angeliczelda444 · 1 year
Ok so since my mind won't STFU about TOTK especially with my goat dad Rauru I have yet another headcanon/potential DLC idea for totk. So here it goes. (Also sorry I know this is long but please bare with me)
Ok for starters, I'll make a separate post about this but I'm also coming up with a potential DLC idea to include a backstory to not only the Zonai people but within Rauru and Mineru's childhood and youth. This backstory will show the history of the Zonai and what lead to their downfall and how Rauru became king. In one of the cutscenes I'm thinking of, it will be about Rauru but here he is the age of 10 years old. His secret stone of light was actually his mother's and she shares the same light power as him. Remember when Zeldas mom and Urbosa would call Zelda little bird? She would call him something similar. She would call Rauru "Sweet dove". This is gonna be sad I know but the reason why she gave Rauru her secret stone was not only the fact that Rauru was ready for it.....but she was on the brink of passing away from being poisoned by a group of people who are killing the Zonai. (That will be for a separate post). And with this Rauru swears on his life to become the best Warrior for his people and to honor his mother's wish. And that's where it can fast forward to Rauru in his teen years. (Again, I'll make a separate post for this idea). Ok so now!!! What if there were additional cutscenes for the DLC and it actually shows a bit more of wholesome memories with Zelda in the past along with Rauru, Sonia and Mineru? This cutscene in practicular would focus on Zelda and Rauru. Keep in mind, especially in the ancient stone tablets it implies that Zelda was in the past for quite some time so naturally she would create a bond with these 3. And we've already seen a bit in that one dragon tears with Sonia and Rauru regarding Link. Ok so anyways! This cutscene here would be about Zelda and Rauru. Keep in mind, although she may have Sonias time power and she is mainly trying to use that, Rauru still wants to help Zelda as well with her power of light. And another way for these both to bond is by him showing her around Hyrule within that time and maybe show her his kingly duties. Ok, so this is where it gets wholesome. She's explained to Rauru before along with Sonia about how Urbosa would call her little bird. She has also explained to these 2 how her dad was so hard on her for power of light. Little does Zelda know, Rauru relates to Zelda very much. In the Zonai backstory, his dad was severely hard on him. Hell he was even worse than Rhoam. Rauru felt a huge ass responsibility towards his people back then because his power was seen as rare amongst his people(OK OK ILL MAKE A POST ABOUT THIS LATER OK?) Anyways, he sees this and reassures Zelda that he is in no way pressuring her into this power at all. And here's the wholesome part.....ok remember how Rauru's mother would call him sweet dove? Well.....IN THIS CUTSCENE HE CALLS ZELDA SWEET DOVE!! For example it could be something like "Zelda, you are already doing so much for your people. You carry the world on your shoulders and I know you strive to work hard, but just know that you are doing enough.....my sweet dove." Zelda would get curious as to why he called her sweet dove and he explains that Urbosa already gave you the title little bird and he wouldn't take it away. He explains to her that his mother called him that and how he sees himself through Zelda. So naturally, he called her sweet dove. AND OMG OMG YOU GUYS THAT WOULD BE HIS TERM OF ENDEARMENT TOWARDS ZELDA AND COULD YOU IMAGINE IF THEY MADE ANOTHER HYRULE WARRIORS GAME BASED ON TOTK HE WOULD CALL HER THAT IN THAT GAME AS WELL?!?!?!?! Ugh look this may be a bit copy paste from Urbosa but IDC cause Zelda has never had stable parental figures in her life and Rauru has been a better father to Zelda than Rhoam was. Basically sweet dove would be the fatherly version of little bird ok???? Lol ok yall thank you for coming to my Ted talk. If you made it this far which I know this is long but if you did, thank you. I hope in every ore you break in TOTK will be a diamond and you find the best weapons in the depths lol.
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steeklover · 2 years
The Worldwide Privacy Tour Season 26 Episode 2 Thoughts
-I don’t really have much to say about this episode. I liked it. It wasn’t as good as Cupid Ye. The whole time I felt like there was something missing and I felt like it could be better. I wasn’t as excited and into it as I was with Cupid Ye. It was still pretty good.
-I’m really happy that it seems like Token is going to have a more prominent role now, seeing that he’s still seen hanging out with Stan’s gang. I almost thought that his friendship with Kyle was going to be a one episode thing and even though he wasn’t actually seen with Kyle this time, I’m glad that he’s seen with Stan, Kyle and Cartman. I guess Stan didn’t hold anything against him for stealing his best friend away. 
-I wonder how this is going to affect Craig’s gang though, considering that Token is now hanging out with Stan’s gang?? Not that he can’t be friends with both groups though. But I wonder if there’s going to be debate on whether Token is Stan’s gang or Craig’s gang if we continue to see him with Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman. Same thing with Jimmy although he hangs out with both gangs. Maybe it’s just Clyde, Craig and Tweek now. I honestly wouldn’t mind that.
-I’ve never been a huge fan of Kyle. I like him, I definitely don’t hate him but I never really understood the hype with him. This episode has probably changed my mind though. I just found him to be super relatable in this episode. Like when Kyle said I want people to think I’m stronger, mentally, than I actually am, I felt that. And the speech he gave at the end was perfect. Him giving up on fighting with Ike and letting him feel the way he felt… perfect. Him being himself and letting go of his brand… perfect.
-Also, bad boy Kyle is now a thing. His little strut down the hallway was amazing.
-OMG IKE!! I always get so sad when I see him cry. But at the end when Kyle told him that it was okay for him to feel the way he felt and that he was just who he was… Kyle might’ve stolen  the Best Big Brother Award away from Kenny because my heart swelled up with joy in that scene.
-Bebe beating up Butters… that was so funny 😂 She didn’t have a scratch and yet she fucked him up!! I do wish we got more of a Butters/Kyle friendship though, I was thinking we were going to but then nothing ever really happened. 
-And then the ending, I loved it so much. When Kyle walked down those stairs after comforting his brother to find that all his friends were there wanting to play with him, when his friends actually understood him and felt compassion towards him, I loved it. And when they went to play basketball, Kyle’s favorite sport, I loved it. And when Harry came and asked to play and started playing his drums… it was weird but it was okay. I LOVED THE ENDING!!
-I don’t really want to get into Harry and Meghan (even though I found their story hilarious) but I cracked up when Harry’s book was titled WAAHH 😂😂😂
-The only thing that bothered me was that I thought we were going to see Kyle’s hair????
-Also disappointed that we still didn’t get much Style. I don’t ship them but I like them being friends yet we got Kyle ignoring Stan and they we got Stan (kind of) ignoring Kyle. At least Stan came around in the end and stated that he thought Kyle needed some outdoor time.
-Going forwards, I really want a Stan, Clyde or Tweek episode. I swear I have not seen Stan smile ONCE this season and it’s killing me!! (Well I guess there was that one time in the cafeteria when he thought he was getting Kyle back but that was short lived) ALSO CRAIG’S GANG PLEASE!! That would be like killing one bird with two stones (is that the expression)
-Last thing, it says the next episode comes out on March 1st which is my BIRTHDAY so I really hope it’s good. Although, I don’t understand the two week gap since the last two episodes came out within a week of each other. Maybe that means it’s going to be extra good.
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nerdtronica · 1 year
every tmbg album in a nutshell
idc if i skipped albums it's my post my choice
THE PINK ALBUM 1: paranoia??????? 2: puppet heads 3: writer's block 4: i hate my life 5: oh no home invasion 6: why did my gf leave me :( 7: i'm a dad 8: kids with rabies are weird 9: the beatles suck ass ngl 10: FGEBUHIWJOKPOFJEH(W*)POKD 11: aNgeLS aRe rEaL 12: MY DOG FUCKING DIED 13: okay what the fuck 14: schizophrenia 15: disfigurement is cool 16: i don't wanna fucking die 17: stereotyping is real guys 18: huh 19: idk what this song is about but it's silly
LINCOLN 1: long distance relationship 2: MOOFBEHUJWIRU#*u9IKM 3: don't do drugs 4: male pattern baldness 5: parodies are fun 6: childhood nightmares amiright? 7: is this a metaphor for being a piece of shit 8: don't be sad bro 9: goddamn i sure love war 10: HAHA PUNS 11: abusive relationships frfr 12: fuck santa claus 13: fuck the haters 14: DIVORCE :D 15: whaaaaaat theeeeee fuuuuck 16: handstands are cool ig 17: i am going to kms 18: manipulating people to get what you want is awesome
FLOOD 1: self-advertising 2: nightlights are epic 3: COWBOY DIVORCE 4: history is cool 5: reincarnation 6: DON'T BE RACIST I AM A BUILDING 7: this can be a metaphor for anything 8: it's not the 1960's dude 9: cool rocks 10: stop moving chairs KYLE it's not cool 11: old people 12: this one's for all those lower-class workers 13: birds are so epic 14: more like taking a shit in the park 15: who the fuck is this guy 16: cave people 17: abusive relationships AGAIN 18: self-advertising AGAIN 19: the goddamn berlin wall
APOLLO 18 1: death lol 2: palindromes are so epic 3: enlarged to show texture 4: doppelgangers bro :( 5: biology class 6: is this about drugs 7: everyone skips this song 8: guitars are epic 9: pavlov's dog 10: why do they love singing about hateful relationships 11: why is this intro so fucking long 12: is this about jesus 13: wooooaaaaahh space 14: don't be shy bro 15: DEATH!!!!! 16: magicians 17: my adhd brain 18: oh finally an instrumental
JOHN HENRY 1: dreaming about death XD LOL 2: snails are amazing 3: getting stoned is cool 4: COWBOY DIVORCE AGAIN?? 5: LEAN 6: this song was made for neurodivergents (in a good way) 7: french is cool 8: alice cooper is so fucking cool 9: does anyone even like this song 10: why does this song even exist bro 11: jail and greek philosophers 12: religious cults 13: this is apollo 18 all over again 14: it's giving tomorrow never knows by the beatles 15: SPOILER ALERT: james ensor 16: "it's too hot" "it's too cold" OH MY GOD AN EXPLOSION 17: stalker 😒 18: roblox jailbreak 19: what 20: woah this is darker than i thought it would be
FACTORY SHOWROOM 1: whore slut bitch cunt 🥰🥰🥰 2: drugs? AGAIN???? 3: transgender 4: i see dead people 5: song of the summer 6: the original song was better 7: dysfunctional family 8: new wave battle 9: hypnotist of ladies's evil cousin 10: presidents are cool 11: ya like jazz 😏 12: I HEAR YOU 13: this is like take me to church by hozier but cooler
LONG TALL WEEKEND 1: oh my god we get another instrumental 2: mink car foreshadowing 3: lesley gore is an icon 4: rats are awesome 5: oh no we lost our token 6: mink car foreshadowing again 7: women are epic 8: this is such a vibe 9: evil 10: violence and killing and murder and crimes :3 11: nuh uh 12: oh shit we got lost oh fuck 13: shhhh don't cry 14: backwards shit 15: thomas edison is a bitch
MINK CAR 1: i love your hair 2: i don't need haters 3: overstimulation 4: goofy ahh 5: this is so corny-2000's-boy-band-love-song-core 6: i am a vampire be afraid 7: aw man you're just a sombrero 8: groovy 9: i am miserable 10: alcoholism 11: it's like that one meme 12: lmao you're so fucking old (psst you're gonna die soon) 13: omg i got run over by a fucking bedazzled car 14: evil skrunkly 15: stop fucking lying 16: who even- 17: james bond inspector gadget idk
THE SPINE 1: homestar runner 2: why is kermit here 3: working in an office is cool 4: holy shit this is so good 5: tomfoolery 6: beach boys reference 7: i hate bastards 8: later on.... 9: abusive relationships back at it again 10: caffeine got me like 11: CUNTY 12: french AGAIN?? 13: HOORAY 14: broke in two like a glowstick 15: writer's block makes a comeback 16: sobbing rn
THE ELSE 1: sarcasm at it's finest 2: YOU DON'T NEED THAT BASTARD IN YOUR LIFE GIRL 3: turn that frown upside down 4: someone call an exorcist 5: coraline moment 6: AHOY THERE MATEYS 7: bruh it's so dark. i guess i'm WITH THE DARK HAHAHA 8: omg clone high reference?? 9: woah that's fucked up 10: damn it my hope just withered 11: bro i need my dictionary 12: amnesia moment 13: it is not the late fourth millennium BC
JOIN US 1: fuck everyone and everything 2: hey girl are you a girl because you look like a girl 3: you're crazy😂😂😂 4: cryptids are epic 5: shut the fuck up you bitch 6: rapunzel 7: woohoo 8: i am a gifted burnout kid 9: can you die rn lmao 10: okay so what 11: ily judy 12: in my hopeless romantic era 13: this is such a vibe 14: don't text and drive 15: dogs 16: what year is it 17: what 18: "i don't like this song" AND IT DOESN'T LIKE YOU EITHER
NANOBOTS 1: go to the fucking hospital 2: what the fuck does this even mean 3: huh 4: this is so fire 5: scooby-doo ahh song 6: my mom died 7: fuck elon musk 8: i must eep 9: FIRE SONG ABOUT REBELLION 10: i am going to go cry 11: fuck the past this is the present 12: shhh these are 9 secret steps 13: bees love your mind 14: hmmmmm 15: nouns are epic 16: ROBIN GOLDWASSER 17: insects and hospitals 18: predicament 19: ooh funky 20: weirdcore bitches be like 21: WHO'S DAVE 22: tiktok alt kids be like 23: and why he eepy 24: such a vibe 25: you can't kill me haha
GLEAN 1: a beautiful mix of death and love 2: i love being alive dude 3: new superhero idea MARVEL GET ON IT 4: this is goofy ahh 5: bro i'm just tryna get you to like me 6: wow what an amazing connection to the real world 7: fight me 8: it's giving musical 9: boyfriends suck 10: incoherent 11: i'm sorry women 12: stop being a pussy 13: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 14: TRES BON 15: MORE INSTRUMENTALS???
PHONE POWER 1: you're crazy bro 2: ily but not like that 3: kidnappings are fire 4: imagination! 5: stop being mean to detroit 6: goofy ahh 7: bloody noses bro 8: i thought this was gonna be like that matt & kim song 9: 4th of july 🦅🇺🇲 10: cryptids again 11: dial-a-song song 12: shut up bitch imma haunt you 13: what this title makes no sense 14: i'm sorry woman 15: woah shapeshifting 16: better than the original frfr on god no cap big facts 17: okay... 18: self-advertisement
I LIKE FUN 1: is this gonna be over bro 2: astral projection 3: AAAA AAAAAA 4: back in my day 5: salty ass bitch 6: this slaps so hard 7: I LIKE FUN BRO 8: banger 9: microphone 10: take a walk on the sunny side 11: turn on the lights 12: aaa nessie 13: what 14: nick offerman 15: WE DIE ALONE WE DIE AFRAID WE LIVE IN TERROR WE'RE NAKED AND ALONE AND THE GRAVE IS THE LONELIEST PLACE
BOOK 1: just to refresh your memory (our last album was from 2018) 2: aaaah di ahh di ah di ah di yay 3: everyone hates me bro 4: CAN'T CUT IT AS AN ARTIST 5: snow 6: it's not just for winnipeg 7: aw man what happened to my dream 8: stupid clown 9: poison is epic 10: where the fuck is thursday 11: you wanna believe me but you can't 12: i'm super cool 13: hmmm 14: i ain't a clown 15: 0 is less than 1
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supernovagifs · 1 month
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist
Below are/will be episodes of
Season 1
1x1 - Pilot
1x2 - The Jenna Thing
1x3 - To Kill a Mocking Girl
1x4 - Can You Hear Me Now?
