately jumped up and shifted into a wolf, bounding to the door to startle the poor guy. After eating, they started coming up with ideas for getting the cast off and Babe played the roll of judge to weed out the obviously bad ideas, including having Asher bite it off in wolf form, using the axe in the backyard, and trying to freeze it and crack it.
 David tried really hard not to think about anything on that long drive home.
He did not speed.
The closer he got to home the more he let himself think about the facts and when he was near the city, he even let himself think about the sad doubt in Angel’s voice. He reminded himself again and again that they were okay. Healed and with Asher. They were okay.
When he pulled up the long driveway to the house, the sun was still an hour from rising.
The porch light turned on and the door opened before he was even out of the truck.
Asher crossed the yard to meet him. “They’re asleep on the couch with Babe,” he said. He knew what David’s first question would be. “Darlin and Sam—”
They both felt Darlin closing in before Asher could finish telling him they were on their way. The big wolf slipped from the trees and across the yard, switching to human form without losing a step on approach. They flashed a smile, blood on their cheek and a backpack in hand. They stopped, winded but unharmed, and held out the bag to David.
It was Angel’s. Darlin’s knuckles were bloody. “Scared the shit out of them and ran them out of town,” they said.
“Did they have any connections to anyone else?” David asked. Darlin would know what he meant. Had they or their home smelled like any other pack or vamp that could have a grudge against them.
Darlin shook their head. “No. Just assholes that thing the world owes them whatever they want.”
David took the bag. “Did you break covert?”
Darlin snorted. “Oh. Yeah, definitely. Those guys pissed themselves. If they told anyone that a wolf and a vamp attacked them though, no one would believe them. We dragged them out of town and told them not to come back. And said some shit about how I’d know if they hurt anyone else. Oh, and your mate broke this big guy’s nose. I broke his arm.” Darlin clearly had zero regrets.
David reached out and grabbed the back of their neck, giving it a squeeze. “Thank you.”
Darlin looked like they might blush, huffing a breath and looking away fast.
“Where’s Sam?” Asher asked.
“I sent him home. Didn’t want him to get stuck out here after the sun comes up.”
David nodded and let them go. “Go home. You did good.”
Darlin exhaled relief and took a step back. “Next time you want someone hunted down, keep me in mind,” they said with a smile before shifting and taking off.
David looked at Asher. Asher waited. David knew he was waiting to take the blame if that’s what was coming. He didn’t even look defensive or worried about it. He would just take it, if that’s what David needed to get out. Angel had called him. As much as he wished none of this had happened, he loved that his mate had known who to call and that he never doubted for a second that Asher would handle this for him—just like David would have done if things had been reversed. It wasn’t because they were alpha and beta. It was because they were best friends.
David took those steps to close the distance between them. Asher didn’t cringe or wince like most would have if someone like David advanced on them on a night like this. No, Asher just waited. David hugged him and Asher hugged him back, tight. “Thanks,” he said, barely more than a mumble.
Asher patted his back a few times before they unraveled from each other. “Any time.” They started for the house. “We can head home if you want.”
David shook his head. “Stay. You guys can use the guest room like usual.”
Asher smirked, holding the door for him. “You gonna make waffles in the morning?”
David snorted. “Always thinking with your fuckin stomach, Ash…”
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jmakumatized · 2 years
I just fished the episode and I’m DEVASTATED. So much to unpack here and i want to type all my thoughts out but I’ll have to keep this rambling short because aghh I still have so much schoolwork to do
Let’s start with Felix because omg I’m so conflicted with my feelings about this boy
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Firstly, him in this scene made my heart break. Considering the Senti!Felix theory, I could just imagine how scared and helpless he must’ve felt in this moment. Since he already knows he’s a sentibeing, he must’ve felt at least a bit of connection with all the other sentibeings. So, with all the heroes of Paris just dooming these creatures who’re essentially like him into a fiery demise, careless of whatever emotion or consciousness they might have, that must’ve been so terrifying to watch.
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So far, all of Felix’s actions were to just ultimately get the ring and peacock miraculous, which are things that can control his free will or even existence as a sentibeing. Thus, I’m honestly not that worried that he’s now the holder of the peacock miraculous. I think all he ever really wanted was to feel safe… even if it meant putting others in danger. Also, his version of the peacock miraculous is so cool! I’m loving the new look but I hope we don’t see him use it for evil gains. I wish I’m right with his ultimate motivation of just finally feeling safe. (Which might be short lived since Ladybug knows that it’s him who stole all the other miraculous)
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Speaking of evil gains, it caught me off guard to see Lila smiling upon seeing Nathalie so sick?? Like, what can she gain from this?? Iirc all her past bad behaviors were to just either get closer to Adrien, make Marinette’s life miserable, or to get attention from other people. This just surprised me and I’m wondering what she might be scheming for this to make her so happy.
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This man is officially 100% coo coo, my dudes. No sane man can look like that. Constantly using 2 miraculous at once finally kicked him off into the deep end
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I just love this frame because they’re both together in it lol! I hope we can get an episode centered around these two in the next season I just want to see more of them together !!😭
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I also love this foreshadowing from risk
Welp, I better stop typing now before I make this post any longer. If you made it this far, thanks for reading my ramblings lol. Can’t wait for what happens next in season 5 AND for the upcoming Miraculous awakening movie!!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Idk about you but I'm in mood for some angst
Sun, Moon, Freddy and Monty (sperate) with Reader that got fired? Maybe they tried to find out what Vanessa/Vanny were doing and when she found out, she lied to the boss and somehow got Reader fired? How would the animatronics react?
Also Reader was like a long time employee so being there almost since the start of the pizzaplex they were really close with animatronics
And if 4 is too many characters then you can skip Monty
Ooooo an angst prompt is always refreshing to see >:)
"Fired??? No, no, no!! That can't be right at all! [Y/n] hasn't done a single thing wrong in their life!! Why would they be fired??"
"Well..they were caught screwing with your arcade game. Now it's got some creepy glitch of yourself and we can’t get rid of it.” Vanessa explains. “I had to report it to my boss and..they said tampering with electronics here is cause for immediate termination. Even I had no idea about that till now.”
“S-So..I can’t even say goodbye to [y/n]??”
“No. They already packed and left.”
His mechanical heart is broken.
All over a silly arcade machine??? Even if Sun was the boss he’d never in a million years fire you for a dumb reason like that!
He’s so close to crying but Vanessa gently reminds him there are kids in the daycare still.
“Don’t get hysterical. Just do your job and attend to their needs. It’s what [y/n] would want you to do, Sunny.” She mocks the nickname you gave to the attendant. One that’s stuck since day one.
Vanessa tells him the same lie she told Sun.
And he just stares at her.
“You heard me. [Y/n]’s no longer employed here.”
He thinks that’s bullshit..until he searches the entire mall and doesn’t find you anywhere. Even your office is empty, with none of your possessions remaining.
All he finds on the desk is a note addressed to him:
I’m sorry, Moony. They fired me. Please don’t think any of this was your fault. Take good care of all the kiddos, okay? I’ll see you in my dreams -[Y/N]
Moon is devastated..and angry.
He knew Vanessa lied to get you fired. Like him, you were catching on. Finding out who she really was. And she panicked and got you punished to cover her tracks.
He’s gonna keep a closer eye on her from then on.
If he had it his way, she would’ve gone missing already.
Although he’s sad to see you were fired, he wonders why Vanessa didn’t sound disappointed but rather..relieved?