1x5 - Reality Bite Me
1x6 - There's No Place Like Homecoming
1x7 - The Homecoming Hangover
1x8 - Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone
1x9 - The Perfect Storm
1x10 - Keep Your Friends Close
1x11 - Moments Later
1x12 - Salt Meets Wound
1x13 - Know Your Frenemies
1x14 - Careful What U Wish 4
1x15 - If at First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
1x16 - Je Suis Une Amie
1x17 - The New Normal
1x18 - The Badass Seed
1x19 - A Person of Interest
1x20 - Someone to Watch Over Me
1x21 - Monsters in the End
1x22 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
Season 2
2x1 - It's Alive
2x2 - The Goodbye Look
2x3 - My Name Is Trouble
2x4 - Blind Dates
2x5 - The Devil You Know
2x6 - Never Letting Go
2x7 - Surface Tension
2x8 - Save the Date
2x9 - Picture This
2x10 - Touched by an A-ngel
2x11 - I Must Confess
2x12 - Over My Dead Body
2x13 - The First Secret
2x14 - Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares
2x15 - A Hot Piece of 'A'
2x16 - Let the Water Hold Me Down
2x17 - The Blond Leading the Blind
2x18 - A Kiss Before Lying
2x19 - The Naked Truth
2x20 - CTRL:A
2x21 - Breaking the Code
2x22 - Father Knows Best
2x23 - Eye of the Beholder
2x34 - If These Dolls Could Talk
2x25 - UnmAsked
Season 3
3x1 - It Happened 'That Night
3x2 - Blood is the New Black
3x3 - Kingdom of the Blind
3x4 - Birds of a Feather
3x5 - That Girl Is Poison
3x6 - The Remains of the 'A'
3x7 - Crazy
3x8 - Stolen Kisses
3x9 - The Kahn Game
3x10 - What Lies Beneath
3x11 - Single Fright Female
3x12 - The Lady Killer
3x13 - This is a Dark Ride
3x14 - She's Better Now
3x15 - Mona-Mania
3x16 - Misery Loves Company
3x17 - Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno
3x18 - Dead to Me
3x19 - What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted
3x20 - Hot Water
3x21 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind
3x22 - Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
3x23 - I'm Your Puppet
3x24 - A DAngerous GAme
Season 4
4x1 - 'A' is for A-l-i-v-e
4x2 - Turn of the Shoe
4x3 - Cat's Cradle
4x4 - Face Time
4x5 - Gamma Zeta Die!
4x6 - Under the Gun
4x7 - Crash and Burn, Girl!
4x8 - The Guilty Girl's Handbook
4x9 - Into the Deep
4x10 - The Mirror Has Three Faces
4x11 - Bring Down the Hoe
4x12 - Now You See Me, Now You Don't
4x13 - Grave New World
4x14 - Who's in the Box?
4x15 - Love ShAck, Baby
4x16 - Close Encounters
4x17 - Bite Your Tongue
4x18 - Hot for Teacher
4x19 - Shadow Play
4x20 - Free Fall
4x21 - She's Come Undone
4x22 - Cover for Me
4x23 - Unbridled
5x24 - 'A' is for Answers
Season 5
5x1 - EscApe from New York
5x2 - Whirly Girlie
5x3 - Surfing the Aftershocks
5x4 - Thrown from the Ride
5x5 - Miss Me x 100
5x6 - Run, Ali, Run
5x7 - The Silence of E. Lamb
5x8 - Scream for Me
5x9 - March of Crimes
5x10 - A Dark Ali
5x11 - No One Here Can Love or Understand Me
5x12 - Taking This One to the Grave
5x13 - How the 'A' Stole Christmas
5x14 - Through a Glass Darkly
5x15 - Fresh Meat
5x16 - Over a Barrel
5x17 - The Bin of Sin
5x18 - Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me
5x19 - Out, Damned Spot
5x20 - Pretty Isn't the Point
5x21 - Bloody Hell
5x22 - To Plea or Not to Plea
5x23 - The Melody Lingers On
5x24 - I'm a Good Girl, I Am"
5x25 - Welcome to the Dollhouse
Season 6
6x1 - Game On, Charles
6x2 - Songs of Innocence
6x3 - Songs of Experience
6x4 - Don't Look Now
6x5 - She's No Angel
6x6 - No Stone Unturned
6x7 - O Brother, Where Art Thou
6x8 - FrAmed
6x9 - Last Dance
6x10 - Game Over, Charles
6x11 - Of Late I Think of Rosewood
6x12 - Charlotte's Web
6x13 - The Gloves Are On
6x14 - New Guys, New Lies
6x15 - Do Not Disturb
6x16 - Where Somebody Waits for Me
6x17 - We've All Got Baggage
6x18 - Burn This
6x19 - Did You Miss Me?
6x20 - Hush Hush Sweet Liars
Season 7
7x1 - Tick-Tock Bitches
7x2 - Bedlam
7x3 - The Talented Mr Rollins
7x4 - Hit and Run Run Run
7x5 - Along Comes Mary
7x6 - Wanted Dead or Alive
7x7 - Original G'A'ngters
7x8 - Exes and OMGs
7x9 - The Wrath of Kahn
7x10 - The DArkest
7x11 - Playtime
7x12 - These Boots Were Made for Stalking
7x13 - Hold Your Piece
7x14 - Power Play
7x15 - In the Eye Abides the Heart
7x16 - The Glove That Rocks the Cradle
7x17 - Driving Miss Crazy
7x18 - Choose or Lose
7x19 - Farewell My Lovely
7x20 - Till Death Do Us Part
0 notes
nadia-zahra · 2 years
Deeper Dive on Mike and his Gay Feelings
To give context to Mike’s s3 behavior first:
Like I said in my first deep dive on Mike, at the snowball he realizes he feels romantically towards Will and begins his “I don’t like like Will, I’m normal 😃” phase. Normal for him means being heteronormative. Mike thinks acting like a smartass, only spending time making out with your girlfriend, and not wanting to play d&d is what normal teenagers do. This is because of the influence both Ted and Steve had on him in s1. Y’all forget that Steve did literally everything I just listed when he was with Nancy and Ted makes subtle, but homophobic comments ab Will and Mike throughout the show. It makes sense that Mike thinks acting like a douchebag is what’s normal people do because that’s literally all he’s ever learned.
MAJOR MF EDIT OMG: I'm so angry with myself. After this has been up for a few weeks now AND I have reread this post at least three dozen times to make sure my message came across exactly how I wanted it to, I've just realized I didn't clarify Mike didn't know he wasn't romantically into El. Mike doesn't realize he's not romantically in love with El until 3x6. Before, he was confusing his platonic feelings for romantic ones. pls future readers know that whenever I discuss his feelings ab El before the cabin scene he isn't aware that his feelings for her are not romantic. He's not completely using El as a way to repress his gay feelings for Will, he genuinely thinks he like likes her because of his desire to be heteronormal/like girls. This post disproves the bi mike theory and mileven--just casually killing two birds with one stone lol (except bi mike is a national treasure)
Alright, *cracks neck and knuckles* let’s get into s3.
3x1 right off the bat lets us know mileven isn’t healthy. The first scene of these two is them making out, El puts her hands on him, he takes them off, he starts being goofy and sings the song that’s playing, and El doesn’t like it so she shuts him up by kissing him. Ok so Mike doesn’t like getting touched by El romantically…cool cool. This also gives us our first hint at how Mike and El are not compatible— he likes being silly and singing along to songs and she doesn’t. Just one of the ways we’re shown they don’t have similar interests.
After Hop busts them making out, Mike leaves and mileven has a brief lil convo over walkies. This talk shows us they are not equally emotionally invested in their relationship. El lovingly says “I miss you”, he replies “yeah. Me too”. He has annoyance in his voice--like he just wants to get off the walkie. El doesn’t pick up on it, but it’s clear as day from our pov. What’s really odd, though, is Mike not telling El about going to the movies with lumax and Will. Does this mean he’s never mentioned all the other times too?? Why doesn’t he tell her if it’s just the four of them hanging out?? Well...if he’s not telling El now its safe to assume he hasn’t before. Mike never telling her ab the hangouts implies he feels guilty for having more fun at the movies with Will than making out with her. He doesn’t want El to know he dislikes spending all their time together kissing, so he just lets her assume he’s sadly going home. El is clearly more emotionally invested with this relationship and genuinely has lovey feelings for Mike, but he only feels platonically towards El, even after they start dating.
Mike arrives at the mall where he meets lumax and Will to go to the movies. Lucas says three things that are important: 1) Mike’s late again 2) makes fun of mileven for only making out 3) calls these hangouts romantic time with Max. First gonna dissect the last thing I listed because Lucas basically calling it a double date lets us know the tone of these hangouts. They’re romantic in nature, it’s not just four friends hanging out. If lumax thinks it’s a double date...and Will wants it to be a double date...then Mike also senses it’s a double date. Another reason why he doesn’t tell El about them. Second, Lucas (and later Robin) mentions this isn’t the first one. The four of them have done this MULTIPLE TIMES. Mike hasn’t been on a romantic date with El btw, he’s literally only ever shown on one with Will. Like if the writers wanted us to believe mileven is emotionally connected and romantic, then they would’ve made a different opening milkvan scene.  Lastly, Lucas makes fun of him for only making out with El. This is really important because it tells us that the characters in stranger things notice this relationship isn’t healthy!!!
*milkvans speaking* But El is his first gf ofc they’re going to make out all the time! no. incorrect. wrong answer. lumax and duzie (idk is that what they’re callied lol) are great examples of how that ain’t true. Max is Lucas’s first gf and even he gets that it’s weird to want to ONLY make out. Suzie is also Dustin’s first girlfriend and they bond over The Never-Ending Story, not swapping spit.
When Mike replies with “Yeah it’s so funny I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend” it got me thinking…does Mike think this is how dating is supposed to be?? And yeah, he does!!! He doesn’t understand how to build a deeper romantic relationship with El because he doesn't know his feelings for her are platonic. Mike’s just doing what he thinks he’s supposed to do. It proves to himself and others that he’s normal by forcing himself and El to make out (yes I said he’s forcing el I’ll discuss that later). Hopper is the second person to talk ab how mileven only making out is weird. It doesn’t help that Mike acts like an ass towards him, but he acts like that towards Hop because it’s a part of his new douchebag facade. Just gonna throw byler moments here: Mike gets defensive when Will agrees with Lucas, byler hardcore blushing at the movies, Mike staring at Will for roughly 24s while Will is having his war flashbacks, and both of them looking at each other’s lips multiple times in less than 6s.
3x2 Mike lies to El ab his nana and their very fragile relationship begins to untwine. Now I have to say this, Mike 100% wasn’t forced to lie and make up an excuse on why they couldn’t hang out. Hopper threatened to not let him see El again, but he covered the lie up by telling her Mike’s nana was fine. We never did get to hear what hop told mike, but Hopper doing this means he would’ve been ok with Mike coming over the next day as long as he didn’t act like a smartass and kept the door open three inches. Mike chose to add to the nana lie. Even after El asks him straight up if he’s lying he says no. Why would he continue to lie to her when he clearly had a way out?? To put it frankly: Mike didn’t want to spend his afternoon making out with El when he doesn’t even enjoy doing it. Ik…crazy…but Mike knows he’s shit at lying, so he heads to the mall with Lucas and Will to buy her an apology gift.
The whole present/mall situation is the biggest clue to how Mike and El just aren’t compatible from s3. He knows he needs to apologize, but he doesn’t know what she would like because he doesn’t know literally anything ab her interests. The only present he could find for her was too expensive (and Will coded), so he just ended up not buying anything for her. Dude what?! She would’ve been happy with literally anything. Ffs she says in this episode “how do I know if I like something”. The elmax scenes just further prove milkvan doesn’t work because it is quite literally “El being really happy because there’s more to life than stupid boys”.
I’m trying not to add the subtext byler clues to this but I just think this one’s funny: Lucas sprays a purple (mileven color) perfume on Mike, and he makes a super disgusted face lol
El breaks up with mike when her and max see the guys at the mall. I love this for her honestly because this was her first step into being independent and finally living the way she wants to live!!! Back to Mike and his gay feelings— from this point moving forward, Mike thinks they’re broken up. Ik you might think this is a weird thing to say cause like…no dipshit sherlock…but trust me you have to keep this in mind.
I was going to do a whole other post on the rain scene because it’s so much, but I figured I should just keep it in here because this is a deep dive on ALL of s3 mike and his gay feelings. You have been warned 😶‍🌫️
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This scene and what we’ve seen leading up from Mike’s pov is A LOT different than Will’s.
At the snowball Mike realized he like likes Will due to his jealous insecurity that someday Will’s going to replace him. His new personality is the result of this realization. And Mike’s personality change leads to him pushing Will away emotionally. Him making excuses on why they can’t play (Lucas is down to, Mike is the one that’s making all the excuses) and openly making fun of Will during the game (Lucas actually never makes fun of Will, he just laughs at mikes joke) are all a part of the facade.
Here’s the thing: Mike doesn’t know a) Will’s gay and doesn’t want to be normal b) Will like likes him back. He genuinely believes that their special friendship, the extremely deep and emotional bond they share, is all in his head— all just a childish, one-sided crush. Mike literally couldn’t tell Will was upset all summer because of his own insecurities in their friendship blinding him, not because he was so invested in menthol cigarettes.  
Will snapping (rightfully so) and leaving the basement finally gets Mike to pay attention to the other’s feelings. He thinks Will’s just upset over him not wanting to play d&d, but getting called out for being flakey and not caring ab the party makes Mike realize he’s noticed everything. You can see in Mike’s face he’s gonna defend his shitty behavior (he always plays defense in fights). But when Will throws in the “you’re destroying everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?!” Mike loses it.
Now the miscommunication comes in clutch. Both of them interpret the bolded sentence in different ways. Mike’s version: You’re destroying everything because you like making out with a girl who’s literally dumb. Will’s version: Your destroying everything because you like girls.
And Mikes response, “El’s not stupid! It’s not my fault you don’t like girls”, was also interpreted two different ways. Mike’s: El is smart, and it’s not my fault you haven’t grown up yet. Will’s: El is smart, and it’s not my fault you’re gay.
Yeahhhh the duffers were lying their asses off back when they said it’s not supposed to be interpreted as calling Will out. Everyone INCLUDING WILL heard it that way. It was written deliberately as “you don’t like girls” for a reason. Why else would Will get so upset when he’s canonically gay? We can all safely assume they lied because they didn’t want Will’s sexuality to be known yet.
OMG I JUST HAD A REALIZATION OF MY OWN. Idk where to put it so here it is: Mike’s whole thought processing with his crush on Will being childish is because he thinks Will is straight and still in the prepubescent mindset of “no romantic feelings exist I’m pure of mind girls have cooties 😇”. And at the snowball he sees a glimpse of Will being out of the child mindset, hence Mike begins wanting to grow-up. Anyways…
Mike can tell from the expression on Will’s face he’s gone too far. Now he’s not defensive because he can now see that he was unintentionally hurting Will all summer, and that his remark was below the belt (he doesn’t actually get the real reason why Will is upset, he just thinks he does because of miscommunication).
Mike’s rationalization for his shitty behavior is what he realized he’s afraid of back at the snowball. That Will is going to get a gf someday, and the two of them aren’t going to play d&d in his basement forever. He truly believes emotionally pulling away is saving him from a hell-reality where Will loves someone else more than him. Since he thinks all his questions are just facts, he thinks Will also believes this. Up until Will responds with “Yeah, I guess I did. I really did”. That completely shatters Mike’s false reality. Now knows literally every single word he’s said just made things ten times worse. All he’s thinking now is “if I don’t apologize for everything I just said, I’m actually going to lose Will”.
I’m ignoring Mike + Lucas going to the byers house and apologizing. 
Wait! Before you scrutinize me for acting like this cute scene doesn’t exist, let me explain!
The fight scene takes place in the day and the boys going to the byers happens at night. Why? Idk. If you just watch it once you don’t think ab the time difference, but when you do, you unconsciously write it off as Mike waiting for the rain to stop…except it never did. The show doesn’t explain the time jump and instead acts like it didn’t happen. I’ve really tried to think of a plausible answer to Mike + Lucas waiting and this is the only one I could find: when rewatching the show for my notes on this analysis, I noticed time is nonexistent s3. Almost every scene in s3 has a clock, but time in scenes and the order of sequence don’t match up. The time inconsistency within s3 is a whole other can of worms I am not smart enough to tackle, and I’m not going to act like I understand why the duffers chose to make the destruction of caste byers + this byler scene at night. Also ignoring it because if you take it out nothing changes in their dynamic from mike’s pov. He still wants to properly apologize, but he doesn’t because a) mind flayer is back and b) last byler scene happens but we’ll get to that later.
Other things from 3x3: El can’t tell if Mike’s a good kisser. This means she doesn’t really enjoy making out with him (she def thinks his kissing is a 3/10), but doesn’t want to admit it because she thinks Mike enjoys it. Like I get her not knowing what types of clothes she wants to wear, but her body is telling her she’s not that into it. Also means that Mike is the one in control of their relationship if she’s just kissing him because she thinks that’s what he wants. The sexist convo between Lucas and Mike highlights Mike’s internalized homophobia and inner turmoil ab not being normal. He claims, “women act on emotion, no logic”, but it’s just him projecting-- he obviously doesn’t believe this. Mike saying this means he’s bullied himself for having a very emotional friendship with Will (being girly/emotional=gay=not normal). And Mike is definitely lying ab not knowing why El is mad at him, and him acting clueless is just a part of the persona. Ffs the whole reason she caught him is because they couldn’t find an apology gift for lying to her.
This is something I haven’t touched yet (I probably should’ve by now whoops): Mike is not against El gaining independence, he’s against El not needing him in her life anymore. He sees himself as kind of her yoda; he was the first one to gain her trust and to teach her ab life outside the lab. He thinks she needs him as a friendly mentor figure, not as a loving boyfriend. He doesn’t understand that he can’t tell her how life is supposed to be like anymore because that was their dynamic before dating. S3 she’s not fresh out the lab or new to this world; she knows enough ab life now and wants to figure out her own opinions/interests with a supportive boyfriend.
Anyways back to Mike’s internalized homophobia...
3x4 is the beginning of Mike looking at Will in a different light than he has been all summer. Will admitting he thought it was gonna be them together forever made Mike feel less insecure ab believing this too. He still thinks their friendship is on the rocks, but at least he knows now Will wanted to play d&d together forever before the fight. This episode introduces Mike’s “new” body language of subtly (not subtly) sitting/ standing weirdly close to him and way more secret glances. Sadly, he’s still trying to cling to milkvan instead of facing his insecurities.
Mike and El meet for the first time post-breakup. If you take his playful joking at face value, it’s weird and insensitive towards her. But really he just forgot for a sec that they were on bad terms. Why? idk maybe because byler got into their biggest fight ever the day before, he’s scared and stressed ab the mind flayer being back, and the party is literally grabbing stuff to capture Billy (the scariest person in the show besides Vecna). Personally, I don’t blame him for joking with El ab the dummy to kinda lighten the mood. 
Mike thinks he’s gonna reel El back into a relationship by doing the exact thing that made her break up with him: by lying his ass off. Says Hopper told him to lie (no he didn’t Hopper cleared it up), she’s the most important person to him in the world (again a lie seeing as he never even apologized for the nana lie), and that Hop��s just some crazy, old man who thinks they spend too much time together (only true thing he says but weirdly enough it sounds like the weakest point). In the past El has just gone with everything Mike’s told her, so he’s shocked when she agrees with Hop on them spending too much time together. Interesting how out of all the things he says, El outwardly agrees with only the true one.....
Mike doesn’t still get that their relationship wasn’t healthy; that they can’t actually be a good couple if all they do is make out every day and don’t get to know each other. El basically saying “we’re done. I don’t want to get back together because I spied on you, heard some awful shit, and want to make my own opinions” destroys his idea of their dynamic. Before this, Mike felt in control of it (cause he was), but now she doesn’t just go along with everything he says. Now he knows El truly meant it when she dumped his ass. And ofc instead of admitting to himself she came to this conclusion on her own before the spying situation, he chooses this delusional ass mindset: he’s been spied on by elmax, meaning El trusts Max more than Mike, meaning Max somehow brainwashed El into dumping him and are now conspiring against him. 
I feel like I shouldn’t have to add this, but I will just so that Ik me and whoever is reading this are on the same page: Mike cares for El--platonically, like a sister. Ofc he didn’t think twice ab grabbing the metal pipe and whacking Billy with it. It wasn’t a romantic gesture it was literally him saving El from murder. 
3x5 begins the “conspiring against me” ordeal.  To be blunt, Mike gaslit himself into believing Max and El are conspiring against him and is unsuccessfully trying to gaslight everyone else too. For Mike, admitting to anyone (including himself) that their relationship wasn’t working confirms his insecurity ab not being normal. He’s fully choosing to believe two of his best friends are plotting against him rather than face the reality of mileven being over because it wasn’t good for either of them.
Mike thinks mileven is done. El has clearly said multiple times now she’s done and he’s accepted it. If Lucas didn’t tell him it was an olive branch then Mike wouldn’t have even thought twice ab the vending machine exchange. And even after Lucas explains it’s a sign El wants him back without explicitly saying “she wants you back”, Mike still thinks it’s an olive branch to get back on good terms and to go back as besties!! Mike offering her m&m’s wasn’t a way to show her he’s still boyfriend material, it was to show he’s still best friend material!! And because Mike is oblivious, he doesn’t notice El blushing and smiling like a freaking idiot!! Rewatch the scene, he literally blinks in her direction twice he ain’t noticing shit!!
3x6 is the climax of Mike’s s3 arc. He’s still desperately trying to convince everyone he’s being conspired against by elmax, but now Max is done with his bullshit and calls him out for being controlling. He knows they aren’t getting together, but he wants everyone to believe the breakup’s not his fault (he’s normal he liked dating El) it’s because of Max. He doesn’t see his behavior as controlling because he views himself as El’s life guru who makes decisions for her; it’s why he thinks the evil, conspiring Max is framing him to be sexist. He’s already getting defensive (he’s so shit at explaining himself omg) but Nancy joining in just makes it worse. He knows what Nancy and Max are telling him is true-- that El isn’t stupid and knows her limits. But Mike literally just got back into her good graces, they’re friends again and he doesn’t want El to kill herself looking for a monster they aren’t prepared for. 
His whole speech is literally what I’ve just explained except he did a worse job at explaining himself lmfaoooo.
Every single person heard him loud and clear say he loves El, and every single one of them thinks Mike is in love with her now. Mike looks stunned that he even said that out loud and he knows no one interpreted it as a platonic Ily. This is the moment Mike is done wanting to date El and is done ACTING NORMAL!!!! Hearing himself say that made him realize he can’t continue dating her and that he doesn’t even want to; Mike doesn’t want to be in a relationship where he's not in love!!! He’s accepted that he doesn’t want to date El (and probably all girls)!!! HE’S OKAY WITH BEING NOT NORMAL!!!! 
When he sees El walk out of the bathroom, he looks scared. He didn’t want El to hear him say it.  Mike can act as straight as he wants but saying I Love You is too far. He knows it’s really really hurtful to lie to her about this and that if she heard the accidental ily he wouldn’t be able to back out of it. That’s why he acts like nothing happened afterward.
3x7 reaffirms Mike doesn’t want to date El anymore with the grocery store scene. When he says, “I’ve been meaning to tell you something”, he’s not going to say “I love you”. We all know that because he didn’t say it back at the cabin, can’t even say “Love Makes You Crazy” and ffs s4 happens. What he’s been meaning to tell her is an apology for his shitty behavior towards elmax, that he’s okay with them not dating, and that he’s happy for El’s new friendship. 
Mike says he was jealous of El and Max hanging out all the time. Now I don’t think he realizes this, but he wasn’t jealous of them spending time together—he was jealous that El wasn’t listening to Mike anymore and was using Max as her life yoda now. You may think I’m putting words into his mouth, but if you rewatch the first episode you’ll remember he was in a hurry to leave El’s and half-heartedly said he missed her... not very clingy of him is it. And elmax was essentially Max telling her she doesn’t have to listen to anyone and to explore herself, something Mike never did for El.
Mike saying “I just, like, I’ve never felt like this, you know, with anyone before” isn’t about romantic love it’s about platonic love! He hasn’t gone through losing any of his friends like he has with El. He’s never had to mentor or guide any of his friends except El. Will is someone he romantically loves, and Mike’s unique love for him is very different from his unique love for her. His love for her is special and only something he’s ever felt for specifically her. And Mike understands his feelings for her, hence bringing up love makes you crazy. And once again, Mike wants to slap himself for speaking without thinking. There’s not a doubt in my mind he 150% didn’t think about who he was talking ab love with when he said that. He doesn’t want her to get the wrong idea, like worst case scenario for Mike is El thinking he is in love with her and wants to get back together. That’s why he goes out of his way to NOT say the L word.
I just wanna say thank you to every person that read this entire post I’ve spent days working on this and it means a lot <33333
By this point in the show, Mike has grown a hell of a lot. He’s done wanting to be in a relationship with El, he’s done acting like a douchebag, and he’s finally comfortable admitting to himself he’s not normal. Byler has been on the back burner since 3x3, but Mike has felt distant from Will and insecure in their friendship since the fight. He never really got a chance to apologize with everything going on, and now that Will’s leaving for Lenora it seems like their friendship is never going to be the same...
“Yeah, but, what if you wanna join another party?” 
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This is the moment. THE MF MOMENT Mike knows he’s in love with Will!! His confident “not possible” confirms to Mike that even after all the shit they’d been through-- Mike being left behind at the snowball, pushing Will away all summer, the rain fight, and not speaking to each other after the mind flayer’s return--they are still their own separate team. It basically takes away the insecurities he had about their relationship. This simple “not possible” tells him Will still wants to play d&d together forever, and that the fight they had was just a fight... one they could come back from. It lets Mike know he’s never been crazy or stupid for thinking their bond was different, and it lets Mike think he has a chance with Will.
Mike sees El struggling for the teddy bear and decides to help. He’s still definitely thinking about Will, you can tell because of his body language. He’s super smiley, he’s fidgeting out all his excess happy adrenaline (I bet he wanted to take a victory lap after talking with Will), and even though he’s talking to El he can’t help but bring up Will in the conversation. He is so happy and care-free that he starts talking about how excited he is to open presents with Will and El on Christmas Day; this brings Mike back down to earth because he gets embarrassed for sounding like a kid and thinks he just weirded El out with his awkward ass.
He thinks El is leaving the room as he silently cringes at himself, but then she turns around and starts talking about the cabin scene. Mike knows where this is going, so he immediately starts acting clueless and like he didn’t say ily super loud. He asks “What did I say exactly” because he wants to make sure she didn’t hear ily...because that’s what he assumed when it originally happened (rewatch the cabin scene it was meant to look that way). He’s super fucking confused on why El’s walking fast towards him and suddenly in his face and--
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“I love you too” *aggressively starts kissing him*
He’s in shock BIG TIME. What you all are witnessing is Mike’s worst-case scenario come true and his reaction to what was possibly the worst thing that could happen in that moment. He’s not going to kiss back, he’s still processing what the hell just happened. He’s looking at El, just standing there with her suctioned on his face, with eyes wide and a face silently screaming “What the HELL just happened?!”
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After the kiss and El leaves is when it sets in. 
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Mike is screwed. He doesn’t have a good excuse to break up with her. He can’t say he doesn’t love her because El just said she heard him say it back at the cabin. And he couldn’t possibly explain he’s in love with Will, there’s just no way (even though she doesn’t know anything about society’s problem with queer folk)! So, he promises himself this, he’s not going to lead her on. He’s not going to say ily and he’s just going to treat her like a friend until she breaks up with him again.
The time finally comes for the Byers to leave and Mike’s really fucking sad. His bff of 5 years old/crush is going away--possibly forever. He can’t play with Will in his basement like they used to, he can’t see or talk to Will everyday like he has his whole life. Mike was just reassured by Will that their relationship will never change, after having lost him this whole season, but now it hits him he doesn’t know that for sure. He’s losing Will and El again, but this time he can’t save them.
Then we get literally the most heartbreaking montage of Hopper’s letter fitting into each character’s emotions, and ofc he says “I don’t want things to change” as Mike leaves the Byer’s empty home and “maybe that’s why I came here, to stop the change. To turn back the clock. To make things go back to how they were.” as he cries in his mom’s arms. 
Mike begins his “I’m in love with Will, but I have to act like I’m not because El loves me and he doesn’t 😃” phase that plays throughout s4. But it takes a turn when he starts noticing some sus behavior from Will and realizes maybe Will does like like him. but that’s for another byler analysis.