He’s not one to be suspicious. So he gives her the benefit of the doubt and thinks you two had some nasty conflict that impacted her ability to do her job.
Then again..he’s never heard you complain about any of your coworkers.
He’ll miss you a lot. You’ve been working at the Pizzaplex since the day of his band’s debut.
Sure he’s formed many friendships with the human staff, but you were such a joy to be around--keeping the show going and making sure everyone has a good time.
Vanessa never did tell him why you got fired on the spot.
He can’t imagine you’d do anything bad enough to warrant that..
It’s something he thinks about for a while. 
Every time he passes your abandoned office or wherever you used to work at in the Pizzaplex, he thinks of you and what you could’ve done wrong.
You were just adjusting his emotional parameters in parts & services when you were suddenly called to your boss’ office..then Vanessa comes in half an hour later to tell him the news.
And he nearly breaks his restraints in rage.
“You’re lying!!”
“Management believes [y/n] had a role in the events leading to Bonnie’s decommission. They tampered with his code and that could’ve made him hostile that night. We couldn’t risk anything happening to you so they were terminated immediately.”
“NO! We were cool! [Y/n] wouldn’t do somethin’ like that to us! I broke Bonnie!!! ME!! Terminate me for all I care!!”
“Nice try, but you didn’t. You were due to replace him anyway. Now wait here while we bring in the new guy.”
Unfortunately, said new guy can’t even get past the cylinder opening without Monty going absolutely berserk, demanding to see you and only you.
Since then, no one’s been able to bring him in for maintenance, hence his trademark temper spiraling out of control.
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
→let her in elijah m x f!reader
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recreation of that one scene in 1x22 iykyk prompt : Elijah and you had an unofficial love thing, you both loved each other but never acted upon it until recent years. After a fight with Niklaus, you go out on a killing spree unbeknownst to you a hybrid was among the group you were killing and had killed you instead, after being chased you were later found by Nik. warnings : heartbreak idk nothing really Niklaus found her body in the bayou, the woman he calls sister, the woman his brother calls queen, lying lifeless in the middle of the ground her body sprawled out like a massacre. The hybrid king looked down devasted falling to his knees running the back of his hand around her desiccated, cold, hard cheek. Words could not express his thoughts, his anger. The thought of his older brother killing all of his kind just to find the person who did this to his love, all Niklaus could do was yell in anger, in sadness. If only he had listened to her ideas instead of pushing her away, releasing her anger henceforth her death. He picked up her lifeless body, the crescent pack surrounding him as he walks away with her body. Nik couldn't help but feel all the blame on him, someone he had mentored and cared for had now fallen dead by one of his own creations. His brother would never forgive him for such a heinous act. Elijah's words repeat in Niklaus's mind thinking of what to say as he brings her home 'if you release hybrids, Niklaus this world is in danger, my world, she, will be in danger and I can't protect her from everything' if only he had listened, if only he hadn't of let his greedy power-hungry mind control him, maybe she would still be here. Driving home was nothing but emotional for the Original Hybrid, hoping that somehow she would be resurrected, hoping her powers would help her overcome what had happened and that he'd hear her reassuring voice once more. Although he had loved another romantically, she was his platonic love, a love he could only feel in a family-friendly way, a love that wasn't sexual nor romantic especially since she had loved another, the other that he called brother. The car slowed down, wiping the tears on his face Niklaus exits the car. Elijah runs out to see Niklaus' distraught manner, Rebekah and Hayley walking out holding Hope's hand and Niklaus looks down "I'm so sorry brother" was all he could say, he felt it even more now than before. The guilt, the regret, the sadness. Elijah runs to the back of the car, opening the car door to see what was once his lover and his best friend covered in blood. Her left arm dismembered from her body with claw marks on her shoulder, she had been mauled by a monster. The noble brother falls to his knees, if only he had been there, if only he hadn't let her go the night before maybe just maybe she would still be alive in his arms right now. Hayley picks up Hope as they walk back to the compound, Niklaus places his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Brother" Niklaus whispered clearing his throat, Elijah stood up pulling his lover's body out of the car turning towards Rebekah who had covered her mouth with her hand, tears covering her face, it felt as though she had been stripped of another family member. Elijah walked her body to what was once a bedroom he had shared with her, placing her down on the bed sitting down next to her, words couldn't explain anything right now. Words could not explain the fact he wanted to kill every hybrid, kill every vampire or every wolf maybe every being, he wanted them gone and he'd do it, if it meant he got her back he'd do it a million times over but he knows it wouldn't work. Rebekah leaves the room crying, racing back to her room hoping her niece wouldn't notice but her niece was no fool. She felt the loss of magic in the family from the moment her aunt was killed, a surge of power had flown through veins and to Hope it only meant one thing, but she did not tell anyone she didn't want them to know that she knew. Niklaus stands alongside Elijah, both guilt-ridden and devasted of their recent loss "you took her from me" the older brother says "if you had just listened to me when I had spoken of your new creatures, Niklaus if you gave me time to adjust to them maybe she would still have time" Elijah points at his brother, his brother looks down accepting it all. "We will get revenge brother" Niklaus says "No Niklaus, I do not want revenge, I do not want to kill I just want her back don't you understand brother" the sadness in his body had changed to anger, not pure anger. It was a mix. "I do-" "Do you understand Niklaus? I, let this person in. I let her in" Elijah had looked down "I don't let people in" his voice broke as he pointed towards his brother "you knew this, you've taken her from me" his finger connected to the chest of his brother, in spite of all his criminal acts, psychotic behaviour he couldn't kill Niklaus, he couldn't harm Niklaus. "I need her and you have broken me" Elijah sits back down next to the dead corpse holding her hand up to his eyes, crying into it hoping it would bring her back but knowing deep down there was nothing he could do but consecrate her in the only place she had known as home. "We will leave for Mystic Falls tonight" Elijah had stood letting go of her hand, wiping his tears off his face "we will bury her there, no witch here deserves her power" Niklaus nods in agreeance to his brother. Elijah walks out of the room towards Hayley and Hope's room, Hope runs towards her Uncle hugging him tightly rubbing his back. She could feel his sadness, she shared the same emotion. Elijah had remembered the words his recently departed had said weeks before today 'we will get married, my love but we need to clean this city for our niece, I will protect her even if it means my life' Hope had held onto a necklace her aunt had given her just a couple of days ago, the necklace wasn't expensive but it was beautiful and in the chain had a message 'to the person who has changed all our lives for the better ' "Kol would be devastated," Elijah says letting go of his niece as she runs to her mother, "Kol is devastated," the unpredictable brother says walking into the room, Elijah runs over to him, hugging his younger brother who had teary eyes "Rebekah sent a message the moment Niklaus had come back" Kol said into his older brother's neck. Kol and Elijah walk back to Elijah's room, Kol saw her body laying on the bed looking gray and cold. He walks over to her, grabbing her cold hand "you beat me to it I promised you I would go first for you" he bent forward whispering into her ear and he pulls a small box out of his pocket handing it to Elijah. Elijah looks down at the small box in his hand confused "your girlfriend and I made a bet" Kol cleared his throat "that if she had passed before I, then I would give you this box and if I had passed before her she would hand Davina this box in her top drawer" Kol scratched the back of his neck. Opening the box slowly a piece of paper fell out, inside the box was a ring. A ring perfect for his finger, he placed the ring on his finger slowly before feeling a whole lot of power in his system. He bends down to pick up the note that had fallen on the floor, he opened it and read it aloud. Dear Elijah, I'm assuming the lovely Kol has handed you this mini box meaning I have passed away. Although I am sure Kol has told you the reasoning behind why he gave It to you I'd like to explain further. A few years after turning Kol and I became really close and we told everything to each other including our darkest secrets, in the time of Kol and I's friendship there had been multiple occasions where we had skimmed the face of death himself so we made a pact. The pact was that in the event of our deaths a small box with a ring and a final note would be handed out to the person we loved the most and of course, I love you the most Elijah Mikaelson. This ring not only belongs to my love but holds my powers, but Kol's ring holds all his secrets and his Original Vampire powers meant for Davina when the time came. Every single part of my witchiness now belongs to you, Kol will help you with spells and such but if you wish to no longer own this ring. Store it. Hide it away until you find a next of kin to hand it over to, Hope would be an option but wait until she can control all the power she currently has. Just know my love, that I will forever be by your side protecting you, Niklaus, Hope, Hayley, Rebekah and Kol. Literally, I will be your guardian heretic but with this ring, you will hold more power than anyone known to well anyone you will be 10x more powerful than me. This basically a proposal from the grave, since I assume we aren't married but no matter. In saying that I want you to move on with life, meet someone new, marry someone, become human hell even let someone else in but go and don't turn back. I love you Elijah Mikaelson, forever and always. -The person you let in
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leviathanspain · 2 years
she could never love you more
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bill weasley x reader, bill weasley x fleur delacour
synopsis: bill invited the woman he once had hoped to marry to his wedding, yet all she brought was devastation
the wedding was a disaster.
yoj told yourself that you could hold it together, for your best friends sake. but after bill stopped being your best friend, you found it hard to be selfless when all you wanted was him.
you looked at your tattered dress in the dresser-mirror in the weasley household. tears painted your face, your hair falling down onto your shoulders in a cascading whirl of mess.
you shivered as the night air blew into the empty burrow, the rest of the weasleys were outside trying to put back the things you had destroyed in your rage.
you heard the front door open, and a harsh slam as bill moved across the room to you, grabbing you and shoving you up against the wall. his eyes were wild with anger, scar was hideous as it ripped across his face. you fought the urge to cringe as he just stared at you, fury ruffling off him.
you swallowed your fear and instead spoke quietly, “i’m sorry.”
bill’s expression didn’t falter and instead it hardened, and you knew it was too late.
“please i didn’t mea-“
“but you did. you did mean to destroy her dress, nearly kill our guests and you still come in here to pity yourself?” bill cut you off with a harsh hiss and you closed your eyes in shame. he cornered you, his hands on either side of your head as he spat down to you.
you let your hands snake around his waist, and bill didn’t move, his face softened slightly at the contact. his waist was his most sensitive part of his body, and he left it unguarded to you. “i didn’t do anything that i didn’t mean. those things i said?”
bill nodded intently, still trying to hold his composure as you raked your hand down his side, “i meant them. i miss you, i love you, bill.” you admitted and bill turned away, his body still planted before you but his face was a ripple of emotions.
you felt tears prick at your eyes, “can she love you more than i can? you tear me to pieces when you look at her like that..like she’s the only girl in the world.” you stifled a sob, and bill pulled away.
he looked at you and he closed his eyes as he thought, “you said no!” he countered, “you said that i didn’t deserve you! you told me not to come home and you’re here telling me that you aren’t happy for me?”
you flinched when he raised his voice and you took a deep breath, “you didn’t think for one moment that i was scared? that i was terrified to even be in a relationship after i was deemed unlovable and then suddenly be married?”
bill let out a dry laugh, “even in a serious situation, you still let that self pity shine through. you had a choice, that could’ve been you, so happy and smiling. you could’ve been my wife! you cant even put on a fake fucking smile and try to be happy for other people for once in your life, y/n?!” bill was yelling now, rage bouncing off the walls.
you were sure his entire family was outside listening in, his new wife was listening in.
you were supposed to be the wife, molly had told you countless times over and over again how proud she be to have you as a daughter in law.
you shuddered at the old thought and instead looked at bill, “i’m sorry. this will always be one of my biggest regrets, you, william weasley, will always be one of my biggest life regrets.” you looked at bill wistfully and bill, for the first time in the entire night, held a real smile.
a smile of bitterness, but it was real that when you apparated away, bill continued to smile.
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smoll-tangerine · 2 years
ten reasons why i hate you: reason #2
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SYNOPSIS. while you admittedly didn’t refuse the arranged marriage between you and jung jaehyun, that didn’t mean that you’d allow him to treat you like a doormat. for the emotional distress he had put you through during the months leading up to your engagement party, you ensure that he will pay for the way he had been treating you for the rest of his life. 
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PAIRING. rich boy!jaehyun x rich girl!reader  GENRES. angst, drama, rich kid!au  CHAPTER WORD COUNT. 1643 
WARNINGS. mentions of drinking, female!reader on a war path. 
DISCLAIMER. this is a work of fiction based on fictional events and characters. it is unrelated to any real people, organisations, locations, and events. the laws, and legal and medical interpretations in this work have also been modified for storytelling purposes.
[a/n]: thanks everyone for their interest in my drabble (now titled reason #1)! thanks to that, i decided to make this into a small series comprised of 10 short chapters, hopefully all under 2k words. do note that there will be little to no romance for this series. i’ve always wanted to write a story from the “antagonist” pov, so here’s my first attempt at it! 
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The engagement party was a drag and it took a toll on you emotionally. 
While you barely remembered what exactly went down as you drank more than you could handle, you distinctively remembered that you somehow came out with a goal from that party. 
And that goal was to make Jaehyun’s life a living hell. 
Despite the engagement, there was still nothing concrete about it. 
Your family had a verbal agreement with Jaehyun’s, but that wasn’t enough for you to actually proceed with the marriage. 
So, a few days after the engagement party, you invited him and his family to discuss what your marriage entailed. Your family got the gist that Jaehyun didn’t want to marry you, but they didn’t know the exact reason for it. 
Luckily for the Jungs, you spared your parents the details and told them that you’d handle it yourself this time, to which they thankfully didn’t object.
Af if God knew of your plans, the restaurant Jaehyun’s parents picked was the one where his girlfriend worked. You didn’t know if that was karma working for or against you. Nonetheless, even if you weren’t the one who picked it, it wouldn’t change Jaehyun’s opinion of you, so who cares?
“Let me tell you how Mr. Jung and I are so ecstatic of your engagement to our son!” Jaehyun’s mother gushed to you as his girlfriend was serving red wine to everyone at the table.
You ignored Jaehyun and his girlfriend the whole time and pretended that they weren’t there. In any case, you didn’t need to look at him to know where he was or how he felt about the situation; the smoke coming out of his ears were enough.
“I’m afraid that this dinner isn’t what you think, Mrs. Jung,” you replied as you motioned your family butler to hand you your briefcase.
“Please, we’re about to become a family, call me–”
You slid a few papers onto the table. “This is the prenup that my family lawyers drew up,” you cut her off and then took a sip of the red wine.
You grimaced at how gross it tasted and motioned Jaehyun’s girlfriend—what was her name again, Chaeyoung?—with a flick of your wrist. “Get me a bottle of Château d’Yquem.”
You didn’t fail to notice the flash of annoyance in her eyes. You relished this moment even more, as sadistic as it sounds.
“A prenup…?” the older lady then said, shocked. “I- I don’t understand.”