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unknownwriting · 3 years
Hello! Would you mind writing some headcanons for Ace, Marco and Thatch (separately) with a female (Y/n) that’s a procrastinator and really good at using the puppy eyes 🥺 She gets really stressed whenever she have a bunch of work piled up, but she just can’t get herself to do it. When it does come down to doing it last minute, she always finish before the deadline, but not without being under overwhelming stress the whole time. And whenever the guy tries to help by trying to convince her to do the work earlier, she’d pull those eyes on them. Which worked brilliantly every time... except for this time, where she has way too much work left untouched, and the guys were determined to help her this time, even if it meant overcoming the largest hurdle they’ve seen in their life: the puppy eyes *serious voice*
Please and thank you in advance ^w^
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♡ Summary- [requested] a s/o whose a procrastinator yet really good at puppy dog eyes
♡ Characters- Portgas D. Ace, Marco, Thatch
♡ Warnings- none :)
♡ Omg I might as well be the queen of procrastination, although I definitely don’t have the puppy dog eyes I literally will put everything off the last minute, it is so stressful and annoying 😩
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Portgas D. Ace
- in all honesty this man isn’t the best to have if you a procrastinator. Ace is kinda one himself too, so he doesn’t really help much.
- but that doesn’t mean he won’t try to help, he’ll try to persuade you to get work done or at least start a project but it’s never works. Ace always find himself falling victim to your puppy dog eyes. And as a fellow procrastinator, he doesn’t want to force anything
- Ace will really not force you do anything, he wants you to have the freedom to choose what do you. There’s no way Ace is gonna control you buttttt when it gets to the point where you haven’t done anything, not even turn in your island report for when y’all explored a new island, he figured he had to do something
- Ace had to find some way to actually get you to do your work on time, or at least start it. He would spend days just trying to figure out what would get you motived but everything he tried failed. It always resulted in you giving him the infamous puppy dog eyes
- it was practically impossible, Ace couldn’t do anything. He even tried to talking to the others about it but everything they suggest he had already tried. Expect there was on suggest that the others suggested as a joke but Ace thought it was amazing
- so next thing you know, a week before everything week due, Ace had locked you up in a room, taking the key with him. Now he’s killed 2 birds with one stone, you have nothing to distract you and now Ace won’t have to look at your puppy dog eyes.
- you were beyond pissed. Your boyfriend literally just locked you up in a closet just so he doesn’t have to look at you. And just out of the frustration you decided to do your work only to prove Ace wrong.
- long story short, Ace, in his own way, was able to finally get you to do your work. And a week early too. You were definitely pissed when he finally let you out and definitely showed up but now you were able to be pissed without having to stressed about work. To at least you can thank him for that….
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- this man is the biggest victim to your puppy dog eyes. It doesn’t even have to be over work, you flash him your eyes and his like putty in your hands.
- and Thatch knows how unhealthy it is so procrastinate all the time, forcing stress on yourself. But he simply can’t find the courage do force you to do anything when he sees your eyes
- Thatch really hates the stress your putting your body in but he really doesn’t want to force you to do things that makes you uncomfortable but sooner or later, Thatch was gonna have to speak up. You can’t always procrastinate
- in to help you out, He stays up late to prepare a room just for the 2 of y’all with a few snacks some water and a few blankets here and there. There were hardly in distractions in the room too.
- Thatch doesn’t want to force you to do your work alone so he decided to help out as much as he can. Of course he’s not gonna do your work for you but he can help with keeping your focused.
- you can try to giving him the puppy eyes too but Thatch now how nerves is steel, he’s not gonna let a pair of cute, beautiful eyes distract him either. So with you like it or not Thatch has finally put him foot down, gently, and made you do your work.
- although it took y’all a while to get work done, y’all got it done and that’s all that matters. Thatch didn’t want to force you to do anything especially by yourself so Thatch sat there for the whole time you were working , not leaving or getting bored.
- it was super sweet of him too, and it worked. You had finally gotten all your work done and before the deadline too. So with all your new free time, you made sure to play Thatch back with a bunch of kissed and a hugs.
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- for as sweet as his man is, he has nerves of steel. Procrastination will not work for this man, when you have something that needs to get done you best get it done
- as Whitebeard’s second in command, a lot of responsibility falls on his shoulders so there are a lot to times where even Marco can’t procrastinate so he’s just gotten into the habit of trying to do everyone as soon as he gets it.
- so you can’t really blame him for wanting you to do things right away. But of course just like Thatch, if you flash him your puppy dog eyes. Marco will let you slide for the day, then the next, then the next, then the next, and it’s just goes on and on
- in all honesty, Marco forgets just how much you’ll use the puppy dog eyes on him to get outta work. He just has too much other work to do. But of course you won’t get away with it forever. Marco finally realized it when he going thru papers and realizes he hasn’t seen your name on any of them
- that’s when Marco finally puts his foot down. He won’t be falling for the puppy dog eyes anymore. So don’t even bother trying. Of course, hes not gonna tie you down to a chair and force you to work but he’s definitely gonna get the paperwork before the deadline
- so this is where his plan comes in. It’s a mix between both Ace’s and Thatch’s plan of action. Marco will lock you in a room with no distractions but the room will be his office just so that you won’t be alone.
- this way, he can make sure you doing all the work you need and getting it done without any distraction but still having someone to talk to and guide you.
- it’s definitely not how you thought you would get your work done. But it somehow worked. You were a little upset that your puppy dog eyes didn’t work anymore but even you knew that you had to start sooner or later. Good thing your boyfriend’s like extremely responsible.
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116 notes · View notes
sysmedsaresexist · 3 years
Yo! Sorry to bother, but I saw someone defending Endogenics by saying they have been medically recognized and have had actual research done. I know this is probably a load of bull but do you by any chance know any legit studies they might be talking about? Not the ones with bad reputation, I know those can be unreliable. I'm genuinely curious if they really have been recognized and how doctors would plan to help them, since you know... No trauma, and yet some still go to trauma therapy?? Idk, they just confuse me so much, I really try to understand both sides but endos are so... Odd. Nothing is ever consistent and as someone who used to be part of the community, I can say it's really a toxic space to keep you in denial of possible trauma, rather that encouraging healing.
Also, I've been meaning to send in an ask for this for a bit but never got to it so I might as well kill two birds in one stone.
With a lot of advances being made with being able to see distinct differences in normal subjects and those with DID, how could we be so sure about Endogenics doing the same study? If they don't know their trauma and really are just confused, couldn't that really mess up research? It's just been on my mind, of course some studies would prove to confirm their existence cause of whatever percentage is actually traumatized. It's just.... Idk it's scary to me that this is looking like the reality we're heading for. Regardless, thank you for working so hard to dispell all the myths within this currently chaotic community, I really appreciate it. Remember, take care of yourself!
OMG so many words
Okay, first, on endos being recognized. I've only ever heard two arguments for that. First is the Stanford study, which is not completed. It's on hold due to covid. They put a bunch of parogenics in an MRI machine, but not a single thing has been released yet. There's literally not a single bit of information out there yet. For whatever reason, they're being very tight lipped about it.
1) That's not recognition, that's people acknowledging that these people say they exist, and making the very first attempt to see what's going on there.
2) the person running the study is horribly biased, kind of creepy (fetishizes tulpas), and may be a practicing tulpamancer himself.
I don't trust this study at all.
Second, and just commonly, when endos say that they're medically recognized, they're talking about the exclusion criteria in the DSM. Unfortunately, they're just flat out misunderstanding that criteria. The idea is that the DSM says you can't be diagnosed if possession states are a part of the culture or religion you grew up in, therefore, endogenic plurality must exist, BUT, when you read more into this criteria, what they're excluding is short term, non-recurrent possession states. IE, if the entity sticks around for any length of time, it doesn't fall under this exclusion. As well, WHAT FUCKING CULTURE ARE THESE PEOPLE FROM, THAT THEY CAN CLAIM THIS EXCLUSION? It's incredibly disrespectful to people that actually practice some of these experiences. I debunked this entire idea in this post, and included several cultures and religions that would be included under the exclusion and how it's different.
What they fail to understand is that the DSM isn't excluding endogenic systems, it's excluding things that aren't plurality/multiplicity at all, in any sense. Yes, there has been research into these non plural, cultural experiences, and the conclusion is just that-- they're non plural. Not that they're endogenic.
To your second question/point...
I expect there's going to be three outcomes of the MRI studies, once they start putting endogenic systems in the machines (if they ever do, because despite what you read online, no one in the clinical community actually believes it's possible to be a system without trauma).
1) These endogenic systems will have the exact same brain patterns as those with DID/OSDD. These brain patterns match those with PTSD, but on a much more significant scale. It'll come out that they're not endogenic, but traumagenic.
2) These endogenic systems will display no differences from a healthy brain, including the inability to see "switching" happening on the scans (which they have already studied and yes, we can see switching). It'll come out that they're not actually plural. This won't change much, they're still going to claim it's what they're experiencing, but it'll be extremely clear that it's something completely different from DID/OSDD.
3) Their brain patterns will match disorders with similar presenting symptoms-- like those with BPD, for example.
For why they go to therapy, we were actually just talking about this in a syscourse server I'm in. Newer terms like adaptive fall under the endogenic umbrella, but are really just fancy ways of denying trauma. Some endogenic systems aren't ready to face what they went through, or they feel like the term "traumagenic" throws their trauma in their faces too much. Others, in a blatant attempt to feel in control of some aspect of their lives, will claim they purposefully created their system. It gives them some kind of comfort to say it was their choice to be like this. All in all, it's not exactly shocking to me that so many of them are in trauma therapy.
Denial is a bitch, unfortunately.
I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, please reach out!
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dcsart · 3 years
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Heyo! Making a longer post about my shop and some changes coming up for anyone curious!
TLDR: Some books and various merch items are almost out of stock and many are not likely to EVER be reprinted, or will take some time to be reprinted. If you were ever wanting a piece of merch from me, now is the time to buy it to make sure you get it. Thanks!
Hey everyone! Yesterday, I sent out all the shirt orders I had, YAY, and discovered my supplier gave me some extra shirts so folks who missed the pre-orders for those but still want a shirt, YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO GET ONE! There’s 2 or less available of each shirt size, and I am highly unlikely to reprint these shirts (at least not for a WHILE, wow) so get one while you can!
So, why am I making a whole post then? Because, as I did my orders, I make some decisions about my shop and put a lot of things on sale and generally, I looked over stock and I wanted to discuss where my shop is at.
The State of My Shop: CURRENTLY
So, I’m very focused right now on getting out old supplies and merch so I can make room for new stuff! I’ve been itching to make new, small cute charms (since I still have a ton of supplies to make them) some sticker sheets (since I’m tired of printing stickers at home *and* this would help me kill two birds with one stone) and generally update some books. (My Master is a Naga very specifically, the original Solanaceae book, in a little bit.)
That means…
The Solanaceae and Space School stickers have about less than 5 copies of each design left (I may reprint the designs later, but I will probably do it for conventions or try to get it done professionally. These designs are fun but make me almost no profit when sold online as they take a lot of time to make at home *and* the quality isn’t super great so I can’t charge more than a buck for them :S Sad, but true.)
The original My Master is a Naga: Complete Collection book only has 3 copies left. After this, *this version* of the comic will no longer be in print. I will be replacing it with the “Remastered” version which has just like, overall better readability and I think will make a much nicer book. I didn’t change the art at all, and I’m unlikely to add any new art to this version– so don’t feel like you need to get this new version if you have the old book. The only difference will be better text. XoX These books will take a second to get made though because of all the shortages!
The original Solanaceae: First Collection has less than 15 copies left. I will either give this a “remaster” version like MMiaN has, OR, I will wait to reprint it because I am likely to remake these chapters once the prologue comic catches up. Wild for me to redraw sometime, I know– but it’s entirely possible at the moment. That catching up won’t happen for a while though, so, I may still reprint it? It doesn’t sell super great at the moment, so, we’ll see.
Solanaceae, Prologue, Chapter 3 is on sale because I HAVE WAY TOO MANY. The printer gave me like, 30 copies that were B-Grade (the spine was so distorted that even someone like me noticed, and I am very much not picky) so they resent me ALL OF MY ORDER with better spines so now I have like, 60 OF THAT BOOK!!! AAAH! It’s Chapter 3 so this makes it VERY HARD TO SELL b/c the first volume of anything will always sell the most, then the 2nd, and so on and so forth so OMG having Chapter 3 have so many books is rough. SO YEAH, that’s on super sale, the B-grade copies are like, 15 bucks, and even the regular version is on sale, it’s very affordable atm.
Books like Mini-dom, A to Z volume 1 and 2 all have VERY limited copies left. Again, I am unlikely to get these reprinted FOR A WHILE because they just don’t sell that great (at the moment) Basically all that I have and can reprint will be reprinted once I can do conventions again but uh, I’m still waiting on that (BUDDY, I’M IMMUNOSUPPRESSED)
Put some stuff with limited stock / stock I wanna get rid of on sale: like the Junimo pins, the FFXV charms, small Battam/Naveen print, the MMiaN print, etc. The MMiaN print is still decently popular, but the art is pretty old and I’ve had my stock for a while. Generally, I’d just like to make room for other series. (I cannot believe how well MMiaN still sells… it’s my best selling item and someone like, even drew fanart yesterday? What the heck.)
I plan on expanding my One-Eyed Lee merch quite a bit in the future. Right now, the full cast of the game isn’t introduced so I gotta be like, PLANNED with what I make– but Lee and Beracus are absolutely the *main* characters so it’s safe to focus on them regardless. I would also like to make some Gummy and The Doctor merch, but that depends on how cmakesp and the cast are feeling. Plus, I wanna focus on getting more episodes out before I worry about that. (Episode 2 is currently being worked on)
I don’t plan on making big 11×17 prints like, basically ever again. I do plan on making some small prints of some less merch’d up series (Tomai, Lee) sometime soon though, but it’ll be pretty limited stock to start with b/c I have learned my lesson about buying too much stock, haha. OR AT LEAST I THINK I HAVE.
I plan on expanding my Deltarune button set soon. As well as trying to make charms of them again b/c I still like the design and idea. We’ll see though.
And gosh, yeah, I think that’s just like, generally where I’m at. Looking to sell out of the old, and get in some new stuff. And, of course, I will continue to print Solanaceae Prologue books as I finish each chapter. Those are ALWAYS fun to do.
So yeah, in case you were curious those are my current plans and some stock stuff.
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catcze · 3 years
Thoma isn't in there
Or beidou
Wtf childe
My dreams are crushed
I can't kill 2 birds with one stone.. thoma n childe one 10 pull dreams are down the drain..