The look on the three of their faces were worth the effort. Mr. Jung looked fuming, his wife evidently devastated, and Jaehyun looked like he was going to burn a hole through your skull by the way he was glaring at you.
“Well, you honestly can’t expect me to marry your son when he, well,” you glanced at Chaeyoung subtly as she poured your wine with a frown, “comes with quite a baggage.”
“I can assure you that my son has cut all ties with that girlfriend of his,” Jaehyun’s father gruffly stated.
You almost snorted into your wine glass. How shameless of them to force their son into an arranged marriage with a complete stranger when they knew that he had a girlfriend? And you wondered if they knew whether that that girlfriend of his was the one serving them right now. If that were the case, you had to ponder whether this was a deliberate move on their part or not to bring you to this specific restaurant.
“Oh, and the prenup isn’t the only thing,” you continued. “There are more things for him to agree to.” You gave them a half-smile. “You know, just to protect myself from future liabilities.”
Along with the prenup were a list of conditions that they had to agree to, if they wanted this marriage to move forward. Your demands were pretty ridiculous, but not ridiculous enough that they would straight-up reject them. You weren’t dumb, you knew there was more to this marriage than the two families wanting to join together.
Your mother was a famous socialite while your father’s side of the family owned a couple of private hospitals, known for providing the best healthcare in the country. Jaehyun’s family, on the other hand, was known for being in the pharmaceutical industry. A partnership between the hospital line and a pharmaceutical line would certainly be beneficial, especially for the Jungs.
Not to mention how your family’s net worth was around $1 billion, and Jaehyun’s was worth half of yours—in the $500 million, last you checked. While they certainly had a lot money of their own, it wouldn’t hurt to protect yourself and well, to also hurt Jaehyun’s pride in the process. Two birds, one stone.
It was only too bad Jaehyun was such a dick to you.
“If Jaehyun was caught in a cheating scandal, the settlement our family will have to pay–” his mother scanned the document and screeched. “This is ridiculous! How dare you ask us–”
“Well, of course, the same applies to me,” you reassured her nonchalantly. “If anything, I don’t care if he has mistresses on the side—as long as he doesn’t get caught by the media and drags my reputation to the ground. I’m afraid that’s going to be a little bit hard to get back to. Cheating scandals are fine and all since we can always refute them, but oh, if he gets someone else pregnant,” you tipped your wine glass to them, “that will certainly be a problem.”
A moment of silence as the parents looked at each other, not even considering Jaehyun’s opinion or feelings at all. While the two elders were busy whispering amongst themselves, you smirked at Jaehyun, happy with the development of things.
“Oh, and of course, if Jaehyun signs this agreement,” you said and pulled out another document from your briefcase and slid it over. “Then, here’s the partnership agreement you’ve previously spoke about with my parents. And I can assure you that the terms are much better than the ones you previously set with my parents. My father’s and grandfather’s signatures and seals are, of course, already on it. Feel free to send it to your lawyers to authenticate everything.”
Of course, you ensured that your family wasn’t on the losing side of the partnership, but you also had to make sure that your offer was enticing enough for them to sign it. And surely enough, they gobbled it up.
“Get me a pen and my seal stamp,” Mr. Jung quickly conceded.
“You shut your mouth!” he shouted at Jaehyun, surprising even you. “You almost ruined our family with that little girlfriend of yours, you will not disobey my orders! You will sign this agreement or I will cut you off completely!”
Jaehyun looked furious as ever. His hand trembled as he signed his name on the prenup and then stamped it with his seal, his girlfriend witnessing the whole process.
You swore that you were going to make his life a living hell, and you were going to keep your word.
“Lovely doing business with you,” you said with a sickeningly sweet smile and shook all of their hands. “I look forward to see what this partnership will bring.”
“It’s only too bad that you’re a doctor,” Mr. Jung replied. “You would have made an amazing businesswoman.”
You smiled politely. “You flatter me too much.”
Jaehyun’s parents finally left and you two were alone in the private room. Your fiancé sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
“Are you happy now?” he asked with a sneer. “Are you staying here longer to torture me further and gloat?”
You scoffed and sipped at your drink. “Nonsense. I’m also staying because of how expensive this glass of wine costs.”
He rolled his eyes. “A glass of a 1997 Château D’Yquem only costs $1000—you make that every second. Not to mention, my family picked up the tab.”
“Of course they did,” you said with a small snort. “As if they’re going to make their future daughter-in-law pay for dinner.”
“You’re the one who invited us.”
“And rightfully so,” you snapped back.
You could tell that Jaehyun was surprised with your attitude, so different from usual. In a way, it was true yet untrue at the same time. You’ve always been know to be a force to be reckoned with, one to never back down from a fight. Yet somehow a man like Jaehyun was able to knock you off your horse for the past couple of months so it was high time for you to get back on it.
“I said I was going to make you suffer for the rest of your life,” you said as you got up from your seat, and threw your serviette onto the table. “I’m simply holding my word. As you can see, I’m not one to go back on it.”
You walked away from him and Chaeyoung, who had been as silent as ever for the whole duration of the dinner. You even stopped next to her and pulled out a few hundreds before shoving them into the little pocket of her vest.
“Sorry for the trouble,” you told her with a fake smile.
You made sure that your back faced them as you left the restaurant, your heels clacking loudly against the floor. After months of torture, you finally started enacting your revenge.
But this wasn’t nearly enough for you. This was nothing compared to the months of hatred and spite he held against you during the months leading up to your engagement.
Jaehyun hadn’t even a full taste of your fury yet. It was your turn to knock him down his high horse. And you looked forward to the day he will be on his knees, begging you for mercy. 
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
The One to Unite us All | chap. 1
Series Summary: Y/N was once an Eternal until she was killed — or at least that’s what Ikaris told his teammates. But he had a reputation for lying, didn’t he?
Chapter Summary: The Eternals realize something about their past teammate.
Note: All of the Avengers are alive.
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
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“Sersi,” Phastos said, taking a tentative step towards his teammate. They had succeeded: the Emergence was prevented and Ikaris and Sprite had left, however the one who saved the day didn’t seem too thrilled about it. Well, who could blame her? The man she loved and her best friend had betrayed her — but Phastos sensed that something else was going on.
Sersi turned to face him, and to face the entire team, who seemed to pick up that something was going on. She was clearly troubled, deep in thought as she kept her gaze trained on the floor. “I could sense each of you when we linked,” she muttered, shaking her head.
The rest of the team shared a confused glance. “Wasn’t that the point?” Druig asked bluntly, receiving a light smack from Makkari.
This brought a chuckle to Sersi’s lips. She looked up, carefully viewing each member of her team — her family — individually. “I felt you all, plus Ikaris, Sprite, and the Celestial, but there was someone else . . . I think — Y/N,” she revealed, hesitant to say that name.
This got everyone’s attention. Y/N had been the “second youngest” as the team always said, a young adult who was always energetic and had been devastated after the team had went their separate ways. She shared Druig’s thoughts about humanity — that they couldn’t stand aside and watch them die. Ikaris had told them that she had died about a decade back, after she got involved in a human fight, trying to protect them.
They had all loved Y/N. She held a special place in everyone’s hearts — a daughter to Thena, Gilgamesh, and Phastos, a younger sister to Sersi and Ikaris, a best friend to Druig and Makkari, and an older sister to Sprite. Ikaris’s story was believable . . . Until now.
“She died,” Thena reminded them, crossing her arms as she moved closer to the group. A frown was etched into her skin, digging her deeper emotions inside.