All the dreams of the 2 malewives in one 10 pull have been crushed omg 😭 But idk about whos on the banners tho?? Maybe Beidou can still be on Childe's banner! Idk, theress a possibility HAHA
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ehbunnehsblog · 3 years
Hello hello peeps today I will be talking about childhood trauma now before anyone thinks "wait what does Bunneh mean childhood trauma" no I am not talking about the serious childhood trauma today although if anyone has ever went through any childhood trauma I just want you to know I see you, hear you and feel you but today I am actually going to be talking about shows and such that were traumatizing to me as a child. A few years or so back Youtubers I watched were making videos on things that scared them as a kid so I got the idea from there and thought it was neat since as a kid I had plenty of things I was scared of and with that said let's get into the post. Also TW: If you are triggered by toys that move, make noise and just look creepy don't read this also I use the f word in this post so if you don't like swearing whether it be one word or multiple this post isn't for you with that said read on!
1. The THX sound
This one doesn't even need an intro if any of you have watched VHS tapes as a kid you all know what I am talking about. That annoying sound that would start movies up to show you how good the sound quality was and to kinda just get your attention to know when a movie would start. The sound did kill two birds with one stone but at what cost? I mean this scared a lotta kids lol but really I just absolutely hated this sound it always just made me so uncomfortable and creeped out.
2. Gemmy Singing Hamsters
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If it sang or danced get it the hell away from me far, far away from me. This will be something you see A LOT on the list really just anything that sang and moved made me scared I think a part of it was due to the fact it sounded loud and the other part was just because of how I was afraid someone would scare me with it at night. Now I think these toys are absolutely cool but as a kid toys like this were new to me and made me creeped out I also don't remember the sound quality being amazing but It really wasn't all that bad. The toys had charm it just did vibe with me as a kid.
3. This damn singing Christmas Tree
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Pardon my french I apologize but I still fucking hate it. Omg this is absolutely terrifying I am so sorry y'all had to see this. I remember one year this was downstairs I believe its eyes moved and shit and I cried! I was absolutely petrified of this damn thing no joke my dad had to take it away I think. You should see it on its side it looks creepier! Who thought this was okay? Dude I can't. I can't. I also heard this is also gemmy? Gemmy guys what's going on? Why were you guys out to get me as a wee tot? Anyways when I searched this up I was honestly still surprised this still creeped me tf out.
4. Those damn Wiggle Puppets
Like most kids growing up I loved the Wiggles, they had some awesome music and I enjoyed the colors but one day they decided these puppets were okay.
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I am positively sure that everyone was creeped out and scared by these puppets. I love puppets I they are cool but these were just very creepy and unsettling I remember everytime these things came up on my screen when I was watching the wiggles VHS tapes in my bedroom I would get up get behind my bedroom door and wait until it was over. I was terrified of these things I really was its because of the eyes not that if it changed it wouldn't be creepy but because the eyes are so big and so are the mouths even though these were meant to look friendly they just didn't.
5. Robo baby
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Hasbro why? Please Hasbro just, just tell me why? I don't who let this pass but I hope you make better choices now. Now lemme say this not that this isn't a good idea it's just the execution alright. This toy just creeped me out a lot because of the eyes if they came out now I think what Furby did a few years ago could work for this and make this a whole less creepier. One time I was in my older sisters bedroom and idk who or what happened but this toy was making noise and moving I think and I hoped up on the bed which btw was a bunk bed and I held onto the railing on the top bunk until my mom turned off the toy and took me out of the room. I am positively sure this toy got hidden away because it scared me badly.
6. VHS tape coming out of VCR
Sometimes late at night I wouldn't take a VHS out and so the VHS would come out and as dumb as it sounds the noise would scare me because it was just pretty loud and annoying but that's me being a dummy because I could have just took the VHS out of the VCR in the first place.
7. The puppets from Allegra's Window
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Now don't get me wrong I bet Allegra's Window was a lovely series but when I was a kid I saw a video just talking about old shows and this pic unsettled me. I never watched this show but it was mostly the cat and Allegra that spooped me in this photo. Maybe one day I will actually try checking it out who knows.
8. Mrs. Goodbee Dollhouse
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I just had to save the best for last. So how did this dollhouse scare me? Well as a kid I stumbled on a YouTube video that made this dollhouse look absolutely terrifying and than I thought I dreamt it to find out that this dollhouse is real but really not as creepy as the video made it seem still creepy though. I do think this dollhouse is cute but I still probably would never get it for my kids if or whenever I have kids.
I apologize if this post is short or a tad cringey I was a kid weird things scared me but there is probably a lot more things that scared me as a kid but that will be for next time. And if you have read all of this well now you can see how much I was scared of toys that moved and talked lol idk where I got it from really I just always got creeped out by them but anyways
☆with all that said if you liked this post please give me a like and a follow I post a lot about nostalgic things and I will see ya later☆
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macbeth-s · 3 years
figured id kill two birds with one stone and do both blogs in one go. tagged by @tennet (😘😘) & @arnos @eivor-basim 💖💖💖
main blog in orange, side blog in blue,
1. why did you choose your url? look if matthias schoenaerts gabriel oak told me he had a farm brought me a baby sheep and asked me to marry him id say yes straight away rip to bathsheba everdene but im different // idk like ezio is cool i guess? not that big of a deal, i definitely didnt fall into the ezio rabbit hole ok IM NOT AN EZIO SIMP SHUT UP
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them. im over on @ezioauditore-s if you wanna come see me scream about assassins creed dilfs (don't ask)
3: How long have you been on tumblr? i think i started this blog mid 2018, but i used to run a blog pre 2014 (a dark era)
4: Do you have a queue tag? yes but it is empty atm, rn im just spamming 60 posts in a row and leaving
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place? as a rdr2 blog (my beloved) // to save all my main blog mutuals another rebranding
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp? kinda "i just wanna wear a broad rimmed hat in a english countryside" kinda vibe // the opposite vibe ok DILF EZIO RIGHTS!!!!
7: Why did you choose your header? its pretty! i haven't seen a proper autumn in a while :(( /// MILF EZIO MY BELOVED (again pls dont ask im not a simp stopppp)
8: What’s your post with the most notes? this ugly ass witcher timeline post which i forever resent because i hate the way it looks // this ac lore post which i stand by to this day
9: How many mutuals do you have?
like 90? omg how? why?
10: How many followers do you have? jesus abt 3.5k iive changed too many times 😂😂 / nearly 600!!!💖💖
11: How many people do you follow?
490+ ok yea i need a refresh
12: Have you ever made a shitpost? every text post i made in the It Era of my blog especially this one (based on a true story) // aforementioned ac lore post + this ac thigh high boot post which is the weirdest thread ever but i love it
13: How often do you use tumblr each day? too often i have no sleep schedule what about it?
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? a few i guess, that one person who stole my gifs and said they didnt know they were stolen (you stole...the text as well beech????) // also every argument i have with a certain mutual who wont accept their crush on a particular goth elf king (pls stop asking)
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
dumb guilt tripping stupidity ((:
16: Do you like tag games?
yes! tho half the time i forget im tagged 😂
17: Do you like ask games?
100% except the horrifying reality that your mutuals will probably use it to bully you 🤡
19: Do you have a crush on a mutual? i would hug & kiss them all but young people haven't gotten the vaccine in australia yet :((
tagging @fuckinherondale @leofriths
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sunarintoes · 4 years
Boyfriend Headcanons
Includes: Sakusa, Komori, Shirabu, Atsumu
Warnings: none - just pure fluff :) oh wait some swearing!!
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✗ you have to be clean!! There’s no two ways about this. Of course you dont have to be super clean freak germaphobe!! (Extra points if you are because cleaning is his passion and he hates germs and he would love to share that with you)
✗ it takes a while for him to become affectionate, he has to ‘get used to your germs’ and all. When you are at home he will love to cuddle with you!! He particularly loves it when you are clean sitting in his lap while watching a movie! Because!! Then he can wrap his arms around you and rest his head on yours!
✗ one of his favourite dates is going shopping together... to the chemist. He likes having you with him as he looks through all the hygiene and sanitary items, often asks you ‘does this smell good’ because baby wants to be clean AND smell good. He will smell like a fresh bouquet if you so wish. Afterwards he’ll take you out to eat and pay for your food as a thank you.
✗ he’s in no way, shape or form fond of PDA. It makes him uncomfortable and he prefers to keep his private life, private. And you completely respect that!! The most he will go is the occasional hand holding or giving you his vbc jacket.
✗ he will make it clear he’s in a relationship though! He doesnt want his fan girls to continue coming on to him so he will tell them bluntly, it probably went something like this: ‘I am in a relationship with Yn. If you have a problem I dont care. Please stop trying to get in with me from here on out and dont touch Yn otherwise I’ll drown you in bleach.’ Wow isnt he just a charmer.
✗ he doesnt mind if you wear a face mask or not, but be prepared: he will refuse to kiss you until you’ve thoroughly washed your face. He does think your face is cute/pretty/handsome/etc so I think he’d prefer to see it.
✗ i don’t think hes one to be jealous or possessive but doesn’t like it if other people ‘contaminate you with germs’ so he’ll most likely stick around you to defend you from ‘germs’ so i guess he’s pretty protective. But not toxic protective!! He likes it when you come to his games and cheer for him!
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✗ Komori is the softest ever! He loves you and he loves affection!!!! Bb is kinda clingy but its okay because he’s adorable and you love his hugs! He loves snuggling with you - face to face, while the both of you talk about anything and everything!
✗ he definitely loves it when you come to his games and he always gives you his jacket to wear! After every game when he sees you waiting for him in the foyer he runs up and hugs you.
✗ he lives to see you smile! Komori really loves when you smile! Please smile for him! But don’t fake it! Fake smiles make him sad! If he ever sees you fake a smile (and he can always tell bcz of how much he loves your smile) he will always make time to speak with you or FaceTime you to ask you how you’re going and if you’re okay. He doesn’t like his bb being sad :’)
✗ Komori really likes cute cliche dates! Sometimes you tease him about it but you can’t deny that he always makes them special - even if they’ve been done a million times before. Picnic dates and star gazing dates are a must!
✗ when it comes to PDA, he’s not necessarily against or for it, hes just kinda like eh whatever works in the moment. However!! Holding hands everywhere is a must.
✗ I don’t see him as the type to get jealous and/or possessive. He gives vibes that are full of positivity, so I feel like in a relationship with him he’s very trusting and understanding. However, if someone is flirting with you and making you uncomfortable he will intervene. Unless!! You have it under control, if so then he’ll just come up and stand next to you with a passive aggressive smile directed at the dude. If you don’t have it under control, he will come up and put a hand on your shoulder to reassure you and then he will talk to the guy. He starts off by asking a random question like ‘how’s the weather’ or whatever, and this usually confuses the guy because ‘???? Who’s this dude and why’s he talking to me so friendly’ anywho, he chats the dude’s ears off and the dude ends up leaving.
✗ he cant cook but can make he finest 2min noodles. Eat his noodles. He’ll be happy.
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✗ aight here we are, piss hair - my second favourite Miya <3 jk
✗ being real, if youre gonna date atsumu you have to have to be able to take a joke. Please dont be offended. It’s just that he likes to joke around with you and 10/10 will point to something ugly and say ‘that’s you babe.’ He doesn’t do it to be mean!!! No!! He just sucks shit at expressing himself and therefore he teases you to show his affection verbally. He often says ‘I love ya’ to remind you because he knows words can hurt. He does his best to not be too mean :,) and if you ever look slightly sad because of something he said he will flick the switch and turn into a really loving bf. Hah simp.
✗ he wont admit it but he loves affection. Pda is a yes for him. Loves it when you sit in his lap or hold is hand or jump onto his back. He thinks you’re the cutest. You wear his jacket. Before and after games he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips, nothing steamy though thats for back home. He hugs you as a stress release. I know that sounds weird but he finds you to be so comforting and when he engulfs you in a hug and he can smell your shampoo/perfume he just feels really safe and loved and all round lucky to have you.
✗ Oh I know a lot of people have this hc about him only allowing you to cheer for him during his serves but I dont vibe with that. He likes it silent to concentrate so even if you were special (which you are) he doesnt want that game concentration interrupted, which you of course respect and understand. However as soon as his serves are up and its actual game time please cheer as loud as you want because he loves it when you cheer him and his boys team on!!
✗ mans is jealous, he doesnt like it when others get too comfy comfy with you. Like he knows you have other friends and he gets that but he does not! And I repeat - does not! Like it if they (esp opposite gender) get super touchy with you because in his head: ‘why get touchy with her/him/them when I’m literally right here???’ Oh yeah and he hates it when some weirdo is tryna chat you up, so to combat that he would definitely make his presence known. In scenario 1: ‘hey buddy can I have my girl/boy/sIo for a sec? Yeah thanks mate.’ Then he proceeds to kiss you harshly on the lips. Scenario 2: he walks up to the guy/girl/person and puts a hand on the both of yours shoulder. ‘She’s/he’s/they’re taken buddy, scram it.’ And the weirdo gets intimidated by that passive aggressive smile and the strong hand on his shoulder so they usually run away with a scowl right after they’re told.
✗ hes only soft for you behind closed doors sorry bb. Mans is a big simp. Even if he wont show it. I headcanon that he has a horse and knows how to ride it so sometimes he rides it to your house and calls you to come outside. You go outside and there he is, sitting on this large beast with a picnic basket, ‘hey babes wanna have a picnic?’ Ngl you’re surprised every time but go anyways. Omg imagine one day when youre at the picnic he’s all like ‘hey babes wanna see a trick?’ And youre like, ‘yeah sure’ so he gets on the horse and does idk something but then gets bucked off. Omg that shit would be hysterical. Brb gonna write a short scenario on this.
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✗ wow ok I love him so much
✗ ok ok so we know Shirabu is smart (example in the timeskip) so he often stays up really really late to work on assignments and to study which means he can get very tired and burnt out esp when he has to do volleyball on top of all that. This is where you come in, you often visit his dorms (Shiratorizawa has dorms so thats the base for shirabu) and when you visit his dorms you bring lots of food - healthy foods to get his brain working but also snack foods to help him relax and release some of that good ol’ serotonin.
✗ when he studies but also feels like cuddling you find yourself facing him while sitting in his lap. You gotta move though cause he’s still working so you end up just cuddling into him like a koala. When he doesnt have to write/is busy reading he will wrap his arms around you and place a kiss to your forehead. He loves you omg, thinks you’re the cutest thing ever. IN FACT his home screen is a picture of you asleep, cuddling him in his lap. The only reason you’re not his lock screen is bc he has a rep to keep up in the club and cant have brats like goshiki knowing he can be soft or tendou teasing him for being ‘simp.’
✗ like atsumu, you gotta be able to take a joke because mans is a salt stick and loves teasing/roasting you. Ofc you do it back. Sometimes you team up and tease Kawanishi together. Please save Kawanishi, he does not want to deal with either of you, bb is tired from volleyball.
✗ shirabu knows he may not be the ideal boyfriend - he’s hopelessly devoted to the volleyball club and studies the life out of himself, so he often finds himself apologising to you and feeling incredibly guilty that he may have to cancel your date every so often. You make sure to remind him that its okay, that you knew what you were getting into when you started dating him and that you admire that he’s so determined and such a hardworker and that you love him. Every time you tell him he almost cries, he loves you.
✗ to make up for lost dates he will invite you to his dorm, or he’ll go to yours and the both of you will spend the day cuddling and snacking on food while watching movies. For him this is like killing two birds with one stone because 1) he gets to relax and have some downtime and 2) he gets to spend that time with you and just being in your presence relaxes him so much. Hhhhh hes so precious omg i love him. Oh and he’ll make sure to tell you that he loves you - it took a while for him to say it because he wanted it to mean something.
✗ when it comes to pda he’s not the most comfortable about it, yknow he just prefers to keep that to himself. But!! Will 100% hold your hand if you ask. Sometimes you don’t even have to ask! He just really likes holding your hand.
✗ now is he jealous or possessive? Yes he is jealous, i cant describe why. He just gives those vibes. I think it’s because he has a lot of self doubt and insecurities about being a good boyfriend that he feels like someone could just sweep you away. He’s self aware so he knows it’s his insecurities talking so he does his best to not believe and act on them but sometimes when someone is deliberately flirting and knows you have a bf he will be big mad. Full on walks up to the guy with an intimidating aura and roasts him. Ngl you find it funny because he’s spitting out insults faster than you could say supercalifragi- something i forgot how to spell it lol.
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twilightofthe · 4 years
Chapter Fourteen liveblog of The Mandalorian Season 2!  Let’s go!!!
Gonna say right now this episode already has VERY large boots to fill, my only prior experience with Tython is when my DM took our party there in the Star Wars RPG I’m playing in atm and we had a blast doing stuff like negotiating peace between warring peoples, finding lost children, visiting and exploring the very temple Din and the baby will be going to, AND we got attacked by Imps and I got to steal and drive an AT-AT.  Idk how to make Tython better than that xD
Ok but here we go, opening scene
Ooooooh we getting the FENNEC SHAND flashback???  (Lol but seriously if she is showing up again I’m all too happy to see my girl Ming-Na but how the fuuuuuck are we going to tie aNOTHER character’s storyline into this season? xD)
Once more I would die for the nameless baby Yodito 
Welp I guess acknowledging the kid’s name is good parent/child bonding activities
“Bitch that’s my ball you keep taking it”
“Nice lady” lol perfect way to describe Ahsoka
“The TRAGEDY???” Oh No
Welp I guess Gideon tracks the Crest and kidnaps Baby in this one waaaaaah
Ok so forest planet like my DM said, but he made it snowy instead of acrid.....
Temple didn’t quite look like the first battle outcropping from Fellowship of the Ring either...
Oh is this another “wave your hand to pull it out of the ground” thingies like the Lothal temple?
Ah ok he’s just doing the seeing stone thing
Oh honey this must be a pain in the ass to deal with the Force when you’re not remotely Force sensitive
Oh whoop we have company, not the Imps already?
Ahhh nope just Boba
Wait was HE the one who found Fennec last season???
If Boba’s the one who ends up turning over the baby to the bad guys just know nothing y’all say will make me forgive him for it xD
Fennec I’d kinda expect it from tho lol
I still think the Slave 1 (still a Very Hmmm Name) is the one of the goofiest looking ships, like why is it shaped like that and why does it fly standing up? xD
OOP I guess Baby just needed some pressure?  Glowy stone!
Glowy stone wiiiiith magic forcefield oh dear
Guess this ep’s gonna have Din trying to fight off opponents while Baby’s openly vulnerable and meditating, a la Katara in ATLA season 1
And ultimately fail too oh no....
Lol first thing visible coming out of ship is dramatic-ass cape, this fucking galaxy xD
TEMUERAAAAAAAAAAAA ;_;  Loooook I’m not the biggest Boba fan but I fucking love Temuera Morrison and his perfect voice
Wait he wasn’t the one who planted the tracker on his ship was he?
Looool at least Din’s finally found out there’s deadass like two groups of people he ends up coming across in this story
Hmmm we lookin’ dressed kinda like a Jedi, huh there Fett boy?
Wait Boba why didn’t you just try and ask/fight Cobb for the armor???
Oh so they really aren’t gonna make Boba Mandalorian again?
Oop Boba down for child murder
“There’s no need for bloodshed” ok maybe Boba’s had some character development???
God Ming-Na is so fuckin’ pretty
Ohhhh does Fennec have some of those special new artificial guts like they gave Breha Organa?  Ngl I’m thinking of using those in one of my fics.....
Ooooop and NOW there’s the Imps
And that looks like enough room for a LOT of Stormtroopers
Oh dear
OH lol I guess Boba and Fennec have it covered
Ok fine Bobs that’s kinda badass
Lol Stormtroopers can’t even aim a mortar 
And STILL can’t properly aim a rapid fire gun either
Dumbass should have moved
Boba don’t steal the armor you’ll just be doing exactly what all the other Mandos are trying to accuse you of
And of COURSE if he had waited five more seconds
Oh I guess Boba’s changing into his armor
Yep there he is
Ooop is that the Boba Fett theme?
Aaaaand of course they’ve got a Star Destroyer 
Damn but if Gideon doesn’t have a perfectly menacing theme too
Ok Favreau we see them looking more like Iron Man than anything else
Goddammit Boba why’d you make him take off his jetpack
Star Destroyer/Imperial Cruiser same thing, one’s just bigger
Ooop at least the beskar’s fine
Yeahhh Boba knows this is at least kinda his fault xD
Ohhhh and Jango fought in the Mando Civil War huh????  INTERESTING
Ohhhh they are picking up Ahsoka again
Wait fuck me I forgot, has Ahsoka ever directly met Boba before?
Wait you’re fucking kidding me you’re bringing MAYFIELD back nooooo he was annoying and untrustworthy
I hope Ahsoka bullies him
Dammit Gideon I hope the baby bites you
ok ok ok yeah I know Baby using the Dark Side is bad
Okay okay okay fine, yes, Boba was Very Cool(TM)
Damn this was a good episode
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 13, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
We started this episode with Lady Noh story on how she came to Corea. Lady Noh’s face when she knows that the war end ugly was so sad. The scroring they insert here is suitable to the situation 💯.
She has the old edition of kim sowol poems thats kind of explained, at least to me, why they use her voice everytime the poems shows up.
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I admit it, PM Koo fooled me with her sad face. I thought she was in love. But no, it was all greed and ambition. But i have to admit it, this words of hers was satisfying and one of the best lines the series has
PM Koo “I liked being next to you. That was where i could see you the best. But you say that it is not my place. What should i do now? Will i be able to see you better if i stood in opposition to you?”
Gon “Stop, PM Koo, if you crossed the line any further-“
PM Koo “i started at the bottom and climbed up all the way here toward the king. But since you’ve had it all from birth, love is all it takes to move you. What will my heart beat for now, pyeha? I dont think it’ll be for honesty and loyalty.”
WOW! Very honest and raw. I loved it.
Also i loved how they made the thunder came just after see ended her words, good timing. Added to the tension. Showing to Pyeha that she already did crossed the line that far.
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JTE met PM Koo on the way, and exposed her. PM scars also shown in front of JTE. JTE running to inform Gon, so now Gon is knowing the fact PM is crossing to Korea
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Gon is going to NFS to investigate why is this scars keep showing. Actually at this point im guessing that the scars shown up only to people which their counterparts are dead, murdered or else. Because JTE dont have it, KSJ, JY also dont have. LR loyal minion from Corea dont have before, lately he has it after his counterpart is dead.
Moving on to my fav part now. Im actually really worried that someone try to kill JES 😭 my heart beating so fast, until ....
Another satisfying scene was when we see PM met LR. Both interesting villain and could make a beautiful couple. Their mind was connected to each other no need to explain thing to each other 😅 i also loved how they play with so many different camera angle just for this short scene. Made it more satisfying.
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And move on to the scene where we saw the shoes then move to PM Koo while she said
“You’re the one who chose where i should go in these heels, pyeha”
I love the camera movements, the words, the music!
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Another revelation we got is about KSJ mom. She was asking Lady Noh to meet Gon and speak to him directly. This words of her was well made (kudos to the writer):
“I saw you with my son, KSJ. It was the last photo that LR gave to me. And with it, i received the poison. So i gambled. I drank the poison instead of poisoning you. If i died, i’d be paying for my sins, and if i lived, i’d talk to you in person like this. Its shameless of me, but im asking you to decide the fate of my son. He didn’t do anything wrong, please protect my son, Pyeha”
Its also heartbreaking to see Gon actually thinking to do the request if you saw his face gesture changed, the beginning he is a bit angry, at the end he sigh-ing. He is the one who almost been killed but the killer ask him to do a favor. What a cruel world
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Then we moved to Luna in Korea met JTE father. I really cannot hate this woman, why? Is it because of her face resemblance to JTE who i loved a lot, or is it because she lives unfortunately or because her being soft around this dad figures 🥺🥺 i guess if im in a parallel world i’ll will be kind to people that are counterparts of my family or friends no matter their personality 😅 no matter if they try to kill me.
Also can we give standing applause for KGE acting ? This girl deserve a daesang!
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Then we got a glimpse of JY actually already located Gons mom doppelgänger while tailing KSJ mom. Killing 2 birds with 1 stone
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JTE made it to locate LR gate to Corea but Gon said its dangerous because when they crossed the gate times stops for hours. But this information still important for Gon later on episode 16 😎 you know i love this couple because they communicate to each other. They way the comfort each other making me soft. Also i love how JTE role in this whole series is really important, she is the symbol of hope. The kind of strong woman with a satisfying personality. Why i said she is the symbol of hope, because she is a believer with the analogy of her tirelessly seeding the magic plant in room between 1 and 0. It seems impossible, but if you believe and try, who knows? This is i think a symbol of hope and hope is an important thing to have during dark times. Thats what keeps you going.
Also we got a bit of an insight from Gon which still pretty much assumptions that “if theres a time axis in there as a space axis, then it’ll be possible” he just didn’t know what the rules yet. And that is really in line with probability theory, one of the variable to measure it is random experiment, which is a physical situation whose outcome cannot be predicted until it is observed. So please dont complain on why the rules is not clear yet.
I loved the writers because she seems to be consistent connected this all with mathematical aspect, eventhough its subtle. You just need to read between the lines. And thats what i love a lot 💕
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Everyone is back now and JTE already knew Luna is also here and take her place.
I will ended this first page with JY and KSJ speaking. I loved KSJ words here omg! And JY being petty, i don’t understand. I know he just being overprotective but come on. Even KSJ understand Gon and JTE situation
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To be continue..
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unsettledink · 4 years
Back in the days of LJ, I used to try and do a post at the end of each year, looking back primarily at fandom and fic. I fell out of the habit when everything moved to tumblr, and then it seemed like I didn’t have anything to say since I wasn’t writing or really participating any. 
But I always liked the idea of it, because I love to be overly reflective on stuff. And talk about my fic. Any excuse! I shuffled around some of the topics I used back then and added a few I’ve seen around that I liked. It got… long, because I TALK, so I split into two sections. 
Your main fandom of the year? 
    Marvel (MCU) for sure. Primarily with characters from Spider-Man and Iron Man movies.
Your favorite film watched this year?
    The Old Guard - I saw a couple trailers and everything about it looked like catnip. ‘It’s probably going to be so dumb, but I don’t even care,’ I thought. And then it was so good. It was so much fun and so much smarter than I expected and I loved each and every character and it just made me happy in so many ways.
Your favorite book read this year?
    Red, White, and Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston - I read it twice this year actually. It’s so… cute isn’t the right world. Sweet and hopeful and soft and comforting and intense. I liked every single character which is pretty rare. I cried during the sad parts and then again at the happy ending, like straight up sobbed - both times. I already want to read it again.
Your favorite tv show watched this year?
    Schitt’s Creek - I started it on a whim and because a lot of people had said it was good. The episodes were short so it wasn’t a huge time investment. The first season was a little rough, but there were enough funny moments that I hung on, and then… I kept getting fonder and fonder of these idiots as they grew. And THEN… it kept not disappointing me? 
     You grow to expect certain scripts, twists, jokes, especially in queer story lines. To wait for the bad thing to happen, because it always does. Instead, Schitt’s Creek kept going, ‘hey, here’s the set up for that! Guess what? We’re not doing it. Here’s the happy version instead.’ The relief of having that happen again and again - the last season I’ve watched (I’m sort of saving 6) I cried a bunch but it was always because I was happy. 
Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
    1896 - I’ve been waiting for the new Steam Powered Giraffe album so eagerly for aaaaaages. Finally getting recordings of Zero’s songs! Lying Awake remains my favorite off the album, with Eat Your Heart and Bad Days on the Horizon high up there as well. I’m loving what Zero brings to the band.
Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
    I don’t know if I really did discover that much? I stuck pretty closely to old fandoms and the ones I picked up in 2019. Maybe Zodiac? It was definitely inspiring, and I want to write and read more in it. 
    Maybe the couple discords I joined? I still really dislike discord and am not on there much, and mostly lurk when I am, but having somewhere vaguely like the comms I remember makes me feel a little less isolated. It’s the potential, that maybe if I said something I might make a friend, or someone might actually want to hear what I say. 
Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
    The Watch - I mean, I knew it was going to be a disaster with every word said during pre production. I wasn’t ever going to be happy with it. And then it came out and was even worse and uglier and … disrespectful not just of the source material but of actual people connected to Terry. I’m beyond disappointed that this is what we got, and it’s probably going to be a long time before we get anything else. 
    Devil All the Time was terrible, but I didn’t have especially high hopes. It still didn’t manage to meet them. Yikes.
The most missed of your old fandoms?
    Maybe MASH? Someone I follow started talking about it and I was reminded all over again of the wonderful fics in that fandom. I went looking and a lot are gone (still on my computer, lol, but not online), but rereading was such a trip. A slightly depressing trip, but still. 
The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
    Hmm. I’ve kind of not had the energy to invest in other fandoms at the moment? When The Witcher was having it’s big moment back in January, I had a feeling I might enjoy it enough to fall headfirst into the fandom, so I avoided watching it. Ikr? I don’t have the time or the energy to actively seek anything out. 
Your biggest fan anticipations for the New Year?
    SO EXCITED about Winter’s Orbit. I mean, the third Spider-Man movie for sure, with worry. The second Venom movie, ugh yes. I have tentative hopes for Jungle Cruise? Jumanji was stellar and I always enjoy Dwayne. I have both hope and dread for the new Suicide Squad - I did love Birds of Prey, so if it’s along those lines, yay. The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard because it should be some fun garbage, my favorite kind. I don’t know how I feel about Dune, but, uh, I’m anticipating it. It seems highly unlikely it will actually happen, but The Wheel of Time TV series. 
I want to be excited about Black Widow but it’s hard. It’s not the story I’ve been wanting to see, and I’m angry about Natasha not getting a movie until she’s dead.
You know. If any of it is released for real.
The Good: 
I moved to a better place. I got a better paying, better benefits, better environment job that lets me work from home. The house acquired 3-7 more cats depending on the month. I was able to get some serious problems on my car fixed. I have insurance and was able to start on some health stuff. No one I know got sick or died. I wrote a LOT.