‘Ikaris doesn’t have the best track record for telling the truth’ Makkari pointed out through sign.
“You’re sure you felt her?” Phastos asked, not ready to cling onto false hope.
Sersi thought, closing her eyes. She remembered how she connected to them all. She remembered feeling a presence she hadn’t felt in a long time — it was confusing, emotional, shocking, but it was there. And it was familiar. Something about that presence reminded her of a time in the late 1990s. She and Y/N had met up to go on a walk and Y/N had used her powers to keep a dying garden they saw alive.
“I’m sure,” Sersi said confidently, opening her eyes.
This caused a shift, a new light, in everyone.
“Well, what are we waiting for?” Kingo said, clapping his hands and gaining everyone’s attention. “Let’s go find Y/N.”
— — — — — — — — —
There was nothing about the day that would clue the Avengers in on that something abnormal would occur. After saving the world and defeating Thanos, they decided to slow down on the superhero business. However, they did come together to reunite and have a fun day together. All situated themselves in a new tower Tony had bought, content to catch up with each other’s lives.
So when Y/N had suddenly floated into the air, gold cosmic energy encircling her, no one had known what to think. They knew of her powers, how she had a run-in with cosmic energy as a teen (her father had been an astronaut), but this was something that no one had ever seen before. Y/N had never said anything about it.
They all watched their teammate in awe but also in horror, having no idea what was happening. “Y/N,” Natasha was the first to say, standing up. When she didn’t respond, the others joined, calling out to her. They asked if she could hear them, if she was okay, what was happening, if they could help.
They only got an answer when she plummeted to the ground, landing uneasily on her knees, hands planted on the ground. Almost immediately, her team encircled her.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Steve asked, bringing her back to present-time. She blinked, taking deep breaths, trying to block out the pain.
“I’m—I’m okay,” she said, looking up at them all. Her eyes grew wide as she realized something and her jaw dropped. “Oh my god. I remember. I remember everything.”
The Avengers looked at each other in confusion. “What do you remember?” Natasha asked kindly.
“I’m not—I’m not Y/N Y/L/N. I’m just Y/N. I’m an Eternal. Ikaris and Ajak erased my memory when, as they said, I became a threat to the Emergence. I was using my powers in different ways, I was becoming stronger. They created a bond to gain more power from the cosmic energy. Gave me a new life,” she explained, her words slow, knotting her brows together as she combed through her own recollection.
The Avengers shared a glance, unsure of how to respond. How were they supposed to, anyway?
“Uh, guys,” Sam said, and everyone looked over to see him watching the television. They all turned to it, seeing a man (the director of Kingo’s movie) talking about the Eternals as footage of their fight against Ikaris and to save the Emergence showed. Everyone’s eyes widened when they saw the Eternals with that gold cosmic energy encircling them, just like it had to Y/N.
Tony looked back at Y/N, who was sitting in shock as she took in all her memories. “We’ve got some calls to make,” he commented.
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798 notes · View notes
hacked-by-jake · 2 years
⚠️BASED ON EPISODE 10 || Contains spoiler⚠️
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A Ray Of Hope
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Summary: Three days after the rescue of Hannah, there is a knock on the door of MC, and somehow she has already expected the visit, but the wounds are still fresh. But she has Jake to help her.
-> Pairing: Jake x Fem!MC // feat. two FBI Agents ->Genre: Angst/Fluff/ some Spice -> Words: 6.2k oops -> Warning: Well, at the end a little spice, which is interrupted. (I don’t know if you’ll hate me xD) // Cursing // some explicit language // It is based on episode 10 and covers the topics that happened there a bit. // And it’s cheesy, really -> A/n: Yes, hello. Well, I don’t know, I don’t even know how I got to 6 thousand words. The reading again and again was absolutely exhausting please apologized mistakes etc. And on top of that, English is not my native language, you know that stuff, I’m tired and I don’t remember what I wanted to say here. So have fun and hope you like the shit.💜💚
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When the door was finally opened after waiting for minutes, all the color disappeared from the hacker’s face.
Shocked, he stared at the young woman in front of him, looking at her almost dead eyes. For a tiny moment, shock could be clearly seen on her face, but this changed as quickly as it had come.
Instead, she let her gaze glide over his handcuffed hands without emotion. Down the metal chain that led to the appropriate ankle cuffs that prevented him from running away.
Then she let her gaze slip behind the young hacker who was accompanied by two not hard to recognize FBI agents.
When she seemed to realize that he was being arrested, a gruesome laugh escaped her before she opened the door completely and then just disappeared back into her apartment. "It was clear that it could still get worse." she muttered with difficulty.
"Excuse me? Miss MC? May we come in?" one of the two agents called after her and his voice was clearly filled with slight skepticism.
"No, I always leave the door open so that the next murderer can just run into my house," her voice dripped with irony. And even if the hacker was clearly concerned about her condition, a small grin now scurried over his lips.
On the silent drive here, he had let any option, a reaction from her, go through his head, and exactly this reaction had been at the top of his list of possibilities.
"Move," the second agent directed the young hacker and shoved him in the back.
Jake rolled his eyes annoyed, but didn’t waste time entering the apartment of the woman he fell in love with.
With, for his taste, far too little distance followed the two FBI men and one of them closed the door when all three stood directly in the living room of MC.
She sat on a dark leather sofa in a sea of crumpled tissues. She sat cross-legged, her back against the back of the couch. Her back posture was straight, almost uncomfortably formal and tense, and her posture was somewhat reminiscent of his own.
Her chin was slightly stretched into the air, and she seemed a little superior to the men, her posture pointing to discipline. Maybe she even looked a little arrogant sitting there. But Jake immediately recognized the facade she used to make it look like she was not completely devastated.
The problem was, of course, that he could imagine why, but he didn’t have exact information.
Without paying a glance, the young woman asked the three men to sit down, which was immediately accepted by everyone. After all, this visit was none among friends.
Jake, of course, did not hesitate to sit down next to her immediately, he carefully settled down just a few inches away from her. His body was turned in her direction and he looked at her anxiously.
If his hands were not tied up, he would have taken her in his arms immediately, but unfortunately this opportunity was taken from him and he knew that the agents would not make an exception if he asked them.
But to his happiness, to his delight, the young woman immediately let herself fall against his body when she had the chance.
"Hey! Don’t tou-" one of the agents wanted to say immediately, but the other stopped him with a hand movement.
They exchanged a glance with each other, with which the second told him to allow it.
The young woman leaned her head against the hacker’s left chest and listened for a few seconds to his fast heartbeat.
The only thing Jake could do was to lower his head and put his chin on her hairline to return at least one less of her gesture. Also to his luck, found her hand his and automatically crossed their fingers together.
"Hello" she whispered in a hoarse voice.
"Hello, MC" he answered just as quietly.
"You got arrested?" she asked the obvious.
He nodded in response: "The fire that broke out in the mine doomed my plan to failure."
"Has anyone told you what happened?"
The two young lovers seemed to have completely forgotten after the first seconds that there were still two FBI agents among them, but the latter behaved calmly.
They knew that if they wanted MC’s help, they would have to accept some things.
"No, no one," he answered, and a little afraid that something might have happened to Hannah, made his chest tighten a little.
"Richy set the fire." she began: "Don’t worry, Hannah is safe, she’s fine, she’s back home." she explained and had probably noticed that he was a little tense.
"Why did Richy set the fire? All the evidence was there." his voice was quiet, but stunned.