The Bad: 
Aside from the obvious? Depression hitting extra hard during the winter. Having to put two kittens to sleep. Have my car be hit three times in our parking lot. Being driven INSANE by one of the cats for months while the vets were all closed. Kidney stone. Dealing with several health problems. Stalling for months on Gotcha.
The Indifferent: 
Not leaving the house often or easily. Enjoying a new fandom but not doing great at making connections (still real awkward, bud). Raising kittens and saying goodbye. Need new tires. Reading a lot of fic but not a lot of books. Having more pay but more expenses as well (wth insurance??). 
2020 fic stats
Number of stories: 39
Number of fandoms: 6? Or 2, if you cluster the others under mcu
Total number of words: 152049
Average word count per story: 4kish
Longest fic: Causality (18k, P/Q)
Shortest fic: Can’t, Won’t (1k, P/Q)
Most comments received: Sieche (49, T/P)
Fandom you wrote the most of: MCU Spider-Man - I only wrote TWO fics that didn’t feature that fandom, wow. And one of those was still MCU.
Fandom you wrote the least of: Zodiac (1!)
Events you participated in: Marvel Trumps Hate, Kinktober, IornspidersGeorg Exchange, Starker Festivals Exchange, MCU Secret Santa, Spiderio Big Bang
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
    SO MUCH MORE OMG. I mean, even just counting posted stuff! (I probably wrote a solid 300k of Gotcha this year.) I did not expect or plan on doing Kinktober, so that’s a whole 31 fics right there. I also wasn’t planning on doing any exchanges - I have a History - but then I did three? And beyond that, I did not expect for everything to get so LONG.
Topic you wrote that you would never have predicted in January:
    Tony/Quentin. Goddammit @the-me09 They were like hey, they could be interesting! And while I agreed, I had no ideas for them. THEN they had to go and write Just Bodies That Collide and next thing I know, I’ve got ten fics featuring them and two-six series focused on them or Peter/Quentin/Tony. What the fuck. 
Leitmotif of the year:
    Vulnerability, I think. I had a bunch of things typed up and they all circle back to vulnerability in the end; sex, being seen, being wanted, sharing trauma, asking for help, trying something new. Offering a soft spot in the hopes it won’t be hurt. 
Favorite character to write about: 
    Tony Stark, for sure. There are just a bunch of slightly different takes, and a lot of canon to work with (kind of frustrating too though). And I’m a sucker for emotionally damaged snarky traumatized characters that are viewed poorly both in universe and out. 
Favorite kind of fic to write:
    This year? Fluff and smut combined. Maybe that’s not the right term really. I keep looking for and writing, even in the angstiest fics, for those soft moments. Sure, maybe it’s a super smutty kink scene, but I want the affection to be obvious. Maybe everyone is consumed by guilt, but I want it to be based in caring too much. Maybe there’s no real love, just sex and even that’s messed up, but I want to find that tiny bit of fondness. 
    And I want happy endings. Or endings that look like they’re going to be happy, at least, even if there’s all the angst first. I don’t think I’ve killed anyone this year? Who AM I? 
Biggest disappointment:
    Not finishing the rough draft of Gotcha. I was making such good progress in 2019, from August to December. Even after the move, I basically finished part 6 in January. I fumbled around and fussed with 1 a lot, but that had already been given one draft, really, and I got through half of 4 before I slowed to a stop. I’ve barely gotten anything accomplished on it since June. Bits and pieces here and there, but nothing significant, not like I was doing. I can excuse October, due to 80k invested in Kinktober (yikes!), but aside from that… I’m sad. I’ll finish it eventually, but I really thought I could have the first draft done in a year. I’m sitting at about 480k out of what I’m almost certain will be 700k. 
Biggest surprise:
    Kinktober! It was kind of spur of the moment, decided just a week in advance. I’ve tried month long or even like, 20-25 day long challenges and I don’t think I’ve ever completed one. I thought there was a good chance I’d do so again, so I gave myself a little help and made my own list of prompts, things I knew I liked and hadn’t done much of yet. And it worked? I actually completed it, what the hell? Despite spending five days travelling near the end! Despite falling behind in getting ahead and writing a bunch of stories the day they were to be posted! Despite apparently forgetting how to do short form! 
    I, uh, could have done without the spawning of eleven series or sequels or continuations jfc WHY SELF.
Something you learned this year:
    Ideas breed ideas. I swear to god, the second I sit down to think through a current idea, I wake up the next morning with three more. 
    Words need to be restocked. I need to consume new - not rereads, not fic - content every so often to refresh my word bank. It is astonishing how quickly writing goes again after I’ve done so.
    I can write so much more than I thought I could. I can do so much more than I thought I could. Yes, I can complete challenges without dropping out early. Yes, I can do exchanges and not regret it. Yes, I can write more than 100k, more than 200k, more and more - and I can write 10k+ easily too. Though I wouldn’t mind if I could once again write less than 10k without feeling like I’ve cut off in the middle. 
    My time is shrinking, and if I want to write as much, I’m going to have to make the time. I can’t rely on three days off a week, on seven hours of uninterrupted overnight shifts, on hyper focused writing binges that leave everything else around me on fire. 
Most memorable comment: 
    So, so many! I can’t pick one. I’ve been really lucky to get a bunch of really detailed, enthusiastic, analyzing comments across all different fics. One of the types that always sticks with me are the ones like ‘I didn’t think/know I liked this ship/kink/twist, but fuck, apparently I do? You made me, what the hell?’. 
What, if anything, are you going to try to do differently in your writing in the new year?
So with writing Gotcha but not posting until it’s done, my view of what I’ve written vs anyone else’s is extremely skewed. I’m sitting here thinking, hey I’m 400k in and got another 10k done today, so much writing! While anyone looking at my AO3 account (for most of the year) is like, you’re averaging three months between fics :(
    All that to say I want to try and get something posted more frequently while I’m working on Gotcha.
    Also, writing for kinktober was really interesting - pushing myself to write every single day, often for that day’s post, forced me to get back into shorter form fic. Which used to be all I did? But it was surprisingly hard to just stop and not write more. So I’d like to challenge myself to write more fics under 10k at least. Maybe even under 5k though that might be asking a lot lol. I might get there with the many continuations of those fics I’d like to do. Does that count?
   I want to hit 365 fics. :) I’m only 32 away!
    Aside from writing - 
    I’ve really enjoyed the reading record sideblog I started this year. I’ve let it lapse a little the past month or so, but I’d like to keep it going strong. 
    I’d like to leave a lot more comments. I want to get better about allowing imperfection - I want to write The Best Comment, but in the end? Probably 90% of fic writers are going to be happier with a comment expressing enjoyment in any way over no comment at all. 
And not just on fics, but on general posts as well. It’s hard not to feel… weird and stupid and invasive and rude leaving any sort of comment on someone’s post if I don’t know them at least a little. I have godawful rejection sensitive dysphoria and a lot of interactions that ended poorly; I’m really not good at people. But as dumb as it feels to say those things, I know I am thrilled and warmed and happier when there’s a reblog with tags or a note or a comment or an ask or just, any small interaction that shows someone out there notices and cares, at least a little. There’s no reason I can’t at least try to offer that to other people. 
    I’d like to make/run a couple challenges of my own, later in the year. I’m still figuring out what I want to do and what I could do. I’m really interested in doing something that’s not focused on creators, but the readers; some sort of comment or rec challenge maybe.
    I want to find a cheerleader for Gotcha. I’m struggling to keep up my motivation to write it when it’s already in my head, where I can ‘read’ it any time. There’s a line between depending too much on external validation and trying to generate all your validation yourself, and I’m getting to a point where I think I need to ask for help (gasp! The hardest thing EVER). 
(Part Two: Pick Some Fics)
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cake-in-a-tin · 4 years
My thoughts rewatching all the Harry Potter movies back to back
forgive typos, and be warned - there's a lot...
the first two have a smaller amount of thoughts for some reason, idk why
 Philosopher’s Stone
teeny harry haha
that snake is so beautiful
no post on sundays bro
hi hagrid
how did the dursleys get off the island tho
aw harry is so teeny and innocent
ollivander’s entrance is so iconic, like i want to enter every room like that
hermione is so great already
and you are…
‘you’ve got dirt on your nose by the way, did you know?’
haha tiny malfoy
TREVOR! + neville
that death glare mcgonagall omg
oof snape really hates harry
it's leviooosa not leviosaaa
troll in the dungeon!!!
hi fluffy
ew norbert is gross to be completely honest
creepy malfoy staring at the window
malfoy being sassy wow
‘nighty night…’ whyyy filch?
oof ron are u ok
bye hermione
voldemort is kinda cute with his big eyes
harry really just killed quirrell jeez man
alas earwax
Chamber of Secrets
ah go away dobby don't be weird
yes the car with fred and george
oof bye uncle vernon haha
ah awkward let go of harry lockhart we hate u
haha ginny is iconic
rons face when the train comes omg
ron can drive? that's impressive…
ooh a voice scaryyy
hey colinnn
eat slugs - yas
let go of his arm lockhart
uh oh colin is petrified
hahaha snape annihilated lockhart wow
gosh moaning myrtle is annoying
tom riddle is such a weirdo hgh
ew spiders
lockhart is hilarious when he has lost his mind wow
yas fawkes
ew he just stuck the sword right through its head didn't he...
powerful sock…
go away lucius ur annoying
Prisoner of Azkaban
ugh aunt marge blow up already
sassy harry tm
tom is iconic
so is crookshanks tbh
the knight bus kinda sucks in the movie tho
yess lupin hi
ugh shut up trelawney
ah the best scene aka harry and draco being sassy towards each other
‘it’s killed meh!’
the other best scene: lupin, boggarts and the record player
love when they are eating sweets and just being good friends
yay marauders map - iconic fred and george
nice snowman also
my dad didn't strut and neither do i - yeah right...
yes leave hermione
trelawney stop being creepy
take that malfoy
harry third wheeling
yas remus save sirius
"old married couple" haha snape knows what's up
die peter lol
haha yes they will chop your leg off ron definitely
ugh harry stop being noble
haha yes mentioning the marauders
ew stop peter
oh no werewolf
sirius is so dramatic haha he cant stop turning into a werewolf my dude
bad idea yes ron i agree
oof fight him sirius
no sirius!
the dementorssss
no harry that's not a real patronus dude
nom eat the little soul nugget nice
ah no they're gonna kiss sirius nooo
scabbers did it ok... shut up ron
dumbledore just smacking ron's broken leg and being mysterious
and enter many time paradoxes
‘this is not normal’ hahahah wow harry
yess save buckbeak dudes
yas beautiful patronus dude
this music tho wow
au revoir sirius
I wonder how many stairs they ran up...
poor ron so confused
that bird just got squished no
don't leave lupin
please tell harry about the marauderss
i love lupin omg
ooh a firebolt thanks godfather
the ending face wow
Goblet of Fire
ooh nagini hello
yay frank you will die soon so enjoy your tea
dr who!
ah voldemort's creepy little hand tm
yes ron is covering his non existent boobs wow
hermione's so mad 4 some reason
yes cedric diggory in a tree
everyone has long hair why
isn't just any manky old boot mate
cedric amos and arthur are show offs
feet off the table!
i luv magik
wow krum is enjoying himself
Why is draco wearing a suit?
lucius is very ominous
think ur in luvvv ron
is there no winky in this? sad
harry is so awkward omg
bye hedwig find sirius even though the ministry cant
oh bonjour beauxbatons
wow so dramatic here come the durmstrang peoples
wow run filch ao athletic
ew the beauxbatons entrance is so weird and compared to the durmstrang one is kind of sexist
ow poor flitwick a fork to the hand that's gotta hurt
moody is so dramatic
dumbledore already shouting nice
why does he have so many bugssss
ah that is a creepy spider
poor neville he has to have cuppa with moody that sucks
yess fred and george back at it again
hermione ruining the vibe
what would happen if harry was just like "nope"? would he die that would be interesting
igh rita skeeter go away ur creepy my dude
hate it when ur eyes glisten with ghosts of ur past
yas sirius in a fire
"who are u talking to?" "im vlogging ron" (how it should have gone. harry should have a youtube channel just saying)
poor harry a third wheel yet again between madame maxime and hagrid ew
wow draco in a tree, why? so many people in trees this movie
malfoy as a ferret is my favorite character
my father will hear about thissss
omg rita get outttt
fight the dragonnnn
feel like someone should have stopped the dragon after it broke free... idk *shrugs*
it would be so boring if u were watching the tournament because you can't see anything that's happening most of the time, only for the 1st task and a bit if the 3rd task.
knew u wouldnt die harry, lose a leg - or an arm -pack it in all together? nevaaaaa
god just open it harry
ron ur so awkward...
harry spitting out his drink will never not be funny to me
oh yes the gorgeous dress robes
poor ron has it tough, having to dance with mcgonagall and having ro wear those robes...
*babbling bumbling band of baboons*
the twins are hilarious in this haha
aw neville!
snape is really violent can't 2 boys discuss their love lives or lack thereof in peace
ron's jealous of viktor krum haha
love harry just being so confused and saying "spectacular" when cedric speaks to him.
given the fact harry literally told him the task cedric didn't do that much to help.
ugh no myrtle stop
harry going "do i" when neville tells him he seems tense is such a mood
harry's hair when he was swimming haha
just leave them harryy omg too noble
harry holds his breath for a long time after his gills go away - longer than i can
fred and george making fun of harry having 'moral fiber' is exactly what i would do in the situation
mr crouch stop being weird
yes finally singing hoggy warty hogwarts
oh hi mr crouch, taking a nap in the forest are u? cool
i would say do not stick your face in the pensieve but that's just me
Dr Who changed a bit since i last saw him, he's a bit mental now...
snape is so iconic wow
"bubble juice sir?" bahaha sassy harry back at it again
this music is so great
i would freak out if i had to go in that maze it's so creepy and feels like it would be so filled with jumpscares just nope
"a cauldron? What are u guys gonna do - eat me? that's gross!" feels like it should be in the movie
aw baby voldemort is so cute
ugh just chop off another finger or something wormtail jeez so much drama
how is voldemort still alive - the cauldron is on fire??
the movie is also really missing voldemort dancing with the death eaters
u dont have hair my dude stop caressing ur bald head
voldemort has lovely long fingernails
lucius' blonde hair poking out from beneath his hood is so funny 4 some reason.