Again she laughed and sounded so filled with deep pain: "Richy is-" her voice broke off. A violent tremor broke over her body and Jake’s heart contracted painfully.
Of course, he could already imagine what MC wanted to say and wanted to spare her from having to say it: "I’m so sorry MC" he whispered.
"He - he killed himself, killed himself and burned everything that would have proven his guilt!" she croaked and immediately began to cry bitterly.
"Shit MC," he gasped shocked and immediately wanted to put his arms around her, but the rattling of the chains reminded him that this was not possible.
He gave an aggressive look at the two agents, who were just sitting quietly, until the second sighed and pulled the key out of his jacket.
Jake didn’t care that they were the ones who put him in this situation at all, so he gave the Agent a grateful look as he leaned over the table to open the handcuffs.
MC had already parted ways with Jake and turned the other way to prevent them from seeing her face distorted by mental pain.
As soon as Jake’s left hand was free, he reached for the young woman’s shoulder.
When his right hand again had all freedom of movement as well, he automatically slid over to her, slapped his arms around her and gently pulled her back against his body.
To his astonishment and at the same time slight joy, the agent did not sit down again but stopped, followed by the second, and indeed the two left their place to disappear into the room to the left of the living room, which seemed to be the kitchen. However, not without first using the front door key of MC to lock the apartment door and take the keys with them. And a last warning look to the hacker.
If MC hadn’t been much more important, he would probably have go on them if they really thought he was leaving MC in this condition. And even the still existing ankle cuffs would make it impossible to escape, if he wanted to.
But there was no time for that. He had to concentrate on MC, who fortunately turned back to him, and had her arms tightly wrapped around him.
The young woman had her face buried in his neck and Jake could feel her hot tears running down his skin and then disappear into the fabric of his black hoodie.
Jake didn’t really think when he grabbed her thighs to pull her astride on his lap.
But she didn’t seem to mind. On the contrary, she helped him immediately and then pressed herself so hard against him that he briefly felt that she was squeezing the air out of his lungs. But damn it, it didn’t matter.
He stroked his hand up and down her back while she sobbed deeply and cried bitterly. Her voice was so dripping with agony, and the young hacker hated himself for not being able to take this pain away from her. That he had no way to make her feel better, that he couldn’t protect her from the pain that poisoned her soul. He had sworn to protect her always and from everything. But he couldn’t protect her from the pain right now.
Then there was the problem that he didn’t really know what had happened. Because even if he had asked again and again in the last three days, no one wanted to tell him anything. But the black-haired man had the deep suspicion that Richy’s death was not the only thing that had to do with the mechanic.
Jake wondered if he should address his conjecture cautiously as he kept trying to somehow improve the situation with reassuring words like "I’m here, MC" or "I’m taking care of you".
For minutes they both just sat there while she cried in his hoodie without a break. Until she finally got what he had feared out of herself, interrupted by several sobs.
"Richy - Jake, it was Richy, all the while it was Richy," she squeezed out and started crying even more terribly than before.
And hell, it broke his heart into millions of pieces to see her suffer like that. It hurt him so much that even he felt he wanted to cry, but he held back his rising tears. He had to stay strong for both of them. If he started crying now, it would probably only make her sadder if it was possible at all.
"Oh MC," he breathed and swallowed once firmly: "I am- I know that these words do not help, make nothing better, but I am infinitely sorry that it has ended this way."
To be honest, he wasn’t even surprised by this fact, and he was sure it wasn’t a new thought for MC. Secretly, both had probably always suspected that the man without a face was Richy. They were just too good as a team, their thoughts too equal and Richy too suspicious.
Even though they had never talked about it, both had known it all along.
Which was probably also the reason why MC denied when he asked her if she believed that their culprit was really Michael Hanson.
And also, why she didn’t tell Jessy at the time, or rather the whole group, that the man with no face had told her that he had killed Richy.
Because Richy himself was the Man Without a Face all the time.
Jake had a hard time imagining what it had to feel like for her when she finally found out the truth. The betrayal she had to feel must have been terrible, so terrible that there were no words to describe how she felt about it.
He could feel her hands clawing into his sweater, as if she were afraid she might fall if she didn’t hold on. She was looking for support, for emotional support, and he wanted to be the person who gave her what she needed, wrapping his arms even tighter around her. He pressed her against himself and kept whispering in her ear that he wouldn’t let her go. That he was there for her and that he understood how she must feel. At least he could imagine it.
She moved even closer to him, even if that was almost impossible. Even her legs, which were to the left and right of his thighs, were pressed tightly together, squeezing him completely.
But it didn't bothered him. On the contrary, he saw, if he was lucky, the chance to elicit a little laugh from her, if she was not too broken.
"The agents don’t need to worry about me escaping, your clasping is stronger than any handcuffs in the world. I would never be able to leave if you continued to." he whispered into her ear.
And indeed, she went through another deep sob that paired with a little bit of amusement.
But she also loosened her grip a little, and muttered an "I'm sorry" as she tried to slip a little away from him.
But that was not what he wanted to achieve, so he immediately pulled her as close as she was.
"Not -" he said: "Please, I don’t want you to stop." His voice sounded more pleading than he had expected, and MC seemed glad he thought so.
Even though she strengthened her grip, she raised her head to look at him. But when he saw her, when he saw the pain in her eyes. When he saw and heard the desperate laughter that broke out of her as his eyes widened from her reddened and swollen eyes. When he saw her slightly bleeding lip, on which he could even see her tooth prints, it hit him.
In milliseconds his eyes filled with the already back-holded tears and already the first rolled out of his eye.
He quickly tried to regain his composure, blinked and didn’t want to let her see that he was sad too. But instead of getting better, it got worse and worse.
The second and third tears ran down his face and immediately MC sobbed again and her own crying worsened.
"I’m sorry to make you sad," she cried and hung her head.
The hacker took his arms off her back and put both hands on her cheeks to raise her head to make her look at him again.
"Don’t do this, don’t apologize, in no case." Even though he now sounded tormented himself, his voice still sounded firm and convinced. "You don’t have to apologize, MC, never for nothing, my heart breaks to see you like that, it’s true, but it’s not your fault. Not in the least."
"But -" she wanted to disagree, but he stopped her: "No, no 'but', none, it’s not your fault, it’s just, I can’t help you. I can’t do anything to make you feel better, and it makes me sad, I don’t want you to be sad, I want to see you happy. But right now, there’s nothing I can do to make it happen. My hands are just free, and yet they are tied to me in relation to your feelings."
MC sobbed deeply before she said: "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your voice is, and how sweet your way of talking?" Despite the tears, she smiled at him, she even looked a little less sad for a short while, but unfortunately only for a few seconds.
The young hacker had definitely not expected this answer from her, which is why he did not think of anything that he could return.
But even if he had thought of something, these words would probably have stuck in his throat either way.
Without warning, MC had leaned forward, her arms wrapped around his neck, and her lips pressed against his cheek to catch the tear that had just rolled hot over his skin.
His heart stopped for a few seconds. He widened his eyes in shock and his body tensed by itself, which led to the young woman immediately withdrawing.
"Oh God, I’m so sorry" she gasped and looked as shocked as he did. "I’m- Gosh, I’m sorry. I should have asked - I should have asked before - I - shit" she stuttered and her cheeks turned bright red while her eyes scanned his face to see possible signs of anger or the like.
But there was nothing like that, he stared deep into her eyes, still shocked. She had held her hand in front of her mouth, another expression for how uncomfortable she was and how surprised she was about her own action, over which she had no control.
When she still did not get a reaction from him, she wanted to continue talking, apologize again and even get off his lap. But that seemed to finally release the hacker from his freezing, and with the hands still clutching her face, he pulled her so fast to himself that their lips almost painfully collided. But both simply ignored it.
The kiss, which consisted only of pressing their lips on each other, had been so unplanned that both did not even had the time to close their eyes.
And a few seconds later it was already over again and they leaned away from each other. Jake’s hands remained in the same place, and the young woman slipped hers over his neck, his shoulders, up to his cheeks, where she cupped his face as much as he did hers.
Tears still flowed from the eyes of the two while they almost seemed to stare into the other’s soul.
Both, caught in each other’s gaze, looked for the small signs of doubt, discomfort or remorse. But neither MC nor Jake felt that way.
On the contrary, every second the two stared into each other’s eyes, the desire grew in them to feel again the feeling of their lips against each other. But this time prepared, this time right.
Both wanted to taste each other’s lips, feel the texture of them. Let every little unevenness burn into their brain so that they would never forget about it again. Both wanted to press their bodies against each other, wanted to inhale the smell of the other, wanted to feel the dizziness that would be triggered by the amount of endorphins in their brains. Both wanted the happiness they could give each other to flow through their veins and forget the pain for a few seconds.
In addition, both finally wanted to satisfy their longing for each other completely, which had now built up over weeks, while they had fallen in love. They had never seen each other before, until now they didn’t even know each other’s voice. MC, in particular, had not even an idea what the man she fell head over heels in love looked like.
However, he had seen at least some pictures of her from social media. And that was also the reason why it had frightened him when she had opened the door for the three men. Because in the pictures he had seen of her, she seemed different. When she opened the door, she looked exactly the opposite of what he had seen in the pictures.
Of course, they were pictures and it was on social media, the place where almost everyone just showed the happy side. But the atmosphere she had in the pictures was nothing you can fake, she seemed to shine in the pictures. Not like gold, not with beauty, even though she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her personality was what made her shine, her strength, her humor and her impudence. He could feel the mischievous side of her, he could see the sparkle in her eyes, he could feel how powerful she was. Not powerful in the sense of, she had the say, they had power over others. She was powerful because of her honesty, her openness, her impartiality, the respect she had for everyone. By her helpfulness, by the courage that had flowed through her veins when he met her.
Even if she had sometimes lost this courage, for which no one could blame her, given the circumstances in which they were. So she had never given up, no matter how hard it was. Yes, she had thought about it, several times, maybe she had even been close to it, but she had not done it, she had not given up. She had helped him in any situation, she had revived a whole Internet movement to protect him, to help him. She had gone through hell to save his sister, though for a while, she had not even known at the beginning that Hannah was his sister. Just like Lilly.
Even though he had kept so many things from her, even though he had kept her in the dark for so long. Although, without the background information, he may have seemed a little creepy to other people who didn’t know him, it had never stopped her from making her own picture of him. To get to know him, to hear a part of his story, which he had already hidden for four years.
Yes, she was so brave that she wanted to confront the perpetrator, the man without a face, Richy. That she would have sacrificed herself to save Hannah’s life, if Richy’s words were correct. Yes, it was also a little bit naive, almost a little stupid, that she had actually considered going for the deal, because she could have been killed.
Nevertheless, it impressed him so incredibly that she would have done it; he would never have allowed it, never wanted it. He would never have accepted it, but he was impressed, deeply impressed by her, from the very first second.
And all that, her strength, her courage, all that he could also clearly see in the pictures he saw.
She was powerful because her heart was in the right place.
But unfortunately there was little of it, until nothing at all, when she had opened the door and did not even give a real reaction. She seemed to be indifferent; she seemed to have already suspected that he was being arrested. She seemed to be broken by what had happened, and he could absolutely understand it; every human being would be broken by all this burden. Crushed by all the pain of the last few weeks, made less emotional by all the grief, maybe dead inside. Yes, that matched the impression she gave when the door was opened, dead inside, no real opinion, no real mind. So full of confusion and pain of betrayal that she had to experience through an actual friend. And he knew the feeling so well, he knew it too well, he was like that himself, through four years of escape. By the fact that he had lost everything and everyone that had meant something to him, by the fact that he himself had been betrayed. Betrayed by a long-believed friend, a friend who had taken advantage of him and acted only for his own good. From a friend who was to blame for the young hacker losing his life.
There was not much left of her true nature; the dark shadow had spread over her. And he didn’t want to know how bad it must have been for her the days before, how she must have felt right after. How she had survived the days without losing her mind completely; if he knew, if he had seen her that way, it would have destroyed him as well. But that wouldn’t have stopped him from doing whatever it took to help her at least a little bit. Unfortunately, this opportunity was not given to him because of his arrest.
But right now, right at that moment, he could see a small spark of what he had seen in her pictures.
Right now, at that moment, while they were both holding each other’s face, could see and feel each other. While they could look at each other, he felt as if he could see a bit of what he had saw from her photos.
And he knew that he was the reason, he was the reason. Just as he was now her reason to see a little life in her eyes, so she had been for him a few weeks ago. When she entered his life, in which she tore the door out of the hinges without consideration, and snuck directly into his heart. When she was suddenly in his life, treating him like a human being and understanding him, when he was at an absolute low point. As deep as never before.
He had lost everything four years ago, he was on the run from the law, from the government. Had no one in his life, no one.
A few years ago, when he contacted Hannah, he had hoped to someday be part of her family. At least of her and Lilly, but that went as wrong as he never thought possible, because she had fallen in love with him. So he had to cancel the contact and was sure that he would never hear from her again. After all, the beginning had ended before it even started. So he had to live with the fact that, after the death of his mother, he probably could never have a family again.
But then Hannah suddenly sended the email, out of nowhere, sought contact with him, a thing he had never expected. And although he had only seen it days later, the tiny spark of hope lit up in him that he might have a family again. And that was before he read the content of her email, and he immediately had the little hope that Hannah knows the truth. That he’s her brother, that they have the same father, and that she wanted to meet him now, him, as her brother. But when he saw her message, in which she had asked him for help, only concern spread in him, she sounded frightened. Even he could see it, read it out.
So he immediately grabbed his phone and called the number she had given him.
And barely a minute after she answered, he had to watch her abduction. Had to watch her get hurt in front of his eyes, heard her call for help, scream his name, ask him for help. But he could do absolutely nothing, nothing at all, and again his hope for a family was destroyed. He had to live with the fear that his sister might die, because he had no idea what had happened. Why she was kidnapped. He had no idea.
And then, then MC came. Suddenly, despite all the worry he had in his life, suddenly there was a ray of hope at the end of the dark tunnel. Suddenly there was a ray of sunshine that finally showed him the way out of the tunnel.
MC, who gave him the opportunity to finally see an end. A ray of hope that helped him not to stumble blind, surrounded by darkness through the tunnel, but to finally find the exit.
The ray of hope that helped him to see, and finally to give him a goal that was not only "survive". Because he set himself the goal to do everything necessary to be able to feel her light, and her warmth forever.
Even though everything was still dark around him, he was guided by this light. Finally, he had seen the sparkle of joy in his own eyes again.
And right now, she had to feel like he did, when he saw her, right now she saw him, actually. And it seemed to show her a sudden way out, a way out of all the pain of the last few weeks.
And damn it, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t proud to give her back what she had unknowingly given him. Hope, joy, love.