"i can touch u now" is really not a good sentence
bit awkward to return with a dead body...
its alright harry *shakes his head violently*
uh oh that's not professor moody its barty jr
Order of the Phoenix
halfway done woo
the intro music is still a jam the 5th time
that is big whinging not little whinging
hi big D what a great nickname...
uh oh dementorrrrr
yes mrs figg the most iconic character in the movies
harry looks a lot like frodo baggins
yay the order is rescuing him finally
yes remus and sirius and mrs weasley and everyone
ooh kreacher
jeez hermione attack him
crookshanks attacking the extendable ears is just what my cat would do
cute godfather godson moments yeass
arthur weasley trying to function as a muggle is just so wholesome
ugh not umbridge ew
yes clear those charges
aw padfoot yess
wow that's a lovely coat sirius
voldemort looks great in a suit wow
didn't harry see his parents die? why couldn't he see the thestral before?
yes luna!
oh shut up umbridge oh my goddd
yes ron u tell seamus like a good friend
sassy harry reaching full potential
ugh umbridge sucks wow
so evil torturing harry
yes weasleys wizards wheezes
luna is so pure and perfect
the friendship between her and harry is so amazing
yas tell umbridge, mcgonagall
trelawneys bad but she doesn't deserve to be kicked out by umbridge
oof professor dumbledore just straight up ignored harry
yes harry just say you're rubbish that will make people think your sane
yes hermione break the rules!
oof ginny is jealous of cho liking harryyyy
yay the room of requirement!
dumbledores army is so fabuloussss
nigel is amazing and i love him
wow hermione just knocked out ron haha
harry potter the boy who made cheesy inspirational speeches
wow ginny is so powerful
harry and cho are so awkward eeehhhh
just because you’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon *cringy forced laughter*
occlumency lessonnssss yay what fun
cute christmas scenes wow
ooh the family tree and sirius' backstory yay
harry u aren't becoming like voldemort u are going through pubertyyyy its hormonesssssss
yay hagrid finally
oh no it's bellatrix get ready for crazinesss
poor sirius he keeps getting the blame for everything that's so unfair
is neville tall or is harry short, because there is a huge height difference
aw all the patronuses are so cute
uh oh here comes umbridge...
noo they are captured and dumbledores lying waaa
oof dumbledore is as sassy as harry at some points - "dumbledores got style"
no umbridge is heaf and shes fricking evilllll
grawp yess. hes kind of cutee
ron is jealous of grawp bahaha
sheesh snape chill
yes a bit of maraudrrss aahhhh
thats it? noo
aw fred and george comforting a little boy is too cute!
yes fred and george!!! disrupt those OWLS!!
no harry! he doesn't have sirius nooo
yes hermione fake it till u make it ( or until u get umbridge attacked by grawp )
yay the centaurs are here as well get herrr
'i must not tell lies' the sass omg
jeez how many prophecies are there wow
pranked, harry dude ur kind of rubbish
well done ginny you've made all the prophecies fall
yh id rather watch my friends die than give u the prophecy, don't really like them tbh
yas sirius!
the order yes
you're beautiful sirius
noooooo siriusss 😭😭😭😭
yooo voldemort my dudeee
hope the ministry has a massive roomba
the DA just come in to see harry writhing on the floor and are like 'cool'
nice one fudge finally realised he's back cool, cool
ah yes angsty harry tm
aw poor luna, her shoes are all stolen.
luna is an icon though
we have something voldy doesn't - noses hahahaha
Half Blood Prince
uh oh the dark mark is here
death eaters as well fun
fenrir greyback!!
oh no not this bridge! i went across it and i was scared af
dumbledore appearing out of nowhere is so funny
ew slughorn no
wow i need dumbkwdored tidying spell so badly
slughorn collecting people is kind of creepy tbh
im so glad i dont have as many staircases as the weasleys
oh yes narcissa and bellatrix being shifty
oops snape u probs shouldnt have done that
yess fred and george!!!
weasleys wizard wheezes looks amazinggg
uh not cormac mclaggen
oooh its "draco and mummy"
no fenrir we wanted to look at draco stroking a cabinet
yes arnold!
yes draco malfoy is a "creepy bloke" ronald
why is draco always wearing a suit??
yes draco is going to pigfarts!
ouch why would u stomp on his nose??
yez luna save him
noo dont let snape teach defense against the dark arts!! i miss lupin...
poor harry having to do potions again ugh
dun dun dunnn the half blood prince
poor seamus stuff is still exploding
haha dumbledore ships hermione and harry lol
baby tom riddle is creepyy
tom riddle and slughorn were bffs wow so cute
edgy draco in his loki suit
aw rons the only one listening
ugh cormac mclaggen is so gross nooo
haha ron is so rubbish at quidditch id be just like him
'the binding is fragile' hahaha excuses
harry sleeps with his potions book hheehe wow
wow sneaky draco
rons face when hermione mentions her snogging him haha.
uh oh cursed necklace alert
harry pottrr the boy who just knew
snape is so sarcastic wow icon (not really tho ew)
oh god they're talking about skin aahhh
noo harry stop being awkwarddddd sit downn
ew cormac stop eating profiteroles so suggestively ugh
haa rons outfit
ew lavender stopp
oh yes "felix felicis" makes ron great at quidditch
poor hermione she just loves ron thats all
aw hermione and harrys friendship is so nice
angsty draco standing in a tower
"bUt I aM tHe ChOsEn OnE" god harry so pretentious
luna is the coolest person there is, nice work harry
draco in a suit again looking sad he does that a lot
no draco ur apple!
oh nvm its back dw
ugh cormac sucks.  hermione why??
at least cormac did 1 good thing and vomited on snapes shoes
draco was lurking omgggg thats his vibe now
cant break an unbreakable vow - figured that out for myself thanks (sassy harry)
ew lavender stopppp
ooh noo ginny dont feed him a mince pie awkwarddd
thanks ron
stoppp ginny. harry can tie his own shoelaceee
why do they need to burn the burrow this doesnt happen in the books #not canon
wow everyones sassy including hermione now
also lav is an awful nicknname
aha tom riddle is still creepy
okay thats a lie slughorn u told him about horcruxes
uh oh ron loves romilda vane oop
harry thinks the moon is divine haha
Ron hugging a pillow then falling off the sofa in the background oh my gosh
slughorn is so useless
haha snapes face while rons saying hermiones name
draco being edgy again woowwww
lavender that is a death glare if ever i saw one
oh no draco is crying in a bathroom now like a moody teenager
let him cry in peace harry god man
'nyaaah' is dracos go to dueling sound
oops harry u kinda killed him a little bit.
no this is so awkwarddd ginny dont
just kiss like in the books after the quidditch match thats way better
yes the felix felicis
love harry potter like this its so funny
‘harry!’ ‘sir!’
not to mention the pincers *gestures awkwardly*
nice speech harry, now u have answers on the horcruxes
ooh back to tom riddle being creepy
yas harry and dumbledore field trip quality student teacher time
snape being edgy now wow everyone is in this movie
oops foreshadowing...
harry has precious blood apparently?
yay boat ride and smoothie
harry potter not harry water bro
noo bad just aguamenti right into his mouth Harry
yay new friends!!!
dumbledore ur gonna set harry on  fire careful my dude
ooh death eaterz
did draco change intot hat suit to impress the death eaters?
oop bye dumbledore
harry brooding in dumbledores office
yess RAB get wrecked voldemort
harry ur thick apparently?
aw cute friendship
Deathly Hallows Pt. 1
rusty logo wow
‘ello whoo are u
oh scrimgeour hi i dislike u dude
veey dramatic
aaawww hermione no
yas dudley being nice to harry and vernon listening to him and leaving
ron brooding wow
bye parents sad face
wow vernons old man
ooh its snapeee he looks loke he has a lot of contpur on
yay snape has a savey seat
pius is a great name
uh oh i dont wanna give u my wand voldy
dracos face haha
ugh do they have to watch nagini eat professor burbage gross
the dursleys house looks so empty
yay the cupboard happy memories and his baby toys cuteee
moody thinks that harrys gorgeous.
yay remus and tonksss
shut up mundungus
blimey hermionee
'just trying to diffuse the tension' hahaha lol
wow so many harrys lol
yh  wouldnt want to go in the motorbike tbh
uh oh death eaters
wow parkour harry
nooo hedwig - the saddest bit of this movie
yo voldemort wassup
oops the pylons fell down... just fly away good idea
nooo george's ear
jeez lupin y are u being crazy dude
george is saint like and holy aw so cute brother moments
uh oh bye moody u were a bit creepy tbh
ha lol harry a lot of people are going to die for u
harry stop being moody omg
wow george way to ruin the vibe dude
yo minister leave pls
ron just being ungrateful - u can turn out lights now ron lucky u
yay hermione you get a childrens book thats great
wow a snitch lucky u harry. hes so pleased with that. little does he know.... its a resurrection stone bro
give him the sword man
yay nice wedding
luna interrupting deep thoughts casually
xenophilius is creepy
ron and hermione staring at each other is a mood.
way to crash a wedding dude
hermione is the most competent out of all three it has to be said
i really want that bag of hermiones
shouldnt have said voldemory now the death eaters are here whoops
"hermione" *strokes face awkwardly*
sassy harry yas
oh yes grimmauld place
oof voldys having wand struggles
hi kreacher please leave ur creepy thanks
aw siriuzz room so cute sad hes dead
regulus arcturus black yay
ugh mundungus fletcher u suck dude
aw neville
oh no pie dude is the minister if magic now
uh shut up umbridge
feel like u dont need that many posters
sentimental piano playing wow
yo dobbyyyy
umbridge ruins everything omg
ron - u dont have a wife
haha harry getting out of the lift and walking in such a weird wayyy bahahaha
ew umbridge has moodys eye groosss
yas the ugly plates are still in her office
oops ron u just kissed that random dudez wife
nice suit harry
ouch splinch
lovely tent
kill the locket dude
dean thomas is on the run ooh fancy
yh harry stop letting voldemort in dude
harry stop being so moody bro
ooh watch snape on the map thats not creepy.
oh no snatchers...
ah u almost got caught dudes
ron ur so weak wow cant apparate or anything
lot of missing people...
haha a quarantine haircut
yes hermione ur brilliant
oh god ron stop chill
bye ron i guess lol
poor hermione
yas awkward dancing timee
awkward stares
kissy for the snitch. he must really miss ginny
uh oh its opening at the closee
vfd!!! an eyee!!!
ooh godrics hollowwww
oop its christmas eve whoopssss
oh a deathly Hallows
parents grave yay!
ur bathilda? nope im a snake boiii
bathilda is 1 creepy lady
what are u saying my dude????
ew snake lady
chaira are good defences agaunst snakes definitely
ah she jumped at them
looks like a nice campsite
wow now hermiones being sentimental
oop she sat on harrys wand
wait nvm
oooh a doe a deer a female deer
dont drown harry that would be awkward
omgbharry stop undressing
oof the locket strangling him
yay ron saved him yas dude
ron kill the horcrux
u tell him hermione
nice ron tell them u have been hearing voices
yes go see xenophilius the crazy dudee
aw ron ur so awkwsrd bro
their house is so cute
shut up ron god
yay we know about the deathly hallows now
xenophilius is so suspicious tho
why would you say his nameeee
noo snatchers
ooo ominous malfoy manor
draco dont doo ittt
yay dobby!
ah no hermione
aw draco looks sad in his little loki suit
yay dobby 'maiming and seriously injuring'
nooo dobby! he deserved so much better 😭
"hey guys welcome back to my unboxing video today we are opening dumbledores grave"
yay the elder wand wow
giving away ur position a bit dude by shooting stuff in the air
Deathly Hallows Pt. 2
snape hi ur brooding
lots of dementys
dramatic music
waaa dobby
yay bill and fleur
yo griphook what up
the sword was in a river bro
madam lestrange? no!
oops thats not dracos wand anymore wowww
wands are just like 'ya hiiii we have feelings too'
oop ollivander knows about the elder wand bros
ron looks great with a moustache tho
harry just broke the law jeez...
wow that cart looks fun
wow they fell from the cart nice
oh no ron broke the law too whoops
yay a dragon
lots of gold nice
yay the cup
oops they messed up nkw everything is multiplyinggg
griphook y are u evil my dude
yay ride a dragon
oops they fell no
yas they escaped
uh oh voldemort is onto them
that's a lot of dead people
oh no everyones looking for them
ah aberforth hi!
the other part of harry's mirror!
oop dumbledore was a secretive dude
ariana yas
i love neville hes so great now
yay all of the DA
ginny is being awkward
'shut up seamus' hhaha
aaa snape yooo
snape stop being a meanie
stop being angry harry
yas queen! mcgonagall!!!!
uh oh voldemort is whispering to harry again
stop voldemort you need a cough sweet
yes everyone protect him
haha filch is a blithering idiot wow
i love mcgonagall
run harry
boom! seamus blow stuff up!
yay the knight peeps
uh yes theyre protecting harry and everyone
yes luna is so smart and iconic
go talk to a ghost harry
thats a lot of death eaters
go away voldemort no one likes u
yes go stab a crown harry
yay remus
fred and george aw
ron fake parseltonguing lol
nooo quidditch
lol peeps got disintegrated
go hermione stab the cup
yessss kisss!!!!
tonks and remus together wow
wow i hate voldemort's bald head with the weird veins
run neville!
yay ginny and neville
yay a little kiss for harry!
ooh the room of requirement
edgy draco back at it again
ooh the diadem
no dracooo
yh draco y didnt u give harry away?
aw ron loves hermione
uh oh fireee
nice work goyle
bye crabbe lol
yay hes saving draco
nice killed the tiara
oops voldemorts getting angry
snapes gonna dies dudes
runnnnn guys
lavenders being eaten
yay aberforth
yeet snapes dying
gosh naginis violent
“ew snape sorry i dont like u even tho u loved my mum” - what harry should have said
woops bye snape
freds death is too sad
nooo remus and tonks
go watch snapes life my dude
yess the always bit (i dont like snape but its iconic)
poor harry
its so sad that hes just sacrificing himself
his eye contact with ron omg im cryinggg
ooh yay his familyyy
he should have said 'its muffin time’ to the resurrection stone and it would be like 'cool bro here's your dead family'
u got this harry
yay teddy mention
"until the end" yas james
lets do this harry
wow voldemort why are you standing like a weirdo
yes harry be a brave man
byee harryyyy
oooh hes alive still
hi dumbledore
yes harry is a brave brave man
cool explain it to him dumbledore
bye dumbledoreeee
wow voldy u weakk bro
yas dracos alive get off me
aw neville u got this man
voldy yeeted that dead giant wow
ew snakey boi
nooo hes dead waa
poor draco such an awkward hug
oop neville what?
ok ur just making a speech that fine carry on
voldys very polite for a villain
yay harrys alive
haha dieee
run lucius wow
oof destroying the school harry really
naginis coming run hermione
u got dis neville
noo ron
yes molly!!!
y r u hugging dudes u arent friends... did u forget? oops..
bye snake boiii
neville is so iconic omg
kill him HARRY
haha disintegrate voldemort
dont breathe in voldemort guys
wow harrys a mess
yay hagrid
hermione and ron are so sweet aw
harry yeet the wand
wow draco owns the wand and now harry has it
aw the friendship
yess 19 years later
wow that hair harry
all of their haircuts are tragic tbh...
should be albus remus potter... just sayinggg
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