He was proud that he seemed to be simbolizing just that for her. So proud that he was finally not the shadow that took away the light from other, the one that dragged everyone into the darkness. But that he could be the light that helped her to see a little hope, just like she had done for him.
Three days ago, he had told her that he loved her, "MC, I love you" he had written to her, "I love you."
And she had answered him, "I love you too."
And it was absolutely right, true, he loved her, he loved her above all else in the world, with every fiber of his body, with every cell in him. So much so that it hurt, even if it sounded cheesy, it was the truth.
He had told her that he loved her, but he had also told her that he was completely at her mercy. That he could never escape her, because if he tried, he would only be driven to her more and more.
And that too had been nothing but the pure truth.
But what he just felt, that topped everything again. Everything he had said was true, but right now, as they were looking at each other, while both were crying in pain. Then he realized, then he understood how understated all this had been, the truth was that there were no words for how he felt. How much he loved her, how much he adored her, how much she had him in her hands, how much she influenced him.
He would do anything for her, anything, really anything, he would do anything if she asked him to. He would do anything to make her happy, do anything to be by her side, do anything to protect her. Do whatever it takes to give her what she deserved. He was totally at her mercy, she had him absolutely in her hand, absolutely in her power, God, he felt like she was his queen. His queen, and he was her court jester. She would only have to say a tiny word, and he would set the world on fire for her.
And right now, looking into her red and tears-filled eyes, he realized how much he really needed her. How much he actually loves her.
And this realization made him cry more and more. Because, a damned storm of happiness, finally not being alone anymore, finally having someone he could love, washed through his body and let the feeling of being alive flow through his body again.
He was crying for happiness, and he was crying for love, for love for MC, but coupled with happiness, that damn fear came at the same time. The fear that destroyed everything, the fear that he could lose her. The fear of what would happen to him if he really lost her, in whatever way.
He knew that if this happened, if she disappeared from his life again, he would not survive it.
He had only known her for a few weeks, but he already knew. If she, the only ray of hope in his world, were to disappear, the darkness would devour him, he would drown in the darkness. It would destroy him, it would kill him.
"God, damn Jake" MC cried and the sheer despair had returned to her face. She kept hitting his chest with her left hand, sobbing, the thumb of her right hand drew rough circles on his cheek. He could feel her fingernails digging into the back of his head, but it wasn’t really painful. On the contrary, he liked it, because he felt her.
But the confusion of her renewed strong crying spreaded in him.
"MC" he said, his voice was so incredibly rough that he had to clear his throat so that it sounded a little understandable at all.
"Damn Jake!" her voice rose a few octaves: "Why don’t you answer me all the time? You scare me!" she declared desperately and let her hand wipe over his cheek to stop the flow of tears.
Then he understood, he had drifted so completely into his thoughts, looking into her eyes, he had drowned in them. In her beautiful eyes, and through his feelings, which he had only now really realized and understood, at least the extent of this.
"You started crying, so suddenly, so extreme, tell me what’s going on, please," she pleaded, begging and leaning a little towards him.
He glanced briefly over her beautiful features, his heart leaping as he saw her lips he had kissed earlier. When he saw her red cheeks with which she looked so sweet. When he saw the small crease between her eyebrows that came from her worried facial expression.
A trembling went through him, followed by a sob, then a small laugh. A laugh of disbelief at this whole situation that was so strange and yet so beautiful that no one would ever believe it. Then he looked back into her eyes. He recognized the look that silent pleading that he should finally tell her why he had stared at her after kissing her. And why he had to start crying afterwards and all that, although he had not really noticed it himself.
Then finally, he managed to speak. "I love you," he just said, "I love you, MC, I love you so much."
He didn’t give her a chance to answer; he didn’t let a second pass until he pulled her face to his again to kiss her. And she immediately returned the kiss.
She pressed herself as close as possible to his body. So much so that he could no longer hold himself upright, and fell with his back against the back of the sofa.
But no one was bothered by it. Both of them had completely forgotten that they were not even alone in the apartment. That Jake was actually arrested. And also that this visit was actually not a uniting of two broken and mutually incredible loving people. The real reason was to recruit MC to help them, the FBI, with a job that could cause Jake to lose his status as a wanted criminal and be a free person again.
But both had absolutely no time to waste the slightest thought on it, not now.
It was much more important to concentrate on each other and somehow to express the emotional chaos that prevailed in both. And that by kissing each other as if they were both dying, if they wouldn’t.
Their lips matched each other so perfectly that it could almost not be natural. Her body snuggled against his so perfectly that it was impossible other than to believe that the two were destined for each other from the beginning.
As the kiss became more and more intense, the two longed more and more to be closer than they were right now. Desire sprouted in the two, causing them to bring the kiss to the next level, while at the same time opening their lips a little until their tongue met.
MC whimpered as she perceived the feeling from his tongue, which clearly seemed to dominate her movements. It made her want to ease the slowly but steadily rising heat between her legs by letting her pelvis rock against his.
Jake, still holding his hands to her cheeks, gasped and pressed himself toward her. Then his left hand left her face. He stroked her back down and stopped on her lower back to exert pressure while she let her hips roll against his a second time.
The button, his jeans were at the perfect height of her clit and the friction against the fabric of his pants and the small round metal made millions of hot flashes seem to shoot through her veins and elicited her another gasp. She let her hands slide through his pitch black and incredibly soft hair. She gently pulled a few strands, which drew a soft growling from him.
But then a deep and annoyed voice suddenly destroyed everything and brought them back to reality in a terrible way: "Okay, that’s enough now!" thundered the agent, who had been the nicer of the two before. Probably not anymore now.
All of a sudden, Jake was sitting candle-straight on the sofa again. Both were completely shocked and stared at the agent, who returned their gaze with disbelief: "We wanted you to get your shit together and not to fuck each other."
"Fuck" Jake gasped and dropped his head against the shoulder of MC, who clearly had to resist a loud laugh.
"Oops, you are still here." she giggled and only now took her hands out of Jake’s hair.
"Yes, we are, but we don’t have all day, you’re lucky that you got that time you had. Our concern is important and we have no time to give away! Mr Donfort, you should know that exactly."
With a firm stride, the agent went back to the chair opposite the sofa, the second following him.
"Would you please go down from him now? Otherwise I will help you." he asked the young woman, who then quickly rose from the lap of Jake, who immediately straightened his pants and cleared his throat.
"Like teenagers," the agent continued to complain, as MC sat next to Jake and then clung to his arm. Not for fear or the like, but simply because she wanted to be as close as possible to him.
Before one of the two agents could finally start reporting on what was going on, MC leaned over to Jake’s ear and whispered, "I love you too"
Jake looked down at her with a loving smile and then leaned closer to her to kiss her again.
The agent actually wanted to stop this immediately, but he simply swallowed the words; it would bring nothing.
"Well, if I have your attention now?"
The young couple did not look at him; they just kept looking deep into each other’s eyes, but both nodded.
The agent sighed, but then he just started: "Well, my name is Flynn, special agent at the FBI. This next to me is my colleague Special Agent Flag."
The young woman finally released her gaze from the black-haired one and this time looked at the two agents quite emotionless.
"I don’t care who you are, just tell me what to do for you."
Agent Flynn looked at her with his eyebrow raised, as if he didn’t quite understand that she already knew what was going on here.
"Well, you want my or rather, our help, 'cause you’re stuck on something, right? As deal you propose that Jake can finally live a normal life again without being wanted by you. So tell me, whose ass do I have to kick?"
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